#☆ VISAGE → you’re bright as a star; radiant as the sun’s rays.
aceparagon · 8 days
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i'm glad i don't have to touch delebrum reginae again after getting the field notes, but at least there's a good gpose opportunity to be had here.
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aceparagoned · 2 years
so, over the years, i've had some artwork done of hikaru and i've gotta say that seeing the progression of her design over the years is definitely nostalgic.
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this piece was done by @replicaaa / saffyink at twitter
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i wish i could remember who drew these for me, but they are still very much cherished by me, even years later. ;w;
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aceparagonings · 9 months
tag dump part 1 ( character tags )
☆ VISAGE → you’re bright as a star; radiant as the sun’s rays. ☆ MUSINGS → written on your skin like stardust; these are reflections of your undying will. ☆ MANNERISMS → unyielding in your strength; you bow for no one. and yet you have a heart of gold and compassion for everyone. ☆ AESTHETICS → mementos of the journey she’s undergone thus far; the stars will guide her path. ☆ WARDROBE → even the defender of the world has an interest in the world of fashion; these items adorn her battleworn body. ☆ ABILITIES → her might is strong; unconquerable; this is a display of her prowess. ☆ VITA → everyone’s hero; the one who we all count on to save the day; without her—the world would be lost to chaos and despair. ☆ DESIRES → what she has denied herself for so long; to have someone to love; to hold; to cherish. yearning can only last so long.
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ethereaiin · 5 years
Innocence | Boku no Hero Academia
synopsis; you were never sure how you felt about him, but that didn't mean he wasn't willing to help you learn.
features; you and midoriya izuku
       The moment he confessed to her is the moment she realizes she felt the same. They were friends for the longest of time, neither of them ever budging from that title no matter what kind of feelings stirred within their hearts.
       He believed his affections to be one sided, rationalizing to himself that there was no possible way a girl like [last name] [name] could ever come to love him. To him, she was bright; radiant in every way and undeniably unreachable. Her presence was overwhelming, it felt as if it would swallow him whole the moment he stepped too close to her, yet he wished for nothing more than to close the gap that existed between them.
       The day that he finally does build the courage to do so, he finds out that she felt almost similar to him.
       She found him akin to a distant star. One whose bright rays shined down solely for her alone. She adored him yet not in the way he adored her. Her unrealized affection for him was mistaken as surface admiration, and she used it to drive her determination into becoming stronger. He was her encouragement and she was unknowingly his as well.
       So, when he told her that his feelings for her were deeper than she could have ever imagined, she realized her own were as well. Yet, she felt a sense of apprehension wash over her. The prospect of accepting him wasn't an issue, the problem lied with herself.
       She was unable to determine whether her feelings of attraction were spurred on by his own or if they were something she genuinely felt.
       She spoke as she stepped closer towards him. His eyes were downcast, unable to connect with hers in fear of rejection. He could feel tears brimming at the edges of his green eyes, yet he refused to allow them to fall. The act of making himself so open to another person and spilling such closely guarded emotions made him want to bury himself in a hole and never surface again. It was scary, it frightened him to his core; but he was resolute in his decision to finally make his feelings known even if that meant she wouldn't accept them.
       "Izuku," She calls again, this time placing her soft hands on his freckled cheeks and lifting his head to meet his gaze. "To be completely honest, I'm not sure how I feel about you."
       It felt as if the world were about to crash down and around him the second his brain was able to process her words. The tears that pressured against his eyes wished to fall and he was so very close to allowing them, but not here. Not when he was in front of the girl he still held feelings for.
       Despite his desperation in release from her hold on him, he found himself immobile under her enchanting stare. Her [eye color]'s shimmered prettily under the soft light of the setting sun. His choice in meeting her at the park nearest to her home was one he both he applauded and cursed himself for.
       She looked so angelic, an ethereal beauty that he once only admired from a safe distance. Now, he stood before her; delicate hands caressing his face as a lover would. His heart painfully constricted in his chest.
       She was not his and from her answer, she may never be.
       The thought of the impossibility was the final push in allowing his tears to fall freely from his emerald colored eyes. They were gentle, not as hysteric as he believed they'd be. His scarred hands unconsciously placed themselves atop her own and for as long as she'd allow him, he'd relish in their tenderness.
       "Please don't cry," Her voice is lowered into a gentle urge and her thumbs swipe across his cheeks in an attempt to clear his visage of tears. "Izu, I'm not rejecting you."
       At her reassurance, his sniffles come to a momentary halt and his eyes meet hers with a flicker of hope burning within them. She regards him with a sincere look, no malicious smile in sight or the expression of jest. She means it with an unsure expression, brows slightly knitted as her gaze roves the expanse of his familiar face.
       "I feel something for you, I do." She admits with a dark flush coloring her cheeks, yet despite her apparent embarrassment, she doesn't avert her gaze from him. "What I feel for you is unlike anything I've ever experienced. . . I'm not sure what to call it."
