#[ just some late night meta posting don't mind me
immolatiism · 6 months
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[ You ever think about that fact that, for Kuwabara, killing demons is arguably the morally correct thing to do? In spite of the fact that he rarely strikes the killing blow, he is technically protecting his species by doing so. He is also the only one who actually volunteered for the job.
[ Meanwhile, Hiei's involvement in the Spirit Detective saga is just straight up murder. It's certainly a reflection on Reikai's priorities that they are willing to claim Hiei as one of their own for a time, and take credit for his involvement in Yusuke's Spirit Detective career, but the fact that Hiei does his job by killing really doesn't seem to bother anyone. Hiei would much rather take the credit for those murders himself than be labeled a traitor, but that's not going to stop him from doing it anyway.
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wolfjackle-creates · 11 months
Bring Me Home Arc 2 Part 17
Damn, how did this get to a part 17????
Here's the promised WIP Wednesday (on a Thursday)!
I had a lot of fun writing this part. The words just flowed so easily.
If you didn't notice, I now have the first arc posted on AO3. It covers the first three parts I've shared here along with some extras that I never did.
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
Part 1, Previous
Word Count: 1.9k
By the time morning had rolled around, Tim had also signed them up for a 7:30 AM and a 6 PM TV interview. Hopefully they could do enough damage control to mitigate the worst of Walker’s bad PR, whatever that turned out to be.
Tim nudged everyone awake at 5 AM. Conner and Cassie got up the easiest.
“Morning, Rob,” Conner said through a yawn. “Time to prepare for our interview?”
“Yep. We’ll be going in uniform since this is an interview for the Young Justice.”
“Great,” said Cassie. “We’ll be ready.”
Tim went to Danny next. “Hey, Danny.” The boy didn’t move, so Tim shook his shoulder slightly.
“Wha…?” Danny blinked his eyes open. “Wha’s goin on?”
“Me and the others are going to our interviews. We’ll be back in a few hours, kay?”
Danny just blinked at him and Tim laughed fondly.
“I’ll leave a note.”
Tim skipped breakfast on their way out, though Bart offered him some breakfast bars.
“It’s too late to be up,” Tim yawned.
Conner laughed as he hugged Tim and wrapped him in his TTK. They rose several feet into the air. “You should not have pulled that all-nighter.”
“How else was I supposed to be awake in time?”
Tim could feel the way Conner shook his head. “Just tell me where to go. I’ll get us there.”
Tim pointed to an area in town. “It’s over that way.”
Bart grinned. “I’ll meet you three there!”
“We won’t be long,” said Cassie.
With the benefit of flying, they were at the radio station within fifteen minutes. Sometimes being friends with metas made life so much easier.
As soon as they entered, a team of people greeted them.
“You were actually serious!” exclaimed a tall, white man. “Thought for sure it was a joke when I got your email last night. I’m Steve and I’ll be your interviewer this morning.”
Tim shook his hand. “Good morning, Steve. Robin at your service, and these are Superboy, Wonder Girl, and Impulse.”
Then they had to be introduced to all the producers, sound engineers, and assistants. If it hadn’t been for his parents’ gala training, Tim was certain he would’ve forgotten all the names instantly.
The employees knew how to do their jobs, however, and despite everyone wanting to meet the heroes, in less than twenty minutes, they were set up in the recording studio.
“So,” said Steve. “I just want to make sure I get this right. You, Robin, have been friends with Phantom for a while now and wanted to tell our listeners the truth about him. That he’s actually a hero and not a menace.”
“That’s right, Steve. I knew him before… Well, he’s a ghost. You know what before implies. He was there for me when I first became Robin. Now I want to be there for him when he’s dealing with similar struggles.”
“That’s not what any of the experts believe.”
Conner snorted. “The so-called experts in this town want to completely destroy any and all ghosts. Don’t think they’re unbiased.”
Bart nodded. “Yeah. We may not have known Phantom as long as Robin, here. But he’s a good guy. Helped us out when we got stranded here.”
“Stranded, eh? Mind if I ask you more about that on air?”
Tim laughed. “You can ask whatever you like. But I can’t guarantee we’ll answer everything. Secret missions and all that, you understand.”
Steve sighed theatrically. “It was worth a shot. Now, we’ll be going live in about five minutes and we’ll have three segments of eight minutes separated by two minute ad breaks. For a total of thirty minutes in the studio. Anything in particular you want me to ask?”
Tim pulled a sheet of paper out of his utility belt. “I wrote some down, if you don’t mind. They should be engaging and broad enough to please your audience and personal curiosity.”
“I won’t ask only from this list, you understand,” said Steve as he took it.
“Of course not. The first three are ones I do request that you ask, however. Beyond those, they’re just suggestions.”
Steve skimmed the list and nodded. “I can work with this.”
Beyond the window, the sound technician made a signal.
“All right, everyone. That’s the one minute mark. Let me introduce you before you say anything, capiche?”
Tim gave a thumbs up and the others added their assent.
The “on air” light turned on and Steve spoke in a voice much more performative than the one he’d been using. “Good Morning, Amity Park! This is Steve Boyce here to help you bring in the day. How are you early birds doing? Have I got a treat for you today! So last night I got absolutely no sleep because at nine thirty, shortly after our newly implemented curfew, I got a surprise email. From no other than the heroes who helped us out the other night when we were attacked! That’s right! The one and only Robin from Gotham emailed my and asked to come on my small, local show. So he and the Teen Titans are here with me. Let’s give them a warm Amity welcome, what do you say?”
Cassie laughed. “Thanks for that introduction, Steve. I’m Wonder Girl and I’d like to clarify one point. The former Teen Titans have kept the name Titans even if they’re no longer Teens. So we’ve decided to go by a new name.”
Bart nodded. “Yep. We’re the Young Justice now.”
Steve laughed. “Looks like I’ve already put my foot in it. Let me correct myself, let’s give the Young Justice a warm Amity welcome.”
Tim put on the happy gala voice his parents had drilled into him. “Not at all! It’s a new change and we’ve never really operated out here before. Even back home in San Francisco or Gotham we get called the Teen Titans more often than not. We’re just on a crusade to get the name change to stick.”
“Well I’m sure all of my listeners will be sure to get it right going forward. Now, let’s get down to business. We’re all thrilled that you were around to help us out the other night, but what brought you to Amity to begin with? Mayor Montez has publicly stated he never even had a chance to reach out for help before you were on the scene.”
“That was all Robin’s doing,” said Conner. “He’s friends with Phantom, you know.”
“Yep,” agreed Tim. “We were in the area when our transport broke down. Impulse figured out where we were and I knew of Amity due to my friendship with Phantom. Since we weren’t on a time limit, we decided to pop into town for a visit. Imagine our surprise when our very first evening here, we experienced a ghost invasion!”
Cassie laughed. “Oh, come on, Rob. With our lives, it really wasn’t that surprising.”
“Yeah,” said Bart. “We’ve totally had weirder things happen to us.”
Steve leaned forward and pitched his tone lower as if conspiring with them. “Well, I’ll definitely be asking for some of the details on what those might’ve been later. But first, I have to ask. Robin, how did you meet Phantom? He’s that ghost in the black-and-white jumpsuit, right? As far as I know, he’s only ever been seen in Amity. And you’ve certainly never been here before.”
Tim took a breath, this was the moment. “Yep, that’s him. And, well, it may be strange, but I knew him before he was ever Phantom.”
“Before he was Phantom? Do you mean…” Steve let his voice trail off.
Tim let out a low sigh and closed his eyes. He really had to sell this. “Yeah.” He made sure his voice was rough. “Yeah. I knew him before he died. He was one of my best friends growing up and we’ve known each other for years.”
Conner put a hand on his shoulder. “Rob…”
When even Steve needed a second to figure out how to reply, Tim figured he did a good enough job. “So you know him when he was alive,” Steve said. “Who was he? Where did he live?”
“I’m afraid I can’t answer that,” said Tim. “He was young when he died and his family don’t need people harassing them. They’ve been through a lot. And I know Phantom’s reputation isn’t the best.”
Steve let out another put-upon sigh. “And there you go being reasonable when all I want is the hot gossip. Fine, no questions about who Phantom was. I’m sure you were thrilled when you found out he came back as a ghost, though.”
Tim laughed and was glad Steve was able to change the mood of the interview so quickly without him doing anything. “Oh absolutely. I near about had a heart attack when he called me up out of the blue to say he was a ghost now! This was my first opportunity to visit him since, you know.”
Conner nudged him. “So he brought us along for the ride.”
Steve hummed. “So for the rest of you, this is your first time meeting Phantom?”
“Yep,” said Bart. “I like him. He’s cool.”
“So, Impulse, you think he’s trying to help us. Because it seems like whenever he shows up, things get broken and we have to spend days or weeks and tens of thousands on repairs.”
“Robin knows more about it than I do,” said Bart, “but I guess what let Phantom cross back over to Earth is allowing other ghosts to cross back over. Phantom just wants to spend more time with his living family and friends. The others ghosts…”
“They want more than that,” finished Tim. “Phantom’s explained it to me a bit. They all have something driving them that can only be fulfilled on Earth. And they don’t care what they have to do to satisfy that drive. So Phantom steps in to try and prevent them from causing too much damage or hurting anyone. Then he forces them back to the dimension they come from.”
“In fact,” added Cassie. “We spent all night talking with Phantom and we got his side of the story on several of his fights since he first came to Amity. We’ve written it all up and submitted them to the local paper, so look in the OpEds over the next few days if you want to know the truth.”
“Oh, well now you’ve definitely got me intrigued! I think I will. Anything you'd be willing to share with us now?”
“Do you remember how a month or two ago, a giant robot was seen in Amity?” asked Tim.
“Not something I’m likely to forget!”
Tim laughed. “I’m sure! Well, what you don’t know is that he crossed over to Earth from the Ghost Zone about three or four days before you ever saw him. Phantom kept him from gaining a physical body for days before Technus was able to get past him.”
“Really? So you’re saying that without Phantom, we would’ve been dealing with that robot for a lot longer?”
Steve asked several more questions about Phantom. Some serious: How does he plan to decrease property damage going forward? We’re coaching him on how to move a fight and deescalate conflict. And some light hearted: So I heard he’s a dog person? Oh, absolutely. A ghost dog adopted him a few weeks ago.
Then the questions turned more personal as he moved on from Phantom and asked about their lives and exploits. And before they knew it, the interview was over.
“Thanks for reaching out,” Steve said as soon as they left the recording studio. “You are by far the biggest guests I’ve ever had on.”
“Thanks for agreeing to have us on so last minute,” said Tim.
“How could I possibly say no?”
Hope you enjoyed the interview! I probably won't go into detail for the TV one since it'd just be rehashing the same information.
I no longer do tag lists, but I do have a Subscription Post if you want to be notified of updates.
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Thank you @airasilver for this question in reference to my OG Wayne Coven AU post
For what I have planned for this AU (and the eventual fic), I honestly go back and forth a LOT on whether Bruce would let his kids turn him.
A part of me even wonders if Alfred would accept the offer. I think it would pain him to put his grandkids in a position where they might have to live without him, but I also think Alfred would feel that he's lived a very fulfilling life. It wouldn't be a decision he makes lightly and regardless of what his choice would be, the Batkids would respect it.
Personally, I feel the issue would be a lot more delicate and complicated for Bruce. I genuinely believe Bruce would be content with his humanity and I could even see it playing a part into his moral code. The setting I have in mind for this AU is a more supernatural Gotham (though to be fair, vampires/werewolves/magic just exist in DC canon so it's not that much of a stretch). The only big difference that I can see in this AU vs actual DC canon is just that vampirism is more commonplace and comes with its own set of complicated societal issues.
Because of that, I could see Bruce viewing his humanity as a tool to help him feel for the fear and pain of others. Also a big part of Bruce's identity as Batman was him attempting to transform his own fears into something he could use to fight against the evil and corruption he saw in Gotham. I think there might be a small bit of Bruce that worries that gaining vampiric abilities would rob him of his identity/motivation.
There's also the fact that Bruce in DC canon is already an outlier among the Justice League for being one of the very few humans with no supernatural/magical/alien/meta/god-like abilities. So placing him in a world where a good portion of the populace is made up various types of vampire wouldn't really change much in that regard.
I think he'd actually find a little bit of enjoyment in the fact that being a normal human guy doesn't stop him from kicking supernatural ass. And having a literal coven made of vampiric children to help him out doesn't exactly hurt, either.
Ultimately, though, what I think Bruce would struggle with most is the idea of putting his kids through the horrible ordeal of burying him. Especially considering that he knows how they'd all react if he ever rejected their offer.
Which is why nobody ever brings the idea up. All the Batkids know how important being human is to Bruce and they know it would be painful for everyone involved to even ask. I have to imagine that their have been many late night discussions between the Batkids about how terrified they are of the possibility of losing Bruce even if it would be to a natural death. Some of them were human before they were turned as well. So a few of them would understand where Bruce was coming from even if they don't like the idea of him dying human.
But like I said before, I think Bruce would start to feel guilty and even a little disgusted with himself as well. Bruce knows very well how painful it is to lose a parent and most of his children's trauma stems from similar experiences. The thought of putting his kids through the same thing again definitely eats him up inside the older he gets.
If I had to pick a time when Bruce would ever be open to the idea of being turned, it would have to be the day he officially retires from being Batman. Whether that's due to a serious injury, old age or because Gotham truly doesn't need him anymore, that's hard to say.
Even then, I don't think any of the Batkids would actually offer to turn him until Bruce brings it up first.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 1 year
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The mood feels right, it's that time without light. Who's up for a lil late-night Togashiposting? Because there's one that has me thinking about a few concepts we've been on about. Which means we get to talk baby's first foxboy blorbo again. This was always one of my better posts that still generates interest today, but for the basic idea we talk a lot about the Akazaya as throwbacks and particularly Okiku's ties to Eiichiro Oda's own history on Rurouni Kenshin. There was another two-faced redhead in popular manga at the time, and we get Oda referencing the iconic clash with Game Master in interviews as a big moment he liked. But also just in One Piece canon it's interesting how Ryokugyu with a similar power intersects with Kiku's tale to bolster the connection. Likewise with the parallel story of the thieving fox spirit and how it intersects with Kiku's past.
For this part of our examination though, we're going to look through the lens of another meta concept we've been on about. Poking at the nature of "filler" and how much strict canon really matters? This is the finale of Kurama's last fight in the anime, something really glossed over in the manga as YuYu Hakusho tragically came to a close in the hurried Three Kings Saga. To me though, the anime at least salvages this arc into a worthy conclusion. I don't actually mind the idea of our quartet squaring off their personal arcs underneath the bigger show of the Makai Tournament. Kurama's fight with Shigure is so well done for that. One thing you have to give me, being filler or noncanonical is not an impediment to being an inspiration or an influence on someone else later.
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The whole fight is a great finale for Kurama & his demonic past. We meet him distanced from it, they're reconnected in the Dark Tournament, he embraces it to answer the call in Chapter Black...then here after reconciling it he rejects the old self. Importantly though, he only wins through taking advantage of seeds planted by his old self. I love the final line to Yomi about it "I never leave anything behind." That reconciliation of past and present for a brighter future is where I really see Kiku picking up this torch. Himura Kenshin has a lot of similarities in his arc, but Kurama's with themes of reincarnation and parent/child bonds feel like the ways this gentle redhead seeped in. Of course, Kiku is still her own take on the idea. The trans aspect and cloaking it in a lady caring about her reputation is an excellent evolution.
