#‘why?’ not sure yet gonna be real with you. lmfao.
candycryptids · 5 months
Trying my hardest not to make a male au-ra and a half elezen boy....................
Oh my goddddd you’re so valid and I Feel It. I’m a terrible enabler. I say Do It but also I totally misread your ask the first time and thought you were wanting to make a Half Au’ra-Elezen and I was like 👁️👄👁️ (Shakes visibly)
👉👈 I’m still trying to hammer down anything about this elezen in my brain, it’s like. I’ve got ideas for both genders and/or character models so I’m >:0
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darylsdelts · 3 months
Hi😊 I was wondering if you could write the A - Z NSFW head canons for Daryl when you feel like it? I really love how you write him!
Tysm for this anon! This is fun!
Please keep in mind that sometimes I’m in the mood for subby Daryl and sometimes the opposite so my own opinions constantly change so, aside from this… yes Daryl is also daddy.
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Aftercare - in the beginning, Daryl definitely doesn’t know what to do with himself after being intimate with you. The first few times, he pulls away after without saying anything and would either head out or just make some space between you. After he realises you actually want him there and understands what he should do then he definitely holds you close to his chest, a kiss on the top of your head, tells you he enjoyed it and he loves you.
Body - favourite body part… Daryl’s a boob man. He don’t give a shit, big or small but he loves em. (Norman is the biggest fucking boob man so so is Daryl, ok?) he also loves your eyes because he finds comfort in them, being able to hold eye contact is a big thing for Daryl. That being said, he basically get separation anxiety if he hasn’t been able to play with your pussy for a while😭 (not really but you’re his first time for everything so he just can’t get enough)
Cum - hear me out, Daryl used to get scared to cum. Like it took a while for him to get used to it. He’d enjoy show good it all felt but as soon as he would get too close he’d ask you to stop, he didn’t know why but he’d get all panicky. Until one day you very gently told him you were gonna make him cum and you guided him through it. It’s not like he hadn’t jerked off before, he didn’t even understand the anxiety himself. But the first time you did make him cum, there was quite a lot and he got real shy but he enjoyed it and since then he’s a fiend for when you just use your hand. He’s not really into cumming on your face but he likes the tummy. Even though he knows he can’t, sometimes he’ll still beg to cum inside you.
Dirty secret - he secretly likes the thought of you forcing him to watch yourself get off on your own fingers, tormenting him and not letting him touch you or himself. You’d have him practically rutting into thin air as he watched your fingers work hard, wishing it was his cock.
Experience - Daryl had no experience before you, he was a virgin. He didn’t outright say that but you caught on and you eventually asked him about it, which to your surprise he didn’t get defensive about, he was more ashamed than anything. But good Lord, he used his fingers liked he’d been in training his whole life, sure he was inexperienced but it didn’t show. The only telltale sign was his premature ejaculation the first time you two messed about and also how he humps his hips against the mattress when he eats you out.
Freaky - He’s not freaky lmfao. He’s pretty vanilla, with a submissive streak. The most dominant he gets is calling you a good girl and making you suck his fingers. Other than that he’s gentle and tends to slip into a sort of submissive role.
Goofy - Daryl’s too focused to be goofy. Nothing to laugh about if his girl ain’t cumming yet. But he’s not boring, obviously, just usually too caught up in pleasure. Unlessssss… you’re overstimulating him, something he loves, then he might get a little giggly accidentally but only because he doesn’t know what to do with himself when you’re attacking his sensitive head.
Hair - Daryl’s hair is sparse on his chest and torso but his happy trail gets a little darker, not black though, I would say probably a medium brown colour, let’s remember he’s a blonde baby at heart. He’s got a little bit of bush going on but he trims it now and then. As for you, he couldn’t care less, he’s still gonna eat his meal 😋! If you do get the chance to shave, he’d most likely be surprised. “What’s this? Ya been shavin’? Hope ya ain’t done it fer me”. He wouldn’t want you to think you have to shave for him to find you attractive, to be honest it kinda throws him off when you’re hairless.
Intimacy - he’s a needy fucker for a cuddle. He don’t look like it but he might as well be the damn cuddle monster when it comes to you. In private of course. In public he’d just squeeze your hand and maybe kiss your forehead if no one’s looking but PDA makes him uncomfortable. That’s why he’s so touchy and clingy at home.
Jerking off - not much time for Daryl to touch himself, also, he’s with you so he might aswell just ask you to do it. However, if for any reason you’re apart, he might get a little pent up, start daydreaming about things you say to him and how you say it “such a good boy, Daryl” he’d practically fuck his hand, being so desperate for release that he’d cum way too fast. He also likes to cup his balls when he cums.
kinks - secret mommy kink secret mommy kink secret mommy kink. He didn’t know he had one but he did know that he tends to gravitate to nurturing women who make him feel comforted but he’s never found any sexual desire there until he met you. So attentive and so nurturing, you always knew what he needed… it just slipped out one time, you were straddling him whilst he was still clothed. You’d teased him all day and he was a mess, rutting against your core through his jeans, begging to be touched. He couldn’t help it when he had an accidental orgasm in his pants and moaned out “m-mommyyyy”. And boy did you hold him to that.
Location - Home. Daryl don’t take no risks! Except for when he lets you tease him under the table at meetings.
Motivation (turn ons) - you, especially if you’ve been fighting, he loves watching his girl fight. Your kindness turns him on as-well, unless someone takes advantage of it, then he’s out to kill.
No (turn offs) - roughness, he’s not into being rough with you or you being tough with him. His life’s been rough enough.
Oral - he gets whimpery when you suck his dick, he bucks his hips and whines and he fucking loves it. Almost as much as he loves to eat you out. He’d lay on his stomach, eating you out whilst simultaneously rubbing his cock against the mattress, leaving a puddle of precum.
Pace - usually a slow to medium pace, he likes making love to you but if he’s stressed or had a rough day, he’s gonna go fast. That’s the only time he’ll be overly dominant. Basically just using your body.
Quickie - as much as he thinks about it, Daryl’s not pushing you up against a tree mid-hunt. It’s dangerous and not exactly comfortable for you. The closest thing he’s gotten to a quickie is one time you teased his cock through his jeans during a group dinner and he was so close to cumming he basically dragged you to the bathroom and had you suck him off.
Stamina - less than he had in the beginning 😭 he’s 55 now, he’s still got impeccable stamina and could go for round two but not as quickly as he could at 40.
Toys - one day, you came home from a scavenge with a vibe, he was a little annoyed, saying you could’ve got more important things but you assured him that this was all you found. He assumed it was for your use only but… you held it to his frenulum and suddenly he was glad it was all you could find. You told him that if you found a dildo you could use that on him too but he couldn’t tell if you were joking or not, maybe he’d let you use your fingers before any of that… maybe.
Unfair - after all of this submissive Daryl talk, he does like seeing you flustered, he likes to tease just as much as you do, he makes it like a little competition.
Volume - he’s quiet, small grunts and whimpers unless the vibe is involved then you gotta stuff your panties in his mouth.
Wild card (random hc) - likes when you worship his body, makes him less insecure (which he very much is but shouldn’t be)
X-ray - 7 inches and thick! Tip is a pinky red and he’s uncut. His balls are heavy asf but pretty tight. 4 inches when soft and when he’s hard it stands to attention with no curve.
Yearning - tried to play it cool… still tries to play it cool but is obsessed with you.
Zzz - as soon as you’re snuggled up, he’s gone. Fucking finally, he never slept well before you.
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God this took fucking ages.
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prismuffin · 1 year
How would the bat boys, Conner and Wally (separately) react to being caught stealing their masc crush's hoodie?
So maybe Reader is gone on a trip or missing, or just went out for the day and forgot his jacket on his way out.
They see the left behide hoodie, and try it on really loving how it your hoodie looks on them. Maybe they end up falling asleep snuggled into it, when watching a moive in the common-room? Or were just going about their day wearing it.
Either way, at some point they get caught red handed, the Reader being flirty with them about the hoodie. Saying how they look good in his hoodie and they should keep it.
The guy crush asks are kinda my faves idk KSBDHSBDJS LMFAO these got king asf sorry?- anyways lol I think that-
Jason would rather die than be caught doing something like this. That’s why he’s being so quiet, putting on the hoodie he found laying over the back of some chair, your hoodie to be exact. Your scent filled his nose as he slid the jacket over his head, inhaling deeply. The original plan was to just try it on, he wouldn’t wear it for long in fear of being caught. But as he sat down on the couch, imagining your arms wrapped around him as he snuggled deeper into the fabric, he wasn’t so sure about taking it off just yet. Eventually he awoke to you shaking him, his brain not even rendering what he was wearing until the words left your mouth, “you look real cute in my hoodie Jason, but it’s cold as balls outside so I’m gonna need that back.” You smirked as his eyes widened. Shooting up here was quick to stutter out an attempt at an explanation though your laughter cut him off. You said he could keep the hoodie on since he likes wearing it so much and you’ll just go find another. It didn’t even render to him that you’d previously called him cute until you left.
