#「 i can hear you calling || dash comm 」
loverbot-9000 · 1 year
Baking? They like baking. Who's baking and what are they baking?
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von-eldritch · 2 years
//oh fuck oh wait tumblr nuked my tags fr (AGAIN)
gonna use this opportunity to change charlie’s tag but RIP IN SHIT to me ig
I will probably have missed some but I am! not concerned about that rn
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taro-pdf · 2 months
Humans are space oddities: Security personel
i need advice on action scenes i just made it up and kept it short
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Humans were common in the universe, but mostly on interstellar missions. That's why Faja was excited for xer first off-planet job aboard the Missive, there was a human on board!
Xe was working in a mailroom sorting an intake bag into piles by destination when a sudden commotion came from the hall. A flask flew past xer face as xe looked out. 
“I don’t care if they’re busy, I need the captain now!” screamed a quadrupedal being, jerking out of the grasp of a smaller bipedal staff member. They cantered forward and grabbed the flask from the ground and took a gulp, then glared down at Faja.
“Hey you! Take me to the cockpit.” Their grip was rough as they dragged xer out and threw her in front of them. Tuscia had few offensive measures, so Faja walked. As they went, other beings retreated, calling into their comms for security.
“I had to cut my coffee break short for this,” yawned a someone as they stepped into the centaur’s path. “But nice to see I’ll be having an exciting trip. I’m Prak, he/they,” he smirked as he finished his introduction, “human.”
This was the human? Faja’s mind raced through what xe’d heard of the infamous species to try to predict their next move. 
“Human or not, I’ll be speaking to the captain about this ship’s uninhabitability. It’s unacceptable!” the centaur growled.
“Sadly, the captain doesn’t want to hear what you want to say, and my job is making what the captain wants happen. I suggest you don’t resist.”
Humans were known to be fierce, but the centaur must weigh two or three times more than Prak. However, though Prak had no obvious offensive measures, Faja didn’t see any submissive posture coming from them.
The centaur pawed the ground and huffed a warning. Prak raised an eyebrow and lowered themself into a ready stance. Stepping forward, the centaur reared, towering above Prak. Dodging their front legs, he slid to one side in order to brace himself against the wall and kick the centaur off balance. Then, as he took a blow from their claws, he flipped and jabbed his thumb into one of the centaur’s eyes. The centaur stumbled back, clutching at their face. Prak slid away, then dashed forward again, pulling out a tranquilizer patch. They jabbed it onto the centaur’s side and grabbed their back fur to direct their momentum away from the onlookers. He kept them away from the crowd until they took stumbling steps and fell to the ground, the last echoes of their clash fading away.
Prak stepped back, breathing heavily. He brushed his hair out of his eyes and turned to the crowd. 
“Alright folks, move along. I’m tired and not in the mood for witness statements. I’m going to take a nap.” Personnel rushed forward to put restraints on the centaur and load them onto a trolly. Faja watched as the human bent, wincing, to rub his ankle.
“Um, shouldn’t you go to the med bay?” Faja asked tentatively. The human’s translator took a second, then they laughed.
“Not for just a strain. If I wrap it, my body will do the rest.”
“But Prak, ser, what about your internal bleeding?”
“These are nothing. I can self heal them in a week or two.”
Faja looked at them in shock. Not only did humans fight well, they also could self heal to that extent? On Faja’s birth world, creatures had only one or the other. Humans were a more flexible species than xe had heard about, and xe was looking forward to learning more. Like Prak said earlier, this was going to be an exciting trip.
For your information: Faja is a tuscia, a species which has five gender roles and five main bio sexes. They communicate in higher frequencies than humans, and sometimes older translators have difficulty picking up their words. Here's some more Faja :)
This is one of many ships Prak has worked on in order to avoid the earth-fruit and their mortal enemy, pineapple. You can read about Prak being cool here and here, or being a wimp here.
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i want it to last forever (all the magic and fun at sea) -- beachisode zine fic!
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The screech of the comm knocks Keith out of his laser focus. He barely manages to dodge the blow from the Gladiator, aimed for his face, throwing himself to the side at the last second. He calls out for the simulation to end as the comm buzzes and crackles with static, wincing at the feedback. By the time it settles into something that doesn’t hurt to hear, he’s gulped down three water pouches and sips slowly on his fourth, catching his breath.
“No it’s — my — Pidge, let go, it’s my turn!”
“Nuh-uh! You get to announce all the time! I want to!”
“I’m just better at it!”
“Liar! Let — Hunk, I am going to taze you!”
The sound of their squabbling makes him snort. He won’t be hearing any announcement for a while if they’re like this, so instead of waiting around for instructions he just scoops up his comm, tugs on a shirt, and heads to the bridge.
As expected, the sounds of scuffling only escalate. Keith can’t tell for sure, but he’s reasonably certain that Hunk and Pidge have graduated to actively trying to claw the intercom mic away from each other. He thinks he even heard the buzzing of Pidge’s bayard, as threatened previously.
As he’s walking past the kitchen, he hears static again, and then a clunk followed by brisk footsteps. Hunk and Pidge’s whining quickly follows.
“Aw, Coran, no fair!”
“C’mon, you always let Allura announce stuff! We never get a turn!”
Seconds later, another voice fills the radio waves, prim and proper and positively dripping with smug satisfaction:
“All paladins please report to the bridge, we’re receiving a foreign call.”
Keith snorts. Hunk and Pidge should have known it was a lost cause. There are only two people on this ship who Coran blatantly favouritizes, and it is neither of them.
He sees the exact scene he expects to see when he walks into the bridge — Hunk and Pidge sulking in their chairs, scowling at the Princess and each other, and Allura sticking her tongue out at them behind Coran’s back. As Allura mentioned, a calling code flashes up on the screen, dialling into their non-emergency line.
Keith walks over to his own chair and sits down, pulling up the number to look at its diagnostics.
“You smell like a gym bag,” Pidge complains, wrinkling her nose at him. Keith considers throwing his sweat-soaked shirt at her just to hear her scream. She turns to Shiro, who has just walked into the bridge. “Shiro, make him change.”
“Do not even think about it,” Shiro says immediately, looking at where Keith has his hands curled around the hem of his shirt. He rolls his eyes and makes a show of letting go. “And Pidge, stop being dramatic. He’s not even sitting anywhere near you.”
At once, Pidge in Keith are allied again, if only to look at each other and roll their eyes as hard as they can as Shiro watches, hoping to make him as exasperated as possible. Judging by the weight of his sigh, it works.
They smirk at each other. Success.
“So what’s this call?” Shiro asks, sitting in his own chair. He presses a button on his dash and the ringing noise accompanying the flashing notification mute.
“We were hoping one of you would know,” Coran says. “The call came in ten doboshes ago. It’s not a recorded number, and it’s encrypted, so none of us know where it’s from. The closest star we can triangulate to it is BX-SD78R3.”
All three present humans stare at the advisor blankly. He holds up a finger, ruffling through some papers until he finds a folded one, unfolding the thing like a map and staring at it intensely, forehead creasing as he tries to decipher the rudimentary Altean characters.
“Ah. The Road Work Ahead Star.”
“Ohhh, okay,” Hunk says. His understanding is echoed in the rest of the paladin’s expressions. “I know that one.”
A couple years ago, now, Lance got fed up with all intergalactically recognised names for stars and systems. He was not the only one. Try as they might, none of them were capable of memorizing thousands of strings of alphanumeric codes, especially not when they were translated into Terran characters. Hunk helpfully described it as hearing the letters but only static happening in his brain. The codes simply didn’t /mean/ anything, the way that words did. The whole thing was just a mess, and it made it hard for the team to strategise, because the Alteans would name a star or system, and the humans would shrug helplessly at them until they pulled out a map or pointed out the nearest planet they recognised.
Lance, of course, was the first to handle the problem. He spent weeks writing out a list renaming every single star or system to something the humans could understand, with their intergalactic names right next to them so everyone could translate. Many of the names were relevant, and made sense — names like Arus for the Arusian planet, Space Mall Moon for the space mall moon, on and on — but many systems simply weren’t occupied, or didn’t have an easily determined name, so Lance just named them after random pop culture things.
Whatever works, honestly.
“Did they send a message?” Pidge asks, clicking through the lines of code of the encryptions.
“Nothing. It’s just a call.”
Hunk hums, squinting at the calling code like it will turn into answers at his behest. “Do we think it’s Galra?”
“It’s a possibility,” Allura agrees. “If it were a call to our emergency line, then answering it would be worth the risk — many planets are just hearing of us and do not know our proposed safety measures. Besides, that line has all of Pidge’s anti-Empire tracking and encryption software. This line not so much. If we connect it and it’s an Empire infiltration, then we’ll get tracked, and we’ll have to prepare for an ambush.”
Keith whistles. “High odds.”
“Yes. So we’ll have to come to a decision, then. I sent the mice after Lance, he should be here any —”
“I’m here! I’m here! I’m not late!” As if summoned, Lance comes barrelling into the bridge, soaking wet, nearly braining himself on the ground as he slips on water and fails to catch himself since the mice are cradled carefully in his hands. Undeterred, he scrambles back to his feet and slides into his chair, grinning sheepishly at everyone else. “Sorry! I was swimming laps and my comm was in my clothes. Plus the castle signal is iffy in there. I didn’t know there was a meeting until the mice came to get me. Thanks, by the way.” He turns the full power of his beam towards Allura, who visibly softens, raised eyebrow turning into something more amused than annoyed. “Anyways. I’m here now. What are we doing?” He turns to his screen and notices the flashing call code. “Oh, hey, that’s Plaxum’s area code!”
Before anyone can stop him, strangled shouts ringing through the bridge, he slams his hand down on a button on his dash.
Keith hears Shiro’s loud “FUCK!” from behind him, which usually would make him gasp really loud and shout something about virgin ears, just to irritate his brother, but his lungs are currently occupied with the breath he is holding in them, waiting as the call flashes twice and connects.
Luckily, the face that comes into focus is not a smirking Galran officer.
Unluckily, Lance is right — the jellyfish-hat-clad face of a grinning mermaid, blue-skinned and bright eyed. Plaxum.
Lance has mentioned her once or twice in passing. He’s mentioned that he keeps in contact with a lot of people from the planets in their alliance, the mermaid planet included. He had not mentioned that he is in contact with Plaxum so often that he has her area code memorized.
Something gross and bitter churns in Keith’s stomach.
“Lance!” Plaxum — and Keith has never met her, but Lance has made it pretty clear who this person is — shouts, loud enough that it’s clear even through the long-distance static.
“Plax!” Lance shouts back. His beam has gotten ten times brighter, if at all possible. “How are you?”
“Lance,” Shiro interrupts before they get lost in their conversation, “maybe ask what’s going on, kiddo. We didn’t recognize the calling code, we thought it might have been Empire. Scared us when you answered.”
The brightness in Lance’s brown eyes dim considerably. Despite Keith’s distaste for it before, as horrible as that is, he’s sad to see it go.
