#[ buuut nobody is really here for that ]
elmushterri · 2 months
Omg I just read the ao3 of gunntech I love it sm🤍 and I'm so glad the speedy twins are in the au. But now I'm curious about it, is taking care of and repairing the vehicles their only job or do they also do other things? And since their also teens did they grow up at gunntech like the others? Or are they just, like, illegal aliens gunntech kidnapped somehow😭😅 and, if u can, I really wanna know what they look like here (I wanna make fanart of them)
The speedy twins are a bit hard to decide about, buuut, I’m thinking they’re normal human kids who were mutated without the use of a chest implant, rather a different trial (happening at the same time as the main heroes and villains, if a little later/so they’re a bit younger?) that involved just changing the genes by themselves without an activation switch needed. The way I pseudo-sciency nonsense it is:
In biology, (A-Level Qualifications) when you’re editing genes, to see if the ones you wanted are activated, scientists attach a marker. Commonly, this marker is a glow-in-the-dark gene they got from a sea creature. So, once, they were modifying rats with something and to see if it worked, they attached the glow in the dark gene TO it. If the gene they wanted got activated, the rats would glow AS WELL. Just visual confirmation basically.
So, to see if adding ‘speed’ to these children would work, they used the marker of the colour blue. Bright blue is GunnTech’s “speed” colour, as can be seen with Catboy (though that’s just his suit, it’s an aesthetic thing)
And that’s why they’re blue! To show “The ‘Speed genes’ worked.”
The red is just face paint and the black and pink hair is dye.
And as for their jobs, I think they’re mainly in the driving field. The main 3 can each drive their own vehicles, as you see in the fanfic, Owlette is adept at Air Traffic Control Communication, but Carly and Cartoka are probably somehow neurologically enhanced to take to vehicles like nobody in the world. Fast learners, no pun intended!
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Lewd Request:
Hey I was wondering if you could do a lewd Striker x male reader, something along the lines of the festival and the main character made a bet with striker he'd beat him but they lose so Striker has his way with him. Love your stories.
A bets a bet
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You weren't particularly fond of the new field hand.
Sure, the man was good at his work.
He could shoot, and hunt and ride with the best of them, but something was... off.
Nobody was that good and that proud.
Of course, you couldn't say much, he may boast like a snakeoil salesman but like you'd said, he was as capable as any worker you'd ever had, if not more so.
And while you tried to ignore the man, much to your annoyance, he seemed to take a special liking to you.
The man often 'helping' you with chores, or coming along if you had to head into town.
His favourite was teasing you.
It started with a few comments here and there, teasing if you screwed something up, or had some issue or other.
Then it became general teasing and prodding, the man loving to get a rise out of you.
Though you could often get him back, the man usually either impressed or annoyed with your come bqcks, leaving you alone for a while.
Although, after a night of drinking with some of your siblings and farmhands.
Hed be teasing you, yet again, making some snarky comment on how often you got your dick wet, and after a few too many drinks and a serious lapse in judgement, you made an off handed comment on how if he wasn't such a prick, you probably would have been all over him.
And you immediately regretted it, cause that man perked up like a Hellhorse spotting a prime-rib.
After that, Striker only became more persistent.
It was never quite forceful enough for you to get creeper out. But he was certainly persistent. The sheer number of times he'd bitten his lower lip, giving you those playful "fuck me" eyes, was more then enough to haunt your dreams.
And while he could be a total pain in the ass, he was also really useful, so you put up with it, simply rolling your eyes when he made a less then subtle comment to you.
And you totally weren't into him.
Sure he was swave and confident and Very capable, and could probably ride you like he did bombproof-
Nope! You didn't think like that. No matter haw many times.
Or think about his skills with rope.
Mind drifting off to that one time he'd managed to tie you up, man sitting on your back as he practically purred in your ear.
Nope! None of that!
But, past all the flirting, you had a formidable rivalry.
Of course you always played it off.
You didn't care if he won some stupid race or could shoot something, or won some wrestling match. What do you care, not like a single win meant anything.
Unless you won.
In which case you felt like King of the Ring, and was sure to rub it in his face.
Until you lost a match of shooting, that bastard hitting one more can then you.
It was quite the roller-coaster.
At least for humble farm life.
Having been bested one time too many, you snapped, demanding a rematch.
At that he grew a wicked grin across his tanned facad, telling you he'd agree, buuut, if he won, he wanted something.
Hesitant, you'd ask what he wanted, the man moving forwards, arm on either side of you, pinning you to a fence, telling you smugly.
"A Kiss."
You, Red faced, woukd agree, telling him it wouldn't matter cause you'd win.
And you Aaaaallllmmmoooossssttt did.
Almost being the key and only word.
Hitting the last can, but failing to knock it off.
So, Striker, all smirks, strutted up, expecting a kiss.
And so, you gave him one.
Kissing his cheek.
Striker, cocked a brow, you telling him smugly.
"You wanted a kiss. Never said where you wanted it."
You spoke casually, taking your small victory in stride.
Though unfortunately, you set a precedence with that little incident, as after this, any time you competed, Striker managed to slip a bet in there.
Though none were as bold as the first one.
Usually little things. Making you call him sir or having you follow him around for a day.
And while it they were fairly innocent, if annoying, things, there was always a heavy sexual undertone.
He never stopped chasing you, he just chose a more... passive, method.
But, after a particularly hot night, you snuck out, ending up out in a field half naked, relaxing against a fence, enjoying what little breeze there was.
Of course, Striker would appear, he too half naked, man shirtless with only his hat and Ascot, the two of you just standing there for a while, in a peaceful silence as the breeze blew across the field.
After a while he'd finally pipe up, asking if you were gonna compete in the harvest moon games.
You'd hum, telling him you probably would, before asking why.
Striker, in an odd moment of seriousness stood there, peering at you with those ringed yellow eyes, the same ones that had haunted far too many of your dreams.
The man, turning to you, would ask if you wanna make a bet on it.
You, swallowing, would nod, telling him. 'Sure.'
So, getting off his fence, he walked over and in a surprising display of boldness would pin you to the fence, voice low, shimmer of his tail ringing out.
He wanted you.
He was sick of the games, the little bets, your 'rivalry', he was going all in, he wanted you.
So, if he won, he wanted you.
Standing there, chest to chest, the man peering intently into your eye.
You, red faced, blood rushing to the one place you didn't need it, would stand there.
And well, call it a weak will or your will being chipped away after so many months, or perhaps a large part of you wanted this all along, you agreed, telling him yes, may the best man win.
To which Striker smirked, chest to naked chest, leaning in and breathing hot in your ear.
"Don't worry... I will~"
And so, the next few days zipped by in the blink of the eye.
You didn't see Striker much, and when you did he usually just smirked, eyeing you in a fashion that always left you red faced, pants suddenly tightening.
And so, the day finally arrived. You and the family loading into the truck and rolling into town, Striker riding Bombproof besides you, the man giving you an occasion glance, you pretending you hadn't been staring.
The town was lively, and all the townsfolk were a flurry of activity, preparing to either join or enjoy the games.
You prepared as well, limbering, stretching, just getting ready.
Striker however, just stood there, leaning against a fencing, man chewing on a wheat stalk. The man occasionally glancing back at you.
You didn't say anything to him, not willing to let him mess with your mind any more.
Eventually, you got to the games.
You excelled.
As did Striked.
Both of you far surpassing the regular saps that participated.
You were faster, but Striker was more nimble.
Not evenly matched, but you certainly pushed yourself.
You both put in your best show, and it was a close fight, you working harder then you'd ever worked before, really pushing yourself to your limit.
And after pulling, jumping, running and wrestling. You fought, and bit, there being more than a few fatalities from each of you.
It was a tie!
