#[in case anyone needs to know how badass teeth is >_>]
Being a nurse & part of the Basterds | IB headcanon
Link to my IB masterlist
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I ain’t having my mans Wicki & Stiglitz dying in that damn basement.
Being a nurse and member of the Basterds would look like:
First and foremost, all the guys are VERY protective of you. I’m talking if someone so much as breath’s wrong in your direction, they would no longer be breathing five seconds later. Most of them see you as a little/older sister and therefore would do anything to make sure nothing happened to you. For the ones who have feelings a little more on the ‘more than friends’ level, they would sacrifice themselves to save you if it came down to it. They’re all well aware you can pretty much kick anyones ass if you tried, but they still feel like they should be the one’s doing the ass kicking.
Aldo recruited you in his initial work of gathering the team. He needed to make sure that if someone went down or needed to be checked then a professional was there. You had been top of your nursing class, working the up ranks of the Army Nurses Corps that by the time Aldo offered you the position you were already a Captain. There was an automatic respect, not just because you technically outranked the boys, but because you were a hard worker, caring, badass, and didn’t take shit from anyone. Aldo could still remember the first meeting you two had in which he left the room thinking, “Them Nazi fucks ain’t ready for a woman like that.”
Of course your main job was to provide medical expertise for the guys. Not only did you tend to their wounds, but you also educated them for emergencies in case too many of them got hurt or you were at camp while some went into town. Wicki and Smitty were the ones who were most interested in learning. “You need to stop the bleeding first—are you watching?—good, then you clean it before disinfecting until finally you dress the wound.” Donny would sit and watch you teach for the hell of it, but never partake which greatly annoyed you. “Donny, what’re you going to do if it’s just you and I’m not there to help save your ass?” *shrugs* “Guess I’m fucked.”
As a member of the Basterds, you were expected to gift Aldo 100 Nazi scalps. And you always paid your debts. It took almost a year for you to accomplish the goal since you often stayed at the base camp. Once in a blue moon when they needed info out of a kraut, they’d haul his ass back to camp so you can do the honors. “Got a surprise for you, doll.” “How lovely for you boys to do such a thing.”
On the rare occasions you guys get to take a night off, you’ll wind up at a dance hall. It is obligation from there that you dance with every Basterd before the doors close for the evening. Donny is usually the first to drag you by the hand the second y’all arrive and from there you’ll either be passed to the next, or the sly basterds will cut in middle of the dance. It should also be mentioned that you’re the only person Hugo will dance with. The man will literally be approached by dames left and right, but simply gives them a look of ‘no thanks.’ Meanwhile all you have to do is bat your eyelashes and the Nazi killer is soft as a teddy bear.
God forbid you get hurt. The guys don’t know what the hell to do—save for Wicki and Smitty—so they’re cussing and yelling all around causing you more stress than you need. Eventually you’ll have enough and throw a roll of gauze at their heads to get them to shut the hell up. Wicki bans them from your tent while he works while Smitty provides you comfort. “Fuck how bad is it?” “The knife got you pretty deep, but it looks like it didn’t hit anything major. You’ll be in pain, but at least you’re alive.” You’ll then smirk and make some sly comment of, “well well, who taught you all that, doc?”
On top of being the nurse, you also take on the job of cutting the boys hair when it gets too long (Donny will also since mans is literally a barber) and inspecting their teeth. The scissors you had were for cutting gauze and stitches and shit, but you made the exception to give them hair cuts every few months. Thankfully you had family members who often came to you for hair cuts before the war, so you knew how to not fuck up there hair. And it was something the boys enjoyed because they got to sit one on one with you and relax. Sometimes it would even lull them to sleep.
When the team lost Micheal and Simon, you took it the hardest. After the ambush the guys hauled them back to you with hopes they’d make it. You did everything you could, using up the last of whatever materials you had to keep them alive but in the end their injuries were too much. When you knew there was nothing more you could do, one a time you took their hand and pressed a kiss to their forehead as they took their last breath. For days you stayed in your tent to cry from sunrise to sunset, usually with the rest of the guys taking turns to hold you.
In the beginning, you vowed you’d never let yourself get romantically involved with any of the basterds. This was both a professional and personal reason. Professional as you were their nurse (not to mention you outranked them), and personal as there was a war where everyday could be your last. The last thing you wanted was to fall in love and have to continue you on your own if something happened or vise versa. But the heart wants what it wants and it was no surprise when you eventually did strike up a relationship with one of them.
It wasn’t hard for the others to figure out who it was once they noticed the man (of your choosing) kept a close eye on you more than usually and would get jealous from time to time. Then on a mission where you were tasked to play a part of an unsuspecting French Nazi sympathizer to lure them to the Basterds, your lover was not forthcoming with letting you do it. “It is too dangerous, doll.” “Well that’s why I have you to protect me.”
When Operation Kino came to the team you were hesitant. Already you didn’t trust Von Hammersmark, but not because you didn’t doubt her loyalty to the allies. It was because you believed she wouldn’t put your team in harms way without realizing it. These were your men, your friends, your brothers, and then there was your lover. There was nothing you would not do to keep them safe. So when the shoot out sounded in the basement 20 minutes after Wicki and Hugo went in Donny had to basically tackle you to stop you from going down there. “Let me go, Donny!” “We don’t know if anyone’s alive yet—it could be a trap!”
After Aldo made the deal—to which the young Wilhelm met the end of Bridget Lugar, you guys recovered her, Wicki, Stiglitz, and Hicox and brought them to safety. All of them had been hit with at least 3 shots to various parts of their bodies so time was at the essence. Eventually y’all made it to a vet’s office where you immediately got to work on the four with the vet and Smitty assisting you in anyway he could. Heated and suspicious of Bridget, you refused to help her saying, “Get that bitch out of my face until you find out what the hell she’s up to.”
Luckily Wicki and Hugo —and even Hixoc though you were pissed at him for selling the team out, pulled through (which you probably would’ve went on a rampage if they didn’t). They needed to be cared for more and so you and Andy stayed at the makeshift infirmary you set up at the vet’s while the others went to complete Operation Kino. When Hirschberg came rushing back hours later covered in blood and frantic, “We gotta go!” you three helped your wounded basterds up and out of the place into some van Hirschberg had stolen.
When the war came to an end, thanks to your bunch of Nazi killing basterds, you walked hand in hand with your lover across the tarmac to go back home. The others met you with hugs and teasing remarks, but promises to keep in touch once you all went your separate ways. You weren’t sure what you’d do once you were back in the states. There was the option of staying an Army nurse, but part of you wanted something more. And with your brothers in arms and lover by your side, anything was possible.
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satana-the-queen · 1 year
vampire empire (or) we cry together.
Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x reader
Word count: 1229
Warnings: angst, mentions of minor injury, hurt/no comfort, mentions of cheating
PS: I’ve never really posted a fic on tumble before so I have no idea what I’m doing
Brief excerpt:
“You leave without a trace for a month and a half and you want your job back?” His cold tone had never left for all that time. His shoulders were tense, and broader than you remembered. “You’re lucky I even let you back in here.”
The tension in the air was thick, thick with a disgusting amount of guilt and pain. You took a breath, the silence between you only furthered the tension, a sickly feeling forming in the pit of your stomach. Your eyes bore into his rigid back, his broad shoulders appeared stressed and strained. Your eyes wandered, taking in the total disarray of his ‘office’. Papers were scattered around the floor, the console next to him had claw marks etched into the controls.
Chapter 1:
“God I can’t fucking believe this.” You muttered through clenched teeth, a sour slime twisted on your lips as tears fell into the corner of your mouth, the salty taste invading your senses. He convinced you he would change, time and time again. You hated it, the way you were the pathetic little lamb that believed him. You were nothing but prey to him.
How could you be weak? You were fucking Spider-Woman. You were badass. He was the one that didn’t deserve you.
But you couldn’t help but blame yourself.
You were erratic, impulsive, hot-heated. And you heard the whispers. How could you not? The same ones that swore you didn’t have a place in the society, you were too emotional, a liability. But those weren’t the comments that hurt you. The comments that really got to you were the ones that said Miguel was too good for you. That he deserved better. The worst part was that they were probably right.
They sowed seeds of doubt no one could soothe. Miguel tried or whatever he called trying. Quiet words whispered in the bedroom late at night, full of care and affection, only to be washed away again in the morning. His cold words filled with ice seeped into your heart, making a home there, feeding into that doubt.
It was only a matter of time before you cracked.
You snapped out of your train of thought, fumbling to pack all of your belongings into the only case you could find in a hurry—it was small and poxy, but it was all you had. Your hands shook as adrenaline and fear coursed through you. You didn't even know where you could go. If you went back to your own universe, he would find you. If you stayed in this one, he would find you. But maybe he wouldn't search for you at all; maybe he would be relieved by your disappearance. It would be one less problem for him, one less stressor.
He was an enigma, your whole relationship was an enigma. You still couldn't decide what you'd hate more. Would he come for you? Beg and plead? Or would he let you leave. Forget about you, and everything you had? You wanted so badly for him to want you, to need you, to love you. You wanted him to feel all the things you felt.
Except you weren't even sure you loved him. It was hard to open up to anyone, let alone Miguel O’Hara. But somehow your walls fell down along the way. You never stopped long enough to wonder if it was love.
You glanced atop the kitchen counter, your gaze landed on his phone, it almost felt as though it was taunting you, reminding you of what you had found.
You knew his password, you had known for a few weeks. The niggling feeling picked at you day and night. The seeds of doubt were already sewn in your mind. They were all that occupied you.
It was time to put the restless thoughts to bed. You took a long, quivering breath, your hesitant hands reached to grab the phone. You managed to type the password in, your trembling fingers swiped through the photos. There had been some photos of the two of you that you’d forgotten he’d taken. You kept swiping and swiping through all the old photos, til finally there he was, with some unknown woman.
In one photo they were cuddling, you thought it may have been harmless, a totally innocent picture. That was until you found the photo of them kissing. The phone slipped out of your weakening fingers before you even had time to process it.
You paused, pouring yourself another glass of wine, your shaking hands struggling to bring the sweet red liquid to your lips.
You bent down to pick up the cracked phone, determined to collect all the evidence necessary. Then you found videos. Of little girl, of her playing soccer, of Miguel caring for her as she grew. And a woman, a woman whom he clearly loved, a wedding band present on her finger, one was present on his too. But this was a different woman, different to the one he’d been kissing in the previous photos.
He looked happier with his family than he had ever looked with you. A warm smile graced his full lips in all the photos, a kindness in his eyes, full of care and love. You envied the family, you envied miguel.
You hadn't a clue of what to do next, so you called Jess, she was the only one you could think of that would help you, that would know what to do.
She gave you a sad look, one of understanding and tenderness.
“It’s why he created the society. He caused an incursion.”
It all made sense. It seemed every spider-person was destined for a life of tragedy. You just hadn't got Miguel's story till now. The times you'd caught him with Rapture, alcohol, or just being a workaholic. You chalked it up to the same issues everyone else had, Uncle Ben, Aunt May.
You should’ve asked.
But apparently his most recent vice, the one that helped him cope. Was this woman? If she made him happier than you? Then you'd just leave. It was the selfless thing to do.
Any justifications he had wouldnt offer you solace, you knew that. So you decided you would stick around long enough to hear them. You wanted him to burn, like you'd been burned. You wanted your disappearance to sting him. A scoff left your lips at the thought. He wouldn't care. You doubt he had the ability to care when it came to you.
The picture frame that captured you and Miguel in a loving embrace, the same one that Miguel made sure was placed on his side of the bed had now made a home on the floor, smashed into pieces. The shards covered in the crimson blood that flowed from your hand as you smashed it in your rage. You wanted it to be the first clue he got, the first breadcrumb of your whereabouts, or rather the lack thereof.
A million thoughts crossed your mind at once. Wasn’t I good enough? That was the thought that rushed through your mind the most.
You seemed destined for each other, He was Spider-Man and you were Spider-Woman. It sounded great on paper, and even better in person. You shared a connection that other people– regular people– couldn't comprehend. You knew what it was like to win, to lose. To lose people, to lose a lot of people.
You didn’t want it to be messy, you didn’t want it to be too obvious of what you had found out, but if you were known for something, it was your temper.
Before you walked out of the door for the final time, you eyes darted around the apartment, something akin to glee flashed in your eyes. the glass table was smashed into pieces, the metal door of the fridge dented, the TV glitching from the vodka you spilt on it, all the pictures of the two of you torn up and scattered across the floor, the walls were used as throwing boards for the kitchen knives.
A bitter smile couldn’t help but wipe onto your tear stricken face.
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pigeonwit · 11 months
hiii what r your favorite javey fics asking for a friend xx
[bursts through the wall like the dreamies cat] did someone say javey
here is the first post i made on this - that list was specifically longer fics, so i'll go with shorter ones for this one :) and remember that i do not understand social interactions and rules and etc etc so i dont wanna tag anyone outright just in case it crosses any boundaries.
mountain ridge camp for boys by @/timetogoslumming - starting strong on a GOD DAMN LIE because this one is not short at all but i love it so very much. it could legit be an original story (i'd read the fuck out of a graphic novel of this) it's so well written, the plot is so well set up, etc etc etc its perfect. it hits all my favourite notes - davey going from an outsider to finding his place and feeling like he belongs, jack being a pining idiot, misunderstandings, realistically confusing teenager feelings, etc, etc. i haven't read it in it's entirety for a while but man it makes me happy. sometimes when i'm in my feels i'll pull up the scene where davey very gently handles a ribbon snake. it makes me happy
as you've always been by @/weisenbachfelded - another stunning lie on my part because this is 43,000 words!! ahh friends to fwb to strangers to lovers my beloved. jack and davey re-meet each other after years of separation on a flight - they learn about each others successes and the feelings they'd misinterpreted throughout their friendship. it's so Yearning, so very soft, and not quite as angsty as you'd think. it really does capture that bittersweetness of re-meeting a person you used to know, but also that lingering hope that oh, you do still know this person. and they still know you. it's just such a kind and gentle reading experience.
i pull the trigger (with my eyes closed) by @/we-are-inevitable (MASSIVE trigger warning for murder and suicide) - look man. i have spoken a lot about davey's patented inability to maintain a work-life balance and well. i'd really be letting the team down if i didn't recommend this fic.
i really love this fic as an incredible answer to the question 'just how far does davey's dedication to his family go?'. because davey as a character would give anything for his family, he's doing everything to keep them afloat, he's stressed, he's terrified, he knows he can never repay them for all they've done for him but he needs to try because what kind of son is he if he doesn't? this fic takes all that and goes beyond with it. davey's ruthless dedication to his family juxtaposed against his almost painful love for jack, and how those two things working against each other destroy him. it's intense. there's really no way for me to do this justice in just words alone so i highly recommend you read it (if you're comfortable!) and experience it yourself.
it's so easy (too easy) to love you by @/livesincerely - everyone and their fucking mother knows livesincerely's fics but i love this one so very very much. jack and davey being so in love it's second nature. it's everything to me. it's the perfect little pick-me-up when you've had a long and lonely day.
we'll climb mountains together by @/reluctantcoppercrowd - my favourite javid fic of all god damn time. the progression is perfect, the yearning is palpable, the character interactions and friendships are absolutely flawless, davey as a character is PERFECT (YES he is an awkward anxious autismo YES he is a badass who will kick your goddamn teeth in in the name of Justice NO he will not recognize that he did it at all nor will he accept praise for it THANK YOU), the conflicts are realistic (not only for the time period but the characters themselves process their thoughts feelings and anxieties in realistic ways), the time and effort put into good worldbuilding is PHENOMENAL, and the conclusion feels not only satisfactory, but EARNED. it is truly my favourite javid fic of all time forever and always. it's also not short at all. i'm sorry for the lies anon but i cant help it if things are just Good.
