#✦ general || save ✦ it still shines like gold
stardustedstories · 6 months
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@yinbug asked: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAAAAAAL 🎉🎉🎉 i hope you have sooooo much good food and get to spend all day with the best people and all around have a fantastic day because you absolutely deserve it ♡
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I hoarded this for, like, a week, since I wasn't around much, but I'm posting it so I can make sure to save it forever because it made me smile so much!!
Thank you so much, lovely! I got to spend the day with Missa, playing games and eating good food, which is honestly the best way to spend my birthday, as far as I'm concerned. ^^
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storiedhistories · 2 years
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suguru-getos · 1 year
Yandere CynoNari who have decided to share you with them the moment their eyes laid on you. Tighnari’s ears twitched and Cyno’s mouth was agape. You were in no way- real. Someone who didn’t quite belong in Sumeru. You were a foreigner, sure. Why were you here though?
It was only later that they found out, you had been transferred to Sumeru after living a lavish life in Liyue. You had born with a gold spoon, only your luck wasn’t favorable enough for your husband had cheated on you. 
You just needed to run from your past, and wanted to start anew. As someone with vivid knowledge, you hoped to get recognized from the Akademiya. Hell, you were even ready to join them as a Professor, eager to complete and partake any test/any assignment/any interview.
Luckily, you were in. Cyno and Tighnari saw you first, when you were unbothered and looking for training guides for your recent class in the House of Daena. They knew something inside them twisted the very core of their heart, tampering the normalcy of their brain.
How Tighnari approached you to help with the book you were trying to get a-hold of, using his manipulative webs of knowledge to grasp you into him further and further. It was going well for the sharp fox. Cyno- on the other hand. Had other plans in his mind.
The General Mahamatra is quick on his toes when he saves you from mercenaries when you were on your way home. So convenient, acting as a knight in shining armor and protecting his princess from the dangers of the world.
It wasn’t until a few weeks later, that you started observing more and more CynoNari around you. They had been very clear about their relationship in the beginning. You knew they love each other, but both of them- together- had the capability to choke you with their enormous feelings.
How did you get to know about it? When slowly, occasional dinner plans turned frequent, brunches turned into everyday scenarios, night outs turned into sleepovers. Friendly handshakes turned into goodbye hugs, hugs turned into a threesome at one drunken night.
You were in love too, or were just manipulated into it? Honestly, you can’t quite put a finger on it. Why does Tighnari know all the Liyue delicacies to cook? Maybe he genuinely has an interest in those. Why does Cyno have a Lantern Rite poster in his room? Maybe he liked Liyue’s culture and you happened to fit into it well. Or maybe- you did not want to accept their fabricated web of lies.
Things got worse when you saw the charming, honeymoon phase of your relationship has ended. Cyno could pin you against the wall, wrath lacing in his tone as he asks where you were, ordering around and asking why were you late? Who were you on a date with? It’s not wise to anger the General Mahamatra anyways… so you shouldn’t lie right?
Unfortunately for you, even if you swore on your love for him, you still need to apologize until your throat is sore while Cyno overstimulates you. If you are lucky enough, Tighnari will act as a good-cop and come rescuing you.
What you don’t know is the good-cop/bad-cop is just to keep you on toes. They are obsessively in love with you. You just need to belong to them. Your will, your choices, your consent, everything is slowly getting blurred.
CynoNari is a sweet nightmare. Maybe you should flee, but what if they caught you?
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heich0e · 2 years
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the hunt - frat boy!atsumu/f!reader (haikyuu!) tags: not NSFW but not NOT NSFW if that makes sense, inspired by this art by @/hlxtn, mentions of alcohol, typical frat party debauchery, college!au, greek system!au, reader is in a sorority, atsumu has a lip piercing and is a whore, making out, heavy petting, graphic depictions of graphic depictions, gratuitous headboard knocking, this atsumu makes me want to scream, word count 3k
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The brief is simple: a scavenger hunt of sorts. 
It’s just a bit of friendly competition between you and your fellow sorority sisters, not unusual for the chapter president and the upper ranking sisters to orchestrate. At 8:00PM on the dot, everyone received a joint text message with a list of items to retrieve or tasks to complete to earn points—for tasks without a physical trophy, a simple photo as proof would do the trick—and once the clock strikes midnight, the participants who've managed to scavenge the most points would be the winners, and those with the lowest points would face a forfeit.
And finally, throughout the night there would be bonus points come up for grabs in the form of special challenges.
Like the one currently lighting up the screen of your phone. 
(11:00PM) INZ hookup - 100 points for a pledge, 500 points for pres, 250 points for everyone else. (11:00PM) Current ranking: 12/25. 1 hour remaining.
“How far are we from the Iota house?” you ask, leaning forward against the restraint of your seatbelt and gripping the headrest of the drivers seat in front of you.
“A couple blocks,” your friend (and fellow sorority sister) behind the wheel says in confusion, “why?”
You and a few of your closest friends had wandered out that night to amass points together. You were all doing pretty well, but according to the rankings that are sent out every half hour, none of you have even broken the top 10. 
And now there's only an hour left.
“Go there next,” you say decisively. 
“Are you nuts?” another sister smushed into the backseat with you squeaks, “hooking up with an Iota is…”
Practically a death sentence. At least socially. You all know it. 
To call the boys of the INZ frat run-through would be a disservice to the word. Their reputation among the other greeks is NOT one to be trifled with. The boys themselves, beyond being philandering, are more than a little rough around the edges. They’re known for starting fights (and finishing them) and save for their chapter president Kita, and a few standouts among the brothers, they’re not generally considered the shining gold standard of Greek Life. The Iotas are the direct cause of more than a few of the sanctions your university has imposed on the Greek system in recent years, even against Kita's best efforts to keep them in line. 
But still, that many points may just be too gleaming of an opportunity for you to pass up. 
There’s a party in full swing when you pull up to the INZ house, because it's a Friday night so of course there is.
“Do you see anyone else here?” you ask your friends as you step into the fray, raising your voice to be heard over the pulsating music rattling through the house. You’re all wearing shirts with your sorority’s greek letters on them, so any fellow sisters should be easy to spot, though you can’t make any out from where you stand near the door.
“No,” one of your friends says, pressing close to your back to avoid being run over by a few passing partygoers chasing after someone in a hoodie with a quart of rum tucked under his arm. “Hey, are you sure this is a good idea?”
Of course it’s not. But the last time you lost one of these little challenges you were stuck vacuuming the entire sorority house for two months, and you weren’t eager to experience it again. 
“How much time is left?” you ask, pulling your cellphone from your pocket. 
11:12 your screen reads.
“Around 45 minutes,” your friend confirms what you know to be true once you see the time on your screen. Your eyes scan the party, landing on a figure on the edge of the crowd in an INZ hoodie with a red solo cup in his hands.
And a terrible, horrible, perfect idea comes to mind. 
You unlock your phone.
'Claiming this task!' you type as you cross the party, leaving your friends behind. 
The President replies immediately to your claim.
(11:15PM) Which Iota? 
You send your answer without a second thought.
The boy in the INZ hoodie doesn’t see you coming as you sidle up beside him, so when you put a hand on the sleeve of his sweatshirt and crane up on your tiptoes to get close to his ear he stiffens slightly in surprise. 
“Hi,” you say into his ear to be heard over the music blaring through the crowded house, your fingers twisting into the material of his sleeve, “you don’t know me, but I really need a favour.”
And that’s how you end up in Atsumu Miya’s bedroom in the Iota Nu Zeta frat house, standing on he opposite side of the room as he sits perched on the edge of his bed.
“Yer tellin’ me ya want me to pretend to fuck ya?” he asks, a brow quirked under the band of his backwards cap. “All fer some… bet?”
“It’s not a bet,” you correct him (not for the first time), “it’s a scavenger hunt.”
“And I’m the thing yer huntin’?” he's teasing you now, and you know it. 
“It doesn’t have to be you,” you huff, your lips pursing, “and if you’re gonna keep wasting my time I can go ask—“
“Now wait a minute,” he interrupts you before you can even dangle the threat before him, “now that I know yer trying to cheat the system, whose t’say I don’t send a text of my own to that pretty little president of yours and tell her what yer schemin’?” 
“You wouldn’t,” you say, your nose crinkling up in irritation. 
Atsumu grins, and the piercing on his bottom lip catches in the light of the lamp that sits on the table between the two twin XL beds in the tiny, untidy room. You assume he shares it with his twin brother, though you really don’t have much to base that assumption other than the fact you know he has one. The room is a bit neater on the side Atsumu is not sitting on, so you infer that Osamu is also the tidier twin between the two of them. 
“Nah, I wouldn’t,” he laughs, “I kinda like seein’ ya play dirty.”
You huff, crossing your arms over your chest.
“You guys always seem so…” Atsumu goes on, waving his hand in the air vaguely. 
“Rule-abiding?” you offer. 
“Stuck up,” he corrects you. 
He’s not necessarily wrong for thinking it, even if it does irk you. Your sisterhood is one of the more reserved greek chapters on campus—elite even, if you dared to say it. Sure, the scavenger hunt you find yourself partaking in that evening might not seem it, but the fact of the matter is that you guys aren’t inherently morally superior to any of the other greek houses - you’re just better at not getting caught. 
Something that seems utterly beyond the Iota brothers. 
Which is exactly why you need it to be him.
“Are you gonna help me or not?” you finally ask, sighing warily. 
“What’s in it for me?” Atsumu counters your appeal. 
“I’ll give you all my precal notes ahead of the midterm next week.”
Atsumu furrows his brow. “We’re in the same precal class?” he asks. 
