#❀ fire butterfly ! be free ! ➤ headcanons .
forgeofthenine · 7 months
Omg do you think Dammon would get butterflies if Tav ever asks about how to forge, even if they don't have a real interest in it, they just love hearing him talk
Anon, I love this request! I knew I had to write a set of headcanons for it as soon as I had free time (and I spent most of work thinking about this tbh). I added a little bit of spice at the end too, as a treat ;)
Dammon teaching his partner to use a forge
So, this man would get more than just butterflies. As soon as you mention it he's already jumped up to show you whatever you're asking about
Dammon would love to talk your ear off about how forging works, watch this man pull out all his drawn plans to help show you some of the things he's talking about
The entire time he's talking this man is lit up like a lightbulb, Dammon is so overjoyed that you're taking an interest in his passion. The way he smiles at you is so sweet and genuine, these gorgeous grins as he jokes here and there
He'd absolutely show you actual weapons and armour he's forged and would explain different styles and techniques if you wanted, pointing out every minor detail
"Well, to get this finish on the steel you need a near blue-hot flame... And this is what happens if you try that technique in a druids grove with barely a spark for a fire."
Okay so, the thing that's been giving me absolute brainrot is that he'd teach you to forge too
Not just teach you, but he'd also do the thing where he wraps his arms around you, chest pressed snugly to your back, hands closed tight over yours as he shows you how to use the equipment
Suddenly, you're not sure if it's only the forge making you feel so hot-
After spending so long pressed close against you, eyeing up the way you look in his old forging clothes and dusted with soot, no one can blame him if things get heated in a different way
And you can't blame Dammon if he takes advantage of the privacy night affords you both and decides to bend you over his anvil. Suddenly, learning to forge isn't even a passing thought anymore as his tail shifts your legs apart and he presses a different part of himself against you
Either way, whether you're truly interested or just asking passing questions, Dammon loves sharing his passion with you, and you might even get a treat if you really dive into learning his craft
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cursingtoji · 4 months
🎙️ just saw your post asking about blog recs…step up to the stage bc i need some!!!!
— mostly jjk, but also chainsaw man and aot
*taping the mic* okay here are my nominees with some fics recomendations as well
lemme start saying so plot is everything to me, pwp can be hot but i'll hardly remember it afterwards, that being said here's some writers that can do both great plots and hot scenes.
also while digging i realize i wasn’t following some of those and if you noticed im sorry im dumb but i truly love your writing.
i tried to tag every active blog i could remember but it’s possible i forgot a few since i’ve been reading more jjk recently. if i forgot you im so sorry please don’t take offense.
many blogs i loved were deactivated, rest in piece great works they had.
everything i read i reblog under the tag #recs
@thekillingmoonmoon ofc moon is the first one i think when the topic "best writers" come up, i freaking love her and everything she does its not even fair to pick one thing so im picking 3, this super passionate toji work that i re-read at an alarming frequency (which btw i consider my own personal gift). yakuza choso and yuki aka the hottest duo ever. the cherry on top is her kishibe series (just realized i gotta catch up on)
@rinhaler - luxe is def on my top 3, she comes up with very organic scenes. even if it's a simple plot she can develop it so originally. I recently read her underground fighter!sukuna and i'm still thinking about it.
@laudthingcat has the best headcanons in the jjk fandom hands down, it’s the perfect dose of hot funny and cute, pick anything from her masterlist it’s guaranteed you’ll have a good time reading it. when you moan their name in your sleep in particular gives me butterflies
@meownotgood is obviously the best aki writer out there, you can see the love for aki in their words and how they write him so well and so into character. arrival in tokyo is truly a masterpiece, they also have a +100k words series i've been wanting to read for a while but i want to rewatch chainsaw man first hehe, i'm 100% sure is fire tho.
@kentoangel roma writes choso like she's in love with him and you can tell. shes always on my for you and even her snippets are *chefs kiss* special kudos to stepbrother!choso
@kentopedia i just realized i'm assigning a writer per character and nanami is definitely rylie's. the domestic lovely way she writes him makes me forget canon.
@tojisun another blog that is very often on my for you page. cannot talk about toji fics without bringing up sun, everything she writes about him has me furiously nodding. not to mention simon and konig, just talking about them makes me wanna run to her blog and binge read everything
@chocochipsushi 's bodyguard toji is unforgetable to me, i wish i lost my memory so i could read it all again for the first time. bodyguard toji is the definition of living rent free in my mind, whenever i have to deal with annoying coworkers i immediately think “bodyguard toji would not allow them to talk to me like that”
@suget one of the greatest geto writers for sure, they have so many geto works, i was going through their blog to find the one i read more recently and there was so many others i haven’t seen! another writer i could very easily spend a whole day binge reading. btw this cult leader one was recommended to me and i fell in love with it <3
@staryukis has the cutest gojo drabbles
@tonycries brooklin baby was recommended to me by moon and it had me by the neck! also they have many other works im hoping to read soon as well
@mommypieck isayama created reiner but they created subby reiner
@titan-fodder ‘s the tinniest notion The Best Reiner fic in all the existence of the universe (tw: stepcest kinda?)
@nanaslutt mma!toji made feel every emotion possible so intensely
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pixiecactus · 24 days
one of the headcanons/aus i'm really fond of is, lyanna survives jon's birth (we are going to ignore how all of westeros handles that change and it's repercussions, because certainly it would be a butterfly effect and this just a self-indulgent not serious at all post) and let's imagine the fact that she had a child out of wedlock and the shame westeros society would put upon her for this is ignored, or most importantly ned stark, lord of winterfell and warden of the north decides to completely ignore it and lyanna is living in winterfell of her own free will with her son, i hope this helps to set the scene. i'm not going to talk about jon finally having a mother figure and a loving one at that, i'm deeply sorry. but i will tell you that i definitely see catelyn and lyanna butting heads in this one, catelyn would not be pleased with having an unmarried and dishonored lady and her bastard son around her highborn family.
but this post is about my girl, arya. this little girl would benefit so much of having a northern woman around her. in canon it's baffling how much southern education is prioritized in the stark household over a northern one.
arya is failing at septa mordane's teaching all the same in this universe, she confides in jon, because you bet they are just as close in this au as in canon and this ends up with jon making a off-hand comment to his mother.
so lyanna decides to take action, she starts to attend the girls lessons wanting to know why arya, who reminds her of her very own childhood, is failing at them (i just want (1) one adult to actually take the time and pay attention to arya and figure out that she's left-handed, thank you very much!)
this post is getting to long when what i only wanted was to write a few lines, so let me get some plotpoints going:
i believe lyanna would talk with the septa about arya's preferred hand, look i'm a self-proclaimed septa mordane hater so you get where this is going, but the septa refuses to listen. no, i don't think she would get fired over this, maybe if i was her employer, well hell yes. but i don't see eddard and/or catelyn making this type of decision over this issue. so lyanna takes it in her own hands to teach her embroidery (i will make a reader's choice if lyanna knows how to embroider or not beforehand)
but the image of lyanna trying her hardest to make sure arya is able to succeed at this task in late nights sessions, because there's not really a reasonable time slot left in arya's itinerary, with jon at her side willing to learn too, because honestly who cares if a bastard boy is learning embroidery with his mother and cousin, who cares if that's a designated "lady activity", he just wants to see his mother and arya smile, it warms my heart.
i want this conversation to happen in this au too:
“A wolf with a fish in its mouth?” It made her laugh. “That would look silly. Besides, if a girl can’t fight, why should she have a coat of arms?” Jon shrugged. “Girls get the arms but not the swords. Bastards get the swords but not the arms. I did not make the rules, little sister.”
and you know what is the result of that conversation in jon's mind: the need to give "needle" to arya. of course in this context, it will not be a parting gift, so i think it could be meant as a nameday present. maybe when arya had reached twelve namedays.
i'm finally getting to the part i wanted to write initially:
i'd love to see both arya and lyanna's personalities shinning through, in lyanna teaching arya how to use needle. from the bits and pieces we have in the books, we can assumed lyanna was passionated about sword fighting and she loved the activity as well. arya is overly joyous in being able to learn something that was deemed "only for boys" too, after all, she considers that having activities designated to do by gender is pretty stupid!
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beigetiger · 3 months
Here is what I think various realms might have been like in the Kingdom of Sky pre-fall, this will be a VERY long post and I might have to do some of it in reblogs. Some of what I say will be based off what I see in the game and other stuff will just be ✨vibes✨, so feel free to share if you have any thoughts.
And with that, on with the headcanons!
