#––– ❛ general 【 simple conversations ⠀ ╱ ⠀ open starter. 】
xsoteria · 2 years
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❝I’m sick and tired of being called 'mortal' like, you don’t know that. Neither do I. I have never died even ONCE. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It’s rude.❞
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joelswritingmistress · 9 months
You Scare Me, Professor: Chapter 2
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Summary: The reader is taking graduate classes at a local university in the wooded upstate New York. She is drawn to her professor, Dr. Joel Miller, though she is also inherently aware that he has something dark about him that she can't quite put her finger on. As the reader's attraction grows deeper, she has to decide whether to endure the danger or run away as fast as possible.
Eventually Pairing: Professor Joel Miller x f!reader
In jest, I quietly blamed Dr. Miller for wanting to fall asleep in the second class I was taking at the University the following evening. Dr. Stevenson did not have the immediate, gripping hold on me the way Dr. Miller did. Not only was I exhausted by the time the five o'clock class rolled around, but I was constantly comparing this stodgy, mundane individual to all of the lively traits his coworker possessed. It was unfair really.
I had made it, however. I managed to get through to seven o'clock without rudely letting my head fall flat on the desk in the stuffy, thermogenic confinement in the University's basement.
“Get me out of here,” I whispered to myself as I crossed into the hallway. My eyes sought out the stairwell at the far end of the corridor, though when the elevator doors swung open as I passed by, I couldn't resist the free ride.
A small group of students piled out, each on their own individual device and not seeming to care if they were in each other’s company or not. I felt for my own phone in my jacket as I entered and turned to hit the “1” button that glowed a pale yellow.
“Hold on..” A hand snuck its way in through the large, steel doors that threatened to close, and I stepped farther to the side to allow the stranger to enter. Only it wasn't a stranger - not really.
“Oh..” The one syllable left my mouth when I recognized it was Dr. Miller who was now standing beside me as the doors closed. The word was entirely misplaced and I knew I wouldn't have said that if any other human being had accompanied me on the elevator right then. Except maybe John Stamos.
“(Y/N), right?” His voice was made for phone sex.
The fact that I had that thought even remotely in the most hidden depths of my brain made me blush. I even contemplated what was wrong with me.
“Right.” I gave a small, closed-mouth smile and attempted to mind my own business.
“Who's class did you just come from?”
“Umm..” I drew a blank. His presence, and my instant attraction to him, took me completely off-guard. “Uhhh..” When my eyes lifted to hit his, I could tell there was amusement that lingered behind the surface. “Dr. Stevenson.”
“Mmm..” It was an obvious mutter of disapproval, though he didn't dare elaborate as he subtly rolled his eyes along with the brief, fleeting response.
“My thoughts exactly.” I gave a laugh and looked up at him again, shoving my hands into the pockets of my black, L.L. Bean winter coat. I hoped by agreeing to his subtle denunciation I didn't come across as the prissy, know-it-all type that undermined authority figures.
When the little bell chimed, indicating we had reached the first level, I wanted to make some excuse to stay there. There was nothing logical. Once the doors opened I would have to get out. Still, I wanted so badly to carry on a conversation with Dr. Miller. At the same time there wasn't one worthwhile conversation starter I could think of.
I opened my mouth to speak again but then quickly went with the generic, “I'll see you tomorrow in class.”
Dr. Miller gave a nod and I crept out of the elevator with a deliberate reluctance that I couldn't prevent. A look over my shoulder showed the elevator doors closing again and Dr. Miller’s figure was slowly stripped from my view like an actor on a stage at the final curtain.
I could breathe again. For a second. It suddenly dawned on me that I had never revealed to him my name.
(Y/N), right? I relived the simple, half-a-second question he had asked over and over again in my mind until it transformed from a quintessential expression to a resounding shout.
He has a class list, I reminded myself. With at least forty-something students, I added.
There was no way he could have known who I was without a little investigation. The thought flattered me. Surely, others might've been a bit uneasy over the revelation but not me. Not right then.
There was an unwilling pull at the corner of my mouth that I tried to fight off, though soon a wider grin made home on my face. I still stood there staring at the elevator for a moment and realized the down arrow was glowing.
Down. I stood there for a moment. Dr. Archibald had gone back down where he had just come from. Had he simply taken the elevator ride to…
I couldn't even finish the thought with any sort of realistic element to it.
Cocky, aren't we? I knew there wasn't a chance he had taken the elevator up one level and back down simply because I was on it. He most likely forgot something and went back down.
Big metal butterflies had suddenly made home in my stomach. I was so modest that I yielded any possibility that this could be true. Through my own eyes I was so incredibly customary that someone couldn't possibly want to go out their way to find out more about me.
I wouldn't mind him stalking me. The fact that this was my first naturally-occurring thought had to say something. The palpitations knocked at my chest cavity again and I swallowed hard as the down arrow suddenly stopped glowing.
Of course this was the thing, in all of my exhausted glory, that kept me awake again that night.
@untamedheart81 @grogusmum @amyispxnk
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
hey there, im wondering how i can get more comfortable going up to random people and striking up a conversation. i have pretty bad social anxiety most times but i know i cant get friends unless i do this. do you have any tips on how to feel more secure on going up to people? also, how do i make the conversation flow? everytime i strike up a conversation i just sound so awkward and i cant think of what to say. how do i remedy this and sound cool or hot while talking to someone instead of weird. tysm!!
Hi love! Some tips below:
Remember that everyone is self-focused most of the time. People don't really think too much about you. They're worried about their to-do lists, internal monologues, and how they're presenting themselves to others. So, chances are, if an attempt to initiate a conversation isn't reciprocated, remember it's because the other person is focused on their own priorities and probably will forget about the awkward interaction by the next day.
Consider how you would show up as a confident person then start faking it until you become it. As with any skill, learning how to socialize requires taking action followed by tons of practice, reflection, adjustments for improvement, and repetitions of this cycle.
Make your conversation low-stakes. Initiate a conversation with a genuine compliment if you're nervous. It's a simple, thoughtful, and generally well-received gesture. If you're too nervous to think of things to say, use simple conversation starters (How's your day? How insane is this weather? I can't believe we have to do XYZ project, or Isn't XYZ news story just wild?).
Paraphrase what the other person is saying to display your active listening skills and attention to your conversation. Ask follow-up questions relevant to what they've already said. This tactic will make the person feel heard/special for the moment and makes it easier for you to continue the conversation without having to think of a handful of topics or stories to contribute on the fly.
To appear more calm and collected, take your time and speak slowly. Allow for small pauses, and don't rush through your words. Smile, and maintain direct eye contact. Don't be afraid to laugh when contextually appropriate. Keep your speech even-pitched (don't end every sentence on a high, nervous note where the ending sounds like it's a question). Maintain open body language and tilt your head to show you're actively listening instead of fidgeting.
Hope this helps xx
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p-receh · 1 month
I'm very curious for 2, 7, and 12 :]
Would love to hear your hcs!
Alright! Which character btw? How about Boboiboy as a starter? 😅
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
The fact that he's ambidextrous is really really amazing as a character. Not only he wields two weapons but also can constantly switching between right and left handed side in the midst of a battle.
And I be honest, the fact that Monsta keep that movie 1 white hairline glitch as canon is what people called a "Serendipity" or happy accident. Another serendipity glitch in animation media for me is the iconic nose touch scene from httyd 1.
