#‘but i don’t like billy or identify with him so no one else can either!’
clovermunson · 2 years
honestly the discourse in the stranger things fandom always amazes me because it’s absolutely ridiculous and almost always some bullshit
(incoming rant in the tags)
#leave it to me to join possibly the most problematic fandom lol#but y’all seriously can’t just coexist and let people like the characters they like and/or possibly identify with in some way??#without making said person feel like shit??#y’all know exactly what i’m talking about and don’t act like you don’t#'but that character they like is problematic!!'#you say as if your fave isn’t the slightest bit problematic too#just the most probably overused example:#‘billy’s problematic!’ okay and??#so is nancy. so is steve. so is mike. want me to keep going??#SPOILER ALERT:#nearly every stranger things character is problematic#y’all can thank the duffers for that too#‘but i don’t like billy or identify with him so no one else can either!’#— that’s what y’all sound like tbh#almost like you’ve got a superiority complex or something bc you don’t like a ‘shitty’ character#and then y’all actively seek out people who don’t like your favorite character or may like a character that you don’t just to bully them#bestie (derogatory) that’s clown behavior🤡#i’ve just been silently spectating for so long#and now i’ve gotta put my two cents in#but sometimes it’s funny to see y’all getting so pressed over someone else’s opinion#like have you never heard that everyone is entitled to their own opinion?#just stop making the fandom a toxic place#it’s really that simple#alright i’m done now#stranger things#morgan’s rants and rambles#morgan’s dumbass thoughts💬
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stranger-rants · 1 year
people think about racism in a... weird way, let me tell you that. it's either you are, or you aren't. that's a problem because of the way systemic and ingrained racism is built in the roots of our society. people have done racist things out of ignorance or any number of factors and people will continue to do so, even people we admire. people fall into pipelines as kids, people commit microaggressions that they genuinely do not understand, people share racist memes because they don't see the dogwhistles/ don't understand the severity and only think of it "as a joke", whatever.
thing is, billy could be completely innocent in his eyes. he could believe that he genuinely hurt lucas to protect max and nothing else. but his actions still contribute to racism. and it's fine to acknowledge that. whether he was raised to have racist biases, doesn't think of himself as racist but still carries these beliefs subconsciously, or he genuinely isn't, it doesn't really matter because his actions were harmful and they hurt lucas. and again, it's okay to acknowledge that.
i wish people wouldn't really swing the pendulum one way or the other, you know? there's a lot of complexity here. people either characterize him as a violent racist who chose to torment lucas incessantly, or an innocent boy who did nothing wrong. fellow people of colour can have their interpretations, but i like it when the complex nuances are actually acknowledged. billy, whatever he was thinking (even if he was justified or innocent in his eyes), still did something racist, and that's still something he can atone for by apologizing and working to amend his errors. it's not okay, but he can change for the better and do good.
i simply think characterizing him as a violent abusive racist is damaging overall. it paints a very specific picture of racism that renders every other form of harmful discrimination obsolete, especially subtler forms. people think racism can only exist in violent people with hate in their heart, and that's simply not true. anyone can say or do racist things. anyone can cause harm and further perpetuate hurt to the people around them. anyone can thus apologize for these things, grow, and change for the better. as people of colour, it shouldn't be our job to rehabilitate or soothe people who did racist things, but growth they choose is a net good. and acknowledging racism as something that exists outside of plain evil bigots works to tackle the very ingrained racism in our world. just think that's important to consider for everyone, and it makes me happier now that i've understood billy like this, because i don't like viewing the world in such a strict, rigid moral way.
I agree. There is a lot of nuance to the conversation that gets ignored one way or another. It’s easier for people to identify overt racism that manifests in physical violence, but not so much racism that manifests in institutional violence. While I am white and I don’t think it’s my place to tell fans of color how they should feel about Billy, I think a lot of white fans are unwilling to confront the ways in which they are racist and/or contribute to institutional racism. They think that as long as they like the right characters and perform allyship then they can absolve themselves of their own bigotry. Regardless of race, I think fans need to also confront how their own traumas impact their world view because a lot of people use trauma as an excuse to perpetuate institutional harm.
What Billy says and does can be triggering to people for different reasons, and I don’t fault people for that. However, we can’t just use our own traumas to ignore his or ignore the context of his words and actions. If you don’t take the time to contextualize his behavior then you will never understand how to address it. Yet, there are so many people who don’t want to contextualize his behavior because that would require uncovering really uncomfortable truths about society… and themselves. I think a lot of hateful reactions to Billy stem from people’s own guilt and shame and in performing such hate for this fictional person, they are “checking” themselves. Making themselves feel good. It’s much much harder to think, hey, I might have been a bigoted person in my youth and it takes hard work to unlearn it.
That’s why people are comfortable taking a pro-punishment, pro-carceral stance when it comes to “dealing with” Billy’s racism even when that very mindset stems from institutional racism. It doesn’t emphasize growth and change, which are entirely possible with a teenage boy who was surviving abuse at the time they said and did those hurtful things. It emphasizes violence as a solution, which is how institutions already respond to marginalized people who are perceived to have done something wrong - with violence. This isn’t to say people can’t or shouldn’t defend themselves from racists or racism. It’s specifically this idea that Billy needs to be eternally punished for his actions even when he hasn’t shown himself to be a bigot that doesn’t resolve racism but rather feeds into it.
These people don’t want to admit that they’re doing harm or perpetuating cycles of violence themselves, so they need to be right. They need to feel good about hating him, and they need to perpetuate this false idea that people are static individuals who cannot change. You either are a bigot or you’re not to them, and I think feeling the need to defend their investment in such a character many people who like him feel the need to call Billy’s actions something other than racism. It’s still racism. You can be racist without being a card carrying member of the KKK or a neo-nazi. It’s important to acknowledge that, but it also is important to acknowledge that you can learn from that and grow and change as a person. That is what ends the “cycle.” Not more institutional violence.
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cogentranting · 1 year
Ranking 50 Disney Dogs pt2
Ranking all (ish) the dogs from Disney according to a very scientific process averaging scores on Design (how much I like the character design) Breed Alignment (how much they look like the breed they’re going for.. or just how much like a dog), Personality (how I much I like them as a character) and if applicable , voice acting (how much I like the vocal performance. [Disney Animation theatrical releases only-- no Pixar, no straight to home video, no partially live action] Link to part 1 What you’ve been waiting for! Or what you skipped to. The top dogs! 
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25. Pluto THE Disney dog! Unfairly discriminated against by his peers of core disney cast! 
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24. Boris the borzoi- Lady and the Tramp He’s a borzoi! Where else are you gonna find an animated borzoi?! 
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23. Colonel- One Hundred and One Dalmatians  Did you know in the sequel book Sgt Tibbs (or his book equivalent cat) is declared an “honorary dog” by Sirius the Dog Star? So you can count him as tied for this place
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22. Peg- The Lady and the Tramp A design with SO MUCH personality. 
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21. Little Brother- Mulan He’s just so DIFFERENT looking from all these other dogs. I suspect that--like the horses in this movie-- he’s based off a particular art style and that’s why he doesn’t quite fit with anything else even within his own movie. 
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20. Perdita- One Hundred and One Dalmatians  I was going to give you her Disney Wiki picture and say something about she’s the closest thing Disney has to a 50s housewife, but instead have this super ominous Perdita statue to rule over you. Bow to your Supreme Leader Perdita, for she is housewife no longer!
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19. Toby- The Great Mouse Detective The quintessential Good Boy
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18. Francis- Oliver and Company He’s Shakespearean and we love that. 
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17. Napoleon and Lafayette- The Aristocats  I ranked them separately. Scored them differently in various categories. And they came out to exactly the same score. Inseparable. A dynamic duo. Batman and Robin who? These are the real crimefighters. 
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16.  Goofy Is Goofy identifiable as a dog if you aren’t told that he is one? I don’t know about that. But he’s GOOFY. 
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15. Pongo- One Hundred and One Dalmatians Okay I promise this is the last 101 Dalmatians character. 
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14. Max- The Little Mermaid He’s what we call the breeder’s standard. 
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13. Chief- The Fox and the Hound Am I trying to convince you to overlook certain aspects of Chief by choosing this particular picture? Who can say. 
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12. Roscoe and DeSoto- Oliver and Company I love a good villain. And Dobermans. 
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11. Tito-Oliver and Company Played and drawn with every bit of manic energy that a chihuahua needs
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11. (Tie) Georgette- Oliver and Company “Perfect Isn’t Easy” was doing “Fabulous” long before Sharpay Evans. 
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10. Jock- Lady and the Tramp A dog who suffers no fools
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9. Bolt- Bolt His biggest flaw is that John Travolta was NOT a good casting choice. Other than that he’s adorable. 
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8. Nana- Peter Pan This movie may be problematic but Nana certainly isn’t. 
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7. Rita- Oliver and Company This dog is wearing eye shadow. And also “Streets of Gold” is criminally underrated. 
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6. Lady- Lady and the Tramp I don’t really have much to say. She’s cute. It’s a good design. She’s a good character. 
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5. Trusty- Lady and the Tramp Look at that action shot. His hero moment. 
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4. Tramp- Lady and the Tramp I originally had Tramp 7th and Rita 4th... did I make a mistake switching them? Tramp doesn’t sing. Tramp isn’t wearing eye shadow. But Rita doesn’t have a song about her either...
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3. Stitch- Lilo and Stitch He used to be a collie before he got ran over
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2. Copper- The Fox and the Hound “When you’re the best of friends *muffled sobbing* having so much fun together *louder sobbing*” 
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1. Dodger- Oliver and Company He sings the best Disney song. He’s voiced by Billy Joel. He’s got a celebrity endorsement: Chris Evans named his dog after Dodger. Easily the best Disney dog. 
“But Cogentranting” you say, “ you put two dogs each for number 11 and number 17, that means there are fifty-TWO dogs on this list. The title’s a lie” and I say WRONG SIr. Clearly number 3 and number 46 (Stitch and Obby) are NOT dogs at all. So there are Fifty! And you say, “okay but there are multiple dogs for both 50 and 49.” I have no answer for this. I hang my head and shame and bid you adieu. 
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he11swinter · 1 year
Three things (first off thank you so much for the last ask it was a blessing)
1 I have a song I want to show you that I believe fits Isabella, George and Jimmy but can't decide which one I should draw/animate to
2 This is a fic my friend is writing for a collage class (I'll maybe send a doc if I get permission and you want to read) but it's basically Horace and Dana bonding with Horace being the first guy to not stare lustful at Dana or harm her in anyway while she's not scared of his appearance so the two find some sort of ground to step on and open up together. She said she's trying to write it in a way that Horace will wonder if he would ever had a life with her in it if they were alive (cause we argue what years these two are from cause there's literally NO HINT in clothes/items that help unlike the others)
3 As promised I want to a somewhat happy ask, What are you headcanons of the ghost being "imaginary friends" for some kid? It's a known fact for children to have friends no one else sees as well as it known a chance is the friend is actually a spirit or ghoul. I like to picture George was the most happy to be a little kid's friend since he was a dad before death
You’re so welcome! It was fun, and thank you so much for this one! Pleeeease keep ‘em coming! :D
My vote is George for the song, because he had the revenge arc. The energy feels most like him, maybe? (I want to see the art/animation when it’s done, sounds exciting.)
If you wanna send me stories feel free! I don’t always get to them (I’m not much of a fanfic reader, maybe just quick things) but I certainly try. 😁
As for the times Dana and Horace lived, I THINK there were newspaper clippings in Damon’s shop that hinted or even gave dates, if that helps. I’m almost certain Dana died in the mid-late 90s, making her the second newest ghost after Jean. I always imagined Horace dying earlier, but not by too far. The scrapyard shut down at his death, right? I think…!? What was left of the car models could date him if so, and if identified, but I’m not a car person. 😂
Now see, THIS is adorable. I’m sure George would be a great imaginary friend to a kid, and one that would freak the parents out every time the child referenced him. He’d certainly be the best at the job, too, because…
Billy: He’d be a bossy jerk. Imaginary friend? More like imaginary bully, making them do what he wants and play exactly how he plays all the time. (Cowboys and Indians, of course.) He’d criticize them and do things the kid would get in trouble for constantly. Good luck to them trying to explain their imaginary friend did it… :/
Jimmy: I think he’d be uncomfortable. He doesn’t hate kids, he just doesn’t understand them and thinks they can be kind of irritating. He doesn’t enjoy explaining everything while they ask, “Why, why, why?” over and over. Like, “Why do you roll your head around instead of wearing it?” and he’d be like, “Jeez…”
Susan: She likes kids! Remember her with Bobby? Her favourite game to play with kids is see if she can startle them into tears. It’s great fun (for her). Evidently she’s not very responsible.
Royce: Royce doesn’t want to babysit, and that’s all that’s coming to me right now. Maybe somehow he could warm up to them, however, and treat them like a little brother or sister? (Sometimes I headcanon he had one, but I’ll save that explanation for another day because I did get an ask about it.)
Dana: No tender feelings towards the little gremlin at all; she just wants everyone to leave her the heck alone and stop staring. Frankly, the kid would be in some danger potentially.
Margaret and Harold: They don’t want to hang out near kids, either. Margaret only loves and has time for her son, and Harold would get outrageously jealous anyway.
Ryan: Oh gosh, he’s so unpredictable even to himself. There’s no way in hell he’d be comfortable around a child, but I’m in love with the idea of him gritting his teeth through it and then secretly growing fond. I think there would have to be a certain degree of himself he sees in them in order to be curious and connect; Ryan’s one to seek out familiarity.
Horace: Horace would kick the child. I’m sorry, there’s no hope.
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adamwatchesmovies · 11 months
Total Frat Movie (2016)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
I gave Total Frat Movie every chance I could. This movie is both overtly and subliminally sexist, the plot is thin and unrealistic and the characters are little more than sketches on a cocktail napkin. Everything it has to offer, you’ve seen before in better movies. I knew this going in and still, it let me down. I might have given it half or even single star until the very end, when it shattered my fragile goodwill towards it into a thousand pieces. If you like this movie or don’t think it’s “that bad”, then you’re a sophomoric moron who probably prefers Girls Gone Wild videos to actual pornography, which makes you the lowest of the low.
Charlie Martin (Justin Deeley) has always dreamed of following in his father’s footsteps and joining the Alpha Chi Gamma Fraternity. When he finally gets in, a party stunt he organizes nearly burns the frat house down and the dean (Tom Green) shuts down Alpha Chi Gamma. Three years later, Charlie and his friends Billy (Alex House) and John “Douchenozzle” MacGyver have the chance to resurrect their fraternity - provided they can find 12 pledges within a week.
