#(Meanwhile Tabby is just standing back with heart eyes
soulsxng · 1 year
This absolute menace (endearing) of a genius...
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And this absolute menace (terrified) of a genius...
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Made this fucked up lil' cinnamon roll (equal parts endeared and terrified)!
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tagged by: @soraeia tagging: steal it and tag me!
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wlwmarvelenthusiast · 3 years
Can u write an au where carol’s cat (goose) keeps sneaking into fem!reader’s apartment and so carol and reader communicate with each other thru notes they put on goose’s collar and they eventually fall in love (((:::::::
Goose's Best Friend
Summary: After a stranger's cat injured in your apartment one night, you decide to attach a short note to its collar to give your apologies. They lead to something you could have never expected.
Pairing: Army Pilot!Carol Danvers x Reader
Warnings: language
Word Count: 2,792
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It was the middle of the night, 2:57a.m., to be exact, when a loud crash shook you from the clutches of sleep. You sat up with a groan, rubbing your eyes to clear your vision enough to look at the clock on your nightstand. You swung your legs off the bed, eyes catching the shattered lamp on the ground. Fighting off the temptation to leave it on the ground for tomorrow, for fear that you might forget about it and slam your bare feet into the shards scattered around the floor, you slid your legs into some sweats and stood up.
You weren’t expecting, when you turned on the light, for something to move. When something darted around the corner you actually let out a high-pitched yelp, flying backwards and hitting your elbow hard off the corner of the nightstand. You felt tingling rush into the tips of your fingers as you tried desperately to comprehend what had just happened. Your breathing had already increased, and your heart was racing inside your chest. You took a hesitant step forward.
Despite being alone in the apartment, you flushed beet red in embarrassment when you found the creature you’d been so terrified of. The orange tabby cat stared up at you with wide eyes, letting out a quiet mew. Immediately your heart softened, its beat slowing down to a normal pace. When the cat made to step toward you, though, you immediately noticed the limp. Your eyebrows furrowed and you knelt down, letting it come to you. You reached out for its front leg, and it let you take it into your hand.
“Oh, sweet baby,” you muttered softly, wiping a bit of blood out of its fur with your thumb. “Come on. I think I have a first aid kit in the bathroom.”
It surely didn’t understand what you said, but it followed you when you stood up. It limped into the bathroom behind you, settling once it reached the tile floor. You reached into the cupboard under the sink and pulled out the red case, propping it up on the countertop and opening it up. Quickly, you located the roll of bandages and the scissors that came with it. You pulled it out and got some wet paper towels. Once more you knelt down on the ground next to the tabby.
A black collar around its neck caught your attention. You reached out for the silver tag that hung from it and spoke aloud. “Goose. Well, Goose, there’s no phone number here for your owner. Guess I’ll have to fix you up and trust you can find your own way home, huh?”
He meowed in response.
You continued to wrap up his leg. When you finally finished, you tucked the first aid kit away again. You clicked your tongue a couple times in an attempt to get him to follow you again. The both of you headed toward the kitchen, where you rummaged through the fridge for the leftover chicken from dinner the night before last. You pulled some out and set it in a small dish on the floor, a sort of apology for your lamp having done such damage to the poor animal’s leg. He helped himself quickly. Meanwhile, you dug through one of your drawers.
You popped the cap off a pen and cut a small strip of paper, struggling to keep your writing small enough to fit.
There was no number on the collar, so I opted for this. Goose found his way into my apartment and had an unfortunate mishap. I patched him up and gave him a treat. I hope that’s okay. He should be alright.
Hope he feels better soon.
You rolled the note around the tabby’s collar and taped it in place. He’d finished his treat by now, so you led him back to the apartment door. When you opened it, he cast one glance back at you, eyes shining as if in gratitude, then scurried down the hall. Just as he turned out of sight, though, someone else moved into your peripheral vision. You could have scoffed when you saw who had wandered into the hallway. She spoke before you could close the door.
“Isn’t it past your bedtime?”
“Fuck off, Danvers.”
“Captain Danvers,” she hummed, a wide smirk on her face as she twirled her keys around her finger.
“In your dreams,” you scoffed. “And next time you’re using your stripes to get random women in bed, be a little quieter, would you? Some of us around here have self-respect.”
You closed the door before she could respond to that.
You and Carol Danvers had hated each other for as long as you’d lived there. The two of you were like hot and cold, or night and day. She liked loud music and late nights whereas you liked a nice book and an early night. You were quiet and soft-spoken, and Carol was a bully. In fact, she was your bully. You’d never endured such teasing and taunting from anyone else before. It wasn’t her harsh words that got to you, though. In fact, you weren’t entirely sure what it was that got to you. Maybe it was her arrogance, or maybe it was her ignorance for anyone around her. It didn’t matter.
Carol Danvers brought out a side of yourself that you didn’t know existed. You’d only have to hear a single word fall from her lips or see a glimpse of her from the corner of your eye, and instantly any semblance of a good mood would dissipate and fade into annoyance. The hatred you held for her made your blood boil in your veins at the mere sight of her stupid, cocky smirk. You sometimes wished you could just reach out and slap that stupid smirk off her stupid face.
You pushed the blonde from your mind, heading back to bed. Hopefully, the coming day would be one that didn’t involve the blonde captain.
It was three days later that a quiet meow caught your attention. It tore your gaze from the TV, and you glanced toward the source of the sound. The face that was watching you immediately brought a smile to your face. You pat the couch beside you and the tabby jumped up, settling onto the blanket. You ran your hand across his head, watching his eyes close in content. You were about to turn your gaze back to the TV when you noticed the paper around his collar. It wasn’t the same one you put there. You reached out for it and removed it, careful not to rip it, and unrolled it. You flicked on the lamp.
Sorry about him. He wanders around the building. This isn’t the first time he’s gotten into someone’s room. If you fed him, he’ll probably come back to you (which I don’t mind, so long as you don’t mind that he’ll keep coming back). That’s how I know you’ll get this. So, thank you for patching him up. The vet would’ve cost more. You were right. He was just fine.
Rolled up with it was a twenty-dollar bill. You chuckled, immediately standing up off the couch. You pulled a small treat out of the fridge as you passed it, Goose trotting into the kitchen at the sight. You handed it to him and he took it happily, chowing down as you stood up straight again and continuing on your journey toward the notepad on the counter. Once again you ripped a small piece of paper out of it, ripping the cap of the pen off with your teeth and holding it there as you brought the pen down to meet the paper.
It seems so. You were right. He came back. He’s a sweet boy. I truly enjoy his visits. I don’t get many of them, so he’s welcome here whenever he pleases. And I don’t need this. Keep it.
You knelt down on the ground to Goose once again. He sat still for you as you wrapped the bill around his collar, wrapped the note around it, and then taped them both in place. Once more, you led him back to the apartment door, opened it up for him, and let him into the hallway. He rubbed his head against your calf once more before dashing out of sight. You shut the door behind him.
You huffed as you stormed into the lobby of the apartment building. Work had not treated you well that day. All you wanted was to head upstairs, put on your coziest pyjamas, order takeout, cuddle into the couch, and watch a movie or two. It was all you needed to wash away the horrible day and ease the stress that was weighing so heavily on your chest. You only wanted to pick up your mail before you did, but apparently, the universe had other ideas.
“Looking for some mail from your mommy?”
Danvers was the last person you wanted to deal with today. You didn't even bother to grumble a response to your neighbour, who was still in uniform as she stepped up beside you and unlocked her own mailbox. You were going to step away without a single word, but once more, you didn’t get your wish. Carol snickered at something, making you slam your box shut with far more force than necessary.
“What, pray tell, is so fucking funny?” You snapped.
“Oh, nothing. Nothing. Nice keychain.”
The keychain was a souvenir one you’d gotten from your trip to Disney with your family a few years ago. It was a picture of you and your brothers all wearing Mickey Mouse ears and sticking your tongues out at the camera. If anyone else had said the words, you would have blushed and thanked them. When Carol said the words, you shoved the keys in your pocket and shot a glare so harsh that it would have killed if it could have.
“You’re a dick, Danvers.”
“Captain Danvers,” she corrected once more.
“Look, this whole army pilot thing might work on those girls you pick up from god knows where, but I’ve met you,” you sneered. “You use this uniform for detestable things, Danvers. It’s disgusting.”
You stormed away.
When you unlocked your door and stepped into your apartment, however, you found that you wouldn’t need pyjamas or takeout or movies to make you feel better. Your new best friend was sitting on your couch as if he had been waiting for you to arrive home. You dropped your bag at the door and moved to sit with him immediately. After stroking his head absentmindedly for a bit, you noticed the new note.
Take it. Please? Come on, you’re going to make Goose sad if you don’t. You’re going to make me sad if you don’t.
Attached with the note, again, was that same twenty-dollar bill. You rolled your eyes as you moved into the kitchen once more, handing Goose a few of the cat treats you’d bought for him. He accepted them happily as, for the third time, you prepared to write a note for Goose’s mystery owner. You didn’t even bother to sit down, hunching over the counter in a way that your back probably wouldn’t have thanked you for. You scribbled on the paper.
I’m sure Goose won’t mind at all. As for you? Well, I don’t really know you, do I? Just keep the damn money, will you? You know, Goose is going to gain a few pounds if you keep sending him back here.
Sincerely, Goose’s new best friend
After a few pats to the head, you sent Goose off with that. He was back later that day.
Goose’s best friend,
Goose does mind. He wants you to keep it. Please? Besides, if we keep attaching it with scotch tape to a wandering cat, it’s going to get lost. You wouldn’t want that, now, would you? I sure wouldn’t. As for the treats, I’ll make sure to walk him a bit more. Wouldn’t want to lose my new favourite pen pal over a couple extra pounds on the cat.
- Goose’s mom
This time, there were two twenties attached. You chuckled at that. Goose was gobbling down his treat as you wrote.
Goose’s mom,
I think that’d be quite a sight to see, you walking Goose down the street. Guess if I ever see Goose leashed and with some random woman on the street, I’ll know what you look like.
- Goose’s best friend
P.S. Just donate the money. Seriously.
As if it were habit by now, you reattached the bills, added your note, and sent the tabby out the door once again. You headed back to what you’d been doing.
It wasn’t long before the next reply.
Goose’s best friend,
Here, I’ll help you build the image. I’m 23, blonde, and about 5’6”. I’m in the army, so I’d probably still be in uniform after work. Oh, and Goose’s leash is blue, and he has a grey harness for walking.
- Goose’s mom
P.S. I split the $40 between the humane society and the local shelter
You once more had to laugh at the stranger. Of course, you immediately moved to respond. As much as you didn’t want to kick Goose out, you wanted her to get your answer as soon as possible. You grabbed your notepad.
Goose’s mom,
You sound cute.
- Goose’s mom’s best friend
It was a short note this time. You were having fun, though, and you wanted to tease your new friend a little. You attached the note to Goose and let him run off.
Once more, Goose returned with a new reply.
Best friend,
You didn’t give me anything in response. I’m offended.
- Goose’s mom’s best friend’s best friend
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the way she’d signed her newest note. A pang of confidence hit your chest. You scribbled on the note.
Goose’s cute mom,
Let’s go for coffee then. 2B. I’m free when you are.
- Girl with a crush
You regretted sending that last note. You’d never gone more than 12 hours without communicating with the mystery note sender. You’d grown quite fond of the little pieces of communication you’d exchanged with her. It was actually the highlight of your day, on most days. Since sending that last one, though, you’d yet to hear back from her. It’d been four days now. You were quite upset about it, and decided the best way to fix that was some loud music. Maybe it’d piss Danvers off as much as she pissed you off.
When there was a loud knock on the door, you immediately assumed that you’d sure pissed someone off. Of course, they’d complain about you and not her. Everyone loved Carol fucking Danvers. You wished you could whirl the door open and shout at whoever was on the other side, but knew yourself better than that. You’d probably open it up and apologize, then turn the volume down and wallow in your misery to the sound of softer music.
That is, if it were anyone but Danvers.
“What? Just now realizing how damn annoying it is to hear loud music blaring from the apartment directly below yours?” You rolled your eyes. “Fuck off, Danvers.”
You went to slam the door, but she stuck her hand in. It must’ve been a little harsher than you meant to, because she shook her fingers out when she retracted them. You didn’t apologize, because you didn’t even feel bad. She deserved it after giving you two years of hell having to live in the apartment below her. You’d not have been surprised if one day she invited an elephant into her room just so she could make as much noise in your apartment as possible.
As you were about to make another snarky remark, though, you noticed something. That cocky glint that was usually shining in her brown eyes was missing. She wasn’t even meeting your eyes. Her gaze was cast to the door beside your head, locked to the bronze numbers that were screwed into it. You raised a single eyebrow, waving your hand in front of her face to get her attention. She blinked as if coming out of a trace, looking back to you.
“What do you want, Danvers?” You snapped when she wouldn’t speak.
She didn’t answer. She only held out a small piece of paper. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, but took it from her. The handwriting was one you’d seen so many times.
Goose’s best friend,
Coffee it is. But I’m paying. I still owe you.
- A girl who also has a crush, Carol Danvers
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theanoninyourinbox · 3 years
Longstar AU Three to Tango part 1
Howdy y’all, I’m back at again with the AU - I can’t promise one a day lore dumps after this, because I only have up until the Battle against the Dark Forest - and then it’s just little details and disconnected thoughts at the moment, but I’ll give what I’ve got until it’s complete.  And thanks for the likes and follows - it’s really flattering for someone not in my direct friends/family to like my stuff.  Anyhoo enough feelings lets goooooo!
Biggest difference, Skyclan.  Wasn’t reformed just yet, but I’ll get to that shortly.  Longstar’s sight is beginning to fail him, but he can still see the colors of his grandkit’s pelts.  Another difference, because of the cross-clan-relationship-agreement, the Three are well aware of their parentage - he visits at least twice a moon, and was there to see them apprenticed off.  They’re well loved, have plenty of support from families in both clans, especially their aunt Foxflight and Uncle Shrewleg.  Those two have been trying for kits, but Shrewleg’s injury may have left him unable to father any kits - but they don’t mind it too much.  Maybe someday.  And Whitestorm, beloved Deputy, has stepped down.  His age is starting to catch up, and he’s happy to help out, but he knows leadership just isn’t in his future.  He suggests Brightheart, who happily accepts as Cloudtail and Whitewing cheer ecstatically!  Pretty sure the Tribe heard that!
Lionpaw apprentices to Darkmoon, with Fireheart acting as support mentor if needed.  Jaypaw gets two mentors, Brightheart for his regular training, and Snowthorn for working with his senses - Brightheart translates Snowthorn’s sign language when his words just don’t work as well.  Eventually Longstar joins the sessions when his vision dims.  And Hollypaw isn’t as much a stickler for the Code, understanding that rules can change, and she stands as evidence of that.  She’s aiming for Deputy, hopefully Leader, but is content to support her clan how she can.  Canon continues until...
At the Gathering, Jay hears Mousepaw flirting with Minnowpaw, and wonders if there’s going to be another cross-clan couple.  But as he’s telling Hollypaw, there’s a commotion at the back of the crowd.  A pair of mollies appear - it’s the long thought dead Sandstorm!  And some kittypet but Sandstorm yaaaay!  Foxflight nearly knocks her over in excitement, and Longstar greets his missing clanmate.  Coldlight actually shows an emotion! The Gathering disperses, and Greystripe offers to escort the kittypet, oh your name’s Millie?  An honor madame I am -enchanted- to meet you.  It’s apparent immediately that they’re making heart eyes at each other but it’s cute!  Millie and Daisy have a giggle about how cute and chivalrous he is.
When Sandstorm settles back in, she grabs Longstar, Fireheart, Flamewish, Darkmoon,  Foxflight, and Swiftpool and tells them her adventure.  She was adopted by a twoleg who owned Millie, and the two escaped fairly quickly.  She met an elderly tom named Skywatcher, and founded Skyclan again, leaving Leafstar in charge, and receiving a prophecy about Three of Flame and Fire’s kin.  It’s agreed to keep it quiet until they’re all sure about who it’s about.  Could be Swiftpool, Foxflight, and Whitewing?  Cloudtail no probably not him.  After the conversation,  Canon continues until...
The competition!  Lionpaw’s back at camp, and Jaypaw’s having a rest, Lionpaw has a vision of Hollypaw and another dark-pelted cat falling, and feels choked by dust and dirt, and Jaypaw sees the vision as a dream.  The two call for aid, and Hollypaw and Breezepaw are rescued from the old fox den.  Jaypaw is suspicious, but maybe it’s a triplet thing?  He and his sibs have always been super close.  Hollypaw and Breezepaw begin a very odd friendship, as Crowfeather is his father, but only as a surrogate for Nightcloud - those two are just good friends, but Breezepaw wants a close relationship.  The unlikely half-sibs decide to meet up every few nights, in secret, as insisted by Breezepaw.  He doesn’t want his mom to know he’s being -social-.  Canon continues until...
Late after one meeting, Hollypaw, who told her parents about the meetings because she’s not a fool, wanders through a part of the forest that looks unfamiliar.  She hops over a root, and two large brown tabby toms are waiting for her - Tigerstar and Brambleclaw!  They try to woo her into training with them, promising to make her a great warrior.  She blinks, and then laughs right in their faces, like absolutely loses it.  Why would she want to train with two cats who lost?  Like really badly lost?  Ohohoho how funny!  She leaves, chuckling, and the next thing she knows, she’s in her mossy bed, in the apprentice den.  What a weird dream!  Meanwhile Tigerstar and Brambleclaw are seething, but vow to try again at a later night. 
And that’s it for tonight!  Tune in next time for Riverclan gets invaded by toddlers. the Tunnels is the worst waterpark ever, and the Tribe asks for Storm and Brook back.  Thanks for reading!
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away-from-anthills · 3 years
chapter two-
(prologue) (chapter one)
“Let all cats, old enough to catch their own prey…”
“Already?” muttered Stoatslink. A dash of doubt sat behind the white tom’s yellow eyes. “It’s been almost too soon for Shalestar to make a decision…”
Stoatslink’s tone stuck on Antstep like a burr. Had it been too soon? No- Shalestar had to know what he was doing. Antstep knew of Shalestar’s wisdom more than he knew of his own nest.
“Who do you think it’s going to be?” Russetfoot padded up next to him, his red tabby shoulder touching Antstep’s solid dark brown one. “I’d bet on Shadeflower, personally-“ -he beckoned with his tail to the dark gray tabby molly that sat at the edge of the nursery- “-but I think my brother could do a good job. My mate, too- but she wouldn’t want to follow her brother’s footsteps.”
Stripedwing and Rainleap had been close as kits, but had naturally drifted apart over time. She wanted to be a tunneler, and lacked ambition; he wanted to be a moor runner, and had had his sights on leadership since apprenticeship. There were no hard feelings between either of them- and Antstep recalled a dawn patrol not long ago where Rainleap said he intended to share tongues with his sister more.
Antstep had felt an envy towards Rainleap then. Rainleap, at least, had a sibling. Antstep had none.
Snapping out of his thoughts, Antstep realized Russetfoot was waiting on an answer from him. “So? What do you think? Did Shalestar tell you anything when he asked for you?”
“I- uh-“ Antstep tried to stall the conversation- but thankfully, Shalestar was already about to begin, and Russetfoot’s eyes had left Antstep to focus on the old scarred blue-gray tom.
“I realize it has been only a short while since I announced the loss of Rainleap to the Clan. However, we must follow the Warrior Code- even in unprecedented situations like this. I promised a new deputy by moonhigh, and my Clan shall get one. I have come to the conclusion of which WindClan member shall become your next deputy. I ask only that you be kind to him. He may not be an obvious choice, but with a bit of experience as deputy, he will learn quickly.”
It felt as all the Clan were eyeing each other. Half of Antstep wanted to puff out his chest with pride. The other half, meanwhile, wanted to shrink inwards and disappear.
“I say these words now, before StarClan, so our ancestors- Rainleap among them, now- may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of WindClan… is Antstep.”
There was a silence of deliberation for a moment, and then a gasp or two. Molethroat and Cherrycloud, who were near the back of the sandy hollow by the nursery, seemed to approve. Rockscratch and Russetfoot seemed to be in what Antstep could only assume was awe. He had never felt what it was like to cause awe before.
But there was a tense feeling among some of the others. Talonscar, their eyes still dimmed from mourning their former apprentice, sat in silence, shifting their weight from one paw to another. Sandwhisker looked pleased, but even she seemed to have some doubt about Shalestar’s choice, despite being particularly close to him. Antstep flattened his ears against his chestnut-colored fur as he scaled the rock to stand besides his leader.
“Again, I know he is perhaps not what you expected. But I mentored him myself, and it was I who brought him to WindClan when he was but a kit. I feel like I know Antstep particularly well- he reminds me of myself, when I was about his age. And I was about his age when Marigoldstar elected me as deputy, back before many of you were even born. It may take him a while to learn the ropes as deputy- but when he gets the hang of it, I promise you, he shall be a great deputy- and, perhaps… a great leader, once I pass on.”
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me.” Antstep felt his spine coil. That sharp voice belonged to only one cat in the Clan- Sparkthistle. The ginger molly, with bright stripes and a snout that turned slightly upwards, pushed her way to the front of the hollow. “You’re telling us, Shalestar, that you’re replacing Rainleap with this sad sack? He’s not even a proper WindClan cat! He’s just your pet project! There’re so many cats in this Clan- and you choose that excuse of a warrior? He can’t even manage his own apprentice, let alone-“
“Sparkthistle, I am your leader,” Shalestar commanded, a fleck of anger on his tongue. “If you have any complaints, you can talk to me or Whitetooth in the morning.”
Sparkthistle opened her mouth as if she had something more to say- but, she began to flounder, and the shrewish molly backed away into the crowd. Cherrycloud rather embarrassed on Sparkthistle’s behalf, slinking back into the nursery den with Molethroat beside her.
“Meeting dismissed. Webwhisker, Stoatslink, remember it is your duty to keep guard over the camp tonight.”
As WindClan retreated to their dens, and Webwhisker and Stoatslink climbed the walls of the sandy hollow to assume the night watch, the coiled nervousness in Antstep’s belly began to loosen. He left the Tallrock and flexed his claws into the sand below. The moon- which was at the very center of the sky- looked downward upon him, and the hollow was filled with a certain stillness. The cicadas and crickets sang in the distance, and a curious hope began to flow through Antstep’s veins as his amber eyes locked with the moon’s pale one.
I’m WindClan deputy now… it’s my chance! They’re going to finally love me! I’m going to be the best deputy I can be…
It dawned on Antstep that he was not the only one there. He turned to see Whitetooth. The WindClan medicine cat seemed as if they were still analyzing him. They were nearly all white- the color of slightly stale milk- except for their ears, a spot or two on their back, and their tail, which was plumy and brown like a female pheasant.
“I look forward to our partnership and- if you’ll allow me to say it- friendship, Antstep,” they said simply. “As deputy and medicine cat. If you ever need anything- all you have to do is ask.”
Antstep nodded. Even the medicine cat wants to be my friend!
As Whitetooth slunk into their medicine den, where Marblepaw was already fast asleep, Antstep contemplated. He climbed the edge of the sandy hollow- away from Webwhisker and Stoatslink’s positions- and looked towards the east, where the sun would rise and where the marigolds grew.
 As sunlight crept into the clearing the next day, Antstep immediately began to try and plot out what his first patrol would be. This was, after all, one of the most important deputy duties. He had to get it just right. Suddenly, the confidence he had had earlier dissipated. What will the Clan think of me if I’m not able to plan this out right? They already hate me, don’t they…
“Well, you may be a good hunter- but I’m far better!”
“You’re not!” “Am too!”
There was a squeal as Twigpaw, in the heat of this little spat, launched himself onto Spiderpaw, grabbing onto her shoulder. However, she was too quick. The dark gray tabby molly shook herself, and Twigpaw let go as soon as he had latched on. She then jumped over and pinned the smaller brown tabby tom onto the sandy earth. As he grunted and tried to free himself, she stood triumphantly.
“Spiderpaw, let him go,” Antstep instructed. She gave it a moment of thought, and- after pushing down on Twigpaw for a moment- let him go. He stuck his tongue out at her.
“Well, just remember, Twigpaw- my mom’s the leading queen and my mentor’s the deputy.”
“Don’t let it get to your head,” warned Antstep, curling his paw around her feet to make sure she didn’t jump back out at him. “If I mess up too bad, you wouldn’t want to even look at me, now, would you?”
“Depends,” she said slyly, her lips curled upward like the biting adder. “But it means I have two on Twigpaw.” She grinned. “Hey, maybe when you’re leader, you could make my mom Shadeflower your deputy! Then Twigpaw won’t even be able to lay a paw on me.”
“Don’t get too ahead of me,” said Antstep. “It’s my first day. …Say, would you like to go on the dawn patrol this morning? You haven’t been out on it in a while.”
Spiderpaw nodded enthusiastically. Antstep felt proud of himself- but then the worries began to nip at his paws again. There’s no way that’s going to work! They’ll all think I’m favoring my own apprentice over the others! What other apprentices are there… Goldenpaw was on patrol just yesterday… Maybe Milkpaw or Coalpaw?...
“You’re up early,” yawned a sleek blue-gray tom. His shadow was identical to Shalestar’s; however, he was a tad shorter and far younger. A white bib-shaped marking covered his chin and chest.
“Oh. Hello, Toadpool,” said Antstep, nodding to acknowledge the blue-and-white cat’s presence.
“I think you’re going to do just fine as deputy.”
“Wh- what makes you say that?” said Antstep. Was his anxiousness that obvious already?
“Deputy jitters,” explained Toadpool, shrugging. “Everyone gets it. Even Grandpa told me that he had them. You’ll do just fine- I trust his choices, after all.”
Toadpool was right. Shalestar had a good head on his shoulders, and neither of them had a reason to doubt him.
“I’m trying to figure out the dawn patrol,” explained Antstep. “I was thinking Spiderpaw and your apprentice Milkpaw could take it this morning. Would you- uh- like to come along?”
“Sure! But you don’t have to ask, you know. Deputies usually just kind of say who’s going on patrol or not.”
Right. Antstep already felt hot embarrassment on his face.
“I have an idea. I can come with you and try to calm your nerves a bit. We can bring our apprentices, too. Maybe you could also take Rockscratch and Sparkthistle? I know you don’t like Sparkthistle and she doesn’t like you, but maybe you could talk it out…”
It was a naïve suggestion. But Antstep didn’t have the heart to tell Toadpool that.
“Great! I know Grandpa will give you some tips and stuff, but I can tell you if there’s anything I know. And we can train our apprentices together.” He looked over to where Spiderpaw was- she was busy chasing down a centipede that had weaseled its way into the den. “Be careful of her,” he joked. “She’ll eat you alive.”
