#[Bats aren't rodents}
utilitycaster · 2 years
Sam that was a good pun and I will be using it
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myriadeyed · 7 months
A lot of otherkin positivity particularly from outside the community is a lot of "Angels are real! You get to have lunch with a dragon! Play video games with a black hole!" But like, you guys are cool about the ones who aren't cool, right? All the rodent people and placekin and bats and trees? Is it still novel for you to have lunch with a grackle and play video games with a stoat?
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bogleech · 7 months
With most insects and things I can understand that they have a place in the ecosystem, but I have trouble understanding the same thing with bed bugs. Are they just like. Kind of domesticated ticks? How did they end up almost solely indoors (to my understanding)? I had them in my apartment a while back and it was a pretty traumatizing experience. I know they don’t carry diseases like mosquitos and are really more mentally/emotionally harmful than physically harmful.
I saw your post about how we should be thankful the world isn’t so sterile that there’s no living thing left to harm or inconvenience us. And I do agree! But I think bedbugs are the one thing that I have trouble fully grasping that concept with. It’s harder to see the bigger picture with something that occurs in such a small and personal space, I suppose.
I can't find the post where I launched into this before but tiny bloodsucking animals ("micropredator" is growing as the preferred term over lumping them in with "parasites" per se!) exert a lot of important pressures on their host animals; everyone knows predators change how animals eat, sleep, mate, nest together and migrate, but so do the things that just "annoy" them, like having fleas! Additionally "micropredators" work together with predators and diseases in regulating population balance, and by taking nutrients non-lethally from their hosts, they help redistribute energy back into circulation! A little flea or tick or bed bug collects a little blood protein from a bear, it gets eaten by a spider or it dies and rots, and now that bear's protein energy is back in the food web well before the bear has passed on! All throughout that bear's life, its blood is "becoming" all these little pesky bugs that then become food for other things! When it comes to bed bugs, which are closely related to stinkbugs, assassin bugs, aphids and other "true bugs," they adapted to live in bird's nests, bat caves, rodent dents, anywhere juice-filled vertebrates come home to and rest, and the ones that feed on us are so closely related to a bat-specialized species you can only barely tell them apart:
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The "bat bug," however, can't utilize human blood well enough to maintain an infestation on human hosts alone! They fully require bats!
We aren't sure when some bat bugs branched off and started traveling with humans, but we do know that they used to be MUCH MUCH EASIER to deal with. Perfectly ordinary pesticides used to clear up a bed bug problem just fine. That changed when we invented DDT and tried to use it to wipe them out altogether. It's one of the harshest synthetic poisons ever developed, and it kills through just an ion channel in the animal's nervous system. By drenching North America in DDT for years on end, we "seemingly" wiped out bed bugs and a few other things, but really all we did was give a few generations of human beings a bunch of new chronic illnesses and give a few generations of insects a mutation that makes them resistant to not just DDT but lots and lots of other poisons.
Bed bugs basically destroy people's lives but never naturally evolved to be that good at it; it's just another result of capitalism ignoring the warnings of the scientific community. People died rich off DDT before they ever had to care about its after effects.
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kalmiaphlox · 5 months
Crash Landing
AO3 Link / Masterlist
Astarion has never been a bat before. He's never wanted to be a bat before, but a little sneeze is all it took for him to be stuck as a disgusting rodent.
Wait- He can fly!
But maybe flying isn't all it's cracked up to be...
Main Tags: Batstarion, FLUFF!, Dadstarion, Established Relationship
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Waking up next to Astarion is a new experience every time, and this morning is no exception. 
The moment she opens her eyes with a yawn, his head looms above hers, ruby eyes boring holes into her face as if she might dissolve into nothing if he looked away for even a moment.
“Any particular reason for being a weirdo this early?” Kalmia asks while placing a hand over his eyes, but he leans forward to nip at her fingers instead and once she pulls away, Astarion bares his teeth. “Ah, so no reason.”
“Do I need a reason when I'm with you, little wyrm?” He holds her wrist and presses a chaste kiss to her lips. “I just want to see every side of you, even when you snore louder than a dragon… Oh, wait…!”
She pinches his nose. “Awe, the vampire has learned comedy this morning. How fun.” 
“I'll show you fu-” Astarion rears back, blinking in bewilderment. His nose scrunches up, sniffling before sneezing - violently.
She didn't even know vampires could sneeze.
Gone is the dastardly man with the killer good looks though. Just… gone from her sight. Kalmia sits up swiftly and an alarmed squeak brings her eyes down to the emerald green duvet. A fluffy white bat with overly large ears and a short, pink snout stares up at her with confused red eyes. 
Well, isn't this something? 
“My, oh my, irthiski, seems I'm not the only shape changer around.” She rubs at his fuzzy head with a finger, and in typical Astarion-fashion, he bares teensy fangs that shimmer like pearls. “What a cutie pie! I could eat you right up!”
That raises another squeak from him, though she can hear the rage burning behind it. How mighty it is, but a dragon does not cower from such things. 
“You should be able to speak normally, come on, use your words.” Kalmia nudges him a bit too hard, knocking him over on the sheets. “Oops, sorry!”
