somestorythoughts · 5 months
Eldritch Echo Pt. 4
Folks. Folks I have a very basic plot now. Holy fucking shit. I mean like it's a basic plot but my little scene has expanded into a couple of interconnected scenes so. Of all the things to make me write another fanfic it's a random eldritch Clone Wars thought. Okay then.
Perhaps Echo is more Uncanny Valley than fully Eldritch, but I'm certainly not going to change the name now. Especially not when it's aliterative.
Enjoy Part 4!
It’s not as if Tech thinks Crosshair is lying when he said that he saw Echo with over twenty golden violet eyes (and what does that even mean, golden violet?), or that Hunter is wrong when he says Echo doesn’t just smell like a trooper. He did consider that they were dreaming, but they had too many examples from different days for that to be the case. And Wrecker’s observations, backed up by the medical files, certainly supported their statements, as did Echo’s smirk and general amusement. It’s just that he cannot see how he didn’t notice.
It’s true that Crosshair is probably the most observant of them, but it isn’t as if Tech doesn’t pay attention to people. That’s dangerous on Kamino. He is willing to admit he pays more attention to machines and that sometimes he misses things, but that doesn’t mean he’s unobservant.
And yet while Wrecker immediately had an answer when Crosshair brought this up and from the sound of it Hunter had responded quickly as well, Tech cannot recall seeing or hearing anything to suggest that Echo was genetically anything other than another trooper. And aside from that brief thought of bright teeth that could simply have been the sunlight, Tech doesn’t notice anything until two nights later, when Echo is injured.
Echo had been deliberately elusive in response to all of Crosshair’s demands, answering questions as unhelpfully as possible with an innocent smile that Tech would have known was false even without his goggles. He distinctly remembers Crosshair yelping and looking up to see Echo grinning like a wolf while Crosshair swore at him. When he’d asked Crosshair had snarled “That little bastard just made his tongue purple.” Tech hadn’t known how to react to that and had returned to reading through Echo’s medical records. He and Crosshair shared a medic’s duties for their batch and so he had everyone’s records, but even after reading them three times he didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.
And then they have a mission with commando droids, and Echo wound up under Tech and Crosshair’s careful hands due to a gash in his side that his armor hadn’t quite blocked.
“I want a word with whoever gave those bastards swords.” Echo hissed as Crosshair began to stich him up. Their sniper snorted.
“Understandable.” Tech replied. “I have never asked what your tattoo is.”
The tattoo in question is on Echo’s right shoulder, a few inches above his prosthetic. It’s simple, a straight line with three dots below it and two dots above, but Echo’s expression turned sad.
“It’s my squad. Domino. The bottom three are Hevy, Droidbait, and Cutup. The top two are Fives and I.”
“Fives.” Tech mused. “I’ve heard you mention him after your nightmares.”
Echo grimaces. “Yeah. Yeah Rex says he died a bit before you found me. The others, they died on Rishi. Fives has a matching one on – ouch!”
“Don’t twitch so much.” Crosshair ordered as Tech handed him the bacta. Echo rolled his eyes, closing them. Crosshair glanced up, then caught Tech’s eyes to point at the tattoo.
The dots have changed position.
“Your tattoo has moved.”
Echo smiles without opening his eyes. “They do that.”
“That is not normal for a tattoo Echo.” Tech states. The smile transforms to a grin, jagged and wide, and Echo opens his eyes.
Oh. That’s what golden violet is.
“Normal’s relative Tech. Surely you’ve figured that out.” He pulls himself to his feet, taps his chest. “Thanks Crosshair.”
Blue lines move under his skin, over his heart. They make a little five that pulses like a heartbeat. Tech looks into Echo’s eyes.
“You were asking Wrecker and Hunter why you didn’t see anything off about me. You want to know why?” Tech nods. Somehow his grin goes wider and oh human mouths definitely aren’t supposed to make that shape. “You’ve been focusing on my prosthetics. And I’m still adjusting to them.”
And then there’s nothing off about him as he practically chirps “I’m going to sleep. Bye!” and leaves. Tech stares.
“You get it now?” Crosshair asks dryly. Tech can only nod.
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nahoney22 · 2 months
Omg congrats on so many followers! That's so amazing and so well deserved! Might I request Echo and Female reader and the sort of prompt is kissing as a disguise? (It can absolutely get a bit spicy too fyi :0) Oh also can reader just be someone who has been with the batch long enough to be familiar with them and such? Thank you!!! x <3
Kiss Me Quick*** 🌊
🫧 pairing: Echo X Female!Reader
word count: 2.7k
prompts: none
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When you and Echo pair up to track a missing shipment for Cid, you both didn’t anticipate that it would end with you two finding somewhere to be alone.
warnings: Light NSFW, 17+ only, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Fake Dating Trope, Steamy Kisses, Neck Kisses and Bites, Touchy-feely, Minor Alcohol Consumption, Reader Wearing a Dress.
a/n: sorry for the wait @mezmatch, enjoy 🫧
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“What does she want now?” you muttered, a familiar mix of irritation and reluctance bubbling up.
All you wanted was a rare day of relaxation, but fate, also known as Cid, had other plans.
“Probably to do her dirty work for very little credit,” Echo sighed, shaking his head in agreement.
After taking a moment to mentally prepare, you stepped into Cid’s cluttered office. The Trandoshan greeted you with her usual disdain, referring to you as ‘grumps’ and Echo as ‘killjoy’.
When you asked for details, she waved you off dismissively and activated the console in the center of her office. A large hologram of a notorious crime lord flickered to life. Cid began outlining the mission: gathering information on a shipment of weapons for a mysterious client. But you sensed there was more to it than she was letting on. There always was.
“This is a two-person job, and you two are the perfect candidates,” Cid announced, moving around her desk to take a seat. Her large claws tapped rhythmically across the surface. “And you two lovebirds get to dress up.”
“Could you not get—wait, what? Lovebirds?” You raised an eyebrow, glancing at Echo, who looked equally confused, albeit slightly more flustered.
Cid smirked, looking between the two of you. “Omega said you two were a thing.”
“No, we are not a ‘thing,’” Echo said, using air quotes and shaking his head. “But more to the point, what do you mean by dress up?”
“Don’t worry,” Cid said, her smirk widening. “Bolo and Ketch are on it.”
You folded your arms and stared down at Cid. “I don’t think taking fashion advice from those two is a great idea.”
Cid shrugged casually, waving you both off. “Don’t worry about it. Now, get out.”
Relieved, you left the office with the door hissing shut behind you. “Well, this could be interesting,” you sighed.
Echo agreed with a small mumble, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “Uh, why do you think Omega said that about us?”
“You know what she’s like,” you chuckled, not thinking too much into it. “She sees Hunter speaking to literally anyone and asks me if I think Hunter fancies them. She’s trying to play matchmaker.”
“Fair point,” Echo chuckled, but your conversation was soon interrupted by the sound of bickering. Bolo and Ketch entered the parlor, making a beeline straight to you both.
What had Cid gotten you into now?
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That evening, the Marauder settled into hyperspace as you and Echo dressed in the outfits Cid’s regulars had picked out for you. Surprisingly, they hadn’t done too bad.
You slipped into a sleek, form-fitting dress in deep sapphire blue, which shimmered with your every movement. It was a far cry from your usual battle-worn attire, but you felt unexpectedly good in it.
