#I again wish I could just draw the cool outfits I come up with for Danny
luveline · 10 months
your bombshell!reader x spencer is feeding me so well, i'm obsessed!! SJSJS since we've seen reader jealous, is it possible to have a fic where it's spencer that's jealous?
thank u!! fem!reader
Your outfit today is simple. Pencil skirt, dark stockings, hair pristine. The thing that catches Spencer's attention, holds it between two squeezing palms, is the shirt and blazer ensemble you've styled. It's cut to fit, sleek and dark and hard to look away from. 
You brush past the back of Hotch's chair with a sigh, clearly unaware of the attention you're garnering from across the way. “What's wrong with him?” you ask. 
“The same thing as usual,” Hotch says. 
“It's not like we've ever instantly solved a case. Gideon knows this takes time.”
Elle pokes her tongue into her cheek, eyes flared wide. She says a lot without saying anything, flicking through the police files in front of her dispassionately.
“How come you stayed?”
It takes Spencer a moment to realise you're talking to him. “What?” 
“You didn't go with Gideon?” You hold your chin in your hand. “Not getting along anymore?” 
Spencer isn't not getting along with his mentor. He would've accompanied Gideon to meet with a past mass murderer, only you're here, and so he'd found unrelated reasons to stay. 
“We're fine,” Spencer says, not wanting to say more and give himself away. 
“Well, he took Morgan.” You pout, your voice dripping to a wistful whine. “What am I gonna do now without him? None of you guys ever wanna play with me.” 
Hotch smiles to himself. Spencer's stomach ties itself in knots, a tight noose that grows tighter still when you notice his expression and lean in toward your superior. “What's that smile for, Hotchner?” 
“Don't you have emails to look through?”  
You hold your cheek in your hand lightly, fingertips digging into the soft of your cheek. Your smile is like a kick to the chest, achingly sweet on such a pretty face. “No…” Your pinky digs into the corner of your mouth. “I don't remember that being on my agenda today.” 
“Consider it an addition.” 
Is Hotch flirting back? Spencer isn't sure why that strikes him so hard. Maybe because Hotch would actually have a chance with you if he wanted it; your flirting with Hotch is more real than if it were with Spencer, because Spencer is a twenty-something know-it-all who still dresses like his mom buys his clothes. 
“It's a lot of emails, boss,” you say. 
“You have time. Start with the ones sent by Hughes and work your way down.” Hotch slides the login information across the desk into your reach. 
You look at it unhappily. Look up at him. 
Just being looked at by you is a full body experience. Whenever you look at him, he begs himself to play it cool as Hotch is now, to treat it as the affectionate playfulness of a friend rather than serious flirting. He'd have a better chance of being taken seriously by you if he didn't blush whenever you so much as breathed in the same room. 
He wishes he could respond calmly like Hotch. (He wishes you'd flirt with him and him alone. He buries that deep.) 
Envy eats at his hands. Pins and needles he tries to shake away. His movements draw your attention, and your smile worsens, which is to say sweetens, like seeing him again is a treat for the eyes. 
“You'll help me, won't you, baby?” you ask.
He goes a little blind. 
Hotch and Elle watch the encounter with similar parts pity and amusement. 
“You can read through them so quickly, I could really use your…” —you drag your fingertips down your face until your nails are at your jaw— “expertise.” 
“Reid has his own tasks–” 
“I can help,” Spencer interrupts. 
You drop your hand from your face altogether. “Thank you. Have I mentioned how much I missed you while I was away?” 
“Only five times,” Elle says under her breath. 
“They try so very hard to keep us apart. It's not fair.” 
Because unlike Reid, you don't have multiple degrees. You're still learning, and you can't be here permanently, but your talent, your knack for profiling, is unignorable. You're guaranteed a place on the team as soon as you can prove yourself to Strauss. Without a Gideon to vouch for you, that could take a while, and yet you're never jealous of Spencer skipping a few hurdles to get here. 
If anything, you admire him. “They don't understand our bond, that's all. And together we're hard to beat. Isn't that right, Spence?” 
Perhaps Spencer shouldn't be jealous. You don't call Hotch by anything so saccharine, after all. 
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harrieatthemet · 2 years
in which Harry’s sensitive and you’re completely undressed. 
He’d prefer if you stayed. 
It’s his ideal perception of comfort; the warmth oozing from the usually unoccupied side of his bed, a faded essence of vanilla perfume tied in with a bit of rose oil shampoo, the amenity of another body lethargically intertwined with his. 
Bouncing back and forth between one place to another, one city to the next; it’s inconsistent. And for a while, inconsistency worked. He had nestled himself comfortably into the odd routine of inconsistency. That’s what the bulk of his foundation in larger areas of life was built off of, and you were no exception. 
“Casual,” and he used the word exactly months ago, “let’s keep it casual.”
He knows what happens when he puts his hand to the flame; he gets burned. He’s learned that lesson the hard way once. And again after that, and once or twice more after that. Casual meant there wasn’t any real need for consistency. Keeping a relationship with you as casual as possible seemed like the best fit; one that made sense. 
At least, back then it did. All that coming and going, late night text messages, sporadic sleepovers after over indulging on wine and really shitty romantic comedies, it became consistent. 2 minute phone calls every now and then turned into one, sometimes two hours at least once a day. He’s caught himself checking his phone so that he doesn’t miss a text. He’s not used to consistent. This, however, is the type of consistency he’s becoming quite fond of. 
“5 more minutes,” he’s barely gotten his eyes open but his hands are awake, pulling you a little closer to him, “s’all we need, yeah? Just 5.. maybe 10.” 
There’s a content flutter purring in his chest when you hum in response, your body readjusting as he slinks an arm over your waist. He’s not ready to draw the blinds yet. There’s a straggling strip of outside light that's fighting it’s way through the gap in the drapes. It’s got to be well into the afternoon by now, but he doesn’t wanna check his phone to confirm. Instead he just pulls you closer; he’d rather stay here, like this, instead. 
“Mm,” the scruff from his chin brushes up against the back of your neck when you hum, “I wish I could.” 
“Don’t wish,” he giggles, “just do.”
He frowns when he feels you peel your body away, a small gust of cool air hitting his bare stomach when you tussle the sheets off and sit up. And he watches forlornly from his spot; admiring the way he his shirt hangs on you. 
“I can’t,” you’re whine is playful as you snatch your pants up from the floor, “I’ve got a thing.”
“A thing?”
“Mhm,” you assure, “a date thing.” 
It’s like a punch to the gut. The words coming out of your mouth put a bad taste in his. He doesn’t even wanna talk about it beyond this point. Ignorance really is bliss, but the curiosity will eat away at him if he doesn’t try to dig a little deeper. 
“Been seein’ him long?” He’s glad your back is to him because you can’t see the worry in his face. 
“Oh yeah,” that’s one more punch to the gut; he was hoping you’d say no, “we’re getting married on our date tonight.” 
“Harry,” your laugh is muffled as you tug your shirt over your head, “m’fucking with you.” 
His shoulders drop a bit before he sits up in the bed. Watching you get dressed has always been one of those things he enjoyed; teasing you about outfit choices, making remarks about how he should take it all off again. 90% of the time he actually does end up taking everything off again. But this time just fucking sucks. You’re not getting dressed to go back to your place; you’re getting dressed to go back to someone else’s place. At least, that’s where his mind is taking him. 
You’ve still got him all over you; a little bit surely still lingering inside of you. This no-named competitor might get to touch you like he did just minutes ago. He wonders if he knows all your best spots, whisper in your ear, hold you while you sleep. Is he gonna kiss you the way you like, run fingers down your spine until you hum in content. Can this guy please you like he can? Does he know that the the little indent above your right knee is from when you fell off your bike as a kid? Does he know you sleep with two pillows and not one? You can’t sleep with one pillow; Harry always keeps an extra one freshly fluffed for you when you spend the night. Which, evidently enough, has become more frequent than not. 
“So deep in thought, eh?” You tease, “What’s going on up there?” 
He smirks briefly when you extend your pointer finger towards his head, swirling it around as though you’re mimicking his jumbled thoughts. He’s got no right to pry. After all, the groundwork of the terms regarding the dynamic between the two of you were his idea. God is he regretting that now. The idea of another man knowing you at all makes his stomach hurt, let alone knowing you the way he does. 
