#[ it's sad but it's his team and he loves them ]
I'd Answer
You've been gone. Azriel's been broken. Something has to change, and Azriel would do anything.
Part 2 of If You Cared to Ask
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“This is for you,” Mor huffed, plopping down a small bouquet of roses onto the growing garden that seemed to have sprouted on the table. “What is that, number twelve?” 
“I don’t know, I don’t count them,” you brushed off, your gaze falling on the gifts for a fleeting moment.
Mor hummed. “Are they doing anything for you?” 
“Not particularly.” 
Your friend shuffled into the small sitting room and gracefully landed in the chair beside yours, her eyes piercing a hole in the side of your head when you refused to look up. She sighed, and then sighed again, making a show of slotting her chin in her palm and looking forlorn. 
The third sigh was your breaking point. 
You placed your book on the table and turned to Mor with your brows raised. “Yes?” 
“Oh, nothing,” she airily replied. “I was just wondering when you were going to give this up. You don’t have to forgive the guy, but at least put me out of my misery and let me tell him where you’re staying. I’m basically a delivery service at this point. He says sorry again, by the way.” 
“Oh, well in that case—” 
“More than just sorry, but I can’t remember everything he said. It was all rambly and his face was all gaunt.” Mor pressed her fingers up to cover her eyes. “I’m not even sure if he’s eating. Rhys had to stop sending him out because he almost fell out of the sky.”
“Is this supposed to make me feel bad?”
You hoped your ruse was believable because hearing that Azriel was doing so poorly did make you feel bad. Your heart lept up to your throat at the prospect of your mate falling from the sky from exhaustion. But he had had so many opportunities to make this right and you weren’t about to give up your anger so easily. 
Mor offered a sad expression that looked authentic this time. “Y/n, he loves you. He’s an idiot and the whole lot of them are mindless fools, but Azriel has never loved anything the way he loves you.” 
“Yeah, I’m sure,” you snorted. “And he shows that love by forgetting me and then arguing when I’m clearly upset over it?” 
“I know. He told me how much of an ass he’s been. But, I promise you, I’ve known Azriel for a long time. He was just—just handling everything with Rhys poorly. He felt so so guilty when Rhys got trapped. You know that.” 
You bit the inside of your cheek and avoided Mor’s gaze. “I know.” 
The lack of vitriol in your tone had Mor perking up. “And you remember how hard he tried to get him back—how broken he was when Rhys sent out his last message. Az feels responsible for everything when it comes to his family.”
You didn’t need the reminder. The tortured way he carried himself over the past 50 years was evidence enough of the truth behind Mor’s words. And you had been there to soothe that pain, to help run the court that Rhys left behind. 
When silence persisted, Mor craned her neck to catch your gaze. “I’m not saying what he did was right, but you know he’s been in overdrive since Rhys returned. He goes off on those missions when Rhys calls, but… y/n, he only leaves without notice when his informants…” 
Mor trailed off. 
Your gaze finally flickered up. “When?” 
Mor bit her lip and winced. “He told me not to tell you this part. He said he didn’t want you to think he was making excuses.” 
“Tell me anyways.” 
“Fine. But you can’t rat me out.” Mor sighed and leaned back in the chair, still facing you. “He does go on every mission Rhys proposes, and that’s… stupid, but he tells you about those ones, I think. When he just up and leaves, it’s because—y/n, it’s because they're about you. You know there’s a slew of people that want you dead for your involvement up in Illyria. He has a team of informants with the sole purpose of listening for you name.
“He goes on Rhys’s missions because he doesn’t want his family separated again, but sometimes, it’s because he just wants to protect his mate.” 
A stone dropped past your ribs and into your stomach. “But, he never told me—” 
“You know these overgrown bats think that suffering in silence is an honorable thing to do,” Mor rolled her eyes. “They overwork themselves fighting the good fight or whatever and seem to forget that the rest of the world is still out there, facing the consequences of their actions. And… I think he just wanted you to feel safe. I think he’s been scared.” 
Something sickly climbed its way up your consciousness. You looked down at your hands as they rested in your lap. 
You hadn’t seen Azriel in six days, and each day had more anger coursing through you, building up a wall that you thought impenetrable. Because you were so angry; Azriel had disappointed you time and time again, left you feeling abandoned and alone, and then he got defensive about it as if you were the one at fault. 
Part of you always knew it was a defense of some sort, but you had thought it a defense of something nefarious. You had tossed around the idea of infidelity a few times, and that rivaled the thought of him simply falling out of love with you. 
But it was this. 
It was him hiding how hard he’d been trying to protect you—however idiotic his tactics may have been. 
“You can tell him where I am,” you murmured clenching your fingers into your palm. “And leave the door unlocked, I guess.” 
Mor had left the small apartment on the outskirts of Velaris before you finished your sentence. 
It took approximately 7 minutes for a tentative knock to sound at your door. 
Mor had left it unlocked, but there was still a knock. 
You took a glance at the pile of flowers on the table before heading to the front door. The old floorboards creaked under your feet, a reminder of the rundown apartment you had sought out after you left. It was a frantic process, searching for a place to stay; you hadn’t cared much for luxury or comfort.  
Opening the door was jarring. Azriel’s wings were half-raised as if he’d just flown down and then forgot how to control them. His face was pallid with dark smudges beneath his eyes. His hair was windswept, expected from the flight, but it looked tugged at and disheveled beyond that. 
