#‘okay but does anyone know who the one tall guy is? i swear i’ve seen him [insert place none of them should ever be]’ four stars heart emoji
bisexualboysbroadcast · 10 months
anybody else want to see the TripAdvisor reviews for the playboyy club???
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cinematicsoph · 2 years
you don't go to parties [chapter three]
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You Don't Go To Parties - Chapter Three
Rating: PG-13 ish
Warning: swearing, mentions of drinking, mentions of drugs
Word Count: 2,158 words
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   “Hey man, I’ll be right back. I-I got to go…” Ashton trails off and starts walking to the door, leaving a drunk and confused Calum behind him.
   He walks as fast as his semi drunkenness will allow him to, pushing through and sneaking past every person in his way. It felt slightly ridiculous, and he’d possibly regret it in the morning. But he just had to get to his mystery girl before she disappeared. He kept his eyes locked on her as she walks towards the giant staircase near the entry way and sits down. Don’t lose her this time, Ashton.
   Suddenly he’s panicking. What does one say to a girl you don’t even know? Would he sound like a stalker? Would she run away in fear?
   “Hey, Ash. Are you okay?” Ashton feels like the room is spinning but slowly turns his head towards the voice and sees Calum next to him. “Look, I didn’t care that you had to go but you look like you’re about to pass out. I can give you a cig to calm down.” Ashton hardly ever smokes cigarettes. Occasionally, he’ll smoke some weed with the guys but that’s about it. He doesn’t even remember the last time he smoked a regular cigarette. But what he does remember is the feeling of euphoria he got after it. Feeling nearly paralyzed and unable to talk, Ashton tries to nod at Calum to indicate that he does want one. Seeing as Calum nodded, pulled out two cigs and his lighter then headed for the door, Ashton assumes he understood and follows him out the door.
   “So do you wanna tell me why you looked paler then Michael in the winter back there or are we just gonna ignore it and smoke?” Calum asks Ashton as he lights their cigarettes and puts it to his lips.
   Before answering, Ashton takes the longest drag off his cigarette as he can and then blows the smoke out with a slight cough. “Promise you won’t laugh?”
   “Dude. It’s me. You really think I’m going to laugh at you?”
   “There’s this girl,” Ashton says hesitantly. He looks at Calum and sees his eyebrows raised in shock. “I really really like her. There’s just one problem. I don’t know her name.”
   “I’m gonna go get a drink! You want something?” Kat yells over the music (if Cameron wasn’t deaf already, she definitely would be now).
   “Yeah, you know what I like! Meet me at the staircase.” Cam goes to walk towards the staircase, and as she’s walking she could’ve sworn she felt someones eyes on her. She chooses to ignore it and continued to the stairs. She looks around the house, searching for anyone she may recognize. Then her eyes landed on him. Tall, handsome, prettiest eyes you’ve ever seen. She felt like she could faint right then and there, even with no alcohol in her system. She had to know who he was.
   She can’t take her eyes off him. And it seems he can’t take his eyes off her either. Feeling her face start to heat up, she looks away in embarrassment. She lifts her head in hope to re-lock eyes with the handsome mystery man. Instead she’s met with an empty spot in the crowd of people where he used to be. She hates to admit it, but she feels a pang in her chest. She was thinking maybe, just maybe, she would be able to talk to him and get to know the man behind the handsome face. Maybe she scared him away. Maybe he wasn’t looking at her the way she thought he was. Maybe he-
   “C!” Kat yells over the music, making Cameron jump out of her thoughts. Kat walks over to Cameron on the steps. “I got you your drink!” She hands the drink to her and sits down.
   “Thanks,” Cam says sadly as she grabs the drink.
   “Hey, are you okay? What the hell happened when I was getting you that drink?”
   “Nothing.” Just the sexiest guy I’ve ever seen disappearing into thin air.
   “You…don’t know her name?” Calum says after staring at Ashton, completely silent, for a minute. “Dude, what the fuck?”
   “Look, it’s not as weird as it sounds. I promise!” Ashton throws his cigarette to the ground and stomps it out, despite it not being done yet. “I saw her at the very first party of the week and haven’t been able to stop thinking about her….okay that didn’t really fix the weird part like I thought it would. She’s just so pretty! I’ve seen her around campus, and one time I asked her for the time when I saw her just so I could hear her voice. That didn’t help the weird part either, fuck. Calum, look I don’t know what to do, okay? I’m going insane. It’s like a big giant mystery that even Sherlock fucking Holmes probably couldn’t solve!” Ashton reaches to grab Calum’s pack of cigarettes and lights another one. If he can’t talk to mystery girl normally, he might as well try to do it with a shit ton of help.
   And a shit ton of help he got. He ended up smoking 2 more cigarettes and drinking at least 2 cups of straight vodka. If his liver wasn’t dead already, it definitely is now. But he still hadn’t calmed down. If anything, the alcohol and tobacco made him even more anxious about his mystery girl. That was until someone he didn’t bother learning the name of, offered him a joint. He’s not one to smoke weed often, but he knows the side effects it has on him when he does. He smoked the joint slower than he had the cigarettes, wanting to savor the feeling that washed over him every time he took a hit. The feeling of euphoria he was hoping to get from the cigarette finally washed over him making him sigh and relax into the couch.
   It was almost ridiculous how high he felt after just half a joint, but it might have something to do with all the other substances he decided to use as well. He knew he was completely fucked up, but the weed calmed him down enough that he barely noticed. Honestly, he barely noticed anything. He didn’t even really recognize that it’s Calum who hands him a bottle of water and tells him to drink it until Cal sternly tells him to “drink the damn water, or so help me God, Irwin.”
   “I’m fine,” he slurs but grabs the bottle anyway, in order to please Calum. “I don’t need any water.”
   “Whatever, man. I’m trying to ease the hangover that you’ll complain about in the morning. Don’t come crawling to me when you feel like shit,” Calum says as he starts to walk away from Ash. Ashton sits there on the couch for a bit, staring at where Calum was, until he got bored and wanted to go somewhere else. He got up and drunkenly walked up the stairs to the rooms where he and his brothers sleep in, and where many people will probably be hooking up. 
   It’s a normal thing for Ashton to see couples in the hallway making out. It is not, however, a normal thing to see a beautiful girl, sitting on the floor with tears in her eyes.
   "Hey, are you okay?" Ashton asks as he walks over to her, suddenly feeling a bit more sober. She looked up at him and his heart skipped a beat. It was her. His mystery girl. Fuck, okay, Ash. You gotta act normal. "There's a party going on, I don't usually see people crying up here."
   "'M fine. Just a little homesick." She sniffles and brings her knees up to her chest. "I came here with my best friend but lost her somewhere in the crowd about half an hour ago. She was the only thing I really still have that's normal, you know? And now I have no idea where she is, and I don’t know anyone else here.” He hesitantly sits next to her but faces her instead of the other side of the hallway.
   "I get it." He looks at her with compassion, a look she hasn't seen from anyone (other than Kat) since coming to this school. It’s an odd feeling. To get that look from a stranger. She looks at him and turns her body to face him. "It can be hard. Coming to college completely on your own, away from everything familiar." She nods and a couple more tears fall. Before he can think, Ashton reaches forward and wipes her tear away. He sees the slight blush form on her cheeks and panics. "I-I'm so sorry. I just...you are way too pretty to be up here alone, crying at a party." She blushes even more at this and Ashton begins to worry that he fucked everything up, trying to think of the easiest way out of this awkward ass situation without being too rude. I could jump off the staircase? No, there's too many people down there that would either catch me or-
   "Thank you," she says timidly. "I appreciate it."
   "Of course," he says quietly with a smile. "Now do you want to go downstairs to the party? Are you going to stay up here? I could even walk you to your place if you want?"
   "I should probably go. I have a shit ton of homework and studying to do. It's like I can't keep up." She begins to tear up again, clearly starting to stress about all of the expectations college has.
   "Hey, it's okay." He puts his hands on her shoulders, trying to ground her. "It'll still be there tomorrow. And unless it directly affects you now, it's not worth it. What's your major?"
   "Impressive," he says with a smile. "Why film?"
   "M-My dad is a director. He used to bring me on set, if he could. I kinda just fell in love with it.” His attempt at distracting her had succeeded. She goes on a long tangent about how her dad let her work with the camera once she got older. Also how her parents met because her dad worked as a photographer for a bit and her mom modeled for one of his photoshoots. Suddenly she wasn’t stressed anymore. But she was incredibly aware of how much she had been talking. “Shit, I’m so sorry. You really didn’t need to know all of that.” 
   He shakes his head. “No don’t worry about it,” he says with a chuckle. “I did it on purpose. I was trying to distract you from the stress.”
   “Oh. Well, thank you. I just honestly don’t know how I’m going to finish all this homework and pass my classes.”
   “Look, don’t beat yourself up if you don’t pass, okay? There’s hundreds of people here that have failed a class. If you learn organization skills, pace yourself, and prioritize accordingly, you’ll be okay. I promise.” She looks into his eyes and he feels his face heat up. Oh God I’m blushing. I swear no one other than her better find out about this. She giggles quietly (probably at his blush) and it’s the cutest fucking thing Ashton has heard in his life. He makes a decision then and there that if they ever speak to each other after tonight, he will do absolutely anything in his power to make her giggle again.
   “I don’t think I ever caught your name. I’m Cameron, by the way.”
   “I’m Ashton,” he says with a huge smile.
   “It’s nice to meet you, Ashton. And I’m sorry again for telling you my entire life story,” she says with a nervous giggle.
   “Hey, it’s okay! As long as you feel better.” She nods and smiles. God she has such pretty eyes. 
   “C, you’re freaking out for no reason. He has to be really messed up to freak out over that simple of a text.”
   “What if it didn’t mean the same to him as it did to me? I’m probably totally embarrassing myself thinking that I even stand a chance with a guy like him. Knowing my luck, he probably went to his friends afterwards laughing about the poor crying girl who thought she had a chance! And the-“
   “Cameron!” Katrina yells over Cam’s rambling. “Your phone went off, babe.” Cameron’s eyes widen as she picked up the phone and saw the contact name.
   No problem. But look, I got really messed up last night and if I’m being completely honest I forgot everything that happened. Can we start over? 
   Start over? You mean a chance for her to pretend that she didn’t spill her entire life story to a man she just met? Say less. She replies eagerly, desperate to continue talking to him. She presses the button and after a few seconds her phone dings again.
   I’m Ashton :)
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A/N: Heyyyy how y'all doing? This chapter took me way longer than I'd care to admit and I'm so sorry it took so long. I've been thinking about plot points and how to connect things and such so my mind has been running wild. I've also been thinking about Cold as Ice and oh boy have thots been thinking. Anyways, thank you guys, gals, non-binary pals, and others for reading and i hope you enjoy :)
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n tubbo tommy ranboo and george - trampolines and chaos
this is part 13 to the great adventures series
an: so it’s very clear y/ns love language is spending time with people and physical touch, all love mentioned is platonic
you and ranboo settled in rather quickly. However, there was good and bad news the bad news was you both had to isolate which meant when tubbo would go out with the others the pair of you couldn’t go the good news however, was that it would only be for a week and that you could both spend a lot of time together catching up and talking about anything that came to mind making the pair of you grow close. the pair of you would work on the scrapbook with tubbo, this was your favourite thing to do as ranboo would add his own twist to it and often came up with new ideas, you would both stream together for your twitch channel when tubbo was out and when he would come home you would all stream on ranboos channel. you often found yourself helping ranboo film videos for youtube or help him cook when tubbo was streaming. since you shared a room with ranboo every night you would sit on the couch pulling him close so you could play with his hair whilst a random film would play in the background, today was no different you sat on the couch and put bo Burnham's inside on whilst you waited for him to walk over with a blanket so he could sit in between your legs letting you play with his hair
“your hair got long boo…I’m going to try and plait some of it”
“I couldn’t get a hair cut and you know this”
you laughed quietly to yourself continuing to plait some of his hair he would occasionally sigh and pretend he didn’t like it but it was pretty obvious that he was beginning to relax under your touch, you continued plaiting his hair listening to him quietly sing along to the songs. it was moments like this you both loved and appreciated but would never tell anyone that it happened. it was your little secret.
after five days passed you and ranboo were free to go meet with others again meaning you could finally go out and film the trampoline vlog for tommys channel which you spent the last five days planning. safe to say you were excited, you hadn’t been to a trampoline park in a while. you woke ranboo up at 10 am you didn’t need to worry about tubbo as you heard him walking around talking to his phone it took a few minutes to realise he was doing a Twitter space. tubbo sent you a message earlier to let you know that there was a package for you near the door so once you got ready you went to grab it, inside was a couple of shirts, hoodies and hats from your sample merch you were honestly amazed. ranboo walked up to you grabbing one of the shirts and a hoodie.
“y/n these look great wow”
“I got a couple of each size, find the sizes you want and they’re yours”
a few minutes later ranboo walked back into the room wearing your merch
“mind if I wear it for the vlog”
“of course you can ill be showing it on stream later”
and with that you all made your way to the tubbo and began your journey to the trampoline park, it was a relatively quick trip the three of you spent the entire trip talking about stream and youtube ideas.
as soon as Tommy saw you all walk into the trampoline park he ran over tackling you all into a hug
“Hey guys, how have you been! we’re just waiting for George”
“speak of the devil he’s just arrived..ranboo I am not an armrest”
“sorry y/n it’s not my fault that you’re the perfect height to be one”
a few minutes later you all made your way to the trampolines. this is where the chaos began you all didn’t know where to begin, excitement took over and safety when out the window. you and ranboo challenged each other to see who could jump higher
you jumped from the trampoline you were on into ranboos arms (luckily as if he didn’t catch you, you would have fallen)
“thank you boo”
Tommy dragged you all the area where you had to try and hit the person opposite you off of the plank, you stood laughing as tubbo instantly hit Tommy making him fall
“I’d like to see you do better y/n”
“bet..tubbo get back on”
the pair of you put up a decent fight, Tommy ended up distracting tubbo which allowed you to win, you then went against George and won then ranboo decided to go against you
“…haha hey boo looking awfully tall today”
“you look awfully short today”
you then tried and failed to make him fall ranboo on the other hand was able to make you lose your balance however you weren’t going down on your own so you dragged him down with you. after that you stood in awe watching tubbo do tricks on the trampoline
“look at him go he’s like a gazelle”
“I'm sorry ranboo what gazelles have you been watching”
“you don’t know what I’ve seen y/n”
you laughed as Tommy went up next claiming that he could also do that…he couldn’t.
George noticed a box and attempted to jump over it followed by you who only just managed to jump over it as you got distracted on the run-up, up next was tubbo who jumped over it, Tommy tried to jump over it but ended up rolling over it you stood shaking your head as ranboo went next unsurprisingly he jumped over it easily then lied down on the box
“Hey how’s it going”
you and Tommy had the same idea
“we’re going to jump over you ranboo”
“oh no please don’t- OH GOD”
so you and Tommy failed to jump over him and crashed into him
“hey boo-“
“that didn’t go to plan”
“no, it didn’t”
you and Tommy got up and decided to lie down with him you noticed tubbo at the run-up getting ready to jump over the three of you, you all screamed as tubbo successfully jumped over thou all
“holy shit”
“didn’t doubt you for a minute tubs”
you got up and went over to George who seemed to be having a lovely time on the trampolines, you heard screaming in the background and turned around to see ranboo chasing Tommy who decided that the safest option would be to run headfirst into the wall
“what the fuck is up with him”
you all stood on the inflatable safety hazard not knowing which way it was going to turn, this didn’t go well for any of you as everyone but ranboo (because he was filming) was instantly hit by the inflatable you ended up on the floor you looked up to see ranboo looking down at you
“don’t look at me like that boo”
“you really do amaze me”
“I put a rock in your pocket”
“no- what how”
you couldn’t contain your laughter as ranboo pulled out a rock which you did indeed place in his pocket sometime during the trip. you all decided to try again on the inflatable this time it went slightly better…for less than 30 seconds you got hit and dragged over to tubbo and George who had also been hit
“Hello boys”
a few minutes later you tubbo and ranboo tried again this time it went well for you, you managed to pay attention and ignore ranboo who was shouting that he will beat the machine. well, it went well till ranboo got hit as you found it hilarious which ended up being your downfall as you got distracted.
you all decided to have a totally safe game of dodgeball
“guys it’s like mcc”
you and ranboo looked at each other before yelling about how you both wouldn’t know, you decided to aim at tubbo who was focusing on Tommy which allowed you to hit him multiple times
you made your way over to him tackling him resulting in you both falling
“We are bee boy”
“I hate you”
“love you too”
after helping tubbo up and aiming at Tommy you heard ranboo yelling
“I just got hit in the balls by tubbo...OW AND Y/N THANKS A LOT”
“you’re welcome my beloved”
you sat with ranboo as the others continued to play dodgeball, he tapped your thigh to get your attention, you turned your head to see him holding part of his glasses
“your other pair is in my bag I’ll go get them”
“I’ll come with you”
after ranboo told the others the pair of you made your way to your bag
“thank you y/n…how did you know I’d break them”
“tubbo and I both carry a spare pair on us just in case. we went out to get them on our way to the airport”
the pair of you made your way to the others who were now stood waiting for you
“Woah what the fuck is this”
tubbo tapped your shoulder and whispered that someone is on their way to explain what it was, a few minutes later one of the workers came over and explained how it works and what to do, you all watched Tommy go up you tubbo and ranboo constantly made jokes about him the entire time, you continued to do this as tubbo went up
“can I clickbait this if you die”
“oooh can i”
ranboo went next you and tubbo both tried to hit him with the dodgeballs from earlier however you both missed you watched as ranboo slid down and looked at you
“oh god I’m next”
you went next the entire time you made comments about not letting go
“what if I don’t let go”
“I will personally drag you down”
you looked down to see Tommy pretending to get ready to drag you down
and with that, you let go
“Hello boys that go fast doesn't it”
George went next and screamed the entire way down you and tubbo looked at each other questioning if you heard the same thing before looking back at George
“Are you okay”
one at a time you all jumped off of the mini wall onto the soft landing below, Tommy landed funny accidentally hurting himself
“Tommy I love you but you’re an idiot”
ranboo went next landing in the same pose as before
“stylish..real stylish”
tubbo pushed you off before you even had the chance to jump
the others sat down looking up at you and ranboo who was now stood on the wall looking down on them
“wait what”
ranboo grabbed your hand and jumped off onto the landing taking you down with him
“Why does this always happen to me why not George or Tommy”
Tommy ran off after asking you all if you all thought he could request a song as he returned you could hear mask beginning to play and Tommy trying to sing along whilst running over to you all. you all then spent a good while messing on the trampolines so Tommy had footage to use for a montage after that you all made your way to some chairs so you could have a minute to relax and have a drink. you sat next to tubbo trying not to laugh as you watched ranboo attempt to drink the water through his mask
“oh wait did you just-“
“now your mask is going to be wet”
tubbo and Tommy ended up running off to get more content for the vlog and George ended up walking off somewhere, ranboo looked at you before welcoming you with open arms, the two of you sat in each other’s embrace watching Tommy and tubbo run around the park.
“you doing okay boo”
“I’m alright a little hot”
“that’s expected I mean you’re literally wearing a hoodie and mask with glasses I’m surprised you can even see when you're on the trampolines”
“I can't”
the two of you sat talking for a few more minutes before going back to the trampolines running, jumping and falling over. 10 minutes later you sat with Tommy watching George definitely do something on the floor, you weren’t quite sure what he was trying to do
“wooo go, George”
“thank you y/n”
at this point, it was clear you were all getting tired you all went off to buy a slush before sitting back down in the chairs you were making your way to sit with tubbo however your dear friend ranboo pulled you down to sit with him
“oh hello”
“hi y/n”
“I have a slush”
“as do i “
before you could speak again you heard Tommy and George messing with a walkie talkie, you sat looking at the two of them not realising that ranboo also had one
“give us more trampolines”
“hi George”
as you didn’t expect this you jumped slightly making ranboo turn his head and laugh
“Jesus christ when did you get that”
“well tubbo gave me it I was going to tell you but I wanted to scare you y/n”
after cooling down you all went to the play area, you found a slide and ran to it ranboo not far behind
“y/n wait for me we can go down together”
“okay go behind me”
ranboo got on behind you and held onto your waist so you didn’t go down without him. Tommy noticed this and wanted to join the chain
“We can go down together”
“alright hop on”
“slide trio”
“tubbo…there’s four of us”
not wanting to be left behind, George decided to join the chain
“is everyone ready”
“don’t care”
and with that, the five of you made your way down the slide, after this Tommy dragged you all to the mini jump area where you all sat watching George have a great time
“I don’t care about the rules”
“you’re doing great”
you all ended the trip at the inflatable safety hazard again, you sat with ranboo who kept an arm around your waist whilst recording Tommy who was just constantly being hit and knocked over even though he wasn’t playing
“just get out just get out”
“get out get out”
“he’s dying”
“I'm using this for clickbait on stream”
later that night you decided not to stream as you decided that you’d rather spend the night scrapbooking and playing random board games with tubbo and ranboo
@fuzzycloudsz @wtfwriter @bearytime @milkydisaster @dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @augustine-is-joy @c1loudee
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raindownforme · 3 years
Charlie Slimecicle x reader [she/her used]
“It really doesn’t matter Ted.”
“y/n, this is painful to watch. You can’t keep doing this.”
She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “I don’t know why I told you in the first place.”
“Because I’m your best friend. Because you know I’m also his best friend. Because it is so painfully obvious-“
She felt her face flush. “It is not!”
“Have you seen yourself?” y/n rolled her eyes. “Have you seen how you act? How you talk to him? You can act like you aren’t in love with him all you want and you can think he doesn’t love you if that’s what makes you happy-“
“You know Ted it really fucking doesn’t-“
“Then just ask! Ask him if he loves you-“
“He doesn’t okay?” y/n glared at Ted. “He doesn’t and I’m fine with it. I know I-I’m not his type and I’m just his best friend but I can’t help it.”
Ted hesitated, swallowing before he said something he knew he didn’t want to. “Then why not just get over it if you’re so convinced? I just- I want you to be happy, y/n.”
“I want him to love me so bad. Even just him smiling at me makes me feel like I’m floating.” She closed her eyes and sighed. “He told me I was pretty one time and I felt so special. I felt so amazing, like it made me someone just to have him call me pretty once. Ted I can’t get over this. I’ve tried. I’ve tried to make something out of hook ups and going out with strangers but it just isn’t the same.”
The two stood in silence. Ted sighed, and walked over to her, scrapping his arms around her in a loose hug. “I’m sorry y/n.” He voice was barely above a whisper. “I’m sorry I got so upset.”
“I know it’s okay-“ she pulled away from him and met eyes with Charlie. She felt her heart stop cold. She had thought her and Ted were the only ones in the house. “I-I’m sorry I didn’t know-“
“Oh no I wasn’t streaming.” He rushed his words. He didn’t seem to want to look at y/n but he made a poor job of it. “I didn’t mean to interrupt-“
“No! You’re fine Charlie.”
“The, uh, that guys sounds like an asshole.”
Ted watched the interaction with wide eyes. She scratched at the nape of her neck and glanced towards Ted with wide eyes. He caught her glance and did his best to hold back a laugh. “I- I guess you could say that?”
“Oh. Is it anyone I know?”
y/n felt her heart drop to her feet. “Uhm, I-“
“It’s Cooper!”
y/n watched the emotion change on Charlie’s face and he processed what Ted said. “Cool. Awesome.”
“Oh would you look at the time! I have somewhere to be!” y/n did her best to step away from the boys.
“But you said-“
“I know what I said!” She cut Ted off and rushed down the hall.
Charlie leaned closer to the tall man. “I asked you to talk me up one time. One fucking time. One.”
Charlie walked back towards his room and Ted looked back and forth between the two walking away from. He didn’t know how to fix what he’d started.
The whole house was laughing. Forks were gently scraping against plates, drinks were being knocked around, and everyone was enjoying what Ted had made for dinner, except for a special someone. Charlie hadn’t talked the whole meal. He hadn’t felt the compulsion to. He had tried burying himself in his food because he knew if he looked up, he would look at y/n, who had spent the whole meal sitting directly across from Cooper. Of course Cooper was Charlie’s immediate left, so it wasn’t super far.
Charlie wasn’t jealous. Charlie would swear by not being jealous. He had just happened to pick this seat because it was nearest to y/n, and it was the only one nearest because she had taken the seat directly across from Cooper, and the only one to the side of her was taken by Traves, so he had no choice in the matter. And Charlie would sit there, listening to y/n laugh at what cooper says and tell you he wasn’t jealous because why should he be? She’d made it clear she loved Cooper. She made it clear how she felt and how he made her feel. And no matter how Charlie felt, no matter how much it killed him. He knew he had to go on with it.
A chair scraped the floor and Charlie whipped his head up. y/n had stood up and was taking in Cooper and Traves’s plates as they kept joking. She reached a hand out to Charlie, as if to offer, but he shook his head. She got up and walked away, and Charlie looked back down at his now empty plate.
