#¡Buenos días princesa!
ursulawhosoever · 2 years
Bom dia, Tumblr 🌞🙏🏽
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no-me-correspondes · 2 years
¡Buenos días princesa!
¡He soñado contigo toda la noche!
NO íbamos al cine y NO llevababas aquel vestido rosa que me gusta tanto.
¡Solo pienso en ti princesa!
¡Pienso siempre en ti!
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queridogranamor · 1 year
Así nada duele❤️
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shitsndgiggs · 7 days
A/N: not requested but I wrote this a few weeks ago, and wanted to post it for you guys
Trying to wake Misa up for training
Misa Rodríguez x fem! reader
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The morning sun barely peeks through the curtains as I slip out of bed, careful not to wake Misa. She’s sprawled out, her dark hair a mess on the pillow, her face so peaceful it makes me smile.
Today’s a big day for her, but before her training, I want to do something special.
I pad quietly into the kitchen, feeling a bit excited as I start preparing her favorite breakfast: scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast.
The smell of sizzling bacon fills the air, and I hum to myself while setting the table. I want her to have a nice start to the day.
Once everything’s ready, I head back upstairs to wake her. She’s still in bed, looking impossibly adorable with the way the blanket is wrapped around her. Leaning down, I brush a strand of hair away from her face and kiss her forehead softly.
“Misa,” I whisper, my voice soft. “Time to wake up, mi amor. I made breakfast.”
She stirs a little, her eyes fluttering open, and a lazy smile spreads across her lips. “Mmm… buenos días, cariño,” she murmurs, her voice husky with sleep.
Before I can even respond, she grabs my wrist and pulls me down onto the bed, making me squeak in surprise.
“Misa!” I laugh, trying to pull away, but she just tightens her arms around me, pressing her face into my neck.
“Quédate conmigo, mi cielo,” she whispers, her breath warm against my skin. Her hands slide around my waist, tugging me until I’m straddling her lap. “Just a little longer, por favor.” She plants a soft kiss on my collarbone, making my resolve weaken instantly.
“Misa, you need to eat before training,” I say, but my voice lacks the firmness I was hoping for. Her hands are already sliding up under my shirt, her touch soft and warm as she traces patterns on my skin.
“I need you more,” she murmurs, her lips brushing against my neck. I feel her smile against my skin, the mischievous one she always gives when she knows she’s winning. “Mi preciosa, you smell so much better than breakfast.”
I can’t help but giggle as she continues pressing kisses along my neck, each one slower than the last, until she’s moving up to my jawline. Her lips are soft, warm, and every touch makes me shiver. “Misa…”
“Mmm, you’re so cute when you say my name like that,” she teases, finally catching my lips in a slow, lingering kiss.
Her hands are still under my shirt, fingers lightly grazing my back, sending little shocks through my body. The kiss deepens, her tongue brushing against mine with a tenderness that makes my head spin.
I try to focus, but it’s hard when her lips keep moving like that, so deliberate, so intoxicating.
She kisses me again and again, like she’s savoring every second. Her hands explore further up my back, her fingers tracing my spine, pulling me even closer.
“You taste so sweet, mi cielo,” she purrs, pulling away just enough to look into my eyes. There’s a mischievous glint in her gaze, her fingers still tracing delicate patterns under my shirt. “We could stay like this all day… What do you think, princesa?”
I bite my lip, trying to resist the temptation. Her lips find mine again, kissing me even slower this time, savoring each movement.
It’s impossible not to get lost in the feeling of her mouth on mine, the way she holds me like I’m the most precious thing in the world.
But I can’t forget the breakfast waiting downstairs.
“Misa,” I murmur against her lips, trying to sound firm despite how weak I feel in her arms. “We really need to get up. I made all your favorites.”
She lets out a playful groan, her lips brushing against my ear as she murmurs, “Pero, amor… I’d rather stay here with you, holding mi corazón, kissing you until we both forget what time it is.”
Her lips move back to mine, and I get lost in another long, drawn-out kiss. Her hands explore my back, moving up and down in soft strokes that leave me breathless.
When she pulls away, she nuzzles into the crook of my neck, pressing soft kisses along my skin.
“I love you,” she whispers between kisses, her voice tender. “Eres lo más hermoso en mi vida…”
My heart flutters at her words, and I kiss the top of her head in return, feeling so incredibly loved in this moment.
But I also know how important training is for her. “I love you too, Misa. But you have to eat or you’ll be starving during training.”
She lets out an exaggerated sigh, but there’s a smile tugging at her lips as she finally loosens her grip. “Fine, mi vida. But only because you made it for me.”
I grin, leaning down to give her one more quick kiss. “That’s my girl.”
I laugh softly, giving her a quick peck on the lips before sliding off her lap. “I’ll make it up to you later.”
“You better,” she teases, swinging her legs out of bed.
She stretches with a groan, then reaches for me again, wrapping her arms around my waist as we head downstairs. “But, cariño, don’t think I’m done with you. After breakfast, you owe me so many cuddles.”
I laugh softly, leaning into her. “Deal.”
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xtr1xx · 3 months
Tips para ser esa princesa que tanto quieres
Si ya te estás volviendo una princesa y ya sabes lo básico, pero no sabes como avanzar a ser una princesa, tranquila hermosa. Trixx te ayudará con esto!
Cuando ya tienes un límite de calorías establecido debes saber algo muy importante, siempre tienes que elevarlo uno o dos días (dos días es lo más recomendable) 200 o cuantas calorías gustes para no atrofiar tu metabolismo. Bueno, ahora que sabes eso, te enseñaré a como mantener el hambre controlado.
Identifica que tipo de hambre sientes: ¿Te ha pasado que de la nada comienzas a sentir hambre de algo en específico? Bueno, cielo, esto es normal cuando estamos aburridos, estresados o incluso deprimidos, pero ¿Que debemos hacer? Identificar que hambre sentimos, si física o mental. Esto es fácil, solo respondes unas preguntas "¿Tu hambre apareció repentinamente?" Sí es si, es probable que sea un hambre mental o emocional, si tu hambre fue empezando poco a poco entonces es probable que sea física. "¿Tienes un antojo en específico?" Si la respuesta es otra vez sí, otro punto para el hambre emoción, si es no, entonces es un hambre física. Ahora que tenemos nuestra hambre identificada, ¿Qué debemos hacer? Cuando sentimos hambre emocional, puedes beber agua, ya sea fría o caliente. Yo recomiendo tomar agua caliente porque te da la sensación de que estás lleno (esto también sirve para ayunos) y la fría causa saciedad más no te brinda ese sentimiento de estar llena. También puedes distraerte haciendo lo que más te gusta, como dibujar, escribir, etc. Sí el hambre es física, puedes prepararte un pequeño Snack, si puedes comer alimentos con proteína sería mucho mejor porque te sacia más y así evitamos ser Skinny Fat.
¿Estás en ayunas pero te quieren obligar a comer? Tranquila, te ayudaré a esconder la comida. Si te dejan comer en tu habitación puedes esconder la comida en una bolsa, dársela a tu perro o mascota (si es que tienes) dársela a alguien que la necesite o botarla. Si no te quieres sentir tan culpable, puedes dársela a algún animalito de la calle. Si no te dejan comer en tu habitación entonces puedes comer y esconder la comida en una servilleta o en un vaso que no sea transparente. O sí no, simplemente come! Pero en proporciones pequeñas, toma agua cada 2/3 bocados para llenarte más, habla más y come menos. Recuerda, ¡Menos es más! Puedes decir que te llenaste, te duele una muela, te sientes mal, tienes el estomago revuelto (la sensación antes de las náuseas) o cosas así. No recomiendo vomitar a menos de un atracón muy intenso, porque vomitar hincha los cachetes, daña el esmalte de los dientes y muchas cosas más.
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Si no te gusta vomitar, también puedes purgarte con algún laxante natural o algún laxante de farmacia. Yo por lo general trato es de quemar las calorias, no soy fan de vomitar o purgar...
Ejercicio: Esto si mal no recuerdo lo expliqué en el otro tips de Ana. Pero lo vuelvo a poner porque es una parte fundamental para ser una princesa y no quedar Skinny Fat.
