#[ MAN IT REALLY COULD HAVE HAPPENED. we were robbed. truly. ]
gdn019283 · 2 months
We deserved more of just Merlin
The little head tilt, the sweet voice and the tiny smile, the moment he asked Arthur:
“Don’t you?”
To Merlin, magic had always been there for everyone to see, to feel.
He is magic, after all.
For all those years, Merlin had believed what he felt was obvious, and that everyone else felt the same way. It was strange to Merlin that Arthur couldn’t understand that the forest, the animals, even the smallest, living in it, were sacred. Because life is sacred. He couldn’t grasp the reason why the knights couldn’t feel that the old Druids’ camp was haunted, and therefore didn’t believe him. He had literally heard death, and cried because of it.
“As if everything is much more than itself.”
The phrase could refer to him too. Merlin is much more than… Him.
That’s what brought his doom. He had never had the chance to truly know himself. He was either a servant, or the sorcerer of a prophecy, or a Dragonlord.
Never just him.
And in this moment we see he had missed being one with nature, breathing in the animals’ lives. He was himself again.
He was vibrating, much like anything else there living with him.
They never went deep into Merlin’s powers, they were just there for Arthur. Merlin had lost sight of what he wanted to do with them, he even forgot he was so powerful he could have overthrown Arthur himself, if he really wished to.
Merlin was the only man alive able to see Avalon.
During the knights and the king’s quest to save Gwen, Merlin met the Queen of a Queendom no one had ever even seen.
He could have killed Morgana (and did try) multiple times, although she was an High Priestess, and simply decided not to, but he had more than just the power to do so.
The Catha, the Druids bowed to him, met him in the woods, called to him.
Merlin created a telepathic connection with Arthur the first days he was in Camelot.
He survived death multiple times.
His immortality forbid him to die.
Merlin hated hunting because he could feel the animals being scared, followed; he had recognised Gwen when Morgana transformed her into a deer; he could hear the magic around him, inside objects and inside people, like a whisper, as if it was nothing; he could call lightning from the sky.
He could stop the time, or at least slow it down.
Every magical being knew him by name only. But he was not a leader, he was just different.
“Is she like me?” “No one is like you, Merlin.”
After everything he had witnessed, even Gaius knew Merlin was special and did nothing to help him understand why he was.
Merlin was the reason Aithusa was born, why Kilgharrah was free, and we were robbed of him getting to really know his powers, both as a Dragonlord and as the most powerful sorcerer to ever walk the earth.
He literally deleted himself just to be at Arthur’ side, and it hurt him. We saw it constantly. He was sad not only because everyone and everything was against him, or because he couldn’t use magic for simple tricks, but because he couldn’t really know what he could do, both as a magical being and as just Merlin.
To study his powers meant treason and death, and Merlin forbid himself to go beyond what he already knew.
His incapacity to understand, his lack of will to know, and his indecision about who he was, literally helped the fall of the great destiny he was a part of.
Merlin’s decisions, whatever he wanted them to happen or not, helped Arthur die.
Merlin’s real enemy was himself.
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dustywarbler · 6 months
(from Phil's 15th March stream VOD, at 4:41:16)
[viewer question is at 4:40:48]
phil: "[reads chat, refers back to a prior viewer question] It was Origins? Uhh... [he rereads the question again]."
'"'What led Origin Philza on the path he's on? What happened differently this time that didn't happen to the other Philza variants?'"'
"Uh, so, he was an orphan, and... he liked to believe that his parents were, like, super rich. But they weren't, and... and he just wanted to be, like-- He wanted to have everything, and own everything, and rule everything, so that he could eventually enlist the help of the people to find his parents. Because he truly believes they are still alive."
"[laughs] That's it! Origins Philza wanted to be king, by any means necessary, to find his parents. [laughs] That was the underlying thing that I was gonna reveal eventually, but we'll-- we'll never reveal it now. Like, officially-- on the server, y'know. That was like... the bit that I was gonna like--"
"It was gonna be this whole thing, where I was gonna control the server, take over everything, eventually start handing out jobs to people. And then eventually those jobs would stop being, like, interesting. They wouldn't be like, 'Build a village! Build this, build that, bababababah! Gift something to a friend.' I was gonna give people, like, literal tasks."
"And then, the tasks were gonna slowly start changing to: 'Travel 20,000 blocks in this direction, and tell me what you find.' 'Look for a tall man, with a scar on his left eye.' Like, just really obscure shit."
"And then people would be starting to worry about me, and I would stop being mean, and I'd start being really scared. [laughs] And then people would come to me and be like, "What's wrong?", and then I'd-- I'd break down. I was gonna have a breakdown, essentially... where my character just, like... either cries, or lashes out, because he just wants his parents back." [laughs]""
"[laughs, reads chat] 'WE WERE ROBBED' [responds] It's fine, now you know! Now you know. And all the riches in the world won't be able to bring them back. [laughs]"
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myocsfanfictions · 10 months
South Side Story
Shameless Fanfiction Season 1
Desna Hills has come living in the Southside of Chicago four years before. Taken in by Kev and V, Desna is close friends with the Gallaghers. Let's see how this Southside story unfolds.
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Chapter 16
That was truly a fucked up situation. Apparently That boy had been missing for few hours. He had disappeared from a birthday party and now the police was searching for him in the streets of Chicago. Veronica and Desna had figure it out whilt talking with Kev, because a police car had passed by their house making an announcement about the boy.
“Shit, it’s him. They are speaking of him on the TV, with pictures,” Desna said turning it off. Why did the Gallagher had that baby?
“Fucking Gallaghers,” Kevin said, before Veronica went to take back the baby in her arms.
“Des, go in the bathroom and take the laundry basket,” V said and Desna even if she frowned she did what she asked, “Kev, take those t-shirts.”
“What are we doing?” Asked Desna getting back in the living room.
“We’re bringing him back to the Gallaghers,” V said putting the baby in the basket.
“Yeah, baby!” Kevin exclaimed proudly.
The three of them froze when they heard another police car passing in the street.
“All right let’s be quick about it,” Desna said covering the boy. That’s how they found themselves trying to reach the Gallagher’s house as fast as they could. And the three of them exited their house as if they were robbing it. They really risked big trouble for that.
As they made it to the Gallaghers’ house V banged at the door, “Open up, hurry!” She yelled. Desna was looking at the street, the moment before the door was opened felt like an eternity. But when they finally entered the house she felt breathing again.
“What the hell is going on?” Veronica asked, as Desna’s eyes met Lip’s, who had been the one opening the door, and she stopped next to him.
“What happened?” She asked him in a whisper.
He took an heavy breath, “Debbie.”
Desna frowned, “What?”
“Is this that missing baby?” Kev asked showing them the basket.
“Debbie stole him,” as Fiona stated to explain Desna’s eyes widened, “And now we have to figure out how to give him back without getting her 36 month in juvie.”
"Why in the world would she-" But Fiona stopped Veronica to not keep going. Desna looked at Lip again, his hand passing over him mouth.
"There must be a couple of hundreds cops out there," Kevin said looking out of the window.
"His face is all over the TV," Desna added crossing her arms over her chest, her eyes moved to Debbie. Why did she do that?
"I know," said Fiona, "I'm so sorry," then she turned to Debbie as everyone stood up. She told her to keep an eye on the baby, and they all followed thh oldest Gallagher into the kitchen.
"I'm not sure what's going on with her," Fiona admitted sitting on the chair.
"Well, maybe it's because your mom bailed and Frank is a big drunk," Desna slapped Kevin's arm as she passed by. All true, but maybe he could have said it with less sarcasm.
"What?" Kevin exclaime, "Am I the asshole now? She's the one who stole a baby!" Both her and Vee glared at the man.
Desna was sitting next to Lip when he started to speak, "Look, she obviously planned it."
"Why?" Desna asked softly, already see how he and his siblings were worried.
"She took a stroller out of the garbage and fixed it," he explained.
"That's what she used?" Lip nodded.
"And she waved a candy bar at him," he added and Desna closed her eyes.
"Jeasus..." she muttered.
"Hey, Debbie is still a little kid," Steve said from next to Fiona, "Worst things that happens is that she gets some help."
"Help?" Lip exclaimed.
"What kind of help?" Ian asked with a frown.
"She stole a baby," Steve stated. Fiona's expression matched with her brothers as she spoke.
"She is not crazy," she said, "She just sort of accidentally took a kid."
By what they were saying ut didn't sound so accidental.
"Not of she lured out of the yard with a candy bar," Steve exclaimed. Fiona moved back, putting some distance between them.
"What are you suggesting?" She asked aggressively.
"Some kind of professional-" but Lip interruped him.
"What a shrink?" His leg moving up and down so Desna put an hand on it to try and give some comfort.
"Gallaghers do not do therapy," Fiona stated, just before that another police car went by the window. It was only a matter of time before someone would have knocked on the door. Desna looked up at Lip as he put his hand over hers.
"Lip, we need a plan to get that boy back to his family," Fiona said looking at her brother, "Or Family Services is gonna have a field day."
"Family Services?" Steve asked.
"If they find out Frank's moved, they'll take the kids, split them up," Fiona explained, "Remember what happened last time?"
"Shit..." Lip muttered.
That was true, Frank was their father, and if their guardian didn't live with thrm anymore for the Family Services the presence of Fiona ment nothing. What a fucked up situation.
“Okay,” Lip said, “Okay, let me think about it for a minute,” Ian got up from the couch.
“I’ll look for Carl,” he said heading out. As Fiona stood up to make coffee with Vee.
Desna stood up to take a notebook on the cabinet next to Kev, then she went back to Lip, his legs moving nervously. She looked at him for a moment, before kneeling before him, “Hey, you’ll make it,” she said, one of her hands went to his thigh.
“If I don’t?” He asked, eyeing Debbie, but Desna made him look back at her.
“You’re the smartest person I know,” she said gently, giving him the notebook, “You can do this, Lip,” he observed her for a moment, before nodding his head. Her eyes followed his movements as his hand opened the notebook.
“Tell me if you need anything,” she said.
“Stay here,” he answered. They both shared a glance, before she set down next to him on the couch. He’s been there scripting for some time, writing times and roads, at some point Desna even went to take a map of the city so that he could pinpoint the different key places.
“Alright,” he said at some point, “I think I got it,” she smiled at him.