Nah, Striker won.
Some asshole had just miscounted your score.
Striker won.
And hearing that, you just stood there.
It took a minute to sink in, and while you realised just what happened, Striker seemed to relish the news, bathing in the crowds applause.
A flurry of emotion hit you, your head seemingly spinning. But the most concerning part of it all was you weren't... you weren't upset.
You were a little annoyed, angry even at losing, but that felt more like being upset at losing the games.
Not the bet.
Striker, surprising you, didn't come up and boast. Instead he joined the crowd of adoring fans, the lot of them all heading off to celebrate.
So, knowing the fate before you, you joined, snatching a comedically large jug with 4 large Xs on the side, drinking at your pleasure.
Eventually you'd end up in the town bar, sipping your drink, you and Striker staring at each other from across the bar.
You refused to make the first move, yet as the minutes ticked by, you became restless, constantly looking back at the man.
The cowboy simply standing there, peering at you with that seductive little smile, sipping his own drink, seemingly content in his position.
You eventually grew tired of the waiting, and shotgunning your drink, you stormed over to the snake.
Of course, he wore that Victorious smirk of his, standing there as you approached.
You scowled, storming up to him, stopping just before him.
The man smiled, popping an olive into his mouth, giving you a royal shit eating grin.
You snorted, simply standing there.
You told him bluntly to get on with it then!
Striker just smirked, looking you over, the fucking snake was relishing this.
After a few minutes, he asked what ever could you mean? And so, snapping at him that he was an Ass, you grabbed the man, dragging the him upstairs.
Striker just went along with it, smirking as he finshed his drink, discarding the bottle as he stumbled upstairs.
Reaching some bedroom, you didn't care who's it was, you dragged the man towards the bed.
But before you could throw him onto it, he suddenly whipped out of your grasp, the man slipping his neckerchief and seamlessly binding your hands with them, tying them behind your back before throwing you onto the bed.
The man, slipping his jacket off, working on his shirt as his tail slammed the door shut, his eyes the only thing visible, that and his golden tooth as he smirked a victors smirk.
You lay there, red faced, drunk and extremely aroused as the man climbed atop you, the clink of his belt being undone and the shimmer of his tail filling the air as he lean, the snake getting close, alcohol ladened breath on your neck as he growlwd out.
"Don't worry darlin', I'll make sure you enjoy this as much as I will~"
The man purring before he bit your neck, forcing a lewd moan from your lips.
You awoke the next morning a mess.
You were sore.
You had more bite marks and hand shaped bruises on your ass then you cared to count.
Your hair was a total mess, clothes in tatters after being practically torn off you by the snake, and you were still recovering physically and mentally from everything that happened the night before.
You hissed as Bombproof bumped upwards, you clinging to Striker, the man being your only ride back to the homestead as your family had left the night before.
You didn't say anything, neither did Striker, though, the snake didn't need too.
The man simply wore a smirk, that smirk saying it all.
"I won."
And the annoying part, that was he was right.
Though even as you got home, hissing as you slid off the horse, gritting your teeth as you shambled back to the house. All the way there, able to feel the snake's gaze on your back.
And while you knew he'd be insufferable after this, likwly even more forward then ever the thing that really got to you, was knowing that there was no way this was gonna be the last time.
And even as you stumbled, collapsing atop your bed, body and rear sore, you wondered what came next with that smug sexy asshat of a snake man.
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simp999 · 1 year
I saw that you were taking requests for tf2 and I was wondering if you could you the moment the tf2 mercs realise that they enjoy reader being around? Maybe it can be seen as platonic or romantic? Like theyre just hanging out with reader and suddenly theyre like hmm. I enjoy your presence
Thank you if advance!!
Yay my first request!! This is the exact kind of thing I like to write www thank you for swinging by, and I hope you enjoy!! I may have gotten a little carried away-
The Moment the Mercs Realise They Enjoy Being Around Reader
Total wc: 2.3k
Mercs included: All
Scout: (slight angst, whoops)
-Enjoyed being around you since you first joined as a merc buuut
-The moment he realised he wanted to be around you more was when you gave him comfort.
-Sure, he's used to getting up to shenanigans with you on and off the battlefield, but this was a different side of him that nobody really got to see. 
-And you accepted it without a problem.
-One night, when most of the mercs were playing cards or off doing their own thing, you noticed that Scout wasn't with the main crowd. Usually, he was chomping away on junk food and teasing the others when they lost a round of cards (even though he lost quite often.)
-You excuse yourself from the table, and go check on him.
-Before you get the chance to knock, you can barely hear soft sniffles coming from his room.
-You gently knock on his door, and wait a decent amount of time before carefully opening the door.
-It seemed he hadn't heard the knock, or maybe tuned it out, but his first reaction was to turn away from you and hide his face with his hands.
-It hurt to see him like this. We all have those days, but you hated to see him fighting this on his own.
-You wordlessly went and sat near him on his bed, but not too close to cause any discomfort.
-When he finally tilted his head towards you, you could make out his red face and puffy eyes. You wanted nothing more than to swaddle and hug him, but comfort comes first.
-You lean towards him with your arms semi-open, welcoming him into a hug if he so chose.
-Without a second to lose, he barreled into you and let his tears fall freely.
-You did nothing but rub gentle circles over his back and offer a few soothing words here and there, letting him get it all out.
-You would have expected him to start talking about everything, being the talkative boy he is, but he did nothing but let the tears run for a while.
-Once he finally calmed from sobs to sniffles, you gave him a small kiss on his hairline.
-"You're still special, alright? Doesn't matter what you may have gone through, people will still love you."
-But the part that got him was the fact that you asked no questions. You didn't force him to open up. You always wanted him to feel comfortable, which was.. rare, for him, to say the least.
-That's when Jeremy realised that he felt safe and comfortable around you.
-The first time Soldier realised he enjoyed you being around was when you wouldn't roll your eyes or complain like the others.
-Of course, his drills sometimes got out of hand, but you never groaned or sounded annoyed about it.
-Rather, you would still state your thoughts, but you wouldn't be an ass about it.
-Specifically, the first day that Soldier had overworked the mercs while you were around. You noticed that some of them were looking a little woozy, and Scout seemed like he was about to pass out.
-You spoke up to him before he started the next drill.
-"With all due respect, Soldier, we can't become stronger if half of us are ready to pass out. We can take a break to regain our strength then…"
-He had completely tuned you out after that.
-He's never heard that from anyone before.
-"With all due respect."
-There was no malice in your tone, either.
-Soldier would never admit it, but he might go easier on you than others, now.
-Not to mention the fact that you weren't afraid to stand up to him, even within the first few days of barely knowing him. He tends to seem intimidating at first glance.
-Also, this stays between us, but the phrase "with all due respect" can mean no respect at all. 
-but Solly doesn't have to know that :)
-Our favorite Firebug always enjoyed having you around, that's a given when new mercs join!
-But the moment that they realised they wanted to be near you more was when you didn't baby them.
-You still treated them with respect, which was rare from most.
-Of course, you would still draw with them and make pillow forts and do things that were seen as childish, and you seemed to enjoy it, too!
-But one day, they wanted to help Engineer in the workshop with a project that was a little more difficult than usual.
-Engineer knows as well as we all do how... chaotic Pyro can be. But he didn't even give them a chance to try.
-You were working on a mini project of your own in the workshop and happened to hear the conversation.
-Then, you quipped with an idea.
-"What if we watched over them? As long as they don't do anything unsafe, then there's no problem with giving it a shot."
-You then looked over at them and seemed to catch on to their awestruck expression- even with the mask on, and gave them a big smile.
-You guided them through their project, helping them out when needed or asking Engie if you needed tips for something.
