#[🔍] fic detective
suosage · 1 month
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i missed reading gosho boys fics, and steeplechase (+ riddle in reverse) by @ninthfeather was my first stop! thrilling as ever, so so so good. this breakfast scene is probably my favorite :DD
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pynkgothicka · 1 year
Request: can you write where OC who is in the police force/ a detective and trying to catch the world notorious mafia king (no one knows what he looks like). OC found an injured jimin and helped him. Jimin became madly obsessed with oc, stalked oc and kidnapped oc and made oc his
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Wicked Games PJM
Synopsis - Your a new detective who gets put on a rough case to solve a string of cocaine over doses.
Pairing - Yandere! Jimin x Fem! Reader
Featuring - Toni Braxton, Jackson Wang (Begrudgingly.)
Tags and Warnings - Drug mentions, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Jimin being a little bit mean, sexual tones towards the end
Authors Note - I need to write more mob boss fics. Tis was fun.
A friendly reminder that all my works are dark fanfiction! Please if you do not like that do not read them! These depictions don't pertain to reality. This is your final warning before hitting the keep reading button!!
Your office was blistering cold as you stared at a huge file on your desk.
You were tasked with connecting and solving a string of cocaine related deaths. Your boss, the police chief Toni, had gave you the case hoping to give you experience with a big case rather than a little one for your first case under the detective title.
But the scenes you saw with this case haunted you. Slacked jaws and frothing mouths. All while the environments around them showed their hopeless situation. You felt bad for the men, probably all dealing with addiction.
You were shaken from your thoughts as the door opened, Toni handing in a weeks worth of lab data. “The lab work for the coke came back. All of the various samples provided were all of the same, and get this, were all stronger and more concentrated.”
“That would make sense, all these men who died we're big named in the crime world.” You added standing up, grabbing both badge and gun. “That would make all the deaths planned! I'm going out, doing one last swoop of some of the crime scenes. I think I'm looking past a bigger picture.”
“Well who do you think it is?"
“I don't know. But I think it's a power play thing. I just need to do investigate more! got this!” You said rushing out of your office, leaving a stunned Toni.
She began to look at your board, seeing towards the end of your board a blank face with the name Jimin written in red ink. He had no connection to the case, but you were considering him.
Toni took a deep breath before shaking her head. “This can't be good...God please protect her…”
As you drove down to the first crime scene, you tried to clarify any leads as who it could possibly be. This has been your focus for the last week, and you had to prove your worth to Toni. It was a personal goal, but hopefully a goal that would be in good favor.
When you pulled into the first crime scene, the place was obviously a party house. The yard and peeking inside, were both messy. Jackson Wang's body was found here, a known crime boss and partier. This was probably one of his go to rental spaces for parties.
You walked past the yellow tape and glanced at the main room. It reeked of booze and death. The table that sat right in front of Jackson's deathbed was still messy as the night of his death. What's a better place to start looking again rather than here?
The table had split drinks, which were now sticky, all over it. But what caught your eye was a brown paper bag. Upon a closer examination, there was a small “P” written on the top. You rose a brow at that. Then you picked it up, looking inside to see more coke.
What drug dealer would mark their works at a and then leave it there once the area became a crime scene? Wouldn't they want to get rid of any connection to the death? More so why hadn't the police picked it up during their first sweep through? Toni was initially over this case, and she didn't seem to be the type to leave crucial evidence behind.
You slipped on a glove and picked up the brown paper bag, putting it into a small zip lock bag you'd brought. Maybe this would be the key to figuring out the cases? You’d just have to visit the other spots and see if the bag was there as well.
Upon your way out you heard a loud gutteral yell. You followed the sound seeing a dark haired man holding his abdomen. He hissed as he slid down the wall. His assailant hurried off, but you didn't have time to chase him up on close inspection of the injured man. Blood began to seep through his shirt.
“Holy shit! Sir, I…I'm going to bring you to the nearest hospital. Just hold onto me while I bring you to my car.” He gave you a small nod, almost as if he had a choice in the matter. You refused to let this man die.
You got down to his side, grabbing his arm to lift him up. You carried his body to the back seat of your car. He kept hissing and groaning, but you settled him down with a cold water bottle you had. “Keep this on or near the wound. It will slow down your blood flow so you don't lose as much.” You then quickly got in and cranked the engine, setting the car to drive.
Jimin laid in the hospital bed, eyes trained to his right, watching as you slept. The amount of love he held for you, reached no boundaries. Jimin knew he was obsessed, but it's not like he could do anything about it.
Once Jimin saw something he wanted, he had to have it.
Jimin had everything planned out.
The police station was already deep in his grasp majority of them being corrupt and self serving. Especially Toni.
Police Chief Toni Braxton was one of his ex’s. It was a relationship that ended months ago and something he didn't miss. However he knew for a fact she missed him.
All it took was hint the possibility of getting back together. And with that Toni almost immediately to fell into her place for his plan.
“Jimin, I still love you. I know I shouldn't but I do.” Toni told him. He knew if he visited her apartment, she would be all over him again. Which was correct, as she was already on his lap, and he hadn't been there not even 30 minutes.
“Oh baby, I'm willing to bring back what we had. I missed all this.” Jimins hand grasped at her ass hard, knowing she'd bruise. Toni let out a small gasp as Jimin continued. “I just need you to do a small favor for me.”
“Anything for you. You know that.”
“You know that new detective you promoted baby? I want her on my case.” Jimin said leaning into Toni's neck, leaving small hickies.
“Why?” She gasped out. Her hand went to his face, pushing his eyes to meet hers. She placed her forehead on his own, lips almost about to connect.
“You know I don't wanna get caught now? She won't be able to catch me, catch us. Just do it until I get things together, then we can have that life we always talked about.” And with that Jimin connected her lips, sealing his ask with a small hot and heavy makeout.
That marked down Toni, next he needed to play hurt. But he knew he couldn't just fake being seriously hurt. He'd already contacted the hospital about his plan, in hope that they'd receive a small extra shipment of what he has to offer.
So he got one of his guys to stab him in the alley by that dickhead Jackson's place. He knew you'd have to revisit as he made sure to leave some things missing from the initial crime scene. Once Jimin saw you, he waited a few minutes before whispering a small now for his man to stab him.
And it hurt.
It fucking felt like he'd been shot, but ten times worse. The stab wasn't deep but still.
But he was relieved as he saw your worried expression come into view.
All of that hard work led to now, him watching your slumbering face. You'd refused to leave his side upon arrival and he couldn't be more grateful for it. You had such a sweet heart. More so you couldn't see the game he was playing.
He was so rudely pulled from his gaze as Toni walked in, brown locs pulled into a pony tail. She took off her uniform seemingly to present herself to him. Her white button down had a few unbuttoned near the top and her pants hugged her curves just right.
It left such a bitter taste in his mouth.
“Jimin! I heard you were hurt.” She turned around looking at your passed out form in the chair. “She's still here?”
“Yeah. Why are you here Toni? The hospital doesn't play with visitors. They're allowing her to stay as mine right now.” He rambled on.
A lie.
But just maybe he could piss her off enough to where she could go on her own accord. But Toni only came closer hands resting on his shoulder.
“I know, I just worry about you. Shes begun to piece things together.” Toni kissed at his temple. “I just hope she doesn't end up getting hurt. I can't have you go to jail for murder now.”
Jimin shrugged Toni away. “Just not right now. I'm actually fucking hurting and all you can think about is her. Obsessed much?”
Toni took a step back before letting out a huff. “Fine. I'll text you later whenever your not being a asshole. Make sure my detective gets back safe.”
Jimin knew damn well he was going to do the exact opposite. In fact she was never going to see him nor you ever again. As soon as Toni walked through the door, she just about secured his and your future together.
“Don't worry baby, I got some men coming get us. It's going to be so nice. I'm happy your played along with all this. I love you.”
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tgcf-reverse-big-bang · 5 months
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When a serial killer targets the magical community, what's a detective to do? Team up with the best tarot reader in town—your former best friend! A magical noir detective witch AU 🔍🔮✨
By @/PwipplesArt & @/thekeyholder91
Full artwork - https://twitter.com/PwipplesArt/status/1733879368194130137/photo/1
Ao3 fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52164970/chapters/131942635
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elina-sakura · 1 year
💜🔎Yuma Kokohead Headcanons🔍💜
His casual aesthetic outside of his detective uniform are academia and goth (mainly pastel goth)
His favorite colors are indigo and lavender, but he likes any colors that are night palette
He loves to play retro games (since they’re the only ones he can afford with his own budget)
He enjoys detective novels alongside any mysteries and thrillers
He likes to research on the supernaturals and mythology since he learned about Shinigami and the Book of Death
His sexuality is pan arospec Orchidsexual (is fine to be in a queerplatonic relationship)
He has an interest in chalk art and watercolor, and draws as like a coping mechanism from all the anxieties and trauma he went through
His age range is young adult and would be 19-21 (age will change depending on the fics I make)
He is confirmed to be a Gemini
He is the most vulnerable of the group when it comes to the rain, ranging from sluggish to a full-on fever if he does not take the right equipment or slow down once in a while
He has a number of journals he uses for doodling, investigation, poetry writing, and venting (that last part had to be suggested by the NDA)
He has an anxiety disorder
He likes to wear fuzzy socks when asleep or when he’s off-duty
He’s not good at cooking, but he is good at baking (or at least making the food look appealing)
He may be good at making sweets though
He likes to have sweets when on break or relaxing, but when on-duty or stress, he prefers some bitterness like Black Coffee
Now for Game Spoilers, but only check it out until you played the entire game!!
You cannot tell me Yuma doesn’t have “gifted kid syndrome!” The fact he became the leader of the WDO, a highly privileged detective organization, so young with so much regulations on him must have really did a number on him even if he handled it well
His first name really is Yuma, but he had to forgo it when he became “Number One.” Now he goes by Yuma Kagutsuchi after Makoto Kagutsuchi
Because yes, I like to believe Yuma sees Makoto as his ‘brother,’ or at least family since they come from the same DNA, so he takes after his surname so people (and especially Makoto) would know they are family
After the Restricted Area traverse, Yuma now hates any zombie media out there (especially zombie films), it just triggers him too much
He likes to affectionately call Makoto “Mako,” which means sincerity in Japanese, so their first name is of the same length
Before Yuma got his memories back, he actually has acted unconsciously similar to his former self, like being poetically jaded or having a bit of “gifted kid syndrome”
He has managed to have his anxiety under control as Number One, but in his amnesiac state and when he gets his memories back, it begins to surface more
He likes to do poetic inner monologue during cases in order to calm his anxiety; it even remained when he had amnesia
He has a key charm necklace that matches Shinigami’s aesthetic to hold onto some form of remembrance of her, even if he doesn’t remember her
He is canonically a cat lover
Yuma actually believed he was aromantic for the longest time, but once he starts developing relationships with others he decides to consider himself arospec
He has various scars from his time as a survivor of a war, a WDO detective, and being Number One (some on the back and the front torso) and a gun wound from one of his shoulders
He (and Makoto to an extent) are bad at cooking because they were never taught how and never bothered to learn for themselves since they are always on the move and working
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queseraone · 5 months
What are the 5 weirdest things you’ve googled for a fic?
(Can be a published work, WIP, or random idea that will never see the light of day)
(Feel free to explain yourself, or to leave us all guessing)
Oh man. I think there's a part of me that tries to forget this stuff? Like my brain knows how insane I am and is just like, nope, and sweeps it away. Because I know I've googled some weird shit in the name of fanfic, but am totally drawing a blank.
These aren't necessarily google searches, but they're deep dives I've done in the name of a fic (usually for a teeny tiny irrelevant detail, often for something I don't even end up using in the end):
So I recently went on a wild goose chase trying to figure out what street Tim and Lucy were on in 1x01 ("I've been shot, where are you Boot!"). I took screenshots of episodes and reverse image searched. I looked on Google Earth and Street View like a crazy internet detective... had no luck in the end. 🔍
Travel time (and route!) between Los Angeles and other parts of California, and possible weather and road conditions that would lead to a highway closure.
I went through transcripts and generated a list of every named member of Metro (RIP Metro 😢). First names, last names, nicknmes... if it was mentioned in an episode or shown on a body cam, I searched and compiled.
I'm currently doing some preliminary research for a car accident fic - I can't/won't get into much detail here since (a) it's still early, and (b) I don't want to give anything away yet 😉
Medical research of injuries (but like, the bare minimum, because I was scared of google showing me grotesque pictures)
There have definitely been some way crazier google searches, but again, my brain is protecting me from remembering the insanity!
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athenamarie · 1 year
Chrissy’s first day of school outfit (on the left) in the new chapter of my fic (that is apparently from an actual Sears catalogue from 1982 🥰)
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🔍Link for new chapter of A Kind of Pretty Lethal Detective Duo
📌Link to pin if you want to save it too!
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8 and 13 for the ask game??
8: I think I answered this for an earlier ask, but my Underworld Office fic "You are my Son" and my Wip "Broken Bonds" (FNAF SB sun and moon) are the ones nearest to my heart at the moment. Although, once I start working on it, my wip Ninjago fic "Scars of the Past" might also be there too!
13: I don't have many playlists for my fics, and I was gonna wait until I get the prologue posted to upload the playlist, but here's the one for Broken Bonds!
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zorosdimples · 7 months
okay okay i am... not into feet things, idk why i just never got into it. though i've been told i have pretty ones many times especially bc i love wearing toe rings and anklets and always having my toenails done. but i just got a pedicure the other day and they do this paraffin wax at my salon and it just makes your feet sooooo soft and moisturized and they glide so much easier. and after reading your nanami fic i am definitely thinking about that now...just the slick feeling of your feet freshly out of that and gliding against your lover's cockhead, toying with him..
coming on anon becase there's one (1) person who must never know i thought of this lol
nonnie i must know you………. hm…………. i’m about to become a detective 🔍 also, i totally forgot i wrote that nanami drabble; i must find it asap!
but i’m telling you: i think everyone should try foot worship at least once! every time i get a pedicure, i’m thinking about using my feet for evil. giving your lover a foot job, forcing him to cum all over your feet, then having him lick his mess up 🫶🏻
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itoshibaby · 3 years
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𝐬𝐲𝐚 | 𝟐𝟏 | 𝐬𝐡𝐞/𝐡𝐞𝐫 | 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘥.𝘤𝘰
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↳ 𝟎𝟏 + 𝟎𝟐 + 𝟎𝟑 + 𝟎𝟒 + 𝟎𝟓 + 𝟎𝟔 + 𝟎𝟕
↳ 𝟎𝟏
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ᴊᴜᴊᴜᴛꜱᴜ ᴋᴀɪꜱᴇɴ
↳ 𝟎𝟏
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𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐬
aot, blue lock, chainsaw man, tokyo revengers, re-main
!! 𝘯𝘢𝘷𝘪 𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘸 ↴
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𝚂𝚞𝚙𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚜 𝚋𝚢 𝚛𝚎𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐 & 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚜!
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OK. I think I’ve figured it out this time. since my last guess of Frankie for your new survivor blues story was wrong, and based on the question marks I found on your Masterlist- is it Joel? That would be exciting! (And if I’m wrong again I am just going to quit guessing and wait lol)
👀 Anon, you are a true detective and I am impressed. It is Joel Miller.
And I’m so happy/relieved to hear that you’re excited about that! Because this character comes with a built in fan base, I’m more nervous than I normally am… but at the same time, I fell really hard really fast for every facet of Joel & Ellie & their dynamic & their story, so in some ways I also feel very confident about the story I plan to tell with Survivor Blues. (I also have a strong affinity for dystopian or apocalyptic scenarios and am going to have the time of my life frolicking through rusted out, vine-covered, crumbling buildings and landscapes while I work on this✌🏻)
I completed the rough outline this morning, and it’s currently sitting at around 15k words. I have absolutely no clue when I’ll start posting it, but I know I want to wait until it’s at least 50% done and friends… this is not going to be a short one, so it’s no where near that 50% mark. Like… at all. 🤭
Anon, THANK YOU for guessing and for showing interest and getting excited about Survivor Blues! I hope you enjoy it when it’s done if you choose to read it! And I hope you’re having a great night or day or morning or evening or twilight or whatever time it is where you are.
I definitely don’t want to give much away at all when it comes to this one, but if anyone has questions I will certainly do my best to answer them!
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mhysa-leesi · 3 years
ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩 ℌ𝔞𝔱𝔥 𝔑𝔬 𝔉𝔲𝔯𝔶 𝔏𝔦𝔨𝔢 𝔞 𝔇𝔢𝔳𝔦𝔩 𝔖𝔠𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔡
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Pairing: Dark Devil!Bucky Barnes 𝒳 (femme) Reader 🔍 .
Summary: "You got away from Bucky once. He'll make sure that never happens again."
Word Count: 8,373
TW: Non-Con, Smut, Slow-Burn, Minor Dom-Sub Themes, Hints of Somnophilia, Exhibitionism, Dante's Inferno Hell, DEATH, Mentions of Murder and R*pe, a Brief Mention of Suicide (So I don't accidentally offend or trigger anyone, the word "r*pe" will be CENSORED!), Murder Mystery, Descriptions of Blood, Descriptions of Postmortem, Obsessive Behaviors, Drugging, Physical Violence, Side Characters (Hi, Sam and co.), and Strong Language. 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI‼
AN: This story contains adult and dark themes, please do not proceed if you are under the age of 18 or if ANY of these warnings upset you! ‼THIS FIC IS DARK, IT WILL HAVE MENTIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS OF MURDER AND R*PE. IF ANY OF THESE WARNINGS BOTHER YOU OR RESONATE WITH YOU FOR ANY REASON, FOR ALL THINGS GOOD AND HOLY, DO. NOT. READ.‼ I am not responsible for your media consumption–you and only you are. If you'd like to join my permanent taglist to stay updated on new and upcoming fics, please fill out this Google Form. 𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀 𝓎𝑜𝓊.
