#[ featherfall; ask ]
[ Peli .. Ho-Oh 💌! ]
[ The familiar cry of Ho-Oh can be heard from above, sun bouncing off of its vibrant wings. Clearly, this isn't Sylvia's Ho-Oh- considering it's holding Stars on top. ]
[ It seems to be circling the immediate area, trying to find Ethan and Sylvia. ]
[ There’s a splash below, the waves breaking as Lugia dives. Ethan’s messy hair is just barely visible before he too sinks under the water’s surface. ]
[ In his haste to get away, he seems to forget that shallow diving in crystal clear waters leaves a trail of waves in the duo’s wake. He’s swimming out to shore, ditching whatever he was looking at. ]
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alt-bf-household · 2 years
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stuff that were meant to be just sketches that got colored.
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krisgoatpher · 2 years
ilyyyyy!! Your an amazing person and an even better friend!
: ) I love you too! You're such a wonderful friend, I am so thankful to have you by my side ❤️
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ifearzombies · 1 year
The Little ‘I Love Yous’ Part 2
- He gives you little blessings without thinking. Your tea is the perfect temperature. You find the perfect chair to sit in when your feet are tired. Little things to make you smile and you wonder why you’re so blessed; only to remember you are loved by an angel. - He wrote a little short story about your adventures in the Devildom. It’s a children’s book series about a little sheep living with seven black rams and how the sheep helped the seven angry rams be better brothers. There’s little side adventures of the sheep meeting with some doves. You have the signed first edition from ‘Christopher Peugeot’. Levi is still trying to figure out how you got it. - He noticed when you visit PH you have a favorite seat. He’s made a little pillow with your name on it and put it there showing it’s reserved for you.
- He hears about magic spells you’ve seen in games or movies and finds a way to make that a spell you can actually learn. Or tries to. He’s only succeeded on one spell, but the little token he gave you that lets you cast ‘featherfall’ lets you give into a few of your more risky intrusive thoughts. Or it lets you escape the brothers’ arguing if you’re not on the first floor and a window is nearby. - He explained that humans require sunlight to Diavolo so that every other weekend you two can go to the human world and enjoy the sunshine and visit your family up there. - You’re the first to see a new spell or potion or rune he makes. Normally it’d be several of the demons he’s pacted with- but since you’re learning magic too he makes a point to show you the spectacle once it’s perfected.
- He’s requested a day off of work with Diavolo to spend the day with you. It’s a rare occurrence, and you can’t help but be touched he’d leave Diavolo’s side to be with yours for even a minute let alone a day. - Your favorite meals are on the menu when you and the brothers visit for dinner. And there’s an extra little heart shaped chocolate on your plate that Barbatos will tell everyone he doesn’t know how it got there as he winks at you. - Sometimes you find random notes in your things at RAD. They’re all in the most exquisite calligraphy you’ve ever seen and it’s detailing something nice about you today. Your outfit, the way you did your hair, a kind act he saw. You know who puts these in your things and you treasure each one.
- He tries every hobby you try with you so that you’re not alone. Plus it teaches him about the human world and how to have the Devildom be more welcoming for when his dream hopefully comes true. - He asks you a lot about the human world and what you like and dislike about it. it. He assures you it’s for his passion project, but when you mention things you like about the human world they somehow end up part of the Devildom (though you are not about to object now that the Devildom has started selling Kinder Eggs) - Kabedons you when only Barbatos is there. And when you blush he playfully asks if he did it right this time. You tell him no just so he’ll do it again later and he knows you’re lying.
- You help Simeon use his computer any time he needs to use it and is too scared he’ll break it. Lots of things are harder to find without use of the internet and he needs to be able to do research for writing and you’re always willing to help. He does credit you with a pen name, but you tell him he doesn’t have to.
- You try Solomon’s cooking. The RARE occasions Luke and Simeon can’t stop him from using the kitchen he always tries to make something for you and you always try it. Even when you’re honest and tell him it’s bad after, he still tries to make things for you and you try it because he smiles wide just because you were willing to try it.
- You occasionally spend a day helping Barbatos with his duties. The first time you decided to do it you went in not knowing how much the butler does but now you wonder how he ever manages to make it one day without falling asleep before noon. The days you offer to help him are his favorite days and you can tell by the smile on his face when you show up in a butler/maid uniform to help.
- Being the heir to the throne is not easy. And for as busy as Lucifer and Barbatos are, you realize Diavolo works the hardest. You ask for a day or two here or there to spend the night with him- not even just for sex. No. You hold him and run a hand through his hair and tell him that it’s OK to rest. You give him a massage and let him rest. There’s been times he’s cried that you never speak of. Times he tells you he worries that his dream will fall apart if Michael and the other angels don’t support this. That you and Solomon and Simeon and Luke will be taken from him if he fails. You tell him it’ll be OK. That you’ll find a way back to him and the others if that happens. You won’t let anyone take him and the others away from you because you love him and the others.
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barbwillbrb · 4 months
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Been working on a sketchy reference sheet to introduce my main Tav that I keep doodling with Rolan, along with his twin sister who was also hijacked on the Nautiloid.
Meet Rackal and Clairice Orro, a pair of twin pansexual disasters here to 1) get the fuck back to Balder’s Gate to make sure their mom is okay and 2) save the world. Shenanigans in their adventure may or may not include:
- Letting a sketchy “doctor” give you a lobotomy because your dead girlfriend keeps telling you to eat fucking tadpoles in your sleep
- Three words: tequila and tadpoles.
- Screwing an incubus while your friends/brother kill a devil in the other room
- Many improper uses of featherfall. Or desperate. Or creative— depends who you ask.
- Lots of Bluetooth tadpole nonsense
- Fighting god?
- Correction: killing gods.
