#[ here's zero to torment him again ]
novaursa · 11 days
I've been LOVING your cregan work and wanted to see if you were doing requests. I was thinking something like the reader (velaryon) was previously married to aemond had a kid with him and something happened to the kid, reader escapes aemond and is with cregan but is still morning the life she previously had and feels bad about it. Maybe she's just given up on everything and cregan just wants to help. I'm so sorry if this makes zero sense 😭
Winter's Solace
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Requests are closed!
- Summary: Specters of the past came back today once more to hunt you, but Cregan holds them back.
- Paring: velaryon!reader/Cregan Stark
- Note: The reader is bonded with a dragon Grey Ghost.
- Rating: Mature 16+
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff @alyssa-dayne @daeryna @melsunshine @21-princess
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The cold wind howls through the ancient halls of Winterfell, but inside your chambers, the fire crackles softly. The warmth from the hearth does little to pierce the chill that’s wrapped around your heart. The North was supposed to be your sanctuary, the place where you could forget. But the past clings to you like a cloak you cannot shed.
For days now, you’ve sought solitude, slipping from the bed you share with Cregan before the dawn, curling yourself into the furs by the window, watching the sky but not really seeing it. You barely eat. Every mouthful seems to turn to ash on your tongue. The memories—the life you had before, the life taken from you—haunt your every waking moment.
The son you lost, taken by blood and treachery.
Your breath trembles as you draw it in, eyes falling to the grey stones below. You told yourself you would never cry again after that night, but the tears threaten to spill all the same.
A quiet knock at the door stirs you, though you do not answer. You know who it is, and part of you wants to tell him to leave. To let you sit here in silence, to let the grief eat at you until there is nothing left. But he’s stubborn, like the North itself. He enters without waiting for your permission, the familiar sound of his heavy boots crossing the threshold.
"Cregan…" Your voice is barely a whisper, hoarse from lack of use. But you don’t turn to face him.
He doesn’t say anything at first. He knows better than to rush you. Instead, he stands in the doorway for a moment, his presence filling the room with a quiet strength. Then, slowly, he crosses to where you sit, his broad figure casting a shadow over you.
"You haven’t eaten," he says gently, kneeling beside you, his eyes dark with concern. His hand finds yours, rough and warm against your cold skin. He squeezes it, hoping to ground you, to pull you back from the abyss you’re teetering over.
You pull your hand away, though it’s not from any anger toward him. It’s because you’re ashamed. Ashamed of the broken thing you’ve become, ashamed that even now, after all this time, the past still holds you so tightly in its grip. You think of Aemond, of the life you once shared with him—however brief and painful—and the child you lost. You think of the vengeance that Daemon and Rhaenyra sought in your name, a vengeance that tore at what little remained of your soul.
"I can’t…" Your voice breaks, and for a moment, you press your lips together to stop the flood of words that want to spill out. "I can’t pretend anymore, Cregan."
Cregan’s eyes, soft yet strong, search your face. He understands. He’s always understood, more than anyone else ever could. When you fled to the North on the back of Grey Ghost, seeking an end to the torment, it was Cregan who saved you. He didn’t ask for explanations, didn’t demand that you be strong. He simply gave you space, gave you time. But now, the time has come to face the wounds that refuse to heal.
He moves closer, sitting beside you, pulling you gently into his arms. At first, you resist, stiff in his embrace, but the warmth of his body, the steady beat of his heart, begins to melt the ice that’s hardened around your soul.
"I don’t need you to pretend, Y/N," he says, his voice a low rumble in your ear. "Not with me."
You close your eyes, leaning into him, allowing yourself the comfort he offers. His hand strokes your hair, gentle and slow, as though he’s trying to calm a wild animal.
"I left them to die," you murmur, the words slipping out before you can stop them. "Aemond… our son. I should have stayed, should have fought harder—"
"You were never meant to stay with him," Cregan interrupts, his tone firmer now, as though he’s reminding you of something you’ve long forgotten. "The life you had with him was built on lies and violence. It wasn’t your fault, Y/N. None of it."
"But it was my mother…" Your voice breaks again, the bitterness of it burning your throat. "It was Rhaenyra. She sent them—Daemon sent them—to kill him. To take my son."
Cregan holds you tighter, his breath warm against your hair. "You’ve carried that guilt too long, my love. What your mother did… that’s on her. Not on you. You didn’t ask for their blood to be spilled."
The tears come then, hot and heavy, spilling down your cheeks as you sob into Cregan’s chest. You hate yourself for it—hate how weak you feel. But he doesn’t let go. He doesn’t pull away or flinch from your pain.
"I loved him once," you confess, voice barely audible. "Aemond… I loved him before all the bitterness and rage. Before the war tore us apart."
"I know," Cregan says softly. "And you loved your son. That’s why you grieve. But you can’t let it destroy you. You can’t let the ghosts of the past steal the life you have now."
You’re silent for a moment, listening to the crackling of the fire and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. His words are true, but they don’t erase the pain. Nothing ever will.
"I don’t know how to move forward," you admit.
"One step at a time," Cregan says, pulling back slightly so he can look into your eyes. His gaze is steady, filled with a determination that gives you something to hold onto. "I can’t take the pain away, Y/N. But I’ll be here, every step, until you find your way."
You look into his face, seeing the man who saved you when you thought there was nothing left to save. The man who offers you not just comfort, but a future, if only you can let yourself reach for it.
"I don’t deserve you," you whisper, guilt still gnawing at the edges of your heart.
"Deserve me?" He smiles, a soft, crooked smile that warms you in a way the fire never could. "I think it’s the other way around. You’re a Targaryen, a Velaryon, bonded with a dragon. And yet, here you are in the North, sharing your life with me. If anyone is undeserving, it’s me."
You shake your head, tears still glistening in your eyes. "No… you saved me."
"And I’ll keep saving you," Cregan says, his thumb brushing away the tear on your cheek. "For as long as you need me to."
For the first time in days, something like hope flickers in your chest. It’s faint, fragile, but it’s there. You lean into him again, closing your eyes, letting his warmth and strength anchor you. The grief will always be there, lurking in the shadows. But with Cregan by your side, you feel like maybe, just maybe, you can face it.
Tomorrow, you’ll eat. Tomorrow, you’ll take another step forward. But for now, in this moment, you allow yourself to simply be held. And for the first time in a long time, that feels like enough.
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yaut-jaknowit · 2 months
Perhaps the reader is teasing Vic’tao too much, maybe it’s time he truly gets his revenge lol. 🤔 I wonder just how good he is at tying rope
Pushed Too Far
Pairing: Vic'tao (male Yautja) x AFAB!Reader
Warnings: rough sex (like I may have gone a little overboard), P in V, P in A, anal, kind of painal, rope usage on reader, pain kink, rough fingering, consent. (I may write rough scenes but there's always consent between my characters. Said in the one-shot or not.)
Word Count: 3457
Summary: Vic'tao is peacefully catching up with a few hunt brothers before you come along. You sneak into the cockpit and distract him from his friends. Oh, how you will pay for that.
Author Note: I just came to realization that consent isn't always said in my writings. I will state that consent between my characters is always there. It may or may not be said in a one-shot but it is there. I do try to make sure there is a subtle pause to show in rough scene that the Yautja or reader is cared for, no matter what.
In the cockpit of the ship, sat the handsome, lean form of Vic’tao. His off yellow scales covered his hide. He relaxed into a comfortable position in the co-pilots chair. One arm holding up his head. His bright eyes observing the screen of three other Yautjas. A smirk spread across your features.
Best of all Uihoy wasn’t here to interfere. Depends on his mood to either join in on the torment or tell you not to.
Since living on the ship for the last two years, you’ve learned the ins and outs of the space. You carefully lowered yourself down and snuck around the edge of the cockpit. All while staying out of his and the camera’s line of sight. He may be a hunter, but you know him well enough to be stealthy.
It works. You crawled underneath the main console and began to move closer to Vic’tao. He may not look entirely engrossed in what the three other Yautjas were speaking about, he was pay attention. That much could be told by just his eyes alone. They were zeroed in on the screen. Perfect. You continued on and crawled all the way to his seat. He never once changed his gaze.
Within those two years, they have taught you useful skills as a hunter. Skills you used to sneak forward on your knees until you were knelt between his open legs. This was always a sight you loved to see. The handsome face of your mate above you. You smiled then gingerly placed your hands on his knees. He jerked at the touch, head whipping down to find you.
That curl of your lips was dangerous. The yellow Yautja relaxed in front of the camera. His free hand dipped down to rest on top of your hand on his leg. You leaned forward and placed a kiss against the inside of his softer thighs. The muscles underneath your touch tensed.
His finger twitched against your wrist, nails slightly digging into feeble skin. Another kiss to the tense muscles had one of his mandibles quaking. He may be a hunter in a lot of ways but his strength leans at your gentle caresses.
The intensity of his eyes met yours. Warnings floating around in the yellow irises. Warnings you’ve never listened to once in your life.
When you leaned down again, you ran your tongue up a few inches. The hand on your hand snatched the top of your hair and pulled you off. All in his eyes shone need. A need for you. You airily giggle and stuck out your tongue at him. Vic’tao lifted his head off of his other hand and stuffed two fingers into your mouth.
You choked on the two long digits invading your mouth and swallowed awkwardly around him. Vic pushed down on your tongue. Your mouth was forced open. A hum sounded from the male before his attention snapped back to the three Yautjas beginning to chitter. You only knew some of language to understand they were teasing Vic.
The sound you had made reached the microphone and relayed to them. Vic’tao grumbled and rolled his eyes but refused to take his fingers out. Drool began to drip down your chin, unable to swallow properly.
“I wanna see the beaut that has Vic’s attention,” one taunted in a deep voice. “Why don’t you show them off? Fuck them on the chair you’re on?” Your eyes snapped wide while gazing up at Vic, wondering if he would just that.
A resonating snarl ripped from the tall male above you. His fingers gripped the strands of your hair tighter. “Don’t even imagine what they look like. They are ours.” Your core fluttered around nothing. Fuck, you loved when he got possessive with you. The marks they permanently scarred your skin with are a clear sign that you belonged to them. As much as they belonged to you.
“Look at little Vic, showing his nature off,” another jesters and laughs. Neither Vic or Uihoy would allow for another to see you naked. It is their privilege; one you agree with. Only they are allowed to see every inch of you.
The screen disappears before your very eyes. Vic’s mandibles are wide in a display. He drags his fingers out of your mouth and wraps that hands around throat. Despite the trust in him, you couldn’t help but grasp at his wrist. Your nails dig into his scales, unable to break the surface let alone leave a dent in their wake.
Vic drags you to your feet and bends down to push his face into yours. “Little hunter grew brave today. But will come to learn how much of a mistake that will be,” he rumbled and squeezed around your neck, fortifying his words. You held back a giddy smile and looked at him with wide eyes. “Fight me all you want, but you are begging for this.”
Instantly, you knew you were in deep.
Your scalp is released. He leads you out of the cockpit and towards the bedroom door. His steps are long and quick, forcing you to stumble and rely on his hold to keep you upright.
Once in the confinements of your shared bedroom, he shoves you back and let’s go. You are finally free. Or are you? The look in his eyes increases, showering you in a predator expression. A shudder runs along your spin. You felt like prey but you weren’t going to run away.
His fist slams against the keypad by the door, officially locking us in here together. Vic stalks to the side, towards one of the hidden compartments around the room. “That was sneaky of you.” The cabinet opens at a single touch. “To come while I was distracted by some of my old hunt brothers.” He grabs something colorful before it’s hidden by his torso. “Then to tease me, knowing I couldn’t expose you. I would never expose you in front of anyone besides myself and Uihoy.”
He spins on his heel to face. Rope was held in his large hands. “It irks me they dared to ask such a thing. Only your skin is for our eyes to see.” He stalked towards you in a slow, deilbrate manner. Every one step, you took two backwards. “I will punish you. You don’t get to tease me and walk away freely.” A smirk pulled at his mandibles. “I should say, you won’t be able to walk at all.”
Your back met the smooth, cool wall, shoulders jumping. Vic stood less than ten feet away before he ate up every foot between the two of you. His torso trapped you to the wall, officially pinning you in place. You had no place to run to.
Two fingers pinched your chin and tugged it up to face him. Your hands were splayed on the wall, frozen in place. His other hand trapped your neck. That’s when your own wrapped around his wrist, nails again biting into thick skin. The Yautja chuckled lowly into your ear. “Give me a good fight, little hunter,” he purred. The vibrations caused goosebumps to appear on your arms.
He wants you to fight him, like a female would.
A brow was raised at him before you locked down. One foot kicked out struck a softer area on the inner thighs. He grunts, hand loosening. You took the chance to force his hand off of you and kicked him in the torso. Vic stumbles back and stands up straight. A glint enters his yellow eyes. You forcefully swallow down a growing lump.
Vic’tao lunges. You roll just in time out of the way and scramble away from him. He follows. Like a game of cat and mouse. Every time he would attempt to grab you, you would dodge barely in time. He growls his frustration after the fourth time.
“Such a good game. Able to stay away but for how long can you keep this up?” His claws skate across your arm, leaving nothing in their wake. “Soon you’ll tire.” His heavily body crashes you to the floor and captures both of your wrists in one hand to pin them above your head. Vic leans down. “Then, you’ll be at my mercy.” His long, skinny tongue licks up a bead of sweat rolling down your face.
Despite the weight difference, he uses just enough to keep you pinned in place to the hard, metal floors. Your legs kick out, kneeing him in the back. But, he just uses his lower legs to trap your thighs, effectively trapping you.
His palm touches your sternum and dipped down a little before ensnaring your throat again. “Remember the time you had tied me up? Remember that? When you had the time to do anything you wanted?” Your lips pressed into a tight line. That’s why he pulled out the rope. “I think it’s your turn.”
Your breath came out in shuttering pants.
You were turned onto your stomach before he slipped off to be knelt at your side. “Now, be a good little ooman,” he purred deeply before maneuvering you into position. The fight had left you. You wanted to experience what he was about to punish you with.
He put you on your knees, chest pressed to them with your arms back. With the rope, he tied both your forearms and calves to one another. This forced your ass up into the air to keep a more comfortable position.
One of his hands caress the swell of your butt cheek then grabbed a handful. You couldn’t help the whimper that escaped you. “This is a sight to behold, little hunter. Bent over and at my mercy. Paya smiles down on me today.” His hand lands beside your head as he curls over your back. His mouth next to your ear. In a low voice, he whispers, “Say red and I’ll immediately cut the ropes off.”
“Okay,” you responded quietly as well. He hummed then returned to his knees. Both of his hands touched the small of your back and ran up its length. All of your clothing still hugged your body.
This isn’t the first nor will it be the last he’ll have you tied at his mercy. Your empty cunt fluttered around nothing as he touched you in a non-sexual way. “Do you know the ways I could take you? And there is nothing you could do to stop me. These ropes far too thick for you to break.” The back of your shirt was crumbled then torn straight off of you.
A gasp tore at your throat. Not that you were surprised. It seemed to be a favorite thing for the two of them. “Vic’tao!” you scolded and pulled on the ropes but they didn’t even groan in protest. Fuck, he’s got these on there tightly.
“Hmm, much better.” He drags his claws over your exposed back. You tried to arch away from him but couldn’t due to the position he’s tied you in. They never cut. He hooked a claw on the waistband of your shorts and pulled. It tears through the fabric easily.
You whined at the feeling of being so exposed to him and tried to inch forward away from him. Until he palms at your soaked underwear. All movement stops. Only thing you could hear is the thundering of your heart and his deep laugh. He hooks a finger around the section blocking off your pussy and pulls. Before it could rip, he lets go and it snaps against your skin. You mewled, body trying to straighten despite being tied in a certain position.
It stung against you throbbing clit. You turned your head to press it against the cool floor and closed your eyes. He pulls at the fabric again until it rips from his strength. The rough pad of his thumb is soaked and pushed against your clit. You panted out mewls and whimpers. “My little hunter is singing for me. I sure do love the sound.” Your hips grinded down on his thumb, sending pleasure up your spine.
Fingers grabbed at the roots of your hair and tugged you up. A cry left your lips. “Such a needy little ooman, grinding on my fingers. Are they not good enough for you?” He eases your head down back to the floor.
Dulled nails prodded against your soaked entrance before three were shoved in. Your eyes snapped open as you choked on a gasped. The soft, plush walls of your pussy clenched down on his hand. He roughly presses down on your sensitive bundle of nerves sending shocks of pleasure-pain up your spine.
“So tight around my fingers. You could push me out if you wanted but I feel how greedy you are. You are sucking them in. You want me deeper, hm?” He continued to push more into you, overpowering the muscles of your vagina. “You want me deep. Say… here?” His fingertips brushed against the smooth texture of your cervix. Your knees knock against each other at how fast your closed them. As if that’ll do anything to stop him.
