#✨balance is the key✨
melathinn · 2 years
Between 9am Wednesday and 6pm Friday I slept for a grand total of 3 hours which was not ideal but I’m busy as hell
And then I slept for 16 hours
And now I’m 3 lbs lighter ✨
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astrocafecoffee · 2 months
• Sun in Groom persona chart •
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✨ you guys requested this series of groom persona chart, so here it is. Today I am gonna cover sun in the houses of Groom pc .
Sun in the houses :
💖 1st house : your fs is likely to have a strong sense of self confidence and Vitality . They may have commanding presence and charismatic personality. They may possess natural leadership abilities and a desire to take charge in various situations. This can make them stand out in social settings. They are likely to be expressive and have a clear sense of identity . They may be quite open about their thoughts and feelings. You fs may seek attention and recognition from others. They might enjoy being in the spotlight and receiving praise for their accomplishments. They are likely to be determined and have a strong will . When they set their mind on something they pursue with vigor. They may have generally positive and optimistic outlook on life, which can be infectious to those around them. Sun in the 1st house can also influence physical appearance , potentially indicating a strong , healthy and attractive look. While they may have admirable qualities , they might also need to watch out for excessive pride or ego , which can sometimes leads to conflicts.
💖 2nd house : When the Sun is in the 2nd house of your groom's persona chart, it can uniquely indicate that your future spouse's identity and life purpose are intricately tied to their ability to create and sustain value. This placement suggests a person who doesn't just seek financial stability but sees wealth creation as a form of self-expression. They may have a unique approach to wealth that blends creativity with practicality, turning passions and hobbies into lucrative ventures. This placement can denote a person who values authenticity in their possessions and relationships. They might prefer quality over quantity, investing in items or experiences that reflect their true self and bring lasting joy rather than fleeting satisfaction. your future spouse might also possess a natural talent for identifying hidden potential in people and things. This ability to see value where others might not could lead them to success in areas such as investing, art collecting, or any field where discerning true worth is key. This placement might indicate that your spouse’s journey involves transforming their relationship with material wealth, learning to balance their innate desire for security with a deeper understanding of self-worth that transcends possessions. This unique blend of traits can create a dynamic and enriching partnership where you both grow and thrive.
💖3rd house: Your future spouse may stand out as an intellectual leader in their community.They may have a unique ability to connect seemingly unrelated ideas, leading to innovative solutions and creative projects. This knack for seeing the bigger picture can make them a visionary in their field.They could excel in multiple areas, from writing and public speaking to technology and social media. Your future spouse might have a natural talent for connecting people, creating networks, and fostering collaborations. They can effortlessly bring different groups together, facilitating teamwork and community building. Their love for variety and learning may lead them to travel frequently, seeking out new experiences and cultures. They might enjoy exploring different places and sharing their adventures through blogging, vlogging, or social media. With a strong emphasis on continuous learning, they may always be enrolled in a new course, reading the latest books, or attending seminars. This lifelong pursuit of knowledge can keep them dynamic and adaptable. They might have a passion for teaching and mentoring others, finding fulfillment in helping others grow intellectually. This could manifest in formal education roles or informal settings, like community workshops or online platforms.
💖 4th house : Your future spouse might possess an extraordinary ability to turn any space into a vibrant, lively, and welcoming home.Their home could be a reflection of their personal adventures and interests, filled with unique artifacts, travel souvenirs, and collections that tell their life story. Your spouse may have an innate ability to transform emotional pain into strength and wisdom. This skill allows them to help others navigate their own emotional journeys, often acting as a healer within their social circle. They might excel in integrating cutting-edge technology with traditional home comforts, creating a smart home that’s both futuristic and cozy. Think automated systems, green energy solutions, and innovative home design. There could be a unique passion for cooking and experimenting with different cuisines. Their kitchen might be the heart of the home, where they create culinary masterpieces that bring people together. They might blend different cultural elements into their home, creating a space that’s a melting pot of traditions and modernity. This could manifest in their interior design, food, and even the way they celebrate holidays. Their approach to family relationships might be both insightful and practical.
💖 5th house : When the Sun is in the 5th house of your groom's persona chart, it highlights a vibrant, creative, and playful side to your future spouse. This placement suggests that your spouse will likely be someone who thrives on joy, self-expression, and the pursuit of personal passions. They may have a natural talent for arts, whether it be music, painting, acting, or any other form of creative expression. Their creativity isn’t just a hobby; it’s a core part of their identity and something that they actively seek to incorporate into their daily life. This placement also suggests a strong connection to children. Whether or not they have their own, your spouse is likely to have a youthful spirit and may enjoy activities that allow them to connect with their inner child. They might be excellent at entertaining children and could find great joy in spending time with them. Romance is another key aspect of the 5th house, and with the Sun here, your spouse is likely to be very romantic and expressive in their affections. They may enjoy grand gestures of love and will likely seek to keep the romance alive in your relationship through thoughtful surprises and passionate moments.Their competitive nature can drive them to achieve great things in their personal and professional life, as they are likely to enjoy the thrill of the challenge and the satisfaction of victory.
💖6th house: With the Sun positioned in the 6th house of the groom's natal chart, your future spouse's focus on routine and structure can be a defining aspect of his personality. He might thrive on having a well-organized daily schedule and may feel most comfortable in environments where tasks and responsibilities are clearly defined. This inclination towards routine can make him a reliable and consistent partner, as he likely values stability and predictability in his relationships. Health and wellness are likely important to him, and he may integrate these values into his daily habits. This could manifest as a commitment to regular exercise, a balanced diet, or other health-conscious practices. He might also encourage these habits in his partner, reflecting his belief in the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. His attention to detail is another notable trait. He is likely to be meticulous and thorough, whether in managing household duties, handling work-related tasks, or addressing minor issues. This precision can be an asset in maintaining an organized and functional home life, though it may occasionally lead him to stress over small details. In the context of a relationship, he might express love and affection through acts of service and practical support. For him, demonstrating care might involve helping with chores, offering assistance with daily tasks, or being a steady source of support. This service-oriented approach reflects his belief in showing love through tangible actions rather than just words.
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💖 7th house: Sun is in the 7th house of a groom's persona chart indicates that your spouse may have a strong and confident personality. They might be assertive, charismatic, and central in their social circles. Physically, they could have a noticeable presence or be prominent in some way. Since the Sun symbolizes leadership and authority, your spouse might be someone who takes charge in relationships or in their career. They may have natural leadership abilities and can be influential in their community or workplace. The 7th house is traditionally associated with partnerships, marriage, and significant others. With the Sun here, marriage and committed relationships are likely to play a significant role in their life. They may seek a partnership that enhances their personal identity and goals. The Sun in the 7th house can also indicate that your spouse may be quite visible or known publicly, possibly through their work, social activities, or community involvement. They might have a career that puts them in the spotlight or involves interactions with the public.
💖 8th house : The 8th house in astrology is associated with deep transformation, intimacy, and shared resources. When the Sun placed here ,it suggests that your future spouse is likely to have a profound and intense personality. They may approach life with a deep sense of passion and emotional depth, seeking meaningful connections and experiences that go beyond the surface.This placement can indicate that the spouse may have an interest in occult, mystical, or spiritual matters.The 8th house deals with shared resources, investments, and inheritances. Therefore, the spouse may have an influence or involvement in financial matters that involve joint resources or inheritances. Your spouse may seek relationships that bring about personal growth and change. They might have a strong need for emotional intimacy and connection, and relationships could serve as a catalyst for their personal development. The 8th house is also significant, indicating a deep and intense approach to physical intimacy. Your spouse may place great importance on the emotional and spiritual aspects of intimacy, seeking a profound connection with their partner.
💖 9th house : your spouse could be philosophically inclined, interested in exploring different belief systems, or deeply spiritual. They may seek meaning and purpose through intellectual and spiritual pursuits.your spouse may have a keen interest in travel,(or could be a foreigner) either physically exploring different countries or mentally through academic studies of different cultures. They might be drawn to adventures abroad, international relationships, or careers that involve cross-cultural interactions.your spouse may have pursued advanced studies or have a career in academia, teaching, or guiding others in some capacity. They might value knowledge and continuous learning, possibly inspiring others through their wisdom and experience.Your spouse may be idealistic, advocating for causes they believe in or striving to make a positive impact on a larger scale. They could be ethical, principled, and committed to justice and fairness.They may have a cheerful disposition, seeing opportunities and possibilities even in challenging situations. Their upbeat attitude could be contagious, uplifting those around them.your spouse may have an affinity for languages or an ability to adapt to different cultural environments easily. They may enjoy learning about different customs, traditions, and languages, fostering a sense of cultural understanding and integration.
💖 10th house: your spouse is likely to be ambitious, driven, and focused on their career goals. They may aspire to positions of authority, leadership roles, or recognition in their profession. Their identity and sense of self-worth may be strongly tied to their achievements and career success.They may strive to maintain a positive image in the eyes of others and uphold their integrity and credibility. Their actions and decisions may often be influenced by how they are perceived in their professional and social spheres.Your spouse may receive recognition and accolades for their hard work and accomplishments. They may strive for excellence in their chosen field and be motivated by the desire to achieve significant milestones and goals. Their achievements may bring them a sense of pride and fulfillment. There may be a need to balance their professional goals with personal life. Your spouse may invest considerable time and energy into their career, which could impact their family dynamics and relationships. Finding harmony between work and personal life may be an ongoing challenge. your spouse may have had influential authority figures or mentors who guided them in their career path. They may have learned valuable lessons from leaders in their field and benefited from mentorship or guidance that shaped their professional development.your spouse may have strong public speaking abilities and effective communication skills. They may excel in presenting ideas and networking with other people.
💖11th house : Your spouse may possess a visionary mindset, capable of seeing beyond current limitations and envisioning innovative solutions or possibilities for the future. They may inspire others with their forward-thinking ideas and aspirations.Your spouse may have a natural affinity for technology, whether it's through their career, hobbies, or social connection.Your spouse may have a diverse and influential network of friends, colleagues, or acquaintances. They may excel in building and maintaining relationships that span different social circles, which could benefit them professionally or personally.They may be actively involved in community initiatives, social groups, or online communities that align with their interests and values. Their contributions could range from advocacy for social causes to organizing events that promote collective well-being. They may advocate for social justice issues or champion reforms that contribute to a more equitable society. Your fs may have entrepreneurial inclinations , particularly in the areas of technology, innovation or social enterprise. They may be drawn to startups or ventures that harness creativity and connectivity for positive impact.They may have a keen interest in future trends, whether it's in technology, social movements, or cultural shifts. Their ability to anticipate changes and adapt accordingly could be a valuable asset in both personal and professional endeavors.