Rackal and Clairice are two of my OCs who’ve been with me the longest, and I’ve been using BG3 to explore their personalities a bit through an AU idea I’m still tinkering with. Hoping to maybe doodle some comics about it eventually.
Also light censor in case tumblr gets mad.
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equinoxbloom · 20 days
To Know You
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[FFXIV Write 2024 | Day 4 | Reticent]
She hadn’t realized she hesitated until he told her so, arm outstretched. Her hand descended slowly into this wide palm, featherfall, and she was struck by its warmth. She was always struck by his warmth. Her fingers curled. “Do you trust me?” he asked her, earnest in the privacy of the Borel manor garden.
“Of course,” she said, quickly for once. She hadn’t needed to think about it. After all they’d been through, how could she not? Her stay in Ishgard had been championed by House Fortemps but made possible by the weight of his support - given so delicately she and Alphinaud hadn’t seen it for far too long. Approval offered at a distance without favor; a serene confidence in their virtue that steadied their detractors. She had been implicated in regicide.
His smile was boyishly lopsided, then. “I am glad.” He didn’t tell her it relieved him to hear it. The Hero of Eorzea was as delicate as she was indomitable. He wasn’t certain which had surprised him more.
“Were you uncertain?” she asked, frowning. He tugged her hand, pulling her steps closer even as his gaze skated past her to confirm they were alone. He’d not forgive himself if he ever let her be found vulnerable on his account.
“I admit that, with you, I am rarely certain I understand your feelings,” he said.
“I’m sorry,” she said, though she couldn’t quite bring herself to look him in the eye. She wondered if he was fully aware of himself. Surely he had felt the way the eligible bachelors and bachelorettes of Ishgard followed him with bated breath. Surely he understood the way such an expression would set their pulses racing… set her pulse racing.
He laughed, soft and low. She was an impossibility. He wanted to steal her away. He wanted to watch her bloom. “I am not one to shy away from the effort required to reach worthwhile goals.”
She bit her tongue to keep herself still, levin dancing down her spine. His finger curled beneath her chin to draw her gaze to his, breath lodged in her throat to find his face so very near. Her hand still wrapped in his.
“Aymeric…” his name was hardly a whisper. She wanted to fall into him. She wanted to run from him.
“You so rarely tell me what you’re thinking,” his breath on her lips, she felt herself leaning into him. His hand tightened around hers. “You so rarely say my name.”
He stepped away. She let out the breath she hadn’t known she’d been holding. Her hand was cold.     
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intynidad · 1 year
After stalking your page and reading 🐈‍⬛ anons one shot I wanted to ask, Tip and Nipps color?? And could we get a clothing reference?? And a voice claim? Sorry if it’s too much (´∀`)♡ - 👽 anon
Well their nips color is this color
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And loner tip is like this
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And he actually dresses pretty basic, his clothes are kinda raggedy
Kinda like this but a little bit more chubby (our pathetic mew mew doesn’t exercise lol)
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His voice is mostly like sal fisher from the game sally face by the voice actor featherfall studio
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wetcatspellcaster · 10 months
I love your work so much! Thank you for giving us the DVD commentary. I’m so torn picking a scene from your fics but I landed on this one.
“Astarion made to step towards her. Rosalie made her decision, and raised the poker higher, making him pause. Then, she stretched her left hand out in front of her.
“But I was thinking back to the olden days,” she said, keeping her eyes on him, where he stood warily back, clearly worried she was going to hit him again. “About how I used to just jump off things, and break fucking bones, and all I would do is take the pain. Then I'd turn to Shadowheart, and I'd ask her to heal me.”
Astarion’s brow furrowed, and before he could get it Rosalie gritted her teeth, and pivoted so her free hand rested on the edge of the sideboard. Hey, if I break more of his furniture, it’s an added bonus, she thought - and then she bought the iron poker down on her wrist.
Magical items were often, for all intents and purposes, indestructible.
Wrists. Not so much. Rosalie often swore her bones felt more brittle these days.
“NO!” Astarion cried, as she herself shrieked, and raised the poker, and bought it down again.
Two hits was enough, but she managed three before her vision started to spot and blacken at the edges. The hand was a pulp, the bracelet remained a perfect silver circle. The skin started weeping blood, which was probably not a good call, in the ol’ vampire mansion. Still, needs must. Rosalie could practically feel herself fighting a giggle.
As she raised her hand to examine it, magic came flooding back exactly as she had been hoping. Why did the bracelets come in pairs? It could’ve been Astarion’s weird aesthetic preferences, but then, if it was, she would’ve expected some chains there in the mix as well. She figured there must be a reason both wrists were bound.
The pain roiled through her like nausea, and one of the shackles fell away from the meat of her limp, flattened fingers.
She started to swoon a little, and Astarion was suddenly there, right next to her, his arm around her waist, holding her up before she could black out and fall to the floor.
“Look what you’ve done to yourself,” Astarion said, sounding genuinely horrified. “What does this achieve, darling? You can’t cast spells without both your hands, and it’s not like you can hold the poker and get the other wrist. I’ll need to find you a healer. What if you’ve prevented yourself from ever casting a spell again? You love your magic. Oh, dearest heart, good gods. You act like I’m worse than the devil himself.”
“Don’t need the other wrist,” she panted, imagining a world where she could stick around enough to vomit on his clothes as promised. “The only somatic gesture I need, is this.”
She dropped the poker with a clatter, raised her good hand, gave him the finger.
Then, she shouted the verbal component for Dimension Door, and winked out of existence. Astarion was left grasping on air.”
Hey anon, thank you for being kind and wanting to play the ask game with me!
I am genuinely trying to remember now if in Howl's Moving Castle and subsequent books Sophie ever chased Howl with a fire poker. I'm trying to remember if I truly imagined this or read it in a fanfic or whatnot. Anyway, regardless of whether I invented this scene from HMC or not, book Howl/Sophie was the energy I was bringing to this scene lmao.
