#£mold cause cancer
bitchapalooza · 1 year
I already knew the mold in the walls was most likely a infestation of mold but I'm genuinely shocked that my dad actually identified it as black mold back when they opened up the wall to fix the pipes, but I just now learned about it today so wtf. I thought it just a combination of regular mold and mildew, no wonder my breathing is kind of shit in here.
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aprillikesthings · 2 years
Things about boobs that everyone should know
Because I just keep finding out people don't know these things!
Most boobs "sag."
Actually, on that note: very very few people have the stereotypically perfect breasts that are round and perky and don't touch your ribcage/belly. Here is an entire gallery of non-sexualized, perfectly normal breasts. Here is another one, but in one image. There's an incredible range of size and shape!
Also related: very few people fit those molded foam-cup bras. Because very few people have a boob that shape. "Then why are those kinds of bras everywhere??" Because they're cheap to make and they hide your nipples.
Your "armpit fat" is probably not armpit fat. It is probably your tail of spence, and you have lymph nodes there. Some people have a bigger or smaller tail of spence, and it has very little to do with how fat you are or how big your boobs are. (Some bras can press on it or pinch it uncomfortably, like balconettes.)
When you lie on your back, your boobs will go into your armpits. That is true of EVERYONE WITH BOOBS, with the exception of some implants. Boobs are squishy! This also means that like, lying on your side will cause them to flop over. If that's uncomfortable when you're trying to sleep, there is such a thing as "sleep bras."
Lots of people's boobs get bigger and/or painful before their period starts. Some people gain an entire cup size every month.
Whether or not you wear bras has no effect on "sagging." The one "study" on this that was written about everywhere extremely badly done. The one exception: If you do the kind of exercise that has you jumping around/jogging a lot, and you don't wear a supportive-enough bra, it's possible you can injure the cooper's ligaments. But also: that would hurt, a lot.
Bras also have no effect on whether you get breast cancer.
Everyone has one boob that's bigger than the other. It's just a matter of degree.
The size of your boobs has nothing to do with whether or not you've had sex???? I'm stunned that there are people that believe this, but I've heard multiple people say they had relatives who absolutely believed this--refused to buy teenagers the correct size bra because "only sluts wear D-cups," or insisted a thirteen-year-old was "fast" because of breast growth during puberty...good lord.
It's possible for AMAB people to breast-feed--they have the same mammary glands AFAB people do! Some hormonal issues can cause people (both AFAB and AMAB) who haven't given birth to lactate, but also there's a few cases where transgender women have been given the same hormones that AFAB people's bodies make during pregnancy/lactation, and voila! Breast milk!
(I very intentionally didn't go into bra sizing with this post, but yes, if you hate your bras, you are probably wearing the wrong size and/or style for you. That's a much more finicky topic though, so I'm just going to point out that the letter doesn't mean anything about boob size by itself, D isn't big, and Victoria's Secret's "fittings" are garbage. For more info, go to the subreddit for r/abrathatfits, or try their size calculator.)
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creature-wizard · 5 months
mycotoxins, cyanogenic glycosides, fumonisins. Seriously pick up a box of cereal, read the ingredients and look them up. Pick up a bad of chips, literally everything processed has toxins that lead to cancer, mental illness, and several other health issues. So before you accuse someone of prejudice please do actual research on the ingredients in the food. I am living proof. I was literally starving to death because I couldn’t hold down food anymore. I switched to one ingredient foods that are literally only ingredients I can pronounce and know what they are and my health has done a 180. I was quite literally going to DIE I could NOT hold anything in my system. Do not tell me I’m wrong when I have quite literally lived it
Yeah uh, most of these foods are not particularly toxic to most people. You are an outlier. Just because you can't eat these foods doesn't mean the government is trying to poison everybody.
Also have you ever heard the phrase "the dose makes the poison"? An ingredient being potentially toxic in large amounts doesn't mean it's going to be particularly harmful in small amounts, if it's harmful at all.
And while there are many ingredients that probably are causing harm, this still doesn't suggest a conspiracy to poison everyone. It's got more to do with economics; IE, what's cheap to produce and what'll give you a shelf-stable product. (Most of us don't want our grain products molding after three days.)
You are literally a conspiracy theorist and your conspiracy theories are rooted in antisemitism whether you acknowledge it or not.
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humanransome-note · 11 months
Thinking about TLOU infected biology because it’s fuck all AM and I can’t sleep.
They should all have broken/poorly healed limbs.
Like I know why they don’t, in the game and the show. (Game: because it came out in 2013 before we figured out cordyceps didn’t actually take over the brain. Show: because you can’t find and hire every appropriately hyper mobile individual on the planet)
So, the cordyceps fungus controls the necessary portions of the infected’s body for movement, and subsequent propagation. In the case of humans, this means limbs primarily, and mouth/throat secondarily.
I’d argue that in the front end of infection, you probably wouldn’t have people biting, but then again, insects infected by the cordyceps are often made to bite whatever plant they have been compelled to climb, as a more secure tether for when the fungus starts sprouting. But this is also the end of the infection, so a toss up.
Fungi mutate pretty quickly though (especially compared to vertebrates) so Tess being forced to open her mouth by the fungus at the end of the episode could easily be explained away by mutations over time, as well as where her infection began.
But! Back to broken limbs. What we know now about cordyceps, is that they do not invade and take control of the brain, they in fact do not commingle with the nervous system at all. (So I gotta go back and amend that TikTok I made cause it’s very wrong now but I doubt anyone besides me cares.)
Cordyceps invade muscle tissue, and there are actually studies trying to figure out if they can help with things like muscular atrophy and weakness because they are thought to increase the body’s production of ATP (cellular energy) in those areas. (Extremely simplified, not a biologist, just a weirdo who can’t sleep rn) Anecdotally Cordyceps can help with muscle growth and repair, immunity to some forms of cancer, and *cough* performance, in those suffering with ED.
I’m off track again! Anyway! With all this information and it being 2:15 am I have come to the sleepless conclusion that a better analogy for TLOU infected internals would be more akin to a secondary nervous system, controlled solely by the fungus.
Now, you may be asking “if it’s like two nervous systems, why can’t the person fight it?” Well I’m glad you asked that voice that feels like it belongs to a Janet.
Because the human brain is a wonderful, complex, convoluted thing. Like a pile of tapioca in a bowl of soy sauce with some sautéed batteries, piloting a mech suit made of meat.
You can break your own bones.
Or actually if you’ve got the gumption or just general lack of hand eye coordination and a shitty inner ear.
But most of the time, it’s theoretically, because your brain stops you from breaking them. Your muscles, even if you don’t work out, are capable of producing enough force to tear themselves from the bone, if not just break the bone while they’re at it. Your brain, the genius that it is, goes ‘ya know what? How about I put a cap on that’ and prevents you from producing that much force.