He hablado sobre el termino "Skinny Fat" pero... ¿Qué es? Bueno, este termino se usa cuando somos flacos pero la grasa se acumula en el abdomen, piernas o brazos (así quedé yo al no estar bien informada, por eso tienen que investigar) ¿Cómo evitarlo o cómo salir de ahí? Priorizando la proteína, haciendo ejercicio, tener una dieta equilibrada, no tener un límite tan bajo de calorías sin hacer alguna actividad física, etc. Sí ya eres Skinny fat, puedes hacer ejercicios de piernas, brazos o abdomen, arreglar tu dieta diaria de calorías y priorizar la proteína. En internet hay muchas rutinas de ejercicios que puedes hacer, recuerda intercalar los días en los que haces ejercicio y NUNCA te olvides de estirarte antes y después.
Mantener un control: esto para algunas personas (como a mí) nos cuesta mantener un control sobre nosostros mismos. ¿Qué hago para tratar de controlarme? Anoto todas mis comidas en una aplicación "Yazio" así mantengo un control en mis comidas, comenzaré también a anotar mis días en mi cuaderno o en mis notas para así llevar un seguimiento y desahogarme un poco. También veo thinspo y comparo partes de mi cuerpo (como mi abdomen y piernas) por la calle hay muchas personas gordas, la mayoría mayores de edad, las veo y me pregunto a mí misma que si así me quiero ver en unos años...
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¡Ten una meta fija! Hermosa, no decepciones a la reina Ana, es ser flaca, no esquelética. No puedes simplemente bajar de peso hasta morir, nadie quiere coger con una gorda, pero tampoco con un esqueleto...
Recuerda controlarte, no nos decepciones.
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thatsdemko · 1 year
it is a glorious sunrise - f.alonso
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requested: n
pairings: Fernando Alonso x fem!reader
warnings: not intended for minors + oral ( m receiving) + established relationship
a/n: had an Alonso brainrot in June… it’s just now getting posted 😅 lol enjoy!!!!
《 the following content is not intended for minors. 》
There is happiness
In our history
Across our great divide
There is a glorious sunrise
Dappled with the flickers of light
the white linen sheets are crumpled up at the end of the bed. the warm breeze of beautiful Greece was unbearable, that not even night fall could’ve made the humidity drop.
your bodies, despite the warmth, are intertwined with one another. his large hand rests upon your ass, while his other arm has fallen completely numb underneath your naked body.
you can’t help but move closer to him, wanting to feel his chest slightly rise. you can feel the warmth and moisture against his skin, your finger nails trail over the glisten droplets against his abs causing him to stir awake.
he exhales a moan, hand moving up your back and snaking into your hair, fingers beginning to massage your scalp. the silence is filled with the birds chirping outside the open window, and the sounds of young boys and girls giggling in the distance of the sea. it’s blissful, a beautiful awakening next to him.
you flip onto your stomach, breasts pressed against his bare body, you move upward, hands on both sides of him as your lips connect with his. your eyes close, but his open as he was just beginning to drift back to sleep. your soft sweet lips begin to gently move down his neck, a silent moan escapes his lips, head tilting further back into the pillow.
“ay dios mío,” he whispers feeling your nails rake into his skin, lips and tongue licking the sweat off his body. he squirms underneath you, breath hitching when he feels the warm air against his growing hard cock. looking out the window he sees the sun is just barely rising. the orange and pink skies are just forming, the view is breathtaking. watching the sun come up from the clouds, he couldn’t think of anything more beautiful. that’s until his attention shifts to your wet tongue against his tip, mind switches back to reality.
his chest begins to rise and fall with much more emphasis, you can hear his breath increasing with each passing swipe and flick of your tongue against him. he says he can’t last much longer underneath your wet touch, he’s so close to folding. his fingers are bunching the sheets, knuckles white, he’s trying hard to keep it together.
“amor, please,” his pleas are increasing, you swear the people outside your room could hear him, but you don’t mind. you love having him wrapped around your finger, looking like a damsel in distress. it’s not very often he behaves like this.
your tongue flicks him just right, something he’s never felt before, the way it scrapes against his skin, tickles his own nerves the pleasure makes his legs twitch as his body exhales your reward; his cum.
“Buenos días princesa,” he sighs watching you crawl up from his legs to beside him in the bed. you press your lips against his once again, two of you settling into the mattress comfortably.
“what a beautiful morning, nando.” you say, moving yourself closer so you can rest your head against his chest, two of you watch the sunrise with heavy eyelids and once again fall back into slumber.
There is happiness
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embrosegraves · 7 months
𝕃𝕒 𝔽𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕒 𝔸𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕠
(request) Fernando Alonso x Fem!Wife!Reader Family Picnic <3333
Warnings: I did have to consult Google Translate for some of the Spanish
2k words
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It was a good day. The sun was out, the temperature wasn’t too hot and the breeze was nice and cool. It would’ve been a crime if you didn’t take advantage of the beautiful weather. 
You shook your husband beside you. He grumbled half awake, turned over and tried to go to sleep again. You rolled your eyes at him. No matter what Fernando said to the contrary, he was getting old and as much as he didn’t like it, it definitely showed. You knew there was only one other way to make sure that Fernando was awake and out of the bed. 
“If you don’t get up right this second, I’m not going to let you touch me until the next F1 season.” You grunted while using as much of your strength as you could to push him off the bed. He landed on the ground with a loud THUD. 
“Hijo de puta!” He exclaimed as he hit the floor. [Motherfucker!]
“Oye! Watch your mouth, your kids are in the next room!” If it wasn’t funny, you might’ve sounded more angry at his foul language. [Hey!] 
 “What did I do to deserve this?” Fernando peeked his head over the side of the bed, taking his sweet time getting up. 
“If you had listened the first time I told you to get up, we wouldn’t be having this discussion, would we?” You asked, getting out of the bed and walking towards the ensuite. “Now stop whining, I need to get the kids up and ready. I have plans for today.” 
“You’ve been spending too much time around my mother.” Fernando finally stood up, and went to grab a shirt from the closet. “You’re becoming just like her.” 
“Good!” You shouted through the closed bathroom door. “Ana is an amazing woman!” 
Fernando could only shake his head in amusement, as he made his way out of the bedroom and into the hallway leading him to his children’s rooms. He first went to the opposite end of the hallway, knowing it would be easier to wake up his oldest children first. He knocked on the furthest door and waited.
“Yeah?” Fernando could hear that his eldest daughter, Marcella, had only just woken up. 
“Mamá has plans for today. Get dressed to go outside por favor.” 
“Bueno! I’ll be out in a bit.” 
Satisfied that Marcella was now awake and getting dressed, Fernando made his way to the next room. Knocking on the door, he wasn’t expecting for it to open. But apparently his son had other ideas. 
“Sí Papá?” Fernando Jr was his father’s carbon copy. A fact that Fernando just loved mentioning whenever he could. So you could avoid the confusion when talking to them both, you had started calling your son Junior. 
Fernando smiled and ruffled his son’s hair. “Your Mamá has something planned, so get dressed to go out.” 
“Oye! I just brushed my hair!” 
“You sound like your mother.” Fernando said as he walked off and towards the last door. 
“Good! Mamá is amazing!” 
Chuckling, Fernando gently opened the door that led to the nursery. He flicked the light on and stood in the doorway, just watching his twins’ little chests rise and fall as they slept. He almost didn’t want to wake them at all, but he knew that they would have the best time with whatever it was you had planned. Walking quietly he moved further into the nursery. Softly caressing their faces, Fernando woke them up as gently as he could. 
“Hola Pequeños. Buenos Días.” He made sure to keep his voice quiet when he saw their eyes open. [Hey Little Ones. Good morning.]
“Hola Papá.” said his youngest daughter, Magdalena. Her little voice was still riddled with sleep. She was lethargic as she crawled into her father’s arms, wrapping her tiny ones around Fernando’s neck as he rubbed her back. 
“¿Dormiste bien, Princesa?” she nodded her little head, too tired to speak. [Did you sleep well, Princess?]
By now Magdalena’s twin, Pedro, had sat up and was rubbing his eyes with his tiny fists. He yawned and also made his way onto his father’s lap. 
“¿Dónde está Mamá?” he asked. [Where is Mummy?”