A groan resonates from his wide chest. You squeaked out his name, feeling overwhelmed. He pulls out his fingers and licks them clean. “Don’t fret. I’ve got something better than just my fingers. Something that’ll reach that deep.”
The familiar feeling of a pointed cockhead pressed to your entrance. As you took a breath in to relax, he forced the entire length inside of you. You cried out and clawed at you calves; the only thing you could reach. It hurt but fuck, it felt so good.
Vic’tao placed a hand between your shoulder blades and leaned down. His palm rubbed soothing circles there. “Good little hunter. I feel you so tight around me,” he praised before lifting back off of you and pinned you down by your upper back.
There was no time to recooperate your feelings or emotions. Vic’tao pulled back until only the head rested inside of you then shoved all the way to his hips. And he didn’t stop. You whimpered and whined while shimming your knees wider.
“That’s it. I feel you opening up to me. You like it when I take you rough, like I would do to a female Yautja,” he growled and slammed harshly into you. You hissed behind clenched teeth and panted heavily. “You want me to bend you over any surface and push my cock into you. I can do that. Anytime. Lay my claim on you on every surface of our home.”
His pace began to speed up. If it wasn’t for the pressure between your shoulder blades, he would’ve pushed across the floor.
Obscene sounds echoed back at you from the force of his thrusts pushing your juices out. You whimpered and glanced over your shoulder at Vic’tao. The man had a possessive look on his face. His hunt brothers’ words probably whispering into his ears as he ravaged you. He growled when he noticed you peeking at him.
The hand that held your hip in a bruising grasp moved. The slightly wettened thumb toyed with your other hole. You inhaled sharply and whipped your head up. It wasn’t like they haven’t before but you weren’t expecting the touch. Vic pressed in. A low moan escaped your throat. The feeling of being filled in such way was delicious.
“You just got tighter. I wished Uihoy was here. He may not like the fact I treat you so roughly despite you craving it. But when the two of us are inside of you at the same time…” Vic’tao trailed off into a groan, head tilted back. “It’s a feeling I would never forget about.”
Then, Vic’tao pulled both his thumb and cock out of you. You shouted and whipped your head to look at him angrily. You were getting close. Yet, the glint in his eyes before the head of his cock shoving into your other hole had you screaming out. Pain shocked through your system and lightning raced up your spine. You groaned and squirmed. His sharp hip bones kissed the swell of your butt cheeks. He stayed still.
The weight of his hand lifted off of your shoulders when he curled over you again. “Remember, red if you want to stop. Is this okay? It’s not too much, right?” he whispered into your ear. One of his hands cards his long digits through your locks.
At first you groaned, soaking in the pain. “I-I’m fine,” you responded in a quiet voice. With every molecule in your body, you trusted not only him but Uihoy with your life.
He grunted but stayed blanketed on top of you. His hips shifted and pulled his cock out slowly. You moaned. The head stayed nestled inside of you. Vic pushed at the same speed as before and filled you again.
There was something different, maybe primal about the way he’s claiming you. It reached deep into your heart and brought out a whole different person in the moment. Not only does he need this connection with you, but so do you. You need to feel him everywhere.
One of his hands reaches below and goes between your legs. Rought finger pads pressed against your throbbing clit. A high pitch whine escaped you at the extra pleasure. Your toes curl in. He hooks his entire arm around your throat and forces you slightly up. Your arms fight against the ropes to claw at his arm. Yet, the ropes stayed.
“That’s it. Take it. Good, so good for me,” he growled and started to pick up his pace. The pain melted away like always and brought forth a different kind of pleasure soaking into your bones.
Your muscles allowed him in, relaxing. It wasn’t long before harsh slapping echoed back at you. With the way his arm surrounded your neck, your weight and his forceful thrusts slowly deprived you of air. Your head grew light, face turning red. There wasn’t anything you could do to stop it.
And you just let it happen.
Vic’tao tensed the muscles in his arm and quickened his speed of his thrusts and fingers. Your legs began to shake before you knew it. “Yeah, yeah. That’s it. I can feel you tightening. Come around my cock and milk me inside of your ass.”
With a choked mewl, you harshly locked down on his pounding cock. A grunt echoed in your ears. Your entire body locked up, unable to move from this position. The lack of air made you dizzy, uncoordinated. You felt like you were floating above your own body.
The harsh reality slammed back into you when he didn’t stop rubbing his fingers across your oversensitive clit. You tried to squirm away from the assaulting digits but he didn’t relent. Your eyes widened. Pained pleasure washed over you and rubbed every nerve raw until you were crying.
A familiar pain expanded your hole wider before sitting just past the tight ring of muscles. You groaned with relief when the fingers stopped, body going lax in Vic’tao’s hold. The Yautja grunted and continued to rut his hips ruthlessly until the last drop of seed was spilled inside of you. Only then, he carefully slid his arm from underneath your neck and let you lay limp on the ground.
Massive hands petted your back, soothing your panting and subtle whines. A body draped over you. Warm digits brushed through your hair to get a clear view of your face. “How are you feeling?” he questioned in a voice that matched the soft ambience of the new scene.
You peeled open a crusty eye and found him peering down at you softly. A throat hum answered him. He returned his own. “Hm, that’s good to hear.” He worked on a knot in your hair for a moment. “I hope you remember this punishment for interrupting me. It’s a lesson well learned.”
Despite the drool leaking from your lips, your mouth curled into a subtle smirk. “Yeah, lesson well learned,” you mocked and laughed hoarsely. If that punishment meant you got tied up and pounded within an inch of your life, sign you up again.
His claws dug into your scalp for only a moment. “Oh, you sneaky little devil. If only I hadn’t knotted you. I’d show you how much of a punishment I can dish out.” The grin didn’t leave your lips. You purposefully clenched around him. He snarled straight into your ear. “By Paya’s name, you’ll won’t be able to walk or even sit down properly once my knot goes down.”
All you could hope for was for that to be a promise.
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amourtoken · 2 months
I will be the brave soldier that tackles this concept that others may be too afraid to tackle 🫡
I was gonna do one big post for the whole group but the Noah part took over so I'll split it into individual parts for you. Here's some stepbro Noah for you 💀
Anyway let's get into it I feel like im virtually stalling lol. Apologies if this is insanely long it may or may not be the longest thing I've ever written so forgive me if it's rambley or not that great.
CW: stepcest, mean/annoying ass Noah, oral (M receiving), dacryphilia, choking, spit, belly bulge, raw sex, facials, squirting, fingering, nipple play, mentions of breeding, Dom Noah ftw always, oral fixation, slapping (just in general, face and pussy yk), and if I missed any others pls let me know
*NSFW below the cut, MDNI*
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♡ The day Noah moved in to your dad's house was the worst day of your life unbeknownst to you at the time. He seemed tolerable at first but it took zero time for him to become a raging asshole that lived to torment you it seemed. He always blasts music late at night, is constantly yelling while playing video games with those obnoxious ass friends of his that like to come over and somehow act even more unbearable and he has the audacity to walk around YOUR house like he owns the place when he's only been here for a few months. What a cunt.
♡ Noah loves teasing you as well. He's got a couple years on you and is SUBSTANTIALLY larger than you so somewhere in the back of his mind he feels like you're easy to manipulate and manhandle the shit out of cause he's older, bigger, stronger, ect. He likes the way your voice pitches up in a yelp when he walks by and smacks your ass hard enough to bruise, he couldn't resist, not while you had those little shorts on. He also doesn't think twice abt it being "weird" or anything, he really doesn't even see you as a relative at this point, you're both grown and you've known eachother for like 6 months at the most. The fact his mom wanted to bang your dad has no effect on his life aside from the fact he had to up and move to your city.
♡ every time your parents give you two the house alone, it usually goes one of two ways. Either Noah invites those previously mentioned friends over and you get to listen to them practicing new songs in your living room until your head throbs from the volume or Noah invites some random tinder girl over to fuck half to death while you get the pleasure of listening to it through the thin wall that seperates your rooms. You've done everything to muffle the noise, but the incessant rhythmic slamming of his headboard right against the wall is similar to water torture. If you didn't care about privacy (unlike him, he frequently throws your bedroom door open while you're changing or walks in on you fresh out of the shower) you'd storm into his room and tell him to shut the fuck up but unfortunately you're a nicer person than he is so you suffer for a while longer.
♡ you end up confronting him the next night while he's on a game with his friends (again being eye twitching levels of loud and annoying). You had the decency to knock but when he opens the door he's got his hair tied up halfway, shirtless, and shorts sitting so fucking low on his hips you can see the light trail of hair that runs up his lower stomach to his navel. You hate that he's your type because shouldn't that be weird? He's your step brother, that has to be weird right?
"Yknow if you take a picture it'll last longer, right? My eyes are up here."
♡ Noah apparently clocked your staring and he has this stupid smug grin on his face that you hate. Ultimately how can he be upset for you staring at him when his eyes are always glued to your tits or ass whenever he has the chance?? He has no shame. It's not that he's upset at you, but he knows deep down you're fighting something he gave into ages ago, and he's got you wrapped around his finger whether you like it or not. You can't stand him, or is it that you want to hate him so you don't have to admit your other feelings?
"Can I help you or are you just gonna keep staring at my cock? I'm kinda fucking busy."
♡ he's always been this brash and it still somehow shocks you every time. You hate he's not really wrong, you wouldn't have been looking if his dick didn't leave a scarily large print in those shorts he was wearing. No wonder all those girls he brings over are so fucking loud. You didn't realize you still hadn't said what you came over to say, it felt like your voice was trapped in your throat especially when you looked up at him and those pretty brown eyes of his. God you fucking hate him, you hate that you're jealous of everyone that gets to spend time with him and all of those girls he's brought over to fuck and never say a word to again. He's an asshole but fuck if he isn't a pretty one. You feel like this is wrong but everything about him is wrong so what's new.
"If you want a taste you can just ask."
"Come on baby don't act like you don't think about me how I think about you. I've heard you playing with that little pussy and whining my name before, so you can't really fake hating me now, huh?"
♡ you're literally standing in his doorway dumbfounded at this point. He knew? Oh.
"Bet I could fuck that uptight attitude out of you. Maybe that's all you need, some good dick."
He shifts from where he's leaning against the doorframe to palm himself through his shorts and your heart feels like it's actually trying to escape your ribcage. Is this even real??? You came over here to bitch at him for being a loud inconsiderate asshole and he's trying to fuck you? Why doesn't he feel like this is wrong, why don't you feel like this is wrong? Why do you have this childish crush on your literal stepbrother? You feel dizzy. Noah has you right where he wants you though, he's been onto you the whole time and he could've just been nicer to you but who doesn't love a good hatefuck? He figured if he broke you down enough he could build you back up into the perfect little in home cock sleeve he knew you really wanted to be. He's fucking gross I need him but he's not wrong, is he?
♡ your eyes flit down from his eyes to his hand that's wrapped around his clothed cock again and you thought your knees would give out. How does that even fit inside anyone?? No wonder his dates sound like they're in a slasher film, they probably feel like they're getting split down the middle. You don't have much more time to think cause he's pulling you into his room and forcing you onto your knees in front of him.
"You're so much nicer when you're not bitching at me for fucking everything. Always wanted to fuck that pretty mouth of yours anyway, can't talk with your mouth full can you?"
Noah laces a large tattooed hand through the hair at the back of your head and you wince at the sting. You feel like your brain is just empty now, honestly this whole thing feels so much like a dream you're not fully convinced it's real, that you're actually letting your stepbrother smear precum on your lips with the tip of his big cock. It's even more threatening when it's not straining against his shorts, the tip is a pretty pink and there's a big thick vein running up the underside. You can't even fit your hand around it entirely, and you're so wet over it you're sure you can see through your pajama pants.
♡ you do as you're told and Noah tugs your hair a little more to angle your head back. He's clouded up your brain so much you barely react when he spits directly onto your tongue, reaching to smear the mess around with 2 of his long fingers. You're looking up at him with big puppy eyes that water pathetically when he slides those two fingers down your throat, thrusting them in and out deeper each time to see how well you take him. He laughs when you gag and your eyes water as he sinks his fingers as deep as he can get them, you're such a fucking mess it's pathetic but that's exactly what's making his cock twitch. You're exactly how he needs you.
"gonna be a good girl for me? Let me fuck your throat and maybe I'll make you cum after if you're good."
you squeeze your thighs together to try and get some friction when he slaps his cock on your tongue, he's so fucking heavy and thick you really don't know how he expects to fit anywhere in your body let alone your mouth. Regardless, you try. You reach up to brace your hands on his tattooed thighs and focus on kissing and licking all over the tip, looking up at him when you wrap your lips around it to see his head fall back in a deep sigh. Sure he's gotten head before but something about this situation just makes him so much harder. The hand in your hair tightens and he slowly starts thrusting into your mouth, shallow at first but as you start taking more of him and it gets messy, he starts going much harder.
♡ Noah's fucking your throat so hard you have fat tears spilling down your cheeks, you're trying so hard to take him well but when he sinks in to the hilt and holds you there until you're clawing at this thighs and whimpering around his cock cause you can't breathe you can't help but pull away to catch it.
"God you're such a fucking slut."
He punctuates the phrase by landing a slap on your cheek. Not hard enough to really hurt you but definitely enough to sting. Normally you'd be upset but right now? Fuck you're almost begging him to do it again.
Once you catch your breath you open your mouth expectantly and he's right back to it. This time he has both hands tangled up in your hair while he's fucking your throat. Thank God no one's home cause he's not even trying to be a little quiet, deep moans and growls freely flowing from his mouth. You can't help but feel a little proud of yourself, normally you don't hear him make much noise when he's fucking whoever he's brought over but he's being pretty damn vocal right now. You can tell he's close by the way his thrusts falter and right before he cums he pulls out to paint your face. Whatever doesn't land on your tongue he gathers with his fingers and makes you suck them clean.
♡ you'd think he'd need a while to get hard again but no, he honestly didn't ever stop in the first place. Noah's dragging you up off the floor and nearly ripping your shorts down your legs and shirt off your torso immediately, he's seen you naked on "accident" but now that he really gets to look at you and feel you, fuck it's so much nicer. He steps back to admire your bare form but he can't go 3 seconds without teasing you. He runs his hands up your body to massage your tits and tease your nipples, pinching and playing with them until you're whimpering and teary eyed again.
He "apologizes" by leaning down and laving his tongue over the sensitive skin, making you arch against him and you can literally feel him smiling against your skin. He doesn't pull away before leaving a few dark hickeys on the underside of your tits, admiring his work after.
You don't get much of a break for long before he's picking you up and tossing you onto his bed. You can't help but notice it's neatly made (or was) before he drags your attention back to him by slapping his tip right against your clit, making you yelp. Apparently he liked your reaction cause he did it again, this time with his hand instead and with a little more force. Your voice broke into a whimper as he started rubbing circles on your clit with his fingers to ease the sting from the slap. He's mean but he still wants you to feel good.
"Can you say please? I wanna hear you beg for my cock before I give it to you, gotta know you really want it."
that smug look returns when his name and various pleads spill from your lips while he's sliding his fingers through the slick mess at your entrance, spreading the wetness around and dipping into you just enough to feel how tight you are around his fingers. He's reeling over the thought of how tight you'll be around his cock.
♡ like I said he's mean but he still wants you to feel good, he knows you need some kind of prep before he gets to fuck you. His free hand is slowly stroking his cock while the other is teasing your entrance, gauging your reaction. He starts with just one finger but quickly ends up fucking 3 into you, watching your back arch pathetically off the bed while he curls his fingers right up against that spot inside you that makes black spots flood your vision. You're squeezing his fingers so tight he knows you're close. The hand on his cock comes up to play with your clit and you feel like there's a literal fire lit in your belly.
"Gonna cum for me baby? It's okay, you can. Just let me make you feel good, need you see you fall apart for me."
Your legs are shaking, you're panting and squirming. It really feels like too much and right before you cum you're begging and pleading Noah to slow down cause it's just too much but he doesn't, if anything he's picking up the pace. The sound of your wetness is almost as loud as your moans for him and it only gets worse when that coil in your belly snaps and you nearly scream. You're arching off the bed and clawing at anything you can grab, you've cum before on your own but you've never felt anything this intense and sure as hell never made yourself squirt so this is a first. Noah is elated, his forearm and sheets are fucking drenched but he couldn't care less about the mess he's achingly hard at the fact he got you to squirt at all.
Noah reaches up and makes you clean your mess off his fingers, sliding them down your throat again just to feel you gag around them.
You're so sensitive and your brain is so fuzzy you can barely hold your head up, your chest rising and falling quickly while Noah sizes his length up against your tummy and groans at your size difference. His tip lands right below your navel, fuck, he's gonna demolish you. He's practically dripping like a faucet at this point and can't wait to be inside you, he's wanted this since you two fucking met. Noah leans over you to spit directly on your pussy before spreading it around with his tip and prodding at your slit, he's not even inside and you're whimpering about the stretch just from him resting against you.