Who knew this bug could become his sole identity? It doesn't lesser his image but it does made 10x better as the result of a genetic mark within generations. Thus it creates "the Butterfly Effect" in designing Amato and adult Tok Aba.
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In sense, Oboi become a shonen character since child with that look lol
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I don't follow much with what happened to Boboiboy's fandom recently, still making me a headache whenever I visit, but I always appreciate when fandom united to correct blatant hoaxs. It's often surprised me.
Oh and memes lol. Screenshot memes whenever new episode arrived is a never not entertaining cus it was usually flooded in my timeline. 🤣
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Since I only made headcanon for elementals, I think it's not fair that the real main protagonist has not yet get his headcanon. My bad :p
Oboi may or may not able to make a clear communication with Amato after all these years and I have two scenarios:
If Tok Aba still alive, Oboi might be more comfortable and more open to Tok Aba about his daily life rather than Amato. He still talks to him, but struggles to keep up a simple conversation from both ways, and eventually Oboi starts to make excuses to end it by "Helping Atok at his shop".
If no. 1 doesn't happens, Oboi might a bit cold to Amato at first. He try so hard to avoid any conversations with him and just focus on continuing the Kokotiam Shop as an escape route.
One of my questions regarding him, "How does he remember every events during split/fusion/3rd tier?" My deduction to this headcannon is this: firstly after he wakes up all memories will be blur due to his dizziness in the aftermath. He might remember some of it but his brain is not yet fully capable to comprehend all of it quickly. Then, all those event will be shown during his sleep. It sometimes disturbing his sleeping schedule and wakes up abruptly in the middle of night from a lucid dream.
Idk why, but between Audio sensory, Visual sensory and Action sensory Learning technique. Oboi is the person who learn and solve problems by practice it in real time. He may not the guy who absorb a quick information, but when he tried to think about it, he implements his thoughts by action such as moving hands or walks around. (I onced very obsessed with psychology especially with self learning types during my high school days but now I forgot most of them lol)
He has a hidden fanatic side of him all over the news as a hero with the evidence of all his photos from movie 1. He might eventually remove them when he gets older. He doesn't want to admit his embarrassment with his obsession publicly lol. (Of course he treasure it somewhere )
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I forgot where's the source of it, but I read a post that Oboi once tried to cut his white stroke hair but it grew back. He never knew why but he eventually let it be afterwards. Maybe he wears that hat not only as a gift from his dad but also to cover his white hair? Idk :-\
That's maybe all headcanons I got so far. I guess I'll admit I might need to dig for more Boboiboy magazines and older post of his social media ones. There's still so many trivias that I missed throughout my life. :(
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cadet-aviator · 3 months
Discipline at home (2)
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‘Yes, but what about your parents? What did they make of this sudden change?’
Good question. I had always been an normal kid, accustomed to living in the sphere of the diplomatic service with its formalities and its insecurities, but otherwise normal. And now, a few months into this new school and this new cadet program, I walked around the house dressed in immaculate uniform. My friends wore the same. Officers from the cadet program would pay visits to check on my progress, my cadet life.
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I loved my parents, no mistake. We did normal things. They had to get used to seeing me dressed perfectly for Sunday breakfast, but breakfast was just happy and normal. 
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I watched TV with my Dad, snuggled up to him on the sofa – but in uniform.
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I have to explain that both my parents were in the diplomatic service and both had very busy jobs – traveling all over the country on official business, for starters. That was nothing new to me. They were both good people, had their hearts in the right place when it came to children, but my mother became an alcoholic, and my father was unable to do much about that. Everybody relied on my ‘resilience’ and my stamina to deal with all that.
Which is where cadets came in. Everything about the life I was now engaging with was clean and disciplined and simple. My parents may have been unable to deal with chaos, but not me: I was a model of self-organisation.
My Dad was really the only one who questioned me about all that. He would sit me down for chats. ‘Was this really what I wanted?’ He had never pegged me as the military type.
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I never answered back to that – I never said ‘I prefer life with a bit of stability, Dad’, as that would have been a real hurtful piece of criticism – but I’m sure he felt my distance and my disapproval. 
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I remember how he would just chat with me, as we passed in the hallway, ‘How was school today?’, and I would stand and take a cadet position as I was taught, hands behind my back, ready to answer questions – we had been instructed in drills to show alertness and openness whenever a senior person talked to us, to be extremely polite and respectful and only move on when the senior made clear the conversation was over. He felt that too.
But there was nothing he could say. I sat in my room and did my punishment lines. I was clean and obedient and helpful and never gave cause for complaint. 
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(All images are AI-generated)
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devils-dares · 1 year
When the Water Runs Cold Pt 2
summary: grieving is hard, and in this one, Karen gets a little insight on feelings.
warnings: sadness, angst, whiskey
word count: 563
a/n: here's a little softness, i'm sorry.
part one here
“Alright, alright,” the knocking woke you from your slumber, growing louder and louder, “I’m here, quit knocking.” You open the door, rubbing your eyes to see Karen standing there.
“Hi.” She says, giving you a soft smile.
“Hey, Karen, come in.” You open the door a little wider so she can come in.
“I’m gonna go freshen up, feel free to dig around the kitchen.” She nods.
You wash your face, scrubbing the obvious tear stains off, red rimmed eyes staring back at you. You shake your head, slamming the faucet off, and take a deep breath before joining Karen in the living room.
The two of you have been meeting like this since Matt passed. The funeral wasn’t easy for anyone, and you almost didn’t go, still being able to see his face prior to when it had been cleaned for his casket. Foggy and Karen had the luxury of not knowing in what shape he was when he passed, and it wasn’t like you resented them for it, but you took it much harder than the rest.
It’d been months, and your heart still aches like it was yesterday.
“How’s work?” She asks, a simple conversation starter. You tell her what you’ve been up to, what projects your boss has you running around for, and then you turn the question on to her. She answers about the same as yours, claiming practically being a PI for Foggy’s law firm was more difficult than it seemed.
“How’ve you been?” You answer generically, talking on the price of gas and groceries, commenting on rising taxes and inflation.
“You know what I mean,” she presses, “how are you holding up?” You sigh.
“Matt’s dead, Karen. I can’t-” you rub at your eyes, “I can’t feel him here anymore. I can sleep on his side of the bed but his smell and the indent of his body isn’t there anymore. I can shower with his shampoo and it kills my hair, his soap dries my skin. His favorite food tastes like shit now. I can’t feel his hands on my skin anymore, his lips on mine. My husband was taken from me, and you want to ask me how I’m doing?”
“I’m sorry.” She says, itching at her neckline. She’s uncomfortable.
“No,” you say, another deep breath, “I am, I shouldn’t have dumped that on you.”
“It’s totally valid, y’know. But if… if you’re feeling like that, maybe you should talk to someone.”
“Like a therapist?”
“I can’t just say that my husband was Daredevil and he died a gruesome death.” She says your name in an exasperated tone.
“You don’t have to talk about Matt’s death. You can talk about his life. The things you two enjoyed, your favorite things about him. Grieving is hard.”
“Stop apologizing.”
“Sorry.” She swirls the water in her glass around.
“I know you’re grieving him, but New York is grieving Daredevil. He was a good man.”
“I’m not saying he wasn’t, Karen. I just need him here with me.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologizing.” You two look at each other and laugh.