➡️ Isle of Dawn:
- The Two Ember’s trailer shows that the environment of Isle used to look a lot like Prairie, so I reckon they may have served similar purposes that I will elaborate on later.
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- Was probably mainly comprised of villages and had a pretty small population, was overall pretty quiet.
- Isle seems to have had many different religious groups there who did various things.
- The Prophecy people seemed to celebrate the four elements and a value attached to each of those elements, as well as keeping track of what was happening on the wall, which we can unlock by doing Prophecy quests.
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- Passage folks seemed to give animal masks to its more mature members, perhaps associating different traits with different animals and then assigning kids that animals based on what talents they express.
- While the Isle of Dawn wasn’t always a desert, I do think it had transformed into one by the time the kingdom fell.
- Near the end of the kingdom when everything has turned into a desert, people would hand off their kids to various religions because the groups had more resources to take care of the kids than the families. After all, not all of those Passage kids seemed super enthusiastic to be there…
➡️ Daylight Prairie:
- This area (and this also goes for Isle) probably had a lot of farms and mainly engaged in farming and keeping light creatures, as we see many spirits whose job seems to be watching over a type of creature (e.g. the Butterfly Whisperer). They also seemed to like free-roaming creatures.
- Farming light creatures means they probably produced a lot of light involved in creating darkstone.
- Aside from beast keepers, they probably had people whose job it was to construct things like boats that could carry people around, because there is a lot of clouds and a lot of open air in Prairie.
- They probably mainly lived in caves that were formed in the rock, perhaps carving out a few areas as well. After all, there are many caves in Prairie that seemed to serve some use, and some of the caves actually look pretty cozy.
- They were also probably a pretty big vacation destination, so they set aside areas like Sanctuary Islands (and maybe Prairie Peaks) specifically for that purpose.
- They probably had something like bridges between the various floating islands so skyfolk without wings could access it.
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- The Flight Guide was apparently a former apprentice of the Prairie Elder Ayin, so it was possible that they helped train new beast keepers, since they seem to have an affinity for butterflies.
➡️ Hidden Forest:
- People tended to either live in giant, hollowed out trees or treehouses. Either way, trees were involved.
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- Rain made life much more difficult, which meant that everybody was probably pretty hard workers, and more “no-nonsense” than other realms.
- They made more basic, non-darkstone fueled inventions such as various kinds of chairs, torches, and other stuff. Maybe they helped invent shared spaces.
- Kids spent a lot of time grouper together in little daycare groups depending on their age, and caretaker duty rotated between adults. Is there a single source for this in-game? No, but I choose to believe it anyway.
- At first they mostly consumed light from candles and occasionally birds (they had hunters), but as birds started to become fewer in number due to over hunting and dark plants started growing in, people switched to consuming that instead.
- These giants eggs in a nest imply that something laid them, perhaps some species of creature that went extinct, in which case the eggs would be fossilized.
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- Fire was probably pretty important due to the wet conditions, and people preferred to stay cozy indoors when they weren’t working.
- Elder Teth oversaw more major projects, and while they were highly intimidating, you’d be damned if they overworked their workers.
- They had darkstone mines that were constantly in use, and these caves were prone to flooding as the end of the kingdom drew near, which resulted in several deaths.
- The shrooms that grew on trees were at first just used as a place to hang out and replenish light, but as the light creatures grew rarer, people started to scrape light out of those as well.
- Wind Paths had people who lived there as a full-time job who were supposed to make sure everyone going through the Wind Paths got where they needed to go and didn’t get lost or injured.
- They had mochi, but it was more of a treat than a main part of their diet.
➡️ Valley of Triumph:
- The Valley Twins totally have no identity issues. Nope. Never. Being a person whose identity is dependent on there being another person with them totally was not damaging at all.
- Valley prioritized the arts and produced a lot of athletes, artists, and musicians.
- The skyfolk usually took after their elders and were very playful and fun-loving.
- Majority of the population lived in the Village of Dreams, because those who didn’t had houses facing sheer, rocky cliffs.
- The kids spent a lot of time wandering around in groups having fun and doing what counted as enriching activities that made them skilled as adults. The adults encouraged this, and probably half the games played in the kingdom originated from Valley.
- Later on in the lifespan on the kingdom, a decent chunk of the Wasteland soldiers probably came from Valley because Wasteland didn’t have enough of a reproducing population to keep up with the mortality rates.
- The Valley Elders were basically everybody’s secondary parent figures and they absolutely loved interacting with their subjects. The twins regularly held big, realm-wide competitions that tested athletic and artistic ability.
- The graves in the waiting rooms for the races are the graves of various champions of those races throughout the years.
- That one grave in the Village Theatre is from when someone died and was buried, perhaps after Eden had blown up and so the others could only bury them and then run to escape the chaos.
- The big floaty things in the citadel are decorative art pieces because someone figured out how to do it and the twins loved it so much they stuck it there.
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- The bird statue in front of the citadel was a protest from a citizen near the end of the kingdom who was warning against the overhunting of animals.
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- The Valley people caged and killed wild mantas for their light that could be transformed into darkstone. Aurora was sent from Megabird to stop this behaviour, but sadly failed.
- When the first person died from a krill attack, both elders were INSANELY guilty and it still haunts them today.
- Slope race was run by Sah, flying race was run by Mek. This is one of those headcanons were I say it purely off of vibes.
- The Valley Twin’s masks are Priestess Sahmek’s mask split into two. I could unironically make an entire post about these two alone buuuut I’m gonna refrain from doing it here.
➡️ Golden Wasteland (this is a LONG one, buckle up):
- It was originally a very technologically advanced realm, it had a lot of inventors and worked a lot with darkstone. Their affinity for darkstone means that the corruption hit them first and hit them hardest.
- As I said, they originally had many inventors and people who worked on the pipes. But as the corruption and darkness started creeping in, more and more people became soldiers until there were pretty much only soldiers left.
- The Elder Room where you talk to Tsadi used to be different, and it was a room built exactly like Elder Teth’s room. I also want to make a post analyzing this. But basically, room used to be different but they were forced to change it because the corruption was threatening to take over that area.
- They used to have a population of whales who were over hunted and are now extinct.
- Late in the kingdom’s lifespan, child soldiers were used when necessary, but only teenagers. They also brought in people from Triumph because it was easier to train people who had been working out their entire lives.
- Those big pipes around the fortresses were used for transporting something but as of now I don’t know what it would be.
- Everyone slept in barracks and children had a designated mass caretaker, which did not rotate duties like in Forest.
- Resh was worshipped and looked up to a lot more in the Golden Wasteland than other places (which is why they had so many big statues of him) and Elder Tsadi was totally under Resh’s thumb. Some soldiers disliked this but didn’t speak up out of fear of punishment.
- The crashed boat in the crab fields was the Sky equivalent of the Titanic and had all sorts of people on board. The ship was taken out by the krill that now patrols it and many people died. One of the soldiers that survived made a small mass grave for as many of the bodies as they could bury.
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- The spirits from Season of Remembrance were originally Wasteland spirits that eventually fled to Vault (that or their spirits were transported there after their deaths for preservation purposes).
- The Forgotten Ark was similar to the crab fields crash but happened a while before and was eventually transformed into a space for spell merchants.
- The spell merchants tended to be from the Golden Wasteland but could move throughout realms, and they sold things to assist with everyday life for the various groups of people.
- There was a small community of merchants who lived full-time on the Forgotten Ark and worked together to collect supplies and sell their wares. The giant pot on one end of the ship was where they concocted the spells.
➡️ Treasure Reef (getting its own section because I have things to say):
- Treasure Reef was originally a colony from the Golden Wasteland to mine darkstone.
- A lot of the now-underwater structures in the reef look like they were created to be walked around in normally, so perhaps the water levels used to be much lower but went up over time, forcing the colony upwards.
- As the water level rose and it became harder to mine darkstone effectively, they would resort to simply swimming down and collecting whatever they could.
- They were deemed hardcore by the other realms (and the rest of Wasteland) due to their diet. Most areas were used to living off of candles and occasionally light creatures, while these people were cracking open clams and catching fish like nobody’s business.
- They probably had a lot of storms, and were one of the first areas in Wasteland to start experiencing krill attacks, which is why the King Krill is located there.
- This means they had an entire protocol if a krill was spotted, which involved moving any children somewhere safe (because the krill would target them) and grabbing a weapon.
- They were all very strong swimmers and spent much of their lives in the water, and swimming was a very standard way of getting around.
- The blue eel/water dragon was very rare and considered a symbol of good luck.