“¿Deberíamos ir a buscarla?” Fernando received two little nods so he wrapped an arm securely around each of the twins and slowly walked out of their room. [Should we go look for her?]
Fernando walked towards the kitchen where he could hear you making breakfast. He could see Marcella and Junior going to sit down at the kitchen island, talking to each other about what teams they thought were going to do well during the Formula 1 season. 
Once everyone was done with eating breakfast, Marcella and Junior grabbed Pedro and Magdalena from their high chairs and went to help them change into some appropriate clothes for the day. Nando started cleaning up the breakfast dishes while you had gotten started on making some sandwiches. 
“What’s on the agenda today, Mi Amor?” Fernando asked, placing the last clean dish on the drying rack. 
“I was checking the weather for today before you got out of bed, and I’ve decided that we’re going to have a family picnic.” You replied, packing the sandwiches into ziploc bags and setting them aside. “I was thinking, we go to your parent’s house and ask if they’d like to join us.” 
Fernando came up beside you and started to help prepare little snacks for your children. “You know if we go there and ask, my mother will insist we have it on their property?” 
“Oh you think this plan is spontaneous?” The look on your face almost made Fernando nervous.
“It’s not?” 
You laughed and bumped him with your hip. “Amor, Ana and I have been planning this outing for weeks. You and your father are the only ones who didn’t know. No doubt Ana has told José by now, just like I am telling you now.” 
Moving to the fridge to grab some fruit that needed to be cut, you kept talking to him about the plan you had concocted with Ana. 
“Your mother had called me the other week saying how she misses you because you’re always travelling with Formula One, so I told her you were home this weekend. We started planning pretty quickly after that. Originally the plan was for Lorena and her children to join us as well, but something came up so Lorena is out being a successful and wonderful mother. We were always going to go to your parents- wash and cut the strawberries please- because they have the most space for Junior and the twins to run around. 
“And of course, Marcella will want somewhere with shade and that big awning over the pool and garden is just perfect for her. And your mother pointed out that at some point the twins will get tired so going to your parents’ means that the twins can sleep in the guest room there so we don’t have to leave and go home early.”
“Women scare me sometimes.” Fernando handed you the strawberries and you put them into a tupperware container before putting them in the basket you had found to put all the food in. 
“Good. It’s a healthy fear to have.” You said before yelling out to the kids that it was time to go. 
Junior ran down the stairs holding Pedro while Marcella followed behind him with Magdalena at a much slower pace.
“Junior, don't run with your brother, you could drop him.” 
“Lo siento Mamá.” Junior said sheepishly. [Sorry Mum.]
You opened your mouth to speak again but before you could, your phone started ringing in your pocket. Pulling it out, you saw it was Ana calling you. With a smile on your face you quickly answered the call. 
“Hola Ana! … Claro si-” You had begun walking to your office while you spoke with your mother in law. Fernando grabbed Pedro from Junior and had started ushering the children out to the car. [Hello Ana! … Of course yes-]
Marcella had become a professional at getting the twins in the car when you weren’t around, and Fernando was forever confused at how she had managed to get them to listen. Fernando had even asked her one day how she managed it but all she did was give him a wink and continued to do her schoolwork. 
Just as Fernando closed Marcella’s car door, you walked out of the house, phone and picnic basket in hand. When you got closer to the car, Fernando grabbed the picnic basket and put it in the boot of the car. Walking back, he opened and closed the passenger door for you before getting into the driver’s seat. 
The drive to Fernando’s parents wasn’t an extremely long journey. The 30 minute drive was spent listening to your young children blabber on about the scenery or about the kids at school. 
The only one of your children who wasn’t talking often was Marcella. The 16-year-old was texting on her phone with a smile on her face. Fernando had looked in the rearview mirror at her. 
“Who are you texting Cariño?” 
Marcella’s smile dissipated. “No one.” 
“Are you sure? You were smiling pretty big.” 
“It was no one Papá.” 
“I just want-” You smacked Fernando’s shoulder. You had spoken about how to approach this kind of situation years ago, when you had been pregnant with Marcella. Fernando went to start complaining but you interrupted him. 
“No, you will stop talking. If Marcella is texting someone, it is not our business.” You turned as much as you could in your seat to look at your daughter. “However, I do have two questions about them. One, how old are they? And two, do they make you happy?” 
Your daughter smiled at you, “They’re only a month older than me and they make me very happy.” 
“Then that’s all I care about.” 
Eventually you arrived at your In-Law’s. Everyone got out of the car and your children ran to the front door where their grandparents were waiting with arms open, ready for hugs. 
You greeted your father-in-law with a hug and a kiss to both his cheeks. You laughed when he made a joke about putting Fernando to work, getting the things from the car. 
“Of course! He’s been annoying lately so he’s got to make up for it.” 
You gave José one more hug before greeting Ana and walking inside with her. You heard Jose say something to Fernando that made you giggle.
“You know, ‘Happy Wife, Happy Life’ isn’t just a saying, right?” 
By the time the men had made it to the backyard, you and Ana had laid out the big picnic blanket and started making the drinks for the adults to enjoy. Fernando would have one drink at the beginning before sticking to water for the remainder of the day as he would be driving home. Ana had taken the basket from Fernando and began to set out the food you had prepared. You had finished the drinks and handed them out, rolling your eyes when you heard Fernando talking to his father about what happened in the car earlier with Marcella. 
“Fernando, I swear if I hear you talking about this again, you’re sleeping on the couch.” 
“I just wanted to make sure she was being careful! That’s my little girl.” He said, thanking you for the drink before turning to his dad. “What would you have done, Papá?” 
“Don’t involve me. I had no issues with Lorena.” 
“Mi Amor, do you remember when we were teenagers and I spent two weeks living with you and your family?” 
“Of course I remember. Two of the best weeks of my life.” He smirked and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
“Yeah well, I spent those two weeks not speaking to my father because he kept asking me about my ‘secret boyfriend’. He never stopped asking about you so I stopped talking to him for two weeks. And I’m stubborn so if my mamá hadn’t knocked some sense into him, I would have never spoken to him again. Do you really want that with Marcella?” 
Fernando looked a little heartbroken and ashamed of how he had treated the situation. He had known that something had happened between you and your father but he didn’t realise it was like that. 
“I don’t think I’d ever forgive myself if she stopped talking to me.” 
“So don’t push her. She will come to us when she’s ready.” You said, squeezing him in comfort. “Now let’s put this out of our minds and enjoy a picnic with our children. Vamos.”
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This took me so long 😭😭😭 I wanted to make sure I was 100% happy with it
This definitely would've been so much bigger but I didn't want to make everyone wait even longer.
As always, likes, replies and reblogs are always appreciated <3
(also do you guys think it would be a good idea for me to set up a paypal or a kofi for my fics? I've been thinking about it a lot recently but idk)
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cherryblogss · 3 months
Eu perdi a ask da diva aqui, porque o tumblr me sacaneou mt na hora que eu tava editando😭😭😭 basicamente era um pedido com o namorado número da América latina: Pipezão! Ela também falava que tinha tido um aniversário ruim, então flor, te desejo Feliz aniversário atrasado! Sinto muito que seu niver tenha sido ruim😔 espero que hoje esteja sendo melhor🩷
Segue um fluff com algumas putarias:
Franze seu cenho ao sentir cócegas no seu rosto, sacudindo a cabeça para se distanciar da sensação, mas escuta um risinho familiar e abre os olhos turvos pelo sono. A primeira coisa que nota são os dois olhos azuis claro te admirando intensamente, os cabelos ondulados estavam bagunçados caindo ao redor da face atraente e as pontas roçavam sua pele pela proximidade dele.
"Buenos días, gatita." Diz com a voz rouca de sono e voltando a deixar bejinhos no seu rosto.
Você resmunga uma resposta, se sentindo nas nuvens com o calor do abraço o gostoso, Felipe estava meio que te esmagando, mas era uma sensação tão gostosa que você nem ligava.
"Sabe o que eu sonhei?"' Ele te pergunta com a boca junto ao seu ouvido. Calafrios percorrem sua coluna com os lábios grandes dele roçando sua pele.
"O que, amor?" Você pergunta se remexendo contra o pau semiereto, vocês tinham ido dormir pelados depois de uma rapidinha, só você estava com uma camisa do river plate porque sentia muito frio de noite.
