#[ gets his own 'i hate pirates all my homies hate pirates' to 'me and the besties (pirates)' arc
marinehero · 1 year
continues to think ab scenario where garp joined roger's crew before the navy
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newnlovesjennie · 8 months
one piece au where literally nothing went wrong everyone is alive and happy hc's
belle mere is still alive obvi
the attack on her island was less of an attack and more of like a alliance? like the fishman pirates pulled up and were like hey we need a hideout can we pls use ur island. and they were like yeah offer us protection and in turn u can use our island! no violence no blood nothing!!
in this au fisher tiger is still alive and the fishman pirates are still what he envisioned before his death, so he’s the captain, not arlong
speaking of arlong he’s like hella toned down. he got the jinbei affect in the sense that koala changed him and showed him humans aren’t all bad. yeah sure he’s more radical and unhinged than the other pirates but he’s just like the weird conservative uncle you tolerate at thanksgiving not a real threat
hachi and nami bonding!!!
nami never develops an obsession with money, she gets to put her full effort into map making and exploring that talent
she makes maps for the fishman pirates completely out of her own free will
she joins the movement for fishman human equality woohoo!!!
yeah in this au that movement actually gets taken seriously instead of played off and the fishmen actually make progress in equality 
koala visits sometimes! koala and nami bonding time!!!
doflamingo is toned down like 1000% in this au he’s not a family killer in this one he’s just odd
like seriously idk how the logistics would work but maybe somehow after the whole “doffys family becomes human” thing the humans don’t persecute him? so in turn he just kinda is pretentious and misses being rich instead of holding a particular grudge against humanity?
either way he’s also just the weird conservative uncle you see at thanksgiving 
corazon is number one dad ever did he offer law henny for his 8th birthday yes does he know how to do laundry or cook not at all but he is trying his best!
LAW BABY FIVE AND BUFFALO AS COUSINS. PLEASE!!!! dellinger too maybe idk if he’s a kid or not tho
the executives like trebol diamante whatever the fuck also aren’t as evil either they just tryna do their own thing yk just black market deal in peace but no unnecessary killing 
donquixote family stays pirates instead of going and trying to take a whole kingdom (took a shit ton of convincing for doffy to accept that)
the whole pirate warlord thing gives doffy enough prestige he don’t need to be a king necessarily 
law eats the op op fruit, doffy tries to get him to make him immortal, corazon slaps him, doffy changes his mind
(i am taking so many liberties in this au omg)
kuina didn’t fucking fall down a flight of stairs!! yippee!!!
their whole competition abt who will be the greatest swordsman is still on
they venture outside the dojo and become pirates
both bounty hunters maybe
kuina is so so gay
hear me out…. kuina x tashigi? LET ME COOK
yeah zoros just there
they find their way to mihawks island without the whole kuma blasting zoro to a random island thing
they beg mihawk to train them but he’s like wtf get out of my house but they show potential and he’s like ok fine ill train y’all 
persona is also there bc i said so FUCK MORIA ALL MY HOMIES HATE MORIA she left him and somehow ended up with mihawk he also let her stay for some reason (he needs to stop adopting kids)
hear me out…. perona x kuina? or at the very least they become besties
once again zoro is just there
olvia and saul are still alive
all of her island is still alive, don’t ask why the world government is ok with that they just are shhhh shhhhh 
robin grows up an archeologist but decides she needs to find the poneglyphs and discover the truth of the world
so she becomes a pirate and joins baroque works, led by crocodile
he respects her (WHAT) doesn’t try to kill her (WHAT) and they actually have a fun friendship a friendly lil boss secretary relationship its adorable
she helps crocodile get with doffy because god knows he couldn’t do it himself
ok if this is how this au is going robins gotta be besties with bon clay come on. mr three hello?? 
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unknownarmageddon · 1 year
Hhey I just woke up from a dream about kross and it waS a lirrle neat
It was like
Cross was some online friend of killer's and they're like, 17 or 18
And like, everything is chill and they just like, game and do stuff together, calls n junk, eVentual face reveal and theyre like queerplantonic homo/homies for a while and like they're vibin
And the specific thing I dreamed about was cross calling killer and quietly asking him to tell him abiut his hyperfixations
And killer is like "...sure? Well, uh. The other night, I started a project on coding some temporary website, like a placebo,, or a nocebo[rambling]"
And cross is silent the whole time and killer evntulally runs. Outta steam and he's like "so. Wanna talk abiut it?"
And cross just.
"I think my dad hates me."
And killer is like, they've been friends for a while now, almost two years and a half, and when cross says this, its like, this is the first cross has mentioned abiut his home life, or like, any of his problems
and I'm not sure what happens after that bit, but it like, switched to another scene with them on some FaceTime call
And cross is like, dim lights and killer squints suspiciously and turns his own lights on, which makes Cross's screen super bright, and killer can see his face, and it is Not Okay
And killer is like, increasingly stressed and worried abiut him because he has only suspicions and hunches, and cross hasn't told him anything since that time he mentioned having a strained relationship with his father
And then it jumped again to killer using his niche hacking skills to get Cross's location, which was about a ten hour drive from Killer's place, and he's like, packed up with food and medical supplies and stuff and he like makes the drive, alk the while nervously checki ng his phone because he hasn't heard from cross in three weeks and that very unusual and not a good omen
So he like, drives straight to Cross's house [or what he's sure is Cross's house] and like, asks around to make sure the place is right, and he parks in front of Cross's house and has a really bad feeling so he like, grabs an unopened can of coke
And then it hardcut to killer smashing the coke into the side of xgasters skull and cross panicking as killer grabs em and drags him out of the house while xgaster is stunned/unconscious and they speed the fuck outta there
And then it cuts again to cross wrapped in a blanket and leaning against killer in the backseat, looking exhausted as fuck while killer holds an ice pack to the bruises on Cross's face and cross is like "thank you. For, uh. For coming." And killer is like
"...You're welcome, Crossy."
And they shared like a nice, warm [mildly uncomfortable] night curled up together in the backseat of killer's shitty little car and in the morning, after cross had another mini-panic, killer uses some cash he stole from his step mom to buy them fresh food
And then it hard cut again? But back in time, to killer talking to crosss and trying to talk him down and promising that he'd be there forever and cross was like "yiu don't even know me"
and killer spent the rest of the call listing every little detail about cross he knew, and when cross repeated himself, killer very boldly said "then I'd love to get to know you, properly." And cross laughed all sadlike and went "of course you would."
And then it went back to them eating some late brunch and chatting about random things and watching shitty quality pirated movies on Killer's phone and there was like, a weird change where they were watching the movie, and then suddenly were not, like a weird tension happened and neither of them did anything about it, but it was obvious that they weren't watching the movie anymore and were quite antsy about something
And on like, the fourth time it happened, cross sighed loudly and muttered, "of course the fuckin flirt wusses out of making the first move" and killer is like "h-huh???"
And cross grumpily pulled killer closer and very very tenderly kissed him and killer bluescreened
And then I woke up and immediately opened Tumblr to tell you about it because I've been getting dreams about kross more often and this was the most HD version I've had yet and the concept is so cool
And now I go back t o spleep
Oh my fucking GOD dude that is insane /pos/pos/pos
That concept is wild in the best way possible I’m like so invested in it now?? Like it feels like I’ve just read a teaser to a fanfic or somethin. I love that whole thing that is so good dude aughhh,,,,
Thank you for telling me about that dream I love them wawawa
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sharknadoslutt · 3 years
Not that I ever wanted to watch it because of the era it plays in, but what was so awful about Star Wars resistance?
