skipper19 · 2 months
Imagine this..
You blew into your hands as you entered the coffee shop. The warm air did little to nothing to warm your chilled skin, and the cold rings lining each finger weren't helping any. The bell above the small coffee shop signaled your entry, and a woman's voice called out from somewhere in the back; "Be with you shortly." Your boots clicked against the floor as you slowly walked up to the counter.
You peered around the familiar scenery and smirked to yourself when you saw a mailbox labeled "Letters to Santa Clause." The shop was decorated in a beautiful manner, very fit to the Christmas season. You lazily leaned on the counter with your hip as the woman came scittering into the small preparation department. "Hey, how are you?" She asked with a warm smile. Her eyes glanced to your posture, leaning against the counter, but quickly flitted back to your lazy gaze. "Hey there.. I was hoping to get something cold, change it up a bit, ya know? With something caramel. So how about a caramel iced late?" You suggested with a quirked eyebrow. She nodded her head and smiled. "I can do that for you. Would you like that in a 25oz or a 30oz?" She questioned as she motioned to the two separate stacks of cups. You gazed at the two different sizes and hummed.
"I'll take the 30." You say with a small smile. You take your time to pull out the gift card you had been gifted as she rang up your order. "Your total will be $6.47." She said kindly before rushing off to make your order. You flipped the card over in your hand to inspect it before shrugging. You then swpied the card and put away it away when the screen approved. You left the woman a $3 tip and then walked away to wonder the shop. You let your gaze fall back onto the small mailbox, and you smirked. You glanced at the woman behind the counter, checking to see if she was watching, before grabbing one of the pencils and papers that was inside a stocking hanging off the box. You leaned on a table nearby and wrote a small little note on the paper. You then fold it and put it in through the top of the mailbox, like a piggy bank. You huffed when you noticed how many other papers were also stuffed into the box, making it difficult to put your own in.
You smirk at the joke somewhere to be made in the context before leaving your paper crammed in through the top and stepping away. The woman calls out your order, and you resist the urge to roll your eyes at the simple fact that no one else was in the building besides you two. You walk up to the counter and grab your drink and a straw from a cup nearby. You put the straw in and take your time to taste the beverage. You hummed in delight and smirked as you looked to the woman. "Could use a little more sugar."
And then your free hand raised, and she made eye contact with the barrel of your gun. She didn't have time to react before you pulled the trigger, and her blood splattered on the sign of drinks behind her. You sipped on the drink in your hand as you holstered your weapon. It was easy to put up your hood and ignore the thump of her limp body falling to the floor. Instead, you focused on the bell above the door as you exited the shop. You continued to drink on the beverage, thankful for something to snack on after a long morning of tiring meetings and so many lectures with both heroes and villains. It was hard being an assassin. But it was worth the pay. It was so worth it.
As you passed the wide alleyway some ways past the coffee shop, you heard a familiar chuckle that had you stopping in your tracks. "Didn't think you were going to use the gift card." He said gruffly. You shrugged and looked down at the beverage in your hold. "I was craving some caramel." Your eyes fixed back to the man as he huffed and shook his head in amusement. "Now you've got me craving something sweet." He suggested with a sly smirk as he exited the alleyway and walked towards you. In some ways, you and him were exactly alike. In this case, your lazy and chill attitudes toward life.
"Dabi, if you really want something, all you have to do is ask." Your voice was quiet and smooth, like it usually was, and Dabi ate it up. He wouldn't admit it, not to you or anyone else, but he was undoubtedly obsessed with you. He loved you more than he should for someone in his line of work. He couldn't care less, however, as he sauntered in your direction and stole a kiss from your caramel sweet lips. Afterward, he accompanied you as you continued your walk through town. One extra perk of being a spy was that you didn't have to worry about others knowing your face. It wasn't broadcast on the news as a villain wanted for murder. Now Dabi here, he didn't have that same advantage. Though, just like you, he couldn't give two shits as he walked behind his companion with his hands in his pockets, and his chin held high.
As you both approached an intersection for you to stop and cross, a civilian came up to you both. His brown eyes stared at you with hope as he held out a pecan pie for you, free donations to promote a business. You hummed and took a lazy sip of your drink as you shook your head. You only ever really talked on occasion, that occasion being when you were around your two idiots, or when you felt like it really. One of the main differences between you and Dabi, really, was your take in situations. As the brown eyed male looked to Dabi to ask that same question, he froze and trembled slightly as he changed his path and ran off in the opposite direction. Dabi seemed to have that effect on people.
He stayed behind you as you continued to walk all the way back to your shared apartment. He kept quiet, having a feeling it was one of those days and frankly didn't mind not talking with you. Especially since this knucklehead did it enough for all three of you. "Welcome home, my lovely friends!" Keigo called from the kitchen. You sighed and slipped off your shoes as you squinted from the bright decorative lights strung up in your home. You didn't mind decorating with Keigo, and it looked lovely, but your eyes needed a break from the bright festivities. Your quirk certainly didn't help, seeing as owls were nocturnal animals anyway. Although you only had owl wings (or rather used to), you still had some features of the animal, which you wouldn't admit to anyone other than Touya and Keigo. Just like Keigos bird features. You never mention it.
Touya noticed the lines deep in your brow ridge and the frown on your lips, so he let his finger lazily flip off the lights. You blinked and leaned against his shoulder, in a silent thanks for a moment before pushing yourself to venture into the kitchen, where Keigo was dwelling. You came up to him and laid your hand flat against his left pectoral. His wings slightly fluttered to move out of the way for you to join his side and then gently wrapp around your shoulder. It didn't take long for him to realize that your silence portrayed what kind of mood his friend was in. He moved out of the way and let you stir the noodles before he left a warm kiss against your neck and moved to chop the vegetables. Touya watched as he leaned against the doorframe, and he smirked to himself.
He couldn't comprehend how you never got tired of Keigos blabbing mouth. Even if you three were best friends (although you showered together daily and shared the bed every night), Touya felt like shooting himself in the head with how much Keigo talks sometimes. Yet you somehow always caught every word and kept them in your pocket with a smile on your face. Keigo was a hero, and you were no such thing, but you still treated him like he was your everything. Or rather, one half of the whole of your everything. Dabi, your Touya, was a villain. Through and through. And he was exactly what you needed to complete this friendship.
"-and then the little girl gave me a big hug. I swear she was the cutest thing I have ever seen!" Keigo continued to ramble on about some mission he had completed today. Apparently, he had saved a daycare from an aggressive man who was threatening to shoot up the building. But how would you know? You weren't hanging onto every word he uttered. You were merely listening in here and there. At least, that's what you tried to tell yourself.
You finished draining the noodles and put the pot back on the stove. You sighed and rubbed your sore eyes. Damn these lights. And despite how tired your limbs felt, your mind was wide awake. The only time you ever got to sleep was during the daytime, and that was rarely. A few hours in the morning a few days a week. Keigo and Touya were always worried about your sleeping schedule, but there's not a thing you could do about it. As you felt your temple throb in pain, you decided you needed to relax. At least a little bit before dinner.
Keigo paused when you kissed his cheek and retreated to the bedroom. Both men stay in silence, listening for you, when the shower water cuts on moments later. Touyas gaze shifted up to Keigo, and he sighed at the males expression. "Fix your face, or it might get stuck like that." He smirked. Keigo rolled his eyes and turned around to put the vegetables in the pot of noodles. "Dont act like you're not worried for her too, Touya." Keigo quipped back. Touyas eyes shifted to the ceiling. "I never said I wasn't worried." He said coldly. Neither man said much afterward. There wasn't anything to say.
An hour or so passed before either male saw or heard from you again, and they knew better than to come and disrupt your personal time before you were ready. Delicate nor fragile is a word anyone would sue to describe you, but Touya and Keigo were close to your heart, as you were theirs. They wanted to protect you. To hold you close and keep you safe for as long as they could, even if you can hold your own. After one point in life, it became natural to look out for one another, especially when you three were all you had left. Touya stretched back in his chair as he finished his meal, and Keigo took the initiative to throw a noodle at him. Touya grunted and glared at his friend, but the sound of footsteps creaked along the hallway. Keigos gaze immediately flitted towards the doorway to the kitchen, and he smiles when your tired form appears. Touya peers over his shoulder and smirks softly as he eyes your pajamas. "Hey there babe, wanna come over here and eat somethin'?" Touya coaxed. You glanced to him and nodded softly as you yawned. You dragged your feet to your own chair and sat down. You sighed deeply as you crossed your legs under yourself.
Keigo had taken this small moment to order his feathers to make your plate. He was sure to pick out the vegetables you had claimed were "yucky" even though Touya always insisted you eat them anyway. Keigos feather gracefully swooped in front of you, causing a small smile to form on your lips, and placed the plate of food down before you. You gently grabbed one of the feathers and held it to your chest as you used your other hand to eat. You took your time to savor the taste of noodles and rice. It seemed maybe Keigo used a different sauce this time. You hummed in satisfaction as you ate. "What did you do today?" Keigo mumbled softly, staring at the feather in your hand. His wings twitched with every caress your thumb made along the soft feather of his. You shrugged in response and finished chewing your food.
"I took out the shop owner, nothing special." You answered quietly. Keigo took no mind to how unimportant it seemed. He smiled brightly and nodded. "Hey, you've been meaning to do that for a week. I'm glad you finally got it done. Why did you kill her again?" Keigo asked as he tilted his head. Dabi rolled his eyes. "Because she was paid to. She doesn't ask questions. She takes the clients request, gets it over with, and gets paid." Dabi replies, successfully getting under Keigos skin. The bird in question scoffs. "That's not true! Our birdie here tells me that she does ask why sometimes, and it was the case here!" Keigo smirks triumphantly. You put down your fork and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand.
