#{ she's slowly accepting her 'fate' at this point lmao }
lgcyiran · 10 months
You have (1) new voicemail ♡
❝Ah yes, I was hoping to be sent to voicemail - excellent!
The room keeps shaking
Put your arms around me and the walls start breaking
Tell me that you found me and my world starts changing
I see it all in my mind~
Yiyi noona, you better meet me at the location I just texted you at 8 pm on Saturday! Otherwise, I am going to sing the rest of this song outside of your dorm room window. Wear something cute and don’t be late, or your extra amazing special surprise might melt! Happy birthday, we’ll celebrate for real when I see you.❞
today wasn’t really a day that would be considered that special to her, especially since she had to spend the day in classes and practicing as well. so, with this in mind she didn’t even plan anything for her birthday, though she did accept the birthday texts that she had received and even the ‘happy birthday’ wishes that she got from her fellow classmates.
it was only after she started exiting the room that she realized she even had a missed call, pulling her phone out to the sound of a reminder going off for the notification. 
staring at the name, she can’t help but sigh softly at the all too familiar name that pops up before she finds herself listening to what seyoon could have possibly left her that lasted so long. part of her can’t help but laugh a little at what he says in the beginning, though the moment that she hears him singing she can’t help but stare blankly into space, nearly missing what comes afterwards.
would she decide to entertain the male by meeting up and seeing what he had planned? might as well. it’s not like she had any other plans for the rest of the day. yiran only hoped she wouldn’t come to regret this later on, but it wasn’t like she had her hopes up over any of this anyway so what was she so afraid of anyway? shooting him a quick text, she then makes her way off to practice. 
this was definitely going to be a long week now...
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vex91 · 11 months
Ahn Yujin - A visitor
Pairing: Ahn Yujin x Female Reader
Fandom: IZ*ONE / IVE
Requested by: @luvjanexx
Request: hii can i request yujin x ive member reader fluff
yujin ad reader being cute on vlive please and thank you !!
Summary: During your most recent vlive, Yujin decides to pay you a visit and stays for the rest of the live.
A/N: I love fluffy Yujin, thanks for requesting <3
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3rd's POV
Y/N is here!!!
Are you at your dorm rn?
Comeback when?
"Hi guys. Yes I'm at the dorm right now, in my room to be exact. I was actually bored so I decided to turn on the live and talk with you all" You said, reading the comments. People were slowly tuning in and you continued talking with your fans about random topics like what did you eat that day or what you planned to do tomorrow.
"Yeah, other members are still doing their photoshoots. I finished earlier than everyone today" You answered another question about the other members whereabouts and laughed when you remembered their faces when you told them that you finished for today and could go home.
Poor members lmao
Y/N won life today it seems
You continued talking with your fans until you heard a knock on you door "Come in" you yelled and soon the door opened, revealing your leader in her full glory. She was in her sweatpants already which meant that she came back some time ago. She was also wearing a gray hoodie with a hood pulled on her cap. In her left hand she had a bag full of what you could see be different kinds of snacks and drinks.
"It looks like we have a visitor today guys" You laughed at the camera as Yujin started dancing her way to you. You turned your phone a bit so the camera could catch at least a little bit of your leader being a loveable fool as you often said.
Soon though you had to put your phone to the side so it could show you and Yujin who took a sit next to you after pulling her hoodie of, leaving her in a simple white t-shirt. The cap stayed on her head as she greeted the fans "Hi guys. It's Yujin who managed to finish her today's schedules" She made a V to the camera and looked at you to signal you to do the same. After looking at each other for a few seconds you turned to the camera and made a V of your own, earning a happy "Yay" from Yujin.
They're so cute together🤭
The V queens are here✌
We're gonna be fed so well today :>
"Are the others still working?" You asked her as you started looking through the bag that Yujin brought "Rei and Jiwon finished before me but they went somewhere together. Gaeul unnie and Hyunseo are still busy" You hummed at her answer as you continued looking for your favorite chips. Yujin used this time to read some more comments, giggling at one specific "You guys look like a couple right now" You quickly looked up and noticed that you indeed looked like a couple, mostly because of Yujin's cap on your head and her arm being wrapped lazily around your waist.
Omg they do look like one :0
Starship probably doesn't have them on a gun point this time
They're my parents idc
They're accepting their fate I see😈
The live continued with some occasional jokes about your relationship, Yujin being her flirty self and you actually becoming flustered over some of the things she said. Your not so small crush on Yujin didn't helped the situation too, it only grew during this live.
"They asked us to hold hands" Yujin said and looked at you with a teasing grin as she put her hand out in front of you "Come on, I'm waiting" You sighed and connected your hand with hers. You did hold hands occasionally but only now you realized how your hands fit perfectly together, so much that you've even started questioning if it was true or if your mind decided to play tricks on you.
Suddenly Yujin brought your hands to her face and kissed the back of your hand. It was so sudden that you couldn't help but gasp lightly as your face started heating up. Your heartbeat started being faster as you looked away from Yujin and onto the comments.
Woah Yujin so flirty😳
Is our ynnie blushing?
Omg she's blushing :>
We're being fed so well today🤭
"Did I made you flustered?" Yujin looked at you and you slapped her shoulder repeatedly in order to get her attention away from you which only made her laugh loudly "Y/N is so cute right guys?" Yujin looked at the camera again, pulling you more into her embrace because after the whole holding hands thing you pulled away from her a little "Oh shut up" You mumbled but still cuddled more into her side.
You heard your members downstairs and looked at the time "We're here a while now. I guess it's time to say goodbye" You started as you and Yujin got closer to the camera "I'll do another live tomorrow so you can come back here if you had fun today. Are you going to visit us again unnie?" You asked Yujin as she nodded "Probably yeah. We'll see if Rei lets me, lately she's been complaining that she wants to be on one of your lives too" You laughed when you imagined Rei complaining, she must have looked so cute.
Before you realized it Yujin kissed you on the cheek before you could end the live "There was a comment that told me to kiss your cheek" She said with a smile and you only managed to nod as you ended the live. Honestly you didn't had to know that there was no comment like that and Yujin just made that one up.
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jackie-shitposts · 20 days
do u think theres actually gonna be a sequel for carmen sandiego or r they just teasing due to the popularity of summer of sandiego
also i wish there was a miniseries with like 3 episodes of like the main ships (carulia/red crackle/carmivy) like idk i feel like that way all fans wud be happy LMAO but broo them not showing carmens mommy reuniting w her made me want to hit my head on the wall
like did her mom accept her and recognize her at first? did her mom slowly accept her and treated her like a stranger for the first weeks before warming up to here?? did her mom not accept her as her daughter due to the trauma of what happened that night?? like i need answers before i go boom.
The only thing said about a potential spinoff or sequel is that it was in the “earliest stages” back in september 2021. We’ve had basically zero update since then, and in addition they said the same about a live action carmen sandiego in 2017, and reiterated that again in 2021.
Summer of Sandiego and similar events being popular does have the ability to affect whether or not a TV show gets more content or not, although it doesnt have as much power as ratings/watch time do.
I think something that might point in favor of CS getting more content is the fact that the CS social media accounts have not gone dormant. Most social media accounts for movies and TV stop posting entirely after some amount of time, but its been years and CS socials are still active. Plus, some time ago they launched a merch store, which signifies that executives still think CS could be worth investing in (although it would be more profitable if they sold actually good looking merch).
All this to say, I have no idea what the fate of future carmen content is, but it doesnt mean we cant hope.
as for your shipping miniseries, I wouldnt want that for many reasons, the a big one being that i think rather than satisfy shippers, it would just make most of them fight with each other more than they already do. because nobody realizes that polyamory solves all your problems. sobs. and besides, theres always fanfic
I actually dont really feel the need to know who carmen’s mom is. While I have issues with how the show ended in regards to NOT elaborating on Carmen’s found family life after she was saved from VILE, I do agree that getting to know her mother is a story Carmen should undergo alone, at least to start. And from an audience’s perspective, why do we need to see her mother? She isnt going to have a face we recognize. And the show didn’t have the time to allow us to get to know her or care about her. All it wouldve been is a few seconds longer to see the hug we already know happened, and then jump cut 2 years ahead anyway. I think in regards to Carmen’s mother, they left it in a good spot that allows for further exploration in fanfic or the mystery spinoff.
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soleilnomoon · 2 years
Hi, I'm still not used to submitting requests so let's hope I'm doing it right lol. So I don't know how far you are with One Piece but is it possible to request Luffy and his friends & allies meeting Ace's s/o on Wano (she's Izo and Kiku's younger sister) who reveals that she had Ace's son (who looks like Ace) and then maybe everyone meeting him? You can delete the request if it's too much^_^
hi, hi <3 ace having a secret son breaks my heart; i tried to keep it a little lighthearted bc thinking abt ace not getting to meet his son is so sad.
1.1k words, sfw, a little angst, brief alcohol mention, i couldn't include all the characters i wanted to (since there were too many in wano lmao), & it's not my usual style of narration, but i hope you enjoy anyway :) i chose not to name the woman or the child (left it up to y'all to use your imagination on that for simplicity)
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when all is said and done, luffy can hardly take another major surprise. he’s not emotionally equipped, nor is he even remotely interested in having his life uprooted — it’s happened far too often for his liking, and is still happening despite his reluctance to accept this as truth. it’s not that he doesn’t believe it, it’s not that he would ever accuse anyone of lying, it’s that the last time he saw ace, it was in the middle of battle where he died in luffy’s arms. so when a woman who claims to have known his older brother — and, let’s be real, plenty of people around the grand line knew ace personally — comes forward, wanting to meet luffy face to face, he’s initially reluctant.
what can she possibly tell him? what story does she have to add to his arsenal of memories of the one brother he thought would never leave him? 
after all of the carnage, as wano proceeds to rebuild, it’s only due to kiku and kin’emon’s interference, that luffy even agrees to meet her. not one to keep things from his crew, luffy has the other straw hats, along with some of the other allies, to come with him. it’s over a quaint dinner, that she reveals that ace has a lover who has resided in wano her entire life. if luffy and the others hadn’t come to the aid of the country, he might have never crossed paths with her.
in the middle of stuffing his mouth full of savory, roasted meat, he tilts his head at her, the tragic, romantic tale of her fated meeting with ace slowly puts him to sleep. it’s zoro who, over his glass of whiskey, asks her what the point of her story is — as he’s not one for flowery language or long-winded stories without a point. sanji and nami both chastise him, while the others are quite invested in what she’s saying. before she can get to the crux of things, a shrill yell startles them, and in comes a fussy toddler, stomping around the dining room, dragging a blanket behind him, mouth fixed into a frown. 
luffy nearly chokes on his food, hopping out of his chair, his eyes practically bulging out of his head at the sight.
if anyone outside of wano were to take a look at this child, they’d see that he is, without a doubt, 100% ace’s son. the signature splatter of freckles along his face, the determined, mischievous look he sports, the messy head of dark hair — it has luffy taking several steps back, unable to believe what he’s seeing. jinbe, coincidentally, is also just as much in awe, the tears spilling down his cheeks before he can stop them. everyone remains quiet, waiting for luffy to make the first move. the child surveys the room before stomping over to his mother and demanding she pick him up.
when the initial shock finally wears off, luffy is around the table and by the woman’s side in a matter of seconds. he asks so many questions, she can hardly answer them all, and the tension that initially filled her home with unease, completely dissipates.
on her end, this is all very hard to deal with. while she hadn’t known ace long, she came to love him deeply. to find out that her older sister hasn’t aged since she last time they saw one another, to find out that their older brother died before she could see him again, to meet ace’s younger brother — the one he could never shut up about — it is all too much. she didn’t exactly think things through, but she didn’t want to run the risk of not meeting luffy and not introducing him to his very rambunctious nephew.
ace’s mini-me has most of his father’s mannerisms, his wild demeanor, and also his kindness; he’s very curious, allowing luffy to invade his space without issue and immediately taking a liking to his uncle, much to his mother and aunt’s relief. luffy picks him up, tossing him in the air a few times before passing him around to his friends. they’re all extremely receptive to this new addition to their rather large, extended family. from her seat, his mother watches how animated luffy is playing with her son, how luffy shows off his devil fruit powers which only serves to excite the child more and more.
they spend the entire evening playing, laughing, eating and drinking; jinbe’s heart is full at seeing that ace’s legacy has, indeed, passed on — first to luffy, and now to his son. while his father is indefinitely out of the picture, and while the amount of actual blood relatives are far and few between, ace’s son will definitely want for nothing — especially now that kiku is back in her sister’s life. and, for the first time in a long time, luffy feels that small hole in his heart, that he couldn’t quite patch up — even after reuniting with his friends after two years apart — has suddenly healed once he accepted his nephew’s existence in his life. 
and, because the threat that once held wano hostage for over two decades has finally been eliminated, the woman can finally see the silver lining to all of this. luffy and his crew promise that once wano’s borders are completely open, that they’ll come back and properly spend more time with them. he’s reluctant to reveal to his grandfather that ace has a child — knowing the sort of turmoil it might give garp with how he failed roger and ace — luffy also can’t not keep that a secret from him. he assures the woman that he’ll leave it up to her, and that while garp does have loyalty to the navy, he’s not exactly loyal to the world government specifically.
the distinction is very important in this situation. he’s all smiles by the time he leaves her home, a few tears collecting around his eyes as he thinks about how ace would’ve felt about being a father. he knows that sabo will most likely be the one that will keep a close watch over their nephew — his reach with the revolutionary army will be key in keeping the child safe — and that life, despite how badly it wants to beat him down, is finally looking upon him favorably. luffy isn’t the sort to dwell on much, but this is something he’ll think about for quite some time. 
everyone promises to keep things hush-hush, and surprisingly luffy agrees to not disclose to just anyone the true identity of his nephew’s father.
