#��comfort and happiness. i’m just glad!!! glad that he exists!!! and that he came home!!! i still remember when i won the 50/50 ugh
salsflore · 2 years
it’s december 31st which means— happy birthday to my beloved fiancé ♡ he’s sooo silly but i just love this old man so much he’s super lame but he means everything to me!!!!
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heartsmadeofbooks · 6 months
[Preview - New fic]: Undiscovered.
Happy Klaine day everybody!
Of course I had to do something special today, for our boys, so here’s the preview of my upcoming fic Undiscovered, which will begin on Wednesday, April 3rd. This fic will only be available on AO3, so if you read my fics on FF.net, keep in mind that I won’t be updating there anymore.
Undiscovered is both a guilty pleasure and a self-indulgence. It was born out of an idea that @blog-carmex gave me what feels like a million years ago, and it kind of exploded from there. For a while it was nothing but PWP in my head, until the perfect plot came along. So, needless to say, this might be my spiciest fic to date.
It wouldn’t exist at all, though, without @blog-carmex, who planted the seed in my head; or without @nerdishedits, who not only made the beautiful teaser cover (and is working on the actual cover) but watered that damn seed until it grew into a monstrous plant that took over half my life; or without the always amazing @christinejaneanderson, who trims the leaves and tends to its wellbeing until it looks like the perfect little plant we all knew it could be. So thanks to you, ladies, for everything.
Without further ado, here’s the preview of the first chapter, and I hope I’ll see you all for a new adventure on April 3rd!
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The only sound echoing in the dining room was the cutlery gently hitting the porcelain plates. The attempts to play music in the background had been rejected, like Christmas music might ruin… what? The holiday spirit? The meal? The absolute discomfort they were now forced to sit in?
Blaine Anderson loved Christmas – he just didn’t particularly enjoy spending the holidays with his parents.
He glanced up – hazel eyes quickly roaming around the table, as if trying to find an opening, something to fill this unbearable silence. He found his brother staring back at him, eyebrows a little raised, mouth tilted in one of the corners in what could only be a sarcastic little grin. Cooper didn’t seem as uncomfortable as he was, but then again, Cooper was great at pretending nothing was wrong.
Maybe it wasn’t as bad as Blaine thought it was. He was just a little less used to being home (was it even home, still? It hadn’t felt like home when he lived here, most times) since he had gone away to college. New York had embraced him like he had always belonged there, like his heart had been made to absorb the sounds of the city and turn them into heartbeats.
Blaine had never quite fit in anywhere like he belonged in New York. Perhaps that was why he couldn’t sit for dinner with his parents without feeling like he was slightly suffocating.
Cooper, completely unconcerned, pushed his plate away and sat back more comfortably. “Delicious, mom. Loved the duck. It wasn’t dry at all.”
Pam Anderson glanced up at him and smiled gently. “Thanks, dear. Glad you enjoyed it. There’s more if you want…”
“Oh, no, no, I’m stuffed,” Cooper said, patting his belly. “I got to watch my weight or they’re going to hate me at work.”
“Oh yes,” Pam said. “How’s the play going? I’m so sorry we haven’t had a chance to go see it yet. Life can be so busy, you know…”
Blaine noticed that the smile on Cooper’s face got a little more forced than usual. There was always an excuse with their parents. They were always busy. There was always something that was slightly more important than being there for their children.
They weren’t children anymore, though. They had both accepted things as they were: Pam and John Anderson would never be picture-perfect parents, not only because that was impossible, but also because they weren’t interested in it. They had scraped by doing the bare minimum to be considered good parents and called it a job well done.
Cooper had always been a bit better at accepting that, Blaine guessed. He wasn’t sure if it was because Cooper had gotten to experience them when they were younger, more open, more patient, or if he just didn’t care anymore.
Blaine would always wonder and never dare to actually ask if they had gotten bored of trying when he was born. He was a lot younger than Cooper. Maybe he had been an accident. Maybe they hadn’t exactly been planning to have another kid…
Cooper was twelve years older than Blaine. For a very, very long time, they hadn’t exactly understood each other. But at some point it was like it finally clicked for them that, if they wanted to have a family, they had to be there for each other, because their parents weren’t going to change, weren’t going to become warmer, wouldn’t be what they had always expected parents to be…
When Blaine moved to New York after high school, Cooper had surprised him by following him there. He used the excuse that he wanted to try his luck at auditioning for plays instead of staying in Los Angeles and focusing only on films and TV shows, but Blaine had seen right through his lie: he wanted to be closer to his little brother. Still, he appreciated it. They had learned to be in each other’s corners, and Blaine was grateful that Cooper had been there as he started to navigate the new city and the new stage of his life.
“The play’s wonderful,” Cooper said. “I’m sure you’ll get a chance to go soon. It’ll be running for a while, I think.” He looked at Blaine, and Blaine dreaded whatever was about to come out of his brother’s mouth next. He had the habit of getting him into trouble and was absolutely no help getting him out of it afterwards. “Blaine’s been to see it a couple of times, despite how busy he’s been with his classes and everything…”
Blaine widened his eyes slightly, a silent warning that his brother completely ignored.
“Ah, yes,” their father said, finally putting down his fork, like they were finally talking about something that interested him. “Your classes, Blaine. How are they going? I expect you’ve passed every single one of them?”
“Yes, yes, of course,” Blaine muttered awkwardly. He glared at Cooper once more, as his brother did encouraging gestures that were not subtle at all. He sighed. “Well, actually… I’ve made a decision regarding my major, so…”
John sat back, eyebrow arched – those thick, dark eyebrows that looked so much like Blaine’s – and fixed Blaine with a serious look. “What do you mean you’ve made a decision regarding your major? I though we’ve settled on medicine…”
We’ve settled on medicine. Like Blaine had been given a choice at all. Like it hadn’t been entirely up to John to decide what Blaine was going to do with his life.
“I’ve decided to change my major to music,” Blaine blurted out, before he could lose his nerve. “Medicine is definitely a great career, but I don’t want to be a doctor…”
“Music?” John repeated, like he didn’t understand the meaning of that word. “So another one of my children has decided to be a starving artist?”
“Hey! I’m not starving,” Cooper protested, but no one was paying attention to him for once.
“And what exactly do you plan on doing with a music education, huh?” John asked, blue eyes so much like Cooper’s fixed on Blaine like he was the only person still sitting at the table. “Play guitar in a subway station for spare change? Wait tables during the day and play at some second rate bar at night?”
Blaine moved uncomfortably on his seat. “There’s nothing wrong with any of those things, but… I actually want to compose music. Maybe for musicals, maybe for movies, maybe just… play music.”
“Just play music,” John said and scoffed. “A very solid plan, son.”
“I just don’t want to live a life I’m not satisfied with,” Blaine said a little desperately. “And I know you guys really wanted me to be some sort of successful professional, but I have to do what’s best for me, right? I have to be happy with myself when I get out of bed in the morning…”
Pam seemed to notice the tension was growing, because she tried to smooth things over: “Of course, Blaine. We understand. Your father is just concerned that…”
But John shook his head, stopping her. “That is an incredibly childish outlook on life, Blaine. Happiness is ephemeral. You need a steady income and a respectable career…”
“Who says I can’t get that?” Blaine asked him. Part of him was starting to get angry, but the rest of him, the larger part that was usually too careful, too prone to put his head down whenever his father barked an order at him wouldn’t let the anger truly rise. “Why can’t you just… believe in me?”
John groaned, like he didn’t have the time for his children’s dreamy dispositions. “I don’t know where we went wrong with you two. I thought we raised you to have a good head on your shoulders.”
Blaine glanced at Cooper, who looked like he had just been slapped. He felt a bit like that, too. He had expected some resistance to his new career path, but their father was being overly harsh. He didn’t understand.
“I’m sorry if you don’t agree with me,” he said quietly. “But it’s my life. I want to do what I think is right.”
Slowly, John nodded, like he was considering Blaine’s words. Then he stood up, leaving the napkin carefully on the table. “Very well. Do whatever you want. But I won’t be paying for it.”
“John…” Pam started. “Let’s not be hasty…”
“I’m not going to put him through college just so he can throw his life away, Pam!” John exclaimed.
“We can talk about this some other day,” Pam insisted. “It’s Christmas, John.”
“There’s nothing to talk about,” John replied. “He’s free to do whatever he wants, of course. He can spend the rest of his days scraping by and counting dimes so he can make rent. I’m not going to help him in any way. Pay your way through college, Blaine. And if you ever come to your senses and realize you’ve made a mistake, I’ll be more than happy to help you get a real degree.”
He walked out of the dining room, leaving behind an uncomfortable silence.
Cooper cleared his throat. “Well,” he muttered after a couple of minutes. “What’s for desert, then?”
Blaine pushed his plate away. He wasn’t hungry anymore.
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
I know (though I can't quite imagine, in spite of your lovely descriptions) how much work must go into the seemingly all beautiful and serene life you lead, and I'm so thankful that you're inviting us all to have a little look. Seeing Pirlouit's fluffy self has smoothed my soul this evening! I'm happy he was having a car-free day and I'm happy you enjoyed yourself looking at the landscape between his ears and I'm happy you share these snippets with us. You write with such a quiet warmth, a kindness toward the very world, it's just a little easier to exist, knowing you put love out into the universe. Thank you. ❤️❤️❤️ Hope you find comfort as much as you radiate it.
I’m glad you enjoyed the Pirlouit post! It was such a nice day (for both of us I think), I wanted to write about it in detail and make sure I remember it :) And thank you so much for the very kind words <3
Let me offer you a nearby cat as a token of appreciation:
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(I put my jacket here near the stove when I came home and I guess I don't need to ask if it's now dry and warm)
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oneandonlycringe · 2 years
Soft & Wet
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Word count: 1.7K
Summary: Simon has come home and wants to play.
Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x GN!Reader
Warnings: AFAB!Reader, pet names but no pronouns, slight overstim, slight bondage (just the arms), slight dirty talk, aftercare, uhhh let me know if I’m missing anything
A/N: yall i straight wrote this at work but i’m happy with it. title is a jojo reference. my first ~on paper~ smut wowwy. comments, likes, and reblogs appreciated. *muah*
                                                  NSFW under cut
Scarlet rope ran over his calloused hands, contemplating on the best way to make you immobile but not hurt you. Even deep in thought he was devastatingly handsome. To add to that, he sat on the backs of his thighs with only black boxers adorning his muscled waist. A pang of affection hit you, until a sharp thwack rang out as he tested the strength of the rope. You laughed a little in shock and felt a roll of wet, molten heat tingle between your thighs. 
You stayed laid out on the bed, naked, relaxing against the plush comforter and stacked pillows counting down the seconds until you finally suggested he needed direction. You were entirely content watching him exist, but you’ve been turned on since the moment he had you lay down.
