#[Your Feature Presentation Is Here!- Event Reveal]
strykingback · 9 months
OST: Secrets Of The Deserts (Autoplay Warning and SpoilerFor FFXIV)
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"I don't know whats up with that Temple. But... it looks as if it has something to do with Vacuo." Hideyoshi would say, while a scene switches to Blade looking at the temple with eyes set a glow with the sun setting behind it.
"I know that you all are quite tired since your excursion into the World of the Dead. However, we believe that Salem's forces are beginning to make their move." A commanding voice said.
"Whatever happens we need to be ready for what Salem throws at us. Not just in Shade but in Solarius City as well." Louvels voice spoke showing the two cities.
"Be warned, Children of Man....these temples shall lead you to further dangers than before. To the Grimm Terror of Vacuo....." Another voice will say with a mans fist tightening in his grip.
OST: Wrath of the Scions of Salem (Auto play warning!)
"This the Solarius City Defense System! We are Under Attack!!! I repeat!! WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!!!!!" A voice will say showing Cinder, Minos, Tartarus, and Omega attacking any nearby Atelier soldiers they can find.
"We the Scions of Salem do not require allies, we do not form friendships, nor we do need the foolish illusions of dreams to carry us." Minos' voice would say with Hideyoshi's shielf glowing as it looks as if he is in combat with someone.
"Come now! Fear is in everyone! Faunus, Human, Grimm!! IT REALLY DOESNT MATTER TO ME!!!!!" Tartarus shouts as he rushes at Louvel who has a look of shock on his face.
"How far are you willing to go to claim power then Professor Krieg? Because now.... I have it at the tips of my very fingers." Watts would say showing a wounded Krieg holding his arm.
"Machine and Man.... that is what Watts and I shall do..... turn this place into nothing but mere Metal..." Omega said while it shows Corona and Kazura laying on the floor wounded whil Cinder looks back with a smirk on her face to which Blades lip trembles a bit until....
OST: Grace of the Moonlit Sky (Autoplay Warning/Spoiler for FFXIV)
"Another Temple?! This time in the sky?!" Merlinda said, showing the temple as Tessa smirks holding the Relic of Destruction in her hands.
"If we are going to stop Salem and the Grimm Terror we're going to need the power of three Grimm Titans!" Krieg would say showing a mural of the three Titans.
"What concerns me is why did she create the Warriors of Vacuo...." Hideyoshi said crossing his arms, while a magical hologram of the possible leader of the Warriors of Vacuo looked at something.
"Well I cant just send you back out there with your weapons looking like shit." A gravely voice said with Inferno and Voltage being destroyed by someone......
"It's going to be a FUNERAL FOR THE FUCKING LIVING!!!!!!" A voice said excitedly with someone standing behind a surge of lighting while Tyrian backs up nervously.
"No matter what happens." Louvel said.
"No Matter How Long it Takes Us" Corona would say "No Matter The Cost" Kazura says "We Will Be The Guardians Of The Light." Blade and Hideyoshi would say pointing their weapons at the Grimm Terror as it reveals the Underground Temple possibly holding the Grimm Terror.
"Power..... I WANT MORE!!!!!!!" Cinders voice growls out in a much more distorted manner.
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klausysworld · 2 months
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He Left First
He turned up late, again. It was obvious he forgot we even had a date planned let alone what it was for.
He was underdressed for the Restaurant reflecting his lack of effort, no flowers or anything. I know I shouldn't expect a gift but I thought he might've for our two years.
His eyes were so distant when he looked at me. He only looked annoyed as he looked over the menu, as if it was a waste of his time.
Hesitantly I grabbed the little gift back from my side and placed it on the table infront of him.
"I wasn't sure if we were doing gifts, I know it's only two years...I don't know I just got something small." I muttered, feeling stupid for even bothering. I glanced at his face and saw it dawn upon him why we were here. His mouth opened a couple times, the guilt started to form as he placed the menu down.
"Love-" He whispered and I forced a smile.
"It's nothing special, it's only little." I mumbled, waiting for him to open it. Slowly he opened the gift, it was just a painting. In the early stages of our relationship he had tried to teach me but I wasn't much good so I had been practicing the things he showed me to make him it. "I know it's not great-"
"No...It's perfect." He muttered as he stared at it.
I felt a little awkward as it went quiet before the waiter came over to ask what we'd like to have, I just ordered a grilled chicken salad and Klaus mumbled for a steak. He let out a small sigh once the waiter left and put the gift back in the bag.
"I haven't been here enough as of late and I'm sorry." He apologised, his eyes boring into mine. "I'm gonna buy you a hundred presents tomorrow to make up for this-"
"It's really fine, I just want to have a nice night." I told him and he nodded, getting up and moving his seat round to sit beside me and wrap his arm round my waist. It felt nice to feel the warmth of his touch. The touch of his lips on my head and he whispered he was sorry.
When the food came he stayed beside me and we ate with light conversation of past dates that had been particularly funny or eventful.
Honestly it was going so well, one of the nicest dates we'd had until his phone lit up on the table. A collection of messages lining up on his screen.
He picked it up and unlocked it, revealing Camille's name to pop up over and over. A frown overtook his features as he opened the messages. She said she needed him, his help. I heard him sigh and I looked down at my half eaten meal knowingly.
"Y/N..." He whispered and I let go of my fork.
"Can't we just have one night without her?" I ask, my voice cracking.
"Love, she's my friend. I can't just leave her when I know she needs me-" He defended but I couldn't understand it.
"I need you." I argued but my voice was weak. "I need you but you'll leave me?"
"I'm not leaving you. I'm just helping someone out-"
"Yeah? I bet you help her out a fucking lot." I snapped and his eyes narrowed.
"If you're insinuating that I've been unfaithful..."
"So what if I am? Am I wrong? You haven't been sleeping with me so you're getting it somewhere-"
"Shut your mouth." He warned. I glared at him and felt my face burn with heat as people around us came to a halt in their conversations.
"Or what, Klaus?" I asked and his jaw tightened.
"I'm not doing this with you." He muttered, getting up and taking his phone. I should have just let him go but in that moment I needed him to hurt like I hurt.
"What, you're just gonna run away? You always gonna be a fucking coward Klaus?" I yelled and he didn't answer. "You're the same bastard your father raised."
He faltered in his step at that, his hand curled into a fist at his side but ultimately he kept walking out of sight.
I glanced round at everyone staring and just sighed. I grabbed my purse and pulled out enough money to cover the meals, leaving it on the table and snatched the disregarded gift bag before walking out too.
I cried in the street, facing a wall as i tried not to make any sound. I pulled myself together as quickly as I could before walking home. Realistically I shouldn't have even considered going back to that stupid mansion but I did.
I ignored everyone as I went upstairs and got in one of the spare beds. I didn't bother cleaning my skin or changing my clothes, I just went to bed.
Even in the morning I just didn't get up, I just stayed there wondering what the fuck was going to happen. Part of me wanted to pack up and leave but...I loved him. I'd stayed with him for so long now, through far too much to just leave him right?
That being said when I heard the front door go and Rebekah asking where Klaus had been all night broke my heart because I knew he had been with Cami. I accused him of cheating so he decided to prove I was right.
I sniffed back my tears, refusing to cry anymore especially with him in earshot.
I forced myself up and got out of bed, stepping over the heels I had kicked off last night and opening the door. I stepped out and immediately saw him stood at the top of the stairs. Hair ruffled and eyes tired.
Neither of us spoke a word as I went into the bathroom next door to shower. When I came back out in my towel I found my comfy clothes laid out on my bed. With reluctance I accepted the gesture and got dressed. There was no point in drying my hair or having any makeup on so I just wondered downstairs.
Everyone was being awkward. Rebekah tried to come talk to me but I told her it was okay and it wasn't a big deal and I'd come talk to her when I felt a little better.
I went back to the guest bedroom and stared up at the ceiling. There weren't TV's in the rooms nobody used and I didn't have anything to do on my phone after the first couple hours so I just laid there.
When it got dark again a knock sounded at my door and Klaus came it. I didn't look over at him as he sat down beside me on the edge of the bed. His hand moved to touch me, stroking my palm and my fingers.
"Did you sleep with her?" I whispered, a little scared to ask.
"Not...technically" He muttered, his voice hesitant and guilty.
I didn't want to ask what that meant. Did he finger her? Eat her out? Did she suck him off and make out with him while convincing him to leave me for her? Was he here to break it off with me so he could just be with her?
"Do you want me to leave?" I asked, a feeling of indifference bleeding through me as a numbness protected my heart. It was quiet for a moment before he spoke.
"I don't ever want you to leave." He whispered. "I shouldn't have ever gone to her house especially when I was angry already. I ended up drinking so much..." He trailed as if remembering something. I sighed and stared into space.
"It's fine." I whispered and he squeezed my hand.
"What?" He asked and I shrugged.
"You haven't wanted to be with me for a while now...I just loved you too much to let you go but I don't have to let you go anymore, you left instead."
His fingers interlaced with mine but I didn't hold his hand back.
"I haven't stopped loving you." He admitted but I wasn't really sure I could trust whatever he said.
"You just love her too." I muttered.
"No, I don't love her. I truly don't. I don't know what's wrong with me but I know I'm wrong and I know I'm hurting you and out of all the people in my life, you are someone I never want to hurt so..." He paused for a second and I forced my eyes not to weep. "So I'm gonna do whatever you need me to do. I know we can't be together...I've broken your trust and I can't get it back until...well I don't know if I can."
"I'll just pack my things." I whispered.
"I can give you money to help-"
"I don't want your money, or your help. I just need you to leave me alone, I can't see you with her- I can't see you period." I told him.
I could physically feel my mental walls building up around me.
He left me alone a moment later and stayed out of sigh as I stuffed all my things into a case and called a cab.
It was a hotel I stayed in for a few days before I found a shitty motel that allowed long-stay for little money while I applied for jobs.
I was on my way to a work interview when I saw Klaus again. It had only been two weeks and I knew I looked shit. The shower at the motel was inconsistent of when it wanted to work, there was no hairdryer and I didn't have anything to straighten it or products to let it stay curly so it was just frizzy and I had no makeup or money to buy it so I looked as tired as I was due to the pathetic excuse of a mattress I was sleeping on. How I was going to get any job looking like I did would be a miracle or a massive pity party.
Klaus looked as perfect as ever, not a hair out of place when his eyes met mine across the street. He was there with Rebekah and I felt his gaze drift over me even after I kept walking away.
Part of me just wanting to feel his arms around me. But I knew that was wrong and I needed to get through this and he couldn't help with that. I wasn't sure anything could help, even if I had a new job and a beautiful house with a loving faithful family and two healthy children, I don't think I'd be able to look at Klaus and not wonder why I couldn't be enough for him.
If I wasn't enough for him, would I be enough for someone else?
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pomrania · 7 months
Fairy vs Walrus: the game
You are a fairy and a walrus, travelling together bound by that most sacred of pacts, "wouldn't it be hilarious to prank some humans". However, you both have different ideas of how to go about your journeys.
(This is a variant on a game I'd partially written up yesterday; this morning I realized that not only could I adjust it to be about this subject matter, but that would solve one of the problems I'd had regarding end conditions.)
Requirements: two players, one to be the fairy and one to be the walrus; two d6s for each player; the encounter table, below, or make up your own
Here's a basic summary of the gameplay loop. Both players roll their dice. They each say a feature of the scene, and then determine which feature the fairy and walrus go to. If that doesn't conclude the game, then it starts again at a new round; there may or may not be a minor time-skip between rounds.
Encounter Table 1. a depiction of your kind 2. a tasty treat 3. an obstacle you'd need the other party to help you get past 4. a street performer singing a song you like 5. the setup for a stupid pun 6. a human's doorstep (All entries on this table are subjective to each party rolling; an obstacle for a fairy looks very different to an obstacle for a walrus.)
At the start of a round, roll both your dice in secret. One result will correspond to an entry on the encounter table; the other result is how much power you have to go there, whether by force of argument or simply going in that direction until the other party decides to follow instead of getting left behind. You can assign the dice as you choose; so, if you rolled a 3 and a 1, that could mean entry 1 on the table and a 3 for power, or it could mean entry 3 on the table and a 1 for power.