Dick would probably not even be trying to find your hoodie, you left in quite a rush, saying a quick goodbye as you passed him. He just wandered to the common room where he saw your hoodie laid out. It was practically calling him, and he knew you wouldn’t be back for a while so he just threw it on. His hearts racing as the scent of you engulfs his senses anddddd now he can’t take it off. Loves just going about his day in your hoodie and just smelling it every now and then it’s very relaxing. Eventually though you come back and see him strutting through the halls in your hoodie and some sweatpants. You clear your throat and he spins around so fucking fast. He’s speechless as your raise your eyebrow, eyeing you hoodie before looking at him again. Welp, he’s been caught red handed not much to say. He’d shrug it off with a sheepish apology, getting ready for his fun to end, but the second you start flirting with him by telling him he looks good in it and that he can keep it he’s beaming. He’s never been so happy. Proudly wears your hoodie for the rest of the day.
Tim would noticed your hoodie, grabbing it with a confused expression. He knows it’s rather cold out and that you were in a rush so he tries to catch you before you get too far only to find out from Dick that you already left. He’s not sure how, perhaps he leaned too deep into the temptation of it but he was somehow wearing your hoodie sitting over his desk as he sketched out some blueprints. It was comforting to wear, it fit him well and it smelled like you, one of his hands would perpetually be holding the fabric near his nose because of this. You come back wayyy sooner than he expected you to. Busting in his room, you ask if he’s seen your hoodie anywhere. “Dick said you were the last person to-“ the silence that fills the air is suffocating. He doesn’t know if you’re gonna yell or laugh and he just stares, his face getting increasingly more red. Eventually you just blink and tell him he looks good and he’s quick to say sorry and to start taking the jacket off. You stop him, telling him you’ll just find another, winking before you leave. He face plants into the desk afterwards.
Conner would most likely put it on by accident. It was in his laundry so it had to be his, though he quickly realized this wasn’t the case. Even then he couldn’t help but wear the comforting jacket after learning it was yours. You weren’t at base today anyways so it shouldn’t be a problem. Like Dick, he’d go on about his day just wearing your hoodie while doing menial tasks. He feels much closer to you while wearing it and finds himself often hugging the fabric closer to him. When you come back and see him he’s pretty embarrassed, he hadn’t expected to come face to face with you when walking into the kitchen, let alone while wearing your hoodie. “I’ve been looking for that,” you gestures towards the hoodie, smirking while crossing your arms. He apologized immediately and quickly explained how it ended up in his laundry. He asked if you wanted it back and you said no, that he should keep it because it looks cute on him. You looking him up and down like that is gonna make him pass out.
Wally would have been resting in your room as you got ready to leave, saying goodbye as you finished and left. His eyes would drift over to a chair where your hoodie rested on the back and he’d gasp. “Oh no! Y/n left his hoodie!” …. “Y/n left his hoodie~” He’d practically skip over to the chair, almost tripping in the process as he throws the garment over his head. “and it smells like him too,” he’d dreamily sigh before deciding to go watch a movie! He’d totally forget he was even wearing it to be honest, well not completely. He’d still know he was but he’d forget that it was something he technically shouldn’t be doing. “Having fun in my jacket?” His eyes shot in your direction, his hand full of popcorn pausing near his mouth as he stared at you. He gulped down nothing but his embarrassment as he tried to sheepishly greet you, his blush creeping down to his neck. He’d try and use an excuse but you’d just cut him off, saying that he should keep the hoodie on since he looks so cute. This man almost exploded at those words, his heart was definitely beating faster than any normal humans should. You’d wink before he left and he’d practically crumple in on himself. He’s like water in your hands at that point.
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dayoldtea · 1 year
pairing: harry styles x brazilian!famous!reader
fc: bruna marquezine
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liked by user19, user76 and 17.841 others
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user111 HIS HAIR???!?!?!! IM FUCKING DEAD
user165 excuse me sir, where is your girlfriend?
user241 ok but yn was wearing this same hoodie a few weeks ago during a live on instagram
⤷ user268 i thought i was the only one who noticed! this hoodie is definitely hers
user344 this is giving frat boy harry in the best way
user417 the way he and yn are always wearing each other's clothes—
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liked by user13, user36 and 10.004 others
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user06 she and harry always find the camera
user51 she's so pretty, bye
user76 WHERE IS HARRY????
⤷ user105 that's a good question
user83 the most beautiful woman in the world
user99 @yourinstagram girl, you better be at the grammy tomorrow
user108 i love her so much
user417 MY WIFE
user420 literally everyone's favorite person
user590 why hasn't harry put a ring on her finger yet?
user622 if she really goes to the grammy with harry i will lose my mind 😃
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liked by user72, user81 and 20.542 others
harry_updatemedia Harry on the 65th #GRAMMYs red carpet tonight! February 5
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user92 HIS TATTOOS🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
user187 the real proof that harry looks hot in anything he proposes to wear
user236 harry lambert u had one job...
user248 i can only imagine what yn thought of this outfit
user301 IM NOT OKAY
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liked by chrisevans, arianagrande and 11.123.880 others
yourinstagram see you soon grammys
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billieeilish i chocked
⤷ user761 literally me
user891 i would also write two whole albums about her
user912 i just don't know what to say
zendaya excuse me, are you single?
⤷ user1021 lmfao half of the internet is asking the same question right now
user1066 wishing i was harry tonight
harrystyles holy shit
⤷ user2811 LMFAOOOOOO
user3181 MOMMY?? SORRY
jacobelordi wow 🔥🔥🔥
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liked by user91, user104 and 6.718 others
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user86 im so fucking proud of him 😭
user265 i'll never shut up about him
user295 this is art
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liked by user41, user77 and 8.912 others
ynandharryupdates "I want to take a moment to give a special thanks to my beautiful, brilliant and talented girlfriend. Y/N, absolutely none of this would be possible without your constant presence and support in my life. Thank you for being here tonight, and thank you for inspiring me every day to write songs that surely wouldn't exist if it weren't for you. I love you. I love you and I hope to keep showing you that every day as long as you allow me to." Harry Styles during his speech as the winner of the album of the year award at the #GRAMMYs
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user91 sleeping on the highway tonight... 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️
user104 "beautiful, brilliant and talented girlfriend" i'm biting my pillow
user131 lizzo recording yn's reaction was the cutest thing ever
user145 so many tears
user230 the way yn held harry's hand when they announced the names in the category, the way he immediately turned to her when his name was called, the way they clearly said "i love you" to each other before they embraced and he came on stage to accept the award, the way his voice wavered a little as he dedicated the award to her… im dead
user265 how can i not be single when harry styles is my ideal male pattern?
user410 crying, screaming, shaking, throwing up, pulling out my hair
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liked by taylorswift, gemmastyles and 9.972.021 others
yourinstagram meu amor (my babe) is a grammy winner
yourinstagram has disabled comments
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liked by liampayne, zayn and 14.755.941 others
harrystyles the real winners of the grammy for album of the year
harrystyles has disabled comments
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Being toms bf while being bills bestie real!! LMFAO LY POOKIE 😭
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(Hell yeah! Of course I can! Enjoy!)
Tom's Bf and Bills Bsf
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You either grew up with them, were a fan or either met them when you, Gustav and Georg all offered to help the band
Either way, you guys had known each other for a long time
Tom didn't really know he likes you until it hit him right in the face
I think he pushed it down more though because he knew how close you were with Bill
He didn't want to get in the way of your friendship if he did try and get with you
But obviously neither of you could help yourselves
Somehow you both ended up having this situation where you would meet up, do your thing and pretend to be just friends who were bored
But obviously, with feelings
Tom didn't care who saw, but felt guilty for his brother
Tom kissed you, hugged you, flirted and didn't care about gender because he just likes you
It was the first time he actually likes someone, so why would he care about what others think?
