#[ himym but whatever ]
corroded-cofffin · 1 year
why did Hannah go straight to Sophie???? What does it mean....
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whalesarescary · 6 months
I'm french, so is my family, so whenever my nine year old step sister wants to watch how I met your mother she says "I'm gonna watch your mother" and I think that's hilarious
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
Ok I’m gonna make a cake gotta go to the store & get ingredients
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i read the book this week and now i'm seeing pics from the new episodes and i'm somewhat... huh?
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prxncecharming · 2 years
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                               YOU JUST GOT SLAPPED                                                            ACROSS THE FACE MY FRIEND
Independent Captain Hook & Prince Charming Blogs that are probably too exclusive to write with you anyway written by Lucas and Nadia.
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night-creeps · 1 year
Sitcoms should make acomeback but instead of a family or friend group it should be a polycule
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ermdotorg · 24 days
tmr head canons bc i have so many little thoughts and nothing to do with them.
newt taught himself how to braid/twist 4A, 4B, and 4C hair to help out frypan and alby (and any other gladers with those hair types.)
frypan threw a request into the box asking for a girl greenie at some point and when teresa showed up he was sure it was his fault.
minho (quietly) sings when he's running alone, (even though he doesn't know any songs— think marshall from himym and how he sings everything he does.)
gally snores so loud that it keeps everyone awake so he sleeps alone by the bloodhouse (they can still hear him)
newt and alby talked about thomas and all his questions that night when he first came up in the box, but newt was far less annoyed than alby was.
when teresa showed up she hung around with clint and the med-jacks because she knew she wanted to help people or whatever, and clint got SUPER bothered whenever she'd correct something he did. and she did it a lot.
chuck scared alby while he was in the bathroom one time (he didnt know it was alby) and got only bread and water for dinner. he did it again the next day and hid in newts room in the homestead for half the day before someone found him.
newt bitterly cleans alby's room every few days.
if thomas were to have spent more time in the glade that little corner of the deadheads would've become his and newts spot. they'd leave blankets there and everything.
the gladers didn't know how to spell their names when they first came up so they'd misspell it on the wall then have to cross it out and retry, making it look like they're dead to the greenies who aren't all that observant.
in the safe haven (yk the one where newt is alive and well) newt and thomas always sleep within a few feet of one another so they can decipher what's real when when they wake up from nightmares, (both their nightmares usually consist of losing each other)
in the safe haven minho wakes up really early and runs because it's the only thing that feels right to him.
gosh i have so many of these but i'm done for now— i love all the little glader babies so much my god why couldn't they just be happy together.
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krizariel · 1 year
Inspired on an episode from HIMYM - because is my background noise show:
Tim hooking up with Jason thinking he is a hooker because whoever introduced them (probably OG Bernard) was playing a prank on Tim for being a prude/too puritan and is not like Tim had much time to find a date for the wedding he had to go to. He is still friends with his ex but it hasn't been that long since the break-up and its awkward and now they have to go to the same wedding since they are within the same group of friends.
Bernard: You should totally bring a date
Tim: what? who am I gonna bring? I'm too busy as it is and I'm not going to bring a random guy from grindr
Bernard: Eh, just bring an escort
Tim: I'm not THAT desperate.
Bernard: Pfft, what's the big deal, no strings attached, get to show everyone you are doing just fine, no one has to know, you leave with your dignity AND a good time
Tim: You cannot be serious.
Bernard: Oh I'm so serious. What, Tim Drake can't hook up with a hooker now?
Tim: Just no, and seriously shut up. I'll see if I can find someone and I have nothing to prove I don't care to make Steph jealous. Plus I'm sure she won't bring a date.
Wedding comes, Tim shows up and Bernard is with his date and another very handsome man.
Tim pulls Bernard to the side because what?!
Tim: Who is that?
Bernard: Oh, you know, found you a date *wink*, thank me later.
Tim: With a hooker!?
Bernard: What, too handsome to be a hooker uh? No one would ever suspect anything
Tim: That's beside the point! I had said no-
Bernard: Geez, give it a try no one said to sleep or do anything with him? He is just a companion tonight, whatever else happens is up to you
Tim: I know that! But-
Steph: You guys ok there?
Steph and her date had joined Jason and Ariana (Bernard's date) and they had come looking for Bernard and Tim.
Jason: Hey, you are way cuter than described.
And he winked at Tim. He was way too handsome, towering the whole group.