Your expression flattens. 
“Unfortunately, yes,” you grit out, “which you might know if you didn’t spend every class napping.”
“Wait…”—he purses his lips, eyes scanning over your face—“we have a midterm next week?” 
You feel something throb palpably behind your eyes. 
“Yes,” you manage to get out even though your jaw is clenched firmly shut. "God you're hopeless."
"Yer awfully rude for someone who's tryin' to use me fer my body," Atsumu says, smirking when he sees the way your expression shifts into one of even further annoyance at his taunt. He leans back on his bed, resting his weight on his elbows. “So, what do I have to do here?”
“Just… take your shirt off and take a picture with me in bed with you,” you say, though it physically pains you to say the words. To have to stoop so low.
He quirks a brow mischievously. “Oh, ’s that all?”
“And keep your hands to yourself,” you tack on pointedly.
Atsumu snorts, lifting his hands in innocence.
“You got it, princess.”
Just as Atsumu shifts his weight forward, and his hand reaches behind his neck to grab at the collar of his hoodie, your cellphone jingles. 
You reach for it, and see that it’s a message from the sorority president. You unlock the device to reveal the message.
It’s a picture of a door.
The very door you presently find yourself behind.
Another message pops up in the chat.
(11:29) Recruited a bit of backup! You’ve got a little crowd waiting for proof, just to be safe ;)
And then another.
(11:30) Current ranking: 15/25. 30 minutes remaining.
“Fuck,” you mutter, miserable at the turn of events - and your drop in the rankings.
“What’s wrong?” Atsumu asks. 
“There are people out there…” your voice drops quieter, your eyes flickering over to the door on the other side of the room. “Waiting for… proof.”
The information seems to process slowly in Atsumu’s brain, and his eyes widen as the facts click into place. 
“Ohhh…” he trails off. “They want a real show, huh?” 
“Sorry for dragging you into this,” you sigh, “it was stupid, just forget I-“ 
Atsumu catches your wrist in his hand, tugging you forward before you can step away towards the door in defeat. You peer down at him as you stand between his parted thighs, confused.
“I never said I couldn’t give ‘em one.”
Your face flushes.
“Don’t be stu-“
“I’ll keep my hands to myself,” he says, letting his grip on your wrist fall, “we just gotta get a bit more… creative about it ’s all.”
You chew on the corner of your lip. 
You really hate vacuuming. 
“Alright,” you muster your resolve, offering him your hand for a handshake.
“And ya owe me all your notes right up until the final,” Atsumu tacks on, just before he clasps your hand in his. 
You huff, closing the distance between your palms and taking his hand in a shake. You can’t help but notice how much larger his hand is than yours. 
“Fine, whatever.”
Atsumu is… frighteningly good at putting on a show. 
He turns out the lamp on his bedside table so there’s no light peeking out from the crack under the door, he turns on music like he’s trying (and failing) to drown out any possible noise that might make it out, and he rocks his sturdy bed frame into the wall in a steady, unmistakable rhythm. 
“Hey,” he grunts out on a particularly hard knock of the wooden frame against the wall, his voice is barely above a whisper. “Ya gotta make some noise, y’know. Yer gonna ruin my rep.”
“What do you mean?” you whisper back, still standing frozen just beside the bed, more than a little awkwardly. 
“Y’know, moan or whatever,” he hisses back. 
“I can’t do that!” you snap.
“Yeah fuckin’ right,” he mutters, and you have half a mind to smack him. But before you have the chance to, a strong arm circles your waist and pulls you down. 
You squeak in fright. “Atsumu!”
He has you pinned underneath his body before you know it, practically nose to nose with him, his hands returning to their place on the headboard to give it another knock against the wall. 
Your eyes have adjusted to the dimness in the room since he turned out the lamp, and you can make out his features even though it’s dark. He’s smirking, that little silver hoop at the edge of his lip caught between his teeth. 
“There ya go,” he snickers, “just like that.”
“You told me you’d keep your hands to yourself,” you mutter lowly.
“Sacrifices must be made,” he shrugs, and gives the headboard another loud, incriminating knock. 
It’s preposterous the situation you find yourself in, pinned underneath Atsumu god damn Miya of all people. Pretending to fuck him. 
How the hell did you end up here?
“Ow,” you complain quietly when a particularly rough knock makes the back of your head hit the headboard. 
“Shit, sorry,” Atsumu mutters. He slides an arm underneath your back. “Here.”
He grunts, flipping the two of you over so you’re straddling his waist and he’s the one against the headboard in his tiny little bed. His baseball cap falls off in the scuffle, leaving the strands of his blonde hair loose. 
“’S that better?” he asks. 
It’s not actually, because this feels a hell of a lot more compromising than it had a second before. 
“Ya just gotta push against the headboard like this,”—he takes your hands in his, guiding them up over his shoulders to grip the wooden bed frame, pressing them back until it knocks into the wall—“see?”
“Okay,” you murmur, still a little dazed from the sudden role reversal, repeating the motion. 
You go slower than he had as you get the hang of it, distracted by how close his face is to yours. How you can feel his breath against your mouth. 
It smells like spearmint gum and cheap beer. 
You lick your lips. 
“This more the pace you like?” Atsumu asks, smiling crookedly as he remarks on the tempo you’ve set, his hands settling on your waist. 
“Watch your hands,” you snap quietly, and his touch retreats as you stretch back as far as you can from him without losing your grip on the headboard. 
“You’re still bein’ pretty quiet,” Atsumu comments. “You really gonna make me do everything?” 
“What do you-“
“Ohhhh, fuck.”
Atsumu’s moan is so loud that it startles you, and you let go of the headboard to slap your hand over his mouth in surprise. He grunts a little as you pitch forward, your palm muffling the sound. 
“You tryin’ to win this thing or not?” he asks you pointedly once you pull your hand away. 
“Sorry,” you mutter, acutely aware of the fact you can feel the slickness of spit on your palm, “you just… surprised me.”
He hums. 
“I’d say we’ve probably sold it at this point anyway,” he says with a little sigh. “As long as we go back out there lookin’ a bit scruffy, no one’ll know.”
You chew on the inside of your mouth as you mull over his words. 
“What?” he asks, noticing your hesitation.
You swallow, reaching up and touching the side of your neck. 
“You should give me a hickey.”
Atsumu’s eyes go as wide as saucers. 
“Yer jokin’.”
You shake your head. “It’s like… incontrovertible proof right? It’s not like I could give myself one.”
His eyes search your face for any sign of deception. 
“Ya don’t seem like the type who’d let someone mark ya.”
“I’m not,” you say, suppressing a shiver as his pointer finger loops under the neckline of your t-shirt, tugging it gently to the side. “You seem like the type to leave marks, though.”
Atsumu leans forward and chuckles, his breath is warm against your throat.
“Yeah, guess I am.”
Atsumu’s mouth is hot as it descends upon your pulse point, lips closing around the skin.
“Oh,” you gasp, your hands tangling in the blonde’s hair without thinking as he sucks at the sensitive part of your neck. His own hands have settled on your waist, and this time you don’t tell him to remove them.
“Atsumu,” you whimper as his teeth scrape over the skin he’s been suckling against, making you dizzy.
“Tell me to stop,” he murmurs into your throat, his hands slipping up under the hem of your t-shirt where his fingertips meet skin.
You don’t say anything.
Atsumu flips you over, and this time there’s nothing deceptive about the way the headboard knocks into the wall. 
His hands are still up your shirt, his lips still on your neck, and your legs wrap themselves around his waist as you writhe against his bedsheets. 
“D’ya know why,”—Atsumu interrupts himself to drag his teeth along the edge of your jaw—“I was so shocked we’re in the same class?”
You shake your head minutely, your fingers twisted into the material of his hoodie over his chest. You watch his lips part in a smile, eyes fixed to that little piercing again.
“Because I’ve had a crush on ya since first year,” he murmurs, “and if I’d known ya were there, then I wouldn’t of been nappin’.”
Atsumu kisses you—finally—and you can’t help the sound that slips out of you at the feeling of his lips slotting against yours.
His mouth tastes like spearmint and beer.
His piercing presses gently into your lips as his part against yours, his tongue slipping forward to taste you too.
His hands grab at anything and everything they can reach. 
Somewhere distantly, you feel you’ve played right into his hand. You recognize that you weren’t the only one who had been scheming tonight.
On Atsumu’s floor, your discarded cellphone lights up with yet another missed message. 
(11:45PM) Proof received +250 points
(11:46PM) No idea you had it in you LOL
(12:00AM) Final ranking: 2nd place
You don’t see the texts until much, much later.
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nanamimizz · 1 year
tags: wc: 1.3k, sfw, gn reader, reader is a part of the astral express crew, jing yuan is flirtatious as fuck LMAO, no warnings, reader is a foodie, reader is referred to as sweetheart.
synopsis: you know all about different types of food and when caught looking for a certain treat, a certain general can't help but take the chance to you what you want and more.
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You came to the Xianzhou Luofu with the rest of the Astral Express - you were hesitant to leave Dan Heng, Pom-Pom, and Himeko alone but at the behest of March 7th you had joined their quest. As the events transpired you often felt a tug at your eyes and nose. Each time March 7th would be talking your ear off about new spots she wanted to visit for photos your eyes would wander on a specific sugar-glazed treat you have always wanted to try, 
Not many would know this but you were passionate about cooking, it was often you and Pom-Pom who made the meals for the rest of the crew save for Himeko’s coffee that is. You were always looking for new inspiration, new recipes from different planets to enjoy and make. It just so happens that the Xianzhou is home to the snack you’ve most wanted to try - tanghulu.
