a2cg · 2 years
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出生率と私 ・ 朝日新聞の記事によると出生率を高めるのに有効なのは現金をばら撒くより保育所を整備したり女性の負担を減らすために男性の家事育児負担割合を増やすこととありました。 ・ 安心して働き子育てするにはお金だけでは無いサポートが必要ですよね。中国でも2人目の子を持つことを推奨し始めましたが実際にはあまり効果が出ていないみたいです。 ・ そんな中国でも2人の兄弟が生まれた家庭では兄が父親の姓を名乗り、弟が母親の姓を名乗るパターンが増えてきているようですね。 ・ 日本でも兄弟で苗字が違うと言えば新田真剣佑さんと眞栄田郷敦さんがよく話題に上がりますが松方弘樹さんと目黒祐樹さんもそうで本名の苗字は2人ともこちらでしたね。 ・ というわけで本日のランチは目黒にある #麺や維新 です。商談が終わって #らーめん でも食べようと同僚とやって来ました。 ・ 頼んだのは全部入りの #特醤油らぁ麺 です。5分ほどでやって来ました。具材がたっぷり盛り付けられて #麺 が全く見えません。 ・ まずは麺を頂きます。中細の麺は小麦の香りや旨さを感じられるチュルンとした食感です。スープは醤油と鶏そして出汁のバランスが良くて永遠に飲める感じです。 ・ プルンとした食感の #ワンタン も内側の肉の感じも含めていいですね。 #チャーシュー は豚肉は脂の旨味とのバランスがよく #鶏チャーシュー は柔らかくてまた旨い。 ・ #味玉 も濃厚で半熟な黄身がドロリと出てきます。これは全てのバランスが取れた美味しい #ラーメンですね。 ・ 同僚が頼んでいたランチセットの #豚飯 も美味しそうでしたが、これまでつけてしまうと我が国の出生率でなく自分の体脂肪率にだけ寄与してしまうので我慢です。 ・ #目黒ランチ #目黒グルメ #目黒らーめん #目黒ラーメン #麺スタグラム #とa2cg (麺や 維新) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoGGs16ydfm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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onedayonenoodle · 4 months
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CLUBの後はいつもの定番の味源ラーメン🍜 定番の味源ラーメンです❗️ ごちそうさまでした😋 #渋谷 #渋谷グルメ #朝帰り #club帰り #定番 #ラーメン #ramen #味源ラーメン #北海道ラーメン味源 #有名店 #繁盛店 #行列店 #ごちそうさまでした #また行きますね (北海道ラーメン 味源) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjd8WNRvlbY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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croquis-el · 26 days
Differences in localization and the original pt. 1
I am starting a series of posts with the goal of familiarizing players with some of the differences that localization creates for us in contrast to the original.
Some moments are radically different, misleading and causing controversy, while some do not change the essence of what is happening, but are still noticeably different
Disclaimer: these posts will be written solely for the purpose of familiarization; I do not force anyone to play the game in Japanese, because you are free to choose the version of the game that is comfortable for you. I just noticed some moments and want to share them with you.
The localization of Gyakuten Saiban (Ace Attorney) is essentially good, but there are some moments, IMHO, that I personally would not adapt or change in any way
One of the most serious changes, which, in my opinion, should not have been touched at all, is Mitsurugi's (Edgeworth) phobias.
As if case 1-4 never happened.
In the Japanese version, when examining the files in Mitsurugi's office, Naruhodō will be perplexed about the need for such high shelves - they could collapse during an earthquake.
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・・・・おかしいな。アイツ、 地震がニガテなはずだから……
Okashī na. Aitsu, jishin ga nigatena hazudakara……
...That's strange. He's supposed to be bad with earthquakes...
でもさ。地震が起こったら、 部屋中にファイルの雨が降るね。
demo sa. Jishin ga okottara, heya-chū ni fairu no amegafuru ne.
But if an earthquake happens, files will rain down all over the room.
In the localization (for some reason) at this point Mitsurugi was given a fear of heights. For what reason... I don't understand
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Next, another big difference is Naruhodo's food preferences
In the Japanese version, Tomi the clown offers him miso ramen (which is cooked in chicken broth and miso), which Naruhodo refuses and says that he prefers tonkotsu ramen (cooked in pork broth and boiled pork is added to it).
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ホラ。ホラ。 食う? みそラーメン。
hora. hora. Kuu? Miso rāmen.
Look. Look. Want some miso ramen?
あいにくぼくは とんこつ派なんです。
ainiku boku wa tonkotsu-hana ndesu.
Unfortunately, I prefer tonkotsu (ramen).
That is, Naruhodo literally says that he would prefer pork, not chicken.
What about the localization? It's the other way around.
The clown offers him a burger (the patties for which are usually made from beef and pork), but he says that he would rather choose a chicken sandwich.
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Vending machine in 1-3
I have no complaints about its contents (it is adapted), but here another preference of Naruhodo is lost
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“お茶”“みそ汁”“おしるこ” “くず湯”“おでん”・・・・
“ocha” “misoshiru” “o shiruko” “kuzu yu” “oden”
"Tea" "Miso soup" "Oshiruko" "Kudzu soup" "Oden" ...
ラインナップが 和風に統一されている。
rain'nappu ga wafū ni tōitsu sa rete iru.
The lineup is unified in Japanese style.
“ūron cha” sura nai zo.
There's not even "oolong tea."
In the Japanese version, reading the menu of the vending machine, Naruhodo annoyedly comments that "there is not even oolong tea". He literally names the tea he likes!