“Takes a brave one to be her mentor,” Antstep joked back, puffing out his chest with pride.
 The sun’s lazy red eye began to peer over the earth, and Antstep’s first patrol slithered through the WindClan grass. It was a quiet morning, and the world seemed as though part of it had stood completely still since Rainleap’s death. Dew stuck to their pelts as they schlepped themselves along the trail.
“If Rainleap were here…” said Sparkthistle in the back of the small group, muttering something off-key to herself. Rockscratch, who was just in front of her, distanced himself.
But Antstep tried to keep his worries behind him, crowded around Sparkthistle instead of wandering to his head. It was his first day, after all. Anything could happen. He could worry later, with the comforts of Shalestar and Whitetooth there to listen.
Spiderpaw ran up to him with a fat mole in her mouth. “Look!” she said, in the muffled way cats do when their mouths are crammed full. “Milkpaw showed me how to catch it. You have to feel their tunnels beneath your paws, and you gotta have the right timing. She told me it’s a tunneler skill. Maybe I should show you how, someday…”
Antstep watched Toadpool sign a joke to Milkpaw, who responded with throaty laughter. He didn’t get the punchline- it was something to do with tunneling, which he had never been familiar with- but he began to think. Why hadn’t Shalestar chosen Toadpool? Shalestar was also fairly close to Toadpool, and had watched him grow up in a similar way as he had with Antstep, although the leader had not mentored him. Toadpool even had something Antstep did not: Toadpool was the son of one of Shalestar’s children, who had perished in that forest fire around the time Antstep had been found by a WindClan patrol.
But then it truly sunk into him, as he watched Toadpool and Sparkthistle converse. He was trying to let her on in the joke, but she responded with overdone apathy, flattening her ears tight like they were strapped to her skull to get him to shut up. Toadpool was too ineffective; too naïve. Tatteredstar and Pigeonstar could tear him apart with one word.
He would make for a great friend. Perhaps a deputy- but as a leader? He would fall apart like dried leaves in a fire, up there on that Great Rock.
Antstep knew Shalestar had to have chosen him for a reason.
But he couldn’t think of what that reason was.
The next few days went by with little incident. Patrols were organized; patrols were sent. Occasionally, when he was out with them, Antstep would see the wandering eye of RiverClan or ShadowClan cats, from deep within their own territories.
Did they notice a change?
Could they tell something was different?
Antstep did not know what he wanted the answer to those questions to be.
The camp was quiet. Besides his few friends, Antstep found himself once again a stranger in his own- or was it ever his own?- land. Perhaps the death of Rainleap weighed his Clan down too much still- this is what Antstep wanted to believe. But there was always this great, nagging feeling that sat on Antstep’s haunches- do they like me enough? What if they hate me? What if, on the night I become leader, they’re all going to kill me together? What if-
But Antstep tried to take solace in the fact that Shalestar was always there. Shalestar knew what he was doing. Shalestar would teach him all he needed to know. He’d learn.
It was a briar that shattered that thought.
 It was an overcast day- the kind of overcast where the clouds look like a big, unraveling blanket; the kind of overcast that makes your head feel heavy with the promise of an oncoming storm. Antstep was taking a few of the apprentices out into the heart of the moors to learn some hunting techniques.
“Now, the key to catching a good rabbit is to know what way to chase it,” Antstep said. “Some of you have caught one of them before. And that is very good! But you need to have a plan.”
“You could raid a rabbit nest,” said Spiderpaw, in that sort of smart-alecky way that was practically her second language. “Bunch of little rabbits in there right for the taking.”
“Ah, but what about rabbits who live in burrows? And what about getting the proper taste of grown rabbit meat?” That- and Antstep always felt a bit of pity, raiding nests and newborns like that. He assumed an almost exaggerated posture and tried to project his voice towards them. “What you have to have is a plan. You have to know how to corner it. The rabbit’s always going to run away from you, and it’ll outrun you nearly all of the time. What you have, that the rabbit doesn’t, is strength in numbers. You need to drive it towards your Clanmates and pounce from all sides.“
The apprentices nodded in unison.
“Now- look, there’s one now. All of you, position yourselves here. Crouch down and hold steady. I’m going to chase it here, and when I give the word, leap.”
Antstep hunkered himself down into the grasses and slunk around it in a great circle. The rabbit turned its head, and for a short moment there was stillness between the two. Then it bounded away, slowly gaining momentum as Antstep broke into chase. Faster and faster, becoming rhythmic with the land below and the sky above- until Antstep recognized the shapes of the apprentices ahead, hiding below patches of Queen Anne’s Lace.
Goldenpaw and Twigpaw leapt from one way, and Spiderpaw and Coalpaw from another. Goldenpaw grabbed onto its chest and pulled it to the earth, Twigpaw grabbed its head by the front of its throat and pushed it back as far as he could. Spiderpaw grabbed its midsection, and Coalpaw pinned the legs to the earth to prevent the leporid from kicking further. There was a struggle, there was a finality, and then it was gone, as if the soul had slipped straight out of the meat.
“Very well done! Now, you see how I made sure to go in a big circle around it? That’s so it’s tricked into running this direction. If I went right towards it, it’d run away. If I went at it from the side, it’d run away. I’m going to show all of you how to chase rabbits one by one. Hopefully, we’ll make more successful catches, and we’ll have plenty to restock the fresh-kill pile with by the time we return to camp around sundown.”
He took the corpse of the freshly-killed rabbit with him, straddling it with his front legs, and the group quietly moved to another location a bit north of where they initially where. “Now, be careful,” said Antstep. “There’s a briar patch over there- the rabbit’s going to be smart enough to avoid it, so we must plan around it.” He pointed his tail towards where a big, bracken-colored mass of twisted thorny branches lay. The apprentices nodded- but not without Spiderpaw whispering a joke to Goldenpaw about how likely it’d be that Coalpaw or Twigpaw would get themselves tangled in it.
They can handle it.
There was the sound of a soft crunching of plant stems in the distance.
“There’s another,” said Antstep. “Here. Coalpaw, come with me.”
Coalpaw was bigger and heavier than the other apprentices- a cat built for fights, but not so much the hunt. Antstep figured he could go first, as he might take longer to learn the speed and stealth involved with rabbit-hunting. Antstep hunkered down again, Coalpaw followed, and carefully, slowly, the circled back around to the rabbit. Just like last time, they gave chase, and the two cats started to herd the rabbit. Antstep felt his paws go faster and faster, his muscles slowly easing to let sheer momentum swing his feet, the earth moving below him.
He leapt onto the rabbit, and again the other three apprentices leapt, there was a moment of struggle, a moment of release, and then Twigpaw and Spiderpaw declaring victory.
Antstep felt very, very pleased with himself until he heard a voice behind him.
“Help me! Antstep! Help!” He turned to see Coalpaw. Evidently, during the chase, the young tom had tripped himself on a pebble and sent himself flying into the briar patch, where he lay now. He was not particularly stuck, but Antstep could see he needed someone to pull him out.
“Hold on, Coalpaw, I’m…” He got a good look at the briar patch. The earth below it was lower than the rest of the ground, and there was a definite incline between the two surfaces. If Antstep were to pull out Coalpaw, he’d need to watch his step.
“I’m coming. Here, Goldenpaw, hold onto my back foot.”
He felt Goldenpaw grip his back ankle with her teeth. He grimaced at the feeling for a moment, and then leaned over the edge into the briar patch. He grabbed onto one of Coalpaw’s legs.
“Shut your eyes and make yourself go limp, so the branches don’t scratch as much.”
Coalpaw did so, and then Antstep thrusted him out in one quick motion. But as he did, he felt Goldenpaw suddenly let go of him on accident. Coalpaw managed to scramble out onto the grassy pathway as Antstep plunged into the briar patch backwards and belly-up.
Antstep wriggled himself back and forth to try and get back upright, but the briars further tightened around him. He clenched his teeth, trying to thrash himself free, but he only slunk deeper and deeper into the briar patch. Panic seized him as he watched the apprentices crowd around to watch their own deputy make an absolute fool of himself.
And then, finally, he gave up.
“Twigpaw, can you send for a patrol?”
 “Well, well. Look who got himself stuck,” said a familiar unenthused voice. It was Sparkthistle, accompanied by Webwhisker and Emberheart. “Our own deputy can’t even get himself out of a stack of twigs.” “It’s a bit more than that,” said Webwhisker, cringing with sympathy.
“Here.” Emberheart slowly nosed her way into the briars and grabbed Antstep’s right foot. “Sparkthistle, you get the other one. Webwhisker, help us pull him out.”
Sparkthistle hesitated, and then grabbed Antstep’s left foot. The two mollies yanked him free- Sparkthistle a bit more forceful- and Webwhisker pushed him as soon as they had pried out his torso. Antstep flipped over onto his feet, his head dizzy from having been upside down.
“You’ve got a lot of scratches from it,” said Webwhisker. “You should see Whitetooth, I think.”
“For just that?” snarked Sparkthistle.
“I worry about it getting infected, that’s all.”
“It is rather bad,” Emberheart said as she inspected Antstep’s flank. “He’s lucky his ears and eyes are in one place.”
Great- I’m not even leader yet and I’m already incompetent enough that I nearly lost my eyesight!
“I can continue on with the apprentices,” offered Webwhisker. The two mollies waited to see Antstep’s reaction; he responded with a nod after some contemplation.
And so, Antstep, Sparkthistle, and Emberheart walked back to camp.
 “’Tis not too bad,” said Whitetooth, inspecting Antstep’s myriad of scratches as they wrapped him in cobwebs. “You shall be on your feet within a couple of days. But it is important you rest so infection does not begin. Lie down on the nest Marblepaw prepared for you on the right. Avoid Shalestar, you don’t want him to give you illness.”
“Illness? Shalestar?” Sure, Antstep had noted the leader was a bit slow the past few days, but he hadn’t ever noticed he smelled of sickness. He watched as Marblepaw- a little brown tabby molly, nearly identical to her brother Twigpaw- carefully inspected the sleeping leader, who’s eyes were crusty and who’s fur had became oily from a lack of cleaning himself.
“Mild whitecough, with fever. We have enough tansy for it, but it is worrying given his age. …May I talk to you in private?”
The two cats exited the medicine cat den and sat on the edge of the sandy hollow. Droplets of rain began to fall from the sky, speckling the earth.
“…I suspect that Shalestar may not be long for this world. He may leave us sooner than he expected to.”
Antstep felt something inside himself, black and shivering, begin to coil. “You mean-“
“…This is mild whitecough, and it’s wrecked him. If he doesn’t pass of this- something else is going to come along, and it will be far, far worse.”
Antstep felt like he was going to vomit. He couldn’t even match wits with briars- and now, less than a moon since Rainleap died, less than a moon since he had become deputy at all, before he had even attended a Gathering, here he was. It felt as if a great shadow stood over him, one that only he could feel, who bristled the fur on his spine and clamped its paws on his shoulders.
“… What shall we do? I- I can’t be leader now! I barely got to be deputy! What will the Clan think? What will the other leaders think? What if they think I killed him? I can’t have that on my record, I can’t-“
“Calm yourself, Antstep.” Whitetooth’s voice was deep but smooth, like thick greenleaf tree-sap. “Take heart. You are not the first or the last cat to become leader on such short notice, and I am sure the other leaders will understand as will our Clan. Elsewise- I will be here for you. You know me to be very compassionate.”
The first thunders of a storm began to rumble in the distance.
“Please trust me, for the good of the Clan. …Now, rest. If our beloved leader passes within the next few days from this illness, take solace in that you will be there for him.”
Anstep nodded, and as the rain developed into downpour, the two cats headed back inside.
 Shalestar slipped away, later that night, long after all but Whitetooth and Antstep fell asleep; his last words were faint mumblings too obscured by the thunder outside to understand. It was a slow and very peaceful death- the eyes closed, the breathing stopped, the muscles suddenly went limp. Whitetooth placed two leaves over his eyes and positioned the body flat and compact, like he was crouching forever, so when the Clan would visit his body before the burial the next day he would not look too ill. When he died, there was a moment where the clouds unweaved themselves, and a small patch of starlight lit the center of the sandy hollow.
It was over now, and it had begun.
Antstep awoke as Antstar two days afterward.
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buckysbitch107 · 4 years
Chris Evans with a girlfriend that has a really bad stutter like me. Like it may take about 5 mins for me to get a full sentence out. Thank you!
Sentences | Chris Evans x Reader
Summary: Yes, you have a stutter. So what? Just because it takes a little longer for you to say a full sentence, doesn’t mean people need to be rude. Chris has always been the person you go to when you feel down or insecure, even before the two of you started dating. So when an interviewer asks a question that hits a little too close to home, Chris is right there to defend you.
Warnings: SWEARING, Angry Chris, A Small Bit of Fighting, Little bit of fluff at the end
Word Count: 1.5K
A/N: This is my first time writing a stutter, so I hope I got at least some of it right! The person I used as a reference was Drew Lynch (One of my favorite comedians). I know there are different types of stutters, but his is the one I was most confident writing. I’m aware there are a lot of dashes in the dialogue. That’s the way I write stutters. I really hope you enjoy this one! Sorry if it’s bad or inaccurate!
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“Thank-thank you M-Mr. Evans. I’ll see you tom-tom-tom-tomorrow.” You speak, pacing back and forth in your hotel room as your best friend sits on the bed. Her eyes widen as you end the phone call, dropping your phone on the bed before moving your head to look at her.
“I go-go-got the-the pa-part.” You whisper, looking up at her with a surprised look on your face. 
“Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh my god.” You mumble to yourself, pacing back and forth in the dressing room. You just finished up the last scene of the day, a very important scene. The kiss scene. It was going great, and then the next part of the script came up. The part that had Chris’s character, Nick, step closer to yours and take your face in his hands before leaning in and kissing you. The part that the two of you did perfectly. It felt so real… almost too real, and Chris hasn’t talked to you since that scene unless it was for acting purposes. You continue to ramble random points to yourself until a knock sounds at the door, distracting you for a bit. “Come in!”
“Hey, I heard you- oh my god what happened?” Scott asks, closing the door behind him as he steps inside. You turn towards him and sigh, your hands still doing the weird flappy thing they did whenever you got anxious.
“We-We did the-the-the, the scene.”
“What? What sce- oh. OH. OH MY GOD! THAT SCENE?!”
“Yes, that sce-scene!” You exclaim, continuing to pace back and forth.
“I know this is gonna sound weird. But thoughts?” You turn to look at him, the look on your face making him unconsciously take a step back. Your face remains in a state of rage until you actually begin to survey your own thoughts, and your face drops.
“It-It was-s great. Dammit, Sco-ott! It fe-fe-felt so-so real!” Your hands migrate to your forehead, pushing your hair back before running to sit on the back of your neck. 
“Well, why don’t you ask him?”
“He’s-he’s been av-avo-avoiding me all d-ay.” More tears stream down your face as you continue to hyperventilate. You wouldn’t usually react like this, but the biggest crush you’d ever had in your entire life was possibly rejecting you, and you couldn’t even talk to him about it. 
“I’ll go talk to him. Why don’t you grab a bottle of water while I go find him, okay?” You nod as Scott gestures to the minifridge in your dressing room. He walks out and you sigh, grabbing the water and chugging most of it. Meanwhile, Scott wanders around the set, looking for his younger brother. He finds him soon enough, talking with a coworker about something to do with directing. Scott motions to his brother and Chris nods, finishing up his conversation before walking over to his sibling. 
“Yeah?"  Chris asks, putting his hands in his pockets.
 “You need to talk to Y/N.”
“Why? Is something wrong?”
“She thinks you don't like her.”
“What? What do you mean? Of course I like- oh. OH!”
“Yeah. Now please go fix it before she digs a hole in the ground by pacing that much.” Chris’s eyes widen a little more before he nods, running off in the direction of your dressing room.
“Oh go-go-god, you were ho-ho-hori-horrible at playing that-that trumpet.” You giggle, trying not to pee yourself in the passenger seat of Chris’s car. The man next to you scoffs, rolling his eyes as he turns the steering wheel.
“I wasn’t that bad, was I?”
“You-you-you-you sounded like a, like a, like a dying pi-pi-pig.” You continue to laugh in your seat as he pulls the car into an empty parking spot.
“That’s a little harsh.” He responds, turning his head to glare at you playfully, resting his hand on your thigh.
“I had-had to p-p-p-play it for-for-for you.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Chris turns off the car and leans over, pressing a kiss to your cheek before opening his door and stepping out. You open your door and step out as well, Chris walking around the car to grab your hand. He links your hand with his and slowly pulls you along, walking to two of you into the shooting studio. As the two of you enter, the studio’s cat steps into your line of vision. You gasp quietly, picking up the tabby before sitting in a chair behind the camera, set up on the small couch with some snacks and the cat. You barely pay attention as Chris sits down in the interview chair and the cameras start rolling, too distracted by the cat sitting in your lap. Zoning out, you don’t pay attention to any of the questions until you hear your name come into the mix.
“Now you met your wife on the set of Before We Go. Was it hard to make her stutter a part of the character?” Jason Nichols questions.
“Most people assume that it would be hard to incorporate a stutter into a character, but Y/N was actually super flexible and would sometimes even ask if we could do some more takes because she didn’t like the one we had. It was amazing what she did to make the movie an even bigger success.” Chris answers, causing a small smile to rest on your face.
“Now there are many eligible women in Hollywood, so why Y/N?”
“Excuse me?”
“I mean, she’s already paid less than you, and I don’t imagine that stutter of hers makes it any easier to land roles. I would have imagined you would go for someone in your pay grade.” Ouch.
“Alright, we’re done here.” Chris says, cutting the interview short by standing up from his chair. They quickly cut the cameras as your husband nods to you, telling you to pack up.
“I’m just saying-” 
“You aren’t saying anything.” You can visibly see Chris getting more pissed off by the second. You try to pull him away from the scene, but the interviewer keeps trying to insult you. It’s all a blur before Chris finally snaps, punching the interviewer and knocking him to the floor before storming out of the studio. 
“I-I am so-so-so sorry.” You whisper to one of the producers. She brushes it off with a quick “he deserved that.” before walking over to the interviewer and talking his ear off as she hands him a couple of tissues. You stand there silently, wondering what you should do when one of the producer’s assistants ushers you out.
“It’ll be fine! We’ll call back to see if Chris wants to reschedule, with a different interviewer of course.”
“T-Thank yo-u.” You whisper, offering him a small smile before walking over to your car, your fuming husband sitting in the driver’s seat.
“Darling? What’s wrong?” Chris asks, standing in the doorway of your bedroom, his bandaged hand brushing up against the door frame. You look up from your spot on the bed, giving him a small “mm” before looking back at your latest read. “Okay, what is up with you?”
“No-othing.” You mumble.
“Well it’s obviously something. You’ve barely said a word since the interview and you didn't even finish your dinner! Did, did I go too far at the interview?”
“W-What?! No-o! Not at-at all! It’s ju-ust-”
“Just what?”
“Do you-you think Nich-ichols was-was righ-t?” You question, finally deciding to look up at your husband. The look of confusion on his face would have made you laugh if your heart wasn’t silently ripping apart in your chest.
“What?! Of course not Y/N!” He exclaims, taking a mere four steps across the room to sit in front of you, Chris quickly taking your hands into his. “Why would you ever think that?”
“I-I don’t kn-kn-know…” You’re about to continue speaking when Chris starts moving, and it’s only a quick second before your husband has you sitting in his lap with his arms wrapped around you.
“Everything that man said today was bullshit Y/N. I chose you for so many reasons, and I don’t regret a thing, you understand?” You nod, slowly tucking your face into the crook of his neck. “I love you. So damn much baby.”
“I lo-ove you t-too.” Chris smiles at you once again before softly kissing you, pulling back just slightly to look at you.
“Why don’t we head to bed? It’s been a long day.” You nod and Chris stands up, walking out to call Dodger into bed and returning quickly with the dog and his lion. The two of you were already in your pajamas, having decided to change when you got home. Chris turns off the lights and slips into bed next to you, his arm immediately taking its designated place on your side. You cuddle into him and sigh, feeling comforted by your husband. Dodger sits on the edge of the bed, laying almost all the way over Chris’ feet. The three of you fall asleep like that, the hours before having worn you out, finally feeling at peace.
Permanent Tags: @wintersoldierslut​ @breakmy-bedbarnes@stuckys-hot-dogs​ @andreasworlsboring101@yaxamarvel @donutloverxo​
Just a reminder that all requests are open! My masterlist is in my bio, so you guys know who I specialize in, but really I do anyone y’all request. As I’ve mentioned, nothing is too fluffy, angsty, smutty, or gorey for me. I mainly write Marvel and its characters/actors. I can also write some characters from other things, you just have to ask! Also please let me know if you want to be a part of the Permanent Tags! But please, for now,
Call me Emily
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leporellian · 4 years
in the wee hours of the morning that day, as destiny would usually go, the slinky medicine cat who smells of pollen would be found dead under the eyes of the morning sun surrounded by dying tulips, her blood creating a halo around her head, and from then on she would only be reduced to nothing more than a starlight sound; more worthy for her connections than herself.
but destiny chose differently this time in those morning hours, and the clan would awaken to find spottedleaf standing over clawface’s body. 
clawface looks smaller in death. he had never been much of a brute strength fighter- he was the technician and the thinker, but it was more apparent now than ever. his bones are practically outside of his fur, his eyelids almost look purple, and his face looks uncharacteristically mousy once one ignored the scars that undoubtedly inspired his name.
spottedleaf, meanwhile, looks horrified. blood cakes her paws and mouth, and her fur looks, for the first time, unkempt. but yet there is still a heavy smell of healing about her, and bits of leaves are still stuck under her claws.
there are, after all, healing herbs and cobwebs ornamenting clawface’s body.
word gets out among the clans of these things fairly easily- especially the drama, the intrigue of a medicine cat killing a shadowclan warrior! and especially when, only a day or a few later, brokenstar and his allies are driven out, beyond the pines that framed the shadowclan camp. there are whispers on spottedleaf’s shoulders as she tends to the wounded on shadowclan’s grounds. she can feel their eyes baring holes into her skull, and yet there is a respect to it- as if she had stopped a monster by looking it in the eyes.
as she cleans a wound on darkstripe’s flank, she looks up to see a small, stumpy-tailed tom stare at her inquisitively. he couldn’t be any younger than her, but somehow he looked much older.
and then it hit her why he was staring at her so-
he had clawface’s eyes.
‘you know i have always believed in the power of the stars,’ she tells yellowfang, on one of those clear nights after a rainy day that makes the head spin. she is sorting through fern fronds as if they were a deck of cards, prying out spores on their undersides with a flick of her claw. ‘but i can’t help but wonder- why did they send me to kill claw- clawfa-’ -she calmed herself down- ‘the shadowclan warrior?’
‘the stars don’t decide everything. sometimes things just are.’ yellowfang smiles, in that sort of way where one doesn’t know if the intent is to comfort or to mock. ‘besides, as far as i’m concerned that bastard sent himself.’
‘he had a mate though. and a family. two sons...’
‘that mate was my sister, kid. and she looked pretty pissed at him when i left shadowclan. i doubt she’s too sorry about it. ...medicine cats have killed before. don’t worry. you did everything right.’
as much as yellowfang could try to comfort her with the croak of words on her smoky breath, words alone would never untie the knot in spottedleaf’s stomach.
spottedleaf thought as though her closest strike with destiny would forever be the flame-tailed comet splitting the indigo sky on that one fateful night. but she is wrong, and she knows she is wrong as soon as she is told of the forgotten clan. she's told of it by a starclan cat, so similar to her in appearance that the pair are practically wearing each other’s faces. ‘it was my father, cloudstar’s, clan. i trust with your abilities to heal and defend that you will be able to bring it back.’
spottedleaf feels the coil of her heart twist as soon as spottedpelt utters the word ‘defend’. 
she knew. they both knew.
the clan bids spottedleaf farewell- cinderpelt was ready to take the medicine den on as her own in spottedleaf’s absence- and she leaves, alone, into the brackens and whispers from the forests beyond.
but it isn’t long until spottedleaf feels someone walk up next to her, and she practically faints when she sees him. she remembers the brown tabby tom with the stumpy tail and those eyes.
those yellow eyes.
how could she ever forget the eyes of the cat she killed?
‘i want to go with you,’ he says breathlessly, in one go, as if he is almost scared to say it. ‘i’ve- i’ve had enough of shadowclan. i never want to be in a clan led by that black-footed- the black-footed-’
‘calm down, stumpytail,’ she says. he sounds almost startled to hear her say his name, but then again, when you kill a man the names of his children haunt you. ‘are you alright?’
‘no!’ he blurts out- only to regain composure. ‘no, i mean- i just want to leave. i have no ties to shadowclan anymore.’
spottedleaf looked at his flank. the jagged scars on his side told their own story. ‘you were brokenstar’s apprentice, weren’t you?’
stumpytail swallowed and looked aside. he slowly nodded. ‘he would beat me,’ he said. ‘often. any time i fell out of line. my dad said- he said it was good for me...’
spottedleaf felt something bristle on her tongue- some explanation for what happened to the fellow’s father.
‘i know, spottedleaf. i understand you. i wish i could have been the one... to get to him first. but i was a coward. and i fought... with broken-’ he struggled to say it.
‘you’re not a coward. you’re leaving with me, right? we will find the paths together that the stars had never once had in mind.’
and with that, they leave.  they will never return.
spottedleaf’s story will ultimately end in the gorge moons upon moons later, when she will be found dead after a fight with a black-tailed tom. but the blood will not softly pool around her head like a glimmering light, like a feline Ophelia grossly made beautiful in her suffering; it will be splayed around her, valiant and determined to the very last. and stumpytail will grow beyond the shadows of his mentor, and he will next see shadowclan when he is an elder, and they are lead by a cat with a similar name to the horrors he saw, but a very different destiny. 
her brother will lead her to starclan. together, with her bright pelt and his red tail, they will dance across the sky, forever into tomorrow, and an odd peace will overcome the thunderclan camp, into the wee hours of the morning where the tulips began to grow.
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ranger-jedi-knight · 4 years
A New Hero Ch 15
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20887313/chapters/60851917 Taglist: @bluesimani if ya wanna be tagged just tell me!!
So here’s the Grayson Reunion!! So i would have gotten it out sooner but i wanted to write some other things. One of them i just gave up trying to finish it before this one. Its a new ‘Little Mermaid’ au. We’ll see how/when it comes out! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this new chap!!!!
Alya sighed as her phone started ringing once more. She shook her head as she answered the phone. “What is it now?” she asked, holding the phone to her ear with her shoulder as she went back to typing on her computer. “Hello?” she asked when no one said anything. “Dick, if this is some sort of prank, its not very good,” she said.
