#{{ i have some ask memes in the queue for tomorrow !! it is 2 in the morning right now please ignore me sdkghdsds }}
revclver-jesus · 5 months
{{ still can't get over the mental image of opening a door to where takaya was sleeping and just seeing this Thing, this absolute Cryptid of a man, with his uncombed hair half over his face and the glowing eyes of a wild deer in headlights
undoubtedly cursing you out for waking him up while he has a splitting headache sdkhgdsh }}
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assfcrdays · 2 years
i think i am done writing drafts for tonight - 7 out of 14 done, and they’re all the longer ones among my owed replies! the rest are 1-2 paragraphs each so i might be able to do them all tomorrow (working from home so i can possibly even write during the day).
for now i will keep the queue at 2 replies a night (tonight: replies to the 2 closed starters i have received within the past day); if/when i catch up on drafts i will consider speeding it up.
will be around for another hour or so before i need to attempt getting some sleep; hmu via IM for plotting or send some memes / asks / headcanons!
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criticofallthings · 3 years
Hi it’s 4:43 AM and I’m back with another t h i ng. AKA apparently I write Destiny 2 fan fics at at the pre ass crack of dawn now.
Presage mission + “another one for the trauma jar D2 meme” + a love for all things Drifter related bc this poor insufferable soft man is a total fucking gem and I will never, NEVER EVER forget about those tapes that he made for our guardian to find = this stuff below
no beta, so don’t come at me for grammar issues unless you’re gonna be nice about it.
Drifter saw the flashing notification before he heard it, the chime muted beneath the Gambit livestream. His ghost had marked it as a priority message, something important to get at. On screen a massive Taken ogre quivers into existence. Nice. Team A was doing great and unless Team B pulled off one Hell of an invade two times over he doubted they’d catch up in time to challenge Team A. His hand hovers over the message, but his eyes flick back up to the stream. Team A’s coordination has been top notch all match and now was no exception. Drifter watched as two of them casted their supers on the Primeval ogre and it’s envoys. Orbs of power litter the field. Moments later Team A’s titan flies from off-screen in one of the most electrifying thundercrashes he’s ever seen. Globs of exploded ogre cover his hidden cams, soon to dissolve into nothingness. Gambit sirens wail and Team B’s Taken are reigned back into their cages. “Alright alright alright, last match of the day and it was a good one for Team A. Team B? Not so much.” Drifter pauses speaking into the mic, a little drama, before continuing in his showman’s tone. “Ay, but that’s what tomorrow’s for! Come on back and queue right in. Drifter’s always hungry.” He ends with a chuckle that doesn’t rise to his eyes and as soon as the guardians transmat to their ships he closes everything down. A message alert pops up on his console again, marked red for priority and sent almost half an hour ago. Damn, he thinks to himself and runs a weary hand over his face. Drifter’s other hand is on the edge of the console, index finger tapping it anxiously. Fuck it, how bad can it be? Drifter opens the message, tension rising to his shoulders, but then he freezes and his shoulders drop. He traces a few words of the message, forlorn sadness easing the laugh lines and crinkles at his eyes away. A few taps and the console goes dark. Drifter turns away and stands for a moment at the door. He lets out a sigh before starting again, yanking off his gloves before trudging towards his cargo container room.
There’s a lantern hung on the hook outside of his cargo container, the interior dark. Across the snow that never seemed to leave the Derelict, he sees whispered hints of someone carefully walking or rather, half-gliding over it. Through the gloom he spies a small pile of stuff he doesn’t remember making and an obvious lump in his bed. As he draws closer Drifter sees that the pile is actually carefully stacked warlock armor and the sleeping lump in his bed, is The Guardian. Yet again. Drifter’s lost count how many times it has been since he first offered the Guardian refuge aboard the Derelict. The first time they took him up on his offer he found them later, sleeping in a corridor standing against a bulkhead. He let them be since it was an out of the way spot. Eventually he showed them his bed, the Derelict’s only functional bed and told them to make use of it. Until now they hadn’t and he would still find them sleeping in various places aboard his ship. Sometimes with or without some pieces of armor, but also never like this. In plain clothes, more or less, sleeping bag haphazardly pulled over them. So vulnerable. And so tortured.
In sleep, Drifter found that the Guardian was an almost entirely open book. Nightmares haunted them more often than not. Sometimes so strongly that the Guardian would thrash about while asleep, murmuring feverdly, occasionally coherently about what they relived in their dreams. Tonight seemed to be one of the Guardian’s more silent nightmares. No thrashing, no murmuring, but the tight grimace of their lips and furrowing of their brow betrayed the Guardian's silence, showed their distress. Drifter steps to the cot, gently pulling the sleeping bag over to cover them better. Task done, he sits at their side and tentatively brushes a few stray strands of hair from their face. As he does so, the Guardian visibly relaxes, some tension dispelled from their face. It pulls at him more than he thought, making his chest tighten uncomfortably.
“Don’t take your armor off around me, kid...I’m not someone you oughta get comfortable around.” Drifter can’t help but let the whispered words fall from his lips at the sight before him. It was all too tragic. Too fucked up. So much pinned upon one guardian. One person. His hand moves before he realizes it and softly he cups their face, thumb tracing their jawline. Beneath his hand he can feel the muscles twitch and then slowly relax from the strained clenching of their jaw. Another measure of stress slips from their sleeping face. Drifter lets out a breath he was unconsciously holding. For a moment he thought the Guardian was going to wake up. Another trace over their jawline and Drifter takes his hand from their face. Quietly he murmurs, “why are you here…” as the tips of his fingertips trail over their cheek. He pauses, feeling impulsive and...something else...when he glances at their lips. Drifter lets his fingers ghost over their skin, tenderly coming to a rest below the Guardian’s cupid’s bow. He lightly traces the shape of their lips, feeling it out. Soft and a bit dry. There’s a thin crease of dried blood where they must’ve split their lip during combat. Or maybe bit it open themself on a previous restless night. He’s seen it happen before. Once even their tongue.
Drifter closes his eyes at that memory, a faint tremble visible only in his hands. He just about had a heart attack when he saw the Guardian slouched over with blood streaming from their mouth, sitting just outside the Gambit transmat room. He had shaken them awake, and his shock only grew when he saw them open bleary eyes and wipe the blood off of their chin as if it was normal and summon Ghost. The usually talkative bot didn’t say anything, but the way it healed them instantly and then bumped their forehead before leaving —he knew. Drifter knew that this must have happened several times before. “Mind if I...sleep s’more...here?” Their sleep-heavy voice caught his attention again and Drifter lifted his hands from their shoulders. “Nah, kid.” Drifter stood up and half turned, waiting for them to do the same. “C’mon, hurry up! I ain’t so mean to not lend you a spot to sleep.” The Guardian rose slowly to their feet, eyes unfocused and mind miles away from here. Something in him stabs at the sight and Drifter can’t face them looking so...worn. He turns away. Shoving hands deep into his pockets he starts walking, pausing only once to confirm the Guardian was shuffling along behind him. He shows them how to get to the sole cot on the Derelict.