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3d-wifey · 2 years
You've Got Me Under Wraps (Darling, I'm in Love)
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Synopsis: Even if he hadn't asked, you would always help him in any way you could because you knew he would do the same for you. Which explained why he was currently standing before you on a Friday night, rattling on about dead cheerleaders.
Word Count: 5.5k
Warning: smut in the woods, a surprising amount of fluff, canon divergence (everyone lives and no one dies), spoilers for season 4, description of injury, Eddie just being a simp, grinding, mentions of math
A/N: In an alternate universe, this was a Steve x reader x Eddie fic. There might be some plot holes, but don't worry about it. If I didn't mention it, it didn't happen 😊. I have a description of how everyone slept at Steve's house, but it didn't make it in. Here it is.
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"You take the first digit of the dividend from the left. Check if this digit is greater than or equal to the divisor. Then divide it by the divisor and I can literally feel you staring at me." You turned and caught the gaze that was practically burning holes into the side of your head.
He froze, fingers locked around the ends of his hair with his lip caught between his teeth, looking for all the world like a kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
"Eddie, you asked me to help you. How are you supposed to learn if you're paying more attention to me than your homework?"
He convinced you to help by making the case that he couldn't afford to fail any classes this year. It honestly didn't take much begging on his part, considering you were probably more eager for him to graduate than he was. Turns out saying your boyfriend was still in high school got you strange looks even if you were the same age.
"Can you blame me? You are very," he glanced down at your lips, slowly leaning in, "distracting." He said lowly, air puffing against your mouth. You knew what he was trying to do. You didn't know what was more baffling: him trying to flirt his way out of doing his homework or the fact that it was actually working on you.
For a moment, you considered how easy it would be to crawl onto his lap and put everything on hold, long division be damned. But if you did that, you knew there was no chance in hell of it ever getting done.
"Eddie." You sighed against his lips. His full, pouty lips that were still glossy with your lip balm from your previous 'break'.
"I'm sorry! Look, no more distractions, I'll be good," his rings glinted as he raised his right hand, thumb holding down his pinky, "Scout's honor."
"You were never a boy scout."
"I wish I was! Boy scouts are badass. Imagine how much fun we would have if I had learned how to tie all those knots." He grinned, poking you in the side where he knew you were ticklish. And his smile only grew the more you squirmed, his eyes settling into a squint as you failed to stop yourself from laughing.
"There it is," he placed one hand behind your neck, pulling you closer, "Sweetest music in the world." You both waited with bated breaths and mirthful grins, faces an inch away from each other. It was a standstill to see who would crack first.
In the end, he broke first—but you weren't that far behind him. His lips were hot against yours, cherry ChapStick heavy on your tastebuds. His tongue licked at the seam of your lips before diving in, tracing the roof of your mouth. His other hand cupped your cheek, thumb smoothing over your skin. You looped one hand through his curls and he moaned against your lips as you tugged on them.
You gathered the strength to pull away and he leaned in again, but you tightened your grip on his hair to keep him still. His face scrunched up with a groan, whether it was in frustration or pleasure was anyone's guess. You stared at him, big brown doe eyes glazed over with need, his lips slick with spit, and reminded yourself how important this homework was.
Instead of going back in for seconds like you wanted to—you truly deserved an award for your restraint—you used your grip on his hair to make him face the unfinished math sheet.
"Now, focus."
"Yes, ma'am." He giggled.
That was over a week ago. Even if he hadn't asked, you would always help him in any way you could because you knew he would do the same for you. Which explained why he was currently standing before you on a Friday night, rattling on about dead cheerleaders.
He had come through your window in a hurry, practically falling on the floor in his haste to get inside. You weren't surprised at his sudden appearance since he came through your window more times than your front door. You were surprised, however, when he took the magazine out of your hands and started talking a mile a minute about what he went through the past twenty-four hours.
"Wait, wait, Eddie, slow down," you pulled your blanket off of you and stood from your bed, "Chrissy's dead? Chrissy Cunningham?" You knew her. Knew of her, at least. It was a small town, everyone knew everyone. You had seen her in passing from time to time, talked to her on the rare occasion. You also knew she was one of Eddie's newest clients. She was a sweet girl.
"Yes! Yes," you flinched as he shouted and pointed at you in agreement, "It was like something out of The Exorcist. I tried to wake her up, but I guess she was having some kind of...seizure, I don't know. And then she rose to the ceiling like she was being fucking raptured and then her bones were breaking and her—her eyes—" He cut himself off, placing a shaking hand over his mouth.
You tried not to gawk at him as he paced the length of your room, but you were finding it unbelievably hard. You could imagine it, yet something told you the image you had conjured up was nowhere near as gruesome as what he actually saw.
"I know I probably sound batshit insane right now, b-but," you winced as he pulled at the roots of his hair in frustration, stopping before you, "Please, princess, you have to believe me." You looked down at his ring-clad hands as they reached to grasp yours. For as long as you had known him, you had never seen him like this.
This wasn't something he could or would make up. Plus, after everything you experienced over the last three years, you had no reason to doubt him.
"Okay?" He was still panicked around the eyes, but it was overshadowed by his mounting confusion.
"Okay. I believe you." No matter how much you didn't want to.
You had hoped he would never have to know about any of this, that he would never know firsthand the horrors that hid in Hawkins. But now that he did, you needed to tell him everything. And that's exactly what you did as he listened with rapt attention. You started with missing kids and interdimensional monsters and ended with girls with magic and the real reason the mall was shut down.
"I knew there was something up with that story! Fire my ass," he exclaimed from his place sitting cross-legged in the middle of your bed, one of your stuffed animals held tight against his chest, "Wait, Mindflayer? That's—"
"A DnD character, I know...I think Dustin or Mike might of named it. Maybe Lucas." He was taking all of the information pretty well, all things considered. You leaned back into your pile of pillows with a sigh, suddenly weary at the thought of that nightmare starting all over again.
You licked your lips at the feeling of saliva filling your mouth, stomach acid making its way up to give you heartburn. Your stomach felt tight, like each of your organs was wriggling to get out. You knew it was likely you'd all relive it, knew it was impossible for the monsters who went bump in the night to stop bumping. It was why you triple-checked your locks before you went to sleep. Why you kept your dad's crowbar under your bed. Why you—
"Hey," the bed dipped as Eddie moved to lay beside you, his hair spread around him in waves, "Did you know level spelled backwards is still level?"
"...What?" Your chest fell with an exhale and you hadn't noticed how much harder you were working to take in each breath.
"Y-yeah! It's, um," he glanced at you out of the corner of his eye before staring back up at the glow-in-the-dark stars on your ceiling, "It's called a palindrome, a word or phrase that's the same backwards and forwards." The corner of your lips twitched up into a confused smile as you watched him ramble.
You could tell he was still scared, more scared than you had ever seen him before and probably even more scared than you were. You could see it in the way his fingers tapped his chest in an anxious rhythm, drumming along to a song only he could hear. And, yet...
"I'm talking about words like madam or noon. Or racecar." You grabbed one of his hands, interlaced your fingers together, and focused on his voice rather than his words. The breeze coming through your window made you shiver, but not as much as the idea of what could be lurking outside of it.
You weren't sure how the two of you managed to fall asleep with all the fear coursing between you, but the call of "This is Dustin! We have a Code Red! I repeat, Code Red...over." from the walkie-talkie under your pillow had you jumping awake. Or as much as you could with Eddie's lanky body draped over yours.
Your flailing woke him up as you dug around under your pillow to fish out the radio. He climbed off of you, taking the hair that had found its way into your mouth with him.
"'M here." You yawned.
There was shuffling on the other end that sounded suspiciously like Steve and Dustin fighting before a new voice answered.
"Hey, it's Steve. Listen, something really bad happened at the Munson's. There are cops everywhere and Max said she saw Eddie running out of there like his ass was on fire. We're thinking something...upside downy happened," you tried to ignore Eddie as he slowly edged off your bed, "I know you and Eddie have a thing going on, so if you have any idea where he could have gone—"
"He's with me. And, Steve, you're right. It's bad." You rubbed at your eyes, already feeling a migraine forming. Eddie's heavy footfalls thudded on your carpet as he began to pace.
"Oh. Well, that's...that's actually really convenient. We'll be there in 10 and, hopefully, he can fill the rest of us in. We'll figure out a game plan from there."
Any response you may have had was cut off by Dustin yelling.
"You're supposed to say over! What's the point of using walkie-talkies if we aren't going to abide by walkie-talkie rules, people?!" That was the last thing you heard before the line dropped, but you were sure Dustin continued to berate Steve even if you couldn't hear him.
"Eddie," You coaxed and stood up to walk towards him. From an outsider's point of view, you imagined you looked like a handler taming her spooked horse, "I have to go."
"No." He only stopped long enough to shake his head.
"Eddie," You huffed, "I can't just sit here with my thumb up my ass when I could be helping." You believed that wholeheartedly, even if the thought of fighting again had bile rising in your throat. What Eddie described didn't sound like something Demogorgons or Demodogs were capable of. This was something entirely new.
"Well, it doesn't have to be your thumb—"
"Eddie, baby, I told you, I've done this before," you placed your hands on either side of his face, but he avoided your eyes, "The people of this town, as shitty as they are, their lives depend on us." You would love nothing more than to stay with him somewhere no one would find you and hide out until the coast was clear, but your stupid fucking conscience would eat you alive.
Morals, however, didn't concern your boyfriend.
"If you wanna play the knight in shining armor, I will gladly be your distressed damsel," his voice cracked, bordering on hysterical, before his hands kept yours pressed to his face, "Just...stay with me. Please."
His palms were sweaty against yours and his eyes looked damp as his gaze darted over your face; he was thoroughly freaked out.
You were sure if you left him here by himself he'd hide in your closet the entire time—if not have a full-blown panic attack. Not to mention what would happen if the cops come beating at your door, which they would.
You were also sure there was no way in hell you would leave the others to handle this by themselves. And then, it struck you; a compromise. Some of what you were thinking must have shown on your face because he backed away, leather jacket squeaking as he vigorously shook his head.
"It's our best option and I'll stay with you the entire time—"
"No. No. No, no, no. No way. There's no way," he crossed his arms over his chest and sat on your bed as if to further prove he wasn't going, "You know that I think you're the most badass person to ever live, but there's no way you're actually going after whatever did that to Chrissy. Especially not with me!" His brows furrowed and there was a stubborn set to his jaw as you both glared at each other.
It was silent between you, the only sound being the birds chirping outside your window. As far as the town of Hawkins was concerned, Eddie was public enemy number one. You couldn't leave him—you wouldn't—but hiding here wasn't an option. You wracked your brain for anything to say before deciding to bring out the big guns.
"Eddie, what would Aragorn do, huh? Would he leave a journey for somebody else to do it for him? Would he stay behind because he was scared?" Who would have thought Dustin and Lucas forcing you to read The Lord of the Rings last year would actually pay off.
"No," he mumbled, curls swaying as he shook his head, "He'd perish the thought and promise death to anyone who suggested it. He'd never allow himself to be left behind when he could...help." He paused and you knew you had him.
"Shit," he held his breath before all of his defiance drained from him with a sigh, "We're going to Mordor."
Nobody would ever make the mistake of thinking Eddie was a hero. He wasn't here to fight for the greater good or to even clear his name, not really. He was here for you, plain and simple. Even if that meant he hid behind you at every sound. He was cowardly by nature, unlike you. No, you were the bravest person he had ever met.
And as he watched you prepare to jump headfirst into the water, Eddie wondered if bravery was just another word for stupidity.
The boat rocked with your movements as you got ready to fucking swan-dive into the lake and really, this whole thing went to shit as soon as Harrington took off his damn shirt. It was bad enough that Wheeler and Robin followed him after he got pulled down, but now you were handing him your jacket to do the same thing.
"They're probably fine," he lied, holding back from jumping up to grab you by reminding himself that boats didn't like sudden movement, "And even if they weren't, why the hell would we go in after them?!" The lake air was humid, but that wasn't the only reason sweat was dripping down his back.
"We don't have to." You conceded, leaning away from the edge of the boat. And for a split second, Eddie thought he got through to you. Wishful thinking on his part. "You can stay on the boat." You said, as if him going into that demon-infested water was ever in question.
"It's not me I'm worried about!" His voice cracked in a way he normally would have been embarrassed about. If it weren't for the fact that his girlfriend currently hovered over the mouth of certain doom.
Instead of responding to his mounting panic, you smiled at him. That stupidly beautiful smile that was always too good for someone like him. But it was different somehow, sadder around the edges. Like it was the last time you'd ever give it to him.
You reached for him, fingertips fluttering over his cheek and he knew you couldn't reassure him of anything. You both knew there was no guarantee you'd come back.
This whole thing reeked of a 'last goodbye'. The kind of scene where the two lovers say see you later, but the audience knows they'll never see each other again. Eddie never liked a tragic ending.
Without a backwards glance, or a chance for him to talk you out of it, you plunged into the lake, sending water everywhere.
He waited.
The water was still, no sign of life. Not even a lousy fish. It didn't take long for his imagination to run rampant. All four of you being torn apart or something equally as gruesome and him sitting on the boat like an idiot when he could have helped. You'd call out for him, but no one would answer.
His heart pounded so hard he could feel it in his teeth.
Contrary to popular belief, Eddie was a logical thinker and often had many thoughts bouncing around his skull. But at that moment, all logic failed him and his brain was quiet.
He only thought about you.
With you at the forefront of his mind, Eddie grabbed the crowbar you left on the boat and leaped in.
His fingers twitched as he ran them up and down your thighs, hovering over your ass before grabbing it and helping you grind down on him. His jacket rubbed roughly against the tree behind him and he had the fleeting thought that the leather might fray.
Eddie wasn't a violent guy by any means, but when he saw you getting swarmed by those fucking bats, he didn't have to think twice before swinging the crowbar.
When they were all dead and gone, he couldn't help but double, triple, and whatever came after that, check you for injuries. Eyes flickering over your face and hands fluttering over the rest of you.
That adrenaline and desperation coursing through him was a potent cocktail and he was sure he would have freaked the hell out if you hadn't pulled him aside under the guise of using the bathroom.
There must have been a deeper, psychological reason for why he needed you so intensely at that moment. Something other than regular teenage horniness. But Eddie was fine staying willfully ignorant.
The weight of you sat warm and heavy on his lap. He could feel the heat of your pussy seeping through the denim of both of your pants and it sent a shiver down his spine, even if the two of you were doing this in a really freaky forest.
"'M gonna cum in my pants—shit—if we keep going." He moaned into your mouth. The kiss was sloppy, more tongue than anything else. His lips were wet with spit, his hips chasing yours when you sucked on his tongue. He had never felt this sensitive.
