#“and you look good tonight girlfriend can I sleep in your bed
anganie-writes-4you · 8 hours
Hello! Can I request yandere headcanons for Sung Jinwoo where reader is an idol?
영원히 사랑에 빠지다 / Eternally inlove
Character involved: Sung Jin-woo
Pairings: Sung Jin-woo x Fem!reader
Warnings: Possessiveness and overprotectiveness; implied Murder and implied Torture
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If someone asked sung jin-woo who helped him the most when he was the weakest Hunter; his answer will always be you; his sweetheart girlfriend.
You were an idol well known for your looks and voice due to your unique appearance, which your fans always fan over.
For you first started dating jin-woo was always a puzzle for him. Why would you date someone like him?
It always troubled his thoughts - why would someone as special and precious as you fate someone as weak and unwanted as him?
To him, your answer was always "I love you" you would say it in the sweetest voice, hoping to ease his word, you continued, "Ever since I saw you under that tree I fell inlove with you. Your smile was..captivating" you professed your love to him.
You would always worry about him when he goes into dungeons; praying that he would come back safe and sound.
Ever since the double dungeon incident. He's been keeping his distance from you, but you have been persistent in making sure he was taking care of himself. You could sense he was changing, for good or bad, I guess you'll find our soon
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Jinwoos' cold eyes gaze around the stadium. He had brought a ticket to your concert, just like he always does; he was at front, his mere presence has people staying away from him
The concert was...colorful, to say the least, although it didn't fit Jinwoos' theme, it suits you perfectly; the music faded I as you appear on the stage, you're eyes brighten up when you say him, your smile widing as you began your song
Durning your song, he heard a group of men consisting of 3 people behind him talking about you
"Hey, she has such a good body, doesn't she?" One of the perverted men asked the other 2
"Yes, she does" one of the men agreed, intently staring at you as you dance
"Ya' think she'll accompany us tonight? I'm sure once we throw some cash at her shed come with us" the last man suggested
Jinwoo held in his anger. He didn't want to interrupt your show for these insignificant pests
Throughout the remaining time of the concert, jinwoo was holding in his anger, when the concert ended and the three were walking in an alley.
Jinwoo manifested from their shadows, his eyes glowing, and he stared at them menacingly "Arise" his voice was laced in anger.
Safe to say those men were beyond recognizable when his soldier and him were done with them...
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You ran to the door, pulling it open and throwing yourself onto Jinwoo. His hand came to rest on your hips as he nuzzle to you neck, his voice was low as he spoke
"You're mine right?"
You looked at him slightly perplexed by his words but answered non the less
"Of course I am woo...I'm always yours"
You mumbled back as you pulled him into the apartment, his possessive grip on you unrelenting
"Are you tired?" You soft questioned, receiving a soft hum from him
"Wanna' go bed?" You inquire, he acknowledged that and you dragged him once you had closed the door
You lay on the bed, and he gently played on you so as not to suffocate you. You ran your hands through his hair, humming a melody as jinwoo drifted to sleep.
You stayed up a minute or two before shutting your own eyes, floating off the dreamland
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I hoped you enjoy!!
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calibrationneeded · 1 year
What if the reason Stanford Era Dean had so many one night stands was because he’d rather wake up in a stranger’s bed then be alone with John?
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ignorancesblissart · 2 years
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and i believe that, yeah, rick dad, maybe no one is perfect!
but i believe that you are pushing your luck.
(separate panels and the full thing <3)
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caitlinbueckers · 2 months
told you so.
kate martin x reader
woooooh this is a fucking doozy guys. literally received one (1) anon and then i blacked out for an hour and a half soooo here’s this ! realized during this journey that kate martin means an unfathomable amount to me and it’s like . Actually concerning 🔥🔥
ANYWAYS it’s giving Kate martin’s controversially hidden girlfriend that goes lowk public at the wnba draft like SHUT UP
“babe, quit looking at me like that.”
if there’s one thing you know, above the fact that you were certain there was gonna be an unsuspected draft tonight, was that kate martin could be such a bitch in the morning.
not that this was new for you, in any sense— you’d been more than used to it since the dawn of your relationship, learning all the little things about her that made her tick. whether that was her favorite to least favorite foods, or teams, even her obsession with fucking hot sauce.
you knew she still slept with her childhood blankie, the one currently curled under her chin atop the hotel comforter because she’s ridiculous, and because nobody has ever and would ever disrespect her blankie game.
and above all, you knew how much she wasn’t a morning person.
“you’re so dramatic,” you snort, pushing yourself up onto your elbows with a tired, but mocking voice as she emits a slow groan, turning to shove her face into the pillow, her body curling away from yours in an act of indignance that only makes you laugh.
you were far too used to her acting like a baby, so the action only made you sit up on your knees, slinging a leg over her so you could straddle her sides, leaning down to pepper kisses against the side of her face as she lets out a string of groans that turn into halfhearted chuckles, until her hands are planted firmly against your thighs, bare due to the oversized IOWA shirt that she insisted on you wearing.
‘for good luck,’ you remembered her snickering, something you knew was really just ‘easy access’.
her voice is still hoarse from sleep, quiet and raspy and tinged with that midwestern accent that you’ll never give up on bullying her for, when she whispers, “dude, you’re so annoying.”
of course, she proves it by hoisting you off of her, onto the bed, simulating something like a WWE smackdown moment as she rolls over onto you, mumbling something that you really can’t decipher due to her face in your neck, your chest, basically every place she knows will pull that hysterical, annoyingly high pitched laugh out of you, that for some reason, she loves.
“can’t believe you made it here.” she murmurs quietly against your cheek, lips moving lazily against the skin before she lays a smacking kiss there, and it’s almost gross, how much saliva she uses, but you snicker anyway, hand coming up to stroke through her blonde strands.
in all honesty, you couldn’t really believe it either. it had been soemthing close to hell trying to get it all straightened out, from clothes to hotels, to transportation and getting from des moines to brooklyn, not to mention just how fucking exclusive it had been to even get a seat open with all the hype surrounding women’s college basketball, the posterity that the final four teams had brought to the sport— not to mention, the fact that you and kate weren’t public in the fucking slightest, so having to account for that definitely sucked.
of course, it was a huge accomplishment, one that would definitely go down in the history of sports in general, so of course it was a huge fucking honor that your girlfriend was apart of it—
but also, you just thought it was hot.
in fact, the thought makes you smirk to yourself, corners of your mouth curling upwards in a self righteous grin as you turned your head, bumping noses with her to whisper, “can’t wait to see you all dressed up, baby,” she snickers at that, and you kiss her lips once, twice, three times before continuing, “and, i can’t wait to see where you get drafted so i can buy myself a plane ticket.”
the subsequent groan you receive is expected, but it doesn’t deter you even slightly, “and to watch you play on a professional fucking team, like, kate, i’m basically wet thinking about it right now.”
that makes her laugh out loud, and it warms you just a bit to hear it.
it’s not like kate has been super confident about it recently, usually choosing to not speak or avoid talking about how bad she wants it— especially considering the night being mainly for caitlin, an old teammate of yours from school and one of kate’s best friends on the squad, and arguably, one of the best players in the league (next to kate, of course).
still, it didn’t change your focus, or the unyielding hope you had for the possibility of kate getting drafted— no matter how late in the draft it could be.
“babe, quit selling yourself short, okay? you’re a legend. it would be literally, fucking stupid to pass you up, okay?” she doesn’t respond at first, her eyes closed and lashes brushing her cheeks, before she flutters them open just a crack, blue peeking through as you offer her a grin, one that she only rolls her eyes to, but kisses you regardless. you knew how much she hated to talk about it, but it didn’t matter.
you knew you were right, anyway.
“mmmiloveyou.” it comes out in one smushed whisper against your mouth, before you nip at her bottom lip, hand sneaking under the sports bra she wore to bed to brush your thumb across her ribcage, “get off of me and get ready, okay?”
caitlin was top draft pick, which was heavily speculated and yet still unexpected to a degree as you stood from your seat with a cacophony of shouts and hollers from around you, pride swelling thick in your chest. you’d known the girl since you two had been in middle school— seeing the same tall little girl that had hated losing in an elementary school gym turn into such an infamous champion was something alike to a parent watching their kid go off to college or something, you’d swear it.
but, to say it was nothing short of nervewracking would somehow be an understatement, and as much as you felt the impending pressure with each name called, you could only imagine how kate must’ve felt.
it wasn’t hard to tell— the way her molars steadily worked the inside of her cheek, the way her tongue would dart out to wet her lips again and again. her hand, jittering too much to be held stationary within your own, drumming along your bare thigh beside your dress— ‘self soothing’, she’d explained in a whisper, a halfhearted, almost weakened smile on her face when you’d given her a lifted eyebrow at the hand placement considering the amount of cameras that surrounded you, but somehow, despite the rush of adrenaline, decided you didn’t care either.
thankfully, you both weren’t anywhere too accessible, but it still made you wonder whether kate had been bullshitting just how anxious she actually had been the whole time for her to need your touch so badly, and for an aching moment of tenderness as you glance at her, you want to kiss her, hard, rub the tension between her eyebrows, relax the trouble in her eyes.
still, gabbie and jada were good eyes too, considering anytime the camera would so much as even pan past you two, jada would hit you with a solid elbow, one to remind you that your poker face was shit, and perhaps you’d have to try just a little harder to pretend you weren’t totally, irrevocably in love with the woman beside you.
but slowly, it was all starting to click into place.
the cameras began panning to kate more and more, your own eyes flickering to the set and noticing how everytime you’d look, there’d be an official looking right past you, right at kate. a surge of excitement rose within you, one that had the words bubbling from your mouth in an urgent whisper,
“baby, i think—“
until an official, dressed in black with a wireless pair of headphones in each ear and a smile, touched kate’s shoulder.
“ms. martin, we’re gonna go ahead and have you and your party move down the aisle just a bit— there’s been a slight seating issue, if that’s okay with you guys?”
jada elbows you extra hard this time, and for some reason it solidifies that feeling you get, one that makes your heart leap as you all nod, getting to your feet without argument, only as kate turns to give you a look that’s supposed to be scolding, but fuck, you can see the glimmer of hope in it that makes your chest constrict, your eyes burn in pride.
“you’re giving me eyes, and for what?” she hums, the teeth against her cheek working overtime as you all settle into the new seats, kate at the end of the aisle, and a fluttery feeling in your chest, “no reason.” you say it almost smugly, as if you know something she doesn’t, and you don’t, but god, you can feel it.
the names fly off, left and right, number 16, and kate’s knee starts bouncing slightly, number 17 and your heart feels like it’s going way too fucking fast, number 18, and jada peers around you to glance at kate, and then…
las vegas, aces— kate martin.
if watching caitlin win had felt like a parent watching their child, this must’ve been adjacent to winning the fucking lottery.
you’re on your feet in mere seconds, the tears that had built finally dripping down your cheeks, a fact you’d only come to find embarrassing once you realize how visible they are on the playback, but fuck it, your girl was going pro.
she wastes no time in wrapping you up, her face ducking into your shoulder as your arms twine around her middle, thinking subconsciously of how you know you shouldn’t risk it, but kate doesn’t seem to mind, only releasing you with a single arm to embrace jada, and then gabbie, before she’s back to you.
of course, it doesn’t occur to you in the moment, that it’s a hard launch— no, it doesn’t really sink in until she kisses you hard against the temple before she’s breezing down the aisle, the subsequent eruption in applause leaving you starstruck, in silent awe.
after that, it’s somewhat of a blur— she takes her picture and accepts her jersey, the newscasters going off on some spiel about your girlfriends work ethic, her attitude, her endurance, everything you already fucking knew, had known for so long, that she’d finally have a chance to prove.
the moment she’s back beside you, it also doesn’t register to you that she must’ve been just as accepting about the reveal, because it’s only a second that she’s in her seat before she plants a soft kiss to your mouth, the dark lipstick you’d been steadily biting off in anxiety sticking to hers and she’s grinning, bigger than she had all day, and for a moment, you think you might actually collapse because god,
you love her. so fucking much.
“told you so,” you make out between the tears, smiling through the tightness in your voice that makes you sound warbled, whimpering even as she just laughs at you, her thumb careful to wipe beneath your eyes, “guess you did.”
of course, it’s only customary that after such a good night, everyone must get fucked up— so, that’s exactly what happens.
you get to gush to caitlin— hugging her tight around the neck and congratulating her a million times, to which she reciprocates when it comes to you and kate, garnering a blush on your already alcohol flushed cheeks, rolling your eyes as you punch her arm.
“whatever, fever.”
“whatever, ‘ace’.”
you pretend you don’t notice the quotations she puts around it, and give her a friendly middle finger instead— if kate was an ace, that meant you basically were too, at least by proxy.
“hey money,” you call to kate affectionately, seeing only the back of her head as she talks to gabbie, your arms sliding around her waist to hold her tight from behind.
“my love,” she greets with a smile, looking over her shoulder to pucker her lips at you, expecting a kiss that you so easily return. it feels fucking terrifying, in all honesty, to be so open, but you can’t find it within you to care enough to give it up— not when she’s this happy.
“dude, you totally knew, didn’t you? there’s no way you would’ve started crying like that unless you knew.” she’s drunk, chattering at a volume level beyond what’s needed considering you were right behind her, hand sneaking beneath her blazer, but you can’t help the way you shrug, “i’m always right, huh?”
later that night, she shows you just how right you are.
it’s past a decent hour to still be tugging off clothes from the night prior— the clock read four in the morning, but the windows spoke of the twinkling lights that surrounded, the city not quite awake, but never asleep.
