organicbeing · 1 year
Candle Magic Rituals for Love, Prosperity, and Protection
The Beginner Witch’s Guide to Practical Witchcraft Tips Candle magic is one of the oldest and simplest forms of spellcasting, making it an ideal practice for beginner witches. By harnessing the power of fire and combining it with intention, you can manifest your desires in love, prosperity, and protection. In this subchapter, we will explore various candle magic rituals to help you achieve your…
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upthewitchypunx · 3 years
SASS Witch Con 2021
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Registration is open for SASS Witch Con!
Save the date: August 13-15, 2021!
Panels! Workshops! Talks! Vendors! Community fun for science type witches!
Virtual All-Access live panels, workshops, talks, community events, and Discord server $25
Recorded Only panels, workshops, talks, and Discord server $15
Scholarships Available
We aim to bring together a community of Secular, Atheist/Agnostic, Skeptical, and Science (SASS) witches to meet, commune, work together, network, share and learn from each other in a virtual symposium.
This is a safer space where we respect magic and science equally, acknowledging that sometimes there is genuine beauty in the mysterious. This space welcomes, respects, and seeks to empower those who, like witches, are on the fringe and do not have mainstream support including but not limited to ethnic and religious minorities, LGBTQ+, sex workers, those with disabilities, those formerly incarcerated, those struggling with home/food/work insecurity.
Finally and importantly this space is to enjoy each others’ company, engage in riotous fun and laughter with kindness, curiosity, and SASSy creativity.
Check out our evolving schedule including our FREE Witch's Brew on August 6th to meet organizers and panelists to find out what it's all about.
Vendor Slots still available! This even includes your own Discord sever at the event.
And check out our neat merch! We have jars! Witches love Jars! We've got a fold up bag, We've got sticker and button pack and you can even get all of them together!
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lgbt-aesthetics · 6 years
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Sapphic Aromantic Asexual Agender + Witch & Tarot & Divination Aesthetic ~Requested by @wintergrimoire~
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keystonewarrior · 4 years
Motherland Fort Salem
Just some observations, questions, fuzzy notions
1. Fantasy map has twenty nine states and the Cession, fantasy CGI flag has thirty pentacles*, all the live action flags are fifty star flags
2. Why is all the tech old? Box TVs, HMMWVs came out in the 80s, haven't seen a cell phone
3. Why is it the smallest witchdraft in years? Too many dodgers? Too many dispensations? Not enough momma witches having baby witches?
4. If Alder dies, does the Accord die with her?
5. Raelle's mom was Willa Collar, who was V. Collar? Raelle never mentions an aunt.
6. Can witches create a vacuum? Great way to defuse a popper, it busts but the sound goes nowhere in the vacuum, would render an adversary unconscious too
7. When Raelle met Scylla, I don't think she was playing hooky as much as being drawn away from an elementary exercise to a weapons range where real power was being exercised - it hints at her real power
8. I hope they never come up with a hokey stupid story about Raelle's scar, just leave it undiscussed
9. Writers could have done more with the Demerits bit, as well as employing Attagirls for good stuff
10. Raelle's momletters, when I was a new dad I wrote letters to my kid(s) up until about the time I became a single dad, they're still in a box, the kids can have them when I'm dead or when they have kiddos of their own
11. "Live a little" says the necro
12. Alder calls the Spree "agents of the end" akin to the true believers we must contend with in the likes of Pence
13. "Inability to vocalize can render a soldier powerless" was where I first imagined using a vacuum, but the writers went with a tech-response to cancel the sounds the witches make and gave the camarella (sp?) The dunelike weirding modules in Ep10
14. A draftee military is a mistake, ideologues and draft dodgers don't want to he there (re: Carlin and Hendrix) they become morale-sapping malcontents, a poison to unit cohesion and tend to get people killed.