“Want a drink?” She stands up, rummaging around the kitchen for glasses.
“It’s ten in the morning.” You say.
“It’s five o’clock somewhere.” She pours out two glasses of Macallan, Matt’s favorite.
“Sláinte.” You two clink your glasses in cheers and drink.
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broke-on-books · 1 year
🎶 We're coming after you, We're gonna solve that mysteryyyyy 🎶
No okay but I loooovvvveeeeee What's New so much oh my god. It's probably the iteration of Scooby I've seen the highest percentage of episodes of (excluding SDMI) and if I had to pick my favorite Scooby series of them all. More than any of the others really (although a little WAY), What's New was the Scooby of my childhood, and so many of its episodes are just total classics for me as well.
I think WNSD is very beloved by the Scooby collective (and for good reason) but honestly STILL is underrated in my mind, especially the early episodes. I absolutely adore some of the little "plot twists" of the WNSD era and how creative it could be within the confines of "the Scooby formula". I mentioned many of these in another post recently but having unexpected solutions/elements like "the monkey did it!" or "we caught the wrong guy! We need to go back!" every few episodes just blew my brain wide open as a child (especially the second one there. I'm STILL in shock on that one) and are underappreciated by scooby fandom. (Despite WNSD winning the favorite scooby series poll I did lol)
Being my favorite doesn't mean that What's New is perfect though. There are still some moments I don't like, or that, while useful for a joke, fall flat for me character-wise. One example I think I've talked about before is the scene where they split up differently and Fred is left alone searching for clues with Shaggy. The punchline of this is the idea that Fred and Shaggy just don't have anything in common to talk about, going along in awkward silence until Fred asks Shaggy if he 'saw the game last night' to which he says no and they continue on in awkward silence. For me, that's not my favorite joke because I do believe that Fred and Shaggy are good friends and DO have lots to talk about, and while not my favorite interaction between the two, I can still mesh it pretty easily into my own personal canon with a few simple Watsonian explanations. Ex: They were both overthinking it and didn't know what to say, Fred grabbed a conversation starter from his go to list (he's been working very hard on his social interaction skills, okay?! Only 3/4 of them are about nets/mysteries/the gang/the Mystery Machine!) and struck out big time.
No but as I was saying as much as I adore WNSD, nothing is perfect, and at times (especially in some movies) What's New also suffers from the WAY/TSDS cultural................. awkwardness that comes from the "white guy dressing up as native/cultural legend" plot line.
OH AND THE SOUNDTRACK. What's New rightly gets its due (lol) for having an absolutely killer theme song (and sequence too!!!!) but I think it should get extra points on top of that as well for the chase music in each episode. What's New easily has some of my favorite chase music (leading to some favorite chase sequences) which makes watching it an even better time (some of those songs are catchy!!!!!) And I just love the way it handles music in general. What's New really just finds creative ways to explore and make interesting all aspects of the process, and move between them subtly and infrequently enough that it doesn't feel forced or thrown at you, but as a genuine exploration of what can be done with Scooby by people who care about it. (And while we're talking about music?!?!?!?! THE HAUNTED MYSTERY MACHINE EPISODE???????? 🤯😵🥰💘)
To me, What's New is just a really good show that is kind of seen as being "simple" (plan lol. Sorry I keep doing that but I can't help myself) or basic but really is much more creative and complicated than it looks when closely examined. It's a series that I think gets a lot of love while at the same time still not getting enough for everything it accomplished. Also it has some of my favorite Scooby castings out there. I mean, COME ON! Casey Kasem Shaggy at the same time as Grey Griffin Daphne? With Frank Welker Fred AND Scooby along with MINDY COHN (<3333333333333333333) Velma? Don't get me STARTED.
Anyways I just have SO much love for this series all the time. All the time. 24/7. Hope that answers your question on how I feel about it
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whitehartlane · 1 year
the kmj situation is wack for so many reasons … while i can understand minjae being exhausted both physically and mentally after playing 90 minutes of pretty much every napoli game this season and every game being important what with them gunning for the serie a title and being strong contenders for the cl, the man either needs better pr training or just needs to rue on his feelings for a while before saying them out loud.
it’s fine to want to focus on your club for the moment, but to explicitly say that you ‘don’t want to focus on the national team’ comparing it to your club in one breath is 1) implying that you want to retire from the nt, 2) just generally not reading the room right especially when your nt has just gotten a new coach that needs to work out the kinks and figure out the system, and 3) a slap in the face to the fans of your country supporting your career. south koreans especially take great pride in their nation and their nation’s outputs—just look at the (very well deserved) support that korean ppl always have for players like son heungmin or park jisung. while he is playing for a big club in italy now and is very talented and successful, minjae came up through the k league and, before transferring to napoli, mostly had korean fans/fans who are also avid fans of korean football. to indirectly undermine that is a no-go.
absolutely he is allowed to feel the way he feels and this opens up a lot of necessary conversations about player wellness, but being professional is also part of the game. he could have gracefully bowed out of at least one friendly citing physical exhaustion (especially since klinsmann so far seems to be the kind of guy to prioritise player comfort) instead of making comments like this to the press afterwards. most likely he had no malicious intentions, but this is just unfortunately shooting his own self in the foot.
also regarding the whole blocking sonny thing—i won’t get into speculation or whatever there because they’re grown men but it’s wild that ppl are blaming this on sonny being shady with his post about it being an honour to play for korea. sonny’s always been the kind of guy to openly love playing for his nt and it’s a big responsibility he takes both physically and mentally to try and play in every game the nt organises despite being a constant starter for a premier league club (just look at the way he fought to play in the wc despite his injury). whether this is right or wrong isn’t important—it’s his choice as is any other player’s choice to not play, and we shouldn’t demonise them for that. the simple fact of the matter is that sonny always makes these kinds of posts after every international game; in my eyes, it has nothing to do with minjae’s comments at all.
all in all, just a weird situation that’ll most likely taint the way a lot of kr minjae fans see him … just quite unfortunate really.
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jestanotherclown · 2 years
The Rules Of Engagement Are Really Quite Simple
Absolutely no minors allowed. Helluva Boss/ Hazbin Hotel are adult shows so you must be at least 18 to interact. Minors will be blocked on sight and if you don't have your age in your bio or somewhere on your blog(s), I'm going to assume you're a kid and you'll be blocked. Mun is 21+
Mutuals Only please. I will answer questions and converse with non-moots but no threads.
Do not reblog/ comment/ interact on shit you're not apart of. This is one of the quickest ways to get yourself blocked from my blog.
Do not bug me about replies. If I forgot to answer, remind me after a week. Tumblr probably ate it or I'm stuck/don't have muse. Send it to me if I don't respond in a week.
Give me something to work with if you ask to plot/play with me. If I can't work with what you gave me, I'll let you know and if you still don't give me something to work with, I'm ignoring you. I'm not begging anyone to cooperate with me. And if you keep giving me shit I can't do anything with, I'm blocking you. End of story.
If I block you, don't come to another blog of mine and ask why. I don't owe you an explanation. If I block you, it means DNI with me anymore.
Don't Godmod, Spotlight, metagame or anything else like that.
If you ask to plot/play with me, please have basic knowledge of the RPC and how it works. If you ask to RP, I'm going to assume you know what you're doing.