A hand on his wrist snaps Drifter out of the memory. He looks down to see the Guardian awake, eyes somewhat clear. There’s confusion in their expression and he feels their lips move beneath his fingertips. Ah. Hastily, he pulls his hand away, clearing his throat. “ ‘m, sorry...about that.” Heat flushes his face as he turns to avoid eye contact. It’s silent for a while. Drifter stares at the rivets holding a seam of the cargo container together when he hears the crinkle of the sleeping bag being moved. He does his best to look discreetly out of the corner of his eye, but is caught. Drifter holds the Guardian’s gaze until they break off to shift towards the wall. Lifting the sleeping bag they look at him directly and motion for him to lie down. “It’s too cold.”
Drifter freezes. His mind hitting a brick wall too thick to just power through. He’s stunned into a very rare silence. Uncertainty and confusion write themselves out upon his face. Seeing him be so still, the Guardian drops the sleeping bag to place a hand on his knee. “You asked...why I come here.” They speak slowly, as if unsure about what they’re saying and are figuring it out as they say it. “You...you don’t use me like everyone else.” They look away from him, cheeks faintly pink. “Zavala, Ikora, the Vanguard...they mean well, but...they don’t get to treat everyone as people. They need a killer? I kill. Answers? I seek. Someone who might survive the impossible? I survive. Unconditionally. Righteous things and unspeakable things... Because I am a guardian. I don’t have a name. Many ghosts just go by Ghost...I’m the only guardian without a name. There was just...never time for one, and…always so much to do. Lives to save. Futures to fight for…” They trail off, eyes slightly unfocused, perhaps lost in nightmares they haven’t escaped yet. “You bring Gambit, but it’s never a real pressure to join.” Their hand slips from his knee, becoming a loose fist on the cot.
The coiling thing in Drifter’s chest squeezes painfully. He shifts, almost stands, but then changes his mind. To Hell with it all. Shucking off his pauldrons, he shrugs out of his duster and kicks off his boots. Awkwardly, Drifter lays down on the cot —it’s made only for one after all— but gives up on trying to leave space between him and the Guardian. Laying on his side, he shoves an arm under the pillow and motions for the Guardian to come closer. They move over slowly, a little unsure now. Drifter grabs the sleeping bag and covers them both with it. He’s left that arm out, unsure on how much contact would be wanted. When he feels the Guardian shivering, Drifter almost stops himself from draping that arm over them. But he doesn’t stop himself. Instead he gently pulls them close to him until their back presses against his chest. They feel oddly cold despite being recently asleep. Drifter summons a measure of solar light over his skin, just enough to let soothing heat roll off. He feels the Guardian relax, shoulders dropping the tension that had remained.
Minutes pass and just as Drifter thinks they’ve fallen asleep, the Guardian quietly speaks. “It was so cold there...and twisted…” His arm around them tightens protectively for a moment. “Where did you go? Recent mission?” The Guardian nods slowly, voice a little louder, but twice as worn out as before. “Presage...the Glykon.” Drifter hums a short acknowledgement, turning over their words in his head. He was aware of the Vanguard operation, already heard snippets of Osiris live on comms reporting tidbits back to the Vanguard. The Cabal ship was a house of horrors. Thinking on what he knew of it, Drifter came to a sudden, sinking thought. “Did you…?” He isn’t able to finish his question, half knowing what the answer would likely be. Again, the Guardian slowly nods. The tightness in his chest returned with a sting before the Guardian spoke their confirmation, a small tremor rolling through them at the memory. “...alone.” Drifter holds them close, knowing no words could ease the turmoil in the Guardian’s mind. He holds them and keeps his Light near and solar-filled to stave off the Derelict’s iciness. Eventually the Guardian’s breathing levels out and Drifter can tell they’re sleeping. Several hours later he drifts off to sleep as well. When he wakes in the early morning, Drifter opens his eyes to see the Guardian’s face next to his, still asleep. It’s the first time he’s seen them look so at peace.
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somethingtoconfess · 5 years
HIGH ON SKAM 2_Day 1 (Saturday)
Hi guys ! :)
I’m sorry, I wanted to post before but I was really busy and I still needed tme to process everything.
The whole weekeend was amazing and I don’t even know how to express my feelings with words. So thank you once agin to The Rainbow Team and to all the actors present !
My friend Alex (@thebipanfangirl ), whom I spend most of the time at the convention with, already posted about this so you can also check her posts to have other informations.
- So, I arrived early with Luna (@classypicklepatrolroad ) and we had the time to chat a bit with other fans and volunteers. Everyone was in a good mood and really excited !
- Before the opening, we saw the actors walk by when we were sitting in the room and everyone started to get so excited, it was really funny. The opening panel was really fun! Everyone was so excited and Michelangelo talked a lot spontaneously!! He was really confident. Fun fact : He drank a looooot of water! And even poured glasses for everyone. That was sweet !
- Then it was the DRUCK panel and I loved seeing all the actors interact with each other. You can clearly see that they all like each other and that they are quite close ! The questions were really interesting and the actors semmed to have a great time as well (you can watch the livestream on Twitter if you want to).
- After that, we went upstairs to go to the autographs. Hassan recognised me and hugged me while I was waiting in the stairs (and people looked at me weirdly aha).
- Luna and I didn't have a ticket for the autographs (I wouldn't know what to do with them tbh). But we had to give Louis, Arda and Jobel the fanbooks. We waited a bit and then we saw that Louis and Arda were free so we asked if we could give them the fanbooks right now. The volunteers said yes and we gave them the fanbooks. We started with Arda and at first he was confused. Then we explained to him that it was his fanbook and he was really happy ! I also gave Louis his fanbook and he was really happy as well. They both hugged us and Michi and Jule were just watching us and smiling the whole time, it was cute. At first we forgot to take a picture with them so we had to ask a staff member to take one for us and had to queue again but on the side. So we were directly next to Michi who was dipping biscuits in his coffee so I told him "bon appétit" and he replied "Merci" with a really sweet smile. We finally took the photos with Louis and Arda and then we gave Jobel her fanbook. At first, she was confused and thought only Alex did it so Luna and I stood anwkwardly on the side but then she understood and she all hugged us. We took pictures and then Luna and I went out because it was realy hot inside.
- We had lunch and had to hurry up to go back to the convention. Sadly, we missed the beginning of pannel for S4 and we didn't want to go there for just a few minutes so we waited for the photos.
- The photos started with Lukas. I had two photos with him. I hugged him tightly and he was so smily and sweet. I showed him the poses and he laughed a bit at the first one, which was the Titanic pose. We started with this one and then we did the second one, which was a hug with his hand on my face but he squished my face and pushed my hair on my face so the photo will probably be a bit weird aha. I hugged him again and told him I'll see him later
- Then we went to the panel for s3 and it was really nice! Before it started, Michi was already inside the room and was talking to some volunteers. Then Lukas arrived and they had fun together. Then Henrik arrived and fans screamed when Henrik hugged Michi and Lukas. And finally, Maxence arrived last. Michi seemed so confused when Henrik and Maxence talked because he didn't know what they were talking about since he hasn't seen any ot the shows (nor Druck) aha. Henrik talked so slowly and Mawence talked a lot as well. The four of them seemed to have a great time.
- Luna and I had two pictures with Louis and Arda. For the first one, we wanted to recreate memes so we showed them the pictures. They looked at us and did the pose asking us if it was like this so we laughed and said it was. It took us a few tries. For the second photo, we wanted to do like a yoga pose but it wasn't working because of the lighting so we had to change the pose. Instead, we just did a group hug.