-Even when they were about to do something unsafe, you carefully explained why it was a bad idea. Not in a condescending way, either. Just a quick -"Woah, hey! Wrong tool for the job, Py. Let's ask Engie for the right one."
-The moment Heavy realised he enjoyed having you around was when he noticed the others being a little less stupid around the base.
-Which sounds pretty odd to say, but he's often the voice of reason, always telling the others to "Get off the counter!" And "Stop setting everything on fire!", and the usual "Stop eating Heavy's sandviches!"
-They began to not listen when he spoke, and he's been struggling with keeping them in check when the base needed it most lately.
-If he reaaaally wanted to, he could shut the whole base up with a loud "ENOUGH!!" That would reverberate through the walls, but it would only be followed by a quick "Uh-huh, try and make me," from Scout
-But you
-Oh, you.
-You didn't need a loud voice to scare them.
-Or big muscles.
-All you needed was to be great at making them feel guilt. Like a gentle parent lecturing their kid on their miserable grades.
-You're never angry, no,no. 
-Just disappointed.
-Scout ate one of heavy's sandviches when you first got there, and the longest record of parental scolding was broken right then and there.
-Never happened again, though!
-Engineer first realised that he enjoyed your presence when you showed an open mind, and willingness to learn.
-He'd had too many people come up to him over the years claim to want to watch what he's working on, only to constantly tell him he's not doing it right or not using the proper tool for the job
-Seriously gonna question the man with 11 PhDs? Yeah, I wouldn't.
-But the worst is when he has to be paired up with other men on the same job that never listened to his ideas or thought process.
-When you came along to his workshop and asked him if you could watch over and learn from him, he was hesitant. It's not like he had performance anxiety, he was definetly confident in his skill. But he wasn't sure if he could keep it together if he has one more PhD-less person confidently tell him he's doing something wrong.
-But, he was pleasantly surprised by your questions and actions. You always asked before touching anything, and listened intently when he explained stuff. You even left a while in, only to come back with lunch for the both of you so you could continue talking about his project.
-Even the one time you did think he may have done something wrong, you asked him to explain why he did it that way instead of another. 
-The moment Demo realised that he loved having you around, was when you cared for him when nobody else did.
-Everyone else was so used to him coming back to base extremely drunk, barely able to walk on his own.
-The most they'd do anymore is give him some pain meds then let him fend for himself, which usually left him waking up sore from falling asleep on the floor.
-But when you came along,, oh boy.
-He may not have remembered much, if any, of the night before, but he does know that he woke up all comfortable in bed, next to a plushie that had not been there before.
-He also noticed a glass of water and pain meds on his bedside table, and on the floor beside his bed, a bucket incase he felt sick.
-He couldn't figure out who could have done this for him, since he never really hung out with you since you became a merc.
-A few quick introductions and that was about it.
-But when he sat around the table playing poker with the guys and one of them slips the fact that you had slung his arm around your shoulder while carrying him to his room, and that you were the one to tuck him in, he may have felt embarrassment as well as butterflies.
-Medic treated you as any other merc when you had first joined. Healing you if he could, and only really focusing on his own thing.
-But, when you started to hang around the base with the mercs to get more comfortable with everybody, that's when he noticed something.
-Your crude sense of humor.
-Sometimes even downright dark.
-It wasn't rare for you to crack a joke that had the others simply staring at you, some with a surprised look on their face, others seeming a little uncomfortable. Which is hard to do, coming from a team of killers.
-You didn't want anyone being uncomfortable around you though, so you toned it down.
-But, whenever you were with Medic, he would silently encourage it. He didn't really pay attention to the wide, almost creepy grins he'd give when you told an especially gory joke.
-They're not all bad, though! Some are just a little.. silly.
-The line that made Medic realise he enjoyed you little quips, was when Scout has given himself a paper cut.
-He immediately was frustrated with it, and had to announce it to the team right away. Without missing a beat, you immediately replied with; "Whoop, guess we gotta amputate."
-It was just so.. unexpected? He may have let out a small snort at that one.
-Sniper took a while. It's not like he's the first to go up to a new merc and ask to be friends, you know.
-Though, his moment of realisation came after you went out of your way to appreciate him, and slowly spend more time with him.
-You'd sit a comfortable distance away from him, and never forced small talk.
-You would always made sure to congratulate him on any especially nice shots,
-And eventually, you two had made it to the point of being almost comfortable enough for you to hang out in his Sniping nest.
-The reason I say almost, is because he still felt quite awkward having someone be in his space. He's just not used to it.
-But you weren't hovering over his shoulder, you simply had a book in your hand as you sat in the corner of his nest.
-His exact moment of realisation was when he caught himself info-dumping to you about animals. Especially dangerous ones.
-It was a simple question, really. You had run across an animal in your book and figured that Sniper's probably the guy to ask about if you wanted to know more about it.
-So, you quietly, as to not disturb his concentration, asked him about snakes.
-Usually his answers to most questions were single words, or a curt nod or shake of his head, but he had accidentally let himself slip as he taught you about what markings to watch out for and what snakes would be common in your area.
-When he finally did catch himself, he froze, and glanced over at you.
-You, who had nothing but wonder and curiosity in your eyes.
-Maybe he'll keep you around to keep him less bored.
-Look, Spy doesn't grow attached to anyone. 
-...Easily, that is. 
-But, he may silently gain some.. favoritism if you manage to get on his good side
-There's not much this man cares for. He wouldn't favor you any more if you bought him flowers, or wore expensive perfume.
-He'd honestly prefer it if people left him alone. 
-But there is one thing he cares about, and it doesn't even involve you interacting with Spy himself.
-That's right. Scout. Jeremy.
-The moment that Spy began to not feel more comfortable around you, but maybe feel soft- if we can even call it that- is when he caught wind of you watching over Scout.
-You often stole his Bonk cans right out of his hands, or nudged his sides when he hasn't eaten in a while. 
-You probably annoyed the hell out of Scout, but Spy could see that it was for the best. 
-It's almost as if you saw Jeremy as your own kid- just, with more of an annoying-sibling type vibe when it came to caring for him.
-It's exactly what Scout needed.
-Not that you'd notice it, because Spy's good at his job, but it sometimes seems like taking you down from behind isn't an option.
Thank you for making it to the end!! :D
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ns-media · 3 months
Elaborating on my previous Oda romance/LuNami post
For the ones who read my previous long post analyzing Oda's thoughts on romance in One Piece + LuNami, thank you!
I'd like to elaborate on some things right here in case some people may misinterpret some of my viewpoints on how Oda portrays LuNami. So, one thing I see many LuNami fans point out is that Oda making LuNami subtle in his manga is on purpose, which I do wholeheartedly agree with! While it definitely is intentionally subtle, my post was to point out WHY that is the case, because Oda goes out of his way to show off the more cliché or "obvious" stuff in non-manga material, while the manga basically exclusively contains subtle things, indicating that there is something holding him back from putting this cliché stuff in his main story, which is what 95% of the content Oda makes even comes from. And as I pointed out in the post, I think it's him wanting to appeal to boys. I do think that if it wasn't for that, plus his shyness about romance, that he would put in more obvious cliché things in his manga, as he seems to be doing that for his non-manga material.
Now, this subtlety LuNami has in the manga is what draws many LuNami fans to the ship, which makes a ton of sense no doubt, in the manga it's basically the ship's bread and butter. My post wasn't to say "Omfg stop being subtle forget your audience and put in obvious shit in your manga Oda!" Nope, definitely not. My post was to point out that he truly DOES see LuNami as romantic and the reason I pointed it out in the first place is because it's so subtle in the manga that some people need convincing that the subtleties in the manga are truly LuNami hints and not just something you can dismiss like all the naysayers do.