- They also might have been storers of information similar to what can be found in Vault. That or that was their way of containing darkstone.
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- They may have lived in caves carved out underneath the water to save space on land.
- Eventually, the krill attacked the colony as a giant group and killed many people, including the Abyss spirits we see today. Those who survived fled to join Wasteland.
➡️ Vault of Knowledge:
- It doesn’t exist naturally, it was built in a part of the void and is constructed entirely of rock and darkstone.
- The people who lives there were keepers of memories and information, and were regularly recording memories that summarized whatever big events were happening at that time.
- Any kids that lived in the Vault were also in charge of keeping the memories safe and organized, so many of them were quiet, under socialized and had never seen the sun.
- Great, wise philosophers and thinkers were the most likely to be transformed into spirits instead of memories. Some of the graves of these thinkers are kept behind the four-player door on the Vault’s first floor.
- The elevator was always moving up and down and people were always jumping on and off it, and it was certain people’s jobs to literally stand there charging the elevator each time for hours at a time.
- Certain, more important or delicate areas had designated keepers instead of being upkept by the general population.
- Speaking of population, the Vault had the smallest one in all the realms.
- People slept in the Remembrance area mainly, but also sometimes would curl up in a corner of the Vault and nap there instead. The conditions were not amazing and there weren’t enough bedrolls for everyone to sleep at once, but that was ok because Vault had no proper night/day cycle, and so there was always a group of people who were working and a group of people who were resting.
- The Nine-Coloured Deer area is a kingdom distinct from the Kingdom of Sky that Vault discovered and created a connective area to so they could keep in touch.
- The Little Prince area is more of a metaphorical dreamland than an actual place and it isn’t fully real. A group of people once did something very bad and were essentially damned to hell there, which is why they are chained up. What they did is up for debate, but these guys were very unaware of what was happening in Vault once they were locked up and are currently unaware that the Kingdom of Sky has fallen. They might never find out.
- Cosmic mantas are actually manta spirits that were brought to the Vault.
➡️ Eye of Eden:
- It had the biggest population in all the realms.
- The people there were friendly, albeit a tad vain.
- They also had pipes similar to those in Golden Wasteland, presumably serving a similar purpose.
- Resh didn’t created the corruption on purpose, and he was violently ignorant of it’s existence even as it was actively harming his own people. He only realized how badly he fucked up in his last few moments of life.
➡️ More general stuff:
- The Hopeful Steward tried to travel throughout the realms warning people of the corruption, but wasn’t listened to due to being a child and instead left to create a little village of their own. At first it was just them, but as the corruption started pushing people out of their homes, more and more people joined the village. It had most of the remaining population of Sky right before the crystal blew up and released the corruption.
- The four mannequins from the Season of Revival are what remains of four kids who were friends of the Hopeful Steward and tried to help them raise awareness about the corruption, but were sadly killed by a krill. This only fuelled the Steward’s determination.
- There used to be caravans pulled by mantas that would travel throughout the realms, and people jumping on the back of them to be carried around was quite common.
- The spirits all used to have names more resembling the Elder’s names, but none of the kids know what those names are. The names we refer to them by (cackling cannoneer, stretching lamplighter, etc) are what the skykids dubbed them.
And that is it, although maybe I’ll add to it later. Sorry again for making this so long, I’ve been slowly constructing this in my head for months and wanted somewhere to put my ideas down. I would’ve added more images, but I can only put ten so that’s gonna have to do it. Thank you for coming to my ted-talk.
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thesupernaturalhouse · 3 months
Luz and Alador bonding headcanons?
Uhhhh, for the Owl house- okay, yeah sure, I can give ya some! :D
I think they'd definitely bond over abominations- and butterflies
He'd also use her in experiments- that she volunteered for of her own free will....actually she was very insistent of helping him out
Yes, Amity is in the background groaning and hoping her girlfriend won't get seriously hurt
Luz is fine! Just....covered in goo....the abomination kinda exploded on them
She'd have the most guilty kicked puppy look while Aladkr is just a dead pan stare
There is not a single thought behind his eyes
Do not leave them alone together for to long. Mast time, Luz convinced him to give her rocket shoes.....jt went about as well as you’d expect -_-
Luz is like his little lab partner, who's very eager to cause chaos!
Luz has set a fire in Aladors lab once
Who knew abominations were so flammable??
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glitchyko · 5 months
Well, it’s past 9 pm where I’m at, perfect time to post little headcanon/idea I had regarding Wukong and the aftermath of sealing DBK under a mountain-
So, I think Wukong would sometimes secretly check on the demon bull family to see how they’re doing since he did seal DBK under a mountain, unable to be freed since the staff was placed to keep him under. He was there disguised as a bird when Red Son had the gauntlet he’d built to remove the staff and he had to have learned about this somehow-
Now the thing is Wukong wasn’t checking on the demon bull family to make sure they don’t find a way to free dbk, but more cause he was worried about them, they were definitely devastated by what happened and this probably seriously negatively affected them for a long while, and DBK was once apart of the brotherhood, he and Wukong were sworn brothers, I’m not sure how exactly to put this, but Wukong could’ve also checked on DBK’s family because they were once brothers, like, out of respect sort of thing, the checkups would happen like, probably every couple of months or years,
Wukong doesn’t just go in and ask them how they’re doing btw, if he did that he’d probably be attacked the second they see him, he disguises himself as something small and unassuming so if he were to be spotted he wouldn’t be immediately and quite literally kicked out, like a bird or butterfly, so he can check on the family and not have to worry about being set on fire-
These checkups would stop when DBK is freed btw, Wukongs wouldn’t feel like it’s necessary now, plus he’s got things to do like train MK and actually read the emails from his lawyer-
But yeah that’s my little idea/headcanon, this was just something I thought up of for fun, there’s no big reason for it and tbh there’s probably flaws and issues with it but I felt like sharing it-
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charcadett · 1 year
MILO please please please headcanon request for what it would be like being part of Team Skull and dating Guzma after TS disbands?
Hiii Charlie. Okay unsure how I feel about this one because I never finished the Ultra Moon post game or watched the anime so I’m sure there’s something he’s ACTUALLY doing. But man. I have no idea what that is.
Dating Guzma After Team Skull Disbands
- While Team Skull disbands and ceases annoying trial goers, they also technically stick together. Most of the members who stuck around still live in Po Town, including you, Guzma, and Plumeria. The first order of business is cleaning up. Although the result isn’t perfect considering it's being done by a group of people who are essentially twenty-something college dropouts. Of course, in true dropout fashion, this results in a massive trash-burning bonfire. The blaze lasts until Nanu drops by, asking if anyone is aware that that is illegal. He’s hit with a resounding no.
- “What do you mean? People burn wood and shit all the time,” One grunt says.
- Nanu picks up a large stick another grunt was using to stoke the fire. “I see a mattress, at least five plastic bags, and… ten tires. That’s incredibly toxic. Get away from there.”
- The cleaning operation results in Guzma finally cleaning his room. The chest of Buginium Z is given elsewhere to be distributed to trial goers rather than hoarded, his bed is made, the carpet is vacuumed, and the throne is tossed in a dumpster. Much to your dismay. There was no denying the inherent hotness of the throne, even if its removal frees up a significant amount of space for decorating. An activity Guzma leaves to you. He can do the heavy lifting, but interior decoration is not his forte. If it were up to him, his mattress would be on the floor, and he’d use a crate as a table.
- Guzma deals with a lot of toxic masculinity. Being vulnerable, especially in front of others, is hard for him. Guzma's working on that right now. It’s still hard for him to tell you how he feels, to talk to you if he’s jealous rather than intimidate the other guy into submission, but he’s working on it. He wants to be a good partner to you and he knows this is the best way to do it. His compliments are clumsy for a bit. Guzma can tell you how hot you look with little issue. When it comes down to more intimate details, he clams up. He does notice the little things. Your laugh is nice. It makes him get butterflies in his stomach when you smile at him, he loves the way his heart flips when you kiss him, though these are things he’s unable to articulate well. He gets better eventually. For now, you smile while he stumbles his way through how pretty your eyes are.
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rat-typewriter · 1 year
Yay!!! Someone's writing for Arven!!! Could you please write something, either Headcanons or a fanfic your choice, about Arven with a librarian s/o who helps him find information on Herba Mystica and the titan pokemon. So lots of study dates in the school library where she works that slowly turn into actual dates 👀
As someone working at a library rn, this one is pretty self indulgent lol but I hope you don't mind! Thanks so much, I hope you have a great day!! (I also lowkey wonder if you remember me since I've left asks here before...)