“Why don’t you find a tutorial? I’m sure there are some for beginners…”
“Hmph. I know how to do it. I changed my mind. We’re doing something else.”
“Ooh. Switching tactics, Lieutenant?” You teased.
He growled and leaned down to press his forehead against yours, locking blown out eyes with your own.
“The only thing I need to hear from you tonight is you moaning or crying from how fucking good I’m gonna make you feel.”
That shut you up. You could feel the impatience growing larger now, but quickly simmering when he finally made his first move. 
Simon leaned back again - far enough to reach the edge of the bed, and balanced himself on one arm while the other grabbed something from the floor. You honestly had no idea what it could be, but knew that it would leave you deliciously aching for more. 
“Close your eyes, honey.” He purred.
You did as told and smiled when the bed shifted again as he got into position. Heart rate now through the roof - you were real excited and real wet. 
You gasped when one large, hot hand grabbed your forearms together, ring and pinky slipping into the crutch of your fist. You curled your fingers in further, holding onto whatever piece of him he would offer to you. 
Next came the dry drag of rope across the sensitized skin above your clasped hands. Around and around they went, until he gave one, two tugs to make sure your hands weren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Only a little space for your wrists to move apart was allowed. More tugging followed to tie off the ends into what you were sure was the most complicated knot you would ever see if you could.
Whatever Simon grabbed from the floor was now being slotted into your hands, a thick rod designed to be held with a dial in the middle that he quickly shifted away from your palms. The bulbous head already pressed against your wet lips causing a chill to run up your spine.
You had a pretty good idea of what it was, owning a variant of it yourself for those nights before you met Simon. You were honestly glad you didn’t have to put in the elbow grease for things like that now.
To cap it off, Simon’s hands fit between your knees and pushed your thighs back until they framed your tied hands. You imagine he was going to spread them more as the night went on. Lines of arousal sloped the curve of your butt and you desperately wanted to open your eyes at this moment; to see the effect you were having on your silent partner.
“Open your eyes, beautiful.”
White spots clouded your vision momentarily, but the final product got you more excited than you could have ever dreamed. Toys weren't part of you and Simon’s routine, but those two forces together scared you enough with how crazy he already made you feel. His visage both comforted and warned you that your pleasure tonight was entirely in his hands, despite you being in custody of the toy. Two black pools encompassed your own, a searing heat already building in the center of your womb.
“I’m kind of at a loss for words, Simon.”
He tugged his lips up enough for it to resemble a smile.
“I thought about this a lot while I was gone so you better indulge me, sweetheart.”
“Oh, I’m not complaining.” 
Simon reached over your hands to finally turn the wand on the lowest setting. The instant thrumming startled you despite all the warnings. The head of the vibe was resting on your lips sparking a gentle but insistent buzzing inside your nethers. Not enough to get you off but rather get you wetter. You hummed in the back of your throat and leaned your head back onto the pillows. His hands never left the backs of your knees, but you quickly felt them travel up and down your thighs before ending on the inside close to the action. You smiled secretly, knowing exactly how he behaved after all this time.
Simon spread your legs farther and farther apart, gripping almost to the point of pain on the tender flesh.
“How’s it feel?”
“Good, Simon.” You swallowed. “It’s nice.” 
You might have been putting your foot in your mouth. You couldn’t come from this. He had to know that. While the vibrations were good they weren’t intense or close enough to where you needed them to be. 
He seemed to pick up on that, for his next movement released one of your legs to move your bound hands down enough for the head to slip between your spread lips and press against the hood of your clit.
You moaned for real this time. Fuuuck - that was good. It was near knee shaking already and it was still the lowest setting. Your hips started to rock into the feeling. With enough time, this could definitely get you there.
“How ‘bout now?”
“Fuck, it’s good. R-really gooood.” A long moan stretched out. A sweat began to build on your forehead and your breath was almost knocked out of you at the increase in sensitivity.
“Fuck, darling. You look really good right now. Good enough to eat.” Simon growled out. When you looked into his lap you could finally see the effect you had on him. His thick length pressed against his left thigh, still trapped under his boxers lifting the fabric up with its weight. You swore you saw it throb. Suddenly your throat was quite parched and painfully empty, but you figured he wouldn’t let you near his third leg for a while.
“Think you can take more?” He questioned. Shit, you really had to think about it. You were definitely getting close, but you loved when the pleasure was just a little too intense to the point of overstimulation; the shakiness of your legs, not being able to catch your breath - it was all amazing.
“Yeah,” you whimpered. Soft puffs of hot air escaped your lungs when Simon’s smile grew. He loved to see you at the point of pain - the edge so close but still so far away.
Simon shifted on his knees, getting down low and using his thick thumb to again slide over the dial, increasing the vibration even higher than the few centimeters he had before. At this point, it was almost to the very max and you began to feel that painfully sweet stimulation. Tears built up and you could feel your walls clenching down on nothing, releasing sweet sticky juices. Your lids became too heavy to keep open. Hiccupping gasps and high pitched cries left your mouth. You couldn’t see Simon’s face anymore but knew he would look as smug as humanly possible.
You pushed your hips away from the plastic to try and gain some sense of balance again, but warm hands quickly grabbed your waist to press you against the comforter. One hand stayed splayed across above your mound while the other reached down past the head of the vibrator to use the hot tip of his calloused thumb to peel back the hood of your clit. The sensation was far worse as you tried to keep the vibrations off your most sensitive area, further annoying Simon.
With the hand that held you down, he used the bottom of the handle to angle the toy down into your folds. While still keeping your hood back, you couldn’t escape the mind numbing frequency pounding directly onto your many nerves. The swollen bud was puffy and irritated - and shit - yeah, now you were really coming. You screamed his name over and over and over again until you forgot your own, only knowing the one word of the only person who could do this to you. You already felt crazy and sweaty and your walls were so tight it hurt and you leaked so much the backs of your thighs were chaffed. This was probably the hardest you had come in your life. White noise traveled between your ears, and you still couldn't see, couldn’t dare open your eyes as your mind tried to process the pleasure and the pain.
After what felt like the end of your meager existence, the vibrations finally stopped short, and it had felt so long that your body didn’t know how to exist without it. The shaking never stopped, the tears, and you were so happy and so messy and never had you looked more beautiful to Simon than in that moment. 
His hands were gentle, moving the wand out of your numb hands, and proceeded to untie your wrists. They were only slightly bruised, a dark red to match your overworked cunt. You couldn’t move a single body part, and Simon knew as much. That’s why he massaged your arms, the tops, the back, and the insides of your thighs and fell a little bit more in love when he felt you melt against his touch.
Sufficiently sated and not urgently hard anymore, Simon wrapped his arms around your middle, burrowed into the back of your neck and breathed deep your scent. You had already passed out at the first touch of his massages.
He grumbled something in the secret recesses of the junction of your neck and wandered too into a deep slumber. He might make you privy to his thoughts later; how he secretly wanted you to do the same to him. Maybe he’d let you get your revenge tomorrow.
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bluegekk0 · 10 months
If you ever feel like your AU doesn’t have an impact outside the Hollow Knight community, or even within, here’s a story for you.
I’ve had a crush on a guy since April, but hadn’t told him since he was with someone until August and has been recovering from the breakup ever since. Entirely coincidentally, April was when I found your AU. On Monday of this week, my crush said that he thought he was in love with someone else. I got really scared. I had been silent for months, and now I might not get the chance to tell him I love him. I got him to tell me the full details of what was going on, and on Tuesday, my fate seemed ambiguous. He and his crush wanted to start a relationship, but both parties needed time to work things out. I had some hope, but I didn’t know how long it would last.
In need of comfort, I turned to Tumblr. Grimm and FPK were one of the first things to appear on my dash. It got me thinking about Grimm’s story and how he felt he lost FPK by not acting sooner. By keeping his feelings to himself, he nearly lost the one he loved. Grimm got a second chance to finally spill the truth, but who knew if I would. When his second chance came, he didn’t hesitate. He and FPK became a thing right then and there. I learned a valuable lesson in that moment: life takes some drastic turns, and when that happens, if you have time, just get things off your chest.
F it, I said. I asked my crush for an update. He said his relationship with his crush might not go anywhere. All clear. I then asked we could have a long discussion later that day. He said sure. We hopped on call, and I confessed to him. I let out everything I’ve been harboring since April and told him I love him.
Neither of us are ready for a relationship at this point and we still haven’t met in person, so we’re not dating right now, but it feels great to finally get everything out after so long. And hey if he ever wants to get back into a relationship, he knows I’m free, and that I’d be down to have one.
Long story, I know. But I really wanted to share this. Had FPK and Grimm not existed on my dash at that moment, I don’t think I would have gotten up the courage to say it. Confessing is terrifying, but the gay bugs are powerful, and the gay bugs gave me strength. If the gay bugs can finally make use of the time they’re given to be with their lover and express their love, so can this gay boy. I guess what I really mean to say is…
Thank you.
gosh you have no idea how much seeing this made me smile (and nearly tear up) while on the bus home. i didn't really know what to say when i first read this, i'm still not quite sure how to respond now. but i mean it in the best way possible
i'm so, so glad to hear that my silly guys helped you. i would've never expected them to actually have impact on someone's life like this, it feels unreal. and most importantly, i'm so happy for you!! i hope it all turns out well, i wish you guys all the luck in the world!
augh forgive me for being so awkward. i was really left quite speechless when i saw this. or, i guess, i just don't know how to put into words how this made me feel. but it really made my day
thank you so much for sharing this story. hope you have a great day/night anon ❤❤❤
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rueitae · 1 year
Season 2, Episode 9: the African Ice Caper for @csweekly
So. Happy Fathers Day weekend in the U.S. Carmen finds out what happened to hers today 😬
I love the urgency this episode begins with. It's so frantic. Such the perfect follow up to the mood we left off in the previous episode. “She’s been out in the cold all night”. I mapped out how long it takes to get from one end of Stockholm to the other and it definitely does not take all night. I wonder if the ice lodge is way further north of the city. ALSO THAT IS VERY VERY VERY SERIOUS FROSTBITE. Carmen is super fortunate she kept all of her limbs let alone is alive.
IVY CALLING SHADOWSAN CARMEN’S FAMILY MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME. She’s come around!!! It’s like she can sense in Shadowsan’s moment of vulnerability, of genuineness, that he really does care. Ivy strikes me as someone who has had to look out for her brother emotionally and physically. And against adults that don’t actually care about them. She was watching him close for Carmen’s sake and now she gives her approval.
“I CAME AS SOON AS I COULD” Shadowsan really does sound stressed and worried. I can feel it in the voice acting. Can you imagine the conversation when Player broke the news to him.
And they get her out of the hospital, probably as soon as Shadowsan gets there. Very real possibility that VILE could have found and extracted her from there.