“you’re a pro,” you hum against her mouth as you tug off her blazer, hands making quick work of the belt that kept you from exploring, smirking at the look she gives you, daring and all too fucking sexy, “it’s so hot to think about.”
“yeah?” her fingers hook beneath the straps of the dress until she’s dragging them down your shoulders, “you want me to show you how professionals do it?”
the next thing you know she’s between your legs, nothing but a white top and her slacks on, unbuttoned, as she hikes a leg over her shoulder, kisses along the inside of your thigh with an intensity only comparable to how she is after a really good game.
“fuck—!” it leaves your mouth in a sound that’s almost unrecognizable, the realization that you’d been pleasantly and uncomfortably horny ever since the draft had ended making itself known considering just how much kate had been unrelenting during press— hands on your hips or on the inside of your thigh, toying with the hair on the back of your neck or grasping the inside of your elbow to lead you along.
she knew it drove you crazy, you knew she’d make it up to you later.
her mouth makes easy work on you, tongue long and flat as she laps against your cunt, rough in all the ways that she knew you could handle— thumbs pressing fingerprint bruises into your skin, breath hot and heavy against your clit, hips moving on their own accord as you gasp out a string of incoherent whimpers. “shit, baby- just… just like that.”
it wasn’t like kate had ever failed at getting you off, but tonight, she performed as if it was her last game, greedy almost as she drinks you in, making sure to not leave one bit of you unchecked. her tongue is almost sinful in the way it makes your voice careen, high and whining, your hand finding a permanent tangle into her already mussed hair.
but she’s cocky tonight, presumptuous right before you orgasm as she raises her head to kiss your thigh, biting the skin before she’s climbing onto the bed beside you, too tall to be graceful, but you’re too fucking horny to even spare her the laughs you usually give.
“up, c’mere.” she’s breathless still, but she doesn’t let you rest for even a second, leaning across you to curl her fingers around your thigh to tug you up from your laying position, rousing you from the hazy, almost delirious state of mind as you push yourself up, letting out a shaking breath when she’s sliding your leg over her chest, hands grazing up the back of your thighs until she’s pulling you, right over over her mouth.
“kate, wha- you’re so— fuck.”
any semblance of words or sense seem to leave you in one second, as she flattens her tongue against the wetness that’s collected, the friction almost unbearable when her head tilted upwards, nose brushing hard against your clit in a way that pulls a cry from your lips. she’s unfaltering, diligent, unabashed in the way she’s moving your hips, the way she pairs each grind against her nose with a curl of her tongue, and really, it’s over before it fucking starts.
her mouth is glossy, damp when she’s done, and she smiles and it’s arrogant as she’s sliding you back down to sit you against her hips, the mere control she had of your body making you bright red as you pant pathetically, reduced to fucking nothing by her mouth.
it makes you throw your head back with a whimpering sigh, “don’t fucking look at me like that.” you complain, legs still open, thighs still trembling as she races her hands along them, “tired already?”
funnily enough, you were far from fucking tired.
“actually… was thinking about showing you some celebrity treatment?” you muse softly, as she peels off her own top, eyebrows raising, her thumb swiping along the edge of her lip before she’s placing it on the bottom of yours, pressing until it dips into your mouth, the heady taste of what you knew was yourself finding a place on your tongue.
she smirks, tongue poking between her teeth as your stomach fucking turns almost, arousal prickling unforgivingly at you once again.
“ooh,” she muses under her breath, eyes laser focused on the thumb she’d placed between your lips, voice coming out in a whisper, “i like the sound of that.”
she’s smirking though, because sex between you two have never been anything completely serious— that’s just not how kate operates, “ace money martin’s got a ring to it, huh?”
“shut up.”
“make me.”
so, you do.
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jjmaybankswifeyx · 3 months
don’t play with me princess
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zach justice x fem!reader
warnings • smutty smut smut, zach : daddy, kissing, use of yn, pet names, oral sex, flirting, angst, jealous zach, swearing , 18+
summary: you went on dropouts after being friends for years and him begging you for ages to come the podcast , you finally give in and things kick off.
*zach has his own place in this*
you were messaging zach all last night about the podcast, what time to come etc he was being so sweet telling you he’s gunna be with you the whole time but knowing zach he will probably bully you for it tomorrow on the podcast “i’ll be fine” you mumbled before dozing off to sleep.
you wake up at 11:06 to zach phoning you making sure your awake as you always sleep in, unfortunately you had just woke up and had an hour to get ready and leave as you had to be there for 12:30 and it takes 20 minutes to get there “yea you just woke me up” you say rolling out of bed “good can’t have my star guest not come” he says, you hang up the phone starting to get ready doing a natural look as you didn’t have time nor effort to do a glam look, once you finished your makeup you chose your outfit then left.
you got there about 5 minutes before the pod started saying hi to everyone “omg yn” alyssa shouts across the room running towards you engulfing you in a big hug “alyssa ahh i missed you so much” you say with a massive smile “alright alyssa she’s mine calm down” zach says appearing around the corner with a smug little smirk on his face “oh shut up zach” turning around to face alyssa again and walking into the studio.
“hello welcome or welcome back to dropouts today we have an extra special guest, my girlfriend yn y/l/n” looking at u in shock “oh you wish” looking at the mic “i do i really do, so yn” your quick to answer as your nervous as what hes gunna say “yes zach” already dreading the question “how have you been” relieved with this you start to smile “yea it’s been great honestly i’ve started my own clothing line and makeup and it’s going great!” smiling knowing how far you’ve come “wow that’s great! any boys recently ?” jared says adding to the convo “oh jared you know” you say winking at him before you both start bursting into laughter, you look over at zach and he looks like he’s burning a hole into your brain, he looks mad ? you chime in “no guys i’m jk don’t clip that” you say with a nervous laugh zach still does not look impressed until he spits out “oh yn you wouldn’t even kiss jared on the cheek never mind do the devils tango with him” smirking you reply “oh and how would you know that” he stares at you for a second “okay guys if your not subscribed to the patreon you get a 7 day free trial, you get extra bits from these podcasts also you get them earlier plus extra videos like the drunk episodes when we get me and some other people drunk and try spill some secrets” you just look at him unimpressed as he carries on.
by now your on the subject of sex and relationships jared talking about this girl he is going out with tonight and how he would love to have something with her as theyd been speaking for months “yea jared i think you just gotta go for it, no woman wants a man who takes their time, and they don’t want to beg for it either ” you say giving him a woman’s perspective “oh yn you were begging for it last night” zach says smirking earning an oh and oh shit from jared and alyssa you just completely gobsmacked on what this man just said to you “oh please like i would go to you for that your probably not even as good as you make out zach, actually alyssa can you relate to this a man always says he knows what he’s doing yet he can’t get it in the right hole” jared and alyssa start laughing hesring a very quiet yes from alyssa as zach says “oh trust me i know what i’m doing” you didn’t look impressed “hm ye still don’t believe it sorry zach” he’d had enough at this point he wanted to throw you over his shoulder, take you upstairs and prove it while you were screaming out his name “don’t play with me princess”, jared just gasped and alyssa just started laughing you however just turned over and said “of course i’m gunna mess with you other wise your gunna wind me up so” looking over at him letting your eyes drop for a mere second you saw him readjusting himself seeing a massive bulge in his pants looking up with him smirking at you.
alyssa and jared start having a conversation about something i’m not sure what i was zoned out thinking about what zach said and his bulge until you were pulled out by zach coming closer to you wanting to whisper something “i’m gunna fuck you so hard after this your not gunna be able to even speak and say i didn’t know what u was doing, you understand me gorgeous?” you nod while backing away just smiling jared and alyssa obviously caught on “um guys what you saying over there” knowing you were caught until zach chimes in “oh i was just asking yn about something i heard about her clothing line and it’s true but not able to say sorry. it’s a secret” you sigh knowing zach just saved your ass and his.
after 1 hour of you and zachs glances you started you flirt with jared to get a reaction out of zach, must say he contained himself pretty well until the pod finished you said your goodbyes to jared and alyssa claiming you were gunna hang out with zach for a while as you haven’t seen eachother in months they believed it obviously as it is true you did miss him but you needed him now, as soon as they walked out that door you said “so you gunna prove it to me or what?” walking over to him looking up batting your eye lashes without a word he smashes his lips into yours quietly letting out little moans and gasps as he picks you up taking you to his room he throws you on the bed hovering over you “hm you look so good today” moaning while he’s kissing your neck “you too baby, wanted to have my way with you since i first met you” you moan against his touch not knowing this as you thought you guys were just friends with the occasional flirt “take your clothes off princess wanna see you” he says throwing his shirt some where across the room, after hearing those words you have never done something quicker you were lying there naked while zack still had his jeans on he slowly started kissing down your stomach reaching down to your bare dripping pussy “this wet already baby? hm someone’s needy” saying with a grin before you could answer he dived into your pussy sucking your clit making you scream out in pleasure “hm zach more baby please” he starts to pump his fingers in and out of you sucking and licking your clit, you could hear his tiny little moans and the vibrations coming off, “could jared eat your pretty pussy like this baby?” he says hint of jealousy in his voice you shake your head unable to focus “words princess” he says picking up his pace “no! daddy you do it better than anybody” you say about to come until he stops what he’s doing and looks up at you “what did you just call me?” you now are very embarrassed yet the words come out you couldn’t stop it “d-daddy” he smiles looking at you “fuck princess i cannot do this i need to be in you” you sigh then spreading your legs for him as he unbuckles his belt letting the cold air hit your core “fuck gorgeous such a good girl for daddy” he says slipping into you, he’s massive so much bigger than you thought “fuck daddy your huge” that just gives him a boost and he starts picking up the pace, “oh baby you don’t how long i’ve wanted to do this” he says moaning in your ear “me too daddy needed your cock for so long hmm” screaming without a care who heard you “your mine princess” you moan at the words nesrly making you cum alone “all yours daddy” you say trying to fight for breathe “what princess didn’t quite hear you?” ramming into harder and deeper “i’m yours daddy all yours!!” shouting even louder before he utters “good girl” as his thrusts get sloppy “where do you want me beautiful” without even thinking you say “in me daddy i’m on the pill” he does a couple more thrusts before you both are cumming the hardest you ever have, nobody has ever made you feel this way and you loved it, he pulls out of you now all cocky “that prove it to you huh” saying all confident “wasn’t even that good” you say smirking “hm i wish i could believe that but your moans and words say different gorgeous” he says before getting something to clean you both up.
as you were laying there he says “i meant it you know” you look up at him confused “your mine now, not letting you go” you just kiss him as you fall asleep tangled up together.
hope you guys like this, i am currently on the ganja writing this so i apologise if there’s any mistakes or anything❤️❤️
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luveline · 27 days
Can I request a fic involving a reader with a skin picking disorder, please? I have one that started up around the same time as my anxiety disorder started ramping up, and now my arms are riddled with scars. I've been trying to break the habit for years now, sometimes I do good but sometimes I don't and I'm so self-conscious about it all.
thank you for requesting sweetheart!! fem, 1k
Eddie thinks there may be no better feeling than your hand in his as Eddie lays on your shoulder. You have this thing about your arms where they can get a little sore from picking, so you can’t always let him lean on them. Good thing he takes his super hot babe angel any way you’ll have him. 
“Super what?” you ask. 
“My super hot babe angel,” he says into the top of your shoulder, slouched in the dark, TV burning his eyes. 
“I missed everything you just said,” you murmur apologetically. 
Eddie forces himself to stop laying so heavily against your side and gives you some space. He’s worried he’ll elbow you as he rubs the sleep from his eyes. “I asked if you wanted to go to bed, super babe.” 
“Is that what the rock stars are calling their girlfriends?” you ask. 
“Just me.” He clambers off of the couch with a groan. His hair falls in his eyes and he’s too hot for the weather tonight. “I’m gonna brush my teeth.” 
You’d already done yours. You usually get ready for bed in one process where Eddie drags it out all night; you’re in your pyjamas with spearmint on your tongue already, while Eddie’s groggy and overdressed two hours later. 
You go separate ways for a few minutes, the bed squeaking as you drop yourself in it, while Eddie puts his hair up to wash his face and brush his teeth. He takes his shirt off when he’s done, his jeans next, kicked into a pile by the hamper and ready for tomorrow’s laundry. 
“That’s forward,” you mumble, having made yourself comfortable with his worst pillow, the blanket pulled back on his side of the bed in wait for him. 
He rushes into new pyjama pants, eager to slide into bed beside you, though the sheets are a bit much. You’re still in your long sleeve tee. 
Eddie knows what you’re doing. Most summer nights you wait for him to fall asleep before you take off your shirt, too hot to suffer it but too afraid he’ll see your arms. He has, of course, seen them before. He loves them just as much as any part of you, even if you hate them. 
And he wants to see them to know you aren’t going too far. 
“Shirt off,” he says, fingers on your hip. “Come on, super babe. Too hot for that.” 
“Take it off, sweetheart.” 
He wouldn’t talk to you like that if he didn’t know you’d say no if you really couldn’t handle it; he’d never force you to show your insecurities, even if he’s seen them and loved on them before. 
You don’t bother sitting up any more than you need to, peeling off your shirt and shucking it onto the floor, leaving you in your tank top. Lengths of your arms exposed. 
He can see the worst of it quickly. You’ve picked yourself bloody at the crook of your elbow and the scar at your wrist is irritated. Your non-dominant arm takes the brunt of it every time, but besides those two cruel places, the rest of your skin is unharmed. Scarred in places, but healed. 
“Look at that one,” he mumbles, taking your arm, his thumb close but not touching the wound. “Does that hurt?” 
“Not really.” 
“Let me get something. You need a dressing–”
“Eddie, please don’t.” 