“Oh m’not,” he shrugs, idle hands twirling the loose sheet on his bed, “s’nothing.” 
“Going once.. going twice.. give me something, Har.” 
With your hands on your hips; expression playful, eyebrow cocked and breath baited in anticipation, he’s realizing that now might be better than ever to speak up. The answer to every unasked question is no, after all. 
His mind is racing with the worst of thoughts. He doesn’t want you to leave at all. Especially if you leave now to meet with the embrace of any other man except him. It’s not a possessive thing. Part of what makes him so feral and drawn to you is how open and genuine you are with the everyone you know. 
“This guy,” he trails, “I mean- like is this a date?”
“You writing a book or something?” You chuckle. 
He knows that was a joke. It wasn’t his intention to answer so seriously and he wishes so badly he could take that knee jerk reaction back. The look on your face falls and so does his heart; right into his fucking stomach. The energy of the once playful banter is ripped right out from beneath the both of you and now it’s just uncomfortable. 
“Yeah..” Your tone wanders as you look for your socks, “3rd one, I’m pretty sure. Why?”
There’s about an infinite amount of ways he could match that question. One of them being just high pitched screaming from frustration. Not even with any words, just endless agonizing groaning on a loop. Christ, the thought of it all just makes him want to melt into the mattress and become nothing. In theory he should’ve just kept his mouth shut and suffered in silence while he waited for the next time you texted or called. But he’s dug himself so deep playing 50 questions with you that there’s no point in retreating. He’s doubling down now; all or nothing. 
“Know him well?” He spits out. 
“Well enough.. still getting to know him a bit.” 
“S’good,” he feels it coming, the word vomit and he just can’t stop it from pooling on his tongue, “knows you like I know you?” 
If he was religious he’d start praying to God, any one of them, that you answer with a firm no. How could anyone know you like Harry knows you? He’s convinced that it isn’t possible. This morning, when he was wrapped up with you in a fresh set of linens sheets, he’d be so sure that nobody else had intimate access to you like he does; sexually and emotionally. Right now though, he’s starting to do something he seldom does; second guess himself. Maybe he was naive to be so sure before. 
“Not gonna put all my cards on the table just yet,” oh how badly he feels like dying when you talk all confused like that at him, “but yeah. I mean, I guess.” 
You think of how silly that question is. Why would he ask that? Everyone you know gets the same version of you; honest, open, and real easy going. You’re an open book and your relationships are all reflective of that. You are who you are, proudly and comfortably. So yes, of course he does. 
And all he’s thinking is how desperately he wants to rewind to 15 minutes ago when he wasn't the only naked person in the room. He just wants you to get back in bed; stay with him a little bit until he feels like the only one again. Turmoil and anger coincide with one another as it bubbles in his stomach, metastasizing before it becomes so unavoidable that he can feel it in the pit of his throat.
“Hm,” the sarcasm and bitterness in his tone is so goddamn thick, “lucky him than, yeah? Have fun, m’s real happy fo’ you.”
“Ok...” and he can tell by your voice that you’re offended, “I’d say thank you but that felt more like an insult.” 
Your jeans still aren’t buttoned and now that you’ve slid your shirt back on, he notices that your arms are folded over your chest as well. He doesn’t like the look on your face. It’s like you’re accusing him of something. And he really doesn’t like that the shirt you slept in, his shirt, is in a ball at the foot of his bed. 
“Can take it however y’want,” he answers flatly, “not sure how that’s my problem.” 
“Well what is your fucking problem?” 
You’ve never taken that tone with him before. In fact, he doesn’t think he’s ever seen you this cross before in general. He knows for sure you’ve never been this cross with him. It’s frustrating that you’re lagging in an attempt to catch up to the very obvious point he’s trying to make. The only easier route to take would be to flat out tell you how he’s completely hooked on you. He doesn’t want to do that though, not right now. 
What’s his problem? Are you genuinely that dense? Oblivious? His problem is you and how, against all odds, have become a crucial influence on whether or not he’s having a good day. His problem is if he doesn’t hear from you after a while, he gets grumpy. He hates waking up and rolling over to the left side of his bed made up and untouched. That’s where he wants you to be sleeping. All the time. 
His problem is you’re leaving to be with someone that isn't him.
“He knows you like I do?” he reiterates, “Fat fuckin chance.” 
“Harry you of all people know that I’m-”
“Shy?” he’s talking over you now because he’s completely lost all motor control between his mouth and his brain, “I know y’shy. Know that y’do tha’ little thing with y’lip, when you’re reading or real focused on something. Y’hum in the shower and, I never said this but it’s bloody fucking annoying sometimes ‘cos it’s off key. S’off key ‘n I almost like it.” 
You blinked; face flat and arms fallen to the side. All you could do was blink. And he wants to stop. God, he wants to stop talking so bad but this is your fault. You got him started so he has to keep going. 
“I know y’favorite pair of socks- those hideous fuzzy green ones with th’hole in ‘em.” 
He’s standing upright, now. How he got here, two feet planted on the ground with less distance between the two of you than two minutes ago; he’s not sure. There’s no specific expression on your face for him to pinpoint, so he considers edging himself a little closer towards where you’re standing. Until he’s right in front you, about to wave his white flag when he manages to break your blank stare and lock eyes
“Knows how y’like to be touched?” he’s brought his voice down a few octaves now, his index finger grazing over the undone button of your jeans, “knows.. how to get y’off? Like I do?” 
His eyelids are low, pupils blown as he peers down at you. A finger of his tucks away a stray piece of your hair before it embarks on a mindless journey; grazing your jaw before before he places it strategically under your chin. Then he lifts it. He’s giving you no choice but to look at him when he asks you. 
“Do y’wanna know him,” he sighs, “th’same way y’know me?”
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enden-agolor · 4 months
I LOOOVE all of your aus, especially forest deity and sdv!! The way you designed both Lukas and Jesse in each AU you have is amazing, I absolutely admire the attention to detail and such :) Something about your au’s have me absolutely hooked, and I’m not complaining. Keep up the great work, Enden!! you don’t know how obsessed I am with your silly stories of stupid little minecraft blocks… 🙏
Also a jesskas forest deity AU is so cool. I don’t have any idea how you were able to come up with something as interesting as it, and the way you planned out the story was amazing as well! I always wonder if Jesse will actually show his normal form to Lukas (since you mentioned he was able to revert to his normal self but the town still wouldn’t accept him either way iirc) but we’ll have to see it for ourselves. I lovelovelovee your work so much and I’m excited for future au content !!
Dude thank you so much 🥺
I love designing characters and for some reason Lukas and Jesse are just so fun to play around with in regards to their designs. Maybe it's because their canon designs are so simple, yet compliment each other so well, like Lukas' magenta stripes alongside Jesse's green suspenders. Then the rest of their pallet is pretty natural colors. I really like to keep their designs simple when drawing them. I try to imagine, would they actually wear this? Does this color fit his style? I like to keep them in pretty casual clothes you would see when passing someone out in public, or when shopping at a nice clothes store. This definitely goes for the sdv au.
In forest deity au, Lukas maintains a professional look. Outfits that you would see and think, "oh this guy means business", because he's an author, so he wants to dress the role. He wears a lot of warm, darker colors. Nothing too bright and flashy that would make him stand out. He's the kind of guy who dresses like he's always going to work. Jesse, on the other hand, he wears a lot of dark colors with purpose, as a means of fitting in with the darkness that shrouds the forest he lives in. He wears a lot of dark leather gear to keep his body protected. He's always pretty dirty, because well, he lives out there alone and has no means of impressing anyone with appearances, so why bother? The only one who seems to be intrigued in his appearance is Lukas.
On that other note, we came up with the au kind of randomly. My bf and I like to throw ideas at each other, and since we were already invested in the normal Admin au, I remember jokingly playing into this idea of Admin Jesse being this big bad wolf kind of role and Lukas being a little red riding hood. Discovering each other in the woods for the first time, except we kind of built this story over time and I started making the designs and I was like. Fuck. Jesse is big, scary, mute, and in love with this little blond freak that won't leave him alone 🧍I am OBSESSED with that. But yeah that's basically how it happened and now the lore has gotten pretty intense. The story is full of angst and plot built off of canon. A very hurt/comfort slow burn kind of story.