I love the montage so much. Shadowsan realizing what he needs to do. He and Player falling into a seamless routine (I need to write a fic about this time). All so that Carmen can just *rest*. I love how she’s animated here. She’s just a little restless but also peaceful. Zack and Ivy cleaning up and making hq a *home*
Carmen’s DREAM. So excellent we get to really see what’s on her heart and mind. She’s really considering Chief’s request, she wants to trust, she wants to be comfortable and have someone have her back…but like Brunt shows up she’s terrified of it all going wrong. Of being vulnerable and almost dying again. Of someone she thought she trusted turning on her. Unable to control her own destiny.
Carmen has a dream and so does Devineaux. The man is mad but smart. I love how his mind uses Julia to help him figure it out. It’s so bizarre by the end but it really does start out normal ish. And I LOVE it. Such a cool sequence.
And after she wakes she is immediately back at it. Scared herself into going back to work.
I have new appreciation for Player being able to call up Carmen’s laptop without her having to click an answer call button. We have something like that recently to be able to video chat with my 93 year old grandmother. But also I’d like to express how sweet it is that the team set the laptop there so that Player COULD see how Carmen is doing any time he wants. Would be a sweet fic of everybody having a one sided chat with Carmen while she’s sleeping.
ALL THREE are apprehensive over Carmen going back into the field. But ultimately none of them can really tell her no, particularly after she promises to keep it easy.
Ivy mother henning Carmen is the BEST. I know Carmen is in charge but really Ivy is the mom friend of the group. Instincts from looking after Zack. That she probably had to develop really early.
“Guess you caught me lion” never change
And now Player has officially warmed up to Shadowsan, just as Zack and Ivy have. The look on Carmen’s face is heartwarming, soft and relieved. Everything is fine they’re all on one page everything is perfect it’s not like ANYTHING COULD MESS THAT UP NOW.
I’m so glad we got to see a Shadowsan solo caper. He’s so efficient and that fight on the cable cars ROCKED. Sliding down the cable to the bottom??? Giving Le Chevre the diamonds back only to knock him out? AND DELIVERING A ZINGER after he’s unconscious so no one will know. Thoroughly enjoyable.
Also Le Chèvre’s little defeated shrug to the “you were followed??!”
I love Red Drone’s existence. Definitely a joint venture with Ivy and Player, hardware and software.
I remember when I first saw the episode I gasped that Brunt was there. Did not expect and I immediately feared for Carmen. When Tigress finds her and says the “let’s have Coach Brunt look at your injuries” that is peak threat. I screamed in delight. Thank you Ivy and Zack for being literally the best concerned friends ever. Loved Ivy’s little dilemma there between trusting Carmen the boss and knowing Carmen her friend is very human and can indeed almost die.
Also did they bring that entire desktop computer with them?
Protective Player my favorite strikes again and he was halfway right. Love the timing of Tigress right there and by the end of the episode…Brunt does let her walk.
Chase Devineaux. Single handedly figures out what no one else is even close to, the location of VILE (even though the map is incorrect it makes me scream but I’ll still give Chase his credit). Loved his little arc here. This is the beginning of when he turns it around. This is the little seed that Julia planted growing into a sapling. Because once s3 hits, he’s going to get that revelation. It’s SUCH a good arc I can’t wait to watch it unfold again.
The cat jokes lol
The whole scene with Tigress vs the sibs is fantastic. Carmen knew exactly what she was doing.
Oh but I love that taking Tigress out of the game is what puts Carmen on a time table. She takes time to discuss it over with Player at least but her mind is basically made up. Her dream at the beginning showed us her heart in that. Ultimately, she wants to take down VILE, if ACME can help, that’s pressure off of her.
Also protective Player again. But Carmen’s response back “you used to say the same about Shadowsan” is an excellent point. I hate that her trust in both gets shaken over this episode and the next. And I get the sense Player hates being right.
Player’s “for Carmen’s safety, right?” Which I do think is what Shadowsan had in mind. He doesn’t know who this Chief is and he has more extensive knowledge of VILE and the criminal underworld in general. He wants to make sure he doesn’t recognize her from any of that.
But he does recognize her.
This episode is full of team concern over Carmen’s well being and I’m living.
Roundabout’s character is really cool. He really shows exactly how deeply entrenched VILE is everywhere. They have literally the perfect system. It’s even more impressive how Carmen takes them down herself with her small team. (More fangirl when we get to the London caper)
My heart gets racing when Player and Red Drone almost get found. Very close indeed.
I gotta feel for Chief a little here. She really thinks she’s got Carmen almost recruited.
IS THAT A SeaGULL. PLEASE 😂😂😂 I desperately want someone in team red to also have that bad of acting for fake illness for the parallel ~~Carmen please it would be so funny she already crashes cars~~
Cool action sequence where Carmen gets to save someone from a bomb. Very dramatic. She really has to be extra and slide over the top of the vehicle instead of exiting like a normal person.
Also so clever from a writing perspective to use the explosion to free Tigress. As a fan of angst I love the immediate danger it puts Ivy and Zack in.
The EPIC misunderstandings continue. I love how we as an audience are treated to the full story and clearly each individual team is not. VILE has thought this whole time Carmen is working with ACME when the reality is that she JUST started. Love this stuff.
Hmmm the train scene : D love how distracted Carmen is. She’s just trying to sort out her feelings on this whole ACME collaboration. VILE always leaves. She has NO reason to think anyone stayed behind. So when Boris is at the door when she opens….her EXPRESSION of dawning fear is IMMACULATE. As is her progression. Fear to defiance to uncertainty as she explains what she knows about Shadowsan in Argentina. She is terrified right now.
I hear that barely disguised panic as you wake up Carmen. 100% justified.
“A world of hurt. It’s a comin.” I LOVE this line. Because a first time watcher is set to believe that Brunt is going to pound Carmen into dust, as at the end of s1 but worse because no one is there to save her. BUT the hurt isn’t physical it’s emotional and WHaT a bombshell it is. It’s incredibly telling that Carmen is begging Brunt not to go, to tell her more, even though Brunt literally attempted to murder Carmen not that long ago. I remember quite literally gasping aloud.
Man what a cliffhanger. Carmen is left alone tied up and only with her own thoughts. Screaming.
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princesssszzzz · 2 years
Pairing: Rhaeon Daeron x Rhaena
Summary: My one shot for the superbowl Rhaena is a cheerleader in high school, and her favorite football player Daeron just won the last game of the season. He's underappreciated, and she gives him a special victory celebration W: Smut/Incest Read on a03
With one leg held by her hand, Rhaena smiled and lifted one arm while the crowd cheered. She almost wavered when the cheerleader holding her up shook. They held their pose and wide grins for the student photographers to take their picture. The girls had just finished the last routine of the season and they wanted to bask in the glory. Until next year, this is the last time she would cheer for their school’s football team Westeros Dragons.
The cheering quieted and faded by the time she jumped down, landing on the soft grass and running back to the bleachers. Her long locs were pulled up in a high ponytail and swung when she approached Baela, Nettles, and Alysanne. The girls had been cheering the loudest for her in the middle of her high flips and it had almost distracted her.
“That was so good!” Nettles was clapping when Baela handed Rhaena a Gatorade.
She beamed at the praise, happy all the practice had paid off. “Thank you. I’m glad no one fell this time.”
‘I’m not.” Baela pulled a bag of popcorn out of her bookbag and lifted her feet to get comfortable. “I was hoping that one girl would fall, I told her to break a leg before she went on the field.”
Netty and Aly laughed when Rhaena gave her older sister a look. “Oh my god Baela, be nice.”
“I’ll be nice when she stops flirting with Jace.” Baela shrugged eating her popcorn and waving off Rhaena’s reprimands. Baela played tennis, and if Jace wasn’t playing she would never bother showing up to support their school’s football team. Instead, she would at home in their garage, blasting music and working out.
“Just win already so we can go home.” Aly mumbled when she was impatient. These games were the bane of her existence, but she promised Baela she would show up. They loved supporting their boyfriends, Cregan and Jace, but it was tedious.
Rhaena got comfortable, changing her shoes into pink sandals and rubbing her feet while they watched the players come back out.
“Or lose.” Netty branded herself a hater. She only showed up to spend time with the girls, loudly boo, and eat snacks.
“You better not boo Jace, right now their winning by a thousand points basically. My baby always wins.” Netty rolled her eyes at Baela’s over exaggeration when Rhaena laughed.
“You need to start dating someone on the team, most of them are ugly but I’m sure there’s one...” Baela cringed, thinking of all the players she consistently let them know were the most unattractive.
Netty just sighed, “I told you already I’m only into older men.”
“I’m not, I couldn’t imagine not being with Jace.”
They had a close relationship since Jace was always around. Even as kids, Rhaena would see the neighborhood boy lingering outside waiting for Baela. He made the mistake of knocking once and asking their father if she could come out and play. After getting yelled at he always waited on the side of the house until their mother came home and invited him in.
“Well, we’ll be here to support whether they win or lose.” Rhaena was referring to Jace, but kept her eyes on player #14’s jersey. The only player she paid attention to in every game and she always reminded herself to keep her enthusiastic cheers to a minimum. She didn’t want to attract to many curious eyes or cause a scene with obvious bias for one player. The players were on the field and the game started up again.
Cregan was always the star of these games as a quarterback and most eyes were on him. Jace already received athletic scholarship offers and was known as the best wide receiver in their school’s district. Garmund, Rhaena’s ex, always got glory around school as a tight end and Rhaena rolled her eyes every time she saw a plague with his name in the hallways.
Player #14 though, they won every game he was in but he got very little acclaim. He never wore his jersey in school like the other players and half the school didn’t even care who he was. At least to Rhaena, her cousin Daeron was the only player she was cheering for. The rest of their family never showed up to games and Rhaena was grateful for that.
The girls ‘oofed’ and Rhaena cringed when they watched Jace get slammed down to the ground. Baela muttered curses under her breath and shook her head.
Rhaena was glad it was only her and her sister here. Anyone else would have noticed her behavior. They would never call it dating, what they were doing but Daeron and Rhaena found themselves being intimate. It started after she had broken up with Garmund and Daeron told her it was ironic because he’s the one the introduced them.
Their excuse for spending time together was doing homework and driving to away games. The worst for them was the holidays. The entire family always showed up to her uncle’s home and there was no where they could sneak away to. If anyone even found out, she was sure either her father or uncle would kill Daeron. His mother would disgusted to say the least.
They knew being related; they shouldn’t be in a relationship but they really didn’t care. It’s not like they were siblings. Despite that, they still kept it a secret since they knew better. Aly and Netty jumped up and cheered. Rhaena jumped up and clapped behind them, pretending that she paid attention to the game and cheered for Cregan’s touchdown.