"Can I hear you say please one more time, baby?"
♡ you enthusiastically answer, pleading for him to just fuck you and he takes the chance gladly. You knew the stretch was gonna be a lot but fuck when he actually sank balls deep your whole body ached. You were so fucking full it was unreal. You thought he couldn't get deeper but he crawled over you to push your knees up next to your ears and the moan you produced was pornographic. His tip was pressed right against your cervix and every time he thrust into you he knocked against it, it was painful at first but once the initial sting of the stretch wore off you've never felt better.
You swore you could feel him in your stomach he was so deep, and the sound of his hips smacking against yours was filthy. There was that familiar sound of his headboard hitting your shared wall but thankfully this time you weren't annoyed by it, if anything it drove you further.
Noah's moans started out deep in his chest but as he got closer they pitched up almost into whines, he was bucking his hips into yours like an animal in heat and his nails were sinking into your hips hard enough to bruise. He only leaned back a bit to wrap a hand around your throat and squeeze, cutting your moans and whimpers into pathetic strangled sounds.
"F-fuck- fuck fuck- 'm gonna cum- so fucking hard- tell me you want it- fuck, tell me you want me to fill this pretty pussy up-"
Youd never seen or heard him so disheveled but fuck if it wasn't hot. You didn't hesitate to beg for him to cum inside you, it made his head spin at the thought. God this was wrong but he couldn't help but imagine how pretty you'd look carrying his kid either. Noah pulled back just enough to have you in normal missionary, you wondered why but when he pressed his hand on your lower stomach you figured it out pretty quick. He could feel exactly where he was inside you and was rutting against his hand through you like you were nothing more than a toy. He only stopped so he could grab your hand and have you feel as well. His dick made a noticeable bulge in your belly every time he thrust into you, and it only made you ache at the thought. He really was ruining you for anyone else.
♡ Noah slid a hand between your bodies to tease your clit while he picked up the pace of his own sloppy thrusts. He was gonna cum but he needed you to cum with him. The hand on your throat absentmindedly tightened and you were seeing black spots flood your vision already but when he sank as deep as he could possibly get and whimpered as he came you couldn't stop yourself from toppling over the same edge. You thought you'd never cum so hard in your life earlier but now? This was really it. You sank your nails into his arm hard enough to draw blood while you convulsed under him, breaking into sobs of his name while he ground his hips into yours.
Noah pulling out left you with a horrible emptiness and you almost begged him to stay for just a bit longer. He was considering it himself but his thoughts were cut short when you both heard the front door downstairs open.
Noah nearly threw you out of bed, scrambling to pull his shorts back on. Your clothes were strewn everywhere and you didn't have time to hunt for them so you picked up the first shirt you could find off his floor and put it on before racing back to your own room. Thank God you made it quick cause Noah's cum was still dripping down your thighs.
*also just saw the rb but tagging @somebodyllelse cause I almost forgot 😭
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takami-takami · 2 years
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includes— hawks x reader. minors dni. suggestive.
warnings— daddy kink. predator/prey undertones. keigo being a meanie.
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You wish the ground would just swallow you whole before his smug look does.
"Don't let it get to your head! Keigo—" You squeak, covering your own face with one hand and pushing his away with the other. Your palm does nothing to quell the mischievous laughing fit that your boyfriend doesn't seem to have the courtesy nor self control to keep to himself.
Don't let it get to his head? His head couldn't be any bigger in this moment.
He seizes the opening to situate himself on top of you with ease, keeping you caged beneath him so he can bear witness to the full extent of your misery. Your hands lie helpless, locked under his hold and pinned above your head to leave you wide open. He wants nothing obstructing his view of your dreadfully desperate squirms.
He considers locking your legs in place beneath his, too. It wouldn't be difficult at all to overpower you, but the butterfly kicks behind his back that ruffle the sheets beneath are just too delicious to watch.
Your bedroom has become a locked box of your whimpers and flails, and he loves it. What he wouldn't give to cage you here and throw away the key.
"Keigo...? Sorry, dunno who that is." His eyes roll in time with his shoulders, while that wicked grin never falters.
"Could've sworn you were just calling me something else," he sings above you. He purses his lips like he just can't catch his thought. Bastard. You'd be screaming into your hands if you had access to them. "What was it you said... What was it..." he hums a devilish, giddy tune, turning to catch your eye.
"Care to remind me?"
"You're an asshole!"
"No, that's not quite what you called me."
You huff in response, opting to stare at the ceiling behind him. Anywhere but that stupid, god-awful, pretty face of his. Maybe if you try to pull your wrists free, he'd take pity on you and— nope, still not giving an inch of leeway.
He notices your weak attempt. Poor thing, he thinks. You don't actually think there's anywhere to run, do you? Your halfhearted flailing underneath him is cute though, he'll give you that. So cute. Almost as cute as your little slip-up that got you into this fucking mess.
This is your mess, you know. You did start it, after all, and who is Keigo if not a man who finishes the job? It'd be criminal to not keep this game going for as long as it'll take to satisfy his instinct to torment you.
He's not a sadist, he swears.
He just knows prey when he sees it.
"Kei', I didn't— can you please just let this go?" You finally look at him with those puppy dog eyes. In another circumstance, they would get him to do whatever you want; but for once, he decides to be selfish. He's just having too much fun.
"Why should I? Don't tell me you're embarassed," he posits, as if you aren't the picture of shame incarnate beneath him. "Nothin' to be embarassed about, doll." He closes the gap between you, nose barely brushing the line of your jaw before he dares to have a taste. "Plenty of people would jump at the oppurtunity to call me da—"
"Oooh, yet another name and you still won't repeat the one from earlier. Gonna hurt my feelings, baby." Raptor eyes zero in on the juncture of your neck. When you strain to turn your head away from him, you leave your jugular completely exposed. He sighs. You're fucking helpless. He supposes that's why he's the pro hero, and you're just the little hare captured betwixt his talons. 
With a finality settling in his gut, he latches on and sinks his canines into you. You go limp below with the hitch of a breath, kicks slowing to a halt.
"You know, I think I like this." When his hands release yours, he's sure your muscles won't even twitch. Frozen under his spell, you are the moth to his proverbial flame; the rabbit in his headlights.
"I think that name is already one of my favorites. You'll say it again for me, won't you? Tell me..."
"Who's your fucking daddy?"
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tothosewholisten · 3 months
Forever Healed | TUA insert
Chapter: 04
<<previous chapter | next chapter>>
NOVEMBER 11, 2002
Two months flew by since I was first brought here and I started to form bonds with my supposed siblings, even if they would never truly be that to me. Klaus was the first person to talk to me, to ever make me feel like part of the group. Then came Ben because well he always came with Klaus. Then slowly everyone else. I'd call some of them my friends.
But dinner at the academy was one of those times when I felt most anxious. It wasn’t the fact that we were having “family meals” something that I never had growing up with a drunk and a scared woman. It was the fact that I had to be near Reginald, and everyone else without being allowed to leave.
He had made sure to catch up on the twelve years of training I missed, and it made my life a living hell. I missed the fun of childhood because of training, lessons with him and missions and I'd always ache from the torments of the day.
Meals were supposed to be a time to relax and chat with family but he once again made sure to take the fun out of that too.
I was upstairs when I heard the record player start, meaning that dinner was happening soon. Grace always turned it on at the same time. The record I've heard time and time again has been engraved in my mind. By seventeen I could repeat the whole thing by memory alone.
“During extreme weather conditions, a climber must possess the wisdom to determine when evacuation is inevitable.”
Grace rang a small bell which was the sign for us to rush downstairs. We ran down the main staircase single file as always and flooded into the dining room where dinner was waiting.
“A controlled alpine descent begins with the girding of one’s loins and the anchoring of the climbing rope to one's enemy, the mountain.”
Instead of sitting down and eating we were forced to stand behind our chairs and wait for the guest of honor to make his way down to the table. No matter how hungry we were.
The wood table had 10 chairs and a plethora of food on each plate. I still don’t understand the seating arrangements since it wasn't in number order. It was me, Luther, Diego and Five on the left. Alison, Klaus and Ben are on the right. Vanya in the middle stared directly at where Reginald would be sitting if he graced us with his presence.
I gotta hand it to her, looking into his eyes while eating seemed very scary. I should also know because I was the closest to him since he left a chair between him and Alison on the other side.
We waited there for him behind our chairs, as I distracted myself from the gross food on my plate. I was a very picky eater at the time, but there was no second option made for me. I remember Reginald telling me once, eat it or don’t eat at all. I took the second option.
Grace stood at the front of the archway waiting for the old man. After a minute he finally came down.
“The Dülfersitz rappel is the preferred method for descent when rope is the only available tool, but must be regarded as a last resort. Begin by looping the rope..”
He pushed out his seat and looked up at all of us and then Vanya at the other head of the table. “Sit” he commanded us.
We all graciously took our seats and everyone started to eat but me who poked at my food. I didn't like some of the slop made, but it wasn’t Grace's fault at all, I just missed my mom and the cultural foods she would make at home. But I doubt she missed me. I was given a look of concern by Luther, we weren't the closet but we did have our moments being Number One and Number Zero. I gave him a shake of the head which meant that I was fine not eating and continued to pick.
“A screen anchor must be used if the rope is to be successfully retrieved from the mountain. Tightly knot the ends of the rope. Once anchored, thread the double rope through the legs, front to back, and around the buttocks.”
But I wasn't the only person not eating. I looked up to see a few others doing more peculiar things than I was. Diego had one of his knives and was carving something into the table. And Klaus only at thirteen years old was rolling a blunt, to the side hoping nobody would notice. And Ben had a book in his right hand, reading away even though I'm sure that isn’t allowed.
I thought that this night was going to be like any other and suddenly I couldn’t wait to grow up. I didn't know it then but that wasn't true at all.
“It is of utmost importance that the rope be drawn under the gluteal muscles, not through the crevice between the gluteus.”
At first, I thought Five was staring at me but no he was staring hard at Reginald who didn't seem to notice. Just sipping his wine. Vanya looked at the thinking Five not sure what to make of his expression.
“Proceed by holding the rope diagonally-”
Five interrupts the background noise by sticking his knife directly into the wooden table. The children all look up from their plates at him, and so does Reginald.
“Number Five?” He bellows out.
“I have a question.” Five grit his teeth after taking the knife out.
“Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules. Not talking during mealtimes.” I noticed Grace standing behind him as he went on. “You are interrupting Herr Carlson.”
Five pushes his plate out of his way, it slams into the center of the table. I had no idea why he was so upset at the time and only knowing him for such as short time didn't help either.
“I want to time travel,” he says.
“But I'm ready.” Five backs out of his chair. “I’ve been practicing my spatial jumps, just like you said.” He blinks next to Reginald on the other side of me to prove his point.
Reginald puts down his fork, “A spatial jump is trivial when compared with the unknowns of time travel. One is like sliding along the ice, the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn.”
I could almost fall asleep at his words. He talked so monotone and slowly I don’t know why he wasn't talking instead of Herr Carlson.
“Well, I don’t get it.”
“Hence the reason why you’re not ready.” Everyone eats like they aren’t listening to this conversation except Vanya who shakes her head and mouths no at the almost twitching with anger Five. He looks at her and then back at him.
“I'm not afraid.”
“Fear isn’t the issue. The effects it might have on your body, even on your mind are far too unpredictable.” Reginald claims, going back to his food before dropping his utensils to give Five a look. “Now, I forbid you to talk about this anymore.”
As Reginald returns to eating again, Five storms out of the dining room pissed off. “Number Five! You haven’t been excused!”
We all looked worried, where was he going? By the looks of it not back to his room. And by the sound of the front door opening and shutting I knew where he was going.
“Come back here!” Reginald yelled.
The look on Vanya's face was heartbreaking. I could tell she wanted to go after him but was afraid of getting yelled at too. I on the other hand didn't know what reaction to have, he was nice to me, we shared a few conversations but seeing him leave didn't have the emotional weight to it as if I had been here all my life. But nobody knew that was the last time they were ever going to see Number Five ever again.
Well until now.
“I survived on scraps. Canned foods, cockroaches, anything I could find.” Five tells us.
Vanya and I sit around him, trying to grasp the insane fact that the world is going to end. At times like this, I think of all the times people theorized the world ending at any time and then going out the next day confused but to have someone actually see it happen was a whole other thing. I didn't know what to do or how to prepare. Only having eight days to get my shit in order.
No one but us knew about this which made it even worse to think about..
“You know that rumor that Twinkies have an endless shelf life?” Five chuckles which I didn't think he could do. “Well, it's total bullshit.” Well, there goes my theory.
“I can’t even imagine,” says Vanya. One out of the two taking things more seriously.
“You do what it takes to survive, or you die. So we adapted. Whatever the world threw at us, we found a way to overcome it.”
“I'm sorry, who is this we that you keep bringing up?” I questioned. Just like Vanya was earlier, I was ignored by Five.
“You got anything stronger?” Five asked.
Vanya dumps out his coffee and pours in some whiskey instead. Five is handed the cup happily and takes a big gulp. We all stand up now near her kitchen, Vanya gives him an eye-opening look as I look at my feet still questioning the fact that we are all going to die even though I have a healing factor.
“You think I'm crazy.” He frowns.
Vanya stammers, “no it's just.. it's a lot to take in.”
“Exactly what don’t you understand?” Five whines.
“Well I wouldn't say I don't understand.” I put in, “It's just a crazy claim that all of us are dead in eight days, Five.”
But Vanya asks a question. “Why didn't you just time travel back?” Which I also wondered.
But Five scoffs at us. “Gee, wish I'd thought of that,” he says sarcastically to our statements. “Time travel is a crapshoot. I went into the ice and never acorn-ed.” He quoted what Reginald said years ago.
“You think I didn't try everything to get back to my family?” The sadness suddenly kicks in and I feel bad for the kid. Man..?
“If you grew old in the apocalypse, how come you're still a kid?” I tilt my head.
He scoffs again, strutting away from us to get more whiskey off the kitchen island. “I told you already. I must have gotten the equations wrong.”
Vanya goes on as he pours. “I mean, Dad always used to say that.. Time travel could mess up your mind. Well, maybe that's what is happening?”
Five slams down his glass. “This was a mistake, you're both too young..”
“No Five,” Vanya calls out
“Too naive to understand.” He walks to the door.
“Five just wait and listen to her.” I sighed.
But he listens and stops. He turns back to us, lips pursed into a scowl.
“I haven’t seen you in a long time, and I don't want to lose you again. That’s all.” She says. “You know it's getting late, I have lessons early, and I need to sleep and I'm sure you two need to too.”
She runs over to the couch and hands me a blanket and pillow. Uhm does she think I'm sharing with the teen?
“We’ll talk in the morning again. Okay? I promise. Night.” She begs us to stay as she gives us a shy smile and walks to her room.
“Goodnight Vanya.” I smile back before it leaves my face as I look back at the blanket and then Five. Her door opens and closes and I'm left alone with him.
Five moves to sit on the couch, and I do the same. “So what now?” I ask him.
He doesn’t answer, instead he opens a piece of cloth. Inside that cloth is a large brown fake eye. Like the ones used when you lose yours. I stare at the eye thinking I'm losing my mind. Everything today makes me feel like I'm losing it.
He sighs as I'm about to question him on why he has a creepy fake eye, all he does is look at the back of it where it reads who produced the eye. Meritech, it says, never heard of it.
I finally look at him in his hopefully real eyes. “What is that?”
He quietly gets up and opens the door to leave.
I blocked him. “There's no way you brought me here and are about to leave without answering any of my questions. And leaving me on my own at god knows where.”
He looks confused.
“That means I'm coming with you, of course.”
Five dragged me along to what I'm guessing was Meritch’s office building. A spacious place with lots of windows and workers walking around in lab coats. How he was going to get private info about this eye I do not know. But if I know Five, I know he’s at least going to try to bullshit his way through this.
Another lab coat worker walked over to the front desk which was in front of where we were standing and gave us a strange look. He shares the look with the front desk lady and then at us.
“Uh, can I help you?” He says.
Five walks up to him menacingly. “I need to know who this belongs to.” He holds up the eye for him to see.
“Where did you get that?”
“Why do you care.”
I cough, interrupting the two's standoff. “Hello yes, he found it on a playground. It must’ve just popped out!” I forced a chuckle. “My sweet brother here just wants to return it to its.. rightful owner!” I end my lie.
“Ohh.. what a thoughtful young man” the front desk lady adds on.
“Yeah. Look up the name for me, will ya?” Five snaps completely breaking apart my well-crafted lie about his sweet nature.