💖12th house : your spouse may have a rich inner life and be introspective by nature. They may value solitude and contemplation, finding spiritual fulfillment through practices like meditation, prayer, or introspective self-reflection.They may be drawn to helping professions or volunteer work that allows them to make a difference in people’s lives.Your spouse may have a talent for creative expression through music, art, writing, or other forms of artistic endeavor.Your spouse may have a deep interest in psychology, psychotherapy, or exploring the hidden aspects of the human psyche. They may be introspective about their own motivations, fears, and desires, seeking to understand themselves on a profound level. This introspective journey may also lead them to explore esoteric or mystical teachings.Your spouse may prefer peaceful, serene surroundings where they can retreat and recharge. They may have a knack for creating sacred spaces or environments conducive to relaxation and inner peace.They may have a quiet determination and inner fortitude that allows them to overcome obstacles and setbacks with grace and perseverance.The 12th house is often associated with karmic themes, past lives, and spiritual healing. Your spouse may be on a path of spiritual growth and transformation, seeking to resolve past issues or karma through self-awareness, forgiveness, and healing practices.
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Thanks for reading 💓
- PIKO 💖
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cosmicplexus · 5 months
Random Astrology Observations
🌻I wasn't feeling lazy today so this is a bit longer than the usual observation posts🌻
🦋And finally the pricing catalogue is here...at the end of the observations 🦋
Thank you so much my sunflowers🌻your support has been everything. I try my best to respond to your messages and requests. If you haven't received a response, I'm coming 🤍✨
And I tried my best to be reasonable with the prices. Also, I'm not yet doing full chart readings as I am a student with two majors and I'm already struggling with balancing things. In time I will do them. Free one question culture requests are still open, but please don't request for things you see on the pricing catalogue like a big three reading...
I don't want to bore you all too much so here we go🧚🏾‍♀️🦋🌻✨
Astrology Notes...
~4th house Gemini makes for someone who develops family-like bonds in friendships.
~taurus risings tend to be possessive due to the influence of their scorpio 7th house.
~pluto at angular houses 1st, 7th, 4th and 10th is a huge indicator of someone who has had intense experiences in the respective key areas of life and there's spiritual lessons to be learnt regarding that area through transformation.
~libra venus placements may find it really hard to stay single
~7° and 19° venus or moon signs may struggle with the theme of physical perfection and wanting to attain it.
~virgo moons have a tendency of creating problems if they don't have any current ones to solve
~capricorn risings really do look older in their younger days and younger when they're older.
~moon and neptune in 1st house natives may give off the perception that they need saving and may attract people with a martyrdom complex.
~sagittarius, 9th house, 9° and 21° mercuries may have an affinity to music in foreign languages while cancer, 4th house, 4°,16°,28° may enjoy music in their mother tongue
~jupiter in 2nd house and 10th house is heavy lotto winner vibes. Literally and figuratively.
~mercury in 2nd house and at Taurean degrees(2°,14° and 26°) are the born singers
~the 22nd degree is an underrated fame degree...I have a bey's🐝 fame analysis I've been sitting on for a while. That's a conversation for another day.
~pisces venus and mars are the most romantic people in the world which makes me kind of believe the astrology theory of neptune being the higher frequency of venus.
~leo moons really take their hair seriously and may feel out of loop if their hair is not well done.
~want to easily impress a cancer mars man??? Sing praises to your mom. Be dotting around kids.
~girls with 9th house, 9° and 21° Venus are so magically beautiful. Abundance of beauty.
~To a decent degree, liberation of women in society came at the expense of gemini, sagittarius and aquarius venus women being slut-shamed(This is not at all saying other women did not contribute to the liberation of women 🌻✨ That's a conversation for another day)
~neptune plays a huge role in beauty trends and that's why neptune dominant women are usually the beauty influencers which explains why beauty standards are mutable and ever changing.
~jupiter in 7th house can go two ways... extreme luck in meaningful relationships or someone who never has serious relationships and is forever on the look...
~pisces/12th house mercuries and mercury afflicted by neptune are often under fire for being the liars when the real culprit is the sagittarius/9th house mercuries and mercury-jupiter hard aspects.
~I personally view the north node as a jupiter variant. While the general consensus is that it is the purpose we're working for, I do believe that it's also an indicator of our birthrights, innate gifts and where we're lucky.
~Cosmic Plexus🌻🤍
Let me know your thoughts...
~Cosmic Plexus🤍✨🌻🦋©️
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11cupids-tarot11 · 3 months
A Letter From Your Future Spouse
1 -> 4
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Cupid's Services Cupid's Master List Socials
Tips appreciated!
C@sh app and P@ypal only!
- Cupid 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪.
︻デ═一 ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Pile 1- Four of Wands, The Fool, Page of Swords, Nine of Cups, Page of Wands, The Wheel of Fortune.
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"Hi you! I've been sleeping a lot, can't seem to do anything else lately because of how tired I've been. Finally. I can sleep as much as I want to now because of a situation that just so happened to end recently. Death.
What now? See, I've been wondering the same thing. But let's not even worry about it, let's just sleep as much as we want to because we finally can, even if it's only a little nap time out of your day do it because I gotta see you one last time later, I've got a message for you in your dreams. Spirit will tell you, don't worry about missing it or when <3
Resting so much so when I do have to work, you know, find that balance again between work and fun, I can focus on what's so important to me a lot better, I mean really give it my all... You know? Lol
Sorry, I dream a lot, you might notice my head is always in the clouds. I have very air energy like a Gemini.
Things are finally clearing up for me! I feel at peace, maybe we mirror each other and things are also getting better for you too? You have to let me know, okay? I feel like I can finally breathe again, be optimistic without being scared the rug is going to get snatched from underneath.
I've been working so so hard on my craft, putting in so much love and effort into my work and I feel really hopeful that all of my productivity will pay off soon, consistency is key, right?
I really like the color yellow, 😄 talk again soon!"
Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to do the poll below 👇🏾 ✨
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Pile 2- Knight of Wands, I forgot to write down the rest of the cards I'm so sorry 😞
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"I have no problem with putting in hard work for anything I want, even you, you know? If you don't want me the moment we catch eyes I'll make you ;)
The moment I catch you I'm going to make sure I never stop loving you, I'll make sure every day is beautiful, even on our bad days we'll kiss each other good night before bed still. I love you!
Why do you keep worrying yourself? All of that doubt in that pretty little head of yours isn't good, you should lay it all to rest before you make yourself sick baby. Sleep more, practice some self care before you run yourself crazy, okay?
I'm so proud of you, you know, for whatever amazing things you've accomplished lately. I believe in you, I'll always be your #1 cheerleader!
You should go out and celebrate! Enjoy the sun, you deserve it my angel! Promise me you won't let this go by like it's just not that big and you'll go out and do something? Pinky promise?
Stay focused! You're on the right path, you're doing amazing! I promise you, all of this will be worth it, it's worth our future 💓 keep going, I know you can do it! 🎉"
Hope you enjoy!!☺️ Don't forget to do the poll below!!
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Pile 3- Queen of Cups, Justice, Four of Cups, The Moon, Three of Swords, The Star.
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" Hi my love, you know I don't talk a lot haha, so I'll make this quick as usual and get out of your hair so you can go on.
I just want to remind you, you're my queen, my favorite, my whole world ❤️ I think red looks really pretty on you btw but anyway, I love and miss you like crazy at times like these.
I am going through something right now, a legal situation, a situation I wish would come to an end right now because it's so heavy on me, it's hurting me but I know at the same time it's happening to me because it's part of my karma, something that's forcing me to look so closely at myself, at every shadow because I think it leads me to you. My everything. We're going to get married, I'm so sure of it.
I'm keeping hope alive, I'm hanging on to every thread of it I've got. I'm working on everything right now, I'll catch up with you soon sweetheart 💋 I'm going to kiss you when I do, you won't be able to get rid of me. ;) "
Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to do the poll below!!
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Pile 4- Ace of Cups, The Hanged Man, King of Wands, Nine of Cups, Knight of Cups, Nine of Wands.
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"I want to come to you with amazing news but I can't, I'm sorry to say, I've taken a turn for the worst right now. Don't worry, it's temporary.
I am slowly building myself back up, that's what I'm doing right now if you're wondering what I've been doing all this time. I'm healing day by day and I hope you are too sweetheart. I might be a bit stuck and tangled up right now, but I'm clearing through it!
I'm the kind of guy who will pursue you with nothing but kindness until I make you fall for me with your charm, I'm cute, I know I am, you'll love me, I have curly light hair, and a really cute smile. You'll think I'm so adorable.
I want to offer my heart to you, fully, 100%. You have me, all of me as long as you give me you in return, I hope you do, I can't be without you once I know you.
Take care my love ❤️."
Hope you enjoyed ❤️ Don't forget to do the poll below!!
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astroa3h · 9 months
Juno through the houses ✨💖
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Juno in the 1st House: If Juno is in your 1st House, your soulmate is likely someone who mirrors you. They're not just a partner; they're like your other half. They get your quirks, they match your energy, and they understand your need for independence and personal space. It's like finding someone who completes your sentences.
Juno in the 2nd House: Here, your soulmate is your rock. They're dependable, maybe even a bit traditional. They value stability and comfort, and they make you feel secure. They're the type who would rather have a quiet night in with you than a wild night out. It's all about building a solid, comfortable life together.
Juno in the 3rd House: Communication is key for you. Your soulmate is someone you can talk to for hours without getting bored. They're intellectually stimulating, curious, and maybe a bit of a chatterbox. They're the kind of person who loves to learn and share ideas with you. It's like having your best conversation partner for life.
Juno in the 4th House: Home is where the heart is for you. Your soulmate feels like home. They're nurturing, caring, and maybe a bit of a homebody. They value family and traditions. With them, you feel an emotional depth and security. It's like finding someone who wants to build a cozy nest with you.
Juno in the 5th House: Get ready for some fun! Your soulmate is likely creative, playful, and a bit of a romantic. They love to have a good time, and they bring out your playful side. They're the type who surprises you with a spontaneous road trip or a creative date night. Life with them is never boring.
Juno in the 6th House: Practicality rules here. Your soulmate is someone who's reliable and maybe a bit of a perfectionist. They're organized and love to take care of the details. They show their love through acts of service - think making you breakfast or helping you organize your closet. It's about finding joy in the day-to-day life together.
Juno in the 7th House: Balance and harmony are essential for you. Your soulmate is someone who seeks equality and partnership. They're fair, diplomatic, and maybe a bit of a peacemaker. They value relationships and are committed to making it work. It's about finding someone who's truly your equal partner.
Juno in the 8th House: Get ready for intensity. Your soulmate is passionate, maybe a bit mysterious. They're all about deep connections and aren't afraid to explore the darker sides of life with you. It's a transformative relationship, where you both grow and change together.