       Her hands slide from his own and down his face to his shoulders where they slightly tighten their grip. "You're different from the others, I know that for sure. No one makes me feel as intensely as you do."
       He doesn't doubt her words, nor does he find her lack of knowledge upsetting. Instead, he finds himself finding a spark of aspiration within it. She feels something for him. That is his only assurance and despite it sounding petty when said aloud, he sees an opportunity presenting itself. Unlike him, she doesn't know what to call the high strung emotions or the building desire, but he does.
       "L-Let me help you,"
       He finally speaks as he leans in closer towards her. She can feel his breath puffing against her lips and she can't stop the warmth that creeps down her neck at the lack of space between them. Throughout their years together in high school, she had never once realized how much confidence he gained in himself. She could still remember how petrified he'd become at the slightest of physical touch initiated by her during their first year, now he was willingly placing himself in her personal space with ease.
       She blinked curiously at his words, unable to fully understand what he could possibly do to make her realize her own feelings. Though from the determined expression that adorned his face, she knew his ambition in his announced desire was unwavering. He believed he could help her and she wasn't one to doubt him.
       "Let me show you how I feel and maybe. . . you'll finally understand."
       His words are whispered yet spoken with a solidarity that she cannot find in herself to deny. His lips continue to grow near hers and his half lidded gaze stares into her own. He's entranced, pulled into a melodic haze at the acceptance she shows of his touch. She can feel his arms wrapping around her, his hands placing themselves on her back as he pulls her even closer. She doesn't deny his movement, only continuing to mirror him with inexperienced wonder.
       The moment his lips connect with hers she feels as if the world around her has gone silent. With eyes fluttered shut, her heart pounding harshly in her ears and her chest squeezes with a pain that she doesn't dislike. The sound of birds and humming cicadas fall away, leading her to believe that she and Izuku were the only ones left in existence. The silence isn't unsettling, it's oddly euphoric. The summer breeze that gently caresses the exposed skin of her legs felt sweet against the heat that now circulated throughout her body.
       His kiss tasted as sweet as him and shared the same comforting tenderness that lulled her deeper into him. She wanted to be closer to him, the fluttering felt in her chest being confirmation of that desire. There was a combined feeling of lightness that mingled with the heat of her body; it made her feel like she were floating. Her hands clutched tightly to the front of his blazer as if letting go would end this sliver of paradise she wished to thoroughly explore.
       She wondered if all first kisses were meant to be this exhilarating.
       When he finally pulls away from her, she's left feeling dazed. Her mind is spinning and her thoughts are jumbled into a muddled mess. The fluttering in her chest never dies down neither does the attractive flush coloring her cheeks. Her lips were parted slightly and her [eye color] eyes peer up at him with awe.
       Once again, Izuku had given her unique sensations that she wouldn't otherwise retrieve from another person. He was perpetually the only person to drive her heartbeat to rapid speeds, to make her chest constrict so painfully yet satiate it with rapturous delicacy. His touch was capable of producing a unique heat against her skin that could be replicated by no one else and it was enough to drive a want for more.
       Midoriya Izuku was special to her, a fact that she'd never again deny.
       "Show me again."
       She speaks against his lips and he didn't hesitate to fulfill her request. She may have not known what love or attraction felt like, but he'd soon plunge her within its intoxicating depths just as she unknowingly did for him. Until then, he'd continue to show her the extents of his affections, each dashed with the purity of innocence. Even if she didn't get it the first time or even the next one hundred; he'd wait for her.
       He was always hers whether she wanted him or not.  
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aceparagon · 6 days
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finally finished another manderville weapon today and i couldn't be happier bc these milpreves are to die for, honestly ;;
slowly, but surely, i'm working down my list of jobs to get all of them since they all fit hikaru's aesthetic so damn much
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aceparagon · 1 month
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aside from the hair being the wrong one (i'm working on farming the cowries needed for the modded hair i usually use for her), hikaru's back to her full glory!
i'm still trying to find eyes that i like, too, but the ones she has now are very pretty!
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aceparagon · 2 months
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slowly working on leveling jobs other than gunbreaker for hikaru and i gotta say, something about the rdm artifact gear for this expansion is doing things to my brain.
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though, i gotta say, gnb's artifact gear slaps hard.
also, until penumbra's stable build's out, y'all are getting vanilla hikaru! tbh i'm kinda getting used to seeing her like this (but i'm gonna give her back her starry scales, eyes, and long hair when penumbra comes back!)
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aceparagoned · 1 year
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drops of jupiter in her hair
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aceparagoned · 1 year
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aceparagon · 8 days
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this is a temporary look until i get my hands on the fixed upscale that i was using for hikaru (just don't mind the small glimpse of vanilla scales that are peeking through) in endwalker, but like, even if it is temporary? it still looks so good and i'm pretty happy with how this came together.