Only one he cared about was what Bill thought
You felt like it was a betrayal to your best friend to have feelings for his brother, twin nonetheless
Same thing with Tom
But jokes on you, Bill already goddamn knew
He could tell from how you two acted together, and how you looked at one another
He could tell for a while but had that fear that Tom and your relationship would somehow take away from your friendship
So Bill didn't say anything, encourage it at all until he could obviously knew you guys were sneaking off
He felt a bit sad you needed to sneak around him, he felt in the way of your happiness
So one day he just blurted it out
"So, Gustav and I were thinking-"
"I know you like Tom! And I know he likes you and I know you both sneak around me!"
He couldn't keep it in anymore, due to guilt and sadness but it wasn't the best way to due it as you froze and almost died of shock
You both were stumbling, apologizing!
Bill finally got his words out that he was okay with it, shocking you
Bill just wanted you to be happy, and Tom to be happy, especially if that meant being together
He was worried though what some people would think of you two, both being guys
But he swore to always defend you guys, and that he didn't care that you two were together
He was happy you both were happy and that he no longer stood in the way
"If you hurt them-"
"I'm your brother?!"
"I like them better, Tom."
"Ha! Fuck you, Tom!"
"I'm your boyfriend?!"
You and Bill are constantly attacking Tom
Sometimes Bill even infiltrates on your dates, not that you guys mind, just because he wants to
He needs Tom to know he's always gonna be your down bitch
The one to make gagging sounds when you kiss Tom just because
Yet Bill is the best friend to hug you, kiss your cheek or lay on top of you with that platonic affection and stick his tongue out at his brother
He reminds you he came before Tom so he comes first as a joke
But at first he was holding your shoulders, close as shit to your face like
"Are you sure? I'm mean…it's Tom. Are you sure?"
"Yeah, Bill."
"Are you really sure?"
"Oh my- yes! I am Bill!"
"...just making sure."
He actually does warn you though because he knew how Tom was with the flirting and hooking up and you're his best friend so he doesn't want you to be hurt by that
But once he saw how happy you and Tom were, he was okay with it
@billsjum6ie @bigbootahjudy @dead-tapes @ilovebill-and-gustav @r3dheadedw0rld @kiwitsune @V4mpyboyy @novaaisstupid @billybabeskaulitz @yas-v
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nightcolorz · 5 days
i read through a few of your recent asks and it got me on an armand defense blender so here we are. & i thought about doing this anonymously but then decided to rawdog it so fuck it. this is probably gonna be ridiculously long but i have Thoughts + i have a feeling if anyone will understand it's you (also i'm too much of a coward to make my own post on this topic)
ANYWAY the way some people in this fandom treat armand is actually like... vile. it goes hand in hand with the whole "reducing louis to a victim and nothing more" thing which you talked about and i want to expand on allllll that because jesus christ some of this shit
people have been talking about how armand is Literally The Worst Ever for two years now and that has really imbibed into to the fandom. i mean i was affected by this as well, i went into the books expecting the Worst from him but it wasn't nearly as bad as i had believed it would be (though tbf i am also biased here, i saw armand in a tiktok edit like a year and a half ago and autistically imprinted on him for a long while before i even watched the show. he can do no wrong ever actually)
but that mindset of "oh you thought LESTAT was bad wait until you meet ARMAND lmfao" (not flaming anyone for that btw, i'm pretty sure even i've jokingly said that at one point) has really poisoned him to the fandom. i fully get book readers being wary of him and overanalyzing everything when it comes to him but it's often the show only fans that are the worst culprits and it's a bit out of hand honestly
after s2e4 i legit saw a person say that they don't believe a word that armand said about his backstory and that he probably made up marius and all the abuse he suffered because he wanted "sympathy" (very pointed quotation marks on that one) from louis and to manipulate him. and it would've been bad enough if those were the words they used but instead they were downright horrible about it. i genuinely had to put down my phone and take a few deep breaths after reading all that. like why would you even assume that? i really hope that's not how that person treats real life victims because holy shit
and like I DON'T GET IT!!!!! people just loooove to apply malicious intent to armand in situations where there is none and i don't get it. this is the series about complex, shitty vampires and yet some people still shove them into boxes like Irredeemable Abuser Who's Just Horrible All The Time (armand, lestat), Perfect Innocent Victim Who Can Do No Wrong (louis, claudia) and Pinnacle Of Neutrality (daniel)
and the person from earlier was a die hard loustat shipper and stanned lestat and whatnot and like i'm sorry but only one of these characters has committed dv atp and it wasn't armand. why is armand the scapegoat here? (it's because he comes in the way of loustat) (also i really don't like flaming individual people for their opinions but i feel like this is vague enough that it gets a pass + this one genuinely made me want to bang my head against a wall)
people are just not equipped to deal with 3 dimensional characters because not only can they not accept that armand is not a cartoon villain that is Unequivocally Evil and some machiavellain mastermind but they also can't accept that louis is a shitty person. you can be a victim and a bad person. you can be a victim and toxic and abusive. like.. the way louis is treating armand is not okay and people shouldn't be afraid to accept that. HE'S A BAD PERSON THEY'RE ALL BAD PEOPLE THAT'S THE WHOLE FUCKING POINTTTT
and if people are bothered by that then this is not the show for them
personally i am glad they made louis actually be undeniably shitty this season it made me like him even more (& i say undeniably but people will still deny it like their life depended on it lmaooo). and i am also glad that they managed to really humanize armand for the sane of us because this portrayal of him and his character and personality is just *chef's kiss*. assad GETS HIM and all his little nuances and autistic swagger
yeah anyway uhhhhh people stop immediately assuming the worst of armand challenge (impossible) & i could keep going for another 7 paragraphs but i fear i've waffled on enough i am really fucking frustrated with parts of this fandom send help
(also like, hate armand if you will but hate him for actual things he has done lmfao stop making him something he's not. if you hate him for what he did to claudia, fair enough you do you i can't stop you but jfc some of these people)
YESSS GO OFF 🙏🙏🔥🔥‼️‼️ U or anyone else r so so incredibly encouraged to put ur steaming hot Armand takes in my ask box that ur too scared to post urself for fear of back lash! my Armand apologist army will eat it up and I will shield u from the masses ❤️❤️ consider urself protected and embraced solider.
but anyways, ur so right omg say that shit. The “if u think lestat is bad wait till u see armand he tortures people and does animal cruelty and frankensteins kid heads onto adult bodies lol all Lestat does is graphic domestic violence Armand is like crazy fr” meme has done irreversible damage to this fandoms comprehension skills it’s wild 😭 like due to two years worth of bracing themselves for mega evil Armand we have people spouting the most disgusting insensitive takes about sexual violence I’ve ever seen said so casually in a fandom 😭. I don’t think I’ve come across the post ur referencing tho *holy shit*, even in a fictional context “this person must be lying about being assaulted” is an insane thing to say with ur full chest, but I digress. I’ve seen takes where ppl r saying Armand was trying to emotionally manipulate Louis by talking about being repeatedly raped as a child and like ?? 😨😨😨. Excuse me😭😭 genuinely what the fuck. That’s the same thing as saying Claudia was trying to manipulate Louis by telling him about when she was repeatedly raped, like that is genuinely a fucked up thing to say😭. I don’t think it’s irrational to be weary of Armand’s actions at all because of course we were all bracing ourself for his betrayal so it’s not unreasonable to suspect he has ulterior motives, but it’s both dumb and also fucked up ngl to assume that literally every thing Armand does or says is two sided, especially when there has been nothing in the show besides fandom speculation to suggest that this is the case with him😭. It’s such a shallow, dumb assumption to go “oh this character is two sided so therefore he is never ever sincere at all”. Especially since Armand isn’t two sided bcus of non complex villainous intent, his motives and his lack of trust or loyalty for people or consistent, reliable behavior is very trauma based. I always like to say, he’s not like a snake, he’s like a reactive former fighting dog. A reactive dog can and will attack you without warning at any moment, but a reactive dog is so often disproportionately violent and unreliable because it’s learned that the world is unreliable and violence is how it can protect itself. Armand isn’t rlly the schemer type, he’s more of the “lifts his head from your lap and bites your face off” type.
