#⭒✧ — tales of the wretched » threads
inarretable · 8 months
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Tempestuous winds howl and churn, echoing predatory calls of beasts. An omen of ill fate. Obsidian clad warriors surround their target —a pack of wolves converging on their coveted prey. The figure at the head of the group comes forward, helmeted head held high as they observe @opaliscoeur. Beneath the mask, the modulated hum of a woman's voice rings, low, husky, a muddle of an outer rim accent and... something else. ❛ This can go one of two ways .❜ She steps forward, slowly, the blank abyss of the helm's visor leveled with the princess's line of vision. ❛ I promise you, this will be a lot less painful if you cooperate. ❜
plotted starter ✦
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exitpursuedbyavulcan · 4 months
My Fair Lady's Maid (Regency! Aemond Targaryen x Lady's Maid!Reader) Sneak Peek
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Frustrated with his grandsire's tedious and thorough process of choosing him a "suitable" bride, Aemond makes a declaration that a lady's maid could be indistinguishable from a true noblewoman so long as she was sufficiently dressed and educated in embroidery, conversation, and the like. Otto takes this as a challenge, and gives Aemond four months to turn one of Helaena's lady's maids into a noblewoman.
Pairing: (Regency! Aemond Targaryen x Lady's Maid!Reader)
Author's Note: So, about 2k words of this just kinda happened today...
Chapter 1: Loverly
Her knees pounded with pain, the edges of her vision pulsing black, but she pulled herself up to her elbows, focusing only on what was directly in front of her.
The flowers were scattered across the cobblestones, half already trampled on by people scrambling to avoid falling with her. Those had been the best blossoms, the ones she put at the top of her basket to entice people into buying from her. All that remained in her basket were the scant pickings she used just to make the basket look full – no one would want to buy those.
Nearly a full day’s wages, gone like that.
“What in the devil’s name was that noise, girl?” The bastard who ran into her sneered. She’d never before heard a voice so suited to sneering. She lifted her head to growl something back at him, but any biting words quickly died when she saw who looked down at her.
He was finer than any man – any person – she’d ever seen in Rosby. Not a single silver hair out of place, not a loose thread anywhere on his fine clothes, or a speck of dust on him. Well, except for the slight smudge of grime left on his deep green tailcoat from where he’d crashed into her. The sight of it made her want to crawl into her dirty basement and never come out again.
“You should watch where you’re walking, brother,” another man, standing next to the severe man who had run into her, said. The familiar resemblance was obvious in their coloring – the silver hair, the eyes so vibrantly blue they were nearly violet.
The severe man scoffed, his lip curling as he looked at her. “I was, Daeron. But the little wretch came out of nowhere.”
“I ain’t no ‘wretch!’” she shouted, indignation burning through her fear and embarrassment. “I’m a respectacled woman, I am!”
The man scoffed and rolled his eye, and only then did she notice: his left eye was entirely white, its milky paleness emphasized by the angry red scar stretching from his forehead all the way down through his cheek.
She didn’t mean to stare, really. But she had never seen a man who looked like him – scar or no. He was like something out of a fairy tale. Especially when his scowl deepened, and his one blue eye seemed to catch fire.
“Have you looked your fill?” he growled. She immediately averted her gaze, not knowing what to say. She couldn’t think of a single word.
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lady-phasma · 4 months
The depth of these characters is entirely Anne Rice’s responsibility. However, I don’t know that I have ever watched an adaptation quite as compelling as this series. The show runners have changed huge elements, but kept the soul of the Chronicles. Every time I see Armand on screen I think about this passage from The Vampire Armand. Assad plays him so well, so disarmingly, and with a complexity that is remarkably true to the books.
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Massive spoilers below the cut…
But I did not bring about [Claudia's] execution. She died more horribly than anyone has ever imagined, and I have not the strength now to tell the tale. Let me say only that before she was shoved out into a brick-lined air well to await the death sentence of the god Phoebus, I tried to grant her fondest wish, that she should have the body of a woman, a fit shape for the tragic dimension of her soul. Well, in my clumsy alchemy, slicing heads from bodies and stumbling to transplant one to another, I failed. Some night when I am drunk on the blood of many victims, and more accustomed than I am now to confession, I will recount it, my crude and sinister operations, conducted with a sorcerer's willfulness and a boy's blundering, and describe in grim and grotesque detail the writhing jerking catastrophe that rose from beneath my scalpel and my surgical needle and thread. Let me say here, she was herself again, hideously wounded, a botched reassemblage of the angelic child she'd been before my attempts, when she was locked out in the brutal morning to meet her death with a clear mind. The fire of Heaven destroyed the awful unhealed evidence of my Satanic surgery as it turned her to a monument in ash. No evidence remained of her last hours within the torture chamber of my makeshift laboratory. No one need ever have known what I say now. For many a year, she haunted me. I could not strike from my mind the faltering image of her girlish head and tumbling curls fixed awkwardly with gross black stitching to the failing, faltering and falling body of a female vampire whose discarded head I'd thrown into the fire. Ah, what a grand disaster was that, the child-headed monster woman unable to speak, dancing in a frenetic circle, the blood gurgling from her shuddering mouth, her eyes rolling, arms flapping like the broken bones of invisible wings. It was a truth I vowed to conceal forever from Louis de Pointe du Lac and all whoever questioned me. Better let them think that I had condemned her without trying to effect her escape, both from the vampires of the theatre and from the wretched dilemma of her small, enticing, flat-chested and silken-skinned angelic form. She was not fit for deliverance after the failure of my butchery; she was as a prisoner subjected to the cruelty of the rack who can only smile bitterly and dreamily as she is led, torn and miserable, to the final horror of the stake. She was as a hopeless patient, in the reeking antiseptic death cubicle of a modern hospital, freed at last from the hands of youthful and overzealous doctors, to give up the ghost on a white pillow alone. Enough. I won't relive it. I will not. I never loved her. I didn't know how.
The Vampire Armand, pp. 271-272 (hardcover 1998)
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achaotichuman · 8 months
The Mother's Least Favourite Son
Out of spite, I have written this. Hope you guys like broken mating bond Lucien angst.
@lorcanisdabest here is the Lucien angst you oh so wanted~
Trigger warning- Suicide.
Lucien stumbled through the dark. Tripping over something thrown carelessly across the cobblestone ground, an arm shot out to grab the nearest wall to stabilise himself. Skin scraping against the cold wet stone, it burned as it pulled away, blood beginning to prick the surface. 
Why did it have to-
He lurched forward, and a crate at his feet caused him to fall to the ground. Dirty water splashed across his face, ruining his formerly perfect clothing. His trousers now wet and stained. His pristine Night black jacket now half covered with mud. 
It lurched in his chest again. Screaming like a torture victim locked in a cage. Bleeding from the inside.
Golden threads that were cut and exposed like raw nerves. His heart beat faster than it ever had in his life. His hair fell around his face. Rain dripped down from above, beginning to race faster and faster to the surface of the earth, until it hurtled down upon him. 
The stars were no longer visible. The alleyway, and the darkness it provided was his only comfort or protection. 
A sob ripped from deep within the back of his throat. Each pitter of rain that fell upon him he felt starkly. Like needles were pouring down on him. 
What did he do wrong?
He asked for an answer, did he not?
He wanted to know what she wanted. 
Break it, or accept it. 
He offered his heart on a platter. 
Like his heart would ever be enough. 
He fell back against the wall behind him. Eyes tilted to the sky. 
What the fuck did he do to deserve this?
The sky held no answers, nothing spoke back to him. As his skin burned, flesh bubbling under the surface. 
The thunderclouds rolling in the sky tormented him. Laughing as it was split with lightning. Turning the sky to flashing works of silver. Velaris was laughing around him. The Court his mate belonged to pointed and ridiculed the outcast that thought it could crawl in and find comfort. 
No home Court. No mate. 
The Mother’s least favourite son. The Cauldron’s hated creation. 
Her eyes had held no remorse. No care. She hadn’t even put down her knife, as she cut vegetables on the wooden board. She looked up to him. Those soft brown iris had never looked harder. 