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ofsouthsidcrs · 2 years
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meet corrine ROCKY zhōu ––– the southsider.
aka. wretchedrocky666 on aol
full name: corrine zhōu
best known as/only known as: rocky
age: twenty
birthday: may 13th 1979
zodiac: taurus 
gender: cis woman
pronouns: she/her
occupation: southside gang member & part time projector operator at the drive-in
positive traits: dependable, humorous, adventurous, focused, observant
negative traits: resentful, abrasive, stubborn, dishonest, led by emotion
mbti: ESFP - the performer
super hard shell with super gooey centre is the best way i can describe her without rambling for a seriously unfortunate amount of time
dot point biography. 
tws: drug use and addiction, implied negligence
rocky remembers her childhood as a happy one, but it’s probably the rose coloured glasses slipped on by nostalgia that has her truly thinking that. it wasn’t unhappy, but it wasn’t anything incredible either. 
she’s the zhōu’s eldest daughter, her little brother a little over thirteen months younger than her. for most of her life her family was very close, she loved her little brother, she loved her parents and knew she was loved by them in return. even when she was a total twerp of a child.
until, of course, the fateful year she moved to the southside. her dad lost his job in the summer before rocky was supposed to start high school and not to be dramatic but: rocky felt like she lost everything as a result. a selfish and extreme thought that causes a pain in the pit of her stomach every time she thinks it.
in the beginning, she convinced herself it would take some adjusting. her parents said that. that the whole family would have to make adjustments, that people around them would adjust, that it would be uncomfortable and that it would take time, but it didn’t matter where she lived she was still her blah, blah, blah – and she believed them. until she realised she was being totally delusional. 
sure, she was adjusting. slowly but surely she was settling into southside high, making new friends, finding new places to hang out. but the people she grew up with weren’t adjusting. most of her friends since elementary school (The Gang, as it were) dropped her. it made her sad, it made her angry, it made her jealous, it made her bitter. she hated most of them so much for it, truthfully she still hates most of them. but as rocky’s life on the southside continued to unfold and she spent less time in cherry proper altogether: the hatred was sort of put on the back burner. it’s there, it’s still hot, but she’s gotta bigger shit to deal with most of the time.
such as: her parents becoming drug addicts. of course rocky wasn’t the only one having a hard time with the move. her parents struggling to find consistent work, struggling to keep a roof over their kids heads and food in their stomachs, found themselves reaching for something to ease the pain. something that was exceedingly accessible in cherry’s southside. i don’t imagine it to be a secret-secret but i do imagine it to be a little bit of a mystery why rocky joined the southside gang in the first place. most people just assumed it was fate for a girl like her, or maybe it was her new friends, and never dug much deeper than that. but the truth was, her parents had quickly accrued a debt with the southside gang. she was so young, and scared, and lonely, and desperate that when a friendly (aka manipulative lmao) gangster suggested she run for the gang to help pay off the debt – she all but begged them to take her on board.
but of course, this didn’t really help much in the long run. rocky started to work off her parents debt, but all it really did was make it easier for her parents to get drugs. after a time, it became less about helping her parents and more about helping her brother, helping herself.
once again, things started to settle. sure, they weren’t what they were (she had accepted they never would be) but it didn’t feel like everything was falling apart at the seams like it once had. rocky was fortunately/unfortunately pretty damn good at working for the gang. she saved enough and moved out of home at seventeen– a hard decision made harder by the fact that she had to leave her little brother in her parents’ care. 
most recently, and this would only really be privy to other southside gang members: rocky wanted to leave the gang. why did she want to? unknown. what stopped her? also unknown. but after she tried to leave she was when she was moved up slightly in the gang, when she was trusted more, and when she started going into cherry proper again .... suspicious ... no?
her first fake id had the name “rochelle” as a tribute to the nickname rocky
speaking of the nickname rocky: there is a story behind it but it’s long, long, long forgotten by most. if asked, rocky will say because corrine wasn’t stupid enough
rocky wasn’t an angry kid, just impulsive and reckless and a bit of a shit. she used to do things for the thrill of it, to get a laugh, or to prove someone wrong when they said she didn’t have the balls to do it. jump off a roof, throw a punch, sneak in somewhere and run from authority – it was all fun when she was a kid. but like just about everything else, it changed when she moved. she still did those things, but it wasn’t really about the fun of it anymore. more to feel anything over the anger or the numbness or the angry numbness.
can drive, doesn’t have a car. she usually gets around on foot, borrowing cars, or hitching a ride if she has to
though she kinda rags on it all the time, she quietly rather enjoys her part time gig at the drive in. it can be boring as hell, but it’s nice to just be alone. to have a simple and easy and normal job to do. even if it is only basically one shift a week
writes poetry and its BAD and she knows it and never ever lets anyone read it. but it’s the only way she really knows how to deal with her emotions sometimes. she has journals full of completed and half written poems dating back to when she moved to the southside.
wanted to play drums as a kid but her parents redirected her to guitar (because who wants an already loud kid to have a drum set) so she plays guitar. she’s tried singing some of her poems over guitar but she’s not really musically creative and it’s never really worked. she much prefers just learning her favourite songs and the feeling that comes with finally nailing them.
has a tendency to draw on her arms and legs when she’s bored. she’s no artist but she rather likes it. she has one tattoo of a dragon but she thinks she might like to be covered in tattoos one day, proper patchwork style. but for now she’ll stick to just drawing, it’s almost mediative to her. self soothing in the same way poetry is
has been arrested 4 times but has managed to only be charged once with vandalism and trespassing when she was 16 – did three weeks of community service as a result
albums i most associate with rocky/i believe in my heart rocky would be obsessed with: celebrity skin by hole, garbage by garbage, all killer no filler by sum 41, tragic kingdom by no doubt, dookie by green day, and enema of the state by blink-182
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rqblevs · 2 years
✎ last two kids on earth
↳ Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Fem!Reader
꒰ Word Count: 1.9k
꒰ Tw: mentions of death
꒰ Notes: i think it’s pretty obvious what this oneshot’s about from the title lmao- (a bit ooc lmao)
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Year: The Future. Apparently.
Five didn’t know how long he was walking for, wandering this- this nightmare! He wanted to go back, back to 2006, where he belonged.
But there he was, standing all alone in the future. A shell of a 13-year-old boy. He had no where to go, no place to call home anymore, his past home destroyed by whatever had happened.
In fact, everything was gone, destroyed, every person he saw was lying in a pile of rubble, dead as a doornail, as Charles Dickens would say.
If only he had listened, listened to his fathers warnings, he wouldn’t be here right now. Alone.
Five kicked a rock out of his way, still searching frantically for any signs of life, even though he knew, after hours of searching, he wouldn’t find anything.
All he had was a newspaper in his hands, but it showed nothing but the date. April 1st, 2019. The day the world ended.
Everywhere he ran to, it had came to the same results, nothing, absolutely nothing.
By then, he had already accepted his fate, he knew he was stuck here, he might as well get accustomed to this new life.
But where would he start? 
He could go anywhere, anywhere he wanted, yet, he still had no clue. To be entirely honest, he wanted to curl up in a ball and cry, unlike the usual Five.
“What the fuck happened...” he mumbled to himself, running his hands through his hair, as though it would give an answer.
However, he was not expecting a sudden voice, something he thought he’d never hear again.
“An apocalypse”
“What?!” he turned around, putting his fists up for defence, whoever this person was, he knew he could take down.
Someone- a girl, around the same age as Five, stood a few meters behind him, her h/c hair tied in a pony tail. All things aside, she looked as confused as he did.
She moved closer, as if inspecting Five, “An Apocalypse” she repeated, this time slower.
“Like- like a zombie apocalypse?” His first thoughts were his fathers words, ‘one day you’ll fight an apocalypse’ but didn’t he just say that to scare him and his siblings to do the dishes?
Did his words actually mean something?
“No, it’s a code word for the end of the world, they just named it that, I suppose” she spoke slowly, eye brows raised, “Anyways, put that aside, I’m Y/n, what’s your name?”
“Five” he replied quickly, “But what do you mean by end of the world? Like what happened? What the hell?”
“Odd name” Apparently- Y/n- observed, smiling the tiniest bit, “Sorry, is this awkward? I haven’t seen a human in months”
“Answer the question”
“Jesus, alright, I don’t know much, I’m just here because some shit scientists decided I’d be a good fit to Time Travel into the future” she said, “And then they fucked it up and I’m stuck here now”
“And that no one knows what happened, or what caused it but, everyone’s dead” she finished.
Five scoffed, “Wow, that helps a lot”
“Hey, at least you’re not alone” Y/n pointed out, “We should probably stick together, it would be better for us”
Even thought Five was quite suspicious of this “Y/n” person, he didn’t have anything to say against it. She was right, staying together would be a good idea.
“Fine, but tell me more”
The time passed by fast, everyday, the two made progress. Found shelter, got food, etc, soon enough, Five had even (almost) forgot about his life before.
Well of course, he never forgot his family, he wanted to get out of here, but again, he wouldn’t wand to leave Y/n.
They had grown close over the months, maybe even years. By the 56th day, they had stopped counting how long they’d been here.
He stopped to think about it, maybe there was a way home, he just hadn’t thought about it. The thought of it made him confused.
It seemed impossible.
But if he could, would he bring Y/n home with him? Introduce him to his siblings, his family? That sounded great, but would Y/n want to go with him?
“Hey” Five looked up, his eyes meeting Y/n’s e/c ones, “You good? You’re starting to scare me, staring into the oblivion”
He waited a beat, “If I could get us out of here, would you go home with me?” he blurted out suddenly.
“Why do you ask?” Y/n inquired, sitting down next to Five, “Did you figure out a way to get out of this hell hole?!”
“Well- no, not yet, but I will, sooner or later” he said, scribbling down something on a scrap of paper, “Just answer the question”
“Isn’t it obvious?” she laughed, “Of course I’d come with you, kind of a stupid question for a genius like you”
“Shut up”
“But seriously, why’d you ask?” Y/n questioned, “You never told me how you got here”
Five titled his head, “Or right, I might’ve forgot the mention it” However, he didn’t say anything else.
“You’re not going to elaborate on that?”
“It has to do with my dysfunctional family” He had expressed some distaste for his family to Y/n, yet at that moment, no matter how much he hated them at times, he missed them.
“I had my run with family’s too” Y/n finally said, cutting the tense silence, “Well to be fair, I didn’t really have a family”
Five didn’t say anything, he just stared back, wanting to know more, “Didn’t?”
“My mom died giving birth to me, which is kind of stupid because it’s not like I was born in the 18th century” she paused, “And my dad, well, he never really liked me”
“Oh shit”
“Yeah” Y/n looked away, fiddeling with a strand of her hair, “So I ran away when I was 8, was found by a scientist, he was my only parent figure”
He thought about it, the day they had met, Y/n mentioned how she was here because of a failed science experiment, “Does this have to do with why you’re here?”
“Yeah, I guess, you could say that” Five waited for more “But he loved me like I was his own daughter, he loved me more then my own fucking parents did”
The sudden bitterness in her voice took Five by surprise, Y/n almost always spoke in a pleased tone, as if nothing effected her.
She suddenly stood up, her eyes peeled to the ground. “Are you...crying?” Five asked, standing along side her.
“No” Thought she obviously was, wiping her eyes with her sleeve, “Dust allergies”
Five decided it was best not to reply to that. She slowly shuffled away, fading into the sunset.
45 years.
45 fucking years in the shitty future, 45 years of up’s and downs, and somehow, Five and Y/n were still together, seperated not even once.
An unexpected friendship slowly bloomed into a relationship, Five sometimes, in the middle of the night, as he slowly drifted off, wondered what life would be like if he hadn’t bumped into Y/n.
He thought of the loneliness, and those nights when he felt like the entire world was in his hands.
He wondered what he’d do without Y/n, she was there with him the entire time. The time when the Commission contacted them, when they started working for the Handler, their first kiss.
It was all mere memories now, slowly fading away in the back of his head. He still thought about his family sometimes, and all this time, had been trying to get back, and bring Y/n along with him.
And that day came, it came after 45 years of searching for answers. He finally found it.
He was going home, the place where he belonged.
And he knew how he exactly was going to do this. The Handler gave him a job- kill John F. Kennedy, the President.
But the thing is, he wasn’t going to do it. That day, he made sure Y/n was along side him, though quite confused, Y/n didn’t say anything against it.
There he was, behind a fence, with Y/n. He pulled out the sniper, assembling just as the President turned the corner.
The thing is, he didn’t load it, he pretended to, for Y/n’s sake, and pretended to be aiming for the President’s head, when suddenly, to Y/n’s surprise, dropped the gun, and pulled out something out of his suit.
It was a copy of Extra Ordinary, Five’s sister had apparently written. He muttered to himself, flipping the pages to find his equation, whilst, Y/n stood there, waiting for him to speak up.
“Hello? Are you going to tell me what’s going on, Hargreeves?”
He drew in a breath, a ghost of a smile pressed upon his lips. “I found a way home, Y/n. We can go back, you can meet my family, it’ll be just like before, but better”
“I figured it out” he said, there was a moment of silence, when suddenly- as if out of thin air, a blue-tinted portal lit up in the middle of a parking lot.
Y/n jumped back, her eyes moving from Five, to the portal. “I- Five...”
Her voice trailed off as Five stepped closer, looking at her, “Come on! We don’t have long, it’ll close soon!”
“I can’t go with you”
A beat.
Five stared, in shock, it felt like a punch in the gut. Wasn’t this what they wanted this whole time? To get home?
“I- I belong here, Five, I can’t leave” her voice was weak, barely audible. “You go, please, leave me here”
“Look I don’t know what’s going through your head, but it needs to stop! Come on, you said we didn’t belong here!”
“Five...” Y/n mumbled, “Please, go, go see your family, my family’s probably dead already! If you- if you find a legal way to see me again, do that! Just-”
The portal slowly grew smaller, thought suddenly, a fire extinguisher flew out of the portal, barely missing Y/n’s head, “What the-”
Five looked around, and sighed, he knew there was no arguing with Y/n. She was stubborn. But he didn’t want to leave her here, what would the Commission do to her when they figured out Five was missing?
That was the final straw, He leaned closer to the portal, looking away, “Fine, but one day, I’ll be back to find you, alright? Stay around here, don’t leave, I’ll come back for you, one way or another”
Y/n grinned, “of course, old man”
Five shook his head in annoyance as he took one last look, one last look before he was out of here, but he didn’t feel happy.
In fact, it felt almost... sad, these 45 years, being here had grown on him, “I love you”
“I love you too, Five”
That was the last words Y/n said to him, as Five jumped into the portal. Y/n watched as he slowly faded away, a tear trickling down her cheek. 
She whispered 6 last words, even thought she knew Five couldn’t hear her “One day I’ll see you again”
And then she left.