Entering the cockpit, smoothing out the dress, you spotted Echo struggling with his cufflinks. “Can I help you with that?” you offered.
Echo was seated at the controls, and as he looked up, he did a double-take. None of the boys had ever seen you dressed so glamorously before. For a second, he thought you were a completely different person. His fingers stumbled, dropping the links as he tsked at himself in embarrassment. “Getting dressed in this kind of stuff is hard when you only have one hand,” he admitted, bending down to pick them up.
You moved closer, gently reaching out to help. “Here, let me.”
As you fixed the links to his cuffs, you also adjusted his slightly askew collar. Echo took a moment to truly look at you, noticing how stunning you looked. Though he had always found you beautiful, tonight you looked especially radiant. He didn’t say anything, but the soft smile on his face spoke volumes.
“There,” you said, stepping back. “All set.”
“Thanks,” Echo replied, his voice a little softer than usual. “You look…”
“…really nice.”
He inwardly cringed at himself but saw your eyes shine at his compliment, which was clearly enough for you. And surprisingly, enough for him too.
You smiled, feeling a warmth creep up your cheeks. “You don’t look too shabby yourself, Sir,”
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As you arrived, the grandeur of the event immediately struck you. Shimmering chandeliers hung from the high ceilings, casting a glittering glow over the sea of elegantly dressed guests. The room buzzed with the hum of conversation and the clinking of glasses, opulent decorations reflecting the wealth and status of the attendees.
Despite feeling out of place, you couldn’t help but be intrigued by the luxurious surroundings. However, the mission was clear: infiltrate the event, locate the stolen shipment of weapons, and report back to Cid.
Moving through the crowd, you exchanged pleasantries with other guests, trying to get a sense of the situation. Your eyes continuously scanned for any sign of the crime lord or his associates, whose images Cid had ingrained in your minds. Despite the lavish setting, your nerves were on edge. You felt grateful to be teamed up with Echo; his presence gave you a sense of calm in case things went awry.
“I’m going to head right to see if I can catch a lead. Are you okay with going to the left?” Echo asked, his voice steady.
You smiled in agreement at his plan. He gave you a reassuring nod before you split up to cover more ground. You gravitated toward the bar and ordered a cocktail to blend in. The bartender handed you a drink that was a mesmerizing swirl of deep blue and violet, almost matching your dress. It had hints of citrus and a subtle sweetness that lingered on the tongue. You sipped it slowly, your eyes and ears open to any useful information.
As you listened to the murmurs around you, a light tap on your shoulder made you turn. Standing before you was the crime lord himself, tall and imposing in a sharp suit, exuding an aura of controlled menace. He offered a charming, if slightly unsettling, smile.
“Enjoying the evening?” he asked, his tone smooth and courteous.
You maintained your composure, smiling back. “It’s quite the event. I’ve never seen anything like it.”
He leaned on the bar, his eyes gleaming with interest. “I’m glad you’re having a good time. It’s rare to see such beauty in these parts.”
From across the room, Echo’s gaze snapped to the scene. His posture tensed as he watched the exchange, a mix of concern and an unrecognizable pang twisting in his gut as he saw you speaking with the man. Without hesitation, he made his way over, weaving through the crowd.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were flirting with me,” you said, forcing a smile as you twirled the straw in your drink.
“And if I was?” he countered, his eyes dancing with mischief. “Or are you spoken for?”
Before you could answer, another familiar voice spoke up beside you. “Is everything alright over here?”
Relief washed over you as you saw Echo. When he reached you, you took a bold step, leaning into him, looping your arm through his, and resting your head against his shoulder. “This is my better half,” you said with a sweet smile, hoping the ruse would deter the crime lord from his advances.
Echo, catching on quickly, wrapped his arm around your waist, playing along. “Good evening,” he greeted, his voice steady.
The crime lord’s eyes flickered between you both, a calculating look crossing his face before he let out a chuckle. “A lucky man, indeed,” he said.
“I am,” Echo started, shifting his position before looking across at you. “Has my love asked you about our proposal?”
You stayed silent, allowing Echo to take the reins. Although you should have been paying attention, you couldn’t help but gaze at Echo, watching his lips move but not processing his words. His fingers gently caressed your waist, providing comfort and security. Had he always been so... alluring?
You felt breathless and almost flinched when Echo’s gaze suddenly locked onto you.
“W-What?” you stammered.
Echo raised an eyebrow at you, his hand slipping from your waist, leaving you feeling suddenly cold. “Did you hear what he said?” Echo asked, concern flickering in his eyes.
You blinked, overwhelmed, and took a step back as you realised you were in a whole different realm it seemed. You hadn’t even noticed that the crime lord had left. “Sorry, I... I think I blanked out for a moment,” you admitted, frowning.
He watched you curiously and politely took the drink from your hand, placing it on the bar. “Maybe lay off these?” he suggested with a soft chuckle.
You rolled your eyes, playfully nudging his shoulder. “I only had half of one,” you reiterated, not feeling up to explaining the real reason for your distraction. “Anyway, what intel did you get?”
“He said the shipment is being moved to the docks. I told him we were thinking of getting in on the score.”
You raised an impressed eyebrow. “And he even didn’t question it?”
“Not particularly, no. But it’s best we keep our wits about us,” Echo pointed out, scanning the surroundings before his eyes landed on you again. “We should still ask around or listen for more information, just in case he’s misleading us.”
Agreeing, you and Echo split up once again. But you couldn't lie and say your mind wasn't elsewhere. Echo was definitely boyfriend material for anyone, but you never thought you'd find yourself wanting Echo to be your actual boyfriend. He settled into the role so easily that you wondered if he had done it once before in his 501st days.
Your thoughts were interrupted when a short yet intimidating associate of the crime lord blocked your path, his eyes sharp and scrutinising. “I hear you and your partner are interested in our operation,” he said suspiciously. “What’s your angle?”
“No angle,” you lied smoothly, tilting your head down at him. “It’s just business.”
“Well darling, your business is now my business.” He stepped towards you, but you didn’t back down and held your ground.
A smirk spread across your lips. “I don’t think it is. Besides, it’s your boss I have business with, not his little pup.”
The man’s eyes flared with anger at your words, feeling the sting of your insult. “I don’t trust you, or your little boyfriend. If he even is who you say he is.”
“If I had a credit for every time I didn’t care about your opinion, I wouldn’t have to do this,” you countered, placing your fists on your hips. “Now run along.”
The man muttered something under his breath and stalked off, and you couldn’t help but release the small breath you were holding. If that guy was wary of you and Echo, you were certain the others would catch on too.
You located Echo across the hall and swiftly made your way over to him, gently clutching his arm. “We should get going.”
“What, why?” he asked, looking at you and then scanning the area for any potential dangers. You told him that people were growing suspicious of you both. As you looked around, you saw the associates talking quietly to one another, occasionally glancing at you and Echo.
Your mind fell back to the associate's words, wondering why he would think you and Echo couldn’t possibly be partners. Was there anything you could do to sway their opinion?
Then, an idea clicked—a somewhat smart yet daring move.
You turned back to Echo, watching him as he scanned the environment, his hand resting on your hip. You felt a rush of wild emotions.
Letting go of his arm, your hand moved to his face, cupping his cheek and turning his face back to you softly. You met his eyes, slightly wide and curious but absolutely alluring. Leaning up, your lips landed on his.