“Oh,” he says quietly. “I didn’t mean — sorry, guys, I should’ve checked. I didn’t think.”
“All good, lad,” Coran assures, clapping him on the shoulder. “You did think, after all. You recognised the calling code. Next time let us in on it, but your judgement was sound.”
As he always does, Coran has said the perfect right thing, some of the guilt vanishes from Lance’s expression. He smiles at the advisor before turning his gaze back to the mermaid.
“Why did you call the Voltron line? You usually just call me.”
“‘Cause you lost your comm again, dummy,” Plaxum explains patiently. “You stopped answering after your last mission. I called to make sure you were alive. And because I needed to ask you something.”
Lance huffs, matching her playfulness. “Right, let me just ask Zarkon to hold off on attempting to blow me up so I don’t keep losing comms to laser fire.”
“It would be grandly appreciated, thank you.”
“Uh huh,” Lance snorts. “Anyways. Is that the only reason you called? You said there was another reason.”
“Oh yeah!” Plaxum shifts her gaze slightly, pupil-less eyes looking at all the team members. “You are all cordially invited to the Ice Break Festival!”
Lance gasps in delight. Keith is relieved to see he’s not the only one who has no idea what’s going on.
“I thought your planet was completely covered in ice,” Hunk asks carefully.
“For most of the year! But for one small portion, we are close enough to the sun that the heat skyrockets. Enough of the ice melts that we can swim to the surface, and that our plants can receive the sunlight they need to keep alive during the rest of the year.”
“And beaches?” Lance asks hopefully.
“Dozens,” Plaxum replies with a grin. “Actually, the Great Heat hits pretty suddenly, so it melts much of the ice around the shallowest parts of the oceans in the first day, pulling the ice sheet away from the beaches. The water is freezing, but the air is nice and hot. We’ve never had land-dwellers on our planet before, so I don’t know how it would be, but you’re welcome to come a day early and try, if you like.”
Lance is not the only one to immediately turn pleading eyes towards Shiro. Allura has joined in on Lance’s wistful retelling of sitting by the beach on numerous occasions, having many of them on Altea. Hunk grew up on a surfboard as much as Lance did. Pidge has fond memories of visiting the Lake Michigan beaches with her family.
Keith has never been to a proper beach before. But there was this tepid little man-made lake in a provincial park in Arizona. It was hours away from the Garrison. But once a year, every summer like clockwork, Shiro and Adam would drag him out to it, kicking and screaming usually. As much as the water smelt stale and the picturesque sand was replaced with uniform grey rocks, he has fond memories of that, too.
“I’d like that,” Keith says quietly, among the sounds of his friends’ shameless begging.
Shiro raises an eyebrow. “Really?”
Keith shrugs. “Vacation’s a vacation.”
Shiro doesn’t need anymore convincing (his softie ass never needed it from the beginning, honestly). “We’ll leave first thing tomorrow,” he says.
The team erupts into cheers.
Lance is practically buzzing from excitement. He’d taken off as soon as Plaxum had hung up yesterday afternoon, hollering something about getting everything packed. He’d been nothing more than a blur from then until late in the evening, rushing from the kitchen to the storage rooms to his own room and to everyone else’s room, too, making sandwiches for lunch and gathering towels and even digging around with Allura to find swimsuits for everyone. He’d spent forty minutes lamenting about sunscreen and how Alteans never invented it and how they were all going to get melanoma before Pidge had snapped and stomped off to go invent some. The whole thing had been very amusing, until Lance had marched into Keith’s room and starting bossing him around (“You can’t wear your boots to the beach, Keith! It’s the beach!”).
As the castle approaches the blindingly white sandy beaches of the usual icy tundra, Lance’s excitement builds in the air, and soon everyone is grinning, clutched onto their towels and beach bags and coolers and pails and volleyballs (or the Altean equivalent, at least.) By the time the castle just barely touches the ground, the anticipation is so great it feels like a balloon blown so wide and stretched so thin it’s a hair’s breadth away from exploding. Keith isn’t sure if he’s even breathing.
The second the ramp extends to the ground, they’re racing out the door, screaming with pure excitement.
“It smells like the ocean!” Lance cries. He’s legitimately jumping up and down in excitement.
“I am going to have such a good nap,” Shiro sighs.
“There are seagulls,” Pidge says gleefully. Keith considers telling her how much she looks like an unhinged toddler, especially with the giant hat Lance “Mother Hen” McClain made her wear, but reconsiders when he notices she is the one holding the pointy beach umbrella.
“Yeah, I’m fighting the urge to call her one too,” Hunk whispers to him.
Keith snorts. He follows the rest of the team down to the waves, carefully committing all the new sensations to memory in his head: the smell of the seawater, the burning sand beneath his bare feet, the weight of seven beach chairs in his arms, the wind whipping his hair all over his face. His favourite feeling of all is the tangible joy in the air, the almost sweet relief of a sunny, well-deserved break, where for once they are all sure that nothing is going to go wrong. It’s a naive assumption, and they’re smarter than it, but they leave their bayards in the bottom of the bags anyway, keeping their heads turned to the sun.
Coran picks them a nice spot to set down their things — close enough to the water that no one will lose sight of any swimmers, but far enough that no one will get wet. They’re pretty close to some rock and cave formations too, which will be a nice shelter from the sun as they say stretches on. Fun to explore, too.
The second everything is set down and settled, everyone gets right to whatever activity they’re looking forward to most. Shiro fluffs out his towel, has Keith slap some sunscreen on his back, then passes the fuck out on the sand. Allura curls up next to him, adjusting her floppy pink hat, sliding on her comically oversized sunglasses, and cracking open her book. Coran, Hunk, and Pidge bust out the pails and shovels and the blueprints they drew up last night to start building their sand replica of the castle. Lance straps a pair of dorky, bug-eyed glasses to his face and turns to Keith, sticking out his hand. On reflex Keith grabs it, curling his fingers into long, thin ones. It’s not the first time he and Lance have held hands (that was once a punishment of Shiro’s; something he would force them to do when their arguing got on his last nerve), but it’s the first time Keith feels his naked palm, rough and calloused all over, press against Lance’s soft and smooth one, no leather between them.
“Come find shells with me!”
Keith couldn’t even dream of saying no.
He follows as Lance pulls him into the water, stumbling after him as he sprints. Lance yanks him into the waves faster than he can process, and he’s up to his knees before the cold sets in, and it startles him so badly he laughs, loud and sudden.
They dive into the next big wave, and Keith forgets to hold his breath, coming up sputtering and coughing. Lance cackles, splashing water at him while he chokes because he is the worst. Keith is so painfully endeared that it’s actually humiliating, and to redeem himself he tackles him into the waves, revelling in his shrieking laughter and his later complaint of saltwater up his nose.
At some point, at what Keith imagines is Allura’s insistence, everyone else joins them in the waves. They immediately descend into a game of chicken. Pidge scampers up Hunk’s shoulders like the little rat that she is (Keith makes sure he’s out of biting range when he says that, and unfortunately does not expect a clump of sand to the head), Allura gleefully throws Shiro on hers, and Lance doesn’t even ask before climbing up Keith’s hip and settling behind his head like a particularly aggravating monkey (something Keith is happy to tell him) thighs bracketing his head and ankles crossed at his abdomen.
Keith goes so violently red that he’s genuinely kind of shocked that he can turn that colour.
“Squeeze any tighter, Lance, and Keefers over there is going to evaporate the entire ocean,” Pidge says drily.
Keith does not wait for her to get situated on Hunk’s shoulders, or for Coran — who’s refereeing — to tell them go. He charges.
Despite his brain relaying a constant stream of Oh God Lance’s thighs are wrapped around your head holy shit he’s sitting on your shoulders and he’s barely dressed his fucking legs are so long why are they so long does he have to be this attractive is that even possible what the fuck is the deal with that, he manages to put his full attention into going absolutely ham. He charges, dodges, leaps and bounds, intent on being the winning team of this ridiculous but admittedly fun game.
Obviously, considering who they’re up against, Keith and Lance are the first ones out. One mighty shove from Allura sends them careening towards the icy waves, shrieking at the top of their lungs.
With Lance’s calves a healthy distance away from Keith’s face, however, he regains his ability to function, and as such he thinks they accept their loss with grace. (Wherein Keith means they complain immediately about the game being rigged and dramatically profess how they are going to ditch everyone’s cheating asses. All in good fun.)
“C’mon, Keith,” Lance says, somehow finding their hands linked again, “let’s blow this popsicle stand.”
They run away to their friends’ teasing booing, sprinting to the sand and ducking past the rocks and out of sight, giggling to themselves.
“Oh, hey, look!” Lance points to a small pool of water surrounded by the same beige-ish rock of the rest of the caves. “A grotto!” He bounds over to it leaving Keith to quickly follow, sliding in as soon as he’s close enough. A sigh leaks out of him as he settles in, water up to his neck. “Oh, God, it’s sun warmed.” He turns to face Keith, flashing a smile. “Come in.”
Helpless to disobey and well aware that Lance could be full of shit, pranking him, Keith does. To his peasant surprise, however, it’s warm, but not hot, like bedsheets on a cold morning. Keith can actively feel the stress leeching out of his body as he leans against the rock.
“God, that’s nice.”
Keith hadn’t realised he’d closed his eyes, but he opens them again when he doesn’t hear Lance’s response, and quickly behinds to panic when he doesn’t see him.
“Lance?” he shouts, making no effort to hide his fear. “Lance? Where the fuck are you?”
Heart pounding, he pushes off the edge of the little pool, craning his neck over to the side, but he doesn’t see a mop of brown curls or a flash of white teeth or a long, flailing limb.
“Lance? Lance, answer me! La —”
“— I can’t believe they have these shells here, too, I mean —”
“Oh my God,” Keith chokes out to himself, hand pressed to his chest as Lance swims out from around the bend, eyes trained on his cupped hands. “Oh my God, I am going to smack you. Come here.”
“Huh?” Lance looks up from his shell, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He quickly understands when he reads the tenseness of Keith’s shoulders, the naked relief in his face. “Oh.” He smiles apologetically. “My bad. Saw something shiny.”
If it weren’t for the wobble in his voice, evident of choked back laughter, Keith would believe his apology. Instead, he glares at him, splashing him with an endless barrage of water until he pleads for mercy.
“Stop, stop, okay! I’m sorry for real!” He curls a hand around Keith’s wrist, squeezing, pulling it towards him so Keith can’t use it. His grin is wide and so so breathtaking. Keith can’t help his own smile in return.
“Thanks for coming with me,” Lance whispers when the water settles again. His grin has softened into something small, buttery and sweet. “Plax was telling me about this place. I couldn’t wait to bring you. It’s been all I was thinking about since we got the call.”
The horrible thing that had settled in his chest, that he had largely ignored since they touched down this morning, begins to dissipate. As Lance links their hands together, floating over next to him, it dissipates entirely.
“Thanks for bringing me,” Keith whispers back. He squeezes Lance’s hand, and he squeezes back, and the sound of their friends laughter echoes over the waves, and he’s warm and settled and happy, and everything is so, unbelievably good.