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doctorofmagic · 3 years
My thoughts on What If... Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?
The very title of the episode sends a shiver down my spine. And this is where we’re going to start.
~ long post under the cut ~
A year ago, I wrote this post as an attemp to dive into one of the most important traits in Doctor Strange’s personality: love. Stephen is a being made of love, made to love, no matter which interpretation you have when you watch Infinity War. If you don’t read comic books, you’ll understand the moment you meet Donna. You’ll begin to understand how her death reshaped his entire subjectivity out of fear of failing, being powerless and unable to control everything around him (especially death), thus the arrogant and yet a disaster of a man we all know.
Where do I even start? Stephen loved her sister deeply and felt responsible for her death. And then, slowly, he also lost his parents and his brother. He fell in love with Clea but he also pushed her away. He loved Zelma platonically and lied to her, which was enough for them to break their bond. He felt attracted to Kanna but screwed things up, even though they remain friends. He was forced to kill the Ancient One, the only father figure he had ever since his father died. And lastly, the only person who would never leave his side... also left. Yes, even Wong. Stephen has SO much love to give but he’s also afraid because he’s cursed. He truly believes his love in poison. And would you look at that? What If really delivered a story where this is actually true.
What If Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?
The level of understanding when it comes to the character is... inconceivable. What could possibly reshape Stephen into following a dark path but love? The very premise of the whole episode. This is so much more than a love letter. This is literally too much, in all senses.
Fine, let’s begin.
What if the best of intentions has very strange consequences?
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No. You used the word “strange” for the pun but this is not the word. Nah-ah. I’d go with ATROCIOUS, for starters. Things are gonna escalate so quickly, my friends.
Seriously, tho? Christine is SO SO SO SO beautiful, they’re so cute together. I have this feeling that MCU!Stephen was quite toxic because of his arrogance and this is why they didn’t work out. But WhatIf!Stephen???????? He’s always praising her, teasing her in a healthy way, respecting her and listening to her. HE TRULY LOVES HER, I’M GONNA CRY ALL OVER AGAIN, PLEASE, NOT THE CRÈME BRÛLÉE, PLEASE
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I’m going to leave this shot here because we need to go back to it later. Hold that thought.
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And bonus points to “Yeah, well, I would call that quite remarkable.” / “Well, I would say the same about you.”
So in this reality, Stephen didn’t caused the car accident because he was checking his phone while driving. Also it was not the reckless attempt to pass the truck. Well, maybe it was the consequence of this act? The fact is, the car behind them loses control, which makes them crash. Does it matter? We’ll learn later that no, it doesn’t.
And yep... Christine dies. Have you noticed the shattered heart? Ah, the pain only gets better and better.
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Again, Stephen blames himself. More than anything, this is so important because Stephen is all about guilt. We still need to meet Donna so we can add yet another layer of guilt. But the feeling exists. This is what corrupts Stephen’s heart and soul in all his iterations. This is what makes him the character I love so much. I love this SO. MUCH. In addition, his stubbornness to accept his condition. Man won’t take a no. This, this is Doctor Strange in character. Stop complaining about NWH Stephen, it’s pathetic.
Okay, “grief-stricken”, Stephen found the Mystic Arts and became a sorcerer. That’s when he learned about the Time Stone, the Eye of Agamotto and Dormammu. Nothing changes, he saves the universe. But time does not heal his deepest wound.
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I love Wong so much. Every time Wong does something, the world is healed. Really. We’re going back to him as well but for now I’ll just leave this shot.
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Aaaaaaaannnnnnd then he did.
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He goes back in time. It’s been two years since he lost Christine. I think he reacted pretty nicely, despite the circumstances. Now let’s go back to that shot I said I was saving for later.
Stephen is so light-hearted here. Also, during the first time he lost Christine, he had no idea what “The Price is Right” was. He knows now, which means he probably tried to learn more about the show because of her, because of grief. HAHAHA MORE PAIN
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I’M-- *ugly sobbing noises*
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Apparently, not.
And this scene when he simply... closes his eyes before she dies again...?
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This is where this episode had me in endless tears. It got me the four times I watched it. I’m dead serious.
Okay, so, next the Ancient One appears to Stephen, explaining that Christine’s death is an Absolute Point in time. It cannot be changed. Stephen needs the accident to become the Sorcerer Supreme and defeat Dormammu.
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And this is where Stephen starts his journey into darkness. “Nothing is impossible, you taught me that. I only require more power.” Disobeying the Ancient One, Stephen then travels in time, seeking the Library of Cagliostro. Now, if you’re not aware of that, Cagliostro was a sorcerer who studied time in comics, and later became Sise-Neg (there’s a recent post on this because of the new Defenders run). It’s funny to think that Sise-Neg also destroyed the world when he became a god, however he grew past his pettiness and remade reality. Stephen did not possess such power, as we’re about to see.
PS: “Stop torturing yourself, Stephen.” Naur but he should use this line like a mantra. Especially comics!Stephen.
Not gonna lie, tho. This place reminds me of the Temple of the Vishanti from T&T (of course I was going to insert T&T somewhere, it’s me).
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And of course they’d go for a pun with his name haha. I don’t know how to feel about this, tho. I feel like the episode is too heavy and dark for comedy. But it is what it is.
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Okay but why some books are in cages??????????? And wow, it seems Cagliostro also gathered knowledge about several fields of magic.
And then Stephen learns that, in order to break an Absolute Point, he needs to absorb more power. This is when I went “oh-oh, here we go”.
And for real, is this Shuma-Gorath? Why are they keeping his name a secret? Is this the same creature from the first episode with Captain Carter, right? RIGHT? It has to be Shuma-Gorath.
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Of course he tries to be polite and ends up all hurt haha. O’Bengh warns him about love but he will not listen. “Love can break more than your heart. It can shatter your mind.”/ “Is she worth the pain?”. Please, this is Stephen. He eats pain for breakfast.
Also, also, let’s take a break. We’re finally going to get monsterf0cker tentacle-lover Stephen Strange. It will cost us everything but here we goooooooooooo (yes, I went frame by frame for your more obscure fanservice needs)
Gods, I love this sequence so much it hurts. Okay, here we go.
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The grasp this man is holding on me right now...
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Some of you will understand. I’m with you.
And here are the grostesque ones. These are hard to take SS but I had to.
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Animation, sound effects, OST? CHEF’S KISS TO ALL
And lastly... the tentacles. Yeah, if you’re new... this is a thing.
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Fanservice. Fanservice everywhere. (low-key the reason I also waited to write this review, I wanted to enjoy this part so badly but I was too sad for that lmao)
Okay so. O’Bengh is suddenly OLD and DYING, until we realize that Stephen spent CENTURIES absorbing mystic beings. CENTURIES. WTF STEPHEN. He had nothing in mind but the goal to save Christine. And people wonder why he went insane???? I’m sorry, O’Bengh, but I can’t take you serious when you still call Stephen Sorcerer Armani. Oh, and also because you watched him absorb beings for centuries in silence lmao. But I guess I have to because you said that Stephen is split in two since the Ancient One cast a spell on him, splitting the timelines and making them exist in the same reality before he could travel back in time. I know, it’s complex. Anything for the plot.
And now good!Stephen has an evil!twin who wants to absorb him back in order to become whole and break the Absolute Point. Cool.
I said I wanted to talk more about Wong because I think people are not talking about him enough. Wong is so important in this episode. He’s the one who’s trying to heal Stephen after Christine. He’s Stephen’s anchor.
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So, for the sake of our understanding, I’m addressing the characters as evil and good!Stephen. Let’s go. Evil!Stephen summons good!Stephen and gods, he still holds such a strong grasp on me... unbelievable. THE DEEPER VOICE BENEDICT USES???? PLEASE, DIDN’T WE HAVE ENOUGH?
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Imagine his strength to hold so many beings inside him, fighting to control him. BRO, THIS IS TOO TOO MUCH
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Fine, I’ll not post SS about the fight because I’d be here all night long but I WILL say this: NOT CLOAKIE!!!!! NAAAAAAAAAAUR
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Also if you ask me if I recognize any of the spells? Maaaaybe the Flames of Faltine, the not-so-crimson Bands of Cyttorak and a little trick Magik does with her portals. That’s how far I go.
I’ll not comment on the “seducing yourself to stay in the trap”. I will not. I’ll just say that the first person Stephen thought of when “Christine” was talking about the crème brûlée was Wong. That’s it.
And finally evil!Stephen absorbs good!Stephen and releases... UNLIMITED POWER (I love when the stone goes red as if it was bleeding aaaaaaa)
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I can fix him...
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This scene here? Poetic cinema. (I love his wings so much)
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And when Stephen says her name and the other monsters’ voices echo “Christine”, AAAAAACKKKK
Oh, but it’s too late anyways because Stephen broke reality haha. This scene is interesting because Stephen is the only one who sensed and/or talked to the Watcher until now. I read an interview that the Watcher kinda showed up but it’s also about Stephen’s keen senses. Bit of both, let’s say. Still, man, 616-Watcher is not that cold. 616-Watcher would watch this and say “how about I intervene anyway?”. WhatIf!Watcher is brutal.
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The way Christine looks at Stephen one last time also KILLS ME, DESTROYS ME, BREAK ME INTO A MILLION PIECES.
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And this is where my soul left my body.
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This is how they end the episode. This is how you leave me speechless and with teary eyes. This is how you give me a whole existential crisis.
This... this was brutal to watch. Really.
What can I say after this? I’m used to reading painful things when it comes to Stephen. Aaron’s and Cates’ runs are heartbreaking on so many levels. Hickman’s New Avengers is not easier. Coincidentally, What If? Magik Became Sorcerer Supreme and The End. And now Death of Doctor Strange. And yet, after everything I’ve been through, I’d never expect to watch something so brilliant, so tragic, so heartbreaking and unexpected in the MCU. Never. This is top tier content and this is my favorite character with SO MANY LAYERS and SO MUCH UNDERSTANDING. I can’t put into words how meaningful this whole episode is to me, or how deep it touched my heart and soul.
I’ve been struggling to find the proper words since then, I still can’t. All I can add is, I cried for the 4th time now. This is too, too much, even for Stephen stans. Even for the ones who are used to pain, regardless of which media you’re into: comic books, live actions or animated movies. This is literally more than I can take and yet I’m so, so grateful. The voice acting, gods, how did Benedict manage to create a better Stephen than the one he’s literally playing in real life???????????? HOW
This episode really took the max potential Stephen had to offer as a character, added tons and tons of layers based on his grief, depression, arrogance and need to control everything and created a tragic masterpiece. In 7 years of being a Doctor Strange fan, I've never read or watch something that could go this deep into the character. The closest I can think of is Mr. Misery and the metaphor of Stephen's depression. This is a whole new level of respect and understanding. This is more than a love letter. This is peak maestry. It’s perfect, it’s heartbreaking, it’s... gods, I can’t.
Sorry for dragging you until this far. Before I wrap up this review, I just wanted to remind you all that Stephen will appear again, he will smile again, he will be surrounded by people again. So this is not the end. It was painful but be brave. We still have a few more steps to take.
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heavensgateiowa · 3 years
I seen you mention latent homosexual Jason and if you're interested in further elaborating I would love to hear it
hello hi!
so i would love to someday write a full piece about jason grace with like. real textual analysis and shit but i'm letting my ideas fester first
i've also made a few posts talking about where he as a character is placed in relation to other queer characters (as nico's initial confidant and friend, as piper's comphet partner) and also his relationship to leo (and to percy lmao) already.
essentially, jason has, almost from birth, had his life controlled by jupiter, king of the gods and ultimate archetype of masculinity, fatherhood and virility, and juno, his wife, goddess of marriage. riordan's characterisation of both these characters deliberately skews negative, for a very specific reason: the series hinges on just how scary it is to have a parental figure reject you.
percy feels abandoned by the father he never knew at the beginning of the series. annabeth is desperate to impress her mother, and feels overshadowed and abandoned by the rest of her family. piper is completely disconnected from the idea of heterosexual love and traditional, eurocentric feminine beauty which she associates with her mother, and repulsed by the association while so fascinated by it and desperate for the approval associated with it that she seeks it out in the form of her relationship with jason. i could go on, and each of these examples probably deserves its own in depth examination.
but for all these characters, alienation from and abandonment by a parental figure is the ultimate evil, the thing they fear most, the most destructive force in their lives. it's a reflection of the adolescent experience which makes the books resonate so hard with young people. it's an example of the 'there is a dragon. the adults don't believe you when you say there is a dragon' philosophy of childrens books; it is so hard to articulate as a child the negative experiences you are having with a parent or caregiver, and even if you can articulate those experiences, who will believe you? certainly not the parent themselves.
jason represents all this in extremis. what if a child was taken from his mother and sister (the same thing that happens to nico, incidentally, only jason was too young to remember it and is therefore almost numb to the trauma by comparison because he has never known it any other way), and groomed to become a leader and a hero in such a way that he could never become anything else? jupiter and juno are villainised because they represent the ultimate evil of the series, parental neglect, abuse and control. the distant father, who says out loud that he will not give his son the attention, praise or affection that he so clearly needs as a matter of principle. the overbearing mother and wife archetype, who becomes an embodiment of both heteronormativity and control, those things being one and the same in jason's life. when he seeks control he also seeks heterosexuality.
conversely, when he gives up control, when he gives up his role as praetor, when he and piper break up, he stops seeking heterosexuality. i would argue this very slow slide begins when he sees juno's true form and starts losing his vision (god im so hazy on this point ive only read the books once sorry if i get this wrong). he is exposed to the 'true form' of the goddess that represents, to him, heterosexuality and control. he then loses his vision, and is given glasses (by asclepius the son of apollo dont even get me started on that particular train of thought). this represents a physical transition, a step-down from youthful masculine perfection into almost a form of old age.
this is jason’s attempt to reclaim his own life and agency, and it ultimately leads to his death.
there’s something very compelling in the accidental ‘bury your gays’ moment that happens in trials of apollo. riordan has talked about how, upon reflection looking at the first series, he realised that nico was a queer character.
