#⋮ ❛ logan harris. › musings.
atvrvxia · 1 year
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harrie-fic-center · 1 year
harry styles [2]
ice cold by watchmegetobsessed
in another life by heyyyharry
in the ring by hrina
indigo by jarofstyles
interview by svnflowervol666
introducing harry by kind-heart
invisible string by secretly-a-cold-blooded-killer
is this real life? by tpwkxxangel
italian singer by sweatergirlposts
it's your birthday? by gucciwins
just harry by meetevieinthehallway
killer queen by outofstyles
kings of leon by unabashedgirl
late nights by harryforvogue
listen by mosh-4
logan and the diamonds by chemiste
loss by bfharry
love is a moment by iahazzze
love island universe by finelinevogue
love me please? by havethetimeofyourstyles
masterlist by harry-writings
masterlist by harrysfinelinevol1
masterlist by lovecanyon
masterlist by bfharry
masterlist by astravna
meant to be by crowdedimagines
mlb!harry by erodasfishtacos
mother's day by svnflower666
my love, my life by parkersroses
my muse by chaoticloving *
never coming back down by for-fucks-sake-h
new year by svnflowervol666
not so dirty little secret by thatsrealoriginalkaren
of the jealous kind by kiss-inthekitchen
oh, what a world by honeypotstyles
only angel by herondaleholly31
pamper night by harryforvogue
pretty boy by bebebwheezy
proposal by sunflowervolvimp3
quarantine beings at home by all-things-fic
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lefaystrent · 1 month
Me, Myself, and These Guys Who Kinda Look Like Me Ch. 3
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Pairings: Thomas/The Sides
Summary: It starts with dreams. Then Thomas starts seeing the dream people in the waking world.
Thomas doesn't know how to bring it up to anybody or if he even should at this point.
AKA, Thomas has to acknowledge the six colorful characters in the room, much to their long-awaited delight.
AO3 Link: click here
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Thomas comes back to consciousness without realizing he left it.
The room is dark and the TV's volume turned down. A movie plays now, Harry Potter but he's not awake enough to decipher which one. He's seen all of them, loves them all. He owns plenty of merchandise to boot(probably too much merchandise). The familiar trills of music are a lullaby to his sleepy brain.
For a wonderful moment, Thomas can pretend he fell asleep on the couch and nothing weird or bad or potentially mind-altering is going on.
A hand pets at his head sending a jolt of awareness through him. Fingers slip under his bangs, and the coolness is a startling contrast to his heated skin. The rest of Thomas's body catches up and tells him he is freezing and this one thin blanket is not doing enough. He gives a pathetic whimper and a shiver wracks up his spine.
"I think his fever has come back," a low voice says. He's not sure who. The hand presses against his forehead more firmly. "I uh, I think his head feels hot. I'm not used to being able to touch things though, so don't quote me on temperature differences."
"Thomas? You awake kiddo?"
"Uh-uh," Thomas moans in spite. He'd very much like to be back asleep.
Someone snorts and the hand falls away from him quick as lightning. He opens his eyes to see Virgil in the dim light of the TV, blocking his view as he hovers over him. He's on his knees in the spot where Roman last sat, and he's chewing at his lip fiercely.
Thomas eyes his jacket, the thickness of the sleeves, the lines of patchwork sewn in... Would Virgil lend it to him if he asked pathetically enough? It looks very warm and bulky in a way that would be like wearing a cloud.
Virgil rears back a bit, catching his gaze and unable to look away. "You can still see us, right Sanders?"
"Yeah... You're Virgil."
That catches him off guard. It occurs to Thomas that Virgil never formerly introduced himself. Thomas had just picked up on his name at some point from the others talking.
Speaking of the others, he notices Logan, Patton, and Roman huddled over and around him, heads poking over each other almost comically.
"You're still here," he says, a little dumbfounded, a lot tired.
"And you can still see us," Patton says sappily. He's flapping his hands up and down in excitement.
Roman pushes through. "Quick, me next! Do you remember me too?"
Thomas resigns himself to them being strange about him saying their names. "Roman. And Patton and Logan. Where's the other two?"
"Stepped out," Virgil replies. Like last time, Thomas has no idea what that means. He imagines they're out on his front doorstep, just making a phone call. Highly likely. When he continues to stare at Virgil, the emo fidgets with his hoodie-zipper.
"How are you feeling?" Patton interjects before Thomas can gear himself up for a proper questioning.
"Not good," Thomas admits. "Very not good."
"Right, uh, medicine?" Virgil looks left and right as if a bottle of medicine will appear.
Logan pauses him. "First, we should check his temperature. It's important to monitor any major fluctuations."
"I don't have a thermometer," Thomas mumbles. "I had one, don't know where anymore. It probably ran away. "
"Your life is in shambles, man," Roman muses.
"I know."
"Then we will have to use means by comparison." Logan sits on the edge of the coffee table. During Thomas's sleep, he had stretched out on the couch and taken a lot of the room to sit. No, he will not feel guilty about that. "Thomas, how do you feel now on a scale of one to ten?"
"Negative zero."
"By definition, zeroes cannot be negative. Besides, the numeric rating scale is traditionally an ascending test of pain or illness, with zero representing perfect health and ten suggesting intolerable or dire levels of symptoms."
"Did he fail the test?" Patton asks in concern.
"Shoulda studied," Virgil quips.
"Negative one then," Thomas grumps. "I feel negative one."
"If you must remain obtuse about this and reverse the scale, zero would then mean near-death. Tell me Thomas, do you feel close to death right now?"
"I'm not good with numbers, but does dead inside count?"
Logan adjusts his glasses. Twice. Then he holds his hands palms upwards and stares beseeching at the others. There is an unsaid, "What do I do with this idiot?"
Roman pitches in, "Thomas, on this negative scale of badness, how did you feel last night?"
Thomas hums and thinks about it for a moment. "I guess like a solid negative nine?"
Roman smirks at Logan. "There you go, comparison point made. He feels bad but not as bad."
"Bad is still bad though," Patton says. "Do you feel like you're running a fever?"
"Would you like some more medicine?"
"Okay, sweetheart, let's get you taken care of."
Taking medicine, as it turns out, involves sitting up. He could swallow a pill sideways. Drink some water while horizontal. He doesn't have to get up for that and leave his meager nest of warmth.
Virgil points out that he could choke and die and that it'd be really embarrassing if his friends or family found his body like that. Thomas commits to the horrible process of becoming vertical.
"I feel icky. And whicky. And all forms of sicky." Thomas is just being petulant and needy at this point. He's almost forgotten that these are dream people and not his friends who he's used to bantering with. It feels...scarily natural for him to be this way with these guys.
He blames the fever.
"Alright Mr. Icky Whicky. Bottoms up."
Thomas takes the glass of water from Patton and drinks down the pills.
Thomas pouts. "It didn't work."
"Ibuprofen generally takes about thirty minutes to take affect and reduce symptoms."
"He's not serious, Dr. Pill."
"I'm so serious that I'm black," Thomas says.
There is a solid five seconds of everyone staring at him uncomprehendingly. Finally, Roman snaps his fingers.
"Ah, Harry Potter! It's a reference, not a confused caucasian."
"I'm always confused." Thomas wants to drift back into the embrace of the couch cushions. He wants to close his eyes and will away the low throbbing sensation in his temples. He wants to ask for them to bring him another blanket and let him go back to sleep.
He wants to pee, most of all.
"I'll be back," he tells them.
They part for him. Patton calls after him as he climbs up the stairs, and Roman asks if he needs a battle buddy, but Thomas waves them off. He just needs a moment to himself and feel like he's in control of his own space.
He finishes up his business and wanders into his bedroom in search of his robe. He knows he has one somewhere, the blue one...
Remus sits primly on his dresser, one leg crossed over the other and hands daintily placed on his knee.
