#[Levana -headcanons-]
loraliewritesthings · 11 months
It makes me so sad that Solstice hayles things likely didn't survive Levana. Imagine Winter finding a chest full of her mother's work. Dresses covered in trailing embroidery, exquisitely beaded and perfectly tailored. I think especially if she could fit it, that would bring her so much closure and make it feel like her mother, her real mother was still around.
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impossiblesuitcase · 2 years
You should write something about how you imagine an interaction between Kai and Adri would go. I think cinder has made peace and is just trying to move on but I don’t think Kai would be quite as calm or diplomatic towards her especially after he finds out more of cinders past and what her life with adri was like. He’s protective.
As previously mentioned, Kai has a canon hatred toward Adri and Pearl. Especially since Adri uses her newfound fame to perpetrate accusations to the ravenous media. Still, he doesn't have to talk to her ever again, and Cinder is ready to move on, so they leave it to the past.
Yeah right. Nothing is ever that simple.
Here's my headcanon. Remember in Cinder when Adri volunteers Cinder for the draft and the droids come to collect her? Cinder antagonises Adri, Adri slaps Cinder, Cinder attacks the droid but is ultimately captured.
Interestingly, droids record everything...
So flashforward several years, Cinder and Kai are well into marriage and Adri continues to bash them to anyone who will listen, which is only the snoops. Then they name their daughter Peony, which evokes a massive blow-out from Adri. Claims they tainted the name, disparaged her daughter's legacy, yadda yadda, and suddenly a lot more people are interested in this drama. People become critical of Cinder using that name and more trusting of Adri's testimony that Selene is a wicked, inhuman monster.
Kai is furious at all this hoo-ha. They preserved Linh Peony's legacy by naming the future Empress of the Eastern Commonwealth after her? Is that not evidence of Cinder's love and character? Yet Cinder asks him to stay silent, so he does. But he knows this will eventually boil over, so he waits.
Remember that droid? Well, it was a government droid, and the recorded footage was saved in government archives. One day, a hacker (not Cress) infiltrates the government and leaks thousands of vids recorded from droids. Among the many vids, one just happens to be Empress Selene, as a 16-year-old child, being slapped by Linh Adri, which is posted online.
Outrage. Adri's name is refuse overnight. Many then say, "do you not remember when Adri tried to slap Selene at the Peace Ball? We've had the video of it for years!" People even call for Cinder to initiate a defamation lawsuit against her for all the slander. Cinder is a new mother who has already put this behind her and obviously does not want this happening right now, or ever. She wants to let it blow up and die.
Kai instead takes swift, final action. New Beijing Palace releases an official statement:
In light of recent controversy, the crown would like to clarify that we had no role in releasing the said videos, nor do we intend to 'benefit' from the ensuing public reaction. What happened in the past is by no means excusable, but for the peace of our family, we have elected not to pursue any further action. We ask that the public respect all parties involved and their right to remain silent in this matter.
That ends it right then and there. Neither Cinder nor Kai address the matter or Adri again, although Thorne likes to discuss it openly on his podcast (with their permission in advance). If Kai ever saw Adri in person, well...some more direct statements may be made...
Adri crawls into a hole for a while. Eventually she returns, still rich and still eager to vilify Cinder, but her audience is only small tabloids and her fame limited to infomercial appearances.
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soulsxng · 1 year
📁📁Ezzi for late bday!
@feraecor | Small headcanons | Accepting!
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- Even though they know that they're more than likely going to have to go back to managing the Pits of Hell eventually, they're trying to put it off as long as absolutely possible. Their pride says that they aren't going to be the one to go to the Princes-- the Princes are gonna have to come to them and personally ask Ezzi to return. Petty? Hell yeah. But they don't really care. The Princes pissed them off, and that's all that matters to them right now.
- Their family is absolutely massive, as their mother, Lilith, has "birthed" entire species, before. Because of this, Ezzion doesn't actually know all of their siblings, let alone nieces and nephews, and whatever else has amassed over time. And honestly, they tend to have a somewhat back and forth relationship with the direct family members that they are close with (such as their elder brother, Marcellus and their mother, for example), anyway. In fact, a lot of times, it probably seems as though they're closer to Baphomet, Bahamut, and Kujata. This is a residual thing from when they lost their legs, along with their father and the siblings that they were born with. A lot of their family still tend to baby them over that, and they hate it...granted, it has gotten a little better, more recently.