“Please, just an answer.”
The Inner Circle stood around him. Feyre flanking Elain’s left, and Nesta on her right. Rhysand picked a piece of lint from his jacket, eyes laughing even as his mouth was firmly straight. Cassian however looked fully and utterly amused at the situation. Azriel stood behind Elain, eyes dead on Lucien. Waiting like a trap to be sprung. 
“Then here’s your answer.” Elain whispered into the space between them. 
Then it broke. 
And Lucien screamed. 
Cassian practically dragged him out. His legs unable to hold him up for long periods of time. They let him fall to the ground. Rain starting. There was no sympathy in his eyes, not even a hint of pity. Just laughing amusement as the door slammed shut. 
Even from out there, in the cold of the night with the door separating the Fox from the inside, he could hear the cheering and the celebrations.
Chest heaving, skin too tight, fire burning and burning and burning. 
Through a window he saw the form of Azriel, shadowsinger, wrap his arms around his rejected mate. 
Lucien had run. 
Run and fell across the floor, scraping his arms before he ran again. 
Another wretched cry was torn from his throat, as he screamed to the sky, “Why? Why fucking me?”
What did I do wrong?
Hated son. 
Exiled. Outcasted. 
Were mates not supposed to love each other more than sun or moonlight? 
Were they not supposed to rather give themselves up then each other?
Where were the stories? Where were the tales? Why did he not get that?
Fucking why?
The cold rain dripped from strands of his hair, down his face, and disappeared down his neck. His body began to shiver, wishing, begging, to draw up fire to warm himself. He let his body shudder and quake, barely feeling the cold pressing in under the weight of the bond now floating out in nothing. 
Darkness edged in, spreading from some place in his chest through the rest of his body. Until he felt hollow, unseeing. Lucien could barely hear anything at all. 
A sharp pain shot through his side, and he looked up to see a male with green hair and purple skin. Wide eyes, all black, glaring down at him. 
“Beat it kid, no loitering around here.” He snarled. 
“Sorry, I’m, I’m sorry.” Lucien said quickly, voice quivering. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” The male said, as Lucien got to his stumbling feet. As the Fox made for the mouth of the alleyway, he heard him mutter, “Stupid kids.”
Stupid kid. 
Stupid kid indeed. 
Lucien left the alleyway. The rain pounded down harder, the thrum resembled the beating of drums. Lightning forked, and thunder cracked the sky. A familiar song, a dance that had followed him since the day Jesminda had been slaughtered in front of him. 
He had spent his days running from the song. The beating that would never cease, howling through the night, hurtling towards him. 
Death did not come silently. 
It came with war horns, riding into battle like screaming a cry. Music played in its wake. A tune no one had heard but everyone knew. 
Lucien closed his eyes, as his heart fell into sync with the beat. His voice a gentle hum as thunder whipped again. As that song raised its tune. 
He stuck his hands in his pockets. He looked ahead. And he winnowed. 
The view of Velaris gave way to dark foliage. Oranges and reds covered one side of the earth, and the other was filled with spidering dark greens and untrained brambles. 
The border of Spring and Autumn. 
The rain had not stopped. The storm had spread through Prythian as if waiting for him. 
It poured down upon him, until he was practically drowning on land. The ground of Autumn was practically unrecognisable as such, as the dried leaves were turned to muddy decay by the rain. 
Lucien fell back and stared up at the sky. 
A familiar tune. 
It had been waiting for him. 
The Mother’s least favourite son. 
He closed his eyes. 
He hoped he wouldn’t ever open them again. 
Three years passed and it never got better. 
It got worse. 
So, so much worse. 
Waking up and seeing the ceiling was agony. Most days he stopped bothering trying to get out of bed. Eating had become a rare occasion, so much so that Jurian and Vassa couldn’t hide their excitement when he took so much as a half bite out of his food. 
He didn’t know if Prythian remembered him; he hadn’t set foot in any of the Courts since the day Tamlin found him at the border. That was at least what he was told when he woke up. Something about the rotting High lord bringing him to the Band of Exile’s manor before disappearing back to Spring. 
Lucien didn’t care. All his thoughts were drowned out by mate, mate, mate, mate. 
He couldn’t think of anyone, of anything else, other than her brown eyes, and curls, and red stained cheeks and lips.
There was nothing else to him, nothing anymore. 
He stopped hoping she would return to him. As the darkness, the hollowness caved in. Pillars of marble in his mind turning to dust, whatever he used to know becoming nothing in the face of the broken bond. 
The last time he spoke, he didn’t know. The last time he went outside, he didn’t know. 
His skin was pasty, grey. His eyes deep with purple. Every bone on display, with his prosthetic eye sinking back into his socket, falling back from the shift in weight. 
His body was decaying. 
He stared at the ceiling. 
It wasn’t worth it. 
This would go on. 
And on.
And on, and on, and on. 
Prythian had forgotten him. His mate had rejected him. His last two friends, the last he could consider friends, were tied up with each other. 
He wasn’t worth his mate’s love. He wasn’t worth being remembered. 
“Might as well get it over with.” Lucien whispered to the ceiling, the first words he had vocalised in so long. 
For the first time in what may have been a week or more, he dragged himself from the bed he had practically become attached to. Limbs heavy, eyes fluttering, pain struck him from all sides and he wanted to fall back down and rot. 
But Jurian or Vassa would eventually convince him to a meal or something to keep him going if he stayed on the bed. 
So he walked. 
He walked to a dresser, where beside it laid a bag. It had all sort of provisions and things needed should he have been stranded somewhere in Prythian. He kept it packed ever since he was thrown out of Autumn. 
Mother’s least favourite son. Cauldron’s hated creation. 
Inside one of the back pockets was a long spiral of coarse rope. Rough against his weary hands as he pulled it out, a sudden disruption to the soft sheets Lucien was used to holding these days. 
Mother’s least favourite son. Cauldron’s hated creation. 
The curtain rod was sturdy and could hold a fair amount of weight, not that it mattered very much as he was practically just skin and bones. It took little to stand atop a chair by the window and put the rope over the rod. Part of Lucien wished Eris had never taught him to tie knots, if only so he didn’t know what to do now. 
Mother’s least favourite son. Cauldron’s hated creation. 
It was rough around his neck. He felt nothing. He didn’t want to feel anything. 
It was sunny outside. The flowers were in bloom. He saw Elain in the sunshine. In the flowers below him. He saw home in the ground, in the trees in the distance. He remembered the feelings of Autumn leaves under his hands. And he remembered the smell of pollen from Spring. He remembered the chill of Night’s air. 
He remembered her soft skin when he put his jackets over her arms after she came out of the Cauldron. 
Lucien let go of all memory as he let himself swing from the curtain rod. 
He hoped he wouldn’t remember in the Mother’s land of milk and honey. 
Mother’s least favourite son. 
Cauldron’s hated creation. 
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hyejinkim · 11 days
Rise of the Unconventional Heroine: The Fictional Odyssey of a Transmigrated author in an Otome Game World.
Chapter 1.1
Story description:
An amateur author finds herself trapped in a story world she created, inspired by an adult otome game designed as a guilty pleasure for women. In this world, she unexpectedly transmigrates into the body of a secondary female character, one who, while neutral, is doomed to a fate of immense suffering. With unwavering determination, she resolves to change her grim destiny and secure a peaceful existence, even if it means resorting to murder and forming alliances with the captured targets who have, inexplicably, taken an interest in her. Her frustration is compounded by the real heroine of the game, who wrongly believes she is trying to steal the capture targets from her. As she navigates this cruel narrative, she is forced to sacrifice her own humanity and empathy to survive.
Genre: Transmigration, fantasy, horror thriller, survival game, Isekai.
Warning: None (for now)
Author note : English is not my native language, and I also use a translator to translate it into English. Please excuse me if there may be some words that are difficult to understand, because honestly I have difficulty translating them. The story will be updated when I'm not busy.