You felt his faint gasp against your lips, but he quickly caught on to what you were doing. So, he brought you closer, his eyes fluttering closed.
At first, it started as just a peck, but as you went to pull back, his lips chased yours, not caring who or what saw.
Breaking the kiss eventually, your eyes silently spoke to each other. Without another word, Echo took your hand and led you to a quiet and secure area away from prying eyes. A flush of embarrassment suddenly surfaced, and you expected Echo to say you shouldn’t do that again. But as you turned to face him, ready to apologise, he approached you with steadfast determination and kissed you again.
Surprised, you were backed into a desk, his arm wrapping around you and lifting you onto it with ease. You gasped against his lips, holding onto his shoulders and pulling him closer. The kiss intensified, filled with pent-up emotions of the night and laced desire. His hand roamed your body, his scomp link gently tracing your waist, sending waves of shivers down your spine.
"Echo," you whispered between kisses, your voice low and gentle.
He responded with a soft murmur of your name, his lips leaving yours before trailing down your neck.
Each touch of his lips peppering on your skin made your heart race and your breaths come faster. Was this really happening?
"You’re so beautiful," he murmured against your skin, pulling back just enough to look into your eyes with a smirk. "And you look sexy dressed this way too."
The compliment sent a thrill through you, your cheeks flushing at his bold compliment. “Echo…” you could only respond again with a soft sigh, his name the only thing on your mind.
Echo's grip tightened around you, pulling you closer as if he couldn't bear to let you go. His lips moved back to your neck, and you couldn't help the small moans that escaped, your fingers digging into his shoulders as his warm tongue licked at your exposed skin, followed by a soft nip of his teeth.
"You're everything I've ever wanted," he breathed, his voice filled with sincerity and desire. Your eyes close, gasping at the realisation that Echo had had these strong feelings for you and only now is able to truly express them. You wish he had told you earlier.
His scorching kisses made you feel alive in a way you had never experienced before. The connection between you deepened with each touch, each whispered word. Tongue begging for entrance, you part your lips as soon as his lips touch yours, the passion burning through both of your bodies as your hands move up and down his chest.
“What if someone sees us?” You pant once you break for breath, physically melting as you watch his hand grasp the bottom of your dress, pulling it upwards to expose your legs.
“Then they don’t get to question what you are to me,” he mumbles, drunk in love eyes meeting yours.
His hand started to slip up under your dress, sending a shiver of anticipation through you when suddenly, a sharp beep cut through the haze of your passion.
Echo pulled back, slightly breathless, as his comm went off. Cid's voice crackled through, impatient and nagging. “What’s taking so long? I need details, now. You’re needed back.”
You both exchanged a look, a mixture of frustration and amusement, before Echo answered, his voice steady despite the interruption. “We’ll be there soon, Cid. Just wrapping up.”
He ended the call and looked back at you, his gaze softening. “We should get going.”
You nodded, feeling a bit shy after the intensity of the moment being ruined . “Yeah, we should.”
As you smoothed your dress out, you watched as Echo tried to fix his tie, which you had yanked on accidentally during the kiss. Smiling, you stepped closer and helped him adjust it. “There.”
When you were done, you both met each other's gaze again. Echo couldn’t help but place a gentle kiss on your lips. “Can we talk about what happened after the mission?” he asked softly, his eyes full of hope.
“Of course,” you replied, your heart fluttering. “I’d like that.”
You didn’t want to admit it, but you should thank Omega, and even Cid, for bringing you both together.
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Tags: @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @jesseeka
@theroguesully @ladykatakuri @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @staycalmandhugaclone
@ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog
@pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter @erellenora @zippingstars87
@ezras-left-thumb @the-rain-on-kamino @lamiliani @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi
@greaser-wolf @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420
@ladyzirkonia @thesith @raevulsix @cw80831 @knightprincess @crosshairlovebot @imalovernotahater @sithstrings @whore4rex @imperialclaw801 @temple-elder @mysticalgalaxysalad @yunggoblin @photogirl894 @the-bad-batch-baroness @lulalovez
🌊 Masterlist is pinned 🌊
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yoitsjay · 1 month
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(Tagging @mezmatch )
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Pairings: Echo x fem jedi! Reader
Summary: you and Echo are sent by Rex to infiltrate an imperial gala. Though the feelings you and Echo have been having for each other don't help in making it any less awkward.
Warnings: awkward kissing, awkward hand holding / arm holding, Echo trying not to look like a tomato, making out, heated kisses. Soft touches.
Word count: 1,242
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Your heart was pounding in your ears for multiple reasons. One- you had been running with Echo for nigh on ten minutes now, two- Echo was holding onto your hand, tight enough where you couldn’t slip from his grip, and three? Echo was holding your fucking hand.
You took a quick glance around, sucking in a deep breath as Echo took a sharp turn down a busy street, though with another quick scan you noticed an alley. You tugged Echo to a stop, then pulled him through a group of people as you and Echo ran into the alleyway together. You jogged for a few more minutes down the alley, taking another turn which revealed to be a dead end.
And footsteps were approaching.
“What are we gonna do?” Echo asked in a hush whisper, though it was a little too loud so you quickly shushed him. The voices of the people you had been scoping out were getting closer, almost nearing the dead end alleyway you and Echo were inside.
So without another thought to question what you were going to do, you just did.
You pushed Echo against the brick wall, one hand on his chest while the other went to the side of his neck, and you leaned up, using the man for a bit of leverage as your lips landed on top of his, just as the guards poked their head into the alley.
Echo had tensed under you for only a moment, though even he didn't realize why you were doing what you did- he still deepened the kiss, his hand and scomp finding purchase above your hips, his hand lowering slowly, flattening across your ass as he slid his tongue into your mouth.
And the moan that escaped your lips- almost made him go into overdrive.
You opened your eyes, and glanced towards the exit, lips still locked with Echo’s though you tried to pull away to tell him the cost was clear, he simply just chased your lips and kissed you again, causing another gasp to escape your lips.
Then- Echo pulled away. Pupils blown wide as he stared down at you. You cleared your throat, taking several steps back as you wiped your lips and adjusted your clothes, not noticing the slight twinge of hurt that flashed in his eyes as you went to wipe your lips.
“The coast is clear.” You muttered, walking to the exit of the alleyway, poking your head out as you looked around. Indeed you and Echo had escaped those who were chasing you. “We should get back to the rendezvous point before they start looking for us.” You suggested.
“Uh- yeah…” Echo muttered, and he followed you out of the alleyway and back to Rex and the other clone rebels to give them whatever info you and Echo managed to snag before you got chased through the under-city.
You were back on base within a few hours, though Echo wanted to talk to you about what had happened, he couldn’t find you anywhere on base. So he went to Rex, who gave him an awkward shoulder pat. “She’s meditating, put up the do not disturb sign.” Rex had told him, and Echo could only sigh.
He would always respect your privacy, even if that meant he couldn’t get his answers right away. After a few days he figured he would forget about it, hell you did too, though every night you and Echo always seemed to have the same recurring dreams of what happened in that alleyway.
Echo was getting desperate.
To hold you, touch you- kiss you like he had only a few days prior… he ended up talking to Rex about his… issue… and Rex actually encouraged him to talk to you… Though little did he know, you and Rex had a very similar conversation just a few minutes before Echo approached Rex.