The man and woman look wary. “I'm sorry but patient records are strictly confidential. That means I can’t tell you-“
“Yeah, I know what it means.” Five grumbles
“But I'll tell you what I can do. I will take the eye off your hands and return it to the owner myself. I'm sure he or she will be very grateful so if I can just-“ the man reaches out for the eye in Five's hands.
“Yeah, you’re not touching this eye.”
“Aidan! You don't mean that, apologize.” I grit my teeth trying to signal to Five that he doesn’t wanna make these people mad or everything is for nothing.
“Now, you listen here, young man-“ I was about to tell that ugly man not to mess with my kid brother like that. But Five beat me to it when he grabbed onto the man's collar and yanked him towards himself.
I sigh knowing now we officially fucked this up, and dropped my happy act.
In his squeaky voice Five yells. “No! You listen to me, asshole. I've come a long way for this, through some shit your pea brain couldn’t even comprehend.” I almost giggle at his attempt to seem tough.
“So just give me the information I need, and I'll be on my merry way. And if you call me ‘young man’ one more time, I'm gonna put your head through that damn wall.” He finishes with a smile.
“Oh dear.” The front desk lady says.
The man still in Five’s grip looks over at the front desk woman.
“Call security” he whispers even though we could all hear what he was saying.
“Yeah,” she replies, picking up the old-looking telephone right next to her and dialing.
“We need to go now.” I grab onto Five's shoulder.
He gives that man one last dirty look and lets go of his coat. Sending the man back a few centimeters. The worker fixes his coat and exhales like he is trying to pretend he didn't just let this preteen threaten his life
Five and I walked out of the building defeated. And move on to our next idea, reinforcements.
Aug 14 update:
If you'd like to be added to the tag list for rest of the series (starts at chapter 10) say taglist in the comments!
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masuchu · 9 months
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what happens when the bsd men’s gf gets zoomies? ‧₊˚
genre. fluff !! kinda silly ngl . perhaps ooc but idk
characters. dazai, chuuya & fyodor
love, masu. this has been rotting in my drafts for sooooo long!! i polished it off and i love it now!! it’s a very stupid idea, but who even cares
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(大哉) 𝐃𝐀𝐙𝐀𝐈 ‧₊˚
Zoomies are contagious for this man. When you start sprinting around your shared apartment for absolutely no apparent reason, he questions nothing and joins you.
As much as he finds it amusing to sit back and watch you run around like a toddler, he feels the childish longing to join you bubbling up inside him.
When you crash into things? He crashes into them too! You’ll clean later, for now, he’s perfectly content to copy your strange antics.
However, he can only last so long running around like a lunatic. He will be worn out by the end of your spree!
“Bella, how are you still going? I feel like I’m going to die…”
You halted your movements and peered down amused at your heaving boyfriend, strewn out clumsily on your sofa.
“Aw, can’t keep up Samu’?” You teasingly muttered against your lover’s lips, much too close to escape without being gripped firmly and ambushed with kisses.
“Haha! Leave me alone!” You giggled at the ticklish feeling of his lips teasing all around your face.
“So long as you stay here with me and stop giving yourself whiplash~”
You giggled again. “For you.”
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(中也) 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐔𝐘𝐀 ‧₊˚
Oh my god, not a day goes by where you don’t severely decrease the concentration of braincells in this man’s head.
When suddenly begin to dart around his million dollar apartment with seemingly zero spacial nor social awareness, you actually stun him.
Jaw dropped, eyes switching from wide to squinted every few seconds, completely and utterly speechless.
What the fuck were you doing?? This man loves you with every fibre of his being, every inch of his soul— however, sometimes you really do make him question if you were, well, okay.
When he gets over his initial shock, he shakes his head and pretends it never happened. He may chuckle and call you something along the lines of ‘damn weirdo’, but he really does love you and your oddness!
Your heavy breaths are all that can be heard throughout the room, hands on your hips in attempt to allow more oxygen into your lungs.
“Ah! I’m so tired, what are you drink— Why are you looking at me like that?”
You finally take notice of your boyfriend’s humorously perplexed stare, and shake your head at his expression.
“What on earth was that?!”
“What was what?”
Chuuya blink twice and lets his head fall back, allowing a mix of a groan and a laugh to escape his lips.
“Forget about it.”
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(费奥多尔) 𝐅𝐘𝐎𝐃𝐎𝐑 ‧₊˚
Fyodor tends to allow you to do your thing in these situations.
He understands you aren’t looking for attention, your nerves are just going haywire. So long as you don’t break anything or kill anyone (anyone important, at least), he is perfectly content with carrying on with his work and leaving you to your devices.
That is, until you do break something.
The torment you put this man through is humorous, considering his occupation and life goals. He prays he may live one day without something happening.
“What, exactly, am I looking at?”
You look down at the shattered vase on the floor, and let out a shaky laugh. A laugh that was more of a ‘shit! I am in trouble’ rather than a ‘this is very funny’.
“Urm. Well, I sort of crashed into the table. And then, it kind of, very much fell off and shattered.”
A moment that was much too long for you liking passed by painfully. You shuffled from foot to foot, and placed you gaze anywhere but your lovers face. It was not in Fyodor’s nature to feel empathy, but he didn’t care about the vase. And he supposed it would be a hassle to deal with you in an apologetic and guilty state…
“It is fine, I didn’t care for it much. Though, please refrain from destroying any more of my ceramics when you continue… doing whatever you were doing.”
“I will try. And it’s called ‘zoomies’!”
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2024 © masuchu , do not repost, reword, plagiarise, take inspiration, translate or share my work anywhere!
401 notes · View notes
kradogsrats · 6 months
Schrödinger's King in the Bird Box
Time for a return to the single topic that most torments me in this entire franchise canon: is Harrow in the goddamn bird or not?
Except not really. I'm not going to go over the evidence again. I've done it before. Almost everyone has done it before. It has only gotten stronger. At the absolute minimum, an attempt was made to put Harrow in the bird. That's not really disputable. I admit it. It's over.
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This is actually the second time that I've struggled with narrative cognitive dissonance regarding a real core factor of this show (like not "what's the deal with Archdragon reproduction," but something that is clearly supposed to be thought about with the intent that it will eventually make sense), and eventually managed to rotate it so hard in my mind that the way I wanted to see it slipped out of my grasp and I saw it the way it's actually intended. Ironically, I think I may have been thinking about the Ocean arcanum at the time.
Anyway, what previously always bothered me about this question was mainly two things:
It would have a devastating impact on Ezran's character development if Harrow reappeared during s1-s3, but the timeskip and arc of s4-s5 made it so it would also be deeply weird for him to reappear before the show ends.
If Harrow is in Pip's body, both Viren and Pip's subsequent behavior, as well as how Pip is treated by the narrative on a meta level, make absolutely no fucking sense.
But... if Viren doesn't know whether the spell was successful or not? If we are meant to not know whether the spell was successful or not, because it's not going to get resolved in the show itself?
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If we accept that the earliest point with any chance of the hooks for this plot being set is late s7—because yes, Aaron Ehasz would do an exact beat-for-beat repeat of Zuko and his mom—that both puts Ezran far enough in his growth for it not to be threatened by the "real" king returning, and keeps Harrow out of the loop for long enough that it doesn't really make sense for him to do anything but step down from the throne in favor of Ezran, anyway. As for Viren and Pip's behavior, if the show isn't going to advance that plot much further during its runtime, there's no reason for us to be constantly reminded of it. The setup has been made, and they can just let it stew because it's not actually relevant.
That being said, Viren's behavior actually does make a lot of sense if "is Harrow in the goddamn bird or not" is a question that is also tormenting him. To that end, I'll be doing some digging here on the nature and context of the body-switching spell, Pip/Harrow's behavior post-swap, and what the hell is going on in the Harrow section of Viren's dark magic dream.
The Spell is Made Up (Unlike All Those Real Spells)
First of all, I think there's been some long-term incorrect assumptions made about the body-switching spell. It's not a known spell: this is Claudia and Viren essentially flying by the seat of their pants... but we rarely stop to think about how that contextualizes the rest of the discussion around it.
The initial plan is to find the assassins and ambush them before nightfall. As Soren points out and Viren himself confirms: if they fail, the assassins will be unstoppable under the full moon and Harrow is as good as dead. Claudia decides to put her mind to that problem, so naturally she stops to flirt with Callum in the library and gets the inspiration for the spell from something he says.
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(Fun fact: none of that happens in the novelization. Zero amount.)
She brings the idea to Viren, and they develop the spell from there. It's not really clear if Claudia actually knows whether something like that would be possible, but Viren does know that transferring the essence of a person can be done—he's got a nice little coin collection that proves it.
As for the snake, there's no way Viren "acquired" a two-headed soulfang serpent because he has a book somewhere on how to use a rare, malformed specimen of a dangerous Xadian creature to switch people between bodies. He probably thought "that's weird, but could be useful," or maybe whoever sold it to him just had a great sales pitch. A non-trivial amount of success at dark magic is in having access to rarer and more powerful reagents than your competition.
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Anyway, what this means is that Viren has absolutely no idea what success looks like for this spell, particularly when using it on subjects of different species. When he describes it to Harrow, he is 110% talking out of his ass. He sounds like he knows exactly what the spell will do and how, and I think a lot of us kind of fell for that. He needs to sound confident, because if he admitted that he doesn't know if it will even work, with a possible failure condition of "snake eats your soul," well... a) Harrow rightfully wouldn't go for it, and b) he'd look incompetent, which is the worst thing ever.
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When he goes to Harrow's room, he casts the spell... but did it work? I think that whatever it did, it did it in a way that Viren can't tell whether it worked or not. Maybe both Harrow and Pip passed out. Maybe Viren just didn't want to hang around for the aftermath—in the novelization, when he exits the room and runs into Callum, his eyes are still black from spellcasting.
Activities of Dr. Pip Harrow, Ph.D.
Probably the thing that has always bothered me the most about the entire Harrow-Pip theory is that yes, literally everything in the lead-up and immediate aftermath of the assassination points to that being exactly what happened... and then the narrative lens of the show completely drops the rope. Pip doesn't even appear in the novelization until Viren's pre-coronation scene, which is funny given his looming presence over half the scenes with Harrow in the show.
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Pip appears exactly twice after the assassination—once in s1 and once in s2—otherwise he goes completely ignored. He's not in the background of Viren's office, or the throne room, or Harrow's bedroom. No one ever mentions him ever again. Ezran never mentions him again, in the show or in any supplementary materials. You'd think the boy who can talk to animals might have some interest in his dead dad's beloved pet... but who knows, maybe Pip has always been an asshole and Ezran's actually like "thank goodness I never have to speak to that dude again."
Anyway, in all of Pip's appearances, he behaves like... a bird. A trained bird—Harrow can rely on him not just fucking off—but he doesn't demonstrate human-like intelligence the way Bait does. That being said, Bait is essentially a main-cast character (at least as much as, say, Corvus... maybe even Soren) while Pip is a plot device, and even then it takes until well into the first arc for Bait to show the kind of complex reasoning and initiative that separates him from an unusually smart dog. Pip's human is also a stressed-out king, rather than a rambunctious ten-year-old, so he's probably a bit more sedate overall. I would personally bet, given the way the show has progressed with regard to Xadian creatures, that Pip is as intelligent as Bait.
The point of that is: even if Harrow's consciousness is occupying Pip's body, he's not really doing anything with it. He's pissy, sure:
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But is that Harrow's pissy-ness or Pip's? Even if Pip is only as intelligent as a trainable bird, that's plenty intelligent enough for both grieving/confusion that their human is gone and holding a grudge against obvious assholes. Viren cages him, but is that because he flipped out and got bite-y? And was it Harrow flipping out, or Pip? Or is he caged just because Viren's of the general attitude that animals belong in cages? Those who fail tests of love... We just don't know.
A lot of us also, to circle back to assumptions about the spell, have tended to think of a body swap between Harrow and Pip resulting in Harrow flailing his arms around wildly and screeching... but again, we know literally nothing about this spell, nor do we actually know anything about Harrow's behavior after Viren leaves his room. Maybe his body sat catatonic on the bed until Runaan came in and shot him. Maybe Pip, being intelligent, was able to maintain the facade—once everyone's in the heat of battle, it would be hard to notice even significant deviations from normal behavior. Even if "Harrow" appeared to fight only halfheartedly, or give up entirely... well, he hasn't been the same since he lost Sarai. Maybe the spell only partially worked, and only half of his soul is inside Pip, with minimal or no influence over the bird body's behavior.
Viren does appear to take some precautions in case Harrow is alive inside Pip. The cage, for one... but he also has nearly all subsequent important conversations outside of his office. Like I said earlier, Pip's cage isn't rendered in the background of any scene, but since he escapes from Viren's office I'm assuming that's where he's been. Even if Pip was just out of frame in every scene in Viren's office post-assassination through end of s2, the only things he's seen are... Viren eating butterflies, and the conversation between Viren and Claudia about the mirror and her side mission to bring the egg back at all costs. He doesn't know about Soren's instructions to murder the boys. He knows about the mirror and Viren's obsession with it (which he could have known before), but he doesn't know about Aaravos. He may know that Viren stole his seal but only if Viren was stupid enough to stamp the letters with it in front of him (which... look, he could be). The only things he's really learned are that a) his sons are alive, and b) Viren lied to him and the egg is alive.
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Now, realistically, if we were meant to hang on to the is-Harrow-in-the-bird plot thread because it's going to be significant within the scope of the show... I'd be expecting to see at least one cut to Pip glowering at some point during all these machinations. If it weren't for the mirror and Aaravos, I'd expect Viren to be yelling all his monologuing at Pip, too. But the show does none of that. Instead, the next time we see Pip, we see him peace-ing out of the show for at minimum the next three seasons, and possibly the remaining two, as well. If Harrow's in there... why? Did he go to find Callum and Ezran himself? It's not actually clear that he knows Ezran can understand animals, so it would be reasonable for him to think Viren is his only chance at ever not being a bird again. Maybe he thinks that chance is gone with Viren's arrest and would rather not spend the rest of his life in a cage. Maybe he really isn't in control of the body.
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Back to Viren, though: since Pip refuses to demonstrate any behavior that could be taken as distinctly Harrow's, Viren actually has no idea at any point whether Harrow's in there or not. He doesn't know if Harrow lived. He doesn't know if he succeeded or failed. It's a constant reminder that he's almost, but not quite, in control. Almost, but not quite, good enough to achieve what he wants.
It probably drives him absolutely insane.
Did You Think You Were Somehow Getting Out of This Without Me Mentioning Kpp'Ar?
Just kidding, it's finally time to talk about Viren's dream. We've gone two entire seasons and a two-year timeskip without any mention of Harrow or Pip (though those maniacs dropped the fucking snake basket on us as an incidental but obvious prop early in s4), and then suddenly we get punched in the face by Viren's subconscious.
First, though, I do actually need to point something out in the scene with Kpp'Ar. Bear with me, I promise this is relevant.
Viren sealed Kpp'Ar's soul in a coin 12-ish years ago, and the coin has been sitting collecting dust in his secret dungeon for... some amount of that time. Now he opens the door and finds Kpp'Ar standing there, free—and I will note that I don't believe Viren actually knows how to free people from the coins, or whether it can even be done. His reaction is surprise, followed by suspicion and wariness:
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When he encounters Harrow—dead—his reaction is horrified shock, which is fair since the last time he entered the room that way there was no surprise body chilling out waiting for him in it:
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Then, when Harrow speaks to him, suddenly alive and unharmed, he drops straight into relief:
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Some of this is undoubtedly due to the differences between Viren's relationship with Kpp'Ar and his relationship with Harrow. With Kpp'Ar, after that initial moment of confusion, he's absolutely determined to not show a single hint of ignorance or weakness—this is a trick, or a test, and a passing grade in "light verbal sparring with the mentor you're pretty sure you remember betraying" is a thing that is both normal to want and possible to achieve. For Harrow, who he wants so desperately to call him brother, who he walked into this very room ready to die for, before everything went horribly awry—he not only immediately and willingly goes to his knees, he literally prostrates himself.
... I'll give everyone a moment to get all the innuendo and suggestiveness out of their systems, because that's not the point. This time.
What is the point is that Viren's reaction to Harrow isn't disbelief, but relief. Hope. Kpp'Ar is supposed to be in a coin, and Viren immediately questions how he got out. Harrow is supposed to be dead but Viren doesn't give a second thought to how he's not. Fortunately, Harrow helpfully explains:
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Fun fact: back in s1, we don't actually see Viren actually taking action against the assassins. We don't even see evidence that he re-entered the room at all—it's only Soren and Claudia who participate in Runaan's capture.