Can't ignore the antagonist here either, this is why I was thinking this part in particular after all. A surgeon with a samurai vibe, choosing an honorable death after defeat. The way Shigure shaped the tone of this climax for foxboy's saga was giving me some big feelings. I honestly haven't rewatched the Three Kings Arc in years. The montage of core scenes though, showing us how Kurama grew into someone so willing to choose this new life, it had a big one I didn't really think about in this context:
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How it all starts between he & Yusuke the MC. The story of the Forlorn Hope. That dub name is way cooler because the Funimation dub of the YuYu anime is a national treasure. But yeah...that's where this entire relationship started. It's an artifact that demands the user's life to grant a wish. An empty, unfulfilled Kurama was so casually willing to throw his life away to return a mother's love...without getting the point. Too busy turning over every possibility he hasn't realized how much he's grown. There's no way his mother would be happy with that trade because she doesn't see some legendary thieving fox demon...and if you told her she'd probably just say that explains a lot.
How does Yusuke solve it? Stepping in and sharing the burden. Very similar tone we'd see later with Usopp and the samurai. Even with the little dash of levity and that fine line between nobility and senseless self-sacrifice. Not to mention the big moment of Kiku's fall being Kin's final push to evolve and strike down Kanjuro. That's not unique to YYH but it's one of the biggest pillars of that series. But Bakura Town ends up being a lot like this in tone. The sumo match. Luffy jumps in because Kiku's putting her body on the line to amp up the crowd's panic. The two working together, Luffy stepping up and playing the hero for a moment, opens a new path. Just like the Forlorn Hope here and it letting them slide for being such good boys.
Then from there Kurama's story arc has the same structure we'll see out of Kiku later and Himura Kenshin around the same time. You've come so far by the time we meet you that we can do an arc about confronting that past. But that story can't end with going back to it, can it? No matter what it may mean, it's still so wild for me to see this connection over time. Kurama really was one of my first major anime characters I could latch onto and I've been a One Piece fan for so long. Just can't believe the cutesy waitress we met early Wano had all this in store.
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
Blog update
Hi, everyone! I hope the holidays are treating you well. I'm doing okay. 
For those of you that missed my announcement, or didn't see my previous pinned post, I wanted to quickly clarify what's going on. You might have noticed that I didn't answer your ask. I'm sorry about that. 
I'm stepping down from writing meta and sharing my thoughts on recent manga events, on the fandom, on expectations/predictions for the series, and on any hot topic being discussed by other meta bloggers and doing the rounds in the villain standom. Basically, don't expect me to engage with much meta anymore. I'm taking a break for an indefinite amount of time because I find this fandom too hostile currently; since my anxiety is triggered by any tension, be it real or the product of my brain contemplating a fear and running with it, I have to disengage and just focus on myself. I hope you'll understand. 
What does this mean for this blog? 
Meta and asks are normally a huge portion of the contents of this blog. Most of you probably followed me for those. And let's be real, meta is my passion so it will likely resume at some point. Idk when that will be, tho. Maybe I'll wake up next week and be relaxed or uncaring enough to brave the thought of diving back into the disk horse pool, maybe it will be in a couple of months, maybe I will switch to another fandom entirely. I don't know yet. 
In the meantime, please know that I will most likely not respond to anything meta-related or any ask that expresses frustration, negativity, disappointment or anything in that vein, be it a comment on the series or a request to comment on the takes floating around the fandom. 
You're still welcome to drop by my askbox with anything else if you feel like it. I'm keeping it open because I do like chatting to people, and I'm too socially awkward for dms. I'm just trying to limit my chances of ending up being the target of someone writing an essay about why Take X or Y is wrong. There's been a lot of those lately, and they stress the fuck out of me. 
That being said, you're also free to unfollow me if you don't have fun here anymore. I don't mind. 
Oh, please also refrain from answering this announcement by showering me with support and positivity! While I do wholeheartedly appreciate the sentiment and feel very thankful for your kindness(💙), I don't really know how to answer it. Again, socially awkward! Just to put you at ease, I am aware that for every hostile take there's dozens of people who genuinely enjoy hearing my thoughts and talking to me. I do! I'm not looking for reassurance, I'm just trying to draw a boundary. Writing meta is my passion, and I normally have fun with it, but as of now it's not that fun anymore. That's all. I am taking care of myself and spending more of my time on my fics instead. 
Thank you all so much in advance for your understanding, and I hope you have a nice day/night! Take care 💕
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midnightfreeway · 1 year
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
tagged by @dudeyuri , meme created by @fiercynn -- thank you both, this was fun!
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
i'm em. i'm a lurker and a fic writer. i've been in many fandoms over the years, and my main hobby is consuming and creating queer love stories.
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
i watched the first two or three episodes in late 2022 and the rest in early january 2023. i binged episodes 9-12 in a single night and was a complete mess afterwards. i was just completely overcome with emotion because i loved it so much and no other show had made me feel like that in years.
at first, i didn't participate in the fandom that much, only reblogging a gifset here and there and gushing about it in the tags. i became more active when the our skyy 2 episodes came out. it was so much fun to watch them in real time with the rest of the fandom!
favorite ship(s)
favorite character(s)
i'm fond of pran because i see quite a lot of myself in him, so if i could only pick one, i would pick him. i love pat too, they both are some of my favorite fictional characters.
favorite episode(s)
my favorite episode is episode 11. i also really like episodes 7, 5 and 3.
favorite scene(s)
my favorite scene is from episode 11. it's the one where pran brings pat the shirt and pat tells pran how much he appreciates him. i find that scene so sweet and touching. the first time i watched it, i was literally wiping away tears at the exact same time as pran.
other than that... there are so many of them that i don't even know where to begin. every single episode contains at least one scene i love. i really like the late-night conversation on the beach in episode 11. some others i am particularly fond of are the sleepover scene in episode 4 and the fight and the rooftop kiss in episode 5.
one thing you would change about the show if you could
like many others, i didn't like how wai outing pat and pran was handled. other than that, i would probably make episodes 1 and 2 a little less about antagonistic friend groups and spend more time establishing pat and pran individually as characters. i found it a little difficult to get into the story at first because we are introduced to so many characters right off the bat. it didn't help that bad buddy was my first gmmtv show and i didn't know any of the actors and hadn't seen the trailers etc.
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people? 
i don't have any specific fanworks in mind, but i have really enjoyed reading the meta other fans have posted here on tumblr. many people have pointed out things i didn't even notice at first--my mind has been blown so many times and then i fall in love with the show even more. i really appreciate all the meta!
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
i haven't made any fanworks yet but i'm working on a patpran fic right now and hope to post it on ao3 at some point in the fall.
idk anything else you want us to know?
i'm so glad i found this show. i love bad buddy and i'm always happy to talk about it with others.
i tag anyone who sees this and wants to do it!
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aether-friskets · 2 years
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I posted 668 times in 2022
That's 668 more posts than 2021!
203 posts created (30%)
465 posts reblogged (70%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 653 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#fanart - 209 posts
#op's art - 188 posts
#silent hill - 149 posts
#rambles - 134 posts
#undertale - 128 posts
#heather mason - 110 posts
#silent hill 3 - 109 posts
#safeutdr - 105 posts
#silent hill fanart - 99 posts
#frisk - 91 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#and honestly? op's suggestion of him having been a member of the order is way more interesting to me than just 'otherworld manifestation'
My Top Posts in 2022:
not the most extravagant piece I've ever made for something like this but. Here's a little drawing I made for Undertale's anniversary!! Like I said I would!
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It would've been nice to get a piece with more of the characters but alas
Also I feel like Chara could be better but I always have trouble drawing them quite right >:|
Anyway uhhhh yeah!!
23 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
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See the full post
31 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
so I recall this line in outlast 2 when you end up in St. Sybil one of the first times. Blake says somethin like "Great. Back in the Fourth Grade." meaning those the stuff he's reliving must've happened in that grade.
And we know that 4th graders are typically either 9 or 10
(assuming Jess was in the same grade she was only 9 or 10 as well which. damn.)
But we ALSO know what year this takes place in, because there's multiple instances on papers and stuff with the year 1995 (in fact it's December 1995 iirc). I don't have any screenshots on-hand but I could totally go get some at some point lol
MeaninG Blake was 9 or 10 in 1995
We also know that Outlast 2 takes place not all that long after the first game does (due to the Murkoff Account, which, admittedly I haven't read in a while so feel free to correct me there). And we know Outlast happened in 2013.
This mean that our pal Blake is most likely 28 (or 27). Which also makes him the youngest, since Miles and Waylon are both supposedly in their "early to mid 30s" (I couldn't see the cited tweet so for all I know this could be inaccurate but it sounds reasonable enough for me to believe).
Also Waylon has two kids so I'm inclined to believe he's the oldest but like they're all like a few years apart in age anyway lol
Anyway this is probably really obvious stuff but I thought it was interesting for some reason
38 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
random minor thing but I always thought that while Frisk's SAVEs are like normal manual save point saving you'd expect to see, when Flowey steals back control as Omega Flowey, the whole "File x loaded/saved" thing gives the vibes of someone using an emulator. Where you have multiple interchangeable save states that you can save or load to whenever you want, even if the game isn't normally capable of that.
In particular it makes me think back to repeatedly loading a save state in Majora's Mask because of the goddamn town shooting gallery mini game AUGh
Which I guess it kind of makes sense? Omega Flowey is artificially stealing control of the game, sort of like how an emulator gives you an artificial way of accessing a game (in the sense of like I could play a PS1 game on my pc, or a N64 game on my Wii U, for example). So not only does his save system make sense from an in-game stand point, it's kinda cool from a meta standpoint too.
At least, I think it is.
63 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
late night posting of an old-ish drawing
Psychonauts was big on my mind for a short while there and although it's not my current focus, the games are still really great!! And I still like this little drawing I did of Raz.
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It was interesting trying to translate his design to my art style, because that game has a very particular look (in a good way).
also hope y'all don't mind my random mish-mash of posting and reblogging various stuff, I cannot be consistent to save my life
Hopefully I'll have some new art to share soon though!! Assuming this funk of mine dies down, anyway.
71 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hua-fei-hua · 4 years
your todomomo post is 👌 Also, I read your ‘about me’ page and saw that you liked soul eater, so I read your 12 question fic. It was very entertaining and kidliz is underrated so thank you for that. You have great taste in shows+manga! 🌻 Just wanted to pop in to say that I hope you have a great day and I can’t wait to read more of your writing :)!
oh!! i sometimes wonder if people read the about page bc no one's ever mentioned it, so it's nice to hear you read it -w- 
also yeah omg the 12 question fic~~ it was an homage to a really good pokespe fic on ff.net i read called question 7 and a half, which was in turn inspired by a kingdom hearts fic called simple instructions and just aaaa. it's such a versatile premise and it would be funny to see it become a bit of a fanfiction trope. 
also yes kidliz IS good. my friend who got me into soul eater made me read the entire manga without telling me what she shipped aside from soma (bc how could you NOT) so that she could see if i ended up preferring kid w/liz or w/patty, and when i settled on kidliz we high fived bc friends with similar tastes in shipping hell yes 
i'm also really glad the tdmm post resonated w you!! i have a bit of disdain for the idea of perfect, so the post was full of thoughts and ideas abt them that i'd been craving for a while, especially in regards to how they're portrayed in fanfic. i don't really read a lot of tdmm fic these days bc most of the portrayals are too soft and meet-cute for them to resonate with me, a gremlin who has spectacularly fucked up every romantic encounter and/or endeavor in my life lol.
something i kind of thought about the night before i ended up typing out the post was that the idea of “people take external pressures and internalize them” is somewhat of a recurring theme in my own fanfiction, particularly orchid in bloom, where the entire message turned out to be “external pressures are often internalized [...], failure to uphold them can drive them to decisions nobody expected [...], and the resulting mental state and overall mentality is terribly unhealthy.” (quoted bc i have a half-finished annotated version of orchid on my tumblr lol)
and yeah, that’ll probably make you realize that i’m probably at least a little bias in my character interpretations, and that there should probably be a bit of separation of art and the artist when it comes to that post, but i still mean everything i said in the post and think it has value whether i’m projecting on the characters or not.