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this is fascinating, and an excellent statement regarding nico, but the context of jason makes it all the more interesting. nico and jason are almost total opposites; nico is an outsider, a victim, associated with death and hell. he’s a lot more easy to shape into a queer narrative, where he comes out and is accepted within the group. instead, jason has spent his whole life on top of the world. a praetor, son of the king of the gods, the embodiment of strength and classical masculinity and heroism (but completely without agency). shaping a queer narrative out of that proves to be a great deal more difficult, and so riordan doesn’t. i don’t believe he intended to do this, i don’t think he recognised jason’s queerness for what it was, but he sublimates jason’s queerness into other things; he has jason fight for the underdog, like nico and the underappreciated gods. he has jason move from praetor to pontifex maximus, one of the only remotely autonomous choices he makes in the series. he has jason wear glasses with all they represent. he has jason slowly back away from heteronormativity, from jupiter and juno and all that they represent, from his failed relationship with piper.
but jason still dies. he fails to escape his fate, and dies the death of the very heroic warrior he no longer wanted to be. and his queerness dies with him.
there is so much more i could elaborate on, and someday i will, but this is already way longer than i meant it to be lol. long story short jason grace my beloved
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falcqns · 3 years
I know that I'm boring and that you'll probably block me if I request something again, but you're the only one who always writes request, so thanks in advance. ❤💕 Well, I thought of this, Henry as my husband entered the bedroom where I'm in bed with Kal sleeping barely covered by a blanket in panties only because I started to sleep like this like Henry. It can be always smutty smut like you perfectly write it. ❤
Big Brat
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader
Warnings: Smut! Fluff, bratty Henry (like big brat), use of sign language, slight angst at the end 
A/N: I would never block you love! I absolutely love getting requests! I’m sorry this took so long to get to, I just started my second semester of college, and I have way more classes, plus a baby and some other drama which I’ll probs rant about later lmao. I hope you enjoy!
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Henry had been downstairs in his office, playing Cyberpunk for hours. Due to an injury on set, he couldn't film, so he was stuck at home. You had hung out with him for a few hours while he played, but eventually made your way upstairs when you became too tired.
“Text me when you’re done so I can help you up the stairs, kay?” You had asked. He agreed with a smile. His injury wasn’t too bad, but he still had trouble going up and down the stairs, and his pain got worse at night, so you made it your full time job to help him. 
However, you should have known he wouldn’t listen. While he was grateful for your help, when he glanced at the clock and saw that it read 2:13 am, he knew he wouldn't wake you. He wasn’t THAT injured. 
He saved the game, and turned off the computer before slowly limping his way out of his office. He glanced around the downstairs of his home, and didn't see Kal, so he knew that the big bear was upstairs with you. He took a deep breath before making the journey up the stairs. 
He walked into the room, and his breath caught in his throat. You were nestled under the covers, with Kal snoring beside you. You had pulled the majority of the blanket to your chest, and had your right arm and right leg thrown over top of it, cuddling it. His eyes made the journey from your face, down your body, and stopping when he noticed you weren't wearing any pants, only blue panties.
He let out a low groan, and quickly stripped out of his clothes, before sitting down on the bed in his boxers.
He pet Kal in between the ears, gently coaxing the Akita awake.
The bear let out a low growl before turning to look at his dad in annoyance, sending a chuckle through Henry’s chest. 
“Sorry, buddy, daddy’s gotta go to bed so you have to move,” He whispered, and watched in amusement as the dog grunted in annoyance, but complied, jumping off the bed and making his way to his own.
Kal jostled the bed as he jumped off, which woke you up. 
“Henry? Why didn't you text me?” You asked, and watched as he slowly laid his body down, gripping his injured leg and easing it up and onto the bed.
“You were asleep, I didn’t want to disturb you,” He reasoned, as his head hit the pillow.
You sighed in annoyance, propping your arm up on your elbow, your head in your hand.
“You could have hurt yourself more,” 
Henry scoffed, and ran his fingers through your hair. “But I didn't,” He whispered, and pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. You smiled into the kiss, your annoyance melting away the second his skin touched yours. “God, you look beautiful.” He mumbled into the kiss, his left hand running up your legs and coming to rest on top your panty covered hip.
You giggled whilst pulling away. 
“Hen, your doctor said no strenuous activity for a least two weeks while your leg heals,” You reminded him, a knowing smile on your face. His head fell back once more, before sighing. “You don’t want to have to tell Lauren that you can't film for even longer because you had sex with your wife and hurt your leg even more, do you?” 
He gave you a side eye look. “No.” You chuckled as he covered his bare chest with his arms, crossing them. “it’s not fair,” He complained.
You rolled your eyes, and laid down. “Sometimes life isn't, my dear.” All you got was a grunt in response.
You rolled over, laughing at your husbands childish antics. You threw the comforter over your body, and tossed some to him, choosing to ignore the way he pushed it off moments later, obviously deciding to be a brat about the whole situation. 
“I love you,” You said in a singsong voice.
“No, you don't.” He grunted, a sniffle following moments later. You flipped over and almost laughed in annoyance at what you saw. He had his arms crossed over his chest still, his eyebrows were furrowed in annoyance, and tears were streaming down his cheeks.
“Are you seriously crying because I won't fuck you?” 
He snapped his head to glare at you. “Yes,”
“Why?” You asked, exasperated at his attitude.
“Because, I walked in and saw my beautiful wife wearing the blue panties I bought for her while filming Mission, and she won't even let me sleep with her because I’ll ‘hurt myself’,” He said, putting the last two words in air quotes.
“First of all, you're being a brat, second of all, you will hurt yourself.”
He scoffed again before answering. “No, I won't!”    
You breathed out through your nose before continuing. “Hen, that’s exactly what you said about the stupid stunt! And guess what, you hurt yourself, which is why we’re in this stupid situation.”
He sighed, before rolling over, you following and rolling to the other side.
You felt him roll back a few minutes later and had to mentally prepare yourself for the sheer stupidity that was sure to spill from his mouth.
“You could ride me.”
You eyes flew open, and your body flipped to face him again. 
“You heard me.” “Obviously I heard you, you dingus, but no, I am not doing that.” “Please?” He begged.
You laid down again, and closed your eyes. “I’ve said no. You haven't listened to a word I’ve said, argued about every little thing, and are refusing to stop being a brat and just go to sleep! Its almost 3 am,”
He sighed again, and you felt your patience running out. “But, baby-” He began to say before you lost it.
You sat up and threw the blankets off of you before tugging off the panties and tossing them on the floor. You pushed Henry on his back and climbed on him.
“Shut up.” You demanded, and he opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off, your hand slapping to his mouth. “I said shut up. You’ve pissed me off, so I’m going to ride you until I cum, and then I’m going to bed. I don't give two shits wether or not you finish. Now. Shut. Up.”
His eyes widened, and his hands ran up your legs, before you slapped one of them.
“You don't get to talk, you don’t get to touch. You’re in trouble, this is your punishment.” He sighed in annoyance, but accepted his fate.
You fished him out of his underwear and to your surprise, he was rock hard. You pumped him a few times, and glared up at him when he let out a moan.
“I said no talking!”
He opened his mouth to speak, but decided not to, instead communicating through sign language.
‘Thats not talking.’ He signed. You mentally cursed yourself for helping him learn sign language when he saw you communicating with a child at work who was deaf.
“No sounds.” You growled. He rolled his eyes and brought his straight hand up from his neck to his chin and pointing at you.
“Yeah, yeah, fuck you too,” You said, before guiding him inside you.
You didn't give him time to adjust being inside you, instead you immediately started bouncing on him, and letting out moans.
Henry had his eyes squeezed shut, and his lip was trapped in between his teeth in an attempt to silence his moans. His hands were balled up and gripping the bedsheets underneath him as well.
You chuckled at him and stopped bouncing to grind your hips against his.
“If you would have waited until tomorrow morning, I would have willingly rode you,” You growled out, the pleasure from riding him quickly growing in your lower belly. “But, no, you had to be a stubborn little shit and piss me off.”
Henry locked eyes with you, pleading you to let him touch you. 
“I said no.” You grunted, riding him even faster. You could feel your clit catching on his hip every once in a while, and it was slowly bringing you to the edge.
By the look on Henry’s face, he was close too, but you didn't care about his pleasure. He had been selfish, now it was your turn.
You bounced on him as fast as you could, your head thrown back, and your hands gripping your husbands large pecs.
“Fuck, even when I’m mad at you, you still make me feel so fucking good,” You cried out. You were teetering on the edge, so you reached your hand in between your legs and rubbed your clit quickly, which threw you over the edge.
You came on Henry, crying and rocking, the waves of pleasure that crashed down on you seemly never-ending. 
You felt him tense up just as you were coming down from your high, and immediately moved off of him. He stared at you in confusion as you grabbed your panties off the ground and slipping them on, before grabbing your phone and walking towards the door.
You turned back to look at him. “I’m still very mad at you, so I’m sleeping in the guest room. If you touch yourself, I will not sleep with you until you’ve finished filming.” You said, before walking out the door, letting it slam shut behind you.
Henry sighed in desperation, but let you go. He’d make it up to you tomorrow, but he was too tired to do anything tonight, even finish himself off.
He rolled on his side carefully, and cuddled your pillow into his chest. He drifted off to the thought of you, wishing you were sleeping next to him.
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randomgamefan · 2 years
HI ID VERY MUCH LIKE TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR KAYCEE AU,, (also ik we haven't properly talked in a while so hey what's up !!)
(also hi!! It has been a while, I'm doing okay!! Wbu? ^^ love your art and content as always!!!! :D your Kaycee design has inspired me a BUNCH it's so cute,, the way you draw her is 10/10 if anyone reading this hasn't seen said design PLEASE go follow Kal and look at it (I reblogged the specific art recently if you can't find it >:) ))
As a quick note, I haven't finished KM and this AU was made before a lot of that so no KM spoilers, at least not intentional ones lol.
(tossing in a readmore as this rant got long)
This AU is called Inscryption devs because surprise surprise, it follows the development of Inscryption.
In my funky headcanons, there's been two main development teams for Inscryption. The first one had a bigger team who worked on some other GameFuna games, where everyone slowly either quit or met their fate in a... Sadder way. Generally I've always thought of the characters of Inscryption as being poor unfortunate souls rather than simply sentient AU, but both are fun! It's not like they would remember their past anyways. (If you wanna look for sentient AI in my headcanon, ya gotta look to the Hex. Big call-out post for everyone who got me into the Hex, SO worth it.)
But, then Inscryption gets shelved for a couple years. The office is full of rumors and no one is interested in really touching it, GameFuna is just glad to have the code. (tbh I don't fully know what it does, the ARG confuses me LMAO)
Then comes along Kaycee! She's been working there for a while, avid card game fan, and she's well liked for her dedication to the company and work on other games. After finding out about the Inscryption project, she grows incredibly intrigued by it, and convinces the company to give her a second chance with the game. However, she must work with a smaller team, to prove herself for now.
So, gets into the part where I get to be cringe - my original characters. The Inscryption developer team consists of..
Kaycee Hobbes, the project lead, dedicated and hardworking. She's an overworker with the tendancies to stay late and try to get a lot done on her own all at once. Despite her dependence on herself she's an understanding manager who won't let people walk all over her.
Spencer Kragen, the coder, put on this project as punishment. Spencer is the son of one of the higher ups at the company. Not only does he not want to be here, he's activley making it as insufferable as possible. Through the dedication of Kaycee and slowly learning others perspectives, the stuck up rich kid slowly becomes more accepting of those around him, and learns even a bit about himself.
Diana, the main story builder, is a loving mother of two twin girls. She is overall a very kind and loving figure, becoming a mother figure type to the rest of the group. She has to have a lot of her focus away from work, but she works very hard when she is there. However, when something catches her eye, it's unlikely she'll leave without finding all the details...
Last but not least, Akira! They are the main artist, and a nervous wreck. They tend to overwork a lot, desk full of concept doodles for what they could do with the story. When not working it's likely you'll find them bickering with Spencer. Overall, though, Akira is just a kind and dedicated gamer who is trying their best.
So that's the crew! They spend a good period of time developing the game, obviously, but when it comes down to it..
Everyone in this story is dead by the point of the main events of Inscryption.
It's just fun seeing how they got there! And if you think I write a single story without found family, you are so wrong. /Pos
This also leans into a lot of my headcanons if I am prompted to rant more, so get ready to see things such as the woodcarver as the scrybe of beasts, or just how P-03 acts. Plus uh, all of my Hex headcanons shoved in there, somehow.
And of course, this goofy team of devs lead by the amazing Kaycee.
Okay I'll stop rambling in this longass post I'm sorry for this taking so long hope it's interesting byeee
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Yandere! Jeon Jungkook- You’re My Prey
Why Hello there! ANON ASKS
Greetings! I hope all is well with you! Could I please request a smutty angsty predator Jungkook x Prey Reader with sprinkle fluff at the end? like jk is the readers bully and realizes that he likes her but she avoids him like covid lmao. so he protects her from someone or something and she starts to trust him? oml that sounds like a lot🤣🤣 U are an amazing writer!!
Sooooo I didn’t touch on the smut part, and I’m very sorry! Tbh I was a bit overwhelmed writing this one and I kept getting stressed because I hated every draft I made before the final draft.
So this contains a bit of sensitive material, proceed with caution
You sat in front of the vanity as your mom styled your hair. She hummed as he took your strands in her hands.
“I saw this style in an issue of Vogue...I know you’ll love it.” she commented.
Tonight was perhaps the biggest event of your mom’s career. She has been a avid participant in the entertainment industry for years and she was invited to some crazy event with her celebrity friends and wanted you to come as her plus one. People knew she had a daughter, but they had never really seen you before. You stayed out of the spotlight when you could.
Except for tonight. Your mom had stared as the lead in a huge show, and a party was being thrown to celebrate it’s popularity and final episode. You were honored but nervous.
“Look at you!” she winked at you in the mirror. “Come on, we’re running fashionably early.” she ushered you out the chair.
Ugh, how much longer was this gonna last. Your feet were killing you! Your mom seemed to be having the time of her life though. She was drinking and dancing and carrying on as if she was a young college student.
“She seems to be having fun.” a voice said from behind you. 
“Don’t get any ideas. That’s my mother.” you seethed. You were protective of your mom, going as far as to curse out anyone who set their sights on her whether it was positive or negative. While people didn’t know you as a celebrity, they knew you as the one who knocked the living daylights out of an ex idol who tried to touch your mother’s ass on a variety show backstage.