A soft crying entered her ear and it got louder by the second. Seeming to go from the phone to behind her. “Dick?” she asked softly and turned around at hearing gasps. She turned around and sucked in a breath, her phone clattering to the ground beside her. “X-Xan?” she gasped out, her hands going to cover her mouth as tears started forming in her eyes.
Standing feet from her, was Xan, tears falling down his cheeks as he looked at her. Behind him was Dick and his brothers along with Mari and a couple of friends. “A-als,” he gasped out, taking a hesitant step toward her.
“Xan!” She rushed over to him as he rushed over to her. He collapsed into her arms and started crying into her shoulder as she gripped the back of his shirt tightly. “X-Xan! I-I thought-I thought you-you were dead,” she gasped out, her knees gave out and the two fell to their knees sobbing. Everyone was quiet around them, some tearing up themselves as they watched.
“I-I was,” he croaked out. “I-I was-so-I was so scared-that-that you were going-going to be upset-or-or something,” he gasped out and felt Alya shaking her head against his shoulder as she cried.
“N-no! I could-never! I’d never be angry-or-or upset with you,” Alya replied into his shoulder. “B-but how did?” she asked, pulling back to look him in the eyes while one hand wiped away her tears.
“I-later,” he said and she nodded, cupping his face in her hands, wiping away his tears before pulling him in again for a hug.
“I’m just glad your safe now,” she whispered, holding him close.
“Hey Als, there are a couple of people here that you need to thank,” Dick called and Alya pulled back and tilted her head at Dick.
“Who?” she asked and Dick placed a hand on both Damian’s and Mari’s shoulders and gently pushed them forward.
“These two. They were the ones that brought him home to you safely,” he said and Mari smiled shyly while Damian looked a bit uncomfortable with it but nodded to her. Alya stumbled to her feet and made her way over to the two and pulled them into a hug.
“Thank you,” she breathed out as she held them tightly. Mari responded to the hug immediately and returned it. Damian was slow to respond and a watery laugh left Alya at how awkward the hug Damian gave was. She pulled back and patted Damian’s shoulder reliving him of giving a hug. “Thank you guys, seriously. This is the best surprise I could ask for.”
“You’re welcome, Alya,” Mari said beaming at her as Xan finally stood up after taking a moment, an officer helping him with tissues. Xan stood behind Alya and patted her shoulder. “Sorry to cut this short. But, we still have one other person to surprise,” she said and Alya nodded.
“Of course, of course. Go surprise Lana with the best surprise ever. But before you leave, can I quickly ask, who is this?” she asked looking at the italian with Mari that had her hair pulled back in a hald ponytail that went into a braid, on the sides of her face, she had some hair in messy loose tails, with blunt bangs. The girl in question waved shyly as she stepped forward.
“Hey, I’m a friend of Mari’s and Xan’s. Name’s Lila,” she introduced and Alya nodded and shook her hand.
“Nice to meet you, Lila,” she said with a soft smile before leaning in close. “You better treat Xan right, otherwise there will be words,” she whispered pulling back with a pleasant smile. Lila meanwhile had a blush on her cheeks as she nodded to her words, figuring she did not want to see what happens if she breaks Xan’s heart. That is if she started dating Xan to even have that risk. Ya, she first had to start dating Xan.
“See you later, Alya!” Mari called happily as the small group then headed toward the door.
“Grayson!” Lingo called out and Alya turned to their superior.
“Yes, Captain Lingo?” Alya asked and Lingo glared at her.
“Not you, Grayson, the other one. Where are you going? You need to get back to work,” he called and Dick winced.
“Sorry, sir. But I asked ahead of time to have the rest of the day off,” he said.
“Not with me. Get your butt back in here we have work to do,” he said and Dick sighed as he moved away from the group.
“Sorry, Mini D. I’ll see you tonight,” Dick said softly, patting Damian’s shoulder.
“But sir,” Alya started and Lingo turned to glare at her.
“No, buts, Detective,” he said and Alya gnashed her teeth together as she took a deep breath.
“No, sir. I won’t step down. He went to Commissioner Gordon and asked for the rest of today off to spend time with his little brother who returned from a trip out of the country. He was granted that by Commissioner Gordon, and you denying that is undermining the Commissioner. I don’t think the Commissioner will enjoy hearing that Captain,” she said glaring at Lingo in return. “So I suggest, Captain,” she had venom dripping from her lips as she said his title, “that you allow Dick to continue his requested day off unless you want Gordon to hear about this,” she finished and Lingo nodded. A smirk painted her lips as Dick beamed at her, pulling her into a hug.
“You’re the best Als,” he whispered before bounding out of the precinct. The others followed behind him quickly, nodding to Alya who smiled at them as Lingo ran back to his office.
“That man is horrid,” Sarah said and Alya had to nod agreement.
“Ya, makes me regret turning down the position while back,” she said and Sarah looked at her confused.
“You did the test?”
“Ya, got into the top 5%. But I declined the position. Should have accepted, then we wouldn’t have to deal with him,” she replied quietly with a sigh. “But that’s in the past. Get back to work.” With that, Alya went back to her desk and picked up her discarded phone and went back to work after sending Dick a text.
Alya: Lana should be on her lunch break by the time you get there. So go to the cafeteria
Dick: Got it! Thanks again!
Alya: np
Lana set her plate down with a sigh. She was excited to go home after she ate lunch. Usually, she ate at home, but after that test, she needed the comfort of a crappy slice school pizza and a chocolate bar. The steady hum over the cafeteria of students talking quietly went silent and Lana started looking around wondering what caused it. Please no villain attack, she thought as she realized everyone was looking toward her, the door behind her. She turned in her seat and a look of shock crossed her face.
Her chair scrapping against the tile echoed throughout the room as she stood up. Tears started gathering in her eyes as she covered her mouth with a hand. Her other hand raised up shakily. “X-Xan?” she called out softly, her voice cracking. Xan was nodding frantically in the door as Damian and the others stayed outside, letting the moment happen.
“I-its really me,” he whispered, tears having never stopped falling even as he tried wiping them away. A gasped out sob left her as she stumbled toward him. He saw as her knees gave out and caught her in a hug. A hug that returned tightly as they fell to the floor crying. Nothing could leave Lana besides sobs as she held him close.
As the two hugged each other, they didn’t hear the whispers springing up. The others watching tho, they could hear and looked at them. Most were happy that Xan was back but they were wary. It was a fair concern but they hoped that wouldn’t be a problem. Lana’s sobs slowly quieted down so she was only breathing heavily as she pulled back, wiping away the tears that Xan shed while he did the same for her.
“I-I’m so glad your ok,” she whispered and Xan gave a small nod.
“Hey,” Dick called softly, crouching down next to them, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. “Why don’t we head back to your place, Lana,” he said and she nodded.
“O-of course, let me just,” she trailed off and smiled softly when she saw that Jason had picked up her bag with Tim grabbing her sad excuse of a lunch into a container. “Thanks,” she whispered as Xan then helped her up and they walked to the cars. “You don’t need your cars.”
A couple looked confused while the others had ‘Oh duh’ looks. She smiled softly as she quietly told Xan about some things that have gone on while he was away as they walked to the apartment complex across from the college. That had Lila and Adrien also having the ‘oh’ face as they realized why the cars would be redundant.
She unlocked the door for them and crouched down immediately. Everyone but Dick looked confused at that before a small brown tabby ran straight into her arms. Soft coos left Lana as she stood up and walked into the apartment and the others followed behind. “This is Cocoa, Alya adopted her for me a month ago,” she introduced and sat down. Xan sat down next to her on the couch as Tim handed her the container of her lunch. She nodded to him in thanks and started eating it, knowing Xan had something to get off his chest.
By the end of it, Lana was hugging Xan close once more. He didn’t tell her everything. Didn’t tell her how he suffered. How he was killed so many times. Why Joker attacked and killed him. He didn’t think he’d ever tell her. He gasped softly against her shoulder.
“I’m so sorry you had to face that,” Lana whispered softly, hugging him tightly while Lila held Mari’s and Damian’s hands tightly as she processed what she heard. She barely breathed as she watched the two interact. She couldnt stop herself anymore and rushed over and hugged Xan’s back tightly with a gasp. Tensed up at that, and glanced down to see Lila’s ars around him.
Oh ya, she was here, he realized with a grimace, probably should have given her a warning or something. Was not planning on telling her so soon. But oh well. He moved a hand down and gave Lila’s hand a squeeze.
“It’s ok. Mari’s grandpa helped me so much. It doesn’t bother me much anymore,” he whispered and Lana pulled back with a hum and cupped Xan’s cheek.
“That may be, I’m still allowed to say sorry you had to go through that,” she replied and Xan nodded slowly.
If only you knew the real truth. How broken would you be then? Possibly too broken. She can’t ever know, he thought sadly, keeping back the tears with a soft sigh and nod to her answer. While tears still pooled in his eyes, she didn’t comment on them.
“We should get Mari and the others back,” Damian said quietly and the two nodded understanding. With a little coercion, Lila pulled away and was led away by Mari and Adrien with Damian and his brothers trailing behind them.
Dick looked at his phone a bit shocked. Babs looked over at him and watched as his face went from curious to a soft and sad look. “Sorry,” he said getting up from the table to answer his phone. “Hey-’
“Dick, I-I don’t know what to do. He-he shouldn’t have had to go thru that! He should have had a normal childhood! Worrying about grades! If the girl he had a crush on liked him back! Annoying his older sisters! Practicing to get his driver’s license! Not this! I know that Damian faced the same, but, hearing that it happened to Xan! God! How do you react? What do you do?! I need help Dick, please. Xan doesn’t act like it’s hurting him anymore but I just-how do-what do I do?” Alya spoke quickly, her voice cracking as she cried. She couldn’t believe everything Xan went thru. He didn’t tell her everything but told her more than Lana when she left the room. And he only did that she told him she knew Damian’s past and everything about his family. Something Damian told him the basics of when they were talking in Mari’s room.
“Hey, it’s ok, Als. Take a deep breath in now, ok thats it. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Now exhale, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. That’s it, in now. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Out, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,” Dick said counting out the breaths as Alya did them with gasps. He could admit, it shocked him to hear Alya so distraught and upset. He hasn’t seen her cry like that since Xan first disappeared. She was usually so calm and sure minded that seeing her unravel was offputting. She didn’t even cry when she broke up with Cole. granted, that was a mutual thing realizing they were better friends, but still, she hadn’t reacted much to it. When he was confident she was calm, he stopped counting, which had gone on for quite a bit. “There, ok. I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but...you have to let him come to you. I know that sucks, that you want to help immediately, but you can’t Als. I’m sorry but you can’t. You need to trust Xan. Ya, he was gone for 8 years. But, he was with Fu for a year. He’s helped Xan heal so much so that he could come home without worrying about messing anything up while here. You just gotta let him know that if he ever needs you, that you’ll be there for him. That’s all you can do. It’s what I did for Damian, it’s what you’ll have to do for Xan.” Alya sniffled over the line, nodding along to what he was saying as she wiped away the remaining tears.
“T-thanks Dick. I-I’ll do that. God, why is this so hard?” she said with a ragged breath.
“Who knows, Als. It just is. But I’ll be here for you whenever you need me, you got that?” he asked and a soft, watery giggle left Alya.
“Ya, I know that. Seriously, thank you, Dick. You’re the best,” she whispered quietly as she finally wiped away all the tears.
“I know, but why don’t you go back and hang with Xan. I bet he really wants to spend every second he can get with you.”
“I will. I just needed to get some advice while they looked for a movie. See you at work tomorrow.”
“See you then,” Dick replied with a smile as he ended the call. He turned back to Babs and saw the slight frown on her lips. “What’s wrong?” he asked softly.
“Should you really be promising that you’ll be there for Alya whenever she needs you? You know you can’t promise that,” Babs said and Dick nodded slowly.
“I know that. And Alya knows that as well. She knows that I’ll do what I can when I’m available. But why does that bug you?” he asked and Babs looked away from him. He was glad that the others were in the den right now. He did not want them to hear this apparent disagreement.
“Well, it seems that your willing to do anything for her. I get that she’s your partner at the precinct and close friends. She’s the only one I trust to keep your butt safe. But, this just seems a bit extreme. Would you do this for any other close friend of yours?” Babs asked seriously and Dick hummed softly and he crouched down in front of her and placed a hand on her knee.
“I would. And you know that. Her being my precinct partner changes nothing. It just means we’ve helped each other more than some of my other coworker friends. But I would go out of my way for each of them,” he replied and Babs looked down at that.
“I don’t know. It seems like this is more than just helping out a friend. You seem to be doing more for her than anyone else. I need you to really look at yourself and ask if she’s just a friend,” Babs said with a sigh. She rolled back away from Dick and started toward the deck. She wasn’t blind, she could tell there was something between them. Possibly more. It hurt, but she also knew they were drifting away slowly.
She wanted to see if they could fix it.
But she could see that they wouldn’t.
It hurt, but, not as much as she thought it would.
As long as they were both happy.
Mari-aculous @MDC_Designs The surprise went well!! I’m glad to have made their days so great!! #specialmoments #reunion #surprises *two pics. First is of Alya and Xan hugging on the precincts floor crying. Second is of Lana and Xan hugging on a cafeteria floor crying*
Im not crying @actingfordays It was so sweet but jesus im still crying #notcool #crying #toosweet #sosad
Dick @FlyingGrayson It was amazing, your so great Mari. Als may have said it in few words, but she’s very grateful to what you did #sweetangel #sunshinechild #toosweetforus
Mari-aculous @MDC_Designs I know Dick, I know. I’m glad to help!
Ok, so here it is!! I had fun writing this, I also cried a bit from emotions. Like, this reunion was so sweet to me. I hope you thought so too. I hope you enjoyed it. Until next time!!! -Love Willa<3<3<3
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Fic/short I wish you’d write: pre 2019 short where when the chandelier returns baby Jerrie and Teazer are in it but before Munkustrap or Old Deuteronomy arrive Macavity sneaks in and steals them Munk is panicked and feels horrible. A few months later Skimble enters the theater carrying two calico kittens by their scruffs, he had caught them trying to steal silverware and other things from the train. Munk takes one look at the two calicos and somehow just KNOWS these two are the reborn kittens!
There were only three cats who knew the exact time of The Return, the moment that the chandelier returned to the theater with a reborn kitten sitting within.
Old Deuteronomy knew, of course, as she was the leader, and this knowledge was passed down from generation to generation by the wisdom of the Everlasting Cat. 
Munkustrap knew, as he was training to be the lead Protector of the Jellicle tribe, and would one day take his mother’s place as the Jellicle Leader.
The third cat was Macavity. 
The only reason he knew of the time of The Return was simply because he had accidentally stumbled upon the return when he was a young tom, and he had seen Old Deuteronomy with an even younger Munkustrap, lifting a small newborn kitten out of the blankets within. Macavity had thought nothing of it then, but once he was banished, he realized the significance of the chandelier. 
And that was why he was crouched on top of the theater, waiting and watching for the chandelier. 
There it was!
Macavity grinned to himself, straightening so he could glance inside the chandelier, spotting two identical calico kittens curled together within. His grin grew, and he quickly waved his paw with a whisper of “ineffable!”, and they were gone. 
Meanwhile, Munkustrap and Old Deuteronomy were standing below in the theater, waiting.
“I hope we’ll be able to give the kittens to Jenny.” Munkustrap remarked to his mother, who nodded in agreement. 
“I believe that is what the Everlasting Cat wishes.” Old Deuteronomy said. “She deserves some happiness after losing her little ones.” 
Munkustrap stepped forward as the chandelier came down and landed, looking inside the blankets with an excited smile. His smile quickly faded, however, and he turned to face his mother with wide eyes filled with disbelief. “Mother... there’s nothing in here.”
Old Deuteronomy looked within and sighed. “Perhaps the Everlasting Cat did not wish for anyone to be reborn this year.” Munkustrap felt his heart ache for Jennyanydots, who was sitting in her humans’ kitchen, mourning her lost twins. He touched the blankets for a brief moment, and frowned when he felt something brush against his paw. He looked down and gasped sharply. 
“Mother, look!” he exclaimed, extending his paw, which had a few bits of white and orange-brown fur standing out against his grey fur. “There were kittens in here. Two of them.”
“Where did they go?” Old Deuteronomy questioned, looking around. Munkustrap jumped into the chandelier, sniffing around, and he immediately yelped, pawing at his nose at the burning smell.
“It was Macavity.” he hissed, turning around to face Old Deuteronomy. “Macavity took them, Mother.” The old queen’s eyes filled with shock. “How did we miss him? How could he know when the chandelier arrives?” Munkustrap returned to his mother’s side, anger filling him. “We were careless. I was careless. I should have patrolled outside while you waited for the kittens. Everlasting, he’s taken them and we can do nothing!”
Old Deuteronomy placed a paw on her son’s shoulder. “Do not blame yourself, my son. This is not your fault.”
But Munkustrap did blame himself. 
He should have known that there was a way for Macavity to find out about the time that the chandelier returned to the theater. 
Munkustrap worked tirelessly on creating more patrols around the theater, keeping an eye out for the Mystery Cat, asking for information on him and any new cats who had joined him. He had talked his mother into allowing one extra cat to join them during The Return, and Old Deuteronomy had chosen Cassandra to be the cat to join them. The Return was still months away, but Munkustrap had been teaching Cassandra about the ceremony, as short and simple as it was. 
He never forgot about the missing kittens, however, and kept searching for them on his own, determined to save them from Macavity as quickly as possible. 
One day, a few months later, Munkustrap was sitting within the theater, speaking with his mother and Cassandra, when Skimbleshanks suddenly barged in, holding two kittens by the scruffs of their necks. 
“Let us go!” one of the kittens said, squirming in the railway cat’s grasp.
“We ain’t done nothin’ wrong!” the second kitten protested. 
Munkustrap stood. “Skimbleshanks. What’s wrong?”
“I caught these two on the train, stealing silverware and precious items from the passengers.” Skimbleshanks explained, still holding onto the calico kittens. “They smell like Jellicles, but I’ve never seen them around before.” Munkustrap looked at the two kittens, and a sharp realization hit him, recognizing their nearly identical scents.
The missing kittens. 
The kittens Macavity had stolen. 
The kittens who currently reeked of Macavity and Bombalurina. 
Guilt and anger filled Munkustrap. These kittens should have been growing up within the Jellicle tribe, playing with the other kittens, snuggling up with Jennyanydots at the end of the day. 
Instead, they were petty thieves, most likely working for Macavity. 
Munkustrap didn’t know the kittens well, but he knew that he needed to protect them.
That was his job.
“If I tell my friend to let you go, will you run away?” Munkustrap asked, stepping forward and kneeling down in front of the twins. 
The first kitten sniffed, crossing her arms. “Maybe.”
The second kitten nodded in agreement. “We can’t trust you, see?”
Munkustrap couldn’t help but smile slightly at the way they spoke. “What are your names?”
The queen kitten grinned. “He’s Mungojerrie.” the queen grinned.
“She’s Rumpleteazer.” the tom kit said with a smirk.
“And we’re a notorious couple of cats!”
Mungojerrie suddenly slammed his foot down on top of Skimbleshanks’, making the ginger tom release him in shock, and the tom kit quickly grabbed his sister’s paws, pulling her effortlessly out of Skimbleshanks’ grasp. They both saluted Munkustrap and ran from the theater, cackling the entire time. 
“Little shits.” Skimbleshanks swore, rubbing his foot with an annoyed expression on his face. Munkustrap bit back a small laugh before glancing back at his mother, who nodded slightly. 
“We’re going to keep an eye on those two.” the grey tabby said quietly, his voice only heart by Cassandra and Skimbleshanks. 
“Why? They’re obviously just troublemakers.” Cassandra questioned, narrowing her eyes slightly in the direction the kittens had taken off in. 
“Troublemakers or not, they’re Jellicles, Cass.” Munkustrap told her, his voice firm. “They deserve to be in this tribe as much as anyone.”
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minichedders · 6 years
mobster!bodyguard!tom holland x reader
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A dead pet hanging in the hallway sends a clear message. 1. we know where you live. 2. we can get to you or your loved ones anytime we like 3. we have no qualms about killing anything you love 4. we can make it look like a suicide 5. if you think your security was going to protect you think again.
The poor cat had been stung up, left for dead as the blood rushed to the glorified cut on its neck, covering its tabby coat silk red, and leaving a red wine stain on the cream carpet. You were speechless as you saw the gentle cat sway, lifeless, eyes wide open and staring straight at you. You knew what this means, and you had to react fast, but you couldn't; you just stood there, hands and knees shaking, lips wobbling and occasionally small sobs breaking through them.
Your strangled cries caught Toms attention from down the hall, rushing to your side within seconds. And when he saw the cats body he grabbed you, cradling your head to his chest as you finally let it out, tears soaking your face and Toms' chest, your heavy breathing and sobs echoing the hallway and Toms attempt at calming you failing miserably.
“Baby, baby, we need to go, now,” Tom said, one hand holding the small of your back and the other soothing your hair, letting his hot breath fan in your ear. 
“I'll go call Harrison ok? You pack the things, aright princess? Necessities only, we need to leave asap,” Tom spoke again, not giving you any time to respond before he pushed you down the hall towards your shared bedroom, as he was left to dispose of the cruelty killed pet cat.
You just sat on your bed for a while, wishing that if you stayed still long enough that the pain would go away. Before you could handle the grudge, you packed a large sports bag, and another small suitcase, mainly packing things like underwear, toiletries, books and electronics; things that you would need on the road and in hotel rooms and safe houses. Even though your body remained active, your mind was still and quiet, not fully comprehending the message you had just received, and without your knowing, tears sprung to your eyes at the thought of your cat, moving again, laying low, and sending more time with Tom; who you couldn't help but adore painstakingly so.
Tom burst into the room, grabbing your hand and the sports bag, whilst you let him drag you across the house, your footsteps much smaller and quieter in comparison to his. The image of red stained blood stayed in your memory like a virus, and you clawed at Toms' forearm, still quietly sniffing and crying.
“Tom,” You whispered, your vice shaking and cracking as you let a small sob break loose. Tom wanted to stop, to turn and console you and hold you until all the pain had gone away, but you both needed to get out, and he needed to make a strategic plan on how to lose the following interests party. 
“Tom,” You repeated, still not getting a response as you cried louder, your voice pleading him to listen to you whilst you stood with your heart-shattering, “Tom, I need to stop,”
“We cant Y/N, we need to hurry up,” Tom grunted, he needed to act harsh, show no emotion. Because if they were watching, he couldn't let them see what effect you had on him, how soft and emotional you made him, breaking down his walls and his reputation, no, he needed to stay level headed. 
You ignored him with a sigh, letting him once more drag you away and into the car; you figured at least then you could nap whilst Tom drove. You had no idea where you were going, and you didnt think Tom knew either, it was already late, dark and cold, and you were only equipped in your pyjamas and slippers, which was perfect to curl up on the passenger seat, listening to the hum of the tyres against the small country roads.
You woke up to Toms' arms wrapping around you, lifting you out of the car in your still sleeping state, you hummed against his skin and placed your hands against his warm chest, feeling his heartbeat quicken.
"I've gotta put you down sweetheart," Tom whispered gently, allowing you to open your eyes and meet his gaze. You slightly nodded and allowed him to place you on the floor, your slippers quickly reacting to the cold bitterness of the gravel, goosebumps arising on your skin and your knees shaking. You watched with intent eyes as tom moved towards another car, which was smaller than the black land rover you had just travelled in.
"Tom what are you doing?!" You whisper yelled at him, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed as you watched his skilled fingers work the pin against the car lock.
"We need to hitch a new ride unless you want them to find us again," Tom said, not looking at you as you huffed and made your way back to the car. You grabbed the bags and items out of the land rover, and hauled them over to Tom, and stood beside him, your hands travelling around his body to his chest, feeling his hard muscles contort against your touch, his breath twitching in his throat as your hands travelled further down and down, not stopping until you reached the waistband of his jeans. You smiled to yourself, resting your head against his back, then placing your hands inside his front pockets and grabbing his lighter, and walking away. Whilst Tom was busy composing himself and working against the car, you grabbed the fuel jugs from the boot of the range rover, and sprayed the contains over the interior of the car.
"Woah Woah Woah, stop stop stop," Tom said, running to you, lighter in your hand, ready to ignite the car. 
"If you light up that car it will burst into flames and cause a scene, it's better to run it into a ditch or abandon it," You huffed, shoving his lighter back into his chest with a slight shove. He always spoils your fun. 
"Fie but can i burn the number plates at least?" You asked, wrapping your arms around his neck, looking up at him with an innocent look on your face.
"I guess so princess," Tom sighed in content, placing his hands against your waist lightly as you both stood against each other. 
"right," You coughed, moving back, letting his warm hands fall from your body, leaving a feeling of discontent to fall around your whole self. You walked off to unscrew the number plates whilst Tom took the kes and pushed the car into the side of the dipped country road.
Once the both of you had got into the new, smaller, car, silence befell the both of you, both of you pinning for each other to connect and touch each other and get lost in each other for eternity, but the silence bit at you skin and left you with an unsettling feeling around your body.
"Where are we going?" you said, in an awkward attempt to banish the awkward silence.
"Harrison has set us up a safe house in North Wales, we've got at least a three hour drive ahead of us princess," Tom spoke, his hand dropping to your knee, his thumb stroking the skin as you gently smiled, his skin always felt so warm and loving against yours, giving you shocks and waves of emotions. 
"I hope it has underfloor heating, Wales is cold," You sighed, earning a small chuckle from Tom.
"Tom," You said again, your voice quieter than before, unsure and nervous.
"Yes sweetheart," Tom said, sparing you a glance before returning his eyes to the road. his hand was still against your knee, and you placed your hand on top, entwining the fingers as you scanned the size difference and his veins and scars that struck against his skin.
"I um, thank you... for always looking after me," You said, unsure of your words. Your mind was screaming at you to tell him you loved him, but you choked at the thought.
"It is my job, and I'm very good at it," Tom replied, his voice changing the tone, more harsh and hard than before as if he was hiding something from you. You let go of his hand and watched as it returned to the steering wheel, gripping it tightly as the speed of the car increased slightly.
"Is that the only reason?" You said, looking out the passenger window, watching the silhouettes of the dark clouds and starts wash past the window. In truth you where scared of the answer, neither of you ever addressed your feelings for each other, deeming it as unprofessional and inappropriate, but the constant longing for Tom was slowly defeating you, and having to run away with him and stay with him made you realise how much you craved a relationship, companionship and friendship.
"Of course, anything other than that would be strictly unprofessional," Tom replied, his tone still as bland as before, almost making tears rick at your eyes.
"You don't have to be professional, it's just us," You spoke, ringing your knees against your chest as you sighed, defeated by your own feelings.
