#[ before ]
dcxdpdabbles · 14 days
DCxDP fanfic idea:Vanishing Bookstore
Danny opens a bookstore. Initially, it was his private library, a place tp store all the books he gather from different parts of the glob and different Earths.
Mr. Lancer finally wore him down, causing Danny's love of reading to blossom at the end of his Freshman year. The teacher did so by having him come in person to speak about any kind of book as makeup work, as long as he learned how to dissect what he read and get proper reading comprehension.
Danny found that he could enjoy literature if he wasn't forced to write an essay afterward. But spending lunchtimes with his English teacher arguing about Narina's moral concepts was practically the same as the essay; it was just funnier.
It was the final push he needed to move to the next grade. By the skin of his teeth, but he did it. Mr. Lancer had been so proud of him.
That summer, Danny had been grounded for various weeks due to the ghosts attacks taking him away from his school and chores. Since he wasn't allowed to watch TV, or use the computer Danny had chosen to pick up books from Jazz's young adult fantasy shelves.
He never looked back.
Suddenly, it was like Danny could only go somewhere with something to read. He jumped genres but always fell back to fantasy, escaping into magical worlds between pages. Something about that reminded him of exploring the different worlds within the Infinate Realms, and Danny found himself addicted.
It became his entire identity. Sam was the goth girl, Tucker the tech geek, and Danny the book nerd. His friends and family quickly learned that any gift-giving event was going to lead to a long list of books Danny was waiting to get his grabby little hands on.
Even the classics Mr. Lancer once had to fight him to read were entertaining now that he understood their subtext and inferences that used to go over his head as a kid.
Jazz took him to get his library card which became Danny's most prized possession until high school graduation. Once Danny got his first part-time job- working for Sam's family company but hey if he had a rich friend who was willing to pay him to answer calls who was he to say no?- Danny started buying his own books.
He shopped at local second-hand bookstores, online websites, and chain bookstores and even ventured into the Ghost Zone to see what literature wonders they had to offer. He found that his human money had a far better exchange rate then he was expecting, making it possible to buy a lot more and at cheaper prices in the Zone.
He even found parallel words that sold the same books he was reading. Once, he saw a book he had waited two years to release at a marked-down price because that world had the book out for five years. Danny almost died of joy to find the special edition.
His room, which once had nothing by NASA, was now filled with bookshelve after bookshelve of his treasures. His parents allowed him to expand his little library in the attic once he ran out of room.
Danny had no idea what to do when his parents asked him what he planned to do once he ran out of room there. By that point, he had started to move the older ones into his Haunt in the Ghost zone, amazed that it had shifted into a Libary that rivaled the likes of Libary of Alexandria. He had so many different ones that he could organize by all ten categories of the Dewey Decimal System in his Haunt, making him wonder if he had consumed that much writing in the past four years. (He had. His parents were worried)
Ghosts had even started asking if they could visit his library, and before long, he had opened one of Ghost Zona's first Public libraries. His only charge was that if a new ghost wanted a library card, they had to donate at least three books. His collection grew and grew with each passing day.
Blob ghosts appointed themselves as Danny's librarians, carefully filing his newest additions to his growing delight. Danny now always had something new to read.
He consumed so much that a new title was bestowed onto him. Danny Phantom: Master of Knowledge.
Though that was a rather silly title if you asked Danny, he enjoyed a good read whenever he was awake. Just because he learned while reading didn't mean he was the master of it. However, he did gain a massive patchwork of knowledge that he could usually apply anywhere, making people assume he was all-knowing.
That did not solve the problem of getting too many books, and often, he found copies of the same ones added to his shelves again and again. His blob ghosts didn't think to reject copies because then ghosts couldn't visit his haunt and would be denied books.
Danny would never deny anyone books. He just had to figure out what to do with the copies and old books he was no longer interested in.
Jazz told him to try and have a yard sale of the ones he no longer wanted, and seeing as there were some series he could go without, Danny gave it a shot.
He made a surprising amount of money, but it was far from the amount he had spent to purchase them. Still, watching people get excited as they walk away with bags of books more than made up for it. After his third yard sale, Danny made up his mind.
