#—♡nb writings
nonymous-nb · 18 days
Just a small drabble due to boredom.. :)
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You were his first, and so was he to you.
Medkit and you have been dating for about 2 years.. you both were happy together, people had told the both of you the you guys were like a one true pair. You both were perfect, until the day where you lost feelings for him. You didn't mean to, you swore, it was just how life wanted it.
You both talked it over and tried to do some different things, Medkit knew he needed to let you go though he still tried as he loves you dearly and suggested trying and maybe hangout.. maybe it'll change? Then the time came, where Medkit had to hold himself back from breaking as you utter the word.
"I'm sorry.."
You felt bad, you wanted to comfort him and tell him it was fine, but you knew it's better than trying to continue this one-sided relationship. You were about to leave until Medkit took your hand.
"one.. one last hug..?"
His voice.. it was broken.
"One last hug.."
You then held him in a tight hug, you felt his figure shaking slightly, as he hugs you tighter. He wanted to fight for the both of you, he wants you, he wants you so bad.
why was life so cruel to him?
Now there he was, watching you with someone else, hand in hand. His hand twitched as he wished that you didn't lose feelings, now he's just there in the corner.
He stood there; watching as you gave his enemy a kiss on their forehead, the scientist letting out some giddy nonsense sounds.
"Why is life so cruel to me?"
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*runs away 🏃*
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officialdaydreamer00 · 5 months
Star Child, please deliver my letter to my beloved in exchange for some sweets
To my dearest Lucifer,
Hello. As the new year approached, my mind kept thinking of you. Almost two years have passed since I first met you. How quickly time passes by.
I remember that my mental health wasn't in the best state when I first met you. I'll admit, you were the reason why I chose to become an exchange student at first. But as I interacted with you and the others, I felt that I'd finally found a place where I could be myself with no judgment. And even though we're worlds and dimensions apart, I fell in love with you.
Would it be weird to say that it was thanks to you that I am where I'm at right now? If I hadn't met you on that fateful day, I wouldn't be here writing this letter to you.
So many things have happened since that day. Things I may or may not regret in the future. But one thing's for certain: I do not regret meeting you.
ᜋᜇᜋᜒᜅ᜔ ᜐᜎᜋᜆ᜔ ᜀᜆ᜔ ᜈᜃᜒᜎᜎ ᜃᜒᜆ᜶ ᜑᜅ᜔ᜄᜅ᜔ ᜐ ᜋᜓᜎᜒ ᜈᜆᜒᜅ᜔ ᜉᜄ᜔ᜃᜒᜃᜒᜆ ᜐ ᜀᜃᜒᜅ᜔ ᜉᜈᜄᜒᜈᜒᜉ᜔᜶
With love,
Your Stargazer
Baybayin Translation:
"I am grateful that I met you. Until we meet again in my dreams."
*inhales the sweets* \(^-^)/!!
My darling Stargazer,
Two years passed by so quickly, did it not? Mortal time truly seem like a blink of an eye, and perchance I shall never get used to it.
Initially, I was surprised when you chose me as your host partner, yet I did expect that. At that moment, I believed that as a human in the land filled with demons, the exchange student should strive for the best of the best for their own protection. I never expected to fall for that student the more I spend time with them, the more I get to know you for who you are. Perhaps it was Fate's work that we could meet each other.
I have been watching over you throughout those past two years, I have been with you through many ups and downs, and every moment with you that I hold dear to my sinned heart. I am incredibly proud of you for having come so far, my little Stargazer, I hope you will always remember that.
Happy New Year, and may we meet again in your dreams.
Sincerely yours,
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no tags this time, idk who else in my moots like him ;-;
remember to reblog if you enjoy my works!! ^-^
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dinasmoon · 1 year
༘⋆ road trip
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₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ summery: you and dina have been friends ever since high school, you two often go on trips together but always with friends but this time you guys went alone...
♡ pairing: modern!dina x reader
➸ words: 324
♡ authors note: a little something i made before going to work, i didn't have time to proof read sorry but i hope you guys enjoy it
♫ now playing: for me, it's you by lo moon
Dina and you have been friends for as long as you can remember. You met in high school and have been inseparable ever since. You've been through everything together, from the awkward teenage years to navigating your way through college. The two of you even went on a few trips together, but they were always with other friends.
One summer, you and Dina decided to embark on a road trip together. Just the two of you, exploring the great unknown. You mapped out the route, packed up the car, and hit the road. It was everything you imagined it would be: scenic views, spontaneous stops at roadside attractions, and endless conversations about your dreams and aspirations.
As the days went by, something started to shift between you two. You began to see each other in a different light, noticing things you never had before. Like the way Dina's brown eyes sparkled in the sun, the softness of her voice as she laughed at your jokes, the way she looked at you when she thought you weren't paying attention.
One night, as you were sitting by the campfire, Dina leaned in close to you. She looked up at you with a shy smile, her eyes shining in the firelight. She reached out and took your hand and you felt the warmth of her skin against yours. You looked into her eyes and felt a sudden urge to pull her close and kiss her. You leaned in, and your lips met in a slow, passionate kiss. The kiss lasted for what felt like an eternity, and you felt like you were lost in the moment. You eventually pulled away, feeling both giddy and embarrassed. You looked into each other's eyes and smiled.
As you continued the road trip, but now as lovers. You two were holding hands as you walked along the beach, stealing kisses at every opportunity, and falling asleep in each other's arms every night.
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dthroned-sameurl · 1 month
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Endless edits of DTHRONED muses ( Narcissa Black & Giovanna Agosti ) --- mutuals may interact
my angel , my love , my life .
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sh1-n0bu · 7 months
♡︎ 𝙗𝙖𝙗𝙮 𝙢𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙖 ♡︎
characters: priest!sub!blade x demon lord!nb!dom!reader
warnings: breeding, creampie, eating out, fingering, squirting, monsterfucking, non-verbal ask of consent, dirty talk, feminization (like literally), lactating, nipple stimulation, overstimulation, dacryphilia, size kink, belly bulge, cervix kissing, blade is a demon hunting priest, reader is a demon lord so they can choose whether to have a cock or pussy so basically genderfluid reader???? also reader changes blade’s anatomy to have a pussy and womb — it’s so messy okay😭😭
word count: 4.4K
notes: you KNOW shit is getting real when nobu starts word count. never thought i would be writing a bit of a dark-ish content yet here we are. the power of the horny😔 also inspired by my chat with one of ririshizu’s bots
special thank you to @theblades and @yenaakwyl for proofreading a whole damn 14 pages of filth
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being a priest is no laughing matter. especially when you’re the type of priest that hunts and gets rid of demons who somehow ended up with a demon lord clinging to you, who’s constantly at your side, asking you questions about the human realm.
what was up with you, anyways? a literal demon lord, one of the lords of a deadly sin and yet here you were, dragging him around the streets, pointing at random things, wanting to sample every street food there were. sure, your human form was incredibly deceiving. a short, sweet human, clinging to his arm, excitedly pointing at the many different things that caught your attention. it would be hard for anyone to think of you as a demon lord in disguise.
except for blade. he’s been in this field of work for such a long time. constantly vanquishing demons who either were too annoying or possessed a poor, curious soul. the sharp edge of his shard sword is no laughing matter.
but you didn’t seem to mind. this demon lord, acting like a curious puppy, pulling him to each sides of the streets — ignoring the loud angry shouts of the car drivers and the constantly thinning of his wallet of course. not that blade had much to worry when it came to financial freedom. putting his life on the line and vanquishing demons from the human realm pays a generous amount.
it felt wrong to allow you to cling to him. you, a demon lord, no matter what your disguises meant or whatever pathetic excuse you came up with of wanting to sample human food. he should have gotten rid of you sooner yet no matter how much his hands twitch to unsheathe his shard sword, he just can’t seem to do it. no matter what his threats may seem or be heard of, the priest just can’t bring himself to harm you. if anything, he finds himself doing the absolute opposite, to his blatant horror.
“wait, no, don’t do that. the water just boiled so it’s hot, it could burn your tongue”
“you do realize that ice isn’t meant to be eaten, right? no, i don’t care how much of a pretty shape it’s in or if it still has the aftertaste of the coffee”
“if you eat too much raw red pepper, you could have a heart stroke. 14 is enough on one sitting. give it here”
yes, you get the point. a priest vanquishing demon, living together with a demon lord and even protecting them. hypocritical, right?
one night, as you two were cuddling on the couch and absentmindedly watching cliche horror movies that has demons with red skin and horns and a tail, that reminded something to blade. demons have unique demon forms depending on their sins and ‘birth’. but you never once showed an ounce of your demon form. not even a single slip-up.
“hmm? why do you ask? curious?” you hum softly, taking another fistful of the popcorn in the bowl. not that blade minded. if anything, he unconsciously pushed the bowl of popcorn closer to you.