Any fruit can be used to make Tanghulu, the most trending fruit would be strawberries but grapes and mangos are popular too. But the one you want to try most is the traditional variant - red hawthorn berries. Information of the candy pours out of your mouth subconsciously, you are muttering to yourself so much so that March 7th just giggles behind her hand as a gold eye watches you from behind - lazy in its amusement and keen in its desire.
“I never would have assumed that the Nameless had such culinary knowledge of the cuisine of the Xianzhou Luofu.”
You freeze, and something like dread pools in your stomach.
Turning your head you see the smiling general - the most legendary of warriors this ship has to offer in its long legacy and the most important man on the ship. General Jing Yuan stands before you in the flesh. While you had seen his visage in the form of a blue hologram now you can see the flush in his complex and the shine of his hair - General Jing Yan is incredibly handsome it is known and you can’t find any escape from the truth. He smiles at your surprised expression, laughing quietly to himself as he turns his attention to March 7th, who was still laughing at your deer-in-headlights look.
“Do you mind if I cut in? I can never stop myself from treating a guest to delicacies we of The Luofu offer when given the chance.” March 7th is quick to grin and even quicker to play matchmaker and responds with all sorts of giddiness in her voice.
“Oh be my guest General, just don’t keep them out too long! We still have work to do!” She calls as she whips out her phone, you whine as you feel a strong hand come to rest at your waist. March 7th would hesitate to tell Stelle and the others about you being whisked away by the General of all people on what she would call a date.
“I heard you muttering about tanghulu, is that what you were looking to try?” He asks you, tone light and cordial as you stutter over your words.
“Y-yes I follow a lot of content about gastronomy and I’ve seen a lot of people talk about it. It’s been a food I’ve always wanted to try.” You confess, keeping your eyes in front of you as you follow his steps, fingers fiddling with the buttons of your shirt. 
“Hm, how curious considering it’s a sweet for children, but then again it’s not the most common of foods that catch the public’s eyes is it?” He asks and you laugh, thinking about other trending foods of different planets that all come from all sorts of circumstances.
“Yes you are right in that aspect - anything can be whipped up by the fame that people attribute to food, even something as a seasonal children’s sweet.” You agree, eyes flickering to him as you laugh under your breath. The white hair general returns your smile and only tears his eyes off of you to speak to a stallman that sells tanghulu. Once again your eyes are captured by the shine of the vibrant colors of fruit and the starlight shine of sugar - the Xianzhou natives can only chuckle at your starry-eyed expression.
“Here, let me treat you to it since you have come all this way - it wouldn’t do for you to go without it.” Jing Yuan says with a smile despite the way you wave your arms, telling him he won’t have to do such a thing.
“What's the most popular fruit right now for the tanghulu?” Jing Yuan asks, blissfully ignoring your stammer as the stallman laughs at your interaction, resting an elbow on the counter and looking over his wares.
“Most young people have been asking for strawberries these days.” Jing Yuan nods and takes the appropriate amount of credits out to pay for the treat, however before the stallman takes it you enter back into the conversation.
“Um, is it okay if I ask for hawthorn instead? That’s the more traditional option right?” You ask, looking back and forth between the two men. The stallman laughs boisterously, finding more amusement in this situation than you ever will.
“General - keep your money, this one clearly knows how to eat real food,” The stallman winks at you, “I’ll throw in another one just cuz I like the way you think sweetheart.” From next to you Jing Yuan chuckles, tucking away the money, and looks at you from his taller position.
“You certainly struck a deal, didn’t you? Getting two free tanghulu is quite the steal.” He comments, crossing his arms across his chest. You look at him - you find him somehow more handsome with each passing moment, your eyes caught on the length of his lashes and the charm of his mole.
“I didn’t think that would happen, I just wanted to taste the real thing before trying anything newer.” You confess, going back to fiddling with the button of your levee and Jing Yuan hums at your answer.
“Are you the type of person that is fond of antiquities?” He asked suddenly and by the shining flush on your face, he grins broadly at your unspoken admittance. Acutely, he turns to collect the two tanghulu and hands one to you while thanking the stallman.
“How did you guess?” You mutter embarrassed and Jing Yuan chuckles at your fluster.
“Call it the intuition of an old man.” He speaks lightly but you get the feeling that he is smug in his victorious assessment. A gold eye looks at you warmly and he urges you to try the tanghulu that you stare at wantingly. You flush under the weight of his stare and go in for the first bite. He watches in utter fascination at how your face brightens, smiling at the crisp sugar and sweet sourness of the hawthorn berry. Jing Yuan was sure that if you had a tail it would wag behind you merrily.
“I take you like it?” He asks, chuckling at how you finish the first berry and are about to move on to the second before he hands you the second skewer along with a note - “Where did he find the time to write on the note?” you wonder.
“Here, give this one to your friend as an apology for taking you away from her,” he says smiling as he knows she didn’t mind, “The note contains my personal phone number. Feel free when there is any sort of Xianzhou cuisine you want to try out - traditional or popular.”
There’s a flirtatious edge to his smile as he repeats himself.
“And I really do mean anything. I have to take my leave now, I hope to see you soon.” He says confidently and makes his way in the direction of the building you and March had exited from, where the Helm Master Yukong was awaiting him. You stand there, two tanghulu in hand, the general’s number on a note, and just as you are trying to process what just happened your own phone dings. 
A message from March, pestering smug as it reads - “Soooo how did your date go?” followed by a smirking sticker.
Then it hits you, you just went on a date with the general of the Luofu, and from behind you, the stallman laughs again.
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milgram-tournament · 6 months
MILGRAM Best Song Tournament, Round 1, Match 8 TRIAGE vs. I LOVE YOU
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Propaganda for both options under the cut!
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Propaganda for TRIAGE:
3. THE LYRICS OH MY GOD I'M CRYING!!! "If the voices crying out in pain, can be saved by me Allow it to be my charge and mission"??? "I want to be INNOCENT, I want to live"??? PURE GOLD!!
3.25. OH AND DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE "extract that fang" LINE. IT'S SO GOOD!!!!
To conclude: Triage is in my top 3 Milgram songs, I love it so much!! It turned Shidou from a character I didn't care about to one of my favorites!!!!!
-The scene with Shidou and his family… yeah don’t talk to me I’m so emo about it.
-The arc Shidou goes through during the song?? It starts with “why did you vote me innocent I don’t deserve it” to “I’m going to do my best with what you’ve given me.” Is really cool and I don’t think it’s talked about enough!!
-The final “I want to live!” Enough said. Shidou’s voice in general just fits this song really well.
-It gives a really good motive for Shidou, and helps you feel sorry for him. (Easiest inno vote of my life!)
Propaganda for I LOVE YOU:
mappi’s spitting bars 🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️
ok but i, as the iloveyoucountdown person before it released, waited 89 days for ily and SHE DID NOT DISAPPOINT‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥 go vote ily now bc its peak music
the acoustic section where it just feels so raw and emotional it's crazy also we love to see mappi/miho okasaki rapping again and good lord mahiru delivered hadauwd, like you think about it a lot? like "Ishokujuu plus ai Miss you Raishuu aemasuka no Cadence Yurusarenai ikigai mou iki mo dekinai" it's also so catchy just "Dai- dai- dai- datte suki suki! Dai- dai- dai- datte daisuki."
it's such a quick song but it delivers and it DELIVERS WELL there's so much in the instrumental you can also miss, like sirens and such! again guitar section it's crazy!! i didn't even touch on the visuals, like the visuals are absolutely amazing and really touch on the toxic cycle of mahiru's relationship for example, the carousel turning into a forest! and also they were still able to implement some of tihtbilwy in the beginning of the song! we got to see mahiru's boyfriend as well!! additionally, RATS AND CAKE. HOLY SHIT we all know the absolute shock that appeared on everyone's faces the second that cake turned into a rat (to be honest, I was absolutely sick with shock for the rest of the day) It's really amazing as a song and MV, plus it did help give some more information on Mahiru!
miho okasaki's vocals are so powerful. it sounds like mahiru is screaming because of not being forgiven and because of what happened to her boyfriend and because "she can't just do it right".
THE LYRICS ARE SO. "clothes food shelter + love and miss you"?? "my lethal weapon is how to be in love with you"?? "kiss goodbye to this feeling cuz it's too heavy"?? again, the "why can't i just do it right" line?? SO GOOD.
i've heard the i love you chorus once and now it's in my head forever. i wake up, i sing the i love you chorus. i go to sleep, i sing the i love you chorus.
the lyrics are so sad when you start thinking about them more. "saying i love you but doing what i did, i know i have no right, crossed and covered in sin"?? please, don't you want to give mappi a hug. please she deserves it. she needs it
the "DIE-suki" pun.
the mv is so. i can talk about it for hours. it literally starts with showing us what happened to her bf. i've watched it live, i knew about this part and i still was shocked. mahiru's boyfriend is dead. mahiru is also rapping. also, the lyrics. this scene is terrifying to me and i mean it in the best way possible.
the cake symbolism. mahiru refusing to accept her reality and the true nature of her relationship with her bf and still seeing everything around her as cute and soft and pink. her feeling guilty and not knowing how to express love properly and still choosing to continue to love in this way. i don't know, something about it is so.. it's so sad and so realistic and so heartbreaking
i love how we can say so much about her relationship with her boyfriend based on mv and the lyrics. this is more of a theory and i probably shouldn't talk about it but i like the fact that mappi and her bf's relationship wasn't just abusive or one-sided love or anything like that. it's like they loved each other, they just.. didn't know how to show it or express it in a healthy way (or maybe mahiru's bf did know, but he was okay with going through all of this for her). like this scene when they're both riding the carousel and looking happy at first and even when both of them look like a mess, mahiru's face expression is still pretty much the same while her boyfriend looks much more tired, but he's still smiling. something about that part breaks me.
the instrumental is so fun and chaotic and creepy please listen to it. all milgram instrumentals are great but ily instrumental is definitely one of my fav ones.