AN Cont.: If you or anyone you know has been a victim of sexual violence, please reach out for help. I do not condone ANY of the actions described in this story, this is merely a work of FICTION.
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The only smell was the damp, earthy, petrichor that drifted on a breeze. And the only noise was the rain, pattering against your umbrella. Lightning flashed through the veil of black clouds above you as you watched the river ripple with fallen droplets. The ground was a deep, muddy-brown, and the pine needles a lush green against the contrast of a grey background. You stepped carefully over undergrowth and onto the rocky bank of the river, the mud splattering your boots and legs.
You saw it, then. Among the bank was dried blood, like wilted, scarlet rosettes blooming from a rocky bed...
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You came to a green-bricked building with a flat rose garden roof, the Emerald Rose Theatre, where red and blue lights flashed and a crowd of nosy onlookers gathered. You watched as an officer opened the back door to a squad car and shoved a young man in handcuffs inside. At that instant of the slamming door, thunder clapped and reverberated through the concrete jungle. Lightning glowed mutely, illuminating the spectral woman that stood beside you. She was gaunt and naked and dripping, her belly bloated with water, and with flesh ashen and tinged dark blue.
Her eyes had been gouged and skull crushed, leaving empty black sockets stained with rotten blood that misted from her wounds in wisped tendrils. She followed you like a stumbling shadow, a constant icy breath on the back of your neck that had your arms covered in goosebumps. Her rotted and desiccated hand grabs onto your shoulder, her bony fingers digging painfully into your skin. You roll your shoulders and make your way toward one of the arresting officers, Captain Sam Wilson--an old friend and an even older lover.
“Wilson,” you called.
Sam quickly looked around to see if anyone else had noticed you before storming toward you with his hands on his hips and a frown on his face, “What the hell are you doing here, (Y/N)? You know you can’t be here.”
“I’m just here to tell you that you got the wrong guy. Parker’s innocent,”
He reeled back slightly as he scoffed at you, “Oh, Peter Parker is our guy. He’s a match to the semen samples we found--and not to mention that his fingerprints are all over the victim’s body. Doesn’t take a detective to put two and two together, (Y/N).”
“He matched one of your semen samples,” you pointed out, “The only thing Parker is guilty of is having sex with his girlfriend before she was murdered. He is not your guy, Wilson,” you stressed sternly, “Peter Parker did not r*pe and murder Mary Jane Watson.”
Sam pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, “(Y/N)—”
“Parker has no motive, Sam. Why would this seventeen-year-old—”
“Eighteen,” he pointed out.
You rolled your eyes, “Why would this eighteen-year-old murder his girlfriend with no motive? Why would he risk his full ride scholarship to MSST? The kid has an internship with Stark Industries, Wilson, that’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. And not to mention that his record is squeaky clean, the kid doesn’t even have a parking ticket. Even you have to see that this isn’t adding up.”
Sam huffed and put his hands on his hips once more, shaking his head as he sucked his teeth. The rain had started to fall harder now, pounding on the roof of the squad car as if demanding the doors to open.
“You need to keep looking. The killer’s still out there, Sam,”
“So who is it then, (Y/N), hm? Eddie Brock is clean, after him and Parker, we have no more suspects,” he bit.
“Harry Osborn,” you stated.
“Harry Osborn? As in Norman Osborn’s kid?” he scoffed, “Now I know you’re crazy.”
“It’s him, Sam,” you pleaded.
“He’s not even linked to this case, (Y/N)!” he exclaimed exasperated.
“He is. You just haven’t looked in the right places,”
Sam sighed and shook his head. He looked around, then, at the curious crowd, at his fellow officers, at Peter Parker, and then back to you.
“Is… Is she here?” he asked in a hushed voice.
“Yes,” you said as you felt her cold chill on your neck, “I’m telling you it’s Osborn and not Parker, Sam.”
He sighed again and rubbed his chin, “I’m gonna need evidence. I can’t just go and arrest the guy--you know how this works, (Y/N).”
“I do,” you said as you pulled a bag from your purse, handing it to him. “There’s your evidence.”
“What is this?” he asked as he took a look inside, “A rock?”
“The murder weapon,” you corrected, “Found it up at Opalescent River.”
“Opalescent? But the victim was found down in the Hudson,”
“The Opalescent is junctioned with the Hudson, Sam. The murder happened upriver and when the body was dumped, it traveled down the Hudson--where we found it,” you smirked at the expression of his realization.
“I can’t believe we missed that,”
“The NYPD misses a lot,” you shrugged trying to lighten the mood. “Just promise me you’ll investigate Osborn.”
He nodded as he squeezed your shoulder, “I promise.”
He walked back to his squad car but turned back to you before opening the door.
“(Y/N)... Promise me that you’ll stay put and wait for me to do my job,”
You nodded, “Just don’t keep me waiting too long, Sammy.”
He smiled at the familiar nickname before closing the door and driving off…
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“Harry Osborn, son of Oscorp’s CEO, Norman Osborn, has been found guilty and charged for the r*pe and murder of Mary Jane Watson…”
You switched off the TV and the lights began to flicker, then, as an icy chill traced down your back. You froze as you looked into the mirror, your reflection nothing more than a shadow as the lights finally died. You quickly spit out your mouthful of toothpaste and rinsed. The sound of another’s breath joined with your own, and you slowly glanced up into the mirror. A white shadow of a woman materialized behind you, like mist, her eyes a beautiful green and hair red like flames.
She was a bride dressed in snow-white silk and beaded applique lace. And her hair was held in a delicate rhinestone net with twinkling emeralds that brought out the flames of her hair. The Bride began coughing violently, then. Blood came spewing from her lips when another cough doubled her over. A wheeze came from her throat, the sound of a woman struggling to breathe; then it stopped, and she fell deathly silent as she choked on air.
You watched on in horror as she began to claw at her throat, her nails ripping through the high collared lace of her wedding dress and tearing bloody flesh. You could hear the faint ring of terrified screams in the back of your mind. The Bride’s face grew darker as blood flowed from her eyes, nose, and ears. Her eyes were bulged and wide with terror as she lifted her hand, reaching for something or perhaps someone… She pulled her veil over her face, then, blood splatters staining the delicate tulle and embroidered lace flowers that matched her gown as she coughed and choked for the last time.
She stood behind you like that for a moment, veiled in tulle, lace, and blood. You could hear her rattling breaths, and you could feel her cold, dead, breath on your neck. The lights began to flicker again, and the Bride’s white shadow misted into thin air as they came back to life. You shuddered as her lingering death sent chills down your spine. Damn, ghosts, you thought, you’d never get used to that.
You splashed water on your face and sighed as you saw her behind your closed eyes. You heard the faint flutter of silk and fell quiet as you strained your ears to listen. The phone blared, then. Making you jump with your heart pounding. You answered. It was Sam.
“You see the news?” he asked.
“Yeah, I did. Congrats, Captain Wilson. One more year then you can graduate to Detective Wilson,”
He snorted at that, “I wouldn’t be able to do it without the help of my favorite PI, which brings me to why I called you, (Y/N). I have a job for you.”
You paused, “You have a job for me? Usually I take over yours.”
“Well, technically I don’t have a job for you, but a guy by the name of James Barnes does. There was a murder at his estate last night during a—”
“Lemme guess, a wedding reception,”
“Yeah,” he paused, “How’d you know that?”
“I think I just saw the bride in my bathroom,” you told him, shuddering as you remembered how her cold breath felt on your neck.
“God, that is creepy as hell, (Y/N),” he said.
You rolled your eyes, “So what’s the job, Wilson?”
“He wants you to investigate the wedding party and find out who’s responsible, a walk in the park case,”
“Why me?” you frowned.
“He and the family want to keep it as quiet as possible, and I guess he heard about your work somehow,”
“He didn’t say?”
“Nope,” he said, popping his ‘p’, “But he was very adamant that you take the case.”
Your frown deepened as you thought it over, “Where’s the estate?”
“Vermont?” you exclaimed. “Sam, I can’t just go to Vermont--wait a minute… Vermont isn’t even within your jurisdiction.”
“I’ve got an issued warrant,” he said.
“I don’t—”
“I need you with me on this, (Y/N), please. You’ll be back in your shitty apartment before you know it,”
You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose, “Fine.”
“Attagirl,” you could practically hear his smug smile through the phone, “I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning.”
“It’s a date,” you yawned.
“Get some sleep. We got a long drive ahead of us,”
“Yeah, yeah,” you dismissed, “Oh, and Sam?”
“My apartment isn’t that shitty,” You hung up, then. And for moments stood in the bathroom, your reflection staring back at you with knitted brows. You flipped the lights off and went to bed…
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The earth began to bellow, and trees danced as a hot wind set them ablaze. The raging flame devoured, and you could feel the heat underfoot burn through the soles of your shoes. Forms without bodies came forth from the flames, their rotted flesh melting from their scorched bones. Gold and scarlet flickered and formed and melted and dissolved into one another around you, with hollow groans, and shrieks, and howling cries. You covered your ears as the shrieks, laments, and cries grew louder and louder.
“Mommy!” you cried, and suddenly you were a child again.
Smoky shadows clawed at you from the flames, grabbing you, tearing into your soft skin. You were screaming, for your mother, your father, for anyone who’d hear you. Through the flames of fire a horned and winged shadow emerged from the flames with a terrifying growl. Its wings were that of a bird, but they had no feathers, only burned and stretched skin, like a bat’s. Six eyes burned and glowed like hot coals, and when the beast snarled, row upon row of bloodstained, dagger-like teeth was revealed.
The shadowy figure rippled and purled in on itself until it formed into the shape of a man who had eyes like glowing blue flames. When he stepped forward from the firestorm, the fire died instantly at his feet. The man was dressed in an all-black suit and was clean of any soot or ash. You cried and ran to the man, hugging his legs as you hiccuped and sobbed. He was warm and smelled of a fireside and musk.
“Shh, don’t cry, doll,” he soothed as he petted your hair gently.
“I want my mommy,” you whimpered into his suit.
“We’ll go find your mommy,” he promised and you took his hand without a second thought.
Faceless demons with glistening, slimy, and rotted flesh with black blood oozing from their mouths snapped at you as you walked hand-in-hand through a valley of shadows, with the man in the black suit. You whimpered and closed your eyes as you hugged his arm. You felt him stop and kneel in front of you again and you reluctantly opened your eyes to him. He smiled at you before reaching behind your ear and pulling forth a stuffed, floppy-eared bunny from thin air. Your eyes lit up and you broke into a fit of happy giggles as he made it hop around you to kiss your cheeks.
“Don’t be scared, Mister Bunny here will protect you,” he told you and you nodded, clutching the stuffed toy close to your chest.
You came to a wood, then. There were trees, but there was no green, only a black so deep and intense, it seemed to drive the mind into madness. Branches were gnarled and thickets were dense and tangled. You could hear pained voices from the trucks of the trees, their laments echoing eerily. You snapped a branch as you walked and the entirety of the dark wood erupted in ghostly moans and cries.
Blood seeped from the broken branch, and it was then that you realized that the trees weren’t actual trees, but people. And you became even more horrified as winged demons as black as shadows with talons like swords, fed upon the leaves, with deep blood staining their mouths as they bared their rotten teeth to you.
“Don’t look, (Y/N),” he told you and you quickly did as he said and looked away to him.
“You know my name?” you asked, your eyes full of childlike wonder. “How come I don’t know yours?”
The Man smiled down at you, “I have many names, doll. Many of which you can’t pronounce.”
You pouted, “I can try.”
“How about you give me a name instead? A special name,”
You thought long and hard about it before finally settling on one, “Bucky.”
He stopped walking, then, and shook your hand, “Nice to meet you, (Y/N), I’m Bucky.” You giggled and returned the handshake with a toothless grin.
Something yanked you then, sending you backward as an invisible force snatched you away from Bucky. Leaves began to rustle as an icy breeze blew through. It was so cold. Snow began falling, drifting against your cheeks, and swirling around you like icy fairies. And soon, the once fiery hellscape was white with powdery, sparkling snowfall, and crystalline icicles.
You were dragged backward as you tried to take Bucky’s hand again. His face twisted into something almost monstrous, then, with horns like a bull’s, and eyes burning like blue flames.
“No! She’s mine,” his growl was deep and inhuman as it reverberated through your very soul. You flinched away from him as he grabbed your wrist, his touch like fire. The snow melted and evaporated under his feet as he came after you. Everything had frozen over, now, even time, as the falling snow froze midair before falling upward, and you with it. You saw the Devil in all his hellish glory, then, as the warm, golden light from above shone down on him.
No longer was he the kind-looking man with blue eyes, but instead he was an infernal beast made of shadow and flame that growled and roared with black smoke billowing from his monstrous jaws. The last thing you saw was the angry glow of the Devil’s burning blue eyes. And the last thing you heard was the reverberation of a demonic growl of your name.
(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)... (Y/N)!
You jolted out of your nightmare as Sam’s shouts woke you. “What? What’s wrong?” you panicked. “You tell me. You were the one screaming and crying,” he worried.
You touched your cheeks and your fingers came back wet with tears, “Shit, I’m sorry,” you mumbled as you wiped them away.
He was quiet for a moment as he drove, “Do you want to talk about it?”
You shifted uncomfortably as you looked out the window and sighed, “There’s nothing to talk about, it was just a bad dream, Sam.”
“Yeah,” he drawled sarcastically, “I’m not buying it. You’ve been having that same nightmare since we first started dating.”
You cringed, “Oh, God, don’t remind me.”
“Of what? Of our absolute earth-shattering romance?” he teased.
“If you could even call it that,” you snorted.
“Hey, I should be the one who’s offended. You left me, remember?”
You looked at Sam, then, “Are we really gonna have this discussion again?”
He shrugged, “We could talk about this or we could talk about that dream of yours. Up to you.”
You tsked, “Is this what the NYPD is teaching its officers nowadays? Coercion?”
“I’d prefer to call it ‘gentle-persuasion-by-the-use-of-my-irresistible-charm’,”
You rolled your eyes and chuckled, “You’re an idiot, Sam Wilson.”
The car ride was silent for a while after that, and you began to believe he actually dropped it that easily. But, of course, you were wrong.
“You know, in all my years of knowing you, you’ve never cried. Not when you saw your ghosts, or when you saw our worst crime scenes, or even when we broke up--which was stone cold, by the way,” he said glancing at you with a small smile, “You only cry when you have that nightmare, and I want to know why, (Y/N). I want to know what… Or who the hell is making you cry like that.”
You paused and just looked at him for a moment as he drove on. His jaw was set and eyebrows slightly knitted, all in determination.
“You really wanna know?”
“Yes,” he exasperated, “I really wanna know.”
You licked your lips and took a deep breath, then, “When I was little, my mom committed suicide with me in the backseat,” you began bluntly, “She drove full speed into oncoming traffic after she found out my dad was having an affair. She died on impact,
“And I died, too, but my death was a slower one. When the car crashed, I was crushed between the passenger seat and my car seat, and I stayed like that until I couldn’t breathe anymore,” you hesitated as flickers of fire flashed in your mind. “And because she committed suicide, she was sent to Hell, and I guess by association, I was sent there, too.”
You let out a shaky breath and continued with your story, “While I was there, I met the Devil--or at least I think it was the Devil. Whatever it was though, it wasn’t human.”
“How’d you come back?” he asked.
“The paramedics,” you smirked.
He rolled his eyes, “You know that's not what I meant. I mean… How did you get away from the Devil--or whatever it was?”
“Hell froze over. Literally,” you said and shrugged, “When the paramedics revived me, it was like I was just plucked out of Hell by some invisible force or something,” you shook your head as you heard the echoing roars. “Whatever happened, it really pissed him off.”
Sam let out a breathy laugh of disbelief as he shook his head, “That is badass. You literally froze over Hell! No wonder you’re so… You.”
You frowned, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean with the ghost thing,” he said, raising his fingers around the steering wheel in defense, “You came back from the dead, it’s no wonder you can see other dead people.”
“I mean… I guess. I’ve never really thought about it like that,” you shrugged. “I’ve always seen it more as… A curse.”
“Hell hath no fury like a Devil scorned,” he laughed.
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As Sam drove through the main gate, the estate mansion came into view. There were arbors of bright orange chrysanthemums that arched over the courtyard entrance. Deep hedges and stone walls covered with pale climbing garden roses and bursts of deep red and purple amaranth. And a dreamy orchard of sweet, crisp red apples that glistened like rubies beneath the sunlight. Sam whistled beside you as he took it all in.
Before you could knock on the carved oak doors, a man in a taupe, two-piece suit with a pale yellow shirt opened the door.
“Welcome, to the Blackwood Estate,” he greeted. He shook Sam’s hand, “I’m James Barnes, but, please,” he paused as he took your hand in his, kissing your knuckles with a mysterious glint in his eyes, “Call me Bucky.”
Your heart stopped beating as you heard his name, but you quickly shrugged it off as a strange coincidence and stepped inside. Sam’s and Mr. Barnes’s voices were nothing but white noise you tuned out as you looked around the estate. You felt that familiar chill run down your spine and heard a rustling of silk and lace, and suddenly you were moving toward it. It grew colder with every step you took as you followed after the white shadow of the Bride. You came to a ballroom, then.
There were skinny branches hung around the room with lights glimmering from them, like glowing flowers. A path of tall pampas grass led to the arched altar of dahlias and chrysanthemums, and the guest seats were velvet with string lights and hanging amaranth around them. The glass french doors were open, and the chiffon curtains, lined with dusty roses and more pampas, billowed in the wind. And behind them, stood the bride. She was crying, her sobs and whimpers an eerie reverse echo that sent chills down your back.
You went toward her, taking slow, careful steps closer and closer. Her cries stopped suddenly as you came to stand a few feet in front of her. Your heart stopped as she began to take deep, rasping breaths. Her arms jutted out at an awkward angle, then, she twitched and bent and trashed as she made a run toward you. You stumbled as you backed away and ran out of the ballroom, slamming the door shut behind you.
