#[hiiii~~~ thank you for sending one in!!]
quirofiliac · 8 months
vialaviolenza asked: " Just leave me alone. " From Tel
@vialaviolenza: donatella / unprompted / always accepting.
Whenever Kira sees their braided hair, he wants to fist his whole, entire hand in it and give it one, good yank (and send the back of their head careening into concrete. he wants to hear the crunch -- like hard candy -- of impact and wants to watch as grey matter spits out like projectile vomit.) just to see what'd happen. He wonders what would happen if he didn't let go (and watched them struggle, thin fingers clawing at a wrist that feels none of it.) and dragged them back to his place, tossing a halfway limp body onto fresh carpet, recently vacuumed not once but, rather, three times.
He could recall seeing a flash of blonde every so often (he's always had a thing for, ah... natural blondes...) that subsided into a gradual fade to black, and he's come to recognize it as belonging to a specific person-- the one who's looking him in the eye (eh? what? he's not looking at them?) and "initiated" a confrontation conversation. One hand reached up (he feels them trembling, twitching in place. he needs to--) to carefully fold itself around and over his tie, lightly squeezing and causing it to concave against the pressure. A small swallow's next to occur, blue eyes gazing off towards the sky to pointedly dodge the stare -- they're not glaring at him, were they? -- that's so obviously aimed at him.
And, of course, he's seen them on posters (for some kind of shitty band. whatever. it's not his type.) scattered throughout little Morioh. Whoever their band's graphic designer was (or maybe it was a "at home" sort of job.) knew to focus on them, who he presumed to be the lead singer. That was a common strategy, done to emphasize the "star" of the show to reel in as many new fans as possible. What better way than to show the fresh, young faces of a band's conventionally attractive members?
That's just business.
Obviously, it didn't work on Kira. He was far too busy to humor the thought (walking by their venues was more than enough. it's too loud, too boisterous, too... evocative for him.) of observing. From even a far off distance, he could tell that the intended audience wasn't for him. Which was fine. He didn't need to be included-- it's foolish to assume that "one size fits all" applied to, quite literally, everything.
Nonetheless... it did birth a rather, oddly specific query.
Why did their eyes have to be so intense? There's genuinely no reason whatsoever for it.
All that it's doing is making him want to (jam a finger in each socket, popping them in record time, and hooking to hold them in place.) evacuate as soon as possible. A small cough bubbled in the back of his throat. Its eventual dismissal was punctuated with a singular, cold bead of sweat rolling down the back of his neck.
In all of the posters he's managed to glance at, their stare wasn't this... for lack of better, much. He supposed it made sense, though. A picture could never meet the quality of the actual thing.
Not like that made this whole thing any less awkward, however. If anything, it's only seemed to serve in making it worse.
Lips were pulled into a faint frown, and he could feel the slight clench of his jaw (it takes minuscule effort to keep his forehead as smooth and flat as possible, ensuring it wrinkle and crease-free.) as potential responses were mulled about. His brain sparked in and out of life, almost as if to fidget in place with a pair of poorly scribbled-on arms and hands that severed no other purpose. Both of his legs were as straight as can be but he did shift a bit of weight in place, putting the newfound excess onto his right side.
"Um," he finally spoke aloud, tone gentle and soft (they don't deserve it.) with a put-on waver seeping in through random syllables, "I... I apologize."
What did he even do? Was he following too close-- was he breathing too loud? He couldn't seem to recall what it was that warranted such a response. Eyes blinked, still unsure whether it was appropriate to meet their gaze (why are they still looking at him? stop that!) or if he should continue to restrain himself. Sweat starts to build up on his palm, and it's always an unpleasant feeling.
It does nothing but make him tighten his grip, nearly forgetting that what he's been holding onto for those dragging minutes (it's not even been two minutes. maybe one with a few seconds to spare.) was little more but his own tie. Another swallow's rushed up to the surface and it's quickly shoved aside, morphed into a sharp clearing of the throat.
"I didn't mean to bother you, uh..."
Another go's given to keep up with the conversation, but he's left with nothing but bile tickling his uvula and stomach acid churning itself into a tsunami inside his gut. All of these sudden sensations did lead him to a curious thought (how embarrassing would it be if i threw up-- right here, right now? how easy would it be for me to recover? to escape? would they remember me? probably. ahaha... ah... fuck.) that's swiftly chased away as quick as it had come.
"... I just happened to have noticed that you, ah, dropped something...?"
Only then did his eyes flicker back to meet -- they settle for the tip of their punchable nose -- theirs (and they're STILL looking at him. what the fuck was their problem?) as he's moving to brandish an item of, perhaps, great (or maybe the opposite. they're a celebrity, aren't they? maybe they already have a new one.) importance. Pinched betwixt a duo of middle and index fingers and thumb was a wallet. Kira hadn't dared to open it to parouse its contents but, rather, to put a face to an address name.
As such, the pouch remained largely untouched save for the minor "inconvenience" of the man retrieving it. He had even gone as far as to neatly crease it, to establish to them that he certainly did not open it and, instead, noticed it tumbling out of a pocket or something similar. His grip relinquishes ever so slightly, enticing some of the billfold's surface-level blemishes to fade away in a matter of a seconds. After wards, his arm moved to extend out towards them in order to offer the object.
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"S-Sorry," Kira offered one last time, his other hand having since starting to tug and rub at his tie in place. Done mostly to, somehow, placate the rapid beating of his heart, his tone retained its previously dictated softness and insisted on courtesy. "I know you must be busy."
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vanillabat99 · 10 months
Was your thrift store trip successful? 😃
Sort of!! The skirts that I liked were a couple sizes too small and there weren't any denim jackets I liked, which is a bummer. However!! I did find some knick-knacks!! I don't have good pictures right now, but I got:
2 different bunny statues !! One is a little bunny girl sitting on a fence, the other is two bunnies on a tree swing!!
A mug that says "I love you beary much", that my mom made me pay the 2$ for since she found it so tacky she refused to pay for it
A tray with an old Vogue magazine cover print on it, that will go wonderfully with my lightswitch cover (which is pinup art of two shirtless sailor men arm wrestling)
A small carnival mask that hangs on the wall!! It is very cute!!
I did have to buy one skirt since they didn't have change rooms and it looked like it would fit me, but sadly it was too small :( It's so cute though!!! It's a pastel green plaid and I love it so much that I might hang on to it and try to resize it!!
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mirmidones · 2 years
ty beloved @westenragf for tagging me: my top 10 favorite films except that im not sure they're my favorite films i just think about them a lot let's gooo
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tagging @deathshallbenomore @sybilhallward @taohun @eveesque @wisteria-blossoms absolutely no pressure at all of course and if anyone else feels like doing this consider yourselves tagged etc
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redstone-sun · 1 year
Im so sorry zain but as the one who started the bit I must throw my contribution into the ring again, just this once
Mamblo Jamblo
okay i have to say we have had a marnamblo jarnamblo BUT i am unsure if we have had a mamblo jamblo so your submission is ACCEPTED
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grimowled · 2 months
“  i don’t know what i’m supposed to do.  ” /blitzø, if ok, may send something funny later but also wanted to use this to say hi!
☽ song lyrics - accepting !!
THE PRINCE WAS AT A LOSS FOR WORDS for a few moments, something that didn't happen very often - in fact there was a greater chance for the planets of the solar system to align. still, blitzø had caught him by surprise by making what appeared to be a rare confession in earnest and had never really shown to value stolas' opinion much at all before, so he took his time to mull it over carefully, unwilling to offer nothing or worse, empty platitudes, on such a singular occasion. it was better than the cold silence that sometimes followed. he would have to contend with the unbecoming butterflies in his stomach later. the strange setting in the nude afterglow of their monthly deeds did nothing for the somber yet vulnerable nature of the conversation, but the demon prince was past the point of shame, or even the need to cover himself up with bedsheets at that stage of their night together, so he propped himself up on his elbow and fixed the imp at his side with a softly discerning look through heavy lids; his owl features still lightly flushed against the crown of his sweat-damp, coal-grey feathers made for a rather languid picture, but in stature no less magnificent than when fully clothed in his royal trappings (which blitzø didn't seem to care for anyway). the pleasing thought briefly crossed his demonic deal-inclined mind that he could use the opening to his advantage, and sweetly counsel his darling little imp to let him take care of everything, whisper in dulcet tones in his pliant ears to leave everything in his expert talons and let the influence of demon royalty elevate him and his business' positions, associates in tow, to the higher standard that he deserved. the imp worked so hard after all ... didn't he? all he needed to do is let his adoring patron gain control over every detail of his life, access every aspect of his life ... ... but maybe it was the niggling semblance of a conscience, or that harboured spark of admiration for the imp's fiery and headstrong independence-- or perhaps, the lack of further context and information that halted that particular train of thought and yearning. for the time being.
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"what do you think you're supposed to do, blitz? what everyone expects of you? the opposite of that? what are you taking into account when taking decisions? they say it is best to let your heart and gut lead the way, but personally I have always found that a view of the greater picture in your mind helps temper emotion with some equally valuable hard logic." with his eloquence returned the prince reached for his troubled bedfellow's cheek, the white side, and traced a sharp talon as carefully as a feather along its curve. "so what, in particular, is troubling you my darling?"
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luveline · 17 days
hiiii if you’re still looking for remus centered requests, i rly liked your best friend steve giving reader a hickey and couldn’t help but think of Remus too! like him helping a shy reader not feel insecure about being the ‘inexperienced’ one of their friend group… by giving her some experience 👀💞? love ya lots!
love u thank u for requesting<3
—Remus gives you your first kiss, and then a little more than that. You know, between friends. fem, 1.2k
“Will anyone kiss me tonight, or shall I go unkissed, like some leper?” 
You laugh at Sirius’ drama. “It’s not so terrible,” you say, coming up the hallway behind him and James, your face bitten by the cold. 
“I know, my lovely little blueberry muffin,” Sirius croons, leaning back and prodding at your cheeks, the smell of cider stuck to him like a cloud, “how you remain unkissed is a mystery to me. Shall we fix that now?” 
Sirius is your friend, he doesn’t poke fun, but you flush nervously at his question. James grabs Sirius by the shoulders and yanks him away from you toward the kitchen, “Stop teasing!” 
“I’m not teasing! I would love to kiss you, sweetheart, just as soon as I can figure out which one of you is the real one,” Sirius says. 
Remus laughs and closes the front door, the last one in. He wraps his hand around your shoulders. “He’d be so lucky,” he says loudly, sending a sulking, pouting Sirius in the opposite direction, James on his tail in giggles promising to feed him some unbuttered toast if he doesn’t chill out. 
Remus’ arm falls behind your back. “Why does he act like that? Four drinks and he’s in love with everyone. He gets so urgent.” 
You confess slowly, “I can’t say I blame him. Sometimes… I wish someone would kiss me quite urgently, and I don’t even need to get drunk.”
“You do?” 
“Just because I’ve never had one doesn’t mean I don’t want one,” you say, “it’s really weird being the only one who doesn’t– who isn’t dating anyone.” You fluster at your confession, worried it’s too much to share, even while his thumb rubs affectionately into your shoulder. 
“I’m not dating anyone,” Remus says. 
“No, but, going for hookups and stuff–”
You falter as he laughs. “You want one night stands?” 
“No,” you say honestly, “but still. You’ve all done that stuff and I’m like, a twenty something loser.” 
“You listen to Sirius too much. You have an entire life to find someone to kiss you.” 
“I sort of want it now, though,” you say meekly. 
Remus laughs again, his arm wrapping tightly behind your back. You’ve both had a drink too, not tipsy like Sirius but the buzz of it perhaps the cause of your loosened tongue, and his easy touching, his teasing. He smiles down at you kindly, “You want a kiss, is that it?” he asks, “Sirius has upset you and a kiss will make it better?” 
You find you love the feeling of his chest pressed to yours, “I don’t know. It would be nice to have one just so he can stop talking about it.” 
He pulls you right into him and angles his face against yours like he’s going to kiss you, his laughing a soft warmth on the tip of your nose. “You want it right now?” he asks, his hand rubbing sweetly into your back. Layers of fabric feel useless; it’s like he’s caressing naked skin. 
“You can’t kiss me,” you say. 
“Why not?” 
“We’re friends.” 
“What’s a good kiss between friends?” He’s following your eyes, he knows all your tones, Remus wouldn’t play with you like this if he thought it wasn’t what you wanted.
“I won’t know how to do it,” you warn in a whisper, you’re reluctance clearly fading.  
“Well, you’re very pretty, so any bad kissing cancels out.” 
You bend into him as his arm pulls you up, your noses nearly touching, closing your eyes as he leans in. 
“You sure?” he asks. 
“Mm,” you hum, though he doesn’t kiss you until you nod. 
Your noses press together most of all, the strongest sensation, but then there’s heat as his lips part so slightly and press into yours. He kisses upward and you have the sense to keep pressing down, letting his soft kisses move you with him, like an ebbing wave. You take an instinctive step back and he pauses, until you attempt to kiss him again and prompt him into movement —he takes the lead. His hands grasp at your back like you’re water slipping through his fingers, letting a sound of pleasure filter from his lips into yours. 
It’s so peculiar. It’s like fireworks, like all the books and movies say, but it’s more. It’s so warm, and his lips are soft even as his kissing turns rougher, as he tilts his head to the side and his lips come apart against yours. Your hand climbs hesitantly against his side, then up, then stuck at the place just above his ribs. 