Ele abre mais as suas pernas, passando a esfregar o membro na sua entradinha molhada, mexendo os quadris devagar e deixando beijos onde ele alcançava
"Algo muito bom, princesa." Diz rindo e te fazendo rir já desconfiando o que era.
"Muito bom mesmo?" Diz provocando-o ao arranhar as costas branquelas e pressionar os seios macios nele.
"Si, sí, sí." Responde enfiando a cabecinha do pau na sua bucetinha quente e rebolando os quadris tentando abrir mais espaço para o comprimento inteiro entrar. Felipe mordia os lábios rosadas enquanto você suspirava o nome do argentino repetidas vezes.
"Nós estávamos jantando na beira do mar de noite, tudo era lindo, mas não tão perfeito como você" Suas bochechas coram com o jeito que ele era tão romântico logo de manhã. "Você estava tão lindinha, e mesmo no meu sonho eu me sentia a pessoa mais sortuda do mundo por te ter."
Você fecha seus olhos quando seu coração acelera com o prazer e amor intenso pelo seu namorado, ele era o homem mais fofo do mundo, além de ser extremamente comprometido com a sua felicidade e necessidades, nunca te deixando ficar mal. Felipe acaricia sua cintura iniciando um ritmo mais rápido, mas ainda metendo de forma preguiçosa e com sons molhados saindo da sua bucetinha.
"Porra que buceta gostosa, princesa." Diz entre suspiros, se perdendo no que ele estava contando.
"E-e o r-resto do sonho, Pipe?" Pergunta entre miados manhosos pela forma que o pau grande te preenchia e como ele faz um carinho na elevação que surgia quando enfiava tudo dentro do seu buraquinho.
"Não sei se devo contar..." Responde levando uma mão ao seu clitóris massageando em círculos lentos enquanto a outra mão apertava seu peito com força.
'Fala, mor, eu quero saber." Sua voz sai ofegante na medida que você começa a rebolar contra as estocadas que se tornaram lentas novamente. Felipe colocava e tirava o pau melado inteiro, gemendo toda vez que enfiava tudo de novo.
Ele escondeu o rosto no seu pescoço, de repente tímido, então você passa os dedos pelos fios macios sabendo o quanto ele gostava do seu carinho e ficava igual um cachorrinho louco para te agradar.
"Eu tinha um anel no meu bolso.." Diz com a voz abafada no seu pescoço, voltando a acelerar com orgasmo se aproximando. Você solta um arfar surpreso tanto pela força que ele começou a socar dentro da sua buceta, quanto pelo rumo que a história estava se encaminhando. "Aí, chegou uma hora que você se virou para a paisagem, eu aproveite para me ajoelhar e te perguntar se casaria comigo." Soltou um grunhido quando sua intimidade se contraiu e um som agudo saiu da sua garganta. "Você disse sim e eu te comi na areia depois."
Na mesma hora que termina de falar, Pipe esfrega seu clitóris mais rápido e soca vigorosamente todos os pontos sensíveis dentro da sua buceta. Os estímulos são demais para o seu corpo recém acordado, então seu orgasmo chega totalmente desprevenido, suas paredes se contraem espremendo o pau dele, até que Felipe retira o membro e punheta o comprimento até soltar grande quantidade do líquido morno na sua barriga e seios com gemidinhos fracos sobre como você era gostosa.
O argentino encurta a distância entre seus lábios, te dando um beijo lento e finaliza com alguns selinhos. Quando se afasta, te encara como se ele estivesse em um sonho.
"Mas você casaria comigo, né?" Pergunta com bico e os olhos azuis cheios de expectativas.
"Claro que sim, meu amorcito." Responde e depois pega o rostinho corado e deixa um beijinho na ponta do nariz dele.
Se animando instantaneamente, Pipe começa a te encher de beijos apertando suas bochechas enquanto você ria.
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creedslove · 1 year
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Pedro Pascal x f!reader
Summary: Pedro is up early in the morning, you're not. You want to sleep but your boyfriend has other plans.
Warnings: smut, unprotected p in v sex, fingering, creampie, established relationship
0.6k words
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You didn't understand why Pedro couldn't be quiet once he woke up. You loved him to death at all times, except when he woke up early and made everything to wake you up as well. You knew he often got bored, and though he wanted you to relax and sleep he also wanted you awake, just like a puppy. That behavior could seem sweet at any hour, but not when it was too damn early in the morning.
You groaned as you refused to open your eyes, you had fallen asleep facing him, and at some point during the night, you snuggled closer and ended up with your head on his chest, which he completed by playing with your hair. He looked down at you and chuckled at how moody you were, caressing your face gently
"Morning, princesa… did you sleep well?" He asked in his husky sleepy voice and got only a groan in response.
"I am still sleeping, Pedro" you said harshly than you intended and faced away from him, in hopes you'd be able to fall asleep. However, as soon as you closed your eyes again, you felt a spike of regret, you shouldn't have been so rude, even if it wasn't your intention, it came out that way and he didn't deserve to be treated that way just because he woke you up.
You looked for his arm and pulled him towards you, so his chest would be against your back
"There you go papi, now you're my personal blanket" you said in a softer tone and let his body scoot closer, feeling something hard poking your ass and it suddenly hit you: that was why he was awake. You chuckled and bit your pillow gently "I can see why you can't sleep and why you woke me up, papi" you laughed softly and moved your hips, brushing your ass against his hard on and hearing a slight moan.
"Don't tease, Y/N, don't you fucking tease" he warned you and received another motion against his hard cock in return.
You just chuckled and lay on your stomach shifting your position a little and opened your legs some more.
"Go ahead papi, I know you want it and I know you can get me ready" you assured him, your ass almost in the air as Pedro looked down at your body and took his hand to your panties, taking them to the side and helping you spread your legs some more. He took a good look at your pussy, stroking your lips gently before parting them and exploring your body. He went up to your clit, rubbing you and feeling how quick you got wet, he loved that and knew it was because of him. His thick fingers explored your warmth, going deep and fingering you slowly at first but fastening the pace as you moved your hips against his hand, wanting more of his touch.
Pedro couldn't wait much longer and freed his cock, pumping it into his fist and watching as his pre cum glistened all over. He squeezed your ass cheeks and slapped it good, making you whimper before he got into your wet core, feeling your walls tightening and milking him and his hand found your clit, teasing it and making sure you'd be sent to an orgasm almost at the same time he was.
His thrusts became sloppy after some time and you knew he was close, you felt his hot load inside at the same time the knot on your lower belly became too intense and you let it go, legs shaking softly as you came for him.
You chuckled and turned to him, as soon as Pedro rolled back to his side, you pecked his neck and then his lips gently while he tried catching his breath.
"Ahora sí, buenos días papi"
A/N: I hope you enjoyed it! And always remember, feedback = life
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soyelmorse · 4 months
🎇Ya está listo y aquí tienen el capítulo 5!!!🎆 Me tomo lo suyo, pero lo prometido es deuda, 🤣 literalmente me tuve que ver la serie otra vez y dormir un rato para tener ideas nuevas.
Pero bueno, ya se la saben, la foto no es mía, créditos a quien corresponda y disfruten del capitulo 5 me costo bastante
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En capitulos anteriores...
Oye a dónde vamos?
*Shira de acerco a Gummigoo, mientras que Chad y Max vigilaban a Gloink y a Kaufmo*
Vamos con la princesa lu
A... Que bien Pero... Porque?
Ella mi pidió que los rescatará, no me dijo el porque pero escuché de su gente que el rey de estás tierras era manipulado por alguien que sonreía mucho y que la reina estaba encerrada
Kinger? El no es un rey, o almenos no en el sentido literal, Gloink tampoco y alguien que sonrie mucho, estará hablando de Caíne?
No lo sé pero-
*Gummigoo fue interrumpido, Chad y Max se acercaron a el*
He, disculpe jefe, tenemos un problema
Que sucede?
Es solo que...
Son insoportables
La Reina Y el payaso señor, Una no deja de hablar y dar órdenes, Y el payaso no deja de hacer chistes malo y preguntar por una tal "salida"
Vamos chicos no es para tanto
Ellos no están bien en este momento disculpenlos
A qué te refieres?