15. Scylla says "I've been burned before" yeah, we've seen it, remember kids - do not do self harm, we love you and want you to come to us and ask for help and keep asking until you get it (don't join terrorist organizations either**)
16. Witches hollering at the witch boys reminded me of when I was at BCT and 1SG Hurley's daughter and a friend showed up in daisy dukes and bikini tops and the company got smoked for whistling and hollering (I missed all that, I had KP that day)
17. Hags at the Hague, seems appropriate, still rather disappointed there are male witches at all
18. Reveille, the Army magazine, it would make a fun fan magazine
18. Scylla's room is 243, my old battalion was 2/43
19. The Spree plan hinged on a kid who was defiant and showed initiative (like crashing a party) - that kind of person tends to make their own decisions (like not handing their love over from one master to another master) - so it should not have come as a shock to the Spree when Scylls defied them
20. "...or your future is bleak..." is not the kind of thing that inspires a great deal of faith in leadership.
21. When Adil and Khalida show up at the Army OP, why wasn't there a gate guard?
23. How will Tally's role among the Biddies affect Alder, since she knows (and disapproves) that Alder lied and puppeted President Wade "no more secrets" Tally said
24. "The Spree protect their own, we are nothing like you" says Scylla under duress, but I fear she may find she is expendable
25. Why did Scylla go back to the Spree? What happened to the defiant initiative taker? What will Quartermain do know that she knows of one of the safehouses? Did Quartermain leave a suggestion in Scylla's mind to go back to them?
26. Witch soldiers are strong because they allow themselves to feel pain and express emotions like sadness - they ought to be able to avoid a lot of the pitfalls common to male toxicity
27. Great people do not prey upon the weak, great people protect the weak and help them to grow strong
28. When one side says to you "now is the time you stop being complicit in their evil" and then immediately hand you a weapon of mass destruction so you can go and commit an act of evil is when you stop being complicit and begin to actively collude
29. Tarim fear capture of their songs by govts and armies, what about corporations (I hope nobody fears govt but then thinks corporations are okay) ostensibly, a liberal democracy is accountable to the people but a corporation is accountable to nobody
30. How tightly the Tarim must control every aspect of every individual's life to prevent one strong willed individualist from selling out their songs
31. Did the Swythe family own the Bellweathers?
32. I like some of the music, I really liked the dance scene at Beltane, I wish more guys had worn kilts, it'd be nice if MFS could afford Bear McReary to do some of the music
33. Can we shoot season two in more colors than yellow and brown? Is this done to contrast with the blue of Raelle+Scylla scenes?
34. Do Army witches get to retire? Is there a troops to teachers program? Are there Navy witches?
35. I'd like to see a little more development of the foreign witches, especially General Sharma (maybe that wasn't her name)
36. Old Box TVs, the day room, one TV and all the soldiers had to share
37. WADE 2020!
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oc-toberwinds · 8 years
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Spring is finally coming | did some Ostara tarot reading today 🌿✨
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sylvaetria · 7 years
Hi, do you have a list of blogs you recommend following? i know u just movedurls, maybe thats why i cant find it if it exists? thanks and sorry if its right in front of me and im just missing it!
I know I have a list somewhere on my blog - I know I’ve made one before in any case. I think I’m going to update it, though, since there are some awesome new blogs that I follow and some people have changed URLs (and some blogs went private ): ).
The mention function was being really broken on this ask so I had to tag these all by hand. Basically I won’t be making a blog rec post for a while lol.