I think that if the show was trying to suggest that Armand telling Louis about how he was raped was emotionally manipulative that would have been a fucked up and insensitive thing to write! and the fact that ppl r interpreting it that way without anything there to imply that is 😭 um. Woah?? It’s pretty overtly explained why Armand tells Louis his backstory, I’ve talked about it before but, in that scene prior to the backstory dump Louis is telling Armand that he doesn’t feel like he knows him, and he wants to know who he really is. And in this episode Louis and Armand r having a conflict where Armand perceives their relationship as intimate and important and Louis doesn’t even really see them as “together” because he doesn’t want to open himself up to that kind of vulnerability. So when Louis explains to Armand why he doesn’t feel as close to him as Armand does, Armand decides to be vulnerable with louis and tell him about who he is (and why he is the way he is) since Louis told him that that is what he wants from him. I don’t see how telling ur partner about ur life (which is made up of constant trauma) when he tells u he doesn’t know anything about ur life and would like to know more is in anyway manipulative or deceitful. Usually when I see a take I rlly disagree with I am at least able to discern how someone could come to that conclusion, but honestly I have no idea with this one 😭. Just, dude, come on. Y’all do realize that instantly assuming wrongfulness or deceit from a scene where a character is talking about their history of childhood sexual abuse does not make u look good 😭 right? The lack of self awareness is insane 😭 I understand it probably feels uncomfortable to watch a character u perceive as a straightforward manipulator and abuser talk about being horribly abused himself in a way that’s overtly sympathetic, but I think doubling down on ur previous black and white interpretation is like kind of silly goose behavior!
until ur ask I never rlly considered that some fans might be viewing Armand as noncomplexly always in the wrong bcus they are die hard Loustat shippers, but it makes sense! It’s also even more dumb 😭 I love Loustat a lot (mostly in the books cuz the show borderline desecrated them but whateves), but the thing about iwtv and tvc is that literally every character has and will date and be with each other constantly. The defensiveness over ur ship is not necessary 😭 if ur so hyper strict over monogamous shipping that it stresses u out to see ur favs in multiple relationships in the span of a show maybe this isn’t the fandom for u 😭🙏. I think maybe this attitude is coming from a place of “I need Armand to be worse then lestat because if Armand isn’t worse then lestat then loustat will look worse then Loumand and Louis will be wrong to go back to lestat”, and like, babes 😭 Lestat has already violently beat Louis on screen the harm has already been done, if ur still clinging to the hope that lestat will be ultimately the good and right choice for Louis u r fighting a loosing battle. Ship what u wanna ship guys, u can love loustat without trying to justify it as healthy or “healthier” then Loumand . But u do look like a dummy when ur trying to vastly mischaracterize Armand for shipping reasons 😭 like c’mon now. i feel the same way about Louis being portrayed as bad making u like him more!! I’m sure I’ve talked about this, but I kind of hated iwtv s1 and a lot of it was due to how Louis wasn’t at all overtly shitty or unlikable and seemed to be mostly in the right. My favorite thing about Louis in the books is how he portrays himself as a frail gentle human-like saintly vampire who wouldn’t hurt a fly and is better then other the vampires when in reality he is really a horrible, self victimizing unempathetic judgmental asshole who only cares about morality because he wants to boost his ego and feel better about himself. AHHHH it’s so interesting and entertaining to me, I love deceitful, selfish bitch louis sm. And I’m rlly happy with how s2 is leaning into this a little more than s1 is by making Louis such an asshole to Armand!! It feels really appropriate with the former slave owner/former slave parallel translated to the former pimp/former sex slave version in the show, and the way they are fleshing out the relationships in the books and adding more context. Louis is such a great character and I like him sm more in s2 lol, let him be shittyyy!! I beg u!! It’s such a shame that a lot of fans refuse to let their faves suck 🙏
and yessss!!! Armand is being portrayed so perfectly!! Assad is the perfect Armand I am so grateful for him, he is so beautifully nuanced and complex and human. So sad some fans refuse to acknowledge that 😭
on ur last paragraph!! Yesss literally there is so much about Armand to hate so if u hate him hate him for like canon things he has done instead of twisting everything he does into being non complexly evil bcus ur making the show worse for urself if ur viewing it so shallowly 😭. Armand has fucked over Claudia and Nicki and lestat and Louis, and if u hate him for that go right ahead 🙏 I hate Marius for ruining my faves life but guess what 😭 Marius is like a complex varied character and I’d sound like a straight dumb ass if I went on tumblr and tried to claim that literally everything he does is bad intentioned and evil, bcus that’s just not the case. U guys jumping through hoops to claim that Armand is always evil is like if I tried to say that Marius was actually being evil when he tried to save half the world from genocide from Akasha 😭 u know what I’m saying? Fortunately these characters r all incredibly complex and capable of like, nuanced intentions and behavior. If u can’t handle that in ur gay vampire show then I’m sorry ur going to be disappointed. God bless tho
thank u sm for the ask ur literally such an icon and I’m obsessed with u and ur steaming hot takes, everyone stands up and claps
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Watched the first Paw Patrol movie with my dad, this time entirely in Brazilian dub (first time I watched was entirely in English), in the early hours past midnight today. Have the best of his reactions. Honestly, most were the same as mine when I watched the movie for the first time too, so let's go XD
"How did he SEE that tiny turtle up ahead???? Oh geez, there goes the bridge."
"I decree this trucker as the only sane person in the entire movie and the movie didn't even start for real yet." "Dad, he spilled his ice tea or whatever was that on himself." "It was the road's fault." "........ Ok you got a point."
"Lary, pause." "They look cute sleeping, right?" "They look like us after we eat. Post-dish depression." (It's our personal pun with "post-birth depression") "Tag yourself, I'm Marshall." "I'm Chase. Your brother is... What's this one's name again?" "Zuma? LMFAO YES HE IS"
"When did he have time to get this thing built?" "Who knows. I always joke that he's out there spawning stuff at will." "Are his parents like millionaire or something?" "No one knows about his parents or family, not even the official website gives any info on that." "HOW DOES HE PAY FOR ALL THIS--" *Cue Skye asking the same thing and Ryder responding* *Dad chokes on nothing and I have to pause so he can cough it out and drink some water*
"Oh fuck. He's-- He's lighting up all the fireworks." *Stops what he was doing in the living room to pay full attention* "THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD."
"Sure, block the roads to launch the cars. This is so HotWheels. They have THEIR OWN LANE."
"Isn't-- Isn't Chase their POLICE dog?" "Yeah" "Chase why are you ALLOWING this, how many traffic laws did they JUST BREAK"
"Sweet Jesus, don't mess with Marshall. He's got a mean cannon and he's LOVING it."
"Wait, Liberty's a street dog?" "Yup" "I thought she had an owner. So she's like one of those lovely strays who make friends with just about everyone they cross paths with." "YUP"
"... What the actual fuck is wrong with Humdinger?" *Shrugs* "He shouldn't be allowed to run for elections on anything."
"Oh no, Chase froze. Looks like those panic attacks you used to have." "........ You remember those too, huh" "Yeah. You made me freeze a lot too. I didn't know what to do with you so I'd freeze like that too." "Oh."
"There goes Marshall saving the day again. I see why you like him too." "He's cute." "I like his fire truck. Are you going to buy his toy too?" "You bet it." "Nice. As you should."
"Okay now I'm afraid of Liberty." "Why?" "Did you see how sure she was about her bait plan?" "Yeah?" "SHE'S GONNA HAVE THE TIME OF HER LIFE MESSING UP WITH HUMDINGER I'M CALLING IT"
*Liberty calls Delores a toilet brush* "OUCH THAT WAS BRUTAL I LOVE HER EVEN MORE NOW"
"Literal prison BREAK. Nice." *Thumbs up to the TV*
"Aw that was cute. Ryder is a good boy."
"That thing is sucking way too many clouds."
"Omg she's so excited HER FACE IS SO CUTE! Repeat this entire scene please."
"Why is her number 22?" "Ryder numbers the vehicles, not the pups." "So they have 21 vehicles before hers." "Yup." "How many are there?" "Last I checked, last one was an Aircraft Carrier ship, number 25." "Wow."
"Did-- Did Zuma just BREAK his-- Oh, it's a boat too. Two-in-one. Ryder DOES really think of everything, huh?"
"Okay that was nice, I thought we wouldn't get to see Zuma doing anything in this entire movie at all." "Aquatic rescue dog in the big city, right?" "Yeah it's not exactly his natural habitat." "I feel him." "... I forgot you were a beach kid." "In my heart I still am."
"PULL THE LEVER, KRONK!!!!!" *Hysterical laughter* "OKAY HE DESERVED THAT."
"Chase KNOWS how to drift-- MOTORCYCLE???-- DRIVING UP THE WALL???????" *Slowly clapping for the entire scene*
"Is he afraid of heights? He didn't seem to be when he rescued the trucker and I see him doing a lot of stuff in the show." "I think it's not the height itself, it's mostly the panic remembering the times he failed at these tasks." "Trauma, then." "Yeah."
"Is he gonna-- Yup. Spirit jump. Of course." (For reference, the leap of faith scene from the movie "Spirit, Stallion of the Cimarron")
"Okay now I'm afraid of Skye too-- Did the clouds just went POOF." "Yeah they did." "Damn, we just had such a badass scene, it killed the badassery."