The door started to shake and the handle rattled, you could still hear her rasped breaths and growls on the other side. Then, as quickly as it had begun, it stopped. You pressed your ear to the door and just listened. Silence. You backed away from the door and turned into a body standing behind you.
“Jesus Christ,” you exclaimed.
“Not quite,” said Bucky with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
Sam came up behind him and looked at you then to the ballroom, “This where it happened?”
Bucky’s smile faltered as he turned to Sam, “Yes. This is where Miss Romanoff was murdered.”
He moved and opened the doors and stepped inside, and you and Sam followed closely behind.
Sam handed you a folder, it was Romanoff’s autopsy report. “Cause of death was poison with traces of boomslang venom,” he said and shook his head, “Not a fun way to go.”
You finished reading through the case files as Sam swept through the room for any missed evidence.
“Mr. Barnes, where are the suspects being held?” you asked.
“They’re waiting in the dining hall,” he gestured you to follow, “I can take you to them while Captain Wilson finishes here.”
You nodded and followed him out of the room and down the corridor toward the dining hall. As you walked beside him, you couldn’t help but notice the soft, familiar scents of a fireside and musk that seemed to roll off him in waves. He opened a door and stepped aside to let you pass, you brushed against him as you went inside, and even through your layers of clothes, you could feel how incredibly warm he was. There were only three people sitting around the dining table, and they were all too busy arguing and yelling amongst themselves to notice you. You sat in the corner, just listening and watching.
“I know you killed her! You were always jealous of Natasha!”
“Natasha was my best friend--we were like sisters! Why would I kill her? How about you point the finger at the psycho ex!”
“I would never hurt Natasha, I loved her!”
You cleared your throat, then, and their attention was on you in an instant.
You interviewed the groom, Steve Rogers, first. He had first met Natasha in 2011 in New York during a work trip, the two kept in contact for years after their first meeting, and soon started a relationship in 2014. From the sound of it, it was a whirlwind romance, just after two months of dating the couple moved in together. But, after multiple cheating accusations and arguments, they decided to split. The two then reconciled and continued to have an on-again-off-again relationship until a few months ago, when Steve proposed.
Sharon Carter was next. She and Natasha had been childhood friends, a friendship that lasted well into their adult years. According to Steve, Sharon was always considered to be Natasha’s shadow--and that she had a history of being the “jealous friend”. Their friendship had been on the rocks until Sharon met Bruce Banner, a professor of biochemistry. The two dated for months, and according to the suspect, it was a happy relationship, until Natasha got involved.
Bruce Banner was introduced to Natasha Romanoff during a Christmas party. The two became fast friends and engaged in a sexual affair behind their partner’s backs that lasted for years, up until Rogers’s proposal. Banner claims he loved Natasha, just as much as she loved him in return. His relationship with Sharon had ended a year prior to the engagement, and in that span of time, Sharon confessed to sleeping with Mr. Rogers, to quote, “get back at Natasha”; then, the two women then reconciled shortly after. Eventually, when Steve proposed to Natasha, she completely cut ties with Bruce.
Banner confessed to stalking and harassing Miss Romanoff for weeks leading up to the wedding, quote, “begging for her to choose him instead”. When Romanoff rejected Banner, the two engaged in a heated verbal altercation that was reported by neighbors. Mr. Rogers confesses to physically assaulting Mr. Banner during the argument. Rogers claims he was provoked by the other man, especially when he said quote: “if I can’t have you, then no one can”. Mr. Rogers was then arrested outside of his Brooklyn apartment, but then later released with all charges dropped.
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You were in the guest room mulling over your notes when Sam came in with a soft knock and a bottle of whiskey. He sat down on the bed beside you and you had to brace yourself as it dipped under his weight. Sam poured you a glass and you took it, wincing as the alcohol burned your throat.
“How’s the detective work going, Sherlock?” he asked.
You hummed as you leaned back on your hands, “It’s going…”
“Uh-oh,” he said, “What’s that look for?”
You relaxed your frown and shrugged, “This case is just so… Cliche. Almost too cliche.”
“Then that just means it’ll be an easy one to solve, right?” he said as he nudged your shoulder with his.
“You’d think it’d be that easy,” you said as you looked through your notes once more, “But all of them have a motive. Romanoff cheated on Rogers, so he has reason to be revengeful. Banner confessed to saying ‘if I can’t have you, then no one can’, and Sharon?” you shook your head, “Her relationship with Banner was ruined by Natasha.”
“Maybe all of them did it,” he shrugged.
You looked at him, then. “All of them?” you repeat to yourself.
“(Y/N)--I was joking,”
“No, no” you hushed, “You actually might be onto something, Wilson. All of them have a vendetta against Romanoff--it’s a stretch, but I think we’re headed in the right direction.”
You were pacing in front of Sam now as you thought out loud.
“Banner is a biochemist, meaning, he’d have to have access to chemicals like arsenic and snake toxins--that’d also give him the knowledge on how to mix the two to create a poison. Dr Banner wasn’t invited to the wedding,” you told Sam, “When he got here, he and Miss Carter both confessed to getting into an argument. That means the two had an interaction before he had the chance to run into Romanoff or Rogers--an interaction where he could’ve slipped the poison to Sharon.”
“And there’s camera footage of Carter and Rogers slipping away from the rest of the party before the reception dinner,” Sam added.
“That could’ve been when Sharon passed the poison to Rogers. Sam, he was sitting right next to Natasha--he poured her the poisoned champagne,”
“Holy shit,” Sam said, “How are we going to prove all of this?”
“Call the universities Banner teaches at, I want an inventory check--specifically on arsenic and boomslang venom. And I’m going to do another sweep of the ballroom before someone cleans it, the poison had to be in something,”
Sam pulled out his phone and dialed, “On it.”
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The ballroom was bathed in silver moonlight that poured in from the glass balcony doors. You flipped on the light switch, but the only light that came was that from the moon outside. Frowning, you pulled out your phone flashlight and began your search around the shadowy corners of the room. You were on your hands and knees when you heard it, that all too familiar rustle of silk and lace. You turned and saw the bride, she was standing on the balcony again, bathed in moonlight as she stared down at the apple orchard.
You stood next to her, trying to see what she saw. But all you saw was row after row of apple trees.
“Natasha… I need your help. Where is the poison?”
Wordlessly, she pointed toward the orchard. And before you could ask her another question, she swan dived over the edge…
You made your way down to the orchard, then. A cold wind raced through the deliberately untrimmed grass, turning the land into an ebb and flow of dark-green waves. It rustled the branches of apple trees and sometimes an apple would fall loose, tumbling to the ground, filling the night with its sweet fragrance. You followed Natasha’s white shadow as she walked among the endless rows until she finally disappeared behind the tallest tree in the orchard. You stood under the tree’s shade and knelt to the cold ground.
You ran your hands through the soft, tall grass as you searched for the final piece of evidence to your puzzle. As you parted the grass, you heard a sharp hiss from within the shadow of the tree’s shade. You pulled back instantly, as a snake slithered up the trunk of the apple tree before you. You watched as it disappeared within the canopy of leaves and apples. You laughed to yourself.
A snake in the apple orchard, how ironic.
You continued your search with renewed determination. It had to be here, somewhere. Why else would she lead you here? Your knees and palms were wet with midnight dew and mud as you crawled around the base of the apple tree, but you never stopped your search. You were going to find something, you had to.
And find something, you did.
A small vial glinted under the moonlight as you parted the tall green grass. You quickly grabbed it with a napkin and placed it in your coat pocket. As you stood to your feet you stumbled as your vision dotted and blurred. Weird. You shook your head to clear it, thinking you just stood up too fast, but the world grew even darker and would not stay still as it tilted under your feet.
You felt your feet slide out from under you, and you reached out for the apple tree for support, but your hand slipped as you landed on your hands and knees. Your vision misted as you rolled onto your back to look up at the moon. You saw the stars fall from the sky to twinkle across your body. And you saw the slithering snake, then. It spoke to you as it slid up your legs and up the valley of your breasts.
Your eyes began to grow heavy with sleep as the scent of a smoky fireside filled your senses. You wanted to move, but you had no strength left in you. It wasn’t right. You knew the signs, the tiredness, the drunkenness, and sudden dizziness. You had been drugged, but you couldn’t remember… Whiskey.
You fought against your tired eyes as you tried to sit up. You wanted to call for Sam, but you had no voice. Your eyes closed for just a second before you forced yourself to open them. And soon, a second turned into a minute, then a minute to a sleepless dream. You were aware of the snake on your body and you were even more aware when the scales turned to hands.
You heard yourself moan as a pair of lips kissed yours. It tasted like apples. Your eyes fluttered open, then, and you saw Bucky above you. He held a crisp, red apple.
“Go on,” he urged, “Take a bite, (Y/N).”
He lifted the apple to your lips. Juices ran down your chin as you bit into it. It was sweet, you’ve never tasted anything so sweetly delicious.
“Yesss,” he seemed to hiss, “Good girl.”
Your breath hitched as you felt his tongue on your throat, licking the sticky, sweet juice from your skin. You looked out from under your eyelashes in anticipation. You could feel Bucky’s breath on you, it was warm and sent tingles through your body. He kissed you, then. His lips seared with an intense, fiery passion.
His tongue was hot against yours as it explored your mouth. Your body heated under his in a firestorm of tongue and hands that grew and grew until it seemed to consume you. Bucky wraps your legs around his waist as he sits up, shirtless and panting. Your eyes close as you lay limp underneath him. His hands slither under your shirt, leaving a trail of fire in their wake as they come up to cup your breasts.
You arch into his hands, incoherently murmuring as he begins to undress you. Stripping you layer by layer, until you’re naked under him. Your breath caught in your throat as he kissed down your navel, spreading your thighs as he snaked down to your most intimate area. Bucky ran a finger down your folds, then with two fingers, spread them open. You closed your eyes again as he lowered his head.
Your body combusted in a storm of hellfire, then. His tongue licked a hot stripe through your folds, and over your clit. He licked kittenish circles over your bud, swirling and sucking with gentle, but firm tugs. Every lick and swirl of his tongue had you moaning and gasping for breath. He tongued your entrance, flicking and fucking you with his tongue.
You felt your orgasm building, desire tightening in your belly until it threatened to snap. Bucky kept on with his languid, torturous pace. He’d hang you over the edge as he fucked you with his tongue or when he’d toy with your clit. Then, he’d pull you back with kittenish licks and kisses to your inner thighs. You moaned as he shook his head, his tongue rubbing deliciously against your clit.
Bucky hummed against your clit as he began fingering you, “You taste like Heaven, bunny.”
His voice sent pleasured shivers through your body. Bucky worked deep inside of you, curling and scissoring his fingers as he played with your most sensitive spot. Your breasts heaved and thighs shook as he drew firm circles around your clit and fucked you harder with his fingers. The eruption of your orgasm was scorching and bright as you came around his fingers and tongue. You heard your name, then.
You opened your eyes to see Sam over you, his brows knitted with concern as he shook you awake. You murmured as you tried to clear your head. You were clothed and Bucky was nowhere in sight.
“What the hell happened, (Y/N)?”
“I don’t… I think I was drugged,”
“Drugged? When would’ve you been drugged?”
“The whiskey,” you said, “How are you fine?”
“I didn’t drink any,” he said. “C’mon, we need to get you out of here.”
He hauled you to your feet and placed your arm around his shoulder as he supported your weight. Your feet were heavy as you dragged yourself along.
“There’s something else,” he said as you two entered the estate, “I called the university and…”
“And what?” you asked as you leaned against the wall.
“Bruce Banner has been dead for four years. He died in a radiation accident,”
“That’s not possible,” you scoffed, “Are you sure it was the right guy?”
“I double checked and I triple checked. But that’s not it--all of them are dead,”
You blanched, “What do you mean ‘all’, Sam?”
“Steve Rogers has been dead since 1945. And Sharon Carter died two years ago during a robbery gone wrong,”
You shook your head, “No, that–that doesn’t make any fucking sense, Sam. I would know if they were dead. Ghosts can’t speak and I had entire conversations with them. There has to be some kind of mistake.”
“Barton emailed me their files, (Y/N). Everything checks out,” he said exasperated.
You shook your head again and began to walk away from him when the lights along the corridor began to flicker so violently, they all shattered one by one until you and Sam were engulfed in complete darkness. You called out for him and tried to follow his voice through the darkness with extended arms. You felt along the wall, touching over paintings, and stepping over the shattered glass. You neared a man’s silhouette, so black and intense it cut through the darkness. You grabbed onto his hand and instantly shivered.
“Jesus, Sam, you’re as cold as ice,” you mumbled.
You froze as you heard Sam’s voice further down the corridor. Whose hand were you holding? You tried to wrench your hand away as the cold hand tightened around yours. A light began to flicker near you, then, and in that short burst of light, you saw who had a hold on you. Steve Rogers was gaunt and frosted over with frostbite and cold blue eyes that burned like blue fire.
His jaw unhinged and it made a sound like the cracking of ice underfoot. You screamed as the light died again, leaving you in total darkness. You were pulled away by warm hands, then. You slapped and pushed against the body that held you as they dragged you into a room that was bathed in a red light. You relaxed as you recognized Sam.
“You scared the shit outta me, Sam,” you huffed.
“I scared the shit out of you? What about Jack Frost out there?”
“Him, too,” you said as you rubbed your forehead, “This isn’t making any fucking sense, Sam. Ghosts aren’t supposed to be able to touch you.”
“I don’t know much about ghosts, but maybe there’s an exception?” he half asked.
You shook your head, “No, that… That was something else. I don’t know what the fuck that was.”
“You’re right,” said a voice from the shadows. You and Sam whirled around to see Bucky step forth from the darkness, “They’re not ghosts, they’re demons.”
You jumped as there was a pounding on the locked door. Sam pulled his gun on Bucky, and he just smiled.
“Open the door, (Y/N),” Bucky said, “It’d be rude not to.”
You walked to the door but stopped as you wrapped your hand around the handle.
“Do not open that door, (Y/N),” Sam said.
You swallowed hard, and then yanked the door open… The hallway was empty, except for a stuffed bunny that sat at your feet. You picked it up and blanched. You knew this stuffed bunny, and you remembered who had given it to you. You slowly turned back to Bucky, who was already smiling at you.
“Surprise, doll,” he said.
Sam looked to you, then to Bucky, “(Y/N) you know—”
Sam’s voice cut off as he was flung backward into the wall. You heard him wheeze as the air was knocked from his lungs, but you couldn’t move or react. You were frozen as you and Bucky locked eyes from across the room. He made his way toward you, then, and you mentally screamed at yourself to move, to do something other than just stand there. But it was too late, his hands were already on you, trapping you.
You flinched as he cupped and caressed your cheek with his thumb, “Don’t fucking touch me,” you spit.
He raised his eyebrows and tsk-tsked you, “That’s no way to speak to me, bunny.”
“Don’t call me that,” you said as you finally pushed him away from you, “I’m not your bunny,” and to make your point, you threw the stuffed toy at him.
The toy bounced off him pathetically and he snorted at your efforts. His sardonic laugh seemed to darken the room even more, deepening the shadows of every corner. You backed away and jumped as a sharp yell startled you. It was Sam. You turned to see rotted hands come through the wall as they gripped and wrapped themselves around him.
“How about this,” Bucky said, “Every time you reject me, Sammy here gets a bone broken. Starting with his fingers.”
You whirled back around to glare at him, “Why are you doing this? What do you want?”
“You,” he answered simply.
You shook your head and instantly regretted it as the sound of bone snapping, followed by Sam’s pained screams, filled the room.
“I warned you, (Y/N),”
You choked on a sob as you turned back to Bucky, “You can have me, just let him go, please.”
He cupped your face again as he looked at you almost sympathetically, “Oh, doll, I wasn’t asking for your permission.”
He turned you around, so that you were facing Sam, your back against Bucky’s front. His hands were on you, groping your body as he spoke against your ear and neck.
“I’m going to take you,” he husked, “And he’s going to watch.”
Before you could put up a fight, Bucky shoved you down onto the bed and crawled on top of you.
“Don’t you fucking touch her,” Sam yelled, “I’ll kill you. I swear to God I’ll kill you.”
Bucky rolled his eyes and with a flick of his wrist, another rotten hand gripped Sam’s jaw, holding it open at an awkward angle. Bucky took your face in his hands and made you look at Sam.
“If you’re naughty, Sam’s jaw gets broken. Understand?”
You nodded.
“Good girl,” he smiled.
He held your chin as he forced his lips onto yours. You squirmed against him, and he pulled back with a dangerous glare in his burning eyes.
“What’s the matter, bunny? You liked it when I kissed you,”
Your eyes widened as you thought back to the orchard, you had thought it was just a dream, but the feeling of Bucky’s tongue on yours told you that it wasn’t. He held the back of your neck as he deepened the kiss, swirling his tongue with yours in a sensual dance. And you couldn’t help the quiet moan that escaped you as you kissed him back. He smirked against your lips as you fell limp in his arms, dipping your head back to expose your throat to his lips. Bucky licked up the column of your throat until he reached your jaw.
He undressed you, then held you in his lap as he took a nipple into his mouth. He ground you down onto his hardness as he toyed with your breasts, squeezing and sucking until your breaths became heavy with desire. You moved faster against him, gyrating and rubbing your clothed cunt against his erection. Bucky gripped your hips and moved with you, grinding himself against you. Your panted breaths mingling together as you both grinded.
He pushed you onto your stomach, then, as he yanked your panties down your thighs and forced your folds apart as he spread your legs wide. You heard Sam mumble against the hand that held his jaw open, and you forced yourself to look away from him as shame burned through you. You fisted the sheets as you felt Bucky behind you, and you shivered in anticipation as his hand slowly snaked down your back. You arched your back as he squeezed your ass, spreading your cheeks apart to reveal your puckered hole to him. He pressed his thumb against it and you whimpered and tensed as he sunk inside.
He pulled his thumb free, and gave your ass a sharp slap that made you gasp as the pain mixed with pleasure. You felt his hand dip between your legs, then. Slithering up toward your pussy. He parted your folds and hummed in approval. He spoke as he circled your clit with his fingers.