You can try, but it's impossible to keep track of how many topless women appear in this laugh-free comedy. I think even bare breasts will start losing their appeal once you realize there is nothing to the film's characters. Aside from a couple of basic quirks, everyone’s essentially the same person. Not helping is the all-white cast entirely composed of identical-looking dudebros. The film goes out of its way to make everyone as generic-looking as possible by even giving the stereotypical nerd a makeover at one point and making him look the same as everyone else. You’ll struggle to identify who Charlie and his buddies are trying to recruit, who’s been with them the whole time and who is actually part of the obligatory rival house of identical-looking white guys. The only way to keep track of the main character is by remembering that he looks an awful lot like a bargain-bin Chris Evans - but without any of the charm or acting talent. Well, that's not fair. This script does Justin Deeley no favors and in his defence, he’s nowhere near the worst performer in this atrocity.
This picture depicts college as nothing but non-stop parties attended by shallow mongoloids who constantly salivate over women who have no ambitions of their own. It's sort of a given with a title like Total Frat Movie so of course, you lower your expectations going in. Don't think that will protect you from disappointment. It gets the big stuff wrong and screws up the details too. As part of a ploy by the rival fraternity, Charlie is drugged, then raped by “Tanya Tatas” (Jordan Kearns), an adult film star. The crime is not only recorded, the video is posted on the internet… but no one says a thing. The assault results in Tanya giving Charlie crabs. So not only did the adult film star get hired by the rival frats to commit a crime on camera - because you would do that - she also has pubic hair - a rarity in adult film stars - and doesn’t undergo the mandatory testing all performers in the porno industry go through to prevent this kind of thing? There was a thousand other ways you could've written this plot, all of which would've made more sense and been less problematic.
Even with the aforementioned sexual assault that goes unpunished, this is a blatantly mysoginist film that’ll have your blood boiling. Every single woman we see ends up either in a neon-coloured bikini or naked - except for one: Katie (Rebecca Dalton), Charlie's love interest. It probably wasn't a conscious decision from director Warren P. Sonoda but the fact that she stays "virginal" indicates that she has value, whereas all of the other women in the film do not. I put virginal in quotations because she sleeps with Charlie after they have all of two conversations (which doesn’t stop her from judging him for being with another woman during a drunken party).
There’s so much to dislike about Total Frat Movie I could keep going on for another 1,000 words. The abysmal and generic soundtrack, wretched attempts at laughter, braindead conclusion, technical errors, lame attempts at being relevant despite the plot that would’ve felt old even in 1979, embarrassing recurring joke about female ejaculation… but you get the point. Just stay away from Total Frat Movie. (April 24, 2020)
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@paleontaxi​ said: society: has my muse noticed any changes within the society they live in? do they think these are for the better or worse?
(Immortality asks - open!)
//Oh this is an interesting one!! So the obvious answer here is that, yeah, Salvatore has noticed changes in society, and the first thing I want to talk about is some of the culture shock he’d experience upon being released from the zoo.
The timeline for this blog has Sal being turned into a vampire in 1986, spending a little under two years trapped in the warehouse where he was turned, and then being stuck in the zoo from late 1988 to 1996. All in all, he spent a little less than ten years in captivity, completely cut off from the world and any and all social interaction. I mean, hell, even just in terms of who was president at the time, he went into captivity during the Reagan administration and came out (hah) during the Clinton administration. That’s a pretty significant shift.
Of course, something to consider is that I think Salvatore is PAINFULLY unaware of a lot of major world events, even after he’s released from the zoo. Not to say he’s completely ignorant, but he doesn’t keep up with the world at large, even once the Internet really gets going and that becomes more possible. He’s the kind of person who’s very focused on what’s happening immediately around him more than anything, so I really don’t see him seeking out information about what’s going on elsewhere.
So, a majority of the changes he notices would be either on a smaller scale or only glimpses of bigger, more important things. For example, he would notice how technology began to shift and rapidly improve, as well as all the improvements made since he was captured. Cell phones may have technically existed before Salvatore’s capture, but they didn’t become popular until after--I can definitely imagine him being startled to see those around haha!
(Side-note, I just had the thought of Billy insisting on getting Sal a cell phone so they can keep in touch, but Sal resolutely refuses to get a smartphone, even once they become more widely available. He uses a shitty little burner flip phone.)
Another change I want to talk about would be the social changes he’d notice, especially in regards to LGBTQ+ issues. I haven’t talked about all of my gender thoughts for Salvatore here, but yeah he’s a trans dude (though he probably would be confused by that specific terminology), and while he’s not particularly in-tune with the community as a whole, I think he would definitely notice as the community becomes more known and as acceptance on a social level begins rising.
I mention that he’d be confused by the terminology around even his own transness (more because he approaches it through the very simple lens of “I’m a man, and that’s what matters,” and he doesn’t view it as anything particularly major or special), and I think that would carry over to a lot of specific labels used in the community. While I imagine him identifying more with ‘pansexual’ as a label than anything else, I imagine all the ins and outs of different labels and identities would definitely escape him.
I do want to clarify though that he wouldn’t think any of that is a bad thing per se! While he’d be confused, I think it’d be a very benevolent kind of confusion. Kinda like... he doesn’t know all the quote-unquote “correct” modern terminology, but he’s got the spirit. I don’t think he’d understand people who hold their genders/orientations as being very important to them, but he wouldn’t hold it against them. He’s just got different priorities, and while being seen as a man is very important to him, he doesn’t care as much about advertising his transness. Very much, Salvatore would prefer to be stealth if possible.
Another thing I don’t think I’ve talked about much here is that I also write/headcanon Salvatore as intersex, which is something he wouldn’t understand either for the most part. And I think, while he probably wouldn’t be SUPER aware of it, growing awareness around intersex people would also catch his attention. And again while I don’t think it’d be a BIG deal for him, I also think him finally being able to put a word to his experiences would be a big thing for him. A lot of the specific terminology would escape him, but he’d appreciate knowing that he’s not ALONE, y’know?
And on that note I do want to say. I don’t think Salvatore would at all be aware of any of the community discourse, but he would think it’s all SO fucking stupid if he was aware of it. Like he would refuse to learn about it because he’d find it so ridiculous and not be worth keeping up with.
Okay this got a bit away from me, and I don’t think I’ve fully answered the question. So, now I’m going to rapid-fire off some changes Salvatore has noticed in society over the years and how he feels about them:
The rising popularity of cell phones: Good for communication, bad for everything else. Hates smartphones with every fiber of his being. A cell phone doesn’t need to do more than make calls and MAYBE text.
The dramatically lowering popularity/slow phasing out of physical newspapers: Awful, a sign the world is going to shit.
The Internet in general: Mixed feelings. Has its pros, but is mostly just too fucking confusing for him. Usually chooses not to engage with it if he can help it.
Same-sex marriage being legalized across the US: Very mixed feelings. On one hand, he would be pretty neutral for the most part (not in a bad way, and leaning towards positive), but on the other hand, he wouldn’t be able to stop thinking of a Certain Someone in his backstory I haven’t talked about publicly. He’d be thinking a lot about what could’ve been.
Greater awareness for mental health issues: Very neutral, would not realize that therapy would be good for him. He’d see an ad for antidepressants and go “huh” and not realize any of that might apply to him.
The rise of cryptocurrency: Would immediately identify it as a scam and would immediately want in on it explicitly for that reason. Old habits die hard.
Improved technology around cars: Very big fan of this, Salvatore likes his cars.
Self-driving cars: Absolutely not, half the fun is getting to drive the damn thing.
Growing awareness around climate change: Wouldn’t understand it, very neutral. You could explain this to him directly and he’d go “hhhhh” and not process a single word.
Increasing presence of advertisements: Dislikes, not a fan, get that shit out of his face.
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ayylovley · 3 years
Can I please have a headcanon for Billy Lenz, Tiffany Valentine (both),Charles Lee Ray (human and doll), Jason Vorhees, Micheal Myers, Jennifer Check, Martin Mathias, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Bubba Sawyer and Brahms Heelshire with a tomboy fem S/O with short hair and wears vintage suits, newsboy hats, vintage casual clothes and sometimes steals the characters clothes but she still wears lipgloss,lipbalm and lipstick? Please tell me if that is to much
It’s totally not and yess!💜 Love ur style
Billy Lenz
Billy adores your style!
Would want to play with your short hair and call you a, “Pretty piggy! So pretty.”
When he plays with your hair he wants to cup your face and stare into your eyes while admiring your features.
With your vintage suits, he would gush at cute you are! (And sexy!;))
Sometimes he loves to take your hat off and wear it for himself. He looks just as cute!🥺
Would ask to some of your clothes when you ask to wear his sweater. He looks so sexy in your suits and don’t even get me started on how he thinks you look in his back turtleneck! Sjdjdjfkf
The best part of you wearing these type of clothing, is ripping them off so eagerly wanting to see what you got going on underneath.
Billy has a big uniform fetish. So when you wear your suits he gots all hot and bothered, just you giving him a cute smile while wearing your newsboy hat, he gets boner.
The way you blush when you’re screaming his name as he’s pounding you really gets him going!
At the mention of you wearing his black turtlenecks? Yeah he turns into a fucking animal.
He’d jump on you so fast and you’re gonna leave with scars, scratches, bruises, and bite marks. But very content.
Loves to lick the chapstick and lipstick right off of your lips especially when you’re making out with this feral boi.
Billy would totally make you suck his cock while you’re wearing one of your suits, the way you look up at him with the hat on top of your head, he growls and stares back at you with predatory eyes...
But this man actually isn’t horny all the time! Some days you’ll find yourself relaxing with him, watching movies. But then again, you never know what you’re gonna get with this man...
Human Tiffany Valentine
It’s different to way Tiff is into, but she likes it! When you first met she actually thought you were a boy.
But even if you identified as a boy, you were the prettiest to the beautiful blonde.
Would definitely let you borrow some chapstick and lipstick. And this woman has all kinds of flavors!
Adores your hair, but would also have wigs sometimes, the wig turns into a full blown makeover.
But would keep the vintage outfit you have at the moment. Tiffany loves them and would also borrow some blazers, coats, sweaters to see how she would look.
Foxy as hell as always!
If Tiff finds you wearing something of hers, boi get ready for some full time affection and admiration for her!
Would shower you in kisses. “You look so pretty! So perfect! Come on let’s see what else you can try on!”
When you two go on dates, she finds it so hot when you walk in, she’s wearing a revealing dress and you’re walking in with a sexy nice vintage suit! It brings people turning heads every time and she loves it!
Tiffany thinks about ripping your clothes off every day. Surprising she’s very horny a lot.
When you’re doing something as innocent as blushing or winking at the blonde, you’ll find yourself being pushed against the wall.
Whispering praise and a bit of degrading, (only if you’re into that) in your ear.
First things first Tiffany is a switch! She loves when you scream her name so needily, she works her tongue on your clit like Magic!
Has a mommy/mistress kink so you can call her either or. But if you’re not into that also you can just call her by her first name. :p
When Tiffany is submissive, she would purposely moan out your name loudly for people to hear. If you’re a hard dom, leave her crying and screaming and she’s very certain she’s in love. Freaky girl likes it rough...
If you’re more softer, she would go with that too, her sort whimpers and whines are so cute! Always tugs at your short hair when your face is in between her thick soft thighs.
When you’re eating her out she will arch and you can catch a sight of her large chest heaving with sweat dripping in between her breasts it’s so sexy!
Doll Tiffany Valentine
In doll form, Tiffany would still compliment and adore your style.
She would actually want to give you a makeover more. You’re like her personal doll to her.
When you’re going out, the adorable doll blonde would want to go with you. You’d pick her up and she’d cling to you so tightly and it’s adorable!
When you randomly place your hat on top of her head, she would look just the cutest!
Tiff loves when you love lipstick stains on her plastic cheeks and forehead. She would do the same to you in return.
Now that she’s a doll she loves being submissive more!
Her favorite position is sitting on your face, feeling your tongue while she’s spread eagle and letting out the most cutest and sexiest moans.
Doll Tiffany would love to return the favor and give you some good oral as well! Her tongue still works amazingly and loves to crawl up your body and leave bite marks.
Love to praise especially when she’s being the sub. “Ohh sweetface, you’re so amazing! I love you so much!”
Human Charles Lee Ray/Chucky
First, Charles would call you a boy just to get on your nerves.
Would makes fun of you a little, but actually finds you very cute!
Secretly likes your style, and when you two go out in front of public he also wears nice suits.
Would hide your hat just to piss you off, and you know it’s him but he denies it every time, the jackass!
Would make jokes like, “Hey, don’t you have to go to work and throw newspapers at old people’s houses?”
Smirks smugly when he finds you get so annoyed by him.
When Charles finds you have on a long coat of his, he’d laugh his ass off. “You have your own damn jackets don’t chu?”
Would secretly find you so cute in it...
Charles is surprisingly into taking off your suits and vintage tomboy threads and find a feminine body underneath.
He would compare it to unwrapping a present.
His favorite part is undoing a tie you had on and use it to choke you while pounding you cuz this man has such a choking kink.
If he’s in a good mood, he would tell you how beautiful you are to him and how much he loves you.
Would want a good fuck in public if you’re ok with it. If you are, he loves fucking you as you keep your clothes on.
Favorite position is you on top of him, so cowgirl. He gets a good view of your body and he doesn’t have to do any work.
Doll Charles Lee Ray/Chucky
Now that he’s a doll, he would probably be jealous that you’re still human but still compliment you on your outfits.
Secretly loves when you pick him up. Especially when his face is pushed against your chest. He’s a pervert.
Would still sweet talk you if he wanted something. Probably even more now that he’s a doll he would ask for you to take him somewhere. You say no he’ll convince you to say yes eventually.
Cuddles are still limited since he was never a cuddler, but once he knows you’re asleep he will latch onto you like a koala!
The red headed bastard is actually cute when he’s sleeping. (Probably cuz he ain’t talking)
In public he loves watching strangers reactions to a dame holding up such an “ugly” doll. He will cackle about it once you’re alone with him every time.
Doll! Chucky’s cock may be tiny as hell and plastic, but he’ll find ways to make you feel just as good as when he was human.
Would probably be more vocal about how you look hot in your outfits, especially in the suits.
He has a better view of your ass when he’s sitting down so he’d smirk and something perverted would wrap around his orange head.
He also has easier access to your chest. Mentioned earlier when you hold him in public places, don’t be surprised when you’re alone and you find bite marks or feel his mouth on your skin.