“Really?” He nodded and quickly they gathered everyone to the living room to hear Lip’s plan.
“Carl, come here,” Lip said, making his brother to sit on the coffee table, “You know that payphone that’s outside the Kash and Grab?”
Carl nodded, “Yeah?”
“I want you to get on the bike,” Lip kept saying, “Go to the payphone and call the police. Tell them that you saw a little boy walking down Southport Avenue at 2:45. Okay?”
Carl frowned, “Why should I?”
“Wanna be in a children’s home until you’re eighteen?” Ian asked from the couch.
Carl shrugged his shoulders, “Group home on Union has a climbing wall.”
“Carl!” Fiona exclaimed, making the boy scoff.
“I don’t have a bike,” he argued, but Ian had a solution for that.
“Wire cutter’s in the drawer.”
Lip rubbed his eyes before looking towards Fiona, “Alright,” he said, “Steve, Fiona, you guys have to get Debs to take that kid back.”
“I don’t know how I can make that happen,” Fiona said with a hand on her forehead. And Desna glanced at Debbie who was playing in the kitchen with the boy.
“Fiona, you have to or else we are all fucked,” Lip insisted, finally having his sister to agree to his plan.
“Alright,” Lip said, “I’ve made up a story that she had to tell to the police.”
Debbie had to learn the story where she was walking down Southport Avenue and she saw the kid alone who was crying, so she had asked him where his mom was, but he didn’t know. Since he was crying she gave him chocolate.
Fiona nodded her head, memorizing what Lip had said, then he turned to Vee.
“I want you to the cleaners, ask Mrs. Bergdoll to use the phone.”
“That woman is a cold bitch,” stated Veronica and Desna could agree. That woman wouldn’t give a smile or a gentle word to anyone, she was pretty sure she wouldn’t have even give a glass of water is a person was dying of thirst.
“I’ve got something for that, okay? Don’t worry about it,” Lip assured.
“Are you talking about pot?” Desna asked with looking at Lip.
“Precisely,” he said nodding his head, “Okay you go there and you say that you’ve seen the boy with a little girl about 15 minutes before on Grand Avenue.”
“Grand Avenue, alright,” Veronica answered.
“But the police could ask why she didn’t call anyone,” Ian said, but Lip had an answer even for that.
“I’ll broke the telephone on Grand Avenue,” he said, “And she could say that she asked to people but nobody helped her because she is poor.”
“Humanity sucks,” Desna said, “Accurate.”
“Des,” he said turning to her, “I need you to go to where Colin Jones works.”
“Colin Jones?” She asked and he nodded.
“The guy in your math class that has a crush on you since your first year,” Lip said.
“I know who he is, I don’t know where he works,” she said before frowning, “Or that he has a crush on me.”
“The comic book store, at the end of Grand Avenue,” he said, “You go there, say that you need to use the phone to call the police, and tell them that you’ve seen the boy everyone is talking about and a girl walking and in hand on the street.”
“Okay,” she said.
“Tell them that you’ve just saw them, but that you’ve lost them, at the traffic light.”
“Alright,” she answered.
“I’ll come get you there with Ian and then we’ll go back towards Sheila’s house.” Desna nodded her head.
“Kev,” Lip said, “What time do you go into work today?”
“I go at 6,” he answered sitting next to Vee.
“You’re going in early,” Lip said shaking his head, “Tell them you saw a little boy in a Superman costume just passing by you. Someone will tell you that they who is the little boy and you’ll call for the police as well. In this way we’ve got covered the street and the hour, once the police will talk with Debbie everything will fit with the reports.”
The plan was set. And if everything went according to plan, they should all be save. Vee was taking care of the baby, while Fiona and Steve were talking to Debbie. Carl and Ian had went outside to take the wire cutter and Desna and Lip were in the kitchen. As Desna was getting Liam ready, she noticed Lip going through his notes again.
“The plan is perfect, Lip,” she said trying to calm his nerves.
“It all depends on Debbie,” he said, his leg bouncing up and down. Desna smiled at Liam, before setting him back into his crib, then she walked towards Lip.
“She’ll do it, and she’ll do great,” she said touching his hair, “You’re plan is amazing,” he turned to her, circling her hips with his arm. He smiled, but of course he was worried. They heard steps on the stairs, to reveal Fiona, “Debbie agreed, she knows the story,” she said, “Get ready to go.”
“Alright,” Lip said as his sister ran back upstairs.
“You ready?” Lip asked Desna, that smiled.
“I am,” then she kissed his cheek, “It’s gonna be alright,” he nodded.
“See you there,” he said just before she put her coat on and headed out the door.
She was confident in the plan. She had to be confident that everything was going according to it as well.
Desna made her way to the comic book store, taking a breath, before entering inside.
“Hello,” she said trying to put some hurry into her voice, “There’s anyone here?”
From behind the shelves appeared Colin Jones. He was a slim guy, taller than Desna, his hair was blond and his eyes dark.
“Desna Hills?” He asked her with wide eyes.
“Colin,” she said walking towards him.
“Is everything alright?” He asked observing her.
“Yeah, no..” she said looking between him and the door, “I think I just saw the boy everybody is talking about. Can I use your phone?”
“Mine?” He asked and she looked at him with a little frown.
“Yours or the shops,” she said, “I just need to call the police.”
“Oh, sure, here,” he said giving her his phone, and Desna was quick to thank him gently. When the police officer answered she gave him her part of the story, trying to sound agitated as well as helpful. As she finished to gave her report, she ended the call, giving the phone back to Colin, who blushed.
“Thank you very much,” she said with a smile.
“No worries,” he stuttered. In that moment the bell of the shop made them turn. They truly where synchronized. She was sure it was Lip and Ian, but her breath dipped in her throat when she saw Iggy Milkovich. His eyes found her and the usual smirk appeared.
“Thank you, Colin,” she said wanting to get out of that shop as soon as she could, “See you at school.”
She was quick to exit from there, but she felt her heart beat faster when she heard the door open behind her.
“Aren’t you going too fast?” Iggy’s voice came from behind her, “Don’t you even say hi?”
“I’ve got somewhere to be,” that was not true but she would have found other ways to find Lip and Ian.
Iggy stopped her, appearing in front of her, “You seem eager to get on my bad side,” he hissed.
“I actually would prefer for you to fuck off,” she said, but she gasped when he grabbed her arm.
“You don’t want to do that,” he hissed, “You don’t want to get me angry.”
“Or what?” She hissed back. But he smirked again.
“I’ll give you one last chance,” he said, and she felt herself getting pale and her hands shaking, “Be a nice little girl and give me what I want, or there are going to be consequences,” she felt her body freeze as she looked at him and those eyes that where becoming scarier by the day.
“Des!” Lip’s voice came from behind her. And Iggy was quick to let her go and walk away. It didn’t take long for her to feel Lip’s hands on her arms.
“Hey, what’s going on?” He asked observing her face, as his hand moved to hers, stopping from shaking.
“Why was Iggy Milkovich talking to you?” Ian asked with a frown.
“Did he do something?” Lip asked searching for her gaze, “Des?”
She wanted to tell him that Iggy was scaring her, that there was something that really was making her uneasy about that guy and what he was saying to her. But she knew that it had been her fault. She had fucked with that guy and now he was acting that way. He was a criminal, probably being in juvie more times that he had been at school, what was she expecting?
“Nothing,” she said, her mouth dry, “It’s okay,” she knew that Lip didn’t believed her, but she shook her head, moving away, “It’s alright, we have to go to Sheila’s.”
“Des!” Lip said when she started to walk.
“Come on,” she just said. The beat of her heart loud in her chest.
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steppingonyourshadow · 9 months
Selected excerpts from Marie Claire January 2024
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It's difficult to miss Xiao Zhan's strong sense of boundaries. When being interviewed, he will constantly say, "if I may put it that way", either as a question or confirmation for himself. He's also constantly reflecting on himself.
For example, constantly reminding himself not to perform from habit, as becoming too accustomed was a slippery slope to the dreaded state of inertia. Like the way he constantly emphasises that he has no interest in putting on an air of mystery, there were many things he had yet to learn, and he was merely sharing his honest, everyday feelings. And like his response to hearing a crew member say he was tireless in pursuit of excellence - that he had yet to reach "excellence" and was only pursuing "better".
Xiao Zhan doesn't speak rapidly, but with fluid eloquence, not with an explosive, fiery temperament. Like pleasant idle chit-chat, with a bit of the classical air of a learned Confucian gentleman.
And he's not even a little tense. Willing to talk about every topic under the sun, and when he's particularly satisfied, he leans back in the chair, holding his right leg loosely with both hands. The conversation ranges from the always resonant emotion contained in classic songs, to AI, our view of humanity, and his experiences in life and acting.
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Xiao Chunsheng of "Where Dreams Begin" was a role that felt fresh, because he was so obviously different from Xiao Zhan's own character.
Xiao Chunsheng is a young man from the 70s, whose environment and upbringing could not be more distinct from Xiao Zhan's own. Military coats, "two-eight" bicycles, the ice rink of Shichahai, growing from a callow youth into a middle-aged leader of industry, none of this was familiar to Xiao Zhan.
Even now, traces of Xiao Chunsheng can still be found in Xiao Zhan. When speaking of one of the characters, Chen Hongjun, he kept using "Hongjun-er". That's the Beijing accent he learned for the role: using "er" at the end, "aiyowei" and "huo" as exclamations - these were once a constant refrain for Xiao Zhan.
Language and the time setting aside, the biggest difference between Xiao Zhan and Xiao Chunsheng is in personality. Xiao Zhan is an introvert who enjoys being alone, and Xiao Chunsheng is the complete opposite - he makes friends everywhere and loves to make things happen. Using today's standards, this kind of enthusiasm often translates to a person with a poor sense of boundaries.
"Times change more and more rapidly; today's youth all live fast-placed lives, and won't casually breach each other's boundaries," Xiao Zhan remarked. "But Xiao Chunsheng is a total busybody, which means he can easily cause offence."
When he first read the script, Xiao Zhan was pretty worried about this and felt that it would be hard to make Xiao Chunsheng likable. But after his initial hesitation, it occurred to him that what we need might well be hidden within the traits we mind to the most.
"Vivid", that's how Xiao Zhan describes Xiao Chunsheng and others of his generation. "Unabashed about what they can't stand, what they like. Don't you think they're especially vivid in all their colours and shades?" he asked. Even now, when he thinks of some of the scenes in Where Dreams Begins, the characters still have a vibrant, brilliant glow to them.