“Touch me,” he says gently, breaking the kiss as your breath comes fast, “wrap your arm around me, it’s alright.” 
“Am I hopeless?” you ask, placing your arm behind his shoulder and tipping back to see his face. 
He shakes his head, frowning, why is he frowning? “Hopeless?” he repeats. His hand comes up to your face, and that’s almost as bad as the kiss, the heat of his palm on your face and his thumb stroking over the slope of your cheek. He uses that movement to turn your head, and when he ducks in for another kiss, he murmurs, “No, I wouldn’t say hopeless,” the end of it lost on your lips. 
This kiss is rougher again. Your heart beats so loudly you can hear the thump of it in your ears as your eyes close and you attempt to fit a hundred wanted kisses into one. He just squeezes you close and returns your enthusiasm, until you can’t breathe, forced to hang your head over his shoulder as you pant for air. 
Remus kisses your neck. It’s a shock: you squirm at the sensation but let your head fall to the side as he does it again, not nearly as insistent as his lips had been on yours but something unsaid in the trail of his nose as it runs back up your neck and he kisses the skin below your ear. He slows, and slows, until he’s pulling away to stare at you. 
You lift yourself up, nonplussed. “I didn’t know it felt like that.” 
Remus shifts his hand from the side of your neck to the front, wiping at the marks of his kissing with his thumb where it wets your skin. “It doesn’t always.” He smiles at you with just a hint of smugness in his eyes. “I don’t suppose you want to know what a love bite feels like?” 
“Oi!” James calls from the kitchen. “What are you two doing?” 
You pull apart slowly from one another. You think he might’ve forgotten where you were, as did you. 
James catches the fall of Remus’ hand where it had been on your cheek and squints suspiciously. “What are you guys doing? I made toast.” 
You can’t look at him. Remus saves the day. “We’re looking for her earring.” 
“You won’t find it with the lights off.” He glares again with suspicion before turning back to the kitchen. “I didn’t even know she wore earrings,” he mutters. 
Remus gives you a sideways look. “Maybe I can show you what it feels like after?” he suggests, voice measured. 
“Between friends?” you ask. 
“No.” He puts his hand to the small of your back and gives you a gentle nudge down the hallway. “Not between friends.” 
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chaotic-iguana · 6 months
hiiii!! i love your stories sm thank you for taking your time to write them<3 can you do one of a miguelxreader where he has been playing video games allllll dayy and the reader just wants a little attention so they "tempt him" if you know what i mean🤭 and he ends up getting just a littlee hissy about it. it can continue on however you like ;)
anywaysssss love you and i wish you all the best<3
gamer! miguel x f! reader
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a/n: anon. first of all, thank you and second of all im sending u a sloppy forehead kiss bc this is such a delicious fucking idea i was literally feral to write this. 
warnings: mdni. subspace, oral (m receiving), dacryphilia, cockwarming, degradation, (but they’re in love and it’s discussed, i promise), aftercare. 
“mig-gy,“ you whine tearfully, a culmination of the frustration you’ve been feeling all day. it started when you woke up with a warm, sticky feeling in between your legs; a dull ache settling in your gut and tugging at the edges of your thoughts ever since. miguel’d already been out of bed, and you’d found him in the living room in front of the tv, sitting in his pyjamas with a controller in his hand, barking orders into a headset. 
and while you didn’t want to disturb him on one of the very few days he had to himself, you couldn’t help but feel…antsy. you’d been trying (and failing) to get his attention all day, barely met with hms and grunts as it were. which was how you found yourself changing into a pink lace slip, unable to meet your own eye at the reflection before you. your poor, overworked brain made you think it would be a good idea to try and - ahem- tempt him, but when it came to actually doing it, the thought made your face warm. another slew of miguel’s curses at the game made you jolt, and before you knew it, you were walking outside to make sure he was okay. 
and he was, because of course. you, on the other hand, were standing half-naked in the living room at three pm while your boyfriend neglected to even look your way. you stood to the side, wringing your hands and waiting for him to look at you, but after a whole minute with you getting no attention whatsoever, you gave up and cleared your throat. miguel’s eyes flicked your way - victory! - for a bare second until he rolled them and turned back to the screen. which was also how you ended up here, whining from over his shoulder for him to acknowledge you. 
he doesn’t, of course, not until you’re stood next to him pouting while looking down at him with dazed doe eyes, giving you away. miguel knew exactly what you needed and within seconds a harsh order to pause was being whispered into his headset, fingers flying over the comedically-small-for-him controller as his chair finally turned your way. swallowing pitifully, you squirm under the weight of his gaze before risking a glance up at him to find his eyes twinkling with amusement, brow raised in question. 
“need you, migs.” your whispered confession only raises his brow impossibly higher, ghost of a smirk curving his lips before he’s turning away from you again. you’re frowning, half-stomping to stand between him and his screen before he wears his stupid headset again. desire winning against the shame brewing in you, you reach a hand out to his chest- 
and his wrist circles yours, stopping you in your tracks. you’re staring shamelessly at the slant of his jaw, the slope of his nose and the light caught in his hair, gauging his reaction until his voice rings out: 
“prove it.” 
and you’re confused, too lost in the reliving the feeling of the way his nose bumped against your swollen clit as he ate you out for hours last week, responding with a meek “hm?” that has him huffing. he doesn’t even clarify, just clamps a hand on your shoulder and pushes so you’re on your knees, settling you with your head at crotch-level. 
“prove that you need me.” 
and then he’s gone, eyes glued to the screen again. you blink up at him from the floor, content to watch the muscles of his forearms flex as his fingers move on the controller, the vein jumping in his neck as his jaw clenches, the tension in his wide shoulders. startling, you realise that his his eyes are back on yours and twinkling with a challenge. right. proving it. 
shuffling between his legs, you lay your head on his thigh and peer up at him. he’s looking away now, of course. you’d be happy to drool at the sight of him semi-hard through his fitted light gray sweatpants (am i projecting? i am projecting) for hours, especially when the fabric stretches just right to give you a barely-visible outline you can’t help but trace with your fingertips. which is exactly what you do without realising until his breath hitches ever so slightly, a muscle jumping in his thigh. fueled by the vindication, you start tracing patterns on him through his trousers, palming him ever so slightly until he’s bucking his hips into your hand oh-so-slightly. you’re too enchanted by the way he twitches against your fingers to realise how teasing your touch has been until you hear a half-whimper escape his lips, sending a jolt directly between your legs. pressing your thighs together in a futile effort to relieve yourself, you trail your fingers to his waistband and tug it down, reveling in the sharp intake of breath sounding from above you. 
the sight of his tip flushed red makes your mouth water and your tongue darts to catch the precum beading at his slit before you can stop yourself; the sudden warmth making him jump under you. rocking back on your heels, you fumble to pump him with both hands - he’s just so fucking big you can barely touch the tip of your thumb and forefinger with your palm around him - before ducking down to lap lightly at his balls, slick with sweat. kitten licking the underside of his cock while pumping him slowly, you hear him loose a breath slowly before you feel the weight of his hand on your head. faster than you can blink, his fingers curl into your scalp and tug your head back, gaze thunderous when his eyes find yours. his fingers tap your cheek in silent command and your lips part on instinct, and then he’s pushing your head down between your legs, jaw aching at the sudden intrusion. ignoring your choked garbling, miguel rocks his hips into your mouth until your nose is buried in his happy trail and holds you there, tears spilling over your cheeks while you struggle to adjust. the second you struggle against his grip instinctually, his tsk tsk fills the room, mic clicking off before he strokes your hair, so at odds with the fact that he was holding you down with his cock in your mouth. 
“thought you needed me, honey? where’d my good girl go?” and oh fuck, it’s the tone he’s using as if he’s amused by the sight of you all ruined for him that has something cramping between your legs, breath wet and clicking in your throat as you whine around him, your fists trembling where they rested on his thighs. ‘m right here, i’m your good girl and i need you so, so badly so please please please- 
but it’s like he heard your internal monologue, because his gaze softens in moments, thumb sweeping across your damp cheek. 
“lo sé, lo sé. mi buena niña. tómalo por mí, amor.” [i know, i know. my good girl. take it for me, my love.] and all your queasiness dissolves the second his fingers scrape over your jaw, your discomfort dissipating at the sound of his gentle murmur. 
then he’s going back to his game, leaving you kneeling at his feet and gagging around him. every choke, cough or splutter is met with a quick glance at you; at your fingers curled on either side of your head to make sure you’re okay, not tapping out. you know if your eyes had even a hint of hesitancy in them he’d stop; his supposed mean demeanor melting to give way to the cuddly teddy bear he really is. but you’ve reverted entirely to a floaty, dazed headspace, where your thoughts feel blissfully hazy and just out of reach, and you can’t comprehend the thought of not being here, keeping him warm. 
you don’t realise how much time has passed until miguel shifts forward, and the pins-and-needles in your legs make you whimper, gripping his thighs for support. miguel immediately cups your jaw, reaching his other hand to rip off his headphones and turn the game off entirely before pulling you off of him, wiping the drool off your lips and supporting your head as you splutter, his patience infinite when it came to taking care of you. 
“háblame, princesa. ¿cómo te sientes, hm?” [talk to me, princess. how are you feeling, hm?] 
still on your knees, you shift forward with tearful eyes; breath hitching at the bruises you can feel have formed already. you're barely stammering through "h-hurts, miggy" in a hoarse whisper before he's leaning down, wrapping an arm under your thigh and around your head, lifting you into his lap  instantly. you tuck your face into his neck, reveling in the safety of his embrace as you catch your breath. he presses his lips to your forehead, stroking your head over and over while cooing praises to you. it takes a while, but before long you're pulling back, kissing his chin with a soft grin. 
"there she is. there's my good girl. so perfect for me, aren’t you?" your shy nod makes him smile, fangs poking through in that endearing way that makes your heart hurt and the warmth blooming in your belly burn. 
“can i have u now, migs?” 
and oh, you sound so wrecked for him, how could he ever say no? 
and if his team lost the game, well. that’s on them, isn’t it? 
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hello my loves, as always, thanks for reading, comment your thoughts or find me on ao3. stay hydrated and have a great day! taglist: @imherefordeanandbones, @theywhowriteandknowthings, @josephquinnswhore, @millerscoffee, @nostalxgic, @sscorpiiio, @its-nebuleuse, @sofiparallel, @mandoisapunk, @bastardmandennis (hey pal), @party-hearses (hey gruv), @chiogarza, @jenispunk. message me to join my taglist. divider by the amazing @cafekitsune.
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lvndosnorris · 29 days
Hiiii I love ur writing! And I wanted to ask if could you please write riding Charles and him being an absolute mess
thank you for this anon — sending you love 🫂
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you hadn't seen charles in weeks, your longing evident in the way you had him pinned beneath you. arms sprawled next to him as you pushed down on his biceps, a pouted frown as he tried to protest your actions. but of course he wasn't going to stop you — his cock ached beneath you, desperate to find some sort of relief as your fingers dipped and traced over every crevice on his torso.
his lips were still sore from the way you'd been kissing, suckling and nipping in a way that implied you were never going to see each other again. your breath had left your lungs the second he was pulling you on top of him, your clothed cunt pressed against where he'd been missing you most.
"mon amour, please—" was all he managed to whine as you bent down, capturing his bottom lip between your teeth with a sharp tug. all he wanted to do was touch you, to hold you against him, but he couldn't; the sheets fisted between his fingers as he pleaded with you, words incoherent and whiney.
you weren't sure how you managed to get your bottoms off without moving, his eyes trained on you, a single groan tickling his throat as he watched the way you dragged the material down your calves before discarding them on the carpeted floor. there was a part of him that wanted to just marvel at you for a little longer, to drink in the appearance of you when you were at your most vulnerable — almost like a predator that was eyeing his prey.
wrapping a hand around the base of his shaft you pumped him a few times, languid movements that turned him into putty. a small bead of pre-cum was spread around his tip with your thumb, charles' eyes screwing shut at the feeling of you on him. he would have cum right there and then if you'd let him, thighs tense as you continued to drag your palm up and down, fingers squeezing him in a way that had him babbling in muddled french.
you'd always struggled to accommodate him fully, your breathing a little erratic as you let his tip slip inside of you. it was all that you could manage before you whimpered, the noise so melodic to charles as he mentally argued with himself about touching you or letting you have your way with him. instead he threw his head back against the mattress, adam's apple bobbing in his throat as he dwelled in the way you rocked yourself against nothing more than his tip.
"i've got you— it's okay baby—" you cooed, one hand pressed on his abdomen as you slowly lowered yourself onto him. the stretch was enough to make you stop, chin resting on your chest as you peered at the way your cunt enveloped him. the noise of him pushing further into you erotic, your stomach knotting in a way that you'd missed. the ache between your legs dulled slightly, taking him fully inside of you with a moan of content.
charles' couldn't speak — simply nodding his head as his knuckles turned white from the way he clasped the sheets. there had only been a handful of time where you'd seen him like this, a mess of a man beneath you as you rocked to your own rhythm. you could have sworn he was already twitching inside of you, your walls clenching him like you never wanted him to leave you empty again.