"We're already wet from the water," you reassured as your hand trailed from his chest to settle on his throat, "They won't notice.” That was enough to convince him, honestly. Not that he really wanted you to stop anyway. And it was nice to know he wasn't the only one feeling this desperate.
"Y-yeah, okay." He grunted. He could feel himself straining against the seam of his pants as you rolled your hips.
"You looked so good out there, baby," he shivered as your nails scratched at the nape of his neck, "You were so good."
"I was? I mean, mmh, I did look pretty...pretty metal, didn't I?" He couldn't wipe the stupid grin off his face even if he tried. Eddie wasn't some macho action movie protagonist, and he was under no illusion that you saw him as such. But being your hero, even if just at that moment, felt good. And the crotch of your shorts felt even better.
"I don't know what came over me, but–ohh! You feel so good—fuck...thinking 'bout you getting hurt, I couldn't stay on the boat. And then seeing you surrounded—" He stopped his ramblings by biting his lip to prevent the whine bubbling at the back of his throat from coming out. He was careful not to moan too loud in case the others heard him, but he suspected they knew what you two were doing anyways and the thought of it made his cock twitch.
You, on the other hand, had no qualms about who heard you. You threw your head back on a particularly good thrust, a wanton moan on your lips and shame the last thing on your mind.
His release built low in his stomach, too fast for him to catch and with a strength that knocked the wind out of him. He came with a shout and he swore he saw God.
You didn't stop and you definitely didn't slow down. Instead, each thrust became heavier. The hand you had on his nape tangled in the back of his hair, pulling at his roots and fuck you were milking him for everything he was worth.
If you weren't so close to finishing, he might have been embarrassed by how fast he came. He hissed as you picked up the pace, pushing him into over-sensitivity as you chased your own release. He teetered back and forth between moving with you and flinching away from the pleasure. You tugged his head back by his hair and he shuddered at the dual sensation.
It wasn't long before you came above him and he was both grateful and disappointed when you stopped. Though, your face alone could have made him hard again. You trembled, mouth falling open in a silent moan and your nails digging into his shoulders before finally stilling.
He felt flushed, face warm and body sweaty under his thick jacket. You panted above him, chest heaving and he knew his eyes were wide with awe as he stared up at you. He also knew he'd follow you anywhere, no question about it.
Interdimensional portals or otherwise.
Eddie leaned heavily against your side as you propped him up on his couch. The bats were gone, but they didn't leave without taking their pound of flesh. Literally. It took Dustin and you a while to drag him back to his trailer. And even longer than that to get him through the portal.
You tried to stay calm, but there was already a lot of fucking blood, and as soon as you lifted his shirt—
"Shit, shit, shit—"
"Dustin." Your voice was strong as you tried to calm him down, but there was blood all over your hands and it definitely didn't help that Eddie wasn't saying anything. He hadn't passed out, thankfully. He was looking back and forth between you and Dustin with wide eyes, but he wasn't fucking saying anything.
"—That's a lot of blood, that's a shit ton of blood, man!" He hovered over the back of the couch, pulling at the few curls that weren't obscured by his hood.
"I know! Shit, I'm checking, okay?! I'm checking, and," you scanned his stomach, careful not to touch any wounds—and there was so much blood—but none of the punctures looked too deep, "It—it looks worse than it actually is, alright?" Even to your own ears, it sounded like you were trying to convince yourself. Those little fuckers really did a number on him.
"Really?" Eddie rasped. It was the first thing he's said since he ran off to be a martyr, and you were so relieved to hear his voice. "Because it definitely feels pretty bad." He laughed, trailing off into a groan and that's when you really looked at him. He was pale, sweat making his hair stick to his neck. If you were scared, you couldn't begin to imagine how he felt.
A voice in your head that sounded suspiciously like Nancy reminded you that you should be stopping the bleeding before he got any paler. Your health class really should have taught you basic first aid rather than giving out colorful condoms that no one would use. However, the average teenage girl was more likely to get pregnant than stop her boyfriend from bleeding out, so you could forgive them for the oversight.
"This is so fucked, we are so fucked!" The floorboard creaked as he paced back and forth and you felt for the kid, you really did, but you could not handle his breakdown on top of your own.
"Dustin," you snapped, "he's not dying, okay? He's not. It looks bad, but at most, it'll leave a few wicked scars. Now, calm down, go find me something to wrap around his wounds, preferably clean, and...shit, update Steve. He's gonna be pissed."
"He is, man, he really is—”
"Now, Dustin!"
"Got it!"
Unthinkingly, you wiped the sweat off your forehead with a shaking hand, leaving the skin warm and wet as Dustin stumbled around the back of the trailer. You grew nauseous at the smell of iron and copper, at the smell of blood. Now would be the worst possible time to hurl.
You could feel his eyes on you as you pulled his shirt down to act as a makeshift gauze. His stomach tensed under your hands as you pressed on the wounds to stifle the bleeding, trying his best not to flinch away. Neither of you spoke and it was a tense quiet only broken by his groans of pain followed by your whispered apologies.
Though you didn't speak there was a question in your silence, one you hadn't had the strength to ask yet. Why had he put himself in deliberate danger? It just wasn't a play you ever thought he would make, especially with how vocal he was with his disinterest in playing the hero. Lucky for you, he seemed compelled by your silent prompting. He looked away from you, focusing on his mattress that was still on the floor.
"I wanted to be like you," he pressed heavier into your side, the old couch's springs squeaking at the motion, "You, Harrington, Wheeler, even Robin. You're all so damn daring and fearless, you'd never even dream of tucking tail and running. After what happened with Chrissy, I couldn't run again—I wouldn't. And you were right, this shitty town is relying on us, so...." He trailed off lamely. He hadn't looked at you yet, so there was no way for him to see the astonishment on your face.
"Are you...Are you mad at me?" Were you? You'd certainly have good enough reason to be after he completely went against the plan. Specifically, the part where you all made a quick escape and instead got himself turned into bat chow.
You could still see it all replaying in your mind like a particularly disturbing horror movie: Eddie cutting the rope, Eddie sacrificing himself, Eddie getting overwhelmed and torn apart and you and Dustin being too far away to stop it. But any anger you may have felt was surpassed by your worry.
You placed your thumb between his furrowed eyebrows, rubbing away at the gathered tension. Though what he did was stupid and incredibly perilous—and will more than likely play a starring role in your nightmares—it was also incredibly courageous. You weren't hypocritical enough to admonish him for trying to protect others by being the hero and you told him as much.
"Oh. Okay, that's—that's good. Big relief. And I think I've been brave enough that I can afford a little vulnerability here, so can you please hold my hand? I know I've been keeping it together, but I'm really fucking scared right now."
"Of course." You laced your fingers together. Your right hand and his left, both covered in his blood. "Always." You were scared shitless, but, right now, you could be brave enough for the both of you.
It was surreal, almost dreamlike to just...leave after that. For all of you to pile into one car and sit in silence as if you hadn't crossed hell and back.
The car ride was quiet and you and Eddie sat shoulder to shoulder in the back seat. Sides pressed tight together as you shared body heat. You didn't comment on the way he threw furtive glances out the window as he pulled at his tangled hair. Just as he didn't say anything about you fidgeting in your seat and scratching at the remnants of dried blood flaking on your skin. In fact, none of the nine passengers in the car said anything. It was a welcomed quiet.
In the end, Steve convinced you all to stay at his house. He claimed it would make keeping an eye on each other easier if you were all under the same roof, but, really, you knew he just didn't want to be alone. None of you did. And after making some calls home to parents, everyone got settled in at the Harrington mansion.
The fridge and pantry were practically flipped upside down as soon as the front door opened. You felt a little guilty for taking part in the raid on Steve's kitchen, but any shame you felt melted away when you remembered how many times he'd done the same to your house. You did, however, offer him a comforting pat on the back as he watched from the doorway in disbelief, before walking out with yours and Eddie's sandwiches.
Once everyone was fed and full, and Steve stopped complaining when he realized nobody was listening, you all got ready for bed.
There were enough rooms for everyone to sleep by themselves, though you doubted anyone did. For obvious reasons, you and Eddie paired off and you stuck to one of the rooms downstairs.
You both ended up in one of Steve's absurdly large showers washing dirt, sweat, and blood, along with other fluids that could only be associated with the upside-down, off each other with shaking hands. Mindful of his injuries, you helped Eddie towel off and get dressed in a pair of Steve's borrowed sweats.
Thank God Steve's rich parents believed in buying the fancy kind of first aid for their house, even if they were rarely home. The water slowed the bleeding down until it was almost nonexistent. And like you told Dustin, the injuries weren't life-threatening, they just hurt like hell. Not that Eddie handled pain that well to being with.
After a bunch of hydrogen peroxide, Neosporin, and enough gauzes and bandages to wrap a mummy, you were prepared to drag yourself next door to the nearest empty room. It didn't seem like the best idea for you to sleep in the same bed when he was this hurt. You weren't a particularly rough sleeper, but better safe than sorry.
"Wait, where are you going," he called out to you from where he lay in the bed. Your hand froze on the doorknob. You could have sworn he fell asleep.
"I was gonna sleep in a different room," you gestured dumbly over your shoulder as if he didn't know where the door was, "With your injuries, sleeping in here—I don't know if it's a good idea. I don't wanna hurt you."
"You won't, you never will. Besides, Steve gave me some medicine for the pain," he lifted the cover and patted the mattress, "And I'm sure I'll be fine s'long as I got you playing nurse." His bangs hung in his eyes, and his hair curled as it dried. That, paired with his dopey grin and drowsy eyes, made him look especially boyish. And especially hard to say no to.
He looked as exhausted as you felt and that was saying something considering you were drained of all energy. So tired that your bones themselves felt weighted and it was a chore just to stand. You were dead on your feet and that walk to the other guest room, no matter how close it was, felt daunting.
You imagined falling into the plush bed next to him, enveloped by his warmth and smell. You always slept better when you slept together. And it would bring you peace of mind being close to him.
"Please," he hid a yawn behind his hand, "I need to feel you, princess." He begged. And then he reached for you, limbs heavy with the steady drop of adrenaline and the pills Steve gave him, and, honestly, it was stupid of you to think you'd be anywhere but beside him.
You turned the light off and dragged your feet over to the empty side of the bed. You crawled in and pulled the blanket up to your chin. You were as stiff as a board and what seemed like oceans away from Eddie.
"C'mere," he shuffled over until he was close enough to lay his head on your chest, the same way he always slept, "I won't break, you know."
You closed your eyes, each blink longer than the last, and buried your nose in his soft hair. You were too tired to resist anymore. He pulled your leg over his hip before relaxing against you, completely boneless.
"I know," you brought your hand up to the back of his head, fingers massaging his scalp, "I won't let you.
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
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ChaosBlue, my Bethy, host of @fanficmaverickpodcast...I wasn't sure I would do this one, as she's not all over Tumblr, but, well...I'd be remiss not to take a chance to talk about such a sweet friend!
I first met dear B after the episode she did with perverse_idyll. The encouragement to reach out about an episode sort of stuck with me. I was so impressed with the work on the Fanfic Maverick podcast, and it seemed super fun...What did I have to lose? So I drafted an email and then promptly hid from the internet for a while, because wow scary! My brain is quite mean and I was thinking such rudeness as "she's going to laugh at you. Like, who tf is this lady and why would anyone wanna talk to her??" I am very anxious and insecure, okay? And I live in fear of rejection.
Only...that didn't happen! She was perfectly sweet and excited and we got to planning! We had to schedule a ways out, which was fine. At least in the moment it was fine, but that much time gave me plenty of time to worry myself to death LOL. And when it came time to record, she was very patient and encouraging. We had all sortsa tech issues to sort out, and then my nerves to settle.
Thus was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Sometime before our interview, I believe...(maybe, my recollection of the timeline is a bit fuzzy)...okay, so at some point, I reached out after listening to another FFM episode to explode astrology nerdery all over her. To which she was very receptive! And if you know me, you know I love to talk! The first several times I reached out via email just to chat, I was so worried I was being a bother. We're well past that now! Now I text whatever randomness is on my mind, and if I'm very chatty I return to emails.
Astrology, crystals, numerology, tarot, philosophy, all manner of things! We talk about life, and history, and a shared enthusiasm of terribly human characters.
What you need to know about Bethy is...she is the GOAT, fr. (And not just because she's a Capricorn, though that certainly helps.) She is a KING. She is Daddy. She is badass and amazing. Super professional and personable on the podcast. So creative, and so much enthusiasm for life and for people. She has an endless well of curiosity and compassion.
We've talked a lot about my anxiety and how long and how hard I've fought through it. How much it took for me to reach out to her in the first place. And I'm glad I did. Not only was being on the podcast twice (so far!) a great experience, but more importantly it earned me an incredible friend who I am lucky to have. And it's comforting to know that...facing those fears and trying new things can bring you all sorts of blessings. The most important of which are friends.
Okay no time to cry, gotta leave RECS.
The Fanfic Maverick Podcast
Ep. 3 - #CobraKai - Interview With Fanfiction Writer Storyshark2005 (@talkinfanfic) - I had 0 interest in Cobra Kai but listening to this? Suddenly interest!
Fanfiction History with Talkin' Fanfic PART TWO (@talkinfanfic) and Part 1 on Talkin' Fanfic here.
Ep. 20 - #GameOfThrones - Interview With Fanfiction Writer Priestess_of_Groove
Ep. 21 - #HarryPotter - Interview With Fanfiction Writer SouthronWildling - Drarry a/b/o fic!
Ep. 25 - #HarryPotter - Interview With Fanfiction Writer Perverse_Idyll (@perverse-idyll) - probably my favorite episode so far!
Year-End Recap: Behind The Scenes Chat - 1 year anniversary episode with ChaosBlue and her brother! Very wholesome stories and a sweet sibling vibe! Gave me all the feelings. (Also I too have a brother David so I was weirdly extra excited??)
Ep. 28 - #HP: NextGen & MHA - Interview With Fanfiction Writer MicheleBlack (@micheleblack)
Ep. 29 - #TheTerror - Interview With Fanfiction Writer Snagov (@ripeteeth) - another case of "wow I had no interest in this fandom before, but now...?" Also teeth is amazing!
Ep. 30 - #HP: Tom Riddle - Interview With Fanfiction Writer Phantomato (@phantomato) - oh wow lotsa good stuff in this one! Gave me all the Voldemort feels when I hadn't really had much interest in the character prior. This episode had the biggest impact on my actual reading habits as I started to look more into Voldemort-centric fics than I had before, and I'm quite glad for it!
Ep. 32 - #HP: Snarry - Interview With Fanfiction Writer Danpuff - oh look, it's me!
KC PLanet Comicon Recap With Talkin' Fanfic - ngl I wish I had been there for Comicon last year and this year! Seems so fun!
Ep. 35 - #OurFlagMeansDeath - Interview With Fanfiction Writer Mia_Ugly (@mia-ugly) - I knew mia_ugly from Snarry fic (of course) but now OFMD???? I ran to those fics, let me tell you. (I really do need to read more OFMD fics, fr.)
October Frolic: Controversial Fanfic Ships & Tropes - me again! We do love our controversial stuff!
Ep. 46 - #Supernatural - Interview With Fanfiction Writer Thanks Tacos
Ep. 49 - #Sherlock - Interview With Fanfiction Writer AtlinMerrick
Ep. 51 - #HP: Snarry & Severitus - Interview With Fanfiction Writer SerenaEW - loved this one! I was so excited to see she'd interviewed Serena! What a sweetie (the both of them.)
