#….also if you’re bored can you do how many posts i’ve posted on my whole existence as a blog???
September 2022: 2 posts October 2022: 8 posts November 2022: - December 2022: 24 posts January 2023: 16 posts
February 2023: 49 posts
March 2023: 130 posts
April 2023: 33 posts
May 2023: 152 posts
huh wtf that’s actually horrifying data, I do see how you came to that conclusion lmao
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pdpenpals · 2 months
hihi! i was wondering if i could get a romantic letter from phoenix drop high gene? she/they pronouns please :)
and for the context of the letter, maybe Gene & Reader recently started dating but can’t text because Reader is away at an academic sleep away camp (preferably centered around literature/writing)? Reader is on the more academic/nerdy side and not officially part of the SK so them doing these kinds of programs is their usual summer thing but it’s the first time Gene and Reader have been away from eachother since they started dating
tysm <33
hihi!! thanks for sending this in, i think this prompt’s absolutely adorable!
unrelated but speaking of literature whenever i see gene now that i’m older i think of heathcliff (more of the name) or the phantom for some reason.
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your entire being perks up at the mention that a letter’s arrived, and your heart races as you go through who could have possibly sent it in your head. the moment you have it in your hands, you can almost tell exactly who it’s from. the envelope’s a dark gray, close enough to be black. there are stickers all over its back next to your name and address, same goes for the front. opening it, you catch a whiff of someone familiar’s cologne. that cheeky bastard. 
you notice almost immediately that there’s not only a letter inside, but a bunch of printed photos and some unused stickers. after finding a spot to settle your new goodies upon, you get comfy and get to reading.
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Hey cutie. Miss me yet? 
Heard a fair’s coming to town soon. I think it’ll still be there when you get back. There should even be fireworks on the last day. We can go there if you wanna.
Other than that, nothing much happened today. Dante was out, and I had the house to myself for a good portion of the afternoon. Without sugarcoating it, I was bored out of my mind.
It took me a while to figure out my texts or calls weren’t getting through to you. Mom must have seen how frustrated I was about it, so she shared some of her spare stationery with me as a last resort. She said something about wanting to hear about how your summer’s been doing so far.
That’s all the small talk I can handle for today. You might get too tired of staring at only words for too long over there, so you might want to check out the pics taken these past few days. The stickers are from Zenix and Sasha by the way, they also say hi.
Kidding aside, I know how much this whole camp thing means to you.  But I’ve been feeling weird ever since you left. It’s weirder knowing you’re not nearby. When you’re not a walk or a call away. Even though I know exactly how many days and many hours are left until you come back.
Sappy shit out the way, I decided to read that one book you lent me at random. I’m not sure you remember it much since you hurriedly gave it to me without a second thought, but it’s that really old one about the day before the world ends. All that apocalyptic and sad shit. Even though I didn’t get it, I guess it was nice that Vincent and Leticia got their happy ending. To be honest, the book overall didn’t stand out to me much, but the concept of having one day left to live sure did.
If I knew the world was going to end tomorrow I would
Y’know, maybe it’s for the best I save it for when we meet again in person, so you better come back home in one piece, yeah?
With an aching heart and hand, Your Gene, who misses you terribly
PS. I feel like you’ve been rubbing off on me recently, state-of-mind-wise. While it’s not that bad, it gives me the chills.
PPS. If not having you near me hasn't driven me insane yet, I definitely will go mad if this letter doesn't make it to you. Especially after all I've put my wrist through just for this. Maybe I should visit the post office a few more times?
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kamianya-ttv · 1 year
You’re not lazy, you’re neurodivergent:
A post on executive dysfunction, ADHD inattentiveness and hyperfocus, and whatever else occurred to me as related as I originally wrote this for twitter.
If you’re like me, you’ve probably been called lazy by people in your life. But the thing is, there’s almost no-one (if anyone) who’s actually lazy. And I promise you, if you’ve felt guilty because there are things you should be doing and can’t get them done? You are NOT lazy.
I'll get to executive dysfunction, the main focus of this thread in a moment. Because I want to start by talking about ADHD and hyperfocus.
Is it hard for you to pay attention to things you don't enjoy, but can focus for hours on things you do?
Does the world ever disappear to the point you forget to eat/drink while you're working? Can you suddenly get days worth of work done in a short amount of time, but only once it's the last minute, or when you get into the zone? But you don't necessarily have control over getting into that mode?
The reason this is related to this thread is that often this is the "proof" that you're lazy. Look, if you're interested you get things done! Look at how much you can do when you "just make yourself" or "just focus"! Clearly you just don't want to do the thing.
I can't tell you how many days I've sat there trying to get into a zone that's eluding me, losing sleep and feeling guilty, just to finally hyperfocus in the final day and pull out a miracle.
But I have ZERO ability to force it (I have tricks! but it's not the same).
Hyperfocus often gets brought up as a "you can't have ADHD, look how focus on the things you enjoy! Look what happens when you do focus!"
But actually, it's a major aspect of inattentive ADHD!
So, that's why hyperfocus matters in this convo.
Now onto Executive Dysfunction.
To start with, a quick note: Executive dysfucntion is not just an ADHD thing. It's an aspect of a lot of different neurodivergencies.
Also, this is primarily from my perspective as a person with ADHD, I'd love to hear your versions of these experiences!)
I like to describe executive dysfunction as "the start button isn't there."
Also, this isn't just for chores or boring things.
Have you ever sat there going "I want to game" but it just never happens?
I sure have!
When you have executive dysfunction, this means that starting tasks can be near impossible. You just can't get yourself to start it. Often, you may sit there staring at the document with the blinking cursor, or looking at the stove, or glancing at the full laundry basket, etc
But again, there's no start button. You just can't do the thing. Which makes it really hard when people tell you to just focus, or that you could do it if you just cared, or that you're just lazy.
Because we want to do the thing! We do!
(I mean, okay, want may be a strong word sometimes, I never WANT to do chores, but it's still not an intentional putting it off. It's more an "I need to do this thing, I know I need to, I want it to be done, but I can't get myself to do it")
Now for me, and many with ADHD, once someone points out you haven't done the thing, or when the deadline comes close, suddenly the start button appears
Which again, people use as proof you totally could have done the thing the whole time.
So clearly you were just lazy & are only doing it cause you got yelled at/prodded/nagged.
But this isn't true, there was no start button!
@adhd-alien has a PERFECT comic on this: https://twitter.com/ADHD_Alien/status/1138475368191598594
Now, we learn tricks to deal with this. Or meds may help.
For me, I find ways to enforce outside deadlines, or I'm more likely to have. a start button for something I'm doing with/for other people.
But ultimately, our brains just don't work the same.
So for someone where the start buttons are always there, who assumes everyone is the same as them, it looks like we're actively making the choice not to hit start.
So they call us lazy, unable to see us desperately trying to hit a button that's just. Not. There.
Now, add on to this all the other comorbidities that come with neurodivergency, we almost never have just one thing. Add on physical disabilities or chronic/invisible illnesses or chronic pain or fatigue.
All of these make it so much harder.
There are SO many things that affect our abilities to get things done.
For example, I had a doctor appointment four days in a row (OT, neurologist, OT, infusion). I also helped schedule an event, and did a stream.
Before MS and chronic pain that would be nothing.
I could have done SO much more, filled my days with getting things done.
Now? I'm spending today on the couch, recovering before my stream tonight.