His doll tongue and mouth will do wonders for your pussy. Not as long as it used to be but it can still make you squirm and shiver.
He would degrade you pretty harshly, “Oh you like being fucked by a doll?? Fucking freak! Slut!” But I mean he’s good at seduction even as a damn doll so...Kinda not your fault!
Charles Lee Ray as Nica Pierce
(I’m just gonna call him he/him)
He’s a woman but a human again! So watching him being all happy and excited about it is actually really adorable.
Charles/Nica would wanna do everything he did as a human again and more.
If anyone wants to talk shit about two women together, he would get so angry and will take care of them afterwards.
He had to deal with people looking at his girl before now he’s gotta deal with people look at him too.
Believe it or not Charles kept those red pumps so sometimes catch him wearing them with his suits and coat when he’s out at night. It’s pretty hot.
Would let you wear his scarfs sometimes, just if you loose em or spill anything on em yours dead. His words not mine.
If he lets you eat him out, he won’t get enough of it. He didn’t know it was gonna feel so good!
Don’t take it from me but, homie is so into it when he’s on his period and he would probably still make you eat him out.
His sex drive cranked up to about 1000 since he can actually fuck as a human again, Y’know?
So be prepared for that shit. Cuz he gets very grumpy and cranky when you say you’re not in the mood but would accept it anyway.
Would be into scissoring and toys. But only can be used on you, like strap ons, vibrators, etc. Strap ons are the only cock he has, it’s not the same but it’ll do.
Nica Pierce
Nica fell hard as soon as she saw you! She loves to compliment you about everything.
Compliment her and she will love you forever! She is deeply insecure.
Would find it so cute if you steal some of her clothes to wear, she would want to borrow some of your own, she looks so stylish in them!
She would ask for you to dress, and undress her when she’s getting ready for bed or the day.
If you see her looking at herself in the mirror she’s always thinking poorly of herself. So remind her how gorgeous she is.
If one day you meet Nica’s family but they talk shit, (mainly Barb) She won’t back down just because they’re her family. They need to respect her girlfriend or they leave!😤
Her favorite days is you two cooking together. You both share good laughs and conversation.
Also insecure about her body, so praise her and give it so many kisses, she’ll do the same with big heart eyes.
Give her some time and practice for sex and she’ll get the hang of it! Nica loves when you moan her name, you sound so cute.
Would prefer to be the top more, but would splurge and be the sub some time.
She’s a big cuddler after sex, she’ll wrap around you and enjoy you wrapped around her all the same.
You two would be such a wholesome couple!
Glen Ray
Sfw (no nsfw)
Glen blushes hard but just looking at you. Sweet boy he is!
Gets so nervous when you’re holding hands with him. A smile shot at him and he’s gushing hard.
You’re the prettiest woman to him. And you’re so perfect to him, he’ll remind you of that everyday.
Is a big dork and makes puns and jokes to make you laugh. Especially if you’re having a bad day.
He hates to see you upset so he’ll try everything he can to see that beautiful smile again.
Definitely a romantic! Like his mother, Glen has a thing for light candle dinners, preferably at home.
Any random day he will come home with flowers for you, with a note saying how much he loves you.
Glenda Ray
Sfw (no nsfw)
Glenda is more like her father so unfortunately, no romance at all.
In fact, more making fun of it but she’s doing it out of love! No matter what you’re everything to her.
She finds someone talking shit? Or trying to steal her girl? All hell will break loose!
She has frizzy orange hair and wouldn’t mind if you’re touching it, it’s quite nice. But not too much.
Her pet names for you are kinda like back handed compliments but she reminds you they’re just nicknames. But sometimes give you some nice ones.
Jason Vorhees
Jason doesn’t comment on it, he doesn’t talk but there’s ways he comments on things.
But you’re not like any girl he’s seen before, the ones he’s seen are either snobby ‘whores’ or the ‘final girl’ type.
He sees you as neither, you caught his way and made him look with a second glance so that’s definitely a first for him!
If you stole his hockey mask he would be so confused, why would you wanna steal that? It’s dirty and kept on his face for a long time.
But he would be lying if he said he didn’t think you looked cute with it on.
He knew his mother would approve of you! You’re so polite and sweet to him so Pamela would love that.
Jason is not one with sex, but he would be so good at it! His cock is thick and long, nicely curved as well.
Sex with Jason would most likely hurt a bit but when he does he’ll feel horrible and try to be more gentle.
He can get a little carried away however with his groping and manhandling, sometimes he’ll leave red hand prints that’ll last a few days.
He’d prefer if you were on top of him so he wouldn’t hurt you as much. He also loves the view of your body above him
Micheal Myers
Also like Jason, Micheal doesn’t comment on it. Then again he doesn’t talk like Jason.
He’s definitely into it however, loves to do your ties for you. Or dress you in general.
His favorite thing about your outfits is the more casual vintage types. Mostly because they’re more easier to dress you in for him
This man has a size kink so he will pick you up and fuck you against the nearest wall if he needs to.
Uses the ties to choke you and keeps intense eye contact.
You look more innocent to him when you where suits and the newsboy hat which is more of a turn on for him.
Also very much info knife play so would use his knife on you even after he has killed some people. He wants to see the blood drip down on your naked body. It drives him nuts.
Jennifer Check
Now Jennifer might like it the most out of all of em. But she would make fun of you for it sometimes like Chucky.
Jen would love to do your makeup for you, you look so good in lipstick so she wants to see you in more makeup.
Seeing you in the makeup she put on you while wearing a suit, she’s fallen hard for you.
If you’re shy, Jen is into the shy, vulnerable girl types so you’re basically her type!
Steal anything you want from her honestly, she doesn’t mind. As long as you put everything back where it was.
She would want you to put on a fashion show for her, it would last a few hours not kidding.
Jen is for sure a top! Enjoys you screaming and moaning her name. It inflates her ego like no other.
Would use toys on you but let’s you use them on her as well.
Would love public sex, and she’s always the submissive in these moments to purposely scream out your name.
If you two get caught she’ll reply with, “What? Cant I let the world know how much my sexy girl makes me feel?”
A massive tease, would give steaming lap dances, wear the most revealing clothing and lingerie and shake whatever you were staring at that day.
Also wants to make you cry when you beg, she’d make you watch her pleasure herself with a good view and make you fall to your knees.
Would praise you so much after, “Oh what a good, patient girl for me. You definitely deserve a reward.”
Martin Mathias
Martin wouldn’t comment most of the time. But if you were something he’d like then he would compliment you, probably the whole day.
Blushes when you show up in the suits. But if someone were to make fun of you and call you newspaper boy or some shit, he’d kill them after.
Anyone being mean to you is unacceptable!
Playfully steals your hats and you’d find him wearing them almost every time.
So when you wear some of his own, he would gush and not be able to avoid praising you.
Vampire sex is definitely the way to go, he bites down to draw blood and lick it up immediately.
He always tries to be intimate while you’re doing the, “sexy stuff” By kissing and trying to be romantic with candles around you.
Repeats that he loves you and you’re so beautiful and perfect to him. Always holding your hand during it as well.
Billy Loomis
Billy would definitely be into it! Probably would buy some suits of his own to match with you.
You two would look so stylish! Even buy some causal vintage clothes, in school he would walk down the hallways with you and cause people to looked amazed.
Would be so confused if you stole on of his clothes, because he thinks your own clothes are already awesome.
Still wouldn’t mind however. In fact he finds it hot.
During sex, he has pet names, like;
Kitten, hun, baby girl, doll, things like that.
Especially if/when he wants to roleplay where he’s Ghostface and your the victim since he’s into that!
Thats when the sex gets messy with blood, knife play, gun play, etc.
Stu Macher
Stu would comment about he loves your style everyday!
He’s a big dork so he loves making you laugh when everyone else would just look at him with a blank stare.
If you’re wearing the chapstick or lipstick he would love to purposely smear it while kissing or making out with you.
Like Billy, is into the Ghostface roleplay, and would like it if you were the killer sometimes.
Stu is a switch, he’s the top more often but if he’s in the mode to sub, he’ll beg for you if he needed to.
He’s not as serious as Billy so the sex while have a few good laughs with it. He’s more on the playful side and laid back!
Bubba Sawyer
He’d also love it but since he doesn’t talk, he would show how he loves it in different ways.
By picking you up and hugging you, twirling you around while making laughing sounds.
Kiss him anywhere and he jumps around happily while blushing hard. It’s so cute!
Bubba prefers to sub but loves to dom for you anytime you’re ok with it.
Has the cutest whimpers and whines.
Give his body lots of love, he needs it. If you kiss, lick, or give his tummy hickeys he’s squirming and wiggling below you.
When it comes to giving you oral he’ll need some practice with it. But soon become so good at it! He’ll find ways to make you tick.
Brahms Heelsire
It’s new to Brahms like Tiffany, but he can be into it.
You’re so beautiful in your suits, would want to dance with you while you’re wearing them.
Waltzing is his go-to dance, if you need help he would show you step by step.
Actually would make a mask for him! You’re his doll, so he thought it’d be fitting for you.
During sex, he uses his deep voice, would also let out the sexiest manly moans and growls.
Has a big breeding kink, even tho he’s not fond of having children, the idea alone of finishing inside gets him going.
Brahmsy has a habit of wanting to fuck on the counter when it’s dinner time, especially eagerly eating you out while you’re sitting on it.
Try’s to stay a good boy for when you give him rewards, but can be a big brat sometimes.
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tcm · 3 years
Reframing Films of the Past: An Interview with TCM Writers
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All month long in March, TCM will be taking a look at a number of beloved classic films that have stood the test of time, but when viewed by contemporary standards, certain aspects of these films are troubling and problematic. During TCM’s Reframed: Classics in the Rearview Mirror programming, all five TCM hosts will appear on the network to discuss these issues, their historical and cultural context and how we can keep the legacy of great films alive for future generations.
Also joining in on this conversation are four TCM writers who were open enough to share their thoughts on their love of classic movies and watching troubling images of the past. Special thanks to Theresa Brown, Constance Cherise, Susan King and Kim Luperi for taking part in this conversation. Continue the conversation over on TCM’s Twitter.
What do you say to people who don’t like classics because they’re racist and sexist? 
KL: There are positive representations in classic Hollywood that I think would blow some peoples’ minds. I always love introducing people to new titles that challenge expectations. 
That said, anyone who broadly slaps a sexist or racist label on a large part of the medium’s history does a disservice to cinema and themselves. That mindset keeps them ignorant not only of some excellent movies and groundbreaking innovation but history itself. 
I think people need to remember that movies are a product of their time and they can reflect the society they were made into a variety of degrees - good, bad, politically, culturally, socially. That’s not to excuse racism or sexism; it needs to be recognized and called out as such for us to contend with it today. But it’s important for people who say they don’t like classics for those reasons to understand the historical context. In particular, we need to acknowledge that society has evolved - and what was deemed socially acceptable at times has, too, even if sexism and racism are always wrong - and we are applying a modern lens to these films that come with the benefit of decades worth of activism, growth and education.
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SK: I totally agree K.L. For years I have been encouraging people to watch vintage movies who keep proclaiming they don’t like black-and-white films or silent films. For every Birth of a Nation (1915) there are beautiful dramas, wonderful comedies and delicious mysteries and film noirs. 
 These films that have racist and sexist elements shouldn’t be collectively swept under the rug, because as K.L. stated they shine a light on what society was like – both good and bad. 
CC: First off, fellow writers may I say, I think your work is amazing. I'm continually learning from the talent that is here, and I am humbled to be a part of this particular company. Similar to the prior answers, for every racist/sexist film the opposite exists. Personally, classic musicals attracted me due to their visual assault, creativity and their unmistakable triple-threat performances. While we cannot ignore racist stereotypes and sexism, there are films that simply are "fantasies of art." There is also a review of evolution. In 20 years, what we now deem as acceptable behavior/conversation will be thought of as outdated and will also require being put into "historical context."  What we collectively said/thought/did 20 years ago, we are currently either re-adjusting or reckoning with now, and that is a truth of life that will never change. We will always evolve.
TB: I would say to them they should consider the times the movie was made in. It was a whole different mindset back then. 
Are there movies that you love but are hesitant to recommend to others because of problematic elements in them? If so, which movies? 
TB: Yes, there are movies I’m hesitant to recommend. The big one, off the top of my head, would be Gone With the Wind (1939). The whole slavery thing is a bit of a sticky wicket for people, especially Black folks. Me, I love the movie. It is truly a monumental feat of filmmaking for 1939. I’m not saying I’m happy with the depiction of African Americans in that film. I recognize the issues. But when I look at a classic film, I suppose I find I have to compartmentalize things. I tend to gravitate on the humanity of a character I can relate to. 
KL: Synthetic Sin (1929), a long thought lost film, was found in the 2010s, and I saw it at Cinecon a few years ago. As a Colleen Moore fan, I thoroughly enjoyed most of it, but it contains a scene of her performing in blackface that doesn’t add anything to the plot. That decision brings the movie down in my memory, which is why I have trouble recommending it.
Also Smarty (1934), starring Warren William and Joan Blondell, is another movie I don’t recommend because it’s basically about spousal abuse played for comedy, and it did not age well for that reason.
SK: Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961): Audrey Hepburn is my favorite actress and I love her Oscar-nominated performance as Holly. I adore Orangy as Cat, as well as George Peppard and Buddy Ebsen, who is wonderfully endearing. And of course, “Moon River” makes me cry whenever I hear it. But then I cringe and am practically nauseous every time Mickey Rooney pops up on screen with his disgusting stereotypical performance as Holly’s Japanese landlord Mr. Yunioshi. What was director Blake Edwards thinking casting him in this part? Perhaps because he’s such a caricature no Japanese actor wanted to play him, so he cast Rooney with whom he had worked within the 1950s. 
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CC: I cannot necessarily state that I am in "love," but, a film that comes to mind would be Anna and the King of Siam (1946). It is an absolutely beautiful visual film. However, Rex Harrison as King Mongkut requires some explanation. 
Holiday Inn (1942), and the Abraham number...why??? Might I also add, there were many jaw-dropping, racist cartoons.
How did you learn to deal with the negative images of the past? 
KL: I often look at it as a learning experience. Negative images can provoke much-needed conversation (internally or with others) and for me, they often prompt my education in an area that I wasn’t well versed in. For instance, blackface is featured in some classic films, and its history is something I never knew much about. That said, seeing its use in movies prompted me to do some research, which led me first to TCM’s short documentary about blackface and Hollywood. I love how TCM strives to provide context and seeks to educate viewers on uncomfortable, contentious subjects so we can appreciate classic films while still acknowledging and understanding the history and the harmful stereotypes some perpetuated.