I’ll be bolding some of my forever faves / friends ^^ (Please no one take offense if you weren’t added to this list, I just have more blogs I follow than I think Tumblr will let me link in one post)
A - C
; aeronsrunestones ; ash-verity ; asksecularwitch ; alpinewitch ; althara ; anothersusurrus ; badoccultadvice ; belladonnaswitchblog ; breelandwalker ; broomcorner ; candlelight-magick ; cannibalcoalition ; casualcurses ; ceramyn ; chaosjelly ; chaosundone ; cladinscarlet ; cunningcelt ; cunninggreeneraven ;
D - F
; da-at-ass ; darkwoodswitch ; digital–witch ; digitalsigils ; divinealtruism ; divineclecticism ; dog-rose ; dontusemycauldron ; draconicastralguardian ; dragonscraft ; duskenpath ; etamina-amata ; feuillemor ; fuckyeahpaganism ;
G - I
; glitz-witch ; graycloak ; greysorcery ; grimoirxc ; grin-the-coyote ; growing-yet-into-magic ; heatherwitch ; hecaatia ; hellboundwitch ; herbs-and-journals ; herbs-and-spells ; hereticalapothecary ; hylianshrinemaiden ; infinitethreads ; inkandsigils ; insertcheesywitchypunhere ; ioqayin ;
J - L
; kitchenwitchcraft ; kittenwicked ; lavenderheljardottir ; lavenderspells ; lazy-technowitch ; little-witcheries ; lotuseatingwitch ; low-budget-witches ; lucasfaraway ; lunaesteria ; 
M - O
; maddiviner ; magicianmew ; magicusersresource ; manic-witchbitch ; memeomancy ; modern-witchcraft ; natural-magics ; neurowitchcraft ; nightkunoichi ; nightshadeleaf ; ofcloudsandstars ; ofwoodandbone ; orriculum ;
P - S
; phoenyxoftheashes ; polar-solstice ; pomegranateandivy ; potionslab ;  qedavathegrey ; quartzbound ; queerkitchenwitch ; queerqueerwitchcraft ; ravensnthorns ; recreationalwitchcraft ; ritual-and-chaos ; rootandrock ; saltwaterwitchery ; scarletgloves ; scry-and-sketch ; sealedsigils ; severne-witchcraft ; sigilathenaeum ; sigildaily ; sigiliuvenum (hehe) ; sigil-seer ; sigils-in-your-area ; sigils-r-us ; smokeandblueroses ; sordhent ; spellcraftbaby ; spell-recipes ; spiritapprentice ; spiritscraft ; spooniewitches ; starlit-witch ; stitchingscreamer ; stormbornwitch ; stormwaterwitch ; strangesigils ; stsathyre ; sugarandspells ; swampseer ;
T - V
; teaandspells ; teacupsandcauldrons ; teapartyforthewitches ; thatemeraldkid ; the-aegis-witch ; the-atypical-pagan ; the-friendly-witch ; the-ram-occultist ; thefrogsapothecary ; thekelpiemaster ; themanicnami ; themoonmysteries ; themori-witch ; thepaganstudygrouppage ; thesigilsofbaphomet ; thesubtlewitch ; thewanderesswitch ; thewitchywitch ; thiscrookedcrown ; thistletongue ; thymewitch ; torque-witch ; toxinsandtea ; trialless ; undauntedwitchery ; upthewitchypunx ; urbanspellcraft ; violetwitchcraft ; visardistofelphame ;
W - Z
; w-itchling ; whitewit-ch ; witch-of-roses ; witch-tips-dump ; witchdraft ; witchella ; witches-ofcolor ; witching-while-libra ; witchofkeys ; witchsaves ; witchthatiam ; witchtips ; witchwondering ; witchxstitchery ; witchy-infobook ; witchy-recipes-and-things ; witchy-tips ; witchy-woman ; witchy-words ; wolfofantimonyoccultism ; writtensecretsonparchment ; wyntercraft ; 
I wish I could have bolded thistletongue six times lol
Also, if you give a shit about art, go look at stormwaterwitch’s comic!
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@JBPetersonToday: @witchdraft: RT @shonfaye: Watching Jordan Peterson debate... https://ift.tt/2NFEsHi https://ift.tt/2GKoP0z
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ltbroccoli-archive · 7 years
Verses (Mobile)
CHILDHOOD baby broccoli
Pre-canon, headcanon based. FC: Liam Aiken & Louis Hynes. Reg is a timid child, growing up in Cleveland. This childhood is not a happy one; Reg’s mother is particular and controlling, his sister is caring but often gone, and his father is completely out of the picture.
STARFLEET ACADEMY seclusive tendencies
Pre-canon. After entering the Academy at age 17, Reg follows the operations track, with a specific focus in general engineering and systems diagnostics. He is a good student, but noted for his tendency to keep to himself.