“You’re so wet for me, doll. I thought you didn’t want me to have you?” he taunted.
You choked on your words as his cock entered you without warning. You hissed as he stretched you out. Bucky gave you no time to adjust to the size of him before he began to fuck into you with fiery desire. You grunted and yelped as he roughly drove himself hard and deep into your cunt. His fingers dug into the soft skin of your hips as he forced you back down onto his cock with every thrust he gave.
His hips snapped faster and faster, his balls slapping noisily against your ass as he hammered into your wet pussy. You moaned as he fucked you, you wanted to fight against the pleasure he was forcing onto you, but when his cock pounded your sweet spot like that--you couldn’t find it in you to resist him. All you could hear was the salacious slapping sounds of skin against skin, your obscene moans, and Bucky’s guttural groans. Bucky yanked you up by your hair and held you against him as he continued to fuck you senseless. His hand snaked around your throat and his teeth grazed your jaw and neck as he spoke.
“Look. At. Him,” he told you with accentuated thrusts. And against your better judgment, you did. You forced yourself to open your eyes and look at Sam.
Bucky chuckled darkly in your ear, then, “I know what he’s thinking,” he whispered to you. “I can feel his envy, his lust. He wants to fuck you, to feel this tight cunt around him. But he can’t have you, can he?”
His grip on your throat tightened, “N-No…”
“That’s right,” he began rubbing your clit and you moaned and clenched around his cock, “Whose pussy is this? Who do you belong to, (Y/N)?”
“You,” you moaned as he rubbed harder, faster, until you were writhing and jerking underneath him.
“Say my name, doll. Tell him who’s fucking you this good,”
“Bucky,” you sobbed as you felt your orgasm quickly approaching. Your legs trembled as he pounded your pussy.
“Louder,” he growled.
You screamed, then, as your orgasm crashed into you like a tidal wave, “Oh, fuck--BUCKY!”
Your entire body jerked and convulsed as your pussy fluttered and gushed around his cock. Tears streaked down your cheeks as you looked at Sam. His eyes were closed and his brows were furrowed as he forced himself to look away from you. You almost screamed as Bucky kept on your clit, fucking you through your first orgasm, then a second one that was just as intense. Bucky forced you back onto your stomach as he fucked you harder into the mattress.
Bucky’s abdomen flexed as his body tensed in pleasure. He hissed through his teeth and let out a deep, reverberated growl as he came inside of you. Bucky held you down, still, as he continued to fuck you with deep, lazy thrusts. You whimpered as you felt him pull out of you, leaving you wet and pulsing, and full of his cum. Bucky kissed along your shoulders and down your spine as he spoke in your ear.
“Sam still loves you, (Y/N),” he told you, and you furrowed your brow at the randomness of it. “But you’re mine, aren’t you, doll?” he growled as his voice grew deeper, huskier… Demonic, “And no one can have you, ever.”
You didn’t have the strength to look up after that. You heard the horrible sound of snapping bone and the ripping of flesh. It all happened so fast, so final. He never even had the chance to scream. You sobbed into the mattress as Bucky continued to kiss every inch of you.
Hellfire erupted around you, then. Circling the bed you and Bucky were on in a firestorm of crimson, gold, and blue flame. The hellish flames danced before you, and you reached out through them toward Sam’s torn body. Your fingers touched the flames, and your skin glowed as it heated. It was hot, but it didn’t burn you like you had thought it would.
Bucky rolled you onto your back, then. His eyes, glowing like blue fire, as he entered you once more. You watched the flames flicker through his eyes. He pounded into you, hard and fast, as he gripped your hips. Your breasts bounced with every snap of his hips against yours, and you moaned as both you and Bucky fell over the edge of pleasure together.
The warmth of the flames soothed you, and the last thing you remembered was the estate burning down around you, before you drifted off into a deep sleep… Bucky was holding you close to his chest when you finally woke, you could feel the hardness of his cock still buried inside your cunt even as he slept. You knew where you were instantly. You had dreamt about this place enough times to recognize it by just its sulfuric stench. You were in Hell…
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*тαgℓιѕт*:・゚✧*:・゚✧: @hoosier-daddi, @kuranes-12, @syrenavenger, @thehuntresswolf, @kriegersimp, @haleyheart0197, @that-one-girl-who-simps, @xxmizzmariexx, @thenewmrscullen
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my-johnlockficrecs · 3 years
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it's finally here! after a lot of blood, sweat and tears thanks to tumblr being tumblr, i have finally managed to compile and format my feb 2022 reading list 😩 february absolutely flew by, didn't it? can't believe we're already facing the second week of march 😳 last month was rather busy for me, so i thought that i hadn't read many fics. boy, i was wrong. i read so much, that for the first time, i had to make two lists instead of the usual one. holy shit. last month, i read many, many short fics—so a special thank you to short form writers! i know short fics can sometimes get a bad rep in fandom spaces, which is ridiculous. it takes real talent to tell a story, and tell it well, in short form! plus, they're perfect for when you don't have the mental energy to invest in a long fic. go give your favourite short fic a comment! and now, without further ado, here is my feb round up, part one! part two coming soon 😉
key: ✨ elements of magic/fantasy • 🔍victorian era • 🐺 a/b/o • 🎆new years themed • 💌 valentine's themed • blue highlight: reread
spotlight rec
✰ A Quiet Murmuration by cathedral_carver (4k, teen) // Just pay me back with one thousand kisses.
i went back and forth about spotlighting this, partly because i thought maybe i should spotlight a fic i haven't read before and partly because i was spoilt for choice—i mean look at all the brilliant fics on this list! but in the end, i went for it because this fic is just. special to me. it's so soft and sweet and gentle, everything i adore 🥺 one of the things i really like about A Quiet Murmuration is that it really does pick up on the slightly odd, one-of-a-kind nature of john and sherlock's friendship/relationship. i mean, not many mates would ask for a thousand kisses as payback 😌 of course, that's a little to do with the fact that john and sherlock are in love, but also, they're just two funny little dudes with odd quirks of personality that complement each other and no one else. and i love that <3 i could read this fic a thousand times and still not get tired of it. and all that in just 4k! do yourself a favour and go and read this, as a treat 💖
bite sized (5k and less)
This Isn't About the Bathtub by cypress_tree (1k, G) John and Sherlock go to Angelo's for dinner. In both of their pockets are rings they are going to propose with, but the other has no idea. John proposes first, and Sherlock answers by pulling out his engagement ring.
Telling the Bees by @shiplocks-of-love (1k, G) He turns again to the cottage and takes a deep breath, his senses filling with the soft buzzing of bees, the rustling of leaves and the sweet aromas of wildflowers. He takes one step, then another. A short, soft epilogue to "The Death and Resurrection of a Beekeeper".
The Detective and the Demon by oreganotea (2k, G) ✨ “Every demon on record is described as either monstrously terrifying or breathtakingly beautiful,” Sherlock says. “I have never heard of a demon with a forgettable face and a propensity for ugly jumpers.” The demon looks down at his jumper. Okay, so it might not be the most flattering article of clothing in the world, but it sure looks a hell of a lot more comfortable than Sherlock’s two-sizes-too-small shirt.
Applied Linguistics by what_alchemy (4k, M) “He wants to shake John by the shoulders, wants to open his mouth and swallow John whole. Wants to marry him.” Sherlock searches for the right words.
Resolution by WritingOutLoud (1k, G) 🎆 There’s ten seconds until midnight, and Sherlock deduces some life changing information about his army-doctor. Will he finally have someone to kiss at midnight?
Eight Minutes by Ranowa (5k, teen) {part 1 of the I Dream of Dying series} Sherlock dies three times in three years, and John makes a different decision.
The Roads Not Taken by Ranowa (5k, teen) {part 2 of the I Dream of Dying series} Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both. -The Road Not Taken
The Evidence Suggests by Ranowa (5k, teen) {part 3 of the I Dream of Dying series} The evidence suggests that Sherlock is going to expire from sheer  boredom, pine himself into an early grave, and then claw himself back to  life just to haunt Mycroft for the rest of eternity.
Guardian Angel by Ranowa (5k, teen) {part 4 of the I Dream of Dying series} Sherlock Holmes is not an angel. John never asked him to be one.
five times sherlock holmes lied to john watson (and one time he told the truth) by miss_frankenstein (5k, G) 🔍 "Something in Wilde’s persecution has touched a nerve in Sherlock –  snapped that tenuous thread of hope holding him upright – and it feels  as if he has taken to bleeding internally." Set in "The Abominable Bride" universe, this piece adopts a  familiar format to chronicle Sherlock's quiet suffering in the wake of  the 1895 Oscar Wilde trials and the particular way they affect his  relationship with (and feelings for) John.
A Discourse on the Inadequacy of a Duvet by guns_and_poses (1k, teen) For a prompt: Sherlock keeps stealing the covers when  they share a bed because he wants John to move closer to him when they  are sleeping but of course doesn't want to ask. John gets annoyed at first until he realises what Sherlock wants and is more than happy to oblige. John looks over at the folds of covers gathered on the opposite  side of Sherlock's body, then glances up at Sherlock’s face. “You’re doing it again.”
Settling In by PorcupineGirl (1k, teen) For Selskia, who wanted "Asexual!Sherlock/Straight!John in a queerplatonic romantic relationship. It's a bit of an oddball, but  anything fluffy and loving and nonporny will be endlessly and forever  adored. It's always fun to see the two work out that hey, we're in love, we don't have sex, but it's still a wonderful and meaningful  relationship."
Like Any Other Day by wearitcounts (Sher_locked_up) (1k, teen) Just when John thought Sherlock couldn't get any more strange...
Conversations With Idiots by @scullyseviltwin (1k, teen) A huge gust of breath comes rushing out of John's lungs as he steels himself, checks his resolve, and then, “I’m… I’m gone on you.”
Assurance by belovedmuerto (2k, teen) It’s not so much the ‘you’re half-dead, you wanker,’ or  even the broken ribs, the hairline fracture of the pelvis, the  dislocated shoulder and knee, and the wrenched ankle.
It's a Dummy by Johnnlocked (Krullenbol2602) (2k, teen) What if Mary had taken the shot?
Homemaking by rageprufrock (4k, teen) The original plan for returning to England involved fucking around being shellshocked and suffering mandatory post-combat counseling and physical therapy to dissect the shattered mosaic of his feelings. That's not quite how it goes.
Crime Scene Procedure for Death by Drowning by paxlux (2k, teen) {part 1 of the proper procedure series}
He lies back in bed and listens to the notes and pictures them gathering around Sherlock’s feet like water.
Crime Scene Procedure for Asphyxiation by Living Burial by paxlux (3k, teen) {part 2 of the proper procedure series} He feels like there's a stone in his chest, maybe an albatross around his neck.
No Good Without You by textsandscones (4k, teen) A diverting new case surrounding musicians and stolen instruments captures Sherlock's attention, the consequences of which lead both detective and doctor to see one another in a different light. "There is a sudden twist of torso, an arm reclining impossibly far back that skims against the terrycloth of John's dressing gown. Sherlock halts, and turns to stand with both feet placed firmly upon the floorboards beneath him." Written for ughbenedict's dancing prompt.
A New Arrangement by flawedamythyst (2k, G) John and Sherlock aren't meant to have any contact until they're married, but how is Sherlock meant to plot a wedding without John's input? Arranged Marriage AU.
The Breath Between Us by fayfayfay (4k, E) 🐺 A simple romance that takes place in a traditionalist alpha/omega society. John is invalided home and finds himself an eligible bachelor; Sherlock is a stubborn omega who has refused all of his suitors. They take to one another.
The Breath Before Us by fayfayfay (3k, E) 🐺 A simple romance that takes place in a traditionalist alpha/omega society. John is invalided home and finds himself an eligible bachelor; Sherlock is a stubborn omega who has refused all of his suitors. They take to one another. Sherlock POV version of The Breath Between Us.
tea-mug distance by Anderl (645, G) Just a moment ago, Sherlock had been standing in his personal space, only the mug putting the distance between them. John should have leaned up and kissed Sherlock. It would have been so easy. John overcomes the distance of his tea mug.
A Metaphorical Gesture by cyparissus (1k, teen) "Sherlock, are you--" the words die in John's throat and he has to swallow and start again, "Are you asking me to marry you?"
The Two of Us Against the World by slashscribe (1k, teen) John is there to take care of Sherlock as he comes down from his overdose in The Abominable Bride. Set immediately after the tarmac, back in 221B.
Giveaway Fic #9 - Angsty Sick Fic/Sherlock is Sick by ConsultingPurplePants (1k, teen) The next time he awakens is even more chaotic. Two doctors are shouting at each other in the corner, and John is holding his hand so tightly Sherlock is worried he’ll break it. “—fever’s been like this for two days! He hasn’t remained conscious for more than two minutes at a time so far!” shouts one of the doctors. “I don’t care! We can’t do what you’re suggesting, it’ll just make it worse. Besides, according to his file, he’s already taken every drug under the sun, who knows what that man is resistant to—.” Sherlock flinches, feeling like all of his progress is being thrown in his face again. John’s head jerks up.
You Know, The Old Saying by songlin (2k, teen) "Marry me. I need to have you forever." Unrepentant husbands!Johnlock fluff.
Watson’s Anatomy by @calaisreno (1k, teen) 💌 John and Sherlock's first Valentine's Day as a couple.
Their Best by johnlockhedgehog149 (793, teen) John Watson was trying his best. Sherlock Holmes was  trying his best. It wasn't going very well. A little ficlet about coming  together to their best.
short fics (5k-15k)
Bread and Wine and Curry Once a Week by cwb (8k, E) "I am not agitated. I'm just tired of it. The insinuations, the comments, that I have no... no interest in relationships, or sex." "Oh. So you do, then?" "Maybe." "Which? Relationships, or sex, or both?"
Bakers with Benefits ficlets by @raina-at (6k, ch:4/?, E) A series of one-shots, ficlets and timestamps set in the Bakers with Benefits 'verse. You should probably read that first.
How to Sleep with Your Enemy in One Semester by 221b_careful_what_you_wish_for (9k, M) Visiting professors John Watson and Sherlock Holmes are longtime academic rivals — and now unwilling office mates — at a prestigious American university. When their tense arguments give way to an undercurrent of mutual attraction, their war of wits turns into something more personal — until it goes off course. A party, a phone number, and deserted office at night might just bring them back together.
A Hooligan's Game Played By Gentlemen by @scullyseviltwin (15k, E) In which John wants to get back in shape, does so, joins a rugby league and has sex with Sherlock Holmes. In that order. He was no spring chicken - as it were - and the extra stress of running and jumping and tripping and falling and climbing and leaping and - in one notable instance - swimming to the bank of the Thames was putting his body through the proverbial ringer.
Let You Kiss Me (So Sweet and So Soft) by out_there (8k, G) The first time Sherlock kisses him, John keeps his eyes open, and so does Sherlock, and mostly, he wonders what Sherlock could possibly be up to. There'll be some logic to this. Some ridiculous experiment about body warmth or respiratory rates or testing a new way of picking pockets. Sherlock does the unimaginable for bizarre reasons, but behind it, there's always logic and curiosity. Sometimes, it just takes him a while to explain it to John.
Amenably by Resonant (6k, E) You certainly never forgot who you were kissing with Sherlock.
Four Funerals and a Wedding by Susan (12k, E) The story of John and Sherlock or Nothing worth having is ever easy. John fit himself neatly into Sherlock, his arm curving over his  back, his hand tucked warmly under Sherlock’s body. John thought  Sherlock had fallen asleep when the feather-light breath of Sherlock’s  whisper drifted across his skin, “Stay with me.” John understood then that Sherlock had always been there, in the  corner of his mind, in the tracks of his memory, right there close  enough to touch. He held onto him, trying hard to steady his voice.  “Where else would I go?”
In A Changing Age by allonsys_girl (15k, E) 🔍✨ Sherlock wakes up in the 19th century, with no idea how he got there.
No Such Person by @calaisreno (11k, teen) ✨ Sherlock takes the case of a missing man, an army doctor whose sister believes there is something sinister about his disappearance. It's actually a bit more complicated than that. His case haunts me. I picture his smiling face in the photos, open and ingenuous, and wonder where he is now. The options are not happy: held against his will somewhere, in hiding, or dead. The notion that I might find him has possessed me; I am loathe to give up my search.
February 15th by prettysailorsoldier (8k, teen) 💌 After a difficult breakup years earlier, Sherlock has decided that  romance is something he can do without, but a blind date with the handsome, charming, funny (did we mention handsome?) John Watson might  just prove him wrong--if he's willing to take the risk again.
The Death and Resurrection of a Beekeeper by @shiplocks-of-love (12k, M) Sherlock escapes London for a quiet, solitary life in Sussex, exhausted after the whirlwind of drama following Mary’s death. One day, a letter arrives.
The Zebra Sheets by agirlsname (13k, M) Sherlock is back from the dead and he's exhausted. So is John. They go on a holiday to a faraway cottage and unexpected truths are revealed.
mid length (16k-50k)
The White Lotuses by @silentauroriamthereal (20k, E) One day John realises that he just isn't where he belongs, which is back at Baker Street with Sherlock. So he goes back and Sherlock, in his own way, courts him. Romance.
26 Pieces by Lanning (28k, E) Mycroft gives Sherlock the apparently simple task of solving a puzzle box containing a stolen microchip. It isn't simple.
Lifetime Achievement by Mad_Lori (47k, E) John Watson has just won an Oscar and gotten engaged in the same day.  Now what? (Sequel to "Performance in a Leading Role")
Perfect Match (if you squint a bit) by orphan_account (30k, M) "Look at us! I'm straight, you keep severed heads in the fridge, it's hardly a match made in heaven." From the prompt: "In a world where people report being generally unsatisfied with their romantic lives and divorces are at an all time high, the quality of relationships are plummeting. Healthy relationships lead to happy citizens, which ultimately help form a better society and country. So, the British government has decided to take matters into hand by setting up a program to match a person with their best possible romantic partner."