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freddycartr · 9 days
headcanon that jacin and winter are the only people who call cinder selene. because jacin only calls her "selene" in his head during winter, and what struck me is when jacin tells winter that selene is alive and in fact, cinder, he says "i know you loved her" which means he also loved her too as a child so much but doesn't acknowledge it (because he excludes himself in that statement). because that fucking trio was inseparable and i like to think that they would become just as close as adults. and not to mention that jacin goes from not believing that cinder can overthrow levana to fully siding with her during the revolution, damn the consequences. and he accidentally lets it slip in a (brief) moment of affection towards her after the revolution and the rampion crew goes quiet when he says it and stares. then winter gets teary eyed and cinder tackles him into a hug. and another headcanon i have is that jacin is leaning against a wall or something watching cinder do something she did as a child and he smiles (a rare occurrence) and cinder pauses and says "what?" then he begins to tell her why this action is so familiar to him.
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oceanspray5 · 2 years
Been obsessed with Beth Crowley's Midnight for Kaider but another song I have on loop atm is Porter Robinson's Everything Goes On. I don't even play LoL and barely know what Star Guardian is but I'd be lying if the story between Xayah and Rakan didn't have me intrigued. So now ofc it has me thinking of a Kaider AU along those lines. Not exactly sure how it'd work but maybe:
Channary gets to live a few extra years. Manages to get a marriage alliance proposition agreed to with King Rikan and hence Kaider grow up visiting each other on Earth and Luna more or less ala @impossiblesuitcase's fic.
Except Channary does die eventually and Cinder isn't old enough for the throne yet so Levana steps in. For this to work maybe the throne passes on to the heir on their 18-21st birthday?
Everyone thinks Levana killed Channary (she didn't) but everyone knows she's going to kill Cinder. Her days are numbered and she knows it despite Kai's vehement denial. I imagine they'd be around 14-16 here?
Except Cinder does end up "dead" in a fire. In a more plot heavy version of the headcanon, perhaps Levana implies Earthens brought the matches and killed Cinder and vows to "avenge" her neice unless she gets reparations. But even if we avoid this whole plotline, Levana does try and pass it off as Cinder dying in a fire.
Earth and Luna mourn and Kai is inconsolable except he refuses to believe he's dead. He grabs on to the slightest sliver of a rumor and holds on to it like its his lifeline. He throws himself into investigating it, discreetly when eventually Torin and his dad and the royal therapist force him to put an end to it.
In this version Cinder doesn't end up in a healing stasis for quite as long. Perhaps a year or two at most. When she wakes up, shes a cyborg and has immense memory loss from the trauma. Garan adopts her, gets Letumosis and dies. Adri and Pearl are their witchy selves. Peony and Iko remain angels.
So you have the setup:
Prince Kai of the Eastern Commonwealth sneaking into New Beijing because Nainsi broke right before he had the conclusive proof he needed to show his dad and Torin that his Selene was alive. At this point everyone in the Commonwealth seems to think Kai is in a deep grief he'll never recover from and atp everyone's wondering if Prince Kai will ever find himself a bride now that he's 20 and still hung up on his childhood love. Its that pity and condescention that only infuriates Kai more so he keeps searching.
He ends up at the budding yet already renowned mechanic Linh Cinder's booth. Kai sees her and does a double take, afraid he's seen a ghost. He could cry because if he's not mistaken, the girl in front of him is his Selene. Except Selene doesn't recognize him. Doesn't know who he is besides the Crown Prince despite his extremely efficient disguise comprising of one inconspicuous hoodie.
She's so different now too. Her fine silks and once shiny hair is now replaced with cargo pants and a grease stained shirt, her hair dull in its luster and sheen now. She has a grease splotch on her forehead that Kai yearns to wipe from her brow but restrains himself. She's just as beautiful as the day he lost her, maybe even more so. But a doubt does creep in for a second...
