#╰ connection // remus & tonks. ╯
mrkeatingsblazer · 1 year
Am I the only one who sees Matt Hitt as Teddy Lupin😭 everyone says he’s a great Remus fancast but he just looks like the perfect mix of Tonks and Remus
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lilithofpenandbook · 2 months
A ramble about Patronuses and does and stags
Something about Lily and Severus and James and Harry is that they all have the same Patronus. But it's Lily and Severus who match, and Harry and James who match.
Harry idolised his father specifically, felt more of a connection to him, so his being a stag reflects that. Snape loved Lily, so of course his is a doe. That part is simple.
It's Lily and James that interests me. Doe and Stag. At first you'd just go "oh, they match, the patronuses are just gendered to match them". But then look at Severus. His is also a doe. Of course, it's to match Lily.
But here's the problem: Severus is a man. If he matches like James does, then it should be a stag. But it's not, it's a doe. Exactly like Lily's.
It's a bit strange, really. Especially when this is I believe the only known case of gendered patronuses. When Tonks's changed, it was just a wolf. Not a male, nor female. And okay, perhaps it's because there are less obvious gendered differences in wolves, but there's another thing.
Stags and does don't represent the same thing.
The doe is a symbol of beauty, grace, nurturing, and care. The stag symbolises protection and strength (incidentally, it is surprising James is a stag and not a buck, which symbolises more recklessness and energy). So while they are compatible, they are not the same. And as Patronuses tend to have an affinity with their caster, someone having a doe or a stag would be reflection of them, not their gender. Someone kind and nurturing would have the doe, someone bold and protective would have the stag. (This of course is excluding Patronuses that have been influenced by other people, like Tonks' wolf because of Remus. Then again the wolf does fit her too, in my opinion).
Another point for this is Severus Snape. Severus, who is severe, harsh, bitter. Who also has a doe Patronus. Of course, this is because he loves Lily. But that's the thing- it wasn't a stag, it was a doe. For me, that proves that Patronuses do not reflect the caster's gender (unless of course we want to make an argument for Severus being a more feminine character, which is also very plausible due to a lot of symbols of feminity connected to him, but I'm not going down that rabbit hole here). So Severus matches because he loves Lily. And it's a doe, not a stag, because does and stags are not considered the same.
But then where does that leave James? Her husband? Well, there are at least two possibilities in my opinion.
Firstly is that their patronuses actually don't reflect their love. They only "match" because they're from the same species. To me, it seems to be more of a happy coincidence, rather like how Harry first thought his Patronus was a horse and Ginny's is a horse, or maybe it's the qualities that the patronuses represent that led James and Lily to be compatible. Personally I think (and this is completely headcanon) that maybe the patronuses are what led them to connect, considering their patronuses go well together it would have started some conversation. And I don't think it's a guaranteed possibility that Patronuses change based on being in love, it just sometimes happens (I could be wrong). Also, there's the fact that James' Animagus form was also a stag, and again I may be wrong but I believe Patronuses and Animagus forms do match. So his at least is guaranteed to not be that way because of lily, but because of his Animagus form. As for Lily, there are other animals that would reflect what does do, however it wasn't her who was in love, it was James who wanted her, so I feel like it's even less likely for her Patronus to be the one that changed for James. So I geniunely believe their patronuses matching was a coincidence.
The other possibility is that James doesn't love Lily the way Severus does. James went after Lily even though she turned him down so many times, he didn't leave her alone. Severus on the other hand did, when she said she was done. And yes, I've heard the "oh if he loved her so much he should have left his group for her" argument. Did James leave the Marauders? Did he stop bullying people for her? No, and no. In fact, he went behind her back and still bullied people. James had this more selfish love for her in a way (I'm not saying that he didn't love her, just that he was more selfish). Severus was more selfless in a way. He couldn't leave his group (can you imagine what they would do to him if he betrayed them?), and he didn't pretend he did or bother her after that. He put himself in incredible danger to ask Dumbledore to protect her, and agreed to do anything, when he didn't need to (what was Dumbledore gonna do, NOT protect the potters?), and in the end, Severus's love was more self-sacrificing than James, and I think that's why his Patronus is the exact same as Lily's while James is almost but not quite. Severus didn't have that selfishness James did, nor did he have that layer of deceit in their relationship like Lily and James did.
But what if the stag and doe really do match? If the two are considered the same, even with their different connotations, then that still leaves the question of why Severus doesn't have a stag. If all of the above is wrong, then why does Severus have a doe? Well, I do have a theory on that too- Severus's Patronus is a doe because he's the one who aligns with a doe. Which is interesting, considering he's so bitter and angry, but I do think that the doe also symbolises him, or what he could have been. A lot of Severus is focused on the past, on Lily, and probably on what could have been if he hadn't said that one word, if he had done this one thing differently, if this was different, if that was, and so on. The doe, with its gentle, nurturing connotations, may be also a symbol for how he could have been a gentle, kind person if he hadn't been so shaped and scarred by the world, if he had been the person Lily wanted him to be, if he had been like Lily. There's also the phrase "a deer caught in headlights" and how deer are known to be timid and easily spooked- perhaps he's, deep inside, just a mess of nerves. So perhaps Severus could have matched Lily with a stag like James did, but it just wasn't his nature, so it was a doe.
Anyway those are my very messy thoughts. Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's a combination of all these or maybe none. I really do think the doe isn't just a reflection of Lily but of Severus too, that he's compatible enough with a doe so his Patronus was able to become a doe too despite having the demeanour of a depressed, moody raven than a doe.
also for all we know Severus may have always been a doe and it's lily's who matched him and then James matched her but that's entirely just a theory but also low-key funny if James's entire thing of being a stag is because of lily who's a doe because of Severus so James is a stag because of Severus and I don't think he'd like that lmao-
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just2bubbly · 5 months
ok hear me out, 'The Black Dog' is wolfstar coded and not just because of the literal connection with Sirius Black and his animagus but in general. The Dog is very obviously Sirius and the way she goes on building the first verse of long lost friendship and relationship- "I am someone who until recent events shared your secrets with" and that's easy to tell Sirius and Remus were one half of the Marauders and they were friends, lovers and obviously shared everything with each other. The location is the Marauder's Map and it could possibly be a memory that Sirius can't get out of his head while being in Azkaban that relates closely with Remus who is having the same flashback but at a bar or in a deep emotional capacity when he sees a black dog that reminds him of Siri. "She's too young to know this song" is Tonks (no offence to her but ye) the age gap is there, she was there when Sirius was alive and it was a visual representation of Remus choosing her above him. When Remus steals glances at Sirius when he thinks no one is seeing for 'old habits die screaming' and now he doesn't know what to do with this for he feels Sirius is too lost in despair. Post Azkaban Sirius is "moving through the world heartbroken" and with desires of having a friend in Remus if not a lover. "And it kills me, I don't understand"— is very clearly the chaotic mess inside Siri's head as he takes over his life after 13 years of imprisonment. "Now I wanna sell my house, and set fire to all my clothes," is perhaps the disdain with Grimmauld Palace and his past that he tried so hard to escape haunting him like a full circle. "This tail between your legs, you're leaving" is again his untimely death, too soon and a life too short with great regrets and glorious moments.
You can't tell me this song isn't about Sirius Black
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padfootswhiskers · 6 months
With all respect, I think u guys give jkr's writing skill too much credit . Ik she said she planned everything abt hp books from the beginning( I don't believeit tbh), but she wrote some of the weirdest dumb stuff ever for the sake of the plot that don't make any sense ... Remus's life and even his name, for example.The fact that Remus hasn't visited Harry for almost 12yrs is ridiculous . "He thought Harry was safe - he felt worthless. He was a coward. " wtf?! No he didn't do it bc Harry shouldn't know abt his parents and wizarding world the End. srslyWheree were lily's friends? Oh they all passed away...Harry's grandparents THEY ALL PASSED AWAY ...problem solved (jkr is so good at this) and plus imo that also happened simply bc if Remus checked on Harry, he would be a father figure to him 100% (the role given to Sirius), and jkr didn't want Harry to have the same close connection with Remus as he did with Sirius. It would make harry -Sirius's relationship unimportant... Take Sirius's other relationships, for example. When he escaped Azkaban, he had no family, no lover, no one. Initially, I was like, "Yeah, okay," and that seemed fine. But later, it occurred to me that maybe he was written that way because he had to be solely for Harry. Like, he shouldn't care about anyone but Harry. Sirius isn't allowed to prioritize anyone over his godson.
to be fair, anon, i think two things can be true at the same time. a lot of stuff does happen in the hp universe for plot reasons---this doesn't necessarily mean it's always bad writing.
the plot required harry to be unaware of the wizarding world, alright. i don't see how this means remus would've taken, like, custody of harry or something if it hadn't! remus IS a coward. he IS extremely self flagellating. it IS completely plausible that he knew petunia wasn't a great person and left harry there anyway!
