#{ Absolute Cell Division }
iobartach · 3 months
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dxrknessembr8ced · 1 year
Character Information #11:
The most terrifying of Hsien-Ko's mutagenic abilities besides her ability to self mutate as well as evolve constantly upon consumption of biomass or without it is her cell division. She reproduces distorted and nightmarish abominations of herself from her own body and left over biomass that grows through the land, spreading the T-virus further and causing nothing but death and despair as these monstrosities are all but symbols to Hsien-Ko, messages to show how much of the pain she suffers from the mutations as she grows stronger and more terrifying than anyone can possibly believe.
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The first of these cell divided spawns are rare and surprisingly normal. These are the small and adorable H.O.s. they represent her humanity and her good hearted nature still trapped within her prison. They posse no threat at all, they're docile and not much of a fighter and are unfortunately rare which also represents her humanity and morales drifts away as the virus continues dominating her mind and body further into becoming less human by the day. The first instance of the spawn is junior. Junior is a cell divided little one who sees Hsien-Ko as her mother and the creature is immediately adopted into the family. Junior is an unusual yet rare case for she seem to be the only and first success of Hsien-Ko to possessed some of her abilities which means there is still hope for her after all.
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Unfortunately for the same cannot be said about these creatures, these are seraphim they represent Hsien-Ko's constant state of pain, agony, her humanity and morales still degrading and symbolize the nightmare of embracing one with the darkstalkers as well as existential crisis. These creatures follow Hsien-Ko via a hivemind as these creatures are often mistaken by the superstitious folk as angels coming to save them when it is the exact opposite, they're killing machines slaughtering both human and darkstalker alike showing the inner darkside she had hidden when she try her best to resist the T-virus from taking over. Their gritty angelic appearance have placed the innocent into a false sense of safety and security before their gruesome fate..
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The seraphim usually stands roughly about eight to nine feet tall but others come in all shapes and sizes, some have the ability to fly no matter what they appear to be they are not to be trifled with. The seraphim has a weakness that some might find horrible and depressing. Given that they're physical manifestations of Hsien-Ko's pain they all feel the same pain as she does as again the creatures are apart of her, with exceptions of the H.O.s. who have a mind of their own and shared no hivemind link at all. Their cry of constant state of agony will be the music that echoes through the darkness, seraphim can sing through the darkness to express all the pain she is feeling. This alone shows to all in her perspective that there is no cure of the T-virus and the inly way to end her pain is to simply kill Hsien-Ko for good but even that will be difficult despite her agony being unending her animalistic instincts forces her to strike back, her will to live forces her to live and endure all of it. Hsien-Ko is by far the most dangerous person that have ever exist and the nightmare will continue to get worse from here. She wanted the world to see how much pain she's in but the one true question remains, Who Will Know?
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mjbarrosart · 2 months
My Dragon Prince Boards season 6, episode 605
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Ok folks, It is time to go trough the next episode of season 6 I worked, episode 605.
When you are working on an episode as a storyboard artist you, usually, want to choose how to approach your sequences. Most of the time your will get instructions from your director and supervisor to do things in certain ways, making sure that things aligning between episodes and general season arcs; but most of details of your sequences are up to you.
In this episode I had the huge privilege to tackle most of Soren and Viren interactions, and a big question for my, from the beginning, was "what will be my approach?"
Because, how I see it, there are 2 big forces, struggles, arcs- or whatever you want to call it- in conflict during this sequences. In one hand, you have Soren and his pain, and in the other hand, you have Viren and his desire for forgiveness.
I decided to approach this sequences from Viren's, because 2 reasons mainly:
The first one, is the most obvious one, is that- at least for me- Soren's arc is already resolved, of course he is in real pain, and he is a victim of abuse and there is a lot of trauma that he needs to heal, but his overall arc resolved in season 3. He is one of the goof guys now, and he knows where he stands. This is an important moment for his healing, for sure, but it is more relevant to Viren's arc that is still incomplete at this point.
The second reason is more personal. While I am a daughter, I have the blessing of having a really good relationship with my parents, so while I understand Soren's trauma, I have not a lot of personal experience to pour into. But, I am also a mother, and from that point of view, I deeply understand Viren. I still think that he is a villain, and what he did was wrong in all levels, but I can absolutely connect with the idea of "parents sacrifice for their children, not the other way around".
Parenting is the eternal struggle between being able to do anything for your children well being, and understanding that they are their own person, and their have the right to make their own mistakes and live their own life.
So yeah, that is what was in my mind during this episode, now let's check sequence by sequence!
My first sequence is a sweet one, between Ezran and Soren. I usually don't have a lot of sequences with the young king, so it is always fun to work with him
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Overall, it is a simple and sweet moment between this two, I love how much Soren respects Ezran but at the same time tries to keep it casual, haha. I love the idea of friends loving and supporting each other.
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My next sequence is when Soren goes to visit Viren for the first time. This is a big one. In one hand, Viren wants to talk and express everything he has to say, in the other Soren holding up his feelings, dealing with confusion and anger.
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The sequence opens with the shot of Viren in the cell and the fly on the spider web. It's a pretty on the nose metaphor that we used through the full episode.
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A less on the nose metaphor I tried to build during the sequences was using the bars as a framing devise to show emotional states. When Viren is talking with guilt and resentment, he is usually framed behind the bars. When he is talking from a place of love, taking into consideration Soren's feelings and acknowledging the damage ha has caused, he usually is framed without the bars.
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This is a sequence where they fail to connect, and by the end, Viren tries to follow Soren, but the chains stop him. There is still a huge division between both of them.
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Next sequences is another interaction, This time, they will talk, but it will not be good. We start with Viren, still trapped, suffering. He is a little calmer now. He tries to connect with Soren, but it is still hard, the bars are between them, and the pain is keeping them apart.
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But then, Viren starts to talk more freely, to recognize his mistakes, the damage that he caused to Soren, to Claudia. The ways he was a bad parent and hurt them both. So we flip the framing, now Viren is free, Soren is behind the bars.
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Soren's pain is stopping him from healing and is coming out as rage.
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he has a hard time believing whatever his father is telling him. In the past, Viren manipulated him, why now would be different. It is so hard to break cycles of abuse, and it is hard to forgive, too. Some people don't deserve forgiveness, to be honest. And I am not sure if Soren ever will forgive Viren.
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So Soren burst into rage. I wanted to create a pretty visceral reaction. Talking with his hands and body, almost like puking out his feelings, so much pain that he can not hold anymore. But this is not necessarily what he needs. He screams at Viren, he hits the bars, he leaves in rage, and the wound is still open.
And Viren is defeated again. Forgiveness will not be something easy to get.
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My next sequences is a short silly one, hahaha. Rayla and Callum going to fight the beast. I swear to god i have the "Slash, Slash, Swirly dash" line stuck in my head until today ><
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Well, back to the drama.
My last sequence of the episode is when Viren wakes up, and Soren is there.
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This time, there is no confrontation between them. Viren understands that no matter what he says, he may never be never forgiven. So he stops trying to "convince" Soren that he is sorry, and just tell him what he thinks Soren needs to hear.
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And after that Soren leaves, maybe for the first time ready to start the path to healing.
And that was my work on episode 605!!
Thanks for reading this long post, again!
If you have any questions about the board process on Dragon prince, please feel free to ask! Also, I always read all the comments you put in the tags, they always make me smile :) Thank you!!!
Soon I'll post about my work on 608!
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soobnny · 1 year
classmate au | nishimura riki
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❝ did you guys see that? i was the one who taught her how to do that!❞
heeseung | jay | jake | sunghoon | sunoo | jungwon | NI-KI
nishimura riki….
the absolute menace that this boy is
The Class Clown
being seatmates with him is probably the worst decision you have ever made
not bc of him and his jokes !!!!!
no he’s very funny actually
he makes you laugh all the time
he just ALWAYS whispers the wrong answer to you during oral recitation
and you ALWAYS fall for it
“what is the second stage of cell division?”
“meiosis,” he’d whisper so confidently
“m…meiosis?” you ask more to him bc u know he’s wrong but the teacher hears you anyway 😭😭😭
he is just SOOOOO !!!! unbearable
also btw he calls u by ur last name
the type to be close friends with all the teachers
he’d just casually reply to them in class (ofc in a respectful enough manner)
always makes the class laugh
he’s always doing some shit honestly like just don’t try to understand him atp
he likes to switch with the person seated behind you sometimes so he can sit beside a close friend but ALSO so he can play with your hair
ni-ki will just do ANYTHING .. put your hair in poor braids, put it in a ponytail ltrly anything
he has started his own hair salon behind you
tells you not to fix your hair for the rest of the day
so yes you end up sporting his poorly styled ponytail where some strands are sticking out
also the type to draw on your arm
in the case that he doesn’t switch with the person behind you, he’ll just start drawing on your arm
ANYTHING absolutely anything
hearts … maybe even a dick im sorry he is a Man and he will start giggling to himself when he draws it on your forearm
tbh u just let him do it
it’s bc he looks so cute … like he’s so focused on your arm while you’re focused on your teacher
during those class seminars, he is STILL seated next to you
but you guys don’t listen to the speaker most of the time
he’ll have the 8ball app loaded on his phone and you guys will just silently play billiards on his phone
changes ur contact name to “sucks at 8ball”
when it’s his turn to make a move, you try and pay attention to the speaker
but then he nudges your arm to signal that it’s your turn and he hands you his phone so you can make a move
BTW idk how to explain this but the seats r like those in the movie theaters
imagine …. your arms on the same arm rest … side by side …. touching
he is actually so slick with it
unlike jake, you’ll often find him at the volleyball court instead of the basketball court
you enjoy sitting at the sides too
ur friends like playing so sometimes they’d play against riki or on the same team as him and you’d just watch as u wait for ur sibling to get u from school
or until you can commute back home with your friends
sometimes you’d join too
BUT only after telling them you’re bad at the sport over and over and over again and them telling you it’s ok over and over and over again too
you finally join in and play volleyball with them with the reassurance that they’re just playing for fun !!!!!!