“i guess so. you never even spoke of your demon form whether it has a tail or not” the priest mumbles, his husky voice turning softer just for a moment. or maybe he was just sleepy, judging by his dark eye-bags and little yawns.
oh right, you never did. but then again, blade never asked of your demon form before so, it’s to be expected after all.
just as blade had shrugged off your silence and turned his attention back to the tv, he felt something slithering around his waist. swallowing the sudden lump in his throat, he briefly looks down at what was wrapping around his waist. there, snug around his hips was a long, pale white, scaled, snake-like tail. it seemed incredibly long, judging by how it easily wrapped around his hips few times and the rest was just dangling off of the side of the couch.
was this…?
he could feel his hand twitch. itching, something under his skin itching of wanting to reach down and run his hand over the smooth looking scales of the tail.
pat! pat pat!
before blade could even make sense of what the fuck he just did, his hand had unconsciously unraveled from it’s former crossed position. one hand going down, flattening his palm over the smooth, large tail before giving it a few pats. at the same time, he could hear another low pat pat! sounds coming from the side of the couch. must be your tail ends flicking and hitting against the couch, he deducted.
briefly, blade steals a glance at your face. still watching the movie on the TV, seemingly paying no mind to the feeling of his human hand resting over your tail. it was oddly warm to the touch. from the look of it resembling a snake like tail, he expected it to be cold.
slowly, he runs his hand over the scales. soft, smooth and easily gliding over them as if it was nothing. sure, some bumps are felt on the palm of his hand but other than the occasional little ridges, it was completely smooth. how… soothing.
blade doesn’t know how or when but over the course of time you spent at his apartment, these little moments of playing with your tail had become a normal occurrence. little moments of “affection” if you will. fridays had become the weekly movie nights. blade would put on some random horror movie that you chose to be the most interesting based on the summary of the movie. half an hour or so into the movie and blade would feel the familiar scales of your tail wrap around his hips.
the priest would sometimes toy with your tail in hopes of getting you to show your true color of being a demon lord. to make you angry. to make you snap and finally show your true colors. if anything, it had the complete opposite effect as your tail only tightened around him. low, deep rumbling sounds akin to a purr coming from the depths of your chest.
briefly, the priest would catch himself wondering how it would feel to lay his head on your chest as you purr. cats have de-stressing and soothing qualities to their purrs. would demons be the same? sometimes, he would even catch himself thinking of… sacrilegious things. like how your tail would feel wrapped around his legs, opening him up for you. how your form could shapeshift and could have a human male’s anatomy. would you purposefully make it big? would you force it past his twitching rim, uncaring of his whines and pleads to wait?
ah, but that sounded so unlike you. despite being a demon lord, you have been nothing but calm and peaceful with blade. soft hums, nods of agreement, always needing his help and inquiring him of his thoughts on something.
then, would you coax him? whispering soft reassurances in the shell of his ear as you softly push your cock inch by inch inside him. a large, clawed, inhuman hand running over his stomach, talking about all sorts of things, promising to breed him full of your seeds as he cries. opening his legs wide with your tail wrapped around his thighs, wiping away his tears as he cries so prettily?
“f-fuck…” unknowingly, blade found himself with a little problem. another movie night, another time spent together ‘cuddling’. yet due to his own thoughts, blade finds himself embarrassingly hard. shit, he needed to find a way to leave the room and take care of his problem. but your tail way starting to curl around him in loops, just like how a snake would wrap itself around it’s prey.
did you know? know of his raging hard on and was just teasing him now? no. taking a brief glance at your face caused blade to come to a conclusion that you didn’t know. yet. that was the biggest part. or maybe you did considering just how your tail was moving around his waist. slipping under the hem of his shirt, slipping up, curling around his body under his shirt. scale coming in contact with skin. blade almost let out a moan at the feeling if it weren’t for him biting down on his lips.
“[n-name], get your tail off. i need to use the bathroom” internally cursing himself out for stuttering, blade can only hope that you would oblige. gods, just the way you let out a soft “hmm?” while playing innocent, smiling at him and blinking like nothing happened while your tail curls around his skin.
fuck, he was done for. you knew. you fucking knew.
“are you sure? your body seems to react positively from the amount of human interaction that i’ve had until now, blade” the end of your tail circles around his peck. slowly trailing the end as if you were going to squeeze—
“n-ngaah?!” a surprised noise comes from the priest’s mouth before he clenches his jaws shut, brows furrowing together as he tries to ignore the feeling on his chest. soft and slow circles. the end of your tail was wrapped around his nipple, pulling and rolling it between as if it was nothing. shit, when did his chest get so sensitive?
“oh that was a cute sound. do it again” you hum, turning away from the TV and looking at him now. curse you for looking so damn interested and curious as your tail fondles his nubs. blade can feel his pants starting to form a wet patch as his breathing becomes more labored.
“t-take… your goddamn tail off. i swear, i’ll ghh—! chop it into pieces…!” despite his best efforts, his words had no bite. just weak mumblings of a pathetic excuse of a priest being turned on as a literal demon lord tugs at his nipple. he was even starting to quietly whine in place as he tries to swallow down his moans.
“say, blade. i read from somewhere that human chest can lactate when stimulated enough. can you lactate?” blade almost shrieked at your words. lactating? him? while it was true that human women can lactate if they gave birth, he was unsure about men being able to lactate.
“n-no! can’t! i’m a man, it’s impossible for my chest to produce mi—ungh!” his words die quickly in his throat when your tail clenched around his nipple tightly. pulling on it, familiar to a pinching motion. since when did his body get so sensitive like this? or was this all your doing? did you secretly put a spell on him to make him sensitive?
“stop..! [n-name] stop ooungh! please, stop! i’m telling you, i’m a man. i can’t lactate like a woman!” his pleads fall on deaf ears as you slip his shirt off over his head. instead this time, using your hands to knead and fondle his pecks. squeezing, rolling his sensitive nubs between your fingers, even tugging on them. it all got blade letting out uncharacteristic high pitched noises like a cat in heat.
“p-please… stop this, [name]..” blade trails off, red in the face, shame, embarrassment and arousal swirling in his stomach like a hot bubbling lava as he admits defeat and whines helplessly.
“then wriggle yourself out of my tail. it’s loose around you, bladie” you briefly retort as you suckle on his nipple. mouth latched to his chest, biting and planting wet kisses all around his soft pink areola. as weak as his whimpers and pathetic his begging were, he really wasn’t making a single attempt to pull back. you have given him enough chances even now as your tail stays loose around him. yet he still tries to act like he hates it.
switching between giving attention to his two nipples with blade not even thinking of pulling himself out of your tail, the movie plays in the background, long forgotten. you were determined to make this weird human of yours lactate. you can make him!
it didn’t took much longer until blade let out a yelp as a warm liquid drops in your mouth. the taste oddly sweet and a bit thick in texture. realizing that his chest was feeling much more heavier and nipples felt more wetter than before, the priest’s eyes widen in horror and arousal. did you really managed to stimulate him enough to make him lactate?
“oh? so, i was right! humans can lactate regardless of their gender” you let out a soft giggle, internally cheering as a bright smile comes across your face. the sheer amount of exuberance you showed in his lactation had caused blade to feebly attempt to cover his chest.
“don’t! don’t look… it’s embarrassing…” the man whines, shaking hands covering up his leaking nubs. but that proves to be futile as his hands covering his chest had caused him to twitch. everything felt so much and so little at the same time. his poor cock was neglected and weeping, staining his pants as you stimulate his nipples as he whines.
this wasn’t supposed to happen! he wasn’t supposed to be this sensitive to your touches.
but the leaking of his milk had seemed to cause something to stir in your chest. an odd sense of possessiveness and need to claim him growing in your heart, tugging at it. laying your palm flat against his stomach, you rub slow circles onto it. somehow, it had helped to lessen blade’s embarrassment.
“bladie, how would you feel if i were to make you my baby momma?” your voice cuts him out of the trance like state he was in. blinking his eyes a few times with a weak “huh?” as if he hadn’t heard you. with a quiet chuckle, you ask again. repeating the question to him slowly in case he was too pleasure driven.
baby momma? but that’s something that people refer to when women get pregnant right? were you referring to making him pregnant? but that was impossible! he was a man and men had different anatomy compared to women’s!
“i can use a few spells. you would have a female anatomy. but only if you wish to be my baby momma. i would take good care of you and the kids, we’d be together as a cute family. don’t you think we’d be a cute family, blade?” he could briefly hear you hum. but the rest of your words flew over his head since the female anatomy part.
a female anatomy. blade would have a pussy, a womb, cervix the perfect anatomy to get pregnant. he would be a cute baby momma. your baby momma. and he would carry your kids. a child who was half you and half him, a cute bundle of sunshine.
“please… please do. make me your baby momma. i wanna be your b-baby momma..!” blade nods frantically, not even bothering to think over the consequences too deeply. but the prospect of having your kids, of having you inside him got blade rubbing his thighs together, head spinning with all sorts of thoughts as his breathing becomes labored. you said you would take good care of him and the kids! he’ll be in good hands.
although a part of his brain was screaming at him, telling him to withdraw from the touch of your palm running over his stomach, changing his insides, blade could only sit there dumbly. a baby. a cute baby that you two made together. it would be so sweet, so cute. blade couldn’t wait any longer as he silences the logical part of his brain. all he wanted was you now. just you and nothing else.
the process didn’t take long. a few strokes of your hand and soothing whispers to his ear and it was done. or at least, from what you said. and oh fuck, was it true. when you tugged his pants and boxers off, what greeted both of your eyes was a slick pussy, dripping with arousal. seeing how you had successfully changed him, the priest lets out a weak whine, closing his legs to hide himself.
you didn’t seem to like that. clicking your teeth as your tail wraps around his leg, pulling his legs apart and allowing your hungry eyes to feast on his dripping cunt. blade couldn’t help his whine as the feeling of being so empty took place in his head. or was it inside his womb that he felt so empty?