And I have to fight so much guilt, because I feel like I should be doing more. But my body just CAN'T.
Do you feel guilty, but you just can't start the thing?
Is there no start button?
Are you exhausted and your body is insisting you rest?
There are so many things that affect our ability to do things.
Brains, bodies, the world we live in.
But you're not lazy.
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bambishifts · 16 days
Can you explain a little bit about the change of appearance? I mean, it does not require surgeries? And can I become the most beautiful? How do I do it? I am new to the community. Thank you sweetie
hi anon!
yes i can. to answer your question no manifesting an appearance change has nothing to with surgery, tho i think it could, like if you assume that manifesting an appearance change will result in surgery in the 3d, but so far as i’ve seen it has nothing to do with surgery at its core.
appearance change is like any other manifestation, the law says that whatever you think/assume/believe in essentially persists on in your mind (mind = 4d) will reflect in the reality around you (3d).
4d —> 3d
not the other way around.
when it comes to manifesting anything the most important thing is consistency in the favourable thoughts and persistence in your desire.
so if you are on tumblr you will see a lot of “just chose it to be done and it is!” which sure, if you say “i have xyz” then you do, but if you are new to loa i think that concept may be hard to grasp, as the whole “anything is possible” is hard to grasp as well at times.
if you are a beginner i think it’s best to focus on a specific manifestation method, whichever you like most, if you don’t know which one, try them out!
you can affirm(out loud or in your head), script(in a notebook or phone notes), visualise, there is also the void, i know many use it to manifest i personally do not, but there are plenty of posts on the void state on tumblr.
so i personally prefer to affirm + visualise, i say you should pick a method that doesn’t bore you or tire you out, like of you dislike writing, don’t scrip.
as to how to manifest it’s pretty simple, you said you want to be the most beautiful so affirm, scrip and/or visualise you are.
“i am the most beautiful person on the planet.”
“i am drop dead gorgeous.”
“everyone looks at me when i enter the room because of how beautiful and stunning i am.”
those are just some examples of affirmations, i will say that it’s the best to affirm the way you talk and thunk normally, it just feels more normal to you.
so even when you do your method of choosing, you need to keep 3 things in you mind such as:
manifestation is happening always, right now your manifestation is conscious/intentional, but we manifest at all times, so you need to keep a mental diet, which means do not think against your desire! however we are all human and when that happens just think in favour of it. “i’m so ugly!” “uhm? no i am not? i’m literally the most beautiful person in the world!”
secondly, emotions do not manifest! if you are feeling sad that in no way shape or form affects the reality around you, however if you had a bad day and you’re all sad and start to think against your desire and spiral on why you don’t have it etc. that may affect your reality, but doesn’t necessarily have to it depends on you, if you persist in it for long enough. if you spiral just once again flip your thoughts and think in favour of your desire.
ignore the 3d! not like completely, while we manifest you continue loving how you did you just change the inner world - the mind - the 4d - in order to change the outer world - the reality around you - 3d, so if the 3d follows the 4d seeking evidence is pointless and may discourage you at times. and there is a lot of the time movement which you don’t see, it’s called “behind the scenes”, which i noticed happens a lot with sp (specific person) manifestation.
there is no logic in loass, manifestation isn’t supposed to be logical “but how can i become rich if i have 2 dollars!” well if you keep whining about having two dollars you persist in it, so you have two dollars… just persist in something else, we always think and we always believe into something so believe in the things favourable to your reality and to you.
if you need any more guidance my asks are open!
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pfhwrittes · 8 months
riffing off the poll i reblogged re: your blorbos doing top surgery. so these are some vague headcannons on how the members of tf141 would look after a reader post top surgery.
pairings: gaz x reader, soap x reader, simon x reader (romantic), john price & reader (platonic).
warnings: gaz refers to reader as babe and calls the reader handsome.
note: i’ve written this reader to be a trans man but can be read as anyone who wants top surgery. also i am firmly in the camp that you DON’T have to have surgery to be considered transgender or to have your gender respected. fuck knows it’s a hard enough process here in the UK, i can’t imagine my healthcare being stuck behind what is essentially a paywall.
gaz would be a sweetheart. he’d get you drinks and painkillers. he’d move your cushions/pillows around as much as you wanted. he’d pretend not to see when you burst into tears over pain/relief/a weird sense of mourning and fear. he’d even help you to the bathroom and linger outside the door (unlocked, he’d insist on it being unlocked) in case you need help with anything. the man gets your favourite takeaway and doesn’t make a fuss when you only eat a little bit of it because you’re feeling a bit nauseous from the meds you’re on. checks on your drains and dressings and soothes you when you catch sight of the swelling. he reassures you with forehead and cheek kisses when you’re upset and reassures you with a gentle babe you’re so handsome and brave, i can’t wait for you to show off your chest when you’re feeling better.
price would handle it from a more professional perspective (i am not saying reader would be in the military but i am saying that the man deals with paperwork most of the time anyway so he’d handle it for your work). he’s already sent off copies of your medical note from the surgeon, he’s filled in the paperwork to get sick pay. less hands on than gaz (but that’s only because i can’t see price with a trans man in a romantic or sexual way) so he doesn’t overstep but as your friend he’ll bring you food if you ask and painkillers too. checks in with you and sends you book recommendations, music recommendations and the occasional meme (don’t try to tell me he wouldn’t send you memes. that man is a millennial he knows what a fucking meme is) when you’re well enough to complain about being bored.
simon would be kind of a dick about it. listen i don’t make the rules but he would. he’s supportive enough. he’d give you a ride back from the hospital and get you to wherever is the most comfortable but he’s a bit shit at looking after you (the man has no practice outside of emergency medical care). you’d have to text him to get you a drink or painkillers. healthy nutritious food? no. what flavour pot noodle do you want? never mind you’re getting a bombay bad boy because that’s all he’s got in the cupboard. emotionally he’s not great at expressing how he’s feeling about your recovery so he comes across as gruff but that’s mostly because he’s repressing a whole bunch of trauma and fear that things won’t go well. he won’t touch you apart from holding your hand when you ask because he’s worried he’ll mess up your stitches but still it comes across as a bit cold.
soap the darling man is just so fucking excited for you. it’s a bit much actually while you’re still recovering and yeah you end up snapping and it hurts his feelings a little but he’ll try to play it off as not a big deal. he’s just so happy for you (and for himself because he cannot wait to get his hands on you now that you’ll let him because your chest is the way you want it)! super affectionate, peppers you with kisses all over your face. he’s similar to gaz in that he’s all about making you as comfortable as possible and tries to preempt any requests you have (gets you bottles of water and can of irn-bru because that’s what he always wants when he’s feeling under the weather, grabs you as many snacks as you want). unlike gaz he’s enough of a freak to insist on being in the bathroom with you when you need to go, he says it’s to make sure you’re safe but he’s definitely using it as an excuse to touch you as much as possible until you’re fully healed up.
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beyonsatan · 11 months
Hi!! I’ve been taking a break from social media! I’m back to share more astrology wiz with everyone.
But before I even get into anything, I’m gonna add some books and resources that have shaped my philosophy as an astrologer (and hopefully I can pin this to the top of my page because I’ve been getting so many messages in my absence about where I’ve learned my doctrine)
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1. Hellenistic astrology: The study of fate and fortune” by chris Brennan. This book will take you on a historical dive within astrology. You will learn some very useful and yet obscure ancient astrology techniques that kinda temporarily got shoved into oblivion by pop astrology.