"Don't mind me, I've only been up to devious schemes while you were gone to Snore-ville." Remus smiles, very cheshire-cat like. This close, Thomas can see the purple tint of his eye-shadow. Paired with the mustache and ruffled costume, he looks like a dramatic villain. The kind that tie up damsels to train rails while busting out into a musical number.
Thomas glances around the somewhat messy room. Nothing is out of place, but all of the pictures and posters he has on the walls have been turned upside down.
"But why?" he asks.
Remus cackles, "Whys are only for why-ners! Maybe you should think more 'why nots' instead. It can open a lot of doors for you, you know. And windows that you can jump out of."
"Did the other guy jump out of the window? Is that where he went?"
"Sure, why not?"
Thomas shifts on his feet and glances towards the window, still out of sight behind his curtains and presumably closed. Out of all of the dream people, Remus makes him feel the most uneasy. He shares Roman's bold flair, but none of the others' tact or restraint. There's a real possibility that Remus threw Bowler Hat out the window. Or Thomas. He could throw Thomas out the window. It'd be like tossing a limp noodle.
"It's not that I just can't see him again, is it?" Thomas asks. He doesn't know how any of this works. If this is temporary, or if they'll fade in and out. Or if they're setting him up for...something.
Thomas had seen a lot of movies. Lots of TV shows. These guys could be angels, or devils on his shoulder.
Devils that swoop in and make him oatmeal and watch Harry Potter while he's sleeping. How dastardly.
Remus hums and shakes his head. "Not like you're thinking. I can't see him either, if it makes you feel any better. He sunk out a bit ago."
Sunk out. Not 'stepped' out.
As much as these people claimed they didn't fully understand their existence or tie to Thomas, they were definitely hiding things from him.
Thomas shivers and it's not entirely the fever to blame. "Can you guys... are you guys... Can you leave when you want? Do you go elsewhere at times? Like away from me or- or different realities?"
Remus slinks off the dresser, the material of his gaudy sleeves rustling like a titled moracca. There's no more smile on his face, but there's a smugness in the way he tilts his head back to stare down his nose at him. In exaggerated movements, he opens the nearby closet door, arm braced against the door frame. He's almost posing, or leering.
"There's no denying that we're tied to you Thomas. We're all sewn together in your silly string, tangled and knotted. But you're starting to think 'why not'. Keep it up, Tommy Boy."
He falls backwards into the rack of clothes, slamming the closet door behind him.
When Thomas throws the door back open, no one is there amongst his shirts and pants. But he does find his blue robe hanging off the door handle where once it hadn't been.
Why him. That's what he's been thinking the entire time.
"Why not," Thomas mutters and throws the robe on.
Following Remus's over-the-top exit, Thomas goes downstairs. Roman and Logan have migrated to the kitchen and are fussing over a boiling pot on the stove-top. From the sounds of it, they're fighting over the nutritional value of ramen (it has none). Patton sits on the couch with an arm slung over Virgil's shoulder while the other bites at his nails. They perk up when they see him.
Virgil jumps to his feet. "Everything...good?"
Thomas smiles bitter-sweet. "I don't think so."
The two in the kitchen have stopped in favor of listening to him.
"Oh..." Virgil says, and it's so damn crestfallen. In an instant, the discontent wars with empathy.
He grew up with brothers. Lord knows they had plenty of disagreements. The one thing that would break them every time was when one of them showed they were sad or upset. How many times had Thomas cut himself off mid-sentence to go give his brothers a hug? They'd do the same for him too, enough that their mom had gotten into the habit of telling them to "hug it out" whenever their disputes became too heated.
Thomas hugs himself in measly consolation. It's nowhere near the same. "Everything isn't bad either though... It's... I don't know what everything is."
"You don't have to do that," Patton says. His fingers are twined in his lap, his gaze focused on them. They all appear to be around Thomas's age, give or take. And by their accounts, they've only been conscious of their existence for, what? Ten years tops?
Patton though, he seems old right now with his honey eyes and crow's feet.
"None of us will think any less of you Thomas, if you're having a hard time with this. I think we'd be more surprised if you found this easy. You don't know us. We know you, but you don't know us."
No, he really doesn't. They have him at a complete disadvantage. "You guys have been watching me for a long time."
"We have," Patton agrees. His eyes are warm, if tinged sadly.
"Not in a creepy way!" Virgil blurts out. Then he immediately slaps a hand over his mouth, embarrassed. He grabs at his jacket several times before flipping his hood over his head. "God, I'm just making it sound more creepy. I swear we don't watch you all the time. We're not- it's not like that."
All the quiet moments he thought he was alone.
All the private times, the intimate ones.
The times he closed his doors and drew his blinds, and he let himself relax with no expectations. No one to please, and no one to see him at his lowest.
All those times he hadn't truly been alone.
Distantly, he's been aware of this fact since they showed up. But putting it into perspective...
"What is it like then?" Thomas asks, and it comes out surprisingly much more stable than he feels. "If it's not like that, what is it like?"
Virgil turns to Patton and mumbles, "I'm just messing this up."
Patton scoots forward to perch on the edge of the couch so he can pat at Virgil's arm. "No one's messing anything up. To answer your question, Thomas, it's like a one-sided friendship. We've hung out with you, watched you play games, watched you cook–"
"Try to cook," Roman intercedes. Logan elbows him to shut him up. "Right, sorry, not the vibe."
Despite the sass, Patton smiles, "Yeah, we've seen you try to cook. But we've also seen you practice lines and write songs. We've been to your performances, and we've seen you interact with the theater community and your fans. Your family and friends. And we've seen you do a lot of good kiddo. You're really amazing! And inspiring! You're able to inspire all of your friends to be better, because you do better for them. And I think that affects us too."
Patton stands up and approaches Thomas. His hands are clasped still and he makes no sign that he'll touch Thomas if Thomas doesn't want him to.
"It's been like a privilege," he says. His eyes don't water, yet the emotion is there all the same. "We've been rooting for you this whole time."
Thomas has to look away. His face feels like it's on fire. He's a total sap for mushy sentiments, and he's a melting puddle when they're directed towards him.
He just can't see why it's deserved.
Why not, Remus's voice whispers in his ears.
Thomas shuffles. He busies himself, retying his robe.
"Okay?" Virgil asks.
"Okay." Thomas nods. "But I want to know more. Like about you and where the others are right now. What does sinking out mean?"
That throws them for a loop. Patton and Virgil pause to stare at each other. They go on a journey of silent conversation through a serious of facial expressions.
"Perhaps I can explain."
Logan comes around the kitchen archway. His hands are behind his back and he stands sure of himself. Paired with the tie and glasses, Thomas thinks he wouldn't be out of place in a classroom setting. He's got the tone for it too, speaking more clinically.
"We are not corporeal, or wholly so. We can move through walls and objects, and until recently, we were able to touch or move inorganic material only rarely."
Thomas remembers Remus disappearing in his closet. He could have went through the floor or walls. Oh God, were they just- hanging out in the walls right now? Was that hurting the insulation?
"Is that why sometimes I can't find things? Like my keys?"
"Mostly no. That would be more attributed to you being incredibly disorganized and absent-minded."
"Ah, I suspected, but thank you for confirming."
"Indeed. To demonstrate," Logan lifts his arm to touch the back of the couch. Except his fist goes into the material. His hand is simply gone up to the wrist, as if there is a hole he had stuck it through.
"Hah, okay," Thomas exclaims. He holds a hand to his face, mouth open. "Okay, okay, okay."
Patton shrugs innocently. "Can't really cushion the blow on that one."
The exasperated expression Logan gives him is enough to startle a choked laugh out of Thomas. Especially when Roman chimes in with a, "Sofa, so good!"