SK: It’s also been a learning experience for me. Though I started watching movies as a little girl in the late 1950s, thanks to TCM and Warner Archive I realized that a lot of films were taken out of circulation because of racist elements. TCM has not only screened a lot of these films but they have accompanied the movies with conversations exploring the stereotypes in the films.  
CC: As a Black woman, negative images of the past continue to be a lesson on how Blacks, as well as other minorities, were seen (and in some cases still are seen) through an accepted mainstream American lens. On one hand, it's true, during the depiction of these films the majority of Black Americans were truly relegated to servant roles, so it stands to reason that depictions of Black America would be within the same vein. What is triggering to me, are demeaning roles, and the constant exaggeration of the slow-minded stereotype, blackface. When you look at the glass ceiling that minority performers faced from those in power, the need for suppression and domination is transparent because art can be a powerful agent of change. I dealt with the negative images of the past by knowing and understanding that the depiction being given to me was someone else's narrative, of who they thought I was, not who I actually am.
TB: I’m not sure HOW I learned to deal with negative images. Again, I think it might go back to me compartmentalizing.
I don’t know if this is right or wrong…but I’ve always found myself identifying with the leads and their struggles. As a human being, I can certainly identify with losing a romantic partner, money troubles, losing a job…no matter the ethnicity.
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In what ways have we evolved from the movies of the classic era?
KL: I think we are more socially and culturally conscious now when it comes to stories, diversity and representation on screen and behind the scenes, which is a step forward. That said, while there's been growth, there's still much work to be done.
SK: I think this year’s crop of awards contenders show how things have evolved with Da 5 Bloods, Soul, One Night in Miami, Minari, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, The United States Vs. Billie Holiday, Judas and the Black Messiah and MLK/FBI. 
But we still have a long way to go. I’d love to see more Native American representation in feature films; more Asian-American and Latino stories. 
CC: There are minority artists, writers, producers, directors, actors with the increasing capacity to create through their own authentic voice, thereby affecting the world, and a measurable amount of them are women! Generally speaking, filmmakers (usually male) have held the voice of the minority narrative as well as the female narrative. I agree with both writers above in the thought that it is progress, and I also agree, more stories of diversified races are needed. 
TB: One important way we've evolved from the movies made in the classic era by being more inclusive in casting. 
Are there any deal-breakers for you when watching a movie, regardless of the era, that make it hard to watch? 
KL: Physical violence in romantic relationships that's played as comedy is pretty much a dealbreaker for me. I mentioned above that I don't recommend Smarty (1934) to people, because when I finally watched it recently, it. was. tough. The way their abuse was painted as part of their relationship just didn’t sit well with me.
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SK: Extreme racist elements and just as KL states physical violence. 
Regarding extreme racist elements, D.W. Griffith’s Birth of a Nation (1915) is just too horrific to watch. I was sickened when I saw it when I was in grad school at USC 44 years ago and it’s only gotten worse. And then there’s also Wonder Bar (1934), the pre-code Al Jolson movie that features the Busby Berkeley black minstrel number “Goin’ to Heaven on a Mule.” Disgusting.
I also agree with KL about physical violence in comedies and even dramas. I recently revisited Private Lives (1931) with Norma Shearer and Robert Montgomery based on Noel Coward’s hit play. I have fond memories of seeing Maggie Smith in person in the play when I was 20 in the play and less than fond memories of watching Joan Collins destroying Coward’s bon mots.  
But watching the movie again, you realized just how physically violent Amanda and Elyot’s relationship is-they are always talking about committing physical violence-”we were like two violent acids bubbling about in a nasty little matrimonial battle”; “certain women should be struck regularly, like gongs”-or constantly screaming and throwing things.  
There is nothing funny or romantic about this.
KL: I try to put Birth of a Nation out of my mind, but S.K. did remind me of it again, and movies featuring extreme racism at their core like that are also dealbreakers; I totally agree with her assessment. I understand the technological achievements, but I think in the long run, especially in how it helped revive the KKK, the social harm that film brought about outdoes its cinematic innovations.
CC: Like S.K., Wonder Bar immediately came to mind. Excessive acts of violence, such as in the film Natural Born Killers (1994). I walked out of the theatre while the film was still playing. I expected violence, but the gratuitousness was just too much for me. I also have an issue with physical abuse, towards women and children. This is not to say I would not feel the same way about a man. However, when males are involved, it tends to be a fight, an exchange of physical energy, generally speaking, when we see physical abuse it is perpetuated towards women and children.
TB: I have a couple of moments that pinch my heart when I watch a movie. It doesn’t mean I won’t watch the movie. It just means I roll my eyes…verrrrry hard.
-Blackface…that’s a little rough; especially when the time period OF the movie is the ‘30s or ‘40s film.
-Not giving the Black actors a real name to be called by in the film (Snowflake…Belvedere…Lightnin’). I mean, can’t they have a regular name like Debbie or Bob?
-When the actor can’t do the simplest of tasks, i.e. Butterfly McQueen answering the phone in Mildred Pierce (1945) and not knowing which end to speak into. What up with that?
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Are there elements they got right that we still haven’t caught up to? 
KL: I don't know if the pre-Code era got sex right (and sensationalism was definitely something studios were going for) but in some ways, I feel that subject was treated as somewhat more accepted and natural back then. Of course, what was shown onscreen in the classic era was nowhere near the extent it is today, but the way the Production Code put a lid on sex (in addition to many other factors) once again made it into more of a taboo topic than it is or should be.
One thing I particularly hate in modern movies is gratuitous violence, and it perplexes and angers me how America weighs violence vs. sex in general through the modern ratings system: films are more likely to get a pass with violence, mostly landing in PG-13 territory and thus making them more socially acceptable, while sex, something natural, is shunned with strictly R ratings. Obviously, there are limits for both, but I think the general thinking there is backwards today.
CC: The elegance, the sophistication, the precision, the dialogue, the intelligence, the wit. The fashion! The layering of craftsmanship. We aren't fans of these films for fleeting reasons, we are fans because of their timeless qualities.
I'm going to sound like a sentimental sap here, ladies get ready. I think they got the institution of family right. Yes, I do lean towards MGM films, so I am coloring my opinion from that perspective. Even if a person hasn't experienced what would have been considered a "traditional family" there is something to be said about witnessing that example. Perhaps not so much of a father and a mother, but to witness a balanced, functioning, loving relationship. What it "looks like" when a father/mother/brother/sister etc. genuinely loves another family member.
I was part of the latch-key generation, and although my parents remained together, many of my friends' parents were divorced. Most won't admit it, but by the reaction to the documentary [Won't You Be My Neighbor?, 2018], the bulk of them went home, sat in front of the TV and watched Mr. Rogers tell them how special they were because their parents certainly were not. We don't know what can "be" unless we see it.
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“Tell the truth,” Billy says, low and intent, and Steve closes his mouth on a flippant response. For a second he feels exposed, pinned down. Not literally (if only), but still. He wants to protest—We don’t do that with this topic, remember? Or We’ve spent the last year being so goddamn careful, what are you doing?—but the rules of this particular game have only ever been unspoken. He glances over and sees Billy’s eyes on him, focused and intense and so, so blue, and he realizes that they’re actually doing this. He feels a surge of adrenaline, and the perverse little thrill that always comes with it (there is definitely something wrong with him). Well fuck, he thinks, here we go.  
Steve's never been sure whether it's a game or not. It was a thing they started doing after Starcourt, a way to push at each other when Billy was in a hospital bed and actual shoving was off the table, maybe. Steve remembers exactly how it started, because of course he does. He was at the hospital almost every day, shuttling Max and some combination of the others back and forth, but it's not like he and Billy actually talked to each other that much. Why would they? The only thing they had in common was mutual animosity, and Steve had kept his distance after he ended up concussed. Steve understood that night at the Byers' house better by then, after they all found out about Neil, but he still wasn't sure where that left them. So he was cautiously friendly, Billy was carefully neutral; they managed to coexist. Sure, sometimes they locked eyes across the hospital room and there was...something? maybe? but one or the other of them always looked away. Steve told himself he was fine with it, and it probably would have gone on like that indefinitely, except, well. Steve was always a sucker for a pair of sad, pretty eyes.
It was an evening like most of the rest of them, and Steve was rounding up Max, El, and Mike to leave the hospital. Max ran back to give Billy another hug, which was a pretty new development, and one that Billy seemed completely unprepared to deal with, which was kind of endearing. Steve ushered the kids out of the room and glanced back briefly with a stupid little wave. He caught the look in Billy's eyes before Billy saw him looking and gave him that ridiculous smirk. Steve rolled his eyes and left, but that expression stayed with him. Billy had looked...lost. Like he was dreading the silence that was going to follow their departure. And Steve was intimately familiar with that feeling.
He dropped the kids off and was headed back to his big empty house, and he couldn't get that damn look out of his head. He tried to convince himself he hadn't really seen it, and then that it wasn't any of his business, and then that he didn't actually owe Billy fucking Hargrove anything, and then he was turning his car around and making a stop before he headed back to the hospital.
Visiting hours were over, obviously, but Steve had talked his way past the nurses before, when Max wanted to stay late sometimes. He didn't have much trouble with it this time either, and it wasn't long before he was slipping back into Billy's room, a paper bag in one hand and a milkshake in the other. He was half-expecting Billy to be asleep, but he turned his head when Steve opened the door. Billy's eyebrows shot up in surprise when no one followed Steve through the door. He turned down the TV and gave Steve a long look.
"What are you doing here, Harrington?" Steve shrugged and dropped the bag on the table next to Billy's bed, dropping into the chair and tilting it back onto two legs.
"Thought you might want something that wasn't hospital food." He nodded toward the bag, and then leaned forward and pulled out his own burger and fries. He shoved the bag toward Billy and took a long sip of his milkshake.
"You brought me food." It wasn't a question. Billy's voice was laced with skepticism, which was fair, actually. They weren't friends. Steve just shrugged again.
"If you don't want it, I'll just eat all of it. I'm starving." Billy stared at him for another long moment and then reached out and pulled the bag toward himself. He quirked an eyebrow at Steve's milkshake.
"I didn't see a second one of those anywhere?" Steve just grinned at him.
"Thanks, Steve, I really appreciate the burger and fries," he said in a ridiculous voice, and then he took a long, obnoxious sip of his milkshake. Billy choked on a french fry, recovered, and snorted a laugh.
"You're a dick," Billy said, and Steve stared at him, mock offended.
"I brought you food! How am I the dick in this scenario?" he demanded. Billy looked at him, expression a little bemused, but he didn't say anything.
Silence fell as they both ate, but it was companionable somehow. Billy turned the TV back up and they watched part of an action movie. Steve leaned his chair back again, propping his feet at the end of Billy's bed just to be irritating. Billy shot him a glare, but didn't kick his feet off the bed. Steve decided to interpret that as gratitude. He hung out for a couple of hours, until they were both yawning.
"Time for me to go," he finally announced, when he could barely keep his eyes open. He stood up and stretched, a little stiff from the chair. "I'll be back with Max and whoever else wants to come tomorrow." Billy didn't say anything, but Steve could feel his eyes on him as he turned and headed for the door.
"Hey Steve?" Billy asked, just before Steve opened the door to leave. Steve could count the number of times Billy Hargrove had called him by his first name on one hand. He turned back to see that Billy had that bemused expression on his face again. "Why did you actually come back here?" he asked. It was a little accusatory, but there was a thread of genuine curiosity in there too. Steve opened his mouth to reply, but Billy cut him off. "Tell the truth," he said quietly, tone stuck somewhere between a command and a request. It was a challenge, but there was an appeal in there too. Steve thought for a long moment and then he shrugged and told the truth. Most of it, anyway. 
"It beats my empty house," he said softly to the floor, and then he looked up and smiled a little bit. "And I thought you might not hate the company." And if that wasn't the entire truth, well, how could he be expected to tell someone else the whole truth when he wasn't sure he understood it himself? Billy nodded slowly, but didn't say anything. Steve waited for a beat, and then he slipped out the door and went home.
Steve was back a few nights later, this time with two enormous Slurpees. His parents had called earlier in the day, which always put him in a bad mood, and he finally decided he couldn't stand the silence anymore. Billy glanced up when he slipped through the door, and Steve could have sworn he caught a ghost of an actual smile before Billy shot him a smirk.
"Did you get lonely again, pretty boy?" Steve scoffed.
"I am, in fact, doing you the favor of keeping you company," he replied, dropping into the chair and setting the drinks on the table. "You can have cherry cola, or...cherry cola," he said, taking one and sipping. Billy watched him for a moment and then reached out and took the other Slurpee. "So what's on tonight?" Steve asked, leaning back in the chair and propping up his feet. Billy let his feet stay where they were and his glare was halfhearted this time. Steve gave himself a point. They watched another movie, horror this time, and talked about nothing much. And that turned into the pattern.
It was a few weeks later when it came up again. Steve had stayed late--it was after midnight--and he was reluctantly dragging himself to his feet. Billy was laughing at him.
"Seriously, Harrington, go home. You really can't find anything better to do than disturb my beauty rest?"
"Shut up, you love it," Steve muttered through a yawn. "Or at the very least, you don't hate it." Right? Steve wondered. Billy snickered again and opened his mouth to say something, but this time Steve stopped him.
"Tell the truth," he said, aiming for the tone Billy had used last time, and landing on something a little more intent than he would have liked. Billy stopped smiling and an expression Steve couldn't identify moved across his face. Steve wanted to take it back, tell him he had been joking, but Billy spoke before he could find the words. He looked away from Steve and then down at his hands. 
"Sometimes I..." he cleared his throat. "Sometimes I think too much when I'm here by myself." His eyes went to Steve's for just a fraction of a second, and then moved away. Steve nodded and turned away, heading for the door. He paused right before he left, but he didn't turn around.
"I hate that," he said to the doorframe, and then he left. 
After that, Steve started coming back more often. They watched movies and TV, and talked about nothing and occasionally something, and it didn't come up often, but it did keep coming up.
"Tell the truth," Billy said one night. "What are you afraid of?" Steve stared at the ceiling and thought about how much truth to tell.
"The dark," he said to the ceiling tiles. "Being alone." He didn't just mean in his empty house. He huffed a little laugh, but there was no humor in it. "Being a disappointment. Not having a future." There was a long pause. That you'll hear the things I don't say, he thought. That you'll never hear the things I don't say.
"Yeah," Billy finally breathed. He didn't look at Steve. "Yeah."  
"Tell the truth," Steve said weeks later. "What do you want, after this?" There was a very long pause.