#asks#orchid is my absolute favorite work i've done so far so if you have the time n energy i would absolutely recommend giving it a shot#the au has been on the backburner in my mind for a while now bc i'm working on a school band/soulmate au nicknamed Bb#(that's b-flat not bb haha)#but i hella wanna write a sequel to orchid bc there are a few more minor plot threads that weren't tied up all perfectly#and the characters still have room to grow some more so like!!#i think my disdain for the perfect soft meet-cute is part of why i've been reading mostly krbk fic lately (among other reasons)#there's just smth abt the tension bakugou provides by existing that makes me go Y E S#this relationship would take so much W O R K and yet be SO WORTH IT in the end#kamijirou is similar in that regard but they don't really have a lot of longer fics so :c#i don't really post my writing on tumblr a whole lot bc it doesn't get notes hahaha#the tdmm meta post was a fluke actually; i was just articulating some of the points to a discord server#and they were like 'dang i'd rb this if it were on tumblr' and so i was like 'aight i'll type it up then'#bc i'd started typing it up the night before but then my browser crashed :c#anyway yeah i talk in the tags a lot a lot a lot hahaha#but even though i don't post a lot of my writing-writing on tumblr i have been publishing extra notes posts abt my currently serializing st#where i go more in-depth about why certain aspects of the fic are the way they are and how i drew from my own experiences to write them#with a liiittle bit of character and line analysis#i often feel like the stories i tell have more to them than meets the eye so i like to bring details to light#shoutoish
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pinetrce · 7 years
{ Sometimes I wonder if I write older Dipper as still being too caught up in the trauma of what happened in the show’s canon, but tonight I thought through the full series and realized that all of this happened to him in the span of less than three months when he was twelve:
Chased by a giant gnome monster
Chased by a lake monster (a robotic one, but still terrifying)
Fought off cursed wax figures that tried to kill him
Nearly got his tongue cut out
Strangled by magic
Knocked out a window and off a cliff
Got trapped in a haunted convenience store
Saw his sister get possessed by a ghost (including seeing her head do a full on “Exorcist” turn)
His new friends almost died in said haunted store
Witnessed his own clones melt and die
Was put in a crate and nearly abducted to be sent to Washington DC
Messed with time travel and saw a potential future where his actions drove Mabel into a depression-fueled madness
Got the shit beat out of him by a video game character he accidentally brought to life
Shrunk down, nearly crushed, trapped in a jar (and that balloon ride was probably terrifying too lbr)
Inadvertently summoned the Summerween Trickster and made himself, Mabel, and their friends its targets, nearly getting all of them killed
 Accidentally drove two innocent people literally insane
Fell into the bottomless pit
Body swapping
Almost eaten by a dinosaur
Treated in such a way that he honestly thought his uncle hated him
Had a hole shot through him by Bill (happened in the mindscape but still probably traumatizing for anyone, especially a kid)
Lost his home and felt it was his fault (also had nightmares about that incident so you know it hit him hard)
Chased by a giant robot
Was in the robot when it fell off a bridge (that bridge looked hella high up too)
Accidentally rose the dead, nearly getting his family (and other townsfolk) killed
Chased by the shapeshifter
Thought he saw Wendy die
Saw the shapeshifter freeze while looking like him
Fought off murderous golf ball people
Was tricked out of his own body by Bill
Later discovered Bill had planned to kill his body and trap him in the mindscape forever
Chased and nearly murdered by a computer program
Almost had his memory wiped
Chased by time police and almost put in time jail
Dealt with the highest category haunting of a vengeful ghost
Was turned into a wooden statue by the vengeful ghost
Was almost taken away to child protective services
Briefly believed Stan was an impostor who may have murdered the “real” Stan
Briefly believed Stan was going to destroy the universe by activating the portal
Kidnapped by an evil wizard that wanted to eat his and Ford’s brains
Tied up inside a mountain filled with dynamite, just barely escaping being blown up
Briefly thought Ford had been possessed by Bill
Was chased by a giant man-eating spider
Witnessed Ford almost be abducted by alien technology and nearly died saving him
Saw the opening into the nightmare realm and watched as madness was unleashed on the town
Shot at by Bill’s laser in the church tower and is pretty badly injured
Watches as Ford is turned into a statue and abducted
Tries to fight Bill and is knocked into a tree
Watches as the Journals are burned
Chased by 8-Ball and Teeth, who want to eat him
Spent three days hiding from the henchmaniacs and the eye-bats
Had to scavenge for food the entire time
Likely had very little to drink, too
Very likely blamed himself that whole time for Weirdmageddon happening
Almost eaten (again), this time by the giant head monster
Accosted and chased by Gideon and his gang of escaped inmates
Drove through several weirdness bubbles
Was badly injured when the car he and Wendy were in crashed in the canyon
Made to feel as though Mabel and their friends would happily replace him with Dippy Fresh
Sees “Wendy” turn into a mass of cockroaches
The evil stuffed animal tree
Fighting Bill in the Shacktron
Seeing the throne made out of the petrified townsfolk
Witnessed his uncles captured and the rest of their allies turned into tapestries
Chased by Bill in his nightmare form
Captured by Bill in his nightmare form
Either he or Mabel (heavily implied it would have been Mabel) was going to be killed
Thought that Stan’s mind was gone forever
Plus things that either weren’t in full episodes or are of questionable canonicity
Chased by the island head beast (from a short)
Witnessed over a dozen little green creatures commit suicide upon his discovery of them (short)
Received threatening letters from Gideon in prison (short)
Trapped in a cursed colouring book (from the colouring book which may or may not be technically canon
Got tangled up and stuck in the Shack’s vents for “several hours” (mentioned in Journal 3)
The events of “Voice Over” (debatable whether canon)
There might be other things mentioned in Journal 3 but tbh I’m too tired to check the whole thing right now
And these things which were cut from the show but which I consider canon to my portrayal
Nearly turned into a doll by a witch
Snapped Dippy Fresh’s neck (which, if you’ve been around here for a while, you know my Dipper is pretty haunted by)
Honestly I probably even missed a few others. So...damn, when you look at it all listed out like this, it’s no wonder the trauma of that summer is so long-lasting. }
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
I kinda wonder, what could bakugou do (hori write bakugou to do) to make him less popular with the "anti" crowd. Like He was a horrid child no doubt and people who try to put blame on Deku or lessen the terrible shit bakugou did aren't great. But as we don't rly see it, we have to assume bakugous behaviour wasn't stopped, we only ever saw his mum "punishing" him when he was being rude after getting kiddnapped. Nothing will excuse what bakugou did, but he has stopped? He's overall a harsh person but he's not harrassing and bullying people anymore, specifically not deku, he's trying to attone for what he did to deku and has now apologised for it. His behaviour was never viewed as justified or good in the series, he's a scary figure in middle school, we're not meant to like his behaviour, so the series itself hasn't justified his actions.
As someone who relate to both bakugou and deku more than I'd like to admit (never told someone to jump tho, that's fucked lol) so I can 100% understand not liking or even hating bakugou but as someone who's not 15 anymore, looking back I also made a lot of really shitty decisions and like bakugou have tried to make up for it, and like deku I was 'friends' with people who hurt me.
Is there anything he can do for the "antis" to just dislike him rather that be "anti"?
(I'm very sorry if you've talked about this somewhere, you can just tell me to look for it if you have, I'll continue to look for your posts on the subject)
Hey there, anon! I think I’ve spoken about this only tangentially and/or in my main Bakugo meta, which is too big for anyone sane to read. So yeah, let’s chat here!
For me personally—and that’s all I can ever do: speak personally. I think it’s important to keep in mind that there is no single solution to please the “anti” crowd. Each fan will be looking for something slightly different in Bakugo’s character, much of which might contradict what a “stan” is currently enjoying. Given how charged a character he is, I'm not sure it's possible to get the entire fandom to like him—what I’m looking for hinges on having a different reading of the story than you seem to. Meaning, I think the series does justify his behavior. Not in any overt, super obvious way like having all the characters go, “Wow, Bakugo! I sure do love how you threaten people all the time. That’s super cool and heroic!” Things are rarely that straightforward. Rather, it’s in a more subtle, but consistent manner that paints a rather conclusive picture across hundreds of chapters.
Simply put, Bakugo is continually rewarded for his actions. Or, if not outright rewarded, his actions are ignored in a way that implies silent acceptance. Characters may not always like what he does... but they're willing to let it slide because Bakugo's heroism was always treated as a given, not something he had to earn and prove.
With the ever necessary disclaimer that I’m not fully caught up yet, here’s a list of some of the things that stood out to me in the first half of the series:
Bakugo’s bullying made him the most popular kid in school.
Bakugo’s bullying was ignored by/outright supported by the teachers.
Bakugo’s bullying did not hinder him from getting into U.A., one of the most prestigious hero schools around.
Despite acting horribly throughout his time at U.A. too, this behavior was continually ignored by the teachers and other authority figures around him.
Bakugo’s struggle to realize that other people aren’t “trash” doesn’t hurt his achievements in any way. He still gets top scores, still wins the tournament, etc.
Bakugo’s behavior gets him special attention from All Might, the greatest hero and Bakugo’s personal idol.
His behavior doesn’t make others dislike him in any manner that’s taken seriously. Everybody is still willing to not just put up with Bakugo, but—in time—start treating his behavior as a quirk (no pun intended lol) that they’re secretly fond of, rather than something he should legitimately be striving to change. Kirishima is the most overt example of this.
This is compounded by his behavior constantly being framed as humorous. Much like with Mineta’s perverted actions, characters might superficially go, “No, that’s bad!” but the story never demands any significant development because then we’d lose the “joke” of Bakugo screaming in rage at the slightest inconvenience, threatening to murder someone over nothing, constantly belittling everyone around him in a “funny” manner, etc. When fans talk about development of a manga character as archetypal and extreme as Bakugo, most don’t really want to see significant change to his base personality. Because then that would result in someone who doesn’t look like the “real” Bakugo: someone nicer, more even-tempered, more mature, etc. But for those of us who were never drawn to that personality in the first place, the continued acceptance of his rude, egotistical, and violent behavior is discomforting. The easiest comparison I can draw is between this and Bakugo’s mother slapping him. That slap is meant to be another “joke”—we see it constantly in shonen anime, something "humorous" you shouldn’t take too seriously because haha, it's just an overprotective mother—but many fans do take it seriously, using it as the basis for a whole “Bakugo was abused and this explains his behavior” reading. Well, I take the “joke” of Bakugo’s threats and insults seriously, especially in a story that starts with something like telling Izuku to jump off the roof. In the same way that many fans want others to treat Bakugo’s mother as a serious topic that has had a negative influence on his development, I want the series to take Bakugo’s everyday actions seriously as a negative influence on… well, everyone around him. But it doesn’t. His base personality is grudgingly adored.
The above two points are seen most overtly in Izuku, who never wavers in his respect for Bakugo despite how Bakugo treats him. Not just prior to U.A., but during their training too. Izuku, as the protagonist, is the emotional heart of this tale, so when he talks about how inspiring Bakugo is, it encourages the reader to see his behavior as inspiring too. Rather than, as said, something that needs to change. Izuku's continued friendship with Bakugo, his adoration of him, and his acceptance of the way he's treated has severely warped how the entire story sees Bakugo's actions. After all, if #pure Izuku can see the good in Bakugo, why can't everyone else? He must not be that bad after all.
I could get into detailed analyses of all the above—like how Bakugo was the one comforted after attacking Izuku outside the dorms at night and how the messed up relationship he has with Izuku is upheld as something to nurture; how the remedial courses he had to take were made to be rather silly, thereby undermining their supposed importance to his development; how Bakugo’s kidnapping had nothing to do with his flaws, but much of the fandom uses it as a way to dismiss any appropriate consequences because, “Hasn’t he suffered enough?” etc.—but in the interest of keeping this within a readable length, I’ll leave it at that. The point is that Bakugo has always been privileged when it comes to his behavior, resulting in others either outright praising it, ignoring it, or demanding that he change a miniscule bit, which always keeps him far below the standards of both his peers and the expectations of a hero. Everyone in 1-A must learn to be even better than the good people they already are... Bakugo needs to learn that other people aren't dirt at the bottom of his shoes. It's never been a particularly impressive development when pit against the rest of the class. All of which can make something like an apology feel pretty hollow. Yes, he’s apologized and I say with all seriousness that that’s great! But how does that apology stack up against 300+ chapters of content? As Bakugo’s words highlight, he's been a really awful person up "until now": he was consumed by Izuku being “miles ahead of [him],” he “looked down on [him]” because he didn’t have a quirk, he “didn’t want to recognize that,” he “hated that,” “grew distant,” “tried to beat you down,” “opposed you and tried to show my superiority over you,” and ends it all with, “it probably doesn’t mean anything telling you all this” before finally getting to the “I’m sorry.” This is basically a laundry list of how horrible a person Bakugo has been for the entire series, with an acknowledgement that this apology is coming really, really late. This is the moment where I could START to like Bakugo, depending on how he acts form here on out, but that pivotal moment arrived after six years of content and in the final arc of the story. It’s too late. Bakugo needed this kind of self-reflection and positive action 250+ chapters ago so he could (hopefully) grow into a better person across the story, not at the story's end. What we got instead is 322 chapters of him being a really horrible person, but the story going out of its way to excuse or even praise that behavior the majority of the time.
As a quick comparison to end on, I think what Bakugo needed was what Soo Jin got in True Beauty. You don’t need to have seen the drama to follow along. The tl;dr is that she has a lot of the core qualities of Bakugo: an all-consuming drive to win that was created due to abusive parents with high expectations, resulting in her bullying a peer to a pretty horrific extent. The difference between them is how the story frames their actions. When Soo Jin becomes the bully she loses everything. Rather than succeeding academically, her grades plummet, making it clear that this anxiety and self-doubt (things the fandom keeps insisting Bakugo is struggling with, but that rarely ever show up in the text) is actually impacting her day-to-day life. Her best friend drops her because she’s not going to support her choices. The boy she likes rejects her. She’s eventually forced to start over somewhere new - which importantly separates her from the girl she was bullying - and get some distance from her parents, resulting in the growth needed to become a healthier, happier, good person again. So when Soo Jin apologizes to the girl she hurt, it feels earned. The story continually recognized how horrific her actions were and put her into a place where she either had to change, or continue losing at everything else that was important to her. Bakugo? Bakugo doesn’t lose. Oh, he claims he does because he’s comparing himself to Izuku constantly, but that’s just him thinking in extremes. He still wins academically. Still wins many battles. Still wins at having friends. Still wins by maintaining the prestige of being a U.A. student. Still wins by getting All Might’s attention. Still wins by receiving Izuku’s respect and an agreement to maintain this rivalry that Bakugo is so obsessed with. Bakugo comes out well 99% of the time, he just thinks he's "lost" because he can't stand not being the absolute best.
For me, the story needed to have Bakugo face consequences for his behavior, not receive rewards and/or have others ignore it, and that revelation/apology needed to come way, way sooner. For me the issue is not a specific action that Horikoshi can have Bakugo do in the next chapter and them bam, I like him now. The problem is Bakugo’s entire concept, how he’s received by the entire cast, and his run across this entire series. "Entire" is the key word there. Which is why the “But he’s apologized. What more do you antis want?” reactions don’t sit well. What we wanted is a better written redemption arc across those 300+ chapters, not a single scene that’s meant to have us forget all the other problems inherent in the story. At this point it’s a far more complicated situation than, “Bakugo just needs to do X, Y, and Z and then we’re golden.” At the end of the day, Horikoshi failed to make me like him as a person and I’m pretty sure he isn’t going to change Bakugo enough to make him likable to me. Bakugo was never the sort of character I’d be inclined towards without a serious, nuanced redemption arc, but sadly, a core, crucial part of that redemption arc took six years to arrive. At this point there’s no way to change the problems in Bakugo’s writing for that huge chunk of the series and not enough time left in the series, it seems, to do the work we should have seen across the entire run. Honestly, idk if the Bakugo we'll get going forward is someone I can just dislike as opposed to being really uncomfortable with, but my money is on there being too little story left and too much investment in upholding Bakugo's base personality for that to happen. I could absolutely be proven wrong! But I think the problems are structural and needed to be better dealt with from page one, not hastily patched over in the final hour.
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0aurelion-sol0 · 3 years
"There's no place like gnome."
Stranger Things 3: The Game.
Gnomes 1-10. 🧙‍♂️
It's no secret that the Duffers take a lot of inspirations from Pop Culture. From the most well known movies to the more obscure comics, they are always able to sneak a reference somewhere everytime. And they are also able to make it connected to the story.
I've bragged about how the Stranger Things expanded universe in media is one of the best out there compared to many others. I think that the Duffers, the writers or people in the highest places of the marketing are really paying attention to what comes out of the ST franchise because there is no way to have such content with so many details without someone looking into them.
And ST3: The Game is a very good example of that.
So let's start! The first 10 Gnomes out of 50 that you have to find in the game.
"There's elements that could please those who makes metas/analyzes or theories. Especially things related to possible future plot points, easter eggs, references in previous seasons mainly season 3 like unsolved mysteries or unanswered questions and for future seasons such as season 4 like foreshadowing or teasers, trailers or as of lately the sneak peek."
If you have anything you'd like to add, might think I have missed or think it might be referencing something else don't hesitate to share it by commenting or reblogging.
(Say thanks to @hawkinsschoolcounselor for having helped me with some of them. )
Gnome #1: Johnny
"He's here... with an axe."
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Overall plot:
"The film's central character is Jack Torrance, an aspiring writer and recovering alcoholic who accepts a position as the off-season caretaker of the isolated historic Overlook Hotel in the Colorado Rockies. Wintering over with Jack are his wife, Wendy Torrance, and young son, Danny Torrance. Danny is gifted with "the shining", psychic abilities that enable him to see into the hotel's horrific past. The hotel cook, Dick Hallorann, also has this ability and is able to communicate with Danny telepathically. The hotel had a previous winter caretaker who went insane and killed his family and himself. After a winter storm leaves the Torrances snowbound, Jack's sanity deteriorates due to the influence of the supernatural forces that inhabit the hotel, placing his wife and son in danger."
So I assume a lot of you know The Shining by Stanley Kubrick. A movie which was adapted from the novel of the same name by Stephen King in 1977.
There's a lot of things that could have served as an inspiration for ST.
A boy/child who has psychic abilities = Eleven has psychic abilities such as telekinesis. Will has his True Sight which consist in seeing what the MF was seeing and feeling.