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russellsppttemplates · 2 months
Hiiii I love all your writing!! so I wanted to request one where Hervé is so sad when he sees that his parents (y/n and Charles) didn't invite him to their wedding. They try to explain to him that it's because he hasn't been born yet, but he still thinks it's because they didn't want him there, so his parents organize a fake wedding so that he can attend.Sorry if you don't understand much, English is not my first language🥺🥺❤️❤️
Note: no worries, I got it! English is not my first language either! 🫶 Thank you!!!
"Oh, what's in this box?", Hervé asked, opening the box where you kept your wedding albums and hard drives, taking the big photo album out, "Why does it look like it's your wedding? You're wearing a white dress, mama", he reasoned.
"It was our wedding", you offered after sharing a look with Charles as he patted Thomas' chest to get him to burp.
Hervé looked at both of you and Charles, his bottom lip trembling before he started crying, "and you didn't invite me? Or Amélie or Thoma?", he said as the distraught was clear on his voice.
"Amour, you weren't born yet - we couldn't have you there if you were still not in the world", you tried to explain to him, but it was to no avail as he looked from comfort in your arms as he looked at a worried Charles.
"You didn't want us there with you? Everyone is there! Uncle Pierre, Uncle Lorenzo, Uncle Arthur, grandma! They're all there but we are not", he cried on your chest, making you coo at him and explain it to him again.
"We're going to celebrate our 10 year anniversary soon anyway, we could make something small in the garden", Charles suggested once you were back in your bedroom, "you in a pretty white dress, me in a nice summery suit, the kids and close family and friends", he smiled.
On the first weekend of the summer break, you stood in the garden, your friends and family presiding the ceremony as they told all different kinds of stories of your relationship and focusing on the first ten years of your marriage.
"Seeing these two become parents to those little ones", Pascale pointed with her eyes as Amélie waved at her, "has been the most beautiful journey I could wish for them. Charles, Y/N, you built a family in the pillars of unconditional love, affection and attention to your kids and never once did you fail the other - everybody faces challenges and you have fought together through them as I was sure you would and will anytime life presents them to you. I love you both so much, and here's to many more anniversaries", your mother in-law smiled.
"When is mama kissing papa?", Hervé butted in, making everyone giggle. The boy might have had a hard time grasping the timeline, but he definitely knew what needed to happen.
Charles put on a show, supporting your back with one arm as he left you fall, pressing his lips on yours as everybody cheered, "Je t'aime tellement, mon coeur".
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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6ix9inewiturmom · 2 months
Rated R Video (Chris’ Version) Part One
Summary: You and chris are dating and you got invited for a special edition car video which slowly turns into chris doing everything you asked for! Chris x Fem Reader!!
Warnings: Cursing, talking of sexual acts, use of Y/N
A/N: here’s a chris version for yall chris girlys!! lemme know how yall like this one!! part 2 will be smutty so :)
me and chris have been dating for a little over a 2 years now, chris was was absolutely perfect in every way known to man, but chris had only had 1 body before me so needless to say he a couple things to learn. his fans knew about us since about 6 months in, and i mean obviously we’ve had sex but it’s not like we’ve shared it with all 6 million of them but matt and chris thought it was a good idea to make a ‘Rated R’ video about all three of them (chris and i being a package deal) and their ‘personal’ life regarding sex mostly… i mean i was down if chris was down and boy ive only ever heard him say yes quicker then when he asked me if i was down to join the video… let’s just say nervous was not even close to what i was feeling.
“IM SITTING NEXT TO Y/N” nick yells across the parking lot of target that the boys suggested on filming in
chris rolls his eyes “she’s MY girlfriend and considering the topic don’t you think i should sit next to her?”
i laugh softly “you guys have assigned seats in the car chris, i’ll sit next to nick, don’t worry”
chris hugs me quickly placing a soft kiss on my head before entering the passenger side of the car sitting next to matt and i sit in the passenger rear seat behind him next to nick. matt sets up the camera and presses record.
“please never start a video like that again” chris can’t help but laugh
“grumpy.. BUT since we talked about a rated R video you guys absolutely blew up talking about it on tiktok and every other form of social media so you ask and shall receive!” nick starts “BUT today we have a very special and important person in the car today.. shes my version of an ‘IT girl’ and i love her to DEATH… Y/N!” nick continues
“hiiii” i say shyly waving towards the camera
“she’s also my girlfriend nick” chris turns around and looks at nick and i with a smirk
nick brings me into a hug and holding me like a child “you know.. CHRISTOPHER… without me yall wouldn’t even know each other” nick says while petting my head in a joking manner
“okay first off, chris turn around. second nick let go of Y/N she looks like she suffocated by the way your holding her” matt spits but with a smile on his face
“okay tuff guy” nick lets me go and i get readjusted to my seat “so i asked you guys to send me some deep questions for us to answer…let’s just say there’s a LOTTT… so let’s get horny shall we” nick smirks doing a little shimmy with his shoulders.
“never say that again” matt breaths out in between laughs
“do any of you guys own any sex toys” nick says with the straightest face i’ve seen
“Y/N owns a vibrator” chris speaks up for me. i move my arm from my side and give him a light slap on his arm.
“well thank too chris for answering a question for me… might as well tell em the color” i laugh out loud
“AND ITS PINK WITH A LITTLE SPARKLE TO IT” chris yells a little too loud so again i give him another slap on his arm
“that was rhetorical chris…” i say shaking my head smiling
“you know i love Y/N like a sister and all considering she’s gonna marry my brother and all but im not sure how long i can sit through this video” nick says laughing
“matt do you own anything” chris says turning his flashlight on to interrogate him
“it’s just me and my left hand as far as i know” matt says holding up his left hand and moving it a little in a motion of ‘jerking off’
“OKAY NEXT QUESTION” nick stops matt abruptly “deepest sexual fantasies” nick looks up from his phone wiggling his eyes brow’s
“WELL mine would be letting my freak flags fly and go all freaky on my girlfriend” chris says smirking and shimmying in the passenger seat as a blush of embarrassment creeps up on my lips
“Y/N your turn” chris turns around to look at me with a deep stare
“ummm well i uh told chris anything he wanted to try sexually” i cringe “i would be down” i shrug my shoulders
“you don’t have ONE deep dark sexual fantasy in that brain of yours” nick questions
“well i guess to be fully submissive to someone i guess…i don’t know tho” i nervously laugh as i look up and see chris nodding his head and turning around
“matt? go on” chris says slapping matt on the arm
“not gonna lie same as chris but im single so one day” chris lets out a playful scream and attempts to dab up matt before nick places his hand in between the two
“that’s not something to dab someone up for ya freaks” nick laughs out
“NEXT QUESTIONNNN” nick says in a sing songy voice “okay most of these are about chris and matt.. really weird…” nick says almost gagging
“no way let me see” chris snatches the phone from nick “OH MY GOD” chris yells making the entire car jump
“i told you jackass” nick snatches his phone back “OOO OKAY A JUICY ONE… how many times in one night have you done it” nick smiles
chris smiles devilishly “6” he says a little too loud and proud
“UMMM Y/N SIX FUCKING TIMES?!?!” nick says turning to me quickly
“WHATTT… you guys were in boston for 3 weeks.. i’m a woman with needs” i hold my hands up trying to defend myself and laughing
“yeah most i’ve ever done is 3…” matt says smiling at chris “you got me beat by DOUBLED” matt dabs up chris
“chris can you not” i laugh at chris
“sorry ma” he smiles at me softly before chuckling
“okay yeah on THAT note thank you guys for tuning in on this adventure of information that even i didn’t wanna know BYE EVERYONE” nick laughs as matt grabs the camera zooming into chris
“i’m gonna get laid” chris says smirking and i slap his arm AGAIN playfully
“Christopher Owen.. shush” i laugh as matt ends the video clicking the red button on the top of the camera
there was a bit of silence in the car as matt was pulling out of the parking lot that was until nick says the most out of pocket thing he’s said to me since i’ve known him
“you know if Y/N was a vibrator she would be a pink and sparkly one.. so her having one is so Y/N coded” he had the straightest face ever plastered on his face as i burry my face in my hands.
“hey don’t talk about Jennifer like that” chris laughs
“YOU NAMMED YOUR VIBRATOR JENNIFER??” nick snaps his head around to look at me
“chris over sharing is a thing and im pretty sure you have a doctorate degree in it” i say muffled in my hands
matt turns up the radio for the rest of the drive but i hear a ping from my phone as i lift it up unlocking it and noticing chris texted me… why would he text me while being in the same car.
“You won’t be walking for the next week when we get home” chris’ message read and i immediately subconsciously press my thighs together and flip my phone over and turn it downwards trying to hide my blush on my lips.
we arrived at the triplets shared home and i’ve never seen chris get out of the car so quickly and dragging my hand out of the garage.
“we’re so tired so we’re gonna go to bed love ya guys” chris yells while practically running upstairs to our shared bedroom and throwing me on the bed letting a yelp escape my lips.
“i wasn’t kidding Y/N.. you’re gonna count how many times i can make you cum in one night” chris says sternly causing a rush of wetness and heat to my core.
HERES PART 1 OF RATED R VIDEO CHRIS VERSION!! LEMME KNOW HOW YALL LIKED THIS ONE! i tried to make it different from matt’s but LEMME KNOW! it’s a little
short but i didn’t wanna make it exactly like matt’s version but stay tuned for part 2… she’s a working progress BUTTT she’s SMUTTY
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unluckilyimnot · 3 months
Jealous hc
Characters: sae, rin, kaiser, hiori, karasu, shidou
m.list | rules
Note: hiiii how are youuu thank you for your request hihi I had other characters bc I felt like doing it for them too
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Sae Itoshi
he’s too prideful to be jealous, or he thinks so
in fact he get pissed off easily, anyone being a little to friendly with you bother him and he already doesn’t like anyone so imagine
he’s not subtile, even if he thinks he is
he’ll get closer, talk like shit to the person who’s flirting with you in his eyes
roll his eyes, click his tongue, you name it
Suddenly he wants to go home or leave for another place
You never honestly never thought you'll see him like that since he's confident and trusts you
I think he just doesn't like people and so by extension he hates people talking to you
He likes to think he's the only one who can make you smile like that, beside your friends (he's not insane)
So seeing some nobody making you smile, or even worst : laugh makes him jealous
He’s not into pda to save his life i think, that’s something he keeps behind closed doors
But oh man how he likes to kiss you when it happens, just to remind everyone that you're taken and you're proud of it
Be prepared to hear about this, he’s a nagging mom at heart
“Are you done ?” you’d ask and magically, yes he is
he will sulk yes, but close to you at least
Rin Itoshi
Bare with him, he acts tough but deep down he wants to cry
Just like his brother, he will get closer, his arm will probably stay around your shoulders after that
But he won’t be mean to them, just kinda ignore them or send death glare if they get too close
No touching, even in a friendly way, don’t be ridiculous
I think he appreciates it if you put a stop yourself
He’s more insecure than he likes to admit and it prove him that he can trust you
He’s gonna be clingy af though
When you two are finally alone, Rin won’t say a world but glue himself to you
He’ll need reassurance for sure :( this boy has abandon issues
Michael Kaiser
He’s an asshole (lovingly)
He let people flirt with you if it helps their ego and mock them for how long you can think, it’s almost an inside joke for him
The irony is that he’s really possessive, so it’s all fun and game until it’s not some loser that try to hit on you
Not that he feels threaten, please
But he still don’t wanna play with them and he doesn’t want you nearby
If you just happen to be friendly with someone then he’s bothered
What do you mean by being this happy to see someone else ?
He’ll ask a million questions and whine about it before brush it off as if he doesn’t care
It takes a lot to deal with him, his reaction depend on his phase
If he feels low then he’ll be a nightmare, you had to be sorry for someone hitting on you and tell him he’s your one and only
If he’s his confident self, it’s almost like he doesn’t care and let it happen
Being with him is a roller coaster
Tabito Karasu
Best man if is speak
He’s mature and he knows he’s projecting his own insecurity when he’s jealous, so he doesn’t make a big deal about it
He’s not gonna ruin the moment so he just keep his cool and act normally
Deep down you can feel there’s some awkwardness so you try to ask him silently, with your eyes or smile, if he’s ok
He loves you so much he feels dumb to even be jealous the second you do that honestly
Expect small pda like holding hands above your knees, playing with your fingers or the em of your shirt/ skirt
He’ll talk to you about it on your way back home or when you two are comfortable at yours or his place
He knows it’s normal to feel like this sometimes but it’s normal to reach for comfort right ? he’s not shy to ask
Nothings best than you playing with his hair, laying on your chest or thighs
Ryusei Shidou
He’s unhinged he scares me
I think he’s the most jealous among them
You’re his, that’s it so, he may seem lay back (and weird) but he’s cautious with every person coming near you
I hc him with abandon issues as well (give us his back story please and make it worth it compare to some character) so he’s always scared of you leaving
It’s still more in a possessive than an insecure way, he just can’t take it if he considered that someone is too close to you
He gets touchy oh my, he’s all over you, can’t keep his hands to himself just to let them know that you’re taken
He’ll talk to them straight in the eyes while his hand run up and down your thighs, he’s not ashamed of anything
You have to put a stop to it but always expected something more while coming home
Yo Hiori
He’s cute and I don’t think people take him seriously enough
You’re amazing and beautiful and fun to talk to, people already asked you why him
He kinda has war flashback ngl
Obviously he also think that he’s not enough and probably get jealous/sad quickly if someone get close to you and is really friendly
He’s scared to take things into hand I think, so he’ll just ask for you two to leave
He won’t tell you how he feels, he’s sure it’s not important enough to bring it up but you always ask him anyway
You’re so sorry that it happens at all honestly, you never want him to feel like this
He never ask for it but you’re clingy and want to do nothing with him, spending some quality time together, watching him play game while you stay on your phone or even sitting in his laps
It always make him feel better and remind him that you won’t leave him so soon
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I hope you liked it ♡
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runnning-outof-time · 5 months
Hiiii, thank you so much for all of these they are so wonderful.