But anyways I'm so excited to share more. Your questions will be answered eventually. Trust me, I wish I could answer them, but with plot and context it will be so, so much more satisfactory. So stay tuned, and thanks again for this ask, I love seeing everyones little thoughts on this au!
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jerrythebug · 4 months
I took a break from BOP and returned to finish Booster Gold's first run. I screamed when Michelle showed up!!!!! Her outfit, her pose, her hair, the gun!!! Friendship ended with Michael, now Michelle is my best friend ❤️
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I will put the rest of my rambling under read more though, cause I had a lot to say.
Trixie! I have to say, she's really cool! She doesn't want to be a heroine, good for her! But she did what had to be done to help her friend. And later had sort of a thing with Dirk the Manager? Weird, but okay, that mustache of his is kinda hot I guess? Still, I did not expect to love Booster's supporting Ladies this much! They were a delight!
I'm sad Michelle died, even if I knew it was coming. But also I know that she returns decades later in Booster's second run so I'm mostly okay with that. From what I've seen I much prefer her in the 80s art style, in comparison the 00's version looks kinda boring to me. Or maybe I'm just being weird and based towards more retro art. She should have kept the shoulder pads is what I'm saying! And the wild hair! And I wish she was around for longer in general, she seemed really cool! Too bad she had to die for her brother's character development. Hate when that happens to women...
Also! Ripley? My boy Ripster the Ripper? Doctor Rip Hunter? Hmm, that man looks kinda like Booster (he's blond), I wonder why. Was it his first appearance? I don't know, I have to look it up. And read his appearances too, just for fun. I wish Ripsteroo stayed blond, but also it's kinda funny that he's not blond now it makes him look like his other dad.
And doctor Jack casually fixing Booster's future suit like it's nothing made me remember that a decade later Ted won't be able to do the same when Doomsday destroys Booster's suit again. I wonder if there's an explanation for that. Teddy should've read Booster Gold vol 1 and called doc Jack from STAR, that man could fix a time sphere, made Goldstar outfit and fixed Skeets. Is he the smartest guy in DC????? Or maybe something happened to him in the decade that passed. I hope not, he was a chill guy. He and Rip seemed like nice friends. Maybe something did happen to Jackie and that's why Ripley Rippo is the way he is.
So overall, Booster's origin story was neat. I love that Superman doesn't like him. I love how messy his life got by the end of his run. I will miss Trixie and Michelle and even Rip and Jack. I will have to draw team Gold! I really enjoyed the way Max broke into Gold Mansion to recruit Booster, was that really the best way to do it? Idk, I think Max is a little crazy.
It was a nice comic to read, I love the bright colors and art, even if modern comic art often looks much better. Now that I've made my way through Booster's story I can start on Beetle's. And continue reading BOP. And then re-read JLI after I'm done with Ted's story. And make my way to Superbuddies. And next- And then I can read Mister Miracle. What, OMAC? What's a countdown? I don't know of them. I will postpone reading them as much as I can. But I will do it eventually, even if I cry. At least Ted's alive in the new continuity, right? So it's fine he died.
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byllsbytch · 2 months
Baking Baddies PT 1
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BTW I'm an artist - commissions are open for cartoon cake drawings hit me up😜
Today was Nikki’s, my niece, 4th birthday. My little bub was growing way too fast.
I woke up and went to go make me and Tom a coffee. He was still asleep but by the time he woke up the coffee wouldn’t be too hot. I laid back in bed next to Tom. Staring at the way his chest rose and fell. Looking so peaceful.
Finally, I grabbed my phone to ring my sister. After a bit of ringing she finally picked up and my little sweetheart was on the otherside of the phone enjoying her pancakes.
“Happy Birthday Bub!” I exclaimed.
She looked at me tilting her head and flashing me her cheeky grin.
“Good morning Arty!”
“and pancakes for breakfast, what a very lucky girl!”
“Yuh huh! Look! Strawberry!” She pointed her minnie mouse fork at me.
“Yummy!” I replied, trying not to wake up Tom next to me. Which failed.
“Are you going to say thank you for your birthday wishes?” Asked my sister.
“Tank yew!” She yelled, causing tom to shift besides me.
He rustled in the sheets then shuffled behind me, spooning me.
Tom’s head appeared over my shoulder as he looked into the camera.
“Happy Happy Birthday Nikki!” Tom chirped.
Nikki’s attention was fixated on the TV show playing in the background.
“Hey, Bum Bum!” Tom called, turning Nikki’s head to the phone as she cackled.
“I said Happy Birthday Gorgeous!”
“Tank yew Uncle Tommy”
“Whoa! You must be a big girl now, you’re using your fork!” He joked.
“Show me what you got Hun.” I said to her and she immediatey got up, her little footsteps echoing out the speaker.
Tom planted kisses on my cheek and neck while we waited for Nikki to come back. His hand on my lower back.
After sometime she finally came back wearing fairy wings and clomping in princess heels a pile of toys in her arms.
Me and Tom chuckled to ourselves.
“Look! You give them outfits!” Nikki said.
She showed us a metal tray with princesses on it and they had different magnetic clothes to stick on them.
“Woah! Thats so cool!”
“Yeah! I also got puzzles, teddies, colour books and a tea pot!"
I sat with a surprised expression. While Toms mouth was open.
“Wow! I think we gotta have a tea party Nik with you new tea set." Tom said.
“Show them your favourite toy Nik.” My sister whispered.
She ran off again and was back instantly with a pink pram and little baby doll in it.
“Look my baby!” She yelled, “Her name Minnie!”
“Nawe like Minnie Mouse.”
“Yeah, you know!”
We all lost her attention again as she sat shoving the dolls dummy into her mouth then back in to the dolls mouth.
My sister turned the phone to herself.
“So, since you guys are the best Arty and Uncle Tommy, could you guys please buy a cake mix and make it for Nik’s party?”
“Shit, yeah of course. What happened to the baker?”
“He got his dates wrong and hasn’t even started making the cake. But I’d appreciate it if you could just get one thing off my mind while I finish trying to set up for the party soon.”
“Yeah sounds good, what a dick though, how much was he charging?”
“Like $120”
“Yeah nah, I’d be getting my deposit back and telling him to kiss it.”
“Well, that’s the least of my problems at the moment Y/N.”
“Oh, your right. Me and Tom will get this cake ready then we’ll still head over as early as we can to see the princess and give her her presents.”
“Awesome, well I just need to put up the decorations and obviously do the balloons when you guys get here. Start cooking food…” She started mumbling to herself her checklist.
“SHIT!” She yelled.
“What’s up?”
“It’s fine! I’ll go get some lollies and toys to put in the bags and me and Y/N will make them too.” Tom stood in.
“Oh my gosh! Life savers, I have no clue where my head’s gone. I think I’m just loosing it because my baby isn’t a baby anymore. Well I’ll let you guys go, got heaps to do.”
She quickly hung up before we could speak and I put my phone back on charge. Turning to face Tom.
“Good morning babe.” I smiled, kissing him on his forehead, nose, lips then chin - a daily ritual.
“Good Morning Schönheit (beauty)” He hummed.
We laid in an embrace before I broke it and handed his coffee.
“Mmm, perfect.” He chimed.
I walked to the kitchen and began to get all the ingredients
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ihateapbiology · 3 months
Car Troubles
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Part 3- of the enemies to lovers series
“Why would she come? Why would you even want her to come!” You angrily think to yourself as you settle into your usual booth at the coffee shop on Monday. You had repeated this to yourself the rest of the weekend and tried to lie to yourself- you were straightening your hair just because you wanted to, you were wearing an outfit that showed off your favorite parts about your body because you wanted to. You watch the minutes tick by and get mad at yourself for even thinking, wanting her to come. You try to focus on your work but you can’t get her out of your head. How she had so much more depth to her than you initially thought. After 2 hours you sighed and got up and left.
You went home and got ready to head to work, you had to go in briefly for a meeting and such. As you threw on your work outfit you got a text from an unknown number.