Eddie likes smiling. He can be pretty moody, but you bring out the best in him. Even when you’re hurting, he has a smile waiting for you, locked and loaded. He shifts in bed so he can lean over you, weight braces on his elbow, his face in his hand. “What’s worrying you so much?” he asks. 
“It’s tough.” He blows a breath at your eyelashes. Your eyes shutter closed. “Babe, it’s really tough, but you don’t have to hide it from me.” 
“It’s weird.” 
“It’s not weird, it’s sad. It’s not nice that you feel so worried you start hurting yourself, but it’s not weird.” He leans down to kiss your furrowed brow, but he doesn’t quite get there, nose smushed to your hairline. “You’re perfect.” 
“M’not perfect.” 
“Yes you are,” he says, cupping your face. His hand is gentle, his kiss less so. He hopes it emphasises his point. 
“Your hair is really tickling me.” 
“I can’t go anywhere, I’m sorry. I have to stay right here,” he says, hand trailing down your chest to weave between your arm and side, and then soundly under your back. He doesn’t want a ring or bracelet to snag on your sore arm. “Give me a hug, super babe. Please.” 
You bring your arms up tentatively behind him. 
“I just wanna know when you’re upset,” he says. 
“Sorry. I don’t really think about it, I just do it.” 
“I know, but… this stuff doesn’t bother me. You don’t have to wait for me to be sleeping before you take your shirt off, you have nothing to hide from me.” 
“It’s so stupid.” 
He hates the shame in your tone. “It’s not stupid. We need to find better ways for you to feel better, that’s all.” His cheek rubs against yours. 
He can rebuke your worries all night, but he doesn’t need to. He shifts onto his side to let you hug his chest with more force, your face in his neck, the cold tip of your nose and your warm lips. “I wanna be pretty like you.” 
“You think I’m pretty?” he asks. 
You hum a yes. 
“Even though I always have at least one zit, and all those weird stretch marks on my shoulders, and my hair’s frizzy every day?” 
“None of that stuff matters,” you say, startled. 
“Exactly. None of this stuff matters.” He finds your arm to feel down to the sore scab on your wrist. “I just need you to tell me about it more often. Okay? Deal?” 
You breathe in the side of his neck. “Okay, handsome. Deal.” 
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gleasonlovesjasontodd · 3 months
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When Jason would come home from patrol, it would sometimes lead to arguments or jealousy of Artemis and how much time she spent with Jason more than you would with his own girlfriend. You knew it was stupid to get jealous but you just missed Jason
Angry and annoyed, you throw the bandage wrapper into the bathroom trash can, missing it but not even bothering to pick it up, because you were angry with Jason once again for being reckless with his mission tonight as he assisted Bruce with a drug transaction. "I'm going to bed now," you mumbled. Jason sighed and touched the large bandage across his shoulder as he watched you storm off into your shared bedroom, slamming the door behind you. His recklessness and the stress he caused were obvious to him. Once he gave you some space, hoping it would calm you down, he opened the bedroom door and found you facing the wall. He could tell you were still angry.
He climbed into the bed wanting to make things right as he wrapped his arms around your waist. As soon as you felt his muscular arms you tried pushing them off you. You turn your head around to look at him and say, "I’m mad at you.". He closes his eyes and says, "Be mad all you want, but I'm still sleeping with you." As you turn around, you smile a tiny smile, and Jason sees you blush even in the dark. You lean over and kiss Jason's head before turning around. In spite of how mad he made you, you still loved him.
I also had Abby proofread this 😙 she said it sounds good and clear let’s hope she is not lying to me
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xxblairexxss · 10 months
Daddy’s girlfriend
Pairing : dad!Charles Leclerc x wife!mom!reader
Theme : Fluff
Just a short one since I’m trying to get rid of my writer block. 🩷 gonna start posting stories more frequent now!
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Your little girl is 2, yet she knew who would always say yes to her and who she would go to when she needed something.
It was her dad.
"Mommy! Open?" You looked away from the screen and saw her hand you a small on-the-go fruit juice pack she got from the fridge. Ever since she knew where you keep all her snacks now, she just wouldn’t leave the kitchen alone. One time she brought an apple because she wanted to bite it with your permission.
"No, honey. You can’t drink that.” Her grip on the packet was strong despite her small hand, as it didn’t budge when you tried to take it from her.
"Open? Please?"
"No, sweetheart. Can you give that to me, please?” Before you could tug at the packet again, she ran to her favourite.
"Dada open?"
Charles had his arm around your body as you leaned on him on the couch, so you felt it moved when he took the packet and twisted the cap open right in front of your face.
"Charles! Seriously? You didn’t hear me telling her no?” You sat up right away and glared at your husband, who tried to play it off by drinking the juice.
"What do you mean? It’s for me." He shrugged and took another gulp of the juice while your little girl went all giddy as she waited for her turn.
"I need to take my phone charger. Don’t! Charles, don’t give it to her, or she’ll always ask for it next time.” You left both of them and strode to your bedroom with the little trust you had in your husband to listen to you.
"Me! Me! Please?" The little one patted her belly, and stomped her little feet.
Charles moved the juice closer to her mouth and squeezed it just enough to give her a taste. "Don’t tell mommy you got this from me, alright?"
"More can?" She held Charles’s hands.
"Really?" He froze when he heard your voice with the packet just a few centimetres away from your baby’s mouth. When you came back to the living room, you saw your little girl jumping while clapping her hand, and that could only mean one thing. She got what she wanted.
"Dada, more!" She patted his lap, a little clueless as to why he stopped moving. "Dada?"
"Listen. She’s too adorable for me to say no, honey. Please don’t be mad.” Charles took your hand before you could yell at him and pulled you to sit by his side as he hugged you.
"Some more please?” She tugged on Charles’ hand that was holding the juice and squealed with excitement.
"Give her more, and you won’t be sleeping with me tonight.” You whispered and went back to your phone while he looked at you in surprise, feeling betrayed upon the threat.
"That’s unfair, honey.” He quickly closed the cap and hid it behind him. "It’s finished, princess. No more."
"Finish?" She shook her hands to get confirmation from her dad before waddling to play with her stuff dolls.
“I can’t believe you are making me lie to her, baby. That’s really mean.” Charles laid his head down on your lap as you started playing with his hair. “It’s really good though. Try it.” He offered you the juice. It was a juice pack that you got from buy one get one free offer and it had been sitting in the fridge for a while, that was until your little girl took an interest on it.
“I tried the strawberry one from the tester. Is it good?” You dipped your head and took a sip from the packet. It was really sweet. Too sweet for a toddler.
“More?” She saw you took a sip and quickly ran back to the couch with her bear in her hand.
“Finish, baby.” You yanked the packet from his hand and put it behind you.
Hearing that, she ran back to her group of stuffed friends and made herself comfortable on the rug.
“That was mean.” Charles repeated again.
"Can I join?” You gleefully got on the bed and made yourself comfortable in Charles’s embrace while your little girl was lying on his left side. Just when he brushed his lips on your head, your daughter started whining.
"What’s wrong, baby? He cupped her round cheeks as she turned to hug him on the neck.
"No kiss mommy.” She whined.
"Ah, you don’t want me to kiss mommy?" She nodded as he turned to you with a grin. "Sorry, babe. My other girlfriend said no."
"She’s not going to be mad.” You assured him as you kissed his jawline.
"She is, honey. Look." He cackled as the little girl threw her fist on his chest as she let out a howl of anger. "Told you." 
She then hopped down the bed with full struggle by going leg first, then wobbled to her play room, leaving the parents alone.
"I’ll go check on her.” He pushed the duvet off from clinging on his half-naked body to trail on her daughter’s steps.
"Really? You are going to check on her first before me?"
"Are you…jealous?" He asked. You didn’t give any answers, but he knew that look very well. It was the same look that his little girl made seconds ago.
"I’m not. Go and bring her back. I miss her already!"
"So you are jealous.” Cackling, he sat back on the bed while you got on your phone. "Let me see your face.” He cupped your cheeks and tilted your face up as you tried to look away.
"Honey, stop it! Go and get her."
"Dada, look!" Both you and Charles looked at the door as she came waddling with the toy she got from her playroom. "Bear bear!"
“You found a bear!” Charles picked her up on the bed as she lay down; her small arms squished the stuffed bear in her embrace. She has such a short attention span that while you and Charles were still on the same topic, she had moved on to her little friend.
"Baby, she knows how to sulk from you! 
"No, she didn’t!” You rolled your eyes and hugged her as she had a one-sided conversation with the bear.
"She did. She’s literally copying you.”
"Daddy’s here!" You took a cream-coloured plate that had little bear ears and placed a small cupcake that you had baked with your daughter earlier using the bananas that had turned streaky brown as you left it on the counter for too long. She loved banana cake and loved taking part in any activities you did, so she had been enjoying her time and was much more excited to give her dad the cupcake that she kept on looking at the door, waiting for the sound of steps.
"Careful! Don’t run." She tottered in front of the main door with her plate in hand as Charles unlocked the door. Soon as he stepped in, she shrieked excitedly while her ponytails moved along every time she moved her head.
"Hi!" Charles crouched down as she hugged him, completely forgetting about the cake, which required him to take it off her hand before it fell flat on the floor. "Did you bake this with mommy?"
"Yes!" She nodded excitedly as he took her small hand and went to the kitchen to greet you.
"Hi, honey. Have you tasted the cake yet? She was very excited for you to try. Right, sweetheart?" You pinched on her flushed cheeks and went back to place all the ingredients back in their place.
"Honey try!" She tugged on his pants and pointed at the plate Charles had in his hand for a while now. You closed the fridge and looked at her in surprise, while your husband had been silently laughing.
"What did you say, princess?” He stooped down, still laughing, while the little one repeated her words.
"Honey! Try?"
"Where did she learn those words? You asked, giggling.
“I told you she’s copying everything you say and do, honey.” Charles picked up the cake from her plate and took a bite at the edge of it, humming excitedly with his brows lifted. "It’s really good! You did a great job, princess.” She giggled as he stroked his thumb on her cheek. "And you too, honey. Have you tried it?"
"No, not yet.”
Charles was about to feed you when the little one pulled on his hand, extending her arms and continuously opening and closing her hands.
"Cake! Please?"
"Oh? You want it? But I thought you gave it to daddy?" He was about to take another bite and earned a slap on his leg from the small hand.
"Mine!" She frowned.
"Give her, honey. You’ll make her cry.” You commented after seeing the way she pouted, with her hands high up.
"There you go.”
"Thank!" She shrieked and ran to the living room with the plate; the cupcake shook within every step. She took it all the way to the front of the couch and started nibbling on the edges.
"You want more? I got the new batches here. They are still warm.”
“Yeah, sure.” He pulled you into his embrace and dropped a kiss on your shoulder. "Sorry for leaving you alone with her the past few days, honey. I’ll look over her now so you can rest and have your own time.” He bit half of the small cupcake that you offered him and beamed again from the taste. "Do you want me to book you an appointment for the facial treatment again, or do you need to get your nails done?"
You rolled your eyes, grinning at the offer, but you just got your nail done last week and it wasn’t your priority now. You had other things in mind. "I need something else."
"Hit me up.” He opened the fridge to get himself a drink while still chewing on the cake.
"I was thinking that maybe, we can get a raccoon?”
Charles put his glass back on the counter, his face frowning as he tilted his head aside. "Sorry? Get a what?"
"A raccoon as our pet?” You ran to get your phone on the kitchen counter and went on TikTok to show him a cute video of a raccoon eating food from the window drive-through. "Look! They are so cute! The way they pick up their food is adorable!” You squealed, ignoring your husband, who seemed to have tonnes of weight on his shoulders now.
"Are you being serious, honey? A raccoon?" He pressed his fingers against his shut eyes, heaving a sigh. He had never said no to you, but having a raccoon run wild in the house wasn’t really a good idea. "Wait, we do have a raccoon. There she is."
"More?" Your little girl ran to you with her empty plate as she lifted it up. Her cheeks are full with the cake crumbs, making her look a lot more adorable.
"You did not just call her a raccoon!” You gasped in shock and took her plate from her. "Dada just called you a raccoon, baby."
"Yes!" She giggled and clapped her hands, clearly not interested in the conversation as she waited for her cupcake.
"I can’t do this.” Charles heaved a sigh and picked her up, attacking her little face with kisses all over. "You are so cute."
"Stop!" She then got all grumpy and pushed his face away with her fist, wriggling to make him place her down.
"She just wants her cupcake, honey. Stop it." You cackled and cut the cupcake in half before placing it back on her bear plate. "There you go."
"It’s dada’s. Thank you." He snatched the other half of the cupcake and stuffed it in his mouth before she could turn away.
Your little girl started sobbing and waddle her way back to you, hiding her face against your leg. You had to take the plate back as it started tilting from her lack of awareness to anything she was holding and sent a glare to your husband. "Why can’t you just leave her alone with her cake?
"She’s too cute, honey. Here," He crouched down and softly tugged on her hand, which was also full with cake crumbs. "I’m sorry, baby. Look, there’s more!" Charles handed her another one as she took it and wiped her teary eyes with her other hand.
"Share?" She took a small bite and offered her dad one.
"Dada’s full. Ask mommy." She shook her head instantly and scampered her way back to the living room, leaving you with your mouth widening.
"She’s not sharing it with me?!”
“Told you she loves me more.” He ruffled his hair and circled him arms around your waist to leave a peck on your forehead. "We can always make another one? Maybe he or she will favour you more.”
"No, but can we get a dog instead?"
"Absolutely no." He firmly replied and moved his body away from getting slapped by you. “I’m telling my little girlfriend you are trying to hit me?”