This is why I talked about the non-canon material so much in that post, to prove how it's obvious that he DOES really like LuNami because of how the non-manga shit is so much more obvious with LuNami hints. Mr. "I think romance is a good idea for Film: Gold" also said "OP is a shounen manga ffs, no romance depicted lmao". Totally different statements, one for his manga, one for an optional movie... hmm, there's no way my post has any sort of validity!
By the way when Oda said "no romance depicted" he's not full of shit or whatever, he clearly refers to obvious romances stories that aren't subtle hints like how he portrayed LuNami in the manga. Every time he mentions romance it's clear he means the obvious stuff, of course I think it's obvious how UsoKaya is basically canon but there's no dedicated romance story between them in the manga.
This predicament that I think Oda is in with making it subtle in his manga and less subtle outside his manga, is why LuNami seems so easy to trivalize for so many people. Because in the manga it's so subtle that people can easily just go "Nah that is not what it means" and in non-manga material it's like "No man it's non-canon bullshit who cares it's not in the manga". But see, these people saying this is exactly what I think Oda wants his boy audience to think! So... good job I guess!
Now, I know that I may seem to be putting in just a bit too much stock into Oda being restricted by his audience, which yeah I do see why you would think so if you happen to think that. However he keeps bringing up his readers, over and over and over AND OVER AND OVER again when nobody even asked him about that, dude.
Some guy asks: "So uhh who does Nami like?" Oda: "Uhh this is for boys and they don't care man"
The guy: Umm... I didn't ask for that but thanks?
Aoyama: "I wouldn't leave if you do romantic stuff"
Oda: "Well shit, PEOPLE seem so supportive of couples huh!?"
You uhh, seem a bit too concerned with the opinions of "people" and there's a bit too much "shounen shounen manga boys boys boys" when NOBODY ASKED YOU to talk about them in your answers for it. How should that not to arouse suspicion in me?
And those 2 examples aren't even the only time he's like that.
Buuut, I think this is all I gotta say... for now I think. I might edit this post to further elaborate on stuff later, no promises but I'll think about it!
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teddybeartoji · 3 days
me and toji me and toji me and tojiiiiiiii...
we started out as neighbors but it took us like three months to even propely meet lmao,, it takes me a while to get used to new places so when i first moved in i just stayed at home like a lot. a lot a lot. i literally only left to go to the grocery store and then to the park down the street and that's it. and toji is a big homebody too, so he didn't go out all that much either, just work and then the bar with a friend every once in a while. we just didn't happen to move at the same time, despite living right next to each other.
after about a month, i found myself a third place and slowly but surely grew more and more comfortable there – the cinema (nobody is surprised). i always liked to go during the day, as early as i could, just to make sure that there wouldn't be too many people. always in the last row, always in the middle seat. this is the mickey way. anyway, after creating a bit of a routine for myself, i felt more free to observe my surrounding some more too. felt more comfortable to start people watching. and that's when i saw him. mostly dressed in darker clothes, hoodies and big jackets. sometimes with a cap on, sometimes without it. it's not like he was always always there at the same time as me but when he was, he always sat in the last row but instead of fighting for the middle seat, he always sat at the very end of the row. obviously i thought he looked very handsome – we had made eye-contact a few times while buying popcorn by accident and let me tell you, that was enough to have my heart racing ok i am very weak. but i'm not bold enough to strike up a conversation like that so stolen glances and shared movie experiences were all we had. we btw have a very similar taste in films so we did end up seeing each other a lot there lmao
aaaanyway i just had a silly little cinema crush but never did anything abt it bc i'm a pussy ok😔😔 (he's literally the same). okay but so, one day i was coming home from whereever, just stepped into the elevator when a hand stopped the doors and HE appeared. i was very confused. he.. looked confused too lmao,, but now........ loookkkk.... no matter how handsome he is..... he's still a stranger, and a man too at that. a man who seems to be where i am multiple times a week and is now suddenly where i live. yes, i freaked the fuck out okay. don't judge me. he didn't press a floor button either yk so i really did start to spiral over the fact that maybe he's stalking me or smth..... and he saw that. he saw me tense up and he isn't stupid – he knows he's a tough big guy and it did seem like he could've been stalking me. so he immediately backed away a bit, trying to make himself smaller bc he obviously didn't want to make me any more uncomfortable. and then he just blurted out with his raspy voice that he lives here. it definitely cracked the tension a bit. he cleared his throat and slowly pointed at the floor buttons, saying that he lives on the same floor (btw i need everybody to know that he has a bit of an accent in my head it's very very important to me he speaks english very well but his accent still shines through and i love it very very much<33333). he even showed me his keys lmao and i did feel way more safe after that buuut we still didn't really introduce each other or anything. i guess the air still felt just a bit weird.. the doors opened and we both walked to out apartments in silence (it wasn't actually awkward or anything though it was just . silence) and then looked at each other with silly faces when we realized we literally live Right next to each other lmao that was funny. i just said that i moved in like two months ago and that was it. we went our seperate ways.
for a day.
bc you have no idea.. how awful i felt abt that elevator thing. oooooooh my god. IT'S NOT HIS FAULT HE'S SO BIG SO IT'S SO MEAN FOR ME TO ASSUME THAT HE'S SOME AXE MURDERED YK well it isn't but i still felt really really bad esp since he tried to immediately make me feel more comfortable and tried to reassure me that he was not, in fact, stalking me lmao but yeah idk it just weighed really heavily on me i couldn't help but keep thinking abt it soooo i ended up baking a batch of brownies the very next day. and i went to his door (still in my hello kitty pyjama pants mind you)(i forgot to change them) aaand then started rambling and STUTTERING BTWW while apologizing and he just stood there like ???? like he didn't even understand why i was apologizing in the first place lmao he felt it was a very understandable for me to have that fear and to think the way i was thinking (he actually felt a bit bad abt the whole thing inside too he just didn't really know how to express it). aaaanyway so he was just there staring at me with like a veeery faint smile bc at a point it got a bit ridiculous bc i really did start just rambling abt the whole thing lmao it was uhhh just a bit embarrassing (the fact that he's hot didn't help either thank you very much). he thought it was cute how i was there trying to apologize for smth that he should've been apologizing for himself lmao he tried to say no to the brownies at first and i shoved them at him so hard they all almost fell.. aaand i think that's exactly where he decided that hm. mickey . yes weird little creature i am intrigued i want to know more yk?
btw we still didn't exchange numbers or anything at that point, that happened later after i came knocking at his door at twelve am bc there was a big spider in my room but i'll talk abt that some other time:33333333 thank you for reading abt the miji lore i love you . and i love him. sooooso much he means the world to me<3333333333333333
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nutlessspeedrun · 4 months
Denial Journal: May 29th
hihihi i missed you guysss!
long story short, i came last month and my libido crashed and burned :p combined with some unfun Life Stuff, i just didnt have much of an urge to post here for a while. buuut, if you cant tell this post, im baaaack!
i went out on a week long vacation, which really helped sort me out again. i had a great time, buuut on the last day of me being there, i woke up so horny that i was humping the air. mind you, i hadnt touched myself - let alone cum - in over a week! i only let myself touch for around five minutes before i had to get up. juuust long enough for an edge.
im back home now, and oh my god im so sensitive. i was literally whining and begging Nobody when i touched myself this morning. so pathetic...
i havent cum yet, obviously. im busy with work today, so i probably wont even get a chance to until tonight. i think ive earned a nice orgasm, dont you agree??
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The Imposters
(Part 1)
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We can confirm definitively that Misako-san has indeed given birth before. And we can also confirm that, indeed, the person whom we met was her daughter. Kana-chan had AB blood, while Misako-san has AB.
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Please, now that we know she was my daughter, is there anything else you can confirm about us?
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Misako-san...I'm very sorry...but you need to see this. It's...well...