2. On the heavenly spheres by Helena Avalar. Reading this book is what really convinced me to throw modern astrology out the window and helped me to see how “not helpful” it was. You will see how much pop astrology kind of alleviates the truth. Only get this book if you’re interested in why I have such a distain for some very questionable mainstream modern astrology information.
3. Astrology and the authentic self by Demetria George. I wanna say that this book was the very first one I read and it doesn’t prioritize the meanings of the signs. When you first get into traditional astrology you’re gonna think it’s so boring because you quickly realize that the signs get their meanings from the planets and not just from themselves. You’ll read things like “Aquarius: enemy of the sun, preferred domicile of saturn” etc. Something to take into consideration is also the amount of daylight and nighttime and that goes on during that signs time of the year, Hellenistic astrologers as I know now take meanings from that as well.
4. Ancient astrology in Theory and Practice: a manual l of traditional techniques. This book is volume one and 2.
5. The house, temples of the sky by Deborah houlding. I wanna say that this woman is my TEACHER and I LOVE this book because this book will introduce you to an ancient perspective of the houses, the very first interpretation of the houses. This book does NOT associate any of the signs with the houses as none of the ancient astrologers did and especially not the valens.
6. The astrology podcast. Go to to YouTube and search up “the astrology podcast planets” and just start writing things down. You can also type in “3 misconceptions of (insert any sign)” and Adam elenbaas will pop up, he is a certified Hellenistic astrology so prepare to learn things about your sign you never knew.
6. The most expensive resource would be to go to astrology school which is 1300$ dollars at nightlightastrology.com and is a whole course. After you get the certificate you can call yourself a “certified Hellenistic astrologer.” if this is your passion and something you wanna be doing in the long term I highly recommend.
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I wanna close this post out by saying that Hellenistic astrology is the oldest form of horoscopic astrology, it is the source, the OG and it is where everything we know about astrology today came from. Anything that was taken and misconstrued LITERALLY came from Hellenistic astrology.
Hope this helps xx
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hurremsfirstchild · 4 months
You know, I have something that that’s always been weighing on my mind. The way you treat feyre as a character is baffling and disrespectful if I’m being honest.
Honestly, the reason why y’all don’t know how hard Feyre’s childhood was is because yall don’t understand what it is for a child that was forced to be a parent. What gets me the most is how some of your phrase what was doing as a child.
Some of y’all call her attention seeker or a martyr. Sonos says she has a savior complex. This is mostly because y’all don’t understand you don’t understand what it is for a child being forced to take care of a family all by herself.
Like things I’ve seen it’s very, very weird. Some of y’all say it’s unrealistic for feyre to be illiterate. Or it was just to aid to the plot. First and foremost don’t want to take care of the whole entire family. Feyre didn’t want to risk her life hunting every day for her family just to not get appreciated.
Some of your just need to respect these people because doing jobs like that is very very hard. And I know so many Feyre antis keep on saying, well no one told Feyre she should go hunt. She’s expected to do good deeds and come back with lots of appreciation.
It’s like you don’t have any empathy for her at all we can acknowledge Nesta and Elaine’s trauma but when it comes to feyre trauma itself, there’s always this big question mark there.
And we also can’t keep saying the fact that Nesta didn’t tell her to go out to hunt. Nesta didn’t tell her to go out. Yes you’re right. But she did contribute every damn time every time Feyre was out there doing something to hurt. She didn’t stop her. In fact, she wanted Feyre to be her provider and she didn’t say nothing.
Cause in the book, Feyre literally confronts Nesta. She comes from her because Nesta had been stealing money from Feyre and she always bought useless things. Nesta told her that she did that to motivate their dad then asked Feyre the reasonable question, which was what if he didn’t do anything do you know what Nesta said and I quotes “I knew you could get more”
Nesta knew how much her sister worked for the money. she knew anything is she willing to help her get the money back so if you said contribute to Feyre being forced to be a parent? Then why the hell was she say she knew Feyre specifically could get more? why couldn’t she get more since she spend the money?
My whole post is not about bringing Nesta. Elain or anyone down. The point I’m trying to make is the fact that Feyre didn’t want to be the provider of the family or be the parent of the family. All she wanted was to be alive. We can’t keep ignoring Farah as a character and just using the word she’s boring because you know she’s complex and you don’t want to admit it. She is a very complex character.
We need to acknowledge that being a child and being forced to be a parent to your whole entire family while your constantly been biting down like no one will say thank you no one acknowledge you exist. Your mom didn’t acknowledge that you existed until she died and she needed you to protect the family not because she cares about you but because she cares about the family her family she just doesn’t care about your childhood just about theirs. I just wish the whole entire fandom can understand Feyre as a character because always saying she’s boring. She’s not complex. She’s like a cardboard paper. We already know about her. She neither of these things. You just don’t know what box to group her in so you settle with boring.
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b3achysurfer · 9 months
SBG POST!! (hxh moots please ignore this 😓)
** disclaimer: DO NOT SEND HATE TO ANYONE!!!! whether or not they agree with what I’m going to say, please don’t send hate to them. if anything I say comes off as harsh/rude, just know that’s not my intention.
deadass wasn’t gonna say anything because I genuinely don’t care, but some of my friends/supporters are getting hate and it’s starting to annoy me. also my name got dragged in so it’s free game now 😛 **
posting this on my main for reach, but my side blog for sbg is @b3achysurfur !!
Someone sent me a post that was talking about how the fandom thinks it’s okay to hate Logan for being a nerd but not anyone else for the tropes they’re based on. They also said that people have been “getting defensive about their right to hate a charater”. The person probably has me blocked and won’t see this but idrc bc they were talking about me (to some extent).
no one is getting defensive about their “right to hate a character”. from what I’ve seen (and posted) it was just people pointing out how silly it is to say “oh you can’t hate this character 😡”. that’s literally it lmao. that’s not being “defensive”, it’s just pointing out how stupid you guys sound. also, it applies to you too? you can hate/like whoever you want.
“i'd be stabbed 27 times and set on fire for saying anything remotely bad about aiden but logan gets away scot free bc he's a ‘nerd’ and ppl simply dislike him bc of his trope? the double standards are just odd, that's what i'm addressing.” Scot-free? No I didn’t “get away scot free”. I got sent death threats, sm1 attempted to dox me, my dms were full of hate, and there was post after post of people saying things about me (some of which came from people you associate yourself with op). It just looks like I “got away scot-free” because I’m not a little bitch and can deal with backlash for my opinions.
you guys created this environment where everyone has to like everything! everyone has to feel the same way about everything! and a lot of you have this mob mentality and just follow the crowd instead of having you’re own opinions. There is no “double standard”. You guys hate on anyone and everyone for their personal opinions.
“what's the difference between them and everyone else? i'm "allowed to hate" these characters, but if i posted my opinion on someone like aiden, who is a mostly beloved character by the fandom, i'd get Rattled.” Nothing! There’s no difference! Only problem is none of you have the balls to express your opinions out loud. Not that I blame you tho, from my experience the fandom is very agressive when you disagree with them. And by the way, I was never “allowed to hate” Logan. Can’t even count how many people made posts saying, “dni if you hate Logan/any of the main cast” lol. Which also confuses me op. You can’t really complain about it when you’re apart of the problem, no?
