#[also. technically i don't know how many times he looked at her last memory. but he very obviously touched her every time they spoke.]
c-sand · 8 months
every single time dain touched violet's face, i knew what he was doing, because it was obvious. but, still. what a punk.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Immortal Danny meets his Families Reincarnations after years
So, Immortal Danny had to suffer through the deaths of his friends and family. For some reason, they never became Ghosts in the Zone, but he has kept looking for them in the Zone for centuries.
Then, one day, Clockwork come to him and explains that his Friends have all been Reincarnated. Due to them having died peaceful deaths, there weren't enough emotions to be turned into Ghosts, instead their souls were Reincarnated due to the amount of Ectoplasm in their bodies.
Danny goes to the Universe where they were Reincarnated, and finds that they all ended up reincarnating in a similar time-frame and location, and all ended up meeting eachother again.
His family and friends Reincarnated as the Bat Family
Bruce is actually the reincarnation of Jack Fenton, and while he is still a much better driver than before, Alfred prefers life thank you very much. He uses his Tech Know-How to build all his Bat-Gear. Hall also freakishly strong, and he isn't a Meta, so he has always been a little confused about that. His lingering guilt at being a bad dad in his past life leads him to be as great a dad as he can in this one.
Maddie Fenton is now Selena Kyle, using her natural athletic expertise and genius level technical know-how to steal artifacts from museums better than her canon counterpart ever could. She has always felt a connection to Batman for some reason, and flirted constantly.
Jazz became Barbra Gordan, and she is just as much a psychologist in this life as the last, but she uses it for Crime solving instead. I'm just going to say that she was officially adopted without Comissioner Gordans knowledge. He is not happy when he finds out that his daughter is legally shared by him and bruce.
Sam became Cassandra Cain, who for some reason has new Plant Powers reminiscent of Poison Ivy. Her soul is still technically that of the "Daughter of Undergrowth", so she gets her plant powers even in death. She now considers Poison Ivy her new sister for some reason. She is also still a Vegan.
Tucker is now Duke Thomas, who is confused as to why he seemingly has Egyptian Magic alongside his own Meta Abilities all of a sudden. He also has a talent for Coding and Hacking that could rival every other member of their family.
Tim used to be Wes, who befriended Danny after a while in his old life. He uses his smarts to figure out Batman is Bruce Wayne, and becomes the second Robin.
Dick was Dash, who mellowed out and became a good friend to Danny a while after the end of the series. In his new life, he is much kinder to everybody around him, as a remnant of his guilt for being so mean in his past life. It's alsowwhy he became a Cop.
Jason is undecided. Maybe he is still a friend to Danny, but he met him when he died and Danny found him while wandering. He considered him a little brother before he was resurrected and lost his memories. Or maybe he was another of Danny's friends, idk.
Alfred used to be Mr Lancer, and he has always had a weird talent for dealing with chaotic and freakishly strong teenagers. He also has a Love for helping children down on their luck.
Steph could have been Star, who rekindled her friendship with Danny after a few years as well. I honestly just like the idea of Danny's bullies becoming his friends after getting their life together.
I don't know about many of the others
This could then go 2 ways
Option 1:
When Danny discovers that his Family has all Reincarnated, he decides to Reincarnate as well to be with them again. With the help of Clockwork, he becomes Damian Al Ghul, born only a little time after his other family and friends.
He makes it so that he will slowly regain his memories and powers over his lifetime until he hits the age of 14, the age he was when he died.
The other Batfamily Members are confused, because Damian all of a sudden called a Family Meeting, and began telling them a story about how they were all the reincarnations of the mortal friends and family of the Ghost King. And that he is the Ghost King as well.
And it makes sense for some reason, they have all had vivid dreams of past lives, or skills and abilities that they don't remember picking up.
They slowly accept his story and the story continues from there.
Option 2:
Danny just goes directly to them after figuring it out, and the Batclan is suddenly visited by the God King of the Afterlife shouting about how he finally found his family.
Danny is just happy to be there, while the others are looking at bruce like "Oh my god, his Adoption Addiction has gotten so strong that the souls of the dead are being adopted by him"
And Danny is meeting his new brother Damian.
Or, Bonus Option
Danny goes to meet with them, then Damian walks in and pulls him aside. Tells him to ask for Clockwork to Reincarnate him, and pushes him through a portal.
A combination where Danny meets them, and then after he meets them goes back in time and Reincarnates himself as Damian.
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an-au-blog · 4 months
Re-ordering (highest to lowest) the bounties in the strawhat crew because Oda is either way too bias or has the memory of a goldfish. (I'm rating them if I was a marine in canon) (updated I didn't mean to miss anyone I'm so sorry)
1. Luffy
for obvious reasons: he's the captain, strongest, etc.
2. Nico Robin
i cannot stress this enough. NICO ROBIN IS SECOND!
She is the only person left alive that can read the ponegliphs, therefore the only one who can get ANYONE to Laugh tale. She had been chased by the government since she was eight. She's not only one of the smartest people not only on the crew, but dare I say on the Grand Line, but she's also one of the strongest. (like idk how people keep forgetting this, did we not watch Wano???) She's been an assassin and the right hand man of one of the seven warlords for years. I'd even say she was kind of his body guard tbh...
3. Franky
I'm putting Franky so high up because of a couple of factors. The obvious ones: He is physically strong, also extremely smart (as he was an apprentice to a man so feared by the marines they looked for any excuse to execute him, whether because of his social standing or skills) He has lasers(one of the strongest, if not THE strongest weapons in their universe) designed by Vega Punk himself. But most importantly: he memorized the blue prints of a weapon important enough for the world government to try and assassinate as many people as they need to get their hands on. He can build it at any point and there's no other copy of it.
4. Zoro and Sanji (same bounty)
I'm putting them above the rest mainly because I still respect Oda's decision to put them higher up. Physical strength aside, each of them, in my opinion, has a good reason to be deemed as dangerous. Logically, one would put the Captain's right-hand man above the other, but Sanji's "Vinsmoke" status, much as he hates it, boosts him up. He may not have grown up with them or have the same mutations or "upgrades", but the people don't know that. Fear wins half the battle.
5. Jinbei and Brook
By very little below №4, if they're not the same, they are very close (but IDK which one is above the other.) What would be scariest to me if I was the world government's shoes, would be influenced and propaganda, and these two are extremely influential figures and loved by many.
But let's start with Jinbei: He's an ex-warlord. He is lobed by man, if not all of Fiahman island. He's highly respected and feared. The waters are his domain, plus he's physically very strong.
Brook: a master swordsman and a man who can control people with music?!?! I feel like we keep forgetting that. He also spent the time skip become an infamous rockstar, who's fans FOUGHT THE NAVIE so they could listen to him! Influence-wise, Brook takes the cake.
6. Usopp
With half-a-mind to put him in the №5 bundle, I'm putting him a bit lower for one reason only: not everyone would know or believe what happened in Dresrossa. Undoubtedly, he had created a cult-like following there and he can spin a tale to his advantage, and technically being pronounced a "God" would make it... a cult... But that would lose brownie points in the major public's eyes. Even though his skills are admirable, he's not as strong or wildly influential as Jinbei (a literal warlord) and Brook (the Michael Jackson of op)
7. Nami
Navigator, they can't go far or fast without her. She has had a record with the navie before as a petty thief, but other than her charms and wits, there's no reason for them to put her higher...
8. Chopper
The Navie does not care for Chopper. I don't think they'd put him anywhere above the last spot in any universe... sorry.
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mondothebombo · 26 days
Mondo 👉👈 could you explain all the ways you connect the song Home to Wytyaa?…. Like Important Lyrics. I have been listening to it a lot and I need to know for reasons. :)
oli you have no idea how long i’ve been waiting for someone to ask this. all the lyrics are technically important, and i may or may not have storyboarded scenes to this song in my head lmaooo. i’ve been wanting to talk abt this for SO FUCKING LONG so here we go!!!
Often I am upset that I cannot fall in love but I guess
This avoids the stress of falling out of it
jay doubting whether nya actually wants to be with him or if she’s just pitying him, when he wakes up from passing out in chap 6
Are you tired of me yet?