"Ouch the helicopter-- DAMMIT ROCKY AHAHAHAHAHA"
"Awwww Liberty! That's my girl. Nice." "That's literally the name of the song that was playing when she was riding her new scooter for the first time." "Perfection. So she officially joined the team?" "Yeah I didn't get there yet but she's in the show after the movie came out too." "Did they do that because there was only one female pup in the show?" "Actually there's Everest too, that Husky Siberian! But she doesn't live with Ryder and his pups, she was adopted by the guy who lives in the mountain. In the main team, yeah, it's only Skye." "Still too few girls, they need more." "Tell me about it..."
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klxudykai · 13 days
all 26 of my drs
soo as my bio says I have 26 drs!! and today I will be talking about each of them
in all honesty I thought it was a bit of a stretch to shift to that many, but who cares? the universe is unlimited so if I wanna shift to 3, 26, or even 100 I should be allowed to (and so should you!!)
anywaysss lets get into it
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Anime drs
MHA - this is literally my MAIN DR. its the first ever dr I thought of shifting to and one of my favorites. I can't wait to shift there omg
MHA (fantasy au) - this isn't one of my top favs but it is def a cool one that I would enjoy fs
AOT (modern college au) - this dr is gonna be so fun I just know it
Haikyuu - volleyball is one of my FAVORITE sports so I already know this is gonna be exciting (I also had a haikyuu obsession ever since 2019 quarantine-)
★ ★ ★
Fame drs
singer - I always wanted to be a famous singer so this made inner 9 year old me SCREAM. I live and breathe music. all kinds of it, too. my playlist will go from SZA to Bone Thugs n Harmony to Billie Ellish and then to Deftones real quick
youtuber - this is another career that 9 year old me wanted. I've always looked up to YouTubers so I knew I would have a trip shifting to where I was one too
street racer - okay Im gonna be so honest and tell y'all rn I don't know jack shit abt cars- all I know is that I wanna have a hot pink car and blast flo milli while dusting a bunch of men in races (hot girl shit I fear-)
90s r&b singer - I love the 90s. the music, the fashion, all of it. absolutely amazing. that's it
band dr - I would love to be the lead singer of a famous ass band. I haven't decided if I was gonna join an existing one or make my own yet but one of the options will be happening
★ ★ ★
TV shows/Movies
hogwarts - when I first got into shifting a LOT of people were shifting to Hogwarts and honestly I understand why. it looks so fun there man
alice in wonderland - this is one of my FAVORITE movies. I love the weirdness of it all and its just so creative and calming for me. (I intend on scripting I live in a cute little cottage on a hill with my two headed cow because I have a major obsession with cows)
diary of a wimpy kid - I got one name for you. and that name is rodrick mf heffley. judge me I do not care but that man is FINE (he probably smells tho but I intend on scripting he isn't cause who tf wants a smelly man??). i also like the idea of being in loded diper
twilight - I've had an obsession with vampires and werewolves (ESPECIALLY werewolves) since I was in 4th grade so this move series and dr is right up my alley (I'm team Jacob btw even tho he's hella childish)
the breakfast club - the first time I watched this movie I was like "I'm officially shifting there". I love coming of age movies especially older ones like this so I didn't hesitate to add it to my list
riverdale - this series was kinda interesting tbh. I heard it got really wacky after the 3rd season though but I guess I'll find that out when I rewatch it (or when I shift idk). SPEAKING OF RIVERDALE- I had two dreams about shifting there and it was so crazy. like the first one was when I was in the diner with the characters and I was looking for my s/o, but I woke up before I could find him. and then the second dream I don't remember but I had the sensation I kissed someone???? so I'm pretty sure I found him LMFAO-
spiderman (itsv-atsv) - absolutely NO words for this one. I've had an obsession with this one ever since it came out. and I almost screamed in the movie theater when the producers hit us with that "to be continued" bs. also hobie brown <33
descendents - I was into every single original Disney channel movie that was released and this was one of them. AND I could be the daughter of Tiana like??? sign me up fr
monster high - these are literally THE monster it girls. it would be a crime to not shift there
total drama - this was the first reality tv show I ever watched and I was so here for it. they got real creative with the drama too
victorious - I LOVE arts. acting, painting, music, dance, you name it. if I could go to a school like this in my cr I would've already been there (oh wait I technically can)
power rangers - SPECIFICALLY the 2017 film. I don't feel like we got a backstory on half of the characters and its so disappointing but oh MAN when my boy DACRE got on that screen I almost hollered. this movie served so hard and it deserved a sequel badly.
stranger things - this was another obsession of mine and I couldn't have it any other way. its gonna be terrifying but badass (like nancy wheeler when she had that damn shotgun)
mid90s - this was a decision I made last week because I had JUST watched the movie and it was my obsession for a little bit too. I experienced a little home sickness (more like a lot of homesickness because I was SAD SAD)
★ ★ ★
other drs I thought of shifting to
demon slayer - this seemed pretty fun, but I heard that later down the plot it got boring and sucked pretty bad so I wasn't sure
kpop - I'm not 100% a kpop fan but I LOVE krnb so I was just thinking of making music like that but its still in the works a bit
avatar - I thought it would be cool, but I wasn't in love with the idea like I thought id be. maybe if I shifted to the first avatar I'd like it but idk yet
farm life - like I mentioned earlier I really love cows and thought a farm would be cool, but I kinda fell out of love with the idea so this most likely won't go all the way through
anastasia - this is one of the drs I most likely will still be shifting to because I just love classic Disney movies (and Dimitri was fine..)
ready player one - in all honesty, I completely forgot I intended on shifting there but its a fun ass concept
pitch perfect - okay but this movie was funny as hell plus singing so why not?
tinkerbell - this entire series was my Roman empire. they were my FAV when I was little and still are
10 things I hate about you - early 2000 movies are my favorite so when I watched this, I wanted to shift there asap
★ ★ ★
okay and I think those are all my drs!! this might be a little over 26 too but oh well LMFAO-
i really enjoyed making this and I hope y'all enjoyed reading it <3
stay tuned for more drs because i am always thinking of new ones to go to!!
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kitkatopinions · 9 months
hi!! same anon from the roosterteeth ask!! loved reading your response, 10/10 gourmet shit. reading thru it, i kinda wanna pitch in my own exhaustion as a poc whipping open rwby twitter and see fans villainizing + silencing other fans who take issues with the white fang and of course, adam. adam will forever be a decisive character and i fully acknowledge that people wont like him. my grievances are less about adam himself (wholly different topic lol) and more of the larger discussion of the inability to challenge adams portrayal and the how the writers fucked up badly. theres this notion in the fanbase that adam is unquestionably an 'evil irredeemable abuser that we should all despise', the same dismissiveness is felt alongside the white fang arc. how we should all 'accept our headcanons are wrong, and accept that adam was always made to be evil'. you cannot discuss the white fang without ever mentioning blakes involvement with it, same goes for adam. he is a direct result of the white fang being so mishandled by the writers who have as much melanin as a slab of wonderbread. you cannot seperate his arc from the writers mishandling and their own prejudice. if we all can agree the white fang was handled poorly, then why are so people hellbent on not reading deeper into aspects of the white fang like adam or blake? although i am not black, i am a queer poc. its so exhausting to see how rwby fans on twitter and tumblr alike would villainize the idea that people who are upset by adams portrayal are 'overreacting incels who didnt get their power fantasy wet dream' and that 'true fans ALWAYS knew adam was evil from the start'. as a queer poc, i feel like if i were to have a presence in this fanbase, these fans with #BLM in their handles and bios that champion queer rights, these same fans would deny me of my queerness and my status as a poc. someone who is 'corrupted' by the whims of negativity, someone who would turn on the (very white) queer peers of the fandom out of my own bigotry. these very same fans would make tweets upon threads praising the show and CRWBY for 'good representation'. im gonna be real, this representation does not include people with disabilities, it does not include trans folk. this representation sure as fuck does not include poc lmfao. it only includes the whitest cute uwu queer girls who handhold and flirt, after a decade of waiting for proper canonization, from a company whos bigotry is its brand and whos built the show off the backs of abused real life employers who are minorities. yet the community insists to be grateful for it. they insist to be happy for the oh so progressive CRWBY, to be grateful that we get to see two girls kiss and that cancels out the mountain of other representation that was chucked behind cus our oh so progressive crwby got too uncomfortable with it. so progressive, 11/10 show and company.