“Don’t worry, pet. I wouldn’t dream of it.”
Once you recognized the voice, you froze. Of course he would be here! You slowly turned around, seeing Jungkook standing there with a sick smile on his face. “Missed me?”
“No!” you said a little to swiftly. You should have asked if anyone you knew was gonna be there. You felt like an idiot. Jungkook literally sang half the soundtrack for her show, of course he’d be here!
“Oh how rude.” he cooed. “I thought you’d be happy to see me.” he shrugged. 
“You though wrong.” you looked him up and down. “I swear it’s like you’re following me sometimes.”
“You could say that...but just know I’ll always be there for you...watching.”
 “J-just stay away from me!”
To say he had some sort of infatuation with you as an understatement. Everywhere you went, he somehow turned up. It was like he could smell you from miles away. 
“Dear Y/N, don’t make a scene.” he stepped forward just so he could whisper in your ear. “Wouldn’t want to cause a disturbance.” you could feel the smirk on his face and all you wanted to do was slap it right off.
“Stay back.” you stepped away. “Leave me alone.” you pointed warningly. You attempted to walk away, only to feel him grab your hand. 
Tingles shot up your spine as you touched. You shuddered, his skin was hot. You took one look at Jungkook. He seemed to be in a trance, he was staring at your hand, following it up your arm, passing over you shoulder and up your neck to stare at your face. 
When you finally came to your senses, you yanked your arm back. “Don’t touch me.”
“Okay alright.” he rolled his eyes, seemingly going back to normal as well. “Just don’t get into any trouble, pet.” he scoffed. “By the way, you look good in that dress.” he drank you in. You felt exposed, very exposed. You could almost feel a draft. You glared at his back as he stalked off. That’s how it was, Jungkook was nothing more than an arrogant tease that made you wanna strangle somebody. 
“Alright, I’m done.” you groaned, holding your head. You looked for your mom in the crowd. She was busy laughing with a whole bunch of her friends. You didn’t wanna leave without telling her. You’d just leave her a message.
From across the room, Jungkook watched you leave. He hated to see you leave, but watching you walk away was so gratifying. He knew you didn’t really hate it. In fact, it was amusing to watch you lie to yourself. You were lying about not wanting him, about hating him.
He knew you were lying because he would feel if you hated him. Just like he could feel the want dripping off your body. You were simply lying to yourself.
... (A few days later)
Your mom had left for another show, which left you home alone for a while. She would be filming in Japan, which meant you would have the house all to yourself. That meant you were left to your own devices when it came to fending for yourself. You hated calling your mothers assistant, he had his own family and your mom to worry about. You could handle going to the convenience store by yourself.
“Thank you for shopping with us!” the cashier waved you off as you left the store. You threw your trash in the nearby bin and began walking back. It was cold out, which prompted you to hug yourself.
What you didn’t know, is that you were being followed.
You were walking on the empty street. It was late and all the major shops had closed for the night. Your only source of light were the dimly lit tiny restaurants that were still open, and street lights that flickered as you passed. 
You kept walking, ignoring that feeling in your stomach that told you you were in trouble. You just had to speed up, it was like something in you was screaming at you. A few seconds passed and you couldn’t help but turn around.
A man was standing a few feet behind you. It was way too dark to see.
“Wha-...” you began walking away, praying it was just a coincidence. You turned a corner, he followed. You turned another corner, he followed.
You were now certain he was following. You couldn’t help cut cut through the street to get to the other side, but he followed then and there. You couldn’t help but begin to run, now scared out of your mind.
You turned behind you one more time to see him speed-walking. In your haste you didn’t see Jungkook walking out of an alleyways. You rammed into him, only to scream bloody murder.
“Y/N?” Jungkook grabbed your shoulders. You were practically crying. This was the first time you were actually happy to see Jungkook of all people. “Babe, what’s wrong?”
“Someone’s following me!” you pointed down the street. Jungkook took one look in the direction where you were pointing.
You were way too scared to see his gaze harden into a glare. His blood practically boiled. 
“Stay here.” he grunted, storming in the direction towards the man. “Hey buddy!” he barked, strutting over. 
Jungkook glared in the direction of the sorry idiot who dared try and apprehend his catch. 
Jungkook took you back to his place, your home would be empty for the night and you didn’t wanna be alone in that moment. You sat on the sofa, hugging yourself. 
If he hadn’t been there, something bad would have happened, you knew that much. It was the first time you were grateful. 
Jungkook had to gather himself. Rage shot through his body in his attempt to protect you. His senses were still in overdrive and he was sure he looked crazy. He watched you as you got comfortable, still hugging yourself.
“T-thank you.” you said for maybe the third time that night. 
“Y/N. You really don’t have to thank me.” he laughed. “I told you I’d be there for you every minute, or every day.”  He walked over and sat down next to you.
You finally studied his face. His smile that never reached his eyes looked very different now than it ever did. His eyes were dark with something you couldn’t really read. 
“Even after I’ve been so horrible to you?”
“You may think of it that way, but I don’t.” 
“How do you think of it?” you tilted your head to the side. You were genuinely interested in how Jungkook perceived your declaration of hatred towards him.
“You shouldn’t make that face.” he giggled, glossing over the subject. “I might have to ruin your innocence.” 
“Ruin my-” you trailed off. It was only then you realized how close he was. Jungkook towered over you, so it was easy for his body to cast a shadow over yours. “You’re really close.” you mumbled.
“Hm, isn’t that the point?” he winked. “Your skin is so soft.”
To Jungkook’s delight, you didn’t pull away when his lips ghosted over yours. You shuddered at the mere tickle of his touch. It was like a batch of pheromones had gone out into the air because all you wanted in that moment was him. In some way or another. However it surprised him when you were the one to go for it, pressing your lips gently against his. 
A low growl ripped through his throat as he rested his hand on the side of your neck. He returned you affections just as quickly as you gave it. 
You tasted better than he thought. Your innocence was like a drug. It was heavy. He hummed with delight as you reached your hands up to run through his hair. He was happy, you didn’t know it in that moment, but you were accepting it. Your fate as his. After tonight it would be set in stone. 
As you pulled away from Jungkook, you inhaled sharply. “W-woah.”
“Surprised, babe?” he began crawling over you, sending you back against the plush surface. “I knew you’d fall for me sooner or later.” 
You were too consumed by the sight of him above you. The lights casted a halo over him. He almost looked like an angel. “I could eat you up right now Y/N.” he whispered. “Your soul is exposed to me right now.”
He drew his tongue down your neck. Leaving opened mouth kisses along your skin. You were warmed up in an instant despite being cold moments earlier. You practically squeezed your legs together in an effort to ease what you were feeling, but Jungkook was no fool.
Finally he’d get what he’d been yearning for. After so long.
It was the dead of night when you woke up. Your naked body was flush against Jungkook’ in what you assumed was his bed. Jungkook was practically atop you, laying his head on your chest. You tried to shimmy out of his grip and when you successfully did, you sat up.
Aches and pains shot through your body as flashbacks of moments before flooded your body.  You could hear his shallow breaths in your ear telling you how much he adored you. Every bite and scratch he had left burned, but in a good way. 
Words couldn’t describe how it felt enough. 
“You weren’t thinking of leaving me, were you?” You looked down at Jungkook who tiredly wiped his eyes. “Fuck.” He glossed over your naked body. You were practically marked from head to toe.
“No.” you replied. “My arm was falling asleep because you were laying on me.” you replied, laughing dryly. He sat up himself, only to trail his fingertips up your arm. He shifted behind you and began placing kisses along your shoulder. He wrapped his arms around you and practically pulled you back down onto the bed with him. 
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butwhatifidothis · 3 years
Yeah personally I adore the concept of friendships transcending lifetimes, past lives, and even alternate timelines and stuff like that because of the mix of sweetness and potential angst. It's why one of my favorite AUs for Fates is the characters in each route randomly experiencing memories of how their lives and relationships played out in the other routes. The issue with Cap's take on it with the Eagle recruits is that he does too much too fast with Woobiegard's supposed bonds. (1/3)
He could've done something like having Ingrid, Sylvain, Marianne, and Lysithea occasionally show a fondness for Woobiegard when they barely know her, making readers wonder what's going on. And then he could put those Silver Snow flashbacks to use by slowly revealing the reason for the unusual fondness is because of the echoes of their bonds from SS timeline. But Cap goes all in on the friendship without revealing the alternate friendship so the "bonds transcending fate" thing falls flat. (2/3)
Also the concept of the bonds between Woobiegard and the Eagle recruits transcending the alternate timeline to explain why she could speedrun her relationships with them falters even more when you consider what other bonds were affected in that other timeline. For example, Ingrid and Sylvain watched their homeland fall apart and had to experience their beloved childhood friends dying in a war Woobiegard, the one they considered a friend, started. (3/3)
Right on the money lol, like if at any point we were shown a glimpse of the friendship Woobiegard had with the Black Eagles recruits via the flashbacks, we could have been sufficiently ready to accept the twist of this timeline being a sort of second life that Byleth is going through. But Cap’n doesn’t do that - Ingrid finds Woobiegard annoying off the bat and then abruptly finds her the best thing ever. There’s no sign of her being kinder to Woobiegard that links back to any friendship they might have had in the SS timeline, they just go from “ew fuck you” to “omg besties” in the span of one chapter. Not sure if Cap’n realizes that those two things aren't the same thing lmao.
And you bring up a really good point I hadn’t even considered; if these friendships can last the timelines, then anger definitely should be able to too. Hatred and love are two sides of the same coin after all, they’re two of the extremes of human emotion, so just seeing love transcend time and not hate feels... unfinished, I’ll say. What, so Ingrid and Sylvain love Woobiegard so much that the blistering, animalistic hatred they had when Woobiegard killed Dimitri just went poof? Dimitri still wants to dance with Woobiegard? His hatred of her and what she did to him (and everyone else) in SS wasn’t enough to transcend time? Hell, why is Marianne still religious, if she was so mad at the Church? 
How much emotion is needed for it to make a difference to characters in the CF timeline? Why did Ashe seemingly forget Lonato’s betrayal? Why did Sylvain forget having to murder his brother? Why does Dedue not react to Woobiegard’s presence? Why is love the only *~human~* emotion to be able to transcend the forces of time? Why not grief or hatred? Maybe this explains why Cap’n has Byleth be clearly angry and grief-stricken but still describe her as “lacking humanity” - maybe he doesn’t think that those emotions deserve that kind of recognition. That’s just speculation tho, in the end it’s likely just because those two would make people not like Woobiegard and that’s a big no no lmao
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bts-ficrecs · 4 years
BTS Bodyguard AUs
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Anon request: Any bodyguard aus you recommend? 🥺
Doth mine eyes deceive me???? bodyguard???? um???? YES???? I…… may have gone overboard…. again….. Lmao Enjoy!~ and remember to give these writers lots of love!!!!
Note: I have not read a majority of these, so I’m super giddy to get into them!~ And as always, if you have a fic that you think should be added lmk and I’ll check it out! ^^
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23 by @yoongisbbydoll​
— Genre: angst
— Summary: It never occurred to Namjoon that he would lose such a big piece of himself to you. All those nights spent together, he never realized that he was slowly falling for you and everything you do. He only ever saw himself as a friend to you, someone who protected you at all costs, someone expendable. Namjoon had never even pondered the idea that you could feel the same. 
Because She (and You) Give Me None by @namjooniebjonesuniverse​
— Genre: angst, fluff, ongoing series
— Summary: Ever since he took the throne at the tender age of sixteen, King Kim Seokjin of the Tuhan Kingdoms is seeking to create peace between the Vampire and Shifter races, who have been at odds with each for a decade. In order to demonstrate to his people that said peace is possible, he hires a new security detail for himself and his younger brother. Both of them being Vampires. Crown Prince Kim Namjoon is absolutely thrilled with the idea…
Caged by @mrsmon​
— Genre: angst, fluff, complete series
— Summary: You didn’t turn around. You didn’t have to. In the last three months, you had grown so accustomed to his presence that you could tell when he was around by the way the air shifted and the world seemed to stop in its tracks for the fraction of a second, and with it your heart.
Impossible Ghosts by imlittleredbird & serClizia (AO3)
— Pairing: Namjoon x Seokjin
— Genre: fluff, smut, complete series
— Summary: Namjoon is the crown prince of South Korea and he has 99 problems, all of which are Kim Seokjin. Jin is the personal bodyguard of the prince and has 1 big problem: the way his ears turn red because of his crush - which happens to be the crown prince of South Korea.
Power by @ironicarmy​ (AO3 link)
— Genre: angst, fluff, smut
— Summary: You always go out of your way to remind Namjoon who’s boss. Until he snaps and you find out that he’s the one in charge.
Rotten by @1kook​
— Genre: fluff, smut
— Summary: How bold of him to stick his nose where it doesn’t belong, as if his presence alone doesn’t contribute to the distance your father places between the two of you.
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About Time by @i-would-rather-be-queen​
— Genre: fluff
— Summary: You caught yourself staring at him again. Kim Seokjin.
Borders by @drquinzelharleen​
— Genre: angst, smut, discontinued series
— Summary: Jin has been a faithful and loyal bodyguard to your family for years, not that you’ve noticed. He’s the best at what he does, which is why he has been assigned to take care of you. Of course it’s hard when he’s so unlike anything you’ve ever been around.
Heaven's Light by pact (AO3)
— Pairing: Seokjin x Jungkook
— Genre: angst, series (on hiatus)
— Summary: Kim Seokjin has been raised and trained to serve whatever it is that pleases the clients of the establishment that took him in when nobody else would. But when he is brought up to the palace of The Majestic to be the pet of a prince who shows little concern to anyone who he deems inconvenient to him, Seokjin soon finds himself drowned in a series of manipulation, cruelty, sadism and the spoiled demeanor of a young man who holds the fate of his life between his fingers.
If I Kiss You, I Won't Be Able to Stop by @hoseoksyn​ (AO3)
— Genre: smut
— Summary: The mafia's daughter's crush on her bodyguard reaches breaking point.
Safe and Sound by bazooka (AO3)
— Pairing: Seokjin x Namjoon
— Genre: fluff, twoshot
— Summary: From a tumblr prompt: Jin is a prince, and Namjoon is his bodyguard.  "You're sort of bad at this." "Nah. You're safe, aren't you?"