It's honestly the little jokes like that, that have kept him from becoming entirely unhinged. It's not unlike him to crack jokes to cover up the bad feelings. These people so get him that it's hard not to like them.
"As I was saying," Logan says with a clear tone of disdane. "We have the ability to pass through inorganic matter or interact with it. Save for last night, we have never done so efficiently, and we certainly never were able to interact with organic matter."
"Can you talk any less like a textbook, Bill Nye the Science Tie?"
"Can you boil water properly, Roman?"
Roman realizes at that point that the pot is bubbling over. He curses and rushes to turn down the heat.
"We've never touched people. Real people, I mean," Virgil offers. "They just walk through us like we're ghosts."
"But we can touch each other!" Patton proves this by hugging Virgil. He acts like he doesn't notice the other's grumbling.
"So you feel real to each other?" Thomas questions, peering forward. It doesn't look off or anything. It's just two people hugging in his living room. Or one being assaulted with hugs, rather.
"Real enough!"
"So...not real?"
"Have you ever imagined touching someone?" Roman calls over while he's busy pouring in squares of ramen.
"He was once a teenaged boy. It's only natural with heightened hormones–"
"Not like that, Logan!" Roman is so flustered he doesn't bother with a nickname. He swipes a hand through his hair. "Sheesh, platonic touching! Platonic!"
"Well you didn't specify–"
"I'm specifying now! Thomas, have you ever daydreamed of holding someone's hand? Of embracing your friends, or leaning against a shoulder? Have you thought about fingers tracing your skin, or hands cupping your cheeks?"
"I'm not sure where this is going, but yes. Touch is nice and I think about it a normal amount."
"That is how we feel to each other. The sensation is there, but only almost."
That...sounds fairly close to ghost territory, or what he'd imagine it would be like to be a ghost.
It's also incredibly depressing. He thinks back to that morning after his shower when he came out and Roman kept touching him.
"Is it different with me?" Thomas asks, holding up his hands as if he can see a difference between them. "When you interacted with me?"
Logan shuffles and stills himself just as quickly. "There is a noticeable tangible difference, you are correct. As Roman has described, touch between ourselves has a detached quality. Our limited experiences with you have involved a startling substantial quality."
"It's nice," Patton agrees.
Thomas takes a step back from them all. He pretends not to see the hints of hurt. He plays it off with grabbing his abandoned glass of water and takes some sips.
"So, how does this have to do with my question though? With where the others are?"
Logan again takes the reins. "Our metaphysical bodies are not bound by the same laws of physics as yours or other people's are. We are able to pass through walls as well as what I believe to be this dimension as we know it. Tell me Thomas, are you familiar with String Theory?"
"As in I have heard that it's a term that exists?"
"You know the Marvel movies?" Virgil throws out and Thomas brightens immediately.
"Oh yeah! Like with the multi-verse!"
"You gotta cater to your audience," Virgil explains to Logan's askance look.
"So the multi-verse is real?!" Sickness begone, Thomas has new priorities now. He can and will leap around the room. He nearly drops his cup in excitement.
"Why wouldn't it be!" Roman says. He's waving around a pasta spoon like it's a sword and Thomas wants to join him. Where's the TV remote?
"No, no, not like you're thinking," Logan attempts to settle them down. Then reevaluates. "Well, maybe, but it can't be proven as of yet. I don't wish to burst your figurative bubble, but the evidence we have accumulated, while suggesting more is plausible, is limited to smaller scale dimensions. Each of us have a fold in space that we 'sink' into that is specific to each individual."
"So Remus and Bowler Hat are in a tiny dimension right now?"
"Bowler Hat? Who– oh, he never did introduce himself, did he?"
"Don't you dare hijack his introduction too, Microsoft Nerd!"
"We can just keep calling him Bowler Hat," Virgil suggests in an amused lilt. "I'd like to see his reaction."
"Maybe Janus is the spy, you guys! He's pretty sussss, if you know what I mean!"
"This isn't Among Us, Popstar."
"So they're in a tiny dimension?!" Thomas yells over them.
Virgil shrugs. "Like a pocket dimension."
As if on cue, both Patton and Roman start singing "Pocket Full of Sunshine". It's incredibly good actually. Like they do harmonies and riffs in perfect sync.
If they've had years to themselves, stuck around Thomas, and unable to interact much with the world around them, they must have gotten awfully bored. If it were Thomas, he imagines he'd comfort himself with singing. A lot.
Or no, they weren't stuck around him?
"So you guys aren't attached to me? You can go to different dimensions?" Thomas asks, feeling like he's getting mixed signals.
"Just the one," Logan answers. "Think of it like walking into another room, but that room is a reflection of the previous room without any outside influence. Our 'rooms' are personalized to ourselves. To compare, my room looks like this living room but the art work is inspired by the De Stijl movement, there are more bookcases, and everything is neatly organized. Meanwhile, Patton's room is a veritable pile of stuffed animals."
Patton nods while grinning. "It's a com-pile-ation of all the best things."
"So like a literal pocket dimension," Thomas says. He sits the glass back down so he can move his hands in the air to elucidate. "Here we have my living room. And then underneath that, there's Logan's room. And underneath that, there's Patton's room. And when you sink out of...this reality, you go to your own rooms?"
"Well done, Thomas!" Logan beams, and whoa. That's weird to see him excited. And proud. These guys are way too encouraging to his need for validation.
"Freaked out yet?" Virgil asks.
The mood shifts. Underneath the jokes and conversation, there's a tension to them. Thomas sees it in Virgil's bitter smirk, how Patton tugs at his collar. Logan's momentary smile disappears and the gaze left behind is anticipatory. Roman has stopped watching him, eyes burning holes in the noodles he stirs.
They're waiting for the other shoe to drop.
They're waiting for Thomas to panic and reject them.
"Maybe," Thomas concedes. "I won't lie, it's probably going to hit me later. Um, if you guys see me having an anxiety attack, I apologize. Please don't take offense."
"Aw, kiddo-" Patton gasps, hands flying to his chest.
Thomas bulldozes over him and the pin-prickling sensation of being perceived as a person. "Not that it's a new thing, or anything! Which you guys probably already know because you've been watching me for years, and wow, that's embarrassing. I've had some really ugly ones, but that's not the point! It's all a part of the processing process!"
"Compartmentalizing," Logan summarizes.
"Yes, common tex-tiling!"
"No, compartmentalizing. It is a form of psychological defense mechanism in which thoughts and feelings that seem to conflict are kept separated or isolated from each other in the mind. Its purpose is to avoid the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etcetera within themselves."
"That makes me sound smarter than I am."
"It sounds like repression," Virgil comments.
Logan waves a finger. "Not quite. It can be the precursor to repression, but it is not inherently an unhealthy habit. Psychologist Tara Swart posited that compartmentalizing can be useful when dealing with difficult issues that cannot be prioritized in the moment. In fact, it can even be healthy when one needs to carry on daily tasks or work and is not in the proper environment to process their thoughts and emotions about a particularly troubling matter occurring in the background. It is only unhealthy if you avoid the matter with the intention of never returning to it."
"Um, where did all that come from?" Roman asks.
"As I said, psychologist Tara Swart-"
"No, we got that part. Since when have you been reading up on psychology enough to cite sources?"
Logan's mouth opens briefly, only to close again. His eyes narrow in thought. "I... must have remembered it from a text Thomas read. Perhaps during his college education?"
"I don't even remember college, and I was the one who went," Thomas says. His brain hurts just thinking about it. Not that his head ever stopped hurting. He's starting to feel tuckered out. Second-wind done blown away.
"It must have been something that stuck with me," Logan explains. "I happen to have an excellent memory."
"That means he never let's go of anything," Roman stage-whispers loudly.
Thomas collapses onto the couch. He debates keeping score on how many times Logan and Roman will dissolve into spats. He'd need a hefty notebook.
