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iconsynth · 11 months
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Anonymous asked: "hi hi!! could i request dream-eating monochrome baku icons in style 11 if possible? ^__^"
Style 11 Dream-Eating Monochrome Baku icons for anon! LMK if you'd like any changes!
Free to use; reblogs appreciated!
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itsukismoon · 2 months
Past story - Chapter 1 (Cyrus)
— The brothers of bygone days—
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>> chapter 2
Cyrus: …
In the empty room, the only sound echoing was that of me sharpening my sword.
Eventually, I sensed someone approaching and put down my whetstone.
Cyrus: —— thank you for your hard work, commander.
Alex: Oh, sorry for bothering you. Please continue what you were doing.
Cyrus: No, I was just about to finish.
Alex: As always, it remains a wonderful sword.
Alex: Even though you’ve been using it for so long, its fierce glow only grows stronger rather than fading away.
Cyrus: …yes. It’s a very dear sword I inherited from my father.
Cyrus: Since the last battle was intense, I’m taking care of it (TN: as in, performing the maintenance).
Alex: …..there’s plenty of blacksmiths who would feel honoured to help you.
Cyrus: I will continue using this sword. This is… what I believe is my mission.
As I gazed at the freshly sharpened sword, memories of long ago came back to me.
The moment when I received this sword. The path that me and my “younger brother” have taken up until now——
(flashback begins)
I was born into a distinguished family in Alstria, one that has produced many excellent knights for generations.
Nevertheless, I was a quiet kid who liked books and art…
Even so, I received training in the art of the sword, following the family motto of “A knight is one who follows the will of the Dream King, protects the weak, and values peace”.
……together with my twin brother, Emilio.
Emilio: Hehe, I win again!
Cyrus: …..Yeah. I can’t win against you.
Emilio: You’re very kind, Cyrus. Aren’t you softening your blow when you’re about to strike?
Cyrus: I don’t mean to do that though…
Emilio’s talent as a knight blossomed early on.
As the older brother, I felt inferior to him, whose skills were improving rapidly.
More than that, as a child, I felt pure respect for him… I admired him.
Mother: Cyrus, Emilio, it’s time to study.
Emilio: Yess-
Emilio: …Was it history today? I guess I’m not very good at studying.
Emilio: But if there’s anything I don’t understand, I can just ask Cyrus to explain it to me later.
Cyrus: Just like I always ask you for help with the sword.
Emilio: Eheh, leave it to me.
Emilio: Hey, Cyrus. Let’s become strong knights together.
Cyrus: …Yeah.
Emilio: No one will be able to defeat us. You and I will defeat all our enemies.
Cyrus: If it’s you, you might even be able to do it alone though…
Emilio: I want it to be with you!
Emilio adored me, just like I did.
Our strict yet kind parents, and Emilio, my inseparable younger brother.
This happiness will continue forever, in this very same form— That is what I believed without any doubt as a child.
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famyuus · 13 days
— past memory heath ☆
all episodes [1 - 4]
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unsung-tragedy · 1 year
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gmchk · 1 month
動画/『心ツナガル怪獣展』特別動画 太陽覚醒ver. #トワ #shorts【24/5/3】
24/5/3(金曜日)「夢職人と忘れじの黒い妖精」の最新動画をお知らせします。 🎧ヘッドホン推奨🎧 『心ツナガル怪獣展』特別動画 前半ガチャで登場するトワ(CV: 増田俊樹 )の 太陽覚醒イラストをボイス付きでご紹介! ウルバノ(CV: 野津山幸宏 )とホロウ(CV: 岡本信彦…
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nirvanainline · 2 years
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ー 𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚟𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚛; 𝗔𝗹𝗲𝘅.
sum. When he starts to long for you.
type. headcanons, oneshot
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ー 𝙰𝚕𝚎𝚡
How embarrassing.
Howcome he never realized? “Please, take my hand.” my ass. Idio was making fun of him, once again. I mean, it was alright, as long as he was enjoying himself but..
Please, stop.. he doesn't feel like remembering it.
It was normal. He's a knight! and he.. just wanted to escort you. holding hands.
Idio was crying from laughter. The two of you apparently looked like Sister and little brother..
You don't realize how hard that struck him. Height wasn't something even magic can't change..
He sighs. maybe.. if he were as big as Emilio, or Cyrus, or Harriet..
And for him to be thinking of things likes this.. how utterly shameful. Improper. Indecent. Alex is a fully grown adult. it was his mission to make a good example of what a true knight is, and how to fulfill peace throughout the whole kingdom.
He can't concentrate on anything. It wasn't like this in the beginning. If anything, it was you who gets flustered, not the other way around.
How childish. he might as well think the way he looks. It wasn't something like that. It can't be.
Alex isn't a high school boy looking for glory youth. he isn't allowed to think of those things. for everyone's futures, for the better, for the greater.
But he can't seem to think, that maybe perhaps.. you, could be one of the reasons as to why he swings his sword from conflict.
Would you let him? be as selfish, as self-centred as he claims he is to be?
“You can dream about me, too. If anything should appear to frighten you, I will drive it away with this sword.”
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sonoyya · 1 year
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I drew Gui to make myself an acrylic keychain
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yoooko-o · 2 years
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katamu63 · 8 months
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dailyvocalsynthsong · 10 months
Dream-Eating Monochrome Baku / 夢喰い白黒バク
By Nem / ねむ Vocals - Kagamine Len / 鏡音レン (Append Power) Release Date - July 04, 2011
English Subtitled Alternative NicoNico Link
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genkilibbon · 1 year
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓸𝔂'𝓼 𝓪 𝓵𝓲𝓪𝓻 ♡
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meaig · 11 months
I just happened to finally read through the recent event card stories, so I wanted to share both my impressions and the most hilarious CG I’ve seen in yumekuro up till now.
