sentofight · 7 months
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Of course, she has pictures with them but not with him. pouts. pouts.
#ic.| caleb#[rest in pieces my lad#[ how can she when you are fried chicken???????? allegedly.#[ok brain u will work tomorrow and write the what if he used his evol to somehow escape#[BECAUSE I CANT SEE IT#[I CANT MAN#[not because i like him#[it doesnt make sense he just boom#[first he is a soldier???? fly fighter is a soldier no? man idk WHATEVER LISTEN IT IS GETTING LATE AND I GET DUMBER BY THE MINUTE#[anyway he got an awesome evol telekinesis#[third he got trained for stuff like these#[HE IS A PILOT. DONT U THINK HE WOULDNT LIKE IDK KNOW WHAT TO DO??????????????#[i just want to find an excuse to get my boy back sobs#[HE COMES BACK WITH A DIFFERENT NAME AND EVERYTHING HE IS SYLUS GUY??????????????????????/#[HE NEEDED TO STEP AWAY AND COME BACK LATER ON WITH DIFFERENT ID BECAUSE#[OTHERWISE HE COULD BE A DANGER TO HER?#[THE HOUSE GOT BOMBED BECAUSE HE AND GRANDMA WERE THERE#[THEY WERE MC'S WEAKNESS#[THE GROUP OR WHATEVER THEY ARE CALLED IDK NEEDED TO WEAKEN MC.#[THEY WANTED PROBABLY TO TAKE HER OUT AND GET HER HEART AND PROTCORE BUT#[THAT DIDNT WORK#[BUT HEY AT LEAST THEY MADE HER MORE VULNERABLE#[sobs..................................waaaaa#[imagine caleb was an experimented on child??????????????????????????????????????????????????#[grandma picked caleb first then he picked mc because hey we need to save her too grandma#[caleb perhaps made grandma stop the experiment#[save his lil sister sobs.....#[FLAILS ARMS AT THE AIR.....GIVE HIM BAAAAAAAAACK#[GIVE BACK MY APPLE BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#[i saw a good tweet the other day about the apple thing with caleb i need to reread it again and think. deeply.
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2tcs · 4 months
Danny’s Journal or A Countdown to the Beginning
Summary: A look into the year leading up to the accident from the perspective of a forgotten journal.
February 9, 2002
Dear journal. Mom and Dad said they had a surprise for me and Jazz when we get home from school. Please God don't let it be another ghost gun or something. My hair is still singed from the last one.
Update. It was, in fact, a gun. Jazz now has a mild burn on her arm and is screaming how they need therapy. Not disagreeing but I don't think it's going to happen.
February 12, 2002
Dear journal. Happy birthday. A year ago Jazz gave you to me for my birthday. How my parents haven't accidentally destroyed you I don't know.
Me Tucker, Sam, and Jazz went out to eat for my birthday. Sam even had her family driver take us a town over to try that new restaurant. Well, that's what their excuse was.  I think they were trying to get me out of the house for a little bit since Mom and Dad are going on a rampage through the house disassembling all the appliances. It's 10 pm and I can still hear noise coming from the basement.
March 26, 2002
I have the best idea for an April Fools prank. It involves chez whiz and glitter.
April 1, 2002
The prank worked like a charm. The jocks are going to smell like cheese for weeks. And they ain't ever getting the glitter out.
On the downside. Dash broke my arm and Mom and Dad put a “Fenton Anti-ghost Cast” on me. It kinda glows and makes my arm feel weird.
April 23, 2002
Sam’s birthday party was a glorious disaster this year. Her mom decided to do a princess-themed party. We have been preparing for this day since Sam found one of her mom’s work journals. We managed to sneak paint and glitter bombs into the venue before anyone got there. We even managed to get one on each of the chandeliers. It was awesome. Everyone got covered in black paint and red glitter. 
What we didn’t account for was Grandma Ida hiring professional snake handlers to bring in a bunch of snakes for Sam. The snakes were non-venomous and luckily were all caught after one of the rich people bumped into the table that the snake cage was on. And the paint was non-toxic so it was easy to clean off the snakes too without them getting sick. Still kinda feel bad that the snakes got caught in the crossfire though.
May 20, 2002
🎵Schools out for the summer!🎵 Lol this is going to be so exciting. Our last summer as middle schoolers. Nothing but the big leagues after this!
June 13, 2002
Dad wants to go camping for Father's Day so we're going to head out tomorrow morning. Think I heard them mention Lake Arrowhead. That'll be cool. Haven't fished there before.
June 15, 2002
I don't know how but we're in Gotham. Apparently, there's some stupid ghost conversation going on so we're going to be stuck here for the next week. On the pulse side though I found a really cool cafe not too far from the hotel. And they don’t seem to care if you just hang out as long as their not busy and you buy something. Me and Jazz will probably be spending a lot of time here or at their library. It’s huge and has an entire section of space!
June 16, 2002
Turns out I'm allergic to something called Blood Blossoms. Mom and Dad ended up having some guy try to cleanse me of “the evil spook” after I accidentally brushed up against the flowers he had on his table. Jazz had to convince them to get me to the hospital. Luckily one of the guys walking around had an epi pen. So that helped. Still sucks and now I'm stuck at the hotel while Jazz frets like a mother hen. I don't think she's even realized that she has a rash on her hand from when she threw the flowers away from me.
June 19, 2002
So… Batman is real… wtf? He apparently has some questions for Mom and Dad but they haven't come back yet. He apologized to me and Jazz for waking us up and gave us suckers? Which. Weird. And Jazz threw them away when he left because “stranger danger is still a thing even if they are a hero”. RIP little Root Beer flavored DumDum. You will be missed.
And on the other hand, Robin was pretty cool. He's snarky and brave and hilarious and he is just so cool. 10/10 New favorite Robin. He even gave me a book recommendation for the report I'm supposed to turn in at the start of freshman year.
June 22, 2002
We were supposed to leave Gotham today. We were supposed to finally head to one of the lakes on the way home to do some camping and fishing. We were supposed to have a relaxing time. So please journal. Can you tell me why the giant wannabe scaly just threw the GAV? Now we are going to be stuck in this stupid city for another week while Mom and Dad fix it.
June 24, 2002
I made a new friend! Do you remember that cafe I talked about a few days ago? Well, I met a guy there. His name is Jason. He’s an absolute lit nerd but is way cool. The guy’s got muscles underneath his school uniform too. The guy looks like he could snap me like a twig yet isn’t at all like Dash. Hopefully, we can keep in contact after we head back to Amity. For now, we are planning on meeting up at the cafe tomorrow with our favorite books. I found “Star Stories”at the library so I’m bringing it with me. I don’t know if he likes stars but I hope he likes some of the stories about them.
July 9, 2002
Finally back at home. Dad had smuggled fireworks into the GAV (how they didn’t explode when KC threw it in Gotham idk) so we spent the 4th of July shooting them off at the lake. We ended up going to Lake Erie for the camping trip because Mom heard something at the convention about a ghost hanging out around there. Didn’t see any ghosts but the fishing was good. I even caught a bass the size of my head! All around it was really fun! Oh and the stars were so clear! The Summer Triangle was so clear you could point out Vega, Deneb, and Altair! It was so cool! Did you know that Vega is in the Lyra constellation? Or Deneb is in the Cygnus Constellation. And Altair is a part of the Aquila constellation!
Maybe I should ask if Mom and Dad could get me another journal for charting the stars. I’ll need the practice if I want to become an astronaut.
July 29, 2002
It’s a good thing that I got two of everything when me, Sam, and Tucker went shopping for school supplies. I got a lot of new space-themed stuff but the moment I got home Dad insisted on ghost-proofing my new backpack… It melted. I don’t even know how he managed to melt a canvas bag. It didn’t even catch fire first. Just started melting the moment Dad started spraying his new “Fenten Ecto-Rejecto Spray” on it. Wtf Dad.
On the plus side, Sam found a new coffin backpack and Tucker was able to get a new bag that had a pouch that he can put the walkman he got yesterday for his birthday. He is so hyped about it. 
August 6, 2002
School starts next week and I am so hyped. Finally going to be a high schooler. Cool Kids Club here we go!
August 15, 2002
Kill me now. May the Gods strike me down and end my suffering. May the Faits find me lacking and cut my string. May the Crone tear me from the tapestry, the mother rejects my thread from the loom and the maiden take the wool of my youth and set it aside.
Sam has just informed me that that isn’t quite what the Mother, Maiden, and Crone do but whatever. Just know that everything sucks because apparently someone called the house phone and told Mom and Dad that there was a ghost in the school. The A-listers are blaming me for ruining their high school debut.
August 30, 2002
Mom and Dad have started making more noise in the lab than normal. It’s gotten to the point that Jazz has been spending more time at the library to study. Speaking of Jazz, she has been obsessing over self-help and psychology books lately. I mean. Jazz has always talked up therapy but now she’s kinda getting snooty about it. Sam suggested we start hanging out at that gazebo thingy at the park so we can get our work done on the nicer days. We’ll have to hang at Tucker's place though on the rainy days. Sam’s parents have decided that it’s time to put their foot down and get Sam to “socialize with your actual peers Sammy-kins so that you can make better connections and start networking” or whatever. So basically Sam’s mom doesn’t want her to be associated with us plebs I guess.
September 8, 2002
Mom and Dad repurposed the fridge so they could put samples in it. Apparently, the one in the lab broke. The green stuff in the tubes kinda creeps me out. Jazz is yelling at them about it. I kinda agree. Cross-contamination anyone? Think I’m gonna eat out at Nasty more often.
September 28, 2002
Either I’m going crazy or the leftover chicken and noodle soup in the fridge was moving. Like the noodles were wiggling around like worms or something. Jazz ordered pizza.
October 5, 2002
There are new wires in the house now and they glow? Mom said that they had some sort of breakthrough and are using the samples that they have to coat some of the tech in the house to “ecto-proof” it. Apparently, the ectoplasm doesn’t like electronics so they weren’t really able to mix it with tech too well. Some of Mom’s blueprints look like Star Wars blasters. Dad’s are less impressive.
October 29, 2002
Mom and Dad have locked me and Jazz in our rooms because of the “Ghost Menaces”. Me and Jazz have both taped warning signs on our windows so some brave trick-or-treaters don’t accidentally get hurt.
November 1, 2002
The signs worked but I saw Mom and Dad taking off in the GAV around midnight. Whatever. Me and Tucker did manage to reach a new level in DOOM last night so that was cool. And it’s World Vegan Day today so Sam is going to take us out to eat at a vegan place for dinner. I have no clue what Tucker’s going to eat. Well probably get it to-go so he can get something.
I found out where Mom and Dad went last night. The cops showed up and gave Mom and Dad a ticket for destroying a part of the park's water fixture. Someone had organised a haunted forest thing in the park and my parents went absolute ape.
November 2, 2002
Who told Mom and Dad about Dia de Los Muertos? Or that there was a little remembrance celebration/party thing going on today because of it? I’ve decided to make deviled eggs in protest of their chaos and have also bought candy skulls to eat.
November 18, 2002
Apparently, there is an Occult Day(?) and Sam insists we spend the day researching cults. Tucker has found a tech cult online that says there is “Techno Magic” and he is now trying to learn it. Sam has found a book of curses and has been giggling since she found it. Sam giggling is terrifying. I am concerned.
November 28, 2002
The turkey came to life and attacked us. Mom and Dad are blaming ghosts but me and Jazz agree that this is totally their fault for putting the stupid ecto in the fridge. At least the rest of the food was edible. I mean. It had a kinda glowing but I haven’t gotten sick yet. So yay?
November 29, 2002
So the food wasn’t good and I ended up getting sick this morning. fml Jazz is mad that I ate some of it. I am fully aware of what food safety is Jazz. But I was hungry and after the turkey, I was just tired and hangry. I had no clue you had ordered pizza so :p
December 5, 2002
On the 5th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me! Nothing because my family is insane. Mom and Dad are already starting their yearly Santa argument. Sam and Tuck are both out of town to visit family for the holidays, Jazz is avoiding the house because it’s “disruptive to my mental development” and I’m grounded for yelling at Dad when he burst into my room and accidentally made my little Rover fall off the shelf and brake.
December 9, 2002
Mom and Dad’s insanity is ramping up. They almost never leave the lab now and whenever I try to bring food down to them they either just mumble and keep working or start arguing again. The whole in the wall has a frame now too.
December 24, 2002
I made a mistake when I brought Mom and Dad their dinner today. In my defense, I was just tired of them yelling about Santa. So I asked why they had hazmat suits but me and Jazz didn’t if ecto was so dangerous. Because if it’s that dangerous then the fact we have ecto in the fridge means that we should all have suits. Jazz is furious with me cause now our parents are making us try on our new suits tomorrow. I am terrified of whatever monstrosity they create no matter how “fashionable” Dad claims they will be.