Desde que llegaron a lo que sea que es este mundo pues pasaron muchas cosas y no están bien mentalmente
Igual no importa mucho, miren
*Gummigoo señalo hacia en frente y observaron el castillo de la princesa*
Menos mal
Wao es un castillo impresionante, porque Caíne no lo ha encontrado antes?
*Todos caminaron hacia el castillo, al llegar la gente recibió a Gummigoo, Chad y Max como héroes mientras Shira, Gloink y Kaufmo le seguía*
Que... Gente... Interesante?
*Shira se dió cuenta de que todas las personas allí parecían mas títeres con colores diferentes y ninguna posea rasgos faciales*
Que pueblo mas... Insolente, ante una reina como yo, obviamente que deberían alabarme mas
No creo que te estén Gloink
A qué te refieres?
*Después de pasar por la ruta principal, llegaron a la entrada del castillo y la princesa apareció*
Princesa lu:
Bienvenidos valerosos guerreros, me alegra ver qué hayáis podido cumplir vuestra misión y traer a la reina y sus compañeros con ella, como recompensa, aquí tenies busco camión con toda clase de herramientas y recursos que necesitás para ayudar a vuestra aldea
*La princesa aplaudió y el camión llegó*
Gracias princesa, Bien señores, andando!
Hasta pronto y que la suerte os acompañe!
*Gummigoo, Chad y Max subieron al camión y rápidamente salieron del reino*
Princesa Lu:
Tampoco me olvidó de vosotros, por favor acompañenme
Shira, Kaufmo y Gloink subieron las escaleras hacia el castillo y entraron en el
Es un lugar pequeño para alguien como yo
Princesa Lu:
Estamos al tanto de eso majestad, pero no se preocupe, en unos días se hará una habitación de acordé a usted
Aún así, nos ha ayudado, que podemos hacer por usted?
Si necesitas a alguien que le haga reír puede contar conmigo
Jeje, creo que vamos a posponer eso por ahora, Disculpe princesa
Princesa Lu:
Puedes decirme Lu
Bueno, Princeds Lu, le importa si hablamos un minuto?
Hay algo importante que debo contarle
Princesa Lu:
Por supuesto
*Lu aplaudió y 2 súbditos de acercaron*
Princesa Lu:
Lleven a la reina a una habitación a corde a ella y a su acompañante también
*Los súbditos hicieron caso y se llevaron a ambos*
Princesa Lu:
Y bien, como debería referirme a vos?
Soy Shira, y lo que quisiera contarle es que...
Gloink, Kaufmo y yo no estamos bien
Princesa Lu:
A qué te refieres Shira?
Este mundo nos ha dañado de una forma en particular, Gloink perdió noción de la realidad, o almenos está nueva realidad, Kaufmo aunque se ve alegre esta desesperado por encontrar una salida y yo suelo perder la memoria según me dijo Kinger
Princesa Lu:
Kinger? Acaso habla de ese ser sonriente? No debería confiar en sus palabras, es quien los tuvo cautivo
*La princesa chasqueo los dedos y aparecieron sus súbditos, estos les entregaron las cenizas de afuera y creo en frente de ella súbditos Pero muy pequeños*
Princesa Lu:
He hecho que mis súbditos vigilarán ese reino y me han contando cómo les ha tratado, a diario me traen historias de todo lo que han visto, y cuando me contaron la vuestra supe que tenia que ayudar
Se equivoca princesa, Kinger no es ese ser sonriente si no el otro, el pqie posee una apariencia de rey
Princesa Lu:
Oh! Entonces te refieres al rey de ese lugar, mis súbditos me contaron que el en algún momento perdió su voluntad y desde entonces sigue las órdenes de ese señor sonriente, Pero no os preocupeis, sabemos exactamente que hacer para ayudarle a recuperar sus tierras
Creo que no me he logrado explicar bien, ellos no son -
Princesa Lu:
No te preocupes, de segura estás cansada por el viajé, súbditos
*Lu chasqueo los dedos y otro súbdito apareció*
Si princesa?
Princesa lu:
Lleva a la amiga del rey a una habitación adecuada para que descansé Porfavor.
Por el momento necesito hacer unas cosas, así que hablaremos mañana
De acuerdo, sin embargo princesa insisto en-
Princesa Lu:
No te preocupes, en la cena real podrás contarme todo
*Después de eso, Shira fue llevada a su habitación y no tuvo mas opción que esperar, Mientras tanto*
Bien, llegamos
*Gummigoo bajo y observo el lugar, no se veía otra cosa que el bosque Infinito de siempre*
Esperen, y la aldea?
Que extraño, debería estar aquí jefe
Estoy seguro de que esta era la dirección correcta, el mapa lo decía
Déjame ver ese mapa
*Max le pasó el mapa a Gummigoo y este lo reviso*
El mapa está bien, sin embargo porque...
*Gummigoo empezó a recordar*
Porque no hay nada aquí?...
*A los pocos minutos, gummigoo recodo lo que había olvidado, El había llegado a este lugar, sin embargo al no encontrar a nadie poco a poco se empezó a volver loco, y cuando llego al reino, la princesa lo recibió como un heroe y le encomendó una mision*
Esperen, nada fue real? Pero, yo recuerdo... Una... Aldea?...
*Chad y max se miraron*
Jefe está bien?
Jefe? Yo no soy su jefe... O si?...
Esperen, yo no los conozco
Que dice jefe, claro que nos concoce, acaso no se acuerda de...
*Max estaba por decir pero no recordaba nada*
Max: hem...
Chad: tal vez esa vez de-
Max: Si, esa ves de...
Chad: De...
*Chad cayó en cuenta y tampoco se acordaba de nada*
No... Recuerdo...
*Al pasar las horas, Gummigoo, Chad y Max empezaron a recordar lo que había pasado cuando llegaron allí*
Así que tuvimos experiencias similares, sin embargo, como fue que terminamos los 3 en ese reino
Max: Tal vez sea por lógica?
hm... Max tiene razón, el reino es grande, y nosotros nos volvimos locos en un inicio porque no encontramos nada, tal vez, cuando el Reino se construyo los 3 estamos relativamente cerca y nos acercamos a el
Eso tiene sentido, Pero en el reino había demasiada gente, como nos dimos cuenta antes?
Tanta gente así hubiera hecho mucho ruido
En serio? Pero si no tenían boca
Pero aún así los escuchamos y-
Wou espera, repite eso
Pero aún así los escuchamos?
Me refería a max, Dijiste que ellos no tenían boca, y es cierto, entonces, porque los escuchábamos?
No lo sé
Yo solo se que me recuerda a la voz de la princesa
La voz de la princesa...
Princesa de...
He... No lo sé
Nunca nos dijo el nombre de su reino jefe
Tal vez no lo dijo el nombre de su reino no porque no quiera, si no porque no tiene
un reino sin nombre?
Solo piensenlo, los 3 nos volvimos locos al vagar por estás tierras y de la nada apareció ese reino
Es bastante extraño...
Bien, está decidido
Que piensas hacer?
Volveré a ese reino a tratar de descubrir que fue lo que paso, si ustedes quieren pueden venir conmigo
*Chad y Max se miraron entre si y asintieron*
Vamos con usted!
*Después de ello, Ambos se subieron se subieron al camión junto con gummigoo y empezaron a conducir hacia el reino*
*Horas después, antes de llegar al reino se encontraron con un sujeto extraño y se detuvieron*
*Gummigoo bajo del camión y encaro al sujeto*
Hola? Amigo? Estás perdido?
Hum? Hola, pensé que no volvería a ver a alguien, eres real?
Asi es, porque creías que no verías a alguien mas?
Oh, es desde que mate a esas marionetas la princesa me hecho de su reino, Dijo que estaba loco por asesinar a su gente, Pero yo digo que ella está mas loca que yo
Espera, marionetas?
Así que eso eran...
Trate de hacerla entrar en razón Pero no quiso escucharme y me exilió, sin embargo ya tengo un nuevo plan
A si? De que se trata, sabes tenemos asuntos pendientes con ese reino, tal vez nos podamos ayudar
En serio? Pues tenía planeado secuestrarla y quemar a todas sus marionetas, que pensaban hacer ustedes?
*Gummigoo dudo en seguir hablando, la forma y actuar de Fudge era extraña y parecía que iba a eloquecee en cualquier momento, sin embargo continuo hablando*
Algo parecido...