“so sweet. you would look so cute with my cum dripping out of you” you mutter, running a finger up his wet pussy. the action got his hips twitching, trying to make you push your finger inside himself. tutting softly, reminding him to be patient, you slowly ease a finger in. oh gods, the stretch felt so good. so full and filled already despite it being just a single finger that was now slowly massaging his plush walls.
the soft whines and gasps coming out of blade turns into a moan as he throws his head back on the couch. long, navy hair spreading over the mattress as your fingers scissor him open. you would have expected him to be more… reclusive considering his usual act. perhaps you were wrong. the way that blade was throwing his head back, moaning without shame as his warm walls suck your fingers in greedily caused you to almost mistaken him for a virgin. or maybe he was just touch starved. poor thing.
cooing words of how he was doing good, how his gushy cunt was sucking in your fingers so prettily, you lean down to pepper kisses on his clit. long, forked tongue coming out momentarily to slip inside him with your fingers, constantly flicking his clit. the action caused to have made him oversensitive. strong, scarred thighs coming up to wrap around your head, a hand fisting at your locks as loud, pathetic whines of “c-can’t! feelss sho weird! [n-name], can’t—gyuuck! aanh aah♡︎!!” trails off into a high pitched whines as his hips jerk. legs clamping around your head in a vice grip, fisting at your locks tightly as his back arches off of the couch so prettily as he squirts in your mouth. ah right, in your own haze, you’ve forgotten and accidentally pushed your tongue in too far, hitting his g-spot.
well, that was fine. the cold priest sounded so cute and tasted delicious as he twitches under you. it would be fine to fuck him open with your tongue and prepare him thoroughly.
blade doesn’t know what to think anymore. was he even able to think? all he could do was to moan and shriek, trashing about on the bed as something deep and long slithers inside him. his cunt was being fucked open, wet sounds coming out as he gushes all over your mouth, tongue and chin. fluids dribbling down to your chin as you continue to force his legs open with your tail, arms wrapped around his waist and pulling him back into your mouth and fingers.
by the time you thought of him as prepped enough and pull your tongue and fingers out, blade could only weakly whine at the feeling of something pulling out of his warm insides. legs shaking, face flushed as dried tear stains cover his cheeks. his pretty red eyes looked so hazy, mind filled with cotton and statics. you haven’t even gotten to the main part yet!
blade feels something wrap around him. something bigger, warmer and gentle. clawed hands wrapping around his slender waist, pulling him against a massive frame. was this… was he on your real form right now?
tilting his head back to look at you, his hunch proves to be correct. no longer were you in your small human disguise. large, pale white figure with horns, tail and claw holding him in a safe cocoon in it’s embrace. despite having deep hatred against your kin, the priest couldn’t bring himself to hate you. instead, he oddly found your real form beautiful.
“huh…?” his thought gets cut off short when he feels something poke at his entrance. looking down, a sharp gasp escapes him. by the gods were you huge. girthy and long, thick with need and ready to fill him to the brim with your seeds. blade wasn’t sure if he could take such a large thing inside himself as he instinctively shut his legs close.
almost as if sensing his inner worries, you place a hand over his stomach, other hand spreading his legs wider to make it easier for you to slip in.
“don’t worry, pet. i’ll make sure it fits” your deeper, almost inhuman voice hums right beside his ear, sending shivers down his spine. although your words were soothing, the large tip of your cock pushing past his walls, opening his cunt wider was definitely not comforting. fuck, just the tip inside and blade was already thrashing about, shaking his head and stuttering out how he can’t fit it inside him.
“w-wait! w-won’t hhgh fit! ish too big! too bigtoobigtoobig—! m-my lo—oough! aanh! ish t-too fu-uck! big♡︎♡︎” the human squeals, cries, sobs and moans. loud lecherous noises coming from both his mouth and cunt. wet noises flooding the room alongside the low grunts and deep growls. you sounded inhumane, you felt inhumane but blade loved it all the more. the priest loved being spread open by your large cock, pushing past his hole, feeling his plushy walls and insides. ah, he could die happily filled to the brim like this.
finally, after long minutes of slowly easing yourself inside, you managed to fit your cock inside him. snug to the brim, tip kissing his cervix and making blade squeal. legs shaking and twitching, he came on your cock again at the feeling of your tip kissing his cervix. he saw that you were big but not this big! gods, he felt so damn full.
“so pretty, my mate. so full of me and i haven’t even fucked you properly yet” you grunt, deep, inhumane voice breathing by his ear and making him shake and twitch in your grasp like a sweet fawn. blade wouldn’t mind being a sacrificial lamb to you.
through tear stained eyes and blurry vision, he could make out the faint outline of your cock in his stomach. you were too big to the point your were causing a bulge inside him by just slipping your cock inside. how full would he feel after you have properly made him a baby momma? cunt weeping out a mixture of your cum, belly bulging so cutely. just the imagination of such action made blade buck his hips weakly. too fucked out to even utter a word.
feeling the pathetic excuse of movement of your cock, you let out a low laugh. tail wrapped around one of his legs, the other held open by your hand as you finally bounce him on your cock. slowly, slipping yourself in and out and yet the priest in your hand was sobbing as he blabbers deliriously about being fucked dumb on your cock. of having your babies inside his own womb. of being your sweet mate.
blade was a big guy. in human terms and physique wise, he was big. and yet in your lap, held open by your hands, back to your chest as he allows himself to be dumbed down on your girth made blade realize just how damn small he was compared to you. sure, he was big in human terms but compared to you, he was absolutely nothing. just a small hole for you to use. a fleshlight to be filled with your cum until you were satisfied. your baby momma to have his chest fondled and squeezed until his chest grows sore and heavy. milk leaking out it small globs from his sensitive pink nipples.
“my pet. my cute mate. my sweet other half. my adorable breeding bitch uhng… so fucking tight. so warm and tight like the cute little thing you are” blade could briefly hear you groan, heavy breaths falling on his neck, making him shiver at each breaths. making him cry and moan in a shrill voice like a girl each time your cock slid inside him. plunging deeper into parts he never knew before, grazing that one soft spot that made him shriek, tip hitting his cervix at each thrust. blade was so sure that it was bruised now. not that he minded it, the pain felt good to him.
“y-yours—! yours yours yours! your c-cute ma—aaanhg! aaanh haagh gyaaamf♡︎ y-your mate. your oouungh other half. y-your adorable♡︎ breeding bitch—!” blade’s mouth fell open in a silent scream, head throwing back to your shoulder when he felt your hand press on the bulge in his stomach. it felt good. so good that he immediately squirted on your cock again at the sheer pleasure the pressure brought.
but of course you wouldn’t stop. you would keep going, forcing his small body to bounce on your cock, occasionally tweaking his nipples, rolling his clit between your fingers. you were damn adamant on making him pregnant, breed him until you were damn sure he was knocked up.
he was yours. your human. your mate. your fated other half. your cute breeding bitch and you would be damned all over again if he ends up not getting pregnant by the time you’re done. blade was yours. no one else would ever take him away from you. no one. no one no one no one, no one else—
“AAANGH! M-MY LORD♡︎ c-cock giick! sho full…” the human shrieks and twitches in your grasp, legs weakly thrashing around as you finally cum deep inside him. the warmth of your seed spurting inside his gummy walls, painting his insides white causing blade to cum again. blade felt so full, the skin of his stomach stretching a bit to accommodate to the great amount of cum that was inside him. it felt so warm and sticky. messy, as it dribbles down your shaft, his small human body unfit to keep it all inside himself.
“my cute mate…” you purr softly, arms wrapping around your mate as he twitches and shakes. cheeks stained with old and new tears, jaws slack with drool dribbling down with his face as red as his eyes. he was yours now. blade was your human now. the weird priest was yours and no one would ever take him away from you.
“mine” with that final declaration, you placed a soft kiss to the crown of his head. he seemed to relax at the kiss, sinking against your chest as he black out. that was fine. you’ll make sure to breed him again once he wakes up.
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moonstruckme · 7 months
Hi! I'd copy-and-pasted this request into my doc to write it, but now I can't find it in my inbox! I don't think it was anonymous, so if this is your request and it somehow got deleted, I'm very sorry! Thank you for requesting, apologies for the wait, and hope you like it <3
hi love!!! Congratulations on 1,000 followers!!! I absolutely adore your writing and if your requests are open I’d love it if you could right something about poly marauders with a reader who’s non-binary or gender fluid. Maybe they just got together and the reader hasn’t came out to them yet or something. Idk you get all the writing freedom, of course if you don’t want to write it’s totally fine!!! Thanks anyway 🫶💗🫶💗 xoxo
cw: marauders unknowingly misrepresent reader's pronouns+gender
poly!marauders x nb!reader ♡ 1.1k words
“Sirius, no.” Remus rubs at his temples. “I will not mar you with a tattoo gun you bought from some bloke on the street.” 
“Oh, don’t be such a wuss,” Sirius complains, sitting spread out on his bed. “It'll be fun, you can all do it!”
“I’m on board,” James says from his own bed. He’s levitating his shoes about the room idly. “Hey Pads, can we draw anything we want?” 
Sirius ponders this for a moment. “If you do a dick, it has to be small, and I’m putting an arrow with your name next to it.” 
James’ smile fades, and he lets the shoes drop. “You’re no fun.” 
“I don’t know,” you say to Remus, looking up at him from your chosen spot on the floor of their dorm. “It’s his body, I say let him cover it in shitty tattoos if that’s what he wants.” 
“Yes!” Sirius hops down from his bed to throw an arm around your shoulders, planting a kiss on your cheek. “That’s what I’m talking about, that’s my girl!” 
You’d begun to glow at his over-the-top praise, but you dim at the last bit. Sirius must feel it; he looks over at you quizzically as Remus says for the fifth time, “That’s fine, but I won’t have anything to do with it.” 
“Well, it’ll…” Sirius’ eyebrows furrow as he continues to watch you. You try to bury your discontent where he can’t see it, but once he catches a whiff of melancholy he becomes a dog with a bone. The levity slowly leeches from his voice. “It’ll be more fun if you all do it…Sorry, sweetheart, is everything alright?” 
