#⁂ ✹ ◣ ▪ ⌜tasks.⌟ ◗
quinneths · 2 years
               a   freshman   approaches   her   with   a   green   glow   stick.   quinn   politely   declines,   waving   her   hand   to   shoo   them   away;   bravado   she   would   later   come   to   regret.   she   enters   with   the   confidence   she   was   born   into.   a   steadfast   belief   she's   above   it   all—   you   know   the   type:   everyone   else   but   me.   exclusivity   from   human   frailty.   closer   to   god   than   man.   it   was   the   morrison   way   and   quinn   was   not   immune.
               at   first,   she's   presented   with   options:   a   staircase   with   a   ghoulish   figure   looming   and   a   claustrophobic   hallway   of   chains.   she   would   rather   take   on   an   opponent   she   can   see   so   she   chooses   the   stairs.   as   expected,   the   robed   figure   lunges   at   her   as   she   reaches   the   top.   she   pushes   back,   laughing.   this   wasn't   scary.   this   was   corny.   this   was   camp.   it   was   a      kkg   event   after   all.   she   should   have   known   to   lower   her   expectations.
               quinn   has   little   interest   in   the   party   laying   ahead;   the   same   as   every   year   before.      in   fact,   she's   only   making   an   appearance   because   that   was   what   was   expected   of   the   greek   letters.   for   all   the   rivalry   between   them,   they   made   sure   to   show   up   to   each   other's   occasions   as   a   point   of   cooperation.   she   was   tri   delt's   vice   president   of   recruitment,   so   personal   choice   was   outside   the   equation.   she   did   her   best   not   to   be   the   rain   on   everyone's   parade...   by   this   point   in   the   halloween   season,   in   all   honesty,   her   social   battery   was   draining   fast.
               she   moves   forward   through   the   haunted   house,   coiled   hair   bouncing   on   her   proud   shoulders.   the   sophomore   finds   herself   in   an   empty   room.   her   first   impression?   apathetic.   the   room   is   wallpapered   white   with   some   pictures   plastered   on   top.      she   gets   closer.   curiosity,   as   usual,   reaping   bitter   fruit.   
she   recognises   a   word   emblazoned   over   and   over   again   in   bold   block   letters.   
the   brunette   steps   back,   first   in   shock,   then   again   in   disgust.   a   weight   drops   in   her   abdomen.   with   a   nauseous   gulp,   she   turns   and   walks   out   as   fast   as   her   tiny   frame   is   able.   blinded   by   revulsion,   quinn   opens   the   next   door   she   sees,   hoping   for   an   exit.   she   isn't   paying   attention.   the   memory   of   greer   is   suffocating   her   senses   just   enough   for   idle   complacency   to   mutate   into   foolishness.   this   next   room   is   pitch   black   and   out   from   the   shadows   comes   a   paunchy   man   dressed   as   a   clown   —   face   paint   and   all.   he   makes   a   grab   for   her.   quinn   screams.
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                      by   the   time   she   runs   all   the   way   back   to   the   entrance   she's   pale   and   clammy.   she   falters   over   the   front   step,   vision   blurred,   and   vomits.   exorcist-style.
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sssade · 1 year
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tag track!
( 𝒊 ) —  ▪ convo.
( 𝒊𝒊 ) — ▪ visage.
( 𝒊𝒊𝒊 )  — ▪ musing.
( 𝒊𝒗 ) — ▪ pov.
( 𝒗 ) — ▪ edit.
( 𝒗𝒊 ) — ▪ task.
( 𝒗𝒊𝒊 ) — ▪ ask.
( 𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊 ) — ▪ extra.
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chemical override (2)
Ewan Mitchell x actress!reader
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a/n : aaand I just couldn't let this storyline go. Typical. Best to read part one before this one :)
series masterlist ▪︎ main masterlist
The reader and Ewan have gotten a lot closer since the press tour for season two, but neither one has made a move. The reader is spotted with another costar, giving rise to rumours of romance.
The press tour came and went like a fever dream. From Paris to New York to London, everyone had been highly anticipating your upcoming show.
Albeit you had a minor role, it all seemed like everything you could ever wish for.
A blossoming career. Lifelong friends made from your peers. The overwhelming support from audiences.
Only two episodes have since been released to the public, and already your character has become a fan-favourite.
Sadly, you and Ewan only had that one press day together, after which you were paired with other cast members. That didn't stop the onslaught of comments under your interviews with him, fans stating how good you looked together. Speculating whether there was something going on between you two.
You are good friends, but that's all.
He calls you often, mostly in the evenings after you're both finished with work. He sticks close to you during premiere after-parties. Now and again, you would catch him looking at you from across the room.
But... well... that's all there is to that.
Maybe he's just being nice. Maybe he only sees you as a good friend, and this is just how he is. With his effortless charm and cheeky remarks that can be mistaken as flirting, you think that maybe you're reading too much into it all.
"Ewan likes you, you know," Phia looks at you over her shoulder, as she does her makeup in front of your dresser.
The cast is having a private get-together in Fabien's apartment for a night, and yourself and Phia decide to prep together, her own place only being five minutes away from yours.
"He's just being nice," you shake your head at her observation, as you sift through your closet looking for a top.
"He's not that nice to everyone," Phia laughs. "Trust me, that lad fancies you and it's plain as day. Ask anyone, I mean, Tom even pointed it out the other day."
"And Ewan was there with you guys?"
"Uh-huh," Phia swivels her chair around, all done, nodding at you, "Poor sod just about turned red as a beet."
"What did he say?" you ask, not even bothering to hide your curiosity. Phia's got your back, after all.
"Well..." Phia glanced away, weighing just how much she is at liberty to say. Ewan's her friend just as much as you are, and she doesn't know how deep she can meddle in this.
"How bad is it?"
"Nothing bad, promise," Phia walks over, then takes over the task of sorting through your closet, "He likes you. A lot. But it seems like he's apprehensive about jumping into a relationship right now."
You plop down on your bed in a huff, "I guess that makes sense."
"Chin up, darling," Phia turns around, arms folded behind her, concealing her chosen top for you. "You're both rising stars, with great careers ahead of you. If you're going to commit to each other, you're gonna have to do it right."
You smile, because you can't help it, the high from landing your dream career not yet subsiding.
"And," Phia continues, "even if he's too chicken to make a move, that doesn't mean you can't torture him with this." She grins, presenting a green satin top, the material weightless and shimmering.
"This? Are you sure?" It was definitely revealing, and it would have your back exposed, only tied together by two strings.
"Ewan loves green," she hands it to you, and you hold it up with concern etched in your features.
"I guess I could wear this," you mumble.
"Oh, you will wear it," Phia smirks, pushing you over to your bathroom so you can get changed.
Already wearing your trusty pair of bootcut jeans, you shimmy into the slinky top, calling out to Phia so she can assist with securing the strings at your back.
"You look absolutely gorgeous," she beams at you in your bathroom mirror. "Ewan is going to melt at the sight of you, doll."
"Huh," you say, checking yourself out in the reflection. "Okay then, I think we're ready - "
Your phone rings, cutting you off. Phia beats you to it, and her face is scandalous when she raises your phone up like it's precious evidence.
Ewan's name flashes bright on the screen.
"Oh, look who it is!" Phia practically sings, "Lover boy."
"Give me that," you demand, reaching for your phone, but Phia quickly sidesteps you and presses the screen to answer the call.
You gasp, and the both of you struggle to keep down an incoming fit of giggles. Phia then clicks on the speaker mode, and Ewan can be heard saying your name, his tone a bit confused.
"Are you there?" Ewan asks.
"Yeah, I'm here," you take the phone, waving to Phia so she doesn't make a fuss.
"Hmm," he says. "I hope I'll be seeing you tonight. The party won't be as good without you."
"Well, Phia and I just finished getting ready," you glance at her, and she makes a kissy face at you.
"Hello, Mr. Whipped," she playfully cuts in with this greeting, effectively letting Ewan know he's on speaker.
You hear Ewan snort on the other end, before he says, "Hello to you too, Phi."
"We should be heading out in 15 minutes, and we'll be there on time," you let him know.
"Okay, I suppose I'll see you guys there," he replies.
"Okay." A beat of silence passes, and Phia just shrugs at you.
"I, uh - " he finally speaks up again, but hesitates.
He clears his throat, having decided on saying, "Nevermind. See you soon, darling."
The line cuts off. You slowly let your hand fall to the side, sighing at how it abruptly ended. Shaking off your worries, you look at Phia once more, and she already has her line all prepared. "See you soon, darling," she recites in a low voice, imitating Ewan.
"Oh, shush," you shove her playfully, and she shoves you right back.
"I can't wait to see you, darling," she continues teasing you, laughing, and you can't help but blush and smile, finding her endearing.
"Well, let's go," she says, picking up her things, "your darling boy of Derby awaits."
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Fabien greets you at the door with that perfect smile of his, arms outstretched to pull you and Phia into a hug.
"Welcome, welcome," he greets, leading you into his apartment, where most of the cast is already assembled, including Ewan.
You happily exchange pleasantries with everyone. Chatting with Emma and Olivia. Profusely thanking Matt when he gushes over your outfit. Catching up with Harry and Bethany. All the while sensing that Ewan watches you from somewhere in the room.
You're eventually directed by Tom to the corner table where Ewan and Phia share a loveseat, drinks in hand.
"I'll get you a drink," Tom kindly declares, heading to the kitchen.
"Thanks, Tom," you say. You sit next to Phia, leaving her between yourself and Ewan. You finally say to him, "Hey, you. How are you doing? Got here early?"
Ewan's jaw clenches and loosens, and you catch his eyes quickly drift down to rake over your figure. When he meets your eyes again, his pupils are considerably dilated.
The boy just shamelessly checked you out.
"Ewan," you hear Phia say, elbowing Ewan from beside him. "She just asked you a question, be polite." She wags her eyebrows at you, mouthing the words lover boy.
Ewan hears that, astute as he is, and it snaps him out of whatever haze he seemed to be stuck in.
He shakes his head at himself, offering a smile to you. "I got here just before you guys," he answers. His voice lowers when he adds, "You look really good, darling."
You smile in return. "Thanks. So do you."
Phia beams at the exchange, then makes some excuse of having to catch up with the others. The look she gives you before sliding off the seat reveals that she just wanted to give her two lovebirds some privacy.
"So," Ewan inches closer to you, his arm outstretched on the back of the seat, "how did the script turn out?"
"It was better than expected," you say. He refers to a script you told him about a week ago, for a potential project which will shoot in Atlanta in the fall. "I'm supposed to meet with the director pretty soon to discuss it further, but I think it might be the right fit."
"That's amazing," he expresses sincerely. "Rian Johnson's a brilliant director and they would be lucky to have you as their lead."
"Thanks, Ewan! Yeah, I'm really excited for it, it's a lot different from House of the Dragon, but I'm all in for the challenge, you know."
"Is it a drama film, or thriller, or - "
"Oh, it's a rom-com, actually."
"Oh," he nods, leaning back a little, like that needed a bit of processing. "And you'll have a romantic co-lead..."
"That's right, and - " you confirm.
He smirks, like he just thought of something amusing. "Well, maybe I could - "
But you finish your statement then, " - I think Jacob Elordi has just been selected as my partner in the film."
His face scrunches in apparent distaste, "Has he now?"
"Mhmm." You note the switches in his expression, how his face fell when you mentioned your upcoming co-star. He can't have something against Jacob; they already did a film together and it seemed like it went well on set.
That thing nags at you, that little spring of vanity and desire creating warmth in your stomach. That Ewan might be jealous.
Which is ridiculous, given your shared line of work. Besides, you were not together. What could he possibly be jealous over?
"You've worked with him, right? What's he like?" you continue the topic, keeping watch for the minutiae of his reactions.
"He's... he's a good actor, I guess. Dedicated and all that. Pleasant on set." His answer is curt, not giving away any details, tone flat like he's disinterested.
"Riiight," you nod slowly, smiling impishly at him to get him to lighten up, "I'm sure he'll be just as pleasant on our set then. Good to know."
He catches the look you're giving him, causing the corner of his lips to pull in a soft crooked smile. "Hmm, be that as it may... I think I'll do a much better job as your love interest, don't you?"
"Oh, will you now?" you lean forward, and he does the same.
"Yeah, didn't you hear?" he whispers conspiratorially, like there's a secret to be shared. "According to the internet, we have a lot of chemistry. Practically oozing with it, based on some comments I read."
"You've been lurking on comments? You? The last crusader against all social media?" you joke, fully knowing that he keeps a few shadow accounts just to keep up with how his work is being received by the public.
"Sure," he shrugs his shouders dramatically, " that, and also to stalk your page, of course."
"Oh, of course," you quip, "I wouldn't expect anything less."
You share another laugh, feeling light all over, and even lighter when his fingertips brush against your arm for a few seconds. Goosebumps erupt on your skin, and you sneakily rub your arms to cover the effect he had on you.
Tom reappears from the side, handing you a drink as promised, "What are you kids giggling about over here?"
"Nothing," you share, "just that Ewan is planning to join Instagram."
"A damn miracle, that!" Tom exclaims, lightly punching Ewan in the shoulder.
"Yeah, yeah," Ewan looks at you warmly, playing along, "you can be in charge of keeping my account running."
"Tough job. All those fan messages I'll have to answer."
"Yeah, you'll have to quit your day job," Tom adds jokingly. "It was fun while it lasted. The industry will miss you."
You feel a pressure by your shoulders, and notice that it's Ewan's arm snug behind you on the seat. In the midst of conversation, he must have drawn even closer. You glance down briefly and see his knees touching yours.
You nervously take a huge gulp of your drink. There is no hiding the effect he has on you now.
"Don't you two look cute?" Tom comments, then he stands right in front of the loveseat and puts his phone up. Before you can say anything, a clicking sound makes it clear that he has taken a photo of you and Ewan.
"Awww, I ship it," Tom gushes afterward as he looks at the photo. He then reaches over and passes his phone to you.
The image betrays what the both of you are probably struggling to hide - it's there, clear as day. The attraction, the tension, the chemistry. Ewan practically has his arm around you, looking at you intensely with the inscrutable spark in his eyes. His teeth lightly clamping down on his lip in desire.
There's a subtle scrunch between your eyebrows as you return Ewan's look, a result of trying to maintain composure when he is so close. But your posture is relaxed, almost cozying right up against him, showing just how comfortable you feel around him.
As Tom just said, you ship it.
If only.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Two weeks after the party at Fabien's, the main cast members of House of the Dragon are engaged in an additional round of promo work. Season two is at its peak, and the media is just clamoring to get more from the cast.
Some are booked for photoshoots, others for interviews.
While a minor character in the show, they also wanted you to take part in engaging with the press, but you are already busy with your upcoming film with Jacob. You're currently out in LA, doing rehearsals in preparation for the actual shoot.
Ewan is yet again lounging in a hotel suite, about to do an interview with Vanity Fair.
He sends you a text, in response to your complaint about a difficult scene.
You had shared, It's a pretty dramatic scene. What if I can't cry on command?
He easily texts back, You can do it, darling. Trust me, you're one of the most talented young actors I know.
- Thanks, Ewan. Good luck with your interview!
- Thank you, good luck with rehearsal. I miss --
Ewan pauses typing. I miss you, he aches to send. He does miss you so much. Why can't he just commit to it?
He ends up sending, I'll see you soon, in its place.
He knows he wants to do everything with you. Take you out on dates. Sweep you off your feet. Travel to wherever you will be filming just to see you. Confess how much he wants you.
Why can't he? It's terrifying to him, being with someone, in danger of falling in love - truly falling in love - with a fellow actor, and that relationship exposed to much public scrutiny.
He's always been a private person, so will he be able to handle all of that? Acting is his first love, and he's devoted to the craft. If he succumbs to his desire for you, will that cause him to go off track?
What if the relationship is not well-received? He is aware of how passionate fans can be. What if they cruelly decide to make you the object of their ire as a result? He can't possibly put you through that.
But... but fuck it.
The Aemond in him turns proud and defiant. Why can't he? Why shouldn't he?
He types another message in a second, then clicks send.
And I miss you.
His publicist walks over to him, giving him a few last-minute instructions. In a few minutes, the room is all composed and the interview is ready to begin.
The line of questioning has almost become routine-like for him, a far cry from when he first started giving shorter interviews for previous projects.
The answers flow from him smoothly, stemming from his care for Aemond and the show.
Near the end of the interview, he is asked about the remaining normalcy of his life. Surely it has all changed ever since he landed the show?
"Well, I try to go back to my hometown as much as possible. Just, you know, spending time where I grew up really helps maintain a sense of normal, for me," he responds. "It keeps my feet planted on the ground, that is, when I'm not on dragonback flying high up in the clouds."
The interviewer promptly laughs at his last remark, then asks, "What's next for you? Your fans are just eagerly awaiting your next project. Maybe a film like your new costar? Everyone is excited for her film with Jacob Elordi."
Ewan can't hide the way he perks up at the mention of you, never mind how Jacob is included too. "Ah, yes, well there are some things down the line for me. More than anything, I want to choose a project that I am passionate about, with a story and a character that is rich and complex. Whichever that is, I guess you'll find out soon!"
"Yes, yes, we will!"
"And about her project, I mean, I'm just so proud of her. We've become really close and I think she's a fantastic actress and person. She's going to smash it in this film, that's for sure."
The interviewer nods enthusiastically, smirking as he adds, "Apparently a bit of romance on the cards for her as well!"
"You mean in the movie?" Ewan replies, half-smiling in confusion. But he spies his publicist gesturing to the interviewer from behind the camera, a signal that private affairs are off-limits.
After a final question, the interview wraps up.
His publicist grumbles to him afterward, as they prepare to leave the room. "It was clear that no private questions are allowed. Sorry about that, Ewan."
"It's alright, that was... well, what was he on about? Did he mean romance between the two of us?"
"I believe he's talking about Jacob and her. They were spotted out in LA today. The interviewer probably just wanted you to spill some dirt on your costar."
Ewan frowns, "What do mean they were spotted?"
His publicist appears surprised at his question, and his obvious interest. "They've been papped walking arm in arm in LA. Seemed pretty close, not that it's any of that interviewer's business."
As they walk out of the hotel, Ewan can't help but do an immediate Google search of your name, and sure enough, the headlines about your walk with Jacob are abound.
He can't pinpoint how he feels as he sees the photos, the statuesque Jacob with his arm around you as you beam up at him. He notices that his grip on his phone has tightened, so he turns it off quickly and shoves it in his pocket.
Whatever this is, and how it makes him feel, he doesn't like it. He doesn't like it one bit.
His phone vibrates from his pocket, but he ignores it.
So he doesn't yet see your reply.
I miss you too.
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💌 next chapter
Ewaaaan! Make a move, my guy!
As much as we'd like to see them make declarations of love or get into the passion quick, I wanted to make it as realistic as possible. How would two young actors begin dating? Reader, kudos to you for keeping it cool as a cucumber thus far - it's up to Ewan to make the big move.
Part three may be the last. What'll they be? Just friends? PR relationship? Notorious fling? Or new celebrity power couple?
MASSIVE thanks for all the lovely feedback for part one! 💙
Update: if you wish to be tagged in part three, let me know in the comments 💌
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yaroaskari · 2 years
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tag track!
( 𝒊 ) —     ▪     convo.
( 𝒊𝒊 ) —   ▪   visage.
( 𝒊𝒊𝒊 )  —   ▪      musing.
( 𝒊𝒗 )   —   ▪     pov.
( 𝒗 ) —   ▪     edit.
( 𝒗𝒊 ) —   ▪     task.
( 𝒗𝒊𝒊 ) —   ▪     ask.
0 notes
sameschmidtdiffname · 8 months
Sweet Delights
Peeta Mellark x AFAB!Reader
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Summery: It's a slow work day in District 12. With rain pouring down outside, who can blame you for wanting to indulge a little? Everything's fine so long as no one walks in... right?