Omg omg hello fellow librarian!! I used to work in a library! Tysm for your request sunshine, and i hope you enjoy!! This is a little rushed so im sorry about that :,,)
Perfect to me - Arven x Student Librarian!Reader
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Warnings: None
Proofread: like,,,, some of it is
Summary: Mabosstiff is doing a lot better - you're the first person Arven wants to tell
You tried to turn up your music for the seventh time - forgetting it was already at full volume. Your phone buzzed angrily, a notification popping up - trying to warn you of the damage you were doing to your ears. 
You were more-or-less all alone in the library; anyone who had come in this late was frantically studying at the desks, so you were free to shelve books and dance awkwardly. 
You skimmed the spines of the books and hummed quietly to yourself. The song reminded you of Arven - it felt like sunshine and long, green grasses with a warm breeze. You smiled at the thought of him; even his name gave you butterflies - you couldn’t quite believe you'd been dating three months. 
You first met when he was always asking for obscure books and journal articles - and without having to do too much detective-work you figured out that he was searching for the titan's herbs. You mentioned it one night - after a few weeks of him coming in almost every day - and he let you meet Mabostiff. You'd never seen such a sick Pokémon, but you found yourself with a certain respect for the somewhat-harsh boy who sat in front of you, stroking its nose gently. After then, you always stayed past the end of your shifts - scouring the shelves for any clues to help Arven and Mabostiff.
You found the section you were looking for and slid a book from your trolley onto the shelf. Straightening up, you were about to reach for the next book - but, through the shelf, you came face-to-face with Arven.
You leapt out of your skin, ripping your headphones out in the process.
Arven grinned and laughed; wide-eyed you scolded him.
"Oh my god, Arven." You said, as you rounded the shelf - moving to face him. "How long have you been there?"
"Not too long." He smiled - his smile was so contagious you found yourself struggling to maintain your annoyed expression.
"Well, don't scare me like that!" You replied, trying to suppress your giggle. Being around Arven made you go stupid (in the best way possible, of course). It was addictive - hell, he was addictive - you never failed to have fun, even when poring over fifty year-old books and digging through the dusty archives.
"Okay, okay - I'm sorry." He replied - not looking even the least bit sorry. 
"You should be." You said, folding your arms with mock disappointment. "Libraries are no places for fun."
"Of course, it won't happen again Miss L/N." He said - his tone's solemness matching your own.
For a moment you stared at each other seriously - before you both erupted into giggles. 
Yeah, you thought to yourself, I really like him.
Before you'd even caught your breath again, he grabbed your hand and tugged it.
"C'mon, there's something you gotta see." 
Had Arven been any other boy - you probably would have assumed that they were about to take you down some dark corridor and axe-murder you. But when you looked at him and he softly smiled back at you - you trusted him completely.
He led you out of the library and down the stairs - to one of the fire exit doors in a back corridor.
He held it open for you and you stepped outside into the dark car park. The cold March air ruffled your hair and you shivered; you heard Arven close the door and then stand beside you. In the dim light of the flickery fire-exit sign you could only just make out his features. He stood close to you - his arm brushing your own - but he didn’t seem to mind; neither did you. 
He grinned and pulled a Poké ball out of his pocket.
He didn’t mean?
“Arven?” you said, excitement rising in your voice. “He’s better?”
He grabbed your hand and nodded frantically, somehow smiling even wider than before. He tossed the ball, freeing Mabosstiff - who, for the first time whilst you’d known him, stood in front of you. Arven, who was still smiling wildly (and seemed unable to speak) looked between the two of you, his eyes suddenly full of tears
 You laughed, dropping to your knees and putting your hand out for the Pokémon to sniff. Mabostiff nosed your fingers and let out a low ruff.
"Hey, buddy." You said, quietly - finding yourself fighting back tears as well. "Good to see you up and about,"
Mabostiff nuzzled against your leg and you giggled - wiping your eyes. Arven, who was looking just as teary-eyed as you, crouched down, levelling with you and Mabosstiff.
"I can't believe you did it," You whispered, stroking the Pokémon's ears.
"Me neither." Arven said. The closeness of his voice surprised you a little. You turned to face him, finding that his face was only a few centimetres from your own. Fireworks were going off inside your brain as you stared at his dark eyes. 
He's gorgeous, you thought. I've never noticed how pretty he is. 
Your words caught in your throat and you found yourself unable to form a sensible reply. He held your gaze; his mouth slightly agape.
"Hey," You whispered, giggling slightly.
"Hi," He laughed back.
His smile was radiant, even in the darkness. You were so close you could practically feel the heat from his body. He glanced at your lips, so quickly you were almost convinced it didn't happen - but it was there.
He spoke slowly. "Can I, uh, ask you something?" 
You glanced at his lips.
"Would you mind if - uh - could I-" He stammered, his growing more red by the second.
You laughed quietly and he did too - easing your nerves a bit. 
You met his big, dark eyes and knew you were too far gone. So, with only a moment's hesitation, you leant in.
Your heart felt as though it was going to rattle out of your chest, but the feeling of his lips against your own left you floating. His hand moved to your face and you steadied yourself against his knee.
Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god-
After a moment, you pulled apart - bumping noses as both laughed breathily. 
"Wow," You whispered.
"Yeah." He laughed.
You leant back, moving from your crouched position to sit on the concrete instead - your head slightly spinning. Mabosstiff looked between you, letting out a low ruff. Arven grinned, ruffling the fur on its head.
"Were you watching us?" He said, narrowing his eyes at the Pokémon. "Cheeky." 
You laughed and Arven turned to look at you. Your heart skipped a beat and your mind was empty.
He likes me. 
"So," You turned away, looking out into the darkness. "You like me?"
"Well, yeah." 
You turned back to face him, his expression barely visible in the dim light, but you could still see the redness that suddenly appeared.
"Well, uh - I mean, why wouldn't I like you?"
You snorted. "I could name a few reasons."
For a moment he was quiet, staring at you - clearly thinking hard.
"Nope." He said.
"I can't name any."
You laughed and he nudged your shoulder.
"You're perfect to me."
You could feel the blood rushing into your face as you leaned into his side - tucking your head beneath his chin. You both sat quietly until Mabosstiff flopped down across both of your laps - Arven letting out an oof as it did so.
"You're heavy, buddy." He said to the dog. "Not a puppy anymore, eh?"
"They grow up so fast." You said, wiping a fake tear.
Arven mock-sniffled. "My baby is all grown up!" 
Suddenly, you blurted out his name. "Arven?"
He turned to you. "Yeah?"
"You're perfect to me too."
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sykloni · 1 year
hi! I saw your “healing light” story (I loved it btw) and found your interpretation of the purple light really interesting! I’ve been wondering what it was - given that purple is the color of the upgraded telekinesis and butterfly charmer emotes, as well as the purple stream of light that connects us to mantas. My original thought was that it might be darkness (given that it makes it night and looks a bit similar to a darkstone diamond) (which would also place the red light as sort of a light element) or that it might represent memory (as the hint says “hoards ancient secrets). So I’d be curious to hear more of your thoughts on it! Do you have theories for all the lights, or just orange and purple?
Oh yes! I have so many theories as well as things I have basically just made up to make sense of how the world of Sky used to be. I think many different headcanons could be true since we know so little, but personally I don't really care if something is actually true or not if it's interesting.
But anyway my thoughts on colored lights!
I am using them to basically explain the magic system of Sky, (because that's what it is, magic). My headcannon is that (most) living things in the world of Sky have an inner light, that's basically their life force. It is possible to learn to control this inner light for different purposes and harvest the power of colored lights.
Here is what each colored light represents for me:
Cyan light - AIR ~antigravity, weightlessness, air currents, wind paths
Red Light - DARKNESS ~consume/release, ability to absorb power from surroundings as well as from other creatures, krill's light, darkstone, the basic principle behind power crystal technology (This is the one I have thought about most and I have many fascinating ideas about it.)
Orange Light - FIRE ~healing, life
Blue Light - WATER - purifying, bubbles, snow
Purple Light - MIND ~ levitation, telekinesis, psychic powers, altering reality
Green Light - EARTH ~mostly plants
Yellow/White Light ~"regular light", contains the potential of all the other lights (just like in reality white light contains all the waveleghts)
Like you can see I don't associate Purple Light with the darkness, for me all that falls under the Red Light which (quoting the Enchantment quests) "can be found where darkness prevails". I honestly never even considered making any connections between Purple Light and the darkness 🤔 Mostly I think there are two reasons for that:
By "the darkness" I don't mean just any absence of light. I think of the darkness more like a force of nature that's opposite to The Light(/Megabird) and I mostly use it in reference to pollution and corrupted things like dark crabs and krill.