Tim at first is kind of forced to go along but it would be awkward to reject Jason since he was already there, and it was not his fault plus damn he looked stunning. They hit it off just fine, in fact it was great, Jay was a total nerd, they spent most of the night talking, drinking and flirting, and Tim started to feel all giddy and more emboldened to just flirt back. Is not like he will see him again right?
The event was at a hotel and they were going to leave their own ways. At first Tim was reluctant because well, he has never done this before and maybe this is going to be really expensive but… what the hell, he hasn't been with anyone for some time and he really finds he likes Jason even if he is a hooker and might not actually like Tim. So he invited Jason to his room to which Jason just said: Was starting to think you were not going to ask. That would have been no fun.
They hook up, sex is amazing, 100/10 would do it again … , and Tim leaves a few $100 bills by the table and just leaves a note with his number saying call me. Tim thinks well… at least maybe this way he knows Tim is still interested to see him again. Tim feels crazy because what has his life come to… and no, is not like this will be a Pretty Woman kind of plot, Jason probably has other people to see and WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM!? He will totally not tell anyone about this and certainly won't tell Bernard how did it go.
Well, Jason never calls him, Tim doesn't have his number, so he can't call him. Not long afterwards Tim has an accident on his bike, the paramedics come get him and Tim sees Jason there. At first Tim thinks maybe he is hallucinating because he totally has a concussion but-
Tim: Jason? what are you doing here?!
Jason: My job?? Didn't Bernard tell you I was a paramedic?
Jason: What.
Jason has half the mind to not punch Tim because he is having flashbacks of having such an amazing time with this rich kid that seemed nothing like the rest but then he wakes up alone and with money by the bed table. So insulting.
Jason: I'm a fucking PARAMEDIC… now shut the fuck up before I fucking make your injuries worse and lose my license.
Anyway, they clear things up (and Tim cant look at any of the nurses in the eye because they start giggling). Bernard, Ariana and Jason work at the same hospital and Ariana and Jason are good friends. Bernard invited Jason with them, telling him he had a good friend of his who is really cute but pretty lonely and can't find a date since he barely has any time to get himself out there. Jason shot him down at first with thanks but no thanks, but Ariana (Bernard's gf) told him Tim is actually really nice. Since Jason didn't have any plans he ended up accepting.
Jason: So you slept with me…thinking I was a hooker?!
Tim: …. Listen I wasn't going to do any of it, I swear but you were so funny, witty, smart, loved talking to you and in just a few hours I found I really was starting to like you, you were amazing… and didn't matter what you did for a living. I genuinely wanted to see you again and now I'm babbling and not making any sense I'm sorry-
Jason: The fuck is wrong with ya?… after another string of curses
Tim: I- … I'm sorry, I know this is a mess and I understand if you don't want to see me again-
Jason: No, I was talking to myself because for whatever reason I find ya oddly sweet.
Jason: But first, I'm going to do something for myself and slash Bernard's bike tires :)
Tim: Oh, can I join you?
Jason: Sure. It's a date Timbit ;)
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siennafrxst · 8 months
🍂 ₊ ⊹ ~ fate (sequel)
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pairing: barney stinson x female reader
universe: how I met your mother (HIMYM)
word count: 0.7k words
a/n: this sequel is set in season 5, which is 10 years after the prequel (yes it’s been that long).
dt @sunflowermyheart 🫶🏼
if you haven’t read the prequel, click here to view it.
Ding dong.
The five friends turn to face the sudden disturbance, all with perplexed expressions written across their faces.
“Did someone order pizza?” Ted questions.
Everyone shakes their head as Ted frowns, his eyebrows creasing in befuddlement. After much hesitation, he stands up from the couch and unlocks the door. That was when the mystery person had revealed their presence, causing Ted’s eyes to widen at the sight of someone he thought he’d never see.
“Y/N?” He lets out a light chuckle, a smile forming on his face.
“Hey, Ted.”
“Y/N, what are you doing here?”
“Well, I was in the city, and I thought, ‘hey, why not go visit my brother?’ I mean, how long has it been since we’ve seen each other in person?”
He nods, the smile on his face only growing in size as they both savoured this moment of reuniting after not having seeing each other for a few, very tiring years.
Ted turns around to spot several pairs of extremely confused eyes glaring upon the two as he snaps himself back to reality.
“Uh, right! Guys, this is Y/N, my sister. Y/N, this is Marshall and Lily — who I’m sure you remember.”