December 25, 2002
It’s worse than I thought. Mine’s white.
January 15, 2003
Gods, I hate this. I’ve been sick for the past week and Jazz says we’re almost out of soup. I keep going back and forth between being hungry and puking up whatever Jazz feeds me. Mom says that she has some tea that may help but when Dad brought it up it tasted funny. It did make me feel a little better but it just had a really weird taste. Dad said it’s just because I’m sick so everything tastes funny right now.
January 19, 2003
Is it weird that I want to lick the ecto in the fridge? I’m pretty sure it is but it still kinda looks lickable to me. Like how you know that D batteries are not edible but almost everyone has licked one at some point?
Jazz just gave me a lecture about putting things in my mouth that I shouldn’t… Again…
January 27, 2003
Jazz scared me this morning. I walked into the kitchen this morning and just saw glowing eyes. Like a cat’s eyes in the dark. Jazz thinks I’m hallucinating from lack of sleep because of the all-nighter I pulled with Tuck trying to pass the next level on DOOM but I swear that her eyes were glowing.
February 9, 2003
I’m starting to worry. I know they're obsessed with their dumb portal but they haven’t eaten in 2 days. Jazz is planning on going down there and persuading (yelling at them) them to eat if they don’t come up for dinner tonight.
February 12, 2003
Happy Birthday to me. I am now 14 years old. Mom and Dad forgot it was my birthday again. They ran into the kitchen this morning because they completed their portal. They even dragged me and Jazz down into the lab to see them turn it on before we went to school. It didn’t work and now Mom and Dad are going to take a drive around town to clear their heads. They probably won’t be back until dinner time. Sam and Tucker are coming over after school though so at least it will be quiet while they are over. And I think Jazz is going to make a cake if the box of mix I saw her trying to hide from me yesterday is any indication. 
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smoooothoperator · 5 months
now that the question is popped and answered yes, its time for announcing to the family and to the world!
maybe bit glimpses and them talking about when and where they'd like to get married. spontaneous wedding by elopping? an option im bring onto the table.
i also kind of picture where yk how every girl has their dream wedding, i kinda feel like lando also has that soft spot where he admits to violet and speaks his dream wedding while discussing (im sooo delulu rn omg🫣🫡)
alsooooo we need THEIR song too!!!
Im brain dumping the ideas hehee. Im excited how you turn this into writinggg <33
Hi hi hi! I hope you like this one! I really loved doing this🥹
So! As I showed, Lando and Violet announced their engagement on social media.
But that was after they talked to their families.
With Lando's was easy, since Violet is more comfortable with them
They announced it to them after Christmas day, right the day of their anniversary
And of course they were happy for them! His parents even asked them if they needed money to help them get everything done or if they needed help to organize things
Lando and Violet were so happy watching how they cwere haply for them and even daydreaming for some hours
It was easy
But what wasn't easy was telling her family
In the time they were dating, her family never stopped asking for favors, or even getting interested whenever they wanted
So Violet was nervous, of course
She only wanted to go to her hometown to visit her grandma and Eloise's grave
The moment Violet pressed the ring bell she immediately wanted to leave.
"Hey, I'm here" Lando whispered. "Ignore theme focus on Nana and then we'll leave, yeah?"
"What if they ask things?" Violet sighed looking at him. "Is it wrong that I don't feel bad because I don't want them there?"
"They never were there for you, love" he sighed. "You have every right to feel that way"
Lando knew she missed having a family. She missed not having a pair of parents that could take care of her, worry and ask about her.
"Wow, you decided to come" her mom frowned when she opened the door.
"Mhm" Violet hummed, walking in followed by Lando.
Her face immediately hanged when she saw her grandma.
Lando saw her grandma, Nana, a few times.
When they finished decorating their house, Violet wanted her to go and watch it, as well as meeting Lando.
Violet focused on her grandma, and when she said that Lando and her were getting married, she rolled her eyes the moment her mother clapped and started bombing them with questions.
"I hope you two make the wedding of the century"
"You two have money, didn't you buy a house? I guess you won't need our help"
"Who will you invite?"
Violet took a deep breath and looked at her parents. She knows what they are doing.
"I came here to talk with the only woman that cared about me" Violet said. "To the woman that took care of me when you two were too busy with job that you couldn't take care of your own daughter"
"We are your parents!" her mother exclaimed. "How dare you talk to me that way?"
"You only gave me birth. The one who took care of me was Nana, and she will be the one taking me to the aisle. I don't care if you like it or not" Violet said serious, making Lando feel proud of her. "You two are strangers to me. And it's your fault, so don't come crying later"
Lando couldn't help but feel sad, because this for real was a way ofngrtting her parents south of her life.
The day they got engaged, they went to bed with the biggest smile they ever had in their faces.
It was another step in their relationship, another step to a future together
"I can't stop looking at it" Violet smiled, looking at the beautiful ring with little stones on it. "It's so beautiful, Lando... So so beautiful"
Lando smiled looking at her hand, kissing her lips softly when she looked up at him.
They were living a real dream,feeling their chests warm with a new feeling.
"Have you ever imagined how our wedding would be?" Violet asked him.
"Well, I think something simple and private" Lando smiled. "With our friends and family in it, you wearing an amazing white dress. And if course, Rhys and Feyre will have to give us the rings"
"Oh definitely!" she giggled, looking at their dogs. "Our kids have to be present, huh?"
"Yeah" he smiled. "I always wanted to get married in a big place. Like, a villa or something like that, where our guests can stay the weekend and relax too"
"I like how it sounds"
They started planning just the basic things, the guests, going to see places and of course what they would wear
Violet went with her grandma, Pietra, Lily and Carmen to try some dresses
And of course, she asked her grandma to the one to take her to the aisle and Pietra to be her maid of honor
But when things started to go well, they had to interrupt the planning because of Violet's work
"It will be okay, love" Lando reassured her. "We have half of the job done, right? And you are not leaving for many months, just three. It will be okay"
They kept planning things with video calls, and of course they had the help of a wedding planner team
The wedding:
They rented a venue in England, of course
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The day before getting married, both of them slept separately, just to get ready the next day without looking at each other's outfit.
Their dogs slept with them, Rhysand with Lando and Ferr with Violet, since they decided they wanted them to be part of the bridesmaids and the groomsmen
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To add a little of fun to the wedding, Carlos and Violet decided to prank Lando
(Or maybe because she wanted to have a Carlando moment on their wedding album)
Some weeks before the wedding, Carlos went with her to buy a white dress
So while Violet was getting ready with her bridesmaids, Carlos did the same before getting ready himself
Somehow Violet convinced Lando to make a first look photoshoot, so Lando went to the backyard of the venue and waited for Violet
Everyone knew about the prank except him
So when Carlos walked in, dressed in a white dress and holding Violet's flowers, everyone had to hold their laugh
Lando smiled nervous, biting his lip when he heard the photographer taking pictures of them
He felt a hand on his and he immediately frowned, not recognizing Violet's hand
And the moment he turned around and found Carlos, he couldn't hold it and started laughing
It's safe to say that Carlando got married? There are pictures that can confirm it
But then the real time came
Lando was ready waiting for Violet, with Max next to him as well as all his friends
The moment he saw her walking next to her grandma, Lando couldn't stop crying
Max smiled, giving him a tissue and patting his back
Lando never thought he could fall in love even more
Their dogs had the rings, Rhys had Violet's and Feyra had Lando's
After the ceremony, they had the banquet
It was everything they dreamed before
A fairytale place, with amazing food (no fish in it)
And the moment if their first dance as husband and wife came
When they had to think about a song for their first dance, they wanted a song that talks about them
The first time they heard it, in Violet's old apartment, they cried while hearing it
So they immediately added it to the planning
They held each other, whispering the lyrics to the other while moving since to side at the beat of the song
Everyone was quiet, hearing the song and the meaning of it
Who knows their story, they know why they chose that song
"I love you, Violet Norris" Lando whisper in her ear
"I love you too, Lando Norris" she smiled
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rc-writes · 1 year
𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
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𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙨 | 𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢  
pairings: benny weir x reader
warnings: one curse word i believe, not much of benny actually in it sorry
part one
a/n: well look who wrote benny hcs not at 1am for once lol (finished this before 10pm) anyways, these hcs are more of you (the reader) getting your turn to have your realization moment. which because of that benny isn’t actually in this all too much. i hope you all enjoy it anyway!!
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you had called benny the day after you were let out of the hospital and asked if he wanted to hang out
he quickly said that his grandma was making him clean the whole house so he couldn’t come over
and then quickly hung up
this was very strange because 1. he didn’t go on a rant about how much he did not want to clean 2. he wasn’t even allowed to do more than dusting anymore
last time he tried to spell the house clean and somehow the bathroom was full of chickens
and to add to the strangeness you spotted benny with ethan in ethan’s backyard later in the day
you definitely weren’t spying
another weird event happened when the school week began
usually you and benny would sit next to each other in english but on monday morning he was sitting on the other side of the room
when you questioned him he was quick to say that the teacher moved him for some reason
on any other day you’d just brush it off because teacher’s like to move kids for no reason sometimes
but since benny was acting weird you decided to ask the teacher after class and it turns out benny was the one to ask to move
now you were more confused as ever
not only has benny avoided you twice, but he had lied to you twice
a couple different thoughts ran threw your head at once
maybe he’s trying to distance himself so it doesn’t hurt him as much if you were to get hurt again?
does he still feel terrible that he couldn't prevent you from getting hurt and thinks you blame him?
or worse, is he upset that you did something wrong and by getting yourself hurt someone else could also have gotten hurt?
you know that the last option would be completely out of character for benny but you couldn’t let the thought fully leave
this was when you decided to question ethan again
and once again he pretended like nothing odd was happening
even after half of an hour of nonstop questioning he would fess up
you then decided to just go ask benny himself
once you got to the weir household you were met with a “sick” benny who didn’t have time to talk because he “didn’t want you to get sick”
you might have believed him if it wasn’t for the fact that before you knocked on ethan’s bedroom door earlier you heard them both video chatting while playing a video game
and benny did not sound at all sick at the time
but you decided to just drop the matter and sulk back home
maybe this weird thing would be over in a few days?
maybe there was a completely reasonable reason as to why one best friend was ignoring you and another was covering for them?
unfortunately for you it was a week later at this point and nothing had changed
you’re wrist being almost completely healed was the only thing you seemed to change
safe to say you were upset
so here you lay on your bed watching the ceiling fan go round and round
you missed your best friend
you missed benny
the benny who would have been knocking on your door with a box full of games before you even finished saying you were bored over the phone
the benny who you had known to be an amazing friend since you met him back in middle school
hell you couldn’t even remember the last time it had been this long since you had a full conversation with him
what would you even do if you didn’t have him in your life??
it was at this moment, with this thought, was the exact moment a bomb had gone off in your head
“that can’t be true”
“what a crazy thought that was”
“pfft there’s no way that was a true thought”
“ha ha real funny”
“that doesn’t even make any sense”
“ha ha right?”
there was no possible way you actually had feelings for your best friend, right?
but what if you did?
no that’s crazy, anyone would be upset if their best friend had suddenly stopped talking to them
but why did it feel like you missed more than just a best friend?
now as any person with more one than one good friend you had to go tell ethan about this whole mess of a situation you just got in
well after you spent a few hours spiraling
ethan being the good friend he was decided to not reveal benny’s similar secret to you
which he did get very close to just telling you, but he then remembered benny swore he’d “accidentally” say the wrong spell too close to him if he did and decided against it
cue ethan being just so done with life because now he has to deal with the both of y’all being oblivious idiots
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violetswritingg · 2 months
Tyler Owens x OFC!
Description: When cowgirl meets cowboy after a year of no-contact and chaos ensues during storm season!
Rating: M (Mentions of blood and death in Tornadoes and storms alike, angst and loss of loved ones, car accidents, Tornado aftermath, and injury to characters, slight age gap (5 years))
Hey! I don't normally post my writing on here, I'm normally only on Wattpad but I decided to cross post and so here is the first of many fics to be moved over here and enjoyed as well! I hope you guys enjoy the story, I honestly have no idea who many chapters this is going to be lol.
Want to read the other chapters?
Click here
April, 2005
The sound of silverware on plates was all that could be heard, but that was normal for a Thornton-Harding-St. James family dinner. Nathan and Juliette had been tense all dinner barely saying a word to each other. All since Jo and Bill had arrived all smiles. The women's mother Michelle, and both Jo and Bill watching the parents as if they were an active bomb ready to go off at any moment. Nathan was at least trying. Smiling, as best he could, and making polite conversation when prompted, the father mainly focused on Riley who sat on his other side. Making sure she wasn't playing with her food.