honestly it’s so much fun but Menace Riki loves to target the ball in ur direction
(it’s so you can play too since most of the time … the ball doesn’t go in ur direction so ure just awkwardly standing in ur position 🧍‍♀️)
the next day, this mf drags u out of class HIMSELF to the direction of the volleyball court and teaches you how to set
“okay, hands above ur forehead, okay? 😒” and u’re just trying to take his directions
he’d be soooooo annoying when you set a ball properly for the first time too
would ltrly turn to everyone in the court with his loud mouth and start praising you
“hey, did you guys see that?? i taught her how to do that !!! i’m her mentor”
ofc it becomes something about Him instead but it’s just cuz he can’t risk everyone knowing about his big fat crush on you
(sucks to be him bc everyone already knows like … have you seen the way he looks at you?)
he’s secretly so proud and plays volleyball with you to the side instead of playing an actual match
it’s to help you improve
bc he’s your self-proclaimed mentor 🥹
and when his friends drag him to play, he’ll insist you play too on the same team as him
you know how like .. one touch .. two touch .. volleyball is until three right?
ni-ki loves to set the ball or toss it to you so you can actually play too
your hype boy 😍😍😍😍
another funny story with this boy was when you and your friend were on your way to go home
and it started raining
ni-ki’s bff and ur bff r dating ok !!!
so naturally, his best friend leaves his side to shade his gf (ur bff) with an umbrella
now u’re left behind with riki
u do NOT expect him to grab his umbrella, open it up, and tell you to start walking with u
shields you so now you’re following behind ur dating bffs
honestly it’s actually kind of a cute memory
sharing an umbrella .. so romantic 🥰
ofc ur friends tease u !!! those who witnessed it happen and when u and ur friend r safely sheltered from the rain,, riki’s bff starts pushing him and teasing him for finally making a move
the direction ni-ki needs to go to isn’t even where he had walked u to but he still did it so you wouldn’t get sick
ANYWAYS he’s the teasing to get ur attention when he has a crush type so
good luck
expect him to always be up in your business and calling your name out
just embarrassing you in all possible ways
he’s just bad at expressing his feelings
u guys r just an old married couple bickering in class sometimes
your classmates start making bets on when you two will finally start dating
when he finally asks you out, his cocky teasing behavior is just thrown out the window
he stutters and scratches the back of his head and looks anywhere but to you
indirectly asks you out
“wanna eat um street foods after class?”
“who’s coming with,” you’d ask
“JUST ME… just me. just us…”
ltrly something as simple as that has him blushing all over 😭
he has no problem embarrassing u and drawing dicks on ur arms and calling ur name in the hallway and throwing an arm around ur shoulder
but the moment he asks u to eat out with him ?? even just for street food ?? bye he’s so shy and nervous
it’s SOOOO unlike him
“oh, sure!”
his eyes would light up please stop
then his cocky behavior would come back a little .. just enough to be tsundere as he is
“okay… don’t think i wanna hangout with you alone or anything. it’s just a treat for properly setting last time we played vb”
likeeee no one believes you ni-ki
the last time u played vb was like two weeks ago so why r u suddenly treating NOW
it’s actually so cute when u start dating
he has such a Soft Spot for u
LOVES annoying u but is secretly so doting like please
i hate happy couples !!!!!!!!!
i hope u guys r HAPPY <3
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note. credits to user @.luvknow for the layout of this post! let me know what you think! please discuss these with me i’m crazy
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drnikolatesla · 8 months
The Lifestyle of Nikola Tesla
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Nikola Tesla was a very tall and skinny man, standing over six feet and weighing around one hundred and forty pounds. He had light blue-gray eyes, which was considered odd because he was of Serbian descent who were typically known to have darker eyes. Tesla, probably joking, said to a reporter that his eyes used to be dark, but using his mind so much had made them many shades lighter. The inventor was known to be very elegant, stylish, meticulous in his grooming, clothing, and regimented in his daily activities.
Tesla never married and remained a celibate and a bachelor his entire life. Tesla was solely committed to the principles of science above all else, and for this reason, he denied the love and companionship of a female counterpart. He chose to lead a solitary life, hoping only that this sacrifice to work would make his name live on through many centuries still to come.
One of his few hobbies other than work was feeding birds. Tesla’s respect for birds began when he was a child growing up in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He and his local friends made a sport out of catching live birds, and when Tesla himself caught a couple of keepers, he and his friend found themselves getting attacked by a murder of crows. The revolt forced the boys to release the birds and take cover. In America, he made it a specialty of his to treat sick pigeons, which seems odd because he was quite the germaphobe. He would feed them every day on his daily walks and would also take in wounded pigeons and nurse them back to health at his hotel in New York. He seemed to have had a better connection with birds than with most people. In 1917, he was awarded the Edison Medal, and upon receiving the award, the inventor could not be found. He was later found feeding pigeons near a local library and was persuaded back to the ceremony to give his speech.
Tesla suffered from an obsessive compulsive disorder, and because of this, he developed some very strange idiosyncrasies and phobias, such as having a strong dislike against earrings, pearls, peaches, and touching other people's hair. He counted the steps in his walks and calculated the cubical contents of soup plates, coffee cups, and pieces of food. All repeated acts or operations he performed had to be divisible by three.
While living in New York, Tesla kept his laboratories absolutely clean and pure, refused to touch other people, would wear gloves while shaking hands, and insisted upon personally cleaning his own plates and silverware at restaurants with his requested 18 napkins. This cleanliness was all intentional because, as a child, he almost died from cholera, which raged in the region of his hometown Lika due to contaminated water. Many found Tesla’s actions strange, but to him, it was a very important measure to protect his health.
In another way to keep his body clean and pure, Tesla invented an electrical apparatus that could give the human body a dry bath by passing millions of volts of electricity through it (similar to his demonstrations in the early 1890s where he passed electricity through his own body). His oscillator was a small, drum-like object about two feet long by one foot wide and could apply half a million volts of electricity through his body. The large amount of electricity would affect the germs without destroying the cells of the tissues of the body. Though his oscillator seemed like a fountain of youth, Tesla maintained his conventional ideas of health. He bathed daily, believed in plenty of exercise, and would walk eight or ten miles every day. He said that he never would take a cab or other conveyance and relied on his leg power for transportation.
His diet was a crucial part of his daily routine to remain healthy and to prolong the length of his life. He was very fussy and particular about his food: he ate very little, but what he did eat had to be the very best. He wasn’t a complete vegetarian; he ate meat, just not very occasionally (perhaps once or twice a year). He did believe though that humankind should move towards a vegetarian diet, not just because eating meat the way we do is “barbarous,” as he said, but because he believed the vegetarian diet is more beneficial to the human body.
In his later years, he never smoked, drank tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages, or consumed any other stimulant. Since he saw life through the lens of his mechanistic theory of life, he took great care of his body as if it were a machine properly maintaining its best efficiency.
As for sleep, Tesla reported that he was a poor sleeper and had very unusual resting patterns. He claimed to only sleep a few hours each day and would oftentimes practice polyphasic sleep where he would take short naps for restoration instead of sleeping for a long period of time.
Unfortunately for Tesla and his clean and healthy lifestyle, in 1937, at the age of 81, he was hit by a taxicab during one of his regular walks. It is likely he was jaywalking because he admittedly was known to do so. He broke three ribs and seriously injured his back. Tesla would be bedridden for months while refusing to see a doctor, and on top of this would catch pneumonia, which would plague his health for the last 5 years of his life. I believe this accident and sickness would play a major role in the rapid decline of his health, both mentally and physically, and his goal of living past a century would never be realized.
Nikola Tesla had a unique and eccentric lifestyle and was known for his intense work habits, often spending long hours in his laboratory. So much so that his friends would seriously worry about his health. Financial difficulties were a recurring theme in his life, and he died in relative obscurity. Despite these challenges, Tesla's legacy is marked by his groundbreaking contributions to the field of electrical engineering.
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eyesthecolorofarson · 8 months
Best Man Pt.2
Jazz watched, bemused, as Danny bounced around the work room. He went from one project of an improved Specter Speeder to a project he and Sam were working on with the mutated fauna in Amity to his newest.
She didn’t know what to think about Damian, but she was thankful the Council would like him. He was obviously raised entirely around aristocratic figures but possibly separated. His wording choice suggested the former and odd accent suggested the latter. She’s always been worried about Danny’s open heart, even more so when she saw his reaction to just seeing Damian.
Thankfully, Damian seemed just as smitten as Danny was. She didn’t necessarily believe in love at first sight, but she understood an alphas immediate attraction to an omega who fit all their preferences and an omegas immediate attraction to the same. Though it is odd how they both fit each other’s preferences.
She would ignore it for Danny. He’s been so excited and happy since their meeting, and even though it’s only been two days he’d already started making the wedding rings. Dad was over the moon when he asked for the blueprints and chemical makeup. Apparently he wasn’t going to make the actual ring part until he knew what Damian would like.
Those thoughts reassured her over-protective mind. She’d thought the attraction was either an aphrodisiac or plain old mind control, but Damian’s reaction to Danny told her that wasn’t the case. She’d been able to overhear a portion of their conversation, and it soothed her to hear Damian getting more and more flustered.
Her protectiveness flared up when she walked in on the kissing, but Danny’s face of absolute horror washed it away. As the best big sister she was she ignored how he now smelled of brown sugar and spice, coffee and caramel. She would only make fun of him for the rest of his existence. Like the best big sister she was.