She did this for the rest of the game and finally they won. Rhaena knew they would, she grabbed one of her pom poms from the ground and waved it in Jace's face when he approached them in the parking lot. Jace laughed, giving her a hug and turning to Baela.
“You two go on, I’m gonna wait for Daeron since I promised to drop him off.” This was her go to excuse for the past couple of games.
“Are you sure?”
Rhaena grimaced, “Yeah I need to practice driving in the dark anyways.”
She waited in her car for 10 minutes before the passenger door opened.
“Sorry I kept you waiting.” She smiled at Daeron as he got in. Still wearing his uniform, his hair was messy and seemed to curl up with his sweat.
Before Rhaena got a chance to say anything, he was leaning over and smiled at her.
“Kiss me.”
She leaned in and their lips touched. Like every other kiss they shared, it was warm and soft. Rhaena pulled back, parting their lips slightly and allowing Daeron’s tongue to slip in. They stayed glued to each other until Daeron finally ended it, looking around and breathing deeply.
The entire car already had steamed windows, and Rhaena giggled. They hadn’t been able to steal a kiss over the weekend, Aemond always being around everytime they turned around.
“You think someone can see us but I can’t even see out the windows.” She turned the wipers on and pulled off.
“You never know, we just had a big win. I would hate for the day to end with someone telling uncle they saw something and me getting killed.” He turned her radio on before leaning his seat back and closing his eyes. It played exactly what he expected her to be listening to, bubblegum pop.
“Don’t worry about him he won’t find out. Speaking of wins I wanted to congratulate you.”
Daeron opened his eyes and turned his head to Rhaena, watching her drive down the familiar empty road.
“Your sweet but you don’t have to do anything special. We’re getting a trophy and I’m sure mom will throw a party or something.”
“It’ll be quick, I have to get back soon. Daeron, they don’t appreciate you.” She reached over his arm, resting her hand on his crotch and rubbing.
Daeron groaned when Rhaena pulled into their usual spot in a wooded area. “Luckily for you, I’m your biggest cheerleader.”
She turned the car off and Daeron watched as Rhaena lifted under her skirt to pull down her panties. She looked to him with a twinkle in her eye and they held eye contact as she bit her lip and squeezed her hand around him. Daeron took a deep breathe, glancing outside the windows just to make sure they were alone, before pulling his pants down. Gesturing his hand to her, she didn’t need to be told twice. Rhaena was grateful for her flexibility as she hopped over the arm rest, straddling Daeron in the passenger seat.
“You don’t want me to do anything first?” He was always gentle, always making sure she was ready. But this time, she didn’t want it.”
“I’ve been ready since the game.” Rhaena gave him a quick kiss, “I love watching you play.”
She grabbed his shaft while giving him another peck and sinking herself onto him. Moaning at the same time like they always do, they touched foreheads before Rhaena moved again.
She leaned her head back and closed her eyes feeling Daeron reaching under her skirt to grab her hips. They moved in unison, and the only sound they could hear being each other’s breaths and the winds from outside. When Daeron arched inside her, they could only think about each other. Sneaking around was enough for them. Both of them knew this would never include having a lot of alone time. They would never be able to kiss in the hall on the way to class or hold hands in public. But these rare moments were enough for them.
He leaned into her, resting his head against her chest when she continued riding him. She could hear him cursing under his breath, he groaned and called out her name.
“God Rhaena.” Daeron huffed out his words, trying desperately to move her hips faster and chasing his release. The pulse inside her matched the heartbeat against his face and he pressed harder. He left her clench around him and Rhaena’s moans grew louder, interrupted by the sound of faint talking. They both froze for a moment and Daeron pulled back, looking at Rhaena to make sure she also heard it. He’d never moved so quick in her life, not even when her coach was yelling at him while they ran laps.
Daeron grabbed her, pulling Rhaena off him and moving her to the side. She was frozen, confused what was going on and where the voices were coming from. Clumsily, he jumped into the driver's seat with his shaking hands grabbing Rhaena’s keys and turning the car back on. They could hear the voices getting louder, but couldn’t see anything other than trees.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry,” he apologized when the car jumped forward and began moving. Daeron was blinking fast, freaking out that he was still half naked, and looked at Rhaena like she went crazy when she covered her mouth and started giggling.
“What’s so funny?” She laughed louder, pointing her finger out the window to an old couple walking their dog. Daeron was speeding away from them, and he stared at them in the rear veiw mirror.
“It’s just those people. We could have stayed and they wouldn’t have noticed us.”
They were back on the empty road, far away from any prying eyes but Daeron still looked anxious.
“You never know, they could know our parents and recognize us.” Rhaena still laughed at him when she pulled her legs up to her seat and leaned into him.
She gave him an exaggerated solemn face, “We never got to finish.”
“That’s ok, I'll go home now and we can find another time.”
Reaching over to grab his still exposed hardness, Rhaena shook her head. “No, it’s supposed to be a celebration for your win today. What kind of cheerleader would I be if I didn’t finish?”
She shifted to get on her knees, and leaned his arm.
“Rhaena, what are you doing?” He just heard her laughing with her head down and suddenly felt her mouth on him.
Daeron whimpered and the car swerved. They were lucky noone was around for him to hit. He wanted to close his eyes and grab her head, but instead just grabbed the steering wheel harder. Rhaena moaned around him, the feeling of touching him was enough and she continued to suck and slurp. Turning a corner on his father’s street, Daeron felt his climax approaching and reached one hand down to clench at Rhaena’s locs.
Sucking harder, Rhaena helped him chase his arousal for the warning he gave her. The intoxicating smell of their lust and the game hung on to both of them. A long and loud moan came right as they pulled up, Daeron going dizzy as he stopped the car.
“How was it?” She pulled herself off of him, licking her full lips and wiping her mouth. He could only nod, realizing his brain was buried in a haze. They heard a shuffle, looking over to see Aemond had been standing outside smoking. He looked like he tried to stare into the car, but he couldn’t see anything other than what he called ‘Rhaena’s ugly pink beamer’.
“He’s gonna come over here. I gotta go.” Daeron gave her a half smile, still trying to catch his breath while he fixed his clothes. She leaned over to kiss his cheek.
“Proud of you, congrats on the win.” Rhaena shimmied her skirt back down to not flash Aemond, throwing her legs over and got in the driver's seat as Daeron got out. He smiled and leaned over, whispering so his brother couldn’t hear him.
“Love you.” She only smiled as she watched his jog over the front lawn waving to Aemond. She watched him disappear into the house before driving off, satisfied with a stolen half hour at least. The entire drive home Rhaena thought up new excuses to be away, new places to drive that’s so far away, someone could catch them together, and they wouldn’t care.
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sleepeachy · 2 years
I made it to The Other Side
They say the other side is a place where the people who have lost their spirit go to. They describe it as a blissful sanctuary; a tranquil home. Some say problems don’t exist there, you wouldn’t have to worry about going to school with anxiety or being alone. People say you’ll find consolation in the people around you. In short, it is a peaceful place full of happiness; a world that has nothing to worry about. Some people are also saying that home can also be a person, not just a place. Well, I can thankfully say that i’ve experienced it all, however i didn’t really cross to the other side instead i came back to where i came from, the place where i truly live.
January passed me by. that month is full of despair and i wouldn’t ever want to experience it again. it was the worst ever situation that has ever happened in my life. i came to the point where i begged God to give me a reason to stay a bit longer, i begged him to say that i can still do it even if me in myself knew that i couldn’t anymore. i even started to doubt if he could still hear my prayers because for me, i am a sinner and i deserve all the suffering i felt, yet i still hoped that he would lend a hand to me. one more complication, i wouldn’t even bother to think twice to end my presence; i’ve lost my spirit. After everything, i just wanted to run away, i want to take a rest, and so i did. i traveled miles just to come back home. People who i haven’t spoken to in a long time welcomed me with a warm hug. my friends ran to my arms, smiling looking so blithe and they are excited to see me. they didn’t ask me whether i’m okay or how’s life, they just hugged me tightly making me feel that i wasn’t alone and that somebody’s still out there are who’s glad to see me with pure intentions. they knew it was all i needed at that moment— a comfort, not a reason to open up, not anything, just a hug and a person, then i’d be okay. they know what i wanted to feel even without me saying. Days have passed by, i was surrounded by genuine people with unendless laughter. they’ve showed me what friends are really like, they treated me like one. i wouldn’t have to worry about having anxiety because with them, i’m at ease. i didn’t have to worry about being alone cause they were always right there; they’ve always made me feel that i wasn’t friendless. they appreciate everything i do, even just by being there with them. We trip to places we used to go to, it felt so nostalgic. i remember going to school with a high ponytail and a long uniform dress without agonizing over anything. now going back without my uniform and my hair has been cut off and my life’s full of affliction. i may come back not as the same person i was before but the place i’ve been through remained serene, which is why i felt peaceful. it really is a blissful sanctuary, a tranquil home. i have lived my life at it’s fullest for the mean time with them. no problems existed in my existence that moment. they saw how burdened i was in life yet they didn’t see me as a weak person, instead they told me that i was a strong independent human being. for me they were all a gift blessing sent from God, He has heard my prayers. they all gave me a reason to stay a bit longer, they’ve told me that i can do it, they treated me the way i deserved; i deserved to be loved, appreciated, and to be treated right, not to be alone with all the traumas i don’t deserve, not to suffer from things i didn’t do. they made me stronger and i will always be thankful for them especially to God, he never left. Now i wouldn’t want to surrender again when i feel agony cause i’ve passed a situation in my life i thought i couldn’t. Coming back to the reality of my state still felt like there’s a void, the only difference is, i’m stronger now, i have a reason to exist and my heart is full. i can do it, i would not let myself be in that situation again, i would not let anyone ruin me again. i don’t deserve that.
So, i may have not really crossed to the other side, but at least i knew what it felt like to be in a place full of happiness, that is enough for me to call it heaven and a blessing. I made it to the other side.
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ventismacchiato · 2 years
hi hi !! it took me a while to work up the courage to say this (i was scared) but jptp has become one of my fave smaus and it's just. a comfort read for me now skjhdfkdjh like, anytime i feel sad i just click on ur profile and go "well don't be sad silly. there are 20+ chapters of jptp on ur screen rn!" and just. brightens me up fr :) tysm for writing it im so glad it exists !!!
i hear ur pulling for scara?? personally i am not but i wish u (and all scara wanters!!) a very happy i hope u get scara early !! <33 enjoy ur day kai!!!
also if it's not taken, can i be glitter anon?? i checked thru the list but. im not sure if i missed it or smth (hopefully not!!)
~sparkle on ♪
ur so cute i’m going to put you in my pocket 😭🫶 IM SO HAPPY IT BRINGS U COMFORT UR SO SWEET THAT MEANS A LOT TO ME
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lys1 · 3 years
This is an Asra x fem!reader. NSFW for sure, porn WITH plot <3 this is my first post on tumblr so feedback appreciated.