Meanwhile Tom was internally screaming, he wanted to cry int your arms and tell you he loved you ten times over, and maybe more, that you scared him all the time due to how much he thought of you, he was surely infatuated with you, never thought about anything else but your happiness; but you where his client. He wasn't allowed to love you.
"Stop the car," You said, louder this time, grabbing his attention as he slowed down, finally coming to a stop as he pulled the handbrake and turned off the engine. Complete silence fell between the two of you as you intently stared at each other, heat, anger and passion all falling into one as you both internally screamed for each other. 
You were the first to make a move, cupping his checks into your hands and pulling him for a heated kill melting into him as both of you worked against each other slowly. You re-adjusted yourself in your seat, standing on your knees and swinging yourself round to straddle his lap, still holding onto Toms face as his hands ran up and down your sides, his thumb caressing the underside of your breast as your tounges explored each other heatedly. You pulled away, moving your hands around his neck, your chest moving against his as you caught your breath.
"I love you," Tom breathed, blowing his air against your face as a wide grin grew on your face, your eyes sparkling and your hands gripping onto his scalp tightly, pulling him into another deep kiss. You started moving against him, his hands leading you're to grind against him, moaning and gasping against each other as the sweat, delicate friction overtook your senses.
"Always, Tommy, always yours," You replied as his mouth trailed down to your neck, leaving harsh, colourful bruises in their wake as he claimed you.
"Hmm, mine," He grunted, jutting his hips up against yours as you moaned out at the sudden impact, grasping at his shirt, in desperate need of his touch. "I've got you, princess," Tom whispered in your ear, pushing you back against the wheel, letting him take off your shirt as you just as eagerly took his off, both pawing at each other's unexplored skin. Toms' lips fell to your skin just above your best, as his fingers danced around your waistband as yours were holding onto his shoulders, moaning loudly from the pleasure his lips gave against your skin.
Your hopes and dreams where cut short as Toms mobile ringed loudly, causing a shiver to send downs your spine. At first, Tom ignored it, but the ringing grew constant in your mind, and you caved in, answering the phone.
"Harrison," You said, watching as Tom continued his movements, dipping his hands into your underwear as you slightly jumped at the touch.
"Mhum, no he's driving at the moment," You replied to Harrison's nonsense, not fully paying attention to the man down the phone, as Toms' fingers were circling your clit gently, driving you mad, biting your lip and grinding against his ministrations.
"You know you guys have an hour 47 minutes to make it to the safe house right?" Harrison said, a slight mock in his tone as he played with you, almost as if he knew what was happening. 
"Uhuh, I'll tell Tom to step on it," With the words spoke, Tom dove two fingers into your entrance, making you gasp loudly down the phone, eliciting a number of questions and retorts from Harrison.
"Ok byeee," You sang, quickly hanging up and throwing the phone into the back as you smashed your lips against Toms, who looked as cocky as ever. You continued to ride his fingers, leading your way to your high as Tom watched in awe at you face contorting in pleasure. Toms' fingers worked quick magic against you, as his thumb began to draw circles around your sensitive bud, making you cry in joy as you released your pleasure over his fingers. You would almost be embarrassed, but the wide smile and adoration in Toms' eyes made your heart flutter as you gently kissed him again, moving back onto the passenger seat. 
"We have an hour and a half, but if you make it there within an hour ill give you something special in return," You smirked at him, watching as he quickly started the engine and scratched the tyres against the road, the engine roaring and quivering at his brutal pace, only making you laugh in return.
"You are nothing but trouble, princess," Tom spoke, his hand returning to your knee, holding your hand in his as continued to drive at a fast pace.
"Yeah, but I'm yours,"
"Damn straight. Always,"
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thatsaltybobcat · 5 years
Let me Stay
What if Crowfeather discovered Leafpool and Squirrelflight on their journey to have Leafpool’s kits?
(Bear with me I haven’t written a one-shot or fanfic in years. Plus I didn’t bother reading back to get things 100% accurate. I just remember Crowfeather being the sweetest mate to Leafpool)
Like my writing? Want me to write more? Let me know!
“I know how much Leafpool loves these kits,” she murmured. “But you must be their mother and raise them in Thunderclan with your head held high.”
Feathertail’s words echoed in Squirrelflights head well into sundown, tingling the sensitive fur around her ears. As she sat in front of the den, watching the snow drift down from the gloomy sky, settling to the earth and only adding to the paw deep frost. Staring out as the forest continued to darken.
There didn’t seem to be much of a choice, in the end, it wasn’t like she could have kits of her own. It wretched Squirrelflight’s heart at the thought. It seemed like everything had been stacked against them, they were being asked to lie to their clanmates, to Brambleclaw. Her poor mate would be just as blind as the rest of them, none the wiser to the secret that had to be kept between the sisters.
Looking back into the cave, looking back at Leafpool as she tended to the three new bundles curled up against her belly. The golden tom tucking himself in for a meal, while his sister slept peacefully at his side. Her scruffy black fur sticking out in all directions- no matter how much she was groomed- she almost like the spikes on a holly leaf. It was a cute idea for a name, Squirrelflight would have to bring it up later. Meanwhile, their brother cried out to their mother, his little head wobbling as he called out blindly. Leafpool could only smile warmly, ever so carefully nudging the gray tom towards an opening at her belly, helping him find his way until he managed to latch on and start to suckle. Gently licking his head encouragingly as his little paws kneaded away at her fur. Leafpool looked so happy, the warmth and love in her shining amber eyes radiated throughout the den.
Leafpool’s love was so strong, it washed over Squirrelflights fiery coat, ruffling her fur and tingling the tips of her ears. If motherhood was half of beautiful as the warmth she felt coming from her sister, it was an experience that Squirrelflight wanted to be a part of. And, even if it meant lying to everyone- but protecting her sister- it all had to be worth it. 
Getting to her paws, she sat beside her sister's nest, silently watching the kits as they wriggled against her. They were all so small, so helpless, and it filled the she-cat with maternal protection. Feathertail was right, they needed to be raised by her, they didn’t need the heartache of dealing with the truth of their birth, they needed her.
Squirrelflight let out a heavy sigh, catching Leafpools attention as she turned to face her sister. “Leafpool I... Feathertail was right, I do love these kits... I-” 
Her quiet voice was interrupted by crunching snow outside the den, ripping the sisters' attention away from one another. Squirrelflight immediately sprung to her paws, fur standing on end and her hackles raised in an instant. Leafpool covered her kits with her tail, flattening her ears with a quiet his. “Who’s there?!” Squirrelflight called, stalking towards the entrance slowly, hissing angrily when a cat’s scent filled her nose. “I know you’re out there! Either show yourself or leave before I claw your ears off!” 
Leafpool watched intently behind her sister, craning her neck to see who was stepping out of the shadows, their quiet footsteps becoming louder and louder as they entered the mouth of the cave. When their scent finally hit her nose, she froze. Her body going rigid as she tucked the kittens closer to her frame. “S-Squirrelflight... wait.” She whispered, watching as Crowfeather stepped into the den.
He stood in awe at the rooted mouth of the cave, looking past Squirrelflight at his former mate square in the eye. Everyone was silently staring at one another in shock, the only sound emanating from the three tiny bundles that were hiding amongst their mother's fur. It seemed to break the tom out of his catatonic state, jarring him to take another step forward.
“I... I knew your scent was different when we last spoke. I couldn’t place it.” His voice quivered as he took another small step forward, the very tip of his tail twitching nervously. “I was hunting by myself when I saw you leaving the territories, I knew something was wrong. And... And I’m so glad that I followed you.” He passed Squirrelflight as he continued forward, a timid smile cracking along his face, eyes shimmering in the low light of the snowy evening. “Oh Leafpool... you were expecting my kits?”
It was then when Squirrelflight pushed forward, intercepting Crowfeather before he could take another step forward. Unsheathing her claws and crouching low to the dirt. “That’s enough,” she hissed, catching the smoky gray tom off guard. “You are NOT supposed to be here, Crowfeather. Leave.” She growled, keeping herself in front of Leafpool, blocking her from his view. What nerve did this tom have? Coming here and ruin everything, he was going to tell his clan, every cat would find out these kits lineage, all of this heartache would’ve been for nothing. 
Crowfeather only let out an indignant scoff, flattening his ears as he offered a response. “I’m not going anywhere, you can’t expect me to just walk away after finding out that I’m a father!” He tried to reach out to his former mate, trying to catch her eye, but Squirrelflight maneuvered with every step he took, blocking his gaze. “Leafpool... Leafpool, please don’t send me away. These are my kits too. I know you said we needed to stay with our clans, to be faithful. I tried! But, you were always in my thoughts, in my dreams. And now, you can’t expect me to walk away and act like none of this happened!” Crowfeather urged, swatting a sheathed paw at Squirrelflight’s nose when she let out a hiss when he took a step too close. “I want to be faithful, faithful to you! Please, let me come back to Thunderclan, I do whatever it takes to prove myself to Firestar, to you! I want to be a family.”
“Leave her alone! She doesn’t need this right now, she’s doing what's best for these kits, for Thunderclan. I’m going to raise these kits, while Leafpool goes back to her medicine cat duties, and you’re going to go back to Windclan,” The amber she-cat growled, pushing him back to towards the den entrance. “She has to be strong, we all do. Starclan said this is how it has to be.” 
Leafpool kept her head down, nuzzling at her kits as they started to fuss. Mewling loudly and squirming against her, almost sensing the argument happening around them. She tried to coo them back to sleep, just trying to block out the bickering happening in front of her. Everything was bad enough as it is, now she had to turn the love of her life away for the third time? Starclan just loved tormenting her, didn’t they? Relishing in tearing everything she held dear away like some cruel test of faith. It was always sacrificing something, for the betterment of Thunderclan, or to follow the code. It was sickening. She was only jarred from her thoughts when Crowfeather piped up yet again.
“I want to hear it from Leafpool.” The ash tom growled, bowing his head to catch a glimpse at the amber tabby. “If I’m going to be forced to leave, to abandon everything, I want to hear it from the mother of my kits. If she really wants me to leave, I will,” Crowfeather said, sitting back on his haunches as Squirrelflight turned to meet her sister’s gaze. “Very well, if that’s what it’ll take to get you to leave.”
They were both staring at her now, her sister’s eyes expectant whilst her former mate quietly begged in his spot. Eye’s pleading as Leafpool gazed back and forth between them. She couldn’t help but lock her eyes with him, those same kind eyes she fell in love with, the eyes that made her feel like the most important she-cat in the entire world. Shivering as they reached out to her now, hanging out how she breathed out her next sentence, how could she possibly send him away yet again? This was all he ever wanted, and she was supposed to tear that away from him?
“Maybe... Just for... Squirrelflight. I don’t... I can’t,” she trailed off, looking down at the kits she was caring for. Would they benefit from their true father being a part of their lives? Would Crowfeather really sit back and let her sister care for his kits? It all weighed so heavily on her shoulder, she couldn’t possibly think of a decision now. “I need to think about this... we have until the kits open their eyes. I’ll have my decision then. Till then, Crowfeather can stay.” She whispered, barely audible over Squirrelflights gasp in surprise. But, Crowfeather only pushed past her, clamoring over to Leafpool’s side as he collapsed beside her nest, never tearing his gaze from the newborn kits. “Y-you won’t regret this Leafpool,” he whispered, pressing his side close to hers so his body heat was shared for the kits. The little black kitten immediately took to his new scent and warmth, nuzzling close to her father's side. “Dear Starclan... Leafpool their so beautiful. Thank you.” 
Leafpool could only smile, pressing the tip of her nose to Crowfeathers cheek for a split moment. Relishing in his warm, fresh scent. “I’m far too tired to argue right now, let’s get some sleep.” She murmured, glancing off to the side towards her sister, who glared in disbelief. Her tail fluffed up and her ears folded back in betrayal. Leafpool could only offer a sigh before dropping her head into the moss nest. It’s for the best.
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lesbiansandstorm · 6 years
Storm Rising, a Sandstar AU.
Chapter 1
previous | fanfiction 
A large, red-brown tabby slunk with purpose through the wooded forest. He continued, making his way through the trees until he sighted water. At the edge of the river, he paused, making note of the chill in the air. It would not be long before leaf-bare struck the forest with its icy grip. The tom glanced out over the rushing current, before plunging into its depths, swimming confidently to the other side. Although he wasn’t on his side of the bank anymore, he stood with his head raised high, and waited.
Minutes passed, before a bush rustled and a tall, golden-spotted she-cat prowled into sight. She spoke in an abrupt, authoritative tone the tom wasn’t used to hearing.
“Tigerstar. He doesn’t have much longer. A few days, at most.”
Tigerstar dipped his head. “Good. Once he dies, send a messenger. I will come to your camp with some of my warriors.”
The she-cat hesitated, the tip of her tail twitching. “We will have equal power in this, won’t we? I don’t want to join you if you’re going to take over.”
Tigerstar sounded hurt. “Of course we will be equal! Leopardfur, I wouldn’t dream of abusing your trust. Together, ThunderClan and RiverClan will be stronger than ever before.”
Leopardfur’s gaze betrayed nothing, but she nodded anyway and retreated back towards her camp, leaving Tigerstar alone.
Meanwhile, in the RiverClan camp, cats were crowded around a large pale brown tabby. His twisted jaw was trembling as his body was wracked with violent coughs. Closest to him, a silver tabby she-cat sat, gently bathing the tom’s head with damp moss. She whispered reassurances to him, much like a mother would do to her kits. It seemed that he would join StarClan before the sun rose.
Sandstorm paused, her attention caught by a faint rustling in a bush ahead of her. Prey?
The ginger tabby opened her jaws, hoping to identify whatever was causing the mysterious disturbance. Nothing.
She crouched down, and began to inch forward. There’s something behind that bush, but what? Still no scent. Could it be an enemy warrior, disguising themselves somehow? I don’t think it’s a mouse.
She crept closer, green eyes narrowing as she slipped under the foliage, claws unsheathed and sharp, just to find herself opposite a calico tom with a distinctly fluffy ginger tail. His amber eyes seemed to be reflecting starlight, despite it being close to sunhigh.
Redtail! He’s… alive?
Sandstorm threw herself at the small tom, expecting him to playfully roll over and play-fight with her, just like he did when she was a kit. Instead, she fell right through him, onto the ground with a thud. The tom was standing in the exact same position, sadness in his starry amber eyes.  
He isn’t here. I’m dreaming. Sandstorm felt stupid for not realising sooner.
Redtail finally spoke. His voice sounded different - deeper, maybe, than it was when he was alive. His posture was different, too. He stood taller, looked more confident. StarClan must have granted him the body he had always wanted!
Redtail was born with a body similar to most she-cats, but he’d always known he was really a tom. There was some confusion among the Clan when he first spoke out about it, apparently, but Sandstorm hadn’t been born at the time. She had always known him as one of her fathers. It didn’t matter that they weren’t blood related.
His deep voice sounded familiar, yet new at the same time. He spoke as if he were in a trance, his starry eyes growing pale and glassy.
“Embrace the darkness, for there you will find your strength. Embrace the darkness, but do not fall victim to it. Do not fall.”
“What? Father, is this some kind of.. prophecy? What do you mean? Darkness?” Sandstorm’s mind buzzed with thoughts. I haven’t seen him at all since he died, except in those horrible nightmares. I finally get a chance to speak with him and I get this?
The young tabby snapped out of her irritated confusion when Redtail hissed, his fur standing on end. “Do not fall. Do not fall.”
Is he even talking to me?
She looked around, suddenly noticing pairs of gleaming eyes surrounding her. What’s going on? Who are they?
Redtail’s face contorted in pain, his voice raising to a pitiful screech. “Fall. Fall. You will fall. You will fall. You will fall. You will fall.”
“Redtail! What do you mean?”
Sandstorm saw faint shapes of more transparent cats, chanting ‘fall!’ ‘fall!’ ‘fall!’, pressing closer to her and Redtail. She could hardly see them, but she felt their presence somehow. They made her feel like she was suffocating.
Redtail reared up on his hind legs, his claws slashing outwards at the other ghostly cats. He stared at his daughter, his eyes sorrowful. “Run.”
Sandstorm awoke in her nest, her chest tight, heart racing. She glanced wildly around the warriors den. Everything was normal, everyone was asleep. On one side of her, Fireheart was lying stretched out, his hind legs poking into Sandstorm’s nest. He was snoring. On her other side, Dustpelt was curled up in a ball, his tail tucked over his ears to block out the sound of the orange tom. Everything was fine.
Still, Sandstorm felt trapped, like the horrible ghostly cats were still pressing around her telling her she would ‘fall’.
I have to get out of here. Get some air.
She picked her way past the sleeping cats, careful not to tread on Mousefur’s tail as she passed the wiry she-cat. As she poked her head out of the warriors den, her mind was still a mess, her nerves hadn’t calmed. She jumped, hearing a sneering voice yowl on the other side of the clearing. “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join for a Clan meeting!”
Tigerstar. It’s the middle of the night! What does he want?
For the first time, Sandstorm noticed Leopardfur standing near the entrance to the gorse tunnel, her spotted fur looking silver in the moonlight. She had a patrol of RiverClan cats beside her. Are we under attack? They didn’t look hostile, but not friendly either.
“Uh, are you going to let us out?” Dustpelt muttered, nudging her with a front paw.
“Sorry,” Sandstorm replied, moving out of the way.
The dark tabby stretched and lashed his tail. “What could be so important, that he feels the need to call a meeting in the middle of the night? Wait, RiverClan are here?”
Sandstorm settled herself down in the clearing near the warriors den, Dustpelt and Fireheart sat to her left, already debating over the RiverClan cats.
“Maybe they need help with something?” Fireheart speculated.
“They don’t look like they’re having any problems. Besides, the river won’t freeze for a while yet. What else do they ever have an issue with?” muttered Dustpelt.
“Crookedstar might be sick. Didn’t you see how frail he looked at the last gathering?”
Fireheart’s tone was sympathetic, unlike Dustpelt, who hadn’t quite woken up properly yet. The dark brown tabby shook his pelt out and sighed. “If they needed herbs or medical assistance, they’d have just gone to Yellowfang.” His ear twitched. “You’ve been awfully quiet, Sandstorm, what do you think?”
Sandstorm didn’t respond, she was too busy thinking over her dream.
“Hey.” Fireheart gave her a gentle prod. “You okay?”
Sandstorm jumped slightly, ears flattened. “Oh, sorry! I just spaced out for a bit there.”
Fireheart and Dustpelt exchanged a concerned glance. Before any of them could say any more, Tigerstar began to speak.
“ThunderClan. I regret to inform you that Crookedstar has passed away.”
He paused to allow time for some sorrowful murmurs from the gathered cats. Crookedstar has usually been fair towards ThunderClan, except for in Sunningrocks disputes. The loss of a leader, especially so soon after Bluestar, was a shame for all the Clans.
“It is truly a sad day for the forest. Crookedstar was a strong leader.”
Sandstorm found herself frowning. Dustpelt leaned over and whispered to her. “Sad? He wasn’t this upset over Bluestar’s death.”
“Maybe he’s just saying that because RiverClan are here.” she replied.
Tigerstar continued. “But he wasn’t strong enough. He didn’t see the true potential RiverClan holds. Leopardfur, however, does. We have seen that the only way our Clans will be truly strong is if we join them together.”
This time, Tigerstar was interrupted by confused chatter and howls of protest from ThunderClan. Dustpelt was on his paws, spluttering in disbelief. “What the fuck? What the fuck!”
“Enough!” Tigerstar narrowed his eyes at the assembled cats. “RiverClan’s queens, kits, and elders will stay in their own camps, with some of their warriors to guard them. The rest of warriors will join our patrols starting tomorrow. Leopardfur and I will be joint leaders. If you have any complaints, direct them to the dirtplace. Go back to your dens.”
With that, the big tabby jumped down from the Highrock and retreated to his den. The RiverClan cats stayed huddled in a small group, unsure of what to do.
Fireheart looked bewildered. “Is that all he’s going to say?”
He scowled and puffed out his chest in an attempt to imitate Tigerstar. “Wake up ThunderClan, Crookedstar is dead. Oh, by the way, RiverClan is joining us now. No big deal. Goodnight.”
Dustpelt hadn’t said any more, but any cat could see he was furious, his fur stood on end, and his amber eyes were narrowed in disdain.
Sandstorm sighed and padded back to her nest, trying to block out the sound of her Clanmates discussing and arguing over the meeting. I’m so tired. I’ll deal with this in the morning.
After what seemed like only a few minutes, Sandstorm was awake again. She didn’t dream this time, and had pushed her thoughts of Redtail and the ghostly cats aside for now. She had other problems to think about, namely RiverClan. Graystripe hadn’t assigned her to a patrol, so she decided she’d go for a walk to clear her head. Maybe she’d find some prey, too. She looked around for Dustpelt or Fireheart, hoping one of her best friends would be around to accompany her, but they were nowhere to be found. The toms must have taken their apprentices, Cloudpaw and Thornpaw, out. Sandstorm’s ears lowered. Cinderpaw had been her apprentice.
When the young grey she-cat was injured by a monster on the Thunderpath, Tigerstar had insisted to Bluestar that she was unfit to be a warrior. Once she had recovered, Cinderpaw decided to become Yellowfang’s apprentice. Personally, Sandstorm thought Cinderpaw could still be a warrior despite her leg injury, but Bluestar had made the decision. I miss training Cinderpaw. She’d be a great warrior. Now that Tigerstar is leader, he can do whatever he likes.
Her tail lashed as she padded through the gorse tunnel. What does he think he’s doing, joining two Clans? I don’t trust him at all. If he becomes even more ambitious, will anyone be able to stop him? Is there even any point to trying? How many cats will suffer because of him? She let out a long sigh. Her internal, questioning, pessimism seemed to have no end these days.
Usually, Sandstorm was well-focused. She was one of the most skilled hunters in the Clan, but today she was distracted, her lack of sleep combined with her anxiety over Tigerstar led to her not concentrating on her surroundings. She was abruptly torn from her thoughts as she tripped over a soft heap nestled near the top of the ravine. “Huh?” Sandstorm shook out her pelt and noticed it was a cat she’d walked into.
“Can you watch where you’re going?!” hissed the cat. Sandstorm realised that it was a young RiverClan warrior. She had seen the silver tabby at Gatherings before, but they’d never talked.
What was her name again? Silver-something. Silverpelt? No.. Silverpool? Hmm.. Silverstream! That’s it.
She didn’t seem particularly friendly at the moment, her pale blue eyes blazing with annoyance.
“Sorry.” Sandstorm muttered. “I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Clearly.” Silverstream shot back.
Sandstorm thought she should try and smooth things over. They were one Clan now, as much as they hated it. Besides, I don’t want any more enemies. Maybe if I get RiverClan cats on our side, we could help each other. “What are you doing out here anyway?” asked the ginger tabby.
Silverstream gave her a sharp look, as if she wasn’t expecting Sandstorm to stay and chat. After a pause, she spoke. “I wanted to get away from your camp. It’s hard to be so close to ThunderClan cats.”
Sandstorm felt slightly stung. She hadn’t expected the RiverClan cats to be overly happy about their Clans merging, but she had hoped to make friends. It wasn’t Sandstorm’s fault Tigerstar was ambitious. “Well, uh. Okay. Sorry. I’ll… see you around, I guess.”
Silverstream didn’t respond.
As she padded away, Sandstorm decided it was time to give herself a motivational speech. Get it together. Stop worrying, and focus on hunting instead. You’re a warrior, not a kit!
It wasn’t long before she spotted a pigeon, searching for worms underneath the shade of an old oak tree. She slid down into the hunting position, and with a quick yet graceful pounce, Sandstorm caught it.
Later, by the time she had reached the camp, most of the ThunderClan cats were settling down to enjoy their meals. Tigerstar was standing by the fresh-kill pile. “Nice catch.” He rumbled.
Sandstorm couldn’t help glancing at the RiverClan warriors, who were clustered together, looking irritated. “Why aren’t they eating?”
Tigerstar sneered, “They caught nothing. Slimy fish-eaters can’t hunt under our trees. They’re warriors, if they catch nothing, they eat nothing.”
I wonder what Leopardfur had to say about that. It isn’t fair. They aren’t used to our territory! “Why not send them to the river to hunt, then?” she asked.
Tigerstar shot her an interested look. “Well, that would be too easy for them. They’ll only be TigerClan warriors once they learn true hardship.”  Sandstorm felt the fur rise on the back of her neck. “As if starving them is going to make them loyal to you!” she snapped. The leader’s eyes widened, and Sandstorm took a step back. Her patience had worn out, she had forgotten who she was talking to.
Tigerstar leaned in close and murmured, “Not many cats would question their leader like that. You aren’t afraid, even though I could.. dispose of you with one swipe.” He unsheathed his claws to emphasise his statement, and Sandstorm felt thoroughly unsettled. Arrogant asshole. “That’s why I like you, Sandstorm. Once you lose that.. unfortunate compassion, you’ll be a great warrior.” With that, the dark tom stalked off towards his den. Sandstorm felt even more uncomfortable. As much as she hated to admit it, having Tigerstar trust her wouldn’t be a bad thing. Perhaps she could try to gain his trust further, maybe if she pretended to be cold and uncaring, he would reveal his plans and she could report back to the Clan. No. That’d never work.
The she-cat shook out her pelt. She didn’t want to think about that right now. She glanced over in the direction of the RiverClan cats again. Tigerstar had disappeared from sight, and his deputy, Graystripe, was busy stuffing his face with fresh-kill. No one will notice if I take them something. She grabbed the pigeon she had caught and carried it over to where the RiverClan cats were gathered. She spotted Silverstream sitting nearby, so she padded over and dropped the bird at the she-cat’s paws. Maybe this will make up for earlier.
The silver tabby looked up, her eyes narrowing as she saw Sandstorm. “If you want to gloat about your prey, go somewhere else.” she muttered.
Sandstorm twitched an ear. “I wouldn’t do that. Uh, I know I didn’t make a very good first impression, and I noticed you weren’t allowed to eat so, here.” She expected the she-cat to hiss or snarl, so Sandstorm was quite surprised when Silverstream sounded grateful, maybe even friendly. “..Thanks. That’s actually really nice of you. Won’t you get in trouble?” Is she.. worried?
“Don’t worry, we’re all one Clan now. It’ll be fine.” Sandstorm reassured her, feeling relieved.
Silverstream purred, “Yeah. One Clan.” She paused to try the fresh-kill, before passing it on to the other RiverClanners. “I’m sorry I snapped at you earlier. It’s just been difficult, adjusting to all this. Not just the whole Tigerstar-taking-over-my-Clan thing, but losing Crookedstar as well. He was my father.”
Sandstorm felt a stab of pity for the young she-cat. She could relate, as her fathers, Redtail and Runningwind, had also passed. Thanks to Tigerstar, probably. “I’m sorry that he’s gone…He’ll be watching from StarClan though. He’d be proud of you.” She mewed awkwardly.