“It’s fine. I’m gonna bribe her with more banana cakes!”
✧.* general tag list! @i83andrew @cltrlne @karmabyfernando @ohthemisssery @ru-kru @tastebaldwin @f1obessed @love4lando @shinrjj @ietss @leclerc13 @darleneslane @buckybarnessweetheart @xcinnamongirl @boiohboii @formula1mount @judespoision @alwaysclassyeagle @scenesofobx @mrsmaybank13 @vildetry06 @harriesgolden
If your usernames were crossed, meaning I can’t tag you! Let me know if you would like to be removed or to be added to the tag list! Or if I missed anyone!
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bimbobaggins69 · 8 months
𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖍
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succubus steve x eddie munson x girlfriend reader
summary: after finding a weird book of summoning spells from the library, your boyfriend eddie proposes an idea where you’d put the spells to good use, but what happens when you both actually summon a succubus demon who’s been starved of his lustful desires for centuries.
warnings: smut ahead, 18+ mdni, monster fucking, big dick steve, mmf threesome, oral sex ( f & m receiving), p in v sex, p in a sex, dom!steve, sub!eddie, sub!reader, spit as lube, being spanked and choked by a tail, squirting, breeding kink, cream pie.
authors note: another one shot for y’all, hope you like! As always thank you to my baby loves @xxhellfiregirlxx & @take-everything-you-can for beta reading, and always listening to my crazy ideas <3
wc: 3.1k
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“This is such a bad idea.” You grumble as Eddie’s eyes squint, trying to make out the scription that was hastily written in the black leatherback book your boyfriend had found when he was in the library, browsing the shelves for a new fantasy book.
Instead, he found a creepy looking one filled with summoning spells and incantations.
“C’mon babe, this shit isn’t real. Who would leave a legit book of spells in a library? A Hawkins library, no less.” He huffs with a devious smirk “the only demon you’ll be summoning tonight is this big dick having one, right here.” He pacifies before chuckling at his own words as he continues drawing out the intricate looking pentagram.
You scoff and roll your eyes as you sit on your shared bed, socked feet dangling off the side as you watch the metalhead; his tongue poking out while he curves the chalk, finishing off the circle.
He quickly looks up at you in disbelief, “what? You tryna say I don’t have a big cock?” He taunts as his lips curl up into a mocking smile. “Oh Eddie, I don’t think it’ll fit! Your cock is so big! You stretch my pussy out so good!” He teases in a high pitched voice that you are certain, sounds absolutely nothing like you.
“I sound nothing like that you ass!” You screech as you pick up and throw the black bunny stuffie your boyfriend had recently won for you at the Hawkins annual All Hallow’s Fall Festival.
“Baby! You’re gonna fuck up my masterpiece. C’mon!” Eddie cries as he throws it back where it previously sat, between your two pillows.
“Well I don't sound like that…I sound way hotter.” You protest before playfully sticking your tongue out at him, making the boy quickly jump to his black boot clad feet and lunging at you. You both fall back onto the plush mattress as Eddie's body weighs you down.
“Stick your tongue out at me again and I'm gonna bite it.” He playfully growls in your ear before softly biting at your lobe.
“Ed’s I can't breathe, get off!” You can no longer hold back your giggles when he begins nuzzling his nose into your neck.
“Okay, undress and put that silk robe on. I'm gonna go stand in the closet and when I come back out, I’m no longer Eddie, okay?” He reminds you as his nose sweetly rubs against yours. “You remember what you're supposed to say?” Your boyfriend questions before standing up and making his way to the closet, dramatically whipping open the bi-fold doors before clambering his lanky body inside.
“Yes, of course I do.” You mutter before standing up and making quick work of removing your cropped t-shirt, little sleep shorts, lace panties and socks.
Eddie winks at you then quickly closes the doors. You slip your silk robe on, loosely tying it around your body before crouching down to get on your knees in front of the pentagram and black burning candles. You wait a few minutes before you begin to recite the words on the paper:
Lilith, please receive this offering. I give this truthfully and willingly
May the light of these candles burn brightly and guide your son to me
The light from the candles flicker as a heavy draft from your cracked window seeps in, sending a deep chill down your spine.
The closet doors burst open and Eddie steps out, wearing a shit eating grin and red devil horns he had picked up from the local costume shop. He was shirtless, his tattoos on full display, black jeans laying low on his hips showing off his deep v lines you always went crazy for, the chain wallet he often wore caught your attention as it swayed while he sauntered over, boots stopping right in front of the pentagram you were kneeled behind.
“Hello, little one.” Eddie growled, but something off in the corner of the room caught your attention, a black figure that swiftly moved out of the shadows, white teeth gleaming as he sent you a sinister smile.
“Holy shit.” You murmur, making Eddie’s face break character as he curiously follows your eyes to the shaggy haired demon who had now fully revealed himself to you both.
Eddie’s whole body turns in shock as his black boots side step the perfectly laid out incantation.
“Holy fuck!” Your boyfriend shouts as the back of his knees hit the bed, he quickly loses his balance, body bouncing off the mattress as his eyes almost pop out of his head from his state of panic. “Who the fuck are you? W-what do you want?” He stammers, his voice cracking as it came out too high pitched for his liking.
You sit there with wide eyes, your body feeling as if it's being weighed down by a ton of bricks and unable to move as the demon studies you, from head to toe before hungirly licking his blood red lips.
“Well you summoned me, silly child.” The demon says before he begins to study your boyfriend.
“N-no, w-we didn't mean to.” You finally spoke before standing up and moving closer to Eddie, but as you do your robe slips open exposing your bare breast and cunt to the demon.
The succubus looks around with a snarl on his face.
“Oh but it looks as though you did, little mortal.” He chuckles as his eyes find the leatherback book splayed out on the floor. “What is the meaning of this if you did not summon me?” He asks as his clawed hand motions to the summoning circle.
“We were roleplaying.” Eddie admits as his cheeks tinge pink from his confession.
“Roleplaying?” The demon questions before he stops right in front of you, his glowing eyes take in you and your boyfriends terrified faces.
“Y-yeah, we uh well I was gonna play the demon and she was supposed to summon me, then we’d ya’ know?” Eddie stutters before making a crude gesture to the demon.
“Hmm, I see.” The succubus says as his clawed hands rub against the soft skin of his chin.
The closeness gave you and Eddie the opportunity to take in the horned monster's face, his rather human looking face. He had dark curled horns surrounded by perfectly coiffed brown hair, honey brown eyes that appeared to change to a glowing yellow when he was excited. His face and body were covered in beauty marks, he was dressed in clothes that looked like they were from centuries ago but his arms were big and muscular and his hands were veiny with long pointed claws. You and Eddie couldn’t help but to think he was fucking beautiful, enthralling.
“W-what’s your name?” You ask as your robe slips back open, revealing your hardened nipples to both males.
“You may call me Steve, my sweet one.” The succubus purrs before his hand reaches out towards your bare breasts, his clawed thumb gently rubbing against your peaked bud, making you shiver but you make no attempts to move away.
“Hey man.” Your boyfriend demurs, but the words come out weaker than intended.
“Shh, little lamb.” Steve murmurs, bringing the same hand he’d just caressed you with, up to Eddie’s lips “You’ll get your turn.” He winks at the boy, whose eyes are now cartoonishly bulging from his head.
Steve steps closer to you both, his very prominent erection now making itself known, as his hands move to yours and Eddie’s faces. He rubs his thumbs over both sets of your lips as he moves in closer towards the metalhead sitting beside you.
“Would you like that, pretty boy?” The demon solicits, his lips mere inches from your boyfriends, so close that Eddie could feel Steve’s shallow breaths.
Eddie had never found men much attractive but he couldn’t deny the allure he felt for the demon standing before him.
“I-I would.” He admits with a slight nod of his head before the succubus pulls him into a passionate kiss, tongues swirling against each other as you look on in desperate arousal.
“Mmm.” The demon hums after he pulls back. “I need to fuck you both.” He declares before bringing his swollen lips to yours, he licks into your mouth making you moan into the kiss, he removes your robe and slips it off your body. His hands rub over your tits, down your sides and land on your hips, holding you tightly as his lips continue to move against yours.
“Sit on his face, sweet one.” Steve demands, easily lifting your hips and moving you further back on the bed.
“Lay back for me, little lamb.” The demon tells Eddie before he falls to his knees and makes rapid movements to remove the metalheads belt, button and zipper. Eddie lifts his hips up, helping the succubus as he roughly rips his jeans down the rest of the way.
You straddle Eddie’s face, your glistening pussy captures Steve’s attention as he now hungrily eyes you and your boyfriend's sexes.
“I haven’t played with such a pretty cunt and cock in what seems like eons.” The demon groans before taking Eddie’s tip into his mouth and sucking.
Eddie moans as his tongue swirls over your swollen clit, he takes your bundle of nerves into his mouth and lightly sucks. Your head falls back in pleasure before he’s gliding his tongue down and licking into your pussy, tasting your sweet nectar. His favorite flavor.
The succubus working between your boyfriend's thighs takes his cock further into his mouth before wrapping his abnormally long tongue around the metalhead's girthy length. Eddie’s eyes roll back as he continues to lick and suck you. The rings on his fingers are digging into you just as his black polished nails are, creating a sting that amplifies your pleasure tenfold.
“Fuck, your tongue feels so good Eddie!” You whimper as you feel your orgasm creeping up on the horizon.
When you bring your head back down, your eyes immediately meet the glowing pair you've vaguely grown familiar with. His long snake-like tongue moves up from Eddie’s asshole to his balls, then up to lick the beads of precum that had built up in his absence while his long, wet, pink muscle made its travels further south.
“Are you going to cum, little one?” Steve questions before his tongue dashes out to lick at his obscenely wet lips.
“Mmhm!” You whine as your mouth drops open into the perfect little ‘o’ as heavy moans begin to fill the room.
The demon crawls up your boyfriends body, straddling his waist, rubbing their cocks together as he begins licking at your clit while Eddie fucks you with his tongue.
“Cum for us.” Steve demands, his thumb now taking over, making swift gentle circles.
“Oh! Oh!” You mewl as your legs shake, knees digging into the mattress as you ride your boyfriend's tongue, while the succubus continues to rub circles on your sodden clit.
“That’s it, pretty thing. Yes, that’s it!” Steve growls, hips still bucking creating the perfect friction as his and Eddie’s cocks rub together, both of them leaking with need.
Once you’ve come down from the euphoria, Steve manhandles you off of the long haired boy and onto your back before he grabs Eddie’s glistening chin and begins licking your slick off of his lips, he quickly dips his tongue into the other boys mouth moaning as he sucks your taste off of the metalheads wet muscle.
When they finally come up for air, the demon turns his attention back on you, making his way between your twitching legs.
“Here is what is going to happen, little doves…” Steve huffs as his eyes roam over your body that lay still beneath him. “I am going to fuck her little cunt as you fuck me.” He growled, his glowing eyes now on Eddie.
“Uh, okay.” Your boyfriend mutters as if he still hasn’t fully comprehended what’s happening, but his cock is so painfully hard and throbbing he’ll do whatever you or Steve asks of him.
“You..” he says as he points a long nailed finger in your flushed face, “on all fours. Now.”
You do your best to move quickly while the demon is still kneeling between your spread thighs. Once you’ve successfully shifted your body onto your knees, head face down into your sheets as you arch your ass nice and high for him. When you begin to wiggle in anticipation a quick whip is descended onto your backside, making you wail out in pain and pleasure.
That definitely was not his hand!
You look over to Eddie whose eyes are wide as his hand comes to a full stop around his cock.
“Holy shit, was that a tail?” Eddie asks in disbelief.
you look back at Steve who is now rubbing his tip along your entrance, gathering your wetness onto the heated skin. You decide to confirm you and your boyfriend’s suspicions when you wiggle your hips impatiently again, and just as Eddie had said a black spiked tail came out from behind the demon giving you another good lashing that made your eyes water and your teeth bite down so hard on your bottom lip you could practically taste the blood.
In one swift motion the demon plunges his big, girthy cock inside of you, steadily dragging it against your walls before his thrusts slowly begin to speed up into an unforgiving pace.
Steve looks down at where Eddie is still sprawled, the look on his face is that of utter shock.
“Get back there and fuck me. Now.” The succubus growled as his eyes glowed, before desperately hissing from the tightness of your pussy around him.
Steve hadn’t been fucked by another man in centuries, and holyfuckingshit if he wasn’t the most backed up he’d ever been, but I guess that’s what happens when you haven’t been summoned in a millennia. He needed that ultimate power of fucking and being fucked.
“Well, I’ve never fucked a guy before… do I need something to make it wet before I-I…” your sweet, sweet boyfriend bashfully asks Steve.
“Just spit will do.” The demon groans, as his once erratic hips fall to a leisurely pace.
The metalhead spits on his fingers before he’s bringing the big glob between Steve’s cheeks and timidly rubbing it against his puckered hole.
“Mmm, that’s it.” The succubus hisses before Eddie begins to slowly sink his middle finger into the tight hole, it almost sucks him in immediately and he bottoms out to the knuckle within seconds, god he’s so tight and warm, Eddie couldn’t wait to be engulfed in his little asshole. Those are words he never thought he’d utter to himself. But here we are.
Once he’s gotten three fingers in, and has pumped them in and out enough times to successfully find the demon's prostate.
Eddie removes them before spitting on his tip for extra lubrication, then lines his hard, aching cock up with Steve’s hole and slowly but surely pushes in.
The feeling that comes over both males is very obvious as throaty grunts and groans fill the room. Finally Steve starts to pick up his pace as he fucks into you with reckless abandon. You can feel your boyfriend fucking the demons cock into you even harder, which causes more wetness drip from your stretched hole and down to the succubus’ balls that harshly slap against your clit.