Plotting with OCs is absolutely mandatory. Especially if I don't know your character well. Don't just throw your character at me and expect me to know how to respond. Plot with me first.
Plotting is preferred in general but not required outside of OC interactions.
Fizzarolli is GAY. He's canonically with Asmodeus but is open for shipping with MALE CHARACTERS ONLY. Do. Not. Force. Your. FEMALE. Muses on him. I have had this problem on my Angel blog and I will not put up with it anymore.
Don't steal my starters. Point blank period.
Do not spam like my open starters. Respond to it. That's what they're there for.
Don't be afraid to talk to me OOC. If I come across as mean, I apologize but I am very tired of my rules being disrespected so I'm over clarifying for the people in the back. Feel free to chat with me, I promise I don't bite. Fizz might though 😜
Mun does not equal muse. Remember that.
I cannot and will not write with those that write in first person, chat style or script style RP. I can't respond to it and it's just a general pet peeve of mine. Please don't write this way if you plan on playing with me. I will not interact with you if you do.
READ MY RULES BEFORE INTERACTING WITH ME FOR FUCK'S SAKE! I don't put these here for the ✨ Aesthetic ✨
Send in one of my rules as a password if you read and understood this post
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xsoteria · 2 years
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❝Oh, so when crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges, its “intelligent” and “really cool”. But when I do it, I’m “petty” and “need to let it go”.
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vannahfanfics · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if I could have a Naruto matchup, please? <3
Name/pronouns: Paige, she/they
Gender preference: male
Appearance: This might be irrelevant, so feel free to ignore this lol. I’m 5’6 with a curvy hourglass figure. I have black (dyed, naturally it’s dirty blonde) 3a curly hair that is styled into a shag/wolfcut. I have sanpaku eyes that are blue/green (I always look dead inside lmao) with decently long lashes. I have a wide longer nose which I’m incredibly insecure about and I have an oval shaped face. My style I would say is mainly 90s grunge and emo? I usually wear baggy jeans with an oversized hoodie or jacket, I tend to wear black a lot since I feel it’s the color that looks best on me. When it’s warmer out I wear an oversize t shirt normally with a pair of baggy shorts. But I also like wearing oversized grandpa sweaters as well lol. Even though I lean towards the grungy/emo androgynous style I do like wearing leggings or cutesy girly things at times too! I wear makeup as well when I have the time and energy for it, usually just a simple look with eyeliner and such.
Personality: This also may or may not be relevant, but I am a intp, 5w4, gemini sun, scorpio moon, scorpio rising. As my personality goes, I am a very quiet, aloof, and distance person, especially at first glance. Some people would say I can be very intimidating at first glance, but I’m actually just a shy ball of anxiety who is really scared of people and have very low self-esteem. It can take me a hot minute to open up to someone, but once I do feel comfortable with a person I become a silly lil goose who never shuts up. I love talking about anything and everything with those who I’m close to, I joke around a lot and enjoy having philosophical discussions. Once people get to know me, they describe me as eccentric and one of a kind. I’m a big jokester who always messes around with my friends and tease them (in a jokingly way), but I do really care about my friends and I’m pretty intensely loyal when it comes to them. Sometimes I can become quite nurturing when it comes to those who are close to me. People tend to feel very comfortable around me since I’m not really a judgy person and I’m open minded. I have a small circle of friends, but they are all very different kinds of people which I don’t mind at all. But even though I enjoy having friends, I do prefer to be alone at times since I’m a highly introverted person. But I’m always down to spend time with them, just not for a super long time lol.
 I’m a very curious person who loves learning new things and indulging in my interests, if someone mentions any of my interests to me I will geek to them for hours lmao. I’m also full of fun facts as well, I have soooo many random fun facts its almost ridiculous, but hey it’s always a great conversation starter! Even though I am an inquisitive person, I can be an airhead at times. I forget things all the time and I always procrastinate which is one of my biggest weaknesses. I tend to be very lazy and get distracted super easily as well. I’m usually always in my own head and daydreaming. But even though I do things at the last minute, I always get things done as quick as possible. When I’m not off in my own head I can be observant and quick when I want to be, but sometimes it can be hard. I’m very slow to anger as well, it can take a lot to piss me off. Not only do I think being angry is a waste of energy, but I also just don’t like confrontation. I avoid it at all times, which can cause some people to walk over me. It’s definitely not as bad as it used to be, but I do still avoid it as much as I can. When I do get mad though (or just upset in general), I get really quiet at first then I snap, but that’s really really rare.
I am an emotional person, but I’m really bad when it comes to talking about them and showing them, which can be quite frustrating. It can be hard for me to show my vulnerable side to others, but I do feel emotions very deeply. I am very sensitive, especially when it comes to my appearance and personality. I’m always afraid that people are constantly judging me or hate me, which is why I tend to avoid public spaces or being around people in general. I have bad depression and anxiety as well as borderline personality disorder, but I am currently taking medication that helps with that so I’m at least stable. I tend to just put on a mask at times, so I don’t have to show my vulnerable side, but once I trust a person (like a lot) it becomes easier.
Likes/interests/hobbies: animals, cute things (major sanrio girly), fashion, makeup, shopping, astrology, astronomy/astrophysics, forensic psychology (I’m majoring in this!), nature, sleeping, video games (I like open world and rpgs), anime, horror movies, true crime, mysteries, collecting crystals, going to the gym, coffee, thrifting, listening to music (I mostly listen to metal, alternative, indie, and sometimes rap), exploring, reading (mostly fanfiction lmao), poetry, witchcraft, forests, rain, history
Dislikes: prejudice people, toddlers, driving, slow drivers, going out in public, liars, loud noises, country music, todays pop music (if I hear unholy by sam smith one more time I will lose it), myself, the majority of men lmao, not getting enough sleep, mornings, being yelled at, tight restricting clothes, veggies, karens, homework , cold weather and snow
Love languages/what I look for in relationships/what I’m like in relationships: My main love language is quality time and my second would be acts of service. I did say that I like to be alone at times, but I love being alone with the person who I have feelings for. It doesn’t have to always be going out on dates all the time or anything like that, I would just be happy having my person next to me at all times doing whatever. I don’t care if we’re just sitting in a comfortable silence or just sitting across the room doing our own thing, I just enjoy being in their presence. But with that being said, I do have the tendency to be clingy at times, but it’s to an extent. Now with acts of service I mentioned I can be quite nurturing to those I care about, it’s especially the same with my significant other. I can be very motherlike to my partner; always asking them if they drank water today, if they ate a proper meal, reminding them to wear a coat outside if it’s cold, etc. Sometimes I will even nag them at times. I enjoy making food for them, doing chores for them, and anything really. Even if it’s the smallest thing. When I’m in a relationship with someone I still treat them as if they are my best friend, I tend to keep my relationships pretty private and I despise pda. I will always be sassy and still joke or tease them no matter what. Behind close doors I’m a little more affectionate, I enjoy snuggling with my significate other and just being close in general. Though sometimes I like to have some space, I don’t want to be constantly showered with affection. Not gonna lie I’m kinda like a cat when it comes to affection lmao. My significate other is always my go-to when I need advice or just someone to talk/vent to in general, they are like my confidant. Above I said I didn’t like public spaces or being around many people in general, but I don’t mind them as much if I have my significant other with me as they make me feel safe and more confidant. What I look for in a relationship is someone who can make me feel safe, can be myself around, can still joke around with me, protect me, and listen and understand me.