Once both of you have assigned your dice, share the feature from your table’s entry. Figure out together what the scene looks like, such that both elements are present; for example, if the fairy had entry 2 and the walrus had entry 1, this would mean a scene that involves both a depiction of a walrus, and something a fairy would consider a tasty treat. Then, reveal your other dice result, the one for power. If your dice value is higher, then the fairy and walrus go to the feature you'd rolled; the other player describes what happens.
In the event of a tie, where both parties had the same result for their power roll, reroll both dice, and use the new results to compare power. The exception is if the tied results were both 6. In that case, both the fairy and the walrus feel so strongly about going in a certain direction that they do it without regard for the other party, get far enough from each other that the bond strains, and the magic fades; the humans realize that there's an actual walrus among them, and the walrus becomes limited to normal walrus movement. Decide whether you want to end the game there, or continue playing; in the latter case, the fairy arrives in time for the magic to come back, and a bunch of humans are left wondering why they all hallucinated a walrus.
Assuming you don't get too far apart, the game concludes when you manage to show up on some human's doorstep. Describe which of you the human is more surprised to see.
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aquacomet · 7 days
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A surprise present appears before you! There is the sound of excited giggling coming from within. Would you open it?
September 21st is coming up which means it's time to prepare the cake, grab those party hats and celebrate Sun and Moon's birthday as the Reveal-versary magma collab returns! 🎉
This year there will be two boards! One board will be the party room where you can join Sun and Moon to celebrate at the cake table while the second will be a themed board featuring two smaller bots that seem oddly familiar.
What is this year's special theme you wonder? Well... that will be a surprise until the day the event begins!
Curious on more about the collab? Here's a mini FAQ below!
What is Magma? Magma is a website you can load from your browser to draw with other artists on the same canvas/board in real time.
What is a Reveal-versary? Reveal-versary for when your indecisive between anniversary, reveal date or birthday! In this case it's a time to celebrate Sun and Moon!
What is the Revealversary collab? It's a collaborative event made up of two magma boards (canvases) where artists can add a character (or/and some decor) of their own!
Will there only be the collab boards? Like last year there will be some separate casual boards for those who just want to doodle for fun.
How long will the collab be open to draw in? The collab is initially aimed to be open for 1 week from posting time, after the week has passed the final result will be posted here!
Are there examples of what to expect? Yep! I hosted this same event in 2023 here and more recently for Ruin Eclipse day back in May!
Where will I be able to access it? The boards will be accessible through a post here from the day of opening! The event will also be posted in the @daycarefriendpickup's discord magma channel on the day! (Big thanks to the DFPU's mods for this!)
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justblades · 1 year
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⟢ yandere! blade x afab! reader wc : 1.7k
⟢ cw : fxck buddy! blade, dubcon, cervix kissing, degradation, toxic themes, filming, choking, somnophilia
❝ you're merely a canvas, and his longings are stains— to etch on your skin that you are none other than blade's. ❞
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blade is not one to typically fall for eye candies as if it was a part of his everyday routines, no one piques his attention nor does the male has his eyes set on a person. it was not until long once he gets a taste of flavors of lust: commixing together, making a concoction he would never forget, that one day, he decided to yearn for more.
every beginnings are sweet nothings that eventually become bitterly endings - one could draw that conclusion as scenes continue to unfold, blade's grasp on your wrists tightening as he bucks his hips upwards, thrusting into your slit with little to no difficulties.
adorned by your melting features are the weak sighs you let out everytime he slips his cock into you, sweat and drool racing down your dewed skin. "louder." his voice was flat and stern, an intonation that pierces through your wary self. you part your lips wider so more natural moans come out just as the male orders you to, a smirk of satisfaction following suit once his wish is finally fulfilled.
"were you moaning this loud for that asshole earlier?" another question rises from blade's dry throat, dehumanizing queries coming out one by one the longer the session prolonged. you shook your head vigorously and shut your eyes, but blade bucks his hips with more force now, his cock's tip eventually meeting with your cervix. "don't give me that nodding and shaking your head, i only take words for an answer."
his brows tightly knit, frustration seethes out of his gritted teeth. "answer!"
uncertainty fills your heart to the brim as you slowly take a trip down the memory lane, recollecting the events that unraveled earlier that lead to this now-present, once future.
crimson hues seep out of the man's wounds, several of his teeth had fallen out already - his body failed to keep himself stable and the navy haired across him doesn't falter. he only continues. "i can do this all night." blade says with utmost confidence lacing his words, the bandages of his hand come undone, revealing such deep wounds that seemed to have never recover.
ah. you understand a part of blade's destructive behavior now. the reason he's like this was because you slept with another man behind him— "fucking slut. how could you do that to me?" he lets go of your wrists for a short moment, only for them to land back on the silhouette of your waist, cupping the margins to make your body shudder the deeper he pushes in- "come on. rock your hips like how you did as you fucked that loser."
it was only a connection solely established to cope with ephemeral temptations. shortlived feelings yet the hardest to resist is what describes lust best, especially for two beings who feed on nothing but these urges. it was a mutual bond, a shared understanding to not be cuffed by the confinements of this relationship, but blade crossed that fine line like it was a a puny boundary for him.
you should've known from the beginning. you should've been able to discern from the way his glassy eyes scrutinize your appearance everytime he realizes you just got back from the hands of another man. you should've been able to know from the way the words roll out of his tongue when he speaks out of frustration, no rational thoughts behind those lashed out actions.
amidst of all of that - it feels good to be filled to the brim by your fuck buddy's dick. regardless of how he beat the guy you were with into a pulp with no hopes of recovering, here you are, basking in the pleasures intercourse with blade had to offer. it felt gratifying, but it's also heavily contradicting.
the same hands he use to inflict wounds on people who got close to you are the same hands now gradually becoming tender in his touches as he pounds into your velvet walls - blade picks up this little detail, a sneering smile replaces his scowl in an instant. "are you feeling good now?" he leans to your face, the tall bridge of his nose few inches away from yours.
your eyes burn in crystalline reflections, perfectly reflecting blade's image as he presses his lips onto yours, tongues next in action, twisting and twirling altogether— fighting for dominance. "h. . hmm." you hum as a response, much to blade's delight. he quickly breaks it off however, a hoarse chuckle slips out next.
"i've become so whipped for you," blade muses, catching you off guard. he bats his long lashes as he trails your facial features up and down. "i can't bear the thought of anyone else fucking you like this." his dominant hand at present cups your cheek, the thumb finger drawing viscules on the dampened skin. blood rushes into your cheeks as you mewl at how his grip once more tenses, "at last, i can call you mine now." his smile felt rather eerie that you could only return a mere "huh?"
he shifts his gaze elsewhere, a coy smile replaces the eerie one in a blink. "i can't believe my fantasies are finally coming to real life." a crease between your brows forms but the male has your body flipped in 20 machs speed, your back now lays flat on the matress while his cock is nestled in between your lower lips, he rocks his hips forward to make friction, another string of mewl escaping past your mouth.
"but . . but didn't we agree there's no strings attached in this?" the atmosphere grows suffocating, blade's looming presence tripled, leaving no room for you to breathe. a click of tongue then chimes into your ears, "those agreements hold no meaning any longer. i've fallen for you . . and you have too. right?" the airway from your throat proceeds to become scuffed as his two hands wrap around the part, "b-blade i can't b—!"
he reinserts his cock back into your entrance and your cunt gladly accepts his intrusion, clamping around his shape as he continually molds your insides. "say you're mine. say only i have the privilege of relishing you like this."
'blade has gone insane', is what you thought upon hearing those bizarre words of choice. you're starting to fear for your life underneath the contrasting touches of your sexual partner, you had no choice but to fall prey to his temptations. his navy dipped scarlet strands tumble on his shoulders in every thrusts he does, he sports a look you've never seen before: a predatory gaze as he watches your lust ridden body, "i-i'm yours. . i'm all y-yours!" you yelp.
you could only hope he gives you a slack, even just a minute would be nice to indulge without him bombarding you with insults and offensive questions. "finally." he rejoices with another arrogant smile, solferino irises turning inwards at the halfhearted sentence that rang to his ears like sweet tones.
"ride me again." for the nth time, he commands you once more. you could feel all the fatigue gnawing at your bones, unable to register how much energy the mental state can drain oneself. blade sees you struggle and he helps you get into position with the help of his fists on your feet, "no, turn the other way around."
your back faces him while your hands are propped on his sculpted, bandaged thighs. this position out of the dozen ones you've already tried with blade strikes you as the most embarrassing one. your legs continue to tremble as you try to keep yourself up, but only now a late realization dawns in your mind as you get a clear sight of what's placed in front of the cabinet across the bed: a cellphone camera accurately leveled to catch both your bodies in one frame.
"hah, you just saw that now?" he pants as he reinserts his dick back into your entrance, your pussy spasms from being ravaged by his cock. "it'll be for our eyes only. i can never share such intimate moment with others, they're simply undeserving."
you wished that reassurance could've ceased your worries, but it didn't.
"this video will be our proof of love and my proof of property of you. this day marks my ownership of you." he murmurs, his deep voice meshes with the squelching sounds emitted from his cock kissing your pussy, and the jagged breathy mewls. "i'm so delighted all of my hardwork paid off, mmh. . ." low moans continue to bubble from his throat, his fingers sinking deep to your body.
"i don't want to share you anymore."
"those days are long over."
"hmph, are you listening?"
blade ascends from his position only to see your passed out state - he cracks a hoarse chuckle afterwards, seeing your frail figure right in the solace of his arms.
"this is fine. i can still worship your body regardless of your consciousness." he murmurs to himself, readjusting your position laid back again in the soft cushions. he coils his hands around his dick, tightening his grip to merit himself waves of pleasure. "ah, haah, i feel so good." blade's guttural moans bounce off the room's four walls, the male then swiftly rubs his tip on your entrance, and with little force, it slips back in. "i'm happy. i . . i know you are too."
all blade is a filth of sorrow, regrets and sadness. growing up, he never understood the charm of owning something. he'd always watch by the windowsill, a blank expression carved on his face, seeing children around his age gleefully claim what's theirs. perhaps . . his upbringing was molded that way for today. for today, he finally owns something now. something that fills the cup of his heart to the point that it's overflowing - something that could satisfy his perpetual yearning.
it is no doubt he'll never let go of you now— at present, you're nothing but a bird inside of a rotten cage. you're merely a canvas, and his longings are stains— to etch on your skin that you are none other than blade's.
that you're merely a timeless fodder for his everlasting hunger: a hunger to own and a hunger to love. at long last, he finally has one.
"i really love you."
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A/N : the upbringing part is just my own and obviously not canon, it's more to expound on how he became a yandere for reader ^^ my masterlist !
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somegrumpynerd · 7 months
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When you find out years later that you accidentally named one of your henchmen
Image ID: A multi-panel comic featuring au sanses. Panel 1: In Killer's original universe. A dark figure stands in the foreground while Killer is sitting back in the snow, covered in blood. Killer says "wh-what are you?" Panel 2: The dark figure is Nightmare but only his smile is visible. He says "I am Nightmare, guardian of all negativity in the multiverse ...and I have a proposition for you, Sans." Panel 3: Nightmare's hand is outstreched, he says "Come with me willingly and I'll take you out of this desolate and barren universe and let you loose on many others." Panel 4: Killer is looking back at Nightmare warily, a thought bubble shows he is thinking "other universes...?". He says "...in exchange for what? What do you want with me?" Panel 5: Nightmare's tentacles are reaching out towards Killer. He says "I feed off the fear and misery and hatred in this world, stirring these up will keep me powerful enough to fight against the guardian of positivity. In short," Panel 6: Nightmare is looming over Killer now, his tentacles surrounding him. He says "I just need you to be a good little killer." The word killer is in red text. Panel 7: Killer is grasping Nightmare's hand, having accepted his offer. Panel 8: Now in a different au, Nightmare stands beside Killer as he taunts Dream, who is out of frame. He says "You're outnumbered now Dream, I have a killer with me this time." The word killer is in red text again. Panel 9: Dream is lying on the ground looking hurt and ruffed up. Killer is standing in the background, looking ready to continue beating Dream up. Nightmare says from out of frame "You should know better than to turn your back on a killer by now." The word killer is in red text again. Panel 10: Nightmare is standing by Killer again, looking smug. He says to Dream, who is not shown "You'll need more than that pathetic bow next time you meet with my killer here." The word killer is in red text again. Killer is looking towards Nightmare, pleased with this. Panel 11: We are now in Nightmare's castle, present day. It is revealed to be Killer telling these events to Dust, who looks bored. Killer says "-and the name stuck, so that's why I'm called Killer now." Dust says very quietly "did I ask" Panel 12: Nightmare is standing in the corner behind them, he looks very surprised and concerned after hearing all this. Text with an arrow pointing to him reads "Didn't realise he had done this." Killer from out of frame says "he doesn't really call me his killer anymore tho" with a frowny face. Dust, also out of frame, says "that's nice now shut up" End ID.