ENTERPRISE flagship of the federation
TNG canon. Reg is a Systems Diagnostics Engineer aboard the Enterprise D, holding the rank Lieutenant Junior Grade. At first he struggles to fit in, turning to the holodeck to cope and eventually succumbing to full-blown holo-addiction. However, with help from Chief Engineer La Forge and Counselor Troi, Reg recovers from this and slowly but surely finds himself a place aboard as one of the crew’s top engineers. He also participates in some of Dr. Crusher’s theater programs, and is the preferred cat-sitter for Data’s cat Spot.
NTH DEGREE the person i’ve always wanted to be
TNG canon for the episode “The Nth Degree”, subverse of above. After an encounter with a Cytherian probe, Reg’s intelligence, confidence, and artistic abilities have all been vastly increased to far beyond that of a typical human. His personality has also been altered, driving him to integrate himself with the ship’s computer via the holodeck. As the computer, he initiates a deep space jump into unknown space, where the crew meets the Cytherians themselves, who are peaceful. Reg is then returned to normal.
JUPITER STATION the only engineer i trust
Canon, between TNG & VOY. Due to his expertise in holographic technology, Reg is briefly assigned to Jupiter Station to assist Dr. Lewis Zimmerman in the creation of the Emergency Medical Hologram. Though their natures seem direct opposites, Reg and Zimmerman remain friends well after this short assignment. By now, he holds the rank of Lieutenant.
PATHFINDER how lonely that must be
VOY canon. Reg is assigned to the Pathfinder Project on Earth, based in StarFleet’s headquarters in San Francisco. Their main object is to locate and contact the starship Voyager, lost in the Delta Quadrant. Reg has a bold idea to contact the ship, which is turned down; determined, he breaks into the project headquarters and implements his plan anyway, risking his entire career. It is successful, and Reg is able to maintain semi-regular communication with the starship, befrending a good number of the crew.
PROFESSOR no different than the borg queen
VOY post-canon. Years after Pathfinder Project, Reg, now a Commander, returns to StarFleet Academy as a professor. Though he mostly sticks to engineering and astrophysics classes, he enjoys a special class on the Borg co-taught with Admiral Janeway every few years.
MIRROR ( TERRAN EMPIRE ) making an opportunity
Mirror universe, based on the TNG comic series “Mirror Broken”. The great Terran Empire has fallen to the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance… mostly. A handful of ships survive at the edge of Klingon-Cardassian space, gathering their forces and hoping to one day take back what was theirs. After years of serving aboard the I.S.S. Stargazer as an engineer, Reg finally seizes his chance for greater power by assassinating Security Chief Tasha Yar. Now appointed the new Chief of Security, he is part of Picard’s senior staff as they take over the Terran Empire’s newest starship, the I.S.S. Enterprise.
MIRROR ( TERRAN RESISTANCE ) the world turned upside down
Mirror universe, inspired by DS9 canon. Reg’s mother is a Terran collaborator, willing to trade in her own people for a few basic comforts. Growing up, Reg learned very quickly that anxiety and timidity wouldn’t cut it – he had to learn to defend himself. His sister Jax helped him a great deal, teaching him how to fight. At times, the siblings even dare to trust each other.
However, when Jax overhears their mother’s plans to trade Reg into slavery, they take matters into their own hands, killing her in her sleep. After that, they flee to the other side of the quadrant, joining the Terran Resistance. Reg quickly proves his usefulness as an engineer, while Jax struggles to prove anything at all. Finally, she goes alone on a dangerous mission… and never returns. She is presumed dead.
VOYAGER CREWMAN set a course for home
Voyager based AU. After serving aboard the Enterprise E, Reg briefly transfers to the starship Voyager for what is meant to be a three week repair of the ship’s systems. However, it turns into far more than that when Voyager is thrown 70,000 lightyears away into the Delta Quadrant. Now a permanent member of the crew, Reg is in the running for Chief Engineer, losing the position to former Maquis B'Elanna Torres. There are few hard feelings, however, and he does all he can to assist her and be one of her top engineers.