Maybe you’d been looking him over too long because Azriel’s voice cracked at the single word. He sounded unsure, verging on afraid, and all you had done was pass over his figure with your eyes. 
You tightened your grip on the door handle. “Um, hi.” Your tone was harsher than you meant it to be. 
Azriel flinched. “I’m sorry, Mor said…” 
“No, I—Come in.” 
You stepped back and pushed the door open to accommodate his hesitant steps into your rental. Azriel stood in the middle of the space and wrung his hands as you shuffled behind him, a slight tremor showing in his fingers. You leaned back against the door with your own hands pressed at the small of your back. You watched Azriel’s lingering gaze trail over the flowers in the corner of the room. 
“You didn’t like them?” he meekly asked. 
Something inside of you hurt. 
“They were okay,” you answered. “But I didn’t want flowers.” 
Azriel nodded and his lashes fluttered shut. His hands twitched. 
“I’m sorry—for the flowers, I mean. They were a pathetic reason to send Mor to you. You wanted to be left alone.” 
“I did not want to be left alone, Azriel.” You kicked away from the door, bringing your arms across your chest for some form of protection. “I wanted you. I wanted you to care about me.”
“I do,” Azriel stressed. He took a step forward and the wood beneath his boot creaked. “I do, y/n.  I care about you more than anything—I love you.” 
“Then why couldn’t you show me? Why did it take me leaving, me getting hurt, for you to finally listen to me and see how much I’ve needed you?” 
Your chest was heaving, each word from your lips a choked gasp. Azriel took all of it and absorbed your full meaning, seeming to wince at every insinuation that he didn’t love you. His jaw quivered and he opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. 
“Why did you stop talking to me?” you asked, a broken rendition of your anger. “Why—Mor told me… She told me things. Things that make sense. But why does it feel like I don’t matter to you?” 
“My love,” Azriel stressed. Yearned. He rushed forward, abandoning all reservations and gathering you into his arms as tears began making headway down your cheeks. “I’m so sorry, baby. I can’t—I’m so so sorry.” His words were almost lost against your temple as he held you, each apology a whisper of a kiss against your skin. 
“You weren’t there and Devlon—he—” 
“I know, angel, I know and I’m so sorry. Had I known… Had I listened.” He pulled you back from his chest, crouching down to meet your eye and wiping tears from your cheeks. “All I’ve ever wanted to do was keep you safe. I thought I was doing that. I don’t know what Mor told you—” 
“She told me everything. She told me you’ve been following leads about me and taking on too much. She told me you’re scared.” 
Azriel breathed and it sounded anguished. “I am terrified. We lost Rhysand and now you are in the throes of a society that almost killed me. I—I wake up every morning and everything is good and I am so afraid to lose that. I thought I was protecting you, protecting us. But I almost lost you and—” 
You let out a breathy cry. “You could never lose me, Azriel.” 
He pressed his forehead to yours, the wetness of his cheeks now apparent. Azriel’s hands were firm on either side of your head and his fingers laced up into your hair. 
Gods, you missed him. 
You missed him and everything hurt. 
“I’ll do better. I’ll be better. Just please—please, don’t leave again. Please come home. Let me fix this.”
The want was overwhelming. It would be so easy to say yes, but it would be just as easy for nothing to change. 
“You can’t do that again, Azriel,” you stressed, shaking your head and causing your mate to draw back. Only a breath was left between you. “You have to tell me what’s going on. You can’t—you can’t leave me in the dark. You can’t make me feel like that.”
Azriel’s head shook in desperation. “I won’t. I promise I won’t.” 
“I need to know I can rely on you—trust you.” 
“You can, angel.” 
“I need to know that you love me.” 
A pained sound escaped Azriel’s throat. He licked his lips and reaffirmed his hold on your face, locking his eyes with yours in a beseeching gaze. 
“I love you more than life itself, angel. I couldn’t breathe when you were gone. I can’t believe I made you think that I don’t. You are my life. Let me show you. Please, let me show you.”
You tracked your eyes between both of his. “Okay, Azriel.” 
“I’m going to keep you safe.”
“I am safe.” 
“I love you.” 
"I know you do, Az. I know."
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nathaslosthershit · 2 days
Some Bad, But a Whole Lot of Good (LS2)
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Summary: To the fans, it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume the week after his replacement had been hell for newly dropped Logan Sargeant, but to the people who knew him, they weren't worried. Warning: James Vowles slander, a lot of it, I made Logan yell at him because I want to yell at him
Getting fired a week before your first child was born wasn't on anyone's bucket list. But here Logan was.
He was mad- no he was furious. Sure, the past few months with the team have been miserable, but this was the worst timing possible.
"Why now? Why not the two weeks we were off on break?" Logan asks yells. He doesn't lose his cool, at least not like this, not by yelling at his boss.
"Logan, you have to understand we are in between a rock and a hard place. I am truly sorry but it's a difficult time for us-" Vowles begins to explain.
"A difficult time for you? I am about to have a fucking baby, James. Next week! What the fuck am I supposed to do?" He got up and ran his hand through his hair. "You just had a baby a year ago, I would have thought you of all people would have thought this through more."
"Believe me, we have Logan, we have discussed this at length for a long time now."