Granted, I wanted to throw hands with both Daste and Ymir at times but for entirely different reasons ,D Where Daste is just a feral pupper who can’t seem to read the room and may occasionally deserve a light bonk on the head, Ymir really pissed me off during the work-feelings argument. I wanted to punch him on behalf of Emma more than once, but alas, the MC is too much of a sweetheart.
It was a pleasant and interesting read overall, especially since we get more opportunities to see how Guild Keepers who manage multiple guilds actually work, and it’s interesting that the guilds you manage can be at odds, and you might actually have to interfere with their work if you work with another one of your guilds. I wonder, though, how Federation handles such cases and who files the report for the other guild.
As for the cards and character impressions themselves, I’d say what I’ve said to a friend who was interested in Ymir’s Moon:
Lykos is a gentleman, Daste is your pet dog (his words not mine) and Ymir is your love's slave (his words not mine x2) who can be your biggest lover and your biggest hater lmao
It might be unfair to compare Lykos to the other two, though, since I’ve only read his Sun branch so far, and Moon can be just as wild, but he was so nice and caring even in the common part ;w; Not that Daste wasn’t sweet in his own way, too. I mean, just look at him trying to divert Emma’s attention from all the racing thoughts she has:
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Absolute gold and probably the biggest surprise for me considering the contrast between the Moon awakening art and this CG ,D
And while I don’t have any coherent conclusion to this blabbering, I’ll say there’s too little Daste content, and we absolutely need to fix that.
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itsukismoon · 6 days
Past story - Chapter 3 (Cyrus)
— The shining sun on the battlefield —
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Eventually, when we turned 15, Emilio and I joined the Alstria Knights, an order of knights directly under the royal family.
Emilio: Let’s work hard, Cyrus.
Cyrus: …Yes.
Emilio had grown into an even more upstanding and awe-inspiring warrior than before.
I myself was not lowly regarded, but… it was clear that he was stronger and more suitable to being a knight.
Knight 1: Oh, if it isn’t the rumoured twins. I’ve heard stories about your entrance exam. You overwhelmed everyone else.
Knight 2: If you want, you’re welcome to join our practice next time. How about it?
Cyrus: No, how could we…
Emilio: It’d be a great honour, but we’re still newbies who haven’t even experienced their first battle yet.
Emilio: It’d be no good if we were to be a nuisance to our seniors… I think it would be best if we joined with the other newcomers and worked hard together.
Knight 2: I see, alright then. I’ll look forward fighting alongside you guys.
Cyrus: …are you sure that was okay?
Emilio: You didn’t seem too keen on it, did you?
Emilio: And if our peers started looking at us weird because we’re getting special treatment, it’d be very hard for us to get by in the future.
Around this time, I felt like Emilio was trying to “protect” me.
Not in a physical sense… No, it’s probable that my being quiet has forced him to follow after my actions. (TN: I think what he means here is that since Cyrus is very timid and an introvert, Emilio kind of has to look after him, as it’d be a problem for him to deal with many situations alone, like when in social settings like this one)
I can’t quite explain it, but it felt as if his overwhelming strength enveloped me and pulled me along with him.
And yet…
Cyrus: …You really think things through. I admire that.
Emilio: I don’t need any such thing as respect.
Emilio: After all, I—
Cyrus: Huh?
Emilio: Ah… nevermind. Then, I’ll take a little detour on my way home.
Cyrus: …Okay.
Why do I feel like he’s protecting me, yet keeping his distance?
(flashback begins)
Emilio: But I’m not [softening my blows]? You just got stronger, that’s all.
(flashback ends)
Cyrus: …
Shrugging off the memory that resurfaced in my mind, I started walking in the opposite direction as Emilio.
Cyrus: (…I must stop thinking about that. We’re not kids anymore).
Cyrus: (I have to establish myself as a knight, on my own).
"A knight is someone who follows the will of the Dream King, protects the weak, and values peace.”
Once more, I reminded myself of my family’s teachings and devoted myself to training.
Two years passed by— it was time for our first battle.
Cyrus: …Ngh.
Allied knight: Cyrus, you’re moving too slow! Don’t hesitate! Do you want to die?!
Cyrus: U-understood!
Shouts flew everywhere. Death screams echoed, Fresh blood spurt out—
I had imagined this moment many times.
Cyrus: Haah, haah….
Cyrus: (No good… I must recompose myself!)
I was struggling to remain conscious, and my breath was laboured.
When I came to my senses, I realised that the knight who had been nearby moments ago was no longer in sight.
Cyrus: (! Did I move too forward?!)
Before I could even think, ominous footsteps echoed near me.
Enemy knight: …Looks like a new recruit.
Enemy knight 2: We’re on a battlefield, don’t hold it against me.
Cyrus: …Ngh
Isolated and surrounded by enemy soldiers, I quickly tried to raise my sword, but…
Cyrus: (The sword is… heavy).
Fatigue, anxiety, fear.
The tip of the enemy’s sword was pointed at me, and just as I prepared myself to die—
A flash of light appeared.
Emilio: HAAH!!
Cyrus: (…Emi…lio…?)
What looked like a flash of light was Emilio.
In the brief moment it took me to realise this, he swept away hordes of enemies.
Emilio: …
In the silence, his cloak fluttered in the wind. His majestic back so bright that I couldn’t help but squint my eyes.
On a dark battlefield covered in dust and smoke— He truly was the “sun”.
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(TN: this pic is not included in the past story HOWEVER its his deep dream card's moon cg; although i havent read the story for it yet im pretty sure this is the scene that is talked about in this chapter)
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famyuus · 1 year
— beginning of a dream shiranui meister story ★
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m4yun0meme1ng · 2 years
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If you play both, you know it
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