(take DH for example. he says tonks will be safe with her parents right after he tells them that her parents have been tortured for information. he isn't a stupid man, he's being deliberately cowardly.)
i understand that you probably really like remus, or at least the good bits of him, but character traits you dislike do not equal bad writing. remus consistently shows himself to be extremely passive-aggressive, conflict avoidant and unable to actually follow through on his conscience. i don't know about you, anon, but i can definitely see a man who convinced himself that withholding information about a wanted murderer was OK, convincing himself that harry is safe and better off without him.
jkr didn't have to use plot reasons to thwart remus and harry's budding relationship so that sirius could step in because...there isn't a scenario that exists wherein canon remus would step in to be an orphaned harry's father figure. i'm genuinely curious as to why you think he might. THAT, if anything, is what seems ooc to me.
as for lily, that seems to be pattern with jkr's 'popular girls'. i can't name five of ginny's friends if my life depended on it. it was also obviously done so that the snape reveal would have a greater effect. but lily isn't an established character the same way remus is.
as for sirius? i don't think it's unrealistic that he didn't have a lover/anyone waiting for him. i think people tend to forget he was only barely 22 when he got locked up; plenty of people haven't begun sorting out their lives at that age. lest we forget, he was also fighting a war pretty much the second he left hogwarts. not great for the dating scene, that. i don't think it's unrealistic at all that he hadn't thought about girls (or boys) or settling down at that time in his life.
but even if he had, i can't fathom a world in which he wouldn't transfer the love and devotion he had for james to james' son.
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tower-girl-anon · 2 years
Pick a Card: Who is your future spouse?
Since this week we have Valentine's Day, I've decided to do something different and bring you a first pick a card reading sorrounding the topic of your future spouse or husband. Their personality traits, overall energy, sexual energy, and possible signs to recognize them.
As always, enjoy and take what resonates since this is a general reading.
Warning: this reading includes SPOILERS from the Harry Potter world.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and choose the picture that resonates. The order is from left to right.
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Pile 1
Wow!! Just... wow!! If you choose the hand with the flowers, then your future spouse is a very powerful and femenine force to reckon with. With the presence of three out of the four different Queens in the deck, along with two powerful mayor arcanas such as the Tower and The Lovers, your future lover is a complete package. It is a very well-balanced individual in terms of elements and masculine and femenine energy with whom you should be very careful because, just as they can be charming and loving towards you, they can also destroy you without a second of doubt.
Right from the bat, we get the Queen of Swords card as the overall energy of your future spouse, which tells me that the most prominent trait they possess is their natural intelligence. They are smart, persuasive, capture the idea of a topic easily, they've read a lot, know how to communicate well with other people, and could also be able to read people with just one glare as well. With the 6 of Clubs, which in Lenormand is considered the Cross, they may be religious or they carry a great burden in their life. If not right now, maybe they had to constantly face setbacks. Now, even though these traits could make them look cold, reserved, cutting or intimidating, they also have a charming, caring, and loving side thanks to The Lovers card as their good traits. When they love and trust someone, they do it fully and unreservedly. They are not afraid of showing their partner how much they mean to them through actions, words of affirmation, and valuing the other in the same level as them. Maybe writing notes, letters, or sending them songs could be one of their love lenguages.
In terms of bad traits, we have the Four of Wands, a card of celebration, parties, and weddings. The first thing that came to my mind with this card was the probability of them being already married or in a stable connection. That both met when this person was already in another connection, perphaps in the process of a divorce, creating a third party situation. On another note, this card could signal that this person really enjoys getting out, having fun with friends, being single, living life without compromise, and partying; situation that may change once they met you. Again, this is a general reading so take what resonates.
With the Remus Lupin and Nimphadora Tonks card, we have two characters that shows, right off the bat, what I've been saying so far about your future person. For those who doesn't know about them, the first one is a very intelligent werewolf who struggled from a very young age to survive, be accepted by others, and be accepted by themselves, while the second one is a smart, loving, but clumsy woman whose mayor talent was to change their physical aspect each time she wants and never judges anyone by their circumstances or where they come from since she falls in love, wholeheartedly, with Remus Lupin despite the opinions of the rest of the world. This characters shows the good nature of your future spouse, their intelligence, their ability to keep moving despite their insecurities or the situations they may have faced, and, above all, the deep love and affection they show to people they care about. Along with that, this story may represent your story together.
Now, pile 1, in relation to their sexual energy, how are they on bed, and how will they treat you, I can say that your future person will totally put you off your feets. They will totally disarm you with their spicy contrast between fire and water; a contrast that will change or destroy the previous ideas you may have had in relation to love and sex. One day, they could be all passionate, fiery, impatient, and even agressive by the way they do sex with you, or they would want you to do it this way, but another they will be all charming, nurturing, and emotional while doing it. On the other hand, these cards could signal that emotions and passion seems like a recurring theme each time you embrace each other in bed. There is mutual love and passion flowing between the two of you; a love that may change you both forever.
This is all I have for you pile 1, I hope this reading resonated. Send you lot's of love and light.
Possible signs and astrological placements: any fire and air sign, Gemini, Leo, 9th house and 11th house.
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Pile 2
Welcome to your reading part 2!! Let's dive on who your future spouse is going to be.
Right from the bat, it is shown that your future spouse has a very masculine energy, a solitary personality, a keen intelect, and a wisdom that may make them look older than their age shows, so, for a few of you, the one your are going to marry is an old soul. For others, they could be older than you thanks to the image of The Hermit of an old man holding a lantern. Now, combining these cards with the Three of Cups as bad traits with the Neville Longbottom one, it is clear that your person was deeply misunderstood, judged or people looked down on them in the past, it could still be happening at this moment for some, that's why they are a looner and doesn't have many friends. Why do I say this? Because the character of Neville Longbottom suffered a lot from the absence of his parents due to a terrible torture that kept them in the hospital forever, along with not being considered good enough for many people. Even their own family. I'm not saying your future spouse will go through the same circumstances as this character but maybe, just like him, he or she faced a lot of obstacles in their life that may resonate with the idea of not being good enough for other people. Maybe they told them they are not talented enough, or smart enough, as this person or this one, which could have created self-esteem issues and mistrustful energy towards others.
Despite this possible obstacles they could have faced, your future spouse came out winning in the end with the Ace of Diamonds (Sun in Lenormand tarot). They fought back and prove those who didn't believed in them how wrong they were in their assumptions by reaching their goals, having success in their work environment. Most probably than not, those who make them wrong now want to be close to your future spouse for selfish motives.
In terms of a sexual compatibility with them, we have the Eight of Swords, the Knight of Cups, and the Four of Cups, which tells me that this person prefer things to go slow and smooth rather than fast that's why he or she will prefer to keep it private for a while before going public. Again, this could be due to their looner nature or their mistrust of other people's motives with them so, if you see that they act cold or aloof towards you, please don't take it too personally. This person needs to know first if they can trust you emotionally before establishing an intimate and solid relationship with you. There is also a chance that this person is a virgin or only had a very few sexual encounters in their life. Despite that, they will want to provide a hidden space for the both of you to enjoy without other people sneaking; a space in which he or she will find pleasure by looking at the beauty of your body or touching you softly, cherising each part of your body as you dive deeper into each other.
This is all I have for you pile 2. As for possible signs, I'm sensing air signs (GEMINI, AQUARIUS, Libra) and earth signs (VIRGO, TAURUS, Capricorn), along with a huge influence of Mercury. He or she could also have a fourth house theme such as a stellium (three or more planets in a single house) or something of the sort, which explains their need of being alone. So take what resonates and see you soon for another pick a card.
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Pile 3
Welcome, pile 3, to the reading of your future spouse!!
Your future spouse is someone fiery, very masculine, adventurous, energetic, full of life and passionate. He could be a fire sign (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius) and may come from another country than you with the Ten of Spades. In Lenormand, this card represent the Ship card, so a possibility of them coming from another country, or even another continent, is very strong. If not that, then they will have travelled through different parts of the world, maybe they will come as an exchange student, by the time you both meet each other.
He may come from a wealthy and prideful family thanks to the Slytherin card with Draco and Lucius Malfoy at the front of the card. For those who doesn't know about these characters, the Malfoy family is an ancient family in the Harry Potter world whose mayor atributes resides in their riches and the pure blood lineage. They often criticise everyone who's not worthy of being a wizard and despises every other creature since they see them as inferiors. Despite this, they deeply care about each member and would do anything to keep them safe from harm. Maybe your future spouse comes from a family of these traits and they were able to travell thanks to them. Now, before you start leaving this reading you must know their true nature first.
This people are caring, loving, and young at heart with the Knight of Cups and Venus energy as their good traits. Not only they act so different as the rest of his or her family, they actually like meeting new people that comes from different backgrounds and countries. They are not judgemental when it comes about these themes since, with the 5th house card and the 7th house, what he likes the most is connecting with people and have a good time. Now, as their bad traits we have the Three of Swords, which speaks to me as someone who may not take relationships too seriously and that could be thanks to the Knight of Cups energy, for this screams of a lighter energy in comparison to other cards in the deck. Maybe they are still young and that's why they don't take things as serious as they should, causing others to feel heartbreak over them.
Now, pile 3, don't worry about them not being serious with you. Because they will. Once they meet you, their loyalty and commitment to the relationship will be noticeable. They will bring balance in both the relationship and in bed, and will try everything to make things work since, once they have you in his or her arms, it will feel like reaching victory to them. "After searching the world for so long, I've finally found you" is what I hear. In bed, the passion between you will be off scales. You won't wait too long to do sex. They will like your butt as well as an equal exchange of dominating and submisive energy between the two. This is just beautifull you guys, just be careful to use condom if you are not ready to become parents.