- Then I had a photo with Tua and Hassan. So sweet! Tua is sooo cute. One of us had to squat a bit and Hassan wanted to do it because I was wearing a skirt but I said no because I didn't want him to dirty his pants.  So I ended up squating in front of Tua but the photographer took a long time taking the photo so I was shaking like crazy. I hugged them again and left.
- For the Lukas / Michi photo, I was actually really nervous because it was the first time I would be able to talk to Michelangelo in person (and if you didn't know, I went to Rome because I really wanted to talk to Michi). I hugged Lukas first and then I hugged Michi really tightly and told him it was nice to be able to finally hug him and he smiled. I showed them the pose I wanted to do and Michi seemed happy to do it (everyone was doing the same pose so I suppose he was happy to do something else). It was like a martial art pose and he looked at me doing the pose so I laughed. Lukas started to get in position as well and I asked them if it was possible to hold hands as well. They said yes so I went in the middle and held their hands. But the three of us were standing on one leg and we were shaking, trying to find our balance so it was quite funny ! I hugged them again and told them I'll see them soon.
- For the Druck photo, I wanted to do a special pose without the chairs and I waited until the end so it would be possible, and asked 3 different people and they told me it was but then the photographer refused... So I stood in the middle, between Lukas and Arda. I asked them to do a superhero pose but they were confused and I think I'm the only one who ended up doing like the Wolwerine pose so the photo will probably be quite weird aha
- Then I had a photo with the OG cast (my only extra not Druck related) and they were so sweet !! Henrik is sooo tall and his hugs are really tight! Iman and Ina are really pretty and they were smiling a lot. I showed them the pose and they looked at itfor a while (idk why, it wasn't a hard one aha). Henrik asked me if he had to bend and I said it was ok but when I stood behing him I noticed I was really short compared to him so maybe it would have been a good idea aha (as I'm writing it, I received this picture and it's really cute !! I will post all my photos here later as well). I hugged them again and left.
- I was sooo nervous about my photos with Michi. I was in the first ones and I started by saying that I came here just for him and he thanked me with a big smile. I showed him the two poses and he was a bit confused then laughed at the first one. He had to do the « Ma che cazzo » pose looking at me and I actually told him this in Italian (he must have been confused because he knew I'm not Italian aha). We ended up doing it but I don't know how it turned out. I was really nervous so I can't even remember if I looked at the camera or even smiled. I couldn't see him either because he was looking at me so Idk if he did the pose or not aha. Then we had to do the second pose but he forgot what it was so I had to show him again. It was a really tight hug with my head on his chest. The photographer had some issues with the photo so I ended up taking another one so I apologised to Michi but he smiled and said it was OK. I was about to leave but I saw that the photographer was looking at the photos so I talked a bit more to Michi and said he was an amazing actor and that I watched all his projects. He was really touched and smiled when I told him I'll see him tomorrow!
- Because the photos were talking a while and that I was doing my last ones with Michi, we arrived late for the closing panel but it was quite nice! The actors seemed to really have a great time. Michi arrived later. We asked questions and then we watched the closing video (I was in it and I cringed so hard). They took a photo and then they left. Lukas, Maxence and Henrik arrived so they quickly said goodbye (the said they were really tired) and we watched the closing video with them another time.
- We took our coats and ran into Lukas oustide. He was carrying a bag full of gifts that he fot during the autographs session.
And that’s it for the first day. I probably forgot some things but that’s the most important things I suppose. I’ll post about Day 2 (I have even more things to say) later or tomorrow!
I hope you enjoyed it :D
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Something Wonderful (PT. 2)
Synopsis: During your time as a professional photographer, you had come across incredibly good looking men, but there was just something about Tom that stood out. Who would have thought shooting the self-titled “walking meme” would change your life forever?
Chapter word count: 2k
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Part One // Part Two // Part Three // Part Four // Part Five // Part Six // Part Seven // Part Eight
Was there a word for feeling so far out of your comfort zone that you’d rather jump into a lake with bricks attached to your ankles? Irrational? Maybe. Dramatic? Most definitely. It was just drinks, nothing to fret over.
Ever since you left Tom at the house after the photoshoot, he’d been all you thought about. There had been no mention of Tom when you’d arrived back home to London the following night, only telling your flatmate Olivia you had a date with someone you’d met at work. You weren’t entirely sure why you kept it a secret. Perhaps because you knew Olivia would make a huge fuss or maybe because you didn’t want to get your hopes up that things would go far enough to reach a second night out. Yet in spite of trying to convince yourself it was just a casual thing, you still spent most of Saturday afternoon going back and forth between near enough every outfit in your wardrobe.
“Do you think I should just call and suggest we go somewhere else?” you asked and tossed a pair of heeled boots into the ‘no’ pile at the end of your bed. You glanced up at Olivia, who stood leaning against the doorframe. “All these outfits make me look even more like a hobbit than usual.” After fastening the buckle around your ankles, you stood and walked over to the mirror, testing your balance in a pair of incredibly high heels.
“You said he’s not that tall anyway, so I’m sure he won’t care,” Olivia shrugged and folded her arms. “I’ll tell you you look hot if you tell me his name.”
You shot her a look in the mirror. “I’ll tell you it another day, I don’t want you stalking him on Instagram or something.” You turned around a little and tugged the black dress down to stop it riding up your bum, then gave a little nod. “I think this is the one… I guess a little black dress can never go wrong.”
“Where are you going anyway?” asked Olivia as she moved further into the room to look through your handbags.
“Uh, Monkey House up in Mayfair. I’m meeting him there.”
“Very fancy,” she smirked and handed you a sparkling silver clutch that matched your heels.
You scrunched your curled hair to mess up it a little and double checked your red lipstick hadn’t transferred onto your teeth, then gave a small nod before grabbing your phone to order an Uber.
“Don’t wait up!” you grinned a few minutes later as you left the flat, allowing yourself to get excited. After getting comfortable in the car, you took your phone from your bag to let Tom know you were on your way.
[Y/N] 8:42pm     Just left now. Should be there in about ten minutes.
Tom 8:44pm     I’m running late, won’t keep you too long!
[Y/N] 8:44pm     You better hurry, I might wander off and find another bloke to buy me a drink...
Tom 8:45pm     You wouldn’t.
[Y/N] 8:45pm     Can’t promise anything ;)
Even though you arrived later than you thought you would, you still stood outside the bar next to the queue of people waiting to go inside. You looked around expectantly, trying to catch any sign of Tom. Just as the awkwardness of standing alone outside a bar began to creep up on you, you felt a gentle hand on your arm.
“Shit, didn’t mean to scare you,” Tom laughed, having both felt and seen you jump out of your skin. His eyes quickly scanned your frame and he gave a boyish grin. “You look lovely, [Y/N].”
“I can definitely say the same about you,” you replied and didn’t even try to hide the fact you were checking him out. His black shirt stretched across his shoulders, showing off his muscles, and his black-and-white trousers made his legs look good. “And I suppose that’ll excuse your lateness.”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” he chuckled, running his fingers through his thick hair. “I’ll try to be on time next time.”
“Who says there’ll be a next time?” you asked with a raised brow and grinned at the eyeroll he gave you in response.
You followed him into the bar, walking straight past the queue. There were a few mentions of Tom’s name you heard in the distance from people waiting in line, but you made a point to ignore them. It was to be expected that Tom would gain at least a little bit of attention, you just hadn’t expected it on your night together. The second you stepped into the lounge, the music blared into your ears and it was as though your heart began pumping extra hard to stay in time with the beat. It wasn’t overly crowded, but it was definitely busy and you kept close to Tom as you shuffled over to the bar. You ordered a martini and Tom got himself a beer.