I would love something with Tommy and maybe 30? "You're not hurt are you?"
Was thinking maybe Tommy comes home after a particularly trying day and just flops onto the couch. Y/N comes home from food shopping shortly after and finds him and is concerned for him. They can be either married or whatever you see fit.
Uhmm I'd love it to be nice and fluffy, and I know you said you're not into writing shut sooo just go as heavy as you feel comfortable with and coat it with fluff and I'll be happy. >w< thank you so much I hope you're doing well and I'm happy to be part of this celebration with you! 💜
Thanks so much for sending this in, @chumon ! I’m sorry it took so long for me to write! I absolutely love this idea (thanks for adding some more detail to it…it made it easy to follow). I hope you like what I did with it! Enjoy! :)
Part of my 3.5k Celebration — find more stories here!
Never Tired For You
Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Warnings: a slightly suggestive conversation/situation
Word Count: 1153
Summary: (Y/N) finds Tommy laying on the couch and immediately thinks the worst…he couldn’t just be laying down, right?
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Tommy was tired. It had only been two days into his two week stay in London, and he already felt exhausted by the numerous meetings he had to carry out. There was so much to keep track of: the on-going deal with Alfie Solomons and all of the turns that took, making sure Arthur continued to keep things in line at the Eden Club, and keeping tabs of whatever Inspector Campbell was going to have him do next.
Somehow he managed to carve out an afternoon to himself. He was hoping to spend it with his wife, (Y/N), who had joined him on this trip — against his own volition — but upon returning to his sister’s home, he found that she wasn’t in.
So he decided to lay down on the couch. Yes, Tommy Shelby actually took a moment for himself so that he could rest. No, the world didn’t come to an end. But he actually managed to find a position comfortable enough that made him want to stay on the couch.
(Y/N) had been out grocery shopping. She realized that Ada needed a few things, and so with nothing better to do she set out and ran some errands.
The surprise that was waiting for her back at the house just about made her drop the basket she was carrying. Never had she seen her husband laid out on the couch — especially in the middle of the day. The sight of it alone was enough to get her mind running in overdrive.
“Tommy? What’s happened?” she got right to the point as she hurried over to the couch he was laying on.
“Huh?” he asked in confusion, beginning to move from his laying position so that he could sit once more.
“No, don’t move,” she rushed to stop him, her one hand extended in his direction, “you’re not hurt, are you?” Asking the question made her heart drop. She’d did a quick scan of his frame and found nothing glaring at her, but she couldn’t be too sure.
“No, love, I’m not,” he shook his head, continuing with his motions of sitting up, looking up at her with furrowed eyebrows. “I was just laying down,” he told her then, fishing the pack of cigarettes out of his pocket so that he could slide one between his lips.
The second half of his statement made (Y/N) audibly gasp. There’s no way that Tommy Shelby would willingly lay down, she thought to herself incredulously. “Ok now I’m worried, Tom. Are you sure you’re alright?”
“Yes,” he chuckled at her worry, “there’s not a scratch on me. I’ve just had a long day is all,” he made another attempt to quell her concerns. The look on her face told him that she didn’t quite buy it. “Would you like to check for yourself?” he asked then, his one eyebrow quirking upwards as a grin teetered on his lips.
She could tell by his facial expression that his question was leaning on the suggestive side of things. Just the thought of what he was hinting at made heat rush to her cheeks. His cheekiness was one of the things she loved about him.
“Hmm?” Tommy cut into her thoughts, looking up at her through his eyelashes as he waited for her response.
“No…” she trailed off, biting her bottom lip to conceal her grin when she saw a tinge of disappointment fill his features, “I think I’ll believe you. And besides…you said you had a long day,” she called back to his previous statement.
“I had a long day…doesn’t mean I’m too tired for me wife,” he reminded her, the previous glint returning to his eyes.
“Maybe later,” she decided, her grin growing to match his.
“C’mere then,” he beckoned, leaning back against the couch as he placed the cigarette between his lips again.
“Let me put these away first,” she answered him, lifting the basket she was still holding. He nodded in response and she went to the kitchen to put the groceries away. Moments later, she was back in the front room curled up into Tommy’s side. “So you’ve really only had a long day?” she couldn’t help but bring their previous conversation up again.
“Yes,” he answered, his fingertips absentmindedly dancing over the skin of her arm. “Arthur’s losing it at the club again…I’m not sure what I’m going to do with him.”
“Give him another chance,” (Y/N) suggested, lifting her head from his shoulder when she felt his eyes on her. “I mean it,” she doubled down on her stance, her eyes locked with his.
Tommy pursed his lips and thought about her comments for a moment before he let out a breath and looked to the windows.
“I’ll drop it,” she broke the silence, realizing that his mind was going again. She didn’t want to ruin this moment. “Let’s go back to just sitting here.”
After speaking, she turned on the couch so that she was able to straddle his lap. His hands quickly found their home on her hips, and his eyes were immediately back on hers as the mischievous glint returned.
“Just sitting here, eh?” he questioned her with raised eyebrows.
“I’m sitting,” she grinned, her hands finding his cheeks before she leaned in and pressed her lips to his. Tommy’s hands moved to press flat against her back as their kiss deepened, bringing her body flush against his.
“If this is what it’d be like…” he breathed as they pulled away just slightly, “I’ll have to start coming home early more often.”
“If you hold up your end of the bargain, I’ll hold up mine, Mr. Shelby,” (Y/N) pulled further away from him so that he could see the smile present on her face.
Their lips met again, teeth clashing and tounges pressing together as they became lost in their embrace. Tommy tried to be sneaky with it, but (Y/N) pulled away when she felt him start to unbutton the top of her dress.
“Not so tired anymore, hmm?” she questioned, a suggestive glint in her eye as she sat up straight, her hands running down his cheeks so that she could settle them on his shoulders.
“Never tired for you, love,” he husked, his eyes blown with lust as he managed to continue with his mission despite her breaking further away from him.
“Let’s go to our room then. I don’t think Ada’d want us to do this on her couch.”
That was all Tommy needed to stop what he was doing and drop his hands from her frame. “Go on, then,” he nodded his head to her, “lead the way.”
(Y/N) wasted no time in standing from his lap. She waited for him to stand also before she gingerly took hold of his hand and led him to the steps and up to their room.
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*tags in the reblogs so they’ll hopefully get sent out
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🍆 So you can feel me even when I’m not there… 🍆
✎ Pairing: Chan x fem!reader
✎ Genre: Sad smut
✎ Summary: Chan’s on tour, but he’s found a way to be attentive even when he’s overseas.
✎ CW: Phone sex, FaceTime sex, dirty talk, sex toy use, swears, praise kink, daddy kink, general sadness
✎ Word count: 3,604
✎ Song recs: “Baby I’m Yours” - Arctic Monkeys & “Even When I’m Not With You” - Pierce the Veil
❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥
Two days.
It had only been two days since you saw him last, when he dragged himself out of bed at 3 in the morning to head to the airport.
He’d made you come four times before bed that night — once for each day he’d be gone — and held you tight while you slept. He even kissed you goodbye four times before leaving in the morning. But it wasn’t enough; nothing could ever be enough.
Even on his busiest days, you could at least look forward to him crawling into bed at night. He’d slide in behind you, pulling you into his chest as he drifts off, or maybe lightly pressing his hips into yours to see if you’d be down for a quickie. Sometimes you’d both be so tired he’d just slip his cock into you and gently roll his hips until he found release or simply fell asleep.
But the nights he was gone were almost unbearable. You’d wake up just before dawn to a dark room and an empty bed, immediately filled with fear that something happened to stop him from coming home to you. Then it hits you that he’s not supposed to come home, and somehow that’s even worse.
Two nights in a row waking up with that feeling has you losing it. The ache in your chest and your cunt only grows, and there’s nothing a weighted blanket or vibrator could do about either sensation. You need him.
Hey, baby
Malaysia is only an hour behind, but he’s probably sleeping after the early morning trip. He’ll reply later.
You try to go about your morning routine as best you can, but you can’t take your mind off his absence. Coffee, oatmeal, an empty seat at your table for two. Movie, blanket, a cold cushion on the loveseat. His scent is fading from the sweatshirt you haven’t taken off since the morning he left.
He needs his rest, but you need to hear his voice, see his words. Anything from him at this point.
Luckily, he answers quickly this time.
Yeah love ?
I miss you…
I miss you too sweetheart
No I mean I…
I MISS you
I see hahahaha
:( don’t laugh
A voice message comes next.
“Naur, I’m sorry baby,” his silky voice pours out of the speaker. “Didn’t mean to make fun. You’re just cute… and predictable. Hehehehe.”
It takes a few listens to comprehend what he’s actually saying to you. The sound of his words and his laugh and his breath are exactly what you needed. And you’re sure he knows that, because he sends another text before you can compose yourself enough to reply.
Doing ok over there?
As best as I can… thank you
I wanna hear you too ㅠㅠㅠ
“Hiiii. I love youuuu. I miss yooouuuu,” you coo into the mic and send it off.
Hey… what are you doing now?
Watching a movie
Ok if I call… ?
Of course :)
The Arctic Monkeys’ rendition of “Baby I’m Yours” plays and his goofy smile pops up on your screen. You almost always spend a few seconds distractedly staring at this photo you took before answering his calls.
“Hi, honey.”
Your voice is soft and sweet, matching the expression on your boyfriend’s face. One hand is pressed between the hotel pillow and his messy hair, and his sleepy, cinnamon eyes look right into the camera.
“Just woke up, thinking about yooouuuuu…” he croons, dragging out the last word just as you did in your voice note. “What are you watching?”
“I don’t know, I just clicked on whatever Netflix suggested,” you reply. “Just trying to distract myself.”
“Is it good at least?” he asks, still gazing at you in complete adoration.
“It’s fine, I don’t care,” you insist, more interested in listening to the beautiful boy on your phone talk about literally anything. “How about you? Tell me about the tour.”
“Ahhh,” he starts, shifting his glance offscreen. “First show went well, another today.”
His eyes are pointed just under the camera now, and a tiny smile spreads across his lips.
“It’s beautiful here,” he says. “I keep thinking about experiencing all of this with you, though. We’ll have to come back.”
“Yeah, sure,” you answer dazedly. Hearing him say romantic shit with those lips… looking at you with those eyes… it’s mystifying.
When you started dating, his excitement would turn to concern when you zoned out like this, but now he knows better, and his smile only widens.
“I love you,” he says softly and stifles a giggle. “But hey, I gotta go. They need us for some press thing soon.”
You can’t hide the frown that pulls at the corners of your mouth.
“I know, I know,” he consoles. “I’ll be free later, and I’ll text you, yeah?”
“Ok, have a good day, talk to you later,” you answer weakly.
“Hey, 힘내. I’ll make it worth it,” he winks.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Love you.”
“Love you too, sweetheart.”
He blows a kiss and then he’s gone, leaving you to stare at your sad reflection on the black screen.
The minutes, then the hours pass. True crime episodes, supernatural thrillers, nothing can hold your attention. You’re drowning in thoughts of him, and every tiny chime from your phone sends your heart rate to the moon. It’s never him, but it doesn’t stop you from hoping.
A characteristically slow episode of this week’s hottest dating show has you half asleep, and you almost miss the alert you’ve been waiting for. Luckily, it’s followed by his ringtone a minute later.
“Hiiii??” you answer groggily.
“Hey, baby, enjoy your nap?”
Chan’s voice is barely louder than a whisper, and you decide a low grunt is enough to answer his question.
“Hehehe, I can’t talk but wanted to make sure you were up. Check your texts. Byyyeeee!”
He’s gone again, and you muster enough strength to navigate to your messages just in time to see the original text before a new one pops up.
Still filming, but I miss you too much
Get any deliveries today?
Not that I know of but let me check
You pad to the door, feeling the cool wood on your feet for the first time in hours. A quick peek into the hallway outside of the apartment reveals a medium-sized, plain cardboard box.
You bring it back to the couch — today’s haven — and drape the blanket back over you before placing the box in your lap and checking your phone.
Come baaccckkkk
There’s a box… what did you do
Did you open it?
The tape breaks easily, and inside is a note stamped with three small hearts sitting atop delicately folded tissue paper. Underneath, you find some lingerie, a mask, and two boxes varying in size.
Inside the first is a small suction toy, and the second contains a silicone dildo packaged with another note.
So you can feel me even when I’m not there…
A closer inspection reveals ridges and curves that seem almost familiar. You close your fingers around the base and slowly drag your hand toward the tip, feeling the same veins press against your fingers. How did he…
Is this…
It was supposed to ship before I left I’m sorry it’s late
How the fuck did you do this
Will you try it out for me later?
I want to know how close it is to the real thing and you know it best
Chan oh my god
I’ll call in an hour when I’m back in my room ok…?
See you soon!!!
Of course he’d do something like this without warning you, but the timing couldn’t be better. What better to fill the hole left by his absence than, well, him.