There have been recorded instances though of “hysterical strength” where people have just lifted entire cars, torn a car door off the hinges, there was even one where a kid lifted the car off his younger brother, cracked at least three teeth from how hard he was gritting them. Think Deku’s quirk from the first few seasons of MHA. All of these people lived, all of them fractured something.
We can’t replicate it in controlled setting because the current theory for why in part that it happens has something to do with shock, and putting someone in shock is unethical. It would be cool to know how it works, sure, but I don’t see any real point for trying to figure it out.
But back to the mold, cordyceps don’t have that limiter, it wouldn’t even have a concept for something like that, it’d just go!
This also goes with another thought I had about how the infected should be either missing a lot of teeth or have chipped teeth. The human reflex is to protect our heads and faces when we fall, fungus don’t care, fungus doesn’t have teeth, fungus doesn’t even know what teeth ARE.
“The person is still conscious during all this?”
… YEP!
Unfortunately, as long as higher brain functions are still capable of functioning, then there is a non zero chance that the person is helpless and aware.
The common consensus for a person living without water is three days, without food roughly three weeks. These are generalizations but they also need to be considered when talking about the progression of the infection.
The food I sort of rigged an idea for, that being the initial fungal blooms occur in the stomach and GI tract, the fungus eats the body, the body eats the fungus. This can’t last forever, because that would be a perpetual machine and that would completely obliterate the laws of thermodynamics, but it could keep a person going, that and the body naturally breaking down fat and muscle tissue for energy.
The water is a bit trickier though, the fungus is definitely the primary receiver and source of water for the body. Humid climates would be hell for a multitude of reasons.
But these issues are also somewhat mitigated by the fact that most infected aren’t ‘actively’ hunting. More often than not they’re in a dormant state until an external stimuli brings them to attention. (Usually sound) and while humans don’t hibernate, sleeping/keeping still can have lesser but similar effects on the metabolism.
Which means patrols were probably more for bandits/raids/smugglers than for roaming infected.
Ellie’s immunity.
It does, in part, have to do with the fact her mother was infected while pregnant. No doubts about that. But genuine immunity? Like actual full on she can’t catch it? No. Because she already has it.
Asymptomatic carrier was my first (and still is) my preferred explanation for this. The electronic scanner caught it, but the dogs didn’t. Why?
Because dogs aren’t trained to sniff out the fungus itself, what they’re smelling are the body’s attempts at an immune response, which is usually fine because antibodies in this sense mean definitely infected. But since Ellie is asymptomatic, it means her body isn’t producing an immune response at all.
Could she give it to someone else? In both the game and show, no. Because she is an asymptomatic carrier, she has actually grown a mutualistic relationship with the fungus, and I’m assuming, like tomatoes, if the fungus doesn’t see a need to propagate (IE all biological needs are met) it won’t try to reproduce.
If she were starved though? Like full on, the hunger pangs have come and gone, massive brain fog, her fingers are looking a lot like carrot sticks rn. Then the fungus might start being aggressive and turn her.
Whatever that may be, the Fireflies digging around her noggin without even a FUCKING MRI was stupid no matter what and on god I know it’s the apocalypse but they don’t even check if her lymph nodes were swollen, or if her reflexes are unusual!
An actual living specimen that as far as anyone knows has had the fungus rocking around in their brain stem for 14 odd years and no one wants to check if she had say… faster healing? Strengthened immune system? Increased/decreased metabolism!
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slugcatmusings · 1 year
Iterators = Colonial Organisms
I’ve been thinking a lot about the iterators lately.  Not any one in particular, nope, I’ve just – been thinking about their biology/structure.  How they might’ve been built, what they’re made of, how the frick the Ancients made them so big that they built entire skyscraper cities on, etc.  First two things are most interesting to me though, how do you build an iterator?  What’s the process there?  How do the metal and organic bits fit together?  Are their metal parts even metal at all, because Pebbles’ robot cancer seems to be mutating directly out of the metal????  
Probably not, honestly.  Because metal can’t get cancer.  It’s probably, I dunno, weird bone or something.
ANYWAY I think iterators are colonial organisms, like siphonophores. Think the Man ‘o War jellyfish – it’s actually not one creature, but a bunch of physically connected creatures, each with a specialized purpose that helps all the other creatures around it survive, and all working together.  You’ve got critters that work as a digestive system, others for respiratory or circulatory, others that act as the outer shell/layer/skin, others that act as a skeletal framework, that kind of thing.  
Iterators are like that, but on a MUCH larger scale, built by human(?) hands, and maybe with some fully mechanical parts mixed in here and there.  I mean, just look at these examples of what all we definitely know they have:
Neuron flies, which store memories and I think carry signals/messages between other neural organisms.
Those weird red squiggly things that grow out of some walls and free-drift in other places – I’ve seen neurons connect to the tendrils coming off those things and give off little electrical flashes so those are more neural organisms.
The small hair-like tendrils that glow blue growing out of the wall are probably another version of the red squiggly things.
Inspectors are DEFINITELY acting as the immune system here.  They attack you if you grab/harm neuron flies, they just throw spears and toss you around instead of eating you alive like OUR immune cells usually do.
Those weird red structures attended to by lil white spidery things in the Memory Conflux of Five Pebbles are probably some kind of long-term memory storage, considering the title of the sub-region.
On top of these, we’ve probably got some sort of circulatory system equivalent – in some places you can hear what sounds a bit like a heartbeat pulsing in the background.  (Just, you know, if you were hearing it from right outside the vessel walls and hearing all the liquid rushing past on every beat.)  There’s probably some sort of specialized system for sucking up and processing the water that the iterators canonically use as coolant, ending in some sort of respiration that lets out all the water vapor from that process. There’s GOT to be some sort of digestive system equivalent because I seriously doubt that the “bio” part of “bio-tech” can survive without SOME sort of nutrients, but Void if I know what that might be.  Maybe they’ve got some of that glowy mold being cultivated somewhere in their structure, that stuff seems to grow on their probably-not-metal framework pretty well.  
Then there’s whatever the rarefaction cell in Rivulet’s campaign is plugged into... it’s called the “Heart” in Moon’s structure, maybe it’s connected to a circulatory system, or maybe that’s a mechanical part versus an organic one, I don’t know.  More food for thought.
About the only thing I think the iterators DON’T have is any kind of reproductive system.  Iterators too close to one another can suck up all the water and leave another high and dry, so too many iterators in the same region would probably cause a drought.  On top of that, lust is one of the earthly urges the Ancients are trying to let go of in order to ascend – no way they’d leave their giant holy supercomputers with the ability to do THAT.  They’d probably have aneurysms even thinking about it.