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sidestepping · 3 months
(Splinters) Happy Birthday, Mr. President
Disclaimer: everything is Malin Rydén's of course, especially since I'm stealing Ortega for this one, and really leaning into the asshole part of their brain (if they have one. We're still not sure) Context: It almost being my birthday made me think about Ortega's birthday; Ortega's birthday made me think of villain reveals; villain reveals reminded me Una and Ortega haven't shouted at each other in too long; poured my soul into this, didn't come out unscathed, this is a WARZONE. What to expect: Ortega's turning 40!! Let's celebrate :)
2022. (Ricardo)
It’s not that I’m waiting, really. Why would I be waiting? She promised nothing. I’m having fun. Look at me. Look at me, shining. I’m having fun. The beer is good, the champagne’s better, and the cocktails were created in my name. You know why? Because it’s my day. It’s my day, and I’m having fun.
“The beginning of the rest of your life!” Daniel laughs, buzzed, clapping me on the shoulder, his smile resplendent in its creaselessness.
God. I knock on the bar.
“Can I get another round?” I throw to the barman, who spills gin into shot glasses at the speed of light.
At least there’s that: they didn’t spare any expense, not for me, not for Charge. Charge, this monument. The roguish hero of yore. The declining hero of now. Keep a monument around long enough and it starts to erode and mold. Maybe they splurged because they expect me to drop dead before the next decade hits. They’d be right to hope, but they’ll be wrong in the end. For my fiftieth, I’ll ask for the mayor to pop out of a giant cake. I’ll ask for a gold statue of myself in the nude, with eyes of brown diamonds. I’ll ask for a generator so insane it’ll send me into space. Hedge your bets and start saving, assholes.
For now, I get everyone who’s anyone in Los Diablos, and the newly reminted Heritage museum all for me myself and I, sparkly and new after two years of rebuilding. A little like life, huh? Sparkly and new, after two years of rebuilding. Crystal chandeliers, gilded moldings, sculpted handrails, camouflaging the bomb-cracks left underneath.
All that’s left to see now is whether the bomb-cracks have unsettled the structure long-term.
Gingerly, absently, I touch the smooth scar on my lip. Can’t even feel it anymore, really: with time, it’s sunk into older skin, a little paler, but unraised. Just an adornment. Gilded moldings.
“Not for me,” Chen says when I hold out a shot glass. “Moore’s not coming?”
Fine. Then I’ll drink both.
“Don’t know. You know how she is.”
“It’s your birthday,” he says, raising an eyebrow judgemental enough that Daniel cringes from second-hand anxiety.
“I saw her yesterday, and she definitely knew about it,” he tries to help, and fails.
“Of course she knows,” I roll my eyes, downing a glass. “I haven’t been subtle.”
“Are you ever?” Argent snorts. She’s eating what appears to be a third slice of the cake that was rolled out an hour ago, glittering with magic candles and out of which the mayor definitely did not pop, despite her wearing a ridiculous feathered-collar suit that she simply can’t pull off. Continued here.
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fang-and-feather · 9 months
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Ikemen Vampire - Leonardo x Reader
Visions of Temptation, Day 1 Prompt: Cowgirl Position
Challenge hosted by @xxsycamore
yeah, this was for yesterday, but I'm still a little out of shape with writing smut
Kinktober Masterlist / IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist / AO3 Link
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You should be mad. It wasn’t the first time the disaster that was Leonardo’s room had caused an accident. He could at least organize things a little for your sake..
This time, at least, he was close to save you from an actual disaster, the two of you losing balance and tumbling down on the bed, you on top of him.
And that was why you found it hard to be mad at him. Not with the way he looked up at you, eyes of molten gold shining with both love and lust.
It was hard for you to be mad when looked at with such desire and adoration, and there was something about having him like this, underneath you, just waiting for you to make a move rather than acting on what he wanted and dragging you along like he always did, that made your heart race and your whole body heat up.
You had always wanted to take charge at least once and you had no doubt Leonardo would let you but, after the first few times he flipped things around, you were afraid that, if you asked, he would agree to it for you, no matter if he would enjoy it or not. You wanted to try new things because both of you wanted to, not because one of you was sacrificing their own desires for the other.
Though, wasn’t you holding back a form of sacrifice as well? Were you approaching this the wrong way? And maybe you were just too accustomed to past relationships being simple, other people would even say boring, although you would never apply such a label to a relationship with someone you had loved.
Leonardo touched your cheek, making you focus back on him and his sexy smile.
“If I didn’t know you better, cara mia, I would say you wanted me in this position the whole time, with how much you seem unwilling to get up.”
You didn’t know if you were blushing, or the heat in your face was just the heat from the rest of your body spreading. What you knew was that you couldn’t take it back anymore. Your body ached for him and every look and word from Leonardo only tempted you further.
You pushed yourself to a sitting position, tracing a finger from his collarbones down his chest, stopping at the first closed button of his shirt.
“Oh, it was really an accident,” you grinned at him, toying with the button, “but a very convenient one, don’t you think?” You opened the button, then traced the same path back up his body lightly with the tip of your nail. Leonardo visibly gulped,  tipping his head back when you reached his neck.
“What do you plan to do to me now, amore?” He asked, with a hint of laughter in his voice.
“I’d rather just show you.”
Not that you knew, anyway, you were just following the inspiration of your desire. And even if you did, you wouldn’t tell him. Leonardo was always surprising you or dragging you along with his own plans without telling you a thing.
You followed the same path your finger made with open-mouthed kisses, occasionally sucking the skin, determined to get a reaction from him.
It never bothered you that Leonardo wasn’t very vocal, you were satisfied with physical reactions and occasional praise. This time, though, it was frustrating. Was it because of the switched positions?
You moved to the side of his neck, at first with more kisses, but when you gave him a tentative bite, that drew a low groan from him.
“You like that, don’t you?” You bit him again, a little higher.
“I like anything when you’re bold like this.”
“Anything?” You pulled back, looking him in the eyes.
“You don’t need yo hold back from me, cara mia. I’m yours to do as you please.”
One look deep into his eyes and you know he means what he says, and that steels your resolve. Leonardo wasn’t the only one who could read you beyond words. Your relationship was pretty new, but you knew him enough to know when he was lying or forcing himself for your sake.
You reached for his shirt again, carefully undoing one more button.
“I wonder for how long you can hold yourself to that.”
You both chuckled and Leonardo finally reached for you, starting to unbutton your clothes.
“I will behave tonight. But I am a wolf. I can’t always resist how delicious you look.”
Leonardo pulled you into a kiss while he finished removing your clothes. You let him do as he pleased at first, his hand roaming your body, leaving your body burning outside as it already was inside. But when he cupped your breasts, you pulled away, before he started taking full control.
“I thought you said you would behave.”
“Sorry, but you never said I couldn’t touch you.”
“Touching, not teasing. But now I’d rather do the touching.” You replied, rolling one of his nipples between your fingers.
You bent down, licking the other, then sucking at it, letting your teeth gently drag over the sensitive skin. That drew more low sounds from him.
“You don’t need to hold back either. Let me hear you. You like it when I’m a little rough, don’t you?”
“Where did you learn to be this wicked, cara mia?” He groaned when you bit him again.
“I’m just imitating you, amore mio.”
You trailed kisses further down his body, leaving red marks. You bit down on the side of his hips while you worked to open his pants.
These clothes were discarded quickly, drawing a relieved groan from Leonardo as you finally released his hard cock from its prison.
You stayed there for a moment, watching it, contemplating your next move. You were tempted to tease until he completely lost himself, but you wondered which one of you would break first. What you truly wanted was him inside you, fucking you so hard you would have a hard time getting up the next day.
So you settled for a happy medium, crawling back up his body, aligning yourself with him, hands on his chest for support, and slowly taking him into you.
You still loved the sensation of that first stretch. The slow joining of your bodies. But this time, going slowly was more of a torment.
You had intended to sit there for a moment, watch his reactions, tease him a little, but as soon as he was all the way inside, you lost all your composure.
With a low moan of his name, you moved, trying to find a comfortable rhythm. You don’t complain when Leonardo holds your hips, guiding you to rock into him, in a way that also gives some friction to your clit.
He releases you as you get into a rhythm, and you speed up your movements.
“That’s it, cara mia,” Leonardo said in a husky voice. “Embrace your desires. Lose yourself into the pleasure. Take as much as you want from me.”
Leonardo touched you again, from your hips up, teasing all your sensitive spots. Your pleasure was already building fast without this. It peaked sooner than you expected. Your mind almost blanks as the tension in your lower body is released.
You slow your movements, still riding him to prolong your orgasm, your juices aiding your movements.
When the aftereffect was over, you took a deep breath and started building a rhythm again, despite how weak your legs felt.
Leonardo was more openly responding to the pleasure, now that he probably was close to his own release. It didn’t take long for him to grip of hips, holding you in place as he came inside you.
He must have noticed your limbs were tiring, because one of his hands left your hip, moving to tease your clit. You sat on his lap, letting him work you to another orgasm.
You collapsed against him, and Leonardo hugged you, caressing your hair.
“Rest now, cara mia. You did so well.”
“Good.” You muttered, snuggling into him. “Next time I won’t go this easy on you, or tire this fast.”
“As long as you’re not forcing yourself, I can take anything. I love you, principessa.”