The Bodyguard by @hollyxqx​
— Genre: smut
— Summary: Seokjin, hired to protect you by your wealthy father, can’t keep his hands off you after a night together. 
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At Your Service by @magicalsalamander​
— Genre: angst, fluff, smut
— Summary: Your Grandpa adopted him, ex-K-9 police dog hybrid, to kept the auto shop safe. He had to fulfill his vicious guard dog hybrid appeal, but he was putty in your hands. However, when an unexpected event happens you took ownership of Yoongi, your best friend…but when tensions build, will he want to stay with you?
Breaking Point by @i-would-rather-be-queen​
— Genre: fluff, 2shot
— Summary: Months went by with him at your side. He was diligent and always polite but kept a professional distance. It was hard to know what was going through his head. You supposed you didn’t mind. Maybe it was easier for him to do his job that way. But sometimes it irked you that as friendly as you tried to be, he always held a part of himself back.
Orbits by @galaxyseokjin
— Genre: angst, fluff
— Summary: Life in this sector of the galaxy had always been rough, always had been a fight to live. Life as a mercenary never one you thought you’d fall into. But here you were, earning a pretty penny now that you’d made a name for yourself. When you’d accepted the offer to be a body guard for the son of a politician, you expected the life of luxury. Easy days and nights with no worries. Unfortunately for you, Min Yoongi had no intention of falling into that plan.
화양연화 (The Most Beautiful Moment In Life) by sunshinejoon (AO3)
— Pairing: Yoongi x Jimin
— Genre: angst, fluff
— Summary: "With every empty office and every light left on -- it only means that people have left, y'know? They've left, just for a while, to be with their families." He falls silent, before picking back up again. "These people, they're with people they love. People they're trying to love. Or maybe they're all alone in their shitty apartments -- but they're someone to love too, are they not?"  Yoongi exhales, and Jimin thinks he feels it expand, curl against his insides.  "Maybe these lights like the night."
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Guarded By @xjoonchildx​
— Genre: angst, fluff, smut, complete series
— Summary: You’ve tried to separate yourself from your infamous crime family, but a new case has your carefully-constructed world crashing down around you.  now you have to figure out how to heal old wounds and handle the new man who enters your orbit.
Nothing but the Rain by @i-would-rather-be-queen​
— Genre: fluff
— Summary: Most people didn’t know the real role Jung Hoseok played in your life. He was too loud, too impulsive to be seen for what he really was: your bodyguard. Granted, the man had a massive startle reflex so it was hard to imagine him being a dog in any kind of fight.
Protected by @jungk0oksthighs​
— Genre: angst, smut, infidelity warning
— Summary: He was your bodyguard, and he never left your side. As somewhat of a celebrity your brother hired a bodyguard to ensure your safety, but Hoseok was more like a friend than somebody who was paid to be around. It wasn’t always easy though, things became complicated when you started to catch feelings for a man who attended your brother’s masquerade ball with another woman.
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Don’t Care If It Hurts by @hollyhomburg​
— Genre: angst, fluff, smut, complete series
— Summary: After a rival gang makes an attempt on your life, Your older brother, the infamous leader of Seoul’s largest gang; Kim Namjoon, gets you a guard hybrid; Park Jimin, The reigning champion of Seoul’s underground hybrid fighting ring.
I Blow up Buildings (but I’d Blow You) by sugaretreat (AO3)
— Pairing: Yoongi x Jungkook
— Genre: fluff
— Summary: The AU where Yoongi has been receiving death threats from an enemy organisation known as Skeletal, and Jeon Jeongguk is the lucky bastard brought in to be his bodyguard. Yoongi tries to hate him. He really does.
Knight by junglec0re (AO3)
— Genre: angst, fluff, smut, twoshot
— Summary: In which Jimin is a Prince, and Yoongi is his personal bodyguard that would do anything for him.
Protegere by @taesbetch​
— Genre: angst, fluff, ongoing series
— Summary: In a land where the crown means everything, everything will be risked in order to protect it. when Y/ns older brother dies its time for her to claim the throne, however, she is seen as weak and an easy target to those lurking in the shadows. The park clan has been trained from birth to protect the throne and those on them, but the death of Y/ns Brother and other suspicious events seem to of happened coincidentally close. what happens is something no one is ready for.
Sunflower by @i-would-rather-be-queen​
— Genre: fluff
— Summary: Jimin was your favorite guard. So many of them were gruff and treated you as an inconvenience. A valuable inconvenience to be sure, but still not one with which they wanted to interact. It made sense you supposed. Emotions can cloud judgement and that’s the last thing a bodyguard needs. But from his first day assigned to you Jimin was different. He always made eye contact and smiled warmly. It was a welcome change from being seen as an object.
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An Ocean Heart by @always-in-an-alternate-universe
— Genre: ongoing series
— Summary: There was once a beautiful woman who was as strong as she was beautiful and as smart as she was strong. She had always been the radiant one in the room, who had a presence that was as deep and rich as the ocean’s depths. In that sense, an ocean was the perfect metaphor for her, because the further you looked into it, the less you saw. It’s hard to say whether or not she was born to be this way or eventually grew into it, after all, she was born into the largest South Korean mafia. 
The President’s Son by @jimlingss​
— Genre: fluff, complete series
— Summary: Kim Taehyung is the President’s son, mischievous and playful, and infamous for being a troublemaker. When everyone’s given up, they call for you to be his personal guard. There’s no other choice when your dad’s assigned you to it and surprisingly Taehyung doesn’t mind either. Maybe because you happened to grow up with that brat.
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Angel With A Shotgun by @taegonia​
— Genre: angst, fluff, smut, ongoing series
— Summary: You knew that hiring Jungkook as your bodyguard would be a mistake and that it would lead to… unprofessional actions. 
Bodyguard by @minsugapie​
— Genre: fluff, complete series
— Summary: You didn’t want to have someone with you at all times, let alone some butch man you’d never met before. It just didn’t sound appealing to you in the slightest. Plus, how popular were you getting that a man had literally given up his life to serve yours? It wasn’t like you were the goddamn Queen of England.
Crown of Gold by @fairykooks​
— Genre: fluff
— Summary: Jeon Jungkook is the nation’s pride - kind, charismatic, honest, loving, courageous, beautiful. and in love. 
Heavens Will Burn by @gyuten​
— Genre: angst, fluff
— Summary: The truth is that love is only easy for the very lucky few. Jeon Jungkook is in love with someone, and she him. Their love should have come easy, if only life hadn’t given him the biggest misfortune of all: a curse to never be able to touch others without harming them. To Jungkook, his love becomes nothing but sweet pain.
I Found Peace (in your body’s skin) by Ahgamo (AO3)
— Pairing: Jungkook x Yoongi
— Genre: angst, ongoing series
— Summary: Prince Jeon Jungkook has been receiving death threats for a couple of months. They hire one Agent Kim (not Taehyung) to guarantee The Prince’s safety. When the assassin makes his first move, killing Agent Kim in the process, they hire one Min Yoongi to protect Korea’s Prince instead. Jungkook isn’t happy with his replacement.
My Terms by @nomnomsik​
— Genre: smut, yandere warning, ongoing series
— Summary: Relatively close in age and similar hidden personalities, an idol and bodyguard discuss secret terms unbeknownst to the company. What will come about them and what exactly did they discuss?
Now Breathe by @hereforaus​
— Genre: angst, smut, ongoing series
— Summary: People invading your personal space is one of the top most annoying thing to ever exist on earth and your overprotective politician mother hiring a personal bodyguard for you didn’t help at all.
Off Guard by @diortae​ (AO3 link)
— Genre: fluff, horny jk so
— Summary: bodyguard!jungkook and rich girl!y/n who has made it her mission to make the 25th bodyguard, jungkook’s life hell to make him quit but jungkook’s one tough cookie who’s always thinking one step ahead of her.
Only You by shellflower (AO3)
— Genre: angst, fluff, smut, ongoing series
— Summary: It didn't surprise you when you were chosen as one of the top 4 students at the Security Protection Program. It surprised you a little to learn that you would be assigned to one of the four Heirs to the throne. It surprised you a lot to learn that the prim and proper Princes were...not quite what you imagined. Despite this, you would do anything to protect them with your life. And you will.
Order by @rainwards​
— Genre: angst, twoshot
— Summary: In which you give Jungkook a very important order.
Protection by @koosgrl​
— Genre: angst, fluff, smut
— Summary: “you can’t protect me.” Being the heir of a mafia empire has its pros and cons, what you hated the most was the annoying body guards who were constantly glued to you. however, you always found a way to get rid of them, until you met jeon jungkook that is.  
Stubborn Love by @hoseoksyn​
— Genre: angst, smut, infidelity warning
— Summary: Love is not a choice, this much you knew. for a girl like you, neither was marriage. married off to a prince, you had the life most girls would dream of. but your dream didn’t end with prince charming. yours ended with your loyal bodyguard that you could never have.
The Bodyguard by @letspurpletogether​
— Genre: angst, smut, ongoing series
— Summary: Your father is the Don, so you’ve pretty much had enemies your whole life. But when he fails to protect you like he should, you realize maybe it’s time for you to take the matters into your own hands and gather your own men. Perhaps, starting with that tattoed fellow over there with the bad attitude.
The Singing Guardian by @sugaabooga​
— Genre: fluff
— Summary: “A singer!” your five-year old self gleefully smiles at your teacher with your chubby hands clasped together in a dreamy-like way. Your teacher gives you a warm smile as she writes down ‘SINGER’ in big fat letters on your assignment sheet. “Well, Y/N. I’m sure you’ll be a wonderful singer. Contact me when you become famous!”
True Care by @joonsgalaxy​ (AO3 link)
— Genre: angst, fluff, smut, ongoing series
— Summary: your (endearingly) shy bodyguard—hired by your father—would do anything for you. even though you roll your eyes at his persistence and pretend there’s no need for him to follow you to every and any place you go, there might be many more hazards in your life than you let on. and you might end up needing him in more ways than you—or your father—would ever think.
Untitled by @an-exotic-writer​
— Genre: fluff
— Summary: The morning had been a bit too quiet for your liking and you can’t decide if it’s a good thing or a bad thing.
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Sanctuary by @minniepetals​
— Genre: angst, fluff
— Summary: Sometimes home isn’t a specific destination, sometimes home is when you’re crying and they reach out to hold you in their arms despite the rules. sometimes home is what you call their arms, your sanctuary.
congrats. you made it to the end.
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its-nebula · 3 years
Why Don’t You Love Me?
Chihiro x Reader during the Killing Game
Warning: Angst and sadness. I apologize in advance for what you’re about to read lmao
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He could feel his eyes watering as he read the note that he held in his shaky hands, the piece of paper threatening to fall. He read it, again and again, unable to comprehend its contents.
S/O is going to reveal your secret tonight.
It had just appeared under his door moments ago, after he’d come back from reading that horrid motive, revealing that Monokuma knew his secret. He didn’t see who slipped him the note, but at that point, it didn’t matter. How could they? After what they’ve been through together, this is the thanks he gets? He’d always thought that they’d made a pretty good team. That their relationship could withstand anything.
So why was a simple secret plausible enough to cause them to reveal something that he’d told them in confidence? It took courage to admit that he was a boy to them, to be vulnerable to them, to expose himself and his past to them and now it just seemed like it was all just...for nothing. All the memories of his past began to cloud his mind. The bullying, the teasing, the being made fun of, the crying in his bed at night wondering when it all would end...
No. He couldn’t go through it again. Not like this. He wasn’t strong enough, and he knew it. Any confidence that he had to work on himself, improve his mental health, and reveal his own secret to the world on his own terms was completely thrown out of the window, all because of that one note.
Throughout the day, he was weary of S/O’s advances towards him. After all, this was all obviously just some sick joke to them. Their hugs did nothing for him. Those soft, warm hands that he once longed to hold felt as cold as ice now. Every kiss between the two of you left a bitter taste in his mouth. Losing trust for the only person you’ve ever loved was definitely despair inducing, and yet, it’s not like Chihiro even tried to fight it.
Despair had already won.
“Chihiro Fujisaki!” S/O finally approached him at the top of a stairwell, frustrated with his distant nature throughout the day. “What’s gotten into you today? Where is the sweet boy that I’ve come to know and love? What’s happened to you?”
Damn, he couldn’t stop those tears from falling down his face, and he absolutely hated himself for it. Damn this killing game, damn this despair, damn it all to hell. “W-Why don’t you love me anymore?” He managed to choke out angrily, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat. “What did I ever do t-to you? I loved you, I trusted you, and you’re willing to throw it all away for some dumb secret that you have?” He took a step towards them.
“Ch-Ch-Chihiro? What’s wrong with you? What the hell are you talking about?!” S/O accordingly took a step back, afraid of whatever it was their once sweet and loving boyfriend was talking about. You’ve never seen him this upset before, and it scared you.
“Acting as if you don’t know. Of course.” Chihiro pulled out the note from earlier, shoving it in their face. “Then explain this! Why do you want me to be unhappy so badly?” By now, he was desperately sobbing, almost unable to speak. S/O stood there, stunned, trying to process the note and what was going on. Through their silence, Chihiro was able to choke out one last sentence.
“What did I do wrong?”
S/O’s expression softened, and they began taking steps toward Chihiro. No wonder he acted like he hated you; he thought they hated him! Well, now was the time to set things right. S/O wrapped him in a tight embrace, calmly stroking his hair. He didn’t return the favor, instead sobbing in his hands.
“I’d never, ever reveal your secret if you didn’t want me to. I couldn’t do that to you, you know that. I love you too much.”
No. He couldn’t trust them anymore. He couldn’t trust anyone. Everyone was exactly the same. They all wanted to watch him crumble. They all wanted to walk all over him, like the doormat they thought he was. Not this time.
It all took place so suddenly. One minute, you were hugging him tightly, trying to calm him down, and the next, you were at the bottom of the stairs, a pool of blood starting to slowly form around your head. All Chihiro could do at that point was stare in silent horror, knees trembling and eyes wide. 
What has he done?
The class trial moved slowly, at least to Chihiro. For the most part, he couldn’t pull together a sentence to contribute. With no obvious clues besides the note Kyoko had found beside the body, that was the only lead they had. It seemed nobody could figure out who wrote the message, or who it was for, until...