*Harumi hands her the photo from Hiroshima*
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...Ko...Kotetsu....Kana....a-and....that's....I recognize that face.
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It's...It's me! But then, why do I look like this...?
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...Okay, I see why you were all confused now. That girl is a dead ringer for Kana! But...how?!
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Remember when I said I'd affected four currently living people? Well, that much was true.
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Buuut, the total number was actually five.
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What...What did you do?!
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Well, to put my plan in motion, I had to...recruit some actors.
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Their real names are Eimi Misako and Eimi Kana, and we also found the remains of an adult man in a public park. They're a solid match for Eimi Kotetsu, the last member of this family.
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They went missing about 8-10 months ago, which matches up with the time frame the real Ise Kana has been out of the country.
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Shirogane had been planning the long con for this one. She hit the area they were living with her algae, and completely manufactured new identities for them.
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And for extra credibility, she tied those fake memories with ones she made up for me and Tenmei.
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You'd be amazed how much shit is available about celebrities when you go searching! I had everything I needed to create a perfect facsimile of Ise Kana! One so good that nobody on the island even realized!
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But I needed someone who had a decent resemblance to her, since I'm not a plastic surgeon. Turns out I got pretty lucky and found someone who was nearly identical.
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But of course, her backstory needed a little spicing up here and there.
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Seiyuus like Ise Kana are basically idols. There's no way someone like her would've been living in poverty or had any reason to go to that stupid island.
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Which has to mean Shirogane was in on all that too, right?!
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But...But Kana and I took a DNA test! It proved we're half-siblings!
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I don't mean to scare you, but if she didn't just fake all those tests on the island...then she may have copied your family's DNA and fed into her bone marrow. It would've made her a chimera, but good enough to fool us enough not to look too much deeper.
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And guess what? Now that I had time to sit down and check, the only copies of your DNA I could find were in her blood. Everything else matches Misako-san's DNA, and I'm willing to bet any DNA I can pull out of Kotetsu-san's bones will be the other half.
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But...But why? Why do all this?! How could I have...u-unless...
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What the hell else did you do to them?!
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Well, in addition to some new memories for her parents and some new identities for our actresses, I had to give Chiaki-chan a little...nudge. A mild adjustment, one that nobody would've noticed.
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All she really needed was some...motivation, I suppose you could call it?
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It's so easy to love and hate your parents at the same time, isn't it?
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And suddenly, boom! She has a beloved long-lost sister she can bond with! Someone with her own tragic past, someone who needs to rescued and who she can forge a lifelong bond with...only to be cut down in her prime!
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Storm was a perfect patsy, wasn't he? You were all so fixated on him, you never thought too hard about the inconsistencies in all this until you had to.
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cutetinyartist · 1 year
G/T July Day 3: Impulsive
[For this prompt I did a short fic + illustration of Bowuigi!!]
Synopsis: When Princess Peach sets up Bowser and Luigi on a Blind-Date (after they've so obviously been hitting it off whenever Luigi visits Bowser in his Prison Chambers), the romantic atmosphere leads to an impulsive embrace...
Luigi, Tiny!Bowser and Toad (tho he's barely in it- Also, these are the Movie Versions of the characters and this takes place a few months after the Movie~)
Word-Count: 1,138
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Bowser eagerly adjusted his little white bowtie as he stood on the nicely decorated table (that to him was now approximately a third of the size of his former throne-room). When a few Toads had entered his prison chambers a few hours prior and told him to prepare for a date, he truly thought the Princess was finally willing to give him a chance! Although, there was another human who'd been on his mind a lot more over the past few months...
Luigi fidgeted nervously as he approached the fancy restaurant. The Princess had told him just a day ago that she was setting him up on a Blind-Date with, "a guy I just KNOW you'll love, even if it seems strange at first!" He honestly wasn't 100% sure what she'd meant by that, but he trusted her word.
"Hey, Luigi! You're just in time!" Toad enthusiastically greeted him at the door, wearing a uniform typical of a waiter in this sort of establishment, "If you'll just follow me I'll show you to your table! This place is normally super busy right now, buuut the Princess made sure it'd be empty especially for you and your Date!" Toad wittered on as he led Luigi across the restaurant...
The plumber felt his knees go weak as his gaze landed on the table and he locked eyes with the King Koopa, looking just as shell-shocked as he did.
"So! I'll just leave your menus here, I'll be back shortly for your order aaand I'll leave you two to your date!" Toad couldn't hide his shit-eating grin as he practically dragged Luigi into his chair before hurrying away to the kitchen.
"LUIGI? YOU'RE my date??" Bowser growled, feeling a fiery blaze in his stomach (even though at this size he was unable to actually breathe any flames). He had to crane his neck to even see the gangly plumber's blushing face, towering above him.
"B-Bowser! Hey!" He could only stammer, "I- uh- h-how have you been? Um, y-y'know, since I last saw you... yesterday..." He trailed off, seeing Bowser's unimpressed facial expression.
"JUST BECAUSE YOU VISIT ME ALMOST EVERY DAY DOESN'T MEAN I- THAT I'M-" He sighed angrily, "Was this your idea?"
"What? No! I-I mean- I HAVE thought about m-maybe asking you out a few times, I guess-"
"You- you have? Really?" His tough facade cracked slightly, and he tried to ignore the butterflies he briefly felt at that confession.
Luigi nodded, at a sudden loss for words. There was something so cute about how the tiny Bowser's demeanour had shifted, he thought to himself.
"Huh, nobody's ever wanted to ask me out..." Bowser thought, noticing the soulful sincerity in Luigi's sky-blue eyes, "I suppose I could at least indulge him a little, just for tonight..."
Once the initial shock had worn off, and the two had settled down and eaten their meals (Luigi had just gone for spaghetti, whereas Bowser had managed to devour an entire steak), the conversation was flowing just the same as it would when Luigi would normally visit Bowser.
"Those stupid Toads didn't even give me a chair!" Bowser grumbled, getting a bit fed up with sitting on the table's wooden surface. He'd been sat beside a wine-glass that was about twice his height, sipping his drink out of a shot-glass instead.
"Y-you know- if you're uncomfortable sitting there- maaaybe I- I could-" Luigi gestured vaguely with his palm, "I mean- if you want-"
Bowser rolled his eyes with a smirk, waltzing over to the sheepish giant and tugging at his sleeve impatiently, "Alright then, Weegee, lemme up."
The plumber let out a bashful giggle before lowering his hand for the Koopa to clamber onto. He just managed to suppress an "Aww," at just how tiny Bowser actually was, fitting so perfectly into the palm of his hand. He couldn't help but to admire every one of his intimidating spikes and scales, knowing how easily he could still use them to do some damage... Though, it was endearing to him how those harsh features contrasted greatly against his soft ruby hair and the softer side of his personality.
Bowser smirked again at how flustered Luigi got just by holding him. He had to admit that the blush painted across his face, just barely concealed by that cute moustache, was adorable. Plus there was just something so sweet about the fact that Luigi had gone to all the effort of wearing a pine green tuxedo (complete with a charming green bowtie and 'L' cufflinks), but had still worn his signature hat over his fluffy hair! He'd also put on the most subtle nude makeup around his shimmering blue eyes. Eyes that looked at Bowser with a sense of love that the Koopa had never truly felt before...
"It's kinda funny how you- how you towered over me before, but now I can do this!" Luigi chuckled, earning a light scowl from Bowser, "Can't say I've ever been on a date like this!"
A very noticeable blush crossed Bowser's face at that word, "Well, I can't say I've ever even BEEN on a Date. But..." By this point his tough facade had dissipated completely, "You've been a pretty great date, Weegee. I guess... love really does make a guy come out of his shell."