"I want to get out of this town," Billy said slowly. He was staring at the ceiling this time. "College, maybe? Go somewhere warm. Try to forget," he said with a bitter laugh. The silence stretched out. It felt meaningful, like maybe there was something else coming, but nothing ever did.
"Yeah," said Steve. He tried, but he couldn't keep a thread of wistfulness out of his voice. He went home not long after that. 
Once Billy got out of the hospital, Steve half-expected them to stop hanging out, but they didn't. Billy showed up at Steve's house at random intervals, and they drank beer sometimes and got high sometimes, although Billy's tolerance for both was absolutely nothing at first, to Steve's laughing delight. Steve told the truth to the surface of his backyard pool, and the vast darkness of the quarry, and the stars beyond the tops of the trees at the ends of long, dark roads. He knew better than to look at those pretty eyes when he was trying to be careful. Even so, he started to worry that Billy was eventually going to notice that his silences had a specific shape.
"Tell the truth," Billy reiterated one spring night, well past midnight. He had said it twice, so the question was going to be important. Steve nodded a little drunkenly, listening, his eyes on the trees above them and the sky beyond, but a question didn’t come. Just silence and Billy’s harsh breathing. Steve was about to glance over when Billy finally spoke, his voice so low it was almost a whisper. 
"Do you think I was already a monster? You know, before?" Steve turned his head to stare, but Billy was facing away from him, looking out at the woods instead.
"No," Steve said simply, but it didn't seem like enough. "I don't think you've ever been a monster," he added, and he had never meant anything more than he meant that. There was no response except for a hitch in Billy’s breathing. Steve watched, but Billy didn’t turn his head. It was possible that his shoulders were shaking, but Steve knew better than to notice.
If it was a game, Billy was much better at it than Steve was. He always managed to get a little bit more truth out of Steve than Steve wanted to give. He couldn't even be mad about it--on the rare occasions that Steve was really honest with himself, he admitted that would be happy to lose every single time as long as they never stopped playing.
Pretty soon, though, it was summer again. Billy had a diploma and a scholarship to UCLA, and Steve was doing his very best to ignore the fact that summer was eventually going to end. If he just never thought about it, he reasoned, then he didn't have to look at how empty his future was about to be. As July turned into August, though, he got worse at not thinking about it. He had dark circles under his eyes, and his laugh turned brittle, and the Party all looked at him with concern in their eyes when they thought he couldn't see, but he didn't know how to keep it together when panic was bubbling up in his chest, just, all the time. 
And now he's at the quarry with Billy, who is leaving for California in two weeks, and Steve hasn't slept for a while, and Billy's question rings in his ears. What do you want, after this? There's an unexpected weight to it because Billy's still looking at him instead of at anything else, gaze intense, waiting. I can't tell the truth to your face, Steve wants to say but doesn't. Instead, he sits up on the hood of the Camaro. He looks out at the quarry. He feels unprepared for whatever this is, but then again, he almost always feels that way. He glances back at Billy again, hoping he's looked away, but he hasn't.
Steve takes a deep breath. Here we go, he thinks, the risk effervescent under his skin. He stares into those pretty ocean eyes (and realizes that they don't look sad at all, haven't for a while now), and he tells the truth. This time, he doesn't leave anything out. 
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fallingsunflower · 3 years
Do you think someone can be queer and still queer bait? I think Harry really is bi, but something about the way he does things regarding his sexuality and ‘support’ of the queer community still to me seems very manufactured and done for money and attention. Like sure he waves around the flag on stage and hints around about stuff, but what exactly does he do besides that? What issues has he spoken on? What exactly does he fight for? What has he taken a stand on? How does waving a flag help if you aren’t doing anything else? And sure he may date men in private but it’s like the same damn thing with him for years, wave the flag on stage, but actually date a woman, make some statement that fans interpret as him being gay, but then stunt with a woman, wear a dress or traditionally “feminine” clothes and get people talking about him possibly being trans, but talks about sleeping with women. It just rubs me wrong and I’m tired of it. And I don’t believe it’s “big bad management” closeting him like some people want to believe. Harry is not a baby and he knows this stuff gets people talking about him and he makes money that way. He willingly chooses to do this stuff. I totally get what Billy Porter was complaining about. I think if Harry finally came out, his family, work colleagues, and queer fans would praise him from here to the mountains. He wouldn’t have to worry about getting disowned or struggling like some people would so why can’t he just be honest? Either he knows people would initially be excited about it and then lose interest because (unfortunately) there isn’t much else people talk about regarding him other than his looks, clothes or who he sleeps with, OR maybe he isn’t even really queer. Which one is it? Because all of this seemingly performative stuff he does and making people wonder is he or isn’t he gets old after a while. It’s all doing the bare minimum but not really doing anything at all.
I get it. It's frustrating. I feel similarly and the only thing keeping me from being entirely angry over it is the belief I hold that he's bi, or part of the community to some degree, and even that might be naive or a stretch.
I think it's possible to queer bait if you're queer, at least to some degree. It would have to be a case of you have absolutely no intention of ever coming out, which I worry might be the case with Harry. Not that he should be forced to come out at all, and that's where part of the problem lies. He shouldn't be forced to come out but in my opinion, he should in turn be mindful that some of his actions could be harmful towards the LGBTQ+ community. And I don't mean harmful as in it's the most important thing, because there are far more pressing matters, but it's certainly not helpful.
I don't think Harry's problem lies with his clothing, however. A cis man can wear a dress without identifying as trans, just like a cis woman can wear a suit without identifying as trans. Harry most likely identifies to some degree as metrosexual, although I'm fairly certain that term applies to straight men only. But technically speaking, Harry is straight, at least to the general public. He hasn't identified otherwise. And I know there's the argument that he said he doesn't like to label himself, which is true, but unfortunately that only adds to the sexual ambiguity if you read it as such.
Queer baiting is very common with celebrities - it's not something that's exclusive to Harry, and I also don't think a lot of people are aware of what queer baiting looks like. Billie Eilish was accused of it from her "Lost Cause" video and posting a picture with the caption "I love girls". Ariana Grande was accused of it through her lyrics in "break up with your girlfriend". Calvin Klein/Bella Hadid was accused of queer baiting through an ad where Bella kisses another female. JK Rowling was accused of it by claiming a couple of her characters in Harry Potter identified as gay, even though it was never explicitly said in the books. Harry is accused of it through his "Medicine" lyrics as well as his "Lights Up" music video (amongst other things). Many TV shows and movies also queer bait by promoting LGBTQ relationships but then those having not much presence in the actual product.
In the end, maybe Billie or Ariana is bisexual and we just don't know it. Maybe JK Rowling always had the intention of having gay characters in Harry Potter but only revealed it recently. Maybe Harry is bisexual or gay and just isn't ready to come out. Listen, it's celebrities' information to have - they don't owe it to us. But as the conversation opens up about legitimate representation and statements for likes, it’s fair for many to want answers. The LGBTQ+ needs support, and queerbaiting is not the right way to go about it.
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the-jukebox-system · 3 years
hello!! welcome to the arcade :]
we’ve been wanting to boot up this tumblr for a while now, and we’re finally getting to it. so, here’s our intro post to start off with! alter intros are beneath the cut, though they’re not up to date as of 4/12/2022. everything past the cut has been left for info/tag purposes, but just know that it’s not too accurate as of now!
please read our carrd and pronouns.page before following! our dni is listed in our carrd as well. it’s not fully finished just yet, but the basic info is there at least.
☆ i’m holly, also known as bug, and i’m the host of an osdd-1b system! i’m the local hyperactive shapeshifter of the system, alongside a few others, and am in a relationship with our beloved co-host, billy :]
☆ i’m afab and unsure of what i technically identify as, but i know we collectively identify as agender and my pronouns are she/it, while our collective pronouns are he/him and they/them.
☆ we’re an introject-heavy system of 212 and counting since the majority of my childhood revolved around accidentally making fiction a big comfort as i grew up, but i’m sure there’s many others i’m not aware about yet. yeehaw
☆ we’re always open to questions about certain alters or just our system in general! we don’t usually have much of an issue with answering personal questions, so we’ll just let you know if we can’t answer it.
☆ we used to be known as the vagabond system, but we now go by the jukebox system, due to the fact that there is almost always music playing in our head. i swear, it’s a curse at this point
☆ here’s some of our other blogs, if you’re curious! @track-pad @holly-hockss @hollycharm @fromthe-valley @axolotlsupremacy @paisleys-playhouse
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☆ billy | co-host/protector/avenger | scp introject | sculpture | he/him | billy.txt a 173 introject, mainly based on thehauntedreader’s take on him. therefore, he’s beyond snarky but can’t be rude without feeling somewhat guilty for it thanks to holly’s empathy,, he’s practically the co-host at this point since he’s co-con the most out of everyone, so i guess we just call him that now. he often jumps to the front─if he wasn’t already there─whenever he hears splatoon, hide n’ seek, or sees fanart of him. or his source, i guess-
☆ lawrence | protector | human | he/they | lawrence.txt certified system father figure. used to be co-host, but after everyone else started making themselves known, he took a step back away from the front and now we only usually hear from him if we need his help. a pretty chill guy, if i do say so myself :]
☆ heather | caretaker | human(?) | she/her | heatherfields.txt certified system mother figure, but i don’t think she’s in a relationship with lawrence or anything. she’s really sweet and patient, but is almost always the one to step in and get me to do something specific when i’m feeling bad so i can go ahead and start recovering faster. i’ll be honest, without her, we’d be lost-
☆ paisley / hattie | little | human | she/her | paisley!!.txt precious,,, listen, i don’t like kids at all, but paisley’s an exception for all of us. she gets really excited whenever we look through our old my little pony figures or find something from our childhood that we thought we had lost for good.
☆ mozzy/fish | little | human | they/she | fishtank.txt quiet and patient, but not exactly shy. they love the color purple and looking at fish, hence their tag >:]
☆ everett | chaotic neutral cryptid | human | he/they | everest.txt apparently was either dormant for a while or just hiding out in the headspace for who knows how long until i acknowledged my sudden attachment to the name ‘everett.’ every time i mentioned that name out loud, he’d only get closer to the front, so he’s here now and will only be causing endless chaos from now on. he’s also usually the one to force me to play splatoon at 3 am just because he can. whose mans is this. where did he come from and where did he go
☆ cheryl | human | she/her | southbound.txt bold country mom. she’s been here for a quite a while, i think,, she went dormant for a few months, but she’s back now! her tag is named after a certain country song-
☆ dylan | human | he/him | daylily.txt the shyest out of all of us, which is saying something, ‘cause i’m not sure if any of us are shy. very soft-spoken, likes looking at cottagecore photos and listening to music that’s soft on the ears
☆ hailey | human | she/her | hailey.txt we rarely hear from her or her sibling, harley, but she definitely exists and we love her anyway :]
☆ harley | human(?) | they/them | harley.txt same goes for harley!! they’re also very entertaining to hear from when they do come to the front.
☆ stephanie | human | she/her | steph.txt met her on january 4th while we were sick. i guess stressing out due to being sick and just generally being overwhelmed by my own thoughts caused us to split??
☆ 049 / simon | scp introject | human(?) | he/him | curebird.txt 173 was so damn happy when he showed up!! i’m not sure if he’ll be interested in posting here often, but he usually walks into co-con whenever he’s mentioned, which is fairly often nowadays thanks to how excited billy is.
☆ sans / classic | soother/social protector | undertale introject | skeleton | he/him | humourus.txt this man does nothing but cackle every time i think of a joke or read something that catches his attention. absolutely amazing, my guy
☆ papyrus | undertale introject | skeleton | he/him | thegreatpapyrus.txt tall loud skeleton friend!! - paisley
☆ stretch / papyrus | underswap introject | skeleton | he/him | honeybee.txt sans but tall. he’s really neat so far, but i’ll admit, how and when did we get an underswap introject
☆ fell / sans | underfell introject | skeleton | he/him | fell.txt where did,, he come from
☆ error | errortale introject | skeleton | he/it | error.txt we accidentally forgot about him for a bit since he wasn’t in co-con for a while then started looking at error icons on pinterest, only to learn that he had been around for a few minutes beforehand as he yelled “DID YOU NOW??”
☆ flowey | undertale introject | flower | he/it | yourbestfriend.txt we only started hearing from him recently, while we were cooking dinner. now he jumps into co-con every once and a while to comment on the current conversation, then he goes back into hiding. sarcastic bastard
☆ jevil | deltarune introject | he/they | chaoschaos.txt loud chaotic gremlin with the ability to singlehandedly unnerve everyone in the headspace just by being in the same room as them
☆ spamton | deltarune introject | he/him | spamton.txt literally just met. what do we write about this man probably 3 ft tall. we hold him like cat
☆ snatcher | ahit introject | shadow/spirit | he/they | snatchersnatched.txt usually hiding in his respective area back in the headspace, so you likely won’t see him post here too often. he’s pretty neat, but could probably break my neck if he had the ability to-
☆ ranboo | dsmp introject | enderman | he/him | ranboo.txt we rarely hear from him unless we specifically ask him a question, but he’s really nice to talk to! very sweet :]
☆ orchid | unknown role | shapeshifter | they/he | wormwood.txt no one really knows where they came from, but they’ve been here for a couple of months now and they’re pretty neat. they don’t have eyes, yet they can still see,, we don’t question it. also, i’m pretty sure they have digitigrade legs, since whenever they’re in front i end up walking on my toes and bending my knees a bit. neat
☆ snowdrop | unknown role | mermaid/siren | she/her | lostatsea.txt she prefers not to speak when she’s in the front! i think the only way that we found out about her existence was thanks to the mental images we’d always get whenever she’d come close to the front, of blue gins and fills hovering in the dark. but now she’s much more open and willing to talk to us, which is how i figured out a better name for her. i don’t know if she’s interested in talking on here, but we’ve listed her tag, just in case!
☆ freddy | fnaf introject | animatronic | he/him | fazbear.txt he seems to be really hesitant and curious so far, but it’s fun to talk to him whenever he comes over and sits in co-con for a bit! though, something tells me he’s the reason why i've been wanting to sing so often lately-
☆ golden freddy | fnaf introject | animatronic | he/they | golden.txt also known as goldie! he’s pretty quiet, usually found lingering in co-con, especially if the others are already in the front chatting up a storm.
☆ bonnie | fnaf introject | animatronic | he/they | bonnie.txt he rarely ever comes up to the front, unless it’s a quick check-in, and even then he stays extremely quiet about it. i don’t know if you’d call him shy, though.