You walk through the dusty streets of the Market towards the palace. Hundreds of stalls loom up on either side, alive and vibrant with colors, smells, and tastes. It feels good to be back in the heart of Vesuvia.
You turn to look at Asra beside you, keeping your exhausted pace. It had been 8 days since Nadia had asked Asra and yourself to go check out some mysterious magic happenings on the outskirts of the city. You scoff to yourself, mysterious indeed, it took half the time to even track down the little pixie creatures causing ruckus and mayhem. Eventually, after some exhaustive spell casting and careful teamwork the two of you had managed to return the troublesome pixies to the proper magic realm they escaped from.
You yawn tiredly, loosening the emerald colored traveling scarf from around your neck. It was afternoon now, and the sun was beating down.
"Almost there now," Asra spoke up, breaking the silence. He looked fondly over at you, a smile lighting up his sun kissed face. Even so, you could see that the time away from home had taken its toll on him too. You were both more than ready to hit the hay.
You nod slightly, keeping back another yawn. "I hope Nadia has food for us, I'm starved." The villagers in the towns you had visited were kind and generous, but nothing could beat the delectable food that the palace prepared.
Asra chuckled, "I'm sure that right after we fill her in on the successful pixie management she'll immediately be tending to us like a mother hen. You know how she is, she loves to provide." He pushed back his curls from his face to wipe his brow of sweat, smiling as he too imagined the delicious array of food that was about to be offered. He picked up his pace at the thought, making you jog a bit to keep up.
The Palace gates soon loomed over the two of you, sparkling and gold in the summer sun. The guards at the gate looked up as you approached.
"Ah, the magicians! I trust everything went alright?" One asked, clearly recognizing the famous duo. He smiled warmly, maybe a little starstruck.
Asra returned his smile, "it was simply magical."
You rolled your eyes at the terribly overused pun as the guard gave a hearty laugh. The two of you were waved in and informed that the countess was waiting for you in the dining room.
"Oh even better," you groaned in appreciation. "We get to eat while we talk. I love Nadia." Your stomach growls in agreement. Asra flashes you a beautiful smile as his feet climb the stairs alongside yours.
"And clearly," he adds, "she loves us back!" He was particularly looking forward to some blue tongued skink, Nadia knew it was his favorite.
It only took a couple minutes to reach the dining hall. One of the servers was bustling out the moment You and Asra rounded the corner to the door.
"Oh, hello!" They said, giving a small polite now. "The countess is expecting you! Please, come right in." They moved aside, holding the large ornate door open with one of their hands.
You wink and whisper your thanks as the two of you make your way in. Immediately your mouth fills with saliva at the smell that filled the room. The table was large and being filled with platters of many foods of different origins. The gold dinnerware twinkled delightedly up at you and the red wine glimmered deep and inviting.
"Welcome, friends." Nadia opens her arms, rising from her chair. She had just been sipping on some pre-dinner tea while waiting for her guests. She was smiling, and looking absolutely magnificent in her shining purple and gold robes.
"Hello Nadi," Asra said, joining you and her in a quick hug before seating himself at the table. You follow, sitting beside him as Nadia resumes her seat. The servants bring the last platter of steaming dumplings out at that moment.
You sigh contentedly. "This looks amazing Nadia, I feel spoiled."
Nadia smiles, the faintest blush on her high cheeks. "Anything for my favorite magicians, willing to travel far and wide in aid of Vesuvians in need." She adores, raising her wine glass. "To my dear friends, what I would do without you, I wouldn't know."
You and Asra raise your glasses with her, each of your own cheeks now a healthy pink. Nadia declares the meal to begin and you all dig in.
"Oh my, what troublemakers!" Nadia declares, after hearing the story about the pixies. The food was being relished amongst every plate and the wine was flowing steadily. "I can't believe such tricky little creatures exists." She continues, eyes sparkling as she pours another cup of wine.
"Yes, well, the magic world is something else entirely." Asra laughs, relaxed and feeling full. He was lounging comfortably, one hand gripping your thigh, another holding his gold goblet. His skin was warm and aglow.
You had your own hand comfortably nestled in his snowy white locks, massaging slow circles into his scalp. It had been a long 8 days and you were both happy to finally be able to relax into each other while having pleasant conversation.
"You should have seen the way they caused mischief," you add. “Oh I felt terrible for that village. So many upside down cows to turn over." Asra smiles as you tell the story, closing his eyes and leaning into your gentle touch. It was, to put it simply, the best feeling he could imagine. Well, almost.
Nadia chuckles again. "Well, I'm just glad that they are gone and we can laugh about this." She says, sighing in slight relief. "Vesuvia is fortunate to have two talented magicians like yourself. I am fortunate to have you as my friends. Your well deserved payment is in your guest room."
Asra blinks, "oh, you're offering us a place to stay tonight?" He asked, the gratefulness clear in his tone. You couldn't help but agree, walking back to the shop did not really sound like something either of you wanted to do. Especially, you muse, lifting your glass to your lips, after how many wine jugs the three of you had emptied.
"Why of course," Nadia looks surprised that we even had to ask. "And," she continued, "use of my personal bath this evening. You two more than deserve some relaxation and.. fun." She ends her sentence after a slight pause, giving you both a side glance full of humor.
You feel your cheeks go slightly hotter at the obvious suggestion. However, embarrassment aside, nothing else sounded better right now. You look down at your lover who was now lounging against your lap and smile. Oh how far too long it had been, the pixies had been relentless and had not offered much down time.
Asra chuckles, clearly more comfortable with the suggestion. He always had been a bit more confident when it came to discussing your private life. You found it quite endearing.
"Oh Nadi," he smiles. "You just made this evening even better somehow. I can't wait to take my love there and-"
Nadia waves her hand, laughing at your horrified face. "Please, please, I certainly don't need to know details." She grins, "just go, and take the wine."
Asra didn't need more encouragement and sat up promptly. He looks down at you, a shadow of hunger in his lilac eyes, offering you his hand. You take it, biting your lip as his gaze continues to rake over your body in the sort of way that makes you squirm.
"Thank you, Nadia." You say breathlessly, and a little sheepishly.
Nadia smiles, "anytime." She says, laughter still ringing in her voice. "Now go, before Asra here makes love to you on this table."
Your eyes open wide, shocked to hear her say such dirty words before ducking your head down in embarrassment.
Asra rests his hand on your shoulder and leans down to whisper in your ear, "you heard the lady." His voice is sultry and thick with want. "The table is looking awfully inviting right now."
Quickly, you turn and head out the door, Asra following close behind. The bath is not far down the hall and the two of you make great time. Asra's hand is at your waist, pressing in such a way that you know means desire. You hadn't realized how badly he had been missing you.
You make it to the door and turn to look back at your lover. You gulp at the hot scene behind you. Asra's eyes are half-lidded, purple irises cloudy with lust. His shirt is already half unbuttoned, revealing his delicious golden tan skin, smooth and beautiful. He's looking at you in a way that makes you think he hasn't eaten in a week and you are a five course meal.
He closes in, pushing you against the door and reaching for the handle. "You're terribly slow," he says, voice already rough, desire prominent. He pushes the handle and the latch clicks, the door swings in behind you.
The two of you tumble into the sweet smelling room. Obviously Nadia informed a servant ahead of time of the use of this room because the bath was already filled and steaming. On top of the water pink rose petals float, filling the area with a soft floral scent.
Asra closes the door with a soft click and looks over his shoulder at you. "Oh my dear," he murmurs, taking the couple strides to wrap you up in his strong arms. "I've missed hearing you cry my name, kissing those lips, and feeling your skin." His fingers travel up your waist and over your stomach. They linger, just a moment at the swell under your breast before finally cupping your face in his hands.
You tremble under his touch, body suddenly aching with need. You bring your own hands up to his chest and splay your fingers out so you can feel his heart beating. It's fast and erratic, excited to be close to you.
"Sweetheart," Asra whispers, voice heady. It's intoxicating to hear him talk to you in such a way. You look up at him and catch him licking his lips. You bring your own up to meet his, tongue out to capture his. He groans, melting into the kiss, gripping your hair so tightly it's almost painful.
You gasp, mouth opening and he runs his tongue along your lips, tasting the wine you both had shared. "Delicious," he says against your skin, tasting more and more. His hot open mouth kisses travel from your lips to your cheek, jaw, and finally resting on your neck. Asra loves to leave marks, and he takes your skin between his teeth intending to do exactly that.
Your moan comes out hoarse and you feel heat starting to pool between your legs. They feel shaky and weak, unable to withstand such torment.
Asra steadies you and pulls back briefly, cheeks flushed hot, want written all over his face. "We," he states, "are wearing far too many clothes for a bath."
You laugh and take his shirt in your hands. "I agree," you say, pulling at the remaining buttons. They come free easily and soon a glorious, shirtless Asra is standing before you. You drink in the sight unashamedly, totally enthralled with your lover. Gradually, though slowed by each other's groping hands, you both end up undressed.
Asra grabs your thighs and hoists you up onto his hips. You wrap your arms around his neck and press your breasts into his soft skin. He groans appreciatively, nuzzling his face into your chest breathing deeply, and walks the two of you over to the edge of the bath.
The water is still very warm as it licks your skin. You jump in surprise and moan slightly as it overtakes your aching folds and up over your ass. "Ahh-" you sigh, slumping into the crook of Asra's neck. "This is so good."
Asra hums his agreement before taking your chin between his fingers and directing you too look at him. His eyes are swimming with love, need, and an absolute desire to ravish you. You swallow hard, unable to look away.
"I want you." He says simply, barely above a whisper. He maneuvers your body so your back is against his chest. You lean your head back into him and relax in the fragrant water. Asra snakes his left arm around your waist and trails his fingers from your belly button downwards.
You bite back a squeal as his trained fingers circle the small nub at the top of your slit. He adds pressure, rubbing you in a manner that makes you crazy. Your hips wiggle back and you feel him, hard and straining, pressing into your ass. His breath hitches only for a second before he leans down to pepper soft kisses on your neck and shoulders.
His other hand makes it’s way up to your right breast and he expertly rolls your perked nipples between two fingers. Your whole body shudders in response to his actions.
“Ah, fuck Asra,” you choke out, moving your hips to meet his fingers as he slides them down your slick towards your now dripping hole. He wastes no time plunging two in, enjoying the feeling of your walls tightening around him.
Asra lifts his lips from your skin and brings his mouth to your ear. “You’re so ready for me, aren’t you. Pretty and wet for my fingers, aching to be filled.” He curls them as he says that, relishing in the soft gasps that fall from your trembling lips.
You groan as he licks the shell of your ear, hot breath teasing on the sensitive skin. “You,” your voice falters a second as Asra’s fingers continue to explore your insides in a way that makes you grip his strong thighs on either side of you. “You are ready for me too.” You finally gasp out, finding the strength to grind back against Asra’s swollen cock. You knew if you could see it, it would be an angry red and leaking precum, desperate to be buried to the hilt inside of you.