I'm a little sick right now but I swear
When I'm ready I will fly us out of here
this is jay noticing the others are getting worried and him sitting with all his bad thoughts, also as him talking to nya, kinda like “once i get my shit together and get over this, i’ll make things better”
I'll cut my hair
To make you stare
jay and nya both subtly subconsciously changing their appearances to separate themselves from what happened
I'll hide my chest
And I'll figure out a way to get us out of here
jay hiding his scars and trying to ignore everything for nya’s sake, intending to keep his promise of fixing his mistakes
Turn off your porcelain face
jays facade dropping and the others getting progressively more worried
I can't really think right now in this place
cole confronting jay abt his scars and jay getting overstimulated he lashes out
There's too many colors enough to drive all of us insane
jay freaking out when he gets high from the pain meds and yelling at kai for touching him the day after alec breaks his wrist
Are you dead?
jay seeing nya’s dead body when he looks at her
Sometimes I think I'm dead
jay/nya feeling the phantom pains
'Cause I can feel ghosts and ghouls wrapping my head
jay hearing nadakhan’s and the pirates voices in his head
But I don't wanna fall asleep just yet
jay having that dream
My eyes went dark
nya finding out abt the SA
I don't know where
My pupils are
jay looking in the mirror and hating his eye/scars
But I'll figure out a way to get us out of here
again, jay trying to be ok for nya
Get a load of this monster
He doesn't know how to communicate
this is most definitely jay thinking his friends hate him while he’s alone on the ship
His mind is in a different place
jay spacing out during scrap n tap, thinking of how the others see him
Will everybody please give him a little bit of space
transition back to him training with lloyd the day after he resets time and freaking out, accidentally hurting lloyd in the process
Get a load of this train-wreck
His hair's a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet
this is him stuck in the memories and believing everything nadakhan and the pirates said abt him, hallucinating and seeing nadakhan at random times
But little do we know, the stars
Welcome him with open arms
slowly fades to the present, where the others keep trying to prove they love him
Time is
nya and jay having the conversation where she talks abt the extent of her trauma
jay and nya laughing together while lightly training in the middle of the night
Tracing his face
their talk w wu when he says he’s proud of them
But strangely he feels at home in this place
and finally, the last scene of chapter 7, where jay and nya come and sit with the others after their talk w wu, and jay finally cries with relief as he cuddles w the others
i hope i explained this well enough, please feel free to ask me if anything needs clarification :D
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andreal831 · 8 days
Please tell me you don't blame Elijah for Hayley's death because all too many already do.
I am like jeez he didn't have his memory in the first place to save his family or specifically Hope!!!
That man did everything he could for her and he loved her moreover he fell for her even without his memory, like what more do y'all want now from him???
PS: I also think he died at the end not just cause of Klaus's death but also cause his grief was too much for him to bear, why else would he leave his family, hope alone?
What you think?
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I'll never blame Elijah for Hayley's death and will fight anyone who does. It typically comes from Klayley stans, so I made a tik tok to explain that logic: here.
My biggest gripe with it is the writers clearly did it to prop Klaus up as being the best man for everyone and adding onto Elijah's despair to kill him off. Klaus got to somehow play the victim in Hayley's death. The show made it more about him than even Hope or Hayley.
But yes, Elijah erased his memories to protect his family. People love to call him a hypocrite because he tried to have morals but would always cross them for family. Elijah erasing his memories was him trying to do the right thing because he realized this about himself. Talk about character development. He knew that, even if it would jeopardize some of his family, if Klaus needed him, he wouldn't be able to help himself. So he erased himself. He essentially killed himself. And the fandom somehow makes Klaus the victim in even that. If the show was going to do all that, might as well have just given all of the Hollow to Elijah and staked him (plug for my story, Last Sacrifice, on AO3 and WP).
So after Elijah essentially commits suicide for his family, he finally gets to live. But not really him. Some guy who doesn't know anything gets to live. How Marcel, Vincent, and Elijah thought that would be a good idea is beyond me. So he is released into the wild with no protection and Antoinette essentially takes advantage of it. I could never get into them as a ship after finding out she knew who he was the whole time. He is with her for seven years (his longest relationship) and even engaged to her. Enter Greta who convinces him that his family is in danger. Yes, Antoinette was his family so Greta and Roman were his family by extension. And we know how protective Elijah is about family.
And yes, he does know he's technically a Mikaelson and they are technically his family. But he also knows they are terrible people and has no emotions to go with that knowledge except the normal disgust one feels when looking at random mass murderers. They mean nothing to him. He walks into that house believing Klaus is there to kill his almost brother-in-law. He then sees "Andrea" and likely realizes it is Hayley. But again, no emotions are attached to the name Hayley. He may have been attracted and felt a connection to Andrea, but he is actively realizing their evening together was a lie. That she hid her identity from him and he isn't sure why, but knowing what he knows about the Mikaelsons, he doesn't trust it. Granted he is processing all of this in seconds. He looks around, sees Hayley and Greta in a fight, sees Roman and Hope unconscious on the floor, and see Klaus moving forward, unsure where he is headed. He doesn't help Greta, he doesn't involve himself in the Mikaelsons, he simply stops Klaus and moves to rescue Roman.
Yes, it sucks that seeing Hayley didn't just break the compulsion, but that's not how this world works. He didn't even know he wanted to fight the compulsion so he didn't. What he did fight was the compulsion to make him remember. As soon as the emotion started to come back and he realized Hayley was dead, he fought the compulsion to stop it for days. He'd rather never remember a moment of his life than live with the fact that Hayley was dead.
The argument really falls apart when, as you said, you point out the true Elijah. Anytime the writers wanted to cause issues for haylijah, they had to push Elijah into OOC. When she went behind the red door and he was the monster he was afraid to become and then when he literally erased who he was. Elijah with memories would have found Hayley even faster than Klaus cause he wouldn't have wasted any time. He would have gotten there before they even had time to bind her wolf side. Hell, he would have realized she was missing right away and found her before Greta kidnapped her. The only way they could have Elijah not save Hayley was to completely erase him.
I've talked about Elijah's decision to die by Klaus' side: here and here. To me, Elijah was always a bit suicidal so it didn't take much to push him there. Losing Hayley was the last straw because not only did he lose her, but he lost Hope. Klaus or Freya blamed him for Hayley's death and Hope hated him for it. Rebekah was ready to run off with Marcel, Kol with Davina, Freya and Keelin were moving on. Elijah was utterly alone. I think it had less to do with Klaus than to do with Elijah just having nothing to live for. I hate how people make even Elijah's death center around Klaus.
Klaus could have lived for Hope but chose not to. Elijah was going to die either way because he didn't want to live anymore. A lot of that was due to losing Hayley. Maybe if he had a better bond with Hope or anyone in his family had put effort into being there for him, it could have been different.
Thank you for the ask! I'm kind of sad that you would even think that of me! (Jk! I realized I've never spoken about it on here <3)
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dootznbootz · 9 months
Hiiiiiii I just saw the character ask thing :))))
Can you tell me about your NOTP, random headcanon and unpopular opinion about Helen of Sparta?
Thank you so much!!!
I'll save the one that'll get me crucified last! 👍
Random headcanon: Both Odysseus and Penelope were given a "photographic memory" by Athena. When Athena had "forsaken" Odysseus it was taken away. Makes it nice because a lot of the more fucked up parts of the Odyssey are a bit more "fuzzy" for him. And he hates feeling "so out of sorts". He gets it back though.
Also Athena technically took Penelope under her "wing" like, one month before Odysseus.
Unpopular Helen Opinion: In MY FICS, (It's okay if you don't agree!) She is built like Rose Quartz from Steven Universe. She doesn't have a perfect "hourglass figure". She's got some pudge on her tummy. Girl is TALL (Demigod) and CHUBBY. One of the important components of Helen and Menelaus' relationship is that they are both strong enough to lift each other. Also she's the most beautiful woman in the world and chubby women are hot af lskdjf She also SUCKS at singing. She's good at wrestling and spear work. (Sparta. I also love athletic women. Plenty of chubby women are also athletic af. If you think otherwise, literally look up women's Olympic sports participants.)
Homies, know that my NOTP can be YOUR OTP and that's okay! We can still love each other and be friends! Ignore the rest if you just don't want to see that, but know that while it kind of will be in my fics, it's probably not in the way you want it to be.
Please don't hate me and know I don't hate you or think I'm "correct"!
It's OdyDio.
These are the reasons why so avoid them if you don't want to read that! :'D This is the only time I will ever be on the "Odysseus hate train" because he's such an asshole to Diomedes.
I feel so bad about it. 😭 I'm a freak who likes Odysseus/Menelaus (Big BROTP) I think it's because Odysseus is just... SO MEAN to Diomedes. And when he's not mean, he's just neutral. There is not really any "Diomedes, you're the best guy!". Especially when have Sthenelus and Diomedes saying I love you to each other To ME, they are like co-workers who work GREAT together on the battlefield and on missions, but never do anything outside of that.
When Diomedes asks for help, Odysseus sprints away from battle. When Diomedes compliments him before the night raid, Odysseus literally is like "Dude, you're not the only person who knows I'm good at stealing. Let's go."