There's little grumbling noises that sound suspiciously like speaking, he must be getting a grasp of this new body, it'll take time. Astarion is wobbling around best he can, using his wings as crutches to stand up, the little hook at the end catching on the bedding so he gets stuck, letting out more angry squeaks.
Oh gods, her heart might explode from the cuteness.
“I'm going to pick you up, can't have you tearing all the bedding.” Gingerly, Kalmia wraps her hand around his fuzzy body, picking him up and offering her other hand as support beneath his legs.
The grunting finally becomes audible, “You- What have you…” His lungs aren't at their usual capacity, a full sentence is a struggle. “What have you done, you witch?!”
“Oh, I turn you into a cat once and now it's my fault?”
“What in the…" He gasps, "hells am I?” His small head is angling around to get a look at himself, but she'll do him one better.
The Truesight mirror, its shiny reflection and lacquered wood encasing reveals all.
They stand now in front of it, holding her hands out so Astarion can gaze upon his visage - his favorite activity, but definitely not hers. “You're a bat, irthiski. I've heard vampires can do this sometimes, but maybe you're a late bloomer.”
“Late bloomer-!” He erupts into more enraged squeaks and growls, almost completely falling off her hand before his grabby feet latch onto her finger on instinct, dangling precariously upside down. “A damned bat! I don't want to be this! Where's my beautiful body?!”
Ignoring his dramatics and pressing a smooch to his head, she smiles widely. “I know someone who would be very excited to see this sight.” And they depart from their room, striding into Izmezine's where the girl is just waking up. “Good morning, anon ! Who do you think this is?”
Izzy sits up, blinking her bleary eyes and rubbing them with a big yawn, before scrunching her button nose to inspect the white ball of fluff in Kalmia's hands. Her lips form into a frown, turning her head away in disgust. “It's ugly.” 
That was not the reaction I anticipated. 
The wail of anguish that leaves his tiny bat body is very impressive, if not over-reactive. Setting Astarion down on the bed, Izzy pulls away slightly, what a terrible start but Kalmia will fix this. “Izmezine, sweetie, please, this is your father. He's turned into a bat by accident. Let's be nice.” 
That gets Izzy to take a peek again, and she looks to Kalmia for confirmation. “T-Th-That’s my papa?”
Poor Astarion is trembling against the bed, the words of his daughter like a stake straight through his heart, but at least he's stopped crying. Izzy reaches forward hesitantly, brushing a finger against his fur and she gasps, “He's s-soft!” She goes back in for a more gentle pet, “W-Why is papa a-a baby?”
Finally finding his words again, Astarion speaks up, “I don't know, I just turned into a bat, but kitten, you think I'm ugly ?” That last word barely makes it out as a squeak. Gods, he's going to be hung up on that for ages.
Izzy scrutinizes him further, golden eyes narrowing and appraising the bat before her. “Uhm, a l-little ugly?” Kids are always so blunt, Astarion should feel lucky that Izzy has enough sense to walk her statement back. The gold eyes turn up to her now, “Kalli, I'm hungry.”
“Me too, let's go have breakfast. What would you like?” Kalmia scoops up the whinging bat and places him on her shoulder, then holds Izzy against her hip. 
“Cake!” Is Izzy's first breakfast suggestion.
“Normally I'd agree, but a cake takes a long time to make, how about we make one later and we can have some scones and jam now?”
The dhampir thankfully concedes to that idea and they settle in for an easy breakfast while bat-Astarion clumsily scrabbles along the counter, whining, “I'm hungry too, you know.”
Seems Kalmia isn't the only one that becomes ravenous when changed. “I'll get you food in a bit. Let me take care of my anon first.”
He collapses into a sad pile, crying endlessly, “My daughter thinks I'm ugly, my lizard is starving me. Where is the love?!”
Kalmia slathers some jam onto a scone, ignoring him, “Izzy, what would you like to do today?”
“Can p-papa go in my h-house?” She asks around a mouthful of food.
“Hmm,” Kalmia eyes the worming creature before her, the image of Astarion being stuffed into the doll house is hysterical, but… “I don't think he would like that. Bats are supposed to be able to fly, maybe we can help him learn.”
Both Izzy and Astarion perk up at that, their eyes shining with new possibilities. “You really think I can?” Astarion seems apprehensive at the prospect.
“I don't see why not, irthiski. We can try it out once you get some food.” With breakfast finished, Kalmia takes the bat downstairs, leaving Izzy with the task of gathering pillows and blankets. “What blood do you want?”
She brings the bat in her hands close to her face, “If you have it now, you can't have it later.”
More grumbling follows, “Fine, get me a glass of the boar.”
Filling a goblet to the top, Kalmia rests them both on their desk. Astarion's little wing hooks grab onto the lip and he shimmies his little body up the length of it, long tongue lapping up the blood. She watches quietly with her head tucked between her hands as a red stain begins to bloom along his snout and neck as he drinks. 
“Kalli! The-The blankies and p-pi-pillows are ready!” Izmezine shouts down the stairs.