“Dude, are you okay?”
He looked up at Cooper and tried to not vomit in anger. “Yeah, f’course.”
“Really? You don’t seem okay.”
He glared a Traves for a moment, then closed his eyes and sighed. “Cooper,” his voice was hushed. “Do you understand what you’re doing?”
“What I’m doing?” Cooper furrowed his brow glanced at Traves. “Charlie, what are you-?”
“She is nice. She is kind and patient and funny and so goddamn beautiful, and if you kill her I swear to god Cooper-“
“Charlie.” Cooper’s voice cut through him harshly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re saying these things like she’s in love with me, and we both know she’s obviously not.”
Charlie huffed and stood up. He grabbed his plate and walked to the kitchen. He set the dish roughly in the sink and sighed. He looked out the floor-to-ceiling windows and saw y/n standing alone on the patio. He hesitated a moment, then walked out to the sliding glass door. He opened and closed it as silently as possible, not wanting to disturb her, but still she turned to smile at him.
“Hey Charlie! What’s up?”
He made his way over to her. He kept looking at her hands on the railing, so he placed his next to hers. They looked right, so close together. He smiled at it distractingly, before snapping himself out of his distracted stupor and back towards the city skyline y/n had been looking at. But she wasn’t looking at it anymore. Instead, she was watching Charlie stumble over his words.
“So... Cooper.”
She looked back out at the buildings in the distance and tried to ignore the heat rising in her face. “Yeah. Cooper.”
“I am not saying this to be mean, but you are not his type.”
She sighed and moved her hands closer to his. “Charlie-“
“No, y/n, he’s going to hurt you.” With one hand still on the railing, he turned himself fully towards her. “You’re not his type, and thats perfectly fine because Cooper shouldn’t be your type. You deserve someone who knows who you are. And there is! There is someone who knows your favorite ice cream and how you take your caffeine and what side of the couch you always want and the fork that you always use and that you hate the incense Ted bought and won’t tell him and that you hate the color orange and that you can’t fall asleep with the blinds closed because you like waking up in sunlight. And I know who knows all this because it’s me! It’s me because I love you and I want to make you as happy as Cooper does and I want to tell you every day how pretty I think you are and why is it not me?” Charlie panted, realizing just now how long he’d been talking and how much he’d been gesturing with his hands. He took a deep breath and took one of her hands in his, lacing their fingers together loosely. “Why isn’t it me y/n?”
“Charlie, it is you. That’s why me and Ted were arguing.” She squeezed Charlie’s hand and he looked up at her. She was smiling at him, and that smile killed him in the best way. That smile made her eyes squint and made little wrinkles around her nose and chin and she would always try and hide her teeth for a second but just let herself smile. “Do you remember when you called me pretty? It was this one time we were hiking and we got all the way to the top and you handed me the water-“
“I remember. You were wearing those boots Traves bought you-“
“They were good boots!”
“You rolled your ankle four times on that hike!” She laughed and Charlie continued. “But just the sun and the trees- y/n, you are so fucking beautiful.”
The girl laughed and squeezed his hand. “Didn’t say it quite like that but I appreciate the effort.”
He gently slid a hand around y/n’s waist. “If I knew it would’ve made you that happy, I would’ve told you every day.”
She giggled, inching closer to her face. “You can start telling me now.”
He pressed a chaste kiss to her nose. “You’re pretty.” And again to her cheek. “You’re so pretty.” Then to her eyebrow. “You’re beautiful.” To her chin. “You’re so...”
Charlie paused, he was holding her face gently with one hand while another had snaked around her waist onto the small of her back. He gazed at her, lightly running a thumb over her cheek. “Charlie...” her voice was soft and it sent shivers down his spine. “If you’re going to kiss me, you’d better do it now.”
He laughed, and kissed her almost harshly. His glasses pushed against her nose and her lips were kind of chapped, but they both still smiled into the contact.
y/n pulled away first, laughing. “Why didn’t we do that ages ago?”
“I don’t know!” Charlie felt like his cheeks were going to split, but he kept smiling. The two stood close to each other in silence, reveling in the moment.
“Hey,” y/n’s voice was almost a whisper. “Do you wanna go back inside yet?
“What are you cold?” She nodded and Charlie took off his thin hoodie to wrap it around her. “Stay out here with me a bit.”
She nodded and leaned against him, staring at the skyline. “Of course. I’d stay here for ages. We’ve got time to make up for.”
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Fjord following Jester into trouble and momentarily doubting but eventually being like “I don’t care” because he would follow her anywhere even against his best sense
Both of them sitting there, looking out at the night ocean... like they did on a ship so long ago when Jester first opened up about her sadness.
And now she’s volunteering some of it again: 
“Look, you have to see the moon from up here [...] This is where I used to come when, you know, I lived here and I didn’t really any friends. And I would dream about leaving the city and look out in the ocean and think about all the places I could go.”
*breathes in*
omg remember 
“And then I don't know what. I want to explore the world. I want to see the lands we haven't seen. I want to find the things that people are scared of and solve them or do whatever anyone else needs to do. But-- I hope she's a part of that.”
Anyway, we are just getting started but look at Fjord’s faces through this bit 
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Because that’s when he realizes that maybe... just maybe... Jester might want the same thing he does... maybe
And then, what does he do? 
He diverts attention to something funny: her drawing dicks on the tower. Why? Because Jester is talking about something sad and Fjord wants nothing more than to cheer her up. 
And then, wishfully, Jester brings up one thing that I’ve been thinking about ever since we found out these two coast kids had been in Nicodranas for years without knowing each other. 
“I wonder if I was ever sitting up here and saw your ship go by even knowing”
“I bet”
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Invisible String_Taylor Swift.mp3 
okay but also
if any of you have any art skills and wants to give me that poetic image of younger Fjord and Jester, each looking up wishfully... she’s lonely and young and on top of that tall tower looking at the life she craves to live and Fjord is looking at the city full of homes like he’s never had and they are unaware that they are looking at each other’s future??
ok ok ok moving on so Fjord.... 
he brings up Vandran... awkwardly... nervous... stuttering about the whoel thing... 
and his voice suggests that his optimism in Eisselcross was a front put to keep the others calm. 
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And then he says the magic words: 
“Would you come with me?”
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“Of course!”
Like he has to ask, please. Like she hasn’t followed him everywhere since the very first day they met. Like she wouldn’t follow him to the ends of the earth just like he has followed him through plunging falls and vertiginous heights above volcanos. 
Still Fjord, deep down still that insecure kid who faked a whole personality for months, tries to give her an out. 
“I don’t know if being on the sea is of any interest to you or if you want to stay in Nicodranas because you can now and I would totally understand.”
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“There’s... That is my favorite place to be. I love it out there.”
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“And I feel like there’s so much that we could see and share... Besides fucking Darktow is out there and we spent less that one day on it... That can’t stand”
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Also, does his tone talking about that remind anyone else to the way he talked about the possibility of finding treasure to make Marion even fancier before she meets Jester’s father again???
Because I really feel like that’s the same mood. 
The same longing for more while trying to make her laugh. 
“I would love to go out there with you. I would love to meet Vandran.”
“We could make this our port.”
“We could make this our port”
(sidenote this line alone could’ve sent me spiraling before they were canon... and still kinda does)
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excuse me while i scream for the next ten minutes
And then Fjord drops the hint that he wants to still deal with some stuff in Port Damali
“But... this city really is beautiful”
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“There’s always a home for us here”
hey hey hey hey remember that Tarot reading and Fjord’s future card being “home/the traveler”??????
 “Or... maybe we could... you know... get our- our own place”
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im sorry but the rest of the cast’s faces are too good to let out 
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because this boy
this man 
this man she loves
he wants to spend his life with her
this isn’t just a “come have adventures and fun with me” proposition 
this is a “spend your life with me proposition”
and while she can’t talk of course Fjord panics
much like she did after the “i love you”
because these idiots are really made for eachother and still stumbling through their own confusing feelings for each other even after so long as friends and they are so afraid of screwing it up 
But when finally she speaks, when Jester says “yes”... her tone isn’t just a “yes”... THAT YES SOUNDS LIKE AN “I DO”
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And they are both so nervous and happy okay?
And then
He looks at her
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and she meets his gaze
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and they both look down blushing
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and then she looks at him first
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and he meets her gaze
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and they don’t look down this time, this time is steady... because they both know they love each other
“I’m really glad that everything happened the way it did”
“Yeah, me too.”
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Good and bad. Tumbles and crushes and heartbreaks and deaths and tears and fights and laughter and adventures and doubts and confusion and longing and pining and protecting each other and fighting together and falling and rising and catching each other and healing each other and looking out for each other  because it all lead to this... to this moment where they are together and so sure that they are loved and cherished and that this is where they want to be and there’s so much more in their future to look forward to
And Jester snuggles up to him and Travis does the tiniest move to show how he leans against her that just DESTROYS me 
and of course Fjord needs to make a joke then, to lighten the mood, because these two disasters are friends first and foremost and is in their chaos that they understand each other
and they have so many adventures ahead
i love them so much you guys
im going to miss them so bad
i love them
oh god
169 notes · View notes
levis-hazelnut · 4 years
Levi x Reader Tea Parties
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Summary: You’re a new addition to the Scout Regiment, and you bring along with your six-year-old daughter. An unexpected bond forms between you and the Corporal when he seems to be attached to your daughter and spends quite a bit of time with her.
(D/N) = daughter’s name
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"Everyone, this is (Y/N) (L/N). She will be joining us, the Scout Regiment, today and I expect all of you to make her comfortable here," Commander Erwin announced as you slightly stood in front of him, his hands on your shoulders. "I wouldn't mind giving her a little tour," a brown-haired boy smirked to his friend. "Shut up, Jean. Can't you see she has someone already?" another boy with turquoise eyes whispered, gesturing to the little girl beside you, gripping your hand.
Little did they know, you could hear their conversation, despite them trying to be secretive. You watched them as they spoke, or more like argued, as the tall, blonde man next to you was saying things that were at the back of your mind. "Cadet (Y/N)?" "... Oh, sorry. Yes?" You found it a little unusual to be addressed like that. "If there's anything you need, just come to me. Don't be shy." "Okay. Thank you, Sir." "And..." His crystal eyes scanned the crowd before he called out two names, "Armin, Mikasa!" Said people approached both of you, saluting to him, which he dismissed with the wave of his hand. "I need both of you to help (L/N) settle in and show her around. Is that okay?" "Yes, Sir." "Thank you. I'll be off then." You flashed a smile at them, radiating your friendly nature. They smiled in return and greeted you before you noticed their gaze fall onto the (H/C)-haired female next to you. "This is my daughter. (D/N)." "How old is she?" Mikasa asked. "She'll be six in a couple of months," you replied prior to crouching down. "Say hi to Mikasa and Armin, sweetie." The young girl threw herself at you in order to hide from the new people, causing you to chuckle softly. "She's shy. But in about a week she'll be fine with everyone." "She's really cute. And she looks a lot like you," Armin commented. "Aw, thank you,” you grinned in response as you could literally see a single question swimming in his orbs. A question which has been asked a couple of times prior. "I'm twenty-six, by the way. So I'm not young compared to you lot." "Wow. I would have guessed you were about eighteen." You giggled. "That's very flattering. Anyway, should we get going?" "Oh, yeah." All three of you started to walk around the castle and they introduced you to any people you met along the way and showed you the rooms you went past. As you wandered around, you made conversation with them, finding out that they were sweet people. And you told them a bit about yourself, but not too much since they were still new people to you. "(Y/N), right?" The brown-haired boy from earlier took your hand and pressed his lips against it. "Yes..." "Jean, stop it." Mikasa slapped his hand away. "I don't see a ring." "Jean!" "I-it's fine. He's right, I'm not married;;." "I can give you another tour later if you want." You arched an eyebrow and shook your head in disbelief. This teenager is trying to hook up with someone who is twenty-six and has a child? "I didn't come here to be flirted with by some guy I just met." "Well, in a few months, my offer will still be there," he smirked before walking away. How cocky can that idiot get? Did he not get the message that you don't want that kind of interaction with him? "Forget about him. He's a jerk." "I see that--" "Oh my god!! You're (Y/N)?! I'm Hanji! It's nice to meet you!!" A brunette came sprinting towards you, jumping onto you as a male strolled behind her with a crease settled in between his eyebrows. "AWWW!!! Is that your daughter?! She's adorable, I could just eat her!!!" "Sh*tty Glasses, you going to f*cking kill her before a titan does." "Hanji, could you get off of her?" Armin asked. "Excuse me, Hanji? I'm kind of getting squished between you and the floor." "Oh, sorry!" She sprung off of you before laughing maniacally at the sight in front of her, which was the raven and your daughter. "What the f*ck are you doing, you sh*tty brat?" the raven snapped at your daughter, who tugged at his trousers and bit the fabric. "Are you trying to strip me?" He tried kicking her away. That guy is stupid to think that he could talk to (D/N) like that and swear in front of her and kick her. No one would want to mess with your daughter because they would suffer from a mother's wrath. Everyone should know that you never want to anger a mother through their child. That's when their ugly side comes out and no one wants that. "Hanji," you said through gritted teeth as she looked at you. "Who is he?" "That's Levi!" "LEVI!! HOW DARE YOU TALK TO MY DAUGHTER LIKE THAT?! I swear, I'll beat the crap out of you if you don't stop!!" He scoffed. "As if I'm scared of a newbie like you." "Corporal, I think you should take a look at her." Oh, damn. You look like you could destroy humanity with that glare directed on that one male. Titans will run away from you if they saw you right now. And from the way your nails dug into your palm, you could probably rip through your skin. "Fine, here's your daughter." He gripped the back of her dress and dropped her in front of you before casually leaving the scene. "It's not my fault she wanted to see me naked." "I don't think anyone will want to see you naked with an attitude like that," you spat, causing him to stop and face you. "Tell that to me when those hundreds of women leave me alone." "Hundreds of women who have no taste," you muttered. "Damn, I've never seen anyone talk to Corporal like that," Armin whispered. "How did (Y/N)'s personality switch just like that?" "It's that mother's wrath thing. Just don't do anything to her daughter," Hanji notified them. "Do you have a problem with me?" Levi crossed his arms over his chest. "Just don't be like that with my daughter and I won't have a problem with you." "Okay." "Did Shorty just say 'okay'? He didn't fight back? He listened to someone he just met a couple of minutes ago?" Hanji rambled in shock before wiggling her eyebrows with a goofy grin. "Looks like someone's taken a liking to (Y/N)~" "Shut up, Sh*tty Glasses," he snarled before turning around and walking away. "Why would I like a brat like her? And I barely know anything about her." "Hanji's always like this. Forget about what she says. Whatever she says isn't true most of the time," Mikasa told you. "Okay. Let's just get out of here." "Well, we've basically shown you everything. Oh, we forgot the most important thing - your room." "Mikasa, Armin!" a voice called, causing the three of you to come to a halt. "Have you seen Horse Breath?" "Why?" "He put horse sh*t in my shoes. That b*stard." "I mean, we saw him like five minutes ago. He might be outside." "Thanks," he grinned. "Who's Horse Breath?" you inquired. "Jean." "I see..." When you arrived at your room, they gave you the key and left you to settle in. There was a double bed and a bedside table with a single lantern, sitting atop it. A chair settled in a corner of the room and there was a wardrobe.
You approached a door and reached for the cold knob, opening the door to see a small bathroom. Letting out a satisfied sigh, you closed the door and sat down on the bed where your daughter already lay. You brushed the hair from her face, giving her a tender smile and leaned down to kiss her forehead. "Do you like it, sweetie?" She nodded before sitting up. "I like Levi, too." "What? Why?" "He's nice." "How is he nice?" "He wasn't being rude to me. I saw him smile when he tried taking me off his leg." "I didn't notice." "He's nice, mummy. You didn't need to get angry." "I'll need to see just how nice he is," you murmured before a couple of knocks sounded, so you got up to open it and saw Erwin standing there. You invited him, standing to the side and widening the door as he walked in. Before this, you failed to see that Levi was behind him and he stepped inside as well. "How do you like it?" Erwin asked. "It's so much better than where I lived before." "You're lucky. You're one of the few brats who get their own room," Levi stated in a monotonous voice. "I'm grateful for that." The blonde smiled at you, averting his gaze to (D/N). "Hello, (D/N)." "Hi!" "Looks like she already likes you," you beamed, staring at your daughter in admiration before resting your features and turning to the shorter male. "And, Corporal Levi, she seems to like you as well." "Maybe she's one of the hundreds who don't have taste." "... Sorry about that, I didn't mean it. You know, just don't hurt my child in any way." "I know I shouldn't if I want to stay in my current, healthy state." You laughed softly, but he had no sign of amusement on his visage. That is until your daughter held his index finger, looking up at him with gleaming orbs. This time you were able to see the tiniest of smiles sneak its way to his lips. "Levi, will you play with me?" "No. I have work to do, brat." "Don't get annoyed when he calls her brat because he calls nearly everyone that," Erwin told you, knowing about the little commotion since Hanji had informed him. You nodded in response. "Anyway, I have to go. I'll see you later." "Bye, Sir." "Aww, what about after that?" (D/N) pouted. "I have to train my squad." "And after that?" "It'll be dinner and then your bedtime." "How about tomorrow?" "I don't know." "Come on, (D/N). He has to do some work." "But I want to play with him." "Baby, we aren't here for fun. Not everyone will be able to play with you." "Will you play with me, mummy?" "No. She has cleaning duty," Levi answered for you. "Cleaning! Can I help?!" "She likes to clean?" "Yeah. We both love to," you said as you picked her up, noticing that (D/N)'s hand was still wrapped around his forefinger. He saw what you were looking at and snatched his finger away, almost immediately. "Look, Erwin, they're like a family," Hanji whispered excitedly as she looked through the gap in your door. "Hanji, leave them alone." The female sighed heavily, silently closing the door before it suddenly opened again, revealing Levi who frowned at the both of them. "What are you doing?" he asked the brunette and blonde. "We were just passing by." "What are you doing, Shorty?" "I'm talking to an idiot." He left the two and made way to his office. ~/~ Seven months have gone past since you became a Scout and people enjoy you and your daughter's presence. Most scouts are grateful that you would do most of the work since they do a poor job and you end up doing it again. Everyone loves your daughter, especially and surprisingly, Levi who apparently doesn't have time to play with her, but you find them playing different games every day. Most of the time it would be tea parties and you love to see Levi interact with her and see his soft side. Once you changed into your uniform, you left your room to go clean which your daughter volunteered to do with you. You started to clean the corridors, mopping the floors, wiping windows and dusting any surfaces. Sasha and Connie were cleaning as well, or more like messing around.  "Hey, you two?" "Yeah?" "You can go. I'll clean since you guys aren't doing anything." "Really?! You're amazing!!" You smiled at them as they ran off like little kids. (D/N) was more mature than them even though they're like triple her age. You dunked the mop in the bucket and wrung it out, so it isn't soaked before dragging it across the floor, doing a better job than the scouts that did it before. You blew a strand of hair away from your face and rolled your sleeves up since they had decided to travel down your arms. "Have some rest, honey," you told the little girl cleaning alongside you. "I'm fine." "I think both of you should rest. You've been cleaning for at least two hours," a voice chimed in. "We're fine, Sir." "What about you? Are you tired, (D/N)?" "A little bit. but it's fine." "Go rest, darling. You've done enough." "But I want to help you, mummy." "(D/N), go,” you ordered, your tone stern but gentle. "Okay." "Sir, would you mind taking her to our room, please?" "Of course." Erwin strolled beside her as you watched them disappear as they went further away. Since you were finally alone, it enabled you to clean quicker.
And when you were finally done, you sighed in relief, glad you were finally done after another half hour of tiring your muscles.
Your content expression soon turned dark when two boys came tumbling your way, shouting profanities at each other. Eren floored Jean, who sprung back up almost immediately and was about to throw a punch to the other's face, but you caught his wrist, preventing him from harming Eren any further. "What are you doing?" "That titan idiot punched me for no reason." "It was an accident. I was training and you got in the way. You just need glasses to see where you're going!" "You need glasses to see what you're punching!!" "Shut up, both of you!" you demanded and they silenced. "If you were outside, how the hell did you end up here?" "Oh, I don't know." Jean shrugged. You rolled your eyes, freeing his wrist from your grip and he rubbed the, now, red skin. "Honestly, you guys are so immature." "He started--" "I don't care. I'm just going to my room and I would like it if I don't hear any fighting." "Sorry, (Y/N)." "You're still young. You haven't matured yet like you were supposed to a few years ago." "You know, you make it sound like you're old, but you're still young. So what if you're twenty-six? That's still young," Eren stated. "Thank you. But I feel old when I see you." "Age doesn't matter. I would love to have you in my bed at any age." "Shut up, Jean." You rolled your eyes once again, leaving the two and making your way to your room, opening the door to find your daughter and Levi on the bed, having yet another tea party. Hearing her giggle caused a tender smile to edge onto your lips as you closed the door and padded to the bed, where they sat, and stood by it. "Hi, mummy!!" She got up from the bed and hugged your legs as you ruffled her hair. "Hey, honey. Did you have fun?" "Yeah! Levi played with me." "Looks like you had time to play with her again." "I still have work to do, but Erwin asked me to stay with her." "You can go do your work now if you want." "I can leave my work for later," he replied reluctantly, not wanting to admit that he would rather stay with (D/N). "I wouldn't think you were good with kids, seeing as how you seem to be harsh with the cadets." "She isn't at that age when she's spoiled and bratty. Or when she's annoying like the other brats here." "Was that a compliment?" Levi ignored you, watching (D/N) climb back onto the bed and she jumped onto his lap, spilling the hot contents in his mug over him. He hissed when the tea seeped through his clothes and tried to keep his patience at the cause of the accident. He stood up as you rushed to pass him a cloth. "Sorry." You gave an apologetic smile. "You can go to the bathroom and change out of your clothes while I get you some from your room. I would give you mine, but I doubt they will fit." "Just take your a*s and get me clothes," he grumbled. You nodded, despite the rudeness, and left your room, pacing to his office to get a spare uniform. You took out a pristine, white shirt and some neatly folded trousers before hurrying back to your room, careful to not crease the clothing. Knocking lightly on the bathroom door, it opened a few seconds later to reveal a shirtless Levi. Quickly, you passed him the clothes, trying to not get distracted by his abs and the scars that adorned his skin. He wordlessly closed the door before you sat on your bed, next to (D/N) who was strangely quiet. She probably just felt bad for spilling the tea on her new 'best friend'. You pulled her into your arms and kissed her cheek, resting your chin on the top of her head as she buried her face in your chest. "It's okay, baby," you said quietly. Upon hearing the click of the door, you flitted your eyes towards it and the raven came into sight as you gave him a small smile. He took the (H/C)-haired girl away from you, holding her in his arms and brushing a few locks from her face. His back faced you, so you weren't able to see the smile he owned. "I'm not angry at you." "You aren't?" "Of course not." She flung her arms around him, grinning which turned into laughter when he tickled her, squirming in his hold. You let a grin grace your lips; you wouldn't mind Levi being (D/N)'s step-father. Wait. No. What am I thinking? Shut up, brain, you thought, fighting your mind that decided to develop feelings for the male during the time you spent here. He placed her back on the ground and straightened her clothes for her, fiddling with a few strands of her hair as he stood behind her, now facing you. As he gazed at you, you could sense that he wanted to say something, so you lifted an eyebrow, questioning his silence. His eyes motioned to (D/N), letting you know that he doesn't want her to be here while he talks to you. You gave a discreet nod in understanding, ending your telepathic conversation there. "Sweetie, do you want to go play with Hanji?" "Okay!" "I'll be right back. I'll take her to Hanji." You took her petite hand in yours, leading her down the corridor as you thought about what Levi would want to speak about. You didn't notice Hanji until (D/N) squealed her name, darting towards her. "Hi!! What do you need?" "Can you stay with her for a while? I need to do something." "Sure!" "Thank you." When you wandered back to your room, you closed the door behind you as you sat back down on the bed, leaning against the headboard and crossed your legs after taking your shoes off, and patted the spot in front of you for Levi, who was still standing in the same spot as if he hadn't moved at all. He joined you on the other side of the bed, sitting on the edge with his feet on the floor. "What did you want to talk about?" "I don't think anyone has asked you yet." "What?" "Who's the father of (D/N)?" Silently, you stared at the sheets that spread over the mattress you rested on. Even after seven months of getting to know the people here, you weren't prepared to answer this question. And they were respectful enough to not inquire you on a subject you never seemed to like bringing up. "He..." you started before swallowing. "He died when the Colossal and Armored Titan attacked Shiganshina. We were fleeing from our house and I had (D/N) in my arms. I was so focused on getting to safety that I didn't realise my husband wasn't near us. When I looked back--" Your voice cracked as you bowed your head and let your hair fall to cover your face. There weren’t any tears, but you just wanted to conceal your expression. "You don't need to carry on if you can't," he whispered, fighting back the urge to hug you. "No. I-I'm fine." You pushed your hair back, keeping your eyes on the material underneath you, which seemed to be more attractive that the man in front of you. "I looked back and I saw a three-metre titan, who grabbed my husband. I saw him look at me as I froze, not able to think about what to do. I was useless and couldn't save the person I loved the most when he was right in front of me." "We all have times like that. And there wouldn’t even have been something you could do without gear." "But he was right there. I saw him get devoured by that damn monster. But he didn't have any fear shown on his face, I could see a smile. I don't even know why he was smiling, but I'm glad he was. At least, I wouldn't have an image of him screaming. Since then, I wanted to join the Survey Corps to be more useful but I waited until (D/N) was old enough to wander around here by herself. She is still quite young, though, she's really mature for her age and I'm happy to see that she doesn't seem full of misery. She was only a year old when her father died, so I doubt she knows anything about him apart from what I tell her. She always loves to hear stories about him and her full attention is at me when I tell her. Every memory I have of him is still fresh, even after all these y--" "(Y/N)!!!" You were startled by the sudden outburst and the slam of your door. Head snapping in that direction, you see Hanji standing there without (D/N). "Hanji, where's (D/N)?" "I don't know!!" "What do you mean you don’t know?!" you yelled. "I went to get Eren, so I left her in my office. I was literally like five minutes and when I went back, she was gone! I don't know where she went and so I came here because I thought you would know where she is." "Hanji, I leave you with her for like ten minutes and you already lost her?!" "I'm sorry!" "Gosh, I'll go look for her myself," you mumbled, trodding past Hanji. "Shorty, what are you doing here?" "I was talking to (Y/N)." "About what?" "You don't need to know." "You guys are hiding something from me!! Tell me!" "No. I have to go look for a girl that someone lost." You paced through the castle, looking in all the possible places she could be, but still couldn't find her even with the help of Levi. A heavy sigh slipped past your lips as you leaned against the wall, your eyes on the ceiling. "Where can she be?" "We haven't checked my room and Erwin's room." "Oh my gosh! You're right! How did I forget about that?" Levi went to his office as you ran to Erwin's and hastily knocked before opening it with no hesitation. "Sir, have you see (D/N)?" "No. What happened?" You quickly explained what happened before jogging to Levi's room to find your daughter in his arms. You beamed and took her from his grip, peppering her face with kisses. "Don't leave the person I leave you with, baby," you whispered as you rested your forehead on hers. "I got bored, so I went to look for Levi. I was going to wait here until he came back." "So, you're just going to forget about your mother and look for him? I see how it is." "No. I love you more, mummy." "More? So you love him? How close are you with my daughter, Levi?" He had allowed you to call him Levi due to the time all three of you have spent together and you were able to form some kind of friendship with him. There was a slight smirk on his lips, while you noticed the flicker of amusement in his ashen hues. "Anyway, we're going to go to the mess hall for dinner. You coming?" He glanced at his desk, where a meagre pile of paperwork sat before looking at both of you and proceeded to walk, letting you know he will come. He shut his door and strolled next to (D/N) as you were on her other side. Anyone who would see you three, and didn't know you, could mistake you for a small, happy family. "AWWWWWWW!!!!!" You rolled your eyes, knowing who it was and it just had to be her to see you. But none of you stopped, ignoring the squealing behind you. "Hanji, you sound like a kettle about to explode! Can you shut up?" you snapped, turning around once being fed up. "You guys are so cute!! I love it! Like you love each other!" "Shut up!!" both of you shouted as the door to the mess hall opened. Silence fell upon the room as they all looked your way. "... Hey, guys!" You shone a smile at them, acting as if nothing happened. "(D/N), in the near future, Levi's going to be your dad," Hanji snickered quietly to the young girl, and you shot daggers at her. "Sh*tty Glasses, shut your f*cking mouth." The pure girl gasped at Levi's words, her (E/C) orbs wide as she stared at him. He apologised to her and strode to a table, forgetting about the people gazing at him. You went to a different table and sat down, not bothering to communicate with anyone since you weren't in a great mood due to Hanji. ~/~ "Mummy!! Mummy!!! Wake up!" "Yes, darling?" you murmured as you were still half asleep. "Mummy!" You were fully awake now, looking at the adorable face in front of yours as (D/N) bounced on you with excitement. "What do you want?" "It's my birthday today!!" "Okay." "Muuuuuummyyyyyy!!!!" "I'm joking, baby. Happy birthday!" you laughed as you plopped her down next to you, tickling her. "Stop!! Stop it!" she giggled.