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wheredafandomat · 2 years
What about the plans we made?
Avenger! Loki x female reader
18+ | Implied sexy stuff, angst?
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“Darling, you look beautiful.”
You glanced up, looking into the mirror at Lokis reflection as he walked into the room. A smile spread across your face as your eyes met, his clearly burning with desire. Despite you and Lokis frequent hookups, you were yet to go on a date, something he insisted on changing once you both realised. He decided that you wouldn’t sleep together again until you went on a real date, something that seemed impossible with your busy schedules. It had been well over a week since you had shared a bed together so you were itching for this date, more so what would no doubt follow. You bit your lip, noticing how his eyes ran over your figure, lingering on certain areas before he met your gaze again. You wanted to pounce there and then. Completely abandon the date. You allowed your eyes the same privilege of giving him the once over, your smile falling when you realised that he was wearing his mission gear as opposed to a tuxedo that would have been a better match for your dress.
“You’re coming dressed like that?” You snorted, trying to hide the indifference in your tone. Was he really going on a mission right now?
“Y/n, I’m sorry” he began, walking closer towards you until he was standing behind you “it’s an emergency” he added, his hand finding your hip “I’ll be back before you know it” he continued, his hand moving up and down your body “we can’t let this gorgeous dress go to waste.” He smiled.
“Are you sure?” You answered, disguising your moan as a sigh; his hand on your body felt electric.
“I promise.” He assured, kissing your neck. You melted against him, your back flush against his chest as he continued kissing the exposed flesh before you spun in his grip, kissing his lips. “And when I get back, we can go on the date, then, I want this dress pooling around your ankles okay.” He nodded, breaking the kiss, prompting you to do the same. “Good girl.” He winked, his finger underneath your chin before he kissed you again.
You busied yourself with grabbing candles and other essentials for the rampant sex you’d end up having with Loki tonight. You spoke to Natasha occasionally, asking how the mission was going but she had no updates. You tried to find Bucky but he was gone too and so was Steve which led you to believe that perhaps this mission was more serious than you had previously thought. Eventually you sat in the comms room waiting for something, anything but no one radioed in.
“Maybe it’s a good thing, if the mission had gone wrong, someone would have said.” Natasha tried to console, sitting next to you.
“I don’t know Nat, something doesn’t feel right.” You replied, knitting your brows before the sound of the quinjet landing came into focus. You smiled, realising Loki was back before your eyes rounded hearing Steve shouting orders as he pushed through the rooftop door. “Somethings wrong, you quickly spoke, jumping to your feet and sprinting out of the room.
“We need medical and—” Steve began before you interrupted him.
“Where’s Loki?”
“Y/n, he’s—” he started before Bucky walked in behind him, supporting Loki who seemed to have lost a lot of blood judging by his taught pale face and the fact that he was practically clinging to Bucky.
“Loki!” You called, dashing towards him, holding him up too.
“Y—y/n.” He choked, falling to the ground as he saw you.
“Go get medical, now!” Steve ordered Bucky who was bending down to help Loki up.
“Loki, what happened?” You murmured, resting his head on your lap as your lip trembled. You looked up at Steve with a worried expression and that’s when you realised that he didn’t look much better. He had a cut on his forehead, his nose was bleeding and his eye was darkening.
“We were attacked, some kind of alien technology, Loki took the brunt of it.” He quickly explained before your attention was stolen by Loki coughing.
“Y—/n, y-you look be-beautiful.” Loki smiled, reaching up to touch your cheek, his hand falling.
“For our date.” You nodded, grabbing his hand and holding it against your cheek. “We have a date Loki, I’m wearing a dress for our date.” You sniffled as his eyes struggled to stay open. Where was the med team? “Loki” You called, tapping his cheek “eyes on me okay.”
“I’m s-sorry I’ve ruined” he mumbled, coughing blood “o-our date.”
“Loki!” You yelled this time, slapping his cheek as his eyes closed “what about the plans we made, Loki! Loki. Please, Loki.”
You felt him go limp, hand falling from your cheek as the med team finally arrived, quickly assessing Loki as they carried him into a bed. You stayed on the floor, dress covered in blood, his blood, as they tried their hardest to bring him back but you knew he was gone. Loki was gone. You didn’t know whether you were crying, screaming, shaking or dreaming but you felt yourself doubling over as a nauseating feeling overtook you. You felt sick, empty, hopeless as they carried him away. There was no point, he was gone. Loki was gone.
You didn’t know how you made it to the waiting room outside the medical bay but that’s where you were now, sitting in a cold chair and staring into space as you slowly rocked forward and backwards. You could feel Natasha’s hand on your back, maybe she helped you here. You imagined the date, what you’d be doing right now. Would you be eating? Talking? Playing footsie under the table like you did during morning meetings? This thought made you smile a little before a doctor approached you.
“I’m sorry—”
You tuned him out as he spoke, your world crashing down again as he confirmed what you already knew. Natasha pulled you into a tight hug as if her arms shielded you from this reality. You couldn’t hug her back, you couldn’t breathe. Suddenly the feeling of your blood soaked dress sticking to your body made you gag. You felt covered in him, drenched. You cried until you were silent.
“Where is he?!” Thor demanded as he stormed into the room. “Where is Loki?”
“Thor I—” Steve began as Thors gaze settled on you sitting in your now crimson dress.
“Y/n, where is Loki?” He asked calmly, too calmly as if it was a warning. You were silent in reply. “WHERE IS HE?”
“Dead!” You shrieked, bolting upright and pushing past him as you ran out.
“I’ll go.” Natasha assured, following after you.
You don’t know when or how you reached your room, only that you were now sitting on your bed in silence as Natasha opened your door.
“Come on, let’s get you out of this dress.” She gestured to the en suite bathroom.
“I can’t.” You whispered.
“I can’t” You began to cry “I want Loki.”
“Y/n” she sniffled, sitting next to you before pulling you into her arms “I know.”
“B-but she was a mere avenger when our paths crossed” Loki stressed “I barley even remember her name.” He scoffed.
“Y/n, soon to be Laufeyson but you died.” Mobius answered, more like a simple statement with his voice lacking empathy as he observed Loki looking at the pixilated screen. “She loved you, loves you Loki and if you help me I’ll help you get her back, all of it back.”
“S-she mourns me.” Loki stuttered, standing to his feet before stepping towards the screen and studying your face on the pixilated screen. He could see the hurt, the utter anguish in your familiar expression on your foreign face. He had to help, he needed you, he didn’t know why but he did. “Fine, I’ll help.” He decided.
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A/N: That’s so embarrassing for loki that he was bare saying good girl.Then next scene he’s all mash up and broken 😭🤣
@lokisninerealms @lokiprompts @mischief2sarawr @lulubelle814 @lokisgoodgirl @mochie85 @eyesbluelikethetitanic @vickie5446 @mcufan72 @fictive-sl0th @peaches1958 @lokilvrr @evelyn-kingsley @strangelockd @xorpsbane @lovingchoices14
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 13 omg we're in the teens now 😯
let's go batchers 🤟 my phone is on 66% again and my internet is SHOCKING why does technology hate me 🙃
the Bad Batch 1x09
Hunter sounds so feral I'm-
I could be wrong ?? but I'm pretty sure every ep so far has started with the marauder flying ??
not the batch hesitating to jump 😭
Cad Bane locked Omega in a cell 😡 let our baby out
YES LITTLE FERAL BABY she gets it from Hunter
she's so sassy 💅
at least he polite "at your service" "little lady"
pfftt poor Todo
Daaad Taun We's here
Lama Su I'm gonna terminate you 😡
Omega is so much like Tech rn telling Todo how to fix his leg
Echo recognising Cad Bane 👀
I love it when they call Omega "the kid" 🥺
Jango mention 👀
Tech Omega dramatic sigh count: 5 (this ep lmao)
"my treatment is perfectly adequate" ~ Todo 😂
Omega misaligned his leg on purpose she's so smart fr 🥰
Tipoca city x cloud city 👀
Cad Bane: *realises Omega is gone* *angry toothpick noises*
AHHHH STOP 😭😭😭 when they hear Omega's voice on the comms Hunter and Echo turn to each other like 😯 they all move so quickly I just 😫😭
"by hook or by crook" ~ Cad Bane is really a fairytale villain lol
Omega and Hunter screaming for each other 🥲😫😭 screaming tearing my hair out flipping my bed throwing my phone to mars
Omega is so sad about Taun We 💔
Fennec Shand vs Cad Bane 👀 round 2 when ??
this is honestly such a great fight scene tho 👌
Omega seeing her reflection in the cloning tubes ... it's like poetry it rhymes
was that Tech or Echo flying 👀 some sort of spinny flippy Tech Turn
do we know any history of this cloning facility in the Lido system ??
surely Cad Bane knows where Boba is ?? does anybody know where Boba is rn ?? s3 ?? 🤞
Fennec: *knocks Cad Bane's hat back* Cad Bane: *growls*
lmao Omega jumping on Todo 💀 she's a perfect fit for the bad batch fr
Omega limping to the flight pods 🥺
Todo is so funny pls 😂 shout out to Seth Green for voicing him 🙌
Cad Bane's rocket boots where do I get some asking for a friend
Wrecker pulling her out by her hands 🥺
Omega hugging Hunter and him wincing 😫😭
"are you okay Omega? are you hurt?" Hunter learned this from Cut 🥺🤲💕
"Hunter you have to tell her" ~ Echo realising Omega is grown up enough to handle that kind of information and them respecting her enough to tell her the truth 💕🥰
lmao when did Fennec have time to sabotage Cad Bane's ship
Nala Se hiring Fennec to keep Omega away from Lama Su 👑
where is Echo sleeping ???
Omega: "I don't want to end up an experiment in a tube" Hunter: "that's not going to happen" Omega: "you can't fight them all" okay what if I cried forever
she turns her face away when she says that last one and he turns her whole chair around to face him 🥺🤲
he said "I promise" with such confidence PLS- 😭 I am BEGGING for s3 👀 I'm not even gonna say it I'm not risking jinxing anything
I am so totally completely normal about this whole episode !!! the bounty hunters the fight scenes the familiar faces (shout out to the queen herself Rena Owen 👑💕)
not long to go for s3 now my friends !!
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seldomscilence16 · 11 months
Whumptober day 30:
"It's okay just to say 'I'm not okay'."
Borrowed Clothing | Bridal Carry | "Not much Longer…."
Fandom: Bat Family
Prompts used: All
Ive been reading dpxdc but am not confident yet, so heres some OOC Bats, based mostly on Wayne Family Adventures, tried angsting some new people for once! I have only read Duke in WFA so hes probably the most OOC forgive me. But let me know, Id love to hear from ya'll on any of my posts :)
TW for blood and injuries, near death experiences
"I am never letting you talk me into this again."
Tim glares at the far wall, hanging by his feet, arms tied to his chest. He's in civvies, and his brothers WILL owe him a new outfit after this.