“This is getting painfully boring.” Byakuya frowned at the others. “It was me, you imbeciles. I wrote the message to S/O.”
“Byakuya... you wrote the message?” Makoto questioned. “But how did you know that she knew someone’s secret? More importantly, how did you know what the killer’s secret was?”
“Simple. She simply knew about their secret beforehand, I didn’t have to know anything about it.” An uncomfortable silence befell the room, as everyone slowly started to put the pieces together. It was something nobody wanted to say out loud, but it looked like the only possibility.
“Chihiro... it’s not you...is it?” Makoto squinted at Chihiro. All he could do is look down in shame, biting his lip. 
“She’s not answering! Why is she not answering?!” Aoi demanded, making Byakuya scoff.
“It’s not obvious to you, yet? She’s the killer. She killed S/O in cold blood, all to protect some trivial secret she was keeping. How ridiculous.”
“Chihiro, please, say that you object to this!” Sakura butted in, not wanting to believe the ugly truth. “Tell us that he’s wrong.”
Chihiro took a deep breath. There was no getting out of it now. “You’re right. I’m the one who killed S/O. It was all my fault, a-and I shouldn’t have pushed them down the stairs...!” He clenched his fists, angry at himself for stooping so low. “All because...I wanted to keep my secret. But there’s not a secret in the world that was worth losing her life over. So... that’s why I feel the need to tell you all, right now. I...I’m a boy.”
“A...boy?” Aoi covered her mouth in surprise. Another uncomfortable silence fell upon the room, before Monokuma spoke up.
“Puhuhuhuhu! Well it seems you all have reached your conclusion, so now, it’s time to cast your votes!” As everyone sadly casted their votes, Chihiro got ready to accept his fate. “Everyone guessed correctly! The person who killed S/O is Chihiro Fujisaki!” He laughed, holding his stomach.
Chihiro turned to Byakuya, trying to wipe the tears about to spill from his eyes once again. “Byakuya...why would you write that note? Why would you do that?”
“In case you haven’t noticed, this is a game, and our objective is to survive. Feelings have no place in an environment such as this, and that’s what ultimately got her-- and soon, yourself-- killed.”
“I also couldn’t just simply allow my secrets to be revealed to everyone in the world. The Togami name has a reputation to upkeep. All I did was plant the seed, and you carried out the rest.”
Chihiro was stunned. “O-Oh. I see.”
“Now then, I’ve prepared a very special punishment for Chihiro Fujisaki, the Ultimate Programmer!” Monokuma cheered. Chihiro turned to face everyone, a sad smile on his face.
“I’m sorry everyone. I’m sorry, S/O. I’m so, so sorry...”
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morganlegaye · 3 years
the burning of teldrassil ;; ficlet
I’m not sure what the point of this was. To test myself writing Sylvanas? To try to see if I could feasibly justify the insane bullshit that’s been happening by basically using ‘hope’ as a PTSD trigger? Who knows. I just had an urge last night and I ended up giving into it cause I needed to practice writing for this fandom anyway, because Sylvaina has been owning my entire soul as of late and my dumb ass is about to stretch myself even more thin as I undertake that project soon, so get ready to watch me fucking drown lmao. RIP.
“You can kill us… but you cannot kill hope.”
The belief of that wretched ideal bled from the lieutenant in greater quantities than the blood that seeped from the wounds on her back, and Sylvanas found herself nearly choking on the sentiment as the fury, the devastation, the soul-shredding pain of how fucking wrong this woman really was began to consume her whole. It was sudden and it was violent, and for a moment, Sylvanas’ world blurred and she no longer saw Delaryn before her, but an image of a woman long dead as the screams of the past echoed in her mind.
Hope. Yes, Sylvanas had known hope, once. She had hoped to hold Arthas back and protect her people, only for one of her own to betray her. She had hoped for a clean death, only to be forcefully tethered to this miserable world in the servitude of her murderer. Sylvanas had hoped, when she had desperately reached for peace through oblivion, that she would be greeted with a fair afterlife in which to spend her eternity— but hope, it seemed, was not for the wicked, even if that wickedness was born from the whim of another.
Hope was nothing but pain— an endless cycle of masochism that even now, despite her desire to free herself from it, Sylvanas could not help but grasp onto as she hoped that should she finally meet her ends that there would no longer be any need for hope at all, for everything would be fair and transparent and finally fucking acceptable. She disgusted herself, truly— Sylvanas knew better and yet it seemed the mortal desire to hold on to the tatters of dreams had never left her as she desperately tried to free herself from the chains of destiny that bound her to a path she no longer wished to walk.
Hope had ruined her; had gutted Sylvanas from the inside out as the harshness of reality had cut into her sternum and seeded itself within a heart others had claimed was long dead. Truthfully, Sylvanas wished it was. In the end, it would have made everything so much easier. But that was alright, because she could make it easier for others by destroying that which would have decimated them if given the chance.
Sylvanas looked down into the wide eyes of Delaryn Summermoon, the last few breaths of the Sentinel lingering on the elf’s lips. Sylvanas briefly wondered if the woman knew yet that she was looking into a mirror; the eyes, the skin, the ears may be different, but the determination and the bravery and the foolishness was discomforting in its familiarity. But, perhaps, this was what Sylvanas— no, Delaryn needed. There was a sense of frantic urgency that rose up within the Warchief then, a chance to do right by another despite its inherent cruelty, but the world was damned cruel and the transparency of that bore the chance of hardening Delaryn and giving her strength when she ultimately arose a bastardization of the woman who had help her meet her untimely end.
It was something Sylvanas had wanted for herself, truthfully. If this was to be the fate that was woven for her— Forsaken, doomed, a blight upon this world and everything in it, then so be it— but it did not have to come with the pain of hope tethered to the tapestry, and now… neither would Delaryn’s. Neither would any who had witnessed the fall of Teldrassil.
She would set them free. She would set them all free.
Sylvanas’ gaze flickered to the tree, the realization of what she must do swirling behind crimson eyes as a sense of victory pulled at the edges of her lips. “…Can’t I?”
The fear in Delaryn’s eyed deepened, and a tear slid down the night elf’s cheek.
Sylvanas was gentle, almost tender as she cupped the woman’s face with her palm, encouraging Delaryn to look upon the death of her true enemy. She understood how she would be viewed for this, but Sylvanas held little doubt that the ends would justify the means. What did it matter, anyway, how she achieved ends? Her fate was already written, and although Sylvanas would fight against it, she also knew the likelihood of being crushed beneath the weight of destiny was staggering, if not inevitable. If she could not save herself, then at least she would be able to save others from walking the same path as she, and finding naught but pain, disappointment, and failure in a world that promised something better, yet fell so very far short.
Sylvanas slowly rose to her feet, the hollowness in her chest more apparent than it had ever been as she vowed to kill the one thing that had tainted her dreams, her reality, and the last of her sanity.
“…Burn it.”
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A/N: Saint and I decided to try to write this prompt collaboratively. (Also somehow I managed to delete the ask so here’s a screenshot lmao) I primarily wrote Jan and she did Rosé. It was a fun way to fill this prompt. Let us know if you enjoyed our little collab 😘 -Sinner
CW: monsterfucking, inhuman anatomy, and blasphemy probably
Blacklist tag cwmonsterfucking if you’d rather sit this one out 💖
Jan couldn’t deny there was something strange about the sorority house, but she liked the girls so much that she’d accepted her bid and pledged. Education was now over and it was time for initiation.
Jan did think it was odd that the ritual was one at a time instead of all together as a pledge class, but each night at midnight one of the pledges would go down to the basement alone for their initiation ritual and tonight it was Jan’s turn. She had to admit she was a little nervous.
Denali had been in her pledge class and had been initiated the night before and she’d told Jan not to be scared and just ‘let it happen’, whatever that meant.
Jan was dressed all in white as an angel, complete with wings and a halo, her soon to be full sisters all in black as they prepared Jan for her initiation. She held her big Jackie’s hand, waiting for them to tell her it was time.
When it was, she descended quietly to the basement, not sure what to expect. The whole sorority was upstairs. Surely it was nothing too bad? All the girls were nice and sweet. She couldn’t imagine them doing anything bad to her.
Jan looked around the fairly plain basement. Oddly, the only thing down there was a plush bed. Jan looked under it. Nothing. She sat on the side and waited for something to happen...
Rosé looked on from the shadows when the girl was led downstairs for her initiation. An angel costume, huh? Well that was certainly interesting, and she smirked to herself knowing damn well the other girls did that on purpose. Jan was her name as she had overheard Jan's sorority sisters talking about this very day. She knew Jan had no idea what was about to happen, none of them did. They were just led to the bed to await their fate, but all the girls loved every moment of their little ritual. After a couple minutes Rosé decided to speak to her, but still stayed cloaked in the darkness. “Are you excited about your initiation? Anxious? Curious?"
Jan jumped at little at the unexpected voice and then gasped at the owner of the voice. The... creature? Beast? Devil? was completely red, furry in parts with hair horns, large inhuman ears, and long nails or claws, but a still rather humanoid appearance.
Jan was surprised, but the creature was smiling at her. She was pretty, with a curvy figure and a handsome face. “Very curious. Are you the one initiating me?” She had wondered who would do the actual ritual with the whole sorority upstairs. “Who are you?”
"I am." Rosé chuckled, mainly to herself. Bless this girl. She was so fucking cute. “I'm the Devil, baby. But you can call me Rosé"
Maybe it was the years of Catholic schooling but Jan just stared at her. She was so humanoid it occurred to Jan, a theater kid herself, that this was probably an actress in a costume. “The Devil huh? You don’t look like The Devil. The one and only?”
"Tell me, what exactly do you expect the Devil to look like?"
“The most beautiful of God’s angels, Lucifer Morningstar, who became Satan himself, The Devil. You are not he?” Jan looked at her skeptically. “I would have paid a lot more attention in religious studies if the devil had looked like you.”
"I am going to stop you right there at 'he'. God, nor I, the Devil, are men or male presenting at all. But we all know the human men writing everything down hated women, so here we are. With yet another inaccurate portrayal of the divine and the damned. Though, I don't consider myself damned in any way, just a hedonist, babe."
Jan frowned. “Is this part of the initiation ritual?” This actress was really into this role...
"I like to correct those who still believe the falsehoods those so-called churches taught them. But no, it's not. The initiation ritual is much more physical."
“Physical?” Jan stood up. She was a cheerleader and a soccer player. She could do physical. “What do I do?”
Rosé walked over to her and pulled her close, "I can tell you're curious about me. Touch me."
Jan couldn’t lie. She was very curious about this devil. “Your costume and prosthetics are incredible.” She very gently stroked an ear, not expecting it to be warm and responsive to her touch. “Oh!”
"That's because it's not a costume, baby," she said with a chuckle. "Also, it's quite appropriate that you're dressed as an angel. Or maybe it's inappropriate, considering the circumstances."
“Inappropriate?” She asked quizzically. She was starting to wonder if this wasn’t a costume. “What do you mean?”
"Do you realize what being dressed up as an angel means for this initiation?"
“...isn’t everyone?” She hadn’t seen Denali dressed as an angel yesterday. But like her she’d likely arrived in just her white dress.
"No, lovely, only virgins are dressed as angels," Rosé purred.
Jan assumed that was part of the initiation, not realizing fully what Rosé meant. “Oh is that why full sisters wear black? They get ‘devirginized’?” She made air quotes.
"Essentially, yeah, it mainly signifies that their ritual is already complete, but no longer being a virgin is just part of the territory," Rosé explained, tipping Jan's head up to face her. "Do you get what I'm saying, darling?"
Jan studied her eyes and then realized. She blushed deeply. “Oh!”
Rosé pulled Jan into her lap and pressed a kiss to her cheek, "I'll make it good for you, baby. I've always made every single girl I've been with cum fucking hard. I'd never hurt you, I'm only about pleasure."
Jan blushed deeper. “I’ve never even been kissed before,” she admitted.
Her brows rose, "Never? You're too cute to have never been kissed."
Jan blushed. “I went to Catholic school my whole life. This year is the first year I’ve ever been away from home. And I just don’t like any of the boys here?” She blushed. “I’ve never liked a boy actually. Any boy.” She blushed deeper. “I don’t know why I’m telling you this.” But Jan did feel safe and comfortable around Rosé...
"You're in luck, baby, because this entire sorority is a bunch of lesbians," she cackled. "But I am glad you're opening up to me, I don't like to fuck anyone who I don't get to know at least a little bit."
Rosé gently tilted her head up to look at her again and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. She wanted to rectify the little issue of Jan never being kissed immediately. Her lips were soft and sweet and Rosé knew that kissing her would be blissful each and every time. She understood why Jan wasn't allowed to have any sort of sexual experience, but it was still a travesty in her eyes.
She loved that Jan was getting more comfortable around her, and more comfortable with intimacy in general, but she would still take it slower with her. At least until Jan asked for more, and not to be a little cocky, but Rosé knew that once they got into it, she would absolutely be begging for more.
"Tell me what you want, baby~"
Jan stared at her wide-eyed and innocent. “I don’t know what I want. Isn’t it a set ritual?”
"Right. Catholic," Rosé snickered. "And no, certainly not. The ritual is individualized. Here, let me show you."
She carefully pushed her back onto the plush bed, running her hands down her body. When she trailed them back up, she pushed her dress up with her. Leaning down over her, she pressed more kisses to her jaw and down her neck. She still took it slow, looking for any cues of hesitation, but found that Jan was giving her none thus far.
Jan wore simple white cotton panties under her dress. She certainly hadn’t expected for anyone to see them. But she didn’t feel shame, only curiosity about what Rosé was going to do to initiate her. Her nipples felt sensitive and she felt a heat in her lower belly. This was all so new and unexpected.
Rosé gave her another kiss, one that was deeper, this time pushing her tongue into her mouth with a little more force. Her fingers found their way between her legs, rubbing at her through her panties. Little by little she would bring Jan's arousal forth, making her soaking wet and fucking needy for her.
Jan gasped, knowing this was naughty, taboo and forbidden. Was she going to Hell for this? Absolutely. But Jan didn’t care. It felt so good. It didn’t take long at all for her to feel things she’d never felt before and didn’t fully understand, but she knew that she needed Rosé to keep going and give her more. “Please...” she whimpered. “Please.”