“Oh! Yes, fuck that’s so good!” You whine as your eyes roll to the back of your head.
The grunts coming from your boyfriend who’s hands now roughly grab at your waist, using you to fuck himself deeper into the hole he’s pounding, and Steves hisses and whimpers, make you feel as though you’re floating on the precipice of blinding white pleasure.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Mmhm.” You continue to moan as you’re being fucked absolutely dumb.
“You hear that?” Eddie whispers into the demon's ear, “you’re making my girl feel so good, am I making you feel good, too?” Your boyfriend questions before licking at the succubus’ neck, then taking a chunk of skin between his teeth and biting before it turns into a harsh suck.
“Yes, yes you are making me feel so good!” Steve howled, the pleasure of both you and your boyfriend had the demon’s thoughts disintegrating into nothing but filling and being filled.
When you begin to fuck yourself on Steve’s cock, pushing back to engulf even more of him into your soaked walls, his tail swings out from behind him, swiftly wrapping around your neck and pulling your body up towards his.
“Am I fucking you good, little one?” Steve murmurs into your ear, creating a pleasant chill down your spine.
“Yes, it feels so fucking good!” You admit once his tail loosens from around your throat.
“Are you going to cum for me?” He whispers again, both males' hands caress your body as your high begins to peak.
You can hear Eddie mutter over Steve’s neck “cum for us baby.” The acknowledgement from the love of your life sets off your orgasm as you begin to shake and writh making the demon's tail tighten around your neck creating the most perfect spacey feeling that has your high lasting far longer than usual. A splash of liquid hits Steve’s thighs as your moans grow louder.
“Fuck!” Steve growls, his tail completely leaving your neck and swooping back to where it came from, causing you to fall face first into the mattress, tears and drool wetting the sheets beneath you as he drills harder into you, the need for his release makes him move at an inhuman pace.
Eddie stills allowing the demon the fuck himself on the metalheads cock as there is no way he can keep up with the thrusts he’s fucking you with.
“I’m going to breed this little fucking cunt, while your boyfriend breeds my asshole.” Steve hisses into your neck, before his groans get louder and his warm spunk shoots deep within your walls.
Steve clenches so tightly around Eddie’s cock, milking the cum right out of him as it shoots into his used up hole. Your boyfriend whimpers and whines at the feeling of being completely squeezed of every last drop.
Eddie falls beside you, both of you panting to catch your breaths, bodies mere seconds from being taken under by drowsiness.
Your boyfriend moves the hair out of your face before playfully pinching at your cheeks, the demon looks on at the tender display of affection between two lovers, it makes his chest tighten with an unfamiliar feeling.
“Oh, but we are not done, we have all night and my hunger has yet to be satiated.”
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𝚜𝚞𝚙𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜 & 𝚛𝚎𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚜!
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sc0tters · 9 months
Faking It | Jack Hughes
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summary: when Jack learns that his girlfriend faked her response in bed the previous night, it can only ever land up with them back in bed as he gives her a time she couldn’t possibly fake.
request: yes/no
warnings: sexual themes, p in v (unprotected), oral (fem receiving), use of vibrator, bondage, ice play, swearing.
word count: 2.49k
authors note: surprised I got this one out today if I’m being honest. @hischierhaze said I can blame her for my lack of a filter for this and @sweetestdesire just told me to tag her. This is what happens when I am left unattended to do things… with that being said I hope you enjoy what came from this prompt!
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The sound of your headboard hitting the wall rang through your ears.
Jack held your legs around his waist “right there baby.” Jack grunted dropping his head so that his lips could kiss at your collar bone.
Even with his lips sucking at the sweet spot of your skin you couldn’t seem to get his cock to hit the spot that you needed him in “fuck Jack.” Your cry was more so out of discomfort as a cramp formed in your thigh officially meaning that you had lost any chance of having a good night with your boyfriend.
The hockey player had come home after a long road trip and he wanted nothing more than you and your bed. But all you wanted to do was sleep after a long day at work “you want to be a good girl and come for me?” Jack asked as you clenched your pussy around his cock.
You knew that he was close by how his cock throbbed from inside of you and you knew that he wouldn’t be able to handle it if you didn’t come tonight “shit yeah.” You forced your breath to go airy as your hands reached up to tease your nipples in the hopes that it would help build some pressure in your stomach.
As Jacks grunts began to grow stuttered you decided that then was your chance to act like you came “oh my god Jack,” you huffed your chest making it sound like you had just ran a marathon.
Jack rode out his orgasm before he flopped onto the bed next to you “you were so good baby.” You couldn’t even remain upset for long as the hockey player hooked his fingers under your jaw so he could pull you into a kiss.
After last nights disappointments you invited some friends over to full up your time before Jack was meant to come up from practice “you okay girl?” Mia asked as she sat next to you sensing your silence “can I tell you girls something?” You sighed watching them all nod.
Jack walked back into the apartment deciding that he wanted to be quiet so that he could hear whatever gossip it was that you were talking about “we had sex last night.” Your voice made him stop dead in your tracks “and he thinks I came but I didn’t.” That confession made his eyes go wide.
It wasn’t that he was sad you told your friends, he was sad that you felt the need to fake it and not address it. Because if Jack knew that you had done that you wouldn’t be sat there today “hey baby!” Jack pretended to shut the door once more again but louder this time before he made his way into the living room.
Your eyes were wide as you looked at your boyfriend “how was practice?” You asked trying to ignore the embarrass looks your friends were sending the Hughes boy “it was good, gonna go have a shower now.” He smiled pressing a kiss on your forehead.
Instead Jack actually walked into your bedroom and began deciding his plot of how to make you pay for faking your orgasm whilst he also tried to give you a night of pleasure to make up for what you missed.
Jack was given plenty of time as you ended up back in your room 90 minutes later once your friends had left “how are they all?” Jack asked sending you a smile as you crawled into his lap “don’t care about them right now.” You mumbled running your fingers along his jaw.
The hockey player smirked “want to be a good girl for me?” He cocked his head pecking your lips.
You nodded “always,” and just like that you had fallen into his plan.
Before you knew it your clothes were all off as you were laying on your bed fully naked whilst Jack was only in some sweatpants “you trust me?” The hockey player grabbed his belt as he held your hands together before he tied them to the headboard making sure that the belt was done tight enough you looked at him with a smile.
That wasn’t going to work for him causing the boy to grab his tie “relax baby,” he encouraged you as Jack held it up to your eyes “I’ll be back in a sec,” was the last thing he said after tying it behind your head.
It all felt foreign to you as Jacks tie blocked out the light from your eyes leaving you in darkness “J-jack?” You called out hearing his footsteps retreat “I’m here baby don’t worry.” He cooed coming back to your bed letting the mattress dip as his knees pressed into it.
You grew wet with anticipation as you waited for him to touch you “remember the safe word is red.” Jack mumbled pressing a kiss to your lips before a buzzing noise between your thighs pulled your attention away from his lips.
That feeling was familiar from anywhere, the vibrating was shared between your clit and your pussy making you realise that it was your red rabbit vibrator. It was a purchase you got when Jack was on a roadtrip and when he came home he caught you laying on your bed in some pretty robe for him but when you got impatient you leaned on your new friend to help you out. Rather than get upset Jack spent that evening learning how to further improve your experience in bed with the help of the red device “shit Jack!” You gasped realising that your boyfriend had gone for the highest speed setting straight off the bat.
Your hips jerked against the device as you felt your high quickly approaching “don’t stop,” you begged desperately tugging at the belt that had your hands up by your headboard “not yet baby.” Jack clicked his tongue turning the speed of the vibrator all the way down to its lowest setting.
It caused you to whimper “don’t be a brat about it.” He warned using his free hand to softly hit your clit “you want to embarrass me like that in front of all your friends?” Jack’s harsh words made your jaw go slack “and think that you won’t get punished for it?” He let out a laugh as he shook his head.
Jack let the speed slowly increase again as it looked like you had fallen enough away from your high “let’s see if you take this one like a good girl this time?” The hockey player increased the speed up one button more as he grabbed an ice cube from the cup next to him.
Your body ached as your toes curled “y-you know?” Your voice trembled, quickly you felt bad at the thought out your boyfriend knowing what you had done “had to hear you telling all of those fucking friends of yours too.” You didn’t have time to think about how his voice sounded mumbled as the boys lips dropped down to your breast “shit!” You groaned almost jumping out of this constraints you jumped so hard.
The cold ice cube served as the perfect contrast to your hot skin “fuck Jackie!” You cried at the sensory overload that you were feeling “breathe baby.” Jack ordered watching in awe as the water dripped from your stiff and sensitive peak.
You huffed trying to hold back a moan desperate for Jack to let you come “‘m so sorr-” you cut yourself off as he moved his attention to your other breast repeating his actions with what was left of the ice cube “think you should beg to come.” Jack had to admit that his cock pulsated in his sweatpants as it felt forgotten and unloved waiting for you to turn your focus to it “please Jack!” You cried trying to form a coherent sentence.
Your thighs shook as you couldn’t keep them planted on the mattress anymore “I’ll never fake an orgasm ever again.” You offered with your voice oozing in pleads “going to need more from you than that.” Jack shook his head again dropped the ice cube onto your stomach causing him to grunt out in pleasure as he watched it glide down your torso finally stopping just above your belly button.
It seemed like as the ice cube stopped so did your vibration causing your high that had built up to quick drop again “think you can go again?” Jack asked massaging the little 86 tattoo that you had on your hip “uh huh,” you whimpered feeling your vibrator slide out of your core.
Jacks weight shifted to the side of your bed before he went back to the centre, his arms wrapped around your thighs as if you could have tried to go anywhere else “shush baby.” Jack cooed as he pursed his lips around the cube of ice bringing his mouth down to your slit.
You cried out in pleasure feeling the cold cube pressed up against your clit as Jack ran the cube down your slit “p-p-please Jack.” You whined tensing up your whole body as he pushed the cube into your soaked cunt.
It made you moan as the ice began to melt in your warm core leaving Jack to suck at your clit “want to touch you,” you complained as tugged as the belt once more now fully aware that it was going to cause a bruise on your wrist’s tomorrow “not yet.” Jacks words could barely be heard as he didn’t pick his head up from your clit as his tongue swirled around the sensitive nub.
It didn’t help that you were still feeling those two previous attempts at orgasm that failed so now all you wanted as for this one to suck you into the bliss that would have been coming around his cock as you saw the stars “Jesus baby you’re soaked.” The hockey player smirked to himself knowing that this was all his work.
He went back to letting his tongue work on your clit as your body began to shiver, thighs driving towards him “all for you.” You stumbled over your words “all real too.” You added desperate to clench around something that wasn’t the quickly melting ice as that was how you liked to come.
Jacks cock stuffing you to the brim as his thumb played on your clit or with your nipples “you know the rules tonight.” He pulled away once more making you huff in annoyance.
The hockey player stared at your body sat there all innocently as he smiled seeing how frustrated you were “you had enough?” Jack asked leaning forward as he pushed the tie off of your head.
It took you a few seconds to adjust before you looked at him “just want you now.” You complained sending him a needy look that he couldn’t say no to.
Jack nodded undoing his belt before he rubbed your wrists “next time, I’m tying you up.” You mumbled cupping his face with your hands so that you could pull him into a kiss.
The boy almost fell onto your bed as you pulled him down “I wanna fuck you.” Jack confessed deciding that the pain in his cock was no longer worth it.
The hockey player smiled as you hooked your fingers in his waistband “no baby, I’m gonna work for you tonight.” Now this was the apology part of the plan.
He let his sweatpants drop to the floor as he kicked the ends off “been so good for me baby.” Jack cooed leaning down to kiss your lips.
Your eyes fluttered feeling his cock run against your clit “please don’t tease me.” You begged not believing that you could handle more of it “just making sure you were ready.” Jack joked not giving you enough time to snap back at him before he thrusted his throbbing cock in your wet cunt.
Jack didn’t even need the time to let you adjust before he hooked your legs over his shoulder “my flexible good girl.” He mumbled hovering his lips over yours as he established a good rhythm that would be aided by your sensitive core “god Jack.” You moaned feeling your breasts bounce with each thrust of his cock.
The sight was hot, no distance between the love drunk couple as the sound of your moans harmonised together “just me baby.” The hockey player grunted feeling your pussy clench around his cock “you want to come already?” His tone was teasing.
Your face grew red as you nodded “making me feel so full your toes curled as pleasure pulsated through your body.
Jack needed just a bit more from you “hold it,” he warned not wanting to ruin a hot night because you couldn’t listen.
His order made tears form in your eyes as he stared down at you, letting his hair down to tickle your face “Jack please,” you begged as the pressure between your thighs threatened to burst at any minute.
His grunts quickly joined a competition with your moans in an effort to drown the other out “keep squeezing my cock like that baby.” Jacks thoughts began to grown foggy as his orgasm approach too.
Your fingers slid between your two bodies “I can’t hold it anymore Jack.” You confessed letting those fingers attach your clit as they rubbed in a circular motion.
Jack let his head drop to your neck in a similar way that he did it the night before “come for me baby.” He ordered replacing your hand in your clit “come so the neighbours can hear who makes you feel like this.” The hockey player let his lips nip at the skin of your neck in order to control himself.
His hips snapped so fast if was like they might have snapped out of place “fucking shit Jack!” You cried out grinding your hips into his as you eyes screwed shut.
His orgasm came shortly after yours with how you came around his naked cock -something you two hadn’t done before- “holy shit baby.” Jack gasped final a final thrust into your cunt before he pulled his cock out “you squirted.” He pointed out looking at the wet patch on his lower torso.