Oh Okay this ask got me GOING so Welcome to my Tedtalk on my feelings on Star Wars Resistance; a story of Disappointment.
So Mr. Dave Filoni, the story telling Prince, left the show like halfway through production of the first season for other projects (For TCW season 7 and The Mandalorian). This left what was a promising show with characters Dave himself had created, in the hands of very inexperienced story board artist and writers. Personally, I think they panicked and half assed it so that Disney could make money on toys. Because.. idk. It just doesn't even come close to the emotional story arcs that TCW and Rebels gave us. and that's what Star Wars is supposed to be about. Changing for the better. Hope or some shit, am I right?
What was most disappointing in my opinion.. is that the protagonist, Kazudo Xiono, is UNBEARABLE. He is the EMBODIEMENT of privilege. This punk has had everything handed down to him from the moment he was born. He was born like 14 years after the Empire has been brought down and the New Republic reigns, so he has never known war. AND HIS DADDY IS THE SENATOR OF HOSNIAN PRIME FOR FUCKS SAKE! THE CAPITOL????? WHERE THE SENATE IS???? YOU KNOW HOW RICH THAT MUST MAKE HIs FaMiLY??? His dad literally gives him an allowance even though he is a grown ass man in the military when the show starts.
To put things into perspective for those not up to date on Sequel Era Lore and I envy you greatly tbh bcs not to be that person i do not like the sequels that's the equivalent of being the Senator of Coruscant in the Prequels!!!!
Not to mention he is a BUMBLING idiot. Like. This man has ADHD on steroids. As a person with ADHD it's.. lord, it's cringe. He is clumsy. He is loud. He says inappropriate things at the wrong time. He doesn't know how to do anything for himself. AND HE IS SUPPOSED TO BE A SPY FOR THE RESISTANCE UNDER COVER AS A MECHANIC???? HE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT MECHANICS and really doesn't really learn anything about it by the time the show ends. And don't come at me saying this is a kids show so I cant complain about things being silly bcs I'm not the target audience. I can and I will bcs no one was NEARLY this obnoxious in TCW or Rebels. Kaz is Jarjar Level, but I ACTUALLY LIKE JARJAR!
I'm not saying he isn't a good person. Kaz is very sweet tbh. He's just an unknowing spoiled ass man-child who NEVER REALLY DEVELOPS INTO ANYTHING ELSE?????
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It would be okay if he entered the show like this and exited a more mature, capable man. But he really doesn't. There are never any consequences for his actions. Ever. Other than when he becomes a spy and, again, IS USING HIS REAL LEGAL NAME as a spy for the Resistance... to avoid a scandal and to scold him for LITERALLY DESERTING THE NAVY his daddy cuts him off from his allowance. So instead of half assing his cover job as a mechanic, Kaz has to actually apply himself so he can make money for food. He doesn't improve much. His co-workers (Who are MUCH more interesting than him) constantly complain about him messing things up and making their jobs more difficult.
At the Season one finale there is a moment where you think he is finally going to grow as a man! Grow into the protagonist we deserve! Tragedy, for the first time in his life, strikes Kaz! It's during the events of episode 7, when The First Order blows up Hosnian Prime. His home planet. Where his FATHER LIVES. He has a moment of humanity and he is devastated. He almost cries. But he sucks it up to finish the mission and get his friends off base for their safety. He is a man now. and the audience feels a sense of comradery for Kaz. After all, Star Wars is about Fathers. Kaz has lost his father forever. His father was KILLED by the First Order. He now, first hand, has experienced real loss for the first time and this is going to help him grow and toughen up. he has to live on his own now. Our hero has a reason to be doing what he's doing. Fighting against the first order.
Like. Lemme break it down, folks.
TCW started and Ahsoka enters. I HATED Ahsoka for a long time. Bcs she was young, cocky and annoying. But that was on purpose. Narratively, she experiences loss, she experiences pain and GROws as a character while navigating her Jedi life during the war. Our girl grows into the capable protagonist that we EXPECT out of a Star Wars story.
Same for Rebels. We meet Ezra, and he's not quite as annoying as Ahsoka was at first in my opinion (I cannot stress how much I did not care for Ahsoka yall) but he was young. He was childish. But he was more capable at 14 than fucking Kaz was at 20. By the end of Rebels, not only is he more wise and capable, but he is selfless. He has found his own path and it's only because of what he has gone through. His journey has made him stronger. Ezra is my favorite Star Wars journey, if I'm being honest. He is the perfect example of character development.
KAZUDO XIONO ENTERS SEASON ONE AS A 20 YEAR OLD MAN-CHILD USING DADDY'S MONEY WHO IS LOUD AND DOESNT KNOW WHEN THE STFU... AND EXITS THE FINALE... AS A LOUD MAN-CHILD WHO CAN NOW USE TOOLS. He doesn't' experience REAL FAMILIAL loss. He doesn't really experience a lot of character development at all. Things just happen around him, he helps, but he doesn't learn. He doesn't grow. I fucking hate that.
Literally every single character in the show BESIDEs Kaz is more interesting than him. and EXPEIRENCE CHARACTER GROWTH!!!
Jarek Yeager, Kaz's boss in the mechanic shop, was in the Rebellion and LOST HIS FAMILY. He is a sexy ass man too. HE starts the show not wanting to help the Resistance at all bcs he's experienced loss since his days in the Rebellion, and his heart is hard and he's comfortable. By the end of the show he is risking not just his career, but his VERY LIFE to help the Resistance.
Tam Ryvora, Kaz's co-worker. Daughter figure to Yeager and a total bad ass woman of color. She is the one on the show who experiences the most character development and struggles to find her identity while the First Order is taking over the galaxy. I LOVE her.
There are these 2 kids who are force sensitive and orphaned after Kylo Ren comits GENOCIDE on their planet. This arc set up is never fully addressed nor does it have a conclusion, like most story arcs on this show tbh.
There's a literal witch for some reason??
There's this fucking rad ass sexy Mirilian Pirate girl named Synara who FOR SOME REASON is suggested to be Kaz's love interest. Gross. Girl, you gay. Move in.
I could go on and on and on. But I wont. Fuck this show. Fuck Kaz. It literally adds NOTHING to the bigger Star Wars lore. TCW and Rebels do this beautifully and this show is a hot mess of ideas and characters that never come to a satisfying story telling conclusion.
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk, dont watch Resistance.
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chanluster · 4 years
future works
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just some future projects i would really like to do ! even though i have literally zero time since school is about to start but we love overworking!!
i will keep adding to these as i’m constantly getting ideas !!