The silver tabby tilted her head to one side, her eyes narrowing again. “What makes you think that he’d be proud of me? You don’t even know me.”
Sandstorm’s ears flattened in dismay. Oh no! I said the wrong thing! Just when it seemed like we were becoming friends! “S-sorry.” She stammered. “I just thought..”
Silverstream sighed. “No, I’m sorry. You meant well, I shouldn’t be so snappy. I need to remember that not all ThunderClan cats are as bad as Tigerstar.”
Sandstorm relaxed. “It’s okay.”
Silence.  “Well… I might head off to my den now…” For some reason, she wanted to stay and talk to Silverstream more. I better not push it.
The silver tabby dipped her head. “Goodnight, and thank you for the pigeon.”
“No problem!” Sandstorm replied. As she rose to her paws, Silverstream purred, amusement clear in her tone, “Watch you don’t trip over anyone on your way to the den.”
Sandstorm snorted, flicking the she-cat over the ear with her tail. As she curled up in her nest, she realised her conversation with Silverstream had eased some of her anxiety. She seems like a good warrior. And she doesn’t trust Tigerstar. Maybe having RiverClan cats here won’t be so bad after all.
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awkward-uwu · 6 years
A Royal Journey pt. 5
Genre: Fluff, Fantasy
Pairings: Female Reader x Felix, Woochan, a little Minsung
Warnings: Blood and Violence
Word count: 3,507
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As Felix leaves your room he shuts your door and leans his back against it, he sits there for a second before he starts quietly giggling to himself as he covers his face with his hands. He sighs with a smile and turns to head to his room only to see Chan leaning up against their door, he jumps and almost falls over, “Chan! Hi! What are you doing here?!”
“After you decided to head to the room I thought you might not be feeling well so I was checking in on you,” Chan smirks, “But apparently you're just fine,” Felix blushes, “I- uh- we were just talking, and- uh- we-” Chan raises an eyebrow, “Sure, because that was a reaction of someone who was just talking,” he chuckles. Felix’s blush deepens, “It wasn't anything like that Chan!! We were just… just kissing…”
“Ah, ok. . . WAIT WHAT?!?!”
“Chan! Shhh, people are trying to sleep… here, let's talk in our room…” They quickly make their way to their room and Chan eagerly sits on one of the beds, “Ok ok ok ok. Tell. Me. Everything.”
“Alright! Alright, calm down…” Felix sighs, “So last night, after we-”
“Last night?!?!”
“Chan! Let me finish!”
“Oh, right, sorry.” Chan is almost vibrating out of his skin at this point because otp has actually happened. Felix chuckles, “So last night, after we dropped off Jeongin at his place I took her to the the pond, and we kinda just sat there for a moment before I told her how much I liked her, and I was fully expecting to be rejected, but before I could even finish talking she was kissing me… and… it was so… wow… she was so... and her eyes that close were just… wow…” Felix smiles to himself as he stares at the ground, “I just had to say goodnight to her, I wanted her to be the last thing on my mind as I fall asleep…” Chan just about explodes, and something of a squeak squeal sound escapes his mouth as he tackles Felix, “I can't believe my little baby bro is going out and falling in love!”
“Ack! Chan, I can't breath…” Felix flails his arms under Chan’s grasp.
“Oops sorry… I'm just so happy for you…” Chan giggles as he helps Felix back up and Jeongin walks in very confused.
The next morning Felix quickly get dressed and leaves the room. “Hey, where are you going??” Chan asks. “I just need to talk to Y/n real quick, I'll be right back,” Chan smirks, “Alright, but we'll probably be downstairs by the time you're done,” Chan winks and Felix rolls his eyes at him and leaves. He quickly knocks on your door as you're still getting dressed, “Yes? Who is it?”
“It's Felix!” You smile, “Wait just a minute, I'm not fully dressed!” You quickly pull on all your clothes except your armor and you open the door and smile and let him in, “Didn't we just do this?” You smile softly as you wrap your arms around the back of his neck and pull him into a soft kiss. He sighs into the kiss as he slowly moves his hands down your sides to you waist. You pull away and sigh, “that's never gonna get old…” You then move your arms away from his neck and go over to start putting your armor on, “Now, did you come here just for that or did you need something?” You laugh a little as you start pulling the bottom half of your armor on. “Um actually, I wanted to talk,”
“Ok? About what?” You pull your chest  armor over your head.
“About, what we are…” You pause, “What do you mean?”
“I mean, what are we to each other, like, are we a couple now?” You laugh, “Well, I mean, we've kissed like what? Four times now? I'd consider us a couple.” You shrug as you pull your boots on. “So… I can call you my girlfriend…?”
“I-” you sit there for a second, “Huh, I guess so…” a smile slowly grows on your face, “My boyfriend is the prince…” you begin to giggle. “So that means my girlfriend is a princess,” he smirks as you start to laugh and hide your face in your hands to hide the blush now covering your cheeks. He walks over to you and moves your hands off your face and just smiles at you before he kisses you on the nose, “You're too cute, my heart might explode,” You giggle and blush deeper. “Hey, wait, aren't I technically not a princess unless I marry you…?”
“Not technically, but I'm still gonna call you one,” he smirks and pulls you into a kiss that you smile into. You move your hands to the small of his back as he puts his hands back on your waist and pulls you in closer. He slowly moves his hands to your hips as he leans his head to the side to deepen the kiss. You move your hands up into his head and slowly run your fingers through his hair which makes him sigh as he slowly pushes you up against the wall behind you. He slowly pulls way before it's gets too far and just looks into your eyes and smiles, “I can't believe the most beautiful girl in Estra is my girlfriend.” You giggle and hide your face in his chest and he laughs.
You grab your mace and bag and make your way downstairs where the rest if the boys are now sat.“Oh Felix, Y/n! You took so long we already ordered, I hope you're ok with potatoes,” Jeongin smiles brightly as you both sit down at the table. You laugh, “Sure, I like potatoes,” Not long after you sit down the bartender comes out with hash browns and eggs and Chan quickly eats and stands up, “I'm gonna go get the cart and Woojin, I'll be back to pick the rest of you up in about an hour,”
“Oh, alright, do you want any help?” Changbin asks still eating.
“Nah, I'll be fine, thanks for offering though,” You look at Chan knowingly, “Are you sure Chan?” He sighs and rolls his eyes, “Yes, I'm positive, I will be, fine,” You simply laugh, “Alright, just don't freeze again,” Chan slightly glares at you as he leaves and you just laugh harder as the rest of the guys look at you very confused. “Y/n? What was that about?” Felix asks. “Oh nothing, you'll figure it out eventually,” The guys look twice as confused but continue eating.
After the rest of you finish eating Han slides over next to you, “So, you said you and Felix weren't in a relationship right? Why don't we-”
“Uh, actually… Felix?” Felix just nods and smirks. “We actually are, starting two days ago… although we only just today agreed that we're a couple,” you chuckle as Felix laces his fingers with yours. “Oh…” Han sighs dejected and slides back over to Minho, “I guess I'll have to go back to hitting on you,” he winks at Minho and you all laugh not seeing how happy Minho is about this.
Meanwhile Chan makes it to the garden in about twenty minutes, he makes his way to Woojin’s house and takes a deep breath and knocks on the door. There's a pause before there's a slightly muffled shout, “In the back!” Chan quickly makes his way around the house and sees a large patch of sunflowers in an almost perfect circle but he doesn't see Woojin anywhere. “Um, hello…?” Chan looks around the area as a few chickens walk up and start pecking at his feet. “In here,” Chan hears from inside the sunflower patch and walks over to it confused. He walks around the side and sees a gap between the flowers, he looks in as Woojin pops his head out, “Oh! Hi! Um… Chan, right?”
“I- um- Yeah! I'm here to get you,”
“Yes, of course, I just have a few things to do first if that's alright, could you maybe help?” Woojin steps all the way out of the sunflowers and wipes his brow and leaves a smudge of dirt on his forehead. Chan can feel his heart speed up as he does this and sort of just stares for a moment, “Uh… Chan…?” Woojin waves his hand in his face. “Oh! Yes! Sorry, I'll help, what do you need me to do?” Woojin softly chuckles, “I just need you to bring these sunflowers inside while I put the chickens away and clean up, there's a vase on the table you can put them in, just fill it with water first,” he smiles softly as he hands Chan a handful of sunflowers and heads over to the chicken coop. Chan heads inside and quickly finds the vase and fills it with water, he puts the flowers in it and sets it back on the table. The orange tabby that he saw yesterday hops up into a windowsill and lays down. Chan walks over and begins petting it as he looks out the window where Woojin is carrying two chickens over to a fenced in area, he looks over and sees Chan in the window and smiles. Chan smiles back and quickly looks away so Woojin doesn't see the blush building on his face. After a minute Woojin heads inside, he walks over to a basin of water and washes his hands and face. He then turns to Chan and smiles, “Alright, let's go, my friend should be here to watch the place soon,” Chan nods and they head to the stables.
The young man who was there yesterday helps untie the horses as chan heads around the back to get the cart. Once they hook the horses up Chan sits up front to drive and Woojin sits next to him, Chan tenses up and silently starts panicking in his head due to how close they are. He takes a deep breath a looks over to Woojin, “You ready?”
“Yup!” Woojin smiles softly and Chan quickly looks away as his heart speeds up slightly. They make it to the pub in about ten minutes. “I have to go in to get the rest of the group, you can stay here if you'd like, or you could join me,” Chan says as he hops out of the cart. “Oh, alright, I'll join you,” Woojin smiles and hops off the cart as well. “Chans back!!” Felix shouts as the rest of you look towards the door. Chan chuckles, “Hey Felix! Is everyone ready to go?” Felix looks around to everyone else and you all nod, “Seems so, let's go!” You all get up and pile into the cart, you sit as close to Felix as possible and lace your hand with his and he smiles. Woojin sits up in front with Chan and you smirk at them, which Chan doesn't see, but Felix does, as he follows your eyesight he sees how tense Chan is and slowly realises what you were talking about earlier.
You make you way out of town and head south from Silvermire, which is away from the forest. As you head away from the forest there begins to be less and less trees. After a small while Han pulls out a small flute and begins playing a little up beat song as Minho begins to sing along with him, it's a song about a pair of twins, a brother and a sister whose father left them and lost their mother at a young age, they grow up moving from place to place almost daily until they meet a ragtag group of people who take them in and become their family. The song ends with that and the rest of you smile and clap, “That was great! Minho! I didn't know you could sing!” You say excitedly as Han and Minho smile and bow their heads, “Well, when you spend so much time with this dork you learn some things,” Minho chuckles as Han elbows him in the side. You all laugh, “Hey, how long have you two known each other?” Changbin asks. “Oh, well, we've known each other for years now, we've kind of just been traveling from place to place, learning new songs, making different friends, it's a pretty good life,” Han says with a smile. Woojin looks back at the rest of you, “So are two like a couple or something then?” He asks and Minho begins laughing almost too hard and Han begins to blush ever so slightly which nobody notices, “You're hilarious!” Minho wipes a tear away still laughing as Han looks a little sad, but not enough where anyone notices. “No, we're not, we're just really good friends,” Minho continues to laugh a bit. “Well ok then…” Woojin chuckles seeing right through him and turns back around. He then taps on Chan’s shoulder, “Hey, you should let me drive, you've been at it for a while,” Chan shakes his head, “No no, I couldn't possibly-”
“Please? You look tired…” Woojin frowns a bit. Chan's heart skips a beat at the small pout on Woojin's face, “I- um-” Chan sighs, “alright, but if you start getting tired I won't hesitate taking back the reins.” Woojin chuckles, “Alright,” Chan hands him the reins and sits back as Han and Minho start a new song.
As it starts getting dark you all see the very edge of another forest, Woojin pulls the cart over to the very edge of it a few feet away from the road. You all hop out and start to set up camp. As you pull out a tent Jeongin speaks up, “Wait! I have a new spell! We won't need to sleep outside!” The rest of you stop, “Wait, what??” Felix asks. “Here,” Jeongin pulls out his wand and spell book, “stand back,” The rest of you step back as he speaks a cantrip and waves his wand and a large clear dome appears, it's about ten feet in diameter. You all stand there in awe as Jeongin smiles triumphantly. “You all can go in and out of it freely, it will keep any rain or other things out while we sleep! I also have a spell called alarm, so we won't need to stand watch!” Jeongin states as the rest of you poke in and out of the dome, “Jeongin this is amazing!!” Chan smiles brightly as he ruffles Jeongin's hair. Jeongin giggles, “Thank Changbin, he gave me the spell scrolls!” Changbin chuckles and rubs the back of his head, “Hey, it's the least I could do to say thanks for helping,”
You all move your things into the dome and set up your bed rolls. “Hey guys, I'm gonna go get some wood so we can make a fire,” you stand up and start heading to the forest, “Wait! I'm going with you!” Felix shouts as he runs to catch up to you. You smirk, “You know I don't need a bodyguard, right?”
“Oh don't start that again,” Felix chuckles as he follows you into the forest. “Hey Chan, shouldn't somebody go with them?” Chanbin asks as he ties the horses up to a nearby tree. Chan chuckles, “Nah, they're strong, they'll be fine if anything happens,”
“That's not what I was talking about…” Chan sits there for a second, “...Oh! Wait… do you know…?” Changbin laughs, “About them finally being a thing? Yeah, they told us right after you left to get Woojin,”
“Ah, ok good. But still, I trust them, they wouldn't pull anything… probably…”
Meanwhile in the forest, once you get to where you can barely see the campsite Felix grabs your wrist and pulls you close to him and you gasp at the sudden movement, once you realize it's just Felix you grin and move your hands to his waist. “I've missed you…” he says quietly, which gets you a little flustered because his voice is normally deep but right now it seems to have gone done a few octaves, which he definitely knows is messing with you. You clear your throat and recompose yourself, “What are you talking about? I've been with you all day,” you smirk knowing exactly what he's talking about. “You know what I mean,” he grins as he kisses you pulling you closer. You sigh into his mouth as you slowly move your hands up his chest and to his hair which makes him groan as he moves his hands to your waist and pushes you backwards up against a tree. You tilt your head to the side to deepen the kiss as you quickly move your hands to his waist and spin him around to where you're now pushing him up against the tree. He gasps and parts from you looking into your eyes wondering what just happened. You smirk and lean in to kiss him again as he tightens grip on your waist. You pull apart and he grins, “Ya know, I think I like this better,” You giggle, “Dork, come on, the guys are waiting for us,” you let go of him and start picking up wood for the fire. Felix just stands there up against the tree for a moment staring at you as you walk away, “Wow…” he sighs quietly.
A few minutes later the two of you make it back to the campsite laughing and poking at each other. “It took you long enough, we were starting to get cold,” Chan chuckles as the two of you set up a fire. “Hey, it takes a while to find enough wood,” Felix rolls his eyes as everyone sits around the fire. You cuddle up to Felix and Chan and Jeongin also cling to him making a big pile. The other four sit there a little confused before Chan grabs Changbin and pulls him in as he grabs Han and Minho pulling them with. Woojin just chuckles and sits to the side before you speak up, “Woojin, you know you can join the pile right?”
“Wouldn't that be a little weird…?” he asks. “Only if you make it weird,” you shrug. He thinks for a second, “Well, ok then, I'm always down for a cuddle pile!” He then glomps onto the pile somehow almost encompassing the whole group in a hug. You all sit like that for a few minutes before Jeongin speaks up, “Hey, do you two have any more stories of those twins?”
“Huh? Oh yeah!!” Han excitedly gets up breaking the pile, to get a small lute from his things. You all sort of end up separating a bit but you're still sitting pretty close, except you and Felix who are leaning up against each other with your hands entangled. Han begins playing a slower more ballad like song and begins singing as Minho slowly joins in. The song again is about the twins, but this time it's also about the people they met. The first is a very strong man who lived off the land with a group of unkind people, at a younger age he saved an elderly man from the groups hand and was beaten and shunned for it, the old man took him in and raised him as his own with his granddaughter who was the next member. She grew up to become a very strong cleric helping everyone and is loved by all, the two of them are extremely close. The next is a cunning bard who always lightens the mood with song and jokes, he is also infatuated with the young cleric who stays uninterested. Next is a young female druid on a journey to avenge her mother and become the leader of her people, she's a little flaky, but is one of the strongest members of the group. The last is an inventor who was practically royalty until his family was murdered and he was nearly killed and kicked from his own home, he made a deal with a devil to avenge his family. The rest of the song explains how they become very close helping each other achieve their goals. The song ends as everyone claps, “You two are so good! How many more stories if this group do you know?” Chan asks excitedly. “Thank you, there are many songs and stories of this group, they were legends in one of the countries I visited,” Han says proudly. “Whoa! You've been to other countries?!” Jeongin sits up excitedly. “Well of course! A bard gets around!” Han chuckles as Jeongin sits there amazed.
You all sit around the fire for about half an hour before you're all ready go to sleep and you all head into the dome. You and Felix obviously sleep next to each other, the rest of them sleep in random spots throughout the dome. After about ten minutes it begins to rain and you couldn't be happier that Jeongin learned this spell. You fall asleep to the sound of rain and Felix besides you.
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signs-of-the-moon · 6 years
Lore: The Missing Star Point
Many seasons ago, long before any of the current living cats were born Treeclan, Grassclan, Oceanclan, and Mountainclan lived in a time of peace. It had been seasons since any cat had fought, but things still seemed off. The clans hadn't realized anything was missing, even with a huge piece of territory sitting in paws reach, unclaimed. But one day, that all changed. It was the night of the full moon, during a gathering. The clan leaders: Doestar of Treeclan, Honeystar of Grassclan, Tidestar of Oceanclan, and Hawkstar of Mountainclan were discussing their moonly clan news when suddenly a stranger’s yowl came off the horizon.
The four leaders turned to see a brown short legged tabby tom standing in the moonlight with a band of cats standing behind him, their eyes shining with fear in the moonlight.
"Rouges interrupting a gathering!" hissed Honeystar, ears flattening against her golden head. "Is there nothing sacred to these fox-hearts?"
The tabby tom raised his tail. "Please," he began, "Have mercy on us. We come to seek refuge among you, not a fight. We mean no harm. My cats and I wish to follow your way of life, if that is what it takes to survive. We have heard of the clans from far across the land, and realize that if we are to survive as long as you have, we must become one of you."
"Why should we trust you?" Tidestar snarled, his tail lashing sweeping sand off of his part of Split Rock.
"Starclan will not welcome a band of rouges onto our lands," noted Doestar, raising her muzzle into the air snobbishly. Murmurs of agreement rose from the crowd below Split Rock.
"If Starclan disapproves of us, let them show us a sign," meowed the mysterious tabby. The clan cats stiffened, their voices dying off leading way to an eerie silence. They turned their attentions to the sky, expecting something to happen. The clan cats expected the moon to be covered by clouds, a storm, a lighting bolt, anything to show Starclan’s disapproval. But to the clans' astonishment, no such sign came. Suddenly in the crowd, a medicine cat from Oceanclan named Lotusflower began to tremble, her tail fur bushed and her eyes wide as if in a trance. She yowled out in pain, gaining everyone’s attention. The cats surrounding her watched in horror, but none of the other four medicine cats with her dare move to help, or allow anyone else to approach. The leaders looked down at the seizing medicine cat with interest, aware that something important was happening. After a moment the she-cat settled down, rising to her paws shakily. She leaned against a couple of her fellow medicine cats, panting heavily. She swallowed harshly before raising her muzzle, parting her jaws to speak.
"Starclan has spoken to me!" Lotusflower exclaimed loud enough for all at the gathering to hear, though her voice was hoarse from the pain she had endured to receive the message. All the cats around her listened to the she-cat intently. "A Quiet Marsh shall flow through the land in order to form a brand new Star," she meowed in a voice that did not sound like her own.
"My name is Quiet Marsh!" The tabby tom exclaimed with surprise in his tone, taking a step back. The cats behind him shrank back in fear, mewling like frightened kits. This could only mean one thing. Starclan had approved of these new cats after all. The clan cats broke into an uproar. Some were rejoiceful over the new arrivals, while others spat in protest. 
"Starclan has spoken," meowed one of the older medicine cats. The leader yowled in approval, silencing the frenzied crowd back down into soft murmurs.
“No matter how much us as living cats may disapprove,” began clan leader Hawkstar, “We must listen to the words of our ancestors. If they say that these are to be welcomed on our land, then it must be so.”
The other three leaders nodded at one another in approval to Hawkstar’s statement. They beckoned Quiet Marsh and his cats forward to join the crowd. Tidestar meowed for Quiet Marsh to join the other leaders on top of Split Rock.
“if you are to live as one of us, you must respect our traditions. You shall take on the name of a leader, just as the four of us have. From this point of, you shall be known as Marshstar, and your clan shall henceforth be named after you. Tonight you will speak with Starclan personally and receive your nine lives as a leader. Give thanks to them when you are brought to their presence, they are the only reason why you shall be staying here,” Hawkstar meowed to Marshstar.
On Split Rock, the five cats stood. The empty spot once used by the leaders to step up and make announcements now belonged to a leader of its own, and a clan. Marshclan. After the gathering, Marshstar traveled to the Moon Cavern. Lotusflower left Oceanclan to become Marshclan's first medicine cat, and escorted the new leader to receive his lives. Meanwhile, the band of ex-rouges were brought to the unwanted marsh lands by the clan cats to set their new boundaries and create a camp. While their leader was away the clans began to teach them what it truly meant to be a clan. 
When Marshstar was officially given his name, Starclan proclaimed. "The land has received it's missing point. The four are no longer so. But rather, the new five, which make up the points of a star. The clans are now to be known as the Land's Star." From that day on there have been five clans. And that is how it shall forever remain.