Thank you for doing these! Your writing is absolutely amazing, and I love your blog!! Keep up the good work! <3
(also please feel free to dm if you need anymore info or anything regarding the commission)
This has taken far too long for me to get to, which I apologize for; I've been dealing with some unreal writer's block that I just can't seem to shake :( But, I'm working on it, and better late than never, yes? Also, it would have been done yesterday but I had a little mishap with Ctrl+Z and accidentally deleted the 1,000+ words I'd put into it... which instantly killed my writing mood. :( But, no such mishaps today (if so, I might have lost it ^.^")! Anyways, I hope it was worth the wait!
P.S. Reading your dislikes made me laugh because for so many of them I was just like "LMAO Same" XD
P.P.S. This was the hardest decision between two characters for a match-up that I have ever had to make TT.TT
I match you with...
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GIF by justkankuro
Kankuro from Naruto!
As I mentioned, it was a super hard decision to make; it was such a close call between him and Shikamaru! But, in the end, I decided to side with our one and only puppetmaster. Without further ado, let's delve into why!:
First of all, I believe that your aesthetic is one that Kankuro finds attractive! Appearance isn't make-or-break for him, by any means, but most often it is the factor about someone that catches his initial interest. I think he'll find that combo of dark hair and blue-green eyes rather striking! Then, it's obvious that he'll appreciate your fashion sense; he's very much about that grunge/emo look—and the color black, of course! That being said, he definitely doesn't care when you switch gears and wear more cutesy things, too! He thinks it's pretty neat, the fact that you can make such conflicting styles look equally stunning. :)
Appearance may be what draws Kankuro in, but personality it definitely what makes him stick around—and I think yours meshes really well with his own! Kankuro also is slow to open up to someone and grows a little more outgoing as he does so, in comparison to his distant and gruff appearance. He's still very much an introvert overall, though, like yourself; he has his people that he enjoys spending time with and is loyal to, but sometimes he has to step away from even them and recharge his social battery.
Kankuro may not seem like he's interested in anything other than puppets, but actually, he shares your boundless curiosity for anything and everything he can learn! He's 100% the type to ramble on about any random topic to someone who will listen, so the fact that it's an activity you not only indulge but enjoy is a big plus for him. It becomes a little game with you two—finding a topic for the day and accruing as many little facts about it as you can to rave about later! Kankuro very easily finds himself absorbed in things, but, unlike you, he's not a procrastinator—neither in important matters or personal whims. Don't think that's a negative, though! Kankuro doesn't get annoyed by it. He'll give you gentle reminders or pushes when he feels you need it, and you're one to remind him that it's important to go at an even pace. In that way, you balance each other!
Another quality that you and Kankuro share is your difficulty in expressing emotions. Kankuro also feels things deeply and powerfully but has a hard time expressing and sharing them; however, this often leads to frustration on his part, so it's easy for him to lash out. Plus, he's got a good reservoir of it to react almost too readily to confrontation. That being said, it's less of a problem than one would think; he respects your idea that it's not worth wasting energy on being angry, and that's something that he tries to incorporate into his own mindset. Plus, since he thinks similarly to you, he can understand your thought process very well and can therefore recognize when you're having a hard time with your own emotions. Also, like you, Kankuro is hesitant in being vulnerable; it takes him a good long while to trust someone to that degree. So, again, he relates to you and is all too familiar with how you think, so when you trust him enough to be vulnerable yourself, it's a big deal to him!
Now, there is one instance where Kankuro has no trouble expressing how he feels, and that's in encouraging you! Kankuro may not seem the type to be a hype man, but trust me—this guy is in your corner! He doesn't like you downing yourself or feeling judged; it pains him. You're so amazing to him, and he wants you to see all the wonderful things about you that he does! So, the instant he realizes that you're too in your head, a switch flips in him; he is gassing you up like nobody's business. He's a little awkward at it, not being the best with words and articulating his thoughts and feelings, but it's most definitely earnest and heartfelt!
Finally, I think your love languages align a lot, too! Kankuro's primary love language is 100% quality time. To him, there's nothing better to give someone. Everyone only has so much time in the world, after all, and choosing to share it with someone? That's big to him. Admittedly, he's less the nurturing type compared to you, but he still tries his best to do things for you when he can. It really shows when you've had a long day or a trying time. He'll go out of his way to do everything to make your life easier or so that you can just relax and worry about nothing. And, honestly, he appreciates your nurturing side. He's a busybody who can neglect his own health and well-being by being too caught up in what he's doing, so the fact that you care enough to remind him of the little things warms his heart. Also, Kankuro is totally not a PDA guy either. The most he'll do in public is hold your hand, if you allow that. But behind closed doors, he's much more tender and open in showing his affections. :)
So, the fact that one of your hobbies is collecting crystals caught my eye. I pinned it as something that Kankuro would dig, so here's some headcanons about it!:
Before meeting you, Kankuro didn't really get the whole crystals thing. Like, sure, they're nice to look at, but they certainly don't possess any magical properties or anything. He's a very scientific sorta fella, so don't expect him to change his opinion on that LOL
That being said, he respects that it is an interest of yours, enough to let you ramble about it one day. Again, he thinks the whole thing about spiritual properties is hogwash, but he does get pretty intrigued by how symbolic crystals are.
Cue him going down a research rabbit hole. He never realized just how many kinds of gems and crystals were out there! And on top of that, they have so many meanings; some ubiquitous, and some unique to different cultures! It's fascinating stuff to him, and soon enough, he's actually initiating conversations about crystals.
It's not long before he starts collecting them, too. And when Kankuro does something, he does it with 110% effort; he's not just going to specialty shops and buying them off the shelves. No, this man starts researching ways to go find them out in the wild, LOL If you're enough of a nature buff to accompany him on his little mining trips, he'll be the happiest little crystal enthusiast ever! But be warned. This guy will go full-on spelunking if he thinks he can find a badass crystal or gemstone.
In general, he's not a gift-giver, but he does gift you lots of crystals. :) Especially ones he finds. He even takes the time to look up what properties they might have and waits to give them to you until the relevant situation arises; he doesn't believe they have any real power, but if you do, he's crazy enough about you to put aside his own misgivings for your own happiness. ^u^
Finally, for the last part of your commission match-up, the drabble! I think a lot of your interests align with Kankuro's, one of those being mysteries and true crime. He's definitely got that morbid curiosity in wanting to know how murderers tick, and he loves those unsolved mysteries full of conspiracy theories and intrigue (though, when it comes to supernatural things, he's usually one who insists there's a scientific explanation LOL). Anyway, here's a little blurb based around that!:
"I'm tellin' ya, it's the eldest brother," Kankuro insists with a firm point at the television. The two of you had gotten engrossed in the latest popular true crime anthology. The recurring theme of its presented cases was crime within rich and powerful families; naturally, they swam with intrigue and drama, and in some cases (such as this one), it was difficult to predict just which family member orchestrated whatever criminal act had been committed.
"No way!" you refute with an equally emphatic jab of your finger at the flickering screen. "It's totally the youngest brother! He was going to get less in the inheritance than the eldest brother, so he planned to make himself the sole survivor of an armed robbery gone bad. It was just bad luck that the eldest brother lived."