"Oh fuck you! You have been thinking about this for a long time and choose now to do something about it? God, James, why do you hate me so much? I know I haven't met expectations, I know I have fucked up, but I still have given everything to this team and this is how you end it?" he finally met his boss'- ex boss' now, I guess, stare.
As Logan looked at his team principal, he tried to see any remorse or sincerity in his eyes but just as he had suspected, James' apology was bullshit, completely insincere. He knew this wasn't going anywhere, he didn't even know why he was fighting.
Formula 1 had been the dream for a while. Logan had let himself sacrifice everything he could to achieve it. He tried to tell himself that he had made it and that he was happy, but it wasn't true. He couldn't face the reality of the dream he worked so hard for not being everything he had imagined.
After meetings about contract termination and how they were to proceed, a sad little goodbye party filled with people that were probably thrilled to have him go, and an actually heartfelt apology and goodbye from his teammate and those he worked closely with, the American left the factory for the last time.
The most difficult part of this whole affair? Telling his very pregnant wife that he was now unemployed, a week until their first child's due date.
After tears, cursing a certain British boss' bloodline, and dissociative silence, Logan sat next to his wife as she suddenly burst into laughter.
He was stunned, she was practically doubling over, at least as much as she could in her current condition. The sight so ridiculous given the circumstances that he began to laugh too.
Several minutes were spent laughing until their stomachs hurt and then trying to catch their breath before either one of them could say another word.
"This is such terrible timing!" she said, wiping her eyes as she continued to giggle.
"Could not me a worse time" he replied as he started to laugh even harder.
"God, we shouldn't be laughing at this! We have officially lost our minds"
"Perfect timing too! Just like everything else"
It was ironic, this was the absolute worse scenario Logan could come up with but this was also the hardest he had laughed in a long time. When was the last time he actually laughed? The last time he actually felt joy about anything involving his job?
As if she could sense what he was thinking, she took a few deep breaths, finally calming down, as she said, "This is insane of me to say, but maybe this is a good thing?"
He knew where she was going, he thought the same, but he needed to hear her rationalize it before he agreed.
"I mean, honey, you were miserable. And I am sorry because I did love some of the people on your team but most of them were jackasses! It was such a time commitment and you have spent so long giving everything to them just for the team to spit in your face. Plus, with savings and such, we have enough to be fine for a while, even with the baby. You finally can put your family and yourself first"
She was right, it was time he admitted to himself how much he had hated his job in the past few months. How miserable it made him. How he could hardly enjoy anything in his life because he was always thinking of how to improve, how to show he still has potential even with the shitty car he was given.
"Im sorry. I- its not fair that I spent so long chasing a dead end dream that I couldn't actually enjoy what I do have. I mean, I could never race again and I would be 1000 times happier with out little family then I could ever be in F1. I will never not put you both first again." He said as he looked at her, held the bump, and genuinely got to relish in what was to come.
The first race weekend since Logan was replaced, he wasn't stewing in his misery, he was sitting in the hospital next to his wife, holding his first born, and the last thing on his mind was what was happening anywhere else in the world outside of the room his entire life was currently in.
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liked by alexalbon, jensonbutton, and others
logansargeant New job
user1 hey! so this is insane
user2 unemployment has never looked better
alexalbon This is a crazy way to hard launch fatherhood but good on you, mate!
logansargeant got to keep them guessing
user4 dilf era yes please
oscarpiastri how long is the contract?
logansargeant full time for 18 years, then after there is a bit more leeway, but there is certainly no retirement in my future
user3 replaced right before he had a BABY?! oh that British fuck better watch out
jensonbutton Such a big moment! So happy to see where life takes you, I know it will be great!
A/N: Had to finish this right after the news he is testing for indycar in november dropped!!! U-S-A U-S-A!
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bengiyo · 3 days
Hello 👋
All of your favorite horniest sex scenes?
Hello! I've been busy, so this has taken forever to get to!
I don't always need the guys to bounce around on each other and gyrate enthusiastically for it to out as horny. Oftentimes, I find myself more drawn in by the building desire between the characters, and the explicit acknowledgement of release. I like when the sex feels like it's also revealing something to us about the characters. I've highlighted many of these before, but it's fun to revisit.
Ghost Host, Ghost House Episode 4 Couch Scene
I will never get over this scene, and especially the director's cut of it. These guys knew they liked each other almost instantly, and it was so rewarding to see them reach a place where they could express that. Bonus points for discussing the logistics of gay sex.
This show has been on Gaga and YouTube for a while, but it's also now available on Viki!
La Pluie Episode 6 Floor Scene and Episode 7 Bed Scene
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I liked this scene so much that I wrote about it. Again, there's a lot of anticipation between these two, and you can tell how far it's built up because Patts has to dial it back down when Saengtai wants to stop. It's especially important to me because Saengtai does blow Patts in the next episode. If you're on iQIYI, there's an extended cut of that at the end of the video lists.
Mood Indigo: The Post-Funeral Scene
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These two are so horrible for each other, but damn are their sex scenes compelling. Theirs are the kinds of scenes only possible between two people you know can never work long term. I was so glad that we got back to Haruhiko in Playback, and the first thing he did was blow Rio in a car. If you haven't seen the Novelist, and you're itching for hornier BL, it's right there.