Maybe he has it all wrong. Maybe she's just a doppleganger. How and why would Selene even be working as a mechanic in the Beijing market instead of coming to him for help or telling the world she's alive? How did she survive the fire even though in his heart he always knew she did. He needs some proof for this too. It's a testament to how not insane he is from his grief at losing the love of his life that he restrains himself from bursting from all these questions and overwhelming her with his grief and affection. Take that Dad! Take that Torin and Royal Therapist!
So Kai swallows down his words and the lump in his throat and the urge to burst into tears and tells Cinder what's wrong with Nainsi and asks her how long it'll take for the problem to be fixed. In that brief interval Kai manages to count at least 10 different ticks that endeared Selene to him. He's memorized every single one since they were kids. He knows this is his missing princess.
He doesn't know why Selene doesn't remember him and it is soul-crushing to know she's right in front of him but he can't do anything about it. He needs to get her to remember or at least gain her trust and friendship long enough that he can break the news of her origins to her gently. Her memory loss runs deep and he doesn't want to freak her out even if that would be the fastest way to laying it all out in the open. But Kai is tactful and shows restraint.
Instead, he ends up showing up to her booth regularly to jog her memory and tries to aski her out repeatedly to the Annual Peace Ball. He hopes if she shows up then it'll help her remember the countless times they spent together at them. Maybe he could sneak her away and show her her old room which Kai had insisted be kept exactly as it was left before she "died". He can't help some affection slipping past the cracks like the fond way he looks at her and the smile he's only ever saved for her.
In summary: if he thought this would freak Cinder out less... He failed.
But Cinder does keep getting random bursts of memories. Sometimes through nightmares. Sometimes through dreams of another life. Of a rather insane mother who doted on her and a charming boy who's love shone in his eyes and gentle touch. She doesn't understand why he looks like Kai and keeps dismissing it as fantasies she's always longed for combined with the exhaustion of Adri's chores. Kai would never like her if he knew she was a cyborg. She has no intention of getting her hopes up.
So Kai keeps wooing Cinder and Cinder keeps unintentionally suppressing her memories or dismissing them, certain Kai's rambling stories about his childhood with the deceased Lunar princess Selene are affecting her sleep.
Now eventually when Cinder gets her memories back it could go one of two ways:
She tells him because it's Kai and her heart bursts with love at how intensely he held on to the trust that she's alive and kept trying to revive her memories.
OR (and my personal favorite cuz angst)
She has the same feelings as in option 1 but is too scared that she'll put him in danger knowing what Levana did to her but also more than that, she's internalized Adri's words so much and the way society treats cyborgs that she's certain Kai would never love her now that she's no longer fully human and has even seemed to have lost her Lunar glamour that may have been able to hide the imperfection of her extremities otherwise that would have made her tolerable to Kai after her little accident in the fire.
So Kai continues to woo his lost princess turned mechanic, more in love with her than ever, new quirks and imperfections and all while Cinder has a daily meltdown about how badly she wants to kiss Kai but also about how badly that would end once he finds out what she's become.
In this AU, Rikan does not die cuz I need Kai stress free so he can continue his shenanigans. Peony also does not die because the only angst we need is Cinder being overly critical of herself and Kai's pained longing to have the love of his life back.
Idk how the rest of the Rampion crew would play into this cuz admittedly I just wanted an angsty Kaider situation where Kai has to save Cinder from herself like Xayah has to for Rakan in the Everything Goes On MV.
Any further suggestions for this AU welcome! Also if someone wants to write it then be my guest and do tag me cuz I am in too much of a writing slump these days to do so myself.
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silverstarssart · 2 years
Aru Shah Headcanons
Aru and Aiden headcanons:
—They don’t do public displays of affection. The most you could get is a gentle little touch, brushing hair out of face, shoulder touch, etc. 
So it’s hard for someone to tell their dating, but after they start talking in fandom you can tell.
“You are my sun, my moon, and all my stars,”
“We are not Levana and Evret idiot, stop it.”
“Why the heck do you think that Merida is secretly a time traveling Bob the builder working for Megamind in the Spider-verse?!”