“and anyways i'm talking abt the fact that people are defending beachy for their opinions, the majority of us dislike them but it's still insane the difference” I know people hate me, idrc ab that. but the fact that you complained about not being able to dislike any of the main charaters than added that you (as well as most of sbg tumblr) don’t like me bc of my opinion is so hypocritical. Do you not hear yourself?? Also people defend me because you guys get nasty quick. most of my posts are JOKES. yes I hate Logan, but I’m not being serious when I write things about him. Not to mention most the people who defend me now were at my thoart when we first started interacting.
Having different opinions on characters and vocalizing it is very important to fandom growth. You guys need to understand this. If you force everyone is like a charater then not only does it make the fandom boring to interact with it but it also creates drama. AKA THE WHOLE “LOWAR”. SHI WOULDVE NEVER HAPPENED IF I WAS ALLOWED TO DISLIKE LOGAN LMAO??? Not to mention, it allows you to see different perspectives and versions of the same charater just through someone else’s eyes. That’s why our fanon versions of charaters are just copy and paste of the canon versions. Because you guys never give anyone space to be creative. As soon as you don’t agree with it, you all jump on the person and make it a problem. It’s annoying.
If you don’t want to be attacked for your opinions on a charater then stop attacking others for their opinions. Obviously this problem won’t be fixed immediately but it’s one person at a time yk? Just know if you hate a character, you should expect at least a bit of backlash and debate. Shi I still argue with people and it’s been like 3 months. Just remember to be open minded, respectful, and have fun!!
“Hating” on a charater doesn’t have to be negative/drama. it’s you guys that make it into that. Relax a bit and have a little more fun. Or don’t, it’s ya life 🤷‍♀️
—- btw if you ever have a problem with me, talk to me about it or stfu. Stop attacking my friends/supporters. you can dm me, tag me in a post, send me an ask, comment, reblog, idc. I’ll respond (on my sbg side blog). Or just block and ignore me. Thanks ���
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merlucide · 14 days
HIII!! okay i saw your post abt having four months to “look good” and just to preface — i’m sure you’re already absolutely beautiful regardless but as someone who kind of did smth similar i figured i would share what helped me lose weight and look better and be sustainable about it without being restrictive or unhealthy (since that’ll lead to rebounding and regaining the weight as well as a host of other possible health issues which we don’t want 🙂‍↔️). disclaimer i’m in no way considered a professional or anything this is just what happened to work for me!! so take it w a pinch of salt (and also i hope this isn’t intrusive or rude or anything 😰 ik you asked for help but also idk since we’re not mutuals or anything i hope i don’t sound like a jerk or weird KFDNKSS feel free to delete if i do!!)
so the biggest thing to remember is no food is necessarily bad or good it’s really about portion control and eating things in moderation!! i’ve lost weight while having chips and dessert every day 😭 if you want to be super scientific and guarantee you’ll lose weight you can calculate how many calories per day you need to maintain your current weight and then figure out what deficit you need to be in to lose it (lots of calculators online to figure this out) and measure food appropriately but to be honest this can make eating stressful and it’s a very hard mindset to break out of even once you’re at your “goal” so def be careful with that!! honestly just being cognizant of what you eat and only eating when you’re hungry instead of bored/thirsty (top tip is just drink a glass of water when you think you’re hungry and if you’re still hungry afterwards then you should 100% eat!! and if not then you were probs dehydrated) would probably be sufficient too
in terms of working out (resident gym lover here) the key is that it’s better to go less times but be consistent than trying to go everyday and burning out and quitting entirely!! i go to the gym 2-3x a week and then i have a horseback riding lesson once a week so i never really exercise more than 3 or 4 times a week which would probably make hardcore gym bros freak out but 🤷🏻‍♀️…if i’m ever too busy and miss a day (or an entire week LMAO) i don’t freak out either because muscle memory is strong and you won’t lose everything that quickly!! just get back to it when you can and remember that even going and only doing half of your exercises is better than doing none at all (i had a lot of trouble w the all or nothing mindset where if i didn’t feel up to doing EVERYTHING i was like ok well might as well not go but it’s been really helpful to remember that a lighter day is better than nothing)
as for the actual exercises i do i usually warm up with cardio which isn’t necessarily recommended but i do what i want and what works for me so idgaf 😭 when i first started working out i would go on the treadmill at a 12 incline and 3 speed for anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes depending on my mood but now i usually do a 15 incline because 12 is too easy…this is def dependent on you though find what works for you/what you enjoy and stick with that!! in order to get the “toned” look you’ll have to lift weights…trust me i hated the idea of lifting at first but it’s honestly pretty fun and you don’t have to go crazy!! i just use dumbbells KDJFJSJS nothing massive by any means just enough that i feel like my muscles are actually working 🤩 you don’t have to do a ton of exercises or use a million machines or anything either — just pick a few that you like doing and that target diff parts of your body (i really like RDLs, squats, and lateral pull downs) and stick w those ‼️ there’s also a million beginner’s guides to lifting with videos for form and all online that you can access for free too so definitely a lot of resources 🤞🏻 but if you’re not into the whole treadmill + lifting vibe then just pick any form of exercise you enjoy and be consistent with it because again even if it’s not as perfectly suited to weight loss or toning or whatever you will get 1000x more results if you keep exercising than if you do smth you don’t enjoy and quit within a couple of days
ALSO make sure to stretch after you workout!! i think i read somewhere that you build 300% more muscle if you stretch after exercising which idk if that’s true or not but why not do it if ykwim…also it helps if you’re lifting because your muscles can get tight and be more sore if you don’t stretch them out afterwards 😨 and music always helps like if you listen to hype music (i always go for meghan thee stallion) it makes working out sm more fun and enjoyable!! and as a side note i know personally i struggled a lot w gym anxiety and even now i hate being perceived at the gym but you really just have to remember that everyone there is doing there own thing and you have just as much of a right to be there as anyone else!! so ignore anyone who’s being annoying but also keep in mind that you’re probably overthinking it and no one is really concerned w what you’re doing ☝🏻
OKAY that was so much omg like i said if any of this doesn’t resonate def disregard it and also if you feel uncomfortable please feel free to ignore and delete this!! i wish you luck and you’ve got this i’m rooting for you!! but please remember that things like weight are arbitrary and at the end of the day the most important thing is how you feel about yourself — as long as you believe you are a baddie you will exude baddie energy no matter what 🙂‍↕️
oh my goodness
thank you so much 😭😭
This is seriously so, so so helpful 😭🙏
ugh this makes me feel so much better tysm😭 seriously this is such great advice tysm for taking the time to tell me this
I head to the gym about 2-3x a week I’d say and focus on legs and cardio ig?? I’ll def do the incline on the treadmill (weights scare me but I’ll woman up 🫡)
tysm for all of this info + and the kind words you made me feel very good 😭🙏
edit: do you know any good free websites to find which deficit I should do? 🫠
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ALRIGHTY HAIKYU RAMBLE TIME (you asked me about my favorite character but you have opened a large can of worms) (as I’m gonna talk about the show and my fav characters so this may get long)
I literally hate playing volleyball so much. When my sibling sat me down and forced me to watch this rando me anime about volleyball I was grumbling and complaining so much bro. I thought I would HATE it.
How was I so wrong????
this show has no right to be as AMAZING, WONDERFUL, BRILLIANT, CAPTIVATING, FANTASTIC, as it is!?!?!!!!
I was HOOKED after just a few episodes.