"Oh come on, you were the perfect bait!" Jason's voice comes through the comm, barely holding back his snickers.
"Hush Little-Wing. I'll take you to your favorite coffee place- at a reasonable time- to make up for it BabyBird." Dicks voice is far more sympathetic and even tinged with the anxiety that comes with seeing his brothers in harm's way.
"Then Jay owes me a new outfit." He murmurs a tad petulantly.
"TT, I still think we should have snuck in instead of this, convoluted, plan."
"That would have been fine if we had known where they were located, hence this plan." Duke yawns as he finishes his sentence, pulling a double shift for this case.
"Next time, someone else can be the hostage." Tim grumbles as a headache grows with all the blood rushing to it.
"Whatever you say Timmy." Jason placates mockingly.
"Is anyone else concerned about how long they've left Red Robin alone?" Barbara's exasperated voice comes through the comms, bringing everyone back.
"The lack of blood in my legs should definitely be considered." Tim comments, swinging slightly to try and look around.
"Well, it looks like everyone is-"
"Leaving the building!" Duke cuts Dick off, Jason curses,
"Looks like we got some rats to catch!" He calls, leaping from his hiding spot before the others could react.
"Hang in there Tim, we'll be back!"
"I regret my existence."
"TT is that all?" Damian is a millisecond behind Jason, Dick and Duke give each other an eye roll of comradery, before they are following.
They put up a fight. Seemingly desperate to escape- though it's not super odd- they seem more scared of not being able to leave than of the Bats themselves.
"Not much longer…" The anxious mutter comes from the goon closest to Signal.
He’s quick to pin him, nerves flying in his gut, telling him that they were missing something important.
“Until what?” He pulls his best Batman voice, tired gravel helping him hopefully.
Pinned against the building, Signal doesn’t really need an answer from the goon, the light gives him a glimpse of exactly what he needs to know, but the answer comes anyway,
“Guys, we’ve got a situation! I’m going in for T- the hostage!” Duke catches himself throwing the guy to the nearest Bat, “Find the bomb!” He dashes into the building.
“A bomb?” Tims voice groans, “I am owed several coffees, thank you.”
“Maybe focus on not blowing up first?” Duke's voice is strained, not yet so nonchalant with these types of threats.
“The goons are ready for transport, we’re headed to the device, just stay calm Duke.” Dicks voice is level, and Duke takes a breath to match it.
Tim is partway untied, having been working on it since he’d been hooked, his face is flushed but he gives a lopsided grin- likely to comfort Duke.
“Signal, my man, come to hang out?”
“Har har, let's get you down.”
He steadies him as his feet touch the ground, head spinning and body reorienting, they haven’t even taken a step yet when the whole building shakes, rickety floors and creaky walls groaning with the effort.
“Uh, guys?” Duke cautions, worry skyrocketing again.
“Time to move!”
Duke doesn't need to be told twice, he scoops Tim into his arms with a grunt and finds himself sprinting once more.
“Blushing bride was not on my list.” He mumbles, hand holding his head as the other tires to keep him stable.
“Don't worry, sure it doesn't count when the blood had no other option.”
“You’d be surprised.”
The floor is crumbling as another tremor wracks the old bones of the place. He makes the decision to find the nearest window, taking the Bat route out, and sending a prayer to whoever listened that they all made it out.
“You’re ok… ‘s good…” Blood is a second skin, Jason's jacket torn to shreds as glass and wood alike protrude from his body.
“Todd.. you're…” Damian looks up at the unhooded vigilante, minor damage to himself as he see the crushing weight his brother keeps off him.
“Relax kid… Won't die frem the same ting twice.”
“Jay! Damian!” Dick coughs, the bloody hero shoving at the beams across Jays back until the two can get free. “Are you guys okay?”
“S’fine, lets get baby brat outta here.” The slur comes and goes from his tone, whether from a given effort or otherwise they can't tell. Shifting nearby has them tensing, before a light shines at them,
“Oh thank the Gods.” Duke is dusty but unharmed, moving debris ever so carefully to give them a path out.
“M’place s’closest.” Jason murmurs, leaning heavily on Damian who hadnt moved from his side.
“I can not carry you Todd, stay awake.” The youngest mutters despite his stance.
“It's okay just to say ‘I’m not okay’.” Duke interrupts quickly, taking the lead as Dick takes the rear.
“...could be better.” He concedes.
“You are not this much bigger than me. How?” Tim swims in the borrowed shirt and sweats, as does Damian, but neither seems keen to take them off either as they plop onto Jason's couch.
In the kitchen, Duke, Jason and Dick patch each other up carefully, channeling Alfred as best they can until they decide the trip is worth it. Jason grits his teeth as another stitch pierces his skin, Dick muttering a thousand quiet apologies in several languages. Duke keeps his eyes on his own job, if for nothing else than to keep from cringing and hurting Dick.
“We’re bringing the girls next time. This never happens when they're around.” Tim grumbles, ice pack on his face.
“I beg to differ.” Dick mutters.
“Is night shift always like this?” Duke ties off his last bandage and goes about cleaning up.
“Meh.” He gets several, so so hand gestures and a tutt and groans to himself.
“We’re alive, goons apprehended, I'm calling it a win.”
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slifarianhawk · 11 months
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Chapter 30: shots fired
I walked into Gales's training room clapping, "Not bad for the first spar in years between my best student and my greatest treasure."
I walked over proceeding to lift Albert off of Gale. He seemed lighter than normal, maybe the angelis virus was still active. Albert looked quite sternly at me and sighed.
"You should be resting my dearheart," Albert said leaning against me, holding my hand, and caressing my cheek.
"Get a room you two," Gale said walking out into the vehicle bay.
That was when the comms alert went off, "Nighthawk to Galeforce and Phoenix, agent Archer is down shot fired from tree line of the quarantine area." I snarled and my eyes flared bright freezing blue.
Gale looked back at me with a worried expression, "You OK, T?"
"Gods, why can I not catch a FUCKING BREAK TODAY?!?!?" I shouted sprinting up to my office, grabbing my bow, arrows, and black wakizashi. With my samurai edge on my side, I raced back down to the vehicle bay.
"Come on we're running it'll be quieter than the ATVs or bikes," Gale said exiting the vehicle bay to the outside.
"I will come with as much as Tabitha's assistant has grown on me I feel I should be there. " Albert said following Gale grabbing his trench coat from the training room and rushing to catch up with Gale. I was right behind him popping a viral activator pill. I felt my body's energy surge.
"Let's go." I took off towards the quarantine zone. I was screaming in my mind for being so careless. I activated my comm collar and called up Lupo.
"What do you need Tabitha?" Karena asked worried, "I heard the earlier transmission. We can mobilize if needed."
"No I need you to bring the medical transport to the quarantine zone," I said speeding ahead of Albert. There was electricity in my step and worry as well.
Shortly we saw Nighthawk and Arjuna lying on the ground.
"G....get down" Nighthawk coughed holding Archer up against his chest. Archer was shot in his lower abdomen. A tampon was haphazardly shoved into the wound.
I got low and pulled out my bow. The eighty-five draw weight was difficult but worth it. Notching my arrow I noticed the smell of gunpowder and a slight flash in the corner of my eye, "EVERYONE GET DOWN!" I ordered as a bullet whizzing past me struck Gale in the shoulder.
"FUCK!" Gale shouted falling to his knees.
I quickly let my arrow fly striking the tree where the shot came from.
I quickly switched from my bow to my wakizashi and quickly charged the tesla coil so I could have a stunning blade. Albert grabbed my hand but with a quick jolt, I dashed towards the tree line.
"TABITHA! GET BACK!!" Albert yelled and I jumped back as a bullet lodged itself in the ground.
"Phoenix Corps. more like special needs Corps." A voice said over the comm link.
I picked up the bullet and fear pooled in my stomach, the way it was shattered indicated it was a hollow-tipped round. Another shot rang out this one grazed Gale's cheek the bullet shattering on contact barely missing his eye. He fell back
"Damn, I missed again." The voice coming through the comms said.
"Come out you coward!" I shouted.
The next thing I knew an explosion ripped through the trees and I saw a cloaked figure running back toward the old Umbrella base.
I'm going to find this bastard and make him pay dearly for harming Arjuna and Gale. I stopped in my tracks, Juna! I didn't hear a mag change he must have been shot with the hollow-tipped rounds as well.
"ARJUNA! GALE!" I ran back to them, Nighthawk clutching Archer in his arms crying.
"No please No, not my Juna," I said falling next to Archer his breathing was ragged, and blood was pouring from the tampon that Nighthawk used to plug the wound. I unattached my med kit and grabbed a few cans of first aid spray. I tossed one to Gale while I removed the object that was plugging Archer's wound.
"I'm sorry June. I'll be faster next time." I sprayed his wound and watched as it slowly closed.
"Ugh, Tabitha? What happened?" Archer said waking up.
"You rest Juna. Lupo is en route with the medical transport. You were shot with a hollow point in your lower abdomen I don't think it's fatal. It's still a serious injury though." I said worried as Lupo arrived.
"You get going boss I'll get these two into medical quickly." She said pulling out a stretcher.
"Gale, load up with Archer you both need to be seen and have those bullet fragments dislodged from ya'lls bodies, " I ordered.
"Got it, boss lady," Gale said hopping in the transport.
I walked over to Nighthawk and handed him my bow and arrows. I would barely be able to see in the forest or even worse the umbrella facility.
"Someone who dares harm my assets before I even have a chance to test them," Albert growled.
"Let's go, I have a bad feeling about this," I said holstering my Beretta and sprinting toward where the figure ran off.
"Tabitha wait!" Wesker shouted taking after me.
I slid down the hill and I was right. Just what I was afraid of, the umbrella facility was in my sights. I slid and stopped right *in front of the base. Albert ran up behind me and stood in front of me.
"What has gotten into you dearheart? You have never been the one to charge in not thinking of the outcome. That is more of your brother's thing."
"I'm scared, my love. Gale and Arjuna are my closest friends. I feel like this is my fault in some way." I sighed and slid through the broken-down doorway.
"That man was certainly after Chambers. We will track him down and get some answers for you." Albert said kicking down the broken-apart rubble.
"Then let's proceed with caution this place is," I got cut off by cement falling from the ceiling," falling apart..."
"Just be careful my lotus," Albert said
"I will Wesk," I said stepping forward, and like clockwork, I fell through a hole in the floor.
Hi there sorry for the short chapter but it will be worth it for the chapters that are coming up happy Halloween my name is Silfarianhawk and I'm not so far away
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tickletastic · 1 year
Let's Get Physical
Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Ship: N/A
Summary: For once, Bones is the chaotic one, and Jim doesn't like it one bit. Day thirteen of Miya and Mia’s Tickletober: prank call! Dedicated to @dreamthinkimagine, happy birthday darling! <33
Ding ding ding
Ding ding ding
Jim groans, throwing an arm over his face, suddenly believing self-suffocation via pillow to be in the cards. He took the pillow from next to him and threw it at his comms system, groaning when it caused the call to be picked up. 