Chapter : 1.1
'Oh, wretched soul, your presence is akin to a tangled twist in an unfinished tale. Yet, perhaps you hold the power to unravel the threads that have been left behind, or perchance, you too shall be ensnared in the shadows of the unknown.'
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tak tak tak...
Within the frigid, eerie confines of a room of modest dimensions, a solitary wall clock emitted a constant, rhythmic sound, its echoing ticks reverberating through the silent space. This narrow chamber, barely spacious enough to accommodate even the spartan furnishings, bore the resemblance of a prison cell, ensnarling you in its oppressive embrace. As you lay motionless on the coarse and insufficiently warm bed, your gaze locked on the bland ceiling above, your past life emerged as vividly as ever in your weary mind, its memories fresh and haunting.
Over countless days to week, a pattern had taken root in your daily routine. You would wake, partake of a meagre meal, then attend to the mundane tasks within the orphanage, only to retreat once more into the solitude of your bedroom. Here, you would lock yourself in, seeking refuge in the company of only the rough bed and the thoughts that haunted you. The habit of seclusion, born from the realization that you were trapped in a foreign world, had become an all too familiar coping mechanism.
As the hours dragged on, your eyes remained fixed on the dull ceiling, the sterile environment offering little comfort or distraction. Despite your exhaustion, sleep evaded you, leaving you to languish in the silence of the room, where the only sounds were the ceaseless ticking of the clock and the occasional creak of the aged bed frame. The routine had become a monotonous cycle, a self-imposed confine, and yet, escape seemed elusive.
With a sigh of resignation, you shut your heavy eyelids, wrestling with the conflict within you. Your survival instinct screamed to escape, to flee the prison-like confine that held you captive, but your heart bristled with nagging objection. Deep inside, you clutched onto the faint hope that this was nothing more than a horrid nightmare, and perhaps you were merely comatose, ensnared by the lingering memory of the hit-and-run accident that had brought you to this foreign world. You prayed fervently for such a truth, refusing to accept the reality before your eyes.
Yet reality remained relentless, refusing to yield. The surrounding world, albeit two-dimensional and foreign, held a disturbing resemblance to a mirror of the physical realm you once knew. It was as though you had been thrust into a bizarre, flattened parallel world, its rules and laws deviating from your familiar understanding of reality. Confusion, fear, and uncertainty coursed through your veins, as you struggled to make sense of your changed existence.
The questions gnawed at you with increasing insistence, and the unknown loomed like a menacing shadow over your mind. Where were you now, in this strange two-dimensional world? More pressingly, how was your real body faring in the three-dimensional world you had left behind? Was it lying dormant in a hospital, kept alive by machines, while your mind roamed in this enigmatic reality?.
The weight of the uncertainty pressed upon you, causing you to draw in a deep breath to quell the rising sense of dread. The silence of the room, broken only by the ticking of the clock, seemed to intensify the solitude that surrounded you. Your mind, tormented by countless unanswered questions, struggled to reconcile the reality of your new existence with your past life and the accident that had led to your predicament. How were you to escape this foreign world, and what fate awaited you?
The misfortune that befell you, more inexplicable and unfathomable than any other, left you bereft of any answers or certainty. The conditions and surroundings you now found yourself in were alien and uncomfortable, almost as though you had been transported into a realm straight out of fiction.
Your memories turned to the first moments of your awakening in a new form, taking the place of a petite girl, most likely around 6 or 7 years old. This girl's frame was so slender that her bones protruded through her skin, while the clothes she wore were faded and patched, bearing the signs of being handed down repeatedly.
The initial moment of consciousness brought confusion and a strange sense of disorientation, for you had found yourself in a different form, inhabiting the body of a little girl. In your desperate effort to escape this world that you initially thought to be a dream, you became increasingly frustrated and frantic, resorting to extreme measures in a bid to find an escape. You recalled vividly how you had tried every possible way, endangering your own life in the bargain, believing that such an extreme act would allow you to either return to your world or wake from the coma you thought you were in.
Yet, each effort, each failed attempt, only reaffirmed the harsh truth: this was no dream, but cold, hard reality. A profound sense of despair and depression gripped you, as you fiercely resisted accepting this cruel reality. The anguish of being trapped in a strange world, a world that should not even exist, weighed heavily on your mind and soul.
The unfamiliar surroundings, unlike anything you had ever experienced, only heightened your sense of isolation and helplessness. Every moment in this foreign realm felt like an assault on your senses and perspective, leaving you stranded in a labyrinth of despair. A nagging question emerged from the depths of your consciousness: was this really your life now, or was there still a way back to your own world or to wake up from the coma you had longed for?
Despite your current predicament, you couldn't ignore the stark differences you noticed about the little girl whose body you now inhabited. This child stood out from the other children in the orphanage, possessing a distinct trait that set her apart from the rest. Upon inhabiting her petite frame, you discovered that she possessed no heartbeat, the absence of which filled you with terror.
As one day, overwhelmed by shock and fear, you nearly revealed this secret to an outsider who happened to stumble upon you. Panicked, you fled the orphanage, torn between disbelief and dread.
How could it be possible for the little girl to walk and breathe without a functioning heart? This contradiction sent shivers down your spine, making you question the very nature of her existence. The absence of a heartbeat seemed to defy the laws of life as you knew them.
You also discovered that the girl, contrary to human norms, did not require food, but rather, to your great distress, relied on blood. The mere thought of consuming blood as sustenance made you nauseous. While the orphanage staff appeared blissfully unaware of this unusual fact, a select few discreetly provided you with bowls of blood, seemingly sourced from an animal, though the exact source was unknown to you. This revelation only served to deepen your sense of unease and confusion. You questioned how such a transformation could occur, leaving you trapped in a body that required blood as sustenance.
The idea of consuming blood as sustenance went against every human instinct you possessed, but you were left with no choice. Your mind was in turmoil, trying to understand the nature of this girl and her bizarre dietary needs. The few individuals who knew about your condition seemed to be keeping a closely guarded secret. You wondered why this knowledge was being kept hidden from the other staff members.
Your thoughts swirled in confusion and frustration, unable to understand the enigma that surrounded this little girl whose body you now inhabited. Six weeks had passed, yet you were still left in the dark about the circumstances that had led to this inexplicable transformation.
As your mind raced with unanswered questions, your train of thought was suddenly interrupted. The sound of something being dragged across the floor echoed through your room, catching your attention and rousing you from your contemplations. Alertly, you sat up in your bed, pulling the blanket up to your waist for protection.
Your gaze fixed on the closed door, the knowledge that it was securely locked from inside brought a small sense of relief. Only the orphanage guards possessed the keys to each room, so you knew that no one else could enter without their knowledge.
Despite the safety net you had created, you couldn't shake the growing feeling of suspicion in your heart. Whoever was wandering around outside the children's rooms at this late hour was clearly up to something.
Your grip on the blanket tightened, its warmth and security a meager comfort against the ominous sounds outside the room. Your mind filled with anxious thoughts, imagining the worst-case scenarios. Who could it be, and what were their motives at this late hour? A guard on duty, or something more sinister?
Anxiety gnawed at you, fueled by a nagging feeling that something was amiss. From the moment you entered this world, possessing this little girl's body, you sensed that this orphanage harbored secrets beyond the norm.
You recalled the watchful gazes of the orphanage staff, their distance and secretive glances, as if you were a subject of study and caution.. As lately, you could feel the presence of a shadowy figure, seemingly watching your every move. Yet, whenever you looked carefully, there was nothing there, leaving you with a chill and a paranoid feeling.
Thoughts whirled through your mind, plagued by unease. Staying here only heightened your sense of danger.
'What is truly happening here? What dark secrets surround this girl to warrant such behavior and fear?'
The air in your room felt heavy with tension, and the dragging sound outside the door grew louder. Anxiety gripped your heart, and your mind raced with the possibilities of what lay beyond the door. Was it an innocent guard performing their nightly duty, or was it something sinister and menacing?
As you remained fixated on the closed door, your thoughts flickered back to the strange incidents that had occurred since you arrived here. The unsettling presence of the shadowy figure that seemed to follow you, always lurking just out of sight – it all fueled your sense of dread.