She officially steps into the room to approach the couple as they stand up from the couch with huge grins on their faces.
“Y/N, it’s great to see you again! I haven’t seen you since, like, college,” Marshall says as he wraps her in a hug, Lily following after.
“Yeah, it’s been way too long. Congratulations on the baby, by the way!” She greets as she hugs them back before promptly breaking it.
“Thank you. You know, if you’re sticking around, maybe you can get a chance to meet him?” Lily asks.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
The three smile at one another once more before Ted gestures towards Robin.
“Robin, this is my sister Y/N. Y/N, this is-“
“-Robin Scherbatsky! It’s nice to finally meet you,” Y/N greets as she reaches for Robin’s hand.
Robin simply smiles before shaking hers in return. “Yeah, you too.”
“And this is Bar… where’s Barney?”
Everyone scans around the room, searching for their missing friend.
“Well, while you guys look for your mystery friend, uh, could I use your bathroom? The cab ride here lasted longer than I expected.”
Ted nods. “Yeah, ‘course. The bathroom’s just that way.” He points to a door in the near distance.
Y/N rushes her way to the direction where Ted pointed towards, spotting the door and reaching for the handle, only for it to be opened by someone else on the other side.
“Ted, you’re toilet’s clogged agai-“
That was when Y/N’s eyes trailed to connect with Barney’s, a sudden moment of déjà vu hit them both where it hurt the most.
Her face instantly drops in realization, everything surrounding them seeming to fade into view, blurring itself out of the picture. Her eyes fixated on the man, who was glaring back at her dumbfounded expressions. “Y/N, you’re…”
Ted eyes the two suspisciously, already able to tell that a secret was silently being shared between his sister and his (second) best friend.
That was when Y/N subtly shakes her head, going unnoticed by everyone else in the room except for the man in front of her.
“…just as gorgeous as I pictured in my head! I knew Ted had a hot sister,” he exclaims in a cheery tone, earning an eye roll from Ted.
“And that’s why, you don’t just come uninvited to my apartment, because sometimes, I got a creepy guy lounging around.”
Y/N frowns at Ted. “Oh, I’m sorry for wanting to come visit my brother every now and then. Especially when the last text he’s sent me was ‘sorry I forgot your gift for Christmas.’”
“That’s my way of saying that I love you very very much.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever. I’ll be right back.”
Barney and Y/N’s eyes linger on one another for a seemingly forever-lasting moment before he steps out of the way, letting her walk past him and close the door behind them.
As Barney walks over to sit back on the couch, Ted approaches him, his steps suddenly deafening and cold.
“Hey, you better not be trying any moves on my sister or I swear to God I will individually rip every single suit you’ve ever owned.”
Barney rolls his eyes at Ted’s feeble attempt to make a believeable threat. “I won’t.”
Barney turns to face the bathroom door, holding in a heavy sigh from escaping his lips as his stare lingers into the room. “I promise.”
A/N: that “I promise” is a callback to when they both promsied that the next time they’d see each other, they’d kiss.
likes and reblogs are vv appreciated.
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blood-mocha-latte · 6 months
luztoye love languages - please give me in depth thoughts
i have soooo many thoughts on this and you are about to hear them. all. im breaking my knuckles and getting into this. all Love Languages Ranked In Order Of Strength. Luztoye Version <3
5 - words of affirmation:
first, with nicknames. toye tends to swing towards more traditional nicknames (sweetheart, beautiful, etc) and uses them pretty often
he feels like he's not exactly Great with talking, so putting what he can into words through nicknames is his best way to show luz what he's thinking without him becoming overly defensive
luz is. all over the map with nicknames. he ranges from the good ol' fashioned ‘no homo’ names (buddy/pal/etc) to the most unhinged nicknames he can think of (i.e. pillowcase) to Normal Nicknames. toye literally could not gaf less
ok and i mean like look. as far as weaknesses go, i think they're p far up there on the communication scale. these motherfuckers don't talk. u know that bit in himym where robin and barney never talk about their problems and instead just Fuck. bc that's what they do
4 - receiving gifts:
look. gift giving rarely crosses their minds. not because they don't care about it, but because they genuinely just don't think of it
when two people are in the same vicinity a lot/work together/are never separated - like in the army - there isn't a lot of room for grand gestures and gift giving and the likes
they settle into giving each other small things on holidays/birthdays (cigarettes, ticket stubs, etc) but it hardly matters whether or not someone says something or gives them something
3 - quality time:
melds into the above. they spend so much time together no matter where they are (from proximity in the army to post-war living together) that everything they do is in a love language, in a way
they'd watch a lot of movies. luz is literally obsessed with funny face when it comes out and has seen the gay divorcee Too Many Times. toye's favorite is you were never lovelier, he can quote most of the scenes. yes these are all fred astaire movies shh
they're the same way with music. they don't have a lot of money after the war, and what they can save goes into a turntable and whatever vinyls they can find.
it's mostly billie holliday (obviously). but there's a lot of duke ellington in there as well, and, later on, a bunch of eartha kitt.