Tags: Pre-established relationship, no use of y/n, pet names, reader has AFAB body/female pronouns, switch!Peeta, switch!Reader, edging, female fingering, teasing, count down, orgasm denial, blow job, face fucking, public sex, someone walks in, dirty talk, Peeta's a freak but he's sweet about it, praise kink if you squint, mentions of eating out, cum swallowing, cursing, post-Mockingjay but that's not really relevant, no reader orgasm this time around. Once again, I'm probably forgetting something.
Notes: I have to say, I did not expect Peeta to win the poll! And not to worry for everyone else, I'll get to all those characters eventually. (Derek girlies, I see you and I love you.) Thank you for your support on the last one, I hope you like this one too! Bon ABBA teeth.
Peeta loves surprises.
Giving them, receiving them. If it's unexpected, Peeta is practically bouncing off his chair to figure out what to do with it.
It made everyday life sweeter. Slipping a note into his apron pocket when he wasn't looking for him to discover, finding a million more hidden in my apron. Little drawings hidden amongst everyday things, like the wildflowes Peeta likes to draw and place next to my powders and perfumes. But best of all surprises were the little pastries we would make when the days were slow and the other was watching the front of the bakery. Usually using scraps, because Peeta detests wasting food, but always delicious nonetheless.
The best innocent surprise, I should say.
Today was an especially slow day. Rain pounding down in District 12, making the roads thick with mud. It's a blessing for the hot ovens that fight against the cold seeping through the front windows. Although they're helping me more than Peeta, who's up front perched at the counter, insistent as always that someone needs to be watching the shop. "We won't hear the bell over the rain," he'd said.
I knew better than that. There were tells when Peeta wanted a surprise. He'd never just ask for something, always fearing rejection. Of course the minute I opened my mouth he was ready to do whatever I had even intrusively dreamed of so long as it meant love and praise. But to ask for himself? It's a whole different matter. So when he is insistent I work alone in the back, I understand that this is his own silent way of asking for some sort of surprise. And with the way his broad shoulders look in that pale yellow knit sweater, who am I to deny him?
I'm not one to deny him anything, quite frankly.
The best surprises of all are when we sneak up behind the other, always starting so innocently. Maybe while one of us is baking, maybe while one of us is simply dressing. With the quick slip of a hand, it doesn't take long before the other is panting and begging for release. Not that we always give it to each other.
Peeta liked sneaking up on me in private. Usually when I was in the back baking.
"What are you working on?" He'd usually ask.
"Custom order," I may answer with a smile. He liked my smiles, always said so.
"What are the details?" He'd ask. He'd put his hands on my lower back, rubbing soft enough to not disturb me while still working out some knots.
Then I'd prattle off details. This one is for so-and-so down on whatever-street-or-corner, they'd like a cake.
"For the Harvest Festival?" He'd ask. I'd nod, still focused on my task. "How many orders do we have for the Festival?"
"A good bit, it's our busiest time," I'd always say with a bright, soft tone to my voice. He'd chuckle, placing a small kiss on the back of my neck and pressing his hips against mine from behind, usually revealing his hard on.
"So, how many orders this year?" He'd ask. His hands would work at a knot, his breath hot on my neck, and his hips would roll ever so slowly against mine, taking his time to build both of us up.
"Ah, I think- I think 12?" I'd say, trying to focus on both him and whatever I was making. Cake. Right. Stir.
"12?" He'd ask. His cock would be deliciously hard, grinding against my clothed cunt just a bit harder as his hands would return to my hips, steadying me against him. "That's pretty good."
"Double digits," I'd say brightly, my voice breathy as I struggle more to focus. Cake. Stir. Hands, not hips.
But I'd always do hips instead, leaning back and tilting my head ever so slightly so he can see my enjoyment.
"You need to stir," Peeta would gently guide in my ear. My back would press against his front, his chin now resting on my shoulder.
"I know," I'd say softly. I didn't know shit.
He'd chuckle, one hand slipping to my front to cup one of my breasts.
"Need to get those orders out," he'd remind me. "You always seem so stressed about being on time."
"One of us has to be," I'd say. His hand on my hip would find the band of my pants, slipping past them and teasing me, sliding his fingers against my wet folds.
"Pick up the whisk," he'd instruct. My hands would shake as they obeyed, moving from being splayed across the marble counter to resume my task.
"Stir slowly," he'd say. His large fingers would slip over my entrance, coating himself in the thick lube now dripping from me. "You want to make sure the texture's correct."
It took such mental energy to balance the two things. Especially when he would finally sink in his middle finger, always going knuckle deep and twirling it around inside of me, making sure to leave no spot untouched. His other hand would pinch and pull at my breast, giving special care to make his fingers replicate the feeling of his soft lips wrapped around my sensitive nipples.
"What's the next order?" He'd ask. I could feel myself dripping down his hand, and I knew he loved this. Peeta would do whatever he could to make sure I was wet, even when he wouldn't go any further than simple teasing. I think he liked the idea of me always being ready. Not that he would assume. He always started out slow, and if I ever said no it was never a big deal. He'd simply continue talking to me and go on with his day perfectly fine. But if I was willing, he'd always massage or do whatever until he could feel my arousal himself. I think it's why he likes eating out best. Especially when I'd talk him through it, usually promising to cum down his throat while tugging his soft blond hair. His eyes would grow wide and soft at that, his whimpers increasing as he'd fuck me quicker with his tongue, grinding himself against whatever. It was a beautiful mess he'd turn himself into, desperate and begging silently as he clutched my hips.
"The what?" I'd ask breathlessly. I was tight around him, focused on how slow and sweet he was pumping in and out, twirling and wiggling his finger inside of me. His other hand slipping under my shirt, and his lips sucking gently at my neck, careful not to leave bruises.
"The orders, sweetheart," he'd gently remind me. "What's the next one?"
My lips would part, eyes fluttering shut as I tried to remember. His middle finger would pump out and then pump back in with the addition of his pointer finger, tearing a soft moan from my throat.
"Shh," he'd gently whisper. "We're at work."
He liked this little game. Ramping me up, forcing me to behave a certain way so to not tip off customers. If Peeta wouldn't immediately be arrested for it, something tells me he'd simply fuck me in the front room, bent over the register counter during business hours and just act like it's a normal thing. Such a sweet boy.
"I- ah- need to look at the book," I'd say. He'd roll my nipple between his two fingers, his other two fingers pumping slightly faster as his lips suck at the spot just under my ear.
"You have such a good memory though," he'd say. "You can remember. Just think."
That's a lie. I have a horrible memory and we both know it. But if I say I can't, he'll pull away. Sweet and gentle, he'll go get the book and place a million kisses on my cheek before leaving me to my work and dizziness.
Next order. Next order. That's easy. It's a tart with cream on top. Cream. God, I'd like his cock in my mouth right now.
"Next order. Come on, pretty girl. I know you know it," he'd softly encourage.
"I know it," I'd moan, my head tilted back and resting on his shoulder, fucking his fingers instead of working on the cake. He feels so good, so warm and protecting. Simply smelling the traces of dill and cinnamon baked into his skin made my mind shut off, my eyes growing tired from the feeling of safety.
"I know you know it," he'd say so sweetly. "You're smart, pretty. And you've got a delicious cunt I'd love to fuck over and over if I could," he'd say softly, placing warm kisses on my neck between each point. I was panting openly now, squeezing my eyes shut as I tried desperately to remember who ordered what.
His fingers curled inside of me, making rapid 'come hither' motions fast enough to steal a soft, sudden cry fron my lips. Peetas mouth found mine, swallowing my moans and giving me some of his own.
"I may have to count down, sweet girl," he'd warn me. His fingers had found my g spot, hitting and rubbing it at rapid speed. The cuff of his sweater is soaked from me, his hand sticky and coated. I shake my head quickly, moaning and gripping the counter as best I could to keep myself standing.
"I can remember," I whimpered. Peeta laughed softly.
"I know you can, sweet girl. But look at you, you're a total mess." His voice is sweet and kind, his eyes taking in my current state. "I can't have you all dumb back here during work hours."
He's sweet but he's cruel. God, he's cruel!
"I think there's berries in it," I stammered.
"Ten," he's start patiently, his teeth tugging at my earlobe.
"N-no, wait! There's- There's berries and there's..." I'm completely making this up. I have no clue what's next.
"Nine," he continued, knowing this.
"That's not fair, you started low on purpose!" I whined.
"Eight." He wouldn't argue. I was right.
"It's got- got cottage cheese frosting." I'm so close, so awfully close. I can feel myself clenching around him rapidly, my pussy swallowing his fingers quicker and quicker as I climbed closer towards the edge.
"Seven." Oh, God. This motherfucker.
"Six. Come on, good girl. You can do this," he'd encourage sweetly, kissing my cheek and trailing to my collarbone with said kisses.
"They wanted flowers on the top. Violets, I remember that!" That detail is actually true, surprisingly. The candy violets were always easy to remember because I loved them so much.
"Five." His other hand kneeded my breast, admiring the soft flesh and running his thumb over my stiff, aching nipple repeatedly. "Four."
"You're speeding up," I whined. "This isn't fair."
He let out a soft 'aw,' apologizing and speeding his hands to bring me closer to the edge.
"If you can come before one, I'll fuck you right here," he promised. "You can come before one, can't you?"
I nodded stupidly, moaning and panting as I sped up my hips, slamming down on his hand repeatedly. Cake details be damned, this is my mission now.
"Three." I'm so impossibly close.
"Wait a minute, slow down-"
With one final, cruel, hard thrust of his hand he slips away, leaving me to almost crumple to the ground and opening my eyes to blink stupidly, trying to process what just happened.
"You okay?" He asked softly, his dry hand cupping my cheek and looking at me carefully with his sweet, hazel eyes.
A long, soft whine escaped me, batting my lashes as I lean against him and whisper as many 'please's as I can, pressing a dozen kisses all over him. He laughed softly, returning the kisses with whispered 'I love you's.
"Let me go get that book," he'd said. And that was that until that evening when he made up for it like he always did.
Now I was carefully removing a tiny apple pie made from leftovers meant specifically for Peeta. The rain was as bad as ever as I entered the front room, Peeta leaning on the palm of his hand while he struggled not to doze off. His long lashes flutter softly, his lips pressing against each other and his jaw a bit tight.
"Hi sleepyhead," I whisper, sneaking up behind him. He started a little, turning to look at me with the sweetest smile he has.
"Hi," he says cheerily, his voice just a touch gravely. His eyes glance down to the small treat in my hands, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Is that for me?"
"Of course it is," I say, placing it in front of him. "Figured you could use something to warm you up. It's freezing up here."
He chuckles. "It's not that cold," he says as he picks up the fork I'd placed next to the tiny pie and began scooping some up.
"Liar," I teased. "You're shivering."
He shifts in his seat slightly. "Not from that," he says, a small blush growing on his cheeks. He takes the first bite, then another, smiling and leaning his head against my shoulder.
"Thank you, dear," he says softly. He leans in for a kiss to which I happily oblige, cupping his jaw with my left hand. His lips taste sweet, the sticky apple and cinnamon tasting delicious on him. I swipe my tongue across his lips, stealing a soft moan from him as he allows my tongue access to his mouth, melting in my hands. His hand dropped the fork, accidently missing the pan and instead hitting the counter, but neither of us care. His hand comes up to the back of my neck, pulling me closer to silently ask me for more.
My other hand trails down to his lap, finding one of his hands already there, palming his stiff, clothed cock through his pants.
"Is this what you were doing when I came up?" I ask softly, pulling away from the kiss only a bit. He chases me, biting at my bottom lip to drag me back to him. That's a yes, then.
My tongue explores his warm mouth, tasting him while my hand traces the outline of his dick, pressing and flicking against the tip. He whines, bucking softly into my hand, desperate for more.
"Can you stay quiet?" I ask him, pulling away again. This time my hand on the back of his neck grabs his golden locks, holding him still as I look into his eyes. His cheeks are red as well as his lips, kiss swollen and damp. His breathing is heavy, his eyes blown out. Barely touched and already a beautiful mess.
"Huh?" He asks, his voice higher than usual as he tries to focus. His hand grasping my wrist, making sure to keep my hand where he can buck against it.
"If I asked you to, would you stay quiet?" I repeat gently, teasing him with kisses by leaning forward and pulling away. We both liked this.
"Yes," he said quickly. "Anything."
"Anything?" I ask, raising my brows.
I press a quick, admittedly sloppy kiss to his lips once more before dropping to my knees and slipping under the counter. His brows furrow in confusion before he realizes what I'm doing.
"You can't!" He whispers frantically. "What if someone walks in?"
"That's why I asked if you could stay quiet," I say patiently. "Can you?"
He bites his lip, obviously unsure. His eyes dart between me and the shop door, thinking.
"We can wait," I offer genuinely. This seems to be the deciding factor.
"I'll be quiet," he promises eagerly. "I've got a pie I can shove in my mouth if I can't, right?" He jokes, his smile crooked and eager as his hands work quickly to begin freeing himself. He's excited alright.
"Right," I say, taking his hands away and undoing the buttons on his pants myself. "Just keep watch of the shop, alright sweet boy?" He nods, placing his arms on the counter and trying to resume his position.
I slip his cock from the confines of his clothes, pressing a soft wet kiss to the underside along a thick vein. A quiet whine escapes him, his hand covering his mouth. I'm not truly worried about him being quiet, no one is going to come in here during such bad weather. It's just an edge to help work him into a frenzy, knowing full well he never stays quiet. I'd thought I was vocal when we started our relationship, but Peeta easily takes the cake.
His cock is warm, half hard against my lips that trail his veins. My tongue slides from his tip to his base, barely any pressure on his skin. Grazing always works best to start out with. When I reach his base I lap at his skin, blowing soft, cold air against the wet spots to make him squirm in his chair. I focus on his base for a while, sucking, licking, blowing. Ever so gently I even bite just the tiniest bit, enough for him to notice the edges of my teeth along his red, pulsing cock. His voice is soft, panting quietly.
My tongue trails slowly up his cock, exploring different ridges and spots that make him whimper quietly, working my way back to his tip which is soaked with thick, warm precum. I wrap my lips around him, swiping the moisture away with my tongue in one round sweep. I relish in the cry it tears from his throat, the dozen little apologies he whimpers immediately after. His hand covers his mouth, and the other trails down to gently cup the back of my head. I smile around him, swirling my spit around his tip as I suck gently, pressing my tongue against the underside of his dick.
His fingers play with my hair, unintentionally tugging it and apologizing as he does. I simply squeeze his thighs and begin lowering myself, taking him until his tip hits the back of my throat, taking deep, even breaths to fight off the gags that threaten to escape me.
It's when my nose buries in his soft, curly hair at his base that the bell of the front door rings.
"Hi!" Peeta says a little too quickly, a little too brightly. "Welcome to Mellarks Bakery. How may we- I help you today?"
I'm frozen, his hand gripping my hair out of anxiety. If I pull away, we'll be done. If I stay here, Peeta may very well have to make good on his promise.
Although, acting has never been a challenge for him, has it?
The customer is describing a custom tart she wants made, then pulling out a long list and prattling about this, that, and the other thing. Her accent clearly shows her as a Capitol transfer, and these orders always take forever given that they still have a hard time releasing the concept of not over indulging. But this time I don't plan on complaining.
My tongue begins to move slowly, rubbing carefully along the bottom of his cock while I watch his face carefully. He's smiling at the woman who's still going down the list, his eyes glancing at me to confirm this is what we're doing. With a small nod from me, his hand casually covers his mouth once more and he resumes focus on the woman, his other hand now guiding my head slowly, carefully.
He pulls me to the tip of his dick, working me back and forth slowly on just that spot. My tongue works quickly, my lips wrapping around him tightly to help create proper suction around him while I suck.
"Do you have pumpkin?" The woman asks.
"W- what?" Peeta asks, clearing his throat. "Oh, pumpkin. I'll admit I'm running a little low, it's been a popular request since we don't grow them locally. I've requested more but I don't know if they'll be in in time, so if you want something that uses it you'll have to get it-" his voice cracks as I deepthroat him again, swallowing around him quickly before returning myself to his tip. He clears his throat. "You'll have to reserve it right now," he finishes. I can see him quickly scoop up some of the pie, shoving it in his mouth and trying to hide his blush. It's lucky for us how oblivious Capitol born citizens are.
His hand guides me faster, focusing on fucking his tip near the back of my throat since we both know full well how hitting the back of my throat isn't an option. We can't risk any noise gagging may cause since it may not be covered up by the soft music playing on the shop speakers, a gift from Beetee for the reopening.
His pace is fast, faster than it should be. He's close, smiling at the woman and acting as though everything is normal. His large vein throbs, precum spilling out of him with each new thrust into my mouth. My hand reaches to press two digits against the soft spot behind his balls, a sensitive spot that makes him cry and squirm.
His jaw tightens as I do this, his eyes darting down daggers quickly. I can hear coins on the counter, Peeta accepting the list and opening the register. With the loud 'clank' springing forth from the older device, he takes the chance to slam my face down fully on his cock, his fingers making the coins loudly shift around as he gives the customer her change. Tears spring to my eyes from the sudden force, swallowing around him as I focus on my breathing to recover. He promises the woman he'll do what he can and wishes her a good day, and she coos sweetly. She reaches across the counter, patting his cheek and calling him a sweet boy before turning and walking out of the bakery, the bell chiming at her exit.
Peeta looks down at me, smiling brightly. "Hi," he says with a newfound excitement.
I moan around his cock. He gets it.
"You okay?" He asks, his hands moving to cup my cheeks. I make an affirming noise, trying to smile. "I wasn't too rough, was I?" He asks, his thumbs swiping away the small tears dangling from my bottom lashes. I shake my head, swallowing around him. He moans softly, his grip tightening.
"Yeah, I kinda forgot you like it when I am, don't you?" He asks, beginning to slowly pump his dick in and out of the back of my throat. I moan happily, taking him as easily as I can.
"You know how hard it was not coming down your throat with that lady in here?" He asks. "I had to edge myself so that it wouldn't become known how much I like fucking your throat."
My cunt throbs at his words, his closeness making him willing to be more rough. He starts fucking my face in earnest, tearing noises from both of our throats as he loses himself.
"Can't do that again," he pants. "Next time I'm just taking you. I don't care who walks in." He's moaning openly now, his cock abusing me. I can feel him throbbing, twitching. There's enough precum it's all I can do to focus on swallowing and breathing.
"Show this whole District how much I love you," he babbles. "I'll eat you out on this fucking counter, I don't give a fuck."
I press my heel against my clit, grinding into it to relieve some friction as my hands steady my body against his thighs. The chair underneath of him creeks horribly. If anyone walked in now, I don't even think we'd have a small second to hide what we're doing.
"I love your fucking pussy," he rambles, his eyes beginning to flutter shut. "Love your fucking mouth. You take me so well. So eagerly."
I moan around him, spit dribbling from my mouth, hair stuck to my face. His balls slam against my chin, his wet curls pressing against my nose as he face fucks me like a rabid animal.
"I'm gonna cum down your throat," he announces. "Then you're gonna cum down mine. Again," thrust. "And again," thrust. "Until we don't even have to make dinner from how full we'll be." Goddamn, he's close.
His hands are rough, gripping my face. "Rub your tongue harder," he commands. I do, putting as much pressure as I can on his throbbing vein. He moans loudly, leaning forward and clutching my head.
"I'm coming," he pants, his voice high and tired. "Fuck, I'm coming-!"
His warm, thick load shoots down my throat, filling my mouth so much I cant breathe if I want to swallow it all.
"Such a sweet girl," he praises. "So sweet and good, eager to make me cum." His face is pressed against the cool counter, his chest heaving as he recovers his breath. His thumbs stroke my cheeks at different paces, small whimpers escaping him as I milk him dry with my mouth, making sure not a drop is left behind. When he's fully softened, I place a small kiss on his tip before tucking him back in, rebuttoning his clothes and patting his thighs one more time.
It takes a moment for me to rise, my joints stiff and my mind scrambled from the abuse it had just suffered. I stumble a little as I stand, Peeta's weak arms collecting my body and bringing me into a warm embrace.