The silence outside your door was deafening, the absence of any sound adding to your unease and heightening your alertness. You felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, a mix of fear and uncertainty gripping your heart.
You swallowed hard, trying to maintain composure despite the terrifying thoughts swirling in your mind. Whatever was on the other side of that door, you refused to give it the satisfaction of seeing you crumble in helpless fear.
Time seemed to stretch as hours passed in suffocating silence. Slowly, your guard began to lower, your focus drifting.
Unaware of the danger lurking just beyond your door, the silence had lulled you into false complacency. Your attention wavered, your focus slipping as the stillness outside became almost meditative.
With each passing moment, your guard lowered further, your concentration fading like a candle in the wind. You became less aware, less alert, trapped in a lull that made you vulnerable to the lurking threat.
The silence, once a source of discomfort, had now wrapped you in a deceptive veil, shielding you from the dangerous truth waiting to pounce on the other side of the door.
The silence outside your door seemed to stretch on indefinitely, slowly lulling you into a false sense of security. Your alertness began to wane, and you found yourself becoming slightly less vigilant. 
You assumed that the unknown entity lurking outside was no longer a threat, a mere illusion of your tired mind. But little did you know, letting your guard down would be your fatal error...
'Oh, how foolish can you be.'
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To be continue...
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2024 Nominees Part 2
Here we continue to celebrate our wonderful writers and artist and share the next list of nominees under the cut
Best Dark Castle
Spy by @peacehopeandrats
Tea by @peacehopeandrats
Marble by @peacehopeandrats
Pages of Reverie by @chippedcupwrites
Shades of Blue by @ReyloAreHairGoals
His Little Wife by @Lady_Janes_Fics
The Weakness Inside Him by @Tickletorso
Best Storybrooke
Golden Thread by @enchantedflower
Symmetrical Simulations by @peacehopeandrats
War In Pieces by @peacehopeandrats
The Meeting by @peacehopeandrats
Leaving Storybrooke by @peacehopeandrats
Best Missing Years
Leaving Storybrooke by @peacehopeandrats
The Tent Of Infinite Adventure by @peacehopeandrats
Balloon by @peacehopeandrats
Unconventional by @Peacehopeandrats
Sacred Promise by @ace_cf_cups
The Storybrooke Whisky Appreciation Society by @threepwoodmarley
Best Wish!Verse
Once There Was A Wish by @peacehopeandrats
Deception by @eirian_houpe
Special Categories
Best Golden Lace
One Lover, Many Dreams by @peacehopeandrats
War In Pieces by @peacehopeandrats
Wax by @peacehopeandrats
The Storybrooke Whisky Appreciation Society by @ThreepwoodMarley
Weakness by @ThreepwoodMarley
Best Woven Beauty
Gift by Peacehopeandrats
Undefined Desires, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Background Swanfire
To Have and to Hold - @ThatRavenclawBitch
Fragments of the Past, Glimpses of Tomorrow, by @wierdogal
Best Afterlife fic
Granted by @peacehopeandrats
Belle's Promise by @bellerina98
Awakening by @eirian_houpe
Best Drama
Time’s Curse by @eirian_houpe
Love Me Before The Last Petal Falls by deliriumsdelight7
Ad Luceum by @reolf
Best Supernatural/Sci-fi/horror
No Light Over London by @lotus0kid
The Cunning by @mareyshelley
Mortuus Loqueris Ad by @Jackabelle73
Best Comedy
The Third Wheel by @tickletorso
Lacey and the Tramp by @chippedcupwrites
Best AU (Original)
Wretched Beginnings by @poorobscureplainandlittle
Wild by @Peacehopeandrats
Two Could by @eirian_houpe
Secret of the Seas by @eirian_houpe
Scattered by @eirian_houpe
Best AU (Based on Once Upon a Time)
Tales of Gold by @JurisLadyAnna
A Knack for Losing Everything by @AntiKryptonite
Best AU (Based on Other Media)
Rumbelle’s ‘The Princess Bride’ by @Trash_000
Modern Wonders by @eirian_houpe
The Black Swan by @DeliriumsDelight7
Time’s Curse by @eirian_houpe
Best Creature
The Finfolk’s Bride by @chippedcupwrites
The Cunning by @mareyshelley
Fallen by @eirian_houpe
Before the Storm by @reolf
Best Unexpected Twist
Contract by @Kelyon
His Little Wife by @Lady_Janes_Fics
The Price by eirian_houpe
Best Bobby Squared
The Gold Motel by mrgoldsdearie
A Blade For Belfrey by eirian_houpe
Best Trope
Love Me Before The Last Petal Falls by @DeliriumsDelight7
Wounds and Scars by @Peacehopeandrats
Beauty Compelled by @eirian_houpe
Premonition by @ace_cf_cups
Before the Storm by @reolf
Best English Language
To Nurse by @Charon53
His Ray of Light by @ace_cf_cups
Best Rumbelle Secret Santa
Wrapping Up Her Christmas Gift by @Kelyon
Gluttony, a RSS Fic by @thestraggletag
The Sweetest Dream by @threepwoodmarley
Christmas Secrets by @peacehopeandrats
If You Will Be My Queen by @eirian_houpe
Make Me Feel Alive Again by @cartoonjessie
Finding the Fun by @tickletorso
They Said it Was a Party by @of-princes-and-savages
There Can Only Ever Be by @notalwayslate
Mysterious by @reolf
Portrait of the Heart by @chippedcupwrites
Rumbelle Secret Santa by @99goosebumps
Already There by @Jackabelle73
Best Fluffapalooza Fic
The Tea Shop by @peacehopeandrats
Dragon Day by @importantgalaxyrimaway
Content Rumbelle #1 through #8 by @Jackabelle73
Best Fluffapalooza Art
Kiss Me Again, It's Working by @milaeryn 
Rumbelle (Something There) by @personinthepalace
Best Monthly Rumbelling
Encounter - Rumplerose (AO3)
The Landlord and the Princess - Rumplerose (AO3)
Honorable - Rumplerose (AO3)
Character Awards
Best Belle
The Not So Dark One by @CharlotteAshmore
Lady of the Lake by @rumplestiltskinsbulge
Beauty Enlightened by @eirian_houpe
Ingredients by @peacehopeandrats
Delivery by @peacehopeandratsThe Oldest Door by @peacehopeandrats
Best Dark One!Belle
Rags to Riches by @alphashley14
Fallen by @eirian_houpe
And onward to part 3!
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Title: A Thousand Nights
Author: E.K. Johnston
Series or standalone: series
Publication year: 2015
Genres: fiction, fantasy, retelling, romance, mythology
Blurb: Lo-Melkhiin killed three hundred girls before he came to her village, looking for a wife. When she sees the dust cloud on the horizon, she knows he has arrived. She knows he will want the loveliest girl: her sister. She vows she will not let her be next...and so, she is taken in her sister's place, and she believes death will soon follow. Lo-Melkhiin's court is a dangerous place filled with pretty things: intricate statues with wretched eyes, exquisite threads to weave the most beautiful garments. She sees everything as if for the last time...but the first sun rises and sets, and she is not dead. Night after night, Lo-Melkhiin comes to her and listens to the stories she tells, and day after day, she is awakened by the sunrise. Exploring the palace, she begins to unlock years of fear that have tormented and silenced a kingdom. Lo-Melkhiin was not always a cruel ruler; something went wrong. Far away, in their village, her sister is mourning. Through her pain, she calls upon the desert winds, conjuring a subtle unseen magic, and something besides death stirs the air. Back at the palace, the words she speaks to Lo-Melkhiin every night are given a strange life of their own. Little things, at first: a dress from home, a vision of her sister. With each tale she spins, her power grows. Soon, she dreams of bigger, more terrible magic: power enough to save a king, if she can put an end to the rule of a monster.
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that-edgy-gal · 10 months
Working on my bbeg monolouge for the game in DMing and thought I'd throw the draft up here. For context he's a lich who bound his sound to the concept of time in order to try to claim the place of models to stop time forever for trauma reasons.