You don’t want the attention, but you can’t bring yourself to lie. “I didn’t mean to distract you,” you say softly, shoulders hunching forward. “Keep going.” 
“No, that’s alright.” His slender fingers squeeze at your shoulder like he can tell you need the comfort. “It’s not actually important. What’s on your mind?” 
You want to tell him. You want to tell all of them, you have for weeks, but is there ever a right time? When the boys had first asked you out, it felt too abrupt to say anything, like you were making a big deal out of nothing because they didn’t even know you all that well. But now you’ve turned serious faster than you could’ve seen coming, and they feel like they do know you that well. And the longer you go without telling them, the more like you feel like you’re keeping some dirty secret. 
You should have just corrected them the first time they’d gotten your pronouns wrong. Each time feels like someone’s chipping away at your heart with a toothpick, the pain lessened by your surety in their good intentions but still very much there. It’s almost worse, now, to be on the precipice of falling in love with people who you don’t feel really know you, and it’s all your own fault.
This isn’t how you’d imagined the conversation coming about, but it might be the best chance you get for a while. 
“I, uh.” You clear your throat, unsure if you should move out from under Sirius’ arm for this conversation but really not wanting to. “I don’t…listen, it’s not your fault, but I don’t really like it when you call me your girl.” 
Sirius lets his arm drop to look at you properly, hurt flashing across his features. You take his hand, selfish thing that you are. “I mean it, it’s really not your fault.” It’s more plea than promise. “It’s just that I don’t—I don’t really see myself as a girl. I’m sorry.” 
You watch confusion take hold in Sirius’ expression before letting your eyes flit to the other boys. James looks tentatively like he’s beginning to understand, and Remus’ face is carefully controlled. He leans his elbows on his knees, looking down at you. 
“What do you mean by that, honey?” 
You know the endearment is meant to soften the question, but you get all tense around the middle anyway. 
“Just that…” You swallow, and James offers you a small smile of encouragement. “I don’t really see myself as any gender. It’s…it’s called nonbinary, I don’t know if you might’ve heard of it before? I’m really sorry I didn’t say something sooner.” 
“Hey, that’s alright.” James kicks a foot out from his bed, nudging your leg gently. “I’m really glad you told us, angel. Thank you.” 
You try to return his smile, chewing your lip. 
“Merlin, I thought you meant you didn’t want to be our girl,” Sirius sighs, bumping your shoulder with his. “That would have been unacceptable. You can be our something-else, though, if you like.” 
This is going well, you tell yourself. They’re being as kind as you’d always expected. Still, you don’t feel like they fully understand what you’re so clumsily trying to tell them.
“I get it if this changes things for you,” you say, and when you lean away from Sirius’ touch, he doesn’t chase you. “I know this is…you signed on for a girlfriend, not this.” 
The gentle smile drops from James’ face. His eyebrows twitch together uncertainly. “We…what? No, we didn’t…we didn’t ‘sign on’ for anything like that. We signed on for you.” 
“Darling,” Remus says, in that careful, measured voice that you can’t decide if you should be nervous about, “I don’t know a lot about this, so correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the point that you’re still you? You’re just telling us how you’d like to be treated and understood, right?”
You take a second to run over his words in your head before nodding. 
Everything about Remus has gone soft, from his eyes to the gentle uptilt of his mouth. “Then James is right. Nothing has changed. I mean, we can make any changes to our relationship that make you more comfortable, but nothing about how much we care for you is any different.” 
“And look around you, sweetheart.” Laughter livens Sirius’ tone. “It’s not like any of us are only dating girls.” 
A smile tugs at your lips. “That’s a good point,” you mumble, and he laughs, arm reclaiming its spot around your shoulders. 
“Yeah, I actually do make those sometimes,” he teases. “Listen, gorgeous, I don’t think anyone here has a problem with you being whoever you are. Just tell us what you like to be called, and we will. And if there’s anything we do that you don’t like,” he adds, giving your shoulder a little squeeze, “you can tell us those things too.” 
James nods, emphatic. “Exactly. We want to support you, angel. Thanks for telling us, but just keep talking to us when you can, okay?” 
You have to bite down on your lip to contain the full scope of your smile. “Okay,” you promise him, overflowing with a gratitude that feels a lot like love. “Thanks. You guys are too sweet to me.” 
Remus makes a pfft sound. “Dove, I cannot believe that is your standard for sweetness. You’ve set the bar far too low.” 
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baldursgays3 · 5 months
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The Minthara Fuckers Discord proudly presents: BG3 Valentine's Day Prompts! ✰ All ships and characters are welcome (meaning Minthara does not have to be included, though we do love her dearly). The goal is to share work (writing, gifsets, macaroni art, ect) that celebrates all forms of love on February 14th! Use the tag #BG3valentines if you want us to see your creations and share them. Full text down below. Reminder that T*RFs can fuck off, only interact if you love trans & nb folks ♡
SFW & NSFW Graphic Standalones:
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Full Graphic Text: SFW PROMPTS -different types of kisses -wound tending/healing -under the moonlight -there was only one bed/tent
ALTERNATE UNIVERSE -College!AU -Mafia!AU -Space!AU -Business!AU
AU STARTERS -laundromat meetcute -power outage -heated blanket -adopting a stray -shared shower/bath -caught in the rain
FIRSTS -first date -first kiss -first time -first home
ONE WORD -Crawl -Dive -Lunge -Fight -Hold -Give -Receive -Embrace -Sanctuary -Snow
NSFW -We can't get caught -Post battle adrenaline -Aftercare is for Dommes too -Bratting/Brat Taming -fucking in front of the whole camp -fucking on a throne
PHRASES "Please… touch me." "If you keep doing that, I can't promise I'll behave." "I want to know how it feels" "Tell me where you want it." "Do you want to come? Ask."
SEVEN DEADLY SINS PRIDE- body worship, praise kink, sex in front of a mirror GREED- overstimulation, breeding, continuous, pent up LUST- voyeurism, public sex, orgies, aphrodisiacs ENVY- orgasm denial, edging, degradation kink, pet play GLUTTONY- cum dump, cum eating, milking, cum inflation WRATH- rough sex, punishment, impact play, leaving a mark SLOTH- sleepy sex, indulgence, massages, lazy sex slow sex
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yan-lorkai · 11 months
Are you writing for om nb too? If so, could you write something with Solomon slowly giving mc sleeping pills to make it impossible for them to leave Cocytus Hall?
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Hii, anonie, yes I'm writing for both obey me games! And I gotta say that Nb is making me love Solomon even more than I already did, he's just so euwklwks *makes grabby hands* y'know? Heh, I hope u like this!
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Yandere content, toxic relationship, drugging.
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The last few months have been dull. The routine had quickly become tiresome, but you liked feeling that you were at least home - or, as home as you could be, since the only person who remembered the future was Solomon. Still, it was nice to be able to see the high hills embracing the castle's contours, the artificial sun created by Diavolo, and even the slow construction of the RAD, even if in the past, even if no one remembered you, you were surrounded by the people you loved.
And that was what mattered.
However, you assume that all the strong emotions you felt started to get to you. In the mornings your pillow and your blankets still seemed to call out to you, to cry out for your still tired body to succumb to its desires and for you to return to the world of dreams. And every morning you almost gave in.
It was almost as if you had been bewitched the moment you stepped into Devildom, but that was just ridiculous, surely you would be able to sense a curse being placed on you. Or, Solomon would realize, he knew a lot and you trusted him.
Today, however, you gave in to that urge. Your eyelids were so heavy, your body so tired and you slept for half the day without a care in the world.
'Maybe your vitamin D is low, sleepyhead.' Solomon speculated softly, watching you emerge into his room looking like a kitten just starting to take its first steps, clothes wrinkled and hair completely messed up. And he smiles at the sight.
He says that, but you know the first few months down here are tough for him too. However, he's more used to it than you are, coming down here to collect herbs and other ingredients for his dangerous and strange potions, and unlike you, he doesn't feel as sleepy.
You roll your eyes at the teasing tone in his voice as you lean over his shoulder to peek into what he's been working on. Once again a suspicious potion, bubbling up rings of steam and spreading a weird smell in the air, you tried not to think about it too much as you hugged him like a koala. "Well, technically speaking I bought some medicine to help you with that drowsiness this morning. It's right there."
But you didn't move. Not when another wave of drowsiness hit you, preferring instead to inhale the soft scent of the shampoo he used, murmuring thanks as you struggled to open your eyes, to move your body.
You felt soft hands caress yours, lightly, and then Solomon circled you to the chair he was sitting in and pulled you into his lap. And his arms so protective and warm were as comforting as the little song he hummed to you.
"Although you're adorable and makes me want to kiss you, I need you to swallow this pill and get back to being awake," he chuckled. Pushing a small pill into your mouth and offering you a glass of water he conjured with magic. He watched you swallow every last drop of water, watched even more as your eyes fluttered closed as doubts loomed in your mind.
Really, you should never have accepted the potions he offered you without thinking twice about his intentions.
Really, you should have listened to the brothers and walked away. He knows, he always knew that they advised you to stay away from him - anyone would have done the same.
And really, he doesn't regret it. He has no regrets about brewing sleeping potions, he has no regrets about drugging you with pills he made himself, and he certainly has no regrets about holding your tired body while he manipulates your dreams. Your dreams are pleasant and he loves watching them like someone watches their favorite movie over and over again, and a smile grows on his lips knowing that in your dreams there is only him and you.
Because it's just a happily ever after with him and you. No brothers, no Barbatos, Diavolo or Simeon. He's all the company you need, he's all you need.