You stopped tickling her and gave a loving kiss on her cheek as she caught her breath. When you got out of bed, you stretched as a yawn left your mouth. Both of you freshened up and got ready for the day, leaving your room to have breakfast. "Mummy, did you get me a present?" "Of course, I did. I'll give it to you later." "I want to see if Levi got me something!" You weren't exactly looking forward to seeing Levi since you would end up talking to him. And then, Hanji would come out from nowhere and irritate the hell out of you. And you don't want to be grumpy today because then (D/N) wouldn't be as enthusiastic as she is now. When you entered the mess hall, it was already full of scouts who came up to her and wished her a happy birthday. A few gave small presents, due to having little money, which varied of different chocolates and sweets, and that sort of thing. Once you finished eating, you left the building but let (D/N) stay in the mess hall as they all played with her and kept her company. You roamed the grounds of HQ to have some fresh air after all the people that surrounded you minutes before. When you reached the stables, you decided to stroke your chestnut horse. "What's wrong?" You turned around to see Levi nearing you, and gave him a miniature smile. "Nothing." "(D/N) is thrilled to have all the attention, but I couldn't go to her yet since I don't have a present." "Levi, you're her best friend. How could you do that?” you teased. “She was excited to see what you would get her." "I didn't have time to. What did you get her?" "A bicycle." "That's expensive." "I know, but I wanted to make her happy, unlike some other people that failed to do that since they forgot about her birthday." "Shut up. I didn't forget. I was planning to get her something, but I had a lot of work to do," he protested. "I know. I'm kidding," you grinned. "I could say that the bike is from both of us. I mean, I just don't want her to be disappointed that you didn't get anything for your best friend." "You're going to pester me because of this, aren't you?" "Yep! But I'll say it was from both of us." "Thanks." "What? That's the first thanks I've heard from you. You probably just feel bad for forgetting about your best friend's birthday present." "Tch. Well, I didn't forget about the present I got for you." "A present for me? Why?" "Do you not want it?" "What is it?" "Close your eyes." Hesitantly, you complied and lidded your eyes, waiting for him to tell you to open your eyes. But he never did. Instead, you felt gentle hands settle on either side of your hips and lips press against yours, which is when you opened your eyes in shock and saw his eyelids in place of his eyes. After realising what was happening, you returned the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling his lips morph into a smirk. "Oooo~! What's happening here~? Looks like they decided to have a party of their own." You parted straight away and saw the huddle of scouts which Hanji and (D/N) stood in front of. A light blush dusted onto your cheeks as you stood behind Levi, who faced the bunch with a glare. "See, I told you that Levi will be your dad in the future, (D/N)." "Levi, mummy? Is that true?" "... I mean... we don't know what going to happen in the future..." you responded nervously. "I want Levi to be my dad!" She dashed towards him and jumped up, so Levi could lift her up. "And I want you to be my daughter," he hummed softly, making sure no one heard him. From here, your future with Levi takes a step forward. You don't know what the future holds for you, (D/N) and Levi, so you don't know if you will be a small, happy family. But for now, you'll cherish every moment you have with Levi and remember every moment, big or small, to tell any other children you have. To think that (D/N) having tea parties with Levi is what brought you two together.
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lovetorn · 4 years
secret santa — chains!au [dream]
Dream x Fem!Reader Chains!AU — original fic here
Chains!AU masterlist
Summary: Secret Santa with the OT4. 
Warnings: as always, a lot of swearing, & some steamy sections but nothing too hot. 
Word Count: 3.6k+
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The letter from Technoblade was extremely vague. He had ordered for a meeting as soon as possible and seeing as it was a week until Christmas, his employees dreaded the occasion. 
Y/n, George, Sapnap and Dream dragged their feet towards the entrance of Techno’s mansion. The vast white house took up most of one’s eye line, with the building’s tall white pillars signalling the importance of the man who lived there. Sapnap wore a permanent pout on the journey there and continued to do so until the group stood in the elegant ballroom in the middle bottom floor of the mansion. 
“If we get yelled at, I’m leaving.” George threw Sapnap a bored look, silently telling him to shut up as the last of their associates entered. Techno was nowhere to be seen, as usual, but the anticipation—dread—of knowing the situation, had Dream on edge. He was more snappy than normal and he wore a hard expression that not even Y/n could crack. 
“It’s Christmas, what the fuck could he possibly want?” Dream spat, crossing his arms over his chest. Y/n peered at him and placed her hand on his bicep. The touch made Dream snap his head towards her, his eyes slightly softening at the sight of her. “Sorry.”
Y/n shook her head, “It’s okay to be angry.” Dream dragged the side of his mouth between his teeth in annoyance. The sound of someone clearing their throat caused the room to fall silent. 
“You’re probably wondering why I called you here this close to Christmas.” Techno’s deep voice bounced off the walls. The statement made George, Sapnap and Dream nod exaggeratedly. 
“I suppose I’ll get on with it then; I’ve decided to host a Secret Santa for Techno Industries this year!” At the sound of nothing life-threatening, Dream’s eyes widened. His head on a swivel, he looked at Y/n and then the boys. His mouth had fallen open and the outline of a smile began forming on his cheeks. The rare sight of Dream grinning in Techno’s presence was satisfying; who would’ve guessed something as trivial as Secret Santa would break his streak of sternness during in these meetings. 
“I have already picked out your partners, so check your phones for the person you’ll be buying for,” It was exceptionally out of character for Techno to be so joyful, but perhaps the holiday season had brought his spirits up. “Have a great evening, everybody! Happy Christmas! And Happy Hanukkah for those who celebrate it!” 
The high-pitched dings of phone notifications prompted everybody to check them. Fishing her phone from her purse, Y/n looked at the screen, Sapnap. A smile broke out across her face as she looked around the group. 
She met George’s gaze, who also wore a grin. Looking at Dream and then Sapnap, she realised they were all beaming. She furrowed her eyebrows quickly when all four of them were eyeing each other, knowing something was up.
“Tell me, Y/n, did you happen to get someone in this group?” Sapnap asked, his smile growing even more when she nodded. “I did too,” Dream said, followed by George, “Yeah same.” 
“Guys! We got each other! Almost looks like it was rigged.” Sapnap‘s eyebrows raised whilst a smirk etched its way on his face. 
George eyeballed him, “Sapnap, how did you know this was even happening? Anyway, that defeats the entire purpose of secret Santa in the first place. How did you even manage to do this?” Sapnap scrunched his face up, “So many questions and no answers! A magician never reveals his secrets. Plus, nobody actually cares, Georgie; get a life.” 
A look of confusion and irritation crossed George’s face as he threw his hands up. Dream stifled a laugh with his fist and Y/n smiled softly, not wanting to annoy George further. 
“Anywho… who got me?”
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y/n, i need your help.  idk what to buy dream.
Y/n rolled her eyes as she received the messages from Sapnap. She set down the bowl she held in the kitchen of the team’s penthouse apartment in San Diego and picked up her phone to respond. 
your problem. 
Reading her text, Sapnap groaned out loud and falsely cried; he knew if he was loud enough, somebody would come to his aid. He sat on his bed in his room, the clock ticking mockingly in the background. He spun around to scowl at it before he was startled by Dream—wrong person!
“What’s wrong now, Snapmap?” Dream asked. The younger boy stilled and turned back to see the older boy standing in the doorway. “N-Nothing!”
Dream furrowed his eyebrows, “Has this got to do with the present thing?” Sapnap nodded stiffly. The breeze from the open window drifted through the room and Sapnap begged for something outside to distract Dream. 
“Well, I can probably help you, who have you got?” Dream walked to the bed where Sapnap sat. “George?” His answer sounded more like a question as Dream’s face scrunched in confusion. Sapnap’s paranoid essence told Dream not to push any further, but he found the situation at hand funnier than it should've been. 
“I’ve got George.” Sapnap reddened and shot up from his spot. “I gotta go.” 
Dream watched his friend rush out of the room, a lopsided smile made its way onto his face. He glanced out of the window, the birds flying past distracting him for a moment before he snorted a laugh and made his way downstairs. 
“I fucked it, he knows I don’t have George, because he does!” Sapnap rambled to Y/n quietly in the kitchen. Y/n tried her best not to giggle at his panic and placed her hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry about it, Sapnap. Clay’s not smart enough to figure it out himself.” 
“Hey!” Sapnap’s eyes widened at the sound of Dream’s voice and threw his hand up at Y/n before he exited. 
“What’s this about me not being smart?” Dream sounded hurt, but the grin on his face told otherwise. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
“Really?” “Mhmm.”
Dream folded his lips between his teeth as he approached Y/n from his place in the doorway. “Something tells me, you’re lying.” 
Y/n shook her head as Dream’s hands ran over her hips. She bit down on her bottom lip as his face inched closer to hers. “You wouldn’t lie to me, Y/n? Would you?” The girl shook her head, tilting her head to meet his gaze. Dream’s tongue darted out to wet his lips as his eyes shifted from her eyes to her lips. 
“I need you to help me decide what to get George.” Y/n stepped back from Dream’s grip and groaned. “Seriously?” 
Dream lent over, his hands on his knees as he laughed. Y/n joined in with his cackles, swiftly moving around the kitchen to tend to the beeping oven. The tantalising aroma of fresh cookies filled the small space and Dream’s eyes lit up. “Cookies?” 
His jaw fell open at the sight of the sweets before he hurried towards the hot tray that sat on the counter. The chocolatey biscuits sat untouched, and Dream hovered over them, the steam heating his face. 
“They’re hot!” Y/n’s statement was ignored by him as he reached out to pluck a cookie off of the tray. Dream quickly retracted his hand as his fingertips brushed the hot metal. “Fuck!” 
He cradled his hand in his other as he turned towards Y/n, pouting. “You know for a man in your line of work, I'd expect you to be less of a pussy.”
Dream’s frown deepened as he held his fingers out to her, “Help me!” Y/n threw her head backwards in exasperation, fighting back a smile. “Fine.” 
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Y/n had bought and finished Sapnap’s Secret Santa present. She held it out at arm’s length to admire her wrapping and moved to place it in her closet to hide it. She was just about to shove it behind her shoe rack when a voice made her jump.
“Hey,” Dream popped his head into Y/n’s room. She smiled at him and closed the closet doors without properly hiding Sapnap’s present. “Hi.” 
“I’ve got something for you,” He said, rounding his arm from behind his back. He held a small, red gift bag and the sight made Y/n gasp. 
“I didn’t know we were doing presents, Clay.” Her eyes filled with tears at the sentiment and for not thinking about buying Dream a present. “We weren’t, but I saw this and had to get it for you.” 
Dream guided Y/n to sit on her bed. He handed her the bag and waited for her to open it, jabbing his fingers in her sides in an attempt to hurry the process.
“Stop poking me, I’m opening it.” She laughed, pulling a black box from the bag. Y/n’s eyes widened as she glanced at Dream, who sat with his thumbnail in his mouth. He let out a nervous laugh before Y/n opened the box. 
A small gold pendant with faint engravings of an animal sat within the velvet, the chain hidden under the material. Y/n tilted her head as she brought it closer to her face, tears blurring her vision. “It’s a lion; it symbolises strength, and you are the strongest woman I know, Y/n. You mean the absolute world to me, you know that?” 
Y/n nodded, lolling her head the rest on Dream’s shoulder “—plus, I’m a Leo, so it’s fitting.” Y/n shoved his shoulder. “It’s gorgeous.” 
She carefully brought her hand to remove it from the box, her hands shaking. “Stop shaking,” Dream laughed, taking the necklace from her hands. “I’m sorry! I’m nervous.” 
“You don’t think I am too?” He uttered, unclasping the hook.
“Aw, you’re nervous?” Y/n whispered, a tearful grin on her face. Dream blushed whilst he nodded. “Now, turn around.”
Y/n did as she was told and lifted her hair up. The cold, thin chain rested against her skin, the small pendant falling on her collarbones. Before she released her hair, she felt Dream’s lips against the nape of her neck. Flushing, Y/n twisted her body so she was facing him again. 
She brought her arms up to wrap around his neck in a hug, Dream circling his around her torso. “Thank you,” She whispered. “I love it.” 
Dream sighed, nudging his nose against her ear, “I love you.” Y/n squeezed her eyes shut, her emotions in overdrive as she felt him peck her cheek. Y/n craned her head back so she could look into Dream’s. “I love you.” 
Dream softly smiled before he dipped his head to connect their lips in a kiss. Y/n hummed at the feeling, her fingers moving to toy with the hairs at the bottom of his neck. Dream pulled away quickly, only to press his mouth back against her’s, his hands lifting her shirt up. 
A deep groan came from the back of Dream’s throat as Y/n tugged on his hair, the sound making her smile into his mouth. Suddenly, a soft pinch pricked the skin of her waist as she yelped gently. “Stop laughing at me, baby.” 
This only made Y/n giggle harder as she pulled away from Dream, a pout upon his features. She tipped her head to the side, a mocking frown on her face. Dream huffed and attempted to untangle their limbs whilst fighting a smile. Y/n reached out to grasp his wrists, the action causing Dream to stop moving. 
He cocked an eyebrow at Y/n before she tugged at his wrists and brought his face back to hers. The closeness of their lips and the mingling of breath was euphoric as Y/n closed her eyes to kiss him again—before she was rudely interrupted. 
“Who’d you get for Secret Santa?” 
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Sapnap, George, Y/n and Dream had taken refuge next to the food table, choosing to stand away from the cluster of other associates in the middle of the room. Sapnap had complained beforehand about interacting with them, and as a group, they had decided it was best for all of them not to mingle. Although, Y/n had left to greet her friend, Niki at the beginning of the night and was soon dragged back to the group by Sapnap. 
They had been waiting on Technoblade to start the exchange of gifts for an hour now. Growing bored, Sapnap elbowed George in the ribs sharply, a giggle escaping his lips at the sound of his friend in pain, “Fuck off, Sapnap.” 
Dream’s arm was thrown over Y/n’s shoulders, her body turned to fit into his side. She looked up at him, expecting to be met with the usual hard expression Dream wore during meetings with Techno, but instead, she admired the faint upturn of the corners of his mouth. 
Finally, Technoblade waltzed into the room, his red velvet suit glittering in the light of the vast chandeliers above. His blossom hair was pulled back into a plait at the back of his head, and his two unusually sharp bottom teeth were visible from where the group stood as they watched him smirk. Sapnap rolled his eyes exaggeratedly, earning a jab in the ribs from George. “Dickhead,” he uttered through closed teeth. 
Technoblade scanned his eyes over the small gathering of employees in front of him. Golden bells and feathery tinsel hung from the walls and the soft rhythm of festive music played at the back of the ballroom. Despite the joyous atmosphere, his face remained stoic as he cleared his throat. 
“Good evening, everyone.” 
The exchange of gifts soon began, everybody moving to the back corner of the ballroom to pick out their present. 
Y/n, Sapnap, George and Dream decided to go get their presents last. Once they had all picked out the present with their name on it, George pushed Y/n’s shoulder lightly.
“Ladies first.” Y/n rolled her eyes and reached into the green bag. Her fingers wrapped around a brick-shaped item, the form oddly familiar as she lifted it out. The wrapped walkie talkie sat delicately in her grip. Y/n’s face lit up as she peeled the red paper away. 
“Oh my god…” 
“Dream told me you needed a new one since Schlatt destroyed your last one, so ta-da~!” George wore a silly grin as he watched Y/n admire the shiny, new walkie talkie. “I love it, thank you, Georgie.”
She brought him into a hug, her tight embrace showing George how grateful she actually was—he knew her time with Schlatt was traumatic, so he wanted to assure her that they were always there, more so when she was alone; even if that was in the form of a walkie talkie. 
“It’s my turn!” Sapnap laughed. He snatched the small wrapped box from the floor next to him. His face lit up as his fingers quickly moved to tear away at the wrapping paper. George furrowed his eyebrows at the oddly shaped gift and glanced at Dream who shook his head. They both turned to look at Y/n who gazed at Sapnap, meeting eyes again when they came to the realisation that it was she who bought the present. 
Sapnap pulled out a stack of red and white cards tied together with a green bow. He laughed in disbelief at the sight of the colours of his favourite fast-food restaurant. 
“Chick-Fil-A gift cards?” He beamed, his gaze scanning over his friends before Y/n raised her hand. “Y/n! I love you! Thank you!”
He stepped forward to wrap his arm around her shoulder in a half-hug. Y/n did the same, whispering a quick, ‘no problem’ to him. 
Dream narrowed his eyes at Sapnap, who’s smile only grew bigger. “Calm down, green boy, why do you hate me?”
“Ok, I’m next.” Dream announced, ignoring the question. He moved his growing hair out of his eyes as he brought the wrapped box in front of him. 
“You should’ve gotten him some hair clippers for that mop,” Y/n laughed, shoving Dream while he fake laughed and grimaced. Sapnap barked out a laugh and encouraged Dream to open the present. “Chill out.” 
Sapnap rolled his eyes and watched as Dream ripped the paper off, a smirk playing at his lips. “Oh look! Hair clippers!” 
The group burst into hysterics at the sight of the box that did, in fact, contain hair clippers. “I hate you guys.” 
“Be grateful, Dreamy! I paid good money for those.” Sapnap exclaimed, his laughs making it difficult to understand him. “While you're at it, shave that disgusting beard shit you’ve got going on, it’s gross.” 
“It’s hardly a beard. You’re just jealous because you can’t grow one as good as me,” Dream teased, earning a scoff from Sapnap, “That’s bullshit.” 
Dream gave Sapnap a bemused look and stepped forward to wrap his arm around his neck in a headlock. “You’re such a fuckin’ idiot.” 
Sapnap’s giggles attracted the attention of surrounding members, their laughter joining in with the group of four when they saw what was going on. 
“Well, unlike Sapnap, I actually got you a good present, George.” Dream said, releasing the youngest from the headlock. George peered down at the large red and green gift bag he held. 
“Ok…” He reached into the bag but stopped when his face scrunched up. Dream snorted out a laugh, his wheeze making it hard for everyone to keep a straight face. “Dream, what the fuck is this?” 
Dream’s laughs only intensified when George pulled a singular piece of wet spaghetti. Y/n laughed out loud with a puzzled expression, and Sapnap slapped his knee with tears in his eyes. 
“Oh no! Did I put the wrong present in the bag?” Dream struggled to breathe through his cackles. George genuinely seemed hurt as he pouted, his head dropping towards the floor. 
“NO! No, George, I’m kidding—here,” Dream moved to pull something from his back pocket. George lifted his head and his frown was immediately replaced with a look of shock when Dream dropped a gold compass in his palm. George was unable to form a coherent sentence as he gazed at Dream, his eyes becoming watery. “How?”
“I contacted your dad, actually, and he was more than happy to send it over.” Dream said, happily accepting George's hug when he wrapped his arms around his shoulders. Sapnap glanced at Y/n, confused until George noticed.  
“It was my Grandad’s compass. He took this everywhere he went during the war. I thought it was gone forever when he died.” Sapanp’s eyebrows raised and his jaw fell, “Woah.” 
“Y/n helped me.” Dream admitted, motioning his hand to her as she waved. 
“Y/n.” George moved to hug the girl next, his tears falling onto her shoulder. She exhaled a laugh and brought her hand to the back of his head, “It was no problem, honestly. I know how much it means to you.” 
George pulled back, wiping at his cheeks, suddenly very embarrassed at making a scene. “Sorry guys.” 
“Don’t be sorry, Georgie, it’s a sentimental gift, we understand,” Sapnap said, patting his friend’s back. “But why wasn’t I a part of this?”
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Tugging on Dream’s sleeve, Y/n pulled him back inside his bedroom. “I’ve got a present for you.” 
“Uh—we gotta be downstairs in like 5 minutes,” Dream laughed, the tips of his ears reddening as he jutted his thumb over his shoulder. “No! Not that type of present, get your head out of the gutter.” 
Dream continued to giggle, even when Y/n sat him down on his bed. “Close your eyes.” 
Y/n rushed to his wardrobe to reach up and grab the long, flat box that laid on the middle shelf. She placed it in his lap and then resumed to sit next to him. At the feeling of something on his thighs, Dream opened his eyes. He gave her a pointed look and continued to open the box.
His brought his hand to tuck his hair behind his ear as he reached inside the side of the box. His movement froze when he felt the object and turned to face Y/n. She only laughed as he continued to drag it out of the cardboard. Dream gapped at the feeling of smooth ceramic under his fingers. “Baby..” 
“I told you I was going to get you a new one, so I did,” Y/n spoke softly, her voice like honey to him. Dream furrowed his brows and Y/n brought her thumb to smooth out the creases, “Don’t do that, you’ll get wrinkles.” 