A quick shower and trash run later, you settle in on the couch right as your phone rings for the third time today.
“Hey, sexy,” he hums. “Do you like your gifts?”
“Waited for you to try them out, but they do seem promising,” you tease, angling your phone down just enough to get some cleavage in frame. One corner of his mouth pulls back in a smirk, putting that dimple on full display.
“Cute… I’ve wanted to see you in that for weeks. But I do have a question, a proposition I guess…”
“Yeah? What would that be?”
“Can you prop up your phone so I can see you, and put the blindfold on?”
Hot, but also…
“So… I can’t see you then?”
“I want it to feel like I’m there, like I’m the one touching you, making you feel good,” he says as a light blush spreads across his cheeks. “I read somewhere this helps.”
“Oh, well, ok, yeah. You’ll keep talking though?”
“Of course, baby. I’ll talk you through it all.”
“Ok, hold on.”
You make quick work of leaning your phone against one of the many glasses on the coffee table, ensuring the whole couch is in clear view before stepping back and slowly sitting down. The suction toy rests on the cushion to your left, and the dildo on the right.
“Perfect, ok, now put the dildo on the floor,” Chan says. “There’s suction on the bottom, you can just stick it to the wood.”
You secure his cock on the ground between the couch and the table, and everything in you screams to just sit on it now and never take it out ever again. But he has other plans, so you’ll save that fantasy for later and sit back on the couch.
“Blindfold time, sweetheart.”
A deep breath in, and you slide the silk down over your eyes and place your hands on your knees, awaiting further instruction.
“All good?” Chan asks, excitement and concern laced together in his voice. “You can hear me ok?”
“Mhm, yeah. Ready when you are.”
Another giggle fills the space, and it’s clear he was right. In the dark, it’s easier to pretend he isn’t hundreds of miles away. Like he’s here, standing above you.
“I love that you got all dressed up for me,” he says, slow and low. “Can I see your pretty panties, too?”
Hands still on your knees, you gradually spread your legs until your calves hit the couch.
“That’s perfect, baby. They look so good on you, on your skin. I wish I could touch your skin,” he rambles a bit, then pauses before continuing. “Can you describe it for me?”
“My skin?”
“Yeah, touch yourself. Tell me how it feels.”
You place your fingertips just under your chin, lightly dragging them along your neck, down to your chest.
“It’s…. soft, smooth. I put that lotion you like on after my shower.”
“You did? Where else did you put it?”
“On my chest, my stomach, my thighs…” you respond, running your fingers down your body as you go.
“And your inner thighs? There, too?”
“Of course.”
He lets out a shuddering breath as your hand travels down to your legs, moving out to your knee via the top of your thigh and heading back on the soft, sensitive skin on your inner thigh. Fingertips stop just between thigh and crotch.
“What about between your legs? Can you tell me how it feels there?”
You slide a finger under the fabric, gliding across the freshly shaved skin with help from the slickness of your arousal. You make a point to bend your finger so your knuckle presses outward, making it clear exactly where you’re touching yourself — for the yearning viewer’s sake.
“It’s wet, silky… delicate.”
“Silky, huh? And how do you feel when you touch yourself there?”
“Good,” you reply a little too quickly, revealing the truth behind the calm, composed roles you’d both been playing. You’re sure he’s chuckling at you right now. If only you could see his face…
“How does that compare to when I touch you there?”
Thoughts immediately snap to him, his fingers, doing what you’re doing. Emulating his typical movements in the dark has you almost, almost convinced it is him. Him teasing you, tormenting you before unexpectedly dipping a finger or two inside. Asking how badly you want him, want his big cock…
“Baby, tell me what you’re feeling.”
“You,” you admit. “I feel… you.”
“Yeah?” he chirps, a hint of pride in his voice. “What am I doing? What do you want me to do?”
“Fuck me.”
“I don’t know if you’re ready for me yet. Gotta stretch you out first, play with your clit a little. Can you grab that toy for me?”
You reach for the suction toy on your left, hovering just over it until he confirms that’s what he wants.
“Yeah, use that for me. On your clit. It should feel like my mouth...”
You raise your hips to slide the thong down, giving yourself a better chance to use this correctly. Pointer and middle fingers spread your folds as you try your best to aim in the darkness.
The suction feels… strange. Interesting? You reposition it a few times and it’s nice, but not like oral, though. And you must look frustrated, because…
“Wow, it is really like I’m there…” Chan muses.
“Huh? How?”
“It’s just… taking you a bit… to find…” he giggles.
“Oh, shut up, you’re so… oh…”
Yep, there it is. The silicone circle surrounds the sensitive nub and pulls inward. It’s just like lips… and tongue… and Chan… relentlessly sucking and pulling with his face buried between your thighs and his hands gripping your hips and your fingers lodged in his hair…
It’s so good but it’s so much. Your head is spinning and your heart is racing and your toes curl down into the wood trying to ground yourself in any way you can. Your free hand alternates between squeezing the life out of the couch cushion and running along your skin — down your thighs, up your chest, through your hair. Nails dragging and leaving marks like you would on him, on his chest, on his back…
“Baby, come for me.”
His voice breaks through the haze like lightning cracking down from the sky, sending electric tingles through your veins. A strained cry escapes your throat as you do exactly what he said, what he ordered.
The high is short but intense, and you’re shaking well past the end. You let the toy fall to the couch and lean back, enjoying the aftershocks.
“You look so beautiful like that,” he hums.
“Mhhhmmm,” you sigh. “Hope you enjoyed the show.”
“We’re not done yet, sweetheart,” Chan whispers, but it’s louder now. Like his mouth is right next to the mic. “I want you to ride me.”
You maneuver down to the floor and feel for the rigid silicone. You position your knees on either side and slightly in front of the dildo, then lower your ass down toward your feet until the tip brushes against your folds.
“Want daddy to spread you open? Split your walls around my cock?”
“Please,” you beg, reaching down to play with your swollen clit while rolling your hips forward and back, just rubbing the head against you.
“Spit in your hand and rub it on me.”
You do as you’re told again, coating the dildo in your saliva. It’s amazing how much it feels like him.
“Put me in… just a little.”
You angle the head into you. It’s just as big as him, and just as much of a shock when the tip disappears inside your body. You have inches to go, but you’re already starting to feel whole again.
“How does it feel?”
“Amazing, it’s so real. It feels like you.”
“It is me, baby. You feel so good, too. Can you pull your hair for me?”
The thought of it makes you moan, and the tug on the back of your scalp only increases the volume. You inch down slowly, giving yourself time to adjust to his size and appreciate every single vein and curve as it forces your walls apart. He stretches you out so well…
“Take me all the way. Now.”
A pained groan sounds out as you force yourself down to the floor, burying Chan’s cock in you down to his balls. The sound of them slapping against your soaked pussy makes both of you moan.
“Fuck yourself on my cock.”
You carefully raise and lower your hips, still not fully acclimated to his size. Each lift-up is bittersweet relief, and each push-down is delicious torment. You go faster and faster each time, urged on by his groans.
“Take off your bra. I wanna see your tits bounce for me.”
Fingers undo the clasp and you slide the garment over your shoulders and down your arms, still rolling your hips up and down, angling him into every inch of flesh inside you.
“Play with your nipple… wet your fingers and pinch it like I do. I want to hear you whine.”
This time, You use the wetness from your pussy to dampen your fingers before running one hard nipple between finger and thumb. His moans encourage you to reach down to gather more, but this time, you slide three fingers into your mouth and close your lips. You drag them out slowly, knowing it will drive him wild.
“Wanna taste me, baby?” you ask.
“More than anything in the world. What is it like?”
“Hmmmm,” you muse, taking time to wrap your tongue around each individual finger in the lewdest way possible. “Sweet… and salty.”
“Mmm, I want to lick you clean,” he confesses, “eat you for every single meal. I wanna live between your thighs.”
You fuck yourself faster now, bouncing up and down on his dick. He fills you up perfectly and completely, like he was made to your exact specifications. And this was made to his.
“Feels so good… so big…” you exhale, placing one hand behind you to steady yourself and using the other to twist and tweak your nipple.
“Yeah… and you feel so tight, you take my cock so well. Can you roll your body how I like?”
Shoulders back first, you wind your torso forward and back, taking extra care to roll your hips on his cock. Back and forth, back and forth. His name on your lips.
“That’s it, just like that. Good girl.”
Skin slaps from both ends of the call, and your shaky exhales happen almost in perfect unison. He must be close, and so are you.
“Ch… choke yourself. Squeeze that pretty neck.”
Fingers leave your tit to grip your neck and force your head back, just like he does when he leans in, hot breath on your skin, sucking hickeys into any flesh not hidden by his long fingers. Biting your ear, pulling down at the lobe and letting it snap back as you grind into his lap. Fucking yourself on his big cock at your own pace, tits bouncing in his face. He’ll catch a nipple between teeth if he can, biting down hard and letting go quickly. Just kissing and sucking and nipping at your skin like an animal… like a…
“Oh fuck!” you cry out, washed over by a wave of unstoppable pleasure. “I’m… Chan… I’m…”
“That’s it, come for me, come on me,” he hisses.
His cock relentlessly slams into you throughout your orgasm, so rhythmically you forget it’s not really him fucking you to pieces in his lap.
“Oh god… oh fuck, you… oh fuck…” he moans, finishing right after you in typical him fashion.
Vision blurs until you come back down, slowing your vertical pace until you’re sitting on him, motionless. He’s quiet now, too, undoubtedly recovering from his own orgasm.
“You are, that was…” he starts then trails off, opting to focus on breathing instead.
The tinny sound of his voice is almost a surprise. You practically forgot he wasn’t there. Forgot he wasn’t lying in ruins in the dark next to you.
You pull the blindfold off and toss it to the floor. He’s in a similar position as you, sitting at the foot of the bed looking wiped as hell.
“So… what’s the verdict?” Chan asks between deep breaths and sighs.
“It’s great. Not as good as the real thing, but close,” you decide.
“You look so amazing using it. Watching it slide in and out of you… god. It felt like a dream.”
Your eyes meet — as much as they can over FaceTime. You’re captivated by the image of him: shirtless, cock taut against his toned stomach, half hidden by the elastic waistband of his shorts. Eyeshadow is smeared around his wide, caramel eyes while a soft smile plays at his lips.
“I love you,” he says softly, breaking the silence.
“I love you,” you echo.
A few more seconds of quiet admiration, then he makes the face. The one he breaks out just before delivering bad news.
“Hey, I gotta get ready to head to the venue,” he says, glancing down at his watch. “I’m already a little late, oops.”
“That’s ok, thank you for… everything. Really,” you reply, still too far up in the clouds to be sad about yet another goodbye.
“I love you, I’ll text you after the show, yeah?”
“Perfect. Oh, and just so you know, I will be sleeping with this inside me tonight.”
His sullen expression fades into that famous smile, and it’s aimed at you.
“Oh, I’m sure you will,” he says with a chuckle and a wink. “Now I just need a replica of you…”
“We’ll make one when you get home.”
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nickfowlerrr · 11 months
Bellllaaaaa hiiii:)
I’m hooked on biker/bartender bucky(even tattoo artist bucky) with fucking Tats right now and I’d totally love if you could maybe write him and chubby/plus sized reader having a flirty relationship, maybe they’re like a fling or something. She works at his bar/tattoo shop, whichever au you pick, and they’re just fucking flirty and so naughty together lol
Smut is always welcomed!!
Thank u bby in advance<3 mwahhh🥺💋
about how it started..
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pairing: bartender!bucky barnes x curvy!reader
warnings: 18+ only. pining. flirting. smut. a little tiny hint of voyeurism/exhibitionism. if i’m missing something pls lmk!
words: 3.1k
notes: thank you, mickey, for sending this and sorry it took so long! i kind of wanted to incorporate more mention of his tattoos but i felt like i kept screwing it up so i kept it very vague - i’m sorry. but i hope you like this! i really love the idea and i’d love to do more with them in the future, too (including more of his tattoos too 🥴), so thank you, thank you, thank you!! 🥰
also this gif isn’t necessarily the bucky i was picturing but the visible tattoo feels right so whatever 😌
i hope you guys enjoy this! thank you in advance for reading and reblogging. as always, feedback and comments are always welcome and so appreciated! 🖤
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You know you should be checking tables right now. You know. But goddamn if you can’t take your eyes off of the brawny, blue eyed, six foot something beauty that is Bucky Barnes.
You’re leaning against the far end of the bar, eyes fixed on him with no plans of trailing anywhere else.
He’s making another Sex on the Beach for the less than subtle, leggy, bleach blonde who’s been fawning over him since she got here. When she and the other college girls showed up, seeming to have already been pregaming, you knew tonight wouldn’t be uneventful.
You could obsess over the fact that the twenty one year old, who looked like she stepped right off a runway, was currently pushing her chest out and twirling her perfectly styled hair as she continued rambling on and on to Bucky, but his disinterest was clear to you as he kept a polite smile and entertained her as he finished the drink.
That, and because you had no right or reason to obsess over who was flirting with him and when.
You pushed the thoughts away as you admired Bucky’s profile. The way some of his hair had fallen out of his bun and hung around his perfectly sculpted face. How his brilliantly blue eyes shone still through the dark strands. And god did you envy his perfectly shaped nose. Your eyes fell to his lips as he smiled at something the girl said, but you couldn’t even bring yourself to care, you were so caught up in the beauty of it. He gave her the drink before he tucked the loose hair behind his ears.