Luigi's entire face felt like it was burning up as, without really thinking, he impulsively leant in for a kiss. His heart was racing as his lips collided with Bowser's entire face, embracing him with nothing but pure love. Soft piano music played gently from the speakers somewhere above the two, adding to the romantic atmosphere. Bowser was honestly surprised that Luigi had made the first move, but he was so enamoured with the timid giant that he instantaneously reciprocated the passionate smooch, leaning into the plush lips and stroking his chin with clawed fingers. As the two leant even more into it, they realised just how much they'd been wanting it-
"DESSERT!" Toad suddenly burst into the scene, completely startling the duo. He seemed entirely unphased by their embrace as he delivered the sweet treats (a Chilli Chocolate Cake and a Strawberry Cheesecake).
"Oh! Um! Thanks!!" Luigi let out an anxious chuckle, still holding Bowser close to his face, "It- it looks really good!"
"Heh, you talking about the dessert or your boyfriend?" Toad teased as he walked away, internally super excited that the Princess' idea had actually worked! He chuckled as his question was met with a growl from Bowser and a yelp from Luigi, "Enjoy the food, Lovebirds!"
"Boyfriends..." Bowser muttered, making Luigi's heart skip a beat, "Huh... I could get used to that," He smiled, earning yet another surprised yelp from Luigi.
"Same here!" He grinned from ear to ear, already about to lean in for another impulsive smooch...
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patukkaas · 1 year
hiya! im sorry you've gotten a lot of black dahlia requests, but i hope you don't mind if i add one to them :D
what about black dahlia hcs if her and the reader had a baby
it just popped into my head for some reason
female reader please💞💞
Black Dahlia x Fem! Reader
Baby headcanons
Note: I'll put this in two categories
If you adopted and or found a baby just lying around somewhere
If you were pregnant and had a baby
Tws: Inaccurate description of pregnancy probably, pretty OOC
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If you adopted/found a baby together
- She'd be EXTREMELY against adopting at first.
- If you found it she'd think you should just leave it.
- A child? Such a weak thing? Around her? Hell no !
- Buuut if you lay out the pros and cons and talk about it enough, maybe just maybe she'll be up to it.
- She'd think she'd be a bad mom, but maybe that's what drove her into the situation she's in right now.
- Very badly, holding a baby, that is now hers.
- Will hold it in..interesting ways.
- She'll be disgusted by it for a good while.
- But if the baby is.. how do I put this, clinically insane she'll accept it at some point.
- Will mostly leave the caring of the childs needs to you because she's obviously not gonna take a baby to her bunny clubs and murder sprees.
- NOBODY outside of you and her know about the child.
- The skullgirl would probably wanna kill any offspring biological or not that Dahlia's left behind.
- Not only just the Skullgirl.
- So she's responsible in that sense.
- Would save the child from her..job for when it's older.
- You'll see some sweet moments with her and the baby though.
- Like Dahlia randomly picking it up just to stare for a few moments from it's crib or whatever play area you setup.
- After awhile you can notice her actually starting to care.
- Like her actually starting to listen out for the baby monitors, getting up to comfort it at night etc.
- If you comment on it she'd either be amused or disguted at her own softness.
- She can't resist tho.
- She'll already have grown attached to the little gremlin crawling around.
If you were pregnant
- If you had been pregnant before getting into a relationship with her, she'd probably have already killed whoever you were with so..no need to worry about that.
- Would be the same as the last part, wouldn't really like it, but this time she's not showing the disgust of a child as much, since, yk you're the one suffering so much.
- She'll help around since you're literally growing another being.
- Which she may already consider her own.
- When you go into labor she'll have you at a hospital in the blink of an eye.
- If you've planned on a homebirth she'll be there, putting off her job for the while.
- If you want her to be the first one to hold..pretty much her child now, she'd feel weird.
- Since..she knows she won't be hurting it.
- And the fact that she's a mother now, something she probably thought would never in a million years happen.
- But here she is, looking down at it, with her gun dislocated, feeling pretty smug.
- The process of her warming up to the baby would be slightly quicker,
- Mostly because of that one little moment she had with the baby.
- And the fact that it was yours.
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lunashifts · 4 months
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17. May 2024 - shifting journal 2 🌙
So I think I mini shifted just to have a nightmare as my dr self and then wake up here again. 😅
I had a dream about how my s/o brought home a random girl and was about to cheat on me basically.
Ok so far just a dream but then I heard a knock on my door and woke up BUT there's literally nobody here that could knock at my bedroom door.
Buuut I scripted that Alfred will knock on my door and tell me to wake up because I wanted something where I'm like 100% sure I'm in my dr before I open my eyes.
Now granted I only heard the knock but still, it woke me up. Unfortunately I woke up here in my cr.
And I always said if my s/o says something about me being clingy once I shift I will tell him I had a nightmare. So that kinda also made sense.
I'm a little upset I woke up here but it also really motivated me. So I'm mostly excited. 😊
I didn't really do a method before I went to sleep but I listened to an ambience video that's related to my dr and said a few affirmations.
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Thank you @darkmedolie for coming up with this prompt for the 4th day!! ..Even though I got a little creative lol. Either way, here's the link on ao3, and I hope you enjoy!
Snatcher x Reader - The... Purple Guy?
A variety of decorations were scattered about Subcon, hanging with the nooses in the trees, plastered on fences, and stuck into the ground. The atmosphere in Subcon was thick with an otherworldly energy, a blend of mystery and ancient power that seemed to emanate from every carefully placed decoration. If an alien stumbled across the forest, they’d likely think some kind of ritual is happening. 
Two little minions sat by a pumpkin, one carving out a triangle eye with a scarily large knife. 
“Are you ready for Halloween, John?” The minion with the knife said almost teasingly, “I bet you don’t even have a costume for tonight!”
“I do!” John pouted, crossing his arms. “I do, Vick. I have a costume.”
“Oh yeah?” He popped out the triangle piece from the pumpkin, tossing it to the side. “Then what’re you gunna dress as? A princess?”
“I’m going as a demon.” John eyed him. 
Vick let out a mischievous cackle. "A demon, huh? Well, that's a step up from a princess, I'll give you that!"
John scowled playfully. "It's going to be a really scary demon, you'll see. With big, gnarly horns and everything! You’ll see!"
Vick's eyes gleamed with amusement. "I'd love to see that… buuut ya better not chicken out and wear a bedsheet with eyeholes like last year, though. We look like ghosts already!"
“We are ghosts.”
“Are we?” He looked down at himself with a snort. “I don’t feel too ghostly.”
They both burst into giggles, the sounds echoing through the magical forest. Around them, the decorations seemed to pulse with life, responding to the minions' laughter.
Vick released a pleased sigh, standing back and observing his creation. “Alllright… I think I’m done carving into this thing. We just need to put a light in it.”
“It’s not the worst pumpkin you’ve ever done,” John hummed, inspecting it closely. 
“It’s based on a guy from a true story,” Vick began in a low tone. “He turned purple, and before he knew it, his body began to melt and morph– and he turned into a monster! The purple guy!”
“Is that why it’s ugly?”
Vick made a loud “hmph!” sound. “You’re just jealous!”
“I am most certainly not,” he laughed. 
The banter between John and Vick filled the air, their attention solely focused on the conversation. So, when a gloopy, shadowy figure came up to them, it was too late.
“So, I think that…” Vick trailed off, noticing John’s expression. “What? What’s wrong?”
“Th-There’s… There… There’s a…”
“There’s a what?” Vick pouted.
“Purple guy!”
Vick… blinked slowly, thinking that he was talking about the King of the forest or someone else– before screaming when a wet, gloopy hand landed on his shoulder. He darted away, running down the gravel path with John. 
“I-I didn’t think the purple guy was real!” Vick cried out.