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actingdeep · 3 years
Conrad Fair
There was a knock at the door, and Jackson turned the lock to meet cordial eyes with his buddy Maxxy, who was grinning maniacally and clutching a puffed backpack, a twenty-watt Fender practice amp and the accompanying electric guitar. He threw his hand on Maxxy's shoulder and brought him inside. The two had a full weekend of plans together and could not be more ready to welcome it due to the anticipative nature of the week. The small town of Conrad, Indiana was preparing for it's annual summer weekend of small-town festivities sponsored by the local high school that Maxxy, Jackson, and all of their mutual buddies attended. The two had not seen each other since that last day at the end of their Sophomore year the previous month. The weather was sultry and inviting, and a general town buzz could be detected murmuring around them in the toasting Friday morning country air. Maxxy shed his supplies as a mangy tabby rubbed against his calf, and the buddies settled in the couches to figure out what to do first.        "Is the library open yet?" inquired Maxxy.        "Yup, I was just there."        "Any computers open?"        "Probably, no one was there besides me and Zadra." Jackson let off his purposefully overly-hokey and sputtering mock laugh. "Uhuh-uhuh-uhyuk." "Uhuh-uhuh-uhyuk," Maxxy echoed. "Let me guess: Runescape?"        "Always," Jackson confirmed.        "Well, he's not going anywhere. Let's go get a Monster," suggested Max.        "Already good, bro!" returned Jackson, pulling up a half-empty Full Throttle from the floor beside him. He handed it over to Max, who threw back a swig. "But let's go get you somethin'."        Jackson slipped his unsocked feet into a pair of dirty tennis shoes, and with nothing more to collect, the two shut the door and headed off to the convenience store the next block down. The door did not fully close--but this matters little.        Once Maxxy purchased his fuel for the next couple of hours, the two sat in a small booth alongside the window within Mac's Convenience and Gas and deliberated upon which of their nearby buddies' houses they ought to gumshoe so as to wheedle out a familiar face that they might recruit into their, as of yet, ungerminated circle.        "Should we see if Lawson is awake?" Maxxy posited.        "Nah, he's never up right now. He will probably stop by the house on his bike after he does," Jackson informed him.        "Okay. Let's see what's going on at the park."        "Uhuh-uhuh-uhyuk. I bet you twenty bucks we will see Kyndell," Jackson prophecised.        "...and Jessie??" Maxxy lit up.        "Oh, God."        "Uhuh-uhuh-uhyuk."        The sunshine seemed to be emanating with considerably stronger muscle than it had been when they had entered Mac's ten minutes ago; the people of the town were beginning to materialize. There were scattered little clumps of adults all around: blocking off certain roads, painting and implanting signs, sweeping away sticks and glass, ripping around water hoses, erecting all the appropriate setups for the first day of the oncoming jamboree. Jackson flung off his left shoe high into the air above them and they watched it land with a thud ten feet before them as they were sauntering away from Mac's in the direction of the park that was three blocks away from them, Maxxy whooping to him with acclaiming fanfare; a bevy of humming motors, revving engines and crackling rocks forming the blood-pumping static surrounding them.        The last of the morning's dew was still clung to the bottoms of the wide and blue benches and railings of playground equipment when Max and Jackson arrived. Maxxy flung off a microscopic puddle of water from a narrow, black park swing and rest himself betwixt the chains, leaning back into it while still standing. Jackson approached him and deceived an intense hurl at his genitals with his lifted knee.        "Hey! Fuck off!" Max blushed, jerking the chains around.        "Uhuh-uhuh-uhyuk." Jackson flung himself into the next swing to the left, looking at Maxxy and silently confirming with him their inclining states of adventure. "Welp--no one's here."        Less than a minute after Jackson observed this, he felt a hand whack him on the back of his shoulder. He turned to meet Kyndell's little brother Chandler, who had materialized between them. Chandler flung into the swing to Jackson's left, tore back the chains in the middle and pushed off into the atmosphere above them.        "Hey! Is Jessie at your house?" Maxxy hollered to Chandler, as the latter continued his pendular locomotion.        "Yeah!" Chandler exclaimed. "She stayed over all this week."        "Uh-oh," Jackson turned to Max, meeting his eyes obstreperously.        "What? Why?" Chandler grinded to a halt, forming two dark rips in the gravel below him.        "Maxxy's getting horny."        "What, and you aren't?" rejointed Max.        "Gross," Chandler flouted.        "Maxxy wants that cherry pie," Jackson provoked with glee.        "I will kill you right here, right now."        "Uhuh-uhuh-uhyuk."        "I'm outta here." Chandler exited, pulling out an orange light-up Yo-Yo from his aerated athletic shorts.        "Wait! Is Kyndell coming to the fair later?" Jackson added.        "Probably. Jessie keeps bugging her about it." Chandler turned the corner, walking the dog.        At hearing this, Maxxy reared himself back in the swing for takeoff, with eyes beaming. As he launched, Jackson mentioned that he wished he had brought his basketball. When Maxxy yelled down to him as to whether they should go and get it, Jackson concluded that they had better not, and instead move on from the park over to the library. Max concurred, and after a couple minutes, descended his heels and grinded to a halt.        "I gotta piss. Let's go to the house first," Maxxy's Monster can left under a bench for him to possibly finish later.        When they returned, they found Jackson's mother traipsing around the small and (admittedly) unpleasant-smelling little household; the presence of the tabby could be ostensibly detected. She offered to make eggs for the boys after a warm welcome directed at Max. They declined and informed her they would rather save their appetites for the fair later in the afternoon. She accepted this, and handed them both five dollars to spend. Maxxy took his piss, inspecting his pocket for a guitar pick meanwhile. He flushed, checked himself in the mirror and soon found Jackson on the bottom-bunk in his bedroom, laying back in the shadow with one foot in the sun, playing something on a red GameBoy Advance SP. Max said nothing, and decided this would be his window to play a little guitar before they would commence their real adventure. He practiced "Heart-Shaped Box" without plugging in, and pictured what kind of tatty and heavenly singular outfit Jessie might be wearing today--and how he would feel when he would at last be lavishly gifted that prime look from out of her blue, crystalline and unearthly eyes.        After about twenty minutes of semi-silent leisure, Max set the guitar down, when he saw his friend appear from his bedroom doorway, stretching himself to the top of the door frame, and groaning overzealously. the two re-shoed themselves and headed out the front door and into the breezy light, this time leaning it open to air the house behind the janky screen door, a basketball under Jackson's arm. Not two steps down the stairway did they perceive coming down the road to their right an approaching bicycle operated by none other than Lawson Parker. Max signaled to him with an ironically dainty flit of finger-wagging, with forward-bent wrist. Lawson rushed up next to them, feigning destructive and injuring collision before steering around Max's left and harshly circling back around them to a rest.        "Hey, easy! Jesus!" Jackson yawped.        Lawson coughed loudly, and gave off a sardonic look to them, resting himself placidly on the faded purple mountain bike, faint light reflecting off his glasses and the silver handles of the bike into the couplet's eyes. Lawson attempting a swing at the basketball under Jackson's arm, successfully knocked it loose, and hopped off the bike to retrieve it, letting the bike fall on it's side in the yard beside the green oak that they were consorting beneath.        "Asshole, get back here!" yelled out Jackson playfully, chasing Lawson as he dashed off around the corner of the house and onto the back pavement where an adjustable hoop resided. Lawson pulled a layup through the netless ring, and haunched himself with daring eyes aimed at Jackson, and flew a rapid bounce pass around him to Maxxy, who was quickly following behind. Max tore off his thin, black and white Beatles jacket and began to dribble, peering into an approaching Jackson, making himself large. He saw Lawson's thin hand enticing him between Jackson's left leg and outstretched arm, and sent the ball through to him with success, after a deceptive pivot to Jackson's right. Lawson slammed the ball down through the ring with fervor, and walked away in satisfaction.        "Ah, too easy! Toooo easy!" let off Lawson, side-eyeing Jackson.        "Okay, okay. Calm down, now," he replied. "What are you doing?"        Lawson pulled out a cigarette and lit it. He shrugged his shoulders. He offered a smoke to Max, who politely declined. Lawson kept holding it out to him.        "He doesn't smoke," said Jackson between them, snatching the cigarette from his outstretched hand.        Lawson lit the smoke for Jackson.        "Let's walk; I don't need mom smelling this. She will start bitching like crazy," said Jackson. They all laughed.        "We're going to the library to cool down," decided Max.        "Yes, that's a good idea," added Jackson, who was breathing quite heavily (despite being rather lean), and he dropped the ball at their feet. "You coming?"        "Maybe," replied Lawson, who was replacing himself upon the mountain bike.        "If you don't, you'll see us around the fair pretty much all day!" Max threw in, politely inviting him along at any time.        "If I go," Lawson corrected him.        "Yes, if you go." Max turned around, pretended to cough, and rolled his eyes as much as they could go to Jackson.        Lawson looked unamused. The three began towards the library, the couplet walking with wheeling Lawson circling around them, as they went along.        The small Conrad Branch library only had a square of four computers that were persistently occupied and fought over. The three friends entered and could spot Jeffrey Zadra, adorned in big black plug-in headphones and fixated on his screen, clicking the mouse viciously. The computer beside him was unusually vacant. Max threw himself into it, stretching his legs. Jackson and Lawson stood behind the two sitting, placid and curious.        "Someone's mining for ore," said Jackson, directed at Zadra and his rapid clicking.        "Dude. I just found the fucking mithril ore goldmine!" Zadra confirmed. "Fuck off, Lawson." Lawson had wrapped his hands around Zadra's eyes, smiling devilishly. Zadra threw them off, and pulled down his headphones to his neck in a huff.        "Have you been here since this morning?" laughed Jackson.        "Uh-huh."        Max laughed, and Jackson smiled back to him. "Uhuh-uhuh-uhyuk."        Lawson went around the wall to the other two computers, also atypically unoccupied, and leaned over the cheap wooden partition, covering Zadra's screen with an outstretched hand, to Zadra's great annoyance.        "Ya'll going to the fair? Is it busy yet?" inquired Zadra, smacking away Lawson's hand.        "Not really. They're still setting up. And yes, we will most definitely be there," answered Maxxy.        "Most definitely," Zadra echoed, only half-listening. "I'm not. No one comes in here when that's going on. Get's me ahead on here," referring to the game. "Plus, it's quiet as fuck and nobody fucks with me!" he added wrathfully, once again knocking away Lawson's irksome hand from the screen.        "Maxxy most definitely wants to fuck Jessie," threw in Jackson, unneedingly.        Zadra and Lawson boomed with laughter. The lone librarian shooshed them. Max shook his head, smiling crookedly.        "I mean, I kinda don't blame you," said Zadra in a lowered tone, still clicking and slightly blushing from the admittance and the hard laughter.        "Yeah, yeah. So are we going or what?" Max was losing interest.        "I don't know, are we?" said Lawson wryly, giving Max a look.        "I think we are," he answered.        "If you guys see Mason, he'll be drinking vodka in his lemon shake-up. Took some from his dad's stash yesterday for it," said Zadra.        "Oh, God," Max and Jackson both said.        "Ha-ha-ha."        "That sounds like Mason," said Lawson.        It was, by this time, around 11:30, and the Conrad Fair had fully commenced. The small town affair stretched down three streets, six blocks each, with the adjacent parking lots of the local bank and chapel serving as a main hub. There consisted roughly ten food booths, an open-air stage at the far end of a lot for live music, and three mid-sized amusement rides: one flat, one gravity, and one vertical. Along the edges, individuals erected small open tents filled with the typical fair ware: handmade jewelry, bandannas, T-shirts, woven bracelets, hand-carved figurines, signs and ornaments, various mediums of artwork, wall posters, melee weapons, local paraphernalia. Lawson had split off from the trio as they exited the library for a transient return home for a reason that, upon the couplet's inquiries, he declined to specify. The friends decided to hit the rides first, to attain an efficacious rush of blood that they hoped would boost their energies. Maxxy was at the height of his excitement, as the day had brought nothing but pleasant expectations thus far; and he knew around some corner, at any possible moment, Jessie would appear to him.            The music from the stage could now be heard, and there was a healthy crowd all around. Maxxy looked around for familiar faces as Jackson was conversing with his older cousin Marcus, who was operating out of one of the merchandise tents along the sidewalk behind the chapel. He spotted Harper Fritchman, who was a grade below he and Jackson, walking with her new boyfriend, Silas. He signaled her and she immediately steered Silas over to him with a boisterous grin.        "Maxxy! Oh my gosh, it's been forever, it seems like! You know Silas, right?"        "I know! How's it going? [To Silas] How's it going, man?"        "Good, good. Silas just bought me this. [She points out a bright green snake-knot keychain]. Now, we're going to get an elephant ear," she declared, looking quite appeased. "Hi, Jackson! Hi, Marcus!"        "That's what's up. Have you seen..."        "...Jessie?" she finished, quite aware.        "No! I was gonna say...okay, yes, Jessie." (Jackson smacked his shoulder, and let off the laugh, in low tones).        "Oh my gosh, you guys and that stupid laugh," she sighed. Silas was very entertained. "No, I'm afraid not, buddy. Sorry. Do you guys want to hang with us for a while?"        "We were planning on hitting the rides first, is the sugar stand in that direction?" asked Max.         "Which sugar stand? There are a lot," Silas spoke for the first time.        "He means the elephant ears, dummy!" Harper taunted flaccidly, thudding him on the chest.        "Oh! I think it is, yeah."        "Alright, let's do it," concluded Max, gathering Jackson, who had just bought a large, customized fishing lure from his cousin.        Upon reaching the vendor, the quartet split, whereupon Max promised Harper she would see him again soon, to her delight. Jackson was urging Max to hurry up once he noticed a small line forming in front of the vertical ride. The two waited for ten minutes, then proceeded boarding. The two enjoyed a brief and conciliating whirl.        The streets bustled as the day grew ever more torrid and sparkling. Maxxy and Jackson made a brief split; the former to wait in line at the lemon shake-up stand while the latter returned to Mac's, so as to quench his yen on a budget.        Max, having obtained his mixture, was waiting nearby the mechanical bull for Jackson, as per their arrangement, when he spotted the person he considered his best friend, Niki, coming down the road aside her boyfriend Aleister and his best friend Riley Billingsley. Niki, Jackson and Maxxy are all members of the school's marching band program; herself, more specifically, in the color guard. When their eyes met, she gave off a very feminine squeal (really, more of a shriek) that jolted a nearby group of bodies; and for those types of efforts of enthusiasm that which, he distinguished, were typically winked at, he adored her. Her appearance that day was highly unexpected to Max due to her boyfriend Aleister's stringent and insulating nature in regard to Niki's conviviality; and, because of his genuine surprise at sighting her, despite the severity of that nature, Max was much too perky to restrain his amity, in great contrast to other, more regular days in whch he could skillfully downplay such a friendship. She ran up to Max while Riley and Aleister shuffled away behind the food stand tables.        "Can you believe I made it?"        "Yeah, you said it wasn't likely. I'm very glad you did! Where are they going?"        "Who cares, dude. You hangin' with Lawson?"        "No--Jackson. We were with Lawson earlier, though. We went to annoy Zadra at the library."        "Oh my God, I can't wait to see Jackson! Where is he?"        "Right here," said Jackson, who had snuck up behind Niki right at the moment of her inquiry, holding a half-empty Mountain Dew Code Red and an order of Bosco Stix.  Another squeal.        "Dude! I missed you guys so much!"        "Did you just get here?" asked Jackson, muffled through chewed up bread and cheese.        "Yes, like twenty minutes ago. Riley wanted to see Kyndell, and since she lives just right there, we figured she would be here. We haven't see her yet, though. Have you guys?"        "Not yet," answered Maxxy.        "Damn."        "But we saw Chandler. He said she would be here."        "That's her brother, right? Gotcha. Well, shit. So, what have you been up to?"        "Rode the Rocket," said Jackson, still chewing.        "We saw Harper and Silas."        "And Marcus."        "I love her," Niki claimed. "Are you both doing the parade on Sunday?"        They replied in the affirmative. Niki was elated. This year she had been assigned by the guard captain the premier position of anterior troop: one of four flag girls at the head of the parade. The couplet congratulated her as the trio began along toward the stage.        "Yeah. Only it better not fucking rain," warned Niki. "Oh my God, there's Lawson!"        Lawson was spotted by the three, leaning against a portable metal fence piece between the back of the stage and the gravity ride, spinning round on it's puck's edge. He threw his arm around five-foot-one Niki's neck and knuckled her blonde hair into oblivion. She unwrangled herself and was only slightly miffed.        "You son of a bitch, I fucking swear." She capitulated and smiled.        "Where you been?" Maxxy queried. Lawson smiled and shrugged his shoulders.        "Riveting."        "Max said you guys saw Zadra. How's he doing?"        "Same as always," Lawson spoke up.        "Runescape," Max specified.        "I don't blame him, that shit's addictive," said Niki. "Oh! Speaking of--I need to get me some funnel cake!"        "What's that?" Jackson asked.        "Elephant ears," Max clarified, shaking a laugh out.        "Precisely," she confirmed.        "We saw Harper and Silas getting..."        "We literally just said that."        "Oh, yeah."        Max was beginning to admit to himself that he was growing more and more distraught at not having come across Jessie yet. He remained largely absent-minded for the next hour as the four shifted their location from gravity ride to the funnel cake stand to the shaded spot beneath the red maples beside the chapel, Niki sneaking sips from his lemon shake-up all the while as she ate her fried dough with sugar.        Lawson was eager to move on to the outer edges of the festival, so as to smoke without worry. In a moment, they would all abide, and they headed in the direction of the park. Their surroundings had officially become bedlam; the town was at the apex of clamor and activity.        Maxxy was just about to announce his withdrawal to the library for a brief, solitary spell when Riley Billingsley and Kyndell Reed, with locked hands, coolly approached the four friends presently crossing into the mulch. Maxxy, upon seeing them, only dozily smiled at them, not making the connection at first. Then, in a flash, he turned wide-eyed to Jackson and was about to say something, when he felt a gentle tapping on his shoulder.
She was already hugging him tightly around the neck, and he could smell that perfectly secretive fragrance that always emanated from her hair. To Maxxy, in this moment, that fragrance was much more likely to have been birthed straight out from her soul; he was, unquestionably and indefensibly, in love with her.        He knew he loved Jessie ever since they met in the late autumn of the previous year. At that time, Kyndell Reed was not dating RIley Billingsley, but rather, his best friend, Aleister. This was a very brief pairing: only lasting from around September to mid-November. They were both in agreement that they were much better suited as friends (which they did stay, to many of their mutual friends' great surprise). The two were infamous for their unbelievably clean separation, having been spotted conversing many times quite casually no more than a week after their division.        During their stint as a couple, however, Aleister was also much closer friends with Maxxy. It was only after Aleister and Niki began to date that he would slowly stave off communication with Maxxy, as he (Max) was the only one of Niki's male friends that did not stop staying over with her on weekends out of "respect" for Aleister. Maxxy was much too attached to Niki at this point--having met her through the marching program-- and had remained close friends with her for over a year now, with Jackson as their go-to third wheel. She had never even spoken to Aleister before until Max introduced the two a little after the new year.        It was amid that far-off era of Kyndell and Aleister when Maxxy would get invited to a rendezvous that evening at the local mall by Aleister to meet with Kyndell and her new friend that attended a school elsewhere for a casual turn of time-spending. No person in Maxxy's life had ever put forth such kindness and interest for him as Jessie did that night they first met: meandering the long hall of shops, rifling through merchandise with no intent of purchase, branching off from their coupled friends so as to deter their dull romance, and unconsciously, to develop a nascent one for their own--and no person has still not, since.        At the festival, Jessie was adorned in black high-top Chuck Taylors, the ends messily splattered with paint of every other color, black skinny jeans with rips along the thighs, revealing coyly the blood-red fishnets beneath, and a ruffled white off-shoulder top under a thin, black hooded jacket, with at least ten thin, elastic bracelets in the shapes of animals on each wrist, and a fringed, dark-blue window curtain tie back serving as neckwear. Her large eyes popped out to Max from thin black rings of makeup and once again sent out to him that incomparable rescue of affection. Their surroundings all disappeared whenever they were together; for she was also in love with him as well: a fact Maxxy was acutely and reluctantly aware of.          After a few minutes of the two talking very rapidly with giant grins, forgetting about everybody else nearby, Lawson crept up beside the two and placed an open hand to the back of each of their heads, attempting to push their faces together, smirking nefariously. Jessie squeezed her eyes shut and laughed vociferously as their heads struggled in counter-force, until Maxxy unwrangled out from his friend's playful constraints, with Jackson holding a look of keen encouragement the entire time as he watched them.        "Lawson, you're so rude, oh my gosh!" laughed Kyndell, smacking his arm in concealed approval.        "Ha-ha-ha!" Jessie laughed magnanimously.        "Just fuck, already," Jackson whispered to Niki, who tried to hold back, but could not, a wet raspberry laugh.        "Niki! Oh my God!" exclaimed Jessie, upon realizing her presence, and gave her a warm and genuine hug. Niki was quite fond of Jessie, despite an unconscious inclination that she might rather not be. She hugged her back. "This is so great! Everybody is here! Jackson! Uhuh-uhuh-uhyuk!" Jessie continued with glee and excitement.        "I know, right?" Kyndell agreed.        Maxxy walked over to a bench and pulled out the half-empty Monster can he had left that morning and took a large gulp of the, at this point, very warm liquid, making sure Jessie was watching all the time. Of course, she was, and laughed in delightful confusion, Aleister and RIley forming adjudicative faces at each other.        The day was beginning to dwindle; sunset was coming on and a cool wind began to rise out from beyond the trees of the little park, in the little town. Aleister and Niki were seen off to their getaway car by Riley, Kyndell and Maxxy once Aliester, clad in nothing but a thin, extra-large KoRn T-shirt, perceived it would soon be dark clouds and cold showers. Niki gave Max her patented best-friend embrace, puppeteering his figure to and fro, and gently whispering into his ear the soft, nervous entreaty: "I don't want to leave"; and the couple drove off down into the loud, gravel paths lain upon the emptied acres of endless dirt fields surrounding, and in the distance, the faint opening note of thunder could be heard.        "Have you ever gone in that chapel? I'm curious what it's like," said Max, explicitly offering out a venture that would appeal to Jessie's marveling sensibility.        "No! I haven't!" she said. "Is it still open?"        "It's a chapel, it's always open," Kyndell clarified incredulously. "I have been many times, it isn't that interesting."        "But I want to see it," Jessie affirmed.        "Do you guys mind if Riley and I hang back? I have to go get a shake-up before they close! Oh, don't forget, Jessie, we have to be home by eight, so meet us back here by 7:30. If it starts to rain, I'll just meet you back at home. Bye-bye, Max! Are you coming back tomorrow? We won't be able to until after six. Mom is taking us and Riley to the lake."        "Oh my God, I almost forgot," Jessie jumped in. "Yeah, you have to come back tomorrow night and meet us here," she insisted, quickly turning to Max, looking giddy.        "If we're not too tired," Kyndell finished, as she staggered away, laughing, with Riley tugging at her sleeve mirthfully.        Within the chapel, Max and Jessie garrisoned the borders of the nave: running their fingers and hands aloof along the pews and buttresses, seemingly abandoned, with intermittent bursts of the thunder slowly advancing without. With the structure being momentarily all to themselves, the couplet relaxed themselves and made it their oyster: Maxxy creeping the dimmed aisles in solitary until finally settling himself into the pulpit, pulling out and fingering the tab from his since-discarded drink can and looking on to the apse, where Jessie was mounted, facing him, with her arms suspended above her, and personating a belly-dancer. Three blocks away, Jeffrey Zadra was spotted by Lawson and Jackson exiting the library, yawning overzealously with outstretched limbs. The trio met in the road and discussed the highlights of their respective enterprises of the day. After Zadra, a proud and decided contrarian, and detractor of fallible human kindliness, was apprised of the town's general conglomerate fraternization by Lawson and Jackson, he was firmly cemented in his opinion of the superiority of the qualities of his time-spending, indoors, facing the electric monitor. Lawson congratulated him ironically, and quickly jolted a claw at his genitals with a counterfeit attack, causing him to flinch with rage, and Jackson to laugh heartily. Eventually, after some continuance of this ill-disposed jesting, the three would make off to their respective houses, cued by the wet drops that were beginning to fall around them.        "I can hear the rain," said Jessie, herself now in the pulpit, stretching a leg over Max directly beside her.        "It's time to get going, guys," an adult voice could be heard, calling to them from the narthex. The couplet jumped to their feet, and could see the dark clouds bearing down upon Conrad from the lancet windows, as they made their sprightly exit from the sanctuary, with omniscient thunder enveloping the little chapel.        "Bye," said Jessie, stopping suddenly under the awning and turning to Max, wriggling her fingers between his, looking straight into his eyes with deep and heartfelt meaning.        "Wait! it's only seven. Can't I walk you back to meet Kyndell?"        "No, I'm going back to her place, now."        "We're going to hang again tomorrow, right?"        "I don't know, it might be too rainy. Plus, Kyndell might not want to, and I have to stay with her."        "But why?"        "I just do," she said, looking away, closing her eyes.        "Well I'm going to wait for you at the park starting at six, no matter how rainy it is."        "Ha-ha-ha! No! Do not do that."        "Not up to you," Max said.        "FIne--get all wet, and just stand there and look pathetic!" she laughed hysterically at this image, and threw his hand out from hers, turning away. Max pulled her back before she could retreat, anxious to never leave her with a goodbye anything less than perfect.        "Stop! It's really pouring, now. I have to go!" She peered at him, impatient, but quite amused.        "Alright. Bye." He let go.        "Bye."        Max remained unmoved, under the awning, for an indeterminate length, paying no notice to the emptying streets, when he noticed suddenly the muffled jingle of his cell phone playing the Dexter theme song from within his pocket. A text from Lawson's number:        "It's Jackson. Where are you? Come to the house."        Ascending the porch steps, and throwing off his soaked Beatles jacket, Maxxy entered the house to find a shirtless Jackson in the corner, lifting a barbell without any plates, to and from his chest, alongside Lawson, sitting on the edge of the scratchy sofa, picking arpeggios out from Maxxy's guitar. Upon his entrance, Lawson looked up, and stared coolly into Max's face, sending out to him a fellow guitarist's appreciation of playing on unfamiliar axes, still plucking away the same arpeggios.        "You break a string, I break your balls," said Max, plunging himself beside him, ripping off his shoes and tossing them at the door.        "Uhuh-uhuh-uhyuk," Jackson cooed, still training.        Lawson turned his head, and continued to eyeball Max as he played, initiating his patented, glazed stare of false mystery. Max, becoming uncomfortable, just as Lawson had hoped, broke away from this trap, and reached into the back of his amplifier, revealing a long, black cable, plugging another, shorter one into the outlet, and handed one end of the lengthier cord to Lawson.        "Not too loud," said Jackson, having set down the barbell, now opening and closing his palms, looking down at his biceps with satisfaction.        Maxxy plugged his end of the cord into the amplifier, and flipped over the switch in the corner. Lawson turned the upper, skull-shaped knob of Max's guitar as far as it would go to the right, bringing out a loud, nervous buzzing from the amplifier. Max immediately threw the amp's volume knob down to zero, now growing quite tired of Lawson at this juncture.        "Oh my God, do you ever stop?" Jackson sighed, also growing agitated, easing himself onto the loose-legged Windsor chair outside the kitchen, now chewing on a freshly-opened Rice Krispies. Lawson threw his head back in sated delight and sighed malignantly, finally revealing a built up exhaustion within that he was indeed actively trying to conceal for the last hour since returning to Jackson's house. Max re-adjusted his volume knob, looking up to Lawson entreatingly, and, upon receiving a confirming look of trust, went to grab a Rice Krispies for himself.        "Oh, shit. This is the last one. Sorry."        "Ech-!" Maxxy groaned, returning to his spot beside Lawson, now playing a very reasonable chord structure on the clean channel. "I've literally had no food today."        "You want some ramen?"        "God, yes. Please and thank you."        "Mom! Maxxy wants some ramen!"        "And Lawson!" the current guitarist added.        "And Lawson! Shit, fuck, now I want some too."        "Jackson, watch your goddamn mouth! Good Lord! Fifteen minutes, fellas."        "Uhuh-uhuh-uhyuk."