"You're both wrong." Both boys liked at you, confused. "I killed her because she was my client." You said simply. Keigo blinked a few times, but Touya spoke up before a dumb response left his friends lips. "And what exactly does that mean?" Touya asked with a raised brow. "It means she hired me to kill someone, but she never paid me. So I killed her." You explained. Keigo nodded his head. "How didn't she recognize you when you walked into her shop?" He mumbled. You smirked slightly and grabbed your dirty dishes before standing up. "No one sees my face unless I'm killing them, including my clients. I meet with them with my mask on to discuss the details of the job." You further explained. Keigo lets out a drawn-out "oh" and nods his head. "That makes sense."
Touya rolls his eyes and sighs. He grabs his drink and sauntered into the living room. He flops onto the couch with a grunt. Keigo forgets his own drink on the table and smirks as he jumps on the couch, throwing his arm over the back behind Touyas neck. He scoffs and shoves Keigo slightly, but the bird brain takes it as a challenge. Both men begin rough housing on the couch as you took your time washing your dishes. You listen to their banter and insults with a soft smile on your face. They acted like children sometimes. But you knew you wouldn't have it any other way.
As you finished up your dishes, they were put in their respectful places before you exited the kitchen. You passed by the living room and raised your eyebrow in question. Touya had Keigo in a sort of awkward headlock, the hero smirking as he tried to push Touya off of him with his wings. The eye roll you gave was done with fondness. Both boys immediately looked up to you as they heard your footsteps retreating towards Keigos bedroom. Keigo smirked and successfully pushed Touya off of him before jumping from the couch and chasing after his best friend/ unspoken lover. Touya scoffed and cut off the TV. He took it upon himself to make sure the doors and windows were locked, the lights were cut off, and the temperature was nice before finally following you two until Keigos bedroom.
Touya wasn't surprised that you didn't choose your own bed. You hardly ever sleep in your own room anymore, only when the boys are gone. And even then, sometimes you crave the size and comfort of Keigos sheets. Damn him and his seemingly endless money supply. It was easier to get a big, warm bed that way. Touya suppressed a smile at the sight that beheld him as he entered the cozy bedroom. You were laying on your stomach as your cheek squished into Touyas' pillow. Of course, he "accidentally" left it there again. Keigo was gently brushing his fingers up and down your back as you dozed off to sleep. Neither men said a word as they got themselves comfortable in bed with you.
There wouldn't be another chance like this to get you to sleep at a decent time. Touya relaxed into the matress on your other side. Keigo used his feathers to shut off the lights and double-check the bedroom window. Although Keigo knew for sure if someone did come into your shared home, they would be the ones in trouble. Keigo is what most people would call a worry wart. Though he's damn good at hiding the truth behind a smirk and a few jokes.
Touya rests his arm over your back as Keigo keeps his free hand caressing your scarred skin. They both knew nothing could disrupt a night like this, a bond like this. The relationship you three formed was through unspoken need and loneliness for such connections. You all understood one another and how the others functioned. You knew how to help one another and calm the others down. To patch each other up and talk each other off a ledge. The closeness you shared with your boys was more than unspoken intentions and love. It was the need to have someone to lean on. And you wouldn't want anyone else by your side.
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skipper19 · 3 months
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skipper19 · 4 months
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skipper19 · 4 months
This fever I have is so high right now. I feel dizzy and very cold.
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skipper19 · 4 months
Imagine this...
Those bastards.
They had no right insulting me like that. Like they are better than I am. Why? Because I am a woman?
How dare they call me a whore. A witch.
All I do is care and be kind to them, and yet these people betray me! They are cruel and prejudice. That's all they are!
"Why can't they accept me? I have never done anything wrong to them..." You mumbled to yourself as you stomped your way through the forest.
It had been the umpteenth time they had done this, and yet you found yourself surprised. You were walking through town, a basket of freshly caught fish on your hip, before older men threw insults at you. "What man caught those for you?" "A whore like you could get a man to catch you fish?" One shout after another met your ears. You were used to them by now.
It doesn't mean it doesn't upset you.
It has, and will continue to upset you. Why should you have to deal with this? And from such a young age as well. You are a woman now. You should defend yourself and stand tall. But you just couldn't..
"The very same people who shamed my family..the same people who wouldn't adpot me or help me after my family passed away." You angrily rambled.
You had made it to the edge of the forest by now. The sun was setting, and the moon lit up the shore in front of you. It was a beautiful sight, the water shimmered under the light as it softly crashed onto shore. There was no need to remove your shoes as you strolled up to the sharp rock bay nearby, seeing as you didn't own a pair.
Those prudes can shove their malice and hate up their ass!
You just couldn't shake the anger swelling inside you. But you couldn't ignore the sadness. What have you ever done to these people?
You plopped yourself on one of the smoother rocks that hung over the water and placed your basket next to you. Your feet graced into the water, cooling down the raw skin after walking on them all day. They were calloused and rough without shoes, something the other women of your village would be ashamed about.
"I ought to walk back into town and dump these fish right into their garment hampers!" You huffed. Two hands suddenly slipped around your soaking calves. "I think that wouldn't be beneficial for the either of us," a smooth voice spoke from below. You sighed and puffed out your cheeks.
"You would probably be burned for your activities, and I would miss my meal." That same voice teased. Although you were used to his teasing, you found yourself getting anxious. "I'm sorry, Satoru..." You whispered tiredly.
His crystal blue eyes softened, and he hoisted himself up slightly so he could wrap his arms around your waist, pulling your face into his neck. It must have been uncomfortable for him, but he didn't seem to mind. And you really needed a good hug. Your arms wrapped around his muscular build and you relaxed in his hold.
"We're they being mean again, sweetheart?" His velvety voice asked. You nodded and sniffed. You didn't mean to cry. You should be used to them by now, but you just didn't understand. "Why are they so mean 'toru?" Your muffled voice asked into his skin. He cooed at you and smoothed his pale fingers through your hair.
Gojo Satoru, or Satoru, as you simply called him, was a merman. He was a beautiful creature you had discovered at a young age. When your parents were still alive. You had found the poor creature washed up on shore, and he couldn't get himself back into the ocean. He looked panicked and defensive. You were both young back then. And naive.
So you approached the myth, and he allowed you to help. Your parents were amazed that a merman would trust a human, and they simply knew from then that you both had a special bond. He was there for you, through it all, when your parents were killed, and when boys made fun of your loss, when the elders would dismiss you. He was there.
Even now, you supplied the fish you knew he favored, and he simply graced you with his presence. His tail was long and beautiful, and the pattern of blue and green adorned his appendage, while wet slick back white locks graced his scalp. He was truly a beautiful creature, and age definitely did him well.
As he held you close this night, you found yourself able to cry and forget about the townspeople. Maybe just for now. But it was peace. He was always able to provide you with comfort and happiness.
"Are you better now, pretty girl?" He pulled back and cupped your cheek in his hand as his other hand helped him stay up on the rock. You nodded your head and gave a soft smile. His dry fingers wiped away your tears, and a soft kiss was placed on your forhead. "Thank you 'toru." You whispered shyly.
He gave a confident smirk and shrugged his shoulder. "What can I say? I know how to make my girl happy." His reply caused a smile to tug on your lips, and his own smirk widened at the sight. "Enough of the tears and yada yada, where's my fish, hm?"
It had been a week since that intimate night with Satoru, and the snickers and sneers were getting worse. You didn't know why, but an unsettling feeling washed over you every time you stepped foot into town. You simply couldn't ignore these people any longer. Their words and hateful glares only fueled your sadness and discomfort.
You remembered Satorus offer from so long ago.
If you ever want to leave this place, you can escape with me.
And you decided it was finally time to do something for yourself for a change. The moon was bright in the sky, but your determination burned brighter. You packed your bag and hurriedly snuck through the quiet town. You took one last look into the place that you loved yet despised. It's such a beautiful place to call home if only the residents were just as beautiful.
The pidder padder of your feet began fading as you entered the woods, crunching and snapping, replacing the sound of soft cobble. It wasn't long until the shore made its way into your vision. Excitement and nervousness bubbled inside your stomach, pushing its way forward until a smile crossed your lips.
Your world soon titled as you were shoved into the grass beneath you. You yelped and braced your fall with your palms open. A loud snap reverberated in your arm, causing a loud scream of pain to erupt from your throat. You rolled on to your side and cradled your hand close to your chest. Tears immediately pricked into the corners of your eyes.
"Where are you going, little witch?" The boy standing above you taunted. He was another boy from your village who just loved bullying you. "I think she was going for a swim." The other raven haired boy pointed out.
Your eyes shot between the two boys, panick and fear evident on your face. Your heart throbbed in your chest, and you couldn't feel the pain from your wrist as adrenaline coursed through you. Multiple different thoughts passed through your head as you stared up at these two men. You would have thought they would have matured by now. They would bully you as children as well, yet now they were both men.
"What do you say we help her out?" The raven haired boy smirked. A glimmer of mischief sparked in their eyes, and bile swelled up in your throat. Before you could scream for help, both of the boys hooked their hands under your armpits and yanked you onto your feet. The pain in your wrist and the pain in your feet from being dragged slipped your mind, and only panic encased your veins.
You screamed and cried, thrashed in their hold as you tried to get away, but they were stronger. Your bag was discarded on the ground, alongside the marks left behind as your heels dragged into the dirt. "Stop struggling!" One of them grunted. This only made you struggle more.
As they approached the rocks lining the shore, you felt your breath leave your lungs. You never learned how to swim. When would you have ever had the opportunity to learn how to? Did they know this? Are they willingly trying to kill you?