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kthyg · 3 years
; library (winter’s recs)
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➸ notes 💌 ; hii my lovess so since im too lazy and dumb to create another acc for fic or novel recs, i decided to just create a post where i compile everything! if this post ever reaches the limit, i’ll make a new post and link it here (vice versa for the new post). so without wasting more spaces, i present to you an endless list of bts fics! (and some novels, separately) along with my short review <3 please give the authors thumbs up and muchh love for their incredible works.
➸ note 2 ⚠️ ; i write and read yandere and heavy themes stories therefore my list will include both non yandere and yandere stories. yandere stories will be marked with “y”. and if by any chance, any author of any of the fics that i put here, dislike yandere contents, do tell me if you wish to not engage with, and be included in my post ^^’
➸ hint 🔍 ; a - angst || s - smut || f - fluff || y - yandere || tw - heed trigger warnings
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o t 7
➸ nexus by @bangtangalicious (s, a, y, casino!au, elite!au, gang/organized crime!au, thriller)
full of questions >:( type of story that makes you go “HUH WHAT” “what.” “omg???” yeah that. story starts with past time and move forward to the present until the day mc was framed for murder.
ongoing series
➸ house of serpents by @smasmashie (s, a, mafia au)
iMMACULATE WRITINGS IDK IDK I JUST LOVE YDK HOW MUCH I LOVE it. not your normal fic >:( this is extraordinary. author writes it with grace, writes it like she owns it >:( (well ofc yeah HSHS) daddy namjoon, kind of like close friend yoongi?, client hoseok, another best friend (kind of) jin, “the guy who lived in the same apartment but never talk with u until one day” taehyung, obsessed little koo who knows u from the past, unhinged jimin (REAL.) lastly, i swear mc is a fuck toy through out the story I FEEL BAD FOR HER
ongoing series
m u l t i p l e m e m b e r s
➸ the art of self-restraint by @scribblemetae (s, f, 4some, maknae-line)
BABY BOY JIMIN. SUB JIMIN. BRAT JIMIN. JIMINNNNNNNNN jimin walks in on mc and tae doing the deeds and min wants to make mc needy for him :(((
k i m s e o k j i n
➸ sana by @go1denjeon
m i n y o o n g i
➸ paubaya by @go1denjeon (a)
j u n g h o s e o k
➸ n/a
k i m n a m j o o n
➸ mistress by @kaiseuphoria (a, s, college au, slow burn)
it’s dilf namjoon we talking about yall. yandere dilf namjoon <33333333
p a r k j i m i n
➸ the devil’s own luck by @jimlingss (f, a, s, demon au)
childhood bestfriend jimin! demon that mc accidentally found from a box (yeah a box) and he’s stuck with her forever. and since then mc has a .. well, bad luck.
➸ esse tuus by @lavienjin (f, s, office!au, incubus)
incubus jimin. do i need to elaborate? no.
➸ in flagrante delicto by @hisunshiine (a, s, f, law firm au, coworkers to lovers)
the title gives it all 🫣 mc needed to partner up with jimin for a case and thats where the rollercoaster began. oh and jimin is a flirt (or manwhore, what the author described)
➸ one time thing by @personasintro (s, a)
let’s be honest here. who tf asks your best friend to sleep with your bf just because you don’t feel like it (smtg like that yeah?) lowkey infidelity HAH
ongoing series
➸ come home to me… darling by @roses-ruby (a, s, f, cheating au)
IT HURTS BUT IM A BIG GIRL I CAN READ CHEATING FICS. this hurts SO bad i tell you. read this only if you can handle this (SOUNDS DRAMATIC BUT SHUTUP) i had to pause my reading because the emotion, the pain just zzzssup to my heart p a i n. jimin is the worst of a jerk i kid you not. mc trying her best but this man just steps on everything.
➸ love me better by @taegularities (a, f, s, detective au, strangers to lovers)
it’s a push and pull for me </3 between mc and jm. well anyways, started with one night thing but mc and jm ended up working on the same case and everything starts there. ANGST just pure angst. </33 but i l o v e. rid’s work >>>>
➸ nectar by @gimmethatagustd (a, f, s, college au, stangers to lovers)
vamps mc and human jimin ;)) YKYK well jimin is a human that enrolls in a vampire uni/college and the human dorms are full so he had to share a room with mc ;) and it goes on.
k i m t a e h y u n g
➸ fic 1 by @
➸ fic 2 by @
j e o n j u n g k o o k
➸ STAY by @lolabangtan (a, f, s, college au, roommates au, e2l)
My heart is so soft for this. I live for sub koo and i live for this fic. I love everything about this fic; i can’t put my feelings into words TT. Koo might be (a bit) of an arsehole but i understand him </3. Also this may be bcs of MC’s role as the top/dom but I loved it when she decided to confront koo bcs if it was me i wouldn’t. I love their dynamic too :(( They were literally made for each other <3 I WONT GO ANY DEEPER BUT GIVE SUB KOO A READ this is the best sub koo fic i’ve ever read.
➸ sideshow by @lolabangtan (s, tw: dub con fantasy)
sub koo thats all. do i need to elaborate more? no. this is self explanatory. alr just kidding. it’s mutual pinning ?? THATS ALL I CAN say. mc likes koo, wants to make a move, asked him to be in her camshow and fucked him. (he’s cute i sobbed)
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Somewhere Deep Inside of These Bones (aka The Angsty SongXue Fic)
Chapter 45: Scars Upon the Soul
Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Sòng Lán | Sòng Zǐchēn/Xuē Yáng | Xuē Chéngměi Characters: Sòng Lán | Sòng Zǐchēn, Xuē Yáng | Xuē Chéngměi, Xiao Xingchen (in the spirit-trapping pouch), Wei Wuxian (guest appearance), Lan Wangji (guest appearance), Bai Jie (recurring OC), Li Rong (recurring OC), Zhuang Mingri (recurring OC), Jiang Cheng (guest appearance) Additional Tags: Physical Abuse, Mentions of excrements, mentions of vomiting, some body horror, Mentions of child abuse and torture, mentions of sadism, Masturbation, Animal Death, Suicidal Thoughts, Blood, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Dual POV, depictions of suicide, psychological torment, Violence
Chapter summary: Xue Yang is acting weird. Song Lan does some thinking.
Hi everyone and happy Sunday! ♥
Detective Song Lan is on the case today! 👀🔍
So many thanks as always to my wonderful beta @byallaccountsitdoesntmakesense, I love her commentary, it's always entertaining ♥♥♥
Hope you all are doing good and not melting! ♥ Enjoy the chapter! ♥
PS: Reminder that this fic has a Spotify playlist that now comes with an arc-by-arc overview and separate playlists for Act 1! ♥
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summerwritesfics · 3 years
🔍For Anyone But Me, Your Private Eye, Chapter 2 - Maybe Someday I’ll Find Me A Suspect That Has No Alibi
Pairing & Characters: Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang Chapter Rating: Mature Warnings: Detective Noir AU, Mentioned/Referanced murder, Mentioned/Referanced child murder, Implied drug use, Discussion on the sale of illegal drugs, Implied child abuse (non-explicit, it is around a paragraph that implies ot happened), Slapping. Choking
For Anyone But Me, Your Private Eye Masterlist
Notes: Aaaa it's about time I updated this fic. ;-; I apologise for not replying to the comments from last time, I did appreciate them. :) Also I'm currently running a fic give away to celebrate hitting over 100 followers. There's 5 fic prizes up for grabs of varying lengths. Go check out this post for more info <3 (I may as well get in a self promo while I can lol) With that all said, I hope you enjoy this chapter :)
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Somehow in the 5 years since he had last visited Club Netherrealm, it had not changed all that much. Hanzo still got an uneasy feeling when entering the burlesque bar. The smell of nicotine and stale alcohol hit him, music blaring as a woman on a stage sensually shed her clothes for a cheering crowd. He internally hoped that since his last visit the previous staff would have been replaced. No one left to recognise him and alert the club's owner to his presence.
But as he and Kuai approached the bar, one of the bartender's eyes connected with his own. A toothy smile said more than words ever could.
“Well, well, well, Hanzo Hasashi,” Moloch growled in a mocking tone. The name made the other bartender look up as well, a knowing smirk on his face. Fuck they are going to make this difficult aren't they? “Long time no see.”
“Moloch, Drahmin,” Hanzo acknowledged, even if he didn't really want to.
“Quan Chi did not mention expecting you,” Drahmin lazily voiced while wiping down a glass in his hand. Clearly trying to act like he wasn't as interested as he was by the detectives unannounced visitation.
“I'm not here to see Quan Chi,” Hanzo claimed, trying to ignore that Kuai's eyes were also now firmly on him. “I'm looking for a woman called Sareena, do you know where I can find her?”
The two bartenders shared a brief look, before Moloch turned back to Hanzo and asked “Why would you want to talk to her?”
“I believe she may have some information regrading a case I am currently working on,” Hanzo stated. There was no way in hell he was giving any more information than that. “I just wish to ask her a few questions, that's all.”
The pair hesitated for a few seconds, before Moloch eventually nodded to Drahmin. In response, he slipped away. “He will go and find her for you.”
After that, Moloch was called to a customer, and Hanzo was able to breathe easy for a while longer. He turned his attention to Kuai Liang, who was looking at him with his hands on his hips and an eyebrow raised.
“I just did not expect you to be a known figure in a place like this,” Kuai said, clearly fishing for more information.
“I used to do some work for the guy who owns this place,” Hanzo explained. After the death of his family, Hanzo had been approached by Quan Chi and offered a fairly steady stream of work coming his way. He had accepted just to have something to keep him busy and his mind off Harumi and Satoshi. He'd stuck with it for about two years, and over that time the jobs slowly got shadier and his discomfort in taking them grew. He always knew that Quan Chi resented him for quitting. “Been about 5 years since I was last here. I didn't exactly leave on the most amicable of terms.”
“Ah, I see.”
Deciding he wanted to change the subject, he added, “I'm surprised your lot don't hang around this place, actually.”
“Some do. But me?” Kuai thoughtfully put his hand under his chin, his eyes following a woman in a corset walking past with a tray of drinks. “Well, I can appreciate the aesthetic, but it's not exactly what I find titillating.”
Hanzo snorted at that. “Well clearly.”
Their attention was drawn back behind the bar as Drahmin returned. “Sareena is waiting for you in that booth over there,” He stated, pointing to a booth mostly blocked off to public viewing.
“Thanks,” Hanzo said with a nod, before he set off towards the booth in question, Kuai Liang at his side. He lent in closer to Kuai and whispered, “Let's try and get through this as quickly as possible, I'd rather not spend more time here than I have to.”
“Understood,” Kuai quietly confirmed.
As they reached the booth they separated slightly and entered. Sat on one of the plush seats was a woman, black hair in a short fluffy bob with a single stripe of white framing her face. She was wearing a fairly typical burlesque outfit, a red and black corset adorned with feathers, panties and stockings. She was pretty, Hanzo had no doubt she was likely one of the more popular performers. When she noticed them entering she stood up.
“Miss Sareena, I assume?” Hanzo questioned, watching as she fiddled with one of her suspenders for a second before finally looking up to him.
“I am Sareena Rose, yes.” She finally stopped fiddling with her outfit and held out a hand to shake Hanzos. “A pleasure to meet you, Detective Hasashi.” Her eyes flicked to Hanzo's side, as if only just realising there was someone else with him. “And you ar-” She cut herself off when she actually looked at Kuai Liang, her mouth staying hung open for a few seconds. It was like she'd seen ghost. He does look like his brother, this would rather confirm she has a connection to him. “Apologies, you... Look like someone I know.”
“Bi-Han, by any chance?” Kuai asked with a dramatic sigh. “Really, we don't look that alike, do we? I always thought I was far more handsome than that.”
“You are Kuai Liang then,” Sareena deduced, looking between the two men with a sudden air of dread. She brought her hand back, curling it into a fist over her chest. “I believe I know why you are here now.”
“Song Bi-Han is the prime suspect in my current investigation, if you have any information on his current whereabouts I would appriciate if you could share it with me.”
Sareena hesitated, “What makes you think I know where he is?” She shifted on her feet, hand grabbing her wrist and twisting slightly. A little too nervous for someone without information I think.
“Bi-Han has mentioned you in conversation more than once,” Kuai Liang offered as an explanation.
Sareenas's eyes widened and she bit her lip. “He... He talks about me?” She tucked a strand of her hair back, an action that made her look like a shy teenager with a crush.
“Once or twice,” Kuai chuckled, tilting his head slightly and observing her. “What exactly is your relationship with my brother?”
“We're friends...” Sareena shuffled on her feet again, “At least, that's what it is from my perspective.”
“But you want more than that, right?” Kuai asked smugly, winking at her and sticking his tongue out ever so slightly. Sareena spluttered, covering her mouth with her hands. Beneath them, Hanzo could see her face turning bright red. It seemed there was truth to Kuai's assessment, Hanzo made a mental note of that in case it came up later.
“Please, Miss Rose,” Hanzo began again, taking pity on her and deciding the poor woman had been embarrassed enough by Kuai. “Even if you do not know where he currently is, if there is anything at all you can think of that might help us with the investigation.”
Sareena stared at him for a few minutes, rubbing her mouth. She finally dropped her hands, very quietly sighing and saying “well-”
A loud cough from behind them cut her off.
Hanzo turned on his heel, suddenly finding himself face to face with an unfortunately very familiar face.
“Hello Detective, long time no see.”
“Hello Quan Chi,” Hanzo hissed, internally cursing. Moloch and Drahmin must have alerted him to Hanzo's presence. I should have known...
He watched as Quan Chi slowly moved around him, walking over to Sareena and placing a hand on her shoulder. She almost immediately looked to the floor, like a child being scolded by her parent. Quan Chi stood partially in front of her, as if to physically block Hanzo from her. Suspicious.
“As delightful as this reunion is,” Quan Chi said in a tone that was simultaneously honey and vinegar, “I do have to request that you stop harassing my staff and leave.”
“It's not harassment,” Hanzo argued, hand balling up into a fist at his side. “I am merely asking Miss Rose questions in regards to my current investigation.”
“Yes, you're trying to find your families murderer are you not? I read the newspaper.” Quan Chi folded his arms, slowly walking up to Hanzo. “But you forget Detective Hasashi, that you are not law enforcement, and have no legal standing.” Quan Chi stopped right in front of him. “You have no right to come in here and make demands. She does not need to speak with you. You have nothing."
Hanzo hated to admit it, but Quan Chi had a point. At the end of the day, he was just a private detective, and no one had any legal obligation to answer his questions. Quan Chi's smug smirk made Hanzo want to punch him. He resisted, no matter how strong the temptation was. Quan Chi's gaze turned to Kuai Liang instead, glancing at the man up and down with a look of distaste.
“As for you,” He started, tilting his head. Despite having never met Kuai, Quan Chi seemed to know exactly who he was. Interesting, it's either the resemblance to Bi-Han tipping him off or he's a lot more familiar with the Lin Kuei than he tries to pretend. “Does your master know one of his bitches is off their lead?”
“Careful, Mr. Quan,” Kuai warned, voice low and dipping his head slightly. There was a darkness in his eyes that Hanzo had so far not seen. “My bites worse than my bark, and I'm not wearing my muzzle.”
Quan Chi's eyes narrowed and he jerked forward to grab Kuai. Not wanting to get into a fist fight at that particular moment, Hanzo stepped out between them, shielding Kuai from Quan Chi's grasp. Quan Chi stepped back at this, levelling Hanzo with a glare, clearly unhappy that he couldn't get his hands on the Lin Kuei.
“One last chance, Detective,” Quan Chi warned, pointing at the two of them. "Leave with your dignity, before I call my bouncers to throw you out."
She knows something, but there's no way in hell we can talk to her with Quan Chi present. I don't doubt Quan Chi knows something too, why else would he be so specificly defensive about us talking to her.
There was, however, always an annoying point where you had to admit defeat, and unfortunately this was the point where Hanzo had to do so. He reached behind him, making sure to grab Kuai's arm. He looked over Quan Chi's shoulder, his eyes connecting with Sareena's. She looked deeply uncomfortable with what had just happened, like she wanted to say something but was too fearful of the consequences. Quan Chi always did like to have his employer’s completely under his thumb, it seemed that poor Sareena no different. She’s afraid of him.
"Thank you for your time Miss Rose." He nodded at her, before turning fully around, dragging Kuai along with him. He pointedly ignored Quan Chi, refusing to give the man even a second more of his time even if it was to only say farewell. A glance towards the bar and he saw Drahim and Moloch mockingly waving good bye. He resisted the urgh to flip them the bird.
He stormed out of the club, pulling Kuai through the door before finally releasing him once it had slammed behind them. Kuai stumbled slightly, but regained his balance quickly. Kuai looked across at him, he was trying to appear unaffected if the way he was brushing off his suit with his hands was anything to go by, but there was a strange glint of guilt in his eyes. Hanzo couldn't understand why, Kuai had done nothing except verbally defend himself.
"I do apologise, I am usually far more composed than that," Kuai replied, deciding he now also needed to straighten his tie.
"No, it's not your fault, he did technically start it," Hanzo muttered, glancing over his shoulder to glare at the club as if that offered any revenge for what just happened.
"He was deeply unpleasant to be around." Hanzo snorted at that, it seemed rich coming from a professional criminal. Then again, if Hanzo was forced to spend the rest of his life locked in a single room, with the choices of Quan Chi and Kuai Liang as his company, he would have chosen the latter a thousand times over.
And it wasn't just because being locked in a room with Kuai would likely result in copious amounts of sex.
"Yes, 5 years later and he truly has not improved in any way," Hanzo commented, as he slowly began to walk towards where his car was parked a small way down the block.
"Men like him don't tend to change," Kuai offered as he almost skipped slightly catching back up to Hanzo. "They fester in their fetid ways surrounding themselves with people who agree to their every whim, never challenged and never a need to ponder the consequences of their actions."