Truly a great podcast, even if you're not familiar with specific fandoms. They're still cool to hear about and it's always so fascinating to hear from other creators. And through it all lives on ChaosBlue's great love and appreciation for fandom, creation, learning, and people.
I love you, buddy!
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for an explanation about Mutuals March, or to figure out why i wrote you a thing, please check out this post.
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nickitxrres · 7 months
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Jemma's Room
where Nicki and Jemma gossip and have girl time! @ijemmaokafor
Nicki Torres
-bounds up to Jemma's door and gives it a shave and a haircut knock-
Ijemma Okafor
-calling out blindly as she finished reading a sentence- Come in! -finally looks to see who it is- Nicki! What a nice surprise, what can I do for ya?
Nicki Torres
-Nicki waits for the invitation before strolling on it- Nice surprise? I think that might be a first. I'm just stuck wandering around town and wanted to see if you were free for some chit chat. I know you're busy being the super badass that you are.
Ijemma Okafor
-snorting in laughter- oh yeah, super badass with my various checklists. I’m down for a chat, though. You going stir crazy or something?
Nicki Torres
Dios, si. -Nicki dramatically steps further into the room- I do not do well with no action. I need excitement. But that's not why I'm here. -she stops to lean against one of the walls- I want to talk about you and Ike. So....how did it happen? I could ask him but he's a guy and never gives all the good details. Tell me everything.
Ijemma Okafor
-giving Nicki a skeptical look- The sex part of the lovey dovey part?
Nicki Torres
Either or. Or both, if you want to share.
Ijemma Okafor
You…would wanna know about that? I know you and Ike have a special sort of relationship too.
Nicki Torres
Yes, I do. Ike and I are fun friends. Love him to death, but what you and Ike have is so sweet and adorable and honestly, I love it. You're good. He needs good, even though he doesn't think he does. So I wanna know! How absolutely mushy gushy was he? Was it like those romance movies? Was it rot your teeth out because it's that sweet sweet?
Ijemma Okafor
-she curled in on herself in delight- It was such a romcom miscommunication moment. He was trying to profess his feelings and I was completely lost. And then when it hit me what he was saying…god, I got all the butterflies. I never thought…I never thought he’d be able to get there, y’know?
Nicki Torres
Oh trust me, I know exactly what you mean. -she was happy - beyond happy for the two of them- For being such a big mouth with no filter, the man struggles with expressing his feelings. If he ever does something stupid, you let me know and I'll go hit him over the head for you. I refuse to let him self-sabotage this because I know how much he loves you and cares about you.
Ijemma Okafor
To be honest, I’ll hit him over the head. I think he’d be disappointed if I did any less. But I appreciate having back-up. Same goes for me, by the way. I don’t get the whole raider camaraderie—I mean, I get it, but it’s not something an outsider can really understand. Still, I respect the hell out of it. And I know it’s a little more free-form, between you and him. But I like that he’s got folks looking out for him in places I can’t be. So thank you for that.
Nicki Torres
Of course. Once he's cleared and everything I'll make extra sure he doesn't do anything stupid. He's coming back every time, I can promise you that. I'm not letting him do anything dumb, and neither with Orion and Ares. We've got his back.
Ijemma Okafor
Aw hun, don’t make that kinda promise. That’s too much to ask of anyone. Just look after each other like you already do.
Nicki Torres
Too late. Already made the promise. Can't take it back. And before you two were a thing I already forbade him from doing anything that could put his life in jeopardy. He's not allowed to go anywhere. -she chews a little bit on the inside of her cheek- I know you probably already are but......you're looking out for him while he's here, right?
Ijemma Okafor
As much as he lets me -she gave her a knowing look—both women knew how Ike could be- That’s part of why we work as well as we do, I think. Listening when the other says to leave something be. But he’s the most important person in the world to me…part of me always has an eye on him.
Nicki Torres
Good, good....so in that case.....have you noticed that there's something off about him? Like.....I don't know, he's missing some of that Ike flair?
Ijemma Okafor
-sighing heavily- Yep. I can get him back to himself if we spend a few hours together just relaxing or goofing off. But the rest of the time, he’s a little…I dunno, desaturated.
Nicki Torres
Oh thank God, it's not just me. -she pushes off the wall and starts to pace in place- There's something bugging him and I don't know what and he insists that he's fine but I know he's not fine. I've seen fine. This is not fine. He came over and he was tired and exhausted and then he said something that set off smoke signals but he shrugged it off and it's been bugging me ever since.
Ijemma Okafor
Smoke signals? What did he say?
Nicki Torres
He said I wasn't allowed to be anything but a raider, which, I mean, isn't all that weird, but then he said something about getting older and feeling it and....I don't know, maybe I'm reading into it too much. It just seems like he's holding something back.
Ijemma Okafor
The scalp injury really threw him for a loop. And it’s getting colder, I know everyone’s bones are aching more. I’d put money on an age-related existential crisis. The bit about you only being allowed to be a raider…that’s weird. Was there more context to it?
Nicki Torres
No, he just said, -she pauses to mimic Ike's voice- Don't go off to be a hunter or security. Ya got to stay a raider. -she returns back to her normal voice- See what I mean? That's just weird. There's something not right.
Ijemma Okafor
-quiet, as she thinks about what it might mean- Might be his version of “don’t leave me.” He’s protective of you raiders. Maybe even possessive. And part of him probably knows that’s not the best way to be. But he can’t help it.
Nicki Torres
-she takes a breath as she stops her pacing- You're probably right. I don't know. I just don't know why he would think I would ever leave the raiders. I've never shown any interest in doing anything else. Where he goes, I go. But there's just something bugging me about it and I can't put my finger on it
Ijemma Okafor
Well asking him outright rarely works, so in lieu of that, we’ll both just keep an eye on him. You think he’s said anything similar to Orion or Ares?
Nicki Torres
Ares, probably not. There's a whole thing with him and Ares that I'll let him explain. Orion, possibly. I haven't really spoken to him about that, but it wouldn't surprise me if Orion's noticed something too. Orion and Ike are pretty close too.
Ijemma Okafor
They’re an interesting pair. I like that they have each other though. I was worried about Orion when he first got here. But he does okay. You raiders are like the Island of Misfit Toys.
Nicki Torres
-Nicki smiles as she puts her hand over her heart- Aww, that's so sweet. And incredibly accurate.
Ijemma Okafor
I am nothing if not a huge sap.
Nicki Torres
I love it. It's perfect. Ike needs that sappiness. Pleae, please, please give him all of the sap.
Ijemma Okafor
Always. I don’t know where else to put it. And he gets all glowy when I pile it on. Nothing beats Ike blushing.
Nicki Torres
You get him to blush? Oh, now I'm incredibly jealous. You'll have to do that when I'm around at some point. I have spent years trying to get that man to blush and all I get is laughter and quippy comebacks.
Ijemma Okafor
Nah, you gotta get him when he’s already feeling kinda soft.
Nicki Torres
See, I rarely get to see him when he's soft. He saves all that soft for you, Jemma.
Ijemma Okafor
-suddenly feeling a little guilty- I don’t know why…but I savor every last bit of it, I promise that much.
Nicki Torres
Because he loves you, Jemma. That's why. He gets to be vulnerable with you. You're his safe place. The bright spot in his dark place. You put him back together.
Ijemma Okafor
I do love him. He’s got so many people that love him though…I don’t know why he picked me to be vulnerable with. I fucking cherish it, believe me. But I’m still not sure I understand it.
Nicki Torres
Because you love him and he wants you to know that he trusts you completely. It's hard to explain but when you come with the emotional baggage that someone like he has, being able to show your belly to something that could easily get you is a huge sign of their trust.
Ijemma Okafor
Oh believe me, I know. And hell, I did the same thing with him. I try to stay pretty even keeled, and I was lucky to be raised without a shit ton of trauma. But if he wanted to, Ike could tear my heart to shreds. Not that I think he’s capable of it. I just…I’ve gone all the way in with him, y’know?
Nicki Torres
All the way in? -She blinks a few times- What do you mean?
Ijemma Okafor
In love, I mean. Handed my whole heart over, jumped in the deep end…pick your metaphor, my sappy ass did it.
Nicki Torres
Oh .... Oooohhhh. -it dawns on her after a moment- he's your person! That's sweet..... what's that like?
Ijemma Okafor
Being in love? It’s like…having a home outside yourself. I don’t know, thousands of years of poets and artists have tried to pin it down, I’m probably not gonna manage it right now. Have you never been in love?
Nicki Torres
Ahhh, yeah, no not really. Not until lately and it's so weird and new that trying to make sure I'm not fucking it up l.
Ijemma Okafor
Good news is, you can't fuck it up. The love part, anyway. I guess you can fuck up a relationship, but the being in love part, that's just...cosmic or chemical or whatever your version of god is.
Nicki Torres
-Nicki ponders on those for a moment - so when I'm with Aries and I can't stop smiling and I feel safe and happy with him, that's being in love?
Ijemma Okafor
-eyes widening- Ares? Oh for real??
Nicki Torres
Yes, Ares. He's.....well, he's sweet.
Ijemma Okafor
-bouncing excitedly as she shifts on the bed- I’ve gathered as much. I wasn’t sure about him at first, what with the group he was part of before. But he seems like a softie deep down.
Nicki Torres
-Nicki is aware and also knows about Ike needing to bring something up more about it with the council but she keeps silent on that matter - He's a good man. He's made mistakes like everyone here. And he saved my ass a few weeks ago. But he's also kind and caring and sweet and....well, I love him.
Ijemma Okafor
-taking both of Nicki’s hands in hers- Oh honey, that’s just the best news I’ve heard all day. The way love keeps cropping up, no matter how messy the world gets. Does he know how you feel?
Nicki Torres
-Nicki laughs a bit and nods- Sí, he told me he loved me too the night of prom. And he technically said it first, which probably helped.
Ijemma Okafor
How’d he say it, how’d it happen?? I wanna know everything.
Nicki Torres
-Nicki laughs as she's shaking her head- We went back to my place to sneak away and were having sex and he blurted it out.
Ijemma Okafor
-downright giggling- That’s so fucking cute. Did it freak you out?
Nicki Torres
A little bit, yeah. I had to ask to make sure he meant it and wasn't just saying it because we were screwing. I don't think he realized he said it until I asked him about it.
Ijemma Okafor
Did he freak out once you pointed it out to him?
Nicki Torres
I think he panicked for a minute. He has this adorable face he makes when he freaks out.
Ijemma Okafor
Those sparkly blue eyes of his get ginormous, huh?
Nicki Torres
Oh yeah, like giant blue saucers.
Ijemma Okafor
Adorable. So adorable. Are you guys…an item? Or just kinda keeping it casual?
Nicki Torres
Ahhh..... -Nicki makes a face as she rocks her head from side to side- Yes and no? We're a thing but also open for other partners. I know, it sounds weird, but it oddly makes sense. At least to me.
Ijemma Okafor
It doesn’t sound weird, that’s how me and Ike are. Maybe Ike more so than me—-laughing-Ike’s about all I can handle.
Nicki Torres
Ike is a lot, I will give you that. But that's what makes him endearing and fun.
Ijemma Okafor
I wouldn’t have him any other way.
Nicki Torres
-Nicki hummed her approval and nodded- I have probably overstayed my welcome and let you get back to....whatever you were doing. If he says anything concerning, can you let me know?
Ijemma Okafor
You're always welcome here Nicki, can't overstay it. But I'll keep you posted. -she pulls her into a crushing hug-
Nicki Torres
See, you say that, Jemma, but you'll be changing your mind when I come crashing . -she grunts as Jemma squeezes her but laughs as she hugs her back- I appreciate you. And I'm happy for you and Ike. I really am.
Ijemma Okafor
I'm happy for you and Ares.
Nicki Torres
Gracias, Jemma. -she kisses her cheek before strutting out the door-
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tokkiheart · 2 years
Big Mouth (빅마우스) Review & General Thoughts
I still don’t know if what I write can really be classified as reviews, but I’m going to try my best to make it coherent and spoiler free!
Before I get into talking about the show, I just want to start off by talking about what a great first project this was for Lee Jong Suk for his return after his mandatory military service! I had seen in videos from one of his fan-meets that he had talked about how difficult it was to act after what was essentially a 4 year break and how he’d almost given up and quit. I’m really glad that he didn’t because gosh did he just absolutely kill it in this show in my opinion! I can honestly say that I never would have even considered watching this show if it wasn’t for him because I’m mostly a basic person who mostly watches rom-coms.
Summary of the Show
This show is about Park Changho, a lawyer who talks a big game but actually only has a 10% win rate, earning him the nickname “Big Mouth.” After being hired to represent three guys involved in a murder case, Changho makes a mistake that leads to him being drugged and in a car crash which results in his hospitalization. Upon waking up, he is almost immediately arrested on drug charges.
However, when Changho gets interrogated, he’s surprised to discover that instead of being asked questions pertaining to the drug charges, he’s instead being interrogated for being the notorious underground crime boss known as “Big Mouse.” He winds up in prison and in order to survive in jail and protect his family, Changho must pretend to be Big Mouse, all while trying to find the real Big Mouse so he can clear his name.
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The Review
Now, on to the review of the show itself!
I really loved the way this show was put together. It could have very easily been too dark as to be off-putting for me or gritty to the point that a fluffball like me would need to take breaks. I felt like they really knew how to balance things out by adding some romantic fluff flashback moments between Changho and Miho as well as some humor. These moments also 100% help you get attached to and care about the other characters more (for better or worse).
I would say that half of the fun of this show is trying to figure out who the real Big Mouse happens to be. The other half is watching Changho absolutely embody the concept of why the badger is the mascot for Hufflepuff House. Weirdest take I’ll probably make on the show lol Basically, very much a warning to not mess with good people, cuz they have claws and teeth like anyone else, they just choose not to use them unless provoked. Watching Changho absolutely own the persona that he created for his version of Big Mouse in order to survive in jail was absolutely amazing.
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His wife Miho is also an absolute badass and I love her. She’s honestly a perfect match to Changho. Throughout the show, she never sat back, gave up, backed down or anything else. She was always super active in trying to prove her husband’s innocence and also solve the various mysteries that she found in her lap.
The Acting
Amazing, just amazing. Everyone was amazing. Everyone’s character was believable and gosh did they all really really bring their A game for this drama.
Next up, I want to talk about the OST! I think the majority of the OST is comprised of instrumental songs, which is by no means a bad thing in my opinion. I really loved the main theme “Brand New” by JUSTHIS (including the instrumental version). It has a wonderful spooky/eerie/ominous/mysterious vibe to it that really complimented the show and also made me actually add it to a Halloween playlist because of the vibes lol
To Watch Or Not To Watch?
The answer to this question is YES! Overall, I would say that this show is honestly an amazing ride and I recommend that you go on it even if you’re like me and prefer rom-coms. Even if you are just slightly interested in watching the show, I would say that this show is completely worth it! Just make sure to pack some tissues along for the ride, you’re probably going to need them!
Where Can You Watch It?
I live in the USA and if you also happen to live here, then you can find here it on Hulu (for some strange inexplicable reason). In most other regions, it’s hosted on Disney+.