Playing Xiao Chunsheng, whose values were some distance from those of today, was rewarding for Xiao Zhan in another way: he learned not to be afraid of making mistakes. He says, "a truly likable character isn't perfect."
During filming he asked the director whether a busybody like Xiao Chunsheng would come across as really annoying. The director told him that this annoying tendency is what makes Xiao Chunsheng, and what makes him an appealing character.
The director's words made Xiao Zhan recognise the trap of wanting to avoid or correct imperfections in his characters. "When you do this, you rob the character of their appeal," Xiao Zhan says, "So I think when getting to know a character there's no need to be afraid, if they're over-enthusiastic then let them be, if they're a boundary-pusher then go with that. If you get stuck on a character's flaws and what might happen when the audience bashes you for it, that makes it impossible to do the job." Because an actor should be playing a character, not an assigned persona.
Not being afraid of flaws can also mean the courage and ability to seek challenges. Sunshine By My Side was Xiao Zhan's first time performing in an urban profession drama. The reason he took this role was simple: modern dramas are very close to reality, since they're about everyday life. That actually makes it harder to deliver a believable performance. Because he had no assurance of success, he became convinced that if he could do it, it would be a valuable learning experience. That's how Sheng Yang came to be.
In filming Sunshine By My Side, Xiao Zhan learned that urban dramas are really reliant on how well the actors work together. Because they're more down to earth, nothing is set in stone, and both dialogue and performances are subject to adjustment.
"We're all living beings, we don't exist to maintain some persona. What we do, what we say, the emotions we express, it's all natural, logical, fluid. If you change something, my performance will change to match," Xiao Zhan says. This creative coupling meant that the actors could not be pedantic and mechanical, so it became a new and fun experience.
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Whether modern or costume, Xiao Zhan has always had a clear-headed perspective on choosing scripts and characters. "Quality is always rare. That's why everyone says you can't look for it, it finds you," he says, based on what he's observed in the last while. "Some scripts, the industry might view them highly, but when the show airs the market response might not be that positive. How are we defining 'good'? Is it popularity, or acclaim? It's hard to say."
So all he can do is fall back on his own understanding and instincts, to choose what he thinks is best. As for what he wants to try, Xiao Zhan says, "I've been saying it for years, a lovable and charming rogue*, if there is an opportunity."
*["lovable and charming rogue" is a Chinese internet meme, originating from a line spoken by Tojiro/James of Team Rocket when introducing himself in the Pokemon anime.]
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Xiao Zhan says he's a homebody. If he has free time, other than resting, he'll work out or watch a movie. He's never seen watching movies as a chore and will watch anything regardless of genre, whether it's a blockbuster or arthouse film. Recently, he watched Anatomy of a Fall which won the Palme d'Or at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival.
He often rewatches Love Actually around new year's, about once every three years or so. The reason is simple - the familial and romantic love and friendships are wonderful and heart-warming.
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As for his hopes for himself, Xiao Zhan had an even simpler answer: "I did a pretty good job in 2023. Hopefully I can keep that up." After a bit more thought, he added: "in 2024, I'd like to love myself a bit more, and give more space to my own feelings and thoughts. That's not only my own resolution - that's my hope for everyone else too."
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For Xiao Zhan, the "him" on screen is distinct from his own life. In private, he doesn't spend a lot of time dolling himself up, or wear any spectacular, eye-catching clothes. In everything he reaches toward what is natural and truthful.
"Like for our conversation, just maintaining this kind of comfortable state. I'm not going to put on another face, play another person," Xiao Zhan says. "That would be exhausting. Exhausting." He says it twice.
Like the poet wrote, "my heart may encompass the entire universe." Outside Xiao Zhan's boundaries, there's the delineation of borders, and the wide expanse of the universe.
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imaginespazzi · 2 months
NIVI, bestie, the first chapter of Golden Hour (peep me using the actual title!) – fucking spectacular. You know the UCLA fic will live on in my mind forever and it will always have a special place in my heart, but this might give it a run for its money already. Just something about kid fics, it’s just too damn endearing!
Firstly, when you use My Immortal as the song reference, you already know it’s gonna have you in your feels haha. Immaculate song choice btw.
LOL at the shade Indy’s still copping 9 years on. Also, I had a slight jump scare realising that Paige had been at the Wings all this time (@ irl universe, that was simply for the plot, not a manifestation).
DUDE, I just know every scene with Stephie is gonna hit, like ugh it’s all so adorable!! Stephie being just as indecisive as her mother, I would expect nothing less from Azzi’s mini-me. Also, picturing Azzi with kids is just so 😍🥰 I could feel my heart melt throughout their entire scene together.
Manager! Colleen, we love this, truly par for the course. Also, Colleen tryna keep up with the spelling was so real of her, SAME babes.
Ahhhh JANA! I was wondering which menace would be burdened with having to deal with the two idiots! Side note: This just made me even more excited for this big 3 this coming season (it’s what we deserve after being robbed of our other big 3).
The Paige and Stephie scene man, immediately in my top 5 out of all the scenes you’ve ever written.
She really got Paige with the “but you’re not a stranger” huh.
And when she just casually climbs on to Paige’s lap and made sure she got her kisses! P absolutely stood no chance against this kid, she’s stuck at GSV forever now.
The instant bond and attachment they have to each other - ugh I love them so bad already - they’re gonna be such a handful for Azzi to deal with.
Flashback scenes always get me, I may or may not have teared up at this scene, just seeing how in love they were and them thinking they’d be that simple forever, knowing the train derailed somewhere along the way. Heartbreaking.
Jana staying true to her menace roots by putting her foot in her mouth lmao. Also, “children of divorce” lines are always some of my favourites haha, I just know the menaces still have regular group therapy sessions about how mom & dad’s divorce traumatised them cause like is love even real at that point? 😔.
The whole exchange between Paige and Azzi was like whiplash, in the best way, between the banter and how they really feel.
And the last lines – it wouldn’t be you if there wasn’t a perfect full circle/callback moment.
What’s next? (maybe)
The “one snapped string can cause a whole web to dissolve” really got me thinking about how exactly their mutual web was splintered and just how much their breakup affected everyone around them.
I’m also excited to find out who their other teammates are lol.
Can’t wait for the first time that Stephie brings up “Miss Buecks” with Azzi.
I’m also imagining Stephie having a pre-game handshake/ritual with Azzi and then her making one up for her and P 🥹
Most of all, I’m so sat to find out about the breakup, like I need all the details immediately and what happened that “last time”.
Oh and will there be a reveal of how Stephie was conceived?? Although, I’m guessing by the “because Stephie is all Azzi’s” that the other parent is definitely out of the picture?
And before I forget, the title art? header? ate that up once again (I see what you did making it purple)! The tagline too. I mean, you know i'm still partial to the "everything changes, except the ending" cause that really was *chef's kiss* but this was too!
Favourite line/quote:
“I’ve never seen you with braids this early in the year. They used to be your summer braids,” Paige remarks slowly. It’s a mundane change to notice but it’s significant of the larger truth, significant of all the time that’s passed, significant of the fact they don’t know these new versions of each other.
You’re an absolute legend as always, bestie! Can’t wait for the next one 💗
AHHH BESTIE I was waiting for your review cause like you're lowkey one of my favorite parts of the writing process now so just by that logic you're never allowed to fully leave this app tee hee.
AH I WAS HOPING YOU'D KNOW IT! It just fit really well.
Sorry not sorry Indiana you're just never ending up in my good books and I have no faith in that organization to not still be a cesspool years from now. DALLAS WINGS THIS IS NOT MANIFESTATION PLEASE LOOK AWAY!
Azzi as a girl mom is so self-indulgent like I just know she's meant to be one and would be so amazing so like this fic really is just me vicariously imagining it.
Lmao I had to have Colleen. She was there the first time, it's only fair she has to deal with them again the second time. Without anything to back it up, I also lowkey could see this in real life.
I thought about it for a fair bit but Jana ultimately made the most sense but the other menaces will make an appearance at some point for sure!
The Paige and Stephie scene was one of my favorite scenes to write and again so self-indulgent because I live and die for soft!Paige and especially that with kids? Yeah, I really did that for me lmao.
Yeah there is not Paige Bueckers anymore only Stephie's Ms. Bueckers and they're only about to get more and more attached (until I ruin it? MWAHAHA maybe)
I think I've used that children of divorce line in mutiple fics but ah well it's not like I can plagiarize myself lmao
You know me too well babes. I love my full circle moments, even though this one actually wasn't intentional until the very last line.
I know UCLA was very Pazzi centered but I'm actually really excited to get into other relationships in this fic as well and that line *whispers* was definitely foreshadowing.
I lowkey have no idea what other teammates to give them so that should be fun coming up with a team lmao
Is the "last time" a reference to the actual breakup or something more recent? Hmmm guess we'll find out (and I do mean we cause I haven't decided lmao)
That really is the question of the century huh? But yes, while it lowkey would've been fun (and easy) to never go into that, the mystery of Stephie's conception will be revealed in due time.
AHH THANK YOU! I'm not the greatest editor but I do really enjoy making covers like this so it means a lot that you liked it.
Love you babes, I'm so glad you're along for the ride again <3
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earlgreyinpajamas · 1 year
Hello hello, finding this account was one of the best things ever!
Do you happen to have any fic recs of Arthur loving or being in awe over Merlins eyes glowing? I couldn’t find any specific tags about it and I’m losing my mind over it! (Please and thank you <3)
A Secret to Give and a Secret to Keep by vintagelilacs @vintage--lilacs)
Arthur’s worked through his anger and Merlin’s sorcery doesn’t bother him any longer. Truly, it doesn’t. The squirmy feeling he gets when he witnesses Merlin’s magic has less to do with revulsion and contempt and more to do with the fact that a Merlin imbued with power that glows from his eyes and radiates from the pores of his skin happens to be really, really hot.
the season 4/5 merlin that we were robbed of
2. magic in your eyes by OnceFutureEmrys
He gulped, licking his lips. He had revealed his magic to him two weeks ago and up until that point, the two hadn’t spoken to one another. Arthur had requested not to see him for that time, asking that he allow him some space, which Merlin had understood completely.