Now there's also the theme of family and parenthood that is also a big theme in Stranger Things. Especially abusive parenthood such as Brenner, Lonnie and even Hopper to a smaller degree.
In Shining, Jack tries to kill his family with an axe due to supernatural forces that are in the hotel but there's a difference between King and Kubrick. While King specifically said that Jack was heavily influenced by the Hotel, Kubrick shows that Jack always had that sinister violence in him even before they arrived at the hotel.
It's interesting to draw a parallel to Billy and Will, both characters called William who tried to kill their families and other people while being possessed. But Billy compared to Will was shown to have been abusive even before that. Dacre Montgomery also said that he was inspired by Jack Nicholson's performance in the Shining for his character Billy.
Joyce and Jonathan were shown to get ready to fight the monsters by taking an axe.
It's also interesting to note that Jack dies in the snow while a blizzard is happening outside the hotel. Much like the storm of the Mindflayer who is in the Upside Down, the same Mindflayer who "likes it cold". While in the book, the Overlook explodes and burn.
(Cold vs Fire much like everything Upside Down related not liking Fire.)
Also "Johnny" = "Jonathan", it's kind of similar and Jonathan did wield an axe before. Maybe this is teasing parts of Jonathan storyline next seasons ?
The gnome was also found in Mike's basement, Mike who wants to be a writer when he's older just like Jack.
Let's just hope that Jonathan and Mike don't get the same fate as Jack.
Gnome #2: Christine
"Two bright, beaming lights for eyes."
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Overall plot:
"Written by Bill Phillips and based on Stephen King's 1983 novel of the same title, the movie follows the changes in the lives of Arnie Cunningham, an awkward and unpopular teenager, his friends, his family, and his teenage enemies in Rockbridge, California after Arnie buys a classic red and white 1958 Plymouth Fury named Christine, licence number CQB 241, a car that seems to have a jealous, possessive personality – and a mind of its own, which has a bad influence on Arnie. After working on a car in a junkyard owned by Will Darnell, Arnie drops his glasses, starts dressing like a 1950's greaser and develops an arrogant and paranoid personality. He than decides to invite and date the most beautiful girl in highschool, Leigh, who will soon become the next victim of Christine."
I was actually quite surprised by how this story parallels Stranger Things a lot.
First off, Christine is very much like The Mindflayer, a dangerous supernatural being set out to destroy anyone who is in her way, the people who tries to take the things that she thinks belongs to her or threatens her. This is very much relevant to The Mindflayer who after being hurt by the Fire created by the Hawkins Lab was upset and attacked everyone he could. Or as Will putted "Not me, everyone else."
This is very much like Christine who tried to kill Leigh because she was taking her place in the life of Arnie. Christine also tried to kill the bullies of Arnie who after a conflit with him, tried to destroy the car which angered Christine heavily.
The Mindflayer has been described someone who views himself as superior to other species and wants to conquer them, even if it's not his real "goal", the description fits anyone who is possessive and paranoid.
Both the MF and Christine are associated with the color red. Red storm = red color of the car.
Arnie ressembles Will and Billy alot. Will is an awkward and unpopular teenager who after being possessed by the Mindflayer became very different and more violent. Billy was shown to be paranoid, jealous, violent and his look even ressembles the one Arnie takes after repairing Christine.
Both of these boys have the same name as Will Darnell, the owner of a junkyard. Just like the boys in Season 1 who takes shelter in a junkyard, or in season 2 where they fight the Demodogs.
Billy dies, killed by the Mindflayer just like Arnie who was completely possessed by Christine who tried to kill Leigh and Dennis, his best friend after they tried to destroy the car when they realised the supernatural nature of it.
Billy's car ressembles a lot Christine with those lights on. Especially with shots like in the Void or at Starcourt during the night.
Chrissy, a new character that will be in season 4, the most popular girl in Hawkins High like Leigh, has a name that is the diminutive of Christine. It is said that under the perfect surface lies a dark secret. Much like the car Christine, while a beauty is actually a dangerous supernatural being. We'll see if the both of them actually connects in the show.
Also it is set in California where Billy and Max come from and has been rumored by many people due to set leaks (The Surfer Boy Pizza Van.) that it is where the Byers went. I won't get into it in this post but this could be a tease or hint of that IF the set leaks ARE true and not fake to mess with people and the fandom.
Arnie also dies in a car crash having been completely possessed by the evil powers of Christine which is something we see in the sneak peek of ST4. It also reminds of Carrie who has a bully named Chris who she kills in a car crash with her boyfriend Billy aka William.
So will someone die from that car crash ? Who is it ? Chrissy, Joyce, Lonnie ? We can only speculate.
The gnome is also found outside the Wheeler's house where Karen lives near the community pool where Billy works and where the car of Billy is located during the first few chapters of the game. Again, a "bad boy" hitting on the beautiful girl in town. (with a lot of creepy subtext all over it.)
Gnome #3: Doc
"Always mumbling something about being late."
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Overall plot:
"Set in 1985, in the town of Hill Valley, California, the story follows Marty McFly, a teenager accidentally sent back to 1955 in a time-traveling DeLorean automobile built by his eccentric scientist friend Doctor Emmett "Doc" Brown. Trapped in the past, Marty inadvertently prevents his future parents' meeting—threatening his very existence—and is forced to reconcile the pair and somehow get back to the future."
So I don't think I need to explain why this is here given how much it has been shown and mentioned in season 3. But few things are interesting here, the fact that California is mentioned is a big deal for me again. I know you are aware of the set leaks just as I am aware, if we can trust them than this could be a hint of that location.
Next, we have the theme of Time. Now ever since ST4 was announced, clocks and times have been a key feature in the promotion. Who know what this might mean but again, we're not going to develop that in the post.
There is also the whole funny scenes of Robin realising that indeed Marty's mother had tried to "bang" her own son. Now given the nature of the shown, certain images in the show during certain events and certain stories, you know to what it connects and to which theories it connects. Won't develop further on it but it can be used as an element that can go into those theories.
The gnome is also found outside of Starcourt Mall where Robin and Steve talk about "Back to the Future". It is also where Billy has his "Back to te Future" moment with his car going extremely fast just like the DeLorean.
Gnome #4: Indiana
"Master of Adventure."
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Overall plot:
"After arriving in India, Indiana Jones is asked by desperate villagers to find a mystical stone and rescue their children from a Thuggee cult practicing child slavery, black magic, and ritualistic human sacrifice in honor of the goddess, Kali."
Fun fact, on Twitter for ST3 promo, a parody poster of this same movie has been posted here of the official ST account.
Jim is obviously Indiana Jones, the look speaks for itself and when he is in the Tunnels in season 2, there's a lot of Indiana Jones imagery.
And of course Kali as 008, a Hindu goddess but as we will see here, it parallels more the Mindflayer.
In 1935, Indiana Jones survives a murder attempt by Lao Che, a crime boss in Shanghai who has hired him to retrieve the remains of Emperor Nurhaci. With his young orphaned Chinese sidekick, Short Round, and the nightclub singer, Willie Scott, in tow, Indy flees Shanghai on a cargo aircraft. While the three of them are asleep, the pilots (employed by Lao Che) dump the fuel and escape via parachute, leaving the plane to crash over the Himalayas. The three narrowly manage to survive by jumping out of the plane on an inflatable raft.
(I wonder if this could be something we see in season 4 with Hopper where he tries to escape on a plane and ends up crashing somewhere or is betrayed by someone who he asked the help of. Now it's a trio and in season 3, Jim, Joyce, Alexei and Murray are the main group that fits this trio. Jim for all the fighting and crazy shit, Joyce and Alexei are kind of like Short Round, they are the sidekicks of Hopper. Murray the role of Willie Scott since she speaks Chinese and him Russian and that Jim just like Indy finds annoying sometimes. Alexei is also kind of like Willie since he kinda goes along with them.
But if we also look at season 2, El is alot like Short Round since she is kind of an orphan too and has a father figure later on. It could also be Will since Hopper is with him a lot of times through season 2. Also Willie did felt out of her element like Alexei because of course he is Russian. Willie in itself doesn't have a lot in common with Joyce but still it's another connection to Will since she has a name close to the one of her sons. Something that does fit a bit more is Jim and Hopper both escaping death, of course Hopper at the end of season 3 but also during season 3 at the farm where he's being shot at by Gregori and than the car doesn't work and explodes and they have to make their way through the forest.
Willie Scott could also be referenced when El disguise herself as this pretty blonde girl in season 1.
Now however, Scoop Troops does fit certain parts of these trio. All the fighting with Steve like Indiana Jones but Robin got his brain because she cracked the code. Dustin and Erica are kinda like short round (especially Dustin who has kind of the same hat as short round.) and are referenced with all the others as children by Robin. Steve doesn't feel in his element like Willie with the three of them who are nerds just like Erica who also doesn't want to accept it. And Robin just like Willie speaks some languages.)
They ride down the mountain slopes and fall into a raging river, eventually arriving at the village of Mayapore in northern India. The villagers plead for their aid in retrieving the sacred stone (shivalinga) stolen from their shrine, along with their missing children, by evil forces in the nearby Pankot Palace. Indy agrees to do so, hypothesizing that the stone is one of the five Sankara stones given by the gods to help humanity fight evil. (It's kinda like Alexei who turns his back on the Russians, for his life of course and agrees to help Hopper close the gate to save Hawkins and their kids before monsters start to appear or may attack one of their kids. Now the stone could be something similar to the promethium or the two keys who opens the gate and is a highly valuable ressource. It also may be the Flayed who are needed to create the monster for the Mindflayer.)
The trio receive a warm welcome at Pankot Palace and are allowed to stay for the night as guests, attending a lavish, but revolting, banquet hosted by the young Maharajah. The officials rebuff Indy's theory that the Thuggee cult is responsible for their troubles. Later that night, Indy is attacked by an assassin. After Indy kills him, he discovers a series of tunnels hidden behind a statue and sets out to explore them, overcoming a number of booby-traps.
(This could be like when Hopper, Joyce and Murray disguised themselves as Russian soldiers but was than discovered by Grigori who attacks them.
The tunnels could be both groups discovering that there is a secret russian base underground and a gate which explains why there are monsters again in Hawkins but it also be the Source, Brimborn Steel Works, where the Mindflayer is lurking underground where he has cult-like followers who makes sacrifices for him to grow bigger and bigger.
It's also like the Tunnels in season 2 who explains why the soil of Hawkins seemed to literally rot. )
The trio reach an underground temple where the Thuggees worship Kali with human sacrifice. They discover that the Thuggees now possess three of the Sankara stones and have enslaved the children to search for the last two, hidden in the palace catacombs. As Indy tries to retrieve the stones, he, Willie, and Shorty are captured. Thuggee high priest Mola Ram forces Indy to drink a potion that puts him into a trance-like state in which he mindlessly serves the cult. (It's very much like Robin and Steve who after discovering the gate are catched by the Russians and than drugged to answer their questions. But also like the Flayed who drinks the chemicals and serves the Mindflayer like a mindless cult.)
Willie is prepared for sacrifice, while Shorty is put to work in the mines with the other children. Shorty escapes and returns to the temple, where he first frees Indy and, later, the Maharajah from the effects of the potion. Indy saves Willie and retrieves the stones. After freeing the children, Indy fights a hulking overseer and leaves him to be killed by a rock crusher. (Basically Dustin saves Steve and Robin. Willie being prepared for sacrifice is kind of like El prepared for sacrifice by Billy in 3x08 but also frees Billy from the effects of the Mindflayer by making him remember his mother, a pretty blonde woman like Willie and sacrifices himself. And Hopper fights Gregori, a "hulking overseer" and kills him.)
The trio escape from the temple, pursued by Thuggees, and barely escape Mola Ram's attempt to flood them out. They are again ambushed by Mola Ram and his henchmen on a rope bridge above a crocodile-infested river. Indy cuts the bridge, causing several of the henchmen to fall to the crocodiles and leaving the survivors to hang on for their lives. As Mola Ram and Indy struggle, Indy invokes the name of Shiva, causing the stones to glow red-hot and burn through Indy's satchel. Two of them fall out; Mola Ram tries to catch the third, but burns his hand and falls from the bridge and into the river, where he, too, is eaten by the crocodiles. (This can be connected to all the kids fighting in Hawkins with the Spider Monster. But the bridge could also fit for the key in the secret base where Hopper and Gregori fights. The gruesome death of Mola Ram is similar to the gruesome death that Gregori has.)
Indy catches the stone safely and climbs up just as a company of British Indian Army riflemen, sent by the Maharajah, arrive and open fire against the Thuggees to drive them away; the surviving Thuggees are soon cornered and arrested by more soldiers. Indy, Willie, and Shorty return safely to Mayapore with the stone and the missing children. (While it may end well in the movie, we know Billy and multiple people die, the Thuggees unlike the Russians have been captured while the Russians where all able to flee before the US Army arrives and Hopper is presumed dead. Only the children in both stories are alive but are probably traumatized for life.)
All in all we can see that this movie might have had a big influence on the plot of season 3 through many characters and more. It may have some hints about possible events for Hopper in season 4 or even beyond but that's about it for. It's a nice package of comparaisons and references though.
The gnome is found in the Hawkins Community Pool where Billy is. The same Billy who obeys mindlessly the Mindflayer and sacrifices people to it. Just like the Thuggees with Kali.
Gnome #5: Chunk
"Posed in some odd dance maneuver."
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Overall plot:
"In the film, a band of kids who live in the "Goon Docks" neighborhood of Astoria, Oregon, attempt to save their homes from foreclosure and, in doing so, they discover an old treasure map that takes them on an adventure to unearth the long-lost fortune of One-Eyed Willy, a legendary 17th-century pirate. During the adventure, they are chased by a family of criminals who want the treasure for themselves."
So first, let's get this out of the way, Sean Astin who play Bob Newby, our beloved who plays a character named Mikey.
The Goonies is a 1985 American adventure comedy film co-produced and directed by Richard Donner from a screenplay by Chris Columbus, based on a story by executive producer Steven Spielberg. In the film, kids who live in the "Goon Docks" neighborhood of Astoria, Oregon, attempt to save their homes from foreclosure and, in doing so, they discover an old treasure map that takes them on an adventure to unearth the long-lost fortune of One-Eyed Willy, a legendary 17th-century pirate. During the adventure, they are chased by a family of criminals who want the treasure for themselves.
I wonder if this might hint at some Season 4 plot right here. The Hawkins gang faces the threat of Hawkins becoming a literal ghost down and might need to find something to save it. Also Willy like William, again Will is still there.
The Goonies include optimist lead Goonie Mikey Walsh, his older brother Brandon, the inventive Data, the talkative Mouth, and the overweight klutz Chunk.
Rummaging through the Walshes' attic, they come across a 1632 doubloon and an old treasure map purporting to lead to the treasure of legendary pirate "One-Eyed Willy", believed to be located somewhere nearby. Mikey considers One-Eyed Willy to be the original Goonie. (It kinda reminds me of Mike who got mad at Max in season 2 and told her they didn't need another party member. And he mentionned Will first right after him.)