“Why do YOU think that Frodo likes chocolate ice cream, he’s totally a strawberry-banana person!”
“No he gives chocolate sprinkle vibes!”
Yup, they’re pretty loving
Rudy falls in love with The land of stories series and vibes with Red
Hira loves Brynne's baking and helps her by cracking eggs, decorating, and eating the icing (though Aru also does that part) 
Aru would be best friends with Leo (PJO), they would go explode things together and have competitions over how much they know about a certain movie
Rudy would try to help Brynne in the kitchen (against her will) and ends up adding salt, parsley, and donuts to a chocolate fondue
Mini likes to listen to podcasts
Rudy has a fascination with Taylor Swift and asks if she is a goddess to Aiden. He opens his mouth, and then closes it. "Maybe?"
Sheela is a poet, and she likes to make up limericks (especially about her friends)
"Aru was taped to a wall by Brynne,
Mini and Aiden screamed that it is a sin, 
Aru abruptly fell down, 
Emerged with a frown, 
And said 'If I can breathe underwater, can I pretend to drown? " 
Indra, Vayu, Yama, and the Ashvins are always watching down on their Pandavas, and laughing at their shenanigans. They all ship Aruden. Yama thinks Rudy has to man up before he is worthy of his daughter.
Hanuman has in-depth discussions with Brynne about combat and The Great British Bake Off
Those Yalis from Tree of Wishes are now accountants and love their job so much
Aru dyed Rudy's hair green with orange stripes for a week. He loved it. Mini didn't. Brynne took photos. Nikita was raving about how horrible it looked. Sheela was fascinated with a butterfly. And Aiden was slowly dying inside and losing his last brain cell.
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degenderates · 4 years
the blackburns are asian (canonically a headcanon)
the royal LINE itself is korean, but over the centuries, it has gotten mixed in with many other ethnicities and races. mostly though, they are korean.
the lunars associate paleness with beauty (colorism is really rampant)
so do earthens, as we all know
colorism is one reason why cinder was treated badly in new beijing, aside from her being a cyborg
because of these beauty standards, levana, who has always felt insecure, has her glamour include bigger eyes, a pointier nose, pale skin, and red red lips. the only thing she truly keeps of her appearance is her high cheekbones.
after levana is burned, she keeps up this charade, until she meets everet
in fairest, levana manipulates her glamour to mimick solstice hayle, who is black, maybe with a mix of southeast asian (this is canon). however, she makes her skin paler than solstice’s. this is both terrifying and insulting to everet
slowly, over time, levana shifts her glamour to look less like solstice and more like what her glamour is in cinder: the “ideal” beauty standard as white, pale, wide eyes, full lips as red as can be, slightly wavy reddish-brown/auburn hair with golden highlights, and hourglass figure while stll being skinny, etc etc.
in short, she looks nothing of how the way she had been born
channary’s glamour, ironically, looks very different. they look nothing like sisters, because channary kept her natural korean+italian glamour
cinder’s glamour, of course, looks very similar to channary’s (this is canon)
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Yes, I ship cana and levy for the sole reason of cana calling levy "shawty" affectionately what of it? Any way do you have and cana x levy sfw head canons?
Send me a character/ship and I’ll tell you some headcanons
Please let me know if you want nsfw in your ask or I’ll assume sfw
Cana calls Levy a variety of short nicknames
Her favorite is “shawty” though
“Can I kick my tall girlfriend in the shin so I can kiss her?”
“Do it!”
Cana has a lot of bad ideas, and Levy tries to talk her out of them
But if she can’t, she’ll joy her
Cana actually has bad eye-sight and needs glasses, but she wears contact
But Levy absolute gay panics when she wears her glasses
“Levy, time how fast I can chug this!”
“Cana, no!”
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impossiblesuitcase · 4 months
thoughts on cresswell age gap? i don't really see the big deal to be honest /gen😭
A 4-year age gap is nothing. A 4-year age gap when one party is underage, well then that's where the issue lies. However neither of them are manipulative and it's clear (especially in wires and nerve) that they have an equal power dynamic in their relationship. Marissa also explicitly states that there's nothing sexual happening. So is the relationship inherently doomed solely by the age gap? No. Is Cress too young to date him? At this stage, probably yes. Cress lacks a lot of life experience, so I feel that maybe she should have some independence before dating anyone, even someone her own age.