Even if the Purple Light quest turns the Forgotten Ark into night after doing the Enchantment quest, it doesn't make the area dark, quite the opposite it fills it with moonlight that comes through the cloud cover and makes it actually pretty bright.
But you are of course free to headcanon things differently! :) Just like I said in the beginning we know very little about the world of Sky for sure and my headcanons also change when I think of something better/more fitting
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2smolbeans · 9 months
Yandere COO Headcanons
Tags: murder, mentions of previous partners, kidnapping, amputation, breaking and entering, isolation, social bullying/humiliation used as a tool, gas lighting, manipulation.
Overall, this just explains the bare minimum of this man's background, how he is with his darling, his type, and the whatnot!
*This is an old writing, so some of these headcanons were changed
Marco is secretly the type of geek who is weirdly into insects and often hyperfixuates on the type of environments they live in.
In his large house, he has a room decorated with green vines and all types of exotic flowers climbing the walls with his precious tarantulas, centipedes, and butterflies in their respective home.
In his free time, he often takes care of his personal green haven, often spending hours inside the room as he likes to reminisce on old memories.
His older brother, Hyun, had to teach Marco how to dispose of a body, how to keep his lovers 'in check', and how to network his resources whether it be for drugs, private investagators, or personal doctors.
Marco had to teach Hyun about when he should express emotions 'appropriately', how to get his way without resorting to violence or cruelty, and how to seem friendly and approachable to the public eye.
Hyun and Marco have a 4 years age gap from each other.
Even though Marco does have a large income, he never usually spends a lot of it on himself. Rather, he spends it on his insects, home renovations, partners, or his fellow co-workers!
Marco's type of 'darling' is someone who's usually full of pride and spunk. Someone who isn't too afraid of coming off as an asshole even if it ruins their reputation. He doesn't care about what gender they are, how tall they are, or what physical flaws they have, if they can bluntly tell him they hate him and their job, he's already planning their wedding.
I would also like to note that Marco has terrible taste in people. There's nothing wrong with liking bold and blunt people, but the type of people Marco usually gravitates towards...Bullies and gold diggers..
To add fuel to the fire, Marco also tends to fall harder and gain more interest towards someone who is insecure about themselves. Someone who seems uptight and full of themselves in public, but behind closed doors, is a wreck worrying about what other people think of them..
When he was around 3 years old, he was adopted by his adoptive father and had no information about his birth or family relations. Thinking about it, he's pretty sure that his name originally isn't Marco at all.
Hyun and Marco share the same father but different mother.. Their father..Is a lot worse than the both of them combined.
Let's just say one of the 'small' crimes he's done was driving his first wife to her suicide while sending away his mistress's child to the orphange, telling her he killed their child as a punishment for disobeying him.
His father made it clear that he was the accident child he never wanted, but Marco never knew about it until Hyun told him about his upbringings. His upbringing being that their father decided to have an affair with Hyun's mother, only then to blame the affair and her suicide solely on the mistress and her child.
Marco doesn't have any memories of his biological father, so it's not like it affected him to begin with.
Marco had a wonderful childhood to a single father who happily raised him. As a child, his adoptive father would take him to work, showing him how he would fill in paperwork and talk to clients.
His adoptive dad, Mr. Pereira was a lawyer. And boy did that come in handy whenever Marco was caught up in some legal trouble...
Marco has had at least 9 partners in his lifetime, all of them always ending up in failure.
Marco is the type of yandere to amputate their darling as a very last and desperate resort if he finds that they're hurting him, themselves, constantly running away, or pushing his patience too far.
Marco will only kill his beloved if he finds himself growing tired, out of love, or if their darling simply cannot learn to love him after amputating them. Sure, it's common sense that after that chopping off their limbs without their consent, the poor person will be broken beyond repair - but simple delusional Marco doesn't want to accept that.
When in a relationship, Marco will never let his partner pay for anything. He wants them to relax and trust in him. Plus, the reaction they give him when they realise Marco is paying for everything warms his heart.
Marco is the smaller, more chaotic, emotional braincell compared to his big brother Hyun, who just judges Marco's taste in partners silently.
Compared to Hyun, Marco is more of an impulsive, emotional, and honest yandere. He often finds himself slipping with his lies and intentions whenever he's in the moment. It's no wonder why he has a lot of instances where he could've gotten away with his suspicious behavior with his partners, but he got caught because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut.
Marco's favorite method of killing people is through drowning and beating someone to death with his bare hands..Something about taking his sweet time while watching someone struggle and thrash underneath him just sends a shiver down his spine..
Funny enough, Marco had met Hyun for the first time when they were both getting rid of a body at the same time and location. It went along something like this:
Marco: *carrying a dead wrapped up body* ...Mr. Sangwook?
Hyun: M-Marco..? What are you doing?
Marco: .....Your mom?
Hyun: *deadpans* Haha how funny.
Marco: W-Well..What are YOU doing??
Hyun: ....None of your buisness. Listen, how about we both do what we need to do, and if not, I call the police and explain how I found you disposing two bodies behind the dumpster.
Marco: ..Ugh, well I wasn't gonna say anything.
Hyun: *patting Marco's head* Good boy. Also, is that one of our janitors?
Marco: ..No...Maybe?
Hyun: Goddamn it. I liked them, they were funny..What did they do?
Marco: ..They slept with my boyfriend..
Hyun: Oh, did they know that your boyfriend was taken or...?
Marco: No..My boyfriend kind of invited them over to my place and I caught them in the act..
Hyun: Oh..Sorry..I'm assuming your boyfriend's next?
Marco: N-No! I'm not a monster! It was probably a mistake, I love them!
Hyun: *Silently judging* Uh huh...
Marco's relationship with Hyun is strong despite being polar opposites and their unfortunate upbringings.
The moment Marco found out they were half brothers, Marco would cling onto Hyun and annoy him every single day to the point Hyun had to lock himself in his office.
Marco is considered sterotypically attractive. He's at least 6'5 "with a toned body, built his physique, shining red eyes, and dark brown hair that he can tie up and style.
He often works out in the gym to keep up with his form so that people can admire him. He also does it so that he can pick up his darling for whatever reason he may need to.
Marco is more of a savory type of person. His favorite comfort foods are shepherd's pie, Pão de queijo, pizza, and your typical burgers and fries.
Because of Marco's impulsive decisions, if there's someone standing inbetween him and his darling's relationship, his first solution is to immediately kill them off and cover up his traces, rather than talking it out or trying any other tactics.
It's funny since for a man who's so all about being friendly, kind, and gentle, he's so quick to resort to violence compared to his brother, who thrives off of it.
Marco is excellent when it comes to persuasion. He knows that he's charming and that people floak towards him, he knows how to change his attidude, how the tone of his voice can really change the atmosphere, he's aware of his public status, how his money and power has an influence on how people treat him.
Even though Marco seems like the absolute worst to date or be friends with, he's really not that bad if you don't push his buttons. If anything, Marco is actually the most gentle, caring, and loving boyfriend you could ever have.
Always spoiling you, praising you, and making sure you know you matter so much to him. The only exception is that you never leave him and accept him for who he is no matter the cost.
He's not asking for too much.
He's willing to forgive you if it's the first time if you cheat on him. He's a patient and understanding man. He truly loves you and wants to make things work. He's tired of jumping from partner to partner. He wants to settle down!
But do it again, and he's already prepared to chop you up and grind your remains as food for his precious insects.
When Marco is around his darling, he often gets smitten by every little thing they do. Their coughing and sneezing in the most sickly way? Aww..So cute, he wants to warm them up in a blanket.
They're harrassing someone for money? Oh..Aww..Should he give them some spare change? Maybe not until later, it's adorable watching you squeak and stomp your feet at someone and he wants to watch it for a bit longer.
Smiling at a video on your phone? God is he glad he took a picture of that from afar.
He may have once cried to "A Dog's Purpose" while on a movie date.
When it comes to cuddling, Marco often likes to be the little spoon. Feeling your hands wrap around his torso while his back is pressed against you is his favorite cuddling position afterall!
When it comes to taking care of company work, whenever he gets stressed from the workload and the isolation in his office, he often looks at a picture of his darling before taking a small break before continuing.
Marco's method of keeping his darling close to him at all times is to simply change their working position to a 'stay at home' role. He has the power to do so. After all, your boss and manager do work under him.
Even if you do work under another company or job that isn't with his company, he can always make connections and network his way to you..