“Jazz! C’mer, I got it to work!” Danny excitedly waved her over, bobbing in the air. She marked her page and went to the work table. It had a microscope, scale, Bunsen burner, dozens of glass beakers in racks, pipets, magnets and a friability tester. In the middle of everything was a Petri dish with a single green geode.
They were calling it Ectolite, and it seemed to be the Infinite Realms version of fossil fuels. It was created from decaying Blob ghosts or fading emotional remnants. Naturally, anyways. It took a very long time for ghosts to fade and Blobs were no exception.
Artificially they were much easier to make. She thinks. It only took Danny two days after all. “What cut are you going to make it?” She asked as she put on gloves. They didn’t want to contaminate the love it would emit with her own feelings. The love it was supposed to emit if Dannys theory was correct. “I don’t know. The other gem changes shape and texture, but I didn’t check to see if the bottom changes too.”
Danny used a pair of tweezers to pull the shape of the geode into a triangle, then a square, and then a circle. He worried his bottom lip. “I want it to keep this free flowing quality, but I don’t know if actually cutting it will change it. But if it can be manipulated like this,” he stretched it until it looked like a teardrop with a thin tip, “then touching it could ruin the shape I put it in.”
Danny moved aside and let her inspect it more closely. Each side of the geode seemed to be a different texture, one side looking like an earth geode, one looking like bismuth, one appearing to be sea foam, and one seemed to look like a meat hammer. “Have you talked to dad?” She moved the dish to the microscope as Danny groaned.
“I would–and honestly I really wanted to make it with him, but–well, it’s mom again.” She hummed. The geodes cells seemed to be shaped in an infinity symbol, and when she pulled them with the tweezers the cells seemed to go through cellular division to fill the new space, and reabsorb when she moved it back.
“Still angry?” “Worse.” Danny sighed, and she glanced to see him lounge into the air. “She overheard me tell dad about Damian and now she’s pissed that she not only has a half ghost son, but a liminal son-in-law. She’s convinced I’m overshadowing him.”
Talking about mom was always difficult after the reveal. Dad had taken it surprisingly well, explaining that he loved Danny more than he hated ghosts. He even went as far as to say he’d make an effort to learn about ghosts from actual ghosts. Mom on the other hand… “It’s not your fault,” she leaned up from the microscope and took his hand. “Moms always been more eccentric than dad, and we both know she lost it a few years ago with the Pandora situation.”
“We can’t force her to change, and we can’t change ourselves for her. It’s not fair for her or us. The only thing we can do now is try to move on.” Danny sighed and squeezed her hand. “I know, it’s just—I don’t know why, but I blame myself.” “It’s not your fault.” She said again, firmer this time. “It’s not your fault you got hurt, it’s not your fault you hid Phantom, and it’s not your fault she reacted like that. You did the best you could in your situation.”
She was so proud of him. He’d saved the town, the universe and multiverse, he was rebuilding the Infinite Realms and now he was courting someone. It hurt her heart in the best way. He was growing up so fast, and it made her so happy.
“Hey,” she pulled him down until he was back on the ground, “how about you take a break? You can go and see Damian, maybe meet his family, take him on the first date and talk more about the wedding. You can ask him about the ring.” Danny lit up.
“Yeah! That sounds great! Do you wanna come? I think you’ll really like him.” She smiled and shook her head. “I have an appointment with a few ghosts about setting up my firm. Besides, I think I’ll give it a bit more time for our last meeting to wear off.” He blushed and she couldn’t help but ruffle his hair. He laughed and batted her hand away.
“Alright, but you’ll meet him next time, right?” She smiled. “Promise. Now go see your omega.” Danny’s grin was wide enough to show all his sharp teeth. Teeth that were similar to hers. She pulled him into a hug and kissed his head. He squeezed her as if he was scared he would break her.
Jazz watched as he bobbed out of the room, and once he was gone let herself deflate. She pulled out her phone and saw all the texts from her mom. There were at least eighty and they just kept coming. Telling her to call her, to be reasonable, to convince ‘the ghost to let that poor omega go’. Six more came in rapid succession.
Jazz knew she could just block her and get a new phone. It’s what Danny did. But for some reason she just couldn’t. Well, she might know the reason. It was all simple guilting and manipulation, her mom pretending she was the good guy and it was really Danny who was the problem. She was being manipulated subconsciously, and every text she read only made her feel more sorry for her mom.
Her finger hovered over the ‘block’ button. She really, really wanted to press it. But there was a little girl inside her, whispering ‘no! You’ll never see momma again! I miss momma so much, don’t you?’ She sighed, made sure the notifications for that number were off, and picked up her book as she walked out. She had ghosts to help move on.
Danny fixed his shirt again. And then he adjusted his pants, which messed with his shirt. Should he wear his cape? He really liked his cape, but would it be too much? Oh! He had a space blazer that Nocturne got him! He could wear that with a—well, would a button up with the blazer be too formal? He should choose a different shirt. And black or white? Black, black was good. He ran his hand through his hair in the mirror before taking a breath and choosing the turtle neck.
He pulled his hair into a pony tail, fixed his belt, adjusted his blazer, the turtleneck, and then put on his shoes and grabbed his second courting gift. It was a circlet crown with a silver chain. The front had a small, teardrop gem and the sides had three larger ones inside flowers with dangling gems. He’d found it after he’d raided the treasury for anything he’d think Damian would like, and even imagining him in it was making Danny blush.
He wrapped it in green velvet cloth, then put it in a black box and wrapped it with a green ribbon, both of which he’d, uh, liberated from a jewelry store. He couldn’t ask his servants for one because they’d take that information to the break room, those gossips.
Wait. Where would he even meet Damian? At his house? He didn’t know where he lived. Well, he kind of did, but would him showing up unexpectedly be rude or creepy? He didn’t have a way to contact him. But he really, really wanted to see him. Should he just use the Ring of Rage? He’d use the Ring. “Ring of Rage, take me outside of Wayne Manor Dimension 45Q-X.” The Ring glowed bright and a red portal opened in front of him. When he stepped through he was in Gotham City.
Wayne Manor looked like every other manor he’d seen, just more Victorian Gothic with gargoyles and cobblestone walls. He fazed through the gate and took a deep breath. Walking up the steps felt similar to walking to fight Pariah Dark. He rang the doorbell, and adjusted his hair over his shoulder before the door opened.
The man who opened the door seemed to be a butler, rather old but like Damian–and everyone else in Gotham–smelled like death. He smiled, and hoped he wouldn’t be freaked out by his teeth. “Hello! My name is Daniel Phantom, but you could call Danny! Would you know if Damian is available, and if he is could I perhaps talk to him?” The man studied him for a second, then smiled and opened the door wider.
“Ah yes, King Phantom, an honor to meet you your highness. Damian has not stopped talking about you since your meeting. I am Alfred Pennyworth, the primary caretaker of Wayne Manor and it’s residents.” Danny stepped inside and held out his hand. “Please, Mr.Pennyworth, the honors all mine! Damian spoke about you quite highly. You don’t have to call me your highness or king or any of that royal decree.”
Alfred took his hand and shook it, and his smile made him feel a bit better. “Thank you, Master Daniel. If you will follow me, I believe Master Damian is currently in the dining room with his siblings and father.” Oh god, siblings and father? “Pardon me, Mr.Pennyworth,” his smile strained a little, “but—how many of Damian’s siblings are here?” Alfred seemed to notice his slight distress, and it made him smile a bit wider.
“Five of Master Damian’s siblings are present today, as well as close family friend Barbara Gordon, a rare occurrence you are lucky to see.” Oh. Ok. So, six of Gothams Greatest Detectives and The Batman are here. Oh god he hoped he didn’t do anything stupid. But knowing him he’d fall and break his nose the moment he walked in. He really had to stop thinking like this. He just—oh, for the love of Ancients, he was a king! He could handle meeting his future father, brother and sister-in-laws. He could do this! For Damian!
Alfred opened a door for him, and he said a small ‘thank you’ and tried not to wince under all the eyes now on him. It looked like a large dinning room with a long rectangular table filled with various foods. What time was it? Oh he hoped he didn’t interrupt breakfast. All the chairs were filled and they were staring at him with various emotions on his face.
But his eyes landed on Damian, and suddenly none of it mattered. Damian’s face lit up, and he launched himself out of his chair with a joyful shout of his name and into his arms. The force made him raise a few inches into the air, and he couldn’t help but laugh and pull Damian closer.
He still smelled like him. It was as if he’d added his scent into his own, and Danny wanted nothing more than to lean into his neck and leave a mark. But the voices in front of him reminded him there were others here, so he had to–literally–come back to earth and address the situation.
Jazz and Clockwork would be so proud of him.
When he lowered Damian had wrapped his arms around his neck and touched their heads together. “Oh Daniel,” he cooed, and his voice drove him a bit crazy, “What a wonderful surprise! I’ve missed you so.” He couldn’t help but laugh and nuzzle his nose, inhaling more of his scent. “It’s been but two days and I already have a piece of my soul dedicated to you. You’ve captured my mind in a state of worship that continues even in your absence.”
Damian’s face flushed and his smile grew and Danny wanted to kiss him. He held himself back. “Oh. My. God. Daniel!” Another voice said, and Damian pulled back and Danny moved to his side, wrapping and arm around his waist as Damian wrapped an arm around his as someone approached. The man in front of him had light brown skin and slightly long black hair and blue eyes.
He raced through his Gotham knowledge and held out his hand, smiling. “Richard Grayson! Though, you go by Dick, correct? Damian’s told me about you!” Richard’s, or Dick, smile widened and he shook his hand enthusiastically. “Dick, please. It’s nice to meet you, Daniel! Damian has told me so, so much about you.” Oh, that was good! From Damian’s blush and slightly embarrassed scent that was really good!