It was a lot to learn, especially for a man who spent his entire life believing in one truth, now realizing it was indeed false.
But still, it had been a painstakingly long two weeks, with Merlin unwilling to get out of bed, too busy agonizing over his reveal and Arthur’s possible reactions. He imagined the king asking him to leave Camelot, of his best friend throwing him in the dungeons with the threat of execution. He imagined Arthur asking Gaius about the intricacies of magic, of Arthur staring at the law banning sorcery and wondering whether or not to put an end to it.
But in all of his worries, all of the thoughts that had been wrestling in his mind, he could never have imagined this.
this one is really cute and fluffy
3. Your Eyes Glow by Drifting_Stream    
Arthur's been acting strangely ever since he'd learned about Merlin's magic, which he found completely understandable. But asking Merlin to use magic in front of him, when it so obviously made the king uncomfortable? Obviously, Arthur was disgusted by his magic, by him. That had to be it. Right?
dfhjkaslfhd merlin,,,
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deadprompts · 11 months
content warning applies. change any pronouns / wording if necessary.
they want to destroy us!
i like my pharmaceuticals, but i'm no killer.
why would you kill somebody else for him?
you want to talk?
they were scared, man.
what happened tonight is horrible.
i told you to kill her but you didn't.
we need you know more than ever.
that'd be the son of a bitch you'd really want to be scared of.
you had a gun on us.
i can't go with you.
your buddy's turning you over 'cause he's trying to save his own ass.
who ain't had a gun on 'em in the past year, huh?
they weren't human to begin with.
i shot my mom.
i failed in my duty.
the shit you doing, pointing that thing at me?
you know what's funny to me?
how's about a big hug for your old pal?
you talk about the weight of what you have to do, how you can handle it; a bad man, someone truly evil? they're light as a feather.
when i asked you where your loyalty was you said it was here, prove it.
ain't happening.
don't let this world spoil you.
i don't pretend to be a governor.
hell i think i'd piss my pants if some stranger come walking up with his mitts in his pockets.
i'm doing stuff. things.
i ran after them, but i couldn't keep up.
you're the black sheep.
no one's gonna mourn you.
don't you understand that? i can't.
prove it to us all.
we haven't have a day like that since the wall was built.
it was coming at me, bro.
you know, my mom, she liked her wine.
at least i won't have to live with myself.
you are going to beat this world, i know you will.
where you going?
there was a baby!
the truth is this could have been your shot.
so what's your real name? if it's not asking too much.
this rage is gonna get you killed.
you said you killed 16 men since this thing started?
you helping people out of the goodness of your heart? even though you might die doing it?
maybe these people need somebody like me around, huh? do their dirty work.
i'm sorry about your mom.
you're right.
so he saves your life, cleans you up, fed you a line of bullshit...
yeah, yeah, i get it. i get it. "shit happens."
he brought them here! he let them in.
he did the same to you.
i'm afraid that the terrorists want what we have!
i would have killed him otherwise.
you wanted your brother. now you got him.
i was playing out with the kids in the neighborhood.
he's got a new family.
it didn't happen.
i'm a damn mystery to me.
you're as much on the outside as i am.
i don't know why i do the things i do. never did.
you weren't there.
man, i went back for you.
you know something?
a fight, to the death!
you know, she was just gone. erased. nothing left of her.
i bet you a penny and a fiddle of gold that you never told him that we were planning on robbing that camp blind.
if it feels wrong don't do it, alright?
i ain't gonna beg.
i thought you were a cop, not a lawyer.
you're so good.
how could you!
you asked for it.
she liked to smoke in bed.
that's why you left first.
i'm sorry about yours.
i ended it.
who left who then?
they were rude is what they were. rude and they owed us a token of gratitude.
i should say that we're going be ok.
with your skills, a whole new beginning.
running is not an option.
you lost your hand because you're a simple minded piece of shit.
you know, we can go back.
you gotta do what's right.
i had to, man.
the winner goes free.
they don't feel a thing.
in this life now you kill or you die, or you die and you kill.
people said it was better that way. i don't know. just made it seem like it wasn't real, you know?
what, like when we were kids, huh?
what? what do you want?
you are smart, and you are strong, and you are so brave, and i love you.
you got to play the hand you're dealt.
now you're gonna turn and you're gonna tear away the flesh from her bones.
the baby is about to be here and we need to talk.
oh, otherwise you would have just left them to the biters, then?
if it feels easy don't do it.
yeah, it didn't, 'cause i wasn't there to help you.
they deserve what they got.
they didn't owe us nothing.
i... i didn't know he was...
i never tell.
how about a thank you?
it's so easy to do the wrong thing in this world.
but you choose to stay on the outside.
i may be the one walking away, but you're the one that's leaving.
so what should we do with them, huh?
that was the hard part.
you keep trying to get under my skin, i'm gonna cut that tongue out.
i ain't never pleaded for my life, and i ain't about to start now.
you ever kill anyone before?
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pickledpascal · 10 months
Chapter Two: You Need to Calm Down
Warnings: was meant to be fluff kind of turned into a whump, drunk jensen/nesnej, sexual themes/jokes
Word Count: 3.7k
Lover Masterlist
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Jensen never thought he'd have a bachelor party again. Well, to be fair, he never thought he'd be getting married again. And like most marriage traditions, a bachelor party was needed. However, he drew the line at strip clubs. Not only did he not need Avery thinking he was cheating on her in some capacity but Jensen truly had no desire to even look at other women besides his fiancée. 
So, as Jensen's best man, Misha simply treated him to a hole-in-the-wall bar so he could get drunk out of his mind. Strangely, it was the same one Jensen came to with Avery. Andrés was manning the bar again. 
About an hour into their little endeavor, Misha started to notice Nesnej was coming out. Jensen had been downing shots with Misha's encouragement while Josh and Mercer simply watched, amused. Whatever was in them—it was a tequila but Misha didn't know what kind—was strong because Jensen wasn't a lightweight. When he said he could drink like Dean, he wasn't lying. 
Eventually, Jensen made his way onto the dancefloor where Rich and Rob were. They weren't exactly dancing, just talking with each other with a bit of a sway in their step so Jensen decided to join them. He stumbled a bit as he danced, not horribly, not enough for Misha or the rest of the guys to be concerned for him.
Then a song came on. Back On 74 by Jungle. Jensen's lip began to quiver. "Avery listens to this…" He started getting choked up, tears welling at the edges of his eyes.
"Woah, Jensen, buddy, what's up?" Rob patted his back when he noticed he looked sad. Not just sad. Devastated. "You alright?" 
Jensen wiped at his eyes a little and shook his head. "I miss my wife," He whined in a light slur. "I wanna see her." Something about him being drunk made him feel sappy and immensely sad he was nowhere near his fiancée. "Can we go see her?" 
"No, bud, I don't think we can." Rob said as gently as possible, rubbing his shoulder slightly. 
As soon as the words left his mouth, Jensen broke down crying. His shoulder started to shake with his sobs and he almost dropped to his knees before Rob and Rich held onto him to keep him on his feet. 
Misha came rushing over with Jacob and Josh behind him. "Woah, what the hell happened?" The bar was crowded enough they didn't bat an eye at a grown man breaking down crying. 
"I want my wife." Jensen pouted, tears still rolling down his cheeks. 
Misha swallowed. He didn’t want this night to be ruined just because Jensen was bawling his eyes out about how he couldn’t be near Avery. "Okay, uh, yeah. We can take you to her."
Like a switch, Jensen's eyes lit up. "Really?" He took a breath.
Jacob looked at Misha weirdly. The older man motioned for him to call his sister. Jacob pursed his lips and then sighed as he tried to find a more quiet place in the bar.
When Avery picked up the phone, it was after a couple tried and Jacob could hear a Beyoncé song on the other line. It was more muffled than he expected. She had to be in the bathroom or something. "Wassup, kid, having too much fun?" She asked. He could hear the smirk in her voice.
Avery and her friends were at a queer bar. It was Drag Race night so there were a lot of popular queens. Jacob couldn't blame her for not picking up at the first ring or even the third. 
"Jensen's having… a moment," Jacob said, glancing back at Jensen. He looked to be on the verge of tears again. 
Jacob could hear Avery shifting her phone to her other ear. "What kind of moment?"
"Well, uh," Jensen had made his way to the bar top with the help of Josh and Rob. Rich and Josh switched places. "Can we come to you? You'll be able to see." 
"Woah, okay." He could hear the surprise in her voice. "Yeah, sure. But, um… can you tell me what's going on?" 
Jacob shook his head with a laugh as he watched Jensen sob on Misha's shoulder. "He misses you. A lot."
Avery got off the phone with her brother a little after that and went back into the club. They had a booth near the stage. No one was up there at the moment, needing a little time between performers which gave a lot of other queers in the club a chance to dance. 
"What happened?" Elena asked, taking a sip from a cherry-flavored mocktail.
"Jensen got royally hammered. And apparently was begging to see me to the point he started crying." Avery explained as she slipped back into the booth. She took a sip from her drink. 
Tessa started laughing, shaking her head. She didn't imagine Jensen was that whipped on Avery but, then again, there were no words for the magnitude of how much Jensen was in love with her. 
After a few minutes of talking among her friends, Avery spotted Jensen and the guys walking through the door. He was stumbling and mainly relied on Misha to stand upright. She had to stifle a laugh. Her first full glimpse of Nesnej. She'd seen glimpses of him almost tipsy but not to this extent. 
As Jensen and Misha made their way to their booth, Jensen's eyes widened at the sight of Avery. "Who's that?" She could hear him whisper to Misha. Avery was surprised Jensen got this drunk. Enough for him to forget they were in a relationship. "Are you single?" He rasped. 
"Uh, no. Not exactly." Avery answered, an amused smile on her lips. 
Jensen's eyes started leaking with tears again. "You're not?" He sniffled, not even trying to fight the tears. Jay and Elena had a fit of giggles while Tessa threw her head back in a full laugh. Their other two friends, Maddie and Mackenzie were trying their hardest not to laugh. 
"Yeah… I got a finacée." Avery smiled softly as Misha let Jensen fall into the booth next to her. "He's pretty cute," She wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Jensen involuntarily pushed his face into her shoulder, taking a deep breath of her body wash. She always smelled nice. This time, similar to how he would imagine a cactus fruit would smell. "Has the most gorgeous green eyes, symmetrical freckles, a nice beard." Avery brushed her knuckles against Jensen's jaw, feeling the scratchiness of his beard. 