Astarion pulls away, flopping down to the desk, “I'm full.” The goblet's halfway empty now, she's impressed by his apetite. They return upstairs now after a cleanup, finding the sitting room absolutely covered in blankets and pillows. 
Setting her bat on the couch, Kalmia gives Izzy a big kiss on her cheek and squeezes her into a tight hug, “I knew I could count on you to go above and beyond! Wow, look at all this coziness!” 
The girl giggles in her arms and Astarion pouts, crossing his wings in a pitiful stance, “What about me? ”
“I didn't forget you, irthiski!” Kalmia showers his tiny head in kisses and Izmezine does the same. He melts at their love. “I don't know how different it is from being a dragon, but my first time flying was… a little wild, you know? I think my mother just threw me off a cliff a few times until I got it. Be thankful for our care, Astarion.”
Izzy nods like she completely understands the lengths they are going to take care of him and he scoffs, “Your mother is a brute.” Kalmia only remembers those days with fondness, he wouldnt understand.
“No! Nafl i-is nice!” Izzy corrects him with a tap to the snout.
“I turn into a rodent and you both gang up against me? Where is the-”
Kalmia interrupts, “Enough. This should come somewhat naturally to you, but we'll start here on the couch and move up in height, ok? Now get to flapping.”
His beady little eyes glare at her and she just smiles sharply back. He's testy, big or small. With a despondent huff, Astarion shuffles along to the edge of the couch, stretching his leathery wings and shaking them out. 
The first few attempts end with an immediate face plant to the ground, and while he may not admit it, Astarion is very thankful for the pillows now. The fifth attempt though? His wings find the right rhythm and angle, so he glides down to the end of their makeshift protections. More tries are made, his gliding and flapping now consistent. 
Kalmia and Izzy erupt into applause, and she isn't quite sure if she imagines the blush on those little bat cheeks. “Higher now, Astarion?”
“Yes, yes!” He's glowing with pride at his newfound capabilities. Raising him up to the fireplace ledge, he huddles on the ledge peering down to the blanket laden ground. “Alright, I can do this.”
Izzy cheers from the sidelines, “Papa can f-fly!”
With one step, Astarion dives over the edge, flapping vigorously to maintain his height, and it sticks. He's flitting about excitedly, if not a little haphazardly, cackling gleefully. Kalmia, while very happy for Astarion, is concerned he's being too reckless. “ Irthiski, you should slow down and watch where you're going!”
His head whips to her, “Never! Nothing can sto-!” and he smashes head first into a wall, crumbling to a heap of bat limbs on the floor. Izzy shrieks, running over to his still form.
The downside to an undead partner? Can't really tell what kind of damage they've sustained because they don't breath or exhibit any of the normal symptoms.
Astarion is probably fine though. 
I hope.
“Don't worry, Izzy, your father will be ok. He'll just need to… sleep that off.” Kalmia strokes the girl's head, whose eyes are welling with large tears. “We should find him somewhere to rest.” She is concerned that he's not changing back… but vampires don't die that easily, no matter how small they are.
Izzy zips downstairs and returns with two doll-sized beds, laying them down by the fireplace with extra bedding so it's very cozy. Kalmia assists in putting his bat-self onto the bed and covering him with blankets. “Kalli, m-ma-make a f-fire! Papa’s c-cold!” Stacking some logs, Kalmia breathes fire onto them, stoking the flames until the room is toasty. With a sniffle, Izzy lays out next to her father and rests her hand on him, “I take c-care of papa.”
“I know you will. You watch over him so I can get lunch started, ok? We can eat here.” Kalmia kisses her forehead before setting off to the kitchen. 
It's always an adventure with them.
Over an hour later, Izzy has fallen asleep looking after Astarion's limp body, which hasn't even twitched all this time. 
Maybe it's time to take matters into her own hands. 
Or fingers.
Pricking the tip of her index finger, Kalmia places it up against Astarion's bat snout, hoping the pooling blood will work like vampire smelling salts.
And of course it does, she should have thought of this earlier. 
His snout wiggles side to side, seeking out the delicious scent before him, and begins licking at the drop the moment he makes contact. Red eyes blink open, looking haggard, “What- What happened?”
Kalmia picks up her sad bat, cradling him in her arms, “You crashed into the wall going much too fast. Izmezine took very good care of you, so you should thank her once she's up.”
“How do I change back? If I spend another moment like this, I'm going to become quite cross with-”
“Hush, you're always angry. I normally just think about being me, so maybe try that?” 
Astarion goes silent for a while, so he must be trying anything to be himself again. Nothing happens though and he grumbles unhappily, “This is stupid. I don't want to be stuck as a flying rodent for the rest of my life. How will Izmezine be able to introduce me to people? ‘ Oh, come meet my father! The bat? Yes, that's him!’ Kalmia, I can't stay like this!”
“Shall I tickle your nose? A sneeze seemed to set it off the first time.”
His bat face goes through a range of emotions, before settling on sadness, “This is so unbecoming, but fine. Do it.”
Kalmia locates a feather pretty quickly, Gale has quills laying out everywhere, and lightly shuffles the tip across Astarion's nose. His nose wrinkles but nothing happens, and he folds in on himself in defeat. 