He let his smile become more relaxed, and Damian led him to a chair next to his that Alfred had somehow gotten in the short time they’d talked. “Thank you,” he said to the butler, pulled out Damian’s chair for him since Pandora would kill him otherwise, and sat when he did. Him sitting seemed to wake the rest of the table.
“So.” Bruce Wayne said, and Danny was reminded he was Batman. “I haven’t heard as much about you as Dick has. Tell me, who are you? You seemed to be a meta, correct?” That first part felt like it wasn’t really for him, but he wasn’t going to be intimidated–even though he definitely was. It also felt like bit of a lie since Alfred knew who he was, but he would answer honestly.
He straightened his shoulders, held his head high and looked Bruce in the eyes. All while trying to appear non-hostile. “My name is Daniel Phantom. I am the High King of The Infinite Realms, The Afterlife Dimension. I act as the King of the dead and underworlds as well as their gods. And, if you shall allow, I want nothing more than to make Damian my Queen.”
There was a pause and he couldn’t help but notice the uptick of caramel in Damian’s scent. He liked it. Dick looked very happy, and the others looked either confused, worried, or–in who he thought was Stephane Brown and Cassandra Cains case–absolutely overjoyed.
Bruce didn’t let anything show, but he glanced to Cassandra. She met his eyes and nodded enthusiastically, softly clapping her hands and giggling with Stephane. He hoped that was good. It felt good. Bruce didn’t seem to think it was good.
“King of the Afterlife?” Another asked, and he definite knew who he was. Jason Todd. “Does that mean your dead?” He could feel Bruce trying to burn a hole into his head. “I’m actually an odd case. I’m what ghosts call a Halfa, which means genetically I’m half ghost. It’s rather odd, so the simplest way I could explain it is that I act as the line between life and death, but I’m capable of moving it. Sometimes more dead, sometimes more alive, but always a bit of both.”
He hummed and leaned back, and Timothy Drake leaned forward. “How does that work? You said genetically, but how are you moving, ruling a kingdom if you always have one foot out the door?” Damian’s spice turned a little hot, but not in a good way the way it did when they were kissing. He rubbed his thumb in circles on his hips, and it lessened the scent.
“Let us not hound my future mate,” Damian scolded, and his face flushed. “Daniel, you must’ve came here for a reason, yes?” Damian leaned a little out of his chair, and Danny did too. “That I did!” He pulled the box out of his blazer and presented it to him, “I wanted to see if you’d like to go on our first romantic outing, as well as give you another gift. It will connect to the crown you choose, as well as your veil if you’d like to wear one.”
Someone choked, and he heard the girls and Dick ‘aww’ as Damian blushed. Caramel and brown sugar wrapped around in, and he let his own scent do the same. Together, they smelled like a cup of coffee in a thunderstorm, a warm hug in autumn, the kitchen during the holidays. Damian took the box and gently undid the ribbon, smoothly wrapping it around his wrist before opening the box. He gasped, and Danny remembered he didn’t check where the gems were from.
Under the normal light they looked very out of this world. They seemed to look like heat waves, or the lines you’d see on an old box TV. Damian tilted the back center gem back and forth, and the color changed, the middle of it seemed to split into an eye—oh. Oh! He knew what they were! Oh thank the ancients, this was the best mistake he could’ve made!
Damian leaned back quickly as the waves came off the gem in a smooth streak, similar to his tail when he flew. It circled his shoulders and then expanded, solidifying into a white cat with four tails. Its eyes were a vibrant purple, and it didn’t seem to have fur but its skin was sleek and metallic. Like an Egyptian cat but without the wrinkles. It meowed and made some clicking sounds, sniffing Damian’s cheek before relaxing on his shoulders. Its mouth was filled with sharp teeth and a black tongue.
Someone muttered ‘oh my god’ and the giggling and ‘aww’ing increased. All good things. Damian’s eyes were wide as he traced a finger along the cats back, and it liked it if it’s purring was anything to go by. “This is a cat from Dimension AB12-00! Because of this Dimensions number everything in it is usually numbered in some way. This cat was the fourth born in its litter, as you can tell from the tail. They like to hide in shiny things. I believe it’s siblings are in the other three gems, though they’ve been incredibly shy so I don’t truly know.”
That was a bit of a lie, he could sense them a little bit, but that just made everything better! Damian looked overjoyed, cooing over the cat as it crawled into his lap and sniffed around. “Oh, she’s beautiful, what is her name?” “You can choose. They do not have one.” He let her sniff his fingers, and chucked lightly as she affectionately bit them. “I found them in the treasury, and as far as I know they’ve been in there for about twenty thousand years. At this point they’re AB12-00’s version of a Saber Tooth Tiger.”
The other cats were coming out. The one in the left kept coming out then going back in, and the one in the front teardrop bounced out and onto Damian’s lap. This one had only one tail, and it meowed and pawed Damian’s chest for attention. He laughed and scratched it behind the ear. As he did he leaned forward, put his hand around Danny’s neck and pulled him forward to kiss him. Danny blinked for a moment before kissing back.
It was just as wonderful as last time. The whole world seemed to shrink until they were the only thing that existed, as if they’d become one. But he didn’t get to enjoy it like he wanted because someone loudly cleared their throat. Damian pulled away quickly, his scent embarrassed and his face bright red. It was cute. He glanced to the table and had to stop himself from shrinking.
That was definitely Batman glaring at him. He had this odd shadow over his face, and it actually looked like a mask. “Wow,” Tim teased, “didn’t know you knew how to do that!” They all laughed as Damian’s face became redder, and he couldn’t help but give him a kiss on the cheek. “I’m very glad you like it. I know you’ll be a wonderful owner for them.” Damian huffed, but his scent showed he was very happy.
The two cats seemed very tired, probably because they’d been in the gem for so long they weren’t used to this much movement. Damian was sad to see them go, so Danny proposed that they set up a schedule to get the cats used to being outside the gem. “Where would you like to go for our outing? You can choose any time, any place, and I will find it for you. I have access to it all.”
“Oh, I don’t know. Where would you like to go? I wish to learn more about your interests as you have for mine.” Oh that was sweet. He could take him anywhere in the multiverse he wanted, and Damian wanted to know more about him. He felt his face heat up, and took Damian’s hand. “Well, I love space! If you'd like, I could take you to my favorite planets in this dimension. There’s a planet a few galaxies away called Elma, and it’s inhabited completely by crystals!”
Danny rambled about Elma, detailing the crystal coral reefs and the glass islands and the crystallized sulfur and ozone in the atmosphere that protected the planet from invaders and painted the surface in sun catching rays. He waved his hands around and used ice to create the cris-cross pattern they froze in and the colored crystalline that made constellations that could only be seen on this planet.
“Ah! I apologize!” He said sheepishly, fiddling with his hair, “I did not mean to take over the conversation. But I could tell you more on Elma, if you’d like. I could take you to the Riverbend Festival!” Damian’s scent was so sweet and sugary, and he wanted to drown in it. “Do not apologize! You are so passionate, Daniel, the way your eyes shine as you detail the things you love is divine! I would love to see the festival! Is there anything I should wear for the weather, the activities and the like?”
They would be walking a lot, it would be chilly but not too cold, and something smooth he could give a crystallized texture to help them blend in since off-planet outsiders were basically impossible. Damian nodded, gave him a small kiss which almost made him explode, and stood and rushed off. On instinct Danny stood as well, and was left there with his future mates family.
“Damian, wait! Lemme help!” Stephane called, and her and Cassandra rushed off after him. Ok, that was two less interrogators. He must’ve looked a little nervous because Dick smiled and said, “Don’t worry, we don’t bite.” Danny laughed with him, and tried not to look at Bruce. “Your taking him off planet? Into another galaxy? What’s the point of that? You could take him anywhere on Earth.”
Dicks smile tightened, and Jason not-so-subtlety kicked Bruce. “I, for one, approve. I sorta want to threaten you, but I get the feeling that wouldn’t work on you.” Danny laughed. “Yes, I don’t tend to get actually scared anymore. One of my Council members is the personification of fear, and after looking him in the eye multiple times a day nothing fazes me.”
“And to answer Bruce’s questions, I want to show Damian the reaches his rule will go if he becomes my queen. Death goes far beyond this Dimension, and I pride myself on being able to at least slightly connect with every world and culture I come into contact with. I don’t mind if Damian does not wish to do that, but I want to see if he can. I believe he can.”
Bruce didn’t look any happier. If anything he seemed to be pouting now, and his scent was sour and unpleasant. Tim also had an odd sort of look on his face. “How do you plan to get onto Emla if you know nothing can enter the atmosphere?” Bruce raised up—“By teleportation. I can turn intangible as well.” — and sunk back into his chair. Jason snorted. “I’d like to get to know you more!” Barbara said suddenly. She’d been silent the whole time, watching him, and he’d honestly forgotten she was there.
“There’s going to be a Gala on the twenty-third, two weeks from today, to announce Jason and his mates child. Knowing how forward Damian is and how forward you seem to be, I’d assume by that time you’ll be sure that your going to become mates, correct?” Danny shook off his shock and nodded. “Yes, I’m already sure. But by that time we’ll have the wedding planned out, I’d hope.” Her smile grew. “Then would you like to come as Damian’s future mate? I think he’d love to flaunt you to everyone.”
“That I would.” At Damian’s voice he turned, and—
Holy shit. Oh my ancients he’s so beautiful. He’s perfect. He’s never seen someone so stunning. Damian was wearing a dark green button up with black dress pants and shoes, with the circlet crown. It fit him perfectly. It was all tight and form fitting, and it seemed like his scent was a thousand times stronger and sweeter.
His mouth gaped like a fishes for a moment, and it made him realize Damian had come right up to him. He closed his mouth with a snap, reattached his tongue, and regained his senses. “I’ve never seen anyone or thing as mesmerizing as you.” He smoothly took Damian’s hand and kissed it. Damian’s face was a nice red, and he heard the girls giggling. Damian was wearing the ring. It made him purr louder.