Before you had the chance to grow embarrassed he smiled “that was the hottest thing I think I’ve ever seen.” Jack confessed kissing your cheeks, a habit he had picked up whenever you blushed.
You smiled looking at him “think I should fake some more orgasms if we are gonna have sex like that afterwards.” You joked running your fingers through his hair “next time I’m not going to let you come.” Jack warned making you laugh.
The hockey player had to admit that these small moments after sex with you were some of his favourites “bath or shower?” He proposed knowing that you both desperately needed a clean “bath.”
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kissitbttr · 4 months
your mafia!toji fic got me thinking so hard abt him😭😭 he’s deffo the type to just buy you sm stuff as an apology but when you don’t forgive him and sleep in a different bedroom mf will come into the room on his knees and beg for you to come to sleep 😩😩 imagine still saying no and him just flipping you onto his shoulders and carrying you to bed 🤭
oh you are absolutely correct!
“darling” toji softly calls you, letting out a tired sigh. “i said i was sorry. what am i supposed to do?”
“die” she replies nonchalantly, shoulders shrugging before grabbing a pillow and your favorite blanket off the bed,
he snickers, looking over at her with a raised eyebrow. “now, now that would be over dramatic don’t you think? won’t you miss me?”
he almost pisses his pants when she throws him a glare,
“okay. no jokes. got it” he put his hands up in surrender, feeling absolutely terrified at his baby being mad and speaking less than two words to him,
if anyone ever finds out that the most feared and notorious man in the city being tamed by his woman, he would never hear the end of it,
but she is scary. can you blame him?
toji looks over at the designer shoes and bags he just purchased a few hours ago, tucked neatly in the corner. untouched by her.
guess the apology gifts aren’t working,
“i didn’t know that she was coming, i haven’t even talked to her in years! never planned to anyway, you know i only got my eyes for my girl, right?”
she tries so hard not to roll her eyes,
toji had a meeting with one of the cartels at the club earlier that night. and of course, she always goes. it’s where he can always keep an eye on her and refuses to leave her at home all alone because he can’t risk that. also, because she’s his good luck charm. whenever she’s around, deals always goes well,
tonight was an exception though,
all was well until a certain person decided to crash. his old fling. one before he met his precious girlfriend. the red haired thought that it would be fun to press her fake ass tits against toji,
y/n was shocked to say at least. she didn’t say anything but her face spoke thousand words. toji could see that. throwing daggers at the bitch, corner of her lips quirk into a form of disgust.
and the worst part was? toji didn’t do anything about it! can you believe that asshole?!
something about being absolutely unprofessional if he was ever to push her off and it ticked y/n to the fucking bone so she decided to ignore him the rest of the night,
toji feels defeated when she chooses not to respond, simply just taking her stuff. he crouches lightly to look at her pretty face clearly. “baby… can you please look at me? I can’t stand seeing you mad. i’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you”
if it was any circumstances, sure she would melt and jump in his arms. but tonight is different. how could he?
she looks up at him and whisper “fuck. you” before turning around angrily and walk out of the door to go sleep on the guest room,
toji groans, the heel of his palms pressing against his eyes. she has always been so stubborn. too fucking stubborn. exactly why he had to get rejected seven times before she accepted his date.
what? he needed to get humbled, so she gave him that.
he contemplate for a while whether or not he should let her be or not. then he chooses the latter. it would probably be best if he let her cool off some steam for a while, he doesn’t want to do any more damage or make her feel more annoyed by his presence,
bet. not even ten minutes later, he feels like losing his mind without her here.
“fuck this shit” he mutters, getting up from the bed. rubbing his face furiously before stomping towards the other side of the room,
he walks in without knocking, ready to say what he needs to say again. yet he stops. heart clenching at the sight of his girl curled up in bed, back facing him.
“love?” he slowly walks over to her laying figure,
“go away” she speaks. now in a softer tone
“please” he begs, walking around the bed and catching a glimpse of her playing with her pink manicured hands. “sweetheart. I’m sorry” he repeats, going down to her eye level before letting his hand moves to rest on her bare thigh. he’s internally relieved when she doesn’t push him off,
he sighs when she’s not looking at him, seemingly only focused on the nails that she had gotten done a week ago.
“i should’ve pushed her off. shouldn’t let her touch me like that. hell, i shouldn’t even let her breathe near me. i know that” he realizes his mistake. “i didn’t even think about what my girl needed. i was being a horrible boyfriend”
no answer,
he sighs again, refusing to look away from her pretty eyes,
“i heard you the first time. leave. and close the door”
toji is taken aback. fuck. she really is mad at him.
“you don’t mean that”
“uhm, yes i do” she retorts in an obvious tone, sassily raising her eyebrow before scooting a bit further from him. she doesn’t realize this but it makes his heart break,
“princess, i swear-“
“go call that girl back to keep you company. let that fucking bitch sleep by your side” she mutters, looking at the tv instead of him,
he can’t take this anymore,
“you know what? that’s it” toji had enough, he will not be sleeping alone and neither will she. standing up on his feet, his hands reach out to circle around her ankles before tugging her body towards him causing her to yelp,
“toji! what the fuck are you doing-oh!” her voice gets cut off the moment he pulls her body up like she weighs nothing. throwing her over his shoulder. “put me down!” her fists start to hitting his back—as if they’re actually hurting him— legs swinging back and forth
“nope” he answers, keeping a firm grip around her waist before swatting her ass, locking the guest room behind him and walking back to their shared one. “you’re driving me crazy, woman—not saying that i hate it, but i’m pretty fucking beat tonight and we are going to sleep together. so stop fighting me”
she huffs, admitting defeat and letting him carry to the bed. “fuck you, toji”
he smirks at that. “oh i will, baby”
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wileys-russo · 8 months
maybe a fic or blurb where reader is Leah’s girlfriend and an Aussie or an American but plays for Arsenal and is the same age as less? so Leah requests they befriend less and make her feel welcome but then they become besties and Leah gets all pouty and jealous which reader finds hilarious cause her and less are just friends but she loves to wind Leah up
work wife II l.williamson
your eyes fluttered awake as you heard the chime of the alarm on your phone beside your head. scrambling around you flicked it off, exhaling heavily and rubbing the sleep from the corner of your eyes.
with a glance over your shoulder you smiled seeing your girlfriend was still dead asleep by your side, not even stirring at the sound of the alarm. placing your phone back down on the table you shuffled closer, moving to sit on her back as she let out a quiet groan.
"good morning baby." you sang out softly, laying down on top of her and gently kissing her bare shoulder blades.
"it is when i wake up like this." the blonde mumbled, eyes still closed but a smile curling at her lips. "mm that so?" you hummed, moving her hair out of the way to move your lips to her neck. "leah!" you laughed as she suddenly flipped herself over, pulling you again on top of her as she now lay on her back.
"your accent sounds dead sexy in the morning." leah mumbled as she tugged you down into a proper kiss. "dead sexy? you've been talking to my friends on facetime too much." you smiled against her lips, leahs hands grabbing at your hips as she shifted underneath you and placed a hand to the back of your neck, deepening the kiss.
"you've got rehab at ten babe." you pulled away before things escalated and reminded the blonde with an apologetic smile, head thumping down on the pillow beside her as leah cracked one eye open and sighed tiredly with a nod.
she moved her arm to gently tap your sides as you rolled off of her, leah stretching out with a groan. "each days one days closer." you whispered, watching her as you lay on your side, recognizing the frustrated frown which settled on her features.
"yeah." she gave you a tight smile, pecking your lips again and slipping out of bed, tossing a shirt on and heading for the bathroom.
"so you remember it's alessia's first day today right?" leah started, settling into her seat as you hummed, eyes focused on the road. normally you'd be passenger princess but with leahs recovery it had meant a change of situation, much to leahs horror that she was no longer fully in control anymore.
"well the two of you are the same age, you're both strikers. can you look out for her please baby? make sure she feels welcomed yeah? i won't be around as much today, neither will beth since we're both on our own programs with rehab. she has lotte but i want her to feel as comfy and welcome as she can." your girlfriend continued with a concerned frown.
"say comfy again i dare you." you sent her a teasing smile as the blonde rolled her eyes playfully and you parked up outside the compound.
"of course though lee, i'll make sure she settles in with everyone." if only leah had known just how far things would go, maybe she'd not have bothered to ask you in the first place.
it was months later and leah was sat on the sofa kitted out in a matching tracksuit set and browsing what movie the two of you would watch tonight, thursday always your night in together.
“bye babe I’m off!” however leahs head whipped around with a frown as you came thundering downstairs, clearly dressed up to go somewhere, and not with her.
“what! where you off to?” leah shot to her feet as you practically hurtled into her, kissing her quickly and side stepping the taller girl. “to the movies with less! i told you at training today?” you explained, moving toward the door as your girlfriend grabbed your hand.
“no you didn’t!” leah shook her head firmly, eyebrows furrowed into an annoyed frown. “yes i did baby, less even asked if you wanted to come with us and you said no.” you smiled in amusement as leah scoffed in disbelief.
“see these things on the side of your head? they’re called ears and they’re wonderful for listening!” you teased tugging on her ears and gently pulling your hand out of her grip, opening the front door and stepping out as leah hovered in the doorway.
“let’s go lovebird or we’re gonna be late!” alessia called out of her window with a smile, honking once as you flipped her off with a grin.
“lee i have to go. i’ll see you in a bit, there’s leftovers in the fridge for you to heat up for dinner. i love you!” you pecked her lips a few times before hurrying down the driveway and slipping into your best friends car, leah watching on with a scowl as the white mercedes peeled out of the driveway.
“-no it’s like this you idiot!” you laughed, currently sitting cross legged in the passenger of alessia’s car, the two of you parked in your driveway as you tried to teach her a game you played as a child growing up in australia.
“you clap and then you slide and then you clap again and then you-“ you demonstrated the hand movements again as the blonde across from you watched on with a determined look, nodding along.
“okay go!” your best friend commanded as the two of you started, alessia messing up immediately after the first round as you threw your head back with a laugh. “this is so stupid!” the blonde huffed, crossing her arms over her chest with a scowl.
“this is a kids game less, even children can manage it.” you patted her shoulder with mock sympathy as she shoved at you, the two of you messing around for a bit before alessia stopped, your hands gripped tightly in hers as she nodded forward.
“we’ve got a spectator.” the girl chuckled, leahs head poking through a crack in the curtains of your front windows making you grin and tug your hands away. “i better go. but this was fun! even if you conned me into seeing a horror movie.” you rolled your eyes at the blondes trickery who shrugged.
“it’s not my fault you’re so gullible.”
“it’s not my fault you’re so clumsy.” you grinned, the blondes face bright red as you both recalled the way she’d tripped up the stairs when the two of you were finding your seats, dropping her popcorn and her dignity everywhere.
“shut up you promised you’d leave that between just us!” your best friend whined burying her face in her hands. “and i will!” you assured as you hugged her goodbye, opening your door and stepping out.
“well…us and leah.” you grinned, fully intending on telling the blonde the moment you got inside as alessia yelled after you that you made a promise. “girlfriends don’t count! bye less!” you called back with a wink, waving her off as she backed out of the driveway, letting yourself back into your home with your keys.
“hello creeper.” you greeted your girlfriend with a cheeky grin, who’d conveniently moved away from the window she was previously peering out of. but you frowned as she ignored you and headed for the kitchen.
“you should have seen what happened with less tonight baby oh my god it was so funny.” you took a seat at the bench, rambling away as leah made herself a cup of tea, you too busy throwing your hands around storytelling to pick up on the body language that she wasn't happy with you.
"lee? did you hear me?" your laughter died down as your girlfriend stirred her tea, spoon clinking against the mug melodically. "hey, baby. you okay?" you asked softer now, sensing something was definitely off with the defender.
your concerned gaze turned into a frown as leah brushed you off again, spoon clattering in the sink as she dropped it and moved past you, making a beeline for the living room.
"leah?" you tried again, following after her and hovering at the end of the sofa. though when you were again rewarded with silence you left her to it, heading off to shower and change into something comfier in hopes that whatever was bothering the blonde would blow over with a little bit of time.
"are you done being moody now?" you asked when you returned a half hour later, changed and freshly showered, standing in front of her with your arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. but again, met with silence.
"lee whatever's happened, can we just talk about it please?" you asked with raised eyebrows. "come on, i missed you." you kicked her leg gently as her scowl deepened and she continued to focus on the tv behind your head.
"can't have missed me too much when you're always with your new girlfriend." leah mumbled, crossing her arms and huffing quietly as it all finally clicked for you. "oh my god, you can't seriously be jealous of alessia?" you threw your head back with genuine laughter.
"i'm not jealous, and don't fucking laugh at me." leah scowled at you, unimpressed by the reaction. "baby- you started with a grin, moving to sit down on top of her and ignoring her mumbles for you to get off as you cupped her face.
"-do i need to remind you that it was you who pushed me to look after less in the first place?" you shook your head with an amused smile. "we're just close friends lee. you have nothing to be jealous about!" you squeezed her cheeks playfully, using your fingers to curl her lips up into a forced smile.
"you left me alone on our thursday." the blonde confessed with a small pout as you let go of her face. "baby i did ask if you wanted to come, ears remember!" you flicked them playfully as the captain finally cracked a small smile.
"but no more thursday plans with less, i promise." you kissed her sweetly before peppering kisses all over her face as your girlfriend finally smiled properly. "yeah you better not, you're on thin ice." leahs hands fell to your hips, the two of you kissing properly as you shifted slightly on top of her and pulled away.