Jensen lifted his head. His brain took a moment to fully boot up as he thought about who that could be. "Is he… me?" 
Avery chuckled and nodded. Jensen's eyes widened before he dove in for a kiss. Avery could taste the tequila on his lips. The kiss itself was sloppy and haphazard, bad enough that Avery had to pull away and wipe her mouth. He frowned at her, burying his head back in her shoulder. 
"It's weird to see him so cuddly. Not to say he wasn't already but this is different." Mackenzie whispered to Tessa.
Elena heard and nodded at them. "Imagine having to basically live with them." 
"Oh, yeah, they're insufferable sometimes." Jay agreed, shaking their head. "Oh, Avery I love you ever so much! I'm gonna take your cock so far down my throat!" They mocked, grabbing onto Elena as if she were Avery.
Tessa snorted, shaking her head while Mackenzie's mouth hung open. She was shocked but amused nonetheless. 
Avery stared at them, giving them a death glare before her attention was captured by the lights in the club dimming. The stage was lit and out came Sasha Colby. Avery's eyes widened. She came out wearing some sort of jeweled bra and panty set that hugged her figure in all the right ways. Her hair was a fiery ginger color, long enough that it stopped just above her lower back. 
Sasha Colby was one of Avery's first queer crushes. She partly blamed it on the fact that Sasha was a trans girl too. 
Feeling compelled, Avery climbed over Jensen to get a spot nearer to the stage. The man went to stand to follow her, reaching a hand out but was immediately pushed back down by Josh's hand. "You can barely stand, man." He then motioned for Mackenzie to grab some water for their brother. She nodded and went to the bar. 
Jensen pouted as he watched Avery have a religious experience. He wanted to be the object of her affection. All the time. He wanted her touch, gentle and careful across his skin. The way her thumb brushed against his cheek, tracing his freckles. Or how she'd hook her finger under his chin for a kiss. It was able to bring out parts of him he hadn't thought were possible before. 
Seemingly, Sasha noticed her immediately among the other queers in the front of her. All of them were screaming and clamoring for her attention while she danced. Sasha touched Avery's face, lip-syncing straight to her. 
Taste me, drink my soul
Show me all the things that I shouldn't know
When there's a blue moon on the rise
It felt like everything and everyone else had just melted away. And then Sasha planted a kiss to Avery's forehead and, just like that, she was gone. Onto the rest of the performance. Avery's knees felt weak and she tried her best to keep herself standing. Religious experience? More like she reached Nirvana and her spirit was taken out of her body before it was thrust back inside. 
Dealing with a drunk Jensen proved to be a lot. Avery was glad Elena had driven and was sober so they could be driven home. Jensen had his hands all over Avery on the drive back to their apartment as well as on the elevator ride. He tried kissing at her neck once they were inside their apartment but his coordination was off to the point Avery could easily push him off. 
"C'mon, honey, you need a bath." Avery hoisted Jensen up, holding his waist against her side as she guided him into the bathroom. For quite the big guy, he was slippery when he wanted to be. 
Jensen pouted. "Sweetheart," He whined as Avery set him on the closed toilet seat. "I don't need a bath." 
"You smell like tequila and you need to get a little sober before bed." Avery countered, brushing a hand through his hair which he immediately leaned into. Was she like this when she was drunk? Jensen hadn't said much about her little stunt at graduation, just that he helped her into bed for the night. "Now, I'm gonna run the water then help you get undressed. Okay?" 
Jensen bit the inside of his cheek with disappointment but nodded. "You're so pretty…" He sighed, watching as Avery rolled up her sleeves and twisted the knob on the shower. 
Avery couldn't help the smile that made it onto her lips. Years ago—maybe even just last year—hearing that from Jensen would've made her collapse. She turned to face Jensen again and pressed a kiss to his forehead, cupping his face. "You're pretty, too." She started to slide her hands down to the buttons of his shirt and began to undo them. 
"You think so?" Jensen's voice wasn't teasing, it was fond and a bit hopeful. Something about what happened back at the club made his drunk mind jealous. Jealous that Avery would rather be with Sasha than him. 
Avery stopped fiddling with the buttons once they were all undone. "Of course I do." She looked into his eyes, seeing something she didn't like. Her eyebrows furrowed. "Honey, what's wrong?"
"I-I dunno," Jensen glanced down at his lap, his voice shaky. He tried to push whatever he felt down but he felt another wave of tears coming on. Avery tilted his head up to look at her and he crumbled. "W-Would you rather be with a girl than me?" 
Avery blinked. Maybe she was a bit too into Sasha but it was Sasha Colby. She couldn't help the way she felt in the moment but that was nothing compared to what she felt every day with Jensen. "No, no, no, Jensen. Of course not. I like girls and I like Sasha but I don't know her. Not like I know you." Avery caressed Jensen's cheek. He closed his eyes and leaned into her touch. "You're special to me, honey. You're so sweet and gentle like… I don't know, a bear or something. You're beautiful, too. I love you so much. So much. Sometimes I feel like my chest might explode." She admitted softly, pursing her lips.
"Look at me, please," Avery whispered. Jensen complied. His eyes fluttered open to meet hers, jaw clenching slightly. "You know I love you, right? I was just a bit starstruck. You are the only person I want to get married to. The only person I want to spend the rest of my life with. You being a guy or girl doesn't fucking matter. You know that?" 
Jensen swallowed thickly and nodded. He knew that but there was a part of him, the sober him that wondered that very thing from time to time. But it was put to rest. Avery frowned as she pulled him close, holding the back of his head. He breathed her in, wrapping his arms around her body as he squeezed her tight. 
"I know," Jensen sighed softly, more as confirmation to himself. "I know." 
Avery pulled away slightly, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Help me get your clothes off?" She asked gently as Jensen let her go. "You'll feel a lot better when you're clean and in bed." 
Jensen gave her a nod as he pushed his shirt off his shoulders while Avery unbuckled his pants and pushed them off. She left him to take off his socks and boxers while she felt for the temperature of the water. A crisp, warm temperature. Exactly what Jensen needed. 
"You want any bath bombs or anything?" Avery glanced behind her. She had a few underneath the sink but she couldn't recall exactly where they were. 
"No," Jensen murmured as he stepped inside the tub and sat down. Avery held a hand out in case he accidentally tripped. But he seemed to slowly be coming back into a normal headspace. "Well… maybe." He admitted. "Uh, honey and saguaro is nice." 
Avery's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She didn't have a honey and saguaro bath bomb or bath salts. Then she saw the body wash sitting on the side of the tub opposite to her. Her body wash. Specifically, the one she used today. She smiled softly. Jensen wanted to smell like her. 
"Okay, how about I shampoo and condition your hair first then body wash? Hm?" Avery leaned over the side of the tub and gave Jensen a small smile. 
Jensen tipped his head in her direction and stared at her. "Yeah, okay." The idea of her hands in his hair sounded amazing and his tone reflected that. 
He adjusted his position in the tub so Avery could massage the shampoo into his hair. Yet again, Jensen chose Avery's shampoo instead of his own. She'd run out of it every few months because of the length of her hair so she'd change up the scent. This time it was sweet peach and nectar. Before that, it was citrus and herbal musk. They never smelled particularly masculine or feminine. They just smelled nice. A lot better than whatever he bought. Overly manly with notes of bourbon and firewood. Jensen couldn't remember the name of it. 
He needed to switch over to Avery's brand. Nearly every hygiene product she owned was from the same company. Shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, sunscreen, facial cleanser—hell, even her toothpaste. 
"I love you." Jensen mumbled as Avery washed the shampoo out of his hair. She grabbed the removable shower head and tried to make sure there wasn't a drop left of foam. The touch calmed him, almost to the point of falling asleep.
Avery set the shower head back in its place and pressed a kiss to Jensen's cheek. "I love you too." 
Jensen lifted an arm out of the tub and cupped her cheek. "You're so…" He tried to think of the right words. "Beautiful. Patient. Loving…" That sounded about right. "I can't imagine life without you anymore." He breathed. 
Avery pressed a kiss to Jensen's palm, grabbing his arm to set it back down. "Me neither." She began to work her conditioner into his hair.
The massage felt pretty nice. Not as good as when it was on his scalp but Avery was adamant about conditioner only going on the end of a person's hair, not all over. Jensen couldn't argue, he did the same thing. And was a little too drunk to argue anyway. 
"I don't understand," Jensen mumbled.
"Understand what?" Avery asked softly, letting the conditioner sit for a few minutes. 
Jensen glanced at Avery. "Why do you treat me… like this? Like…" He pursed his lips. That intoxicated brain of his was opening up but it was also hard for him to speak properly or even think of any words longer than a couple of letters. "L-Like I'm delicate. Like I-I need to be pampered." It wasn't a bad thing by any means but Jensen hadn't had a relationship like that before. Where, in most intimate cases, he was the one getting spoiled. Getting shown so much love that he didn't know what to do with it. 
"I think you deserve it." Avery shrugged. "And, I dunno, I guess I like doing it." It was that simple. 
She liked doing it. Jensen pushed the palm of his hand to his nose as he sniffled. "I'm just crying a lot tonight, huh?" He tried to joke. His brain was a little fuzzy from before but something in his body knew this wasn't the first time. 
"It's good to let go sometimes." Avery hummed, leaning her head against Jensen's. She didn't care that he was wet, just that he felt some semblance of comfort. "Crying is a release. I mean, I think we all deserve a good cry every now and then." 
Jensen chuckled softly, the water sloshing slightly as his body moved with the laugh. "You're weirdly wise for someone so young." Sometimes, Jensen thought this was all fate. That he was going to learn more about life and himself from someone so much younger than him. 
Avery had lived such an interesting and, quite frankly, scarring life in such a small amount of time, and yet she was more or less unscathed. She had her moments. Moments of breaking down and crying and wondering why she couldn't have parents who loved her. Parents who, at the very least, thought she was wonderful. Maybe then she would've been good enough. But then she'd take a look around at the life she built. All by herself. Elena, Jacob, Nate, Mercer, Jay, and Sammy were her family. No one else was. They made her life complete. 
And then Jensen appeared in her life and made that little family a little bigger. A lot bigger. Now Avery had Misha, Felicia, Ruth, Rob, and Rich.