Wait, purr? Oh FUCK he was purring. He quickly tried to stop but it didn’t work. It only made it stutter, and he cleared his throat. “Ah….Apologies.” He laughed awkwardly, and subtly tried to hit his chest. It didn’t work. Thankfully, for some reason, Damian looked as if he was in love. “I was unaware you could make sounds such as this,” Damian came closer, almost chest to chest, and tilted his head back to expose some of his neck.
“It’s attractive.” His braid short circuited. He swallowed, tracing the curve of Damian’s collarbone with his eyes. He imagined kissing along his shoulder, tracing his fingers down his spine, and biting—he bit his tongue off again. A growl had been building in his throat, but he knew Bruce would take it as a threat.
He cleared his throat. Damian looked very pleased with his reaction, and he leaned closer, inviting him to leave a mark. He really, really wanted to. But Bruce’s scent was getting more and more hostile, so he held himself back. “Ha…thank you, my love. Are you ready?” Damian bid everyone goodbye, and Danny used the Ring of Rage to open a portal to Elma.
“Oh my gooooooddd!!!” Dick cheered, grabbing Jason and rocking him back and forth. “I told you!! I told you!! Oh my god he’s even perfecter than I thought!!” Jason laughed and Bruce huffed. Tim laughed and the room was quickly filled with excited chatter and laughter.
“You should’ve seen him!” Steph squealed, “He was so nervous and exited and he smiled at me! He smiled and hugged me and said thank you so much!!” Cass giggled and clapped her hands, “Very happy! Very good! Hopeful!” “King of the goddammed afterlife man,” Jason chuckled “how the hell’d he do that?”
“You’re just jealous,” Tim poured himself more coffee but quickly stopped when Dick pulled him into a hug. “Anyone would be!” Jason retorted as he was also pulled into the hug. “This went awesomely!” Dick laughed, “Barbara, good job remembering the Gala! Oh I hope he brings his sister next time. Maybe we can meet his parents too!”
Alfred came around and took the chair Daniel had been seated in. “I look forward to seeing them dance.” He smiled at his grandchildren, and accepted Cass’s hug. Bruce made a ‘hmf’ noise, and Jason rolled his eyes. “Geez old man, what’s the problem now? Too touchy for your taste?” Barbara snorted. “He probably wasn’t respectful enough,” They both laughed as Bruce’s sulking increased.
“I just think it’s suspicious is all,” they groaned, “No, no, listen; what are the chances the king of the afterlife wants to marry the prince of the League of Assassins after their first meeting? What if he wants access to the Lazarus Pits?” Barbara rolled her eyes. “Why would the king of the dead want to bring people back to life? He’d be losing citizens.”
“He could be angry about that!” Jason sighed and banged his head on the table. “Maybe he’s only pretending to court Damian, as revenge! Regardless we need to be careful, we don’t know what he’s capable of.” Jason tried to hit his head again but was stopped by Dick. “Your just upset Damian’s getting courted. Relax, if this was for revenge why would he give Damian four cats?”
Barbara snorted, “Four saber tooth tigers!” And they laughed. Bruce huffed again. “Oh, and that second gift? It’ll attach to his veil or crown??” Steph fell into her chair with a dreamy sigh. “Did I tell you guys the ring was his mom’s wedding ring? It isn’t just an otherworldly ring?” The whole room seemed to gasp. “Master Dick!” Alfred scolded playfully, “That is not a detail you keep to yourself! What do you think of that, Master Bruce?” The room laughed. Bruce huffed sulkier.
“We still need to be careful.” “And we will.” Cass said firmly. “But. We will not deny him this happiness. He’s very hopeful. Very happy.” Tim chuckled as he took a sip of his coffee. “More than happy, I’d say. He kissed him in front of us! And the first thing Daniel said? ‘I have a piece of my souls dedicated to you’? Whoo!” He fanned himself, and the table laughed. “You could see it in the way he looked at him! That man, this literal king, looked like a lovesick puppy!”
“Imagine their wedding,” Jason continued dramatically, “not just a royal wedding but a union of the living and dead. Imagine the scandal, the scene!” Alfred patted Jason’s shoulder. “This is not one of our books, by boy. But,” he went on as the table laughed again, “I believe he would find it most helpful if we only assisted in the wedding when asked to, no?” There was a murmur of agreement, and Bruce once again huffed. Alfred gave him a look, and finally he conceded, “Alright, I’ll allow it. But we still need to be careful.” Immediately the table launched into discussion, and Bruce was forced to listen to the excitement of his youngest sons wedding.
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gatheringbones · 11 months
[“When I first came out as a lesbian in 1971, identity politics were so pervasive that this modality didn’t even have a name; it was simply the sea in which every queer sank or swam. One of the key assumptions of identity politics is that we can reveal in one grand social drama of coming out the absolute inner core of truth that makes up one’s “real self.” Coming out is seen as a process like peeling away the layers of an onion or the petals of an artichoke. Identity politics also assumes that your political allies will have to be people who share your identity because nobody else could understand your oppression or really be committed to fighting it; that people who share some aspects of your sexuality but not others are either afraid to come out or traitors to the cause; that it’s not possible for someone to change the way they label themselves without being dishonest or cowardly.
Now I see queer politics quite differently. I know from personal experience that I can’t trust somebody just because their sexual preferences or their gender identity resembles my own. I know we can make allies who are indignant about injustice even if it does not impinge directly upon their own lives. I see coming out as a lifelong process that proceeds as I become ready to understand and accept aspects of myself which bear lessons I need to learn at different points in my life. Each new coming out does not recreate me as a whole new person; I think some people view it this way, but this is crazy-making and too compartmentalized for me. It’s more like being able to see each and every spoke of the wheel that makes up my being, or like opening up and furnishing another new room of my soul.
I wonder what coming out would be like if we were not forced into these defensive positions of tribal loyalty and us-them thinking. What if we could say to a friend who was embarking on a new coming out, “I love you, and so I must also love this new aspect of yourself. Because I care about you I want to know more about it. Let’s both learn from this.” Instead, what usually happens is a great deal of indignation, betrayal, and rejection. I think this is because a person who is coming out threatens the identities of former acquaintances, partners, and coworkers. If someone else’s identity can be fluid or change radically, it threatens the boundaries around our own sense of self. And if someone can flout group norms enough to apply for membership in another group, we often feel so devalued that we hurry to excommunicate that person. This speaks to our own discomfort with the group rules. The message is: I have put up with this crap for the sake of group membership, and if you won’t continue to do the same thing, you have to be punished.
We seem to have forgotten that the coming-out process is brought into being by stigma. Without sexual oppression, coming out would be an entirely different process. In its present form, coming out is reactive. While it is brave and good to say “No” to the Judeo-Christian “Thou Shalt Nots,” we have allowed our imaginations to be drawn and quartered by puritans. I believe that most of the divisions between human sexual preferences and gender identities are artificial. We will never know how diverse or complex our needs in these realms might be until we are free of the threat of the thrown rock, prison cell, lost job, name-calling, shunning, and forced psychiatric “treatment.”
I do not think human beings were meant to live in hostile, fragmented enemy camps, forever divided by suspicion and prejudice. If coming out has not taught us enough compassion to see past these divisions, and at least catch a vague glimpse of a more unified world, what is the use of coming out at all? I have told this story, not to say that anybody else should follow me or imitate me, but to encourage everyone to keep an open mind and an open heart when change occurs. The person who needs tolerance and compassion during a major transformation may be your best friend, your lover, or your very self. Bright blessings to you on the difficult and amazing path of life.”]
patrick califa, from layers of the onion, spokes of the wheel, from a woman like that: lesbian and bisexual writers tell their coming out stories, 2000
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frankie & bug's whisky night playlist | On Call
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summary: he's fixed the sink! time to party!
read mi amigo here <3
an: i had the biggest fucking grin on my face putting this together. thank you all so much <3
sir duke - stevie wonder (from @pedroacrossthestreet)
more than a feeling - boston (from @jolapeno & @morallyinept)
second hands news - fleetwood mac (from @readingiskeepingmegoing)
gold dust woman - fleetwood mac (from @readingiskeepingmegoing)
cryin’ - aerosmith (from @readingiskeepingmegoing and @yopossum)
crazy - aerosmith (from @readingiskeepingmegoing)
dial drunk - noah kahan (from @schnarfer)
tainted love - soft cell (from @tonysopranosrobe)
get lucky - daft punk (from @tonysopranosrobe)
shiny happy people - r.e.m. (from @tonysopranosrobe)
modern love - david bowie (from @tonysopranosrobe)
love will tear us apart - joy division (from @tonysopranosrobe)
don’t stop til you get enough - michael jackson (from @tonysopranosrobe)
angel of small death and the codeine scene - hozier (from @ak-vintage)
jackie and wilson - hozier (from @ak-vintage)
you make loving fun - fleetwood mac (from @thundermartini and @schnarfer and @copperhalfcent)
dancing in the dark - bruce springsteen (@schnarfer)
let’s dance - david bowie (from @pedroacrossthestreet)
faithfully - journey (from @millersamour)
burnin’ for you - blue öyster cult (from @millersamour)
stella - incubus (from @secretelephanttattoo)
a kiss to send us off - incubus (from @secretelephanttattoo)
drive - incubus (from @sin-djarin)
are you in? - incubus (from @sin-djarin)
homesick - noah kahan (from @schnarfer)
gypsy - fleetwood mac (from @schnarfer)
rhiannon - fleetwood mac (from @schnarfer)
don’t stop - fleetwood mac (from @schnarfer)
more than words - extreme (from @copperhalfcent)
songbird - fleetwood mac (from @copperhalfcent)
love’s unkind - donna summer (from @copperhalfcent)
sabor a mí - luis miguel (from @itsokbbygrl)
la bamba - ritchie valens (from @itsokbbygrl)
can't fight this feeling - reo speedwagon (from @morallyinept)
two sleepy people - fats waller (from @toomanytookas)
beyond the sea - bobby darin (from @toomanytookas)
here i go again - whitesnake (from @yopossum)
alone - heart (from @yopossum)
pour some sugar on me - def leppard (from @yopossum)
livin' on a prayer - bon jovi (from @yopossum)
i want to break free - queen (from @pedroacrossthestreet)
crocodile rock - elton john (from @pedroacrossthestreet)
groove is in the heart - deee-lite (from @pedroacrossthestreet)
man in the wilderness - styx (from @copperhalfcent)
general picks
foreigner, journey, separate ways from @kammerstx
queen from @sawymredfox
earth wind and fire, marvin gaye, stevie wonder, sly and the family stone, bill withers, gladys knight, diana ross, aretha franklin, bob seger, neil young, blue öyster cult, tom petty from @yopossum (you had absolutely unreal picks and have outrageously good taste. we should go dancing together)
sinatra and some tejano (yes!) from @toomanytookas
lil bit of lana from @itsokbbygrl
the cure and arctic monkeys from @emeraldmoth
abba and more queen from @syd-djarin
pet shop boys from @tonysopranosrobe
fleetwood mac from @kammerstx @yopossum @thundermartini @schnarfer and pretty much everyone else who commented. and i can only say - you are so unbelievably right.