“Jim, I know you can hear me, ya damn child,” Bones’ voice rings from around the room. Fuck surround sound, Jim thinks.
“Oh god,” Jim whines, “it’s like you’re inside of my head.”
“Kid, the bridge has been tryin’ to contact you for ages,” Bones replies, “you sleep like a rock.”
“What?” Jim is suddenly jumping off the bed, grabbing a shirt from the floor and pulling it on. He tumbles to the door, not even bothering to grab shoes, hoping and praying he doesn’t step on anything sharp.
He almost runs into a wall on his way there, screeching around the corner, skipping the elevator to the bridge in favour of dashing up the stairs. 
When he gets to the top, panting and red in the face, all eyes land on him, clad in a wine-stained t-shirt and a pair of boxers. 
“What’s going on?” Jim asks, out of breath, eyes flicking between Spock and Sulu.
“Nothing, Captain,” Spock reassures, tilting his head to the side, “I believe you are meant to be on rest from yesterday’s planetary visit.”
“I was, Mr. Spock,” Jim agrees, his face still red, but this time for other reasons. “I had been informed by Dr. McCoy that the bridge had been trying to contact me.”
“That is incorrect, Captain. I believe that Dr. McCoy may have been attempting to engage in what you humans would call a ‘prank’.”
“Damn right, Spock,” Bones exclaims from behind Jim, causing the blond to turn around with a jump.
“I’m going to kill you,” Jim says, glaring daggers through Bones, “I’m actually going to kill you, today will be the actual day of your death, Bones.”
“Actually no, Jim,” Bones says with a smirk, “today is the actual day of your physical.”
“Oh my fucking god,” Jim grunts “you did not wake me up on my morning off to give me a physical.”
“Thing is, kid," Bones pauses for dramatic effect, "I did.” Jim wishes he could wipe the smirk clean off of Bones’ face, wishes he could rewind time to being asleep in his quarters, and Bones just keeps talking and talking. “You were on some mysterious planet yesterday. You gotta get a checkup.”
Jim rolls his eyes, but makes a move to obediently follow Bones, a first for the stubborn captain. 
“Nice boxers!” Uhura shouts as the elevator door closes, leaving Jim and Bones alone inside.
“I’m going to kill you,” Jim grits, looking straight ahead.
“Oh c’mon, Jimmy boy, it was just a prank,” Bones reasons, poking Jim in the ribs.
Jim jumps away with a shriek, somehow looking even angrier when he recovers. “You’re done for.”
“Whatever you say, Jim, whatever you say,” Bones brushes off.
Jim continues to follow Bones obediently throughout the hallways, and, in hindsight, this should’ve been the first sign to Bones that he might actually be in trouble. 
Jim enters the medbay without a single quip or comment, obediently sitting in the chair next to Bones’ desk. Bones turns around to shut the door behind them, and when he turns back, Jim is right there, looming in front of him.
“One of us is getting a physical today, Bones, and it’s not me,” Jim says, a menacing grin starting to form on his face.
“Jim, it’s perfectly reasonable for me to give you a physical after you nearly got stranded on some strange planet,” Bones attempts to reason, backing up, his back hitting the wall.
“Oh yeah, Bones?” Jim asks, getting closer, “was it perfectly reasonable to wake me up on my morning off? To make me enter the bridge in my pajamas?”
“Well, I- wahahait, Jihihihihim!” Bones squeals when Jim goes directly for his hips, the door supporting his body weight as he tries to grab for Jim’s hands. “STAHAP!”
“I don’t think so, Bones,” Jim says calmly, “play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”
“Stuhuhuhpid gahahames? I’d sahahay hilahahrious!” Bones giggles, squirming and wiggling in an attempt to escape the space Jim has trapped him in.
“Hilarious? You want hilarious?”
Jim’s fingers speed down to Bones’ knees, squeezing over both of them at the same time, and Bones goes boneless, collapsing to the ground with Jim looming over to of him.
“JIHIHIM!” Bones screeches, kicking his legs, “STAHAP IHIHIT YOU BRAHAHAT!”
“Now I’m just confused, Bones. You wanted hilarious and you seem pretty hysterical to me right now, shouldn’t you be glad?”
Jim very rarely tickled Bones, he never had the energy to turn the tables during a session, and he turned to jello after one, so he never could get revenge on Bones. Bones had no idea that Jim was so good at teasing, and it made his nerves feel all the more sensitive, his face turning bright red the more Jim spoke.
Jim moved his hands up to Bones’ ribs, relishing in the way the doctor snorted and flailed, before deciding to deliver the worst of the tickles. One hand went back down to Bones’ knees, while the other shot up to his armpit, and Bones absolutely howled.
“JIHIM! FUHUHUCKIN STAHAHAP!” Bones shrieked, arching his back and desperately flailing. 
“Say you’re sorry,” Jim says, reprimanding Bones like an adult would a child. Just the way Jim says it makes him want to say no, makes him want to stick out his tongue in mockery. 
Instead, Bones finds himself quickly buckling, unable to handle the sensations. “I’M SOHORRY! IHIHIM SOHOHORRY! JIHIHIM!”
Jim slows to a stop, laughing as Bones desperately tries to catch his breath, panting against the door. 
“You- you’re a menace, kid,” Bones pants.
“Me?” Jim asks indignantly, “you’re the one that decided to wake me up on my morning off!”
Bones barks out a laugh, “okay, you got me on that one.”
Jim rolls his eyes, standing up and dusting himself off. Once Bones has caught his breath, he joins Jim, leaning against the door for stability.
“So,” Bones starts, and Jim raises an eyebrow, “physical?”
Jim just groans, hopping on to the examination table in front of them, already knowing he’d have to taste some of Bones’ revenge.
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canyouhearthelight · 2 years
The Miys, Ch. 230
So, I have been reliably informed by @mike-ks-66502-blog that “The Miys” has broken containment: they found my story through FB!??? What the... for realsies? (Also, will respond to your ask soon, just kind of processing that information)
Thankfully it was a screenshot someone shared with Noah hilariously mis-translating Terran slang.
Highly distinguished new readers this week also include @111angel3, who not only took on the speedrun of the story, but commented on doggone near every single chapter; along with @krashingallalong, who last I checked was on chapter 216 and still going. Yes, Krash, I do read my comments ;) I’ll get that link fixed.
New readers this week are: @niavirrivain, @miniaturehumanman, @janelss, @earth-man-head, @barn-in-the-desert. Hey y’all!
Thanks, as always, go to @baelpenrose for beta reading and helping me get through the sticky spots.  Additional extra special thanks to whichever mad people are recommending my story out there. Y’all are awesome, I seriously hope you know that.
The mood on Level One was tense for what felt like a severely unsustainable length.  Everyone had fallen back on short answers to avoid interruption, and any mundane question only rated a curt nod at best. My shoulders hurt, I couldn’t sleep, and I was reasonably certain that Noah was sneaking a disgusting amount of stimulants into Tyche’s water, given how long she had been standing.  I even caught myself, while confirming Parvati’s dispatches and food requests, grousing mentally about the rules of movies and the need for something to break at some point.
Given the current environment, I was pretty sure it would be my teeth before anything else.
Thirty plus hours of clenching my teeth ended up being the only thing to prevent me from spitting out something when an irritatingly soothing chime came over the comms. “All Ark personnel, this is Odvub in secure communication. Please be aware that the Eko-mari fleet have found a decisive way to locate the pirate fleet.  Ix’al, Brol, and all ship captains have been advised and are preparing for evasive maneuvers. The Ark is expected to sustain cosmetic fire. Please respond as though it is damaging. Sensor logs will confirm.”
Those who had not been present in the Council chamber when Odvub had been revealed - thankfully limited to three adjuncts - fell to the deck in confusion.  Evan and Maverick immediately sprang from their seats and started shaking out their limbs, while Tyche tapped on Arthur’s shoulder without a word.
After an exchange of nodding and shaking heads, Arthur heaved a sigh and took her position. “Strategist Arthur Farro taking over for Navigator Tyche Reid.”
“I can’t be distracted,” she called out before chugging an odd looking sludge that Maverick handed her. “I navigate, Arthur updates.”
Anxiety clenched my stomach as I dashed over to her. “When is the last time you slept? Are you on top of your game?”
She nodded before swallowing the last of the… whatever. “I don’t know what Noah is putting in this, but Antoine mentioned something about a lactic acid counteragent, hyper oxygenated something, and some other things that sounded very anti-fatigue rather than pro-energy.”
“Is this safe?!” I demanded, as quietly as possible.
Noah sent a targeted response to us. “It is safe up to ninety-eight Terran hours, at which point Tyche will need half that duration in full sleep.”
“Translation - “ she started.
“If you need it beyond the safe point, we’re either dead or you’ve crashed,” I interrupted. “Don’t correct me, I don’t want to hear any other possibility. We have other people who can navigate.”
Tyche rocked her head side to side. “With any luck we won’t - “
The entire ship rocked to one side, throwing us both painfully against a table and cutting off whatever she was going to say. Maverick and Evan were the first to move, clawing against the near-vertical plane to get back to their stations.
Noah’s voice buzzed angrily over the comms. “Eko-mari fleet! We have stayed course as requested, despite debris! Advise!”
“Eko-mari Command to Hujylsogox vessel Yjq. Stay your course. Unexpected debris struck your vessel, and we are taking guard to avoid any future collisions.”
Odvub’s soft chime followed. “That was a warning shot from the pirate fleet. The Eko-mari sustain a falsehood.”
Even though I hadn’t thought it possible, the mood on Level One sombered even further. Maverick and Evan strapped into their seats before the Ark was even close to leveled out, while Arthur simply crawled beneath the closest table, bracing himself between the seats with his legs and back. Tyche yanked off her boots and managed to get to the piloting position just long enough to peel off her leggings and use them to tie herself physically to Mav and Evan’s seats.
Everyone else followed their lead, bracing or securing ourselves to the nearest object protruding from the deck.
After what felt like the longest ninety seconds of my life, Maverick shouted. “Conor! I need you in the engine room now! I trust Noah with my entire existence, but for what we are about to do I need an engineer and some instinct.”
“Derek and Sam are secure, along with Nixe and Coffey,” came the response. “Teeth is in a suspension life-pod.”
“Life pod!?” Charly shouted before Maverick signalled her as patch in, letting her repeat her request.
Noah and Grey responded at the same time, before Noah stopped and allowed Grey to restart. “Suspension life-pods are reserved for high-priority survivors. Assuming either the pirates or Miys survives the conflict, Teeth will be safe.  If neither survive, they will be suspended indefinitely, until a being salvages and opens the pod.”
Groggy as it was, Nixe’s voice followed with enough to command to make it clear who was speaking. “I have already asked Ix’al, one Queen to another, that if our heir falls into enemy hands, death would be preferred.”
“What!?” Charly demanded.
“If the pod is recovered within sixty Terran hours, it will not open for any hands but Terran, Glux, Shalt-kri’i, or So’k’nor. Not even for Hujylsogox - Our apologies, Noah.”