“Happy birthday,” he smiled, raising his bottle to tap against your glass. “Now let’s get fucking hammered!”
The two of you talked and laughed and joked for hours, only realising you hadn’t moved from the bar after your fifth drink. Tom spotted an empty couch towards the back and you got comfortable on the plush cushions, unable to keep the smile off your face as you continued chatting. He told you all about his parents and three brothers, and it was so incredibly clear how much love he had for them. Then his dog Tessa came up. The way he spoke about her was like he was speaking about an actual baby. Gosh, how could someone be so adorable?
“She’s such a good dog,” Tom sighed heavily, unable to focus on you properly from the amount he’d had to drink. He leaned back against the cushions and held his hand over his heart. “I just love her so much, you know? She’s the sweetest.”
You giggled almost uncontrollably at the look on his face. “Are you sure you’re just friends?”
“Friends?” he repeated, eyebrows raised dramatically. “She’s family!” He pulled his phone from his pocket and, after the few attempts it took to type in his password, opened his photos to show off Tessa. His face softened and his eyes glowed with adoration. God, he was drunk. He shifted on the couch to get closer and held his phone out as he flicked through the photos, though lifted the screen nearer to his face to squint at most of them, clearly unable to see properly.
“I almost feel like I should leave you two alone,” you laughed and when he hiccupped in response, you got up and headed to the bar, returning with a tray full of shots. Tom’s eyebrows shot up when he saw the amount you’d brought back.
“Do you want me to die?” he asked, shouting a little over the music.
“It’s my birthday!”
“And me dying is a part of that?”
You winked and slid four glasses his way, then sat down with your own collection. After the count of three, you downed each shot of vodka as fast as you could, spilling some down your chin in an attempt to finish first. The burning in the back of your throat caused you to cringe in pain and you shook your head as though it would help, but you realised instantly that that was a huge mistake. The room spun. Your stomach churned. You held it back. There was no way you were throwing up. You weren’t that weak.
“I think I’m gonna throw up,” Tom groaned, leaning back fully against the cushions with his hands over his face. He took some deep breaths and peaked through his fingers, shaking his head at your smirk. “You’ve killed me. You’ve literally killed me.”
“What was that?” you asked, cupping your ear as your leaned into him, body pressing against his. The heat radiated from his skin, almost burning yours. “Did you just say you’re having a great night and there’s no one else you’d rather spend your Saturday night with?”
He laughed and swiftly moved his arms so he could tickle your sides and pulled you closer. The stench of alcohol on his breath made you dizzy, but you knew yours was just as bad. “Let’s go outside, I think I need some air,” he slurred and slowly pushed himself up. He stopped for a moment, swaying on the spot, then helped you up from the couch as though you were the one unable to stand still. You were bad, but not in as bad a state that Tom was. You kept hold of each other, giggling quietly, and you found your way out to the front where all the smokers stood huddled together.
“I wish I wasn’t going away tomorrow,” Tom said, leaning back against the brick wall for support in case his legs gave way.
You looked up at him with a deep frown and squinted a little, trying to focus on his blurry form. “On holiday?”
“I wish!” he laughed and hiccuped. “Work stuff. Films can’t promote themselves as my… Someone would say…” He gave a groan and ran a hand over his slightly sweaty face. “I don’t feel so good, [Y/n]...”
You grinned at the taller man and wrapped an arm around his waist to keep him steady since the wall wasn’t doing much to help. “How about we get you home? I’ll order an Ub-”
“No, I don’t want to go home.” The pout he gave was reminiscent of a child and it was truly charming. “This place doesn’t close until four… We’ve got all night! Let’s paint the town red!”
“I know you’re a movie star, Thomas, but you don’t need to bring those cheesy scripts into real life,” you smirked and reached up to pat his cheek lightly.
A grin lit up his face and he grabbed your hand to pull you that little bit closer. Your heart sped up and you could hear it pumping loudly in your ears as you gazed up at him. His eyes were beautiful. You swallowed nervously when you noticed him leaning in, the bitter smell of alcohol and his woody cologne hitting you hard. You couldn’t get enough of it. You knew it wasn’t right and you shouldn’t be doing this in the states you were in, but that logical voice in your head had disappeared way earlier in the night. It was long gone.
His breath tickled your lips and goosebumps ran all the way up your arms and legs. You leaned into him, all the voices in the background fading until they were muffled and unable to interrupt you in your little bubble. Tom paused when you nudged your noses against each other. In a swift movement, he turned and threw up on the pavement, splashing sick all over your toes.
“I really don’t feel well...” He hunched over and wiped his mouth, face scrunched up.
“Come on, let’s get you home,” you murmured, trying your best to avoid looking down at your feet. The sight of sick splattered on your skin would surely make you gag. You shook your head and kept an arm tightly around him while you ordered an Uber.
Tom’s head rested against your shoulder as he snored quietly the whole ride back to your flat. Of course, you had no idea what his address was and it would’ve probably taken a lifetime to get that information out of him, so the easiest option was for him to crash at your place. He mumbled to himself and giggled into your hair when you helped him out of the car and assisted him up the multiple flights of stairs.
“Okay, next time you’re drinking lemonade all night,” you told him sternly, though ended up laughing loudly as the two of you stumbled up the last few steps. After a number of tries, you managed to unlock the door and guided Tom into the living room towards the couch.
“Are you taking advantage of me and my vulera-vulnerb… drunkenness?” Tom licked his lips teasingly and fell down onto the couch, pulling you with him, but you chuckled and shook your head.
“Not tonight.” You gave him a wink and pushed yourself back up shakily, wobbling on the spot. “Now sleep. Don’t make too much noise or I’ll kill you.” You ruffled his hair gently on your way out, almost certain he’d already fallen asleep. The night definitely hadn’t been boring, that was for sure.
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weaponizedembrace · 5 years
[1) BUCKY’S BIRTHDAY IS IN TWO DAYS!! If you wanna send him birthday stuff or plot a thing for it, send and/or hmu!! Love on my smol Pisces boi!
2) Thanks to everyone that sent asks tonight! I was feeling super fucking down and it helped a lot. I’ve got two more anons to answer tomorrow (for now), but feel free to send more if you want (nsfw or otherwise)! I’ll throw some more memes in the queue for tomorrow.
3) Is everyone who liked my long ago (November? December?) shipping call still down for it? Uh, between holidays, losing my dog, a crazy January, then surgery and recovery, I kinda... forgot about it? Should I find it and start hitting people up? Post a new one? I need to do one for Steve too now also... I have no stucky with Steve yet and it’s a gd travesty.