I haven't actually touched a lot on the complex shit going on for Viren, emotionally, throughout all of this—I mentioned it's was probably driving Viren insane over the course of the first two seasons, but let me elaborate. If Viren successfully switched Harrow and Pip, that means Harrow survived... but he expressed his feelings on the proposal in no uncertain terms, and there's a good chance he will literally never forgive Viren. I don't think Viren thought far enough ahead to consider how to get Harrow into a human body again, but I do think he's dragging his feet on it a little because if he can work things to his advantage—unite the Pentarchy against Xadia and follow through on the war Harrow was avoiding—he'll prove to Harrow that he was right all along. Any chance of that flies out the window with Pip at the end of s2.
If the body-switching spell failed, it means Viren essentially killed Harrow himself. That's the reality I think he grows more and more resigned to over the course of s1 and s2, when Pip remains unresponsive. He had no choice but to take the best chance at saving someone he loved—but this time, instead of saving Harrow, he murdered him.
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In the dream, Harrow has not only survived, but credits Viren with his survival. He doesn't just dismiss Viren's show of remorse, but makes his own apology to Viren. He calls Viren brother. After an impossibly long nightmare, everything is okay. All is forgiven. Maybe there was nothing to forgive, in the first place. Maybe Viren was right all along.
Then it all turns sinister with the callback to the coin incantation, and we have a sharp return to reality:
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The cinematography here treats Pip a lot more like how I would expect him to be treated in s1/s2 if we were meant to know he was actually Harrow. There's focus actually on him, instead of just other characters' reaction to him. He "speaks"—as I noted in another post—in raspy sounds very unlike his songbird chirps from s1. This is absolutely Harrow as Viren actually left him—even if he's not dead, he's in a warped prison of dark magic, a perverse mockery of himself.
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Oh wait.
Harrow-who-is-both-human-and-alive was never an option, and what we've got now is mirror images of Harrow-the-dead-human and Harrow-the-live-bird, and they're going to do to Viren what he did to them.
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Now, it's not that none of this makes sense if Viren knows for sure that Harrow is in the bird... but it makes a lot less sense and has less emotional resonance. If Viren knows Harrow survived as Pip, he'd be more likely to question Harrow's human form than his survival—the way he does with Kpp'Ar. He might be more guarded, expecting hostility—which, I will note, is what he gets when Pip enters the scene. Instead, because until now he believed that he actually killed Harrow in his attempt to save him, he's so relieved to see Harrow alive that for that one moment he loses all pride and is ready to beg for forgiveness at Harrow's feet.
Since legitimately none of this makes sense if Viren didn't at least attempt to put Harrow in the bird, we're left with Harrow maybe or maybe not alive, Viren having maybe or maybe not been the one to actually kill him (gonna be a fun one with the Runaan context), and a plotline that is definitely not going to be resolved in the remaining two seasons of the show. I'd be kind of surprised if they even did any more setup for it (like Callum/Ezran finding out it's a possibility, or even a hint drop like Runaan being all "it was fucking weird, he just sat there" or something) outside of future supplemental media.
Either Harrow is alive and in the bird, with the future intent being to do a spinoff story The Search-style, or we're in for a huge bummer of a "actually, it was Viren all along who killed Harrow, therefore Runaan is a good guy and we can all be one happy family" pile of absolute bullshit. Yes, they said Harrow's dead. Harrow's body is dead, we knew that all along. There's a note in the artbook that Viren was actually going to rip the shroud off at Harrow's funeral in order to publicly prove it's his body, because that is an extremely normal thing to do.
The show just treats it extremely weirdly because, even as the only person with any chance of knowing, Viren is in the same uncertain boat as the rest of us. (Actually more uncertain than the rest of us, since he's not genre-aware.) Also it's another chance to torment Viren emotionally, and they'd never pass that up.
Thanks for coming to my absolutely ridiculous TED Talk on this topic, I hope this screenshot now does as much psychic damage to you as it does to me:
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cursedvida · 11 months
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WARNINGS: SMUT! Minors get out. Explicit sex, dirty talk, very soft daddy kink, praise kink, masturbation and other naughty thinks. Basically Buggy and Y/N resolving a lot of sexual tension.
N/A: i promise putting more plot in the next chapters but this one is basically p0rn with feelings so enjoy.
Buggy can't get you out of your head. The image of your flushed cheeks, the sweat on your forehead as those moans come out of your mouth, the way you shake when he touches you… Every time he thinks of your naked body, your swollen and tight breasts, he feels his pants start to tighten. You're a pretty girl who seems to have done nothing wrong in her life but is capable of becoming a master of hand-to-hand combat, ending the lives of those who get in her way. And then there's that third aspect of you, the inexperienced little girl who gets wet with just a couple of caresses. You're driving him crazy.
He didn't get enough of you yesterday, he wants more. He needs more. He intends to devour you whole, to make you moan his name again, to make you get down on your knees to beg him to penetrate you because you can't take it anymore. When he comes out of his cabin the crew is on their feet, he has a little trouble finding you. He needs some excuse for you to go with him, though he doesn't understand why it's so complicated if he's the captain, he doesn't need to make excuses, his orders are more than enough.
"Hey, Y/N, can you come here for a moment?"
Your heart skips a beat as soon as you hear his voice. You couldn't sleep all night thinking about what had happened. You have recalled again and again the scene of yesterday, thinking ashamedly about the pleasure you had felt with Buggy's fingers, his lips, his teeth… Looking at him you know perfectly well why he is claiming you, he still has that gleam of lust in his eyes. And you go to him, because it's too strong a claim to resist.
Buggy mumbles something out loud about helping him with some bills in his cabin, but you know perfectly well that he only said it for the other crew members to hear. So you're not surprised by the impetus with he kisses you as soon as he closes the door. You reciprocate, it's as if you can't keep your hands off each other.
"That thing about you not wanting to spend the night with me has got me a little fucked up," he growls in your ear.
It's not that you didn't want to spend the night with him, it's that you don't feel ready to take that step yet. You like him and you want him, with all your might, but yesterday was the first time you had anything sexual with someone and you need to get some more experience, you don't want to disappoint him.
Buggy has spoken with some irony, but actually he's trying to camouflage an atrocious fear of rejection. Yesterday he took it for granted that you would end up in bed but you didn't, which left him totally baffled. Hadn't you liked it enough? Impossible, you had cum, you had climaxed and he knew you weren't faking it. Maybe you hadn't liked it enough? The thought of not being good enough tormented him. In general he was always afraid of not meeting certain expectations, he had an overly insecure background and his sexual relationships were no exception.
"What do you say, silly?" You let out a nervous chuckle. It is very difficult for you to talk about this subject, you are a person used to having everything under control, but in matters of sex you really know zero or very little. You don't want to look like a stupid child in front of him.
"Then why didn't you stay?"
You notice Buggy isn't joking, at first he seemed to be but now you can see in his expression that he's really interested in knowing your answer. You wonder if he felt bad that you turned down that offer and suddenly the possibility that he thinks you didn't like it, that you didn't enjoy yourself enough terrifies you.
"It's just… " You swallow some saliva, you don't know how to tell him without looking like a fool. "I told you that… well, I haven't been like this before with anyone…"
Buggy then realizes what that means. In the moment yesterday, in the midst of lust and passion, all he cared about was making you feel pleasure, hearing you moan his name, but now thinking coldly he begins to understand what you mean by sleeping together.
"Hey, Y/N" He calls out to you, you look up, still self-conscious "We're not going to do anything you don't want, what kind of a prick do you think I am?"
"I don't think you're a prick, it's just…"
Buggy grabs you by the wrist gently, guiding you to the bed. He then sits you on his knees and starts kissing your neck.
"I just want to know how it feels like sleeping with you" he admits between kisses "you don't know how much I love your naked body, it must be amazing to see it as soon as you wake up."
You notice how your cheeks burn again, those kind of comments make you totally block.
"Buggy!" You exclaim, very nervous.
"Look at you, no one would say you blew at least ten marines yesterday" he lets out a chuckle as he starts unbuttoning your blouse. You're not wearing any underwear, so your breasts appear in front of his eyes, taut and swollen. Buggy grimaces mischievously "Mmm what a nice breakfast we have here."
Instantly his lips are on one of your nipples, sucking as if he is ready to draw milk. Before you can react, Buggy brings his hand to your crotch, starting to rub gently. You can't believe it's happening again, but it's just what you've been craving all night. Being left at the mercy of that pirate is something that makes you feel more alive than ever.
"My god, baby girl, are you wet yet?" He raises his eyebrows, surprised and amused at the same time "You're making it hard for me, huh. You don't know how I can't wait to taste how my cock must feel slipping with those flows."
Buggy likes to talk and he likes to talk real dirty during sex. You thought it was something from yesterday, from the alcohol and the celebratory moment, but you're realizing how much it turns him on to say those things to you as he takes over your body. And you're also realizing how much it turns you on too.
When you want to realize Buggy has already got rid of your shorts, your shirt and your panties. You are naked again, this time on his legs. He turns you towards him, so that your breasts are at his face level. Your wet pussy brushes against the fabric of his pants, under which a huge bulge begins to peek out. Instinctively you sit on the bulge and start rubbing yourself, feeling a great excitement.
"Look how naughty you are turning out to be" He teases you, grabbing you around the waist as his tongue splits between your two nipples. "That's it precious, move for daddy."
The friction between your naked pussy and his bulge makes your clit swell, feeling a huge surge of pleasure every time you rub. Your hips wiggle obscenely, something Buggy seems to love. He rests his hands on your buttocks, accompanying your smooth, sensual movements.
"Good girl" he gasps, closing his eyes "You're going to make me cum without taking my cock out, naughty girl."
"Buggy, this really turns me on" you admit, in a moan so high pitched you don't even recognize your voice "Buggy…"
You notice how your bulge hardens, your excited voice making him very horny. He gives your buttock a little spank and to your surprise you love it.
"More" you gasp without stopping moving.
Buggy raises an eyebrow.
"More?" he grins from ear to ear "Babe wants to be punished?"
You don't want to admit that kind of thing turns you on, you never would have guessed it, but it does. However, you don't plan to play into his game.
"More, please."
Buggy spanks you again, nothing hard, just a little. You bring your breasts close to his face, his nose sinks in the middle as his mouth stains them red. You feel his hot tongue on your smooth skin, his pants wet with your fluids. Orgasm is near but you don't want it to come yet, you want to hold on, you want the feeling of pleasure to last forever.
With some clumsiness, you unbutton his pants. His huge bulge then appears, you don't hesitate to uncover it to reveal his erection. You stroke it gently, it's hot and hard. Buggy closes his eyes at the touch, letting out a moan of acceptance.
"Do you like it, Captain?" you ask, and you notice how calling him Captain makes him even harder.
Buggy nods without opening his eyes.
"It's all yours."
You stroke it some more just before you place it between your legs, rubbing your intimate part with it, rubbing it over his member. Buggy feels your wet pussy on his erect cock and can't help but let out a grunt of pleasure, the friction is now too direct
"Shit" he mutters, pulling you closer to him so he can eat your nipples.
"Buggy!" You exclaim, your body moving impudently over his erection, your legs closing around it to increase the friction. It's the closest you've ever come to experiencing penetration, though you still don't feel quite ready for him to stick it in you.
Your captain is too busy plunging between your breasts, tasting them, biting them, leaving little marks wherever his mouth goes. You notice how he sighs as you rub against his cock.
"Buggy… it feels so good" you moan, actually talking to yourself. You have never experienced such sensations before. You feel like you're going to lose your mind. "I can't stop, I need more"
Buggy sticks her head out from between your breasts and looks at you. His makeup has partially smudged, it's the first time you've seen his mouth so devoid of red paint. God, why does he have to be so handsome, why must you find him so terribly attractive? It should be illegal to have those feelings. He shifts his hips a little, grabbing you around the waist to keep his posture just right. His glans brushing against your clit is something that makes you cry out in pleasure.
"Yeah, my girl" he gasps, he's even more aroused than last night, you can see it in his face. "Cum for me, little girl. I can't believe you're so fucking horny."
"I can't take it anymore, it's too hot" you gasp as you rub and rub harder. You feel the rogamos closer than ever.
"Do I really make you that horny?" Buggy moves too, his mouth is open, his gasps are less loud but there they are. He looks at you with an expression he hasn't put on before, as if something of vital importance to him really depends on your answer. "Tell me little girl, are you that wet because of me?"
"Of course I am, I'm with you here, aren't I?"
You don't know why that question comes at a time like that, but then Buggy looks at you and you can see a glint of excitement in his eyes.
That question totally throws you off. To you it's so obvious the answer that you don't understand how he could be questioning such things. To you he is the only man who has ever brought you to have you in that situation, the only man who has ever kissed you, who has ever touched you, who has ever made you cum. He's the only man you've surrendered to, leaving you totally naked at his mercy. But to Buggy it doesn't seem so obvious. Suddenly you can catch that strange sadness of that night when you first saw each other in the cellar. His eyes have an indecipherable melancholy, his insecurity has come to the fore in a moment where he feels vulnerable.
Still moving over him, you lean your face slightly over his, placing a slow, wet kiss on his lips. Your tongue and his entangled again, his bare hands on your burning body. Your pussy rubbing over his erect member.
"I don't know" you confess "I just know I want it to be you."
Buggy's eyes are closed, he's so excited. His response comes as a gasp.
"Me be the what?"
"The one" you reply, before kissing him passionately.
He pulls you closer to himself, you shake your hips a little more. You moan into his mouth, he moans into yours, neither of you separate as you finally feel the rogamos come. As you begin to shake with ecstasy, you notice how he grunts and his body tenses. Soon your whole pussy is drenched in cum, he has cum too, you have done it almost at the same time. You fall on top of him, totally unarmed, panting.
"You've cum without putting it in me" you mutter, almost unable to move, drawing a small smile of satisfaction.
Buggy pulls away slightly, stroking one of your cheeks. You'd never have guessed that such a brute could have a tender and delicate side. He runs over the features of your face with his index finger, caressing each and every one of your angles.
"You're going to be my only one from now on" she whispers huskily "And from today you're going to sleep with me."
"Is that a warning?"
"Of course not" Buggy pushes a couple of locks away from your face "It's an order from your captain".
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luvtonique · 4 months
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Lot to read here, but I believe y'all could use a little context on this. Last night I attempted to repurchase Bestia from the person I sold her to, and this was the conversation. But who is this guy? What the fuck is Bestia? Well, time for some backstory.
A few years ago I made a Mod for Binding of Isaac called Bestia.
Shortly before it was finished, a guy called Atreue came alone wanting to buy the character from me. He offered me $4000, and I said, "No."
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However, the guy pestered me for many more days and when I looked at my $5000 of debt at the time, I eventually caved, agreeing to sell him the character for $4000. He spent a year sending me random payments and after that year he had sent me $800, and then came to me crying and saying he was having an emotional breakdown because his family car was having troubles
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I was a fucking moron and agreed to $1000 less than the original price. It took him another year to get me the remaining money, and I gave him the character and all of the files I had for her. Her sprite sheet, her reference sheet, all my PNGs I'd made, everything, including the mod files themselves for Binding of Isaac.
And then he started DMing my IRL friends somehow and telling them that I didn't send him the "Animation Files" so I called him out on it and explained to him how a sprite sheet works
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But naturally this little shitstain wasn't done, he continued telling me our business wasn't concluded and that I still owed him AFTER HE HAGGLED ME DOWN A THOUSAND FUCKING DOLLARS, so I started getting fucking angry.
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Ladies and gentlemen this is Twitter user Snowy_Roads also known as Atreue, the person who bought Bestia from me, tormented me for years, doxxed my IRL friends, haggled me down a thousand dollars for her purchase, and still to this very day is pulling emotional manipulation and lie bullshit when I am somehow, SOMEHOW still being nice to him.
He deserves literally zero respect, he is a fucking psychotic wretch, and this is a declaration that as per his agreement in the pics at the top, Bestia now belongs to me again and he can go fuck himself.
This is officially the FINAL CHAPTER of the Atreue story.
Bestia hereby belongs to me again.
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aizawaskittenwhore · 1 year
august first—r. braun
summary: you fuck reiner as a birthday gift. that’s pretty much it.
notes/content warnings: rough sex, facefucking, degradation, choking, some angst cause relationships are messy, unprotected p in v sex cause we raw dog over here, armin is a sweetheart and eren needs to go to bed, i think i covered everything but let me know if i missed anythin!
this was meant to be a birthday piece for rei 😔*stares in september * to be completely honest i have zero idea how long this ended up being but it’s been taking up space in my drafts and i kinda freestyled it so enjoy sexies <3
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the floor is sticky with liquor, limestone tiles splotched with little islands of red as reiner’s body meets it, it’s surface tacky beneath his flushed skin. his head lolls back against the dial of his dishwasher, seeming to relish in the surrounding moment. the apartment is quiet with the din of murmured voices, gentle rustling of keys , someone slipping on a jacket, a faint “who’s riding with jean?” uttered from one of the many intoxicated partygoers; as for who , he does not know.
all reiner is aware of is the thrum of his heartbeat in his ears, body warm with the coat of whiskey, the glow of his solar return pervading the sallows of his face from the previous year’s torment; as if filling a once-deflated balloon with air yet again.
confetti has woven itself into the carpet, solo cups littering the surrounding dining room, a cake still sits on the table, half-eaten. “happy birthday reiner” it read, for a total of ten minutes. only reiner’s name remains due to your insistence that the birthday boy should get to eat his own name, and in pure self-adoring leo fashion, he co-signed.
and there his name sits, beneath its hard plastic shell as his gifts are sprawled around, some big, some small; though reiner had insisted that presents weren’t necessary by any means, you all came together to at least get him a few things to remember the day by. and what a day it had been. he was grateful. and so, so drunk.
his body suddenly takes a dive to the right—he had failed to realize his passive swaying from side to side and lost his balance—his face finds itself directly in your lap, nose mere inches away from knocking over a rather tall bottle of grey goose lingering not too far from your current position. you’re not much better than he is, face flushed and your smile dazed, as you begin to card your fingers through his hair, seemingly unaffected by his sudden landing.