I don't even want to add to this, I just want to share this. You're absolutely right.
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kaisernation-wewon · 2 months
The simp-ification of Kaisagi is my 13th reason, I'm not even gonna lie chief. Why, whyyy are most Kiis fics like that. Why is Isagi always the poor submissive uke who cries and begs, like, have you seen THEM?? Are y'all sure that any of them would be screaming and crying?? Let's be real, if Isagi saw Kaiser choking himself he would lend a helping hand 😭 God they're so amazing. And crazy. And sick. And batshit insane. I love them a normal amount, I swear-
And I love red-flag-Kaiser. Him being a total asshole, the master of gaslightining, of poor excuses and ghosting. The dude does NOT know how to handle a healthy relationship. He would go crazy if Isagi ever tried to ghost him for a whole day, though. Like, the nerve.
I'm absolutely living for the current Kaiser, crumbling and falling into desperation. I need to see him at his lowest, where not even Ness can help him up. I need to see Isagi step on him and rise. Yet I don't know how this will conciliate with my desire to see PXG win… My boy Rin needs to step on both of them and take his rightful crown. Ugh, I just love all of them. Can't both teams win?? Ego can change football rules, right??
(You brought up two ships that I absolutely despise too, NaruHina and SasuSaku. I barely consider them canon since it's just a poor attempt of catering to heteronormativity. To me they don't even exist. Yes, I do dislike Kainess, but not this much, at least it makes sense somehow. But Kishimoto straight up decided to pull these two ships out of his sorry ass lmfao) I sure would love to say that I miss Naruto, but then I end up remembering that shitty ending and the nostalgia fades… I do really miss its villains though!
Facts, sister.
I have never really understood the attraction in one person of a pairing being absolutely down bad for the other- like, is it really fun when it's so one sided?
In some fics, you can just see the author bias, like its so blatant- one partner is absolutely on their knees for the other.
(Although, I don't exactly mind if it's a pwp, iykwim, it's okay if that's Isagi's kink, no kinkshaming here ;p
Is it unrealistic? Possibly.
Is it kinda hot? Yes)
What really grinds my gears are the character driven fics in which none of them are actually in character.
I see this a lot in Victuuri fics too- some make Yuuri a total BAMF Badass and Victor's completely down bad for him- to the point that Victor's always the one apologising, no matter if Yuuri is in the wrong too.
Kaiser and his everything- character style, arc, personality- is so delicious, I just wanna gobble him up lol
If only everyone could win in a football match... (Ego make it happen please)
NaruHina and SasuSaku... I could rant about these two ships and the travesty that was the ending all day.
Hinata and Sakura and their obsession over those two was so pathetic. The fact that the boys were given to them as reward for persevering in their love makes me want to kill something. And everything after the war arc ended was a way rapidly drive off all the fans of the series.
Like, even if you somehow look past their shitty marriages of convenience and the sheer insult that was The Last, what the fuck was that Hokage Inauguration episode. The sheer anger I feel at the thought of that episode and the fact that people defend that bullshit is going to make me end up at the therapist. Naruto not getting to attend his own inauguration as Hokage was a garbage joke and nothing and no one will ever convince me otherwise.
Sasuke and Naruto deserved to end up together- and no, them being spirit brothers is a garbage reason to not ship them because it's not even fucking true. Transmigration and reincarnation are not synonyms, people.
Personally, I think Kishimoto also wanted them to end up together, but he wasn't allowed to do that. The official art is so couple-y, it's not even subtle. To say nothing of what he wrote in his own series.
Indeed KaiNess makes a hell of a lot more sense then SasuSaku and NaruHina. Atleast Kaiser and Ness are friends- toxic yes, but still friends.
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menelaiad · 1 year
What do you think of the Antilochus-Menelaus friendship ? I so wish she was explored more, middle aged and his widdle bby friend 🥺
was it not me that didn't shut up about this dynamic like ..... almost 2 years ago??? i think it was.
no, but for real. when you read the iliad this dynamic can certainly fly under your radar. menelaus as a whole can get fucking lost in that book lmfao. but if you read it with hyper-menelaus-vision like i do everything in my life - it's shocking how prevelant that dynamic actually is.
menelaus doesn't interact with a lot of people in the iliad. there's aga, ajax, achilles (well, achilles calls him a dogface and menelaus doesnt really respond but yknow). now, him talking to aga makes sense. ajax is addressed when menelaus needs help on the battlefield (to save odysseus and to defend patroclus) he's the muscle menelaus needs in those moments.
but he talks to and works/fights with antilochus. the most. (outside of aga but their dynamic is ofc gonna be different) antilochus isn't. a big deal. really. he's not one of the leaders. one of the OG big guys. but he's with menelaus in maybe like 30 - 50% of his scenes in the iliad? and for a guy that doesn't appear in the iliad a lot to begin with. that's a lot.
with a oral poem like the iliad there will be a lot of repetition for events, even if the characters change. but i'm sure there's an event that's repeated twice - menelaus calling for ajax's help and then summoning antilochus. again. the ajax thing is explainable - he's a main player. he's also beefy as shit. he can help menelaus YET menelaus summons antilochus as well. why him? using ajax twice for defence makes sense. but summoning antilochus both times (instead of changing to another sidecharacter greek) is purposeful. he CHOOSES him. menelaus clearly forms this attachment to antilochus after book 5 when the lad comes to his rescue.
it's also sweet how in the book 5 moment, there is a mirror between hera's concern for menelaus and antilochus'. hera having this maternal angle to her as well implies that this concern is FIERCE. it's protective. and antilochus feels the same.
i also think it's sweet that antilochus is like menelaus' lil right hand man UNTIL patroclus dies. and then menelaus almost. gives antilochus back to achilles. antilochus and menelaus fight side by side until patroclus dies and then antilochus becomes achilles' right hand man. like. menelaus gives him back. knows how good of a companion this boy is. sees achilles' grief and like .... offers antilochus as a balm to help. patroclus' death is menelaus' fault. and menelaus certainly sees it that way. and to help achilles combat this newfound lonliness he offers up .... his only friend in the whole iliad.
LIKE in the funeral games. menelaus is mad that antilochus has broken his trust and their friendship. it was never really about the prize for menelaus (he fucking gives it to antilochus anyway???? like????) he's so upset because antilochus 'played dirty' and breached his trust. THAT'S why menelaus kicks off. and yet he doesn't stay mad for long. he almost cant??? he and antilochus have been through a lot in the short span of time that the iliad takes place. and i've said it before. menelaus is not a proud man, compared to most in greek myth. he will back down. he will admit defeat. and he does it here too. ofc he does?? this is his friend!!! but not before he gets emotional and upset about being betrayed because menelaus just FEELS so much. he is such an emotional and attached character.
EVEN IF IT'S NOT THAT menelaus' anger could be from CONCERN. antilochus has stayed alive for so long and boy is now gonna die cause he cant drive?! menelaus WILL NOT have that. it could be panic or fear. either way. i dont think his outburst comes from a place of malice or 'sore loser' at all.
and like do you gotta make me say it???? antilochus forces menelaus to face his guilt. he LITERALLY SAYS:
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menelaus yields, yes because antilochus is his friend but antilochus is also SO FREAKIN YOUNG. he's probably spent half of his life (or damn close to it) at troy. for menelaus. and menelaus is not blind to that. antilochus embodies all the young men that came to troy for him that have died for him or at the very least have fought and suffered. menelaus' love and care for antilochus is almost symbolic of his love and care for all these lads who came to troy. antilochus represents the army that menelaus carries on his back and cares about so much. and i think the paternal angle to their relationship almost highlights that. menelaus is compared to a mother directly and his relationship with antilochus emphasises this. and that's why their dynamic so so sweet and important to me. their story begins with antilochus coming to his aid and ends with menelaus thanking him for all he's done. menelaus is not blind to the help of this boy or to the army as a whole.