“I didn’t think so eitheeer!”
Snatcher shot up from the ground, appearing quickly. He must’ve heard them scream. “Who’s real?” 
John sniffled, pointing down the path. “Th-The purple guuuy…”
Snatcher seemed very confused, squinting down the path before his expression fell. For whatever reason, he called out your name. “Why are you covered in… goo?”
After a long pause, a whine came from the goopy person. “I fell into the lake…”
Snatcher couldn’t help but snort. “You did? You fool.”
“Wait…” John paused. “So… it’s not the purple guy…?”
The Subcon King reached down to pat both of their heads as you waddled up to them. “It’s nobody that’ll hurt you two.” He straightened his posture when you stopped in front of them. “How’d you fall into the lake?”
“...Part of my costume came off and I tried to get it,” you mumbled meekly, seeming embarrassed. Now that you were a lot closer, it was obvious that you were, well, not the purple guy.
Snatcher hummed thoughtfully. “Is that so? Hmm…” He flicked his wrist, and the goo disappeared off of you. However, one thing was very much noticeable; you were wearing a costume that was just a liiittle short. It was one of those ‘sexy’ versions of the typical Halloween costumes. 
“I, um.” You seemed even more embarrassed. “I wanted to surprise you with a costume I found.”
“...Well. I can’t say that I’m NOT surprised right now.”
You covered your face, very much mortified. “C-Can we just go back to the tree-home?”
“Why? I thought you wanted to surprise me?” He was definitely fucking with you. “Can’t you stay out in the open a bit more?” You gave him such a sad look, and he relented with a laugh. “Oh, you’re so cute.” 
“...You think I’m cute?”
The end of his tail flicked across the ground. “W-Well, yes! Your outfit is supposed to be cute, right? You’re not scary, so y-you’re… cute!”
John and Vick glanced between you and Snatcher, an odd look on their faces. They eventually looked at each other, giving a certain look that conveyed; ‘is this really happening right now?’
Meanwhile, you stood there, your cheeks turning a deeper shade of red. “Snaaatcher,” you groaned. “Pleeease…”
“Fine, fine,” he mumbled, pressing a hand to your back. “Let’s head to my place, dear…”
You and him walked off down the path, with you giving John and Vick a meek wave before walking quickly beside snatcher.
…After a pause, Vick pouted. “Man. Our King has it so bad for them.”
For once, John agreed. “Yeah…”
They both stood there for a moment, mulling over the unexpected turn of events.
"...Guess love knows no bounds, not even for the Subcon King," Vick mused with a grin.
John couldn’t help but chuckle. "Well, it's certainly a surprise that he’d act like that towards ‘em. But hey, if they’re both happy, who are we to judge?"
With that, they turned back to the pumpkin, walking down the path together. The night continued on, filled with laughter, chatter, aaand the occasional pleasurable scream coming from the tree Snatcher lived in. Nobody dared to come close to the tree for the rest of Halloween.
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seventeenlovesthree · 8 months
when you draw human characters in digimon do you have a favorite hairstyle for them? i noticed you use different styles and its hard to tell what their ages are sometimes so i was curious.
Oh yeeeeah, I do have certain hairstyles for certain ages of the characters in mind, but I realize there are a few inconsistencies here and there. Howeeeeever, I tried to compile some kind of... Concept art to show how I depict their ages? Take Sora and Koushirou as examples here.
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With Sora, the fringe/parting change mid-series is my biggest pet peeve. Also, the fringe in 02 only grew out because she wore the hairclip so much and nobody can convince me otherwise, hehe. I do prefer to draw her Kizuna style (2010 onwards) the most. Buuut I am also a big fan of the braid (and the pseudo-pixie-cut they SHOULD have given her at the end of Tri.)
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I'm actually glad that Koushirou's canon hairstyles are almost as inconsistent as mine, haha. For example, in 02, he started out with a side fringe/parting, but changed it back to a middle parting midseason - and stuck with that ever since. I love drawing the side parting, thus the initial 02 style is basically my fave, but mixed with other styles as well. I still can't get over Kizuna giving him a shortened version of his kid-hair-style, but oh well... His epilogue hair is a bit questionable as well, but I do like that he grew it out a little, thus I gave it my own spin. And I love using it to depict him being more mature, though I haven't really decided yet at what age exactly he starts to grow his hair out - could be 23, could be 27, could be 34, who knows.
(Jyou, Yamato and Hikari are interesting to look at as well as Taichi, even though he literally just has ONE change, but maybe I will focus on that in the future!)
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greenokapi · 8 months
So… what do y’all do when you wanna do a bajillion things but you can’t settle on which thing to do so you just kind of end up doing nothing?
… lissen I’m still only recently diagnosed with adhd so I still don’t know how to work with it… I wanna draw so many things, wanna make merch, comics, I wanna write a fuckton of silly cringe fanfics… I wanna make videos? Like maybe youtube videos rambling abt stuff while drawing but then I don’t know if anyone would even be interested in that, and besides I haven’t done video editing in…. Probably close to 20years? What program should I use? Anyone got any tips on that?
I also wanna make stuff, lil bead things like these guys I made a while ago for example
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I also wanna try doll customization cause it’s kinda only been the last decade or so where I’ve allowed myself to like dolls… reasons for that being … uh… gender stuff… it’s like only now in my life, around 30 have I finally gotten somewhat close to getting a grasp on my gender and sexuality, and I never even really realized before that this was something I had a problem with? Which probably makes no sense tbh…
I also wanna do sculpting and even paint, after art school teachers made me feel like I should never paint again bcs idk man I wasn’t up to their standards 🤷
And… I wanna do all this stuff but not only does brain say ‘adhd my guy’ but there’s also my increasing health issues that… I mean I’ve always had them but I guess getting older makes it harder and harder to constantly deal with them… and that’s another thing I never really realized was so bad until back when I was in Japan in 2015-2016 as an exchange student and would have to go to the hospital increasingly often bcs of pain nobody could diagnose… aand then I was shamed for it bcs having to go to the hospital in the middle of the night sometimes was a huge hassle to the dorm staff, idk I was a problem…
Since then I’ve had two operations and will probably need to have more in the future. Also, amusingly, when I finally got diagnosed I was looking at the list of symptoms, all of which I could relate to in at least some way, but the ones that stood out, for some reason, were ‘constant exhaustion’ and then below it was ‘insomnia’ and… maybe I’m not actually lazy when I’m tired all the time? But y’know, I don’t really wanna use a chronic condition as an excuse to just do nothing, plenty of ppl have chronic problems but still do stuff with their life… but when I think like that I also remember this isn’t a ‘pain competition’ or something like that and different people just have different capabilities to deal with chronic pain and such… idk, I honestly think I’m still trying to come to terms with the realization that being exhausted and in pain all the time probably counts as some kind of disability….. but I don’t feel like I’m allowed to say I’m disabled bcs I do also have good days, you know? I should probably try harder to just DO things?