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aceparagon · 3 months
tag dump part 1 ( character tags )
☆ VISAGE → you’re bright as a star; radiant as the sun’s rays. ☆ MUSINGS → written on your skin like stardust; these are reflections of your undying will. ☆ MANNERISMS → unyielding in your strength; you bow for no one. and yet you have a heart of gold and compassion for everyone. ☆ AESTHETICS → mementos of the journey she’s undergone thus far; the stars will guide her path. ☆ WARDROBE → even the defender of the world has an interest in the world of fashion; these items adorn her battleworn body. ☆ ABILITIES → her might is strong; unconquerable; this is a display of her prowess. ☆ VITA → everyone’s hero; the one who we all count on to save the day; without her—the world would be lost to chaos and despair. ☆ DESIRES → what she has denied herself for so long; to have someone to love; to hold; to cherish. yearning can only last so long.
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aceparagoned · 2 years
☆ VISAGE → you’re bright as a star; radiant as the sun’s rays. ☆ MUSINGS → written on your skin like stardust; these are reflections of your undying will. ☆ MANNERISMS → unyielding in your strength; you bow for no one. and yet you have a heart of gold and compassion for everyone. ☆ SELF-PROMOTION → you are a beacon of hope to so many that you meet. the burden is great; yet you remain strong. ☆ AESTHETICS → mementos of the journey she’s undergone thus far; the stars will guide her path. ☆ WARDROBE → even the defender of the world has an interest in the world of fashion; these items adorn her battleworn body. ☆ ABILITIES → her might is strong; unconquerable; this is a display of her prowess. ☆ VITA → everyone’s hero; the one who we all count on to save the day; without her—the world would be lost to chaos and despair. ☆ HEADCANONS → these are layers to you; to your heart. let others see who you are within; let your walls down for now. ☆ META → classified information on the world and the force that declared war on the Earth. ☆ PROMOTIONS → these are my dearest friends! you all mean so much to me & help me keep going despite the insurmountable odds. ☆ DESIRES → what she has denied herself for so long; to have someone to love; to hold; to cherish. yearning can only last so long. ☆ A LITTLE PLACE CALLED HOME → these facets help run the city of neo-tokyo and the world overall. ☆ MEMES → downtime games for when there's a lull in this hero's busy life! ✫ MUSIC → what empowers her to fight — to keep going on despite the surmounting odds. watch her dance like a star. ☆ OUT OF UNIFORM → downtime is necessary even for a hero tasked with so much; remember to take a break for yourself. ☆ STARTER CALL → you've got a message! what does it say? ☆ DASH GAMES → what's new on the 'net? ☆ QUEUE → ''sorry I can't answer your call right now! I'm off saving the world!'' ☆ DASHBOARD COMMENTARY → even if her duty has her out on the frontlines; may these messages remind you that she is with you. ☆ PSA → hey listen! this is some important stuff here!
#☆ VISAGE → you’re bright as a star; radiant as the sun’s rays.#☆ MUSINGS → written on your skin like stardust; these are reflections of your undying will.#☆ MANNERISMS → unyielding in your strength; you bow for no one. and yet you have a heart of gold and compassion for everyone.#☆ SELF-PROMOTION → you are a beacon of hope to so many that you meet. the burden is great; yet you remain strong.#☆ AESTHETICS → mementos of the journey she’s undergone thus far; the stars will guide her path.#☆ WARDROBE → even the defender of the world has an interest in the world of fashion; these items adorn her battleworn body.#☆ ABILITIES → her might is strong; unconquerable; this is a display of her prowess.#☆ VITA → everyone’s hero; the one who we all count on to save the day; without her—the world would be lost to chaos and despair.#☆ HEADCANONS → these are layers to you; to your heart. let others see who you are within; let your walls down for now.#☆ META → classified information on the world and the force that declared war on the Earth.#☆ PROMOTIONS → these are my dearest friends! you all mean so much to me & help me keep going despite the insurmountable odds.#☆ DESIRES → what she has denied herself for so long; to have someone to love; to hold; to cherish. yearning can only last so long.#☆ A LITTLE PLACE CALLED HOME → these facets help run the city of neo-tokyo and the world overall.#☆ MEMES → downtime games for when there's a lull in this hero's busy life!#✫ MUSIC → what empowers her to fight — to keep going on despite the surmounting odds. watch her dance like a star.#☆ OUT OF UNIFORM → downtime is necessary even for a hero tasked with so much; remember to take a break for yourself.#☆ STARTER CALL → you've got a message! what does it say?#☆ DASH GAMES → what's new on the 'net?#☆ QUEUE → ''sorry I can't answer your call right now! I'm off saving the world!''#☆ DASHBOARD COMMENTARY → even if her duty has her out on the frontlines; may these messages remind you that she is with you.#☆ PSA → hey listen! this is some important stuff here!
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