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amxrany · 1 year
While Silver is in the darkness, he then sees Lilia's old memories. The first one is of Lilia visiting Wild Rose Castle after a peace treaty was made, this takes place 300 to 400 years after the events of Meleanor's death
While walking through the abandoned castle, Lilia hears a cry in the throne room. He rushes there to find a baby, and not just any baby IT'S BABY SILVER WHICH REVEALS THE FIRST CG IN THE GAME 🥹
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Of course Lilia wondering why the hell is there a baby in the abandoned castle uses his Unique Magic on it. Thus revealing his UM "Far Cry Cradle", this allows him to see the past memories of someone who gets hit with the spell. This is how he finds out that the baby is actually the son of the Knight of Dawn and Princess Leah, while the war was happening 3 fairies blessed the baby by making him sleep through the war, even if it will last 10 to 100 years (well it went beyond 100 years). Once the little prince finds someone who loves him (or in other words true love), he will awaken from slumber; AND IT WAS LILIA WHO APPEARED WHICH CAUSED BABY SILVER TO WAKE UP WHICH IM JUST AAAAAAAAAA 😭😭😭
We can't forget that present time Silver is watching all of this happen, and noticed Lilia having mixed feelings about the whole thing. He (Lilia) tries to kill the baby after finding out he was the child of the enemy, but couldn't bring himself to do it. Lilia then asks himself if he can even love a human being? After losing his loved ones to them, and everything that happened. Which causes Silver to scream at Lilia that he doesn't deserve love (STOP SILVER IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT)
Lilia then tells baby Silver that the day he finds him will be his birthday (which is May 15th), and blesses him. This explains why Silver has silver hair despite being born blonde. Lilia also names the baby Silver because of the moon that shines through the night, which serves as a light to light up the path
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We then move to another flashback, now this time it features Malleus. We see the cottage that present time Silver grew up in (which is like the cottage from the movie)
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While Lilia is singing a lullaby to baby Silver (the same one Meleanor sang to egg Malleus), Malleus comes in cuz he overheard from the fairies that Lilia found a human. Then Malleus proceeds to call baby Silver A NAKED MONKEY CREATURE NAHHH 💀🤚
We also have to remember that Lilia didn't know shit about taking care of a human, much more a baby, so he visits Baul's daughter and son-in-law (Sebek's Mother and Father) for advice. Lilia then tells Malleus he's going out to get baby supplies and leaves Malleus with Silver, but Malleus is afraid that he might destroy Silver if he holds him (aww that's cute 🥹) but Lilia still leaves him behind regardless
Baby Silver wakes up to Malleus and starts crying and Malleus is now wondering if lullabies can help put it (yes he referred to the baby as "it") to sleep. He then hums to the baby the only lullaby he knows, which is the same lullaby is mother sang to him (I forgot to mention that whoops). This is the same lullaby Malleus sang when he placed the sleeping curse on everyone in part 3. Baby Silver falls asleep to it and Malleus is relieved, hoping for Lilia to come back soon but also wonders where he heard that lullaby before
We then see more flashbacks of Silver growing up, from his first time walking and his first words (which is "Dada/Father")(Edit: got this wrong by accident sorry guys). We also learn more about faes from here as well, it takes 30 years for a fae child to learn how to walk, but for the case of Malleus it took him 20 years to have a 2 legged form
Malleus then asked Lilia why he decided to take the baby in and Lilia respond that Malleus's father, Leverne said that Fae and Human should learn more about each other, thus learning a language that humans can understand. Lilia wants to learn how to love humans through Silver, but Malleus is like "but what if you can't", he replies with "let's not jump to conclusions"
STOP YOUNGER SILVER CALLS LILIA "TOTO" MY HEART CAN'T HANDLE THIS. WE ALSO FIND OUT THAT THE ACORN BRACELET WAS SILVER'S GIFT TO LILIA (since it symbolizes living a long and healthy life). He (Younger Silver) also says "I love you Toto!" (Guys what if this my last straw 😭). One more memory we see is Silver running away from home after finding out him and Lilia aren't related (in reference to his 1st birthday card)
Back to present time Silver, he thinks that he doesn't deserve to be called Lilia's son because his true origins is that of the son of the Knight of Dawn, this causes him to take on his biological father's form and General Lilia appears before him, saying he's the enemy (BUT IT'S ALL NOT REAL)
Thus a battle between the two begins, until present time Lilia suddenly appears; telling Silver to stand up and stay alive 😭
This end Silver's segment of the story, but we can't forget about Sebek, Yuu and Grim
Next: Part 5
Previous: Part 3
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syddsatyrn · 7 months
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Je t'aime Violet
By Sydd Satyrn Masterlist
Chapter 1 ⛧ Chapter 2 ⛧ Chapter 3
⛧Pairing: - Alastor x OC!Reader Violet
⛧Fic playlist: Click here!
⛧Warnings: Drinking, smoking, swearing, smut, fluff, hurt/comfort, angst, adult themes, 18+ not for minors
⛧Summary: Hello ladies, gentleman and nonbinary friends! I present to you, my series Je t'aime Violet. This story is staring my OC, Violet! She is a deer demon containing a lot of personality. With a gifted voice and a bit of jazz, she's got style and class on lock. After 7 years, Violet and Alastor's feelings towards each other never dissolved. Violet reconnects with the man who left with her heart, will she forgive him? Does Alastor have the ability to set his pride aside for love?
⛧Notes: @hellfiremunsonn is my beta reader, go check out her writing! Its fantastic!
⛧Taglist: @ok-boke @myeternalsin @squiword7 @hxzbinwrites
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⛧Chapter 2: Sauntè The sunrise paints your hotel room in orange and yellow hues. You stir in bed and slowly open your eyes. It takes you a moment to remember that you are in a hotel room. You sit up and rub your sleepy eyes. As the haze of sleep fades, your mind starts to process the events of the previous night. The mysterious shadow lurking in your room sends a chill down your spine once again. Was it just a figment of your imagination, or was there truly someone watching you as you slept? Shaking off the unsettling feeling, you swing your legs over the side of the bed and stand up.
With a deep breath you decide to take a quick shower and change into something a bit nicer. You chose an A-line, knee length black dress with a simple corset. After brushing out your long black hair, you put on a pair of kitten heels and do a simple makeup look. Feeling satisfied, you think you're ready to head down to the lobby in search of some coffee. ---------------
Alastor was up all night in shock, when he felt your presence nearby he thought he was going crazy, last night he sent his shadows off to find you and you just so happen to be two doors down from his room. He couldn't believe it. After all these years, here you were, in the same hotel, under the same roof as him. A mix of emotions flooded through him - excitement, curiosity, and a hint of something darker that he couldn't quite place. He remembers the last time you both saw each other, that night still haunts him.
His hands clenched into fists as memories of the past flooded his mind. He knew he had to see you, to talk to you, but he also feared your reaction. Would you welcome him or push him away?
With a deep breath, Alastor stepped out of his room and made his way down the hallway towards your door. The dimly lit corridor seemed longer than usual, each step echoing in the silence of the night. When he finally reached your door, he hesitated for a moment before raising his hand to knock.
Before his knuckles could make contact with the wood, the door swung open, revealing you standing there in the doorway, a mixture of surprise and confusion written on your face. Alastor's heart skipped a beat at the sight of you, the same familiar features he remembered so well.
"Alastor," you breathed out, disbelief coloring your voice.
"Violet," he replied, his voice low and laced with static. For a moment, he simply stood there, gazes locked in a silent exchange that spoke volumes. The way he said her name made your ears perk up and your tail flicked. Finally, Alastor cleared his throat, breaking the tension heavy in the air. "May I come in?" he asked, his tone almost wavering. Violet hesitated for a moment, her mind racing with memories and questions. Despite the flood of emotions coursing through her, she stepped back, allowing The Radio Demon to enter the room. He moved past her gracefully, his presence commanding yet tinged with an underlying taste of vulnerability that tugged at Violet's heartstrings. As he turned to face her, she noticed a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes, a stark contrast to his usual confidence. "I never thought I'd see you again," she admitted softly, her voice barely above a whisper. Alastor's expression softened at her words, he briefly let his guard down as he observed your appearance.
"Nor I, you," he replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of regret and longing. You stood there, facing each other, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the air between you both. Alastor can see the pain in your eyes, the hurt and confusion that mirrored his own. As the tears rolled down your cheeks, without a word, he closed the distance between you and him, pulling you into a tight embrace. The initial shock melted away, replaced by a flood of emotions as you wrapped her arms around him, clinging to him as if afraid he might disappear again. Alastor's grip tightened slightly, a silent promise to never let go again. "I'm sorry, Violet," he murmured against your hair, the words heavy with regret. "I should have never left you."
Alastor breathes you in, a familiar smell that has haunted him for years. He holds the back of your head as you let out muffled sobs into his chest. For so long, he had tried to bury the memories of that night, but now they flooded back with a vengeance. As you slowly calmed down in his embrace, Alastor pulled back slightly to look into your eyes. The raw emotion reflected in them made his chest tighten with guilt. "I never stopped thinking about you, my dear," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “I never stopped thinking about you.” You return, feeling like you might just cry again. You searched his face for any sign of deception, but all you found was love in his gaze. Alastor gently brushed a stray tear from your cheek, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. "I know I have no right to ask for forgiveness after what I put you through," he began, his voice laced with sincerity, "but I want you to know that I never wanted to leave you. It was the hardest decision I ever made, but it was the only way to protect you from something bigger." The weight of his words hung heavy in the air, you felt a mix of emotions floating inside you - pain, longing, but above all, a flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe, things could be different this time. “Well…you know I can't stay mad at you for very long.” You finally say, breaking the silence and trying to lighten the mood. Alastor’s eyes lit up, relieved by your words. He continues to hold you close like you are the most precious thing in the world. The tension that had lingered between you dissipated, replaced by a sense of familiarity and comfort. His face is pretty red and he looks away. “I never wanted to leave you…” “Alastor, I’ve come to accept that you did it for my benefit, although I may not understand it, I don’t think you’re making it up either.” You reply, his words make your heart swell. Alastor let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, the weight of years of guilt slowly lifting off his shoulders. He gazed at you, his eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and admiration. "You always were too kind for your own good, my dear." he said softly, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. His face is so close to yours, you swear you’re dreaming right now. The love of your life has returned to you and everything feels exactly like when you first met so long ago. Alastor reaches out and gently cups your face in his hands, your heart is racing, your breath catches in your throat. Without breaking eye contact, Alastor leaned in slowly, giving you time to pull away if you wished. But you didn't. Your eyes closed as his lips met yours in a gentle yet passionate kiss. Alastor held you close, his touch reverent yet filled with a hunger that matched your own. The world fell away as you lost yourself in the bittersweet taste. You practically melted in his arms, a feeling that only he was able to accomplish. When you both break the kiss in need of air. He takes a moment to collect himself and reluctantly lets go of you. He takes your hand and smirks. “Unfortunately, I have some business to attend to today, but darling…Would you care to join me for dinner tonight?” He kisses your hand and your face turns a darker shade of red. "J'aimerais ça," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper as you meet Alastor's gaze. 
(I would like that)
“J'ai hâte d'y être, chérie,” he replies. 
(I'm looking forward to it, Darling.)