Asra’s breath comes out in a short gasp that makes you smirk in satisfaction. At least you still have a little control left. That thought flies out your brain a second later when Asra pinches your nipple hard then twists, making you cry out in painful pleasure.
“Watch yourself, my love.” He coos playfully, no remorse in his words. You grit your teeth, taking in the torture that both of his skilled hands are laying upon you. You know what he wants, and it is oh so tempting to give in. You’re almost at war with yourself as your back arches on its own accord in rapt pleasure.
“Oh please, please.” You finally break, body shaking. You reach your arms back and thread your fingers through Asra’s fluffy locks before gripping hard. “Asra please fuck me already.” You plead, unable to care anymore that you were begging.
You feel Asra’s fingers slow to a stop inside you and then remove themselves. You almost groan in disappointment but you know better.
Asra flips your body around so you’re straddling his hips. You gasp when suddenly you’re faced to face with your beautiful lover. He looks positively stunning, the soft moonlight coming in from the high windows bathing him in a pearlescent light. His skin is glowing with a cool sheen, and his breath is leaving parted lips shallowly. Not to mention, his hard cock straining against your stomach, just begging for attention.
You bring your hand down and rest your index finger lightly on the slit. Asra shudders at the touch, but certainly not complaining. He’s slick, just as you expected, and you lightly circle his tip.
“You go on and on about how ready I am.” You tease, “but look at you, practically cumming into my hand already.” You lift your fingers and bring them to your mouth, tasting his salty sweetness. Asra’s diet is rich with fruit and vitamins, and oh how you loved how he tasted as a result.
Watching you lick your fingers coyly has Asra’s eyes drooping with lust. “My dear, oh my love,” he whispers. “How I am going to fuck you until I fill you with that cum you love so much. Because it’s true, you love it don’t you.” He says, voice sugar sweet, expecting an answer.
You blush, despite your best efforts. You look at him, but he only blinks in return, waiting.
“Yes,” you whisper, voice thicker with need than you realized. You give up trying to be bashful. “Yes, yes. I love your cum, how it tastes, how it feels when you fill me up. I want it so bad.” You beg, looping your arms around his neck so your lips are just inches apart. “You have my heart, soul, and body.” The words tumble out naturally, “and gods, do I need you now.”
Asra bites your bottom lip harshly before fully overtaking your mouth with his. He’s moaning, almost desperately, into you. “I love you, my dearest one.” He pants, gripping your ass with his hands. You feel your hips being lifted up and your body quakes knowing what’s coming.
You feel the tip of Asra on the heat of your slit and you sigh deeply, “I love you too, Asra.” You say, bending your neck so your head rests on his muscular shoulder. Your lips find a sweet spot on his neck, an anchor, as he lowers you down onto him. It’s tantalizingly slow, allowing you to feel every inch as you sink lower in the water until he’s fully sheathed in you.
“Oh gods,” Asra groans, both from feeling you pulse around him and from your playful lips on his neck. “You are a gift to me.” He says, breathless from the feelings.
You smile, in delight from your lovers sweet words. Slowly and carefully you lift your hips up, at the same time dragging your tongue up his smooth neck to his ear. You suck and nibble on the lobe as you find your rhythm, bouncing steadily on the thick shaft. He feels absolutely amazing in you, filling you perfectly.
Asra grips your butt underwater with his strong hands and leans his head to the side, giving you better access. He guides your hips to a steady pace, humming appreciatively when you comply. “It has been far too long since I’ve felt your sweet pussy squeezing me like this.” He says, without skipping a beat.
You don’t have time to blush before he picks up the pace, leaving you moaning loudly into his ear as he hits the spot that makes you crazy. “Ah fuck, I agree, I do agree.” You manage, finally finding the words.
The water sloshes around your two bodies, stirring the rosy scent into the air. It’s smells amazing and makes you dizzy with pleasure as every sense seems to be met. Asra huffs gently next to your ear, holding you tightly against his body.
You savor the feelings of your chests sliding against each other, the feeling sleek from the warm water and sweat mixing. Your hips meet his, snapping against each other with quick splashes, making you see stars as he hits every time the spot that has you go wild.
The muscles in your lower stomach tighten and you know it’s only a matter of time before you’re screaming Asra’s name for the whole palace to hear. “Baby,” you say breathlessly, kissing any skin you can reach. His cheek, the corner of his eye, his plump lips. “I’m going to cum.” You whisper into his mouth. He swallows your delicious words and licks your lips in response.
“I love when you do that,” he says, a slight chuckle in his words. He wraps his arms tightly around your middles before bringing his hands up to your shoulder blades and raking his nails down your spine. You shudder at the erotic feeling and arch your back against his hands. He sighs happily when you give him access to this gorgeous view, stretched out before him, stomach and tits shining gloriously in front of him. He puts his mouth on your bellybutton and licks up to the cavity between your breasts.
“Oh mmm,” he hums, pleased with the sweet taste of your skin. “You are a delicacy amongst gods.”
You flush looking down at his lustful face, sucking on your skin, leaving marks where only he will see. He latches on to one of your nipples, moaning in immense pleasure at the feel of it in his mouth. When he nips at the sensitive skin you jolt, a small disruption in the steady bounce of your bodies.
“Damn,” you curse, words choking in your throat. Your nails dig into Asra’s shoulders as he re-establishes the torturing rhythm that has you shaking desperately against him.
“Let go for me,” he suggests in a sultry whisper that has you reeling with a feverish desire. The pressure in your core is building at an alarming rate as Asra thrusts into you, filling you every time to the point where you can barely hang on.
“I-“ you falter, eyes rolling as you feel that familiar tingle across all your limbs. Oh gods, you can’t stop it now. “Asra, oh fuck, ASRA-!” You scream head thrown back. Your walls clench, and the knot comes undone. It’s amazing, you almost want to laugh in pleasure at the feeling of coming around Asra’s cock. It’s so good you almost forget to breath.
Asra curses under his own breath as he fucks you through your high, barely holding on himself. You bring your head back down and kiss him deeply, tongue joining his. It’s a short lived battle to hang on and in a flurry of short gasps you feel him cumming inside you, unable to stop himself from the uncontrollable waves of pleasure that come from your hot walls clenching around him.
You both continue to kiss each other lovingly, slowing down gradually until you’re sitting on his lap. Eventually, you pull away a couple of inches, looking into your beloved’s eyes.
“Hello,” you say, smiling at your favorite magician. Asra’s eyes crinkle as he smiles, looking at you through hazy eyes. He kisses you again, gently, pleasantly.
“Hello,” he returns, after a minute. He runs his hands up your back, massaging as he goes. “You,” he adds lovingly, “are so beautiful.”
You smile adoringly. “Thank you, Asra.” You remove yourself from his lap and wade through the water towards the collection of bottles on the wooden shelf nearby. You grab a few that you felt suited the two of you best and turned to your lover. Asra had lifted his arms to rest on the sides of the bath and was looking at you with admiration.
“May I wash your hair?” You ask setting down the bottles, but keeping a lilac scented shampoo for Asra. He smiled at you, his face soft and kind.
“That would be amazing, my love.” He said, leaning his head back into the water to dampen it. You squeezed some of the lovely smelling shampoo into your hand and waited. Asra emerged a moment later and kissed you adoringly on the nose.
“Thank you,” he breathed. “For always taking care of me.”
You kissed him back, a peck, before turning him so his back was facing you. You rub your hands into a lather before working them into Asra’s soft hair.
“I always will, forever.” You say softly, happier than ever.
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Yandere Profile - Link (Legend of Zelda)
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As some of you may know, today is the release date of Skyward Sword HD for Switch!! So I decided to release this one now in honor of that :3
I went towards the idea of a Princess!reader because that just opens the gate for sooooo much potential. I'm leaning heavily towards the ZeLink interactions in BoTW and Skyward Sword just because those games have the most interaction between the two.
Also! This is great bc it gives me the opportunity to explore an idea I've actually had a long time! I've always thought about how many opportunities there have been across the games for Link and Zelda to be kinda like "haha well seeya later" and just... bolt, run away from everything, abandon their roles and responsibilities and all that. Like, if OoT kid Link got her before Ganon did and ran, if SS Link just decided to get her on the bird and bolt before everything went down, if botw Link was just like haha what if we ran away from everything together... jk... unless...?
And final note, Link is a great pick for the very traditional yandere -- sweet and : ) but can snap into darker personas. I really liked writing this bc I tend to have more self centered yans and less of the "worships the ground you walk on" type of yans like I think Link would be, so it's a nice change.
As usual now the nsfw section is divided by a ---- line.
TWs: fem reader, heavily implied Zelda!reader, stalking, murder, very brief mentions of gore/dismemberment of rivals, manipulation, very brief suicide mention, themes of reincarnation (I’ve been told this can be triggering to some people so just in case)
TWs (nsfw section): noncon, somnophilia
Severity Scale
Intelligence/Perceptiveness: 4 Brutality: 8.5 Physical capability: 8 Mental/emotional instability: 7 Restrictiveness: 6 Sexual sadism: 5 Stubbornness: 8
What are they generally like? Lucid, aware? Obsessive? How do they behave?
The primary trait of Link that any darling -- any person, really -- would notice is that he is, well, quiet. He has always been a man of few words, and really, he often doesn't know exactly what to say. On his own, at a first glance, he really does seem like a gentle, humble spirit, someone who blends into the background pretty well, who isn't particularly prideful or reckless or aggressive.
Which is why, to be honest, he might sort of evade the gaze of most people -- he doesn't stand out. You remember him as the boy that smiled at you now and then, it's a soft, gentle sort of smile, one that you feel conveys nothing but the utmost innocence and contentment with the world. You know he's pretty good at fighting, but doesn't get into fights needlessly, he's accomplished and respected, but has never been the guy everyone is talking about -- he's in the background, against the wall. Never speaking, always looking out, sometimes at the sky, sometimes carefully watching people. Sometimes you see him, gaze blank and tranquil, and wonder what he's thinking about. Whether he's the village boy in the time of Twilight, the trained and honored warrior that slept for many years, the boy that came down from the sky -- you can't help but feel at ease around him, safe, you can't help but find him endearing and pleasant.
Yet, you always seem to notice him. Other people... forget he exists, sometimes, he's so quiet. You never do, for whatever reason.
When he needs to get something across, he prefers to express himself through actions, not words. If you lived in Skyloft, or Ordon village, you might find problems mysteriously solved, work suddenly done that you don't remember doing. That fencepost outside your home that broke has been replaced overnight. A village child went missing and he comes back a few hours later with them in tow. Always humble, never demanding or expecting thanks, he tells you in his quiet voice that he's happy to help you.