They approached the rock bay you would normally call a safe place, and you screamed and placed for them to just leave you alone. A slight thought passed your mind. Maybe Satoru could come save you. If you just screamed loud enough.. but the hope of being saved at this point was long forgotten.
Their arms retreat from you as they throw you into the water, and the cold waves consume your very being. You made the mistake of screaming, inviting the salty fluid into your lungs, and allowing you to choke. It was too dark, even with the moon, to be able to see through the water. Your eyes and throat burned, your lungs were on fire, and you couldn't grasp your surroundings. Your arms wave sporadically as you attempted to reach the surface, but it only felt like you were sinking deeper.
Dark blotches appeared before your eyes, your head throbbed, and your heart pounded in your ears. Your hands fell away from above you and began floating near your head. It almost felt peacful. You truly wouldn't mind if the ocean took your life. If this were your last moments alive. You always had a love for the ocean and the aquatic life. Maybe this is where you belong. Where you are accepted.
Two hands wrapped around your waist, and you opened your eyes. You were met with bright blue orbs, slitted pupils, a pale face, and the snow-white hair you had grown to adore. Maybe this was your angel. To come and finally give you peace. Yeah. That wasn't such a bad thought.
You let your eyelids fall shut, and your head float down to rest on Satorus pale chest. You weren't conscious long enough to watch Satoru swim with you back to the surface. You didn't watch as he desperately moved you onto the sand of the shore, his tail barely in the water. His hands were numb to you as he clung to you and cradled your pale face. His tears mixed with the salt of the ocean adorning your soaked figure as he sobbed your name.
Lips met your blue ones, desperate to breathe life into you. To bring you back to him, where you belonged. He swore he would slaughter the village. He would burn the world just for you to be back with him. Why didn't he do more to convince you to be with him? Why didn't he do more? He could have saved you. He could have saved his mate.
"God, pretty, please." He whispered against your lips. His shaky hands scrunched your shirt in his hands, right above your heart. "Wake up. Open your eyes for me." He begged. "Please!" He shouted.
"What the fuck is that thing?" A strangers voice called from above. Satorus eyes snapped up to the two humans responsible for your death. Satoru felt a white hot rage course through him. Satoru, with the best of his ability, reached forward and grasped an ankle of each boy, and he used his tail to launch himself into the dark waters behind him. Screams and curses filled the night air, but they were left unheard.
It was a scary thing to admit, Satoru was always one of the most docile mermans of his society, but he was having fun with this. He was having fun playing with his prey.
As they breached the surface, strong hands would pull them right back under. Satoru felt pleasure in his heart as he watched the two terrified humans swim away from him, back to shore where they would be safe. Although they never got far. Satoru would always drag them back.
He would mock them and shoot sinister smiles at them as they wailed in despair, just like they had done to you. He ignored their please and cries for him to just let them go. They were sorry. But he dragged them deep under the abyss he called home. When Satoru noticed one boy had started to black out, he bit the boys foot clean off. The other boy, raven haired Satoru could make out, screamed at the scene. It encouraged him to swim away faster. But Satoru wouldn't let that happen. He was fed up with this game. So he grabbed the already disabled man and tied him down to some coral to drown. Satoru then made his way to the other little meat bag and tore him to shreds. Though, he does prefer the fish you would bring him. Satoru then gasped.
You were still left on shore.
With speed, he didn't know he had, Satoru blazed to the surface and launched himself back onto shore. You didn't look any better than when he left you. Damnit. He let his anger get the best of him. He should have stayed here with you. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart." He sniffled and gently held your face. "I promised I would protect you.." He choked on a sob. He failed to protect you. He held his cold, lifeless mate in his arms because he wasn't strong enough to protect you.
He should have tried harder. He should have just taken you with him to his home. He knew you would be safer. He wouldn't have to worry about if you would come to the rocks that day because you would have been safe with him. His mate, by his side, as he showcased you to his friends and community. He would have been able to have a future with you. Pups and a large bonding ceremony. It was thrown down the drain.
The most beautiful being in the world, the kindest creature of them all, you didn't deserve this. He could have prevented this from happening. If he had just tried. Harder.
"God, pretty mate, I'm so sorry.." He mumbled into your limp chest. "I'm sorry!" He wailed into the midnight air. The moon didn't do any good tonight. It only showed too much of what Satoru couldn't bear. Satoru sobbed into your cold skin and held you close. His heart felt empty, his chest concaved as he cradled you close to him. A loud splash was heard behind him, but he didn't care. He knew who it was. He could smell her from miles away.
"Oh, Satoru.." Shoko whispered. He ignored her, he had to, or he would lash out. He didn't need her pity or her comfort. He just needed you back.
"Satoru.." She called. He exhaled a shaky breath and tried to keep his voice level. He didn't have any true malice towards her. He hated the world right now. But he knew it wasn't anyone's fault but his own. "What." He mumbled as he caressed your head. She sighed and looked down to the sand below her. "I can bring her back." She admitted with a shrug.
Satorus eyes shot to her from over his shoulder. He cradled your head to his chest. "What?" He snapped quietly. She simply nodded. "Then do it." Satoru simply said. "It comes with a price." Shoko tried to warn. "I don't care. Do it." "Satoru -" "I SAID DO IT GODDAMMIT!" His voice boombed. She stayed silent as she stared at his back in shock. His shoulders were shaking, and tears fell from his crystal blue eyes. "Please.. I will do anything, Sho.." He pleaded to her. "Just bring my love back to me." Shoko solemnly nodded her head.
"I need your help, though." She stated. Satoru didn't hesitate. "Anything." A breath was taken. "Okay, bring her into the water." Gentle arms guided your cold body into the ocean, where you belonged. Shoko worked quickly. Leading Satoru to her home, where she usually healed her own kind. "Let her float here." She ordered her mourning friend, pointing to the middle of her study. He hesitated this time but retracted his hands from you. Even now, pale and sickly, you looked beautiful to the white headed merman.
He didn't know what Skoko was doing, or half of what she was chanting from her odd book, but you began to glow. And Satoru began to grow anxious. Maybe he should have listened to Shokos warnings, but he just wanted you back. He would do anything to have his mate back. Even..turn you into one of them.
Satoru watched as your legs morphed and cracked until they were one appendage and scales rooted from your skin. A beautiful color they were, one he knew you would adore. Your neck slitted on either side, allowing gills to occupy the space. It was fascinating to watch you turn into one of them. You truly were one of the most beautiful creatures out there, and soon you would be back in his arms. Your blue parted lips lightened until they were pink once again, and your skin returned with color. Your nails grew sharper, and if Satoru were to squint, he could see two adorable fangs peeking out from behind your lips. He would bet that you even had slitted pupils like him.
Shoko took a breath and shut her book. "It is complete. All you have to do is wait. I'll give you a moment." Shoko said quietly and let her book float down to the mossy table before exiting her healing room. Satoru didn't waste a second to approach your reformed figure, although you were still smaller than him, and so he drew you close to his chest. "Pretty? Wake up.." He whispered. "Please." He said into your ear.
You gasped and gripped your neck, causing you to cough and curl in on yourself. Satoru gasped and rubbed your back as you shook and inhaled the salt water. Only this time, you didn't feel your chest tighten or burn from the fluid. "You're fine, you're okay, sweetheart." He reassured you. You were disoriented and looked around the strange place wildly. Everything looked so dark yet vivid. You felt different. Your feet didn't seem to work.
What was going on?
"Look at me, take in a breath." He coaxed you. You looked into Satorus familiar eyes and took time to slow your breathing. You finally felt your heart slow in your chest, and your hands had stopped shaking. Oddly enough, your hands felt light. Almost weightless, as they gripped Satorus shoulders. You shot your eyes and exhaled one last breath before finally taking your time to look around. This strange abode was stocked to the cement ceiling with all kinds of books and jared fluids. You looked back to Satoru and took him in.
He was holding you tight, almost suffocating you. But something was wrong. You were floating in his arms. You were underwater. In his arms. Breathing just fine.
Okay, what the hell was going on?
"Dont freak out, pretty mate, but we had to do this. I couldn't live without you." He soothed you. Your eyebrows scrunched in confusion, and you looked down to yourself. Oh, God's. Oh fuck. Where were your feet? Why do you have a tail?
Oh my God! You died! You finally remembered what had happened. But, you died. "How is this possible?" You softly questioned, your eyes never leaving your shimmering tail. "I died.." You mumbled in disbelief. "You did. You were dead for almost 1 hour. But my friend saved your life. You're one of us now." Satoru sort of explained. But you were still so flabbergasted. "I'll explain everything to you later, sweetheart. For now, just let me hold you." He whispered hoarsly as he firmly planted you into his warm chest. He had always felt so cold before, but now he's warm? You were so confused.
All of your questions were put on hold when you felt Satorus chest shaking against your head. He was crying. Sobbing, even. You hugged him back to the best of your ability and soothed him. Your voice was soft as you reassured him that everything was alright now. You had died, but he saved you. You were alive now, back in his arms. Where you belonged. Questions could wait until later, your beautiful merman needed you. He must have been so scared when he lay your lifeless body on shore. You could only imagine what he felt in that moment. The devastation and heartache he experienced. You would let him hold you for as long as he needed to. For now, he was the only thing that mattered to you.
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skipper19 · 5 months
Imagine this..
Alpha!Keigo couldn't help the way his heart would leap from his chest every time he saw you, his pregnant mate, waddling around the apartment. He knew you had become insecure after you started growing the chick (as he loved to put it) inside you, but Keigo couldn't help but find you beautiful. Your breast had grown, your bump began showing soon after you found out, and you gave off this scent that made Keigos alpha purr in delight.