Juno in the 9th House: Adventure awaits! Your soulmate loves to explore, whether it's through travel, philosophy, or spirituality. They're open-minded and seek growth and expansion. They're the type who would love to go on a backpacking trip across Europe with you or explore different cultures and ideas.
Juno in the 10th House: Ambition is key here. Your soulmate is career oriented, driven, and maybe a bit of a public figure (especially if you have Juno at a fame degree). They're respected and maybe have a bit of a status. They inspire you to reach for your goals and support your ambitions.
Juno in the 11th House: Think of a relationship that feels like a friendship. Your soulmate is likely social, idealistic, and values freedom and equality. They're the type who loves to be part of a community and may be involved in social causes. It's about finding someone who shares your dreams for a better world.
Juno in the 12th House: This is a deep, spiritual connection. Your soulmate is intuitive, empathetic, and may have a strong inner life. They understand your need for solitude and introspection. It's like having a connection that transcends words. I also find this placement shows a soulmate with dark eyes and hair.
xox astro ash
Get your own Juno Soulmate Reading @ astroash.net
TikTok - astroa3h
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Planets in 7th house.
The mirror of self
Sun in 7th house
🌻The personality with Sun in 7th house wishes to know itself, it's identity through the mirror of others. It deeply searches for its own identity, essence , value in the definitions , thoughts , feelings of others about them.
🌻It finds completion and true fulfillment in the company of its beloved .
🌻Can be very self sacrificing or can have ego issues . Balancing is the key. Do something creative everyday. So that you are more dependent on yourself.
🌻Looks for a radiant, confident , regal , creative partner , why ? Because he is looking for his unconscious part to become conscious in the material life.
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Moon in the 7th House
💚Here the personality desires the reflection & experience of an instinctive , beautiful, intuitive , beautiful, feeling , emotionally intelligent, emotionally attuned , nurturing partner .
💚In her , he finds his reflection of his emotional needs , in her , he learns about his emotions , the care , devotion , emotional attunement he wishes to get is the unconscious reflection of his anima.
💚The unconscious childhood enactment with mother is wished for to reach a sense of completion within.
💚A tendency of neediness and codependence can form sometimes.
💚Moodiness and nourishment happen in waves.
💚Developing a consistent spiritual practice will help beautifully balance this placement.
💚Emotionally attuned soulful relationship can happen if the personality learns to focus his attention of himself, his beloved , his spiritual practice & stays loyal.
💚Moon related business will also bhi helpful.
Mercury in 7th house.
⭐The personality with mercury in 7th house desires a friendly beloved . The one who he can chatter with , funny batter , intellectual stimulation, discuss business ideas .
⭐He searches for a childlike , youthful, logical , analytical partner who can reflect his unconscious so that he feels complete fulfilled within & outside.
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Mars in 7th house.
☘️Here the personality finds its vigour , assertiveness, competitive spirit becoming active in its close partnerships, within the company of the other.
☘️He looks for a courageous, bold , dynamic , athletic partner who wakes up or reflects his own courageous dynamic qualities . Thus a sense of completion and fulfillment is felt within & without.
☘️Can have some clashes with partners , but these can be resolved with understanding.
☘️Playing active sports with one's partner will also be helpful in making the use of this energy.
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Saturn in 7th house.
🤍The personality with Saturn in 7th finds itself in a dilemma , to be close or far away , to open up or not .
🤍Close relationships have been marked away with restrictions and a sense of emotional coldness.
🤍The personality desires close soulful relationships but finds difficult to be vulnerable with its close partners.
🤍The personality in its earlier formative years is forced to grow up , restrict its inner child so as to act mature for the situations it is placed in to face , experience & deal with.
🤍Thus bringing up the courage to open up , be vulnerable , to let your inner child feel nourished & itself again , & to allow others to see yourself for your needs & desires too .
🤍To accept change & to grow together.
🤍Better relationships happen with time .
🤍Spiritual practice is deeply helpful.
🤍A responsible, mature , sensible , fair partner fills the mirror image . ⭐💗
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Jupiter in 7th house.
✨Here the personality aspires to find a wise , guiding, spiritual, religious ,teaching presence in one's partnership.
✨A spiritual relationship where both can be themselves , grow & mature into their true selves.
✨Expansive relationships , soulful connections are searched for.
✨Guard against multiple relationships.
Venus in 7th house
💗The personality with Venus in the 7th house desires the romance , loving , sensual, beautiful experience of a true soul connection.
💗Balance , fairness , negotiation, a penchant for beauty & harmony within and also in relationships is desired .
💗Quality time spent , luxury , beauty , sensuality & heart to heart feelings are desired.
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Rahu in 7th house.
💫Personality desires the excitement of close relationships, business avenues wealth . Partners of different origin , culture , background, of exotic origin find his attention. Choose your partners wisely.
💫Never let your close partners take advantage of your yielding nature. Do your spiritual practice.
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Ketu in 7th house
☘️Personality is self focused this lifetime & is detached from close relationships , business etc.
☘️A spiritual meditative partner can be a good choice .
☘️Having a spiritual base to the relationships , marriage & business will help chanelise the energy towards its best use.
☘️Regular spiritual practice will also be beneficial.
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The Timeless Lessons from Aaliyah: A Breakdown of Her Feminine Qualities 💋
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Key Notes: What Aaliyah taught us:
Demanding Respect & Having Self respect.
The power of Softness.
Natural Beauty is Timeless.
You can be both sexy and classy.
Welcome to The Black Feminine Society, a platform where black women find a safe space to tap into their god-given superpower: femininity. Together we can create a community of women who support, motivate and empower each other on our journeys.
Today, we want to honor and deep dive into the qualities of the late singer Aaliyah and the valuable lessons she taught us. From authenticity and self-respect to the power of softness and the timeless beauty of being natural, Aaliyah's influence continues to inspire black women on their journeys to becoming their best selves.
✨Aaliyah’s Authenticity:
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Aaliyah was a shining example of authenticity. She embraced her true self, unapologetically expressing her personality through her music, style, and interactions. In a world that often pressures women to conform, Aaliyah taught us the importance of staying true to ourselves and owning our uniqueness. Her authenticity continues to resonate with black women, empowering them to embrace their individuality and shine in their own right.
✨Demanding Respect & Having Self-Respect:
Aaliyah's unwavering self-respect left an indelible mark on the industry and her fans. She set boundaries and stood firm in her convictions, never compromising her values for fame or popularity. Aaliyah's example reminds us that true strength lies in respecting ourselves and demanding respect from others. Black women in the Black Feminine Society are encouraged to prioritize their self-worth and cultivate relationships that honor their dignity.
✨The Power of Softness:
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Contrary to the societal expectations often placed on black women, Aaliyah showed us the power of softness. She effortlessly blended strength and vulnerability in her music and demeanor. Aaliyah's graceful presence challenged stereotypes and redefined what it means to be feminine. Through her gentle yet empowered approach, she demonstrated that softness is not a weakness but a strength that should be celebrated.
✨Natural Beauty is Timeless:
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Aaliyah's natural beauty was a testament to the timeless essence of black women. With minimal makeup and a radiant smile, she captivated audiences and proved that beauty transcends trends and societal standards. Aaliyah's embrace of her natural beauty inspires black women to celebrate their own unique features and embrace their natural selves. In a world bombarded with unrealistic beauty standards, Aaliyah's legacy encourages black women to define beauty on their own terms.
✨You Can Be Both Sexy and Classy:
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Aaliyah effortlessly embodied both sexiness and class, debunking the notion that black women must choose between the two. She exuded sensuality in her performances while maintaining an undeniable elegance. Aaliyah's ability to balance these qualities taught us that black women can embrace their sexuality without compromising their dignity. In the Black Feminine Society, black women are encouraged to own their sensuality and express it in a way that aligns with their values and personal style.
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Aaliyah's impact on the black community, particularly black women, cannot be understated. Through her authenticity, self-respect, embodiment of softness, embrace of natural beauty, and the fusion of sexiness and class, Aaliyah taught us invaluable lessons. As members of the Black Feminine Society, let us continue to draw inspiration from Aaliyah's legacy and empower ourselves on our own journeys to becoming our best selves, embracing our femininity, and finding community among fellow black women.
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exosalt · 5 months
aot headcanons - skincare edition
Slightly on the dry side but v sensitive
Has a pretty simple routine - cleanser, toner, moisturiser, aftershave etc
His products are high end and high quality
Knows exactly what to use for specific skin issues
Religiously uses SPF
Combination skin but slightly on the oilier side
Doesn’t have a skincare routine
Uses 3-in-1 shampoo/conditioner/body wash on his face when he’s in the shower
Steals Armin’s and Mikasa’s skincare products
Uses them wrong
Refuses to use SPF in winter
Normal balanced skin
Literally only needs cleanser and SPF and that’s IT
Likes trying out new face masks and sheet masks
Physically has to hold Eren down and rub SPF on his face
Used to have balanced skin like Mikasa but it dried out because he kept using hand sanitizer on his face
Cleanses twice a day but with antibacterial soap
Skin stills looks good because ✨Ackergenes✨
Combination and slightly acne-prone
Needs encouragement to use proper skincare
Not too fussed about following a proper routine, always forgets in the evening
Thinks growing a beard will cover the sins
Has an oily T-zone
Tiktok is her main source of skincare info
Tried homemade Pinterest face masks but ended up eating it
Has a post on her Instagram of herself and Connie with face masks on and cucumbers over their eyes
Combination skin but slightly acne prone
Doesn’t really use anything special unless it’s recommended to him
“What’s your skincare routine?” “Water” - thinks that’s a flex
Loves trying new face masks with Sasha
Dry, sensitive skin but no one can ever tell because she’s perfected her skincare
Has a full 12 step routine
Loves giving skincare recommendations
Convinces Ymir to do spa nights with her
LMAO jk jk his skincare is pretty simple
Has mostly normal skin but stress causes him to break out
Still trying to find products which work for him
Oily + sensitive skin
Constantly forgets to use SPF
Doesn’t really matter because he sweats off all the product anyway
Combination skin
Constant dark circles
Uses super simple drugstore products
Only really focused on keeping her skin clean
Started using SPF because Armin suggested it
Combination skin but has an oily forehead
Doesn’t have a proper routine
Only buys products that are half off 🙃
Low-key scared he’ll exfoliate a freckle off
(The freckles demand love)
Really only uses water and it works out fine
Doesn’t understand the skincare hype
Will still try out whatever Historia recommends for her
this set
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Doesn’t have a skincare routine
Likes putting weird things on their face just to see what effect they’ll have
Like they’ll rub a whole lemon on their face just to see what it does
Enjoys popping pimples
Soap goes up his nose every single day and impairs his sense of smell for like an hour afterwards
Cries when this happens
Prefers to keep it simple
Doesn’t wash his face
Crusty ass bitch
s/o to @sehun-cakes for helping me with this 😂
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starryknight-tarot · 11 months
𝓨𝓮𝓼 𝓸𝓻 𝓝𝓸
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pile 1 -- > pile 2 -- > pile 3 pile 4 -- > pile 5 -- > pile 6
my masterlist<3 . paid readings
Hello my beautiful souls ✨ I am here with a really super quick and short pac for y'all. Let me know if you want more short readings like these. Remember to meditate, take a deep breath, and pick whatever pile calls to you the most. My readings are meant for everyone, no matter what sexuality or identity you are. Since this is a general reading, make sure to take what resonates and leave what doesn't. The artist is dayrisfelix in ig.