"You're wonderful," he whispers, resting his head against my chest. I chuckle softly, placing a soft kiss on the top of his messy hair.
"So are you," I say.
He looks up at me, flushed and smiling at me with the most wonderful, lazy look on his face.
"Your turn," he says, finding a new wave of surprising strength and placing me on the counter.
"Peeta, we're still open," I giggle, batting his hands away.
"I know," he says. "Did you think I was joking?"
He stares at me, smiling and eager as he begins to part my legs.
This is going to be a long night.
Whoever gets second place on the poll is who I'm writing next. Feel free to send in requests for characters/scenarios! See you next time, you degenerates <3
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bbr0wni3 · 2 months
Melting like gold.
(One shot)
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♡ -> Legolas x reader
-> Content & warnings: female reader, fluff, love confession, Thranduil and Tauriel's scene reference, narrated in 2nd person.
Summary: After a harsh "supposedly" private conversation with Thranduil, you seem to not handle the strong emotions well, letting you burst on tears and run deep into the forest..
-> word count: 1.8k
-> (a/n): hii, this is the first time Im going to upload one of my silly fanfics on tumblr ^^ I recently finished the lord of the rings and the hobbit trilogy so what's better than a one shot of the pretty elf ;)
Sorry in advance if there are some misspelled words/grammar/phrases,etc. English is not my first language!!
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The sound of your heels hitting the floor echoes along the halls of Mirkwood, your hair swings and the sun hits your face as soon as you head through the garden to get to the other side of the palace, and to Thranduil's chamber.
You were informed that he wanted to speak with you privately.
You stand outside the door for a moment, taking a deep breath and knocking three times on the long and white glass door.
"Come on in" is heard from inside the room.
Stepping inside, you see Thranduil standing from a distance with his arms behind his back, walking slowly in circles around the room. Your eyes meet his, and you keep your lips separated for a moment before you speak out loud.
"My lord, I must apologize, the spider nest failed to be destroyed, we were able to clear the forest as ordered, but more spiders kept coming up from the south, they are spawning near the ruins of Dol Guldur, we were soon outnumbered, but it was my task to accomplish and i-"
As you mouth non-stop your concern to the king, he eases your chatter.
"That is not the term I wanted to discuss." He stops his walking and turns his body to face you. There's a pause as he makes direct eye contact and starts walking towards the giant window where he has the most stunning view of not only Mirkwood but beyond the lake and the shape of mountains. You now follow his steps so you're both focused on the view, the silence breaks.
"Legolas said you fought well today" Thranduil began to speak. Your gaze falls to the ground as you try to hide the slight smirk that appears on your face. Locking in your expressions, you face the window again.
"He's grown very fond of you." He continues to speak. Your eyes are wide open now, trying to glance at Thranduil's face, as also avoiding eye contact, to maybe catch a glimpse of how he feels about these sudden words he's sharing with you.
"I assure you, my lord, Legolas thinks of me as no more than a captain in the guard." You speak while you are once again looking out the window. Your heart breaking in your own hands, set on fire, and shattered like glass.
As much as you wish to believe that what you're saying was a lie, you're only being truthful when you wish you wasn't.
"Perhaps he did once, now I'm not so sure" Thranduil responded while taking a place behind you, his words echoing in your mind, you can't believe that that's the way he thinks about Legolas and you.
"I-i do not think you would allow your son to pledge himself to a lowly silvan elf like me." You close your eyes, every word that you pronounce feeling like you're being stabbed with a sword. Your own sword of dilusion, as you dream of hearing Thranduil deny your response, but he does not.
"You're right, I would not. Still, he cares about you. You do not give him hope where there is not." His harsh demeanor and cold tone completely finishes to sink your heart beyond measure. As you slowly open your eyes again, you can almost feel how they burn as you fight back tears.
"Of course, my lord." Is all you get to say, straightening up and swallowing your pain.
"Let it pass, let it pass, don't cry now " you repeat over and over inside your head.
"Alright, you can go now" His words now a key that unlocks you from this cage, you bite your lip and just nod, walking towards the door where you came from.
As soon as you step outside, a single tear goes down your cheek, and you quickly wipe it off as you only want to get out of there, you escape so fast you don't even realize Legolas was hiding beside the door this whole time, hearing all and watching how your tears began to stream down your face.
His eyes open, and his lips separate, almost mouthing something, but he does not, he only watches you leave.
"How can i stand here and do nothing?!" He thinks to himself, questioning his behavior and angry at himself but mostly angry with his father for making you cry, for making you think there wasn't any other path but to never try and fall out of love.."love" he though for a moment, that's what he feels for you.
He grabs his bow and places it behind his back. He runs across the palace and heads to the gates.
"Open the gates!" Legolas yells at the elven guards that secure the entrance.
"As you order my prince." one of the two guards said, as they see their prince so desperate to go out for some reason.
The gates open, and he heads to the bridge and into the forest. He knows his father is watching from above the tower, through his window, and for sure judging his own son. But Legolas doesn't care enough, not even a command from the king would stop him from going out and looking for you, even if he had to cross mountains or fight a thousand orcs to get to you, believe me, he would.
However, that won't happen now because he knows exactly where you are.
He knows exactly the place your heart seeks the most when your day doesn't go as you expect, because you know you'll always find him there, only a place the two of you know and always kept a secret, it's your place.
"Across the lake and behind the trees, promise me you'll look for me, and this would be our secret place. " Your voice in Legolas' memories came back to him as he kept pacing through the forest, a sweet promise under the stars. That night, he knew what love was meant to feel like, that night and many others, where he kept this promise of being there for each other.
And you were there, as Legolas predicted. Your back laying on a big mossy rock, your hair shining through the last remaining light of the sunset, your eyes closed as you felt the breeze of the approaching night coming in, the one that blew dry the tears that were still falling from your beautiful eyes.
Legolas tried to be as quiet as possible as he wants to give you this moment of silence before he speaks, he fails to do so when he steps on a branch that even made the birds from the trees fly away.
Alerted you grab your bow, turning your whole body to face the unknown danger, pointing towards the sound, ready to shoot. Only for Legolas to meet with your face full of tears while you meet his sapphire eyes, the ones that you die for, the ones that are now painted with worriedness.
You lower your bow and stand up in front of him. You want to run to his arms and melt like gold in his embrace, but the words of Thranduil resonate in your head "you do not give him hope where there is not."
The blonde elven man starts to step closer to you, your heart beating so fast that you wouldn't be surprised if it got out from your chest, you're sure that if he extends his arm he can feel it pounding, and that's how closer he stood from you.
Another tear falls from your eyes, you turn your face to the right to try and hide it, but he already saw it, and soon I know I would miss the blue if his eyes.
"I heard your conversation with my father." He confesses. You close your eyes to let a second tear fall, and choose to look at him again.
"Then you should not be here." The words scrape your throat. The resistance that lies upon them is a chain forged by Thranduil for you to grab on while leaving marks on your hands by doing so. You search his face focusing on his eyes, trying to see if you can find a way for him to notice that your words are only a mirror of Thranduil demands, and not what you actually want to say.
"But I choose to be here, with you" He steps even closer, you take a small step back even if you don't want to, but he does want to feel you close so he grabs your wrist with his right hand and pulls you closer, and for a few inches you notice that he is now even closer than before.
"Please legolas, you're making it harder for me to-" your words almost coming out as a whisper, a sigh.
"To what? To finally correspond my feelings?. I choose to be here for a reason." He insisted. His thumb took a place on your cheek, caressing the wetness from your old tears and preventing a third one from falling. You close your eyes at his touch, warm and soft.
Your body surrenders and calls for this warmness, you place your hand on top of his, you cannot play as if you didn't want to he like this forever, you crave his touch more than anything else, and by the way your face leans towards his hand he knows you do.
"You've heard what your father said. He would never allow us to be together, not like this." You open your eyes, his eyes pierced on your face, he looks bewitched, enchanted by your beauty, by having you so close, a way he had dreamed of many times.
In that moment you realize he kept his promise, he came looking for you and now is holding you with such love and desire.
"I don't care what my father allows or wants, not even a little bit, for as I already know what i want, what my heart wants. I would never, not even in a thousand elven years not choose to love you, and i cannot think of a lifetime without you, so please...please"
There's a small pause as he tries to catch his breath from speaking so quickly, you decide to take it away from him one last time as you lean to kiss him, finally breaking the chain that kept you longing for this reciprocated love.
You let your whole body be held by him, his hands on your waist and your arms around his neck. His long hair twirled around your fingers and also tickling your cheeks, which are now fully dried, because he took the time that nobody else would've taken to stop this storm that clouded your thoughts and drowned your eyes.
He came as the sun and gifted you a rainbow.
You both separate your lips and let yourself breathe against each other, your foreheads touching and the tip of your noses brushing on one another. You both let a breathy laugh as you share a strong hug.
It seems like the same stars that crowded the sky that one promising and memorial night are above you both again, shining again under another lovely promise.
Thank you for reading! <3
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anemos-orca · 3 months
The Harbingers Cat
Balladeer x neko!reader smut, MDNI
cw: smut, female reader, reader is the Balladeers loyal assistant, reader draws NSFW, humiliation, fantasizing, probably more qwq
Series Tag: #▪︎HarbingersCat
NSFW under "keep reading"
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Being the assistant (and a neko one at that) of the 6th Fatui Harbinger was not an easy job, but you couldnt deny how much you enjoyed your work. Despite how you sometimes slipped up or were given a shocking flick of electro for doodling on the job, working under the Balladeers direct command was, to say the least, fulfilling. He tasked you with medial jobs that were "below him" such as paperwork, greeting new cadets, and cleaning his workspace. You found pride in your work and were eager to please, each subtle word of praise murmured by your higher up fueling you into wanting more and more. It was such a rare thing that, whenever it did happen, it was like all your hard work paid off and you were rewarded with something worth more than mora itself- i mean, who gets praised by the Balladeer??
Scaramouche was amused by you and your strange willingness to do anything he asked. Sometimes he would make up a "job" so rediculous, it felt painfully obvious how fake it was- but still, you never questioned him. If for the sake of not having to sift through countless morons, Scaramouche could brush off your stupid little mistakes and your gross habit of doodling. Though, as time passed, he noticed that you were beginning to act... peculiarly. He would catch you mimicing his expressions, the way he walked, the way he talked- he couldnt deny how pathetically adorable it was. His little neko assistant bossing a cadet around just like how he would, only to turn around with a cute, satisfied smile (despite your efforts to contain the satisfaction of successfully copying your boss) like a kid who managed to learn how to make a sandwich just by watching their mom do it. He couldnt take you seriously, not with the way your fluffy little ears flinched away each time he snapped his fingers right next to them just to startle you. Not with how your tail would poof up in excitement at the most meaningless and fickle of things. Not with the way those stupidly expressive eyes of yours seemed to sparkle each time he would murmur the simplest of praises.
After even more time had passed, he would catch himself studying the little doodles you had made in days past- whenever you were being covered by some idiot who didnt know the first thing about being his assistant, they reminded him that he wouldnt have to deal with his medial tasks once you came back. He would never admit it, but he tended to be more annoyed with people on the days you were gone. He didnt understand the strange, relaxing effect you had on him, and it was irritating.
You werent a puppet like him, so being in lethally cold conditions all the time weakened your body just like it would any other mortal. Therefore, you were often given a couple days off every few weeks to recover. Scaramouche couldnt imagine what you could possibly be doing on the days you spent cooped up in your tiny room all alone, but he figured you just slept through it. Besides, mortal activities were not his concern.
However, that changed on the day you accidentally forgot your sketchbook in his office. You had already left- it was late and you finished filling out his paperwork for the day- but you didnt notice the precious item you left behind. Scaramouche knew how valuable it was to you, considering the fact that it was always in your little satchel and you never left it unattended, so it piqued his curiosity. Why was a sketchbook, of all things, your most valuable item? Such a stupid thing to do, to hold something so fragile and easily ruined at high value. Despite his subtle curiosity, he couldnt care less about what you did, owned, or carried, so he never demanded to inspect it. Though, given this perfect opportunity to quell his after-work boredom, he couldnt help but take a peek.
The Balladeer leaned back in his chair and propped his feet up on the desk with a relieved sigh, satisfied to have a moment of relaxation. He flipped the cover of your tattered sketchbook open and examined the first page, reading, "If lost, return to (y/n) at once. Inspection is strictly prohibited. Doing so will result in high punishment." He scoffed, imagining your stupid kitty ears flattening back in seriousness as you wrote. The first few pages after were filled with redundant doodles of the most random things- creatures, expressions, trees, a large amount of dogs and cats- but as he continued thumbing through, he began to see drawings of... himself? He narrowed his eyes and sat forward, raising a judgemental brow. They started out silly and cartoonish, but within the next few pages, he found well thought out, clean, almost realistic drawings of himself in quite the suggestive poses. He couldnt help but snicker, amused by the newfound knowledge of your apparent crush on him. The drawings of the next page were even more suggestive and lewd, but compared to what he flipped to after that, they seemed tame.
He had plans for that sketchbook. Imagining the mortified, humiliated, and impossibly embarrassed expressions youd make when he would reveal to you that he had seen the way you fantasized about his cock- the thoughts painted a sadistic smile across his face, and for the first time in a long time, he looked forward to starting a new day.
Scaramouches eyes widened and his amused expression grew as he laid eyes upon a completely pornographic drawing of himself that filled the entirety of the page- he was sitting in the very chair he sat in now, fisting his hardened cock, a scandalously pleasured expression spread over his face, and thick ropes of cum cascading over his desk. He had to admit, it was a good drawing, but all he could think about was the lustful expression and blushing cheeks you mustve had while creating such lewd art of your own boss. He wouldnt have guessed your massive crush on him even with your overly eager-to-please demeanor, only thinking his little neko assistant acted in such peculiar ways from vehement loyalty- and he found the idea to be rather entertaining. He finished flipping through your sketchbook, studying every nasty drawing you made of him and, in turn, began imagining his own dirty scenarios about making his secretly filthy assistant help him with more... physical tasks. It excited him, and he could feel his body heat up at the tought of it. Slyly chuckling to himself, the Balladeer shoved your sketchbook into the top drawer of his desk and left for the night, being sure to lock the door to his icy office so you couldnt sneak in and take back what was rightfully yours.
You, on the other hand, were not. The moment you set your satchel down in your little room, the lack of its familiar clunk sound due to your sketchbook being inside made your heart drop. You frantically searched every inch of your room, overturning and messing up every nook and cranny looking for that blasted sketchbook, but it was nowhere to be found. It was too late to go looking for it- it was past curfew, and if you were found snooping about, you would be punished and questioned. How could you possibly face another Fatui member and explain that, "Oh, im not being suspicious, dont worry! Im just desperately looking for my lost sketchbook that contains highly inappropriate art of the 6th Harbinger, my boss." You gulped hard, an overwhelming feeling of guilt creeping through your skin and into your bones as you remembered where it last was. His office. Your tail bristled and your mind began to race, panicing at the thought of what was going to happen tomorrow- surely he had seen it and flipped through the pages, infuriated that his stupid little kitty assistant was drawing porn of him. Was he going to kill you? Imprison you? Exile you to the fridgid wilds of your homeland? Archons, your heart had never beat so hard in your life. It felt like it was trying to escape your ribcage to run away and hide. However, no matter how much you stressed, there was nothing you could do except face the consequences of your actions in the morning. Your stupid, foolish actions.
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avidread3r · 4 months
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
•141 is not without Gaz.
•141 does not include konig.
•Konig is not a main character, he's just a skin.
•Gaz is one of the main playable protagonists in Modern Warfare
•Gaz has more lore and screen time than most of the other characters, especially konig.
•f you don't like him, fine. But don't try to replace him.
•It's suspicious when one of the MAIN campaign character's is pushed aside but other random skins from multiplayer are loved. Especially when said main character is black and the others are usually white.
•"But I don't know enough about him" bitch just say you haven't played the games.
• even if you haven't, you should just watch yt videos of his scenes in the game at least. I mean, you have no problem rewatching konig tiktoks, and listening to his voice lines. So....
•there's so much info on wikia and yt. It ain't that hard. I mean y'all will sniff for every possible crumb relating to simon, konig, soap and price but suddenly doing the same for gaz is too much??????
•"Gaz is gay so I can't write for him." Elliot Knight his actor is queer but I can't find or remember anything stating that Gaz is gay.
• Activision could have done a way better job to promote Gaz's character and could have given more specifics about him but that doesn't excuse "not knowing him (gaz) enough"
• you can like konig. That's fine. just stop replacing Gaz with him.
•Stop treating Gaz like he doesn't deserve to be in 141.
▪︎ Writing for 141 and only including gaz when its convenient and giving him little to no plot, doesn't count. You can right 4 paragraphs each for everyone else but Gaz only gets one...like?????????
• if you're not attracted to gaz that's fine. You don't have to be. Everyone has preferences. But like don't exclude him from 141. Y'all still include laswell so do the same for gaz.
•the treatment towards Kyle Gaz Garrick compared to the other characters doesn't sit well with me.
• ngl a lot of y'all are just straight up racist.
I know it's just a video game and it's all just fiction, and y'all are entitled to write whoever and whatever, however. But y'all can not convince me that shit y'all do ain't even a lil racist.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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scozthewoz · 20 days
mercs as cat breeds + kitty merc headcanons
inspired by/in collaboration with @joonliebe (i changed a few of them sorry pookie 💔)
kitty headcanons are from my cat fortress AU where all the mercs are cats that are foster fails because nobody wants those motherfuckers and now miss pauling is stuck with them all
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spy ▪︎ persian - fancy and high maintenance. the signature bond villain cat
likes to be alone. needs to be taken to the groomer once a week or he gets pissed off and starts tearing up the couch. he has a very strict schedule and if his terms are not followed he throws a tantrum. he also sneaks out of the house and dissapears frequently. a dick to the rest of the cats, except scout for some reason.
heavy ▪︎ siberian - big boys with big coats, comes from siberia
the most well behaved cat there. scarred up and scary looking from his time in the pound, but he's suprisingly very quiet and peaceful. naturally chunky and big boned. miss pauling's favorite. he's a bonded pair with medic, they can normally be found grooming each other. he tends to wrangle scout when he's being too much, he doesn't like to see miss pauling stressed.
pyro ▪︎ sphynx - just a weird lookin thing. also an affectionate and energetic breed that likes to wreak havoc
peculiar little intersex kitty covered in burns, owners died in a house fire (that she may or may not have caused). both eyes are gone, but she navigates just fine. knows how to turn the stove on and has set multiple small fires. miss pauling puts him in cute little sweaters since he doesn't have any fur to keep him warm.
sniper ▪︎ savannah - hybrid of a house cat and a wild serval
very solitary, like spy, but not hostile to the others. owners were an old couple that died and it shook up the already shy cat. miss pauling doesn't need to feed him like the others since he sneaks out and hunts his own meals. almost completely silent unless he's sitting at the window and chirping at birds. evident dislike for spy. quiet and low maintenence so not a huge headache, but he tracks mud in the house. he's very skittish too, runs off or hides whenever there's company.
medic ▪︎ turkish angora - graceful. very majestic. cunty, even
on paper, he seems like a very good cat! he's an ex-service animal that still carries out some service tasks, like deep pressure therapy when miss pauling is getting anxious or retrieving stuff. only problem is that he loves bringing dead things inside, and he goes out of his way to rip it to shreds and get blood and guts ALL over the house. he also has a temper issue, and he needs little kitty glasses because his eyesight is shit.
engineer ▪︎ munchkin - haha short legs!! oh yeah, and they're pretty smart
used to be a workshop cat around for pest control, lost a leg in an accident. workshop guys gave him a kitty sized hardhat he gets very upset without. he's got a hard time jumping up on stuff since he not only has short legs, but he's got a prosthetic one too, so miss pauling made him a few kitty staircases up to his favorite spots. he likes stealing tools from neighbors and and scrap metal from outside and stashes them under the couch.
demoman ▪︎ scottish fold - scottish, prone to eye problems
missing an eye and has some singed fur from teens with fireworks. little kitty eyepatch. he frequently gets into the bailey's irish cream miss pauling keeps on top of the fridge and has to be brought to the vet for liver issues at least once a month.
soldier ▪︎ ragdoll - developed in america !!🇺🇸 tend to rough house when playing and are very vocal
used to belong to a war veteran, then became a stray after he died. clipped ear. his body's kept shaved because of scarring and matting issues, so he's got furry boots and a puffball tail, but the fur on his noggin covers his eyes. he frequently bothers the others. a big sweetheart for miss pauling, but agressive with anyone else. likes fetch. dog in a cat body.
scout ▪︎ siamese - the extroverts of the cat world, very energetic and chatty, also very clever.
his ma and brothers are all siamese, but he's got an oddly fluffy tail like a persian.. he's a big fan of miss pauling, never leaves her alone. gets pissy and scratches the curtains or breaks a glass when she's giving one of the other cats too much attention. wayyy too clingly and always causing some sort of trouble or getting into places he shouldn't. he also meows CONSTANTLY.