"Have they always been like that?" Thomas asks quietly to the calmer two who refuse to be drawn in. Patton does appear to be tempted to say something to them, if the way he bites his lip is any indication. He chooses to leave them to it in favor of flopping down on the couch beside Thomas.
"It used to be worse," Patton admits. Virgil gives a little, "You have no idea," under his breath, making the bespectacled man giggle. "They used to lash out at each other often back then. They're both pretty strong-willed. Remus used to be the only thing that could break up their fights."
"Yeah, by causing more fights," Virgil huffs. He climbs onto the coffee table and hunches there over his crossed legs. His black pants have artistic rips in the thighs, and he picks at them.
"Mm-hm, but it worked. They would stop yelling at each other and would team up against Remus instead."
"Remus would make them mad on purpose?" Thomas asks. He knows there are people like that, attention-seeking, but it doesn't sound very healthy.
Patton smiles like he knows what he's thinking. "It was fun for him, though that's not why he did it. And eventually he didn't have to do it as often."
"What about you guys?" Thomas asks.
"What about us?"
Thomas doesn't know what he's asking. He's looking at Patton with his cardigan-clad shoulders and wearing his Sunday best, and he's staring at Virgil with his painted fingernails and purple dyed bangs. There's a draw to them. Thomas stands over a well and the world is tilting him on its axis, beckoning him to fall in. He wants to fall in.
At length, Thomas wipes at his face. He sighs, "Nothing, never mind."
Worry etches lines into Patton's forehead. He frowns and gives a tentative pat to Thomas's knee. "How are you doing?"
"Tired?" Thomas says, and that about sums it up. His stomach growls and it's loud enough that he knows they hear it. "And hungry?"
Just like that, Patton's smile returns. "Okay, kiddo. Let me go hurry dinner along."
He leaves him with Virgil to go wrestle the others into shape.
Virgil doesn't say anything, giving him some room to breathe.
Thomas is infinitely grateful.
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Summer Monthly Roundup
Heyyyyyyy, so it’s been a hot minute since we last spoke. This roundup will have the highlights from May, June, July, and August so buckle up ‘cause we have a lot of fics to get through!
Homecoming as Labyrinthian by cabezas_de_vaca Batman, (gen), 25k, Case Fic, Birds of Prey In which Barbara returns home, starts a girl gang, goes toe-to-toe with a serial killer, and figures out what she wants from life.
yourself or someone like you by suzukiblu My Adventures with Superman, (multi), 9k, Kon-El "Crap!" the food truck worker shrieks in alarm. "Don't hurt him, Superman, he's just a kid!" Clark . . . pauses, then looks up from the kid that he is currently pinning into the street as said kid struggles underneath him. "'Hurt him'?" he asks in reflexive confusion, and then realizes how batting a teenager around like a person-shaped cat toy and pinning him to the street hard enough to crack it probably actually looks to an outside observer. . . . um. Whoops. "Um," he starts awkwardly, and then the kid slips his pin while he's distracted and throws his arms around his neck with a gleeful laugh and a bright grin. "Dad!" he crows triumphantly, and hugs Clark harder than literally anyone has ever hugged him before.
Foreign Counsel by icarus_chained Batman, (Clark Kent/Lois Lane), 34k, ID reveal, A/B/O If Clark thought that Lois Lane would be content to sit back in Metropolis while he fell on his sword like she hadn't kept the exact same secret for the exact same reason ... well. His head hadn't exactly been in the game the past week or so. She'd probably forgive him. But what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him, and she had her own appointment with Gotham City. With ... Leslie Thompkins, in particular. But more than that. Because Gotham had an entire alien invasion happen, and nobody seemed to give a shit, and Lois hadn't written some of the best pieces of her life trying to bring attention to this city only to let it slide into the sea unremarked now. She had a meeting, and a job to do, and ... maybe more of both than she'd planned for going in.
Triangulating Nothing by cabezas_de_vaca Harry Potter (gen), 84k, Genre tag, Genre tag Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff-- houses have never mattered, not for the Trio. And now there's a war on. What would it look like to build a side of their own for a change? And Justin's careful and best friends with all the ghosts and the portraits, and Neville's coming into his own, and Ginny won't even hesitate to punch you in the face if you bad mouth her crew. And why exactly does Voldemort care so much about some vague prophecy? Or: fifth year means Umbridge, the DA, and learning how to fight a war.
To Know My Enemy by Menel X-Men (Logan/Scott Sumers), 36k What if Scott and Logan once struck a deal in order to better facilitate their working relationship? What if that deal grew more complicated over time?
Double Agent Vader by Fialleril (multi), 90k, AU-Canon Divergence The one where Vader turned double agent for the Rebellion about three years after ROTS, and Leia is now his primary contact with the Rebellion. This is a collection of oneshots that all fit into the same universe, but posted in no particular order. Updated when the muse strikes me. Alternate summary, according to TV Tropes: A man attempts to escape slavery by turning into one of his culture heroes, teaching his daughter how to do magic, killing people, and flower arranging.
This Bitter Earth by art_savage Supernatural x Criminal Minds, (gen), 12k, Case Fic  The Winchesters and the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit investigate the same case, a series of mysterious deaths on the grounds of a South Carolina plantation. 
It's a Weird New World by Rhino (RhinoMouse), RhinoMouse Criminal Minds x Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (Jennifer “JJ” Jareau/Daisy Johnson), 51k, Time Travel, BAMF Daisy The BAU has a new agent assigned to them against their wishes. After-all they don't need a new agent, especially one with a file so classified they can't see anything but the agent's name in it. But Strauss's orders are Strauss's orders. It would help if this Daisy would stop taking stupid risks and acting like she's bored. Of course Daisy really is bored and isn't exactly allowed to mention that after fighting aliens, Inhumans, and Hydra, dealing with regular serial killers is kind of low stakes.
While You Were Missing by basil_coffee_and (Roy Harper/Jason Todd) 85k, Accidental Baby Acquisition A familiar redheaded child darts across the bullpen with a shout of “PAPA!” and barrels into Jason’s arms. “Lian–” He breathes. Jason's undercover work as Neal Caffrey is difficult for several reasons. He didn't anticipate that single parenting would be one of them, though.
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thesongofthegreens · 4 months
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just doing an updated posting for my muse list and interested fandoms list!
with the fandoms, i'll put my character in bold and then leave the characters i want to interact in parenthesis. i'm oc friendly and will interact with anyone outside of the most desired list, but i wanted to throw that out there.
i do ask that everyone be 20+ and expect to be asked when i message for those who interact with this post.