Unknown- “hi this is Julien- I got your number from Phoebe. I tried to come to the coffee shop today but my car broke down I stg.”
You roll your eyes, maybe you were right with your initial assessment, she was just a dick and now apparently a liar.
You text- “ok.”
Then your phone dings again, an image sent, you open it and it’s her at an auto repair shop, her truck in the background, broken down with a mechanic working on it.
Now you felt like the ass, you text back “oh shit I’m sorry that sucks how bad is it?”
She texts- “it’s out a couple days.”
You then think a bit more, this altering how you felt, you couldn’t ignore your previous feelings of excitement earlier in the day at possibly seeing her.
You text- “dang I wish you had been able to come.”
She texts- “If you’re free later I’d love to make it up to you?”
You smile- “I get off of work at 5.”
She texts- “cool, I’ll borrow a friends car and pick you up.”
You spend the rest of the day excited and finalizing plans with her. The rest of the day finishes at a snails pace and when you get home you quickly change. You look in the mirror like 5x before you get the “I’m here” text.
You dart out and wave seeing her in the drivers side. She goes out and opens the door for you.
“Oh thanks.” You grin.
She spends the drive chatting about what’s going on with her truck and what her dad had taught her about cars. You butt in occasionally telling your own car stories. She eventually pulls over at a park, “I didn’t really know what you’d what to do so I was thinking we could grab some street food and walk.”
“Awesome sounds good” you say.
“So how long you been a journalist for.”
“Well I’ve been like an actual professional journalist for like 2 years or so but I mean in grad school and college I was doing some less professional stuff.”
“That’s so cool, so you travel a lot for it?” She asks actually seeming engaged.
“Yeah I mean in the past three years I’ve been more places than I have my whole life.” you mention.
You guys spend so much time talking about the current events of the world, your thoughts and opinions on it and really connect. You tell her your stories you usually reserve for people you really only felt close to.
“So speaking of Europe, you’ve been there a lot for tour right?”
“Yeah yeah” she nods.
“Wow, so do you like the tour life or whatever.” You grin.
“I do strangely enough it’s comforting I like to be like on the move.”
eventually you walk by a Korean street food vendor and the smells draw you both in. She pays.
As the sunsets you head back to the car and watch the sunset from the car.
“I really enjoyed this.” you softly say.
“Me too, yeah it was very fun. I’m sorry.” She says
“Seriously you don’t need to apologize car things happen to everyone.”
“No I mean…I’m sorry for being an ass. The first time we met and just ..yeah.”
“Seriously it’s ok we’ve been through this” you smile “and even if there was bad blood I don’t feel it anymore after this…hangout?”
“Hangout?” She smiles “I was hoping this was a date.”
You blush deeply “oh I, well I was hoping that too I just I didn’t want to assume.” you smile bashfully.
“You’re good sweetheart.” she smiles as she starts the car and rests the other hand on yours.
She drives you home and walks you to the door.
“So when can I see ya again?” she smiles.
“Wednesday?” “Perfect it’s a date.” She grins. She goes on her tipey toes to then kiss you on the cheek.
You spend the rest of the night reeling from that.
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rosetheocto · 5 months
My Rants and Reviews on the Failtopia S2 Finale Outfits!
this post was inspired by the one made by @cosmo-production so please check out their post too! my review is under the cut
Major Failtopia Season 2 spoilers ahead!
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yeah it’s the basic one, but i think that fits him! If I had to pick another outfit it would be the Pro one, but I genuinely can’t see him in anything else other than the boring chef outfit. I feel like if he wanted to change it he def could (I mean look at his imp outfit) but the basic chef outfit is very solid for him! If it ain’t broke don’t fix it! 7/10
I know the outfit is very clashing and has a bunch of colors, but in Dan’s defense: Orion’s makeup already has a bunch of colors, and when you look into it the colors the outfit has actually matches with the makeup a bit! and also, I kinda wish Dan didn’t have the makeup be as out there for the sake of those drawing fanart, but at the same time this is Daniel Failboat. Insane designs are expected. That being said though, I can’t change the clothes or makeup even if you forced me to. the context for it is just so freakin cute!! we all love great fathers in this household. He makes me wish I had a meaningful relationship with my dad. 6/10
I like it! I have a few minor gripes though. This may be a bit of a hot take, but I don’t like Zone (the hat) or Ship (the staff). Not in the Finale at least. I think Friend should’ve removed them both to show that they’ve moved on and don’t need something like Lee anymore. Symbolism and character arcs and all that other fancy stuff idk. Also I like that she looks more like a priest than a Cleric, it makes sense! He’s really religious in-universe and their war cry is literally “die, sinner :)”, so I don’t have any problems with that! As much as I like her in purple, he looks oddly good in a black and white outfit too! 8/10
listen guys I’m sorry but her outfit kinda sucks.. the bright pink hearts don’t really give off the same vibes as her first outfit did.. I get where Dan was coming from with it but I just personally don’t like the design :((
I think that he should’ve went with the emo goth outfit for her instead, especially since it fit her more and the fandom latched onto it like a moth to a light, but that’s just me. it gets a free half point for matching up with Bill though, 3.5/10
look I love it but the actual armor part is so overdesigned. I hate drawing that thing. that’s my only problem though the rest of her outfit is cool as hell!! Let’s go lesbians. 8/10
(and this doesn’t really count for anything, but don’t like her weapon, again I get the idea Dan, but she realistically would NOT use the giant arm 😭)
This kind of outfit fits her so well omfg. The stupid bowtie? The short sleeves and general lack of lab safety?? The triangle patterns??? It all just screams “Chi” to me! Thank you Miitopia for creating this outfit. Flawless. 10/10
(also another weapon mention, her using the ketchup bottle in the finale?? as someone who is obsessed with S1 of this series, Daniel, ty sm for including that.)
the catsuit is very boring, but it is also very iconic. I like it. I’d give it a solid 7/10. But I don’t wanna talk about that one. I wanna talk about his outfit when using the Power of the Scythe.
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oh my lord. this outfit. this is not me dunking on Daniel or Wafferscotch at all, I genuinely love their art and content!! but like. you’re telling me this man saved the universe in tracksuit sweatpants and an open button up shirt WITH HIS OWN MERCH ON??? He killed god in the Bee Movie shoes?? The Piss Adidas??? It just. doesn’t really fit the Miitopia vibes to me, and I think this could’ve been better as an outfit for ACNH. It could’ve looked much worse, but still. I think it’s a 3/10
perfect. love the callback to Rose (and I mean, they’re very similar characters, so it makes sense!) She also looks cool af in a suit. her new look can be strange at first but you 100% get used to it with time. And her multiclass was just chefs kiss. Absolute goddess, let’s go lesbians. 10/10
very good. very iconic. so glad this series came out before the Kirby Era cuz i think the lips would’ve ruined it. 10/10
Big Bill
It looks really comfortable!! I want this robe irl, I like the patterns! I surprisingly really like the pink for Bill! It stands out compared the rest of his appearance and I think that’s really cool!! the dark blue also fits him really well!! Half point bonus for matching with Shrimp. 9.5/10
GOD TIER!! PEAK DESIGN!!! We all love Void in this household. 20/10
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ealvara7 · 8 months
Character ask game! 4, 14 and 23 for beetlejuice🪲🧃
Yay! I get to talk more about Beetlejuice! ✨
Once again, I will be focusing on Musicaljuice, since I have a lot to say about him-
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I've rambled several times about how I want to see this man in a cartoon reboot, but if I had to put Musicaljuice in any other kind of media, I would love to see him in a video game! Personally, I love RPG games! I think it would be really cool to see him in that kind of genre.
Realistically, I can see him being in a video game adaptation of the musical, or a post-musical plot where Lydia and Beetlejuice go on all kinds of crazy adventures.
Now... if I were to be self-indulgent as to what kind of game I would personally like... I'd really like a Luigi's Mansion-esque game where you work alongside Beetlejuice to keep living people from trying to take over the house he and a couple of other ghosts reside in, rather than trying to throw them out.
It would start with you and Beetlejuice butting heads with each other (our first instinct is going to be to exorcise the ghosts haunting this house, and obviously Beetlejuice doesn't want that), but after living with him and the other ghosts for some time... you both begin to warm up to each other.