Odysseus, that long-suffering, godlike man, replied: “Son of Tydeus, don’t over-praise me, or censure me. You’re speaking to the Argives,                           who know everything about me. Let’s go. Night is passing quickly. Dawn approaches. The stars have shifted forward. Most of the night                   has passed, two thirds of it, with one third left.”
(Ian Johnston, Book 10)
Odysseus is an asshole but he's still so mean to Diomedes! 😭 ESPECIALLY WHEN DIOMEDES IS SO FUCKING NICE TO ODYSSEUS!!! I know that's what probably makes them so compelling to so many lovely folks but I love fluff BECAUSE I'm so tired of toxic relationships irl. I don't...I don't see how I can make OdyDio fluffy 😥 With OdyDio, I feel like I'm watching my bestie (Diomedes) get back with their toxic ex who mistreats them (Odysseus). Diomedes is actually quite polite to the others. Even when Agamemnon scolds him, he tells Sthenelus to think nothing of it. He compliments Odysseus! He listens to the gods when they tell him "Hey stop fighting!" and listens to Athena! Like he's violent and a killing machine but he's respectful! He's a traumatized, respectful, killing machine! He bitches at Paris but everyone has done that! That's something everyone partakes in /j
It bothers me even more because when Odysseus is with Penelope, he's so wonderful and loving? And that the Odyssey, literally Odysseus' story/Epic, doesn't even really mention Diomedes? That goes to show how little Diomedes means to Odysseus.
And since Odysseus runs away from Diomedes when he asks for help, it boggles my mind that books earlier, he goes into a rage when his friend gets killed!
[...]but hit Leucus, a brave companion of Odysseus, in the groin,                                           as he was dragging Simoeisius away. His hands let go. He fell down on the corpse. Enraged at Leucus’ slaughter, Odysseus strode up, through the front ranks, armed in gleaming bronze. Going in close, he took his stand. Looking round, he hurled his glittering spear. As he threw, Trojans moved back, but the spear found a mark. It hit Democoön, Priam’s bastard son, who had come from Abydos, where he bred horses for their speed.                                    Angry for his friend, Odysseus speared him in the temple.
(Ian Johnston, Book 4)
Odysseus, you prick!!! You go on a rampage when your buddy gets killed but sprint away when your STILL ALIVE BUDDY asks you for help?! ASSHOLE
They ARE kind of friends/frenemies during the end of the war but it's a weird thing where Diomedes cares about Odysseus but Odysseus tolerates him. Like he left him to die. I love Odysseus. He's my special little guy but he treats Diomedes, another special little guy, like shit 😞
They also have a fairly large agegap, (Odysseus being one of the older kings while Diomedes is the youngest. If you bring up pederasty, you will be smited.) and have very little in common other than them both being Athena's pets. Odysseus is a fucked up lil warrior trickster who loves his wife and child more than life itself while Diomedes is a young child soldier boy who is incredibly duty bound and war is where he feels most comfortable.
Also just...Most of anything about OdyDio (fanart/fanfic/etc.) it's of them fighting or bickering or betraying each other or being very sexual. Even OdyPenDio STILL feels very "OdyDio... + Penelope in the footnotes". I already plan to write Odysseus (and Penelope) as Aspec CODED and so I...just really don't care for that??? There's barely ANYTHING of them being soft. BECAUSE THEM TWO TOGETHER just aren't soft... I personally don't like couples that are mean to each other 😭 (I'm not even including the whole "betrayal with the Pallidium" because it makes me sad to think about. I don't consider it canon.)
Menelaus though?
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I have plans 😌 These two bring me comfort and are a special brotp
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sunnysam-my · 3 months
One of the funniest things in Criminal Minds to me was the writers poor attempt at making Reid look super smart. I say poor because, if you know anything about what they claim Spencer can do, you know why it's ridiculous.
1. Speed Reading.
It's a unique skill Spencer has that's used often through out the show. He claims he can read 20,000 words per minute. The thing is, the way he does it makes no sense.
First of all, when speed reading, you pay the price of comprehending the text. It is suggested by experts that speed-reading is most useful to those who need "to skim a large amount of material or need to improve their study skills" and less useful to those who read "highly technical material that requires careful study of each sentence". A lot of what Spencer reads is exactly that.
Second of all, on a normal book page, about 250-300 words fit on a page. Unless my math is incorrect, if he can read 20000 w/m then he can read 333.333 per second. He can read a book page in less than a second.
Even if my math is wrong, the average word count for adult fiction and non-fiction is between 70,000 to 120,000 words. ​The average word count in a book is between 60,000 and 100,000 words. He can read a 80,000 words long book in 4 minutes. He could read the entirty of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (~75,000 words) in less than that.
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2. Eidetic Memory
Again, I'm not really sure the writers even know what that means. Eidetic memory, also (incorrectly) known as total recall and photographic memory, is the ability to recall an image from memory with high precision, at least for a brief period of time, after seeing it only once.
The key words here are for a brief period of time. Unlike with photographic memory, it's a vivid afterimage that lingers. Additionally the memories often contain minor errors, including information that was not present in the original visual stimulus.
It's a very complicated and interesting matter, you can look into it more, but basically the writers just used it as an ass excuse to give Spencer perfect memory.
3. The Star Puzzle
I genuinely laughed at this scene. The Star Puzzle is literally a beginner-medium level puzzle. I have that star, I can see only 2, maybe 3 ways you can make a mistake while assembling it. My mom, who doesn't do those regularly like I do, only needed 15 minutes to figure out all on her own. The hard part is physically putting it together, because, until it's complete, nothing is holding the pieces together and they fall through your hands.
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Noticed another thing? The way she describes it? "It's basically impossible to figure out. You have to put all the pieces back together to form a star." "It's basically impossible to do, because you have to take all those pieces and put them exactly…-" Like, yeah? That's how puzzles work??? Congratulations? All puzzles work like this. You have to put them together in the only correct order or solved them using the only solution. It's rare for puzzles to have more than one solution, that's kinda the point of them. And yeah, you can cheat usually, like with the star if you assemble it loosely and jam the last piece, but that's not the same.
And the thing is, there are harder versions of this, but no, they had to go with the identical 6 pieces. This just makes her look like an idiot.
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4. His geeky overreactions were very reasonable, actually.
TBH I stopped watching CM a while ago, so don't remember as many situation as I used to, but I remember Phantasmagoria scene. Maybe this is more of geeky pet peeve of mine, but whatever.
Reid is 100% underselling Phantasmagoria here. It's not just a horror theatre play with a bit of science magic to spook the audience. They literally invented holograms for this.* Our modern image of a ghost? It's all thanks to Phantasmagoria which used live holograms** so the actors playing ghost could appear to be half transparent and floating.
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You can still think that's not that cool, but wait, there's more. Other than that it used projects and many other 'magic tricks' to not only bring the monsters to life, so you can see them, but also feel them. Phantasmagoria used many special effects outside of visual illusion to make you feel cold winds, smells blood e.t.c. That's better than any other movie you can go to, especially since we're talking about reenactment, which use improved technology. Although you won't get drugged drinks before going in nowadays, so count that as a win or loss. On top of that, reenactments of Phantasmagoria are rare and for many this may be the only chance in their life to see it.
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It's kinda like a walk-through haunted house, except you don't walk and there's a plot. The scene shows Spencer as some weird geek for being excited, which sucks. In general I could talk about how awful the teammates are to him half of the time, but that's not my biggest problem here. We as an audience are meant to find Reid's excitement and knowledge as lame and nerdy, but he's not even overreacting. That's a very tamed reaction when you invite your friends to possibly one in a lifetime chance to see this amazing horror magic, horror, theatre play.
*For horror shows in general, a bit earlier than Phantasmagoria, but it gave birth to it.
**Pepper's ghost isn't technically holographic, but you get it. Most people call it that anyway.
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marvelmymarvel · 1 year
Okay so I have major writers block but I have to share my LOTR idea with yall. And I'm almost certain I am breaking so much cannon lore with the idea but I wanna do it anyway because I can. So please do not correct me, I know I'm wrong just have fun with it.
So here is my idea.
The reader is someone from here and ends up in Middle Earth. Elrond found her and put some of his blood in her to make her immortal. She technically is an elf but looks like a human. The orcs have been chasing after her for thousands of years. so Elrond, to keep her safe, sends her off to Mirkwood to stay with Thranduil. She hates it and manages to sneak out and join the dwarves on their adventures. They don't know she has elven blood in her until they meet with Elrond in Rivendell.
The scene where they are in Rivendell is where my newest idea is placed. Elrond pulls her aside and states that they (Elrond, Thranduil, Gandalf, and Galadriel) haven't been honest with her and have finally decided to open up about her true origin.