Alpha!Keigo had become so protective and possessive after you announced your pregnancy. It wasn't a surprise that he was already this way before you even became mates, but the aspects of the relationship between Dom and sub, alpha and omega, had amplified. He would snarl and growl at anyone who got too close to you and your unborn chick. He always kept a hand around your waist, or curled around your own, when you were out in public. Most of the time, however, he would keep one of his wings subtly wrapped around you as you went along with your day. His presence alone scared anyone away that dares even look at his pregnant omega.
Alpha!Keigo, who is so good at keeping you happy and healthy. He always has snacks prepared for you at his office and at home. Although, after a few months (when the baby bump had knocked against his office desk and sent the poor man into a frenzy after you began whimpering), he banned you from visiting him at work. At one point, he even suggested that you stay home all day and let him go get the groceries or food, but you shot that idea down. You needed to get out sometimes. It wasn't healthy to be cooped up doing nothing all day. He agreed, although grumpily, but only if he was always there to accompany you out in public. Just in case. And don't get me started on his massages. Whenever you would shower or bathe, he would be there rubbing circles into your lower back or shoulders. And then there's the times he would sit you down on the bed or couch and work out the knots and soreness in your feet and calves. You never had to ask. He always knew when it was bothering you. He never once has made fun of you for crying about the small things he does to help you, either.
And don't get me started on Alpha!Keigo, who, after a while of massaging your poor feet, runs his hands up your legs until they find comfort in your panties. You never thought you would love pregnant sex more than normal sex, but now that you were extra sensitive, you just couldn't help the multiple orgasms he could easily draw from you. Keigo wouldn't hesitate to admit how fucking hot he finds you, either. He will sing out endless praises about how beautiful you are and how amazing you smell. What an amazing mate you are for carrying his chick.
Alpha!Keigo, who squeezes and pinches on your sore and heavy breasts. After some time into your pregnancy, Keigo notices the sweet milk he draws from your perked nipples after he squeezes a bit harder and it drives him mad. He has now found a new obsession with your boobs and he is not ashamed about it. Not one bit.
Alpha!Keigo has become more protective and possessive, sure, but he loves to show you off as well. It's obvious that you are his, seeing as you carry his chick, but he also loves to show off the multiple purple and red blotches on your neck after a passionate night together. He loves to flaunt his love for you and how well taken care of you and his chick are. Especially the fact that he isn't scared to appreciate your body now that your pregnant.
Alpha!Keigo is calm and composed when your water breaks. He is sure to grab the hospital bag and gently guide you to the car. Keigo hated the idea of driving you at a time like this. He was positive he wouldn't let anything happen to you if you let him fly you there, but you refused. So Keigo sucked up his own discomfort and scrunched himself up into the vehicle.
Alpha!Keigo stays by your side, glaring and growling ever so often as he stands by your side in the hospital room. He would do well cooing at you and pumping out a comforting scent when you would whine from the pain. But when the doctor came into the room and announced an emergency C-section, Keigos' heart dropped into his stomach. "What do you mean I have to leave?" And "Is something wrong with my mate or chick?" Keigo feels a little better after the doctor informs him that he can stay in the room during the operation.
Alpha!Keigo can not make himself look at the actual procedure. He can only will himself to grip your hand and comfort you. He spreads kisses along your sweaty forhead and cheeks to calm your nerves. He's relieved you're numbed from the waist down, but he wishes he could take away your nerves and anxiety. All of the doubts and concerns wash away when the cries from your baby fill the room. Instead, the scent of relief and happiness floods the room while you begin crying from relief.
Alpha!Keigo can't stop himself from tearing up as he watches the nurses take care of his chick. Keigo watches as the nurse gently sets the bundle of life into your awaiting arms, and he feels those tears escape down his cheeks. You look so beautiful with your bundle cooped up in your arms. He has to stop himself from purring from affection. As your eyes find his, he can feel his heart thunder in his ears, his hands become sweaty, and his stomach begins to churn. He eagerly holds out his shaking arms as you set your baby down in his arms. He lets out a teary laugh as he peers down at his chick and he feels the two weak stubs protruding from the little ones back.
Alpha!Keigo melts as your hands caress his cheeks, wiping his tears and cooing at him. As the nurse takes away the pup to thoroughly be checked, he connects his forhead with yours and lets out labored breaths. Unfathomable love and affection coursed his veins and pumps from his scent glands for his newfound family. He couldn't wait to take you and his chick home, where you both can finally begin the life you've both wanted for so long.
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skipper19 · 6 months
Imagine this...
Peter was beginning to worry. He hadn't seen you all day, and all of his texts were registered 'unread'. His leg kept bouncing as his eyes continuously glanced at the clock on the wall. When class was finally over, Peter quickly packed his supplies away and headed out of the room. Harry didn't hesitate to follow behind him, and when he caught up with his best friend, he gripped his arm, successfully stopping Peter.
"Where are you going?" Harry asked with a confused smirk. Peter pulled his arm from his friends hold. "Uh, I'm leaving?" Peter answered, confusion lacing his own words. "Dude, school isn't over. It's only lunch." Harry huffed with a pointed look. The boy only looked to his watch (the one you gave him for his birthday last year) and groaned when he noticed the time. He was so caught up with leaving that he didn't realize what time it was. The day couldn't go by any slower.
At lunch, Peter kept checking his watch and glancing at his phone. Harry sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Peter, if you don't stop bouncing your leg, I'm going to cute the damn thing off." Harry offered an empty threat. "I'm sorry, alright, I'm just ready to get out of here." Peter mumbled sheepishly. Harry felt a pang in his chest and offered a tired smile to his best friend. "Why?" Harry asked as he picked up his sandwich and moaned in delight after taking a bite. Aunt May's sandwiches were always the best. They were definitely made with love.
Harry's attention snapped to Peter when he heard him mumble something. "She's not here." Peter said a little louder. "She won't answer my calls or texts, and I'm starting to worry. She seemed fine over the weekend..." Peter seems to trail off. Harry continues chewing his food in silence before swallowing and seeing down his sandwich. "Wait, who are we talking about?" He questioned. Peter gives Harry a narrowed look of confusion. "My girlfriend?" Peter is surprised when Harry laughs and wipes residue from Mays sandwich off his lips.
"You're funny. You finally went insane, huh?" Harry says with a raised eyebrow as he runs his hand through his hair. Peter's mouth is slightly parted as he starts at his friend. "Why are you looking at me like- come on, you know I'm right." Harry then paused. "Did you actually shoot your shot with Mary Jane? You're not fucking with me right now?" Harry asked with a smile of disbelief. Peter scoffed shook his head.
"What are you talking about? Y/n, me and her have been dating for almost a year." Peter felt his stomach churn as his friends face morphed into one of genuine confusion. "Uh, who is Y/n?" Those words were enough for Peter. He stood abruptly and grabbed his school bag before running out of the courtyard. Peter rushed out of the school, pulling out of his phone and dialing your number.
The number you're trying to reach does not exist.
Peter's frown deepened, and his finger tapped the call button again. He waited.
The number you're trying to reach does not exist.
"Damnit, Y/n pick up the phone." He whispered to himself. Peter bumped shoulders with an older man and quickly apologized. "Watch where you're going!" The man shouted at the boy. Peter paid no mind to the man as his pace quickened and his hands began to shake.
The number you're trying to reach does not exist.
"Kids these days just won't take their eyes off their phones." A woman grumbled as Peter walked by her flower stand.
The number you're trying to reach does not exist.
Peter jumped in surprise as a car honked at him. "Hurry up!" The stranger shouted from his car window. Peter ran across the street and paid no mind to the mix of looks he was receiving.
The number you're trying to reach-
The number you're trying-
The number-
Does not exist.
Peter shouted in anger and carelessly pocketed his phone before ducking into a nearby alleyway. He didn't care that it was broad daylight. He didn't care anyone could see. He didn't care about the numerous texts and calls he was receiving from Harry or May.
Spider-Man swung out of the alleyway moments later. Ignoring the calls of his hero name as he zipped through the city. He had one destination in mind, and no one was going to stop him from getting there. He needed to know you were okay. The day had felt wrong the moment he woke up. His Spidey senses were going haywire, but he thought nothing of it. A mere fading consequence of the radioactive spider from what felt like so long ago. Peter felt it now more than ever as he raced towards your home.
Something wasn't right.
Peter landed on your fire escape and latched his fingers under the window, successfully hauling the wooden peice up enough for him to slip under. Once he made it into your room, he froze in place. The walls, once lined with furniture and trinkets, wardrobes, and shoes, we're empty and bare. The bed he spent so many nights in, being held in your arms as you soothed him to sleep, was completely absent. As Peter threw open the closet, he felt tears prick at his eyes. It was bare. No shoe boxes filled with your memories, no clothing you adored (even his hoodies you stole), all of it was gone.
Peter pulled his mask from his face and found his legs carry him out of the bedroom. Even your parents had disappeared. There was absolutely no trace of you nor your guardians ever living in the house. A pit formed in Peter's stomach, and his hands clutched his hair. He felt himself wander back into your bedroom. The walls were the same color, the atmosphere was warm, but it felt so hallowed without you.
Tears cascaded down his face as he backed himself against the nearest wall. Sobs escaped his throat as he roughly slid to the floor, one hand grasping his hair as the other held firm to his chest. His eyes darted around the room. "No no no no..." He mumbled under his breath. What the fuck was going on? Where were you?
Why did it seem like you completely disappeared? Without telling him...
Why did it seem like you never existed?
But that's impossible! Peter's shaky hand reaches into his backpack and pulls out his phone. He scrolled through the countless photos of you both, some of just you, and his heart lurched in his chest. You weren't fake. He's felt you. Your love, your passion, your kindness. It couldn't have been a figment of cruel imagination.