So Echo went off to find you, and you went off to find Echo, scouring the whole base for each other. You groaned in frustration as you checked a broom closet for probably the third time, turning around and walking down to the mess hall, running face first into the very man you were searching for.
Though you had run into him a little too hard, and were about to tumble backwards on your ass… until Echo caught you. Both of you let out a little sigh of relief at the same time, a chuckle following afterwards.
“Hey…” You greeted, albeit very awkwardly. “Hi.” Echo replied, helping you to stand upright once more. “Can uh- we talk?” Echo then asked, and you nodded your head, looking around before leading him outside to one of the balconies.
You inhaled the fresh air through your nose, leaning against the railing as you turned your head, watching Echo follow suit, now somewhat relaxed beside you. “So uh- that thing that happened…” You trailed off, and Echo hummed.
“I'm sorry i-”
“I want to kiss you again”
Your eyes went wide as you spun your head around to look over at Echo, who was staring at you with dilated pupils and what seemed to be a deep flush coating his cheeks. You got over your shock, then let out a soft laugh, almost embarrassed.
“God me too.” You whispered, noticing the smile that graced his lips.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about it.” Echo confessed, shifting so he was closer to you, reaching his hand out to you which you gladly took, holding it gently as you looked up at the clone. “Me neither… i kept seeing it in my dreams and- got it got so graphic i had to go ask Rex what i should do.” You muttered, and Echo couldn't help but laugh at that. “I had to ask Rex for advice too… Then I started looking for you.” Echo replied.
You practically beamed at him, and once again you and Echo erupted into laughter as you looked away from each other, though not for long as Echo was quick to reach out, sliding two fingers underneath your chin as he turned your head so you were looking up at him.
You didn’t even need to say anything, Echo was practically reading your mind as he leaned in.
Once again your lips were pressed together, and his arms were wrapped around your waist. He then hoisted you up onto the railing so you were sitting in front of him, though he still had his arms around you, and you had your arms around his neck as you opened your lips slightly, inviting him deeper.
He accepted that invitation, and his tongue slid into your mouth as he groaned slightly, drinking up your sighs and soft moans. You broke the kiss after a few minutes, needing air but also wanting to stare at the beautiful man standing in front of you.
“You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that.” Echo whispered, and a chuckle fell from your lips before you kissed him once more, though this kiss was much shorter. “Oh I have an idea…” You muttered, resting your forehead against his.
“I’d be willing to do that a lot more… if you want to.” He muttered, and you grinned, wrapping your legs around his hips.
“I absolutely do… so let's go somewhere else, I wanna see what else those lips can do.” You muttered.
Echo would never say no. Not to you.
Echo tag:
Tbb tag:
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anstarwar · 2 years
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Action Kix is on the move. Probably off the help pull Hardcase’s head out of some staircase bars again
A rare clone requested by @mezmatch ! Thanks for sending it in!
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asbealthgn · 2 years
here is the last one!! thank you so much to everyone who has read these it’s been a delight but also i am NEVER posting a fic like this again lmao (this one can be read alone btw!)
Winter 2007
Steve wakes from fitful dreams to an empty bed and briefly panics. Even after twenty years, he’s still haunted by memories of the Upside Down. He still gets worried when he wakes up and can’t see Eddie. 
He pushes back the covers and gets out of bed, feet hitting the cold hardwood floors. He tugs a robe on to combat the cold and then opens the bedroom door. As soon as it’s open, he hears Eddie’s voice singing quietly and he relaxes. Steve pads softly down the hall to the living room. It’s dark, but he can see Eddie by the window, silhouetted by the streetlights. He’s rocking their daughter in his arms.
Steve leans against the entryway and listens to his husband sing in his soft, husky voice. “There’s a place I like to hide, a doorway that I run through in the night. Relax, child, you were there but only didn’t realize and you were scared. It’s a place where you will learn to face your fears, retrace the years, and ride the whims of your mind.”
The floorboard creaks under Steve’s foot as he shifts his weight, and Eddie stops singing. 
“Hey,” he whispers, looking back at Steve. Steve pushes off the wall and moves over to the window to join him, putting one hand at Eddie’s waist and the other on his arm by their daughter’s head. 
“How is she?” Steve asks quietly.
“She’s good,” Eddie murmurs. “She was crying, but she’s her father’s daughter so she went right to sleep when I started singing Queensrÿche.”
“What a good girl.”
Smiling, Eddie turns his head to kiss Steve. “Go back to sleep, baby,” he says, “I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Take your time,” Steve says. He bends over to press a kiss featherlight to their daughter’s forehead, then kisses Eddie once more before heading back to their bedroom. 
Before he closes the door, he takes one more look at Eddie. He’s started softly singing another song. Steve takes in the sight—his husband and his daughter. There are still nights when he wakes up screaming from nightmares, nights where he’s not sure if he’ll ever see the sun again. But nights like this when he gets to watch his little family that he’s always wanted and didn’t know if he would ever have, he feels so happy he could burst. 
On nights like this, life is beautiful.
(part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21)
taglist: @adashofaroace @spectrum-spectre @girlwhoknewtheoriginoflove @cupc8keblonde @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @leeahpuppet @bidisastersworld @axltheedaddy @crushed-like-an-ant @whimsicalwitchm @hollysimone @awolfnamedaliac @gay-little-bitch @duckyreads @nelotegreitic @henderdads @iamsotiredman @thegingervulcan @mezmatch @stranger-poets-society @official-insanity-c @briceslayed @ohwelsh @lonestarcowpoke @lycriza @bejeweledbaby @a-huge-nerdy-nerd @cnfsd-bisexual @cheeseaddict-12 @wrenisflying @swimmingbirdrunningrock @sadcanadianwinter @ash-a-confused-enby @grtwdsmwhr @edgelordesworld @vecnuthy @lightwoodbanethings @soulminyg @notbatman00 @steve-the-hairrington @lizisodd @artiststarme @queerbeansworld @thegingerrapunzel @ceaselessly-watching @idkwwhatimmdoiing @ashlynjessi @yes-im-your-mom @steddie-there @thefailcollection @beeing-stuupid @anteaterballs @crunchiestdonut @xpaperheartso @messrs-weasley @absentlurker @panicatthediaz @thing-a-ling @bornonthesavage @momotonescreaming @slit-wrist @ironwolf11 @camachameleon @evix-syne666 @hotluncheddie @steddio @desert-fern @rotato-potato @captain-daryn @birondragon @alienace
(once again just reminding you that an extended version of this is being posted on ao3. i have 5 chapters up right now and i’m currently writing chapter 8 :D)
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aidaronan · 2 years
Tagged by @mezmatch. Thanks! Nickname: I don't really have one within fandom. Aida is a nickname i suppose? lol
Height: 5’9” (175 cm)
Last thing I googled: "it's cuffing season" lmao
Song stuck in my head: ^that is now. 😂
Number of followers: A little under 3300. I have been on here since like 2014. I think a lot of them are prob bots/inactive. I do have some cool new ST followers since I've been more active here after leaving Twitter.
Dream job: I honestly just want to be free to pursue whatever on any given day. Writing. Whatever hobby my combo of adhd and queer confidence thinks I could just Do. Travel. Sugar baby? lol I'd also love to get paid to just be outside. Conservation work maybe.
Wearing: Nightmare before Christmas pajamas and a soft tee shirt from a comic con
Book or movie that summarizes you: Idk that anything really summarizes me? Eddie is the most I've ever related to a character generally, but we obv have very different life stories.