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teeththeweasel · 3 years
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the-tiniest-one · 3 years
Hello! I saw you asking for requests to be sent in. I was wondering if you could do headcanons for kakashi and gai (separately) with a plus size civilian s/o? Or one or the other? Thank you in advance ❤
SO we all know Guy is ALL about 3 things. Youth. Passion. Protecting Precious People….and guess what? When you happen to cross paths with the Leaf Village’s Blue Beast, he trips over himself to let you know just how PRESH you are.
I don't see your status as a civilian as much of a road block for him. He needs someone grounded and with soft hands to hold.
Someone who will think he’s the strongest man in the world, a superhero.
He protects the ones he loves with his life and once you're in that circle there is no way out of this man’s giant heart.
You somehow enter Guy’s line of sight, maybe on a walk to class or work too early in the morning…. and from that moment you pass by and he catches sight of your pretty face, he is out for the count.
Now. Lets remember….Guy is CONFIDENT (sometimes more in spirit than in actual ability, he is the fake-it-till-you-make-it KING).
Also important to note: Guy is NOT the same as Rock Lee in his pursuit of women. He’s not about to blow every kiss at you from the jump or shamelessly confess everything out right. Don't get me wrong, he’s shameless….but Guy wants to be seen as someone cool, sexy, a real macho/mighty man... He wants to be slick Kakashi his eternal rival. He’s going to try to be velvety smooth….without success.
He would find any excuse to be in your eye line while flexing or saving a poor disguised student he employed for his contrived scheme, in this case... Neji or Lee in a dress from falling off a building LOL. (“They would be asking him to please explain again how this is training?”)------You might be a civilian. But Genjutsu of that level does NOT work on you LOL.
You are the one to finally introduce yourself to a slumped and defeated Guy after about a week of his adorable attempts at trying to bate you in with his goober acts.
“Hello, my name is (y/n). I was hoping maybe you would like to get a drink sometime?” you say with a half smile.
He would raise his head, teeth BEAMING….the power of youth always prevails!
Best. Decision. Ever. Guy charming and not to mention SHREDDED.
When he accepts your date offer, He would stand and grin, maybe saying something a little cocky like; “A handsome, war hardened devilish shinobi such as myself will always find time to satiate the voracious desires of such a heavenly woman so bursting with the essence springtime.”
He would be so so so respectful.
That being said, you're HIGH AF if you think you aren't making a B-line to walk by Kakashi on the way so Guy can tactfully walk by loudly so that his rival notices he’s with a cute girl.
He’s going to be the chivalrous type. The kind of man who makes sure your hands are around his giant bicep whenever he escorts you anywhere….which from this point on is almost anytime he is home from missions or not training.
Guy is perfect. He’s tall, JACKED, and such a sweet loving man.
He is obsessed with your shampoo. His nose is always in your hair.
Lets face it. Guy is 100% the most physical man that has ever walked the streets of Konoha. If you aren't big on touching, then his is not the man for you.
One hand will always be around your waist, holding your hand, arm around your neck, locked on your curves or anywhere else….respeeeectfully of course.
He will always be up on you and in your face so get ready for that LOL.
He will be proud of you. He will be boisterous to an exhausting level about your achievements.
He will be exhilarating in every way.
One of Guy’s greatest strengths is also one of his most unfortunate downfalls. He is wildly protective. Never underestimate his ferocity when it comes to you. You may have to communicate more than once where the line is when it comes to him watching over you. Even though you aren’t skilled in combat as he is, you also are not a child and he will take some time to learn what you require and what you don’t.
He always means well.
You have some faults and things to work on as well. Guy is tender as hell, an emotional, hot blooded, love sick fool who can and WILL take things you say to heart so be sure if you notice him freaking out or trying too hard to make you happy, to hold him and let me know often that he is perfect the way he his.
In the end all of the passions and butterflies that Guy provokes from your heart are entirely justified.
He will ask you to marry him after a date, probably at sunset, one knee, giant ring he spent way too much on.
He claims you deserve the world and you tell him that instead of the world “you would settle for just having his hands, his lips, and his heart.”
Do your best to return his love to the best of your ability because not everyone gets the chance to be loved by the Hidden Leafs Handsome Blue Beast.
I’ve never seen Kakashi as someone who would end up with another shinobi bombshell.
Instead I think he would find himself interested in someone who is a total badass in another line of work.
Example; You first encounter him one day while advising Lady Tsunade on the information the Hidden Leaf Village (and a few others) pay’s your company large sums of money to collect, aggregate, and report.
Kakashi stands guard during the meeting, watching you speak with an eloquent grace and authority he finds captivating and maybe a little seductive.
By then end of the meeting he is curious about you...wondering what you thought of him, what you think about everything.... You never even look his way.
He falls in line with you as we escorts you out of the building, walking beside you in the otherwise empty stairwell.
You smirk and take the liberty of speaking first. “Did you enjoy the show Scarecrow?”
From that moment on he’s hooked.
Now I also don’t find the idea of him falling for someone with some FULL curves to be all that outlandish….He has never given .00000001% of a shit what other people think.
He also shares the famous Pervy Sage’s taste in “women he describes from research” and romantic books about women shaped like gourds so with that logic in mind….dude likes thicc, full, curvaceous women for sure. It's basically cannon at this point ;)
Kakashi is someone who has learned emotional detachment through pain. You are the first person who shows promise in tearing down those defenses.
Your relationship not necessarily a slow burn. Kashi isn’t a kid, just because he hasn’t fallen head over heals with anyone before, doesn’t mean he is a mystery to himself or oblivious to his feelings.
That being said, I do think he will protect you by keeping a relationship with you under wraps for the first year or so.
If anything EVER happened to you….he wont let that happen.
The secrecy could be hard on you at first.
Watching more than a few women flirt shamelessly with your Kashi is beyond ROUGH.
Especially considering most of them are tough as nails ninja women with perfect bodies. You aren't used to feeling threatened by other people men or women, so you have a hard time learning how to deal with it.
Kakashi is always quick to remind you that he is serious about your relationship though.
He looks at you with a ferocity only seen by people who are no longer alive. His voice is low and serious when he gets close and tells you, “(Y/N) You are my entire life. I will never leave you. I promise I am yours until the day I die.”
After a few times of him promising you that he really is in love with you, you believe him and can be secure in his word.
As his girlfriend, you take his breath away.
The way you speak, move, sleep….
Even the way you casually conduct yourself at home and in public makes him more than proud to know who you are. Let alone get to go home to you.
Guy is the first one to catch on believe it or not. He notices Kakashi peaking over the top of his book at you as you walk down the opposite side of the street. He’s known Kakashi since they were kids, he puts a reassuring hand on your boyfriends shoulder and vows without spoken words to protect you when Kakashi can’t be there….and Kakashi understands. It helps him sleep just a little better knowing he has help.
Stargazing on a rooftop one chilly autumn night, Kakashi grabs your hand and proposes to you with a small silver ring, slightly ashamed for it’s lack of a stone.
“I want you to be my wife.” is all he says and you wrap your arms around him whispering in his ear “You have had my heart since the first day I met you…. And you always will.”
His heart melts into a puddle at the sound of you telling him he will have a wife. Finally have family that loves him this much.
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class1akids · 3 years
BNHA 320 - Thoughts
How do you have a fight between people who don’t want to hurt each other? 
The answer is to turn it into a giant Catch-a-Deku and shower him with a plus ultra dose of friendship. 
Kacchan proves right at the bat that they’ve predicted Deku’s likely course of action. He had a move ready to counter smoke-screen, which does not surprise me at all. I bet he’s been thinking up ways to match / counter Deku’s new quirks as soon as he laid eyes on All Might’s notebook. 
Also, all the discussion from last week can be laid to rest on whether Kacchan told the others that he was part of team OFA - he obviously prepared them - they all recognized Smokescreen. 
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What is even more interesting is that he calls out Deku (and by implication his younger self) about how once someone is able to do everything alone, everyone else starts to look like extras. That it’s easy to lose perspective. I guess Kacchan is saying that from experience, knowing how screwed up that is. 
Deku doesn’t want to hear this, so he bolt.  Then the action is rather cool - we get Kouda sending in a flock of pigeons, a Sero-Midoriya spiderman vs spiderman tug of war, Jirou having a totally new move (let my girl fight, she looks badass), 
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Ojirou catching Deku with his tail, Dark Shadow pushing Deku into Momo’s sleep machine. So I guess with was Plan A (probably the Momo-plan). It would also make a pretty cool theme park ride if anyone would ever want to make one. 
They are not trying to hurt Deku, only get him in Momo’s sleepy-time machine, which Deku resists like an angry toddler, all the while talking about their bonding moments - Jirou about Deku helping her to organize her notes, Ojirou about how Deku got angry on his behalf.
They all appreciate Deku for just normal friends stuff - nothing to do with Deku’s quirk or his self-sacrifices, but simply his caring, decent nature. For things that are totally unrelated to OFA or breaking himself for the sake of others. 
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Satou is going for the jugular mentioning Eri and her candied apples. And it’s so heart-breaking that even at the mention of Eri, Deku thinks that she would be all right with anyone. (Deku, you total dumbass). He also asks his classmates not to care about him anymore (hahahaha) as he breaks the sleep-machine. Love Dark Shadow’s little exasperated look. 
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..only to be caught by Kaminari giving him a bro-hug, telling him that even if they never interacted that much, he thinks of Deku as his pal. I adore Kaminari - he doesn’t even use his quirk, he uses his superpower as official whisperer of all the beasts of class A. 
Shoji is next in restraining Deku and reminding him back when Deku thought that Shoji, Tokoyami, Shouto, Bakugou and himself were awesome enough to go up against All Might even. I love this reminder, not only how much his classmates also been through and handled, but that back before OFA-Sixquirks, Deku used to see them differently. And it’s not like they’ve become any weaker since then - rather the opposite...
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Tokoyami is back with Ragnarok - Womb that looks like a pretty awesome cocoon - I adore the design and all of Tokoyami’s moves, putting Kaminari in there with him, who finally says the most important thing to Deku.
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Yes. Please. For the love of All Might, go, take a shower, Deku.  Shoji at the same time asking him if he only sees them as people to protect now - and it’s a very pertinent question - hits very hard - it’s something I’ve been asking since the beginning of the arc, and I’m glad someone asked him that. Even if Deku doesn’t think like that, it’s important he understands what it FEELS like to his friends.
Deku breaks out from the cocoon, but finally the mask falls and he’s holding back tears now, gritting his teeth, saying yet again, how he’s fine. Sure Deku, you look “just fine”. I guess it’s another one for the list... 
He also notes how Danger Sense didn’t activate this whole time (which the scanlation totally mistranslated btw), because the class has no ill intent. Cue my UA traitor theory. 
So as Deku breaks free, he yeets himself head-first into a Heaven Piercing Ice Wall - nice throwback to the first Kamino rescue - and damn, Shouto made it go straight up in an instant, and you can see how high it is. 
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But even more devastating is Shouto’s deeply disappointed face, as he questions if Deku can even cry anymore - a nice throwback to their heroes cry too conversation. 
Deku’s resolve is really weakening now and Tsuyu still comes to give her two cents - about comic-book heroes and turning fiction into reality, and why does she talk like AFO suddenly.  
Interestingly, there is a car approaching - it’s either Hercules or Jeanist Mobile, so we may have an interruption soon. I hope it’s All Might - he should really say something about this lone pillar thing. 
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We’ll know in two weeks, but other than some of the big guns in terms of closeness to Deku - Iida, Uraraka and of course, Professor Kacchan, with a PhD in Dekulogy - we still have some of the less significant and mid-tier characters who haven’t spoken: Aoyama, Hagakure, Mina and Kirishima.  I’m guessing the UA traitor will be one of them and may end up pinging Danger Sense. 
I guess Iida and Uraraka will be the real heart-breakers, and Kacchan (if we’ll segue now into DvK3) will be the nuclear explosion in the end. 
Or maybe Deku gets his bath before that happens. 
In any case, so far - I think the “fight” is handled in a balanced way. Nobody tries to hurt the other, the class is showing some new moves, a bit of clever combos, Deku can show off his growth to them, but ultimately it’s a fight for his heart. They are talking to him like to a friend - they are not putting him on All Might’s pedestal, but try to draw out the human side of him and try to get it through to him that he’s appreciated exactly for that. 
The class is not approaching Deku, the hero, they try to get through to their dumbass friend who is hurting and is in need of help. They are breaking him with friendship and the no-jutsu has more punch when it’s stuff that’s been built for a long time. 
It also shows that the more gut-wrenching moments are the ones with classmates who he has a longer or closer history with. So I’m getting my tissue box ready for 321. 
Also, check out the trivia in HK’s author comment about the origin of Deku’s name. It’s pretty cool. 
All the dude-bros frothing at the mouth about how Deku didn’t get to beat class A to a pulp makes this chapter extra delicious.
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honeybunnybeez · 3 years
HELLO! I was wondering if you do like paternal smp? If you do then I have this idea! It’s in the final control room in the first war. You’re erets child, when he pressed the button you realized your father just betrayed you and your friends-SOMETHING LIKE THAT! THANKS :D
"No other way" (ANGST) (PLATONIC)
♡Parent!Eret x Child!reader
♡Summary: You didn't know why your father wanted to keep you away from viewing the secret weapon he claim he had. What was so scary that he felt the need to ask you to leave thrice?
♡Gender Neutral Reader!
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"(Y/n), love?"
"It still isn't too late to turn back now," Eret reminds you once again as you 6 make your way through a narrow hallway where you father claims he's kept the secret weapon.
You let out a groan as you step down another step, frustrated and confused as to why he would ask that question for the 3rd time since you all left for this place.
"I've already told you I wanted to follow. Why ask if I would like to come only to ask if I would like to walk away now?" You didn't mean for it to sound rude, but you wanted to state your point. If a simple 'no, I want to keep going,' isn't clear enough for him he should at least explain why he keeps asking.
"I just, don't want you to get scared of what you'll see, that's all."
His reason didn't seem to sound all that complete and you didn't really like that. Before you could ask him to clarify, Tommy speaks up.
"Scared? After all the shit they've seen? A little weapon isn't going to scare them none, right (y/n)?"
Distracted by Tommy's subtle praise you forget about your question and choose to grin proudly at Tommy's words, "yeah, it isn't!"
Despite how he is, Tommy's always been one to tell you how brave and strong you are and how he knows that you'll grow up to be a complete badass, just like the rest of them. Despite his mean behavior, he's the most supportive of your growth out of everyone.
"Didn't you scream earlier when a bat flew over us?" Fundy adds causing the rest of them to laugh.
"Hey! In my defense those fuckers pop out of nowhere-"
"(Y/n), language. You're only 12," your father reprimands lightly, but you don't miss the smile in his voice.
"(Y/n), swear louder, make it echo!"
"Tommy, don't make (y/n) turn out to be a gremlin child like you," Wilbur scolds playfully.
"Excuse you, I am the perfect role model for them!"
You can't help but laugh and listen on with fondness as you hear them all start to bicker with one another.
You're little resistence group was far from perfect, but they were your best friends, your family. So of course you were hurt when your father kept asking if you wanted to stay back. You wanted to be there with them during every big moment, you didn't want to leave them behind.
"Eret, what is this?" You hear Tubbo ask.