As possible signs for your future spouse, I see fire energy (Aries, LEO, SAGITTARIUS), a few air signs too (Gemini, LIBRA, Aquarius), and Venus, the 5th house, and the 7th house seems like important houses for them too.
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This is my first pick a card reading, so feel free to like it or comment it below. Have a nice week everyone.
Tower Girl Anon.
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pengwenpen · 18 days
Oh gosh. I was just stricken again by terrible side effects of consuming fanfics .... Several plot bunnies have taken residence in my head and I can't stop thinking about it, help!And woe me, it actually seems to be an urge not meany other people have faced...
Percy Weasley being targeted by Fenrir Greyback after being discovered to have forged several identities for muggleborns.
I haven't had an epiphany on how all else would play out, but imagine the drama! The bonding with Bill, connecting with Remus while he goes through his angst with Tonks and their child, omg and later giving hope to Lavender....
Also like I already have a flash back in mind where Percy sits in divination with Ollie and somehow it comes up that Percy becomes a werewolf, maybe a bit less on the nose??!? Omg Because in this house we stan Percy Weasley with an indulgence in Divinations!!
Of course it's Perciver, just let me hash out the details. I'm so rotten for them (maybe Oliver went off the Isles for his early quidditch career and he and Percy git a bit estranged and never got their shit together during Hogwarts? Just unfullfiled pining??Maybe Oliver has family somewhere and hasn't then returned because of all the bad rumorurs and Quidditch basically shit down in England??)
I'm way too hyped for this... I should rest in bed because my cold and not be in this manic state o.O
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cursedwithwords · 7 months
Teddy Lupin picrew dump because I'm in love with him.
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I love to imagine him with pink or magenta eyes because it connects him to Tonks, but I also have this image of him having eyes that are in constant motion, always changing and never settling on one solid color, to show the internal chaos he battles with. I think he keeps his hair generally a solid blue because he likes the way it looks, and because his nan told him that his hair turned blue almost immediately after he was born, so a tiny piece of him is always thinking "well if it's blue my parents will recognize me" even though he knows they're gone and that's not gonna happen.
((Read more to see Cursed rambling about metamorph abilities ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ))
I have this theory about Metamorph abilities that's basically summed up as being a mutation of the individuals magic itself. It's born from decades of interfamilial inbreeding of a family that already has extremely powerful magic.
I see Metamorphmagus being in the same family of mutation as Obscurus, that being something uncontrollable that happens due to some form of magical backup. The only difference is Obscurus are psychologically self-made while Metamorphmagus are created genetically.
I've seen theories stating that House Black inter-marries because they're worried about their ancient magic being somehow corrupted by other family's blood. It basically said that the Black family has power/magic that lives up to its name, and I kind of love that, but power like that can't possibly come without consequences, and in their attempt to keep the purity of their magic from being corrupted, they themselves became corrupted by their magic.
I mean the way I see it, ancient magic like that has to be chaotic and untamable, something incredibly feral and wild. The more "pure" it is, the more uncontrollable.
Because of that, I think Andromeda marrying and having a child with a muggleborn more or less stabilized the Black family magic in a body far more capable of containing it. But the magic itself is still extremely volatile, so it manifested as metamorph abilities, and I think that in itself would have some unique manifestations.
I think Teddy is immune to most magical ailments, including hexes and curses. His body kind of just deflects it because his magic is able to cancel it out. I think that's probably why Remus' Lycanthropy also passed him over.
At the same time, I think he's pretty susceptible to Muggle illnesses like the flu or the common cold, and I've always headcanoned that he had chronic migraines because though the Lycanthropy disease was fended off through his mutated magic, it's still an insanely brutal illness in and of itself, and some piece of it lingers in him. So around the full moon he tends to get migraines. Proof that he's not invincible I guess.
I have so many thoughts about Teddy tbh, he's always been outrageously powerful in my mind, and the only reason his magic hasn't consumed him and driven him crazy like so many of the Black family is because he isn't a pureblood. It makes him even more formidable as an enemy, though I don't see him being super aware of his own abilities.
Like he knows he's an alright wizard, he just doesn't realize he's THAT powerful, cuz why would he??
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the order of the phoenix members & co as incorrect quotes pt 2
(as an anniversary post to one of my favorite incorrect quote collections)
molly: Alright, listen up you little shits. molly: Not you Harry. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
tonks: Hey guys, I found a spider. Cool little lad. Thanks for eating the mosquitos. tonks: Oh no, where did it go? mad-eye, standing on a chair: TONKS WHAT THE FUCK?!
remus: Snape has only scowled at me three times this week. Our acquaintanceship is really improving.
dumbledore: I've been expecting you, harry. harry: How did you do that without turning around? dumbledore: Let's just say the first few people I did that to were not you.
kingsley, warning about a death eater coming at tonks: To the left!  tonks: Take it back now y'all!
tonks: What happened to your nose? mad-eye: I used it to break someone's fist.
snape: You read my diary?
dumbledore: At first I did not know it was your diary. I thought it was a handwritten book about a kind of sad fellow. And then I came to a chapter called 'I hate my fucking bosses,' and thought it sounded a little too familiar.
sirius: I apologize for saying 'fuck' during the meeting and horrifying these dear kids. molly: You just said it again. sirius: I am not a role model.
tonks: Mad-eye said it's my turn with the brain cell! sirius: Alright, square up-
sirius: What do you call a dictionary on drugs? kingsley: "Addict-ionary"? sirius: I was actually going to say "high definition", but your answer's much better. kingsley:…
dumbledore: It’s nice to be wanted, you know? minerva: Not by the law!
remus, during deathly hallows probably: There’s always that weak little shit in the group who isn’t down with murder. remus: *glares at harry* harry: Well, sorry I have morals!
tonks: So if our plan goes poorly, where should we meet up? mad-eye: The afterlife, probably.
molly: Where are you going? fred and george: To either get ice cream or commit a felony. We'll decide on the way.
tonks: You didn't think maybe we'd need some actual weapons? dumbledore: Knowledge is the best weapon- tonks: I’m pretty sure weapon is the best weapon.
*trying to solve some mystery*
ron: I've connected the two dots. hermione: You didn't connect shit. ron: I've connected them.
tonks: Who the fuck- kingsley: Language! tonks: Whomst the fuck- kingsley: No.
mundungus: I think I mostly want to see what happens when this whole place breaks apart.
hermione: Harry says thanks for popping by. He’d love to chat but he's up to his eyes in homework. perhaps if you could come by next week- snape and remus, coming to check on him: He’s climbing out the window isn’t he? hermione:
sirius: *closes a cabinet* a crash is heard behind the cabinet door molly: What was that? sirius: sirius: The sound of someone else's problem.
*after discussing a plan* dumbledore: Does anyone have any questions? kingsley: Is this legal? dumbledore: Does anyone have any relevant questions?
tonks: Hey mad-eye, are you awake? mad-eye: what tonks: Are you awake? mad-eye: Who the fuck do you think just said ‘what’?
harry, at the end of order of the phoenix: You guys really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast? arthur: Several air traffic violations.  kingsley: Three counts of resisting arrest. mad-eye: Roughly thirteen bottles of firewhiskey (collectively). tonks: *pointing at the knight bus* Also, that's not our bus.
dedalus, hestia, and those other guys in the order who are rarely mentioned in the books watching the main characters' shit go down: -The actual fuck is happening now??
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iamlikeocceandeep · 4 months
Oh alright, just hear me out The new Taylor 's song black dog immediately reminded all of us of Sirius black even though it's not rly connect but
HEAR ME what if it's about Sirius singing to Remus (ex boyfriend who canonly married a much younger girl) after he married tonks like:
"But she's too young to know this song That was intertwined in the magic fabric of our dreaming"
Like what if the Magic fabric was invisibility clock
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slitheringghost · 6 months
A narrative thread I find interesting is Family As Teachers and how characters influence and mirror each others’ abilities in familial dynamics - particularly in sibling/"twin" dynamics - which is fitting in a society where children’s magical education seems entirely controlled by their families until age 11 when they start Hogwarts and intermittently afterward. This theme is reflected in Ollivander’s words in DH while discussing the mystery of the twin cores and general wandlore with Harry:
"The best results [...] always come where there is the strongest affinity between wizard and wand. These connections are complex. An initial attraction, and then a mutual quest for experience, the wand learning from the wizard, the wizard from the wand"
You even have the three Peverell brothers inventing the three Hallows together to conquer death
Fred and George - as the actual siblings/twins, the most in tune - drop out and invent Weasley's Wheezes together, shared sense of humor via a literal Joke Shop. They find the Marauders' Map ("This little beauty’s taught us more than all the teachers in this school"). This twin duo sometimes turns into a trio - see post about Hermione’s contributions to their inventions in my meta Hermione As Teacher and Connections to Lily (who eventually joins the Weasley family, so like a sister to them); and additionally the twins’ best friend Lee Jordan helping them:
Fred and George Weasley with their friend Lee Jordan, all three of whom were carrying large paper bags crammed with Zonko’s merchandise Fred and George appeared finally to have perfected one type of Skiving Snackbox, which they were taking turns to demonstrate to a cheering and whooping crowd […] Lee Jordan, who was assisting the demonstration, was lazily vanishing the vomit at regular intervals with the same Vanishing Spell Snape kept using on Harry’s potions. (OoTP)
George then mentions utilizing Vanishing into their fireworks: (“Oh, I hope she tries Vanishing them next…They multiply by ten every time you try”). Snape’s skill at Vanishing ties to dynamic with Mcgonagall as she’s shown teaching 5th years Vanishing Spells in OoTP, and later in the book LV’s emphasized as weaker in Conjuration with his conjured shield, unsurprising given Dumbledore was his Transfiguration teacher.