“hey, we’re gonna head out.” armin says, footsteps lightly sticking with every step he takes further into the kitchen. he grimaces at the noise, but says nothing, in favor of checking on the pair of you. yet before he can utter the words “are you guys alright?” a hefty grip on armin’s wrist from the stockier blond sends armin to his knees, discombobulating the shorter man momentarily before he was met with a fierce hug.
“thank you..for coming.” reiner had been struggling to properly pronounce his syllables since the fourth round of tequila shots with eren, but those four words were the most coherent he’d been all night. the sentiment wasn’t lost on armin, and he returned the embrace, even if his lungs felt the slightest bit compressed the longer they hugged. “n-no problem!” armin pats his back thrice and shifts his gaze to you once reiner pulls away and nestles into your lap yet again. “would you like a ride home? you and sasha live not too far from each other, so it’s on our way.” he offers, so thoughtful as always. you begin to nod your head, thinking of the throbbing sensation that’ll soon swim within your temples, your lack of a change of clothes, along with numerous other things—
“i don’t mind if you stay..” reiner mumbles, a hand swirling patterns into your thigh. “never have, you used to sleep over all the time. i still got your toothbrush, s’ in my bathroom” he’s drunk, there’s no nuance , it sounds so scandalous when he says it like that and yet your heart picks up when he says your toothbrush is still in your space in his bathroom. you contemplate his words, given that it’s two minutes shy of one am (from what you can make out via a blurred glance at the microwave), and it is rather late..
armin surveys the two of you with a knowing glance, choosing to once again say nothing. he’s always been one for reading between the lines, clearly there’s some unspoken tension between you and the birthday boy, a history even. “n-not like that.” you laugh, pulse quickening as you try to divert armin’s attention from reiner’s hand attempting to work its way up your thigh, minuscule movements of his hand feeling like leaps and bounds over your already heated skin. “there was a time where i was going through some shit, so reiner let me hang here for a little while. it’s not nearly as..uh..intimate as it sounds.” your voice is low, your head leaned towards armin.
“i don’t mind sleeping here though. it’s one in the morning, and you’ve already gotta take sasha and eren’s drunk ass home. i’ll be good here.” a smile, and a gentle hand on armin’s shoulder is enough for him to leave you with reiner for the night.
“text me if you need anything, okay?”
mikasa‘s jacket and eren’s vomit crusted dress shirt clink amongst armin’s keys as he makes his way to the door (the shirt is tied in a plastic bag, he’s not a psycho).
‘maybe the mad dog jello shots were a bit much’, you think, saying your goodbyes to everyone as they stumble down the remainder of the driveway, jean corralling each person into their designated cars, and silently regretting his decision to double up with armin tonight to drive. it doesn’t help that he’s shoeless, considering eren yacked all over those too. it’s not funny, but it is, and you laugh as the door clicks behind you.
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parties have a very poignant atmosphere.
they fill the space and somehow suck the air out of it once it’s over. but what you feel right now has nothing to do with the party and everything to do with the tension between you and reiner. who seems to have disappeared from his spot on the kitchen floor and made his way to the shower, leaving behind a trail of clothes in his wake. his loft is spacious, open floor plans met with a man’s taste in furniture (which equates to the bare minimum, sadly) and sumptuous windows that stretch from floor to ceiling. it’s one way glass, can’t see in but you can see out, rather convenient considering reiner had a very bad habit of never wanting to wear clothes around the house. case and point, the calvin klein boxers strewn across his floor. ‘jesus, even when he’s drunk he’s a slob.’ you think, grimacing as you reach for them in an attempt to chuck them into the nearby hamper—
“sorry for the mess.” he mutters, stepping out of shower as a plume of steam clings to the nearby mirror. towel hanging from his waist, hair slick with water. the scent of his soap and deodorant envelop you as he walks past, rifling through his dresser in an attempt to find clothes for the both of you. from the quick glance at his figure you’d allowed yourself, you quickly deduce that reiner finally made good on that crossfit membership he’d been blabbing about for the last three months. he was always handsome, always with a body that looked like it was carved from stone but the torso you’re looking at (and shouldn’t be) has gotten a major upgrade. ‘this is a bad idea’ you think to yourself, wondering how you allowed a spur of the moment decision lead you back into a bedroom you swore you’d never step foot in again.
you weren’t lying to armin when you said that the conditions of you staying with reiner weren’t romantic, that part was true; but the last time you were in this house, this room, things weren’t exactly…platonic.
“i found these, pretty sure you forgot em when you were leaving.”
a grey t-shirt and a pair of panties plop onto the bed where you sit, and you cringe upon the realization that you’d even left anything here to begin with. he offers you a pair of his sweatpants to help preserve your dignity, but you decline, knowing there’s no way they’d fit you.
“you remember where the towels are, yeah?”
you nod. third door to the left, past the coffee maker.
“cool. use whatever’s in there, i don’t care. i’ll be in the living room, so if you need somethin’ just yell.”
you give him a thumbs up as you disappear into the bathroom, the humidity mimicking the haziness of your mind as it begins to wander, your hands slippery with soap as you run the cloth over the curve of your hip, the same way he did that night.
“fuckkkk.” the sight before you is delicious, blonde burrowing it’s way between your thighs as reiner tongues your clit; a man starved. lust has taken over the bedroom, coiling around the two of you and winding so tight you feel as though you might burst, but if this is what it feels like to be consumed, you don’t mind one bit. he’s rutting against the bed desperately, your moans sending him into a frenzy; his mouth pools with your essence and he can barely contain himself. he adds his ring and middle finger to the equation, sensing you need more, just the slightest bit extra to bring you to paradise and you keen with pleasure.
“don’t stop..m’ gonna cum..” you’re shaking now, thighs shuddering around his ears and your pulse begins to throb so hard you can feel it in your temples, each wave of dopamine crashing over you, into you; you’ve never gotten head like that before. trust, you’d remember if you had. his tongue wanders in the mess you’ve made between your legs, and his face is no exception. your slick glistens in the cropped cut of his facial hair, and before you can utter a word of embarrassment, his tongue is giving you a taste of what he’d worked so hard to pull from you. the kiss is filthy, lips slotted together with strings of saliva; they break like bubbles when you pull away for air.
“shit!” lost in reverie, you’d failed to notice the increasing temperature of the shower water until it scalds your skin, shocking you back to the present moment. soft linen wraps around your body, soothing the harsh burn, legs still shining with droplets as you towel off, noting that you smell just like reiner does; but you’d rather not ride that train of thought. you make your way to the kitchen for a glass of water, brow raising as you realize his slice of cake is missing.
“the fuck?”
“what’s wrong?” floats from the living room.
“the hell happened to your cake?” you peer around the corner, and find the answer to your question stuffing his face. “nevermind.” you laugh, taking a seat on the couch, a cushion separating the both of you. he gestures with his left hand, offering a fork full; you take it, given that you’re both still not sober and this slice of sponge cake is the closest thing you’ve had to food in the last few hours. buttercream icing coats the roof of your mouth and you moan in sheer joy.
“oh my god.”
“right? shits’ so good” reiner mumbles, already on his last bite. his eyes are closed in bliss and you can’t help but feel jealous, you ache to be the cause of his expression rather than some slice of confectionery. little do you know, when your head turns, his eyes rake up the expanse of your bare thighs, resolve crumbling little by little. you’re beautiful, beyond it. he fights the urge to caress you and settles for a loaded question:
“why’d you say that to armin?”
“say what?” you respond. you’re avoiding his gaze intentionally, you know exactly what he’s asking about, this just isn’t the time.
“that it ‘wasn’t like that’ when i said you could stay the night.” the fork clatters against the cardboard of the cake box, filling the silence for a second, but it does nothing to ease the awkwardness of this interaction. “because it’s the truth? i didn’t start staying here so we could be fuck buddies—“
“—but that’s what happened, right?”
“reiner. don’t start this again.” you warn, tone firm. it’s not that you don’t want to talk about this, it’s been weighing on your heart since the night you left, but what could you say? you were running from the problems in your relationship and escaped into the arms of someone you called a friend, and very quickly that became much more than a friendship. the man your boyfriend couldn’t stand became your shoulder to cry on, and dick to ride. and in the end, everyone got hurt. you included.
“how’s galliard?” his voice seems harmless, but you sense the smugness that lies beneath.
“really? now?”
“it’s just a question.”
a pause.
“i haven’t seen him since..you know. we’ve spoken though. he seems to be doing alright, i think.” you answer. you briefly remember a photo dump he posted coming across your feed, he was in the netherlands with his brother last you heard, but that’s as much as you know. you’ve kept your distance from your ex since the fallout of your breakup, and for good reason. considering the last time you’d spoken, he’d told you that he “hopes it was worth it” and that you were dead to him.
you couldn’t be mad. if the roles were reversed, you’d have probably said the same.
the relationship (despite its relatively short run of five months) was volatile, and galliard has never had a desire to communicate with people in a way that isn’t riddled with hostility and aggression. it was the source of many arguments, and “i’m sorry” voicemails. one night you got sick of it, the pettiness, tit for tat, the pointed indirect insults in front of friends, the building of resentment every day you stayed together; so you left, needing to clear some space in your already heavy heart. a bag hurriedly packed, you’d found yourself at the door of a friend who you knew would have questions, but would never judge.
but friends don’t do the things you have done with one another.
“why did you invite me tonight?” since we’re asking loaded questions.
the text came as a surprise, a simple invitation and an address linked in a text message: ‘hey. my friends are throwing me a birthday party tonight. my house. i was wondering if you wanted to come. it’s cool if not, here’s my address tho in case you forgot it’
“i wanted to see you.”
“bullshit.” you scoff.
“why would i lie? you know how i feel about you.”
a pause.
“prove it.” the reposado speaks for you now, and you’re feeling dangerously curious to see just how far reiner will go. intoxication makes for a great truth serum, you’ve learned. he balks at your challenge, pupils shattering and reforming all at once as he attempts to snap himself out of whatever daydream he’s conjured. it has to be, there’s no way you’re sat so prettily on his couch making “fuck me” eyes, with a sliver of your panties visible beneath that thin fucking shirt. it’s a dream. has to be.
a chuckle. “you’re fuckin with me, right?” reiner’s fidgeting slightly, trying not to draw your attention to his increasing arousal.
“not even a little bit.” you’re so close he can feel your breath ghosting along his lips, a hair away from unleashing the pent up sexual tension between the both of you, but you don’t move any further. “i feel kinda bad..you invited me to your party, and i didn’t even get you a gift.” you pout.
“you can make it up to me.”
he’s finally gotten the courage to make the first move, securing both hands around your waist and tugging you into his lap. your clit pulses almost rhythmically when your lips meet, and the noises he’s making aren’t helping. “take these off.” he groans, plucking the waistband of your panties. you oblige his request, but the cool air still makes you shiver when your back hits the couch, legs spread. his eyes rake up your body, once, twice, before his middle and ring fingers take their place spreading your lips; they trace circles around your clit once they’ve spread enough of your juices around to slicken things up, but he’s just getting started. all the little gasps and cracks in your voice drive him insane, and while reiner loves to tease, he couldn’t wait any longer to taste you. locking himself between your thighs, his arms securing your legs around his head, he makes sure to hold on to your hips when he begins to suck on your clit. there’s no running for you, not when you’ve been dangling this pussy in front of him all evening. his tongue is fluid, slippery when it strokes your sensitive nub from every direction, he’s everywhere and somehow you still want more. “feels so good..don’t stop—” you beg, hips bucking into his face. he loves seeing you so fucked out, so desperate to cum all over his tongue, it only encourages him more as his fingers curl against that spot that makes your vision dip, and you gush all over his lips and jaw. your face burns with arousal and mild embarrassment, but he couldn’t be more pleased.
“can’t believe you let me eat this pussy ..and you made me watch you cum all over my face…such a slut.” he mumbles, his tongue still running laps around your clit. still throbbing, still sensitive. your body shivers and shakes with the continuous sensation, but reiner couldn’t care less. he licks and sucks with reckless abandon for a minute or two longer, before finally detaching himself from you, and giving your body reprieve. you struggle to catch your breath, your attention now drawn to the tented fabric below reiner’s torso. knowing it’s a shitty thing to think of in the current moment, you can’t help but lament at just how much thicker he is than your ex.
then again, reiner braun has never been, especially physically, average.
you splay your hands across his length as he pulls you in, neurons firing when you taste yourself on his tongue. he groans into your mouth, his eyes fluttering when you’re stroking and twisting your hand like that—
a brief disconnection of your lips forces his eyes open, but it’s worth it when he gets to sear the mental image of you spitting into his dick into his eyelids for eternity. your hand strokes the hottest noises out of him, the schlick-schlick of your motions only getting faster when filth begins to pour from his lips.
“mhm. just like that—fuck, i missed my nasty girl.”
you don’t think you’ve ever been this turned on before. and that’s saying a lot, genuinely. your tongue winds around his tip, settling against the underside of his shaft as you descend; the remainder of his dick is in your right hand as you work him over. your efforts matter little though, as reiner has other plans for your tight, tight throat. his hand settles at the base of your neck, winding his fingers at the root of your hair, and grips. rocking you backwards and forwards, he bullies his cock into your throat, and he nearly cums when he watches your eyes well up with tears; at first you panic at the activation of your gag reflex, but your throat slowly relaxes once you realize resistance is futile.
“take it…ah, shit—just like that mama, feels so fuckin good..such a good girl when im fuckin your face” he praises through gritted teeth, pumping himself with your throat a few more times before stopping, and changing your position so that the two of you were in missionary. you’d be lying if you said it didn’t get you soaked whenever he’d handle you so roughly, the way your eyes would glaze over and your body would become completely pliant for him and him only. for him to be such a typically serious and quiet man, reiner was so mean, so cocky when he fucked; even teasing you for the way you whine when he puts the tip in: “what’s the matter? can’t take the real thing? i know it’s—”
he retreats, and slams back in, taking a ruthless pace. “a lot bigger than those little boys you whore around with.” he finishes with a whisper, folding your knees into your tits as he throws your legs over his shoulders. “m’ n-not a whore..” you whine, voice cracking.
“no? you haven’t seen me in three whole months, you come over for a few hours and the first thing you let me do was stretch out this tight little cunt.” he taunts, a thumb circling your clit. “y-yeah..m-missed you..missed this dick—“ you babble, eyes rolling.
“i know baby, i know, let me in, let daddy make you feel good.”
“j-just like that, fuck fuck fuck” you feel like you’re on the verge of collapse, his cock is pummeling it’s way into your stomach, his sweat is glistening in the glow of his lights and it’s taking everything in you not to beg this man to cum in you here and now. “only whores know how to take dick and still be able to beg for more.” he taunts, his little hair trick from before making an encore appearance as he forces you to watch yourself be debauched, a thick white ring forming at the base of his length like a badge of honor. he was fucking into you so fast and so deep it made you dizzy, but you were too far gone. “love when you fuck me like this’, love when you slut me out” you mumble, teetering on the edge of cumming, you’re so close you can taste it—
“fuck, you’re so fuckin’ nasty, such a good girl for me, always lettin’ me get my way.” reiner moans, a hand wrapped around your throat and a good squeeze has your vision exploding, you melt and your body goes limp, senses still firing off as he coats your insides with sticky white seed.