Favorite song: I have no idea but it's probably by The Dear Hunter
Aesthetic: Wishes she was a hot alt babe with witchy vibes, but she also has a dress-up-for-it job and is plus sized in a rural area with limited shopping and a terrible thrift selection so it's really all over the place.
Fave authors: Erin Morgenstern, N.K. Jemisin, Casey McQuiston, Rebecca Roanhorse. For fic, def not exhaustive but some that come to mind that I might be misspelling: greatunironic, girlbookwrm, praximeter, nonymous
Random fact: I have 9 tattoos
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madaboutmunson · 2 years
Tag Game
Thank you to @mezmatch for the tag! :D
Nickname: Maddie, Mads, Dan, Dani
Height: 5' 5"
Last thing I googled: 1969 Camaro Engine Driver POV
Song stuck in my head: My Favourite Waste of Time by Owen Paul
Number of followers: Over 100
Dream job: Already being set for life with money, but then owning a small independent record store, so it wouldn't matter if I made a profit or not.
Wearing: Wide-leg jeans, Hellfire x Metallica Hoodie and Jazz Club by Replica
Book or movie that summaries you: Not found one so far. Not being egotistical, just I'm quite weird
Favorite song: Oh this changes daily, so I'll go for my current favourite song from my favourite band Enjoy The Silence by Depeche Mode
Aesthetic: Erm Stuck in late 90's I just like wearing no makeup, no hair styling product, jeans, tee and lovely padded skate shoes (e.g. Airwalk Brocks)
Fave authors: Terry Pratchett (I have a lot of favourite books, not by Mr Pratchett, but I know if I pick up one of his books i'm going to love it)
Random fact: I'm not sure if this is about me or not so… I fit 26 flying saucer sweets in my mouth at once. The Bumblebee bat is currently the smallest mammal and its super frickin' cute.
Absolutely-No-Pressure-Do it only if you want to-Tags : @rvllybllply2014, @portaltothevoid @panicatthediaz @munchabunch @callme-keys @2btheanswertothequestion
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eykismyfav · 2 years
Worse Than the General
Requested: Yes! @mezmatch​
Request: Hello! I saw requests were opened. Might I request Kix with #5? I keep thinking about it and laughing! Fr though a three day walk??? Anyways can't wait to see what you come up with! :)
Prompt: #5 "Where were you?!” “I went for a walk.” “For three fucking days?!" 
Genre: Fluff and Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Swearing, reader being chaotic as fuck, Kix being low key hopelessly in love with reader.
Pairing: Clone Trooper Kix x Jedi!reader
Characters: Clone Trooper Kix, Captain Rex, Arc Trooper Fives, Arc Trooper Echo, Anakin Skywalker
Authors note: This is my first request using a prompt and I am hella excited. I went with long hair Kix’s because I think he is neat. The tense might be all over the place sorry.
Word Count: 800+
mando'a words: Sarad - Flower
Request Open
The Clone Wars Masterlist
Prompt List
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Kix was going to kill you. You just had to go off on your own to explore the unknown planet you were on didn’t you. You had ended up getting a little lost and it took you a while to find your way back. You may have also taken a couple of hard tumbles on the way. So when camp was finally in view you felt a mix of relief and apprehension. You really liked the boys of the 501st and hated that you had most likely worried a few of them half to death, especially their medic Kix.  As you slowly approach the camp Rex is the first to see you and meets you halfway when he notices you limping.
“Heyyyyy... I’m fine.” You try to play it off when you notice his concern. 
“Sure you are, I'm sure Kix would be happy to confirm that that is a lie.” He smirked knowingly at you, earning a groan in response as he drags you to the medic tent they set up. 
“Why do you hate me Rex?” 
“I don’t hate you General, but you do make sure things are never boring.” He pauses at the opening of the tent. “Well I need to call off the search teams looking for you. Good luck!” With that he pushed you into the tent lightly leaving you alone with the one person you did not want to be left with. Having heard the commotion Kix looked up from his data pad and judging by the look on his face you were in for it.
"Where were you?!” Kix asked, rushing over to you and giving you a once over before guiding you to one of the cots.
“I went for a walk.” You mumble.
“For three fucking days?!" Kix shouts, causing you to look down ashamed that you had worried him so much. 
“There was a fuzzy creature I wanted to pet but it kept running away from me...” You all but whisper, as you swing your legs like a small child would. Kix squats in front of you catching your leg before examining your swollen ankle before looking up at you as your words register in his head. You bite the bullet and meet Kix’s eyes which ends up being  a mistake as you can’t hold in your laughter at the look on his face. His face conveyed the message of this bitch can not be serious; they are a Jedi Master. “It was really really cute.” Kix smiled at this and shook his head as he proceeded to work on your ankle. 
“You are worse than the general I swear.” He chuckles lightly.
“You take that back, I am not worse than Anakin!”
“Oh yes you are.” He says looking up, noticing a cut on your cheek. Kix stands up and gets the Bantha cream. “This is gonna sting a little bit but it will feel better soon I promise.” He whispers as he cups your cheek lightly with his thumb and applies the bantha cream to your cheek. 
“Owie...” You whine, it really did sting like a bitch.
“Shhh sarad it will feel better soon I promise.” Kix soothes quietly. His hand remains on your cheek even after his job is complete. You lean your face into his touch enjoying the moment.
“UGH you too are worse than Obi-Wan and Satine quit it with the heart eyes” Anakin makes his presence known along with some fake gagging causing Kix to jump away from you.
“You’re one to talk, you and Padmé are the worst.” You shoot back sarcastically rolling your eyes while Kix awkwardly rubs the back of his neck leaving the tent so you can talk to General Skywalker.
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You spent 2 hours talking to - correction being talked at by - Anakin about how reckless and stupid you had been for walking away from your post like you had. Your conversation was cut short by a loud commotion outside.
“Catch that bugger!” One of the troopers yells sending you and Anakin into high alert as you exit the med tent only to discover complete chaos.
“What is going on here?” Anakin shouts getting everyone's attention and the commotion stops. You feel something warm brush against your calf.
“What the...?” You look down to see the fuzzy creature you had spent the last three days chasing cowering behind you. “Awww are you what all this ruckus was about?” You ask the creature before picking it up and petting it in hopes to calm it down. “Poor thing did the scary troopers frighten you?” 
“Hey! We were trying to catch it for you!” cried Fives
“Yeah we didn’t mean to scare it but it’s not used to people.” Echo clarified.
“Oh really? And who’s idea was this?” You say looking at who you knew the culprit to be.
“You were right, they are pretty cute...” Kix mumbles as he approaches patting the creature's head.
“Now who’s worse than the general?” You whisper so Anakin does not hear, 
“You got me there.”
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spicysucculentz · 2 years
Tag 9 People You Want to Get to Know Better
Thanks for the tag, @sam-not-so-wise !