The kids overpower and bind Brandon and make their way to an abandoned restaurant on the coast that coincides with the map; Brandon soon follows alongside Andy, a cheerleader with a crush on him ( there has been cheerleaders that have been reported in season 4 such as Chrissy.); and Stef, Andy's friend. The group quickly discovers the derelict restaurant is a hideout of the Fratelli crime family: Francis, Jake, and their mother. (Maybe it is both a reference to the Russians in season 3 who have a hideout under the mall who have many restaurants. Or the Lab who OBVIOUSLY does a lot of illegal activities. )
The Goonies find a tunnel in the basement and follow it (like the tunnels made by the Mindflayer in season 2), but when Chunk flags down a motorist to go to the sheriff’s station, he gets abducted by the assailants and imprisoned with their hulking, deformed, younger brother Sloth. (This is obviously like Dustin who befriends Dart in season 2, a literal Demogorgon in the making.)
The Fratellis interrogate Chunk until he reveals where the Goonies have gone, and begin pursuit. Chunk is left behind with Sloth, but befriends him. After Sloth frees both of them, Chunk calls the sheriff, and both follow the trail of the Fratellis. (This is very reminiscent of Hopper in season 1 who gets interrogated by Lab agents or Steve and Robin by the Russians.)
The Goonies evade several deadly booby traps along the tunnels, while staying ahead of the Fratellis. Finally, they reach the grotto where Willy's pirate ship, the Inferno, is anchored. (Will also has a ship, the rainbow ship he drew for Joyce, also Inferno literally means Hell just like what Hawkins has been called.)
The group discovers the ship is filled with treasure, and they start filling their pockets, but Mikey warns them not to take any on a set of scales in front of Willy, considering that to be their tribute to him. As they leave the ship, the assailants appear and strip them of their loot. They start to bind the Goonies and make them walk the plank, until Chunk arrives with Sloth and distracts the assailants long enough for the Goonies to jump overboard and swim to safety. (It's the opposite of the season 2 finale, where Dustin has to distract Dart so that the other could pass through the tunnels.)
The Fratellis proceed to grab all the treasure they can, including those on Willy's scales; this triggers another booby trap that causes the grotto to cave in. With Sloth's help, the Goonies and Fratellis barely escape.
The two groups emerge on Astoria's beach, where they reunite with the Goonies' families and the police. The Fratellis are arrested, but Chunk prevents Sloth from also being taken; he invites Sloth to live with him, which Sloth accepts. ("Unfortunately", Dart compared to Sloth probably died.)
As the kids describe their adventure to their parents, the Walshes' housekeeper, Rosalita, discovers that Mikey's marble bag is filled with gems he took from the ship and had not been seized by the Fratellis. Mikey's father triumphantly rips up the foreclosure papers, declaring they have enough money to negate the foreclosure. As the Goonies celebrate, they see the Inferno, having broken free of the grotto, sailing off on its own in the distance. (Could it be hinting at a possible happy ending for Stranger Things ?)
So Fratellis, is similar to fratello which means "brother, fellow, neighbor" which perhaps could be a reference to the Mindflayer who is kind of our neighbor since he is basically in the same places but in the Upside Down. The Mindflayer also has been paralleled to Billy and other abusive father figures. Billy who is the brother of Max. He has also been paralleled to Kali through his anger and him attacking people who hurted him or might hurt him. Could in itself The Mindflayer should be taken or seen as some sort of family figure ? Maybe him being always associated with Will The Wise especially in 2x04 or someone who has the name Will like Billy is a connection. The same Billy who also parallels Russians who just like the Fratellis have secret hideouts.
Though the Fratellis are more motivated by greed which fits Brenner, Lonnie (who tried to use his son's death to gain money.) or Russians most.
Now Willy, Willy is a captain. Maybe it could be hinting at the fact that Will has more importance to the story than we think. There's also Inferno, "Hell" which is Hawkins but also the name of the ship. And Will has a rainbow ship... Could Hawkins be the ship of Will where his adventures are taking place ?
As for the dance... well as you've seen upper in the post: it's the "Truffle Shuffle Dance". It's something that Chunk has to do before entering Mikey's house. It's similar to what Dustin do at the beginning of season 1 to the bullies when he makes his bones crack due to his medical condition, cleidocranial dysplasia.
As for where this gnome is located, it's in Weathertop where Cerebro is located which is fitting since Dustin has a lot of Goonies as inspiration for his character.
Gnome #6: Elvis
"He's not dead!"
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"Elvis Aaron Presley (January 8, 1935 – August 16, 1977), also known simply as Elvis, was an American singer and actor. Dubbed the "King of Rock and Roll", he is regarded as one of the most significant cultural icons of the 20th century. His energized interpretations of songs and sexually provocative performance style, combined with a singularly potent mix of influences across color lines during a transformative era in race relations, led him to both great success and initial controversy." - Wikipedia.
It is a lot known that people in the 80's thought that Elvis Presley was still alive due to his status and the aura he had as a celebrity. However, no matter how appealing this myth may be, he died of an excessive usage of prescription drugs which reminds me of Nancy who said she thought Tom was on drugs when he fired her and Jonathan while he an the Flayed were drinking chemicals. He also died in 1977, the same year "Heroes" by David Bowie came out which is a song that was used two times when we thought a character died when he was actually alive which are Will and Hopper. Will and Hopper both have a lot of rock in their Spotify playlist.
Also, I personally think that Steve has kind of an Elvis Presley aura to him especially in season 1. After all, Steve has a nickname "King Steve" and Elvis Presley is often nicknamed "The King" and both were popular with girls.
Fun fact: Dacre Montgomery who plays Billy who literally becomes the new "King" of Hawkins will play in the biographical music drama "Elvis" about Elvis Presley where he will play a character called "Steve Binder".
Also actor David Harbour also got married with singer Lily Allen by Elvis in Las Vegas.
It's also found hidden behind bushes near the Public Library. Maybe indicating that Elvis is still out there in the world and hiding.
Which also may be a reference to Brenner who has a similar haircut but also about the novel "Suspicious Minds", a prequel of ST taking place in the Lab when Brenner was doing his sinister experiments which is the same title as one of the songs of Elvis. Like Elvis, Brenner is still out there, hiding in Hawkins.
Gnome #7: Jack
"All work and no play makes Jack a dull gnome."
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Again another reference to Shining. So what you are seeing here is a proverb, it means:  "It means that without time off from work, a person becomes both bored and boring."
In Shining, it represents Jack's slow descent into madness. But it could be a reference to Joyce, Jonathan and Nancy who all work their asses off and don't take a lot of time for themselves and so don't have the time to explore anything else than work which also cause for them not to be there when Will got kidnapped. It may also represent Jonathan's words to Nancy in season 1 where he "called out" the boring life she will have and that she will live like her parents so in this case the proverb becomes about societal norms.
Mike just like Jack is an aspiring writer, Mike just like other members of his family falls into these societal norms that are expected like work and overworking in this instance which makes them boring in the eyes of people like Jonathan. "No play" may also reference D&D which Mike started to ignore in season 3 and worried more pointless and superficial things.
Again, hope it doesn't foreshadow anything for these two characters.
This gnome is found in the Library which is fitting considering Jack wants to be a writer.
Gnome #8: Flynn (Flynn Rider from "Tangled" (2010))
"Looks like he rides well."
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Overall plot of Tangled (2010):
"The film tells the story of Rapunzel, a lost, young princess with magical long blonde hair who yearns to leave her secluded tower. Against her abusive foster mother's wishes who kidnappee her when she was young, she accepts the aid of an intruder to take her out into the world which she has never seen."
This story is literally what the boys was arguing about at the end of season 1.
1)The lost knight...
Flynn Rider is actually the son of a king and queen that were from a kingdom that got destroyed by a powerful opal. He was evacuated and placed in an orphanage. He made his reputation as thief.
So Mike and El both parallels this guy, well Mike is a palladin in D&D and he is the son of a wealthy family so he is basically a night. El however also lost her parents like him and has more attributes of a knight in season 1 than Mike.
Flynn is arrogant, which Mike can be a bit sometimes but the both of them can be extremely courageous and care a lot about the people they care about though they are not very strong, nor athletic. Maybe Flynn a bit more.
Also fun coincidence Flynn = Finn, the name of the actor who plays Mike. (almost the same name).
Both him and El run into each other in the woods. Just like Flynn who discover Rapunzel while trying to enter Rapunzel's tower but is knocked out by her who is none other than the...
2)The proud princess...
Well first Rapunzel = Eleven. Both of these girls have magical powers and are used by an abusive and evil parental figure who needs them for their own interest, Mother Gothel used the powers of Rapunzel to stay young forever (like an addiction, a drug) and Martin Brenner aka "Papa". They are both locked away somewhere. El in the lab and Rapunzel in the tower which they both seeked to escape out of. Both believed that these parental figures loved them while it was not true. El also has long blond hair in season 1 like Rapunzel. And both quickly form a relationship with a boy they just met. Both don't know who their real parents are and wants to find them. While Rapunzel has long blonde hair, El had a shaved head.
Also in season 2, El is locked in a cabin in the woods because of Hopper because he believe it is not safe out there which is exactly what Mother Gothel tells Rapunzel. Just like her El disobeys and seeks to discover who her true parents are.
Rapunzel seeks to know what are those floating lights that always appear on her birthday, it is actually her parents who are the king and queen of a kingdom not so far away that do that every year hoping one day she will come back to her. She is a "lost princess". It is very similar to Terry Ives who was communicating through the lights to El.
Rapunzel's power comes out of something that is also connected to something famous in ST.
3) Weird flowers in the cave...
Rapunzel's power come from a flower called "Sundrop flower". = Sunflower which is said by Terry Ives.
This flower can pretty much heal anything including mortal wounds. The Queen got pregnant with Rapunzel but was also terribly sick so she took this flower to heal herself and while doing so, Rapunzel got this ability.
This is very reminiscent of Terry Ives who was pregnant with El and took part in the MKUltra experiences that gave her these powers including certain drugs. She is also "ill" in a way as she is now stuck in a loop. At least from what we saw.
But Rapunzel also parallels another character.
Will Byers. Will could communicate through lights to his mother, just like the parents of Rapunzel and Terry Ives.
The weird flowers could be referencing the sort of vines that entered inside of him in the Upside Down which gave him his "now-memories".
Both had abusive parental figure that would lock them somewhere for whatever reason. (Lonnie with Will in his trunk.)
(Also Hopper may have tried to separate Mike and El but he wasn't like what a Lonnie or Brenner would have been. This is why yes, the situation in season 2 parallels but Hopper truly wished good for El while Brenner and Mother Gothel didn't care for any of these two.)
Same is for Lonnie, he doesn't care about Will.
Since Will is a cleric, both him and Rapunzel have the same time of power. Powers that El doesn't have:
To heal the sick and injured
To revive the dead
To work as a shield
Given this story, it may hint at the fact that Brenner and Lonnie may try to take El and Will for their own greed and purposes.
Since Rapunzel parallels both Will and El, you know what that means for Flynn who parallels Mike.
Flynn in the movie is stabbed by Mother Gothel and dies before cutting the hair of Rapunzel killing Mother Gothel in the process. Rapunzel mourns him and one of his tears heal him.
If Flynn parallels Mike, than something bad could happen to him. If Will does have powers and has feelings for Mike, a supposed death may reveal his powers.
And if he has the same powers as his cleric role, than he could heal those who get hurt or even bring the dead back to life.
If Lonnie sees Mike around Will, given he is homophobic. He may try to hurt him so that he doesn't go near Will again which could lead to him being in grave danger.
Of course all of that is just speculation.
This gnome was found on the parking lot of Starcourt where El decided to break up with Mike and we saw Will smiling in the background.
Also I don't know but... "Looks like he rides well", I mean there's certain undertones to that which are... I don't know how to process that but from what you've just read, Mike apparently rides well. I mean I have nothing against gay sex jokes but still...
Even if it's unintentional, it's how it'll sound on the internet.
Gnome #9: David
"At 399, he's the oldest gnome around."
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So this gnome was already in the first ST official mobile game. And this reminds me a lot of The Lord Of The Rings and The Hobbit but also and of course; Dungeons & Dragons.
The World of David the Gnome, originally titled David, el Gnomo (also known as David, the Gnome), is a Spanish animated television series based on the children's book The Secret Book of Gnomes, by the Dutch author Wil Huygen and illustrator Rien Poortvliet. The series was originally created in Spain by BRB Internacional (who were also responsible for the Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds franchise (Like Dart in season 2 and Mike, Lucas and Dustin where very much like the Three Musketeers in season 1.) and other cartoons such as Bobobobs and Around the World with Willy Fog)
The series presents the gnomes as a kind species, of 15 centimetres (6 inches) of height, and between 250 and 300 grams (8 and 10 ounces) of weight depending on gnome body mass. According to their habitat, different types of gnomes are distinguished: the ones of the forest, the ones of the garden, the ones of the farm, the ones of the house, the ones of the dunes, those of Siberia (David = David Harbour = Hopper = Hopper is in Russia), and nomadic "gypsy" gnomes (commonly looked down upon by other gnomes). A gnome's lifespan is usually 400 years, though there is one example of a couple in the Balkans living 550 years.
Gnomes such as the main characters live in pairs in comfortable caves or holes under trees [kinda like Hobbits] (in their case in the company of a pair of mice and a cricket). Their diet is mostly vegetarian. They are helped by the animals of the forest (kinda like Radagast who is the password to Castle Byers who is located in the woods) when travelling long distances or when they need to arrive quickly at a specific location. Gnomes work in various ways to repair the damage inevitably caused by humans. They also have the power of telepathy and mind control. (kinda like El or the Mindflayer, or even Galadriel in The Lord Of The Rings.)
Their main enemies are the trolls, malevolent and clumsy creatures who always make trouble for the other inhabitants of the forest, as well as gnome poachers. They have supernatural powers that are really strong but they have a weakness, if the sunlight gets on them, they turn to stone.(could be referencing all the Upside Down creatures who don't like sunlight and everything hot.) [Also very much like the Hobbit.] Also one of the trolls was voiced by someone who had the name Henderson, like Dustin Henderson. I also think it references a comic where some bullies attack Will and Mike calls them trolls.
Here are the most important characters:
David is a gnome of the forest. David is 399 years old, making him the oldest gnome around (since gnomes live no more than 400 years exactly, except Franklin, the gnome from the west, who lived 550 years), although he possesses exceptional constitution. David is a doctor, and he uses his knowledge of many fields, such as hypnosis and acupuncture, to heal his patients, usually animals, such as his faithful friend Swift the fox, or other gnomes. David also befriends a bird that, when he whistles, immediately arrives to quickly transport him to wherever necessary. For longer trips, he sometimes travels in a basket attached to the neck of the bird. (It may be a reference to clerics who are known to heal their allies and travelling with birds reminds me of Gandald who sometimes has the help of Eagles in some stories.)
Paul is David's twin brother. Not only does Paul have a normal moustache in contrast to David's handlebar moustache but his jumper is a darker shade of blue, he has a bigger nose, his gnome hat is dark blue whereas David's is red, and his trousers and boots are an inverse of David's: David's trousers are brown and his boots are beige, while Paul wears beige trousers and dark boots. (Of course this is a reference to Will and El who have been compared a lot of times throughout the show and who a lot of people in the fandom consider them siblings and twins, Will has a lot of Red in his wardrobe while El has a lot of blue.)
This gnome was found in a secret Russian base underground in Weathertop where Dustin discovers the Russian transmission coming from their main base located under the mall like a cave (like where gnome lives.). There are also gnomes in Siberia and having the name David, the name of Hopper's actor creates a connection since right now Hopper is in Russia. It may also be a nod to the group of kids who are all little gnomes running around the forest with their magical powers.
Gnome #10: Baskin
"Robin's favorite gnome."
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Now this is a funny one.