My characters took a lot of fall damage in BG3, truly just short resting every time we took a stealth route in Act 1 bc I was not wasting spellslots on Featherfall. Anyway, the entire concept of fall damage but also just healing makes me think adventurers in particular would be way more at peace with grievous bodily harm. Poor Shadowheart.
The antimagic bracelets are a homebrewed magic item from my D&D game! They negate anything that counts as a spell or magical effect. Fun fact: in my D&D game, my players confronted a hot evil wizard man in his office and through a series of checks (including a Nat 1 dex save from him) they just put the bracelets on him. They entirely negated combat and instead plunged themselves into the true struggle of every D&D party: an awkward conversation. With a man shackled by jewelry.
The brittle wrists thing is autobiographical. I already feel like a glass canon bag of twigs so I imagine in my 40s my wrists will be the first thing to go.
That being said, I have no idea if hitting your hand a few times at full whack would actually do anything or have any of the effects I describe, it just sounded cool at the time.
A few comments (that I've yet to reply to) have noted that Astarion's final speech here is very hypocritical, and it absolutely is. He took away her magic, he's suddenly worried she'll never have magic again... But at his end, he knows that the antimagic bracelets are temporary. He only needs to take her magic away until they've sorted out this wee understanding and she's no longer going to use it to fireball him. He wasn't planning on keeping her magic from her forever, just until they finish their conversation... etc. Meanwhile this is a permanent consequence, and that idea horrifies him.
Dimension Door only has a verbal spell component to be cast, and thank god otherwise my plot would've been literally in tatters! I'm so glad 5e made it easy for her to get away
This is also foreshadowing, bc Astarion says that people can't teleport in and out of the house but then Rose succeeds... seems like, mayhaps, she's the exception to the rule ~ x
"You act like I’m worse than the devil himself.” You see, not to stand in Ascended!Astarion's corner for a brief second, but maybe when you now hang out with vampires and devils and go the Hells every once in a while, your relative curve for morality gets thrown off, and while other people are horrified by your behaviour all you can see is how much worse you could be, and how much worse you've seen other monsters act...
DVD commentary ask
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tabitha42 · 19 days
The Wizard's Apprentice - Chapter 40
Saffron is just a lowly apprentice with barely a successful firebolt to her name. So what chance does she have with the arch mage she's slowly falling in love with?
Gale x Tav, slow burn, eventual smut
Chapter 1 Previous chapter Next chapter
The group stared down the seemingly bottomless hole that supposedly lead to the Underdark. 
“Are you sure about this, Astarion?” Wyll asked sceptically. 
“That’s what they said,” Astarion replied, sounding somewhat unsure about it himself. 
The ruins of the Zhentarim hideout had taken a good couple of hours to dig through, but once they got through the surface rubble, they were relieved to see most of the interior was relatively intact. The question now was, were they really willing to trust an overheard conversation and jump into what looked like a doorway to oblivion? 
“Sounds like you need a scout,” Tara offered, standing up on Gale’s shoulders. 
“Tara, no, it’s too dangerous,” Gale warned, but she ignored him as she spread her wings. 
“Nonsense. I will be only a moment.”
She jumped off and swooped down into the hole before Gale could stop her. He held his breath for a painfully long time, til he finally released it again as she came back up. 
“That’s the Underdark, no doubt. Dreadful place,” she declared.
“You could always head back to Waterdeep,” he said, knowing she’d refuse before she did it. 
“Not a chance. Now come along, let’s go,” she decided, turning and flying back down again.
As the others jumped down one by one, Saff stood nervously at the edge, looking down into the abyss. The ethereal feathers that danced around her from Gale’s enchantment did little to quell her nerves, but when he took her hand and met her eyes with a reassuring smile, that was all she needed. With a gulp and a deep breath, she followed his lead, and jumped. 
They fell for so long in darkness she began to worry that the spell would wear off before they reached the bottom, but just as she was about to ask him to recast it, the tunnel suddenly opened up and what she saw took her breath away. 
The sprawling cavern beneath them went on as far as the eye could see, and was illuminated with huge, bioluminescent plants. Great trees with leaves of glowing blue towered over bottomless ravines. Orange mushrooms dotted the ground, creating what looked like fields of fireflies. She’d read plenty about the Underdark before, though as she jumped she hadn’t known what to expect. She’d certainly never expected to find it beautiful. 
They landed softly on the ground in what appeared to be a storage area, though the crates that surrounded them had been long since emptied out. Gale turned to Saff to check she was ok, and was surprised to see her excitedly run ahead, jumping over boxes, towards the exit the others had already found.
He joined her on the edge of the rock face that lead further down. The others were climbing down the rope ladder the Zhentarim had put there, but Saff remained at the top, staring into the distance, taking in the sight ahead of her. 
“It’s beautiful…” she whispered in awe, unable to take her eyes off of the alluring glow of the Underdark.
“Beautiful, and dangerous,” Gale warned. “Down here, just about everything wants to kill you, or worse. Be careful.” 
“I know. I will,” she assured him, looking up at him with a smile. 
The sound of Astarion’s shouting was immediately superseded by the sound of a blast as a trap went off. Gale and Saff quickly covered their faces from the wave of heat, and when they looked back down, they saw Karlach lying on the ground with an embarrassed grin, small embers burning in her hair and her clothes as the fire burnt away the ladder beneath them. 
“A good start,” Gale said with a small chuckle as he raised his hands to cast Featherfall once more. 
Walking through the Underdark proved to be as exhilarating as it was dangerous. They soon discovered that traps weren’t the only things around prone to exploding if one got too close, as Astarion learnt when he lingered too long next to a glowing mushroom. 
“Bibberbang!” Saff announced excitedly when she realised what they were. “They give off poisonous spores and explode if you get too close.” 
“I noticed, thanks,” Astarion grumbled from where he smouldered on the ground. 