“No offense taken, Nixe.”
“After sixty hours,” Nixe continued, “only Terran hands can open the pod.”
A brief pause of horrified silence, and Odvub clarified what we all wanted to ask but could not bring ourselves to. “If the Ark is destroyed, the pod will be fired in the direction of the anticipated colony on Von. If there are no Terran survivors, only the pirate fleet or their allies can open the pod and account to Teeth what has happened.  Lacking that, the pod will either drift into a star or need to be taken to Earth to be opened.”
Xiomara started to object. “I - “
“Seal it,” Charly cut off wetly. “Seal the pod, along with any others. Nixe, if Coffey is not willing to go with Teeth, and if you aren’t, ask Jordan to. Everyone else is here.”
“Charly - “
“No, Xiomara.” Charly hiccuped, took a deep breath, and kept going. “I don’t care who on this vessel was a child soldier. Teeth is not. And we are better than that. Teeth, the genetic data, the Archive, all of it - I motion they follow the path Nixe outlined.”
With a tone of despair, Xiomara called the vote.
It was unanimous.
We didn’t even have time to grieve before Odvub chimed through. “Incoming shot from pirate vessel, targeting starboard.”
All we could do was brace before the impact rocked the ship sideways again. “Damage report!” Huynh demanded.
Arthur’s hands flew under the table across from mine. “Damage limited to Level Twelve, BioLab Two.”
“Sterile silicate and water,” Maverick shouted. “All available on Von, great shot. Conor! Where are you!”
Panting filled the comms. “I would be there faster if you could drive better, love.”
“You aren’t dead yet,” Mav bitched back. “Confirm when you reach the engines, I’ll patch Huynh and Charly through.”
“Don’t patch me through,” Huynh responded. “I’m not a rocket scientist.”
“Boss, we need to confirm the ship can take whatever he’s trying to do,” Conor panted. “At the door, entering now.”
In the corner of my eye, I saw Charly throw an invisible ball angrily at her mentor. “Ship schematics and stress points. Pull it up, watch for hot spots.”
Huynh glanced at Xiomara, who was ostensibly in charge since this was combat.
She surged forward from the waist, like she was trying to bite something. “You heard the woman! Pull it up, watch for hot spots.”
Huynh appeared mollified, spreading his hands to open the map.
“Xale!” Maverick shouted. “I need you to hit the fore of the Ark. Target to glance the bow, no confirmation needed. All hands, brace for impact!”
Yet again, someone seemed to ask Xiomara’s approval, even though I couldn’t see who. “Fucking hell, you heard the man, just do it! Stop asking for confirmation!”
The Ark surged in yet another direction, this time shoving my hip against the strut of a seat. Bruised is alive, I reminded myself as I tested my joints. Everything hurt, nothing broken.
As soon as that assessment registered, I was thrust to the opposite side, earning a matching bruise.
“Hujylsogox vessel Yjq!” screamed over the comms. “What are you doing!?”
“Weapons fire struck the fore of the Ark,” Noah responded. “Accelerating to leave plane of combat, per protocol.”
“Cease acceleration. No enemy fire has been detected!”
I didn’t even need Odvub to confirm that the Eko-mari were lying out of whatever they had that functioned as an ass.
“Regardless, protocol establishes to leave debris field or accelerate beyond plane of combat,” Noah insisted.
“You will cease acceleration at once!”
Noah didn’t respond, but Maverick did, without hesitation.
“Nope, not happening. Conor, tell me if she red lines.”
“Will do.”
“Noah! If I accelerate and dodge using only maneuvering thrusters, can you alert me to the last moment that the Ark can reach Von and decelerate using planetary gravity?”
“You will need to modify trajectory.”
“That’s a yes, I love it,” Maverick huffed. “All hands! This is your pilot speaking, brace for evasive maneuvers in any direction. That means ‘strap yourself down as best you can, or get the shit beat out of you’.  Shipwide gravity spin will be stood down over the next… thirty minutes. You will get dizzy, light headed, and congested. Anyone with heart conditions, please see your nearest med bay as carefully as possible to be put into suspension.”
Xiomara cut in on the end of Maverick’s communication. “And don’t even fucking bother asking me or Grey for confirmation. You heard him, do it, we’re busy. If we don’t think it’s enough, we’ll let you know.”
“Agreed,” Grey ground out, eyes screwed tight and limbs tense to brace for sudden motion. “And if you are prone to regurgitation under extreme motion, please put on a bivouac suit. It will capture and filter, the rest of us thank you.”
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loverbot-9000 · 1 year
There’s a ton of frogs in their cave hideout… Not that they’re complaining. This is great.
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dangraccoon · 2 years
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Oyuba’din - Chapter 7: Apparatus
Original Character & The Bad Batch
Summary: Jaine does battle on her home planet.
Warnings: war, fighting, cursing (as in language), cursing (as in magic), tragedy, genocide (caused by meteors), major injury, death
Author’s Note: ah hello! Get ready for some *matpat voice* LOOOORRRREEEEE. I really hope this isn’t where I lose people if anyone is still reading this anyway 😅 I will say while our favorite clones aren’t in this chapter, we’ll see them again soon enough! Please let me know what you guys think! I’m so freaking nervous about this
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Jaine’s heart was hammering in her chest. Another bomb landed nearby. Two, three clicks? She wasn’t sure. She counted the seconds while she breathed deeply, just like Dad taught her. In 4, Hold 4, Out 4, Hold 4.
“You can do this,” she whispered to herself. “You can do this.”
“Crimson!” her Uncle shouted over the comms. “Go time, kid!”
Taking one more deep breath, she jumped up from her cover, shouting as power surged down her arms, pooling in her hands as a blood red light.
She forced her arms forwards towards the encroaching enemy. The energy flowed from her, spiraling out and bursting through the ranks. She couldn’t hear the screams of the opposing army over the pure energy of her powers. She thanked the stars for that every day.
Raising one hand, she used her power to lift an enemy tank. She jerked her hand to the side and the tank flew in the same direction, crashing into another platoon, exploding on impact.
Her newly free arm flopped to her side, and she groaned as she strained to pick it back up.
“What the hell?” Regon screamed over the comms. “What did you do?!”
The energy cutting through the forces faltered a little. “She threw that karking tank against the meteor shield generator!”
“No!” she gasped. The sanguine electricity coming from her tapered off. “No, no, no!”
“Crimson,” another voice called. “Get that shit flowin’ again, now!”
She shook her already trembling hands, hoping to generate that terrible energy once more. She thrust her arms out, but the power shorted like a broken fuse.
Jaine could feel the tears streaming down her face. “I- I’m s-s-sorry, Unc-cle R-Regon,” she stammered. “I c-can’t.”
There was an explosion behind her and she heard a familiar voice yell at her to get down. As she did as she was told, she saw his strikes of blue lightning raining down on the enemy and heard the sound of his laughter. Kuna, she thought.
Her hands were betraying her, refusing to generate the red power. She can do this. What is wrong with me?
Suddenly, the never-ending noise of war died down around her. Cautiously, she popped her head out from behind cover to see a giant wave of purple energy crashing over the enemy lines.
Suddenly everything was quiet.
She stood fully, looking around the desolate scene; those on her side standing from their cover as well, the piles of blood, bodies, and rubble littering what used to be the capital.
She saw Uncle Regon standing atop a mountain of ruins, violet energy just starting to ebb back into his skin.
That’s when Verse and Dash arrived. They used their orange and yellow energy to clear debris, frantically searching for survivors.
Jaine watched as they dug out the too-still bodies of Eelynn and Lera, and followed Kuna and Uncle Regon to stand with them, the council reunited.
Her heart ached as she saw Lera, who was left as the oldest Chromai after Jaine’s predecessor died. Lera seemed to beckon to her. Without thinking, she moved quickly to the elderly woman’s side.
“Jainera Vale,” she rasped. “I had such high hopes for you.”
“Mistress Rastee,” Jaine sobbed. “Just hang on, you’ll be okay.”
“No, we all know I won’t,” replied Lera. Jaine watched, unmoving as the elder woman removed a small vibroblade from her waist, and was vaguely aware of commotion in the background. Right now, it seemed like everything else was false, a dream or hallucination, except for this moment between Jaine and the Rosate Chromai.
“You know,” Lera whispered, eyes on her blade, observing it with a reverence Jaine had never seen. “Eelynn there helped deliver you. You were such a tiny thing. Had that cord wrapped around your arm, weren’t breathing right. She helped you, healed you, and brought you safely into this world. She was my best friend.”
“Mistress Rastee,” Jaine whimpered.
“You are the reason she’s dead. You’re the reason I’m dying. But worst of all, you’re the reason these streets are coated with innocent blood the same color as your power.” Lera’s hand trembled a little as she spoke, the knife in one hand, the other reaching out for Jaine’s. Under what felt like a trance, she willingly gave her hand to the woman, who slowly drew the blade across her own hand and then Jaine’s. “You, Jainera Vale, are the reason Qoljak falls. You shall wander this galaxy with the burden of being the last of your kind. You shall not die until you have atoned for your family’s sins, yet you shall experience the full strength of any injury you incur and feel the loss of something you treasure. I, Lera Rastee, the Rosate Chromai, lay this curse upon your name. Never shall you rest until it is broken.”
With the end of her haunted words, she pressed her bloody palm into Jaine’s.
She couldn’t breathe. Lera’s palm was searing white hot pain into hers. She couldn’t breath, she couldn’t move. Stars, she couldn’t breathe.
Her head was pounding. Everything was dark and sounded muffled, save for the ringing in her ears.
“Ja- -n yo- -ea- m-?”
“-ome on, Jaine, snap out of it!”
Jaine’s eyes burst open and she felt the familiar sparks of her crimson powers at her fingertips.
She was panting and disoriented, but she recognized the man crouched before her. “Kuna, what’s g-”
“There’s no time, come on!” Kuna shouted, dragging her to her feet. “We have to go!”
He dragged her onto the ramp of a waiting ship. She didn’t recognize it. “Regon, we’re in!”
The ramp started to close as Kuna brought her further into the ship. They ascended sharply, heading for the atmosphere.
“Hang on, kids, this might get bumpy,” Regon warned from the cockpit. “Kilis, get her strapped in and get your ass up here.”
Kuna did as instructed, planting a soft kiss on Jaine’s forehead. “Sit tight, baby, we’re getting you out of here.”
The ship swerved violently. Dodging what Jaine now realized to be a meteor shower. Her heart sank into her gut. She had accidentally taken out the shield generator for this quadrant.
“See, the other generators are fed kinetic energy from the force of meteors hitting the other shields. So- hand me that spanner- not that one the other one- so, one goes out, the others don’t get adequate power. That’s why I’ve got to come fix them as soon as they break,” Mama explained, tinkering away at the broken down generator.
“But Mama can’t I fix it? You said I’ve got power,” Jaine smiled, her young face missing a few teeth.
“It’s not quite the same kind of power,” Mama said. “You have your own unique power. It’s special.”