Thorne is also fairly inexperienced in being a good, moral person--something he openly admits. So he too could do with a bit of shaping up before his first proper relationship. A lot of people in the fandom are teens, so Thorne being 20 may seem old, but honey, he's a baby. And a cringey, dumb baby at that. An interesting alternative ending to Winter would be for Cress and Thorne to not start dating, but rather leave the possibility open for future, and then in Stars Above we see that they followed that through.
I still ship Cresswell, more so when they are older (because I particularly love how she gets snarky as time goes by). I understand why people are uncomfortable with it but I also see why others are fine with it. I don't get offended either way. I'm in the middle and I personally headcanon that Cress and Thorne date and eventually break up due to their mutual immaturity, then get back together when they are both older and wiser.
I'm going to have a bit of a rant here. What I don't like about discourse relating to age gaps across multiple fandoms is the strange hailing of 18 being a magical number that automatically makes you a full-grown adult in terms of maturity. Also, the blanket assertion that any relationship involving a legal minor and a legal adult is morally abhorrent and contemptible. A 19-year-old dating a 31-year-old? Obviously problematic. A 17-year-old dating an 18-year-old? Completely fine, and yet some treat it with the same severity.
I've seen people get up in arms that Cinder and Kai are dating when she's 16 and he's 18, calling it "disgusting." 16 and 18! 18-year-olds are still just teenagers with some extra legal perks. Cinder and Kai are only 1 year and 8 months apart. When Cinder was a crying, screaming baby, Kai was--you guessed it--a crying, screaming toddler. There is no power imbalance due to age difference here. Chill out 😂
The biggest age gap is Scarlet and Wolf, 18 and 23 respectively. If she were 17, the fandom would despise the ship. But because of her being 18, it's considered perfectly fine. And take a look at Levana and Evret's relationship. She is far younger than him, but we all know who the abusive party is. So when it comes to the age gaps in the series, I tend to just take my own balanced view on it rather than weighing solely on the numbers.
If I had been Marissa's editor back in the day, would I have her encouraged her to boost up Cress's age to 18 to spare her much criticism? Absolutely. But ultimately, these details and the subsequent conversations are a good thing; upcoming authors will see previous decisions and change for the better.
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soulsxng · 1 year
This absolute menace (endearing) of a genius...
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And this absolute menace (terrified) of a genius...
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Made this fucked up lil' cinnamon roll (equal parts endeared and terrified)!
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tagged by: @soraeia tagging: steal it and tag me!
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ejm513 · 7 years
  Hello my lovelies!! 
I am back in a Lunar Chronicles mood so I thought I would do something I’ve been wanting to do for a while and that is character head cannons!
More specifically head cannons about how I pictured their appearance in my head.
The process was simple. If I knew of a person who fit the description of the characters and how I view them in my head (which match up) I got pictures of that person. If I couldn’t I just went through google images until I found one I someone I liked.
These are not people I think should necessarily play the characters if the books are ever made into a movie, simply a close representation of how I picture the main characters in this wonderful series. 
All right! Let’s get started. 
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Why I chose this person:
-Mixed race (half Asian half white, but Cinder could be something else)
-Dark hair and eyes
-Is very slim
-Because she’s Phillipa Soo and I adore Phillipa Soo and aspire to be her.
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Why I chose this person:
- Asian (which is kind of sad I have to say that I figured it was obvious), spefically Japanese and since Kai is a Japanese name I went with that. 
-Thin-all though maybe a little to small but that could just be the way the outfits make him look. 
-A grate smile that I could see millions of girls falling for. 
-Capable of sassing the heck of out anyone-seriously look him up it’s so amusing.
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Why I chose this person:
-Curly red hair.
-Round face and plump lips. 
-Curvy (all though it’s up to debate whether Scarlet should be curvier)
-Has a certain amazing quality about her eyes, full of strength and determination. 