At six she should know better, and he needed to teach her it was rude to waste the food someone had worked really hard to make for them. But now that the food had been eaten, there wasn't much distraction left to hide behind.
"Uh, so, Julie, how's Riley been doing in school?" Jo tried; she really did. But Juliette was mean on a good day and that day was not today. The empty wine glass next to her being her fourth, and once she got to drinking her temper just got worse.
"She's doing fine." Juliette sniffed as she sat up straighter, a forced smile on her face. Eyes narrowed as she settled into a defensive position. "Why?"
"No reason, just making conversation." Jo sighed, looking at Bill for a second before meeting Nathan's grimaced grin. Trying not to cause a scene in front of everybody was taking all his will power, wanting nothing more than to snap at Juliette and shake her. Hoping that would maybe change her entire personality, the one he hadn't seen until she was telling him she was pregnant and that it was his all those years ago.
"Right." Juliette scoffed, "You have no right to judge me, you don't even have a kid!" her jaw snapped shut, eyes blistering as she spat her words at her older sister. Jo tensed up and Riley had started to pay attention to the adults at the table instead of finishing her little slice of pie. Nathan wanted to crawl into a hole and die, take Riley with him far far away from Juliette. Riley loved Jo and Bill though and he couldn't just do that. Michelle was over the moon when she found out she was going to have a grandbaby, she's 75 now and doesn't have a lot of time left to spend with anyone, much less Riley, not with how her health had been declining recently. The stress of living in Tornado alley having taken its toll after her husband was taken in that fateful storm.
Riley was her whole world. Michelle watched her when Nathan, Bill, and Jo were out storm chasing. Juliette, even though she lived in the same house, the Harding family farm. Being rebuilt on the same land, Michelle couldn't bare to leave it behind after the original house was destroyed. Riley didn't mind it, even though she missed her dad, she loved getting to hang out with Grandma. They were like best friends. But Nathan had needed to start taking Riley with him and his team because of her health issues, and because he knew that Juliette would leave Riley to her own devices for however long he was gone, the almost 6 year old hanging out in the tech van usually a couple miles behind him and always a safe distance from the storm in pursuit.
"I am very much aware of that Juliette." Jo grit out, Bill reaching out an arm around her shoulders, the couple had hit their early 40's, still childless, still chasing. But had been entertaining the idea of settling down after one too many close calls. The topic of having kids was a sensitive one, they had been trying quietly for about a year now and no luck. Something Jo had shared with her sister and Nathan in confidence.
"The food was great Michelle-" Bill tried to move onto another topic, but got blocked.
"I'm not surprised though, I'm sure there's cobwebs up there at this point." Juliette cruelly laughed. "I'm sure Bill will move on to a younger model when he finally realizes you'll never be able to produce."
"Juliette May Thornton! You watch your-"
"What mom?" Juliette turned on Michelle next, the elderly woman sitting taller in her chair, white hair pulled back in a simple style, warm eyes worn and normally full of life. Now though, they only held disappointment in her youngest daughter. "There it is. There's the look. I'm not going to take this; I am not going to be attacked in my own goddamn house." Julliette huffed and pushed out her chair with a sharp scrape against the wood flooring and stomped upstairs.
Nathan let out a deep sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose, as Riley's little voice called out for her mom. Only to be ignored.
"Why don't you go turn on some cartoons okay baby? You got 30 minutes until bedtime, you get one show and then in the bath for you okay?" Nathan picked up his daughter and hauled her into his lap, booping her nose, causing light giggles to erupt.
Riley's dark blonde curls bouncing as she nodded quickly, Nathan setting her on her feet and the adults chuckled as she all but ran. Already hearing the Scooby-doo theme song playing over the air. The tension leaving his shoulders now that the cause of all his stress was no longer in the room.
"I'm sorry." He breathed, "She's been in a bad mood all day, picking fights just because."
"Hey, I grew up with her. If I'm not used to it at this point, then I need a thicker skin." Jo chuckled, despite the hurt still lingering in her eyes.
"Still, what crawled up her ass and died?" Bill scoffed, pulling Jo to his side and pressing a kiss to the side of her head. Nathan watching, his sight going green for a second. That's what he wanted, it's what he didn't know he wanted until he saw it with them, until he had to spend his days attached to Juliette. Riley was the bright spot, the good thing to come out of a shitty situation. Nathan would deal with Juliette every day for the rest of his life as long as he got to see Riley.
"I have been asking myself that question for years Billy." Nathan sighed out, laughing to himself, resigned to dealing with it later.
"What you said at dinner was uncalled for." Nathan puffed out, pulling off pillows from their shared bed. He may as well be sleeping alone though.
"Are you gonna attack me now too Nathanial?" Juliette scoffed, rolling her eyes at him from the bathroom vanity mirror as she got ready for bed. The slight slur to her voice telling him the wine was starting to hit her full force now.
"I'm not attacking you, simply stating you went too far. And that maybe you owe Jo an apology?" He tried, but got nothing but a single, indignant laugh in response.
"You think she's better than me huh? Is that it?!" Nathan hung his head, abandoning the task of making up the bed. He pushed back the tears of frustration and looked back at the woman he was sure he had been in love with, or at the very least liked at one point.
"When have I ever said that?" He started, voice heavy with exhaustion.
"You don't have to say it, you've always liked her better than me. Just like everyone else! I thought you were different!"
"You are 36 years old Juliette! When are you going to let this go?" He never raised his voice when they argued, never wanting Riley to hear, but Juliette seemed to want to wake the whole house which included Jo and Bill who were spending the night before heading out in the morning. Thunder rolled in the distance.
"You aren't denying it! God! I am so stupid! I never should have stayed. Never should have-" She kept muttering under her breath every seeming regret she had as she stormed into the room, yanked open the closet, grabbing a duffle bag from inside and throwing her clothes in it haphazardly. "This place is suffocating! You are suffocating with your judgy eyes and every comment about how I raise Riley-"
"You don't! That's the issue! What are you doing?" Nathan sighed as she plopped the duffle bag on the still made up side of the bed, her side.
"What does it look like. I can't stay here. Not with you or them. All of you just hate on me all the time, look at me like I'm nothing but a disappointment. I'm sorry I'm not perfect! I'm sorry I'm not golden girl Jo!" Juliette finished, throwing an arm towards the door, chest heaving as she zipped up her duffle bag and yanked open the bedroom door. Slamming it shut behind her.
Nathan listened to her as she went down the stairs, taking a breath before he was going after her, repeating over and over she is the mother of your child in his head. When they first met, it was in the middle of storm season and Jo's kid sister decided she wanted to come with her chasing that year, she was just as wild back then. Less mean, less insecure. She was all bright eyes and wide smiles, soft skin and warm affection. Until she got pregnant. That's when everything changed.
"Jules! Jules!" Nathan whisper-shouted, as he tripped down the stairs.
"What's happening?" Bill questioned, opening the door to the guest room on the first floor, in a white t-shirt and his boxers, yawning and scratching his face. Jo's voice behind him asking the same thing, sleep slurring her words though.
"I don't know William, ask your wife." Juliette spit as she past him and Nathan was still trying to get to her.
"Just go back to bed, sorry for waking you-"
"Oh shut up Nathan!"
"Was I talking to you?!" He finally snapped and Bill's mouth dropped, Juliette looked like she had been slapped.
"Well, I never..." Juliette huffed, holding a hand to her chest. Crocodile tears in her eyes, Nathan had seen them enough to know she was just trying to make him feel guilty. It was at that moment that Jo decided to get out of bed and come to the door to see what was going on.
"Bill, Jo, please, go back to bed. We're fine-"
"No! We're not fine. You know this is all your fault? Right?! If I had never gotten pregnant, my life wouldn't be like it is now. Miserable. If I had never met you or had Riley I would be happy. I wish I had never met you! I wish I had gotten rid of the baby, keeping her was a mistake-"
"Hey!-" Nathan could only see red.
Everything stopped and it felt like a lead weight had been dropped into Nathan's stomach. He turned around and looked up at the bottom of the stairs, the dirty-blonde head of his daughter, her big blue eyes, his eyes, staring up at her mother with confusion.
It was clear Juliette didn't know what to say, and Nathan was ready to swing if she said anything negative to his kid. There was a tense silence, Riley pulled her blanket and stuffed rabbit closer to her, looking unsure.
"Do you want a hug? You look sad." Riley pattered slowly up to the woman, stopping at her feet and looking up at the much taller adult who had given birth to her. Tugging on her sweatpants gently, looking for a connection. It broke Nathan's heart, knowing Riley would never get that. At least not with Juliette.
"I'm not your mommy anymore." With that Juliette turned on her heel and left. Slamming the front door behind her.
"Daddy?" Riley, with tears in her eyes looked to the man who was instantly there. Picking her up and holding her to him, her tears dampening the shoulder of his t-shirt. "Where did mommy go?"
"I don't know baby. I don't know." With one last look over his shoulder to Bill and Jo, the couple grinning sadly at the father-daughter pair. Nathan doing his best to not shake in anger. Juliette was gone for now, he had to focus on Riley. Make sure she was okay. And so, he took his daughter back up to her room and three bedtime stories, a lullaby, and a forehead kiss later she was back down and snoring softly. Hair sprawled crazily behind her, her favorite dino pj's on, blanket and rabbit next to her.
Nathan's love-filled gaze was like honey, his fingers petting her hair back from her face. When Juliette told him she was pregnant he had been terrified, convinced she was lying. He didn't take it well. He was still in his PhD program, had just been offered a huge grant to keep working on his already existing research, he couldn't see himself able to have a kid without throwing everything he had been working towards his whole life away.
Which wasn't true, he had to defer the grant for a year, finished out that year at school and then dropped out of the PhD program, it killed him, but he couldn't go to school back home in Arkansas if Juliette refused to leave Oklahoma. He may not have wanted the kid in the first place but he was raised right and was going to step up however he had to.
He wanted to be there for Juliette as she carried the baby, support her. She was miserable, she lost close to twenty pounds due to morning sickness and had to be on bed rest for months. It wasn't fun and she was horrible every minute of it. Michelle and him had to walk on eggshells every second of every day, and even then they still would set her off someway somehow. They let it slide during the pregnancy because it was understandable, she was constantly uncomfortable, couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't walk. But after Riley was born the behavior stayed, and only got worse as Riley struggled to breast feed and Juliette struggled to bond with her baby.
The connection with Nathan and Riley had been immediate though and that pissed Juliette off, it was just one more person who hadn't chosen her first. That, in her mind, didn't want her. Nathan suggested therapy but was met with a scoff and another argument about her being scared he was trying to take Riley away from her by claiming she was crazy, which was so not the case.
He could still remember when he first held Riley in the hospital, how perfect she was in every way, and still is. He hadn't ever felt the kind of love he did when he first laid eyes on his daughter, her little fingers wrapped around his pointer finger and his entire heart. She was an easy kid, at least with him. Juliette never seemed to figure out how to calm Riley down when she was fussy or upset, and would get frustrated with her quickly, yelling, berating. Nathan had walked in one time when Riley had gotten a fever and needed one of them up with her at all times, he could have sworn Juliette was about to shake the, then months old Riley, who had been wailing for what felt like hours that night.
He stopped trusting her to be alone with Riley at that moment in time. In the back of his mind he always knew Juliette wasn't going to stick around, she never did when things got hard. Fact of the matter was this had happened before, multiple times, Nathan just hoped that one day Riley wouldn't remember any of this. Or the hurtful words her mom said to her that night.
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quill-of-thoth · 1 year
It's apparently Little Shop of Horrors day, so let me tell you all about the time I was house manager for the worst musical of, if not all time, the 20zeroes.
I was a theater kid in a school that did NOT do musicals. For crosstown rivalry reasons and a bunch of other stuff. The other high school did musicals so all you choir divas go try out over there. Also casting at my high school was highly correlated with seniority, AKA you were more likely to get speaking parts as an upperclassman, assuming you had been in any play before.
However, my junior year we got a new drama teacher, and therefore a budget, and therefore a spate of more musicals and small cast plays to perform. I got cast in zero things because my acting was pretty mid and my ability to sing is... not. However I was both one of the few non-graduating upperclassmen and The Responsible One and my presence building set / herding freshman / going off book early resulted in fewer stitches, so I got to be house manager. In high school theater, house manager shows up at call to help with things, then opens the ticket booth, answers questions on the walkie, and is the person fourteen year old ushers come to when somebody's mom needs to be sent to the special hell for people who talk on their cell phones in the theater. We did our very first school musical in like a decade, Little Shop of Horrors, in january.