“I'm sorry, irthiski. We'll figure something out.” She does feel terribly for him, nothing is worse than being stuck in a form at the wrong time. She knows it well.
“Mmm, papa?” Izzy’s sleep laden voice pulls their attention as she starts grabbing at the doll beds, but realizes nothing is there, so she shoots up, alarmed. “Papa?! Wh-Where are y-you?”
“I have him, anon, it's ok.” 
Crawling over, Izzy pets her father, also seeming sad that he's still stuck like this. Who's going to read the bedtime story for them?
But if Astarion continues to be a bat, might as well take advantage of this opportunity. “You know, Izzy, I think he's kind of dirty. We should bathe him.”
The girl's eyes light up, “Yes!”
“What?! What do you think-” Astarion begins to shout.
Kalmia presses a finger against his snout. “You've been outvoted. Accept your fate.”
He whines and complains all the way downstairs, and once the bath is filled a few inches deep, she settles the little bat in. Izzy gets to work swiftly, wetting his fur and carefully working in the shampoo. Kalmia assists from the sidelines, but Izzy has it handled. 
Astarion's taking this with as much grace as possible, letting Izmezine do as she pleases, because there is never a world in which he would deny her.
But this time must come to an end, it seems.
He makes a strange noise, like a sharp intake of breath, and sneezes, splashing water everywhere when a vampire reappears where a bat once sat.
His resting clothes are soaked and Astarion is absolutely covered in soap, hair flattened against his head as he sneers at the two of them. ‘You two have had a lot of fun today. I think daddy needs some payback.” Izzy and Kalmia both shriek with laughter as they attempt to run, but Astarion grabs them both, dragging them into the tub, turning the water on. “If I had to suffer, then so should you!”
Once they're all soaking wet and giggling, they climb out of the bathtub, drying off, Kalmia has a new idea. “Ready to make a cake, Izzy?”
The girl jumps up and down in excitement, “I w-want pink frosting!”
“Any requests, irthiski?”
He runs a towel over Izzy's curls, “One of Gale's nice bottles of wine. I'm just… going to lie down, my body hurts.”
Kalmia laughs, “You'll get used to it.”
“Ugh, I sure hope not. If I never turn into a rodent again, it will still be too soon.”
Notes:-anon = flower (draconic) -nafl (short for nafldask) = grandmother (draconic)
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mx-werebat · 2 months
Hey guys.
Bats aren't fucking rodents.
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doberbutts · 9 months
hello wise one
verily i am curious after seeing your rabies post,
and i am cross researching as i type this but i figured it would not hurt to ask is it possible for small animals, such as squirrels or rabbits to have rabies
is there poultry rabies
thank you
the galus galus domesticus anon
Rabies as a general rule only affects mammals, so in technicality... no, there is no bird rabies.
Scientists did test the theory by deliberately injecting birds with rabies virus. The birds were asymptomatic and recovered naturally without any help, but did develop antibodies post-exposure. Some birds also develop antibodies when feeding on the carcasses of rabies-infected mammals in the wild. We actually can use this information to track rabies outbreaks in wild mammals, because scavenger avians like crows and vultures will have antibodies from eating the corpses.
The running theory is that rabies as a virus binds itself to a very specific protein in the neurons of mammals that has a markedly different chemical makeup in non-mammals, so it can't really do anything once its in the body of anything that's not a mammal. It is possible for it to evolve to the point where it could affect birds, but again, rabies is a very old virus, one that possibly is as old as mammalian animals themselves (or if not specifically rabies, lyssaviruses which comprises an entire family that include rabies as one of its younger members), so one would think that if it was going to evolve to affect non-mammals it would have done so by now.
Small mammals like rodents can and do carry rabies, but at a significantly lesser rate than larger mammals. This is because quite frankly most rodents aren't going to survive being attacked by a much larger animal and so aren't going to live long enough to become contagious and spread the virus. Bats are the natural hosts of nearly every lyssavirus including rabies, so despite their small size they mostly get it from each other rather than other vector species. You are more likely to get hantavirus from rodents than rabies. This doesn't mean it's impossible- a friend's husband was attacked by a squirrel that did test positive- but it is significantly less likely than from a larger mammalian source.
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noirgasmweetheart · 2 months
Lorre's Cat Café: Bogie
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Bogie is a Great Dane owned by one of the café workers and co-owners, who lives next door. The dog visits the cat café frequently, and is usually well behaved. He is especially good friends with Marius, Julius, Ugarte, and (sometimes) Cairo.
His best friend is Marius. The gray tabby will often ride the dog's back, trying to give him a bath while he's chasing a car or skunk. The two love playing in the water and chasing rodents together. They are partners in crime, stealing people-food and breaking out of the café together.
Julius also loves the water and the dog, but being an old cat, the Persian isn't as active as Marius. But he joins Bogie and his owner on boat trips every other weekend. Bogie likes to pester Julius by sniffing his face or licking it, which the white Persion shakes off or just tolerates.
Ugarte has taken a strong inexplicable liking to the Great Dane; he just loves his scent, apparently. The siamese is constantly up in the dog's personal space. Bogie alternates between playing with him and just tolerating him. But he never barks at Ugarte or chases him away.