“Oh,” Jaine hummed. “What can I do with it?”
“Whatever you put your mind to, my little tooka,” Mama smiled warmly.
“We have to go back!” Jaine shouted.
“We can’t go back,” Uncle Regon shouted.
“But the shield generator- the one I broke! If it’s not working none of the others will!”
“That’s not our problem anymore,” Kuna said.
“But people are going to get hurt! We can’t just le-”
“And who’s fault is that?” Regon roared.
Jaine fell silent, tears streaming down her face, the ship rocking violently.
Kuna swore. “That last one knocked out the shields.”
“Get up to the front gunner and see if you can clear a path,” Regon growled.
Kuna ran past Jaine, practically flying up the ladder to the gunner’s nest.
Jaine heard the sound of blasterfire and exploding meteors. She could feel her breath becoming ragged. She looked towards the cockpit. They hadn’t even broken out of the atmosphere. Suddenly, it seemed like every alarm this ship had was going off at once, the blaring sending her breathing into near hyperventilation.
The last thing she saw was a blinding white light. The last thing she heard was the screams of her Uncle and Kuna. That’s when everything went dark once more.
Every fiber of Jaine’s body felt like it was on fire. She tried to open her eyes, to look around, pull herself up, but nothing happened. She tried to scream but she couldn’t hear if she had over the sharp ringing in her ears and the heavy thrum of her heart pounding against her chest.
Her breathing became erratic and she succumbed to the darkness once more.
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Thanks for reading! - Dang
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Tags: @writing-positivelyexisting @nekotaetae @lokigirlszendaya @get-wr3ckered @flowered-bicycles
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shmoo92 · 1 year
Kokomi locks the hatch of the courrier pod and sends it off with a wave. Handhold of the parcel firmly in hand, she pushes out of the docking bay. She propels herself through the few corridors of her home, the deep space frontier outpost Time and Wind, until she reaches the copula she’s claimed as her main room.
A hundred trillion stars greet her as she enters. Once upon a time she’d hung valences—soft pinks, shimmering purples, dusty blues—around the perimeter of the window, but it took away from the starscape so instead, they cover the walls like geometric splotches of paint. She’d bolted her pillow topper and sleeping bag to the wall facing the window and there it remains but she ignores it for now, instead twisting herself around so she bonks gently against the window. There, surrounded by her beloved friends—a toy goldfish with a sparkly tail, four dolls (one in white with blonde hair, another in purple with dark hair, and the third in blue with red hair, and a fourth with green hair and a mask), a pink fox, a plush tengu, and a squishy box with cat ears—she boots up her comm and places a call.
The line connects almost immediately, as if the recipient had a tracking number for her newly delivered parcel.
“Good morning, Commander,” greets Kaeya.
“Good morning, Captain.” Kokomi peels the tape off the box. “I received a courrier with this morning’s post.”
“Oh? Anything of note?”
Kokomi pops thé lid—
A cheerful narwhal smiles up at her.
“You sent me your boyfriend’s merch?”
“I sent you *our* boyfriend’s limited edition merch.”
Kokomi pulls out the packing paper—
Kaeya croons, “Theres thé good smile.”
Kokomi huffs as she lifts her new friend from their cradle—Almost immediately, Ayakat throws herself at the box.
Kokomi looks her new friend over: fabric, of course, put together with patches in a variety of sizes. Mostly blues other than the side of their head: instead, a handful of overlapping reds and oranges. A goofy smile, button eyes, a soft, stubby horn, blanket stitching throughout, and—
She smiles, feeling like she herself is full of warm stuffing.
—under their fin, an off palette blue/grey patch and a violet.
“And there’s the /best smile.”
Kokomi hugs them close and presses her face to theirs. “They’re /perfect.”
Kaeya’s is a breathless sort of laugh. “I am /very glad to hear it.”
Kokomi drags her face up from the plush and tucks them under her chin. “Any word on when Her Majesty’s Vanguard’s shipping out?”
“A couple weeks, last I heard.” Kaeya’s grin takes on a mischievous glint. “They may even be charting a deep space course.”
Kokomi pouts. “Then why didn’t Tartaglia deliver his merch himself?”
“And leave me without such an easy gift idea? Perish the thought! Besides, maybe his personal item allowance had no room for his own merch.”
Kokomi smiles into the plush. “What stories are thé gossips milling?”
“Well, Tartaglia and the Traveller looked at each other for a whole half second yesterday so the net is on /fire about them.”
“It’s incredible that no one’s found us out.”
“It helps that one of us is a dashing starship captain in a different sector and the other is a beautiful princess on sabbatical at a deep space observatory.” Kaeya leans back. “We are, shall I say, not active in the same news reels. Or—“ His eye twinkles. “—any news reels, for some of us.”
“On the subject of news reels, what’ve you been up to? You seem like you’ve been busy.”
“I don’t look that tired, do I?”
Kokomi hums non committally.
“I’ll have you know I was in the middle of getting ready for bed when you called.”
“Don’t stop on my account!”
Kaeya chuckles but adjusts the comm and then leaves the frame. Kokomi can still see him in the washroom mirror though. “I haven’t been up to anything too exciting. A few dramatic fights against pirates in well-covered sectors—“
Kokomi watches his deft fingers loosen the laces of his corset. “But mostly just toodling around Mondstadt’s systems. Heh, I’ve also taken to parking /Pavo juuuuuust inside scanner range of some rando Fatui ships, maxing out the shields, running a power cycle on the weapons system, and just—“ He shimmies free, and as he puts it away, “—sitting there for a little bit.” He leans into the frame, eye glinting mischievously. “I hope I’m making them squirm as much as I imagine I am.”
“Has Tartaglia promised comeuppance yet?”
“Not that I’ve heard!” He pulls off his shirt. “Which means nothing. I expect he has quite the punishment for me whenever we meet next.”
Kokomi drinks in the lines of his back: from his toned shoulders to his trim waist, along the path of his spine. As she traces the angles of the scar that stretches from shoulder to hip, she asks, “Hands over head?”
Kaeya steps back into sight (blocking her view of the mirror), raising—he yanks his arms down to his sides. “Oh no you don’t!”
Kokomi huffs, then, “How is it that in all the galaxy I’m somehow dating /two people who can’t lift both arms straight up at the same time.”
As he unfastens his trousers, he replies (with a grin), “You sure know how to pick them, princess.” He tosses his trousers into the hamper. “At least I have a janky prosthetic. What’s Tartaglia’s excuse? A birth defect?” He scoffs—Kokomi giggles—and returns to his closet. “Besides, since when is anything about me straight?”
“What about you? How’s the sky doing?”
“You’re a starship captain, Kaeya.” She clicks her comm into place and hugs her narwhal close … while also attempting to get Ayakat into a leg hold so she’ll stop nipping at Kokomi’s socks.
“Sure,” Kaeya replies, likewise putting himself to bed. “But they’re not your stars.”
As he locks his comm into the dock by his pillow, he also /casually shows off that he too has a new narwhal plush. He knows exactly what he’s doing, smiling smugly at the delight in her eyes.
Kokomi squashes the impulse to /cut, to hide that vulnerability; she lets it stay and even /flourish, telling Kaeya all about the Carmen Dei binary star as he drifts to sleep.
(When Ayakat wiggles from her sleeping bag and takes off to freedom by leaping from Kokomi’s face, Kokomi manages to only squeak softly.)
Kaeya’s breathing slowly and softly by the time she’s run out of fun facts and figures (but only on the subject of Carmen and Dei).
She sets her comm to retroactively record the call and then just.
watches him sleep.
watches him breathe.
watches him be /alive.
just for a little bit.
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painful-pooch · 2 years
For the five sentence fic - “Hey, don’t worry, you’re going to be okay.”
I gotchu fam. Sorry for the wait haha. It's the weekend and I am gonna grind these puppies out finally! Whoa, at the end of this, I realized that I could make this a whumptober thing... cool! @whumptober Day 22: alt: Carried to Safety
Tagging @writer-of-worlds, @thethistlegirl, Blue (you asked the question), and @actress4him
CW: War, military whump, lady whump, emotional whump, running through a battle field, explosions, panic attack, and gun shot wound
Location: Unknown Date: Classified
Kieran gazes through his scope, picking off each enemy without a second thought, watching them fall as his sniper rifle precisely launches bullet after bullet. After a few shots, he rolls on the dirt and sand, quickly getting up to sprint to a new point where it would take his enemy longer to locate him and attack him.
He can see the hellish battle happening below, the sounds of explosions taking longer to get to him. He uses his scope to look for his freinds and teammates, checking off in his mind that they are safe from harm's way. That's the job of a sniper; watching the world from afar and making decisions before the battle moves forward in order to keep his friends safe.
The sun is beating down on him and he wipes at his brow with the neck garter, huffing out a, "This is hotter than a dog's ass in the summer."
"Welcome to the desert, Strider. It's always hot," Miranda laughs into her mic, being joined by the rest of the crew.
"You have no right to complain as we are doing all the running and shit, fucker," Valdemar growls, looking around a corner and the crackle of gunfire takes over his comms.
"You are all complaining over a little heat wave," Bruno's voice breaks through the sound of battle. "I would be asking Patches to see how she's doing since she carries a shit ton of med gear."
"Yo Patcheeeeeees! Are you hot down there, because my plane is cool as fuck," Lukas laughs, "Icarus is probably steaming in their helicopter. Confirm?"
"Yeah, it's hot in here, but the heli is on idle. Bishop is probably off playing chess back at HQ," Sebastian mutters with a laugh.
"Correct. Playing King's Gambit. Target is located in building sector 23 Alpha, fourth floor," Oscar calls out, typing at what Kieran can hear is the speed of sound.
"Patches?" Kieran asks out for an answer, his worry rising. "You good?" He tries to look for her and curses to himself as he can't seem to find her.
"Sorry. Kind of in a pickle. Send help?" Khrystyna asks, the faint tell of screaming in the background. "Reloading and I am out of ammo. Going to switch to secondary. Getting over- AGHHH!"
Kieran breaks every rule a sniper has, jumping up from his hiding spot and sprinting over to his emergency rappel gear, clipping himself in and doing a trick he learned while in the SEALS, rappelling face down and flipping at the last second to land feet first. He rips away from the rope and dashes towards the city, unclipping his assault weapon from his back and heading into the fray.
There's dust and debris everywhere, threatening to coat the inside of his mouth and throat, but with a quick adjustment, his garter is over his mouth and nose, his sunglasses falling over his eyes to keep the excess light from blinding him. He doesn't care about the sounds of grenades blowing up around him, the crashing and tumbling of buildings after air strikes, and the screaming of both his adversaries and his teammates.
"Patches?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" He screams at the top of his lungs, panic beginning to consume him. He can't lose his best friend. He doesn't care about military bearing or the stone cold demeanors they are supposed to have. He refuses to lose her. Not after everything they had been through. He's her teammate, and she earned her place in the team just like all the others had.
