#{ what might have been || robstar }
tarisilmarwen · 2 months
RobStar Week 2024, Day 2 - Power Swap/Role Reversal
(So I have a whole lore dump/backstory for this but the tl:dr is basically that Starfire escaped the Gordanians and crash-landed on Earth the same night Robin's parents were killed leading to a bit of a switcheroo where Batman left the circus early to attend to the crash/invasion and found and took in Starfire and the Gordanians, desperate for something they could bring back, snatched up lil' baby Robin instead and he got liberated by a Tamaranian rescue sortie led by Galfore, who later adopted him. There's a whole big political negotiation that happens between Tamaran and Earth and the The Citadel, facilitated by the Justice League blah blah blah anyway it leads to the kids getting to be placed on a team together eventually.
With all that out of the way, onward!)
"Will you please take this seriously?" Starfire complained, exasperated.
Grinning, her human boy companion rolled out of his nonchalant handstand and flipped back off the top of the air conditioning unit to the rooftop.
"Where's the fun in that, Princess?" he teased.
She rolled her eyes and sighed long-sufferingly. She couldn't begrudge Robin, really, he had been raised by her people, his happiness was infectious and reminded her of herself, in her own childhood. Before the mask. Before... everything.
Still, she reached over and tweaked his ear, earning a yawp from him.
"May I remind you we are not here for 'the fun'?" she said, then grimaced at her own idiosyncratic slip. All of Alfred's grammar lessons and her head still couldn't quite untangle English. "This Slade is very dangerous."
"So they say," sniffed Robin, but he sobered up enough for her to get a good reading on her T-communicator without distractions. The boy watched over her shoulder as she held up the device to the abandoned warehouse.
Her scanner beeped. Satisfied, Starfire opened the channel to their other teammates. "There is no sign of the chronoton detonator here, Cyborg."
"Not here either. I've checked the whole east side of the docks. Starting to think Slade might be sending us on a wild goose chase."
Starfire frowned. "We should keep looking. I do not wish to call his bluff before we have solid proof."
"Raven and I are almost finished with the wharfs," reported Beast Boy. "We'll keep our eyes peeled."
The line clicked off. Silence reigned for a moment, uncomfortable and oppressive.
Starfire bit her lip, staring off vacantly into the distance, trying to think the problem through.
A soft hand met her shoulder, and she blinked out of it and looked over at Robin.
His bright blue eyes were comforting. "Hey," he told her sincerely, "we'll stop him. Whatever he's planning to do."
She sighed. "That is just it, though. What is he planning to do? Why announce his plans for the chronoton detonator at all? Why not just simply set it off?"
Robin dropped his hand and shrugged, adjusting his utility belt and checking the contents—small Tamaranian throwing knives, colorful poppers, a traditional warrior Tag'rok stave that he had somehow modified to be collapsable. "Some villains like the thrill, like watching their enemies scramble. Like feeling clever, like they've outsmarted their opponent."
She accepted his logic, giving a small nod. The thing that was bothering her the most was that her nose was completely fine, not a single itch or sniffle. The main component of a chronoton detonator was a metallic chromium core, which she as a Tamaranian was allergic to. (Bruce had found that out the hard way, when he tried a new alloy for her wrist bracers, trying to find something that wouldn't melt under the heat of her starbolts.) If the detonator was anywhere in the docks, she should be able to track it. It would be miserable, but entirely doable.
She explained that to Robin, thinking out loud.
"But then if Slade is sending us on the wild chase for the goose," she mused anxiously, "what is his real plan?"
"Now that would be telling."
The new voice, low and dark, put them immediately on alert, both their heart-rates spiking as they scrambled to see where it had come from. Robin gripped her wrist with one hand, a fistful of throwing knives in the other, and Starfire pulled out her own staff—a simple steel bo—holding it out warily in front of her.
Slade stood there on the rooftop ledge, having somehow materialized there when they weren't looking. His single eye was staring straight at her, with an eerie gleam she found... uncomfortable.
"I'm impressed," he said, stepping down from the ledge. The two teens each took a reflexive step back. "You figured out the ruse much sooner than I expected." His gaze was raking her over, appraising, approving, like that of a proud parent. "But then you were trained by the world's greatest detective."
She bristled at the witheringly sarcastic tone Slade had used for her adopted father's title. Mouth dry, nerves fluttering with little tingles of fear across her arms, she hefted her bo into both hands.
"What do you want?" she demanded quietly.
He was still staring her down, and her stomach fluttered with discomfort.
"I've been watching you for some time now. Testing you." His words were as ominous as his looming form. "I'd heard the Bat had taken on an apprentice—an alien princess no less—and wanted to see for myself what he saw in you."
"Did I disappoint your expectations?" Starfire shot, brows narrowing angrily, gripping her staff tighter.
That creepy, proud, almost parental look again. "Exceeded them," Slade breathed. "The way you fight, my dear... it's magnificent."
Her eyes widened with fear and surprise and that was when Robin stepped between them, letting go of her wrist, that arm out to shield her.
"I think you should back off now," he growled, protectively.
Slade paid him a brief disdainful glance. "I'm not here for you, boy," he dismissed. "So don't get in my way."
Robin's eyes flicked back to Starfire, questioningly. She firmed her features and gave a tiny nod.
The boy whipped his head forward again, throwing his handful of knives.
Slade put up his arms to block, the metal nicking and bouncing off his plate armor, but a moment later caught an unexpected popper in his diaphragm, knocking him back.
"Ungh!" he grunted. He raised his guard just in time to catch Robin's fist in his chin, snapping his head aside.
Starfire rushed forward then, sweeping her staff in a wide underhand blow that knocked the man a-kilter. He stumbled back several paces on the rooftop, surprised by the joint attack.
"Sorry, we're a matched set," said Robin, all serious, flexing his wrists in preparation. "You deal with both of us."
He shot them a glare that was cold and chilling.
"Have it your way," he declared.
He straightened up and charged.
Starfire met his attack head on with a series of thrusts from her staff, then drew back, letting Robin get in close to throw a few blows. His Okaaran martial form was unpolished, but decent enough, Slade was held briefly at bay by the attack. Starfire moved in again, taking Robin's place, aiming for weak spots in Slade's armor.
Back and forth they tested each other's defenses. Slade was very strong, powerful blows whooshing through the air, quicker than he seemed for his size and weight.
He caught her unexpectedly in the face and her vision whited out, head flashing with pain.
She let out a muffled grunt and fell back, skidding on the rooftop, losing her staff. She hit the ground. Her head rang for several painful minutes; she could hear Robin's furious shout of, "Leave her alone!" and struggled to blink, to move.
She had to get... back up...
Robin gave a cry of pain. Blinking furiously to clear her head, Starfire raised herself up from the ground, hands flat as she pushed up.
She saw Robin's wrist clutched in Slade's grip, looking small and human and breakable. She watched him twist it around and down viciously behind Robin's back, almost bending the boy over. Robin's face was screwed with bald pain, he was gasping from it. Slade's other hand had him by the throat, black-gloved fingers gripped around a fragile neck and squeezing.
Righteous fury bubbled up inside her, hot and searing. Bruce had always told her to hold back her Tamaranian powers, keep them in reserve to catch her opponents off guard, but they shoved to the forefront now, all of his lessons and admonitions disappearing into a haze of pure Tamaranian wrath.
She held onto enough of her training to direct the blazing energy through her body. Focusing it. Sharpening it.
It splintered up her spine and into her head instead of down her hands, which surprised her, but she narrowed her glare at Slade, pinning him with a hateful look.
The heat grew behind her eyes, whiter and whiter until—
She screamed wretchedly as her eyes lit up bright green and burst forth twin beams of flaming starbolt energy, streaking straight across the distance, pinning Slade in his collar right above where he held Robin pinned.
He was thrown back from the force, releasing Robin at once, pushed all the way to the edge of the roof and Starfire kept pushing pushing, pouring on the energy streaming from her eyes.
Slade disappeared over the edge, her starbolts having pushed him clean off.
The eyebeams faded and Starfire was left panting, head reeling, shocked by what had happened. For several long moments she sat there dazed.
Reaching up to feel the singed edges of her mask, she groaned softly. Batman was going to read her the riot act for this, she thought.
She stumbled to her feet, scrambling up, falling, tripping her way to Robin, who had collapsed to his knees after being let go.
"Are you okay?" she asked waveringly.
"What..." he asked in a daze, "...was that? Your starbolts come out of your eyes now?" His blue ones glimmered with awe at her.
Grimacing, Starfire peeled off her ruined mask, taking a closer look at the burn damage. "My eyes have been itching whenever I summon my starbolts, since my Transformation," she confessed. She shook her head. "But I did not know this was going to happen."
Robin glanced anxiously towards the edge of the rooftop. "Slade. Is he—?"
He left the question unfinished as they both scrambled up to gain the ledge and look down, peering into the dark alley below.
"I do not see him," Starfire said. She didn't know whether to be afraid or relieved about that. The villain would not have been the first one she had accidentally injured with her powers but Bruce would have never let her live it down, he had always cautioned her to hold back more, trying to keep her from shattering spines and skulls with her superstrength.
"Blast!" Robin cursed. He stepped back from the ledge. "Well whoever he is, he's gone for now. Think he's still got that chronoton detonator somewhere?" he asked.
Starfire narrowed her eyes soberly. "No," she determined. She pulled to her feet and took out her communicator. "Cyborg, Raven, Beast Boy, call off the search. Slade was testing us; he does not have an actual active device."
"Greeeeeat," Beast Boy groaned over the line. "Another false lead. How many times is this guy going to yank our chains?"
Starfire didn't answer, standing numbly for a moment and watching the shadows in the alleyway.
The encounter had... unnerved her. Slade seemed to be intimately acquainted with her career and impressed with her abilities. It almost felt like he was... scouting her? Was that the word?
She shuddered. "Be safe. He escaped before we could apprehend him," she cautioned the rest of the team. "Starfire out."
She flipped the screen closed, her emotions roiling. For a moment her self-control and training didn't exist and she was hopelessly vulnerable, needing to express her fears freely without inhibition, according to her natural Tamaranian nature.
She whirled and flung arms around Robin, breath shaking.
If he was startled by her move he didn't show it, gripping her back fiercely even as he grimaced from her hard grip.
"Hey, hey," he called. "We're okay. I know that was scary but we're all right." If anyone on the team understood her, it was him, and he hugged her back just like she wanted—needed—right now.
Regaining her composure, Starfire inhaled and withdrew, arms still trembling slightly. She let herself recover for a heartbeat or two.
"I should report this to him."
"Your k'norfka?"
She smiled at his accented pronunciation of the Tamaranian word. She nodded. "He would want to know," she said.
Robin nodded too, then began checking through his belt. "And I apparently need to train a lot more," he quipped. "Galfore would be so disappointed I let that clorbag get the drop on me."
A giggle escaped her, that she quickly stifled.
"I would be only too happy to help you," she promised.
Reaching for his hand, she let a joyful thought lift her feet, floating them over the rooftops and starting the journey home.
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ofstarsandflames · 2 months
Hello all! Congratulations to all participating in RobStar week, both creator and audience!
Also, remember yesterday when I said I'd participate in every prompt this week? Guess which idiot decided to get covid!
This gal!
Luckily, it's not too bad! I have my Vaccines and was told I'd get better in a few days. Unluckily, I feel like I've been hit by a truck.