The evening downpour had loomed over the outskirts of the town long enough beforehand so that it did not become a hindrance whatsoever to the continuance of virtually any ingredient of the weekend festival. The rides, vendors and merchandise stands were all safely tarped or deconstructed with time to spare; and, with a plentiful staff of volunteers, along with a respectable volume of benevolent pedestrians also assisting, all of the folding tables and chairs were successfully stored, and every electric cord and motor triumphantly cloaked for the remainder of the night. Day two of the Conrad Fair commenced with grace, bright and early, undeterred, unswamped, pulsating with life, under the balmy summer sky.        It was half-past noon when Maxxy awoke, rising out from Jackson's bottom bunk in his bedroom, a mighty dearth of conditioned air having left his entire shirt back and forehead sopping in sweat. Upon searching the upper level of the bed, he found his friend absent, and was quickly informed by his mother, sitting in front of a box fan, that Jackson had only just left for Mac's, not ten minutes ago.        Thanking her, he extracted a fresh pair of socks and a clean T-shirt out from his puffed backpack, wiped himself down with a towel from the bottom of Jackson's dirty laundry hamper, and started off in that direction, inaugurating the humid, country afternoon and all that it might bring. The moment he stepped inside Mac's, Max was swarmed with a holy deliverance of crisp, bracing, conditioned air. Jackson was sitting in the booth the two presided the previous morning, chewing on a danish, across from a woman in her early twenties that Max did not know.        "Oh, damn, did you just wake up too?" asked Jackson.        "Yeah. Fucking hot in there, it is."        "No shit. I've been telling mom every day I need a new fan, I don't know what she's waiting for. Say hi to Kasey!"        "Hi! Are you..."        "This is my adopted cousin," Jackson informed him, tapping her on her hands, amiably.        "Oh yeah? How's that work?" asked Max, seating himself.        "Ha-ha-ha. I'm seeing his cousin Marcus. It is fuckin' hot, I swear! He's out in that booth over by the chapel sellin' his gear. I was out there too, but it was way cooler this mornin'. I told him, 'Marcus, I am sorry, babe, but I am 'bout to fuckin' die! 'Bout to have a damn heat stroke, or some'n!' I said, 'I have got to go inside somewhere cool for a while.' So, he said to come here for a minute. Then I ran into little Jackson here, just a minute ago! But, anyway. You two got big plans?"        "Nope," they both said, blithely.        "Yeah, we really don't either. Just gonna hang out and try n' make some money. Well, he is--I'm just try'na stay cool now, ha-ha!"        "You oughta ride that zero-gravity thing," Jackson suggested.        "Uh, hell to the no, m'dude! That janky thing? Are you tryin' to kill me?"        The trio remained there at Mac's, jabbering for another half an hour, Maxxy getting up to buy himself a mocha-flavored coffee drink from the cooler and an order of the cheese-filled Bosco Stix, a cup of cheese included, meanwhile, when the aforementioned Marcus sauntered inside, throwing himself into the booth beside Kasey, completing the four-seater, tearing off his ball cap and pulling up his shirt to mop up his dewy forehead.        "Wha'sup, ya'll," he said, exasperated.        "Who's watchin' the booth, babe?" Kasey asked, wrapping her arms around his, resting her head on his large shoulder.        "Jeremiah, next door, with the huntin' gear. He's a good dude. He's giving me half an hour now, and then I gotta head back and keep an eye on his gear so he can go and let his dogs out."        "Awh, poor puppies. That's sweet, babe."        "Jackson. Max. What'chy'all up to?" asked Marcus, flapping his shirt with his fingers, finally getting cool.        "Not much. Probably just gonna walk around, might go to Lawson's or the park," said Jackson.        "I walked by that park earlier, and I'll tell you what, if it wasn't the busiest I ever seen it. Little kids all over everythang," Marcus commented.        "Ha-ha-ha. Well, maybe the library, then. I don't know. It's always cool in there," replied Jackson.        "But later tonight, it will definitely be the park," said Max.        "Yeah? Why's that? Some'n goin' on? Fireworks, right?" asked Jackson's cousin.        "Wait, hold up! They're gon' have fireworks?" asked Kasey, lifting her head with sudden enthusiasm.        "Yup yup," Jackson confirmed, sipping on a chocolate milk, nodding assuredly.        "Damn, I didn't even know that," said Max. "There weren't any last year, were there? Or the year before!" He thought of Jessie--wondering if she knew about the fireworks.        "So why'd you say 'Definitely the park later?'" Marcus queried.        "He's got a little fuck buddy," said Jackson, prompting Max to thud him on the chest.        "Oh, well, there ya go!" said the cousins, laughing politely.        "Who is she?"        The four continued talking for a time, covering topics such as fishing, summer school, Marcus' new pickup truck, and the eccentric girl who is always running about with Kyndell Reed.        "Oh, shit, babe, I only got ten minutes left. We best get goin.' Alright, fellas. Sorry to cut it short. Jackson--as always. Max--good luck!"        "Nice to meet you, Max! Keep little Jackson out'a trouble, now, ya' hear? Maybe we'll catch y'all tonight at them fireworks."        Marcus slapped on his cap by the bill, and gathered his large ring of keys he had thrown in the middle of the table, as Kasey took both hands to Jackson's head, disheveling his dark hair, flaring it in all directions, before exiting the human cooler back into the dog day. The buddies rose from the booth less than a minute later, both of them quite ready to return once again out into the civil pandemonium that was sprawling the streets.        It was around by the roasted corn-on-the-cob stand near the entrance to the main drag of victual vendors leading up to the stage that Jackson and Max came across David, a long-haired musician, whom Niki had introduced to Max only a couple months ago, walking by himself rather aimlessly, looking a bit anxious, with both hands in his pockets. Niki had shared a study hall period with him, and his lurching, solitary disposition, with long locks perpetually draped over half of his face, piqued her interest and brought her to introduce herself, inquiring as to whether he was a musician (he was, in fact, a bass player)--the unconscious motive being her desire to find a person that would be a good match for her best friend Maxxy, another long-haired musician, who had, in fact, once or twice, mentioned aloud to her his noticing David's curious presence seen here and there along the edges of the school's hallways. During a lunch period, not a week after, she would introduce the two and meld them into fellowship with triumph. Maxxy asked if Jackson had ever talked to him, and he affirmed that he did, as he also shared with the loner third-period geometry in Mr. Miller's class. The couplet agreed on an attempt to recruit him.        David, being only a bit more open-minded and quite friendlier than his appearance would lead one to believe, agreed to join the buddies for a time, as he was indeed alone at the fair and had no specific arrangement made with anybody, or any detailed plan of action. He simply came because it was something to do--something rather, in his mind, adventurous for him to engage in--atypical from his usual disinterest in events or gatherings of any sort; but in reality, what with the meager populace of the town demanding nothing but semi-familiar faces all around, was a rather safe and conventional outing. The trio rummaged through the merchandise booths, pointing out interesting objects and gadgets to one another, kindly greeting the individual sellers, passing by Marcus and Kasey's booth near the end of the road, and planted themselves on the curb nearby them, Jackson talking with his cousins while Max and David continued catching each other up on their respective summers.        "I invited Niki, but she said she would have to come with Aleister. I told her 'never mind.' I offered her a ride, and she said she wanted to come, so I don't know what the deal is. Oh, well. It's not that important; I was going to come either way. I figured I would see you and Jessie sometime. Is she here?"        "I was with her last night, for like an hour. We went into that chapel and then it started raining, big time. Haven't seen her today. Yeah, Aleister's got her in a fucking strangle-hold, I really regret introducing them, ha-ha. Did you know they're having fireworks tonight?"        "Nope, but I probably won't stay that late. I just came to see if anything interesting was happening, and nothing really is."        "We got the parade tomorrow; Niki will be right up front waving a flag," Max informed him.        "Yeah, I'm not going to that--seems pointless. Aleister will probably be there. She'll have fun getting that attention, ha-ha--that's for sure," said David, tossing pebbles at an oak across the road. "So you'll be in that parade, too?"        "Yep, I will be with the drum line clapping the cymbals together--pretty much the easiest gig in the whole thing; otherwise, I would skip it."        "You guys talking about the parade?" Jackson could overhear David, his baseline register being slightly louder than most. "You coming, Davey?"        "Nope, seems totally pointless. You gonna be playing your tuba, or whatever?"        "Ha-ha, it's a trombone, retard."        "Fuck you--! How should I know, you two are the band geeks here, not me." After this jovial burst from David's squeaking voice, Marcus hollered:        "This one time at band camp!..."        Everyone laughed, and Jackson offered an open hand down to Max, suggesting they move along. Max grabbed it and pulled himself up, prompting David to rise also, and the three deliberated on their next move, finally choosing the library for a corporeal cool-down.        "Stay outta trouble!" Kasey called behind them.        Within the realm of books and quietude, another sanctuary of it's own kind, the three dropped into the cubed wooden chairs encircling the first table they spotted, flapping their shirts and twisting their backs. There were only about seven or eight others currently in the building, in which there were also only about seven or eight aisles, one of which was capped with a table slightly larger than the one Maxxy currently occupied with his buddies, that happened to be inhabited by Sarah Geller, Silas Browning, and Harper Fritchman talking over some open magazines and notebooks. Max carried himself over to them, and with a welcome greeting from all, and Harper especially, Max pulled out the open chair seating himself next to Sarah, across from SIlas.        "Maxxy! Oh my gosh, this is perfect! You're smart, you might know this. We're trying to figure out what's the difference between a seal and a sea lion."        "Oh my God, Harper, we've already figured this out," said Sarah Geller, a rather fit girl, with long, blonde curls and a very distinct, lightly freckled face, with thin, pitch black eyeliner that reminded Max of Jessie. "Seals are the fat, ugly ones in the water and sea lions are the cute ones with the ears that come on land."        "That sounds right," said Maxxy, not really knowing.        "No! I don't buy it! I could swear seals are the super cute ones with the ball bouncing on their nose! I have called them seals literally my entire life!" Harper countered.        "That doesn't mean it's right," said Silas, setting down a transparent purple GameBoy Advance he had been clicking in his lap onto the table, grateful to have another male presence. "Someone told you those were seals, but I believe Sarah, they could just as easily be sea lions."        "I don't like you right now," said Harper, in a petulant huff. "My mom has a picture of us from Florida when we went as kids, and the picture frame has a beach ball in the right corner, and a little seal on the left, and she always calls it a seal!"        "Well, your mom is wrong," said Sarah dryly, making Maxxy laugh much harder than he had so far that day.        "My mom is never wrong, you take that back right now!" said Harper, happily, turning red all over.        "I am the walrus," said Max.        "I am the egg-man!" returned Silas, on a dime, nodding impressed approval at Maxxy, who nodded back while indetectably readjusting himself to get a better angle of Sarah's body.        "You had that Beatles jacket yesterday. It looks nice on you," said Harper.        "Oh, thank you. It got soaked in the rain. Jessie and I were at the chapel when it started. Had to run three blocks in it."        "Woah, hold on a second. Pretty much everyone had left by then--what were you two doing?" asked Sarah, turning fully to Max, pushing her tongue in her cheek, with very glassy blue eyes under dark, lifted eyebrows.        "Nothing! I just had never seen the inside of that chapel, and neither had she."        "Uh-huh. Those places creep me out like nothing else."        "Sarah! How the heck could a church be creepy?" asked Harper, genuinely shocked at her friend's confession.        "Just trust me. You wouldn't get it. Let's just say they do not agree with me."        "They're not for everybody," Max agreed, subtly flirting with Sarah, as he spotted David walking over to the table.        "What are you doing?" he asked Max abruptly, not looking at anyone else, hovering above them.        "Just talking about seals and shit--you know, very sophisticated stuff," said Max, trying to ignore David's ostensibly uncouth sense of sociability for the benefit of the table.        "Oh. Well, are you coming? Me and Jackson want some food. Plus, I'm starting to get bored just watching them play Runescape."        "Sure, let's hit it."        "You're leaving?" asked Harper, querulously, sticking out her lip.        "We should go, too, ya'll. I gotta be back home soon-ish," said Sarah, putting on a pair of black glasses.        "But I'm not done coloring my fishies!"        "Harper, come on, she's right. My ass is starting to hurt," said Silas, back on his GameBoy, David still staring blankly above them.        "I'll be at the fireworks. You might catch me at the park later," said Max, now standing, tightening his belt. "Plus, at the parade, I shall see all of you again."        "Oh, yeah! That's right! You shall, indeed! Sarah's gonna be leading us! She's in that anterior, whatever it's called."        "Anterior troop," Sarah clarified.        "Oh, nice, so is Niki; she's up front, too."        "I hope she can handle it! You can not be dropping flags while you're up there," said Sarah, cautiously.        "Yeah, I bet. She'll be all right," said Max, with confidence. "Alright. Peace out, ya'll." Sarah still looked skeptical.        "Alright! Bye Maxxy! Peace out, m'dude! I'll miss you!"        Max and David continued down the aisle not fifteen feet, turned a corner, and hit the computer station where Jackson had logged into his own Runescape account, gaming alongside Zadra, back at his usual monitor, seemingly to have never left. Max asked Jackson if he was coming, and he said yes, but to give him a minute; with that, Maxxy asked the librarian for the key to the bathroom, went, and returned in a flash to find David and Jackson standing under the high-powered vent within the anteroom of the library. He opened the inner doors, took in a final waft with eyes closed, and the trio exited heading in the direction of the food vendors.        Now seated under an umbrellaed folding table, Maxxy and Jackson were eating messy fries out of a boat covered in cheese and bacon, David having the same, but plain, with no toppings as to avoid the mess, peeking around their surroundings for anything at all alluring or especially different from the day previous, finding nothing of the sort. Jackson suggested they walk over to Lawson's house, and both friends having agreed, Maxxy added he would like to pass by the park first on the way over, on the off-chance Kyndell, Riley, and Jessie had returned early, it now being around 4 p.m. Maxxy knew this would be unlikely, due to the perfect lake-going weather, but did not mention this unlikelihood aloud. Setting off in the direction of Lawson's, with the planned stop-over at the park and making also a quick stop at Jackson's for him to grab his basketball, so as to have something to busy his hands with, Maxxy and Jackson were discussing the idea of meeting up with Mason once the sun began to set, whom Zadra had made plans with for that night to drink vodka-spiked lemon shake-ups while gaiting the nighttime festivities, the plan of which Zadra had mentioned to Jackson at the library, followed by a casual invitation, so long as he did not bring or tell anyone else, except for Max--David having stated he would be gone by that time.
       At the park, under the roofed common-area off to the side of the basketball court, the trio spotted Tanner Hitchens, a lanky, curly-haired weed dealer. David borrowed ten dollars from Max, and asked Tanner if he had any. He told them they would have to follow him to his house to retrieve it, and since Tanner lived in the same apartment buildings as Lawson did, they did so. Upon entering the court, consisting of two squat, brick buildings containing around six apartments each with a dead-end road between them, the quartet split apart, with David following Tanner to his doorstep as Max and Jackson continued on to Lawson's.        "What took you so long?" asked Lawson, opening the door, not specifically expecting them, but realizing their appearance to be likely. He led them through the small living room into his own room, threw himself into the dirty twin bed, and resumed watching an anime he had on DVD on his little television sitting on an end table, as he had been doing, as Maxxy surmised, all day long. There was an off-brand Warlock hanging down the wall above Lawson's own practice amp, and in the half-opened closet, a very new-looking, out-of-place pedal board was spotted by Max.        "What is that?" he asked, prompting Lawson to pull out the pedal board, hooking it up after a brief search for his connector cables.        "It's Brandon's dad's. He takes my laptop, I take this."        "What do you mean?" asked Jackson.        Lawson said nothing. He pointed out to Max, now adorned with the Warlock, sitting on the floor and searching his pocket for his pick, all of the pedal's presets--over one hundred of them, displayed on a smooth LED screen. Maxxy began whirligigging the knobs in delight, speedily changing the presets and testing out their unique tones, trying to ignore the fact of this wonderful piece of equipment having clearly been stolen.        "You mind if David comes by? He's gonna be knocking any second--bear in mind, he's coming from Tanner's," asked Maxxy, smiling at a particularly reverberated and warbly preset.        "I don't care," said Lawson, indolently, "as long as he shares."        "He just might!"        "Uhuh-uhuh-uhyuk."        Jackson, just about to sit himself, heard the knocking and went out to let David in. The two returned to the small room, officially crowding it, causing Max to have to lift high the guitar neck so as to let David cross by, stepping over the large pedal board and Maxxy's crossed legs. Lawson leaned up from the bed, threw up his window and patted a spot on the mattress beneath it, with an impartial smile directing David in a welcoming yet disenchanted way that only he could pull off.        "So, how are we doing this?" asked David, pulling out the fragrant bag of tea.        Lawson reached under the bed and brought out a thin, bendable rubber and metal pipe, at first, resembling a simple ink pen, out from an old sock he had wrapped it in, twisting onto it a small, metal bowl that he had Maxxy pull out from under the plastic set of drawers hiding in the closet.        "Are you guys, really?" asked Jackson, laughing, unable to control his nervous glee.        "Why not?" asked David, now holding the pipe that Lawson had quickly packed for him. "Lighter, please-and-thank-you."        "I'm good on that," said Max, nonchalantly, more interested in the guitar tones.        "What--why?" asked David, noticeably upset by this, as his social life was quite lacking in the department of mischief, and his impression of long-haired Maxxy being suddenly thrown into chaos.        "I never have before, and I have plans with Jessie. I have no idea what it would do to me. We will one day--don't you worry."        "Well, that's a bummer; I bought this specifically to smoke with you," David frowned, staring at Max with dark eyes.        "You mean Maxxy bought it," said Jackson, slightly disapproving of David's callow grumbling. "I'm good, as well. I ain't no pothead. You two enjoy that."
It was approaching 6 p.m., and Maxxy was growing eager--there were clouds hanging about, but none too foreboding, and still no wind; the heat unrelenting, if not imperceptibly subsiding. The trio left Lawson's after several attempts and subsequent failures to pry him away from the television and his bed, and stopped off once more at Jackson's, initially, only to return the basketball and to drink water; but, after David hinted that he planned on heading home himself for the night very soon, mostly due to a growing, insatiable craving for Taco Bell, one of which resided one street over from his house in the neighboring town, Jackson felt a sudden upsurge of sluggishness, and propounded to Maxxy that he might go to the park without him, while he stay home to take a shower, and possibly a quick nap, also. Maxxy approved, after clearly establishing that the night was far from over, and making Jackson assure him that he would soon return so that the two could search out Mason and Zadra; and inviting David along to the park with him for one final endeavor before he go, who agreed, the two went on their way, leaving Jackson to it.        It was not as crowded at the park as what Maxxy had pictured when he heard Marcus describing it earlier on, but it did appear to be at half-capacity, at least, in contrast to the typical quarter-or-less. There were only a handful of small children, the bulk belonging to younger teenagers around Chandler's age, and another handful of older teens Maxxy and David's age, two of which being Kyndell and Jessie, looking quite peppy and animated, sitting next to each other on the swings, twisting themselves in circles with their feet, winding the hanging chains tightly together, and lifting their feet up behind them, releasing the tension and sending them spinning like tops.        "Try not to vomit," said Maxxy to Kyndell, sneaking up on her side, David close behind, speaking quietly so that he might keep hidden from still-spinning Jessie, letting her announce his presence to Jessie, instead, so as to gauge whether she might have been talking about him while away at the lake.        "Blleeeghh!" Kyndell played along, throwing her head back and grinning placidly at him.        "Ha-ha--what the fuck? Oh!" Jessie halted her speedy whirling, spotting Maxxy and David after a couple seconds, orienting herself. "Yay! You made it! Well, who do we have here? it's David, right? Hi!" She looked back to Max, deep into his eyes, grinning like someone was taking a picture and shifting her head from shoulder to shoulder to entice. "What's the haps, paps?"        "It be bein' in the bein'," said Max.        "Pa-ha-ha! What was that, now?" asked Kyndell, as they both laughed loudly, initiating another round of twisting. David was also laughing, but quickly cut himself off and attempted to grab a fly that was circling him out from the air.        "Woah, we got us a ninja!" said Kyndell.        "It's not me who's a ninja; it's you guys, wearing all that black."        "We like black, indeed, indeed we do."        "Did you guys go to the lake like that? How did you not die?" asked Maxxy, now standing behind Jessie, lightly pushing her on the swing.        "Yes! Oh, we don't die--we're immortal," answered Kyndell, cryptically. Jessie stopped the swing with her feet, tilted her head far back and looked up at Max with an upside-down smile, inches away from him. At that moment, Maxxy thought he himself might like to die.        "Oh! So, what are you, vampires?" asked David (keeping up rather well, for him).        "Fairies," said Max dreamily, still having not broken eye contact with Jessie. "Blackened fairies."        "Oh, I like that," said Kyndell, poking Jessie in her belly after noticing the two staring at each other, seemingly having fallen out of time, drifting slowly away elsewhere, snapping her back into the present.        "Ow! Hey!" She stood up, and fell into Max with a hug, nestling in as if she were to try and fall asleep.        "Awh, you two; now I really am gonna vomit."        "Are you staying for the fireworks?" asked Max.        "What!" Jessie started, and grabbed him by the arms with wide eyes. "When!? Where!? What!? How!? What!? Who-!" Max covered her mouth with his hand, unable to take the joy he felt from such a perfect reaction--he did not deserve it. She licked his hand, and he pulled it away. "Please don't be lying! Who said there would be fireworks? Kyndell? Is he lying? Ooooh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"        David was beginning to fidget, looking like he did when Maxxy first saw him. After Kyndell confirmed she wasn't aware of the fireworks but suggesting Maxxy was likely not lying, her gaze started to drift disconsolately at the thought of Jessie and Maxxy lost in bliss together, under the enlarging, shimmering bursts setting off into the dimming heavens, with her beside them--alone--without Riley. She admitted to feeling enclosed and cramped at this moment, and decided for the friends that they ought to make an escape by heading over to the Subway that sat across the street from her house's back alley. This idea sparked a perfect appeal in David, who had parked his Jeep when he had first arrived in the parking lot in front of the restaurant, and informed Maxxy and the girls he we join them on the way over before making his exit. The girls gave him a sugary goodbye, Jessie giving him a forward-leaning hug, and David stuck his hand out to Maxxy for the two's recently-developed firm, parting hand shake. Max opened the door for the ladies, curtsying to him as they entered, and flashed the peace sign to David as he drove away.        Not including the two remaining employees, the restaurant was empty, it being less than an hour before closing. Max ordered a large drink cup for himself and two cookies for the girls, quickly changing it to only one as Kyndell politely declined the one offered to her. He asked the worker if she knew when the fireworks were going to start, her replying, unfortunately, in the negative. They settled into a booth along the right side under a substantial framed photograph of sandwich ingredients, with enormous tomatoes covered in exaggerating droplets of water looming above Jessie's blonde head, munching on her macadamia cookie while Kyndell held her chin in the cup of her hands, exhaling slowly and looking at Max, quite downcast.        "What is it?" he asked her.        "Awh, Kyndell! Do you miss Riley?"        "Well, I know he wants to be with Aleister before summer school starts Monday, so I'm happy he's happy. After all, he was very sweet at the lake all day--I know he was getting bored--only, if I knew there was going to be fireworks, I would have definitely told him to come back with us here to meet Aleister instead of going to his house. It's just a little depressing, is all."        "So go call him! Tell them to get their butts over here, now!" Jessie suggested.        "Oh, I don't know--they're probably in the middle of some game and won't want to."        "Doesn't hurt to ask," offered Max, warmly.        "Yeah! Go home and call him! How often do you get to watch surprise fireworks?"        "You two are perfect, I swear. Okay! I shall return. Will you guys wait here?" Kyndell gave in and hopped up from the booth, leaving behind the two, along with all of her confliction, while reflecting to herself in the most earnest gratitude on how such simple solutions are able to present themselves so easily from a mind not wholly confused, and achingly helpless.        "She's perfect. We're nasty," Jessie joked.        "Twenty minutes to closing, guys!" called the night manager.        "Anywhere we go, we immediately get kicked out," said Max, with pride.        "Ha-ha-ha! Because we're nasty!"        Maxxy's cell phone began to jingle, bringing out Jessie's index fingers to tick along like a metronome. A text from an unrecognized number:        "Come to the rocket. Hurry up."        After reading it aloud, he flipped the phone shut and stood up to stretch.        "Who was it?" asked Jessie, looking up and taking her last bite of cookie. "I don't know, it was a random number," said Max, "but I'm guessing Jackson."        "Oh! What's he doing?"        "We're meeting up with Mason and Zadra. Apparently, they have alcohol."        "What! Not fair," said Jessie, pounding a sleeve-wrapped fist on the table and sucking the last of Maxxy's Powerade, going aaahhh in quenched satisfaction.        "I wasn't supposed to tell you, but you should come any way since Mason's got the hots for you. I'm quite sure he won't mind."        "Ha-ha! Oh, Mason--of course he's drinking--what is it, vodka?"        She smacked the empty cup thrice upon the table, which was considerably rackety in the desolate little dining room, smiling proudly. Max swiped the cup and re-filled it with fruit punch Hi-C, and the couplet walked out to wait for Kyndell, who was just turning the corner of the building to their right.        "Oh! perfect timing!" said Kyndell, now looking quite placid, as she had when she first smiled at Max at the park. "Did they kick you out?"        "Ha-ha--kinda, yeah," said Jessie. "So, is he coming?" She could tell by Kyndell's improved disposition that he was.        "Yes! Him and Aleister will be here in thirty minutes, he said. I'm so hap-peee," she sang, turning round in a gypsy-like fashion, prompting a laugh from Jessie. "Shall we go back to the park to wait, my lovelies?"        "Yeah! Oh, well, wait. I don't know..." began Jessie, looking at Max for assistance.        "I got a text, I think it was from Jackson. He said to hurry up and come to the Rocket. We're meeting Mason and Zadra, I think he's probably with them already. You guys want to come along?"        "Mason has vodka," Jessie turned to Kyndell, effortfully extracting, with all of her might, a false sense of primness and constraint, as her friend was raised to be used to a much more conservative approach at leisure than Jessie had. Herself, plainly distinguishing Jessie's commendable restraint, added to her ability to appreciate the circumstances of the annual weekend seldom occurring, combined with just having been fortuitously pulled away into safety from the sights of an oncoming melancholy, Kyndell gladly agreed in joining along with Maxxy to his borderline rendezvous. Jessie was sent into a rapture most supreme, and bolted for their destination, snagging up Max's hand in stride, nearly causing him to spill fruit punch down his neck--Kyndell, noticing the avoidance of this well-nigh accident, let off a rejuvenating whoop as she stirdied herself and followed behind in excited speed. "Hurry! Hurry!" Jessie kept calling, between an unbroken line of serene humming, as Max struggled to suck down the fruity liquid to a more secure level. The trio passed the park, turning the corner onto the road of merchandise vendors, most of them now being deconstructed by their respective proprietors, down into the lane of food carts and tables preceding the vertical ride implanted into the grass that binded the left half of the community bank's parking lot. Upon spotting the trio of Mason, Zadra and Jackson, she let go of Max, to his great relief, looking back to Kyndell as he halted, holding out a friendly hand she might use for balance upon her own curtailment. She stuck out her hand a few feet away, grabbed the outstretched fingers and swung forward and around, back into Maxxy's chest, laughing and taking a large swig from his cup.        "Thank you, sir! You're very kind, and I am very sweaty." The two sauntered up and over the stout, yellow parking blocks into the grass beneath the Rocket, where Jessie was gesticulating at Jackson, who was blushing slightly, with crossed arms and a slight sway. Mason and Zadra stood beside, sharing a big cup of vodka lemonade, watching Jessie, wholly entranced, if not slightly bewildered, at her relentless energy and unyielding charm. "Thanks a lot, Jess, I'm sweating like a hog!"        Kyndell tossed her arm over his shoulder, waving herself gingerly with her free hand, prompting a mannered Max to slip his arm around her torso, picturing to himself with liberal fancy the two as looking rather genteel and sophisticated to the gang of friends before them, despite Kyndell's falling sweat bullets and shabby blackened garb alongside his own baggy, ripped jeans and fruit punch clenching hand, now having become slightly sticky. Upon his casual embrace, she feigned a deeper exhaustion for effect, making light of their already airy, albeit perspiry constitutions. The shoddy glitterati separated, establishing respective outposts within the circle, Kyndell sidling up to Jessie's right, now between her and Zadra, hanging upon her shoulder, with Maxxy throwing a reuniting hand on Jackson, placing himself between him and Zadra, laying hold of the southern-most position crosswise from Jessie's North pole, completing  the circle beneath the tarped and defeated-looking vertical ride. Jessie was now holding Mason's large plastic cup, sipping out the vodka lemonade and telling of her day at the lake, specifically noting Riley and Chandler's proficiency at wave-running, and the gripping heat during their picnic-lunch, despite settling beneath the largest and best-shaded sugar maple, Kyndell opening her mouth in wait for Jessie to angle in the straw, conceding herself to uncommon and decidedly deserved loosening. Jessie bent back her limb and the riveted straw fell into place.        "Don't you know goth girls are supposed to be allergic to sunlight?" Zadra said, making a break from the cirque's occupying discussion as the settled Max and Kyndell hearkened.        "We are not goth--we're blackened fairies. Right?" said Jessie, smiling to Maxxy.        "Exactly," he confirmed languidly.        The boys of the group, having been absent from the birth of the term, after a brief mocking, quickly remodeled their attitudes and determined the label quite fitting.        "I'm assuming David went home?" asked Jackson to Max.        "Yessir--about half an hour ago."        "M'dude got the munchies," said Mason with a savvy glance, having been told by Jackson of the trip to Lawson's, prior.        "Munchies? Was he high? Were you guys smokin' pot?" Jessie asked Max and Jackson, looking impressed at her not noticing any explicit signals of them having done so.        "We didn't have any, but yeah, David got some off Tanner earlier. He took two hits and just gave the rest to Lawson, ha-ha," answered Jackson.        "Fucking lightweight," said Mason, laughing in Zadra's direction. "You don't smoke, Max? I'm a little surprised."        "He smokes when he's alone, I guarantee you," said Zadra, looking at Max slyly. "No one with hair that long doesn't smoke the barley." Jessie kept her eyes on Max, curious herself of the truth of the matter.        "I really don't--I don't know what to tell ya," he announced. "I'm not against it, but I definitely didn't need it today." He shot a quick glance up at Jessie, hoping only she would notice, to inclusively reveal his reasoning, making her demure upon the failed attempt at being overlooked by the others.        "Keep it in your pants, Max," said Zadra, snapping the cup of vodka lemonade out from Jessie's hand,  removing the lid and jostling it's contents before a willful gulp. He passed it to Max, keeping his chin high and eyes facing straight forward to portray a smoothed apathy. Maxxy took a gulp himself, replacing the lid with a snap.        "Ah! There's that bite," said Max, wiping the corners of his mouth as he passed the drink off to Jackson, who, having had his fill for the time being, peacefully requited the mix with it's curly-haired keeper.        "So you won't do the ganja, but will do the vodka?" inquired Zadra, laughing. "That's ass-backwards, dawg! You don't deserve to wear that shirt!" He referred to Max, adorned in a white Sublime tee bearing the band's psychedelic Sun logo.        "The shirt literally says '40 Oz. to Freedom,' ha-ha-ha," Jackson pointed out.        "Okay, fair enough--but they're known better for being potheads," replied Zadra.        "This is true," added Kyndell, currently holding the community cup: she always considered Zadra, a general underdog in the department of gray matter, much quicker than he was accredited. Jessie gave a nod of agreement in Zadra's direction before looking back at Max as she began to sing, in low tones:
       Early in the mornin'        Risin' to the street
[Joining in: Kyndell, Zadra]
       Light me up a cigarette
[Joining in: Maxxy, Mason]
       And I strap shoes on my feet!