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deathsbestgirl · 8 months
okay here goes: never again & the cancer arc.
a little more in depth? than what i've already posted lol
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never again opens with scully sitting in the basement office, contemplating where she fits, where she is in "their" office. she's holding mulder's nameplate and the first thing she says to him, after he ranted about having to take vacation, is "why don't i have a desk?"
he doesn't seem to understand why she's asking, where it's coming from and answers glibly, sarcastically. she's not happy with his answer. so she just...moves on, asking what he wants her to do while he's gone.
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in the first scene, we saw scully not paying attention while their informant talked to mulder. she's looking at a memorial, the messages & gifts people left for a lost loved one. she takes a wilting flower petal.
season 4 has been tense. they've dealt with some twisted cases, she was held in contempt, she couldn't protect mulder or give him what he needed or stop him making a huge mistake in paper hearts. skinner was disappointed in her. they also had one of their most ridiculous cases in el mundo gira, an episode i know is commonly disliked. i don't necessarily enjoy it either but there are a few lines that really grabbed my attention.
it's about immigrants, who avoid the government at all costs in fear of deportation or jail (maybe worse). but they're mostly invisible. they're hired for cheap labor, but that's the most they're noticed for. their deaths & lives aren't a concern to this country.
scully is able to find the cause, but the two men infected & spreading the deadly fungus escape. they escape because they're "invisible"
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scully wasn't there for mulder's conversation with lozano, but her statement at the end echos what lozano says in a way. when they first arrived, scully waved her badge around completely not understanding how she would be received in a migrant community as a federal agent. she made the same assumptions lozano did. but she follows mulder's lead, and the science, and the truth lands somewhere in the middle, and there isn't a satisfying conclusion to the case. yet again.
they rarely get all the answers. and even when they solve a murder, close a case — what's the cost?
i think scully sometimes feels invisible. her life is standing still. they're hidden away in the basement. she already had to fight for a place in male dominated fields. now she has to fight for the validity of the x files & mulder.
and maybe more than that, mulder doesn't always understand that scully wants to be on the x files, in the basement with him. she was assigned and he doesn't take her dedication & investment as seriously. not because he doesn't know the personal cost to her, or that she chose to stay, but because he has a hard time believing it, accepting it. he tells her several times there's life beyond the x files, to go be a doctor, she'll be head of the bureau. he never expected her to stay, to make it her life too. but she does. she chooses him & the x files over and over. and she wants him to understand, but i don't think she completely understands either.
i said once that it seemed to me scully truly realized how deep she was in with mulder in folie a deux. she was frustrated when mulder acts like he's the only one being "punished" being assigned to a case he thinks is a load of crap, but she was taking seriously. to her, it's always "we" and he acts like it's just him. he goes off without her, ends up needing her help & being right that it was a legitimate case & an x file! and in the end, she tells skinner as much as she can. she sees the zombie people. she sees the being in his room. a madness shared by two.
anyway. i think in never again she wasn't sure exactly what was bothering her, but she knew she was hitting that wall. and that's how she ended up with ed. talking about her patterns. mulder doesn't exactly fit the mold, but scully still wasn't getting what she wanted or needed. and she only calls ed for a date after mulder makes that comment.
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mulder knew she would go, even though she refused in their office. he knew exactly where to find her. he was frustrated with her in the beginning, and then he's frustrated with her again for giving up the case when following pudovkin didn't lead to anything x files related, only russian mob. he wasn't trusting her, wasn't believing her.
the last time he asked her about a date was in the jersey devil. which he interrupted and she was happy for it. she didn't take the second date. this time when he asks, she decides to go on a date. exercise some autonomy instead of doing "as told, as always"
scully wants to work on the x files with mulder and have a life. when given the choice, whenever options are presented to her, she chooses mulder every time. but she wants to feel the same in return, especially after she feels like she's failed (him).
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at ed's apartment, she doesn't want to go to the nice restaurant he got a reservation for. she wants to go the bar that's a great place to go when you're feeling crappy. because she's so obviously feeling crappy. when have we seen her seek out a date? or any other male attention? (seriously anyway, or without going back to mulder)
even though mulder isn't the typical controlling figure in her life, though he has his moments, like what's happening here...what she says about her father is true of mulder too.
she's hitting that wall, she needs to rebel. but how can she "rebel" against mulder & their work, on a illegitimate x file (lol). she rightfully hands off the case, then goes on a date, gets a tattoo and sleeps with a man who ends up trying to kill her (arguably stumbling into a real x file)
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i think scully figured out what she needed to. she doesn't seem affected by this instance of violence like she was by duane barry, her abduction or donnie pfaster. (ed had just tried to kill her and she still tries to stop him sticking his arm in the furnace. she kept appealing to him.)
she knows what she wants at the end. but mulder won't say it, and neither will she. they both know but if they can't say it, they can't be on the same page and they can't really move forward. they stay in the ouroboros, in the endless line. somehow different yet exactly the same.
mulder not finishing his sentence, refusing to repeat her words back to her, was like a nail in the coffin. they know. it is their life. their lives have become (almost) completely intertwined, they made it this way. they are each other's person, they have the same path because of the choices they make over & over.
and then: mulder starts to do something different in leonard betts.
scully has always been there when he needs her, for the work, for samantha, for his mom. mulder is always there when she's emotionally vulnerable (as far as she lets him). she says she's fine over & over, she tells him she's back & she's not going anywhere. and when it comes crashing down around her, when she can't hold the facade & he's there & steady for her, she falls apart in the safety of his arms.
[side note: it's so funny to me how scully still never has any idea what she's walking into. if we don't see a slideshow, she's going in completely blind. he always gives the case to her piece by piece.]
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this scene is just. my favorite. mulder can look at horribly disfigured bodies, he'll touch & taste anything at a crime scene. but he's disgusted when he realizes he's touching bile. he can hold it together at dismembered bodies, but would love to draw the line at touching them.
but scully asked for his help, and how often has she done that in regards to her domain on cases? i'm sure there had to be some, but i can only remember her asking mulder to smell a body in revelations.
anyway. this man is genuinely horrified at the idea of digging through a dumpster of left over body parts.
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there's nothing he wants to do less, but he does it. because she asks him to. (and it should lead them to some answers.)
later, leonard betts goes after scully. tells her "i'm sorry, but you've got something i need" after they've ascertained is brain was "riddled" with cancer, and he feeds on it, could identify it in anyone, he spent a lot of time in cancer wards, likely scavenging when he could.
scully is shaken after.
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and here, mulder doesn't understand what's bothering scully, and he does something we don't seem him do very often, if ever this outright? he explicitly tells her she did a good job, she should be proud.
i think i've said before i don't think scully lets herself feel proud very often. she craves validation, always tries to do the most, is always excited to tell mulder when she has something. here he's giving her something she should love, and she can't appreciate it because she needs to get out of there. she's terrified. another case solved, ending in death. she saved herself again. but now...she's facing the possibility of cancer. and despite being a skeptic, she believes leonard betts.
which!! we saw earlier in the episode too. when she's about to examine leonard betts' decapitated head and his eyes open & his mouth moves, almost as if whispering to her (genuinely reminds me of when she sees her father in beyond the sea) — she can't continue the autopsy. she calls mulder and he picks up on it immediately. and in this moment, she isn't particularly vulnerable. and more typically, that's when we see her believe most, when her defenses are weakened and she needs something to hold onto, or she can't bring herself to use her defenses.