"but...i did ask my work wife to drive me to training tomorrow, we're getting coffee." "your what?!"
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sincerestlove · 4 months
Coming Home - R.R
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my first tumblr fic, ahhh!! i’m so excited to be sharing my work here. i am absolutely in love with reneé rapp <3
Pairing: Reneé Rapp x Reader
Warnings: Alludes to smut
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It was an ungodly hour in the morning when you heard the familiar jingle of keys in the front door. You had fallen asleep some hours before, reruns of The Office playing on the television. Groggily rubbing your eyes, you looked up to see your girlfriend, visibly tired, walking through the door. With a sigh, she shucked her coat on the hangar, kicked off her shoes and made her way towards you.
"Hey, Ne." You sleepily smiled at her, opening your arms for her to walk into.
"Hi, baby." She sighed again, diving head first into the warmth and comfort of your arms. She nuzzled her nose into your neck, slowly breathing in the fading scent of your perfume and shampoo.
You began running your fingers gently through her soft blonde hair, smiling at the way she immediately relaxed into your embrace. "Are you hungry? Have you eaten since you left this morning?" Already knowing the answer, you rolled your eyes when she shook her head no. "Okay beautiful, let's get some food in that tummy."
Coaxing the tired woman to sit up on the couch, you quickly made your way into the kitchen to grab the plate of food you made for her return home. Reneé smiled at you gratefully, her stomach growling on cue. "Thank you, Y/N, you're the best."  The blonde began to dig in, you laughing at the urgency of her movements.
"Slow down, babe. The food isn't going to run off of the plate." You grinned at her, the woman pausing to look at you sheepishly.
"Sorry. I'm hungrier than I thought." You waved teasingly, allowing her to finish her meal in silence, turning your attention to the television.
After a few minutes, Reneé returned her empty plate to the kitchen, stopping in the doorway of the living room on her way back. You looked up at her, brow raised. She leaned against the door frame smirking at you, arms crossed under her chest. Her eyes ran up and down your frame, taking in your appearance.
Just then, you took in what she was wearing, and your mouth went dry. She was clad in your favorite tank top, clinging to her in all the right places - hair tumbled loosely down her toned shoulders, slender fingers running up to push it out of her face.
"See something you like, Y/L/N?" She smirked at you, pushing off the frame and sauntering slowly towards you. Your brain short circuited then, mouth hanging open as the woman offered her hand to you, gesturing her head towards the bedroom. You nodded, sleep immediately forgotten, quickly taking her hand and allowing her to drag you to the bedroom you two shared.
Reneé shut the door behind you and gently pushed you against it all in a smooth motion. Your breath hitched in your throat, hands finding solace on her waist. "Are you too tired, Ne? We don't have to do anything tonight, you know?" You assured the woman, knowing how long and tiring her recording sessions have been recently.
She nuzzled into the space between your neck and shoulder, warm lips finding flushed skin. "Never too tired for you, honey. Get on the bed for me, hm?"
~ ~ ~
You weren't sure how much time had passed, but when you came back down from your numerous releases, Reneé was cleaning up between your legs with a warm towel, pressing soft kisses to your tummy. "How are you feeling, love?" She whispered, fingers coming to gently massage your lower back and thighs.
"Good. Yeah, good." You mumbled. Renée laughed, as you felt her cuddle in behind you, kissing the back of your neck and shoulders. She pulled the covers up over the both of you, nuzzling her face into your hair.  "This was supposed to be about you, y'know."
Your girlfriend laughed, rubbing your back soothingly. "You can always return the favor later. Sleep now, love."
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i hope you enjoyed! please leave me requests if you have any :)
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reidsdaisies · 6 months
hiii !! could i request something like spencer gets hurt on a case and he tries to act like he's all good in front of the team but then gets home to his gf and just lets her baby him ?? 🙏 thank u <3
༉‧´ˎ˗ pairing; spencer reid x girlfriend!reader
༉‧´ˎ˗ wc; 0.7k
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cm masterlist ; main masterlist ; request guidelines ; inbox
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Spencer should have thought this out more— chasing after an unsub while Derek, the brawn of the two, was still unbuckling his seat belt. Through his one-track mind, he forgot to take into account the weather conditions, and how icy the roads could be this time of year.
Derek rushed to catch up to Spencer, accidentally knocking into him in the process, causing him to lose balance and trip, falling right on his face, along with hearing something, he still doesn’t quite know what, crack. He winced at the pain but urged Derek to keep moving and let him get up on his own.
He played it off well enough back at the scene, but as soon as the team closed the case, he dialed you to pick him up from work. Luckily, the unsub they were after hunted near Virginia, and they didn’t have to travel very far. The only thing on his mind the rest of the day was how he would get to see you, his girlfriend, at the end of it.
Unlike how he was untruthful with the team about his little accident, as soon as he got in the passenger seat of your car, and once you pointed out his bruised nose, he started rambling to you about his day, more importantly about his fall and how tough it was to walk it off, along with how bad his nose hurt.
You stuck your bottom lip out in an exaggerated pout and rubbed at his shoulder, assuring him you would take care of him and that he could stay over at your place tonight so you could cuddle the day off. He did hesitate slightly, but you quickly offered him a ride to work again in the morning, and without any further questioning, he agreed and you drove off.
“Do you think you pulled something, Spence?” You ask, looking up as you untie his converse for him. He does find it a little extra for you to be doing all this just because he got hurt a bit at work but he isn’t complaining. He won’t outwardly admit to it, but he enjoys it when you get like this, babying him and going full caretaker mode, not that he can’t take care of himself of course, just sometimes it’s nice.
“M’not sure,” he has an unsure look on his face, looking down at you, his eyes slightly watery. It feels nice to be the one being taken care of for a change.
You place his shoes on the rack in the closet, standing back up at your full height and guiding him down the hall and to your room. You wish he didn’t have to walk on his hurt leg, but there’s nothing you can do about that. In the past, you will admit to having tried to pick Spencer up, but that just ended poorly for the both of you. Thankfully, his plush mattress was there to cushion his fall. You two just giggled it off, it was a stupid idea in the first place.
Reaching the bedroom, you push the door open and let him get situated under your covers, watching adoringly as your boyfriend snuggles up to your pillow, the main one you always sleep on, the one that smells of your shampoo.
You rush to the kitchen to get something for his nose, quickly coming back and hopping into bed next to him, handing him a make shift ice pack. Pulling him close, you rub slow, soothing circles over his back. He nuzzles his head into your chest, pressing against the warm cozy fabric of your sweater, careful not to put too much pressure on his nose.
“How are you feeling? Do you need me to get you anything for your leg as well?” you speak softly, moving your hand up to rake it through his hair.
“No, I think I just need to rest,” he replies drowsily, already drifting off from the feeling of calm washing over him.
“That’s fine,” you nod to no one but yourself, it’s not like he can see you anyways with his head buried in your sweater. “Just make sure to tell me if you do think of anything.”
With that, you press a chaste kiss to his forehead before letting yourself relax as well, wrapping your arm fully around his back and letting him cling to you like the exhausted koala bear he seems to be.
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mopopshop · 20 days
Imagine reader is babysitting for a while and the baby just loves Emily sm ☹️☹️☹️
I genuinely think this is the fastest i’ve ever written a fic, i love this idea anon and i hope you like what i wrote😓😓🙏🏾
“Babe?” Emily calls out, closing the apartment door from behind her. She had just gotten home from a long practice, eager to find you and cuddle.
“In here!” you yell from your bedroom.
Emily heads down the hall after toeing off her shoes and dropping her wallet and keys on the counter. She pauses at the bedroom door, her eyebrows shooting up in surprise at the sight before her. There you are, sitting cross-legged on the bed with a giggling baby in your lap, both of you surrounded by toys and stuffed animals.
"Hey," Emily says softly, stepping into the room. "What's… with the baby"
You grin up at her. "This is Gigi! I'm babysitting her for the night for my coworker”
Gigi’s eyes widen with excitement as she spots Emily, her little arms stretching out towards her.
Emily glances at you, her surprise melting into a warm smile. "Well, hi there, Gigi," she says, crouching down to the baby's level. "Nice to meet you."
Gigi wriggles in your lap, eager to get closer to Emily. You gently lift her and pass her over, and Gigi immediately snuggles into Emily's arms, her tiny hands clutching at Emily's shirt.
Emily looks down at Gigi, her heart swelling at the baby's obvious affection. "Looks like I've  made a new friend," she says, her gaze meeting yours.
"Yeah" you murmur softly, admiring the sight of your girlfriend holding a baby.
Emily sits down on the bed beside you, holding Gigi close. "You didn't tell me you were babysitting tonight," she says, a teasing note in her voice.
"It was kind of a last-minute thing," you reply, leaning in to kiss her cheek. "But look how much she loves you already."
Emily laughs, the sound light and happy. "Well, how could I resist such a cute face?" She nuzzles Gigi, making the baby giggle again. "So, what's the plan for tonight?"
You smile, feeling a warm sense of contentment as you watch Emily and Gigi together. "I thought we could all hang out here, maybe watch a movie or play some games. Just a cozy night in."
Emily nods, her eyes twinkling. "Sounds perfect to me." She looks down at Gigi, who is now happily settled in her arms. "What do you think, Gigi? Ready for a fun night with us?"
Gigi responds with a joyful squeal, her tiny hands patting Emily's cheeks.
"Guess that's a yes," you say, laughing.
Emily grins, her heart full. "Alright then. Let's make it a night to remember."
You and Emily settle into the living room, arranging pillows and blankets to create a cozy nest on the couch. Emily places Gigi gently on a blanket spread out on the floor, where she can play with her toys.
You head to the kitchen to prepare some snacks, calling out, "Any movie requests?"
Emily, now fully immersed in playing with Gigi, glances up and grins. "Disney obviously"
"Perfect," you reply, rummaging through the cupboards. "Popcorn sound good?"
"Hell yes," Emily answers, her voice filled with warmth. She turns her attention back to Gigi, who is happily babbling and stacking blocks. 
By the time you return with a bowl of popcorn and some drinks, Emily has started "The Lion King," and Gigi is captivated by the colors and music on the screen. You join them on the couch, Emily pulls you by your waist and drags you into her lap.
As the movie plays, Gigi alternates between watching intently and playing with her toys. Emily keeps her close, gently rocking her when she seems fidgety. The three of you share popcorn, and you can't help but steal glances at Emily, feeling your heart swell with love and pride.
Halfway through the movie, Gigi starts to get sleepy, her eyelids drooping as she cuddles into Emily's side. Emily looks down at her with a tender smile. "I think someone is ready for bed."
You nod, going to stand up and put her somewhere but Emily stops you.
“Nah, nah, just let her sleep on me”
That sentence alone makes you melt, seeing how natural Emily’s parenting skills are.
"She's so sweet," Emily whispers, her eyes never leaving Gigi's peaceful face.
"Yeah, she is," you agree, sitting back down beside Emily. "And you're amazing with her."
Emily looks at you, her eyes shining with emotion. "I didn't know how much I'd enjoy this," she admits softly. "It's...nice."
You smile, leaning in to kiss her gently. "It really is."
The three of you continue to cuddle on the couch, the soft sounds of "The Lion King" filling the room. Gigi sleeps soundly on Emily's chest, her tiny breaths rhythmic and soothing. You and Emily exchange quiet glances and whispers, both reveling in the unexpected sweetness of the evening.
A little while later, there's a soft knock on the door. You carefully get up to answer it, finding your coworker standing there, looking both relieved and grateful.
"Thank you so much," she whispers, stepping inside. "I hope she wasn't too much trouble."
Emily carefully shifts Gigi to pass her over. "Not at all. She was amazing" she assures your coworker.
Gigi stirs slightly but remains asleep, her small face peaceful. Your coworker cradles her gently, smiling with evident gratitude. "You two are lifesavers. I can't thank you enough."
"Really, it was our pleasure," you say, shaking your head when she offers to pay. "No need for that."
She insists, but you and Emily both decline firmly. "It was a joy having her," Emily adds, her eyes still soft with the affection she feels for Gigi.
After your coworker leaves, you and Emily close the door and return to the couch, the room suddenly feeling a bit emptier without the baby's presence.
"You were incredible tonight," you tell Emily, settling back into her arms.
"So were you," she replies, kissing your forehead. There's a moment of quiet, both of you reflecting on the evening. Then, Emily breaks the silence, her voice thoughtful. "Do you ever… think about having kids? Like, us having a family of our own?"
Your heart skips a beat, and you look up at her, seeing both vulnerability and hope in her eyes. "I do," you admit softly. "Especially after tonight, seeing you with Gigi.” 
Emily's smile is tender, her fingers gently tracing patterns on your arm. "I always thought it'd be something I'd want someday. But now, I think... I could really see it. Us, with a family."
You nod, feeling a warm rush of love and certainty. "Me too. I think we'd make great parents."
Emily hugs you tightly, the promise of a shared future filling the space between you. "Then let's make it happen, someday. When the time is right."