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mageofseven · 1 year
Demon brothers and side characters react to Luke who has puppy crush on MC
Aww this is so cute~
However, I want to let you know that I will not be including any newer characters. I never finished the first game because I lost the login info a long while ago so I never got to read when characters like Raph and Thirteen(?) were added.
So just to clarify, I will only ever write for the Brothers and Former Undatables until such a time comes where the newer characters are in NB and I can get familiar with them.
But anyway! On with the post~
Is more or less unbothered by it.
I mean, little kids get crushes; it happens.
He's seen his brothers go through the same as kids in the celestial realm
So he expects no different from Luke.
His opinion remains the same even if Lucifer is dating MC.
He's a bit annoyed if Luke's puppy crush causes the boy to become a bit possessive of MC though.
Tries to pretend it doesn't bother him
But it does.
I mean, that kid is always hanging off of MC and following them around.
When can the Great Mammon just have time with his human and only his human?
If Mammon and MC are dating, you can bet he will be childish enough to fight the young angel for MC's time.
Not like real fighting, but definitely compete with the child.
Maybe even make a bet on who can convince MC to spend the most time with them in a week
Just to end up owing Luke a hefty amount of grimm.
Is just plain bummed.
Not about Lukey crushing on MC, but because of him taking up so much of their time.
Even if he's dating MC, he won't get competitive with the kid for MC's time.
Boy just sulks.
Luckily, MC notices his sulking and makes an effort to even out their time between Luke and Levi, to the child's disappointment.
Basically, he dislikes Lukey having a crush on MC because it means he gets less time with MC.
Like Lucifer, the fourth brother really isn't bothered by it.
At first.
After Luke starts making a habit of dragging MC away while they were spending time together, the wrath demon begins to lose his patience with the angel.
May or may not have threaten the little angel to stop this
Resulting in Luke crying to Simeon, Simeon going to Lucifer, and Satan getting stuck in Lucifer's study while being lectured by the two older men.
Him threatening Luke is more likely if he's dating MC, but even if Satan isn't dating MC, there's still a chance .
It's not the best response to a little boy having his first crush, but hey, this is the Avatar of Wrath we're talking about.
He could have done much worse.
Oh Asmo thinks its just so adorable.
I mean, Lukey baby has a crush!
Regardless of whether Asmo is dating MC or not, he won't be upset that they're who Luke likes.
Because of course that sweet angel has a crush on his Dolly! Who wouldn't?
Acts the same as always
Though might be a teensy bit more jealous than he shows if Luke is spending more time with MC than he is.
But its fine! He just joins the two with whatever they are doing.
It bugs Lukey, but MC is happy spending time with them both so it's all good.
Honestly took a bit for this man to even realize Luke was crushing on MC.
More likely than not, he finds it out from hearing his other brothers complain about it.
Finds it cute, but doesn't gush about it like Asmo.
Misses spending time with MC as much as he used, but understands why Lukey wants to spend more time with them now.
Sometimes, he will hang out with both of them, but he doesn't force it like Asmo does.
Overall just kinda accepts thats this is how things are for now
And honestly enjoys seeing how happy spending time with MC makes Luke and seeing him practically hang from their arm with a big smile.
The little angel is happy and MC enjoys spending time with him.
That's all that matters to this big guy.
Unlike with the other brothers, Beel's feelings on the situation don't change if he's dating MC.
If his Muffin is happy then he's happy. Simple.
Okay listen here, you little chihuahua--
Belphie is not a fan of Luke's newfound crush on MC
Especially since he feels the need to wake him and MC up to see if MC will bake with him.
He's done this more than once and this sleepy grump hates it.
If he's dating MC, Belphie hates it even more.
Like ya, ya , puppy crush, right.
How about choosing a different person to crush on?
Unlike Satan, Belphie doesn't threaten the angel; he's just pretty dismissive of him.
"Can MC--" No.
Him and MC get into some arguments about it.
Overall, Belphie's just a big grump about it.
Like Asmo, finds Luke's crush on MC to be cute.
All kids develop a crush at some point
And with how good MC is with him, it was almost inevitable.
The human is always up for baking with him and listening to him when he learns something new or finds something that her likes.
Not to mention that MC just has a knack of making people feel special, regardless of whether they are an angel, demon, or human.
Overall, not bothered by it in the slightest.
Even if Dia and MC were dating, he still wouldn't mind how often the little boy is dragging them by the hand and filling up their time.
Dia himself is always busy with work so if anything, this man is grateful that the sweet angel is spending so much time with his Queen while he himself can't.
Overall, Dia finds Luke crush on MC to be cute and hopes the two have fun while he works.
Was quick to notice Luke's little crush.
With that realization came a smile, but otherwise, the butler gave it very little thought.
Afterall, that is Luke's business and not his.
If Barb and MC are dating then the answer is similar to Dia's.
This busy man is just glad his Love is enjoying their time Luke.
Oh this man could tell. Luke wasn't exactly discreet with his crush.
I mean, no child is really discreet when they are crushing on someone.
Plus, he noticed how frequent Luke would join him and MC when they hung out.
Ah childhood.
It's been so long that this wizard couldn't remember much of his own childhood, but he enjoyed watching Luke experience his.
Will lightly tease Luke about it every now and then, but overall is just glad that his little angel friend is happy.
Solomon's view doesn't change, regardless of whether he and MC are dating.
It's just an innocent crush after all.
This man figured it out on his own
But it still meant a lot to him when Luke told him.
Luke told him that he wishes he could marry MC when he's older, but was sad that MC probably won't live long enough to see him him become a grown up.
Simeon comforted the child and told him that was all the more reason to treasure his friendship with the human now.
If Simeon is dating MC, he'll feel a bit awkward about the smaller angel's crush.
I mean, his relationship with MC is a secret after all.
Honestly, he's just worried that if the little boy found out that he'd feel betrayed that his guardian was dating his crush without telling him
But Simeon had to keep it a secret. From everyone. It was the only way to keep MC safe and without drawing the eyes of the Celestial realm upon them.
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
Lucifer with overworked NB! s/o
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yippee my first post for Obey me <3 I don't know how much of my current followers know this fandom but I will write sometimes for Obey me too now
NBreader, comfort, cuddles and kisses, soft Lucifer, just wholesome stuff;;
-He can immediately say that you're much more tired than usual today, seeing it not only with his eyes, but with his inner feeling.
-That pale face with dim eyes, you look like you will fall unconscious in any second..
-Despite he has a very big urge to scold you right now, Lucifer will try to calm down, after all, he can be much softer around you.
-He just can't help it, seeing those terrible bags under your eyes makes his heart ache with worry. Foolish humans always love to push themselves too much, huh?
-He doesn't even want to hear your protests. You can whine as much as you want that you promised Levi to play a new game together today or that Asmo wanted to show you his new makeup palette, Lucifer doesn't care as he drags you into his room.
-This evening HE will be the one who will take care of you, and don't you dare think about any of his brothers. After all, he was the first who noticed that tired pathetic expression of yours.
-He will shower you with affection, letting you sit with him together on his bed, listening carefully as you venting about how long this day was, this work shift was unbelievably hard for you.
-Lucifer will soothe you not only with his soft voice, but with his big warm hands too, as he caresses your back or plays with your hair while you talk about your problems. He will try to hold back but eventually breaks and just brings you to his laps, feeling the warmth of your weak body.
-"Darling.. Don't look so sad. You're now here, with me, alright?" - his hands stroking your sore muscles as you just sigh tiredly and nuzzle to his chest. His musky cologne was so pleasant, and his calm heartbeat was so soothing, almost sending you to sleep.
-He can't help but chuckle, when you warm up in his arms like that your sleepy face looks so cute. You have such trust in him and it makes his heart skip a beat. But despite this soft atmosphere that he creates for you right now, one thing keeps bugging him.
-"Is this the first time you feel so bad after work?" - Lucifer was genuinely worried. He may look at you with a caring and gentle gaze right now but inside his chest the only thought about you being abused at work causes a thrill of indignation. And he doesn't mind stepping in to resolve this conflict if your boss actually crosses the lines.
-Only when you convince him that it's not that bad and it's rare when you have such terrible shifts he calms a little. It's just hard to resist this urge to protect you, it doesn't matter if it's small or big things.
-"Alright, but you need to give me a little promise now that you will never push yourself too much on your own will, s/o" - he pats your head and you nod softly.
-After the whole evening with him together you finally relaxed and your mood lights up a little. You smile back and show him your pinky finger, ready to give a promise, but Lucifer just laughs.
-"Dear, we are not kids anymore.. " - he touches your chin with his hand, leaning closer to your face - "We should make a promise in another way.."
-Before you could react his lips covered yours, just a light and soft kiss, not that passionate as his casual hot kisses, but no less pleasant. It even feels better like that, as It was right that you needed - some gentle touches from your beloved man, as they show all tenderness of his deep love.
-"Don't you mind staying for a night in my room? I will not take "no" as an answer.." - Lucifer smirks, caressing your cheek with his thumb - "You need to relieve all your stress today, and I'm willing to help, darling..♡"
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nonymous-nb · 1 month
Medkit & Subspace x Reader
"Medkit and Subspace won't stop PHIGHTING."
PHIGHTING! | One-shot | "Fluff" | Romantic..?
Warning/s: [Subspace.]
Extra: [we love Medkit and Subspace daily phighting. + not proofread as always + He/They Reader]
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ah, yes.. what a normal day, the soft breeze of the wind, the noises that the civilians make every now and then. You sighed to yourself, quite content at the peaceful atmosphere as you try and munch on your beloved [favorite dessert] and your [favorite drink]. Oh, what could go wrong on this fine day?