Finally snapping out of your thoughts, you notice a little blackstone room at the end of the long hallway. There were chests sitting in them too, all with signs to show who they belonged too, and you even had your own!
"This is the final control room," your father explains, looking around.
"This is amazing," you say in awe. You look around to see the others having the same kind of reaction too.
You can't help yourself from opening the chest with your name on it. Upon opening it though, there wasn't anything in it. That was odd.
"There's nothing in the chest," Wilbur exclaims before you get the chance to. You turn to look at him and witness as Wilbur's face changes from confused to concern as he looks over at Tommy who checks out the button in the middle of the room.
"What does the button do?"
Something can be heard clicking and opening and before you know it, four armed men appear seemingly out of nowhere to ambush and kill off your friends.
"WAIT, NO-!"
Before you can react and aid them in combat, your father knocks your sword out of your hands with his pickaxe, dragging you into another hidden room with him.
"Fuck, (Y/n)-!" You can hear Tommy's cries end quick as the sound of his body falling onto the floor quickly follows suit.
"You traitor!" You hear Wilbur scream out before he too meets the similar fate his friend has.
You scream for mercy through the blackstone wall, begging them not to hurt your friends but it's too late. You don't hear anymore screams or the sound of swords clashing with one another. It's all just radio silence and it happened far too quick for you to truly process that this is all real.
Something your father steps on opens the hidden blackstone door once again and he steps out of the room with a smirk and a salute.
"Down with the revolution boys!"
You don't how to react, all you can do is stare wide eyed at the four lifeless bodies of your friends slowly fading away from where they lay.
They cheer, the bastards you've been taught to hate cheer and your father is cheering alongside with them. The man who took you in when no one else would, the man you trusted with every fibre of your being, is celebrating with the enemy.
"It was never meant to be."
Hearing your father say that causes all the rage bubbling inside of you to burst and for the first time in a while, you let out an ear piercing scream that echoes through the room.
All five men turn to look at you, the bastards still have grins on their faces but your father's face made you feel the sickest. He had the audacity to look at you with such worry, such concern.
He tries to open his mouth to speak again but you don't give him the chance to, cutting him off before he could even get a letter in.
You heart starts to ache further and the tears you were trying so hard to hold back fall with no end in sight. You start to wonder if they think you were part of this plan as well and if they hate your guts too. God, you hope that isn't the case, you don't think you could take it if they hated you when you still loved them back.
He tries to come closer, tries to hug you but you use all the strength you can muster to shove him away, and you do a pretty good job at moving him back and shocking him.
"Don't touch me!" You cry out, wiping away the tears that blur your vision. "Don't ever touch me again, you fucking traitor!"
A chuckle can be heard coming from behind your father as you scream at him.
"Well, looks like someone has a tantrum on their hands," the joke Dream gives causes the other three members of his group to laugh and you can't help but grit your teeth and clench your fist as you struggle not to argue back or stab him right through his ugly mask.
"(Y/n), please, listen to me," he pleads, but your head is starting spin from the stress and you're trying to block out any and all sounds in the room. Begging any higher power above that this is just a nightmare. A scary nightmare that you'll soon wake up from with Tommy and Tubbo sleeping close by just as half haphazardly as you are.
"Why?" You whimper out before you can stop yourself. "Why did you do this."
You can't help but take a few steps back as he walks over to you and kneels down to your level. It hurts your father's heart to no end to see you terrified of him, acting like a skittish stray kitten from a village. He starts to doubt his actions for a moment when he sees how frantic you are, but a ringing promise in his head is what reminds him of why he did what he did.
"I did it so we would be safe. So that you could be safe," his voice is barely above a whisper as he says so, like he doesn't want anyone else to hear. Dream gives a quick glance, like he knows something, but he doesn't comment, choosing instead to continue talking the the others.
You shake your head, refusing to accept his bullshit answer, "There could've been another way, you didn't have to do this-!"
He tried to find other ways, he swears, but Dream knew too much and held too much power against him, against everyone. He could take everything away from him, he could take you away from him and he couldn't have that. Sure he now had a target on his head with the resistance, but it's better than having Dream target both him and you. He doesn't tell you all of this though, not yet, it isn't the right time to.
"(Y/n)," your father tries once again to hold you and this time you can't find any power left within you to shove him off again. So you let him hug you, but your arms remain firmly planted to your side, fighting the urge to hug him back for comfort.
"Trust me, there truly was no other way..."
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A/N: DID SOMEONE CALL THE ANGST DOCTOR? :D Ah, lord, I had a little too much fun with this but I may have gone out of topic and ooc so I'm very sorry if I did! I've read the parental smp stories before and I adore them to absolute bits so I may have squealed when I got this ask. Thank you anon for the request and I hope you all enjoyed it as well!
(Requests are open and anon is on!)
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jumblejen · 3 years
Blue Skies and Apple Pie
Suptober21 Day 15: Blue Skies and Apple Pie
“It’ll all be blue skies and apple pies!”
“Garth, what are you talking about?”
“I just mean that good times are ahead of us my man.”
“Garth,” Dean took a breath trying to gather his composure. He would be rubbing his temples if his hands weren’t currently tied behind his back. “We are tied up and at some point those assholes are going to come back and start fileting.”
“Oh don’t be such a worrywart, Dean. Plus I know you like apple pie.”
“Are you serious?”
“What? It’s not like no one knows we’re here.”
“Garth! No one knows we’re here! We don’t even know we’re here!”
“Oh. I forgot we were unconscious when they moved us.”
“Well can’t you just, I don’t know, werewolf-out of these ropes? Like the Hulk?”
“Not sure I’m feeling murderous enough for that.”
“Can you give it a try though? Just for me?”
Garth made grunting noises. Dean cocked his head at the sound, trying to catch a glimpse of Garth. “Almost got it.”
“Dude, how is this hard? You’re a frickin’ werewolf!”
“I just feel like everything is really going to be okay. It’s hard to access my inner wolf when I’m just so happy.”
“How is any of this okay?!” Dean was glad they weren’t tied up facing each other. At least he could still roll his eyes without worrying about hurting anyone’s feelings.
“Dean, Dean. Seriously man. It’ll be okay.”
“Garth, I am begging you, to please tell me what’s going on with you. Are you drunk? What’s goin’ on, man?”
“Just not feeling wolfy. And besides, Bess and Cas are on their way to find us. I’d sure hate to stand in their way!”
“Yeah, Beth’s a real badass, but seriously, how do you just not feel ‘wolfy’?”
“Cas is a badass too.”
“Yes, I know he is. But that’s not the point.” Dean shut his mouth to try to collect himself. If irritation was a blade he’d have been out of these ropes five minutes ago. “Are you drunk?”
“Why are you working a case drunk?”
“You needed my help.”
“I only asked for your help about the area, I didn’t ask you to charge in with me.”
“Well maybe I wanted to charge in somewhere! You ever think of that?!”
“Garth. Talk to me buddy.”
“It’s just. Well, Bess is a born werewolf and it looks like the kids are all taking after her side of the family. And I just feel a little left out sometimes.”
“But you’re a werewolf too.”
“Yeah, but I’m never gonna feel like they feel. Just worry I’m gonna get left behind, like they’re all gonna just leave me at home instead of letting me run with them.”
“Come on, Garth. Bess loves you. And so do your kids. There’s no way they’d ever leave you.”
“I guess. Just, you showed up and I figured I could show that I can still be a badass too. And I think I was feeling a little sorry for myself and I stopped at a bar on the way over and had a drink and then you were going out, so I came with!”
“Garth, you shouldn’t be risking yourself like that!”
“I stopped that guy from stabbing you.”
“Yes you did, and I appreciate it, but you can’t act like Bess is going to just up and decide you aren’t enough one day. She loves you, and you love her. And your kids are awesome.”
“I guess you’re right, Dean.” Garth came into Dean’s field of vision. “I have to just own up to my insecurities and work through them.”
“Garth… Garth how are you untied?”
“Oh, I couldn’t change completely, but it was enough that I stretched the knots all to hell so once I stopped trying, I slipped right out from under them.”
“Then why have I been sitting here still tied up this whole time?”
“We were having a nice chat.” Dean ground his teeth in frustration, glaring at Garth. He wasn’t sure why he bothered when all he got in response was a goofy grin. “Thanks Dean.” Garth untied Dean’s hands and removed the ropes. “Now what?”
“Are you sober enough to help?” Dean stood up and stretched out the kinks from being tied up.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Just been all up in my head lately.” Garth reached forward, hugging Dean tight.
“Alright man. Alright. Let’s get out of this mess and I promise, if you wanna talk about how you feel some more we can.”
“Dean Winchester is promising to talk about feelings?” Cas’ smile was barely there, but amusement danced in his eyes. “What have these awful people done to my husband?”
“Ha ha, Cas.” Dean hugged Cas tight, breathing in that familiar scent of wings and ozone and his strawberry shampoo. “We’re okay. Just a little banged up, but nothing serious.”
“Hey Bess,” said Garth sheepishly, looking more uncertain than Dean had ever seen him. Bes hugged him tight, the two murmuring to each other as they embraced.
“How’re we getting out of here,” asked Dean.
“We took care of everyone. If you two are okay, we can go,” said Cas.
“See Dean, I told you,” said Garth, his arm still tight around Bess, “Blue skies and apple pie all the way.”
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dontshootmespence · 4 years
Secrets of the Bullpen
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Summary: One night, while working late at the BAU, the team decides to keep themselves amused by reveling stupid secrets to each other.
Words: 1,112
Warnings: Some cursing.
A/N: This came from an anonymous request I was intrigued by, so I kept it. However, requests are ‘officially’ closed.
Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
Emily tapped her pen against the desk in rhythm with the clock without even thinking about it. “Okay, is it just me or is the ticking of a clock like Chinese water torture?”
Chuckling, Derek smiled and leaned back in his chair. Just as he was about to respond, Spencer looked up from his paperwork.
“Actually, Chinese water torture is more than the drip of the water. People frequently equate it with repetitive sound, but it’s actually a painful process where cold water is slowly dripped onto the scalp, forehead or face for a prolonged period of time, which allegedly makes the restrained victim go insane. It was first described by Hippolytus De Marsillis in Italy during the 15th or 16th century. What?” He asked when he felt all eyes on him.
“Alright, kid,” Rossi said. “Is there a study that shows that just repetitive noise can drive you crazy?”
JJ, Hotch and Garcia moseyed out into the bullpen, needing some kind of a break from their never-ending piles of paperwork. 
“Actually, yes. There’s a disorder called misophonia where certain sounds trigger an emotion or physiological response that many people describe as ‘driving them crazy.’”
Rossi laughed and excused himself for a moment, returning with a bottle of scotch from his desk. An unopened bottle. The kind he’d open in case of a celebration. “Alright, we all need a break and a laugh. So, everyone give me a glass, have a sip of scotch and let’s do something.”
“Play a game?!” Penelope screeched excitedly, clapping her hands together. “I’ve got an idea. Everyone has to revel a secret about themselves, but nothing big. Just something stupid that the rest of us wouldn’t know.”
For a moment, everyone pondered, glancing between their paperwork and the sweet freedom of a sip of scotch. “Screw it,” Emily said, holding a cup out to Rossi. “I’m in. I’ll go first.” She took a sip from her cup. “So, something about me that you guys wouldn’t know is...” She went through the Rolodex in her head. Hotch could tell she had a whole load of secrets up there and was searching for a good one. “Oh, okay, so I read all the lesbian fiction and fanfiction I can find. My favorite published book is The Sea of Light by Jenifer Levin and my favorite fanfiction is this one about two badass bitches from a hospital procedural I watch.”
No one said anything and then Hotch smiled. “I thought Garcia said we had to confess a secret.”
“Shut up.”
Rossi finished pouring and Derek was the last one. “Alright, your turn, Morgan.”
“And remember we’ll know if you lie,” JJ added. 
“Okay, I’m not about to tell you what name it’s under,” he said, taking two big sips of his drink. “But I’m going to piggyback off of Emily. I am on a social media site and, in my spare time, I might...write, what some would call fanfiction about a show that I watched when I was a kid that was cancelled way too soon. My brain was constantly thinking up ways the story could’ve continued so I started writing them down. I have a...decent following.” He hated that he was blushing. “This leaves the room I will kill you all.”
Penelope’s eyes lit up. “I don’t profile that frequently, but I’ll be damned if I don’t find out what blog’s yours.”
“Baby girl, I swear. I have no doubt that you’re gonna find it. When you do, you keep your little mouth shut.”
“Our little secret.”
Quickly enough, they all finished their first drinks and had Rossi pour a second. “You guys are gonna drink me out of house and home.”
“You can afford it,” Hotch laughed. “I’ll go. Like Morgan, I will kill anyone who speaks this outside this room. But my guilty pleasure, whenever I have the time,  is taking bubble baths and listening to Frank Sinatra.”
Despite it only being the seven of them in the bullpen, the raucous laughter bounced off the walls. “You know that whenever you’re tense, we’re all gonna tell you to go take a bubble bath now, right?” Spencer said, smirking as he took a drink. 
“Watch it, Reid.” When the baby of the team couldn’t stop laughing, Hotch singled him out. “Okay, smart ass. You go.”
Spencer’s smile immediately dissolved as he combed through every facet of himself. There wasn’t a whole lot that the team didn’t know about him. Oh, I’ve got one. I talk all the time about classical music and how much I like it, but it’s not my favorite kind.”
“What is?” JJ asked, her eyebrow raised. 
“Metal. I’m obsessed with metal. Specifically Metallica, Judas Priest, Anthrax and Nightwish. I’ve been to more than 20 concerts between the four of them.”
“That screaming stuff? You like that?” Morgan asked incredulously. 
“No, no, metal isn’t actually a lot of screaming despite what people think. What you’re referencing is called screamo and I’m not into that. Makes me anxious.”
While the rest of the team asked Spencer about the different types of metal, a few of them got their drinks topped off and Spencer put Amaranth by Nightwish on in the background. “JJ, you next.”
“I don’t get to do it too often because when do we have the time, but I like cross stitching and I specifically cross-stitch inappropriate sayings like ‘eat a dick’ and ‘because fuck you, that’s why.’”
Emily begged for the ‘because fuck you, that’s why’ one and Garcia called ‘eat a dick.’ Spencer commissioned one that with the phrase, ‘try not to murder anyone today.’
“Okay, Garcia and Rossi. You’re the only two left. Your turn.” JJ said.
Rossi calmly sipped at his drink, leaving Garcia to spill the penultimate secret. “I’ve been thinking. Something stupid that you guys don’t know about me is that I’ve always been obsessed with dinosaurs. I mean ask me anything. When it comes to dinosaurs, I am Reid.”
Without missing a beat, Spencer asked, “When was the first dinosaur fossil discovered?”
“1822. Easy. And it was an Iguandon fossil. Give me a harder one.”
“What dinosaur looks like a cross between a parrot and porcupine?”
“Oh good one,” she laughed. “Can’t stump me though. That would be the Pegomastax. It’s teeth rubbing back and forth is what sharpened them.”
“Damn right, I am!”
The entire team stared at their exchange in awe. “You’re both dorks,” Morgan said matter of factly.
“Well, this leads pretty effortlessly into my secret,” Rossi interjected. “I have a book draft where I roast every, single, one of you.”
Every head snapped in his direction. “What?!”