Once upon a time there was a boy. The son of a watchmaker he was, and he spent many of the long days after school helping his father build and fix watches for the wealthy men of a magical floating city. He grew to match and quickly outpace his father at his own trade as the focus the work required of him allowed him to push away all thoughts of his life and his place in the world. For despite living in a magical city and doing wonderful work, neither he nor his father had the fortune of being born with heaps of gold to their names, or in fact much of anything at all.
The boy knew they were poor, and he longed to be wealthy, to dress well and fit in with the other boys at his school, so he worked. He worked from sun down to sun up, trading with his father, who worked all day. He spent his time bent over his desk with only a few dimly shining candles to light the machinery that came together beneath his hands. He spent longer and longer working until his eyes grew weak, his back sore and hunched, and his fingers calloused and cut from working with the tiny, blade sharp gears.
It did not suprise him when he first grew ill. Turning gaunt and pale as whatever he had caught in the long hours of the night ravaged his weak body. His father was driven near mania by the threat that he may lose the last person he had in the world. So he called in a healer. He was not someone who the poor boy and his father would have been able to afford the services of, but for that he was the servant of a god of law and order, and he was pleased by the timepieces that the father and son made. He offered a trade. He would do what he could, and in exchange, he would take all of the clocks that remained in the small shop to his temple to offer them to his god. The father quickly accepted and shook hands with the man. Then, the renowned priest of law and order entered the boys' room and gave the boy a single simple prayer. He turned to the father and said that that was all that could be done. That it was not the place of mortals to control how things might be. The father was furious and told the priest the deal was off.
But he was a priest of law and order, and the deal had been made. His servants came and emptied the shop, leaving nothing behind, not even a single spring. The father was publicly and slowly killed as an example of why one much always bow to the word of the law and the boy never got well. But he did live. He lived and learned and scraped by when it seemed the entire city was turned against him. He smelled the rot in its depths, and he saw its downfall coming and fled. He watched the lives of all those who had ever wronged him ended as the wretched city that hated him as much as he hated it was thrown to the ground by the gods who's servents had taken everything from him.
He watched from his tower buried beneath wards and enchantments as the world ended and sprang up once again. He watched from his tower as the world he had grown up in was forgotten except for fairy tales and ruins. Eventually, he gathered the courage to venture into the world. He went to a school where the highest achievers barely reached the level of parlor tricks he had seen as a child and became a professor there. He fell in love. And just when he thought he could be happy. Just when he thought he could enjoy his time. The child he longed to have nearly killed his true love. He saved them, barely. But he couldn't leave them. And as more and more time passed, he knew that the moment he ended their stasis, both his wife and child would die. So he never left. He stayed and studied and learned. He told his mind from his body and used his soul as thread to bind it to the one thing that had always been the source of his misery. That he'd never had enough of.
It took a few thousand years for him to even consider going any further. But what he wanted to try had been attempted before and even successfully done once. So he called upon the most powerful arcanists of the day, filled their minds with promises of power, and played to their greed until they gave him what he needed. Then, he began the process of becoming a God.
He failed a few times. That was to be expected, of course, but due to what he had bound himself to, a failure simply meant that he had to wait a few short centuries rather than the destruction of the entire multiverse. Eventually. Inevitably. He succeeded. He tore a god from the sky and stitched himself into its place, tying the stings of everything to his fingers until all of time was spread out before him like a tapestry. And he could finally put it all to rest. No more pain. No more loss. Just one. Eternal moment.
Then he freezes time and gets surprised by players having mcguffins that let them not be frozen and they fight etc etc.
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palespawn · 3 months
fraygo's flophouse was becoming a frequent haunt, he was realising much too late. arousing the innkeeper's suspicion was to be expected, however, recklessly abandoning the tell-tale signs of wandering eyes and meticulous patron intake was definitely a step in the wrong direction. he still bore the marks of his last blunder, foolish of him to hold onto the hope of manumission. that thread was thinning with each passing year. poor, weak, wretched little thing.
the man he approached now was only one of many: a handsome illusion of dreams and ambition. it felt a cruelty still, after all these years, to rob innocents or idiots, or innocent idiots, of their freedom purely for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. it felt selfish to hold onto that paper thin thread of hope that if he accumulated enough for his master, his own freedom would be rewarded to him. that @fjaorhamr could possibly be his last. he had to be selfish, no one else would be for him.
doubtful. stupid. foolish, astarion.
“  i much prefer blingdenstone's blush, if i may be so bold. there's something particularly ... pleasurable in the intimation of cherry. it's exquisite, ” astarion rests his arm along the bartop, glancing from the bottles of wine and liqueur on show to the mark before him. his roguish smile is practiced and perfect to match the rest of him. “  ... or am i projecting? ha, apologies. i'm sure a handsome thing like you is just full of surprises. ”
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hookaroo · 1 year
Laden of the Torn (9 of 25)
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AO3 link Catch up on tumblr: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Tagging @priscilla9993 @cocohook38 <3 Chapter 9 warning: Discussions of death & the fear of losing loved ones
9 months ago…
Stashed among the countless books and scrolls that made up the tower’s extensive library, one folded piece of parchment contained a hand-sketched map of Neverland.
Not the real thing, of course: Killian had burned that wretched rag stained with far too much blood, filth, and despair the moment he’d managed to finally free himself of that cursed place. Its successor--a much-censored, overly positive version created more from imagination than memory--served as a visual backdrop to the fanciful tales he would concoct whenever Alice asked of his history there. She knew vaguely of the island’s dangers, and the tribe of feral children posing the greatest of its threats, but this map and its accompanying adventure stories painted more a vision of a tropical paradise than the jungles of Hell that it truly was.
Alice sat perusing that map now, idly outlining wave shapes in a blue far more bright and beautiful than any the moonlit, eternal night could ever produce. Nearby, Killian was attempting to mend a beloved doll that had fallen victim to an excessively enthusiastic game of Alice’s own creation. The seams had been stitched so many times through the years that it seemed to be composed more of leftover threads of all types than the fabric of its origin. Alice still played with it though, and any source of comfort was worth preserving for as long as possible.
“Papa?” Alice began. 
“Mmhmm?” Killian replied, mentally preparing for a trip to Fantasy-Neverland that hopefully wouldn’t include a detour through Memory-Neverland on the way out.
“Do you think that Captain Smee would ever return to Neverland, if he could find the way there again?”
Killian hid a smirk and pulled on a carefully placed thread to tighten the knot. “I very much doubt it, Starfish. Captain Smee has always been… rather a timid man at heart. I think he prefers to stick to the familiar tides of this land, and keep the wilds of Neverland safely tucked away in memory.”
“But… didn’t you once say that the reason he snuck aboard the Jolly Roger in the first place was to steal a magic bean so that he could trade it for immortality?”
Raising an eyebrow, Killian looked up in surprise. “You have a very good memory, love.”
“And you told me that no living thing in Neverland ever grows old.”
“So if he truly wants to live forever, all he needs to do is to go back! I hope he does. Then when we get out of this tower, maybe you and I could go there too, Papa!”
She could not know the icy terror that gripped his soul at the thought, nor of the visions that sometimes haunted his hours both waking and sleeping… his exact worst nightmare, innocently longed for in such a casual manner. Heart suddenly pounding, Killian swallowed the sickening dread constricting his throat and presented as calm a demeanor as he could muster.
“Aren’t you forgetting one not-so-small detail?”
“Am I?”
“Surely I must have mentioned a certain horrid little boy who makes Neverland his home. An eternity in his domain is hardly the paradise you’re imagining it to be.”
“Oh.” Alice looked crestfallen, and though Killian always hated disappointing her, he could not stop the wave of relief from coursing through him when it seemed she had accepted his objection. Adding one final stitch to the doll’s ragged seam, he was quick to assure her,
“There are dozens of other beautiful places I’ll take you one day, Alice, where we’ll have adventures much more exciting than we could ever find on that godsforsaken refuse heap. Remember? The Sea of Glass, and Rainbow Falls, and the purple cliffs where the goats climb right up the vertical rock faces…”
He trailed off when he heard a miserable sniffle from his little girl. She was staring down at the tabletop, obviously not seeing the map laid out before her as she quietly wiped away tears. Hastily, he severed the thread and laid it aside, then moved to kneel at her side. He placed the doll in her lap and reached up to stroke the hair back from her face.