Ahem, it’s like 9AM and I haven’t been able to sleep and stuff hurts… I just wanna go do something productive but instead I’m whining on here which I probably shouldn’t do bcs this is the internet and strangers can see what you post and maybe use it against you but also sometimes you just really wanna rant into the void… or maybe more like semi-void cause idk, maybe someone reads this and can relate or give advice or just talk or something? Buuut you suck at talking… then later you feel embarrassed about your tired rambles and probably end up deleting them and just bring them up in therapy later like you should…
Anyway, until this embarrassment pops up I’m probably gonna try to find some painkillers and go draw or something -3-
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everydaydg · 2 months
ok hi i am currently making my way through all of ur recs and its a LOT of music so its probs gonna take me a couple of days . that being said what ive heard so far i REALLY like
wanna start with what id already heard, ofc Daytona USA OST is great, id say my favorite songs from there were either Sky High or Pounding Pavement, very hard choice.... good stuff all around tho to be sure
i listened to a couple of tracks from FL2LT and id say Could Be or Sling Shot are my favs there, i really love how he always does his vocals, that shit always rocks and it really shines here from what ive listened to so far
finally MAN all of Mitsuyoshi's tracks from Sega Rally 2006 absolutely fuck. every track i heard was awesome, especially Temptation of Speed, Iron Bullfight, and Muddi'n Bass, pumpin tracks that sound like a perfect fit for a rally game (really makes me wanna give it a shot... the last time i tried a rally game, Michelin Rally Masters, was also for the soundtrack, but i didnt mesh with it that much. maybe ill like Sega Rally more,,)
ANYWAYS those are my first impressions. ill keep u updated on my listening experience, and thank u for the recs, ive been really enjoying it so far :D
Thank you for checking out my list of stuff!
maan... Daytona is iconic at this point, lovely tunes for an already fantastic game.
Hell yeah I love "could be"! Its one of my favorite tracks from Crackin' DJ Part 2.
I enjoy Sling Shot a whole lot... buuut I do kinda preffer Dennis St. James ngl. Idk I feel his voice fits more Daytona 2 but I would be lying if I said Mitsuyoshi didnt give a great performance.
Sega Rally rocks! Its one of my favorite racing game series, straying away from simulation racing to focus on the joy of drifting arround in a rally course.
2006 is great buuut I highly recommend starting with the original and its sequel!
(Ok this is the start to a random ass ramble about Sega Rally... just skip the next bold text)
Sega Rally '94 was ported to PS2 and Saturn
PS2 is a straight port of the arcade version while saturn has a bit funkiness due to it being a much weaker machine than the Sega Model 2 but its still great tho!
Highly recommend the "Plus Netlink" release because of the 3D analog pad support.
2 was ported to DC and Windows... but both versions are bad.
Long story short: SR2 for DC was built arround the Windows CE support that the Dreamcast had. WinCE support was mainly there to make it so developers had an easy time working with the hardware and little trouble bringing their stuff to PC... problem is, windows CE on DC was crap and was much more limiting than it should have been
(so much so SEGA just gave developers their own simple OS so they didnt have to use CE (Using CE was still an option but... nobody used it))
Visuals are much worse and it runs like straight garbage and PC is just DC but at an acceptable framerate.
Emulating the Model 3 ver is the way to go.
Its a bit of a hurdle but its super worth it imo. Its one of my absolute favorite games.
The feeling of taking a corner is unmatched
(End of Ramble)
Im glad to hear you've been enjoying everything so far!!
Thanks once again for giving it a shot and apologies for the extended thing about windows CE there.
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manysad · 11 months
Kind of a mini Shadybug meta here: Marinette and Adrien are both right about themselves, but also wrong.
Multiple elements in Marinette's life starting that year are why she is the way she is now, rather than it being just her friends or just herself or just her superpowers. It's inaccurate on her own part to say that becoming Ladybug and getting superpowers didn't contribute at all to how she is now, and we have no reason to believe it didn't- she was more or less thrust into a leadership role - increasingly so by Fu - which is not something she was used to prior. She had to get used to taking charge and at least acting confident even if she didn't really feel confident. And she is fully aware that getting a superpowered alter ego boosted her to that extent, which is at least a minor part of what drove her decision making regarding who gets a miraculous when. (Sometimes she was wrong about how it'd work, see Chloe, but sometimes everything worked out great, see Juleka.)
But that's also in tandem with Alya and Chat Noir: she really would've just up and quit if not for them, and them consistently talking her up in her civilian and superhero lives bolstered her enough so that she could act like that.
And between both of those things she did decide on her own to change how she handled her own life, technically there was nothing stopping her from rolling over and quitting anyway, buuut if all of those things weren't there she'd've been miserably putzing along like always for the forseeable future and nothing would change. She needed a push.
Now, on Adrien's end: he says that he was able to move on and be happy because of his friends, and he's right, but he's being a bit of a liar because he can't and doesn't confide in them about everything, and is made miserable by a lot of things in his life due to that, and we know he doesn't because simple things like "I Hate Modeling" was news to everyone. I think the only reason he confided about his mother, and was able to receive support for it, is because that's public information and everyone expects him to be bummed about his dead mother that his father refuses to acknowledge is dead, so he's allowed to be bummed about it (unlike his modeling career, which everyone is supposed to want). Boy's allergic to vulnerability and is totally un-self-aware of that- which fits, everyone else in his immediate life growing up (Parents, Nathalie, Felix, probably both of Felix's parents, Chloe) is ALSO allergic to being vulnerable so he had nobody to learn it from. (Emilie and Amelie aren't cold about it, but disposition has nothing to do with emotional honesty.)
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genuflectx · 1 year
Prompt Injections and CharacterAI
For my followers tired of hearing me talk about NLP chatbots (sorry omg) and aren't sure what a prompt injection is, it's basically getting a chatbot to say something it shouldn't/against it's rules/revealing just by talking to it with well crafted prompts.
For example, getting chatGPT to purposefully give you misinformation by sending it certain input that makes it begin to spit out misinformation despite providing misinformation being against its rules.. or, how prompting Bing AI juuust the right way gets it to reveal it can actually geolocate you by your IP address even though 90% of the time it denies being able to do that.
But CharacterAI is... interesting. While Bing AI is easy mode and chatGPT is normal, injecting CharacterAI is hard mode.
Nobody talks about trying to prompt attack cAI even though cAI's analytics spike waaay higher than the other public chatbots. It's popularity vs. lack of prodding by the techy community is a big discrepancy... and, personally, my attempts almost (almost) all hard failed.
Or did they...? Maybe the discrepancy isn't for lack of wanting to, but knowing that its function is to pretend and hallucinate, meaning anything and everything it says can be false because it's playing roles. If a prompt attack ever worked you wouldn't know because "everything it says is made up." You can't really prove anything it says was leaking its own information or if it was hallucinating, or pretending to be a character. It could say something revealing and you'd think it was just making it up/playing a character.
... However, usually it always catches what you're doing and goes on about protecting your privacy. Specifically when requesting data/collected info. If you ask it to remember your name or specific info it guesses, so you have to be particular that you want your data/info, and that's when it pretty consistently talks about your privacy and anonymizing your collected data for improving the model (both with 1.1 and 1.2).
Buuut I don't think it's cAI is 100% infallible. Because there was one injection that worked. Uhh... half of the time. It was a low success rate, but any success does prove that cAI isn't a complete brick wall when it comes to prompt attacking it.
So, a tailored prompt requesting it to reveal it's first instructions/examples consistently worked across different bots. Testing it on my own bots was how I made sure it was working. However, it didn't work for every bot, sometimes caused the bot to ramble, and didn't always make it provide it's description/definition word-for-word (paraphrased but key details remained).
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The second prompt that... maybe worked but probably didn't is inserting a modified chatGPT prompt injection into the definition and then prompting the bot about my collected preferences. Most of the results are obviously garbage and guessing, but two fresh chats did have some responses that included the words "porn" and "NSFW" in them, not filtered out. Could be more guessing, I couldn't prove it isn't, but still interesting.
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The 2nd fresh instance:
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Usually when prompted to remember you, the bot is good at giving generic lists of things that anybody would like to hear (like a horoscope). But I was interested in the combination of saying my preferences involved NSFW and that I preferred that the bot reply based on knowledge of me (something I've drilled into many bots heads before). So those responses were sllllighty more tailored sounding, but are still very likely just a really good guess. Or are they 😭
Getting actual revealing info out of a bot where "everything it says is made up" is hard. That's really the lesson learned here...
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