He would attach a bookstore to his Haunt.
He wasn't sure how since his library had built itself. It seemed unwilling to add on to it that it was a slightly different business. His haunt only expanded to accommodate the library that he was building there. It took reading five rare books that Clockwork had gifted him to find what was once lost knowledge.
Haunt Manipulation.
It was risky, but Danny created the Infinite Realms Bookstore with enough concentration, some runes, a dash of overly powerful ectoplasm, and some of his core bits. He chose to run this one because the blobs seemed frightened of hackling with customers, and frankly, seeing people be happy was a different kind of rush.
Things were fine for a few years. He didn't need to work now that he had a steady cash flow—though sometimes he had to find someone willing to trade for US Earth 23-19 dollars. He was his own boss with his books to read, his body not needing sleep or food while in the zone, and his ability to lose himself in between pages whenever he wanted.
Then, his bookstore fell off his haunt. It was like an apple falling from a tree- it grew too heavy for the Haunt to handle- flinging Danny into a nearby Earth portal. Luckily, he could get back to the Zone with the spell he placed on his backdoor, and his haunt was in the same place as it always was.
It turns out that Haunt Manipulation is no longer an extended practice because it cannot anchor anywhere. It vanishes and reappears randomly, lingering for a few months. Danny finds that the last haunt like this is now named the House of Mysteries.
At first, Danny was really annoyed by this, until he realized that he could once again walk among humans and spread his library to different worlds. He especially loved it when he appeared in areas where he could teach people to read.
Something about introducing people to his obsession was almost as fulfilling as his obsession itself.
He became a strange but wise man in some worlds and a god of knowledge in others. Danny was having the time of his life, flinging between timelines, exploring dimensions, and still being able to port back to his regular Haunt that connected him to his home.
He saw his parents every Thanksgiving and Christmas. He was able to be the Best man at Jazz's wedding, saw Tucker become the head of his own tech company, and was one of the first to meet Sam's girlfriend between his exploring.
Infinite Realms Bookstore's newest location was on an intriguing Earth behind Danny's home world regarding technology. It was a crime-infested city with far too many problems for its own good. His bookstore also chooses to plant itself right smack in the middle of the worst part of town.
On the far back wall, in the elegant letter, it read "Five years," meaning Danny and the bookstore would be here for five years before it vanished. Strangely, it was the longest time that it had lingered in one place.
Danny suspected that Infinite Realms Bookstore was starting to develop a mind of its own. His books were organizing themselves overnight now, and he was sure he never saw any blob ghosts about.
That did not stop him from happily opening his doors to Crime Alley anyway. The morning of his first day in Gotham, while sipping some coffee- he forgot how good it tasted!- a young boy wandered in.
He was obviously looking for an escape, so Danny willed some chairs and tables to appear in the far back. A complimentary snack section appeared a few seconds later, and there was a "Feel free to read anything off the shelves" sign.
The kid's eyes widened when he spotted them before he hastily raced toward the classics and selected two large volumes. He planted himself at one of the tables surrounded by drinks and cookies and didn't move for hours.
Danny left him to it, choosing to close when the kid left. It was tweleve long hours but worth it to see the glee on the tiny litte face as he flipped through pages.
The next day, he came back, and the one after that. Before long, Danny had his first regular.
That regular is a young boy named Jason Todd.
Jason reminded Danny of himself when he first got into reading, which led to him making a deal with the young boy. He would let Jason bring books to trade, allowing the boy to take home whatever he wanted in exchange. This meant Danny could get books from this new dimension and Jason didn't have to worry about finaces.
There was a time where Danny was pretty sure Jason was just reselling him back his own books. But seeing as Jason looked more and more like he was having a hard time finding a good meal, Danny pretended not to notice.
This is similar to when his bookstore developed free showers for him to use only when he was about or private reading rooms with a warm bed. Jason early took advantage of these, unaware that they vanished from view to all other customers once he stepped inside.
Sometimes, he falls asleep and spends the night inside those private reading rooms when Danny "forgets" to walk through the store before closing.