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"blinked or winked?" his jokes this episode are so important to me. because never again was so tense, so leonard betts taking place after never again and before memento mori is a good cushion. he's responding to what he understood about scully after never again, and trying to bring back their usual banter. scully is still pretty annoyed with him but they're still together on this case. they disagree, scully playing skeptic as mulder throws his crazy theories at her.
and scully's expressions whenever they're on the phone are so much more expressive. it's special. she lets go of her professionalism and just reacts, and mulder is having a great time. he thinks they're getting back to a better place, and they are, but everything still remains in the silence.
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mulder is still making jokes and scully pretends to be unamused (she is hopeless in the best way). and because i love when scully says riddled:
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so truly, leonard betts is a connecting episode. there are a few lighthearted moments after the intensity of never again, an episode that was about mulder not understanding where scully was coming from, and leonard betts is about what he was able to understand. giving her validation. it's also makes more sense that he doesn't try to give her any physical comfort after, to me, if leonard betts happens after never again. paper hearts happened not that long ago, and scully was fierce in that episode and physically affectionate with him.
mulder and scully both knew at the end of never again what's between them. mulder leaves "but it's become mine" unsaid, he cuts himself off. scully was frustrated with not truly knowing her place with mulder, on the x files, in their office. his unfinished sentence and the following silence said it all. if it was ever going to happen, it would have been right then. and it doesn't.
leonard betts is a little cushion between two intense episodes. the awareness of their feelings in never again, trying to find their rhythm again in leonard betts & scully's revelation at the end. they lead to the emotional & physical vulnerability in memento mori and through the cancer arc. the feeling of what they're losing before it even started.
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liketolaugh-writes · 1 year
Paul insisted. Percy was really, really glad that Paul insisted.
“You exercise more in a week than I have in my entire life,” he’d told Percy. “You shouldn’t be experiencing shortness of breath.”
So they went to see a mortal doctor, which Percy hadn’t done in years. She listened to Percy’s breath, frowned, and listened some more. Then she ordered a chest x-ray, which came up normal. She listened to Percy’s breath again, and then wrote him a referral to a pulmonologist. The pulmonologist made him do some breathing tests, asked about his exercise habits, and called some people to confirm what they’d said before he seemed to come to a conclusion.
It was the pulmonologist that finally explained the whole song-and-dance.
“Emphysema seems like the most likely cause,” he explained, giving Percy an illegible print-out. Percy stared at it, willing it to make sense. “It’s difficult to be certain, of course – it’s very rare to catch it this early. But it’s the best explanation for a sudden reduction in lung capacity despite vigorous exercise.”
It didn’t mean a lot to Percy, but Sally inhaled sharply.
“Emphysema, isn’t that...?” She touched her throat, eyes wide.
Percy didn’t know what she was talking about, but Dr. Martin shook his head. “No, stoma usually come from the removal of a cancer. That would have been detected in the x-ray, that’s not a concern right now. Emphysema is when some of the air sacs in your lungs burst and reduce your overall lung capacity.”
“Uh, that sounds bad,” Percy managed, pressing a hand to his chest. He hadn’t thought that the occasional ache in his chest would be such a big deal.
“It’s very mild right now,” Dr. Martin reassured them. “You’ll have to be careful with your lungs from now on, but it shouldn’t affect your quality of life. Avoid chemical fumes, smoke, environmental dust, spores – you may want to look into updating your air filters at home. I’ll prescribe a steroidal inhaler that should help if something particularly irritates your lungs. Is there any sort of ongoing factor that might have caused this? Secondhand smoke, factory work, slime mold?”
Sally squeaked, going white. “This comes from secondhand smoke?”
Dr. Martin raised an eyebrow. “Are you a smoker, Mrs. Blofis?”
The need to defend his mom brought Percy out of his stupor. “No, my ex-stepfather was,” he explained, crossing his arms uncomfortably. “So I was around it for a lot of my childhood. But, um, really recently, my girlfriend and I were in a... gas attack, I guess. That probably didn’t help either.”
Dr. Martin sighed. “Yes, police tear gas does tend to have unintended effects,” he muttered. “Proceed with caution, but you shouldn’t need to make too many changes to your normal routine. Continue exercising regularly; it will help your lungs work as efficiently as possible. Emphysema isn’t typically diagnosed until someone’s forties or fifties, when it begins to impact day-to-day life. If you’re careful, you may avoid ever reaching that point.” He nodded at the paper in Percy’s hand. “That should have a fairly complete list of irritants to avoid. Do you have any questions?”
Percy picked at his jeans, feeling miserable. “Um, I work as a counselor at a summer camp every year. Campfire’s a big part of that. Can I still...?” Make s’mores, tell stories, sing along with everyone?
Dr. Martin softened. “Make sure to stay well clear of the smoke,” he warned. “But you should be able to stay close enough to participate.” He hesitated, considering Percy, and then added, “A mask should reduce the effects if you want to get closer. You should also wear one in the more polluted parts of the city.”
“It barely ever happens!” Percy protested. “I have to sprint to get anywhere close to that point!”
“And we would like to keep it that way,” Dr. Martin said firmly. “Emphysema is a degenerative disease, meaning it gets worse over time. You have your whole life ahead of you. If you’re careful, you may never have to give up the activities you currently enjoy.”
Percy’s throat closed up, and his mom grabbed his hand and covered for him.
“Thank you very much for your help, Dr. Martin,” she said. “Do you have an email I could contact you at? I expect I’ll have a lot of questions over the next few months.”
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
Mulder and Stagnation, Scully and Autonomy
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A bit I pulled from my next post on HTGSC:
“Where’s my partner?” 
Lyda sidesteps the question: “He believes in ghosts?”
“Yeah,” Scully unflinchingly responds. 
“You poor child. You must have an awfully small life, spending your Christmas Eve with him-- running around and chasing things you don’t even believe in.” 
Well that’s a perspective that Scully does and doesn’t hold: yes, Mulder’s single mindedness can be infuriating at times… but does she come across that way to him? It hits on that old, nagging insecurity: Phoebe Green and Bambi Berenbaum and Diana Fowley (and eventually Karin Berquist) can feed his theories and take her place and sneer at her skepticism; and Mulder will cling to their validation because he feels (she thinks) rejected by her. 
Does he feel rejected by her?  