He does this so that regardless of whether you're dating or just friends, he could always isolate you from your peers. Spreading rumors about you in the office so that even when you visit the office, no one ever bothers checking up on you.
It bothers you since you desperately want to make friends.. But that thought is snuffed out with Marco constantly checking up on you. Being so sweet to send you sweets and messages every day.
So screw everyone! Who cares about them when you have the richest man doting on you.
One thing that Marco often messes up on is keeping his secret 'stash' hidden from you. Often leaving stolen belongings littered all over the house.
You would either be dating or close friends when you find out about it and his true feelings about you.
Either at his place for a date, or just a general hangout. You remember telling Marco that you needed to go to the bathroom, going upstairs to search for it.
Once finding the washroom, you found it weird how inside one of the bathroom cabinets was a similar Keychain you once had..It was very specfic as well. It was even scratched the same way as well..
You also found some underwear that seemed very similar to the ones you lost..Maybe his ex just wore the same brand? Regardless you thought it was weird how Marco just randomly left these in the washroom.
You told Marco about it, teasing him about the weird trinkets left in his bathroom and how he should keep those elsewhere. Failing to take notice of Marco's nervous eyes and uncomfortable chuckle while you sat across him.
Marco had a bad habit of visiting your place a bit too often. Of course Marco knew he should respect your boundaries.
But he couldn't help himself. There was no harm being done..
While your out from work, Marco who has an ungodly amount of power with his time makes his way towards your place.
You changed the locks? That's no problem, he brought a Bobby pin just in case! You have a security camera outside the front door? If you live in a house or those apartments with the connected stairways, he could always enter through the back.
Your at home? Well he'll just stay out of your way. You won't even know he's there! Not while he's hidden in the creaks and blindspots, watching your every move before slowly sneaking his way out.
Always happy to take a souvenir, whether it be a picture of you undressing, a shirt, or your undergarments as a memory of his visit.
With your relationship with Marco, you always felt uncomfortable speaking up against him. Since whenever you're at work, and people ask about your relationship with the company's Chief Operating Officer.
You hated how Marco immediately made it public to everyone about his relationship and feelings towards you. Especially when everyone in the office loved and floaked towards, him yearning for approval.
Whenever there's a fight regarding you confronting Marco about his toxic and concerning behavior, suddenly all your co-workers know about it.
Suddenly, you're the asshole who went too far, the one that hurt his feelings, the one who should apologize. It pisses you off. It's embarrassing, why doe everyone know about this?!
You hate it even more when you decide to put your foot down. Asking Marco why the hell everyone in the office knows about the 'fight'
Only then comforting him as you see his pained expression. Explaining how he didn't mean for the word to spread. He only told his old close co-workers he used to talk to when he was just a simple security guard about the situation and for some relationship advice.
Feeling like shit as you realised that you were assuming things again. That maybe it wasn't his fault. Why do you always think it's his fault?
You'll make it up to him, though. You always do. After all, you're thankful for him putting up with your shitty behavior when no one else does.
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web-spinning · 2 years
i loved the ‘scout accidentally hurting s/o in battle’, can u write that for spy please? tyy! have a good day ^^
A/N- I assume you mean the one with Scout accidentally killing his S/O? I think it was that because accidentally hurting were headcanons for all mercs.
I went a little bit too far here, and this is very gorey, woah.
"A Lethal Mistake"- Spy accidentally killing his S/O during battle.
Tumblr media
Tw. Blood,knives,guns,deaths.
The man moved carefully trough the abandoned warehouse. He steadied the butterfly knife in his hand while hardly biting on his bottom lip.
Even though his footsteps echoed trough the empty room, he felt like he wasn't alone. The words of the enemy Spy still hummed inside his head, not letting him calm down.
"Would you gut them like a fish?"- that question made blood pump faster inside Spy's body. Apperantly his enemy thought it would be a hilarious idea to disguise as his lover.
He was just pinning that sucker to the wall, placing his knife against that rat's throat. However, he managed to defend himself and break free. Right now there was nothing that Spy wanted to do more than kill that man. He wasn't only disguising as his mon cher, but also threating their safety. And worst of all, taking satisfaction from it all.
Suddenly, the room was filled with more footsteps, not Spy's this time. He was immediately alarmed by that, ready to defend himself if necessary.
The footsteps were growing closer, until a figure appeared from behind the corner. His lover...or was it?
-Oh thank god you're here...-they shakily began, catching their breath. They had several wounds and their shirt was covered in blood.
Spy observed them carefully.
It's him- something told him from inside his head. Without saying anything, he lowered the knife, and instead reached for the gun that was settled behind his suit jacket. He carefully took it out.
-What's wrong?- He heard them ask. His veins were pulsing. He thought for a second. I would recognize them everywhere, I would know if this was them...
He slowly reloaded, and before his lover had time to react, he fired.
Steadily for the chest. Then another shot. Then another one.
Finally, the bleeding out body felt to the floor. He watched it loose blood as the person slowly lost their breath.
But the disguise wasn't going off...
That was not a disguise.
His hands began to tramble as he realized what he just did. He let go off the revolver, and it fell to the floor with a small thump. He noticed that the person's chest stopped raising up and down.
They were dead.
-And you killed them...-A familiar voice said from behind his back. Before he could react, he felt a tight embrace from the back. It was them again, but that was a disguise this time. The enemy Spy smiled as he slowly lowered his butterfly knife into his nemesis' stomach.
-You killed them, you monster.- He whispered into the trembling's man ear as he slowly inserted the knife, making sure to make it as painful as possible.
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outofangband · 1 year
Collection of Rían Headcanons
More in the character tag!
-Rían was a sickly baby and very small for her age.
-She suffered permanent injuries to her lungs after Dagor Bragollach and becomes easily short of breath.
-Rían doesn’t have very clear memories of the invasion and fires. The glow and heat, the screaming, running. She’s thought about asking Morwen for more details many times but never does.
-She has clearer memories of Brethil and of arriving in Dor-lómin, a little before her sixth birthday. Rían thinks it’s probably lucky she barely knew it was her birthday then because it didn’t ruin the association for future years
-On that note, her birthday is in late April (Víressë in Quenya, Gwirith in Sindarin)
-Rían loves gift giving and receiving.
(My headcanons for some of the others: Morwen’s birthday is in early winter, Húrin and Aerin both have summer birthdays)
-She cries easily but can also be cheered up easily in most cases.
-Rían loves colorful things; flowers, vibrant dyes, butterflies and beetles (though she is scared of some of them too), birds, gems
-She loves making flower crowns and nearly everyone she knows in Hithlum has been made to wear one
Happy to wear it: Húrin, Huor, Galdor, Aerin, Lalaith
Surprised and bemused but mostly pleased at being included: Hareth, Sador, Ragnir
Enjoys seeing them but fussed at wearing them: Túrin
Not pleased about it but wears it with such dignity and severity no one will comment on it or laugh until at least four years have passed: Morwen obviously
-Rían has an extraordinary memory for tunes and song. She also likes making rhymes.
-She probably has dyscalcula and hates numbers. She rarely uses any musical notation except her own notes. She can play almost anything by ear
-She fussed over Morwen so much when she was pregnant with Túrin she nearly got banned from the house.
She does however get away with much more with Morwen than pretty much anyone else. No one else can hug her suddenly, put flowers in her hair or call her nicknames. Even Rían does so sparingly but still.
-Rían is very short, about five feet two inches or 156 centimeters.
-She doesn’t remember her parents well at all. It’s often the lack of memories that makes her very sad.
As always please feel free to ask more 🌸
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chalkxtabletxtowers · 2 years
~Gorillaz Circus AU Headcanons~
•He's the clown of the tent. Definitely.
•Always coming up with new and unique shows that fascinate the audience and make them laugh equally.
•He loves getting creative and expressing himself, especially with his costumes and his make-up.
•Don't be fooled, thanks to his long limbs he's quite capable of some acrobatic tricks. He can stand on his hands, he can do cartwheels, he can even drive a unicycle.
•I can see him doing stuff with fire. Maybe even being a fire-eater
•No show is too dangerous, too hot or too bright for him, he loves being the center of attention and the people going "Ohhh!" whenever he does tricks with fire.
•Besides that, he can also swallow swords, though he's been told to take the dangerous acts down a notch to not motivate children to try and imitate what he does.
•He also absolutely loves chasing 2D during his clown shows and throwing things at him, since 2D has to act like it's all part of the show.
•She's the princess of the tent.
•She loves height, and she loves doing acrobatic tricks, so therefore, she's a tightrope walker.