Bogie has the opposite relationship with Cairo. He and the calico love pestering each other. If Cairo is finishing up giving himself a long, intense bath, Bogie will troll him with a giant snobbery kiss. Cairo meanwhile likes to practice his pouncing skills on the dog. They bat at each other with hilarious speedy repetition, like they're in a contest. It's often hard to tell how much of it is play versus animosity, but it's never gotten violent.
Polo loves to play with Bogie even when the latter isn't in the mood. Leyden seems fascinated by the huge dog, quietly watching him and timidly following his trail. Vicky, Johnny West and Moto all love playing with Bogie.
The only cat Bogie really doesn't get along with at all is Pepi. Interactions usually begin with intense hissing and growling, and only get worse. Pepi has been treed by Bogie more times than we can count.
The dog will eat and drink with the felines like he's one of them. Guests frequently enter the café to find the Great Dane sitting in the middle of the floor, covered in cats. There's been speculation that some of the cats aren't even aware that Bogie isn't just a very large cat.
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is it possible to orgasm just from your hands/fingers? every time i try it doesn’t feel like anything.. as if im trying to tickle myself. i don’t want to get a vibrator ‘cause im scared ill become reliant on it :( sometimes i feel bad cause people my age are making themselves finish. i think im broken. any tips will help.. thank u
hi anon,
in my heart of hearts I have to assume you already know the answer to the first question. humans have been jacking it for longer than we've even been humans, because even monkey brains know that touch genital feel good. there's evidence to suggest that human fetuses may begin touching their genitals for fun in utero, and tons of animals also masturbate - even these cute little guys!
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and you know his rodent ass doesn't have a vibrator.
all of which is to say that the urge to crank it is a powerful and ancient one, and I simply can't believe that you believe that nobody was actually managing to nut until the vibrator was invented in the late 19th century (although that was, admittedly, hardly the first sex toy; there are dildos that are thousands of years old that can attest to that). I suspect the question really bothering you here isn't whether a hands-only orgasm is possible (obviously yes), but whether there's something wrong with you for not having been able to achieve such a thing.
the answer to that is obviously no; I can happily confirm right off the bat that you're not broken on the basis of your sexual function because that's not how that works. there's no singular mode of human sexuality that's the "normal" one that people should be afraid to stray too far away from; what's "normal" varies from person to person, frequently from day to day. what matters isn't being like other people, it's ensuring that you feel safe and comfortable in your own specific relationship with sex.
it seems that you're not at the moment, because of this orgasm insecurity, so I want to talk about that. first off: if your hands aren't cutting it, why not get a vibrator? you say you're scared of becoming reliant on it, but what's the alternative? never coming ever? bullshit. my brain chemistry doesn't naturally balance itself out very well, so I'm reliant on lexapro to be a functional fucking person. that shit's great. being reliant on things that categorically and harmlessly improves your quality of life rules, everybody should do it.
listen, man. everyone has different sexual needs. for some people, it's the intensity and consistency that can only be provided by a battery-powered assistant. I cannot tell you how many people have come to me expressing despair that they can't finish with a partner without also using a sex toy, as if that's not a totally fine thing to need or want. just use a vibrator it's literally fine it does not matter. we're all living on a melting rock ruled by capitalism, just use a vibrator if you want to and if your partner has a problem with it find a better partner.
also. hey. look at me. listen to me. an orgasm does not need to be the single defining factor of whether you're having a good and healthy sexual experience. go read this. I know you're not orgasming when you masturbate, but are you, like, enjoying yourself? does it feel good? because that's really the only thing that matters, and I want you to keep that in mind no matter what you decide to do next in your sexual journey. the point is to have fun, not to reliably produce an orgasm like clockwork.
anyway. you're not broken. get a vibrator if you want; I recommend this one for beginners. stop comparing yourself to others and be kind to yourself.
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ribbonjc · 5 months
Working on some side story's for Netherworld secrets that we'll become relevant for the full story. This one being Drac and Stein. So here is my version of stein (Pacenstien) and Dracul/Drac (Pacula). They have immense lore together and a doomed romance taking place in the 1800's.