The group continued, and just as they thought they were finally starting to get the hang of the Underdark, they found themselves taken by surprise by a pack of Hook Horrors. 
Gale grinned to himself as he raised his hands, lighting sparking at his fingertips as the Weave built around him. It was the first proper fight he’d been in since the orb had been stabilised, and while he still wasn’t back to his full strength, he could feel he was less restrained than before. 
Lightning tore through the air, flashing an unprecedented brightness in the dark cavern. As each Horror fell another joined the fight, calling out to its packmates, but the group was ready for them. Even Saff was finding her confidence now, throwing spells at their enemies and blasting them away from her whenever they got close. Her heart raced as adrenaline coursed through her veins, her movements almost a dance. 
By the time the fight was finally over, she was breathless, sweat trickling down her neck. She looked over to Gale and found him already looking at her. There was a proud smile on his lips, though she could swear there was a look in his eyes that was more than just pride. 
She didn’t get a chance to ask though as the ground beneath them began to rumble. There was barely time for any of them to try to figure out what was going on before the ground burst beneath them between Saff and Gale, throwing the two of them to the ground. She gasped and looked up at the hulking monstrosity above her that thrashed and roared as the others descended on it, recognising it as a bulette. She scrambled to her feet and prepared another spell, though as she did, she couldn’t help but get a bit distracted by the sight of Gale, arms raised as he launched a bolt of lightning at the creature.  
Eventually their assailant gave up and burrowed back underground, disappearing from sight. As the group caught their breaths Gale and Saff’s eyes met once more, and this time there was nothing to stop them as he walked over to her. 
“An impressive display,” he complimented. She was still slightly breathless as she wiped the sweat from her brow and looked up at him. 
“You too. Those spells were… incredible.”
“Heh, trust me, with this thing now stabilised,” he said, tapping his chest, “that’s only the start of what I can do. 
“Well…” she started, stepping towards him slightly, “I can’t wait to see more.” 
He felt a flush at how close she stood, the look in her eyes, the playful smile on her lips. He cleared his throat and gave her a smile of his own. 
“You know… I once read a book that detailed the effects a brush with death can have with one’s desire for… other forms of stimulation.” Her eyebrows raised in curiosity, immediately realising what he was getting at. “Have you ever read anything on the subject?” 
“I haven’t, but…” she raised a hand and gently rested it on his chest as she moved close enough for their bodies to touch, “...it’s a subject I’d very much like to learn more about. Perhaps… you could teach me?” 
They wasted no time in finding a crevice in the cliff face out of view of the others, and before she knew it, Saff was pressed up against it with his lips against hers. She ran her fingers into his hair, pulling him in as she felt his hands wandering her body. The kiss was hungry, frantic, almost desperate. Every time they’d been together before it was loving, gentle, romantic… this was not. This was lust. The two of them were desperate for each other, and while they knew they couldn’t have sex here, they were determined to satisfy their desires as much as they could… for now. 
His hand slipped under her skirt, squeezing her thigh, pulling her leg up. He felt a hint of a moan against his lips as he pressed his thigh up between her legs, his hands pulling her hips towards him…
They both immediately pulled away and turned to see Shadowheart, arms folded, standing in front of the rest of the group, who all looked at them with varying levels of amusement. Saff’s cheeks flushed a bright red and she looked down and covered her face with her hand as Gale awkwardly tried to straighten his clothes. Shadowheart had to smirk to herself as she watched them. 
“We’re ready to go if you two are?” 
Mercifully, most of the group made no more mention of it as they continued on. The sussur tree soon came into view, looming above them, glowing beautifully. Saff was devastated to discover that getting too close led to such an unpleasant feeling - she’d read about the sussur bloom’s antimagic properties, but had never expected the sensation of it to be quite so awful. Gale had similar thoughts, and after hearing them discuss it, Astarion suddenly became much more interested in the flowers. 
“I think I’ll take one, could come in handy,” he said with a grin as he picked one up. Gale narrowed his eyes at him, knowing exactly what he was planning with that.
“If you’re thinking of putting one outside our tent to mess with us, I should warn you, that will also dispel the silence enchantment I put on the tent.” 
Astarion quickly put the bloom back down. 
The group continued, starting to grow weary now. As they ascended a natural bridge that stretched across a crevasse, Lae’zel began to grow impatient. 
“Do you actually know where we’re going?” she asked Halsin as he led the way. 
“The entrance to the Underdark from the Shadow Cursed lands went through an old temple of Shar. That’s what we’re looking for.” 
Shadowheart’s face lit up at the mention of her goddess.
“A temple of Shar, in the Underdark? The drow have more taste than I thought,” she commented. 
“Hmm…” Halsin murmured disapprovingly, but said nothing, deciding not to get into an argument about her choice of deity right now.
“Is that a temple?” Wyll asked, pointing to a distant building. 
“Looks like a temple to me!” Karlach announced excitedly, her dark vision giving her a much clearer view than Wyll. 
Unfortunately for Shadowheart, when they finally reached it they discovered it was a temple of Selûne, not Shar. 
“Oh, and look, it’s guarded by minotaurs,” she said as they surveyed the area between them and the temple’s entrance. “Sounds like a good reason to turn around and leave to me.” 
“If anyone’s going to have information on the whereabouts of a Shar temple, it’s going to be Selûnites. We might find something useful in there,” Wyll pointed out. Shadowheart seethed, but reluctantly agreed. 
The fight against the minotaurs had been hard enough, and just to make matters worse the bulette paid them another visit, before scurrying off back into the ground once more. By the time they finally found a way into the temple, the group was exhausted. They slumped in whatever spots they could each find in the entrance hall of the temple, all except for Shadowheart, who refused to spend any more time here than she needed to and immediately set about searching for information. 