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1 — the consequences of boredom | lee felix — {m} {c} {f}
summary — you and felix were not suited for the wild chaos of friday night parties and wasting yourself away to strangers. instead, you were suited for spontaneity, wild car rides to nowhere, and each other.
warnings — 1980s! skater boy! felix, reader and felix are basically losers, felix is also a mf stoner, best boy though, a lot of alcohol consumption, swearing, drug usage, unsafe driving, making out, teasing, (kind of) dirty talk, fingering, oral (f. receiving), unprotected sex (stay safe homies!!), orgasming, felix is the softest mf dom, reader is whiny but felix handles is so well, slight bit of fluff, slight bit of angst, and yeh!
expected word count — 5-8k
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2 — 10/10 | bang chan — {m} {f} — DONE !!!
summary — you and bang chan had no secrets between one other. each detail of your life would be discussed with your best friend of forever, no matter how insignificant it may be, through a little system you both had concocted — through a small rating. a number out of ten. a simple concept, used from being a child and rating your cookie a solid eight out of ten to your later years in high school, giving your first kiss a measly five. however, when you confess an average rating of your sex life in one hazy evening, chan decides this dilemma cannot be solved with buying you consolation cookies. he must simply raise that rating, all by himself.
warnings — friends to lovers! au, college! au, music! major chan, music! major reader, you both are literally soulmates, came out the womb holding hands, so much teasing, sexual! tension! so! much! fucking! sexual! tension! chan has a massive fucking cock (i mean isn’t it obvious already), shit loads of making out, aggression, fingering, oral (f. and m. receiving), unprotected sex (stay safe homies!!!), semi-public sex, (kinda) hate sex, orgasming left and right, ex! hyunjin, who’s also really bad at sex lmfaoaoao sorry king, chan is a massive massive massive dom, but there will be soft dom moments, shit ton of fluff, teensy weensy bit of angst, and basically yeh basically me venting out my love for chan once again.
expected word count — 10k +
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3 — forgive me, father | lee felix
— {m} {f}
summary — felix’s only desire was to draw saints, please god and help the sinners of florence. you, on the other hand, only desired the little church boy, painting away in the cold halls of the cathedral. so when you stroll into confession, uttering your pleasured sins to him, blushing felix decides to change you for the better, not knowing he’s being led to a change of his own.
warnings — churchboy! felix, art model! and rich daughter of a lord! reader, set in 15th century florence cause the v i b e s!!! felix is initially a very good boy, hyunjin is his massive fuckboy friend, some fluff, sooooo much dirty talk, oral (m. receiving), kind of sub! felix but gradually gets more confident, reader KNOWS she is sexy as fuck!!! (as y’all should be feeling too 🤬) kind of whiny felix, orgasming, semi-public sex, basically a shitshow
word count — 10-15k
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4 — aboard the han | han jisung — {m} {c}
summary — being on board the ship of the most notorious pirate to sail the seven seas was not necessarily the most ideal situation for you, a mere scullery maid who only wished to escape her dull life. han jisung, the captain of han, has other ideas for you — consisting on making you scrub the decks, make the food, watch his back for traitors all around him. most importantly, though, through indecipherable stares and greedy hands, he wants you by his side.
warnings — carribean pirate! jisung, scullery maid! reader, jisung is such a filthy motherfucker, reader is a massive brat, based around the west indies, will have to include fictional details as there weren’t any koreans lurking in that area, quartermaster! changbin, jisung is a fucking tease, a few slang sprinkled here and there, shit ton of language, sexual innuendo, will see misogynistic attitudes, chan is a villain baby i’m so sorry, jisung is so fucking hot, aggressive as fuck, sexual! tension! making out, fingering, oral (f. receiving) unprotected sex (stay safe homies!!) edging, orgasming, basically this is a shitshow
word count — 10-15k
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u-iona · 4 years
After seeing the last episode on the YouTube channel GrandLineReview, I wanted to comment about a thing I hate about One Piece, but it was too long (as all my writtings tend to be), so I’m posting it here.
I apologise for all gramatical mistakes that will inevitabely appear.
I hate how female characters either don’t appear as much as males or are left as background characters while the males duke it out.
Marines: I can remember about three female characters from the top of my head (Tashigi, Tsuru and Hina) and even though there are more (Tsuru’s crew) there is nowhere near enough to counter the males. Additionally, we know of two former Fleet Admirals (Sengoku and Kong), one current (Sakazuki), and five Admirals (Akainu [former], Aokiji [former], Kizaru, Fujitora and Ryokugyu). Notice a trend? All males.
Cipher Pol: While writting about the Marines, I thought that maybe the reason for the lack of females was that the society at large expected women to not fight and simply take care of the house. With that being the case, it would make sense for Marines to promote the idea, since it would fit with the world at large. It would also make sense for the lack of female characters in CP1-8, since those are known to public (maybe even CP0, since they work mainly for the World Nobles and need to keep up the appearances). But it would not explain CP9, which is an allegedly assassination organisation unknown to the world. In that case a female would be more inconspicuous and thus better at assassination. So, either my idea is wrong and the Marines and CP0-8 have no real explanation for their lack of females or CP9 has no good explanation for only having Kalifa out of at least 8 known characters.
Pirates: Even if theory of misogyny mentioned above is true, pirates, who rebel against the World Government should have a better track record.
Shichibukai (including former, but not Blackbeard, since he’ll be a bit down with the Yonko): Admitedly, Shichibukai work for the World Government, but they’re more of independant contractors than actual employees. So, from all the know Shichibukai Mihawk, Kuma and Weevil get a pass, since they don’t have a crew. Boa Hancock gets one as well, since she does have an all female crew, but her whole crew (present, past and future, since Kija Pirates just seem to pass from generation to generation) is made of Kuja women only and doesn’t seem inclined to recruit out of her island. Which kind of makes sense, but is also discriminatory of every non-Kuja woman. Now to the rest. Crocodile had a bounty hunter organisation that employed both males and females, most notably current Straw Hat Nico Robin, who, once they got up high enough on the ladder worked in male-female duos. That sounds good, but (while I am not going to go back to manga/anime) I remember that, when explaining the structure of Baroque Works to Straw Hats, Vivi said that the number agents are the strongest men in the organisation, who then get a female partner with complementary skill set. Enough said. Next, Moria. But, there’s not much to say, since he basically had 3 living crew members and with that number it’s either man-man-woman or man-woman-woman, so it’s good enough that he didn’t have three men. Jinbei and honestly Fisher Tiger (who I still love and cry when I see him die) did a terrible job at gender equality, since there are no fishwomen or mermaids on the crew of Sun Pirates (there’s Praline, but she’s Aladins wife and joins during time-skip as a part of alliance with Big Mom, so I’m not really counting her). And we have no evidence that fishwomen or mermaids would be any worse at fighting than mermen or fishmen. Trafalgar Law does a bit better, but with one woman out of 20 crew members it’s still not much. Buggy (a guy I totally forgot was a part of this group, sorry Buggy fans) has a huge crew, but out of the well known ones, I’m pretty sure that only Alvida is female, but I cannot be certain that he doesn’t have more. And lastly, Doflamingo. Here I only count the Donquixote Family, since counting every minion would take too long. Out of his Elite Officers (the guys that stood for heart, club, diamond and spade) there were five (Roscinante and Vergo both standing for heart) and all male. Each of them could have subordinates which were: Giolla, Sugar, Violet, Lao G, Senor Pink, Dellinger, Machvise, Gladius, Buffalo, Baby 5. Then there was Monet, who was part of the family, but neither as an elite officer or an official subordinate of one. In total, out of 16 there are 5 females. Like with Moria, it is roughly one third, but better than some other and Doflamingo could have had more females. My main concern nere were the Elite Officers, but they were in general much harder to defeat than the other. Those that jump out would be Sugar (as being hard to defeat, but we need to take into consideration that she was being actively protected by Trebol), Vergo (being easier to defeat than other Elite Officers [in my oppinion], but that took Laws genuinly OP Devil Fruit] and Roscinante (since he didn’t seem to do much and his Devil Fruit was kind of useless, so he either had hidden skill we didn’t see or nepotism).