Thankfully, I already have drafts written up for this week! Unfortunately, a couple of them were unfinished and so I had to complete them in a hurry to meet the schedule.
This is one of two fics that were incomplete. If it is not up to par, I sincerely apologize!
Anyway, I decided to go for a more angst-y approach to today's prompt, heh-heh. Some of the content below may differ from what we are familiar with in the show, but fret not! I will expand on my ideas more once RobStar week is concluded!
With that, please go right ahead and jump right in! I hope you enjoy!
RobStar Week 2024, Day 2
Power Swap
Robin might have to kill Cyborg once he got a hold of him. 
While a majority of the cybernetic teen’s inventions had delivered positive results, there were often some that proved more difficult than what they were worth. 
The ‘Ability Monitor’ and ‘Flash Teleporter’ proved to be the latter. 
A series of hijinks occurred, resulting in both Robin and Starfire getting caught together by both inventions. 
And now here he and Starfire were, powers and clothing swapped with the other’s with broken communicators (and by definition GPS’s), as they tried to navigate the endless labyrinth that was Jump City’s National Park. 
They must have been out there for hours, seeing as the sky went from beautiful day to stark night. 
It did help that he was able to fly over the trees, gaining a better view of their endless landscape. Unfortunately, having trouble staying afloat mixed with being unable to find a definitive landmark certainly made things more difficult than they needed to be. 
Yeah, it was no longer a maybe. He was DEFINITELY going to kill Cyborg once they made their way back to the tower. 
“Everything okay?” Star asked from below. 
Robin lowered himself from the air, hoping the action looked natural despite his trouble doing so. 
“Everything’s great!” Robin landed next to her, internally cringed at how overly-peppy his voice sounded. “Perfect, even! Why, I’d go so far to say I've finally perfected your powers!” 
Suddenly, as if fate itself decided to call out his bluff, Robin’s left hand glowed an intense bright blue. That hand, leaning against a nearby tree, caused the poor timber to instantly light up in blue flames. 
Nothing, at least for the first couple of seconds.
“Huh, look at that.” Starfire said in a strangely calm tone. 
“AHHHH!” Her partner was the opposite, his features displaying pure panic. “WE HAVE TO PUT IT OUT!” 
Robin ran around in a panic. He needed to find something that could keep the fire from spreading throughout the forest! 
What to do, what to do, what to d- 
A loud hissing sound pulled him back to the present. The poor tree was now covered with a white foam, the last of the blue flames flickering out of existence. 
There stood Starfire, a mini fire extinguisher in her hands. 
Ah, right. One of the many useful tools stashed inside that signature utility belt. 
“Oh, uh…” Robin let out a light cough, cheeks warming up in embarrassment. “Nice work.” 
Starfire’s mouth curved into a small smile, her eyes obviously filled with mirth despite being covered by one of the Boy Wonder’s signature masks.
“Well!” Star said in an impressed voice, putting the fire extinguisher back in ‘her’ belt. “Looks like you weren’t lying about perfecting my powers.” 
Though his eyes were also masked, Starfire knew he was throwing her an embarrassed glare. 
“Not funny.” 
Though his hand no longer glowed blue, Robin still shook his hand in an attempt to “chase away” any lingering Starbolts. Star giggled at the sight (resulting in another glare) before she continued leading the way to their intended destination. 
“Oh, do not be so hard on yourself.” The now human girl called out to him. “I know firsthand how difficult my powers can be to manage. You are actually doing quite well, despite what you may think.” 
Even though he knew she was just trying to cheer him up, it wasn’t like Starfire was necessarily lying. 
Robin remembered the Titans’ first month as a team, having to learn about each other and how to work together in-tune with their abilities. Starfire in particular had more than a few moments where her powers flared up out of nowhere, most likely a response to how she was feeling according to her. 
On the bright side, thanks to her they managed to find better ways to fire-proof the whole tower. 
Her powers, being somewhat fire-based, often had the unavoidable side effect of rising heat.
Rising heat… 
Robin blinked in confusion. It was the middle of August and a relatively cold night, why was he so hot all of a sudden? 
And why did his stomach start hurting out of nowhere?
Suddenly, Robin felt his throat closing up. He tried to take a deep breath but found himself unable to. If anything, his breaths were coming out in short, heavy pants. 
Starfire turned, uneasy at how quiet the other suddenly was. 
She gasped at the sight before her. Robin was doubled over, one hand clawing at his throat while the other clutched his head. 
Starfire immediately ran to his side. She tried to place a hand on his back in an effort to calm him, maybe help him up to examine his condition. However, and much to her shock, the second she made contact with his skin she had to pull away. 
He was hot. Burning hot. So much hotter than was supposed to be physically possible. 
Starfire’s eyes widened in disbelief. 
She shook her head, utter distraught and confusion filling her head. 
‘Why is this happening to him as well!?’
A loud, strained gasp filled her ears and brought her out of her stupor. Robin was now kneeling, purple and silver clothing sticking to his skin as he continued to burn from the inside. 
‘No!’ Starfire internally yelled to herself. ‘This is no time to panic!’ 
She may not have known why this was happening to him, but she did know how to relieve it. 
Starfire placed herself in front of Robin, kneeling to meet his level. She held his face in her hands, ignoring the intense pain as his skin burned her hands. 
“Robin, listen to me!” Starfire commanded in a voice fit for a leader. “You need to manifest some Starbolts. Right now.”
Robin was more than confused. Why did he feel like his insides were on fire? Why was Starfire commanding him to produce a pair of Starbolts? Why was she so calm? 
But regardless, what else could he do except listen? 
He closed his eyes, trying hard not to think about the pain enveloping his whole body. His mind worked to recall as many rage-inducing thoughts he could muster. 
‘Nothing but a sidekick.’
A different, more controlled heat began forming in Robin’s palms.
‘My last night in Gotham City.’
A small blue flame, bursting with energy, slowly manifested in each of his hands. 
That did the trick. 
A fully formed blue Starbolt, bursting with immense power, appeared in each hand. 
“Nicely done!” Starfire’s voice was filled with relief. “Now, keep them in place for as long as you must. In just a moment, you will feel the burning sensation fade.”
Robin’s eyes widened, his masked eyes displaying a fair amount of uncertainty. 
“Star, what-” 
“Please Robin!” Starfire pleaded, never once releasing him from her hold. “Trust me!” 
Robin trusted her. Though he was still unsure of the situation, that much he knew to be true. 
Suddenly, Robin felt a wave of cool relief washing over him. The intense burning sensation slowly went down, his insides going from a painful boil to a subtle simmer. 
They were both still for a moment. Not a sound could be heard, other than Robin’s labored breathing. 
His breathing followed that pattern. His breaths went from difficult, painful huffs to the simple, mindless action it had always been before that moment. 
Almost as quickly as it began, Robin was back to his not-so-normal current self. 
“Thank goodness!” Starfire let out a sigh of relief as she helped the other to his feet. “I was so worried it would not work!” 
Robin watched the Starbolts in his hand slowly fade away, trying his best to process what just transpired. 
“Star?” Robin asked, his eyes never leaving the flame in his palm. 
Starfire’s body froze. His voice, it’s tone… why did it suddenly hold so much weight? 
“Y-yes, Robin?” 
The dancing blue flame, once brighter than the moon shining in the black sky above, flickered when the hand it stood on closed. 
Even if it was dark, Starfire could not miss the heavy stare directed her way. 
Ears perked up, Starfire quickly snapped her head in the direction of where the sound came from. 
The others! They must have been locating them with Cyborg’s heat sensing technology! 
Starfire was relieved, thankful for their perfect timing. 
“R-Robin.” Star pointed up ahead. “Did you hear that? The others, they must be nearby!” 
Grabbing his hand, Starfire tried to listen for the direction of where the voices were coming from. 
“They must be over th-”
She tried to walk to where the voices were, but was halted in the process. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Robin planted firmly in place.
Another tug of his hand. Like before, he wouldn’t budge. 
“Why are you…?” Starfire tried pulling him with her, but without her super strength it was no use. “What are you doing? We have to go find the others-” 
 “What was that, Starfire.” 
Starfire stopped pulling. Her eyes widened behind the mask. 
“Wh-what do you me-” 
“You know what I’m talking about.” Robin was now the one to hold her hand, keeping her from running away. “What happened earlier?” 
Starfire held her breath, more nervous than she had been when she discovered her powers had been transferred to the team leader. 
She needed to be careful how she worded this, lest she makes things worse. 
“O-oh! You mean that.” Starfire giggled, attempting to diffuse the situation. “You needn’t worry about that! It simply happens whenever I go for long periods of time without releasing my Starbolts!” 
“Wait!” This revelation shocked Robin. “Are you saying you’ve felt this on multiple occasions!?” 
“Well… yes.” Starfire admitted. “I hadn’t used my Starbolts since we defended the city last week. However, I did not think my condition would pass to you.” 
“Forget about that.”
Robin grasped her shoulders, forcing each other’s masked eyes to meet. 
“How long have you dealt with this?” 
Starfire grimaced, unsure of how he would take her answer.
“How long, Starfire.” 
She considered lying for a moment. The last thing Starfire ever wanted to do was make things difficult for her friends, as it was her personal duty to aid and make things easier for them. 
Unfortunately, Robin knew her. He would know if what she said was untrue, especially since he was refusing to let this one go. 
“Since I first landed on Earth.” Star answered truthfully. “I noticed it after I first flew away from you all, and I also discovered how to relieve it soon after.” 
Robin’s eyes widened, the revelation striking him more painfully than the sensation ever felt. Seeing his reaction, Star knew she needed to resolve this problem as quickly as she could. .  
“Robin, please do not worry about me.” 
Starfire squeezed his hand in reassurance. She removed the domino mask she wore, wanting him to see the sincerity behind her words. 
“I promise you, I can handle it. It is not so bad once you are used to it, and it helps that I do not recall a life where I do not experience the feeling.” 
Robin could not believe what she was saying. 
How was he not supposed to worry, when she had just revealed that she had been experiencing that awful burning sensation since she first arrived on Earth?! 
Even if she’d had it for as long as she remembered, which was proven to be short due to the loss of her past, Starfire shouldn’t have to experience such a painful feeling on a constant basis! 
Robin wanted to say this. He knew the alien was hiding more than she let on and he wanted to know why. 
But, even if that was what he desired, it would not matter. Starfire’s eyes, while showcasing her sincerity, also displayed her resolve. 
She was not going to reveal more than she wanted. 
Robin finally released her. There was a tension in the air, so thick and heavy it needed to be hacked with a knife. 
He nodded his head to where the voices continued to shout out. 
“We shouldn’t keep them waiting. Cyborg’ll restore us back to normal once we reach the tower.” 
Starfire nodded, not wanting to risk him questioning her any further. She was not sure if she would be able to resist had he continued to be persistent. 
Star just hoped Robin would no longer look into the setbacks of her powers, for both of her sakes. Even if she did not know why, or maybe on the chance she could not remember why, she knew the answer would only lead to trouble. 
Unfortunately for her, Robin was not finished. If anything, he was just getting started.
He was going to get answers, for both their sakes.