You watched as the girl held out a twenty with a sultry smile and a wink before Bucky took it with a small laugh as she sauntered off back to her friends.
He put it in the cash box and then pushed up his sleeves as he took the time to count out how much the bar had made so far tonight.
You swear your mouth went dry as his tattoos were on display now. The dark ink that told story after story lining his forearm, and though you couldn’t see them right now, led all the way up his strong arm only added to the endless list of things that made him attractive. The artwork was mesmerizing. Just like him.
“You just gonna stare at me your whole shift, sweetheart?” he says to you without looking over, a smirk playing on his lips.
You take in a breath before pushing off the bar and walk over to meet him where he stands.
“Who says I was staring at you?” you question and lean over just slightly to glance at Torres who was pouring shots at the other end of the bar.
Bucky turns to follow your gaze and gives a laugh when he sees who you’re referring to.
“You and Torres, huh?” he plays along, smirk never faltering. He finishes his count and tucks the box back under the bar before he turns fully to you, blocking your view of the younger man completely, not that you cared.
Bucky walks into you, backing you up until you’re forced into the dead corner of the bar. You nearly stop breathing when he leans into you, his cologne invading your senses, his warmth surrounding you as he keeps you trapped between him and the bar, his thick arms on either side of you. Your lips part on an inaudible gasp when his lips brush against your ear.
“He know I was guts deep inside you last night? How you were screaming my name, begging me not to pull out? So fuckin’ desperate to be full‘a me,” he reminds you as his hands find your waist and he squeezes your softness before pulling you flush against him and letting his hands slide down to your ass. “How many times did you come again? I think I lost count,” he taunts as he leans over you and gropes you shamelessly.
You can see out past his shoulder as he nearly nuzzles into your neck, your eyes growing heavy with desire as your lips stay parted in heated awe.
Your eyes meet the blonde Bucky had just served as she looks on in a bit of a stupor before blinking and turning away with a hint of a blush warming her cheeks.
“Watch it, Barnes. You’re gonna lose out on tips if you’re not careful,” you warn playfully, if not a bit breathily.
When he starts kissing your neck, your knees become unsteady as a warmth starts to grow in your tummy.. and lower. Your hands latch onto the front of his shirt in an effort to stay steady.
You’ve noticed he’s been getting more brazen every day, more teasing and touching when he knows full well people can see, and the fact that he really doesn’t seem to care sparks a bit of hope that maybe this could grow into something more than what it started as.
But as Bucky nips and then gently kisses your pulse point, all thoughts fly right out the window as your main focus is solely on not melting into a puddle right then and there.
“Don’t care,” he says against your delicate skin, placing another kiss to your neck before you push him back just slightly. “What?” he asks as a half smile adorns his face when he stands up straight again, looking down at you.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish right now,” you say as you hold his smoldering gaze.
“You think I won’t fuck you right now?” he challenges, his seriousness sending a thrill up your spine.
You let out a nervous, disbelieving laugh as you push him to turn around. “I think you have some patrons waiting for your attention,” you say, ignoring the desire burning deep within at his words.
He sucks his teeth as he walks back over to the lively area of the bar, but not before eyeing you with a look that promises he isn’t done with you tonight.
You watch him back before spinning around and coming out from behind the bar to start checking tables.
You’re leaning over a newly emptied table close to the bar when you feel his heavy gaze on you.
The low cut scoop neck of your top already offered a generous view of your cleavage, but as you’re leaning over to wipe the table down, you’re sure he can see right down your shirt. You hide your smirk as you walk around the table and make a show of leaning over once more, your tight black skirt that hugs your tummy riding up your thick thighs as you do. You’d forgone underwear under your opaque black tights and wonder for a second how much he can see as you bend further over the table.
You don’t have much time to wonder as suddenly Bucky is right up behind you. You stand up against him, your ass brushing against his crotch. His hands are on your skirt as he adjusts it back down for you.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he asks, voice low and husky.
“Cleaning a table,” you answer innocently as you stay where you are, enjoying the feeling of his large hands on your wide hips and his solid chest at your back.
“Yeah? Cuz from where I’m standing, it looks like you’re purposely being a little tease.”
“Me?” you say in faux offense, turning to face him. “I’d never. Just doing my job, boss.”
He pushes you back against the table just slightly, “So, you’re telling me you haven’t been thinking about how hot it’d be if I came up behind you, ripped your tights open and fucked you stupid right here on this table?”
You swallow hard as you feel yourself growing wet at the scene that plays out in your mind. The bar is near empty as you’re both getting ready to close up but the idea of Bucky taking you right here and now, onlookers be damned, has heat creeping up your skin.
“Say I have. What are you gonna do about it?” you whisper wantonly, eyes swimming with lust.
A sinful growl escapes him as he presses himself closer to you. You can feel his growing bulge against you and it takes everything in you to not let out the whimper that threatens to slip past your lips.
Joaquin left twenty minutes ago after him and Bucky served last call, so it’s just you two and the lingerers who are slowly making their way out.
“What am I gonna do about it?” he repeats as his hand comes up to hold your chin. He leans down, face to face with you as he continues headily, never taking his eyes off yours, “I’m gonna fuck you stupid. Right here. On this table,” he breathes each sentence before he finally takes your lips in his. It’s gentler than you expect as your eyes flutter shut and the sound of the entrance door closing behind the last patron signals that you’re alone now.
You sigh into his mouth before you pull him closer, the kiss growing more heated with each moment that passes.
You let Bucky ruck up your skirt as your hands fumble with his belt before you start working on his button and zipper. You stop him for just a second, grabbing his hand, “You rip ‘em, you buy ‘em,” you tell him, earning a grin from him.
“Deal,” he says before easily tearing your tights and turning you around, forcing you down against the table.
“No underwear, huh?” he taunts as he rips your tights even more, his thick fingers wasting no time in playing with your wetness on full display for him.
Your legs are spread as you moan at the delightful feeling of his fingers pushing into your sex, opening you up for him as he scissors his fingers inside your tight heat before curling them the way he knows you like.
“Fuck, Bucky, please,” you whine as you clutch onto the table, pushing your hips backs and trying to fuck yourself on his hand.
“Jesus, fuck, you’re perfect,” he swears before landing a stinging slap to your ass and pulling his fingers out. He quickly tugs down his jeans and frees himself from his boxers, his erection hot, heavy, and throbbing.
“Make me so fuckin’ hard, you know that?”
You only mewl in response as he runs the head of his cock through your folds, teasing you. He doesn’t have as much patience as he normally does, though. He’s been thinking of you nonstop since you left his apartment this morning. Been wanting you close again from the second you left his bed.
He knows this was just supposed to be a fun fling, but from the first time he kissed you, he knew he was done for. He knew he’d only want more.
And he was right.
He wanted all of it with you, not just sex. He wanted to spend his days cuddling you in his bed, watching movies, talking about nothing; hell, he even had to stop himself from texting you the other day to see if you were busy when he had to go get groceries because he wanted your company.
He was hooked on you completely.
But this “fling” was your idea and he didn’t want to run you off with the idea of commitment so soon. So for now, this would have to do. And who was he to complain about the nights he got to spend flirting with you, teasing you, taking you apart only to put you back together in his arms come morning.
He’s pulled from his thoughts as the head of his cock catches along your slick entrance, a hiss emanating from him as you gasp at the feeling.
He slowly lets himself push in, deeper and deeper until his hips are flush against your ass and he’s filling you completely.
Your soft moans urge him on as he begins to fuck you, the sound of his hips slapping against your ass filling the quiet of the empty bar. As he starts to thrust harder, the squelching noises of your fucking grow louder and louder as you moan without care, your hips hitting the edge of the table over and over with his every thrust.
His hands frame your waist as he holds you tight, rutting ever deeper inside of you, his cock hitting your g-spot repeatedly as you whine and gasp in pure pleasure, the coil in your belly tightening with each glide of his cock along your walls and every nudge against your g-spot. Bucky slips a hand down and finds your puffy clit, circling it as he feels you getting closer, your walls squeezing him tighter and tighter.
Your toes are curling in your shoes as your feet arch and slip against the floor when the muscles in your legs and core tighten and strain as your walls clench down on his thick cock and your orgasm hits you hard.
In the same instance, Bucky growls as the swinging of the entrance door sounds. You don’t even bother to look up as you’re lost in the euphoria of your high.
“We’re closed,” Bucky barks, his hips never faltering as he continues to fuck you while your eyes screw shut in overwhelming pleasure.
You vaguely hear a fumbling apology and the door closing once more as Bucky buries himself inside of you, leaning over your bent body and rutting into you as his groans and moans tumble heavily from his lips. With one more thrust, you sigh breathily as you feel him spill inside of you.
The weight of his body on top of yours is a comfort you can’t help but revel in as he holds you still and gets all of his release out, your velvety walls milking his cock as he fills you with his hot come.
He’s breathing heavily as he comes down from his orgasm and gently pulls his cock out of you. You instinctively press your legs together, your thick thighs making it easy. You push yourself up off the table after a moment and turn around, fixing your skirt as you do.
“Fuck,” you breathe under your breath happily. “Maybe lock the door next time?” you suggest playfully, “Or, at least turn the ‘OPEN’ light off.”
“Next time?” Bucky says with a raised brow and a smirk as he fixes his pants. “You like getting fucked in the bar that much?”
“Well, you did say something about fucking me stupid.. And not that that was bad at all, but, I’m not feeling very stupid right now.”
He licks his lips as he takes you in, taking your hands in his and tugging you close. “Why don’t you come home with me and I’ll get you there,” he says smoothly.
“That’d make it three nights in a row,” you say, a little unsure. “You sure you wanna risk it? I might not wanna leave.”
“I might not want you to,” he says, surprising you by how soft and sincere his voice is.
You meet his eye and swear you could drown in the glimmering blues as he smiles that schoolboy smile. You let out a shaky, nervous laugh.
“You fallin’ for me, Barnes?” you tease playfully - just a hint of hope laced in your tone.
He surprises you again as he takes hold of your chin, peering deep into your eyes, before he brushes his nose against your, his lips inches away from your own as you breath each other in for a second.
And then he kisses you.
Soft, yet firm and as you lose yourself in it, a deep yearning for Bucky that you’ve kept down from day one rears her head once more.
You part for a second to breathe before you crash your lips into his again, pulling him closer to you by the front of his shirt.
Your tongues glide against one another as he slips his in expertly before kissing you deeply.
He lets his forehead fall to yours as he parts from you.
You're breathless as he wears a nervous smile you’ve never seen on him before.
“Say I have. What are you gonna do about it?” he repeats your earlier taunt, trying to hide his anxiousness as he waits for you to respond.
You suck your lip as you consider him, biting back the smile threatening to take over your face.
“I’d tell you that, maybe, I’ve fallen for you, too,” you admit shyly, looking up to see his cocksure smile back in full force, just the way it always is.
“Then I’d tell you to take me back to your apartment,” you say, leaning into him for another sultry kiss. “So you can fuck me stupid,” you breathe against his lips, “as many times as you want.”
You nearly squeal as you're taken off your feet in the next second, Bucky’s strong arms holding you securely as you wrap your own around him.
“That I will happily comply with,” he says, kissing you hotly as you smile into it. You pull away just slightly to speak.
“We didn’t finish closing,” you laugh.
“Don't care,” he says, kissing you again as he easily walks to the bar, holding you with surprising ease that you aren’t sure you’ll ever get used to before he sets you down. “We can do it tomorrow,” he excuses, grabbing his keys from behind the bar and flicking the lights out. You grab your jacket and bag from the shelf you kept them on and follow behind Bucky as he locks the doors, escorting you out and to his car.
Before you get there, he turns on you, both of you stopping in your spots.
“We really doing this?” he asks, wanting to make sure this is really what you want, too.
You smile and nod.
“Yeah,” you whisper.
He lets himself smile in return.
“So I can call you mine, now?” he asks, grabbing your hand, pulling you to him.
“I’d be good with that.”
“You sure? Cuz once we make this official, I’m gonna let everyone know. I might never shut up about it.”
You can’t help but laugh at how excited and proud he sounds. “I think I’m okay with that,” you smile up at him, meeting his lips in another kiss before he leads you to the car and opens the door for you to get in.
You know you’re okay with that. It’s what you’d been hoping for from the first time you’d kissed, for this to lead to something real, something more. Now here you were.
He wanted to officially call you his, and Bucky was finally, truly yours.
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joelmillerisapunk · 4 months
bad idea, right?
Dad's boss!Joel Miller x Reader
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↳ wordcount: 1,628
↳ summary: The thrill of sneaking around and the intense physical pleasure are difficult to forget, but the guilt and shame that accompany them can not be ignored. You find yourself questioning whether your actions were justified and whether you should risk it again.
↳ warnings: 18 unprotected p in v, sneaky public sex.
↳ notes: hiiii! I wrote this in about 30 minutes this morning because that first picture got in my head. I hope you enjoy! lemme know what you think 💋
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You pull up to the construction site in your old beat-up truck, the same one your dad used to drive before he started working for Joel Miller. The sun is high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the dusty site. You can see your dad, hard at work, operating one of the heavy machinery machines. You take a deep breath, gathering your courage to make your way over to him.