Kieran can catch the faint coughing over the comms. "Lobby. Hotel... Bleeding out..." That's all he needs, looking for the rubble and remaining buildings that resembled a hotel. Before he knows it, he's sliding beside a bleeding Khrystyna, her vest, shirt, and jacket soaking. He has his pistol at the ready in case he needed it, but his other hand was at her cheek. "Hey, Patches... I'm sorry it took me a few minutes. The others are sweeping the main target's building and Boomer should be here soon to help us out."
"Is it bad?"
Kieran sees the wound and his vision tunnels, seeing the dark crimson blotch. No. He can't lose her. He removes a few bandages from his emergency pouch, pressing them into her wound and wincing when she screams. "H-Hey, don't worry, you're going to be okay."
Khrystyna has tears in her eyes and she leans her head back against some debris. "I love being here. I want to stay on th-the team," she coughs before sobbing.
"You are going to stay. Look at me, Pa- Khrystyna."
"You just said my name... that's not a good sign." She smiles up at him in a faint joking manner, pain etched in her face.
"Fuck this.. I am carrying you to the helicopter. You are not going to die on me, Khrystyna!" Kieran switches to the main comm. "Icarus, get a med evac ready on my coordinates, now." He lifts Khrystyna in his arms in bridal style, not caring about the blood on his own gear, and he marches out of the building, using his pistol only when he needs to.
He's going to make sure she's safe. Fuck the Sniper's Code. Khrystyna is more important than that.
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ghostofskywalker · 2 years
Hi! I have a request, but if you’re already swamped, it’s no biggy if you can’t get to this. I know there are certain characters you write more for, but I would love a fic where hondo, ventress, and obi-wan are all together. Maybe they are trapped together. Maybe they all happen to be at a cantina or bar or something. It can be set whenever and wherever you want, I just want to see this trio get into some crackhead nonsense!
and thank you for your writing! I feel blessed whenever it shows up on my dash!
hi!! this was such a fun idea, thank you!!
words: 1,226
summary: While on a solo mission for the Jedi, Obi-Wan ends up in a cell with two annoying acquaintances.
ao3 link
Mission Status: Trapped
When Obi-Wan Kenobi came to, he was in a dark and dingy room, and the smell of cheap liquor (mixed with something that he suspected might be vomit) was assaulting his nostrils. He took a look around as he pulled himself off the floor, eyes widening as he noticed the other person who was in the space with him.
His hand flew downwards, but his lightsaber was gone. One look down at his wrist revealed that his comm device was still present, but this place had to have jammers of some kind, so he knew it was likely useless. Right as he opened his mouth, a voice filled the room. “You got captured too, huh? I really thought better of you, Kenobi.”
“Have you?” he asked. “Because I can’t say the same thing about you Ventress.”
“Really? I thought you’d want my help.”
“In what galaxy do you think I’d trust you? Besides, it seems that you have found yourself in the same predicament, you’re no superior than I am. Especially when neither of us have our lightsabers.”
“Was that a hint of humility that I detected? Shame it came wrapped in that insult.”
“What are you even doing here?” he asked, raising his eyebrows at the woman sitting on the small bench in the room. It was very clearly a cell of some kind that they were trapped in, and while Obi-Wan had some suspicions about the truth, he wanted to hear it from the witch’s mouth herself. “I didn’t know Dooku still had use for his disgraced assassin.”
“I went out on my own and you know that,” Ventress responded, an expression of seething hatred on her face. “I don’t work for anyone but myself, as nothing but a nomad trying to make her way among all those who the galaxy has cast aside.”
“I take it you were captured by yourself then, probably on some kind of bounty hunting job,” he responded, looking her up and down. “After all, it is your only discernible skill.”
“Rich, coming from someone like you,” she said. “What are you even doing on this side of galaxy anyway? On some special mission for the Jedi?”
“No, I was just taking some vacation time,” he responded sarcastically, not wanting to tell her about the sensitive details of his mission. “I can see that we’ve both somehow angered the same man. I know why I’m here, but there’s still one piece of this that confuses me.” But before Ventress could speak again, the door on the far end of the cell opened, and someone else was shoved inside. The two of them took one look at the newcomer, who stared directly back at them, and Obi-Wan was the first to break the silence. “Make that two pieces of this that confuse me.”
“Kenobi!” the newcomer said brightly, far too chipper for the current situation. “Funny to see you after all this time.”
“I wouldn’t exactly call this funny, Hondo,” Obi-Wan responded. “What are you doing here?”
“You know him?” Ventress’ voice was not without reproach as she took one look at the Weequay, who had thrown his hands out as he recognized Obi-Wan.
Hondo’s grin disappeared. “That’s cruel Kenobi. I thought we were better friends than that.”
“You still haven’t answered my question you know, what are you doing here?”
With a shrug, Hondo looked back and forth between Obi-Wan and Ventress. “Same thing as you I’m guessing.”
“And that would be?”
“Captured, of course.”
“Why were you captured?”
“As it turns out, the gentleman who inhabits this large house doesn’t take too kindly to the idea of piracy.”
Obi-Wan huffed. “Well, that’s one thing I can agree with him on.”
I don’t know why either of you are here, but I won’t be staying for very long.”
“Oh really?” Ventress once again cut into the conversation. “And how exactly do you plan to get out?”
Hondo was silent, and Obi-Wan knew that meant he had no plan whatsoever. “As much as this pains me to say, I think we may have to work together if we want to get out of here.”
“I didn’t know you were so sentimental,” Ventress said. “Though it does show the persistent optimism of the Jedi, thinking that I’d ever help you.”
“Fine,” Obi-Wan said, turning his attention to the door that Hondo was brought in from. “I’ll do it myself then.”
There was a small peephole built into the wood, and Obi-Wan could see one guard standing outside, his back to them in the room. There were a set of keys on his belt, and suddenly he was struck with an idea. After using the Force to cause a small disturbance in the next room, he used it to keep the guard’s keys back as the man left to investigate, and then getting the door open was easy.
His two acquaintances (if that’s what they could even be called) were at this point arguing over something stupid, and neither of them noticed as Obi-Wan pulled open the door just enough to slip out. They did however, notice when the door closed once again, and he was no longer in the room.
“Have fun planning your own escape!” he called teasingly, and he could hear Ventress growl at his words.
“Open the door!”
“What was it that you said before? That I was a shameless optimist for believing we should work together?” Silence. “Oh come on, I just want to hear an apology.”
“And then you’ll open the door?”
“Well, you have about thirty seconds until the guard comes back, so I’d say better to hurry up.”
“Fine.” Another short bout of silence passed, and then he heard Ventress’ voice. “Sorry.”
“Good,” Obi-Wan said as he opened the door. “Let’s get out of here.”
It was a stroke of luck that they all were able to duck out of the room before the guard returned (even when Hondo held them up by staring at a shiny bauble on the wall), and soon the three unlikely companions were heading through the halls of a known separatist’s home, looking for a way out without being detected. He was grateful that this time he wasn’t chained to his two fellow prisoners, and he was grateful that this man put less thought into his prisoners than Hondo and his fellow pirates did.
They had to be quiet to avoid getting thrown back in that small room, but Obi-Wan tossed watchful glances over at his companions. He found his and Ventress’ lightsabers discarded on some table, and he looked the other way as Hondo nicked some priceless heirloom from the study (if he wasn’t a Jedi, he might have done the same as payment for his troubles).
After three silent staring matches, two close calls with house security, and the passing by of one very cute tooka later, the three of them were stepping outside into the dark night air. They went their separate ways immediately, having no more use for their forced alliance, and he was fine with that. But just as they walked away from each other, Obi-Wan could have sworn he saw a glint of appreciation in the eyes of the former Sith Assassin, and he knew he would likely see one (or both) of them again soon.
Whether he wanted to or not. 
- the end -
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chibi-pix · 11 months
Chibi watches V3D 12
Another night of Voltron: The Third Dimension! Sorry for skipping last night, had an online get together to celebrate a friend's birthday and that was more important than Voltron. Anyway! Without further ado, here we go!
Listening and hearing the ethereal Alfor voice… does he have the same voice actor as Lotor? Does Tim Curry play him, too? Looking it up, I was right! There’s just something about Tim Curry’s voice that makes him easy to pinpoint at time, y’know?
WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA! WHAT THE QUIZNAK!?!?!!? Alfor was telling a tale of how he faced a great foe, this guardian spoke to him, and looking into the eyes of a dragon, he left it in chains. Okay, back in Dracotron, it was was said of ancient magic being used but… Unless there are more dragons left in chains in the universe, could it be probable that ancient stories were wrong and Alfor trapped that dragon mech!? I mean, something about it feels amazingly right.
And there goes Alfor’s memorial. Ouch. Dudes, I get you’re pirates, but seriously, have you any respect for the dead? Oh great, now Haggar’s here. And counting on the Alfor ghost. Now that’s a witch with no respect for the dead. “Just think of me as your friendly ghostbuster.” I love the reference. But Haggar? Friendly you are not. And now I’m worried because this episode is called “Dark Heart”. Initially I thought she’d corrupt the others, but… she’s striking Alfor. Oh boy… “Your father once stole my heart.” Wait… what?! Haggar, did you once have a thing for Alfor?
“You were so dashing when you were young, Alfor.” Oh yeah. She definitely had a thing for Alfor. That’s something I didn’t expect. Oh…. She’s gonna put Alfor in a robeast. Hoo boy. Though. Haggar having her own memorial for Alfor. Lady? You are hung up on this man.
Oh hey! The lion claw returns! It’s nice to see it appear again. Makes it a bit more important and not just a plot device for one episode.
“Now me? I always follow orders.” Lance’s sassy tone. I love it.
Oh snap! Young Haggar!? Holy crow! I mean… She looks so nice! OH SHIT! She ended up being with Zarkon?! OH SHIT! Does that mean it’s possible in this version she’s Lotor’s mother?! Is this where VLD got the idea of Haggar (Honerva) being with Zarkon!?!?!?! But. I’mma be honest. I kinda like how young Haggar looks in this show more than she did when shown in Fleet of Doom.
Have you ever been so corrupted and pissed that you took one lion and smacked them with another lion? Robeast-Alfor apparently has. And. There’s something actually funny about that.
Almost fifteen minutes in and I wonder if they’re gonna use the lion claw to help cleanse Alfor’s heart and get him out of that robeast.
Oh hey, guardian voice. History repeats itself. HAH! I love Allura just shutting off her comms to ignore Keith. Oh hey, love and a gemstone from Alfor’s monument helped. I was wrong about the lion claw.
Oh snap, Voltron can take off their wings to create a sort of boomerang. Wowza.
I almost felt sorry for Haggar but… her vendetta against Arus because of the past making her so bitter…. Oh well. Also, Allura in a dress. That’s new. I kinda wish they’d let us have the others in other outfits, too.
Watching this show, I will be honest. Some things are just… off. But some of the space aesthetics? Beautiful. I just love space backgrounds. And the purple in this episode? Right up my alley!
Anyway, that's all for the night. Until next time!
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