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Robstar Week Day 2: Joy and Confusion (Prompt: Power Swap/Role Reversal)
For this prompt, I decided to take the role-swap AU that @burr-ell made a while back for inspiration. Some of you may remember that I've done this once before, bouncing off of one of the AU concepts to make a sort of alternate version of a scene from the "Masks" episode. I did the same basic thing here, taking inspiration from a doodle on the original post that invokes an alternate version of "Stranded" and expanding the concept into something that I could picture happening in that situation. I deviated a little more from the canon version than I did in the Masks AU, and I think this story is better for it.
As for doing the role-swap itself, that was an interesting challenge. I feel like a lot of Starfire and Robin's interactions and differences are rooted to some degree in the fact that she's a Tamaranean and he's a human, so when switching their species I had to think of how much those species and cultures would affect their respective personalities while still making the characters recognizably themselves. I ended up toning down some of Starfire's emotional energy and especially her reaction to Robin's "she's not my girlfriend" moment (since in canon her strong reaction was mostly because she was trying to keep her powers from going on the fritz), while cranking her already significant human observation skills to maximum as part of her training from Phoenix and leadership role. For Robin, I tried making him more emotionally open while still having that grimly determined streak and awkward shyness about romance, which pretty much resulted in his bout of power failure being his own darn fault lol.
Joy and Confusion
Robin was walking ahead, mouth set in a thin line as he quietly focused on the mission, and that was the first sign that something was very wrong.
It wasn’t that focusing on the job was a remotely bad or even unusual thing, Starfire thought to herself with a small frown. Their mission on the interstellar communications relay had been an unprecedented disaster, and of course their top priority now was to get themselves off of this unfamiliar planet. And besides that, Robin was a warrior prince of a planet with its own host of dangers, whose people defended themselves fiercely from threats both on their homeworld and from beyond. He knew just as well as she did how to knuckle down and get to business.
But Robin was also enthusiastic and open, always easy to read whether he was happy or angry or grimly determined. Starfire thought it might be a Tamaranean thing – cultural or psychological, she couldn’t say, but she’d seen a lot of the same emotional energy in other Tamaraneans back when they’d visited his home planet. Now he seemed… not angry or afraid, exactly, but vaguely nervous and like focusing on finding the others was just an excuse to bottle all his emotions up. And she had a bad feeling that she might know why that was.
“Robin?” she asked, sprinting up to him. “Are you… upset with me?”
Robin’s face pinched a little, and he pulled ahead of her again. “No,” he said curtly. “I do not envision any reason to be upset with you. Do you?”
That was hardly reassuring. Starfire ran to catch up with him again. “Because I overstepped my boundaries as team leader. What I said back at the station…”
Her brow furrowed as she trailed off. Why had she said that? “If I’m not your girlfriend, then what am I?” She’d just been so annoyed in the moment, watching the combat partner she obviously had some kind of chemistry with freak out and act offended at Chimera’s light teasing, that she’d just kind of blurted it out. If she’d just been a regular member of the team it might have been fine. But as the Titans’ leader, there was a sort of force behind her words that came out even when she didn’t intend it.
“I just wanted us to be on the same page, that’s all,” she finished lamely. “I was taught that clarity with your teammates is crucial, but I think I was the one being unclear. And for that I’m sorry. You were technically correct, after all,” she added with an awkward little smile.
Robin’s face seemed to twist through a series of emotions at that – nervousness, embarrassment, hope, excitement, fear – but then it settled back into that vaguely anxious look that he’d had since they first started trekking across this planet.
“You are forgiven,” he said, his voice neutral. “Please, let us focus on finding the others.”
With that, he continued across the volcanic canyon they’d been traversing, leaving Starfire to valiantly resist the urge to scream and start pulling her hair out.
Instead, she sprinted to catch up to him yet again. “Robin, will you please talk to me? I can tell that something’s still bothering you.”
Robin stopped, staring intently at the ground, and held up one hand in a halting gesture.
Starfire grit her teeth. “We can talk while we search, you know. I just don’t want –”
She was interrupted suddenly by a red-hot geyser shooting up from the ground not two feet in front of her. Robin watched the geyser run itself out and drop back down with a disgruntled twist to his mouth.
“The ground is unstable here,” he said, his voice low to keep the geysers from getting worse as he looked about. “We should find another way around.”
Starfire sighed internally, but bit her tongue until the two of them found a sturdier part of the canyon marred only by a single long fissure that seemed to relieve volcanic pressure with bursts of steam. She thought things over to herself, mentally reviewing the day they’d had so far as they walked along either side of the crack.
Then a revelation struck her, and she hopped over to his side of the gradually widening fissure in between steam eruptions.
“Robin?” she asked gently. “Does this have anything to do with your powers failing?”
Robin froze mid-stride – she could practically see his muscles tensing up. “Why do you say that?”
Starfire frowned thoughtfully as she remembered back through their encounter thus far on this planet. Things were starting to fall into place, but she knew she was still missing a piece somewhere. “When you fought off that slug monster, you were using regular weapons. I didn’t think about it at the time, because I was too busy trying not to get eaten, but you weren’t flying and I didn’t see any starbolts. And despite the treacherous ground here, I still haven’t seen you take to the air once. Is… is something on this planet blocking your powers somehow? Is that why you’re so distracted?”
Robing seemed to be shrinking in on himself as she spoke, and when she looked expectantly to him with her question he winced. Fiddling with his fingers and looking anywhere but at her, he choked out, “It… is not… the planet, precisely.”
Starfire’s brows furrowed in concern, and she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Then what is it?”
Robin made a distressed little groan in the back of his throat. “Tamaranean powers rely on strong emotions, and mine are… that is to say, at the moment I am feeling very confused.”
Well, that certainly explained a few things. Starfire filed the revelation about Tamaranean powers away for later and asked, “About what?”
Robin looked at her with a sheepish half-smile. “You?”
Starfire raised an eyebrow, but let him continue. Robin let his smile collapse with a deep sigh and he added, “When Chimera said, ‘the girlfriend,’ I did not know how to respond. You are correct in that it was not factually true, but still I could sense that his words meant something beyond that. And now that I am thinking about it I am nervous and uncertain, and you are upset, and I… I do not know where else to go from here.”
He was blushing and averting his eyes again by this point. Starfire blinked rapidly as she tried to process his odd confession.
“So…” she started slowly. “You are upset and emotionally confused for the same reason I was earlier? Then why didn’t you want to talk it out?”
Robin made the distressed groaning noise again. “I always expected to be matched into an arranged Tamaranean marriage,” he muttered, his blush deepening. “I am not very good at understanding Earth relationships.”
Starfire thought about it for a moment, and then suddenly let out a little laugh. At Robin’s questioning look she said, “Honestly? Neither am I, at least when it comes to this.”
After another moment’s consideration, she stepped back and offered a shy hand to him. “Perhaps we can figure it out together?”
Robin looked at her proffered hand for a few seconds, his face shifting through uncertain expressions again. Finally, gingerly, he reached out and took her hand in his own.
“I think I would like that,” he replied, not seeming to notice as he hovered an inch off the ground.
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nautiscarader · 2 years
Robstar Lincoln/Ronnie Anne Jesse/Lake Outdoor Sex Lapdances Facials
ooh! first one ronniecoln,or whatever the name is!
Ronniecoln - lapdances
Ronnie Anne might not have been into dancing asmuch as the rest of her family, but the desire to shake her booty was in her blood, and watching Lincoln's face get redder with each seductive sway of her hips made the skater girl eager to tease him more... until she realised she was in need of a quick fix as much as he did,and traded lap dancing for bouncing in his laps, with much grace,though.
Jesse/Lake - outdoor sex
Honestly, it was all Jesse's fault. He was into lovey-dovey romantic picnics, and while Lake enjoyed his efforts (and his snacks!),she needed something more substantial. And the chance of someone catching her riding him hard was just what she needed. Plus, that meant she will now getto eat more of his sandwiches after an extra workout.
Robstar - facials
"Please Robin! Give my face the make-up!" was all Starfire needed to say to make Robin pull out and aim his cock at her face.And soon the alien princess giggled with each rope of warm, sticky cum that adorned her face and hair. Spent and exhausted, Robin slumped onto the bed,but wasalerted immediately when he heard Starfire speaking to Raven, proudly presenting the results of their love-making.
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starsmuserainbow · 1 year
Speech bubble emoji for a shippy thread that mun is fond of?
Let's reminisce...
[[I assume you mixed together this meme and the speech bubble for not being able to talk for a thread? If this was for another older meme or something I'm sorry for not linking the right one - it probably doesn't change what I would answer though, unless that meme did something very different!]]
Hmm, well, I'll be honest, I haven't really had that many shippy threads. I don't know what it is, perhaps my "problem" of needing a longer thing leading to ships usually, or perhaps I'm not writing good enough or perhaps it's because I'm not doing nsfw that shipping doesn't really happen, but yeah, I haven't really had that many threads in the regards yet. I just realized, though, I might simply not quite know what counts as shippy thread and what doesn't? Huh. Now I'm thinking.
Okay, well, for all that I'm gonna mention I could now say 'but I don't think we did any specifically shippy thread so far', so I'm just saying this before and now only just mentioning ships.
I do like the ship that I have currently on Blackfire with Vergil (@darksonofsparda, link to my tag of that url here in case you wanna read up some) a lot, they're very evil cool together and I love them. I'm still thinking about making a tag for them, though I haven't done shippy (nor person-specific) tags before, so I will need to ponder that for a while more.
Then, one of the ships I probably love most of anything I did around my blogs, is Wildfire's things with Hay Lin (@aerokinesiiss, here's a link for the tag again for reading up if you want to). They're just very adorable together, I love writing Ry with Hay Lin, and I just feel like I got so lucky having this chance even rather early-on in my writing for him on here!
RobStar is of course my all time favourite ship and will probably stay that as well, and I'm sure I had some nice threads throughout my years there too, but outside of that one plot that I really wanna write out sometime - which I still assume is kinda 'cursed' though bc whenever I suggest it to someone and we start writing it, they kinda stop being active for various reasons (I'm mostly joking, I know a storyline can't really be the reason for that when it's personal reasons or whatever that makes ppl stop being active) - I don't think there's any thread per se. The first Robin RPer that comes to mind that I did some things with is one who I can't tag anymore bc deactivated, formerwonder, read up on the little bit of stuff we did here. It wasn't that much stuff we did, but I very fondly remember our things.
While I'm at Star, me and @merveiilles also more or less recently (? I think it's been more than a year already, idk why I feel like I should still call that 'recently' oops) started to consider her and Aqualad a ship, which I love a lot too! They had a date-thread sorta before though we didn't actually get to writing the date iirc, and a bunch of very cute asks, but there's nothing I can really link you I think - unless you wanna skim through like all the things we're doing together with is way more than only with Aqualad though.
I'm also doing some really nice things with @featherchan - as Robin and Starfire before too, then we also are somewhat considering Silverwing (an OC of featherchan's) and both Moonshot and Wildfire as potential ships! They're both still in the works though, which I feel like is my fault bc I need long to write a ship well I think or maybe to even feel the ship in the first place or sth idk, but, yes, definitely something else to take note of! To link you one thing for if you wanna read up stuff here too, I'll link you an AU we're playing in, here's the link. It's a fascinating AU in itself, and having the chance to write it with someone and hopefully eventually develop a ship within it too, I really like that. There's more things we did, though, but I don't wanna link you a general tag with too much to look through, so you'd have to check for the url-tag yourself to know more, both on Ry and on Moonshot.