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kotsume · 6 years
hi i’m back from the dead (tumblr gave me my blog back)
hi i said i’d post this tomorrow but i lied and couldn’t help myself.
first off, happy 2019!! it’s been nearly a year since i’ve seen y’all!!! how are you guys? i just wanted to say thank you to everyone who supported me and i am so thankful for you all.
i have a full explanation under the cut and i would really appreciate it if y’all read it!!
also, i think i’ll reblog this a couple times sorry ik it’s annoying
now, a lot of people i talked to/talked about me kept thinking i was terminated. to be clear, @kaijohs was not terminated, but suspended. they are 2 differnet things as there’s actually a spot in support for terminated blogs :)
i could log into tumblr and go on my dash, check out my activity and drafts, but could not like/reblog, add to drafts/queue, edit drafts, view my inbox. this only happened to @kaijohs, all my other sideblogs (like @fyeahvioletevergarden​) functioned normally and i could still do everything i normally would on them.
for some idiotic reason, tumblr still let me create new sideblogs ????????????? it doesn’t really make sense because that’s the reason why i was suspended in the first place but okay tumblr you do you i guess.
okay so:
i had saved, unused urls. those urls consisted of my old ones and my future urls. i tend to change my url every couple of months or so. anyone who’s been following me from the very beginning can tell you that i had a url change about 6 times over the course of 2 years. so yeah, it is safe to say i’m an indecisive girl who can’t stick to one url (but i think i’ll stick with kaijohs bc i love it).
tumblr must have done some random search bc you can’t report it? i didn’t see an option for it, so feel free to correct me and show me if i am wrong. anyways, i ended up getting suspended over it even though i was keeping most, if not all, of them updated. there are many users on tumblr with hundreds of urls, selling them for money, and i got suspended bc i was unlucky. not much i could do about that.
i am NOT saying i didn’t deserve it bc it was my fault for breaking the rules, but i deleted the urls as soon as i read the email and was STILL suspended for 11 months (february 27 2018 - january 22 2019). verbatim, tumblr said “Let us know when that’s been done so we can restore your access.” i sent them at least 2 emails every week through support in the first few months, as well as replying to the original email they sent me. it didn’t really do much. one time they decided to responded to my email (not one of those automated “support request received” emails, but an actual follow-up email), they completely missed the mark.
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imo 11 months was overkill.
i don’t know if they actually read the things people send in support, but i have a feeling they don’t (it’s probably just bots tbh) because no human with a job is dumb enough to respond like that if they read the original request.
i thought a lot about starting over from scratch and making a new blog because i honestly did not know if i would ever get @kaijohs back. i’m just so happy it’s back now ^^
so what exactly happened during my suspension? i…
- turned 18 !!! - became a stressed out university student (major: biomedical sciences) - made many gifs to post - lost my queue* - read lots of manga - watched a lot of anime - went to europe for 3 weeks >>> france, italy, and england - lost 1.5k+ followers on @kaijohs (rip nearly 34k) - found lots of people reposting/copying my gifs :) - cut off my long ass hair wooo - distanced myself from tumblr for the time being - found someone i want to spend the rest of my life with
*i had ~100 queued items and posts just disappeared in groups idk where they went nor do i have an explanation for what happened except that tumblr deletes posts in your queue when you’re suspended.
oh yeah here’s a funny story: i tried calling a (false) tumblr support number but it turned out to be a scammer, and when i asked the person on the other end of the line if this was a scam. the guy told me to press the windows key and R, which raised flags for me. then he yelled at me, telling me to do my research before i accuse him of scamming me because apparently i “didn’t know anything”. i didn’t need to do research when i had Common Sense *insert that rainbow spongebob meme* backing me up… why would i need to run a new program in order for him to unsuspend me on tumblr? then he hung up after lashing out on me.
i will be posting a lot of darling in the franxx gifs btw. sorry woops zero two is still the best girl ever
also, as much as i am happy to have my blog back, i’m a little concerned with how i’m going to manage school + my life + gifmaking. i really do miss it, but i get easily stressed and overwhelmed, but i hope i can work something out because i want to continue doing what i love!! 
if you’ve made it this far and actually read all this shit, ilysm, you’re amazing, and have a wonderful day~
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transrightsjimin · 5 years
paris day 1
i travelled so much today and im so tired but so happy bc i bought bts merch and an AP cutsew which was like 129 euros and i should not have bought it but it's stretchy, even at the arms which is rare for AP (maybe a bit too small for my breasts but i wont have those in a year anyway) and has the same type and colour of sparkly textured ribbon as on a pair of AP socks i have so it's perfect and also i love the shop! princess crêpe was sadly closed tlday but i would've loved to have gone there. i dont have time for it tomorrow.
but yea i travelled so much today! i already used up like half of my 10 metro / RER tickets (plus special ticket to stade de france bc that line goes to the airport) and i saw other army so often (recognizable by either extremely good fashion or dead, unnatural colour dyed hair nd ??? clothes, theres no in between lmao).
at the stadium i bought two bts shirts and a super mini jimin flag with stand at the merch booth, where there was NO queue let me remind you so im super glad i went today bc tmrw will mean waiting for hours in line
i have yet to decide when to do the button fan project bc my project partner wants to do the photo booth first and 2-3 hours after she starts queueing it'll rain rly hard every now and then throughout the day and i don't want to give fans wet cards or so.
speaking of fans, i asked some german army today by a flag of bts to take a picture of me and i did the same for them and we talked lots and they were just so sweet from the start already and i exchanged social media w one of them YES
speaking of german fans, i met two other ones while at dominos pizzas todayamd on the one hand we had super interesting convos like on politics and kpop fandom and concert ticket stuff but on the other hand one if the two girls suddenly dropped she'll be soon hoing to the US to make a tour past all the places ch*rles m*nson had murdered his victims and her friend and i were both like ...... O____O ............. uh excuse me?.... nd when i tried to twist the direction of the convo (but not the topic) the girl said she despises the T C C for how it is and she doesnt want to idolize serial killers etc like tht fandom but just "understand their psychology and what their victims families said" but she said she did look at some memes abt the killers even though she knew it was bad nd her friend nd i were just like 'yeah *nervous laugh* this is really not ok' but eventually the girl just said "eheh okay uh let's switch topics such as uh merch" nd we all said yeah and then still it was silent for another few seconds. man i shouldve gotten a red flag when she said shes friends w this dumbass american guy who voted trump and doesnt believe in climate change and she had good opinions on politics i THOUGHT! like us all three agreed that nazis arent to be debated w so i expected this less but also yikes just. being so intrigued w (often white supremacist) serial killers rly gives me the creeps, ESPECIALLY if you fucking cross an ocean to see spots where said killer murdered his victims like WHAT
anyway i feel myself falling almost asleep so im gonna go byee
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wizardingvisionary · 6 years
Small-ish PSA of sorts
[ In hopes of getting the muse going, because Gell’s been a fickle little shit with me recently, I did a theme makeover and I’m very happy how it turned out, especially the background, so for real now, I will be diving into drafts and do replies (I might still tweak the colors on it though sometime tomorrow).
Usually I’d do them from the ones that were sitting in drafts the longest to the newest but it’s been more of a chore because for some threads, the muse is just stronger than for others at certain times, and I think that’s one of the reasons for my inactivity here. I’ve decided to take things more casually, do drafts when I have time and muse and not force-write semi-decent replies that make half sense just because my mind is an asshole and tells me people will hate me if I don’t have the queue running 27/7. 
Another thing about replies is that I currently have 40 things sitting in drafts, which includes replies as well as memes/ooc asks from ages ago till now. Due to me running 2 more very active blogs with the somewhat same amount of threads, I am currently not accepting any new threads until I have cleared out my drafts, and then there’s still the 20ish something starters I have to write from also ages ago when I posted the thing. 
New year, new me, albeit two months too late.
Once again, I’m sorry for the super long wait, but February has been trashing me back and forth all the time. And sorry for so much ooc posts recently. ]
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lastxdragon · 6 years
/ooc: Mun Speaks
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By some miracle, I have only 3 drafts left and the rest are queued. My queue only posts 2 per day, however. I’ll be tackling my asks tomorrow. 