Hanzo paused at that, lifting an eyebrow, "speaking from experience?"
"Oh, honey you have no idea." Kuai did not explain further, but Hanzo could maybe hazard a guess combined with what Kuai had said earlier that things within the Lin Kuei weren't working all that smoothly currently. Part of him wanted to ask, but he highly doubted Kuai would want to discuss the inner politics of the organisation.
They reached Hanzo's car, and he went to unlock the door as Kuai looped around to the passenger seat. As they settled down in their respective seats, Kuai looked over to Hanzo biting his lip.
"So, what now?"
Hanzo wasn't sure. It was far too late at night to go to the White Lotus, and if he was honest he was a little bitter that they really hadn't gotten much out of this trip. He stared at the club in his rearview mirror.
"Do you have any plans for the rest of the night?" Hanzo questioned, watching a couple of greasy looking men walk into the club. From the corner of his eye he saw Kuai twist around to face him, propping his elbow against the dashboard and leaning his head on his hand.
"Not as such no. Why? What did you have in mind Detective?" Kuai's voice was silky smooth, and it was clear what plans he was coming up with.
"Not what you're thinking, get your mind out of the gutter." Despite still looking in the mirror, Hanzo could see Kuai's pout. "Fancy a stakeout?"
Kuai hummed, looking into the mirror himself now, "you mean spending an hour or two in an inclosed space with you?" Hanzo didn't even bothered to to reply, he just hoped that Kuai didn't see the amused smile on his face. "Sounds like a date."
Hanzo adjusted the mirror, before settling down in his seat. "Get comfortable then, we're in for a long night."
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Kuai lent back in the car seat. He huffed, they'd been sat for what felt like hours now, though it was likely a lot less time than that. Hanzo had mostly been quiet, intently watching the club for anything he could use as clues. Kuai on the other hand was getting restless. He admittedly didn't get to do a lot of sitting around and doing nothing in the Lin Kuei. This was something he wasn't used to.
"So, are stakeout's usually this boring?" He finally asked, at least a conversation might occupy his mind a little.
"More or less," Hanzo muttered, his eyes firmly on the mirror watching the club from afar. "But patience is a virtue, and there is a lot to be learned from just observing."
"So, what exactly have we learnt from this?" Kuai asked, curious because to him they had just wasted the last few hours. But I suppose he is more used to this than I am. Honestly don't really know what I'm supposed to be looking for.
"The club used to close at 1am, given it is now 2am, it is safe to say opening hours have been extended." Kuai pondered that for a minute, he couldn't think of any reason that would be relevant. "Not to mention several of the men I've seen enter, I recognise as members of the local police force."
Kuai had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop himself from making a snide comment about how unsurprised he was that the police were pigs. Otherwise, he tried to not get too familiar with the police, so he would have to take Hanzo's word on that one. Still, it's a strange place for police to be hanging out. Club Netherrealm didn't exactly have the cleanest reputation.
Hanzo reached into his pocket, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. As Hanzo lit the cigarette, Kuai lent across to pluck it from his fingers. The detective's head snapped over to him.
"You know there's some belief these things are dangerous for your health right?" Despite that, as Kuai wound the car's window down, he took a drag of it himself. He then proceeded to throw it out the window.
"I'd say being a drug dealer is also dangerous for your health, but it doesn't seem to stop you." Much to Kuai's disappointment, Hanzo simply pulled another cigarette out and lit it as well.
"Well, I've never really been one to follow my own advice," Kuai admitted. The fact Hanzo knew that most of Kuai's work involved the sale of drugs was curious. All that had happened when he'd been followed was an exchange of briefcases. Sure, it was fair to deduce that was what was happening, but really anything could have been in them. "How did you know I deal drugs anyway?"
Hanzo shot him an unimpressed look, muttering with the cigarette in his mouth, "you work for the Lin Kuei."
Kuai reluctantly had to give him that one. Still, the more he thought about it, the more he wondered just how long he'd been on the detective's radar.
"How long exactly were you following me around for, anyway?" He questioned, unsure if he actually really wanted to know the answer.
"About a week."
A week? He expected a few hours. How the fuck did I miss someone following me for a week? It wasn't the longest period of time, but who knew what Hanzo had found out about him in that time. The voice in his head chastising him for letting his guard down sounded suspiciously like Bi-Han.
"You seem surprised," Hanzo noted, breaking Kuai from his thoughts.
"I'm just not sure how I didn't notice sooner." Kuai ran his knuckle along his lips. "What exactly did you find out about me?"
Hanzo looked at him for a second, as if trying to decipher what Kuai Liang was really asking. "I was mostly looking for ways to approach you." Hanzo took his cigarette from his mouth, glancing in the mirror before turning his attention more firmly to Kuai. "I figured out pretty early you have a textbook case of a flight or fight response."
"Excuse me?" Kuai asked, making sure his tone clearly implied his offence to that statement. A textbook case of a flight or fight response? What in the fuck is that supposed to mean?
"I will use earlier tonight in the ally as an example," Hanzo started. "Your first move upon me confronting you was to run. When you ended up cornered, I'm willing to bet you considered trying to fight me, right up until you saw I had a gun that is." Kuai could feel the way he tensed, unsure how Hanzo knew that. "With no other option, you turned to flirting." Hanzo levelled Kuai with a strange stare. "It's a pattern I noticed. Every confrontation I saw you in, you did the exact same thing."
Kuai wanted to argue against that but... it's true, isn't it? He hated confrontation, even if he often started it when he clapped back at people. His first instinct when faced with danger was to run, to preserve himself, only fighting if he stood a chance of getting out alive. And then flirting. He was still surprised how often buttering people up actually worked. Even he wasn't entirely sure how that kept happening. Hell, it had even somewhat worked on Hanzo himself, given the promise of sex as a reward for good behaviour. And this was a cycle, it happened over and over again.
"Jesus, well, I didn't expect a full fucking psychoanalysis, but thank you for that," Kuai deflected as a joke, trying to cover how unnerved he was by the realisation that this was a pattern and what that could possibly say about him as a person. "I thought you'd just know my favourite drink or something."
Kuai stared at Hanzo for a few minutes before telling him, "you're just showing off now."
Hanzo looked self-satisfied for a second, before finishing off his cigarette and putting it out in the cars ashtray.
"Since we're asking questions, I have one for you," Hanzo announced, taking a brief second to look in the cars mirror again to make sure nothing was happening with the club. "Why do you not carry a weapon with you?"
"I do," Kuai muttered reaching into his pocket and bringing out his trusty switchblade. "See?" He flicked the blade out to try and make the point.
"I meant why don't you carry a gun with you?" Hanzo clarified, looking unnerved with the way Kuai began to twirl the blade between his fingers. "Most of your opponents have firearms with them. You are quite literally bringing a knife to a gunfight."
"I don't like guns," Kuai said with a shrug, watching the blade in his fingers spin. He could never quite place why he disliked guns so much, he just had an uneasy feeling whenever he was around them. Of course when people questioned his dislike they generally didn't accept that as an answer, so he had a couple of generic reasons to stop people prying too much. "They're too loud, and far too messy for my tastes."
"I can guarantee you, stabbing someone with that thing would be equally as messy," Hanzo argued, pointing at the knife as he did. He was still looking at it as if he was expecting Kuai to turn around and stab him at any moment, and in a weird way Kuai found the detective uncertainty somewhat adorable.
"Maybe. But if I stabbed you in the face I'd maybe get a bit of blood on me." Kuai retracted the blade, putting the knife back in his pocket. Hanzo immediately relaxed. "But if I shot you in the face..." Kuai paused, shaping his fingers into the crude shape of a gun and holding the tips to Hanzo's forehead. "I'd get a lot more on me, flesh, bone, brain matter." He mocked firing the gun, while grimacing at the thought of the resulting splatter if it had been in any way real. "Gross."
As he put his hand down, Hanzo was looking at him with an eyebrow raised. "You're extremely prissy for a criminal, you know that, right?"
"I can commit crime and be concerned about my personal hygiene, thank you very much." Suddenly feeling a little self conscious, he gazed at his reflection in the windshield. He reached to smooth some of his hair back. "Going through your trash was bad enough."
"Actually that leads me to another question I had," Hanzo started, reaching into his pocket to get yet another cigarette. Hm, not a good habit to have. He might sell drugs, but Kuai didn’t partake in the consumption in them, his only real vice being the occasional alcoholic beverage. "What exactly were you hoping to find in my trash?"
"I don't know, something that might tell me why you were looking for Bi-Han," Kuai admitted. He was fully aware that in hindsight it was a terrible plan. Then again, if I hadn't we wouldn't be here. Would Hanzo have caught up to him otherwise?
"If he didn't tell you anything, how did you know to come to me? And what did you mean when you said you had a theory."
"When he left, he told me you might approach me at some point, but didn't tell me why, said it was safer for me to not know anything." Kuai laughed under his breath. Yeah, I'm real fucking safe in the fucking mess that is the Lin Kuei with Sektor at the helm. "As for the theory, I found a newspaper hidden under a floorboard of his room. It was the one about your investigation. I kind of... put two and two together." Kuai stared down at his hands in his lap, linking his fingers together and playing with his thumbs. "You really think he did it, don't you?"
There was a moment of silence before Hanzo replied, "you don't believe he did?"
Kuai couldn't reply, eyes remaining on his hands as he tried to ignore the lump growing in his throat. "I don't know." And god did it hurt to admit that. To admit he really did not know if his brother was capable of murdering innocent people in cold blood. "I want to believe he didn't. But I don't know."
He clenched his fists, screwing his eyes shut. No, he didn't want to believe Bi-Han would do this, but even he had to admit this all looked bad.
"I'm not disillusioned, Detective. I know my brother is not a good man," he explained, opening his eyes and finally looking over at Hanzo. His face was passive and unreadable. "Hell I know I'm not a good man. But even so there is honour among thieves, code and lines even we won't cross." He wanted so desperately to see something in Hanzo's face that implied he understood, but there was nothing. "Hurting and killing a child is one I don't want to believe either of us would ever cross."
The scar on his face began to ache. He reached a hand to touch it, almost sure it was trying to split open from the force of memories alone. The memories of a man who was meant to be caring for them standing over him, Kuai's vision blurring and Bi-Han's disembodied voice screaming to leave his brother alone. He wouldn't hurt a child, not after that... Not after that...
A hand fell on top of his, bringing him back from his past. Hanzo finally had some readable emotion on his face, concerned and curious. He looked like he wanted to ask, but was unsure of what the response would be if he did. Kuai blinked, realising there were tears rolling down his cheeks. He pulled away from Hanzo's hand, the detective letting it happen as Kuai scrubbed the tears from his face. He felt stupid for letting himself be so vulnerable in front of someone he barely knew.
"But I know how this all looks," Kuai instead stating, trying to ignore the way Hanzo was looking at him. He wanted answers for what that outburst was, but Kuai was not ready for that conversation yet. Somehow he doubted he ever would be ready for it. He barely talked about it with Bi-Han, let alone a stranger. "Him running away like this... I know how guilty it makes him look. I'm just... so conflicted. He's my only family, the only role model I've ever really had, you have to understand why it's so hard for me to accept this."
He heard Hanzo sigh, "I understand that." Hanzo was now looking away, his hands on the cars steering wheel. "He's your brother, I understand why you wouldn't want to believe him capable of such atrocities. But the truth is, everything I've found points to him. I need to find him if I'm ever to discover the truth of that night."
"Well when we do find him, I'm going to slap him to oblivion," Kuai declared, because holy shit did Bi-Han have some explaining to do. "Beyond oblivion if it turns out he's innocent."
To his surprise Hanzo actually laughed at that. Not an unkind laugh either, a genuine one, like the thought of Kuai smacking his brother was actually amusing to him.
"When it comes to that, I will not stand in your way," Hanzo replied with a smirk.
"Good, I'd hate to have to whack you too, I wouldn't want to ruin such a handsome face," Kuai joked, watching as Hanzo nodded, but if it was in agreement that he was handsome or simply because he was glad Kuai had no intents to hit him was unclear.
Kuai's eyes were drawn to the back of the car. Through the rear windshield he could see groups of people filing out from the club. He reached over to lightly shake Hanzo's shoulder. The elder man hummed, though didn't turn around, it seemed he was still watching from the rearview mirror.
"Looks like the clubs finally closing," Hanzo stated, Kuai could hear him stubbing out the remains of his cigarette.
The crowds dispersed, the lights went out in the club and minutes later the staff began to pile out as well. The two bartenders first, then a couple of the girls Kuai had seen performing. When Sareena stepped out, Kuai fought the urge to duck down. She was accompanied by two other women, and the three of them began to walk towards where Hanzo and Kuai were parked.
"I didn't see Mr. Quan leave, did you?" Kuai asked, the sudden stillness of the club was almost eerie.
"He used to live in a flat above the club, so I'd chance a guess he still does," Hanzo commented as Kuai finally turned back in his seat. Sareena and the two other women were fast approaching and he hoped to god they didn't notice them. "Which frustratingly means we should avoid here as much as possible."
Sareena passed by and Kuai lent back as far as the car seat would allow in his effort to hide. She walked on completely oblivious.
"We could follow her and find out where she lives and try confront her there but..." Hanzo paused, watching as the three women began to disappear around the corner. "But I genuinely can't think up a situation where two men follow a woman home in the dead of night and come out looking like the good guys."
Kuai snorted at that, sitting up when he was sure Sareena was gone and could no longer potentially see them. "Not to mention you are god awful at following people in your car." Hanzo gave a frustrated huff but said no more on that topic. "So, where do we go from here?"
"Well, the White Lotus won't open until the morning, so my personal plan is to head back to my office and get some sleep."
"Ooh," Kuai purred, reaching over to place his hand on Hanzo's thigh. "Maybe I could join you? I know I'd sleep better with some company."
Hanzo turned the engine on his car, shifting it into gear and pulling out into the street. Barely glancing at Kuai, he casually stated "you can sleep on the couch."
Kuai just pouted, "you're so mean Detective."
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As they got out of the car, Hanzo stared up at the shiny state of the art building in front of them. It was petty to be jealous of a building but he wished his business was important enough to be situated somewhere so fancy. Kuai didn't seem anywhere near as impressed, but given the Lin Kuei operated out of a fucking mansion, of all things, he guessed this place wasn't anywhere near as extravagant as that.
"Hopefully, we won't be kicked out this time," Hanzo stated optimistically. He had confidence, with this being a respectable business, that Mr. Narukami would be far more willing to talk to them. "Leave most of the talking to me, alright?"
"Fair enough," Kuai commented with a grin, clearly a little too happy about being given an order.
Hanzo shook his head as they both approached the front doors to the building. Inside was a rather spacious reception area. A man was sat behind the desk, his hair pulled back into a long braid. Once close enough Hanzo noticed he had the name "Lao" printed on his name badge.
The man looked up from his paper work and offered them both a smile, "hello, welcome to White Lotus. How may I help you?"
"I was hoping I could speak with Raiden Narukami," Hanzo told him, taking the chance to glance around. He knew that the White Lotus was an electricity provider, but as he observed the posters advertising their service he realised how weird a place this was for Bi-Han to have connections to.
"Do you have an appointment?" Lao asked, looking through a diary to make sure he hadn't missed something.
"No. My name is Hanzo Hasashi, I'm a private detective," he explained. "I believe Mr. Narukami was in recent contact with a suspect I am looking for and I was hoping to ask a few questions."
Lao's brow knitted together, he looked like he was trying to recall something. Suddenly he snapped his fingers, "oh! Hasashi! You're the guy who was in the newspaper!"
"That is me," Hanzo confirmed, a small smile. He was hopeful that this knowledge would make it easier to get an audience with Raiden. "If there is any chance I can speak with Mr. Narukami I would greatly appreciate it."
"Let me just ring upstairs and see if he's busy," Lao offered, picking up the phone and hitting a few buttons.
Hanzo turned his attention to Kuai, who was looking around with a puzzled expression on his face, one hand on his hip while the other gripped his bicep.
Hanzo lent in and barely whispered, "any idea why your brother would be working with an electricity company?"
"Absolutely none," Kuai stated, rubbing his arm and tapping his foot. "Electricity isn't really the Lin Kuei's forte."
"Detective Hasashi," Lao called, regaining both men's attention. "Mr. Narukami will see you shortly, he'll be sending down his assistant Liu Kang to collect you both."
"I appreciate your help," Hanzo replied back. Lao smiled at them both again before returning to his paperwork. Hanzo turned to Kuai Liang, "this is promising."
"Let's just hope he has something to tell us." Kuai glanced around the room, eyeing everything with an air of suspicion. "I mean, this place seems pretty respectable."
Hanzo hummed at that. Just because a place seemed respectable didn’t mean it was. He'd found that more times than most people would be comfortable with during his time as a detective. The places that seemed the cleanest on the surface were often the ones filled with the most corruption.
His attention was drawn to a door where a man came out. He smiled at them as he walked over, holding out his hand.
"Detective Hasashi?" He asked, and Hanzo hummed in confirmation. "Liu Kang, it's nice to make your acquaintance."
"Likewise," Hanzo replied, meeting Liu's hand to shake. Once done, he gestured at Kuai beside him, "this is Song Kuai Liang, he is assisting me with my current investigation."
Liu's face dropped at Kuai's name. This is starting to become a trend. Once again, it made it plainly obvious that the man in front of them was familiar with Bi-Han. Liu straightened up, now clearly uncomfortable and trying to avoid looking at Kuai.
"Well, anyway, if you'd both like to follow me," Liu said, completely ignoring whatever issue he had with Kuai's presence. Hanzo shared a brief look with Kuai, as if to wonder what that was all about, before both of them began to follow Liu.
He led them through a few corridors and up a few flights of stairs, before leading them down yet another set of corridors. Hanzo was about to question where the fuck they were going when they finally come to a door with the words "Company Director; Raiden Narukami" written on it.