fandoms list:
la la land: sebastian wilder (mia dolan, laura wilder, keith)
house of the dragon: alicent high tower (criston cole, aemond targaryen, haelena targaryen, rhaenyra targaryen)
game of thrones: jaime lannister (brienne of tarth, elia martell, tyrion lannister), jon snow (any of the starks tbh, wildlings, daenerys targaryen)
avatar, the last airbender: zuko (katara, any of the gaang, uncle iroh), katara (zuko, sokka)
twilight: jacob black (bella swan, billy black, leah clearwater, charlie swan, any of the pack tbh)
the hunger games: katniss everdeen (peeta mellark, gale hawthorne, prim everdeen, haymitch abernathy, finnick odair)
ballads of the songbirds and snakes: coriolanus snow (lucy gray baird, tigris, livia cardew, clemensia), lucy gray baird (coriolanus snow, any of the covey)
top gun: jane elliot, an oc from the original top gun timeline (maverick, ice man), rooster (phoenix, maverick, hangman, bob), maverick (goose, rooster, ice man, any of the recruits in top gun: maverick)
mission impossible: ilsa faust (ethan hunt, any of the team, anyone with an mi6 oc), ethan hunt (ilsa faust, anyone from the team)
star wars: cal kestis (trilla, merrin, cere, greez, bode), trilla suduri (cal kestis, anyone from the empire), obi-wan kenobi (anakin skywalker, padme, satine kryze, luke skywalker)
harry potter: theseus scamander (leta lestrange, newt scamander), harry potter (hermione granger, any of the weasleys, sirius black, remus lupin), severus snape - preferrably in the marauders era to develop those years (lily potter, any of the marauders, any from the golden trio timeline), julian evander, a ravenclaw oc from hogwarts legacy (sebastian sallow, ominous gaunt, poppy sweeting, natsai onai, garreth weasley)
xmen: logan howlett/wolverine (literally any of the xmen but especially rogue and laura, deadpool), scott summers (hank summers, jean grey, logan, any of the xmen), charles xavier, probably first class and days of future past centric (raven/mystique, erik lehnsherr, hank/beast, any of the xmen)
lord of the rings: aragorn (any of the fellowship, eowyn, arwen)
bridgerton: anthony bridgerton (any in the bridgerton family, edwina sharma, kate sharma, sienna, simon the duke), penelope featherington (colin bridgerton, eloise bridgerton, any in the bridgerton family, any in the featherington family)
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mythic-rose · 4 months
Muses Masterlist
Stiles Stilinski
Diego Hargreeves
Oliver Wood
Bucky Barnes / The Winter Soldier
Bellamy Blake
Percy Jackson
Dick Grayson / Nightwing
Robb Stark
Jasper Jordan
JJ Maybank
Anthony Bridgerton
Conrad Fisher
Prince Caspian
Clark Kent / Superman
Prince Eric
Anakin Skywalker
Flynn Rider
Cedric Diggory
Eddie Brock
Prince Charmont
Peter Parker / Spider-man
Benedict Bridgerton
Noah Foster
Bruce Wayne / Batman
Eddie Munson
Ron Weasley
Art Donaldson
Alec Lightwood
Glenn Rhee
Dr. Spencer Reid
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Chad Meeks-Martin
Joey Tribbiani
Dean Winchester
Isaac Lahey
Jake Fitzgerald
Sirius Black
Nick Miller
Ichabod Crane
Steven Crain
Harry Osborne / Green Goblin
Simon Lewis
Jace Herondale
Kaz Brekker
Steve Harrington
Jon Snow
Max Wolfe
Finnick Odair
Scott Summers / Cyclops
Will Turner
I reached the max limit of text without a block so the list started over. Does that drive me crazy? Yes. Do I know how to fix it? No :)
51: Joel Miller
52:Harvey Kinkle
53: Wally Clark
54: Poe Dameron
55: Reggie Mantle
56: Gar Logan / Beast Boy
57: Daario Naharis
58: Jess Mariano
59: Remus Lupin
60: Matt Murdock / Daredevil
61: Pope Heyward
62: Ben Solo / Kylo Ren
63: Billy Butcher
64: Four / Tobias Eaton
65: Nicholas Scratch
66: Caleb Rivers
67: Damon Salvatore
68: Buck / Evan Buckley
69: Rick O'Connell
70: Laurie / Theodore Laurence
71: Warren Peace
72: Chuck Bass
73: Finn Collins
74: Robin Hood
75: Logan / Wolverine
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foolishmortalmuses · 5 months
I'm Kacy! I'm 30 and use she/her pronouns. My timezone is EST. If you're interested in interacting, please be over the age of 21. This is what I'm comfortable with, so please respect that. All of the muses I write have real life faces to them. I do not write with those who use cartoons or drawings. It's just not something that I'm comfortable with and I'm sorry if this is a dealbreaker for you. I typically write anywhere from 1 paragraph or 2 and up. It all depends on the vibe and what I'm doing in that moment. I work in an office, so most of the time, I can get replies in with at least a paragraph or two. I write in third person, past tense. I will not write with someone who writes in first person, it's just a preference. I only write on discord, so please keep that in mind when reaching out. Some faces I want to write AGAINST: Nick Jonas, Luke Newton, Andy Biersack, Spencer Charnas, Logan Henderson, JDM, Sebastian Stan, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, RDJ, Harry Styles, Bill Skarsgard, Hayden Christensen, Joe Keery, Jonah Hauer-King, Dacre Montgomery, Demi Lovato, Rhea Ripley, Travis Kelce, Seth Rollins, Jon Moxley, Seth Edeen, Tyler Seguin. Faces I will USE: Alexa Bliss, Caylee Cowan, Demi Lovato, Josephine Langford, Gracie Gillam, Grace Van Dien, Kathryn Newton, Barbie Ferreira, Chris Evans, Logan Henderson, Sydney Sweeney, Joe Jonas. I'm open to others, as long as I am comfortable with using them and know who they are. Fandoms I will write: Glee, One Tree Hill, Degrassi, The Walking Dead, Stranger Things, Reality TV, Fire Country, Grey's Anatomy, but I'm looking for fandomless things right now. Plots/Themes I enjoy writing: Mafia, Angst, Horror. I have very few triggers, so I'm always up for discussing those as well as your own. We can plot some messy things and I would love you forever for it.
If you're interested in plotting, feel free to message me and I will get back to you from there. Talk to you soon!!
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palmviewfm · 21 days
there's a ton of mw faces that we'd love to see here ! i put it under a read more since it's a large list. but bring us whoever you've got the muse for, ofc !
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taylor zakhar perez, nicholas galitzine, noah lalonde, danny griffin, jonathan daviss, drew starkey, darren barnett, elias kacavas, emilio sakraya, evan mock, eli brown, glen powell, zane phillips, john boyega, jordan gonzalez, austin butler, henry zaga, felix mellard, thomas weatherall, miles teller, sam claflin, penn badgely, chace crawford, lewis tan, lucas bravo, kit harrington, joseph morgan, josh segarra, harry shum jr, chris pine, ryan gosling, alex saxon, theo james, andrew garfield, gregg sulkin, ben levin, adam brody, logan lerman, pedro pascal, tom holland, mason gooding, lucien laviscount, ryan gosling, rege jean page, froy guiterrez, tanner buchanan, xolo mariduena, robert scott wilson, carson boatman, ross lynch, algee smith, cody christian, adam dimarco, alex fitzalan, daniel ezra, anthony keyvan, keith powers, keiynan lonsdale, joseph quinn, aramis knight, antonio cipriano, derek luh, leo howard, leo woodall, brandon perea, dacre montgomery, diego tinoco, mena massoud, maxence danet-fauxel, lorenzo zurzolo, michael cimino, paul mescal, callum turner, d'pharoh woon-a-tai, jordah fisher, josh heuston,l alex meraz, kiowa gordon, tom glynn carney, avan jogia, dylan minnette, josh hutcherson, assad zaman, gabriel basso, ross butler, robert buckley, james lafferty, david casteneda, brandon soo hoo, grifflin gluck, grant gustin, dylan wang, asa germann, alejandro spietzer, colin ford, alex landi, alfred enoch, aria shahghasemi, anthony turpel, cha eunwoo, aj saudin, danny ramirez, david iacono, chris briney, sabrina carpenter, ayo edibiri, madison bailey, samantha logan, kim doyeon, nichola coughlan, madison davenport, indiana evans, india eisley, lyrica okano, virginia gardner, liana liberato, kiersey clemons, lindsey morgan, liv hewson, emma d'arcy, victoria pedretti, logan browning, lola tung, louriza tronco, lorenza izzo, lovie simone, luca hollestelle, hunter schafer, zion moreno, taylor russell, laura harrier, lana condor, lauren tsai, anna sawai, jane de leon, kylie bunbury, kathryn bernardo, chienna filomeno, phoebe dynevor, simone ashley, maitreyi ramakrishnan, courtney eaton, nicole maines, jessica alexander, peyton alex smith, ella purnell, sophie neilsse, dev patel, rahul kohli, natalia dyer, danielle campbell, ella balinska, bailey bass, jessica sula, emma mackey, mia goth, melissa barerra, alva bratt, kiana lede, kiana madiera, olivia scott welch, kiernan shipka, meg donnelly, camila mendes, brianne tju, maddie hasson, dianna agron, emilija baranac, danielle rose russell, kaylee kaneshiro, isabella gomez, jenny boyd, lulu antarisksa, josephine langford, lizeth selene, marina ruy barbosa, kaya scodelario, katherine mcnamara, chloe rose robertson, kathryn newton, kristine froseth, pat chayanit, davika hoorne, mint ranchrawee, rabia soyturk, hande ercel, aslihan malbora, melisa pamuk, katie stevens, meghann fahy, merrit patterson, adelaide kane, alexxis lemire, adria arjona, amanda arcuri, sadie soverall, sara waisglass, chelsea clark, blu hunt, antonia gentry, brianne howey, bianca santos, bianca lawson, phoebe tonkin, shelley hennig, bruna marquezine, brittany o'grady, crystal reed, charithra chandran, jessie mei li, halston sage, carlson young, willa fitzgerald, halle bailey, chloe bridges, chloe bailey, margot robbie, anne hathaway, lisa yamada, raven bowens, olivia rose keegan, camryn grimes, gideon aldon, tiera skovbye, amy adams, jane levy, angela bassett, anya taylor joy, anya chalotra, ashleigh murray, lucy hale, troian bellisario, sophia bush, bethany joy lenz, shantel vansanten, hilarie burton, shay mitchell, sasha pieterse, janel parrish, malia pyles, bailee madison, chandler kinney, jordan alexander, zaria simone, auli'i cravalho, bebe wood, angourie rice, renee rapp, ashley moore, ashley park, aisha dee, alisha boe, elizabeth lail, alia bhatt, reina hardesty, victoria justice, liz gillies, bahar sahin, amber midthunder, gemma chan, madchen amick, marisol nichols, madison mclaughlin, malese jow, maris racal, maya hawke, jessica chastain, ana de armas, angela sarafyan, and anna lambe !