       "Uhuh-uhuh-uhyuk," cooed Jackson, being the only friend unfamiliar with the tune.        "Beautiful, guys--really." He reached a hand out to Kyndell for the cup, but was intercepted by Zadra upon her extending it to him, stating, nearly in duress:        "No! Don't you dare break rotation!"        The girls burst with a laugh, Jessie rolling her eyes at this rather disadvantageous rigidity and boomed in a low, mocking tone: "Oh, yeah! Super important!" They were laughing, when Max, eager for a chance to excite Jessie personally, and, remembering Jackson's intriguing foreknowledge of the festival's goings-on, turned to his buddy and asked if he knew what time the fireworks were to commence. "Marcus said someone told him 9 o'clock," he answered. "So, pretty soon, I'm guessing." "Yeah, it's 8:50 now," said Mason, who had had his cell phone in his hand, connected to a long black pair of wrap-around earphones that went up to only his left ear, since the trio arrived from the closing restaurant.
       "Oh, no! Kyndell, where are we supposed to meet Riley and them? The park? Should we go over there?" asked Jessie.        Kyndell, with a flash in her eyes, as if she had forgotten completely the awaiting solution to her recent bout with ennui, replied in a hesitant affirmative, insisting the sextet travel together in that direction. Zadra let off a little groan, he being quite peculiar about not engaging in too many social dalliances, this current one already pushing the limits of his taste when regarding his upholding a diligent consistency to remain within the bounds of this proud and affirmed conviction. "I don't know, I can't stand being around noisy kids. Plus, we will need a refill soon--Mason, you wanna head to your place? I don't really give a shit about fireworks."        "Nah, man--let's do the park. Riley owes me money, any way," Mason answered. (Despite this claim, Mason cared very little of this deal and it's required confrontation; rather, he would suggest they join along so that he might continue his casual glances at Jessie--as he had once called her in confidence, to Jeffrey Zadra, his "favorite piece of eye candy").        "Ah, shit. Fine! No more vodka for you two, though--girls are natural lightweights," Zadra pointed two fingers at Jessie and Kyndell, struggling to find some individuality so as to gloss over his acquiescing to his friend's suggestion.        "Wow, okay," laughed Jackson, happily absorbed in his vodka buzz.        "Excuse me! I could drink you under the table," said Jessie, smacking five-foot-five Zadra on the arm playfully, with attempted haughtiness, as the six began their collected migration.        "Excuse me, but exactly what does Riley owe you money for?" inquired Kyndell to Mason, mentally preparing an authoritative chiding for her boyfriend upon descrying him.        "I loaned him my bike, well--a bike--for a month, and he's had it for almost two, now. I told him it's a dollar a day every day he doesn't bring it back--he's at 21 bucks, now. I ought to just say nothing and let that shit stack up."        "For real! Don't mention it, dude, until the last day of summer school--or later, even; I guarantee you he will completely forget about it," said Zadra, wickedly, making another one of his usual, oft-unreliable guarantees.        "You two are bad," Jessie laughed.        "Riley is bad! He should know better than that! Well, you won't have to remind him, because I most definitely will! He's supposed to be saving up for when we go to Myrtle Beach,"  declared Kyndell, perturbed (but not really).        "Don't worry, Kyndell, I ain't gonna let Mason hustle your bae," said Jackson, placing a woozy hand to her back, drawing out from her a politic danke.        Mason stuck his dangling earphone on and turned up a bass-heavy rap track as the group continued along, with Zadra beside, high-chinned and pocket-handed, the two serving as anterior troop, followed by Kyndell and Jackson, with Max and Jessie in the rear, trading smiles, and surreptitiously locking hands. Jackson, noticing his pair of cousins not fifty feet before them, heading in the same direction, called out to them with a kindly smile and wave, the two turning their heads and returning equally kindly signals, to Jackson's great satisfaction.        Maxxy took this moment to fully appreciate, as he had not yet done that day, the complete absence of any trace of rain or cloud or storm that would have been wholly detrimental to his treasured time with Jessie that day, and, perhaps, the rest of the festival; he could see that she was also in a state of passive gratitude, or so as such, not necessarily, perhaps, for his presence personally, but for something much more expansive--much more; and as they were reaching the edge of the park, warm, behind trusting enough peers, the sun now all but fully set, he pondered upon everything that Jessie may have lacked, and had, perhaps, yearned for, through the entirety of her being, and upon what unconditionally generous and merciful ethereal force might be at play, hidden, off-screen, never evincing it's presence, had chosen upon graciously gifting to Max the knowledge that, despite all of those possible lackings and yearnings, it just might be that it was he--and he alone--at this moment, that set at perfect peace all of her delicate, prized and mysterious emotions. Aleister and Riley were spotted and Kyndell ran into her lover’s arms. At that moment, Maxxy saw Harper and Silas sitting on a bench nearby, and was exchanging smiles and waves with them when he suddenly heard from above a loud sonic boom, followed by a great light, with crackles and shimmers; and he felt the tight squeeze from Jessie's hand which rest within his, as she looked above, and gasped with excited wonder beneath the falling stars.
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cowandcalf · 7 years
Shapshifter AU McDanno
Teaser, will one day be a whole story.
Inspired by Kiana Davenport’s book „Shark Dialogues“. Kiana Davenport is an American author of par-Hawaiian ancestry.
The book tells the fantastic story of the Hawaiian cultur and the Hawaiian shamanism, the Ho'oponopno and Huna spirit. An ancient wisdom about a force of nature. Pono, the main character, is a shapeshifter. She is able to  transform into a shark. She is strong and wild like the sea. A shaman, a wanderer between the worlds.
This is a mongoose.
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Kala - A Hui Hou Kakou (There are not limits - until we meet again)
Danny carried the sliced mango carefully on a plate outside. The little clipper stuck in his back pocket of his pants. His furry friends were rubbing against his legs while he prepared the fruits near the small woods which bordered on his garden.
The three stray cats were his permanent guests. Danny fed them daily and they all had names. Grace chose them for the homeless creatures. There was Hannah, Flinn and Hazel. All were normal tabby house cats, abandoned from their former owners.
Since his early childhood Danny had this weak spot for lonesome, homeless animals. They always seemed to find him, sensing his gentle and caring soul. Danny hid this part of his personality. He was a badass cop, a fierce officer of the law, working with the HPD. The bad guys feared him. Danny had is reputation. No perp could assume Danny had this soft spot in his character, when they had to endure the hard questioning in the interrogation room.
"Okay guys, you know what's at stake tonight, right? You better stay away when the little mongoose hopefully shows up again. I really need to cut him loose from this idiotic rusty piece of wire, that traps his leg. He is pain and I don't want him to get any infection." Danny talked in a soft voice with the cats, stroking their silky fur, scratching their ears. And of course they all stayed around him, wanting to climb in his lap when he sat on the ground, not far from the fruit pieces.
Danny waited about 15 minutes until he heard the rustling of leaves. He kept still and only watched. The little, grey head with the black beady eyes peeked out under a bush. Since one week Danny tried to gain the trust of this wild, shy animal. He almost got the job done yesterday, but the little blighter got spooked and run off.
"Hey, buddy. Here you are. You know we have to get that wire off your leg. But first eat your mango." Danny spoke in his special voice which was only reserved for animals and Grace. He had all the time in the world and he avoided any hasty movements. He watched as this sweet, little animal ate one piece after the other. Danny knew it couldn't hunt because it was already limping. Danny believed that animals could sense when a human wanted to help.
Danny crawled on all four slowly toward the mongoose, crooning silly words to calm it, showing he was no danger. Out of an unknown reason all three cats just sat there, eyeing their new guest but not interrupting. His heartbeat was a little bit wild and he was excited. Always when nature invited him in a space where he normally wasn't allowed to be.
Danny held the little clipper in his outstreched hand and inched is way forward. The mongoose was watching him intensely while he ate his mango slices in a hurry. The soft sound of the cutting didn't seem to distraced the wild animal. Danny almost had the impression that it waited, watched and knew exactly what Danny was doing, calmly let this human free him from this wire.
"Ey, buddy, you're a brave little guy. Look, I cut it off. You're gonna be okay now. See? Here's the wire." Danny was relived, he managed to finally succeed. He didn't dare to touch the mongoose although his fingers itched to comb through its fur.
After Danny sat upright again, he was astonished the animal didn't want to escape as fast as possible.
"I should give you a name too. I will ask Grace. She will find a nice one for you. Promise me to drop by every now and then, so I know you're all right. Deal?" Danny smiled at this funny animal. He had to suppress the urge to wrap his hands around it's little body and to press it against his heart, nuzzling his fur, putting a soft kiss on top of its head.
Danny's held his breath when the mongoose slowly approached him, never leaving him out of sight, almost searched his eyes. A strange feeling pooled in Danny's stomach and he watched carefully what the sweet buddy was up to. Danny forgot to breathe when the mongoose stood with his fore-paws on one of his thigh and sniffled at this hand, nibbling softly at the skin. The contact lasted only a few seconds but Danny felt a strange intensity while the touch lasted. He inhaled shivery, moved by this moment.
"Do you try to thank me, little guy?" Danny whispered softly.
The spell broke and the sudden opening of the door to Danny's Ianai scared the mangoose off. I vanished so fast, Danny only saw his tail before he lost sight.
"Danny! Are you out here? Hey Danny!" Chin called his partner and close friend.
"I'm here, Chin! Coming!" Danny stood from this postion on the ground and made it right in time to hide his face expression. He was still very moved, almost a little bit shaken. He couldn't grasp what just happened. He hoped to see the mongoose one more time to make sure he was okay.
"Yo, Chin. What's up? Do you want a beer?" Danny turned greeting Chin.
"No, thanks. I just was on my way home. Did you hear anything from this Steve McGarrett? He was supposed to hand me over the surveillance report, which we should get from the Navy. You know the one the Governor asked for. Actually McGarrett should have been back on duty today."
"No. Actually I haven't. I will organize it first thing in the morning. Do you have a phone number from this guy?" Danny walked Chin back to the front door discussing some other work related stuff.
 Meanwhile hidden in the woods, under a bush, a naked man moaned and panted hard. He rubbed his wounded leg. Finally this dangerous wire was cut off. It was not easy for Steve to overcome his primal instincts when he was in animal shape. It took him quite some time before he knew this man was willing to help him, not harming him. His grandma always warned him to keep away from iron and other metalls. This material prevented the energy from flowing and he couldn't shift back to his normal human body. Steve lived one long week as a mongoose. The last time he spent that much time in the shape of his spirit animal, his ancestors legacy, was in his early teenager years.
Steve was exhausted. He only hoped the man understood his way to thank him. Steve never felt drawn to humans before while he was in his animal shape. He still couldn't explain why the presence of this man tugged that much at his heart. It was the man's light that let his soul glow in this special way and this love that emanated from his heart. Steve could think about this later. He really needed to get his spare clothes from his secret place and get the hell home.
"Danny, Steve McGarrett is here to see you. Can I send him in?" Danny lifted his head looking at Chin.
"Yeah, sure Chin. Send him in. Let's get it over with. These NavySEAL guys are a special species. I like to be quick and get it over with."
Chin opened the door and stepped aside to let McGarrett pass.
"Good morning Detective Williams. I'm Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett. I appologize for being one day late with my report. Unexpected circumstances."  
The moment Danny turned to stand up and take McGarrett's outstreched hand, Steve almost dropped the folder with the report. He stared at Danny unable to form any words. He swallowed several times before he could shake Danny's hand. His inner world was in a turmoil seeing his savior at close range, messing with his feelings.
"What's up Commander? Any ghost nearby?" Danny chuckled hidding his nervousness which was attacking him out of nowhere, making him almost angry.
(This idea lingers already some time in the back of my mind. Mongoose are animals on Hawaii living in the wild. I didn't want to choose a shark or another sea creature. And on Hawaii there are no lions, or tigers or pumas...*smiles*, so Steve's spirit animal is a mongoose. And besides you don't question the gift that is handed to you from your ancestors :-))
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amethyst-labyrinth · 7 years
Under the Jellicle Dawn
Chapter eight 
Meanwhile a strange giddiness had came over the gray tabby. He jumped up happily and literally danced over to where Tugger and the sleeping Misto were. Jump up on the car he grabbed his brother by the shoulders.
"You have a mate!" He cried happily. "And you're not going to cheat on him by mating with other cats?"
"Of course not!" Tugger spat angrily at his brother.
"This is wonderful! My recurring nightmares about you impregnating all the queens wont come true!"
"Brother, you are sick!" Tugger said before kicking him off the car.
"The only sick cats here are you and Mr. Mistoffelees!" Demeter spat running over to help her tom-friend up. "Your own nephew, Tugger?"
"I have never laid a paw on Victor or Mungojerrie," Tugger said. "And they are the only two nephews I have!"
"Demeter," Old Deuteronomy finally spoke up. "Young Quaxo is not my grand-kit, I would know if he was. There is no blood relation between them."
"If you truly believe that Old Deuteronomy, then you an old…" Demeter abruptly stopped herself placing a paw over her mouth.
"What? An old fool? Is that what you wished to call me? Well say it then. It would not be the first time you called me as such."
"Old Deuteronomy, sir I…" Demeter began trailing off. "I was not myself then."
"You are not yourself now and have not been for some time. I remember when you were known such as Sillabub. I miss that cat she was warm, friendly, caring, strong, compassionate. She was open to other's opinions, she was not paranoid, and she could see and listen to reason. She knew when she was wrong and admitted it. She did not see enemies in cats that are her friends; she was not so blinded in her own pain and bitterness to see the sadness and the suffering of others, and she was not in Macavity's control! And I know deep down she is still in there fighting to come back! Come back to us Sillabub! Come back to who you were!" Old Deuteronomy said.
The yellow queen started at the wise old cat in an almost trance like state, how long had it been since she had been called Sillabub? And how long had it been since she felt like Sillabub? Had there been a time when she wasn't in Macavity's control? Perhaps when she was still a newborn kit before her eyes and ears opened, before she'd ever laid eyes on the older cat, before she'd ever heard his smooth voice. Even now she could hear him in the back of her mind mocking her, temping her, controlling her! The yellow queen grabbed the sides of her head and fell to her knees trying to push Macavity out of her mind.
'It was true Old Deuteronomy would know whom his descendants were and whom were not and Quaxo really dosen't look anything like Macavity, maybe…maybe I am wrong,' She thought.
"Do you really believe that?" She heard Macavity whisper in her mind. "You don't know what I could have done to the old cat's mind when I kidnapped him and that little conjurer has the power of illusion how can you be sure what he really looks like?"
"Get out of my head!" Demeter mentally screamed.
"HAHAHAHA!" Macavity's laughter echoed in her brain.
Munkustrap and Bomba ran to her sides each taking hold of her.
"It's oaky Dem, we're here," Her sister told.
"Just breath slowly in and out like we talked about," Munkustrap said.
Tugger frowned unsympathetically while it was true he had no idea of the mental struggle going in on inside Demeter's mind he wouldn't have much sympathy for her if he did know. Despite Demeter being accepted back into the tribe and forgiven by the others Tugger had never truly forgiven her or truly trusted her ether. But it was more then just that, he couldn't stand how she always acted like she was better then him, how she always looked down on him. He just knew she was always badmouthing him too Munkustrap! Sometimes Tugger thought she was trying to come between him and his own brother. And the way everyone always had to walk on eggshells around her all because if what happen with Macavity. Sure Tugger felt bad for her. He didn't know all the particulars, but he knew there had been abuse both verbal and physical.
But Tugger could never understand was Demeter stayed with Macavity for as long as she did. Sure she said she loved him, but was her love for worth all the pain? It wasn't as if any one would have looked down on her for leaving him.
Demeter for her part never went out of her way to prove herself to Tugger instead she was openly hostile to him. Maybe it was because he reminded her of Macavity somewhat or the way he stole and broke hearts without seemingly caring the feelings of others if his treatment of Bomba was anything to go by. His clownish to serious nature didn't help any he couldn't be depended upon too act one way. Just when it seemed Tugger was nothing more then an immature troublemaker he'd do something responsible and helpful! Disobliging ways in deed!
Tugger's tail began to thrash angrily as he watched Demeter being fussed over for what Tugger perceived as a mere headache or a bid for attention and to be the victim.
"Well look who's faking it now," Tugger spat bitterly jumping off the TSE-1.
"Rum, please," Munkustrap said rubbing Demeter's back. "You don't understand."
"Oh I understand alright! I understand that little Pollicle in cat skin has got you so wrapped up around her that the whole world has to stop all because she suddenly has a headache!"
"She's having a panic attack," Bomba said hoping Tugger would understand.
"Of course she is!" Tugger said throwing his paws up in the air. "She doesn't have anyone to bully now that we got Misto to go sleep! Can't knock him down and build her self up can she now?"
"Rum," Munkustrap said in a gentler tone hoping to calm his brother down. "Look we all know what Demeter said about Quaxo and his mother was and is wrong and it was equally wrong of all of us to put Quaxo's heath at risk and take I full blame for that. I put my personal feelings for Demeter over Quaxo's well being and I'm sorry. Now I know it was wrong and cruel of Demeter to dismiss Quaxo as faking when he clearly wasn't. But Rum, Demeter is having a real problem and I need you to be the bigger cat here, show Demeter that she's wrong about you. That you can be kind and compassionate."
"So she has been complaining to you about me behind my back!" Tugger said angrily.
"I always defend you!" Munkstrap was quick to say.
"Oh enough of this soap opera nonsense!" Bustopher Jones shouted highly annoyed. "I came here to explain about how magic in cats works and to clear my sister's good name. Not to watch an episode of 'All My Kittens!' Now someone lift Demeter up so I can help her with her little problem."
"Bustopher, dear," Jenny began. "I really don't think you can help. What Demeter needs right now is rest…"
"No," Bustopher Jones said firmly. "I gave up freshly caught fish for this, powered walked all the way here, had to emotionally blackmail my nephew. Your daughter, Demeter, madam is not having a mere panic attack and I know how remedy it. Now if someone would so kind to help her to feet, since I'm not built for bending down."
"Bustopher," Skimbles said feeling annoyed at the twenty-five pounder. "Just because you're The Cat About Town doesn't mean you know everything! Now Demeter is my daughter as well and I believe too that she needs to rest!
Old Deuteronomy sighed as he walked over to where Demeter was huddled on the ground.
"Munkustrap, do as Bustopher Jones asks."
"But Father," The gray tabby began to protest.
"Would you rather I ask Rum Tum Tugger to do it instead?"
"No father," Munkusrtap said as he began to help the yellow queen up. "Come Demeter, it will be alright, let Bustopher Jones help you."
"No one can help me," Demeter whimpered. "Macavity, he's…" Before she could finish Bustopher Jones flicked her forehead and in that moment she felt the Hidden Paw being pushed out of her mind till she could no longer feel him there.
"He's gone," The yellow queen murmured. "How did you do that?" She asked him. She felt relief and suspicion all at once.
"It's a little trick I learned from my grandmamma. You see my dear, when you're the Cat About Town all the rumors, gossip, and secrets come to you and it's very important know keep others out of your mind. Now that all this melodrama is over and done with it's time to get down to business. You believe that my dear beloved nephew Quaxo, first name Mr. Mistoffelees is one of Macavity's sons correct?"
"I not believe it! I know it!" Demeter challenged.
"How to do you know?" Bustopher Jones deadpanned.
"His power! Such power could only be inherited from his father."
"Or his mother and her side of the family of which Macavity is decently not of."
"Wait," Tugger said. "Mother-in-law can do magic?"
"Let's just say my sister has some unnatural talents."
"You call you're mother-in-law, Mother-in-law?" Munkustrap asked his brother.
"Of course what else would I call her? Father-in-law?"
"What about one of her names?" The gray tabby asked.
"I can't call Quaxo's mother by one her names!" Tugger said horrified. "She's Quaxo's mother and besides I don't even know any of her names."
"I think one of her names began with an O," Jellylorum said helpfully. "Bustopher, dear? What is Quaxo's mother's name?"
"It's Mommy," Came the sleep voice of Mistoffelees.
"Your mother's name is not Mommy," His uncle said. "And you are supposed to be sleeping."
"Someone yelled and woke me up."
"Yes, well we all know who's to blame for that," Tugger said shooting a look towards Bustopher Jones. Tugger strutted back to the TSE-1 he jumped back up on it and crawled over to Mistoffelees and began to uncurl him and roll on his stomach. "What you need is a nice massage to help relax you," He said as he began work on his mate's tense neck muscles.
Bomba and Victoria found themselves both mesmerized and jealousies as they watched Tugger. For Bomba she wanted be in Misto's place. She had always loved Rum Tum Tugger and had longed to get to know the cat beneath his 'rock star' persona the, cat that tribe only got glimpse of once and awhile, the cat she realized that Quaxo probably knew best.
She and Tugger had once been close before Demeter became mates with Macavity before she fell under his spell too. She and Tugger use to date, not serious dating, but Tugger went out with her more then he did with anyone else.
It had been so much fun back then when they'd all go on group dates, Demeter and Alonzo, Munkstrap and Cassandra, Victoria's parents, and her and Tugger. But once Demeter and Macavity became mates things changed and not for the better. Munkustrap and Tugger didn't want to on group dates anymore, Alonzo was hurting as it was and they didn't want to add that by leaving him alone. Demeter had chastised them for being more loyal to their friend then their own brother. Going out on double and group dates with Demeter and Macavity hadn't been much fun anyway sure he took them to fancy human places, but was just so could case the joint and rob it later.
And then the Macavity war happened. Bomba still crused herself for role in that, watching Demeter and Macavity kits while the take over was supposed to happen. She knew should have never agreed to Macavity's plan, but he spoke so earnestly and eloquently about wanting a better life for cats. No one was supposed to get hurt no one was supposed to die! She could barely live with herself when she found out what happened and despite what Demeter had said about blaming Munk and Tugger for all the deaths, the yellow queen had blamed herself as well braking down in tears when it was just the two of them. She had only said to show her love and loyalty to Macavity, but Demeter did not fully blame her mate ether. That was one of Demeter's faults she could never admit when she was wrong and she had been so wrong about Macavity, but his hold on Demeter was still so strong.
Bomba had left the tribe for two reasons one was to keep an eye on her sister and the other was because she felt unworthy to be in the tribe. Living with Macavity was like being an alumnus of heaven and hell. The Hidden Paw's moods changed frequently he could be wonderfully kind one minute and the next mercilessly cruel the next. And the things he forced her and Demeter to do…it made Bomba wonder if she'd ever feel clean again. As a coping mechanism she had romanticized her relationship with Tugger greatly. As she lay dreaming of him dreaming of her, but the more she thought and dreamed about Tugger the more lonelier and more easier it was for Macavity to seduce her.
She knew she was foolish to hope Tugger would profess his everlasting love for her, become mates and raise the kitten as his own when she and Demeter returned to the tribe, but it was that hope, that dream that kept her going. What a cruel joke it was all while she was loving and dreaming of Tugger, he was in love with another cat. As much as Bomba had grown to like Quaxo looking back she realized she had always been jealous of him. He was Tugger's best friend, the cat Tugger wanted to be with.
There was a part of her that hated Quaxo at this moment for taking Tugger away from her. How easy it would be to agree with Demeter that Quaxo was evil, to accuse him of putting a love spell on Tugger. She crushed that thought. It wouldn't do any good. She knew it wasn't true and that it would just make Tugger hate her and then she'd lose him as a friend. Besides it was kittenish and she was no longer a kitten. She didn't know what to do, but she didn't want to give up on Tugger ether.
For Victoria she had known Quaxo since she was a kitten. He had always been like a big brother to her, teaching her how to dance, making her laugh, protecting her when some of the tom-kits bullied her. She told him all her secretes and she'd show him all her treasures. He'd tell her the most wonderful stories. He was everything she could want in a big brother and then one day she didn't see him as a brother anyone more and didn't lone him as one ether. This new found love frightened her at first, but then she reminded herself that Quaxo wasn't really her brother and it was oaky to feel that way about him.
She told Munkustrap how she felt. He was her step-father after all she wound need his blessing. He couldn't of been more happier for her and was sure Quaxo must feel the same way about hert. He would talk to him after the ball to give him his blessing as well.
It was supposed to be so romantic her and Quaxo confessing their love for one another, but then the ball went of control and she found out Quaxo had been keeping things from her! Important thing! She could forgive him for not telling her about his powers, but not about being Tugger's mate! That hurt not just because she was in love with him, but because they were friends and that was kind of thing friends sure with each other. He could if at least told her that he liked Tugger, but instead he made her think that he didn't even like him! Did their friendship mean so little to him that he couldn't even share with her his feelings?
As she watched Tugger begin to kneed Quaxo's back and listened to Quaxo's soft purring, her jealousy of the Mane Coon increased she wanted to be the one who took care of Quaxo and then she realized that Tugger was doing all the things she wanted to do with Quaxo. Holding paws, going on dates, romantic dancing in the moonlight, kissing, and…and mating! That last thought made her stomach larch. This was too much she couldn't stand looking at them or even being near them. As quietly as she could she left the clearing with only her brother Victor seeing and following her.
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