THE MARAUDERS - James and Sirius collaborate on the Marauders' Map (with Remus; shared sense of humor built into it via insulting Snape), two-way mirrors called "twin" mirrors in DH; James's wand is "excellent for Transfiguration", he's a confirmed prodigy and Sirius is equal to him - both Animagi, McGonagall's favorites ("Both very bright, of course—exceptionally bright"), Sirius goes "I don’t need to look at that rubbish, I know it all" re: Transfiguration textbook; looking to create a new identity from his family's Dark magic, Sirius's interest in Transfiguration likely stemmed from James. Equal in DADA (finish the OWL early, "I’ll be surprised if I don’t get Outstanding on it at least" "Me too"), hex people together.
Remus - Dark Creatures interest from his father (Lyall was "a world-renowned authority on Non-Human Spiritous Apparitions" such as "poltergeists, Boggarts and other strange creatures") shown in Remus with Peeves and the Boggart lesson. A possible hint of Remus and Tonks friendship affecting her interests - Tonks helping with a "murderous old ghoul lurking in a toilet" in 12GP.
THE BLACK FAMILY - the Blacks are all brilliant. Sirius and Bellatrix are mirrored in battle implying Bella taught him and/or they dueled together - a connection transferred to Sirius mirroring James and Remus in combat ("Then, with identical fluid movements, they reached into their back pockets" in the prequel; "Then, with one movement, they lowered their wands" in PoA). Same weapons: Knives - Sirius slashes the Fat Lady and tries to stab rat!Peter, gifts a penknife that opens any lock to Harry; Bellatrix tortures Hermione and murders Dobby with a knife (potentially they keep them handy for blood magic - "rusty daggers" in 12GP nearby the crystal bottle of blood).
Bellatrix, Narcissa, and Regulus can all occlude LV and Bella trains Draco. Sirius knows a lot about Dark Arts and Harry's curse scar from the horcrux, Regulus identifies LV's horcrux, Bella is LV's Dark Arts student and given a horcrux.
Sirius and Orion - Orion warded Grimmauld Place, adding "every security measure known to Wizardkind", made it "Unplottable, so Muggles could never come and call"; Sirius maybe used his family's magic on the Map (a tool in part to make Hogwarts safe from teen DEs, and I HC Sirius worked on it most, as Hogwarts was also a home and escape from 12GP to him), role as Secret Keeper, offers GP as safehouse to the Order, undoes its enchantments to let halfblood Harry inherit. Sirius and Walburga both use the Permanent Sticking Charm - Walburga to terrorize and scream bigotry, Sirius to flaunt his differing politics with Muggle stuff.
I HC Bellatrix invented some Dark artifacts in 12GP - the "unpleasant-looking silver instrument, like a many-legged pair of tweezers, which scuttled up Harry’s arm like a spider when he picked it up and attempted to puncture his skin" which Sirius smashes with Nature’s Nobility: A Wizarding Genealogy (fits Harry and Sirius's interaction with Bella later in OoTP) and the "musical box that emitted a faintly sinister, tinkling tune when wound”, making them all "curiously weak and sleepy" until Ginny shuts the lid - placed right next to Merope's locket (esp. as Sirius’s words after this passage parallel Bellatrix in DH). Raised as the heir, Bellatrix likely had similar training and skill in wards as Sirius.
Bellatrix and Voldemort - paralleled in combat ("Bellatrix was still fighting too, fifty yards away from Voldemort, and like her master she dueled three at once"), both Legilimens. Her speech about the Dark Arts and learning "spells of such power" while teaching him the Unforgivable curses - she's likely as skilled as LV in inventing curses.
Dumbledore and Grindelwald - "just as precociously brilliant", "even after they’d spent all day in discussion — both such brilliant young boys, they got on like a cauldron on fire", "at last, my brother had an equal to talk to, someone just as bright and talented as he was". Twin imagery with Grindelwald as hilariously described like Fawkes.
Next-door neighbors, knew each other only for a few months, yet Grindelwald’s ideas "caught and inflamed him", Dumbledore’s "ideas helped Grindelwald rise to power". Collaborate on the fascism and Deathly Hallows quest, but not Dark Arts (vs. Snape and Lily share the Dark Arts experimentation but not the fascism). Both on the same level in dueling, can conceal themselves without a Cloak.
Bathilda Bagshot - Dumbledore's Mother Figure/teacher, "impressed by his paper on trans-species transformation in Transfiguration Today" which Dumbledore's shown reading, so she presumably mentored him in Transfiguration, clearly a favorite field (While Dumbledore had few close friends, McGonagall's maybe the closest equivalent to a female friend; echoes Snape with Eileen and Lily).
Elphias Doge - met at 11 on their first day at Hogwarts, "Our mutual attraction was undoubtedly due to the fact that we both felt ourselves to be outsiders". They "intended to take the then-traditional tour of the world together, visiting and observing foreign wizards, before pursuing our separate careers".
While the pair are said to not be intellectually on par, Dumbledore's interests clearly influenced Doge, also implied in Doge writing “his friends benefited from his example, not to mention his help and encouragement, with which he was always generous. He confessed to me in later life that he knew even then that his greatest pleasure lay in teaching.”
Doge on his travels mentions "experiments of Egyptian alchemists" and "escapes from chimaeras in Greece" (fire-breathing lion, goat, serpent hybrid) - echoing Dumbledore as a "Gold Medal-Winner for Ground-Breaking Contribution to the International Alchemical Conference in Cairo" and interest in certain magical creatures and associations with fire (Fawkes, dragon's blood uses, "trans-species transformation" research, bewitches a branch of Gubraithian "everlasting" fire which is Charms related, the Deluminator as a cigarette lighter).
Nicolas Flamel - Dumbledore's Chocolate Card notes his "work on alchemy with his partner Flamel" inventor of the Philosophers' Stone (colored “blood-red”) who taught teen Dumbledore; Dumbledore later enchants the Stone and links it to the Mirror of Erised (only one who wanted to find but not use it could get it, or they’d be shown making gold or drinking Elixir of Life). Albus also means "white", after an alchemy principle.
Marchbanks who examined him in Transfiguration and Charms N.E.W.T.s says he "did things with a wand I’d never seen before", won the "Exceptional Spell-Casting award"; published papers in Transfiguration, Charms, and Potions journals - linked more with wand magic fields.
Snape and Voldemort - From his words in HBP (disdain at Mundungus for not being a real Inferius), Snape likely learned necromancy with LV and enchanted Inferi during the First War (fitting to his vampire vibes).
Potions - LV uses "old piece of Dark Magic" rebirth potion; creates the Rudimentary Body Potion of snake venom, unicorn blood, spells of his own invention. Snape's Potions speech in PS - "the power of liquids that creep through human veins" (reference to potions with human blood?).
LV invents the Drink of Despair, Snape modifies the Elixir to Induce Euphoria (and assigns a dementor essay). Snape’s knowledge of poisons (logic puzzle, undetectable poisons essay, etc) and the bezoar trick as antidote, Tom poisons Hepzibah with a "lethal and little known" poison that passes for sugar to frame a house-elf who can’t carry a wand. Riddle petrifies students with the basilisk, Snape brews Mandrake Restorative Draught for basilisk victims (mandrakes heal transfigured or cursed victims, "an essential part of most antidotes").
LV curses the Gaunt ring, Snape heals that curse (golden potion and countercurse, collaborating with Dumbledore). LV turns the locket into a horcrux, Snape heals Katie Bell from the cursed necklace. LV curses the DADA job and the curse on his name, Snape invents Sectumsempra. LV the most accomplished Legilimens; Snape the most skilled Occlumens (and a skilled Legilimens). LV adds a concealed entrance on the Locket Cave/symbolic Gaunt shack, Snape renovates Spinner's End with two hidden doors (both in locations related to their Muggle childhoods).
Snape and Lily - to a large extent it makes sense that their magical abilities and interests align even more closely than any other duo save the Weasley twins, because they played the role of "family training" for each other for 2+ years. Both outsiders and ambitious with magic as their way out, Lily's joy at magic and Snape views it as an escape from home, closest to siblings living in the same town. Snape's keen on sharing everything (esp. if raised with an idea of how training works in magical families), Lily on knowing everything (and seems to be following Snape's lead on the magical world in a lot of ways).
Eileen clearly taught Snape a lot about wizarding society and I assume some magic, has all her school textbooks and likely some Prince family books/knowledge, with Dark Arts and Potions specialties, which Snape passed onto Lily. But Eileen either wasn't as gifted or intellectual as her son (we only know she's Captain of Gobstones) and/or just too neglectful for the connection to go far.