Again: Mulder’s walls are his insecurity and terror that Scully will pack up and leave him one day; and Scully’s are that Mulder would be satisfied to rot in stagnation in his molding basement, rooting her down with him (an interesting foretelling of the episode Field Trip.) 
Her fear and equal confusion are twisted up with her warring belief and disbelief, too muddled for her to sift and resort her quaking emotions. 
“I can see it in your face, the fear," Lyda continues, "the conflicted yearnings. The subconscious desire to find fulfillment through another.” 
That part is true: Jack Willis to a degree, Mulder most definitely, and even more definitely Daniel Waterston. Scully eventually gravitates to Daniel because she feels unneeded by Mulder-- those doubts bleeding through since S1 into Never Again and into Milagro and finally concluding in All Things-- and her dutiful personality wants to be someone’s right hand man and the only twinkle in their eye. Mulder, for all his affectionate nature, forgets that Scully needs a moment after she loses her sister (talking about fate), her dog (moving on to his request), her rudder in the work (shuffling off to Graceland and giving her the wrong space) her Christmas Eve, and eventually her weekend. He almost loses her to men who need her to fix them-- Ed Jerse’s messed up life and crummy bar, Waterson’s damaged heart and broken relationships-- who have a way of crushing her rationality under the thumb of passion through obligation, who want to take the steering wheel of her life and turn it in their directions. It’s not until All Things that Scully realizes what Melissa meant by “life’s… just a path”: it’s one with a destination only you-- she-- can choose; and it causes her to fully take control of the reigns of her life and be at peace with her hands-off man Mulder. 
It took Scully forever to start a relationship with Mulder-- whether that’s The Unnatural or Millennium or All Things-- because she was ingrained in her habits, waiting for him to take control. But Mulder’s no Eddie van Blundht (no Ed Jerse, no Daniel Waterston); and they both realized it would take a miracle for him to do what his shapeshifter-self did. So: Scully, miraculously healed from cancer, reached out for another miracle… and Mulder completely missed it. This shifted her back into Starbuck mode; which led to her quiet reticence of S5 and her self-blame in FTF and her hints and thwarted hopes in S6. The relationship stagnated until Mulder got a clue-- in The Unnatural-- and it shifted irrevocably from there. 
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bugjomes · 8 months
Sweet horticulture bro but your pumpkins look yucky ugly. Bugs won't even eat the rotten ones, look. There's not even mold on it. How did you grow such dogshit pumpkins? It's amazing. A scientific marvel.
The anti-everything except pumpkin gene has been isolated and analyzed by our top scientists, and we are now able to cure every disease and minor malady known to man. Skight hip pain, cancer, radiation poisoning, all gone thanks to you. What? Your friend sent them to us? I guess that explains why he said that you prefer to be called "poopoo butt pumpkin sucker". We really didn't think anyone would like to be called that, we assure you. Our top scientists isolated that part of the letter and analyzed it in our lab. Now that we know he was just being a jerk to you, I think that... yes... that clears a roadblock in our research. We may be able to isolate the gene that causes people to be jerks sometimes.
Oh, pardon me. I didn't mean to kill you dog, I just hated it so I shot it with my gun. Yes it was awful of me, but you can understand my rage, right? Yeah, you can. Thank you. I'm so sorry about that.
REPORT: Widely-distributed vaccine against sometimes being a jerk has a rare side effect that didn't appear in drug trials which makes recipients hostile toward all dogs. More information will be released as it is uncovered, but please, keep your dogs inside for now.
Sloppy man: aahhhhhaahh yeahhhh feels good love pissing on the carpet next to the TV while the news is playing
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rat-woman876 · 6 months
Something I just thought about is that the void gets more and more physical and "real" as you get deeper into it
Go in and you'll find the void is simple strands of ambient energy, it is infinite, calm, yet haunting, the best way to explain what its like being there is to "Imagine a color that does not exist, that is where you are." But overall its harmless
Go deeper and you'll find something like the Zariman, a place where unreality meets reality and now has a purpose, escape. This causes the strands and bends of void energy to become a near liquid metal, this metal takes over, spreads, consumes like some form of mold or cancer, it can occasionally make living things, this being the angels, once people these things are basically void golems, not really living but serving some form of purpose
Go to the point of contact for all things void related, to where a man foolishly broke into a gods home and didn't expect it to be angry with him you find the void in a truly soild state, harsh jagged rocks, rarely forming anything smooth and when it does its another mouth or body for a unknown terror to bellow its haunting words and reach out to you, trying to use you as its way out of this place, you sit where its almost breached real space, where its been able to make itself real, where its established rules, where beings made in its image slam against the doors of reality, wanting out.
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joelslegalwhrereads · 2 years
I’m here
pairing ⁀➷ lance sweets x reader
word count ⁀➷ 750
summary ⁀➷ after a boy dies in his arms, Lance needs someone. And you’re the only one he wants to be with.
warnings ⁀➷ mention of death, light mention of trauma (lance), heartbreak (for daisy)
a/n ⁀➷ First of all please tell me if you think I missed a warning!! I always appreciate that. Second; I copied some parts from the episode (bones season 5 ep 15) so if it sounds familiar to you, that’s why. (also, I actually like Daisy, ngl it hurt a bit to hurt her feelings lmao)
part 1/2
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After the boy died in Lance's arms, something in him had changed. Not just the fact that a person - who told him he was cancer free, ready to live the life he always wanted - died in his arms. Sweets seemed changed, like his goal in life had shifted.
„Lance. What are you doing here?“ Daisy asked, surprised as she saw Lance entering the platform.
„I came to offer my services,“ he explained, „Earthquakes can cause psychological trauma.“
„Yes. For you baby,“ Daisy interrupted him, „What you've been through-„
„I'm fine, Daisy.“
Cam looked at him with a worried look, „Sweets, you saw somebody die.“ Anyone could see she hit right in the spot, when Sweets looked at the ground.
„I know my Lancelot. You needed to see me, didn't you?“ Daisy stepped forward towards Lance, but he backed up just a little. „No, I'm just trying to do my job.“ he distanced himself.
„Oh.“ Daisy's gaze was obvious and not only Cam but Dr. Brennan could see it.
Easing the tension a little, probably unintentionally, Dr. Brennan addresses Sweets, „Booth told you to go home. He knows about things like this, Sweets.“. „We'll call if we need you, I promise. We'll have Hodgins drive you home.“ Cam added in a caring tone. Lance nodded in thanks, before turning around to leave the platform.
„Bye, Lancelot.“ Daisy tried, only earning a short wave from him and a gaze from Dr. Brennan.
She seemed sad when he left just like that, but right now, this was not what he needed. What he needed was-
You felt a chest bump against yours, looking up you saw Lance. „Sorry, Lance.“ You backed a step away from him to give him space. Lance just shook his head. You knew what happened just a few hours ago. You knew Lance. The corners of his mouth had dropped, and his eyes had lost their sparkle. His usually red lips were completely pale. Lance looked terrible, terribly haunted.