"You're so cute," Rosé chuckled against Jan's skin before she sucked on her neck. She kept rubbing at her, but now her fingers were against flesh and she could feel just how wet Jan was getting. With claws retracted, she pushed one of them inside the blushing girl beneath her. Slowly she'd prepare her, make sure she was fully worked open so she would have an amazing first experience.
Jan gasped as her fingers slid inside. She’d expected them to be sharp, as she’d seen her claws, but they weren’t. There were so many new good sensations going on Jan couldn’t process them all. She bared her neck, surrendering to the experience. Denali had told her to just let it happen and finally she knew what she meant. She whimpered. “Rosé! Please! I need more.”
"Well, someone's getting into it~ But that's okay, I love that you are." She slid another finger into her, fingering her faster and a little harder, maybe she'd make her come on her fingers first. Having a multiple orgasms never hurt anyone.
Jan gripped her furry shoulders. “Please! It feels so good!” Her hips rocked against the fingers inside her, eagerly chasing after her own pleasure. “I never knew it was this amazing.”
"You never got the chance to experience it," Rosé purred in her ear. She worked her deeper, faster, loving that she was chasing her own pleasure at this point. The poor girl deserved it. She also assumed that she had never touched herself so this was the first time she experienced any sort of pleasure like this.
Jan was losing her mind. Why had she be warned away from this for so long? Thank goodness she had great core muscles so she could rock herself onto Rosé’s fingers, because she was desperate for more at this point. “Rosé!!”
"Do you think you can handle a third finger, baby~?" she asked, wanting to be sure before she gave her more.
Jan nodded. “Please! I’ll take anything you give me.”
"Let's just keep it to my fingers for right now, babe." She did add a third one though, knowing that Jan really could take it. She was so wet and so needy, she was well aware Jan's body craved this so fucking badly and Rosé was going to be the one to give it to her.
Jan had never felt like this before. She clung to Rosé like her life depended on it. She closed her eyes and surrendered to the feeling.
Rosé could see that she had reached that intense climax. She fingerfucked her through it until her body slumped back down onto the pillows beneath her signaling that she was fully spent from her first orgasm. Rosé wasn't going to go right into the next one, instead she wanted Jan to come down from this one and relax for a moment. She has never had these sorts of experiences before, and Rosé did not want to overload her.
"Are you doing all right?"
It took Jan a second to regain control enough to nod. Her breathing was ragged, but she’d never felt better.
Rosé pulled her fingers out of her and licked them clean before wiping them off on the sheets. "I take it you enjoyed that~"
She nodded. “I never realized it was like that.”
"Well, now you know, love~"
Jan bit her lip. She wondered if that was it, her initiation complete. She kinda hoped there was more.
She stroked a furry shoulder tenderly. “I do... but I feel like there’s so much more I don’t know...”
"I'm not done with you yet, I just don't want it to be too much at once."
“I’m ready for more, even if I don’t know what that is. Please, Rosé. Will you show me?”
"I love how eager you are now," she murmured against her lips before kissing her. "I'll definitely show you."
Rosé sat up and pulled Jan's panties off. She unlaced he dress and let it fall off her so that she was completely naked beneath her. Gently, she caressed her skin, running her fingers between her breasts right down to her pelvis. Goddamn, she was so gorgeous, she could get lost just touching her, kissing her, so much so that she had to pull herself back down to earth for a second. She didn't want Jan to feel exposed though, and it was only fair that she get rid of her own clothing too. Her garment had a long, full body zipper making it easy to take it off.
Jan hadn’t realized how much of that was clothing as the devil was suddenly naked before her. Jan gently reached out and touched her, like Rosé had done to her. “You’re stunning...”
"Yeah~? Tell me something I don't know, babe." She laughed, "Thank you though, I'm glad you think so. You are too, absolutely fucking gorgeous. I can't wait to ravish you, to have you moaning and mewling underneath me."
Jan blushed, her thighs rubbing together shyly. “May I ask, is it true that if you don’t put it in... the front it doesn’t count?”
Rosé was so taken aback by that question, but didn't show it on her face. God, these poor humans really were fucked when it came to, well, fucking. She hated how taboo sex was in the mortal realm, all because of how virginity was basically worshipped in her adversary's religion. It irked her to no end, because most humans wanted to engage in sex and they deserved to have actual education on the subject so they can keep their sex lives fun and safe.
"That is absolutely false. Anal sex is sex, and it counts. That is just a stupid ploy perpetuated by stupid boys who want girls to sleep with them. It can be pleasurable when done correctly, but for your first time it will feel so much better right here," she said as she slid her fingers down between her legs.
Jan blushed. “Sorry it’s all just so new to me. But I trust you. And I want you.”
"You don't have to apologize, lovely." She kissed her again. "Also, tell me if anything gets too intense, okay. I don't want you to think you don't have a say in your own pleasure."
Jan nodded. “Thank you. Shall we get started?” She didn’t know how to do it but she trusted Rosé.
"Of course, love~ But I will warn you, my anatomy is not the same as yours, or any human's honestly. I mean, I can mimic it to be that way, but normally it's like this," she said, letting her tentadick come forth and rub against her.
Jan gasped. “Oh!” She hadn’t expected it to be able to stroke her on its own. Did men have that in their pants too?? She bit her lip. “Will I... will I get pregnant?”
"No, babe, I'll make sure of that. Magick and all. And to answer your other question, because I know you're thinking it, no men don't have this," she told her with a smug smirk. As if a man could live up to what she was about to give her.
Jan blushed. “You can read my mind?”
"No, not really, but I just knew you were thinking about that." She chuckled a little as she continued to tease Jan. Still rubbing at her, wanting her to be a whining, desperate mess before pushing inside.
"How much do you want this, baby?"
Jan blushed. “Oh.” She rocked her hips, loving how it felt at her entrance. “I want it so badly,” she purred. “I’ve never felt this good before.”
"That's my girl."
Rosé started to enter her inch by inch, making sure she was okay as she gave her shallow thrusts at first. She wanted to make sure Jan could take it before going deeper. Rosé could tell that Jan was already completely hers, and she couldn't help but to let that go to her ego, just a little bit.
"Goddamn you feel so good."
Jan scooted down so that Rosé could get deeper into her, so eager for it all. She felt... full but in the best way possible, loving the sensations of Rosé pushing inside her slowly. “Ohhh you do too!”
Rosé's movements started to quicken, and she gave it to her somewhat rougher, still being careful of the fact that this was her first time. Of course, Jan was doing nothing but moaning her head off and Rosé took that as a sign to keep going, increasing her pace little by little. "I've heard you're quite the vocalist~ Let's see how loud I can make you sing."
Jan wasn’t ashamed of the sounds she made, didn’t even know that was a thing most people would be ashamed of. As an athlete and a singer, Jan had excellent lung capacity and vocal abilities. “You want me to sing for you?” She asked breathily, so caught up in the pleasure of it all.
"I mean, I'm going to make you sing regardless."
Rosé grabbed her hips and started to fuck her hard now that she was worked open and oh so willing to take it all. Watching Jan's eyelids flutter closed, her mouth open with such sweet sounds coming from it, along with her nice tits bouncing with each thrust made Rosé love this even more. She wasn't sure what to expect with Jan being so closed off from sex, and so innocent at first, but now? Now, she was sure she'd end up like Denali and Mik.
Jan raised her hips up to meet Rosé’s thrusts, gripping the blankets as she moaned loudly, trying to sing for Rosé just like she wanted, enjoying every second of it all. Jan vaguely wondered if her sisters above could hear her singing out for the demon.
Rosé reached between her legs and started to rub at her, "I want you to cum for me, baby. I want you to cum fucking hard.”
Jan whimpered. She was close but she wanted more. Jan chased Rosé’s touch, crying out loudly as she squirted.
Rosé grabbed her hips and fucked her through it, groaning as she chased her pleasure this time. She'd make her cum again, she'd make her cum three, four times before the night was through at this rate. She knew she was overly sensitive now and it would be so easy to destroy her completely.
Jan gripped her shoulders, clinging to her, desperate for more. She wouldn’t mind if the Devil turned her over and switched so she could take her from behind. Honestly, she wouldn’t mind whatever Rosé wanted to do to her. She was so utterly hers.
Rosé leaned down and murmured in her ear, "Do you want more, baby~?"
“So much more,” Jan panted. She was energized and greedy for more. “Please. I’ll do anything.”
Rosé knew that all the other girls loved it when she turned them over and fucked their brains out, and so she'd do the same for the cute little Catholic girl who just lost her virginity to the Devil herself. That in and of itself was hot as fuck. She pulled out and flipped her over before sliding back in all the way to the hilt.
"Fuck~" Rosé moaned.
Her lips found her neck, kissing the warm skin and giving Jan a little love bite there, just something to remember her by after the fact. She kissed down her shoulder blade and took in all her cute sounds she was making at all the touches and kisses. Rosé sat back up, grabbed her hips and continued to ruin her, able to fuck her even deeper now.
"Fucking take it, take everything I give you. I know you love it, you little slut~”
Jan moaned her pretty little head off, absolutely loving this new position. “Give me everything, please! I’m yours! I’m your little slut!”
"Damn right you are, you and all your sisters love my big cock inside your tight little cunts," she cackled, giving Jan a spank. "Did those uptight nuns ever spank your cute ass with their rulers?"
Jan blushed. “No, I was a good girl.”
"I'm not even surprised by that, you've been such a good girl for me too~"
“I wanna be the best,” she admitted.
"The competitive type then, I take it?" Rosé chuckled.
“I played soccer for years,” she confirmed. “I always like to win. I have to be the best.”
Rosé couldn't help but to snicker a little, oh playing on her competitive nature would be fun. But perhaps another time, for now she just wanted her to feel good and cum as many times before she was completely exhausted.
Jan had to wonder if Denali had been like this too, as her sister was just as competitive as she was. But she didn’t really want to think about her right now when she had this lovely devil absolutely destroying her in the best way.
“Harder, please!”
She grabbed the back of Jan's neck and shoved her face into the pillows as she fucked even harder, not holding back. She knew at this point Jan wanted every single thing she had to give and that she could take it. It was cute how Jan went from blushing virgin who had never even been kissed to a moaning little slut wanting the devil's cock to destroy her pussy. It was a wonderful turn of events.
Jan didn’t stop to think about anything but the pleasure of the moment. She’d never realized sex could be like this. Why had she been denied this for so long? She didn’t want to give this up.
“Are you only around for initiations?” she inquired.
Rosé snickered, "No, baby, I can fuck you whenever you want~ Well, as long as someone else doesn't have me already."
Jan pouted. She definitely needed to be the best now. She pushed herself back into Rosé thrusts, trying to get her as deep as possible. “But I need you,” she moaned.
Rosé knew damn well that little quip would bring out her competitive nature. She had to wonder if Jan and Denali would try to compete for her tentadick, that would be amusing to say the least. "Don't worry, baby, if you really think that I can't satisfy you and all your sorority sisters, then you don't know me at all."
“Oh I have no doubts you can satisfy me. Or anyone lucky enough to share your bed.” Jan just wanted it to be her all the time.
"Is someone feeling a little selfish? A little envious~? A little lustful?" she purred in her ear. "That's cute~ Give in to all those feelings, baby."
Jan knew this was a sin... many sins actually, but she didn’t care. She needed Rosé to want her as badly as she wanted her. “Yes. I want you so badly. I don’t want to have to give you up. I wanna keep going as long as I physically can.”
"I can go all night, darling, and you know I will give in to any temptation~" Rosé purred. And she would, she'd give it to her as long as she could stand it, but she knew that Jan was getting to the point of exhaustion just by the energy that vibrated around her.
Jan kept giving it her all, trying to impress the demon with how much she could get it, but she was definitely tired. She’d cum... five times? six? She’d lost count. But she wanted to be the one the demon came to. This was the demon she’d cling to. She’d made her choice. “Rosé!” she cried out.
Rosé had held off long enough and she was full on animalistic, and she grabbed Jan's hips and fucked her hard until she came just as hard inside her. She fucked her through her orgasm until she was completely spent. "Fuck... goddamn that sweet cunt of yours was amazing."
Jan panted, utterly spent. She’d cum so hard when the demon did that she barely registered the words and could only moan in affirmation. She reached for Rosé, for her hand, for some kind of affirmation that she’d done well.
Rosé pressed a kiss to the back of her head and murmured in her ear, "You were wonderful, babe~"
Jan attempted to turn around but she couldn’t quite manage. She just wanted to face the demon and be held by her for a bit.
She pulled out of her and laid down beside her, pulling her close and giving her a kiss on the forehead. Despite who she was, she sure as fuck wasn't going to leave a girl alone with no aftercare. After all, she was a hedonist, she wasn't evil.
Jan snuggled closer, kissing the crook of Rosé’s neck where she’d curled into. She needed the closeness.
"You doing okay babe?"
Jan nodded. “I just need you to hold me for a bit...”
"Of course, lovely. I'm not just going to leave you."
Jan smiled. “That was...” she didn’t quite have the words for it but she offered a soft smile. It was incredible, pleasurable, and so much more than Jan had ever expected it to be. She hadn’t anticipated losing her virginity to a demon... but that was something she’d have to come to terms with later. Right now she just wanted to cuddle.
"Mmm, just rest, baby." Rosé kissed her forehead and trailed her fingers through her hair. She knew this was a lot for the girl, the sexually repressed Catholic virgin at that. Rosé didn't see it as a ruining, she saw it as an awakening. She always thought it was unfortunate that so many women don't have amazing sex, that they settle for mediocre, or even bad sex, that they don't know how to ask for it, or to pleasure themselves. She also hated the fact that so many women didn't get the aftercare they needed after intense sex, but that is exactly why she wanted to open the eyes of these women.
Jan drifted off, feeling safe and cherished in the arms of the demon.
Rosé pressed another kiss to her forehead, letting her rest against her, knowing that she was exhausted after that rigorous session. She was glad that Jan got to experience this, and that she enjoyed it as much as she did. She also couldn't help but to be a little smug about being Jan's first...
Upstairs they got the signal that Jan’s initiation was complete. Denali went with Jackie to go fetch Jan and tuck her in. They took her upstairs and got her into her bed.
Denali climbed in with her and held her close. “I’ll stay with her, Jackie.” Denali couldn’t wait to hear all about Jan’s first time, especially since they’d heard her singing. The story was bound to be good.
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