Liu opened the door for them, inviting them into the spacious office within. A man with white hair was sat at a desk, but he stood up the second he saw Hanzo and Kuai walk in.
"Detective Hasashi?" The man questioned, and once again Hanzo gave an affirmative hum. "I am Raiden Narukami, director of White Lotus, and your friend is-" Raiden paused as he stared at Kuai, blinking in confusion. Well having Kuai with me is definitely helping confirm who knows Bi-Han and who doesn't. "You must be Bi-Han's brother."
"Song Kuai Liang," he introduced in return, "and given you are the second person to realise that upon just looking at me I'm starting to think I need to change my appearance."
Hanzo snorted, he was starting to think Kuai had a chip on his shoulder regarding being compared to Bi-Han. That could wait however, for now, he needed to concentrate on Raiden.
"Thank you for agreeing to see me on short notice, Mr Narukami, I was hoping to ask you a few questions regarding your ties to Song Bi-Han," he explained following Raiden further into the office as the man sat down at his desk. Hanzo couldn't help but notice Liu was hovering in the room as well. "He is currently the prime suspect in my investigation. Unfortunately he has absconded and, as of right now, I am trying to track him down."
"I am curious what makes you think I have ties to him beyond mere acquaintances?" Raiden asked, tidying some papers on his desk. Maybe I was wrong about him being forth coming. He wanted to point out Raiden immediately realising who Kuai was did rather imply familiarity but it also didn't really suggest a deeper link than that.
"My brother mentioned doing some work for you," Kuai interjected, rubbing the back of his neck. "He didn't divulge more than that."
Raiden slowly nodded, whispering "i see." He finished what he was doing on his desk, and sighed. "Yes, I did hire him to do a task for me."
"What exactly did that entail?" Hanzo asked, glad that at least he'd gotten some form of confession out of him.
"I fail to see how this is relevant to your investigation," Raiden stated.
"I am just trying to gather a picture of what Bi-Han's last movements were before his disappearance," Hanzo tried to explain. I swear to God one day I'd like to find someone who just co-operates fully without prompting. He supposed in a way Kuai had, at least after being cuffed to a radiator. "It might help give me some clues to his current whereabouts."
Raiden's mouth was tight, fists clenched ever so slightly and back rigid, as he grumbled "I do not think this information will help you. I merely asked him to retrieve something for me."
Hanzo rubbed his temples, this was starting to become like trying to get blood from a stone. Next to him, Kuai lent against the desk, brows drawn together and lips pursed slightly.
"You know the more you try to dodge the question, the more he's going to suspect that what you had Bi-Han do wasn't exactly law abiding," Kuai flatly said, gesturing toward's Hanzo as he spoke. He then held his hand up, acting like he was inspecting his nails. "I mean personally, I don't have room to speak in that respect, but you probably have a better public reputation to worry about than I do."
Raiden stared at Kuai, like he was considering what he had just said. He shook his head, apparently deciding what Kuai said was true as he finally professed "I had a personal artefact stolen from me, I hired Bi-Han to steal it back."
"Why wouldn't you go to the police?" Hanzo immediately questioned, but made mental note to praise Kuai later for managing break down Raiden's cryptic walls.
"I did. They refused to help me," Raiden admitted. "So I was driven to more desperate measures."
I know how that feels.
Instead of saying that however he questioned "But... You're a respected business man, why wouldn't the police help you?" He crossed his arms over his chest. "And out of anyone, why would you work with a criminal?"
Raiden's eyes flicked over to Kuai for a minute, before returning to Hanzo. "Why would you?"
Hanzo felt himself falter, he hadn't expected to be called out like that. He looked over to where Kuai was still leaning against the desk, hoping the criminal in question would offer some form of support.
Instead, Kuai just shrugged at him and claimed, "He's got you there."
"Okay, well, who stole this item?" Hanzo chose to move on, because really it was likely that the answer was the same for both of them. They had no other choice. "Was that a factor that made the police reluctant to pursue?"
"I believe so," Raiden replied. "Are you familiar with Club Netherrealm?"
Hanzo closed his eyes a grit his teeth, of fucking course. "Unfortunately, yes." He reopened his eyes, taking in the curious look Raiden was giving him. "Was Quan Chi involved, by any chance?"
Raiden gave a small smile that answered the question. Well, at least now we have another link betwen Bi-Han and Club Netherrealm. Hanzo glanced at Kuai, who was now standing straight, hands once again on his hips and a deep frown on his face. Clearly he was also pondering this connection too.
"What exactly was this personal item he stole from you?" Hanzo turned his attention back to Raiden.
Raiden sighed and stood up from where he was sitting, walking over to a safe nestled against the wall. Quickly clicking the combination in, the door swung open as he pulled out a small box. He walked back to Hanzo, the box in his hands and he clicked it open when he was close enough. Inside, nestled in a bedding of velvet, was a golden broach in an intricate pattern with a green gem, likely an emerald, in the middle.
"It may not look like much, Detective, but this broach is worth more money than most people will ever possess in their lifetime," Raiden explained, as Hanzo stared at the item in question. He had to admit it was a very beautiful piece of jewellery, but he couldn't see why it would be worth so much. He would have to take Raiden's word on that.
"So, Quan Chi stole this because of the money it was worth?" Hanzo asked as Raiden closed the box and went to return it to the safe. Quan Chi had never particularly seemed to be influenced by the pursuit of money. He had always appeared far more interested in holding power over others.
Then again, money is power, as they say. Maybe Quan Chi finally realised that?
"I suspect so," Raiden replied, safely returning the broach to it's resting place. "But unfortunately that is all I can tell you. Bi-Han returned it to me and we parted ways. Where he currently is, I do not know."
"Well, regardless, thank you. Your information has been far more useful than you believed it would be." And that was no lie. Another connection to Club Netherrealm and Quan Chi. He was thankful that they had managed to gain Raiden's co-operation. "Ah, and, do not worry in regards to the legal aspects of what you've told me. Given my current assistant I have no room to judge you."
He heard Kuai giggle somewhere behind him.
"I appreciate that," Raiden admitted, sounding genuinely thankful for such a small mercy. "If I can do anything else to assist, please let me know."
"I will, thank you."
"Liu Kang, could you show these gentlemen out?" Raiden requested, gesturing toward the door. Hanzo hated to admit but he'd almost forgotten the other man was here he'd been so silent.
Still with a last nod of reassurance, Hanzo and Kuai followed Liu back into the corridors. As they walked Hanzo considered what they'd learnt from this. Most important, was how everything quite conveniently linked back to Quan Chi. Second was Bi-Han taking a job unrelated to the Lin Kuei. Third, something about that broach was eating at Hanzo but he couldn't place why. He just had a strange feeling he had seen it before. Forth, the police refused to help Raiden. Why? He thought back to the earlier hours of that morning, seeing so many people he recognised from the police force entering Club Netherrealm. There was a link there, he was sure of it. Was Quan Chi pulling some strings with them?
He suddenly realised he was back in the reception, turning to look at Liu Kang one last time.
"Good luck with your investigation, Detective Hasashi," Liu wished with an awkward bow.
"Thank you, take care," Hanzo returned, before making his way to the door, Kuai walking in time with him.
Outside he went to face Kuai, who had turned back to stare up at the building.
"So... It seems Quan Chi has been busy, hm?" Kuai commented, biting his lip.
"Yes, curious how that looped back around, isn't it?" Hanzo agreed, before making his way back to his car. He noticed Kuai stumbling to catch up to him. I possibly need to stop walking off from him without warning.
As they took their seats in the car Hanzo remembered something important he needed to say.
"Oh, by the way," he began as he turned the key and started the engine, "good job getting him talking. You did well." He got no reply as he pulled out into the road. He took a quick peek at Kuai, not wanting to take his eyes off the surrounding traffic for too long, finding Kuai was just staring at him with bright red flush over his face. What is that about? "Are you okay?"
"What? Oh. Yes. Sorry." Kuai very quickly and awkwardly looked away. He tucked a few strands of hair behind his ears. "I'm not used to being complimented outside of how good I fuck."
Hanzo couldn't help feel a sad at that statement. He is a man with much sorrow, and refuses to acknowledge it. He knew however if he were to say anything it would be interpreted as pity, and pity was the last thing a man like Kuai Liang wanted.
"Well, I haven't had chance to sample that yet," Hanzo commented instead, feeling relief when Kuai chuckled and didn't take offence to the statement. "But really. If things were different, you would make a good detective."
"If things were different," Kuai echoed, melancholy laced his voice. "I think I'm too far gone for that now."
"It's never too late to make a better life for yourself," Hanzo advised. He once again didn't get a reply. Maybe once day, he might convince Kuai of this truth, but he knew when to back down from a battle. "Anyway, I think it wouldn't be wise for me to dump you on the Lin Kuei's doorstep. I'll drop you about a block away and then you can make your way back to my office when you're done. While you are dealing with Sektor, I'll put together what we've learnt so far."
"Sounds like a plan," Kuai claimed, far more casual this time, clearly grateful for the conversation moving on. "I don't know how much I'll get out of him, he's not exactly... uh... the most agreeable of people."
"If you can get anything at all it will help," Hanzo claimed, remembering Kuai's previous statements that implied the poor state of the Lin Kuei. Clearly Kuai didn't think a lot of Sektor. Why does he stay with them then? Does he really believe he can never be anything else?
He didn't ask. He was sure if any of it was relevant to the case, Kuai would have mentioned it by now.
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Kuai had managed to slip by his fellow Lin Kuei members without anyone questioning where he'd been. That or he really was so insignificant that no one noticed he was gone. Somehow that wasn't as depressing a thought as it should have been.
Still he managed to make it all the way to Sektor's office without any awkward conversations. He lifted his hand to knock on the door when he realised he could hear shouting on the other side. He pushed his ear to the door to try and listen in.
"-nok's currency is lies. As is yours." Kuai frowned, he couldn't hear any other voice but Sektor's. He must be on the phone then. "The letter, not the spirit. You are owed nothing!"
He heard a loud slam, then seconds later a crashing sound. Clearly Sektor was tearing his office apart. Kuai almost reconsidered what he was doing, but decided the sooner he got through this, the sooner he could get the hell out of here. He carefully knocked on the door, only opening it when he heard a call of "come in."
"Hey, Boss, everything alright in here? I heard banging," he tried to say casually, with a hint of concern. He looked around, most of the things that should have been on Sektors desk were scattered around the room. Sektor himself was standing, arms braced against the desk as he glowered at Kuai Liang.
"Everything is fine," Sektor replied through a clenched jaw. Clearly, everything wasn't fine.
"If this is fine, then we have very different definitions of that word, Sir." Kuai chanced closing the door behind him, looking around at the chaos of the room.
"Just a client messing me around, nothing you need to worry about," Sektor said with a frustrated sigh.
"Again?" Kuai questioned, crossing his arms over his chest and looking at Sektor with a tilted head. "That seems to be happening a lot lately."
Sektor just scowled at him. It was no secret that Sektor didn't like to admit his shortcomings, but he hated more for them to be pointed out. The Lin Kuei were loosing clients faster than they were gaining them. This was almost entirely due to Sektor. Not that he wanted to acknowledge that fact.
"Did you actually need something, Kuai Liang, or are you just here to try and piss me off further?" Sektor growled, pushing himself from the desk and sitting down. Kuai took the opportunity to go and settle in the chair on the opposite side.
"You know it's been a month since Bi-Han left, right?" He asked. Sektor's eyes narrowed and parted his lips ever so slightly to show his teeth. "I don't know where he's gone and I want to find him."
"Why would you?" Sektor questioned defensively. Why has everyone with information acted like this so far? It didn't make sense to Kuai, if anything, it just made the party in question look more guilty.
"Because he's my brother and I'm worried about him?" Kuai replied in a tone that made it clear the answer was extremely fucking obvious. "Look, I'll get to the point. I know he had an argument with you before he took off. Was it about anything that might be relevant?"
Kuai bit his lip, knowing fully that he was playing with fire right now. Especially bringing up these questions off the back of a argumentative phone call. Sektor was staring at him with a strangely tranquil fury.
"I doubt it," Sektor finally spat out. "I barely remember the argument in question."
"But you remember you had one?" Kuai prompted, hoping by subtly forcing the man to think about it he might let something slip by.
"Yes." Sektor exhaled sharply, "I do not know what you think you are doing by trying to interrogate me like this, but whatever it is I would advise against it."
"I'm trying to find my brother," Kuai said, attempting to keep his voice calm. He was fighting the urge to be sarcastic or too forceful. "All I want from you is any information that might help me with that task." Was he really asking that much? Maybe not to the average person, but Sektor wasn't an average person. "You can't deny it's weird as fuck that he vanished after you had an argument with him."
"Are you accusing me of something Kuai Liang?" Sektor hissed, his nails digging into the wood of his desk. Kuai had never noticed how many grooves there were. How often did Sektor get so angered that he'd slowly worn away at his own desk?
"I never said anything like that," Kuai muttered, swallowing hard. "I just said-"
"That it was strange that he disappeared after a disagreement with me." Sektor released his grip on the desk. "Which implies you think I had something to do with it."
"That isn't what I was implying." Kuai shook his head, gripping the seat he was on like he was unsteady and needed to ground himself in some way. He refused to back down however, even if doing so made him feel like he was experiencing vertigo. "But with you getting all huffy like this, I'm starting to think you did do something."
"Listen here." Sektor lent across the desk, the sound of his fingernails clawing at the wood and splintering it made Kuai shudder slightly. "If I had anything to do with his disappearance, I can garuntee you would know about it." Sektor slammed a hand against the desk, Kuai jumping at the sudden noise. "Because if I did, I would have buried you alive with only Bi-Han's rotting corpse as company."
He had already long known Sektor didn't like him. The man was terrible at hiding his contempt for others. Even so, the threat really dug under his skin, his feelings of paranoia increased. Anytime he'd sleep here now, it'd be with one eye open. I wonder if Detective Hasashi will let me crash on his couch again, at least until we find Bi-Han.
"You are just lucky your brother is so vital to my operations," Sektor finally huffed, sitting back down and trying to regain some form of composure. It was completely betrayed by the fire in his eyes. "Keeping you alive ensures he will eventually return."
"If you really want him to return and to get me out of your hair, you'd help me find him," Kuai chanced, he tried not to flinch when Sektor lifted his hand. He knew he failed from the way Sektor seemed to revel in Kuai's apparent fear of him.
"I do not know where he is, and he will return when he is ready, I'm sure," Sektor said with a smirk, finally putting his hand down.
"I can't accept that," Kuai whispered, and immediately the amusement Sektor had been displaying disappeared. Maybe it wasn't wise to provoke someone with such volatile emotions but Kuai was tired of no one standing up and questioning his methods. I am making a stand. "I will find him, with or without your help. And if I find out you had anything to do with it-"
"You'll do what Kuai Liang?" Sektor's tone was mocking, but his fists were clenched. "Stab me with that measly blade you call a weapon? With your phobia of guns? Please." Sektor was leaning across the desk now, trying to get in Kuai Liang's face. "And as much as I'm sure you'd like to try, you definitely can't fuck me to death."
I could if I bit your cock clean off you bastard. Kuai bit his tongue, trying to resist the urge to just deck Sektor in the face.
"You know what I think," Sektor softly said. He reached his hand and cupped Kuai's cheek, trailing his thumb along the scar on his face. Kuai had to gulp back the bile in his throat. "I think Bi-Han left because he finally grew tired of having to play babysitter to his brat of a little brother."
"Or maybe he got tired of taking orders from the megalomaniac running this place into the ground." He didn't mean that to come out, but even as Sektor's face warped and the mans fingernails dug into his cheek, Kuai didn't regret what he'd just said.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Sektor was shaking with rage now, one second away from completely snapping. The vindictive need to finally speak his mind was stronger than the fear of what Sektor could do to him. He leaned forward, bridging the remaining gap between them.
"It means this place is Pompeii," he hissed between his teeth, determined to maintain eye contact the entire time, "and you are the fucking volcano."
He found his head suddenly slam to one side with a loud smack, Sektor's palm hitting him with such force it almost sent him tumbling to the floor. As Kuai turned to look at Sektor he found the man diving at him over the desk. The chair fell backwards, Kuai only just stopping his head from hitting the floor. Hands wrapped around his throat, thumbs pressing into the centre and cutting off his airway. He grasped Sektor's wrists trying to pry the hands off him as the man loomed over him.
He gasped desperately, scratching at Sektor's hands. His vision blurred. This was it, wasn't it? He was going to die here. He could only hope Sektor would actually bury his body, even if it was in a shallow grave, and not just leave him in a ditch to rot.
Suddenly the hands were off his throat, and he greedily took in as much air as he possibly could. His vision focused again, just as he felt a hand tangle in his hair and another grab and tug at his tie. He groaned, reaching to try and push at Sektor's chest.
"You are fucking lucky I need you alive right now," Sektor snarled, as Kuai thrashed under him. "But know this Kuai Liang, the next time you dare step out of line or question my authority, I will torture you until you are begging me for death."
Sektor released his grip of Kuai, pulling away and getting off him. Kuai pushed himself to his side, lightly grasping his neck, he could already feel it starting to bruise, as well as the sharp stinging in both his cheek and scalp. He looked up at Sektor, who's face was now impassive to a creepy degree. Kuai's breathing hitched slightly, he'd never seen the man so devoid of emotion.
"Now, I suggest you get the fuck out of my office, before I give you something to cry about."
Kuai blinked, reaching for his face to find it wet with tears. When did I start crying? Still, having been near death once today, he didn't particularly fancy his chances tempting fate a second time. He pushed himself to his feet, keeping his head low.
"Yes Boss," he whispered, turning on his heel and heading for the door.
As he opened it, Sektor called out behind him, "oh, Kuai Liang." Kuai hesitantly looked over his shoulder. "I do hope your brother returns soon."
Kuai had no words to say to that. Just exited the room, slamming the door behind him. He all but collapsed against the wall, his legs practically giving out. He rested his forehead against it, cursing his impulsive need to question authority. Someone has to make a stand... someone has to...