——————————————- As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city, you found yourself standing outside a quaint little French restaurant. Alastor stood beside you, his arm gently linked with yours as he led you inside. The ambiance was cozy and inviting, with soft jazz music playing in the background and the scent of delicious food filling the air. The two of you settled at a private table near the window, basking in the soft candlelight that flickered gently. Alastor's eyes never strayed far from yours. He reaches across the table and takes your hand in his. “You look stunning tonight, my dear.” He says, a genuine smile graced your lips as you met his gaze. “You were always such a charmer, Alastor.” You reply and Alastor raises an eyebrow. The waiter comes by and takes your order, he comes back momentarily with two glasses of rye whiskey. Something that only you and Alastor drink. You hold up your glass and he mirrors your gesture. “Sauntè.” “Sauntè, ma chérie.” You and Alastor have always had a lot in common, you both have older tastes and speak French. You’re both deer demons, and you have the same drink of choice. You met him while bartending at a Jazz club, before you had started your career. You couldn’t stop staring at his ears, he ordered rye whiskey and you fell head over heels for the polite man sitting at your counter. He returned several times and once caught you singing in the kitchen. He told you how pretty your voice was and that you should get serious about your talent.
You took his advice to heart and began performing at the club, captivating audiences with your voice. Alastor was always there, watching from the shadows with a proud smile on his face. Eventually, your talent caught the attention of a music producer who offered you a record deal. As your career soared, Alastor remained a constant in your life, supporting you every step of the way. Until that one devastating rainy day when he left. Alastor raised his glass to his lips, the amber liquid glinting in the candlelight. As the whiskey burned its way down his throat, he couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him at that moment. It was surreal to be sitting across from you after all these years, almost like a dream he never thought would come true.
“Violet, if I may ask…” He began, your ears twitch. “How exactly did you find me?” “I heard you on television, talking about the hotel. How could I not recognize that voice.” You reply, and take another sip. Alastor's smile faltered slightly as he remembered the reason why his voice was now propagated through the airwaves. "Ah, yes, the hotel," he said wistfully. "It seems my reputation precedes me." There was a flicker of something unreadable in his eyes before he composed himself once more. "But enough about me," he deflected smoothly. "Tell me about you, my dear Violet. How has life treated you in my absence?"
“I just finished my first tour! I’m doing a few local shows next, just paying back some favors.” You summarize the highlights of your tour through Hell and all the different places you played. “I am pleased to hear you are doing so well in your career. I’ve always adored your voice. How does it feel to be a star?” “Don’t get me wrong, the fans are nice and so is the money. But I’ve always felt like there was a hole in my heart when you left.” You admit, it was difficult because he took a piece of you with him. He reached out and gently took your hand in his, his touch comforting and familiar. “Would you ever consider giving me a second chance?” Alastor asks. Your heart skipped a beat at his question.
Taking a moment to gather your thoughts, you squeezed his hand reassuringly before replying, "Alastor, you never truly lost your chance with me. Despite everything, my feelings for you never changed.” His eyes widened in hopeful disbelief, and a faint blush dusted his cheeks. "I've always believed that second chances are worth giving, especially when it comes to matters of the heart," you continued softly. "But promise me one thing - never leave without saying goodbye again. I couldn't bear to go through that pain a second time."
Alastor's expression softened, "I swear on my very soul, Violet. I will never leave you in the dark again."
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skywalker1dream · 4 months
part of the stuck with stranger series
Navigating Love's Secret Path
part one | part two | part three
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note: I will add summary later, I am working on other fics and I'm little lazy but read it and you will find out and it need little editing too. hope you like it, and I hope you are having a goo day or night, drink water and eat healthy. bye ;3
warnings none?
@barcelonaloverf1life @bokutos-babyowl
As the revelation hung heavy in the air, tension crackled between you and Carlos like an electric storm brewing on the horizon. His gaze searched yours, seeking answers, understanding, perhaps even forgiveness for not knowing sooner. But the truth remained, casting a stark light on the intricacies of your burgeoning relationship.
Carlos's brow furrowed as he struggled to process the unexpected twist. "Your sister?" he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper. "But… but I had no idea… that you….."
You watched as the shock registered on Carlos's face, his features contorting with a mix of disbelief and dawning realization. It was as if the ground had shifted beneath his feet, leaving him adrift in a sea of uncertainty.
In that moment, you knew that nothing would ever be the same again. The revelation had shaken Carlos to his core, casting a shadow over the fragile bond you had built together. And as you stood there, caught between past and present, you couldn't help but wonder what the future held in store for you and Carlos.
Before you could say anything, Lando, oblivious to the bombshell he had dropped, chimed in with his trademark grin, "Yeah, I thought it was time for her to see what all the fuss is about in the paddock."
Carlos's gaze flicked from you to Lando and back again, his expression unreadable. "I… I need a moment," he managed, his voice strained.
You watched as he turned and walked away, his steps heavy with the weight of newfound knowledge. And as you stood there, grappling with the ramifications of the revelation, you couldn't help but wonder how this unexpected turn of events would shape the future of your relationship with Carlos.
As Carlos walked away, his mind was a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts and emotions. Betrayal wasn't a word he associated with himself, yet the revelation had stirred doubts he hadn't anticipated.
He found a quiet corner in the paddock, away from the prying eyes and the cacophony of the racing world. Leaning against a wall, he closed his eyes, trying to make sense of it all.
Did he betray Lando by developing feelings for his sister? The thought gnawed at him, twisting his gut with guilt. Lando had been more than a friend; he was like a brother. And now, here he was, entangled in a romance with someone so closely tied to him.
But then, amidst the guilt, there was a flicker of something else. A warmth in his chest, a longing that refused to be extinguished. His feelings for you were real, undeniable, and he couldn't simply ignore them, no matter how complicated the situation had become.
As he grappled with his conscience, a voice interrupted his thoughts. Lando stood before him, his expression a mix of concern and confusion.
"Carlos, what's going on?" Lando asked, his brow furrowed with worry.
Carlos hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. "I… I didn't know, Lando," he admitted, his voice heavy with regret. "I never meant for things to get so complicated."
Lando's confusion deepened. "What do you mean?"
And as Carlos struggled to find the words to explain, he realized that the path ahead was fraught with uncertainty. Love had thrown him a curveball, and now, he had to navigate the complexities of his feelings while confronting the possibility of losing his best friend in the process.
Certainly! Let's explore another direction:
Carlos took a step back, his mind reeling with the revelation. The thought of betraying his best friend gnawed at him, clouding his judgment with a heavy sense of guilt. He never intended for things to unfold this way, for his feelings to complicate what was once a simple friendship.
"I… I need some time," he finally managed, his voice strained with emotion.
Lando, sensing the tension, nodded solemnly. "I...okay, I understand, Carlos. Take all the time you need, If you want to talk I'm here, mate"
As Carlos retreated to gather his thoughts, he couldn't shake the feeling of remorse that weighed heavily on his heart. He had always prided himself on his loyalty to Lando, but now, he found himself caught in a web of emotions he couldn't untangle.
Hours passed, the buzz of the paddock fading into the background as Carlos grappled with his inner turmoil. Was it worth risking his friendship with Lando for a chance at love? Could he live with the consequences of betraying his best friend?
Lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice you approaching until you were standing before him, your presence a soothing balm to his troubled mind.
"Carlos," you said softly, reaching out to touch his arm. "We need to talk."
He met your gaze, seeing the concern etched in your eyes, and felt a pang of guilt wash over him. "I'm sorry, (Your Name). I never meant for any of this to happen."
You shook your head, a small smile playing on your lips. "It's not your fault, Carlos, its mine . I should have told you sooner but I got scared."
As you spoke, Carlos felt a glimmer of hope stir within him. Perhaps there was a way forward, a way to navigate the complexities of your relationship without sacrificing his friendship with Lando.
Carlos and I exchanged hesitant glances, the weight of the revelation still heavy on our minds. After a moment of tense silence, I took a deep breath, gathering the courage to broach the topic.
"Carlos, I think... I think we need to talk," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.
He nodded, his expression serious as he met my gaze. "Yeah, we do."
We moved to a quieter corner of the paddock, away from prying eyes and curious ears, where we could speak freely.
"I know this is... complicated," I began, choosing my words carefully. "But I don't think we should tell Lando just yet. Not until we figure out what this... what we... mean to each other."
Carlos listened intently, his brow furrowed in thought. "You're right," he agreed after a moment. "We need time to sort through our feelings before we involve anyone else."
Relief washed over me at his understanding. "Exactly. I don't want to hurt Lando, but I also don't want to rush into anything and make a mess of everything."
He reached out, gently taking my hand in his, a silent reassurance of his support. "We'll take it slow," he promised. "And when the time is right, we'll find a way to tell him together."
With a shared understanding, we knew the path ahead wouldn't be easy. But as long as we faced it together, with honesty and care, we believed we could navigate the complexities of our relationship and emerge stronger on the other side.
As we stood there, hand in hand, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty. And with Carlos by my side, I knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, we would face them together, united in our love and determination.
In that moment, with you by his side, Carlos knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he was ready to confront them head-on. For in you, he had found a love worth risking it all for, even if it meant defying the expectations of friendship and loyalty.
As I approached Lando in the bustling paddock, he turned towards me with a bright smile. "Hey there! What's on your mind?" he asked, his eyes full of curiosity.
I returned his smile, though my mind was preoccupied with the weight of the conversation I'd just had with Carlos. "Just wanted to catch up with you, Lando," I replied, trying to keep my tone light.
Lando nodded, gesturing for me to join him. "come on, I was just thinking about grabbing a coffee. Care to join me?"
Before I could respond, Carlos appeared beside us, his presence catching me off guard. I tried to hide my surprise, but Lando noticed the brief hesitation.
"Hey, Carlos!" Lando greeted him with a grin. "Perfect timing. We were just about to head for some coffee. Care to join us?"
Carlos glanced at me, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features before he nodded. "Sure, sounds good."
As we walked towards the coffee stand, Lando chattered animatedly about the upcoming race, effortlessly filling the air with his infectious energy. Meanwhile, I stole glances at Carlos, silently communicating the need to tread carefully in front of Lando.
The three of us settled into a cozy corner of the café, sipping our drinks as Lando continued to regale us with stories from past races. Despite the weight of the unspoken truth between Carlos and me, I found myself getting lost in the easy camaraderie of the moment.
"So, what's the plan for later?" Lando asked, turning to Carlos with a grin.
Carlos glanced at me, a silent plea for help in his eyes, before turning back to Lando with a shrug. "Not sure yet. Any suggestions?"
Lando's eyes lit up with excitement as he launched into a myriad of ideas, each more adventurous than the last. And as we laughed and joked together, I couldn't help but marvel at the delicate dance we were performing, keeping our true feelings hidden beneath a facade of friendship and camaraderie.
But deep down, I knew that sooner or later, the truth would have to come out. And when it did, I could only hope that our bond with Lando would be strong enough to weather the storm.
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littlekiara96 · 7 months
Why are there so many little inconsistencies about Gallagher and who he is?
[Obvious spoilers for 2.0 Penacony content undercut, you've been warned.]
This reflexion of mine started back when I first saw him during the Penacony storyline and in that one occasion you can mention him to an NPC at Dream's Edge.
Let's talk about the first time we see Gallagher, and more precisely, how the two NPCs present react to him.
(Let's call them Taylor and Bob. Taylor uses a fem 3D model, but Gallagher keeps gendering both of them as men, so I'll roll with that.)
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First, Taylor does not know Gallagher at all. Nothing strange there. The Families have a lot of members, it sounds believable. For now.
Bob, on the other hand, recognises him. But he seems to do so thanks to his appearance and his "trademark" features (brown hair and grey vest) more than because he actually knew him.
He also describes Gallagher as the "officer sent by the Family". Here, "officer" could either mean a worker for the Family, which is a given, or it could be an actual rank, which sounds more probable. He does wear what looks like a badge on his left lapel.
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And afterall, Gallagher trained those two, so it surely means that he's of a higher rank than them-
Wait. He's training them?
Bob recognised him, technically, yes. But Taylor couldn't even tell who he was??
And "he's been training them"???
How does one of your trainees not recognise you on sight??!
And that's not the weirdest part.
So, Gallagher was specially sent by the Family to ensure the safety of the Charmony Festival, right? So, that sounds like he's kind of a big deal, right? Like... Other Bloodhounds would know about his presence, right?
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Okay. Either the guy who won't let us to the secret place is lying as a means to do his job...
Or there's something wrong about Gallagher, actually...
Alright... What do we know about him, at this point?