MODERN welcome to the world of tomorrow
AU set vaguely during modern times. Year range is flexible anywhere from the 1960s to present day. Reg’s mother is a very rich lawyer in Cleveland, Ohio; his father is out of the picture, kicked out of the house during his childhood. After going to community college for a few years, Reg moves to a small town to become a mechanic, working for Geordi La Forge. He lives in a tiny, dirty trailer half a mile away from his work, where he has essentially adopted all the stray cats in the area.
HARRY POTTER draco dormiens nunquam titillandus
AU based on the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. A full detailed timeline can be found here. For Reg/Liz specific verse, info on their children can be found here.
As far as Reg knows, he is a perfectly normal human – until Minerva McGonagall shows up at his home one day to explain that he is actually a wizard. All of the random occurrences and accidental cat summonings suddenly make sense. Alicia is determined that her son will not be any part of this nonsense, but finally agrees to let him attend Hogwarts School of Witchdraft and Wizardry, just so he can learn to control his abilities.
Reg’s sister takes him to Diagon Alley, where he gets his school supplies and his first wand, larch wood with unicorn hair core. When he arrives at Hogwarts, he is immediately sorted into Hufflepuff. Though he struggles with his magic at first, he grows stronger and stronger as his confidence increases, until he is one of the most powerful wizards in his class.
During his time at Hogwarts, Reg also discovers that he is not a Muggle-born, as he always believed; his father, whom he has not seen since age seven, is also a wizard, which technically makes Reg a half-blood. It takes several years for Reg to find and reach out to his father, but he eventually does. Both are Hufflepuffs.
After graduating, Reg moves to Hogsmeade, where he works for several years as a magical repairman. He discovers he has a knack for making magic and Muggle technology play along. Eventually, after the Second Wizarding War, he returns to Hogwarts as the new Muggle Studies professor. Several years later, he becomes the new head of Hufflepuff house.
STARGATE chevron one encoded
AU based on the Stargate television series. Can be based on SG-1 and/or Atlantis. Dr. Reginald Barclay is one of several scientists assigned to work at Area 51, studying alien artifacts brought back to Earth as part of the top secret Stargate program. Though he does good work if assigned to something small on his own, he struggles to make himself heard when in collaboration with his colleagues, though he is slowly getting better.
Eventually, he is pulled from Area 51 and sent to Stargate Command itself, where he works under Colonel Samantha Carter. Here, he struggles even more to fit in, as everyone else has quite the reputation and he is just… some nervous new scientist. But he manages to prove his worth.
When crew is being chosen for the Atlantis mission, Reg reluctantly volunteers, despite being terrified of the Stargate. Upon reaching the alien city itself, Reg is surprised to find that he loves it, all the strange spires and endless views of the ocean planet. He is less enthusiastic about his boss, Dr. Rodney McKay, but he tries his best regardless.
THE ORVILLE we have got to get better people
AU based on The Orville television series. Most backstory information is the same as main timeline verses. Lieutenant Reginald Barclay is a recent transfer to the U.S.S. Orville, working in the Engineering department.
POKEMON gotta catch em all
AU based on the Pokemon franchise. Mun is mostly familiar with the first three generations. Throughout all of his childhood, Reg dreams of being a Pokemon master, like most children. However, that is not to be. His mother demands that he find a sensible job, and forget that foolish nonsense. His only Pokemon for many years is a Meowth named Mira, who he found abandoned and injured and took care of. Mira eventually evolves into a beautiful Persian who will not leave her owner’s side.
Reg eventually becomes a mechanic and handyman in Cerulean City, where he makes a decent enough living. His older sister, meanwhile, pursues her dream of becoming a Pokemon trainer, finally settling down near Saffron City. As the years pass, Reg starts amassing a small team of Pokemon: his Persian, Mira; a Glitten with a mangled paw named Wrigley; and a Dragonite named Oscar.