my picks (if you wanna know!)
i feel for you - chaka khan
play that funky music - wild cherry
let's groove - earth, wind & fire
candy - cameo
thunderstruck - ac/dc
money for nothing - dire straits
walk of life - dire straits
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lovelylogans · 1 year
the parent trap
the masterpost
“So,” Remus says slowly. “If your Dad is my Dad…”
“...and your Pa is my Papa…”
Remus stares at the seam of the wedding photo, made whole again after more than a decade. His Pa, Patton, familiar with his cowboy-handsome, weather-beaten face and his dimpled grin and his big, calloused hand resting over his new husband’s, even if Remus has never seen him look this smitten ever. 
“And we’re both born on October 11… then, Roman. You and I are… like… brothers.”
And his Dad—Janus—smiling coyly, handsome in the way of magazine models, so completely a stranger to Remus with just this scrap of a photograph to serve as any way to know him, really know him. The way Roman knows him. The way Remus has been dying to know him all his life.
“Remus,” Roman breathes out, disbelieving. “We aren’t just brothers. We’re twins.”
Remus wonders, in a daze, if seeing the opposite life he could have had is as strange for Roman as it is for him… if they’d just been switched at birth, it’s the life Remus could have had, knowing his Dad instead of his Pa, but then…
But then it clicks.
“Roman,” he says, turning to grin at his brother—his brother! “I have a completely perfect, totally awesome idea!”
or: it's a parent trap AU for @tss-storytime with fanart by @tastic-in-its-finest!
warnings: pranks and practical jokes, smoking, drinking, brief mentions of underage drinking (in the context of a child trying a sip of wine), sibling rivalry and bonding, please let me know if i've missed any!
pairings: janus/patton, logan/virgil, brief patton/male oc
word count: 80k
notes: a few notes before we begin: first, thanks so much to morgan for their fanart for this fic!!! it's so cute, please like and reblog and do all that fun stuff!!! second, thanks to the folks over at the big bang for organizing this whole event—i know firsthand how complicated that can get, and you are so appreciated!!! this is technically a '90s au, but a '90s au in terms of the fashion and lack of social media/cell phones, not any of the homophobia. i hope you all enjoy!!!!
chapter one: prologue Across the world from each other, two very different families help two very similar boys pack their bags.
chapter two: welcome to camp walden! Welcome to what we like to think of as the most beautiful spot on God's green earth—Camp Walden.
chapter three: en garde The boys come to blows. (With practice épées, but in their minds, it’s equally as serious.)
chapter four: riposte The boys come to blows. (With words and stitching.)
chapter five: black card The boys come to blows. (With a temporary reversal of gravity, oodles of chocolate sauce, and finally, some semblance of adult interference.)
chapter six: isolation station The boys spend a great deal of their time considering coming to blows. Until suddenly, they don’t want to fight at all anymore.
chapter seven: operation augustus The realization of having an identical twin does quite a bit to spur some out-of-the-box levels of creativity.
chapter eight: let's get down to business! The boys begin to plot. Camp Walden trembles in fear.
chapter nine: to defeat… the family civil divisions of napa and london respectively! The boys plot. The world all over ought to be trembling in fear.
chapter ten: domine dirige nos Remus spends a great deal of time weighing the most British way to say hello. He’s going to have to repress throwing in a what’s all this then, guv’nor? the entire time.
chapter eleven: eureka! Roman spends a great deal of time weighing the most American way to say hello. He thinks he probably shouldn’t come right out of the gate with howdy, y’all!
chapter twelve: a wench in the works This absolutely was not in their multitude of blueprints!
chapter thirteen: riding is magic and friendship is power and love is everything to everyone Roman gets to meet his pony. He should, by all rights, be much more excited about it, but someone had to go and ruin it for him.
chapter fourteen: in which virgil attempts to hold a poker face (and fails miserably) Virgil curses being so observant.
chapter fifteen: all of my change spent on you Remus has a particularly fun run-in. Well. Fun for him.
chapter sixteen: so your sons have swapped places and are in foreign countries This particular subject was not covered in the parenting books.
chapter seventeen: hopped off the plane at lax with a dream of civil reconciliation with my ex-husband Remus plots. Grandfather aids and abets. Janus panics. Logan suffers them all.
chapter eighteen: small world and getting smaller Janus is officially the father of the two most troublesome twins in the galaxy.
chapter nineteen: you got me tripping, stumbling! sinking, fumbling! Patton makes a splash.
chapter twenty: the queen elizabeth the second the second The twins attempt to revive the past. The parents wish to change it.
chapter twenty-one: i said a boom chicka boom! Logan’s swept off his feet. As is Maddox, in an entirely different way.
chapter twenty-two: i said a boom GO TO YOUR ROOM The twins’ plots bear oh-so-satisfying fruit.
chapter twenty-three: where dreams have no end A hello, a goodbye.
chapter twenty-four: the concorde(ance) A goodbye, a hello.
chapter twenty-five: epilogue Two very similar boys help their two very different families assimilate into one.
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months
Headcannons for being in a poly!relationship with Joe Velasco, Mike Duarte & Terry Bruno
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Tagging: @rosaliedepp You did this! It got too long for reblogs so I thought I would do everyone a favour and pop it behing a readmore.
Following on from this HC
I can literally imagine Mike sighing and watering these poor plants because Terry forget to all the time because of shifts. He would complain to the plants but then prune them when they are a bit wild. Terry is the one that repots them though when they get a little big.
Sleeping Arrangements:
Night time I imagine it's you and Joe in the middle, Mike on one side of you, face to face and Joe draped over your back. Terry always snuggles in with Joe because he's good at soothing him when he has nightmares or sleep paralysis.
So in work I think it's kinda an open secret. Everyone acts professional, they're cops they have to but there's always small gestures. I think Mike and you work in different divisions so you're not all in one place at one time unless a case crosses over. I think with Terry and Joe it's more noticeable, Terry will always reach out to Joe during a hard case, like a shoulder squeeze, or drops by his desk for a chat, even a quick hug in the locker room. Likewise Joe will make sure Terry eats as I think he gets hyper focus sometimes. If anyone is feels they haven't seen one of the others, they will drop by their desk to check in and make sure their ok and looking after themselves.
If there is an argument at home Terry is very good at being professional and will be cool and a little aloof. Joe will probably ignore Terry if the issue is with him unless he absolutely has to respond. Terry is very good at defusing situations so if Joe does get snappy he will give him space until he is ready.
I think Joe and Terry told Liv together, like we're in this relationship with Mike and reader. It doesn't effect or work but you have to know for HR.
With people making comments in a professional environment Mike would go for the throat. He would verbally eviscerate them, he is very protective of the three of the three of you and hates his business being blasted. Joe is more likely to get into a scuffle. Terry is more likely to ignore it. The only time he can’t ignore it is when you’re branded a slut for it. Then he’s getting in someone’s face. The one time Mike was called to deal with one of you in custody, he was very surprised to find Terry in the holding cell with an ice pack on his face because someone couldn’t keep their mouth shut. Mike had a word with the fella afterwards.
I think PDA is very dependant on person so Mike’s not massive on PDA in general as he’s a very private person. He’s all about light touches, lingering in your proximity, buying drinks and giving you that smile. I think Mike genuinely relaxes when he’s round the three of you, even if you’re out. He laughs more, touches more. Terry’s sort of flipflops with PDA, he’s very intuitive so if he feels someone needs it he’ll willingly give it. If not, he’s happy to sit in his chair and laugh with the rest of you. Joe, I feel is hands on and it progresses the more he drinks. I think he uses touch as reassurance, (do you still want me, I’m here kind of thing) He’s hand on whoever’s at the bar’s lower back, kiss on the head as he drifts past one of you to go the bathroom, even playing pool he’s like let me show you how to line it up better. Terry and you enjoy that, Mike doesn’t need his pool game stepping up, he was hustling to make ends meet back in the day.
When it comes to anyone putting themselves in danger it plays out like this:
Mike will go through every possible eventuality with whichever one of you it is. He will try to deter at first but if they’re resolute, you bet his baby is gonna be as prepared as possible. He’s one running through UC identities with you, peppering with questions trying to catch you out. He’s also the one that makes sure the person has a weapon they can use on them at all times, he’s given every single one of you a push dagger just in case. When they are away on op he’s grumpy, short tempered and abrasive, constantly checking in with the superiors for updates.