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Bartender and security officer. That makes sense for different reasons.
Coty and Woolsey, two other Bloodhounds, also explain the extent of the Bloodhound Family's job.
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Coty puts it quite literally: they will help you manage your emotions. Because doing so is also part of taking care of safety issues, because of how the Dreamscape works and can be affected by said emotions.
And Woolsey is the NPC who tells you if there are people in the Dreamscape who still need such aid in managing their emotions.
Thus, Gallagher being security staff and a bartender makes sense.
Here's the citation from his reveal on the HSR Youtube channel:
"Making a drink is a sensory skill. In dreams, creating fizzy concoctions requires adding a bit of your mood. Heavier if you're troubled, a touch sweeter if you're in high spirits... It's not just about mixing beverages. It's about mixing the experiences of life."
And funnily enough, there's this no-name bar with a no-name bartender somewhere on the commercial street and uhh...
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Yeah, that House-Blend sounds like something Gallagher could make.
Hell, it perfectly fits!
But let's go back to his "downloading" description...
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Local of Penacony. Very knowledgeable, but also lowkey about it.
So, Gallagher is a discreet bartender with a discreet bar, and also a security officer of a high enough rank to be sent by The Family to secure the biggest event to them, and to have trainees...
And no one knows who this guy is.
Except Misha. Who doesn't even work directly with him.
... Am I the only one getting weirded out by all of this?
Have a lil' crack theory of my own. Because I'm silly, aha.
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Gallagher and Firefly share the same shade of green with a "starry sky" pattern. He's not the real Gallagher, and the only things they actually have in common are the "brown hair and grey vest", but of course that's enough to fool everyone Superman-style.
The Bloodhounds are looking for a silver-haired boy, or at least, that's how "Gallagher" corrected them.
Is it Sparkle in disguise? Someone else? Why are they helping Firefly? Does she know them? I don't know, this is a crack theory.
Good night and have nice dreams~
ADDENDUM, because another post made me go "Waiiiit that is ALSO very weird:
Hey, remember the Pepeshi Club and its entry rules?
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Cielo confirms that anyone (not just Sparkle) can change their "Dreamscape avatar" a.k.a. appearance. And the Dreamscape Pass serves as an I.D. to check someone's true identity, even when they are using an appearance completely different form it.
So uuuuuh...
Why didn't Gallagher just check Firefly's I.D.??? Wouldn't that be the first thing to do in the Dreamscape while searching for a stowaway who could change their appearance so easily???
No need to be uncourteous about it too, like Bob and Taylor were... Just a lil' "Excuse me, milady, may I have a look at your Pass, please?"
Would that have been too much??? Gallagher, dear, care to explain yourself???
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pingxie-exchange · 4 months
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A very large thank you to laireshi for writing the rules and guidelines being used for this exchange.  They are presented here with minor changes.
Hello, everyone! Apologies for the short notice on this post going up, the month got away from me for a bit. OTZ
Pingxie Exchange 2024: Schedule and Guidelines Post
Hi and welcome to the Pingxie Exchange: a fic, art, and fanvid exchange about the Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling pairing.
In this exchange, participants will be anonymously matched to create gifts for one another during a five week creation period. The gifts will be revealed on August 17th: the day Wu Xie welcomed Xiaoge back after his 10-year-long absence behind the Bronze Gate.
This exchange is open to all the DMBJ canons (adaptations featuring Wu Xie or Xiaoge and the original novels). It will take place on AO3, so you need an AO3 account to participate--if you don’t have one, you can request it here; if there isn’t enough time, no worries - contact the mods at [email protected], on DreamWidth, or on tumblr, and we can send you an invitation! There have been some changes this year, so please read this post carefully before signing up!
(Updated) Schedule
Sign-ups open: June 9th Sign-ups end: June 22nd 11:59 PM Anywhere On Earth (what time is it for me?) Matching: June 22nd Assignments out: no later than June 23rd Assignments due: August 10th 11:59 PM Anywhere On Earth (what time is it for me?) Gift reveals: August 17th Creator reveals and treats deadline: August 24th
Further information behind the cut...
This is a ship exchange: as such, all the works created for this event must be focused on Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling. Works with threesomes/moresomes or other pairings involving Wu Xie and/or Zhang Qiling are not appropriate for this exchange, but background ships of other characters are fine.
You will be expected to create a gift matching your recipient’s request. Filling any specific prompt is not obligatory, but try to create something you honestly think your recipient will enjoy!
You must not include anything stated as “do not want” in your recipient’s sign-up.
The minimum requirements for the gifts are 300 words for fic, one sketch on unlined paper for art (traditional or digital; no manips), or 30 seconds of video for fanvids.
After the matching is done, all the requests will be made visible to everyone to allow for treating! There are no minimum requirements for treats (but remember to mind your recipient’s do not wants!). You can also create manips for treats.
Please note: Now that AO3 has changed the way that gifting works on the archive, if you wish to be eligible for treats, you need to select the option "Allow anyone to gift me works" under the "Collections, Challenges and Gifts" section of your AO3 preferences.  You must also indicate that you are open to treats in your exchange sign-up.
This is an anonymous exchange: refrain from discussing your assignment in public. After the works are revealed, there will be a one week anon period when the creators remain anonymous before the creator reveals. DO NOT post your creation anywhere but the AO3 collection (e.g., Tumblr, Twitter/X, Dreamwidth, etc.) before authors are revealed on the 24th. If you do this, you will not be allowed to participate next year.
If at any point you need to drop out, just click on the “default” button on your AO3 assignment page (https://archiveofourown.org/users/YOURNAME/assignments); we’ll find a pinch hitter to create a gift for your recipient instead. If you need an extension to finish your gift, contact the mods before the deadline.
After the reveals, comment on your gift.
Most importantly: be excellent to each other!
Sign-Up information
Sign-ups will take place on AO3 here, starting on June 9th. There, you can fill out details about your request and offer. You can edit your sign-up at any time until the sign-ups close.
When signing up, you will be able to choose fandom, "character" (this is actually going to be the fanwork type: fanart, fanfiction, or fanvid), and genre tags, as well as specify any additional details.
You will have to select the DMBJ canon you’re interested in creating for and receiving a gift in:
Novels: The Grave Robbers’ Chronicles
TV: The Lost Tomb 1
TV: The Lost Tomb 2 - Explore with the Note
TV: The Lost Tomb 2.5 - Heavenly Palace on the Clouds
TV: Ultimate Note
TV: Tomb of the Sea/Sha Hai
TV: The Lost Tomb Reboot/Reunion: The Sound of Providence
Movies: Conjuring Curse (2023) & Misty Creed (2023) -- rare canon
Movies: Time Raiders -- rare canon
Video Games: Time Raiders (mobile game) -- rare canon
Note: If you choose a rare canon, then you must also choose at least one non-rare canon.
You are not limited to requesting or creating a work during the canon timelines for those series/books. It’s just to mark which canons you’re familiar with to allow for easier matching: some participants might have a preference for a particular canon era, some might not be familiar with all the versions. You still have to choose your preferred canon eras even if you want to create or receive an AU.
You will have to specify which "characters" you’re interested in:
(That's right, this isn't really a character selector; it was the only way I could include fanwork type preference in the matching.)
You will also have to specify genres you’re interested in:
Canon Compliant
Canon Divergent
Domesticity/Slice of Life
PWP (only select this if you’re 18+)
In this section, you describe the gift you would like to receive.
Note: please make sure that if you are requesting something that you really would be happy to receive a gift for it. Don't try to pad out your signup by requesting something you would not enjoy. The goal is for everyone, creators and recipients, to have fun, after all!
The requests will be made publicly visible after matching is done, so that others will be able to create treats (additional gifts) based on them! So, please don't write anything in your optional details that you wouldn't want everyone to see.
Fandom - you have to choose at least one. If you’re willing to receive a gift in any canon era, you can just click “Any”!
Character (remember this is really fanwork type) - you have to choose at least one tag.
Genre - you have to choose at least three tags.
Optional Details - here’s where you can go into more detail about your perfect pingxie gift! You can include:
General Likes: your creator may, but doesn’t have to, include them. This isn’t a place for detailed prompts, just general themes you enjoy, like getting together or established relationship.
DNW (Do Not Wants): things that your creator must not include - squicks, triggers, things that you simply don’t like. Remember that you don’t owe anyone an explanation about why something is a DNW, and that DNWs are not meant to be taken personally. Just list the things you don’t like, “DNW: X, Y.”
Prompts/specific ideas: if you have any prompts, you can also put them here! You can be as general or as detailed as you’d like but remember that while your creator will try to make the best gift for you, filling a specific prompt is not obligatory. You can include a crossover prompt (with other DMBJ versions or other canons), but make sure it’s not the only prompt you have.
If you chose novels as one of your fandoms, you can use this field to list the ones you’re familiar with. If you're interested in receiving a Buried Tree Devil - Book 3 Donghua gift, you can also mention it here.
Optional Tags: You may use the optional tags to share more about your preferences, if you like.
Note: please make sure that if you are offering something that you really would be happy to create for it. Don't try to pad out your signup by offering something you could not easily create a gift for. The goal is for everyone, creators and recipients, to have fun, after all!
Fandom - you have to choose at least one. If you’re willing to receive a gift in any canon era, you can just click “Any”!
Character (remember this is really fanwork type) - you have to choose at least one tag.
Genre - you have to choose at least three tags.
Optional Details - in this field, you can tell us more about the kind of works you like to create, for example if you really prefer established relationship, feel best with certain kinds of AUs, or like writing darkfic. You can also tell us if you have a preference of which type of gift you will create (fic or art). We’ll take all of these optional details into account when matching!
If you chose novels as one of your fandoms, you can use this field to list the ones you’re familiar with. If you're interested in creating a Buried Tree Devil - Book 3 Donghua gift, you can also mention it here.
In the optional details of your offer, you can also name one person you don’t want to be matched to, for example your regular beta, and we will do our best to avoid matching you!
Optional Tags: You may use the optional tags to share more about your preferences, if you like. The offers will only ever be visible to the mods; never to anyone else.
Your assignment
You will be matched to create a gift for someone who requested at least one of the fandoms that you offered and one of the fanwork types you offered, with as many similar genres/likes as possible. This exchange will be matched using the AO3 algorithm to generate the initial matches and then tweaked by hand, if necessary, based on the information provided in everyone's optional details.
If you have any issues when you receive your assignment (you have a question about it or think there’s an issue with it), contact the mods as soon as possible. Do not contact your recipient on your own.
You will have to create a gift for your recipient, fulfilling the minimum requirements, and avoiding any stated "do not wants". Filling exact prompts is optional but try to create something matching your recipient's likes that they will enjoy!
You will have to post your gift to the exchange AO3 collection before the due date (August 10th), using the "gift this work to" option to give it to your recipient. Your work will remain in the collection only visible to you and the mods until the reveals happen. Remember to tag your work appropriately, especially if any of the major archive warnings apply, or use the "choose not to warn" warning.
Treats are additional gifts for the participants! To allow for treating, the requests will be made visible when matching is done. You can create treats at any time until the creator reveals! There are no minimum requirements for treats, and in addition to the fanwork types allowed for gifts, manips are also allowed. As with assignments, you have to respect the recipient’s Do Not Want, and while the optional details are optional, try to create something fitting the listed likes. One treat can only be gifted to one person.
Please note: Now that AO3 has changed the way that gifting works on the archive, if you wish to be eligible for treats, you need to select the option “Allow anyone to gift me works” under the “Collections, Challenges and Gifts” section of your AO3 preferences.  You must also indicate that you are open to treats in your exchange sign-up.
Pinch Hits
In case someone needs to drop out, we will look for a pinch hitter to complete their assignment. Pinch hits will be posted to the DreamWidth community and advertised on tumblr.
If you think you can finish your assignment, but you need a day or two more, you can always ask the mods for an extension!
Other important information
Make sure to check the email you use on AO3 frequently during the exchange, as it will be the primary means of communication. We might contact you if there is an issue with your sign-up or if your gift creator has a question for you. If you’d rather we contact you on your twitter or tumblr, please leave your handle in the offer section of your sign-up. Follow us on DreamWidth and/or on tumblr to avoid missing an announcement or a deadline! If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to contact the mods at [email protected], on DreamWidth (anonymous comments are allowed), or on tumblr.