“You know,” Astarion announced to the group once they’d had a moment to rest, “there’s no traps here. No explosive mushrooms. It’s defensible against outside threats. I’d say this would make for a pretty good place to set up camp.” 
He didn’t need to look at Shadowheart to imagine the look of absolute fury on her face. 
“That’s not a bad idea,” Halsin agreed, completely oblivious to the fact that Astarion was winding Shadowheart up, and oblivious to the stifled laughs around him. 
“We are NOT making camp here!” Shadowheart insisted, storming back to the group from the side room she’d been searching. 
“Aw, but darling, don’t you agree it’s safe?” Astarion teased, unphased by her anger. 
“If we stay here I will be a bigger threat to you than anything we might face out there.”
In the end, they decided a short rest there was enough. 
The group ended up splitting into two, one to finish searching the temple, one to search the immediate area outside. Saff went with Gale, Wyll and Karlach as they climbed out a broken window and began to explore the nearby vicinity. They didn’t expect to find much there, assuming anything of note would be inside the temple. 
That was when they found the drow. 
The statues stood ominously around them, screaming out in silent peril. It was like walking through a moment frozen in time, a harrowing view of a desperate fight, though there was no sign of what they’d been fighting. Saff reached out and gently touched the cold stone, looking into the terrified eyes of the drow that stood petrified before her. She wondered if they had any way to reverse the petrification. Basilisk oil was an option, though she carried all their alchemy materials and she had none on her. Greater Restoration would work, but it was no easy spell and she didn’t know if either Halsin or Shadowheart were able to cast it. She knew of an old spell called Stone to Flesh that would have worked, but knowledge of how to cast it had been lost to the ages. She felt her heart begin to sink as she slowly had to accept that there may well be nothing they could do for these poor people. 
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of movement, and as she looked over a deep terror filled her as she saw the creature that rose above them, its tentacles spreading, its single eye opening. 
The fight started before they knew what was happening. With a flick of the spectator’s tentacles, the drow around them were brought back to life, but any joy Saff might have felt at their resuscitation quickly dissipated as the drow turned on them. 
Spells flew and blades clashed as the group faced off against the drow. It would have been a hard fight anyway, even without the added threat of a spectator. Eventually the last drow fell, leaving only their most dangerous foe. Bruised and battered, the group faced the spectator, and Karlach led the attack. 
Gale and Saff stayed back, scraping together the last of their magic, reduced almost just to cantrips now. Karlach and Wyll kept the spectator’s attention off them, dancing around its attacks, and eventually it looked like they might be on the verge of victory… until it let out an ear-shattering scream and rose above them, its single eye darting between them. It raised a tentacle, and from it a ray of light shot towards Karlach. She gasped as she felt her muscles freeze up in paralysis. She tried to fight against it, until suddenly she realised from the creeping cold sensation that rose up her legs that this was not just paralysis. 
“Karlach!!” she heard Wyll shout, but couldn’t turn her head to see him. The sensation continued to rise up her legs, and all Wyll, Gale and Saff could do was watch in horror as her skin turned grey and hard, the petrification spreading up her body, til it finally covered her head and left her as nothing more than a statue. 
“No!!” Wyll cried out, reaching out to her. He turned to the spectator in fury, raising his blade and screaming in rage as he ran towards it, but before he could reach it another ray shot down and rooted him in place, the familiar grey now starting to crawl up his own skin. 
Saff cried out in anguish and fear as she watched her two friends turn to stone in front of her, then looked up as the spectator turned to her now. 
“Run!!” Gale grabbed her arm and dragged her with him, knowing they couldn’t both face this thing on their own. They had to get back to the others. All together, perhaps, they’d stand a chance. 
She ran with him as she heard the spectator following after them, its screams piercing their ears. Gale pointed to a spot above them and shouted for her to Misty Step there with him, then let go of her arm to cast the spell. She raised her hands to cast it with him, but as she did the spell fizzled in her fingers. He’d always warned her to leave herself enough magical energy to escape if needed… now she feared she was going to pay for forgetting that warning. Desperately she tried to cast it again, only to get the same result. She looked up as Gale rematerialised on the top of the cliff ahead and looked round for her. Panic gripped her as she heard the spectator growing closer, unable to outrun it. “Gale!” She shouted, reaching out to him in a desperate hope he could somehow help her. He turned as he heard her shout, and as he did, she suddenly felt her legs freeze up and the breath catch in her throat as her arm was frozen in place, reaching for him. 
“Saff!!” he gasped, raising his arms in a spell to return to her, only to find it also fizzled in his hands. He swore under his breath and ran, jumping down the rocky crevice, and as he reached the ground and ran towards her he saw as the grey now climbed up her legs, across her torso, over her chest…
Tears welled in her eyes, but didn’t get a chance to fall as the cold reached her face and spread across her cheeks, and the last thing she saw was Gale running towards her as the world went black.
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tieflingships · 5 months
Howdy! As a fellow BG3 selfshipper, I’d be very interested to hear about your Tav/s/i! What’s their story?
Hey!! Thank you so so so much for the ask🩵!! I'm so sorry for disappearing and taking so long to respond to this ask! My baby just turned one, and then he got sick right after his party 🥲 so I have been super busy. Long answer under the cut.
I actually have two now!! Freedom was my first, and now I'm working on Bright. Both are still a work in progress, but Freedom is much further along than Bright.
- Race: Mephistopheles Tiefling
- From: Featherfalls, Dalelands in North Faerun
- Romantic interest: Lae'zel
- Class: Sorcerer
- she has dissociative amnesia (not Durge)
- Ursuline is her original name
- at first when she wakes up on the nautiloid she has no memory of her past. She calls herself Freedom because that's her first thought when she breaks out of the pod
- She tries not to remember what she's forgotten but as time goes on she starts to have flashbacks as she remembers things
- Race: Zariel Tiefling
- From: Baldur's Gate
- Romantic Interest: Raphael
- Class: Warlock
- Comes from a whole family of warlocks and was more or less forced into her infernal pact.