Favorite color: sage green
Currently reading: the tommyknockers by Stephen King
Last song: althea by grateful dead
Last movie: bourne identity (my dad loves action movies and I’m not a big movie watcher)
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: spicy for sure I fucking love spicy food. I boast a pretty high spice tolerance which is surprising since as a kid I couldn’t handle hot fries
Currently working on: oh shit I’m working on so much. Will any of it be finished? No idea. One of them is a long ass codywan post order 66 time travel fic. I’m also working out some fics that just basically pop a trio of my clone ocs into every piece of star wars media possible starting with tcw to rebels to the mandalorian etc etc. everything I write is very VERY self indulgent. I’ve got a little zine I’m working on about that clone trio. Some more maul drawings in progress of course. I’m also suddenly compelled to learn bookbinding? We’ll see how that goes.
tagging (no pressure, feel free to ignore):
@mezmatch @marvel-starwarsfangirl @soliloquy-of-nemo @amyroswell
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ladykagewaki · 3 years
Tech Loves Candy
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This was inspired by @mezmatch 's Head Canons about Tech found here. 
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somestorythoughts · 5 months
Eldritch Echo Pt6
I come bearing more Eldritch Echo. Now with more fanged clones!
For reference. When I mention "needle teeth" I'm picturing a dragonfish or an anglerfish. Take those teeth, put it in a person's mouth, and get something I would not want to find unexpectedly two inches from my face.
The twins Tech had reminded them of are waiting for them when they arrive.
“Echo!” One of them shouts and Echo pushes past Hunter with a fanged grin and is wrapped up in two pairs of arms without hesitation.
“How have you two been?”
“Eh you know. Same shit different day.” One snorted before abruptly turning solemn. “We heard about Fives. It’s never right when we’re separated.”
Echo smiled, something that could have been wild or sad. “I think he’s marching elsewhere rather than ahead. But I’m only as sure as I can be without seeing him, and I miss him more than I miss my arm.”
“We’ll hope he’s still around then.” One, Cobalt that’s Cobalt, replies. “But for now, we’re supposed to be taking you to the General. And all of you avoid the medbay if possible, almost everyone who isn’t injured is sick and I’m sure you don’t want to catch it.”
“This is a twin thing then?” Crosshair asks as they follow the troopers. Hunter makes a note to ask Crosshair what exactly he saw that made him ask, because he isn’t sure whether the rippling under their words was only audible to him.
Cerulean spins, walking backward without any apparent trouble. “What are you asking about? I mean probably but also what in particular?”
“They’re trying to figure out why my eyes change color.” Echo replies, and even with his helmet on no one could miss the smirk in his words. Certainly not any of the clones, who grew up communicating in armor. The twins laugh.
“Yeah it’s a twin thing.” Hunter can hear Cerulean’s smirk too. “If you can get further than that without getting straight answers out of another trooper I’ll be impressed.”
Hunter catches Tech’s hand before he goes for his datapad. Mystery or not, they have work to do.
A Few Weeks Earlier:
Twins had a knack for recognizing each other. There was often an added kinship there, and any pair of twins – and it is always pair because all know in their bones that they are not to be separated – upon seeing another pair will introduce themselves as soon as possible.
You just don’t separate twins. The vod who had met twins learned that quickly, the vod who had heard of them knew not to do so either, and those two groups numbered more than half the army. As for the vod who had never heard of twins, they could recognize a matched set of troopers that did best together. Even the Kaminoans had rarely separated them, and since they didn’t truly know what twins were the vod can only assume it’s either accidental or instinctive.
But rarely isn’t never.
Blood feels the absence of his twin every day. At least he knows Bones is alive, he can’t imagine his twin’s death would do anything other than rip his soul in half, but it hurts that he isn’t there, that they can’t seek each other out when they’re overwhelmed by the people they couldn’t save. He doesn’t have his batch either. They’d all become medics, and all found themselves stationed in different companies.
But solitary or not, worn to the bone or not, Blood knows another twin when he sees one. And maybe it’s because he’s a medic as well as a twin, but he knows even before he brings out the scanner that this ARC trooper in unpainted armor isn’t dead. So he takes care of the injury and waits.
It takes a while. Fox is a good shot even when he’s horrified. Blood is morbidly curious as to whether his commander deliberately missed the ARC’s heart or not – and he’s probably going to need an answer at some point. But he has too much to do for just watching to be worthwhile, so he works while he waits.
And then hours later when he’s too tired to fight a regular twin much less an ARC, he turns around and finds a maw overflowing with needle teeth and five eyes burning golden violet inches from his face.
“Nice to meet you ARC trooper Fives.”
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photogirl894 · 2 years
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For my friend, @mezmatch , who requested a board for the great 501st Battalion! 🥰🥰
I love all of these boys with all my heart! The 501st are seriously the best of the best! I'm just sad so many of them are gone now 😔 They deserved so much better! I love my blue boys!!
@same-heart-same-blood , did I do you boys justice? 😊
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alistairs-raven · 3 years
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@mezmatch​ Thank you!
Yes, I did the nebula piece completely with prismacolor brand colored pencils. I agree with them being the best pencils, they’re so vibrant and blend easily. Sometimes I lay down a base with prismacolor brand markers and use the pencils over it (not for this one). You’re so kind, I’m glad you like my work! And I hope you do that Boba drawing you’re planning. 💙
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somestorythoughts · 5 months
Eldritch Echo - Pt 3
So. This is. A thing I'm writing now? This might become a fix-it cause I figured a couple things out about the eldritchness. It's not fair that Crosshair's been the only one freaked out so far though, might freak out Tech next time.
Also would it help at all if I put links to the earlier parts here? I know not a lot of people see this but tell me if you think that'd be useful. For now I'm gonna tag them all eldritch echo.
Anyway. On with part 3!
“Wrecker!” Hunter calls. “Come here a moment!”
Wrecker and Echo had been outside, cleaning their armor outside to enjoy the warmth of the planet they were currently on. Wrecker groans, but leaves the sunshine with a wave towards Echo who seems perfectly content to remain. He gets cold so easily and Hunter makes a mental note to give him the large spare blanket before they end up on a colder planet.
“What’s up?”
Crosshair explains the odd things he’s noticed about Echo, ending with their talk a few days ago in which Echo had grinned at him with teeth and shadow both. “Rex claims not to know anything but we’re pretty sure he’s bullshitting us. Have you seen anything weird?”
Wrecker frowns. “I know something’s weird, but it’s not the same weird.”
“Tell us anyway!”
“Nu-uh. First Hunter and Tech gotta tell me what they think.”
“I have not noticed anything out of the ordinary.” Tech asserts. “Echo is polite and kind, and he’s recovering well.” Wrecker blinks at him and Tech’s eyes narrow. “But I’m not willing to discount Crosshair or Hunter’s senses.”
“How kind.” Crosshair retorts.
Hunter rolls his eyes. “He smells funny and no Wrecker, not didn’t-shower-after-a-battle funny. Like flowers and spices and rain, along with smelling a bit like trooper and metal. And after Crosshair mentioned it I started paying more attention and I have noticed his eyes changing color a couple times. His voice is also strange. Not all the time just, the other night, when he woke up screaming again? His voice resonated. Like he was in a cave or something instead of on the ship.”
Tech blinked. “I did not notice this.”
“You fell back asleep almost immediately after Wrecker and I calmed him down you probably wouldn’t remember if you had noticed.” Hunter replied. “Alright Wrecker. Your turn.”
“You really haven’t noticed this?” Wrecker asked Tech, who glared.
“How can I answer properly when you haven’t explained what you’re talking about?”
Wrecker shrugged. “I mean, at first I thought he was just really really lucky. Or that he’d been given some new fancy armor to try out. Didn’t figure out that that didn’t make sense until he’d been with us more than a couple weeks and he told me some stories of before he was with us.”