Me and @wafflesandbuttkicking do have plans for Steph and Moonshot, which I love a lot, enough actually to have prompted me to do a drawing for the thread we have (that's still in the beginning though) before, which is very rare! I'm not all too happy with my drawing, but it still means that I clearly absolutely adore the dynamic and later-on-hopefully-ship, and I'm looking very forward to keeping that going. Here's a link to what we have so far, though it isn't that much yet.
Also, honorable mention to the things I wrote out between my Star and my OC Moonshot before - I have a bunch of things (Two things where he's slipped into his evil verse because of his obsession/crush/love for Star here and here, a thing that I wrote for his birthday here, two scenes of him finding her on Earth here and here, and last a drabble of them actually getting together here).
There's probably some more stuff I could add, but honestly, I feel like most of it is still a work in progress and not really having 'shippy threads' yet - or like said, I might simply not know how to count one as it. (Also, I wrote these down as I thought of them, in no way is this a sorting of favouring or the likes.)
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nightglider124 · 5 years
RobStar Week 2019: Day 5
Sigh... this is honestly such a heap of shit. Like, I was so excited to write this prompt and it was initially meant to be an actual sexy fic but y’know... I’m just not feeling this writing thing lately. I keep considering just throwing in the towel like for good... I just... feel so shit.
I fucking hate every little bit of this fic.
But hey ho, i’m being a depressed little bitch so just ignore lmao.
Nsfw below... i guess?
Hope some of you guys are still able to enjoy whatever the fuck this is. 
Edit: Great and this isn’t even showing up in the robstar tag lmao. Ima just go to bed tbh.
The city lights had dimmed so that only few remained through the night; the sidewalks were empty of people aside from the odd inebriated soul, stumbling towards their home. 
Traffic was nonexistent; the lights jumping from red to yellow to green with no cars around to make use of the pattern. 
The streets were silent, with only the occasional gust of wind that tore through the narrow roads of the city.
It was late and Jump had long since wound down for the night, store closing up for the evening and saying goodbye until tomorrow came.
The waves of the ocean crashed and swelled against the island of the tower, ebbing and flowing in a calmly manner; one that matched the current behavior of their beloved city.
For the most part, the titans had taken a leaf out of the city’s book, choosing to head to bed way before now.
Of course, not every titan had followed through with that.
Darkness shrouded the main room, with only a dim glow that came from the console in use; brightening when projected to the large main screen against the windows of the tower.
The keyboard made an incessant clacking sound as fingers rapidly typed upon it, chasing leads and researching evidence that was essential to cases. 
Robin’s face was illuminated by the blue light of the screen; a glaring reminder that he should have been in bed long ago. The creases in his forehead deepened as he stared ahead, tapping his fingers against his chin as he dwelled on missing details of the report he was trying to finish up.
He dragged a hand up over his face and pushed his fingers through his dark hair, exhaling in irritation as he couldn’t quite work out one connection between two recent crimes they’d thwarted. 
“I knew you would be in here…” 
So invested in the current document on his screen, he briefly shifted his eyes in her direction before inevitably returning his full attention to his work,
“Hey, Star.”
He heard her light footsteps grow louder as she came closer, standing at his shoulder and most likely staring down at him with a look of exasperation.
“You should come to bed, Richard.”
“Can’t. I’m following up with a lead.”
A gentle hand touched his shoulder, in a feeble attempt to make him see reason since it was 3am and sitting in front of a console was not the place he should be. 
“Can you not simply continue in the morning?” She paused, stroking her fingertips against his shoulder blades before bringing them down to his bicep,
He sighed, “No. I’ll lose the train of thought. You know I tend to do better thinking at night when I’m all alone.”
Starfire made a noncommittal noise, before she let her fingers fall away from him completely. She shuffled her feet and he was aware of her moving past him. Turning around, she rested her rump against the edge of the console station, just beside the main computer that Robin was working at.
Robin took a brief moment to pull his eyes from the screen to look at her, unable to help but notice the simple dressing gown she wore. It was tied at the waist, a wrapping of violet silk that ended just above her knees; shorter than most but he’d never complain about it.
Swallowing, he redirected his gaze back to the words on the computer and continued his assault on the keyboard beneath his fingers. 
Starfire smothered a smirk; knowing that mind of his better than he did at times. He was a stubborn man and whilst his determination was admirable; the early hours of the morning held no place for it, not when he should be asleep alongside herself.
“Will you come to bed, Robin?” She asked, her voice soft and serene,
“I’ll be in soon. I promise.”
“Once I finish this off, Star.”
Her brows furrowed and she folded her arms across her chest, opening her mouth to protest but she stopped short. A light bulb moment took hold of her and she decided to use any means necessary to bring her boyfriend away from his work. 
Yes, it needed to be completed and she would never deny him that. But, she did believe there was a time and a place for such work. This was not it, being as late as it was.
“Robin… you will put your work aside and come to bed. You must sleep.”
He sighed heavily and sat bat in the chair, retracting his hands from the keyboard,
“Star, I-”
His girlfriend cut him off as she shrugged the silk dressing gown from her shoulders, slowly tugging at the knot holding it together until it unraveled. The material slithered down her body, kissing every inch it could reach on its way to the floor.
It pooled at her feet; a heap of what was apparently the only thing covering her.
Robin stared at her naked form; even in the low light, she was breathtaking. 
Everything about her was perfect; the curve of her hips, the line of her long legs, her ample breasts all wrapped up in a goddess of a woman that all he wanted to do was touch.
She stood there, eyeing him carefully; a mischievous glint in her emerald orbs. Her long auburn hair cascaded over her shoulder, only adding to the ethereal aura that she showcased.
He felt the increase of his heart rate and felt the palms of his hands grow sweaty. Robin swallowed several times in a futile attempt to calm himself down from the glorious sight in front of him. 
Heat rose within him; a fire was burning in the pit of his stomach as he drank her in; every little beautiful detail that made her her.
The back of his neck grew hot and he felt his cheeks flush; no doubt had he taken on a tomato appearance. The blush spread all over his face until he felt it drip onto the tops of his ears. 
He was speechless; unable to do much else besides gawk at her like she was some artistic masterpiece in a high end gallery. 
Starfire bit her lower lip, seeing she had finally gotten his attention. She swayed her hips as she made her way to him, deliberately slowing her steps to make the moment even more agonizing for him.
“Am I distracting you, my love?” She murmured, caressing his arm as she reached him.
“I… uh…” He stammered, still finding his blue eyes focused on her stunning assets,
Grinning to herself, Starfire gripped the arms of the chair he was sitting in and turned him slightly so that all that clouded his vision was her and nothing more. 
With a naughty giggle, she clambered up onto the chair, placing her knees on either side of his lap so she was straddling him, whilst her fingers gripped his shoulders. She pressed small kisses along his jaw and across his cheek, blowing in his ear and reveling in the way he shuddered beneath her.
She smiled when she felt his hands brush the back of her thighs, gently rubbing up and down before he took the plunge and slid them higher so that his fingers kneaded the flesh of her backside.
Starfire took immense joy in the way his blush had started from an initial faint pink to now being a strong red hue and the way his eyes were half lidded; as if he were intoxicated by her.
Pressing her forehead to his, Starfire let her dark green eyes lock with his cerulean ones before she leaned in and pressed her lips against his. The kiss was desperate and demanding and caused something to stir deep inside of Robin; something that greatly excited him. 
“S-Star…” He gasped as she retreated from the kiss,
“Yes?” She purred, nuzzling the crook of his neck,
“Tell me, Robin…” She whispered, breath fanning his earlobe as she slid her hands beneath the material of his tunic, “Will you not… reconsider coming to bed with me?”
“Well… I… guess it… could wait until tomorrow…” He replied, lost in the haze that was the Tamaranian Princess.
Starfire cheekily nipped his ear, shifting on his lap to really get his mind completely off the case he’d been working on,
“Good. I am glad you see it my way.” 
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comatose--overdose · 2 years
Oh NO I fucked it up!
Originally I was just going to say “Jason” but then I was Overthinking! Please tell me more about your blorbos 😱❤️
LMAO no worries, it gave me excuse to actually briefly write out my thoughts on broosey-goosey and Timbuktu so I appreciate it, plus, as much as I feature them in my posts you can't be blamed for thinking they'd be my Blorbos.
As for my actual other Blorbos: Roy, Cyborg, and Bart.
I've loved Cyborg since I was like 8 when the OG Teen Titans cartoon was airing. I knew nothing about DC and in fact for years actively avoided it, with the sole exception of that show. I used to be a big RobStar and BBRae Stan but grew out of it and despite that I never outgrew my love for Vic. I have a thing for cyborg and robot/android characters in general and honestly it probably stems from him. He's just super cool and super smart and super funny and a great friend and I just want to hug him so badly I can't stand myself because despite the all the metal I feel like he would still give really great hugs.
With Roy, it's the fact that he's been through so much shit and he still smiles. He still picks himself up and keeps going and keeps doing what he does because he's a good fucking person even when he can't believe that. And how much he loves Lian, that little girl is his entire world and he would move mountains for her and it just warms my heart. Again, might be my daddy issues, at least partially, but goddamn he is SUCH a good dad. And a damn good friend too, he's willing to drop everything to help his friends even when they aren't always willing to do the same for him. I saw a post the other day that sums it up well, he's never anyone first choice (except Jason's) and yet he still gives his all, he's still loyal, he's still so full of love. I fucking love Roy Harper, any and all versions of him.
With Bart.... I don't actually know what it is with Bart. From the first moment I saw him I kind of just wanted to grab him and squeeze him as tightly as I could. I legit feel the STRONGEST cuteness agression when I look at him. Especially when he's drawn kinda like a kingdom hearts character, tiny with disproportionately large hair and feet, and a tiny wittle nose and freckles and I'm about to throw my phone, the aggression is kicking in HE'S SO FUCKING ADORABLE I WANNA WRAP HIM UP IN BLANKETS AND GIVE HIM HOT COCOA AND SQUISH HIM TO DEATH. And the fact that he's so bright and sunshiny and yet... So fucking sad too because damn, boy's been through it, doesn't even really know how old he is anymore. Like, there's really a surprising depth to his character and a lot of sorrow that he hides and I'm very drawn to that in my Blorbos. Honestly, I just think he's neat. And I kinda wanna smother him.
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musicallisto · 3 years
You can't tell me you also love Teen Titans without telling me more of what you love about it! (Also since I'm here I'm gonna lowkey apologize cuz I'm guessing you were also victim to the the wall of bbrae posts I reblogged almost every day since falling down the TT rabbit hole). Who's your favorite Titan? Favorite ship? And if you happen to remember the show in detail then who's character arc did you enjoy the most? Also did you/are you planning on watching DC's live action Titans cuz i might be and I just wanna warn you beforehand if you end up bombarded with a bunch of posts for that next 😅
✧˖°࿐ wow, this ask is extremely old and I just found it again in my ask box, sorry for taking so long to answer! first of all, don’t apologize for the spam! as I said, I quite like Teen Titans, and even if I didn’t, it’s your blog, and you’re free to post whatever you want as frequently as you want! :)
but also, it’s been a while since I watched Teen Titans, so my memory is pretty foggy - I was religiously devoted to its opening theme like half of my generation I think, but you can’t tell me it doesn’t slap. also, I used to watch a lot of Teen Titans Go in middle school, so I mostly knew the characters from there (and I know they’re not the most ~authentic~ and are kinda bastardized in TTG... which is why a Teen Titans rewatch is in order for me).