Honestly, I would just like a game where I can have the option to romance Beetlejuice JDSFDFHGF
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
This question was a little bit complicated for me... I wasn't so sure if I wanted to approach it like, "what kind of aesthetics do you think he rock in?" (which, the answer to that would be that he will adapt to any aesthetic you threw him in) or "which aesthetic do you think the best characterizes him?"
If you were to ask me what I think his aesthetic should be... I really love the idea of him leaning more towards the romantic goth aspects that Tim Burton's Corpse Bride has.
I've just always loved how that aesthetic can be so captivating and beautiful, while also having the ability to be morbid and terrifying - I feel like that best suits my depiction of Beetlejuice.
Also, the thing that made me love Musicaljuice over the other two well known juices is how he captures the essence of his predecessors while absolutely just ✨️slaying✨️.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
I have several, depending on the context, but I'm going to just stick to my favorite one that I have drawn and my favorite one of Alex.
Unfortunately... I haven't been able to draw Beetlejuice as much, since I've been busy and making art takes some time for me, so I'm going to have to stick with my very first drawing of him! I still wish that I took more time to properly figure out the structure of his body, but I couldn't be happier with how his outfit turned out!
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When it comes to my favorite Alex-related image, I have to go with this professional photo by Davy Mack. I just love how beautiful Alex's makeup looks in this one! This was also the image that inspired me to give Beetlejuice yellow demon eyes!
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saltwukong · 2 years
Nitpick November, Entry #1: Aesthetic
Honestly, with Volume 8, it feels like everything has ballooned into such a mess that actual 'nitpicks' aren't that common anymore just because of how everything is a major issue now. But I know we're all thinking of the same thing when we think of the one that's left.
And that's that RWBY's aesthetic qualities have...pretty much atrophied by now.
RWBY was a show built on aesthetic, and yes, it should never have relied solely on that. But its strengths in early volumes was that even if the writing wasn't great, it was still just really fucking cool to look at. All of RWBY's colors were sharp and contrasting, movements were always quick and fluid, and it all worked together with camera angles and sound design to produce something insanely cool.
Contrast that with utterly braindead ideas for character design in later volumes... And yes, I'm gonna be using Blake as an example again. Look at Blake in the Black trailer versus Blake now.
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I mean, look at that. That's a silent image, but you still heard the piano melody, didn't you? Look at all of that red and the way it fades into white near the ground. Look at the way Blake's hair blows in the wind and how it's so inky black you could spot it from a mile away.
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I Isolated this scene in Volume 7 because the outside snowfield scenes are pretty much the only ones where you can see a character set against a largely monochrome background, like in the above. So that we can see on even footing why the new designs are utterly uninspired.
First of all, I think cutting Blake's long flowing black hair the color of the deepest night should qualify for some sort of war crime unto itself. Second, I don't know why Blake has been wearing so much white lately. Her outfit has slowly been getting whiter and whiter since Volume 4, and I don't like it. I would like to remind CRWBY that Blake's signature color is, you know, black. The white in her original outfit is there to offset the black and sharpen that delicious contrast. But there's nothing to offset here, because Blake's hair is gray now--and looks like it's made of Play-Dough, might I add. It's practically blending into the outpost behind it, which is roughly the same color.
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Even before the utterly abominable Atlas Arc outfit updates, this was a problem we've had for a while. Everyone's colors have had the saturation sliders pulled down, so that instead of popping like they used to, they're now safe and "realistic" and my god, do I hate it. But when the outfit updates do come, I genuinely wish they hadn't.
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Shout-out to Weiss' hair looking like two thick pasta noodles got braided together. There is entirely too much blue invading Weiss' design, just as there's too much white invading Blake's.
The only one who tends to survive outfit updates unscathed is Yang, with the designers coasting by on "okay, she wears a lot of brown", which generally works because brown is just darkened yellow. It doesn't draw too much attention, so Yang's brilliant hair, so blonde it practically glows, can have its fair share. As it would, back in early RWBY:
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Yang is also the only one whose fighting style hasn't devolved into utter garbage, perhaps because hers is the simplest of the four and easiest to mocap, or perhaps because it's the only one Rooster Teeth's employees have been able to learn when animators are leaving as quickly as they arrive. Remember that moment in Volume 7, where Marrow comments on how Blake and Yang have been partnering up like 10x more often than they did in earlier volumes, and that maybe they should branch out because their styles don't mesh? And then before he can finish his sentence, they fight some Grimm and prove him 100% correct "wrong"?
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That's all Blake and Yang ever do--Yang does the up-close work and Blake does some nonsense with that fuckin' kusarigama, because that's all Blake can do anymore. You would not catch the Blake of Volumes 4 through 8 doing this:
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This is a problem that's affected everyone, most noticeably Ruby, who never displays any talent with that goddamn scythe--she either takes on a human opponent too strong for it to matter, or takes on Grimm she can easily carve apart with single strikes. That much has been a problem literally since RWBY started, however--they've never known how to display the edge a giant scythe gives Ruby Rose, and probably never will. What's a little more jarring is when it happens to characters like Penny. Want another one of those images you can hear? Here's one:
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You cannot hear this image, on the other hand:
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I'll grant you that in this one it's obvious they're trying, as opposed to fighters like Ruby or Blake where they just avoid the issue outright. But the gap widens with the sound design, this being the part where I realized they probably lost the files for the weaponry sounds--which, in early volumes, were 100% distinct from one another and completely recognizable. If you strain your ear really hard looking at that second one, all you'll hear is anonymous 'ting!' sounds that bring to mind forks being tapped against one another.
Early Penny's knives were autonomous. Yes, connected to her by near-invisible strings, but they moved around independently even when her hands weren't moving, and they had quite a long range. These knives...don't.
RWBY's writing may never get better. We might always have to mourn the times when things made sense. But these things, the little details like this that add so much spectacle and flavor--they wouldn't be that hard to learn. Maybe one day when we get the evil version of Rooster Teeth that doesn't break their animation teams' spines to bleed money out of them, we might actually see this improve.
Til then, we gotta deal with fugly.
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combatfaerie · 1 year
Ficlet: All About the Accessories
Story: All About the Accessories Word count: 581 Relationship(s): Liv/Rhea Prompt: "Since when did I say I agreed to this?" Also available at: AO3 and Wattpad and dreamwidth Summary: Liv gets to pick the movie for date night.
Rhea had read the tickets, but she still couldn't quite believe it. "Since when did I say I agreed to this?"
Liv pressed close to her in the queue, kissing the spot just under her ear. "Since I fucked you so hard with that new dildo Damian gave us that you tore the harness."
Rhea didn't blush, but she did laugh, the sound drawing looks from the other theatre patrons. "Then it shouldn't count. Sound mind and body and all that."
"I'm pretty sure that's for legal matters," Liv replied, "not going to see the Barbie movie."
"Well, you could be Real Estate Barbie," Rhea countered, wrapping an arm around Liv's waist. She didn't care much about the movie one way or the other—from what she had seen of the ad campaigns, it was going to be tongue in cheek, at least—but it was fun to rile up Liv. "Or Barbie's stunt double. You have a Margot Robbie vibe. I always thought you did the whole Harley Quinn thing better than Alexa did."
"Aw. Thank you. I love Harley." Liv snuggled up to Rhea's side as the line shuffled forward. "You'd be... like Bad-ass Barbie," she declared. "Heavy Metal Barbie? Hm. I know there were Harley Davidson ones, but they were expensive. And they have so many now! Different body types and skin tones. It's so cool. I wish they'd been out when I was little."
"Any Wrestler Barbies?" Rhea asked, only partly joking. Sometimes Liv—and the other American wrestlers—forgot that not everyone grew up with the same childhood staples that they had.
Liv shook her head. "I'm not an expert or anything, but I don't think so. Well, there were those ones Mattel did for Sasha and Charlotte, I guess."
"No comment," Rhea replied stiffly, watching Liv hand over their tickets to the employee. When they got their stubs back, Rhea pointed to the concession stand. "Popcorn? Candy?"
"Barbie combo!" Liv beamed.