Íbamos a interrogarla, que te parece este trato, si nos ayudas a interrogarla, podrás hacerle lo que quieras después a sus marionetas, sin embargo será después, no antes de que nosotros consigamos nuestro objetivo
Hmmm... Normalmente siempre soy quien toma el mando, sin embargo no puedo rechazar una oferta así, así que trato hecho, no le haré nada, y a cambio podré ver arder a esas...
Creo que ya está decidido, súbete al camión, no te importa ir en la parte de atrás cierto?
En lo absoluto! Es la parte mas divertida
*Fudge subió al camión y gummigoo subió a la cabina con sus amigos*
Jefe de seguro que debería confiar en el?
Lo sabremos una vez lleguemos al reino, ya les diré que hacer cuando lleguemos, por ahora andando
*El camión empezó a andar*
*Un súbdito tocó la puerta de la habitación de Shira*
Con todo respeto mandan, la princesa Lu le espera en el comedor real, sus acompañantes ya se encuentran allí
De acuerdo
*Shira salió de su habitación y fue al comedor, allí se encontró a Gloink, que comía y daba órdenes a los subditos de traerle mas comida como su fuera la reina del lugar, mientras tanto Kaufmo intentaba hacer reír a la princesa Lu, aunque la expresión de esta era realmente difícil de decifrar*
Princesa Lu:
Oh! Discúlpame Kaufmo
*La princesa de levantó y fue a recibir a Shira*
Princesa Lu:
Me alegra que hayas venido, disculpa que no te pude ayudar antes pero en estos momentos soy todo oídos para tus inquietudes
No es necesario, podemos esperar si-
Princeso lu:
Me gustaría atender esas inquietudes ahora, insisto
*La princesa Lu se retiró junto a Shira y caminaron por los pasillos*
Princesa Lu:
Tu acompañante y la reina son... Personas curiosas
Le pido perdón por eso
Princesa Lu:
Se que me lo explicaste antes, pero podrías hacer énfasis otra vez en esa situación de que ustedes no estaban bien?
Por supuesto, resulta que-
Princesa Lu:
Sucede algo?
Algo ataca al reino, Unas especies de burbujas se lleva a la gente y-
*Antes de terminar la frase, Un bubble se lo comió y lo atrapó dentro de el*
Caíne estará muy contento!
Princesa Lu:
Ha!? Quien eres tu?
Princesa Lu:
le conoces?
Me conoces?
Si, Kinger me habló sobre ti
Oh! Tu eres una de sus amigas! Caíne me dijo que sus amigos se habían extraviado y que tenía que llevarlos de vuelta, además de llevar a cualquier otra forma de vida
Princesa Lu:
Es sobre el quien también quería hablarle, sin embargo creo que sería buena idea que fuéramos
Princesa Lu:
Pero, y que hay con mis súbditos? No puedo dejarlos
*Ambos miraron por las ventanas del palacio y vieron como el ejército de bubble atrapaba a todos y se los llevaban*
Puede confiar en mi!
Llevaré a todos sus súbditos sin hacerles daño, chaíto
*El bubble se retiró y otro lo suplanto*
Y bien? Que estamos esperando, Caíne estará muy feliz de saber que hay mas gente aquí
Princesa Lu:
De verdad es seguro?
Confíe en mi, nunca les haría daño
Princesa Lu:
supongo que está bien, iré contigo
Hm? Que está pasando aquí?
*Gummigoo detuvo el camión frente al reino y vieron a las burbujas irse en fila*
Y esto?
*Los 4 bajaron del camion y se empezaron a acercar, al estar por preguntarle a un bubble que sucedia otros se los comieron sin previo aviso y se los llevaron junto al resto*
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Can u do sprang on gavi when reader pretends like she’s not interested in him anymore like ex: her waking up early to pretend she was sleeping on the couch instead of with him and other things but can his fam are apart of it because he pranks them a lot and gavi cry’s?
Not So Funny Anymore -P.G6
Summary: As they grow tired of their son's pranks, Belén and Pablo asked you to help them out and make him stop.
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(He's so baby🥹🥰 look at his face)
"Amor" You felt your shoulder shake "Amor, wake up"
"Huh? ¿Qué?" You ask sleepy
"¿Qué haces aquí?" (What are you doing here?)
"¿Qué estás hablando?" (What are you talking about?)
"Why are you asleep on the couch?" You furrow your eyebrows confused before nodding
"Oh! Yes, I wasn't sleepy during the night so I came here to watch some TV and then I guess I fell asleep" You replied hoping to convince him
"Why didn't you told me? I could've helped you or just stayed with you" You shook your head.
"You don't need to do that, cariño. I'm good"
"Well, I'll still do it, you're my girlfriend" You smiled softly "Morning by the way" You smiled softly
"Morning" You said watching how he leaned to kiss your lips but second before his lips could touch yours; you moved your head to the side, his lips touching your cold cheek.
"Want to kiss your lips"
"I haven't brushed my teeth"
"We know I don't care about that, princesa" You shook your head pushing him away lightly by his chest
"But I do" You said before standing up
"Since when?"
"Since now" You said sticking your tongue out as Pablo tried to grab it with his hand "Naughty"
"Only with you tho" He winks at you shake your head, soon he got closer to you and wrapped you in his arms and as much as you wanted to melt in his arms and give in, the voice of Belén, sounded in your head
"Let's prank him... Act as if you weren't interested in him anymore"
You quickly pushed your head back lightly remembering her words from last night when he was leaning into you, his eyebrows furrowed
"¿Qué?" (What?)
"Stop playing around, gimme a kiss"
"Let's wash our mouths first and then a lil kiss"
"Buenos días" (Good morning) Belén's voice came in as you got out of Pablo's hold
"What are you doing?" He had whispered but you shook your head
"Nothing, your mom came into the room, I'm not gonna give her a show of me throwing myself at her son"
"She loves us"
"Stop, Pablo"
"No, I want you" He whined pushing his forehead into yours and nudging his nose with yours
"¡Y/N, hija!" You heard Belén and found the perfect time to escape from his tries and from your almost giving in
"Mamá Belén is calling" You hurried out of his hold leaving him there shocked
"Thank you" You said in the kitchen as she smiles
"Me imaginé que te estaba haciendo caer" (I knew he was trying to make you fall for his charms) She smiled
"And he almost got it" You both laughed "What's for breakfast?"
"Want me to do coffee and juice?" She winks at you nodding
You had keep going on with the game, pretending you didn't wanted his kisses, were too hot for cuddles or didn't wanted his touch with or without his friends and family members around, basically always making up some excuse for two days straight and he was too frustrated to think about anything.
"Has Y/N been weird lately? Or is it just me?" Gavi had asked to his parents once as he watched you leave
"I think she's normal as always" Pablo said shaking his head to his son's words
"She's weird, I meant it in the greatest way ever by the way, we all are tho... But that's what makes her the way she is" Belén smiled as Gavi slightly smiled agreeing with his mom.
At this moment you were with his mom, dad, sister, Javi and a few of his friends but when he tried to put his arm around your lower waist to bring you close and you stood up, he lost it.
"Did I do something?" He followed you into the kitchen as you looked at him with wide eyes
"¿A qué te refieres?" (What do you mean?)
"You've been avoiding me during these past two days! The farest thing you've done is peck my lips twice! I'm asking you did I did something wrong? I wanna fix whatever is going on between us"
"You didn't do anything, Pablo"
"Then aren't you interested in me anymore? Is that it? Don't you love me anymore?"
"Tell me straight away so in that way I won't be hurting anymore than what I have been lately with your sudden distancing!"
"Pablo" You sighed and his face fell
"Don't" He turned around to leave
"Hey, amor" You inmediately said following him "No, wait!"
"Hijo, where are you going?" Pablo, asked watching his son get out of the house
"What happened?"
"¡Que lo hemos llevado muy lejos!" (We took it too far!) You yelled running behind the youngest "Pablito, amor, wait!"