A very large thank you to laireshi for writing the rules and guidelines being used for this exchange.  They are presented here with minor changes.
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keiaoi811 · 1 year
The peace we share
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fluff with some suggestions ( i think?)
Just sharing a bath with Jouno who calls your precious flower soap a 'weed' soap- (i mean the things you want to get rid from garden, not drugs- ಥ_ಥ)
I hope you guys gonna like it, sorry for any mistakes (english that is supported by google translator and my small knowledge)
A faint smell of flowers was filling your nose, bringing a picture of plains full in bloom at sunny, april day to your mind. Pleasant warmth of water embracing your body like a cozy blanket and bubbles tickles your soft skin.
A gentle smile was plastered to your face and relaxed sigh left your lips, while leaning your back further...
"You are crushing me."
Slightly annoyed voice, coming from behind to your ears, slowly brings you to return to reality, after wandering around the flower patches in your mind.
"I thought, you were enjoying our bath together, Saigiku."
You said, tilting your head slightly to look at the face of white haired man behind you. Even if his voice was stern, trying his best to show 'dissatisfaction', Jouno face was telling a different story. Eyebrows raised up a little, a soft look remains on his features while his hand slowly and gently caressing your bare shoulder in lazy manner.
"Oh, of course i am enjoying, if only my nostrils wasn't be, now terrorised by the 'weeds' soap you poured into water, Dear~"
A small chuckle followed his words, while your elbow nudged into his chest at his remark.
"I would like to remind you, that you were present while buying this soap"
"I was? I don't remember such an event."
His voice was clearly teasing, trying to get under your skin just by a little, enjoying how your heartbeat sounds a little troubled now. Jouno leans his head back, over the bathtub wall, a grin rising on his lips while listening to your sounds.
"Also i didn't poured too much..."
You mumbled quietly, resting your head on his shoulder.
Small drops of water slowly flowing on the skin of his neck. Your eyes was glued at this sight, as the wet trails made by water go through all the curves of Jouno neck to his chest and disappears under the layer of soft foam with bubbles.
This cloudly looking form is blocking you from seeing any more of his light skin and subtle muscles....maybe you really poured too much?
"Did someone getting here some inappropriate thoughts? Hmm?~"
You can feel a gentle pinch on your cheek and a another cocky chuckle, making you jolt your head straight. A rosie colour appears on your, now slightly flustered, face.
"I don't-"
As you wanted to deny, Jouno placed his finger on your lips to stopped your words and he continue. He brings his face closer to yours, having a sly smile attached.
"I told you....many times...that your heartbeat is your biggest traitor~ Revealing all your secrets, without words leaving your lips."
Jouno whispered close to your ear, his voice was leaking with teasing and a tint of flirt. He begins to brushing your bottom lip with his thumb while, the rest of his hand holding you under chin, making sure to have you in place.
Like for his delight, your heart was fluttering faster and louder as the words filled your mind. To put you even more on edge, his other hand moves from your arm, slipping down, under the bubble layer, finding his way to your waist. Jouno fingertips, smoothly caresses the skin, giving you a tingling sensation through your body.
"Something wrong? Did water is too warm and makes your naughty head dizzy? Or the flowery scent is to blame for that?"
He snicker, feeling your lips pressing together under his thumb.
"Can you at least once, don't tease me?"
You mumbled, as your words only shows more signs of embarrassment.
For the revenge, you moves your hand to splash some water to his direction. Enjoying, Jouno's surprised expression when water in flash, hits his face. This was one of the rare moments, very short, but so adorable. Peak up eyebrows, small gap created by his mouth, from usually composed and proud Jouno to 'dumbfounded kitten' who discoveres the world for first time.
A soft hum leaves his lips, after recovering of your 'attack' and mocking grin returns to the proper place. Jouno takes his hand away from your chin and place it on other side of your waist, to accompany the another.
"I just showing my care for you and what i receives in return? A soapy water to my mouth." He said with a little amused tone, holding you tighter to his chest. Jouno lips hovering over yours, a slight brush of his nose makes you giggle as it tickles.
A warm feeling embrace your heart at this intimate moment lingering for few moments longer. Like time just stopped in place and there's nothing beside the two of you, his relaxed breath caressing your face like a morning breeze.
Gently tucking, some stray strands of hair, behind his ear, you gives him a small peck on lips.
A sweet smile appears on Jouno face as he returns the act of affection. There no rush, a slow but tender movements of his lips over yours, bringing butterflies to your stomach. His hands caressing your delicate skin on waist, a content sighs goes between the kisses as the moment getting more passionate.
Your fingertips finds their way to his cheek, slowly wandering to his neck. Every fleetering touch brings a slight shiver through Jouno.
Jouno squeezed your sides, making you gasp at the sudden action. Using the gap, Jouno slide his tongue through your lips and 'dare' yours for a small dance. Hard to resist this sly fox of yours, who always finding a way to melt you in his arms.
Feeling your cheeks rising to more reddish color as the tongues tangled together.
There were one desire - to stay like this, close, sharing the same space, air. A feeling of being safe - beloved one who showers you and only you with a special affection. Jouno softness that only is reserved for you.
After this heated moment, Jouno breaks the kiss, sending to your direction a gentle smile, before nuzzling his face to crook of your neck. Taking a deep inhale of the scent, like a try to engrave it, this fragrance and moment in his mind.
"I taking this overly affection, as you being in total relaxation at this moment.~"
You tried to tease him, just a little bit and Jouno lifted his head to whisper into your ear.
"Maybe i am, but this doesn't changing a fact that the 'weeds' still bothers me."
Jouno chuckles when he hears an irritated sigh coming from you.
"This is not a 'weeds' smell but a flower and herb scent soap. I prefer when your mouth is busy with something, so you wouldn't complain too much."
As you says this words, a small light bulb brighten in Jouno mind.
"Oh?~ You prefer, my mouth being busy? If that so...What about, my dear flower, to made me busy in more dry place?~
His voice was low and suggestive, a smile tainted with mischiev. Your heart skip a beat, taking a note of all his words. Jouno nodded at the reaction before adding.
"So let's leave this water pool, before we both gonna complain about wrinkles fingertips."
A flower scent still lingers, as the memory of colorful plains in april day....sharing a warm smiles with the dearest of your heart...a very peaceful day~
Hope not too messy and Jouno not too much ooc (#°Д°)
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zablife · 1 year
Tachipen (Part 5)
Summary: With the flip of a coin, Tommy makes a deal to bring a young gypsy girl into the Shelby clan. Considering her too young to marry, he takes pity on her and employs her as a nanny for John’s children instead. The arrangement soon sours when Tommy believes his horse has been cursed and demands her help stealing from the Lees. When she seeks solace in John’s company, an innocent romance blossoms, but a war with the Lees and Polly’s poorly-timed advice drive them apart in a way that will change their history forever. As the scenes from the present reveal, Y/n must watch the Shelby men go on to love others while she is shut out. However, the events of one tragic afternoon could change everything.
Author’s Note: After a 5 month hiatus, this story is back! I'll be updating more regularly now that I've outlined more of the fic. The story is told through flashbacks, but I will note the year. Tommy meets y/n in 1919 and the story goes thru present time which is the year of the vendetta, 1925. 
Warnings: language, ethnic slur, implied smut, mention of pregnancy, mention of arranged marriage
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Part 4
The frosted glass shook as Polly forcefully closed John’s office door, her eyes darting from you to her nephew. “What is this I hear about the two of you sniping at one another like bloody children?”
You and John both started speaking at once and Polly shouted over you to assert authority. “That’s enough! John, perhaps you could explain why you’re even in the office today?” she asked, cocking an eyebrow at him. “Y/n is perfectly capable of supervising the other girls.”
John opened and closed his mouth a few times in shock, giving the appearance of a fish out of water before you interjected. “He’s been hovering over me for weeks, Pol. Won’t let me finish one fucking job without trying to find a mistake!”
John pointed a finger in your direction as he retorted, “If she could keep her mind on her work instead of her love life for a change--”
“Would you stop?!" you screamed, interrupting him mid-sentence. You felt the emotion welling in your chest and did your best to keep from crying. Running a shaky hand through your hair, you took a deep breath to regain control before continuing your plea to Polly. "I did as I was told. I broke up with Angel and I apologized…” you stopped before you broke down, then continued with the part that stung most, “for the inconvenience.” Those had been the words Arthur insisted you use. He’d probably consulted Linda about it at the first sign of trouble, you thought bitterly. 
Polly softened at your show of emotion, reaching across the table for your hand. “Alright, I think I understand. John, would you leave us, please?” John nodded with clenched jaw, pushing out of his chair with more force than necessary. He looked back at you as he crossed to the door and you swore you saw a brief shadow of remorse cross his handsome features though you couldn’t be sure with the lingering tension between you.
When you were finally alone, Polly began, “Y/n, I’m sorry about this. I know you’re upset about the Changretta boy and I don’t blame you, but what’s done is done. And you must understand that John is under a lot of stress at home. I’m not sure if you know this, but there's another little one on the way,” she said hesitantly.
“Again?” you nearly shrieked. It was the third time in the nearly four years he'd been married. 
Polly nodded slowly. “You see why he’s so on edge lately?”
You swallowed thickly, thinking of how chaotic the household must be with six children, soon to be seven. Although you attempted a shred of compassion for his new wife, you couldn’t manage it. “Yes, I understand,” you said in a quiet monotone. “He has a lot of people depending on him.” It was what Polly wanted to hear so you spoke the words, turning your head away so she couldn’t read your expression.
“Exactly. I know it doesn’t excuse his behavior here, but we all have to learn to get along,” she advised, giving your hand a gentle squeeze before leaving you alone in the room. A bitter laugh escaped your throat at the thought of any of you living peacefully after all you’d inflicted upon one another. 
As the first rays of dawn broke, you sat up in bed, face aching from the bruise across your cheek and your mind reeling from the events of the previous day. If Tommy hadn’t trusted you before, there was no hope for you now with so much cash missing from the betting shop, especially when he learned the Lees were to blame. How could he not think you were involved?
Panic setting into your bones, you decided to make a hasty retreat from Polly’s house while you still could. Despite the throbbing in your wrist, you slipped your dress over your head and silently turned the bedroom doorknob, giving the hallway a quick glance for occupants. With no signs of activity, you slipped quietly down the steps and right to the front door, knowing this would be the most difficult part of your escape. The rusty hinges creaked loudly and you cringed at the noise, well aware of how it carried throughout the house. Rightfully so as Tommy’s voice beckoned to you at the sound. “Where are you off to so early?” his husky voice called out.
You spun around to face him, heart pounding in your chest as you waited for his wrath to rain down upon you. You calculated the distance to the street, wondering if you might still be able to outrun him, when he suddenly closed the distance between you, shutting the door with a gentle push. 
As he stared into your eyes, he spoke again in a much softer voice. “I misjudged you."
You held your breath realizing how close he stood, the heat radiating off his body into yours. Transfixed by the intensity of his bright, blue eyes, you couldn’t help but stare back at him. The anxious flutter you felt in your stomach intensified as you waited to hear what he thought he knew about you.
“What you did for Ada last night was…” he looked away for a moment as he tried to find the words to express the gratitude he felt upon hearing of Ada’s difficult labor and delivery. “Well, my sister and nephew are alive because of you. You could have gone with the Lees, but you stayed here,” he said, emphasizing the last part. You realized he was recognizing the loyalty in your decision, though for you it had been a matter of common decency.
“Thank you,” he added hesitantly and you could tell from the way he said it, he didn’t make a habit of ingratiating himself to others.
“I only did what I thought was right,” you said, averting your eyes to the floorboards.
One look at your tense posture and Tommy took a step back to give you air. He gestured toward the table as he asked, “Will you sit with me?” You nodded slowly, crossing to join him at the kitchen table. Tommy took a seat and lit a cigarette, leaning back and tilting his head as he searched the ceiling through the rings of smoke. Then the words tumbled forth, breaking the awkward silence unexpectedly. 
“About that night in the stable… I brought you here to look after my family and I had to know I could trust you. Charlie thought you might have put a spell on the horse and for a moment I believed him.” Sitting up and looking you in the eye he added, “But when I asked you for the truth, I could tell by your reaction that it wasn’t your doing.”