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zelda-of-hyrule-tloz · 2 months
Echoes of Wisdom Headcanon Countdown
༺ Day 46▪︎ 53 Left
The reason New Hyrule's stained glass depicts a young Tetra is because Anjean requested its construction a long time ago, and she wished for it to depict the young pirate who was first tasked with building a new kingdom. She wanted to remind Tetra of her true identity - not Princess Zelda. From what she had been told by the Hero of Winds, she believed the late King Daphnes had a similar change of heart in his final moments. (Even if Tetra wasn't so certain...)
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woahiwrite · 9 months
Kuai Liang X F!Reader, Jealousy 18+
Content Warning: 18+ Minors imma reset your timeline. 5k words. Smut, jealousy, Harumi is mentioned but won't be making an appearance in this oneshot. I haven't written full on smut oneshots start to finish in so long so, we'll see how well this goes. Eating out(fem receiving), piv, multiple cream pies(wear protection unless you want some lil minions running around), multiple positions
  To my irls who requested I make Kuai Liang smut to feed his tag🤞🏾
"Lord Liu Kang." You greeted, bowing at the waist beside your husband as he did the same, both of you rising back up to look upon the God as he addressed you both with kind smiles.
  "I hope building up the Shirai Ryu hasn't been too difficult during my absence." Liu Kang hummed, beginning to walk forward between the both of you, making you fall into formation on either side of him. "Geras had informed me of another incursion on our timeline, it had to be dealt with quickly." He explained, his hands clasped together before him.
  Coming to a stop alongside him and Kuai Liang as you all looked upon the courtyard, you saw that only two individuals were training right then, their training overseen by Smoke. Hanzo, the young boy that Tomas had came across, and another young initiate, Kazuma. "It is no problem at all, Lord Liu Kang, you have more pressing matters to attend to than helping us with the Clan." Kuai Liang stated, gaze locked on the two boys sparring with one another. Hanzo has tenacity, and was like a ball of fire with the fury that resided within him. Luckily, he had pretty good control over it. Lest he become more of a threat than an ally.
  You nodded in agreement, though you too were more focused on watching the boys train than the words that had fallen from Liu Kang's lips. You both had had so many less than promising initiates that you were both proud of how far he had come and yet were also afraid to lose your most promising one due to his tenacity. Already Hanzo had been in plenty of fights against the Lin Kuei, and though he was skilled, the Lin Kuei were seasoned, you both didn't want him to grow cocky and arrogant. For that would be his downfall.
  "I am glad you both understand. It worries me when I am unable to provide aid for others for an extended amount of time, anything could happen." The fire God confessed, moving on to continue walking, "Though I guess these are unnecessary worries, for you both are well equipped to hold your own." He added.
   Before any of you could say anything more, the sound of materializing sand reached your ears and you all turned as Geras appeared. He greeted you and your husband with a head nod before looking to Liu Kang with a slightly concerned expression. "I'll be right back." Liu Kang stated, a seriousness dripping into his usually warm tone as he and Geras walked out of earshot.
  You looked at them for a moment, wondering what the issue may be, but your attention was pulled away by a warm hand taking yours. "I do hope things aren't getting too out of hand." Kuai Liang sighed, rubbing his thumb over the ring that was nestled onto your finger. With every pass of his thumb, the ring seemed to get warmer, not to a painful amount, but it was comforting.
  "Things seem to be spiraling as of late, though Lord Liu Kang always knows he can come to us for help. We are the protectors of Earthrealm, stopping these..invasions is a part of doing that." You stated, taking in a soft breath through your nose. There were so many things to worry about and so much to complete when it came to building the Shirai Ryu, it was stressful but you both had assured one another it would be completed together. You, Kuai Liang, and Tomas. That's the only way it would be done efficiently and to the best quality. It was a difficult task, but one that had to be done to take up the large gap created in Earthrealm's defense thanks to Bi-Han's betrayal.
  Already, you had lost one close to you all to Bi-Han, luckily it was only to be temporary. Harumi had nearly been killed by your shared husband's brother, and for her safety and for the best recovery, she had moved into a neighboring clan to hopefully stay under the Lin Kuei's radar. Bi-Han had told Kuai Liang himself that family was not off limits, the extent of his dangerous intent would not stop for anyone. "You-"
  "Mrs. Shirai." Turning your head to address Liu Kang, you kept your hand in Kuai Liang's hoping to provide him some comfort for the turmoil that he surely felt even more than anyone else. "I need to speak with you for a moment, in private, please."
  Kuai Liang didn't say anything, but he gave your hand a small squeeze before dropping his back to his side. You smiled at him, before nodding at Liu Kang and following behind him.
   "Is everything alright, Lord Liu Kang?" You asked, eyebrows raised slightly. You had a feeling you already knew the answer. Glancing to the side for but a moment to address a worker who had just finished repairs on a building, you didn't notice that Liu Kang had stopped walking. You nearly bumped into his chest as he turned around, and the speed at which you stopped and tried to take a step back almost made you stumble. Bringing a hand forward, Liu Kang steadied you with a respectful yet firm hold on your waist, before his hands came back to being held in front of him. "Sorry." You laughed lightly, and were pleased that he laughed as well.
  "It's alright, I probably should have said something." He waved off the accident, eyes kind as he addressed you. "On another note, though-" He began, "Geras has informed me of..yet another, invasion onto this timeline. I do not know how these other Titans keep getting through, but there has to be a reason."
   "Who is it this time?" You asked, knowing that one of the first to break through had been a Scorpion from a past timeline, Hanzo, the very same kid the Shirai Ryu had taken in and began to train. You had wondered if that may have meant something, but whenever you asked the God before you, he never gave you a definite answer.
  Arms crossed over his chest, Kuai Liang tried not to stare too hard at you and Liu Kang, but he was curious. Why did the God have to talk to you in private? If it was something serious, shouldn't he know too? His brows furrowed slightly, feeling an unusual feeling build within him. He watched as you both conversed, Liu Kang placing a hand on your shoulder. Had Liu Kang always been so touchy? Kuai Liang almost wanted to walk over and see what you two were talking about himself, but he knew better, he had been taught better. He may have been a Grandmaster now, but he knew that was not on the same level as Lord Liu Kang. He was a Titan, a Keeper of Time, he held more power than anyone could probably fathom.
   Shaking his head, Kuai Liang tried and failed to try to turn his attention onto something else. He couldn't stop looking at the interaction, taking in every glance, every touch. The way Liu Kang looked at you, was that too fond? The way he would smile at you, and you would smile back. Kuai Liang hadn't noticed his darkened expression until a familiar voice came from beside him.
  "Kuai Liang? Is everything alright?" Tomas seemed to appear beside him, glancing over towards where you stood with Liu Kang before looking back at the orange-clad ninja.
  It took a moment for Kuai Liang to register what Tomas was saying, and when he did, he finally looked over at him. "I'm fine, brother. Why do you ask?" Kuai Liang questioned, noticing the irritation seeping through his tone and trying to lighten it as he spoke. Tomas looked at him with a raised brow, clearly not convinced.
  "You look tense."
  "I'm fine. How were Hanzo and Kazuma?" Kuai Liang asked, trying to get his mind off of what was going on in front of him. Though he couldn't help but keep glancing back at the conversation, watching Liu Kang rub your arm.
  "They were pretty good, I think Kazuma is trying to keep up with Hanzo, and so they are pushing eachother to do better." Tomas explained, looking between Kuai Liang and you again, you finally had began to come back over. "I can tell you more later though." He stated, noticing something that Kuai Liang hadn't. Looking over at his younger brother, Kuai Liang furrowed his brows at the knowing look given to him before Tomas made his departure.
  A soft hand on his cheek made him look forward again, and he felt much better seeing you in front of him. Looking at him with a kind smile. When he glanced up, Kuai Liang could no longer see Liu Kang. That was fine, Kuai Liang didn't know what he would say if he talked to him right then. "What was that about?" Kuai Liang asked, bringing a hand up to grab yours and interlace your fingers with his.
   "Lord Liu Kang was just informing me on what Geras had told him." You stated, leaving it at that. Kuai Liang wasn't pleased with that answer though. If that was the case, what was all the touching and full smiles? What Geras had told Liu Kang certainly couldn't have been any good, so what else had you both talked about? He didn't want to interrogate you though, but at the same time, he had never felt so much..negative emotion towards Liu Kang like this before.
  "If it's important, shouldn't I know as well?" Kuai Liang asked. He could see the conflict in your eyes, the uncertainty.
   "Lord Liu Kang asked that I keep this to myself. At least until the situation worsens, which he told me it most likely wouldn't. So, it should be fine." You stated, offering your husband a small smile.
   Kuai Liang didn't know how he felt about it. He was the Grandmaster, shouldn't he know of all threats? But besides that, you were his wife, he didn't want you to be in harms way. He wanted to know the details, wanted to make sure you were safe and wouldn't head out somewhere on your own. He had already almost lost Harumi. Whatever you guys did, you swore you would do it together. Kuai Liang released your hand and instead brought his down to hold your waist, feeling the slightest of shivers from you. It was something you always did whenever he touched your waist, or held your hips. Did you do the same when Liu Kang held you there? He glanced up from where his hand held you to your eyes, and he saw the way you must've noticed the look in his own.
  "Kuai Liang-" You started, but got cut off as he pressed his lips to yours, albeit brief, it was passionate and filled with his frustrations. When you parted, you looked dazed.
  Before you knew it, Kuai Liang had led you to your shared room, laid on your bed, and you could feel his warm hands pressing heavy against your skin as he pushed open your robes and snaked beneath your undershirt. You could barely catch your breath as he pressed his lips against yours, every momentary separation being kept together by a string of saliva. You had never had him be so rough with you, and you had barely even done anything yet. He relished in every shiver you gave him, every gasping breath, your hands burying themselves into his hair that was freed of the bun he normally wore it in.
   "What's gotten into you?" You finally ask as he pulled away long enough for you to formulate a sentence, chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath. Kuai Liang pulled away, sitting back and grabbing your hand to pull you up with him.
  "What is this?" Kuai Liang asked, running his thumb over the band of your wedding ring.
  "My ring?" You responded, brows furrowed in slight confusion.
  "Who put this on you?" He continued, pressing a few soft kisses along the tips of your fingers, though he didn't allow his gaze to break away from yours.
  "You did."
  "And what does that mean?"
  You didn't say anything for a moment, lost in the warm brown lust-filled eyes of your husband. He let out a huff, his hands warm on your skin, "What does that mean." He repeated, letting go of your hand and wrapping his arm around your waist, moving you both around so he was seated in your spot and you rested in his lap. With his other hand, he held your jaw, tilting your head up to give him more space to lick and kiss along your neck.
  Shivering as he bit into your skin, nearly enough to draw blood, you let out a pleasured sigh as you answered, "I'm yours.."
  "That's right.." Kuai Liang pulled away from your neck so he could finish shedding you of your clothes, leaving you only in your pants and underwear since he couldn't do much else from this position. "You're mine."
  Placing his hands onto your hips, Kuai Liang began to grind your body down against his, not caring for the layers of clothes that still separate you there. You could feel how hard he had become, his erection pressed to you in all the right places. Your hands held tight on his shoulders as you moaned, though afterwards you were quick to try to get him free of his own clothes. You struggled as Kuai Liang didn't let up, but you managed to snake your hands inside the opening of his robe and inner shirt, tugging it apart and revealing more of his neck and chest to you. 
  Kuai Liang briefly relented in his motions only so that he could pull his arms through the articles of clothing, it all folding over against the belt around his waist, leaving his upper body bare to you as yours was to him. "Though you.." You began, running your hands over his broad shoulders, your left hand trailing up beforehand to run along the scorpion tattoo that ran across his upper arm. "You are mine as well." You stated, gasping out as Kuai Liang wrapped an arm around you again, turning his body and pressing you down against the bed as he ended up on top of you once more.
  Kissing you once, twice, before beginning to kiss down your body, Kuai Liang didn't seem to let up in his fervor, if anything, it served to grow even more. His hands were warm as they tugged down your pants and underwear and left you bare beneath him. Yes, he was yours and you were his, and though he knew neither of you needed to be reminded, a small refresher was never a bad thing. For his head could still not get rid of the sight of Lord Liu Kang's hand on your body, and for that he needed to let his mind be filled with memories of how you felt beneath his hands. His touch bringing those sounds he loved so much from you. Rather it be a moan, a laugh, or a contented sigh.
  Kissing down your stomach, Kuai Liang purposefully skipped over the place he knew you wanted him most to place kisses and bites along the insides of your thighs. Your legs came up to rest over his shoulders, heels pressing into his back in an attempt to pull him closer that only made him let out a small huff of a laugh as he continued to indulge himself. Though he knew prolonged time doing so sometimes caused you to become shy, Kuai Liang was always one to spend time appreciating your body before ever actually truly touching you. It was done for a short moment earlier when he had placed kisses along your fingers, but now that he had gotten you completely bare, he wanted to do more.
  Your thighs were his favorite, for when with you, in private, he spent a lot of time on them. You were always coaxing him to rest his head on your legs and let you run your fingers through his hair to relieve some stress from the day. He could spend all day on them, or between them.
  Wrapping his arms around your thighs and pressing his hands into your hips, Kuai Liang finally moved his face to be level with your most sensitive place. The jealousy that had plagued his thoughts began to give way to being focused entirely on you. Liu Kang could not and would not ever be graced with the sight of you like this. Wouldn't hear that delicious sigh you let out when he finally placed his mouth on your cunt, the way your body strained against his hands. Wouldn't feel your fingers running through his hair and tugging as he took to eating you out like it was the only task he had ever been given.
  No, you were his, and he was yours. "Pull your legs up." Kuai Liang huffed, licking his lips and tasting you on them, releasing the hold he had had on you so you could follow through with his command. You did as asked, and Kuai Liang smiled as he was on you once again. Like this, with your legs up and his arms keeping them pinned down, he could easily keep you still enough for him to indulge in you to the best of his capabilities. Licking a long stripe up your cunt, Kuai Liang did not let up as he slightly shook his head from side to side, putting a little more of his body weight down on you as you mewled and pushed up against him.
  "Kuai Liang~" You moaned above him, driving him to continue. He couldn't help but push his hips down against the bed in hopes of relieving himself of some of the pressure that had built up in the front of his pants. Kuai Liang groaned against you at the friction caused, and was answered with another moan from you at the added stimulation. He took to rutting his hips against the bed to keep himself sated whilst he focused on you, letting out a slight guttural groan as you tugged his hair and tried to grind your hips against his face the best you could. Adjusting his hold on you, Kuai Liang gripped you tighter, pressing you down so that you could only sit and endure the onslaught of pleasure.
Your moans were a delight to his ears, filling his head and swirling around in it until it was all he could think about. How as you grew closer, they grew in pitch, whining and crying out to him as you gave in to the feeling of it all. Even as you came on his tongue, your body shuddering against him, Kuai Liang didn't stop. He kept going, knowing that the grip he held on you would surely leave marks, but he liked that thought. Liked that you would have something that reminded you of him that only you and him would see. One of your hands came down to grip his forearm, nails digging into his skin as you came again, this one harder than the last.
  It was only then that he pulled away, his hands rubbing along your thighs and helping you bring your legs back down to rest along the sheets. "Are you alright?" He asked, watching you as your chest heaved as you tried to catch your breath. You looked over him with glazed over eyes, but you still were present enough to nod your head.
   "Good." Standing up, Kuai Liang began to undo the belt around his waist. "Because we aren't done yet."
   Talking off the belt, the clothes that had been bunched up around it fell, and he took a moment to kick off his pants as well. You looked to him with a gaze filled with intrigue and lust. Eagerly accepting the kiss he gave as he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you close. He hummed softly as he pulled away, before using that hold he had on you to easily flip you over. Letting go of you to grab onto one of the pillows on the bed, Kuai Liang sat back on his heels and patted the side of your ass. "Up." He ordered, waiting for you to lift your hips up enough for him to slide the pillow beneath them.
  Letting out a soft breath at the sight, Kuai Liang ignored the urge he got to indulge himself in the taste of you once again, and instead positioned his legs on either side of yours. Balancing his weight on one arm, Kuai Liang used the other to run his fingers along your slick folds, gathering the mixture of his saliva and your release that glistened with the light it would catch. "Kuai Liang.." You breathed out, wiggling your hips in an effort to get more stimulation. It made him smile.
   "Still want more? I thought you'd be more tired." He joked, knowing damn well after years of being married together that your stamina had grown to match his, and that no session you both had ended after just one round unless you were interrupted. You glanced back at him from over your shoulder, and he could catch a hint of the smile that you wore thanks to the way it reached your eyes.
  "I can take all that you give me."
  Kuai Liang's eyebrow jerked up slightly, rubbing his slick-covered hand along his cock to aid in making things as smooth as possible. "Is that so?" He questioned as he guided himself to your cunt, slowly pushing in. A soft moan left your lips as he slid further inside, pulling back for but a moment only to continue forward with a bit more force. Your walls enveloped him in a warmth that was different than the one he constantly lived in, and he found relish and comfort in it.
  You finally responded to his question with a hum of confirmation, arching your back a bit more and letting out a shaky breath at the added stimulation. Kuai Liang lowered himself down until he was resting on his forearms, snaking his hands under your arms so he could hold onto your shoulders to keep you in place as he began to grind his hips against yours. One of your hands came back to hold onto his thigh whilst the other gripped his arm, and he felt your hands clench as he began to actually thrust. It did not take him long to find a pace that worked for both of you but was faster than the slower one that he usually would go at. Kuai Liang had always taken it slow with you before, he liked to draw it out, to spend as much time with you connected as one as he possibly could.
   Though for once, he wanted more than that. He wanted to leave with you both covered in the marks of one another, and while he didn't like to think about others knowing what happens in his private life, he wouldn't mind anyone seeing the testaments to his love to you left on your skin or his. Just so they could make it clear in their heads that you were his wife and that you belonged to one another.
   You cried out beneath him as he continued to press against the most sensitive spot within you, driving you closer and closer to yet another orgasm. Your walls tightened sporadically around him as that peak began to draw near again. In this position, you almost felt overwhelmed with how much you could feel. So close like this, you could feel Kuai Liang's chest pressing against your upper back, your shins resting over his calves, feel his breath against your skin. His hands were tight on your shoulders as he fucked you into the mattress, the bed shifting with every thrust, your moans broken as your body jerked forward with each hit of his hips against your ass.
  The only thing on your mind was Kuai Liang.
  He knew it too, if the way his name fell from your lips like a mantra said anything.
  "Cl-mm-close..." You moaned, your nails digging into Kuai Liang's thigh as your other hand moved from his forearm to grip the bedsheets. Kuai Liang was too, you could tell in the way you could feel his cock twitch, and just how loud he had become. Usually, he was more quiet, merely huffing or groaning. Now, almost every thrust was accompanied by a grunt, and he moaned at the feeling your nails pressing into his skin, and he groaned as your walls squeezed him.