to conclude:
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coredrill · 3 months
i’m rly vibing w senor bighands design thus far………………i hope it looks good in action!!! the deathdrives’ designs have been pretty hit or miss for me tbh, like i rly love superbia and cupiridas but knuth/pessimism/vanitas are more meh…….like i generally enjoy the unique shapes in THEORY but i just feel like they also suffer a lot from being overdesigned the way a lot of modern 3d mecha are and it makes them kind of hard to parse out on screen which is :/ like so many of the shots are just so BUSY that it’s hard for me to get a handle on what is going on yknow? i can’t stop thinking abt what that shot of bravern saluting smith would look like if there were less details fjdbjfjdndbdn
if burn bravern + superbia gattai. that robot will literally be red + yellow + green + blue + purple. 🤨🏳️‍🌈⁉️
if on the off chance it turns out lulu IS biologically related to smith. i think it’ll make that one scene from ep3 where the hotel owner is like “🤨 she doesn’t LOOK like your sister” a fucking million times funnier LMFAO. also i am still suspicious of why her name is lulu if NOT being just the repeated first syllable of smith’s name like a noriko -> nono situation. this has fr been my tin foil hat theory since ep3 and i am not letting go until the end!!!!!! (although also side note that in general i am not EXPECTING any of this lmao. i honestly am mostly just finding such joy in the fact that this show is batshit insane enough that stuff like this is like. relatively plausible? at least to consider floating around? like it’s the same w the “lulu is biologically smith AND isami’s daughter cause isami’s blood dripped in bravern and her hair is blue and her eyes are red and she pilots the PURPLE deathdrive” thing - like the fact that i’m not immediately rolling my eyes at the idea tickles me greatly LMAO)
the way that the pieces for this episode have been positioned intrigues me to no end. like. it’s bravern + lulu + superbia(? i assume) Who Know and isami Who Doesn’t. and the side characters who ALSO don’t know are also not there (at least in the setup). although tbh i could see miyu having an inkling abt it or at the very least being super chill like she was in the Bad Future. like that rly opens the floor up from both a plot perspective (don’t have to worry about whatever power these new DDs have cause only the core cast will be affected) and from a character perspective (don’t have to cut to the faces of Literally anyone but isami going like 😲 once the truth is revealed. if isami doesn’t figure it out for himself first. or however that plays out) and its so smart on the whole and i’m genuinely so excited to watch it play out!!!!!! like even if miyu et al roll up in the last two minutes to help save the day with um. idk it’d have to be smth completely new i suppose cause they sure do have like one gun that is marginally effective against the DDs FNDJFJJDJS it pares things down for max efficiency which is really smart imo
japan and the US jointly developing a mech that reads your brainwaves is the most sus thing in the world LMAO like i could not sleep at night if that thing were real even moreso than the deathdrives themselves
i think there’s at least one more twist left. like ep9 was The Twist and then they pulled time travel AGAIN in ep10 which is genuinely WILD to me. so like. idk maybe ep11 is Old Man Isami coming back from ANOTHER future to sunbathe in the volcano FNNDNFN
i am also not counting out a g gundam style ending yet and Getting Smith Outta That Thing. obviously my own biases are very much at play here but like. if the moral of this show is that you gotta live no matter what you just HAVE to live and fuck time and space and convention because the people who love you will make sure you live. like. if any show is gonna have its cake and eat it too and keep both bravern AND smith around? i feel like this one could pull it off!!!! not placing bets ofc but like its possible yknow? but again that is also based on the assumption that the end point of the show is at all congruous with its current status quo, and something that my feeble human mind can even conceive of with the information that is given, so we shall see. LMAO. the idea that they’re all just gonna be fucking isekai’d into the florist AU that staff loves so much is ANOTHER idea that tickles me greatly for being something so in line with the insanity of this show that i cannot IMMEDIATELY rule it out even if i very much doubt that’s where we’re going LMFAO. bc smth like that sure would fucking vibe w the final battle taking place somewhere “unexpected” (again, if that’s true, idr if it was just a rumor or not) and also how uninterested the show has been w the state of the world at large barring a few scenes. HM.
anyways final predictions for this ep is that i will cry atleast once 👍
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neo-neos · 2 years
Getting to know your BL mutuals - 2022 Edition
Simple, answer the questions. @ some people. Include the tag 'g2ky BL mutuals 2022' on your post so we can find everyone's answers!
tagged by the lovely @chimerasinourskyline - and @aleng-neng and @dont---just-dont Thank you so much for this <3 It's my first time really interacting with the community in this way and I feel legit honored <3
DISCLAIMER -> I started watching BL literally last month, I am fully 110% new and have been literally binging everything I can get my hands on to get on everyones level of knowledge and passion. If I fuck up a date (aka: came out last year or something) pls do not lynch me it is hard to keep up. I also have not seen everything yet, I am trying to keep up but I can only watch so much in a day. Okay thank you &lt;;3
What has been the BL that took you by surprise this year?
To be fair, ChocoMilkShake -> (I am aware it is still airing but I am pretty sure it will finish airing before the year is over) When I heard the concept I was kinda like ???? Dog??? Cat??? BL???? But I was so happily surprised omg.
What has been the BL that you felt a bit disappointed with this year?
To be very very honest... And hear me out here... Big Dragon -> The first episode I was like: OH SHIT LET'S GO??? The spice, the drama the bdsm... but then I was like... Where...Where did that go? I LOVE the couple, like MosBank are hawt... But I feel like MosBank has more chemistry than MangkornYai does and... Idk? Season 2 redemption????? Idk
Cutie Pie -> was a little hard to get through for me at times... Sorry? The couple is great, the story wasn't my fav
The rest of the slightly more disappointing shows are from before 2022 so I won't go on a rant lmfao
What has been your favourite BL this year?
KINNPORSCHE -> Oh my god, this show changed me... Like, I can't even explain in words how... But I literally consume every piece of content I can about the cast because I cannot get enough. I'm gonna rewatch it another 10 times probably?
Love in the Air -> I don't even know how to explain this one tbh, I just love the cast, the characters, the storyline didn't even matter that much to me as long as I got to see them doing their thing.. It had some deeper messages here and there too which I loved.
Blueming -> Do I need to explain this one?
Semantic error -> My first BL, again do I need to explain this one?
(I know it's not done airing but...) Between Us -> as long as it does not take some really hectic turns... It's def a fav for this year at least!
Favourite BL couples (not just of 2022)?
MileApo, Payurain, Prapaisky, WinTeam... I am not really big on remembering ship names yet.. I am trying but I legit forget names in daily life too, and then having to remember IN SHOW ship names and then they also come up with REAL NAME ship names and I have 2 working braincells pls do not do this to me lmfao
If you had to suggest a BL for someone what would it be?
(This didn't have to be 2022 right??? I'm just going to go with no)
Kinnporsche -> this one is mainly a little selfish because I just want more people to see it so I can make more friends lmfao
Not me -> I mean come on... That shit was a masterpiece
Blueming -> Good story fr fr fr
Life - Love on the Line -> Look I loved this so much and I kinda related a lot to this show and that shit HURT but also brought so much comfort????
My beautiful man -> Same as above really lmao
Bad buddy -> I mean it's just good
What's your non-BL favourite for this year?
OH MY GOD this show has me in a fucking chokehold and I want to consume everything that has even a VAGUE mention to this show
It is so insanely good
It has some bromance going on so not fully "non-bl" but still.
AnYWAY any questions about this feel free to hit up my askbox or the comments to this thing. Again excuse the noob mistakes if there are any, feel free to point them out kindly to teach me because I love to learn but pls don't come for my throat lmao &lt;;3
I would like to tag: @sunf10wer8 @irishtwinmags @keithblguy
(If ^^^^ any of you already did this and I missed it, I am very sorry, feel free to @ me on the post so I can see it! <3)
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chthonicgodling · 3 months
long rambly post incoming💞 had been handed the perfect avenue to find out fast exactly how ~quirky the TaKi baby is: Hecate examining Loki and kindly asking if he wanted her to divine out the nature of said baby-or-babies
me being very eager to reveal The Surprise™ vibrating OoC VERSUS me also absolutely needing to stay In Character when allowing our lil guys to make decisions fgkfkg. of COURSE the latter won and obviously this didn’t happen,
Loki’s twitchy as hell around all his pregnancies, it is a shocking miracle that he hasn’t fully vanished from the second they knocked him up even after promising them he wasn’t going to. sure this is because (SELF ADMITTED IN WORDS LMAO) in the end ✨lust has won out over anxiety✨ but he IS still twitchy and he IS still cagey and that’s coming across in, literally now the only people he’s been letting touch him/near him has been ONLY Maci and Tory - again, a shocking miracle ; he also has not told anyone else he’s pregnant yet!!!
this is the part where I admit to you all again (I said this in that other pregnancy trope post here) that this aaaalllllll is a thinly veiled excuse to create angst really 💞 specifically if he doesn’t come out of this having cried a million times then I haven’t done my job. Actually allow me to quote MYSELF from when I was vagueposting about figuring out a way to make him have a Taci baby back in NOVEMBER before FENIXE BEAT ME TO IT ahemmmm from the beginning I have said;;
…I can’t make Loki do a plot right now cause he keeps climbing past my schemes to climb on top of Maci and Tory and I can’t stop him 😔 Like ok fine just keep doing that I guess! I’m still gonna make you cry no matter how long you try to stall!!
so!! SOOOooO!!!
so this is all fun and games and Loki agreed to let Hecate come by in desperation wrt unbearable morning sickness that Maci and Tory refused to let him just suffer through (and also Hecate can be persuaded to take commission for fun sex curses which Loki was more intrigued by than her involvement for any other LEGITIMATE reason lmfao) but!! there was real anxiety spiked when she offered to magic-look at the baby. well it’s not any of your business I don’t see why it should matter what shape the baby is!! why what are you all going to do to it if it’s not a shape you prefer??? h ey whoa Loki calm down you’re suddenly shaking?????