“Can you please explain the point before giving context?” Crosshair sighs without much hope. This is a pretty typical Wrecker-style explanation.
“He was on the ramp when the shuttle exploded. He told me when I was helping him with his physical therapy and I asked what happened. Right on the ramp. Said he lost his arm and one leg completely, and whoever pulled him off the platform cut his other leg off the rest of the way. But his organs are fine.”
“That does not-” Tech started then stopped. “No. One moment.” He turned on his datapad and began scrolling furiously.
“That close to an explosion there should have been internal damage.” Hunter said and it makes sense that Wrecker would notice something like this, because he knows as much about the damage demolitions do as he does about the explosions themselves and he’s the one who’s taken the lead in helping Echo through his physical therapy.
“Malnutrition.” Tech states. “There was some internal damage that the 501st’ medic ascribed to malnutrition. That and the implants in his skull were the only signs of damage to any internal organs. But that does not make sense. Between his proximity to the explosion and the damage to his spine, there should have been organ damage.”
“Well. The medics already established it was a miracle he survived.” Crosshair mused. “You’re saying his organs can’t be damaged or something?”
“Nah. I’m saying that now that I’m saying it, I think if they’d left that metal out of his spine he’d still be walking.”
They all stared at Wrecker. He shrugged. “Maybe I’m wrong but, I know what it looks like when people get hurt really bad. I don’t know all the fancy words for medicine and stuff like Tech but, I remember when I got this eye and I know what you guys are like when you’re hurt and I know that Echo got better really fast. I know he was moving really good really fast after we got him out of there and maybe he’s just stubborn but maybe not. And yeah, he wasn’t eating for a while, and using his scomp makes his head hurt and I know he can get hurt but like, I don’t think he gets hurt like we do. Or the injury doesn’t last as long? I don’t know.” He froze suddenly and their hands drifted to weapons in unattended instinct at whatever had Wrecker spooked. “And maybe I’m wrong but I think Echo might have heard all of this.”
They whirled around and something dark zipped across the wall and out of sight. Tech glanced back at Wrecker, who was wide-eyed. “I thought, it looked a bit like Echo. Just for a moment.”
They raced outside, almost stumbling as they exited the ship. Echo was where they’d left him, perfectly content as he set one piece of armor to the side and picked up his helmet. “Something wrong guys?”
“Something you want to tell us?” Crosshair snarled.
Echo hummed, still not looking at them. “About?”
Wrecker raised a hand. “Uh, should I also have mentioned that his scars all look really old instead of recent?”
Echo’s laughter drowned out Tech and Crosshair’s surprise. He grinned at them and for a moment Tech could have sworn his teeth were mirror-bright. He blinked. Echo smirked. “Figure it out Crosshair.”
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somestorythoughts · 4 months
Eldritch Echo - Part 7
I return. There are explanations here! The kind that answer the what and not the why, but explanations nonetheless. Someone also asks if they can eat the Chancellor, but I promise he doesn't actually want to eat him. That much corruption definitely tastes nasty. Also @mezmatch I'm not sure if I've been tagging correctly but hope this is visible.
In Coruscant, CMO Blood ignores the way the wall across from him peels away from the emerging face with stone eyes and needle-long fangs. He’s stitching a gash in the leg of one of his Corries and isn’t about to pause to look at a dramatic ARC.
“I’ve finished with the Guard. The slicers developed something, but they were debating how to send it out last night. I don’t know if they’ve decided yet. And you?”
“I’ve got the files. Three copies with me, three with the medics you directed me to on Kamino. You sure we can’t-”
“I didn’t know you wanted to be a cannibal so badly.”
“I don’t, I’m just saying that if we ate him we’d be extra sure he wouldn’t survive.”
“A beheading is just as effective and less gross.” Blood replied, leaving the unconscious vod so he could wash his hands. “Give me one of those copies and then keep yourself busy for the next two hours. The meeting is in two and a half, and we need you to play your part in this plan.”
ARC Trooper Fives grins, eager and angry. “Don’t worry Blood. I’ll be there.”
In the Marauder, Wrecker approaches Echo, who’s been reading for the past hour. “We’re gonna talk about what we know about your thing. I thought you’d want to know, and since you’d probably listen in anyway I should just invite you?”
“Thanks Wrecker.” Echo replies. He’d been listening to their conversations as much to know if they wanted to kick him out as to see how their investigation was going. As a twin he’s used to looking strange from time to time, but there’s strange and there’s forcibly and painfully altered before being used to kill vod. He’s growing comfortable with his new limbs and his new team, but he hasn’t fully reached comfortable yet. And he thinks it’s mutual, maybe especially now that he’s been messing with them.
But hiding it isn’t a long-term solution, not on a ship this small. The Bad Batch says they like weird. If they’re honest about that, his tendency to occasionally grow claws and turn blue shouldn’t be a problem.
He catches Hunter’s eye when he follows Wrecker in and the Sergent shrugs. Crosshair gives Echo his usual scowl, which he uses for everything from inconvenient terrain to burned coffee, so that’s probably not too bad. “Any chance you’ll just give us an answer?”
“It’s payback.” Echo grins, needle-sharp for all of a second. “For those two times you forgot I hadn’t memorized your plans yet. And the smell of the ship. It’s also entertaining.”
“Your plans are the same kind of crazy don’t deny it.” Hunter sighs. “Can you at least agree not to lie if we ask?”
“I never lied. Not for these questions.” And it’s true. Crosshair may have gotten nowhere with his questions, but every answer Echo had given had been either blatantly ridiculous or true but vague. He’d gotten a lot of entertainment out of it this week.
“We should start by reviewing what we know.” Tech states. “Echo has some form of deviancy from the Prime that expresses itself in multiple ways. They mostly appear to be physical but has also included using his shadow to eavesdrop and talk to us when he was in another room.” He paused, then glanced up. “Incidentally, could you use that to scout ahead?”
Echo made a so-so gesture. “Depends on the terrain. I wouldn’t recommend it over someone scouting ahead in person, but it’s helped before. And I’m not separate from my shadow, I can’t pay attention to what’s in front of me and what’s in front of my shadow at the same time.”
“That is good to know.” Tech replied. “We have seen multiple examples of your shape changing in small ways, not enough to indicate your limits, though from your comment about your prosthetics I believe you either cannot alter them or are still learning how to. Is that correct?”
“Could you elaborate?”
Echo tilts his head back, frowning. He’s tried to put words to this before, he likes words, and he’s trying to remember what he’d thought then. “The changing is a bit like a reflex. You can stop it – we all did our best too while we were on Kamino – but it’s also partly automatic. My body’s still adjusting to the prosthetics so they don’t change as much on their own, and I’m still adjusting mentally, so it takes a little more effort to do something like this.”
He raised his right arm. The scomp end split apart into something like a flower, Torrent blue with red stripes.
“There are more of you then.” Hunter states.
Echo smiled, bittersweet. The sweet glowed under his irises, the bitter ached in his throat and bruised his skin as if it was trying to do more than metaphorically suffocate him. “It’s never a good idea to assume you’re entirely alone in the universe. The first pair were decommissioned within their first year. The Kaminoans like uniformity, and from what Ninety-Nine told me that first pair was way off the mark. He said it was as if all of us that came later got the message somehow, our differences were quieter as tubies. But we’ve never adhered to uniformity well.”