That elicited a giggle out of Dream. He placed it on his duvet on the other side of him and turned back towards Y/n. “You didn’t need to do this.” 
Y/n rolled her eyes, slapping him lightly on the bicep, “Shut up, yes I did. I promised.” Dream shook his head, returning his gaze to the mask. 
“I love you, so much. You have no idea.” Y/n squinted one eye and she tilted her head, “I’m pretty sure I have an idea.” 
“Oh yeah?” Dream questioned, placing the mask and the box on the floor before he pushed Y/n backwards on the bed. She nodded, moving her hands to his shoulders as he hovered over her. 
“I know because I love you so much more,” Dream pulled his head back, looking at her in bewilderment. “No chance.” And when he leaned down to press a kiss to her lips, a scream interrupted them.
“Close your fucking door! Gross!” 
“Fuck off, Sapnap!” 
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sir-subpar · 3 years
Where have you been? (1)
*This takes place in the Cursed!Bf au. This is pretty focused on Pico's point of view. Not a lot of shipping in this chapter, but I had a lot of fun writing this. This will be a 2-parter. Btw, swear words.*
Pico had challenged Boyfriend to another rap battle for fun and awaited his arrival. He was late, but they did plan to meet up at 5:00 pm so Pico figured it was just rush hour traffic holding him up. So he waited patiently. Minutes turned to hours, and the sun had set below the horizon. Pico tried to text him, but got no response. This was bullshit. He waited for hours like a fool and now B was ghosting him? If he didn't want to rap why didn't he just cancel? 
Pico grit his teeth in frustration as he got into his car. He began driving to Boyfriend's and Girlfriend's house. His grip on the steering wheel was unnecessarily tight. Sure, maybe he was overreacting a little. It was just a rap battle, but it angered him that B had wasted his time. He could have done something to let him know that they had to cancel. So in the moment, telling him off just sounded cathartic. He muttered random obscenities under his breath, as if reciting how he was gonna tell him off.
By the time he had reached the house Bf and Gf shared together it was dark out, some stars had started making their mark on the blackened sky. Pico could see the living room light was on. Good, they were home. Pico slammed the car's door, then walked up the little path to the house's front door. He knocked on the door and waited. He tapped his foot impatiently. He had spent his whole afternoon waiting for this guy to show up so the idea of waiting any longer annoyed the hell out of him.
 He could hear the door being unlocked and was about to start his angry rant when he saw it was Girlfriend at the door. The look on her face was odd, she looked surprised and… worried? That seemed off to Pico, as she usually opened the door with more enthusiasm no matter who was there. She was wearing a red crop top and black sweatpants, her comfy clothes.
 "... Pico? What are you doing here?" She asked, her tone came off as nervous. "I just wanna ask Boyfriend something." He decided not to yell at Girlfriend, she wasn't the one he was pissed at anyway. "Oh… He isn't with you? He doesn't… live here anymore." 
Just like that, all the anger built up in Pico had just fizzled. Replaced with confusion and shock. And a little bit of worry. "Why doesn't he live here??" Pico asked, what was going on? "Bf and I… we broke up. He left a few weeks ago and I haven't seen him since." She seemed nervous, she avoided making eye contact as she spoke. She left fidgeting with her hair, a nervous habit of hers. 
"So you don't know where he is, huh?" Pico asked, he too, started feeling nervous. 
"I haven't seen him since we broke up. He left most of his stuff here too. Even his phone. I figured he had run off to stay with you but I guess that's not the case." Girlfriend continued. Pico's worry only grew from there. He put his hands in his pockets and awkwardly continued their conversation. "How long has this been going on? Like, when was the last time you saw him?"  Pico had to know. How long had he been out of the loop here? Girlfriend looked him in the eyes, almost shamefully. "Two weeks." 
Pico couldn't help but be shocked by this. "Do you know anyone else he might have talked to? Anyone he might be staying with right now?" Anyone who would know where he is? That was what he really wanted to know. Where could he have gone? Girlfriend shook her head. "No, I don't know who he'd go to other than you. Most people we know don't really like him that much as far as I know." Pico couldn't help but grow more worried. This just wasn't like B… was he in trouble? "Well.. I'm gonna try to find out where he is. You wanna help?" Pico gestured towards his car, thinking they could ask around. Girlfriend averted her gaze, once again avoiding eye contact. "I'm pretty sure I'm the last person he wants to see.." 
Pico couldn't argue with that. Hell, when he and Bf broke up they still kept in contact to some degree. Boyfriend completely ghosting someone was rare, so he must've really wanted to avoid her. "Yeah… I guess that makes sense. Uh, have a good night." Pico and Girlfriend shared goodbyes and went their separate ways. Pico never liked being alone with her, to be honest. It was always awkward, now it was made worse with Boyfriend being who knows where. Pico drove off in his car, contemplating what he should do. 'Maybe I should just call some of B's friends. He might just be staying at one of their places.' He thought to himself. 
Pico had to think about who Boyfriend trusted the most (not counting himself or Gf in this case). He started thinking of people B had introduced him to. 'I have Hex's number, he's friendly, maybe Bf talked to him? It's worth a shot.' Pico scrolled through his contacts until he found Hex's number. The phone dialed for a few seconds, then he heard a robotic voice greet him. "Hello friend!" Hex exclaimed, enthusiastic as always. Pico wasn't really sure if he'd consider himself as Hex's 'friend' per say, but he never disliked the guy. 
"Hey Hex, it's Pico." 
"Greetings Pico! Haven't heard from you in a while! How are you?" 
"I'm alright, thanks. I actually need to ask you something. Could you help me with something?"
"You sound worried. How can I help?"
"I know this might sound random but… is Boyfriend staying with you by chance?" Pico nervously tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. He hoped that by some chance that maybe Hex knew something.
"No, why?" Just like that, Pico's hope was dashed. Despite that, he decided to fill Hex in on the situation. Maybe having another person looking out for B would help their chances of finding him.
"Well, he and Girlfriend split up 2 weeks ago and he just kinda… disappeared. I've tried to reach out to him but he's not responding. Gf said she has no idea where he is."
" I'm sorry, I don't know any more than you do."
 Pico let out a small sigh. "Yeah, I'm worried about him. Hey, if you see him, will you let me know?" 
"I will."
"Thank you, I appreciate it." Pico was about to hang up the phone when Hex said one last thing. 
"Actually, my friend Whitty sometimes hangs out with Boyfriend. I'll call and ask him if he knows where Boyfriend is." Hex sounded hopeful, which made Pico feel a little better. "Thanks, Hex. Let me know what he says."
"Will do! Bye for now!" 
Pico hung up. Deciding to drive home for the time being. He couldn't help but suddenly wonder though… who was Whitty? The name sounded familiar, but he couldn't recall meeting someone named Whitty. Maybe Bf had mentioned the guy to Pico before. Regardless, if this guy knew anything about Bf, he'd take it. 
Pico got home and felt exhausted. He kicked his shoes off at the front door, and dragged his feet as he walked towards his bedroom. He changed into some pajamas and started preparing to sleep. Part of him wanted to stay up and wait to hear back from Hex, but he was tired, and he needed to rest. He'd continue his search after getting some sleep, he decided. Pico pulled his bedsheets over his body, closed his eyes, and eventually drifted off to sleep. 
Pico got up the next morning at around 7:30 am. He got dressed, brushed his hair and teeth, all that usual morning routine stuff. Then, just as he was about to start calling more people to see if they knew anything about Bf, he got a call from Hex.
"Hello? Hex?"
"Pico!" Hex yelled, sounding excited. "I have good news!" Now Pico was beginning to feel excited. "I talked to my friend Whitty. He said he saw Bf a few days ago!" 
"Does he know where B is now?" Pico was nervously fidgeting with the collar of his shirt. He wasn't entirely sure why, but ever since his conversation with Girlfriend, he just had a gut feeling that something was wrong. He hoped it was just paranoia. "Does he know where Bf is now?" Pico asked. 'Please say yes.' He pleaded in his mind. "Hang on, let me ask him." Hex replied, then his voice sounded distant. He was talking to someone in person, their conversation muffled. "He said no, but he saw Bf in the same general area a few times last week. Maybe all three of us should go there and look for him together! Like a search party!" Hex sounded hopeful, and honestly it wasn't a bad idea. Pico took a deep breath. This was a good thing, this narrowed the search a bit. Pico reminded himself. "Okay, let's do it." He said, feeling determined. "I'll send you the address so we can meet up. See you there!" Hex proclaimed. "Thanks, I'll be there." Pico hung up, then rushed to get his keys, his gun, and other supplies then got in his car. Hex, as promised, sent him the address. Pico entered it into his phone's navigation system and drove there. It was in an oddly run-down neighborhood, with rundown buildings and dark alleys. He wondered what Bf would be doing there. He honestly didn't like the idea of parking his car in this neighborhood, do you worried that it would get stolen or broken into. So he parkes a little ways away, and walked the rest. It was for the best. 
He walked to their agreed meet up spot. The sidewalk was in poor condition, as well as most of the buildings around him. Cracked and discolored walls, boarded up windows, shattered glass and trash was all over the place. The street alone looked as though the city gave up on it. This whole place was run down. Even one of the street lamps was knocked over, luckily it was the morning so it didn't matter. 
Pico could see Hex's monitor head and basketball jersey from a distance. Said robot noticed him and waved to him. He saw someone else there with him, presumably Whitty. Upon closer inspection, Pico noticed a few things about Whitty. The first being that he was fucking tall as hell! Pico knew that he was short in comparison to most people but even so, this dude was TALL. Pico standing at his full height wasn't even half this guy's size. He had to be close to 9 feet tall. The next thing he noticed was the fact that his head was a bomb. His eyes were orange and glowed. Pico couldn't help but stare at the guy. When did Bf come into contact with this guy? How did they meet?
"Hey." Said the tall bomb-headed man. Pico flinched slightly, realizing he must have noticed him staring. His voice was kind of gruff, but not the usual kind of gruff. It reminded Pico of an electric guitar for some reason. Though he figured it probably was best not to say that out loud. Pico snapped out of his thoughts and finally replied. "Hey, I'm Pico. I'm guessing you're Whitty?" Pico held out his hand to shake Whitty's, the taller man returned the gesture. "Yeah, that's me." When their hands touched, Pico was surprised by how warm Whitty's hand was. It was definitely hotter than his own human hand. Not to mention how smooth his skin was, it felt somewhat like metal, but not quite. He kind of wanted to keep holding it just so he could examine it more, but he figured that would be weird to do to a guy he just met. So he let go.
 "So… you saw Bf around here?" Pico asked, and decided it was time to start their search. "We crossed paths a few times but every time he ran away. He seemed… upset." Whitty explained, somewhat trailing off towards the end of his sentence. He too, seemed like he was worried about Boyfriend. Pico wondered how close they were. "Can you show us where you last saw him?" Hex asked, a question mark appearing on his screen. Whitty nodded "Yeah, follow me." He turned on his heels and began walking in front of them. He seemed confident, like he knew the area well. Pico and Hex quickly followed.
 It was mostly quiet between them, Hex played some simple tune to break the silence. Something Pico appreciated. He felt a little awkward, he didn't know anything about Whitty, but apparently he was a friend of Bf's. He quickened his pace a bit so he could walk next to Whitty, he decided to break the silence between them. "So… how'd you meet Bf?" Whitty looked at Pico with an unreadable expression. "He challenged me to a rap battle." Pico chuckled at Whitty's answer and replied jokingly with "Ah, so the same way he meets everyone." Whitty chuckled. "Yeah, pretty much." He could hear Hex laugh a bit too. It really was the way he met most people. "So, how long have you known each other?" Pico asked. "Hmm… I think months now, almost a year. What about you? You two seem close." Whitty looked at Pico quizzically. Pico rubbed the back of his neck "Aw geez, a really long time. Since we were kids." Whitty's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow. So you're really close then huh? That explains a lot actually."  Pico tilted his head in curiosity. What did he mean by that? "Yeah? Like what?"  Whitty shrugged. "I dunno… B talks about you sometimes. He told me several times that I should meet you. Said he thought we'd get along." Whitty chuckled. "He always looked so happy when he talked about you.." 
Pico couldn't help but feel flattered, but he also felt a little jealous. Bf told Whitty so much, he trusted him. He knew He longer than Whitty did, yet Bf apparently didn't trust him enough to tell him about his and Gf's breakup. Pico tried to ignore those thoughts. Bf, wherever he was, needed him. It wasn't time to be bitter. "Wish we could've met under better circumstances." Pico muttered, Whitty nodded. "Yeah."
Hex then decided to interject their conversation. "Hey Whitty, are we close to where you last saw Boyfriend?" The robot asked suddenly, startling Pico. For a second, he actually forgot the robot was there. 'Oh yeah.. We've been walking for a little while now.' Pico realized that he had lost track of where they were. "Yeah, sorry. It's just around this next corner, we're almost there." Whitty instructed. "Ok!" Hex replied. Pico nodded, observing their surroundings. This part of the neighborhood was… odd. It didn't seem quite as old as the rest of this beaten-down area. It seemed more… recently abandoned. The buildings, though still a mess, seemed more modern in comparison. Like at some point, this was a nice neighborhood, possibly even upper class at one point. 
The trio turned right at the faded crosswalk, about three buildings down the street, they stopped. Whitty turned to face Pico and Hex. "This is where I last saw him. I tried to talk to him but he ran off and I lost track of him." Pico looked at the rundown building they were in front of. Unlike the other buildings in the area, it didn't seem that old. What surprised him though, was the obvious damage. It looked like the building caught fire at some point. The windows looked like they were shattered from the inside. Pico looked through them, he could see the remains of what appeared to be a restaurant. Broken and burned tables, shattered plates and collapsed support beams were all over the place. He could see the remains of broken speakers towards the back of the dining room, close to what was probably a bathroom. Pico took a few steps back and tried to read what was left of the restaurant's sign. Then it clicked.
 He had heard of this place, about a year ago it was on the news because some lunatic blew up the place in the middle of a rap battle. He remembered seeing Boyfriend and Girlfriend escaping the smoldering wreckage on the news. He called them as soon as he saw it and let them stay at his house that night to comfort them. He could vividly remember the look on Girlfriend's face when they watched the aftermath on the news. Complete and utter terror. He had never seen her more scared in his life. Apparently the arsonist was never caught, for some reason. Pico never understood that. It was a restaurant full of people, surely somebody would have seen where he went, right? The thought made Pico uneasy. Why would B come anywhere near this place after that?
"Yo, Pico. You listening?" Whitty's voice suddenly pulled him out of his thoughts. He wondered how long he was zoning out for. "Sorry I- I just got lost in thought. What were you saying?" Pico felt bad. He was supposed to be looking for his missing friend, not zoning out. Pico mentally chastised himself for it before focusing on Whitty again. "I don't know where he went from here, but I don't think he left this side of town." Pico nodded, then looked up at Hex, his monitor was processing something. Pico guessed he was thinking up a plan. Then the monitor showed a map. "Maybe we should split up into different areas" the robot started, his now map that was once his face highlighted three different areas in the neighborhood. "After each of us surveys their area we can check in with each other over the phone." Hex offered. Pico, though he appreciated the thought, didn't really like the idea of the three of them splitting up in a neighborhood like this. Sure, he could take care of himself. Hell, he was an assassin for fucks sake. But even he knew he wasn't invincible. He was vulnerable. Especially in an area he wasn't familiar with. Before he could politely object though, Whitty commented on the plan. "Sorry Hex, that's a no go. This place ain't a good area. If we split, we could get ambushed." Pico was relieved that Whitty agreed with him. "If there were more of us, then we could split up into teams. But it's just too risky to do as is." Pico added, making his stance on the situation known. Hex sighed (or at least did the robot equivalent of sighing), his arms dropped and his now disappointed face appeared on the monitor's screen again. "Ok… this is far less efficient though." Hex replied, defeated. Pico gave him a comforting pat on the arm. "We appreciate the thought, Hex." Pico said, hoping it would appease the mechanical man. Hex smiled and let it go. "Where should we start looking?" Hex asked the group. Pico couldn't help but eye the burnt restaurant. "Let's check in here first." Whitty and Hex both looked at Pico quizzically, but shrugged it off and agreed. 
Pico attempted to open the front doors, but they wouldn't give, the restaurant's double doors were stuck shut. Pico was about to slam into it when he was stopped by a large hand. Slightly startled, he realized it was Whitty who lightly grabbed him. The bomb man gently moved Pico away from the door."I got it." Was all he said before he gripped one of the door's handles and yanked the whole door off its hinges. Wood splinters flew everywhere as the door cracked and broke.  Whitty tossed the door aside with one arm. Pico's jaw almost dropped. 'Holy shit. Either that door was weak or he's strong as hell!' Pico was tempted to comment on it but didn't want to come across as rude so all he did was thank Whitty. Hex on the other hand clapped his metallic claw hands, the metal making numerous "ting" sounds. "Great job Whitty!" Hex exclaimed before walking through the now open doorway. Whitty rubbed the back of his head, seeming a little embarrassed. Pico noticed Whitty's cheeks were slightly glowing orange. Was that how he blushed? "Err.. Thanks. It's nothing." Whitty had to lean down in order to fit through the doorway, Pico walked in after him. 
The three of them spread out a bit to investigate the remains of the restaurant. Pico honestly thought it was depressing to look at. This had once been a peaceful place to take your loved ones to and enjoy food. Now it was just a husk of its former glory. An ashy, decrepit ruin. After a few minutes, they found nothing and decided to leave. Pico felt bad for wasting time in this old building, but he was glad the others were still willing to help. The trio decided to keep looking around the neighborhood, continuing their search for Boyfriend.
Hours. They had been searching for hours, and there was still no sign of Boyfriend anywhere. Pico felt his legs getting sore. He hadn't walked so much without stopping in a long time. Hex seemed unfazed, but maybe that was because robots couldn't get sore muscles. Whitty seemed a little tired, but didn't show signs of really slowing down. Pico really wanted to just power through it and be helpful, but his legs were in agony. He needed to sit down. It didn't help that it was past noon and he hadn't eaten much that day. "Hey guys. I need to sit down for a bit, my legs are killing me." Pico admitted, hopong the others would be cool about it. "Okay, let's take a break. We've been doing this all day." Whitty agreed. Hex noticed a bench in the distance. "Why don't you rest over there?" The robot offered, and the other boys agreed. The bench was a bit tall, Pico had to hop on to it. Whitty on the other hand had no such trouble, being the vertically-blessed giant he was. Pico was a little jealous. Pico let out a sigh. "Where the hell is that blue-haired dumbass?" Pico asked rhetorically, he was getting frustrated with this. He was worried, tired, and felt lost. He thought he knew Bf well, but he didn't know him well enough to predict this. "I wish I knew." Whitty added, sounding worried as well. Pico was thinking about what to say when his stomach growled loudly. 
"Hungry, huh?" Whitty chuckled. "Fuck yes, I'm starving." Pico replied. "You know what? I'm gonna get lunch. You hungry?" Pico asked, standing up despite his legs begging him not to. "I'm always hungry, sure." Whitty chuckled again. "I'm never hungry!" Hex happily chirped. That time Pico chuckled. "Well, you could still come with us, even if you don't eat anything." Pico offered. "Thank you friend!" Hex smiled. "Cool." Pico gave a thumbs up. "So… where are we going?" Whitty asked, tilting his head a bit. He stood up, ready to follow Pico. "First to my car. Then I'll drive us to a restaurant or something." Pico explained, beginning to walk towards said vehicle. "Just a heads up, I parked a bit far, but it should only take, like, 20 minutes to get there." Pico warned, knowing the others (or at least Whitty) were tired as well. "No problem friend! Lead the way!" Hex declared enthusiastically. Whitty just shrugged and said "We've been walking for hours, 's not like 20 minutes will kill us." And just like that, they were off.
Pico, as promised, drove the three of them to a small diner that wasn't too far away. It was thankfully in a nicer neighborhood. The three sat together at a booth table near the back. Hex had powered off to regain some energy. More or less leaving Whitty and Pico alone.
 "Hey, lunch is on me, k?" Pico stated. He had been paid generously on his last job, so he wasn't worried about meal prices. Whitty seemed caught off guard. "Uh, y-you don't have to do that-" "I insist." Pico bluntly interjected. Whitty again, tried to decline. "I shouldn't- you don't need to do that, really." Whitty stammered a bit. Pico doubled down on it. "I'm not budging on this man." Whitty tilted his head to the side curiously, but still seemed slightly flustered. "Why are you so persistent in paying for both of us?" Whitty asked. Pico shrugged. "I just want to thank you for all your help today. I've been stressed out trying to figure out where B is and I really appreciate you helping us out." Pico said earnestly, he was still really worried about Boyfriend. "I.. You're welcome. I'm not gonna lie, I care about him, and I'm worried for the guy. Last time I saw him, he seemed off." Whitty confessed, rubbing the back of his head. Pico's curiosity piqued a bit. "Off? In what wa-" ''Hello boys! Can I get you something to drink?" Pico was suddenly interrupted by their waitress.  "Oh. Right. We should probably order something haha." Pico joked, chuckling a bit. "I'll take a Coke. What about you Whitty?" Pico asked, gesturing towards the taller male. "I'd just like water, please." Whitty replied, the waitress wrote their drink orders. "Okay. Are you ready to order your meals as well?" She asked sweetly. "I think we need a few minutes." Admitted Pico. "Okay, I'll give you some time to think about it and will be back with your drinks in a bit, okay?" Whitty and Pico politely thanked her and looked at their menus. 
"What're you thinking of ordering?" Pico asked, he wondered what kind of food Whitty enjoyed. "I don't know. I'm still surprised that you're paying for both of us." Whitty responded unsurely. "It's all good man. I got it" Pico gave a reassuring smile. "I just want to warn you that I eat a LOT. I'm not exactly cheap to feed." Whitty warned, embarrassed. Pico chuckled, "I'm not exactly peckish, either." "I really mean it, Pico. I eat more than humans do." Whitty once again gave a disclaimer to Pico. "And I really mean it when I say I'll cover it. Just get what you want." Pico stated adamantly. 
"Yes, really."
"Are you sure?"
"Whitty if you ask me that again I'm gonna smack the shit out of you."
(To be continued…)
(I wanted to write more but this is long so I'm gonna break it into two chapters. The next one is gonna have more angst so I wanted to end this one on a bit of a lighter note
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oikadori · 4 years
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A/N: I really liked this request!! I love Yamaguchi but I’m really insecure about writing for him?? so that’s why he isn’t on my characters list, but after this I might write for him too! Sorry for deleting the last one and then posting this again but I get really anxious when like, i have a plan and then it doesn’t go as I wanted so here it is...again BUT at 10pm east hour 😌
Sorry for the long wait ANON but here it is. Hope you like it!
Yamaguchi Tadashi x f!Reader
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Summary: he is very subtle with his feelings but it’s really hard to hide them when his crush is Karasuno’s sweetheart, in the other hand, you are not familiar with the butterflies in your stomach
Genre: fluff, a little angst but mostly fluff
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“Karasuno’s heartbreaker” that’s how they called you. You really didn’t want to sound mean to them, but the boys’ insistence bothered every fiber of your body. So, when you noticed that third-year walking in your direction, holding a cute bento-box, you ran.
“Oh, I’m so sorry”, the boy with freckles and a little aerial on his hair says as his cheeks tint red when he notices you. You, the sweetheart of Karasuno just bumped into his chest “Are you– “
Your tongue sticks out catching your breath as you look at the tall boy you just crashed against.
“It doesn’t matter–“ ,  you hear multiple steps turning around the corner and your eyes fanatically search for a spot to hide, noticing just now his black jacket, “Freckles! You are from the volleyball club, right?”
“Let me hide in the gym. PLEASE. Only for ten minutes”
“I–Only people from the club can enter”
“Just five minutes, okay?” the way your eyes become big and puffy kills any resistance he had left. He nods nervously before walking to the gym’s door, followed closely by your figure.
You scan him curiously. ‘Is he a first year?’ He’s really tall for that, but you don’t remember seeing him in any of your classes. ‘Maybe he is in advanced classes?’
The moment you cross the doors, all stares are over you. Two second-years freeze in the spot while a tall blonde looks at you with confusion as his eyes slightly widen. You recognize two first years, Kageyama and Hinata, who turn bright red as they see you standing in the entrance with an embarrassed little smile.
“Don’t mind me. I’m just–
“IS THAT Y/N-san??”
“I think she is Ryu!! This is our lucky day!!”
“Yamguchi, since when are you friends with her?” the blonde says, not crossing eyes with you
“I’m not, but–“
“Don’t worry, I’ll leave as soon as I can”
“W-We can teach you play Y/N-san!”, Hinata comes at you, bouncing, making you take a few steps back, “Stay, Please!–”
Your feet slip in the steps and you lose your balance only for a fraction of second, but Yamaguchi’s hand is quick grabbing your forearm. His hold on you is gently and the moment he notices it, he releases you just as quick.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to t-touch you like that” you move away a little, still shocked by the loudness of the situation, shaking slightly your head.