The End of the World With You "You're Soaked"
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From the same team as The Novelsit, we got to experience baby's first fuckboy in this incredible show. Again, I love when we get scenes with couples who aren't ready to work, because they're allowed to have raunchier sex. They get to amp the intensity of the physicality because they need to give a reason why someone was so caught up and missed the warning signs. I actually love the car scene later as a more romantic intimacy scene, but we're focusing on horny here.
Jack o' Frost Birthday Sex
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A common theme here with the Japanese offerings is that people are allowed to have more interesting sex scenes right before they split. This is true even in Jack o' Frost. We get a really great oner from the leads that precedes their breakup and Ritsu's accident. I think this might be my favorite of this list because the actors have to build the entire scene together since there aren't any cuts.
Gameboys 2 Bed Scene
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Cairo and Gav are one of my favorite pandemic couples we got on screen, and I was quite relieved for them when they finally got to have this moment. We also confirmed they switch, and I love that.
Wedding Plan: Namnuea Showing Off His Stamina
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No list for me would be complete without including them. I really loved seeing two gay men go at it after clearing out all of their misunderstandings. They had already had sad goodbye sex. It was thrilling to see them having enthusiastic, athletic sex. This also leads directly to one of my favorite emotional payoffs for a closeted character of all time.
Kiseki: Dear to Me Reunion
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The second couple stole this show, but damn if I didn't love the way these two played out sex across multiple years between their characters. These two really suffered, and I really love the way Taro Lin and Hsu Kai captured the changes between these two as Bai Zong Yi grew and matured. This really was a solid sex scene.
Love Class 2: Sungmin and Joo Hyuk
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I just really wanna thank them for reassuring me that if Korea wanted to, they could deliver.
Sleep With Me Jeans Scene
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I am not a lesbian, but I share their beliefs. This scene was so good. I loved that these two, who have different kinds of disabilities, were able to have a very fun sex scene. I really like when it's clear both characters want to be there.
Only Friends: Boston and Top in the Car
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Despite my eventual disdain for this show, I was impressed with Neo and Force for giving this incredibly selfish sex scene between their characters. This entire scene is about injured egos, and it's a standout scene from this show. We won't discuss the rest of the show here.
Thanks for the ask!
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found-gremlin-fam · 2 days
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I forgot to add info to Dream so I'll do that later today or tomorrow
today's not a fun day for me
name: Nightmare
pronouns: he/they (because I say so)
likes: his partners, moonflowers, mushrooms, taunting and teasing, books, almost anything fancy
dislikes: the villagers from DreamTale, seeing his partners sad/upset/generally negative, roses (they're overrated to him), karens
others: after the corruption of DreamTale he left to start preparing for a future encounter with his his brother, build a home, setting up a team and all the training he could cram in all that time, all with the help of the ghost of the body he borrowed, but both of them ended up falling in love with all four members they recruited, he became extremely attached to each one of them to the point they'd be willing to risk their life for these four but never underestimate him cause he's still the mighty king of negativity! though one of them didn't know about these feelings and ended up leaving at some point, Nightmare was kinda trying to get him to give this poly a chance and maybe went to extreme levels
he is an age regressor, he rarely ever regresses but he still does
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ok555ficideas · 2 days
Okay, I'm on the roll with Neil's bounds with his friends so I should add Kevin to the mix as well.
(Neil has amnesia here)
When he entered the court he saw Kevin firing the set up balls in the direction of the goal. Every single one of them landed in the same exact spot. 
Before he even decided to speak he heard himself saying. “I want that.”
Kevin turned around and looked at him. “Abby let you practice?”
Neil nodded and Kevin made his way to him. “You have to take it easy. No trying to overdo yourself or you’ll be useless in July.”
Neil rolled his eyes at that. “Yeah, yeah. I know. I’m a waste of space.” He said with a wave of his hand. 
Kevin tilted his head at him in confusion. “I didn’t say that.”
“But that’s what you meant. Don’t worry, I know how you think of me. I’m not here to make friends, I’m here to practice, so let’s get to it.”
Kevin let out a frustrated sigh at that. “I hate this.” Neil looked confused so he continued. “I hate that you don’t remember.”
“Listen, I know that not remembering all the drills is an inconvenience to you, believe me I hate it too, but I’m going to learn them again. I did once before so it will probably be easier the second time around. Now quit your whining and actually help me remember them instead of just standing there and b*tching like the drama queen that you are.” 
Neil was prepared for Kevin to yell at him, to throw him out of the court or even threaten him with throwing him out the team all together. What he wasn’t prepared for was the sad expression he saw when Kevin looked at him. It was disorientating. Kevin looked like he was about to cry and Neil didn’t know what to do with that sight. 
“That’s not what I meant.” Kevin said slowly with a slightly strained voice. “I hate that you don't remember me.”
That confused Neil even more. “I do remember you.” He said slowly.
Kevin let out a frustrated sigh. “No,” he said, “you don’t, not really. You remember me as this exy-obsessed a$$hole.”
Neil raised his brow at that and Kevin continued. “Okay, that didn’t really change, but-” He started to get even more flustered by the look of him. “So are you!” He said pointing an accusatory finger at Neil. “We both are, that’s our thing, you know. We are asholes and we love exy and-” He trailed off.