Everyone else paid because they didn't make Danny's core sing like Jason. It was easy to tell when the boy became Robin, as he found the vigilante pulling Batman to his window and pointing out books. The moment that mask little face pressed against his glass, Danny knew who it was.
Just as he knew the next day when, Bruce Wayne opened his door to buy everything that Robin had wanted. Danny kept that to himself, though. He figured it would be funnier if they thought they were sneaky.
Maybe this place would be his finest location yet.
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wrylu · 8 months
forced myself to draw for the valentines stuff
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Mt. St. Helens, 1975
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finnnothuman · 9 months
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My before pics, 187 days until summer, grind time 😤
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rainedropsart · 3 days
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Rosamund design doodles, I’m having a very normal one about her and neverafter right now
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iheartptv07 · 3 months
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Before today 98-06
Before Pierce the veil
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jam-does-audio · 4 months
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@jame7t im not going to recover from this. i cant express how hard it was to find these images then edit them to work here. (there is NO image with more pixels i tried) im in pain, hope its worth it
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trashpocket · 2 years
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nancy’s type is being into dorks 🥺💖
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myobsessionsspace · 4 months
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🎵When I see you smile, I can face the world, oh oh you know I can do anything 🎶
Ghost Version
Bad English Version
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wiirocku · 1 month
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James 4:10 (NLT) - Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up in honor.
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whopper-t · 2 months
What’d ur face look like before u started gaining? Hard to imagine u without a double chin lmao.
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This was me at 18 and around 200lbs
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mumblelard · 15 days
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cotton flowers bloom or the opposite of now
on saturday, we took a walk up the hill and through the park to the library, and on the way we saw seventeen turtles. back home, we had an easy lunch and a sunny end of summer afternoon nap
after, we sat at my kitchen table and quietly agreed that our, almost year-long relationship, was over
i'm sad, but it was time. i'm glad we ended it while it was still sweet, or i will be eventually, i guess
i'll miss her
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wolfstargazer · 8 months
Jan 15 - Before - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 287
Before he had managed to compartmentalise, to fool himself at least. But then he'd seen the map in Snape's hands and it had shattered everything.
Remus had been stunned to see the map again. The faded parchment, the means of so many adventures, confiscated and forgotten all those years ago.
All at once he was a boy again sitting on the floor of the dormitory, huddled over it, waiting for the coast to be clear.
Or trying desperately to conceal it when James had shoved it in his direction, trying to avoid the prying eyes of teachers and students alike.
In the days after Remus had taken it he had spent hours staring at it, watching the spidery writing of the names of current students and teachers bloom and fade across the parchment. It was a constant feature, open on the desk in front of him in between lessons, spread across the bed in the small apartment he'd been allocated when he'd returned to teach.
But try as he might to will them into appearing Remus couldn't conjure the names of his former friends onto the page.
Then one night the map finally revealed its secret. The sun was sinking low outside his window, the ghost of a full moon hidden behind the mountains. The Wolfsbane was abandoned in its glass, undrunk, forgotten in the instant he saw the name Peter Pettigrew appear...
Twelve years of regret and longing surged through him, a flutter in his stomach, a tightness in his chest, obliterating the sense and reason Remus clung to to give shape and meaning to his world.
And then another name bled into the parchment, black against buff, revealing itself at the edge of the map, changing everything.
Sirius Black.
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lulublack90 · 8 months
Prompt 15 - Before
@wolfstarmicrofic January 15, word count 974
It was the day of the full moon. Remus, had slept for most of the morning but was determined to get to his afternoon lessons. He ached all over. Some of his rib bones kept flexing painfully as though getting ready for later that night. Sirius had come and collected him for lunch. After they had double potions. Remus didn’t particularly like potions, but Lily had agreed to do most of the work, letting Remus sit at the desk and read out the instructions to her or chop the next ingredients. 
The room felt insanely hot for some reason this lesson. It wasn’t long before Remus had a splitting headache. Everything was too loud. He couldn’t seem to filter anything out. Every little sound found its way to his ears. He could hear Peter nibbling on the end of his quill. Mulciber scratching his arse, and Snivillius sniffed repeatedly as he refused to use a tissue. 