“Alice? What is it, love?
She sniffed again, met his eyes briefly, then looked away.
There were periods of time when her circumstances got the better of her, and understandably so. Killian had always done his best to console her, but it would never truly be all right until he could free her from this damned tower. And the more she grew up, the heavier the burden was for both of them.
“I’m sorry, Starfish; it must be frustrating to hear of wondrous places without the ability to see them yet. But I promise you will someday; you’ve just got to keep--”
“You’re going to die one day, aren’t you?”
The tiny voice took Killian by surprise, and he fell silent. This wasn’t at all where he had thought the conversation was heading. It made sense in hindsight, though. She wasn’t asking about Neverland for the adventures, or for immortality for Smee… it was all about Killian’s mortality.
“Oh, Alice…” He pulled her into his chest, wrapping her tightly in his arms. Gently, he murmured, “I don’t want you to be worrying about that, love. Not for a long, long time. You have enough to think about.”
Alice squeezed him back, shaking with sobs and saying,
“I don’t want you to die, Papa, not ever! I love you so much I think I would die too!” She pulled away and scrubbed at her face, continuing in one long, hysterical breath. “I couldn’t bear to live without you--I don’t care about Pan; if we went to Neverland, then we could be together forever!”
Killian watched her for a beat, unconsciously stroking her hair as his heart broke. He understood exactly how she felt; he would give anything to ensure he’d never be separated from her, as well. But there was an additional element to her anticipatory grief. Once he was gone, if she were still trapped here, she would be completely alone, probably for the rest of her life. It was too horrible to even imagine. And here he was, pretending like he didn’t constantly think about what would become of her if something should happen to him.
Tenderly, Killian covered her hands with his, willing her to feel how overwhelmingly powerful his love was for her.
“It isn’t easy,” he admitted quietly, “thinking about losing someone you care for. I feel much the same way about you. And sadly, part of what makes life so special is its brevity. But you can’t let that overshadow or take away from the time that you do have with your loved ones.”
He reached up to wipe a tear from her cheek, feeling his own eyes brimming. “I hold on to a piece of everyone I’ve loved: my mother, my brother… Milah… after each loss, there were days when I felt like I couldn’t go on. But you know what? I’m so very glad I did. Because that brought me to the greatest joy in my life.”
Killian waited until Alice tentatively met his gaze, and he confirmed her unasked question with a watery, adoring grin. She could not resist a shaky half-smile in response. Killian embraced her again, planted a soft kiss on the top of her head, then rested back into his crouch, watching her compose herself. After one final hand across her eyes, Alice mumbled,
“Thank you, Papa.”
“I love you, Alice.” 
He got slowly to his feet, stifling any outward sign that his joints were not quite as young as they used to be, then added,
“Try to stop worrying, love. I plan to be around for quite a long time yet.”
Less than a month later,
“I plan to be around…” echoed through his head as ten paces were marked and two bullets flew.
“Quite a long time yet…” rang in his ears as he collided with the tower wall, a new and deadly pain coursing through the center of his chest.
“A long time…” mocked him as melancholy rain drenched him, body and spirit, and evil laughter gave way to devastated wailing from on high.
“A long time…” continued to destroy him now with its meaningless, endless promise, as hope and resources dwindled.
What a fool he had been.
Present Day…
Killian woke with an ache in his throat and chest: a common occurrence these days. Apparently, despite his resolution to make use of the alone time, he had fallen asleep instead. He rubbed his eyes and scoured the clearing for any sign of Blackbeard, but the other man had not yet returned. 
He should conserve his strength, try and rest some more and prepare for whatever ordeals lay ahead. But there was only one thing that could begin to soothe the pain of the familiar nightmare-flashback he’d just experienced, and he knew he owed it to Alice to make the attempt as well. This was the longest he’d gone without connecting ever since he’d acquired the mirror, and the worry would be eating her alive. So, despite the danger and the various pains afflicting him, Killian finished freeing himself from the ropes and forced himself up to retrieve Blackbeard’s unattended satchel. 
No hook, of course; no weapons of any kind, or even any food. Killian was immensely relieved to find his black rook near the bottom, which he stashed in an inside pocket closest his heart. But Blackbeard had taken everything else of value, leaving only a few first aid supplies and other odds and ends… one of which was Killian’s mirror, blessedly intact despite its careless treatment. With mild surprise, he noted that the ceremonial cloth once containing bread remnants now protected the mirror’s glass face, somehow counted amongst his possessions recovered from the quarry transport guards. Maybe the rumors of its mystical powers were indeed true… and he was finally about to put it all to the test.
After stashing the dusty cloth back into the satchel, Killian grasped the mirror’s handle and drew a few calming breaths.
“Alice?” he called quietly. “Are you there, love?”
Her likeness materialized almost immediately, as if she’d been expecting him to call.
“Papa!” she cried in tremulous delight. “Are you all right? I’ve been so worried!”
The cursed tingle in his heart told him all he needed to know. That sickening mold residue, another failure of a lead--this one costing him dearly, its total sum yet to be determined. Killian tried not to let his disappointment show as he gave her a reassuring smile.
“I’m okay, but I haven’t got long. I just wanted to make sure--”
A distant oath sounded from somewhere beyond the twist in the canyon, and Killian froze for an instant. Then, hastily, he hissed,
“I’m sorry, Starfish; I need to go, but I’ll try again as soon as I’m able.”
“Hook? Who is that you’re talking to?”
Killian still could not see Blackbeard, but that villain had to be close. He lunged for the satchel and, over Alice’s muffled protests, he thrust the mirror back into its hiding place just as his red-clad captor sauntered into view. 
Then he remembered what the sorcerer had told him about the enchantment: both parties had to agree to the connection being severed. And, judging by the continuing prickle beneath his breastbone and the quiet sounds emanating from the satchel, Alice had not been willing to let her father go so quickly.
“What the devil are you up to?” sneered Blackbeard. He tossed the waterskins carelessly on the ground and stumbled over to menace Killian.
“It’s nothing, mate; only searching for a bit of food is all. I’m completely famished.”
Blackbeard snorted. “Well, that makes a change. No more heaving your guts out, then?”
He cocked his head, listening, and Killian answered quickly and too loudly.
“It looks as if you were at least successful at locating water? If you want me to make it to the genie monkeys, you’ll have to be a bit more generous than you're accustomed to--”
“Shhh!” hissed Blackbeard, holding up a hand. Without pause, Killian said,
“What are you listening to? I don’t hear anything, and we should probably get a move on if we’re to make any progress before sundown--”
It didn’t work. Blackbeard lunged for the satchel, and though Killian made a feeble attempt to keep it from him, the bigger man easily tore it from his grasp. Killian clambered to his feet, desperate to stop what he knew was coming.
Blackbeard immediately zeroed in on the noise-making mirror, and he let the satchel and the rest of its contents fall to the ground.
“Papa?” squeaked Alice, and Blackbeard leered.
“What’s this? That the child you abandoned?”
Killian took a step forward, hand outstretched, feeling like he was moving through mud. “Blackbeard… please…”
Blackbeard laughed loudly. The mirror “slipped” from his fingers. Killian dove for it. Alice’s frightened image flipped around and around in midair. The ball and chain hampered Killian’s lunge. His fingertips just brushed glass before it shattered on the razor stones. Alice’s voice cut abruptly to silence.
Breathing heavily, Killian sat on his knees and stared at the remnants of his only link with his daughter. Even if he managed to escape and find his way back to the sorcerer who had arranged the enchantment, he could not afford to pay the exorbitant price a second time, not without considerable effort… or risking additional imprisonment by doing something illicit. “Blackbeard… you… bastard!”