They stood in silence for a minute, before Neil managed to gather his thoughts and say something that sounded ridiculous, but seemed like the only reasonable explanation. “Kevin, are we,” he said slowly, not believing that he was going to actually say the next word out loud, “friends?”
Kevin looked at him and practically screamed the next word with triumph. “Yes!” 
“Huh, that’s-” It was Neil’s turn to be a little frustrated. 
He tried to scratch his brain for some clues that what Kevin was saying was true.
“Every night.” He whispered after a long moment of searching. Kevin looked at him confused so he continued. “I asked you once if you would still teach me and you said ‘every night’.”
“Yes.” Kevin said, but didn’t elaborate.
“You promised to teach me even though we both thought,” Neil had to pause, because he didn’t actually know what the end of that sentence was.
“We both thought you were going to be de*d by the end of the season.” Kevin supplied the answer.
That was it. They both knew that it was pointless, but yet Kevin promised to practice with Neil every night. 
“I didn’t d*e, though.” He said with relief. 
Even though he knew that all of the things already happened and he came out of them on top, sometimes he was still scared and it was nice to remind himself that he survived. 
“You didn’t d*e and you are going to be Court.” Kevin said with such conviction Neil instantly believed him. 
Without realizing he put his hand on his cheek to the place where his skin was now burned, but he knew that for a breath time that spot was painted with a tattoo.
Kevin shook his head. “No, not his Court. He doesn’t matter, not anymore.” Hearing those words from Kevin filled him with excitement. “We are going to get everything we deserve, Neil and it’s not going to be because of him. It will be because of us.”
Neil nodded and put his hand down. He smiled at Kevin and gripped his racket with determination. “Then you better start teaching me those drills again.”
“You are going to pick them up in no time. Your body remembers way more than your mind does.”
That was true, but Neil wasn’t sure how Kevin knew that.
Kevin looked at him and his next words filled Neil with anger. “You pick Andrew to shreds with your words, but it doesn’t change the fact that you are more relaxed with him in the room than any other time.”
“F*ck off” Neil gritted through his teeth and went to warn himself up accompanied by Kevin’s quiet laughter. 
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rosezii · 2 days
F1 Drivers and why I like them (in no particular order)
This is coming from a fan that got into F1 in 2024, primarily through 'Drive To Survive' and dear-ao3's insane F1 2024 masterpost
Sir Lewis Hamilton
Hes the only one I knew from before I became a fan, 7-time world champion, best of the best, an activist, super cultured, smoking hot, seems pretty chill, great fashion sense, did I say smoking hot?
Also one half of the most compelling dynamic in f1 aka brocedes, i heard hes making a movie about this like ??? Im invested
Idc which team hes driving for im literally always cheering for him
Nico Rosberg
World champion, dad, britney, obsessed with Lewis Hamilton, very interesting in commentary box, all around cool guy
Other half of f1s most compelling dynamic
Alex Albon
Cutie patootie, also survived the red bull second seat curse for a whole year and a half so hes the most talented imo (ik checo has also done it - idc)
hes also born in the same year as me so that makes me very very biased (also delusional!!!)
Carlos Sainz
Also appendix-less!
Smooth operator
if f1 was a kpop band he would be my bias for just being my type of guy
Seems chill, handsome, funny, love his friendship with lando, his rivalry with oscar and his (faked?) dynamic with charles
Im so sad he got kicked outta ferrari but alas it was because of THE sir lewis hamilton so i cannot complain too much
Kevin Magnussen
I liked him on DTS, i think hes a girl dad?
I liked Haas as a whole, such a shame they crashed and burned for like 6 years straight
This year hes driving petty and im here for it like yes this is the entertainment im want
Im also petty as hell so I feel kinship
You gotta be the force of chaos you want to see in the world
Daniel Riccardo
My poor little meow meow he made such a bad decision leaving redbull but Hes still in an f1 car despite it all and hes always smiling and has a positive outlook so yeah props to him
I hope he gets his red bull seat back one day
Max Verstappen, Charles Leclerc, Lando Norris, Oscar Piastri, George Russell
I just grouped these 5 because i have the same opinion on all of them, which is that they seem like nice chill dudes, and theyre all great drivers
I do wish ferrari would stop sabotaging their boy tho, isnt charles supposed to be their little prince or something??? Act like it
I really like charles dog leo, what a cutie
Also george russell's got great style, also i like him cuz hes the drivers union president
Fernando Alonso
Force of chaos force of evil what can i say i just like villanous men (we're on tumblr what do you expect)
Lowkey hoping his car is FAST next year so he can cause problems on purpose
Valterri Bottas
Drive fast, show ass, whats not to like
Honorable Mention: Gunther Steiner
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Whyd you fire him bring him back he did nothing wrong
(he did in fact do many things wrong)
(I havent mentioned anyone else from this season because I just dont know enough about them to have any opinion or I dislike them)
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turtleblogatlast · 5 months
Small but significant character moments that I actually really adore are from both the times we see the boys as tots. There is a reoccurrence that happens in both of them that I find so incredibly interesting.
For the turtle tot short, Splinter leaves the boys with weapons. In the short, Raph is the one who suggests they do “what Lou Jitsu would do” and Leo is the one who takes point when Splinter comes back to reprimand them. Leo, in taking point, is the one to defend them and get Splinter off their tails.