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the aftercare is, to be real, half assed. you’re both exhausted, but reiner still makes sure you’re wiped down with a hot towel, and carries you to bed upon your insistence that you’d, quote, “love to enjoy the sleep part of being fucked to sleep”. you doze off quickly, and reiner follows suit shortly after; the both of you failing to hear reiner’s phone emit a soft ding!
eren 2:23am
you owe me that 20 dollars
your apple watch is still synced to my phone from leg day man…not judging tho. get in there soldier 🫡
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crystallizsch · 3 months
hellooooo sunset savanna event
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not me just eating up the lil jamil crumbs (he doesnt even show up here)
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also damn??? jamil CANNOT get a break. like kalim said there’s already a bunch of staff coming from scalding sands why do they still need the 17-yr-old college student 😭
you could argue he’s exceptionally great and capable at his job that’s why he’s still chosen to help but omg this poor guy just leave him alone 😭
dsfsd anyways this made me laugh (it was a note given to kalim by jamil) i love these two a lot
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i actually havent seen grim’s cloudcalling ribbon??? so it was a really cute surprise when he showed up with it 🥺
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i mean thank you to vil for calling us charming i guess even though it still feels a tad bit backhanded
aight back to the jamil torment
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jamil you poor poor soul but this is so hilarious there’s just zero breaks for this guy
welp i finished the whole event in one go cant wait to see what’s next 😤
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014miki · 10 months
C: song lyrics (specially), no gender specification (i try), care, comfort, soft behavior, little praises. (maybe by bi-han and later by you) nothing explicit or sexual, at least for now. bi han (sub-zero) x reader. a/n: It's my first story, be kind if you're going to make a comment or request. ¡enjoy! > used song: me and my husband by mistki.
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You really cared about him, there wasn't a moment where you didn't think about him because he forever was stay on your mind, ¿how could you help it? He was your husband, by pure instinct you couldn't stop thinking about his well-being even though he is the most stubborn man on the planet. Still, he and you so doing better than most couples, anyone would have given up on your situation but you still remain stable despite the conditions you currently find yourself in. "me and my husband do it better"
Bi han had attended with his brothers a "test" that they would perform on some boys whom you did not know at all, at least you would have liked to know but he had not told you anything about it because it was not an interesting fact or one that you should know, or that was his words. Even so, you couldn't help but feel stupid sitting in that bed that you both shared, you felt insignificant and a waste of oxygen.
You couldn't help but think that you would disappear, your memories, everything you had seen and experienced with your eyes, your body, everything with you. You leaned your back against the mattress, resting your body except for your mind, you still had that guilt that tormented you every time he went on a mission with his brothers, you also worried about them but not to the same degree you did with him. Your eyes point lost at the ceiling, your gaze does not reflect anything, not even the brilliance that characterized you, impossible to do so under these conditions.
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──── "¿Where are you, bi-han?" you think aloud.
──── "Im here, dear." he's talk, you hadn't noticed when he arrived at the temple where you both stay.
──── "¡Bi-Han, are you ok!" you answer happy and you huggie him.
──── "Yes, ¿You worried for me? I have told you many times not to do it, i will always come back." scolds.
──── "Sorry.. i.. i can't.. You are my husband and me too i'ts logic my reaction for you and you brothers."
──── "I understand but i i'm a lin kuei, i'm take care of myself and others. Specialy for people i matter to me." He responds as he places one of his hands on your cheeks, caressing it a little with his thumb. You could feel how rough it was.
──── "O—Okay... please... never again you scary me for this stuff. C'mon, come with me..."
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He doesn't respond but agrees to your request, releasing your face and separating himself from you as he follows you. The look he gave you a moment ago fades as he remembers how things the day for him and his brothers today, rubbing the wound he had made on his arm a little, he assumed you had noticed it but he wished you hadn't.
As they advanced, he began to feel down and sad as he began to think about why he was doing all this ¿Why follow Liu Kang? ¿What did he having for done or have he done to improve things? For him he had done absolutely nothing and it brought back memories of how his father behaved the same or worse for him.
He felt shocked with all this, but then he remembered you, he thought that thanks to you he hadn't given up. I knew that you and he do it better, you knew that every time he was present you felt like someone special and with value and you both knew that neither of you would have a painted face and you would be united to this life today and always, not even death would separate you two.
but now it's time to tend to the superficial wounds, then the emotional ones and finally give yourself a little rest. Sometimes even a grandmaster needs a break from daily stress next to someone.
"and that someone is you."
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Thank you for reading, I hope you liked it and please let me know if you notice any errors. I hope you like my first story (maybe so it won't be the last)
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jackdaniel69nice · 6 months
@choaticgypsyvicking asked for tokoyami and mineta, thanks!!
Alright I’ll admit I used to be a big mineta hater, I have been a fan of mha for a long time and back then he had pretty much zero redeeming qualities. But much like the other characters in this series with terrible misdeeds (endeavor bakugo) he has certainly changed for the better albeit more subtly. I still think he has a long ways to go and needs to give a formal apology for his behavior but with 1-a’s help I’m sure he’ll get there.
Mineta’s character development has been very subtle and I’m not an expert on him so if I get anything wrong feel free to correct me. Mineta is loud whiny and annoying, he does this because of his need for attention and recognition. He is willing to get into trouble just so people will notice him, even bad attention is enough for him. He is naturally fearful but his strength to overcome the fear makes him courageous. If you get to the root problem that is mineta’s horrible upbringing (being taught that women are the devil) and helping him get over his self esteem issues he can start to mature as a person, which seems to have already begun.
Just after the stain arc in the very first school briefs (which technically isn’t canon but the characterization is accurate for the time) mineta refers to dark shadow as Tokoyami’s “pet” which obviously pisses both of them off and shadow tries to attack him. But most recently during this final war arc (manga spoilers!) mineta-fucking-minoru is the one to distract afo from stealing dark shadow! MINETA is the one to finally declare just how IMPORTANT of a person Shadow is!! He knows how much tokoyami cares about them!! Mineta went from thinking that dark shadow was just some pet to understanding they are much more than that. Mineta shows other moments of remorse like when he apologized to shoji for calling him an octopus as well. In fact mineta’s whole demeanor has changed since the gunga mountain villa raid where he has become much more serious, I would imagine he was highly traumatized by Midnight’s death.
Tokoyami is someone with strong morals, I think he found mineta just as deplorable as everyone else but remained cordial towards him. He becomes a large deciding figure in mineta’s path to redemption. Once again tokoyami is known for his wisdom and becomes a shoulder for mineta to lean on. He’s willing to listen to his problems without judgement and offers reasonable advice to his issues. Minoru also learns more about tokoyami and shadow in turn by listening to them banter back and forth and slowly come to understand their dynamic. I think tokoyami is particularly skilled at being strict with rules that mineta needs to follow. He would be willing to help mineta get new hobbies so he can share his music skills and help him learn to play. I think a ukulele would be small enough for him.
Dark Shadow never really likes anyone they meet at first but mineta was the equivalent of pond scum to them. As neighbors it was shadows job to make sure he stayed out of trouble and they were very successful at their job, scaring and pranking him when the chance arose. Dark shadow enjoyed tormenting him enough that they reluctantly began to tolerate him, surprisingly mineta also tolerated this behavior probably because he liked the attention and is desperately lonely. In my opinion dark shadow and mineta are actually very similar with their desperation for love and affection causing them to make bad decisions so they find common ground here. Dark shadow probably is the first person minoru thinks of as a friend (besides kaminari) and gladly allows them to boss him around so they can hang out together. They end up reading manga together, playing games, and drawing (which mineta is superior at). They also get into trouble together stealing food and pulling pranks on others but they both get punished by tokoyami. Eventually shadow realizes their aggressive treatment towards him isn’t very justified or kind and they tone back the targeted name calling. They’re still a little shit though :)
In the end shadow and mineta are surprisingly close friends while tokoyami is a friendly with him as he is with everyone else which is still quite a lot.
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pilot-boi · 8 months
BG3 ask and because I love being evil to Jaune...
Imagine Jaune, an oath of vengeance paladin (formally devotion) who was on a journey to try and take down the person who killed his beloved partner... to give them the piece they deserved and rest knowing he had avenged them...
Suddenly finding himself trying to comprehend that he has a MINDFLAYER tadpole in his skull.
Has lots of people just the same as him join him to try and cure it and, somehow, looking to HIM as the leader of their group!
And of course there's a group of goblins trying to attack a druid Grove... because of COURSE there is...
But then... one night... he finds himself somewhere altogether alien... yet beautiful... the astral plane... with a woman whose smile he hasn't seen in so long looking at him wistfully as she says
"Hello again"
(If you know who is looking like Jaune's dead partner, then you understand how evil I am being to Jaune here, lol)
I DO understand how evil you’re being
Add another fake Pyrrha tormenting Jaune to the counter. It has been zero days since last torment
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ratbaguett-e · 1 year
Heizou x GN! Reader Smut
Playing cards with Heizou. Quite the challenge.
Content: Oral sex (H receives), mild spit kink, lowkey abuse of power, Heizou being a shit (I would die for him), Reader ends up domming Heizou
~Feel free to leave a request 🔎💜
You were starting to think he explained the game slightly wrong on purpose. He had won three rounds already. Each round lasted at least five minutes longer than the last due to the intense thinking you would do before making a move. His hands were almost empty, you still had nearly a complete deck in your hands.
“I know this is rich coming from a detective…” Heizou says, “… but you really shouldn’t have to think so hard.”
That teasing accent that accompanied his words almost had you throwing your cards right at his smug face. He looked at you with his chin resting in one hand, his last two cards lazily held upright in the other.
“I have a strategy going,” you said, glaring at your full hands.
He let out a teasing giggle and took a sip of his drink. Leaning back afterwards with an exaggerated sigh and stretching his arms above his head.
“Take your time…”
He folded his arms behind his head and watched you with a smirk as you begrudgingly laid down a card. He zeroed in on the face of it, hissing through his teeth and slowly reaching towards his hand.
“Sorry to say it, but…” he laid down a similar card to yours, leaving him with his last one in hand.
“… it looks like you guessed wrong.”
You grunted in frustration, laying down your remaining cards, giving up at the thought of his inevitable win made obtainable by his singular remaining card.
“Giving up? I don’t blame you. I am pretty good at this, I know,” he says with a cheeky smile.
“I’m only giving up for this round. Could we please start over?”
You’re nearly begging him, desperate to cool down your competitive spirit and finally win one round against him so you could call it a night.
“I don’t see why not. I’ll even help you out a bit.”
You were scared at what he meant by that, he was definitely going to pull a trick in there somewhere.
After rearranging the deck and grabbing a new set, you commenced your fourth round. Your mind was clear, the fresh start would surely help you focus more.
“You have such delicate and pretty hands Y/N…”
While Heizou had made multiple assists to make your chances at winning even, he would tear you back down again with sultry remarks and (quite affective) flirting. You were losing your focus, trying not to get flustered at the comments he made.
Heizou had always been quite bold and a flirt, though you never expected him to target you at any point.
“Will you stop!? You’re interrupting my thinking process.”
He chuckles in reply before responding, “Sure. I’ll be quiet. Promise.”
You glared at him once more before deciding which card you’d lay down. He followed suit and the process continued for about another minute or so before you felt something on your ankle.
Your knee jolted up, lightly banging the table before you looked underneath it. Heizou was slowly dragging his foot up and down your leg, slightly lifting up the cuff of your pants. The action made you shutter and slightly blush. He did keep his promise to stay quiet, but that didn’t mean he had no physical way of tormenting you.
You made no comment, not caring was the best revenge after all, and continued to lay down cards and desperately try to ignore his touch under the table.
Before you knew it, he had one card left, you had four. The smug bastard decided to “stay quiet” for the entire game and not help you at all.
Heizou saw you deflate before speaking.
“If I may…” he said, getting up from his chair, “…let me see what we’re dealing with here.”
“Hey wait!”
You objected, “Isn’t this cheating? You-,”
You were cut off as he took the cards from your hands, going out of his way to brush his fingers against your own as he brought them up to his face.
He laughed before replying, “Yeah, you were screwed from the start. No worries, Let me teach you a trick.”
He handed you your hand and got behind you, leaning over the back of your chair and using his own hands to guide your own. The warmth that shot through your body at the contact didn’t go unnoticed by Heizou. He was going to have fun with this.
“See the face of my card? What you can do with this is…”
You stopped listening to him rather quickly, preoccupied by the warm body behind you and his hands guiding yours in a mock game. Him ,being the sharpest detective in Inazuma, noticed, but continued anyway. In the process he would slide his hands down your arms, speak closer into your ear, and even go as far as stroking his thumb across your knuckles that were loosely holding up the cards.
“… think you got it?”
No. You didn’t. He knew you didn’t.
“Uhm…” you meekly replied.
He got close to your ear and said lowly, “Maybe if you pay attention next time it’ll pay off.”
His hands squeezed your shoulders as he looked down at you. Flustered, not daring to look up at him until he grabbed your chin and tilted it back to meet your eyes from behind.
“What more could you possibly want from me, (Y/N), is something on your mind?”
Yes, he was on your mind in a not so innocent way. The touches and the way he spoke to you made you tingle in rather scandalous places without fail. Having him this close was almost overwhelming.
The stretch of your throat and the way his fingers firmly held your chin back made your mind blank as your eyes rolled back to meet his gaze. A devious smirk on his pink lips.
“You’re handling me… rather forcefully detective…”
The angle at which your head was bent out strain on your throat as you tried to speak. He chuckled in reply at your words, watching your throat move as you harshly swallowed.
“You seem to like it…”
His fingers softly rubbed up and down your elongated neck. Ticklish but soothing, as if he was scratching a cat under its chin.
“… perhaps you’d like me to touch you elsewhere hm?”
He gently released your jaw, his hands now running down the front of your chest, underneath your shirt. The soothing rubs of his dainty hands felt lovely, but the intent behind them sent a heat into your lower body.
Your breath hitched as he put his face by your ear.
“Perhaps I could go even lower… officer…”
The deep purr in his voice caused your ears to go hot. Before you could freeze up you were able to meekly reply-
“Yes… yes please.”
He slowly removed his hands from beneath your shirt, the neckline now slightly stretched, but you didn’t care. All you could focus on was your lap, refusing to lay your eyes upon Heizou as he got in between your legs, looking down at the top of your head as you still refused to meet his eyes again.
The next thing that came into view were his nimble fingers hooking around the buckle of your belt. You let out a noise of surprise as he released it, sliding it through the loops of your pants and tightening it around his fist.
He observed the leather piece before looking back at your tense form beneath him.
“I’m getting tired of you not looking at me…”
Next thing you know he’s sliding the belt around your neck and fastening it. A makeshift leash now encasing your entire throat.
He yanked on it, making your head lurch forward towards his stomach and your eyes dart up at his seemingly taller frame.
“… in order to make it up to me, you can participate in some training. I want you to maintain this same eye contact with me while you pleasure me with your mouth. Is that simple enough for you, officer?”
You nodded your head and went to eagerly undo his pants. He adjusted his grip on the long end of the belt as you got to work.
You stared up at him with anxious eyes as you slowly took him into your mouth. One hand keeping the leash taught and the other pushing the hair out of your face and gripping onto it just as harshly.
“Have I ever told you how… mmph… charming you are officer… fuck…”
He grunted as you continued your sloppy ministrations on his hardened cock. His head tipped back towards the ceiling and his back against the edge of the table.
So much for keeping eye contact.
You took his averted gaze as an opportunity to close your eyes and suck harder, slicking up his cock with more spit as you went and making sure he felt you swallow in between.
Heizou let out a whimper, becoming distracted and loosening his grip on the makeshift leash. He finally looked down at you, seeing your eyes closed and not on him as he asked.
“Wha- hey! I s-said to- ahh!”
He let out a gasp as you quickly grabbed both of his wrists and held them against the edge of the table, fully sinking down to your knees in front of him. The added closeness giving you more power to clamp your mouth down onto him and give him even more intense sucks and overall control.
“Hah! No please!”
He whined in a panicked tone, caught off guard by the sudden change in dynamics. You being the one overpowering him this time.
You let off of him, interrupting before he could protest at the loss of stimulation to his aching dick.
“I don’t think it’s your place to make demands anymore detective…”
He was panting. Eyes watery and face flushed due to the harsh stimulation of your mouth being suddenly replaced by the cold and empty air. You made him feel so good he was on the brink of tears. The loss making him want to outright sob until you sucked him back in.
“… look at you. I had no idea you were so sensitive.”
He was at a loss for words as you stared up at him with a cold and dominant stare.
“P-please keep going. I’ll be good I promise.”
Without saying a word, you stood up and towered over his cowering body that was still pressed against the table and his wrists still engulfed in your hands.
“Get up on the table.”
He complied, moving so that his bottom was now rested on the edge of the short table strewn with random playing cards.
“Keep your hands where I can see them detective. This is your final warning.”
Words usually reserved for people being taken into custody had never sounded more erotic to him. Your authoritative tone making his dick twitch in the air, still lacking that delicious warmth he craved.
You sank back down to your knees, the slight elevation of Heizou’s body giving you a better advantage and less tension on your neck.
After checking that his hands were indeed clutching the edge of the table, you got back to work.
The loud moan that the detective let out was downright sinful and only motivated you even more. The sloppiness, the lewd squelching noises, the warmth, the pressure… Heizou is surprised he’s lasted this long.