Echo, who found comfort in the kind of quiet minute detail-work that was essential but considered boring, who had been threatened a time too many with decommissioning, and who was often overshadowed by his louder twin, had been an exception to that norm. Not anymore.
“And who’s we?” Crosshair asked.
As fun as this game has been, he might as well wrap it up. “We’re twins Crosshair. Myself and Fives, Cobalt and Cerulean, you know that absurdly cheerful medic in the 212th? He’s another.”
“But what is a twin when we’re all clones?”
Echo shrugged. “We just are. You know how you know how to reassemble a blaster, effortlessly and thoughtlessly? It’s like that but without the endless drills. Or the way most batches pick oldest and youngest by vibes. Each twin in a set was decanted on the same day, and when we find each other, we know. Fives I, I don’t remember meeting him and if he says he does he’s lying but, we’ve always known. Someone suggested there was Force stuff involved and it’s as good an explanation as any, but I don’t think any of us knows the why of it.”
Tech and Crosshair shared a glance before Tech said, almost hesitantly, “I read the report of ARC trooper Fives’ death. But you always talk about him in the present.”
Echo’s next breath shudders. “I, I would know. He’s the other half of my soul and I would know if he was truly gone. There was this shiny in Torrent a bit before the Citadel called Dogma. He’d lost his twin a few months before being sent out and I think the only thing keeping him going was his remaining batcher and his extreme loyalty to the Republic. He told him that he felt his twin die from all the way across Tipoca City. So I’d know.”
The squad glances at each other uncertainly and anything they might have said interrupted by a beeping from the console. Tech hurried to the pilot’s seat and Hunter sighed. “Mission time boys.”
Echo shoved up from the seat. Time to get to work.
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somestorythoughts · 4 months
Eldritch Echo Pt. 9
I was wondering if this would be the last part, but then I wasn't sure how I'd wrap it up and just getting the twins back together and the Batch meeting Fives took a little more than expected so there will be at least one more part. Also it's irrelevant but I had the thought earlier that regarding their eldritch-ness, Fives is the one who watches action movies and tries to pull off the crazy stunts (sometimes this is aiming blind and sometimes this is trying to turn into a fish) while Echo is the one who watches horror movies for ways to spook anyone wandering around in the middle of the night. @mezmatch , new part! Enjoy!
Torrent makes it to Coruscant a few hours before the Bad Batch. Fives finds himself buried under vode and being lectured by Kix with incredible efficiency. Rex, knowing better than to get in the way of either Kix’s checkups or lectures, waits his turn before shaking Fives like a rattle and ordering him never to do something like that again.
“The two of you are giving me so many grey hairs.” Rex grumbles once the vod pile has arranged itself comfortably. Fives has doubled in size, the better to cuddle the other troopers and act as a pillow. Before they grew comfortable enough to join Torrent’s cuddle piles, Jesse used to find Fives and Echo cuddling, Fives nearly twice as large as a regular vod doing his best to smother Echo. He wonders absent-mindedly if the annoying vode are comfortably smothering Echo, or if he found that uncomfortable after so long in a stasis chamber. He shoots up suddenly, dislodging Kix who smacked his arm.
“Fives – ow stop that Kix – Fives you gotta greet the Bad Batch like this they’ll be so confused-”
“Why? And more importantly, Echo’s alright?”
Kix yanked Jesse back into place as his pillow as Rex responded. “We found him Fives. Not long after we thought you died. He’s been working with a group of enhanced clones since then.”
“Tell me more?”
“Fine but don’t think you’re getting out of your own explanation.” Rex said, poking his menace of an ARC before he settled into explaining how’d they found Echo.
A little to the right there’s another vod pile, this one mostly made up of Corries, the 121th, and 187th. Blood and Bones are curled in the middle of it, Blood deeply asleep while his twin holds him and listens to Helix quietly updating him on the status of the 212th they’d had in the medbay. Having been on planet at the time, Cody and Ponds’ men had lept into the task of making sure the Corries were comfortable and fed, and making sure they slept. Blood had only left the medbay after reading every vod’s sheet and with the condition that he be allowed to stay close. The room they were in was near the Healing Halls, and Blood had cried red tears into his twin’s shoulder before falling asleep, carefully shielded by Corries and politely ignored by the rest of the troopers. He’d left with Bones during the day to check on everyone but returned after dinner and been cuddled back to sleep. Fives made a note to check on the medic later before he froze.
“What is it?” Rex asked as Fives tensed beneath him.
“Echo’s here.” He whispered, his twin’s proximity humming along his veins. “I need to go.”
There’s some teasing grumbles but no one really complains as the vod pile is dismantled, allowing Fives to bolt out of the room. Rex and the others follow him at a much slower pace; Fives has made some adjustments to his skeleton that have him literally leaping off the walls above the Jedi and the troopers in his way and they don’t need to keep up with that.
On one of the Temple’s landing pads the Bad Batch disembarks, Echo out of his seat and moving to the door before anyone else is even unbuckled. They pick up the pace, Crosshair grumbling as Tech helps him.
The Batch walks towards to two troopers near the bay’s doors, no longer seeing the need to rush. They don’t look like they’ll be moving soon.
Echo and another reg are wrapped around each other. The unknown trooper is crying blue tears, and his arms seem to wrap much further than they should around Echo, who’s holding on so tight Wrecker would have trouble prying them apart.
They’re still holding each other by the time a small group of Torrent troopers reach the hanger. Hunter glares at Rex and pointes to the blue lines dancing under exposed skin. “A heads up would have been nice.”
Rex grins without regret. “Where’s the fun in that? Besides, it’s nice to know he causes trouble for people other than me.”
The twins snorted in unison. “Who us? Cause trouble? Never.” The other twin – Fives – laughs, a moment before Echo shakes him, fanged and much taller.
“Fives you just faked your death and assassinated the Supreme Chancellor and you did it all WITHOUT ME you force-damned bastard–”
“That’s what you’re mad about? You got blown up! I thought you died!”
“I survived for the express purpose of kicking your ass for getting into this without me–”
“Should we stop them?” Wrecker asks, staring at the two vod who with multiple eyes who are gripping each other’s arms with wide clawed hands marked with blue fives.
“Let them get it out of their system.” Kix replies, giving Crosshair the suspicious look medics give injured vod when they don’t know if they’ve been cleared to leave the medbay. “What happened to you guys?”
“Mission went sour. Echo got us out.” Hunter replied.
“He went all twin huh?”
“What gave it away?”
Kix snorted. “You’re not the first troopers I’ve seen rescued by a pair of twins. They tend to keep the changes small most of the time, so something drastic leaves an impression.”
“You think it’s funny, don’t lie.” Echo says as he leads his twin over to them. They’re back to regular size, each with an arm around the other’s shoulder. Echo seems brighter, and Crosshair remembers when Wrecker lost his eye and how hearing that he was alive wasn’t the same as seeing him and thinks he understands. His twin has those same golden violet eyes. “Fives, this is the Bad Batch. Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, and Crosshair. Guys, this is Fives, my twin.”
“Nice to meet you.” Hunter says, shaking Fives’ hand. “Echo’s mentioned you before.”
Fives grins, friendly and sharp. “All insults I assume.”
“Only sometimes.”
Fives laughs, but his words are sincere when he says. “Thanks for taking care of him for me.”
“Lets find a room. You owe us a story Fives.” Rex orders, and Fives gives him a salute with that grin still on his face before the troopers turn and head into the Temple.
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