In the meantime, I’d love some modern threads, rockstar, superhero, witch, and my newest verse - angel. My tags are #meme and #wishlist
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entangledmuses · 2 years
//Check me out!! I have officially done all my drafts!!! My Ask is empty. My Queue is mostly pics and the shit ton of starters for @redemptivexheroics​ and I think 2 others. SO yeah.. Productive weekend. My work week starts again tomorrow, only 3 shifts though, and then I am off for like 12 days.
I will probably have some kind of queue running while away, cause won’t be taking my laptop (only away for 4 days)
But yeah. Go me!! Yay.
Bed for me now.
But Feel free to send memes or any asks :D
Night <3
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It’s been a lazy weekend, but I’ve been an exhausted mun with chores + fitness + catching up on some movies.
But, I’m about to get some exercise in, have dinner, and then finally look at the two asks I owe. Depending on how many replies I get back tonight, I will set up my queue to post 2x/day some time this week (maybe even tomorrow!). 
As a reminder, I’m going to hold off on memes/starters for awhile (after I reply to the Stranger Things meme) as I’ve got a lot of active threads (including those that are on temporary hiatus), and I’d like to wrap up or drop some threads before taking on more. Even at 2 posts a day, some threads are looking at more than a week turnaround, which is where I try to keep my reply time at with that posting frequency. Thanks for understanding!
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oh mod responses! Lots of them! :v
Anonymous said: Hi, just checking, is there a kinfession signed by -💚 in the queue about Glinda? Just asking because another kinfession I submitted the same day got posted, so I’m just hoping tumblr didn’t eat it! Thanks!!
Oops there is! It will post tomorrow evening though! Or, today's evening, depending on when this hops off the queue!
anonymous asked: hello! could i ask that you please tag mentions of friday the thirteenth (the day itself) for blacklisting purposes? thank you ❤
Oh sure! Can I tag them as #friday 13th cw unless you have a different tag to suggest using!
Anonymous said: the snowflake and fire emoji-sign off asks can 100% be tagged as BNHA instead of osomatsu. if you know anything about bnha then its very obvious but i dont know how much any of the mods know so it could just be that
There's only one mod, me, and no I've never seen anything about the source hence why it's not always tagged right!
Also I don't use signatures when tagging ever at all because anyone is welcome to use the same signature!! Or better yet people can use signatures and also tell me the source? ;_; Assuming you want things tagged right the first time? Because I just go off googling names here! :T
Anonymous said: Mod Party Cat has spoken. Todoroki is now an Osomatsu San character
*in a very todoroki voice like that 'friendship has ended' meme: Sourceship with bnha has ended! Now Osomatsu San is my source!
Anonymous said: July 14th 2018, 5:06:00 am · 2 days ago Question for people who kinshift, do some of your ..... Or some of my kins are protective of eachother and I'll shift into one when the other is feeling unsafe
Anon you need to get yourself over to either, or both, @otherkindfaq and @headmatesfaq ! Both to learn proper fictionkin terminology and to figure out if your kintypes are headmates! Please learn the terms, there's handy guides on @otherkindfaq, the blog admin can help you out, and you might be able to find a way to explain what you're experiencing!
Anonymous said: July 15th 2018, 11:38:00 am · 3 hours ago im the anon everyone feels entitled to form opinions about: ...
You know what? You're probably right, and through a game of telephone everyone was misunderstanding your original point! I'm sorry that happened, as people missing the point of what you're venting about can be pretty irritating!
Which is only one reason why I requested people to put an end to the conversation via ask responses, and to reblog / take it to private messages! Perhaps there is someone in the notes that was part of the conversation who would like to continue it via PMs? Otherwise I would appreciate if you would also let the matter drop before further dogpiling, misinterpreting, and more hurt feelings happens!
Anonymous said: would you promo aesthetic blogs that have full image sources and credits on their moodboards? i dont have one just asking for curiosity sake.
Sure! But the blog admins should put that in the blog description! Often times I'll just completely ignore a blog that's only the promo post and nothing else! Not even examples of things they offer? Also, for clarity, the sources I'm thinking of are to things like flickr, 500px, IG videos, stim blogs, etc., and not just links to google images or weheartit!
anonymous asked: i dont think i’ve ever seen one on your blog but can you tag gifs (just in case) you ever add any to this blog
Oh yeah! I do tag posts containing gifs with the tag '#gif warning'! If there's a different tag that would be better to use, do let me know!
Anonymous said: in addition to the "house fires" tag, could you also tag when houses, buildings, or cities are demolished or otherwise destroyed? the tag "demolition cw" would work, unless you or someone else can think of a better one (sorry it's just a huge trigger of mine and i'm sick of seeing it untagged hhhhh)
Yes of course! I'll use '#demolition cw' like you want! I'll add it to the blacklist tag page too! Also you might be interested in the #apocalypse cw tag, for mentions of apocalypses or otherwise world ending ruination!
anonymous asked: I always get happy when Mod Party cat tags my kinfessions with slendytubbieskin without me even mentioning it like tysm ur the best - 🔺
*boops ur nose* ur the bestest too! I have a few special tag strings saved in a text document so whenever I see you, I smang a paw on the computer screen and whisper 'it them!!!' And then paste your tags into the inbox!!!
Anonymous said: do you only promo kincords or do you also promo kin request blogs???
I promote almost anything? I just don't promo blogs that use uncredited art/fanart, gifs, and photography because hey it's not the fishing hard to do that, you guise...! I also don't promo blogs that accept or encourage f.ac.tk.in! Thouh factives found in Systems are ok though, they're totally different than f.ac.tk.in!
quick edit: actually I don’t promo blogs that offer pendulums for extremely personal reasons that I’m not going to list publicly!
Anonymous said: Hi! Sorry that this is such an obscure trigger, but could you tag anything that mentions Overwatch? It’s a big trigger for me. Anonymous said: (Steven Universe anon) the show itself bothers me a Lot, sorry for the confusion!! it would be okay if it was just tagged as like,, “Steven Universe cw” or something,, i have the “stevenuniversekin” tag filtered so i don’t see the asks but the promo was just. fjfjjfjf im really sorry for this whole inconvenience
Eh, not inconvenient! I can do that! There's actually a few people requesting certain sources to be tagged at every mention, and not just kinfessions, so you're not alone in that! But I will simply be tagging it as the source! Meaning the tag 'stevenuniversekin', or ‘#overwatchkin’ since you both probably already have that one blocked if y’all follow this blog!
Mod Party Cat!
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
Hi, dear moonracoon ! May I ask for your advice ? How do you think an artist can get noticed in the ffxv fandom ? I really wanted to ask you since you're so kind and amazing ! ( >^
First of all, I’m sorry that I took longer to this than expected, at least for a personal ask. I didn’t mean to make you wait. (。•́︿•̀。)
Okay, let’s check your question!!
First off, I want to tell you that I’m not an artist. So the advice I’m giving you is the best I can think about, but thinking about what I write/post, and what I’ve heard other artists say, but it’s not entirely from experience. So know that if none of what I tell you works, it’s not on you, I may have missed an important advice that didn’t cross my head!