Also, all of this is to the song Ptolomaea by Ethel Cain (https://youtu.be/aLy27Xo-gos?si=AcO8odVHGrtgKGIp) Mainly the last part where the darker voice is talking... Art of Elven Sauron below is by Csanikainferna
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Elrond eyed you, hesitant with how much to say and how much to show. "I haven't been honest with you... How old do you think you are?"
Your eyebrows furrowed and your eyes slid to Gandalf standing beside the fountain. The three of you were outside in the courtyard, the moonlight shining down and illuminating his gray hair. "I'm around 3,000 years old..." you trailed off as you looked back to Elrond who only stared at you blankly as he gnawed on his lip. "Who found you?"
"You did, what are these questions??" you bit back, nerves finally eating away at you as dread fell over your senses. Elrond sighed before moving towards you, "I should have done this a long time ago, but I was afraid doing so would put you in danger-"
You stepped back away from him, hand coming up to stop him from advancing. "I'm scared-"
"3,000 years ago I took your memories away. I'm going to give them back. All you need to remember is that he won't hurt you... Do you trust me?"
You were frozen but slowly felt yourself nod at the one person you trusted more than anyone else on this continent. His fingers came up and rested on your forehead, "You're safe, I'll be here when you come back-"
Darkness sucked you in before he had a chance to finish his sentence. Your eyes blinked open, blearily looking around the dark space around you. Rocks stabbed into your skin and a terrible heat was making it hard to breathe. Suddenly, ugly faces hovered over you and you gasped in fright as the orcs hauled you up from the ground. Your feet were kicking and you screamed out for them to let you go as they dragged you to the castle. It had dawned on you rather swiftly that you were in Mordor.
Fear coursed through your veins as large doors opened before you, showcasing a large room with a man sitting rigidly on the throne. It felt as if the wind had been knocked out of you at the sight of the blonde man before you. You didn't know how and you didn't know why, but he felt familiar.
He felt like home.
"Why hello there... What might your name be?"
You knew who he was, knew him as the dark lord. He was the nightmare mothers would tell their children about when they were misbehaving. He was murderous. A monster.
And yet, all you felt when looking up at him was peace, as if you had been searching for him for many millennia and you finally found him.
The scene shifted and suddenly multiple images and moments flashed before your very eyes. Tears started to stream down your face as you took in just how much the feared man loved you. You had begged him to give up his desire for power and control, questioning if he really loved you. That argument seemed to anger him, because he loved you more than anything, and his power would be shared with you.
The both of you would rule the world.
The scenes continued to flash quickly as the conversations morphed into a high-pitched scream before it all went silent and you were looking down at your peacefully sleeping body that was wrapped in black silk sheets. The door to the room opened and you whirled around in fright.
From the darkness emerged Elrond and it finally dawned on you that you weren't saved from Sauron.
You were taken from him.
You stepped in front of your sleeping body but Elrond moved through you as if you didn't exist, only reminding you that this was a memory.
A memory that was stolen from you.
"Oh my... What... Who is she?" Another voice came from the doorway and you knew it was one of Elrond's generals. "I thought she was a myth... But I can already see his magic wearing off... If we don't give her something, she won't last through the night..."
Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked over their shoulder and you noticed the color from your face draining. Elrond scooped you up in his arms, "Gandalf can transfer some of my life force to her, but we must hurry" he said swiftly as they moved out of the bedroom.
The scenes morphed again before flashing, showing you the memories you were allowed to remember. From waking up in Rivendell, acclimating to immortality, being transported to Mirkwood, meeting Thorin, to all the way up to now where you were on the ground kneeling in front of Elrond. Tears streaming down your face as he held you close.
You tilted your head down at the sight, confused as to why you weren't in your own body still, but you would soon get your answer. Your head fell backward, mouth opening as a scream ripped from your throat. Your chest lifted up into the air as if you were being possessed.
The scream cut off, leaving you all in silence. Gandalf was gripping his chest in disbelief as Elrond stroked your cheek with his thumb. "Y/n-"
Your head snapped forward, e/c eyes now blazing red, the same red of the lovers they stole you from.
"Y/n, wake up-" Elrond stated firmly as he tried to shake you out of it.
"I am no good nor evil, simply I am and I have come to take what is mine" The dark tone coming from your lips had you reeling back in fear, realization dawning on you that you had indeed been possessed.
Elrond paled at the words as my possessed lips slipped up into a snarling grin. He opened his mouth to curse at the dark lord in your body, but you continued. "I was there in the dark when you spilled your first blood. I am here now, as you run from me still."
Gandalf rushed forward, hand coming out to try and rip the dark lord from your body.
Your red eyes flicked to Gandalf, "Run then, child," Gandalf ignored the threat and slammed his hand onto your head, making you start to slump over. The red in your eyes started to fade and you began to feel the pull of your by-standing soul into your once-possessed body.
"You can't hide from me forever."
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leggywillow · 7 months
Fic Writer Interview
I was tagged by @feralkwe
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
10 🙈
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
He Thought Her Unsinkable (50)
Never Free (41)
Failed Attempts at Simpler Lives (24)
Ashes (12)
Torture Of Your Own Design (10)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! I really can’t overstate how much I love and value every comment and how they make my day and really keep me going when I worry that no one’s interested, lol. I want the commenters to know that, even if sometimes all I can say is “thanks!” Because I can’t grab them by the shoulders and just shriek right in their face.
People engaging with my characters and ships and little situations is like… the point for me. It’s the DREAM, for real.
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Technically it’s the short Ashes, since that ends with Hawke dead and Anders and Justice gone. The one that makes me the saddest, though, is Strange Bedfellows. That fic spends more time getting to know the characters before destroying them.
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Never Free ends the most hopefully, I feel.
7. Do you write crossovers?
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No, which is the good part of focusing on niche content with OCs, lol. I may not rack up numbers but I also don’t get attention from the meanies.
9. Do you write smut?
Not really, but god I want to. I’ve put a grand total of like 2.3 smut-esque scenes in my stories, because I just chicken the hell out. I get SO self-conscious, and it just feels so bad lmao. No idea how to overcome this.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, and I can’t imagine anyone has. Another benefit of creating niche content.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I’m aware of. That would be pretty cool though.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but it’s something I’d be open to if the right circumstances came up. It seems pretty unlikely at this point in my fandom life, but you never know.
13. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I feel like the Simpsons’ “SAY THE LINE, BART!” meme right now because it’s obviously Carver Hawke/my Surana. You know, the only ship I ever write and talk about.
The only other ship I’ve been both feral and inspired enough to write about is Hawke/Alistair, so that ship gets second place.
Mind you, this is strictly from a “writing fanfic” perspective. I love lots of different ships, including multishipping for the above characters.
14. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I don’t post many things so the only unfinished WIP (besides the one I’m currently working on) is my Hawkistair fic, He Thought Her Unsinkable, that I last updated in 2016. Two years ago I would have said it would stay unfinished forever, but now I DO have intentions of coming back to it. (I got thoroughly stuck with progressing both the plot and the ship and I’ve since thought up solutions for both.)
I’ll probably rewrite the whole thing though. There was a lot of room for improvement, and I cringe looking back.
15. What are your writing strengths?
This is hard for me because I’m so riddled with imposter syndrome and anxiety, but I think I do character dialogue well. I can hear voices very clearly in my head and it’s one of the few things my memory holds onto, so I fiddle with my lines until I can hear the character saying them in their cadence.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I struggle with descriptions for sure. Knowing how much or little to include, yes, but I also find myself just blanking out on descriptive words when I need them.
Me, desperately, to my own brain: We’ve seen a house before! I need words to describe a house!
Brain: I have never seen one of those before in my life.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
This is something where I try to stay pretty firmly in my lane, because I know it can be done poorly if you don’t know what you’re doing. And I do not, lol. If a character is speaking in another language, I just say that. I try to keep my usage of other languages to exclamations and terms of endearment if they come up naturally.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I wrote Animorphs fanfic on an old typewriter at my dad’s office when I had to be there after school as a kid and then later on some little word processor software for kids that looked like you were typing in a little book. (I’ve been desperately trying to figure out what 1990s software this could have been to no avail, for nostalgia’s sake.) I made some kind of human/Hork-Bajir hybrid OC that was basically like Wolverine with the badass retracting blades in her skin.
19. What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
I only like writing fic when I have BIG AND SPECIFIC IDEAS that grab me, and that only comes with being incredibly hyperfixated on the source material until I’m comfortable with the setting… so basically I’m very content in my Dragon Age sandbox and don’t have much desire to branch out. That said, I do love my Dark Urge from Baldur’s Gate 3 and am very tempted to write about her someday.