Yonko: Since this is much lower on the list, I actually thought through the order of writting (from most women inclusive to least) and am not winging it like the rest. Firstly, Big Mom (Charlotte Linlin). She is a female and her crew is greatly inclusive to both genders and all races (species?), though the higher ups (Sweet Commanders, Ministers) seem to be ONLY her children. That means that unless a blood relative of hers a character has little to no chance of mattering. But that could be due to both her and her children, in general, being stronger than at least humans, as well as most of her crew being made up of Homies (if I remember correctly). Out of her three (formerly four) Sweet Commanders one, Smoothie, is female and, while she is weaker than Katakuri (like most of her family), her bounty is higher than Crackers, so she presents a bigger threat according to the World Government. Taking her and Crackers Devil Fruits into consideration, it is likely that Smoothie is more powerful than Cracker (without Devil Fruit), since Cracker can use his whenever he feels like but Smoothie seems to need to get close up, making her fruit harder to use against many enemies at once and thus needing to rely on other abilities. Like Big Mom, Kaido does employ many females, but not as much where it counts. For me, the characters from the Beast Pirates that I remember are Kaido, the All Stars and the Tobiroppo and from those 9, 2 are female (only Ulti and Black Maria). Not to say that those two aren’t awsome, I love both, especially Ulti, but I don’t think that it’s enough. On top of that, the All Stars (which are basically the Beast Pirates version of the Sweet Comanders) are all male, so not even the one third. Then we get onto Blackbeard, from who’s crew we know only the 10 Titanic Captains, where only one (Catarina Devon) is female. That could certainly be better and I will not comment much further, since the 10 Captains themselves show that Blackbeard has a gigant crew, most of who we don’t know, but having a few more females there would be better, since any Blackbeard female shown from now on will most likely be weaker than any of the captains. Next is Whitebeard, whose crew I genuinely hate. I honestly think that Whitebeard is cool and I support the idea of blood not making a family, but any and all females on his crew are nurses. No fighters, let alone a female being one of the 16 Divison Commanders (I checked and Haruta is male. I also heard some people mention Whity Bay, but she’s an ally and a captain of her own crew, not a Whitebeard pirate). So, while there are females, it showes them as damsels in distres rather than foghters. Nothing more to say. Lastly, the worst offender, Shanks. No females. That’s it. There is not a single female character that would be a known member of the Red Haired pirates, not even as a nurse. Grantes, we still don’t know much about Shanks or the Red Haired pirates, but we’ve seen them at Marinefort and I think that if at least one female from the crew was an important fighter, she would be there. So, there could be some, but either not strong or not a fighter at all.
Straw Hats: Let’s be honest, we all love Straw Hats, but they’ve got problems. There are females, but it’s still only two out of then, neither of the two is part of the three strongest (until the time skip Nami was actually seen as one of the weaker members and before Alabasta she didn’t even fight) and even their fighting styles show a problem. This is something I wanted to also point out (before this rant became longer than some of my essays [and I didn’t even research here, just checked to make sure some of the things I wrote were actually true and to check the names]), but another thing I don’t like is how even when female characters are shown, they are not fighters, not GOOD fighters (or in general tend to be weaker than men) or are long distance fighters. Nami and Robin are a great mple of the last. Both of them attack from a distance, which makes sense with their weapon/Devil Fruit, but all the other Straw Hats (excluding Usopp) fight at close or mid distance. That makes the Straw Hats balances, but it doesn’t make sense that neither of them are close combat (at least statistically), especially since Nami DIDN’T FIGHT until Alabasta (and even there her combat with Miss Doublefinger was pretty close range) so her fighting style could have been thought of for a long time. And Robin DOES have some close ranged attacks (shown in Alabasta and Skypiea arcs) but just doesn’t use them (especially post time-skip). And that’s not even talking about Haki. Logicaly speaking, it would make all sense in the world for Robin to have at least Arnament, since it would give her already OP (if used correctly) Devil Fruit a way to more effectively attack other Devil Fruit users and even normal enemies (since Arnament also seems to make attacks stronger, not only allow Devil Fruit users to be hurt) and, unlike basicaly all the other Straw Hats, who didn’t learn Haki during the time-skip, Robin was surrounded by people who knew Haki and could have taught her.
Thank you, for reading my rant. I hope you enjoyed. Additionally, I suck at tagging, so please let me know, if you can think of any.
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fluffyglass · 3 years
you may be asking "Oh dear god what has Finn gotten up to this time?" well, that my friend, is a very valid question! The answer to which is as follows: He's rewatched every single TMMS segment with Mr. Rude in it to prove that he's done nothing wrong!
After many many hours of rewatching, I've come to some conclusions on the depressed tomato man. I'll give a quick rundown here, then throw my episode by episode analysis under the cut.
Season 1
Mr. Rude is in 30 episodes in Season 1.
In only 3 of these episodes does he do anything wrong.
In 4 of the episodes where he's innocent, Mr. Fussy yells at him for no reason.
Season 2
Mr. Rude is in 30 episodes in Season 2.
In only 6 of these episodes does he do anything wrong.
In 1 of the episodes where he's innocent, as well as one where he did do something wrong, Mr. Fussy yells at him for no reason.
In total, Mr. Rude only actually did anything wrong in 9 out of the 60 segments he's in, which is 15%. That's less than a quarter of the time. Even counting the three episodes I was unsure about, that's only 12/60. 20%. Still less than a quarter.
Why have I been bringing up Mr. Fussy? Because this experience genuinely made me not like him anymore. In only one out of Mr. Fussy's 7 appearances with Mr. Rude does he not yell at him, and in five of the times he does - it was completely unjustified.
Now, onto the episode by episode section!
Ah, you wanna see my episode by episode analysis? Well, I'll give you a quick color legend first.
Yellow - Mr. Rude does nothing wrong
Red - Mr. Rude does something wrong
Blue - Mr. Fussy yells at Mr. Rude for no reason
Pink - I have no idea what to put for this one lmao
Also, there's a ton of cursing in here because I wrote these notes as I went along and I don't feel like editing them to be more professional. You get what you get when it comes to Mr. Rude apologism.
Flying - He does nothing wrong, he just asked Mr. Grumpy to do his fucking job. Though, I will admit, he was a dick about it.
Music - He does nothing wrong, Miss Naughty is a fucking bitch and Mr. Fussy targeted him for no got damn reason even though he has fucking ears and should have heard Miss Naughty going off on her fucking cymbals. Miss Naughty also tried to poison him so
Farm - He does nothing wrong, those bitch ass crows broke his fucking robot I cant believe this.
Booboos - He does nothing wrong, he literally just wants some decent service while he is in the fucking hospital and Mr. Scatterbrain is a fucking moron about it
Mall - He's barely in it and I will admit he is a bit of an asshole in this one but he doesn't do anything explicitly wrong
Birthday - He does nothing wrong, he just wants to buy a birthday present for his homie Mr. Grumpy. In fact, he shows that he cares about his friend because he knows what he would want (and gets something he wouldnt like, presumably as a joke). Hes a caring friend but also a troll.
Superstore - He does nothing wrong, he just wants to return his shitty toaster. It ends up well for everyone involved :)
Books - He does nothing wrong, he is literally just neurodivergent and cannot read social situations
Camping - He does nothing wrong, he tried to warn everyone that they were going the wrong way, and then called out Miss Whoops on her fucking bullshit and putting everyone in danger. He then proceeded to fucking die. Miss Daredevil doesnt even give a shit about two of the raft riders fucking dying what the fuck.