And should you ever ask him for anything, he'll drop whatever he's doing to help. Anything for you, he says with a smile, which makes you feel a bit guilty when, honestly, you're not even sure you're remembering his name right.
And yet, sometimes, you feel so at ease around him it seems unnatural. He seems so easy to trust. You feel like you've known him forever. And sometimes you feel... for just a split second, less at ease. You find yourself randomly stiffening at his calm, sweet voice. You find yourself looking around when you're alone, as if you feel someone is there, and for some reason, his face flashes through your mind. Sometimes when he looks at you, you feel sort of cold. It's almost like invoking a memory you don't have, like some kind of learned instinct you can't recall a reason for. But those moments are fleeting, they come and go before you can even process them, replaced by warmth and comfort.
If you do spend time with him, if you find yourself gazing out your window when he's training, the next thing you notice besides him being quiet and sweet is that he's strong. It's almost ironic, how all the other knights or village boys are so aggressive and rowdy all the time, many of them taller or bulkier, and yet, none of them could ever dream of defeating Link. Not one can match his agility, speed, prowess. Such a pleasant, calm person, with so much skill, strength, and power, but that power is so rarely seen exerted. People marvel at his talent, they say it's as if he has the experience of lifetimes and lifetimes of battle in his blood.
And it's why you feel at ease when he's assigned the task of guarding you. His capabilities are unmatched, and yet you'd never fear any harm to you from him. Both of those traits put together make him the best candidate to protect you.
Of course, you do find yourself doing most of the talking. Sometimes you find yourself rambling to fill the silence, and you fear you're annoying him, but when you stop he raises an eyebrow and asks why you got so quiet. Did he do something wrong? He seems to worry about that a lot -- has he done something bad? Has he made you upset? Are you mad? At first you think he's worried about his position security, but after a while you realize he genuinely worries about it.
And when you do continue your ramblings, you're surprised to find he remembers your words -- every little thing you say. Things you don't even remember telling him. He asks you about that relative you mentioned one time, his eyes light up and he walks a bit to the side because look, it's your favorite flower over there, he'll get it for you. It's impressive, really, how he manages to remember such things. He must take his job very seriously.
He does enjoy giving you such things -- he loves giving you gifts. It's usually things he finds, wholesome little things -- makes a crown out of the flowers you like so much, finds something interesting here or there, while he was off-duty he saw something in the markets he thought you'd like and got it for you. You almost feel guilty, it's so constant that he's giving you things.
Sometimes you ask him about himself, you realize he knows so much about you and you so little about him. He blushes, he rubs the back of his head, he insists there's nothing interesting about him, he wouldn't waste your time like that. It takes time to get him out of his shell, but eventually, he tells you this or that, little stories from his life.
Sometimes you take long walks, you like to get out of the stuffy walls and have fun outside, he accompanies you across Hyrule. Sometimes it feels familiar, you pass places you've never been that give you a feeling of nostalgia, deja vu, a sense that you've been here before.
He’s protectiveness incarnated. Insanely so. He can spring to his feet at a moment's notice and deals with anything that comes for you before they can even get close.
It makes you feel safe, but there's something else there. It's a ferocity that is so contrasting to his normal self, different even from the times you've seen him fight as he trains. It's a glint in the eyes, an aggression in his expression, that almost makes him seem like a different person. And it lingers for a moment, once the creature is dead and his sword hand falls to his side, he turns and glances at you to his side, a hand raised to wipe the blood off his face, and for that lingering second, it's still there, his blank expression and wide eyes -- a ferocity so intense it starts to look like bloodlust, chaos, destruction. And then, it's as if you imagined it. Smiling and telling you it's gone now, you're ok. You're glad he's so truly devoted.
In fact, he's so dedicated to his job that he starts... doing it... outside of his job hours...? Well, today he was given the day off, and you were told to stay inside because you didn't have to go out. He comes knocking on your door, says not to be startled if you hear someone outside your door move or shift or anything, but he just wanted to let you know in case. He'll be right here. Keeping watch. So don't worry. You're safe.
And likewise, he was supposed to have a day off when you were supposed to enter the town. You were assigned two other guards to watch you, since it's a special trip, so you're surprised to find just Link waiting for you. He took care of it, he says, he didn't feel right leaving your safety up to someone else, he doesn't trust them. So they agreed to let him take over for today.
All of this said, he doesn't have to grow alongside you, he doesn't have to be the childhood friend, the knight who guards you. He doesn't even have to have met you. Fate works in odd ways like that. There's a sort of inexplicable instant attachment he takes to you, almost as though it's some kind of destined, divinely inspired sort of thing. He would describe it as saying you feel familiar to him.
He's also, notably, prone to a more traditional trope of what you might call humility whiplash. For the most part, he's got that overly humble, worshipping, "I don't deserve to even stand in your presence" sort of mentality. However, although it's rare and requires a lot of wearing down his mental state, if pushed far enough, he can have brief moments where he snaps into more or less the complete opposite -- entitlement, arrogance, aggression, getting mad at you for the behavior he'd normally take with a smile on his face. Thankfully, unlike some yanderes that have a whole snapping episode towards their darling, his are very very brief, usually only a matter of seconds or a single snarled sentence before he snaps back to normal, wide-eyed and apologetic and telling you I don't know what came over me. It’s... a little frightening to say the least, but you blow it off, tell yourself that hey, everyone has moments like that... Right?
How likely are they to kidnap their darling? How quickly will they do so?
For the most part, he doesn't need it, he can pretty easily cling to your side well enough to be assured of your safety, and he manages to scare off the undesirables not with a glare, but a smile that's just a little too sweet and far too persistent -- it unnerves people. You hear a lot of people say that something about that guy rubs me the wrong way. Or that he gives me goosebumps for some reason. Even the people he scares away themselves can't pinpoint exactly what it is, all they know is that, despite being reputed as kind and quiet (and maybe a little dense), somehow a lot of people agree that something about him puts people at unease, and that's all he needs. Because they stay away from him, and if he’s by your side all the time, that means they stay away from you too. Why keep you trapped when you can just be isolated?
An aware Link is a a unique scenario. One scenario that's rather... interesting to imagine is a Link that defies fate itself, a Link that decides to be selfish in one of those rare snapping moments of his. Perhaps he makes a decision when everything starts going down, when the chaos is beginning, or perhaps he has somehow managed to gain knowledge of the bigger picture at work, the reality of the nature of your existence and his.
Perhaps he begins to think it's unfair. To suffer again and again. To prove himself again and again, and not always even to reap any benefits, to work so hard and yet still -- still -- you slip out of his grasp. He longs for a life with no tribulations, no struggle, no fights to be fought. He begins to feel like it's what he wants the most. He begins to feel like maybe it's what he deserves. So many lifetimes of struggles, if the higher powers won't give him a reward, he'll take it himself.
And perhaps, for all their higher power, not even the great goddesses themselves would have ever predicted it -- humans are ultimately creatures of will. To defy fate and to run away from destiny -- it wouldn't be the first time a human has tried such a thing. Sure, Hyrule may be destroyed. The people may all die. There may be nothing left. But you know what? He's stopped caring. If you're alive and he's alive, tucked away in your little corner of the world where you've found respite, well, that's all he needs. Even if you're on the run from forces that would want to find you, even if the threat of the final third of the triforce owner looms over your head. He'll ignore it, he'll look away.
You'll live a quiet little life together, a happy life without suffering, without quests and enemies, without strife, without worry. That's what he tells you when he steals you away, lifts you out of your bed one night. Says to be quiet, there's danger outside your door, he's rescuing you. You have no reason to not believe him. He waits until things go down, a castle under siege, but rather than taking you to where you're supposed to go, he climbs onto the horse and starts... riding away. It gets further and further into the distance, and you might ask why, what's going on? You have a job to do, he has a battle to be fought. But he says you're going far, far away, someplace you'll be safe.
But what about the divine beasts, the seals, the Twilight, whatever threat runs in this world in this time, what about the threat of Ganon, you ask? He says it doesn't matter anymore. You were doomed to fail, he thinks, it's either stay here and die, or run away. All that matters is you. And he'd like you to feel the same way for him. You will with enough time, don't worry.
He just wants this happy, quiet life with you that he’s been denied time and time again. It’s all he wants. If fate won’t give it to him, he’ll make it happen himself, and carve out the life he is determined to have, defying even the will of higher power.
How difficult is it to escape from them? How do they keep you restrained? How do they deal with attempted escape? 
He gets it. Really, he does. "Stop following me!" You yell. Well, he understands why you might feel that way, but this is kinda his job. He thinks you're naive. Not that he would ever, ever have a thought that you're imperfect, of course! It's because you're so perfect and pure that you're... less aware of the dangers all around.
He'll let you think you're free, perhaps. He's more than capable of being quiet, quiet is kind of his thing. Watching you from a short distance is easy. Of course, his horse might make a noise, he can't really help that, or he might misstep on a branch or something. And then you turn around and get all mad again. Now you're even more angry. Well, he can also tell your guardians/father, who will encourage you to accept it. You can't help but feel a little bad -- he's just doing his job.
Now, our aware, runaway Link, well, does he really need to keep you restrained? What would you go back to? Certain death, a land destroyed? Sometimes you mention home, and he's quick to remind you that home doesn't exist anymore. His home is where you are. Can't you feel the same way? You found peace here in this little place -- a village far far away. Travelers, you call yourselves. What's the point in going elsewhere? How would you ever survive without him? He's not very good at being subtle or skillful about the psychological manipulation, it's obvious he's trying to scare you into not leaving, but... it still works, because really, he has a point.
He doesn't want to have to use physical restraint, in any case. And for the most part, it's not needed, because one important aspect of your relation is that his job kinda revolves around you (in some incarnations), or, perhaps you live in the same little village, but either way the thing is that his presence does the job well enough -- he's always there, perhaps more so than almost any other yandere. Even when you think you've managed to get away from him for a moment, somehow his face pops up out of nowhere. How he manages to pull it off is a mystery, you swear he manages to find you so well and predict your movements it's inhuman.
But if you really, really pose a problem, a smarter and sneakier darling that somehow manages to keep slipping out of his grasp and running off (you never get away for more than about 20 minutes or so, but nonetheless), you keep trying to run off when he's sleeping (he wakes up in approximately 25 seconds if your presence is absent from the bed, but that's still enough time to run out the front door), every time he turns his head (which isn't often) you're trying to disappear... well, in that case, he can reach a point of deciding more straightforward measures are necessary. He hates to do it, really, at least when he's not yet at a snapping point. But it's for your own good. And he says so, quite apologetically.
But it's not so bad, it's not like you're being chained to a wall or anything. For one, he got leather ties so you'd be more comfortable, but more importantly, as your guardian, he figured the best thing for you to be tied to would be... himself. Think of it like friendship bracelets! It's just... got a 5-foot chain connecting them. This way you can't sneak off at night, and you won't get too far when he's distracted. It's a safety measure.