In the localization, he is disappointed that the food in the vending machine is too... ordinary, and he was expecting something that is not usually sold there (popcorn).
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Naruhodō University
Case 3-1 is very rich in information about the young Naruhodō, including the name of the university he attended
In the Japanese version, it is Yumei University (the same university where his ancestor Ryunosuke Naruhodō studied during the Meiji era - then it was called Yumei Imperial University), which creates an important reference to Dai Gyakuten Saiban (The Great Ace Attorney)
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私の依頼人。勇盟大学の 芸術学部3回生で、 カゼをひいている。
watashi no iraijin. Yūmei daigaku no geijutsu gakubu 3-kaisei de, kaze o hīte iru.
My client. A third-year student in the art department at Yumei University, suffering from a cold.
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In the localization, he studies at Ivy University, as if referring to the famous Ivy League (elite universities).
A very good decision that shows Naruhodō's abilities and the high quality of his education (my clever boy)
Interesting addition
And the last one for today, a conversation with Mask in the detention center
When Yusaku (Ron) tells the story of the allegedly lost vase, Naruhodō makes a comment about the absurdity of his story
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(・・・・どうも、ハナシが アヤフヤだなあ・・・)(dōmo, hanashi ga ayafuya da nā)
(... I guess the story is a bit vague...)
The localization decided to make a reference to Naruhodō's education in the field of art, and he compares Mask's story to the surreal paintings of Dali.
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A nice addition, but still different from the original version.
In total, in my opinion, 3 unsuccessful changes out of 5.
If you also noticed any differences - feel free to tell us about them. Let's educate ourselves together.
It will be a bit more difficult with the subsequent parts, because I can't buy the Japanese version of TGAA (it is only available to a certain list of countries), and I don't have the new Apollo trilogy and the Investigations duology to check every little thing (and I don't have an extra $80), and those who record the walkthrough do not always check every clue, where the contradictions lie.
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shoji · 6 months
(3) Xユーザーのさざれ波さん: 「知人の話で一番面白かったのは、堅物な大将がやってるラーメン屋でネギ抜きのラーメンを頼んだらネギが乗っててそれに気付いた大将が「ああ!すまねぇ!作り直すから!」って丼ごと捨てちゃって「いやなにもそこまでしなくても…」て言ってた流れで次に出てきたラーメンにネギ乗ってた話です。」 / X
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kensasuke23 · 2 months
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しかし今日は暑い… 猛暑? 酷暑?
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leomacgivena · 4 months
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usamellow · 4 months
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bbd-6p · 2 months
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While we’ve shown lil-Sev some foods and stuffs, he bathed in *Tonkotsu* Ramen. BTW Ramen would be one of the most unconnected/ alien foods, absolutely far from Severus Snape anyway. What do you think?
I was not sure but we met around 1 pm and after a few of blinks, we suddenly found it was 5 pm. Time flies when we’re together, indeed.
I believe lil-sev rather like chocolate, doesn’t he?
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neigesucre · 7 months
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yoooko-o · 6 months
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今度の金曜日にがんドッグが控えています。 そのため、今日から食事制限期間に突入しました🏥 人間ってワガママなもので、制限が入ると普段食べないものも食べたくなります🥺💦 ラーメンや天ぷら等、普段食べようと思わないのに…😢 唯々、堪えるしかありません🍜 特に野菜全般も控えるようにということで控えていますが、お腹いっぱいにならないので、空腹がツライです…omg
そしてたまらず来ました🥢 おからはアウトですが、サラダもおからも少量だから…大丈夫よね?? 湯葉かつなんて… 揚げ物もアウトなんですが、この口が…注文してしまうんです😭
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onedayonenoodle · 2 years
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味噌ねぎ #西屋 #富士市 #富士山のふもと #しあわせを実感できるまち #ねぎラーメン #味噌ラーメン #味噌ねぎラーメン #ニンニク #ニンニク入れますか #麺 #ラーメン #らーめん #一日一麺 #ラーメン好き #ラーメン好きと繋がりたい #ramen #tankensurujapan #noodle #noodles #NoRamenNoLife #EverydayRamen #ThankGodItsRamen #LocalGuides #ラーメンインスタグラマー #麺スタグラム #instanoodle #instanoodles #foodstagram (西屋) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck0qgtdS2Nr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kkimura · 2 years
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チャンネル登録してくれた皆様、いつもご視聴ありがとうございます😭 まだな方も、ふらっと見にきて下さいね! 😊 美味しい動画満載にしていきますので、お楽しみに!
Today I made Korean sweet and spicy rice cake dish “ TTteokbokki” with ramen noodles and cheese!
I made the rice cake from scratch using rice flour! It was easy and of course super tasty!!
I will upload a video about this on my channel in the future so stay tuned!!
If you have subscribed to my channel, thank you so much for your support! If you haven’t yet, come check out my delicious videos !! 😋
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moji2 · 1 year
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これが、旅の思い出です^ ^
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ten-don · 1 year
Xユーザーのスズキナオさん: 「「しあわせラーメン」というメニュー名のラーメンを食べ終えて会計する時「お客さんは……しあわせでしたっけ?しあわせでしたよね」と言われました」 / X
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kennak · 2 months
[B! ラーメン] こってりラーメンの『天下一品』も都内6店舗が閉店 ラーメン店の倒産過去最多 チェーン店には「800円の壁」(ピンズバNEWS) - Yahoo!ニュース
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