Paint - He does nothing wrong, he just wants to finish his painting commission.
Jobs - This is the one I time I'll admit he does something really wrong. He commits multiple driving related crimes, as well as throwing his sandwich at Mr. Quiet, splashing Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small, and taking advantage of Mr. Scatterbrain's stupidity. He also crumpled up Mr. Scatterbrain's drawing of a hamster.
Trains - He does nothing wrong, Mr. Fussy's a bitch ass motherfucker, and he did more good than bad because he rescued Mr. Messy at the end.
Fair - He does nothing wrong, he got a fucking pie yeeted at him of course he wouldn't like it. He does put the pie in Mr. Scatterbrain's face though but he already got it in his face so it's just even now. He then proceeds to be pelted with pies. But thankfully it seems like they're both having fun by the end.
Movies - Yeah he's a bit of an asshole in this one. He puts too much cheese on Mr. Happy's nachos (and then throws them at him). He does get his karma though cause he gets fucking trapped in the popcorn machine someone please save him oh my god.
Dance - He does nothing wrong, he just has taste.
Inventions - He does nothing wrong, Miss Chatterbox just doesnt like him for the way he is which is super fucked up of her. What the fuck, man. He accepts Miss Chatterbox's invention regardless. He then proceeds to be abused by everyone around him. Hes totally justified in being mean at the end.
Amusement Park - Okay yeah he was an asshole in this one, cause he was rude to Miss Calamity about her supposed grooming habits. However, he was also abused a lot during multiple of the bumpers, which I guess counts as karma.
Adventure - He literally doesnt even do anything in this one
Rainy Day - Dude, his entire fucking family died. Give him a break.
Games - He did nothing wrong, he won the fucking game but Mr. Scatterbrain took the credit what the fuck he only had 3 POINTS MR RUDE HAD 4 MR. HAPPY YOU DUMB YELLOW FUCK LEARN HOW TO COUNT
Restaurants - He does nothing wrong, Mr. Fussy is so fucking mean to him I will never get over this he deserves so much better what the fuck
Cars - he's just vibin man
Canned Goods - He does nothing wrong, he just ate some beans man
Collecting - he's barely in it and just kinda vibes
Full Moon - He does nothing wrong, he legit just got kidnapped by some fucking aliens with his alien husband
Heatwave - He does nothing wrong, 6 gay men just casually committed acts of Home Invasion and are going to be arrested for their crimes against him.
Sleep - He does nothing wrong, and I doubt anyone would have even noticed he was asleep if Miss Chatterbox kept her fucking mouth shut. He cant control what hes doing if hes fucking asleep. Even after all that he still clapped for Mr. Fussy, who hates him, at the end. What a champ.
Carwash - He does nothing wrong, Miss Calamity technically fucking kidnapped him what the fuck.
Lawns - He does nothing wrong, he didn't want to take his lawn to begin with and then got his lawn ruined for literally no reason, even after warning Me. Nosey and Mr. Small that their invention was gonna explode. He even gave Miss Chatterbox the joy in knowing she "won".
Parade - He does nothing wrong, he legit just made a float and Mr. Fussy fucking bullied him for it. What the fuck.
Clean Teeth - Yeah hes a bitch in this one but Mr. Fussy was also a bitch so it evens out.
Airports - He does nothing wrong, he just wanted to go on his flight. Of anything, Miss Scary was more rude than he was.
Game Shows - He does nothing wrong like. Genuinely nothing, and then gets physically assaulted.
Hats - He does nothing wrong, Mr. Grumpy's just a fucking bitch and took credit for both his and Mr. Tickles hats. What the fuck, man.
Robots - He does nothing wrong, he legit just got his baguette burnt wtf
Up and Down - He's fine for the first bit but I will admit hes an asshole in the second one
Gifts - He does nothing wrong, he's just trying to keep Mr. Tickle from fucking assaulting people. Then his entire store is destroyed for no reason.
Sun and Moon - He does nothing wrong, he barely did anything at all
Telephone - I refused to watch this one I just know hes a bitch in it
Washing and Drying - He does nothing wrong, he just wanted his laundry done and he got assaulted at the end. Why is this a trend.
Fruit - He stole Miss Sunshines fucking fruit and then proceeded to endanger everyone around him by driving recklessly. What the fuck, man.
Radio - He does nothing wrong, Mr. Scatterbrain is just a moron, and Miss Whoops is a dumbass.
Supermarket - ???
Cinema - He doesn't do anything wrong, and he looks very nice in his new hat.
Post Office - He doesn't do anything wrong, hes trying his best okay (he also gets covered in stamps at the end)
Pets - He doesn't do anything wrong, he doesn't do anything at all
Dance Dance Dance - He doesn't do anything wrong, Mr. Fussy's a fucking bitch
Trees - He doesn't do anything wrong, someone free him
Library - He didnt even do anything man
Pirates - He doesn't do anything wrong, in fact he is the first to jump in and protect his crewmates from the aliens. He also saves the entire space crew in the end.
Trains and Planes - He doesn't do anything wrong, he barely does anything to begin with
Out to Sea - He doesn't do anything wrong, it makes sense for him to act in his own self interest because he was stuck on a deserted island with those three morons for 30 fucking days. He didn't intend to take the boat, because the tide rolled him out. He is now inevitably going to die.
Next Door - Yeah hes a bitch in this one, but he didnt deserve to get his fucking car crushed.
Lunch - He doesn't do anything wrong, Mr. Stubborn drew first blood.
Machines - This is a weird one. Is he really in the wrong for wanting to go home? I mean, it's safe to assume Miss Giggles is fucking dead if she was taken by a dinosaur. He even vows not to doubt Miss Daredevil at the end and is happy to see Miss Giggles okay
Fairies and Gnomes - even though he thinks it's silly that Mr. Nervous is scared of a garden gnome, he still "arrests" it to make him happy :)
Home Improvement - He doesn't do anything wrong, Mr. Stubborn is just a moron.
Birds - He doesn't do anything wrong, he was even nice enough to invite Mr. Nervous along for the birdwatching trip. He's totally justified in not giving a shit about Mr. Fussy because Mr. Fussy has been nothing bit horrible to him the entire show.
Parks - He does nothing wrong he just wanted a burger
Surprises - Refused to watch this one again, I just know hes a bitch
Wow, that's a lot. Anyways, as a proud Mr. Rude apologist, I conclude that he's an innocent man and doesn't deserve the shit he gets. I can get taking his drivers license though that man cannot drive for the life of him
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Jon, weak from his encounter with Peter Lucas and Martin struggling to throw off the haze of the Lonely support each other as they make preparations for Scotland.
Jon had nearly folded after they left the Lonely.  The ach at his core threatened to steal all the strength from his limbs.  He doubled over, holding his stomach willing, begging his body not to give out-not when Martin could see, not when he was actually here.
  He’d made Martin worry- damn it!  Not a minute out of the Lonely and Jon is already causing trouble.  This was not what he wanted.  
“M-m fine-” he managed, though he was decidedly not fine, he was shaking and a cold sweat dampened his face.  It was as though his insides were being carved out with a pumpkin scoop.  “Really-I-I just need a moment.”  He sagged to the uneven floor of the tunnels and Martin joined him, pressing close.  It was closer than anyone had been to him in a long time.