Peter hung his head in defeat and let sobs wrack his body. He couldn't live without you. He couldn't afford to lose you. You are his life. The very air he breathes is only given by the soft touch of your hand and the gentle words you speak in your blind love. Peter caressed your profile picture in his phone as his throat closed in with another sob. His thumb swiped too far to the right, causing him to accidentally call you.
The number you're trying to reach does not exist.
Peter lets out a strangled exhale and clutches the device in his hold. He knew to be careful. With his enhanced strength, he could easily shatter this phone, and he would be devastated to lose the last bit of you he has. If only-
Peter sucks in a sharp breath as his eyes go wide. He quickly perked up and frantically cralws towards the buzzing noise. Peter found his ear against the adjacent wall as he listened for this sign of buzzing. It could be nothing, but it also could be something. And something is better than nothing.
He released a sigh of frustration and pulled put his phone once again.
The number you're trying to reach-
Peter threw the phone to the side and immediately began searching the wall for small clues. Any indication that there was more than what the eye could see. Peter was growing even more desperate. He didn't want to destroy another's property, but, to be honest, he couldn't care less right now. Peter's heart lurched from his chest when his fingers glided over a ridged area of the wall sticking out of the wallpaper. The sound of tearing paper filled the room, and Peter threw the small bits of decor to the side.
Peter stared in shock as the wallpaper tore away to reveal a small latch in the wall. It was small and barely noticeable. A small thought occurred in his mind, questioning how long this had been here and what other things you kept from him. The thought was quickly pushed away as Peter remembered the severity of the situation.
His gloved fingers wrapped around the wall and pried open the secret door. With wide eyes and held breath, Peter reached in and pulled out a small cigar box from inside the makeshift cubby hole. As he opened the wooden material, he saw a phone lying inside the small container. Peter hesitated to pull out the device, but he was quick to notice that it was, in fact, your phone. Almost 20 missed calls from Peter, along with hundreds of unread texts from farther away friends, yet most of these texts were from Peter.
Confusion and worry ate away at Peter's very being until he was nothing but a shaking, quivering mess. Underneath the phone was photos. Printed photos or Polaroids stacked on top of one another, pressed flat together thanks to the weight of the phone. Peter didn't get to search through the photos or investigate your abandoned device for any clues, seeing as the small note on the roof of the lid of the box caused Peter to lose all knowledge of his surroundings.
I am looking for my way home to you, find me.
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skipper19 · 6 months
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skipper19 · 6 months
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skipper19 · 7 months
Inspired by
Imagine this..
Toji clenched his jaw when his stony eyes fell onto you. You were talking to another man, talking would be a kind way to put it. Toji noticed your beautiful eyes glancing away from the man in front of you nervously, almost as if you were searching for something. Or maybe someone.
The man was obviously making you uncomfortable, yet despite your attempts at excusing yourself politely, the bastard wouldn't let you go. It took every ounce in Toji not to approach you both and shield yourself from the other man. Hold your nervous body closer to his chest and glare at the guy for even looking at you. For breathing the same air as you.
Toji would take the opportunity to treat you like the princess you were, show you how beautiful you truly are, in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, Toji was just scared. Scared of you? No. Nor was he scared of the douchbag that keeps eyeing you up. Toji was scared of rejection.
The thought of losing you completely because of his feelings caused Bile to bubble in his stomach. Even if you were only friends, that would be enough for the man.
At the moment, however, Toji wanted nothing more than to pull you into a heated kiss in front of everyone to show just who they would be messing with if they looked at you funny. He didn't have that luxury. He didn't know if he was ready for that luxury yet. The thought occurred to Toji. If he's not ready soon, what's stopping another man from coming and stealing you away from him, simply because he was too scared.
His eyes snapped back to where you were standing seconds ago, only to find you missing. His eyes scanned the area, but he couldn't spot you. He pushed himself off of the bar and walked to where you were moments prior, where he spotted the friend you had arrived to the bar with. "Where did y/n go?" Tojis voice startled the girl, and she startled for a moment before looking around. "I..I didn't even notice she was gone." Toji clenched his jaw and immediately left her behind.
Toji searched the bar, every dark corner, until he walked into the hallway leading to the bathrooms. He heard some struggling and hurried his stride to follow the noise. Toji grabbed the door handle and huffed when it turned, and then clicked halfway. "Y/n?" He called out.
"Toji!" Your voice sounded desperate and strained. There was struggle and muffled noise that made alarms ring in Tojis head. "Y/n." Tojis voice roughly said as he grabbed the handle with both hands and pulled on it rougher. "Open the damn door." Toji turned his body and put more weight into his action.
A cry, followed by a loud bang, provoked Toji to start jamming his shoulder into the door. He grunted after every hit to his shoulder and finally felt the lock give way. He stumbled into the bathroom, and his eyes fell onto a scene that caused his restraint to snap. "Toji!" You cried loudly from where you were pressed against the tile wall. Your face was pushed into the cold tile from the man's hand as he positioned his body between your legs. Your hands latched and scratched at the man's grip on you.
Toji saw nothing but red.
Before the stranger could react, he was thrown off of your disoriented body. Toji cradled your form as you shook with cries. His hands held your face and scanned you over to make sure you weren't physically injured or violated. "Sh, I'll be right back." Toji whispered against your hair before kissing your forhead. The bastard rubbed his head from where it smacked the wall when he was shoved off of you.
He had seconds to look up before a fist came flying into his face.
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skipper19 · 7 months
Before you go, I hope the world crumbles and falls.
There's not a single soul I want to live for.
I want to leave with you in my arms and a large smile on my face.
I'm just so scared you might leave without me.
Before I go, I want people to know I tried to spread laughter and kindness.
But I'm really only living for you for the next day.
If I have to go, it will be on my own accord, and no one can push me farther than six.
No one knows the sun like you do.
Before we go, I want one more embrace under the shaded moon and blissful night.
That way, when we both wake up, the dream seems so real that we forget that we have gone our separate ways.
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skipper19 · 7 months
Imagine this..
Keigo quietly sulks into your shared bedroom, already having left his visor and jacket, along with his boots, resting by the front door. He swiftly removed his shirt and pants, only his boxers remaining, as he tried to gently lay behind you on the inviting bed.
He wished you were awake, a selfish thought, seeing as it was 3 a.m., and he knew you tried your best to stay up for him. Keigo gently wraps his arms around your body and spoons you close to his chest. His warm breath fanned across your neck, and you scooted that bit closer to him in result. Keigo sighs and tucks his nose into your hair. He loved that familiar scent. It consumed him, reminded him that he was home, he was with you.
Keigo felt his muscles relax, and his wings sag off the bed behind him. Keigos hand traveled to caress your collarbone, tiredly smiling when he felt the feather rest peacefully on your skin. His finger rubbed soothing circles into your supple flesh. Keigo shakily inhaled as he relished in the love he felt in the moment.
You were the most loving, supportive, kind, and loyal girlfriend he could ask for. He never had to worry about coming home to a cold bed and a cup of ramen, not that you lived with him now. The atmosphere that enveloped him when he stepped foot into your shared home always put his mind at ease. Hawks was able to rest, while Takami Keigo was able to spread his wings and be himself. All the while, you were waiting there with open arms, ready to hold him close and love him unconditionally.
There have been so many times you proved that you loved him. Loved him for the comedian with bedhead and comfortable clothes instead of the charismatic winged hero everyone else saw him as. You have patched him up more times than he could count, paper cut to bullet wounds, and yet you never deterred from his side. He was so scared he would push you away because of his hero life.
The commission had always told him that he never needed a partner. The idea of a lover would blind him and steer his focus on what is important. Not only this, but he couldn't possibly balance his love life and hero life. Anyone he chose to bring into his life and hold dear to his heart would be ripped to shreds by the cruel world, and he would always be weak to protect them. This thought, this fear that the commission instilled into his head since he was a young boy, has never once left his brain.
But Keigo couldn't help himself from being selfish. He met you in an odd circumstance. He didn't save you, but the other way around. It was no life or death situation, but it was still important. Keigo was in such a rush to get to his meeting with the newest recruit, but he had to have his coffee. The only coffee he enjoyed was from the Voler Librement Oiseau café downtown. Of course, it had to be so far away from his agency, but he needed his morning coffee, or he would be grumpy.
After Keigo ordered his drink (and tried to politely excuse himself from his fans), he hurriedly rushed from the small shop. Unfortunately, he had a one track mind in the moment, and he didn't see the cute girl trying to enter the shop the moment he was leaving. The second he stepped foot from the building, his body collided with another smaller frame, and in a rush of adrenaline, he reached forward to grab the other person in an effort to stop their fall. This was obviously the wrong move to make, seeing as he reached out the hand holding his coffee.
A loud yelp, followed by a body hitting the ground, abruptly interrupted the once peacful morning air. People passing by spared glances yet kept walking. Others slowed down and pulled out their phones.
Keigos wings stiffened behind him, and his breath hitched in his throat. His hands froze midair as heat rushed his cheeks in embarrassment. A woman sat on the pavement below him, coffee stains ruining her barista uniform, and a pained expression etched on her face. Keigo quickly kneeled down and laid his hands on your shoulders.
"Hey, are you alright?" He gently asked. Your eyes opened and peered up at him. Your eyes glanced around at the people who had chosen to stop and record this embarrassing moment. Keigo noticed your discomfort and used his wings to shield you both from other view.
"Hey," He softly called once again. Your attention finally snapped to his gaze, and you shakily exhaled. "Are you alright?" You nervously gulped your nerves and nodded. "Y-yeah, I'm alright." You sent him a small smile and rubbed your eyes with your shoulder. "Are you?" You mumbled. Keigos' wings twitched behind him, and he glanced down to your reddened palms along with your stained clothes.