:( ah
it’s fine happy ending (Maci and Tory pet him until he pulled himself together and she of course immediately did back off) but
oh. yes. more of this.,,,,,,, oh sure this whole thing is Sexy and Cute and Fun and Hot and ✨yayayay new babies✨ (nothing willl happen to baby-or-babies dw!!) but —
make no mistake it has all come upon me for a very specific purpose. and I will force this emotional vulnerability upon him (& dump him upon Maci/Tory) if he it kills me hhhHH-
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yamatossideboob · 19 days
One Piece 1116 spoilers!
My spottings this week:
Yamato's taking his time getting ready for his field trip but whatever as long as he's on page. ily Yamtoe!!!!! hi Otsuru!!!
Struggling to remember here, were the Ancient Weapons known at all to the greater public? even as myths or historical fact? either way they are now lmfao
There's something so unsettling about seeing Imu looking up at that portrait, and I can't articulate why... it's weirdly human coming from someone/thing who's previously been so removed from humanity.
aww Ingram, Karoo, its okay lads, shes on board a sky ship fleeing political retaliation with an albatross man and Monsieur Mangetot
i do hope we get a moment with Vivi seeing her own missing persons poster. or! or! her own wanted poster??
okay I'm really glad we now know this stolen Mother Flame business, AND finally get confirmation that the weapon used to destroy Lulusia IS an Ancient Weapon, and Uranus to boot! This is immense!!! Aside from the confirmations, this also potentially puts a cap on any AW use since their fuel source is clearly limited, which stops them from like. breaking the OP endgame bc why else wouldn't the WG just spam it constantly lol. Althoughhhhhh since York is still likely to make it off Egghead, and she surely knows how to recreate it, I could well be wrong...
also wow York is even worse than we thought
One Punch King????? howrya mate!
srsly though, the knowledge of what really happened to Lulusia reaching the public is gonna be the fucking cherry on the Fuck The WG sundae coming very soon
This is such a packed chapter and yet *this* is the moment I've been waiting for.
I've said before on here how I wished the link between Vegapunk and the extermination of Lulusia was emphasised more. The parallels between Vegapunk's innovations and real life scientists having their work used for evil purposes is too great, and while OP isn't quite the series to explore a subject like that as it deserves, I'd been holding out hope that this manga would at least lampshade it, if not have Vegapunk address this. I can be satisfied with this. I am glad Vegapunk understands what his work lead to, even if he never meant for it to. Such is the price of capital and the state dictating scientific development babes.
also damn I hope that little panel of Momo and Kinemon means they won't be completely caught unawares by the Blackbeard gang showing up to pilfer Pluton a.a ;;;
ah yes hi Mr Oral Fixation, good to see you as always sexy
aaaaaaaaaand hi Shirohoshi. I forget if you know *you're* an Ancient Weapon too lmao
actually yeah Joyboy why DID you preserve the Ancient Weapons whats that about hmmm
Sengoku trying to off himself by onigiri choking to avoid questions about wtf he knows about the Elders and Void Century
Akainu maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
I still hate how cute you are York. stop being horrible.
Man I can't wait to see how the hell Stella pulled this off lmao
(I'd heard the theory wrt the transponder and the robo but I didn't believe it fsr 💀)
So this will take the heat off the giants and Strawhats long enough for them to gtfo, I guess the Ancient Robo will meet its end here by Elder claws? I hope at least we find out what its connection to Joyboy is before it gets scrapped
Rayleigh soused as a student during Rag Week, I hope he shows up again in a more long-term way sooooooooooooooon
AND another chapter next week!! this absurd ridiculous gargantuan lore drop keeps on chugging!!! What will we learn next? What cameos shall we have? Will the Ancient Robo actually do something beyond one (1) panel?
Tune in next time nakama! Til next time! 💪✖️
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temporarymoods · 2 months
scatch what i said on that last post. idk her. im CHILLINGGGGG!!!
MarMon today: yes I celebrated. you gotta. duh. Patriot's Day-- a Mass thing!? Hilarious.
We went to the race and yelled and screamed and cheered on at various points. Walked a bunch. Got sunburnt in that shallow way, but my nose is pink. It was pretty emotional! So proud of everyone. Kept thinking that this is kind of one of the best things humanity can do. Anyway-- B)
Got sambas, lmfao?! Trying to look like a boy. Followed by some really good pasta. and then trying to look like a girl. i went to a frat! for the first time! i got champagne on my sambas. christened. the person who clocked me as queer at the party said "christened" after i had minutes prior. yeah. a good thing
- - i know the gender thing of it is ridiculous but for some reason my soft complicated body craves that sexual weirdness between men and women and particularly these young men and women in that..disgusting atmosphere. a disgusting atmosphere. really hungry for that generalization.. it's true. im really attracted to men
other than that^ being tough,
i went DANCINGGG!!!!!1!1!11!!11!!
and I LOVED IT SO MUCH!!!!111!1
What a GREAT night!!! i can't put into words how amazing i feel even though that is why i came here...shucks. has the moment past? did i spend too much time on the queue?
My foot is sore as I type this. I came home so inspired and read up on country swing vs other kinds (I knew jazz swing was the thing, and swing dancin aint line dancin !) then i listened to a lot of good music:
Slow Dancing - Aly & AJ * total classic for me lmao. damn they have the best spotify top 5
Let's Get Married - Bill Elliot Swing Orchestra * when i didn't yet understand that i had to look up **country** swing music. now i know ;) god i cant wait to go again
-- what is it?! i think its that i really love to dance, to move my body, to try and get it right, to improve? to be good? to have fun in a choreographed way. to conform. the do the correct thing. idk
here's what i think its really about: i think i like smootheness. and i like the click of a phenomenon you can't pull a word for. and short counts. and intention. and shape. mostly shape. beat, sure, too. i like beat. i like rising to it, and not tiring. i dont know how i get so obsessed. i need to go back. that was exactly what ive been looking for for months, and what i thought i found but only got in part in the club, which i go to for the dancing, the loud music, the blindingness. but i dont contribute there. my ears are filled but the sound can only vibrate me a little. im not, swung, literally. and i cant provide energy to the space like you can witcha boots awn. so yeah, i think thats really it. dancing. i fucking love dancing. ive always fucking loved dancing. for real! really! i never got that good, yeah. but i fucking loved it thats for sure. i always wanted someone to actually teach me shit. they didnt do that enough in theatre. maybe they did. maybe i just wasnt that talented. not now though. dead. fucking. ass. just input my entire work calendar that i have access to because this shits getting real my life is mine and theres fan fucking tastic things to be doing with it.
alright...i could continue...i'll pick up the rest in my dairy ;* not gonna get too personal, phew. uhm. eh hem.
That Don't Impress Me Much - Shania Twain
Tequila - Dan + Shay
End of Beginning - Djo * lmao i got on this because i saw some interview w him online as im jamminggugghh i got sucked in. then all this happened:
Change - Djo * so much better than the one blowin up btw
Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) - Eurythmics, etc * i looked up more songs like Change :| hahaha. then all this happened:
Lifetime - Yves Tumor
Pop Song - Perfume Genius
Here Comes the Rain Again - Eurythmics, etc
Here Comes Your Man - Pixies
Eye in the Wall - Perfume Genius
Boys - Amen Dunes * at this point my original mission is fucked. the intention's gone. i'm so far from where i started: country lovin
at the same time the joint i rolled before we went out and shared on the way home is getting its way through my system for sure. its approaching 2am, woah! full day tomorrow but not nearly as inspired at this one. this one's literally how you're supposed to live . well maybe beer not getting stolen at the bar mmmm. mhm. yeah i'll tack that on as well.
i didnt, dont, want to let go of tonight skrrreorgihveouhv!!!! uuuummm! yeah i should keep thinking about it. : ) : ) hehehehehe
Man! I Feel Like a Woman! - Shania Twain
<3 , so much ;)
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