Jon wanted to lean in, rest his head on his shoulder, or wrap his arms around him.  But there was no way of knowing how Martin would react- ‘I really loved you, you know’.  The words he’d said on that distant shore came swimming back.  Jon hadn’t fully realized the implications of them then, not when he’d been so focused on retrieving Martin.  
They had a new weight to them now.  
“I-I wish I would have known sooner-” fatigue threaded through his voice “how you feel or-or felt, I mean.” He chuffed a sad little laugh “I’ve never been particularly good- with these sorts of things.” Their fingers were still intertwined, resting lightly on Martin’s thigh.  He found he didn’t want to let go yet.  Perhaps  it was selfish, childish even, but if he could hold on a bit longer- to keep hold as long as he was allowed.  
Martin hummed absently “I think it’s still feel actually.”
Jon froze, the simple sentence eliciting a flood of emotions he didn’t realize he could experience when he was this spent.  “W-wait, you still-”
“Never really stopped.” The words delivered in a slow matter of fact fashion.  
Relief crashed into Jon.  He lifted Martin’s knuckles to his lips and pressed a kiss to them.  His hand was cold, concernedly so.  Looking  up, Jon could see wisps of fog escaping from him.  Now that he thought about it, his voice still echoed with the Lonely, oddly detached.  The tunnels weren’t helping him warm up either.  
“Ho-how are you?” Jon asked.  
Martin seemed to retreat further into himself, becoming even harder to read. “N-not sure” he said at long last, “Everything’s- hazzy still?”  His hand was limp and cold in Jon’s own.
“That’s alright.” he said softly, and Knew it to be true.  So long as the Lonely didn’t take hold again, the Eye supplied ominously.  Another wave of hunger made him curl his knees to his chest.  Anger and frustration flared in him.  He’d been doing so well!  Then Lucas had to get stubborn and chose to literally die rather than tell him what the hell was going on!  Beholding hadn’t seemed to be pleased with the loss of a meal- and Jon was hurting because of it. 
How hard was it to say a few damned words?  To share a few thoughts?
“You seem- uncomfortable.” Martin stated.  He’d gotten more direct since his time with Lucas.
Jon gave his hand a light squeeze.
“Nothing that a bit of sleep won't cure.”  They’d been resting for a while now.  Well, a kind of rest, though Jon felt as though he’d been on a veritable rollercoaster.  Still, they were pushing their luck so close to the institute.  Between the Not!Them?, Daisy, the hunters and the cops, Jon figured it was well past time to shove off.  “It’s too risky, leaving through the institute, we’ll need to use another exit.”
Guilt twisted his insides at the idea of letting the others deal with the mess, but there was little good he could do in the state he was in.  And Martin- Martin needed to get away from all of this.  They both did.  The only question was where.
Unbidden, the knowledge of Daisy’s safe house came to mind, the possible routes making themselves Known.  
The Knowing made him sick, he faltered, pressing his hand into his stomach once more, feeling the pounding in his skull grow.  
“You look like hell Jon.” Martin commented in the same detached tone.  
For his part, Jon grunted an affirmation, hoping that the eye would let up just a bit, enough to get out of London at least, enough to bring Martin back properly. 
 They hit Martin’s flat first.  Jon coaxing him to pack while perched on the edge of the bed, hunched over.  Sharp elbows on knobby knees.  It wasn’t the first time Jon had visited, but the difference was stark.  Before, it had been homy, though, sparsely furnished.  A few knits on backs of overstuffed chairs, the smell of bergamot from the tea Martin was fond of, a few house plants, candles and warm lamps scattered about.  Now, the comfort of the place had fled leaving the chill of the Lonely.  
Jon hated that it was here, hated how it had nearly claimed Martin.  So much had happened while he was...incapacitated.  Turning into one of the very eldritch horrors they took statements on.  Sustained by fear and despair- there was another stab of hunger- well, sustained in theory at any rate.  Instead of being able to help his assistance, they’d been forced to manage him as well as fend off the attacks on the archives.
“Done.” said Martin at long last, jaring Jon out of his musings.  He cursed inwardly, he’d meant to keep an eye on him.  They didn’t have time for zoning out.  
“Aren't-aren't you taking your poetry journal?”  Beholding told him Martin hadn’t packed it.  When he’d lived at the archives, he’d rairly been seen without one.  Filling dozens of the things.  
The man frowned “Haven’t been writing much these days.” 
“O-oh, right.” said Jon.  “Just- we’re headed towards a pretty rustic area, there may not be a lot to do.” 
Martin considered this for a moment before crossing to the small bedside table and pulled out a few books.  “Then maybe I’ll have time for a few of these.” he said, tossing the books over, a collection of short stories, a heavily read copy of The Hobbit, and a few poetry books.  “Been meaning to get to them, just- didn’t seem like there was much of a point really-”  The last book in the stack caught his eye, a leather bound journal.  He took a moment to flip through.  “Hugh,” a ghost of a smile “it’s almost full-” 
Jon made a note to pick one up at the station.
“Ohh-” Martin’s eyes lit up to their original honey brown “I know what we need!” and he retreated into the main room, coming back with a small, classic radio with dial knobs.  
Jon snorted “Lo-Fi charm?” 
“Yep!” he beamed.  “My next door neighbor gave it to me growing up.  Used to mind me when my mum went out.  They used to pick up pirate radio on this bad boy back in the day.  Though my mum never liked it much- She-” he faltered, frowning slightly, his eyes clouding once more.  The Lonely was back.  
Jon sighed, squashing the rising disappointment.  For a moment it looked as though Martin was snapping out of it, but then- his mother?  Yet another thing that had happened while he was in god damned coma.  He wasn’t sure what happened between the two, but it seemed complicated.
What do you really know about each other?  Jon watched Martin struggle to fit the new items into his bag before sliding down next to him with a “I think this is going to need a repacking.”  Martin huffed out an agreement.  
In truth, he didn’t know much about Martin.  He liked tea and poetry, enjoyed the Lo-Fi aesthetic, made people feel noticed in small, meaningful ways Jon never understood, was a fast learner, he hated peaches, tended towards passive aggressive, could be every bit as brutally honest as Jon (when provoked) and that he was the one person Jon wanted by his side more than anything else.  
The Eye slipped in through the gaps of his curiosity, feeding him more information.  Like how the friendly neighbor had been one of the few adults to take a genuine interest in Martin.  They’d bake pastries on occasion (often inedible) and they taught Martin how to cheat at cards, which he had excelled at.  Even when Martin moved away, they’d kept in touch until they died-and Lord, Stop!  This was not how he wanted to learn about Martin! 
Pain tore through Jon’s insides, head splitting, the Eye demanding payment for information he had no right to Know.  He doubled over, holding himself together as best he could begging it to stop.  Just Stop!
There was a hand over his shoulder, icey but soft.  It was grounding and Jon curled into it.  It was a long while before Jon unfurled, his head had been pillowed on Martin’s leg.  He’d been stroking his hair and murmuring softly.  His cool touch was wondrous on his pounding headache.  
“Are you alright?” Martin asked, he was barely focused on Jon now, fog closing in.
“Yes- I- yes” his voice was a horse whisper.  
Martin hummed in a way that made it plain he didn’t believe him. 
“J-just the encounter with Lucas-took more out of me than I thought it would-”  it was the truth, most of it, at least.  It still didn’t change the fact that the flat wreaked of the Lonely.  The mist swirling around concerned him “Martin-you... with me?”  Normally Jon could ignore the Lonely.  It….complimented, Beholding.  But not now, not after what it had tried to do to Martin.