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Pile 1
Card: Four of Pentacles
Yes, but careful. Don't let fear and worry control your judgement. You are working towards something stable and if not careful can end up in a bad situation. This pile might be the closest to a maybe but for most of you it is a yes.
Advice Cards: Put your tasks and goals in order
Yes you can . . . Set it in motion!
The key is in the application. Practice!
Channeled Song:
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Pile 2 Card: Knight of Cups
Yes, your situation is looking optimistic and should go well! Just remember that you can't be in your head about it and work needs to be done.
Advice Cards:
It's time to realize the blueprint of your soul
Release all attachments that do not serve you
Physically and/or mentally, shape up
Channeled Song:
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Pile 3 Cards: Seven of Cups
Yes, just remember to make your choices wisely and opportunities will come your way! Take things slowly and try not to make any rash decisions.
Advice Cards:
It's time to realize the blueprint of your soul
Practice the pause
Remain faithful to your ideal and find trust within yourself
Channeled Song:
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Pile 4 Card: The Hermit
No, right now you need to take time to yourself and plan out your next moves. You need to be patient and do some reflecting on which path is the best to take.
Advice Cards:
Issues of balance are at hand
You may need to take a break from the situation or simple take rest
A rite of passage allows you to move forward into new realms
Channeled Song:
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Pile 5
Card: Seven of Wands
Yes, stand your ground and stay confident in your decisions. Express what you want and it will naturally come to you.
Advice Cards:
Give yourself your own approval
Act on what you know
Spend some time in stillness to reflect
Channeled Song:
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Pile 6 Card: Five of Swords
No, there is inner conflict that you need to work on before you can move forward. You may also be letting your fears control your decision making and it is hurting you.
Advice Cards:
The Universe supports your stance and decision
Have a closer look at your family situation
Control is an illusion. Surrender and allow the Universe to guide you.
Channeled Song:
Thank you for tuning in ₊‧.°.⋆🫧•˚₊‧⋆.
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Jupiter's Blessings / Where Fortune Smiles According to Your Sign" ✨🌟
Jupiter's placement in your birth chart influences where you experience natural luck and expansion. Here's a journey through Jupiter's influence across the signs
♈ Aries: "Energetic Endeavors" 🚀🍀
♉ Taurus: "Material Abundance" 🌱💰
♊ Gemini: "Intellectual Adventures" 📚✈️
♋ Cancer: "Emotional Enrichment" 💖🏠
♌ Leo: "Creative Crescendo" 🎭🌟
♍ Virgo: "Organized Opportunities" 📊🔍
♎ Libra: "Harmonious Connections" 🤝💫
♏ Scorpio: "Deep Transformations" 💎🔮
♐ Sagittarius: "Expansive Horizons" 🌄🌠
♑ Capricorn: "Structured Success" 🏆🏢
♒ Aquarius: "Innovative Insights" 💡🌐
♓ Pisces: "Intuitive Blessings" 🌊🌈
Main Asteroids
Jupiter with Ceres: Nurturing Abundance 🌱🍀
Jupiter with Pallas Athena: Wisdom Expansion 📚💡
Jupiter with Juno: Partnership Prosperity 💑💰
Jupiter with Vesta: Devotion and Expansion 🕯️🌄
Jupiter with Hygieia: Healing Abundance 🌿🌈
Jupiter with Astraea: Justice and Blessings ⚖️🌠
Jupiter with Eris: Transformative Expansion 💥🌀
Jupiter with Sedna: Wisdom of the Depths 🌊🌟
Jupiter's influence expands further as it moves through the houses of your birth chart, bringing luck and abundance to different areas of your life:
Jupiter in 1st House: "Radiant Self" 🌟🎉
Jupiter in 2nd House: "Material Flow" 💰🛍️
Jupiter in 3rd House: "Intellectual Exploration" 📚✉️
Jupiter in 4th House: "Home Harmony" 🏠🌼
Jupiter in 5th House: "Creative Joy" 🎨🎭
Jupiter in 6th House: "Health and Growth" 🌿💪
Jupiter in 7th House: "Partnership Prosperity" 💑🤝
Jupiter in 8th House: "Transformative Abundance" 💎🔮
Jupiter in 9th House: "Expanding Horizons" ✈️🌄
Jupiter in 10th House: "Professional Triumph" 🏆🏢
Jupiter in 11th House: "Friendship Fortune" 👥🌠
Jupiter in 12th House: "Spiritual Blessings" 🌌🙏
Jupiter Conjunction: When Jupiter is conjunct (close to) another planet, its energy merges, amplifying the qualities of that planet. This can bring heightened opportunities, growth, and luck related to the specific planet's traits. For example, a Jupiter-Sun conjunction can enhance your self-confidence and attract positive experiences into your life.
Jupiter Sextile or Trine: Harmonious aspects between Jupiter and other planets indicate ease in harnessing Jupiter's blessings. These aspects encourage positive growth, expansion, and the ability to seize opportunities with relative ease. A Jupiter-Moon trine may enhance your emotional well-being and bring support from family or women.
Jupiter Square or Opposition: Challenging aspects between Jupiter and other planets may require extra effort to tap into its positive energy. These aspects can bring growth through overcoming obstacles and learning valuable lessons. A Jupiter-Mercury square might indicate a need to balance optimism with practicality in communication and decision-making.
Jupiter and Outer Planets: Aspects with outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) can signify transformative and profound experiences. A Jupiter-Neptune trine could enhance your spiritual journey and creative pursuits, while a Jupiter-Pluto opposition may involve intense personal growth through confronting power dynamics.
Multiple Aspects: When Jupiter forms multiple aspects, its influence becomes multi-faceted. A Jupiter with a mix of harmonious and challenging aspects can create a balanced interplay of growth, challenges, and opportunities.
Remember, Jupiter's influence is unique to your birth chart. The aspects it forms with other planets provide a dynamic interplay that shapes your life journey. Consult an astrologer to gain deeper insights into how Jupiter's energy interacts with the rest of your chart and discover the keys to unlocking its full potential. Embrace Jupiter's blessings and navigate your path to prosperity! 🌈🔑
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monratarot · 7 months
Love in the first half or March 2024💌
Pick a card reading💖
Hello everyone! March is here so I guess that everyone is curios how this month will be for them. This is a simple and a short guidance reading in love for the first half of the month.
Pick the pile that you are most drawn to and scroll down to read about your love situation in the first half of March.
Takes what resonate with you because remember that this is just a general reading and it might not apply for everyone.
Don't forget to like/reblog/comment and follow me! I would really appreciate it because it will help my blog grow!
So let's get started! Enjoy!💟
🌛🔮🌜Pile 1 🌛🔮🌜Pile 2 🌛🔮🌜Pile 3
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Pile 1🧸❤️🧸❤️♥‿♥
🎀temptation and seduction - being swept off your feet
🎀 being blinded by emotions or desires - need to be cautious and use discernment
🎀 being caught up in fantasy or unrealistic expectations
🎀being influenced by illusions or false promises - easily swayed or manipulated
🎀being at a crossroads and needing to make a difficult decision
🎀 being vulnerable to deception or betrayal
🎀 need to trust your instincts and intuition
🎀need to take a step back and reassess the situation
🎀need to be honest with yourself and others
🎀patience, hard work, and dedication will pay off in the end
🎀possibility of starting a family or expanding your current one
🎀 being practical and grounded in your approach to relationships and finances will lead to success
🎀overall, a time of happiness, abundance, and prosperity in all aspects of your life.
🎀time for pampering yourself, creating a beautiful environment
🎀celebrating life, enjoying the finer things
🎀showering loved ones with affection
🎀 embracing the beauty in life, finding joy in the little things
🎀 communication is key in your relationships, make sure to express your needs and listen to the needs of others
🎀you may feel overwhelmed at times, but remember to stay focused and keep pushing forward
🎀consider seeking advice or guidance from a mentor or trusted friend to help you navigate challenges
🎀self-care is important during this time, make sure to take breaks and recharge when needed
🎀overall, stay committed to your goals and have faith that things will work out in the end.
⋆。‧˚ʚɞ˚‧。⋆ You can deal with:
🌸fashion designer
🌸creative directors
🌸graphic designers
🌸 make-up artists
🌸hair stylists
🌸 choreographers
🌸event planners
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Pile 2°˖➴➵⋆。° 🏹 ✩💌
🌹 being receptive to guidance from a higher power or spiritual realm
🌹trusting in divine timing and surrendering to the flow of life
🌹emotional healing and introspection
🌹 tapping into your intuition for creative inspiration
🌹maintaining a sense of mystery and allure in relationships
🌹seeking solitude and introspection to gain clarity on a situation
🌹connecting with the divine feminine/masculine energy within yourself
🌹finding balance between your inner world and outer reality
🌹 embracing the unknown and allowing yourself to be guided by intuition and instinct
🌹appreciating the simple pleasures in life, focusing on what truly matters in life
🌹 building a strong foundation for your future, planning for the long term
🌹 being cautious with your resources, being prudent with your investments
🌹working together as a family to achieve common goals
🌹 celebrating the achievements and successes of your family
🌹being there for each other in times of need
🌹 creating a sense of security and stability for your family
🌹cherishing the memories and traditions of your family
🌹ego-driven conflicts, arguments and conflicts
🌹 jealousy and possessiveness
🌹competitive behavior in relationships
🌹 possible power struggles in relationships or at work; be aware of manipulation or control issues
🌹need to assert yourself and stand up for what you believe in
🌹 keep calm and stay focused on your goals, despite challenges and conflicts
🌹 communication breakdowns may occur, so be clear and concise in your interactions
🌹 work on finding common ground with others rather than focusing on differences
🌹 seek compromise and understanding in difficult situations
🌹overall, stay true to yourself and maintain your integrity, even in the face of adversity.