If you’d like, you could ask someone from the drawing/painting world. Yuu-senpai, Hana-senpai, even Solaris-senpai, or many others are very friendly and open and they could give you advice from experience if what I tell you doesn’t convince you. c:
1. The first 5 tags
The first 5 tags under your artwork are the most vital and important, because they’re the ones that actually show up in the Tumblr search section!
You want to use the first five tags under your artwork as the best. Final Fantasy XV and FFXV would be the first two I used, and then something more specific (if your artwork is an Ignis one, then next comes the Ignis and/or Ignis Scientia tag, etc.).
If you want to/like to talk in the tags (like yours truly!), use the last tags or, at least, start from the 6th tag and ahead. The rest of the tags won’t show up in the search section when peopel browse the tag; the rest of the tag space are there for personal use (so you browse the tags in YOUR blog, not in the Tumblr site). 
WARNING: I HIGHLY advice you to NOT use the first 5 tags to fish for attention! If your artwork is a Gladio solo artwork, you have NO REASON to use the Ignis tag or a Noctis tag or even something like a Lunafreya tag!! DO. NOT. USE. UNRELATED TAGS. 
It may work to catch the attention, sure. Someone that follows the Ignis tag may see your Gladio artwork because you used the tag. You’ll catch their attention, but it will be NEGATIVE ATTENTION.
This IS from experience. You do make your artwork reach more people, but all you get is for people to go “Ugh” and scroll past your stuff because you’re spamming artworks unrelated to the tag in the tag. So do NOT!
2. Reblogs
Reblogs are possibly the most vital, most important part to be noticed.
While tagging is GREAT and the first step to make your art go somewhere, I’d dare say the majority of people don’t necessarily follow a tag. I don’t; all that I reblog, all were reblogged from another blog. I only follow the Corqi tag because of how scarce material there is for it, so I don’t want to miss anything. But, for example, I don’t follow any Ignis or FFXV tag (mostly because I want to keep my dash as short as possible lmao, but also) because I follow enough blogs that reblog enough artworks, so why follow a tag if the rest of the people are doing it for me?
Reblogging is a very, very vital part to get noticed because your art is reaching those blogs that don’t follow the tags.
This is, however, not on you. You need another blog to reblog your artwork; one reblog opens many chances so someone else reblogs, and so on and on. The more reblogs, the more chances for more reblogs, and hence, the more people will see it. 
You know what I just thought and I have no idea why it never occurred to me before?
Let’s say you have your art blog. Do you have another one where you reblog stuff? Do you already have followers? Reblog your own artwork; post in your art blog, reblog in the fandom one. That way, you’re your first reblog, and because your reblog/fandom blog will probably have more followers than the art one (at least in a beginning), it has more chances of reaching more people. 
So it’s very important that someone else reblogs your work. This is not on you, as I said, but rather in people giving you a hand at it. Except we don’t always reblog everything we see. 
So why not try to get a friend that starts doing it? 
You’re on anon for a reason, but if you want, you can tag me in your art, or tag me in it pretending to be someone else who happened to see the artwork and thought about me, so I won’t know it’s you (and don’t worry, I won’t get suspicious; I have no way to know it’s you, and I often get tagged in other artworks by people even if we don’t talk often, so I won’t look at the tag and say “Ah! It’s that anon from the other day!” I’ll just think it’s cool someone tagged me in something. Your identity is safe with  me, whether you keep it anon or not
To be honest I don’t reblog EVERYTHING that I see, but there’s big chances I will do it. I really like all the art in this fandom, it’s crazy how skilled you people are! But yeah, showing me can lead to me reblogging it, and there you could find that beginning of the reblogging chain.
Or if you’re too shy to show me, show someone else!!
Any of your friends, or someone you feel confident with, or comfortable with. The point is getting one first reblog that can lead to a few more, and the artwork will start eventually travelling across the FFXV fandom.
Speaking of reblogs, don’t be afraid of reblogging your own work in your own blog itself!
A lot, a lot, a lot of artists do it. A lot of writers too; I do it often!!
What I mean is, think about the world. It’s not the same hour everywhere. I can post something during my evening because everyone is online on evenings, right? So it wil reach everyone.
Nope. To some, it’s night; to some, it’s bedtime; to some, it’s morning. It won’t reach everyone simply because of timezones.
So what I do is, I post something, and then I queue a reblog of the same post but it’s my “12 hour reblog”. If I posted at 6 pm, I’ll queue it for 6 am. I like to do the 12 hr one because I think it’s more chances of reaching many people, with the not-so-literal thought of “if it’s day time here, it’s posting on nighttime in the other side of the world, so in 12 hours it will be this hour tomorrow for them”. I hope it makes sense.
And sometimes I even make a 3rd reblog. Sometimes I do feel shy about it because I fear to be annoying, but 99% of the times it works and it reaches people it hadn’t reached before. 
It’s a way of sending your own work back to the top of the dashboard, and sometimes a way to give a 2nd chance for people to see it; sometimes we scroll past something without noticing, so a reblog will give us a 2nd chance to see it.
3. Posting silly stuff sometimes
It’s not a secret that sometimes a silly stickman comic you drew in 5 minutes gets more attention than the profound artwork you worked in for 10 hours. It can be annoying, disappointing, even discouraging at times. But it is, nonetheless, a good way to get attention. 
I’m not saying you force yourself to think about jokes; most times forced jokes don’t work. But if you ever get a silly idea, don’t be afraid to draw it!
People won’t think about the art and judge it. They’re just looking at the joke. And if they find it funny, they may check your blog for more, and maybe you won’t have more silly comics, but maybe, from 10 people that look in your blog for more comics, 3 will think your other work is AMAZING and will fave and maybe even reblog some of that too. It can even get you a couple new followers.
Again, this is not NECESSARY. I follow artists that have never once in their lives (of this fandom) posted any joke or silly thing, and I still follow and ADORE their work to bits. The only thing I needed was to find them once. 
4. Asks and requests
If you’re up for it and have no troubles, you could also be open for quick requests in your ask box.
Have you seen some of those memes/charts, with many facial expressions/prompts, and people request something? “Could you please draw (X character) in A3, please? Thank you!” That sort of prompts. That can be very useful!
People really like free art. Some of us don’t have money for big commissions, so sometimes, when an artist can make a 15 minutes sketch or doodle of something we like, that’s amazing, and it can lead to earning followers and/or reblogs here and there. 
NOTE: Remember, however, that you’re not WORKING FOR US. You’re not getting paid. Do it for fun, when you can, and don’t stress or overwork or take 100+ requests and try to answer them all in 2 days. It’s only for fun. Alrighty? 
But yeah; sometimes, requests can lead some people to your ask, and hence tto your blog. And it’s fun! A lot of people in this fandom have some damn amazing creativity for prompts (and boy, do I know this!!)
5. Collabs /Drawing for a fic
This works better for writers; people look at artworks way, way, way more than they read fanfics, simply because it’s less time consuming and immediate. 
However, collabs can be an amazing way to get both artist and writer to be known.
There are some that follow the artist; some that follow the writer. So when a writer posts a fic linked to an artwork, people will find out about the artist’s blog that way. And when an artists posts an artwork with a fic linked, people will find the writing blog. It’s a good way that gives and receives equally. 
There are people that are REALLY passionate about a fanfic, so you can be sure as heck that they will check out any artwork about it. That they like it or not, that’s on them, but they will at least check it out. 
So you can also draw for a fic you like, no collab needed.