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blue-eyed-banshee · 9 months
If you wish to roleplay with me, please send me a message and we can discuss the details. Just know I will not do the following: 
Roleplay with minors, this blog is run by someone in their late 20's and I do not want to have to deal with children
Roleplay with anyone who is homophobic and if this pertains to you, kindly find the exit closest to you ie: do not engage in conversation with me or I will block you, simple as that
If you disagree with how I portray Sylvanas, do not even bother to ask to roleplay with me 
If you write one liners, please don’t. I can’t send a reply when I don’t have details
If you do not agree with lesbian couples, please…. do not try to change my mind and I will block you
If you have a male muse that wants to be in a relationship with Sylanas, I am not comfortable with such.
Other requests
If you have an issue with me, please be direct and let me know
If you do not wish to roleplay with me any further, please let me know instead of ghosting me
Please do not spam me with asks and follows. It throws me off, and it causes me to get overwhelmed easily
This blog is not for children. If you see something that offends you; that is not my fault!
If you engage in an argument with me over anything involving any roleplays or anything else, you will be blocked.
As a personal favor from me; please include as much detail as you can. It will give me more to work with. The more detail, the better I will be able to reply
Please do not send me any hate asks but all other asks are encouraged! 
Do not ask for my discord or battle tag, those are reserved for mutuals only
I am open to crossovers or OC characters, all I ask is when doing a crossover; we brainstorm on how the characters meet
 If I forget to reply to you, please reach out! 
If I don't receive a reply from you for a month or more, I may ask if you are still interested. If not, I will be forced to unfollow you, but if I do unfollow you, please feel free to follow me back.
Please do not rush me for replies. I am a college student, I can not stress that enough! I may sometimes forget due to everything that goes on in college life and if that happens give me a gentle nudge. Please note, I also have a lot of replies to get to sometimes. Be patient with me and I shall return the favor. Keep pestering me and you will find yourself blocked without warning.
If I do follow you, it means I would love to plot with you! Don't be afraid to approach me first. All I ask for is your patience.
If you are unfamiliar with any of my characters, that's perfectly fine! My style of writing explains everything as we go along.
No toxicity / drama. I’m here to write, and I’m sure you are as well. This blog is FREE of toxicity and hate. Please leave me out of whatever drama. Remember, this is an escape as well as a hobby. Not a job. There is a human being behind every screen, be considerate and be kind. You never know what someone could be going through. 
There may be some days where I need to step away due to mental health, please respect that and do not pester me to reply. A reminder is fine but if it becomes constant, it will result in a hard block.
I do not have many triggers but please tag accordingly!
You are free to reblog from me at any time. I only ask that it's not constant, I would like to keep my notifications organized. Any more than 4-5 or more at a time is what is considered overboard.
Laudna: (Critical role, campaign 3)
Sylvanas Windrunner: (World of Warcraft, Post-shadowlands)
Logan Howlett/Wolverine: (X-men)
Angel: (Buffy the vampire slayer) vampire with a soul
Xander Harris: (Buffy the vampire slayer)
Faith lehane: (Buffy the vampire slayer)
Colossus: (X-men)
Vax'ildan: (Critical role) half-elf and brother to Vex'halia DeRolo
Moggatorash: (WoW OC, orc shaman)
Giles: (buffy the vampire slayer)
Verath Windrunner: father to the Windrunner sisters and Lirath Windrunner, husbnand to former ranger-general, Lireesa, and Kael'thas' father's advisor
Baine Bloodhoof: (world of warcraft) chieftain of the tauren
Lor'thermar Theron: (world of warcraft) Regent Lord of Quel'Thalas/Silvermoon
Occuleth: World of Warcraft, chief telemancer of Suramar, memeber of the horde
Arcanist Valtrois: Nightborne mage, friend of Thalyssra and Oculeth, member of the horde
Lorna Crowley: daughter of Darius Crowley and commander of the Gilnean forces within the Alliance
Tess Greymane: Princess of Gilneas (formerly), now future queen of Gilneas
Senelstrasza (formerly Senelnoth): Biologic daughter of Alextrasza and Vyranoth, Frost Proto-drake
Jaina Proudmoore (daughter of the sea and Lord admiral of Kul'tirias)
Craigvaidney sith pureblood sorcerer, old republic era (SWTOR)
Lana Beniko human sith lord, old republic era
Jason Todd (Batman, any version)
Illyana Rasputina (X-men, little sister of Colossus)
[[Will edit this as soon as I decided on more characters!]]
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roleplayfinder · 8 months
21+. She/Her. Please be 21+ to interact!
I would love to get some Marvel/Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) threads going.
I write in third person, past tense and usually around 2-4 paragraphs. I can't reply daily because I work full-time but I usually get something out within a couple of days. I prefer plotting on Tumblr and writing on Discord. I'm mainly looking for canon x canon pairings at the moment and enjoy canon and canon divergent plots the most. I'm willing to take on a limited amount of canon x OC. I lean towards romantic pairings and won't turn down smut with a healthy dose of plot, but I'm fine with keeping things clean.