☆ flippy | htf introject | he/him | flips.txt the most we’ve heard from him so far would be on the day i properly met him, which wasn’t too long ago. otherwise, he usually only speaks when spoken to.
☆ fliqpy | htf introject | he/him | flick.txt also known as flick, but it can be spelt like fliq as well. he can be really talkative when he wants to be, and will usually come up to the front to spectate when i end up watching something marvel or action-related, seemingly just to commentate on it. also loves the new green cloak my mom bought for us, so he always fronts when i wear it. the definition of chill
☆ benrey | hlvrai introject | he/they | bbbbenrey.txt chaotic eldritch being. he was in the front for 2-3 hours last night as of posting this, and did nothing but cackle and commentate on what i was reading. you’ll probably hear from him a lot on here, but we’ll just have to see-
☆ bunny / aster | rotg introject | he/him | bunnymund.txt i was so tempted to make this man’s tag ‘kangaroo.txt’ but he insisted on bunnymund instead. met him last night, and now that i know he’s been here for a while, that explains the occasional australian accent bursting through-
☆ jack frost | rotg introject | he/him | jackfrost.txt apparently, he’s been here for over three years,,? which i guess makes sense, in terms of when i’ve fixated on what.
☆ monkey king / peaches | lmk introject | he/him | monkeyking.txt literally every single time we encounter him in co-con, i get a mental image of him lounging back on his cloud or hanging upside down. alright, spider-monkey
☆ red son | lmk introject | he/him | redson.txt i didn’t even know he existed in our headspace until i started rewatching a few episodes, and the moment i said his name out loud while talking about how i’m surprised a red son introject hasn’t appeared yet, he immediately jumps into co-con with “well, it looks like you spoke too soon!” he probably won’t post here too often, but we’ll just have to see.
☆ macaque | lmk introject | he/him | macaque.txt currently really quiet since we just met him, but he gets really bitter whenever monkey king is mentioned or sharing co-con with him. he likely won’t post here much, but we’ll just have to see.
☆ ƎNA | introject | they/he/she | ENA.txt will likely type in blue or yellow text if they ever choose to post here! big fan of dreamcore, not to mention our arcade-esque headspace. they said it feels like home :]
☆ imp | twelve/origins introject | he/him | reapercat.txt no one expected this reaper of a cat to show up in our headspace, but here he is! and his tag may or may not be a placeholder, we can’t really think of anything :’]
☆ beetlejuice / beej | bj musical introject | he/they | ghostwiththemost.txt imagine just chilling and then suddenly hearing beetlejuice’s voice commentate on what you’re doing in the back of your head. i’d say he’s pretty close to canon, and he usually prefers to go by ‘beej’ since he still instinctively follows the “don’t say ‘beetlejuice’ three times” rule.
☆ austin | wii deleted you introject | he/him | austin.txt he doesn’t talk too often, unless directly spoken to, otherwise he’s usually chilling in co-con or just,, watching. waiting for drama, i guess-
☆ eteled | wii deleted you introject | he/him | eteled.txt he’s in co-con pretty often, and it’s hard to miss him since i’m pretty sure he has the deepest voice out of everyone here. he might post here every now and then, but we’re not too sure about that yet.
☆ BEN | creepypasta introject | he/they | majorasmask.txt he’s been here for maybe four years, according to what he told us. which makes sense, ‘cause i’m pretty sure that was back when i was going back and forth between hyperfixating on creepypasta and accidentally forgetting about it. he’ll probably end up posting here every once and a while.
☆ bendy | batim introject | he/it | dancingdemon.txt flirty dumb ink demon who keeps getting ink everywhere.
☆ blixer | jsab introject | he/it | boss.txt loud sentient spiky shape. do not give him the guitar, do NOT (i say while he's literally playing the guitar in co-con)
☆ baldi | bbieal introject | he/him | mathman.txt i was not expecting to find any introjects from baldi’s basics, but he’s here now. generally close to canon, i think-
☆ filename2 | bbieal introject | he/him | filename2.txt also known as M. very tired of his voice glitching out, but fortunately it doesn’t do much of that when he’s in co-con.
☆ wybie | coraline introject | he/him | wyborn.txt met him yesterday! he’ll probably post here every now and then since he’s in co-con so often, but i don’t think he’s fronted much.
☆ zelda | breath of the wild introject | she/her | zelda.txt still questioning on whether or not she’s an actual alter since we barely hear from her at all,, we’ll update eventually
☆ giovanni | epithet erased introject | he/him | giovannipotage.txt sweet!! he gets along with paisley and indy really well :]
☆ molly / indy / bear trap | epithet erased introject | she/they | beartrap.txt just met her recently! so far, she’s really sweet.
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oldmanlenz · 3 years
Mun stole this because it looked fun to fill in, so here it is-
Full Name: Billy Lenz
(Note: the name 'Billy' is actually a nickname for William, however I don't want to be 100% accurate in here with identities. Plus I feel like Billy doesn't identify with the actual William name, if you call him that he'd become inconsolable, no doubt in my mind he'd become aggressive too.)
Nicknames: Billy, Bill, Bee, mr. Lenz, mr. Billy, the old Moaner, old man, senior citizen
Place of birth: Good old Toronto, he was born there and he will never get out, not that he wants to. It's unspecified as to exactly where, city/hospital-wise he was born, or if he was born in a hospital at all, the old man can't recall, he's unsure if he even lived in Toronto already back then or if his family moved.
Current location: Toronto. He'll most likely never be able to leave Canada in general, long bus rides stress him out and airplanes scare the shit out of him, he would definitely end up vomiting multiple times on an airplane.
Sexual/romantic orientation: gay gay homosexual gay
Preferred pronouns: he/him and it/it's, mainly. He doesn't care much really, people assumed he was a woman on the phone multiple times too due to his voice impressions.
Sex: yes
Gender: manly man with horrible lifestyle choices
One personality trait they’re proud of having: Close to none. This man is quite ashamed of most things he's ended up becoming.
Defining gestures (i.e. lip twitching, keeping eyes on the ground, etc.): Often fiddles and fidgets with his own (sometimes very shaky) hands, twirls the cord of the telephone when using it to speak to someone else, often holding onto his own gut, tugging/pulling at his own skin(usually from his hands or neck) rather harshly, or gripping tightly at his own sweater(usually when nervous).
(He doesn't exactly have a gentle grip no matter how hard he tries, so he sometimes ends up hurting himself on accident by either squeezing his stomach too hard or have what little fingernails he still has dig too deeply into the skin.)
Speaking style (i.e. fast, loud, stuttering, etc.): A lot of times he just talks gibberish(especially over the phone), and another noticeable thing in his speaking is his stuttering in most sentences he manages to get out of his mouth. Other few times he talks so fast it can come off as gibberish to others.
He's not always a loud talker, he doesn't scream much nowdays since it hurts his ears(when he was younger he was not in a lucid state half the time, so, while screaming did hurt and stress him, he physically was unable to force himself to stop, which stressed him further), but he usually still raises his voice over the phone. Other than that, he keeps his voice on a moderate level, sometimes a bit too hushed.
Insecurities: A lot, going from physical, to social, to delusional.
Positive traits: He's very accepting of things, especially more 'modern' terms and such, even when he doesn't fully understand them, he welcomes it. Besides that, he's quite clever too, despite how out of control he used to be, he was and still is able to find out some kind of way to weasel around what he does.
Negative traits: He's got...maybe a bit too many, his impulsivity being one of the top ones, since he still sometimes acts on impulse without properly thinking about what he gets himself into. He's always been a tad egocentric/selfish as well, over the years it went from being a more reasonable sort of self-centered thinking, mostly due to him being homeless and resorting to breaking into people's attics to get warm back then, to a slightly more childlike one now, choosing to continue to break into people's houses for shits and gigs(and if he gets caught he panics, like a child who just got caught with their hands in the cookie jar, then gets mad), he just finds this to be entertaining and a fun way to 'conversate' to other individuals, since his people skills are awful.
Other people’s opinions of them: Either the classic "great uncle George there has been smoking from the wrong pipe again", to getting called a pervert over the phone, the usual. To absolutely no one's surprise the guy almost always comes off as creepy or 'not all there' even when he's genuinely trying to socialize properly.
Three words to describe them: Libido. Attic. Rat.
One major turning point in their life: The day he finally broke down and knew/planned to kill both his parents, that action alone is sort of what ended up spiraling into him being completely unable to control himself. Along with that, the day Agnes escaped from the basement of their house and (finally) got away from him, he felt betrayed and abandoned(in his mind he had this delusional belief that his sister was the only person he could trust and understand him), even if he Knew he had hurt her.
If they could time travel, when would they go? He'd go get some good waffles at the very first waffle house ever opened in 1955 so he'd be the first customer to step foot inside that building.
Ideal romantic partner: Literally anyone with enough patience to deal with him and his breakdowns, and responsible enough to take care of him and keep him under control.
Favourite way to waste time: He was nicknamed The Moaner over the phone for a reason, and that reason just so happens to be his favourite hobby.
Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen? One out of three things, most likely. He either starts drawing on it, writing whatever comes to mind, or he begins to eat the paper and nibble on the pencil.
View on home and family? In the past? Disastrous and terrifying. Right now? Still somewhat disastrous but with some more stability and...best part of all: HE gets to control his own life! Finally! Plus, Billy now has three lovely kitties to take care of🥰
Any secret stashes? He has a big stash of plushies and dolls in his attic, half of which he stole from homes all around his neighborhood, because he thinks he deserves toys more than actual children.
How do they express themselves? It depends. Sometimes the old man might just throw a snowball in your face just to tell you "good morning" with a shit-eating grin on his face, other times he might creep into your house and leave you an anonymous written letter on your dining table, other times he just wants to have a laugh or rub one out so he calls you on the phone from inside your own house before beginning his usual conversation about female genitalia and big boy manly male genitalia.
He's grown smarter from his previous experiences with breaking and entering too, now he purposefully breaks into people's attics with a telephone(or takes one from inside the house), plugs it in, and if he does get the police involved again, to avoid getting tracked he just leaves and either leaves the telephone in there too or he takes it with himself.
What did they want to be when they grew up? He only wanted to be away from his mother, fear and anger took up any space for a dream job in his mind back in the day.
What do you like most about them? I don't....know honestly, everything I suppose? I find the idea of an anonymous, perverted character like this, having reached old age and still being able to keep up his harassing calls, to be stupidly entertaining and interesting since I like to dig deep into his personality.
One or more plots you’re dying to have: Nothing special right now, to be frank. Buuut I wish I could dig deeper on how he met his partner and how their first few interactions were like.
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angelicichor · 4 years
Hey! Can I have a fluffy request for Billy Lenz? Like he’s sleeping (I imagine he would sleep during the day) and all the he’s startled awake by the loud sound of a rock song (like California son by lucifer, I would of chosen an actual 70s song but this is the one that inspired this) starting and when he peeks down to investigate he sees Y/N loudly singing and dancing alone in the sorority house. Your writing kicks ass! -Khaki🖤🤘🏻
G O D ofcourse I can!! This is ADORABLE. Warning for some N//SF//W language UvU ♥
A rather rude wake u--oh. (Billy Lenz)
There is a dream - one of a quiet winter night, with cold air and snow getting crunched under warm boots. One with coats and hats and a sweet, sweet person, taking a happy Billy by the hand and pulling him forward, to a lake, so they can look at ALL the people skating and being happy and he was about to learn how to do that too!!  Except the quiet forest started getting louder and louder and before he knew it, Billy sat up, shooting awake with loud music filling his ears and triggering every destructive instinct in his body to destroy whatever was waking him up from a sweet winter dream, back to the HORRENDOUS reality of a summer morning.
He came down front the attic and rushed downstairs, searching room after room to try and identify where the noise came from, but the sorority house was big and had a lot of echo if the doors were left open, so it wasn’t exactly that easy.  Finally he managed to focus enough to realize that the only person besides him that should be in the house was you and that lead him to almost rush down your door, that is, until he heard your voice, singing the same lyrics as the song that ruined his dream, but that was enough to make him slow down.
For once he didn’t just barge in, instead bearing with the noise and peeking in, only for his eyes to widen at the sight of you, in your pajamas, with messy hair, dancing away like nobody was watching.  His eyes followed your movements for what felt like a wonderful eternity, until one spin went wrong and you ended up on the floor with a loud thud, still laughing and continuing to sing your song, feeling like a rock star, but while dancing might’ve kept him away, seeing you on the ground was too much and soon enough you felt a weight on your hips and looking up your eyes met with his. “Oh.” With a sudden realization of being watched your face turned a tad bit pink. “Lenz... how long were you watching...?” He shrugged his arms in return, lowering himself just enough to press his forehead against yours, entangling your hands together. It was not the most comfortable position you’ve ever been with, but it was cute in its own way. “I’d take your ass and FUCK IT like a DOG, just BREED YOU like a BITCH, but then you could get pregnant and have babies and I don’t want that, no, no filthy wailing crotch demons to take you away from me, too annoying and hard to keep alive, no, but you’re too beautiful not to touch, my [y/n]. My sweet, sweet [y/n]. Mine. Mine.” he growled at you, making it almost impossible not to blush a bit more, but looking at his face let you know that despite everything it wasn’t him just being a pervert. His eyes were excited, like ones of a child who just saw a butterfly for the first time, he was purely mesmerized. You let a small giggle escape you. “Well, aren’t you a charmer.” The slyness of your voice didn’t escape him and soon enough it was his turn to blush, as he got up and pulling you with him, he sat on your bed, placing you on his lap, hugging you tightly. “Words are hard.” He mumbled, allowing you to kiss his forehead in return for being gentle with you. “I know they are, love, I know. So what brings you to me, hungry?” “No... I had a dream. That YOU interrupted with your STUPID LOUD BANGING NOISE, but...” His face nuzzled lightly into your back. “It’s fine... you’re as pretty as that dream, my beautiful, beautiful [y/n]. You’re as pretty as winter.” “...oh.” To say that you didn’t expect these words coming from him would be an understatement, but they warmed your heart more than anything else. “I... Thank you, Billy. I suppose I was right to call you charming, huh?”
You stayed quiet for a while, just so he could take in your scent and warmth, relax himself after an annoying wake up, but the summer heat was a bit too much for either one of you to handle. “Hey, want to go outside and play with the water sprinkler? I don’t think anyone will be there to look...” You offered and his head shoot up faster than you thought possible. “What is that?” His curious nature shined through and you couldn’t help to smile, nodding at him to let you go and grabbing his hand to show him the wonder of a different season this time around. Just be careful with how many clothes go missing during your time outside.