•She has a lot of pretty dresses and props, she loves walking over the rope or doing tricks in the air.
•Sometimes she wishes she had a partner for the trapeze, but she can't motivate anyone of the others to come up there with her. So it's still a one woman show
•He's a animal tamer. But a good one.
•He loves his animals and they love him, he always make sure they're well cared for and not put under too much stress by his routines.
•He especially loves his lions, and he's a skilled guy who knows what they're capable of.
•He's also the good soul of the circus, the one who keeps a bit of an eye over everyone like over his animals.
•He's a juggler! He loves to juggle with everything that he gets his hands on.
•He also does tricks where he stands on one hand while he juggles, or on moving boxes.
•He also does occasional knife tricks but like Murdoc, has been told to tone it down. His butterfly knife is still with him though, to fascinate the audience at least a little bit.
*looks at my artist mutuals* If any of you want to draw either of these headcanons, feel free to, I'd be beyond honoured.
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kayetra-spade-queen · 3 months
YDA AU One-Shot: Light Through The Window
Note: Please keep in mind that this story will had headcanons and variety of non-canon things that do not happened in the series. This is purely fanfiction, and this fanfiction is set on an alternate universe of the original universe of the series.
Everyone knew that Squad 17 is no ordinary team Faulad Singh had made.
Aside that it consists of children who's not even 10 years old yet.
And that they have abilities that shouldn't have been made possible for normal human beings.
Shivaji with ice powers.
Chinnu with the power of plants and nature.
Veer with shape shifting and super strength.
Little Singham with powers resembles real lions and fire.
They're an unusual bunch.
No, it's not those that made them stood out.
It's the aura they gave out whenever all the squads from squad 1 to 20 had gathered in the same room together.
Everyone expect that they'd be slightly loud, but still polite. They are children after all.
But oh how they're surprised.
The attitude, and the air surrounding them, felt like...
Intimidating, terrifying even.
Although of course, they're not actively trying to look intimidating (and succeeding in the process without themselves even knowing) to everyone, they're just being polite because they're aware they're younger than everyone else.
2 of the members do look familiar.
Little Singham, and Veer.
It clicked; Little Singham looks so much like the special agent Black Shadow, hence his mother. He really do look like an exact copy of her, from appearance to his no-nonsense attitude. The scorn look in his face that could send anyone a shiver down their spines is the exact same one Black Shadow has.
While Veer looked like the retired military man, Sujjan sir, aka his grandfather. He was a tough one to crack in his past, strict and always focused on the target.
All of the members of Squad 17 are powerful by their own rights.
Their own individual auras are quite powerful itself, but for different reasons.
Shivaji's is cold, yet pleasing. His personality is one of a social butterfly anyways, so it's no surprise people are always around him.
Chinnu's is fresh and somewhat melodious. People will have a sense of calmness when they're around her.
Veer's is tough, but he's still approachable. His slightly gullible nature makes people find him cute, and he is free as a bird, so he mingles with people fairly easily.
Little Singham is a different story on his own. Of course, it's not like he's unapproachable, it's the opposite. But he's a lot more quiet and reserved, and there's this certain aura of mysterious elegance surrounding him.
All of them together create this domain within them, a world completely different from anyone else. The air will suddenly change if you're near them.
Although they're not necessarily intimidating, or even trying to, it doesn't stop other people from being intimidated by them in any other forms.
They are capable of doing incredible feats that no other people could do, and treated it like it's another Thursday for them.
Of course, sometimes they can be a bit goofy at times, but it's part of their charms. They're still children regardless of how you look at them.
They could be what the world feared the most and made all evil tremble by just their presence, or your regular neighborhood children playing at the parks after school.
But one thing's for certain.
Piss one of them off, piss all of them off. Escaping from their grip is futile.
End of One-Shot.
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huxiaoweek · 11 months
Of The Flame
Reincarnation AU Crosspost/backup of this fic.
Summary: What if Hu Tao was the first WFP director, and lived many lifetimes since then - most of which destined to intersect with the fate of the soon-to-be last Yaksha?
Notes: I headcanon Hu Tao and Xiao as non-binary, Xiao agender with they/them pronouns and Hu Tao with she/her and they/them.
Chapter 1: Beginnings
The pyre begins to smoke and through its heat haze Xiao sees them; a curious black-clad figure. A mortal.
Solemn robes shroud their silhouette that is already difficult to define through the distorted air. A long piece of firewood is held in their grasp, the tip a burning ember - the brightest thing in this otherwise desolate place - and it is used to light several points around the perimeter of this mass grave. Xiao can't help but be aware the death toll during this war is beyond counting and seems to exponentially rise every single day. Far surpassing the carnage even they had inflicted at their old master's behest when little more than a chained animal at the feet of a cruel god. The devastation here is poisoning the land and its inhabitants, claiming the weak and powerful alike. Most of the other mortals still living have moved on and yet this one remains, carrying out their strange purpose. Whether brave or foolhardy Xiao cannot tell the difference, though for the fallen a mass grave is better than no grave at all. As flames finally start to kindle into a proper funerary pyre the figure folds their hands into prayer, yet still maintaining a firm grasp upon the firewood as if it were something cherished. Mouth moves but Xiao cannot hear from where they stand what the figure is saying, the words snatched away by the wind and crackle of fire.
"That one used to be a doctor." Pervases, so knowledgeable when it comes to humans, so fond of them. And they are fond of him too; his temple is not far from the newest city of Lord Morax's people and is frequently active with visitors bearing offerings of incense and Ticker Fish. Xiao cannot bring themself to allow mortals close the way he does. The walls they put up both for their own sake and for that of the fragile humans, won't allow it. The dangers far outweigh any potential benefit. Guilt twists a deep, cold knot in Xiao's gut just thinking about it. Pervases continues, either blind to or unwilling to address Xiao's sudden air of discomfort. "But with their patients beyond saving, and the dead piling up, she turned to caring for the departing souls instead. Freeing the spirit of karmic binds and allowing for a peaceful afterlife. Humans are so resourceful."
'A foolish endeavour,' Xiao thinks, 'like an ant trying to move a mountain by carrying it piece by piece.' Though as Pervases' words hang in the evening air, their knee-jerk dismissal turns to something more contemplative. A calling like this no matter how futile is something worthy of respect. To accept a new purpose when everything is bleak, to find something more than failure in the inability to save anyone. This former doctor could not mend their fellow human's bodies but is able to tend to their souls and prevent the plagues already ravaging the land from worsening. In a way that is a valiant task to take on, to defy something much grander and far more terrifying than yourself. Perhaps Xiao's own craving for redemption from their blood-soaked past is something equally fruitless, with the value held only in the struggle.
Xiao nods slowly in acknowledgment but gives no other indication of having heard.
The rite seems to go on without end as the Yakshas watch in contemplative silence. Spirits fly free from their corrupted bodies and poisoned corpses in the form of butterflies, flitting unfettered towards what lays beyond. Their well-deserved final rest. It is regrettable these mortals had to die at all, but perhaps some small comfort can be found for them in the peace that comes thereafter.
Before the rite is completed, Xiao is dispatched to quell some demons and by the time they return, exhausted and bloodied, the pyre is smouldering embers and the mysterious human nowhere in immediate view. But then they spot the figure laying a short distance from the fire, resting. The ritual must have exhausted her. This was the first time Xiao had witnessed her carry out this work, and something about it was oddly moving.
As their wounds from the battle slowly close and heal, the Yaksha crafts a butterfly-shaped amulet from leaves, and places it for the human to find when they rise from their slumber.
Chapter 2: A Spark
Several days had passed and yet the amulet of leaves has not withered. Hu Tao wonders if this could be some sort of new preservation technique, for surely one of the adepti would not waste their energy on something so simple? Still, regardless of the method used in its crafting and composition, she treasures the gift. It is an unexpected token.
Once, the Hu name had been a sign of hope and healing, as she had been a doctor before the lands were ravaged by plague and war. Something that feels almost like a distant memory, or a past life. Now, her approach is feared, a misunderstood taboo. The one who purges the plague is not the one who inflicts it, but society abhors a bringer of unfortunate news. The last settlement she visited there were bodies laying openly in the streets. Pungent, some bloated with rot, others fresh; all were put to the torch with pious offerings of prayer and incense. What few survivors there may have been all remained hidden away, something Hu Tao preferred over the stares and pointed whispers. No thanks were given for her task, let alone any gifts. Perhaps that is why her fingers keep idly finding the amulet, a tactile self-reassurance that at least someone cared.