„I'm here if you want, you know. You can call me if you need anything, food, talking… or just to not be alone.“. Lance closed the space between you two and hugged you. You could feel his heart beat, his arms pressing you against his chest, and his face in the crook of your neck. He needed to bend down a little to do so.
You bedded your head against his collar bone and wrapped your arms tightly around his torso. Lance smelled of his perfume and the scent surrounded you. It made you feel… so many things. Safe, calm, even loved. You quickly tried to get that last thought out of your head. You knew he and Daisy broke up, but still, you two were so close you didn't want to challenge that if he wasn't feeling the same.
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„Note the victims clavicle.“ Brennan said. Daisy turned around as Cam added, „It's dented.“
„And blue.“ Daisy stated. „There's also a blue nick on the C7“. „Something blue pierced his clavicle and went through to the back of his neck.“ Cam added to what Brennan had said.
„That would've sliced through the carotid artery.“ she finished.
Brennan nodded, „Ms. Wick, take molds of the clavicle for a possible weapon, and swab the blue pigment for Hodgins.“ she instructed Daisy. But when Daisy turned around, she stopped short when she saw how Lance seemed to be holding on to you.
You seemed to steady him. She knew it was no longer going to work out between them, and she was glad you were able to give Lance what he needed, but it still ached. Dr. Brennan and Cam tracked her gaze. Cam smiled when she saw the two of you, but she also shared a sympathetic look with Dr. Brennan. They could all see how familiar you tow felt with each other.
„Thank you.“ Lance whispered against your neck, and you could feel a tear run down his face. „Please call me whenever you need me, no matter what time.“ you mumbled into his embrace. „Mhm, I will.“.
Once more Lance tightened his hug, before letting you go. Hodgins was already waiting for him at the entrance of the Jeffersonian to drive him home.
You looked after Lance, but you didn't dare to turn around. You knew that Dr. Brennan, Cam and Daisy were watching. And at that moment you realized just how intimate this situation had been.
a/n: if you have any wishes / ideas for part 2 let me know!
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unnervinglyferal · 6 months
so. you have summoned someone who has taken multiple years of biology because you started talking about emotions and animals and they are feeling rather verbose at this hour of the day
the limbic system is associated with a lot of our more primal emotions, and the fuck/flight/fight/feed urges tend to be associated with the hypothalamus, so i’d say it’s fair to link it to anger, at least for the purposes of this conversation. the limbic system is also called the mammalian brain, because we share it with all other mammals
so: mammals probably can experience anger
the part of the brain we share with reptiles is the brain stem, which literally just keeps us alive. they don’t have - at least as far as i was taught in school - dedicated emotional centers in the brain like mammals do, so we can’t localize anger. this means, from an anatomical perspective, we don’t know where they would feel the anger, or if what they’re feeling is anger in the same way we mean it to be
but what we do know is that they experience the fight/flight/freeze response in the presence of a threat (and this is actually impacted by body temperature and sprinting speed). that suggests, from a human perspective, fear
but is not fighting a response associated with anger? what differentiates an angry animal from a scared one? do reptiles actually feel anger because they can fight back? and what is anger, if not based in fear?
and this is where we veer from the realm of the concrete, scientific consensus into the realm of the “i will make a hill just to die on it” philosophical debate. the experiences of animals are often so fundamentally different than ours that it is foolish to try to keep relating everything back to the human experience. bees see ultraviolet light as colors, while we just see it as a cause of skin cancer. whales sing so low we cannot hear them, and in languages of their own. it’s been said that dogs can see in smell, and bats can see in sound
however, hunger? that’s fairly universal
slime molds are unicellular organisms that do wonderful things because of their hunger. they have no nervous system. they cannot think. but they can sense where food is thanks to receptors in their cell membrane and they can move towards the food. you can make them model metro systems to determine the most efficient train routes by placing food sources with sizes that correspond to the number of riders at the locations where the stations are
they have no brains, no neurons, and yet they feel hunger
anyhow, because they have no brains, it’s very easy to fuck around with them and trick them. if you give them two pieces of paper, one soaked in water and the other one soaked in a glucose solution - not a sugar solution, table sugar is not glucose but a diner of glucose and fructose that they can’t detect - and the glucose solution is concentrated enough, the slime molds will move away from the glucose strip. i did this for a grade once in high school
but so, from my perspective: hunger is almost certainly universal, since metabolism is part of what is needed for something to be considered alive, and mammals probably can feel anger, but it gets more complicated the less like humans animals get because we don’t have a good frame of reference to differentiate anger and fear
I'm going to process this information literally for the rest of the year. Also, "because they have no brains, it’s very easy to fuck around with them and trick them" also applies to some people.
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mikurulucky · 1 month
Tochiro hyperfocuses like a goddamned champ. I wonder how many times he forgot to eat while he was tinkering with stuff or building the Arcadia. How many times did Emeraldas and Harlock end up giving him food thinking "Yo, you forgot to eat lunch a few hours ago, so I brought you this".
The times he feels he NEEDS to do something and stubbornly sticks to that thing, whether it's fixing the ship when he needs to rest after an injury or it's driving through a disease/cancer causing wormhole to fix Emeraldas's ship, or wandering off to a random western town to find his people in Gun Frontier despite Harlock and Shinunora telling him "Bro, you're gonna get yourself killed!"... it's numerous.
He's like my black cat endlessly looking for his toy mouse because it's his favorite. If he's got something he needs or wants to do, he's dead set on it until it's done. I imagine in the case of tinkering, that might've lead to moments where he ended up staying up all night only realizing he did so after randomly looking at the clock and realizing "Oh shit, I've been tinkering with this machine for literal HOURS!! O_O" and going to bed at like the crack of dawn. I know I've done that many times lol.
I wonder if that's part of the reason he rarely bathes in some timelines lol. The other part maybe being executive dysfunction or a negative association with past bathing incidents like someone forcing him to bathe and being too rough with him.
(I do suspect that that, the lack of motivation, and the fact there's only like ONE bathing area in the boarding house could be why Nobotta hardly bathes unless he's made to bathe, and the landlady's attempts to make him bathe probably only exacerbates that issue long term. As for his unwillingness to wash his boxers... idk maybe that was to save money, like forgoing a trip to the laundromat in favor of buying food?... or more boxers??? As if that's cheaper somehow??? Idk, I liken Nobotta's endless buying of boxers to my doordash addiction thanks to having less energy to cook half the time lol. And the mushrooms seem to be the result of rain leaking into his closet, as moisture DOES lead to the development of mold and other fungi after a while, and you DON'T want that. Nobotta's just lucky the mushrooms that grow on his boxers are actually edible inky cap mushrooms and not something poisonous (yes, I do believe they're supposed to be based on the inky cap mushrooms Leiji found growing on one of his clothing once and fed to, iirc, the creator of Ashita no Joe?). Eating those mushrooms is still kinda cursed tho lol.)