FARSCAPE rattlers in the stomach
AU based on the Farscape television series. Reg is born on a small Sebacean colony near the Uncharted Territories, and he grows up knowing that he may one day be conscripted into Peacekeeper service. When the day finally comes, it’s all he can do not to cry as he is pulled away from his family and forced to live aboard a cold, harsh military vessel.
Soon enough, everyone learns that he simply isn’t suited for a soldier’s lifestyle; he is too hesitant and soft. To everyone else, sending him off to be a tech is a demotion, but for Reg, it’s perfect. It’s work he can actually do, and work that doesn’t require any actual combat. As long as he doesn’t think about what he may be supporting, everything is fine…
WARRIORS may starclan light your path
AU based on the Warriors book series. During a particularly harsh WindClan leaf-bare, two kits are born. Sparrowkit is named for the color of her fur, while Stammerkit is named for the odd way he shakes and trembles. Little did anyone know how accurate Stammerkit’s name would later turn out to be.
As apprentices, Sparrowpaw excels in all areas, particularly fighting, while Stammerpaw struggles with everything. Eventually, he grows into a good hunter, but his fighting skills lack. Sparrowpaw becomes a warrior, called Sparrowsong, before him, much to Stammerpaw’s dismay. After several more moons of hard work, Stammerpaw eventually earns his warrior name as well: Stammertail.
Though not a gifted fighter, and not a good choice for a mentor, Stammertail is fiercely loyal to his Clan and serves them in his own ways. He is an excellent hunter and tracker, and often can be found helping the queens with their kits or helping the medicine cats gather herbs. However, he tends to freeze up during battles, and is often left behind to guard the camp.
REG & D'RORAH daughter of light
With drorah-walks. When an immortal being decides to relive a human childhood to rekindle her connection with humanity, she chooses Reg to be her father. He agrees, and D'rorah Philosophy enters his life as his five-year-old daughter, the result of a weekend on Risa who has just lost her mother. Reg has no memory of making this agreement, fully believing that this child is truly his daughter… until an accident in engineering causes amnesia. When his memories return, so do his memories of what D'rorah truly is. However, he decides to continue, unwilling to leave the child he loves without a father just because he’s afraid.
Reg and D'rorah are inseparable, even when she is grown up and moved out. D'rorah eventually adopts a Cardassian girl from a Bajoran orphanage named Rilla, who Reg loves to spoil rotten. When Reg dies, D'rorah’s memories of who she really is will slowly return, and she will have to live on forever without him…
REG & LIZ kidnapped
With nashforhire. Elizabeth Nash needs to hide from some former business partners. The best way to do that is with a bit of a human shield; she chooses Reg. After kissing him, running through Deep Space 9 with him while under fire, and taking him all the way to the Gamma Quadrant, no one would expect Reg to want anything to do with her ever again. And yet… he does. They slowly become unlikely friends, and then more, until Reg finally asks her on a date. While Reg is still stationed on the Enterprise, he and Liz have a long-distance relationship, seizing every opportunity to see each other that they possibly can. However, even that finally isn’t enough, and Reg transfers to DS9 to live with her and work for Chief O'Brien. Eventually they are married and have four children: Sofia, Oliver, and the twins, Charlotte and Victoria.
RUNAWAYS ( REG & LIZ ) partners in crime
With nashforhire. Reg and Liz have been best friends since they were children. Considering their respective childhoods, there are some days where they are the only good thing in each other’s lives. Eventually, at age sixteen, Liz decides she can’t do it anymore and decides to run away, leaving Earth behind entirely. After some hesitation, Reg agrees to go with her. It isn’t easy, and there are several close calls where StarFleet almost catches them to drag Reg back to his mother. But eventually, they have their own ship, the Nomad, and run their own shipping business together.