Snape tells Lily "you’d better be in Slytherin" in the scene he tells James "if you’d rather be brawny than brainy" re: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin, so he thinks Lily falls under "brainy".
Magical power - unsupported flight, Snape's a Legilimens and there's circumstantial evidence of Lily as one in the early memories.
As with J/S, Lily's wand predicts her mutual interest with her best friend/like-a-sibling (of course their main field as Potions which doesn't require much wandwork) - "Swishy, nice wand for charm work", the Prince invents Charms. They "swish and flick" in Charms (levitating feathers), associated with flight. If taking extracanon, willow's an uncommon wand wood with healing power, enables advanced nonverbal magic (Snape heals Dark magic/etc, invents nonverbal spells).
James and Sirius are wary of Lily's wand means she's a skilled duelist and has gotten into fights; Snape invents hexes. Given the theme of duel between brothers, dueling's traditional in magical families, so Snape and Lily likely practice dueled together too with similar methods (Legilimency in combat); though in application, unlike the Marauders at Hogwarts, they'd be fighting on opposite sides.
Slughorn describing the Prince's work as exactly like Lily's at every turn indicates it as collaborative as the above examples of duo inventions - "You’ve got nerve, boy", "That’s the individual spirit a real potion-maker needs", "Unorthodox, but what a stroke of inspiration", "I really don’t know where you get these brain waves", "intuitive", "instinctive" "a natural" - aka she's creative, inventive, unafraid to take risks with and push the boundaries of magic.
The Prince's disdainful "just shove a bezoar down their throats"; Slughorn laughs at the bezoar, says it's exactly like Lily, gives house points "for sheer cheek" - implies Snape and Lily shared sense of humor often consisted of making fun of how purebloods view magic and incorporating their Muggle background into their methods (matches "as there is little foolish wand-waving here, you will hardly believe this is magic"). Snape's interest in poisons led to the bezoar trick which is Dark Arts related, so Lily knowing the same also implies her Dark Arts interest (of course Potions masters, Aurors, Healers, etc all study poisons, but I assume going deeper into it leads to more effective healing, as with Dark curses and cursebreaking skill on the Gaunt ring/etc).
Like Fred and George, Snape and Lily experiment and invent together constantly over summers - Petunia says Lily "came home every vacation with her pockets full of frog spawn, turning teacups into rats" (Potions, Transfiguration) and the Dursleys don't know Harry can't do magic over summers in CoS, an easy lie for Lily to keep up when doing magic often at Snape's house.
Snape evidently came prepared to impress Slytherins - per Sirius, he was always fascinated by Dark Arts, famous for it, knew more curses when he arrived than half the 7th years (likely showing off his knowledge vs. immediately cursing others). Snape's very aware of Muggleborn prejudice (hesitates before saying it makes no difference), yet was set on Lily being in Slytherin for 2.5 years pre-Hogwarts and groans when she's Sorted elsewhere, so sharing his Dark Arts interest with her fits that, expecting she'd need to "get in with the purebloods" along with him, which means making sure she knows as much as he does (see this post).
Snape at nine thinks Lily's the odd one for being fascinated by dementors:
"Tell me about the dementors again." "What d’you want to know about them for?" "If I use magic outside school —" "They wouldn’t give you to the dementors for that! Dementors are for people who do really bad stuff. They guard the wizard prison, Azkaban." (DH)
Cue Snape's monologue about the Dark Arts years later:
“The Dark Arts are many, varied, ever-changing, and eternal [...]" Harry stared at Snape. It was surely one thing to respect the Dark Arts as a dangerous enemy, another to speak of them, as Snape was doing, with a loving caress in his voice? “Your defenses must therefore be as flexible and inventive as the arts you seek to undo. These pictures [...] give a fair representation of what happens to those who suffer, for instance, the Cruciatus Curse” — he waved a hand toward a witch who was clearly shrieking in agony — “feel the Dementor’s Kiss” — a wizard lying huddled and blank-eyed, slumped against a wall — “or provoke the aggression of the Inferius” — a bloody mass upon the ground. (HBP)
They absolutely mutually encouraged each other's interests in forbidden and Dark magic. Snape and Lily learn magic together, their magic individually and together parallels LV's the most, and they directly undo LV's own magic, Snape's instances even utilizing Potions.
Dumbledore expects Snape to immediately know Lily's work vanquished LV ("You know how and why she died. Make sure it was not in vain. Help me protect Lily’s son"), implying he knows Snape and Lily learned similar magic together and expects Snape to ~recognize Lily's style~. Converse to how he speaks to McGonagall the same (?) day:
"After all he’s done... all the people he’s killed... he couldn’t kill a little boy? It’s just astounding... of all the things to stop him... but how in the name of heaven did Harry survive?" "We can only guess," said Dumbledore. "We may never know." (PS)
Lily and Sirius - Sirius is also knowledgeable about curses - knows the countercurse for the biting snuffbox (Wartcap Powder) and examines his hand "with interest"; suggests the Conjunctivitis Curse "as a dragon’s eyes are its weakest point" which Krum who was taught Dark Arts; often the one consulted regarding Harry's curse scar, recognizes Priori Incantatem, Harry writing to Sirius when he wants someone like a parent "who had experience with Dark Magic".
Sirius breaks Black family tradition in undoing wards/protections on 12GP (maybe manipulating a form of blood magic?) to let his halfblood not blood-related godson inherit and block DE Bellatrix out; and Lily creates blood wards that'd traditionally protect a pureblood family house to protect her Muggle family and eventually protects Harry. Mirroring Snape and Lily weaving their Muggle background in their magic, Sirius enchants Muggle objects like the motorbike (and creates an alternate method of flight).
When Harry says "You never heard her, did you? My mum... trying to stop Voldemort killing me... and you did that... you did it" Sirius goes quiet, which may hint at specific knowledge that Lily vanquished LV (also a possible reason for Sirius rereading Lily’s letter in OoTP, when the Order’s trying to figure out what’s up with the prophecy and the Harry-Voldemort connection).
Harry and Ron - "In the end, he chose the same new subjects as Ron, feeling that if he was lousy at them, at least he’d have someone friendly to help him", write up absurd stories for Divination and make fun of Trelawney together. Harry and Hermione elaborated here.
Parvati and Lavender - Divination, both close with Trelawney (vs. Padma in a different house than her twin)
Moody and Tonks (who was "close to Mad-Eye" "his favorite and his protégée at the Ministry"), Bellatrix and Barty (if you accept he was her apprentice), Snape and Draco (“Draco’s favorite teacher”), Xenophilius and Luna - her family training consisting of... conspiracy theories, Luna first shown reading The Quibbler (Most likely Pandora Lovegood was a conspiracy theorist like her husband - "intellectual equals" - and died due to something like believing an explosive Erumpent horn was a Crumple-Horned Snorkack horn)
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thistlecatfics · 9 months
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the grace unasked for by @leftsidedown (17k, T, Remadora)
What if… instead of going to Bill's after the Malfoy Manor, Harry and co. flee to Tonks' parents' house, where Remus and Tonks are hiding with Andromeda? How would Remus and the others react and handle this? Remember, Tonks is in her last trimester, her dad just died, she's still being hunted down by Bellatrix and everyone is in hiding, and suddenly Undesirable No 1 shows up with a tortured Hermione, former hostages and a dead house elf and his presence is now potentially threatening everyone's safety...
I LOVE a "what if this one small thing changed" concept which has both big ripples and also keeps the fundamentals the same - this fic is so deeply rooted in canon and canon characterizations which I just love. Each character (Andromeda, Remus, Tonks especially but also Harry, Ron, and Hermione) is portrayed with such deep flaws and strengths in a way that really honors their humanity.
This has one of my favorite Andromeda portrayals and includes one of my favorite headcanons -
"A memory came flooding back. The letter she'd desperately mailed off: your little boy, your Draco, he must be one now? You must understand, then, dearest sister, I am begging not for myself, only for my daughter. Everything I know, anything I can do—She let herself fall back against the cool wall, and cast her eyes blankly upwards. Ted. I promise, I will protect the only piece of you left to me."
The fic left me with no coherent thoughts but just this deep and echoing respect for grief and purpose and devotion and connection.
For @hprecfest <3
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thinking about my remadora. thinking about how remus survived horrific abuse, stayed with his parents in essex to get back on his feet, and in his attempt to heal, stumbled upon a café with a pink-haired barista who made the perfect london fog. thinking about how tonks is an aspiring artist who draws the strange, scarred man that comes into the place every day, under the impression that he’s writing a novel when he’s actually going through the motions of trauma-processing journaling recommended by his therapist.
thinking about how tonks is more connected to his past than remus thinks. how he briefly wants to run, but she proves him wrong. she breaks the cycle of violence he’s known all his life. she shows him that he is worthy of love.
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dixonsgirl93 · 11 months
What I think the Harry Potter men’s type of partner would be:
(I tried to be as realistic as I could with HCs that people might not like. But remember this is just for fun so if you don’t like it, just scroll. Thank you)
Draco Malfoy
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- I think Hogwarts era Draco would be more likely to date a Slytherin girl mostly because he would be afraid of his father ridiculing him. I feel like his mother would just be happy to see Draco happy but he cares a lot about what his father thinks.