“Love you too, Leonardo.”
And every time you loved him more. With him being so welcoming, you were more confident in bringing up new ideas and discovering even more about each other.
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I will be starting a tag list. If you want to be tagged on future writings, you can reply to this post or send me a message
Kinktober Masterlist / IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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roominthecastle · 4 months
so....... RA 301, "Lone Wolf"
high points:
• the two Greys (a middle manager and a trainee acc. to the end credits lmao) tackling human abduction logistics - "Well, you got the 'leave him inside the house' part right." LOL I'm currently in my UFO/UAP phase again, so this little moment (along w/ that hangar full of retrieved alien spacecrafts) was a treat. This whole abduction storyline continues to simultaneously creep me out and delight me to no end. It's an odd but good feeling, and I'm excited to see how it plays out. FINALLY they made me interested in Ben & Kate again -- already one major improvement over last season.
• Alan Tudyk. In a suit. Thank you.
• the interactions btw Sheriff Mike & Deputy Liv retain their golden status. I just love them.
Mike: Look, there goes a damn government drone watching us right now. Liv: I think that's just some mustard on the window. Mike: That's what they want you to think. You gotta trust no one, Deputy. Head on a swivel. You ain't never really safe until you learn to look behind yourself. Go ahead, watch your back. Go ahead. Do it.
• Kevin and her lil' kitty towel awww
• "I had to stop because of you. I will always have to stop because of you." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is the stuff I'm here for. It reminded me of Hannibal: Tell me, Clarice. Would you ever say to me, "Stop? If you love me, you'd stop"?
The feelings, guys... the feelings I have are MANY and STRONG
In general, Harry's characterization continues to frustrate me. We get a reminder how "going it alone" is hard-wired into his DNA. Even the two Greys are a brief counterpoint to this, presented as a team, supporting each other. But Harry still has to keep re-learning -- or more like re-realizing -- the basic tenet that confiding in Asta is the way to go, and we're already in S3. It just feels needlessly repetitive at this point. And hand-waving his behavior w/ "oh he just has the amorality of a child" is so... thin, such a basic cop-out. I know that emotional maturation is built on a long series of missteps, many repeated ones, but please let some stuff stick already so it can be built upon and keep things fresh. We have seen just how much development Harry's capable of in the character of Goliath. He is the best (a future) version of Harry and I'd really like to see him start moving in that direction now instead of coloring over the same lines ad nauseam.
That being said, the glorious clusterfck that is his relationship with Asta remains to be so fascinating. His alien core keeps crashing against his feelings for her and amidst all my frustration these moments somehow keep hitting the right sweeeet twisted spot for me????? I mean, apparently, he violated the Galactic Federation Charter 3 times already - for her. He def betrayed his own species - for her. First he was willing to save Earth - for her, now he would let the whole planet burn - for her. He then contemplates killing her to stop the fracture of his very being only to screech to a halt by her bed -- all of which is just...... WOW. He is so torn and confused yet so viscerally attached to her. He first calls her his kryptonite, then his Lois Lane. His core instinct is to protect her now and then try to fumble his way back to his mission, which is a complete 180 to how he behaved originally. So we def have development, I just wish they stopped trying to drown this precious nuance in a caricature. We have gold here, writers, let it shine.
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Lucid Dreams and Ceasless Nightmares….
Coming up with some forms/designs for Dream and Nightmare because fun >:3
Still pretty early on and workshopping these bit by bit, but I’m enjoying the ride. Sharing these now since I’m gonna have to rest my arm this week, my RSI flared up again pretty badly. Blegh! Anyway I’m gonna ramble about my ideas under the cut, maybe share a few concepts.
Dream and Nightmare belong to Jokublog
But these designs are mine, hee hoo
So yeah, going with “Lucid Dream” for our dude on the left. Lol. It started out as a pun, but the definition actually ended up working so nicely with my ideas; suffused with light, luminous, transluscent… plus the pun. Yep. Had to use it lol. I’ve been having fun painting some crystalline stuff related to these boys’ SOULs, may be considering making Lucid Dream’s outfit liquid-like, as if it was a high shine satin silk, or super-organza. Ok, if you’re wondering wtf any of that means, look up the Armani Privé Coture line from Fall 2021. The fabrics there are INSANEEEEE.
Anyway, hopefully it’s easy to tell from the visuals that this is more akin to a swap!Dream (tho i really dont know much about them aaa) than a corrupted/shattered variant. I’m a big fan of angel wings and all, I’ll slap em on most any chance I get, but honestly if Nightmare is a semi-eldritch horror, then why not Dream as well? Lol
Lucid is main-universe Dream, in that post-Underverse idea i have stewing in my noggin. He ends up in posession of a few extra golden apples through accidental timeline bullshittery. His hand is forced by Nightmare, and to protect his friends and re-balance the multiverse, he consumes them and assumes this form. His body takes it pretty hard, skull splitting completely on the left side from an old wound, and beginning to crack on the right. Everything weeps a liquid gold ooze. His cape-ribbons tear/transform into two smaller tendrils, while a larger set of four burst from his soul out the back and destroy the sun patch. Ouch.
In the midst of this brutal fight with Nightmare, he’s fighting to control the overwhelming nature of his new power, as it fights to take him over. While he generally remains—ha—lucid, he has moments where his control slips away, and a primal, ancient desire to fill the universe with light overtakes him. Somethin’ like that. Still kinda vague on the details. Less happy-crazy or full on stoic-coldness, and more like incomprehensible god energy lol. A little chaotic. Mainly tho, he remains Dream, just desperately trying to save his home and his friends and maybe his brother, if he can hang on long enough.
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Here’s some expressions, notably the goopy eyes and phasing in and out of madness. :Db
Noot’s design isn’t a power-up, moreso a redesign for funsies. I wanted to give him something intimidating and regal, play around with how everything is made of goop, and off of Dream’s design elements too. It’s pretty messy atm, still trying to balance things. Here’s a few sketches of that :>
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Hey if u got to the bottom I love you, have a slice of cake. It’s apple cake lol
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dellalyra · 1 year
Family Formations - Wreckage
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A/N: this wasn’t requested by i was listening to i bet on losing dogs and this popped into my head and since I’ve been in such a writing funk i decided it had to happen also it’s sad I’m sorry
CW: angst, mentions of violence, grief, mentions of death, also somehow soft like rly soft
Summary: a very short Drabble - inspired by I Bet On Losing Dogs - Mitski. Megumi and Y/N centric.
My baby, my baby,
You’re my baby, say it to me
This wasn’t your room; this wasn’t your home. This wasn’t your blanket.
No hint of sandalwood cologne tinting the air.
No smell of tea tree shampoo.
No smell of baby powder.
To you everything smells of copper, of iron, of grief, of ash, of smoke, of destruction.
Your lifelines scattered between this life and the next – limbs and eyes and loves just gone like dandelion tufts in a breeze.
You lay on this bed. These sheets. These pillows. You absentmindedly admire the pretty blue colour of them. Whoever lived here had nice taste – he would like these sheets. He likes blue.
He used to say his favourite colour was gold.
You’re gold to me, whispered into your ear.
You sit against the headboard – staring at the wall.
The door creaks open.
The shock of raven spikes are still visible in the darkness of the room. He shuts the door behind him. He doesn’t say anything - doesn’t need to.
Just crawls onto the bed beside you, and lays his head in your lap.
I bet on losing dogs
I know they're losing and I'll pay for my place
By the ring
He seems so small now – he looks like your little boy. Almost a whole foot taller than you at 16 and steadily growing, much broader and stronger. Sometimes, you think it’s funny how much he resembles him. Just, inverted. Dark hair instead of white (his father’s) but the height, the build, the slender hands. You forget he’s not biologically you and his.
His head in your lap, your hand moving to his hair, carding through it like you did for nightmares of boogeymonsters and creatures in the closet what seems like centuries ago. No more nightmares now. Just reality and boogeymonsters and creatures in your best friend.
He lets out a sigh. He doesn’t want to talk, he just needs you. You’re glad, you don’t know if you have the words. Do the words even exist?
The door creaks open again. A glimmer of soft pink in the darkness, it turns to move away and leave.
“Sit”, you whisper softly.
The figure – so many healing wounds turning to scars now. They shine in the faint trace of moonlight.
He goes to the side of your son, and lays behind him, wrapping his arms around the boy's waist, nuzzling his pink head into the nape of black hair.
You think of Geto.
The heartbreak he would feel at another young generation of sorcerers, the embodiment of the hope you all held – torn apart, obliterated, traumatised. Would the world have been different if you and Satoru had followed him that day? Would lives have been saved? Or would you have lost everyone?
In this reality; you have your boy and his love – curled beside you in the cocoon of warmth and safety you blanket them with. Nails lightly running over the scalp of the head in your lap, he loves that too – just like Satoru.
A baby is out there too. All white hair and eyes like his father. Safe, in your mothers arms. You don’t know where, you can’t know.
This gives you solace.
They are your lifeboats.
Because your ship that kept you afloat has sank, trapped and drowning. Not in an ocean but a god damn fucking box.
You don’t know who will get to shore. You’ll save all that you can. You’re scared of losing, of losing everyone. You’re not weak, you’re a beacon of power and strength – the embodiment of earth’s power and your love could cause earthquakes that shake to the earth's core. But somehow, you feel halved. You are whole, but not complete.
How can you be whole without half of your soul? When that half of your soul lost in a void? When you can’t feel that half of your soul since he was taken from you and trapped in a god damn box.
You and him are meant to be the strongest.
You almost laugh at the thought.
Where I'll be looking in their eyes when they're down
I'll be there on their side
I'm losing by their side
No. No. No.