REG & AELLA she’s on my mind
With empathicstars. Reg slowly befriends a Betazoid communications officer aboard the Enterprise, Lieutenant Aella Moore. Eventually, he has a fairly serious crush on her, but before he has any chance of asking her out, the away mission from hell happens. The two are accidentally beamed into a warzone, and Reg throws himself in front of a phaser blast to protect Aella. The shot should have killed him. But Aella, trained in her telepathy by Vulcans, initiates a mind meld to keep him alive. The meld has strange effects on both of them, even after their return to the ship, and neither of them quite knows how to move forward…
REG & Q show me the stars
With qisforqaos. Q has always been a nuisance to Reg. Always. That is, until he starts taking a liking to Reg and showing him around the universe… befriending him… and perhaps even more…
REG & MURDOCK oh brother
With drowningvoices. Reg and his twin brother have always done everything together, until StarFleet. That’s when their assignments took them different directions, and while Murdock rose in the ranks, Reg barely made it past Ensign. Then one day, Reg got the news – his brother had been in a horrible accident, and his mind was no longer what it was. Now, Murdock lives full-time in a psychiatric hospital, where Reg visits as often as he can. The two are extremely protective of each other, even still.
REG & ALARA only fools rush in
With flightxless; The Orville AU. Reg and Alara meet during less than ideal circumstances, when they both have been captured and must escape together. A few weeks later, however, Reg transfers aboard the Orville, and upon realizing they are now on the same ship, he works up the courage to ask her out.
OHANA ad augusta per angusta
Group verse, AOS based. Primarily on Discord. After encountering a strange anomaly, Reg has been thrown back to the Enterprise A of an alternate timeline. With almost no chance of getting home, he does what he can to settle into this new life, primarily working with the ship’s prototype holodeck system.
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aur-ochs · 6 years
do you know/ know where I could find some good witchdraft related discord servers? i'm lonely and have never used discord lol. also not to sound like an elitist jerk but... i've been practicing for almost a decade so maybe skip on the like, "welcome baby witches :)" or, any wiccan stuff in general? is this a tall order? i'm just asking because i know you're not one to mess around with the fluffy infants
You sound like you’d love my discord server, wink wink
Unlike pretty much every other witch server we actually talk about magick, most of us are experienced and actively working on our own projects, and we curate our membership pretty actively to make sure everyone’s on the same wavelength
The fact that you hate baby witch bullshit already makes you an excellent candidate, dm me off anon for an invite
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raptormagic · 7 years
adventures in reprogramming
aka “I have barriers that I can’t keep down so better work with what I’ve got”. For anyone new reading, I’ve mentioned somewhere on here that I have, essentially, natural barriers that I subconsciously built up over a lifetime. They work pretty well as natural, constant wards, but recent events at @witchdraft ‘s housewarming party revealed that they also mean that I’m invisible to spirits (at least all current data indicates that, so while that may not be completely true it’s close enough)  so after another conversation witchdraft in which we determined that I’d be pretty good with essentially being a spirit spotter, essentially, since they can’t see me and I can (sometimes) see them I decided to go ahead an reprogram my barriers. There was a lot of silliness and memeing, but basically I settled on giving myself goggles of sorts, to allow me to see out of my barriers, and headphones, to allow different sensory inputs when I’m keeping watch.   
I’m still working out what works for me re: ritual, but generally my needs are simple; some candles, incense, and some kind of music to help my brain keep on track. So I got my setup going, and once I’d relaxed somewhat, I started my visualizing. The goggles ended up being essentially goggle-shaped shutters in my barriers, with a switch to open up the shutters. The intent is that when the shutters are open, I’ll be able to See out, but things won’t be able to See in. We’ll see. I also ended up basically giving myself earhorns that lead to the edge of my barriers on either side, with similar switches, one for each ear. It may have been partly attention problems that prevented me from setting those up at the same time with one switch, but I can try to reprogram that later if need be. It felt successful, at least. When doing my physical write-up after finishing, I got the idea to also program in energy channels, with a similar switch-able setup, to allow myself to project and receive energy when those are open. I’m gonna experiment some with more external energy work with my boyfriend, so I’ll get an idea of whether or not I Really need that or Just Think I do. If I do end up programming the channels in, I may use a... knob sort of switch, with settings for “closed,” “projective only” “receptive only” and “both”. That may be excessive, though... Ah well, needs experimentation. 
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