Jon reached up gently cupped his cheek, running a thumb over the freckles dashed crossed his face.  
Martin sighed and nodded, holding Jon’s hand lightly.  “Always.” and some of the haze lifted. 
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smartguyreviewed · 4 years
1x5 - Don’t Do That Thing You Do
Original air date: April 16, 1997
Alright, Disney. We need to have a little talk.
I take a lot of shit from you in the name of nostalgia. You repay me by selling all of your DCOMs on iTunes but since they are DRM protected, you then make me have to buy third party software to remove said DRM just so I can watch these movies for my own personal viewing. If you’re worried about me selling and distributing copies of your movies to people who also wanna relive them good ‘ole days, stop. People will find a way to pirate your shit regardless and actually have more than what you release. Really, just stop.
You then removed all of the Smart Guy episodes from YouTube so that the only dregs of the show left are sped up, slowed down, or only take up a third of the video player due to copyright shit. You gave me considerable hope when I saw you’d be putting all the original shows and movies (minus In a Heartbeat. Minus The Jersey. Minus The Famous Jett Jackson. Minus Model Behavior. Minus My Date With the President’s Daughter.) on this shiny new channel of yours.
I know you have a problem with misordering episodes, making certain episodes season finales when they shouldn’t be and just not having any general sense of continuity. I am still baffled as to why this episode, episode number 5 is not included in the first season, which is already hella short at just 8 episodes. Disney, do you enjoy making me wonder why I even fuck with you? Once I get a .mp4 file of Johnny Tsunami and maaaaybe Can of Worms, I’m through with you forever.
This one is gonna be long because TJ really pissed me off in this episode. But if you actually read the above, I love you because I’m literally just whining.
In this episode, I will actually feel bad for Marcus. Yes, Marcus, teenage horndog, sexist Marcus will tug on my heartstrings and make me relate to him. I know I give him a lot of shit, but at the end of the day, he’s still a teenage boy. A dark-skinned teenage boy in a family full of gifted and/or capable light skinned people, at that. In this family, guess who is the odd one out, the black sheep? Marcus. Coincidence? I just couldn’t help but notice some things Yvette does (like pursue dance at one point) are encouraged while Marcus’s hobby (music, another art) is constantly shit on by Floyd who wants Marcus to be more book smart. Or how Yvette didn’t get into any trouble for not trying to stop TJ’s party just because Marcus, who is younger than her, was in charge? Just two examples, but you get the point. 
We begin the episode with TJ bothering the big kids while they’re trying to rehearse for the upcoming Battle of the Bands gig. The gang needs cash to continue banding, especially since Mo’s strings are caca. Marcus is certain they will win and as soon as he manifests positivity about his future, something bad happens. Their guitarist breaks his finger. 
Marcus is whining to pops about this little roadbloack when we see Yvette has invited Gabrielle Union back to her place to study in the kitchen. None of that learning crap will be happening right now though, because Floyd has made Gabs wet. She tells Yvette who delivers the most visceral reaction. But Yvette...your dad is hot. And it’s perfectly normal for friends to have crushes on your parents. And you also date older men! Yvette has her moments where I hate her and this is one of them. Instead of just dropping it and continuing to study, she actually throws her friend out! You would have thought Yvette was Floyd’s damn girlfriend, the way she was acting. 
Because every show needs a montage here and there, we are now jettisoned to the garage, where Marcus is auditioning for a new piano player. Spoiler alert: they all reek, except for one guy who clearly must have been on some type of psychedelic drug to audition for a high school R&B band during a federal pursuit. The others were straight duds, including the most aggressive polka musician ever who thought his accordion counted as a keyboard. 
Marcus is fucked. His goose is cooked. His dream is deferred. How the hell is he going to pull a new piano player out of his ass in time for BotB? He suddenly hears someone tickling the ivories and is beyond impressed...and then disappointed once he sees its TJ. Turns out the little guy knows all their songs and then proceeds to explain music in math terms and I pretty much feel the way Marcus does here.
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I mean, really, it’s annoying to know that your freakishly intelligent brother is pretty much good at everything, including the thing that you love more than anything. You share a room with this person, you see this person every day at school and you now have to let him in your band because of circumstances.  I do like that Marcus includes the rest of the group in his decision making, even though they really don’t seem to care about its direction as long as they can have sex with all the groupies. 
So now its Mackadocious +TJ and Marcus is doling out the “kicks” to everyone except TJ. But TJ, homie, you just entered the band and your role is to just play the piano, since nobody else is around. This is not the time for you to be trying to get your Regina Spektor on. Play your part! TJ gets upset at this, but once Marcus threatens violence, he immediately goes back to his role.
B plot land is just Yvette pissed off that her friend finds her father attractive. They go to the BotB thing and she even cuts in front of them. Jeez Yvette, chill.
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When her bestie leaves a voicemail directed more towards Floyd, although flattered, he has to let her down gently. Yadda yadda, Floyd is about to have that uncomfortable conversation but it’s fine because Gabby met some dude in a black trench coat and needs Yvette to style her hair like Halle Berry’s in the last month’s Essence. Yvette is happy that things are back to normal, at the expense of her lonely father who most likely reveled in that small amount of validation as quickly as it was snatched away from him. Poor Flody. 
Anyways, back to the main arc of the episode. It’s time for the BotB and TJ is still vying for that piano solo but Marcus isn’t budging. This will end well. Once they get far enough into the song, Marcus is about to do his solo. He’s probably thinking that finally, the spotlight will be on him for a change and he can feel like he’s doing something worthy of praise. But this is TJ we’re talking about, and he is a petty little asshole, so he immediately hijacks the show and begins with his piano solo. Marcus looks straight dumb trying to hop back into his own set. So now instead of being a dick and doing the solo he wasn’t supposed to do, he has now embarassed Marcus. His feelings about the situation can best be summed up here.
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The next day at school, we see that TJ is still hogging all of the band’s attention. Marcus’s insane level of togetherness right now is commendable, seeing as TJ clearly has no remorse for what he’s done and is now rubbing it in their faces. Just Marcus, though. TJ is a little babe magnet and is now basically getting girls for Mo and Goose to have sex with. Everyone is getting what they want right now. Except Marcus. 
During a rehearsal, TJ moves on to insulting Marcus’s compositions and telling the band that they need something “else.” Marcus has had it and decides it’s time for TJ to go. TJ tries to save his ass by apologizing for something he’s clearly not sorry for after the fact, but the damage is done. Now we all know that TJ is totally one to accept defeat and move on so I’m sure nothing else will come of a rather amicable split.
Later, Kid from Kid n’ Play shows up and offers Mackadocious some moolah if they play again, but with TJ, seeing as Mackadocious has been unwillingly changed to The Band With the Cute Little Kid. Marcus, putting his dream over his desire to teach his little narcissist brother a lesson (just kidding, he wants the money) asks TJ back, but he’s strangely okay with staying out of it. Marcus then grabs TJ and threatens him, calling him a little twerp. This is still funny to me.
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Floyd comes in and breaks up the fight and forces the siblings to hash out their differences in a healthy way. TJ says he wishes he could sing like Marcus. Marcus hates that TJ is good at everything. They both apologize to each other and Marcus even asks if TJ wants to rejoin the band and TJ is about to ruin this totally fine moment between them by revealing his evil plan.