A few minutes later, Rhea was carrying the pinkest take-out box she had ever encountered in her life, following Liv to their screening room. "At least the chairs look comfortable," she commented as they chose their seats.
"Come on!" Liv's out was, as befit the occasion, a plethora of pink. Her whole outfit was inspired by one of her favourite childhood Barbies, but it was different than the one she had worn to the Hollywood event. "You have to go into it with the right vibe!"
"Right. What's it called again? Ken-ergy?" Rhea leaned across the chair arm and kissed Liv's cheek. "Well, you must have liked it if you want to see it again so soon. I guess that's a good sign."
Liv rested her head against Rhea's shoulder. "Thank you for coming with me. You can pick the next movie we see."
Rhea would have to put some thought into that. Liv loved horror movies, so that wouldn't exactly be payback. "We'll see. Maybe I'll go through my Aussie stuff and make you watch some. I don't think much of it got streamed over here."
"Sounds fun." They chatted during the commercials, lowering their voices for the previews. Just before the movie was set to begin, Liv leaned over and kissed Rhea's cheek. "I know which Barbie you could be: Dominatrix Barbie?"
Rhea smiled and kissed her back. "Well, I've already got the clothes for it."
Liv giggled softly. "And the accessories. Barbie's all about accessories."
"Finally we have something in common."
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kil9 · 1 year
I wanna say... thank you for your super odoroble, fun, versatile and colourful 100 drawings, they are so much fun, I wish I was as talented 😢 Blease, you put so much work into them it's uhmazing. They are so pretty I could go through them daily and never get bored. I lurked around on twitter (more stalked you) and on tumblr and gosh I love them all so darn much, but especially D-81 for some reason (ok maybe because it captured his cuteness so well) and D-18 because I love a cute catboy with a fun outfit and cool pose. Always love your humour and love reading your opinion in the tags... it's 3 am here, if it's incoherent I blame it on that. Sorry I just wanted to express my gratitude and have you heard SHINEES BACK BACK BACK BACK !!!! xjdkfkfk sorry I have so many Taemotions in me, legit teared up seeing him, I missed him so much I can't describe it. Anyway take care, stay healthy💙 thanks again💙
omg 🥺 !!!! i cant even say youre welcome lol, thank U for saying this 🥺 yeah i did put a lot of work i cant deny 😭😭 i feel so accomplished but its the kind of thing i dont know if i would ever want to do again... i hate sticking to one thing and repeating myself (just like taemin fr) so that made it even harder 💀 (but even more fun) tbh coming up with 100 ideas was just as hard as the art itself !!!
those 2 are also some of my favorites :D i actually made a little thing of my 10 favorites and least favorites when i was processing the whole deal, so i might post it 🤔 im glad people like clown taem, im unexpectedly rly proud of the design so i might draw him more in the future !!! (im glad/surprised ppl think im funny too 💀 i thought i was my own one man audience lol) thank u so much this means a lot u have no ideas 🥺🥺
and HELLYEAH :D SHINEES BACK FOREVER !!! NO ONE LEAVE AGAIN !!!! tonight i rode in the car with the windows down blasting sherlock so loud and pointing to the full moon ^_^ SHINEES BACK !!! 💎💎💎💎💎
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wasabioverdrive · 2 years
tumblrless pmmm au anon again. SCREAMING clapping my hands throwing flowers on stage tears in my eyes ohhh I love this shit smmm. wish I saw it sooner sobs ANWAY YEAHHH FUCK YEAHH WHOO ive thought about white lily being in a pmmm au as well because like. come on it’s obvious. also I think her deisgn lends well to older magical girl outfit designs. SUCH a fan of lotus being the fuckhead behind all this. good for them. the idea of the attendents is so neat as well… fuck yes (1/?)
anyway this is a kind of canon ambiguous idea but like. what if lotus sort of acts like multiversal kind of figure? like they got so high off of anyones dreams and silly magical girl shenanigans they just sort of clipped out of reality or smth. and like they’re in a semi dragony witch form 24/7 (<thinking too hard). (2/?) that could probably explain how the attendants can be anywhere at anytime and that could probably concern the tbd (well maybe tk knows but isn’t telling anyone bevause ahah funny). broo whag if hydrangea is in witch form. im normal about lotus i swear - croissant catching onto string gummer doing all the timeline bullshit that once again surrounds her. peep into the horror once again (3/?)
would probably be interesting if wasabi catches into all this bs from mustard ans being like Oh Fuck and then contacting the tbd or smth. i have a mini mustard wasabi tbd au anyway I think theres potential for smth there. wasabi would just throw herself right into the horrors tho lmao. but ANYWAY I love this au i am getting thoughts for it as well now we are speaking telepathically thank you thank my crops are growing my skin is growing life is beautiful. (4/?) sorry if the formatting is weird or hard to read btw. I just copied pasted from a discord dm and am using the hell fuck that is mobile web browser tumblr. anyway have a nice day :]] (5/5)
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lotus being a multiversal figure is SO COOL LOVE THAT...i need to draw a fucked up dragon-witch form for them omg...thats also kind of funny too like. pitaya, seeing lotus noclip through reality: huh
actually now this has me wondering how the other dragons would think of lotus becoming some kind of multiversal mf. ik lychee has tension w them from their ob relationship chart so maybe they could be like “hey what the hell” but i need to watch more dragon event cutscenes so i can formulate my thoughts better. & yeah tk probably wouldnt be helpful except for giving a hint or two LOL
omg witch form hydrangea YESSSSS...hmmm would that mean the other lotus attendants are under contract & could turn into witches too?
HELPP string gummy starting the madoka timeloops after the events of this au’s version of save the future event is kind of hilarious the horrors never EVER end.
also HOLY SHIT u have a mustard and wasabi tbd mini au? i’m looking so hard rn. wasabi contacting the tbd/maybe working w them bc of the contract fuckassery....YESSSS
TYSM im glad u enjoy the AU :-] you’re enabling my AU insanity so much rn i have to go draw white lily/denchantress witch form and hydrangea witch form and lotus au design and and and and a [EXPLOSION]
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autumnsorbet · 2 days
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I forgot to post this here you want to redesigns of outfits this one's for Arthur's outfit from the druid arc you didn't see it much looking back on it even in the anime it was only in one episode and then the manga it was maybe in a couple chapters and that was it but when you play some of the games for the series you do see it a lot more
I also forgot that Arthur still had his right hand when drawing this cuz I'm so used to seeing Arthur in the four knights manga to be honest I wish maybe in the seven deadly sins manga we got more hints that Arthur was going to lose his arm or something with some foreshadowing I mean there was maybe three times we got headset chaos but when it came though what Arthur State would be it was always up in the air and we could have at least had it where maybe his right side was covered a lot or maybe his right side was cut out of frame due to a panel or something or maybe have him wearing a glove on his right hand or something but that sounds like sense I want to comes to the seven deadly sins you don't get that you just get random plot points and you get to fight the same villain five times for no reason right 😐
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but I've been doing redesigns along with someone else on Twitter of outfits we don't really like from seven deadly sins and four nights I decided to do this one that Arthur is wearing cuz I've never liked it it's so boring Arthur is royalty you can still look nice and feel comfortable too or maybe this is just like a planner look Arthur felt more comfortable with I don't know cuz Arthur does seem like the type of character who just wear what makes him
comfortable at least that's how he seen back in the seven deadly sins like a comfortable chill energetic person so maybe that's why he has this outfit but on the other hand sometimes certain outfits when it comes to these mangas are either boring ugly or just need a redesign which is why I'm doing this 😩
And thinking about it Waters and outfit remind me of this outfit they're almost the same similar colors white color boring shoes
Again I'm not saying my designs are any better but Kelly's just put the characters in nicer clothes to look at like with the current clothes the characters are wearing in the current Arc of the manga no one wants cosplay any of those outfit at least any of the people I've talked to at least the outfits in the first Arc of four nights were decent like especially Tristan with the coat over the armor and the one piece jumpsuit underneath that was cool look and now Tristan just keeps getting downgrade outfits that are just plain or boring
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poethurricane · 5 months
Hiiii, I’m Baaaaaaack, it’s beeen a looooong time cooooomingggggg after 237 days I’m back here and I can say:
I survived #MexicoCityTheErasTour night two 🥰
Made 144 Friendship bracelets, the majority were for swifties who couldn’t make them or the team and a lot to change (just like 50) ❤️
I remember the first time I saw her, watching Hannah Montana movie, i was 8 or 9, i remember look at her and think she was like a delicate princess or a beautiful little doll and then saw her on mtv with love story confirmed it, also our song and YBWM watching MTV
What else I can say… the eras tour were all I ever wish since I was a little 11 year old kid, now eleven years ago one of my biggest dreams was: me going to The Red Tour see Taylor, sing all the songs with her, get the State Of Grace hat, a lot of heart ❤️ confeti and I couldn’t… sadly. Then the same thing happen on the 1989WT (my 13 year old girl was on the floor) even if I had the hope of her coming but it ain’t happend, And same with Reputation ST, but I was old enough to accepted (16 yog), to lover fest i was happy for her on tour we know what’s next.