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robinchan-hananomi · 3 years
One Piece 1023
I have a lot of thoughts here about the new chapter. There is a lot of things to unpack here!
So first, things I loved! I absolutely loved Zoro and Sanji’s dynamic in this chapter. Yes, the two were bickering a bit but honestly it felt like their comments were more to reassure each other than anything. Zoro immediately noticed that something was wrong with Sanji and Sanji responded honestly, that his body has felt funny ever since using the raid suit a second time. Zoro probes to see just how deep the concern is, asking if Sanji is going to slow him down, and Sanji’s answer seems to reassure him enough that he almost jokes, teasing Sanji about his eyebrows. One the flip side Sanji knows better than almost anyone just what kind of shape Zoro is in right now. They both look out for each other and they tease each other during the start of this fight, but it is mostly them being more like ‘look asshole, I know you’re trying to see what the extent of the damage is but I swear I am fine enough to knock this son of a bitch out’.
And make no mistake, Zoro and Sanji are probably going to have a lot of physical issues after this chapter. Sanji mentions that his body is feeling weird. This could be anything from the raid suit being intentionally designed to hurt Sanji to his body just not being able to cope with the strain the new technology is putting on him. The mink doctor also just reminded Chopper that while Zoro is up now, he won’t be for long and that he doesn't even want to imagine what kind of shape Zoro is going to be at the end of the fight. No matter how Wano shakes out, Zoro and Sanji are going to be hurting and will require some serious rest and TLC.
After Sanji and Zoro face off against King and Queen, we also get a small moment for the opponents to communicate. On Queen and Sanji’s side, Queen talks about how Judge experimented on his children and questions the validity of Sanji’s claim of being completely human since he can light his body on fire. Sanji admits he’s probably just that dramatic. On the other side Zoro notes King’s unorthodox fighting and when King points out there is no need to follow technique and method in combat, Zoro agrees and reminds King there really isn’t anything preventing Zoro from ripping out King’s throat with his teeth.
Now Zoro and Sanji are only able to fight King and Queen in peace due to Hyogoro and Kawamatsu’s efforts. Kawamatsu prevented a Beast Pirate from taking a shot at Zoro and Hyogoro explains that anyone who tries to help either side at this point would just be in the four combatants way. While they watch the fight, they comment about Zoro.
The thing is, Zoro has been connected to the Shimotsuki Clan from the start. Zoro’s hometown is Shimotsuki Village. In the SBS corner, Oda explained that the village was founded about 55 years ago by Shimotsuki Kozaburo, the man who forged Wado Ichimonji and Enma. Kozaburo’s son Koshiro ran the Isshin Dojo, which used the Shimotsuki Clan crest as it’s symbol and Zoro had worn that crest his entire childhood. Koshiro’s daughter Kuina was Zoro’s best friend and rival. Then Zoro met and fought Shimotsuki Ryuma, whose family name was again confirmed in the SBS corner. More on Ryuma in a minute. Ever since Zoro has entered Wano, he has been even more connected to the Shimotsuki Clan. The Clan had two Daimyo’s that we know of, Ushimaru and Yasuie. Zoro has spent a lot of time in Ringo, Ushimaru’s territory, and even combated with Ushimaru’s retainer Onimaru a few times now for Ryuma’s sword Shusui. On the other side Zoro befriended Yasuie and his daughter Toko. While all the strawhats were seen to be fond of Toko and quite a few met Yasuie, Zoro spent the majority of time with him.
Now as for Ryuma. Ever since the Monsters oneshot was tied to the One Piece Manga, fans had noticed the similarities between Zoro and Ryuma. The two look very alike in appearance and they had many similar mannerisms. They also have the connection of sharing a sword, Shusui, and both decapitated a dragon in the air. And now, apparently, Ryuma had lost an eye in his adventures and was known as a one eyed swordsman...which I mean his zombie did have a scar on his face that would have gone over his right eye along with bandages covering his right eye so it’s not really a surprise.
The two citizens of Wano comment that Ushimaru is a direct descendant of Ryuma and note that Zoro has a similar appearance and style of fighting to Ushimaru and by extension Ryuma. Now if this is because Zoro is somehow part of the Shimotsuki Clan (which I actually kind of hope not), or if it is just a coincidence about appearance and the other similarities are because Zoro trained at a dojo from the Shimotsuki Clan is still up in the air. Either way, I really do like the idea of developing Zoro more and I have been waiting for someone, anyone, in the manga to finally notice just how much Zoro seems to be connected to this family.
Anyway, back to the chapter! While Zoro and Sanji keep two of the three calamities busy, we see there is a LOT of other things going on. I’m not going to go in order of the rest of the chapter because I want to organize my thoughts a little.
So first, which is actually the last thing to happen, is Momo is now 28 years old. He has Shinobu turn him into an adult because he can only do so much as an eight year old. It is a fantastic way to follow the panels of the battle that came before it, because we see the samurai are willing to die to bring about an age where Kaido’s reign has ended and Momo’s time can start. They believe that Momo will bring Oden’s will and bring Wano to a wonderful future, they believe it so much that they are willing to die for it. Momo answers that belief by giving up twenty years of his life. Understand while twenty years have passed for everyone else, it hasn’t for Momo. Momo just had Shinobu mature his body by twenty years in order to get stronger, bigger, and be able to take a stand against Kaido. There is going to be a lot of issues in the future with having an eight year old in a twenty eight year old man’s body, but just like Zoro and quite possibly Sanji’s physical health; this is a bridge to cross when we get to it. After all everyone has to survive the battle and win before they can worry about what is next. So now as a much bigger and stronger dragon, Momo and Luffy can go face Kaido together.
On a side note with everyone talking about being ghosts and all, it’s kinda fitting that it is implied that Momo looks like Oden. Now we really will have people think they’re seeing ghosts.
We also have Inu and Neko fighting Jack and Big Mom’s son. These fights are not just about defeating Kaido either. There is an element of revenge to them both. As Inu sends Jack through a wall, he expresses recalls all the pain Jack brought to the people of Zou. Just like Neko talks about Pedro while fighting. And yet the two talk about how everything they lost, all that they suffered through, was all part of the road to get there, now, to bring Kaido and his Beast Pirates to an end. And the two are using their badass Sulong Form.
The last big note for this chapter is Marco’s memory of his discussion with Whitebeard. It is implied that King’s race are the Lunarian, and that King is the last one. They lived up on the Red Line in a long ago past. Marco recalls Whitebeard talking about how it was ‘God’s Land’ which is honestly giving me super Skypeia vibes. What exactly is this God’s Land?
Because we hadn’t talked too much of the Red Line, I for whatever reason, always imagined other people living up there. We knew the Celestial Dragons lived on the Red Line, but because it is like a long continent of linked together islands I just naturally assumed other races and beings lived up there. That doesn't appear to be the case. Which to be fair I am a fool for even thinking that because now that it’s put that way I realize a group so pompous and self important as the Celestial Dragons would never allow anyone so lowly as normal people to live so high in the world as they do. So they enjoy their life in the clouds while driving any peoples and race either off the Red Line or to extinction.
Marco brings up the old conversation to Izo, after the latter saves him for drifting off in a battle, and Izo says Marco sounds like Whitebeard when he was drunk. Whitebeard was part of the Rocks Pirates, the Pirate crew that shook the world to it’s core almost a whole generation before Roger even appeared. Whitebeard has seen some real shit. I wonder just what all Whitebeard knew about the world, and I wonder just how much he tried to impart on his children only for them to think he was drunkenly rambling?
Anyway, it was a fantastic chapter and I am so freaking excited to see where we go next!!!
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 278: MOMO IN CHARGE
Previously on BnHA: Deku and Kacchan were all “SIR, THAT’S OUR EMOTIONAL SUPPORT SENSEI” and got really ferocious and made a very passionate attempt to blow Tomura up and it was great. It basically did nothing, but it was still great. AFO was all “COME HERE LIL BRO”, and Tomura was all “silly Sensei, you can’t just take over my mind and body just like that”, and he was very confident of this despite there really being no evidence to back it up, but okay! Gran was all “time to make the fandom mad at me” and grabbed Tomura by the collar and yelled at him about Nana a bit, and then Bakugou and Endeavor made an even MORE passionate attempt to blow up Tomura, which may or may not have done some actual damage. The chapter ended with Gigantomachia battling Mt. Lady, just kinda out of the blue, which is FINE, but she had better be all right, though!
Today on BnHA: Everyone is all “WAUGHH IT’S GIGANTOMACHIA” and running around freaking out about it. The U.A. alums all kick some ass, and pretty much everyone else not from U.A. does jack fucking shit. Mt. Lady, who I plan on naming all of my future children after, does her best to stop Machia but he keeps flinging her aside. Kamui Woods is all “here I come with Midnight to put Gigantomachia to sleep!” and is PROMPTLY FUCKING MURDERED!? by Dabi because he’s a flammable tree man, and so Midnight falls all the way to the ground and is badly injured. So then she’s all “well I better call the most competent person I can think of to fix this mess” and dials up YAOYOROZU FUCKING MOMO, who proceeds to take charge LIKE THE BOSS SHE IS, and mobilizes the rest of the kids. And honestly I have more faith in them than in any of the adults at this point, so yeah, you know what? Let’s do this.
so I am possibly a bit spoiled on this chapter because I did a “top five predictions” post earlier this week, and someone replied to that yesterday on Thursday saying that they were mostly correct. I don’t know exactly how close to the mark I was though, and in any case most of the predictions were just “so-and-so shows up, probably”, so it’s not too bad. we’ll see how it goes!
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I mean, CLEARLY they’re all about to be in horrible danger, seeing as Jirou is about to inform them of the whole “THE BIG GUY EVERYONE WAS AFRAID ABOUT WAKING UP WOKE UP” thing, but in the meantime at least Kami and Toadette and Honenuki made it back to the group safely
also Kaminari’s use of “Jirou-Jack” here is fucking inspired and I want him to teach a class on nicknames. isn’t he the one who coined “Yaomomo” as well? this boy has a gift and it needs to be appreciated
so Jirou is all “SOMETHING REALLY BIG IS COMING”, and actually she says “INSANELY HUGE”, which if anything is still an understatement, hard as it is to believe
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“A BAD GUY IS HEADING THIS WAY?? SOUNDS LIKE IT’S TIME TO ABANDON THE CHILDREN IN THE WOODS” kjlfakh okay you know what?? fine!! you weren’t even going to do anything anyway so let’s not pretend!!
holy shit it’s like Mt. Lady isn’t even there
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look at those speed lines!! goddamn. I just felt this huge rush of empathy for Mt. Lady though. like can you imagine growing up with this super-destructive quirk, and managing to become a hero with it against all odds, and having to put up with the manga making fun of you all the time just because sometimes you have a tendency to DESTROY A LOT OF STUFF, but it’s not like you can help it!! but the upside has always been that when your quirk is on, you are fucking UNSTOPPABLE though. so even though it’s been a hell of a rough ride for you, it’s worth it because you’re a complete badass and the number of people who can beat you out in terms of sheer physical strength is probably in the single digits. and you’re working really hard too, and lately you’ve been moving up through the ranks and actually becoming a damn fine hero if I do say so myself (and I do), and it’s like, about time though?? like finally, finally it is all starting to come together for you. and then this snarling trashrock person suddenly comes stampeding along and you put your all into trying to stop him, and it doesn’t even do a damn thing. like, holy shit. that’s just not fucking fair and YOU DESERVE BETTER, MT. LADY
anyway so she’s still hanging in there for now though so let’s check in with our villain squad riding on his back
lmaooo they’re all “I don’t even understand what is going on here”
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YOU GUYS, THIS IMPLIES THAT THEY WERE ALL PLUCKED OFF THE GROUND BY THE SCRUFFS OF THEIR NECKS AND THEY HAD ABSOLUTELY NO SAY IN THE MATTER OMG. like I’m picturing Spinner being held by his cape pinched in between Machia’s thumb and forefinger, and awkwardly trying to lecture him like a mom with his hands on his hips all, “BAD GIGANTOMACHIA! NO! NOOOUAGH -- !” and cutting off with a yelp as he’s dropped onto his back
and I am glad they got Toga some clothes! I like to think Gigantomachia grabbed those for her as well. so thoughtful
wow Skeptic actually wants to go back to Re-Destro??
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color me legit impressed. I underestimated your loyalty my dude. and let me also just take this moment to extend my gratitude toward Horikoshi for leaving the rest of the MLA out of it because good fucking riddance to them, goodbye forever hopefully!!
I guess they’ll be needing Skeptic’s quirk down the line for some reason? maybe he is meant to be like a new, less out-of-control Twice. smdh y’all out here trying to replace your dead buddy like a pet goldfish
who is this “they” Dabi is referring to
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do you mean the heroes? lol yeah I guess they’re pretty distracted by the literal fucking kaijuu you’re currently piggybacking on
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“the Jakku team must’ve made a mistake” BOY, I’LL SAY. you know what, don’t even talk to me about that yet. it’s still too fresh. suffice it to say that your suspicions are correct and things in Jakku are not very daijobu right about now
anyway here’s a closeup of this bubble person just cuz
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they are everything and I want them to be my friend. also there’s a squid person a few paces behind them who can probably do anything a squid can do. or they might actually be a shark person, actually. I don’t know. either way I love them
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1) hey so Cementoss is legit terrifying who’d’ve thought
and 2), did Cementoss always have a mouthful of gigantic perfect teeth each the size of a slice of bread, or is this just something I’m only noticing now because I’m behind the curve. either way, let me just say sincerely, DKJDLKFJLSKJG
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@waywardfacegarden​ you asked the other day which are the characters I actually dislike, and this is one of them lol. he’s just a big ol’ prick, and on top of that has the audacity to not even be interesting in any way so as to balance it out. anyway so apologies to any Re-Destro stans out there but I basically spend every panel he’s in hoping that someone will punch him in the face hard enough to finally make him shut up
anyway so my man Edgeshot is here though, finally!! but of all the people for him to fight! this is a real predicament for me. the most soothing character in the series contrasted with the character who grates my nerves the most. Edgeshot’s sexy ASMR voice is gonna be drowned out by all of RD’s punching and self-important ranting in the anime and I’m lowkey devastated but I’m gonna pull myself together and read on
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Edge, if you can liberate us from having to put up with his insufferable ass once and for all I will be so grateful to you. can you do this. please. for me
and it looks like some other boring MLA villains are following along behind Machia so I’m gonna need someone to kick their asses as well. please
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okay so now I see what that comment on my prediction post was referring to lol. I did indeed have my fingers crossed that these two would show up again, and sure enough! THE GANG’S ALL HERE YAY
and Mt. Lady is being sumoed aside!
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anyone want tonight’s lotto numbers. during this brief fleeting moment of having my predictions be actually credible, I would just like to say that Hagakure is the U.A. traitor. thank you and goodnight
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HE LOOKS SO PANICKED?? OUT OF THE BLUE I SHIP IT SO MUCH?? I keep forgetting they’re on the same team and stuff and wow, I need to calm down
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I wonder if her quirk will actually be enough to take him down? this is something I’ve been itching to see for a long time, actually. just how powerful is she? we know her quirk is more effective on males than females, but is anyone actually capable of resisting it? imagine if she really did just knock Gigantomachia out after all of this buildup. that would be some god-tier shit omg, DO IT
(ETA: I am just going to assume that since Horikoshi had to go to elaborate lengths to take her out of the fight, this means that her quirk really was capable of knocking them all out. another tragic case of Too Badass For The Plot. y’all better respect Midnight.)