- I don’t think he would care about their hair colour, he wouldn’t have a preference but he would be hesitant to date someone with red hair. Partly because Lucius would make a big deal of the image of the Malfoys and mention their children being gingers and how much he’d despise that and also for the similarity of the “blood-traitor” Weasleys.
- I think his personal preference of body type would range from very slim to midsize. Whether because of his upbringing or what, I just don’t think he would date a plus-size or larger girl.
- Adult Draco wouldn’t care so much about their blood status but having been brought up with racist views, that kind of ingrained mentality would be hard to shift.
Sirius Black
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- I don’t think he cares about their body type. Skinny, midi, larger, whatever. As long as you get on well and find each other attractive then he’s happy.
- He prefers more boisterous women, who can match his energy and put him in his place. The type who rather rebellious but also intelligent and kind.
- I’d say he’s also heteroflexible to a degree. He enjoys kissing men and doesn’t care if people think he’s gay but he definitely prefers to date only girls.
Lucius Malfoy
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- His type? Basically Narcissa. Pureblood, slim, intelligent. Someone who can also put him in his place but respect him.
- For him, he wants someone equal to him, someone he can proudly show on his arm. This also means she has to be pretty and slim and well groomed.
- He’s grown up with the ideals and racism that Draco faced but leaned into it rather than away like Draco wanted/tried to do.
Severus Snape
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- He’d perhaps want someone who matches his energy. I think he’d want someone happy-go-lucky to suit his more serious personality. Someone patient and kind. He hides it but he has a delicate heart.
- Looks-wise I’m not sure he could date someone with red hair, her reminding him too much of his first love. She would have to really wear down his walls before he would consider letting her in. Otherwise he wouldn’t have a preference.
- He wouldn’t care about their blood status if he felt a true connection with someone. At the end of the day he wants someone kind.
- He’s a sucker for brown eyes and freckles.
Remus Lupin
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(I know he’s with Tonks but let’s say if she wasn’t in the series, what would be his type?)
- He’s a smart, bookish guy so I feel like he’d want his partner to be similar. He’d someone he could debate with about world topics and literature.
- He’d prefer if she was well dressed but if there was a genuine connection he wouldn’t care so much if she wore hoodies or something all the time.
- He goes more for personality than how pretty someone is, but he is a sucker for long, wavy hair (that was until Tonks came along and he realised he didn’t even care about hair).
- He would either want someone who was rather opposite to him in terms of out-going and more interested in movies than books or someone who’s more bookish.
- He would like someone he could settle down with though, who would be serious about him. Family is a big deal to him.
Alastor Moody
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- As much as I adore Moody and want to just write that *I’m* his type, he’s actually pretty hard to write for. He’s a very stoic person, very serious and paranoid.
- I think he would just be surprised if someone desired to get close to him and didn’t care about his scars or missing body parts. He’d be paranoid at first, assuming the worst but presuming this…
- He wouldn’t really have a preference of how they look. More so that they take care of themselves and present themselves nicely etc. That sort of thing.
- Now, if I am to picture Moody with a partner. I imagine a woman in her mid-late 40’s (youngest), smartly dressed, maybe a secretary or manager, brunette, sophisticated.
- However, do I think he would date someone younger? Like half his age? (If we are to assume he’s in his 60’s). It’s possible. He’d be very hesitant though so you’d need to form a strong bond first which could take years. He’d be worth it though.
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greenerteacups · 5 months
Do you think a patronus and an animagus need to be, or are likely to be, the same animal for a person?
Likely, yes; necessary, no. We know that patronuses can take forms it's not possible to become as an animagus, because Tonks's patronus becomes a werewolf after falling in love with Lupin. (I guess we don't rightly know you can't choose a werewolf as your animagus form, but the idea feels janky, like it's not reeeeeally what the magic system was conceived to do.)
My general philosophy of Patronuses gets explored a lot in an upcoming chapter, but the TLDR is I think they're a token of something that makes you happy. Harry's is a stag because his connection to his father brings him joy; Tonks, a representation of Remus; Snape, a representation of Lily; etc. That's also why patronuses can change when you seek joy/meaning from new places. Nowhere in the books do we see the kind of "spirit animal" reading that crops up in personality quizzes about it. Yeah, sometimes the animals happen to fit their characters, but why do McGonagall and Umbridge — two very different characters — have the same patronus? Wouldn't it make more sense if they were just two dames who like cats?
In contrast, your animagus form is said (extracanonically, so Doesn't Count, if you ask me, but whatever) to be involuntary and based on your personality. (This is part of the reason I don't think you can use animagus abilities to become a werewolf, because what would that even mean about the person doing it?) The animagus is supposed to function as a "spirit animal" type of thing, because it's technically still you.
So if your patronus and animagus form happened to match, I'd read it as a good indication that the things bringing you joy are closely related to things you like about yourself. It would be an indication of strong self-esteem and satisfaction. James Potter being one such character, and someone who's established in canon to think pretty highly of himself. Minerva McGonagall is a god damn delight and she knows it. Interestingly, Lupin's patronus is a wolf, but not a werewolf, which could mean any number of things — for one, the word "Lupin" being a cognate for wolf in Latin means that his patronus could reference his family or parents, or just his own identity as a person outside of his lycanthropy.
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ashesandhackles · 1 year
HP Reread - Order of Phoenix (part 1)
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OOTP - Chapter 1,2,3
love how oppressive the atmosphere is from the beginning. It's a drought and Harry is lying in a flowerbed that is dying. It's also a great way to show Harry's desperation for news. Also that he scavenges newspapers from rubbish bins :(
Vernon grabs Harry by the throat and Harry has to magically throw him off. ( Harry takes care to "stop short of the point at which Uncle Vernon's outstretched hands could resume their strangling"). Not the first time the threat of physical violence exists from Vernon.
Harry feeling comforted by Sirius' letters even though they are just as empty of news. (also amusing that Harry recognises the hypocrisy of Sirius asking him not to be rash XD the "do as I say and not as I do" parent)
Harry's neighbours being terrified of "that Potter boy" who they have been warned is a hooligan (and they keep muttering about his "delinquent" appearance). Petunia will also refer to Snape as "that awful boy": drawing similarities in how they are perceived in the Muggle world.
"This is night Diddykins. That's what they call it when it goes all dark like this" LOL
Right after Dudley taunts him, hits him and Harry fully feels his hatred of 14 years for him, Harry's first instinct is to yell at Dudley to come back when they are in danger. I love how his priorities immediately shift when he knows someone is in danger.
Harry casts a spell without a wand in his hand.
As angry as he is with Ron and Hermione, it is their faces that gives his Patronus the force it needs.
This is the book where Dudley faces a Dementor, and is implied to grow up and reflect in the next two books. I think this is significant: especially because this is the book James is also humanised. We get a lot of fandom complaints about how we don't get to see James growing up - that it is told, and not shown. James (and Lily) are meant to be thematic ghosts, Harry will never fully know them and that's the point. And bullies grow up: Dudley did, and so does James. (Harry makes the Dudley-James connection in SWM, and then later on compares James to Ron.)
Is Mr. Tibbles a Kneazle? The cat warned Mrs Figg when Mundungus left.
I really feel for Harry - who gets a "mingled feeling of dread and anger" when Dudley names him. And the odd feeling of calm he gets when he is threatened with the worst - the risk to his wand.
The awful boy Petunia is referring to is Snape.
I really, really love the moment between Petunia and Harry here, where her walls crumble and she shows fear of the man who killed her sister.
Love that Dumbledore sends a Howler: and it is described as an "Awful voice" that filled the confines of the kitchen. I've always interpreted that Dumbledore is surprised by how much he cares about Harry, and this is a moment Dumbledore allows himself to be angry with Dursleys, in particular, Petunia. (I back this up with his admission at end of the book: "I cared too much about you" - and I think him loving Harry was a surprise to him)
Harry addresses the first letter to Sirius, second to Ron, and third to Hermione. I think the order is who he feels most ownership of. Sirius is his.
Harry feeling guilty about being irritable with Hedwig <3 although now I want a Hedwig POV of how she pecked Sirius, Ron and Hermione after Harry asked her to xD
Kingsley talks of James with familiarity, even though he was not part of the Order before.
love how Tonks and Mad Eye are interacting this chapter. She is the charmingly impertinent protege, questioning his paranoia. XD
Remus being cheeky by calling Tonks "Nymphadora". He had to have known at this point that she wants to be called Tonks.
Elphias Doge: Dumbles friend who he was supposed to travel with prior to Ariana's death i think? Also comments on Harry having Lily's eyes.
love that Remus, quite like Sirius, also reads the expression on Harry's face and answers the thought.
we also get the info that Ted Tonks is a slob, while Andromeda is so neat that she gets socks to fold themselves.
the chapter, even with threeway dynamic with Tonks, Kingsley, and Mad Eye, also places Tonks and Remus as a team.
Chapter 4,5,6
There is no keyhole or letterbox in Grimmauld Place, but Remus taps the door with his wand and chains clatter. Something Orion added or Dumbles?