Andddd now in The Eras Tour i was happy when the post came on, just USA and feel completely exited to see how this tour was going to be but the “international dates to be announced as soon as we can” made me keep a light of hope, something in me though that I can finally se her, but I had to stay calm, just in case…
And got crazy when the Latin American dates came out, there were sources saying that she was going to announced at 6:00 AM so I wake up just in case, then go back to sleep again, 9:00 (I think) Taylor Nation Tweeted something about the world, well I wake up again and wait with my heart in hands and then finally announced, I won’t lie I scream loudly as I could, I cryyy a lot, my hands were shaking and couldn’t belive it was real… until I realized Taylor was coming to Mexico, Taylor was coming to my country, I can not possibly be that happy… then think I would die if I don’t get a ticket to see her.
The process was hard and very anxious, I think I never been this anxious not even in the university exam, well I pray every night to get the code email sadly I don’t buuuut my sister get it and i couldn’t belive it, I was a step to the night of my dreams. Then the presale day I pray a lot to get in the line at good time so i can get the tickets and I did 🥹🥹 my hands were shaking so I could get tickets behind it all well not that far but close, I didn’t care happiness wasn’t enough to describe the meaning to see her.
My date August 25 same as my grandma’s birthday she say “You been in 20 of my birthdays and I got 21 years with you so don’t worry, you can have Taylor Swift one day for now, let’s hope she come more” and now i feel like i must tattoo the date :)
And I put my best outfit (that don’t fit very well and I panic), very similar at the pink bodysuit of 1989 didn’t have time to draw the 13 sadly or do my nails :( but i made my best hair and makeup as possible, this was going to be my best night. 🥰
Saw Sabrina burning the stage at that time I learn some songs (Sabrina please come back I know all of your songs now) and captivated me more definitely.
Then the clock 🕰️ I was on shock so I started to cry very hard, I mean I wait 10 years for that moment, so when she came out I started screaming really loud, screaming and singing the songs, I dance so hard and have a nice night, really nice night.
So the show started, I lost my mind, I really dance, how can I explain it, I couldn’t believe we were in the same room at the same time 💙 even if I can’t see her really well (I hope next time be closer), anyway.
A dream come true to me, was the best night ever!!! I really had a really cool time, made the cruel summer bridge, the 🫶🏻 on fearless, sorcery things at Willow, i sing 22 before turning 22 with Taylor (even if I couldn’t get the 22 hat), singing it’s supposed to be fun turning 21 at 21, then saw her coming with the green folklore dress and the sparkly evermore one, like those are my favorites, then Taylor and I twining clothes in the 1989 set, I’m really going to say I feel like home, like a safe space with swifties were you fell free to be yourself, and that’s it Taylor singing for us and us singing with her, everybody screaming Va a reputar haha, I was jumping all YBWM, in Marjorie I flash three times to tell her I love you (hope she saw it). Cry all the Long live song, I love her so much.
At one moment Taylor said she saw us dancing and saw her soo happy melt my heart and give me the best to keeep dancing even if my mouth was tired.
Sadly at some points I was so exited so I don’t remember All Too Well but I carry the feelings if that night with me all the time.
It’s been 237 days and I can’t find the right words to describe this, but the best feeling is watching these videos I took knowing I was there and getting emotional and cry again. I’ve never been good expressing my feelings that’s one of the reasons why I made a click with Taylor, She expresses how I feel sometimes and made the things clear to me.
Taylor has a lot of meanings in my life, she’s one of the most important people in my life, we had been together for 11 years and more now, she’s been one of my biggest support in life, she’s been singing for me when I cried until I fall sleep in middle school/high school and those nights, she’s been with me in my happiest moments to my depressive ones even when nobody can heard my voice.
All my life people get laugh of me for being a fangirl and do fangirl things, I never had a swiftie friend (I hope had one someday) but to me Taylor is my best friend and sometimes I think she understands me even if she don’t know I exist (hope some day meet her) and thank her for everything tell her how much I’m proud of her (I think she knows)
She’s been with me this 11 years and I have a special moment for every era at every circle of my life, an specific timeline that I will always remember listening her songs 💗
And well I let this post here, I know no one is going to read but just wanted to close midnights era with this with this feeling thankful for this opportunity and waiting for TTPD
@taylorswift I love you with all my life ❤️
Ps. Sorry for my monster voice.
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de-righty · 10 months
Hi! Your character designs are fascinating, do you mind talking a bit about how you approach them?
I wish I could answer this question properly, but the thing is- I know little to nothing about character design! I just tend to fool around and have fun until i come up with something I like!
But! Out of curiosity I decided to "document" how I approach creating characters, maybe it'll help!
(!just remember you are listening to the random person on the internet who is by no means an expert!)
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1. Nothing more to add! I start with creating a "doll" of sorts. However, it does help a lot if you decide on a general theme and character traits before doing even that.
I went into this creation kind of blind, so I had to redo a lot. BUT it's cool too!!!! Some of my best characters got half of their personality DURING the design creation, so it's totally fine if this process overlaps.
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2. That's the trick i tend to use a lot to keep a character from looking nothing-ish, or with too much going on.
The "focus" throughout the design stays as my compass, whatever else I do shouldn't clash with the main detail and shouldn't drain too much attention from it.
Again, character creation is fun and experimental, so, sometimes your focus detail can change! Or disappear! It's just a good starting point to overcome the blank canvas
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3. I decided it will be a DnD warlock with some aristocratic background. The pose has changed, the proportions shuffled back and forth to create some warlock uncanniness. It's basically going back to step one but with some new context!
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4. So next step- outfit. I would really like to learn how to design with clothes in mind immediately, to sort of bounce off of different forms. But as of rn for more serious designs I prefer to dress my base like a doll. It helps with anatomy consistency, but it definitely can feel less expressive.
The one advice I have (besides references, use those, please!!!) is to try and do clothes "sloppy" first. Sometimes the longer you spend with lines and details the less you are aware of the overall shape. This fit in particular I only got right after I roughly painted the silhouette of the dress
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5. Panic! Chaos! Lots and lots of it. I'm keeping myself handcuffed from making everyone green, or Yellow+ some variation of black. BUT since it's a "documentary" I get to do it one more time. As a treat.
Colour theory is, well, hard! So while working with a new palette I often find myself googling the complementary colours. It's alright too!! Looking for colour inspiration is important, you never know what you can find out of your comfort zone (do as I preach not as I do)
Also don't forget to check your tone with black and white filter, it makes wonders.
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And with that we're done! But not really :D
Characters tend to change and evolve the more you draw them. Shapes get adjusted, facial structure becomes more refined.
Take a look at my babyboy Ludwig.
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He may not be the best example, cause, well, he's a dnd character, lots of changes were due to the plot shenanigans, But still!!
A good way to test if you like the design or not- is to draw it a bunch of times. Some details may be added, some may be toned down
@septemberlikestea is the mastermind who taught me that, so you sir are getting some credit.
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Aaaand I guess we're done!
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terrestrialnoob · 2 years
You Can Only Be So Creepy Before I Embarrass You
Danny Phantom x So, I'm a Spider So What?