“G-god please don’t stop. I’m c-cumming officer.”
You felt his thighs tense on your shoulders as you went faster, feeling the pulsing of his dick in your throat. Your hands reached up to grip his small waist and use his weakened body as leverage. His arms wrapping around your head as if pulling you any closer was possible.
He cried out as he hugged your head against him and shot a thick load of cum down your throat. Letting out small whimpers as you sucked him dry and swallowed what you could, the rest falling to the carpet and seeping out of your mouth.
His arms had loosened around your head, allowing both of you to catch your breath and you to look up at him.
Still flushed, still panting, Heizou looked down at you. The sight of your reddened cheeks and cum dripping down your chin was something he wished to see more of.
“It looks like I finally won detective.”
He huffed out a laugh at your words, standing up and shoving you back onto the wooden chair where you previously sat.
He then proceeded to pull out some handcuffs latched to the back of his pocket and dangled them teasingly in front of you.
“Are you kidding me…” you said with a chuckle, “…I could’ve used those.”
Heizou smirked down at you before replying, “Maybe next time officer…”
He crouched down to be eye level with you, lips barely brushing yours.
“… but now it’s my turn.”
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gaoau · 7 months
obey thy monk, not thy Lord
theory of the two demons warnings — none word count — 3.2k
prev. — next.
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there's a needle of caution pricking [Name] on the back of their neck as they make their way downstairs. they haven't been in this section of the building since Chuuya got them back on their feet; training has not been necessary for over a year. for Dazai to summon them, they worry he might greet them with a labrador choking on its own blood. they knock on the door to the underground training room.
"come in!" they hear through the other side, light and airy, scheming as per usual. as soon as they step inside, their eyes instantly zero in on the ghostly boy behind their mentor. Dazai welcomes them with a cheer, "[Name]!" he ignores the confusion on their face, motioning them over to hurry up.
admittedly, [Name] had been wondering what Dazai's first play would be upon claiming his rightful spot among the upper echelon. this frail boy cannot be any older than them, nor can he be much younger. they stare into his eyes, dark and bloodied, and he coughs into his palm with a pained grimace. it doesn't take a genius to understand Dazai, as of today the youngest executive in the history of the Port Mafia, has taken in his first subordinate. ([Name] wishes it was Chuuya the one to have picked up this boy.)
Dazai saunters over to stand next to his mentee. this is the last time he gets to properly torment them with such title. he slaps them twice on the shoulder with a little too much friendliness, leaving his palm there and drumming his fingers. [Name] side-eyes him warily. before they can voice their discomfort, he interrupts, "[Name], this is my new dog, Akutagawa." he gestures towards the boy, an unreadable smirk on his lips. [Name] frowns at this déjà vu; it feels disorientating to be on the other side of introductions. "Akutagawa, this is my old dog, [Name]."
[Name]'s eyes bounce between their mentor and the boy wearing his coat. it takes them a second, but they throw Akutagawa a polite nod as a greeting. he glares back at them, silent, unmoving. then their instincts set off an alarm in their head. they spring away from Dazai, shaking off his grip on their shoulder. "do you want me to… fight him… Dazai-san?" they glance horrified at Akutagawa. he coughs weakly into his fist. Q would put up more of a fight than this kid.
"fight him?" Dazai parrots, as if the prospect of making two kids throw punches at one another was completely foreign to him. he chuckles, "no, no, he wouldn't stand a chance. Q would put up more of a fight than him." he laughs again, feeling [Name]'s eyes stab into him with unwavering rage. "i just wanted you to meet my new subordinate. i'm sure you'd love to thank him. after all, Mori-san has officially decreed you don't need me as a mentor anymore." 
one. two. th—half a second. it's all it takes for [Name]'s heart to sink to their stomach. just by the airy tone of his voice, they understand exactly what Dazai means. Akutagawa's broken coughs echo through the room. [Name] clenches their fists and grits their teeth. it's one thing to make an educated guess, it's another to have it be confirmed so nonchalantly. they turn their eyes away from the boy wearing Dazai's coat like a leash. there's nothing they can do but quietly pity him.
they've known not to touch what burns all along. it sticks to the back of their throat, tearing them up from the inside out because it will never end. Q's sobs and a puppy's cries; blood on their hands that is not theirs. they have learned their lesson. there's no such thing as rules here, but [Name] makes sure to follow all of them.
with their attention glued to their feet, they bow towards Akutagawa. they stay drowning in their own silence for a second too long. any words they could possibly offer would just be a curse. a mentee and a subordinate are clearly different. [Name] doesn't know what that difference is, but they can tell it's not their problem anymore. they itch with an overwhelming impulse to snatch Akutagawa's hand and take him as far away from Dazai as possible. they dread what will become of him.
Akutagawa was hand-picked, recruited, and taken in under Dazai as a subordinate. Akutagawa is Dazai's choice.
[Name] straightens up again. without raising their head, they throw a curt nod towards Dazai. they have no other choice than to turn their back on this small, frail boy. before they can reach for the fire again, they spin on their heels and hurry out of the training room. Dazai sees their fists twitch.
Akutagawa will have it so much worse than [Name] did.
seeing their family name on files is not unusual for [Name]. this time, however, the first name doesn't match theirs—at least, not completely.
[Name] has always wondered where their own name—the one some call so cheerfully and others with so much scorn, the one they've been responding to since before becoming conscious of their limited freedom—comes from. did Borges give it to them? or maybe someone else in the same research team? why these specific characters? why this specific order? why [Name] and not something else?
now, with these papers in their hands, they think they understand. the picture on this document is that of a man they vaguely recognize. they have seen this face only once before, but even with this hazy recollection, [Name] can tell this is their father. one of the kanjis in his name, the name right after [Surname], matches one of the kanji in [Name].
this is the last stop.
frantic gasps for air echo through the training room, bouncing off every corner to pierce back into Akutagawa's ears. he clutches his bloodied shirt in a desperate attempt to reach into his lungs and wipe them clean from the inside. he hears himself pant as if he were watching his own struggling through an old television. with every breath he takes, the bruises and open wounds Dazai so kindly gifted him burn on his skin. he coughs, choking on rotting oxygen. blood splatters on the ground, right by his hand.
Dazai's voice cuts through his uneven breathing in an exasperated sigh. it's so harsh, stabbing into Akutagawa's brain. he braces for impact, but it never comes. instead, he sees his mentor's shoes turn away from him. "we're done here," he announces, and Akutagawa can feel his heart sink. Dazai spares him a glance over his shoulder, sighing once more. he admits [Name]'s efficiency may have spoiled him a bit too much.
Akutagawa opens his mouth to protest. the air gets stuck in his throat, obstructing the words he's trying to defend his own ineptitude with. he gasps, "i can still go on, Dazai-san!" breathless, and it sends him into a coughing fit.
Dazai blinks, a single, bored eye staring down at the agitated boy on his hands and knees. "honestly," he starts, weightless voice laced with aggravation as he turns to face him. it's been over half a year, after all. "sometimes, i wish i'd asked Mori-san to let me have [Name] as a proper subordinate."
although he's still struggling to catch his breath, Akutagawa freezes at his words. he glares with blurry vision at the droplets of blood dripping from his mouth. he curses his deteriorating lungs.
Dazai continues, "they listened to what i said, they worked hard, they thought things through. it'll be exhausting to polish you into them."
"i can do better, Dazai-san!" Akutagawa exclaims in another futile attempt to prove his worth. his head shoots up to find Dazai's condescending eye. he swallows the nauseating blood overflowing his mouth and replaces it with baseless stubbornness. "i can be better than them."
"maybe." Dazai shrugs. he lets silence hang for a second too long. he wonders how far Akutagawa can read. with a hum, he turns his back on his student and starts heading for the door. his tone is disdainfully dismissive as he says, "but as it is right now, [Name] is so much better than you that i regret letting them go with Chuuya. you can't even hope to beat them."
"we're done here."
it's a seething hiss that warns Akutagawa to never speak up again. it resonates and amplifies in the room. it cages him in, threatening to rip him apart next time. he watches silently as Dazai exits the room. he lets his words seep through his skin and settle in the marrow of his bones. his head spins.
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke despises [Name]. 
he remembers when Dazai first introduced them to him months ago. the way they looked at him, the way they bowed to him, the way they spoke to Dazai, the way they didn't even say a thing when they bee-lined for the door. he remembers this as much as he remembers the few times they have bumped into one another casually. every time he sees [Name]'s face nearby, he remembers they were the first to give their name to Dazai, therefore they alone can claim his praise.
he doesn't know [Name], Akutagawa admits. they have only worked together once, because Dazai deemed the difference in their skills to be too big for them to produce proper results as a team. despite their encounters being very few, Akutagawa believes he has heard far too much about [Name]. they're better than him, Dazai-san reminds him, he can't hope to beat them no matter how much training he does.
it doesn't make sense how he, who is consistently working to improve on his superior's demands, couldn't possibly earn an ounce of praise from him. he's always hearing Dazai sing praises for them; they have Dazai-san's praise in the palm of their hand. and yet, they throw it all away without a second thought.
[Name] has the gall to ignore everything Dazai gives them. they have the gall to wear a choker from someone that didn't even train them. they have the gall to not listen to Dazai-san. they have the gall to scorn the same coat that kept him warm on his last barefoot night. they have the gall to see all of his words as lies.
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke loathes [Name], so when they enter the training room instead of Dazai, he doesn't hesitate to strike with Rashoumon. they hold their glowing hand up to shield their face with Mirror Mirage. the moment they touch the warped fabric, his ability fizzles away. a curse tumbles from their lips at the influx of energy stinging them from beneath their skin. 
when [Name] found a note on their desk, they could only sigh to themself (and also wonder how Dazai broke into their apartment). need you to beat Akutagawa up a little, could ya? can't think of anyone better. good? good, thanks, counting on you! –Dazai. as much as it may have appeared as Dazai asking for a funny, harmless favor, [Name] knows better. whether they like it or not, truth stands that he's an executive now. even if they officially work under Chuuya, Dazai still holds authority over them. (then they flipped the note over to find you might wanna check your window lock. i broke it lol.)
Dazai leaving his chores to someone else is nothing new. [Name] guesses there must be something more he's expecting out of this. they shake off the pricking needles of Rashoumon's energy, closing the door behind them. "Dazai-san sent me to cover for him today." sparing a glance into Akutagawa's scowl, they hold back another sigh. it's easy to tell he does not like them one bit. they wonder what Dazai has done to him so far.
"i refuse to train with someone like you," Akutagawa growls as his coat morphs again into a beast with a monstrous jaw.
[Name] hums in confusion. "someone like me?" they wonder if they also look like Dazai to him. they can't blame him for wanting to avoid someone like them so vigorously. a shrug bounces off their shoulder. "guess so, but since he said i was his best option, i'd rather get it over with quick."
in the blink of an eye, Rashoumon darts to bite down on their neck. they leap back, swatting it away with their own ability. it vanishes again, just like the first time, but Akutagawa takes the opportunity to close in on [Name]. "get it over with quick?" he repeats back at them, throwing a right hook towards their face. they dodge, but don't counter. "are Dazai-san's orders a nuisance to you?" he tries his luck with a kick. he fails.
[Name] stands a safe distance away from his rabid rage, a frown twisting their face. "yeah, actually." they stare at him for a moment as they contemplate his reactions. they wonder if they don't look like Dazai to him. they wonder if that is the source of his contempt.
"he called for you."
"you were his first option!"
"wish i weren't," they mumble—more to themself than to the intensifying anger growing in Akutagawa's eyes.
he flares up. with a scorching glare, Akutagawa lunges at them. "how dare you?!" he doesn't rely on Rashoumon this time, snatching [Name] by the collar of their shirt. his fingers tighten until his knuckles whiten to make sure they don't escape from his grasp. he's no match for their skillset and he knows.
[Name] doesn't move. they stare back at him. the same way they listened to Q's grievances, they let Akutagawa dump his inferiorities on them.
every student of Dazai's is as guarded and lonely as him, were Odasaku's words when first looking at [Name]. they found it rather offensive, as they usually do whenever anyone compares them to the demon prodigy. however similar the two might be—because, although reluctantly, [Name] does admit there are some similarities—it's still true they are wildly different. it's not that they dismissed Odasaku's comment completely; they heard it clearly, they processed it, they let it sink in, and ultimately they decided it didn't have much meaning at the moment.
Akutagawa grinds his teeth in a fit of unadulterated ire. he sees [Name]'s face so passive and unafraid of him, and he remembers he was the next to give his name to Dazai, therefore he can only claim his shame. his hands tremble as he shakes [Name], hissing, "how dare you ignore Dazai-san's praise? he said you're so much better than me. he said i can't even hope to beat you. and you dare not listen to him!"
Odasaku's comment at the moment was just an observation.
"see, here's the thing, Akutagawa-kun." the orange glow of Mirror Mirage spreads from their fingertips to their shoes. it reinforces their muscles, but they avoid leeching any energy from Akutagawa. carefully, they grab his wrists and tear his hands off their shirt. he glowers, backing a step as they continue, "i've never heard Dazai-san say anything positive about me. he's never told me i'm better than you or anyone. he hasn't even said i'm worse."
Akutagawa can almost feel the ground crumble beneath his feet and the room spin and the oxygen decompose. his world turns upside-down. "you're lying." after all, Dazai-san doesn't lie, so [Name] must be lying to him.
"i wish."
[Name] shrugs. this time with a little less carefreeness—with teeming impotence because Odasaku's comment, at the moment, didn't have much meaning. now, as Akutagawa's eyes quiver, it does. it seems every student of Dazai's is as guarded and lonely as him. Akutagawa reveres Dazai, from his trenchcoat to his cruelty. he listens to everything Dazai says. he sees all of Dazai's words as life.
"if you want praise from Dazai-san, that's fine with me." and [Name] can't blame him. if anything, he seems to be handling Dazai better than they ever tried. "but i think there's no point in lookin' up to someone who builds you up to tear you down, just so you'll read between the lines."
"what is that supposed to mean?"
"that Dazai-san will probably care if you die before you reach your full potential."
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke hates [Name] because they have everything he wants and he can't take it from them, no matter how hard he tries. not because they're keeping it from him, but because they have long buried it deep where they will never have to see it again; because what he wants doesn't exist anymore.
Mori Ougai knows how to lead an organization.
there is no such thing as special people, he believes, especially not in a world where ability users exist. even Dazai's maliciously outstanding intelligence is not special. when he hears about spontaneous deaths happening in downtown Nagoya, before even taking the old boss' head, he figures it's worth checking out. when he finds a lost child, he recognizes they will be a great asset in the future. he makes arrangements for their prosperity because they will be useful.
he bends down on one knee and properly talks to the kid in their torn hospital gown. he explains what abilities are in a more proper way than a research facility ever will. he can't recruit them into the Port Mafia with the position he has now, but he keeps them alive for when the time comes.
it's two years later, long after taking Dazai under his wing, that he decides to get his hands on [Name] as well. he'll have them train and shape them correctly for the sake of the Port Mafia, his organization. he feeds wrong information to the right people, and an innocent orphanage is painted red.
in the midst of panic and flames and rage, Dazai acts on Mori's orders. "you have an interesting ability," he tells them, offering his bandaged hand, "why don't you join the Port Mafia?"
their anger screams louder than the echoing cries of dying children. they stare at his palm with a glare that could burn. their voice is quiet when they ask, "what would i win by joining?"
"you can get riches, revenge, a roof over your head. anything you want."
"time." they're small and they become smaller when they inch away from him. Dazai hums. [Name] elaborates, "i want time. there's things i need to finish. can the mafia give me time?"
"all the time in the world, not to mention all the resources you could possibly need."
it takes a second of consideration. only a moment. they grab Dazai's hand and let him hoist them to their feet. they're not looking for a reason to live. they have things they need to finish before they can properly die.
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note — tbh my use of "dazai-san" in the narration started to seem more and more mocking while proofreading, which was not my intention at all. i can excuse myself killing puppies in cold blood but i draw the line at making fun of akutagawa. the only reason i used "dazai-san" instead of just "dazai" for most of akutagawas narration is for contrast in his views of dazai against mcs. please handle him with care hes gonna keel over and die any moment (haha) anyway this is all for akutagawas arc. with the timeline i planned for the fic, theres not much space for him so this is the most i can do with him. either way, hes arguably had to endure plenty in canon and asagiri has already shown great part of it so i really dont need to add to that. thing is, akutagawa isnt that much of an interesting character for me. i like him, dont get me wrong, but ive never been particularly interested in reaching into his brain so yknow. i just take him for what he is and work with that. the only thing that keeps me up at night is knowing hed be great friends with atsushi if dazai hadnt fucked him up (as seen in beast god im gonna fucking kill myself storm bringer might have ruined me but beast is going in my suicide note) alr next chapter is the last and then we have an epilogue thumbs up emoji have day
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