And then, in the flashback regarding the Kuroi Yōroi helmet, Raph is the one who grabs and throws “Skully” as a way to replace their missing ball which breaks it into pieces, but Leo is the one who speaks for the group and rushes into action to fix the teapot.
I love this for multiple reasons, but the biggest are how it shows that Raph has always been inclined toward the bold and fun and making the plans to include his brothers in what he loves and believes they’d love, whereas Leo has always been inclined to be the “Face” of the group and shoulder the attention even if it’s potentially negative all while coming up with on the spot attempts to fix the situation.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt raph#rottmnt leo#rise Raph#rise leo#I really do love this bit of character writing a ton#again it’s so small but like this is consistent!#little Raph just wanted to have fun with his bros 😭#Leo immediately coming in with the save both times (and more - remember Bug Busters?)#I really love too how none of them pointed fingers like#it was Understood that Leo would speak for them#listen there’s a reason Leo is the Face Man and it’s NOT just because he’s got a pretty face#he can talk both himself and his fam out of situations and I wish we saw it even more because it’s amazing to witness#circling back to Raph his bold nature is something I ADORE about him but I don’t see it brought up a lot which makes me so sad#like this boy is a RAPHAEL he is bold!!#and it’s cute too how the other bros immediately go along with it too#imo the Raph in these tot flashback is the same Raph that glues them all together as a bonding exercise#side note but damn…Leo saves them from punishment in the tot short and immediately gets jumped 😔#but yeah man I think a Lot about the little dynamics between the bros and how those dynamics could have first came into being#Leo being the face of the team and having been it since childhood-#-makes all the moments of immediately choosing to sacrifice himself when HE royally messes up all the more notable#if it’s one bro or the whole group individually he’s more chill about it but often still lets himself be the talker to get them out of it#he will do his damndest to get his brothers and himself out of trouble but once they’re in it he’s in the front with a smile#his own safety be damned#Raph is actually the same in that respect - he’ll jump into danger fists first but all bets are off when a brother is in danger#and like how Leo’s been the face - as the eldest Raph has been the de facto leader of sorts#he’s the one who is shown to make up their games! and I think that’s very cute#anyway their clashing in the movie is so interesting for a lot of reasons but one of them is that it shows how-#-even a longstanding dynamic like Raph and Leo’s that’s WORKED for so long is still susceptible to flaws…and to time
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ywpd-translations · 7 months
Ride 762: The Inter High's starting line
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Pag 1
2: I'll run
4: Miyazakii!!
Good luck, Kyushu teams!!
Let's do it, Kyushu!!
Hirayama-kun, you can do it!
5: Senpai, I'll replace your empty bottle
6: Now
7: It's starting!
8: Uh... ah....
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Pag 2
1: In this Inter High!!
With my own legs!!
2: How many times have I pictured this?
3: How many times have I imagined this?
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Pag 3
1: Myself standing inside the course!!
2: I can't breath properly and my heart is pounding
3: Earlier, I wanted to drink but my hands were shaking and I couldn't open the bottle
4: I was about to give up
5: If.....
6: If it's a dream
If this is a dream
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Pag 4
1: Please don't wake up
I've worked too hard for this!!
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Pag 5
1: Five minutes until the start of the boys' Inter High's first day!!
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Pag 6
1: In the front, last year's champion, Sohoku High School, is lined up!!
Ah, there's the orange-haired guy again!!
2: Ah.....
3: Ah..... in the front......
4: Don't look around so restlessly
Ye-yessir, teh
5: O-no-da-kuun
He's so cuteee!! Look this way!!
6: Ah- those are Back-gate.... Onoda-san's!?
They're his die-hard fans
Waa, as expected!! As expected!!
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Pag 7
1: But he's so nervous that he turned to completely “ignoring” them
2: Huh!? I don't know why, but seeing Onoda-san so nervous, is naturally.... making me relax, teh
Ah!! That was his goal!?
3: No, that's just his pre-race ritual
Don't worry about it
4: Also lined up in the front are the members of the local team of Fukuoka, the Fukuoka Josei High School
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Pag 8
1: Behind them, are Kyushu's veterans, Kumamoto Daichi from Kumamoto
The super express of Higo country!!
2: Fukuokaa, Kumamotoo, take the stage!!
I'm looking forward to it.!!
3: We're looking forward to your race
Do you want to say a word?
Yes, uhm.... Higo
4: will work hard!!
We'll work hard!!
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Pag 9
1: Wh... what are the conditions!?
2: Earlier you said “there are difficult conditions to meet in order to run”...!?
3: It's simple.... but hard
4: Sugimoto, the fact that you're running in the Inter High
5: means that Sohoku now has seven members
6: Despite the rule that says that each team can only have up to six people, there is one that has seven
7: It's the same situation that would happen if, for example, you took a reserve from another team
During the race, they could do things like blocking the wind, or attack; the higher your number, the more at an advantage you are
They could even help preserve the ace
8: So, in order to maintain equality
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Pag 10
1: during the race you cannot get close to “Sohoku”!!
2: It's better... if you avoid conversations with them too
You have to run like you're a member of the “selected team”
These are the conditions
3: It means that you have to break away from “Sohoku”!!
5: This is all I can help you with
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Pag 11
3: Don't worry about Sohoku
They have Miki, and Sadatoki and Kinaka are reliable too
5: Are you Sohoku's Sugimoto-kun!?