Your eyes grew wide at his confession. You hadn’t expected him to speak of it ever again and the thought of him bringing it up now made you shudder. With a dismissive air and bitter tone you pushed it away saying, “M used to it. No one trusts gypsies.” You hugged your arms around your body to still your trembling limbs, hoping Tommy would’t recognize weakness in you.  
“It’s not right though,” he said looking you in the eye. “I should never have…”
“No, you shouldn’t, you bastard” you interjected, jaw firmly set at the mention of his cruel treatment. 
Tommy sucked his teeth as he flicked ash into a mug, giving your jab a moment to wash over him before responding. “I suppose I deserve that, but I want to make amends. Can we start fresh?” Tommy asked, blue eyes searching yours intently.
“Yes, I think so,” you agreed reluctantly, unsure how this turn of events had happened.
“Good,” he said with a nod. “Because I’d like to invite you to have a seat at the next family meeting.”
Your head was still swimming with Tommy’s apology so you weren’t quite sure you heard correctly. “What? When?” you sputtered.
“Today, we have to go on the offensive now that the Lees have struck a blow and you’re our best hope of understanding their way of thinking,” Tommy explained. 
You touched the bruise on the right side of your face that was turning to a dark shade of purple, thinking of how your sister was one of them by now. What would your scheming do to her, you wondered?
While you were lost in thought, Tommy leaned forward to examine your swollen wrist and you cried out at his touch. He lifted your hand and moved it carefully to see if there were any broken bones, a skill he’d learned during the war while attending to his men. Nodding thoughtfully he replied, “You’ve got a sprain. You should let me wrap it.” 
“Alright,” you agreed, watching as Tommy fetched a bandage and efficiently went about his work, a fresh cigarette hanging from his lower lip. His touch was surprisingly gentle and your mind wandered to the times you’d watched him with the horses. You recalled how they’d responded to him without the use of a whip, only the sound of his voice over the noise of the scrap metal yard. You couldn’t deny that there was something about his presence in this moment that you found calming.
The roughness of his voice cut the silence as he spoke for the first time since he began tending to you. “I’ll be off to John’s now,” he said with a nod as he stamped out his smoke and before you could ask anything more he was gone, leaving you in quiet contemplation of your new role within the family and everything you thought you knew about Tommy.
“Open up!” A voice bellowed out before John’s front door swung open, footsteps falling hard and fast on the stairs leading to the bedroom.
John sat up quickly, pulling the duvet over his naked body before reaching for his revolver on the nightstand. Tommy burst in with John cursing, “Fuck, Tommy! When will you learn to knock?” 
“When will you learn to lock your bloody door? The Lees could still be in town for all we know,” Tommy scolded.
As the brothers argued, the woman beside John began to stir at the sound of their shouting. As she rolled over to face John, Tommy’s eyebrows shot up in surprise as he caught sight of the woman’s familiar dark curls. John covered her quickly though he knew Tommy had already spied his secretary.
John tossed his gun onto the bedside table as he waved his brother off. “Alright, that’s enough! Get out!”
“Fine, but get dressed quickly. There’s business to discuss,” Tommy said, turning to leave. Then hesitating for a moment he called over his shoulder, “Lizzie, I want you at work by nine!”
She inhaled a sharp breath beneath the covers, embarrassed at being caught in bed with the boss’s younger brother. She’d gone to the Garrison to celebrate the new baby with everyone else from the office, but it was Tommy she’d been after. John just happened to be the brother who stumbled into the snug first.
After donning her dress and shoes, Lizzie leaned over with a warm smile and gave John a tender goodbye kiss. His head pounding from the hangover, he gave her only a sliver of affection in return, the reality of what he’d done hitting him full force. When he closed his eyes the only person he could see was you.
“I’ll be going, but I’d like to do this again. You never call me anymore,” she said biting her lip. Pulling back to study him she noticed John’s baby blue eyes didn’t dance with light as they had the night before.
“Listen, Lizzie…” he began, but Tommy interrupted, calling to him from downstairs. “We’ll talk later, yeah?” he said and she nodded cheerfully before pulling on her heels and clicking down the hall.
By the time John joined Tommy in the kitchen, Tommy was pacing like a wild animal. “Where the fuck were you yesterday, eh?” he asked, pointing a finger at his brother. 
John rubbed a hand over his face and shook his head slightly. He couldn’t think clearly. What had happened? Before he had time to reply, Tommy was stalking toward him angrily. “The betting shop was robbed by the Lees. Y/n and Ada could have been killed because you left your post, John!”
“Oh, fuck off, Tommy!” John replied. “This is not my fault! How was I meant to do collections for Arthur and run the shop? Scudboat was there anyhow,” he asserted, pulling his suspenders up with an annoyed roll of his neck.
“Except he wasn’t. He went to Charlie’s yard for the arrival of the new shipment which is why you were supposed to have been back by four!” Tommy said, slamming the kitchen table with his palm for emphasis. Running a hand through his hair he shook his head muttering, “You never fucking listen.”
John closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, another vision of you suddenly dancing across his eyelids. He’d noticed a deep red mark on your cheek and how you winced when Ada put too much pressure on your hand, but you’d both been so consumed with Ada’s labor. You’d been steadfast delivering the baby, but that was how you were when you were scared, carrying on despite the fear. John’s head shot up as he asked, “Y/n? How is she?”
Tommy let out a heavy sigh as he realized he was finally getting through to his brother, plopping down in a chair he replied, “She has some bruises and a sprained wrist. She was lucky this time, brother, but the danger will increase. The Lees know she gave us information about their operation. They took their money, but now they want blood,” Tommy said ominously. 
John nodded in understanding. He wouldn’t let his concentration lapse again. You were too important and he was determined to do everything in his power to protect you this time. He only needed to bring you home.
The family assembled in the betting shop without noticing you hovering in the corner, feeling woefully out of place. Polly and Arthur were already seated, talking quietly as Polly smoked her clove cigarettes. Lizzie sat with pencil and paper in hand to take notes if necessary, but she didn’t appear nearly as concerned as the others. In fact, she was positively radiant, as though she couldn't stop smiling. You wondered what she had to be so cheerful about, when Isaiah appeared in the doorway, remarking to her, “Looks as though someone had a good night.”
“You know, John,” Lizzie replied with a giggle. Your heart stopped as you watched her bite her lip seductively, wondering what she meant by that. 
Moving to the kitchen to help yourself to a cup of tea, Isaiah sauntered in behind you, clearing his throat to announce his presence. “Why didn’t you come to the Garrison last night?” he asked, leaning against the cupboards with a casual charm he directed at most ladies.
“I was tired. Delivering a baby will do that,” you replied with a smile.
“Of course. John said you were brilliant,” Isaiah complimented you as he removed his cap and smoothed his hair.
“Isaiah, was Lizzie with you and John last night?” you asked, curiosity getting the better of you.
A wide grin spread across Isaiah’s face as he accepted the mug of tea you offered exclaiming, “Yeah, for a bit. Then they told me to piss off. I mean, you know how they are.”
“N-no, I don’t,” you stuttered, hands beginning to tremble around your cup.
“Those two can’t keep their hands off each other! It’s been that way since the war ended. John used to blind her other customers just so he could see her more often,” he said with a laugh. When Isaiah observed your blank expression he continued saying, “You know what Lizzie used to do, don’t you?” 
Shaking your head, you felt your stomach drop and your mouth go dry as he explained their arrangement. Apparently John had been paying her for sex for years. The words stabbed into you as you held yourself up against the cupboards, willing your face not to betray your tender heart in front of a blinder. 
But the terrible feeling of betrayal was overwhelming as you remembered Katie’s words about her father and his whores. You thought John had feelings for you, but clearly you’d been wrong. The pit in your stomach grew as you relived the kiss you shared the night before outside Polly’s house. He must have sensed your hesitation and gone back to someone more experienced and familiar. You felt another twist of the knife as you wondered if he ever wanted you. His brother had forced him to take you in after all and suddenly you felt terribly foolish. Worried your legs might give out at any moment, you excused yourself to take a seat at the table.
The pain only worsened as Lizzie turned to address you with an air of worldly sophistication. “Y/n, it was kind of you to leave John and me last night. One day you’ll see how important it is that a man and a woman have their privacy. I know John appreciates it,” she said with a wink and a knowing smile. As heat seeped into your cheeks with the overwhelming feeling of humiliation, it was almost more than you could bare. Did everyone know John saw you as a child who wasn’t worthy of his attention?
Soon Tommy and John arrived, taking their seats at the table and you found yourself shifting uncomfortably in your seat as you tried to avoid John’s gaze.
As Tommy called the meeting to order you noticed all eyes on you, making you painfully aware that as a non blood relative nor a blinder, you shouldn’t be there. Tommy quickly put everyone’s fears to rest, making it known that he had asked you to be his adviser and no one dared go against Tommy. 
The meeting progressed quickly after that with John proposing an all out war against the Lees. He wanted to see them all cut to ribbons and you could tell by the dangerous gleam in his eye he was more than capable. Lizzie gave him a nod of approval from across the table and your blood boiled at the thought of them discussing strategy together, plotting and scheming as they lay tangled between the sheets. You were past the point of tears by now, coiling your hands into fists below the table.
While no one else came forward with a different thought right away, Arthur quickly agreed to John’s plan. Not one for ideas himself, he went along with the quickest method of handling enemies. 
However, Polly was next to speak and interjected reason before the men could become too blood hungry. “This all began because of greed, Thomas. If we propose to share our contacts with Erasmus and thus the earnings, it might convince them to stop trying to kill us.” You could see Polly favored peace above all else, but you knew Tommy would never settle for half his take. 
Then the idea came to you, born of resentment and retaliation, but an age old solution that would work nonetheless. You knew how to achieve peace if only you could convince your aunt and Tommy.
“There’s another way, but it requires discussion with an elder, my aunt, Zilpha,” you proposed, glancing up at Tommy.
“She’ll see me after everything that’s happened?” Tommy asked, a note of skepticism in his voice.
“No, but she’ll see me,” you promised him. You could see the wheels in his mind turning as he pondered what you might say to your aunt. If he truly trusted you, he would agree to let you speak on their behalf, however. 
With a small nod he agreed. “Alright, I’ll take you tomorrow,” Tommy said. “You’d better get some rest.” And with that, he left everyone in stunned silence, their fate in your hands.
As everyone filed out of the room, John remained, leaning on a desk. When you attempted to walk past, he stopped you, reaching out to capture your arm. “Y/n, wait,” he called out.
Your eyebrows shot up at his request, unsure why he hadn’t dashed out after Lizzie. It seemed her company was what he craved now so why was he here waiting for you? “What is it, John?” you asked, voice tinged with irritation. 
“I wanted to see how you are,” he said, looking you over with what appeared to be genuine concern. His opposite hand traced the bandage that covered your wrist, eyes trained on your injury as though he felt the pain concealed beneath it. 
“I’m fine,” you said, attempting to break away, but John held you to him.
Reaching up to caress your bruised cheek he spoke earnestly, “Look, I’m sorry about yesterday. I should have been at the shop. If I had been, none of this would have happened.”
“Well you can’t change it now,” you replied, locking eyes with him, wanting to scream at him about Lizzie, but knowing it wouldn’t help.
“Let me at least try to make it up to you,” John pleaded, rubbing his thumb over your hand. “Come home,” he suggested in a voice so soft you almost didn’t hear him.
“Why?” you asked, snatching your hand away.
The biting tone had obviously hurt John, a wounded look crossing his face immediately as he shoved his hands into his pockets and looked at the floor. “Because…because the children and I need you,” he reasoned, furrowing his brow. He’d never been good with words, but he hoped you would hear how much he cared for you with that simple phrase.
The words pricked the hairs at the back of your neck, confirming what you already suspected. There was no love there, only a life of convenience. Biting your cheek to keep from crying, you sucked in a quick breath before replying, “I’m sorry, John, but I’m needed elsewhere at the moment.” You turned on your heel and disappeared into the house.
You spent another night at Polly’s, too upset to return to John’s. When you closed the bedroom door before having your dinner, Tommy urged the others not to pry into the cause of  your sudden mood change. He explained there was a long drive ahead of you in the morning and reasoned you must be anxious at the thought of returning to a camp full of angry relatives.