You can’t falter. You can’t crumble. You will not concede.
This boy, his boy, your baby, your love – you will not lose. You will destroy the world but never let a flame touch them – you will get them all home; you’ll raise your ship from the depths of the void in which he is trapped - you will keep them all safe.
My baby, my baby,
You’re my baby, say it to me
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storiedhistories · 2 years
I hope you are having a good week so far! Thank you for making the RPC a better place with your presence and your creativity.
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This was unexpected and very appreciated! Thank you, Nonnie! I needed this today. <3
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gloryhrs · 1 year
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⟡ 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋! ━━ 「 Shūhei Hisagi. 」
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poet!male reader. ʚɞ req @acoustickitten ʚɞ short :(
˚୨୧⋆。˚ IF Shūhei Hisagi was asked to describe you in a few words then the first three would be alluring, well-spoken, and peaceful.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ WHEN he first met you he was shocked by your angelic and breathtaking appearance. It was as if the angels above took their time carving and creating your appearance. (Poor Shūhei couldn’t keep his eyes off you to save his life.)
˚୨୧⋆。˚ HE often calls you darling, angel, and sweetheart to the point of him barley using your name in general <3.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ LOVES physical touch (lowkey touch starved). He always has to have his hands on you, no matter the situation.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ HE loves everything about you, your clam personality, the love you have for nature and especially your poetry.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ HE absolutely adores your poetry, Everytime you wrote something new he would practically beg you to read it to him when it’s time for bed.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ HE constantly takes you out on lil dates around the Seireitei whilst having his hand intertwined with yours and your book in the other one.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ THE way the beautiful words rolled off your tongue made him fall into a trance. He could listen to you talk for hours and hours without getting annoyed.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ CURIOSITY once got the best of him and he went through your book, which lead to his love for you increasing after finding the sketches and doodles of him sleeping, smiling, etc.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ HE’S your #1 fan fr! no one could ever take his place when it came to praising you and your work.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ SHŪHEI sighed in relief once he felt warm hands run through his hair, your fingernails scratching his scalp made him melt even more. You both currently sat under the tree as the sun continued to shine past the open spaces in the tree, since it was becoming extremely hot at the Seireitei he took you out to your favorite spot. The wind blew past your hair as the gold jewelry made a soft chiming sound, Shūhei listened to your silky voice that read another poem from the book. "Ah, that seemed to be the last page I wrote, sorry Shū." You closed the book and placed it down next to you.
Shūhei hummed softly before getting up from your lap to cradle your face in his hands. God, you’re so handsome. The way your gorgeous ( e / c ) eyes stared back into his caused his cheeks to warm up slightly, he still had a hard time believing he was worthy of you. "I’m so in love with you. I don’t what I would do without you." He closed the space between you and him to kiss those delicate lips of yours. "I love you as well, Shū. Please don’t change yourself for anyone." Your finger traced over the 69 marking on his face. He was truly a blessed individual to be gifted an angel like you.
© gloryhrs, 040523. // notes and reblogs are appreciated! (≧∇≦) /
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smashwolfen · 2 months
hello i am so in awe that you have collected all the pokémon games (i finished my collection of 3ds ones a bit ago but i considered a lot of the other ones out of reach) and i was wondering how long it took? i know especially the older remakes are insane to get so i’m super curious
(This got incredibly long i'm so sorry for the wall of text my guy)
In relation to this post
Hello there! :D
Believe me, I still can't believe it myself that I managed to pull it off considering who I had to get ahold of! Been happy dancing to myself ever since I got the last game~
God it feels like it was longer ago honestly, but I only really began trying to finish the Pokemon collection just a year ago! Had to check back in my DMs with my buddy, but the day I began to seriously search for the rest of the authentic generations was May 5th 2023, the day I discovered my copy of Platinum was a repoduction, ya watch ONE video regarding reals vs. fakes and it all went down from there when I looked over the ones I owned already, luckily Platinum was the only one who was fake ;w;
I had passively over the years been picking up games as I went, but from that day last year til recently I looked where I could for the games I was missing, to be fair I had about half the collection to begin with just from growing up and finding ones out and about, I only needed to find the pair of whatever I owned already, besides gen 5.... since I somehow never played gen 5 growing up. Funny enough I didn't have to look too far, every single game I found had all been local! Facebook marketplace saved me big time I just had to wait and compare prices til I was happy with what I was willing to pay for! I scrutinized every single copy I got my hands on and triple checked everything before I was satisfied XD
The 3DS titles were very easy to get thankfully, and the same goes for you too good on ya for getting your 3DS ones! Hardest for sure were gens 3-5, specifically ALL of gen 5 they are the WORST to get since no one wants to sell them and they're required to be able to move anyone forward to the 3DS and then to the Switch! I think It'd be easier to list who I owned and who I hunted for in the year of the search.
So I owned:
Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Leafgreen, Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, X, Alpha Sapphire, Moon, UltraSun, Sword, Violet and Arceus (some I had gotten as gifts growing up and others I had gotten through yardsaling and thrifting by chance as I grew up, Emerald was 70 at a yardsale!)
The ones I got from the year of the hunt:
Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, Platinum, Heartgold, SoulSilver, Black, White, Black 2, White 2, Y, Omega Ruby, Sun, UltraMoon, Shield, Lets Go Pikachu, Lets Go Eevee (I DID own Eevee before but traded it in before the hunt) Scarlet, Brilliant Diamond, and Shining Pearl.
Now knowing who I had to get, we all know it costs a pretty penny, so I essentially sold things myself to fund the hunt, like my amiibos I didn't really need or want, a handful of random collectable things I picked up and kept over the years (notably a masterchief helmet from the legendary collection I got for free like 10 years ago lol) and some odds and ends I didn't need anymore and to declutter the home! I think out of my own pocket I only paid maybe 40 bucks total so I paid for everyone that way! It was all mostly luck finding everyone and keeping an eye on marketplace, and some of them I had gotten from folks I knew! Black and Black 2 actually came from one of my managers at work who sold them to me for insanely cheap, and Sapphire I got for free as I mentioned in the games post XD
If you do try to go for the complete collection, I say have a gameplan for how to pay and build that piggybank of funds, go for what you can afford! So if you see a game without a case thats usually better, you dont NEED a case or have a game CIB really, a bunch of mine dont have a case or box and I'm alright with that! Look locally at second hand stores, vintage ones, marketplace or any other local yardsale or fleamarket type thing you may have in your area, and I say this with caution, but if you HAVE to, you can consider ebay, but I strongly suggest not to when it comes to the games. I had originally tried to get a Brilliant Diamond copy from there and well, dude never sent it at all and got my money (ebay fully refunded me but that still bites). And finally get well versed in learning how to authenticate to the best of your abilities, 3DS and switch I don't think can be faked but everything else can be! I used this as my guide to figure out who was real and fake in my search and it worked very very well! Twas my bible of knowledge
End of the day it didn't take as long as one would think, but luck played a HUGE roll in this endeavor, I was smart with my money, and I was very very VERY stubborn and wanted them all XD
If you go for the complete collection like I did then I wish you the best of luck my friend! And thank you very much for the ask! It kinda got away from me while typing but yeah thats the story and process of how I got all the main series titles!
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89 Days Until Tears of the Kingdom Release. The Trailer Breakdown is here. Sorry Tumblr killed the image quality. This is Part Two, Part One is HERE.
Same Warning Applies: This will be obscenely long. I have spent hours of my life on this and I even went around Hyrule in BOTW to double check things. I have also watched only one reaction/analysis video (Limcube) whose ideas I reference a few times but the rest is all me. Now, I know many of the oddities and differences could easily be explained by saying we time travel into the past but I’m going to approach this for the most part as if we are not time traveling because it's more fun this way. Also, the colors refer to the corresponding arrows/circles on the image above it.
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General thoughts: Another picture of a cube man because you can bet your life savings that I’m gonna try and run up this thing's arm. I wanna climb on top of it and recreate some anime scenes. Can’t wait to scuttle up its arms like a particularly annoying mouse and stand on its shoulders going hehe can’t hit me now can you? Can y’all tell I’m hyped for this fucking game. Also, watching Link backflip frame by frame was super cool. Pink: What kind of rusty ass sword are you using Link? Unless it's just crudely made.
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General thoughts: So I’ve seen people argue for Demise and others argue for Twilight Princess Ganondorf. Admittedly, that big hole in his chest reminds me of the way TP Link stabs Ganon in the chest at the end of the game. However, I’m of the opinion that this is probably Ganondorf but one that is far closer to being Demise. Ordering his servants to wipe everyone out is big Demise vibes.
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General thoughts: The cracked Hyrule crest right in front of the malice consumed castle is kinda a dick move Nintendo. Great shot but a dick move. Hyrule is suffering.
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General thoughts: Someone should edit this part with Ganondorf screaming. He’s doing a screech pose or maybe an evil laughter pose. Or maybe an ow my back pose. Whatever, everything is crumbling.
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General thoughts: Jumpscare. Seriously, this part was still super creepy even going frame by frame. The eyes look the same as those Calamity eyes which you shot with arrows in BOTW. Maybe Ganondorf’s body is being possessed.
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General thoughts: Wow we sure are high up. It’s like looking out an airplane window. Words: Zelda says “But Link, I’m not sure you’ll be able to stop him.”  This line really makes me think that we will be dealing with a Ganondorf that’s closer to Demise’s power level. I’m hoping for a tough and epic final fight then. Nintendo, you are basically promising us a harder game so I hope you deliver.