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fireliit · 10 months
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LOGAN, THIRTY-ONE, CST; SHE/THEY. | if you’re hearing COMING HOME by BRIDGES playing, you have to know KAREEM SALAAM (HE/HIM; CIS MAN) is near by! the THIRTY-SEVEN year old MUSEUM CURATOR has been in denver for, like, SIX MONTHS. they’re known to be quite FICKLE, but being FREE-THINKING seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble YAHYA ABDUL-MATEEN II. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those PERFECTIONISM THAT IS ALWAYS BEING FINE-TUNED AND REWORKED LIKE A MOLD OF CLAY, A GLASS OF CURATED WINE WHILE READING CLIVE BELL FOR THE THOUSANDTH TIME, FRENCH PRESS COFFEE WITH A SPLASH OF CONDENSED MILK vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the CHERRY CREEK long enough!
Full profile under the cut! APPLICABLE TRIGGER WARNINGS: brief mentions of death by helicopter accident and natural causes
STATS Full Name: Kareem Arash Salaam Nickname(s): None Occupation: Museum curator at Denver Art Museum Age: Thirty-seven Date of Birth: July 22nd, 1986 Ethnicity/Race: Black, West Indian, African-Caribbean Gender & Pronouns: Cis man | he/him Orientation: Bisexual Height: 193 cm / 6’3” Tattoo(s): None Piercing(s): None Birthplace: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Current Residence: Denver, Colorado Languages: English (fluent), French (fluent) Social Class: Upper middle class Notable Family Members: Jahmal Salaam (father, deceased), Abigail Salaam (mother), Hamaad Salaam (paternal grandfather, deceased) Traits: Honorable, creative, free-thinking, philosophical, inventive, fickle, snooty and petty MBTI: ISTP - The Virtuoso Eanneatype: Type 3 - The Achiever Moral Alignment: True Neutral Temperament: Phlegmatic Intelligence Type: Spatial, existential Astrology: Cancer sun, Aquarius moon, Capricorn ascending Habits: Glancing at watch, tapping his foot, rubbing chin, tunes boring people out, over-organized, snores when sleeping, turns almost everything into a project, raising eyebrows, often stands with hands behind his back Hobbies: Metalcrafting, wood-working, resin molding, anything art-related, visiting wineries, art journaling, visiting restaurants and giving scorching reviews on social media, reading Likes: Charcuterie boards, cured meats, philosophical debate, questioning existence and other people's poor choices, candles, pastries Dislikes: The fog, cake that's too sweet, flying on airplanes, people trying to give him nicknames, being cold, clutter BIOGRAPHY His father was a hero. That’s what others would tell Kareem when they recounted how his father died in a helicopter accident as an EMSA pilot during a vicious hurricane.  
But Kareem wasn't ever interested in chasing after his father's legacy, in flying that close to the sun, keeping his feet planted firmly on the ground from a young age. 
As the result of his father passing and his mother being away from home a lot working, he was raised primarily by a no-nonsense paternal grandfather starting from the age of seven. His grandfather instilled in him high values and expectations and, as a result, Kareem always has held himself to high standards and views the world with a critical gaze. 
Through his observations from his youth, Kareem adopted his own code of conduct. He doesn’t just hold himself to this code, but also the people around him, and as a result, he has alienated more people than not. This suits Kareem just fine as he preferred to have a smaller, curated circle of friends. 
Incredibly cutthroat and unafraid to sever ties, Kareem spent most of his time exploring the world through nature, philosophy, and art. Often found with a book in hand, in a lot of ways, George Dickie, Walter Kaufmann, and Ted Cohen were his most steady companions growing up. 
While he finds plenty of faults in people and the world around him, Kareem also has a fascination with the beauty of the imperfections that exist in every corner, leading him to follow a passion for the arts. Graduating from high school in his hometown of New Orleans, Kareem went on to get his bachelor’s in Museum Studies from New York Univeristy.
It is during this time that he meets Kassandra Yung, his first love. After a period of pining, the two of them began to date, only calling it quits upon graduation. Kassandra was going back to her home, and Kareem needed to move onto graduate school, and the two of them split after deciding not to try and make the relationship work long distance. For awhile, they still exchanged letters until contact dwindled.
Career-focused, Kareem went to John Hopkins University for his graduate studies, and after he had completed the program, he served his internship at the Dallas Museum of Art.  
Kareem spent the better part of the next decade hopping around the southern United States and leaving his footprint in various museums with his hand-picked exhibits. During this time, it wasn’t only art pieces that he left behind, but also broken hearts. Never settling down for long. 
Kareem dabbles in creating art pieces of his own every now and then, preferring woodworking and metal crafting to any other art styles, but he mostly loves to pick art pieces to hang not just in his home, but in local museums as a museum curator. 
After the passing of his grandfather last year, Kareem decided to spread his wings and relocate to Denver, Colorado to help nurture the vibrantly growing art scene there.
Throughout all of his moves, Kareem never once has taken flight, traveling cross-country by car with a moving van following behind him. Accommodating to the cooler weather has been difficult for him and he dreads the upcoming summer, but it is a price he is willing to pay for the rich culture that he has found in Denver, specifically in the River North Art District where he works. 
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"Gee, humans are so boring and normal." Well, maybe boring and normal is just what you want.
But if that's not what you want, there's the Wild Magic Human. Full of chaos and randomness, because a subclass wasn't enough.
Also pairs nicely with the previously posted Pantheon Domain Cleric.
(Don't ask why the links are blurry. I don't know either, but I'll make sure to post them in the notes.)
Image Description under the cut:
“Hybridized” Races - Wild Magic Human
What did you even put in that human?
(Human x Wild Magic???)
If there’s one thing that humans are known for… No, I’m not talking about their survivability. Or their durability, or their reuptation for lying and stealing, or their resistance to exhaustion, or their ability to give head scratches, or their rate of proliferation, or their reproductive compatibility… Stop interrupting. I’m talking about their adaptability. This, my friends, is the trait that has allowed them to survive through so many disasters. Despite their low numbers, humans can be found nearly anywhere you go, aside from dedicated racial conclaves. Of course, being so spread so thin means that it’s difficult for them to find other humans, so they generally assimilate into whatever dominant race is around, with only the occasional re-emergence of human features.
(Though calling them human features is a bit of a misnomer - the only reason you can tell they’re “human” is when they lack of defining racial traits. Even then, a human will often take on a diluted form of their inhuman ancestry - magical affinity being the most common.)