This is a reference to the famous Baskin-Robbins which is a chain of ice cream restaurants that did special ice creams for Season 3 because of Scoops Ahoy. It is Robin's favorite gnome because they literally share the same name.
Baskin could also be a reference to the film of the same name where Five police officers, Remzi, Arda, Yavuz, Apo, and Seyfi, are dining at a restaurant, during which they have a discussion. Their meal is interrupted when they receive a distress call from Inceagac, a town known for being the focus of strange rumors. During the trip Seyfi has a terrifying vision of a bloody figure and accidentally drives their van into the water. Stranded, the officers eventually make their way to Inceagac, where they find themselves in an abandoned building (back in the Ottoman days, this used to be a police station), captured by cult members and are subjected to a number of increasingly bizarre and surreal scenarios. In the end, they realize they have all inadvertently wandered into Hell.
It has alot of similiraties with stories like Silent Hills or Hellraiser, two stories that inspired Stranger Things especially Hellraiser for Stranger Things 4. And it fully embraces the satanic imagery and themes which is something we are going to see with the satanic panic and also has the theme of time, dreams and visions.
We'll see how much season 4 decides to use those sort of elements in the show.
Well this gnome is easy to find. It's in the Scoops Ahoy parlor next to Robin. USS Butterscotch seems to be very popular there
Gnomes 11 - 20 coming soon.
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vivdunye · 3 years
present day, present time
and you don't seem to understand
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fabled adages of science
so i was watching the snyder cut of justice league the other morning, i couldn't really begin to tell you why other than i needed 4 hours of background noise . but i tuned in at one point when the fictional super Israeli, wonder woman, narrated a scene explaining an alien technology "that was so advanced that it almost seemed like sorcery", and wouldn't yknow, that's a real concept actually, i recognized it immediately as clark's third law:
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
it's perhaps the most well known and oft quoted of the three, but i always felt like arthur c. clark's first 2 laws don't ever get quite enough love . i've been thinking heavily about the first law lately:
When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
i've been thinking about it in relation to this one quote from wernher von braun that i always liked:
Nature does not know extinction; all it knows is transformation. Everything science has taught me, and continues to teach me, strengthens my belief in the continuity of our spiritual existence after death.
many people are afraid of death; of ceasing the awareness of life, because they don't know what will happen to themselves after, where do they go if anywhere? it's much more nebulous in the secular sense if you haven't a construct for the afterlife already . i've been thinking about death more and more often lately to a worrying degree . however, scientific thought for all its clinical detachment from all things spiritual has strangely enough always felt like the perfect module for contemplating the metaphysical . so i decided to do some research .
i want to recall right now thomas edison's first intended use for the phonograph . edison had originally envisioned the phonograph primarily as a means of preserving the voices of loved ones after death . he later went on to try and develop a "ghost box" or "spiritphone" . this device would allow humans to communicate directly with the dead . he was unsuccessful .
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if hauntology has taught us anything, we technically do have ghost boxes now, but maybe not in the way edison intended or even predicted . we carry them everywhere and can check them anytime, channeling messages through them constantly . we actively become digital ghosts, online we are both present and absent . the present implodes with the past, we've over-documented everything so now we can experience an instant nostalgia . today's future becomes archaic, we live in the archive to try and remember what the future once was .
'haunted' and 'futuristic' become one and the same .
by this token i'm reminded also by transhumanism . as the technological singularity fast approaches, as progress charges forward at a constantly increasing speed, current estimates posit the 2040s as the point in which technological improvements will occur at a constantly self-replicating rate . in the time between now and then, transhumanism and the eventual merging of human consciousness with machinery are theorized outcomes of technological progress . one day we might be able to leave the shackles of our human bodies and transcend our physical forms as a joined digital consciousness .
and in relation to this i also think now of clark's second law
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
through the wired
this is the stage on which the anime Serial Experiments Lain is set . a story, that while constructed on the patchwork of fiction, is nevertheless symbolic of certain phenomena based in reality .
also i apologize if it wasn't apparent that this post was going to be about Lain . im lainposting boys
the first few episodes exist to misdirect the viewer right from the beginning . and only by returning to these episodes having thought through the rest of the show, does their purpose become clear . the first episode, aptly titled "Layer 01: Weird" , is meant to show us exactly one thing, that lain is fucking weird . we can't tell what she's thinking, we can't tell what she's doing, and that's exactly how everyone around her feels . lain is totally and completely disconnected, she doesn't keep up with current events at school, she doesn't communicate with her family, near as we can tell she has no actual interests besides her stuffed animals and totally phasing out of reality. the inciting incident of the series happens when someone tries to make a connection with lain, and that person happens to be dead...
or at least there body is dead, their consciousness seems to have escaped into the wired . lain's decision to pursue this connection is what lead's her to ask her father for a new navi (the series' name for a personal computer) and that's all that really happens in this episode . coming back to it from later episodes we know that lain is probably thinking a lot throughout this episode . the decision to not entreat us to any of her thoughts is intentional, it is to make us feel distant from her as viewers, the same way that the world around her is distant . as lain forms connections throughout the series, so too, will we form a connection with her .
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we do not know how much time has passed since then and the second episode, but whatever has happened lain has already developed a significant presence in the wired . this episode is tricky in its presentation as it doesn't make us privy to which things lain is lying about and which things she's honest about . in it we have lain talking to someone on her navi, she types sporadically in an encrypted language, and someone who looks just like her appears late one night in a night club downtown . while lain won't admit it to her classmates it's apparent at the end of the episode that it was her at the club all along . the key to understanding her actions throughout the episode is to realize she is trying to keep her existence in the wired and her existence in reality as separate entities . the realization she has by the end of the episode, which she uses to terrify a gunmen into suicide is that there is no escape from the wired, no matter where you are you are always connected .
made in the late-90s, Lain was quite ahead of its time . it predicted not only how in the early 2000s the internet would be regarded as a separate world where anonymity and personas reigned—it also predicted how the internet would eventually and inevitably overlap with the real world, once people in the real world realized that the internet is the real world . people have a tendency to see one part of themselves as their "true selves", whereas the parts they show to others are personas, they think of these things as separate when in reality a person is an amalgamation of all of their personas . lain tries to change her personas by dressing and acting differently from when she's in the wired-mode and in normal-mode, but she doesn't realize how people have been doing this way before the wired existed . her classmates are all 15 but they all pass for adults when they've dolled up and hit the club . if the characters in the show seem a bit young for their attitudes then you may not have met enough tech-savvy teenagers before . the purpose of this episode is to ultimately to prove to lain that the so-called real world and the wired are merely two layers of one reality, which couldn't be more true of the world today .
let there be light300pMTK. .
in mythology, psyche was the mortal princess who fell in love with and, eventually, married the god cupid; in religion and classical philosophy, psyche came to mean the human soul, and in the modern, literate world, it retains that meaning as the human spirit; in freudian analysis, psyche refers to the totality of the human mind: the id, ego and superego .
every meaning of psyche is distinctly human: a human princess who achieves godhood, the soul or mind of an individual . if previous episodes introduced the blurring of the real world with the wired, then episode three; "Layer 03: Psyche" is the episode that starts to blur human identity online and offline . one doesn’t even have to venture into the wired to ask what is human .
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by this point we know that lain is definitely up to something . at this stage it's hard to tell what, but all we get are little glimpses into her actions . she still seems to be hiding a lot from the world around her and from the viewer in turn . ironically, lain's blank-faced silence and response to the questions of those around her it's own incrimination . when a police officer tells her to speak up (regarding the gunman's suicide) even if she had nothing to do with it, he doesn't realize she's being silent precisely because she does have something to do with it . but her deer-in-the-headlights persona gets her out of it .
the lain of the wired and the lain of reality are slowly starting to mesh into one whole . it remains difficult to interpret the physical existence of "other lain" so to speak, and the show refuses to outright show her playing that character . at the least, we do get to see lain access the wired in all its chaotic glory and she does begin to take an active interest in expanding her knowledge as she learns about and installs the "Psyche drive", a computer circuit that lain procures in hopes of it enhancing her computer's processing power . on the smaller scale, when lain applies the psyche processor to her navi, she is installing a spirit or soul, an animating element, to her machine . notably, the psyche does not replace the main processor; psyche augments the main processor, interpreting the data that flows through it . the soul is not simply the brain, it is an elevated consciousness or meta-self. by this point in the series lines become blurred and the lains begin to merge (hehe) . all of this is set against the backdrop of lain trying to decide if she should remain in the physical world or fully integrate in the wired . she hears one voice telling her that death feels amazing, and god exists in the wired, that there is nothing left for lain in this world . however, lain begins to establish a connection with her classmate alice, saying her name out loud and commiting it to memory for the first time, alice asks why her friends are not more shaken up after watching someone shoot himself in the head the previous day . it's almost as though lain is clinging to alice as an excuse to stay in the physical world out of fear for changing over . this all sets the seeds for what eventually grows throughout the series .
i want to recall the final meaning of the word “psyche". that the word also meant “butterfly,” which is how the greeks imagined the soul to appear . no doubt the symbolism of a creature that begins as one thing and transforms into another is not lost on us here .
every event serves to emphasize the existence of one's own personal reality, and as individuals from all others, we desire a place to belong . however that too is an egotistical concept . in order for there to be a mutual understanding, it is necessary to recognize here and now, like the brain synapses, we are all—in a logical yet chaotic manner—connected .
each is seperate—yet they are one . by connecting, humanity gains first awareness of its function as a seed . and by connecting a human no longer remains a mere endpoint, a "terminus", but becomes a junction to another point, having won the right to continue itself . in a sense, the ability to connect is the ability to continue . this not only applies to the connection of axial coordinates but temporal coordinates as well . therefore, at the time when a conscious, intentional connection is made, surely the dead will rise from there intended place, appearing at the time coordinate of the connection's origin .
in that moment, the realization will dawn that the time in which we inhabit our physical bodies is but the starting point of the connection, and the very meaning of possessing a physical body might be questioned .
we recognize we are connected .
serialize thyself .
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story, from the very beginning
The Guilt and The Demon!Dean foreshadow
(9x14/9x15 and 9x17)
Hi my dears! Another meta from season 9, this is a very interesting one, talking about a funny mirror I found with the ghostfacers and Destiel, also a new foreshadow for what will come in season 10.
We will talk about Dean's guilt and a lot a foreshadows too for Demon!Dean and his summer love with Crowley.
I want to say thank you to my friend @agusvedder, she made the gifs for this meta, thank you girl!!
Okay, let's start...
Guilt and more Guilt
Episode 9x14 is all about GUILT. We have Dean talking with Ghost!Kevin, trying to ask for forgiveness, because his death is all over Dean's shoulders... He said it while he was trying to contact him.
DEAN: Kevin? Kevin. All right, I can't do this. Coffee-buzzing, bump-in-the-night crap. I got serious things to say to you, okay? And I'm not gonna say them to this.
[DEAN gets up and turns his back on the coffeemaker]
Kevin, I'm sorry. You did not choose this life. You busted your ass, you lost everything, everyone you've loved...
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This speech is yelling guilt the whole time. Is Dean trying to say every painful word that had been stabbing his heart and his mind since Kevin died. One of his huge, heavy bags on his back.
Then... We will have Castiel talking with Bartholomew, and again, this angel trying to bring the guilt on Castiel, the fault.
But before this... Bartholomew will try to recruit him... Castiel is not that kind of angel, the one who follows orders, so, Bartholomew can't barely understand what motives Castiel to keep fighting by his own...
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And this is a foreshadow for that famous quote from Metatron: IT WAS ALWAYS TO SAVE ONE HUMAN. TO SABE DEAN WINCHESTER.
That's why Castiel needs to keep fighting, and that's what Castiel feels is waiting for him, for his help. Is waiting to be saved, even if he doesn't feel he deserves it.
And then, the exposition of Castiel's sins, and guilts...
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But Castiel answered magnificently... And this proves he really grew up after being a human. He did what he had to to survive, because they are in war. But what he did... Doesn't define him.
The quote from Bartholomew WE FOLLOW ORDERS, is against Castiel's nature, and impress the huge difference between Heaven and Castiel.
Foreshadow of Demon!Dean/Crowley summer of love, and Castiel's finding another "new love"
Okay, we had a little scene in 9x14 between Sam and Dean...
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What a funny foreshadow of what will be Dean and Crowley's summer of love, Dean giving some credit to the Demon, as if it was the beginning of a great friendship.
And we had a very interesting Destiel mirror with Ghostfacers in episode 9x15 Thin Man.
If you watch the episode, it will look like if Harry and Ed were representing the current issue between Sam and Dean. Their fight because of Gadreel possession. But if you dig deeper... They're not just mirroring the brothers there...
First of all I want you to pay attention to the clothes changes in Harry. Harry will be our shapeshifter mirror. He will be mirroring Cas and Dean, and it will be easier for you if you hear his words and see his color coded dressing.
With that on mind... Let's check this scene...
ED: What did Dana post?
HARRY [turning his phone around to show ED a picture of a girl]
No, it's just -- she changed her profile pic, and it's cropped, (...)
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Okay, Dana mhm, is obviously making reference to Dean here... But Dean is with another man... Platonically?? That's a very funny word related to Destiel dynamic, but also... Dana/Dean is betraying... Harry dressed in BLUE COLOR (CASTIEL MIRROR), so, blatantly talking about what is about to come... Dean will betray Castiel with Crowley, but just platonically (🤣) so funny.
But this doesn't ends here... Because when Dean arrives... The dialogue between him and Harry (Castiel mirror) becomes very second meaning and flirty.
HARRY: Ahh, first of all, you guys don't scare us.
ED: Not at all.
HARRY [lifting his shirt to reveal a gun in his waistband] Say, "hola" to my little pistola.
DEAN: Am I supposed to be impressed with that treasure trail or the lady gun you got hiding in your, uh, pants there?
HARRY: Uh...Both?
Okay, this was for dirty minds, and we know who had a happy treasure trail, right? Hello sexy Mish.
And then we had this new reference to Dana again...
ED: Come on, man, would you please stop Facebook stalking your ex-girlfriend?
HARRY: I was right.
ED: Hmm?
HARRY: She changed her relationship status to "it's complicated." What does that even mean?
ED: Who cares? You broke up with her. Everything about that girl is complicated. Okay, I mean, she gets the cream puffs, she tells you to take out the filling. They're just puffs.
So Dean is complicated, and he will be in a complicated relationship with Crowley... Foreshadow again.
Now... Don't forget that ass slap to Harry/still Cas mirror dressed in blue, but now adding green and red to make reference to Destiel.
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May I add this was too gay? And how Agus marked me... Dean is hitting his lower lip like, excuse me sir?
Finally, we arrived to the big fight between Harry (dressed in red, toxic Dean, it means he is mirroring Dean now) and Ed.
This fight brought to elements... One the brothers fight we saw at the end of Road Trip, mostly when Ed confess he did it for Harry (to lie). And two... The break up will be between Crowley and Dean at the beginning of season 10... So... Pay attention to this dialogue, thinking we have toxic/demon!Dean/Dean mirror in Harry and Crowley mirror in Ed...
Who was the woman Harry/Dean was about to marry, the woman who he had a serious and deep relationship? Dana, now... This reference is linked to Castiel. Castiel is the safe love the unconditional love, the man who will always be there for Dean. The angel showed him that in Road Trip. He's his loyal partner. The love of his life.
Now... This...