"Ahhhhhhh, that's just what the eldest brother wants everyone to believe," Kankuro tutted with a professorial wag of his finger. "He's resentful of the youngest brother for outshining him all his life, and their parents for thinkin' he's a screw-up. He totally is, but, when do snotty little rich brats ever blame themselves for their problems? Anyway, he set this whole thing up to get rid of all his problems and pin the whole thing on his youngest brother, the so-called golden child."
"That is way too specific... and compelling," you say while squinting suspiciously at him. "You've watched something about this case before, haven't you?" you accuse with a horrified gasp.
Kankuro immediately throws his hands up in surrender.
"Have not!" he protests. Then, with a self-satisfied snicker, he dives a hand into the bowl of popcorn sitting between the two of you to grab a handful and throw it in his mouth. "I'm just thinking on a whooooooole different level, babe. Looking past all the surface stuff and instead figuring out what really makes these people tick. Pretty soon, they'll be callin' me to hunt these jokers down!" he boasted with a broad grin.
"Are you saying I'm dumb?" you pout, sinking into the couch cushions. You know that he doesn't, but, why miss an opportunity to have him pamper you? And, if you were honest, you would feel pretty dumb if Kankuro's theory turned out to be correct.
"What? No!" Kankuro cries immediately. He pauses the show, then lifts up the popcorn bowl to scooch up next to you and throw his arm around your shoulder, tugging you close. "I—jeez, me and my big mouth," he mumbles under his breath and runs a hand through his hair, stressed at the idea of upsetting you. "It makes you feel a little guilty, so you drop the sulky act. "You know I don't think you're dumb, right?"
You shrug. However, you do feel guilty about how panicked he looks, so you make it obvious that you're playing oblivious, exaggerating the roll of your head and letting the playful smile rise to your lip.
"I dunnooooooo, Kankuro," you drawl, and his eyebrow creeps up his forehead at the purposefully sing-song tone. "You sure made it seem like you think I'm just some surface-level thinker and can't see through a ruse..."
"Aw, come on." Kankuro is the one pouting now, his bottom lip jutting out as he props his chin on your shoulder and bats his eyes at you. "You didn't let me finish." However, the smirk forming on his lips informs you that he is on to your game now, and willing to play along.
"Yeah," he hums. "If you'd let me keep talking, I woulda gone on to say that I'd tell them that I'll only work for them if I can bring along my gorgeous, totally smart-as-a-tack partner."
"Go on," you encourage with a giggle.
"She notices the things I tend to miss. Like the fact that the eldest brother went back into the house instead of calling the cops."
"I did think that was weird," you nodded in consideration. "But I chalked that up to him not thinking straight and being worried about his little brother when he heard him crying out for help."
"Or maybe he ran in there to try and get his hired thugs to finish the job..."
"But was interrupted by the neighbor, who heard the ruckus!" you gasp in realization and slammed your fist down into your palm. "So he had to think on the fly and act like he was running back in to save his brother so the neighbor didn't get suspicious! That's why the neighbor told the cops during his interview that he felt like the eldest brother was over-acting, and never "
"See?" Kankuro grinned. "You think most people would figure that out just based on a little hint like that? You're definitely not dumb, babe."
"Hehe, we'd make quite a team," you giggle and snuggle into him.
"Damn straight," Kankuro smirked back. He snatches up the remote and resumes the show, then drops it to wrap his arms around you, grinning like a little kid about to run into a candy store. "Now, let's find out which one of us was right!"
You really don't care that much, you find yourself thinking. All you care about is the fact that Kankuro is here, spending time with you, thinking the world of you...
But really, it's totally the youngest brother! You're the one who's gonna be right, mark your words!
Interested in a commission? Check out this post!
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keii-eshtelle · 1 year
In our everyday lives, communication holds immense importance, as I have learned in my class. This is because it enables us to exchange information, convey our thoughts and emotions, build relationships, collaborate effectively, and experience personal and professional growth. Essentially, communication serves as the bedrock of human interaction, allowing us to connect with others, gain understanding, and flourish in our environment. Thus, communication is the process of exchanging or transmitting information through verbal and nonverbal means.
By enrolling in Purposive Communication, you'll acquire valuable skills and knowledge to enhance your communication abilities. The class encompasses different communication types, such as spoken language and written language, enabling effective communication, understanding and interpretation of information, knowledge acquisition, self-expression, documentation, and preservation, as well as connection and collaboration among individuals and communities. They are fundamental tools that empower us to navigate the world, share ideas, express ourselves, and connect with others on various levels.
Communication Elements such as the sender, message, receiver, channel, noise, and context are covered, equips individuals with the knowledge and tools to communicate effectively, fostering better understanding, collaboration, and successful outcomes in various personal and professional contexts. In addition, it discussed the difference between English for specific purposes are language skills for a specific field or discipline and General English which commonly used in everyday life.
Strong communication skills are highly valued in academic and professional settings, even in day-to-day life. The class prioritizes the development of the four macro skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Effective speaking skills enables individuals to express themselves, connect with others, influence, and build confidence. Active listening facilitates understanding, empathy, learning, conflict resolution, and collaboration. Reading broadens their understanding, exposes them to diverse viewpoints, and enriches their communication repertoire. Strong writing skills enhance overall communication proficiency and enable individuals to articulate themselves with precision and impact. Together, these skills allows individuals to articulate their thoughts, ideas, and emotions clearly and confidently, ensuring their messages are understood and impactful.
Simple Greetings, Introducing Yourself, Conversation Starters
Learning simple greetings, introducing yourself, and conversation starters is not only beneficial for social interactions but also holds significant value in various aspects of life. In the context of building connections, these communication skills play a crucial role. When you greet someone warmly and introduce yourself confidently, it creates a positive impression and sets the foundation for further engagement. This can be particularly useful in professional networking scenarios, where effective introductions and conversation starters can open doors to new opportunities, collaborations, and partnerships.
During our class, we practiced these skills in various situations. By simulating greetings, introductions, and conversation starters, we honed our abilities to adapt to different contexts, read social cues, and establish meaningful connections. Through role plays and interactive exercises, we learned how to effectively engage with others, initiate conversations, and keep them flowing naturally.
Remember, while using greetings, introducing yourself, and conversation starters, it's essential to be attentive to the specific situation and the person you are interacting with. By showing genuine interest in their responses and actively listening, you demonstrate respect and build rapport. These skills not only boost your confidence but also contribute to creating positive and memorable interactions with others.
Wh- Questions
In this role play activity, the objective of using wh- questions in a group setting is to enhance our communication skills and delve deeper into the topic at hand. By employing wh- questions, we can explore various aspects of the subject matter, gain valuable insights, and encourage active participation from all group members. These questions serve as catalysts for meaningful discussions, allowing us to probe further into specific details, unravel underlying motivations, or uncover different perspectives related to the topic.
The use of wh- questions in our role play exercise promotes critical thinking and encourages the exchange of ideas and information. Each member of the group can contribute by posing thought-provoking wh- questions to the others, stimulating thoughtful responses and expanding the depth of our conversation. This process not only enhances our understanding of the topic but also improves our listening skills as we actively engage with the answers provided by our peers.
Furthermore, utilizing wh- questions in a group setting fosters effective communication by encouraging open dialogue and creating a collaborative learning environment. By posing these questions, we demonstrate our genuine interest in understanding different viewpoints, eliciting comprehensive explanations, and promoting active participation from all group members. This collaborative approach nurtures a sense of inclusivity, respect, and intellectual growth within the group.