After Jensen was properly cleaned and dressed, Avery set him in bed. He was surprised when she was able to pick him up in the first place. That muscle wasn't just for show apparently. She lifted the covers over Jensen's body and smiled a little when he grabbed one of her fluffier blankets to have as well. He looked up at Avery as she got undressed for the night. 
"You're way too adorable to be forty-five." Avery commented as she got in bed next to Jensen. His hair was dry but it stuck up in all different directions, adding to her comment. 
Jensen pushed his face into her chest, appreciating the extra cushion for his head. "Thanks." Avery let out a laugh as she wrapped her arms around him. He had quite the night and she wouldn't deny him some extra comfort. 
Minutes passed before Jensen spoke up again. Avery thought he'd gone to sleep since his breathing slowed but maybe he was just calm. "I can't believe I'm marrying you." He mumbled. Avery couldn't either. "You're the first person who I'd ever… After the divorce." Instead of alcohol, his brain got fuzzy from sleep. 
"I know, honey. I know." Avery pressed a kiss to the top of his head. 
She knew some details of Jensen's divorce but not many. Just that they settled on it together and that he had quite a hard time finding anyone afterward—she knew that from Misha. He was strictly single for two years—as far as Avery knew, Jensen hadn't had any one-night stands or flings—before they met. She also knew that time was a bit hard for Jensen. He had Danneel nearly every day of his life for years and that was suddenly just gone. 
Avery hadn't had a romantic relationship that lasted that long before but she imagined how it would feel if Elena and her just stopped being friends all of a sudden. She'd miss her. Miss the kind of relationship she had with her and feel like she'd never have anything like that again.
But Jensen met her. And everything felt okay again. More than okay. It was amazing. 
"I can't believe it either." Avery whispered, looking up at the ceiling. Her life looked drastically different. More in the past few months than the last few years. And not all of it was due to Jensen. 
Well, a lot of it. Her book sales were steady because he phoned in quite a few friends. 
Jensen nuzzled underneath Avery's jaw. "You're gonna be my wife." He said it in a dreamy tone that made her heart flutter. Then it'd be true when he said it to someone else rather than a slip of his tongue. 
"And you're gonna be my husband." Avery brushed her hand through his hair. It was still a little damp.
"Yeah." Jensen sighed happily. 
taglist: @nancymcl
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jesusagrees · 8 months
"Death's Game" Let's talk about it...
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One of the most anticipated drama's of 2023 finally aired. In just 8 episodes it left one of the strongest impacts on me that I have ever felt while watching a drama like this, so let's talk about it...
Trigger Warning: talks of death/suicide
I know there's been plenty of reviews out there on this show, but I too have a lot to say about it, and I encourage other's to talk about it and to not stop. Why? Because of suicide. You can argue that this is just a show on the butterfly effect, or how our choices have consequeces(which they do), but this is one of the best suicide prevention shows I have ever seen. This show not only shows how our actions have consequences, but it really showcased a true ripple effect on what happens when one chooses to kill themselves.
Of course, nobody knows what happens when we die. Many claim to know, many claim to just not care, some believe we get reincarnated or believe nothing happens...well in this show there was 1 suicide and 12 reincarnations and they all were tied together by a thread. How the actions of 1 man had an effect on many others, and I'm not talking about the man who ran into the road and got himself killed. I'm talking about Yi Jae, our 'victim'.
Yi Jae is no victim, he is simply just a selfish being who decided to end his life because of the pain and just how he succumbed to those demons in his head. It's truly sad when one chooses to take their own life. Again, it's a choice. Nobody forced him to jump off that roof, and the man who ran into the road in very beginning did not make him either. He jumped off the roof himself and that was his choice. This whole time, Death is trying to get him to realize this. This whole thing is about choices, and the choices we make and the consequences they have.
And that we should value life. When times are tough and there seems to be no way out, death is never the answer. Go and look for an opportunity to make things better. Go seek help, there are so many recourses out there to help with our mental stability and minds. We try, and we fail, but we live another day.
One of the best takeaways of this drama was about how we are given this life and just how precious life is. Choices and opportunities go hand in hand to living a better life. If you were offered a lump sum of $10,000 only one time, how would you spend the money? Would you use it to invest in something and try to grow that $10,000? Would you pay off a debt? Or would you go buy some new clothes, a new tv...? What choice would be the best choice to better your life and reach a goal? Or what would you do if witnessed someone being robbed on the side of the road? You would call the police and try to help, right?
Or what if you had a really big interview to attend, that could change the course of your whole career, but you witnessed someone getting hit by a car, and he gripped onto your shirt asking for help, like Yi Jae?
You can blame the man getting hit by the car all you want, but in the end it was Yi Jae's choices and his own doing for what happened. Yi Jae could have chosen to inform them with what he witnessed and what happened and asked to reschedule, or he could have simply supress his thoughts until the interview was over and get some therapy after. We all have different reactions to trauma and he was traumatized, but he let his fear and his anxiety take complete control. He stared death right in the face and he truly succumbed to it. He let this control him when he didn't even try to help himself. He had choices from the very beginning.
Blaming the man who died that day for how his life was turning out was not his reason his life sucked. He was actively doing things to better it, but he just gave up. And that is what Death was teaching him. He mocked death and blamed everyone else but himself. He acted out and other's around him got hurt in the process. Killing himself didn't end his pain, it only heightened it. He just pushed his pain onto other's around him.
It took him 12 extra death's to realize that his choices have consequences. That everything he does was on him and himself only, and just how precious life is. You don't have to be the richest person out there, but the fact that we are alive and here now, we should be grateful. He had choices and it's not like he was some child born into slavery or thrown in a basement to get rid of. God has mercy on those who are born without a choice on who their parents are or what they do to them(he was showed this early on, a baby without a choice). But Yi Jae was loved and taken care of so well and he threw it all away and that's what Death game was all about.
You want to mess around with death, just fuck around and find out.
Appreciate what you have. You might not have the best job, or the biggest house...but love the life you're given, even if you're suffering just Keep going and don't give up. You were born to be loved. Take the risks and opportunities, and go out and go after what you want in life. Opportunities come to everyone, it's up to us to see them and take them.
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~Love note~
I think I love Hondo Ohnaka now more than I love Cad Bane.
I mean, if not more, then definitely equally.
You just don’t understand how perfect and sexy he is, not to mention he’s so complex and charming. I don’t care if he robs me blind while we make out. It’s worth it.
While we know relatively nothing about Bane’s past, Hondo’s is partially laid out for us. There is so much material to study and analyze and build on in terms of writing and characterization, which is exciting to me.
If you have not read it, Pirate’s Price really gives us insight into the way this man’s brain works and I am here for it. Jim Cummings brings him to life in the audiobook and I could listen to this story again and again for his voice acting alone.
Like, if Hondo were real and he spoke to me, FLIRTED WITH ME in any capacity, ngl, these panties are dropping.
Not only that, he’s just fascinating. The amount of shit he has gotten away with never ceases to amaze me. Pirate’s luck, he calls it. This wily Weequay is a mastermind; he knows his worth. He also knows how handsome he is.
Inherently, he is not evil. He is a scoundrel, putting profit above all else. Being morally grey makes him more dangerous in some ways. You truly never know what he is going to do until he does it. Whether it’s selling Jedi to slave traders, or smuggling weapon’s illegally for the republic, WHO KNOWS what will happen next, what he’ll get into next, what he’ll SAY next, which side he will play. He is unpredictable.
Life and death decisions are made based on this man’s mood and whimsy. Powerful sentients are brought to their knees at his feet. He is strategic, cool, and calculated. This man is a self-made king in his own right. You’ve got to respect that.
This is a Weequay who is not afraid to cross a line to get what he wants. Hondo survived and even thrived through the Clone wars, the time of the Galactic Empire, the New Republic, the First Order, and beyond. He’s seen it all and lived to tell the tale, and oh, tell a tale he does.
I love you, baby. Don’t ever change.
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damnitiloveyou · 9 months
This part of an interview that Max Gao did with Ron Nyswaner and Robbie Rogers (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna122481) perfectly sums up my feelings towards 80s Hawk and the complexities of Hawk/Tim's relationship by the time we see them in 1986:
“In the ’80s, you see a side of Hawk that is much softer, and even if it’s a look or him going to San Francisco to see Tim, you’re like, ‘Oh, there is something more here that he’s not showing us.’ It takes Hawk much longer to express and to see how much he loves Tim,” Rogers previewed. “I think early on you get a sense of that, because we’re not just with him in the ’50s where Hawk is much harder. But when you see old Hawk, it’s impossible not to feel for him as well.”
Although there are moments in the series when Tim could have cut Hawk loose for making self-serving decisions that put an intentional strain on their relationship, Rogers said he doesn’t think of Tim as someone who should be pitied for how his life has turned out with or without Hawk.
“We all behave differently, and we all protect ourselves in different ways,” Rogers said. “Tim is much more expressive, and he would maybe even more so than Hawk believe that he deserves love. Although I wanted to protect him, I never felt any pity for him, because their love story is complicated — and I think the best ones are.”
Yes! That is perfect!! Hawk is complicated and messy and infuriating. No one is arguing that but I don't understand how some people refuse to acknowledge his pain or why he is the way he is. Tim and Lucy are not the only victims and rather people like it or not (some of you look away) they're not victims of Hawk. They are all victims of the era they were born into. Hawk and Tim were not allowed to openly be who they truly were. Lucy grew up being told she had to be a wife and mother. Marry a respectable man with a respectable job, who also has the approval of her father. She was then instructed to just close her eyes to the uglier parts of her marriage. None of them had a chance. The really sad part is that by the time society was in a place where they could have made, at least some, different choices, Tim was the only one who did. He lived a life as true to himself as he could. Sadly for Hawk and Lucy making those choices would have come at a higher cost. Neither one was willing to do that, and I don't fault them for staying where it was comfortable and familiar.
I do believe Lucy was in love with Hawk at one time, I do not believe she's in love with him anymore, and I don't think she has been for a long time. I think she only knows this one way of life, which Hawk represents, and the idea of not having it scares her, as it would anyone. Hawk has never been in love with her. He loves her in his own way but he has never been in love with her. He can't love her like that. It's not who he is. He is in love with Tim and Lucy has known this since the 50's. You can make the argument that Hawk robbed her of a chance at a life with a man who could have loved her like that, and that's a fair argument to make. It's why I genuinely don't understand the group of people who want the two of them to run off to Milan together in the last episode. That's a fraudulent life and they have been living that life long enough. They both need out.