If the Gifs have not clued you in, Little Shop of Horrors is the story of a florist's assistant who mistakes a man eating alien for a talking plant and decides to feed his crush's abusive boyfriend to it. This is not a weird plot for musicals, BUT it requires some prep work. 1) The Chorus tells a lot of the story, so in order to Give Everyone A Chance and to keep everyone's barely trained vocal chords in good shape, we double casted the chorus. Meaning that on nights where they weren't singing, they were supposed to usher, because we never had enough ushers and there were too many of them for all of them to fulfil their crew obligations building set.
2) There are three chorus leads. Some performances have them be the whole chorus but our director had ambitions, so we had three chorus leads and like ten background chorus members per chorus. Performing alternating nights. In the same set of matching RENTED costumes. (Background chorus wore their choir performance duds I think.) 3) Audrey 2, the "plant" is a puppet of some description, large enough to eat a successful dentist. Meaning that somebody has to be mic'd up to voice him, and somebody ELSE has to make him move. And you have to get him on and off stage, or configure the stage in such a way that he can be covered up. Ours rolled. I had only occasionally been on set crew for Little Shop, and most of the chorus hadn't been at all because of their choir schedules, so I rolled up opening night at half past call expecting an hour of running errands for people and an easy house opening. The Stage Manager handed me my walkie and said "I already hate this," which was just her personality regarding opening nights but which should have been a warning. I was quickly informed that The Chorus was being kept in the empty choir room upstairs of the stage because there were too many of them to stay in the dressing rooms, so there was going to be a LOT of walkie chatter about cues. We also had to shuffle in a dude from light crew to drop the show's only F-bomb, because the freshman voicing Audrey 2 hadn't known it existed when he tried out and was now in a tizzy because his Very Religious Grandma was coming. So I had to keep an aisle clear up in the nosebleeds so a crew guy could sneak in the dark from the spotlights to the sound booth to delightedly yell Fuck into the microphone. "We never get people in the nosebleeds anyway," I told Stage Manager, who shrugged unhappily. "Chorus of twenty. Choir kids. Musical."
Spotlight guy, passing by, said something like "I can handle it."
I did some emergency stitching on somebody's loose costume button, sorted out some props, ran around blocking off or opening doors, and then opened the house. With ONE usher because the Chorus Ushers were late. "Isn't their call time twenty to opening?" I asked the one reliable usher, who was build crew only, and he shrugged. I told him to put people as far to the front as he could, no exceptions, and not to use the stage left nosebleeds, and continued taking tickets and cash. We already had a crowd when the Chorus Ushers arrived - Late, not appropriately dressed, or telling me that they had to leave before the show was over because their parents did not want to pick them up any later than that time. I volunteered to tell their parents that having a kid in a show was a commitment that included days that they were not performing and that we had several reliable upperclassmen running carpool if they had emergencies. Only one of the ushers took me up on it, so I decided that we could close missing one usher since we had more than usual anyway, and signed them all in. I walkied the Director that we had all the ushers we were gonna get and that they were late but we had it under control, which was the last time ANYTHING was under control that night. The first obvious problem was that the Chorus Ushers didn't seat anyone, which was literally their one job. They just... walked in and out of the theater following people? I had to leave Reliable at the cash box and demonstrate, then move people out of the one row reserved for ushers and the closed off nosebleed area. Someone, probably Spotlight, had cordoned it off with duct tape so I don't know why they even tried. Then I had to explain that you cannot save a whole row so that tall people do not come and block your view. And then somebody wanted a half off ticket because they intended to leave at intermission. And somebody else wanted to pay by credit card even though they'd had weeks of warning that we were not set up to do that. Add in people jockeying for seats and ushers sneaking off to hang with friends or family and by the time the lights went down I was composing some strongly worded advice to our director about training ushers and making sure that showing up to usher one night wasn't the whole price of being in the cast. Then, in the middle of the second song, a phone rang. "Hi Mom. No, the play has started. Yes I have a ride home. No, dad decided he wouldn't - It's fine -" "Excuse me, Ma'am," I hissed to the rapidly confiscated phone, tugging the usher towards the back doors by the hoodie, "Your daughter is working and we do not allow cell phones in the theater." "But -" "All calls must be taken IN THE HALLWAY (which we had reached by then) and your ringer is expected to be off." "And who are you?" "The Stage Manager," I said, like I was an actual responsible party, and hung up. "When you are done sorting this out, I expect neither you, nor your phone, to make a single sound for the rest of this play. Any upperclassman with an available car seat will give you a ride home if you need it." That made one freshie with the fear of House Manager put into them properly, hopefully it meant she'd behave in general. And walkie hell immediately broke loose. In the next, possibly forty minutes, by virtue of being the person who had already left the auditorium and was wearing normal clothes, I learned the following:
someone needed to run a repair kit up to the chorus holding room
Because Second Night Choral Lead (on props duty) and Opening Night Choral lead had gotten into a slapfight about discovering that they shared the costume
consisting of shoving and shouting that one of them would ruin it for the other because she was "too fat" for a one size fits all wrap dress
And inevitably torn it
Stage Manager could not handle this
Because she'd gone up to Choral Holding Area to tell everybody else in the chorus to shut the fuck up because they could be heard ON STAGE
And the Choir Divas had decided to lock her in a closet
so somebody allowed to have building keys (director) had to come and let her out and put the fear of god into them
So someone ELSE who knew blocking had to move to cues position
Because The Dude in The Plant was relying on that
So I had to go help cover for whatever they should be doing that didn't involve knowing the script
And somebody else had to go whipstitch Opening Night Choral Lead back into her damn dress before their next cue
Also The Dude In The Plant was concerned because the rolling portion of the stage felt kinda wrong? The part he was on? Inside the plant puppet?
The director needed a List Of People Whose Parents Were Going To Be Called after the play because we do not lock people into storage closets
And don't think he won't ALSO tell on you to the choir director who will have you out of SO MANY performances for this behavior.
Audrey the Human just tripped over something that shouldn't be backstage because Choral Lead two is being read the riot act instead of doing props
Sorry the micbox is right next to the dress tear
The Dude in Audrey the Plant just felt something move that should not
The Dude Voicing Audrey the Plant informs me that one of my ushers has left and also left the door to the auditorium wide open
Surprisingly it is not little miss phone call
Anyway he's trapped in the sound booth waiting for his cue and Reliable Usher doesn't have a walkie
Chorus is back on stage, the riot act is in intermission, Background Chorus Choir Divas have declared that if they are removed from the Chorus for being loud assholes and derailing the whole cast and crew they won't usher and then where will we be?
Choral Lead Two is crying in the boys dressing room instead of running props because nobody's currently using the boys dressing room
Because Choral Lead One will be standing around in a spare sheet in the girls' dressing room while we fix her dress during intermission.
Dude in the Plant says, very quietly, "fuck"
As the combined weight of chorus and cast and plant muppet and dude in the plant and choreography breaks one of the casters on the set
Which fortunately only falls like a quarter inch so everyone stumbles and nobody is hurt
Chorus and Crew and Everyone except me (because I'm hunting for a MIA usher) is trying to deal with that rolling bit of set under the cover of SON BE A DEEEEENTIST, YOU'LL BE A SUCCESS!
Congrats my missing usher has not been teen-napped. She saw me putting the fear of god and of me into her castmate about cell phones and has stepped outside the entire building to I Do Not Care What But This Conversation can Wait we LEGALLY have to know where you are
Hey who is the fastest / most invisible sewer we have? Because this dress is messed up worse than we thought. We need them for all of intermission
Me, possibly, except I am working intermission?
Can you come at call tomorrow and fix it? We have safety pins
Why are there no safety pins in the safety pins box
I dunno why don't you ask the kid who was literally making a safety pin necklace last time I was at set build
IDK they're new probably
Rolling stage has been fixed! Well. Assuming we don't want it to move.
"Am I safe to eat the guy?" Yes, Dude In The Plant, chow down on our dentist, the set will hold.
A twenty five minute intermission is totally normal, Sirs and Ma'ams. Please feel free to buy cold stale football field popcorn.
Phonecall usher "Uh. So My dad. Decided he wasn't going to come pick me up at intermission."
I gave her the name of the senior with a car that I thought would be feeling least murderous, because I am not a complete monster.
No, sir, you cannot show up for the second half of a play and expect a half priced ticket. It is five. Goddamn. Dollars. Anyway somehow the worst thing that happened on second night was Dude Voicing the Plant deciding that he was actually brave and secular enough to do the swears so we got TWO people saying fuck directly into the microphone. He still passed on Tough Titties though.
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fandomxo00 · 28 days
House Of Gold - Part 11 - You're on your own, kid
Tumblr media
characters: Logan Howlett!Human!AU x Audra Everly!OC
word count: 2.4k
warnings: Weed use, smoking, driving while high (do not condone this), Audra giving stoner vibes, flirting, kinda just an Audra chapter in the beginning
The next day everything started to fall back into what you could consider your new normal. Logan and Laura went home, though that same night he was adamant about the two of you calling before bed. He had really wanted to stay the night, but he agreed that Laura needed structure, and she needed to be home. Logan wanted to be upset, think that maybe you were pushing him away, but he also knew that you'd been distracted from the shop and that you were right about Laura. 
But they stayed for supper, Laura entertaining the table with her many stories, Logan's hand rested on your thigh, and he kept looking over at you. You hadn't ever been with someone who paid as much attention to you as he did. But it made your heart feel warm, knowing that you really meant something to him. It was hard, your body naturally accustomed to sleeping next to Logan the last couple days, it was hard to be apart. You also needed to fall back into a routine, though you were prepared for the change that was slowly happening over time. Logan taking up more and more of your life as he became more important. 
Things at the shop were off, you thought that maybe your grandma forgot to order restock. You waited a few days to see if she just waited to place shipments because of budget cuts. But when   you tried to use your phone to reboot the system, but the shipments were cancelled, permanently. That's when you went to Mary, asking her about it and that's when she dropped the bomb. "I'm selling the shop."
"What do you mean?" You pressed. "I can run it, grandma."
"I know you can sweetheart but that's not what you want for your life." 
"What are you talking about, this shop is my life."
"Well it won't be anymore, we have to be out by the end of the month." 
"Are we keeping our house?" You asked, scanning your grandma's face as she leant forward to grasp your hand over the table. You pulled away, shaking your head. "Where are you guys going?"
"To Florida, we're retiring. That's why we're selling, with our savings and morgage, we'll be able to find our perfect home." Your grandpa, Wayne, explained, he was sitting next to your grandma on the right, decaf coffee in his hands as you stared down at your hands and sighed. 
"I can't be mad can I?"
"You can be sweetheart." Mary assured. "But we aren't just doing this for us, you don't need us anymore."
"Logan-?" You started, shaking your head again. "He's my boyfriend, your my grandma."
"He's your future. I want you to open up your own shop one day, I want you to work for it. You've come so far, Audra, your father would be so proud of the strong, resilient and kind women you are." She said, tears coming to her eyes as she reached for your hand again, you grasped it, looking into her eyes and squeezing her hand. "I wouldn't say this about any boy. I know you haven't been together long and you don't have to anything you aren't comfortable with. If you don't want to move in with him than we will find you somewhere to stay." 
"Why do you think he'd just be okay with that?" You laughed.
"Because he loves you."
"Grandma." You flushed, looking away from her. "You don't know that."
"I know I've never seen a man talk about you the way he does. You know that little look in his eyes? It's because he is thinking or seeing the women he's in love with." Mary continued, the hopeless romantic coming out. 
"I want all of this to be true, Ma but it's only been little over a month." 
"Me and grandma got married when we'd only known each other for a week, time doesn't matter intention does. If you truly choose each other, it won't matter what you face or what you feel, if you want to be with each other, you'll figure it out." Wayne added. 
"How do I know that he wants that, though?" You questioned.
"You ask him." Mary concluded as you rolled your eyes. "You know we will always be here for you, if you need anything."
That's the night you decided to go out with Eva, the two of you driving around to different places to shop. You spoke to her all about what's been going on and what happened with your grandma. She started going on and on about her wedding, as her bridesmaids, she started getting every ready for you to do. Her and her mom made lists about things that needed to be done and of course you volunteered. 
"Oh and now I have to put you in for a plus two huh?" She joked. 
"Hopefully." You smiled, shrugging as you brought your sandwich up to your mouth. "God, I want his babies." You grumbled as Eva laughed. 