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drabbleitout · 1 year
Charred wings and/or bath!
Don! Hi! I hope you're doing well. This was the perfect way to get my butt in gear and write something again, so thank you so much! I was torn a little bit, but finally decided on going with Charred Wings! (From this Prompt List)
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August Prompts — Charred Wings
Words: 1200 cw: None Starring Beau & Garnet from Time Borrowed
“You’ve never done one of these things, huh?” Garnet asked him as they made their way down the halls of Featherfall elementary school. Beau only half heard him, looking over the many colorful bulletin boards filled with projects and artwork.
“Nuh-uh,” he shook his head. “What do you do at career day?”
“Mostly just talk about what we do and answer a lot of questions. I mean a lot of questions. But I’m sure you’ll like that,” he playfully nudged Beau, half turning them down another hall. At the end was the wide entrance to the gymnasium, a fuzzy, cartoon blue jay standing beside the doors waving them in.
“What is that?” Beau whispered, falling a step behind. Garnet laughed, reaching back to grab his arm and tug him along.
“It’s a school mascot,” he snickered. “A guy in a suit.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that.” Beau whispered, easing his way around Garnet to stand on the side away from the blue jay.
“Are you scared?” Garnet started to tease him, waving at the mascot drawing attention to them.
“Welcome to Featherfall Elementary! I’m Jay! Thanks for coming to career day!” The over-animated voice only seemed to unsettle Beau worse, slipping damn near sideways through the door as if refusing to let Jay out of his sight.
“Thanks,” Garnet couldn’t stop laughing, following Beau in. He tossed an arm around Beau’s shoulders. “It’s just a guy in a suit, probably a teacher.”
“I don’t care. I don’t like it,” Beau continued to glance over his shoulder in case Jay suddenly charged after them. Garnet led them around the different stations where a number of occupations were placed. There were doctors, mechanics, firefighters, cooks, artists, and more from all over the city.
Beau continued to watch the door as they arrived at their spot in the middle of the gym. Unlike other areas, they had brought themselves for presentations with vehicle visits outside. Garnet promised him Jay was going to leave them alone, but it wasn’t until the children started flooding in did Beau forget about the mascot.
Beau fidgeted with his hands as he watched the first group approach. “Firefighters are pretty cool, huh?” Garnet welcomed them as they chatted about the fire engine waiting outside. He offered out high fives as they scurried over, getting several, high-energy takers. “They’re probably not as cool as us, though.”
“Yeah-huh,” one boy protested.
“I dunno,” Garnet kissed his teeth, sounding iffy on the subject. “I mean, do firefighters have motorcycles? Or helicopters? What about robots?” He hooked his hands on his belt, mouth skewed unimpressed. “Bet they don’t have those, huh?”
“Robots?” They were instantly locked on Garnet, fully invested.
“You have robots?!”
“Of course!” Garnet playfully shot. “That’s way cooler than firefighters, right?”
“Where’s a robot?”
“I wanna see one!”
They all began speaking over one another, louder and louder, more and more excited. Garnet glanced over at Beau, passing him a wink.
“Alright, alright,” Garnet ceded, hands held up before tapping a finger to his lips to quiet them down. “Where do you think they could be? First person who can find them gets a prize.” They all hurried to look the gymnasium over, speaking softly to one another. Beau smiled as he ran the start-up on Dave –the cicada-like drone buzzed as it detached itself from the magnetic holster on his back, vibrating before taking flight.
A small girl noticed, gasping softly as she locked eyes with Beau. The others noticed the drone as it made a small circle above them. “Him!” The little girl pointed to Beau. Dave made a wider circle before making a calculated landing on Beau’s outstretched arm.
“He’s not a robot, he doesn’t even look like a robot.” One of the boys piped up. Beau smiled, passing her a wink as he ran a short script to move the plating on his face causing the seam lines to appear and disappear.
The kids went ballistic.
“That’s so cool! Is that your drone? Is he like a pet? Does he talk to you?" They rattled off question after question as Garnet pulled an envelope from his jacket pocket, crouching down to let the girl pick out a sticker.
“This is Dave,” Beau spoke up, trying to keep his voice from buzzing at how excited he was. “He’s… something like a pet. But he mostly helps me at work to keep people safe.”
“Can I pet him?”
Beau nodded, crouching down and offering his arm out so that they could reach Dave. There wasn’t much feedback on Dave’s opinion of being akin to a pet or the attention from the children, but the kids were thrilled about it.
“What about you?” A boy was more curious about Beau. “If you’re a robot, can you go in the bathtub?”
“I can,” Beau chuckled. “I can swim too.”
“I like to swim.”
“Can you eat donuts?” another kid interrupted. “My mom says all cops eat donuts.”
“Yes,” he was doing his best to stop laughing. He’d expected questions, but not quite like this. “I don’t know that all cops do, but I can. I like the cake ones.”
“They make cake donuts?!” It was clearly the best news this kid had heard all day.
“Are swear words illegal?” The girl with the sticker asked, following Beau’s stare as he looked at Garnet. She was focused on the question, dead set on getting an answer.
“Uh, well, sorta,” Garnet fumbled for a moment. 
“Why?” She frowned. “Why were they invented if we’re not supposed to say them?”
“That’s a really good question. What do you think, Lieutenant Batista?” Beau smiled, getting a look for his effort.
“Well, they’re like being able to drive. You have to be a certain age to use them.”
“Yeah, that’s true,” one of the loud kids interjected. “Because my parents say bad words all the time and they’ve never been to prison.”
“My brother has!”
“How do babies get in my mom’s stomach?” The kid currently petting Dave asked loudly. Garnet blinked, trying to process so much at one time. But before he could rebound, they continued, “Is it science or magic that makes it happen?”