Terry is the one that checks in on the emotional well being. He learns as much as he can about the op, the people who are watching your back and expresses how important the person is and what may happen of they get harmed. He usually uses Mike as the threat. When their away on op he busies himself as much as possible and tries his best to take care of the others as Mike will drink too much and Joe will spend a little too much time at the gym beating the shit out of people.
Joe will give whoever it is tips because he’s had the most UC experience up to date. He’ll have burner stowed away at a mutual location close to the target area in case shit does hit the fan. You have a code word that the others don’t know about in case things get a little dark. He will also be super clingy on the lead up. He suffers a lot when of the others goes away. He doesn’t sleep well, constantly asking Mike for updates. The other two in the relationship will take care of him, make sure he eats and pay him special attention.
This was fun feel free to send more!
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phantom-frights-sys · 1 month
Eat Your Heart Out (A Source Memory Pressure Fanfic)
DISCLAIMER: This fic is highly based on source memories, which shares a resemblance to a certain “Ask Sebastian” series found here. The video was also referenced when memory was spotty. Please don’t compare the two, I know they’re similar, but many source memories seem to be sourced from this video-
It was a long time since the large fish amalgamation was in containment, and it was an absolute fight to get him back. The last-minute change in protocol was a surprise to the task team in charge of dealing with Z-13, which left him rather injured, but the retrieval was a success. For now, he was locked up in his cell with cuffs and the required muzzle, and his wounds mostly tended to before he woke up again. Even with his lure light off, you could see his glowing eyes glaring through the one-way glass.
After giving him a few hours to settle into his new confines, one of the heads of the research division entered the viewing bay. She tapped on the intercom microphone, which seemed to get his attention. Satisfied with that response, she pressed the red button on the tape recorder before speaking.
“This is Dr. A. Monroe, beginning interview log 1-A with Z-13, “The Saboteur”, who-”
“The name’s Sebastian..” The beast’s chilling voice cut her off as the purple light from his lure flickered on, showing just how cramped his current living quarters were. The room was padded to make it harder to harm himself (accidentally or not), and his cuffs chained to the back wall to prevent him from getting too close to the glass. She knew his strength could shatter even the shark-proof glass installed, she just hoped the titanium chains would keep him restrained so they didn’t have to test that theory…
“If you’re going to have this little interview with me, you might as well use my real name.” She sighed as she adjusted the spectacles on her face before continuing her introduction.
“..Z-13, “Sebastian Solace”, has been recently apprehended and returned to containment after recent events regarding our research facility, the Hadal Blacksite. This session is dedicated to questions regarding the lockdown incident at said facility, as well as… Some from the team who managed to survive retrieving the crystal…” She couldn’t help but roll her eyes when she heard an amused chuckle. 
“Perhaps this would be more entertaining than I thought..~ Let’s just get this over with.” Dr. Monroe mumbled something in agreement before glancing down at her clipboard and clicking her pen.
“What did you do during the lockdown?” Sebastian chuckled, shifting his position into something more comfortable.
“Mostly just explored the extent of my new prison, picking up what was left behind during the scramble to escape… You would be surprised just how much was laying around! Light sources, hacking materials, classified documents, first aid kits- Most weren't of use to me, though.”
“Why did you decide to assist the crystal retrieval teams during their expeditions?” Dr. Monroe raised a brow when she caught a brief cackle from the fish, catching a grin from between the slits of the muzzle.
“It was a wonderful benefit to me, you know..~ I get juicy data and research, and in return, they get items that are more useful to them than myself. And then they would live up to their names; they would die and I could sell what wasn’t broken. A glorious cycle, all funded by you~” Her nose crinkled a little as he spoke, unsure if he was just trying to make her uncomfortable or if he was genuine in his tone. There was always the possibility of both…
“..What exactly did you plan to do with all of those Blacksite documents?” His demeanor shifted noticeably, his arms crossing over his chest and his tail bunching up in front of him.
“Wouldn’t you love for me to tell you, hm?”
“Why did you free the other subjects, and how?”
“Why wouldn’t I free them? They served as a wonderful distraction that allowed me to go about my business! …And they deserved freedom as much as I do… You slaughtered the lot of them, didn’t you? I saw all the blood before your team attacked me-” Monroe quietly adjusted her glasses and flipped to the next page before continuing.
“Out of the other subjects within the facility, did you have a favorite?”
“Oh, this is definitely a crystal team question, isn’t it?” He scoffed a little, “But if I have to answer this ridiculous question, yes, I did.. Most were not inclined to chit-chat, after all, most couldn’t speak! But… I came to an.. Understanding… With Eyefestation… She, yes she, went through some of the worst of your ‘experiments’... She deserved a better life…”
“What about your relationship with The P.AI.nter?” A low growl made her blood run cold, looking up from her clipboard to realize he seemed closer than before.
“...Moving on… The mutation's side effects replaced your legs with a large tail. How has this affected your movement capabilities?” Sebastian looked down at his tail and flexed it, fanning out the flukes at the end.
“It’s been.. Interesting.. Getting used to it all. While I find it easier to swim nowadays, by no means am I slow on land, which you could probably guess~ I honestly couldn’t imagine a life with legs again.”
“We are half-way through, Mr. Solace. What abilities did your mutations give you?” She immediately grew tense as Sebastian’s eyes widened, his gaze slowly raising back to the glass as one eye twitched. 
“You. Don’t. KNOW!? You kept absolutely NO RECORD of all my surgeries!?” He lunged forward while baring his teeth through his muzzle, Dr. Monroe immediately slamming her hand on a button on the dashboard. A shrill cry of pain was heard as his body thrashed before collapsing to the ground, heavy breathes can be heard as she gave him some time to recover, ever thankful for the integrated taser in the shackles. She just hoped she could get through these last questions quickly…
“Were the experiments performed on you…Painful?”
“...Painful…?” A soft, strained voice emanated from the large fish as he slowly pulled himself upright, his yellow eyes glowing from behind his hair.
“Were they PAINFUL? You CUT me open, FISHED around inside me with NO ANESTHETICS, and shoved ANIMAL PARTS into my FLESH! WHAT COULD’VE GIVEN YOU THAT IDEA!?” He snarled loudly, Monroe’s hand hovering over the button yet again.
“S-Subject seems unstable and agitated, suspending interview until further n-” Dr. Monroe gasped loudly and hit the button as Sebastian lunged towards the window again, barely able to register the click and fizzle before the shattering of glass signaled things have gotten much, much worse. She screamed as she was thrown into the wall, struggling to catch her breath from the wind being knocked out of her, fearful eyes watching the mutated fish man tear off his restraints.
“You know, Doc.. Your little ‘team’ should’ve killed me when they had the chance…~” He picked her up by the neck and slammed her against the wall, leaning in close with that toothy grin of his. She managed to choke out a pained plea, which he just ignored.
“Because now? Now I have alllllll I need to ruin your company, and I can just slither out of here, the rest of this place being none the wiser..~ I really must thank you for that. But this is now farewell, Dr. Monroe..~” Another scream was cut short as he ripped into her, letting all of his rage and anger take over until she was no longer recognizable. Dripping in blood, he dragged himself to the tape recorder, chuckling when he realized it was still recording.
“Eat your heart out, Urbanshade.” He hissed, his words dripping with venom before slamming his fist onto the stop button, accidentally breaking the machine in the process. He then threw it at the camera before tearing it free from the wall.
“...You took your sweet old time-” He grumbled, a computer screen going white with a sketchy face being drawn on it.
“You’re so silly, Sebastian! My USB is in the office, see you soon!”
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xamaxenta · 5 months
Okay so Ace and Sabo have been casually hooking up for FWB relations (Sabo gives good intel for Ace to take back to the WB and Ace does the same from his standpoint adding in with the good dicking down)
Now, one day right after busting a nut into Ace and seeing him covered in his cum and his own tears and drool, Sabo has the typical post nut clarity…which is he remembers Ace, even if Ace doesn’t recognize him in that moment (look Sabo prides himself in his looks and disguise enough that if himbo sir Ace can’t put it together, that is his singular brain cells fault)
Sabo is so sweet on the lovely second division commander of the WBP that he cant help but feed him info on their territories because he knows why shouldnt he inform Ace that their islands are happy and well protected beneath their banner
And nothing gets Ace going more than knowing these sorts of things
Ace likewise with his spicy solo method of flame surfing through the grandline can give Sabo detailed coordinates and movement charts of the Marines’ whereabouts and activites — navigational skills coming in clutch hes such a smart beeb, Sabo appreciates this information just as much as Ace does for his
I love it!!
Anyway the tasty concept of Sabos amnesia not having him remember Ace as his childhood friend and Ace seeing enough of Sabo in w ell real genuinely his bestie Sabo is kinda latching on soo bad bc he wants Sabo to be his Sabo!!!
I absolutely love the idea that Aces pussy is so good Sabo has war flashbacks and ends up remembering his past
Healing cock is funny but healing pussy is super funny anyway thank u mika 👉🏽👈🏽 great ask
Sorry i didnt have time to answer until now my workplace has been actively trying to murder me
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unohanadaydreams · 2 months
If captains were days of the week, which ones do you think they’d be?
This is so up my alley tbh.....hyper specific and weird headcanons, my beloved.
Byakuya Kuchiki. He is the master of viewing every day as just another day. While lesser men are oozing into work with their brain cells still marinating in last night's sake bender, he is hours deep into the kind of paperwork that dries out your retinas on contact. Also I think he gets bored without work (and prefers Gotei 13 work to the Noble shenanigans he has to face raw on the weekends). He's just that kind of guy.
Toshiro Hitsugaya. With a lieutenant like Rangiku to wrangle into the week, he only hits his stride after he's successfully hunted her down and ensured the weekly planner is in her room, in her hands, on her favorite couch, and tucked into her obi. Which naturally eats up a lot of his Monday. His daily nap is extra satisfying on Tuesdays, too.