And fun lil fact this is the only show that has made me nearly cry! I had tears on the edges of my eyes!!!! I never cry during movies or shows! WHY DID A VOLLEYBALL ANIME NEARLY MAKE ME CRY!?!?!? (I’m not complaining I love it so much)
A volleyball anime with four seasons? That’s gotta get repetitive right? WRONG. I do not know how on earth they do this but. every. Episode. Is so thrilling. EVERY ONE OF THEM. IT NEVER STOPS!!!
And to answer your question about my favorite character and why:
I love all the characters SO MUCH like I have a good couple of really good favorites. But I’d say (and to avoid spoilers for later seasons) Tanaka takes the cake.
HE IS SO GOOFY AND INSANE I LOVE HIM SO MUCHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! AND YES YES YES BIG BRO VIBES!!!! (I have so many specific scenes I wanna scream abt but I don’t think they take place in season 1 so no spoilers for youuuuuuuuuu!) but asuhdgadgiauscbiwudcbiwcydbiwydcbwuicbwuicbiuwd Tanaka is literally amazing. And he only gets better. All of the characters get so. Much. BETTER.
And me saying I love Tanaka this much does NOT mean I don’t love all the other characters almost the same. THEY ARE ALL SO AMAZING HELP
All of the third years are so kind but also so hilarious and older brothers to the whole group!! Hinata is the goofiest lil guy and I LOVE watching him in the backgrounds! He’s always jumping around and doing goofy stuff!! Hinata is definitely up there with my favs (as I write this so many scenes are coming to mind) and Nishanoya has so many wonderful moments with Asahi and Tanaka it’s WONDERFUL!!
Also have you seen the tall blond guy with glasses yet and his friend? I love them very much, especially in later seasons!!
Also after you watch the season one finale, I’d love to hear your thoughts because that is one doozy of an episode. (It’s my fav episode I think)
I love how you’re only on season one and love it it so much (from what I can tell)! Every season just gets better and BETTER and more intense!!!!
Welp thank you for reading my rambles! I hope you have a wonderful day/night!
(Hehe my feeling that this was gonna get long was correct! Hopefully this made some sense if any XD)
Putting my response under the cut for the moots who will see this on their dash and don’t particularly want to read a super long post about Haikyuu XD
YES EXACTLY!!! I’ve never played volleyball (I’ve wanted to learn for a while though and this has gotten me excited about that again XD) BUT I GET SO EXCITED AND I LOVE THE SHOW MORE WITH EACH EPISODE!!!
OH!!! That’s interesting! And also as someone who gets way too attached to characters for my own good and cries way too easily over shows, I appreciate the heads up XD
GOOD TO KNOW!!! Right now I’m so pumped for every single match (they’re doing the tournament right now? I think?) and I’m getting energized just by watching them all be so hyped! So I’m so glad that continues and it doesn’t get boring!!! :D
YESS TANAKA IS GREAT!!!! I’m SO GLAD he proved me wrong!! Like my initial reaction was just “oh. Look. It’s the angry one. You’re gonna be a loud and irritating jerk, aren’t you?” THIS JUST CLICKED IN MY HEAD and I don’t know if you’ll get the reference or not, but he reminded me of Pin from Kimi Ni Todoke! That’s where that instinctive “I don’t like you” came from! But yeah, I WAS SO WRONG AND I’M SO GLAD!! YES HE’S SUCH A GOOF!!! He’s just so endearing and HE GETS BETTER????? HOW? IS THAT?? POSSIBLE????
YES YOU GET IT!!!! Like, Hinata and Nishinoya are tied for being my favroite but only by like a sliver of an inch!!! The others are all SO GOOD!!!
YES!! I didn’t talk about Daichi and Asahi in my post but I love them so much too!!! Daichi is so reliable and level-headed and I LOVE that he’s just an older brother to the whole entire group!! And Asahi is such a subversion of expectations!! I love that he’s one of (if not) the least inclined to pick fights and start yelling at people despite being the most physically intimidating!
AGGHH I LOVE HINATA SO MUCH!!! His energy and excitement are contagious!! Same with Nishinoya! (He just has the added bonus of being the shortest member of the team AND big brother vibes [I’m a sucker for sibling duos who aren’t actually siblings XD])
Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, right? Yes!! Right now Tsukishima gets on my nerves, but I like Yamaguchi a lot!! I feel kinda bad for him honestly? Like the vibe I’m getting from them as a duo is that Tsukishima is Yamaguchi’s comfortable person and Yamaguchi follows him around like a duckling as a result. But then Tsukishima kinda just ignores him?? Idk I could totally be misreading this. REGARDLESS, I can’t wait to see Yamaguchi’s serve in action! I haven’t seen anything about it since he asked to be taught, so as much as I love the others I’m kinda hoping something happens so he gets some game time here soon? And I’m sure Tsukishima will either get better or more tolerable over time! Right now I just don’t like him because he’s being mean to the sunshine XD
ABSOLUTELY!! I’ll probably need to get it out of my system anyway, so that works out well!! :D
Yes! I get invested in shows for the characters, so for me watching Haikyuu is just
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THEY’RE ALL SO GOOD!!!! WHY DID I NOT WATCH THIS SOONER!? I get what you’re saying but like that’s so hard to imagine because it’s SO GOOD right now!!! XD
Thank you for rambling!!! I don’t have anybody to talk to about Haikyuu irl so getting to be excited about it with you was SUPER FUN!!
(Also explanation: You mentioned in the tags that your ears were ringing, so that’s what I was asking about. I probably should’ve clarified that XD)
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prismaticflare · 2 months
Okay, enough with the positives, lets talk flaws. I wish I could say there weren’t any, but I am not a liar. Warning, spoilers along with swearing and excessive caps lock.
Also am being pretty blunt here. I did overall enjoy the movie a lot, but if you’re reading my criticisms, I doubt you want me to sugar coat them, so I won’t. If you don’t want the negativity, that’s totally fine! A movie doesn’t have to be perfect for you to like it, and, again, I ENJOYED THIS MOVIE! So, feel free to skip this post and enjoy the rest of my autism fueled happy rants! However, if you want to hear my honest criticism, here you go.
Firstly, ending was fucking awful. I will be making a whole post alone on it just because of how much it sucked. Also wont did into the problems with the time travel, other than one major one at the end. Time travel in ANY show is a horrible idea.
Choreography was garbage. Every single song had the same dynamic. The main singer was at the center while a triangle of backup dancers flailed around in the back. If you don’t know, I’ve done dance for a large portion of my life, and have a background in ballet among many other styles, so I know for a FACT they could have done better. And its not just that it was bad. D1-D3 were no chorographical masterpieces, but DROR felt as if it was HIGHLIGHTING IT! YOU COULD NOT ESCAPE THE JOJO SIWA ASS FLAILING. WHAT THE HELL!
That one ponytail on Bridget was a hate crime. I’ve never really been a wig snob, I though Mal’s D3 wig was fine although apparently it wasn’t, but if I can tell a wig is bad, you need to burn it.
Although Uliana (aka my wife) was the best thing in this world, the rest of the Merlin-Era VKs were meh. They tried to recreate the Sea Three dynamic and did it, but it wasn’t good. I actually liked Morgie better than Gil, but that’s because I never liked Gil as I am a firm hater on comic relief characters, and Morgie is the same exact things although he gets glowey eyes so that’s better than Gil. Hook was just Harry but boring and no longer a whore (non-derogatory), and the rest of them could be erased from the show and nothing would change.