“Science,” Beau assured.
“I knew it!”
Yelling broke out from the other end of the gymnasium, Beau and Garnet’s attention snapping towards the sound. A cackling child was fleeing the mechanic’s table, toting a butane torch that was currently spewing a flickering, blue flame.
“Put that down!” Jay was in hot pursuit, fringes of his blue bird suit charred, smoking, small flames here and there along the arms. One of the firefighters crossed the gym at full speed, tackling the blue jay and ordering them to drop and roll.
The children were in stitches. Several teachers rounded up the miniature arsonist, separating him from the torch with only a few burns.
“I told you firefighters are cooler,” one of the boys spoke up, earning a frown from Garnet. “He saved Jay.”
“Okay,” Garnet threw his shoulders, having a time of looking unbothered. “I guess that means we won’t get to have motorcycle rides.” He grinned at the kids who went up in choir of apologies, making Garnet smirk.
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.. Hi. Brother here.
... ... ...
You're pretty.
- 🌟
hehehhe thank you!! that’s sweet of you ^^ i’m guessing you’re the ‘Stars’ she mentioned?
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maverick-ocs · 9 months
Viel I think your bodyguard is broken. He fell off a log and he hasn't moved for like a good 30 seconds. (BASED ON WHEN I MISCLICKED A JUMP AND HIS DUMB ASS JUMPED INTO THE PUTRID BOG AND DID OVER HALF HIS HP IN DAMAGE AND WAS PRONE FOR LIKE 6 TURNS)
Vielyn almost has to wring sympathy out of himself after that one. A foolish move, and consequences to match. By all rights, he should leave Merdrin for dead.
Except. Y'know. He likes Merdrin.
So instead he goes against everything he was raised to know and casts featherfall, jumping right after Mer. Trying to ignore the assault on his senses from the rancid bog, he strains to concentrate on a spell to heal him so he's at least not in pain.
"What were you thinking?" Viel asks, just getting a groaned apology in response. "Were you thinking?"
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remidyal · 2 years
Childhood's End - FH Oneshot
Childhood's End - Apsallar - Dimension 20 (Web Series) [Archive of Our Own] on AO3, but this one's short enough that I'm just dropping the text below:
They say that no one ever knows their exact last day of being a child.  But Aelwyn does. She remembers that, though there were many gaps in her memories since. She knew it at the time.
It wasn't the cliche answer of the first time she'd had sex, or had alcohol, or done hard drugs, though it was something that had eventually led to all of those.  It wasn't the first time she killed someone, either, though it eventually led to that, too.
She was thirteen, and still several months away from her exams into the upper classes at Hudol, and she'd gotten her first invitation from a classmate to their birthday party.  Admittedly, they'd invited everyone, but normally people didn't bother including Professor Abernant's daughter into that; they knew she was busy with studies and Aelwyn quite prided herself on being the most gifted and hardest working wizard in her year.
It was even enough that mother and father would sometimes show her off to others, once she'd learned the scripts, what to say and how to stand and how not to overstay her welcome - which was generally brief per person.
Still, she was...  curious, now that she'd been invited.  The girl whose birthday it was - Julie somethingorother - was one of the somewhat uncommon humans at Hudol, which mostly had those of elvish or gnomish blood.  Still, there were lots of half-elves, and they seemed to be happy to celebrate as well.  Aelwyn's own birthdays had always gone passed unremarked on, though she usually remembered them; she wasn't even certain either when her mother or father's were, nor for that matter how old they are.
That was not the sort of question a good daughter would ask, and she wouldn't get to learn it from the bad daughter asking because Adaine surely didn't care when their parents had been born.  A shame; Aelwyn would like to know, but not nearly enough to step a foot out of line of being the good daughter to them.
Not that Adaine would be competing for the title.  She never seemed to learn any of the right steps in the dances their parents demanded, dragged down by her twin burdens of rage and fear, neither of which Angwyn or Arianwen Abernant had any time for.
This party was quite convenient in that it didn't start until eight at night on a Friday, well after dinner and when Adaine and Aelwyn would be expected to be in their rooms studying.  Aelwyn even normally would, but tonight she had other plans.
Thankfully, this time of year sunset was early, and Aelwyn had carefully calculated - she could get to the place that the party was being held (something called a go-cart track, which sounded interesting enough) if she left by 7:20, and there shouldn't be any problem with that as long as she didn't make too much noise.
Aelwyn was by far the most advanced caster in her class at Hudol, but she could still only cast Fly once per day, and the Abernant estate was warded against teleportation by anyone but their parents, so her plan was straightforward enough.  She'd prepared Featherfall for the way out of her second-story bedroom, instead, after carefully considering her options.
Aelwyn put on her most comfortable walking shoes before going, but quickly discovered a flaw in her plan, too late to change it.  She'd never actually used Featherfall, and thought that Featherfall would continue with her momentum away from the house.  Instead, like a feather, she drifted back and forth, scraping against the side of the house on her way down, then landing in the garden bed under her window, getting dirt all over her shoes and skirt and crushing some of the crocus flowers that were just starting to flower.
She prestidigitationed herself clean, but it would have taken a druid to fix the flowerbed.  No matter for now, she'd think of how to deal with it later, and for now off she went.
There weren't that many others there, not relative to the number of invitations that had been handed out, and Julie's family was among those there.  Aelwyn stayed quiet, kept a smile on, and all those tricks she'd learned at other parties, but no one came over to talk to her.  One woman, probably Julie's mother, handed her a slice of a cake, and she listened in on some of the conversations around her.  Boring business talk between some of the adults, and at the end of the table, talking low enough that most people here probably couldn't understand them but Aelwyn and her lack of a distracting conversation of her own and her sharp elven hearing allows her to listen in.