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Lore at length- tw: bullying,death, General violence
Around 160 years ago before present day lived stein and drac. Stein was born with a deformity in his leg and his parents saw this as a sign to abandone him. He grew up in an orphanage and taught himself how to build and create many scientific things. He experimented on smaller rodents bringing them back for a short time.He was bullied incredibly growing up and had his face, arms, and legs cut for being monster with a disgraced leg and a witch. He got stitches all over his body from this and eventually made his own prosthetic leg, the first of its kind. He never learns his true heritage but one of the caretakers ends up dying soon aftwr he ages out which is the turning point for is darker sciences bring her back as a servant for him.Drac is a netherworldian.(being a Vampire bat and User hybrid that is very human passing)and was born into a somewhat noble family having connections with the Dragon ruler species and thus had some comman over them until he left after his parents where both killed (either by humans or some other beings) drac decides the netherworld is no longer safe and thus takes to the surface with his cloak. He was on the run on the surface due to humans hunting down their kind and seeks shelter in a local town hiding his ears and eyes.They ask the towns people about letting him stay but no one can accept him and they turn him toward stein an infamous and feared doctor that was left alone for his research and the fact he was experimenting on humans. Drac entered his castle and talked to stein directly and asked him to stay there. Stein agrees since although he's a genius he gets incredibly lonely being stuck in his manor all day with only the company of his self made servants (the servants are made of stitched up reanimated body parts and do not have souls, they have slight memories of their past life but can't recall them and can complete long complex tasks with ease and are easily influenced with to do their work) drac stays with stein for awhile over seeing his work and learning about science and humans. Stein is also happy Drac is here and although Drac won't tell him yet he knows Drac is a netherworldian. He's just happy to have a friend that's an outcast like him and they can be outcasts together. They become good friends and eventually lovers. Now they live together most likely for years until the one issue came about. Stein created an artificial living soul through his experiments. This artificial soul (being my version of e-ghost I called ghostie) freaks drac put quite a bit. For netherworlfians ghost are beings of the dead and aren't meant to be made by humans, or even made at all only.coming about after death. This is the first line crossed for Drac but the last one comes in when Drac discovers the body of another netherworldian and the body is fresh with no decay. This causes Drac and Stein to get into a massive fight with Drac leaving the manor for good and Stein being left alone once again. Stein starts treating his servants and ghostie poorly shouting and yelling at them for anything. This comes ahead when the Servants can't handle the mistreatment anymore and tear stein apart almost killing him. But stein is able to save himself through a project of his still becoming a ghost, but saving a single piece of his body he is still connected to being his heart. His beating heart being connected to wires with a machine thay has to follow him around. To this day he's scheming how to get his body back completely back and recover his past friend, and love.
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ningauinerd · 1 year
While most of the stuff I post in this blog is going to be Australia oriented given that's what I'm most knowledgeable on (and have the most resources for), I also want to occasionally branch out to talk about wildlife from surrounding landmasses every so often - wider Oceania, Wallacea, and generally anything east of the Wallace Line (where the animals become funni). Today, I wanted to start off by briefly introducing one set of islands I find to be particularly overlooked, the Solomon Archipelago, better known as the Solomon Islands.
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(Image credit: Wikimedia)
Isolated ever since they first rose above the waves 40 million years ago, the Solomon Islands has been dubbed the ""the Galapagos of the Western Pacific" by renowned mammalogist Tim Flannery for the sheer uniqueness of its fauna. Sitting to the east of New Guinea, the archipelago consists of seven main islands and thousands of smaller islands that vary greatly in size, from impressive volcanic islands like Kolombangara to countless tiny coral cays. Naturally, the islands are clothed almost entirely in tropical rainforests, from lush lowland jungles to misty cloud forests over 2,000 metres above sea level, with some areas of seasonal dry forest and grassland on the on the northern slopes of Guadalcanal being the main exception.
Despite its close proximity to New Guinea (and therefore continental Australia), the Solomon Islands possess no native marsupials - instead it is a world of giant skinks, coconut-eating bats and mysterious rodents.
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(Image credit: Tourism Solomons)
Easily the most famous animal from the Solomon Islands is the prehensile-tailed skink (Corucia zebrata), also known as the monkey-tailed skink or simply as the Solomon Islands skink. These are the largest of all living skinks, measuring up to 81 centimetres in length, and they are adapted to an arboreal way of life, feeding on leaves, fruit, flowers and fresh shoots. Like many skinks in the subfamily Egerniinae, the prehensile-tailed skink also has a pretty highly developed social life, more like that of a mammal than a typical reptile. They live a social group known as a circulus, in which different individuals band together to protect each other's offspring, and some pairs have even been known to practice long-term monogamy (practically "mating for life").
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(Image credit: Johnathan Richmond)
After big skink, the fauna of the Solomon Islands instantly drops into the territory of "obscure creature even most animal nerds don't know about", but they are no less remarkable or unique. Take the monkey-faced bats (Pteroplex) for example. As their name suggests, this endemic genus is notable for their highly unusual thick head shape, which gives them a vaguely monkey-like appearance. The resemblance to primates is no coincidence, for the lack of competing mammals on the islands aside from a few rats has led them to take up a lifestyle unlike that of any other bat. Their canine teeth are enormous, and what's more, possess a double cusp - something completely unique among mammals. Their boxy, powerful jaws and complex teeth are designed for tackling particularly tough fruits and nuts, and they are well known for their ability to crack into green coconuts. There are five species of monkey-faced bat scattered across the Solomon Islands, with the largest being the greater monkey-faced bat (P. flanneryi), which can have a wingspan of over 1.5 metres and weighs in at about 800 grams.