"Am I..?" He trailed off. Your hand reached up and traced the scratches on his hand where you wildly reached out to grab him before you fell. The scratches were bleeding, yet he hadn't noticed them until you pointed it out. "H-here," you mumbled as you reached into your bag. "My friend buys me bandaids all the time because I'm a bit.." You trailed off, embarrassed and flustered, as you pulled out a few bandaids. "Clumsy?" He finishes quietly.
You gulped and nodded as you began putting the small bandages on his hand. Keigo felt his shoulders tense, and his eyes narrowed in on your nimble fingers. He didn't know why he was so..guarded. No, he wasn't guarded, per se. He just didn't expect you to move so boldly with such a kind act towards someone like him. Sure, fans constantly hugged him and nagged him for pictures as he strolled down the street, but this was just different.
Genuine kindness, gentle movement, and nervous silence.
Soon enough, your hands retreated from his minor injuries and balled the trash up in your hands before looking back up to him. "I'm sorry for bumping into you, but I really need to go, first day on the job.." You nervously laughed and began standing up. Keigo unwrapped his wings from around you both and stood up with you. "Yeah, uh, I have to get going as well." He put on a charming smile as he cocked his head.
Keigo reciprocated your nod as you passed by him to enter the café. In a sudden act on impulse, Keigo stepped back and grabbed your arm. You looked back at him with surprise, and then a small smile tugged on your lips. "Yes?" You shyly asked.
Keigo cleared his throat (that had been so very dry) and dropped his grip on your arm. Instead, he offered his hand to you. "I'm Hawks, but you probably already know that." He smirked. You quirked your eyebrow and put your hand in his. He relished in the comparison between the softness of your skin and the callous of his. "I'm y/n. Why would I know who you are? Are you some big shot or something?" Your quiet voice teased him, obviously enjoying his increasingly reddening face.
His eyebrows shot up in surprise. "I-I mean..I'm, you know, the number two hero in Japan. I'm pretty popular?" His explanation turned more into a question the longer he talked, and you couldn't help but giggle. You flattened your uniform against yourself and gave him a teasing glance. "I'm not from around here, but it's been nice meeting you.. Hawks. Hopefully, we can see each other around some time soon." The last words you spoke before escaping to your first shift at your new job.
That was the day Takami Keigo met the love of his life. Along with earning the title of a regular at the small French café.
Tonight, in the moment, Keigo breathes in your presence. He couldn't help but get emotional. He knows you love him. He can feel your affection and love, no matter where or what time of the day. Keigos wings, despite being worn and tired thanks to the stress of the day, move to wrap around your warmth. He makes sure to wrap around you completely, his back facing the bedroom door as his strong arms keep you close.
Keigo curses under his breath when he feels himself grow hot under the sheets. He isn't too surprised. The love you pour onto him daily is enough to keep his libido high, no matter how physically drained he is. He doesn't bother waking you up. His baby bird needs her rest. He would feel such guilt if he stole your rest from you. A warm hand sneaks its way into your panties, cupping your sex and using the hold to pull your ass closer to his hips.
The movement causes you to stir slightly, but Keigo shushes you. "You're alright, baby bird." He softly reassured you. The calming voice soothed your mind, and you even leaned your head back, so now your head was tucked under his chin. Keigo smirked and kissed your head.
Krigo makes quick work to pull your panties down, along with his own boxers, before hesitating. He had done this many times before. He had your consent long before, but he didn't want to take his hand away from your warmth. Just cupping your pussy was enough. Was Keigo that desperate just for you? Yes, he was.
Keigo took his time. Keeping his hand cupping you while rutting his hips into your bare behind. Though eventually, Keigo found himself pushing his hard length into your warm cunt. He whined at the tight, warm, wet feel of you wrapped around him. It didn't matter if you were asleep. You ached for him just as much as he did for you.
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skipper19 · 7 months
(A bit of self comfort, because my body feels 100× heavier, and I've been puking since 3 am. this morning. And now, even after the puking era is over, my chest feels like there is a huge hole in it every time I breathe or laugh.)
Imagine this..
Dabi sighs as he fishes the keys out of his back pocket. "Domestic shit.." He scoffs into the chilly night air. Jingling of keys and a click of the front door unlocking interrupted the peacful atmosphere of the apartment complex hallway. Dabi would never admit it, not to you or anyone else, but he was worried about you.
His calls and texts had gone unanswered all day. That was very unlike you. Thanks to your at home job (and your lack of a social life), Dabi never had to think about if you were truly busy or not. Plus, most of the time, you informed him if you were going out for any reason at all. He never told you to do this, and he even made it clear that you didn't have to tell him shit, but you reassured him that you wanted to.
That was one thing Dabi loved about you. You were his loyal girl. He trusted you not to break his charred heart. If anything, he knew he would eventually have to break yours.
Dabi quietly stepped into your apartment and closed the door behind him. He paused and listened for any indication of another person in the abode, but he couldn't hear nor see a thing. All the lights were off, and it was uncomfortably cold. Dabi felt a shiver run up his spine. This was so unlike you.
His normally warm and inviting baby.
Dabi didn't dare call out into the seemingly empty home, just in case. The further Dabi ventured into the apartment, the more he began hearing noises. Right outside your bedroom, Dabi could hear wheezing and shaky exhales. With the worst thought plaguing his mind, Dabi entered the bedroom. Only, he didn't find what he was expecting.
Thank God.
Dabis eyes widened the slightest at the sight before him. You were huddled under your blankets, a trashcan sat idly next to the bed, as you wheezed to breathe in your sleep. You looked pale, and your nose and lips were light pink. Dabi immediately walked to your heater and turned it on high. He didn't care for the electricity bills.
When he approached your bedside, he was hesitant in waking you up. You looked awful.
Dabi gently (surprisingly) laid his hand on your arm and softly rubbed his thumb in circles on your clothed skin. "Baby doll, wake up." He spoke quietly. Your eyebrows scrunched together, and your lips formed a cute pout. Dabi crouched, so he was face to face with you. "Wake up, baby." He spoke a little louder. Your eyes finally opened and fell to the ocean blues in front of you.
"Touya?" You mumbled. Dabi nearly melted at the use of his real name. Your weak and whiney voice turned him soft, yet he would never admit it. "Yeah, it's me. Why didn't you answer your phone? I've been trying to contact you all day. Had me thinking you were dead or some shit.." His words made you glance to your phone. "I've been sleeping all day.. I don't feel good." You whispered. Dabi sighed. "I can see that much." He retorted.
A sudden whine left your lips as you curled in on yourself. "I-I don't feel good." Tears welded in your eyes as you clamped your eyes shut. Dabi moved the trashcan closer to you, and sure enough, you leaned over the side of the bed and puked your guts out. Dabi stood up and looked away as he held your hair from your face. He wasn't good at emotional support, but he knew that seeing you like this twisted his gut almost painfully.
Once you were finished, Dabi soothingly rubbed your back before bringing the trashcan to the bathtub and washing it out. He didn't think there was any point and getting you to brush your teeth, considering this definitely wouldn't be the last time you threw up tonight. Dabi came back into your bedroom and placed the trashcan can by your bedside once again. He then cradled your chin in his hand and used a wet rag to wipe your mouth and chin. He threw the dirty cloth in the hamper nearby.
"Take a deep breath, baby, I know." He softly said as you clutched your stomach with one hand and wiped the tears away with the other. "I don't like puking.." You cried. "I'm pretty sure no one does," He teased. "But hey, it's over for now. Take a deep breath and try to go back to sleep." He said as he placed his palm on your forhead. Yep, you had a fever.
Tears faded and soon crying decreased, letting Dabi know you would fall asleep soon. He stood up, only for a weak tug on his coat sleeve to stop him from moving. "Please don't go.." You pleaded. Dabi leaned down and kissed your forhead. "I'm not going anywhere, baby doll, I'm just going to go make you some soup." He reassured. You hesitatantly let go of his jacket and retracted your arm back under the covers. Dabi took this opportunity to retreat to the kitchen.
He sighed and took off his jacket before hanging it on a chair nearby. He didn't know how to cook shit.
About two hours go by, and Dabi finally has some resemblance of "soup" sitting in a pot on your stove. He pinched the ridge of his nose. A headache was quickly forming behind his eyes, which reminded him, you need some medication..
Dabi entered your bedroom with a bowl of soup, water, and two pills ready. He set the supplies down on the bedside table, where he noticed that your phone was lighting up with messages. He glanced at your sleeping form (now facing the opposite direction) and grabbed your phone. Dabi always teased you about what an introvert you are, "And everyone says I'm the loner," he would say, so, yes, these repetitive messages were odd. Dabi entered the phones password and raised an eyebrow in curiosity.
"Must be her editor.." Dabi mumbled as he pressed on the text bubble. The action sent him straight to the chat room with, technically, your boss. Dabis eyebrows furrowed in irritation as he scrolled through the many unread messages. Constant pestering about your books deadline and your absence in responding to him. The bastard went as far as to try guilt, tripping you into writing more on your book, despite your message yesterday that you didn't feel too well. Your last message to the guy, and enough that he should have left you alone.
Dabi sent a quick message to the douchbag and smirked as the guy began blowing up the device once again. Dabi only silenced the notification sound in response.
He then cut off your phone before tossing it back on the wooden desk. He sat himself on the bed next to your huddled form and gently rocked your shoulder. He smirked when you curled closer to yourself and shivered. "I've got some medicine and food for you, but you have to sit up." You grumbled, yet you slowly complied. Though Dabi did have to help you move thanks to your limbs, feeling the weight of elephants sitting atop them.
You were sitting against your bed frame with the blankets wrapped around your shoulder, lidded eyes, and pouting lips. You looked adorable.