"Really, Julie, Go-karts?  What are we, in grade school?"  That was Julie's closest friend, and if Aelwyn really thought about it she probably could have remembered her name, but..  the cake was really nice.  She wasn't allowed sugar by her parents.
"I know, I know.  Mom doesn't want to let go of this."  Julie said, and Aelwyn could see her eyes rolling from here.  "It's fine, we'll have a good time at Brett's house party in a couple weeks.  We can do a few races, put on a show for them, and it'll be fine."
All of this seemed very fine to Aelwyn now, in fact, but obviously it was more than a little passe to the birthday girl herself.  Aelwyn, on the other hand, had another slice of cake along with way too much of a bubbly, fizzy drink she also had never been given before, managed to crash three different Go-karts before they told her she wasn't allowed to ride anymore, and overall had a great time.
Years and years (some of which she did not remember) and lots of torture and lots of therapy later, she would realize with Jawbone's guidance that not only was this her last day of being a child, of really getting to be a child, but it had also been the first.  A one night stand, of a different sort than the many that would come later on in her education.
The next day, after she'd flown back in through the window and completely failed to trance after all the sugar and caffeine and come down for breakfast with a small illusion covering the tiredness around her eyes, mother had asked.  "Say, Aelwyn darling, do you know what might have happened to the garden?  I noticed this morning that it was damaged when I took my walk."
Her panic hopefully not obvious on her face, her lie hopefully not obvious in her tone, she'd said "I think Adaine might have been playing in it yesterday?  I don't know; you'd have to ask her if something happened."  It was the first time she'd not just gone along with what her parents wanted but wholly fabricated a lie about her sister, though it would not be the last.
"Oh, of course.  What are we going to do with her..."  Mother asked with a sigh, as relief flooded down Aelwyn's back.
And that, the first time that she had successfully and completely lied to her parents, was when Aelwyn Abernant felt she became an adult.
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end-fall · 1 year
Session 22 was almost entirely combat. It started off with Cael, Elton, and Lucky facing down eight Neon Blades and the man in the yellow hat , Strieg. Cael attempted to intimidate the gang member and when that didn't work she shot the guy next to her, ran at the biggest guy baiting him into a fight, and disappeared.
Other Blades attacked. Elton got Val up and then got stabbed in the shoulder by one of the Neon Blades. Cael reappeared catching some of the gang members off guard, tripping the biggest guy and causing two more to crash into each other as they tried to grab her. She quickly kneecapped most of them, convincing the last one to stay down and ran back to Elton just in time to get hit by Stieg's thunderstep as he and Elton disappeared.
Lucky told Cael to get the prince, she told him to get the boy (Val, who had now gone down for the second time) and sent a tracing shot into the air and then rode off in pursuit on the discarded hoverboard.
Elton and Streig appeared on a far away rooftop Strieg taunting Elton while they fought. He revealed that he had Sev in a soul crystal necklace before stabbing Elton in the shoulder and then disappeared, leaving Elton to bleed out on the rooftop.
Cael appeared not long after, grabbing him and rushing into the street where she met Lucky running with Val over his shoulder.
At the same time Jax and Cynn were fighting five bad guys up on the catwalks above the stage, the 'Rose', a guy with a mask on his lower face who didn't seem to have eyes, but was crying black tears, and three guys seemingly dressed in Illium finery. Jax punched one of the goons and ran after the Rose imposter, while Cynn tried to throw his sword at another. Jax jumped across the 15 foot gap between rafters while Cyyn threw her shoes at people. Cynn managed to trip the crying monster over the side of the catwalk.
Meanwhile Jax magaged to corner the 'Rose' and was shot 3 times before she managed to shove him off the catwalk, but he caught himself on the railing at the last second before his face went blank and he let go. The instant he did, he seemed to come back to himself and started panicking as he fell. At the same time one of the other goons faces also went blank and her climbed over the railing, said "For the Prince", and jumped. Jax realized something was wrong and hit the fist guy with a featherfall befor jumping after him and grabbing him as they fell, shouting for Cynn to grab the other guy that was still up. Which she did, tearing off the bottom of her dress to hog tie him and the unconscious on and drag them downstairs as the others fell
When Jax and the 'Rose' landed in the ground there was a bunch of security gaurds/cops there immediately pointing guns at them. Jax put her hands in the air and explained that this guy tried to assassinate someone and she'd stopped him. The cop in charge seemed to accept this, so Jax slowly got off the 'Rose' and stood up as the head cop asked her who she was. She told him her name and that she was with the prince. He seemed to accept this and told her she needed to stay there for questioning afterwards. Jax asked where Mathias and Belgard were and the cop said that they had both been evacuated. Then Cynn shows up dragging the bodies of the two other guys which puts all the cops on guard again, causing Jax to explain that Cynn helped and while she was being quipy to them she was on their side. The head cop took Cynn's name and told her to wait with Jax for questioning later. The session ended with Cynn messaging Jax as they waited that the Rose was a fake and Jax messaged Yuza apologizing for the mess that happened as Lucky and Cael commandeered a carriage and rushed Elton and Val to the hospital.
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sundreamers · 2 years
💫 MAIN: @krisgoatpher
💞 they/them | system | hosts are 🐐, 💫, and 🍀
☆♡ i love you. youre enough. i love you. ♡☆
spam reblogging is okay. if you need something tagged dont be afraid to ask.
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☆: for poetry or inspiring things. web weaves, just nice words. etc
♧: for sadder/more depressing posts. things abt mental health. anything negative really
♡: my favorites :)
◇: things that remind us of ourselves. basically a "mecore" tag
emojis: for people. go to this link (its our carrd) to find signoffs for system members. 🪶 is for our qpp, featherfall; ❤️‍🔥 is for our friends seraph; 🐾 is for roadtrip; 🏰 is for midna; 🌸 is for bluebell, 🌷 is for flower power. 💞 is a general tag for all of them
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