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Why I chose this person:
-Dark messy hair
-Olive Skin
-Is an Israeli actor and Marissa Meyer stated Wolf is of Jewish decent.
-Has the right amount of intensity in his eyes-that unfortunately aren’t green. 
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Why I chose this person :
-generically handsome.
-Brownish blond hair (in actuality his hair should be browner)
-Amazing blue eyes
-Smile that could take your breath away
-Air of confidence 
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Why I chose this person:
-blond hair 
-beautiful blue eyes
-sweet, pretty face
-air of naivety and innocence 
-actual actress is way to tall but otherwise a close fit.
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Why I chose this person: 
-Beautiful curls
-Doll like face with a lovely smile
-Like Cress, an innocence about her and something very youthful and vibrant
-Absolutely stunning dark skin.
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-Right hair style and length-could be blonder 
-strong features
-Lovely blue eyes
-Perfect amount of intensity and brooding.
-Extremely serious.
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Why I chose this person-
-Braids, gotta love those braids.
-Very pretty face
-Golden skin color
-Very feminine, but you can tell there’s a lot of strength.
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 Why I chose this person:
-Auburn hair-Very pale skin
-Strikingly Beautiful
-Stoic look about her
-Certain kind of coldness.
And done!! :D I’ll do another one for minor characters soon. 
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princessselene126 · 2 years
Can u bring kai head canons like how he is,what he does as a friend,emperor,husband,father and all that like I am badly in love with him,I am seriously not kidding I need to read more of him to feel his presence u know and I have no Kai in my life not even as a friend,Am I sounding desperate? Idc ,it's a bad case of fictophilia I'm sorry I sound mental....but help
I, too, am hopelessly in love with Kai, and I cannot even begin to express how fucking valid you are. You get all the headcanons, my friend. Come to my inbox literally whenever you want to talk about Kai or want hcs for him. Also sorry it took me a little bit to get to this, I have life shit going on.
I can also talk about Jacin all damn day... the snarky and dry humor bois hold a soft spot in my heart
In Friendships
He's that friend who messages people out of the blue to check up on them. Like it's been a week since he's heard anything from Cress and that's not normal. Five seconds later he's sending her a reeeeeeeally long text asking if she's okay.
He created a gc with the rest of the crew (excluding Thorne) where they just send random pictures of Thorne doing weird shit.
Is the only person other than Winter and Cinder who has gotten Jacin to genuinely laugh. Spoiler alert, it's because he had the sassiest comeback when President Vargas was being a dick.
Because he's rich--literal emperor--he'll randomly buy gifts for his friends and really anyone he cares about. The other day he bought Winter a really cool sewing kit where all the needles were glittery (but wouldn't get glitter on whatever she's making). And it doesn't even have to be expensive things. He noticed that Scarlet complains about losing hairbands and makes a habit of sending her a pack once a month. Little things like that. He's a giver.
Despite the fact that he likes buying his friends presents, his love language is actually quality time. It's very hard for him to be able to carve out time for others, but that's what he does to show his friends and family he cares about them.
As the Emperor
Goes down as the most beloved emperor in the history of the Eastern Commonwealth. Yall can fight me on this. Because just in canon he's helped to end an international war and plague. NOT TO MENTION the fact that he tried to do this single-handedly (before being kidnapped by Cinder and joining them) by marrying Levana. Did he want to marry her? No! Nor did his people want him to, but he put the good of the nation above his own wants and needs when he was only 18 fucking years old! I could go on and on about this, but I'll stop with this point now...
now post canon Kai? A fucking god, okay?? Let's be honest, Cinder opened his eyes to a lot of problems he didn't know existed before. Kai passes bill after bill after bill reforming cyborg rights.
Hearing about stuff Cinder experienced also got him invested in making sure that foster kids, wards, etc were being better-taken care of. Passes laws protecting children in those situations, doing his best to make sure they're not taken advantage of, abused, used for labor, and so on.