  With one final thrust, you both came at the same time. You felt as if you had never moaned so loud, body tensed as the moan came almost guttural. Your voice had been so loud in your ears you didn't even catch that Kuai Liang had finished too until you noticed his hands pressed against the bed rather than gripping your shoulders. You could hear the slightest of whines leave him, his arms shaking as he fought through his climax to keep himself from placing all of his body weight down onto you. His breathing was heavy, washing over your skin and making you shiver.
  Your lower stomach felt warm from him finishing inside, but your shoulders felt warmer. Sliding your hand over, you placed your hand on top of his, and you could feel just how hot his hands had grown. Taking a moment to catch your breath, you whimpered at the empty feeling as Kuai Liang pulled out. Moving the pillow from beneath your hips, you groaned as you flipped over onto your back, looking up at Kuai Liang now and taking in his disheveled state. His face was flushed, strands of hair sticking to his skin as he looked down at you with eyes darkened thanks to the dilation of his pupils. You always thought he looked so good like this.
  Bringing a hand over, you hummed at the warmth of Kuai Liang's palm as he pressed it against your cheek before leaning down and capturing your lips in his. The warmth was opposed by the coldness of his ring, and you found yourself being lost in the feeling of his mouth on yours. Tasting hints of yourself on his tongue. You hadn't even noticed him realigning himself with your entrance before he had began to push in again. You both moaned into the kiss, your arms coming up to wrap around his neck and pull him closer. He wasn't fully hard again, not yet, but he liked the warmth when being nestled into your cunt.
   It was warm, yet it was also messy, your shared ecstasy slathered along the front of his thighs and the inner sides of yours, sticky as it coated his cock. "Are you going to tell me what made you want to do this?" You asked after a moment of silence, easily following along with the motion of Kuai Liang rolling you both over so you could rest against his chest. Slightly rolling your hips so you could get more comfortable, you also did it to hear the hitched breath that came from him.
  "I..did not like seeing Lord Liu Kang touch you." Kuai Liang stated, running his hands along your sides and up and down your back, soothing the marks he had left behind.
  You rose an eyebrow as you planted your hands into the bed so you could push yourself up and look him in the eyes. "You were jealous? Kuai Liang-"
  "I know, it is a childish thought. But the way you both looked as you talked to one another, it made me think."
  Shaking your head, you pressed a soft kiss to his lips before pulling away and carefully pushing yourself up into a sitting position, his hands sliding down your body to rest on your hips. "If you know it is childish then stop thinking about it. I am your  wife, Kuai Liang, and you are the only man who could ever make me feel the things you do."
  Grabbing his right hand, you placed yours over it and guided his hand up your body, leaning forward so your body was closer to his. Bringing his hand to your breast, you prompted him to squeeze it and run his fingers over your nipple. "No other man can touch me like this." You affirmed, brows furrowing slightly at the rush of pleasure from the attention to your chest before guiding his hand further up. "I'd let no other man touch me like this, unless they wished to lose their hands." You stated, seeing a flash of dark intrigue in his eyes. You didn't fail to notice over the years that your husband was one to get turned on by shows of your strength and battle prowess. You were rewarded in feeling his cock grow more erect within you.
   Guiding his hand up your neck, you parted your lips and took two of his fingers into your mouth, tasting a hint of the both of you on his fingers. You hummed around them as he pressed his fingers against your tongue before pushing himself up with his other arm so he could wrap it around your waist. Pulling his fingers from your mouth, Kuai Liang brought his hands to grip your ass, starting off slow in moving you up and down now that he was fully turned on again. "My beautiful wife.." Kuai Liang began, pressing kisses along your neck and shoulder, "My beautiful yet deadly wife." He hummed, leaving marks along your skin where your clothes would cover.
  His words did not match with the pace he came to set, as his hands forced you up and down on his cock at a pace that made your ass sting with the force of it hitting against his thighs. The room filled with sounds of your shared pleasure, a symphony of moans and proclamations of your love. The sticky slap of skin on skin, breathless moans and guttural groans, the slight creak of the bed as it followed the heavy motion of it all. Kuai Liang's hands were hot on your skin, but he kept himself under control, not letting himself grow too hot to leave burns. Your hands buried into his hair, grip tight on the dark brown tresses as your body gave in to the pleasure it was being given.
  Kuai Liang did not relent, did not stop as your walls squeezed him like a vice as you came once again, body shaking as your grip on him became near painful. He did not stop even as your body shuddered with the aftershocks, not slowing down until your nails dug into the scorpion tattoo on his bicep and let out a choked sob as you came yet again, this time pulling a moan from him as your cunt tightening around him pulled him over the edge with you. He slowed down your movements until you were both still, save for your shuddering breaths and shivering bodies. "You're alright..I've got you, just breathe." Kuai Liang huffed, wrapping his arms around your waist and holding you close to him.
  Your body grew heavier against him as all the energy you both had built up seemed to finally release, and he let out a small chuckle as you pressed your head into the crook of his neck. "I'll draw a bath." Kuai Liang stated, carefully pulling you off of his cock, biting his lip to hold back a sound at how sensitive he felt. You let out a tired hum, relaxing into the plush mattress as he pulled the blankets up over you.
  "I love you."
  He smiled a little lopsided at you, exhaustion wracking through his body as well, but he forced himself to get up so he could care for you. Pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, he brought his hand up to move some strands of hair from being in your face. "I love you too."
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rheiple · 1 year
Tea Party in Hell
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▪︎SUMMARY↦ To think that the tasked that you've been handled would be the cause of meeting your one and only source of nightmare fuel.
▪︎WARNING/s↦ Cussing, Not proofread (I just made this like a min ago)
▪︎CHARACTER/s↦ Eclipse, Reader
▪︎WORD COUNT↦2252 [Minus the dots for the timeskips]
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▪︎AUTHOR'S NOTE↦ I have not poster for 5 months☠ uhmm hi again, it's been so long since i have posted, I missed writing fanfics so much 😭 But! School is almost over and I can finally have a 2 months break to focus on my hobbies!! I hope you all take this apology gift for me being dead in 5 months 😭😭 (If I'm being honest idk if I should be embarrassed at the fact that this fic is way longer than all of my 4 essays combined 🕴)
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You never really thought of how... unique the Daycare Attendant's room is.
Upon opening the secret door that led you to your robotic friend's room, you scanned everything inside. From the hanged up drawings of the little kids, to the disturbingly looking broken staff bots lying on the corner, it didn't help that with their damaged head it looks like they're all at you.
It really surprised you. That because of their obsession with keeping everything clean and perfect, you assumed that their room would be neat.
Well... everyone has problems you guessed, maybe they're too busy with their job to clean up their room. Poor them, overworking theirselves to shut down. Maybe in another time you'll offer to help them clean their room.
You went inside the tube to access the other side of the room. You see something big that's covered with a dusty blanket. You assumed that it's the arcade machine that the staff decided to keep in there... The confusion on how they got that thing in is giving you a headache, and what pains you more is that you have to get that out when you have fixed it.
You huffed at the thought, why do they need this arcade machine anyways? There are plenty of unused gaming machine at the lowest floor, and they're still working pretty well! What's with all the hype on this one?
Taking off the dirty blanket, you see that the arcade machine looks new... It's already powered on, does Sun and Moon play this game?
You examined it closely, searching for a coin in your pocket. You'll just play the game to see if it's working, if it does then you'll bring it outside and clean it up, easy as pie.
But out of the blue, The name of the game appears on the pixelated screen. It's jolly tune of amusic made you immediately jumped out of surprise.
"What the hell? Is this game haunted or what?" You narrowed your eyes suspiciously at the screen. Do they really think that you're a exorcist and not a staff? You really should thought of this through before signing up for this under paying shit of a job.
Hesitantly in doing so, you grabbed the joystick and pressed on a random button to start the game.
So far it went ok, the game is working well, the sky switches from day to night. Everything is going smoothly wait what the fuck did the game glitched did the sky turned red??
You blinked your eyes, but it turned normal as if it the wasn't even real.
Hell no, you stopped playing and turned around. You know you're going to get paid less, and that's fine because you'd rather live than experience some 3 a.m. scary story creepypasta kind of shit.
You flinched at the sudden ear rape sound that the arcade machine emits. Looking back you noticed that the machine is shaking. Black fingertips slowly emerged from the glitched screen.
You didn't have to think two seconds to try and dart through the tube to get out of that room.
And try as you might, but the moment took a step back the said black hands chased after you. They took a hold of your feet and arms, dragging you slowly, inside the haunted machine.
"Let me go! Assholes!" You twist and turn, kicked your legs and punched one of the hands and yet all of your efforts were in vain.
You're eyes darts around to look for anything that could stop them from pulling you inside, you took blocks and hit them with it. You hold on to the big blocks, or anything that that's heavy to not get pulled.
"No! no no nononono!"  You frantically kicked on the machine, lowered your whole body down all to not get close to the screen. You think it worked, for a minute.
Your face drained of color when you see two robotic pair of chance come out. They grabbed on to your waist.
You got pulled into the machine.
You sharply gasped at the sudden jolt through your body. It's so loud, you can't focus. You're sweating real bad. You inspect everything around you.
Breathing heavily a few times, you calmed down a bit. And it helps to make you more aware of your surroundings. The loud sound suddenly going lower and slower.
You realized now that the sound you heard earlier was your own heartbeat.
To say that you're going mad is the right word. The place your in looks like an imitation of hell. Bloodshot red of the sky, those black clouds that are thinly outlined with a bright orange. You noticed that that you aren't laying down on a floor, but rather floating, yet not a cloud, just floating.
You look up at the sky and see-...
Your breath hitched upon making eye contact with the culprit who you think is the reason that you're in this hellhole.
"Is that... a god?"
It's face like the Sun you know, but the colors are very dark and, if you look hard enough you could see the inside of the mouth is glowing with a bright yellow.
The creature went down to you, you saw how it's body is just a big black of glob. It took all of your face muscles to not grimace at the sight of it, you didn't wanna die because of offending it in anyway.
The robotic glitched face tilt it's head looking at you.
You gulped at the staring, and decided to greet him quietly.
You were grabbed by the wrist.
In one quick motion, it lead you up in the sky, abose the clouds when you look down you don't see anything other than the color of the sky.
You screamed and cried, you didn't do anything to deserve this! Sure you might've said something mean to someone but that wasn't intentional! That was the most you could have done at being bad!
You curled yourself into a ball, if you're going to die you hope they make it quick, you want all of this to end. You can just live peacefully in your second life, no more pain, no more scary robots, no more demonic eldritch being wanting to kill you.
You feel them stop and let them go of your hand. You wiped your eyes to clear your vision. You look around to see everything dark, you know you're in some kind of void, but there's alot of stuff hanging around above you.
You look at the monster in confusion. "W... What's all those?" 'Are you going to kill me with all those items?'
It didn't respond, opted to only look at you.
This suddenly irked you. All this silence is about to  you hysterical. What's his problem? Does he want to see you suffer? He's already done it, why can't he just kill you now?!
You noticed a shadow looming over you, looking up you see a... Kiddies table coming down between you.
The creature backed away to give the table some space.
Your gaze went back up at the stuff above you, to see two cups and a glass teapot filled with... tea? Or coffee? Either way you're not going to drink that.
It landed on the table, each cup is at the end, with the teapot at the middle.
You eyed the creature, it doing it's  head tilt again. "I'm not gonna drink that." You said whilst your crossing your arms.
The teapot floats up again and pours the content at your cup, doing the same at the other. The delicate object went back to it's position.
... Right, an indirect way of telling that you didn't have a choice to begin with. You clicked your tongue in annoyance. Glaring at the monster, asked why you're here.
A minute of silence, and then it finally replied back. "ₒₗd... fᵣᵢₑₙd.." The creature whispered.
"Uh, what??" You couldn't help you're harsh tone. Out of all the things it could've said, it said something so... Weird. As if all of this isn't.
"Old friend who?"
The monster points at you.
Wow. Ok, this is so confusing and stressful. You know that you haven't met it before, so it's highly likely that it must've mistaken you for someone else.
As if reading reading your thoughts- well, at this point it probably is, you're not surprised at anything what it does at this point. The creature called you with your own name.
"Y/ₙ.. ₒₗd f₋fᵣᵢₑₙ-d.."  
You cringed at the sound of it calling you by your name. You look down at your uniform to not see your nametag. It knows your name.
Shoulders are tense, you're back is straight. You kept your guard up incase of anything bad will happen. "Get straight to the point, what do you want from me?"
The monster, let's out a glitched and low sound of a motorboat. What the hell is it doing? Putting a curse on you? You should've brought something holy to smack that with it.
"ₘᵢₛₛₛₛₛ,, y₋ₒᵤ₋ᵤ.."
You're not deaf, you are sure that this mother fucker just hissed at you.
You backed away for a bit, and raised up your hands when it tried to inch closer. 
"Oi! Back the fuck up!" You semi- yelled at the Eldritch as a warning... When you think about it, what is there to warn it about? It could've killed you if it wanted to. Compared to it, you're just a human being with no powers what so ever.
But to your surprise and relief, the creature backed away. Although you think it's because it's of the darkness, you shrugged off the thought of the creature lowering it's head because it was sad of what you did.
Good, he deserved it for scaring you and taking you away.
Now that everything is calmed down, you repeated your question once again.
"...ₕₑₗₚ₋ₚ ₘ₋ₑₑ.."
"Help you? With what?"
You scratched the back of your head. "I don't understand, all of this doesn't! You're already here so why do I have to find you?!"
You head starts throbbing, your vision is getting blurry each second. What? That's impossible, you didn't even drank the fucking tea!
You collapsed.
You're being moved. Left and right. Someone familiar is calling your name.
Each time you don't answer they're call, they shake you harder.
You feel like throwing up from all the things you've went through today. It all felt like a bad dream.
But was it really a dream? You've felt it touch you, it was so real.
And it asked you for help to find it. What does that mean? Find it, inside? Does it mean the arcade? Should you check inside the arcade?
You jolted upwards to sit. You look around, only to see Moon with a worried face.
"Y/n... What are you doing here?"
Loss of words, you shakily pointed at your phone. He seemed to get the memo, as he went for it, he turned it on and went into your emails.
Hi Y/n,
Jamil, your coworker, is here. You were asked by the Fazbear manager to repair the arcade game in the daycare attendant's room. He claimed that kids have a lot of requests for an arcade game that is centered on them. I'm confident you'll be able to locate the movie pirate poster at the theater where their room is located.
You can take your time, but with Fazco, they would like to have the required completion by tomorrow morning. We deeply appreciate on what you do for us, and please be careful.
Jamil Mariano
The moon themed animatronic sighed. He went to you and gently picked you up. "I'll take you down stairs.. You need to rest Starlight."
You fidgeted with your fingers. "But what about that?...The Fazco, and the arcade?"
"That's why I'm taking you away from it, Star. You've been through enough, you deserve to sleep well."
You leaned on his chest. You could worry about the machine later, right now you trust Moon to have your back... Just, a little nap wouldn't hurt..
The night themed robot emits a lullaby, a great distraction for you to not hear him talk with his other half, that's been talking inside their shared minds.
'Moon?...Do you think they saw him?'
He lets out a tired sigh. "They probably have.."
The Sun began to ramble question after question to fill their minds with. What should they do? Do they need help?- Oh, of course they do! But how do we help them?? Can't we just destroy the arcade machine?! No wait, what if it went to another arcade machine, or worse, what if went through their phone?! Who knows what he have done to our Starshine-
The moon softy hissed at his counter part. it annoyed him to hear him worry like this, yet he understands. He too is worried for their friend's safety, that's why they need to deeply think this through before they might do something rash.
"Let's... Not worry for now, they're safe here.. And we should focus on the present, to be aware of our surroundings... to protect them.."
The rambling died down, and Sun agreed... However, they couldn't really push back down their thoughts, they need to act quicker than him. If they dont want to loose the only friend they have.
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le marquis et le moineau
Marquis de Gramont x f!reader
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themes: angst, twisted business associates(?) to lovers, dubious morals, the Marquis has his eyes set on you and only you (but you don't know that ofc)
a/n: this bloody Frenchman has been plaguing my thoughts (thanks to a very sinister portrayal by one Bill Skarsgård). Mind you, I still haven't even seen the film John Wick 4, but I'm a fan of the series, and the morsels I've seen of the Marquis have been more than enough to give rise to a new lil fixation.
word count: 932 ▪︎ more of moineau ▪︎ other works
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It started as a little game.
Just some passing fancy between yourself and the Marquis.
Or at least, that was what it was supposed to remain. Only that. A game.
But you should have known better. You should have known that any game played with Marquis Vincent de Gramont may eventually turn deadly.
Your high-risk job at the Continental usually also reaped the highest of rewards.
Tip off the right person and receive a gold coin. Deliver a message, without any bumps or bruises to all parties involved, and your reputation would be given a much-needed boost or two.
This business was danger wrapped in deceit wrapped in glamour. And you knew how to deal the right cards.
Although it seems, things are not as easy when it comes to the Marquis.
Vincent was every bit a menace as his reputation decreed. The Marquis tasked with restoring the authority of the High Table, he was nothing short of cunning and ambitious, prepared to take down any and all those who posed a threat to his objectives.
Dangerous. Deceptive. Glamourous as well, mind you. He was perfectly suited to this world.
He was also brazen, pretentious, snobbish.
And beautiful.
He knew just how to tug at your strings and make you bend. Or at least, he always tried to.
Like he was doing then, in one of the bigger rooms in his palacial estate, wherein only the two of you stood with only a few feet in between.
"What did we agree upon, mon moineau?" His silky accented voice implored.
My sparrow, he called you. The reason for which remained undisclosed to you, not for a lack of trying to wrench it out of him.
Why couldn't he call you something sweeter? Of the more classic French romantic sobriquets?
Chérie, perhaps. Mon amour. Mon coeur.
But no. You were stuck with measly ol' "my sparrow".
Of course, not that it mattered. Perhaps the Marquis reserved his sweeter words for those he actually cared for. At the very least, well-regarded enough to be associated with. Those impossibly beautiful and refined members of European aristocracy that he was so often rumoured to be wining and dining.
Unlike you. Renegade, foul-mouthed vagabond.
You stared up at his pacing figure. "I am fully aware of what we agreed upon, Vincent. What I have done does not breach that. I am perfectly capable - "
His head snapped to you menacingly. "You could have been killed, moineau."
You shrugged. "Consequences. I did not enter this damned line of work without considering the risks. As it goes, getting killed would not exactly be an uncommon occurence."
"Don't jest." He shut his eyes, and pinched the bridge of his nose, in obvious annoyance.
You took a step forward, trying to find his gaze. "And if I were to... pass... so what? Everything would simply go on. The truth is that I'm already a ghost. Doing what I do in our world makes me some kind of spectre. I am already not there."
You knew this. You repeated this to yourself when you woke, and before you went to sleep. It was the only truth you could hold on to.
Until him. Until some buried, twisted part of you began hoping that he would care.
But hope is a dangerous thing.
You continued, as he kept looking away. "You would go on. Perhaps even find a new sparrow to play with."
You felt it. As your words hung in the air, his entire mood shifted. He straightened, and with both hands burrowed in the pockets of his impeccably tailored trousers, his eyes land on you.
He slowly took a step forward, and then another, until his figure loomed over you.
In all your shared moments, you learned to discern the quick switches in his temper and his expression. But not enough, not completely.
The look he was giving you then was impossible to read.
"You think..." His left hand drifted to the hem of your blazer, toying with it. "... that I..." His index finger then drifted upward over your silk shirt, stopping in between your collarbones. His tongue briefly darted out to wet his lips, catching your eye. "... would simply replace you?"
You finally felt his touch on your face, his fingers delicately caressing your jawline.
He made a fleeting tsk tsk sound with his tongue, as if in disapproval.
"I believe you underestimate just how much you matter to me, mon moineau."
You did your best to remain unfazed. This was the game, wasn't it? Whatever you might think it can become, what you hope it can unravel into - set it aside as delusion.