Mayuri Kurotsuchi. Not only has he been able to measure out where both the 12th division and R&D are on the various juggling acts constantly at work, but now he gets to see how well they keep those projects flying (and bitch when they don't do so well <3). Also, I'd like to think this is the day they publish the new scientific studies & dissertations in the Seireitei and he gets to spend the rest of the week picking them apart (or admiring his work).
Shunsui Kyoraku. Shunsui loves a good game. I think the suspense of 'can I make it till the end of the week and successfully avoid the majority of my responsibilities yet again' is part of his joy in doing it. Also Nanao hasn't gone full nuclear yet, which she will when Friday hits and she doesn't have the minimum amount of paperwork that absolutely must be notarized over the weekend or the Gotei 13 will let something or other lapse that Shunsui doesn't think is that important, honestly.
Tetsuzemon Iba. He has spiritually checked out this entire day because he's using it to fine tune the particulars of the next Men's Association Meeting & plan what details he's going to be leaving out when he gives his weekly visit to Komamura. Obviously he needs to ensure his captaincy is viewed in the best light. And also run his MA game plans by a willing ear.
Kensei Muguruma. The entire week is being sloughed away with every meal he preps in his expensive living world kitchen that he held Urahara at fist point to transfer over free of charge. There's not lieutenant bragging about getting fleeced over a guitar case. There's no editing nightmare that takes two straight days to untangle because two offices can't fucking communicate. It's just him and the food talking.
Isane Kotetsu. Her only day off. She swears she's not going to take over someone's shift on Saturday like the last week or the week before that, but she folds every time. She's starting to think she's developing a complex. Turning in a to a workaholic or something. She and Nanao are starting to relate a bit too much on how many hours they clock each week.
But then Sunday shines down upon her, a beautiful ray of freedom. She even refuses to heal her sister when Kiyone inevitably gets some minor wound or scrape from all her unfocused hyperactivity. But does promise to book her an appointment for the next day.
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nichtschwertart · 3 months
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Earth is the stage of many conflicts big and small, miraculous and mundane, grand and petty. It is, perhaps most notably, one of the main battlegrounds of the Bellum Magnum. But Earth is also the site of an ongoing struggle that is notable only in its peculiarity: the Sierpiński War.
Its history begins with the rise of Cold War espionage agencies. As the various spy networks of the world constructed, confabulated and investigated all manner of plots and conspiracies, a number of cells all over the world found a strange pattern in their collected data. They found certain sets of code names, shell corporations and false government divisions that could not with any amount of work be resolved down to anything real, but kept popping up in otherwise totally unrelated documents. This bizarre pattern came to be known as the Sierpiński conspiracy. No agent that ever tried has managed to unravel it. There would always be further clues to find, but following them was less like tightening the noose around the neck of a grand conspirator and more like falling endlessly down into a fractal hole of deceit and hidden meaning. To those who fail to cut their losses it becomes the ultimate mystery: A picture that seems to consistently become clearer and sharper without ever fully resolving. Surely there must be an end to its complexity! Surely Sierpiński cannot be everywhere, involved in everything, manipulating absolutely everybody. Surely the end is just out of reach. Surely you've nearly got it. You're so close. So close you can feel its edges on your throat. All major modern intelligence agencies forbid research into Sierpiński at this point. The patterns are identifiable enough to allow supervisors to effectively warn would-be obsessives away, but around a dozen rogue cells of compromised operatives seek the truth to this day, all hot on the heels of this mastermind conspiracy. The truth is of course, that the patterns lead them in circles and so they are mainly tracking, ambushing, raiding and fighting one another. Funding, scarce and largely funneled into these outfits from the black budgets of the richest nations by mysterious means, is augmented by the tried and true spy methods of fraud and con artistry. Police actions against all parties still involved in this Sierpiński War fall prey to the fractal patterns just as surely as any investigation into the conspiracy at its heart and so the struggle continues, a shadow war of immeasurable cost and unknowable purpose.
The ultimate truth, however is surprisingly simple: The Sierpiński conspiracy does not exist. It is a mere dream of the void; a pattern from the unfathomable systems of correspondence, misdirection and implied meaning within the Ineffable Bureau of Ninuan. It was never meant for Creation. It fits itself snugly into the code-word-riddled, massively redacted and highly temporary practices of non-documentation and communication of Earth's Espionage and Counter-Espionage communities. It constructs itself in the paperwork to always present the tantalizing lure of deeper truth. But it's ultimately nothing at all, doesn't actually make any sense or have a resolution.
If anybody had the means to tally up the actual funds held by all belligerents in the Sierpiński War over time, they would find that a portion of untraceable lost assets totals a number perfectly matching the income on a Swiss bank account owned by one Ildinia Kills-With-Words.
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3rr0r4o41 · 1 year
The idea that twst has magic and is technologically advanced beyond your imagination but absolutely lacks any sort of scientific understanding is so funny to me, especially cause I really like science, I do not care about what the canon says about this. Like all I can imagine is Ace or Deuce getting like injured or something while Yuu helps them get patched up, they mention something off-handily about mitosis or something and the two just go “what the fuck is that?” Yuu is just shocked, responding something along the lines of “Mitosis is the process of cell division?” and the trio just sit there dumbfounded at each other. Ace and Deuce because they have no clue what the prefect is going on about, and Yuu because how the hell can these people not know basic biology. Absolute chaos ensues and I definitely don’t picture Yuu sitting there just spewing any sort of scientific knowledge they have to try and find some sort of common ground on this, but Adeuce are just so confused by the words leaving their mouth.
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samuelturn · 11 months
Ok so ok the advent of the 60th I had an absolute crazy idea on how to do a 60th Anniversary series of Doctor Who while Flux was still airing. And it involves Paul McGann.
In my mind, Flux ends with Tecteun winning. She didn’t die. The Flux, The Ravagers, Division, its all been a manipulation by Tecteun to usurp all of Time Lord society, to no longer be The Other. Rassilon is dead and Omega’s anti-matter universe collapsed during The Time War. She has a race bank of Gallifreyans and is going to the new universe, relatively young, to dominate and rule. 13 is trapped, beginning to regenrate. Yaz and Dan are far away in a seprate cell. The Flux and The Ravagers consume the last of the universe, and The Doctor has lost….END CREDITS
NEXT TIME: The trailer is 4:3. The picture is softer, the music isn’t surround sound and not as grandiose. Paul McGann and New Companion (NC) step out of the TARDIS onto a new world, and the effects look decidedly 90s. Season 27 would begin airing in 2022.
What follows would be a series of NuWho length episodes that would begin as a sort of “What if Paul McGann series on BBC in the late 90s.” As the episodes go on we see more and more…paradoxes. Dhwan!Master keeps showing up, not attacking but not helping, trying to get 8’s attention. Moments flash and the picture goes back to HD. Skull-like objects in the background of various episodes seems to follow the camera with their eye sockets. In the final episode of the “Season,” reality breaks down. 8 starts seeing the camera, the production staff, the sets, the lighting. Staff call him Paul. The TARDIS is just a prop. He runs for the stage door…waking up elsewhere on Tecteun’s massive universe ship (the ship would be a lot bigger in my version), and Dhwan!Master is standing over him, alongside the Fugitive Doctor…and Richard E. Grant as the Shalka Doctor.
NC was just the Master trying to bring 8 out of the end of the universe and space and time. He stowed away and realized that Tecteun’s success would mean his and the Doctor’s ultimate demise. Him, 8, Fugitive, and Shalka team up as paradox energy threatens to tear the ship apart. Shalka and 13 can’t exist together, but he’s here, because the universe is collapsing in on itself. Derek Jacobi is also here as Shalka Master. 13 is caught in a looping regeneration. Not allowed to die but not able to be reborn. Fugitive goes to free her. Shalla Doctor goes after Yaz and Dan, 8 and the Masters storm the bridge.
Tecteun wanted to rule and wanted to eliminate her biggest enemies and regrets, as well as an opponent who would be detrimental to Time Lord survival. The Master is the real Timless Child, the Doctor as the TC was a ruse by Tecteun to motivate him to kill the Time Lords for her. The Doctor was the first successful TL who she was able to grant regeneration to. She had hoped to use them but both grew beyond her. Dhwan!Master is enraged and broken. Shalka Doctor returns with Yaz and Dan. Fugitive rescues 13 but is hurt in the process. 13 is dying but still slowly. Big fight. Fugitive and 13 turn the ship around and navigate the paradox energy storm. Shalka Doc, realizing that he can’t exist, alongside Shalka Master, scarifice themselves and their TARDIS to do a “restore from backup” on the universe. Fugitive disables Tecteun and then goes off to regenerate into 3. 8 pilots the ship into the protection of Gallifreyan space with the Master’s hell…before waking up in his TARDIS with no memory of the events…same as usual.
13 wakes up in Gallifreyan hospital. Romana is standing over her. The actions of her and her other selves have averted destruction. Tecteun has been tried and will be executed. The universe is put back to roughly pre-Flux state, but the enemies of the Doctor are fewer in number, Romana is president again. 13 will have enough time to send Dan and Yaz off and say goodbye, and the TARDIS has been given an overdue tune up. 13 says goodbye to Dan, then Yaz. Then regenerates.
Back on Gallifrey, the people are celebrating a festival in the Doctor’s honor, the Master sits in a cell, voluntairly in TL custody to process the hurt Tecteun caused to him and the Doctor. Somewhere in the shadows of the festival, two figures in skull masks and black clothes watch, plotting. The other enemy Tecteun wanted to get rid of has inadvertnetly returned. Their Grandfather caused and averted a paradox of such proportion that it dragged a monstrous enemy back from the dead. Faction Paradox has been reborn, and lie in the shadows, plotting and waiting.
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