But I digress. How do humans adapt to an environment that adapts right back? Better than you’d expect, actually. At first glance, their elemental affinity makes them resemble some variant of genasi. However, the semi-stable magical energy latent within them shifts unconcsiously, resulting in potent and unpredictable combinations of abilities.
 Age. Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.
Size. Humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Ability Score Increase. An ability score of your choice increases by 2, and a different ability score of your choice increases by 1.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice. Humans typically learn the languages of other peoples they deal with, including obscure dialects. They are fond of sprinkling their speech with words borrowed from other tongues: Orc curses, Elvish musical expressions, Dwarvish military phrases, and so on.
Invoke Chaos. When you make an attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, you can invoke the chaos present in all things, treating any result above 10 as a 19 and any other roll as a 2. You must choose to invoke chaos before seeing the result of a roll. You can invoke chaos in this way a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Fragmented Soul. Exposure to rampant wild magic has made the fiber of your very being unstable. In most worlds, this would cause cancer. Thankfully, here it instead gives you unstable magic powers.
Each time you finish a long rest, roll two d10s. You gain the feature associated with each number rolled until you finish a long rest, as determined by the Fragmented Soul table below. If you roll the same feature more than once, roll again until you get a different result.
Fragmented Soul
d10 Feature Cantrip 1st level spell 2nd level spell Resisted Damage Type 1 Blazing Soul control flameshellish rebukescorching ray Fire 2 Frozen Soul ray of frostfog cloudhold person Cold 3 Tempestuous Soul gustthunderwavewarding wind Thunder 4 Entombed Soul mold earthearth tremorspike growth Lightning 5 Profane Soul chill touchhexdarkness Necrotic 6 Holy Soul lightcure woundslesser restoration Radiant 7 Psionic Soul messagecommanddetect thoughts Psychic 8 Primal Soul poison sprayabsorb elementsalter self Poison 9 Astral Soul dancing lightsfaerie firemoonbeam Force 10 Sylvan Soul minor illusiondisguise selfinvisibility Acid
 At 1st level, each of these features grants you the ability to cast a cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can also cast a 1st-level spell with each of these features. At 5th level, you can cast a 2nd-level spell with each of these features. You can cast each spell gained from each feature only once until you complete your next long rest. You can cast a cantrip gained from this trait at will, as normal.
Your spellcasting ability for these spells is your choice of Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.
Each of your Fragmented Soul abilities also grants you resistance to a certain type of damage.
Feat: Anchored in Chaos
Prerequisite: Wild Magic Human
While chaos is inevitable, you have learned to control your unstable magic for yourself. When you finish a long rest, after you roll on your Fragmented Soul table, you can choose an additional Fragmented Soul feature to gain until your next long rest. You also gain the resistance associated with the Fragmented Soul feature.
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*Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic*
Our immune system is our body’s defense against infections and other harmful invaders. Without it, we would constantly get sick from bacteria or viruses.
Our immune system is made up of special cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect us.
Normally, the immune system can tell the difference between foreign cells and our own cells.
In an autoimmune disease, the immune system mistakes part of our body, like our joints or skin, as foreign. It releases proteins called autoantibodies that attack healthy cells.
Some autoimmune diseases target only one organ. Type 1 diabetes damages the pancreas. Other diseases, like Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), affect the whole body..
Women get autoimmune diseases rate is high compared to men. Often the disease starts during a woman’s childbearing years (15Years to 44Years).
Certain autoimmune diseases, like multiple sclerosis and lupus, run in families. Not every family member will necessarily have the same disease, but they inherit a susceptibility to an autoimmune condition.
Because the incidence of autoimmune diseases is rising, researchers suspect environmental factors like infections and exposure to chemicals or solvents might also be involved. Our modern life style, working style and foods are also huge causes.
We don’t know exactly what causes autoimmune diseases. Genetics, diet, infections, and exposure to chemicals might be involved.
The lymph or lymphatic, system is a major part of the immune system. It's a network of lymph nodes and vessels. Lymphatic vessels are thin tubes that branch, like blood vessels, throughout the body. They carry a clear fluid called lymph. Lymph contains tissue fluid, waste products, and immune system cells. Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped clumps of immune system cells that are connected by lymphatic vessels. They contain white blood cells that trap viruses, bacteria, and other invaders, including cancer cells.
White blood cells are the cells of the immune system. They are made in one of your lymph organs, the bone marrow. Other lymph organs include the spleen and thymus.
When our immune system doesn't work the way it should, it is called an immune system disorder.
• Primary immune deficiency – Be born with a weak immune system.
• Acquired immune deficiency – Get a disease that weakens your immune system.
• Allergic reaction – Have an immune system that is too active.
• Autoimmune disease – Have an immune system that turns against you.
There are some common examples:
• Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) is an example of an immune deficiency that is present at birth. Children are in constant danger of infections from bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This disorder is sometimes called “bubble boy disease.”
• Temporary acquired immune deficiencies. Our immune system can be weakened by certain medicines, for example: This can happen to people on chemotherapy or other drugs used to treat cancer. It can also happen to people following organ transplants who take medicine to prevent organ rejection. Also, infections like the flu virus, mono (mononucleosis), and measles can weaken the immune system for a brief time. Our immune system can also be weakened by smoking, alcohol, and poor nutrition.
• AIDS. HIV, which causes AIDS, is an acquired viral infection that destroys important white blood cells and weakens the immune system. People with HIV/AIDS become seriously ill with infections that most people can fight off. These infections are called “opportunistic infections” because they take advantage of weak immune systems.
If we are born with certain genes, our immune system may react to substances in the environment that are normally harmless. These substances are called allergens. Having an allergic reaction is the most common example of an overactive immune system. Dust, mold, pollen, and foods are examples of allergens.
Some conditions caused by an overactive immune system are:
• Asthma: The response in our lungs can cause coughing, wheezing, and trouble breathing. Asthma can be triggered by common allergens like dust or pollen or by an irritant like tobacco smoke.
• Eczema: An allergen causes an itchy rash known as atopic dermatitis.
• Allergic rhinitis: Sneezing, a runny nose, sniffling, and swelling of your nasal passages from indoor allergens like dust and pets or outdoor allergens like pollens or molds.
In autoimmune diseases, the body attacks normal, healthy tissues. The causes are unknown. It is probably a combination of a person’s genes and something in the environment that triggers those genes.
There are some common autoimmune diseases are:
• Type 1 diabetes: The immune system attacks the cells in the pancreas that make insulin. Insulin removes sugar from the blood to use as energy.
• Rheumatoid arthritis: This type of arthritis causes swelling and deformities of the joints. An auto-antibody called rheumatoid factor is in the blood of some people with rheumatoid arthritis.
• Lupus: This disease that attacks body tissues, including the lungs, kidneys, and skin. Many types of auto-antibodies are found in the blood of people with lupus.
So, we should never ignore to our care for immunity system. Homeopathy medicines are a good choice for improving our immunity system.
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