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lightofthemoonglow · 4 years
truly madly deeply
This is a prequel of sorts to my other poly!Ghostface fic but you don’t have to read it. But it’d be a lot cooler if you did. 
The reader character can be interpreted as black, latina, half of either or both. 
Takes place in an AU where Billy and Stu were smarter/less psychotic about their murder spree and framed Cotton for multiple murders, not just Maureen’s, as well as their attempted murders. I had this thought: what if Billy decided to take his anger out on shitty adults? and it bled into this fic. 
This is part one of two. Part two is the fun stuff, if you know what I mean.
Edit: Part Two doesn’t contain the fun stuff, but they do figure their stuff out. Part Three does have the fun stuff
Contains: drug use, mentions of attempted assault, murder. 
They had noticed you at the same time. As the flames of the bonfire had made it seem like your face was glowing, a beacon for them, the pair had been hit with the same thought: there she is, our missing piece.
Billy and Stu had almost skipped the bonfire that night, only going because they had been told there would be free beer at the very last moment. It was the summer before their senior year of college, and they had come home for the last few weeks of vacation after their internships had wrapped up and they needed to do something to fill the time before they went back to USC. So, they had come home, even though Sidney and Randy were in New York and Tatum was in Paris.
The bonfire party was full of familiar faces, though neither of them could call anyone there a friend. Your face was a little more familiar than the rest, since you had been in their graduating class and worked at the video store but more importantly, your house was right behind Billy’s. Your backyards were separated by a chain-link fence that both Billy and Stu had climbed countless times coming and going from the Loomis house. Despite living so close together, you and Billy had never been friends. The most significant interaction you had ever had with Billy and Stu had been back in the fifth grade. Your mom had left, and Mrs. Loomis had sent Billy over to your house with a casserole, Stu tagging along. What Billy remembered most about that day was how his mom had judged yours, saying “What sort of heartless woman would abandon her own child?” in a tone that just made her statement extra ironic in hindsight.  
Some asshole who had also been in their graduating class, Grant, had come up to you when ‘Brown Sugar’ by The Rolling Stones had begun to play and asked you to dance. The flash of murderous anger in your eyes had been what initially caught their attention. You had then asked Grant why he would be asking you to dance to that particular song and your cold amusement at his attempts to answer had been what sealed the deal for both of them. It was if you had been toying with your prey, even though all you had done was embarrass him.
Later that night, as you had danced to ‘Butterfly’ by Crazy Town, Billy and Stu both felt like you were dancing just for them. Your shirt had slipped down and they noticed your butterfly tattoo across the back of your right shoulder. Stu was the one who noticed the tattoo of some flowers he couldn’t identify that seemed to run along your entire left thigh and imagined you telling him what it was while his face was between your legs.  
“You saw her, right?” Billy asked later that night, looking into Stu’s eyes, only wanting to go forward if he was on board. They had never really discussed the possibility of a third, but it was clear that they would only be a triad. Nothing else was acceptable.
“Fuck, I did. She was…she’s…” Stu couldn’t find the words for what he had felt, what he now knew. He was overwhelmed in the moment, joyous to learn that Billy had seen you too.
“Ours. She’s ours.” Billy had grabbed his chin, looking deadly serious, his voice harsh.
They started observing you the very next morning, watching you from Billy’s bedroom window. Somehow, even when he had been at peak horny teenage boy, Billy had never noticed that he could see inside your bedroom from his. They watch you wake up, wearing the shirt you had worn to the party and a pair of panties. Sadly, you walk out of view before you can take anything off, much to their consternation. They nicknamed you ‘Butterfly’.
Okay, what they do is more like stalking. But they don’t have a lot of time left in Woodsboro so they needed to take in as much of you as they could to make up for over a decade’s worth of lost time. And it was a good thing, since you wound up needing them.
One night, Grant had followed you as you had walked home from work, drunk and angry. You had cut through the park in your attempt to get away from him and when Billy and Stu had been able to catch up with you, he had been on top of you, trying to tear off your shirt as you screamed. But before they could do anything, you took the matter into your own hands. You had hit him on the head with a rock, making him roll off of you and then you had hit him again.
For a few moments, you had just stared at the body. And as if you were in a trance, you put the rock down and walked home, your clothes still in disarray. Stu had wanted to follow you home, but Billy knew that they needed to take care of this, for you. They needed to protect you.
They had driven the body to the woods and made it look like he had fallen into a ravine, leaving beer bottles with his fingerprints nearby so it would look like he had been drinking in the woods. Billy had slipped into your room as you slept and stolen all of your bloody clothing. They would be cut up and burned, the ashes thrown in the trash. Turned out, there was an upside to you not being part of their circle. No one would think to connect you to them.
When you had woken up, all evidence of your crime was gone, and no one was talking about Grant’s murder. No one even knew he was dead. No one but the three of you. You had been on edge for days and Billy had needed to physically hold Stu back to keep him from going to you. He was barely resisting the urge, but it was for the best. They would need more time with you, they couldn’t just spring this on you and then need to be apart for months. Waiting would be torture, but it would be worth it.
Soon, you would be theirs, they would be yours and the three of you would never have to be apart again.
The morning after that night in the park, you had woken up in a cold sweat, half expecting to see the cops standing over your bed. But there had been no bloody clothes in your room and when you had gone into work, no one was talking about Grant. And you had started to wonder if it had even happened. But near the end of October, Grant’s body had finally been found and you had been confused, but relieved. His death had been declared an accident. Maybe you hadn’t killed him. His body had been too decomposed to pin down an exact date of death, so maybe he hadn’t even died that night.
You hadn’t returned to Woodsboro for Christmas or Spring Break, so your return after graduating college had been the first time you had set foot in your hometown since you had left, terrified that you would be forced to return in handcuffs. But that fear had passed. You could go back home, work at the video store until you figured out what to do next with your life, see some of your old friends without that hanging over your head. Your dad was going to be away for work until September, so you had the house to yourself.
On your first day back, you had been unpacking in your bedroom when you had looked out the window to see Billy Loomis was also back home. You pretended to be unpacking as you watched him take off his shirt, averting your eyes once his hands went to his fly. While you liked to think you were above such things now, you hadn’t been back in high school. When Stu Macher was over there, that just made you want to watch more.
You had been nursing a crush on both of them since the fifth grade, your feelings only fading while you were at college but whenever you were back in town and happened to see them, they would flare up again for a little while.
It had been hard to explain to yourself, so you had never told a soul that you felt the same about both of them. That it truly was equal, and you wouldn’t be able to pick, so if one of them somehow noticed you, that is who you would choose. But of course, they were way out of your league. So, you had pined from afar for years, wishing that one of them would look at you and really see you. At the bonfire last summer, the beers you had downed had given you the courage to look at them as you had danced, trying to entice them with your eyes, but it had seemingly failed. Neither of them had come up to you and you had gone home that night feeling like an idiot.
The gifts had started showing up on your second day home. You had gone to get the paper and nearly stepped on the envelope. A gift card to your favorite coffee place in town, the handwriting on the envelope unfamiliar. All it said was ‘To Butterfly’. Your hand touched the back of your shoulder and you quickly went inside, wondering if you were being watched.
Which you were, just not from the front.
You went to the video store later that day to see about getting some hours and ran into Billy, who actually smiled and talked to you. You managed to play it cool, even when he offered to walk home with you. “We’re practically going to the same place, so why not?” he had said, lazily half-smiling. Of course, you had agreed.
The two of you talked about college and how weird it was moving back home. Both Billy and Stu had moved back home for a while, as they also needed to figure some shit out. “Maybe we can all figure out some shit together,” you jokingly suggested, feeling rather bold
“Yeah, we could,” Billy had responded, making your knees weak. He walked with you up to the front door, where another gift was waiting. A CD this time, Selena’s Dreaming of You album. Which you had owned until your roommate had borrowed and lost it a few months ago. A sticky note with ‘To Butterfly’ was stuck on the front of the CD, but the handwriting was different this time.
Billy had come up behind you, close enough for you to feel his breath on your neck. “Looks like you have a secret admirer,” he chuckled, and you had needed a moment to remember to breathe.  
“Probably just one of my friends being weird,” you joked, running a hand through your hair. Billy had just smirked and left, cutting through your backyard so he could hop the fence.  
The next day was your first day back at work and during the mid-day slump, Stu showed up. He was all smiles, as usually, giddily saying your name when he saw you. That was a surprise. You didn’t even think he knew your name.
“So, is it true that the manager whacks it in his office when you guys get new pornos in?” Stu asked as he sat on the counter as you processed returns. Your shift was going to be over soon, just as soon as your relief came in.
“Where did you hear that?” you asked.
“Well, I’ve never seen it. Karen says she heard him once.” You did not want to find out for yourself, so you stayed away from the office on the third Tuesday of every month. Speaking of Karen, she arrived a few minutes later to relieve you, rolling her eyes at the sight of Stu on the counter, but greeting the both of you in a friendly manner.
She was the one who checked out Stu’s rentals as you clocked out and went to grab your stuff from the break room. Much to your surprise, on top of your backpack was a plastic bag containing your favorite snack and soft drink. When you touched the bottle, it was still cold. Weird. There isn’t a card or sticky note this time, but you know who it’s from.
But hey, free snacks are free snacks and you shared with Stu as he walks to Billy’s, which means he walks with you. In return, he insisted on giving you a piggyback ride to your house, your legs locked around his waist and your boobs getting very close to his head at times. The stories he told about USC made you laugh, which only encouraged him to tell you more. When he dropped you off at home, Stu made you promise to tell him some of your own wild college tales.
The little gifts continued to show up. It was never anything major, little things that would have been cute to get from a boyfriend. It was a little less cute from a stranger.
By the time the 4th of July rolled around, the gifts and seeing Billy and Stu nearly every day had made you a bit of a mess. You were afraid of making an ass out of yourself. It was hard enough acting normal when they came to the store because they were actually talking to you now. Sometimes, they would just hang out and shoot the shit with you for ages, sometimes hours. Stu could have been flirting, but that was just the way he behaved around everyone. Billy did sometimes stare at you for a bit too long, but you figured that there had been something on your face or your hair was doing something weird. It had been those talks that had reignited your old crushes. But now, you thought about them when you were in bed, alone. You always started thinking of one of them, but it eventually turned into it being the both of them. Last night, you hadn’t even bothered with the pretense and imagined it being the three of you. You were afraid that if you saw them, they would be able to tell and laugh at you. So even though Stu had invited you to his 4th of July party himself, you almost hadn’t gone. Stu usually didn’t invite people personally, as he usually just announced the party and anyone who heard could show up.
But your best friend, Megan, had pleaded with you to come with her, saying she would owe you three and that you didn’t even have to stay the whole time. So, you had agreed to go, wearing a pair of denim cut-offs that showed off maybe a bit too much leg and a battered Evil Dead t-shirt you had found at a thrift store a couple years ago.
It was the usual wild affair, as to be expected by a party that also functioned as a high school reunion. One would think that people wouldn’t want to party in a house where two of their peers almost died at the hands of a maniac, but people continued to show up even at the first party held after the murders. You had shown up, lurking in a corner, nursing a soda.
But this time, you were joining the festivities. You were dancing, talking to your old classmates. You were in a good enough mood to join in on taking Ecstasy with some of your old peers, even as you heard Randy start in on the rules.
Billy and Stu had started looking for you as soon as they had seen Megan in the kitchen, downing a beer and flirting with Steve Orth. They found you with the group taking X and when they had been offered some, they decided to join in. They didn’t want you to be at a disadvantage and were totally fine with it even if it delayed things for a little while. Seeing you in an Evil Dead shirt just confirmed that you had been the right choice.
The past couple of weeks had been a fun game, but they were ready to move forward very soon. Lucky for them, you had the same roommate for all four years of college and that roommate kept a very detailed blog chronicling her college experience. They had poured through the entries, which included pictures, to find out as much as they could about you. And they had learned quite a lot. Billy had commented on how this much information could have been dangerous in the wrong hands. But the worst thing that come had of it was Stu becoming obsessed with ‘Bidi Bidi Bom Bom’ for a few weeks. They had been able to find their copy of the video store’s backdoor key and had been using it to leave presents for you at work.
They lose track of you while they’re taking their share of the X, finding you on the dance floor when it’s starting to kick in for them. You’re dancing alone to ‘Shoop’, swaying your body in that way they’ve become very familiar with since they’ve started watching you.
‘Shoop’ ended, and the familiar opening of ‘Butterfly’ began. It was a sign from the universe. Stu was the first one to approach you, coming up behind you and putting his hands on your hips. You were giggling but didn’t push him away. Billy watched for a little while, very much enjoying the sight of Stu dancing with you. The two of you moved together perfectly, as if you had been dancing together for your entire lives.
Billy joined in as the chorus started up for the second time, sliding in front of you, his hands going right above Stu’s. You look a little surprised, but that was quickly replaced by a sweet smile and your arms loosely slung over his shoulders. You smell so good and he can smell Stu as well, the old and comforting scent mixing in with yours and he nearly groans as it hits him. You felt so good, even through the thin fabric of your t-shirt and both of them couldn’t wait to feel your bare skin.
You looked up into Billy’s dark eyes and felt desire pool in the pit of your gut. You could feel Stu against your back, sending that desire southbound. Their hands were practically burning through the cotton of your t-shirt, you swore you could feel each of their fingers. Billy was smirking as the three of you moved together in perfect sync. Normally, you would have been thinking this into the ground, wondering what they were doing, if there was a scheme in place.
But right now, you were just going with the moment. Everything felt so good, it was just a beautiful night and the music was great. All you wanted to do was dance, practically feeling the music in your blood. They could practically feel the music as well and as cliché as it sounded, they enjoyed the contrast of your skin against theirs.
The three of you dance together for several songs, the guys changing positions a few times. You were always in the middle, smiling the whole time. It almost feels like you’re floating at several points, even before Stu picks you up and carries you outside when it’s time for the fireworks. You’re seated between them on the grass, the three of you marveling over how it felt to have your legs touching. Someone handed one of you a bottle of water and the three of you took turns hydrating each other.
For a while, the three of you stayed out there, just staring up at the night sky. Billy had an arm around you and Stu had his head on your shoulder, near your boob. None of you wanted to move, finding an odd sort of peace with each other. When Megan found you, she grabbed your hand and hauled you up, ruining the moment. Even Billy was still too blissed out to even kind of want to kill her.
Things continued as normal for a little while longer. Mysterious gifts, the two of them coming to the store to talk to you in person and then following you around. Though after the party, they started coming to the video store together, as opposed to one at a time. They just needed an opening, something perfect. Life was one big movie, after all.