My main muses are the following (anyone in bold I'm especially dying to write as right now):
Benjamin Poindexter
Billy Russo
Bruce Banner
Bucky Barnes
Carol Danvers
Frank Castle
James!Harry Osborn
Loki Laufeyson
Nathan Summers/Cable
Willem!Norman Osborn
Andrew!Peter Parker
Ray Nadeem
Tony Stark
Wade Wilson
I'm open when it comes to discussing ships but I'll throw out some of my favorites that I'm really looking for right now (bold = I want to write as that character ; italics = I have a slight preference for that character ; nothing = I'm fine writing as either):
Dex x Ray
Dex x Matt
Dex x Wade
Dex x Karen
Billy x Frank
Billy x Karen
Bruce x Tony
Bucky x Zemo
Carol x Valkyrie
Frank x Matt
James!Harry x Tobey!Peter
Loki x Thor
Loki x Grandmaster
Loki x Mobius
Cable x Wade
Norman x Otto
Andrew!Peter x Wade
Andrew!Peter x Tobey!Peter
Andrew!Peter x Matt
Andrew!Peter x Male MJ
Andrew!Peter x Gwen
Tony x Tom!Peter
Tony x Strange
Tony x Steve
Wade x Logan
Wade x Dopinder
Wade x Colossus
Wade x Comics!Peter
If you'd like to work something out, please message me (preferred so I don't get shadowbanned) or like this post and I'll message you.
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atvrvxia · 2 years
the harris family tag dump !!
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briarglenrp · 1 month
can I have some fc suggestions for a fortescue brother ? I've got a couple of ideas but I'm worried they don't look enough like the other fortescue fcs or I'll lose muse for them
─── ⋆⋅ No worries, dear! We do allow fc-changes if you ever want to change your faceclaim at some point, if that helps! But here are some recommendations and, members, certainly feel free to jump in and I shall update the ask. Just noting that not all of these suggestions are blonde. SUGGESTIONS: Toby Regbo, Francisco Lachowski, Gregg Sulkin, William Moseley, Dominic Sherwood, Daniel Sharman, James Norton, Harris Dickinson, Luke Thompson, Luke Newton, Jonathan Bailey, Sam Claflin, Miles Heizer, Logan Shroyer, Charlie Hunnam, Austin Butler, Dylan Sprayberry, Dylan O’Brien, or Nick Robinson. I tried to find some where they may look more similar to one current sibling more than another, or may look similar to all that we currently have. @etherealgraced noted: Max irons could work as well!
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fatedvoyage · 2 months
welcome to fatedvoyage, a multifandom, multimuse hub blog written by dean.
below you’ll find a list of muses and their respective blog. please follow the blogs of the characters you are interested in writing with.
@shieldslinger - 616 marvel comics captain america aka steve rogers
@involuntaryspy - 616 marvel comics winter soldier aka bucky barnes
@wolverinetm​ - 616 marvel comics wolverine aka logan howlett
@spacecoeboy - sam coe from starfield
@daxassan - feynrahel isethari from dragon age, an elven rogue oc
@magistheir - dorian pavus from dragon age
@wittyrogue - zevran arainai from dragon age
note: i don’t follow blogs that feature hydra characters/aus or nazis. yes, this includes mcu’s baron zemo. i do not follow rule 63 and/or gender-swapped characters or those who rp with them. do not follow me if you rp harry potter. i practice mains, exclusives, and ship exclusives with certain muses. please read my rules for more information.
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neithergodsnormen · 2 months
Temporary Mobile Muse List while carrd is pending
Prince/King Aegon Targaryen II (HOTD) FC: Tom Glynn-Carney Younger FC: Ty Tennant
Prince Aemond Targaryen (HOTD) FC: Ewan Mitchell Younger FC: Leo Ashton
Arthur Dayne FC: Santiago Cabrera
Arya Stark FC: Raffey Cassidy Older FC: Ellise Chappell Alt Older FC: Emily Bader
Ashara Dayne FC: Anya Chalotra
Bella FC: Emily Browning
Beric Dondarrion FC: Christian Cooke
Brienne of Tarth FC: Milla Jovovich
Bronn FC: Michiel Huisman
Brynden Tully FC: Tony Curran
Cassandra Baratheon (HOTD) FC: Katie Mcgrath
Cregan Stark (HOTD) FC: Tom Taylor
Corlys Velaryon (HOTD) FC: Steve Toussaint
Dacey Mormont FC: Bridget Regan
Daemon Blackfyre I (F&B) FC: Alexander Ludwig
Prince Daemon Targaryen (HOTD) FC: Matt Smith
Princess/Queen Daena Targaryen (F&B) FC: Elle Fanning
Princess Daenerys Targaryen (F&B) FC: Skye Lourie
Princess/Queen Daenerys Targaryen FC: Anya Taylor-Joy Younger FC: Anamaria Vartolomei
Prince Daeron Targaryen (HOTD) FC: Ed Speelers
Dale Seaworth FC: Blake Ritson
Dalla FC: Alyssa Sutherland
Dalton Greyjoy (HOTD) FC: Woo Do-Hwan Alt FC: Alex Høgh Andersen
Davos Seaworth FC: Viggo Mortensen
Domeric Bolton FC: Torrance Coombs
Prince Doran Martell FC: Ghassan Massoud
Eddard “Ned” Stark FC: Tom Riley
Edmure Tully FC: Engin Öztürk
Edric ”Ned” Dayne FC: Geron Nord
Princess Elia Martell FC: Merve Bolugur
Elia Sand FC: Q'orianka Kilcher
Garlan Tyrell FC: Peter Mooney
Gendry FC: Logan Lerman
Gwayne Hightower (HOTD) FC: Freddie Fox
Harwin Strong (HOTD) FC: Ryan Corr
Howland Reed FC: Joshua Sasse
Prince Jacaerys Velaryon (HOTD) FC: Harry Collett Younger FC: Leo Hart
Princess/Queen Jaehaera Targaryen (HOTD) FC: Lulu Barker Older FC: Freya Allen
Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen (HOTD) FC: Jude Rock AU Older FC: Eros Vlahos
Jaime Lannister FC: Nick Slater
Jeor Mormont FC: Donal Logue
Jeyne Arryn (HOTD) FC: Amanda Collin
Queen Jeyne Westerling FC: Leyla Feray
Prince Joffrey Velaryon (HOTD) FC: Oscar Eskinazi Alt FC: Santiago André
Jon Connington FC: Toby Stephens
Jon Snow FC: Harry Gilby Alt FC: Marco Ilsø
Jorah Mormont FC: Russell Crowe
Laenor Velaryon (HOTD) FC: John MacMillan Younger FC: Theo Nate Youngest FC: Matt Carver
Loras Tyrell FC: James Franco
Prince Lucerys Velaryon (HOTD) FC: Elliot Grihault Younger FC: Harvey Sadler
Lyanna Mormont FC: Bailee Madison Older FC: Morgaine Polanski
Lyanna Stark FC: Elinor Crawley Older FC for survival AUs: Millie Brady
Maege Mormont FC: Natalia Wörner Alt FC: Katey Sagal
Margaery Tyrell FC: Hailee Steinfeld
Melisandre FC: Lucy Lawless
Mysaria (HOTD) FC: Sonoya Mizuno Alt FC: Haejin Lee
Nettles (HOTD) FC: Erin Kellyman
Prince Oberyn Martell FC: Saamer Usmani
Prince Quentyn Martell FC: Mena Massoud Alt FC: Luke Pasqualino
Prince Rhaegar Targaryen FC: Toby Regbo
King Robb Stark FC: Ruairi O'Connor
Rolly Duckfield FC: Sam Heughan
Roose Bolton FC: Tom Mison 
Roslin Frey FC: Synnøve Karlsen
Sandor Clegane FC: Sam Woolf
Sansa Stark FC: Laoise Murray Older FC: Rachel Skarsten
Satin Flowers FC: Timothée Chalamet
Princess Shireen Baratheon FC: Bláthnaid McKeown Older FC: Jessamine Bliss Bell
Sigorn FC: Christian Hillborg Alt FC: Alexander Ludwig
King Stannis Baratheon FC: Craig Parker
Theon Greyjoy FC: Song Joong Ki Alt FC: Gijs Blom
Torrhen Karstark FC: Lorenzo Richelmy
Tywin Lannister FC: Luke Treadaway as a young man FC: Todd Lasance
Tyland Lannister FC: Jefferson Hall
Varys FC: Gustaf Skarsgård
Victarion Greyjoy FC: Rick Yune Alt FC: Richard Armitage Alt FC: Peter Franzén
King Viserys Targaryen I (HOTD) FC: Paddy Considine
Prince/King Viserys Targaryen III FC: Jamie Campbell Bower Younger FC: Eoin Murtagh
Willas Tyrell FC:Daniel Sharman
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cfstyle · 11 months
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half  finished  mugs  of  coffee.  unanswered  texts.  stick  and  poke  tattoos.  sleeping  through  your  alarm.  sarcastic  comments.  rolled  up  sleeves.  a  collection  of  lighters.  chipped  nail  polish.  worn  down  sneakers.  bruised  knuckles  and  a  boyish  grin.  flipping  off  the  camera.  