Obviously I liked all of them, but my favorite character was undoubtedly Raven! I just thought she was so cool and interesting, and I was more or less going through my supposedly “emo phase” at the same time so big win for my projecting needs. Nowadays I’d say she’s probably still my favorite but Star has grown on me a lot (and that’s on reclaiming my femininity 🎀). I have very fond memories of both bbrae & robstar from TT, but in TTG only cared about Beast Boy and Cyborg’s friendship lmfao (and to some extent the trio they formed with Raven). 
and,,, omg,,, I’ve been living under a rock because I had no idea there was a DC live-action Titans show and it’s been out since literal 2018. this is criminally embarrassing for me. my tiny brain never made the connection between this “Titans” show people talked about sometimes and Teen Titans 😭😭 but now that I know of its existence, I will absolutely watch it, yeah!
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sometipsygnostalgic · 4 years
When'd you get into Adventure Time the first time, and how'd it happen? Been thinking of giving it a watch (especially after all the good stuff that's been said of Obsidian and, admittedly, all the stuff I've seen you post and reblog), and it got me curious
This is like my favourite story, and it is the only good one I remember from being a teenager (life from back then has been super foggy since I moved out of my mum's but it is all good now):
When I was 15 I made a new friend who wanted to write a comic about Teen Titans with me as the artist, TT being my second-favourite childhood show after DBZ.
I started bingewatching Teen Titans because I now had a computer and was able to do so. I learnt about the voice actors.
Starfire was played by Hynden Walch. I learnt that Hynden's latest role was Princess Bubblegum on Adventure Time. I checked it out on wikipedia. It seemed kind of cartoony for me.
One thing that caught my eye is when the wikipedia page said PB "may have had a past relationship" with Marceline, the vampire girl with the really pretty hair. I was confused by this, and rationalised it to myself as they must have had a history as friends or enemies. It didn't say what kind of relationship and I thought there was no chance of it meaning "romantic".
For the time being, I didn't look into AT further.
A couple months pass. After several months of tension, I get a text while in school telling me that my dad was breaking up with his fiance, and I would need to move back into my mother's place immediately. This was smack bang when I was about to start my GCSE exams - the timing couldn't be worse. My mother's house is a shit hive and I went between having a tiny box room to myself or sharing a messy bedroom with my sister and mother. There were no standards for hygeine and there wasn't a stable supply of food.
I decide to finish my binge watch of Teen Titans. I spend all day doing this every day. I rewatched it once I was done. It was what I did to cope.
At the same time, my Teen Titans comic friend confides in me. She tells me she thinks she might be a lesbian, and she is scared her parents will reject her. I sympathise deeply. At the time, I was waist deep in the closet to the point I couldnt accept certain things about myself either, but having a friend come out to me made me reconsider LGBT matters.
I looked on deviantart and saw some art for "RaeStar". I thought it was wrong to ship them (I shipped RobStar hardcore) but, well, the art was so cute. Their interactions were healthy and sweet. It was nice. This became my low key first gay ship.
Then, I start bingeing RebelTaxi's Teen Titans video reviews.
Once I am dry on Teen Titans content, I see RebelTaxi did a review on Fionna and Cake, and on Ryan North's Issue #2 of the Adventure Time comic.
The first video, Fionna and Cake, was appealing to me. The show had an amazing art style, and a decent sense of humor. I loved that they did something for the fans, making a genderbent fanfic episode based on popular fan characters. It was unprecedented and very post modern.
....But it was the SECOND video that made me take a very sudden interest in the show.
RebelTaxi was referring to a scene with PB and Marcy in the bottom of the Lich's bag. There is a joke where Marcy turns into a tentacle monster. RebelTaxi always makes hentai jokes when tentacle monsters are involved, but he interpreted this scene as referencing the characters' "lesbian undertones".
...Wait, WHAT? Hynden Walch's character and the pretty vampire have Lesbian Undertones?!?! Haven't I heard this somewhere before?!?!
A quick google search of "Adventure Time Lesbian Undertones" later, I discover the Mathematical! Controversy - how an episode with some incredible songwriting seemed to imply they had been girlfriends in the past who have residual feelings for each other. A podcast had been made by the producers fangirling about this possibility, but it was taken down, and the director fired. Nobody had outright said the subtext was not there, but they said they didn't want the podcast to sound like word of god. There had been a lot of upset in the gay community over this. Oh, by the way, there's a gay community of cartoon fans who really ship PB/Marcy.
With a combination of everything, from how my friend had just come out to me and was struggling with homophobia, to how I was a Hynden Walch fan, to how the show had already impressed me with what little I'd seen, I became IMMEDIATELY invested in finding out as much as possible about these potential LGBT characters and their relationship.
So I checked out a ton of Adventure Time videos on youtube. I checked the vids that had Marceline's backstory in, vids with funny moments from PB and all the other characters, I checked Deviantart for fanart where I made my first engagements with the fandom's gay community, I checked the Wiki talk pages to get ALL of the discourse. It changed who I was basically overnight.
I decided Adventure Time was a fun show with clever writing, and absolutely worth my attention. During the break for exams, I binge watched it all day, and then I would cram for my GCSEs between midnight and 3am on the day of the exam. I was addicted!
When I caught up, Goliad aired. This was the first ep to come out with me being in the fandom.
At the time, even though Hynden had drawn me to the show, Marceline was the character I was most invested in. She had the amazing backstory and music and character design. PB was fun, but there was relatively nothing to her character.
Oh boy, that ALL CHANGED with Goliad! People were intensely debating what the episode was saying about her. Is she a good person, a bad person? Why was she so troubled in the episode's opening, and why was Goliad corrupted?
Discourse only escalated with Princess Cookie. The top post on the wikia was "Is Princess Bubblegum evil?"
Thinking about her character was so interesting for me. These two episodes made me realise PB was a character with her own internal battles, who was struggling with the responsibility to do what was right for her people vs what is the Right Thing, with her own psychological wellbeing caught in the middle. My interpretation of Goliad was that PB was a naturally neutral person who had decided to be good, whereas Goliad had been corrupted by Jake's anger, and this contrasted with Finn who was a pure good person. The Princess Cookie episode reinforced my ideas, because she was doing something that was neither objectively good or bad but was a result of her own morality, and it went against Jake's morality. The idea of the "good guys" having such different values was so engaging, and they managed to come around at the end, with baby-snaps being submitted to rehabilitation.
Princess Cookie was also the first episode where PB was shown to be an adult while a currently adult character was a child. Either candy people age quickly, or - more likely - Pb is keeping her age a mystery. After thinking about this, I opened up a page on the wiki forums saying "Is Princess Bubblegum Old?"
This is what sealed my position in the fandom. I became a well known regular of the community after that, on Wikia and then Tumblr. It was my first fandom. So many good memories of theories, debates, analysis and fanart, the satisfaction of my theories being confirmed in season 5 onwards.
The most important thing to me, about engaging with the AT community, was how those initial interactions around the LGBT content were the groundwork for me being comfortable coming out of the closet. If it wasn’t for that, if it wasn’t for speaking specifically to Thisfreemind and Illeity about how gay relationships are perfectly fine and healthy for kids to see, and no less clean than straight relationships, I might be a person with far more conservative views today, and I might have fallen out with several of my closeted friends over internalized homophobia.  
I would have also probably failed high school. My grades improved drastically over the next year, because my online community life had made me happier.  It was comfort and stability during a difficult couple of years. 
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nerdettedreamteam · 4 years
Tumblr media
robstar week 2020: day 7
day 7 is here! sadly this is the last day but i’m super happy to have participated again this year! i really liked writing robstar again for you all :’D this one is shorter but i still hope you guys enjoy!
“Psst... Robin!” Starfire was at his bedside shaking his arm.
“Huh...?” Robin said, beginning to wake up.
“The others are asleep, did you want to go now?”
“Oh yeah,” the boy wonder rubber his sleepy eyes. “Sorry, I nearly fell asleep for good for a second there.”
Starfire smiled. “After we can go back to sleep together if you’d like.”
She took his hand and pulled him out of bed. “You should see it, they’re especially beautiful tonight.”
“They are?”
They quickly made their way outside to the rooftop without waking any of the other titans. Bright stars filled the sky along with the moon. Robin’s eyes filled with wonder.
“Wow... this is incredible.”
“And the sky is a beautiful colour as well... I don’t think I’ve ever seen a prettier night on earth before.” Starfire sighed.
“Yeah, me either...” Robin had examined the night sky.
He felt Starfire take his hand into his own. He looked over at her and they both couldn’t help but smile at each other.
“I know we’re at home right now, but I honestly think this might be one of the best dates we’ve ever gone on.” Robin admitted as a blush crept to his cheeks.
“I agree. To me, it does not matter where we go, it’s the beauty of the moment that counts. And as long as I am with you, being anywhere is worth it.”
Robin felt butterflies hearing her say that. At that point, they had only been dating for a couple months, but feeling this way around her never got old.
“The moon is beautiful too.” Robin added.
Starfire’s eyes suddenly lit up. “Oh! Would you like to see it?”
Robin chuckled. “Aren’t I seeing it right now?”
Before he could even think, Starfire lifted him up and put him on her back, surprising him. “Woah! Star! What are you doing?”
“Trust me, Robin.” She told him.
She lifted off into the air, eliciting a surprised gasp from his mouth. He grabbed onto her the moment she lifted off, and soon they were soaring upward.
They soon passed the first layer of clouds. The environment around them changed. It now felt like they were in some magical nighttime paradise. It felt like a scene out of a movie. It was unreal but it looked absolutely amazing.
“Wow...” Robin began, gazing at his surroundings. “it’s so beautiful. I love this view, don’t you?”
Starfire looked up at him. She couldn’t help but smile at him. She enjoyed seeing the side of him that was carefree. She loved watching him have fun in the moment, and she could tell he was truly happy. Her cheeks grew warm and she giggled.
“Yes, I do indeed love this view.”
Robin smiled down at her before leaning in to kiss the top of her forehead.
The two of them continued admiring the view that surrounded them. Everything felt right, and they made sure to bask in the moment they shared with each other for as long as possible.
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kirbyspits · 4 years
What other ships do you ship besides Makorra?
Funny you should ask! I was just thinking about how this account was supposed to be my dumpster pit for all my favorite moments in a given show/video game and somehow this became a Makorra centric blog 😅. It’s probably because TLOK checks off everything I’d want and I love the idea of what it could have been.
Anyways, here are my top 20 ships. It’s not in order, but I’ll star the ships that have a special place in my heart.
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Clerith* - Cloud x Aerith, Final Fantasy VII Remake I’ll admit FFVIIR may have tipped the scales for ALL my ships. This is the ship that sent me down a romance wormhole that eventually led me back to Makorra. The main reason why this is a Makorra blog instead of Clerith is because I didn’t write metas to sort out my feelings. Instead, I talked my friend’s ear off and rewatched all my favorite couples in hopes of moving on. It kind of worked.
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Zerith* - Zack  x Aerith, Crisis Core I usually jump ships between games, but since FFVIIR is on another level, I might prefer Clerith now.
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SoKai* and SoRiku* - Riku x Sora x Kairi, Kingdom Hearts (I’m happy with either, but I’ll take an OT3)
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Zutara* Zuko x Katara, Avatar the Last Airbender  The ship that got me into shipping! I know some get annoyed when we compare Makorra to Zutara, but I’ve always gotten Zutara vibes in TLOK. Zutara has the story I love. Makorra has most of the visuals I crave.