2 - acts of service:
luz really, really likes working with his hands. he's obsessed with fixing things, and oftentimes, it's things that weren't even broken.
when he's stressed out, he tends to tear apart whatever he can find (the sink, the fridge, etc) and then trying to put it back together
this often translates into him subconsiously doing whatever he can to 'fix' toye
he doesn't even realize that he's doing it, really. toye does, but doesn't say anything, because he knows it's how luz finds whatever equilibrium he's working with
the general rule is that luz is able to fuck around with anything of toye's except for the crutches, the leg, or the chair. everything else is fair game
it almost is a game, at this point - the best way to tell what kind of day luz is having is by looking at the state of Disarray around the apartment
toye doesn't say anything about it, and it's often put back together the next day. when it's not, he puts it back together himself
1 - physical touch:
number one for luztoye always and forever for One Million Years. they r touchy, your honor.
most of their touches are small - hands on knees/shoulders, brushing along the backs of necks, etc. they're much more reserved in public, but those stick with them
i've included it in literally every single one of my luztoye wips, but toye is definitely the type of person to be like. Crush My Soul Back Into My Body.
luz is just genuinely a touchy person, all the time, and he tends to be uber touchy with toye. like a fucking octopus.
i could go nsfw sooooo quickly but like. i shall Withold and instead just say. i have Too Many Thoughts on this
thank you sooo much for the ask bestie! i truly had the greatest time contemplating this <33
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buckgettingstruck · 3 months
Louniform is them dressing like him. As in buying the preppy pop or whatever brand shirts he wears in the cameos. If you dare, search it on Twitter and you’ll see them.
Look, I’m very much live and let live, you know? But like… it’s kinda weird behavior to stan a guy that hard who has had a handful of guest rolls and a pretty questionable internet presence.
THATS A THING? im not looking it up i believe you trust 😭
and listen i try not to hate on the actor bc thats just Some Guy but i genuinely had no clue he had any fanbase. i remember him being in like 1 episode of himym to be dumped by the mother in season 9 and thats it. like im trying to grasp it here. also like the cameo shit confused me because hes not a writer and that has to fuck majorly with abc’s PR
forever thanking him for evan from the army tho bc LMFAOOO
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real-odark · 7 months
intro post !!
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hi, im jett! i use he / him and im a minor :3. i like to draw and talk and jsjqjkdkksm.w. :3! i'll post about whatever im interested in at the moment !! (current interests tab on this post [2 paragraphs down] will be updated whenever my main interests change!)
carrd for simpler form of info: https://corndoginfo.carrd.co (also has byi + dni + kins which this post doesnt ;3)
CURRENT MAIN INTEREST(s): ocean's trilogy, matt damon & ben affleck, view askewniverse, tgg(<- not as much but i will still probably flip out if given the chance to talk about it)
more info... ! vvv
the list i provide will probably be updated as my interests change, but heres some things i like / am interested in :-) !!!!1!1!1
- theatre; (ride the cyclone, little shop of horrors, regina comet, book of mormon, newsies, heathers, hamilton, falsettos, 25apcsb, moulin rouge, beetlejuice, six, etc..), classic rock (THE BEATLES !!!!1!1!1), us history/government (some politics but most likely wont post abt that),, shows; (himym, the bear, omitb, ted lasso, so many sitcoms actually, etc..), movies (mcu, 80s films, saw franchise, misc movies usually ones my fav actors r in lmao), almost any book written by S.E. hinton (outsiders, tex, twttin, rumble fish, ttsr), the great gatsby, and a lot mroe stuff !
fun facts ;; favorite color is green !, i love collecting trinkets (especially rocks, buttons, vinyl, and funko pops), im bisexual ! , and my fav animals are eagles and penguins ::;::#,2.