Speaking of characters, WHAT WAS GOING ON WITH MADDOX!? I didn’t finish the newest book, but unless something CRAZY happens at the end, these are two different characters. I suspect this is another crime of Disney not telling Melissa de la Cruz enough, or maybe it was bad writing on her end (wouldn’t be the first time,) but still was lame.
Also, this might just be me, but the way they handled Carlos rubbed me the wrong way, although that was a decision from the wedding animation that I always hated. They could have just pretended they never did that, but I understand why they didn’t. Still made me hella uncomfy.
As of now I think that’s about everything, although there were quite a few minor things. I won’t list them all off as I don’t want to nitpick, but just to name a few…
Flamingo CGI hurt my eyes
So This Is Love was D1 Be Our Guest coded (derogatory)
Tried too hard to recreate D1-D3 although they actually had a fine plot without it
Uliana’s “perfect revenge” was boring. Go with Hades’ idea and burn her. Much better (also will mention this in ending chapter)
IDK how a sequel (which they hinted at) would work since they literally said Mal, Ben, Jay, and Evie are just on a trip. Are they not gonna come back?
Speaking of which, such a lazy excuse. Just say they died. If you did it for Carlos, you can do it for them
Didn’t have my bbgrl Lonnie
See you soon for my final part of this chat. The one I hate the most. The End
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bookishfeylin · 11 months
I joined this fandom loving Feyre, loving Feysand, loving the IC, just overall loving everything about the books. As such, I looked at the super pro-Feysand and such content. This was a mistake, as the longer I spend on diehard stan content, the more I want to punch walls. There's nothing wrong with loving Feyre, or even thinking Feysand is a cute couple you ship, but there are people who just deny them of ever having done wrong (not even to each other, just in general), or that Sarah didn't make some major oversights. The big thing I think of is Feyre as a high lady. I actually liked the whole "high lady" thing when I first read the series, but now I'm realizing how stupid it is. Feyre is wonderful, but she is still a 20 year old who has no formal training in accounting, in leadership, in politics, or any of the necessary requirements. You can't run for president until at least 35 for a reason. She can be as sweet as she wants, and host all the free painting classes, and be as motherly as possible, but when push comes to shove that won't lead a country. These people out here claiming "ah yes, Rhysand is pretty much retired at this point Feyre leads the whole nation and she's just the perfect High Lady" yadda yadda yadda, no. Also, I've discovered some people stan her destruction of the Spring Court? I'm not even pro Tamlin and I can accept that is absolutely not cool. Was it largely his own fault? Sure! But there was a necessary catalyst, and that's what they refuse to accept.
Anyway I'm just babbling at this point, but very few people in this fandom actually accept that Feyre is capable of wrongdoing (and that's okay! perfect characters are boring to read! you can love characters despite them being flawed!) AND can bear to tolerate a difference of opinion. Curate your fandom experience how you want it's your life, but don't be shocked when someone comes in with a valid point.
You've probably answered this 8000 times before, but what's your opinion on the whole "High Lady" thing?
Hi anon! This entire ask was such a pleasure to receive, and your ranting is perfectly fine (goodness knows I rant a LOT on a lot of my analysis posts in particular—). I actually have feelings™️ about the fall of Spring (though that is a post for another time and it’s something I’ve talked about before but I’ll keep from discussing it here so this post won’t be too long lol), but the High Lady thing is also something I have strong opinions on as well.
While I do understand Feyre's age and political inexperience being something that people get hung up on, I haven’t talked about it as much mainly because it’s not as big of a stickler for me. The main issue, for me, with the title of High Lady is that it is an empty title. No amount of Rhysand saying “look you have droplets of power from other people clearly you’re a ruler” changes that Feyre was not actually hand picked by magic to rule as defined by the (admittedly barebones) magic system we get. I talk about it more in this post, but ACOTAR 1 spells out that Hugh Lords are chosen by magic and as a result have a unique connection to their land and people. (PLEASE go read that post for the exact quotes I use and my discussion of said quotes!) Feyre lacks this connection, and is therefore not a real High Lady in any sense. It is merely an empty title, given to her to placate her and make her (and by extension her fans) feel like she has more power in her unbalanced relationship than she does, which is why she and many Feysand stans were blindsided by Rhysand's actions in ACOSF.
I say this, not maliciously, because anyone who’s read my content for any long period of time knows I’m actually very fond of book 1 Feyre in particular, but to point out that it’s merely another tactic by Rhysand to manipulate her. Feyre is left completely vulnerable and completely at her husband's mercy due to her incorrect belief that she has more power in their dynamic than she actually does, a dynamic that is showcased and exploited to the worst degree in ACOSF, and it’s largely possible because Feyre is not a legitimate High Lady in the full sense of the title who is owed her subjects loyalty and devotion the same way her husband is. It’s very tragic, actually, and it’s wild to me that the whole fandom fell for it.
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mehoymalloy · 4 months
I’ve been thinking about sending you an anon for awhile! I wanted to say that when I first say your Otohan/Imogen fics i was really confused on why- but then one night I was bored so I began reading them and absolutely fell in love with your writing. The way you write Otohan to begin with and the relationship you’ve conjured up is kind of insane in a really good way. I don’t know what I was expecting, but I’m very happy I gave a ship I was very against a shot because you are very incredible.
I’m looking forward to more information on the judicator au! I know you’re working on it with someone else (I’m pretty sure I remember seeing that) so I wish you both the best with it. And cant wait for any updates you have on… like… anything. (No but seriously I really am stoked for the judicator au anything you say about it I will eat up like someone starved in the desert please feel free to share more- :) if you want to ofc)
Wow, talk about making my morning (day, week, month, year)! I honestly cannot thank you enough for not only giving my writing and this ship a chance, but also taking the time to send me such a kind and wonderful message to let me know. Messages like this seriously mean the world to me, so genuinely, thank you so much.
The one thing about planning a fic in full like this before publishing it is that every snippet I could share feels like a spoiler. So instead, please accept these random scraps of worldbuilding details and tidbits!
First and foremost, I truly would not be writing this AU without @inomakani. She encouraged me to go wild in our DMs talking about it, helped me solidify a lot of the plot details, and offered her own ideas whenever I got stuck deep-diving into the nitty gritty details (as I so often do). For example, she helped conceptualize Imogen's pseudo-permanent dorm room with a very cool and cozy layout. Here's just a tiny piece of the amazing floorplan she made that she'll likely post in full when the fic is published.
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To further emphasize how awesome this whole project of hers was (because she really did plan ALL of Imogen's room; I simply gave the final 'ok'), here's my far simpler layout of the Aydinlan Seminary's campus:
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Furthermore, Ino has contributed immensely to the wider worldbuilding (something she truly excels at). As a sort of silly but no less brilliant example, here's one of the cantrips she came up with for the in-universe encyclopedia of kink, Mistress' Magical Manual of Kink (mentioned in this snippet of how Imogen finds the book to begin with):
Conceptus Interruptus Level:: Cantrip Casting Time:: 1 Action Range/Area:: Touch Components:: S Duration:: 7 days School:: Abjuration Attack/Save:: CON Save Source:: Apocryphal Reproduced In:: Maya's Magic, Maladies, and Medicine Reproduced In:: Mistress' Magical Manual of Kink Reproduced In:: Wizard Sex-Ed at the Aydinlan Seminary A spell seemingly as old as time itself, this cantrip has no confirmed source. Rumors abound that it originated in the days before the calamity in the once-great city of Aeor, but nearly as many claim it came from the earliest days of the plane-hopping elven city of Syngorn. Considered to be a crucial part of any sex-education course, it is taught to magic practitioners as a matter of practice. Similarly, magical items with the spell cast on them can be found in most self-respecting magic shops. The spell subtly changes the recipient's physiology to destroy gametes in the body for the duration of the spell. This makes it an effective form of period protection as well, though this was not discovered until the sexual health work done by Maya Ayad in Maya's Magic, Maladies, and Medicine. The spell may be dismissed by the caster at any time, but gametes must subsequently be regenerated by the body, which may take up to a month.