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General thoughts: We are over death mountain and man what a view Blue: That cube is freaking taunting me. It’s in so many frames. I wonder if we can climb the outside of it. Red: This really long multi piece vertical island thing is even weirder than the cube. It’s the weirdest island by far in my opinion. Just had a thought about ragdoll physics and hitting every piece on the way down, ouch. Green: Neat that you can see the tower shine from way up here.
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General thoughts: And the epic music hits here as Link free falls. The islands in the back sure have some interesting shapes (I literally cannot stop mentioning the islands. I really wanna explore.) Green: Taking the chance to mention these glowing green cylinders. I know we’ve seen them already but what the hell are they for? Also why are the bottom four empty and shorter than the top ones? Are we gonna have to collect eight things or are the top four like charges of power that replenish over time after we use them?  Pink: I can’t thank Nintendo enough for the cool hood with gold buttons. Stylish.
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General thoughts: Closer look at Link makes me realize that this new outfit is very much a combination of the Champion’s Tunic and the Hylian Tunic. It looks really good.
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Red: These threads? ropes? descending from islands. What the heck are they? Are they purely visual or can we climb them or do they serve some other purpose? Maybe they are tying the island to the ground so it doesn’t float away. In that case, can you imagine an island where if the wind blows the ground moves? I mean the Twilight Princess area in the sky had gusts of wind that tried to push you off so maybe Nintendo will re-use that.
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Pink: I saw this area and got so excited on call with a friend, lol. I was like I KNOW THIS PLACE as if TOTK isn’t reusing parts of the BOTW map. Yeah, it’s the area near the road to Hateno but on the opposite side of the river, Cliffs of Quince.
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Note: I climbed around the Pillars of Levia and Dueling Peaks to compare the area from far away. Then I walked around the Cliffs of Quince (and accidentally triggered a talus fight) and nearby just to do more comparisons.  Pink: Hateno Tower should be here but it is, like the others, missing. Green: The new tower thing is not in the same place which means we shouldn’t expect them to be one to one. Blue: This is probably a malice pool but it looks like it’s sinking into the ground. Limcube mentioned that it might be a hole in the ground which you would use to travel to an underground section which is an interesting idea. Would that mean you could enter Death Mountain and go to the center? Anyway, this is, as far as I can tell, on top of Meda Mountain. Yellow: You can just barely make out Dueling Peaks stable. Nice to see the stable system still up and running… probably Red: To me it looks as if the broken guardians in Hateno field are gone. Maybe Zelda and Link had them cleared away in the aftermath of BOTW which would be understandable considering he died there and it’s a potentially dangerous area for wandering travelers. Another option is that Ganon resurrected them to be fully functioning guardian stalkers or brand new guardian enemies but that’s a worse case scenario.
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General thoughts: The symbols. Who put them there and what are they for? Every time I see them I’m seized with a burning desire to know. I’m suspecting Zonai involvement. At the very least, they do make for a pretty sight. Blue: Towers but they aren’t glowing. Does that mean these are already activated towers? Green: New enemy camp sitting in water. Looks like they stacked three skulls on top of each other which props to the monsters for that feat. Red: The cube continues to haunt me.
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Blue: First thing I noticed was the glowing hand. Link’s new hand seems to only glow when he’s using his new powers. So is this new tracker arrow part of the new powers? I’m struggling to see how it fits together exactly. Do you need to use the new arrow type plus the hand’s power in conjunction? Can you use the hand’s power on other types of arrows? Red: Looks like a cave entrance. I mean it’s practically confirmed at this point that we get to explore both the skies and beneath the ground. Sadly, I think this might rule out exploring underwater but I can still hope. Yellow: Odd rocks again I think. They really seem to be scattered across most of Hyrule.
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Note: I found this place in BOTW. Apple trees and all. It’s slightly North of Irch Plain on the map. I fought a Silver Lynel so it wouldn’t bother me while I was comparing. Red: It’s my old friend the cube. Green: The enemy camp is not there in BOTW.
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Blue: FUUUUUCK YEAAAAH SHIELD SKATEBOARDING. This is beyond cool and amazing and I can’t wait to travel the rails like this. I wonder if it's going to be like the mine cart game in Skyward Sword and whether or not you’ll need to worry about balance. Pink: Also I’m pretty sure this is Death Mountain but with less death?? I mean the lava seems to be gone which I guess makes sense with the malice but it's still an odd sight.  Green: Different odd rock from the past ones. I wonder what this is for and if we can blow it up or break it open. Red: Why’s the man standing there like that? Idk it looks a little funny since I’m so used to bokoblins and lizalfos standing on the lookout platforms, not moblins.
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Green: I’m pretty sure these are the pieces of that hovercraft we see later in the trailer. We are probably going to have to build that thing by collecting all the pieces. I wonder if we have to give them to someone to build it for us or will it just automatically assemble once we have all the parts.  Pink: Kinda rude that they put a box there. Let Link skateboard down the rails in peace.
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Red: Storm tornado. This and the cube haunt me in this trailer way too much. It’s like Vah Medoh in the sky just begging you to check it out. Yellow: The red and blue directional arrows are very interesting and tell me that we can move this mechanism horizontally and vertically. It also looks like motion controls which ugh the motion control puzzles in BOTW were not my favorite. Another interesting thing is that we are using Link’s new arm instead of a Sheikha terminal and that this big green ring kinda reminds me of one of those terminals. The comparison makes sense since Link is moving the structure behind it by manipulating the currently glowing green ring.
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General thoughts: Again we are so clearly underground. There’s even stalactites. Green: I’d bet ten bucks there is a Korok hiding under that rock. Red: What are these glowing spots? Pink: This is one hell of a luminous ore deposit. I wonder how much that spot is worth in rupees.
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General thoughts: Now this weapon is truly insane. I will be acquiring one as soon as possible because it’s like an ancient Zonai missile launcher. There is also no way that the durability system is taken away because I know that Nintendo will not let us have this forever. There has to be some sorta drawback. Either it needs fuel or it takes a long time to recharge or something. Green: Note that Link’s hand is not glowing so he isn’t using the arm’s power for this weapon. Pink: It looks like a freaking black hole. I will feel so badass with this weapon.
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Note: I went into BOTW and launched myself from high places/jumped from different heights just so I could hit the attack button while holding a Royal Claymore and compare the flip and slam down that Link does with this weapon. I broke that Claymore but it was for science. As far as I can tell it's the same animation as what's in the trailer. General thoughts: Since this is the second weapon we’ve seen with some kind of homing aspect (this thing aimed right for the talus’s weak spot) I wonder how that works. Is it related to the lock on function? I mean I know from messing around with instant flurry rushes that you can essentially set a target in BOTW so maybe it has something to do with that.
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First thoughts: HYLIA!!?? Either her or some other deity because this shot just makes me think of divinity. Second thoughts: It could be Zelda but is it BOTW Zelda or some past Princess (I’ll explain in a bit.) Obviously, the clothes seem Zonai in nature so maybe it’s someone important in the Zonai tribe. 
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General thoughts: Hmm, hand holding could mean many things. This could be similar to the Skyward Sword moment when SS Zelda and Link reunite or this could be Hylia lending her power to BOTW Link via the arm. Of course, this could be a memory that Link inherited from a past hero and this is that hero and his Zelda grasping hands and promising to work together to face Ganondorf.
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General thoughts: Link looking at his hand while he makes a fist really makes me think he could be emerging from a memory. So that’s why I think the previous shot might be from whoever used to own the hand. Black: Looks like a little gear but with a glowing green button. I like this little detail. Blue: Idk why but this island reminds me of Cara Cara Bazaar. It’s got a funky shape. I love it.
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General thoughts: Link’s arm is glowing with what looks like the spirit flames that are around the Champions in BOTW. Makes sense since the arm probably used to belong to someone long dead given that it was stuck holding Ganondorf down under the castle.
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General thoughts: First the obvious, the car wheel. I mean it’s already neat that Link can seemingly levitate Zonai tech with his arm but then we are gonna get to use these pieces to build vehicles which is even more exciting. I’m pretty sure this is replacing Magnesis though. We can lift and manipulate Zonai tech instead of metal. Pink: Brand new looking chest. It looks a lot like the other Zonai tech. Blue: There’s usually a Korok here but not this time. Red: This is one of those weird rocks but it’s in a mud pit. They really are everywhere. Green: Again malice pools (same ones as in a previous plateau shot). I wonder just how many places are gonna have malice lying around.
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General thoughts: Tractor car. This thing looks so goofy but also fun at the same time. It’s pretty obviously Zonai tech. Can’t wait to play Deja Vu and drift in Hyrule Field. Pink: This looks like the power source. I wonder if we’ll have to feed it items to fuel up like with the Sheikah motorcycle. Blue: Why is there a giant hole in this mountain structure? I tried to find anything that looked like this in BOTW but came up short.  Red: Them rocks again. Can’t wait to find out why they exist though.  Black: Another tower spotted but it isn’t glowing. I’m still of the opinion that they only glow with those spotlights before you unlock them.
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General thoughts: Not gonna lie I never expected them to give us an air balloon. It makes sense though with the varied island heights and distances. Stamina and the paraglider can only do so much and I don’t think we will have bombs for wind bombs anymore. Blue: This green stuff that’s holding the balloon together is the same stuff that appears to be holding the car together. Maybe it’s Zonai glue or something. Red: So above this is what I’ve decided to call Jenga Tower island. This bit right here is probably connected to the rest of Jenga Tower island. It makes me think of a minigame where you have to fall down the middle perfectly to land at the bottom or the bottom piece has an air current that lets you travel upwards through the middle of Jenga Tower island.