"it was as though they had entered a house of dying person". Thanks for that JKR. But also - its about the Ozymandias vibe of the dying line of Blacks.
aiyooo, Harry being momentarily happy at the sight of them but the reminder they were sworn not to tell him anything, so he pays attention to Hedwig and ignores both of them. Hermione and Ron, bless them, try to get him to talk because they both see how broody he is lol. They even exchange looks that Harry catches XD
Also, Ginny's favouritism for Bill. Bill's opinions "settle the matter" for her.
Ginny, the good liar. (she accuses Crookshanks of putting Dungbombs on the meeting door, when it was her to Mrs Weasley) I think its such an interesting shade of her - and combined with the offscreen storyline in CoS, gives a good dimension to her.
aww Harry feels ashamed of shouting at Ron and Hermione because they both look nervous when everyone is gone :( and the fact that he is apologetic is immediately picked by both of them, with Ron shaking his head (similar to GOF where harry cuts him off before he can apologise) and Hermione assuring him that they really did try.
Snape is in the center of the Order group: his work is crucial to the Order.
What a charming portrait, this Walburga. Also, what a fun introduction to Sirius this book : "blood traitor, abomination, shame of my flesh" "Hello Harry. I see you met my mother."
Mundungus wakes up from sleep and reflexively agrees with Sirius as though they were in a meeting. Lollll.
Walburga puts a permanent sticking charm on back of her portrait, Sirius has permanent sticking charm for his very specific room decoration. The apple doesnt fall far from the tree, lol. (Thanks @artemisia-black this particular insight)
Crookshanks takes the time to greet Harry and jumps into Sirius' lap :<3 best friends.
The moment Sirius says he is stuck inside the house for a month, Harry immediately frowns. The boy knows what it is like being stuck inside a house that does not want you.
Snape taking jibes at Sirius by asking him how the cleaning is going, lol. "how is the cleaning going?" "fuck off"
Bill being the family peacemaker when Mrs Weasley drops Percy's name and Mr Weasley immediately freezes. Remus being cute and handing her a plate of stew after the awkward moment.
"Harry heard the sarcasm in his voice, he was not sure anyone else did." The way Harry is so attuned to Sirius.
lol at Hermione and Ginny requesting favourite noses from Tonks.
the discussion between Bill, Mr Weasley and Remus about goblins is so interesting! Both Bill and remus have practical POVs, while Arthur is more of an idealist, emotion driven. Also love that Remus identifies himself among oppressor of goblins by saying "we", when he himself is a class of people oppressed by the wizarding society. Gentleman werewolf <3
LOL at Mrs Weasley throwing a Look at Sirius about Mundungus and he immediately Gets It ("She still hasnt forgiven him for slipping off duty when he was supposed to be tailing you"). The two hosts of the house having an issue and Harry is like "what is happening?" XD
Sirius is also so attuned to Harry. He knows that the first thing Harry would do is start asking questions about Voldemort the moment he arrived.
"Harry's been trapped in that Muggle house for a month": the way both Harry and Sirius intimately know what this means.
"it is not down to you to decide what's good for Harry": it's interesting to me how Molly challenges Sirius' guardianship here. There is an element of possessiveness over Harry they both show - but I wonder if Molly is also a bit shaky cos of loss of Percy at the moment, and stress of war.
Arthur is so allergic to conflict that he will take his time cleaning his glasses before deciding on a reply lol. Remus ends the conversation by rephrasing what Sirius said. XD
Remus deescalates the tension in this scene, but he is also offended on behalf of Sirius (he speaks "sharply"). Also Molly recognises that she has gone too far in the scene, her lip trembles after she says this and the next time she addresses Sirius, she is trembling then too
Sirius and Remus tag teaming to tell Harry info. (also they exchange a look when Harry asks about the weapon. I know Sirius answers this, but Remus also takes ownership of this moment - "we said too much" and thats an interesting characterisation moment for me for Remus)
love the bitterness in Sirius' voice about how Ministry does not want to face the fact that Voldemort's back. He is so angry - on his behalf, on Harry's behalf. Most of his anger about how his life has turned out is directed to the Ministry.
lol at Dumbledore not caring what they do as long as he is not taken off Chocolate Frog cards.
Fred betting that Ginny is lying awake waiting for Hermione to tell her EVERYTHING XD
Phineas makes his presence felt even though his canvas is empty: he snickers during the argument, and they can hear him sleep. I suppose for portraits: they can hear things of the canvas they are connected to even though they are not there?
"he's got the Cruciatus curse for causing pain. He doesnt need anything more efficient than that." Oh Harry.
lol at Sirius and Molly being extra polite to each other after their disagreement.
love the moment where George sees Harry watching Fred pocket a Doxy, and explains their products and experiment to him.
"my mother didn't have heart. She kept herself alive out of pure spite" :( "I've had enough": something harry says in POA when he leaves.
Alphard gets blasted off posthumously for leaving Sirius gold lol.
"my idiot, soft enough to believe them": the way Sirius minimises his brother's agency and leaves the blame at his parents' door about Regulus being a Death Eater. "i bet my parents thought Regulus was a right little hero for joining up at first"
Harry, sensing Sirius' feelings actually asks him tentatively about Regulus' death: "was he killed by an Auror?" also when Mrs Weasley comes back with lunch, Harry remains with Sirius.
Sirius getting angry at the suggestion he is related to Bellatrix. And yet, the interesting thing narrative does in the books is evoke strong parallels between them - the exhilarated laugh before their defeat, the good looks being wasted but also traits that don't get pointed out as much: first borns of their family who chafe against the rules of the society they are born in. Bellatrix becomes #girlboss terrorist while Sirius rebels.
Ginny slamming the creepy musical box lid shut: her experience with the enchantment of the diary coming to play a bit here.
i love all these little descriptions of how they are waging a war against the house and how visitors stayed to help: Tonks with a murderous ghoul, Remus with a grandfather's clock and how Mundungus redeemed himself in front of Mrs Weasley by saving Ron from purple robes that tried to strangle him.
ah Harry actually wants to ask if Sirius would come to the hearing as Snuffles. I LOVE THEM.
Chapter 7,8,9
Scrimgeour- the head of Auror office and Minister for next book - is onto something. He is asking Tonks and Kingsley "funny questions."
why is there no fanart of Arthur in a bomber jacket and pinstriped trousers?
ok, I am a little endeared by Mrs Weasley attacking Harry's hair with a wet comb and asking whether it ever lies flat XD
Sirius trying to cheer Harry up with a joke about seeing to Amelia Bones for him, and Harry actually smiles weakly. I am sorry, I think this entire book I am just going to be savouring all the Sirius-Harry.
the magical fountain where goblin, house elf and centaur "look adoringly up at the witch and wizard". implicit power dynamic even in the lie. #imperialist moment
Magical Maintenance giving them two months of hurricanes when they wanted a pay rise Imao.
Kingsley and Arthur interacting as if they dont know each other is really cute, especially when they do sotto voice for the real info they want to give. Also, Kingsley asking Arthur to pass a magazine for Sirius :<3
a demonstration of Arthur's standing in the Ministry: his office is smaller than the broom cupboard and his request for window is denied.
for future plot point: the regurgitating toilet (whose culprit will inform Umbridge of the DA meeting), and Harry sees Bode!
they changed the time and venue of Harry's hearing to a courtroom they dont often use. Dumbles will imply they were trying to sabotage Harry next chapter.
the courtroom Harry is in, is used for terrorist trials of back in aftermath of first war (there are even chains on the seat "threateningly" clinking at him). Arthur had implied they haven't used it for a while, and this really drives home how much this trial is meant to sabotage Harry's chances as well as unsettle him.
Umbridge in shadow. A foreboding introduction to antagonist of this book.
I love that when Harry sees Dumbledore, there is a hopeful feeling in his chest that he connects with the phoenix song. It's beautiful imagery, an indication of how safe he feels with Dumbledore. Also callback to Priori Incantetam in GOF.
Harry suspects that Mrs Figg had seen a picture of a Dementor, and that she was coached about what she would say. Dumbledore relied on the Ministry not knowing about whether or not Squibs can actually see Dementors for Mrs Figg's speech. Love how Dumbles uses their ignorance against them.
When Dumbledore suggests that the Dementors being there wasnt an accident, Umbridge's shadow moves. Nice.
Dumbles gets "cool" when Fudge hints at not having Hogwarts under Ministry control.
Love that Dumbles overturns the power dynamic of the room and tells the Wizengamot to make a decision after he was done talking.
Dumbles basically runs out without giving an indication to Arthur how the trial went. This is possibly because Arthur is already suspected of being close to Dumbledore, so he wouldnt want to stick around and relay info.
"Harry felt winded" at the sight of Lucius Malfoy, the man who was both witness to and jeered Harry's predicament at the graveyard, and just weeks after he told Fudge that Malfoy was a DE. and Arthur, bless him, can sense Harry's feelings, because he holds his shoulder in a warning.
Ron is so happy about Harry being cleared that he is serving mashed potatoes onto everyone's plates <3
Sirius. I love the detail that both Sirius and Harry (later in the book) retreat to Buckbeak's room when they are both upset.