20. What's your favorite fic you've written?
I think I’ll have to go with Never Free. Failed Attempts at Simpler Lives has more character interactions that I deeply enjoyed writing, but I’m really proud of the plot I wove together in Never Free.
Tagging @theluckywizard @rakshadow @inquisimer @nirikeehan and anybody who thinks it looks fun!
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Hi April!! ^-^/🎫 <- is for you
~ @botanists-little-cookie
Okay, I've held onto this for a while but I'm gonna finally gush about Zayne hehe :3 I honestly don't even know where to start since my brain's usually just !!! a lot when I think about him.
Like everyone usually sees him as cold or stoic, but he has such a teasing, playful side too. It's a lot more subtle (and honestly kind of sarcastic) but it's there. And he seems to go along with a lot of the mc's antics if they're harmless (like the mc told him to talk to a plushie and he did and in the secret fairytale card they had like a little roleplay session lol) -- and also teasing her for thinking that he mostly hung out at museums by bringing it up again playfully and all that
But he's like the sweetest ever?? All super gentlemanly and caring and just <333 (like I don't have it unlocked yet bc it requires affinity level 70 but there's something of him helping the mc with dealing with her period cramps and whatnot and he's so caring about it and <333)
It's so obvious (to me at least) just how much he cares about me (gonna start saying that instead of the mc bc my s/I is technically not her) but like helping me fall asleep, taking care of me if I'm ever feeling sick or stressed out just <333 he'd also be the type to do good morning/goodnight texts if he's able (aka not in surgery at the time) especially if he knows that I like it
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(exhibit a :3)
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(exhibit b ^^)
Also the way he works me into his schedule - like with the new memory and all that "when would we be able to meet up again" and he literally pulls his phone out that second to check his schedule and say that he's free next Sunday - like he's so eager to see me again and it's just the cutest (also that last line before the kiss scene kills me - "if I'm able to see you Sunday, I'll start getting excited Thursday." like aaaaaa that's so cute
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(like look he literally pulled the phone out so quick to check his schedule <3)
And his voice is so soft and lovely when it comes to me (not to say I don't like the cooler, more stoic tone either but the softer whispers kill me) and I love that you can save your favorite lines to relisten to bc I have so many that are literally because of how soft he is or because he's laughing in the audio and it's butterflies every time <333
Also he's so pretty like it's unfair at times. I have so many screenshots of this man bc I just can't help it and he makes me feral I swear (like the medical rescue memory all I could think about was biting him like help me) and I seriously get so giggly and giddy over him, it's silly (he'd find it cute though… hehe)
Might do a picture dump just because!!
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Like aaaa!!! he's so pretty!!!
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(to the left - the medical rescue one i mentioned aka i wanna bite him | to the right - the new card absolutely KO-ing me with this!!!)
And like I didn't touch on the Myths stuff (the Foreseer thing) but that lore is so angsty and everything - it honestly will deserve its own post once I get all the cards necessary to go through the entire thing - all I know is I'm going to think of it every time I think about jasmines and all that
Anyways I think it's evident I just adore him so yeah :D And i give you a cookie if you read all of that hehe
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hollyhomburg · 2 years
First of all that Hobi moment in the car… “ It was always her” has me in a chokehold. Like to see the ice between the mc and Hobi melt is like the sickly sweet slow burn love that I adore!
Now on too Jimin… maybe I’m just a blind mc supporter but for jimin to question her love an motives kind of mad me sad/mad. The image of the mc in my head would never try and buy and manipulate the packs love. If anything her talk of keeping those properties even though they are soaked in trauma and pain for the pack benefit says it all. In my head she simply wants to take this blood money and bad memories and give those she truly loves all they deserve. I feel like him questioning her actions and motives is purely Jimin’s paranoia. I’m excited to see where this reveal takes mc and Jimin’s love. Because it adds this layer of dose he really love me or is he putting on this show because he doesn’t want to reveal who he really is for the mc and for Jimin its this weary distrust and caution.
Last my question is.. is this secret the reason the mc and Jimin haven’t taken their relationship to the next level? Because she been with everyone but Hobi and Jimni at this point right? Can they really love each other fully if this stands in between?
Ps. I’ve been a silent reader till now and I just want to give you the praise you deserve for this chapter and entire work of art! I mean the secret reveal build up and how you showed the subtle hints throughout was absolutely amazing. Im so deeply invested in this story and the characters you’ve created and I can’t wait to see what you do next. You should seriously be a published author!! Remember to take care of yourself, stay warm and drink lots of water ✨💛
I KNOW the hobi mc parts are so fucking soft to me, especially the banter tooooo like- can you just imagine the pack's looks when he says "she always gets the front seat in this car" not only because she gave it to him but because it's /her/ spot to him 🥺 yoongi might get a little jelly of her cuz before it was yoongi and hobi that went on midnight drives.
i keep thinking of all his other little moments "you have to be more careful" and "don't look at the food look at me, i'll set you up" like fuckkkkkk 😩 he's so gone for her and he doesn't even know it yet <3
i agree with you in some ways, the m/c is like- genuinely a good person who has been forced into doing bad things...kinda similar to jimin in a way. if she has any negative tendencies it's only because she feels like she has too! but yeah- it is mostly jimin's paranoia, he's gotta be a little bit paranoid all the time tbh because of his job like- he's always looking over his shoulder both for the people he guards and when he's killin'
i happen to think that this means their love can be more honest. i don't think this is why jimin and the m/c haven't been intimate it's a bit more complicated though- because of the timeline of jimin and tae's relationship- jimin's never been with a girl before (besides tae technically) but you get my point. jimin is also keenly aware of the m/c's trauma and doesn't want to trigger her by making it in any way transactional....
however, jimin is a little bit desperate to at least make sure that the romance side of his and tae's relationship is still alive, and the single best person to teach jimin how to fuck a woman is another woman...and yet, jimin doesn't want to make the m/c think he only wants her for that reason. he's trying to wait until she comes to him....which she might have inadvertently been trying with the underwear scene...just a little... but it's gonna happen in a super sweet way, very slow and very loving! very much not burdened by the secret at all.
thank you for all your compliments too 🥺 i think that trying to get published is going to be the next step for me after bily, i don't know if it's going to be this story but wouldn't that be fantastic if i could manage it? i think so many people have loved the story- with a little help i could really make it into something even more enjoyable. it's my dream to become an author!
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aprillikesthings · 7 months
I might not finish this one tonight, we'll see, but the last one was a cliffhanger and I no longer remember how it resolves!!
[edit: I did finish]
s1 ep9 no princess left behind
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awww I know she's being evil but still
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You know damn well Hordak would want to know it was actually Catra, you manipulative bitch
it'll be easier to do these now yayyy
wait they buzz a lot. hm. like, constantly.
Angella: I never should have let her leave this castle
That's....a little much
"As a leader of the rebellion" you haven't been doing shit lately tho that's actually been Glimmer and Adora but whatevs
OH SHIT i just remembered one of my fave moments in the entire show is in this episode. hghhhh anyway you'll see lol
The buzzing in the headphones is A Problem. >:(
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"sorry for eavesdropping on your crying :D" you know it was Sea Hawk's idea to pose dramatically
Okay I'm just amused by this screenshot (after Sea Hawk lies and says he's an inspector and Scorpia appears to buy it)
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just. look at her.
"Harmonious teamwork with Entrapta can be...a challenge." and Entrapta NODS she knows this about herself it's fine
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it's not YOUR black garnet >:(
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i love her
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i love her (example 2)
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bow's emotional intelligence wins the day (...and also wins them intelligence in the sense of information)
(actually the scene later reminds me of situations where you're just sort of polite to a dude in a situation where you can't leave, like working a cash register, and he just tells you his whole life story and you're just like...I didn't ask...why are you doing this.)
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I mean, she's not wrong
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Does anyone have just like, a list of every time Adora does this kind of self-sacrificial shit
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this is gonna backfire on you so bad
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*squints* am I the only one seeing parallels to "conversion therapy."
"this isn't the REAL you, I'll make it so you were like before" (aka when you were faking being cishet)
also HAS SHE DONE THIS BEFORE I forget I think they talk about it later??? fuck
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more face-touching!
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that's the power of love, bitch!
(also how many screenshots have I accidentally saved to "documents" instead of clipboard? they used to all auto-save to my desktop and I've never cleaned them out, which means I have literally thousands of images on my desktop, which I never look at, ahahah)
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--and my heart rate just shot through the roof lol
no you don't understand
this moment is one of my absolute faves in the whole fucking show
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She's SO FUCKING PISSED, and she's realized that Shadow Weaver will never ever reward her efforts, and she hates Shadow Weaver SO MUCH, and she'd rather help Adora in revenge at this point, fuck it all
And think about it--handing Adora the sword means Adora's going to leave again. And she still does it.