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General thoughts: There is a lot happening in this shot. First and most obvious, the glowing green hovercraft. If I didn’t think Nintendo would give us an air balloon I definitely did not expect a hovercraft. I can already tell this is gonna be my favorite vehicle even if it ends up motion controlled. Blue: The Zonai green glue is here too. Kinda reminds me of silly putty for some reason. Orange: These long rope things again. I really can’t think of a purpose for these at the moment besides what I mentioned earlier. Maybe they are just for aesthetics but that would be sorta boring. Wouldn’t it be cool if we could fireman slide down these? Pink: Goddess statue? Temple? It seems important for some reason. Red: The cube may be hiding but I see the darn thing.  Black: First the cube and now an orb. I can’t recall seeing this anywhere else in the trailer which really makes me curious about what it is. It’s pretty big.
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General thoughts: A beautiful view of the many sky islands. I cannot stress how much seeing all the floating islands visually reminds me that we are getting a new game. Yeah its the same engine as BOTW but the possible changes and alterations are tantalizing. Blue: More malice pools. Although, I do have to say they look quite different from the ones in BOTW. I think these might be more energized. I wonder if they will eat at your hearts far faster than the malice we are used to.  Red: I wonder if this large cube structure is made up of the same material as the weird rocks lying around everywhere.
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terrestrialnoob · 2 years
You Can Only Be So Creepy Before I Embarrass You
Danny Phantom x So, I'm a Spider So What?
Squeal to Danny's New Duds
Summary: Kumoko is a terrifying and creepy spider-ghost chilling in the Ghost Zone who enjoys making cosplay, being edgy, and sweets. Danny asks her for some new clothes and she's happy to fulfill his request in exchange for some cookies.
Rated: G for General Audiences
Danny floated into The Spider’s Den holding a styrofoam box. He landed in the clear space in the center of the mass of web and rock that looked exactly like the main room inside of an apartment. There was a living room section with a TV, couch, and more DVDs than it seemed possible to watch and the tastefully balanced display cases of Anime and Cartoon memorabilia. And there was a kitchen section with a full stove top but separate smaller oven, running water, and a table just big enough for three people. It shown with electric light and the display cases had spotlights on them.
“You’re here!” An excited voice cried out and a large creature with the body of a young woman attached at the waist to a giant spider’s body where its head should be. “Is that the payment for the new outfit?”
“Hey Kumoko! Yeah, this is for you, but, uh,” Danny said, but awkwardly backed up a step and rubbed the back of his neck, “It’ll be a first installment - I couldn’t get money from my parents to get any fancy cakes or anything, so I asked my sister for her chocolate chip cookie recipe, and she help me make these.”
Danny held the box out for her to take and he heard her mumbling something to herself. He looked back at her and held in a laugh because she didn’t know he could hear her talking to herself.
Her hands reached out shakily to take the box from him. “Oh my gosh! A boy made me homemade cookies! He asked his sister to help! He went through so much effort. AND They’re still warm! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!”
“Go on, take it,” Danny said and practically dropped the box in her hands, she squeaked in response.
She lifted her two front, scythe-like legs and folded them over each other to make a flat surface to set the box on. She opened it slowly and Danny could practically see the anime effects: the cookies glowing like gold treasure, the exaggerated drop of drool, the anime blush. She reached in reverently and gently lifted a cookie with her two hands, slowly raising it to her face; Danny wondered just how long she was going to drag this out. She finally took a bite that took up half the cookie. She squealed again and Danny could see the anime stars in her eyes. She quickly twirled on one back leg, miraculously keeping the box balanced on her folded front legs.
“This is so good!” She said as she started stuffing the rest of the cookie in her mouth. And then another cookie, and another and-
Danny smiled and nodded, “I’m glad you like the-”
“AH!” She screamed and slammed the box shut.
“What? Was one burnt or-”
“No-o!” She whined, “I’ve already eaten half of them! I need to save at least some of them!”
Danny chuckled as she moved to the kitchen part of her little home and put the cookies in a cupboard. Danny reassured her, “I mean, they’re not top quality like you requested, so I do owe you more of them. Quantity to make up for quality.”
She looked at him with puppy eyes, “Yes, but first! You’re new clothes!”
She went to the backroom and came out with a small pile of folded clothes. She set them on her folded legs like she had the box of cookies, and held up each item on it’s own to show it off.
“First, is the base shirt.” She held up what looked like a plain white shirt, but if you look at it from inches away, you could see some impossibly thin lines of shining silk mixed into the main cotton-texture. She moved it slowly under a spotlight and Danny saw that the shining parts formed a floral pattern, rose shaped flowers with thick leaves and vines filling the space between them.
“Woah, that's amazing!” Danny said as she handed him the shirt and he moved it under the lights himself.
“Next, is the suit vest! You’ll put this on top of the shirt and the tie.” She held up the vest. It was black with intricate silk embroidery, lace-thin green lines formed overlapping octagonal spiderwebs with random patches of green silk in simplified bat shapes. There were two silver buttons that connected perfectly into holes lined with the spiderweb pattern. The back was a separate piece of green cloth, having a single octagonal spiderweb with a bat in the center in green embroidery.
“Kumoko…” Danny stared at her
She looked at him nervously and showed Danny the sides of the vest, "I used two adjustment straps on the sides of the waist instead of one in the center of the back so it wouldn't obstruct the pattern as much."
Danny fixed her with a hard look, “You haven’t been writing vampire fanfiction about me again, have you?”
“Of course not!” She said, too quick and loud. She shoved the vest into Danny’s hands and then held up the next piece. “I’m really proud of the jacket and trousers!”
She held up the jacket and, true to her pride, it was pretty magnificent. Just like the shirt and vest, it was way more detailed than it needed to be. It was black with colored silk embroidery that turned black halfway up the torso and sleeves, going from obviously visible to almost invisible. The pattern was interesting, starting as beautiful green grass and red rose-like flowers at the bottom, losing the red and turning into pure green leafy vines that transformed into black spiderwebs with little half-green bats that faded into full black around the shoulders. The pants matched the pattern, red and green at the bottom, black and green in the middle, then black at the top, roses, webs, and bats. The inside lining of the jacket was almost inverse of the outside. A green base fabric with thin black, lace-like embroidery of spiderwebs with roses and bats caught in them.
“Really going with the creepy factor on these, huh?” Danny commented and Kumoko mimicked his habit of rubbing the back of his neck to avoid awkward eye-contact.
“Well, these ones aren’t that bad,” She said, handing Danny the accessories she’d made to go with the suit. There was a tie and pocket handkerchief that both had the floral rose lace-like stitching in white though.
Danny smiled and nodded, “This is – honestly probably way too fancy for Vlad’s party, so exactly what I asked for. He's not going to believe it when I show up better dressed than him - I mean, it’s just so detailed and cool.”
Kumoko blushed at his comments. “I know they’ll fit perfectly, but if you want to try them on you can.” She motioned to the back room for Danny to change in.
“I think I will!” Danny flew into the room so he wouldn’t have to navigate walking around Kumoko’s body.
It was a pretty spacious bedroom. The bed itself was massive, big enough for not just the giant spider body of Kumoko, but her and two other hers. Danny could also see into her open “closet”, but that wasn’t fully accurate. It alone was bigger than the apartment part of her lair and the bedroom part put together. Not only was it full of clothes and cosplay, wigs and accessories, jewelry and… shoes despite her lack of actual feet, but there were also several mannequins.
Danny didn’t really mind the one in there that looked like him with a white short-hair wig on it, with a black wig on a separate head on a table next to it, and its really accurate facial features with his green eyes and a pair of apparently interchangeable blue eyes next to the black wig (she did make clothes for him so she’d need to know what they’d look like on him, we can excuse all that), but he did mind when some of the other mannequins turned their heads so their eyeless and half-finished faces were staring at him.
He closed that door.
He changed into the suit quickly, but just as he was about to give up on tying the tie and folding the pocket square-thing, he noticed a desk with an open laptop. He couldn’t help himself, in a (spider)girl’s room, alone, with her private laptop unsupervised. He walked over to it and pressed the space key. The screen lit up, showing a word document, and after a quick scan, Danny was grinning like a mad man.
He burst through the door and shouted as he read the first lines of Kumoko’s work. “’My name is Hiiro Wakaba. I have long black hair and dark eyes. That guy over there with black hair and blue eyes is Danny Fenton, and it might not look it, but we’re best friends! We’re just your average high school students!’”
“No!!!!!” Kumoko cried, her hands covering her blushing face.
“’Well, we’re not really normal high school students. We’re both Vampires!’ I knew it! You were writing vampire fanfics about me!” Danny shouted and watched as Kumoko threw herself on the floor before he continued. “’Every night we have a super cool vampire transformation and we have to fight evil vampires to stop them from taking over the world!’”
“No! Please Danny, I’m sorry! I won’t do it again,” She pleaded and writhed on the floor like she was being tortured.
“Alright, but this is your last warning,” Danny said, closing her laptop. “If you don’t want me reading it, don’t write it. Or at least hide it better.”
Kumoko sat up on the floor and rubbed exaggerated tears from her eyes. “I was just having fun!”
“You can have fun, but you’re not following the biggest rule of storytelling,” Danny said, “You can’t just say we’re friends, you gotta show it!”
“I wanted to get to all the exciting stuff though!” Kumoko said and Danny rolled his eyes.
“Here, let’s watch something that knows how to tell a good story,” Danny said, going over to one of the many DVD shelves in the room. He pulled out the Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood complete series limited edition box set, “How about this?”
Kumoko jumped to her feet, “YES! We can binge the whole thing in - Well, we can finish it when you bring me more cookies - I’ll make some popcorn!”
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