Don't fall.
It's just a game to play.
Don't fall.
You took a deep breath, then smiled sweetly. Mockingly. "What makes you think I would even pay any mind to how much I matter to you? That line of thinking doesn't work for people like us, Marquis."
"People like us," he repeated, amusement furrowing his brow. "Non, mon moineau. There are no other people like us."
He leaned in, eyes not leaving yours, all but eliminating the distance between your faces. You could feel his breath on your skin, could count the faint spotting of freckles around his nose.
You wished to ask him what he wanted, but held back.
No. There was something better to say.
"What are you waiting for?" You managed to voice the words despite your very heart lodged in your throat.
He smiled, proud of his precious sparrow.
"Mon coeur... I've been waiting for you my entire life."
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Ahhh! 🖤 Everybody say thank you Bill Skarsgård and the on-set stylist for the visual treat that is the Marquis.
I'm not even sure if this will find the right crowd - seeing as my lovely followers are of the HotD persuasion. But oh well, I had to get it out of my system.
Could be more of this... idk 🤷‍♀️ Rest assured I haven't forgetten about all my series works, even the ones I haven't started but said I would do...
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jetblackknight · 5 months
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▬▬ι═══════ﺤ starter for @captianimarum's 𝙽𝙴𝚁𝙾 !
⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ Even as the words left his lips, did Vergil tense at them; he felt so strange, standing in the foyer of a Fortuna home that had seen many years of love and use. How it seemed 𝙴𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚈 place he entered was this way. Entire lives and memories made, all without him. A most 𝙱𝙸𝚃𝚃𝙴𝚁 price to pay for power, and one that Vergil would never be able to return.                           ❛ Dante tells me often that you manage getting by, despite financial troubles. Such 𝚁𝙴𝚂𝙸𝙻𝙸𝙴𝙽𝙲𝙴 is a staple of Sparda blood. ❜                           Vergil gazed around, to the photographs on the wall, the homely way that Kyrie 𝙳𝙴𝙲𝙾𝚁𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳. A far cry from Devil May Cry, whose walls were worn and yellowed from years of untouched grime. Perhaps he would leave here, return to his brother, and set a cleaning crew upon the 𝙰𝙶𝙴𝙽𝙲𝚈 to bring back some of its former 𝙻𝚄𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁. But for now, there was the matter at hand.                           He had been tasked with coming here to 𝚁𝙴𝙲𝙾𝙽𝙲𝙸𝙻𝙴, to have at least one conversation with son. Such a task had been given to him nearly 𝚂𝙸𝚇 𝙼𝙾𝙽𝚃𝙷𝚂 𝙰𝙶𝙾, when he and his twin had returned from the Under World. To say that Vergil had been stalling would be an 𝚄𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙼𝙴𝙽𝚃; he knew how his son felt about him. He knew the contempt and the rage and the 𝙷𝙰𝚃𝚁𝙴𝙳 was there. Vergil had been there himself, only with Dante, his mother, his father. Resilience was one trait of a Sparda—holding a 𝙶𝚁𝚄𝙳𝙶𝙴 was another.                           ❛ How have you been faring with Red Grave? Has our absence been a problem? ❜ He wanted to cringe, again, devour himself as would an 𝙾𝚄𝚁𝙾𝙱𝙾𝚁𝙾𝚂. Vergil had never been a man of many words, and an even lesser man of small talk. Did he ask about the 𝙲𝙷𝙸𝙻𝙳𝚁𝙴𝙽—what would be, perhaps, his grandchildren—or his partner, Kyrie? The dog they did not have? Sparda's Might, even the 𝚆𝙴𝙰𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁 would have been less of an awkward conversation starter than what was, unfortunately, spilling from his lips before he could stop them.                           Coming here had been a 𝙼𝙸𝚂𝚃𝙰𝙺𝙴. Half-tempted, Vergil squeezed the grip on his own fist tighter; there was no 𝚈𝙰𝙼𝙰𝚃𝙾 to split himself with again. No way to give Nero back the 𝙵𝚁𝙸𝙴𝙽𝙳 who had betrayed him. And surely, Vergil knew, his 𝙷𝚄𝙼𝙰𝙽𝙸𝚃𝚈 would be much better at apology than he ever was. 𝙰𝙿𝙾𝙻𝙾𝙶𝚈 ! Oh, Vergil wished to smack himself. He should have started with that. But what good would it do, when he knew in his heart that no 𝙵𝙾𝚁𝙶𝙸𝚅𝙴𝙽𝙴𝚂𝚂 would be granted, not for a million years?
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lavendercrow136 · 8 months
"Tell me this isn't Goodbye Love"
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Link above for Tell me this isn't goodbye love part 9^
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Part 10:
Larissa smiled at me from her place hanging up the red silk, I was adjusting a center piece, I continued to work when I felt her wrap her arms around my waist and kiss my cheek. She delicately spun me to face her,
I blushed looking down at the floor, the dj who was setting up his table for the dance began to play a slow song, and Larissa smiled,
"Dance with me darling?"
She pouted giving me puppy dog eyes and I relented, she pulled my body flush with hers, her hand on the small of my back, and laced her fingers through my own in her other hand, I held her shoulder. She kissed me softly while we danced, and held me tight, she whispered softly in my ear while we danced,
"I couldn't have done this without you darling, the ball room looks perfect"
I smiled softly,
"You did everything, I merely hit the purchase button and helped set it up"
Larissa smirked kissing my cheek,
"I was thinking..."
She added while twirling me, I laughed and she dipped me her voice taking on a seductive tone,
"...Will you go to the dance with me?"
I flushed looking at her face to see if she's serious,
"Honey what about the boys? Whose going to watch them?"
Larissa smiled,
"Maybe you could get your mom too?"
I blushed,
"Darling I couldn't ask her to do that"
Larissa smirked,
"Then I will ask her, come on it will be perfect, its the Saturday after the game, I'll help clean the house if the girls trash it. Your mom can come spend the night, that way all of the boys belongings are there and after the dance you and I can go stay at the new house"
I bit my lip, before nodding softly she smiled and lifted me back up to eye level before spinning me again,
"Then it's settled, I'll call your mother while your at class,and afterwards you and I can go grocery shop, before the girls are shuttled over to the house"
I nodded and kissed Larissas cheek, when we had finished decorating the ballroom, Bianca Barclay set up a table put front to sell tickets for the dance, she passed me her brownies she had made and I smiled.
"Sea salt and caramel, excellent work Bianca, good luck with ticket sales"
Bianca smiled and I turned to walk away, I cut Larissa a brownie and handed it to her on a napkin, she smiled walking back to her office with it while I made my way to class.
They filed in quietly, Wednesday Enid and Yoko were looking over the playbook, each of then had their trays neatly wrapped and set aside. Xavier and Ajax, Kent and Divina , and Eugene all filed in setting their brownies aside, at their desks, and waited for the bell to ring and class to begin. I smoothed my skirt,
"I see everyone completed the assignment, Mrs. Barclay's been excused from class this period to sell tickets for the dance, and I am going to task you with filling her in on the new assignment, and I will email her the recipe and notes. With that being said, today we are going to be making my wife's favorite food, and a comfort food for many homemade baked Mac and cheese"
I lay out the ingredients before them,
"Now, if any of you are lactose intolerant, please take any medication now, this will make your stomach hurt and I do not want to be the reason any of you are sick"
Yokos hand shot up, and I called on her,
"What are the chicken bacon and bread crumbs and panko for?"
I smirked,
"Good catch, as I said this is my wife's favorite and comfort food, not just any homemade Mac and cheese the best homemade Mac and cheese. So it is also going to include jalapeños for a little spice, homemade fried chicken and bacon diced within it"
I began with the rue for the Mac and cheese showing then the amounts they needed to add of each ingredient, and then poured the noodles into the water while it boiled, I then showed them how to prepare the chicken.
"Your going to flatten it with a meat tenderizer, and then dip it in the egg yolk to saturate the chicken once it's been yoked, dip it in your flour breadcrumb panko mixture and easily drop the chicken breast into the hot oil for approximately fifteen minutes, or until it is a nice deep golden brown, once you remove it, check the chicken with your meat thermometer, your fried chicken should have an internal tempature of one hundred and sixty five degrees farenheit.. if it doesn't ease it back into the oil and check again in five minutes"
The students all watched with smiles on their faces,
I removed the chicken from the oil, turned the oil off and set it aside,
"Your going to set down paper towels on a tray and place a draining wrack for your chicken over it. That way the oil can seep out of it. We're gonna go back to our pasta check that it is perfect and then add it to the rue. Perfectly cooked pasta, al dente pasta specifically, takes anywhere from eight to ten minutes depending on the type of pasta, rotini specifically takes seven. Please utilize your timers, no one wants crunchy pasta"
I removed the boiling pot from the stove and drained the pasta into the strainer , showing them how to save some pasta water.
"With your pasta strained add it to your rue, with your pasta water, folded the pasta in your rue making sure its coated, now we are going to take about a cup and a half of heavy whipping cream and two cups of milk , and pour that in, then we are taking a pound of each of our seven cheeses and melting that into the pasta. Save some of your shredded cheese for the top layer and baking. Once it's fully melted and it makes that nice gooey cheese sound, we're going to remove it from the heat and place it in our baking dish, and sprinkle some of the cheese and bread crumbs on top, placing in our cooked bacon and jalapeños, and chicken that should be cut into nice even strip and back on three hundred fifty degrees farenheit for about twenty minutes"
The students watched in awe of every detail, while it baked they helped me clean up the kitchen, I heard a hum of approval from the door frame, and the students giggled slightly when I blushed. Larissa stood with a bouquet of flowers and a small stuffed animal, the students made room for her and Larissa came over and hugged me in my apron kissing my forehead.
"I could smell it from down the hallway"
Her stomach grumbled comically,
"Hungry? It should be done soon, the students and I were gonna eat it here and bring you some but since you joined us this is an excellent opportunity"
Larissa smirked, standing aside,
"I am going to show you how to prepare a table for a guests, in this cabinet behind me their are table clothes place settings cutlery and plates. With different vases for center pieces, now Principal Weems has deemed that this is a lunch date, so I'll show you how to prepare for that"
I grabbed a table cloth from within the pantry, a red one with lace embellishments and trim, I grabbed silver placemats, and cutlery and plates and a vase for the roses, I set up the table,
"You want a table cloth that will compliment the tables shape, because we have a circular table, we want one that's long enough to hide the tables legs, like a ladies skirt or dress we want it to add a little mystique"
I fanned the cloth out on the table, I began setting the placemats, and placing the plates carefully and ornately. Along with the silverware, I grabbed a glass of sparkling apple juice from the fridge in the school's kitchen, and grabbed to glasses,
"When your pour beverages for a guest or, your date, you do so elegantly and delicately, careful not to spill on them or yourself, and you do not sit until your guest is seated."
I pulled out a chair for Larissa and she sat tentatively, hesitant to be apart of the lesson I smiled, when she sat, and I gently pushed her chair in. The timer went off signifying that the Mac and cheese was done, I carefully removed it from the oven, and showed them how to plate the food.
"Your guest should always take the first bite, so serve them first, and after they eat you can begin"
I set down Larissa’s plate and she smiled kissing my cheek, and took a bite, and the students followed suit, Larissa hummed her approval and the students followed suit. Finally I took a bite, and smiled happily,
"So that's your homework assignment, your going to make your own homemade Mac and cheese, and let's make it a contest, if anyone can make one that's indistinguishable from mine, and my wife, your principal can't tell them apart. I will treat the winner to a gift card to the weathervane"
Larissa smiled,
"Yes, I will even sweeten the pot with a gift card for two to the local movie theater."
I smiled, cleaning up the wrest of the dishes from class and packing up the Mac and cheese for at home. I quickly emailed Bianca the ingredients list the directions, and all of the table serving etiquette instructions, along with the assignment. When the bell rang and the students left Larissa finally handed me the stuffed animal, it had on a small t-shirt that read,
"Will you be my date to the Rave'N?"
I smiled and nodded kissing Larissa on the lips,
"Your Mother is more then happy to watch the boys, she came and got them for the night so we wouldn't have to watch a bunch of teenagers and them. She's in my office waiting for you to say goodbye to them, and then my dear when your no longer in your apron you and I are going dance clothes shopping and grocery shopping before the horde of famished soccer stars arrive"
I laughed softly, and finished up my Mac and cheese while Larissa did the same. I washed our dishes, and closed up my classroom and walked with Larissa to the office where my mother sat with the boys. They rushed me immediately and clung to me, and I felt my heart pull a little,
"Mommy we gonna miss you and Mama lots, only couple nights right mommy right? Then home and snuggle you"
It was Tristain who spoke, I nodded and kissed his head tears in my eyes, Oliver spoke up,
"Mommy no cry, why crying? No sad, why Mommy sad Mama?"
He looked over at Larissa who was being strong for the both of us, she knelt next to me and kissed the three of them,
"Because Mommy has never been away from you for long, so you need to be brave for her because she's going to miss you all so much and she loves you so much"
Oliver nodded, and Pugsley smiled gently stroking my face,
"We'll be alright mommy, you'll be otay"
I nodded my head and kissed them all again, and we waved goodbye when my mother took then away. Larissa hugged me for a while, and rubbed my back, she kissed my forehead,
"Honey it's gonna be okay"
I nodded, emotion racking my voice,
"I know that, I just I'm gonna miss them"
Larissa kissed me and chuckled softly,
"Oh honey, it will be okay, now come on apron off, it's time to go shopping"
I nodded and removed the apron hanging it on a hook, I put my coat on and grabbed my purse and Larissa followed suit escorting me to our car. She opened the door for me and I stepped inside of it buckling up immediately, she climbed inside and turned on the radio, buckling up and began the drive to the mall in Burlington. When we arrived she let me out of the car and with her hand on my waist guided me inside, it was only two and the girls wouldn't be headed over until seven pm. We took our time in the stores, Larissa found her outfit almost immediately, but wouldn't let me see it on her, I struggled to find a dress. I was getting frustrated, since having the twins it had been hard for me to find anything that made me feel confident. It was after the fortieth dress that I tried on that I broke down crying, Larissa had been wandering the store when she walked by the fitting room to check on me and heard my muffled sobbing.
Larissa’s voice was soft and full for concern,
"Darling why don't you let me in, I want to help...please"
I hugged my sides and shook my head,
"Please don't, I-I don't want you to see me like this"
Larissa’s brow furrowed,
"Honey please, its not anything I haven't see before"
I shook my head mentally thinking,
"Yes it is, you get the dressed up, fully clothed only in the dark with a night gown on sex now, never fully naked or exposed or without soap or steam to influence your point of view"
Before I could verbally protest any further she was entering the fitting room, her eyes looked over my body, and I flinched closing my eyes not wanting to see her face. It wasn't until I felt her forcing me to my feet, that I looked at her, she was kneeling before me and kissing every curve, every scar and stretch mark. Tears ran down my face in small rivulets, and she rose to her feet, wiping away my tears,
"Shush darling, you are to pretty to cry, it's okay"
I shook my head and hugged my sides, and she tilted my chin up, so I would meet her gaze,
"You are a mother, you are my wife, and you are a beautiful woman, stretch marks and scars are just places where the stars melded into flesh, and formed the beautiful body before me. Now I need you to trust me, sit tight, I am going to find your dress for the dance"
I opened my mouth to speak and she gave me a look, kissing my lips, I sat back on the bench and when she returned she passed me a few things to try on. Every dress fit perfectly, I smiled, she took the three that I liked and chose the one that matched her outfit, and paid for it. She grabbed me heels and accessories, and we made our way out of the mall. She got me my favorite snack, and we left. We made our way to the grocery store from the mall, and when we arrived Larissa did most of the shopping for snacks and treats, for dinner, I paid. When we got home she told me to take a bath while she cooked the meal for the girls, when I had finished my bath I came downstairs to a full kitchen. The girls were snacking on the vegetable and fruit dip Larissa had grabbed and she was putting the desserts in the oven.
I ordered pizza wings and salad, and when i had finished the call Larissa hugged me from behind,
"Feel better darling?"
I nodded sleepily, and she smiled, the girls filed into the living room and voted on a horror movie. Larissa and I curled up in the lazy boy, under a blanket and watched it with the girls. She kissed my forehead and rubbed my back, and when the pizza boy arrived I paid them, I grabbed a bowl of salad and ate it silently. The girls were laughing eating pizza and watching the movie, Larissa noticed I had not touched much of the food, and beckoned me into a separate room.
"Darling what's wrong? I know your hungry, I can hear your stomach growling, and you barely any of your fried dough bites"
I fidgeted nervously making sure none of the girls had noticed our absence,
"I-I just feel off, like I'm not comfortable in my own skin"
Larissa shook her head and held me close at the first sign of my tears and kissed my forehead rubbing my shoulders, Bianca poked her head around the corner,
"Hey,Ms. Weems are you okay?"
A few of the girls had followed her apparently our absence had not gone as undetected as I had hoped, Larissa looked up at them smiling softly, Yoko spoke up having read my thoughts.
"She's been struggling with food lately and her self image, every time she looks in the mirror-"
I looked at Yoko and she stopped talking, Larissa knelt eye level with me, and she kissed me reassuringly. Yoko extended to me a small packet, it looked like a juice box but it wasn't.
"You need this, more then you think, even if you don't want it morally, your body physically needs it. My cousin has an eating disorder, at first she saw the results she wanted but then her brain found more and more things to pick at, and she ended up hospitalized. So as a fellow vampire and someone who really looks up to you. I am telling you, you need this, you can't keep living like your only psychic and ignoring that part of you. Drink it, it will help"
Larissa went to the sink, and checked the blood bag bin and frowned,
"Honey, this is full, you haven't been feeding?"
I felt panic claw at my chest,
"You've seen me eat-"
Larissa shook her head, she looked furious and worried all at once,
"That's not what I meant and you know it"
I began to shake, I gripped my sides, and turned away from her from the students. I walked towards the door and put my rain coat on, I stepped outside, and heard the door slam behind me. I began to walk, when I heard the sound of wet feet running after me, I turned to see Larissa running towards me, she was crying. I had made her cry,
" y/n please come back inside, we can tall about this, I can help you"
I stopped in my tracks, I couldn't handle seeing Larissa upset, I relented and she seemed to calm down. She guided me inside, and the girls were all in the living room giving us space. Larissa poured some blood into a cup for me and heated it up like tea, she mixed in some chocolate powder and milk, it looked like raspberry hot chocolate. I drank it for her, and then I ate some pizza, she held me while I ate and kissed me. I had drained five blood pouches by the time the movie was over, and I felt much better, Larissa carried me over tobthe lazy boy and we sat together. She kissed my cheek, and played with my hair, eventually I drifted off to sleep in her arms. When I awoke she was saying goodnight to the girls, and apologized for earlier, I pretended to sleep still in her arms. And when she lay me in bed, she climbed in after me once she had put pajamas on and I rolled over holding her while she relaxed.
Larissa looked over at me,
"Yes love?"
I shifted closer to her,
"Are you mad at me?"
She shook her head softly,
"No baby, but you did scare the hell out of me earlier, it's no wonder you've been feeling off"
I nodded in relief and kissed her softly passionately, she sighed content and buried her face in my neck while I gently caressed her arms.
When I awoke the next morning, I got dressed and made the girls breakfast, Larissa went over plays with them while they ate, and when it was finally time and they were dressed for the game we filed into the bus and made our way to the championship game arena. I had the medkit, and the coolers with snacks, I had sunscreen for the girls, Larissa ran them through warm ups and drills. When at last the game began, I sat on the bench near Larissa, and cheered the team on, the game was neck and neck, they were tied when the referee called for half time. The girls ran over breathless and stretched drinking water and refueling with snacks, my mother brought the boys to the game and Larissa and I went over to see them. She hadn't spoken to me at all that morning, whether it was because she was still worried about last night or entirely focused on the game I wasn't sure.
"Hey Ris, please don't tell my mom about last night..."