I would also absolutely be remiss if I didn't give Imogen glasses in the "Imogen is a Huge Nerd AU" (they're round, bronze-colored, and wire-framed, attached to a matching chain she wears around her neck because the bridge is just a little too wide and frequently slips down her nose; Professor Kai gave her his old pair when her and Liliana first arrived at the Seminary, and at this point it's a sentimental quirk Imogen can't bring herself to fix). The frames and temples are etched with teeny glyphs that provide Darkvision as well as the ability to magnify (and yes, please imagine that Imogen's eyeballs appear comically large when that spell is activated lol).
And finally, while I can't share much about Otohan themself and all the theorizing we've done on judicators in general, I can share this little detail about one of the more passive abilities they have, since it's mentioned in the opening of the fic.
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Again, thanks so much for sending me such a kind message! I hope this absolute overload of random headcanons can feed you while we work on the main course!
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l1fe0njup1ter · 1 year
s3ph0r@ tips 😋
idk how bad it is in the US but disclaimer this is coming from me, a canadian 🤪
be aware of ur surroundings !!!
seems obvious but a lot of people say to act like a normal shopper and just ignore everyone else. but honestly, normal shoppers react to people squeezing by, they’ll look around to see things. lots of sephoras are crowded and you wont notice if there’s an SA right behind you. keep an eye out or bring a friend. also, certain mall locations have LPs in BRIGHT RED shirts. 
2. body concealing is ur best friend here
shoving a palette or even a small liner into ur bag is gonna look super sus… the cameras are REALLY good here. place the item on top of your phone, hold it close to you and wait for a bit until you can slip your phone into ur bag or pocket naturally. or reach into a shelf and slip an item into your sleeve, then pull out another item to look at. 
i’ve seen people say that the cameras here are good, to the point where they can ZOOM INTO your bag and see the item dropping in. don’t risk it. find a good blind spot or crouch down. get a friend to lookout. don’t get caught in 4k.
4. this one’s kinda hard - but if a SA sees you pick up an item, drop it and come back to it later. 
in my posted storytime they got caught bc the SA saw them holding something - then suddenly they weren’t. make sure the SA SEES you put the item down. once, an SA saw me with a few items so i asked my friend something like “hmm, should i get the eyeshadow or the eyeliner?” thinking i would just conceal the one that i “put down”… but an SA saw and was like “omg just get both! they’ll look so good on you!” and i was like ugh… but again if you’re never carrying anything then it’ll look weird. you ARE shopping right?
5. if you can, find locations that aren’t connected to a mall.
these locations are usually WAYY less busy. whenever i go to my stand-alone location, there’s literally 3 other people in there with me and all the SAs are bored to death.
6. if you get asked if you need help, personally i like asking them for something you know they don’t have. 
for example - i’ll check on the website to see if the location i’m going to carries a certain product, then if they don’t i’ll remember it and ask the SA that greets me if they have that product in stock. they’ll say no, and you can act all sad and just say that you’ll look around for a bit. you’ll get left alone!! tip for finding these products - look up viral products or perfumes, a lot of stores don’t have all the perfumes in stock all the time.
7. in terms of how to dress and act
i see SO many posts on here telling you to do your makeup all fancy or “dress like you could buy the whole store”… DONT. you’re gonna be so much more memorable that way, more attention grabbing than if you just had like. clean girl makeup or whatever. be nice to SAs !! where i am, a lot of them are super chatty and honestly i don’t mind talking to them, they’re really fun. just don’t go over the top but i’m sure you get the idea.
i hope this wasn’t just a useless ramble 🙏 ik a lot of this is probably like… duh but sometimes when ur in there all common sense just escapes u yk??
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my-mt-heart · 1 year
Hey MT, Marketing Anon again.
Seeing all the Melissa and Caryl pics made my day! I’m so glad we’re FINALLY getting some confirmation.
But I’ve noticed a TON of confusion surrounding the spinoff since the snippet of the teaser a few nights ago. Then the subsequent internet explosion that occurred when my wish was granted, and we finally got some McReedus content (I may or may not have squealed with joy—you can’t prove this without witnesses).
I saw your post about the spinoff and the confusion around it. I figured I’ll add some info that may clarify why it all seems weird—MT, you hit the nail on the head with some points I’ll cover here. As always, this is my speculation, take what resonates <3
Why Does the Eventual Caryl Spinoff News Feel Confusing?
This may be a bit boring, but it clarifies a lot, so stick with me.
Season 1
Based on what we know about Season 1 of the spinoff—it's catered toward a younger male audience. It’s a fresh new audience that may stick around and won’t be resistant to new storylines, characters, villains, etc. So they can break the mould of the old show and veer into newer territory under the same branding umbrella, which over the years has garnered intrigue to pull a cold audience, aka those who don’t know what the content is but have heard of it. (How many times have you tried something because your friends raved about it? Heck, how many of you started TWD that way?) It’s FOMO—a tried and true method to pull cold audiences.
In marketing, you do market research to learn more about your target audience so you can create content geared toward them. IF used correctly, Reddit is an “untapped gold mine” of market research to help attract your target audience (source: pipeline.zoominfo.com/marketing/reddit-market-research).
Like you said, MT, 74% of Reddit users are people in their 20s who identify as male. Half of that audience is based in the US (source: blog.gitnux.com/reddit-user-statistics). This fits in with the criteria of attracting a younger male audience. And many Redditors from this demographic are resistant to Daryl being paired with a woman his own age that he has clearly been in love with for a decade (marketing anon, your Caryler is showing). You’re welcome to look it up on Reddit and see for yourself. So they’re not married to Caryl and are open to having new female leads on the spinoff.
So if I were marketing that show, that’s where I would go for research.
I suspect nightclubs and nuns were part of that strategy, but they added the young male kid in to show Daryl’s fatherly side. Absent father figures may be a major pain point for the audience they want to reach in S1—because, sadly, approximately 12 million boys in the US grow up without a father (source: rb.gy/o72re). It fits the demographic they're trying to attract. And it’s also a good way to preserve the ‘Daryl we know’ to hook the old audience while attracting the new.
Unfortunately, the reactions by that audience to S1 have been mixed—which, as I mentioned in a previous anon, is a marketer's worst nightmare. So you either change your content/strategy or find an audience that engages with and wants your content/strategy. It’s obviously too late to redo S1 since it has wrapped filming. The only option is to modify it as much as you can to appeal to an audience that is engaging to them—Carylers.
Which brings me to…
Season 2
Season 2 is a whole other strategy—it's completely catered toward Carylers and Melissa fans. They’ve used Caryl content to attract the attention of Carylers for the last decade, they’re going with what they know. Think about the news in the last few weeks. How many of us wanted all of that? They KNOW how to attract us. So Season 2 is a no-brainer IF done correctly.