"You're going to eat some of this soup, and then you can take these pills." Dabi said as he brought the bowl of food to his lap. Dabi didn't acknowledge your sniffle nor your hiccup, as he brought the spoon up to his lips and blew on the substance. After he was sure it wouldn't burn your tongue, he brought the spoon to your lips. You weakly opened your mouth and allowed him to feed you.
He noticed that you resisted the urge to gag. "My cooking really that bad?" He joked. You lightly smiled and shook your head. "No.. I just really don't want to eat anything.. I've lost my appetite for days because of this stupid stomach bug.." You admitted. Dabi hummed but didn't say a word.
He continued to feed you until you physically couldn't eat anymore. Dabi took the bowl to the kitchen and placed it in your sink before returning by your bedside. He helped you take the pills before laying you back down to rest some more. He kept you facing him this time, in case the trashcan was in need of use. His hand unconsciously rubbed soft circles into your arm.
"You probably shouldn't stay.. I don't want you getting sick, Touya.." You mumbled sleepily. The effect of bile running up your throat all day was obvious on your voice. Dabi only chuckled and shook his head before pushing some hair from your face. "Nah.. I've got no place better to be than right here taking care of my baby."
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skipper19 · 7 months
Imagine this..
Gojo absolutely loves the look of his pregnant wife wobbling around the home. He loves it a lot more than he thought he would. Gojo takes so many pictures of you. From the day of the big news, all the way to today.
"Satoru sto-Op!" You squeaked and giggled as you spoke. "I am allowed to dote on my pregnant wife, thank you very much." His low voice spoke very smugly into your ear. Despite your outward complaints, you still looked to the phone sitting on the kitchen counter and smiled. You blinked when the flash went off, and you rubbed your eyes.
"You take too many pictures of me.." You grumble. "Especially when I look like shit." You pouted and rested your hand on your swollen stomach. Gojo gasped and put a hand to his chest. "Shit? You're the most gorgeous woman I have ever met," He leans now and cups your jaw in his hands. "Especially in the mornings." He whispered softly before kissing you. You smiled into the kiss and felt your shoulders relax.
"Mm..if I wasn't already pregnant, I would drag you to bed until I am.." You mumbled happily against his lips. Gojo snickers and rolls his ocean eyes. "Keep talking like that, and I will drag you back to bed, despite already being pregnant." He smirked with lidded eyes. "Even if I'm 5 months pregnant?" You whispered. "Especially when you're 5 months pregnant." He pulled you into a passionate kiss after the words left his lips.
You both didn't leave the bed again until 6 pm.
Gojo hurriedly washed his hands and ignored grabbing paper towels as he left, deciding to wipe his wet hands off on his pants instead. He was in too much of a rush to care anyway. His pregnant wife was all by her lonesome in the grocery store as he dealt with his bladder problem. He hated to leave you alone. He hated leaving you alone around other people even more.
Gojo sensed your cursed energy in the nearest aisle and quickly returned by your side. He smiled when he spotted you looking at the baby shoes that were huddled in a small pile on the corner of the shelf. Gojos eyes glanced to the clearance sign above the shelf and playfully rolled his eyes. "Didn't I say I wanted our baby girl to have the best quality clothes? Why are we in the clearance section?" He playfully scolded as he leaned his shoulder against the shelf with the shoes.
"Well, I remember saying that it doesn't have to be expensive, as long as it looks adorable on our baby boy." You retorted with a sly smile. Gojo huffed and shook his head. "Our baby girl has the best, strongest, and wealthiest father in all of Japan. I think she deserves to be spoiled." He crossed his arms, making you glance at the faint sight of his veins popping out. Amusement laced his eyes behind the dark shades adorning his handsome face.
"And I think our baby boy will care nothing about being spoiled, as long as it's comfortable." You shot back and quickly looked back down to the pair of shoes in your hand. Gojo felt his heart leap when you placed the boy shoes in the shopping cart before reaching back onto the shelf and grabbing a feminine pair of shoes as well. Gojo pushed himself from the shelf and walked behind you to wrap his arms around your growing belly.
"You are going to be an amazing mother." He whispered softly into your ear. Heat rose to your cheeks, and you smiled bashfully. "You think so?" You placed your hands onto his. "I really do."
It didn't take long for Gojo to realize you weren't in bed with him any longer. He was normally hyper aware when you would leave the warmth of his arms at night, but he had been even more of a light sleeper after you hit your 7 month mark.
Gojo didn't want to think of what he would do if something had happened to you.
He threw the covers off of himself before leaving the inviting warmth of the sheets. He quickly makes his way to the kitchen, only to find you quietly sitting at the marble island in the center of the room. You were minding your business as you nibbled away at your odd snack, a soft tune playing from the radio nearby. Gojo always insisted on buying speakers. That way, he could blast music from the TV, but you denied him every time. You always said that the radio was much better.
Gojo sighed and quietly walked up to you, his eyes grazing over your plump form. He couldn't help but smirk. You just looked so lovely as you sat there, munching away on your food, his shirt barely covering your body. Gojo was head over heels in love with you, that was obvious.
"Sneaking away from me just to get you a snack? How rude." Gojo softly said as he pouted. You jumped as his arms snaked around your body. You swatted at his muscular arms and shot him a glare over your shoulder. "Dont sneak up on a pregnant lady! You nearly made me drop my pickles.." You mumbled. Despite your annoyance, your body still leaned back to relax against his warm chest.
Gojo glanced at the food in your hands and resisted the urge to shiver. Pickles and marshmallows. "Mm, I wouldn't want to have to throw that snack away.." You rolled your eyes at his sarcasm and plopped the pickle and mini marshmallow in your mouth. "Shuddup."
"You're doing so good, baby, just a few more pushes." Gojo encouraged you with soft spoken words and swift fingers caressing your hair. You wanted to yell at him to just shut up, but the pain you were feeling inhibited anything other than pained sounds.
Gojo hated seeing you in so much pain. Especially when he couldn't do anything to quell it. "Just one more push." The doctor said. If it weren't for the situation, Gojo knew better than anyone how embarrassed you would be right now. He leaned down closer to your ear. "One more push, sweetheart, and then we can meet our beautiful baby." He whispered softly. You gripped his hand tighter, thankful that his infinity was lowered, his touch grounded you. It kept you sane on a normal day, and you needed him more than ever right now.
"I can't.. I can't!" Your voice was hoarse and weak as you sobbed aloud. Gojo shook his head and kissed your temple, his lips resting against your skin as he spoke. "Yes, you can. I know you can. You're strong, the strongest woman I have ever met, I know you can do this." His words replayed like a symphony. You can do this. You are strong. You can do this. For your baby.
One final push, followed by a shout of pain, led to the cries of your baby echoing in the room. Gojo smiled and gulped down his nerves as he watched the nurses take away his baby to be cleaned.
You weren't in the same condition.
Your ears rang as your head pounded. You know your baby was finally delivered, so why couldn't you hear them? Your glazed eyes panicked to search the room for your child. "Sa-satoru?" Your voice weakly called out. His ocean blue eyes cast down to your face to see the concern and tears. His hand moved from your hair to your face as he wiped away your tears and tilted your gaze to meet his.
"I can't hear them crying. Are they okay?" You hiccuped. Gojos eyebrows furrowed slightly, yet he kept a warm smile on his face. "They are fine, don't worry." He reassured and kissed your sweaty forehead. His eyes glanced to the doctor, only to see a reassuring smile sent back his way. "It's normal for the mother to be disoriented after giving birth. It's a lot of strain on her body." The doctor said quietly.
Gojo sighed and briefly closed his eyes as his lips lingered against your forhead. His attention was directed to the nurse as she walked back with a small bundle in her arms. "Mrs. Gojo," the nurse called softly. Your eyes fell to her, then the bundle of life in her arms. A wobbly smile formed on your lips as you weakly reached out your arms for your baby. The moment the baby was rested against your chest, tears fell from your eyes like a waterfall.
Gojo couldn't help but tear up.
"It's a boy." The nurse spoke up. You tearfully giggled and gently ran your finger over your baby's cheek. "My baby boy.." You mumbled, a soft kiss landing on his head.
After a few moments of skin to skin contact and appreciation, you looked to Gojo. He didn't need you to say a word. He eagerly held his arms out for you to gently place his baby boy in his warm hold. On instinct, the man handled his son with nothing but gentle touch. You just knew he was going to be an amazing father. "God, look at you.. beautiful, just like your mama.." He cooed. You rested your hand on his arm. "Handsome, just like his daddy." You whispered with droopy eyes. He shakily sighed.
This is his family.
"Thank you.. Thank you so much." Gojo mumbled into your ear. Your mind, despite being fogged, was able to register his words. "F-for what?" You gasped, your nails drawing blood from his pale skin. "For giving me a family." His words reverberated in your spine, causing your ears to tingle and your eyes to close in pleasure.
"I want to be selfish.." He spoke again. His movement picked up speed, quickly sucking the words from your throat. "I want one more. Give me one more -please baby, just one more.." But Gojo has always been a greedy man. One was never enough, and you knew this all too well.. "Please~" He begged, almost pathetically. You moaned aloud and grasped his face in your hands, pulling his lips to your own from where they once were on your neck.
"Give me it, Satoru.. give it to me."
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skipper19 · 7 months
Imagine this...
Gojo always had intensive ruts. That was something he couldn't deny. Honestly, he was a little nervous for you, his omega, when you both shared his rut together for the first time.
At first, Gojo was able to hold himself back from many of the desired fantasies he wanted to recreate with you. Soon, however, he lost control of himself. Your body, your beautiful noises, your touch, your scent, it made him go feral. Gojo pounded into your tight cunt for hours, edged you into orgasm more times than you could count. Gojo felt like he couldn't stop.
