h--0 · 1 year
كانت ممتلئةً بالحرية، لم تسعُها الأماكن .. كانت ضيقةً جداً على كيانها السماوي، لو قيل لها :
ما حُلمك، لكان الجواب أن تُصبحَ نجمة أو فراشة.
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yeesiine · 11 months
"إن حقًا على اللهِ عزَّ وجلَّ ، أن لا يَرْتَفِعَ شيءٌ مِن الدنيا إلا وضعَه.." وعداً و ليس ببعيد فلسطين سوف تتحرر و سوف يعود الحق لأهله..
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ymyoum · 2 years
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heba-20 · 10 months
The bodies of the martyrs were buried in a mass grave in Khan Yunis after they were detained by the Israeli occupation in Al-Shifa Medical Complex and Beit Hanoun Hospital a few days ago They numbered 111 martyrs.
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a5bar24 · 1 year
بريطانيا ستبدأ محادثات مع تركيا بشأن اتفاقية تجارة حرة جديدة
قالت بريطانيا اليوم الثلاثاء إنها تعتزم بدء محادثات مع تركيا لتحديث اتفاقية ثنائية للتجارة الحرة بينهما بهدف إدراج الخدمات والقطاع الرقمي في أي اتفاقيات مستقبلية. ولدى بريطانيا بالفعل اتفاقية للتجارة الحرة مع تركيا، وجرى تمديدها حينما خرجت بريطانيا من الاتحاد الأوروبي، لكن وزارة التجارة تقول الآن إنها أصبحت قديمة. وقالت الوزارة إن الجانبين توصلا بعد مراجعة تلك الاتفاقية إلى وجود مجال لتحسينها من…
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nadasaftawi · 4 months
I am a kindergarten child. I used to love my school so much. Now, I am homeless on the streets because of the war in Gaza. I have no home, and all the children from my kindergarten are gone. Please help me get out of Gaza. I love life and I don’t want to die.🙏❤️
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zestingbloodorange · 9 months
Heba Zagout's art is so touching and beautiful you can feel her yearing and her hope. I'm so heartbroken that I didn't know her before her death. I keep looking at her work everyday and think about her and every artist in gaza and the children that are drawing under airstrikes everytime I look at my art supplies and see children schools with cute drawings on the buildings and doves because she always drew doves.
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arabic--quotes · 6 months
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noirbeduzz · 5 months
البَعيدُ ثمينٌ حَتَّى تنَالَه، فَيُبْخَس ثَمَنُه. وهوَ ثَمينٌ لأنَّ المُخيَّلة منْ قَيَّمَتَه. والخيَالَ في غالبِ الحَالاتِ هذَيَان.
— مُذَكَّرات فِيتزْجيرَالد، ١٢ إبريل ٢٤
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august-aches · 5 months
Don’t you ever forget about Ukraine. And Sudan. And Yemen. And don’t you dare forget about Palestine. The other genocides and unfair “wars” that the internet has kept tucked under the sheets, don’t go silent. Don’t mute and muffle the violence. Use your voice for the voices that have fallen because it’s not over yet. Don’t give up and don’t draw back.
For the breathing, broken, and fallen.
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paliwalls · 2 months
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مع المقاومة رغم الدمار وإن طالت المعركة، وإن قصرت، وإن انتهت
With the resistance despite the destruction, even if the battle is long, even if it is short, and even if it ends
Gaza, Palestine | غزة، فلسطين
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heba-20 · 10 months
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haifaaziz98 · 4 months
Hello friends,
I am Issam Aziz. I come to you today pleading, please help me spread the campaign so I can evacuate my mother from the war in Gaza.
I am here in the Netherlands, feeling helpless and weak, with nothing I can do. You are our only hope.
I am willing to do anything to save my dear mother's life. Take her out and put me in her place in the war.
My mother is elderly and cannot endure all this hardship and fatigue. Besides, she suffers from chronic illnesses like hypertension and diabetes, and she had a stroke before the war.
The war is stealing the most precious person in my life. Let's work on saving my mother before it's too late. Every minute that passes is precious for me and for her.
A mother is the light that illuminates our paths. Don't let this light go out. We can give someone a new chance at life. Your small donation can make a big difference in her life.
With all my love ❤️🙏🏼,
Issam Aziz
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spectra-bear · 8 months
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-download the app Simly simly.io
-search for Palestine
-buy one of the options (5gb is good - this is what I’ve been buying)
-screenshot the QR code
-send the screenshot to [email protected]
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imatiya · 11 months
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They have bombed the life out of every living things in Gaza.
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abdzeadan · 11 months
Why does ⁦ #Israel ⁩ resort to lying? Why invent falsehoods, such as Palestinians raping women and beheading children? This video will reveal some insights ⁦ #Gazagenocide ⁩
لماذا اسرائيل تكذب!
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