"Hm? Oh! [Name]!!" A loud giddy voice called out to you as you flinched not expecting anyone to call you. Looking at the source of voice there you saw him; waving his hand in a fast pace. "Oh, Subspace! I didn't think you're the type of person to come to cafes." You said as you watch him fast-walk towards you, while some civilians avoided him like a plague not wanting to irritate the psychotic scientist. Now that he was near you, he sat down on a vacant seat, his smile getting wider behind his gas mask. "You are absolutely correct, I don't go to cafes!! I just thought having a nice alone chatting time with my beloved.. friend. would be delightful!!" You sense that he didn't didn't really like the word friend, whenever you guys are together. You just shrugged it off not minding it. "Hm, is that so.. then I don't mind...?" Now, you don't hate Subspace, but you have this gut feeling that something bad gonna happen sooner or later. "Now, do tell how you are doing?" He hummed a bit as he asked, propping his head onto his hand as he waits for you to talk. And so you did.
Subspace just continued to stare at you listening to your words attentively, his attention solely on you. Subspace couldn't help his feelings, just being with you just makes him feel something.. warm? And he likes it for some reason. The way you move, smile, talk, laugh— oh, how Subspace just adores you so much! He's just so lovestruck, how can you not see?! The occasional lovestruck glance he gives you, the way he's more touchy with you than usual, the way he let you hold him like he was made for you.. Hell, even Hyperlaser and his Biografts noticed this behavior! Then why can't you?! Subspace couldn't help but think of opening your head that's hiding your brain just to see how you can't see his visible feelings, for you to witness and see how much he loves and wants you! No matter.. you will be his in no time, his plan will work.. it always will. He chuckled darkly to himself as he now put his focus back onto you. The person who made him feel such unspecified feelings. If this was a game, there would be hearts surrounding Subspace right about now.
if only he knew.. that this shlt is an actual game.
"Hope I'm not bothering you, [Name]." Subspace little obsessive daydream came to a halt, as he gave the most irritated and sinister smile to the person that interrupted his little date with you. "Medkit! it's nice to see you again." You exclaimed a bit as you see the very well known wanted healer. "It is a pleasure to see you too, [Name.]" Medkit smiled softly as he looks at you, a smile that has pure adoration and love, but that smile then slightly faltered as he sees a certain scientist. "And I see you're here as well.." He huffed at the scientist. "And I see you like butting in to my conversation as always, Meddy!!" The scientist exclaimed back, his hand on the table turning into a tight fist, trying to stop himself from punching the living crap out of his enemy. He would do that right now.. But not in front of his beloved specimen. "And I see you like disturbing [Name] again as well." The healer glared, his hand twitching to get his gun that's idly sitting on his holster. "The only one who's disturbing [Name] is you. Why don't you go somewhere else and leave us alone." Subspace hissed as Medkit came closer to you, the hand that's trying not so hard to punch Medkit now gripped the poor table. You could hear the small cracking sound it's producing.
Watching the two duo silently and quietly made you sweat, you see the civilians in the corner of your eye looking at the scene while walking away quickly not wanting to be caught up in that mess, some of them gave you sympathetic looks as they left as well. Damn, you're stuck here with no help. How nice is that?
You figeted with your fingers and try to think of possible ways to defuse the two large ticking bombs in front of you. "Uh, would.. would you guys like to.. well— go somewhere to calm down or..?" Yeah, you're bad at this crap. You began to sweat more as the duo looked at you and stared. You couldn't really decipher what they're thinking, it looks like it'll take a while longer to make them calm. "I think I'd like that!!" Subspace suddenly stood up from his seat taking your arm, as he pulled you onto him, his grip tight, but not tight enough to hurt you, no. Subspace will think of branding you in another way possible. Just to show this teal phuck who you already belong to.
Not expecting him to yank you over to stand up; your beloved drink then spilled over, due to the slight bump you had on with the table. "My beloved drink.." You thought to yourself, quite sorrowful. But that thought stopped as you felt someone else tugged you away from Subspace grip. "Sorry, I think you already have a.. fair share amount of time with [Name], it's best if you leave them in my care." Medkit held you as if he's protecting you from the danger, that danger being Subspace. The scientist couldn't help but widen his eye. Medkit? The traitor.. the motherphucking bitch who had the audacity who left Blackrock just for his own selfishness, is here to take you away, especially from him? Oh, he can't have that. "Hands off them, Medkit." Subspace horns lit up hot magenta, once he gets you away, he'll make sure to shove a tripmine down Medkit's throat, as he gripped your free arm. Medkit just gave him a glare, almost daring him to make a move, he knew that once Subspace starts acting up. You wouldn't trust him ever again.. Not like you should of.
You never wanted anything than to leave in peace right now.
Dear Illumina, what did you do to get this unlucky. What are you gonna do now? These two are about to rip your arms off. But it looks like some deity felt pity for you as the well known warden is here. "You two." He started off as he stood above your little group. "Are making so much scene in this area." He halfly growled at the two demons, his face then faced towards you before looking back at the two demons. "And you two had the audacity to cost trouble for this civilian." He couldn't help but sighed as he took you out of the two demons' grasp. Neither of them liked that. "Oh, isn't it the infamous warden!! Would you mind and take this abomination outta here? he's ruining [Name]'s and I's moment!!" He exclaimed as he pointed an accusing finger at the healer. "Am I really the problem, or are your psychological tendencies is just that bad." The two then started to bicker with each other, spilling threats by threats while you just went away and talk with the warden.
"That's all that happened, sorry that they caused too much trouble." You apologized at the warden, vouching for those two. "hm, don't worry 'bout it, I shall escort them away, do be mindful with those two.. they're a big headache." He told you as he went to where the duo were to take them away. "What— Why are you taking me away!? I'll have you remember that I, Subspace T. Mine, does NOT accept this!!" Subspace began thrashing around like a rapid animal, hissing as BanHammer held onto him, hard, to restrain his movements. "You're lucky that someone higher than me is on your side, if not, then you would be in Banland not too long ago." BanHammer snapped at Subspace, as he was about to do the same to Medkit, just to see that he's gone. BanHammer couldn't help but release a small irritated sigh. As he took the thrashing Subspace away.
Subspace looked back at you and gave you a sad glance, your heart slightly ached at the look of his face, wanting to help him but they're no longer in your sight.
"I guessed that's slightly fixed." You flinched a bit as you didn't expect Medkit to pop out of nowhere. "What the fu—" You were about to finish your sentence until he hugged you. "Sorry that you had to deal with that guy.." Medkit kept you in his arms, holding you like you were hurt, letting you go for a moment as he looks at you, smiling. He was about to say something until he heard a familiar voice called for his name, his remaining eye twitched at the timing of a certain dealer. He then looked back at you and smiled once more. "Let's go and hang out again sometime again." He bid his farewell as he took your hand to softly plant a kiss onto it, walking away to the shadowed corridor to leave.
You just stood there trying to figure out what even is happening in your life, you just wanted some drink and desserts.
"Wait, are they gay for me—"
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[Woah, another update— what am I on rn..💀 you can also tell that I have no idea what to do at the end :sob:]
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officialdaydreamer00 · 5 months
im bad at wrting letters aaa
so *ahem* dearest star child please accept this gift and my regards to my beloved
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dearest simeon,
i hope you are doing well at this time, although you may not exist in my world, you have brought me constant comfort and joy. i wish you all the best,
love, sapphire
ps: ily <3
pps for the star child a little extra thing ;)
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*eyes sparkles and accepts the offerings* of course!! ^-^
To my beloved Gemstone,
I am glad to have received your letter. Have you been taking care of yourself? I heard it is still winter in the human world, so I assume your world is, too.
I am doing just fine here, thank you for asking. It is a pity we cannot meet, not officially that is, I would love to give you a hug. But alas, I could only watch over you through the screen. I am glad my presence brings you comfort and joy nonetheless, it seems I did my job well as your guardian angel.
My adoration know no bounds when it comes to you, my dear. I wish this year brings you utmost happiness and luck. Perhaps I could still be your guardian angel, if you will have me.
Sincerely yours,
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tags: @azulashengrottospiano @aqua-beam @identity-theft-101 @xen-blank @siren-serenity @dove-da-birb @krenenbaker @vioisgoinginsane @thehollowwriter @jaylleoo14
remember to reblog if you enjoy my works! ^-^
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ourtearsofrain · 6 months
Into The Ether Masterlist (JTK/Reader)
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You’re mostly satisfied with your life. Sure, you work in a local pub with the worst kind of patrons, and your boss is constantly threatening to fire you, but it pays the bills. That is until your town is attacked and you’re swept up by an infamous pirate captain, sending you head first into a new life within his crew.
Jake Kiszka x NB Reader (they/them pronouns used, lack of sex or gender descriptors), background Sam x Danny
Thank you for reading :)
Updated: 3/7/24 (completed)
Fluff- ♡ | Angst- ☾ | Smut- ⟡ | Hurt/Comfort- 𖤓 | Drabble- ☁︎
⟡ Smut PSA ⟡
I prefer to write smut in a way that would be applicable to anyone by trying not to use language that is specific to one gender/biological sex/sexuality for the reader. Minors, DNI! Thank you for reading!