“Thank you actually. I just need some sp–”
Before anyone else can approach you, a third-year girl moves in front of you, extending her arms protectively.
“Stay back, you’re scaring her”, just when you were about to thank her, you see behind your shoulder multiple boys approaching the gym, and without exchanging a word, she  pushes you further into the gym, and closes the door with a loud thud.
“Thank you so much…”
“I–sorry for coming in like that” you whisper, “Can I stay here until they leave, please?”, you gaze at the third-years, pleading.
“Please, please let her stay Daichi-san”
“Please! It’s Y/N L/N-san!”
They share a brief smile before welcoming you. So, in an attempt of making yourself useful, you start helping Kiyoko with her duties. Your eyes casually drift to the court and the moment you see them playing, your mouth opens wide.
“Amazing right?”
“I’ve never seen an actual match before…It’s– really impressive”, Kiyoko smiles at you before speaking again
“Have you joined any club activity?”
The cold air of the night shakes your hair as you close the gyms doors, wearing the volleyball club’s jacket. You wrap your arms around yourself at the coldness as you turn down Noya and Tanaka’s offer to carry your bags to walk you home.
“Thank you, but you both live, like, in the opposite side of the town”
As the boys leave with puppy eyes, you catch the sight of a little brown aerial turning around the corner.
“Freckles, are you going home?”
“Oh. Hi, Y/N”, he stops instantly and turns to you, “No, sorry. I’m gonna practice some more serves. You live in the house, crossing the street, right?
He turns red, replaying the words in his head as his eyes go blank.
“I-I’ve seen you walking to school a few times. Not that I watch you constantly–Sorry!”, you bit your lip holding back a chuckle, his shyness making your eyes soften.
“Can I go with you? I could go alone honestly but my parents would kill me if they saw me arriving home at this hour without company”
“ I’m gonna practice for at least one more hour, are you okay with that?” ‘An extra hour besides his regular training??!!’
“I kinda don’t have a choice, so yes”, he frowns as you reach for your back, placing it across your shoulder before zipping your jacket and giving a light nod to begin your walk.
He doesn’t ask you to let him carry your bag, he have seen how that question had bothered you at least 20 time before. So, he just walks beside you, in silence.
“Hey that’s not the street we were supposed to take” you stop, pointing at the opposite side, “That’s the one to Shimada’s-san store!”
“I know, I’m walking you home first”, you blink and a strange lump settles on your throat, “I can practice later”, a closed-eye smile crosses his face, it is amazing the way your face burns at the effortless cuteness of the first-year.
“But it’s really late already–“
“Oh, I stay until much later! It’s no problem really” ‘Why is he so damn sweet???’
“Fine. Whatever” your mumbles make Yamaguchi’s lips curve up, he looks at you dreamily, you are absolutely gorgeous. That silly nickname doesn’t equal everything you are, and it makes his heart drop to the ground.
Suddenly, you quicken your pace making him take long steps to match yours.
“Come on, Yamaguchi, I don’t want you to blame me for falling asleep in class tomorrow!”
Good thing you’re walking a few steps ahead of him, otherwise you would have seen clear as day his flushed cheeks shining under the moon.
That was the very only walk you had alone with Yamaguchi, but even though he was always around Tsuki, you promised yourself you would cope with the middle blocker, so you didn’t have to walk alone. From being just teammates, you started calling them friends.
The sun is falling on the horizon, a mix of orange and red painting the sky as Karasuno’s volleyball club left the gym where they just had a long practice match.
“Oi! The pretty manager! Wait!”
Your foot just landed on the step of the bus, when three boys from the other team come at you. Yamaguchi is behind you, waiting for you to step in when you turn back, sighing.
“Hey. I’m about to leave so I’m sorry–
“Aww, sweetheart, don’t be like this”, the boy eyes you from to toe to head, making Yamaguchi frown at him but then, when he looks at your face, your sweet smile turning into a dangerous grin, he just backs away, “I only want your phone number”
There is a little pause and Yamaguchi can feel his features relaxing, understanding you are in total control. He had watched you closely, not with obsessive stares but with subtle glances here and there, picking up your gestures and actions. Not noticing, how strong his crush on you was getting.
“Oh, but why on earth would I do that?”, you look so cute but there is nothing cute in the words you spit at them, it makes Yamaguchi gulp harshly. ‘Maybe you learnt too well from Tsuki’.
Noya and Tanaka were already running his sleeves up getting off the bus when they heard you, becoming statues.
“I mean, you don’t seem like the kind of guy I’ll date so- No. I’m tired and I want to go home” you say, swaying your hips as you enter the bus, “Are you coming Yamaguchi?”
You drop your weight on an empty seat as Yamaguchi searches for another spot without luck. He looks at the seat next to you with nervousness, not wanting to bother you.
“You can sit here, you know? You can’t stay up the whole ride, can you?”
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable”
“Why would you?” you quirk an eyebrow at him, smiling as you see the soft redness spreading on his cheeks, “I’m messing with you, Tadashi! Just sit”
And as a soldier listening to a command, he sits.
He watches you as you take out your earbuds and plug them in, scrolling down your playlists.
“Did the album you were waiting come out?”, he points shyly his finger at your phone, making you blink as you turn to him
“I-Yes! How do you know I was waiting for it?”
“Uhm–I remember you said that last week”, you fight vigorously the red that threatens your cheeks with fake coughs, “I-I didn’t mean to overhear you, I swear!
“No-no. It’s not that. It’s just–guys don’t usually listen to me, not really anyways. It’s nice knowing someone does”
A comfortable silence settles in as you brush the butterflies in your stomach away before turning to him, eyes glistening with a little mishief.
“That guy was SO annoying!!”, you sigh, “I’m sure Noya and Tanaka would have eaten him alive” you giggle a little before staring at him expectantly for his reaction.
“I–“, his eyes run away from yours before mumbling softly, “I don’t think you needed someone to protect you, your presence itself is…overwhelming–In the best way possible!”
Tsuki turns his head to where you both are siting, sighing, when he sees two blushing messes sinking in the seats.
“I mean if he kept insisting, of course I would do–something!” you feel again that weird knot in the pit of your stomach and without thinking you unplug one of your earbuds.
“Want to listen with me?”
“yes”, Yamaguchi just feel as if he is the luckiest guy in the world and he wants to enjoy every minute of it, but playing five practice sets was tiring
His eyelids grow heavier and his head staggers from right to left as the ride continues, accidentally landing on your shoulder.
“Sorry! I didn’t meant to–“
“D-Don’t worry, I want to sleep too so–“
‘Are you asking to–?’
“You can rest on my shoulder–If you want” you nod shyly causing Yamaguchi to stare at you shocked, he had never seen you this timid.
His brain freezes as he feels the weight of your head falling on his right shoulder, breath almost stoping when you snuggle a little more to find the best position to finally sleep.
“Thank you, Tadashi”, the loudness of his heartbeat nearly doesn’t let him hear your soft whisper.
Finally, he lets his head cautiously fall on top of yours as if he was scared to mess a single strand of your hair but not before he had taken the sight of you. Your face looked almost angelical as the sunlight poured throght the window onto your features, your breath slowing down continuously.
Yamaguchi truly never had felt this lucky.
Since then, you realized you did have feelings for the pinch server and even though he showed a little smile and a light blush now and then, you didn’t know if he felt the same. It was unknown to you that his chest brimmed with nervousness and excitement every time he was in your presence.  
You’ve never felt this anxious before, and watching the cute, blushing exchanges between Yamaguchi and Yachi only made it worst. This time, Yachi almost passed away when a volleyball landed right next to her, Yamaguchi was quick getting the first-aid kit and sitting next to her. A bright red in both of their faces as he touched her hand, searching her pulse, making your eyes roll.
You hated going alone to the storage room, but you hated much more the ongoing scene in the gym.
Dust gets in your lungs, causing you to cough violently as you search for an old net in one of the shelves.
“Why nobody cleans this??”
“Y/N, do you need help?”
The moment you hear Yamaguchi’s voice you huff.
“No. I’m fine”
“But you can fall, Y/N. Let me reach that for you”
“Just let me do it!” you turn way too quickly to face him, losing your balance on the chair, falling forward.
Yamaguchi is fast grabbing your waist, but gravity had already pull you down by the time his hands secure you. Your chest crashes with his as your eyes close, his back landing with a loud thump over the wooden floor.
When you open your eyes again, your lips are on top of his. Yamaguchi’s eyes are still tightly shut, and you take the moment to feel his lips
‘Incredibly soft’.
You drift your stare from his lips to his face, his freckles almost disappearing for the shade of red that tints his cheeks. He is just so pretty!
“SORRY, Y/N!!” he moves his head away not giving you time to react, detaching his lips form yours.
“You didn’t like it?”
“I–Of course I did”
“Then why did you pull back–
“No! Really, Tadashi, tell me. Just tell me you like Yachi, already!”, he blinks in confusion, his heartbeat hammers his ears as he feels numb by the words you’re about to say, “I like you Tadashi”
“But you’re out of my reach. I like you so much, but why would you–“, you grab his face with both of your hands, the urge to feel him, overwhelming you as you gaze at him overflowed by confidence
“Shut up and kiss me, Yamaguchi” you’re still on top of him and his hands find its way to your waist as you press him against you. The kiss is filled with your eagerness and soon is follow by Yamaguchi’s softness and tenderness, a little moan escapes his lips, making you smile.
The door opens for a second only to show Tsuki with disgust all over his face before he disappears again, causing you to break the kiss. His shy eyes look at you and pepper his beautiful freckles with kisses for reassurance.
“Don’t ever put yourself down in front of me Tadashi, ever”
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A/N: I promise, now I’m gonna work in the event :3 Hopefully I can publish some of them in the next week, I have more math presentations xd
❀ Please reblog if you like it! ❀
♡Thanks for reading ♡
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fific7 · 4 years
Dangerous and Divine - Part 3
Billy Russo x Reader
Summary: Billy Russo is an itch you don’t want to scratch. But he’s all over you like a rash.
A/N: This does not follow canon, it’s mainly lemon zest 🍋 The GIF is from Exposed, unreleased pilot show in case you’re wondering 😌... Billy vibes.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW due to sexual content including oral sex, between consenting adults. Some drinking & swearing.
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(My GIF)
“Nothing to see here,” you muttered and scooted across the café as quickly as you could, heading for the sanctuary of your office.
Closing the door firmly behind you and heading straight to your fancy CEO swivel chair, you sat down and shakily placed your hands flat on the desk. You took some deep breaths. That stupid big idiot and his BDE! How dare he kiss you like that in front of everyone.
And even worse, leaving you all hot and flustered like some kid who’s never been kissed before! Let’s be honest, that’s what was really getting to you... he hadn’t actually bent you over the counter and fucked you, but by your reaction he might as well have.
How ridiculous, you told yourself sternly, get a grip! You put your forehead on the desk’s cool surface. They’d all been staring at you, and you could feel your face heating up again at the thought of them watching Billy kiss you really quite passionately. And you melting like a complete fool in the process.
After a couple of hours hiding out in your office, you knew you’d have to face the music sooner or later and made your way back down to the café. The regulars, you saw, had gone by now so that was something but by the mischievous looks on your co-workers’ faces, you knew you were in for some serious teasing.
You made your way over to one of the two monster Gaggia coffee machines in the café and started making yourself a cappuccino. “Anyone want one?” you asked over your shoulder. Jake said he’d have one too, but the other two passed. You could just feel their curiosity crackling through the air like electricity. They were of course fully aware of the Ex and that whole daytime soap plot, but were just about losing their shit as they didn’t know anything about this hot dude, who’d walked in to the café and kissed you like he knew you extremely well.
You handed Jake his coffee and helped yourself to a danish cinnamon pastry - yeah, eating the profits again - munching into it and then pointing at your staff members with it. “Okay, guys. Here it is. In its entirety. I went to little cousin’s cocktail party last night as you know, and met the guy who was in here earlier. We left the party, went for a couple of drinks elsewhere, he drove me home, I got out of his car and he drove away. Like, immediately I got out.”
You really didn’t feel the need to mention the kiss he’d stolen before you got out of his car.
Gabrielle’s mouth fell open, “You met him last night???” The implication being that A) how was that possible and B) where did that kiss come from if you hadn’t slept with him? You sighed, taking another bite of pastry. “Yes! And as I’ve just told you,” you looked around to make sure there weren’t any customers in earshot, “he did not stay the night, okay? He didn’t even get out of his car.”
“It’s just that it looked a bit ...” Steve trailed off nervously. “Well...umm... friendly... for someone you’ve only just met,” finished Jake. You nodded. “I’m aware of that. What you saw there was the Billy Russo Show, done purely to embarrass me. He’s a cocky big shit. And trying to get me to go out with him.” “Are you going to?” asked Gabrielle. “Oh, hell yes! Wouldn’t you?” Jake almost got whiplash, he nodded so emphatically, “Yes. Yes, I would.” You all had a good laugh at that.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
There were only 2 days to go until Friday, and you found yourself panicking. What to wear, what to wear? OK, after mentally reviewing your wardrobe you decided that a shopping trip was in order.
Hanging up your new purchase in the wardrobe, you felt pleased with your choice. Nothing too flashy - you weren’t sure of the venue, so went with smart/casual - a sleek navy number, wraparound style, mid-thigh length and showing only a hint of cleavage. Less is more right?
Teamed with a pair of metallic navy heels, it would be fine. You hoped. What if he was taking you somewhere really low-key? Oh well, you shrugged, if you ended up looking a bit like Cinders at the ball in some local pizzeria, so be it.
Jake and the others were still buzzing about your upcoming date, in fact you’d eventually asked them if they wanted to come along too. They’d at least had the decency to look guilty, but only a little. You were sure that if they found out where you two were headed, they’d follow you. You decided you’d better check for shadowy figures tailing you on Friday night.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
8pm on the dot, the buzzer sounded in your apartment, Billy’s voice announcing that he was downstairs. You were not quite ready, still had a couple of tweaks to make so buzzed him up. He strolled in as you opened the door, leaning in for a kiss to which you turned your head, so it landed on your cheek. “Lipstick!” you trilled, moving back towards the bathroom. “I won’t be long, have a seat. You’re looking good, Russo, by the way.” “Thanks,” you heard his voice from the other room, “and you’re looking absolutely gorgeous, sweetheart.”
You’d felt happier when you saw that he was also smart/casual.... what looked like a cashmere burgundy sweater over black jeans, with a leather jacket. He looked edible.
When you emerged back into the living room five minutes later - a veritable vision in navy, you mockingly smirked to yourself - Billy Russo was nowhere in sight. You stopped in your tracks, and then heard a drawer opening in your bedroom. You walked through to it, just in time to see Billy picking up a pair of your lacy silk panties out of your underwear drawer.
“Russo!” you yelled, “put those back, you perv!” He slid the smooth fabric between his long fingers, grinning devilishly at you. “Mmmmm, are you wearin’ something similar right now?” Before you could stop yourself, you bit back, “Who says I’m wearing any at all?” His eyes widened, a big grin appearing on his face. “Oh, really? Wanna prove it?” “No!” you replied, knowing your face was scarlet, “just forget I said that. I’m joking with you.” He shook his head, “Yeah, like I’m goin’ to get that image out of my head anytime soon.”
“Let’s go, Billy,” you said, walking to the front door and pulling on your own leather jacket. “Hey, we’re matching,” he laughed, pointing between your jacket and his, “ain’t that sweet!” “It’s creepy, actually. Matching clothes? Vomit-inducing.” He laughed, “You’re funny.” “No, I’m just not some soppy sappy woman who’s going to fall at your feet, Russo.” He took your hand as you closed and locked your front door, and the two of you headed for the stairs.
“Yeah, I’d kinda got that vibe already,” he grinned at you, “but it doesn’t matter, I know I’m gonna get you in the end.” “Just keep on telling yourself that,” you snarked back.
Looking at the back of his head as he walked down the stairs in front of you, you really wanted to run your fingers through that hair but managed to keep your hands to yourself.
Fastening your seat belt, back in the gleaming Wraith, you watched Billy’s fingers as he fastened his and then placed his hands on the steering wheel. You mentally shook yourself, you were beginning to fantasise about different parts of his body and you’d better snap out of it, you told yourself.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
He took you to a really nice Italian restaurant, not too posh, just nice and relaxed with friendly staff and really good food. The conversation from the night in the bar was picked up where it left off, each of you adding more and varied information. You learned that Frank had sadly lost his wife and kids when they innocently got caught up in a savage gang war gun battle. Billy told you that his friend had gone off the rails for a while, but had recently met a lovely lady called Karen and they’d started dating. He was really pleased for him, as he’d been so worried about him for a while. You thought you’d quite like to meet Frank sometime.
You told him something more of your life, thankfully not involving assault and cheating ex-boyfriends this time. He’d been fascinated and truly appreciative of the struggle you’d had to get your business off the ground, saying that he’d been lucky in having a major investor lined up before he’d even left the Marines.
You saw a dark look flit over his face for a moment, but then it cleared and he went on to ask you more questions about your business. You’d both chatted easily together until it was almost midnight, and you’d become “that couple” who were the last ones in the restaurant. You realised that, when he dropped the ‘Billy Big Dick’ nonsense, you really enjoyed his company and felt that you two had clicked even more this evening.
He drove away from the restaurant, and it took you a few minutes to notice that he wasn’t driving the route to your apartment. “Billy,” you sighed, “are we heading to your place by any chance?” That damn smirk was back on his face. “Yeah,” he said, “I’ve seen yours, so now you can see mine.” ”Oh, ha bloody ha. I’m not sleeping with you, you know.” A grin appeared on his lips as you glanced across at his profile, illuminated by each passing streetlight. “Just keep on tellin’ yourself that, sweetheart,” he replied mockingly. You laughed out loud, “You cheeky big bastard.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
His apartment was everything you would’ve expected - open plan, with modern, sleek furnishings and decor in dark masculine colours. You settled yourself onto the large sofa, and he headed to the kitchen area; a moment later, you heard wine being poured then his tall figure reappeared, holding the two wine glasses. He handed one to you, and you took a sip - it was very good wine. “So, Billy... I’m guessing your li’l batchelor pad here sees quite a lot of action, and not the type you saw in the Marines, huh?”
That smirk. He sat down next to you, hand going to rest on your shoulder and playing with a strand of your hair. His expression became serious, “No. I don’t bring women back here.”
You scoffed, “Oh come on, Billy... you’re...” then you stopped, looking away from him. “I’m what?” You shook your head. “C’mon, what were you going to say?” “Never mind. Well, if you don’t bring them here, let me guess... you go to their place and disappear before the morning light?” He shifted uncomfortably on the sofa, breaking eye contact with you. “Okay... that, I can’t deny. How did you guess? And what were you going to say before?”
Oh to hell with it, you thought.
“I was going to say... you’re hot, Billy. So obviously - unless you’ve got a problem down there and need some little blue pills...” his eyebrows rose, his mouth dropping open slightly before he started grinning, “...you won’t be a saint and you’re more than likely a player.”
He leaned in towards you, eyes staring deep into yours, “Firstly, I have no problems with my equipment in any way shape or form,” ....smirk... “it’s in perfect workin’ order. And I’d be more than happy to prove that to you.” His lips met yours in a kiss, quickly growing heated. He pulled away, making eye contact again, “And you’re right, I’m no saint. A player? Yeah, maybe. But I can be a saint for you, if you want me to be.”
“But that wouldn’t be the real Billy Russo, would it?” His eyes were still on you. You carried on, “Look, I’ll level with you. I like you - when you’re not wearing your BDE persona. It’s a total clichè, but I really don’t intend to be just another notch on your no-doubt designer bedframe.”
He smiled at you, “I get it, I really do.” He trailed a finger along your cheekbone, “I wouldn’t be tryin’ to be someone I’m not. I just meant that I like you too, and I feel comfortable dropping the persona with you.” You smiled back. “OK, but Billy?” “Yeah?” “I’m still not sleeping with you.”
Laughing, “Oh, yeah?” pulling you against his chest, a hand going to your cheek as he kissed you long and hard. Breaking away, hand on his chest, you whispered, “Yeah...”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Billy was poised above you, looking down at you as if you were something he wanted to devour. Your clothes had joined his on the bedroom floor a little while ago; you were both lying on his very large bed, and yes it was designer-made - you’d asked him.
He gently pushed aside a strand of your hair, before kissing your lips. His mouth then made its way slowly but surely down to your neck and collarbone, and you felt little nips on your skin before his tongue licked your skin slowly. He moved slightly lower and sucked your nipples while his hands were busy massaging your breasts. Your hands moved to his broad shoulders, pulling him down further so you could feel more of his skin against yours.
You heard a chuckle, “So yeah, I guess you really aren’t gonna sleep with me after all, huh?” You shifted out slightly from under his body, “Shut up Billy, and put this to good use,” letting your fingers trail down to his hard length. You slid your fingers around it and gave his tip a firm squeeze. His breath hissed between his lips, and those big hands pulled you back underneath him. “Don’t worry, I was gonna.” You smirked, “I confess I was impressed when I saw what you were packing,” another squeeze, another hiss, his mouth on your neck, “but actions speak louder than words.”
He laughed, “Be careful what you wish for, sweetheart.” Deciding to head for the mother lode, you gave him one last squeeze, firmer than before, sniggering as his hips shot forward. “Same to you,” you said, before sliding your hands into his silky hair at last. Running your fingers right back through it, you sighed out loud and grabbed a handful with each of yours, and tugged. “I see you like my hair,” he smirked.
You leant forward and kissed him, hard. He groaned, kissing you back even harder. Then your hands ran over the muscles of his chest, down the trail of hairs on his lower stomach, before grabbing his cock and wrapping your fingers round it. He growled, “And what ya gonna do with that, sweetheart?” You began stroking him firmly, “This.... until you decide to get off your ass and do something.”
He laughed out loud, and suddenly his hand was between your legs, his thumb on your clit, rubbing hard. His lips at your ear, whispering, “Something like this?” and you felt a long finger plunging into you, swiftly joined by a second one. He began sliding them in and out, curling them, and it had an instant effect on you, your breath hitching. “Billy,” you sighed, your hand stilling momentarily on his length. You heard his low chuckle, and he increased his pace. Okay smartass, you thought, and gave his tip a very firm squeeze. “Aahhh!” you heard, and gave him another one for good measure. “You minx,” he laughed, then picked up pace with his fingers again. Then they were gone from you, and you saw him moving his head downwards, hands moving to your hips, his tongue replacing his fingers. He was lapping at you, his thumb back on your clit, and now you really were in trouble.
You grabbed his shoulders, digging your nails in, beginning to writhe on the bed, and then his fingers were back, sliding in next to his tongue. The combination of thumb, tongue and fingers was like an incendiary bomb going off in your core, and you could feel your climax building by the second. His pace increased and that was it, the explosion happened and you now grabbed his head like a vice, keeping him where he was as the aftershocks of your orgasm washed over you in waves. Very pleasurable waves. Finally, you released his head and you saw his dark eyes meet yours, a satisfied glint in them. “That was only number one, angel,” he grinned, “fasten your seat belt.” “Cocky bastard. And I’m an angel now, am I?” He moved up and back over you, hands sliding up your body.
“For sure,” kissing your neck, nipping the skin lightly with his teeth. “And I’m so lucky, havin’ one in my bed.” He sat up, opening a drawer in his bedside table, scrabbling around until he produced a condom, unwrapping it and holding your gaze as he rolled it on.
His hands moved to your breasts, palming them then circling his thumbs over your nipples as they peaked once again. You grabbed that hair of his again, little gasps making their way between your lips. Your feet were flat on the mattress, knees either side of his thighs and you felt his hand moving down, then the head of his cock was between your legs, edging its way in. Billy thrust right inside you, and there were loud groans from you both as he sunk in. “Mmmm...” he kissed you, tongue diving into your mouth, then he pulled away, gazing at you, “you don’t know just how good you feel around me.” You shifted a bit, rolling your hips to his, “About as good as you feel inside me.”
A low growl, then he was moving on you, fast right from the get-go, his thrusts forcing a moan from you on each stroke. Your legs moved - seemingly of their own accord - around his hips, and this new angle obviously pleased both of you, as the noises the two of you made got even louder. You felt him deep inside you, and every time you squeezed and held him there, he actually whimpered.
“Good puppy!” you managed to gasp out, hearing an answering snort of laughter from him. “I am not...” he gasped back at you between thrusts, “...a fuckin’ puppydog, sweetheart.” “But Billy, you’ve got those big brown eyes ...” your own eyes closed at a particularly forceful thrust, “...and you are fucking me, so...”
His only answer this time was to pull one of your legs higher onto his back, thrusting deep as he did, and then his hand cupped your breast and massaged it hard. That shut you up.
His fingers were at your inflamed core again and then he was rubbing at your clit, making your back arch with sheer pleasure. He was switching between kissing you hungrily and nipping and sucking love bites onto your collarbone. Thank god he wasn’t targeting your neck, you thought, that would look so professional at work. You, meanwhile, were over-indulging in your obsession with his hair, running it back off his forehead with your fingers and tugging on it to your heart’s content.