It was euphoria.
Yet here he was, balls deep in his omega as you whined and cried. Gojo didn't know if he was psychotic or not, but your sobs only made his alpha growl in pleasure. He didn't want to stop. In fact, he wanted to fuck you even longer. But Gojo still held onto a bit of restraint as he kept himself from pistoning his hips into yours, allowing you to have a resemblance of a break.
"A-Alpha.." You whined, the noises emitting from high in your throat, almost like a shrill. Gojo breathlessly chuckled and ran his nose alongside your scent glands. "Yes, omega?" He practically purred. Your hands (that were once drawing deep red blood from his back) tangled in his hair. "I-I need to pee." You whimpered. Your face was either flushed in embarrassment or bliss from the amount of orgasms Gojo had drawer from your core.
Gojos hazed eyes glance back up to your fucked out face before he narrows his eyes and growls. "No." You felt your chest deflate from the whine that exhaled your lips. "Alpha, please!" Gojo seemed to shove his length deeper inside of you. "No. You're not moving from our nest. You are not moving off my cock." Gojo growled. Before another protest could leave your pathetic self, Gojo crashed his lips onto yours. You squirmed under his intense act of affection, but you both knew you were too weak to escape him.
A high-pitched whine, followed by multiple gasps, flew from your mouth when Gojos finger pressed down on your clit. The finger ran along your slit up onto your abdomen, back down to your clit, repeatedly. "G-Gojo no! I-I need to pee, y-you're going to make me..mhm~" You couldn't even finish your sentence. Gojo pulled another orgasm from you in no time. Inevitably, you also urinated on yourself from the pressure of his finger. After the wave of pleasure rolled through your body, you tried to hide your face away in pure embarrassment.
"My omega..your not leaving this bed, so get comfortable."
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skipper19 · 7 months
Imagine this..
Gojo was panicking. That was obvious. Why? He couldn't find his girlfriend, you. And to make it worse, you were the most naive, oblivious, adorable woman he has ever met.
It was supposed to be an easy trip to the mall. Get in, walk around and get food at the food court, and get out. And Gojo could have sworn he was holding your hand, so how the fuck did you just up and disappear? Gojo knew you didn't like crowds. You tried your hardest to stay away from people in general. It's not that you were an introvert. You adored talking and laughing with people, but you had major social anxiety.
This fact alone made Gojo overprotective of you when you both went out together. Is someone standing too close? Gojo steps right between them and you as he slides his hand around your waist. Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the noise? Gojo is leaning down to whisper jokes about people as they walk by. He relishes in your laughter.
So yes, Gojo is overprotective. And he is currently freaking the fuck out.
Where is his girl?
Finally, Gojo spots a familiar head of h/c bedhead in a nearby pet store. He rushes into the store and sighs in releif when he sees you looking at the collars. Gojo takes a moment to calm his breathing before he approaches you with his normal cheeky smile, successfully hiding his shaky hands in the process.
"Hey, kitten~" Gojo draws out. "You left me behind to look at dog collars?" He playfully pouts as he glances to the collars. Your face quickly flushes, and your hands fly to subtly hide something behind your back. Gojos eyebrow raises in suspicion. "What do we have here?" He chuckles.
"Satoru.." You timidly mumble as he attempts to sneak a peak at the object in your hold. Gojo shakes his head with a grin before quickly reaching his hand out to grab your arm and pull you closer. You yelp as he draws your chest to meet with him. It's too late when you realize he actually got ahold of your item.
Gojo grins from ear to ear when he sees that he's holding an f/c collar that says "Kitten" inscribed into it. "Awe, baby." Gojo juts out his lip and holds up the collar for you both to see better. Your cheeks erupt in a deep red as you hide your face into his chest. "What wrong?" Gojo snickers.
He quickly dropped the teasing when he realized how embarrassed you truly were. You were starting to shake, and he guessed that you were tearing up. "What's wrong?" Gojo gently asked you, breath hitting your ear. "It's embarrassing.." You sniffed into his shirt. Gojos' usual teasing and confident face turned soft and genuine. "There's nothing wrong with liking this collar." He reassures.
You only shake your head and hiccup as tears soak his shirt. "Please don't think it's weird.. please don't leave. I'm sorry.." You rambled. Gojos eyebrows furrowed, and he leaned back a little so he could cup your face and pull you closer. "I would never leave you for something like this." His serious tone didn't waver, nor did the look of love in his eyes. Your lip trembled as you observed his face. "You promise?" Your tone voice pleaded.
Gojo smiled and kissed your forhead. "I promise, darling." He whispered against your skin. Gojo pulls out his phone a few minutes later. "I probably shouldn't buy it for you, though.." He mumbles to "himself. " Your eyes went slightly, and you nervously fiddled your fingers. "Why?" Gojo didn't respond for a few moments. "Mm.. there's too many guys here. There would be too many of them starting at you, I don'tlike it." He says. His smile suddenly returns as he presses something on his phone.
You peek over the top of his phone and gulp nervously when you see Gojo on Amazon. That can't possibly mean anything good.
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skipper19 · 7 months
Dabi didn't care about anyone or anything, but when he met you. No, that didn't change. It was not love at first sight, nor was he soft around you. He didn't trust you, and he sure as hell didn't see you as nothing more than a member of the League.
Dabi never once glanced your direction in the battlefield until one day. It was a gruesome and long fight. Every muscle was burning, and sweat was sticking clothes to his skin like glue. Dabi huffed and caught his breath, grinning when the hero finally collapsed.
"DABI MOVE!" When the hell did you get here? Dabi scoffed as he turned in the direction of your voice, his tongue quick to snap an annoyed reply, but he didn't get a chance. A shot rang out, an empty bullet casing fell to the ground, and Dabis eyes widened as he watched you clutch your chest. Blood began oozing from the wound, seeping past the fabric of your shirt and spilling into the crevices of your shaky fingers. Dabi held his breath as you fell to the ground.
Dabis eyes shot up to the culprit, only to see a cop of law enforcement reloading his ammunition. His blood began to boil, and his heart pounded in his ears. Beautiful blue flames ignited from Dabis' fingertips. The cop didn't stand a chance.
Shigaraki was in shock when Dabi practically broke down the Leagues door as he held your lifeless body in his arms. Dabis jacket was tightly wrapped around your chest, a little sloppy, but it was all he could do as he yelled curses and tied the knot with shaky hands. Dabis undershirt was tainted with your blood, and even his arms were covered.
Dabi yelled at Shigaraki to help you as he rushed to his own bedroom. Not the medical wing, nor the couch, not even your own room, but his bedroom. Shigaraki quickly shook off the disbelief as he sprang into action. Dabi finally stepped back as Shigaraki and some other guy (that Dabi had no care to learn the name of) began tending to your wound. You had already lost so much blood. You looked completely drained, dead, even.
Dabi rushed out of the room, completely ignoring Toga as he exited the base. He didn't know where he was going. His legs had just moved. They kept walking. His mind screamed a thousand thoughts a minute, unfamiliar feelings welded into his chest as his hands shook in his pockets. His jaw clenching as his darkened eyes scanned the area before him.
Dabi was furious. What the fuck did you think you were doing? That was so reckless. You have zero self-respect. Dabi audibly scoffed as the feeling in his chest grew heavier. What was he feeling? Was it guilt? He had nothing to feel sorry for. This was all your fault. Your dumbass stupid decision that might get you..killed.
Dabi tightly shut his eyes and shook his head.
Of course, it wasn't guilt..so sadness? No, there's nothing to be sad about. He is alive. He is breathing fresh night air as his legs carry him in an unknown direction. Furthermore, you might die. At least he wouldn't have to deal with your annoying voice or alluring eyes. That disgusting laugh and dumb jokes. He didn't have to deal with all that shit anymore, and he was alive, so it's a win-win!
Dabi stops in his steps as sirens rush past him. An ambulance, soon followed by multiple cop cars amd firetrucks. He squints his eyes slightly and sheilds his face by turning it in the opposite direction, only realizing that the authority wasn't here for him this time. He stared at the bright, high wall of flames that engulfed the buildings he had passed on his little walk. He lets out a shaky sigh and feels his stomach churn.
Dabi turns on his heel and keeps walking, ignoring the screams of terror and the law authority behind him. He looks to his feel as he walks, nothing but the clacking of his boots against pavement to fill in the silence now. The chaos he unconsciously caused slowly fading into the distance.
Why was he feeling this way. He felt like he needed to be with you, that you needed to be okay. He felt guilt and sadness eat away at his very core, and he didn't know why. It was honestly terrifying. He never felt these things anymore. But the thought of your bloodied, motionless body lying in his arms caused the uncomfortable feeling to swell to an ache in his heart.
Touya cared about you. He cared for you, and it took him this to realize that. It should be scary, maybe even disgusting to him, but he can't help but feel guilty. He has treated you like shit for so long, nothing but cruelty sent your way whenever he would encounter you, and every time, you would just look up at him with that cute smile and knowing eyes. Touya hated the way you would look at him. Like you knew something he was hiding, or something that he didn't know. It enraged him, even.
Touya felt warm tears gather in his eyes. No, he wouldn't allow himself to cry over spilled milk. He furiously wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand, not flinching when a staple was inevitably pulled out due to his movements. Touya pulled out his phone and checked the time. He had been out for six hours. His mind automatically races to thoughts of you. He needed to get back to base and check on you.
Touya pocketed his phone and ran back to base to be there for you. He finally realized his feelings. There was no point in hiding them anymore. Dabi inwardly cringed at his eagerness to receive details about your health, to see you were still alive. Deep down, Dabi and Touya didn't care, as long as you were safe in the end.
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