Ah, ye-yes
Quick, wear this, and the number bib....
6: Thank you, Touji-san!!
7: Can you follow it? That rule
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Pag 12
1: Yes!!
2: I'm a man who follow the rules, after all!!
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Pag 13
2: From now on I'm not a Sohoku member... but I'll run as a member of the selected team!!
3: There wasn't much time but I remember
4: Iwatani-kun from Nishihori Hisch School in the Saga prefecture
Ah- yes
5: You.... you remember my name!?
As expected, Sohoku is amazing!!
I'm counting on you
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Pag 14
1: First year, Uchikawa-kun, from Matsushima Business school in the Miyagi Prefecture
2: I've always done track and field, so I don't know much about road racing, but thank you!!
Yeah, do your best
3: Second year Kobayashi-kun from the same Matsushima business school
4: Babagome-kun from Toyotsukita High School in the Aichi prefecture
I'm a second year!!
And the first year Shingi-kun from Izumobata High school in the Shimane prefecture
5: Hyoo, thank you so much!!
6: As expected from Sohoku, huh
That's why they're the two-times in a row champions!!
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Pag 15
1: I'm a third year from Chiba, Sugimoto
2: I'll cheer for you from behind the scenes
3: Run without regrets
4: Yes!!
5: Sugimoto-san!!
We're counting on you, Sugimoto-san
6: And everyone.....
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Pag 16
1: Thank you
2: Without realizing it, my shaking has calmed down
3: I'm prepared!!
4: Hydrate yourself frequently, and eat supplementary foods at fixed time
Once every forty minutes, remember it
Ohh, such a precise advice
5: I'm glad, it's so reassuring! Who would have thought that there would be a member of Sohoku
When I heard that our coordinator, the third year Yamashita-san, was absent due to illness, I wondered “what do we do now”
I'm so glad!
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Pag 17
1: Let's run!!
2: No matter how hard the road may be!! Without giving up!!
3: We'll fight, with all our strengths
But I'll tell you one thing first
4: Even if we give our everything, the probability that we'll lose is high!!
Prepare yourself
5: Because I know
6: The opponents we have to fight that are lined up before us....
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Pag 18
1: I know how strong they are!!
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Pag 19
2: And how much they long to win
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Pag 20
1: And how hard they have worked!!
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Pag 21
2: The first day of the Inter High tournament in the Fukuoka Prefcture, starts now!!
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rainbowpufflez · 6 months
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“If I could go back, one thing I would do / Try to unravel, cut down, and unscrew / The first double helix that links me to you”
Wow, get a load of these guys. What’s wrong with them?
Also song inspo if anyone would like it! It’s where the top quote is from!
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Why I Am Not Coming In To Work Today [abridged], Jess Zimmerman
part one | part two
#me when everybody is posting the maple leafs sad narratives and i am furiously generating this like HOLD ONNNN HOLD ONNNNNNN#honestly i could've been SOOOO MEAN about this because i saw this poem & alexandra got the preview on the poetry blog#where i just reblogged the first half of this poem point blank with the tags#kyle dubas#toronto maple leafs#& got yelled at aksdaksf & it literally only didn't go on this blog bc i usually write more & then it was percolating & i looked up the poe#& it was only the FIRST PART i'd reblogged i didn't know there was more & then brain immediately went brrrrr ok time for an edit.#this is a long one lol & i also have no idea if it makes sense to anybody but me but because y'all know me i will always overexplain so!!#my reasoning for the reasons obvi kyle. that's a given i hope he's doing well i hope he & his family r good but man is not coming in to wor#the second edit took me a stupid amount of time bc i am nitpicky but also i learned how to do the layers & transparency from the claude edi#that actually y'all don't know about lmao but i lost my mind when i saw how perfectly those pictures align i was scrolling getty & was like#ok december i'm gonna do a headline one (in my brain with the november/june quote about choosing to die again) w/ maple leafs playoff odds#how they say at winter break you know who's gonna be in the playoffs & who'll win & they thought they had a shot but it's mitchie overlaid#the 2003-04 team who'd last won a playoff round with the atlantic division stats from dec for 22-23 & how long it's been & dec headlines#i wanted breakup/recent/never loved to be a recent trade acquisition somebody who bounced around & somebody else so i almost had simmer#brodie & zar but then i wanted to make murray for breakup at any time &i forgot zar & him were on the pens together &it hit me like a truc#bc there's a photo of the two of them EXACTLY the same so close it's scary of this one but them as pens so they had to be it & i did always#know never loved again was mitchie. sorry. also mitchie in the penalty box the last game but i couldn't find footage of it & this one works#no i could not find a photo of tyler bertuzzi fighting a leaf for a dog looked at me yes i tried.#i almost made the bunting photo jt but instead it's 'bunting a rat etc' anyway the one i really feel unhinged about is dead pets bc at firs#i was gonna make it the handshake line & look to see if the leafs had drafted anybody on the panthers (dead pet former draft pick)#& they had & it was carter verhaeghe & i couldn't get a good pic of matthews & verhaeghe but it's fine bc i thought about the mo/luke schen#narrative (in which they are a perfect d pair long lost) & schenn was drafted by the leafs & that line fits jut trust me. also how i feel#about the kniesy luminous line that one possessed me it had to be kniesy idk why. i almost put gussy as girls are too pretty though ALSO#did u like my joke. daylight SAVINGS time on the goalie. thank u. also my photo magic on the jt (me very poorly editing in him as an isle)#OK ALSO HOLD ONNNNN there is a part two but i have to wait for the Content i want it will come out as soon as [redacted] or sooner#if i get bad at waiting &everyone will pretend like it is always the way it will be once i have the photos i want. speaking of did the leaf#simply not take a team photo this year?? it Does Not Exist for me i have tried very hard to look for it also i'm excited for part 2#one of them is named oh you're so unhinged for this one & the finished product is you're unhinged in ways you didn't even know u were sorry#liv in the replies
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vaugarde · 8 months
im bored rn, here's what i'd have liked ash's gen 8 team to look like
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420technoblazeit · 2 years
not to get emotional again but do you ever think about how dean trusted crowley enough to drop the wards on the bunker and let him in? and how he asked god to bring crowley back along with cas and mary in the season 13 premiere? and how sam called crowley a hero when he told rowena about his death? and when another demon shows up trying to take crowley's place and give them information in exchange for favors they shut him down hard because crowley wanted to be the last ruler of hell?