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Fakiru* Ahiru x Fakir, Princess Tutu  Ok, this is super tough because I also ship Ahiru with Mytho. Princess Tutu does such an amazing job with having folks like me hop ships. I highly recommend it for Makorra stans, though you still might be angry with the ending. 
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Fuugen* Fuu x Mugen, Samurai Champloo Are you seeing a pattern yet 😅
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Kyohru Kyo x Torhu, Fruits Basket (nostalgia is what keeps me on the ship, but as an adult, I’m a bit concerned 😅) 
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Eremika* Eren x Mikasa, Attack on Titan
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NaruHina* Naruto x Hinata, Naruto (I was so obsessed I wrote fanfics when I was a teen)
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SasuSaku* Sasuke x Sakura, Naruto (I was so obsessed I wrote fanfics as a teen)
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RobStar* Starfire x Robin, Teen Titans The ship that tells girls it’s okay to date men shorter than you ❤️
No screenshots/gifs for the rest of my ships :(
Tokka Toph x Sokka, Avatar the Last Airbender
Sukka Suki x Sokka, Avatar the Last Airbender
Dramione Draco x Hermione, Harry Potter 
Harmony  Harry x Hermione, Harry Potter 
Gallavich Mickey x Ian, Shameless  
FinnRey Finn x Rey, Stars Wars: The Force Awakens (they did my man dirty in the last movie)
Keichi x Reina*, Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni (I can’t find the ship name, guess I’m alone in seeing how perfect they are together)
Aqualad x Superboy, Young Justice (can’t find their ship name, I feel so alone out here)!
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
RobStar Week 2023, Day 1 - Interstellar Politics
(Set sometime early in my headcanoned Robin and Starfire's pre-Titans Tower shared apartment days.)
Robin stared at the door to her bedroom for a long moment, listening to the sound of the shower going in her separate bathroom.
How long could a girl wash her hair, exactly? Starfire had told him she would only be "a few minutes" but it had been at least fifteen now and he was beginning to wonder if her internal Tamaranian-to-English translator had a different definition of "minute".
He sighed, and just turned away to go sit on the couch. Morning sunlight was slowly filtering into the room; their apartment faced west towards the ocean so they could only get ambient light through the windows.
Robin flipped open his red cover laptop. While he was waiting he might as well take care of a few things.
Specifically something that they probably should have done that first day. It had been complicated enough just getting Starfire signed onto his lease with the complex, moving him out of the single bedroom to the two bedroom, that all the other legal paperwork they had to take care of had completely slipped his mind.
He downloaded one of the basic forms he knew they needed before remembering they didn't have a printer. Giving a groaning sigh he copied the document to a USB drive before accessing the secure encrypted messaging program on his desktop.
It took a moment or two to connect to the other end.
The program opened a video call window. A green humanoid face greeted him.
Red eyes widened slightly in surprise, and then delighted affection. "Hello Robin," the person on the other end greeted. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?"
Robin let a smile ghost his lips. "Hey J'onn," he said. In spite of the current tension between him and Batman, the rest of the League had been nothing but supportive and concerned about him since his move. He'd had the access codes to the Watchtower's frequency since day one, though he had never used them. Robin tried to think how to begin. "Um... We had a Code 5 over here in Jump, alien warship. Turned it back with a bit of help," he explained.
"I know. We were monitoring the situation," the Martian Manhunter told him, tapping at something on the keyboard on his end.
"Yeah I'm sure you were," Robin muttered under his breath. Still the League's baby kid brother, he supposed. He took a breath, drawing up his composure. "I need a favor. Well," he amended, "a few favors, actually."
J'onn leaned forward, attentive and listening.
Starfire exited the car with much nervous trepidation. Her fingers wrung together in front of her as she tilted her eyes up towards the austere-looking government building.
The Lantern that had been driving, a stern-looking man with dark skin and hair, shut off the engine and exited the vehicle, while Robin scooted down the seat and came out the same door she had, taking up a place by her side and touching her elbow in a manner she found quite reassuring.
She turned towards him and managed a smile.
"I apologize," she said, stumbling over the contraction of the word in her head but managing to pronounce it well enough. "We do not have procedures like this on my planet."
"Well," Robin said, beginning to lead her up the stairs towards the door, "it's not for the whole planet, just this particular country." He alerted to something, eyes jerking up towards the sky, breaking into a wonderful smile. "Right on time," he said.
Curious, Starfire looked up, gasping softly as with a whoosh of cloth and displaced air, a flying man in red and blue came down from the sky to join them.
Starfire stared with a bit of awe at the human-looking man, who had a kind face and warm blue eyes, and whose whole demeanor put her at ease, confident and open and friendly.
"Hello Starfire," he said to her, smiling broadly. "They call me Superman. I'm an alien too." He gestured up the steps, towards the oaken doors. "Let's get you all registered and squared away, shall we? I promise, it won't take that long."
Heart thudding, Starfire just followed him and the Lantern up the steps, staying close to Robin's side. All her nerves felt like thin wire fire, but Robin's friends seemed assured and calm so she supposed she could be too.
"What planet is he from?" she whispered at Robin, as the one called 'Superman' held the door open for them.
"Krypton," Robin whispered back.
"Oh... our tutors spoke about the disaster..." she said, eyes pinching with sympathy. "The records claim there were no survivors."
Robin chuckled, and the sound was delightful music to her heart. "Not quite," he told her.
They had passed through the entrance lobby and made it to the service desks now, a wide, open space filled with partially divided offices, and Starfire couldn't help but notice the strange bewildered looks they were getting, people staring at them openly as they made their way through to a particular desk.
The attendant manning it hung up from whatever phone conversation she'd been having, brightening and turning a beaming smile up at them.
"USCIS of Jump City, my name is Sandra, how can I help..." She trailed off, apparently suddenly realizing who was standing before her. "...you?" she finished, much more timidly than before.
The Lantern, the Superman, and Robin all looked back at her.
Swallowing, Starfire found her voice.
"I wish to... declare asylum?" she said, hesitant. She glanced aside questioningly at Robin, checking with him.
He nodded, smiling encouragingly.
The clerk looked the group up and down, gawking, wide-eyed like she was staring down a charging Ragthok. "Uhhhhhhhhh..." she drew out for a long... long moment.
Starfire flushed a bit, embarrassed.
After a minute or two the clerk seemed to kick herself back into operation. "Sure. Okay," she said, sounding not especially confident. "Do you have a Form I-589?" she asked.
From somewhere on his person, the Superman produced it.
"Right here," he said. Not missing a beat he added, "We're also going to need an I-718. And the DHS is going to want to file their own report, possibly conduct a remote interview." He withdrew a scrap of paper, handing it to the bewildered clerk. "I have the contact information for an agent in the Outworlds Threats department right here."
Reeling slightly, the woman could only mutter a soft, "Okay... one moment please," before turning and getting up from her desk on wobbly legs, going over to what Starfire could only assume was a superior and conversing with him seriously.
Starfire's face flamed hot and she ducked her head, embarrassed to be causing such a problem for the nice young woman.
Robin noticed, and his hand found the small of her back, gloved fingers touching there with reassurance.
Starfire's spine flared with warm tingles, and she couldn't look at the boy, her heart turning in funny flips inside her.
She was so grateful to him for doing this. She wanted to stay on this planet, at least until it might be safe to return to Tamaran, and he had been so kind and understanding and diligent to make that happen. She was utterly lost as to what the correct procedure was, how best to respect the laws of the country she'd landed in, and Robin had been ever-present at answering her questions, explaining things to her with magnanimous patience.
She wished she could repay him.
"Hey," he said, and she glanced towards him from the corner of her eye, "don't worry. The League will take care of everything. They've done this a bunch of times before." Robin nodded towards the Superman. "Heck, Superman helped invent half of these procedures."
Tension in her back eased out, the girl relaxing slightly. "That is good to know," she admitted.
The clerk wandering back to the desk drew all of their attention, and Robin's hand dropped away from her back, to Starfire's slight disappointment.
"Okay!" the clerk said breathily, voice slightly strained, holding out a stapled stack of papers to the adults. She still looked out of her depth but her tone was nothing but professional as she instructed, "Please complete the I-718 to the best of your ability while we wait to get in touch with the agent at the Outworlds Threats Department." She slid another paper off her desk, glancing first towards Starfire and then each of her three escorts. "Is there anyone willing to fill out an Affidavit of Character for you?" she asked.
"I'll do it," Robin immediately volunteered, stepping forward and taking the form at once.
From then there was a bit of rustling for pens and the scratch of ink on paper. Starfire nudged Robin for clarification on a few items, and he whispered explanations, as the Lantern leaned against the desk, and Superman chatted up the clerk's superior.
The quiet hum of the office and soft muted voices were a pleasant white noise, until the phone on the clerk's desk startled them with a sharp ring.
"Let me get this straight..." sighed the DHS agent on the other end of the line. They were in a backroom now, the video conference call with the government office in Washington D.C. piped in on a large projector screen from the computer. The graying older man rubbed his temples wearily. "You helped an alien prisoner of war escape custody and blew up the ship transporting her, stranding about thirty hostile alien soldiers on Earth?"
"They were taking her to be a slave!" Robin burst indignantly, visibly fuming.
"And we didn't strand the Gordanians," Green Lantern said, as stern and unflappable as ever. "The League rounded them all up and delivered them back to their homeworld by eighteen hundred hours after the incident."
"So all we've risked is pulling Earth into the middle of some far off intergalactic war," grumbled the agent.
"The Gordanians started it when they threatened to blow up the city!" Robin protested. "That's an act of aggression against a neutral party!"
Starfire watched his agitated gestures as he defended her with mixed amusement and appreciation. She still couldn't wrap her head around him. How could he be so certain about her that he'd risk his planet's safety? Why was he just so nice?
Superman gently put a hand on Robin's shoulder, nudging him aside. "What Robin means," he corrected indulgently, "is that The Citadel provoked hostilities first. Earth is protected under the Sector 23 Neutral Act. By setting foot on the planet, the Gordanians forfeited any legal protection against retaliatory self-defense actions undertaken by any parties on Earth."
"I know what the act says..." the agent grumbled.
"Then you'll remember that Earth is sanctioned as an asylum world under the jurisdiction and enforcement of the Guardians of Oa," Green Lantern told the government agent calmly. "If The Citadel wants to beef with Earth, they're going to have the entire Lantern network unilaterally declaring war on them."
The agent accepted that with a tired sigh. "What about this... Tamaran?" he asked, now sidling a suspicious look towards Starfire. "What's to say the Citadel won't resume hostilities against the planet? My understanding is that Starfire here is part of a ceasefire truce."
Robin was stepping forward again, but Starfire preempted him, secretly thrilling at his gumption. "If I may?" she said. She clasped hands in front of herself, respectfully. "The ceasefire may not have been legitimate anyway. The one who negotiated it was not the heir. My people have held the Gordanians at bay for over five years. I am certain they would not hesitate to fight back should the Gordanians break their agreement."
"I see." The man shifted back in his seat. "Well, let me inform the Secretary of Defense and we'll see what he says."
The screen blipped off, going black.
"This could take a while," Robin admitted, turning to her. "Want to get some ice cream?" he offered.
She tilted her head. "What is ice cream?"