This works just fine, maybe even better. With this, you not only get to be known, but you also make a writer HYPED AND ECSTATIC. There ain’t a feeling in the world like getting art drawn for your fic. So you can be sure that 99% of chances are the writer will reblog even if it’s not a collab (unless the writer is some FREAK, I can’t imagine why someone wouldn’t reblog an art of their fic???). And so, the people that follow the writer will see it too. 
This can work very well because it’s a way to get at least one reblog for sure, which is a beginning. :)
6. Join fandom weeks/weekends
This is a good way to have fun and get yourself to get known.
That is because this is a way so you will for SURE have at least one reblog. And what’s best is that that reblog won’t be from a blog who has 1 follower, it will be reblogged by a fandom blog who has dozens of followers.
If someone is a lot into Gladnis, chances are they will follow the Gladnisweek blog. Maybe they won’t participate, but they follow it to see the entries of other people, and they have it for sure that the content will be exactly what they’re looking for. 
There is no way your artwork goes unseen in a fandom week! 
7. Be true to yourself; have fun
I know, I know. The most cliché of the clichéd advices. But it’s very important that you remember that.
Don’t draw for the attention; draw for yourself.
This IS another one from personal experience. I honestly never thought I’d write for this fandom, even less have this many followers or this many requests! And you know how I got here? Because I only had fun, shared my ideas, shared my passion for the game with others, I was honest and literally, literally only had fun.
Indeed, what pushed me to fame was literally just joking around. It was the Gladio’s pick up lines series. Which I did not because I wanted followers, I just wanted to make people laugh, and I wanted to share my jokes. 
All that I did was have a lot of fun and do what I wanted, not what I thought other people wanted, and eventually ended up here.
Drawing for attention is like drawing for money; it’s empty art.
You don’t dance, sing, paint, or write thinking about how much money and fame you’ll make. You dance, sing, paint, or write thinking about what your story will say, what you want to transmit, how you want it to look. You’re thinking about creating and sharing, not about the fame.
It’s as I said about making silly things or comics sometimes; it’s only if you want to and if you’re having fun, you don’t have (and must NOT) force it!! (Think about a gas; if you force a gas out, it’ll come out as poop. It must come out naturally. Same with everything else, art included!)
So stay true to yourself. Draw what you want to draw, as you want to draw it. True, you’re not drawing just for yourself; if that was the case, you wouldn’t post it online. You’re posting it because you want to share with others. But do so like that; draw for you and share with others, don’t draw what you THINK the others want or what you THINK the others will like. Draw what you want and what you like, and show us; you’ll find someone that likes it too.
Don’t stress about what people will like or not. Think about what YOU like, and that’s it. 
I understand the concern about getting your art to be known, but that comes later. 
And that’s all that I can think of right now! Gee, I sure hope I’m not forgetting/not thinking about something more or else. But I’m sure maybe some raccoobo can have advice too, so, while I can’t tell you for sure it will happen, maybe someone will drop a comment under this, so make sure to check the notes if you see any. My raccoobos are smarter and have more experience than me, so they may know something else! ヽ(・ω・)ノ
Of just draw the boys in lingerie, for some reason most fandom seem to like that? Lol. I honestly rarely like that and prefer them in fancy, but maybe I’m just old fashioned or a NERD. But really, draw what you like, this sentence was a joke c:
Anyway, buddy, that’s that!!
[I’m gonna add a read more; it’s not more, just my personal thanks, but as this is already lengthy, I’m gonna add this under a cut. Hope that’s okay, buddy :)]
Thank you so, so, so immensely much for asking me. I feel flattered that you decided to put this bit of trust in me. I don’t know what I did so you felt comfortable and asked me, but I’m happy about it!! 
Thank you for coming to this raccoonie for advice. I’m not the best at it, but I try. I hope any of this can be useful, buddy. Thank you again for the trust, it’s really valuable to me and I feel very honored that you asked me. :’)
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWW, and thank you SO MUCH for saying such kind and nice and sweet things about me!!! YOU’RE SO NICE, AH, YOU STOP THAT! Now I’m a blushing and giggling MESS, I’m too weak at handling praise aklsdj dfskljf klsdjf d (*ノ▽ノ)♡♡♡ 
The raccoonie is here for any question or struggle that you have, buddy! I may not always have advice, but I can always share thoughts and ideas, or just read you and give you warmy and fluffy raccoonie snuggles, alrighty? c:
Thank you so much again for asking me and for the bit of trust, and for being so sweet with me
Whether you decide to show me or not, I’ll anyway be sending you some of my most powerful, strongest MAGICAL RACCOON VIBES so you get success and the fame and followers you deserve!! And I don’t know if you’ve followed my blog for a while or if you’ve read my other personal asks, but my magical racc vibes... ALWAYS WORK!! So now you ust gotta work hard, have fun, share, and that’s it. :3
So. *grabs pompoms* This raccoon will be HYSTERICALLY CHEERING ON YOU, OKAY. Greatest of lucks, buddy, I know you can do this!! GO, GO, A-NON, GO GO, A-NON!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! o(≧▽≦)o
Thanks again for everything, buddy! I wish you the absolute BEST and I give you lots, and lots, and LOTS of magical raccoon vibes so it works phenomenally!!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
Greatest of lucks!
I hope you’re having a MOST FANTASTIC day or night!! Hugs!  \(^ヮ^)/
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bloodandhonor · 6 years
//Hey everyone! So I’m leaving on Thursday (2 days from now) to go to California with @agron-rebel-general! As such I going to try to get as much stuff queued up as possible for the blogs, as I won’t be able to get much (if any) posting done until Monday. This will include some ongoing threads, but I am mainly focusing on asks that have been sitting in my inbox for longer than I care to admit.
If any of you would like to send in asks to get some stuff put into my queue for the next few days please please please do not hesitate to send some stuff in!! I’m accepting any memes (please tell me what a symbol means if you send one because I promise you I won’t remember it). It’s about 9 pm my time, and I hope to be on for the next 2 hours, plus some time tomorrow, so you have that much time to send stuff in!
If there is an ongoing thread that you really really really want a reply to within the next few days, please don’t hesitate to shoot me an ask or IM with the link to it (or just poke me with the name or whatever I’ll probably know what you’re referring to)
Otherwise, thank you all for your patience and understanding! It means a lot to me! Talk again soon!
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surgeonsoath · 3 years
UPDATE : 31st May 2021
Starters: 2 Drafts: 10 Asks: 2 Queue: 18
All information for my blog can be found here My Meme list can be found here All starter calls can be found here
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I am on day 7 out of 8 days of work. I have another late shift. I have exactly 0 food to get me through this shift so hopefully I don’t faint like I nearly did the other night. I think what I will do is start posting my work schedule every Monday so you guys know where I’m at. Luckily I get my benefits pay tomorrow and I can finally get some food. 
I will be working on my replies now...I have about an hour to do some replies before work and then I’ve actually started replying on google keep and then posting when I get home from work. 
Yesterday my boss spoke to me because the new girl who me and my best friend have taken into our group has been ‘trying’ to learn from me for like three shifts and just not picked things up. Turns out she was acting stupid so she wouldn’t have to do any work as she was on Reception yesterday and she was great. It’s made me quite upset to be honest because I’ve been working sooooo hard to do well at work and I’ve been great but I obviously can’t train someone which makes me sad. Makes me feel a bit useless. 
Anyway...it’s an Amelia mood today.
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