⋆。‧˚ʚɞ˚‧。⋆ You can deal with:
🌸landscape designers
🌸 psychologists
🌸estate agents
🌸child protection officers
🌸home decorators
🌸 art collectors
🌸 surgeon
🌸wedding planner
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୧⍤⃝💐🎀💌💓࿔*:・‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.୧⍤⃝💐🎀💌💓.ೃ࿔*:・‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
Pile 3𓍢ִ໋🌷֒✧ ༘ ⋆。♡
🍓self-destructive behaviors and unhealthy relationships
🍓 disharmony and imbalance in relationships
🍓 being trapped in a cycle of negative patterns
🍓need to break free from toxic influences and embrace positive change
🍓re-evaluate your relationships and make healthy choices
🍓seek balance and harmony within yourself before seeking it in relationships
🍓being drawn towards unhealthy habits or relationships
🍓being consumed by negative emotions and behaviors
🍓the importance of setting boundaries and prioritizing your own well-being
the necessity of letting go of toxic relationships or situations in order to find true happiness and fulfillment
🍓future - moving on, accepting what cannot be changed, finding peace and healing
🍓 potential for renewal and growth if you can find the strength to move forward and seek out new opportunities and experiences. It encourages you to focus on what you still have rather than what you have lost, and to seek support from others to help you through difficult times.
🍓stepping out of your comfort zone in the name of love ,taking risks for the sake of romance
🍓 feeling alive and invigorated by the excitement of love
🍓embracing the uncertainty of new relationships
🍓being swept off your feet by a whirlwind romance
🍓 allowing yourself to be vulnerable and open to love
🍓 seeing the beauty in every moment spent with your partner
🍓 choosing to follow your heart instead of your head
🍓 committing to a future filled with love and adventure
🍓creating new memories and experiences with someone special
🍓feeling a deep connection and understanding with your partner §
🍓embracing the magic and wonder of love
🍓don't be afraid to open up and share your emotions with your partner or potential love interest, communication is key in any relationship.
🍓explore new hobbies or activities together to create lasting memories.
🍓emotional depth, creativity, and intuition; stay true to your feelings and follow your heart in all aspects of your life; be open to new experiences and relationships, and remain true to your ideals and dreams; trust that love and fulfillment are on the horizon.
⋆。‧˚ʚɞ˚‧。⋆ You can deal with:
🌸professional fitness instructor
🌸 business owner
🌸event planner
🌸interior designer
🌸landscape gardener
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thetarotwitch111 · 1 month
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✨Take a deep breath and close your eyes. This moment is all about you, so let go of any distractions and just focus on yourself. ✨
As you breathe in, ask your guides and the universe to bring you the message you need to hear right now and trust that whatever card you’re drawn to holds the wisdom meant for you.
When you’re ready, open your eyes and choose the card that speaks to your soul.
Pile 1: The Phoenix
The Phoenix is your glow-up moment. This spirit animal is all about rising from the ashes, just like you do after a tough time. It’s the vibe of starting fresh, leaving behind what no longer serves you, and stepping into a brand-new version of yourself. Think of it as a fiery transformation—you're about to level up in a major way. Whatever challenges you've been facing, they're about to become the fuel for your comeback.
Financial advice: This is your moment to start fresh. If you’ve been stuck in a financial rut, now’s the time to think outside the box and try something new. Consider ways to reinvent your income streams or take on a new project that excites you. The energy of renewal is on your side—don’t be afraid to make bold moves.
Love life advice:
If you’re single: Let go of past heartbreaks and open yourself to new possibilities. This is a time of transformation in your love life, so embrace the change and be ready to meet someone who resonates with the new, empowered you.
If you’re in a relationship: If things have been stagnant, this is a great time to shake things up. Reignite the spark by doing something completely new together, whether it’s trying a new hobby or just talking about your shared dreams for the future.
Mantra for the Moment: I rise, renewed and empowered, ready to embrace my new path.
Tips from the witch: Embrace this transformation with open arms. Light a candle (preferably red or orange) to symbolize your rebirth. As it burns, visualize all the old energy being released, making space for new opportunities. Let go of what’s weighing you down, and don’t be afraid to reinvent yourself—you’re unstoppable!
Pile 2: Sea Serpent
The Sea Serpent is your reminder to go with the flow but also to trust in your inner wisdom. It's all about healing and emotional balance—like when you finally learn to let go of something you've been holding onto for too long. This card encourages you to dive deep into your emotions and embrace whatever comes up, knowing that it’s all part of your personal growth journey. It's like your inner ocean is guiding you toward emotional clarity and wholeness.
Financial advice: Take a moment to reflect on your financial situation. If things feel overwhelming, it’s okay to take a step back and reassess. Trust your instincts—they’ll guide you toward smarter decisions. Focus on long-term stability rather than quick fixes, and don’t be afraid to ask for advice if you need it.
Love life advice:
If you’re single: This is a time for healing and self-love. Focus on understanding your emotions and what you truly want in a partner. Once you’ve done that, you’ll naturally attract someone who aligns with your deeper needs.
If you’re in a relationship: Communication is key right now. Take time to talk about your feelings with your partner, especially if something’s been bothering you. Healing any emotional rifts will bring you closer together and create a stronger bond.
Mantra for the Moment: I flow with the currents of life, trusting my inner wisdom to guide me.
Tips from the witch: Take some time for self-care and reflection. Run a bath with sea salt or essential oils, and imagine the water washing away any emotional baggage. Listen to your intuition—it’s strong right now. You might also want to keep a journal nearby to jot down any insights or dreams; they’re likely to hold important messages for your path ahead.
Pile 3: The Horse
The Horse represents freedom, strength, and pure energy. It's that wild, adventurous part of you that's ready to break free and chase your dreams. This card is telling you that you've got what it takes to go the distance, whether it’s in work, relationships, or personal goals. Picture yourself running full speed ahead, wind in your hair, with nothing holding you back—you're unstoppable.
Financial Advice: The Horse is a symbol of energy and momentum, so it’s time to take charge of your financial goals. If there’s a project or opportunity you’ve been hesitant about, now’s the time to go for it. Trust that you have the strength and stamina to make it happen. Stay focused and don’t let anything slow you down.
Love Life Advice:
If you’re single: Be open to adventure in your love life. Try new things, meet new people, and don’t be afraid to take the first step. Your confidence and enthusiasm are magnetic right now—use that energy to attract the kind of relationship you want.
If you’re in a relationship: Give some excitement and spontaneity for your relationship. Plan a fun date or surprise your partner with something new. Keeping things fresh and adventurous will strengthen your connection and bring you closer together. Don’t forget to reinforce clear, honest communication with an open mind to avoid any misunderstandings.
Mantra for the Moment: I am free, powerful, and unstoppable in my pursuit of what sets my soul on fire.
Tips from the witch: Get outside and connect with nature, somewhere open where you can really feel that sense of freedom. Ground yourself by touching the earth, feeling the power of the horse within you. You can also keep a piece of hematite or black tourmaline with you to stay balanced as you move forward. Now’s the time to go after what you want with everything you’ve got.
💜 I hope this reading brought you some clarity and guidance. If it resonated with you, I’d love to hear about it!
💜And if you’re looking for something more personal, I also do individual readings—just reach out anytime.
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enchantedwitchling · 11 months
Mistakes and Misconceptions: Embracing the Learning Curve in Witchcraft
Witchcraft is a profound journey, a tapestry woven with spells, rituals, and self-discovery. Yet, like any intricate art, it comes with its share of learning curves. In this blog post, let's explore the valuable lessons I've learned from my own mistakes and address common misconceptions about witchcraft, helping fellow practitioners navigate this magical path with wisdom.
1. Embrace Imperfection 🌿🌟
Mistake: Expecting perfection in every spell or ritual.
Lesson: Imperfection is the beauty of human experience. Spells might not always go as planned, but each mistake is a teacher. Embrace the learning process and grow through your craft.
2. Ethics First 🤝⚖️
Mistake: Neglecting ethical considerations in spellwork.
Lesson: Every action in witchcraft has consequences. Uphold ethical principles, ensuring your magic is a force for good. The Wiccan Rede, "An it harm none, do what ye will," is a compass for ethical practice.
3. Knowledge is Power 📚✨
Mistake: Relying solely on intuition without study.
Lesson: Intuition is potent, but a foundation of knowledge is crucial. Dive into the history, symbolism, and traditions of witchcraft. The more you understand, the richer your practice becomes.
4. Respect the Elements 🌬️🔥🌊🌎
Mistake: Disregarding the power of elemental balance.
Lesson: The elements are the cornerstone of magic. Respect their energies in your spells. Balance and harmony with the elements amplify the potency of your craft.
5. Patience in Spellwork 🕰️🕯️
Mistake: Rushing through spellcasting without patience.
Lesson: Spells require time and energy. Rushing compromises their effectiveness. Be patient, focus your intent, and allow the natural flow of magic to unfold.
6. Personalize Your Craft 🌈🌿
Mistake: Trying to fit into someone else's magical mold.
Lesson: Your journey is unique. Tailor your craft to resonate with your beliefs and experiences. The most potent magic comes from authenticity.
7. Openness to Adaptation 🔄🌌
Mistake: Sticking rigidly to one path or tradition.
Lesson: Witchcraft is ever-evolving. Be open to exploring different traditions and adapting your practice. The eclectic nature of witchcraft allows for flexibility and growth.
8. Mindfulness in Manifestation 🌟🧘
Mistake: Focusing solely on desires without mindfulness.
Lesson: Intentions should align with your highest good. Be mindful of what you wish for, ensuring it doesn't harm yourself or others. Positive, mindful manifestation is the key.
9. Embrace Setbacks as Growth 🌱🌑
Mistake: Seeing setbacks as failures.
Lesson: Setbacks are stepping stones to growth. Embrace them, learn from them, and recognize that they're an integral part of the magical journey.
10. Trust Your Intuition 🌠💖
Mistake: Ignoring your inner voice.
Lesson: Your intuition is your greatest guide. Trust it. If something doesn't feel right, explore why. Your instincts are powerful allies on your magical journey.
Remember, dear witches, mistakes are not roadblocks but signposts on this enchanting journey. Embrace the learning curve, for it is in these twists and turns that the true magic of witchcraft unfolds. May your cauldron of wisdom brew with the lessons of your experiences, and may your magical path be illuminated with the light of understanding.
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psychics4unet · 1 month
Will Your Future Mother-in-Law Adore You? Pick a Pile to Find Out! 🌟👰✨
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Paid psychic reading is available here:
Instructions: Look at the 3 images of the piles below. Choose the pile that you feel most drawn to. Trust your intuition and select the one that resonates with you the most. Once you have made your choice, scroll down to read the description for the pile you selected. 🌠💖
I put a lot of effort into this reading, so please show some love by leaving comments, likes, reblogs, and follow me! ❤️💬✨
Pile 1:
The Empress 🌸
The Lovers 💑
Ten of Cups 🌈
The Empress card represents nurturing and abundance, suggesting that your future mother-in-law may see you as someone who brings warmth and care into the family. The Lovers card shows a strong connection and harmony between you and your spouse, which could earn you her admiration and respect. The Ten of Cups symbolizes happiness and fulfillment, indicating that she might view you as a key to her family’s joy and unity.