Starfire and Robin looked up from their cups of delightfully sweet strawberry cream as the doors squeaked open. Starfire stuck her spoon in the little cardboard bowl and rose from the steps, eyes anxious as Superman and Green Lantern exited.
The Kryptonian smiled. "Well, they have some paperwork to finalize and a few processing fees they'll bill to the League treasury, along with the ASC fingerprinting appointment, but it looks like you're squared away. Your asylum request has been rubber stamped."
Light and firecrackers bubbled inside her chest. "I may stay?!" Her feet left the steps as she squealed happily, whirling around towards Robin. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" she cried, throwing her arms around him and scooping him up, hugging him tightly as she lifted him.
"Hhnhh!" was all Robin could manage, teeth locked in a grimace and face turning purple.
"Uh, careful," Superman cautioned her, quickly taking her arms to get her to set the Boy Wonder down and release him.
Confused, Starfire stepped back, looking with some alarm as Robin doubled over, heaving and holding his stomach. "Robin?" she called in concern.
"I'm okay!" he managed to strain, voice wheezing. He gave a couple harsh coughs, which seemed to belie that.
Superman patted Starfire's shoulder. "Pull your strength," he told her. "Something I learned very quickly living here is that humans are very fragile."
"Ohhh..." Starfire said, putting embarrassed hands over her face. She immediately rushed over to Robin's side, checking him over for injuries.
Green Lantern watched her fretting, Robin waving her off, still heaving for breath, and let his face crack with a smile. The Tamarian princess fussed like a worried girlfriend, and the blush on the Boy Wonder's cheeks as she touched him all over was undeniable.
"Ah, young love," he commented, thoroughly amused.
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pink-bird-30 · 4 years
RobStar Week 2020- Warmth
Welcome back! We are on day 2 of RobStar week and I’m committed to posting everyday.
I’m going to make all of these days a continuous story somehow.  So this is a few weeks after my first post from yesterday.  IF you haven't read it yet, well go read it!
Today’s topic is Warmth.
I tried my best to keep this Teen.
Happy reading!
Here is the link to where I will be posting my stories on FF.net:
( https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13635654/1/RobStar-Week-2020-All-Works )
Robin wasn’t sure how they got here, but he really wasn’t complaining.
After confessing his love for Starfire weeks ago they decided it was best to keep their relationship a secret.  He knew they’d be constantly ridiculed by their teammate and would never have a moment alone together.
But he had to admit, sneaking around was fun.
No one ever questions if Starfire and Robin go off somewhere after a mission.  They never question why they would be sitting so close in the ops room watching TV.  And they never question why Starfire and Robin are happier than normal.
Except for today.
Today they got caught.
The night before the team had decided to have a movie night.  Each week one Titan has the choice of which movie to watch.  Last night happened to be Raven’s turn to pick and she decided upon a scary movie.  But not just any scary movie, she wanted to watch Annabelle Creation.  Needless to say, no one was happy to go to bed after watching a movie like that.
During the movie the Titans were all scattered around the large grey couch, all dressed in their pjs.  Starfire and Robin were mindful to keep a decent distance between them, but couldn’t help but sneak glances at each other.  As the movie progressed each of the Titans slowly inched closer and closer to one another.  Finally after the 10th jump scare, Beast Boy and Cyborg jumped behind the couch, Raven was laughing at their reaction, and Starfire flew into Robin’s lap, clutching him for dear life.
He could feel her body heat radiating against his chest.  It seeped its way through his entire body.  He was slightly on edge from the movie, but not as bad as everyone else.  But having Starfire’s body pressed against his made his mind drift elsewhere.  Starfire stayed in his lap and lifted her head from time to time to glance at the screen.  When the score of the movie would swell, alluding to a new scare, she would bury her face in his neck.  Her warm breath would cascade across his throat, the sensation sending shivers down his spine.  He instinctively held her tighter and ran his gloveless hand through her auburn locks.
No one took notice of their proximity, they were all too focused on the movie.
After the movie was over, Starfire slipped off of Robin’s lap before anyone had a chance to say anything and they all made their way to their respective rooms.
Robin and Starfire walked ahead, walking close but not close enough to catch any curious eyes.  As they approached her door he glanced down the hall to the other Titans, noticing they have already retired for the night.  He wrapped his arms around Starfire pulling her close to him.
“Goodnight, Star.”  He brushed a kiss on her cheek and smiled at her before walking across the hall to his own room.
He turned around, hearing her voice was much softer than usual.
“What’s wrong?”  He reached out to her and laid a hand on her cheek.  She leaned into his touch and placed her hand on his.
“Well…” She fidgeted for a moment and let out a huff. “I cannot go in there alone!  What if the doll of Annabelle is there?!”  Her usually bright green eyes began to tear up at the thought of being alone.
Robin smirked at how amusing this all was, but knew better than to laugh at her.
“Do you want me to check it out?”
She nodded before letting go of his hand and stepping behind him, allowing him to enter her room first.  He rolled his eyes at her ridiculous behavior and entered her room.  He moved across the plush orange carpet to turn on her bedside lamp, she hovered close behind him cautiously looking around the room for the haunted doll.
After Robin searched her room for a few minutes, he declared it free of any demon dolls.
“I am most grateful!”  She flew over to him and gave him a soft kiss.
He pulled away from her slowly, a goofy grin gracing his face as he walked back out to the hallway and into his room.
Little did either Titan realize there was a young Titan walking down the hallway close enough to hear their late night exchange…
Harsh winds howl as a late night storm come rolling into Jump City.  The rain hits rhythmically against the windows of Starfire’s room, pitter-pattering away as the storm moves across the night sky.
Starfire was able to fall asleep knowing her room was free from Annabelle, but she felt unease in her dreams.  A silent chill wrap her body in sleep as the storm continued to pass by, making her shiver.  She instinctively pulled her sheets closer to her but could find no warmth in her own bed.
As the storm continued, Starfire tossed and turned in her bed.  When the first flash of lightening highlighted the sky, her body froze.  Then the crackle of thunder shook her room jolting Starfire from her sleep.  She looked around her room and watched as another crack of lightening crosses the sky and the thunder rumble not a moment later.
“Xhal!” she quickly threw the covers from her body and flew out her door and lightly knocked on Robin’s door.
“Robin?” She quietly said, hoping her boyfriend was a light sleeper.
When he didn’t come to the door, Starfire looked down the hall and swore she saw someone moving in the dark.  Before she knew what she was doing, she punched in the override code for his door and dived for his bed.
Robin mumbles in his sleep, not fully awake but aware someone is in his room.
More importantly, someone is in his bed.
“Mhm…Star?”  he rubs his eyes with back of his hands and turns over to face her.
She is shaking underneath his thick black comforter and using a pillow to cover her head.  He reaches out to take the pillow away and is met with resistance.
“Starfire?  Are you okay?”  He was growing concerned for his alien girlfriend.  She’s never been this worked up over a scary movie before.
“N-n-oo.” The violent shaking too much to get a proper word out.
Robin quickly sat up, the comforter falling away revealing his bare chest.  He pulls on the covers to try and free Starfire from the cocoon she curled herself into.  He is met with slight resistance until she feels his warm hand on her bare waist where her shirt lifted slightly.  She instantly relaxes at the contact, but still feels an internal chill.
“Star!  Why are you so cold?!”  He lifts her from the comforter and pulled her against his chest, wrapping his arms around her and adjusting the comforter back over them.
“M-my pow-wers, a-and my-y e-em-mot-tion-ss.”  Her teeth chatter as she tries to explain her predicament.
Robin thought for a moment before it made sense, “Since your powers are connected to your emotions, you being scared is effecting how your body radiates heat?”
Starfire nodded.
“Why didn’t you mention it earlier?  I would have let you stay-“ Robin stops before he finished.
Starfire is in my bed.
This definitely goes against everything Bruce has ever taught him.  Don’t date your teammates, check.  Don’t get emotionally involved with your teammates, check.  Don’t get yourself in a situation that you shouldn’t be in.
100 percent, check.
Clearly since all the rules have gone out the window, he might as well enjoy the time he gets to spend with Starfire, alone, in his room, in his bed.
Alfred will kill me if he finds out.
“R-robin, I am-m- th-he cold.” She tries to snuggle herself closer to him, but it doesn’t seem to be working.
Robin contemplates if he should do what he was thinking, but it could help her get her mind off things and warm her up a bit.
Fuck it.
He tilts her head up, her eyes peak with curiosity before he dips his head and meets her lips with his.  It was a slow kiss, coaxing her chilled lips to move with his as he kisses her more passionately.  His tongue traces her bottom lip begging for entrance; instinctively, she parts her lips to let him in.  Her shivers start to subside, giving her the ability to move again.  The warmth radiating from him is enough for Starfire to want to be even closer to him.
Her cold hands find their way around Robin’s torso, pulling him closer as the kiss goes on.  He feels her respond more, her cold hands on his back only further his desire to make her warm.  He slowly pulls away from her and shifts them lower on the bed, laying them gently against the pillows.
Starfire brushes her nose against his, the sensation reviving the need to feel more.  Their warm breath mingling together as they gravitate closer together again.  Closing the distance once again…
“Hey Rae, have you seen Starfire and Robin?  It’s past breakfast.”  Beast Boy asked Raven as she passed him in he hallway.
“Yo, BB.”  Cyborg walks out of the ops room, letting the door slide close behind him.  “Did you find them?  No offence, but only Robin can cook and I’m starving.”
“Nah, man.  Couldn’t find them.  Star wasn’t on the roof and Robin wasn’t in the gym.”
Raven stayed quiet knowing well enough where their leader and resident alien is currently residing.
“Uh…”  Both Cyborg and Beast Boy gave her a curious look.
“Well, do you know where they are?” Beast Boy asked again.
“No way…” Cyborg thought about it for a moment before the realization hit him.
“No fucking way!!!!  BB go check Star’s room.” Beast Boy gave him a ‘wtf’ look before heading down the hall to Starfire’s door and knocked.  The door slides open and inside was her empty bed with the sheets a twisted heap on the floor.
“Well where is she then?!”  Beast Boy yells as he steps out of her room.
Cyborg grins as he walks over to Robin’s door before knocking on it.  Behind him are Raven and Beast Boy, peering around him, waiting for the door to open.
“This isn’t good.”  Raven drawled.
When the door didn’t open, Cyborg is about to type in the override code when the door swishes open revealing their two missing friends.  They both have bright smiles on their slightly pink faces.  Completely unaware of the people standing right in front of them.
Cyborg crosses his arm and looks at the two Titans smugly, “Well well well, what do we have here.”
Beast Boy was speechless, his mouth gaping.  And Raven rolls her eyes at the two idiots standing in front of her.
Robin freezes seeing his friends standing outside his door.  Starfire gasps and hides behind her boyfriend.
Cyborg laughs before dragging Beast Boy away, letting the new found couple get their bearings before breakfast.  Raven stayed to look at the two blushing teens attempting to come up with some sort of excuse.
Raven holds up a hand to stop Robin from explaining, “I knew.  I just didn’t mention it.”
She moves to levitate away before turning back to them, smirking.  “I see you were able to warm up, Starfire.”
Their eyes widen at the revelation and watch as Raven laughs quietly, and levitates away back to the ops room.
Even though it’s embarrassing getting caught by your teammates, Robin doesn’t regret helping Starfire.  
Not one bit.