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is she stripping. you know what -- don’t think about it. I won’t let you ruin this for me Horikoshi. Midnight’s gonna be a badass because the ladies are fucking ruling this arc and that’s all there is to it
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oh thank god, she’s all right. BUT KAMUI ISN’T THOUGH DLKJSFLKSJDG??!
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did Kamui Woods just... die
(ETA: okay but for real, is there an actual curse in effect on the Billboard Top Ten right now, though?? did one of them accidentally disturb the tomb of some ancient king??)
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( ・ั﹏・ั)
oH MY GOD!?!
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(ETA: Horikoshi is seriously just yanking our chain at this point. when Majestic finally does show up, he or she better have the coolest fucking quirk of all time, that’s all I’m saying.)
okay how badly injured is Midnight here, though?? she just fell all that way?? DO I NEED TO BE REALLY MAD. I CAN WORK MY WAY UP TO IT PRETTY QUICKLY, JUST SAY THE WORD. I’M ALREADY HALFWAY THERE HONESTLY. WHERE’S KAMUI WOODS
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holy shit. “a quirk that can stop that thing,” she says. and goes and calls YAOYOROZU FUCKING MOMO y’all I am barely holding myself back from SCREAMING right now I...
you guys
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you guys. if Midnight and Yaomomo team up to take down Gigantofuckingmachia using some sort of MOMO MADE A MACHINE TO SPREAD MIDNIGHT’S QUIRK strategy, or whatnot?? I will fucking die on the spot. you can end the manga right there. Kacchan you can keep your quirk I don’t even care
“IT MIGHT BE AGAINST THE LAW” lmaooooo insert John Mulaney “WE’RE WELL PAST THAT” gif here. holy shit. listen, that is fine. if anything it’s even better
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(((( ;°Д°))))
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[GRABS HORIKOSHI BY THE COLLAR] listen, you. if you only just now, for the first time ever, gave us a lady hero actually mentoring another lady hero, which we have somehow NEVER HAD BEFORE in almost three hundred chapters, only for you to then KILL OFF THE MENTOR IN THE MIDDLE OF HER GODDAMN SPEECH TO THE MENTOREE, I will... there’s... I’ll... okay, listen. DON’T. THERE WILL BE A RECKONING. CAPSLOCK SUCH AS THIS WORLD HAS NEVER WITNESSED!!
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so the other kids are all “what the fuck” and “so Momo’s in charge??” which, YES!!! IT’S THE ONE GOOD PART ABOUT ALL THIS SO DON’T YOU DARE QUESTION IT
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hell, it’s not even just an “I believe in you” thing, because it’s not just belief, it’s fact. you motherfucking can do this, you are the most capable and brilliant student in 1-A, you just gotta have faith and let yourself shine!!
so now there are some more panels of Machia running and the villains and heroes fighting, blah blah blah. and Momo screwing up her face as she makes her decision...
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lol she’s all “Jirou use your ears and scientifically calculate how long it’ll take him to get here”, and Jirou is all “I can literally fucking see him, he’s gonna be on top of us in like two seconds” WELL OKAY THEN
thank god there are no adult pros left to fuck this up. is that weird that this is a real and honest and completely sincere thought that just ran through my head? like, at this point if any of the adults were around I’d just be afraid of them dying honestly. but with the kids I actually feel real hope that they’re somehow gonna do this. of course it helps that unlike the adults they’re pretty safe from being killed off
also! way to represent the entirety of class 1-B there Honenuki lulz. sorry, The Rest of Class 1-B
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lmao at Shouji using his power of “putting some extra eyeballs on my arms” to inform everyone that Gigantomachia is Right Over There and Very Big
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good job Shouji
oh my glob I have so much love for Momo right now that it can’t even fucking be contained. brb wildly flailing my hands around a little to try and release some of this excess excitement
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maybe Momo can be president instead and Mt. Lady can be the vice president
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Kaminari is so fucking brave right now I just want to crush him in a hug?! we know he’s still scared!! look at his eyes!! and he was freaking the hell out earlier too, and now the situation is much worse! but he doesn’t give a fuck because his friends need him! he is ready to be a hero, my little baby boy is all grown up and I’m so proud??
Mineta’s face in the bottom right corner is everything. I know, I know, boooo Mineta, but that’s still the best face anyone has made in the entirety of this manga
Tetsutetsu’s out here all “I humbly request to also represent class 1-B” and Momo is all “okay fine I guess we can have two of you guys”
can we all just stop for a moment to appreciate how KamiJirouMomo is alive and well. like, we had interactions between all three of them in this chapter, in all possible permutations? do you know how happy this makes me?? I am vibrating with joy??!
I really can’t stress this enough -- I have no clue at all what these little soda can things are (anesthetic, I guess??? you know, like how you sometimes buy cans of anesthetic at the supermarket?? what do you mean you don’t do that??), or what they’re gonna do with them. I have like negative clues. but DAMNED IF I GIVE ONE SINGLE FUCK. the next chapter can be them all fucking hurling them at his face for all I care. THE DETAILS OF HOW SHE KICKS HIS ASS DO NOT MATTER!! GOOD MORNING TO YAOMOMO AND YAOMOMO ONLY!! MY MOMO ACADEMIA
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swarmkeepers · 3 years
riz & gorgug for #5! ✨
5. heard you tell the same story multiple times but doesn’t point it out to you when you excitedly bring it up to them again + riz & gorgug (prompts linked here)
(starting immediately post-fhsy, and a little more angsty than the other prompt fills so far because it deals with some of the aftermath of spring break. sometimes friendship is late nights and brownie recipes and old stories.)
There are forty minutes left until Elmville when Riz digs his claws into the headrest of the passenger’s seat and clambers over the seat backs to sit shotgun in the Hangvan. 
Everyone else is asleep, or as Riz suspects in Tracker’s case as she stays oddly still as a human pillow for Kristen in the backseat, at least pretending to. But Riz is quest-restless even though they’re heading home, and Gorgug’s awake because he’s driving, and both of their darkvision light up the street ahead for them. 
Gorgug doesn’t look surprised when Riz lands in the seat next to him. Of course. Because his whole party knows that Riz doesn’t sleep, or at least has to be told to, or has to know that there are hit points to be regenerated and a fight to be alert for the next day. 
Streetlights speed by and Gorgug brings the van to a smooth stop at a light, accelerating smoothly up afterwards to not jostle anyone in the backseat. He’s practiced, easy, calm. Meanwhile, Riz’s thoughts are a messy turbulent maelstrom. He can’t sleep, and after everything in the Nightmare Forest if he never saw a bed again it’d be too soon. But, forget sleep, his brain isn’t even letting him relax right now, and Riz is struggling to figure out the questions that are on the tip of his tongue. His fingers itch for a ball of red string, trying to figure out why he wanted to be up here with the passenger seat and the windshield and Gorgug.
“What’s being a barbarian like?” he asks quietly, and Gorgug doesn’t exactly startle but does tip his head to the side curiously. 
“Can I ask why?” 
“I’m—angry,” Riz says, surprising himself, but it feels true enough. “I killed Kalina, but she said she was with me my whole life. And I hate that.” He wants to hiss, to bare his teeth and make the hair on the back of his neck stand up, but it’s not Gorgug he’s mad at. “Sometimes I wonder if I should use that to. Hit things.” 
“Okay,” Gorgug says. 
“And you—you know about that. About being angry, and not being. As comfortable. Or at least you’ve said stuff like that.” Riz picks at his long fingernails, pretending to be nonchalant and not looking up to see if Gorgug’s insight is better than his shitty attempt at deception. 
“Tell me about why you wanted to be a rogue?” Gorgug asks instead, and Riz understands it’s not really a question. He trusts Gorgug. He thinks about it. 
“Um, my mom was always a detective, I guess. And my dad was a spy, but I guess I didn’t know that.” Riz spends a lot of his time thinking. He’s realizing he doesn’t spend a lot of time thinking about himself. Maybe he needs to make a new conspiracy board. “Uh. I guess the first time I ever saw Penny sneak attack someone was really cool, I definitely knew I wanted to do that.”
Gorgug makes a soft hm? noise that asks Riz to keep talking. “Because I was little and Penny’s little too, and we were at the mall and some asshole catcalled her? And oh, man, you should have seen her, Penny was probably an Aguefort freshman then? But she told me to hide behind this vending machine and—”
They’re all the way home, with the Mordred Manor crew taking their stuff out of the trunk while Gorgug and Riz keep talking. Riz finished his story hurriedly as they pulled into the driveway, ending with Penny teaching Riz to make brownie bars at Strongtower after the sneak attack incident and being so cool and badass and nonchalant about making that guy’s nose gush with blood. He’s talking fast and gesturing big like he doesn’t usually, caught up in a story that he can tell well and that he hadn’t thought of in a while. Him and his rogue friends are tiny badasses. 
“That was a good story,” Gorgug says. “Rogues seem pretty cool.” 
Riz grins, all his fangs out and happy in the driveway of the manor. “Thanks, dude.” 
“I think you can be angry and not a barbarian,” Gorgug says, gently. 
And “Okay,” Riz says, gentled. 
It’s the tail end of one of Fabian’s all-out summertime ragers. The Bad Kids are in a big cuddle pile that barely fits on the picnic blanket on the lawn of Seacaster Manor, and Gorgug’s at the very bottom. Riz is tipsy on half a beer (goblin metabolisms are not good and it’s not his fault) and he thinks Gorgug looks a little lonely, lying on his stomach and tapping at his crystal with all the wind knocked out of him from everyone lying on top. He scrambles down the pile of friend-bodies and sits on the grass by Gorgug. Riz racks his brain for something good to say. He doesn’t want Gorgug to be lonely, not when Riz is going to be up all night and Riz is usually the lonely one.
“Di’ I ever tell you about the first time I saw someone get sneak attacked,” Riz says, words big and bubbly and coming out too fast. He doesn’t care, he’s buzzed and happy and Gorgug looks like he could use a good story.
“I don’t remember, tell me,” Gorgug says, putting his crystal down face down so its glow goes dark. 
“Oh man, you’re going to love this story. It was, like, me ‘n Penny at the mall, and there was this real asshole of a dude, and I didn’t know Penny went to Aguefort but she took out this knife? And it was like she flew at him—”
At some point in the story Gorgug falls asleep, and Riz is more pleased than annoyed. He looks cozy. And not lonely. 
“What’s this, The Ball?” Fabian asks when Riz takes a fantasy tupperware of brownie bars out of his briefcase and puts it on the the table in the cafeteria.
“They’re sneak attack brownies,” Riz says. 
It evidently does not clear up any of Fabian’s questions. 
“Penny—Penny Luckstone?—they’re her recipe, she taught me how to make them the same day I ever saw her sneak attack a dude,” he explains. “She like, jumped out from behind one of those fake potted plants at the mall and slashed him so bad with a dagger and then she didn’t even get sneak attack on it but she also socked him in the nose and it was like the coolest thing I’d ever seen. And then she just went home and washed the blood off her fist and then we made brownies.” He puts a hand on his chest. “And I’ll never forget it.” 
“Okay, The Ball,” Fabian says, but he takes a brownie. 
Next to him, Gorgug’s already halfway into his second, nodding happily and energetically so his hair flops in front of his face. “I love that story!” he says. He’s all leaned in, listening to Riz’s story.
Riz lights up—he’s no Fabian, with expensive magical gifts, and he’s no Gorgug either with little artificed trinkets and sweeping big gestures. But he’d remembered the story and remembered the brownies and wanted to make some, and he’s just glad his friends like them as much as he does.
“Because the secret ingredient is sour cream,” Riz confides. Fabian fake-sputters, sending tiny brownie crumbs everywhere, and Gorgug swats at him. 
“You were eating it just fine before!” Gorgug says indignantly. “Respect the brownie, dude!”
“You’re right, Gorgug,” Fabian sighs. He takes another bite. “They’re not bad, The Ball.” 
Riz only dimly registers footsteps pounding up the stairs and also a greataxe brute forcing its way through the booby traps at his office door. His crystal is abandoned on the floor next to him, the last text he sent to Gorgug still on the screen. It’d been “Having a bad time. At my office. Can you come help? Thanks, Riz” and it’d been typed out with shaky fingers as his breaths started coming too fast, the way it does whenever he lets himself be alone in his own office for too long. Riz hates it but he needs help. He forgot the period on that text and it’s been staring at him for the past few minutes. 
His brain is whirring too fast—Shadow Cat, Kalina’s eyes in his own eyes, Baron in his mirror in his own office, darkness and danger and Fabian in churning waters, he died in that forest and so did Adaine and so could any of his friends, bullets dodged and bullets fired and it’s too much, too much. His breaths are coming too fast but also not fast enough. Riz feels suffocated. 
He’s wedged himself into his own briefcase of holding, the sides squeezing his arms in a way that’s grounding and comforting when nobody else is here in his office to help.
But Gorgug is. Gorgug is here to help now. He skids to a stop in front of Riz and sits on the floor and Riz only dimly registers it out of the corner of his eye where his head is curled into his chest trying to make himself small, make himself safe. 
“Riz, can I touch you?”
Riz does his best to nod and Gorgug just wraps long lanky boy arms around his torso, gently lifting Riz out of his own briefcase and settling him in Gorgug’s lap as they sit on the floor of the office. He doesn’t let go, just squeezes tighter. It’s so much help, and also— “Can you. Talk? Anything— Anything’s fine,” Riz says. 
“Um. Sure, Riz. I guess I can. I could list a recipe? My parents have been trying to teach me to cook more, for when we go to college in a couple of years. I’m sorry, I’m not like Adaine, I don’t have lots of interesting things memorized,” Gorgug says, apologetic. Riz wants to be able to tell him not to be, but he’s a little preoccupied trying to make his brain tell his lungs to breathe.
“Uh, so these are called sneak attack brownies?” Gorgug says hesitantly. Riz realizes what he’s doing and tries to laugh, the giggle interrupting the choked breath he was trying to take.
“They’re called sneak attack brownies because they’re my badass friend’s recipe. And he learned it from his badass friend. Um, I don’t know this super well, actually, but I really should by now and I’m just going to keep talking and if it’s wrong then I guess it’s wrong? I know that you need chocolate for a brownie. And eggs and sugar. You told me the secret ingredient is sour cream.”
Riz nods, thudding his head into Gorgug’s chest a little. He takes a deep breath. Gorgug’s hoodie is soft. And he’s a good listener.
“Right, uh. After sour cream. Flour. And butter?”
“The butter’s— the butter’s unsalted,” Riz manages to eke out, voice small and quiet and mostly talking to his own knees. 
“Got you. Unsalted butter,” Gorgug agrees, easy as anything. 
“Penny said— Penny said that dude she punched’s tears were salty enough, that’s how I remember it,” Riz tells him.
“Tell me more?” Gorgug asks, and he waits patiently as Riz lets his brain just focus on a recipe, an easy recipe and a badass story. It helps, to be given something focused to do. And Riz is just so, so glad he has friends who will give that to him, will listen over and over again when Riz needs to talk. 
And Gorgug waits. And Riz tells him. 
from the prompt list linked here! i’m closing prompts from this particular list simply because i have so many excellent ones to get through
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