In conclusion, the incorporation of wh- questions in our role play activity not only facilitates a deeper exploration of the topic but also enhances our communication skills. By utilizing these questions effectively, we encourage comprehensive discussions, gain valuable insights, and foster an environment conducive to open dialogue and collaborative learning.ñ
Research and Presentation, Giving Opinions
Presenting your research and giving opinions to the class is not only a great way to share our findings but also a valuable opportunity to assess and enhance our communication skills. By presenting our research, we demonstrate our ability to effectively articulate complex concepts, engage with our audience, and convey our ideas in a clear and concise manner. Additionally, offering our opinions on various topics fosters critical thinking and encourages thoughtful discussions among classmates, further refining oour communication skills by honing our ability to express viewpoints, listen actively, and engage in constructive dialogue. Ultimately, this multifaceted process of research presentation and opinion sharing serves as a comprehensive assessment of our communication proficiency, providing valuable insights and growth opportunities for oour personal and academic development.
Overall, communication is a complex and multifaceted process that is crucial for everyone. Effective communication skills and understanding the various aspects of communication can greatly improve the quality of interpersonal relationships, collaboration, and overall success in different areas of life.
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demcnsinmymind · 2 years
○    name: Veri (short for veritaaas) is the nickname I usually roll with :)
○    pronouns: she/her.
○    preference of communication: tumblr ims tbh. I do have a disco but we also use disco for work so it generally stresses me out to see it blink/make noises
○     name of muse(s): Lance, Azathoth, Kiara (@thatevester)
○    experience/how long (months/years?): writing in German in general since late elementary school, English fanfic writing since 2012, RPing since 2018
○    platforms you’ve used: livejournal (lol), tumblr, disco
○    best experience: coming back after a 4 year break last year and still having some loyal mutuals left (once again shout out to awesome peops like @greatwrath and @orphanedshadow), while at the same time making a lot of new friends and dearly beloved mutuals. I just LOVE writing with you guys!
○    rp pet peeves / dealbreakers: It just upsets me so much when people start following first, only to then never bother interacting in any way whatsover. be that sending in a meme from my meme tag that is always there to choose from and easily accessible, or replying to opens or liking the permanent starter call. Like, all that stuff is in my pinned post and super easy to find and access both on a pc or on mobile. It literally takes like two clicks and a copy paste and here we go, we’re rolling. And especially if you’re too shy to start up an IM conversation/plotting first - it’s so easy to get something started by just sending something in without comment. I’ll be more than happy to reply and wing it and start developing something from there. But to have people follow you who can’t be bothered to get anything started for weeks, if not months and always having to be the one to start things first only to see your efforts to reach out be ignored as well, is seriously discouraging. If you don’t have time to actually interact or aren’t interested after all, don’t get my hopes up and don’t start following me first. It is as simple as that. I get excited every time I gain a new follower because I assume they’re interested and I’m super looking forward to getting something  started with their character soon. But if I’m just there to boost a number, well, no thanks. I’ll softblock sooner or later. And if you’re too shy to start something first, my posts and IMs are always open to give me a heads up. Then I’ll be more than happy to write you something first. But then again, that’s what the starter call is already for, that takes just one click on a heart and that’s it, so I seriously don’t get a complete lack of interaction. It’s not really about who starts something first, it’s more about a complete lack of effort/communication/interest on one side. Sorry for the rant haha.
○    fluff, angst, or smut: angst > smut > fluff. Though I admit my blog could use a little more fluff and comedy every now and then
○    plots or memes: truth be told, I’m super into winging stuff. I write based on emotions and how I feel and think in a moment, I’m not much one to plan far ahead and just keep talking about writing for a while instead of just doing it. I simply get to excited to just start writing right away :D HOWEVER, if people require some plotting first, I’ll be more than happy to do so. My goal is to build fun character relationships and developments over time too. I just get there differently most of the time.
○    long or short replies: looks at the blog. Laughs. I can’t do short replies for the life of me, though once again, I’ll be more than happy to try much harder and keep it short if my partner asks for it. Personally, I just have much more fun exploring thoughts and emotions, so my replies tend to get heavy on the descriptive and heavy inner monologue but sparse on the written dialogue.
○    best time to write: night owl through and through. Sometimes I get started around 8pmish (GMT+1), most of the time I won’t get started before midnight. My most creative and active phase is between 2-4am though tbh.
○    are you like your muse(s): I think I actually am in a lot of ways. I think I’m a bit friendlier/kinder and more polite and empathic, but other than that, I can be a pretty selfish, workaholic bitch as well if I want to be. Also we’re both filmmaking nerds who dig the paranormal, so...🤷
tagged by : @ebonyforged <3 tagging: @innerwar @adeathsentence @thesoulofasurvivor @therebekahmikaelson @bitchheroine and whoever else wants to do the thang
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irxnmaiden · 2 years
—starter for @allthingsglittergold​​​ 🍂
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Landing gently and unceremoniously at the center of Newbark, it seems as if nothing’s changed. Towards the southeast of the mainland, tucked between woodlands receding from the coast, the quaint hamlet remains immune to the passage of time. Idyllic, simple, welcoming: it’s no wonder that even a honored Champion like Gold would prefer to stay here, as opposed to one of the larger cities that dot throughout Johto.
It has been some time since they’d last spoken, and even longer since they’d had a genuine conversation. What with Gold's busy schedule, between Champion obligations and patrolling the region, it isn’t surprising in the slightest; Jasmine had been busy, too, what with planning an eventual trip to the land of Galar.
She’s never been before, but the winds of change have been calling her name for quite some time. Since meeting the Leader of a place called Spikemuth—not to mention, having been land-bound for quite a while now—Jasmine’s thought of nothing more than quenching this renewed since of adventure. Into the unknown is where she typically discovers herself, after all.
Which has brought her to make this visit today!
She leads with a leisurely stroll, after recalling Panzu, in the general direction of Gold’s home. But before she’s given the chance to knock, the front door that had served as her destination cracks open ajar, spilling out one current Champion—to this day, one of the astoundingly few trainers to ever secure a Mineral Badge from Jasmine’s grasp, in a match she's still not forgotten.
“Well, hello there, Mr. Suzuki,” she speaks in a tone much more formal than one she would when around her fellow Leaders, though respect in this case has certainly been earned. Jasmine bows, deeply, folding her arms daintily behind her back. “How have you been lately? It’s been while since we last spoke, so I figured I’d drop by, y’know– see how things are in your neck of the woods.”
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akiiyamashun · 1 year
“I never thought I’d say this, but it’s good to see you again.“
Star Trek: the Next Generation starters . accepting
Akiyama closed the door to the audience chamber with more determination than required for that gesture; his expression was not one that indicated a peaceful state of mind either, and his entire body language denounced the frustration and irritation coursing through the veins.
It was strange - in many ways, that simple movement of turning the doorknob and placing himself on the other side of that threshold illustrated beautifully his new life. His left hand unconsciously moved to the top of his uniform, undoing a couple more of buttons and leaving some room for his skin to breathe, like the man had been on the verge of suffocating despite all the oxygen around.