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ED: Well, maybe it's not too late, you know? You could call her and see.
Okay, this just recalled me when Dean and Crowley broke up, Crowley went straight to give some stolen grace to Cas, to give Dean his ex boyfriend back.
HARRY: That's not gonna work.
ED: Well, maybe -- maybe it will.
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Okay!! And let's stop here... Remember in episode 10x03 when Dean was back to normal and Castiel entered in his room? And Cas just threw I HAVE A WOMAN ON MY CAR? And Dean's face was like WHAT DID YOU JUST SAID??
Ah okay, so... Because Dean had this live summer with Crowley, with empty promises and all... Now he lost Cas, who searched for another love interest? (Hannah?) So yeah... Now Dana is Cas. And yes, Cas said this because he wanted some revenge and make Dean a little jealous.
Okay but that is for season 10 Chronicles we will have to wait...
Foreshadow of Cas and Sam healing Demon!Dean
This is just a brief comment about episode 9x17 Mother's little helper.
This scene...
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Is a foreshadow of Sam facing his brother as a demon, Demon!Dean will act like a soulless evil, erratic and heartless.
This episode showed us an unrequited love and a sacrifice for that love, linked too to season 10 and how will Dean feel after becoming normal.
And because is talking about soulless people, is a foreshadow to Amara's plot too.
Sam releasing the souls is showing us he will be solving the way to bring his brother back at the beginning of season 10: again FAMILY LOVE (Sam) and ROMANTIC LOVE (Castiel) will save the day.
To Conclude:
Episode 14 talked about guilt as a central topic this season, but it began to show clues about Dean/Crowley dynamic in season 10, we had even Dean saying to Del (the demon) "Well, me and Crowley, we're -- we're tight now. Thick as thieves. Saw him just last month. We, uh, had a grand ol' time."
Episode 15 did the same with Ed and Harry as mirror shifters for Cas/Dean and Dean/Crowley. Talking us about a love triangle between CAS/DEAN/CROWLEY and DEAN/CAS/HANNAH.
Finally we had another foreshadow of how they will heal Dean at the beginning of season 10 in episode 9x17, when Sam released those souls.
I hope you liked this meta, see you in the next one!
Tagging @metafest @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
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If you want to be tagged or removed from this list, just let me know.
If you want to check the previous season 9 Chronicles, here are the links...
Buenos Aires 15th January 2020 5:32 PM
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Ok so I know some people in the fandom don't like talking about Magnus' past lovers because anyone that isn't Alec everyone just turns their heads but ok listen. Your last response about Magnus and queer history my head immediately went to Freddie Mercury and oh please I would like a little more insight on how they met and their relationship. The only thing we knew was that Magnus would go to his concerts and even drag his friends along. What I would give to learn more about them.
FUCK MY LIFE anon listen idk if you fully know what you're getting yourself into by asking me this because i am literally OBSESSED with Magnus' relationship with Queen and Freddie like im literally VIBRATING rn i was answering the questions in order but i just HAD to answer this one immediately because !!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck fuck fuck i love magnus' relationship with Freddie Mercury and Queen so much you dont understand, i have already made some posts and i still plan on making a playlist of Queen Songs That Remind Me Of Magnus but anyway hell yeah let's DO this
okay so first im gonna talk a little bit about how i view their relationship. now, they probably weren't in a very serious relationship, since theres this whole Magnus Locked His Heart Ever Since Camille thing, but Magnus and Freddie have SO much in common i cant really think this was just a fling, either. so here's what i think: magnus and freddie were good friends who sometimes hooked up and that definitely had chemistry to have something special, but it never happened because Magnus never fully allowed himself to give in to it and neither did Freddie - im assuming their relationship was in the 70s, since in the 80s Freddie met his husband, Jim Hutton, and at that time Freddie also had a hard time trusting and loving. also, Magnus was already in New York, so it couldn't have been too serious. but Magnus would go around to watch their concerts and every time he would find Freddie somehow (it wasnt that hard, really, you just had to go to the local queer scene) and they would sometimes hook up, sometimes just talk and enjoy each other's company, sometimes both. that's what i think it's most likely.
but the absolutely OFF THE CHARTS amount of vibing they must have done. i dont think you fully understand - unless you're a queenie trash bitch such as me - just how similar magnus and freddie are. here's a short, comprehensive list of Freddie Mercury Traits:
Freddie was seen and stereotyped as an overly sexual, lothario, diva and inconsequential kind of guy, and to some extent he put on this facade, but in reality he was extremely closed off and insecure and loving, and this was mostly a persona he put on to protect himself
Despite that whole persona, Freddie was an extremely compassionate guy who did everything he could to help others, particularly other queer people. His personal assistant, his chef, his chaffeur, all were other queer guys (sometimes his exes even) that had nowhere else to go and were in need of a job, and Freddie was just like "oh, would you look at that, you're hired now. I'm gonna pay you, hm, 3 million" it was so. When Jim lost his job Freddie hired him as a gardener. They literally met because they were talking in a club and Freddie was all like "lets all go to my house" and brought in a bunch of strangers to his home. That's the kind of guy he was. His house was always open as well
Freddie was loyal to a fault and a little bit too trusting, and was stabbed in the back a few times. The most well-known one is P*ul, who outed him against his will despite them having years of friendship, a blow that Freddie never fully recovered from, but there were others. Despite being a shy guy and reluctant to open up, he actually wore his heart on his sleeve and this sometimes ended up hurting him, a lot
Freddie felt absolutely lonely and like he was unworthy of being loved. This is not a secret, its a common theme in a lot of his songs, the most prominent of them being somebody to love. He wanted to be loved and taken care of but at the same time wouldnt allow himself
He was also very insecure. Jim says in his book that Freddie would frequently ask him, out of the blue, if he loved him, despite the fact that they were, you know, married (not in the paper, of course, but Jim bought him wedding rings and Freddie called him his husband, so i consider them married)
He was constantly scared of being an inconvenience. When he found out he had AIDS, his first instinct was to tell Jim that if jim wanted to leave him he would understand. Jim, of course, said that was bullshit and he wouldnt leave Freddie because of that
He was a perfectionist and always wanted to do his absolute best, nothing less. He was also a creative genius as we all know
He loved cats and would bring random cats into his home constantly
He loved fashion and pretty things
He was a queer, gnc man of color
He had a pretty protective side to him; queen's bassist, John Deacon, was extremely shy and said that Freddie pretty much shielded him from the press attention, and also helped him polish his song writing skills and always wanted him to do his best. After Freddie died, John quit the showbusiness.
I mean, remind you of someone? Holy fucking shit, i nearly lost my goddamn mind when they mentioned that he hooked up with Freddie, because they're so similar in their issues and insecurities and interests it's almost meta. I don't know if that was on purpose or not, but i thank the sh writers every day for that line tbh honestly i am so blessed
Unfortunately i think they might kind of be too similar - you get two very insecure, afraid to be hurt people who kind of have a persona together and it's kind of hard to have them have a meaningful relationship. But where Freddie was shy, Magnus was extroverted and easygoing, and there were always parties (something the both of them loved) and they had enough common interests to bond over. Also, they both couldnt help but wear their heart on their sleeves, even when they tried not to. And i mean, i am 100% sure that Magnus absolutely loved Queen, because 1- who doesnt? 2- the songs are so intense and heartfelt and beautiful and theatrical and that's right on magnus' alley; 3- the lyrics just speak to him, because there Freddie was, writing about wanting to be loved and fearing to open himself up, and there was also Brian writing all these songs about seeing your loved ones die, and Roger was a domestic abuse victim - there was just so much for him to relate too. So i can definitely see Freddie and Magnus staying up awake late at night, looking at the window and talking about themselves, their fears, the personas they have created and how hard it is to break out of them, when they were alone in a hotel room and everyone else who was at the party was gone. Just the two of them, having heart-to-hearts, then sleeping, but the next day the magic was gone and they were both back to guarding themselves - also, Magnus was avoiding getting involved with mundane men, if you go by my headcanon. so there was just too much holding them back
but it was still an important relationship that helped the both of them learn more about themselves and get a little more used to opening up and allowing themselves to talk about themselves. they didnt really break up as much as drift apart - Freddie had the band and Magnus was high warlock of Brooklyn and the political tensions in the downworlder community were high. But they both got their happy endings after all - Freddie met Jim and they were together until the end of his life, and Magnus met Alec, who will be with him for the rest of eternity too because i said so :) so its all good, in the end, and Freddie will always have a special place in magnus' heart, as both an amazing human being that he was honoured to meet and someone who was really, really important to magnus and that helped him become who he is today and be a little happier and more comfortable with himself
he still loves queen and listens to them constantly. sometimes its bittersweet to think about him, but most times its just good to hear these songs that mean so much to him and think of how far theyve both gone
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
I recently read a fic on ao3 and it was funny and great and then I thought of a few major changes that would make it even more hilarious. Problem is, I don't know the etiquette here. Should I just go ahead and write my own version? Add a link to the original story and credit it as inspiration? It was based on a prompt so the idea isn't exclusively the author's I suppose. Anyway I'll only be borrowing the start scenario (which is the prompt) and there will be no other similarities. Please help
Hello there. I’m gonna start what I expect will be kind of a long essay by saying there is an awful lot to unpack here… Starting with the fact that there is a chasm of difference between taking inspiration from a prompt fill fic and imagining an entirely different scenario, and starting that from a mentality of “I can do better than you.” The first is at the root of all of human creativity. We all bounce off one another and take inspiration from each other, and the entire history of human storytelling is essentially one long conversation. But the second part of this historically leads to fisticuffs. No, really. Google “famous literary feuds” for all the reasons why.
It’s not so much a difference in practical terms, but in your approach and understanding here.
So this is why I saw this ask in my inbox late last night and decided I needed to go to sleep rather than trying to answer you right away. But now I have coffee, so let’s give this a try. :P
I’d start by asking what the source of the prompt was. Was it a tumblr post? A prompt from a prompt list? Even one of those “pick a pairing and a prompt and I’ll write a short ficlet” posts? If so, you’re probably free to use the prompt by going back to the original fic prompt list. People publish those as jumping off points to write fic, and they actively WANT people to use them this way.
If the prompt, however, was given to a specific author by someone, you might want to at least ask that author if it would be okay for you to write something of your own based on the prompt. And at least try not to frame it as “I can write something better than you did” when you ask. That’s just rude and demoralizing for the author who’s already published a fic for that prompt, you know?
I get fic ideas all the time from random places, but there’s a different etiquette for each of them.
Sometimes a random tumblr post will give me an idea, and I’ll go talk to the OP privately, both because it’s FUN to talk about someone’s wild headcanon with them, and because you’re approaching the person who had the initial idea with courtesy and in the spirit of collaboration, rather than from this place of “stealing their idea.” The first builds good fandom feelings, while the second tends to do the opposite. I have a couple of experiences here that will hopefully illustrate the difference.
A few years back, when Lizbob was running the Great Meta Scavenger Hunt during s12, it led to the creation of the Great Fic Writer Scavenger Hunt. The theory behind it was that any number of authors could take the same fic prompt based on a single trope paired with a single distinctive character trait and the results would all be entirely unique stories. The intent was to prove that just because an idea had been written before, it becomes a new story when written by someone else, you know? And it was TRUE.
We had DOZENS of authors participate, and despite all writing “the same story” every week, NONE of the resulting stories were even remotely the same.
On the other hand, I posted an insomnia-inspired headcanon a few months ago, and within five minutes after posting it, my insomnia brain– with an assist from a more rational point of view thanks to lizbob– had taken that little notion and spun it out into long fic in my head. I went back to my original post to laugh at myself in a reblog, announcing that I was gonna write long fic of the thing and for people to stay tuned for more, but other folks had already reblogged the original with comments to the effect of, “Someone should write this fic!” The worst thing was that other authors were tagged into it. As if my highly specific headcanon was suddenly communal property. Because the implication behind it– whether it was the truth or not– felt like “I like this headcanon, but have decided that I don’t want the OP to actually write this story because I like XYZ author’s writing better.”
And I know that was not the intent of the folks who added those comments to my post, but as someone who actively writes fic for this fandom, it felt like a slap in the face.
Now if those same people had replied, “OP please write more of this!” or “What a cool idea!” or even if they’d come to me privately and said, “Hey this is a cool idea, do you mind if I use it to write a longer fic?” I would’ve been HAPPY about it.
Can you see the difference here, anon?
The result was a rather frustrating back and forth where I was told that because I posted the idea in public it was effectively free real estate for anyone else to squat on. I mean, isn’t that what we’re all doing with the source material we base all our fan creations on anyway? We don’t ask the Supernatural writers for permission to use their characters, their settings, their intellectual property to create our own stories and art, right?
But the difference here is apparently too subtle for some folks to grasp. The Supernatural writers aren’t part of our fandom community. And the culture within fandom operates on different rules. Fandom creators are not source creators, and yes we all collectively “steal” from the same source, but it sort of defies the underlying premise that fandom creators as a whole are operating on the same level to suggest that “stealing” from another fandom creator is the same thing.
From my understanding, the entire point of fandom creators doing what they do is to build a community together around the thing we all love. There is a way to do that in good faith, through collaboration and the free sharing of ideas and creations.
I hope this makes sense.
The result of all of that was that I set aside another project I’d been wanting to write and instead began spite writing my own headcanon post. It was like pulling teeth at first, because there was so much Bad Fandom Feeling attached to the concept that the words just didn’t want to come. It’s FINALLY flowing now, though (after several months of the aforementioned teeth-pulling), and is nearing 18k words. I’m hoping it’ll be done and ready to post by the end of March, so I can FINALLY go back to writing the thing I’d originally wanted to work on before this nonsense blew up.
I’ve also unfortunately been one of the authors tagged in on someone else’s headcanon post in the past. I know the folks who do this think it’s flattering, and they’re just excited about an idea and want to read more of it, but the correct etiquette is ALWAYS to approach the OP in PRIVATE before taking their idea and writing it yourself, or pointing another author in the direction of the post and suggesting they write it for you.
I can guarantee you that 99 times out of 100, the OP will actually be flattered you enjoyed their idea so much you want to read more of it if you frame it from a place of appreciation and excitement, rather than from a place of selfish entitlement or superiority.
I’ve talked about this before, but this is how I have always approached fic writing. I got my first idea for a long fic from the Valentine’s Day Collab fic that Winjennster ran back in 2015. I told her I had an idea based on her prompt that I wanted to write as a much longer fic than would fit into the 3k limit for the collab, and she told me to go forth and be fruitful with my words. Actually, I think her exact words were more like “HELL YES! YOU DO THAT!” or something, but the spirit was the same. :P
The next fic I wrote (Project Beyonce) was inspired by a series of tumblr crack posts about “what sort of tumblr blogs would each member of TFW run?” And I reblogged them with commentary about how this would make a hilarious fic, because they were that sort of “conversational thread” of crack headcanons where that sort of addition was more than welcome. Not to mention I was already on friendly terms with the other participants in the thread, so it wasn’t strange for me to zoom in out of the blue and announce I was writing fic inspired by those posts. Even though my fic was set in an AU, and the only commonality was the fact that Dean and Cas were on tumblr. Nothing else about my fic was even remotely similar to the canon crack headcanons from those posts, and I don’t think that anyone involved in the original threads was upset that I’d written fic based on Dean being Cas’s favorite tumblr anon…
My first DCBB (Revenge of the Subtext) was inspired by a crack post made by @nicelimabean. One single sentence about Jensen and Jared walking into a con dressed like Sam and Dean and covered in dirt and blood, and suddenly I had 80k of fic running through my head. I sat there and stared at her post for like five minutes and then went immediately to the chat bubbles to ask– nay, beg– to use her post as a fic prompt for the DCBB. We talked it over for a good long while, both of us growing more excited as the ideas spun out, and long story short, not only did I make a wonderful fandom friend, she ended up beta reading for me and being an ongoing source of encouragement and support in fandom. We even met in person at a con (!) and spent the weekend cackling about how everything felt like a reference to RotS (since at the time we were the only two people on the planet who’d read the fic or even knew what it was about, because DCBB rules of secrecy).