That's when you got a call from Logan, checking the time you realized that you were supposed to be over at his place thirty minutes ago. You smiled to yourself before bringing your phone up to ear. "Hey, Lo." 
"Hey, pretty girl, how's your night going?"
"It's okay, got alot to talk about with you tomorrow."
"You still want to go on our hike?"
"Yeah, do you still wanna wake up at the butt crack of dawn?" You pressed, Logan laughed softly. "We can talk more in the morning, I'm with Eva."
"Oh alright. Just needed to hear your voice." 
"It's like your obsessed with me."
"Don't even start, kid." 
"What will happen if I do?"
"I'll show just how obsessed I am with you."
"Is that a threat or a promise?"
"Audra." Eva groaned in disgust as you smiled over at her.
"A promise, sweetheart." He murmured. 
"I'll see you tomorrow, Lo."
"See ya tomorrow, Auddie."
"Fuck I hope I don't ruin this." You grumbled, setting down your phone and glancing over at your best friend.
"Way to be a pessimist." Eva chortled as she grabbed her bag and rooted around for a lighter and then a blunt. The two of you park out here in the middle of nowhere, to eat your fast food, talk, and smoke. You smoked regularly, it just a part of your routine, Logan didn't say anything when you took a gummy every night to relax. It was helped you sleep through the night and eased your anxiety for the next day. Otherwise, it was nearly impossible to keep your anxiety under control, you try everything, exercise, eating right, therapy, all the anxiety work books and self-help methods. If you didn't feel it emotionally, your body felt it. At home you had a set up to take dabs, a low percentage of THC because too much gives you a headache. You honestly thought that weed was for everyone, whether it was CBD, Hemp or real weed, you felt like something helped everyone. You also used CBD regularly, it was how you got through your shifts at the shop, especially if they were busy. It was the one place where you needed it to be calm, though you also liked feeling calm in all sorts of situations. It's helped with the panic and unproductivity you get, helps with your depressive episodes, and you genuinely just liked using it. Plus its helped in your recovery from your childhood trauma, an agent in helping you stay calm and present in situations that stressed you out. You couldn't stop yourself from being triggered, but you didn't have to let it control you and become you. 
Eva rolled down her window before lighting up the blunt and taking the starting drag, usually having to light it up one more time before passing it to you. Your window was already down a smidge as you held the smoke in, feeling the slight burn in your lungs before blowing out the window with a soft cough. You took another drag before passing it to Eva. The two of you were best friends when you were little but there was some time when you went your separate ways. When you were 18, you found you both smoked and decided to hang out again, you would hang out once in a while but not very often. It's what brought you together in the way you were today, best friends, once again. 
"You're in love with him." Eva started. 
"Eva." You groaned, laying your head back against the seat. You usually didn't smoke blunts; you already felt the different effects start on you as you glanced over at her. "My grandma said that he loves me." You laughed, shaking your head and feeling a blush cover your cheeks as you thought about him. 
"Oh my god, you are!" She laughed, rolling her head back as you passed her the blunt. 
"I'm fucking nuts is what I am."
"He's just the right guy, Auds!" Eva exclaimed before coughing harshly into her hand and passing it back to you. She smoked a lot of blunts, she was used to the high and she usually let you smokes a lot. "Shouldn't known you'd hold out for a guy like that."
"You love Justin." You snorted. 
"He's my dream man! And you waited for yours." Eva gruffed, her voice bubbly with air from the choking feeling you get when you smoke. You've learned to deal with it, and you don't cough very much anymore, just make sure you're drinking a lot of water. 
"We sound fucking cheesy." 
"God I know, you remember when you would play this shit for fun?"
"It's so different." Your voice was deeper as you let out smoke from your nose. You laughed softly as it made you sneeze, you still were gonna blow it out your nose anyway. 
"I know." She breathed. "I'm getting fucking married." 
"I'm gonna have to move in with Logan."
"Is that really a bad thing?" Eva probed. 
"No, I just hope he's okay with it."
"Logan is clearly obsessed with you." She mocked. "Plus Laura loves you, he literally has nothing to worry about." 
"I'm neurotic as fuck."
"Pretty sure he knows that."
"I'mma marry him." You sighed, your eyes shutting a bit as you squinted before giving Eva the rest of the blunt and leaning back into your seat. "Said that outloud didn't I?" You blurted out laughing as Eva started laughing with you. 
Eventually, you were starting to desperately miss your boyfriend. You hadn't seen him in days and you were incredibly high which meant you were horny and confident. You knew that you liked high sex, you were extra sensitive, loud. You even had lingerie packed for when you got over to his place. You even prepared him in a text, telling him that you definitely wanted hot kinky sex tonight, though you might've only told him 20 minutes ago, but he was receptive. You also knew that Laura was gone for the week, you didn't know how he did this back and forth, but you supposed he had no option.
When you got to his place his porch light was on and when Eva parked and said goodbye. As you told Logan you were out front before going to his front door. He was there when you got there, opening the door with a soft smile on his face, all the light in his eyes as you darted forward to hug him. You could smell his fabric softener and pumpkin soap, his arms wrapped around you and pulled you into the house. Then he pressed you up against the door, his hands coming to your cheeks and pulling you into him. You moaned into his mouth, dropping your bags on the floor and moving your hands to his waist to pull him into you. 
You loved being high, don't get it wrong, but it also meant you had a very loose filter. As you moved back to breath you blurted, "My grandma is selling the building."
"What?" Logan said, surprise lit up his face, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion as you winced at your confession. 
You knew that you could shut down right now, tell him that bare minimum and talk about it later. But you weren't supposed to shut down, not with him. "They're retiring, moving to Florida." Your hands were on his chest and he paused. 
"Let's sit, huh?" 
"Yeah." You nodded as he let go of you, but put his hand behind your back to lead you to the couch. You sat down across from him, your knee touching his thigh as he sat next to you and put his arm out on the couch. His fingers lightly touching your shoulder, as he looked at you and squinted. 
"Are you high?"
"Maybe." You giggled. "That doesn't matter. I'm sorry for just blurting that out but I had to say it. She wants me to move in with you and-I want to move in with you, but I know it's early and you'll have to talk to Laura about it."
"I would love to have you here." Logan admitted, as he moved in closer to you, his hand now cupping your shoulder and rubbing his thumb across your shirt. "I'll talk to Laura but I'm sure she won't mind. Now is that it, princess?"
"I mean--yeah." Your brain immediately went to Eva's words in the car, 'You're in love with him'. But before you could say anything he hauled you into his lap, your legs spreading on his firm muscley thighs. Your hands went to the nape of his neck as you sealed your lips over his. 
"You said you wanted hot kinky sex now?" Logan whispered as he trailed kisses down your face before his teeth nipped at your ear lobe. Your hand running up to Logan's hair as you pulled him back into your face to smash your lips against his. His tongue slipping between your teeth and taking control of you. 
"I did." You breathed out, shakily as you reconnected your lips. "But your just-." he pecks your lips. "Your just okay with me moving in? This isn't too fast?"
"Do you want to slow down?" Logan murmured, pausing his kisses as his hand came up to brush your hair away from your face as you sighed.
"I don't know, I don't want to push you away but we went straight to sex and only been on a few dates." You admitted as Logan's hands went to your waist, moving up and down as he looked into your eyes.
"So we slow down but we commit." 
"Yeah." You nodded. "You can't get into my pants but can I move in with you?" 
"I don't need to get into your pants for you to move in, kid." Logan affirmed, kissing your cheek, as he pulled you closer into him. "How about we watch a movie?"
"And cuddle?"
"Yeah we can cuddle."
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blueblurseptember · 2 months
no evidence, just vibes, but i think sylus is caleb. first of all, their evols are pretty similar. then sylus's totem animal is a bird; caleb is a pilot, and we first see the "red eye" (that suspiciously looks similar to the eyes of sylus's crow, mephisto) after the call with caleb. it also feels like a parallelism, the way there are people who wants sylus dead, and in the latest episode, he's ambushed with a bomb explosion, and the way the explosion at MC's grandma's house only ever really happens the moment caleb steps inside the house. kinda hints they're not really after the MC but caleb, specifically wanting him dead.
then there's the matter with sylus also having an aether core inside of him. both MC and caleb were adopted by josephine. we now all know josephine used to be a researcher, and MC was a child test subject, so it's possible that so was caleb, meaning, he might as well also be someone who's in a similar situation as MC (i.e. got an aether core inside of him).
and ok, yes, first thing's first, they may look nothing alike. but hear me out. in my delusional head, i think it's possible that the aether core inside of him is the reason behind the appearance change. more than the appearance change even, it could even be that sylus is another consciousness within caleb (or vice versa) because of the aether core.
and also idk, but caleb and MC's dynamic kinda mirrors the dynamic between sylus and MC. the banter, the cooking, and other little things. plus, he's familiar and arguably fond, or at the very least, in good terms with one of josephine's old research buddies, going as far as offering them protection, apparently.
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vijayasena · 9 months
tune kya kar daala...
No one's pov..
Who know, that Niyati who came here to look after her dying grandmother which was the only family member she had..
Will gonna leave her too all alone in this world..
In the early 19s of India where the Britishers were bitching around and traumatising the Indian community the whole country was under them and they were making them suffer..
There was a fire inside Niyati to finish the British rule from India between those conservatives, those dirty talks about woman narrow minded people she still struggled for the sake of her dying mother who gave the little girl nothing but took a promise from her..
Her bloodied trembling Hands when grabbed Her daughter's tiny fingers she took a promise.
To free this nation cause it was their India.. a fire that combusted inside her mother glowed with all its strength inside Niyati.. and from those ashes ..
A rebel, A revolutionary, emerged not only for her country but for that promise too..
A promise which was made. And it will gonna be kept..
There was a fire inside Niyati..
She could do anything to full fill her mother's promise.
She never hoped for any love, any care and any attachments..
She always prayed to her mahadev and Vishnu to get her an understanding husband who would respect her and support Her.. she only had one wish..
In between those people she went to school, she studied and was more intelligent and smart then any other kid of her age ..
At the age of 7 she even started to learn English and got very fluent in it.. and Started to speak more better than the Britishers themselves.
Niyati was always that innocent, naive girl who just listened to others and obeyed her grandma's all wishes.. but secretly she wanted to attack all the governors and kill them.. but she knew she couldn't do that.. that is when her grandmother dropped the bomb, that she was getting married to none other than..
*Alluri Sita Ram Raju*
This name used to erupt butterflies inside tummy,
This name used to make her body and mind go crazy..
She started to lose control over her mind and heart..
She never knew him, but the babai told her that it's her grandmother's wish..
And without any word, both not knowing anything about each other except their names..
He gave her the most hateful look, while tying the mangalsutra around her neck..
She had silent tears flowing from her eyes when he filled her hairline with sindoor..
She was overwhelmed by different types of emotions as she just wanted some love some care some respect..
Niyati would be lying if she Sayed that her husband wasn't handsome.. instead all the girls present in Delhi used to drool over Ram . He was so hot so handsome.. and Niyati was awestruck to see her husband's beauty..
but husband was the one who ignored her existence like she even lived in his house..
She performed all the duties of a good house wife, from performing all the house chores, cooking for him.. but never heard a word for him never knew if he ever exchanged some words with her..
The only thing Niyati wanted all her life was a good respectful supportive husband who could help her against those bastard whites..
But destiny had its own plans
Her husband was a police officer who served those English men.. he was the one fight against his own people it felt to Niyati like she was against her own husband..
She didn't knew Ram, but she hoped and knew he was a good man and he was doing all of this for a purpose she was never a person to judge anyone so quickly.. and her heart said that her husband was a good person..but her heart still never excepted that he was a traitor to his own people..
She was always used to get scared because of him, his.job was full of danger and never in the earth she wanted him to get himself any kind of trouble her breathing used to stop, and her diaphragm used to Stop expanding thinking if in between some riots, and his duty if something happened to him what she would gonna do..
Niyati still remembered when first time he came home, stumbling covered with blood from head to toe, how she was stiff at her place with tears streaming from her eyes like waterfall, seeing her husband's condition like this..
It was just after a week of their marriage..
Her mehndi clad hands were shaking, as she gasped seeing his condition he didn't said anything just took a bath, limping inside his bedroom changing in different clothes and closed his door .
How Niyati felt her breathing Knocking out seeing him all bruised blood stains on his uniform, fearing of his death, at that night she just sat near the Pooja room, near the shivalinga of her Mahadev.
Praying for the better health of her husband.. how she in the middle of the night sneaked in his room, with wet tears stained cheeks, and applied antiseptic and some turmeric to his wounds.. careful not to wake.him up.