"¿Qué?" (What?) You looked at him with tender eyes when you saw his big brown eyes start tearing up
"Of course I still love you"
"The past two days doesn't look like you do" You sighed coming up to hug him tightly and kiss his cheeks, eyes, nose and lips like you had been longing to do this past two days
"It was all a prank"
"It was a prank, Gavi" Pablo said
"We were tired of you fooling around with us, so we tried to get you back" Belén explained
"That's why your parents always called me up on something and when you asked them if they noticed anything in me, they brushed it off! It was a prank!" You took a lil step back "Of course I'm still interested in you, mi niño lindo. I'm deeply in love with you and it'll take forever for me to lost interest in you, mi amor." You hugged him tight and kissed his cheek several times
"Joder, I'll stop my pranks but just never ever again use her to prank me back, please" Gavi separated from you a bit as he sniffed and you wipped his tears away.
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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anadiasmount · 6 months
had this thought earlier but what word or phrase would you want to hear jude say in spanish (i just want him to say amor once 🤭)
curse words (mierda, pendejo, hijo de ****, no me cagues, etc)… i think that’s pretty obvious because it’s what people first learn when they learn spanish and i think it would be funny hearing them in his accent 😭😭
princess = princesa 😔🤞🏻
love = amor/ amorcito 🫦
my beautiful gf = mi hermosa novia/ esposa 🤭
good morning/ night my life = buenos días/ noches mi vida 😣
give me a kiss beautiful, please? = dame un beso hermosa, porfavor? 😣🤞🏻
you drive me crazy = me vuelvo loco por ti 🌚🗣️
i love you so much = te amo muchísimo 😔💔
i miss you = te extraño
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ghqstfqce · 2 years
𝑫𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒊 + 𝒀𝒐𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒅𝒂 𐇵 𝑷𝒆𝒕𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚 ݁ ׅ ֢ ࣪ ㅤㅤ♡︎ㅤㅤ31.10.𝟤𝟤ㅤㅤ!!ㅤㅤ𔓕
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♡𝅼 Ꞌꞌ : denji x princessgender ! reader x yoshida ' pronouns ellx in spanish ver. and princess/prins in english ver ' minors dni y si deciden ignorarme, no quiero verles interactuando ' tanto denji como yoshida son mayores de edad ' ENGLISH VERSION RIGHT HERE, I USED TRANSLATOR AND MY POOR ENGLISH, SORRY ' ᯇ 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿.
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Aquí, tiradx a cuatro patas sobre el suelo, con el dulce cachorro Denji follándote con torpeza y frustración de no poder causar más placer que el que ofrecería la penetración, te diste cuenta que debías haberlo sabido. Cuando Yoshida, tu novio quien era la persona posesiva que conocías, llegó con un cachorro cargando en brazos debías haber sabido que no traía nada bueno y menos si te daba esa característica sonrisa que solo significaba problemas.
Aun así, no dudaste en ser tan dulce y cuidadosx con Denji, el pobre cachorro que solo buscaba amor y atención, se pegó como una lapa a ti y floreció ante todos tus mimos. Tú serías a quien buscara para todo, así sea el mínimo problema, lo entrenaste para buscar ayuda cuando creía necesitarla.
Por ello no te sorprendió cuando llegó corriendo hacia mientras señalaba su erecto y rojo pene, se veía tan dolorido, que no dudaste en ayudarlo, pensaste que solo usarías tu mano y luego conseguirías un juguete para él. Pero no, el cachorro siempre te quiso a ti y por ello no fue una sorpresa que las cosas escalaron como lo hiciera; primero quería tu mano, luego fue tu boca y por último fue tu coño, y tú siendo quien eras, no podías negarle nada.
Como era de esperarse, Yoshida se enteró, se enteró cuando estabas arrodilladx y con el rostro en el suelo dejando que Denji te llenara de su tercera carga en el día y contrario a lo esperado, él solo río y los observó hasta que terminara.
— Mi pequeñx princesa, no sabía que era una perra tan sucia. Hice bien en conseguirle a su cachorro, ¿no?
Y ante eso no sabrías que decir, más cuando siempre lo decía cuando estabas siendo jodida por Denji, solo gemirías y llorarías por no poder formular palabras.
Fuiste devueltx a la realidad cuando sentiste que Yoshida se sentaba frente a ti, atrayendote para que tu rostro quedara frente a su miembro erecto escondido entre sus pantalones. — Es hora que le agradezcas a tu amo por tu regalo.– Sin pedirle a Denji que se detuviera, simplemente abriste la boca, listx para recibirlo.
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Here, sprawled on all fours on the floor, with sweet puppy Denji fucking you clumsily and frustrated that he couldn't bring you more pleasure than penetration would offer, you realized you should have known. When, Yoshida, your boyfriend who was the possessive person you knew, arrived with a puppy carrying in his arms, you should have known that he did not bring anything good and less if he gave you that characteristic smile that only meant problems.
Even so, you did not hesitate to be so sweet and careful with Denji, the poor puppy who was only looking for love and attention, stuck like a stick to you and flourished before all your cuddles. You would be the one he looked for everything, even if it was the least problem, you trained him to seek help when he thought he needed it.
That's why you weren't surprised when he came running towards him while pointing at his erect and red penis, he looked so sore that you didn't hesitate to help him, you thought you would just use your hand and then get a toy for him. But no, the puppy always loved you and therefore it was not a surprise that things escalated as it did; first he wanted your hand, then it was your mouth and finally it was your pussy, and you being who you were, you couldn't deny him anything.
As expected, Yoshida found out, he found out when you were on your knees and with your face on the ground letting Denji fill you with his third load of the day and contrary to expectations, he just laughed and watched them until he finished.
"My little princess, I didn't know princess was such a dirty bitch. I was right to get prins pup, wasn't I?".
And before that you would not know what to say, more when he always said it when you were being fucked by Denji, you would only moan and cry for not being able to formulate words.
You were brought back to reality when you felt Yoshida sit in front of you, pulling you in so that your face was in front of his erect member hidden in his pants. "It's time to thank your master for your gift." Without asking Denji to stop, you simply opened your mouth, ready to receive him.
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xtr1xx · 10 days
Dietas y como sobrevivir a ellas
Antes de hacer una dieta, primero tenemos que saber que es un dieta.
¿Qué es un dieta?
Una dieta es el conjunto de las sustancias alimenticias que componen el comportamiento nutricional de los seres vivos.
Sabiendo esto, vamos a lo que nos interesa, las dieta estrictas o restrictivas
¿Qué es una dieta estricta?
Una dieta estricta es un tipo de dieta que requiere que la persona que la sigue cumpla ciertas pautas estrictas. Estas pautas pueden incluir el número de comidas que se deben comer al día, el tamaño de las porciones, qué tipo de alimentos se pueden comer y cuánto ejercicio se debe hacer. Las personas que siguen una dieta estricta generalmente lo hacen para perder peso o para mantener un peso saludable.
Como vimos, una dieta estricta es lo que queremos para poder bajar de peso rápidamente, pero... si son dietas estrictas ¿cómo podemos sobrevivir a ellas sin atracones?
Bueno, primero y fundamental NO hacer dietas estrictas por tanto tiempo, pues esto solo nos va a dañar el metabolismo y seremos propensos a más atracones. Si van a hacer una dieta estricta, asegúrense que después de eso comer un poco más (tampoco tanto, porque tambien lleva atracones) Ojo, esto no les asegura no tener atracones, esto solo los controla un poco. si tu dieta es de calorías y las cals máximas son 500 (por dar un ejemplo) cuando termines tu dieta, asegúrate de subirle 100/150 cals más poco a poco (sin pasarse de las 1000 cals, ojo con eso.)
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Estas son dietas con una restricción normal (al menos entre nosotras las princesas)
Estas dietas son más faciles de seguir, al tener unas calorías límites lo que más recomiendo es dividir las calorías. Las comidas más importantes del día son el desayuno y el almuerzo, porque el desayuno activa tu metabolismo y el almuerzo te da energía. así que si tienes una dieta de 800 cals puedes dividirlo así: 200 cals desayuno, 400 cals almuerzo y 200 cals cena.
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Estas dietas son de restricción media, estas son ideales para ls princesas que ya tienen más experiencia
Te recomiendo con todas las dietas que son así dividir las calorías (hay aplicaciones que lo pueden hacer) y con eso es más fácil comer de forma controlada. Algo que también les recomiendo hacer es tener horarios para sus comidas, tipo: Desayunar a las 8, almorzar a las 12 y cenar a las 6 (¡¡Cenar tarde engorda!!) Y así, al tener su horario, no tener tanta hambre entre comidas.