You had spent the two days after the party worrying that you had been too weird. It didn’t mean anything, you assured yourself. It was just what happened when people did X together. You had woken up in your own bed, still smelling like both of them. You would never admit that you had fingered yourself almost as soon as you had realized that, nor that you had taken a couple of days to wash your shirt.
But they had popped into the video store the next time you were working and everything went as normal. You were restocking the Action section and Stu greeted you with a ‘hello, baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gal’, grabbing your hands to spin you around. You laughed, all of your anxiety just falling away. Billy just watched, leaning against the wall shelf of new releases.
“You’re going to give Y/N a heart attack one of these days and then we’ll have nobody to tell us when the new releases are coming out,” Billy drawled and you rolled your eyes.
“Billy Loomis, I thought you loved me for me, not my inside knowledge,” you teased, going back to the cart so you could actually work for once while they were here.
“You caught me, Y/n. The jig is up.” Billy was smirking, his brows raised just a tad.
“Don’t worry about him, you got me, baby! I love ya.” Stu ruffled your curls and you blew him a kiss.
Turned out, things could change for the better. Things are mostly the same, but there is a lot more ease with your interactions. It’s borderline flirtatious at times on both ends now. By the time Final Destination 2 was released on DVD and VHS, you could safely call the two of them your friends.  
“Have you seen this yet?” Billy asked, holding up the aforementioned movie.
“No. And I’ll have to wait to see it.” Employees couldn’t check out new releases until they had been out for a week, which was a fair rule. Though you were salty about this particular movie, due to having loved the first one. Which Billy and Stu knew. Your roommate had blogged about it.
“Not unless you come hang out with us tonight,” Stu suggested. They had discussed it and agreed that tonight was the night. Billy’s dad was out of town, so he had his house all to himself. They didn’t want you to feel cornered and knew that if you were at Billy’s you would be more at ease, since your house was so close by.
“I’ll bring the popcorn,” you replied, feeling all sorts of giddy.
You climbed the fence and knocked on the back door that night. You had changed into the same denim cutoffs as the party and a black racerback tank top, grabbing a shirt at random. This was not the time to agonize over clothing choices. It wasn’t a date. You were just hanging out with friends. Who you had intense sexual fantasies about.
Despite the couch in Billy’s rec room being rather large, the three of you were all in the middle, less than a hand’s width between your bodies. You wound up in the middle, the bowl of popcorn in your lap. During the premonition scene, you winced and buried your face in Billy’s shoulder for a moment when the log crashed through the cop’s car. When Tony Todd showed up, you grabbed Stu’s hand out of sheer excitement.
By the end of the movie, the three of you were comfortable on the couch, the bowl of popcorn now on the coffee table. “Did it hurt?” Billy whispered in your ear as he traced the edge of one of the butterfly wings inked onto your shoulder.
“Not really,” you said, your voice hitching as you felt his breath on your skin and his fingers move the strap of your tank top so he could get a better look.
“What about this one?” Stu inquired, his fingers running along your thigh, tracing the stem and petals of the honeysuckle and orchids tattoo.
“A little bit. Nothing I couldn’t handle.” You were starting to get wet, especially as Stu’s fingers get a little higher, near the hem of your shorts.
“That’s our girl,” Billy chuckles and you bite your lower lip to keep from shuddering.
“Yeah, we know you’re strong,” Stu chimed in.
“How do you know that?” you asked, your breathing becoming heavier. Billy’s answer made your blood run cold.
“We know what you did last summer.”
Part two will be coming soon. Hopefully. And while this is the first time the reader character in one of my works is explicitly not white, they usually aren’t in my head, probably because I’m (to use the trope name) also ambiguously brown. Just a fun fact for y’all. 
The X scene was inspired by the scream tv series episode with ayahuasca, though I actually thought that episode could have been scarier and by my desire for them to have a bonding moment. Plus, I liked the image of them being all happy and watering each other. 
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
I know you have a dad hop thing already going. But I can’t stop thinking about hop going round to tell billy his dad had been in a car accident and offer condolences and not at all getting the expected reaction from billy xoxp
Hop stared at the house.
He was idling out front, had driven past the house three times already.
He needed to do this.
He sighed, turning off the car.
Get outta the car, Jim.
He took his hat with him as he went, rapping on the front door. He heard the music playing faintly from inside the house turn off.
Billy had a cigarette in his mouth when he opened the door.
Hopper watched as Billy’s spine went ramrod straight, as he dumped the cigarette in an ash tray on the side table by the sofa.
“Uh, how can I help you?”
“I, um, I have some unfortunate news.” Billy stared at him. “May I come in?”
“Yes, sorry, Chief. Come in.” He noticed Billy wipe his palms off on his jeans as he closed the door behind Hop. “Can I get you anything? A drink?”
“No, kid. Thanks.” He gestured for Billy to sit in the armchair across from the sofa Hop had perched himself on.
Billy sat stiffly, didn’t fidget, didn’t move.
“There’s, there’s no easy way to say this.” Hop took a breath, his eyes wandering to the pictures on the mantelpiece.
There weren’t any of Billy.
“Your father was in an accident early this morning. Hit some black ice and slid out, smashed into a tree.” Hopper leaned forward. “Billy, I’m sorry, but your father didn’t make it.”
Billy blinked.
“You, he’s dead?”
“The paramedics were called, but when they arrived on the scene, it was already too late. I’m so sorry.”
“Does Susan know?”
“She’s at the station. We needed to bring her in to identify the body.”
“The body,” Billy muttered to himself, scrubbing one hand down his face.
He was up and out of his seat, pacing behind the chair.
“He’s, he’s gone.”
He whirled around, and planted his fist right through the wall.
His hand was bloody when he pulled it from the drywall. Hopper stared as he pulled his hands through his hair, tugging on the ends of it.
“Fucker really kicked it.”
And then Hop watched with abject fucking horror as Billy collapsed.
It was like it happened in slow motion, his knees giving out underneath him, his body hitting the floor with a thud.
He was sobbing, his shoulders shaking and heaving.
Hop knelt next to him.
“I’m sorry, I know it hurts, losing a parent-”
“I’m not hurt, I’m fucking relieved.” His voice was wrecked. “I don’t, he can’t, he’s gone.”
And Hop knew what that was like, had this exact same breakdown his first night at basic training.
He can’t touch me anymore.
“You’re safe, kid. He can’t get you anymore.” Billy sat up slowly, tucking his face into his knees, taking deep breaths.
“What’s gonna happen to me?” His voice was small, muffled by his knees. “System?”
“Susan’s got custody of you. So, unless she’s established as an unfit parent, she’s got you and Max.”
Billy took a shaky breath, looking up at Hopper.
“So, I can stay here?”
“Long as you want.” Hop put a hand on his shoulder, tried to be comforting. “You’re safe, Billy. Really safe.”
Billy gave him a weak smile.
“I gotta make a call. I’m good, Chief. Thank you for comin’ by.”
“I haven’t told your kid sister, yet. She’s with my girl. You want me to tell her?”
“Um, I can pick her up. Just gotta, gotta make a call.”
“Well, alright. I’ll step outside, you can follow me there.” Billy nodded at him, wiping his face.
Hop stepped out onto the enclosed porch, lighting a cigarette.
He doesn’t know how he didn’t see it, didn’t see obvious fucking child abuse until it was too late to do anything about it. Good fucking riddance.
He could hear Billy through the front door, could hear yeah, he fucking bit it, and come over tonight. Don’t wanna hide you no more.
He was zipping up his coat, tugging on a hat as he followed Hop to the street, getting in his own car.
Hop kept glancing at him in the rear view mirror, made sure he didn’t lose it again.
He let Billy into the cabin, Max giving him an odd look.
“Max, we gotta talk.”
And maybe it was the softness in his voice, the way his eyes were still red, his cheeks still blotchy.
But Max didn’t make a fuss, hugged El goodbye and followed Billy into the Camaro.
It was quiet as they drove home, Billy’s grip tight on the steering wheel.
Billy opened his mouth, closing it. He did that three times.
Max just let him build it up, knew it must be something bad. Maybe his dad kicked him out or something. Maybe her mom was finally leaving that asshole.
“Neil is, uh, he’s-” he took a shaky breath. “Neil died. This morning. Hop just told me.”
“Wait, he’s, is this a joke? Because it’s not funny.”
“God’s honest truth. Your mom had to i.d. the body and everything.”
“How did...?” She trailed off, staring out the front windshield.
“Car accident. Total fluke.”
It was silent in the car. They were close to their street.
“Is it bad that I’m not, sad?” Billy hummed.
“I’m not either.” His voice was soft. “I’m, I feel lighter.”
“What’re we even gonna do at home now? Like, we can just live.”
“I know. I invited Steve over tonight. I was always too scared to bring him here.” He was pulling into his covered spot behind the house, staring at the empty spot where his dad’s car usually sat.
“That’ll be nice. Maybe we could order food. Mom won’t really be in any place to cook tonight.”
He nodded slowly at her.
And Max didn’t see it coming, never in a million years did she Billy launch himself over the center console, and pull her into a tight hug.
She hugged him back, didn’t really know what else to do.
“We’re gonna be okay.” She didn’t know if he was reassuring her, or himself. “We’re gonna be okay.”
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jonbernthalslut · 3 years
ok no ones gonna read this but i don’t care bc my brain is full as shit rn
in age of ultron steve can’t lift mjolnir but in endgame he can so one can ask what exactly changed
civil war
steve knew that the winter solider murdered howard and maria stark bc obviously when he was trying to find bucky he found out everything he possibly could and in age of ultron he’s keeping that secret
how could one be worthy of the power of thor while keeping a secret like that from someone so close to him? obviously he wasn’t but the hammer moved a little. because he was still steve rogers and he was close
and then tony finds out and steve spends the next few years fighting his ass off to save the world and save all of the people he cares about and he doesn’t have this secret anymore and he’s just whole and good. so he’s worthy.
1. darcy lewis was a fucking POLISCI MAJOR and met the god of thunder and now she’s a fucking astrophysicist. and ITS DR DARCY LEWIS WHAT AJ ICON and also she’s so cute i’m in love with her
2. agatha fucking harkness. agnes absolutely knows what’s going on and is possibly behind it. she’s completely off her rocker in the comic books. agnes is the one constantly showing up to “help” wanda. she’s the only one who kind of breaks character and doesn’t freak about it like she literally asks wanda to restart the scene. maybe she created the entire reality and she’s the one doing this
3. whoever did create the reality because i’m 80% sure it wasn’t wanda has an ulterior motive. they obviously didn’t create this sitcom shit to give wanda her happiness. i’d bet money theyre after the kids who in the comics come from shards of mephisto’s soul and are incredibly powerful. the only reason they’d give wanda the family she wants. ie vision and the kids would be to get these children whether to use them as weapons or kill them to gain more power
4. MEPHISTO. okay in the comics this asshole gives her the kids and i cant remember if he wanted to weaponize or kill them. either way i’d bet the kids aren’t identified because they weren’t real before west view. aka they were created within the anomaly. in the comics everything he does drives wanda so mad she breaks the multiverse
5. multiverse. in the comics wanda breaks the multiverse. it has been confirmed she is connected to dr stranges multiverse of madness which begins after wandavision season one. i personally think that wanda will break the multiverse (possibly having something to with evan peters pietro (peter) maximoffs appearance in wandavision (the x men could join the mcu seeing as disney bought out the franchise)
6. vision. so i don’t think vision is a corpse anymore. i also don’t think he’s connected to the mindstone at least like he was. vision has shown sympathy before but the emotions he shows in wandavision (especially episode 5) is something more. he’s never gotten angry at wanda like he did. he’s never been confused like he is. vision has never been unaware. i think someone else brought vision back, either agatha or mephisto or some other villian marvel will bring in. before episode 5 vision has never really questioned this reality before but something changed and i can’t really pinpoint what. honestly if anyone figures out what’s going on i think it’ll be vision
6. wanda has also never shown she has the power to bring someone back from the dead AND if she can, i don’t think she would. when sparky dies and billy and tommy beg her to bring him back she says ‘we cannot reverse death no matter how sad it makes us’ and wanda has seen so much death in her life. her parents, pietro and vision. not to mention all the people she killed in lagos and everyone who died in sokovia in age of ultron. not once in her grief of pietro is it shown she tried to bring him back.
7. wanda didn’t start this. she literally says in episode five ‘i don’t even know how any of this staryed’ so maybe mephisto or agatha promised her vision and a family to sort of trick or sate her to get what the want. wanda has been thru a lot yes but nothing so far has pointed to her losing it like this. if it is wanda then it would have to be a complete character change because the wanda we know so far would never enslave and warp people’s minds like this, so permantly (so far) and so widespread. she would be essentially holding an entire hound hostage which just seems out of character for the girl that killed the love of her life, who begged her to, just to save the world. also when she re-enters west view after giving the drone back to sword the force field goes from the blue we’ve been seeing to red indicating someone else’s power is present.
8. pietro!!! so obviously it isn’t the pietro we know. it’s evan peters pietro which is leading to me questioning if whoever created this anomaly mahbe has the power to pull people from another universe. it would be really cool if our first introduction of the x men j to the mcu is peter maximoff. either way pietro’s return is further evidence it’s not wanda creating and controlling the anomaly. when there’s a knock at the door she says i didn’t do that. and she is completely thrown off when she sees pietro. she doesn’t even recognize him at first because obviously it isn’t the same pietro. but id bet that like dottie and agnes sword cant identify pietro either since he probably wasn’t somebody that existed in this universe. i don’t think peter maximoff would willingly work with someone like mephisto or agatha unless he was tricked but i’d bet he literally just doesn’t know what’s going on
9. monica woo and darcy!! i don’t really have many theories about them but i am very very glad that these characters who were previously just side characters in marvel movies that aren’t as widely appreciated as say iron man or the avengers are being given bigger roles!!! i would definitely like to know why monica is uncomfortable talking about carol though? it’s a very big change from the monica we met in captain marvel.
10. hayward. man this guy SUCKS. the only other person we’ve reallt seen talk about wanda like he did was thaddeus ross when he was trying to get the avengers to sign the sokovia accords after lagos. he calls her a terrorist and brings up her history with hydra, talks about the people she killed in lagos and basically insinuates that she’s a villain (which darcy and woo visibly disagree with as id imagine a lot of people do seeing as wanda was key in defeating thanos and bringing people back from the blip, helped save the world after ultron tried to blow it to hell and earned the trust and respect of earths mightiest heroes) i wouldn’t be surprised if he works for hydra or even aim if that makes its presence in the mcu
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