As you drove to the Lee camp in comfortable silence, you were relieved that Tommy wasn’t the curious sort. However, you knew he deserved to hear what you intended on proposing to your aunt so you began explaining your plan for ushering in peace between the two families. While you expected him to question it a bit more, he only chain smoked as he kept his eyes trained on the road. When you’d finished, you swore you heard a low hum of approval emanate from his pursed lips, though you weren’t entirely sure from his stoic expression.
There was no time for doubt in any case as the car jerked to a halt. You exited your side cautiously, eyes scanning the horizon to find men with rifles stood at attention above you. “Slowly now,” Tommy advised as he stooped to gather a stick and dug into his pocket for a white handkerchief to tie at the top. As he walked up the dirt road toward the vardos circled on the ridge, he waved the makeshift flag. You allowed him to lead until he leaned toward you to whisper, “You’re sure you still want to do this? What of your future, eh?�� It was the first he had mentioned you in any of the plans and you swallowed harshly at his insinuation that your fate mattered either way.
“Let me worry about that,” you replied stubbornly, marching ahead. Tommy wanted to laugh at your determination, but thought better of it considering the circumstances. He shook his head as he followed after you, admiration for your courage swelling in his throat. 
Zilpha greeted you with a wary expression upon your approach, face as dark and stormy as the clouds overhead threatening rain. Standing at the doorway of her vardo, she refused to descend until you had both been searched for weapons. Although you understood her hesitation, it stung to be treated as a traitor when you still held love for your family. 
When she was satisfied you weren’t there to harm her, she allowed you to ascend the steps and you breathed a sigh of relief when she extended a wrinkled hand to you, pulling you inside.
Despite having convinced her of your own good intentions, Tommy was made to wait outside. You could tell from her knitted brow, he would never gain her full approval and you knew you would have to work hard to sell his good points. 
After the preamble of commenting on your thin frame and offering up a hearty stew, Zilpha asked why you had come and you wasted no time with your appeal. 
“He’s a smart man, aunt. But he needs strong men,” you explained.
“For what?” she asked harshly, turning to face you with such force, her jewelry crashed together creating a tinny clinking that echoed out like a warning.
“Protection for his growing business. They get the winner in one of every three races before the race even starts. No need for chalks or rafflers. It’s a certainty,” you promised her, believing in Tommy’s operations so that she would have faith as well. 
“It sounds like this Shelby man’s got his hooks in ya,” she said, eyeing you suspiciously.
You bristled at her assumptions, holding your head high. “No Shelby has me, aunt. In fact, I have a unique proposal for you to end the war between you and them.”
“And what might that be?” she said, leaning forward elbows on her knees to hear you better.
“Rumors say Erasmus’s cousin Esme has been running wild. If I could promise a good husband for her, would you give Tommy soldiers? If you do, this alliance will make you a rich woman,” you promised.
Zilpha thought for a moment, recalling the trouble she’d had finding a suitable groom to take on the headstrong young woman.
“And what man do you suggest?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at you.
“Tommy’s younger brother, John Shelby,” you said, hoping she didn’t notice the way your voice wavered as you said his name. She hadn’t, too preoccupied by your talk of fortune. Without hesitation, she extended a hand in agreement.  
As you both emerged, Tommy searched your face for a sign that the negotiations had been a success. You gave him a small nod and he turned to Zilpha. “He’ll do then?” Tommy asked.
“Bring him round in a fortnight and it will be done,” Zilpha proclaimed. 
The drive back to Small Heath was cloaked in thick silence as you looked out the passenger window. Exhaustion from the long day was beginning to take hold of you, but something wouldn’t let you give in to the need for rest. Although you hoped your plan of revenge might heal your broken heart, the ache only grew stronger. You didn’t yet know it, but regret would soon take hold and there would be nothing you could do to reverse it. 
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hannah-fannah9503 · 2 months
As someone trying to finish writing my au pls pls pls tell me about yours.
Who's the main characters?? How do they escape being trafficked? Are they being followed? What are their features? How normal is trafficking - common or looked down upon? How long have they been in the system
I'm so interested please
There are going to be multiple main characters!!! I'm planning on switching between different POVs, and I'm trying to decide if I want to also switch between the different pairings' perspectives as well.
So Martyn, Scott, and Grian are the POVs I know for a fact I'm going to be writing right now. I haven't decided if I'm going to write from Ren, Jimmy, and Scar yet.
Trafficking hybrids in this AU is very common, BUT the only ones who are really buying hybrids are those who come from wealthy, upper class families. They're used for various purposes from laborers to bodyguards to entertainment. And actually, this story will be taking place in three different places at once!!!
Our first perspective is Martyn--he was keeping watch over a hideout when he managed to catch a wolf hybrid. But not long after that his hideout is raided by a group of other hybrids who free the wolf hybrid and take him hostage...
Second perspective is Scott! Scott stays in the city most of the time, which is where hybrid auctions are held. His job (which he HATES, by the way) is to make all the hybrids look as presentable as possible to the various rich buyers who are coming to these events. But when his boss informs him that the best friend he'd do anything for has been kidnapped, he demands to know what they're going to do to save him. Only... they're not, he's told. They're not going to save him. So, furious and scorned, Scott makes a deal with one of the on-site hybrids and goes to find his best friend, planning to run away together once they're both safe.
And finally, we have Grian! Now Grian is a hybrid, an avian (big shocker) who has just been bought in the very auction Scott was working; I don't want to reveal too much of this part because it's kind of big big spoilers, but I will say that his new job is to guard the heir to the Goodtimes family, which is a massive trading empire with reach and influence all across the world. But I'll tell you right now there's more going on here than I just wrote :)
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indigovigilance · 1 year
Before the Beginning is Doctored
This is part of my "erasure theory" series. I'm incorporating a lot of work by reference about the Good Omens universe mechanic of "having never existed." If you have no idea what I'm talking about, please go here and here for those metas and then come back. TL;DR: erasing someone in Good Omens results in an imperfect removal from the past. Ready? Let's go:
The Angel Who Never Existed
Something that I've seen come up very rarely, but which I want to see start to trend more in the discussion, is Before the Beginning:
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What exactly are we watching?
Is this a videocam floating in space, perfectly accurately recording past events? Is this Aziraphale's memory? Is this Crowley's memory? Is this a videocam floating in space that has been written over by reality meddling post-facto?
As of right now, we have no idea. But there are clues.
I'm going to propose that of the four possibilities I mentioned, the first one is dead out, and moreover, I believe that we will get that accurate, first-take version in S3.
Why do I think that?
It's just a little too conspicuous that Angel!Crowley doesn't introduce himself. Sure, it can be taken as a nod to his pre-fall personality, so incredibly focused on his work that he can't even be bothered to introduce himself. It can also be taken as a plot device, to avoid revealing his name, so that it's a big reveal in S3.
But what if he doesn't introduce himself because... he doesn't have a a name? Or at least, he doesn't anymore?
The way Beelzebub describes the Book of Life...
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...suggests that one way of punishing an entity for transgressions against Heaven is to make it so they never have existed. We know that Crowley took a swan dive into a boiling pool of sulfur. It's not a stretch to think that his former identity was erased at the same time.
Which is to say, Angel!Crowley doesn't introduce himself in this flashback because whenever it is we are flashing back from, that entity no longer exists, and never did. The echoes, the smudges on the page, fragments of memories, those still exist, but not the angel's name. Not their identity.
So what else gets erased when an entity no longer exists?
The Pillars of Creation
I can't find it now, but I know that someone else pointed this out (if it was you, please drop the link to your meta in the comments, I will incorporate the reference):
The nebula featured in the S2E1 opening scene is called The Pillars of Creation.
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But the Pillars of Creation are pure nostalgia. They don’t exist, but they did exist, because the phenomenon is so far away that the light collected by the James Webb was emitted 6,500 years ago. We see it now, in the present, and NASA hopes it will serve the future, but it is only a vestige of space’s past.
The research that went into choosing this specific nebula and incorporating it into Good Omens is... well, astronomical. In Good Omens, "the universe" was created about 6,000 years ago. Angel!Crowley was working on this nebula Before the Beginning. His star factory was made to run for millions of years; the engine wouldn't have warmed up by now. But the Pillars are gone. They were erased from existence, just like their creator.
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checkmatehq · 2 months
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Jung Yoojin taps a spoon on her champagne flute and stands. She doesn’t know it yet, but this will be the first and last time that she’ll get a taste of what it feels like to be The Queen. Still, she savors every moment as she smiles plainly at her subjects. Anyone halfway sober can see the devious intent behind her eyes.
“Well,” she says to the assembled party, “now that you’re all drunk enough, I think it’s about time I reveal why I’ve gathered you here for my ritual.”
There’s a buoy about 100 meters from the shore, and the challenge is for her and her fellow initiates to swim there and back. Sounds simple, no? Even the slowest swimmer shouldn’t take more than ten minutes to get there and back — even if they have to do it in their underwear in a lake that’s threatening to freeze over. But Yoojin, ever the brilliant tactician, had planned for this. She’d afforded them a luxurious meal and free-flowing champagne, lulling them into a sense of complacency while she herself had been sipping on grape juice on an empty stomach. Everyone with half a brain knows that drunkenness and a full stomach pairs terribly with swimming — she, for one, hopes it’s enough to slow down the bulk of her competition.
“Hope you guys aren’t too full or too drunk,” she repeats, grinning brightly, “because we need to be at the lake by half past ten — sharp — so if you get there even a minute later, you automatically forfeit the ritual.”
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the following is a timeline of events on DECEMBER 4TH, the day of noh hyungseo’s death. these events have taken place at the club alumni-owned 5-star midas resort approximately 1km away from cheongpyeong lake. all initiates and chessmasters are instructed to arrive by 5pm latest. more information regarding jung yoojin’s designed ritual is scheduled to be released at dinnertime.
12.00PM  the first member arrives. 04.30PM  noh hyungseo and his accomplices, KIM SEUNGHAN ( @5threquiem ) and CHOI HAJOON ( @ofkaan ), decide to play a prank while waiting for the next order of business. the trio obtain BYUN INTAE ( @cntrlaltdel )’s key card from the concierge and break into their unattended room. they steal BYUN INTAE’s belongings and discard them in cheongpyeong lake. BYUN INTAE finds out about this when it is too late. 06.00PM  the last member arrives. 07.00PM  dinner and drinks are served at the resort’s private function room. 09.00PM  jung yoojin announces details regarding the rituals (stipulated above). 09.30PM  HONG JEONGWON ( @furchterlich ) and YOON NAEON ( @grazedbullets ) conspire to sabotage noh hyungseo’s performance in the upcoming ritual. the two purchase laxatives from a nearby pharmacy and slip this into his drink. 10.00PM  all club members make their way to the east bank of cheongpyeong lake for the ritual.
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EVENT DETAILS  welcome to checkmate’s first event! this event is set on december 4th, 2016, the day of noh hyungseo’s death. it features a ritual designed by Qe1's queen initiate, jung yoojin. you can read more about her in the events page! when participating in this event, please only explore events leading up to the ritual — we advise you not to explore anything past arriving at the east bank of cheongpyeong lake at approximately 10.30pm.
OOC INFO this is a two-part event — this first part is set in 2016. please tag all posts pertaining to this event with #cm:sink. the second part of this event will be set in 2024 and is scheduled to be released on 21 july, 8pm pst. please keep your askbox open with the anonymous function turned on in preparation for the second part of this event! all event starters may be posted up until 4 august, 8pm pst and should be wrapped up by 18 august, 8pm pst. participation is optional, though it is understood that your muses would have been present at this event regardless. admin care tip! to avoid overwhelming yourselves, we suggest capping the number of threads you intend to write for each part! if you would like to participate but prefer not to thread, we suggest releasing a list of headcanons detailing how your muse has navigated this event! a list of 5+ headcanons will count as 1 thread activity and can only be claimed twice in this event: once for the first part in 2016, and another for the second part in 2024.
SIGN UPS  character sign ups are available for members A, B, C, D, and E as detailed in the event schedule. if you would like to claim a role, please comment your choice under this post. each role can only be occupied by one character and will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. reasons behind their actions are entirely up to you to decide.
thank you for your interest and we hope you enjoy part one of our first event! if you have any questions or concerns, we are happy to receive them through the askbox or dms!
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