In summary, these cards together indicate that your future mother-in-law may see you as a loving and caring partner who brings harmony and happiness into the family. Your presence could be a source of great joy and fulfillment for everyone involved. 💖👪✨
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Pile 2:
Queen of Pentacles 💎
Page of Swords 🗡️
Four of Wands 🎉
The Queen of Pentacles suggests that your future mother-in-law may see you as a stable and reliable partner, someone who values family and security. The Page of Swords shows that she might also view you as intelligent and sharp, someone who can handle challenges with grace. The Four of Wands represents celebration and harmony, indicating that she might see your relationship as something to be celebrated and cherished.
In summary, these cards together suggest that your future mother-in-law may admire your stability, intelligence, and the joyful energy you bring into her family. She may view your relationship as a cause for celebration and feel proud to welcome you into the family. 🎊💍🌟
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Pile 3:
The Star ⭐
Knight of Cups 💌
Six of Pentacles 🎁
The Star card represents hope and inspiration, suggesting that your future mother-in-law may see you as a beacon of positivity and light in her family. The Knight of Cups indicates that she might view you as a romantic and loving partner, someone who truly cares for her child. The Six of Pentacles shows that she may appreciate your generosity and willingness to give and receive love openly.
In summary, these cards together suggest that your future mother-in-law may see you as an inspiring and loving presence, someone who brings hope, romance, and balance into her child’s life. She may value the kindness and generosity you offer to her family. 🌟💞🎁
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Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best. Remember to reblog, like, comment, and follow for more cosmic guidance and positivity! 🌠💖
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torialefay · 8 months
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❤️‍🔥 Mercury in Libra 🪫
bangchan as your boyfriend series!!! (pt 5)
(based on astrology) 🔞
✨bangchan x reader (f); angsty sad times, little fluff if you try
✨word count: ~3.1k
✨5th and final part in chan’s astrology series!!! together, let’s take a look into chan’s natal chart to see what type of boyfriend he would be!
✨i will give a brief synopsis of what each chart placement means throughout the series (for all my non-astrology friends out there <3) and how that would affect channie in a relationship
✨ author’s notes:
(1) i do brief compatibility readings w/ skz members! if interested, send your natal chart to my inbox, as well as which member you’d like me to read for OR if i think there is one member best suited to you <3
(2) the aspects in this reading are based solely on my opinions and interpretations! nothing about a person is set in stone simply because of astrology. please don’t use anything i say as canon :)
✨warnings: sad plot, theme of unfaithfulness, occasional cursing
✨tl/dr: chan is a loverboy who gets caught up in flirting when he doesn’t even know he’s flirting. then he ends up a blubbering mess.
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Mercury in Libra:
-Mercury is the planetary ruler of communication and intellect. It shows how you connect with others throughout everyday life, just in speaking with them. It can also tell you a lot about how you relate to others and interpret the information they give you.
-Libra is a cardinal sign, meaning that people who are in this placement REALLY live by the aspects associated with that placement- in other words, chan is likely to hold very true to these values.
-Libra is the sign of love, beauty, charm, and balance. Libra in Mercury has a few key traits when it comes to communication. They are natural charmers and can instantly make people like them simply by talking with them. Libras are very good at placating to what others want, so they can speak to you in a way that they tell you what you want to hear. Libras also love beauty, so they many times will have an elegant way of speaking or cute quirks and mannerisms. Lastly, Libras value harmony and balance, so most likely their communication style will either (1) mimic yours, or (2) counter yours to be able to reach a happy medium.
-Long story short: Mercury in Libra people are sweet talkers who can charm anyone they meet, make them feel special, and meet them at the communication level that they are in. HOWEVER, the downside to Libra in Mercury is that they do not like confrontation- so they are likely going to avoid any conversations that could disrupt the peace between them and that person.
As your boyfriend:
• Chan always supports you exactly how you need him to.
◦ Had a bad day? He understands, come lay on him and talk about it.
◦ Upset over a test score? Scores are stupid, he’s gonna buy you ice cream and let you rant about how ridiculous it was.
◦ Got into a yelling match with a close friend? Hold his hands and talk him through it. He wants to know how he can help.
• He adapts to what you need in that moment- if you need someone to listen, he will sit there with an open ear. If you need advice on what to do, he will analyze every option and patiently walk you through what he thinks is best.
• If you get really frustrated or angry over something, he will 100% come up behind you and bear hug you, shaking you around until you give in and put a smile on your face.
• “Come here and talk to me,” he says, pulling you down to sit on his lap.
• He loves talking about deep things with you, like the meaning of life. It makes him feel so lucky to have such a smart significant other.
• He stares at you in awe as you talk about things you’re passionate about. Even if he genuinely doesn’t care about the topic, he holds on to every word, thinking of how cute you are in this moment.
• He remembers every little story you tell him about your childhood. When you bring up a long-gone aunt, uncle, grandparent, etc., he says “Oh, the one you told me about who ___?” You always smile at how he remembers these little things.
• Chan knows that you’re mad. He ALWAYS knows.
• He can tell in the way that you don’t instinctively turn your knees towards him in the car and when you don’t automatically reach for his hand when you walk next to him.
• He may not know why you’re mad, but he does know that you are.
• What he has a really hard time with is addressing it.
• He’s been trying for days to make up for it- whatever it is.
• Every day, he starts with “Good morning beautiful.” And every night, he finishes with “Good night princess.” Making sure you didn’t feel unloved.
• He’s been doing extra housework- cooking, cleaning, finishing up odd jobs you’d asked about a month ago. Could that be it?
• He’s been putting his foot down at work, leaving every night 5 PM to make sure he gets to spend the evenings with you. Maybe that’s what this is about- maybe you just missed spending time with him.
• Chan doesn’t know what’s wrong, and nothing he’s done so far has changed anything.
• He was hoping that his efforts would change your attitude toward him, or even make you forget about it, but he just couldn’t understand why you weren’t letting up. Why you weren’t letting him in as closely as you once had. Why things were so good, but now they are so different.
• All he knows now is that he is hopelessly in love with you, but it seems like you don’t feel the same anymore.
• You both sat together on the couch for a while. You thought Chan wouldn’t notice as you slowly inched yourself away from him, more slowly as the minutes passed.
• But he knew. He tried to reason that something was wrong. He didn’t want to push for an answer yet for fear of learning one that he wished he wouldn’t have.
• You continued to scroll on your phone, mind-numbingly on the ‘X’ app. This was a habitual routine, but one you decided you needed to break.
• There were a lot of great posts on there, but there was a lotttt about your boyfriend on there as well. One more unwanted post you knew would send you into a spiral.
• But you couldn’t help yourself. You had to know.
• You scrolled through the hashtag on the app. “#bangchan” splayed across the search bar.
• Cute photos and gifs. Adorable collages. Sexy TikTok edits. The usual. It took you probably 10 minutes of scrolling before you found something that got you ticked off again.
• ‘Every goddamn time,’ you thought, as your scoffed and rolled your eyes. You stared down at the video playing on the phone, as if this was the first one you’d ever seen.
• The caption of the video:
“how cute is #bangchan looking flirting with #fem/idol 😭🥰”.
• You focused on the interaction on the screen. There was Chan at the award show last night, leaning in and whispering something into fem/idol’s ear. When he pulled back, he looked down at her with a big smile, and you could see her reciprocate by blushing intensely and batting her eyelashes back up at him. You watched as he continued to talk for a few moments, laughing and offering up big hand gestures before saying goodbye, making sure to fully catch her eyes and bow as he went.
• You quickly scrolled underneath to the comment section, hoping that someone would say something- anything- to make you feel better.
◦ “God I wish he would look at me that way 🤭”
◦ “omfg she’s so pretty id def have chan’s reaction too”
◦ “Crying 😭😭 When do you think they’ll announce that they’re together? ❤️”
• You swiped out of the app entirely, shutting your phone off afterwards and placing it in your lap. You continued to stare down at the black screen until you felt tears start to well up in your eyes.
• You quickly tried to blink them away, but you couldn’t help it. This was the third time THIS week that you’d seen him do shit like this. Smiling, blushing, and heavily complimenting one girl, helping another fix her shoe, and now this. Before, you could reason it away- chuck it up to him just being a “nice guy.” But you couldn’t keep doing that forever.
• You always saw the comments people left under the videos about how cute they would be together and how Chan would be the perfect boyfriend.
• ‘But little do they know,’ you thought as you sighed.
• You turned your legs along with your body fully toward the other side of the couch, opposite of where Chan was. You looked a bit ridiculous facing the other way, but you didn’t care. You didn’t want to see his face. You couldn’t stand to.
• You let your mind wonder, repeating the video in your head. The way he looked at her and the way she looked back.
• ‘Am I stupid?… Have I been stupid this whole time?…’
• You thought back to when you first decided to make things official with him, and how you both agreed that it would be easier to not publicize the relationship. You didn’t want anyone coming in the way of what you have together.
• ‘Was that my first mistake? So he can date me in secret and go out and flirt with any other idol he wants?’
• Your mind drifted to each other interaction you’d seen with him. You had make excuses time and time before. But it hurt to see him like this. Your OWN boyfriend talking to another girl the way that he SHOULD be seen talking to you.
• You couldn’t help yourself as one tear escaped. Then two, then three. Before you knew it, there was a release of waterworks all down your face. Your mind got the best of you as you started sobbing into your hands, burying your face into the side of the couch. There was nothing you could do to stop yourself.
• “Baby?” Chan called. His response was met only with more tears.
• “Baby, what is it? What’s wrong?” he asked, scooting his whole body next to yours to hold your back.
• “Get off of me!” you lashed out. He looked confused for a moment, but released his grip from you.
• “Honey, please talk to me. What’s wrong?” he asked, genuine sadness on his face.
• Hearing him call you pet names, all while pulling shit like he just had, completely set you off. “Don’t call me that.” You straightened back up in your seat, slightly turning toward him, not daring to look him in the face.
• “Don’t call you what?”
• “Honey, baby, whatever. You don’t get to call me that anymore.”
• “Y/n, what is going on? Seriously?” He placed his face in front of yours and used his hands to move your shoulders around to face him. This is the first time he could see how red and puffy your face had become. He felt like a piece of him had broken off just looking at you.
• “What’s going on?” you cried. “I don’t know Chris, why don’t you tell me what’s going on.” You quickly unlocked your phone, the video still open on it. You dropped the phone down to him as you stood, then taking a couple of steps to get some distance.
• He watched the video, moving his head around as if he was studying it. He replayed it a couple of times, then turned it intently, like he was looking for a hidden message. But he could find none. He furrowed his brow, then looked back up at you with a stare of confusion.