but despite all this they still spent most of season 12 brushing him off and acting like they didnt trust him. crowley literally sacrifices himself unsure if the winchesters even cared about him in the end. that alone shouldve been reason enough to try and bring him back
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larsnicklas · 8 months
there’s something there though in my brain that again i can’t fully articulate right now bc i’m just sad about nicklas more than usual but the. uh. ghost isn’t quite right. and neither is hole, he hasn’t left a hole. maybe what i’m thinking and feeling is the concept of White Space in graphic design. the Absence that is its own presence; that brings into relief the elements around it. it’s like, all of this exists in relation to this space it’s surrounded by. does that make any sense at all. the team is there on the ice, in the room, on the plane, and he is not, and that in itself is how he is there
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sakuratruther · 1 year
it’s so sad that sakura and sasuke relationship is so overlooked by the fandom. i’m not talking specifically about romantic relationship, before everything they were friends; sasuke thinks of both her & naruto when he thinks of bonds, but for some antis (that are mostly sns shippers, sorry to say) it’s canon that sasuke doesn’t give a shit about sakura when?? it’s not true?? and because of association problems of The Brain i can’t stand sns anymore. i think both sns and ss incapsulate naruto’s themes. and even though i love sasusaku so much i think that they all should be together, in a weird toxic polyclue because they are each other’s family. and y’all leaving sakura out of it makes me wonder if you even read the thing throughly
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
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The sentence “Mark Johnson and T’Pel are here again, sir” becomes every Starfleet admiral’s worst nightmare.
#he and kathryn aren't officially married but Mark calls her his wife playfully anyway#I am firmly on team 'Mark Johnson is a good person and he and Janeway love each other very much' bc it makes the tragedy 10fold#I think after they receive word about Voyager not being destroyed or otherwise lost forever Mark suffers from an extremely guilty conscience#if he'd just been able to believe a little more...hold out a little longer...#Mark: You know near the end I thought you were a little crazy. Still holding out hope. I didn't know how you did it - I still don't.#When they tell you to 'stay strong' they don't tell you how much it hurts. (sad chuckle) but I guess I'm a bit of a coward. I gave her up#for dead. I should have known better. Of course she wouldn't go out that easy.#T'Pel tells him that just because he moved on doesn't mean he's a coward - in fact it takes a certain kind of bravery to do that as well.#Most of the people around her certainly urged her to do the same. She just...couldn't. As long as there was a chance - she couldn't.#She supposes that's also a form of cowardice.#Mark laughs. 'It all depends on how you look at it huh? mm...look at us. Two old fools~' (silence between them as they look up at the sky)#T'Pel and Greskrendtregk are among the very few who didn't give up their lovers for dead#and I don't think he's a grumpy person at all - if anything I'd characterize him as more energetic and a bit frustrated by how#serene Mark and T'Pel are hehe#also in my head Elieth and Varith believe that Tuvok could be alive while Asil and Sek think he's dead and are frustrated by the others#Elieth believes more fervently than Varith does (Varith is more in the middle saying neither possibility has been proven)#it causes a bit of family drama#also by 'started a family' Mark means getting married while T'Pel thinks he means had a baby#God...his name really is 'Mark Johnson' huh. Bathroom sign of a name. The most avergae man in the world. Love ya guy.#Mark - T'Pel - Greskrendtregk <- star trek name spectrum#doodle page#bea art tag#st voyager mark#st voyager mark johnson#t'pel#t'pel art#greskrendtregk
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I definitely get being torn about TOH finale bc it was amazing in many areas and the crew worked so hard to get it all together so if there was something you didn’t like about it it’s a bit of a guilty feeling and whatnot, while also understanding that they couldn’t do all they wanted and stuff. I’m mostly just glad we can come together and celebrate this amazing show.
But I do find it annoying if someone goes “well if you didnt like this thing you just don’t get the themes and purposes” like. sometimes I do get what they were going for but it wasn’t to my liking ok. It having meaning does not mean it must be liked, and also maybe it doesn’t have a meaning, maybe it was just because Disney cut it short so they needed to wrap it up early and couldn’t elaborate. It’s ok to admit that.
Most of all I’m just so glad the crew was able to get it done after being sabotaged through everything
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