ALSO Catra didn't overhear that Shadow Weaver was going to try and wipe Adora's memory. I'm...not sure Catra would've helped them leave if she'd known that. Oof.
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(yeah yeah it's technically because she hates Shadow Weaver but also bc she likes Adora, she's just refusing to acknowledge that)
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Her expression as she watches Adora transform is something else. She still (understandably) sees She-Ra as part of what took Adora away from her. She also knew damn well what Adora would do the moment she got the sword back.
It's such a fantastic character moment, and ALSO, bonus, it's hotter than hell.
so good
Oof, I forgot that's why they abandoned Entrapta there--they really did think she was dead.
Anyway I rewound and watched the sword-dragging scene again
A few times
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laurellerual · 2 years
Really loved the art/theory of arya crowning Jon! I was wondering if you have any theories as to how Jon will have changed after his resurrection? Like a part of him was corrupted like we saw with catelyn, particularly with the pain and violence that came with their deaths? Or just that he loses some of his memories or feelings towards loved ones and friends like Beric? Do you think it will change his closeness to Arya or any of his other siblings?
Interesting question. For now we have seen Lord Beric and Lady Stoneheart as examples of "R'hllor method" resurrection.
Beric has lost many memories of his past, and seems to be haunted by the most recent events in his life, the mission given to him by Ned. Also I would say that the outlaw thing and the way he deals with Arya speak to us of a character who has gradually lost his sense of social conventions.
We must remember, however, that Beric has been resurrected many times and Thoros has never allowed that much time to pass between his death and his resurrection.
Lady Stoneheart is also haunted by the latest events in her life. We cannot know if she has lost the memory of her distant past, but it is possible. Furthermore, the Lady was resurrected days after her death. Thoros and many in the fandom are convinced that this is the main reason for her ferocity. But Cat has always been very protective of her children, and has always been unforgiving so I believe that death has not distorted her personality, but simply exasperated traits of her that she already had and removing social restrictions. I also think that Lady Stoneheart appears far more monstrous than she is simply because of her looks and her "speech impediment" due to her slit throat.
So I would say that Jon will be more careless about the rules of the living and develop a fixation on the last things that were happening in his life when he died (like the Others or Arya). I don't know how this could play out, but I think it will somehow lead to him "deserting" from his role in the Night's Watch(technically the oath until death so we could say that that already happened).
It should also be bore in mind that although it will probably be at least a few days before his resurrection, Jon unlike Beric has only died once and unlike Cat he has Ghost that could contain his soul for a while. This might lessen the aftermath of his death, but I don't believe for a second that it won't have any effect (I'm looking at you ShowJon).
My biggest question is: Who's going to believe that he really died and rised again? Not many people I guess. And what consequences will this have? This is also the question I have about the reveal of Jon's true parentage: Who would believe that?
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prompt-master · 2 years
Submitted by @dtgvxg
Context:Rex is part of a project involving university age students. Transferred from Corvus Academy, he's in as the Ultimate Security Contractor alongside his friends. And he's also 90% robotics and a living weapon. Also, he and tsumugi are technically from an alternate timeline and older than they look, but that is a whole new can of worms.
Makoto: Rex...
Rex: I can tell by the tone of your voice that you are disappointed. Alas, I must further disappoint you by affirming how little I give a fuck.
Miu, with a headache: Advil me up, daddy.
Rex: I will short out the language center of your brain if you say anything like that ever again.
Rex: I scare people a lot because I walk very softly and they don't hear me enter rooms. So when they turn around, I'm just kind of there and their fear fuels me.
Rex: I have the sharpest memory here -name one time I forgot something.
Junko: You left me, Mukuro, and Moogs in a Walmart parking lot at 2am a day ago.
Rex: I did that on purpose, try again.
Tsumugi: Why aren’t you sleeping?
Rex: I’m too busy plotting your murder to sleep, Tsumugi.
Tsumugi: *not buying it*
Rex: ...The nightmares.
Tsumugi: *wrapping their arms around Rex* Awwww, sweetie-
[After breaking into a research facility taking the successful product of the New Dawn Project]
Hajime, pacing his living room:so…she's like us?
Rex, currently raiding Hajime's kitchen: if by 'like us', you mean a result of heavy human experimentation and are currently filled with forty metric tons of circuitry, machinery, and synthetics, then yes.
Hajime: Okay, cool. So, you basically want me to-
Rex, in the middle of making a club sandwich:-keep an eye on her until there's a secure enough place to put her. You know, babysitting. You've probably done that.
Hajime:a few times, but whatever. However, mind if I tell you what confuses me?
Rex, eating his sandwich: Shoot.
Hajime: why me?
Rex, shrugging: Immediate first thought, I guess.
Rex, to Ruraka: If I bite into this chicken sandwich and it's sweet, I'm skinning you.
Johnny: Yo, Kaz, do that R2D2 impression.
Kazuichi, taking a breath:wooooooOOOOOO-
Junko, acting embarrassed: Wow, you’re such a perverted psycho. Why the fuck would you ask me if I like breasts?
Rex, tired as fuck: [whispers angrily] How many times do I have to tell you we’re at KFC, dumbass?! Why are you like this every time we’re here?
Rex:*hanging out on the roof*
Kazuichi bursting in: Why didn't you tell me your dad had all that ass?
Rex:*silently looks at him*
Kazuichi: Now hear me out…
Shuichi: How would you like your pancakes?
Komaru: Plain.
Kaede: With sprinkles!
Hajime: Chocolate chips.
Rex: Potatoes.
*Komaru, Kaede, and Hajime look at Rex*
Rex: What? They're good.
Rex: Life could be worse, Kaede.
Kaede: Life could be a lot better too!
Makoto: We need a way to lure in new customers.
Junko: Maybe we could have some fun, interactive events!
Johnny: Kaede bath water.
Hajime: I think you're still suffering from the effects of your party last night.
Johnny: All I drank was Redbull!
Hajime: How many?
Johnny: Eighteen.
Rex: Who the fuck broke the toaster?
Makoto: It was Kaede.
Komaru: It was Kaede.
Hajime: Kaede broke it.
Kaede: ...yOU PROMISED-
Miu: I’m the sexiest bitch in this therapy waiting room.
Rex: Good morning. As you begin your day, remember that violence is always an option and often the answer.
Shuichi: ...Please, go back to bed.
Miu, watching Maki and Peko fight: Are you sure they should be fighting? What if they get hurt?
Rex, not bothered by the chaos: It’s fine. They’re too evenly matched to hurt each other.
Miu: Then... who’s the strongest out of you three?
Peko: Rex.
Maki: Rex.
Rex, the literal living war machine: Me.
Mukuro: I will find us an armored vehicle and some weapons.
Mukuro: If you two can manage to not kill each other while I'm gone.
Rex: Oh, please. We're not children.
*Mukuro leaves*
Rex, casually: ...Eat shit and die.
Tsumugi, also casually: Yes, fuck you.
Tsumugi, drinking tea: Ah, Hello again. We really need to stop meeting like this.
Rex, dressed in PJs: Maybe we would, if you would sTOP BREAKING INTO MY FUCKING HOUSE!!!
Hajime: I can't imagine what Rex is planning. But I can tell you two things. We won't like it and it won't be legal.
Tsumugi: Wow, Rex, you want to hold my hand before marriage? How awfully lewd of you.
Rex: We literally slept together yesterday.
Tsumugi: That's NOTHING compared to the lewdness of holding hands.
Rex: Go fuck yourself.
Tsumugi, smugly: Sure, but only if you watch.
Rex: I fell-
Tsumugi: From heaven?
Rex: No, I literally fell-
Tsumug, doing this on purpose: In love with me the moment you saw me?
Tsumugi: Okay, but do you think I'm pretty? Be honest.
Rex:…fuck you.
Makoto, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here.
Rex: Wassup?
Kaede: Hi!
Shuichi: Hello.
Hajime: Hey.
Makoto: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only!
Komaru: We were out of Doritos.
Makoto: I think Komaru is in trouble.
Rex: Alright. Struggling to give a fuck, if I’m honest.
Rex: I know you love them.
Shuichi: I am not in love with Kaede!
Rex, staring at Shuichi, amused: I never said who...
Shuichi: *realizes*
Shuichi: Shit. Well, anyways-
Kaede: It’s impossible to make a sentence without using the letter a.
Byakuya: Despite your thinking, it is quite possible, yet difficult, to form one without the specific letter. Here’s one more to further disprove your theory.
Rex: Fuck you.
*Squad reactions to being told ‘I love you’*
Kaede: Thanks fam!
Komaru: Oh, really? Cool!