How his aura used to make all the breath knock out of her, just by a glimpse of.him she could easily melt, her bangles clinking together as she tried her best not to make any noise..
Ofcourse being a newly married wife, seeing your husband coming home all bruised heavily any wife would get a heart attack, she wanted to fullfill her dream with Ram, she knew he hated her she knew he needed time to adjust and she did everything in her power to make him accept her.
He used to close the door of his home gym, and lash his anger out, Scream, yell, did everything to calm his raged self.. but the thing that pained Niyati that whatever she does whatever she can do will never gonna make him satisfied with her no matter what ..
She Just wanted some respect some care and happiness from a married martial life, but there was her husband who barely even take a glance at her or even talk to her..
She started to lose hope by each passing day..
She wanted him to talk to her,or atleast even ask if she is okey or not.
All he had to do was that his duty, reading journals and lots of books, writing and than eating nothing else..
She started to feel suffocating in that house.. her head used to spin alone, five rooms, with one living room kitchen the house had started to make her eat her alive..
She wanted to take care of ram, she wanted him to talk to her be the person he can share everything with.. his icy cold stares were reserved for Raima only..
Today wasn't also different..
Niyati somehow got to know by Babai, how her husband had the duty to make peace in the riot against lala lajpat rai getting bailed out she prayed to her Mahadev to keep her husband safe..
It's been 1 and half years of their marriage it's been more than 1 year, since she started to feel all of herself being filled by the feelings of her husband.. but now she needed a hope only one just one Hope to continue she was losing all hopes, she felt like darkness have slowly started to engulf her she had started to accept that he will never gonna love her or give any attention to her. but at this point she needed a ray of hope only one.hope to continue..
Animals can also stop hunting for their prey if they don't find their meal, than what can anyone say to Niyati, she was just a mere human..
The mehendi in her hands had started to fade, that she applied for Her first Teej, she fasted for him but he never showed up at that evening with teary eyes and a lump formed inside her throat she looked at her hands
as well as his name which was written in her hand, ..
Today she anxiously and with full of anxiety and stress, performed all the household work.. she even cleaned two quintal of rice, while waiting and chanting for Ram to come home safely..
The monsoon breeze, made some baby strands of her hair fall on her face.. but due to humidity she was sweating hard, her bangles clinking together as she rolled the chapati in shape, her anklets made a rhythmic noises, as she cleaned the whole house with the broom, wiped all the floor,..
Thinking of changing by the time it was evening due to tension and nervousness all the food which she made for Ram when he didn't came for lunch she put everything and didn't took a bite to herself.. taking a shower she changed into a simple Orange colour cotton saree..
Trying best not to think about something but the thoughts of Ram getting hurt were destroying her braincells.. applying some sindoor in her hairline.. and putting a small bindi between her forehead she took a deep breath..
"Hey Mahadev Ram jahan bhi ho unka dhyaan rakhiyega" she whispered to herself.. as she nervously touched her mangalsutra..
She lit the agarbatti making the whole house smell like heavenly as she did the evening aarti, black clouds had already covered the.whole sky, as strong winds started to blow..
She putted all the clothes inside the house,as the weather looked like it will gonna be rain.
Reading a book trying to focus on any word she was reading but her whole mind was on her husband she was so worried right now, anxiously playing with her mangalsutra, that had been her new habit she slowly whispered in a soft heavenly tone.
"Kaha hai.aap ram?" She whispered to herself.. suddenly the Main door getting opened made her jolt up from her thoughts as she ran towards the main door.. sighing relieved she felt like she got her breath back..
But her knees buckled up, and she felt like her heart stopped working the thing she was scared of, her lips trembled but she was not reacting her eyes were wide.
There was her husband eyes swollen and a bruised mark on his face blood coming out of lips.
His uniform dirty and muddy as he looked like he had engaged in a fight, Niyati felt like she had seen a ghost seeing her husband like this it's been a routine she felt like everything was like this always..
After the first time.since their wedding, he took a glance at her looking at her like he had seen something strange, like he remembered that he have a wife.. whom he has the responsibility to come home safely.. "Yeh aapko kya hua ?" Her voice barely above a whisper full of worry and shock.. he took a shaky breath going near the water pump, and spilled all the water filled inside the bucket over himself..
Taking a deep breath he looked at his wife, taking in her appearance, he is doing this since day 1, clad in a simple saree she looked simple yet heavenly and elegant..
He loved her appearance he fell in with her soul, but he knew his attachments will make his wife suffer too, his promise to his father his duty will not gonna let him love..
But he knew he was slowly loosing strings his veins started to pump blood like a bullet train whenever he saw her, she looked like the daughter of Vishnu himself, her lotus eyes were filled with so much warmth, care and love that Ram just started to feel and forget about all the concerns and care about the world..
Her eyes were so soothing to his soul..
Her voice was like someone had filled his ears with thousands of bottles of honey..
So divine, so soft, so caring.
He didn't know how and why he got such an understanding and.supportive and such a gorgeous woman as his wife..
He forgot all the emotions the day his family died in front of him all he had to think for was just his promise that was what keeping him alive, he dumped all the emotions inside his heart, and just started to live like a dead soul he cared about nothing but his duty.
But than seeing Niyati for the first time, he felt something inside him for the first time .. he felt like he got his breath back he couldn't believe that she was going to get married to him, he stopped feeling and care about emotions but she still never complaint about anything and always had been so supportive
Now seeing her trembling lips and tear stained cheeks glossy eyes, as her body shaked he couldn't help but could hear a noise of his whole heart breaks..
The sleeping pill that the doctor gave him started to show it's effect as he didn't had any control over his mind.. and his feet took him near his wife.
She gave him a worried and painful look, he took a deep breath and leaned towards her causing her eyes to widen and her hand to shake and tremble. But taking the towel from behind her head he took a deep breath his eyes again going emotionless and cold staring at her..
"Ram aap ko kab samajh aayega ki yeh naukri aap ke liye khatarnak hai?" Finally for the first time in more than one years she talked to him.. "mujhe nhi lagta isse tumhe koi matlab hona chahiye?" He said emotionlessly..
And as like always he slammed the door shut on her face,
Wrapping bandages on his hands ready to lash his anger out on the poor punching bag..
But more over angry at himself cause he knew he was hurting her each day everyday every second.. He hated himself for the reason of her tears..
But remembering the thing he had put in his mind he started to do what he always did..
"The less the emotions the more you get concentrated on whatever you want"
But right now he was hurting someone whom he had promised to never leave..
Again he again tried his best, he being the only one who has the courage to fight with those people and he did his best.. he did what he was told but still ..
Why would they choose some brown Indian over their white dogs? Ram was the one who didn't cared about his safety, not any white soldiers of them. He was the one to hurt his own brothers, to hurt his emotions by injuring his own people for those bastards who were ruling on his country..
He was the one who was doing this job to fullfill his baba's promise he was the only one who had the power the courage the ability to be the special officer he did everything he did his best to serve them.. but still they didn't chose him.. he still didn't got the opportunity he was waiting for.
He was tired,
Tired of living like this tired of being a facade tired of considered as a traitor by his own people.. tired of hurting his own wife?. He knew this journey was going to be alot harder than he had imagined but he had seen her..
People used to give him looks, cause he was a police officer who hurted them, who served to their enemies, he being one of them still worked for those whites.. but then he saw his wife .. she was suffering because of him.
Niyati being an activist was trying so hard to make people aware and make them active, but than being a wife of a police man who served them.. she didn't got much help because of him people were not ready to be with her or support her..
Ram and Niyati agreed on some terms and conditions that their paths are separated and they will never gonna intervene in each other's work.. he applied it in a way too serious manner.. that he even used to forget that she is also the one working..
They never talked about or shared any information about each other's work.. hell he never even talked to her this was far more away from both of them..
Sometimes he had heard people calling her names because of him, he could handle all of that being called by different names but it hurted him when she suffered with him too, but for once in a forever she never tried to say something.. and it amazed Ram everytime that how can someone be so good ? So patient? So understanding ? So supportive?..
This fire of independence, the fire of the determination to fullfill his baba's promise encouraged him provoked him to keep going..
And he wasn't going to stop anytime soon..
He knew this journey will gonna be alot harder alot deadly alot fierce..
But there are going to be a lot of emotional damage too.. many relations are going to destroyed completely, little did Ram knew that in upcoming future his and Niyati's relationship would either gonna break and destroy completely or they will gonna be enemies..
Hearing a soft knock on the he took a deep breath, sweat covering his whole body, and the locket of "OM" hanging loosely on his neck.. he wasn't ready to face the scene, as soon as he opened the door..
Niyati was standing there whole holding a plate of food in one hand and in the other hand there was a bowl filled with turmeric that she bring for Ram to apply on his bruises, she never touched him, it was one single time when he was injured badly and asleep apart from that they never even shared a handshake..
Ram eyed her, her eyes were bloodshot, her nose was red and he immediately realised she had been crying.. cause whenever she cried her nose used to become red, and knowing he was the reason behind her tears.. broke him more..
" Jin logo ko aapne maara aur arrest karwaya woh mere hi log the Ram"
Thats It, he could feel the floor shifting from his feet, it felt like he just got a jolt of 220 volts current.. those people and that protest, all of that was organised by his wife, great just great..
"Tumne apna kaam kiya aur meine apna kaam!" He said again trying to shut the door close but she held the door firmly in her hands, there was some kind of fire in her eyes which he had never seen before and it kinda scared him..
" Apne hi desh ke logo ko maarna, Jo sahi ke liye aawaz utha rahe hain unki aawaz ko daba kar jo gunahgar hai unke liye kaam karna yahi toh karte hain aap?" She asked..
Her voice so broken, so painful, so deep that Ram felt all the air getting choke out of his lungs, he felt goosebumps arising on his body, seeing the sudden change in the tone of her voice..
How badly he wanted to straight up yell about all the truth he was hiding inside him, he didn't wanted Niyati to hate him but he knew the behaviour of his will not gonna let that happen.. and sooner or later she will gonna leave him, his promise will not gonna let him leave peacefully..
"Tum yaha kyu aayi ho?" He asked blankly, clenching his jaw, trying to look unaffected by her words but she and he both knew that her words were piercing his heart..
" Aaj ka ke zamane mein log ek aurat ke peeche khade hone se jyada marna pasand karte hain aur toh aur un Britishers ko hatane ke liye kitni mehnat se meine itne saare logon ko ek saath laya tha lekin aapne ek pal mein sab kuch khatam kar diya Ram"
She sobbed taking a shaky breath not averting her gaze from him.. he knew how much she was struggling she was doing so much hardwork to fullfill her task.. and he was indirectly helping her too, their aim and their destination was same but their way of achieving it was different..
And Niyati so desperately wanted her husband to change his way of achieving their shared goal, and the cherry on top, Niyati had no idea that her husband was also doing all of that to fullfill his promise like her he had also promised to someone..
She wiped her eyes from the pallu of her saree, shaking her head, and went near him but he was just staring at her alot of emotions were dancing in his eyes and Niyati was unable to pick out any one of them..
"Unme se jinko aapne maara na ? Kuch ke bete the, kuch ke baap aur kuch ke Pati" She said putting the plate of food on the chair beside him .. " Tum yaha se chali jao" he said taking a deep breath staring at her glossy eyes..
"Bilkul yahi toh aap chahte hai mein aap ki zindagi se chali jaun waada karti hu jaldi hi chali jaungi" she whispered barely audible her bangles clinking together as she wiped her cheeks sobbing heavily, and ran outside of the.room breaking down completely her anklets making noises in that process as she got out closing the door..
But Ram just sat there with a storm building up inside his heart.. how many more.will gonna suffer because of this promise how much more he will gonna face?... Just because of these things how much more his martial life will gonna get affected?..
He just stared at the direction where Niyati was standing..
The answer is yet to be known..
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giraffeter · 1 year
You just posted a lovely ArmKhun fic—they’re such a fun rarepair. Do you have any dearly-held headcanons for these two?
I'm so happy you enjoyed my Arm/Tankhun fic — they are one of my favorite KinnPorsche rarepairs and the first one to really capture my heart while I was watching the show!
I'm thrilled that you asked this because I have SO many headcanons for these two, both separately and together. In no particular order, they include:
Tankhun picked out Pol and Arm to be his bodyguards because they are the tallest bodyguard and the shortest bodyguard respectively, and he finds their height disparity amusing. The fact that their personalities meshed well with his was a complete coincidence.