Hermione getting increasingly bothered by the twins dragging Ron, that she speaks up angrily <3
I really love this little moment of Harry sitting and probbing his own feelings about Ron getting the badge instead of him. There are so many things happening here - one Harry is a bit competitive, so I can imagine him taking a hit that his best friend has overtaken him in something. But I think it's (strongly implied) because he feels overlooked by Dumbledore (which is a theme through the book). Kingsley and Lups conversation at the dinner confirms Harry's feelings.
I like all these little hints about Ginny's comfort with Sirius. She includes him in a conversation when she is with Tonks.
And Sirius is also right beside Harry. I love that Harry is this little duck who just gravitates to where Sirius is in the room.
Harry feeling "doubly fond" of everyone in the room when he is told that James was not a prefect either. At this point in his journey, so much of his identity is rooted in who his father is.
Moody showing the Order photograph and recalling tales of gore lol. (Lups is on a different side of the photograph than Jily + Wormtail)
I really feel for Mrs Weasley in the Boggart scene. It is described so vividly too, as is Harry's initial reaction to seeing Ron's body.
Sirius keeps staring at the patch of floor where he had seen dead Harry (a memory of James' dead body intrudes? or a future where he imagines failing Harry? Both is possible)
Lups gently comforting Molly, while Sirius's offers his version of practical comfort - that its only a matter of time when Voldemort moves into open, and he will see he is wrong.
The chapter ends with harry thinking how he feels old after looking at that picture of the Order of Phoenix and Mrs Weasleys' Boggart. The full weight of the stakes they are facing hits him.
Chapter 10, 11, 12
Padfoot snapping at pigeons, chasing his own tail and scaring cats for Harry's entertainment <3 (also Lee says, "Nice dog, Harry!" and Sirius wags his tail "frantically". I cant deal with how cute this is.)
and when Harry is about to leave, "the great black dog reared onto its hind legs and placed his front paws on Harry's shoulders" :( and then Sirius chases the trail until it rounds the bend. How did it get from sweet to painful already.
Ron becomes "intensely interested in his fingernails" when both Harry and him realise it is going to be their first Hogwarts ride without each other, since Ron has to go to the Prefect's carriage. And then Ron being anxious at leaving Harry behind and implies that he'd rather be with Harry ("I'm not enjoying it -I'm not Percy"). I mentioned in prev discussion about Ron's awkwardness about being a prefect in wake of Percy's departure, and the "I'm not Percy" line shows it so deeply.
Ginny being really sweet! She asks Harry to look for compartment, encourages Neville to come with them into Luna's compartment. And while she did call Luna "Loony" privately outside, she was all smile-y inside the compartment. And when Neville goes, "I'm nobody", Ginny intervenes and introduces Neville to Luna. (btw this book is full of very organic Ginny character writing! I really like how she is integrated here)
Love that Harry audibly groans after Cho leaves, seeing him covered in Stinksap. Ginny noticed, of course and goes, "never mind" and cleans it up after. (Also, we have a parallel scene in HBP where Harry, instead of being embarrassed to be with Neville and Luna, defends them in front of Romilda Vane)
Ron comes back and just plops himself next to Harry after his hour at the prefect carriage. :hug_blob:
Harry excited to read the article Kingsley thought would amuse Sirius. XD and after the first line he is like: "Since when had Sirius been a singing sensation?"
"Tell me how it feels to be second best to Weasley, Potter?" Love that Hermione is nettled by this - she is angry on behalf of both Ron and Harry. And then when Malfoy mentions "dogging", she actually stands up. She is so worried about Sirius :( (she mentions before that she thinks he shouldnt have come with them)
Harry and Hermione share a look about Malfoy saying "dogging" and they are both unnerved.
Luna offering to help Harry manage the pets as everyone else is gone :heart: love the little moment in the end where she assures him that she can see the Thestrals too.
"seeing Hagrid again was one of things he was looking forward to the most." Oh harry <3
lol @ Hermione and Luna, intended foils, are on same page about Hagrid's teaching skills.
cute atmosphere detail about students taking note of each other's new haircuts etc after a summer away. Its details like that gives it a school feeling.
"Who's that?" : Hermione meets her antagonist for the year: Umbridge.
Even with bitter feelings, Harry is soothed to see Dumbledore. Such intense feelings of safety are associated with Dumbles. (also love the detail of Dumbles throwing his beard back over the shoulder to eat, lol)
the trio smirking when Dumbles warns that Forbidden Forest is out of bounds ("few older students should know this by now too" XD)
McGonagall and Sprout annoyed that Umbridge is interrupting Dumbles speech (which is obviously intended as a power move). They also exchange a glance during Umbridge's speech.
"I'll be her friend as long as I don't have to borrow that cardigan" Parvati lol
The speech was interesting and very subtle with how the Ministry is pro-pureblood: she refers to magic as a generational thing within wizarding community ("the treasure trove of magical knowledge amassed by our ancestors").
Dean <3 love that he sides with Harry and assures him, but is also unable to say a bad word about Seamus since he is a friend. He is a good guy.
love how in sync Harry and Ron are here: Harry can tell from Ron's silence that Ron doesn't find the idea of stopping Fred and George inviting, and Ron responds for Harry when Hermione asks what's wrong, because Harry couldnt say it. (also Ron especially doesnt want to stop Fred and George - which he was happy to do previous book with the whole blackmail business - because of the large absence of Percy and reminders of Percy)
Hermione thinking its best to know what the enemy is saying and reading the Prophet. Really getting a lay of the land here. Its incredible how political her arc is.
love that George mentions that one of the reasons they came back for their 7th year is because they didnt think Molly could take them leaving the school early after the whole debacle with Percy.
lol @ romione banter. Hermione lays into them for not paying attention in class, and Ron compliments her brains and memory, and while she says, "don't give me that rubbish" because she knows what Ron is doing, she also looked "mollified" lol. XD
Cho did not have a good summer either, and I like that Harry recognises the connection in someone else who would be affected by Cedric's death.
love that as resolutely as Umbridge is ignoring her, Hermione keeps her hand in air . And the book is so boring, everyone ends up watching her XD. Also, Hermione not opening a book feels like her form of protest lol.
the moment Hermione confronts her about her course aims, the trio is in sync. Ron exclaims, "we're not going to use magic?" + Umbridge does the power move of asking students to raise their hands if they want to speak in class. And Harry, Ron and Hermione's hands are up.
Dean being the VERY BEST, by both backing Harry's assertion when he was cut off, and defending Remus when Umbridge makes a jab, and then saying they still learned loads from Fake!Moody. XD (also Parvati spoke up too. These two are the bold kids)
Harry standing up and speaking up against Umbridge and the whole class is holding a breath. Seamus is half scared, half facinated. Neville says later on in DH that Harry speaking up when he felt things are wrong "gave people hope".
lol at Harry repeating Umbridge's speech and interpretation of it, and McGonagall immediately knows he knows this because he listened to Hermione XD
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in-flvx · 2 years
I like the idea of lupin as a manipulative person. All throughout the books lupin is quietly in charge of the situations he exists in.
First lesson in poa: he is late, which can be a power move of itself, then he humiliates peeves and snape in the span of maybe 10min.
He keeps calling snape by his first name, which puts him into snapes personal space, which is not reciprocated once, afaik.
He holds some power over Sirius while he sits in azkaban, by not fighting for his right for a trial at least.
He holds power over Harry, dumbledore and the entire ministry by not disclosing Sirius' status as animagus.
Something he MUST have known helped Sirius break into hogwarts.
He quickly regains sirius' trust by immediately jumping on his side in the shack - a fact that he quietly proves again and again by sharply calling Sirius to shut up when remus sees fit.
Both times Harry faints in his direct vicinity, he slaps him awake, and then gives him chocolate (a fact that is important to me for reasons I can't fully explain yet), which can be seen as a carrot and stick sort of thing.
The one time we really see lupin lose his composure is in a situation in which no one can see the outcome: when tonks gets pregnant with his child. No one knows what happens when a werewolf fathers a child, much less when their partner is a metamorphmagus. Remus is in over his head and lashes out - yet knows exactly where to find Harry.
This leads me to some theories to his role in some other situations:
what if it was actually Remus who requested a job at hogwarts as soon as he knew Sirius escaped, instead of dumbledore asking him to fill the position? This put him right under dumbledores nose, and thus into his circle of somewhat implied trust.
In the framework of wolfstar as a ship: what if sirius was easily seduced by Remus, because Sirius was used to a certain kind of manipulation from home - something he easily falls prey to, and is attracted to, because it's familiar? The Shack Incident™ can easily work as a guilt inducing tactic to hold over sirius' head whenever he needs it, despite lupins obvious disregard for consequences when directly talking about it in poa.
He becomes prefect because dumbledore knows him to hold some sort of power over his friends - a power he yields as he sees fit.
As to lupins lack of contact to Harry after poa: I can imagine this to be connected to the reason why he didn't have friends before hogwarts. He must have had some acquaintances in the first 11 years of his life. People he liked, people who liked him. We see him easily forge connection in his 30s, he has the 3 most loyal friends hogwarts has to show for itself in his teens.
The depth of the relationships is entirely by his design and on his terms.
Taking these parts of his character into account its no wonder Sirius believed him to be the spy, and for james to believe sirius so easily
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