After being kicked out of the band, TJ wanted to get even. Instead of just taking the L and moving on, he reached out to Kid and offered some tax code write offs in exchange for promising Mackadocious a lot of money to perform a bogus gig where nobody would show up. Yes, you read that right. TJ wanted to destroy Marcus’s life and possibly crush his spirit to the point where he’d never want to pursue music at all. All because he did something shitty and got punished accordingly. TJ is a petty little asshole. Floyd hears this and allows the beating to continue. Did I mention how much I love Floyd?
Stuff I noticed:
- TJ’s shirt. Where can I find this shirt? Seriously, it’s amazing.
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- Oh hi, Christina Milian.
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- When TJ is mentioning the name of the band’s fan site, he just says it’s ww.cutekid.com which makes no sense because that’s too general to refer to a band and also sounds like pedo bait. 
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sanjiafsincedayone · 6 years
One Piece 902 - Review/Thoughts
Chapter 902 �� End Roll - What an emotional chapter… I really liked most of it, but I think it was a little bit weird. I’ll just jump in and give my main thoughts about what happened this chapter.
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First, I loved the scene with Sanji thinking about Pedro and the kind of solemn expression Oda drew. I am so glad for all the serious moments we have gotten with Sanji this arc.
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Then Carrot coming along to comfort him. It is probably the sweetest moment we’ve seen this whole arc and I think it says a lot that Sanji doesn’t keep on blaming himself after Carrot talks to him. It feels like progress to me, even though Sanji does blame himself, he still understands that it’s not really his fault so to speak. 
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Carrot crying after trying to comfort Sanji just went straight to my heart. It’s also really cute with them patting each others heads for comfort. A genuine moment that just makes me wish for two things; 1. That Carrot stays with the crew, if not forever at least in a similar manner to Vivi or Law. 2. That Sanji could act like this more often, especially with women. I love his soft side, and I think we have gotten to see it more often this arc due to the seriousness of the situations that Sanji has been in.
Either way I really loved their interaction and both characters are so soft and sweet it makes my heart ache. The scene is really emotional and it was probably my favorite part of the chapter if I’m being honest.
Then we get to hear Big Mom and her homies sing a song, as we see an overview of what’s going on. 
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Amongst others we get this´scene of Sanji and Purin, which is mostly build-up for later, it’s all very bittersweet actually. Especially since we have Sanji with Carrot seemingly having mentally left Purin behind, while she obviously is still thinking a lot about him. It’s a weird kind of romantic angst for Oda to write, but more on that later.
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I’m not going to lie but I am so tired of Big Mom at this point… She’s back to normal and nothing changed, they’re still going after the strawhats and basically Oda spent years of the manga writing a plot that only delayed Big Mom. Of course I think Oda has some purpose left with Big Mom, and it’s possible the whole divine cake thing will be relevant again then, but at this point I feel like we spent a lof ot time dragging a plot that didn’t make much of a difference. Honestly, things changed so fast between last chapter and this chapter I almost got whiplash. Is the crew suddenly all safe and ok now since they are out of the territory? I can’t be that easy right?
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Not to mention both Germa and the Sun Pirates are still fighting, so it feels off to see the strawhats being all content and happy at the same time.
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Anyways, moving on to emotional scene part 2 in this chapter. Purin gets a flashback, and we see some of her inner struggles throughout the arc. I genuinely feel bad for her, but I still wish Oda would have played things a bit differently for her. I understand that she was bullied and felt horrible about herself, and I do sympathize with her, but some of Oda’s decisions when it comes Purin’s story actually feels a bit rushed and forced. I think Oda wrote some scenes for her that mostly just complicated things without any real purpuse in the end... Especially with her doing unnecessary damage to Reiju just for a dramatic effect when it didn’t really lead anywhere in the end, and also how long the time of the readers not being able to trust her was. I don’t know, I really like how Oda has written her after a certain point, but it was so much harder to enjoy her character when I didn’t know where to place her. Personally I wish Oda wouldn’t have used her so much for shock value so that I instead could have developed a better understanding and bond with her sooner. I understand her switch, but it all happened really fast and especially if this is supposed to be genuine romantic development it’s been way too rushed for it to develop a strong foundation.
Either way I think Oda has written Purin and Sanji’s relationship with some odd decisions. I still don’t know where this is going, or if it’s now the end of it all together. Somehow this really feels like an end, but at the same time it would be weird for Purin to just disappear crying like this. I like how Sanji’s kindness was highlighted again, to make a change in Purin, just like it did in Gin so many years ago. But at the same time if Oda truly wants Sanji and Purin to happen I think he should have handled it differently, mainly because Sanji has been so strangely detached and unresponsive to a lot of Purin’s interest in him. I don’t really know why Oda would do that if he really wanted to develop Sanji and Purin as a true romance. So, that leaves two options, either Purin’s part in Sanji’s life is over and she will now go on a journey of her own to discover the world isn’t as cruel as she might have thought. Or two, she will come back, but to me a setup for Purin to come back and perhaps be Sanji’s true love-interest in the series I think Oda should have handled a lot of things differently. But enough about general Sanji and Purin discussion and back to the chapter.
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I feel the kiss was pretty obvious, and also Purin taking away the memory of it, since Sanji had no reaction earlier. I feel bad for Purin, but that being said, it really does feel like the end for this plot… At least for now.
Also, just a small side-note… I really hate the nickname “Jiji”. It’s what Sanji usually call Zeff (only with shitty added before it), so I don’t see why Oda would pick that name for Purin to call Sanji. Unless it’s with the intention to draw some strange parallel to Zeff, but that in itself is such an odd idea… It’s basically her calling Sanji “Old man”. No, I’m kind of hoping there is something wonky with the translation on this one. Moving on to emotional part nr. 3!
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Now, I did not expect this scene with Katakuri and Brulee, but I really liked it a lot. It’s a sweet moment between them and I loved the quiet support and understanding from Brulee and the highlighting of their bond. Seems like yet another case of enemies possibly turning into allies of the strawhats later on too.
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The flashback was nice too, though I think we already recieved the message of “being loved for who you are” both in Katakuri’s and Purin’s story even prior to this chapter and even though it was unexpected to be shown their childhood like this, I did like Oda’s inclusion of it. Oda deciding to develop these characters more now when it’s seemingly the end of the arc just makes it all the more likely that they have future roles to play.
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And then we are back to Big Mom’s song again and showing the battle still going on… Seriously Oda, it makes me feel really uneasy to end an arc like this. Big Mom is still a huge threat and their allies are fighting for them, so it’s just weird to have the strawhats really be out of the picture when everything isn’t over… The jump to the strawhats on the next page makes it even worse.
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I mean, it’s nice to have some lighthearted crew interaction again, I’ve really missed it. And it’s also nice to have Sanji be truly happy again and the parallel with Zeff was a nice addition and I loved the line of father and son. It’s just a little out of place in my opinion. The ending of this arc was just too rushed, especially compared to how Oda has really dragged some portions of the story this arc. To me Oda is making it seem like the arc is over when it can’t be over. I am looking forward to Wano and not having to deal with Big Mom for a while though (hopefully).
So, all in all lots of great moments this chapter, and plenty of emotional scenes, some of which truly touched me a lot. But the timing just seems off, and with the sweet and touching scenes being mixed with crazy Big Mom and the fight still continuing this chapter is just and odd mix which leaves me feeling a bit uneasy about the development and pacing. 
So, an ok chapter with some really great moments is probably my final verdict. Thanks for reading, hope you had fun and feel free to discuss further and explain your thoughts on the chapter!
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