Finally your over-pleasured body couldn’t take any more, and your climax hit you like a truck. Your nails dug into his muscled shoulders, grabbing him in a death grip and a small scream of “Billy!” exited your open mouth. You felt him give a few sharp thrusts, realising that he was about to come; you heard your name, then a long groan and he released his warm seed into you. He sunk down onto you, kissing you softly but with passion, long fingers laying gently along your jaw and neck as he did so.
“Angel....” he sighed.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
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jeontaehui · 4 years
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kun kunhee
taehee’s true aegyo only shows when she talks to kun.
she would call him ‘kun gege‘ or ‘kunnie kun kun’ when she’s feeling it lol
taehee Loves kun’s cooking !!! every time the neos would separate into groups during an activity that involved cooking, she’d beg to be in the same group as him.
(nct world ep. 8) “oppa, your food is to die for.”
kun looks at taehee very fondly, like how a dad would watch his child. 
he thinks taehee can be a bit out of hand sometimes, but 98% of the time they’re together, kun looks like he’d spoil taehee without her having to ask him. 
(180403 vlive) “kun-ge,” taehee skips in her steps as kun turns his head to acknowledge her, “hmm?” “if ten oppa asked you to cut me in half, would you?” she asks him expectantly, and without missing a beat, he replies, “no”. triumphantly, taehee turns to the back to stick out her tongue at ten, “see, you’re the only person—“ “i don’t want to have two of you around,” kun cuts her off with a playful smirk, which turns to a laugh as soon as taehee lets out a gasp. she continued to ramble about how she trusted him, how she felt betrayed. “i’m just kidding,” kun says as he put his arm around taehee’s shoulders, pulling her close before ruffling her hair. 
although they’re not a very popular duo or not seen together quite often, taehee absolutely missed kun and his playfulness (and maybe his cooking too).
iconic moment (uncut take #1 | 2020 yearparty behind scene #2) “hello,” they respectfully greeted, with taehee clinging to kun’s side. “i’m here with taehee,” kun starts, “and even if we aren’t in a scene together, we’re hanging out.”
“i missed kun oppa,” taehee pouts, “kun gege.” this immediately made kun smile, it was clear how kun adored taehee like she was his own child. “really?” and taehee nods in response. “it’s been like, what, two years? since i’ve last seen you. moments with you are like, a breath of fresh air,” kun softly laughs at the comparison as he shakes his head at her dramatics. “you’re just making stuff up, aren’t you?”
“i’m not! i swear!”
“are you sure it’s not my cooking that you missed?”
“well... maybe that too.”
song happier by marshmellow ft. bastille
ten tnt / tenhee
taehee likes to think of ten as her twin, but then he would always shoot down the idea. 
(n’-75) “we’re like twins, right?” taehee tells ten before throwing a chip into her mouth. “yeah, but you’re the annoying one and everyone likes me.”
their videos on nct’s dance channel are literally Divine !!!!!! nctzens especially went wild when taehee performed with ten on ‘hit the stage’.
the dirty jokes ..... don’t even get me started. ten would make one remark and it immediately becomes dirty when he makes eye contact with taehee (ft. mark sometimes). if taehee was about to break out laughing, she’d go “UGH I HATE YOU!”
but even if they’re like this with each other, ten and taehee care about each other a whole lot :(
(nct world ep. 3) taehee strained her wrist while attempting to do jump over the vault. though she was able to balance herself quickly, she looked as if she were about to fall; at this split second, ten took a worried step forward, afraid that she’d slip to the ground. later, when taehee comes back with a wrist guard around her hand, ten takes a concerned look at her and asks if she was okay.
taehee also caught a cold while they were preparing for ‘90’s love’ and ten kept insisting he’d make her something to help her feel better.
ten would never admit it but taehee is his baby, anything or anyone that’s bothering her will have to go through him first >:(
iconic moment (jcc ep. 25) “ten, i don’t think it’s supposed to work that way,” taehee giggles at him as he stood a foot away from her while mixing his self-made cookie dough. “no, you wait for it. it’s gonna work,” ten insists while pointing the wooden spoon menacingly at taehee, but this just made the girl smile wider.
she secretly slides the jar of white sugar towards her and scoops up a spoonful, before moving carefully towards ten. “i don’t even think you added sugar,” she mumbles, but his body moves to block her and she bumps into his back with another step. “HEY!” she laughs at how protective ten was getting over his cookie dough, and his stirring becoming more and more aggressive as she tries to put sugar in it, “i’m going to place some so it has a taste!”
ten protests that he already did a while ago while taehee maneuvered her way around him laughing. ten knew what she was trying to do and so he bumped his hip against hers to stop her from getting any nearer. “this is going to spill! ten, stop!,” taehee tries to hold in her giggles, ten was being too cute. “and you’re going to clean it up when it does,” he bites back.
taehee resumes to finding ways to get sugar into the mix while ten resists, causing a very entertained mark to fill the studio with laughter. after a few minutes of trying, taehee sighs and puts back the sugar in the jar, "wow, i never knew baking could be so tiring.”
turns out, ten’s cookies didn’t come out that well and taehee’s expression said it all. “i told you so.”
song positions by ariana grande 
winwin winhee
when winwin was promoting with wayv, he and taehee would send each other messages asking about their days or if they had plans for anything. since both units were busy, they really never do this and it’s only rare that they message each other, let alone call each other.
that’s why taehee was very happy when she saw winwin again for resonance :(
if taehee was chill about her love for winwin before, now she’d just poke his cheeks every once in a while.
(uncut take #1 | 2020 yearparty behind scene #1) taehee watches from the side as three or four members corner winwin to gush over him, making her give a disapproving shake of the head to the camera. “everyone, winwin hyungie is like a baby,” she nods. “babies won’t like it if you bother them too much, so you have to be subtle with your affection.” taehee gives a playful smirk to the camera, “that’s why winwin hyungie likes me.”
winwin, on the other hand, thinks that taehee changed very much the last time he saw her. from being childish and innocent, she became matured and confident. this is how winwin felt time really flew.
(uncut take #1 | 2020 yearparty behind scene #1) “winwin gege~,” taehee whines, seeing how it would roll off her tongue. “did i say that right? ‘winwin gege’?,” she looks to see that winwin already had a fond smile on his face. “you are so cute,” he pouts, “jeon taehee, you are really too cute.”
iconic moment (201106 twitter blueroom live) “winwin hyung, who is your favorite member here in 90’s love?,” haechan asks from his left. and as everyone appeals to him, including mark who touches his ear out of affection, he already had one person in mind. “jeon taehee.”
song left to right by marteen
lucas luhee
a very very very very chaotic duo.
if you watch compilation videos of the funniest moments from empathy era, the iconic clip of lucas and taehee saying something else instead of ‘yadom’ (nasal spray) would always be included. they had to cut out that part from the live later, and members had to tell them what ‘야동’ actually meant in the next live.
taehee would try to teach lucas some korean before, but then that’s just her talking in korean with an english accent.
(180712 vlive) “why are you so tall?,” taehee raises her eyebrow at him. “why are you so short?,” lucas laughs.
taehee threw a pick-up line at mark during that same live, and lucas asked her why wasn’t she like that to him too. “lucas, don’t laugh but,” taehee tells him, “even if you’re as tall as a tree, i’ll still see you as a big baby. i’m not lying.”
and so jungwoo and taehee’s snacking tradition was actually jungwoo, taehee, and lucas’ snacking tradition.
for taehee, it’s so satisfying to watch lucas eat especially if he’s enjoying it so much. lucas actually admitted that the food that taehee carried in her bag would eventually go to his stomach. it became a habit for taehee to carry some in her bag even if lucas wasn’t promoting with her anymore.
iconic moment (uncut take #14 | ‘resonance’ mv behind the scene) “yo lucas,” taehee greets as she was pulled into a friendly bro hug. when she pulls away, she quicklt takes a look at lucas’ gorgeous features and steps back, “woah, you’re seriously so handsome.” lucas turns shy at her compliment and rubs the back of his neck, “you too.”
taehee raises her eyebrows in amusement, smirking as she says, “i’m handsome too?” lucas thinks for a moment before nodding yes, “you can be handsome too.”
“okay czennies, meet two very handsome people. hello!”
song rather be by clean bandit (ft. jess glynne)
xiaojun xiaohee
out of all the ‘99 boys, she’d want to get to know xiaojun more the most. 
they’re not awkward with each other, they’re just shy to approach each other and start a conversation. 
(sun & moon ep. 2) “taehee-ssi told me the other day she really liked xiaojun hyung’s voice out of the blue,” the said girl eyes haechan carefully, suddenly feeling nervous at what he’s going to pull. “i told her she should tell you herself, why is she telling me? she said she was shy,” when he had said this, a chorus of ‘ohh’s’ came from the rest of the bunch, except for taehee. she had a threatening smile on her face directed at the one and only lee haechan, so he decides to prod her further, “taehee-ssi, perhaps you’d like a guesting on awsaz?”
unknowingly though, xiaojun soon becomes one of the causes of taehee’s smiles or laughter whenever they’re filming together. 
(nct world ep. 2) “taehee, fighting!,” he cheers as taehee stepped forward to arm wrestle. the latter quickly turns around to give him a salute as she winks.
(201120 vlive) “xiaojun comes home and he talks about taehee too,” kun shares, “they hang out a lot.” doyoung snickers, “he fell for her too? taehee tells us how funny you guys are in your dorms, but she only ever talked about xiaojun.”
so yes ,,, they are very shy around each other but as far as we know !!! they’re really good friends who want to be closer to each other.
iconic moment (uncut take #14 | ‘resonance’ mv behind the scene) “you guys have pets in your dorm, right?,” taehee asks him as she leaned back, her arms supporting her from behind. “yes, we have three. the dog is bella and we have two cats named leon and louis,” taehee’s eyes widened, though she admits she feels jealous to have their pets around.
“i would keep my dog with me but they won’t let me.”
“oh really? what’s the name?”
“her name is 뚱이, and she’s a lhasa apso.”
“ahh,” xiaojun nods, “does she pee on your carpet?”
taehee throws her head back slightly as she laughs at the question, bringing a hand to her mouth to hide her growing smile. “do your pets pee on your carpet?” xiaojun shrugs, “well, sometimes,” he nods off disappointingly, causing taehee to giggle. “but we love them,” xiaojun sighs, and his eyes see taehee’s wide smile as she agrees with him. “that’s right, we love them.”
song i really like you by carly rae jepsen 
hendery deryhee
taehee finds hendery SO funny, i swear.
like he can literally just smile and nod she’d bust her lungs out from laughing
nctzens found it cute when taehee and hendery monitored each other while they were shooting for the ‘misfit’ track vid.
(misfit track video behind the scene) “ooo hendery is good. he looks cool.”
taehee watched the awsaz episode of winwin and jisung ,,, firstly because of those two.
but then hendery and haechan were so funny too she may have shed a tear from laughing.
a fan asked in those video call fansigns if taehee has watched any of wayv’s videos and she laughed, saying that she watched the one where they acted as disney princesses.
“hendery is so funny, really,” she smiled. “I CAN SHOW YOU THE WORLD!!!!”
they became really close during resonance era and talk about games, their pets, and already have some inside jokes between the two of them.
like a member would just say ‘cabbage’ and we already have the two of them smiling to each other from across the room !!! or they’d make eye contact when looking at the mirror and taehee would just bust out laughing.
iconic moment (201106 twitter blueroom live) “you’re really, really, really, really handsome,” yuta starts with utmost sincerity, “hendery.” the latter brings a hand to his face, his face warming up at the compliment as he sighs contently. this comical reaction causes taehee to burst into a fit of laughter, one you could hear off-cam.
later, when it was time for the ‘90’s love’ unit to take charge of the live, taehee giggles out of the blue, trying to keep her laughs in. “why?,” mark asks as he glances at her. “i’m sorry i just,” she pauses. surely, she was thinking about the funny things hendery pulled when they were doing the live before them. “i just keep thinking about how funny hendery was. i’m sorry, i’ll just eat my fries,” she says the last part quickly, throwing a french fry in her mouth as she bites back a smile.
song love story by taylor swift (disco lines ft. cassidi remix)
yangyang yanghee
taehee finds yangyang SO cute, precious, and tiny.
whenever yangyang is speaking, we’d see taehee in the corner of the frame smiling. 
she’s all over the yangyang vocalist agenda !!!!!!
(uncut #16 | ‘90’s love’ recording behind) “this is yangyang’s voice, isn’t it?,” taehee beams as she hears the younger’s voice through her headphones. “i really like his voice.”
yangyang’s such a smiley baby around taehee, partially because she told him he was very cute when he smiles.
fans find it so endearing when taehee calls yangyang “yangyangie” as if she’s talking to a baby :(
(201022 weibo live) “taehee noona and i play games when she comes here,” yangyang tells renjun. “and then she’ll hangout with the pets later,” he and renjun laugh at this. typical taehee.
taehee would buy drinks from the vending machine for sungchan since he’s the maknae in ‘90’s love’ but !!!! she makes a special exception for yangyang.
just a little bit more and he’s up taehee’s baby list ^ ^
iconic moment (uncut take #8 | ‘90′s love’ mv behind) “today is yangyang’s birthday!,” taehee chirps as she held the camera, making sure she and yangyang were both in the frame. “you’re like, 21 now, right?,” yangyang nods, “how are you feeling today?”
“i feel happy right now since you guys like prepared a cake and stuff and sang ‘happy birthday’ to me awhile ago,” taehee smiles at this. “so i’ll continue to work hard with you guys as we wrap up filming,” yangyang finishes as he beams at her, the latter mirroring his expression. 
“you’re so cute, you know that, right?,” taehee coos as she focuses the camera to yangyang (who smiles shyly at the compliment), before placing herself back in frame. “i only got to play games with yangyang a few times because chenle invited me, but now that we’re all spending time together, i think yangyang’s a very cute dongsaeng.” at this, they both giggle and taehee raises her fist for a fist bump. “i know,” yangyang says as he bumps his fist against hers, taehee laughing at this cute ball of sunshine. 
song timber by pitbull (ft. ke$ha) 
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ofstarsandvibranium · 4 years
Breaking Down Walls
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Derek Morgan x GN!Reader
Summary: You’ve watched Derek fix up the house next door all by himself for days at a time. He looks upset and exhausted, one day, so you decide to introduce yourself and treat him to lunch. 
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(gif source)
This is the fifth time in the last two weeks you’ve seen this man. It’s usually early in the morning or late at night that he’ll appear and start working on the house next door to yours. 
For the years that you’ve been there, that house has been an eyesore to the neighborhood. It’s had a rough history of owners and renters who just can’t seem to maintain the house. 
Then last month, he started appearing. A tall, fit black man who looks some years older than you, hauling construction supplies out of his truck. He was never accompanied by anyone, no construction team in sight. Just him. And you’d hear him working on the house. The crashing of walls and ceilings too loud to ignore in the middle of the night. You’re not a very confrontational person, so you just choose to mutter complaints about the noise to yourself. 
You saw him every once in a while and then, two weeks ago, you started seeing him more and more. From your window, you could see he was tense. There was often a frown on his face and you couldn’t help but wonder what was wrong. 
It isn’t until the fifth time you see him in the past two weeks that you muster up the courage to speak with him. 
You see him sitting on the porch, a water bottle in hand. He looks upset. So you quickly grab the pitcher of lemonade you made earlier that day as well as the slutty brownies you made the night before. With the tray in your hands, you make your careful journey to the house next door. 
The man doesn’t even notice you, as he’s staring at the ground. It isn’t until you clear your throat that he looks up, “Oh. Sorry. Hi.”
You give him a polite smile, “Hi, sorry. I’ve seen you here a lot recently and you looked pretty upset, so I figured I’d bring over some lemonade and baked goods to lighten your mood?” he stares up at you questioningly and you stammer out, “I-I-I mean, if you want. If you don’t that’s okay. I just thought you’d need a pick me up or-or something. I can go, if you want.”
He chuckles at your embarrassed state and shakes his head, “No, no. It’s okay. I was just taken back is all,” he smiles up at you and you swear you’ve never seen a more heartstopping smile. 
He scoots to his left to make room for you, “I don’t have any furniture set up yet so I hope you’re okay with sitting here.”
“Yeah, it’s no problem,” you set the tray beside him and sit on the other side of it, “I’m Y/N, by the way. I live right next door,” you offer your hand out to him and he shakes it, “I’m Derek. Derek Morgan. So, whatcha got here?”
You grab a class and start to pour the lemonade, “Homemade lemonade made this morning. I grew the lemons myself.” you hand Derek his glass and then gestured to the baked goods, “And these delicious goodies are my slutty brownies!”
He cocks a brow and grins at you, “Slutty brownies?”
You shake your head and hands at him, “Trust me, I didn’t name them! I don’t know who, but that’s what they’re called! They’re part brownie, part cookie, and part oreo.”
Derek gulped half of the lemonade and then picked up a slutty brownie. He chewed it for a few seconds and then moaned, “Holy shit! These are delicious! You made these yourself?!”
“Damn! Is there a chance I can order some from you? I know the guys at my work would love these.”
You snicker, ���Sure.”
He finished the one in his hand, gulped down more lemonade, and then grabbed another brownie, “Consider my spirits lifted.”
“So Derek...”
“Are you like a one man construction team or something? Ever since you started working on this house,” you gesture to the building, “I never see anyone with you.”
He finished the last of his second brownie, and then downed the rest of the lemonade from his glass, “It’s kind of my thing. I’m an FBI agent and the job can get pretty draining, so I buy houses, fix them up, and then put ‘em on the market. The reconstruction is my way to cope with all the exhaustion from my job.”
You slowly nod your head, “Wow. That’s pretty cool. What do you do at the FBI? Or is that classified information?”
Derek snorts, “Not everything in the FBI is classified.”
“Okay, so what do you do?”
“It’s classified,” he answers with a grin and you roll your eyes while he laughs, “I’m kidding. I’m kidding. I work with the Behavioral Analysis Unit. The BAU. Been with them for a little over a decade?”
“Wow. What does the BAU do?”
“We help catch serial killers, for the most part. But sometimes law enforcement will ask for our help on a case they can’t seem to solve.”
Your eyes widen with excitement, “That’s awesome! Well, not the serial killer and death part, but the fact that you go around catching some really dangerous people. You’re like a modern day superhero!”
“Thanks. And like I said, it can get pretty draining, but knowing that I’ve taken a lot of bad people off the street is really what makes it all worth it.” 
Rrrrring! Rrrrring!
“Speak of the devil,” he murmurs, pulling out his phone and answering it, “Hey, babygirl....Yeah. Okay, give me about thirty minutes and I’ll be there. Alright. See you soon.” he ends the call and looks at you, “Duty calls,” he stands up and dusts off his jeans, “Hey, thanks again for this Y/N. It really did cheer me up.” He picks up the tray as you stand and hold it out for you. 
You pick up the plate and hand it to him, “For the road.”
“You serious?”
“Yup! Take some for your coworkers.”
“You’re an angel, you know that?” he says with a beaming smile and you just shrug, “No biggie. I guess I’ll see you whenever then.”
“Guess so.”
“See ya!” you take your tray and start to head back to your house, but then you stop, “And Derek?”
“Yeah?” he turns back around to face you.
“Can you maybe not hammer down walls and ceilings in the middle of the night? I need my beauty rest.”
He chuckles and gives you a nod, “Sure. Sorry about that. I’ll see you around, Y/N.”
“Good luck on your case!”
A week later, you see Derek again. This time, you bring a different dessert.
“Sex in a Pan?! What is with you and these weird dessert names?!”
“I didn’t name it!”
This would turn out to be an often occurrence with you and Derek. He comes to fix up the house, you come by with lemonade and an obscurely named dessert, and you’d chat until he has to get back to construction.
It isn’t until he’s finished with the house a month and a half later that he asks you out to dinner. 
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jenonctcity · 5 years
My Beginning - Part 1
Differences – Lee Jeno
Part of the Bad Boy Series.
Badboy!Au, Streetfighter!Au
Warnings: Mentions of past abuse, talk of drugs, aggression, mention of mental health, mention of blood/violence. 
Word Count: 5.9k
(I recommend reading Haechan’s part first to understand this part more clearly.)
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Jeno had a rough start to life. He was raised in a poor family with an abusive father and depressed mother. To let off some steam and make some money to support himself, he took up underground street fights at the age of 15. And he was really fucking good at it. Finally his father pushed him too far one night and at the age of 18 Jeno did what he’d wanted to do since before he could even remember, and he beat up his dad until his face was almost unrecognisable. He was sentenced to a year in prison for his crime, but he thought it was worth it and doesn’t regret it. Now fresh out of prison, he’s back in the underground fighting scene and adjusting to life on the outside without having to worry about his father for the first time in his life. He meets someone who mixes up his life once more, and she wants to change him for the better. Does he change for the women he sees in his future or is he too far gone?
 “You need some pussy.” Chenle’s words caused Jeno to choke on the beer he was in the middle of swallowing. He winced and gulped the beer down after he’d finished coughing into his hand, giving Chenle a wide-eyed look and holding his hand up in question.
“Chenle…what the fuck?” He gulped down the rest of his beer and set the bottle down on the bar. Chenle sniggered, looking oddly proud of himself for what he’d said to his older friend.
“Well you’ve been a right grumpy bastard the past few months, and it’s starting to ruin my vibe.” Chenle sounded as if he was dead serious as he flagged the bartender down to order more beers.
“Sorry that I fell in love with someone who didn’t love me back Chenle, I didn’t mean to ruin your ‘vibe’.” He deadpanned but mocked Chenle’s voice as he said the word ‘vibe’.
“You’re forgiven.” Chenle’s neck was starting to look very inviting to Jeno. Inviting to wrap his hands around and strangle the cheeky fucker. “So anyway, I did you a favour!” This made Jeno’s eyebrows raise, as he knew Chenle doing someone a favour, usually worked out to be a devastation only for Chenle’s amusement. Jeno put his head in his hands and groaned.
“I swear to god if you have hired a fucking prostitute or some shit Chenle I wi-”
“No!” Chenle furrowed his eyebrows and let out a laugh. “You really think I’d spend that much money on getting a prostitute for you? Pfft, you’re my buddy but you’re not that special Jen.” The one thing Jeno loved but hated at the same time about Chenle was that he had absolutely no filter whatsoever.
“Thanks.” Jeno rolled his eyes and sighed. “So what is this favour?”
“I’ve set you up a blind date.” Chenle grinned at Jeno, clearly proud of what he’d done. Jeno felt his stomach drop, he sighed and shook his head as he looked at Chenle.
“I’m not ready.” He mumbled, looking down at his hands.
“It’s been what? Seven months?” Chenle furrowed his eyebrows, confused at Jeno’s reaction.
“Four months…you have no sense of time at all.” Jeno frowned in shock at his friend’s awareness of time. “Do you not realise that I still have feelings for her? She pretty much lives at the apartment and her and Haechan are all over each other.” He didn’t want to sound soft, so he neglected to tell Chenle that it felt like a knife was being stabbed through his heart every time he saw them hold hands, or their lips briefly touch. He wasn’t stupid, he knew they kept their pda to a minimum around him, and he knows they look at him with pity in their eyes, which isn’t what Jeno wants.
“Get over it my guy.” Chenle shrugs and slaps Jeno on the shoulder. He’s clearly never had his heartbroken, but Jeno can’t really blame him for his ignorance to heart break, he’s still young. “Look, she’s a really nice girl, and she’s beautiful. She’s my friend’s sister and he thinks she needs some company.”
“And she hasn’t got feelings for anyone else?” Jeno couldn’t hide the sarcasm in his voice as he stared Chenle in the eye.
“Not that I’m aware of. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was secretly in love with me though, I am one hell of a catch.” He winked at Jeno and took a large mouthful of beer, taking took much in and dribbling some of the liquid down his chin.
“Yes…quite the bachelor.”
“I’ll text you the details once I’ve sorted things out with her.”
“I don’t know whether to thank you or not, so I’m going to wait and see how this turns out.” Jeno rolled his eyes and sipped on his own beer.
“So you’ll actually go on the date?!”
“Yes, if it shuts you up about my personal life.”
Jeno felt like he was suffocating as he tugged at the collar of his white button up shirt. It wasn’t often he wore a shirt considered ‘formal’, as he didn’t really go anywhere fancy enough to deem wearing a shirt that fell into the category. But since it was a first date and Chenle told him not to dress like a ‘homeless rat’, he decided to buy a decent shirt to wear with his black skinny jeans. The cool night air was at least doing somewhat of a decent job in calming him down, but the longer he stood beside Chenle as he waited for you to arrive, the more anxious he got. He wasn’t nervous to meet you, he was simply feeling anxious because he did not want to be going on a date, but he knew Chenle wouldn’t shut up about it until he agreed.