TAGS i use;
any of my original posts: #jett talks (me)
my art: #jett art (me)
lyrics i post: #jett lyrics (me)
my asks/stuff: #jett inbox (me)
my polls (poll games/etc): #jett poll (me)
i only really have personal socials but i sometimes post art (mainly original characters) on a tiktok account that you can scavenge to find because i have irls on here and this blog is bad enough im not leaking that to them too!!!
my inbox is always open if u have anything to ask!
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im-not-a-l0ser · 3 months
I'm watching that episode of HIMYM where Marshall and Lily have stopped having sex bc of their kid, so Marshall is exercising constantly while Lily is just... very horny and invasive into her friend's sex lives.
And Max would definitely do that exercise thing. Like, if he were in a long-term relationship with someone, say... Richie, for example, and then for whatever reason they stopped having sex—whether it's because one is travelling, busy with work/school, or something happened to cause a discomfort—he would absolutely spend every possible moment working out.
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estellaestella · 1 year
The films will last, the gossip rags wont
Saw an awful clip today that gave me a bit more perspective to the sham relationships. Guessing there's some Hollywood folk who dont like Timo's androgynous/ bisexual vibe is one thing but watching them laugh at his "emo" qualities is quite another. Ron Perlman was making fun of today's men who are ok to wear lipstick, etc, citing Timothee Chalamet as an example. Ron Perlman laughed with the hosts, which seemed particularly ungracious, given that they were even in the same movie (DONT LOOK UP) a year or so ago.
It was quite a display of meanness but it was a good reminder that the shamming isnt for everyone - certainly not the most vocal part of his fanbase. Theyre probably 40 years younger than the people he's trying to appease. The older generations of Hollywood might be cool with a wide range of sexual tastes in private but in public they want their actors to appear ramrod straight. None of this in-touch-with-my-feelings type of modern masculinity.
Now, if I was the sort of actor who improvised lines like "Can I be vulnerable in your car" & I wanted my onscreen characters to be well rounded , soft, kind, decent people then I guess I would play along with PR shams. It's like the opposite of the Neil Patrick Harris// Barnie Stinson relationship; because Neil is gay in real life no one gave him hell for what his character Barnie did in HIMYM. So Tim's being a fuckboi irl so that his characters can be vunerable, cry, hug, etc.
Come to think of it, it kinda makes it a bit tragic now. He's sacrificing his good name, messing up whatever records people keep in their minds or put in the media, for the sake of what he wants to put onsceen. Coz through his fashion choices and what he's said in the past we know he doesnt care what people think of him personally, so it's literally for the sake of his art; to get the chance to do more NIcks, more Lauries, and more ELIOS 💔😭. Most people prioritise their personal reputation over their artistic legacy but not Tim...
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I'm guessing he's thinking the films will last, the gossip rags wont. [gif by @sheisraging]
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astro-in-prog · 1 year
i cannot get over how Ted Lasso could have been the greatest and most well thought out shows in the history of TV (it really had that potential) if all the little Tedbecca details had paid off?
WE WOULD BE REWATCHING THAT SHIT FOR YEARS? like it was right there? They followed through on so many of the other details but decided to not go through with the one storyline thread that would have been the most impactful?
2 people with messy pasts who are a bit broken, healing together and changing each others lives... 2 people who are LITERAL soulmates... falling in love and building a life together and being HAPPY even though their lives did not play out the way they thought?
A tedbecca storyline with the thunder and lightning and matchboxes and army men and the red string? ALL OF IT WAS JUST LEFT ON THE TABLE AS UNTAPPED POTENTIAL?
LIKE IT WAS RIGHT THERE? a final season that would have gone down in history as one of the most well executed... and instead we got whatever the hell we got...
just so done... honestly i dont know why i invest so much in shows anymore.. all i have had is disappointment - be it Game of Thrones, HIMYM, MacGyver, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy and now ig Ted Lasso.
Just breaks my heart..
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pricinghamtruther · 3 months
intro post :3
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hello im will!!!! he/him also im a MINOR!! i like to draw and write and will probably post that occasionally.
i post about whatever im interested in at the moment :3 but it WILL be the book of mormon unfortunately. specifically pricingham im insane about them. but there will also be posts about more things! including but not limited to sitcoms (himym and community i love you), theatre outside of tbom, and black monday (i love you blair pfaff)
fun facts! im gay and trans, im autistic, my favorite color is blue, and my favorite animals are tardigrades
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