So How Does This Explain the Spinoff Confusion?
The information we have is extremely ambiguous—When does it air? Who is the main villain? Why are they shooting 2 seasons back to back? What does it mean by a complete ‘reset’? What’s the damn name—Daryl Dixon or Raise the Dead or Pilgrim or something else to fit Caryl?
To further complicate things, they have two sets of audiences that they’re trying to cater to, but only one is responding to them on social media. Just look at the trajectory of the news:
Bathtub leak (nothing)
Rumours of Carol returning (Melissa trends on Twitter)
Daryl “in production” teaser (nothing)
Melissa spotted in the wilderness (Melissa/Caryl trend on Twitter)
Daryl snippet and the promise of a teaser (nothing)
The next day we see Mcreedus and Melissa McBride (Melissa/Caryl trend on Twitter—I think Melissa is still trending 2 days later)
Yes, there were times Daryl was also trending, but if you looked at the top posts, they all had to do with his relationship with Carol or TF in some way. The news that is promoting S2 is getting more attention. Hence creating a cluster of fans (from both groups, S1 group and S2 group) who are confused about when Melissa is joining.
So without clarifying, they’re thriving on the confusion. And instead of doing separate promo for S1, they’re cruising on the buzz generated by all the Melissa and McReedus sightings and keeping people wondering.
That way, Carylers join in and watch S1 with the promise of more Caryl (more info in my previous speculation post to MT).
So What Is REALLY Happening With the Eventual Caryl Spinoff?
It's exactly that—an eventual Caryl spinoff.
S1 is still a solo Daryl show where he is a fish out of water—exploring France, meeting the nun and her nephew, fighting villains, and trying to find a way home.
Melissa McBride joins in S2 of the spinoff.
In S2, Caryl clearly join forces in a location that parallels Consumed.
S1 airs sometime in the fall (I’ve heard September thrown around a lot, but we may get confirmation of that and of Melissa’s return at SDCC).
S2 air date is still TBA.
That’s all the reliable source-backed information we have so far. Melissa may have a cameo in the S1 finale but it hasn't been confirmed. We don’t know if the romantic canon is in the cards yet, although they tried to tease it with that ring on Melissa’s finger. Again, a promise of what you get if you tune in.
Where Does That Leave You, Dear Caryler?
If you signed up for to watch Caryl together—there’s still time for that. S1 still seems to be mostly Daryl with the French entourage. But Melissa is back, and she looks extremely happy. For me, personally, that counts as a sunny day after a cold, hard winter of her absence, her brief SDCC sighting, and nothing but tearful pictures of her during the final days of TWD shoots.
Remember that the timing of every piece of news you got isn’t a coincidence. They’re doubling down on getting Carylers’ attention because they need you to tune in.
Your view has value, your perspective is important—and you deserve to withhold investment until YOU feel they’ve earned it.
You hold the power—No matter what they want you to think. Use it wisely. Caryl on. <3
That was a thorough breakdown, thank you!!
Catering to two (opposing) groups is making me want to rip my hair out. How do you maintain longterm viewership that way?? No one’s going to be satisfied, and I’m concerned I’m going to resent what they do with Daryl in S1 so much, I won’t have the heart for S2 anymore. So I’d really like that addressed somehow.
Panels may not happen this year, but still holding out hope for an official announcement on Melissa, Caryl, and that damn title. And I want language that emphasizes it’s Norman’s AND Melissa’s show. Not Melissa joining Norman’s show because that’s not true.
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siriuslysatorusimping · 7 months
Hi Kiko! This year has been moving really fast. It's Mardi Gras season for me right now! We are on spring break as a result and I'm trying to get a bunch of work done for my prospectus so I can hopefully be ABD by next month. I'm also currently working through a back injury that I've been managing since 2020- finally got the okay to start lifting light weights again :) And I'm spending my first Valentine's Day in three years single. I'm loving myself more than my ex ever did, so I'm actually really fucking grateful. Got myself chocolates and I'm getting takeout from my favorite restaurant tonight (they have gumbo soup dumplings and matcha cheesecake. It's amazing). A year ago, I thought my whole world was ending. I was in the process of realizing my engagement was falling apart and my grandpa was diagnosed with cancer. I was diagnosed with chronic illnesses and told I'd never not be in pain again. And while there are still rough days, I'm in less pain than I was most of last semester. I'm learning to really treasure my time with just myself and my cat. My parents and I are getting to spend time together just the three of us. And I got a cool shirt that kind of looks like the one you posted about Rinko wearing in Gokudō, soooo I'll be wearing that to my next cosplay convention :) Your stories genuinely helped me survive last year. I am so grateful I stumbled upon this little corner of the internet, and as odd as it may sound, I try to channel Rinko on my bad days. It gets me through. We're here to help get you through, too, love! Sending so much love and a metaphysical king cake your way! <3 Rai
Mardi Gras is WILD but so fun lol
HAPPY SPRING BREAK AND GOOD LUCK ON WORK!!! ABD ALREADY?? Amazing. You’ll do amazing. I just know it. My best friend is in that boat now and it’s crazy to think about. (Especially since she’s literally growing a human inside her, too.)
I’m so, so, SO HAPPY for you that you’re loving yourself and building a better life for yourself separate from your toxic ex. BUYING ALL THE CHOCOLATES. YES. GUMBO IS ALSO INCREDIBLE.
I love that your life is already better than a year ago. I hate that you had to go through so much, but it’s beautiful how you were able to find your strength to get through it all and come out even better! 💕
I’m so grateful and humbled that Another Level and Rinko helped you. They helped me too. They saved me. This little corner helped save me. Realizing that something I created could actually make any kind of difference really did save me from despair because I believed nothing I did was worth anything and would never amount to anything.
Rinko is so fun and beautiful and strong and I’ve realized that many of my favorite of her traits are ones I wished I could have. Her courage specifically. Her courage in the face of so much misery and hardship and choosing to still be the person who loves and cares and is kind. I think that’s one reason people loved her so much. She’s not stupidly or obliviously nice. She sees and hears and feels the pain and anger and bitterness but still chooses to not let them define who she is. She knows that there’s enough hatred in the world without her adding to it. She’s not perfect, she makes mistakes and she gets angry and she sometimes lets those drive her, but at the end of the day, she still doesn’t let them define her entirely. They’re just part of her existing as a human.
Rinko is a beautifully messy human, just like the rest of us. We’re all messy and emotional and imperfect, but without those things, life would be boring and empty.
I started writing this days ago and I had to save it to my drafts because I wanted to dedicate enough attention to it because messages like these really do pull me out of the darkness. Life has been kicking my ass so hard. Everyone around me keeps saying I’m doing so well and handling things in the best way possible, but that in itself is so exhausting. I’m exhausted. To be perfectly honest, I feel so, so fragile. But I know that’s a sign of my strength because I get up every morning and keep going even when it feels too heavy.
Rai, you are a beautiful human who is doing so incredible and you are so strong for working to be better for you. I’m proud of you and I’m proud to consider you a friend 💕
Also, I’ve been working on lil chibi designs for myself because I want to use them to order a custom case for my new earbuds and I will share one of the lil Gojo chibis I’ve been making.
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Admittedly, writing has been difficult lately. I’m in the mood to write angst but I can’t figure out what it would be and I also want to write the Valentine’s Day blurb so badly. I’ll get it done eventually, I promise.
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