Chapter 1- Into the Ether- ☾
Chapter 2- Ready for the Garden- ☾
Chapter 3- Into It Deeper- ☾
Chapter 4- Even Heaven’s Hearken- ☾
Chapter 5- Reaching, Reaching- ☾ 𖤓
Chapter 6- Seen Over Sundown- ♡ ☾
Chapter 7- Catching the Stars- ☾
Chapter 8- Above the Cyclone (Jacob’s POV)- ☾
Chapter 8- Above the Cyclone (Polaris POV)- ☾ 𖤓
Chapter 9- The Indigo Streak That Becomes the Eye- ☾ 𖤓
Chapter 10- You’ve Come From So Far Away- ☾
Chapter 11- And Do You Intend to Stay? (Jacob’s POV)- ☾
Bonus Sanny Chapter- ☾ 𖤓 ♡
Chapter 12- Swim to Shore- ☾ ♡
Chapter 13- If This is What You’re Looking For- ☾ ♡
Chapter 14- Please Stay- ⟡ ♡
Chapter 15- Where’ve You Been? We Won’t Lead You Astray- ♡
Chapter 16- Share Our Skin- ⟡ ♡
Chapter 17- It’s Time For Us to Pray- ♡ ☾
Chapter 18- Waited All Your Life- ☾ 𖤓
Chapter 19- You’ve Been on Your Way- ☾ 𖤓 ♡
Chapter 20- And I Wish We All Could Stay- ☾ 𖤓 ♡
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theepisceswriter · 10 months
(Aka Stallion's return event)
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OMGGGG, lovies I am SAUR excited to be back and share my creativity and world with you all and build off of the equally amazing ideas you have as supporters of my work. As an artist, having the inspiration and drive to write after not having ANY for so long means the world to me! So come help me spew out more content for yall!! And what better way to do it than a Beyonce themed event?
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MASTERLIST (TBA once requests start rolling in)
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♡ Underneath the readmore tag there is an assortment of characters, tropes/situations (both sfw and nsfw), and even reader specifics to choose from annnnddd even wildcard options for you if there's anything I left out!
♡ You’ll choose a Drink (character), Beyonce Song (situations/tropes), and your favorite Yonce (reader specific).
♡ The characters listed are not the only ones available, all characters from the fandoms I have listed on my page are available! The ones listed are just the ones I get requests for the most or ones I’ve been having brainrots for lately 
♡ You can send in all sorts of combinations and be as vague or descriptive as you want to be. You can list multiple characters, multiple situations, etc, etc.
♡ For example: "Can I have a Long Island Iced tea, Cuff It & Energy, with Femyonce?", "Can I request Zeke Jaeger with the fwb trope and nb!Reader?" and even, "Can I have One night stand trope with Gojo after he comes home after being locked away for so long?" Whatever you want baby I got you!
♡ Enjoy grandma's babies !!!
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Long Island: Reiner Braun
Margarita: Toji Fushiguro
Martini: Gojo Satoru
Old Fashion: Nanami Kento
Mimosa: Jotaro Kujo
Cosmopolitan: Dio Brando
Bloody Mary: Geto Suguru
Whiskey Sour: Jean Kirchstein
White Russain: Eren Jaeger
Daiquiri: Zeke Jaeger
Negroni: Gutts
Gin Fizz: Shigure Sohma
Manhattan: Levi Ackerman
Mojito: Erwin Smith
Lemon Drop: Shuu Tsukiyama
Sangria: Benimaru
Screwdriver: Leonard Burns
Mai Tai: Character of your choice!
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♡ CHOOSE A JAM TO BOOGIE TO! (Scenarios/Tropes)♡
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KITTY KAT: Sidechick-type beat
NO ANGEL: Troubled!Reader
JEALOUS: Jealousy
ALL NIGHT: Domestic themes (marriage, children, etc)
SORRY: Reconciling
ON THE RUN: Criminal!Reader x Criminal!Character
MINES: Any trope to lovers
BEST THING I NEVER HAD: AU (coffee shop, modern, organized crime, etc, etc)
HELLO: First date
BREAK MY SOUL: wildcard! A theme you think of that might not be listed
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COZY: Cockwarming
ALIEN SUPERSTAR: Monsterfucking
CUFF IT: Overstimulation
CHURCH GIRL: Religion kink
PLASTIC OFF THE SOFA: Aftercare (can be sfw)
VIRGOS GROOVE: Friends with benefits
MOVE: Dominatrix
THIIQUE: Body worship (can be sfw)
PURE/HONEY: Onlyfans!Reader
VIDEO PHONE: Phone sex
IF I WERE A BOY: Pegging
6-INCH: Sex worker!Reader
UPGRADE U: Sugar Daddy/Mommy
BLOW: Oral fixation
DANCE FOR YOU: Striptease
ENERGY: Mutual masturbation
ROCKET: wildcard! A theme you think of that might not be listed
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Femyonce: F!Reader
Thugga Bey: M!Reader
Themyonce: Nb!Reader
Diversce (I thought of this one real hard): POC!Reader (you specify)
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sh1-n0bu · 3 months
♡︎ 𝙖 𝙨𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙡𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙘 ♡︎
characters: sub!gallagher x nb!dom!reader
warnings: usage of aphrodisiacs, exhibitionism, slight dumbification, thigh riding, dry humping, begging, cumming untouched, gallagher being an old man loser, just a mini drabble guys. nothing big (i say as i write down 1,7K words)
notes: @lufenianwol you knew exactly what you were doing when you sent me gallagher’s leaked idle animation didn’t you, you gayyyy🫵🏳️‍🌈 (im gay too😔)
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another day, another long work of hunting down criminals or outlaws who came to penacony uninvited and detaining them. the most time gallagher could ever get to de-stress were behind the bars, mixing up a drink his customers asked for or when with you. you were a fellow bloodhound, a high ranking one too, so never had enough time to spend some quality time with your tired lover.
but today, you wanted to be a little mischievous. and what was that on your mind? you slipped just a teeny weeny bit of aphrodisiacs into his usual alcohol in his personal flask of course! just a little. maybe a pinch or two. a bit of a sprinkle of magic as a gift.
or maybe even a whole mini bottle. but you won’t say it until your tired lover comes crawling over to you, huffing and puffing, whining whimpering as he begs for your help at “restocking” some of the alcohol at the backrooms.
at the other end of the bar, you watch with a barely hidden smirk whenever your lover takes a sip from his personal flask during his break times. each time he does, getting more and more intoxicated in the taste. you purposely chose one that tasted delicious and soft on the tongue, a way to reward him for his hard work of running after criminals and preparing him for what was about to happen.
he started out strong, as expected of a bloodhound officer. barely felt it, focusing on work, wiping a glass or two, mixing up a drink. but the more he drank from his flask, the more you noticed it. the little stuttering over his words, the slight flush in his cheeks, the jumpy way he reacted whenever you passed by him with a hand on his waist or lower back. that bulge in his pants. that damn delicious bulge that you love to bully.
shaking your head, snapping yourself out of your thoughts, you focus back on work to wipe the bar clean and serve the customers drinks and desserts of their liking. you and gallaher were a good pair to serve amazing cocktails after all.
finally, the rush hour had ended, meaning fewer customers. the fewer there are, the more noticeable gallagher’s show of being affected by the little sprinkle of magic became. at first, he tried to play things off as signs of cold, or just the warm and low lighting of the bar being the reason his cheeks are pink. hell, he even coughed a few times to make his act believable. believable to the nosy customers but never to you.
“[n-name]…” the man barely manages to muffle his whimper when calling out your name, low lidded eyes, hazy vision and slightly shaky hand tugging on your necktie. you hum, turning to him with a raised brow as if you weren’t the reason behind this panting mess in front of you.
“yeah? what’s up?” you ask, putting down the bottle on where it’s supposed to be as your hands come to rest on his waist. the rush hour just ended, the bar still had a few customers but they were either too drunk to care nor engrossed in their own sob life stories to share you two a glance. and gallagher was damn glad for it too.
“w-we, ahem, need to head to the backrooms. we’re running out of some beers and fizzy drinks in the fridge” he quickly clears his throat, hoping that no one had caught onto his little stuttering. you did, of course. you would catch onto anything your lover says or does. even the tiniest things. such as how he was trying to make it seem like an innocent half-hug when you could feel his cock twitch in his pants as he pushes his crotch against yours, hoping to conceal it while also giving you a little heads-up.
as if you needed the heads-up.
“alright. you can go first, i’ll come after you once i wipe my hands” you nod your head, watching as your lover disappears behind the door with a sign that read “staff only”. it was cute how gallagher was so trusting of you, never even thought for a moment how you could have been the one to drug his flask of alcohol. though, judging from his cloudy eyes and stuttering, you could guess that he could barely even think to begin with. how adorable of him.
soon enough, you follow after the steps of your lover, walking into the “staff only” part of the bar and later onto the door with the sign “backrooms”. the pretty decent sized dark room where the bar keeps their ingredients and drinks. the same exact room where your lover pushes you against the wall the moment you entered, shaky hands fumbling with the buttons of your button down shirt as he humps his hardened cock against your crotch.
“woah woah, puppy. easy now. what’s going on? i thought we needed to restock on our drinks?” you ask, feigning innocence as your hands rest over gallagher’s shaky ones, stopping his fumbling and managing to catch his attention for a minute. he looked so dumbfounded. bottom lip on the brink of bleeding due to his chewing, panting, cheeks flushed a pretty red as his dilated eyes try to focus on you. you swore he looked like he was almost on the brink of crying with how damn pathetic he looked.