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birdy-bat-writes · 4 years
Honestly that Jason panel ruined my fucking day 😞 (not by you of course you’re amazing) I HATE the way they treat Jason. Like it’s bad enough we had to deal with the shit Dick and Damian just went through and now they’re going after Jason again?!? Idk wtf is wrong with DC to glorify the way he died over and over again. Like first the movie coming out about how we can choose how/if he dies again and now this?..... I’m done 😡
I feel you. The panel made me so upset this morning. Seriously, what is DC doing???? Damian is just *poof* vanished and no longer robin?? Tim is like 12??? Who's gonna tell Dick Alfred is dead?? Bruce doesn't give Jason attention unless he's captured by joker. And poor jason😞😞 this is just awful.
I need to draw this short comic scene but it's lowkey angsty: someone tells dick that Alfred if dead and he's in so much shock he's just like Nope. And walks backward into a corner "so being ric grayson might have been the better option." But like we all know it isn't. Dc need s to fix this. BRING ROY BACK COWARDS! BRING ALFRED BACK! I WANT MORE DAMIJON FRIENDSHIP! I WANT JASON TO BE HAPPY AND HEALTHY AND LOVED! FREAKING DECIDE ON ROBSTAR OR BATGIRLXNIGHTWING!!!!
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yuujishoodie · 4 years
In the Clouds
I have come out of a three year writing hiatus because I rewatched Teen Titans and now have Feelings. This Robstar one shot takes place after the titans return from Tokyo, and I just have a lot of emotions and thoughts on how little time these kids have to process things. While this is not my first fanfic, it is my first time writing a Robstar fanfic. My knowledge is based solely off the cartoon and I hope I captured Robin’s voice well enough. Please enjoy! 
Robin already knew where to look. A warm California breeze greeted him and ruffled his cape as he pushed the door open to the Titan Tower roof. The sun was setting, casting the sky in purple pink hues and reflecting off the water.
“Hey Star,” he said, walking over to the edge of the tower to join his…girlfriend? He was unsure still. At least, he knew what he wanted, wished for, secretly spent years dreaming about, and felt sheepish about while reigning in wondering thoughts in the training room during combat practice. Regardless, he offered his best friend a lopsided grin as he took his rightful place next to her.
“Robin!” Starfire responded, returning his smile. “We are quite lucky to have such great friends to through a surprise celebration in honor of our victory in Tokyo.”
The Teen Titans East and titans closer located to Jump City surprised them alright. Confetti, an assortment of pizza and tacos, and plenty of questions and requests for detailed accounts of the fight against Daizo welcomed the Teen Titans home. After making his rounds and fighting Speedy for the last slice of pizza, Robin left Best Boy and Cyborg correcting each other’s play by play of their victory against Daizo to Bumblebee and Jinx while Raven showed her new books to Aqualad.
“I’d still like to know how they dismantled our alarm system…” Robin pondered for a moment, before saying, “I’d bet my R Cycle on Mas y Menos.”
Starfire giggled in agreement. Robin fought the urge to tell one of Beast Boy’s knock knock jokes Star enjoyed so much just to hear her laugh again. “Do you think it is rude for us to sneak away from the festivities? I would hate to be a – what is the phrase – happiness murderer?”
“I think you mean kill joy,” Robin grinned again. “And they’ll understand, between all of us almost becoming the Brain’s frozen trophies and solving an ancient urban legend in Tokyo, they know we’ve been booked up.”
Starfire sighed. “That is quite true, and although I am joyous to see our titan friends, I think I am most looking forward to the nap.”
Robin silently agreed, yet he had so much work to do, starting with updating and vamping up some new communicators to prevent another sabotage, catching up with Bumblebee about crime while they had been gone, he also wanted to check in with his team about the future of the Teen Titans and –
“Please Robin, do tell me what is on your mind,” Starfire asked, placing a hand on his arm. Robin often wondered why he even bothered to wear a mask around her. Rays from the sunset brought out the soft orange glow of her skin, and her thick hair framed her face and fell into her cosmic eyes as she titled her head sideways in curiosity. She looked soft in this moment, like the tuffs of clouds dotting the horizon before them. Robin took a deep breath.
“I keep playing back how I almost jeopardized us and our team by giving that communicator to Madame Rouge. There were so many ways we could have been defeated, so many things that could have gone wrong…”
“But Beast Boy and the others rose to the challenge,” Starfire finished, gently squeezing his arm. “Because our friends are capable, and we are always training under the most wondrous leadership.”
Robin felt his face flush and used this other hand, the one untouched by Starfire, to dig a finger into his collar and loosen the neckline a bit. Despite consistently being in life threatening situations with Starfire, he still felt shy at times when she gave him attention or praise. Robin wasn’t used to compliments being so freely given, let alone how to properly respond to one coming from a person you admired.
Robin cleared his throat. “I am proud of them, for sure…but leading a team of five is different than collaborating with and tracking a global network of teenage superheroes.”
“I do share your concern,” Starfire frowned. Now it was Robin’s turn to tilt his head in confusion.
Starfire read his mind. “I realize that is not my typical response, or as Raven calls it, my ‘rainbows and sunshine’ attitude.” Starfire was silent for a beat. “When my home planet was invaded, I did not have the luxury to say goodbye or grieve for the loss of my family.” Robin felt a familiar sense of grief wash over him and he clenched his fist. He knew what she meant. Starfire continued, “But once I found you, Raven, Beast Boy, and Cyborg, my sadness was not so overwhelming. I hate to think of what would have happened had the Brain succeeded in his efforts to destroy us.”
The weight of his miscalculation of Madame Rouge rested heavy on his chest, except when the team had other priorities in Tokyo. Now that the team was “safe” again, the pressure was building in his mind and body. He slowly intertwined his fingers with Starfire’s.
“Do you want to visit Tamaran more? We can make it happen,” Robin offered. It wasn’t perfect, but it was the least he could do for now.
“Oh Robin. Your comfort is most appreciated, but I know where I belong now.” Starfire smiled and spoke with conviction. “And I am needed more here.”
“I can’t argue with that,” Robin said before he could stop himself, immediately feeling the blood rush to his cheeks. God, he felt like a dork. But it was worth it, because Starfire beamed at his response. He felt a surge of confidence looking into her eyes.
“There’s something else on my mind,” Robin started, moving his other hand to hold hers. “I wanted to talk about us.”
Starfire seemed taken aback at Robin’s shift in character. He knew it wasn’t his typical awkward, Boy Blunder response to the topic of them and how he felt. Which is why it was so important for him to tell her now before he lost his courage.
“Another thing I haven’t stopped thinking about is what I did and said to you on the billboard back in Tokyo –“
Starfire jumped in, “I know you feel badly, I’m ok Robin.”
“No, I need to tell you,” Robin persisted. “I came to Jump City looking to set out on my own, and then I became the leader of Teen Titans, of people my age. Friends. It wasn’t what I was expecting, and I wasn’t expecting you.”
It was Starfire’s turn to blush, and he adverted his eyes to star intently at their clasped hands. “We help people. We save lives. But I never want you to feel second place. I never want you to doubt my feelings for you again.”
Well, that was one weight lifted off his chest. He slowly peered up at Starfire, only to be met with a gaze so intense he thought he might fall off the tower.
“I think now is where we do the lip contact again,” she said, already breathless. She didn’t have to ask him twice. Robin’s heart fluttered in euphoria when his lips met hers. This was definitely not covered in any training sessions, but he knew practice made perfect. He traced her bottom lip with his tongue and gently placed his hand on the nape of her neck, his fingers inevitably tangling with her hair. She matched his pace and intensity as his head began to spin faster and faster. Starfire’s fingers spread against his chest before tugging the front of his uniform closer, turning her head to deepen the kiss.
Robin felt a lot of emotions in the past few months, but this…this made him giddy. Restless, young. He was swept into Starfire’s orbit the day he met her, giving into her gravitational pull. Eventually, and much to Robin’s dismay, they pulled away and rested their foreheads together.
“I like doing this for more than language learning comprehension,” Starfire said, slightly out of breath, beaming even brighter than before.
Elated yet still dazed, Robin mustered a weak, “Same.”
She giggled again and pulled away but still kept her hand in his.
“Robin, I do not know much of your Before Teen Titans life, but if there is one person who can handle the titans, I know it is you.”
Robin pulled her closer again. “Only if we do it together.”
Starfire leaned into his side and placed her head on his shoulder. In this moment, Robin felt weightless.  
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nightglider124 · 4 years
Do you know any good RobStar fic? Thank u 💗💕
So, I’ve probably answered asks like this a heck load of times before and I always lose them amongst all my posts and I never tag correctly like... ever XD
I think what might be easier... (since I don’t actually have specific favourite fics.) is to just list fic writers who I enjoy reading stuff from and then that way, I can just direct anons and peeps to that page rather than forgetting and all that junk. I say this cos I can already I see I have another fic rec ask lower down lmao.
SO. Without running the risk of sounding super self absorbed... hi, hello, howdy. I am a robstar/dickkory fic writer (if ya didnt know hehe) and have been for approx 10 years so I’ve got a butt load of fics, both chaptered fics and oneshots. I have a ‘Masterlist’ link on the home page of my blog (on PC.) and that has a damn catalogue of fics I have written through the years, if you feel so inclined to read any! :)
Anyway... robstar/dickkory (cos lets face it, they’re practically the same; they’re just different versions of the same characters. But, if you like dickkory, it’s unlikely that you dislike robstar, unless you’re one of these people who like condemn TTA to the ends of the earth lmao. But, gonna lump it together cos reasons.) XD
Writers who you should check out:
@kryallaorchid - A must on any robstar writer list. I’ve read a bunch of her stuff. I think I’ve only not read her first series... the e’ara one? simply bc I have never got around to it and also there’s a number of oneshots by her I have never read but for the most part, a robstar goddess. Touch series is... mwah, chefs kiss. As I am sure her other ones are too; I just am a dummy and have not yet got to reading.)
@tarisilmarwen - real fluffy goodness but she also has an angst love, gdi tari.
@bluerene​ - My gal. Her stuff is delicioussss and description is always on point af.
@stefanotis - A robstar writer I was inspired by growing up; back in the days when her username was different and now have the pleasure to be friends with!! <3
@xxscarletxrosexx -  Ma guuuurl. I think her robstar fics are still all over on DA but are also on ff.net as well. Not too active anymore but her stuff is still lush <3.
@lightdusk96​ - My guy has a few fics out there and they’ve all been fab so give him a looky too!
Writers I am not as familiar with but still kick ass and give me feels:
Titans!Dickkory writers OR fic writers who I have discovered through the live action show and have great stuff which I read repeatedly when I’m missing my live action dickkory:
@ships-bynoa  - MA GURL. She’s my favourite writer for Titans!Dickkory. SHE IS GREAT OKAY.
(I’ll add more as I think of them because I know there are DEFINITELY more who I have read dickkory stuff from and I’m like yaaaaaas. So this’ll get updated here and there.)
Better yet, if peeps know writers i have forgotten, please tell me so I can just keep addin’ to this.
But yeah, Ima go ahead and just refer peeps to this list when asked for dickkory/robstar writers cos... I just cant list specific fics fam. I love any. GIVE ME SOMETHING WITH MY CHILDREN IN AND I WILL LOVE IT. Like, could not give a flying fuck what version of them it is. 
I will take it. Any dickkory content. It’s mine. I’ll have it. XD
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