Since then, I’ve gotten ideas for fic from tumblr (and always asked the OP for permission to write their idea– like for fic such as Plotbunny which was based on the combination of ideas from @bluestar86 on a WONDERFUL way to confirm Dean’s bisexuality in canon and Lizbob’s long desire for an Easter Bunny episode, combined with the fact that Easter fell on April Fool’s Day last year… to ideas for The Terminal Job based on chats with @truebluecas about an airport AU WHICH I AM SO SORRY STROB I STILL HAVE IT ON MY LIST TO WRITE AND I SWEAR I WILL WRITE IT EVENTUALLY D:
I’ve also had the reverse happen, where someone read one of my fics and was inspired to write their own fic based on Revenge of the Subtext. They approached me in private with the idea and asked for my blessing to write it. Honestly, I was FLOORED that anyone would be inspired by my words like that, and eagerly encouraged them to write their idea. I’ve also had people give me fic ideas in comments on AO3, in chats both on tumblr and Discord, which turned into longer conversations and eventually more fic (or at the very least to ideas on my To Be Written list). But I always ALWAYS ask permission from the other person or people before writing their ideas. And I have NEVER been told that I was not permitted. People are usually PLEASED that their ideas are deemed worthy by another writer, you know? It’s exciting!
This also goes for art inspired by fic, but in a slightly different way. If someone (anyone!) was inspired to draw something based on something I wrote, I will UNIVERSALLY BE THRILLED that my words inspired someone’s creativity in a different medium. But the key here is it’s a different medium. Nobody ever has to ask permission to art my fic. But that’s not the same as wanting to rewrite my fic into a different story, you know?
Not to mention, collaborating and asking permission and sharing the enthusiasm for an idea or a story like this with others has the potential to boost ALL of your creations. You could build resentment in fandom from other creators, or you can all lift each other up. Starting from the standpoint of communal excitement can result in mutual promotion of each other’s works, you know? Do you want a built-in cheerleader for your work, to build connections in fandom that will eventually support ALL of your works? Then your approach to sharing ideas this way is the key that could potentially unlock that door, or conversely lock it behind you. Your choice, really.
Wait, what was I talking about again? OH right. The whole entire point of fandom. We’re all of us in this same boat, sailing the seas of our chosen Source Material together. You can use your creative abilities for Good, to build communities up, or you can be That Asshole who tries to build themselves up while effectively shading or demoralizing other fandom creators in the process.
So what I’m saying here isn’t necessarily about your desire to write something based on someone else’s idea, but more about the approach you take to it. It costs zero dollars to be polite about it and approach it from a direction of good will and joy in creating for the thing we all love together, you know?
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thestupidhelmet · 6 years
I've been reading lot of your metas lately and I really love them but I noticed that your criticizm of Kelso is really harsh. I think he's not that bad. His sexist remarks are mostly played for laughs and he wasn't that sexist and stupid in season 1. I think that in season 1 he was actually a good guy then he suddenly became a sex obsessed pig in season 2. Don't you think this might be because he's somewhat traumatized by Laurie's invasion of his boundaries and emotional blackmailing and abuse?
Thanks! I’m glad you’re enjoying my metas, and I understand how my analysis of Kelso might seem harsh. That’s likely due to the fact my metas involving Kelso tend to analyze his worst arcs on the show.
That said, regardless of whether sexist remarks are played/written for laughs, they become part of a character’s makeup if s/he says them. Red and Jackie’s xenophobic remarks toward Fez are played/written for laughs, too. That doesn’t make Red and Jackie any less xenophobic.
I do think Kelso – stripped of Ashton’s charming, often hilarious portrayal – is an unlikable character for much of the show and generally not a “good guy”. But Ashton’s likability comes through Kelso, making it harder to discern just how awful Kelso truly is for most of the series. When I watch Kelso on T7S, I don’t grumble about his terrible behavior. I laugh at his antics and enjoy Ashton’s performance. It creates some cognitive dissonance, and I posted an interesting meta last night discussing that very phenomenon.
Below the cut is an extensive, thorough meta. Tuck in. :)
In season 1, Kelso does have a good friend moment in “Grandma’s Dead” (1x23). A man knocks Eric unconscious with one punch, and Kelso and Hyde avenge Eric’s honor and fight that man and his friends. Other than that, though, Kelso doesn’t demonstrate any real friendship to anyone. He’s focused on himself, Jackie (positively and negatively), and Laurie.
In “Drive-In” (1x08), Kelso almost has another good friend moment with Eric. Eric asks Kelso not to accompany him and Donna to a drive-in movie. But Kelso doesn’t follow-through because Jackie makes the opposite promise to Donna, and Kelso doesn’t put up much of a fight. Kelso and Jackie fool around in the back seat of the Vista Cruiser, making Eric and Donna uncomfortable.
Neither Jackie nor Kelso act like good friends in this episode, but Jackie’s the only one who tries to uphold her promise to Donna. She’s also the only one who acknowledges that she’s not “being a very good friend”. She repeatedly attempts to fend off Kelso’s amorous advances but ultimately gives into them.
In “Sunday, Bloody Sunday” (1x10), Eric needs help finishing a term-paper because he has to entertain his grandmother. Donna offers her, Hyde, and Kelso’s help to write it for him. Jackie offers to get her own essay (that she mistakenly believes is) on the same subject. Kelso, though, is determined to break up with her in that very moment. Unlike Donna, Hyde, and Jackie, he’s entirely self-focused.
In “Ski Trip” (1x13), Kelso cheats on Jackie the first time. He kisses Pam Macy behind the school gym, and Jackie breaks up with him (temporarily). He doesn’t show any remorse for what he did. He just wants Jackie to forgive him.
KITTY: Michael, what are you doing down here?KELSO: You know what? I think Eric actually went [to Jackie’s ski cabin without me]. What a jerk!KITTY: Well, why don’t you just go to Jackie’s cabin and talk to him?KELSO: Ican’t. I don’t have a car; and, besides,Jackie hates me forever because I kissed Pam Macy.KITTY: You know, when Mr. Forman and I were dating., I saw him kissing a girl in a movie theater once, and I forgave him.KELSO: You forgave him for kissing another girl?KITTY: Yes, sir. I mean, it wasn’t – it wasn’t so much kissing as it was a groping, sloppy, pawing, nibbling nightmare.KELSO: But, but you forgave him!KITTY: Yeah, I forgave the bastard!KELSO: Cool!
Kelso hitchhikes his way to Jackie’s cabin, not because he feels badly about hurting her. He wants to go skiing with his friends, confront Eric about Eric’s lack of loyalty to him, and to get Jackie’s forgiveness. When he reunites with Jackie, he still shows no remorse and doesn’t apologize.
JACKIE: You walked all the way here in the driving snowstorm just to be with me, didn’t you, Michael? And you would never, ever do that for Pam Macy, would you?KELSO: No?JACKIE: Lover..
Kelso’s forgiven because he guesses that, “No,” is the answer Jackie wants to hear. Basically, it’s dumb luck. Jackie interprets his journey to the cabin as evidence that he loves her. In other words, she suffers from confirmation bias.
In “That Wrestling Show” (1x15), Kelso takes advantage of Jackie’s fear he’ll break up with her now that they’ve had sex. He uses that fear to control her and order her around. That’s not what a good boyfriend – let alone what a good person -- does to someone he supposedly cares about.
Throughout season 1, Kelso demonstrates his lust for Laurie. She rejects him until “A New Hope” (1x20), where he initiates their first make-out. This episode takes place right after Kelso and Jackie reconcile in “Prom Night” (1x19). Likely only one week into their renewed relationship passes before he cheats on her again.
Laurie doesn’t force herself on him in “A New Hope”. She puts out a lure, implies – though not explicitly – that she’s interested in him, and he bites (well, kisses).
He doesn’t demonstrate that he’s a good guy in season 1. He’s consistently selfish. In the episodes and scenes where he isn’t selfish, with rare exception, he’s neutral. Not harming his friends but also not showing them loyalty, compassion, or generosity.
In comparison, during season 1 Eric shows Hyde significant loyalty, compassion, and generosity (particularly in “Punk Chick” [1x22] and “Hyde Moves In” [1x24]). He shows compassion and loyalty to Jackie in “The Pill” (1x17), and Jackie tries to be helpful to Eric in “Sunday, Bloody Sunday”. Donna is consistently a good friend to Eric and Hyde. Hyde and Fez are consistently good friends to each other. Hyde is variably a good friend to Eric and Donna and a selfish a-hole. 
And Kelso has a single, solitary good friend moment in season 1, as described above.
Interesting to note: he doesn’t experience a significant amount of friendship from anyone else in return, either, during season 1. Eric, Hyde, and – to a lesser extent -- Donna badger him to dump Jackie. Hyde often talks condescendingly to Kelso as if Kelso’s an idiot. Fez calls Kelso a whore, etc.
The only moment of friendship toward Kelso in season 1 that stands out to me happens in “Water Tower” (1x21).  Eric is concerned for Kelso’s well-being after Kelso falls off the water tower. Kelso’s wrist seems broken, and Eric tries to get his mom’s help (and is, as we know, traumatized by catching his parents in the middle of sex).
he suddenly became a sex obsessed pig in season 2. 
Kelso is clearly sex-obsessed in season 1. He just doesn’t actually have sex until “Stolen Car” (1x14), but in “Drive-In” (1x08) Kelso has the following conversation with Eric:
ERIC: You and Jackie have done it, like, a million times!KELSO: True! Yeah, slid into home on the second date!
Eric’s line indicates that Kelso brags about having sex with Jackie often – and  before this episode takes place. But Jackie’s dialogue to Donna during the same scene refutes these claims: “[Michael and I] have never done it! We got to third base once, and that was an accident!”
In “Sunday, Bloody Sunday,” Kelso is seconds away from breaking up with Jackie. Donna orders him not to, and he and Jackie make out right outside the basement door.
In “Eric’s Birthday” (1x02), Kelso becomes aroused just by being in Laurie’s presence. She’s wearing only a long sweatshirt, no pants, to cover her underwear.
LAURIE: If we were at the beach, you wouldn’t even notice me.HYDE: If we were at the beach, Kelso would be in the water right now.
Once she leaves the scene, Kelso interprets Laurie’s non-sexual dialogue about Eric’s surprise party as hitting on himself.
KELSO: Oh! Yeah! Your sister wants me! I mean you sawher coming onto me, right? Remember? I said, “Hello, Laurie,” and Laurie said…
FANTASY LAURIE: Hello, Kelso. I’m waiting. And I want you, baby, to take menow.  I need it bad. I need it all night. And Momma loves her baby. I’mcompletely naked under this, and I’m hot for you, Kelso!
The writers clearly wrote that scene for laughs, but it also shows Kelso’s obsessed-with-sex (and with Laurie) mindset in second episode of the series.
Don’t you think this might be because he’s somewhat traumatized by Laurie’s invasion of his boundaries and emotional blackmailing and abuse?          
I’m all about calling out toxic relationships in the show, whether the perpetrator is male or female (or where both parties act badly). What Laurie does to Kelso in “Red’s Last Day” (2x02) is unacceptable (I wrote a meta on it here). That scene was “played for laughs,” too, but it doesn’t invalidate the awfulness of what Laurie does. It doesn’t make her any less of a rapist. The characters’ actions and words are their actions and words.
I hope I’ve made clear now why “[Kelso’s] sexist remarks are mostly played for laughs” doesn’t make Kelso any less of a sexist. If he’s saying sexist remarks, they’re in his mind to say. Being a sexist is part of his character.
In real life, Laurie’s violation of Kelso and her subsequent manipulation and emotional blackmail of him would likely traumatize him. But as written on the show, it doesn’t. It’s not in the material, which is a shame. But That ‘70s Show is a comedy. The writers weren’t going to turn it into a drama or dramedy that dealt with trauma and recovery. That doesn’t make Laurie’s treatment of him, however, any less reprehensible.
Laurie’s not held accountable by T7S’s writers for what she does. They write Kelso as initially rejecting Laurie’s sexual advances in “Red’s Last Day” then quickly giving into pleasure and accepting it. His no turns into a yes. The meta I linked a few paragraphs up delves into this more thoroughly.
But in this meta here, I’ve already established that Kelso is sex-obsessed in season 1. Laurie doesn’t catalyze that aspect of him. He cheats on Jackie twice in season 1, brags about having sex to his friends that he’s not having. Doesn’t break up with Jackie because, in large part, he craves their sexual relationship. He probably would’ve been the same with any girl who fooled around with him. His lust isn’t Jackie-specific. But Jackie’s the only one offering (until Pam Macy and, later, Laurie).
What Laurie does do, however, is free him from the idea that he can have sex with only Jackie. Just before Laurie forces herself on him in “Red’s Last Day,” Kelso has the following fantasy.
PAUL ANKA: Yeah, with a ride [van] like this you must get a buttload of ladiesKELSO: Actually, Paul, I’m just with Jackie at the moment.PAUL: Just Jackie? What are you, an idiot?KELSO: Well […] I know that a fine machine like this would well snag me lots of pelt. But I love Jackie, and a real man can deny his man-instincts…
Part of him isn’t happy being monogamous. His heart seems loyal to Jackie, but his body isn’t. Later, he has the following exchange with Jackie:
KELSO: So I’d like to see other people!JACKIE: No.KELSO: What I mean to say is that you and I should see other people.JACKIE: No.KELSO: Okay … what if just I see other people?JACKIE: No.KELSO: Okay, okay!
This is actually one of Kelso’s most honorable moments on the show. He tries to get out of his relationship with Jackie so that he can pursue all the sex he wants. Not only that, he wants her to be free, too. Unlike in season 5, he doesn’t expect Jackie to be miserable and alone while he sleeps with whomever he wants.
But Kelso isn’t assertive enough to contend with Jackie’s controlling nature. He backs down, stays in a relationship with her, and pursues all the sex he wants anyway, just without her knowing.
I don’t fault him for saying, “What if just I see other people?” He’s giving her a choice by being honest about what he wants. He’s essentially saying, “This is what I’m going to do if we stay in a relationship. You can accept that or not.”
The problem isn’t that Kelso doesn’t want to be monogamous. It’s that once he agrees to be monogamous, he lies to Jackie about doing the opposite.
We learn in a subsequent episode that Kelso had “some side action” from a girl from Sacred Heart during his relationship with Jackie and affair with Laurie. In “I’m a Boy” (6x08), Kelso reveals he cheated on Jackie a lot more than we ever imagined. He interpreted Jackie’s annoyances at him as “breaks” that gave him permission to sleep with whoever he wants. But they weren’t officially broken up in those moments.
Throughout the series, Kelso is portrayed as a sex addict with little to no impulse control. Laurie doesn’t create that addiction him, but she opens the door to him acting on it fully.
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