As you step out of the truck, you notice Joel standing near one of the half-built buildings, talking to one of the workers. You can't help but admire him from afar. His broad shoulders look like they could through his t-shirt at any moment, his hair pushed back, revealing his sharp jawline. You've had a crush on him since the first day your dad brought you to the site to look around, but you never had the guts to talk to him.
But today is different.
You grab the thermos of coffee and the bag of sandwiches from the passenger seat and start making your way towards your dad. As you approach, Joel notices you and gives you a friendly wave.
"Hey there, kiddo," he says, his voice deep and gravelly. "Your dad's inside that building over there. I'm sure he could use a break."
You nod, handing him the thermos. "Coffee?"
He grins, taking the thermos from your hand. "You're a lifesaver. Thanks."
You feel warm, mumbling a response before quickly turning and walking away. You can feel Joel's eyes on you as you make your way over to your dad, your heart pounding in your chest.
After a few minutes of chatting with your dad, you decide to take a walk around the site. You've always been fascinated by the construction process, and you love exploring the different areas of the site. You wander around and without thinking, you find yourself wandering towards the building Joel disappeared into earlier. As you approach, you can hear the sound of hammering coming from inside. You push open the door, your heart racing as you step inside.
The room is dimly lit, with patches of sunlight streaming in through the windows. Joel is standing in the corner, his hair damp with sweat, his muscles glistening in the sunlight. He looks up as you enter, a wicked grin spreading across his face.
"Well, well, well. Look who decided to join me,” he sets down the hammer he's been using and walks over to you, a mischievous glint in his eye. "I'm glad you decided to come find me."
You feel your cheeks flush as he steps closer, close enough that you can feel the heat radiating off his body. "I... I wasn't looking for you," you stammer, your heart pounding in my chest.
Joel just laughs, a deep, rumbling sound that sends shivers down your spine. "Sure you weren't," he says, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "But I'm glad you're here anyway. I didn't take you for the type to sneak around and explore abandoned buildings," he says, his voice teasing.
"Oh, I was, uh, just curious," you mumble, looking down at the ground.
Joel chuckles, his fingers gently lifting your chin so that you're looking at him. "I like curious," he says, his voice full of mischief. His body is just inches away from yours. You can feel the heat radiating off him, making your heart race even faster. Joel reaches out, gently pushing a strand of hair out of your face. His fingers linger on your cheek, sending shivers down your spine.
"You're so beautiful, you know that?" his eyes locked on yours.
You can feel your entire body heating up, you look down at the ground. Joel's hand moves to your arm, gently squeezing it.
"Hey, look at me," he says, his voice soft and soothing.
You look up, meeting his gaze. Joel's eyes are full of desire, making your heart race even faster. He leans in, his lips brushing against yours. You gasp, your body trembling with desire. His hands move to your hips, pulling you closer to him. You can feel his arousal pressing against you, making your heart race even faster. He deepens the kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth as his hands continue to roam.
"I want you," he murmurs, his lips against your ear. "Here, now."
You moan with pleasure, your body trembling with desire. You know it's wrong, but you can't resist the temptation.
Joel leads you to a corner of the building, his hands gently caressing your body as he undresses you. You gasp as his fingers enter you. Joel's hands are gentle but firm, exploring your body with a skill that leaves you breathless.
Joel's hands move to your breasts, his fingers gently teasing your nipples. "You like that?" You nod, your breath hitching in your throat. Joel's fingers move lower, gently teasing your clit. All you can do is moan, he leaves you speechless. Joel's other hand pulls his pants and boxers down to his ankles, just far enough to free his erection, giving him just enough room to move.
You gasp as Joel’s girthy length enters past your wet folds and snuggles into your tight walls, he begins to move, his hips thrusting against yours. His fingers continue to tease your clit, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. And ust as you're about to reach your climax, you hear the sound of footsteps outside the building. You freeze, your heart racing in your chest. Joel's fingers still, his body tensing as he listens. The footsteps get closer, and you can hear the sound of a worker's voice talking on the phone. Your heart races as you realize that you're about to get caught.
But Joel doesn't seem phased. He gently pulls out of you, his fingers stilling as he reaches for his pants. He pulls them up, his movements quick and smooth. You quickly fix your clothes, your heart still racing in your chest. Joel gives you a reassuring smile, his hand gently squeezing yours.
"Don't worry, we're good,"
You nod, trying to steady your breathing. Joel's hand stays on yours, leading you to the corner of the building, hiding you from the worker's view. The worker walks by, not noticing the two of you hiding in the corner. Joel's hand stays on yours, his thumb gently caressing your skin.
As the worker disappears out of sight, Joel turns to you, his eyes full of desire. "Where were we?" he murmurs, his lips brushing against yours.
You moan as Joel's fingers begin to move again. You know that you're taking a risk, but the pleasure he gives you is too strong to resist.
Joel leads you back to the corner, his hands gently caressing your body as he undresses you once again.
"Sweet jesus you're so beautiful, I can't resist you."
You gasp as Joel enters you once again, his movements slow and deliberate as he takes his time exploring your body. His fingers move to your clit, gently teasing the sensitive bundle of nerves as he thrusts his hips against yours.
"Good girl, takin’ my cock so good arent’cha?" he murmurs, his breath hot against your skin.
You nod, your breath hitching in your throat as Joel increases his pace. His fingers move faster, matching the rhythm of his hips as he drives you closer and closer to the edge.
"I want you to come for me," he growls, his teeth grazing your ear. "I want to feel you trembling beneath me."
“fuck, im so close,” your bodys trembling with pleasure as Joel's fingers work their magic. You can feel the tension building inside you, your climax just within reach. "Yes, yes, yes," you chant, your voice barely above a whisper.
Joel's fingers move faster, his hips thrusting harder as he drives you over the edge. You cry out, your body trembling with pleasure as waves of ecstasy wash over you.
Joel follows close behind, his body tenses as he reaches his climax, his hips thrusting harder as he drives himself deeper inside of you. You can feel the heat of his release, the sensation sending waves of pleasure coursing through your own body.
Joel collapses against you, his body trembling with the aftershocks of his orgasm. His breath is hot against your skin, his lips brushing against your neck as he tries to catch his breath.
You can feel his heart racing, matching the rhythm of your own as you come down from your own high. Joel's hands are still on your hips, his fingers gently caressing your skin as he tries to steady himself.
"You're incredible," he murmurs, his lips brushing against your ear. "I can't get enough of you.”
Joel slowly pulls out, and you instantly feel a pang of longing for him. You feel shy all the sudden, looking down at the ground. Joel's hand moves to your chin, gently lifting it so that you're looking at him.
"Hey, don't be shy," he says, his voice full of warmth and affection. "That was perfect, and I want to do it again."
You smile, feeling your cheeks flush with pleasure. Joel's hand moves to your waist, pulling you closer to him.
"I want to see you again," his lips brushing against yours.
You nod, your heart racing in your chest. "I want that too," you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
Joel grins, his hand gently squeezing yours. "Good," he says, his thumb gently caressing your skin.
As you dress yourself, you can't help but feel a sense of guilt and shame wash over you. But the memory of the pleasure Joel gave you is too strong to resist, and you know that you'll be back for more.
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monzabee · 1 year
lean on you – cl16
Summary: The one where you learn to lean on Charles more than you thought you ever could.
Pairing: charles leclerc x medstudent!reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: it’s been a while since i went to an actual hospital, so that, and also worried charles, mentions of sickness and vomiting, also mentions of food poisoning
Request: “Hiiii! I don’t know if you still accept request😅 but I have something in my mind if you are open to it, like the reader is quite sick before Charles’ race, he wanted to stay to take care of her but she insisted that he go on with the race and that she’ll be fine. But during the race, Charles’ got a call that she have been taken to the hospital by Lorenzo since she almost passed out. Charles went straight to the hospital and bit mad and angry at her being so stubborn. I just think Charles can be over protective and can be so upset or angry when he get very worried. Like how Charles will emphasise that she have him instead of being so independent all the time. 🤍🤍🤍 thank you if you will do it, but if not, it’s alright too! I just love and enjoy reading all your works!🤩 ”+ “Can you write a fic where the reader is a med!student with Charles? (definitely not projecting🫣)”
Author’s Note: hi, hey, hello!! i loved both of these concepts and i though they’d go well together, because most of my friends who are also med students love diagnosing themselves?? i kind of wanted to based the reader off of bow from black-ish if you guys ever watched it, it’s my current watch and i love her so much!! it was very fun for me to write, and thank you to both of the anons for their requests! Feedback is always appreciated, and i hope you guys enjoy! good morning, noon or night wherever you are, xoxobee
Please also note that all of my works are protected under copyright, and not available for reposting on other platforms. 
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“Are you sure you’re fine, mignon? You look worse than you did last night.” Charles lets his eyes look over your fatigued figure in your bed, worry etched into his eyebrows.
Giving him a weak smile, you do your best to reassure his worries by reaching for his hand resting on the side of his body. “I’m fine, love, I feel better than I did yesterday.” Charles sighs softly, his worry not entirely dissipating. He moves closer to the bed, his hand tightening around yours, and you squeeze his hand gently, relaying the message that you appreciate his concern. “I really am, you don’t have to worry about me, okay?”
“You say as if that’s an easy thing, love.” He emphasises, giving you a small smile that still allows you to see the dimples on his cheeks. “I just don’t want to leave you alone, you seem worse than you did last night.”
Your expression softens as you recall the way he doted on you the previous evening, no matter how much you told him that you were doing fine. “I promise I’m feeling much better, it’s nothing but a stomach bug – and I promise I’ll rest today, too.”
Charles leans down and places a gentle kiss on your forehead. “You better keep that promise and rest, it’s doctor’s orders," he says with a hint of playfulness in his voice. "I'll hold you to it.”
You chuckle weakly, appreciating his attempt to lighten the mood. “I promise, Charles. I'll stay in bed, take my medicine, and rest. I have some lecture stuff I have to go over, anyway." You pause, looking up at him with sincere eyes. "And you need to focus on your race. I don't want you to worry about me, be careful out there please.”
His lips form a mock pout, making your facial muscles to pull in an involuntary smile, “But my favourite part is the part where my doctor takes care of me,” his thumb draws a comforting circle on your hand, “your kisses help immensely.”
You blush at his playful comment, grateful for his affectionate nature even in times of worry. “I promise I’ll give you kisses when you come back, but only if you promise you’ll be careful.” You sigh deeply at the boyish grin he sends your way, “I’m serious, Charles.”
Charles's expression softens, and he reaches out to cup your face in his hands, his touch gentle yet firm. "I promise, my love. I'll be careful. Do you need me to bring you anything before I leave?”
Your nod is sluggish and doesn’t go unnoticed by Charles, but he chooses to remain silent as he gives you a moment to think about your answer. “Can you just give me my computer and anatomy book, please?” You watch as Charles nods in understanding. He leans down to give you a tender kiss on the lips before making his way to the desk where your belongings are kept. Retrieving the items you requested, he returns to your bedside, placing them gently on the bed beside you.
"Here you go, mignon," he says softly, his voice filled with genuine concern. He notices the way you keep fiddling with the collar of his your sweatshirt – a habit you usually display when you’re sick because the clothing usually causes overstimulation in your mind. “Do you want me to bring you some water? Or maybe order room service?”
You shake your head to the either side this time, giving him a sleepy smile as you start talking, “I’m good, but thank you, darling.” You let out a small giggle at the unapproving glance he sends your way, “I promise I’ll order some food when I get hungry, Charles.”
Charles chuckles softly, his eyes filled with a mix of amusement and concern at the way you emphasise the word. "Alright, love. Just make sure you take care of yourself and eat something nutritious. I don't want you skipping meals, even if you're not feeling well."
You nod, appreciating his reminder. "I promise, Charles. I'll make sure to eat when I need to. But for now, I think I'll focus on studying and getting some rest."
He leans in to press a gentle kiss to your temple, his warm breath brushing against your skin. "That sounds like a good plan. I'll leave you to it then, but remember to reach out if you need anything, okay?"
"I will," you reply softly, your eyes growing heavy with fatigue. "Thank you for taking care of me, Charles. I love you."
He smiles warmly, his eyes filled with affection. "I love you too, mignon. Rest well and take all the time you need. I'll see you soon." With that, Charles gives your hand a final squeeze and presses his lips to your forehead in a parting kiss before reluctantly pulling away and leaving the room. Taking a deep breath, you focus on the task at hand, determined to make the most of your day even if you’re feeling a bit down.
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It’s not easy for Charles to focus on his driving that day, not easy at all. He can’t seem to focus on the track when you seem to occupy his mind and linger in his thoughts. The people around him notices the way he seems almost detached at the garage that day, and also noticing your absence, thankfully they accommodate him and his aloofness the best they can. He keeps an eye on his phone the entire time before he gets in the car – something he usually never does before a race just in case you call him in need of assistance. Charles takes a deep breath, trying to clear his mind as he prepares for the race. He knows he needs to focus, but his thoughts keep drifting back to you. Concern and worry gnaw at him, making it difficult to fully immerse himself in the adrenaline of the race.
Before climbing into his car, he approaches his brother, who is thankfully standing nearby. He looks into Lorenzo's eyes and speaks in a hushed tone, “Hey, can you do me a favour?”
Lorenzo, sensing the urgency in Charles' voice, gives him a nod, his own concern mirrored in his eyes. “Of course, Charles. What do you need? Is everything alright?”