• You scoffed. “Okay. So you see nothing wrong with that?”
• “With what? Talking to another girl?!”
• “FLIRTING with another girl, Christopher! Flirting!… I’m not stupid! This is the THIRD video I’ve seen like this in a week. Do you know how humiliating it feels to have to see you, who was supposed to be the love of my life, out here flirting with all these other idols THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA.. AND THEN having people comment on top of it about how you two would be ‘just the cutest couple ever’! Do you have any idea how that feels?!”
• You saw him get a tinge of sadness in his eyes, but you cut him off before he could speak.
• “No, you know what? I KNOW you don’t know how this feels. Because I would NEVER think to look at another man the way that I look at you.. So you know what!? If you’re that interested in other girls, you can go for it! By alllll means, don’t let me stop you!” You could feel steam coming off of yourself.
• You didn’t even want to hear what he had to say, you just wanted to get out of there. He could have his idol life. Do whatever the fuck he wanted. He had you fooled for a while, but now you saw him for who he was. A liar. Wants his cake and eats it too. But not with you anymore.
• You turned on your heels to leave, thinking you’d go ahead and pack an overnight bag to head out. As you took your first step, you felt a grasp and a tug on your wrist in the opposite direction.
• You stumbled back, feeling him cling to your hand, then pull the top of your body slightly as he stood himself up. By the time he settled, he had you back facing right in front of him with your one hand in his.
• “Y/n, please don’t say that. Please, just listen to me,” he begged, eyes bigger than you’d ever seen them.
• “Listen to what? Listen to you explain how it’s okay to flirt while you’re in a relationship?”
• “That wasn’t flirting!”
• “Oh really, then what do you call that?!”
• “I was just being nice! I thought-” his voice cracked, tears starting to well up in his eyes. “I thought I was-“ he hung his head to the side. “I thought I was being nice!” He looked so defeated.
• And just like that, he started sobbing. Tears were streaming down his face like you’d never seen before. So powerful, they left visible marks even on his black shirt. He kept trying to get words out through his cries.
• ”Baby, I- I’m so sorry, I didn’t know,” he cried. “I didn’t know it would come across like that… I would NEVER,” he genuinely could not contain himself as he strained to get the words out. “I would NEVER do that to you! I could never think of someone else like that.”
• Teardrops kept trickling down as he reached to grab your other hand into his. “I love you- only you! I could never flirt with someone else! But the fact that I made you feel like that- that that’s what it looked like to you…” he couldn’t even see anymore with the water flowing out of himself. “I am just so sorry… Y/n I’m so sorry! Please, please believe me.” He was getting choked now. His face was red like he was about to pass out from lack of air.
• You stood still, not knowing yet what to believe or what to say.
• “Baby please! Please,” he took your face in his hands, feeling of the few stray tears on your own face. “Please. I love you. Please don’t shut me out. I thought I was just being nice and I- I-… I’ve..” he huffed, struggling to get out what he wanted to say. “I’ve done the last thing I ever wanted to do. I would never intentionally hurt you, do you understand me?!” He tried his best to look into your eyes. All you could see were tears weeping out, redness shooting in all directions, and a look of absolute brokenness. “I promise I never meant to come across that way. I thought I was just being nice to her, that is ALL. YOU are the only person I care about. No one else means anything to me. Without you, I am NOTHING. Please baby, please listen to me. Please don’t leave me. I’ll do anything to make this right.”
• He continued to wail as he brought his arms around your body, resting his head on the side of yours. His tears began to soak down into your hair. There was still nothing you could say. I mean, what could you say? Your boyfriend was notorious for being a charming guy… But knowing that didn’t make this situation any easier.
• “Please baby,” he rubbed your head as he plead. “Please just tell me how to fix it and I will. I don’t want you to ever feel that way again.” You felt the water from his eyes now drench your hair entirely. “I PROMISE if you show me what I’m doing wrong, I will never do it again. I promise I will be perfect for you. Just tell me how. I will do ANYTHING! I am BEGGING, y/n!”
• He stood there, holding you as tightly as he could while cradling your head and trying to quieten his sobs. He waited for you to give him some sort of response. Good, bad, ANYTHING was better than nothing. He felt his heart physically break inside his chest when you remained silent, not even motioning to begin getting a word out.
• He slowly pulled his face away from your hair, coming up to face directly into you one last time. His whole face was swollen, pink cheeks now extended into a pink nose and pink ears, streaks of both new and old teardrops going in every direction.
• “Y/n please,” he begged. “Just tell me something… Anything.” He felt like the floor could drop from under him any moment. A gnawing pit formed in his stomach that he felt was going to jump out of his throat while waiting to hear you.
• You stood still for another moment, moving your eyes down and contemplating what you could even say at this point. Your emotions were so mixed.
• “I love you so much. Please know that,” tears still in his eyes, he leaned down to kiss you. It was wet and you could feel the desperation in the intensity he moved his lips over yours. You leaned into it the slightest bit, giving him most minute sense of hope. He clung onto the kiss with everything he could, throwing his lips further into yours before you felt the tears start to slowly separate you again. He pulled his lips off of yours with violent hesitancy.
• He whispered now, as if he didn’t want anyone else in the world to hear him. “Please teach me what you want. Say the word, and I will do it...” small tears now were the only ones coming out. “I would give up everything for you, y/n. Money, fame, anything. Please just teach me what you want…. Please-” he cried, “please don’t leave me.”
• wellll, I’ll let you decide what your fate is with chan 🤭 to forgive or not to forgive?
• ohhh the world of a mercury in libra
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wherebettertoescape · 4 months
Thoughts on The Outsiders Album
Okay, as I said yesterday, I have a LOT of thoughts on the album and I decided to revive this page so I stop bothering everyone IRL with my thoughts about it 😂 I figure there must be a good amount of people on tumblr who are down to listen to my rants about the album, so here goes.
I'll put it under a cut so there aren't any spoilers for anyone who hasn't listened yet, and I know there's one or two things which I've heard about the prouction via other posts and such. But I will stress that I haven't actually seen it, I've only listened to the album and obsessed over it 😂
It's also below the cut because it's fucking LOOOOONG
Please reply to this or send in your own thoughts - I have so much I want to talk about to do with this album and I'm like... shaking with the need to talk about it with people who actually want to listen 😂
(sad times living in the UK 🥲)
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I'm gonna go through the album sequentially, like track by track, because that feels like the thing to do, even though I will say right off that I definitely have more thoughts about some tracks than others. And I will also give my favourite line from each song. But for a just, like, general overview to begin with - I love the album so much?
I will fully admit that I was kinda preparing myself for it to be bad - it's a book that I love and I wasn't the biggest fan of the movie adaptation for a few key reasons, but I was so pleasantly surprised by the musical soundtrack.
I'm in love with the style of music, I love the entire cast (all of them have such different singing voices and styles and I think that they merge together so beautifully), and it has most of the things that I love in a musical - for me, it's got the right balance of the talking sections included with the singing, as well, which I know some people aren't huge fans of, but I might be biased because Soda is and always has been my favourite character and most of the talking is by him 😂 (I love Jason Schmidt, but we'll talk about that later), and as well as that the style of music and singing like gives me a good picture of what the actual choreography might look like, which I'm obsessed with, since I probably won't get to see it unless it somehow gets to the West End (🤞🏻)
Tulsa '67
Okay so this song is just like ✨exposition ✨ but it's done in a fun way, and I've decided it's worth it just for the finale reprise
I was also like stupidly emotional the first time I heard it and it opened with the opening line of the book
I was wary because of the immediate characterisation of Sodapop as being the brother "with a broken heart" (side note - does this mean Sandy broke his heart before the show rather than after it? I've goes QUESTIONS) - I'll go into it again when we get into Grease Got a Hold for obvious reasons, but I was worried that Soda was gonna be reduced into just being a womaniser again, which is something that bothered me about the movie adaptation
Favourite line: "all the girls are pretty there, and all the guys are mean"
Grease Got a Hold
right so it has no right to be as much of a bop as it is, it's been stuck in my head for the past week since it came out and I can't even be mad about it 😂
It's essentially just a typical "gang" song to introduce and characterise all the different members
Dally always saying "Little brother" got me so emotional like immediately
And I know I just said that I was upset with Soda's characterisation as a womaniser, but considering later songs, I will say I do find it really funny that he basically just goes "yeah I'm a greaser bc I love women 😊"
I LOVE TWO-BIT MATTHEWS - I would die for Daryl Tofa, just something soooooo good about the line he gives after Soda's verse
I have to admit, I was a little worried that they were gonna be pushing some anti-Darry propaganda, but I had no cause to worry, as he's an actual angel. Also it's so funny how fucking Done he is the moment he starts speaking
Something really funny about Steve not getting a verse, but something really sad about Johnny not getting one, but I don't have fully fleshed out thoughts yet so I'm gonna leave that there
But also there's just something about all of them trying to act tough, but all of them just have the voices of angels
Favourite line: "I'm a latch-key kid but they keep changing the locks" and also "you wanna be a fighter? then know just what you're fighting for"
Runs in the Family
I'm upset because this song has been such an ear-worm for me, but it's actually just so sad? There are a couple of these, but this is one of the main ones for me
It immediately makes Darry just such a sympathetic character - it's well documented that Ponyboy doesn't feel like he's enough of a greaser, but I don't think we talk enough about Darry is a reluctant greaser
Side note: but I'm really glad that they included Darry having dropped out of school to look after Soda and Pony, because that was kinda glossed over in the movie, which I felt did Darry a disservice
I just want to hug Brent Comer and tell Darry that he's doing a good job and everything will be okay 🥲
Favourite line: "I don't know what them boys would ever do without me - and what would I do on my own?"
