cozyism · 3 months
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i'm working late, because i'm a master's student
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seminalstudy · 1 year
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🎧 currently listening to: bobcat club by slaughter beach, dog
making tasty coffee is half my motivation to sit down and study tbh
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medstudentblues · 6 months
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breakfast this morning + journaling my ER surgery experience last night —
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dungeonstudy · 2 years
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Waiting for the sun to come out
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vinylstudies · 10 months
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– Tutorial prep seems to keep me awake even if it is being done in ghostly silence. Plus, it has taken me two months to realise that it is significantly easier to get a seat on the top floor of the Rad Cam if you come when it’s hall dinnertime for students in colleges.
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midgardmaiden · 1 year
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[May 1st]
I visited the library of the university I’m planning to study at for graduate school and it was so beautiful.
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skystudentartistblogs · 6 months
Ways to actually start studying after procrastinating
Don't multi-task: Multitasking does not come in the form of making notes and watching Netflix, it can come in the form of switching between two or three subjects too many times then it is like washing a plate and watching a show. It barely makes any sense to me.
Batching: Batching is where you take your to-do list and batch similar tasks into groups and take a break in between these batches.
Do Not Use Pomodoro Technique: Don't use the Pomodoro Technique because you have fixed tasks (tasks that require a particular amount of time) and flexible tasks (tasks that might take up more time than fixed tasks).
Flashcards: These things are the gamer-changers. Flashcards can be used in subjects which have a lot of terms that you need to remember, such as biology, chemistry,etc.
Don't feel bad about modifying your to-do list: If you have your math homework and an exam due next week, and you don't feel like doing math then you could study for your exam. Its okay to modify your tasks according to your mood.
Bonus tip: If you have to revise a chapter, get a few blank pages and put it beside your textbook/notes. While reading your notes, write down points that you can't remember or think is important that you wanna recap later on. If you compile those papers up that could be your go-to revision booklet before your exams.
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more dissertation work, plus a cute picture of my record player and midnights
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girlmedisine · 6 months
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april 7, 2024
genuinely think i aced my embryology exam
yesterday was moving day, and i lifted so much stuff
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willowswhips · 3 months
Hi! I'm Willow!
I'm trying out a study blog for the first time here! I'm also just new to tumblr, so I'm not %100 sure what I am doing XD
I go by Wil or Willow (Wil is spelt with a singular L) and I use they/them pronouns, I live in Washington, USA, and I'm 18! I'll be studying Electrical Engineering, and I'm going to be a freshman in college in mid August.
I love working on videogames and bookbinding in my spare time, but I've recently picked up knitting. I am eternally fascinated by outdated technology (just got a cd, cassette, and radio player from goodwill the other day). My parents think I'm crazy because this was the stuff they grew up with but its one of my special interests so they can't do anything about it.
I'm making this studyblr because I want a public means to keep myself motivated next year. I hope to do fantastic things over the next four years!
thank you to @myhoneststudyblr, @studyquill, and @eintsein for creating their "how to create a studyblr" posts! Probably would be too scared to start without these as resources!
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orangeteastudying · 2 years
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The yummiest pastry I've have ever had! Chocolate and hazelnut roll!
La cosa más rica que he comido! Un roll de chocolate y avellanas estaba demasiado bueno!
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senlinstudies · 2 years
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Snippets from today! I went to the campus library and was quite productive actually, knocking out an edit of a case study, working on a problem set and then starting preliminary research into one of my group projects! It’s v cold today…
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seminalstudy · 1 year
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🎧 currently listening to: acceptance tender wednesday morning
anyone else tried out spotify's new daylist?
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medstudentblues · 8 months
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another PM duty done — I worked out after my duty, then went home. I’m currently doing my laundry while journaling my worries and musings
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dungeonstudy · 2 years
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Bye Bye 2022
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nuitnostalgic · 15 hours
100 days of productivity: day one
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Hello my name is Tania, I’m 23 and I’m studying neuroscience. I’m using this account as my little academic journal/diary to hold me accountable for my goals.
To do list for today:
1. Go to work
2. Go to class, I had biology.
3. Go to gym
4. Clean kitchen
5. Study 4hrs: Biol 226
6. Duolingo: let’s keep up the 547 day streak
All has been accomplished🫶🏾
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