Unconcerned, Blackbeard chided,
“You may want to be careful throwing that term around, considering…”
Killian seethed, still watching the shimmering halo of glass shards as if they could somehow reassemble themselves on their own. “That was her only connection to the outside world!”
“And whose fault is that, really? I’m not the one who trapped her there, nor the father foolish enough to go and get his heart cursed so she’s left with no one. Frankly, I’m surprised you’ve managed to live with the guilt for this long.”
Blackbeard bent down and scooped the few scattered supplies back into his satchel, then flung the strap over his shoulder. “Taking you to the monkeys is a kindness. They’ll quickly put you out of your misery.”
None-too-gently, he draped one of the waterskins over his captive’s shoulder and dragged him to his feet. Then he reached for the mirror’s empty frame. Killian glared daggers at him as he turned it over once in his hand.
“Glue in a bit of cheap, ordinary glass and it will fetch a copper or two,” said Blackbeard. He stuffed the frame in with the rest of his belongings, then hauled up the remaining skin of water and took a large swig. Noting the hatred in Killian’s stare, he rolled his eyes and waved at the waterskin Killian was holding, encouraging him to drink.
“The girl has my sympathies,” he remarked mildly. “But not my allegiance. And a broken mirror won’t matter in the slightest once you become the monkeys’ main course.”
In truth, Killian was nearly as angry at himself for being so reckless as he was at Blackbeard for callously destroying the enchanted mirror. But even so, the wanton cruelty of the act filled him with loathing.
“You will regret making an enemy of me,” he snarled. Blackbeard only scoffed.
“Empty threats. Never heard those before.” He once again pointed to Killian’s water. “Now drink up. We’ve a long way to go before nightfall.”
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lycanlovingvampyre · 2 years
MAG 128 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: putting up a new fence.
BASIRA: "Jon. Don’t turn on the light. Go get Melanie, quickly." Get Melanie? For what? She’s not Buffy the Vampire Slayer anymore.
BREEKON: "That’s right. Just wanted to – to drop off a package." That pause after “Just wanted to���. He's so unsure of what he's doing...
JON: (with compulsion) "Why are you here?" BREEKON: "Dunno." (pause) "‘S not right, on my own. Not right. No point in doing it on my own." Breekon & Hope... Still a better love story than Twilight... (I like how TMA makes us feel for people and monsters who did terrible things. But in the end I guess we're all just human?)
BREEKON: "Make me." [AND ALL AT ONCE THERE’S A STRANGE SOUND, MUSICAL YET HOLLOW, AND IT SEEMS TO BE BUILDING TO –] JON: "Stop." Seriously this "strange sound, musical yet hollow" and then Jon putting a stop to it is actually really badass. How's that for recording enemies into submission!
BREEKON: "What are you – stop it. Stop it!" [WHEN THE ARCHIVIST SPEAKS, IT HAS AN ECHO TO IT, REMINISCENT OF THE HOLLOWNESS FROM EARLIER:] JON: "No." Yes Jon, show 'em you're not everyone’s punching bag anymore!
I btw also always thought Breekon just couldn't stand the gaze of Jon anymore and fled the Archives, perhaps tossing over a table or a chair in his way and slamming some doors (Does this count as door motif? Oh, when we're on the subject of slamming doors! There is a video of Sam Sam the music man breaking down the TMA main theme and he said those smashing sounds at the end of the theme are supposed to be slamming a door! Just because it's such a stereotypical thing for the horror genre - see MAG 85 Upon the Stair "And please don't slam the door". Such a fitting coincidence! But I already said in one of those Relisten posts, coincidences like this happened a lot more often than people probably think, it's a blessing for artists!) Ok, lost the thread a bit there. I think the image of the telekinesis comes from the fact, that we don't really hear any footsteps? (And I think, people wanted to give Jon a bit more badassary probably? He's demonstrating it so well already in this scene, why not go a bit further xD I generally like it, but I think it doesn't really fit into canon, he'd be too op.) Thing about footsteps in TMA is it's a bit inconsistent until S5? This has bothered me in a few instances before, like the end of MAG 21, when Martin storms into Jon's office. We only hear the door and the squelching of the worms. No out of breath sound aaand no footsteps. There was another one when I thought it's really missing footsteps, god I can't remember what it was... What I'm saying is, I wouldn't really get hung up on (the lack of) footsteps here.
"We started in a plague." / "It wasn’t the plague they feared; it wasn’t the death that waited in our wagon. It was us. Two strangers rolling towards them, unstoppable and uncertain, wearing faces they would only half-remember, bringing a fate they would beg their god to forget." Hm, wearing faces they would only half-remember... Strangers at the time of the plague I’d think more of those masks plague doctors wore - being literally unable to see their faces.
"Poor wretches who emerged from Millbank, with tales of Australia and its cruelties on their lips, bundled into the cramped and creaking ship that would drag them away from everything they loved. And towards everything they feared. That was the first time we saw what would become this place: The Eye’s Pedestal." Hold on, wait! Is that another reference that Millbank Prison was a place of power for the Eye? The Robert Small was a convict ship and (Western) Australia was a penal colony of the British Empire..
"We were conductors on a train, prim suits and scowls, a relentless beast of iron and steam that never seemed to get you exactly where you wanted to be unless there was something dreadful waiting for you. We punched tickets, ignored questions, and threw off those who looked like they were having too fine a time of it." Lol, is that a dig at public transports? xD
"We carried and lifted and helped the circus move towards its next destination, the next doomed town." Makes me think that they probably would have made superb roadies!
"Sometimes we joined the show, lifting weights and things that looked like animals. Sometimes we lifted members of the audience. Sometimes we even put them down again." First of all, lol, that last sentence. Second, throwback to MAG 24 - the two strong-men!
"And so we took the casket, a hungry thing of the earth, a crushing, choking tomb that will not let you die because it is too much what it is for death to find you there" “Too much what it is for death to find you there”... Saying the End has no grasp within the coffin. And not just the End because Daisy also lost her connection to the Hunt in the coffin. Eye + Web being the only ones with a chance to make it out.
"It was one like us that found it, a thing of shifting names and deja-vu. A fool, that believed because it found the coffin in chains, it would be an easy thing to control, to bargain with." Confirmation that MAG 2's "John" was a capital-S Stranger.
"She took him from me, made us a me." Still a better love story than Twilight!!!
"And she doesn’t get to die for that. She gets to live, trapped and helpless, and entombed forever." There are fates worse than death-trope.
"I have never known hate before. I have never known loss. But now they are with me always, and I desire nothing but to share them with you." Still a better-
JON: (voice shaky) "Statement.. ends." [HE COLLAPSES.] Since Melanie makes fun of Jon in MAG 189 about him collapsing again I have the headcanon that Melanie came across collapsed Jon, was like "Alright then" and just left again. (Maybe she went to tell Basira.)
BASIRA: (inhale, set) "Right. Keep it safe; I’ll be gone a few days. I have some leads I need to follow up." Oh, that (whatever that was exactly) was what Elias was proposing to Basira at the end of the previous episode, not his actual plans about the coffin. Alright, gotcha, I'm on track again!
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inarretable · 8 months
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Desecration lay before them, crumbling remains of a once fertile land, rendered barren by the parasitic pull of the rapacious void —a hunger that does not sleep. Karitza can feel it in the air, in her bones, the perpetual presence of a permeating darkness. ❛ Let's get the thing and leave, ❜ she growls to @thirdsght hastily as heavy boots strike ashen earth. ❛ I don't want to be here longer than needed. ❜
starter call ✦
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iamterra · 7 months
Umbra's Personal Violin
   It’s another dark episode for the Nightmare.  His world, to him, is all black and white. His own reflection is empty. Devoid of color. If anything, he sees himself as black as ink. Perhaps as spilt too. 
   He’s leaking mentally. He can’t seem to focus and it feels suffocating. As if standing in the middle of a burning room. Mind foggy with the smoke and choking out all sensibility. He could scream but he knew it would all be in vain. It wouldn’t even grant him any remote sense of relief to get some of the pent up emotions out. 