Great Expectations
honestly this song deserves a post all of it's own, and maybe one day I'll do a full analysis of it
but in the meantime, it's fucking GORGEOUS, like Brody Grant has NO RIGHT to sound like this I'm so mad
One of the things I've loved about the soundtrack in general is how Pony in particular draws parallels and comparrisons between Johnny and the other greasers - here it's between Darry and Johnny, and I love it because Pony references in the book that he feels like he and Johnny are the outsiders in the greasers, he feels like neither of them really belong there, and they convey that so well in the musical with these constant comparisons in the songs and music
The continual return back to this idea of a self-fulfilling prophechy - trying to prove that they're not all the same just because they're greasers (like with the different verses in Grease Got a Hold), and this striving for individuality despite the overarching label they've been given
Favourite line: "It's hard to write this story, when this story's writing me"
Friday at the Drive-in
they all just sound so young - that's my main take-away from this song
I love songs in musicals like this where you're forced to be reminded how young the characters are and you have to humanise them a bit more - a bit like with "Drink with Me" in Les Mis
Also anytime that a soundtrack includes the dance-break it makes me so happy 🥲
Favourite Line: "Got no more stress, nothing to worry me - no more teacher's pet or trigonometry"
I Could Talk to You All Night
I need to say that I love this song, but the opening from Cherry is so fucking savage - like fucking hell there's no need to do that to Pony 😂
Again obsessed with Pony not feeling like enough of a Greaser
I'm a sucker for two people who feel lost in their own worlds finding each other and bonding because they can be themselves in a way that they can never be around their other friends
It's just such a pretty duet, and I want more of Brody Grant and Emma Pittman singing - we could have a million songs of the two of them and it wouldn't be enough
Favourite line: "I'd rather read then fight a rumble, but Greasers have to go along"
Runs in the Family (Reprise)
Dude it's such a serious song, and I'm obsessed that despite that there's just Soda being a little shit in the background
"I'll fold your laundry - I'LL FOLD ALL OF IT"
I love that even in this song it's like you can tell he's just so worried about Pony but it's coming out so angry and frustrated
So full of grief for the life he almost had
He's just so angry at Pony for still being able to dream, and it's like he feels like he needs to prepare Pony for real life, because he feels like he can't dream or wish for things anymore
And then just the screeching violin at the end of the song followed by DEAD FUCKING SILENCE, and then it switches to the next song where Pony starts singing acapella it's just herugighadlsiughukdhjsak, y'know?
Favourite line: "Whats the use in dreaming, about a life I'll never know? That ship sailed long ago"
Far Away from Tulsa
okay so I've already said that I'm obsessed with it beginning with Brody Grant acapella, and I know that the songs probably don't flow straight from one to the other in the actual production, but for the sake of the cast recording the effect is incredible
But also, there was absolutely no need to make this song so gay 😂 - Ponyboy, the bisexual icon we all need
It's very reminiscent of Santa Fe, with just kids dreaming for a life that they could have outside of their big city. Especially with the line "this place is real, it's not just in my head", which is VERY similar to "just be real is all I'm asking, not some painting in my head", but I'm okay with it because Brody Grant is incredible
But that line, as well as the one "'Ponyboy you're just a dreamer', that's what both my brothers say" are also really great links back to the previous song with the references of him being a dreamer, and that being what sets him apart from the other Greasers
I also just wanna say that I think it's criminal that there weren't more Pony/Johnny duets. Sky Lakota-Lynch and Brody Grant own my soul
Also catch me being emotional over Johnny's dream being wanting a family - he doesn't realise that he's already got one in the gang 🥺 (I could write an essay about this and Dally's continued use of 'little brother')
"Torn between what is and what could be. It's hard to write this story when this story's writing me"
"It's all becoming clear, there's no way we're gonna find that here"
Favourite line: "I'm tired of blindly watching as we're inching towards the ground"
Run Run Brother
There's so much to say about this song, but I literally can't formulate the words, so it's probably gonna be one that I come back to and properly analyse later. so in the meantime, here are my key take-aways
right from the beginning, it gives just an "oh-shit" feeling, just so much urgency and desperation
All three of them have such different singing voices and styles and the combination of the three just makes me so happy and I don't even know how to like express what I'm feeling
Back to the thing about Dally always calling Johnny (and Pony, but we're emotional about Johnny here) "brother"
the music is just so fitting - I feel like I need to be up and moving every time I hear it, like if I ran ever this would be on the playlist 😂
And I'm going insane over the echoes of what has been previously been said - the "grease isn't given it's something you earn", and "let's leave this behind, let's just get up and go" like you're FORCED to face that they are being given what they want but in a really terrible way
Favourite line: "I hate to make you go, but there ain't no other way"
Justice for Tulsa
okay so I know that this is a really important song and everything, but I will admit this is the one I tend to skip most
I will say I think this song would hit harder if they kept with the themes of police brutality that there are in the novel and movie with regards to Dally's death (going off what I've heard about the script changes from people who have seen it, I can't verify myself)
The song feels very claustrophobic, with everyone just trying to blame everyone else, which I think is really well done. Especially with the multiple voices coming in with "you know just what you did"
And it does show the bias of the world trying to blame the Greasers just by reputation alone, which is thematically nice
and also just the kinda mob mentality of the whole thing, especially at the end, with a declaration of war
Favourite line: "or we could send them back a message, take an eye for an eye"
Death's at My Door
I think I've seen somewhere that this is the opening song for the second act and I just - fucking hell, what an opener 😂 they really just wanna destroy all of us, huh?
EDIT: I've been corrected, and it's Justice for Tulsa that starts act 2 - my bad guys, I don't know where I saw otherwise. JfT starting act 2 makes soo much more sense 😂
I wanted to like reach through my headphones somehow and hug Brody Grant, like holy shit
The first time I heard it all I could think about was how much he's going to blame himself when Johnny (and Dally) do die - especially with Johnny having comforted Pony about it
And I'm just emotional about the exploration of Pony thinking of himself as a burden on everyone he loves, especially going back to what Darry says to him in Runs in the Family reprise, just confirming everything that Pony already worries about himself
Favourite line: "I don't believe in the death that you're bringing - the reason I'm living is you"
Throwing in the Towel
I just love brothers okay? This song made me want to like message all my siblings and tell them I love them
I loved that we see Pony's inner thoughts and fears about being a burden on his brothers, immediately followed by seeing Darry's own thoughts and feelings - the two of them being so similar in how they blame themselves for everything
All three of the Curtis brothers being terrified of losing anyone else
AND THIS IS THE SODA CHARACTER REDEPTION I NEEDED - he becomes more than just the womaniser, you can see him having like actual thought and feelings, and the amount of emotion in Jason Schmidt's voice as he's trying to reassure Darry, like this song and Soda's letter gets across everything that makes Soda my favourite character
And there's something to be said about how they're finally like communicating their emotions 😂
Favourite line: "I know your head is full of doubt, but brother that's what love is all about"
Soda's Letter
Musical letters my beloved ❤️
I love songs like these - they're always just so vulnerable
It links to Tulsa '67 Reprise with the reference to how Soda kinda keeps the family all together. This song you can like see the strain that it has on him, trying to keep the brothers who he loves so much together, by trying to tell Pony that Darry does love him even though he shows it in a very different way
also anyone who has seen it and made it this far in the post can you tell me whether they keep in the bit about Pony reading this really heartfelt letter only to go "Soda's so dumb he can't fucking spell" because it's all I could think about when I listened to it for the first time
Favourite line: "Your brother needs you just as much as you need him, and brother we ain't doing to good alone"
Hoods Turned Heroes
The triumphant return of my beloved Two-Bit, and he's doing some king shit
I love him, okay?
This is another song where I know it's really important, but I actually don't have much to say about it, other than I do really enjoy it
Favourite line: "It's time to celebrate Greasers, take pride in the Greaser name"
Hopeless War
I love that it's just Cherry begging Pony not to change, and hoping that he's still an outsider of the Greasers like she is for the Socs, a hope that the two of them are still kindred spirits even after everything that happened
She knows that the rumble is gonna be where Pony loses that last bit of dreamer in him because he's holding just so much anger at the world - I dunno, there's something there I'm sure 😂
it's such a smooth transition into "Trouble" and I wanna SCREAM it's so good
Favourite line: "even if you win, it doesn't change a thing"
It feels like a war chant or something
The music is just so agitated
It's like Run Run Brother where I feel the need to be up and moving
Favourite line: "Do it for Johnny, even the scores, time to rally the crew"
Little Brother
I get chills every time I listen to it
Something about Joshua Boone's voice guys, I don't even know like how someone goes about beginning to talk about it, but whoever takes over as Dally has got some big shoes to fill
It's a lament to Johnny, and I feel like I listen to it and I feel the same anger and indignation that Dally feels
It's a song where I listen to it and I know, even without having seen the production, how I'd stage it and that always makes me excited
The longer the song goes on, the more uneasy you feel listening to it
It links him and Darry together again, with how he blames himself for everything that happened to his little brother, he feels like he should have been able to protect Johnny, the way that Darry always tries to protect Ponyboy
The final tempo increase and the discordant violin at the end, and it feels like even just listening to it you're watching him fall into a grief-led madness, and his certainty that there's only one way that his story can end
Favourite line: "They can't take anymore from me - if I ain't got you, then I ain't got nothing else"
Stay Gold
It feels somehow criminal to put these songs next to each other, but I mean obviously they have to be - that's how they want you to feel, but it doesn't mean that I'm not mad about it
I've listened to it like a million times and it still brings me to tears every now and then
There's something about having the hopelessness of "Little Brother", with Dally bring so apologetic at having failed Johny, followed by Johnny asking Pony to tell him that there's still good in the world
Just how much everyone in this story needs each other and they don't realise that the others need them too, yknow?
Johnny being Dally's "gold" - a lot to say about that but yknow, this is already long as fuck
The simplicity of the music itself (same as with Soda's letter - makes them thematically the same blah blah blah with them both being letters and all that), but it makes the song much more vulnerable than some of the others - nothing for Sky Lakota-Lynch to hide behind
Also that line: "I have looked into a thankful father's eyes, telling me I've saved his daughters life", and how that links to what Johnny says in the book about the little girl's life being worth more than his - I dunno, it just got me emotional, okay?
Favourite line: "I hold on to the good 'cause I've made my peace with all the bad" and also "It's easy to forget when you're trying just to make it through"
Tulsa '67 Reprise
WE MADE IT BOYS (seriously though, for real, if you made it this far, thanks for reading through my descent into madness 😂 and please send your own thoughts and such, bc I'm desperate to hear other people's thoughts)
I said it at the beginning, but I think the reprise of this song makes the exposition at the beginning worth it
At the beginning we hear Ponyboy as a dreamer, and at the end he still has that, but rather than idolising and making everything spectacular, he sees beauty in the mundane - he sees it in his brothers, his friends, all of that
The call backs to the original song as well, which allow us to go back to the theme of looking at individuality - the Greasers wanting to be seen as more than just characatures, and by the end they are like fully-fleshed out people rather than just the basic stock figures we initially get them introduced as in Grease Got a Hold
The clearest examples are, of course, Darry and Soda
Darry goes from being "could have been a football star, people say he had a ticket out" to instead being "the toughest guy I've ever known"
Soda goes from "suffers from a broken heart" to "this family's life and soul"
and then it goes from "got no parents, we fend for ourselves" to "can you imagine how proud mum and dad would be"
just something so beautiful about that, I dunno
There's more I could say about the themes of brotherhood and individuality ("grease as their disguise", for example), but I'll spare it for now
Favourite line: "Just too damn good for growing old, and in his memory I stay gold"
(finally - if you've stuck around to the end, I've also recently set up an instagram account, just for me, so please also check that out if you wanna hear more about my thoughts about random musicals and stuff!)
Freddie 🐸 (Instagram)
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