Makoto: *smiles* I love you too.
Hajime: Sounds fake, but okay.
Shuichi: *A flustered mess*
Rex: Big mistake.
Makoto: The floor is lava!
Kaede: *helps Shuichi onto the counter*
Komaru: *kicks Hajime off the sofa*
Rex: *falls face first onto the floor*
Makoto: ...Are you okay?
Rex, muffled: No.
Miu: *Kicks Rex's bedroom door down looking panicked*
Rex, tired: The fuck's going on?
Miu: Nobody died!
Rex, now wide awake: What did you do?!
Leon, to Miu: I cannot relate to your ‘E-Girl’ problems.
Shuichi, about Maki: She's so terrifying yet so lacking in social skills that the most basic conversation feels like a hostage negotiation situation.
Miu: I only like three things in this world. Money, Bitches, and the Dewey Decimal System!
Rex: How did you find me?
Micheal: Oh, I saw a huge explosion and wondered 'now, who could that be?'.
Miu, currently running on two hours of sleep: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming?
Rex, Done™: Does anyone in this goddamn school ever think before they speak?
Rex: I don't support the violence. *reveals all implanted weapons* I AM the violence.
Miaya: You often use humor to deflect your severe trauma.
Rex: Thanks.
Miaya: I didn't say that was a good thing.
Rex: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny.
[After blowing up a building]
Rex: This is a mistake.
Junko, enthusiastically: A mistake we're going to laugh about one day!
Rex: But not today, right?
Junko, still enthusiastic: Oh, no. Today's going to be a mess.
Kokichi: Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside.
Rex: Dude, I swear to fuck, if I step outside and all of the goddamn mugs are out on the front lawn...
Kokichi: *Sips coffee from bowl*
Shuichi: What the fuck? People actually tell their crushes they like them??
Makoto: What the hell do you do?
Shuichi: I die? What kinda question…
[After Mahiru finds Rex covered in blood and with surrounding corpses]
Rex: Hold on, I can explain.
Mahiru: Really?! Can you now?!
Rex: I can if you give me a minute to think of a convincing lie.
Fuyuhiko with a gun to Rex's head: What happens if I pull this trigger? Heaven?
Rex: Bold of you to assume either of us'll go to Heaven.
Rex: And I’d love to be sorry for that, but we all know I’ve done much, much worse.
So, here are the incorrect quotes. Hope you enjoy.
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nervocat · 7 months
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“Chapter 1: The Fallout” (cws: hinted YingFeng (it's NOT RenHeng, it's different), mentioned stabbing, and technically murder - wc: 826, angst/fluff/platonic, gn reader)
Yingxing and [name]’s weapons clashed, the sound carrying throughout Scalegorge Waterscape. It had been a long time for Yingxing, his hair turned white and face aged with time. Though he was still as nimble as he was when he was younger — for the most part.
“Hah.. you're good, [name]..” he says through heavy breaths. “Just give me a break, alright?” they smile and nod at Yingxing, laughing a bit as they help Yingxing to move.
Jing Yuan was an adult now, and watching the two old friends spar, their matching red jewelry a sign of said friendship, he couldn't help but feel enamored by their fighting style. It was similar, obvious that old man Yingxing had helped [name] learn to fight in his earlier years.
[name] still used the weapon Yingxing had crafted them all those years ago, and Yingxing used the sword he crafted for himself. The weapons that the Quintet members wielded were also made by Yingxing, gifts by him.
Jing Yuan was taken out of his trance when Jingliu, his former mentor, elbowed him lightly, a small smile adorning her lips. “Seems Yingxing is getting a bit old, tapped out again because his back hurt,” she laughs a bit, with Jing Yuan looking back to Yingxing and [name] walking over to Dan Feng.
It was known to the group the two friends — including themselves — were very proud of [name] in their accomplishments. They learned how to fight well, and had made it big in writing with the help of Baiheng in publishing their stories along with hers. Yingxing always looked at them with fond eyes and a smile, almost like a father would their child.
Dan Feng was similar — though he was older than both of them — and looked at both with the same fond eyes and a softened expression. [name] was technically one of the younger ones in the group, only being older than Jing Yuan, looking up to Yingxing and Dan Feng like a kid would. Their friendship was more of a found-family bond, running deep into the years they've known each other. And there was definitely something more going on with Yingxing and Dan Feng behind the scenes.
“Dan Feng!!” [name] calls, running ahead of Yingxing. “Did you see me?! I'm finally able to keep up with Yingxing and his attacks!” Dan Feng's lips curl into a small smile, his arms crossed like they always are, and nods.
“I did see, [name],” he looks up to his other close friend, a teasing glint in his draconic eyes. “Though, don't you think it's because he's getting to be a bit old?” [name] feigned a gasp as Yingxing stood beside them, laughing a bit.
“Dan Feng! How could you!?” The Vidyadharas smile widens slightly, also laughing a bit.
“I know, crude of me, huh?” Jing Yuan, Baiheng and Jingliu look on with smiles at the three. They truly hoped that this would last as long as they all lived.
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The sorrows of the Quintet spill over onto the battlefield, their group slowly cracking and falling apart.
“Dan Feng.. Yingxing.. why...? Why would you commit such a foul crime?”
Cries of sadness and pain echo out, [name] stands amidst it all, weapon in hand as tears fall from their eyes. Their friends having turned against each other, it was hard to watch. They fall to their knees, weapon clattering to the ground.
“..Baiheng’s dead!”
What happened..? Why did they.. what was their goal? “Yingxing..”
“I am no longer him, but a shell. Keep that name out of your mouth.”
He is but a shell, is what “Blade” says. An abundance abomination. An immortal being who cannot welcome death and can only yearn for such a fate, and is forever stuck with the Mara and losing his memories of the past.
Jingliu.. stabbing into Blade many times as [name] calls out for her to stop, that it's not worth it as they sob uncontrollably at the sight of what used to be their mentor getting killed over and over and over and over and-
“Jingliu! Please! Just- just stop this insensitive madness!”
They remain in the shattered aftermath of the battlefield with Jing Yuan. He, who had to rid of his mentor because of the Mara. She went on a rampage, killing many in her wake. They look at each other, the only ones that are left of what was the High Cloud Quintet.
“So.. now what?” They ask, voice full of regret and sadness as they clutch their weapon, the last thing they have of Yingxing other than their necklace.
“That.. I am unsure of, [name].”
Dan Feng, he who was forced into a rebirth, and was chained up in prison for his crimes. He, who is now Dan Heng.
The Xianzhou pick up the broken pieces and put their lives and civilization back together, but as time passes, [name] and Jing Yuan still remain shattered, only having the other for comfort and companionship.
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[ ★ - notes: THE LONG AWAITED CH 1!! IT'S HERE!!! I'm so happy with the outcome hehe. I hope you all enjoy it too, I had fun writing this <33 and things are just getting started with the angst.. 😈😈 ]
[ ⌗ - taglist: not re-@'ing ppl, reformatted this ]
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★ — © nervocat || I appreciate any reblogs made, and pls don't repost or translate my works anywhere, ty — ✦
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high-sun-phoenix · 8 months
17 Chez 1472
Dearest Quamas,
Hi! I miss you buddy, it's been so long since I saw you last. If memory serves, close to three? decades now? time flies, it feels like a lifetime ago.
There's so much to catch you up on, I don't know if I have enough ink with me to do it all at once. A lot can happen in 28 years. Some bad, but many good! And many more unbelievable.
I finally made it out of the underdark! It took me the majority of the time since you've been gone to do it, though, and it wasn't all by myself either. I ran across a whole variety of people, most of whom were hoping to kill me, but I found a handful who were as lost as I was! Not all of them are with me anymore, but I remember them too. Let me tell you all about it!!
It took me some 27 years of stumbling from one cavern to another, tunnel after tunnel after tunnel, to find someone who wasn't an underdark native. Her name was Cordelia. I was walking, mindlessly following a tunnel, when I heard the softest sobs from the top of this boulder in a larger cave. There she was, this scary dwarf lady who was mourning the loss of her own friends in solemn silence. She was in a lot of pain, you didn't need to know her to know how much she cared about them. Poor lady was very on edge, she must've seen some shit. I didn't get to learn much about who they were to her and what their names even were, she was pretty out of it and quietly mourning. Didn't stick around much, but she made me feel not as alone anymore, just by virtue of knowing someone else is in the same boat as me. Don't know what happened to her, she just picked a direction and disappeared down a tunnel, but I hope she made it out. I really really hope she did...