Akiyama Shun, Federation commander and 1st officer aboard the Tojo, had just formally cut all relations to his family. Once a proud and dedicated member of the organization and yet another prodigy of his family line, the discussions held within the chamber behind his back had finally put an end to that path. Not that he had been unwilling to stray from that course already - working alongside Daigo and his crew had taught Akiyama much.
But now, after having cleared his captain's name before the selected panel of judges and inhaling the air outside, it was hard not to replay the conversation with his father; the way he addressed a single child with so much contempt and no regard for his life or well-being and pondered only about his slightly unkempt appearance (one button out of place, longer hair now they didn't make port so often to see barbers) as if Akiyama Shun was not a human with feelings, but some sort of trophy to be paraded before his colleagues.
The fact that he was there to defend Dojima Daigo, a Federation-wide pariah, did not help; particularly where there was no way to punish the captain without blatantly disregarding the current regulations in place, which was something Akiyama knew from the beginning. His smug grin and the tone of each 'your honor' delivered to the judges had indicated as much, but there was so much the local arbiters could do in face of sarcasm.
Akiyama finally propelled himself forward - one step after the other, until the movements became automatic and he turned a corner, finding Daigo coming from the opposite way. The captain smiled softly at his first officer, fully aware of the reason for his presence within the building - the two no longer were at odds with one another, but their banter (now playful) remained in their private meetings.
"I never thought I’d say this, but it’s good to see you again," Daigo chuckled, but upon seeing the rather troubled expression on his commander's eyes and the unconvincing grin that followed, the captain placed a hand over Akiyama's shoulder. "Shun - are you alright? Is it the hearing? I hope you know I understand the consequences of my actions and that there is no pressure for you to-"
"Daigo," the younger male said, then laughed a bit while pressuring the other to not jump to the worst conclusions so fast, "Dojima, listen to me. You're fine, you're cleared from the charges - I'm pretty convincing when I need to be and you were not technically wrong. Relax," the first officer explained, and although Daigo's expression indicated some sort of relief, he was still visibly concerned.
Particularly when Akiyama's free hand moved to his jacket and all the buttons came undone - the piece hung open, showing the fitting shirt that was worn underneath and a look that most people exhibited only at bars, holodecks or during off-time, never at the Federation headquarters. Chuckling at the captain's raised eyebrow, the commander placed one of his hands over his superior's shoulder, mimicking Daigo's action from earlier.
"I just joined the exclusive club for kids with asshole dads, that's all. I was kind of hoping you had some pointers - maybe over a beer? There used to be a good place a couple of blocks down the street where all cadets went but I never did because I was always studying my ass off. I probably missed out on a lot of fun back then, so if you're willing to indulge your first officer..."
Daigo didn't say anything right then - his lips were pressed into a thin line and he examined Akiyama with a clinical look, but soon enough there was undeniable warmth and understanding flooding from the captain's dark irises. Nodding, he merely tapped the other man's shoulder twice and offered him a youthful grin, taking the lead and undoing a couple of the buttons of his own uniform - work could wait.
Friends were important, too - they both learned it the hard way.
"Remind me when we're back in orbit - I'll give your membership card of our little association," Daigo joked in relation to Akiyama's comment from earlier, "Our support group for kids with less than optimal parents meets every week, over poker. At the rate our ranks are growing, someday the Federation will send some therapist our way."
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giffywallsindia · 8 days
Trending Wallpaper Patterns for a Sleek Office Design
Designing an office space with sleek and modern wallpaper can set the tone for productivity and professionalism. Here are some trending wallpaper patterns that can give your office a polished and stylish look without overwhelming the space. Whether it's for a large corporate setting or a cosy home office, these designs will complement various office environments.
3D Wallpaper for Modern Offices
3D look wallpaper is an excellent choice for offices looking to bring depth and texture to their walls. This type of wallpaper creates visual interest with patterns that seem to jump off the wall, giving your space a dynamic look. From abstract shapes to intricate lines, 3D designs are versatile and can fit well in both minimalistic and contemporary office settings. For open office spaces, 3D wallpaper can serve as a feature wall that adds a subtle layer of sophistication to the overall decor.
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Geometric Wallpaper for a Minimalist Vibe
If you want a minimalist and sleek feel in your office, geometric wallpaper is a fantastic option. With clean lines and precise shapes, this style suits modern office wall decor perfectly. Geometric patterns range from simple triangles and squares to more complex, abstract shapes. The crisp and orderly designs help maintain a professional environment, making them ideal for office cabins and workspaces. Pairing geometric wallpaper with neutral tones can also balance the space, ensuring it remains productive yet visually appealing.
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World Map Wallpaper for a Global Perspective
World map wallpaper is an excellent addition to any office that thrives on international collaboration or global inspiration. Not only does it add a sense of exploration and knowledge, but it also makes for a great conversation starter. World map wallpaper works particularly well in conference rooms and executive offices, giving the space a cultured and worldly feel. It is available in various colours, from classic black-and-white maps to colourful, detailed versions, allowing you to choose one that best suits your office decor.
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City Wallpaper for an Urban Aesthetic
City view wallpaper is another trend that's gaining popularity in modern office design. Featuring iconic cityscapes and skylines, this type of wallpaper brings an urban vibe to your workspace. Whether you choose a wallpaper showcasing your favourite metropolis or a general city view, it adds energy and movement to the environment. City wallpaper can be used in an office cabin to reflect a dynamic work culture or in break rooms to provide a stimulating backdrop. It pairs well with minimalistic furniture and sleek office designs.
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Grey Wallpaper for a Calm and Neutral Setting
Grey wallpaper is a timeless option for creating a calm, neutral atmosphere in an office. It offers a soft backdrop that doesn't overpower the space, making it easier to focus on work. From light grey tones that evoke a sense of openness to darker hues that bring a more formal and focused mood, grey wallpaper is highly versatile. You can opt for solid grey wallpaper or choose subtle patterns such as stripes or textures that add depth without being too distracting. Grey wallpaper works well in both large open spaces and smaller office cabins.
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Wood Wallpaper for a Warm, Natural Look
For those who prefer a natural and warm ambience, wood wallpaper is a perfect fit. It mimics the appearance of real wood, giving your office a rustic and inviting feel without the cost or maintenance of real wooden panels. Wood wallpaper is ideal for offices aiming to combine modernity with a touch of nature, adding warmth to a sleek design. Brown and beige wood tones create a welcoming and comfortable environment, making them suitable for meeting rooms or personal offices. Wood wallpaper also complements other earthy tones, enhancing the overall office wall decor.
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Brown Wallpaper for an Earthy and Sophisticated Atmosphere
Brown wallpaper can lend a sophisticated, grounded atmosphere to your office space. Whether it's rich chocolate tones or lighter beige shades, brown wallpaper adds warmth and depth. This colour works well in executive offices and boardrooms, where a more serious tone is desired. Brown wallpaper pairs nicely with leather furniture and wooden elements, further enhancing the refined feel of the space. For a modern twist, opt for textured or patterned brown wallpapers that maintain an elegant look while offering visual interest.
Selecting the right wallpaper for office can make all the difference in how the space feels and functions. Whether you opt for 3D wallpaper for a modern touch, geometric patterns for a minimalist look, or wood and brown wallpaper for warmth, each style can suit a variety of office settings. The key is to choose patterns and colours that reflect the professional atmosphere you wish to convey while keeping the design sleek and simple.
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