He was clammy and feeling very nauseous. He wanted to leave so badly, but he had to be careful not to draw attention to how often he was ‘ill’. 
He felt a gust of cool air begin blowing over him. He closed his eyes and sighed. He opened them again and looked around the room trying to find the source. Sirius winked at him, his wand in his hand. Remus was suddenly overcome with emotion and had to look up at the stone ceiling to keep the tears from flooding down his cheeks. 
“You doing ok, Remus?” Lily whispered. She knew about his furry little problem and would constantly check on him on the run-up to the full moon. He nodded slowly at her, not wanting to move too quickly in case he was sick.
Eventually, the lesson was over. Lily had successfully brewed their Befuddlement draught with almost no help from Remus and now there was only dinner to go before he went to the hospital wing.
“You go ahead. I’ll catch up in a minute.” He told Sirius as he packed his things away. 
“Are you sure? I don’t mind waiting for you.” Sirius said full of concern. 
“No, it’s fine. You guys go eat. I’m probably not going to have much anyway. Plus, my head hurts. I’m going to need a minute before I can deal with the Great Hall.” Remus winced as someone scraped a stool across the floor. Sirius reached out and squeezed his hands. 
“Okay, I’ll make a plate up for you for when you’re ready.” Sirius grabbed his things and followed the others out of the classroom. 
Remus followed soon after, relishing in the coolness of the corridors. He was just debating whether it would be better if he went straight to the hospital wing instead of dealing with the Great Hall when he found himself being cornered by Snape and his cronies. He must have wandered down the wrong corridor on his way back up to the main part of the castle. He really wasn’t in the mood for this. 
“Aww been abandoned Lupin? Have your little pals finally had enough of you?” Snape sneered at him. Remus let his wand slip down into his hand from his holster. Mulciber and Avery were still chortling at Snape’s not-so-funny retorts.
“Piss off Snape. Haven’t you got anything better to do, like washing your hair maybe?!” Remus growled, narrowing his eyes as hatred flooded his veins. This close to the full moon the anger came easily. Sparks shot out of his fingers, he just wanted to be left alone. 
They swarmed him, pressing him further into a corner. He was trapped. More sparks shot from his fingers. Mulciber shoved him into the wall sending spikes of pain through his body. He started shaking. He wasn’t in control of his magic anymore, one more hit and he’d explode. His eyes darted around looking for a way out.
“Gods, you are a lunatic aren’t you Lupin?” Snape snarled at him. “What are you going to do lunatic? There’s three of us, don’t think you’re going to make it out.” Remus tried to push past Mulciber but he slammed him back. Remus cried out in pain. He barely stopped his magic from blasting out into the Slytherins. 
“Well, well, Snivillus. And what exactly do you think you’re doing to our Moony?” Sirius appeared out of nowhere, leaning against the wall and buffing his nails on his robes. “Petrificus totalus.” He said lazily, pointing his wand at Muliciber. Not even waiting for him to hit the floor before he repeated the spell on Avery. He turned his attention to Remus. 
“You alright, Moony?” He asked, completely ignoring Snape. Remus shook his head. He could feel his magic wrapping around himself. He needed to get to the shack, away from the other students.       
“Sirius, I need you to get me out of here before I hex someone.” Hex was putting it lightly, but Sirius knew the signs of Remus’s magic explosions. 
“Okay, come on, let’s get going.” He held out a hand that he knew Remus wouldn’t take, but it was a gesture to get him moving.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Snape screamed after them. Sirius didn’t even turn around. He shot the spell over his shoulder as he kept an eye on Remus limping next to him. Snape fell to the ground in a full body-lock curse. 
“Sirius, I need to get rid of this magic before I explode.” Remus held up a hand, showing the blue threads wrapping themselves around his fingers and disappearing up his sleeves. Sirius nodded, still not touching him. 
“We’ll get you to the shack, and then I’ll help you get rid of it.” Remus nodded. His whole body shaking. Just a little longer, he kept telling himself. Just hold on a little longer before you let it go.  
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banjacksbandit · 3 months
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G1 Draculaura and Clawdeen
Feed my crew, for this may be my last Monster High image
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