Kai frequently goes out in disguise with Cinder so that they can get a sense of public opinion. It's one thing to read reports and statistics, it's another thing to see those experiences, to witness the needs of his people with his own eyes. As more and more people are getting BSBs implanted, more people notice him on the streets. In New Beijing there becomes this unwritten rule that if you see the emperor and empress wandering around without security and/or in "disguise," you're supposed to pretend that you don't know who they are.
When it comes to his public persona, he's viewed as extremely charismatic I mean, come on, he's prince charming and kind. He's sort of like Obama. No matter where you are on the political spectrum, citizens can admire him because of how well spoken he is.
However, it's well known that he will not stand for bigotry, racism, etc. If someone behaves that way in front of him--whether they're a dignitary, diplomat, reporter, or citizen--he will either shut them down or put them in their place (like I had him do in part 2 of WotE). People know not to fuck with him.
As a Husband
He's also the best husband ever, let's be real here. He's patient and kind, but also willing to have harder conversations when the time calls for it.
We all know how the proposal scene went, but this got me wondering... how long do we think he's been holding onto that ring? SOSN happens about 2 years post Winter, and, knowing what a romantic Kai is, he's probably been holding onto that ring for a good year. He was just patiently waiting for 1) Cinder to be ready 2) her to abdicate and 3) Luna to be well enough off that Cinder didn't have to be there constantly supervising the transition into a republic.
Anyway, onto how he actually is as a husband...
When he can't find Cinder in their suite, the first place he looks for her is the palace garage. Nine times out of 10, that's where she is. If she isn't there, she's either out in the gardens or in her office. Sometimes he'll just stand there and quietly watch her work for a little while. She knows he's there, but never says anything.
Though they're both busy with royal duties, Kai makes a point to carve out at least one night a week where they can just spend time together without any distractions, whether it's sneaking out to roam the city, have dinner together on the balcony, watch a movie on a big sheet hung up between trees in the gardens, etc etc. Unless there's a national emergency that needs immediate attention, no one, not even Iko, is allowed to disturb them for those few hours.
He makes a point to kiss Cinder's metal limbs all the time. Every chance he gets.
He sits on Cinder's lap while they read over documents/laws/bills together. You can fight me on this too. I will die on this hill.
As a Father (In my second gen universe Kaider has two kids so I'm sort of going off that for these hcs)
The most doting father. Will spoil his children rotten while also making sure to raise them to be the best possible versions of themselves.
He and Cinder always tuck their kids into bed. It doesn't matter if they're in the middle of a ball or an important dinner party. They will both drop everything to read a story and then tuck their kids into bed. Even when he's halfway around the world for something, he'll wake up at three am to call Cinder so they can tuck the kids in together.
Kai will take his kids out on father-child dates all the time when they get old enough (around 5-6). Sometimes these father-child dates are with both of the kids and sometimes it's only with one. If it's with one, he makes sure that the other child has alone time with him sometime soon too. As the kids get older and busier, it's harder and harder to do, but it's a tradition that still continues when they're adults. It's only a couple times a year, but he and his children make the time for it.
When they're teens... they have snark wars. Who can politely say the best insult. Cinder is the judge. Winner gets to pick what they watch for family movie night. Kai wins almost every time for the first year, but the first time one of them beats him, he cries tears of joy and hugs them so tight they can barely breathe. "My baby is all grown up! I don't have anything left to teach you." "Dad... I'm fourteen and the heir to the throne. You have a lot to teach me still."
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cosmicnovaflare · 3 years
Kaider Ship Week, Day 1 and 3: In Another Life/AU
But she knew that no matter how deeply she loved, how hard she fought, and how much she ached, tragedy ran in her blood, misfortune was her DNA.
Cinder gripped her wrist, the wound half cut. The release of her identity chip only one slice away. She wanted to bleed for better reasons, but all she could do was run.
Death came to him in the form of a cure.
A temporary cure that would allow his people to live long enough to become victims of persecution beneath a tyrant queen, swayed to her will like the moon pushes and pulls the earth's oceans away from shore. A cure that chained him to his place, bound his hands, and smothered out his last pleas of help.
Time had failed him as he had failed the world. He had failed his people. He had failed at usurping Levana and she knew it. She knew every byte of information Nainsi had collected, and Kai had been too late to use any of it.