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Guadalcanal monkey-faced bat (Pteralopex atrata), juvenile (Image credit: Johnathan Richmond again, legend)
(also kinda irrelevant here but I really gotta talk about the Fijian monkey-faced bat sometime. what a knee slapper)
However, bats aren't the only coconut crackers on the Solomon Islands, for they are also home to several genera of rats that reach pretty gargantuan sizes. The largest species is Poncelet's giant rat (Solomys ponceleti), which reaches over a kilogram in weight and has quite an unusual appearance, with long but sparse dark brown hair, pinkish-white skin and a crest or mane down the back - unfortunately I cannot find any photographs or even illustrations of this species online. The impressively named emperor rat (Uromys imperator) was almost as large, but it is only known from 3 specimens collected in the 1880s and is now considered to likely be extinct. In a demonstration of how much of the Solomons remain under-surveyed however, a new species of giant Uromys, the vika or Vangunu giant rat (U. vika) was discovered by westerners only in 2015, although it had been known to the locals for far longer. This orange-haired coconut-chewer is unfortunately only known from a single specimen for now, but it weighed in at 0.5-1 kg and now represents the largest known member of its genus on the islands.
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The only photograph of a living vika (Image credit: O. Revon)
Also just to keep with the pattern of everything being giant (and therefore cool), this huge frog, the giant webbed frog (Cornufer guppyi), also calls the Solomons home. I don't know much about them but they seem like cool guys.
Remember this is only meant to be a brief overview! Would love to talk more about the Solomons sometime, as well as more in-depth about the species featured here.
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jonnysinsectcatalogue · 7 months
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Bed Bug Diagram - Family: Cimicidae | Based on Cimex spp.
I don't plan on encountering this insect live during my lifetime (can't rule it out, however), but they are still important insects to acknowledge, prepare for and learn about. Furthermore, in a panic other insects can be misidentified as this one. As such, I've drawn a diagram of a traditional Bed Bug form (primarily based on the Cimex genus; they are commonly associated with humans) for the purposes of insect identification and to highlight some key Bed Bug information. To make this diagram, I examined macrophotography and pinned specimens to give this insect as detailed a glow-up as possible. In the real world, they are tiny Bugs around the size of pepper grains while nymphs and they average 6mm in length after the adult molt (size varies across species). With horizontally flattened bodies, they can tuck into safe locations and hide until a warm-blooded animal settles near them, signaling them with body heat. With that curved rostrum, you would be right to think that they are biters and bloodsuckers! They need nutrient-rich sustenance in order to provide for their eggs. As they feed, their abdominal carapace gradually goes from flattened to engorged! How fortunate that their wing pads are not functional, drastically limiting their dispersal and pursuit of hosts (but in fairness, it's better to let the host burn its own energy by moving). It's even more fortunate that despite their feeding habits, they are not vectors of disease and transmit nothing as they sip.
While Bed Bugs may leave their host after they feed, they will apparently remain close by to visit the host again if more blood is needed. Since female Bed Bugs (depending on the species) can lay several eggs a day over their lifetime with blood meals, a handful of Bed Bugs can rapidly create large infestations in a nest, den or mattress. Humans bitten by Bed Bugs tend to discover itchy red spots where the skin has been pierced, but they aren't the only mammalian host. Bed Bugs are reported to select a preferred host such as a rodent, lagomorph, bat or bird and stick with them. Problems arise, however, when a better host presents itself and the Bug can transfer to that host, reaping benefits such as a communal host environment, lack of acclimated defenses and/or access to more nutritious blood. With that considered, it's remarkable that only 2 species of Bed Bug are consistently associated with human hosts (that being C. lectularius and C. hemipterus). With their feeding habits, small size and propensity for infestation, it's no wonder why Bed Bug sightings elicit fear, action and discomfort. Confirmed sighting should be handled swiftly! However, always keep in mind that they are small, and in the heat of the moment other insects may be misidentified as Bed Bugs. For me, I've had many a text message over a supposed Bed Bug, only for it to be a Carpet Beetle or its larvae, a slightly "more pleasant" insect to find in the home.
Update (July 7, 2024): For additional information and a thorough examination of Bed Bugs in a lab setting and potential solutions to Bed Bug infestations, I recommend this video from Mike Rober's YouTube Channel.
Diagram drawn with pencil and paper February 22-24, 2024 with detailing and touch-ups made on the 26th.
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correctrvbquotes · 2 months
Fade in to Grif and Simmons in the underground lair.
Grif: I heard something that time.
Simmons: You didn't hear anything.
Grif: There, did you hear that?
Simmons: Yes, I heard water dripping.
Grif: Sounds like bats!
Simmons: Bats, aren't made of liquid. Bats don't drip.
Grif: Bat-water!
Simmons: There are no bats!
Grif: You don't know, what if you're wrong?
Simmons: Okay, idiot, let's assume I'm wrong. Let's assume there are bats. So what? You're wearing state-of-the art, biomechanical body-armour. It's designed to deflect bullets and absorb explosions. What can a five-ounce flying rodent possibly do?
Grif: ...So basically you're saying that you think there's bats.
Simmons: Sure, why not.
Grif: I'm getting the fuck outta here.
Simmons: No you're not, Grif, we're standing right here. I told Sarge we wouldn't move, and we're not moving.
Grif: At least let's go stand by the light.
Simmons: No, that would be moving, and thus would violate our strict "no moving" policy.
Grif: But the light-
Simmons: No.
Grif: -would help us see the bats!
Simmons: NO.
Grif: And their fangs!