“Why doesn’t Jaemin ever have to deal with this shit?” He mumbled to himself, his fingers itching to grab at the packet of cigarettes in his leather jacket. He only smoked when he was feeling stressed, and he knew he’d get stressed, so he came prepared. Even though he mumbled the words, Chenle apparently had super sonic hearing.
“Because Jaemin has severe depression and I’m not willing to fuck with that.” Chenle shrugged. “She’s here!” He smiled widely as you got out of the taxi. You nearly climbed back in though because of how nervous you felt about going on a date. This was your first ever date, and you didn’t know how to feel about Chenle being the person to set it up for you. You also didn’t know what to wear, so you hoped that your little black dress with matching heels would be an okay option. You had straightened your hair and had made a decent effort with your makeup, hoping it would help mask how worried you were feeling. You turned around, looking to see the blond annoyance you knew too well, smiling when you caught sight of him. You felt your stomach fall straight through to the core of the earth when you laid eyes on the tall man next to him. He looked like he could snap you in half if he wanted to, not to mention, he was also the best-looking man you’d seen in a long, long, long time. Your palms started to sweat but you didn’t let your smile falter as you hurried over to them both.
“(Y/N)! Hi, this is Jeno, Jeno this is (Y/N). I’m going to shoot now; the reservations are made under your name Jeno. Bye!” Before either of you could utter a word to him, he had basically sprinted off down the road.
“I hate him so much.” You heard Jeno mutter, causing a soft, nervous laugh to fall from your lips. He turned towards you and gave you a lopsided smile. “Shall we?” He motioned towards the restaurant that you were stood in front of. You nodded and followed him inside, thanking him as he held the door open for you. The host hastily showed you to your seats and you slid into the booth, still holding the soft smile on your face. Jeno shrugged off his jacket and you couldn’t help but look at his arms as the shirt he was wearing moulded to the fabric snuggly. You didn’t really know what to say to him and let out a quick sigh as your eyes scanned the restaurant. It was starting to get painfully awkward, which was a bad sign for you, because you knew how you handled awkward situations. Jeno kept letting his eyes fall on your as he glanced at his menu, his bottom lip tucked between teeth as he mulled over the silence between you. You looked at the menu for a minute before deciding to try and start a conversation with him.
“So, how do you know Chenle?” You asked, letting your eyes meet his. For someone with very strong facial features, his eyes were very soft, the deep brown pools almost sucking you in. like a riptide in the ocean.
“Satan’s child?” This caused you to laugh abruptly, not having expected him to say such a thing. “I don’t actually remember, I’m pretty sure one of my friends just found him and adopted him into our group, then we haven’t been able to get rid of him since.” You smiled and nodded along to his words. “He said you’re his friends sister?”
“Yeah, he spends a lot of time eating my brothers food and giving him tattoos of random things.” Jeno smiled in amusement and turned his attention to the waiter as he came over. You both ordered your food and drinks and then you saw as he let out a small sigh, trying to avoid making eye contact with you. It baffled you as to why he agreed to go on a date with you when he clearly didn’t want to. ‘Maybe he doesn’t think I’m attractive…’ you couldn’t help but think to yourself as you let your mind wonder. You couldn’t stand the horrid silence, so you did what you did best in awkward situations. Talk. You didn’t mean to, but it always happened subconsciously as your battle against the quiet. You found yourself talking about the most random things, asking him questions that you only got brief answers to. You told him all about your life, how you were a student at a nearby university studying something you found boring but essential to the job you wanted. You also told him that you were in the middle of learning how to drive, but it was a slow process because you were busy with university. Until your food came and you suddenly realised just how long you’d been talking for. “I’ve been talking so much, I’m sorry I haven’t given you any chance to speak!” You could feel your cheeks heat up as embarrassment set in. Jeno gave you a gentle smile and sipped at his drink.
“I’m enjoying listening to you, I haven’t got much to tell you about my own life so I’m happy to listen to you about yours.” He sounded genuine, which made you let out a short sigh of relief. He chuckled when he saw you sigh. “You’re very sweet, much different to the people I spend my time with, so I’m enjoying your company. Please don’t think that because I don’t talk much that I’m not interested.” He started to eat his food at the same time you started your own. You smiled, happy that he was interested in what you had to say, but you couldn’t help but wonder why he said he hadn’t got much to tell you about his life. The rest of the date flew by pretty much the same. You would talk about anything you could think of whilst Jeno just nodded along and interjected his thoughts when he saw fit. You had managed to find out a little about his life, that he doesn’t see his parents often, he spends most of his free time working out because he only works part time at his friends uncle’s mechanic shop, and he bleaches his hair because he hates his natural hair colour.
The two of you left the restaurant after he paid the bill, which you had tried to pay half of, but he hadn’t let you. “You can pay for ice cream on our next date.” He’s mumbled with red cheeks as he held the door open for you on your way out.
“Ooooh what’s your favourite ice cream flavour?” You smiled widely, having completely missed that he’d shown interest in a second date with you. He looked down at you and couldn’t help the way his cheeks tugged his own lips into a smile.
“It’s not! What’s your favourite flavour then?” He shoved his hands in his jacket pocket as he watched you.
“Vanilla.” You giggled as his mouth popped open. He looked scandalised at your words and his eyebrows furrowed.
“You just accused vanilla of being boring!”
“But I never said that I wasn’t boring too.” You shrugged. His face fell and he shook his head as he looked down at you.
“I don’t think that you’re boring…hey can I get your number? So we can arrange our next date.” He looked down at his feet, a slight nervous fire burning in his stomach at the thought of you turning him down. Your whole face lit up and you nodded eagerly, quickly taking his phone from him to put your number in when he held it out to you. “Can I give you a ride home?” You felt your phone buzz and looked down to see an unknown number, the message being a simple ‘Hi it’s Jeno’. You saved his number and smiled up at him.
“If it’s okay? I don’t want you to go out of your way.” You felt your stomach do a little flip when he let out a soft laugh and a shrug.
“It’s cool, come on.” He placed his hand on your lower back and guided you to the car park. He took you over to a sporty black car and opened the door for you, you slipped in the car and thanked him, looking at the sleek interior as you waited for him to get in beside you. You briefly wondered how he could afford a car this nice when he had told you that he was currently not working. “Where do you live?”
“Do you know the apartment buildings near the water tower?” He nodded in response, a gasp leaving his mouth.
“Wait you live there? I live there too, in the red bricked building!”
“No freaking way! I live in the white bricked building!” You both had surprised looks on your faces as you both found out that you live in the apartment buildings opposite each other.
“What are the chances?” He laughed, starting to drive towards the apartment buildings. You didn’t have much more to say, so you stared out of the window into the darkness of the night as the radio hummed a slow song throughout the atmosphere of the car. You mulled over the whole night in your head, unable to get rid the smile that sat contently on your face at the thought of your date. Jeno drummed his fingers gently against the steering wheel as he drove, his eyes darting over to you every now and then to check up on you. He stopped on the side of the road that his apartment building was on, hurrying to get out and rushing around the car to open the door for you. You felt butterflies in your stomach at the small gesture, thanking him as you climbed out of the car. “I’ll walk you to your building.”
“Thanks.” You walked with him across the road and suddenly feel a nervousness in your stomach. “I had fun.” You blurt out, rocking back and forth on your feet as he watched you stood by the door. He had a small smile on his face, and he nodded, mumbling a soft ‘me too’. You cleared your throat and turned to unlocked the door to your apartment building when you felt his hand gently tug on your own, the one that wasn’t busy unlocking the door. Your stomach dropped, thoughts running through your mind at what he might want from you. Did he expect you to have sex on the first date?!
“Hey,” When you turned around, he stepped closer, ducking down and planting a soft kiss to your cheek which felt like it was about to combust in flames from how hot it felt. He smiled wider when he saw your bashful smile, with your eyes darting around to look anywhere but at him. He could see that you were quite a shy person, and it made him feel something in his stomach that he couldn’t quite identify. “See ya.” He turned around and walked across the street as you opened your door and let yourself in. Once you were behind walking up the stairs to your apartment you let out a little squeal of excitement.
“Oh my gosh!” You jumped up and down like an exciting schoolgirl fawning over their crush. You couldn’t believe that your first date with a man who was as good looking as that went so well. Jeno seemed kind of rough around the edges in appearance, but his personality was the complete opposite, obviously you knew that he hadn’t shown you all of him yet, but your first impressions were very good. Still, you felt yourself getting sucked into his dark brown eyes whenever he talked, which wasn’t often, but it was enough.  Needless to say, you went to sleep that night with a huge smile on your face, anticipating what’s to come.
“How did the date go?” Was the first thing Jeno heard when he walked through the door of the apartment after dropping you off at your own apartment. He headed into the living room and saw that Renjun had 1 year old Jiyeon sitting on his lap with kids cartoons playing on the television, Jaemin had a family sized packet of doritos laying on his stomach as he slouched beside Renjun, passing a chip to Jiyeon before shovelling loads into his own mouth, and Haechan had his girlfriend snuggled into his chest on the other sofa. Jeno’s heart sunk through his stomach as he saw his ex-girlfriend looking at his best friend with so much love in her eyes, a look she never gave him when they were together. It felt to him as though all of the happiness he’d built up from his date was flushed down the toilet as he tore his eyes away from the couple. It was very apparent to him in that moment that he wasn’t over her, and his feelings for her hadn’t gone away at all.
“Good, really good. I got her number.” He gulped before mumbling, awkwardly scratching his head and sighing as he took off his jacket. She pulled her head away from Haechan’s chest and gave him an awkward smile.
“You went on a date?” She asked softly.
“Mhm.” He didn’t trust his voice, so he just hummed and nodded.
“I’m happy for you Jen.” The whole room felt like it was suffocating him as all eyes turned to look at him. It felt very much like pity to Jeno, causing heat to rush to his cheeks and a slight resentment and anger to boil inside of him. Ever since they’d ended things, his anger issues had spiked, and he found it hard to control his temper. The only time he’d ever been as angry was before he’d went to prison. He was like a ticking time bomb, or a bottle of soda that had been shook and ready to pop at any minute.
“Whatever.” He grunted, sinking on the sofa on the other side of Renjun and ignoring the way she cowered to his voice, settling her head back on Haechan’s chest as he scowled at Jeno. He didn’t mean to be cruel to her, he wanted nothing more than to be the one she was cuddling up to, but the resentment for her loving Haechan when she was supposed to love him still sat heavy inside of him.
“Jennie!” Jiyeon chirped, wiggling her way off of her father’s lap to sit on her uncle’s lap. She smiled at him and laid herself against his chest.
“Hi cupcake.” He ran his hand through her jet-black hair, wrapping his arms around her tiny frame and sighing as he cuddled her for comfort. “She’s starting to look more like you Renjun.” He commented, trying to change the tone in the room so it was less about him and more about the toddler cuddling him.
���She’s blessed then because I’m-”
“Ugly as fuck.” Jaemin mumbled, cutting Renjun off before he could finish and shovelling more chips into his mouth as he watched the kid cartoons. Renjun frowned, slamming his fist down on Jaemin’s packet of doritos and smirking when the sound of them crushing into small pieces sounded throughout the room. Jiyeon laughed loudly as she watched the interaction between them, the sound of her sweet laughter calming Jeno down completely.
The cool air in the bar kept your cheeks from blazing in heat every time Jeno looked you in the eye. The bar wasn’t very busy, making it feel more intimate as you didn’t have to compete with other voices to allow Jeno’s ears to hear your voice. It was dark in the bar, the cover of night making visibility poor despite how the artificial lights in the bar tried their hardest to lit the place up with mood lighting. His blond hair was pushed back off of his forehead, and small smudges of black eyeliner around his beautiful eyes. His black button up shirt had the first two buttons undone, and he had a pair of black skinny jeans on, his hair being the only contrast to his entirely black outfit. You wore a simple dress and flats, keeping close to him in the busy bar as to not have random people bump into you. He had his hand pressed to your lower back and he kept his eyes on the people around you both. You took a mouthful of your drink and looked up at Jeno, completely in awe of his handsome looks. He had his eyes trained on someone behind you and he didn’t seem to be tearing his eyes away from them. You didn’t want to turn around, just in case he was staring at another woman. You didn’t think you’d be able to handle that well if that was the case. It was your second date, a week from your first date, so you hoped that he at least had some affection towards you despite the fact the two of you hadn’t actually made your relationship official.
“So…” You racked your brain to quickly think of something you could say to him that would bring his attention back to you. “I…er…I had another driving lesson today, it went well!” You smiled up at him, but he still continued to stare over the top of your head, completely ignoring you. You felt dejected, letting out a soft sigh and looking down at your feet. You felt as though he wasn’t interest in you at all. You’d hardly gotten anything out of him the entire time you’d been stood beside him at the bar, and you felt as though a brick wall would be more interested in you. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed that the hand he had set on the side of the bar curled into a fist, and his body visibly tensed up.
“Hey!” He snapped, causing you to flinch and look up at him with worry in your eyes, expecting that he was going to be looking at you, ready to have a go at you, you didn’t know why though, you didn’t think you’d done anything wrong. “Stop staring at my girlfriend.” He growled; his eyes still trained over the top of your head. Your eyes widened and you turned around, noticing a middle-aged man stood a few metres away from you with his eyes stuck on you. Your mouth dropped open as you realised Jeno had been staring out the creepy looking guy, being protective over you. Your heart flipped and you felt silly for having thought he was eyeing up another woman. A wave of heat rushed through you as you realised Jeno must have been interested in you to get so worked up over another man staring at you, also he referred to you as his girlfriend, which caught you off guard but made a flower of happiness blossom inside of you.
“What are you going to do about it?” The man smirked, clearly not caring that he was antagonising Jeno. Jeno’s face hardened more and he pulled you quickly so that you were behind him, not having any worry in approaching the man and getting close to him.
“Do you really want to find out?” He said lowly, his tone dripping in threat as both of his fists clenched up, his shoulders tensing too and becoming broader as he squared up to the man. The man smirked and stood up straighter, about the same height as Jeno and ready to fight him. You gasped, gently laying a hand on Jeno’s shoulder.
“Jeno come on, lets just go.” You spoke softly, feeling the muscle underneath your hand relax momentarily.
“She’s too good for you. She needs a man, not a boy.” The man laughed, glancing past Jeno to wink at you. Jeno shoved him so hard that he tripped over the bar stool behind him and fell on his ass. The man had a face of complete shock, clearly not having expected the ‘boy’ to be that strong and gutsy enough to actually put him on his ass.
“One more word and you won’t be feeling like a man for a long time.” Jeno snapped, standing over the man and giving him a look that could probably petrify someone. You knew Jeno was rough around the edges, but you never would have thought he could do something like that. It shocked you and you felt yourself taking a few steps back from him, not knowing him well enough to know what he was going to do next. After silence fell between them both, Jeno turned around, snatching your hand into his own and pulling you firmly out of the bar. You had to jog to keep up with his fast strides. He didn’t let go of your hand, and pulled you down the street, his shoulders still tense and his breathing heavy. The grip he had on your hand was starting to hurt more from how hard he was squeezing your hand, which was considerably smaller than his own.
“Jeno…you’re hurting me.” You said quietly, but he heard you. Stopping almost immediately he turned to look at you, letting go of your hand and gulping. He looked down once before looking back up, giving you direct eye contact that almost made you have a heart attack.
“I’m sorry…are you okay?” He looked worried, all of his pent-up anger washing away after hearing your fragile tone. You nodded, flexing your fingers out and rubbing your hand with your other hand.
“Are you okay?” You asked, concerned about him for how he acted in that situation.
“I’m fine. I’m sorry you had to see me like that…we need to talk.” His gave you a weak smile, almost like he was giving you pity, which made your stomach fall to the floor as you thought he was about to end things with you.
“O-oh…okay.” He got out his car keys and you followed him to his car. He unlocked it and motioned with his head for you to climb in. You both got in, but he made no effort in turning on the car, and instead put his keys in the cupholder before turning to him.
“I lied to you about my job. I don’t help out at the mechanic shop. I fight, illegally.” His words had your eyebrows raising in surprise, many of questions sitting on the tip of your tongue, but left unsaid as you had a feeling he was about to go into more detail anyway. “It’s called underground street fighting, and it’s not legal in the slightest. It’s dangerous, and I’ve been injured more times than I care to admit, and I’ve also inflicted life changing injuries on other men. I’ve seen people black out and never wake up again. It’s tough but…it’s really good money, and it’s a way that I can let go of all of my anger. I have a lot of anger problems, I won’t lie to you about it, it’s bad, and honestly I’m surprised that I managed to walk away from that asshole without punching him in the face.” He let out a very gently laugh that was humourless, his eyes searching your face for your reaction. You just nodded, biting you bottom lip as it occurred to you that you were dating a very dangerous man.
“Why?” You asked, causing his head to tilt in question.
“Why what?”
“Why are you so angry?” Your voice was quiet and soft but held no judgement towards him. You really liked him, and this was the furthest you’d ever gotten with a guy, so you didn’t want to throw it all away just because he was a little bit different from everyone else. He took a deep breath and looked away from you for a moment, before dragging his eyes back to look at you. It was dark in the car, the only light coming from the streetlight above his car, but you could still see the painful look in his eyes as he opened his mouth to speak to you.
“I grew up in a very poor family with a father who abused my mum and me. It caused my mum to have very bad depression, which had an effect on me. I let the abuse happen for too long, and then when I was 15 I got introduced into the street fighting. I finally felt like I had some power, and it earnt me a lot of money, which I’d never had before. Even though I was fighting out of the house, at home I was still being beaten, and one night when I as 17, my dad hit my mum so hard that the force of her hitting the wall left a dent in it.” He paused, squeezing his eyes shut as he remembered the memory. You reached out and took his hand in both of yours, showing him that you were listening and not judging him. “I saw red, I just remember pulling my dad away from her. I don’t remember much of what happened, because I was in a frenzy. But the next thing I remember is my mum trying to pull me off of my dad. He was underneath me on the floor and his face was…unrecognisable. There was so much blood…” He remembered how his hands were shaking and covered in blood, a mixture of his fathers’ blood and his own blood from how his fists had pummelled into his fathers’ face. His face was wet with tears and blood that had spurted from his life givers face, and he remembered how his own mother cowered away from him like he was the one who had been inflicting pain on her for the past 17 years of his life. “She called for an ambulance whilst I sat on the floor covered in blood. The police came as well, and I got arrested. I went to prison for a year because I was still a minor and they classed it as self-defence. My mother visited me once, and I don’t see her often because she says its hard for her to look at me after what I did. But she isn’t with my father anymore, so I can live with that.” You could tell from the tone of his voice that even though he said he could live with it, that it was hard for him to live with it. It suddenly occurred to you that he wasn’t different from other people. He was simply a broken person trying their best to live in a world where he’d been dealt shit cards from the start.
“Is your dad…?” You couldn’t bring yourself to finish your sentence, but he knew what you were asking.
“No. He’s alive. I don’t know where he is or what he’s doing. Hell I don’t even know if he looks the same as what he used to. I did a lot of damage to his face so…” He shrugged, his hand holding onto yours firmly. “After I came out of prison, I continued street fighting and moved in with my friends. They had all gotten a place together and left a room free for me when I got out. They’re my family now.”
“I’m glad you have people you can rely on; they sound like great people.” He laughed at your words.
“A teen dad, a drug dealer, and an illegal street racer. They’re great, but not morally.” He chuckled at your shocked expression, using his free hand to reach out and cup your cheek. “They’re harmless to people that don’t get on their bad side.” He stroked his thumb over your hot skin and smiled at you. He felt affection bloom in his stomach when he saw that you accepted him for who he was. It was different with his ex, she was used to the lifestyle he lived like, but he knew from your stories that you were raised in a respectable household and you’d never done anything bad in your entire life. You were complete polar opposites, and for the first time in months he could think about his ex-girlfriend and not feel a pull towards her like her had before. Instead he was being pulled towards you like a magnet. You were the positive side, and he was the negative side, and you fit together so perfectly.
“I hope they’ll like me.” You admitted, leaning your head into his touch to show you were enjoying it.
“They will.” He smiled, neglecting to tell you that one of his best friends was dating his ex-girlfriend, but he could only pile so much information on you at a time without overwhelming you.
“I actually have a small confession to make too.” You plucked up the courage despite the pang of anxiety you felt in your stomach.
“Oh god, you’re not a crazy axe murderer, are you?” He was clearly joking, his eye dropping into a wink as he pretending to be shocked.
“No!” You giggled, his hand dropping to your hands. “I’ve never dated anybody before, and I’ve never had a boyfriend…or had sex. I have been kissed though!” His smile never faltered and if anything, he felt even more drawn towards you, liking that you were pure for him. it drove him crazy to even think about another man having his hands on you. “So this is all new to me, and I’m super nervous but trying to play it cool so that you didn’t think I was strange or anything, and I really like you and I don’t care about your job and-” You were cut off by his lips pressing to your own, your eyes shutting as you melted into the kiss. It was short and sweet, but his lips did linger and place another peck to your lips.
“I guess I should do this properly then.” He smiled, kissing you once more and smiling into the kiss. “(Y/N), do you want to be my girlfriend?” He pulled away from you and stared into your eyes. You felt your cheeks almost burning up, the car feeling suddenly stuffy as you looked at him.
“Yes.” You nodded quickly, letting your eyes slowly shut as his hands cupped your face, drawing his lips to yours once more in a slower, more passionate kiss.
 Hey! Thank you for reading! Did you like it? What do you think so far? What do you think is going to happen? Let me know!
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yuthoe · 3 years
Day 22: Reunion (MONSTA X: Yoo Kihyun)
Day 22: Fake Dating
ah yes, one of the favorite tropes in fanfic and i did not do it justice at all lmao. truthfully i was really excited about this, but the fic took a left somewhere and grew its own mind or smth. i think the poor writing is a combination of burnout and getting really distracted lmao.
tried to make kihyun the savage guy that he is, but still polite and considerate and i think i did that???? question mark???? please tell me what you thought about this lmao, i've never been to a high school reunion (except for my grandma's) and will never go to one anytime soon.
PAIRING: Yoo Kihyun x reader. GENRE: fic, fluff, mild angst. WARNINGS: mentions of alcohol, swearing. WORD COUNT: 1,769.
“Act natural,” you say as you smooth down the lapels of your friend’s coat, dust some lint off the shoulders. “Like, just act like normal. We just have to say hi to a few people and then go after an hour or something.”
Kihyun is looking you over as well, straightening out the sleeves of your shirt and making sure your hair is nice and styled and perfect. “I’m taking that as a go signal to tease you in front of everyone then, gotcha.”
You roll your eyes and take his hand, tugging him towards the glass door of the events hall. “Very funny, but you know what? These people might buy it even more, so go ahead.”
He intertwines your fingers as he pushes the door open for you. There’s a smirk on his face that says you’re going to regret what you just said. “If you say so," he says, as you pull him along with you.
Everything is decorated like a senior prom from the early 2000s--balloons everywhere, streamers hung up on the walls, a disco ball suspended in the middle of the room. There's a stage set up at the far wall, and popular tracks from your high school days play softly on the sound system. People are already mingling, table hopping when they see a familiar face.
You go to the small registration booth off to the side, Kihyun in tow, and sign on the space next to your name, walking away quickly to find a table. It's easy to weave through the thin crowd to your spot, and thankfully no one goes up to talk to you as you settle in.
A relieved sigh escapes your lips as you deflate against the seat; Kihyun chuckles at the sight.
"Why are you so nervous? You were so confident when you asked me out,” he says, smirking at your flustered state.
“Hey,” you counter, sitting up straight and pointing at him. There’s a smile of embarrassment threatening to crawl up your face, but you force it down. “This isn’t a date. I didn’t ask you out—I respectfully asked if you could come with me to my high school reunion and pretend we’re dating. There’s a difference.”
He tilts his head and laughs. “Okay, fine, this isn’t a date. But you’re shaking like a hamster, dude. What’s got you so jittery?”
Before you can open your mouth to say something smart, a yell of your name behind you makes you stop. Suddenly a flurry of pink silk ruffles envelops you, cold metal bracelets press against your face and neck, and a tinnitus-inducing squeal is blasted in your ear.
“OMG, I can’t believe you made it!” The offending classmate plops down the seat beside you and… you can’t say you remember her. You know you have a questionable memory, but you can’t recall anyone with a scarily-toothy smile and long acrylic nails. “I was wondering if you were gonna show today, I missed you!”
You smile warily. “Yeah, I thought I’d stop by, just for a bi—,”
“And who is this with you?” she interrupts, gaze fixed on your friend now.
Kihyun still has a polite smile on, eyebrow raised and patiently waiting for you to introduce him. You meet his eyes and take a steadying breath.
“This is, uh. Kihyun. My boyfriend.”
Your batchmate immediately extends a hand out to him. “Hi there! I’m Danhee. It’s very nice to meet you.”
Kihyun grasps her hand and shakes it firmly. “Likewise.”
Danhee (apparently, that’s her name. Still doesn’t ring a bell.) turns back to you, props an elbow on the table and rests her chin on her hand. “So what have you been up to lately?”