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So I’ve been wanting to write a fic where Kai takes Cinder’s invitation to come with her to Europe seriously, in which they attempt to look for clues of Selene’s whereabouts together. Unfortunately I struggle with writing and can’t seem to make words flow, but TLC Ship Weeks has finally given me an excuse to draw art related to this. I’ve always had a headcanon that the outskirts of New Beijing were littered with abandoned ruins of old buildings because the new city was built on the ruins of the old. I’ve taken it a bit too literally, but I love the idea of it.
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cinjacwolf headcanons oh no
it was never meant to get this far…
they spar so much
wolf will literally knock them both out then be all “oh no 🥺 are you alright 🥺🥺” an hour later wtf
their sarcasm is always used to deflect their more vulnerable side so despite the dynamics with their “canon” partners, they’re actually very tender with each other
whoever has a nightmare that night is the middle spoon
wolf and jacin assumed that cinder would want them to continue working in the lunar military after she becomes queen, but she assures them that they can do whatever they want with their lives, she isn’t levana after all
jacin stays up until 3:00 am studying for medical school and always wakes up with a blanket around his shoulders
fights for blanket space every. damn. time.
and everyone refuses to get their separate blanket (bc reasons) but the person who’s cold and shivering at night is always warmed up by cuddles
wolf and cinder were fucking terrified to meet jacin’s parents and just. attended the dinner in the most uncomfortable clothes you can imagine.
(dw jacin’s mom and dad loved his partners)
sorry to anyone who got this far, i’m emotionally invested in this ship now </3
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crescentchat · 3 years
tlc modern headcanons pt. 2 👁👁 (but make it couples)
kaider - draws on cinder’s prosthetic hand and leg all the time. i don't make the rules. when kissing cinder rips his clothes sometimes bc that damn hand is too strong 😞💔 steals kai’s clothes, not to be cute, but because they genuinely fit her and are actually functional. kai gets excited whenever he smells motor oil. cin has better tolerance for alcohol than kai so often drives him home, along with the rest of the crew (designated driver alert)!!!!! 
wolflet - wolf be knocking over shit in the kitchen bc he’s just too big :( also the scene where wolf breaks into the farm happens. it happens in every AU in some variation. i don't make the rules. wolf is himbo but also complete virg. scarlet is mommy gf. what else can i say. wolf LOVES her freckles so much its not even funny he gave a name for each and every one of them. he named the one t the bridge of her nose after maha because he’s kind of weir....d........
cresswell - thorne possibly loves his car (some big hippie van) more than cress. but only by a centimeter. he learned how to play guitar for cress, and she learned obscure car facts for him ❤ oh and yall know that thorne got into some trouble and was in the hospital and cress is his emergency contact and they confessed to each other liiiiiiiiiikeeeeee......... shhebsh. also back to cars they have drive-in dates and stuff all the time 😙 and you all also know they went on a cross country roadtrip easy easy
jacinter - they meditate together in the mornings. winter cuts his hair all the time. winter lets him draw like. veins and stuff on her while he’s studying for med school (that makes sense, right?? i will put a picture) they eat super healthy food too aaand go to plays and stuff. they just be acting all regal for no reason. and they deserve it. also #childhood friends alert
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basically draws this ^^^^^ on her arm with markers. i swear its cuter than its looks
sybana (sybil x levana) - evil disaster lesbians 
also sorry if i’ve been spamming the tlc tag i just cant help it i love my babies so much. gonna make an alignment chart of them later bee tee dubs stayed tuned babes
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degenderates · 4 years
okay so here me out:
cinder is half vietnamese, quarter korean, and quarter italian (this is all decending from these ethnicities since her ancestry is lunar of course). here’s how that works:
channary’s unknown lover (cinder’s dad) is dark skinned & vietnamese
channary herself is half korean and half italian
(the blackburn line itself is of korean decent)
unimportant but that means that half of cinder’s ancestry is also half of mine because im also 1/4 italian and 1/4 korean
Yeah!! so that explains cinder’s tan-ness. im going to make another post in a sec about the blackburns and levana’s glamour being white-looking brb
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