*      logan lerman   .   cis  man   .   he/him   .      /      that’s   cameron   stewart   walking    into   monroe’s   diner   -   you   know   ,   the   thirty-one   year   old   waiter  known   for  excessive  flirting  to  get  a  higher  tip  ?   having   lived   here   for   six  months   ,   their   neighbors   know   them   to   be   confident   &   affectionate   ,   but   their   arrogant   &   short  tempered   tendencies   shine   through   when   there   are   no   buses   in   the   city   .
full name : cameron finnegan stewart nickname : cam age : thirty one birthday : october 26th nationality : scottish gender / pronouns : cis man, he / him sexual orientation : unbothered occupation : waiter at monroe's diner
scars etc : small bright scar on his forehead from falling over as a child. patchwork tattoos on arms, chest and hands, one ear pierced because he thinks it looks cool sleeping habits : around 7 hours per night emotional stability : short-tempered, but in a cool way. ( sorry that's a lie ) has not done any self work in his entire life and i am so sorry about it alcohol use : regular zodiac sign : scorpio alignment : chaotic neutral positive traits : charismatic, confident, affectionate negative traits : sarcastic, arrogant, quick to anger, judgemental. habits : bounces his leg when sitting, picks at his nails, sometimes hums when he's working, leaves drawers and cabinet doors open, paints his nails. hobbies : reading, running fears : heights, spiders, abandonment favourite weather : light rain favourite colour : lilac favourite food : french fries dipped in a milkshake, no further questions please favourite beverage : coke zero favourite animal : dogs tracklist : all eyes on me ( bo burnham ), paul revere ( noah kahan ), false god ( taylor swift ), who we are ( hozier ), kiwi ( harry styles ), northern attitude ( noah kahan ft hozier )
( work in progress )
cam grew  up  in  scotland,  on  a  farm  in  the  highlands  where  chores  were  never  ending.  the  home  environment  was  always  quite  toxic,  and  as  a  result  cam  always  relied  on  his  brothers  for  support  where  his  parents  had  none  to  give  
ended  up  leaving  his  home  along  with  one  of  his  brothers,  stole  money  from  their  parents  and  never  looked  back.  they  travelled  for  as  long  as  money  lasted,  and  now  they’ve  settled  in  lakeview  -  cam  got  a  job  at  a  diner  and  often  tries  to  flirt  his  way  into  bigger  tips. he has zero work ethic but desperately needs the job
currently  lives  with  his  brother  in  a  cheap  and  cramped  apartment  and  another  roomie,  has  barely  enough  money  to  get  by,  yet  still  prefers  this  to  life  at  home
wanted connections.
something based on i can see you by taylor swift?? please?? actually on my knees begging
that one unlucky person who is burdened with sharing an apartment with cam and his brother
a bestie. please. thanks.
someone he hates also. thanks.
someone he borrows money from ( sorry to this muse )
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
listing introjects' fcs 4 the sake of my& sanity
clementine maria jasmine cree ( twdg ) - ashley moore (primary), nyané lebajoa, amandla stenberg (secondary)
louis lacroix ( twdg ) - marcus sivyer
violet collmore ( twdg ) - phoebe bridgers
james dae young ( twdg ) - choi yeonjun
aasim acharya ( twdg ) - jeenu mahadevan
ava adebowale ( twdg ) - lashana lynch ( primary ); lupita nyong'o ( secondary )
harry potter ( potterverse ) - suraj sharma
hermione granger ( potterverse ) - logan browning
blaise zabini ( potterverse ) - rome flynn (tentative)
pansy parkinson ( potterverse ) - song hye kyo
haneul eun ha / luna lovegood ( potterverse ) - jung jinsoul
ginny weasley ( potterverse ) - luca hollestelle
sirius black ( potterverse ) - avan jogia
dutch ( black lagoon ) - mike colter
okajima rokuro / rock ( black lagoon ) - arata mackenyu
rebecca lee / revy ( black lagoon ) - jessica henwick
benjamin issacs / benny ( black lagoon ) - evan peters
edith blackwater / eda ( black lagoon ) - kristen stewart ( primary ); maya hawke ( secondary )
janet bhai ( black lagoon ) - mandip gill
lyanna stark ( asoiaf ) - adelaide kane
jon snow ( asoiaf ) - timothee chalamet ( primary ); kit harington ( secondary )
daenerys targaryen ( asoiaf ) - anya taylor joy ( primary ); freya allan, emilia clarke ( secondary )
asha greyjoy ( asoiaf ) - marina moschen
ashara dayne ( asoiaf ) - simone ashley, kate mgrath ( formerly; may consider dropping )
arianne martell ( asoiaf ) - deepika padukone
obara sand ( asoiaf ) - cynthia addai robinson
nymeria sand ( asoiaf ) - shanina shaik
tyene sand ( asoiaf ) - stephanie rose bertram ( primary ); gigi hadid ( secondary )
sarella sand ( asoiaf ) - adut akech ( primary; tentative); duckie thot ( secondary ), tracy ifeachor ( tertiary )
melisandre of asshai ( asoiaf ) - dilraba dilmurat
nymeria of ny sar ( asoiaf ) - aishwarya rai
visenya targaryen ( asoiaf ) - katheryn winnick
myrcella baratheon ( asoiaf ) - holliday grainger
val the wildling / of the free folk ( asoiaf ) - alyssa sutherland
willas tyrell ( asoiaf ) - peter mooney
garlan tyrell ( asoiaf ) - ben lamb
hua mulan ( disneyverse laced w/ historical source ) - zhang xinyu / viann zhang
tiana brown ( disneyverse laced with history ) - kiki layne
katniss everdeen ( the hunger games ) - kawennahere devery jacobs
worick arcangelo ( gangsta ) - austin butler ( tentative ); alex pettyfer ( tentative )
nicolas brown ( gangsta ) - chella man
alexandria benedetto ( gangsta ) - normani kordei
emilio benedetto ( gangsta ) - aubrey joseph (primary), rome flynn
constance raveau ( gangsta ) - shailene woodley ( tentative )
erica abaddonato ( gangsta ) - nastya zhidkova ( primary ); jennifer lawrence ( usually faceless if i& can help it )
delico abaddonato ( gangsta ) - lucky blue smith
svetlana morozova nikolaeva ( gangsta ) - tati gabrielle ( primary ); ryan destiny ( secondary )
bernardo corsica ( gangsta ) - ross lynch ( tentative )
nimes ( gangsta ) - dominique jackson
sherry christiano amodio ( gangsta ) - sydney sweeney ( tentative )
loretta christiano amodio ( gangsta ) - willow shields
georgiana corsica ( gangsta ) - loey lane
evelyn ( gangsta ) - sab quesada
sidney ( gangsta ) - cartia mallan
also, below are neither our& introjects or rp muses but we& may use in edits:
sebastian cree ( twdg oc; clementine's younger half brother ) - d'pharaoh woon-a-tai
ivan glaziev ( gangsta ) - adrien brody
galahad woehor ( gangsta ) - zae france
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