“Oh, you know, nothing much,” you say, twiddling your thumbs under the table. “Work’s keeping me busy, mostly. It’s pretty—,”
“Great! How’d you two meet?” Her eyes are sparkling, in that menacing way you’re familiar with when someone is hunting for gossip. “Probably work, right? I know Y/N isn’t that outgoing so I doubt—,”
“You know what, I’m gonna go get a drink.” You turn to Kihyun, desperate to get away. “You want a drink, Kihyun? Cool, I’ll get you something.” The chair screeches as you push away from the table and make a beeline for the buffet.
The air conditioning helps cool down your flaming face as you leave to get some reprieve from the suffocating air of the table. No matter how much you wrack your brain you can’t seem to remember anyone named Danhee; maybe she was in another class and part of the popular clique, a group you tended to stay away from.
You take a deep breath, surveying the array of finger food and wonder briefly what the main dishes are. The arrangement is no different from the ones you’ve seen at company parties—save maybe for the small picket signs that have slang from your high school days speared into some of the food. Despite looking delicious, you feel nauseous at the thought of taking a bite.
The drinks corner offers coffee, the kind that tries to pass off as Americano but ends up tasting more like candy because people keep putting too much sugar in it. It’s what you and Kihyun call “conference coffee” and shit on for the entirety of the conference you’re attending, even as you keep drinking it because there’s usually no other choice. Water is an option, as well as a fruit punch of some kind. If you’re being honest, you’d really like a beer right now, but you know the alcohol won’t come out until later.
In addition to the mound of paperwork you forced yourself to finish earlier, this week has just been plain exhausting. You’d hoped that coming to the reunion would help you relax, but apparently not.
Ice cubes clink as they go down the tall glasses. The coffee, however sugary it turns out to be, still smells heavenly and wakes you up some. You water both servings down a bit, if only to tamp down the syrupy sweetness.
“Hey,” a familiar voice says, hand coming down to rest on your shoulder. Kihyun moves into your line of vision, brows slightly scrunched. “You okay there?”
You don’t answer, thinking of words to say that won’t make you look pathetic in front of your work partner. You’re usually great at explaining and justifying your actions to your superiors, but words fail you this time.
So you just shrug and hand him his drink. “Can’t say for sure.” You take a sip and cringe; your mouth feels like it’s coated in a thick layer of sugar. Kihyun watches you and decides wisely to put his drink down, but pours two glasses of water.
“Do you know her?” he asks, concentrating on the drinks.
“Danhee? Nah. I mostly avoided her type back then. Being around them made me uncomfy.”
“‘Cuz she looks like a part of the Plastics from Mean Girls?”
You scoff. “No,” you say, but smile all the same as you walk back to your table. “Because I was a loner and operated on the mindset of ‘I’m not like other girls’ throughout high school.”
Kihyun laughs loud. “God, I didn’t think you were the type.”
“Unfortunately, yeah.” You sigh as you sit back down. “Thankfully outgrew that in college, though. Turns out being surrounded with a lot of open-minded people does something to your personality, and,” you open your arms, presenting yourself to Kihyun’s amused smile. “Now you have me, your beloved hardworking partner that throws snark at you everyday.”
If anything, his grin gets wider. Kihyun raises his glass of water, and you toast. “I’m proud of you for becoming so mature.” He takes a drink, making faces like he’s downing whiskey instead of regular water. “Although, apparently not mature enough to just ask me out plain and simple.”
You want to strangle him, you really do.
He’s right, though. Part of the reason why you invited him as your plus one is for moral support and to show people that the wallflower can also nab a man as great as Kihyun. But the other reason is that you’ve wanted to ask Kihyun on a date, but just didn’t know how to without embarrassing yourself.
You sigh and take a swig of your water. “Yeah, well, can you blame me, though? We always keep professional at work and I barely see you outside the building, so I haven’t really gotten a chance to ask.” You’re not lying—Kihyun being here is only possible because you left the building at the same time last week and asked him then before you chickened out.
He tilts his head in assent and takes another sip before crossing his arms on the table to whisper at you. “How about we make this a date, then?”
You raise an eyebrow, smiling like you can’t believe he suggested such a ridiculous thing. “What—here? My high school reunion that I only invited you to because I didn’t want to be alone?”
And maybe it’s the trick of the light, but you think you see his eyes go soft. “Well, yeah. I mean, it’s not ideal, but we’re here anyway. There’s free food, shitty coffee, and some entertainment.” He tilts his head to the stage, and you follow his gaze to where a couple of your batchmates are discussing something, mics in their hands. “Whether it’s the good kind of entertainment or the cringy kind though, we’ll find out soon,” you hear him whisper.
In theory, you have nothing to lose. Nothing really to hide. Perhaps the worst part of the night passed when you had that panicked moment with Danhee earlier, and all that’s left is to enjoy the night. You can still leave in an hour or two like you planned, but now with a higher chance of getting a few drinks afterwards, too.
So you make your decision and look back at him. “All right, Yoo Kihyun,” you say. “You’ve got yourself a date.”
His smile morphs into a smirk, the trademark confident grin making a small shudder run down your spine. You try to keep your composure as he slides a hand to your thigh. “Perfect. Wanna bet you’ll last an hour before you want to leave?” His fingers are massaging your knee, soft hands gentle on the meat of your thigh.
You scoff, grabbing at his hand to make him stop. “Deal. I’ll bet you an hour and a half.”
And before you turn your attention back to the stage, you see his smirk again, excited for the challenge.
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professorthaddeus · 4 years
Out of Sight
This is a companion piece to @io-kj-cr‘s heartbreaking fic, Decisions, an AU of 2x128 where Caleb gives himself up to Trent. Would highly recommend checking it out!
also on ao3
They let him go. 
The chips were down, they were out of options with enemies at the door, Mama and Yeza and little Luc were not going to be trapped in a building with Icky-thong, and in that moment of weakness, they let him go.
“Cad, what do you see?” Fjord, grim. Caduceus is standing at the one window in the room, chosen for his keen ability to read people to keep an eye on the exchange.
The exchange. They’re selling Caleb back to the grossest person in the Empire, to his literal lifelong tormentor, and they’re just sitting here like it’s nothing. 
“They’re not hurting him. They’re just talking.” Caduceus’ voice rumbles in a steady cadence, ever the rock in the rapids. But Jester sees how his knuckles are clenched white around his staff. 
“Is he… how does he look?”
Veth, piping up from the floor, clutching Caleb’s spellbooks to her chest. Yeza’s holding her, Luc sitting uncharacteristically still by their side. He’s got a book in his hands as well. Jester’s heart thuds painfully when she recognizes the title as a collection of Zemnian fairy tales.
“He’s standing tall.”
Of course he is. They’ve all seen Caleb file away his fears and stitch himself together in the moments that really count. They’ve also seen him shake apart immediately afterwards.
This time, none of them are going to be there to help him pick up the pieces.
“This doesn’t sit well with me,” Yasha says quietly, fingers twitching toward her swords.
“Yeah, no shit.” Beau, pacing, coiled like she’s ready to pounce. “This was such a bad plan. I say we go ahead and attack them now. They’re busy with Caleb, so we could absolutely ambush them in a pincer move, or—“
“They’re gone.”
“What do you mean, gone?” Beau rushes to the window, where Caduceus is stepping aside. He leans back against the wall, looking lost in a way Jester hasn’t seen since his first time on the sea.
“I mean he and his friends stepped into a portal and disappeared.”
Beau’s jaw tightens. “They’re not his friends.”
“I don’t know,” Fjord murmurs, though Jester knows he would definitely be fuming as well if Beau wasn’t so close to the edge right now. “They did warn us they were coming.” He holds up his hands when Beau shoots him a withering look. “It could be a good thing. They might help us get him back.”
“With or without their help, I wasn’t kidding when I said our next step was going to be a jailbreak,” she mutters.
Veth lets out a shaky breath. “And he’ll be okay until then. He just has to hold on for one night, and we’ll go get him. He’s the smartest, most capable of us all; he’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, he’s way more powerful than them,” Jester adds, automatic. Something twists in her chest.
“Sure, except he doesn’t even have his fucking spellbooks.”
For once, Veth flinches instead of snapping a retort back at Beau.
“You keep these safe for me until I return, ja?”
“I don’t like this, Cay. There has to be another way.” There’s a tremor in Veth’s hands as she takes the books.
“There isn’t, and we are running out of time. Besides, he won’t kill me. He… ah, he has said many times already he simply wishes to talk.”
Jester winces. It’s going to be a long time before she forgets the haunted look that appeared in Caleb’s eyes every time Trent’s voice slithered into his ear today.
“Be good for your mother and father,” Caleb’s saying, ruffling Luc’s hair. 
He straightens to look at the rest of them, meeting their eyes one by one. Jester can almost hear him counting in his head. 
A wall slams down over his expression as he squares his shoulders.
“I am so sorry about all this.” He continues before any of them can protest. “Thank you all.”
Jester tries not to think it sounds like a goodbye.
She shoves the image of Caleb’s pale, determined face out of her head, swallowing the building lump in her throat. The last thing she needs—the last thing Mama needs—is for her to break down right now. 
“Well,” she hedges into the silence, “he’s got like, a really good memory, you guys. Maybe he doesn’t need them. Maybe he remembers all his spells.”
“I don’t—“ Beau starts, before taking a deep breath. Yasha’s hand is slipping into hers. She softens her tone. “I don’t think that’s how it works, Jes.”
“Jester, I’m so sorry.” Mama speaks up from where she’s been sitting anxiously beside her. There’s so much regret in her face. “Your friend, he—”
“No, no, Mama, no.” She’s been so strong today, and Jester’s so, so proud of her for facing her fears, but she never should have been forced to do it. “This isn’t your fault at all. We brought them to you.”
Technically, she brought them here. Caleb can blame himself all he wants, but Jester’s the one who put a target on Nicodranas in that letter to Astrid all those months ago and the one who dropped Mama’s name into a conversation with an enemy guard just a few hours ago.
“Who… are they?”
“They’re, um.” Her voice wavers. She swallows again. “They’re bad people. Really, really bad people.”
“Oh, my Sapphire,” Mama hums, and it’s kind of crazy how those three words can sound like music from her lips. She reaches up to cup Jester’s cheek. “You and your friends are some of the most amazing people I’ve met. “And you,” she brushes her thumb gently across her skin, “are more creative than anyone in the world. You’ll find a way.”
Mama presses a kiss to the top of her head and then takes her hands. They’re smooth, warm. Jester looks down. Red and blue, just like when she was little, except now her hands can’t be fully covered by Mama’s. She’s grown up and stepped out of Mama’s arms and the sanctuary of their Chateau. Just like she always dreamed and plotted with Artie. It’s all she can do not to cry.
“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right,” she manages, tries for a watery smile.
“Jester,” Yasha ventures gingerly. “Can’t you talk to him?”
She shakes her head, blinking away the blurriness. “Not until tomorrow. I don’t have the energy left to cast a spell.” 
Caduceus clears his throat. “Good.” The rest of them look to him, startled. “Now there’s nothing to do but get some sleep so we’ll be ready for tomorrow. Mr. Wensforth, can you help us set something up for the night?”
The poor goblin looks up from where he’s been wringing his hands in the corner. Jester doesn’t blame him. 
Man, Yussa’s gonna be super pissed when he wakes up to find so many people in his tower.
She can’t imagine how she’s supposed to fall asleep, but Caduceus makes her drink some tea, and eventually she feels the tension of the day seep into her bones. Before it claims her consciousness, she brings the symbol of the Traveler to her chest.
“Artie, look out for him, okay?”
In the morning, Beau and Caduceus wake her and the others, careful not to disturb Mama, Yeza, or Luc.
Jester tucks the blanket around Mama a little more securely before heading out.
They all cluster together in a smaller room off of one of the tower’s winding stairwells. Caduceus starts passing around breakfast, but she declines, sitting in the middle of the floor instead and prepping a familiar spell. 
Fjord gives her an encouraging nod, holding ten fingers up at the ready. 
She focuses on the image of her friend, on the furrow in his brow as he wields magic like a weapon, on the way his eyes crinkle when he offers one of his soft, rare smiles. She fires up Sending.
“Caleb! Are you alright? Where are you? Are you hurt? Are you in Rexxentrum? I’m sorry, I had to wait until today to Send to reach you but we’re—”
Fjord’s nudging her, signaling the end of the spell. Jester blows a strand of hair out of her face, tapping her fingers against her knee.
She waits five seconds, ten, a minute. No response.
She bites her lip. “You guys—”
Beau’s there already, tugging her into a hug as Fjord gives her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. Veth lets out a muffled noise of frustration.
“He could just not be in a place where he can talk freely right now, we don’t know,” Caduceus says evenly.
“Maybe I should try Astrid?”
Beau shifts, but she doesn’t let go. “I dunno, man, I don’t trust her.”
“She loves Caleb,” Veth says, but again, none of her usual ferocity is there.
“Yeah, maybe.” Beau’s face darkens. “And now she has him back.”
Her words hang heavy in the air.
Jester shakes herself. ���Look, fuck it, I’m just going to do it.” She takes a deep breath.
“Astrid,” she chirps. “Is Caleb with you? Tell him to talk to me when he can. Oh also, if any of you hurt him, we’re totally gonna find you and make sure you never—”
“That’s it, Jester.”
“You should send another one. Let her hear the end of your threat,” Yasha says, and Jester swears she can hear thunder roll beneath the mild suggestion.
Fjord cracks something resembling a smile. “As entertaining as that would be, I think—“
Jester shushes them as Astrid’s voice comes back. 
Good morning, Jester. Bren is well and unharmed. He is here with us and under no restraints or compulsion. He is home now.
Jester growls. 
“What did she say?”
“That Caleb’s okay and like, he’s home, or some total bullshit. She’s wrong, obviously.” She has to be. Jester ignores the building pressure in her chest, flicks her wrist to cast again.
“Please, tell me something, tell me anything, tell me you’re fine, or dead, but please, we need to hear from you, we need to plan our next moves and we can get you out of there as long as you just—” Fjord squeezes her hand. Stupid, stupid spell with stupid word limits.
Nothing on the other end anyway. Her eyes sting, and this time, Jester doesn’t try to stop the sob in her throat.
“I’ll keep messaging you, please Caleb, we’re scared and worried, please tell us where you are, we can fix this, we can get you back!”
Finally, finally, Caleb speaks.
I am well, Jester; returning was my decision, and I am unharmed.
He sounds so tired.
I need you all to stay away. Stay safe. I am sorry.
Silence once more.
Jester’s messages have reached across thousands of miles, over oceans and barren wastelands and enemy lines. This is the first time she’s felt the yawning distance the magic has to travel.
She swipes at her eyes, glaring through her tears. 
She knows what he’s doing. It’s what he’s always done, protect and shield and give and give and give like it’s all he’s good for. But she’s also seen him start to unfurl, seen him laugh more and trust more and take one careful step after another out of the shadows of his past. He knows he’s part of their family. They just need to help him remember what that means.
“He said something,” Veth guesses.
“Something awful and self-sacrificing?” Beau mutters. 
Jester pushes back her sleeves, and she can feel a breeze drift into the chamber, the rustle of a green cloak at her side.
“It doesn’t matter. We’re going to get him, now.”
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Of Ice and Blood
Part 2
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Hello there! I present to you, part 2 of my orc x fem!human series!
I still don't know what to name this fic of mine
I should've thought about the title in the first place lmao
Anyways! I'll try updating constantly if I can. Enjoy reading!
Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Pairing: Tai'chi Kashharzol (Orc) x Pearl Blackbell (Human OC/Reader)
Warnings: Cursing, lots of cursing. Mild violence and mentions of injury.
UD 01/10/21 : CLEANED AND PROOFREAD PROPERLY (hey I did my best)
(reference to the mask she's currently wearing //her hair is still braided// )
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Even with the tedious introduction the professor was on about, I couldn’t help but pick up the whispers of my human classmates, and the unmistakable nasty odor they were giving off.
“Hey. Look at that orc over there.”
“Tsk. Beast. Why is it even here—”
“I bet it’s gonna get suspended from breaking someone’s arm.”
“It looks like he’s gonna kill somebody soon.”
Snickers and clicks of disgust went around the group.
The professor shushed them, not quite knowing what they were talking about before he moved on.
I cursed, feeling my blood boil from their words. The orc wasn’t even doing anything! And they slander him like that? I would love to break their fucking ne—
No, damn it! No violence! Mama will go crazy if she finds out I broke someone’s spine. Behave and endure. Remember your training.
...but seriously though, I'm going to fucking snap their legs. Nah, perhaps use pepper spray on their eyes until they go blind, even though the mixture inside my spray bottle wasn’t made to have permanent effects on someone, but it would still cause great discomfort.
I hugged my backpack, the thought of my dusters inside somehow comforting.
I didn’t notice Tai'chi was taking glances at me out of concern while I was imagining how I’d smash those jerks’ faces.
My mind wandered around the interaction by the gates earlier, and how... contradicting... it was when I entered the building.
Everything passed like a blur as I continued daydreaming about other things, hardly paying attention to what everyone else was saying. Plus it takes a lot of concentration to survive their pungent scents.
A bell rang, bringing me back down to Earth. It was lunchtime already.
Everyone seemed relieved as they started filing out of the area and headed towards the cafeteria. [a/n: Ooh that rhymed] I failed to see the lingering glances of barely masked distaste in our direction.
I glanced at the or— Tai'chi, whom I found out was looking at me already, stunning me at how he stared for a moment before I broke eye contact and stood up, which he also did. I almost fell back down my chair when I scented him.
How the fuck did I not smell him before?!
I must’ve focused too much on the awful odor surrounding me that it didn’t register this—
This, oh my God.
To describe it, it was simply so— manly (or is it Orcish?). Like the scent of fresh earth and the warmth of a fireplace in the midst of a cold night. Embers crackling and sending sparks up into the sky.
He doesn’t smell one trace of a beast at all! In fact, I’ve never smelled someone so clean, so pleasant, all the while exuding masculinity, and was that a tad hint of vanilla?
For the first time in a while, I couldn’t place what the feeling was exactly. He simply smells so— good. Which is a positive sign?
I looked up to his eyes once more before I blurted out, probably a little too high-pitched;
Seriously? That’s what comes out of your damn mouth?
“I mean, do you want to go grab some lunch? At the cafeteria?” I clarified to sound normal and unaffected, (even when I clearly am).
Was the last part necessary? You’ve broken noses, dealt painful blows like a skilled warrior, but you’re embarrassing yourself.
I was busy reprimanding myself that I nearly missed what he said.
He straightened up, and I was then faced with the reality of how damn tall he is. Or is it because I’m short? I barely reached over 5 feet, and he is standing there, almost three heads taller than me. Was he hunching for my sake earlier?
I scented a hint of pride, and was that a small quirk of his lips for a second there?
Huh. My mask is a lifesaver, or else he would've seen my jaw dropping.
I followed him out and headed straight for the campus’ cafeteria, all the while trying to converse here and there.
'Trying’ was not the right word.
Definitely not.
It was surprising, how easy and nice it was to talk to him. I could scent his apprehensiveness when I talked to him at first, but he relaxed not long after I introduced myself properly.
It felt... natural.
I learned that he came from the Northside of the country and moved to the city last year to pursue his dreams and to find a better future for his clan. I also told him about my family and home, along with my reasons for being here, leaving out the… violent part.
“My family and my entire clan wanted the best for me and my brothers. Up in the North, education is… very limited. Although ever since we were young, we were taught everything from our clan’s history, how to hunt for food, what herbs and plants were poisonous, what were medicinal and edible, how to stay alive, survive and so on.”
He paused for a moment before continuing.
“But we were cut off from the modern world. Times are changing, fast. Global warming being a major problem, leaving a huge impact on our living. So, when my clan heard about a school in the city, open to all races, they turned to us, the youth, and we took this chance.”
I looked down and thought about how disconnected the others were, only given the freedom to modern society eight years ago. Eight years is a long time, but I guess it’ll take more than that for everyone to get used to the change. That doesn’t mean they should treat them poorly!
As I realized I’ve been quiet for a while, I shot up and apologized for not replying.
“No, it’s okay. You looked like you were in deep thought. I didn’t want to interrupt.”
“Y-yeah… I was—”
“Thinking about how the majority of the human race still see us as beasts?”
There was a bit of spite in his voice, although barely noticeable. Or was it because I caught a whiff of it? No one was paying much attention to us while we were walking. But I noticed many of them hastily stepping aside and felt their glares at my back.
“How did you know?” I asked, curious.
“I could tell from your- I could tell, from the way you frowned earlier when one of those humans said something.”
Oh. He was looking at me that time?
“Frowned? But my mask—”
“It’s easy to tell if you are frowning when your eyebrows scrunch up like that. Believe me, my father does that a lot.”
“Ah. Well. It was just very rude of them. To talk shit about you and your kind like that, as if they were any better. You weren’t even doing anything, and they judge you based on your race. Orcs are civilized and intelligent just like any other, and I don’t understand why there’s still so much prejudice after eight damn years—”
I stopped and restrained the urge to go wild and curse every single human who smelled so foul every time we pass by.
“Sorry. I was...rambling.”
Was I this talkative? Maybe it's because I never had anyone to talk to.
He didn’t reply, which I found strange, so I glanced over at him and saw his eyes wide open and brows shooting up in surprise. It was almost comical.
“Uh, Tai'chi?”
Before he could even utter a word, we arrived at a huge hall where students were chatting and enjoying their lunch. Still, I noticed some humans were giving unkind looks to a gathering of goblins eating at the far left side corner of the cafeteria.
And of course, I didn’t fail to smell that wretched odor coming from a group of girls on my right when we walked in. I also recognized the one who pushed me, (No doubt it was intentional). I had to pinch my nose over my mask just but I could only block out half of it.
Ah shit, this mask doesn’t have proper air filtration.
I groaned as I tried to cut off the noise and thickened scents. For real, I wasn’t expecting it to be this harsh! I could literally smell discrimination and hate in the air!
Fuck. I should’ve worn my other mask. I swear I’m gonna burst if I stay and inhale more of that any longer—
“Pearl, are you okay?”
I groaned again and didn’t reply, busy controlling my sense of smell to even open my mouth. We were standing there like a pair of street posts, blocking a small part of the main entrance. That is if there was a 5ft- tall post. I’m more like that foldable caution sign.
“Hey, you there! Freaks! Move out of the way.”
Great. Another awful fucking odor. And what a coincidence! It was the one I smelled this morning!
“Are you deaf? I said—”
He shouldn’t have grabbed my shoulder, shouldn’t have tried to shove me aside, for the second I felt his hand reaching for me, and before Tai'chi could pull me away, my reflexes kicked in.
What did I do exactly? Oh, I simply grabbed that damned arm of his, threw him over my shoulder, and slammed him down on the tiled floor in front of me, finishing a one-arm shoulder throw.
The people in the area halted what they were doing and a short-lived silence came over, broken by whispers.
So much for keeping a low profile.
The guy I just performed basic self-defense on was spitting curse words at me. He was still on the floor, trying not to voice the pain in his back.
“Freak! You’re a monster, aren’t you?! How dare you do this to me. Don't you know who I am?!" he yelled.
Did he mean me or? Either way, what he said was not true.
I tried to calm my anger down and gave him a forced smile, under my mask, and mustered up the voice and tone I always used when I’m annoyed.
But right now, I am pissed.
“Now, dear, fellow, human, what you said was clearly untrue. I am entirely human and this person beside me is an orc. Or were you blinded by your overgrown ego and disgusting attitude to see the obvious in front of you? Surely that must be it. The entrance to the cafeteria is wide enough for two people to not serve as a hindrance to the ones coming in, but still, you chose to try and shove me aside yourself. Well, I won’t apologize but I’ve had enough pushing for one day. And lastly, no, I do not know you and I don’t care.”
I gritted my teeth, my face hurting from smiling forcefully. The cafeteria was quite silent enough all the while and no doubt they heard every word I said.
I twisted around and bolted out of the building.
Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck! I blew it! Fucking blew my chance to have a normal college life! Now everyone will think I’m some crazy person and would, without a doubt, avoid me forever.
I was too busy cursing and walking away, planning to hide in a hole for all eternity that I didn’t feel the presence of someone following me.
Without thinking much of where I was heading, my feet led me to a secluded part of the uni. Tall trees lining up before and around me looking like an entrance to a forest, and so I tried hiding behind one. Hoping that the guards wouldn’t notice and detain me or something.
I sat down between the great roots of an oak tree and rested my head on top of my knees as I took deep breaths and listened.
Nature always had a place in my heart. How could it not? When you can hear the chirps of little birds, the soothing sound of leaves rustled by the wind. And the peace that comes with it all.
Not to mention it smells so relaxing.
“Hello there.”
Haha! What will Pearl do next I wonder, and who is this person who followed her??
Had to cut it off at that part because my dearest self just loves cliff hangers—
And because I wanted to post something as soon as possible.
Hope you enjoyed! I will be working on the third part asap.
Tags: @kokokatsworld @crackinanutshell
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