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Estas dietas de acá son las que menos recomiendo, al ser muy bajas en calorías son más propensos a atracones, desmayos y más problemas en la salud. Si las van a hacer, procuren no hacerlas más del tiempo que está planteado y si se desmayan o se marean dejar inmediatamente la dieta y comer algo que tenga proteínas (No fruta porque se les sube la azúcar, tampoco dulces por lo mismo, menos que menos calorías vacías como: hamburguesas, refrescos, nada de eso.) simplemente algo saludable que no les suba el azúcar.
un tip que les doy es que cuando sientan hambre tomen agua caliente, esto te da la sensación de estar saciado
duerman, descansen bien porque dormir también quema calorías
mantenganse distraídos, hagan dibujos, pinten, distraiganse de la comida
NO hacer ejercicio pesado, esto las va a cansar y al no consumir las calorías necesarias se pueden desmayar, yo les recomiendo más que hagan yoga
Traten de comer saludable, o sea, no te vayas a comer las 100 calorías limites que tenías en unas galletas, cambia eso por proteínas y carbohidratos (No les tengan miedo a los carbohidratos, estos son necesarios, los que sí deben reducir son las grasas, grasas saturadas, etc.)
Cada paso que den ahorita, es un paso más cerca a ser esa persona que tanto desean...
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46snowfox · 7 months
Diabolik Lovers Daylight Animate Tokuten:「Durmiendo junto a un★Vampiro」 [Kino]
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Título original: 「添い寝でおやすみ★ヴァンパイア」
Kino: *entra a la habitación* Oye, ¿tienes un momento? No estás ocupada, ¿verdad? ¿Quieres que juguemos? ¡Sí! Es que me estoy aburriendo de jugar contigo y pensé que de vez en cuando podría jugar contigo. Claro que sé que se te dan mal los videojuegos, es por eso que bajé varias aplicaciones, al menos debe haber uno de estos juegos que sí se te dé bien. Entonces empecemos, vayamos a la cama. ¿Acabas de imaginar algo raro? ¿Segura? Tu cara está roja, que curioso. Aunque si quieres puedo cumplir tu deseo, princesa.
Kino (1:08): Tampoco tenias que negarlo con tantas ganas… Bueno, da igual. Dije que fuéramos a la cama por si te quedabas dormida jugando, lamento haber defraudado tus expectativas. Vamos, ven aquí. *van a la cama* Turnémonos para jugar en mi celular. Partamos con un juego de acción de tablero. Es sencillo, quien derrote más enemigos en treinta segundos gana. ¿Entendiste? Yo partiré. Bien… ¡Empecemos! *comienza a jugar* Claro que soy rápido, juego a esto todos los días. Oh, ya acabó. Treinta enemigos en treinta segundos, o sea que tengo treinta puntos. Bueno, este juego es sencillo.
Kino (2:15): ¿Qué dices? Acabar con un enemigo por segundo es pan comido. Vamos, te toca, ten. *te pasa el celular* Ah, pero que sepas que si pierdes más veces que yo tendré derecho a jugar contigo cuánto me plazca. ¿Tienes tiempo de distraerte? El juego ya empezó. *empiezas a jugar, vas lento* Aah… Eres tan torpe que me saca de quicio, confundes el botón de ataque con el de salto, ¿qué lograrás saltando sobre los enemigos? ¡Ah! ¡Te siguen atacando! ¡Mira, te están atacando por detrás…! Oh, se acabó… A ver derrotaste a… cinco enemigos… tienes cinco puntos.
Kino (3:19): ¡Apestas en esto! No te deprimas… Sabía que este tipo de juegos se te daban mal, tranquila, tengo más aplicaciones, préstame mi celular. Ahora juguemos a esto, puede que se te dé bien. Es un juego de cocina. Quien prepare una comida deliciosa en un minuto gana. Bueno, cocinar en la vida real y en un juego son dos cosas distintas, así que no creo que vaya a perder.
Kino (4:03): Muy bien, yo parto. ¡Empecemos! Primero hay que pelar el rábano… ¿Pelar? ¿Qué…? ¿Pelar no es lo que se hace con el cabello…? ¡¿Por qué no explican cómo hacerlo?! No entiendo bien, pero debo “pelarlo”, ¿no? Voy a deslizar la pantalla… ¡¿Ah?! ¡¿Puntos negativos?! ¡¿Por qué?! Ahora que tengo un rábano pelado debo… cortarlo… en… ¿trozos redondos, trozos cuadrados o en trozos de medialuna? ¡¿Cómo voy a saberlo?! *fin* Imposible… acabó sin que pudiera hacer nada… ¡Juego de mierda! ¡¿Por qué tengo que saber de cocina para poder jugar?! Olvidemos este juego, juguemos a otra cosa.
Kino (5:04): ¡Ay cállate! No tiene sentido jugar a esto. ¿Injusto? ¿Quién te crees? Aah, me estoy empezando a molestar… Supongo que empezaré a jugar contigo antes de tener los resultados. Oye… puedo, ¿no? Jeje, mírate, estás temblando, que divertida eres de ver, Aprovechando que estamos en la cama… ¿Qué debería hacerte? Podría aprovechar y hacer algo divertido. Aah… Si serás… Bueno, si tanto quieres jugar, entonces hazlo. *te pasa el celular* Pero tú si sabes de cocina, así que para que sea justo deberás acabar en la mitad de mi tiempo.
Kino (6:11): Ya presioné el botón de inicio, jeje, esfuérzate en dar pelea antes de que empiece a jugar contigo *juegas y haces todo rápido*.
Kino (6:30): ¿Hm…? ¿Qué estaba haciendo…? Recuerdo que fui a verla… ¿Hm? Ya veo… Nos quedamos dormidos mientras estábamos jugando el último juego. No pensé que de verdad jugaríamos hasta acabar dormidos… pero de igual. Jeje, está durmiendo plácidamente. Pero si se durmió mientras jugábamos, entonces… *revisa el celular* Wow, vaya mano… Me dio batalla en el juego de cartas. Y aunque me frustre… debo admitir que sufrí una victoria aplastante en el juego de cocina… ¡Aunque es culpa del juego! O sea que en resumen… fue un empate. Es una pena, pero parece que hoy no podré jugar contigo.
Kino (7:47): Sin embargo… Oh, despertaste. Nos divertimos mucho antes de dormir, ¿no? ¿No lo recuerdas? Con lo emocionada que estabas. Yo no dije nada del juego. ¡Ajajaja! ¡Te alteraste de inmediato! Lo siento, pero esa cara solo me genera ternura. Estás completamente roja. Nunca me puedo aburrir de mi princesa, tanto que jamás quiero soltarte. *bosteza* Aún es temprano, puedes dormir un poco más, yo volveré a dormir.
Kino (8:52): Ven aquí. *te acercas a él* Oye, al final no coronamos a un ganador tras los juegos, pese a eso, me divertí y tú igual, ¿no? Jeje, aunque era esperable. Por eso… volvamos a jugar hasta quedar dormidos, estoy seguro de que será divertido. Sí, es una promesa. Entonces… buenas noches.
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estrella0122 · 9 months
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Bajé 2 Kg en 7 días, estoy súper feliz 🥺🤭
Cabe mencionar que no estoy haciendo dieta, solo disminuí las porciones, bueno, a veces no como, y por lo general ya no siento apetito y siempre dejo comida en el plato.
Dejé el azúcar chicas, no tomo bebida, ni energéticas, tampoco como galletas. Las ensaladas son mis mejores amigas junto con las sopas.
Yo no puedo dejar de comer al 100% porque mí trabajo es pesado, ya lo había mencionado anteriormente, tengo turnos y son de Mañana, Tarde y Noche. En las noches no suelo comer, y si va alguien conmigo, solo como una jalea y nada más, durante el día como ensalada, sopa, jalea y agua.
Ejercicios no hago, porque todo el día estoy en constante movimiento, así que quemo más de 1.000 kcal x día.
DÍA 31 DE DICIEMBRE 2023: 87.40 KG
DÍA 07 DE ENERO 2024: 85.05 KG
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