He tried to ignore the nagging in his mind that told him that his rebellion had been met with resounding failure.
He pushed that to the back of his mind. I'd better get back to Hanzo.
Convinced he wasn't about to fall again, he straightened himself up and made a beeline towards the exit. He just hoped what little Sektor had said might hide some clues for his detective.
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chittapornswife · 3 years
the way i respond like a week late T_T my asks r literally like packages being sent to u.. delivered in 5+ business days... but i found out my dorm room and roommate!! i haven't talked to her yet since i'm a bit shy but we got put into a good dorm so i'm happy! also i need to set up a placement test for spanish but they alr have me registered for spanish 1 and i might just keep it since it'll be an easier class.... ALSO this week i got my rook, helix, and flat pierced and the rook hurts sm... but it's cute so 😋
also i love our relationship being full of hyping hehe <3333 💓💫he's my prince charming.. i woulda read it <3333 all the corny romance titles were saved in my library because i absolutely LOVVVVEEE fluff!!!! also you were fortunate you didn't get to read the exo one.. even my young tween self was cringing at the plot and ofc in wattpad fics they try to add the most famous idols into the story so i rmbr jackson was like a part of the enemy pack or smthn 😅honestly he needs to get into acting because when super m did those short movie things he looked so good and his acting was so natural?!?!??!?! sm needs to let the wayv boys act bcos ik they would all kill it !!!!!
her 24/7 guard... GODDDDDDD!!! i'm alr waiting for it!! ykno what. sm take notes and make t's fic into a drama 😒literally look at this nctzen and her POWER... her SHEER TALENT FOR WRITING !!!
yangyang's 'a postcard away' is giving angst vibes so i'm looking forward to it as well!! well tbh i'm always looking forward to your writing !! <3
ty!! and imo you did conceal it well!! some nctzens can always like narrow down cb dates and stuff so rly if they found out who's gna be the endgame couple it's just bcos they're detectives 🔍
and honestly i can see all the wayv boys you mentioned!! esp hendery!! i feel like in situations you would help ppl feel comfortable and able to be themselves! i'm also getting some haechan vibes from you!! omg we can be markhyuck <333 chenle for me tho? interesting! i used to see myself as like yuta to be a fellow badass scorpio but everyone is like .... girl no >< + meeting my friend was sooooo fun and it went by sooo quick but it was all natural btwn us and yeah :D i've meet bad online friends too or ppl i've stopped talking to so :( i was rly scared it was going to end up like that with her but i am soooo thankful that we were able to match each other's vibes and not be awkward! honestly worrying abt saying the wrong thing is something i relate to a lottttttttt.. esp w people my age bcos most of them are v black or white w their viewpoints/beliefs and i try to be as neutral as i can (unless it's something like racism where... what is there to discuss if it's good/bad/exists/doesn't????!)
ik i said in the prev ask that i was dense so i mean.. the clueless tip could work for me as well.. it's weird bcos ppl say i'm intimidating so i don't want to scare ppl... esp since i dyed my hair back to my natural dark brown/blackish color .. like when i had highlights i found ppl approached me more so it gave a friendlier look for first impressions T_T sidetrackedness is in our own dictionary 😚👍considering i've been sidetracked a countless amount of times while writing this...
lmk if you like andes!!! also BUBBLEGUM ICE CREAM!?!? woah... idk if you have it in canada but growing up i loooooovvvvveeeeeed blue moon ice cream sm!! also even tho i'm back home.. i'll figure out how to like doordash a milkshake to u in canada brb 🚚🏃🏽 ALSO LITERALLY ME I LOOOOOVVVVEEE CILANTRO AND THE NERVE OF SOME PPL'S TASTEBUDS TO MAKE IT TASTE LIKE SOAP.. i literally would cry if i ever got that tastebud.. cilantro goes good w any dish istg.. (i love garlic shrimp w some cilantro to top it off!)
tbh i think going to college is gna be a shift to how i approach my academics and i'm so worried abt the word limits/due dates/etc but i think i just have to keep a postive mindset !! :D and ofc work hard! i saw this one twt.. or was it a tumblr post.. abt how poc esp woc shouldn't feel imposter syndrome bcos the academic system, esp higher education, is still systematically racist and catering to the white male and since then <3 a lot of the pressure has been lifted off me bcos <333 so tru <3
honestly i think it's awesome how influential ppl can be with their work.. like even random days i would be like "i wonder if the author of dnyl club updated it?" and it gave me strength to reread it as i was stressing abt life.. i really appreciate your stories and your writing <3 and i think it's important that you know you do give entertainment and happiness to a lot of ppl! if i could i would give you like 1343546534 notes for every story/part posted <3
omg omg ok for chocolate recs.. lindt strawberry cheesecake chocolate bar,,,, you HAVE TO try it!!! it's sooooo good!! you can get it from walmart, target, etc!! rose flavored ice cream i have never had but i've seen ppl like mold(?) the icecream to look like a rose and i've always wanted to try it!! also ik you just thanked for the analogy and i'm hyping you up more up there but :D i just wish for my messages to make you happy and to talk to you so !! <333
omg forbidden relationship.. SO TRUUUUUU <3 speaking of relationships i've literally been talking to this cute guy who's also a first yr from my school and <333 kinda hoping he can be my first s/o cuz i swiped up on his story being corny and he had the same energy in his reply!!! but omg on wednesday at like 1am i was talking to my friend and i didn't know if i showed her his ig yet so i was like 'brb i'll send u a ss of his acc' and then as i did that I SENT THE SS TO HIM. i literally unsent so quickly and was like "omg sorry i accidentally sent so i unsent!" AND HE SAW IT LIKE WITHIN A MIN AND HEARTED THE MESSAGE. and i died bcos literally. that man is nvr on social media T_T but the time he is i screw up like that !?!?! luckily it wasn't 1am for him it was like 8pm his time but.. whew... also i hope u and mr glasses can have a relationship too ;)
jisung was born in feb so 8 months would be oct for me!! my birthday's actually halloween :DDD BUT THANK YOU FOR THE BELATED (in actuality early) HBD !!!! 🎂🎉i'm glad you went to bed that night!! omg closer was the inspo for a ten fic.. wow too much sexiness.. if that song was the inspo.. fiancé is one of my faves!!! and his song um... with blue d is my fave by him!! i've been obsessed w doja's album!!!!!! esp been like this and tonight! also pinkpantheress is sooooooo talented i want her to drop a full album alr!!! >< and did you kno victoria monet is bi <3 a win <3333333 but you're so rightttt she should produce some tracks for sm bcos i bet she could make them have more dreamy/mysterious tracks! i hope you enjoyed the recs! i enjoyed seeing how we have similar taste :DDDD
also kinda stalked ur blog and YOU HAVE AN UNPUBLISHED HORROR TARO FIC?!?!?!??! AHHHHHH.. i'm a bit of a sucker for him...... and pixie hollow taeil sounds soooo cute also MONTHLY GIRLS NOZAKI KUN.. KUN... GOSH .. that's literally like my no.3 (or is it 4th,,?) anime!!!!!!!
btw.. the mark fic.. i felt a pit in my stomach when i read "But you didn’t notice the look in his eyes when you began to clean up the in the spacious church room, your typical roles being reversed." i mean the whole fic HURT but that part esp.. wow.. i .. wow.. and the ending .. i whew... also say i'm sorry by afghan played as i read this fic.. and i must say it fits the mood p well!!
i hope you had a great day and that this upcoming week is kind to you!!! stay hydrated and eat regularly too!! stay healthy w this delta variant.. :( times r getting scary again.. sending good vibes and love your way and sorry for such a late response once again >< 💓🌸💐💫💝🍬🍓💞💘 - lofy <3
LOFY<333 it is a-ok if you respond late, I know we chat in essay form so it's hard to respond to all of it at once T_T thank u kindly for this package tho<333 and !!! that's so good!!! i'm very happy you're looking forward to adjusting in your new school/college!! i hope you're roommate is respectful, nice and you have a great time with her!!! also do you speak some spanish?? in my very very tiny brain, i was wondering about placement tests and realized they're for people who already have some knowledge in that subject. how many languages do you speak btw?!! :D also WHAT. ALL THREE AT ONE TIME?!?!??!! dude and here i was thinking doing a helix and a conch would be too much ._. it still sound super duper cute tho!!!! i can't imagine the process of cleaning them all constantly and caring for them at the same time but still it's smart of u bc then they will all be close to each other in healing time and what could be a couple of years of ears healing only turns into 1-2!! :D
speaking of earring stuff, i’m thinking of changing out my diamond stud helix earring to a huggie hoop! i’ve seen many cute ones and im contemplating on doing it before my cousins wedding at the end of this month or not...🤔🤔 FLUFF IS MY FAVOURITE TOO!!! there is something just so nostalgic but heartwarming about cheesy corny titles/stories that not much can compare. like i know ppl say “oh that’s so cheesy🤢 i can’t stand it” but genuinely it’s all filled with happiness?!?!?? that is the meaning of fluff?? how could you not love it and be happy?😭
not jackson being a part of the enemy pack 😭😭 god this exo fic just sounds better and better the more i hear it and i was hugely obsessed with werewolf stories on wattpad so call me a werewolf story connoisseur 😎🙏🏼 that must be one of the lamest things to be a connoisseur of 🧐 anyways... !!! he was so good in acting and genuinely he could become a heart throb actor!! he really needs to get into some acting deals🤔
YOU GAS ME UP TOO MUCH<33333🥺🥺🥺 sm pls let us fanfic writers create drama plots for yall, like we could give you great business in the drama industry 😭🙏🏼 !! i’m so happy you like “a postcard away”, the plot’s still being determined tbh i think i might write it in one go like my recent mark fic and just get it out of my system!
thank you 🥺🥺💗♥️💗 i love that i give off hendery vibes to you!! he’s someone i adore and would have a great time being friends with!! but also we are most definitely markhyuck 😎😎😎 i love that i give off haechan vibes to you too!! i think the reason why you give off such pure, happy energy to me and i relate you to ppl like that is because you are always so happy in these messages!! i know i don’t know what you look like but you give me the same happy feeling i get when i watch chenle vids from a couple years ago when he was all bright and sunshine :’) 💗 even if you do look badass yuta scorpio irl, you still are like a baby chenle to me especially since you’re ‘02 born!!!
i’m very happy for you that meeting with your friend was fun!!! :D ♥️ I know what you mean by bad online friends, i had one like that but i guess they’re all lessons to be learned! i’m still happy you’re having great things come your way! i may sound like a grandma saying this but do make sure to be careful who you share your good news with! some ppl may wish bad things for you and i only say this bc you seem to be so happy in your life rn, i only wish for you to stay this way :)♥️💗♥️💗♥️💗 i totally agree with worrying about what to say!! it’s always been a constant struggle and when they’re all new conversations, it’s hard to navigate and know what is okay and what is not!! ppl are very quick to cancel or ignore these days too which makes it feel so cutthroat :(
each time i imagine what you look like in my head i still can not see the intimidating part bc of how cute your msgs are!!! but i think your natural hair must be beautiful and ppl are always intimidated by #girlbosses #bossbabes 🙄🙏🏼 we are making new words, look at us go<3 merriam webster please contact us at [email protected] <33 (not a real email)
i’ve never tried blue moon icecream!!!! it sounds so cool tho!!! :D bubble gum is a forever favourite like no matter how many times i try other flavours, it’s always bubblegum, cookies and cream or cotton candy for me😔 i would love a door dash of blue moon icecream thank you<3🥺♥️ DUDE THANK YOU FOR LIKING CILANTROO!!!! IT IS SUCH A GREAT HERB THING AND ELEVATES ALL DISHES!! amazing on pasta btw i don’t know if i mentioned it before but garlic shrimp sounds really good!!! i don’t seafood nor meat but it sounds like it would look really good! :D
do keep a positive mindset going into college!!! you’ll do amazing and trust me, you’ll do just fine and remember that you may feel not so smart sometimes or you might feel down but there are others will be feeling the same way and you can always bond over this😎 probably not the best advice i’ve ever given LOL and personally for me, word limits weren’t too bad and only get picky the higher the classes are! profs don’t usually check the limits unless it’s very precise!!
the world catering to men is probably the worst thing ever and i’m sorry if anything ever happens and i know there are differences being in a canadian and american university but in my 6 yrs being in uni, i haven’t had too awful of an experience with profs nor people!!! as long as you surround yourself with good ppl then you will do good!!! <3333 :))
dnyl club :(((( pls that makes me so happy and comments like this just make me want to finish it once and for all, i’m really trying to give it a good ending and justify it all!! i hope to have it out before the next semester pulls up!! but thank you so much lofy<333 your messages always mean so much to me and you have no idea how happy i am to know about your thoughts<333 and if it was up to me, i would give u 10000000000 notes on everything you post!! brb as i rb some of your beautiful content as well!!!
LINDT MAKES THOSE?!?!?!?!? WHAT. okay that sounds so freaking good im blown away rn and i hope i can find that flavour but idk if we have it here in my city! hopefully its somewhere else in canada or maybe amazon or something but thank u for this recommendation<33 you should try rose flavoured ice-cream!!! you can get it from usually from any indian/muslim restaurant!! idk how to describe it but it has this sweet flavour and a faint smell of roses so it’s always super duper delicious<333 i actually havent seen ice-cream shaped in a rose!! i’ve seen chocolate roses tho during valentines and we sell them at our store so i’d just buy them for myself and my close friends as a friend’s valentines<33
LOFFYYYYYYYY OMG PLEASEEE SPILL MORE DETAILS BETWEEN U AND CUTE GUY!!!!!! also this is horrible but nowadays (actually this has been forever so not a recent thing), i find writing inspo in ppl’s love lives and so now you are giving me a cute strangers to friends to lovers au moment<33 in all seriousness, i hope he’s a really nice guy and that you do become each other’s s/o’s <333 you deserve a great person lofy, specifically someone who’ll listen to you and make you laugh and extremely happy!!!! i’m rlly rlly happy for you :’)))) BUT THAT IS SO CUTE THAT HE LIKED THE SS EXCEPT i also feel you and would’ve died right there<3 
i will not try to talk abt mr. glasses too much but he’s so CUTTEEEEE!!!! omg okay so after the bridal shower so just two days after you sent this msg, i was showing him and my pharmacist abt the bridal shower setup (me and the pharmacist r good friends and i’d promised to show him) and mr. glasses was surprised that me and my cousins set up the surprise shower ourselves and i was secretly screaming inside!!! and that weekend we had a heat wave warning so i was telling them both to make sure to keep hydrated and he was all smiles!!! 
BUT DUDE THIS PAST WEEK OK OMG okay i was telling him i was going to bake banana choc chip muffins for everyone and i asked if he had allergies but he was like “oh no i don’t have any, i’ll eat anything you make” and i was like okay good!!! earlier he had his mask off when he was on his break and i walked by him and he smiled at me and i was like “look at that, you have such a great smile!” teasing him and he smiled wider laughing and when we passed i looked back at him and HE LOOKED BACK AT ME!!!! then when i brought the muffins in our next shift i was telling the pharmacy and he was like “oh i was waiting the whole day for them!” AND I WAS LIKE EEEEEEE bc lowkey pavlov conditioning him<333 #girlbossmoment <333 but he only took 2 when he was going to go home and he always asks me if im working the next day and he did it again except i told him i wasnt and he was like “okay ill give you a full report next week on these delicious looking muffins” and i was laughing but squealing inside and when he turned to go he said THE WORDS I DID THE OTHER WEEK: “it’s going to be hot this weekend so make sure to stay hydrated!!” and I ALMOST SCREAMED TO MYSELF but i play it off so cool in front of him i have no clue how because he’s so good-looking and his biceps were literally popping out of his shirt that i love and complimented him on. but i was like “yes you too!!!” and he gave me a big smile and walked away and i visited the next day to grab something for my grandma and he was there and happy to see me, calling me kind bc i brought food for the pharmacist and he asked me if i had any more muffins but i told him that sadly i did not </3333 BUT HE SAID THEY WERE SO GOOD AND HE LOVED THEM<3333 ok anyways that was unecessarily long 🤨🤨🤨
also i am very dumb<33 i for some reason thought it would be easier to count 8 months backwards so i dont know how i ended up so far off 😭 BUT THATS SO COOL THAT UR BDAY’S ON HALLOWEEN WTF!!!! victoria monet our bi queen<33 have you seen her daughter?? she’s so cute!!! pinkpantheress is addicting istg her new single “just for me” has been on repeat for a long time now<33 victoria for SM would be amazing genuinely and maybe it’s me but i feel like nct has been losing their slightly mysterious and unique touch lately :(( YES! HORRO TARO<33 it will be just in time for ur bday!!! but it’ll be a fun challenge to do since he’s such a baby and it’ll be hard to portray him as scary 🥺
pixie hollow taeil will maybe be a small fic!! it’ll be heavily inspired for my love of tinkerbell and specifically terrence the pixie dust fairy<33 when i was young i hardcore shipped terrence and tink together LOL (still do...🤔$
MONTHLY GIRLS’ NOZAKI KUN IS ONE OF MY ALLTIME FAV MANGA’S/ANIME’S!!!! I’m thinking of having Kun as one of the helpers that Nozaki takes upon himself like Hori, Chiyo, Mikoshiba, etc.!!! that’s one fic i’m excited to get started on!!! i shall listen to that song rec for the mark fic!!!! okay but genuinely that’s one of the quickest fics i’ve read and it still needs editing but im glad you enjoyed it!!!! i was feeling unecessarily sad that day and had YKWIM by Yot Club playing on repeat as i wrote!! that was also one of my fav parts!!! that and the ending i loved <33 ANYTHING FOR LOKI<3😭
thank you for this msg again lofy and wishing you the very best for the upcoming week too!!! stay hydrated as well and eat well too!!! sending all the love to you and all the best luck<33 and no need to apologize!!! you can send your asks in whenever and i’ll always respond<33 there is no pressure😎🙏🏼♥️💗♥️💗
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