I have backstory headcanons for all the bodyguards that I have imagined so vividly at this point that sometimes I forget they're not canon. My headcanon for Arm is that he was in the military for a couple years before Chan recruited him to come work for Korn. That's where he got his weapons-handling training. It also means that Arm is a trained field medic, which you can see in the way he rushes in when Porsche has been drugged and when Big [rest of sentence lost in incoherent sobbing]. He has some experience helping people manage PTSD because of this, which gives him real empathy for Tankhun and makes him essential when Tankhun's in crisis.
After Kinn announces that he's in love with Porsche, Tankhun marches directly to the equipment office and is like ARM DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS?? Arm, who has been catching them on the CCTV for weeks and is dying to talk about it with someone, already has a highlight reel of "Kinn and Porsche being unsubtle all over the house" edited together and ready to go (he's kept it PG-13 because he's classy like that and because he doesn't want Kinn to actually murder him). Arm and Tankhun watch the whole thing together with popcorn and much squealing in delight and horror, following which Tankhun storms up to Kinn's room like KINN! WE EAT ON THAT TABLE KINN!
Arm grew up watching lakorns with his mom and grandma and loves them. I mentioned this in Brave Enough for Everything but he's the only bodyguard who actually doesn't mind all the TV.
I also alluded to this in the fic, but Tankhun finds Arm's street clothes genuinely, painfully distressing. After they're together, they have a protracted battle about the degree to which Arm is willing to let Tankhun dress him, which results in Arm staying a lot more normcore than Tankhun would like but at least he's wearing some bright colors sometimes and his clothes fit him properly now.
Arm and Tankhun stayed up all night making the glitter-bomb robots from the finale. Tankhun thought his dad was dead and knew they were on the brink of war with the minor family, and Arm invented this Battle Craft basically on the fly to give him something to focus on and keep him from spiraling out.
Speaking of which — do you ever think about how in the finale, when Erika comes out with guns blazing, Arm and Tankhun are right there in the office behind her? They're in lockdown right behind that wall, listening to their friends and Tankhun's brother get shot at, watching on the CCTV. There's no universe where Arm isn't holding Tankhun tight for all of that.
I know there are more — I could talk about these good good boys all day — but this is getting long and those are the ones off the top of my head. What are your favorite ArmKhun headcanons?
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myfixationacademia · 1 year
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SO! a few days ago i decided to start drawing Bakugou and maybe do a series where i make my own versions of some of the MHA characters in my style along with a couple of headcanons i have.
The headcanons are under "read more" along with a surprise >w>
-Katsuki was named by his dad as a homage to Mitsuki, who had to go through emergency surgery after birth while Masaru rocked lil baby Kacchan in his arms trying to calm him down, eventually the newborn falls asleep when Masaru hums some lullabies to him, the moment he was no longer in his father's arms, Kacchan woke up with one of the loudest cries in the hospital, his mom still remembers the migraines;
-Katsuki met Izuku after the boys met on a sidewalk and they talked about heroes and all of that, unknowingly introducing All Might to Deku, but neither tell each other their names until they meet again with their moms, both women shocked that their sons have met already;
-After the incident in the river, Kacchan forced Deku to walk far from him, claiming that he did not need his help, however, years later he confessed that not only he regrets knocking his hand away due to pride, but also because he actually sprained his ankle in the fall, so he was walking weird on the way home and had to put on a cast and a gel for his muscles that smelled really bad, the blonde does not get angry when Izuku bursts out laughing when he said that "the gel smelled just like my grandma";
-Speaking of grandma, Masaru's mother had accused Mitsuki of cheating on him because, in that family, every one of her sisters had granddaughters, Masaru was quick to cut ties with her but she came back when she heard her grandson was now the number one hero, she said that he was honoring the family name, only Because Masaru did not want his mom to argue with Mitsuki and that was the compromise they got cause otherwise he would have taken her name, and that it was natural cause they were a family of winners and victory was in their blood. Mitsuki argues that Katsuki did everything on his own, sometimes in a pool of his own blood, but the old lady is persistent that SHE had something to do with this success, only for Katsuki to drop the bomb and also announce his and Izuku's wedding and that he would take Deku's surname, the woman starts yelling at Katsuki before Deku promptly picks her up along with her luggage wheel bag and puts her outside, asking her to not bother them, she still tried to show up to the wedding but thankfully she didn't;
-One of the reasons for Bakugou to give his 1-A classmates weird nicknames is because Bakugou has a certain difficulty in remembering names, he can remember faces really well, hence the nicknames being based mostly on physical features like Mina having dark scleras, Iida is the only student with glasses, Todoroki's split hair, but not names, it can take a long time for Kacchan to memorize the name of someone he just met, also hence why Izuku's nickname is one based on the kanjis forming his name, not his appearance;
-Katsuki develops poor eyesight like his father once he grows up a bit, by his second year at UA, he started to wear glasses and contacts;
-Masaru was the one at home most of the time to take care of Katsuki while Mitsuki went out to work, and while father and son were there, Masaru taught Katsuki how to cook, clean his own room, take out the trash and other domestic activities around the house that needed to be done, leading to Bakugou being the one responsible at the dorms in assigning the activities of each student in his class as well as teaching how to do them the proper way;
-Katsuki starts wearing hearing aids after the war, as his hearing was compromised a bit during combat, and his...nap, it helps that he was already learning sign language;
And now the surprise, i think you all remember the healer Deku drawing i made, well, out of curiosity i decided to see if there were any differences in their height and...I was not disappointed in the slightest
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notahorseindisguise · 2 years
"... to bugs"
last time a bee stung me was over 3 years ago. i laid down on the grass and accidentally crushed a bee with my left earlobe. she was just laying still there, and i, the big fumbling giant i am, accidentally put here into a dark, crushing situation, and she lashed out. she stung me on the ear, and she died because of it. it hurt me for 3 or 4 hours at most.
last time a human stung me was a month ago. we were sharing a family dinner, and my dad told me that the way i was sitting on my chair was impolite. i had my left foot up on the chair, the knee resting against my chest, and the other leg crossed between my foot and my body. this came out of nowhere, because i always sit like this, but my dad said it was impolite, and i didnt understand how. i asked him why it was impolite. he said you know why. i replied no i dont. he said i dont believe you and yes i do and stop lying and sit properly. i said dad im being serious i dont get how this is rude and he said something must be really wrong with your brain if you dont understand. i put my feet down and i ate my dinner in silence and i went to sleep early that night. i still think about that every time i sit that way in a chair. i think about how wrong my brain is.
last time an ant bit me was last year. i was at my grandmas house, where my cousins and i would have a yearly water bomb fight. running around, chucking water balloons at each other, at one point i squatted on the ground to avoid being seen, and didnt realise my toe was in a green ant colony. dozens of ants began climbing my foot, and i was desperately apologizing out loud and gently knocking them off so they wouldnt be hurt, but i didnt want them on me or else they would bite. someone heard me talking to the ants and threw a water balloon at me, which exploded on my face, and so i ran after them, to retaliate, not knowing i had left an ant on my foot, and had run away from its home with it, and so it bit me, to let me know. i dropped my balloon and i put the ant back at its home. that was the only bite i got from disrupting the whole colony. it stopped hurting about an hour later.
last time i was bit by a human was a week ago. id had a hard time recently, and was determined to make this day count, especially since i was home alone all day and had all the free time i wanted. i showered (which i normally am not motivated to do), brushed my teeth (which i normally am not motivated to do), shaved (which i normally am not motivated to do), ate (which i normally am not motivated to do), cleaned my room (which i normally am not motivated to do), cleaned the bathrooms (which i normally am not motivated to do), did the dishes (which i normally am not motivated to do), vaccuumed (which i normally am not motivated to do), and then pulled out my laptop to work on an assignment (which i normally am not motivated to do). at this stage in my long hard day, i was feeling very proud of myself (which i normally dont have a reason to do), when my mum came home, saw me on my laptop, and said of course you sat there all day and did nothing. all my pride vanished and i felt worthless (which i normally do), nodded my head, and closed all my schoolwork tabs. if thats all im thought to do, why shouldnt i do it.
the last time a bug hurt me in general was 2 weeks ago. a simple housefly was buzzing around and it accidentally flew into my mouth. i accidentally swallowed it. it became caught in my throat. i had a huge coughing and retching fit because of the obstruction, and i didnt feel better until the next day, when i had forgotten the feeling. but im sure the fly got the worse deal.
the last time a person hurt me was just the other day. i had done my hair in a different way which i thought was really cute. i showed it off to my siblings but before i could say anything they laughed at me and said i looked like an idiot. kt was all jokes. they thought i was joking about the hairstyle. i smiled and laughed with them. i went away and put my hair back and decided to never change it up again.
maybe if people were a little bit nicer i would treat them more like insects
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geekthefreakout · 1 year
How Propaganda Endures...
So the discourse around "Oppenheimer" and the revisionist history therein made me remember a discussion I had with my grandpa back when I was in high school.
I was in AP World History, and we'd gone over the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in more detail than I'd ever experienced in school before (it's one of those things that you just get more details on every year it's in the curriculum). I learned about the casualties, saw the shadow, all that stuff. I did not learn about downwinders or anything meaningful about how the bombs were developed. I came home and over dinner I remarked that the fall-out of the atomic bombs was terrible, and that they shouldn't have been dropped.
My mother rejoined with what you'd expect-- yes, it was terrible, but no one knew how bad it would be at the time. Yes, it was terrible, but it saved lives in the long run and shortened the war. Yes, it was terrible, but sometimes hard decisions have to be made, and we are judging with the benefit of hindsight... you know, the propaganda.
Having been fed the propaganda myself, I conceded to my mother that maybe Hiroshima had been a necessary evil, but that there'd been no need to drop the second bomb on Nagasaki. I would not be moved from this point- Hiroshima was bad enough. If Truman had waited only a few days longer for Japan to catch its collective breath after that blow, surely they would have surrendered without needing to incur so many more casualties.
My grandfather, who was usually quiet about things that weren't food or temple, then spoke very angrily. "What about our loss? What about what they did to us?" He had been 8 when Pearl Harbor happened and 12 when the bombs were dropped.
I pointed out that Pearl Harbor had been a military target, and that I was unaware of massive civilian casualties. Grandpa stayed firm, angry. It had been an unprovoked attack that left so many servicemen to drown right in the dock, and had drawn America into a brutal war. The war in Europe took years to win, should we have risked another year of war? He kept coming back to what the Japanese had done to us, and he said that Hiroshima had been a military target.
Unaccustomed to arguing with my grandfather, and conceding to the worried/angry looks my mother kept shooting my way as he got more agitated (Grandpa had congestive heart failure, and between he and Grandma [who had passed 3 years earlier from heart disease] mom and I were on a first name basis with a LOT of staff at the local hospital), I backed off. Mom made a joke about my not being suited to the position of wartime president (we'd visited FDR's house in Hyde Park earlier that year, and there had been little kiosks where you could say what your decision would be when faced with certain situations FDR was faced with. My brother and I consistently Made Things Worse) and the topic changed.
I didn't do a lot of research into the matter after that, beyond what I learned naturally/at school. My focus was always on the European theater, being a Jewish child going through a morbid fixation on the Holocaust. But my opinion remained largely unchanged for a long time- that maybe, MAYBE you could excuse Hiroshima, but that Nagasaki had been a crime against humanity.
Now, a full 15 years later, I realize that neither bomb was necessary. That both were a crime against humanity. But there's a part of me, the part that was indoctrinated in the US, that whispers the excuses that my mother and grandfather offered. Because that's not just what I was taught in school, it's what my loved ones believed. It's what is shown on TV and in movies. And as long as it remains that way, the public perception of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the US will be slow to change.
Idk. I was just thinking.
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glitter50000 · 1 year
I hope you enjoy reading ABOSAS!! I am ready to write essays on Snow. I am also ready to fist fight anyone who tries to babygirlify the young version of him… as usual 🤺👊
Thanks! I’m having a lot of fun with it and I haven’t even finished it yet. (Spoilers below if you haven’t read it just in case)
-First off there’s the environment, like it’s already bad reading on how fucked up the districts are treated from Katniss’s POV because she’s from the districts herself but reading it from The Capitol’s perspective is just so jarring. Like it just hit me reading it on how many of the Capitol view the districts as like playthings or circus animals. Coriolanus was waiting for Lucy and the others and he saw a train come by and from the design he thinks that’s just cargo until he hears a cough from it. They literally put the tributes in a monkey house in the zoo. -Also not to be like “eat the rich” because obviously it was very bad for the citizens in the Capitol when they got bombed by the rebels as it shows that with war no one really wins and everyone gets caught in the crossfire, but its something about how Coriolanus’s grandma had apparently never touched a stove in her life and he had to learn cause their cook died in the war. How the Capitol got so desperate during that time some resorted to cannibalism. How Coriolanus still ate cabbage on fine china. I dunno just little stuff that makes me realized like “oh these ppl are so rich” you know??