"You still have it. Good." With a stirring of air there is now a Yaksha before her, but Hu Tao is not cowed. If anything they are distant colleagues, there is an instinctive understanding. Warfare creates such strange allies.
Her hand falls from the butterfly-shaped adornment, curiosity fully piqued by the warrior addressing her. Lithe, neatly muscled, a body built for agility with an eye-catching arm tattoo and, she must admit, a rather beautiful face. "Oh, so you are my mystery benefactor then?" A soft smile spreads across Hu Tao's features. It has been too long since she has spoken to another living person — had opportunity to say anything that is not in service of being a conduit for the departed. 
Eyes of topaz give her a once-over, an assessing glance before responding with something that is not a denial, but not quite an assent either, and she gets the sense her attempt at levity may have fallen a bit flat. "Don't get yourself killed, mortal."
Half-playful half-serious and wholly undeterred, Hu Tao indicates the trusty firewood staff that has accompanied her since the start of this journey to cleanse the lands. It has come in handy in a pinch when needed to defend herself against bandits, demons, and everything in between on these lonesome travels. "I've been managing to get by with my friend, here."
The sharp, assessing gaze levied at her before turns thoughtful. "Do you know how to use it?" Mild skepticism is held in the tone — disbelief albeit thankfully sans condescension. A polearm is a sacred weapon. Fitting for one with a similarly sacred duty. Though without proper training, it cannot serve its purpose effectively. 
"Would you like to find out?" The careless challenge slips out with little expectation that one of Morax's generals truly possesses an interest in her capabilities or the testing thereof. Surely there are far more important matters to occupy their time? 
The Yaksha nods. Glib remark had been taken in sincerity. They produce their own weapon, a crafting of jade — green, for the heavens of course — and gold. Something in their demeanour changes and Hu Tao realizes this sight is what many, perhaps even thousands, of demons had last seen before they perished. "Let us begin."
And with that they move too fast for her eyes to keep track. The firewood staff (bestowed with the name Homa, after the rituals it has assisted her with) is raised defensively as Hu Tao glances around, seeing little but feeling the gusts of wind and telltale pulse of karma, so similar to that which had poisoned huge swathes of humanity; as they move around her. It is unnerving how they circle her at this speed but make no move to strike.
Almost simultaneously as this thought comes to her, a cold, warning pit of alarm opens within and claws at her guts. Determination to survive, ferocity, and fear all intermingle and turn white-hot. Hu Tao senses rather than sees the incoming strike - the pulse of karma intensifies alerting each nerve ending to the sense of danger and fire erupts in response.
She is shrouded in flame, a blistering warmth that startles the Yaksha long enough for her to bring Homa to block the incoming startled strike. As it does, her flames push back against the aura of corruption emanating from them. There is an audible sound of something burning even though the flames do not spread nor seemingly visibly react other than some flickers briefly blackening at the edges.
Their spar is over as soon as it began and beside her foot is a distinctive piece of ruby glass. A pyro vision. Hu Tao picks it up curiously, and a faraway part of her is vaguely pleased that her fingers barely tremble as she does. Adrenaline is surging and her forearms are numb from blocking the attack. Even distracted, the Yaksha is still incredibly strong.
"Your karma-" She says at the same time as they utter "Your flames-". Both pause, before the Yaksha utters a terse "forget it," turning as if to leave.
"My name is Xiao," they offer, back still turned to her. "Call upon me if you are ever in need of help."
They are fighting a war and cannot afford distractions, but this mortal has been acknowledged by Celestia. While not the blessing that many believe it to be, such a thing indicates she has a vital purpose to serve. Xiao did not wish to speculate upon what this role could be, but she already had the ability to cleanse the plague to allow the spirits of the deceased to pass on, and when those flames arose Xiao felt it react to their karma. Whether a temporary reprieve or some manner in which it may be permanently cleansed, it matters little for Xiao does not deserve either option. This burden they carry has been earned by the blood that stains their hands and is one they will shoulder alone.
Hu Tao's mind is a whirl; the short-lived spar, the vision, that fire and how it felt — and she's sure from the look of unveiled shock in Xiao's eyes that they felt it too. "Are you really leaving? Already?" Her fingers lightly squeeze the newly-granted vision. It is odd, neither cool nor warm to the touch. A foreign thing, but no doubt potentially useful. "Weren't you going to teach me to use a spear properly or something?"
Finally they turn and look at her once more. There is a strange, solemn, shadowed yet inscrutable twist to their expression. "The spear opens the path to the afterlife," Xiao states, as if reciting something once relayed to them. "The rest of the rule is up to you to determine."
A cryptic statement but it makes a sort of instinctive sense to Hu Tao, a principle becoming vaguely understood on a level that has little to do with words. She squeezes the vision again as if it could somehow keep her thoughts grounded. "Will I see you again?"
No response comes as the Yaksha disappears in a shimmering swirl of elemental energy — a thing Hu Tao can now see and feel to an extent greater than mere displacement of air.
These new added senses will take some getting used to.
Writer's note: I just really love adding in things that are references to stuff we see in present-setting genshin. First the butterfly amulet, and now a potential origin for the first rule of Hu Tao's 'secret spear technique' ("The spear opens the path to the afterlife, and the butterflies bridge this world and the next.") I'm absolutely dying to write some romance but this is a slow burn situation unfortunately. Xiao's priorities an' all. Oh and if you picked up on how Xiao doesn't introduce themself and only gives their name at the very end & for a utilitarian purpose, that's 10000% intentional. We out here in the trenches with no social skills.
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attiredpan · 2 years
Amy being a Cliche Mainer™️/Miscellaneous headcanons
•Knows how to play the whole Mallett Brothers album “The Falling Of The Pine” on bass guitar.
•Knows how to Fire a Shotgun™️ and Shoot a Bow™️ and has her drivers license, though she doesn’t fully divulge how she got it.
•Hockey, ice skating, etc.
•So much old timey(by DS9 timeline standards) stuff.
•”Yeah no, that things all stove to hell.”
•High cold tolerance from the winters
•”Smells like it’s gonna rain.”
•Family Owns a Cabin™️
•Rambles about random Maine historical events while Jake and Nog are stuck listening
•Maine Made Cooking
•Has called someone(Nog) or something(The Pet) cunnin’ at least once(a million times)
•Would mount a moose like a horse if given the chance to
•Has perfected the JFK and Cliche Maine accents
•Unofficial birling/axe throwing champion of her family(mostly for when season six/seven rolls around)
•When Jake was teaching Nog how to read, she suggested Treasure Island and they ended up reading it and watching Treasure Planet(Nog and Amy both cried at Silvers speech to Jim)
•In addition to the above, while Jake is teaching Nog to read, she secretly takes up learning to read and speak in Ferengi and even ends up becoming fluent in the language. She’s also made a few head-skirts like the ones Nog often wears (some, if not most, of which are made as gifts)
•She sings when she’s drawing and alone. Just slaps some headphones on and drowns everything out with music and focuses on the task as hand (Favorite song is a cover of Beyond Antares by Lt. Nyota Uhura) and the boys have walked in on her doing this on more than once.
•Since she did ballet and gymnastics when she was young, she’s very flexible and will freak the boys out by dislocating and bringing her arms up in front of her when her hands are cuffed or tied behind her
•Queen of “You asked about it and you gotta live with the facts” whenever Nog asks her something about human women. Has traumatized him on more than one occasion.
•her canine teeth are the antithesis of that of the average human (though she’s lucky that it’s just a weird quirk with her teeth and not something that needs medical intervention) and she has had them compared to “messed up vampire fangs” and Ferengi teeth. It’s caused her a lot of insecurity around her smile, making her take conscious action to keep them hidden whenever she talks or smiles so as to prevent any further belittlement.
•on a lighter note, her father owns a bakery on the station. So sometimes she and the boys will bop in for a visit and maybe help with some of the bread making. Which always somehow ends up the three walking out covered in flour. Though they do get free snacks.
•Her second favorite Art medium to pens/pencils is ceramic/clay art.
•Her least favorite art medium is anything to do with crayons. Oil pastels get a pass but she despises using crayons. The oiliness makes her feel like her skeleton is trying to hatch from her body like a bloody butterfly.
•Favorite superhero is Batman.
•loves learning about pop culture and art.
•has a few projectors that play images of universes and nebulas. Nog just thinks it’s some sort of nightlight and accuses her of being scared of the dark until she turns the lights off (to which he is made to eat his words on the aforementioned accusations) and puts one on of a violet nebula.
•and to top it all off, she was born the day before Halloween, though she and her dad always celebrate on the holiday.
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