You snuggle closer, the warmth of the evening still lingering. "Yeah," you whisper. "When the time is right."
hopefully this wasn’t like too corny or anything but yeah hope y’all like !🫶🏾
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spaceshipellie · 1 year
we were never just friends
ellie williams x reader
summary: modern au, ellie and reader are in their mid twenties. ellie and reader have been friends for years. their friendship has always been a little bit flirty but nothing has ever happened between them, not like that. well, not yet anyway…
warnings: not much for this part, implied smut (minors dni)
an: there will be more parts coming (potentially 4?) and i have a feeling it’s going to be toxic and messy but have a happy ending (depending on who’s perspective you’re looking at 👀) so sorry but i’m feeling unhinged!
part one (part two, part three, part four)
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you had been friends with ellie for years and your friendship had always been somewhat flirty but nothing had ever happened between you and you didn’t really expect it to at this point.
sure, when you were single, seeing ellie flirt, and kiss, and touch other girls made your stomach twist a bit but that didn’t mean anything, right? she was your best friend and you shouldn’t feel jealous. you always excused your feelings away by telling yourself it was just your anxious attachment talking. if something was going to happen between you and ellie it would have happened by now, and did you even want to risk fucking up your friendship?
whatever it was, it didn’t matter. you and kate had been together for 6 months now and things were good, you were happy.
it was 5:38pm on a friday evening and you and kate had a table booked for dinner at 7pm. you were sat on the floor applying your makeup, music blasting through your speaker, hyping yourself up.
you’d felt a bit lousy lately. nothing major just your clothes felt weird, it felt like you could never get your hair right, that kind of thing. you were excited for a night with your girlfriend, thinking it would make you feel better. your phone flashed beside you with a text.
kate 🩵
can’t wait for tonight baby, i’ll pick you up at 6:45 xx
you replied.
me too, see you soon xx
there were clothes thrown all over your bedroom floor from trying to find something to wear. once you’d settled on something you checked your phone. 6:43pm. kate would be here any minute. you sat on your sofa waiting, getting lost in thought when your apartment intercom buzzed. you buzzed her in and opened the door when you heard a knock.
“you look gorgeous,” kate said, wrapping a hand around your waist and pulling you in for a quick kiss.
“thanks, baby. so do you,” you smiled at her. she grabbed your hand and led you to the car. you mostly drove in a comfortable silence to the restaurant as it wasn’t far.
you were now sat at your table, opposite kate, sipping on your wine and enjoying the food. you talked about how your days had been and laughed about random inside jokes you had.
“so,” kate started, “how would you feel about going on holiday together? i was thinking we could go to california or something.”
a wave of excitement came over you.
“oh my god, i’d love to.”
“great, we can have a look and work it out in the next couple of days.” kate beamed at you and put her hand on your knee under the table. you leaned over and kissed her.
after you’d finished dinner you went back to kate’s place. you both kicked your shoes off as soon as you got inside and with giddiness from the holiday proposal and the wine you had drunk, you flung your arms around her shoulders, pulling her into a slow, giggly kiss. her hands went to your waist as she held you close, walking you both slowly towards the bedroom. you were pushed up against the door for a second whilst she blindly searched for the handle.
“i love you,” you breathed out.
she smiled against your lips, “i love you too.”
the door opened and you both fell into the room, clumsily making your way towards the bed.
˚ · • . ° .
you were lying on your back in kate’s bed, feeling sweet and sleepy. you were both naked and she was fast sleep, her arm dangling across your stomach. you slowly slipped out, being careful not to wake her as you threw on a large t-shirt and some underwear and went to get a glass of water from the kitchen. the clock said it was nearly 1am and you saw you had a message.
ellie 👽
there’s a band playing at hazy tomorrow night, you free?
hazy was kind of like yours and ellie’s go to bar. it had the coolest decor, it was mostly queer people who went, and they always had good music on. you replied.
yeah definitely
you took another sip of water before going back to bed, kate still fast asleep.
you both didn’t wake up until about 10am, groaning and stretching as you did so.
“morning babe,” you heard a soft grumble from behind you. you turned to see her sleepy face looking at you.
“morning,” you smiled, “i’ll make us some coffee.”
you got up and made your way into the kitchen, leaning against the counter whilst the coffee machine did it’s thing.
ellie 👽
cool, they’re meant to start playing at 8
what you doing today?
i’m free this afternoon if you wanna hang out earlier?
you took the coffees back to bed, handing one to kate who had put some clothes on. she thanked you, taking a sip.
ellie 👽
i can come over at 3?
yeah sounds good, see you later
you saw her like your message before you put your phone down, taking a sip of coffee.
“what time are you working again?” you asked kate.
“12, so need to get ready soon,” she drew small, lazy circles on your bare thigh as you sat cross legged next to her. “you doing much today?”
“i’m gonna go home and tidy up a bit, then ellie’s coming over. there’s a band playing at hazy tonight so we thought we’d go.”
“oh nice, sounds like a good day,” she said, smiling at you.
you finished your coffees and you scrolled through tiktok as you watched kate get ready for work, before eventually getting ready to leave yourself.
“text me when you get home, love you,” she said, giving you a quick kiss before getting into her car.
“i will, love you.” you waved bye and put your headphones in to walk home. it was about a 20 minute walk but you liked walking, it was a good opportunity to listen to music and daydream.
once home, you quickly messaged kate that you were home safe and then sighed as you dropped your bag onto your bed, taking in the mess you’d made last night.
“fuck sake,” you mumbled, starting to lazily fold everything up and put it away. throwing a few things in a haphazard pile to go in the laundry. after that was done you took a shower and put on some fresh clothes. you didn’t even realise the time when your apartment intercom buzzed. you heard ellie’s voice say “hey, it’s me” before you buzzed her in. you opened the door before she could even knock.
“hey, i brought some food if you’re hungry,” she said, dumping the shopping bag on your kitchen counter. it looked like it had your favourite crisps/chips, some salsa, some strawberries, bottles of coke and a couple other snacks.
“oh thanks,” you smiled. she was wearing a t-shirt underneath a button up shirt with the sleeves pushed up, exposing her tattooed forearms.
you got out a couple of plates and started emptying the snacks onto them. ellie leaned on the counter, watching you until you handed one to her.
you both sat on the sofa, your legs bumping into each other and you subconsciously moved over slightly so you weren’t touching. it felt like you shouldn’t really be sat that close, even though it wasn’t a big deal. out the corner of your eye you couldn’t tell if you could see a small smirk on her face or not.
you put on a random true crime documentary you’d been watching whilst you ate, even though you were barely listening to it as you talked.
“–it was fucking hilarious,” ellie laughed hard, her head going back, as she recounted when you had massively embarrassed yourself in a karaoke incident last week with dina when the three of you had gone out.
“god it was so embarrassing,” you held your head in your hands, laughing but your cheeks had heated up with the flashbacks.
“that was probably one of the drunkest i’ve ever seen you, and i’ve seen that a lot,” she grinned at you, getting a kick out of how flustered you were.
“fuck you, stop,” you giggled, playfully shoving her. her hand instinctively flying up to yours, grazing it before you took it back. you both just looked at each other for a moment, still smiling at the memory.
“you wanna carry on playing that video game?” she asked. you said yes and took the plates to the kitchen whilst she set it up on your tv. video games were one of the things you and ellie had first bonded over when you met and you’d always played them together ever since. you both had intense game rage so pretty much no matter what game you were playing, whether it was a horror game or a fucking gardening simulator, you’d both always be yelling out curses and generally just being loud. you obviously played a lot of multiplayer games, but sometimes you’d play singer player games and just watched each other.
you also both accidentally became very touchy. as in you’d be sat close enough together that your thighs touched. this was just so that you could both see the screen clearly. obviously. you’d be able to shove each other with your shoulders constantly, or if there was a jumpscare you’d scream and your hands would rush to grab each other. you didn’t mind. it had always been this way between you.
you played the game for a couple hours, becoming entirely engrossed in it. it was called it takes two and essentially, it was about two parents getting a divorce and after they tell their daughter, she plays with two dolls who look like her parents and pretend they’re not splitting up. the parents then turn into these tiny dolls and they have to put their differences aside in order to work together to get back to normal. it was hilarious and frustrating.
“what the fuck are you doing!?” ellie yelled.
“i’m trying to jump onto this thing.”
“no no you need to pull that lever first.”
“i fucking did!”
“well i can’t fucking move so you need to push it the other way.”
“you’re the one who told me to do it this way!”
“no i didn’t!”
“ellie… yes you did!”
she snickered at you. “whatever, just move it again.”
“my god, so bossy,” you muttered under your breath, jokingly.
“what was that?” she joked, nudging your arm, pretending she didn’t hear you.
“i said,” you looked at her, “you’re being bossy.”
your eyes were playful and the corners of her mouth fought against a wide smile. it took her brain a second to register a response. she looked back at the screen, and shook her head, not being able to come up with anything clever.
“just fucking do it.”
you smirked to yourself for winning that mini dispute, but did what she said and pushed the lever the other way so her character could move. you played for a while longer before you paused and checked the time.
“i need to get ready.”
“okay, we should probably order some food, what do you feel like?”
“pizza?” you said, heading towards your bedroom, ellie absentmindedly following you as you talked.
“cool, i’ll order some.”
“thanks, i’ll transfer you half of whatever it is.”
“no you don’t need to,” she said, leaning against your bedroom door frame as you raided through a draw.
“you never let me pay,” you huffed.
she just laughed, watching you faff around your room. eventually, you picked out a different top, not bothering to change your jeans. ellie was still leaning on the door frame, but was looking at her phone.
you ripped your top off, leaving you in just a bra and you applied some more deodorant. you didn’t really think much about changing in front of ellie, you’d known each other long enough that you’d both done it before. you probably wouldn’t if you were getting completely undressed, but it was just your top. besides, she probably wasn’t even paying attention. you didn’t notice her sneaking a quick glance at the line going down the middle of your back. you put the new top on and grabbed your makeup bag.
“how long does it say the pizzas gonna be?” you asked. ellie moved to sit on the end of your bed, leaning back until she was supporting her weight on her forearm, her knees dangling off the edge.
“about 10 minutes.”
she watched as you put make up on. silently admiring how much care you took with each step. you were sat on the floor with your back to her but caught her eye in the mirror. it made you a bit nervous for some reason.
“what are you doing?” you laughed.
“watching how the fuck you do all of that,” she mused.
“it’s not that hard, i pretty much just do the same look every single time anyway,” you said, patting blush on your cheeks with your fingertips.
“it’s still fun to watch,” ellie said, pulling out her phone again. when the pizza arrived, she answered the door for them. you ate, finished spritzing yourself with perfume and pulled your converses on.
“let’s go.”
˚ · • . ° .
you arrived at hazy about 10 minutes before the band were due to start playing. you could see them in the corner, finalising their set up. it was busy inside and ellie put her hand on your lower back to guide you through the crowd towards the bar.
“hey guys,” nadine, the girl behind the bar greeted you both. as you and ellie came here a lot, they all knew you. “what can i get for you?”
ellie looked at you and gestured for you to order first.
“i’ll have a corona, please,” you said and ellie said she’d have the same, whilst reaching into her back pocket to get her card out.
“no, els, i’m paying,” you grabbed her hand tightly to stop her and quickly tapped your card on the machine. nadine chuckled to herself and handed you both your drinks.
ellie laughed and rolled her eyes at you as you weaved your way through the crowd to a free table near where the band were just starting to introduce their first song.
you both sipped your drinks and watched them perform, subtly swaying a little to the beat in your chair.
“they’re really good,” ellie leant over to say in your ear, you could hardly hear each other otherwise.
“yeah, really good.”
after a couple more songs had been played you got up to go the bathroom. on your way back you got some more beers.
“thanks babe,” ellie said as you placed one in front of her. she didn’t do it a lot, but she’d always occasionally called you babe. you were sure it was just a flippant nickname but you couldn’t help but enjoy it every time.
˚ · • . ° .
it was well into the night now and you were both drunk and dancing, along with most of the people in here. ellie wasn’t much of a dancer but she had no problem holding your waist as you swayed to the music and holding your hand when you laughed and span around, accidentally falling into her. your free hand landing on her shoulder to steady yourself and she laughed at your clumsiness.
it took you a minute to realise how close you had gotten, bodies practically against each other, but you made an attempt to compose yourself.
“you okay?” she asked. her hand felt hot on your waist.
“yeah,” you leaned in closer to her ear so she could hear you, “i’m just gonna go to the bathroom.”
she let you go as you stumbled through the dancing bodies. after peeing, you washed your hands and leant on the sink, staring at yourself in the mirror. you were having a fun night with ellie as always but you were also aware that you were getting to that flirty stage of being drunk so you silently ordered yourself to pull yourself together before exiting the bathroom.
you could see a girl talking to ellie. she’s pretty, you thought. you slowly made your way over there, not wanting to interrupt but also not wanting to be suddenly left alone. as you got closer you could see the girl’s face drop and she left.
“who was that?” you asked, taking your drink back from ellie.
“just a girl asking for my number.”
“oh yeah? did you give it to her?”
“no,” she said, and you could’ve sworn you saw a hint of embarrassment flash through her eyes.
“why not?”
“i didn’t want it.”
“but she’s cute?”
“yeah, well. i’m here with you so,” she smiled at you, licking her lips and tilting her head slightly.
you tried and failed to stop yourself from smiling so wide. “you’re such a loser, ellie.”
˚ · • . ° .
you stumbled home with ellie after you’d offered for her to crash on your sofa. you hauled a spare duvet out from a cupboard and laid it on the sofa for her. she flopped down, lying on her back, mumbling out a thanks. you were going to take a glass of water to bed with you so you poured her one as well, spilling it slightly as you put it down on the floor next to her.
“oh fuck,” you giggled, “never mind.”
“thanks,” she said, looking up at you. you smiled before shuffling off to bed.
you heard her call out, “night babe.”
you yelled a “night” back and flung yourself onto your bed, making feeble attempts to remove your makeup before stripping off and slipping under the covers.
an: so as i said before, this will probably have multiple parts, i hope you enjoyed part one! also, i’m from the uk so if any info about travelling around the us is wrong, my bad, and hazy is a made up bar so if that’s a real place, that’s purely a coincidence and it’s not based on it. anyway, let me know what you think of this so far, i’m really excited for it💜💜
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