Squeal to Danny's New Duds
Summary: Kumoko is a terrifying and creepy spider-ghost chilling in the Ghost Zone who enjoys making cosplay, being edgy, and sweets. Danny asks her for some new clothes and she's happy to fulfill his request in exchange for some cookies.
Rated: G for General Audiences
Danny floated into The Spider’s Den holding a styrofoam box. He landed in the clear space in the center of the mass of web and rock that looked exactly like the main room inside of an apartment. There was a living room section with a TV, couch, and more DVDs than it seemed possible to watch and the tastefully balanced display cases of Anime and Cartoon memorabilia. And there was a kitchen section with a full stove top but separate smaller oven, running water, and a table just big enough for three people. It shown with electric light and the display cases had spotlights on them.
“You’re here!” An excited voice cried out and a large creature with the body of a young woman attached at the waist to a giant spider’s body where its head should be. “Is that the payment for the new outfit?”
“Hey Kumoko! Yeah, this is for you, but, uh,” Danny said, but awkwardly backed up a step and rubbed the back of his neck, “It’ll be a first installment - I couldn’t get money from my parents to get any fancy cakes or anything, so I asked my sister for her chocolate chip cookie recipe, and she help me make these.”
Danny held the box out for her to take and he heard her mumbling something to herself. He looked back at her and held in a laugh because she didn’t know he could hear her talking to herself.
Her hands reached out shakily to take the box from him. “Oh my gosh! A boy made me homemade cookies! He asked his sister to help! He went through so much effort. AND They’re still warm! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!”
“Go on, take it,” Danny said and practically dropped the box in her hands, she squeaked in response.
She lifted her two front, scythe-like legs and folded them over each other to make a flat surface to set the box on. She opened it slowly and Danny could practically see the anime effects: the cookies glowing like gold treasure, the exaggerated drop of drool, the anime blush. She reached in reverently and gently lifted a cookie with her two hands, slowly raising it to her face; Danny wondered just how long she was going to drag this out. She finally took a bite that took up half the cookie. She squealed again and Danny could see the anime stars in her eyes. She quickly twirled on one back leg, miraculously keeping the box balanced on her folded front legs.
“This is so good!” She said as she started stuffing the rest of the cookie in her mouth. And then another cookie, and another and-
Danny smiled and nodded, “I’m glad you like the-”
“AH!” She screamed and slammed the box shut.
“What? Was one burnt or-”
“No-o!” She whined, “I’ve already eaten half of them! I need to save at least some of them!”
Danny chuckled as she moved to the kitchen part of her little home and put the cookies in a cupboard. Danny reassured her, “I mean, they’re not top quality like you requested, so I do owe you more of them. Quantity to make up for quality.”
She looked at him with puppy eyes, “Yes, but first! You’re new clothes!”
She went to the backroom and came out with a small pile of folded clothes. She set them on her folded legs like she had the box of cookies, and held up each item on it’s own to show it off.
“First, is the base shirt.” She held up what looked like a plain white shirt, but if you look at it from inches away, you could see some impossibly thin lines of shining silk mixed into the main cotton-texture. She moved it slowly under a spotlight and Danny saw that the shining parts formed a floral pattern, rose shaped flowers with thick leaves and vines filling the space between them.
“Woah, that's amazing!” Danny said as she handed him the shirt and he moved it under the lights himself.
“Next, is the suit vest! You’ll put this on top of the shirt and the tie.” She held up the vest. It was black with intricate silk embroidery, lace-thin green lines formed overlapping octagonal spiderwebs with random patches of green silk in simplified bat shapes. There were two silver buttons that connected perfectly into holes lined with the spiderweb pattern. The back was a separate piece of green cloth, having a single octagonal spiderweb with a bat in the center in green embroidery.
“Kumoko…” Danny stared at her
She looked at him nervously and showed Danny the sides of the vest, "I used two adjustment straps on the sides of the waist instead of one in the center of the back so it wouldn't obstruct the pattern as much."
Danny fixed her with a hard look, “You haven’t been writing vampire fanfiction about me again, have you?”
“Of course not!” She said, too quick and loud. She shoved the vest into Danny’s hands and then held up the next piece. “I’m really proud of the jacket and trousers!”
She held up the jacket and, true to her pride, it was pretty magnificent. Just like the shirt and vest, it was way more detailed than it needed to be. It was black with colored silk embroidery that turned black halfway up the torso and sleeves, going from obviously visible to almost invisible. The pattern was interesting, starting as beautiful green grass and red rose-like flowers at the bottom, losing the red and turning into pure green leafy vines that transformed into black spiderwebs with little half-green bats that faded into full black around the shoulders. The pants matched the pattern, red and green at the bottom, black and green in the middle, then black at the top, roses, webs, and bats. The inside lining of the jacket was almost inverse of the outside. A green base fabric with thin black, lace-like embroidery of spiderwebs with roses and bats caught in them.
“Really going with the creepy factor on these, huh?” Danny commented and Kumoko mimicked his habit of rubbing the back of his neck to avoid awkward eye-contact.
“Well, these ones aren’t that bad,” She said, handing Danny the accessories she’d made to go with the suit. There was a tie and pocket handkerchief that both had the floral rose lace-like stitching in white though.
Danny smiled and nodded, “This is – honestly probably way too fancy for Vlad’s party, so exactly what I asked for. He's not going to believe it when I show up better dressed than him - I mean, it’s just so detailed and cool.”
Kumoko blushed at his comments. “I know they’ll fit perfectly, but if you want to try them on you can.” She motioned to the back room for Danny to change in.
“I think I will!” Danny flew into the room so he wouldn’t have to navigate walking around Kumoko’s body.
It was a pretty spacious bedroom. The bed itself was massive, big enough for not just the giant spider body of Kumoko, but her and two other hers. Danny could also see into her open “closet”, but that wasn’t fully accurate. It alone was bigger than the apartment part of her lair and the bedroom part put together. Not only was it full of clothes and cosplay, wigs and accessories, jewelry and… shoes despite her lack of actual feet, but there were also several mannequins.
Danny didn’t really mind the one in there that looked like him with a white short-hair wig on it, with a black wig on a separate head on a table next to it, and its really accurate facial features with his green eyes and a pair of apparently interchangeable blue eyes next to the black wig (she did make clothes for him so she’d need to know what they’d look like on him, we can excuse all that), but he did mind when some of the other mannequins turned their heads so their eyeless and half-finished faces were staring at him.
He closed that door.
He changed into the suit quickly, but just as he was about to give up on tying the tie and folding the pocket square-thing, he noticed a desk with an open laptop. He couldn’t help himself, in a (spider)girl’s room, alone, with her private laptop unsupervised. He walked over to it and pressed the space key. The screen lit up, showing a word document, and after a quick scan, Danny was grinning like a mad man.
He burst through the door and shouted as he read the first lines of Kumoko’s work. “’My name is Hiiro Wakaba. I have long black hair and dark eyes. That guy over there with black hair and blue eyes is Danny Fenton, and it might not look it, but we’re best friends! We’re just your average high school students!’”
“No!!!!!” Kumoko cried, her hands covering her blushing face.
“’Well, we’re not really normal high school students. We’re both Vampires!’ I knew it! You were writing vampire fanfics about me!” Danny shouted and watched as Kumoko threw herself on the floor before he continued. “’Every night we have a super cool vampire transformation and we have to fight evil vampires to stop them from taking over the world!’”
“No! Please Danny, I’m sorry! I won’t do it again,” She pleaded and writhed on the floor like she was being tortured.
“Alright, but this is your last warning,” Danny said, closing her laptop. “If you don’t want me reading it, don’t write it. Or at least hide it better.”
Kumoko sat up on the floor and rubbed exaggerated tears from her eyes. “I was just having fun!”
“You can have fun, but you’re not following the biggest rule of storytelling,” Danny said, “You can’t just say we’re friends, you gotta show it!”
“I wanted to get to all the exciting stuff though!” Kumoko said and Danny rolled his eyes.
“Here, let’s watch something that knows how to tell a good story,” Danny said, going over to one of the many DVD shelves in the room. He pulled out the Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood complete series limited edition box set, “How about this?”
Kumoko jumped to her feet, “YES! We can binge the whole thing in - Well, we can finish it when you bring me more cookies - I’ll make some popcorn!”
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