I really liked the comment about not pitying Tim. I don't pity him for spending his life being in love with Hawk. I pity that he's dying and at this point in our history no one in a position to help gave a shit that he was dying. I wonder if we will see Hawk have this realization as well. The man he loves is dying and he can't do anything to help him but there are people who could and those people just didn't care. I keep waiting for his snap moment and I feel like it will happen in the last episode.
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I really like your page! Truly love the way you write the Gotham rouges! ❤️ But on that note! What do you think about reader being brand new to Gotham, and she doesn’t know anything about the rouges. One day she tries online dating and matches with a rouge. They go on dates and like each other but one day she finds out who the rouge really is. Drama ensues!
Omg thank you so much!🥺❤️
It had all been going so well. It seemed like luck when you knew about the Rogues by reputation but didn't know them by face. That luck was short lived. For when you did find out, you were nothing less than terrified.
The Riddler: He chased after you almost immediately. He tackled you to the ground and straddled you. You let out a scream amidst your sobs. "Look at me!" He pleaded forcing you to face him. "You know who I am!" "Please don't hurt me!" You cried out. "I would never!" He cried back, panicking. "You couldn't know what I do because you'd be afraid and you don't need to be, understand? You are the one person in Gotham who doesn't have to be afraid of me!" Yku stared at each other for a moment and it was apparent you were uncertain. That he didn't want. He pressed a kiss to your lips. "Please..." He pleaded quietly before kissing your cheek. "Please...I would never hurt you. Don't say that." He hugged you close to him as you cried.
Scarecrow: You were being held hostage when you found out. Your captor suddenly screaming wildly in the next room. He collapsed to the floor in your line of sight through the open door, screaming wildly. A man in a suit and a burlap sack moved into view, standing over him. The man's eyes gaze turned to you and then he took off his mask. You screamed, meeting eyes with Jonathan who slowly entered the room you were in and walked towards you. You screamed and fought against your restraints and was met with a soft hashing sound. "Shhhh. Shhhh." Jonathan said quietly. "You're alright, (Y/N)." "Jonathan, what are you doing here!?" You cried. "You didn't show up for our date and then I noticed you hadn't been home for three days or at work." Jonathan looked over his shoulder at the quivering man. "Amateurs. It was too easy finding you." He looked back at you with a smile. "Y-You're..." You choked and he nodded. "I am." He was the Scarecrow. He moved forward and you cried out. "Shhh..." He said softly. "I'm untying you and then we'll get you home, hm? We'll take things from there but..." He pressed a hand to your stomach. Pressing you into the wall but not enough to hurt you. "Don't turn me away. I've grown quite fond of you."
Two-Face: You happened to be at the bank when Two-Face robbed it. You had heard the name 'Two-Face' but now you had a face to put with it. He locked eyes with you for barely a moment and took of running. His henchmen raised their guns, ready to shoot but Two-Face stopped them. "Round this lot up. I'll deal with that one." Harvey ordered and stormed after you. "(Y/N)! He called after you. "Don't run from me!" You did. Even as he caught up. He pulled you into an empty office and you screamed. He covered your mouth. "Stop!" Harvey demanded. He kicked the door shut and you tore away from him. However with him at the door, there was no escape. "I-I didn't know." You said shakily. "I know." Harvey nodded. "Please...don't hurt me." You begged. "We would never hurt you. Ever." You jumped at the change in his voice, trembling with your back against the wall. "Stay up here. No one will come up here until its safe.
Black Mask: It all came crashing down when you found his mask. You had always said all of this seemed like a dream. You hadn't anticipated the nightmare it really was. You knew that mask and you thought back to Romans white suit and black shirt. Realisation hit and before you could pretend you never saw it, you turned to see Roman behind you. Panic surged through you as you ran for the door. You pulled it open and just as quickly it was forced shut as Roman pressed you against the door. You squeezed your eyes shut, terrified of what would come next. "I'm not going to hurt you!" He said firmly. A tear ran down your cheek. "You're safe. You always were." "Please...please..." You quietly begged but for what, you weren't sure since he hadn't moved. He turned you to face him, pinning between you and the door. "I don't wanna hurt you. I'm not gonna hurt you. Understand?"
Mad Hatter: You backed away slowly. "No, no, wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Don't do that!" He pleaded. "I...I get a lot of things wrong. Everything is so confusing but you and I have a connection right? I didn't make that up." He looked frightened of your answer and you slowly shook your head. "Your name...it isn't Alice, it's..." His eyes flickered back to you. "...it's (Y/N) right?" You nodded with tears in your eyes. "Right, (Y/N), the nice person." He nodded. "I've done a lot of things but don't be scared of me. I-I won't hurt you. I promise! Why would I? Y-You're so nice to me! You're very important. Yes! I won't hurt you!"
Victor Zsasz: You were so close to the door. As far as you knew if you got out of his apartment, he couldnt hurt you but he was faster. "Stop. Calm down." Victor grabbed your wrist and pulled you into him, holding onto you tightly. No humour in his attitude. "If I wanted you dead, you would be." He said. "I don't want to hurt you. You don't need to be scared." You exhaled shakily, gripping the arm around your body. Without thinking you hugged his arm close. However he seemed to welcome it. His stare unwavering as he watched every little move you made.
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drowninginblox · 1 year
Season one
Season two
Season three
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God.. this season… so much in so little time fr. B u t. I am a committed woman, and I will continue what I started.
So. Let’s get into this.
Keith’s heritage
I’m beginning to take back what I said in one of my prior posts about how I want to redo Keith’s heritage. Specifically about it being a secret to everyone on the team. I’m learning to love the way the show reveals that fact about him to the audience. Truly.
But I think he should know. Not everything, just that he's not fully human. And I still stand by the fact that his galra side should be more physical. Fucking love the galra Keith HC so much wE WERE ROBBED MEN-
Growing pains- Heavy spoilers. Watch Voltron already if you haven't bc I will be talking about (arguably) the best arc of the series
This is going to be something.
As of starting the third season, I really like the change. Purely because of how uncomfortable it is for everyone involved. It’s gonna be painful. The best kind though. Because even though we aren’t expecting it, we know that through the context of the show- this could’ve happened at any time, to any of the paladins
Voltron is out here saying actions have consequences, and that is very compelling. Both in concept and in execution.
I think this plot point is fucking amazing.
The question of where tf Shirio is after the season 2 finale is great, the natural progression of the lions is a stark but needed change (love prioritizing the narritive, I hope this keeps happening in the future), hell- the character growth is fucking phamominal (will talk about that after this point)
I fucking love it man. I'm rocking with what season 3 is giving me. But I'm afraid of what season 4 has to offer. I remember how Shiro's missing/dead arc resolves itself (in season 4ish) but i dont fully remember the indetween bits and the stigma of Voltron falling off by that point is blarring through my mind
Looking forward to that Shiro/Keith fight tho!
Now let’s take some time for the characters during this transition
Keith... god what can I say about him that hasn't already been said? probably nothing honestly. His responce to all of this is so natural and realistic. Of course he doesn't want the responciblity of the Black lion. Shiro was qualified to be leader, not him! Just because this is what Shiro wanted, dosent mean it's what he wants for himself. The struggle is delicious!
Lance is really mature about this AND I AM LIVING FOR IT. Its moments like this that reminds me that Lance is a wonderful addition to Voltron. A needed addition even. (I really wanna ramble about the five man band dynamic, but I'll link a video about it when I find it again right here) I want to see more of this!!!! Give me serious Lance for more than just a minute!!
Hunk and Pidge are bystanders. I’m sorry but other than comic relief and voices of reason, they are secondary to Keith, Lance and Allura. Bless them both. They deserve better. I can feel it as soon as the first episode- they are slowly being ushered into the background. It leaves a sour taste in my mouth with hindsight.
Allura is radiating vibes that I can’t describe other than- “o k a y girl I see you.” In all honesty, the more I watch the show the more distain I have for Allura comes out. That bratty privileged princess that acts on impulses rather than thinking things through is grating. Now this could easily be fixed with intervention in the form of someone more mature than her- for the first two seasons, it was Shiro. But now that he’s gone, that aspect of her is showing more and more and no one is actually going against her like Shirio did. When it was at its worst, Shiro was the only one to put himself in danger as a kind of surogate bodyguard while the rest of the group is on standby. But ever since Keith became leader, there’s this mentality of “if the princess is going we’re all going.” And it’s Stupid. Stand your ground man! Be the stuburn dude you are!! Pleasae, ctually think about this for a moment! The worst part is that if anyone brought up Allura's implusivity then it would be amasing character development to the person that dose and to Keith and Allura as well! Keith would have to repremend/ talk to Allura about how dangerous that is to her and the team and Allura would have to learn the consequences of her actions!
Coran, Im so sorry that you are given crumbs my man. I love you so much- You are THE FUCKING FATHER FIGURE WE NEED!!! IM SO SORRY YOU ARE TASKED WITH LORE DUMPING, YOU ARE MORE THAN JUST A PLOT TOOL
Forming voltron
Bitches got this down too quick ngl. More team bonding rather than trauma bonding please
It’s fucking irritating
And yes, I think it’s cool that Allura wears pink and pink is a color that Alteans used to honor those who fought for them. That’s cool. But it pisses me off to see Allura with a freaking blue bracer, and in the blue lion wearing pink like it’s Wednesday. Get with the program bitch. There is a uniform.
IF ANYTHING- give these bitches highlights for the lions they used to pilot. For example, give Keith a black uniform with red highlights along the shoulders or arms
Mans said reading is fundamental 💅✨
I love his introduction. Manipulating the people into this unification that’s obviously distinct from his fathers but at the same time so traditional. Dude knows what he’s doing and he is going to do it for as long as he can.
This man also having combat prowess is fucking scary. He feels like more of a threat than his dad.
I also love his task force. Having a entourage that is distinctly other from the majority of the population is such a bold choice, whether it be from an audience or in universe point of view, it shows that the prince isn’t like the king. He is willing to make use of what's given to him with little public fuss.
Only critism I have is that I don't know any of these bitches names. Yall have them- please use them?
Believe it or not, I can see more groundwork for the ship at the start of this season
With the passing over of the lions in Shiros absence, it’s allowing more neuance given the current plot.