Larissa looked at me and scoffed slightly,
"Why not? Clearly I can't keep an eye on you all the time, someone else needs to know"
Her words felt like a harsh slap, and I stiffened,
"I -I'm sorry Larissa, I thought you weren't mad, I promise I'll make it up to you"
She looked at me her facial expression full of guilt and bordering on pain,
"I-Y/n I'm sorry, but you could have died... you could have starved to death...and you would have left me, the boys and Wednesday all behind... I wasn't angry anymore last night but then I saw the boys and though of all you could have left behind and it hurt and I got mad... please promise me you'll do better"
I nodded my head,
"I promise"
She nodded and kissed my forehead,she went to the boys and hugged them and thanked my mother again for taking them, I went to them to and kissed them crying softly.
"Mama no sad, only one more night, one more and done, then we back"
I smiled drying my eyes, and nodded,
Larissa guided me back to the bench, I drank a blood pack and sat in silence, the girls were back put on the field and the Ravens had the ball. Enid protected Wednesday who was dribbling it up to field she weaved it through the offensive Knights players legs, passed it to Yoko, who fielded it to Bianca, and then when Wednesday was open again she bicycle kicked it into the goal. The whistle blew,and the Ravens won against the knights, fifteen to thirteen, the girls lined up on the field with Larissa who presented them the trophy, and their picture was taken. When the girls filed back into the bus they were laughing and smiling we stopped by the house so they could grab their bags and belongings and Larissa drove the bus back to the Academy so the girls could get ready for the dance.
Larissa put the trophy with the picture in the frame, and we went home. She was quiet almost the whole way, but then lightened up a little after she ate some of the leftover Mac and cheese, I rubbed her shoulders and she smiled while I sipped another blood pouch. We spent the evening together, Larissa was laughing and smiling, we talked things out. I went upstairs to shower and she locked up, before joining me, I removed my clothes and stepped into the water. Larissa hummed her approval, stripping and joining me, she laced her hands around my waist and kissed my neck. Teasing my sensitive body,she released me when I began to whine and squirm, allowing us to finish our shower. I slipped into my silk night gown, she spooned me close, and I drifted to sleep listening to the rhythm of her heartbeat as a lullaby.
When I awoke Larissa was sitting next to me reading a book, I smiled curling up on her lap, she say the book aside and kissed my forehead.
"I packed our overnight bag for the new place, and set your dress out, the dance is not till later, but we do have time to go get brunch and maybe catch a matinee if you want or catch up on our shows and order in"
I smiled at her excitement on the last sentence,
"So we order brunch for take put and catch up on our shows?"
Larissa beamed,
I laughed and sat up kissing her,
"Of course baby"
Larissa smiled and pulled up Hulu, while I ordered our breakfast, when it arrived we curled up in our pajamas in bed and watched American Horror Story Delicate, Larissa eyed me curiously,
"How are you eating and not feeling icky? She just scarfed down a raccoon"
I smirked Larissa could be so cute and soft sometimes,
"Darling, I literally thrive off of blood, and have seen serial killer psychos do much worse, not to mention when I was training to be a Detective they had us go to a body farm to see the different states of decomposition, after that anything else seems kind of mundane"
Larissa shivered, and scooted closer,
"Do you miss being a Detective?"
I smiled,
"Sometimes, but there's so much risk with that job, if something from work followed me home, and anything happened to the kids or you. I would never be able to forgive myself"
I felt a lump of emotion catch in my throat,
"Besides I always wanted to do something with my cooking, what better way then to teach young outcasts like you and me to fend for themselves, to cook and to clean, how to serve guests, all of thevstuff that comes with being an adult and living life"
Larissa smiled and kissed me,
"You know Wednesday and Enid want to be detectives?"
I smiled softly, an odd sense of pride filling me. Larissa noticed and played with my hair, she kissed my cheek before getting up and taking care of the garbage and leftovers. I sat sipping my iced coffee, when Larissa returned she smiled seeing me with my chocolate mocha raspberry and blood infused coffee.
"You worked up quite a thirst didn't you baby?"
I nodded and she smirked blushing. She lowered the collar on her shirt, I shook my head,
"Baby I can't, I don't know if I'd be able to stop"
Larissa pouted,
"Don't give me that sappy Edward Cullen bullshit, I know you, your stronger then you think, and I'm offering"
She straddled my lap and kissed my neck, I set my coffee aside, and she exposed her pulse point to me, I blushed my nails biting into the mattress.
"Please don't darling"
That caught Larissa’s attention, she climbed off my lap and covered her neck, she caressed my face,
"What is it love? Why not?"
I flushed,
"In drinks it's fine, but taking it from the source, I just-im not ready...I know I did at the hospital, but I didn't have a say in it and I can't consciously do this to you"
Larissa looked at me with so much love and understanding she kissed me softly, a blush spreading on her cheeks,
"I love it when your open and soft with me"
It was my turn to blush, we spent the evening together snuggling and kissing and then it was time to get ready, I awoke from a nap and Larissa was gone a note on the night stand saying to be ready by six pm. I got up and showered. I took my time willing my body to relax , I was anxious and had never been to a dance ever. I had skipped my proms and homecoming, something I never really regretted but not getting ready I was anxious. I wanted it to be perfect, Larissa had told me how the Rave'N had always been a bitter sweet memory for her, I dried off. And slipped on a matching lingerie set, I looked over my reflection in the mirror. For once since having the twins I felt sexy confident even, I did my makeup; a smokey eye , full contour and soft blush paired with a subtle lip color. I was listening to music while I got ready. I had shaved everything and was applying moisturizer before slipping on my nylons. With my nylons on and makeup and hair done, I stepped into my dress using a coat hanger to zip it up. It fit perfectly, hugging my every curve like a glove and complimenting my shape, it was black with a nude fabric underneath it, as if I were only wearing lace. The top was a sweet heart neck line, with a low back and plenty of cleavage exposed, it was clearly expensive and coture. Larissa always had an eye for fashion, I smiled slipping on the accessories she had picked for it and my heels, grabbing a small clutch. I heard Larissa call me from downstairs,
"Darling I'm here, are you ready?"
I spritzed on the perfume I knew drove Larissa wild and made my way carefully down the steps. Larissa looked stunning, a dazzling smile on her face, she had on a beautiful suit with a corset top that complimented her shape and long legs, she was holding a corsage, I pulled the boutenir I had purchased out of the fridge and delicately pinned it to her suit coats lapel.
"You look absolutely stunning"
I gushed kissing her softly, she smiled quietly drinking in my form, her hands teasingly traced my curves and I bit my lip to suppress a moan she smirked,
"You my dear are a work of art, and as much as I love this dress on you, I want to see it in a pile on our floor"
I gasped and a pleased rumble emitted from her throat, she kissed the column of my throat, and guided me outside her hand on my back, and opened the car door for me, drinking in the view as I dipped down to get in the vehicle. When she climbed into our vehicle, her hand on my thigh she drew teasing circles in the fabric of my gown. When we arrived at the Academy she lead me inside, she stroked my back, and passed off our tickets. We entered in their were already so many students in the ball room, they were dancing and laughing and almost as soon as we arrived their attention turned to us. Wednesday and Enid immediately came over they complimented us both, Enid gushed over my dress, she had a on a soft grey blue dress, and Wednesday had on a simple black pair of dress pants a shirt with a tie of a similar shade. Students approached us in a similar fashion throughout the night complimenting us, the decor and thanking Larissa for throwing the dance. Eventually a slow song played, I was filling up a drink at the punch bowl, when I felt her arms embrace me. I sighed contentedly,
"Darling, dance with me?"
I blushed as red as the punch and Larissa smiled,
"It will be like at our wedding, I'll guide you through it"
I nodded softly, she guided me over to the ballroom floor, that was all but empty it would seem the students did not care for slow dances. Larissa planted her hands firmly on the small of my back, and I held her shoulders, she smirked softly, and I sang to her while we danced. The students watched and took pictures, recorded, us dancing, and then the song changed to something a bit more suggestive. I went to move away, and Larissa pulled me flush against her, I blushed a small yelp escaping me. She giggled purring seductively, she manipulated my body on the dance floor with ease. Dipping me low and kissing my neck,
"Ris there's children, your students, we are not alone"
Larissa mocked a bite to my throat, and when she tilted her head back, she had shifted her eyes a golden color and fake blood ran from her lips. Now I understood the dances theme, a vampire ball. The students clapped and she shifted back to normal, I blushed my face red, Larissa smirked,
"A round of applause for my wife, who was an unknowing participant in my little performance"
The students clapped and I turned an even brighter shade of red, eventually the dance ended and the students had cleaned up everything and gone to their dorms. It was just Larissa and I, with the DJ, she walked over to him whispering something softly, and we slow danced to the song that played at our wedding. I began to tear up, as Larissa guided me about the dance floor, she kissed me delicately on the lips. We paid the DJ, and when he left we locked up the ballroom and went to the new house, Larissa lifted me out of the car and carried me over the threshold, she kissed me passionately and I moaned.
Larissa locked the door behind us and guided me to our master bedroom, she unzipped my dress and hung it up in the closet and did the same with her suit, she bit her lip admiring my body in the lingerie.
She raked her eyes a long my form and couldn't suppress the guttural moan that pulled from her throat, I flushed whimpering, I sat on the edge of the bed and slipped my panties aside gently stroking my folds, teasingly slow. Her eyes traced my movement and her perfectly manicured brows furrowed,
"What exactly do you think your doing?"
I stopped and blushed, she sauntered over to me confidence in every step, she tilted my chin up to meet her gaze. I opened my mouth to speak and her thumb traced my lip, she smirked her tongue flicking out to wet her teeth.
"Use your words pet"
I practically shuddered with arousal at the nickname, and she hummed her eyes glazed over with lust as she lengthened her cock, shifting her anatomy, I sputtered. And she smirked,
"I- I- Ris I need you"
Larissa hummed in quiet thought, gently caressing my face before lightly slapping it and choking me, the actions through me off balance and instantly I felt arousal flood my core. She snickered sadistically,
"Awe poor baby, mommy hasn't even touched you yet, and your already speechless,that's to bad. Mommy's just gonna have to fuck her little bunny dumb, isn't she?"
I moaned at her words a sense of shame filling me, she gently pushed me back on the bed, she tugged down my soaked thong with a single digit, I whimpered at the feeling of her hands so close to where I desperately needed her. She removed my bra, and kissed me slowly, teasing every inch of my skin with her lips tongue and teeth, she sent sparks of electricity through every neuron and synapse, a fire bloomed and burned within my stomach. She was absolutely maddening and deliberate with her every movement, a smirk played on soft beautiful lips,
"What's wrong bunny, feeling desperate?"
I could tell from the playful lilt in her tone that she wanted me to beg, and I was in dire need of release, so I begged and pleaded with her. She smiled,
"Oh honey that's all you had to do,spread for mommy"
I spread my legs and practically screamed when I felt her fingers make contact with my clit she hummed and moaned,
"That's it such a good little whore for mommy, my perfect little fuck bunny"
She sucked hickeys into my skin, marking me up completely, when finally she slid her cock inside of me she growled and I whimpered. Something within both of us snapped and in a blur of flesh and the sound of the smqcking of wet forcefully colliding, we climaxed, orgasming in sync. Fully enraptured within one another's arms she collapsed on top of me and I through the blanket over us.
"I love you Larissa Weems"
She hummed sleepily kissing me gently,
"I love you to bunny"
✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧°•☆~○¤~☆°•
Well I hope you'll enjoy this chapter, I'm hoping to get a chapter of "I will love you through it all" written and posted as well. I appreciate your patience with me and your support.
As always let me know what you think, and if there's anything you'd like to see, I appreciate it!! ❤️
@winterfireblond @weemssapphic @weemswife @propertyofmilfs @pro-weems-places @larissaoftarthweems @vii-v @o1iviac1aire @barbarasstar @milfsloverblog @gwens0girl @gwens0girl @gwenzone @larissaweemsismywife
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d4ft-punky · 1 year
Smut, soap in a silly goofy mood, strangers to lovers(?), reader has female parts, (I don't remember but) no use of pronouns for reader, no use of Y/N
A/N: reading/writing smut in your first language is so bad for some reason i don't understand the science behind it but it makes no sense like the difference between before and after i translated this smut scene is mind blowing
Okay enough talking let's read 🌽 i hope you like it<3
The first lights of the sun were aimed right at my eyes, in thin beams, taking the task of waking me up extremely seriously. Squeezing my eyelids as tightly as I could as if I could cut off the light, I had just realized that there was even a window in the room. Just as my last night's tiredness hit me in the face again, I heard a rustling on my left side. I was persistently not opening my eyes. I didn't know what time it was, but as far as I remember from yesterday, Gaz said he was coming to wake me up. I listened carefully, giving myself a little more. I didn't have to try very hard to hear the hard breathing. And to guess the owner of these breaths.
“If you are awake, start preparing. We're leaving in 15 minutes.”
I didn't know when I started holding my breath, but it must have been a long time, because when the sound of heavy boots left the room, I suddenly let the breath I was holding inside me out hard through my nose. As my eyes opened within seconds, I turned to my left side. I stared at the door with my back straight. How long has he been there?
Taking a deep breath, I put my feet down on the wooden floor. I didn't have time to think about other things, my priority was to leave here and find myself a way to return home. And I wasn't planning to come back here for a while.
I rose up to move towards the small sink and mirror located in the room. When I stretched wide, the sound of cracking sound coming from my bones, especially from my back and the rest of my body, almost reverberate in the empty room. After quickly washing my hands and face, I grimaced at the filthy water running down the white marble to the drain. When I found a proper bathroom, I made a note in my head to clean up considerably and put my jacket on. After putting my bag back on my back, I turned the handle of the door and went out. Just then Gaz, who was coming up the stairs directly opposite me, raised his head and looked at me.
“I was just coming to wake you up. We're leaving soon, are you ready?”
Not understanding, I slowly nodded my head in approval. Didn't the others know that he came to my room?
My eyes slid over Gaz's shoulder to the table in the middle of the house and to those around him. Soap was checking his weapons, which he had picked up, while Captain Price was roughly arranging the last pieces of paper on the table in his hand and putting them into a knapsack. Although I scanned the room briefly, I couldn't see where Ghost was. When my gaze turned to the Sergeant, who was still waiting for me on the staircase, I took another step and approached the steps. Then the sound of a car's brake sticking on the dry dirt floor outside echoed in the empty house.
“Our car has arrived.” Soap said, lifting his head. When Gaz and I went down the last steps of the stairs, I saw eye to eye with the Captain. He finished putting the papers in the bag, unzipped it, smiled and approached me.
“I hope you have been able to rest properly. When we reach the main base, we will find a plane to take you home.”
“I'm really very grateful to you. If I hadn't found you-” Ghost had entered with audible footsteps, and as I guessed, I was the first prey of his cutting teal gaze. I cleared my throat before continuing my interrupted sentence. “If I hadn't found you, my situation would probably have been much worse. I can't thank you enough.”
“Please...” Price said. Putting a comforting smile on his face, he gently squeezed my arm with his hand as if giving me strength. “As I said, our job is to keep you safe. If everyone is ready, let's set off without delay.”
He said the last sentence by dropping my arm and turning to the others. Tightening my hand at the straps of my bag, I followed the steps of the Captain and Gaz, who followed behind him, and followed them to the exit. Soap was coming from behind me. The Ghost was the last to leave the building.
The lights of the sun that woke me up, was causing discomfort to my body because of the heat this time. Just when I caught sight of the all-terrain vehicle standing in front of the house, Soap crossed in front of me, threw himself in through the door where the first Gaz entered.
"Gaz, move aside. Chick will sit next to me.”
While smiling shyly, the Ghost behind him passed by quickly enough to leave a light breeze behind me and opened the car door to get into the front passenger seat.
“Soap." Ghost called out to his colleague in a warning manner the second he sat down in the seat. Against his tone, which was harsher than his voice in the morning, the Sergeant shrugged his shoulders, planting his palms in the air as if saying ‘What did I say now?’
Before the captain started the car, I sat down in the place Soap opened for me and closed the door. I took out my backpack, put it in front of me and leaned my back against the comfortable car seat. As I felt the long lens of my camera in my bag in my palm, it occurred to me to check my photos and the battery of my camera. Opening my bag only as far as I could take out my camera, I took out the machine and touched the power button. I had changed the battery 2 days ago, but I didn't think there was a problem because it had been turned off for a long time. As I was entering the gallery, I noticed Soap looking over my shoulder at my photos. After turning the machine's screen towards him a little, I moved decently among the pictures. From my side, the Sergeant made an impressed sound.
“You're really talented. If I see these places normally, I don't even look out of the corner of my eye. They look too artistic here.” he said as he took the camera from my hand and examined it. I thanked him quietly, smiling. Then he turned it back to the shooting setting and moved the camera closer to his eye, turning the lens towards Gaz's side. Gaz was looking out the window at the time and turned towards us with a clicking sound coming out of the camera. When Soap showed me the photo that came out, I raised my thumb and nodded my head approvingly. I didn't even realize I was starting to laugh at the time.
Then Soap raised the camera again, but this time the lens was looking at me. Seconds before I heard the machine click, my eyes found the rearview mirror with a strange attraction. And from there, two pairs of blue eyes looking at me. I felt like I stayed that way for a while, because I noticed that he was frowning from under his mask. But it wasn't as if this frown was made of anger. It was more of a frown trying to describe what he was seeing. My smile that hanging on my face began to slowly die.
I didn't know if he didn't trust me or if he was suspicious. He wouldn't have brought me this far if he didn't trust me.
“This was the most beautiful one among them.” Soap said confidently. He held out the camera while showing me my photo. I examined the photo while taking the machine away from him. It was taken while we were seeing eye to eye with him, and I looked so fascinated that I didn't recognize myself. Feeling that my throat was getting dry, I reached into my bag, which I hadn't closed, and took out my bottle, which had a few sips of water left in it. After finishing the water, I put the empty plastic bottle and the camera I had turned off into my bag. After closing the zipper, I tried to come to myself by squeezing my bag, which I placed on my lap again.
You had to be blind not to see the effect that this man had left on me, but I still hadn't figured out how he did it.
The car ride was quiet after this little fun. Sometimes the Captain would look in the rearview mirror and ask a few questions about me, or turn to the others and say something about their work. Soap, on the other hand, turned to talk to me after Gaz was tired of listening to him. And it stopped a few minutes later because everyone in the car begged him to shut up.
The main base was a military base much bigger than the house we came from. When we reached the gate, the Captain had handed over the car to someone else in a soldier's uniform. As we were getting out of the car, a blonde woman came out of the door we were going to enter and greeted the Captain.
“Chief Laswell.”
Price greeted the woman with a nod. When everyone got out of the car, Laswell barely saw me because of Gaz in front of me.
"I think you're our photographer friend.” she said, holding out her hand towards me. “I'm Chief Kate Laswell. When the captain informed me that you were coming, I arranged for a plane to leave for you early tomorrow morning. I hope you haven't been under too much difficulty.”
I nodded my head quickly to the right and left.
“No, I'm fine. Thank you very much to you too. I hope it wasn't troublesome. Unfortunately, most things did not go according to my plans.” When I let go of the woman's hand, smiling in an embarrassed way, she came a little closer to me and put her arm behind my back, hugged me by the shoulder and started to pull me away from the group.
"I assure you it was all very easy. Let's get you away from these dirty guys a little bit now. Your room is set up, go get yourself together and get cleaned up.” As the smile on my face grew a little bigger, I turned back to Soap and Gaz, who waved at me before thanking the woman again. I couldn't say goodbye to Ghost because he was talking to the Captain, but I had to keep in mind to get an opportunity to talk to him.
The moment I entered the room, I realized that the feeling of a clean place was really different. I slowly put my bag down on the floor and got rid of the jacket I was wearing. They had left a dark green T-shirt and black trousers on the bed for me. Even if they were a size too big for me they were clean and I wasn’t in a position to say no to something like that.