-Oh my god and Coriolanus is so fun to read. I mean I knew going in that he probably wasn’t going to be a good person but I was on the first page and I’m like “damn he’s cold.” Like just how he’s always thinking of how to best present himself to other people. The things like taking a swig of posca to get rid of the cabbage breath, how he was thankful for the rose on his shirt to get rid of the potato and marigold smell. Him pretending to not realize what kind of cuffs he had on his shirt and saying how it “reminded him of a maid’s bathroom” giving the image that he is someone who still is rich enough to have a maid when really they were stolen from someone else’s maid bathroom and they actually aren’t that rich at all. Just all the little things are so fun to me. Also his inner monologue is so entertaining sometimes I was thinking “damn he’s such a bitch” like I’m gonna highlight some of my favorite parts here:
•He thought of people putting a price on her. With her long, pointed nose and skinny body, Tigris was no great beauty, but she had a sweetness, a vulnerability that invited abuse. She would find takers, if she had a mind to. The idea made him feel sick and helpless and, consequently, disgusted with himself.
•Sejanus had arrived on the school playground ten years ago, a shy, sensitive boy cautiously surveying the other children with a pair of soulful brown eyes much too large for his strained face. When word had gotten out that he’d come from the districts, Coriolanus’s first impulse had been to join his classmates’ campaign to make the new kid’s life a living hell. On further reflection, he’d ignored him. If the other Capitol children took this to mean that baiting the district brat was beneath him, Sejanus took it as decency. Neither take was quite accurate, but both reinforced the image of Coriolanus as a class act.
•“That’s a fine polish job,” Coriolanus replied. Sejanus tensed at the implication that he was, what, a suck-up? A lackey? Coriolanus let it build a moment before he diffused it. “I should know. I do all Satyria’s wine goblets.”
 Sejanus relaxed at that. “Really?”
 “No, not really. But only because she hasn’t thought of it,” said Coriolanus, seesawing between disdain and camaraderie.
• Coriolanus tried to tamp down the panic rising inside him. A new law. Instating a tax on his apartment. For how much? As it was, they barely eked out a living on Tigris’s pittance, the tiny military pension his grandmother received for her husband’s service to Panem, and his own dependent benefits as the child of a slain war hero, which would cease on graduation. If they couldn’t pay the taxes, would they lose the apartment? It was all they had. Selling the place would be of no help; he knew his grandmother had borrowed every cent on it she could. If they sold, there would be next to nothing left. They would have to move to some obscure neighborhood and join the grimy ranks of everyday citizens, without status, without influence, without dignity. The disgrace would kill his grandmother. It would be kinder to toss her out the window of the penthouse. At least that would be quick.
  “You all right?” Sejanus peered at him, puzzled. “You just went white as a sheet.”
  Coriolanus regained his composure. “I think it’s the posca. Turns my stomach.”
  “Yeah,” Sejanus agreed. “Ma was always forcing it down me during the war.”
  Ma? Was Coriolanus’s place about to be usurped by someone who referred to his mother as “Ma”? The cabbage and posca threatened to make a reappearance. He took a deep breath and forced his stomach to hang on to it, resenting Sejanus more than he had since the well-fed district boy with the cloddish accent first wandered up to him, clutching a bag of gumdrops.
(I was gonna highlight more but it was gonna get so long lol)
-See but there’s also moments where like we do get humanizing moments and I like the balance. Like when he misses his mom and still has her powder compact, when he realized that Lucy probably wouldn’t see her family ever again, how he felt uncomfortable hearing Sejanus hate being a mentor and the hunger games cause Coriolanus reveled in this position. I dunno stuff like that I haven’t finished it yet though
-Also when Coriolanus whispered “don’t cry” quietly to Lucy and then caught himself I was like “uh oh :)” like that probably isn’t going to end well
- I know I haven’t finished it yet but Sejanus is the best boy please don’t argue with me on this
Anyway this book is very good and i’m excited for the movie!!
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thornbushrose · 10 months
Day That Will Live in Infamy
Today is December 7, Pearl Harbor Day, and I always like to tell this story about my grandparents. They got married during the Great Depression and soon enough, my uncle came along. Grandpa worked in a print shop at the government-run CCC camp, but he wanted something better for his family. When a relative told him that Standard Oil was hiring men for its oil refinery on the tropical island of Aruba, Grandpa applied and got the job.
Men were supposed to work for a year before they brought their families, but everyone knew that the US would soon enter World War II, so Grandpa convinced them to let him bring his family after only six months. Grandma got the telegram inviting her to come to Aruba on December 6, 1941. The day before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
For months afterwards, Grandma received telegram after telegram. They would send her travel instructions, then cancel them and tell her to wait. It must have been very uncertain times for her. Finally, she got her official travel approval, so she packed her now-18-month-old son and set out on her journey. Grandma was a small-town Missouri girl, and this was the first time she had ever even been on a train. They took the train to New York City, where their travel plans were cancelled again. They stayed there for two weeks before Standard Oil was able to find room for them on a ship that was definitely going out.
So now Grandma, a woman in her early 20s, got on a large ocean-going vessel for the first time in her life. This wasn't a cruise ship. It was a passenger vessel full of Standard Oil workers returning from visiting their families. There were very few women on board. Fortunately, one passenger was an executive of the company who was traveling with his wife. They adopted Grandma and her baby and kept them safe during the trip.
Unfortunately, the vessel's sister ship, the one that had departed two weeks earlier and Grandma was supposed to be on, was sunk by a German U-boat before it reached Aruba. Due to this turn of events, Grandma's ship docked in Trinidad and was forbidden to travel any further. However, Standard Oil didn't want to wait for their executive, so they arranged for a plane to take him and his wife the rest of the way to Aruba, and my grandmother and uncle went with them.
So, after taking her first ever plane ride ( which must have been something in 1941), Grandma finally arrived in Aruba. Grandpa must have been ecstatic, since the men on Aruba knew that one of their ships had been sunk, but not which one it was. They went to bed in their new house that night, and slept through the attack when a U-boat came up in the island's harbor and bombed the US Air Force base behind the refinery. The next morning, men and women were rushing to pack their families on a boat to return to the United States. Someone asked Grandma if she was going to leave, and she said, "Are you kidding?! I just got here!"
Those families didn't get back to Aruba for a year and a half. My grandparents stayed through the length of the war, and added another son during that time. I suspect my grandmother was running the place by the time they left. It would be on-brand for her.
I like to tell this story because it's about regular people and how they suffered and sacrificed during the war. The Boomers had Vietnam, but I don't think the generations since then really understand what war means. May it remain so.
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invinciblelikeu · 10 months
random dream facts that are ingrained in my head:
dream would’ve been a psychology major if he went to college
he had a collapsed lung
he doesn’t like coffee and chocolate, hates caffeine in general but drinks tea
he loves bubble baths, bath bombs, and candles
he sometimes puts tanning drops in his moisturizer
he loves banana pudding but only if his grandma makes it
he had a bet with his grandma that he would never drink (he lost)
dream was a massive bookworm - he used to read every single day
instead of going to school, dream would fall asleep in the garden
he had a roblox girlfriend
his first kiss was at the nickelodeon resort hot tub
he dyed his hair purple once
he painted his nails and walked around his neighborhood for a date/bet
movies dream has cried to: marley and me, everything everywhere all at once
he almost cried when he almost didn’t get to see spiderman no way home in theaters
he once cut his older sister’s hair as a prank
the most complex dish he’s ever made is eggplant parmesan
he wrote percy jackson self insert
he loves avocado on everything except sushi
he would eat olives straight out of the jar as a snack
he witnessed a fight at a denny’s
he loves broccoli on pizza
dream used to finish whole episodes of shows while working out
he wanted a quail coop at the dream team house
he was originally going to name patches "muffin"
he almost adopted patches' shelter sister
he once ran a red light with drista in the car, causing another driver to yell at him - to which he responded with a thumbs up, and made up for it by getting drista chick fil a
dream used to do contracting summer jobs in high school
he once got mustard on his clothes on a day he was supposed to work, and cleaned it off with sprite
his childhood home had a library
he watched anime’s that are recommended by his brother
he paid off his grandparents’ mortgage
he has a breathalyzer to use on his friends to make sure they’re sober enough to leave the house
he once cooked pancakes shirtless
he and george took the harry potter quiz together and he got slytherin
he prefers country taylor swift
his first album was of the jonas brothers
his mom caught him dancing to selena gomez’s naturally while he was cleaning his room
as a toddler, his dad would bounce him on his lap when they would watch OU games together
he once got a teacher fired because she pushed him off his chair
at one point in his childhood, his favorite color was pink
secrets is one of his all time favorite songs
he used to have bbh on call when he would go on long drives to keep himself from falling asleep
one time dream was speeding so much that bbh yelled at him on the phone
he once told ant and velvet that he thought they were gonna get married one day
he accidentally liked an ig post of a guy who was interested in alyssa
back in 2021, whenever sapnap would go skating, dream would tell him, “see ya later boy”
night changes is dream’s favorite one direction song
dream likes granny smith apples
dream used to collect yugioh cards
when his cat before patches passed, he immediately drove home from work and dropped to the floor by the door crying
that same cat once startled him enough to fall onto the lake while he was on a skype call with his friends
he has seen every single spiderman movie in theaters
his first real gf was his bff at the time and when she broke up with him, he cried under his bed - and kept it a secret from his parents
dream’s parents used to tease him about DNF
he ate cat poop as a toddler
he once had a whole frog in his mouth, and his mom didn’t believe it when his father told her until he took a picture
throwback to when i–
he has “george is gay” engraved on his ipad
he used to use a windows pc for gaming/streaming, and an imac for editing
dream uses film cut pro to edit his main channel videos, but uses adobe premiere to edit his dreamxd videos
the first person he told his youtube plans to was drista at a walmart parking lot
he used to send different publications his novels/manuscripts
he used to make football and skating edits and posted them on youtube
he once immediately cut ties with an online friend after they ddosed sapnap
dream and sapnap once had a falling out and stopped talking for 4 months
he once sharescreened himself editing manhunt in a discord call with corpse, techno, sykkuno, etc
dream was supposed to fly george out to america in early 2020
dream and sapnap almost met up 3 times prior to january 2021 )
dream and george used to be on call when george would go walk his dog
it was dreams idea to be the dsmp villain bc no one else wanted to be
dream would describe his writing style to be plot-driven
his favorite color is forest green but recently it’s been baby blue
he uses exfoliator and tree hut sugar scrubs
dream used to lift weights for more than an hour straight
he was going to get his ear pierced earlier than when he actually did it, but drista convinced him not to
he wants to get a 123 tattoo with sapnap
he used to be so reluctant to consume anime media that sapnap has tried and failed to convince him to read manga
he and george used to watch game of thrones together when it was still airing
he and bad watched prison break together
his favorite merch was the white hoodie with smileys all over
he donates a lot to the oklahoma sooners community
he has homeless kits in his car
he once paid off a cc’s gofundme to save their cat
he sent 5 dream fanartists free drawing pads
dream’s cosmetics in his makeup bag that we currently know of: blue garnier micellar water, charlotte tilbury blush, lip oil
he almost died in quicksand while geocaching
dream’s favorite planet is neptune
dream identifies himself as poseidon, sapnap as ares, and george as hera
dream types on his phone with only one hand
dream watches good mythical morning every day
dream once said “sorry i don’t speak australian” to a local in australia because he didn’t understand his accent
prior to the face reveal, dream has kept the fact that he was dream to several of his relatives
his cover when asked what his job was: advertising
he thought he failed his drivers license test after he accidentally knocked a stop sign - and begged his instructor to let him pass
he once injured his big toe after a football incident and almost refused to wear a cast until the doctors told him his big toe would grow to be smaller than the rest of his toes
dream has a porta potty under his bed
dream once got demoted from skeppy’s server
the longest dream has gone without showering was one week
dream was gifted a guitar when he was young and it was hung up on his bedroom wall but never got to play it
his love language is acts of service
he used to want a white picket fence marriage
he can find hidden minecraft chests using just the sounds
he helped sam build the dsmp prison by collecting a lot of the blackstone and obsidian
his mom accidentally got him and drista to drink alcohol as kids
his ring size is one size smaller than sapnap’s
his shoe size is 13.5-14
he was prescribed vitamin d pills after some of his hair had fell off
his favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla
he had to get carried as he was forced to ride a rollercoaster
he made duct tape wallets and sold them at school
he used to have a guitar hung on his wall but never used it since it was a gift
he once hacked all the computers in his school’s computer lab
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