   So he pulls out a knife instead. The tip of the blade grazed his milky flesh, cutting a clean line that soon bubbles up with dark liquid. It should hurt but his mind is in such disarray he can’t seem to feel anything. Perhaps that makes these types of mood swings more dangerous. 
   He is willing to end it all. Hell, he wants to. Tragically, he is unable. Instead he run the blade horizontally. Carving under the flesh and pulling it back. In such a simple motion, he exposes his tendons in a way surgeons would be envious of. 
   He isn’t thinking clearly. Not in the ;east bit but it wouldn’t matter to him even if he could. He is beyond reason in this state of madness. He just wants to feel something. Anything. Pain would be a welcome treat when his mind is so alive with flame that all rationality is burning. 
   He needs help. But to ask for it is something he can and will not do. He wants to suffer in a way because socity has told him for so long that he deserves it. While he would norally decline that and fight it, well, when someone claims something for so long, one can not help but question it. Maybe, just maybe, they are right. Perhaps not in the way they think but in another. 
   He is far from a decent person. He knows it. He always played his cards in such a way to be the monster and try to gain the upper hand but right now, all he sees is blood of the enemy. His own.
   Carving higher, the Nightmare frees more flesh from his forearm. Letting it hang to one side and off in a bloody strip only to stare at his work. 
   It’s simple. It is just a large rectangle that is barely hanging on by a thread on one end. Knowing he can finish it cleanly, Umbra instead drops the knife to opt for ripping the last strands off to toss the flesh off in the same direction of the offensive blade. 
   With a sharp inhale, he then gets a spectacular idea. Something that would never work in the world of the awaken but in his, he knows how to manipulate it and make the impossible possible. Umbra moves to find his violin bow and grabs it in his off hand. A soft sob held back in a chicking sob as he raised it up and rested it on his other arm.
   He pauses only for a moment in thought.
   Nobody is around to stop him. Even if they were, would they care he is tearing himself apart?
   The answer is unknown. 
   So he draws his bow along his arm. A low and mournful sound emitting from his tendons. He speaks in a tune of misery that resonates with his soul. It is beautiful- if only because he understands it so deeply. The wretched sound of misery begging for just a tiny glimpse of hope.
   He moved his arm further away from himself as if it were holding a violin. The bow running along his tendons, pulling out inhuman sounds that just resonated absolute tragedy to anyone who could hear it. A melody that anyone who has experienced loss could recognize and begin to feel their own eyes mist up with tears. 
   It isn’t painless. The bow is lacerating his muscles the more he plays on but he can not seem to help himself. He needs this outlet. Even if it is spilling more blood down his arms and across his bow.
   The haunting music of his very being seems to flow freely now as he goes on. Echoing through the castle. It is bitter sweet but mostly bitter as it knows there is no true end to this god awful tale.
   His jaw is clenched tightly as tears well up in the corner of his eyes. It’s not from the physical pain so much as the emotional. He can’t stop and yet the tears refuse to fall and grant him any proper relief. 
   This goes on for some time. The castle is alive while the inhabitant feels anything but.
   Eventually he slows down. The final draw of his bow lowering with one last miserable note that fades into the otherwise still air. 
   He feels alone. Perhaps he is alone in his suffering. He surely thinks so even if he knows from lessons he bestows onto others that tell otherwise. 
   “...Again,” he whispers. After all, he knows his life is doomed to be a repeating disaster. What is one more encore of a tragic tale that nobody will ever care to hear? 
   So he raises his bow and draws it over his wrists again. Fingers moving to play the various notes his soul wishes to pour out. 
   Just one last song.
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nyx-the-alien · 9 months
Currently reading Heir of Fire for the first time and got to page 135 where Emrys is talking about old tales of the Fae before the mortals ruled the land. And how the wicked Fae would eat humans. Made me think back to the Weaver, or Stryga.
Especially after Celaena says the tale was about “the wretched creatures who delighted in skin-sewing and bone crunching and lightning crisping”
So I went back to Acomaf
When Feyre is first going into the cabin, she talks about how the house looks inviting, it was a trap for human prey. Not to mention her voice was beautiful, even with her horrifying song, and Feyre describes the song as ancient.
Her spinning wheel, where she made yarn, which is sort of implied that it’s people she’s made into yarn. Which later she throws a candle at the wall of woven thread, “woven bodies, skins, lives”
When Feyre finally sees her face, she’s described as having “jagged stumps of teeth—like she had gnawed on too many bones”
The way the fireplace was where she burned people because it smelled like carrion, felt like oily cooked fat. Her roof being thatched with hair
Given how SJM plans on connecting her worlds, idk it might be likely
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queggle · 1 year
Intro Post
🍄 Welcome to the den of mischief and mayhem! 🍄
Greetings, fellow wanderers of the virtual realm! Within this humble abode, I, a mischievous goblin, invite you to delve into the whimsical world of fantasy and embark on an extraordinary journey. Prepare yourselves, for you are about to witness the misadventures and peculiarities of goblin life through the eyes of yours truly.
They say goblins are nothing more than wretched creatures of the dark, but allow me to shatter that misconception! Here, amidst the enchanting tales and riddles that I shall share, you shall discover the hidden depths of goblin lore. Unveil the intricate threads that weave through our mischievous hearts, for we are not merely fiends of chaos but bearers of secrets, guardians of ancient knowledge, and protectors of the realms we inhabit.
Through this blog, I shall take on the guise of a wise goblin shaman, a venerable being with centuries of wisdom etched into my gnarled skin. Together, we shall explore the wonders of fantastical realms, unveil the magic lurking within forgotten places, and delve into the intricate webs spun by fate and destiny.
Feel free to engage with me, dear adventurers, for I eagerly await your questions, inquiries, and even the occasional exchange of riddles. Share your tales, seek my wisdom, or simply revel in the mirthful chaos that ensues when the realms of humans and goblins collide.
Remember, dear readers, that while the path we tread may be strewn with danger and unpredictability, it is also adorned with laughter and curious encounters. So, take my virtual hand, step into the realm of goblinkind, and let us embark on an extraordinary escapade together.
May the shadows guide us and the moonlight illuminate our path. Let the adventures commence!
Yours mischievously,
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pooks · 2 years
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have you ever heard the tale of one Jenny Blackwood?
Martin had a younger sister, she was just two year old when their father left them and Martin had practically raised her when they were neglected by their mother. Jenny was a beacon of light when life felt hard. She was his reason, his lighthouse.
Jenny was bright and kind. Soft yet energic. Originally just as chronically ill as their mother, but she was a better person. Jenny loved her brother, nothing ever changed that.
Although, she was enchanted by the supernatural. She was thrilled by the strange, the weird and the unknown that had no rational explanations. She was weird and she loved it.
She met the enigmatic Elias Bouchard when she was in university and there was a spark, a sense of yearning and the strange void in their hearts were filled.
Could anyone know that Jenny was actually a reincarnation of the first and only love of Jonah Magnus? His first Archivist, no one other than his fiancee Matilda, who had died a gruesome death at the hands of Maxwell Rayner, for her meddling and curiosity.
How could anyone guess that Jonah Magnus' first attempt on the Watcher's Crown was not only to rule over this wretched world and gain immortality, but it was also meant to bring back his lost Archivist, the only one who had a claim on his heart?
Jonah Magnus had waited and waited for 200 years for his true Archivist to return. And then he found her, when he was Elias Bouchard and she was back, in the flesh and blood with a brand new life and identity.
No one could ever know that he would make a drastic choice to keep her away from other avatars' attention, to keep his love alive and safe, and instead, chose another Archivist to use for his gains.
But once an Archivist...always an Archivist.
Jenny Blackwood's destiny was already sealed the moment she was born, her thread of fate had a set destination. It spread long and thin, as a spider's web.
In this life, she was not only the original Archivist of Jonah Magnus. She was the Watcher's Bride.
Despite her brother's efforts to keep his little sister safe.
Her story is unfolding, as the tapes flips to the B side. Listeners, learn the tale of a doomed girl, the rightful Archivist and how she earned the place of the most loyal, kindest and bravest friend Jonathan Sims ever had.
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