“c-can’t… [name], please, help me… ‘s so hot, tight. stupid pants mmngh!” gallagher only moans, tripping over his own words in a jumbled mess as he tries to find some sort of relief for his poor aching cock. looking down, you could briefly make out a dark small patch at the front of his pants. he was so drugged that he couldn’t even tell that he was staining his own clothes with his precum. so cute.
you only hum in response, not bothering to do as he pleads as your hands rest on the fat of his ass, massaging them gently. he only whines, slurred words of how he wanted your hands on his cock falling out as he squirms in your hold. lowering yourselves down to the floor of the room, you shift gallagher on top of you to ride your thigh instead. flexing the muscles in them to make it easier for him as he whimpers at the feeling.
immediately, the man started to hump your thigh. salacious mewls falling out of his lips as he doesn’t even try to silence his loud noises, only dumbly trying to relieve himself as he rubs his clothed cock on your thigh. you could see the dark patch in his pants getting bigger, darker the more he rides your thigh. if he had his dick out, he would probably leave a mess all over your clothes.
“shh shh, puppy. the door isn’t locked, remember?” you chuckle, reminding him of where the two of you were getting naughty at. it was so cute to see his eyes perk up at the sound of your voice. more specifically, whenever you called him puppy. he really did lived up to that nickname, looking like a cute pup as he bites down on his lip.
one of your hands travel up to his chest, opting to play with his perky nipple as he let out a loud squeal at that. his chest was always so sensitive, making him let out the most delicious whimpers each time you roll, pinch or tug at the hardened nub. being so mean to not slip your hands under the opening of his button down shirt at the front, playing with his nipples over the harsh fabrics of his clothes instead. he just wanted your touch on him to relieve the ache pooling in his belly, would you be so mean to deny him of his wishes?
apparently, you would. the hand on the soft fat of his ass moving to rest over his hip, helping him hump his cock on your thigh as your other hand continue their brutal assaults on his chest. poor gallagher, can't even form a single word as his pleads fall out of his swollen lips in a jumbled heap of mess. you could barely make out your own name from it. the words sounding so muddled up as if the bloodhound officer couldn't tell the difference between reality and his drug induced feelings.
"[n-naaammmeee]... sniff pleasheee fuunnghh fucck!! p-pleashh pleaash pleeaasshee♡︎!! ungh!! guuunnhg♥︎♥︎! p-pretty pleaaseee♡︎?" gallagher whines helplessly, stuffing his flushed face into the crook of your neck as his movements become more sloppy and frantic. he was so close to cumming already, it was just so cute to see how easily someone who is apparently always in control to crumble over with just a little bit of thigh riding. and some sprinkle of magic added to the mix.
in an attempt to muffle his loud moans and stuttering of his breath, he hastily lowers the collar of your own button down shirt just a little bit more. just enough so he could bite down over the old, healing bite mark of his so he could attempt to muffle his pathetic noises. you only coo out in a mocking tone, calling him by that nickname again as you tug on his nipple through his shirt as debouched cries of your name falls from his lips over and over like a mantra. gallagher sounded like one of those old, broken down radios that only replay a single song that sometimes is in the bar.
with a final thrust and a meek little bounce on your thigh, gallagher releases into his clothes. the magenta red hue of his pants turning a darker shade as his cum pools into the materials of his pants, staining it as some of the translucent liquid drips down onto your pants. you could just wash them out later.
"done with your little show, puppy?" you ask, the hand on his hip squeezing a bit to snap him out of his hazy mind. instead, you got a shake of his head, his stubble lightly tickling the skin of your neck in the process.
"wan' more... wan' you♥︎" he mumbles, delirious and drooling, as he humps his still hard cock against your crotch, indicating what he craved so desperately. maybe next time you should check the dosage you put into his drink if he's gonna be drugged this heavily by such a small amount.
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moonstruckme · 5 months
hi mae!! i saw ur anon earlier abt which characters u have reqs for rn and u mentioned not having any for tasm!peter, which i think is a crime, so i’m here to change that!
i looooved your marauders fic where reader came out as nonbinary (im enby myself) and i was wondering how that would go with peter? maybe during the stage where they both know they like each other, but haven’t officially started dating yet, and reader comes out to him as what they see as a “warning”. i’m openly enby but still present as very femme, so whenever there’s even an inkling of romance between me and a guy i’m always like “oh they dont know im enby. if i tell them they’re not gonna like me anymore, but also, this is who i am”. of course, no need to write this if you aren’t comfortable/not feeling inspired by it!! thank you love 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Hi gorgeous, thank you for requesting! I'm always a bit worried about these because I can only really try to imagine the enby experience from my outsider's perspective, so please lmk if there are any inaccuracies and/or insensitivities :)
tasm!Peter Parker x nb!reader ♡ 1.1k words
You’re constructing your lego flowers at about half Peter’s pace. Peter’s a whiz with everything, and you thought you were used to it, but the way he’s leaving you in his dust is borderline humiliating. He barely even has to look at the instructions, while you’re turning them over in your hands, glancing repeatedly between the paper and the small plastic pieces strewn between you on the couch. 
It might have something to do with your lack of focus. Which might have something to do with Peter being in especially flirty form today. 
It’s no secret that the two of you have feelings for each other. You have for a while, and you’ve both been aware of it for almost as long. Until today, neither of you seemed prepared to do anything about it. But something feels different. Maybe it’s the way he’s looking at you, quick glances through his lashes as he talks, or the way his friendly touches seem more intentional than usual, or the fact that he’d wanted to build lego flowers with you because he thought you’d like it, despite you never having exhibited any interest in legos in your life. 
None of it is unwelcome. You want to enjoy it, but the escalation makes your palms sweat. It makes it seem like something is going to happen, some change, and you haven’t been honest with him yet. You feel like a time bomb. Or a mirage. Peter thinks he’s getting one thing with you, and then you lift the veil to reveal that you’re something else entirely. You feel like you have an obligation to clue him in before he makes any kind of move. And you’re scared of missing your window, but you have no idea when it’s passing. 
“I think you’re missing this one.” Peter’s hand moves over your lap, depositing a lego piece. 
You look up at him, returning his smile. “Thanks,” you say. “This is super unfair, by the way. You’ve got years of experience on me.” 
“It’s not a competition,” he laughs, looking at you in that way again. Warm, sunny, and something else. He holds his finished product out to you, a plasticky snapdragon. “Here, add it to our bouquet.” 
You take it from him compliantly, picking up the vase you’d dug out from your cabinet to hold the growing selection of plastic flowers. You can feel Peter’s eyes on you, and your hands shake a little as you arrange it among the others. If he puts on smooth jazz and starts lighting candles, you’ll bolt. 
“You’re gonna have a whole collection by the time we’re done here,” he says, and you hum in affirmation. His smile fades a bit. “Are you hungry? I could make us some dinner.” 
You aren’t, really, but you ought to be. You suspect your appetite’s just clogged up with nerves. “Sure, I could eat.”
Peter hops up, seeming happy to have something to do. “Okay, sick.” He starts going through cabinets, energy zinging off him in every direction. “We have frozen pizza! Or, uh, leftover thai food, or mac and cheese. Ooh, and we’ve got breadcrumbs! We could crust up the mac and cheese, if we’re feeling fancy.” He looks at you, raising his eyebrows comically high. 
“We can be fancy,” you say, trying to imitate his teasing tone. 
You don’t think you pull it off very well. Peter frowns and sets the boxed mac and cheese down on the counter. 
“Hey, are you okay?” You must look startled, because he softens the question with a smile. “You just seem a little spacey today. Is…are you having fun?” 
“I am,” you say, perhaps too quickly. Your voice is tinged with desperation. You try again, more sincerely. “I am, Pete. This is fun. I’m sorry, I’m just a little out of it.” 
“That’s okay.” He makes his way back over to the couch, folding a leg underneath him as he sits. His eyes are earnest on yours. Reassuring, even though he doesn’t know what there is to reassure yet. “What’s eating you?” 
You try to look casual, make your tone sound offhand. “Have I mentioned that I’m nonbinary?” 
Peter blinks. “Uh, no. I don’t think so.” 
“Oh.” You grin, shrugging. Every move you make feels stilted and embarrassing. “Well, I am. I’ve just been thinking I should make sure you knew, just in case you didn’t.” 
“Okay.” He seems a bit stunned, but he hasn’t broken eye contact with you. And Peter’s not looking at you like he’s seeing through the veil. He’s looking at you the way he always has. “Are you—is this your way of trying to tell me that you want me to use different pronouns for you?” 
“What?” you laugh. “No. I’m not trying to tell you anything, just…I like you, and I didn’t want to, like, trap you in anything if you didn’t know.” The levity saps from your tone as you go on, until your voice is painfully quiet. “I understand if you don’t like me anymore. It’s cool.” 
“What?” Peter repeats you, but the delivery is off. He sounds gutted. “Why would you think that?” 
You shrug. You’re doing your best to look normal, but your face is burning something awful. 
“You’re not—” he shakes his head. “You’re not trapping me in anything. Sweetheart.” Peter surges into your corner of the couch, crowding you as much as hugging you. Mindless of the viscous little plastic pieces biting into his knees. He smells like laundry detergent. “Thank you for telling me,” he says, face an inch from your ear, “but it doesn’t change how I feel about you. Sorry to disappoint.” 
You laugh, the sound embarrassingly choked. He rubs your back roughly. 
“I can tell this is you just trying to get out of things,” he goes on with impressive lightness, “and I really hate to tell you this, but you’re stuck with me. We have a lego bouquet now. Those are binding.” You laugh again, and Peter’s voice drops to a more sincere register. “Thanks for telling me though, really.” He releases you, or partly, hands sliding down your shoulders to rest on the crooks of your elbows. “I like getting to know you. I’ll take whatever new material you want to give me.” 
“Thanks,” you say softly. You muster your confidence, taking his forearms in your hands and giving them a friendly squeeze. “I didn’t realize the lego flowers were a contract, though. I think I may want to renegotiate my terms.” 
Peter blows out a breath, shaking his head. “Sorry, can’t help you. There’s no backing out now.”
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