Charles takes a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. “I need you to keep an eye on my phone, Y/N wasn’t feeling too good this morning, and i have a bad feeling about it.” He hands Lorenzo his phone, making sure to check one for one last time to see whether you’ve texted or called him, you haven’t.
Lorenzo's brows furrow with worry as he listens to Charles, but he understands the gravity of the situation and the significance of Charles' request. "Don't worry, Charles, I'll take care of it – and I'll let you know if anything happens. You focus on the race, and I'll make sure everything is handled."
With that assurance, Charles turns his attention back to the race ahead and quickly puts on his balaclava and helmet. He climbs into his car, adjusting his helmet and securing himself in the cockpit. The anticipation and excitement of the race surround him, but his mind remains consumed with worry for you as he tries to assure himself that you are fine and resting back at the hotel. The race begins, and Charles pushes the limits of his car, manoeuvring through the twists and turns of the track. But no matter how hard he tries, he can't fully immerse himself in the competitive spirit. Thoughts of you and your well-being linger, distracting him from the task at hand. His racing instincts seem dull, his reaction time slightly delayed, and he struggles to find his usual pace.
As the laps pass by, Charles notices that he's slipping further and further behind, unable to keep up with the leading pack. Frustration mounts within him, battling against his worry for you. The race that should have been a chance for him to shine becomes an arduous struggle to maintain his composure, as he struggles to keep up with the cars infront, the ones behind him seemingly passing him with ease and causing him to drop out of points. So despite his best efforts, Charles finishes the race with a disappointing result, far from his usual position on the podium. He steps out of the car, feeling a mix of exhaustion and disappointment washing over him. The familiar cheers from the crowd seem distant, overshadowed by his concern for you. His mind is occupied by imagining the worst as he gets out of his car, takes off his helmet and stumbles towards the team's garage. The once vibrant atmosphere now feels muted, as if the world around him has lost its importance. He can sense the curious glances and sympathetic looks from his fellow team members, but he can't bring himself to socialise with any of them.
His eyes hastily search for his brother, but Lorenzo is the one who finds him before he can spot him. Lorenzo's concerned gaze locks with Charles’, and he quickly makes his way toward him, his steps mirroring Charles’ urgency. Understanding the look in his brother’s eyes instantly, Charles asks, “What’s wrong? Is it Y/N? Is everything alright?”
Charles watches his brother expectantly as he places a comforting hand on his shoulder, making him want to slap his hand away, but the next words that come out of his mouth is enough to takes his breath away, “Carlos is on the phone with the hospital–”
“Hospital?” Charles interrupts Lorenzo, “Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par l'hôpital qui t'a appelé?” What do you mean the hospital called you?
“Calm down, Charles, laisse-moi t'expliquer.” Lorenzo gives him a pointed look, and gently steer him towards his teammate’s cousin, “Y/N called me from the taxi, she said she was going to the hospital because she wasn’t feeling well,” he raises a hand to stop Charles from interrupting again, “she also told me that she’d call me once she got to the hospital but she didn’t, I’m guessing her phone died and the hospital called me instead. But my Spanish is non-existent and Carlos is talking to them, so for the love of God, calme-toi un peu.”
Charles's mind races with a mix of relief and anxiety upon hearing Lorenzo's explanation. He takes a deep breath, trying to regain his composure as he listens to his brother's words. The realization that Y/N is at the hospital sinks in, bringing a wave of concern to the forefront of his thoughts. Nodding in acknowledgment, Charles tries to calm his racing heartbeat and focus on the information at hand. “My girlfriend is at a hospital in a country she’s not familiar with, how do you expect me to calm down?”
“Just wait for a moment, we’ll have more information when Carlos is done talking to the hospital-people.” Lorenzo reassures him, and it helps Charles to focus on the current issue at hand – learning the name of the hospital and finding his way there as fast as possible.
Taking Lorenzo's advice to heart, Charles tries to steady his racing thoughts and focus on the present. He takes another deep breath, reminding himself to stay calm and composed. The minutes feel like an eternity as they wait for Carlos to conclude the call. Finally, Carlos hangs up the phone and approaches Charles and Lorenzo, his expression grave but determined. "The hospital confirmed that Y/N arrived safely," Carlos begins, his voice steady. "They're currently conducting some tests to determine the cause of her discomfort. The initial assessment suggests it may be a severe case of food poisoning."
A certain degree of understanding and relief washes over Charles as he lets Carlos’ words sink in. He offers his teammate’s cousin a grateful look, “Thank you for your help, Carlos,” he nods his head in appreciation, “do you have the name of the hospital?”
Carlos returns Charles's grateful look with a reassuring smile and a nod, “It’s the Hospital Quirónsalud Barcelona, she’s a smart girl, Charles, it’s an international hospital so she shouldn’t have any problems communicating with the doctors.” He pats Charles’ shoulder when the latter gives him a confused look, “You weren’t exactly quiet, mate.”
Charles lets out a small chuckle, realizing that his worries may have been more apparent than he thought. He appreciates Carlos' attempt to lighten the mood and offers a grateful smile. "You're right, I probably wasn't the most composed person just now," he admits, "but I'm glad Y/N is in good hands at hospital and thank you for your help, I appreciate it."
“No need to thank me, I hope she’s doing okay.” The older man smiles and gives him a final nod as he makes his way towards his cousin.
“Charles,” one of the PR people starts as they make their way towards the duo, “you still have media–”
The look Charles gives the poor intern in return can only be described as a mix of exhaustion and frustration. He interrupts the PR person before they can finish their sentence. “Bill me.” He, then, turns to his brother as he shoots him an expectant look, “Can we go?”
“Come on, I’ll drive,” Charles hears his brother’s voice, which causes him to raise his eyebrows and receive in return, “you’re obviously too high on adrenaline right now, let me drive.”
Charles, recognizing his own state of mind, doesn't argue. He nods in agreement and takes a seat in the passenger side, grateful for his brother's support, but because he is Charles, he mumbles, “You better drive fast,” under his breath as he follows his brother out of the garage.
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As the car navigates through the busy streets of Barcelona, Charles finds himself lost in his thoughts – he glances out the window, his eyes darting from building to building, as if searching for answers that lie beyond the glass. The tension in the air is palpable, the silence between the brothers punctuated only by the hum of the engine and the occasional sound of horns from other impatient drivers. He tries contacting the hospital once again, but it seems like luck is not on his side as the operator speaks to him solely in Spanish, which makes him reconsider what Carlos told him earlier. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the Hospital Quirónsalud Barcelona comes into view. Charles feels a surge of hope mixed with anxiety as Lorenzo skilfully manoeuvres the car into a parking spot. Charles is out of the car before Lorenzo even turns off the engine, which earns him a scolding from his brother, but he’s almost halfway through the walk to the entrance as he waves Lorenzo off.
As Charles approaches the entrance of the hospital, his pace quickens with a mix of urgency and concern. The automatic doors slide open, welcoming him into the bustling lobby. The sterile smell of disinfectant fills his nostrils, and the sound of footsteps echoes through the halls.
He makes his way to the reception desk, where a receptionist greets him with a warm smile, and (thankfully) speaks in English, “Good evening, how can I help you?”
Breathing heavily, Charles tries to gather his thoughts and speak clearly. “My girlfriend was admitted through ER earlier today, Y/N Y/LN. Can you please tell me her room number and how she’s doing?”
The receptionist nods sympathetically. “I understand your concern, let me check the system for you.” She begins typing on her computer, her fingers dancing across the keyboard. After a few moments, she looks up at Charles. “I do see her in our system, but I don't have access to that information. You'll need to speak with someone from the emergency department.”
Frustration wells up within Charles, but he takes a deep breath and reminds himself to stay calm. "Can you at least direct me to the emergency department?"
The receptionist offers an understanding smile. "Of course. Head down this corridor and take the first right. You'll find the emergency department entrance on your left."
Thanking the receptionist, Charles follows her directions, his heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and worry. He walks briskly, determined to reach Y/N's side as quickly as possible. As he enters the emergency department, the sense of urgency intensifies – he watches the hustle and bustle of the hospital; how the medical staff rush by, attending to patients in need and people who are waiting to see their loved ones just like him. His legs aimlessly takes him to the nearest a nurse station and approaches a nurse who seems available. “Excuse me, Miss” he calls out, trying to catch her attention. The nurse turns to him with a professional yet compassionate gaze. “I'm looking for my girlfriend, Y/N Y/LN. Can you please tell me where I can find her?”
“Let me check her records,” the nurse smiles at him, an attempt to calm him and goes through the papers on the chart in her hands. “Here she is, it seems that she was recently moved – she’s supposed be in room 376, it’s on the third level, at the end of the main hallway.”
Relief floods over Charles as he receives the information from the nurse. He manages a grateful smile and nods in appreciation. "Thank you so much. I'll head there right away."
After thanking the nurse, Charles makes his way towards the elevators, following the signs that lead him to the third level. As he steps into the elevator, he can feel his heart pounding in his chest, a mixture of nervousness and anticipation. He makes sure he sends Lorenzo a text message to let him know where’s he’s headed, the ride to the third floor feels agonizingly slow, each passing floor adding to his impatience. When the elevator doors finally open, Charles steps out and finds himself in a long, well-lit hallway. He scans the room numbers, his eyes quickly landing on the sign indicating the direction of room 376. With determined strides, he makes his way down the hallway, passing by other patients' rooms and medical staff going about their duties.
Finally, he reaches room 376, and his breath catches in his throat. Taking a moment to steady himself, he gently pushes the door open, revealing a small but comforting space. Inside, he finds you lying in the hospital bed, an IV connected to your arm and one of your textbooks open on the bed beside you. He realises you’re asleep, however, as he watches you from afar. Seeing you lying there, Charles feels a mix of emotions overwhelm him—relief that you’re safe and being cared for, concern for your well-being, and a deep longing to be by your side. He approaches the bed with cautious steps, taking in your pale complexion and the weary lines etched on your face.
Gently, Charles pulls up a chair beside your bed and sits down, not wanting to disturb your much-needed rest. He reaches out and lightly brushes a strand of hair away from your face, a tender smile gracing his lips as he watches you sleep. Gently, he reaches out and takes your hand in his, offering her a tender squeeze. "Hey," he whispers softly, not wanting to startle you. "I'm here. You're going to be okay."
You stir slightly, your eyes fluttering open. A weak smile graces your lips as you recognise Charles. "Charles," she murmurs, her voice hoarse but filled with warmth. "You came."
Charles feels a surge relief wash over him, he leans in closer, his voice filled with genuine concern. "Of course, I came, I'll always be here for you, chérie. What happened? How are you feeling?"
“I’m better now,” your voice comes off hoarse, and it makes Charles cringe inwardly, “I just wanted to come to the hospital because i kept throwing up and thought I had all the signs of food poisoning – but, honey, what are you wearing?”
Charles glances down at his attire, realizing he's still in his racing gear. “I didn’t have time to change,” he explains, his head tilted to the side as he gives you a strict look, “I should have just stayed with you.”
“You had a race, Charles,” your eyes widen in recognition as you remember the race. “Oh my god, how was it? Did you–”
“The race doesn’t matter, Y/N.” Charles interrupts, eyebrows furrowed in frustration. “I wish you wouldn’t try to be so independent all the time.”
He watches as your lips form a pout, your voice coming off more vulnerable than before as you ask, “What?”
"Y/N," he says softly, his voice filled with emotion. "What were you thinking? Why didn't you tell me you were feeling this sick? I could have been here for you."
You give him a guilty look, the pout on your lips becoming deeper. "I didn't want to worry you, Charles. I thought I could handle it on my own."
His frustration melts away as he takes in your weakened state. He moves closer, his hand gently cupping your cheek. "You don't have to handle everything on your own, love. I'm here for you, always. I would have been by your side if you had just let me. I should have been there with you today, not at some race when you were puking your guts out.” He pauses, his thumb caressing the back of your cheek soothingly. “I know you value your independence, and I admire that about you. But sometimes, it's okay to lean on others, especially when you're going through tough times. You don't have to carry everything on your own.”
You listen to Charles's words, and a mixture of emotions swirl within you. His concern and care touch your heart, but you also understand the frustration he expresses. With a soft sigh, you squeeze his hand gently. You shift slightly in the bed, wincing at the discomfort. "Being independent has been a part of me for so long, and it's hard to let go of that mindset completely. But I'm learning, slowly, to find a balance, and I'm learning to lean on you when I need to and to share my burdens with you." You give him the softest smile you can muster, “I promise I’ll try to be better, darling.”
His thumb brushes away a tear from your cheek, his touch gentle and comforting. "You don't have to apologize, mignon. I understand why you wanted me to race, but your health and well-being will always be my priority. I don't want you to ever feel like you have to face things alone. We're a team, remember?"
You nod, your voice barely above a whisper. "I know we are, and I’m sorry for worrying you, darling." You lean into his touch, feeling the warmth of his hand against your skin, and with a soft sigh, you begin speaking again. "I promise that I’ll lean on you more and remember that we’re a team.”
Charles leans down, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. "That's all I ask, love. Just remember that you have me, and I'll always be here for you, okay? I love you."
As you feel his lips on your forehead, a sense of comfort and love washes over you. You gaze into his eyes, filled with gratitude and affection. "I love you too, Charles," you whisper, your voice filled with sincerity. "Thank you for always being there for me, even when I push you away. I'm so grateful to have you by my side."
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