Simmons: NO!
Grif: Hey, you know what else might be in the cave, Simmons? Snakes.
Simmons: You're an asshole Grif, why would you bring up snakes?
Grif: I'm just saying. I know you don't like snakes, and snakes do live in caves, and we are in a cave, and snakes like to crawl right up next to people in caves, and then they-
Simmons: Alright, screw it, I'm gonna go stand by the light.
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bat-connoisseur · 1 year
I have heard about bat immune systems once I remember the subject was interesting but not details please talk about them
:3 *cracks knuckles* alrighty.
Basically, bats have fucking incredible immune systems, especially when it comes to dealing with viruses. Essentially, they have the ability to limit or suppress inflammation, meaning that despite often high viral loads they exhibit next to no symptoms. This is also probably linked to their long lifespan in relation to size, since the inflammation they suppress is also related to complications with aging. No one's really sure how they do this, though, but people think its linked to the ability to fly, somehow? Regardless, the effectiveness of their immune system means that in order to really get a good foothold in bats, the viruses they host have to evolve to be really nasty, and so when passed onto animals which aren't bats, they are a big, big problem.
Bit of a vague explanation but a lot of the mechanisms involved are unknown and honestly it's too late in the evening for me to properly comprehend the paper I found on this sdkjds (i just skimmed the beginning to make sure I wasn't talking nonsense).
To add onto the point of them not having an especially large amount of zoonotic diseases in their population, the data on this is hazy, but studies have shown that they have no more than rodents or primates. Bats just unfortunately are good at spreading shit. They fly and tend to live in proximity with humans. Don't handle bats (and if you have to wear gloves but. best not to touch them in the first place), be respectful of them and their habitat, and you should be fine.
Also, bats can't fucking help their cracked immune systems and heightened capacity to be vectors for disease okay? I can't believe I have to say this but it doesn't make them evil, and it doesn't mean they should be culled. they are keystone species and incredibly important for managing insect populations, distributing seeds, and even pollinating flowers. Killing bats is a terrible thing and they should be protected. The correct reaction to them is to work on making healthcare accessible and coming up with better treatments for the diseases they spread, as well as better education on them. The only animal capable of evil or malice is humans, people. Please bear in mind.
thats my pro bat rant over dsjds. I've seen people call for bat culls in response to covid it's fucked up bro.
But yeah :) they have incredible immune systems, are abnormally long lived, and honestly have a bunch of other sick adaptations to flight. Birds have all their air sacs to help them respire enough to fly. bats don't they use their wing membranes as an exchange surface. isn't that cool??? also the longest lived animal relative to body size is a bat iirc but I can't find a source for that nor the species of bat. Kind of a dude trust me moment.
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big-bee-png · 1 year
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I remade my map and got around to naming all the main factions and major settlements.
Faction info below:
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Favon has insect-people. It's iron-poor and overall low-tech but really the idea is supposed to be that "tech-trees" aren't linear.
United Myrmecia: A faction formed from the unification of several ant monarchies. Ruled by a council of queens. Lots of mushroom farming.
Babel: A territorial and isolationist faction of termites. Heavily centralized, without any notable population centers past the gargantuan towering main structure that serves as its capital. Controls the main supply of iron on the continent.
Azure League: A diverse faction formed by several smaller states for mutual defense during an old war. Home of the famous Horned Knights and skilled alchemists. Populated by all kinds of bugs.
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Eurus has mammal and amphibian people. No monkeys though those don't exist. There's a high variety in overall "tech-levels" between factions, but each one has things it's the best at.
Nation of Selene: A technologically advanced faction from which the Wayfarers originated. The main user and supplier of electricity, exports Shock Cells. Often accused of poaching scientists from other factions. Mainly canines, felines, rabbits and the like.
Tusk Union: Highly industrial and fairly militaristic, surrounded by dangerous and aggressive wildlife. Brutalist architecture, specializes in metallurgy and biofuel. They got mostly boars, bulls, bears, weasels, etc.
Rhiz Republic: Mostly based on coastlines and wetlands. High food production through fishing and wetland farming, trades a lot with other factions. Lots of boats. Primarily composed of amphibians and semiaquatic mammals.
Subter Hollow: A series of settlements inside the massive cavern system under Eurus' central mountain range, joined in a loose union. Has lots of mining and mushrooms, as well as whatever unusual stuff that can be found in the depths. Mainly moles, bats, rodents and other underground or nocturnal animals.
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atthebell · 9 months
are you also allergic to bats by any chance? because that would be funny
well i've never touched a bat so i have no idea but my rat allergy is a rodent allergy (probably something to do with their fur? i'm not allergic to dogs or horses so idk exactly what the deal is, it's just rodents and cats from my knowledge) and bats aren't that so. no clue tbh
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mx-werebat · 2 months
"Night dragons" "sky puppies" "flying rodents" SHUT UP SHUT THE FUCK UP!! I'm fucking tired of it! Tired! Bats aren't fucking stupid little toys that you play mix match with animals, they're THEIR OWN ANIMAL!! I'm fucking sick of it it makes me want to tear my fur out! AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR WHAT I ALREADY AM??
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