Anyway, the rest of them I ran into after Cordelia skipped out and we became friends super quick! There are three of them: - Vavřinec is the one I spend the most time with, mainly because our skillsets and interests seem to line up in the right direction most of the time. He's also the only other elf! But not the same elf as we are, he's different. We were told he's from the plane of the fey - I mean, look at that name. Funny thing is, he doesn't remember anything about it either. Mysterious! - Cyrwin is probably the most interesting person I've ever gotten to meet, and I feel thankful for having met him. He was chosen by an illithid while we were in the underdark and since then he's been paying the price. I can feel the conflict behind his deadly eyes - all four of them! I would love to pick his brain more, I think we can both learn a ton from each other. - Ukamar is the last and also the biggest one of the bunch. A tribe of giants raised him in the underdark, so a lot of his abilities were limited when we ran into him, but he's come a very long way since! I'm very proud of him, he has a lot of potential still. Cyrwin legally adopted him not long ago, so they're technically father and son haha.
They've been my family away from Weirglen. I've only known them for a handful of months but already trust them all with my life. I wouldn't have been able to get outta the caves without them, wouldn't have found the Codex Terragnosis, wouldn't have been granted my most sacred of titles. I really do owe them an inconceivable amount of our recent accomplishments, and oh how grand they are! I only wish you were here to hear the tales of them.
Long story short, not long after meeting them, we found ourselves on the shores of a vast underground ocean, called the Sunless Sea. Thanks to you and Valna, I got to making a boat for us and we were sailing before we knew it. We must've been on the water for weeks, if not months, and it wasn't a relaxing journey either. The dark seems darker and lonelier when you're afloat and directionless... Anyway, along the way we happened upon a lone Kuo-toa (some abomination of a fish person) who called himself Shuushar and claimed he could "just feel where we need to go, man", and the crazy thing is that he was totally right!! He taught me sailing and navigation, and took us to his home village - which then promptly got demolished by a demogorgon, killing everyone and leveling it to the ground - before we got to run away and set sail again. I saw Cyrwin's faith shine very bright that day. He asked, and Mystra delivered, an Angel to guard her chosen while he escaped. I never believed much, but he makes me feel a different way about divinity, I can't describe it. Anyway.
Remember the mountain dwarves that lived in the Earthfast? I never thought I'd say this, but they are like angels compared to the dwarves we ran into in the underdark! They lived in a city they called Gracklstugh and kept their forges warm by the power of an imprisoned red dragon. The stuff of the legends, they were, some could control the world around them just by their minds. We just kinda found our way to their docks, made some trade and hired a caravan to escort us back to the top. Not after stealing the dragon's egg first though!! I have no idea why we felt compelled to do it haha but the feeling of getting away with it really is something I've never gotten to feel again since.
Our point of exit out of the underdark was somewhere in the western parts of Faerun and we never strayed that far. We sold the egg to one of the churches of Elturgard and got a couple dozen thousand gold and a large plot of land in return, which we then built into a small settlement that we named Everspring! I took inspiration from the fountain at home and made a few ever-flowing hotsprings around the keep, hence the name. Then I took a few months off and paid a visit back home. I wish you were here, bud, Weirdglen just isn't the same without you... Your parents and Valna really miss you, but I'm sure you've gotten to talk to them as well. She's helped name a tree in your memory, you know! But I'm sorry that I took so long to reach out, I really am; but I'm glad we are here now.
Anyway, when I got back, I found a tree that had awakened and was patrolling some area around our forest. He didn't wanna talk, but he showed us the way we were meant to go: further in. He led us to a cave that was home to an impossibly ancient creature, one made of time and history itself, a crystalline dragon, the Keeper of Time - Adodatus. It was with his blessing that I came to be the guardian of the Codex Terragnosis, and oh what an honour that was. But alas, there were more important matters to which we were needed to attend.
We found ourselves involved in some politics, and made our way to the great city of Baldur's Gate, and it was awestriking! I had never seen that many buildings sprawling so close next to each other, not even in Tsurlagol! Truly one of the most magnificent sights of my travels. It was a shame that we witnessed an assassination and uncovered a large cult operation under all that glory. We infiltrated their lair and a ruthless battle ensued. By the power that was entrusted with me, I invoked the wisdom of the Codex and asked for the Hierophant Prithviraña to find their way to our world through my vessel - and with that I was transformed into a legendary creature: a Phoenix. With their guidance, I rid Baldur's Gate of the cultists, left them as a lesson to be remembered, and found my peace in Candlekeep. This duty earned me a title that was assigned to me millennia ago, the greatest honour of my existence, but it came at a price far greater than I anticipated and the tome was taken away from my custody to be kept safer. Though I still feel its power surging within me for another tenday or so.
It was at Candlekeep that we were informed of the severity of our situation: the Elturian capital city of Elturel, along with all of its population, had entirely vanished and been replaced by a wasteland crawling with undead. The great mage Silvera informed us that the city had descended into the hells - the deserts of Avernus, to be exact - and we took it upon ourselves to attempt to rescue it. In the meantime, though, our predicament provided us with most unique of opportunities: V found himself as the next highest nobleman in line to the throne and was thus crowned High Rider, and Cyrwin as the holiest man of the realm was granted the title of High Observer. With newfound determination and purpose, we set aside caution and left the comfort of the Material plane.
Quamas, this is where we meet near the present time, and dearest friend it is painful beyond imagination. I don't know if your 13 years seniority was ever spent outside of our Gray Forest, let alone any of Elturgard, but believe me when I say the beauty is entirely replaced by pain. Of that of humanoidkind and other life forms alike. Peace is as rare as a stoic Weirwood in the Anauroch, water far more scarce than an elk swimming in the Dragon Reach. We haven't been here two tendays and I long for a living tree. I turned 147 some three days ago, the 28th I've celebrated without you, but this has still been far more grim and lonely than any of the last ones. Cyrwin's faith lights up our days and warms up our nights, and I'm still struggling to grasp it completely, but I do hope whoever watches us will lend a hand. You know, we shared a vision several days ago, by means of an artifact we retrieved from the most blighted of places I've ever entered, Torm's holy helm hidden in the hollows of a corrupted cemetery. I was shown the greatness of Bhaator, and assumed my place through the eyes of the Angel Hayyil of Mt. Celestia. It was there that I saw the grand general Akhazriel find Hayyil, thousands of years before even our ancestors were alive, grasped the sides of his face and spoke to him, through him, to me. He called me by my name, Ae'lar, and dubbed me the High Sun Phoenix. I can't help but feel so small and humble, but so... doubtful and overwhelmed. I don't know if I believe enough to pray, but how does one deny a minor miracle like this? I know if there's anyone to accomplish what we've set out to do, it's us: the Sunless Sailors, but is this a task meant to be accomplished by anyone?
You know, we ran into a bed of Gricks earlier today, deep under the sewers, a mother and dozens of hatchlings. Where they were was truly inaccessible to most anyone else, and yet there we were, having sought passage through their home. They were of little hindrance, but my friends slaughtered them all. Mother and hatchling alike. I hurt for them, Quamas, they were survivors just like us, so far removed from their terrain of comfort, and yet we saw ourselves superior enough to relieve them of their survival. They weren't hunters, mere scavengers, and we entered their den like any other prey they'd encountered. We could have ran, but we chose to not leave them be, and I cannot come to terms with our cruelty. What gave us the right to do what we did to them, how could they have understood? This city, this whole plane; I miss you dearly but am I glad you don't have to experience this. The suffering changes people.
We were meant to infiltrate Helm's Shieldhall today, a strategic location that acted as the stronghold for many corrupted knights, and we failed to do that too. I almost lost all of my friends, I almost lost myself. Each of them did their absolute best to get my unresponsive ragdoll to safety. Ukamar sacrificed a decade and a half of his post-mortem peace in a fiendish deal most unfavourable just to save us. I feel undeserving but responsible all the same. We lost a lot in this skirmish, and it was hours ago, and all we accomplished was arming our enemy with means of committing more atrocities. This is unacceptable and we must go back.
Quamas, remember the game we used to play back near the outskirts of Lyrabar? Where we used to go and see who can run the farthest in the bog by the edge of the woods? It was always Erdan'n who came in first, you second, Xanaphie third, and the rest of us would barely make it a few steps. Oh, how simple the times were! Well, I've been thinking, Quamas, and I think I might be able to do something like it. I can try, anyway. If I can summon the bog, or at least create one similar enough, I might be able to make them play our game! I've been thinking a lot and I think I could do it. Maybe the fey spirits of our Forest could lend a hand to me as well...
Dearest friend, the night grows long and my drinks are drying up all the same as my tears, with a long long day ahead come tomorrow morning. I miss you dearly, and know that no matter where you are, your bright smile illuminates my every step. I love you dearly, and hope to see you soon one day.
Yours truly and eternally, Ae'lar Eren-aeth 17 Chez 1472
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