Even though Keith and Lance don’t like it, they have to change because they’re in a time of change. War forces change.
I wish we can see that bleeding over to Coran, considering that his surrogate daughter is now on the front lines. But c’est la vie ig
Im rambling- Allurance
I can see this ship being built up but I don't know how to feel about the foundation yknow? I understand that the lion change would force Lance to mature. I love that shit. Good shit.
The slight role reversal Lance has with Alurra is refeshing. Love serious Lance
But like I said before- I don't like Alurra this season.
It also doesn't help that lance is still on his loverboy shit. Wich is fine! I have nothing against the trademark! I swear! It's just annoying that Lance has a specail place in his heart for Allura but continues on to swoon to/over every pretty girl he sees.
For the love of god- say dedicated Lance!! If you did maybe you'd get the girl!!
“Hole in the sky”
Desusex Machina the episode but I kind of like it
I hope someone made a fanfic out of this episode
The other reality is honestly v compelling it’s such a waste we only see it once
Honest that whole episode makes up for the fact that dDeamworks had a Shirio bias my GOD
That episode was such a good lesson in (mostly) show don’t tell
And it still leaves the question of WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO SHIRO MY GOD
All of this to say, I’m torn.
Part of me wants the finality of Shiros death but the idea of Shiro clones is so good to me
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Eh, I’ll figure it out.
So babes, rather than ramble about how long it’s been since I’ve done this I’d like to get an opinion from y’all.
Anyways that’s it. Take care of y’allselves
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elleventhsense · 1 year
Working at an agency
It is bullshit when people say being part of an agency means you get a network of people. That is not really true.
Agencies do not screen
Agencies leverage volume. They don't care to screen because that would mean turning down clients. If you get paired with someone who wants to hurt you, there is absolutely nothing your driver or booker can do. I remember on my last call, my driver told me that one of the other girls at the agencies was held captive by her client in a basement. He threatened to hurt her and my driver had to break into the client's house. Imagine if it was too late. Nothing like that ever happened to me thankfully, but this is what happens when you do not screen. Screening isn't 100%, but you are mitigating the risk of seeing nutcases.
Also, agency clients are trash. I remember breaking the news to some of my "cherished" regulars and they scoffed in my face hearing that I'd be screening new clients once I went independent. He was one of my favourite regulars, it's unfortunate that I'll look back at him so poorly now. I hope he gets robbed. ❤️
The network was a sham
The people around me didn't really care about or respect me. I'm primarily speaking about the drivers who would take me from call to call, but also the owner (who never responded to my goodbye message to her lol. But we won't get into that today).
I tried my best to present myself as a kind and respectful person, someone who had hobbies outside of work and a good head on my shoulders. I wanted to set an example, and show them that we are normal people! We are just like everyone else and this is just a job! But that didn't seem to matter. No matter what terms I was on with any of my drivers, I couldn't shake past this scarlet letter. At the end of the day, all they saw me for was an escort.
I remember one driver and I grabbed a bite to eat in between a large gap of my bookings. He was talking about his daughter and her aspirations in life. He asked me if I had an exit plan and said "No little girl grows up and wishes she could be an escort". He didn't say it in a way to insult me, but I was still deeply offended. In that moment I knew I couldn't be too comfortable around him. I felt judged.
This seemed to be a common trend amonst the drivers at my agency. They always proved to me in little ways that they saw me as a second class citizen.
One time, a different driver made a crude hooker joke and immediately apologized when he remembered he was in the presence of one. The same man asked me out for dinner. He also proposed being my client once I left the agency, 'as there wouldn't be a conflict of interest anymore'.
Another driver told me that he didn't believe that an escort could have a partner that truly loved and supported them. He believed that an escort's partner is either using them or doesn't care about them.
Now these are only a few instances. If these are thoughts that they were comfortable enough to share with me, I can't imagine what they didn't say. Let me remind you, these are coming from people within my circle at the agency. I relied on these men to protect me. As grim as it sounds, how how much could they really value my life if they saw me in such a one-dimensional way? At the end of the day I was just a hooker to them, right?
In summary, I really won't be missing the network of people I had at the agency 🙂
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denimbex1986 · 6 months
'All of Us Strangers is a foray into existential loneliness, and all that entails. The movie follows Adam (Andrew Scott), as he navigates life as a gay man in London. He has the loneliest of jobs (a writer), and spends more time looking inward than socialising. We find out through the course of the movie that Adam lost his parents at age 11, and has never really recovered from that trauma. This seeps into his troubles with relationships as he happens to meet Harry (Paul Mescal). They develop a relationship, but Adam finds it challenging to let go of the past that keeps haunting him.
It’s a devastatingly sad film – made all the more so because the lead character’s struggles are so relatable. Losing his parents at that age has made Adam profoundly lonely, and his mind is often in the past, as he daydreams about the childhood that was wrongfully snatched away from him, and all the experiences he was robbed of.
Real life and this imaginary world he’s conjured up get muddled together, and he starts seeing visions of his parents – as they were around the time they passed away. Adam ‘visits’ them, and has conversations about things he never got to when they were alive. He comes out to the both of them separately, and it’s in these conversations that the film really, really shines. The reaction from the parents isn’t as rosy as one would imagine, and we are reminded that these were real people, with their own prejudices and lived realities. Jamie Bell and Claire Foy offer natural performances that elevate these short segments.
But the beating heart of this film is Andrew Scott’s exceptional work in the lead role. The film rests entirely on his shoulders, and he’s adept at conveying genuine pain and anguish, scattered with moments of hopeful compassion and warmth. Paul Mescal is tremendous in what is a small but impactful role. These are two great actors and work very well together. One can’t really manufacture chemistry by just casting great actors (see for example, The Tourist), but Andrew Scott seems to have a special ability in that respect. His ‘hot priest’ character in Fleabag became an object of such desire primarily because of his chemistry with Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s character, after all.
Each aspect of this film, from the direction to the cinematography, compounds the sense of loneliness the characters feel. Director Andrew Haig and cinematographer Jamie Ramsay do particularly great work with reflective surfaces in portraying Adam’s angst. There are lots of shots of Adam looking at the world through a window, emphasizing his solitude. Then there’s a marvellous scene in the London tube that turns this into a horror motif, as Adam tries to grapple with his traumatic childhood. Throughout, there is a sense of profound loneliness amidst a crowd – which makes this quite apt for the times we live in.
There are quite a few of these masterful scenes where visual motifs are supplemented by well-chosen songs that allow the director to ‘show, and not tell’ what’s happening in Adam’s mind. There’s a particularly poignant scene when the adult Adam is kneeling by the Christmas tree, and his (imaginary) parents are fixing ornaments. In that moment he’s back to being a child. And as his mum sings the Pet Shop Boy’s ‘Always On My Mind to Him’, the line between song and cathartic conversation fades away:
“Maybe I didn’t treat you, Quite as good as I should
Maybe I didn’t love you, Quite as often as I could
Little things I should have said and done
I never took the time
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind.”
Claire Foy and Andrew Scott play this very naturally, and let their eyes do most of the work. I was truly blown away by this scene, and this alone is worth the price of admission.
While the movie does leave you heartbroken, it also makes a very strong argument for being compassionate and reaching out to people. Without giving away much of the plot, the ending emphasizes that while all of us are strangers to each other, we’re all going through our own shit. You may think that you have a difficult life, but you have no idea what, say, your neighbour is going through. It makes the point that we should at least try to move on from our own issues and be there for each other, before it’s too late. And we should resist the urge to live in the land of ghosts.'
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kriosv · 1 year
My thoughts on MK1(2) story mode
I don't want this too sound too negative. I did have a lot of fun with the batshit that was the final chapter. It was insane and fun and cool to see all those cameos.
But it wasn't what I wanted. When the first trailer came out, I was looking forward to a Back to Basics story. And we got that for the first chunk of the story, and it was really good. They created a new crew that I was interested in. Johnny and Kenshi teaming up with Ashrah, Syzoth, and Baraka? I didn't know that kind of random crew could be so cool. I just wanted more of that.
And then the story just threw out every character I had grown attached to. Threw them out and replaced them with a hundred new characters who were all killed off in a few seconds and forgotten a few seconds later. Sure, it was a spectacle, and I loved watching it. But at that point, I no longer cared. Even Shang Tsung was a disappointing final boss. I grew to care about the new Shang Tsung as a threat, and I no longer care about this one.
If it wasn't for the short epilogue, Every single character arc would have been thrown away. Most were. Bi-han, Kuai Liang, Ashrah, Syzoth, Barakah, Smoke, all characters I cared about who's stories were forgotten.
It wouldn't have mattered to me if the characters or their stories sucked. But they didn't. I truly wanted to see what happened to them. And they were all forgotten. Why write characters at all? Why give them the start of character arcs and foreshadowing their conclusion? If all you wanted to write was a big spectacle, then why did you bother with the first half of the game?
I feel cheated. Every character I came to this story rooting for was forgotten. I never got to see the finale of the story I started watching, and instead saw a high budget version of the Ultimate Showdown with the Fusion OCs I never returned to after 9th grade.
MK9's time travel story worked because at the center of it was Raiden and Lui Kang. Despite the cosmic scale of everything, it was the story about a man solely focused on a goal he keeps failing at, and a devotee realizing his God didn't know what he was doing.
MKX was the best story of the NT, because it was focused on itself. I loved all the characters introduced. Kotal and his krew, the Kombat Kids, it dealt very little with the timeline and focused on the characters themselves.
MK11 was not as good as X, but it did do some things right with the time travel element. The focus of the story mode was on how the characters reacted to it. I know Kronika isn't the most liked character, but she worked. Because the focus was more on how everyone reacted to what she did. I can remember so many feelings from the Kids interacting with the 9 krew, the 9 krew reacting to their future, that's what made it special. Sure, the climax similarly threw away a lot of characters, but it felt a lot less egregious because we had been following Lui Kang for three games and this was his climax.
And It should have been his last climax. I spent the first chapter following Kung Lao and Raiden. Johnny Cage was in almost every chapter after that in a major way. And yet, we never saw the climax to their story. We hear them talk about it, but we never see it.
I was robbed of the ending of the story I was invested in.
I know this sounds really negative, but I did really enjoy the story and the climax was a fun spectacle to watch. I just needed to get this rant off my chest.
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