After a bath that lasted a little more than half an hour, I had officially changed my skin. My body was clean and I was glowing. After putting the clothes on the bed, I realized that they actually didn't look so baggy. When I tucked the T-shirt into the pants and narrowed the waist with my own belt, they looked like they fit right in. Taking my camera out of my bag, I plugged the charging cable into the first outlet I saw and threw myself on the bed to rest.
The clock was just showing the time of noon. When Laswell dropped me off in the room, I asked her where Ghost might be and she told me that he might be either in his room or at a meeting. His room was in the corridor across from my room. If I had a chance to talk to him before dinner and find out about his problem, maybe at least I won’t be subjected to the murderous glances he throw at me while eating.
When I had finished all my work, I left my room and walked to the cross corridor. Although they gave me new clothes, the only thing that looked dirty on me were my short boots, and I hoped it wouldn't attract too much attention. When I reached the door, a small bud of stress blossomed inside me. What if something bad happens? Or if I get into an embarrassing situation?
What could be the most that could happen? Anyway, I was going to leave early tomorrow morning and we probably wouldn't see each other again. That's why I was going to fix this uncomfortable situation today. Or at least I was going to try.
I took a deep breath, cleared my throat and raised my hand to knock on the door. My knuckles met the door once and the door opened in seconds. My hand stuck in the air as it was preparing to knock for the second time. He also opened the door too quickly for my expectations, as if he had guessed that I would come here. While the mask on his face retained its usual place, the gear I had seen on him all day were not in their places this time. Instead, he was wearing a black T-shirt and trousers of the same color. The thought crossed my mind at that time that he probably didn't take off his mask even when he was sleeping. His eyes didn't seem so hard or scary this time as they met my eyes. Instead, he seemed to relax a little more. Instead of struggling to figure out why, I tried to smile a little and put my hand down. Although his eyes slipped to my lips for a very brief moment, they came out to my eyes again. It happened so fast, I thought I was dreaming.
“I'm sorry I didn't get the opportunity to thank you specifically because other things got in the way.” I blinked my eyes as my voice came out hoarser than I expected. It seems that the effect I mentioned was starting to take its place on me.
Making a movement that I would be surprised if it came from him, he stepped aside and pointed inside.
The first thing that caught my eye when I entered the room was how neat it looked. The equipment I just mentioned was laid flat side by side on the table, and everything was in place. When I heard the sound of the door closing that filled the room, I turned around and watched his body leaning against the door. His arms were crossed over his chest. His biceps were bulging from stretching his arms, and the tattoos on his left arm were visible because of his short-sleeved T-shirt. Thinking that I had been looking at his arms for too long, I averted my eyes and lowered them to his feet. He had not taken off his heavy boots.
"I guess you didn't just come to say thank you.” When his thick voice reached my ears, the fact that there were only two of us in the dim room hit me in the face. When my throat suddenly dried up, I could only swallow. And it couldn't be said that it worked very well either.
“True.” I said in the same low voice. If I raised my voice, it was like I was going to scream. It gave me a strange fear that I would lose control so easily. “As much as it was my first thought to thank you, there is one more thing I have to ask.”
“Spill it out.” He began to wait curiously for me to speak, laying his head slightly on his shoulder. I tried to make my voice sound a little smoother this time.
“Your looks at me have attracted my attention since we first saw each other. If there is a problem, I want to solve it now.” I was going to keep talking after licking my lips, but it happened again. His eyes came down to my lips again, but stayed a little longer. I definitely couldn't have imagined it this time. He straightened his back. “I am grateful to those who have helped me here and I wouldn't want to cause any problems to anyone. Please tell me what I've done to make you feel that I am untrusted.”
After finishing my sentence, silence covered the room. Only our breathing could be heard, but his came out more muffled because of his mask. Then suddenly I heard him laughing. It was very short. It was so short that it sounded like a quick exhale, but I knew he was laughing. He bowed his head and with a slow movement he separated his back from the door. There was only a distance of 2, maybe 3 steps between us, but he had crossed this distance quicly thanks to his long legs. I made a sound like I was suprised when he suddenly appeared in front of me. My breath was caught in my throat.
I could see his eyes better now. The brown color had become a little darker than before. Because his eyelashes were yellow, they stood out decently as if white brushstrokes had been struck through his black eye makeup. I thought I couldn't quite see the eyebrows, but because they were frowning, they appeared above the eyeholes of the mask.
“Do you think I don't trust you?” I stopped holding my breath and shook my head.
“I thought you suspected me. You looked uncomfortable.” When I finished my sentence, his eyebrows frowned a little more, as if it could happen. As he brought his face closer to my face, my eyes involuntarily opened a little more at the same rate. My neck was starting to hurt from looking up.
“I'm uncomfortable, it's true.” As much as it's something I predicted, I really didn't think it would happen. I really didn't want it to happen. While I nodded my head in understanding, I turned my head and focused my gaze on the floor.
"I'm sor-" I was interrupted when his frighteningly large hand found my chin. When he lifted my head up, he locked his eyes to my eyes, and I definitely couldn't take my eyes off him, as if he had done it in a physical way. Now I could feel his hard breathing even through his thick mask.
“Aren't you going to ask why I'm bothered?” His hand on my chin softened while his thumb stroked my cheek as lightly as a feather. While I was out of breath, I had grabbed his arm, which was holding me. The other was squeezing the baggy fabric of my trousers. My palms were sweaty.
“W-Why are you bothered?” When I heard that I was stuttering, I wanted to avert my eyes in shame, but I felt like I would die if I didn't look at him. It's like everything around here is going to disappear, including him.
“I was annoyed that I couldn't stop looking at you.” He put his nose, covered with the black fabric which his mask was sewn, close to my cheek and took a deep breath. “Even if I stopped looking at you, I was annoyed that you didn't get out of my fucking mind.”
Unable to resist, I closed my eyes and put my cheek close to his face. I didn't even remember what I came here for anymore. Either way, I didn't really care anymore.
“You ask how I trusted you.” he said, moving away from my cheek. When he raised his head, his nose rubbed against mine. “How did you trust me?”
My hand, which was squeezing my pants, moved to squeeze his T-shirt this time. I had barely heard his question when his muscular, hard body under the fabric made me dizzy.
“You were the only one I could trust at that time.” I took a deep breath. But I didn't have the strength to exhale. “If I didn't trust you, I would have run away from there.”
“You couldn't have run away.” he said at once. He shook his head from right to left. “The first moment I saw you, you were engraved on my head. I wouldn't let you go even if you ran away.”
The room was filling with the quick breaths of both of us. I didn't want him to let me. “Don't let go.”
“I won't.” While his hand, which was not holding me, was around my waist, he pulled me hard to his body. Our rapid collision forced me to let out the oxygen that had accumulated inside me. As my warm breath hit his chest, he comfortably moved his head closer to my ear as a result of our rapprochement. Even if his voice sounded hoarse, he had never lost his confidence. “No one can take you away from me after this.”
I whimpered silently when his hand disappeared on my chin. In the room, which was getting warm because of the fire burning in us, my jaw was starting to get cold. When I was about to open my still closed eyes to see what he was doing, he took my hand, which was clinging to his arm, into his big hand and brought it to his neck. “Don't open your eyes.”
His fingers were resting on my fingers. My fingers are also on the black fabric. When he put his hand- our hands into the fabric with a slow maneuver, I wanted disobeyed his command and open my eyes. But I didn't. The skin on the tips of my fingers was so hot that I felt like it was slowly melting. When the tip of my middle finger was above his artery, I felt the beating of his heart in my own heart. They were both beating so fast, it was like they were trying to keep up with each other.
As we raised our hands even higher, this time my fingers got caught in his beard, which had just started to grow. An exquisite tickle had enveloped my body. As he went up, his mask was gradually separating from his face. Although I couldn't see, I could understand, because when our fingers finally came to his cheek, my thumb touched his lips, and I could no longer hear his breathing muffled, but clearly. As my thumb stroked his lip, I felt it slightly open.
“Simon.” I paused. To hear his voice without his mask was like hearing the voice of a god, from himself instead of his messengers. Unfiltered and clearly. I thought about what would happen if my heart kept beating faster while the adrenaline level in my body was increasing. I was going to die. “Say my name.”
“Simon.” I sounded so desperate. I had become the most desperate person in the world just because he wasn't close enough to me right now.
He pressed his fingers into my fingers a little more while our hands were still on his cheek. He was giving me the best pain he could while his beard was sinking into my hand. I was about to open my eyes when his rapid breathing approached my face with a brutal slowness.
"Simon, please-" my sentence, interrupted by his lips. And my voice was in gratitude for being interrupted in this way. Our lips stayed like that for a while without moving. Simon took a deep breath through his nose and pushed his face away before moving his soft lips. When our lips parted from each other with a wet sound, even the walls got embarrassed.
“If we keep going I may not be able to stop.” His breath was blowing on my lips like a fall breeze. “You have to stop me now.”
I couldn't hear anything else, only the buzzing of my heartbeat could be heard in my ears. I didn't care what he said. All I cared about was hearing the desperation in his voice like in mine. That was enough for me. Our lips seemed to be connected to each other by a physical bond, because even though my eyes were closed, I knew where they were. When I kissed him again, this time a growl came out of his throat that you can only hear if you are as close to him as I am. Taking his hand that was holding my hand that was resting on his cheek, he brought it next to his other hand on my waist and put both of them under my calves, lifting me up into the air.
Our kiss this time was not slow or stationary. It was fast and in need of each other. I couldn't keep up with his lips, nor could he mine. My body, which was lifted into the air, wrapped its legs around his thick waist to avoid falling. My hand, which was holding his face, did not and would not leave its place. If I couldn't see it, I would feel it by touching it. The other had wrapped his neck around and was stroking his hair through the gap opened by the mask.
One of his hands had left my leg, spilling his equipment on the table to the floor and making room for me to sit down. When my hip met the table hard, a hoarse moan came out of my mouth towards his open mouth. Since he didn't have to hold me in the air, he could use his hands any way he wanted now, and he was using it magnificently. His right hand pulled off the skirts of my T-shirt by pulling it from the waist of my trousers and squeezed the flesh on the sides of my waist with fingers that burned like flames. With the pleasure he gave me, I gently rubbed my teeth decently on his lower lip between my lips. He might have liked what I did, he pressed his lips even more into mine. I felt like if we got a little closer, we'd intertwine each other. As if we were going to be one.
Hardly leaving his lips from mine, he put his left hand between my two collarbones and lay me down me on the table. His hand between my bones felt like it was going to go to my neck, but it didn't. As he was about to pull back, my hands, which were holding his face and wrapping his neck, caught his hand and left it right on my neck. While his hand was happily settling down well on my neck, his hand inside my T-shirt was also starting to follow a path upwards. His stiff and scarred hands were like cotton on my skin. When his middle finger came under my left breast, he paused for a few seconds. I had thrown my bra in my bag along with my dirty ones because it was dirty too. And Simon was learning about this situation on the firsthand.
It had all happened in a matter of seconds. The moment he grabbed my chest and crushed the soft flesh in his big palm, his hand tightened on my throat because of a groan that I couldn't stop from coming out of my mouth. There were only centimeters between our legs, which were almost touch thanks to the height of the table. I could feel the warmth radiating from him so deeply, it was as if he was already inside.
“I’m going fucking crazy.” he said breathlessly. Soon after, hearing his voice started a fire that will warm me up forever, right under my stomach. “With every sound and breath that comes out of your mouth, I die and come alive again.”
Both of his hands left my body and quickly went to my belt. I couldn't believe I'd kept my eyes closed for so long. The order he gave was so ingrained in me that my body would do anything not to break his word.
When the familiar clatter of my belt reached my buzzing ears, my excitement was also increasing exponentially. Without completely removing the belt, he began to unbutton my pants with impatient fingers. The round metal pieces made a dull sound when their connections to the fabric were severed. He untied the last button, unzipped my pants and pulled them off so hard that I had to catch the edges of the desk on my head with life to avoid slipping off the table. When the air of the room coldly hit my legs, a small shiver spread through my body. My brain had just been able to process the wetness in my underwear that hidden by my legs from his hungry eyes, when the air hit the cold fabric.
He quickly took off my shoes as well, and before they even fell to the ground, his warm lips had fallen into my calf. The hard corners of the mask, which still covered half of his face, had rested on my soft flesh. While the taste of his lips remained on mine, I took a hard breath between my teeth when his teeth suddenly began to entangle in my flesh. Moving forward, leaving small bites, he stopped when he approached between my legs. His hands, which were holding my knees so that my legs wouldn't close, had come to the sides of my underwear, squeezing my bare calves halfway. Understanding why he stopped, I moved my hips a little and made way for him so that he could remove the fabric from my legs. I didn't understand why he was so scared or worried about moving forward, but I had to remind him that we were both comfortable.
When my underwear met my shoes and trousers, there were no longer any barriers between him and me. As his quick breaths became even more audible, I felt that familiar warm breeze in the most sensitive place on my body. I could feel him bringing his head closer to my wet lips, but it was so slow that I was about to start begging.
“Open your eyes.” he said, giving orders. My body immediately followed his orders like the most loyal soldier, opened my eyelids and I stood eye to eye with the ceiling, the color of which I could not exactly choose in the dim light. I blinked a few times to get used to light, because they had been closed for a long time. My heart was beating in my mouth. What was he going to do now? What was I going to do?
“You will look at me.” I tried to wet the hardened flesh of my lips with my tongue, because the rapid breaths I took from my mouth dried them. “I want you to look at me when I taste you.”
Taking his left hand, he reached for my right hand and took it to his mask again. Using my other arm, I slightly raised myself on the table with my elbow. The depth of the brown eyes had not disappeared, in fact, this time they were so dark that I was afraid of being sucked into them.
He put my hand on the corner of the mask, and I clenched the fabric in my fist, as if I had been waiting for this. There were literally millimeters between her lips and my core. Even the sight I saw could have made me orgasm. I waited for him with enchanted eyes, while his yellow dirty beard shone on his bony cheeks. His hand, holding my hand tightly, completely removed the mask from his adorably beautiful face. While I was taking the mask off, the fabric tangled his blonde hair and I could hardly stop myself from running my fingers through the livid strands of sunlight.
A person would only be so beautiful if he was blessed by the gods, and I was ready to believe in god because of Simon's beauty.
I did what I was dying to do by throwing the mask next to the other clothes and ran my fingers through the strands of hair. At the same time, he also drew a wet path with his tongue, starting from my hole and up to my clitoris. With a groan coming out of my throat, I gripped the strands between my fingers tightly. He brought his mouth closer to my lips again.
“If you don't look at me, I'll stop.” It would probably be hell to me to take my eyes off him after his warning.
Closing his mouth to my wetness, he let out the most perfect moan I've ever heard in my life in a muffled voice. My head was starting to spin as his voice echoed in my head a thousand times. My eyes refused to slide up in pleasure so as not to stop looking at him, while his eyes held my whole body captive to their darkness.
He had been drinking me for minutes and hadn't left even one last drop. While my clitoris was satisfied with the violence she saw from his tongue, I felt a finger in my hole. He had looked tenderly into my eyes when his mouth left my wet lips for a brief moment.
“Tell me if it hurts, okay?” I nodded my head up and down quickly in answer to his question. It was the only thing I wanted to feel, and if it was going to be painful, I was ready to accept even that.
He closed his mouth on my clitoris again and ran the tip of his middle finger around my hole for a while. Because I was wet enough, his finger went in comfortably. My eyes almost closed with the feeling of fullness inside me, but I just blinked. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't stop looking at him. It was like he was born for this. And I was born to watch him.
When his finger started going in and out of me, the volume of my moans was also increasing. I could have come right now if I wanted to, but I didn't want to. I wanted to watch him between my legs a little bit more. I wanted to feel the feeling of his second finger down to my bones. And so I did.
When his middle finger came through my hole, my wet walls gladly accepted both of them. When he increased his speed, my hand on his hair went to my mouth to stop my screaming. My scream, which hit my hand, came out muffled. His idle hand, catching my hand that covered my mouth, quickly pushed it away from there. I could tell he was warning me by the glare in his eyes and the acceleration in his movements. His tongue was so fast that my brain had stopped processing it now. At the moment when his fingers were slightly bent up inside me, there was a huge explosion. My whole body shake, and Simon held my hand tightly until I came out of my orgasm. As much as I was angry with myself for disobeying his command as my eyes slowly closed, I definitely didn't know how else to cope with the pleasure he gave me.
I was going to beg him to fill the void inside me again as he took his fingers out, but not a single sound came out of my mouth. I could only whimper. There was a very heavy fog in the place of all my thoughts, and the only decencies among them were his eyes and his voice.
Getting up between my legs, he kissed me hard first and made me taste me on his lips. The wetness around his mouth made me come to myself again, and I grabbed his T-shirt to take it off. I had just noticed that when he raised his arms for my convenience, I was also wearing my T-shirt. As his body full of wounds was laid out in front of me, my fingers went down his chest, to his abdominal muscles, and then to his waistband. When my delighted eyes came out to his eyes, I saw that he was already looking at me. When I was the one who wanted to look at him the most, I didn't really understand how he was beating me at it.
First, I let him take off my T-shirt, and then I throw his belt and pants with other clothes. While his bulge was very noticeable even from the black boxer, my right hand closed over the hardness without waiting even for a moment. While his size made me moan, I was grateful that he had prepared me by using his fingers first.
When he grabbed me by the legs again and lifted me up, this time both my hands were around his neck, and an exquisite warmth was radiating from his waist where my legs were wrapped. Just when I put a small kiss on his eyebrow, his eyes closed for a few seconds. After turning his dark eyes to me and scanning my face, he gently put me down on the bed and brought his curved lips closer to my ear.
“I'm going to fuck you so hard that you won't be able to get on that plane tomorrow.”
I moaned in his ear as my hands went to his hair.
“I told you, no one can take you away from me anymore.”
He got up off me and pulled me up a little higher. Then he took all of his clothes that have left on him and took his place between my legs. The fact that he looked at me as if I was his last meal made me get wetter, while his bulge pressed slightly on my stomach as if he wanted attention. I took his heavy manhood in my left hand and stroke it several times. The growls and moans coming out of his throat were taking me away from my mind. I felt surprised that I was the reason his beautiful voice filled my ears but that feeling went away by the time that he placed his penis on top of my core. After spreading my wetness a little more, he took his place on my walls, first with his head and then halfway up his length. There could be no description of the fullness I felt inside.
“You're so tight.” he said as he clenched his teeth. With a sudden movement, his entire penis was buried inside me, and I couldn't breathe for a few seconds. My back left the bed and arched like an arrow. Simon came completely out of me by placing both hands on my waist, then entered again with the same firmness. I could feel my brain going numb. I couldn't think of anything, and I didn't want to think. As the pain I felt gradually turned into pleasure, I turned my gaze to the black holes that I could not take my eyes off. The way that they loved looking at me made me smile internally. The expression on his face was so erotic that I felt as if it was a shame for me to look, as if I had to turn my head.
While our moans were mixed together, his lips reached into my breasts and crushed my right nipple between his teeth. With a little scream, I wrapped the solar strands around my fingers and pulled with all my strength. I didn't know how, even him hurting me could give me such pleasure.
“Can you feel how you are pulling me in?" Licking between my breasts, he made a wet path up my neck and came close to my ear again. It drove me crazy to hear his moans and growls closer. “I am going to be buried in you and I will never get out of there.”
He was already buried. He was talking as if I could forget his dark eyes, which looked at me as if I were the most beautiful thing in the world. I would never be able to feel the things he made me feel in anyone again, and I would return to find him. That was my destiny.
“I'm very close, Simon. I'm about to cum...”
“Me too.” he said as he clenched his teeth. One of his hands, which was holding my waist, was wrapped around my throat, and lifting my head a little up from the quilt, he closed his lips to my lips. We waited breathlessly when we both came at the same time.
I didn't know what time it was, and I didn't care where I was. All I cared about was that I couldn't easily let go of the scary man with a skull mask who had his face buried in my neck next to me from now on.
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