How easy are they to trick, deceive, or manipulate?
He's a learner. At first, it's easy. Honestly, he is a rather naive, gullible boy, sometimes he reminds you of a happy dog with his bright eyes. He likes to believe the best of people, give them the benefit of the doubt in all circumstances, and that goes double for you, who he believes can do no wrong.
And even when you do lie to him, it's still not wrong. You didn't do anything bad. Clearly there has simply been a misunderstanding, and you thought you had to lie. Or perhaps you simply forgot a detail or were confusing something with something else. It wasn't malicious on your end, he knows that.
He's actually significantly smarter than he lets on in practical knowledge, though. Those dungeon puzzles pay off, you know? He's got pattern recognition down. So over time he learns how to distinguish when you're lying to him or attempting to deceive him, and sees through it increasingly well.
And yet, he doesn't really... get mad over it, most of the time. Again, he's just capable of deluding himself into believing there's a reason. He believes so strongly in your goodness that he finds a way to interpret everything you do as out of benevolence. So you snuck out the window and didn't tell him you were going for a walk because you just wanted to get away from his suffocating presence for once? You were just thinking of him. You didn't want to burden him and wanted to give him a break. Well, that's thoughtful, but don't worry, he doesn't need a break. He thinks it's precious you're so considerate of him though!
You don't tell him you were talking to that person, and you lie and say no when he asks, because you don't want him to worry, and because you underestimate how dangerous others can be. He's told you a million times and you don't listen, but that's ok, it's because you're just so pure you see the best in everyone. Everything you do is good.
Because he perceives your lies, he will still work against and around it. He won't confront you on your lies, he'll just make sure to deal with the situation -- you lied about sneaking out, well, he'll just keep watch and be ready to meet you outside next time. You lied about talking to a person, well, he'll just have to make sure they stay away from you instead.
If you're trying to trick him, he just plays along until necessary. Smiles and nods. He gets the suspicion you're planning a break-out when he told you he was leaving to go get something from town... rather than saying so, he just decides, you know what? Why don't you come with him? Oh, you're feeling sick, you tell him it's ok, go without you? Well, he can't leave you alone then! Because you're clearly not and just trying to get him to leave... or, as he says, he can't just leave you alone. He'll go another day.
He's fairly manipulable when it comes to praise and affection. You can easily Pavlov him into certain behaviors or patterns with just the slightest words of praise and affection. He's not a very outwardly expressive person, tends to stay quiet, but you can tell how he feels inside when you give the slightest praise, a hug, a kiss on the cheek -- you can see that soft hint of a smile and tell that inside, he's basically melting, even if it's not obvious to most people. And, much like the lying, he’s honestly often aware of it, but he just can’t help it.
How lenient are they? What privileges can you have, and what will you be denied?
He tries to get you the things that he feels will make you happy. Your happiness is incredibly important to him, and he usually thinks about how any action he plans to take might affect you, spends a lot of time debating choices of things to do or say and try to determine how each one will affect you and choose accordingly.
As such, he goes out of his way to support the things you want to do. Have a hobby? He'll find the best materials available. Want a book or a food? He'll obtain it through some means. Even if procuring it involves a side-quest-y set of mundane tasks or scouring the world for 70 of this and 50 of that to exchange it for the item from an obscure specialist, it's all worth it.
The only thing he just doesn't give up on is the constant vigilance and insistence on being by your side more or less every waking second. And every sleeping second. And just every single moment you're alive. It's for your safety.
This is actually one of the things he can get a little nasty about when it comes to how he deals with it, because he quickly has the bright idea that if you don't get it, he'll make you understand. Of course, he can't actually risk you getting hurt, so he stages it. Allows you to sneak off, or at least think you have, and walk right into the path of those monsters he lured, or the people he hired to intimidate you. Of course, it's only natural that he shows up at the last possible second, right on time to save you. You should expect that, after all, it's his responsibility to protect you, of course fate works out perfectly like this. See, he was right, it's so dangerous, and without him you'd be dead. Hopefully you grasp that now.
What kind of rules do they have? What kind of punishment would they use?
His is mostly related to vigilance. Where are you? Who have you been talking to? Who was that person you were talking with just now? What did they say? He's not nosy. He just cares about you. It’s in the job description. You ought to understand just how much certain bad people would love to find you and hurt you. That's why he has to know.
This isn't our modern world, so there's no phones or tracking devices to speak of, just himself, which, well, might as well be a tracking device since he never seems to have difficulty finding you. Sometimes you're not sure how he does it.
He tells you that you don't have to be with him 24/7, but you will be, even if you don't realize it. He's aware enough to know that you'll feel suffocated and get mad if you're aware of his presence all the time, so he gives you your "alone" time, aka, the "follow her quietly from a 20+ foot distance" time. It all feels the same to you. Well, sometimes you feel eyes on you, but you shake the feeling off as paranoia.
So it's not so much that he sets rules and reacts when they're broken, but rather, he works his way around anything you might do so well that he doesn't need you to follow his rules, or really, you take them more as suggestions. But honestly, that's kind of worse. It's enough to drive a darling to the brink of a mental breakdown very quickly. With Link you will inevitably become paranoid, nervous, you feel like you're going insane because he manages to pop up everywhere, he always knows what you did when you did it and you have no idea how it is even conceivably possible for him to know some of the things that he knows. He confronts you very plainly and quietly, often sweetly, asking why you did this or that or telling you it's ok, you don't have to hide anything, surely there’s a good reason, and if not, he forgives you anyway. In a way, it's worse than an angry confrontation. You begin to feel like he's omnipresent, like he can read your mind, and it truly takes a mental toll and affect you worse than any normal yandere's concept of punishment.
This ultimately works out well in his favor. The more you just do what he wants, the less it feels like a violation or intrusion that he knows these things, since he was there with you, it makes sense, and you continuously get bent to his will.
How do they deal with rivals, or perceived rivals? Will they get rid of them? Will they kill them themselves, or find another way?
Ah, and thus we get to that brutality rating.
It would be unthinkable to think that any sort of scum would even dare. Even he isn't worthy of being with you, and someone else thinks they could be? So, he more or less views "rivals" as an offense. When they're threats, well, he's allowed to deal with them. When they're not, well... he has a wonderful reputation. If he says he overheard that person planning usurpation or assassination, that they realized he was listening in and wildly attacked him, everyone will believe him. Even if the death seems a little... non-immediate. And uh... frankly... overkill. How exactly... did those limbs get perfectly severed during equally armed combat? And was it... really necessary... to kinda spill entrails all over like that? He'll apologize, of course, he was just so outraged by the thought of someone hurting you or your family, you know? You notice his eye twitches a bit as he says it.
He has a lot of... bottled up frustrations, which we'll touch on in the nsfw section as well, but it tends to manifest in those two ways: sex and violence. Rather than exerting stress and anger and frustration as it comes, he lets it fester. He tries to maintain being the noble, humble, self-sacrificing person he feels he should be. That is... difficult to do for a long time. People expect a lot from him, even in timelines where he's not necessarily realized as the hero quite yet, he usually has a lot of responsibilities. But then you tack on the whole hero thing? The weight of the world is sometimes, quite literally, on his shoulders. Do you have any idea the kind of stress that comes with that knowledge? It's not pleasant. And it quickly bottles up, a very very fragile bottle set to eventually shatter in a matter of time.
On a longer sort of quest, he just kinda... leaves a trail of destruction in his wake. Enemies don't actually just poof out of existence the way they do on-screen, you know. Anyone coming across an area he's just been through is met with literal piles upon piles of corpses, sometimes monsters, but sometimes people. He takes a very scorched earth sort of policy when it comes to dealing with things.
He's able to easily get close to people, with that sweet face and puppy eyes and lithe body, people don't really feel on guard around him nor intimidated. That makes it significantly easier to infiltrate enemy hideouts, earn favors, and work his way in to be able to commit mass murder more easily. Granted, no one thinks too much of it because they *are* truly enemies, after all, they *did* need to be taken out and well, if the rulers can choose to either send a group of ten soldiers or just one guy and get the job done equally well either way, they'll go with the latter option. No one thinks anything of it, except the occasional person who laughs and says something to the effect of remind me to never get on your bad side, haha! He gives that sheepish, sweet little smile, and jokingly tells them that yeah, better not.
How easy is it to make them mad? What does their anger look like?
For you, nearly impossible. For others, at a hair trigger.
For the most part, he conceals anger well until, as aforementioned, it bottles up and bursts. The truth is he gets irritated virtually all the time by other people. People who talk to you. Look at you. Smile at you. He’s actually rather easily annoyed even when you’re not involved, but again, he’s good at hiding it until it builds.
His rage has a commonality with his calm -- it's quiet. At least, at first. When it's directed at others, his eyes narrow. It's the telltale sign that someone has ignited his rage. It burns on the inside, it starts off as a spark that builds and builds and grows larger and larger until it's a blazing fire that consumes everything in his path. It's a loss of composure, a rare moment of complete loss of self-control. From his own perspective, it feels like he's not in control of his own body, it's all a blur happening in front of him and when it's over he's looking down at his own hands, unable to process his own actions, sometimes unable to remember them.
But it's violent, merciless, unforgiving. It does not yield to begging, it does not leave anything alive unless forced to. You remember the first time you realized how unnatural it was, how shocked you were at how he did something that certainly went against the code he was sworn to follow, the very first time you felt truly afraid of Link. It was a walk in town -- someone called out to you, spitting obscenities about you and your family, your lineage, threw something at you -- he caught it in his hand and crushed it, and quickly, without a word, advanced on the offender. And, to make a long story short, you had to prevent him from beating a man to death in public in broad daylight. He was forgiven by his superiors, but even they seemed shocked. You had to pull him off, and when he jerked his head around to look at whatever was stopping him -- before his face softened as he recognized your own face -- the split second you saw the burn of hatred and fury in eyes that were normally so soft and loving, was nothing short of unsettling, you still recall the chill that ran down your spine.
And honestly? It's terrifying. And the first time, it's shocking. Sure, you knew he could fight. You've seen him fight off monsters, bokoblins and lizalfos and the like. But something is different about seeing the blood of a human being run down his sword, dripping onto the ground, to see the bodies and the blank, numb gaze on his features he always has after it's over. The absolute lack of hesitancy he has to run human enemies through before they even have a chance to explain themselves, how unbothered he seems by the carnage left in his wake. The way he turns back to you, drenched in red and smiles, tells you it's ok, you're safe now. There's no need to look so scared.
And it changes how you view him, in the long run. Less of a guardian angel, more of a guardian dog, one that defends your name when you never asked him to. Pleads to tell him not to fall on deaf ears -- you just don't understand why it has to be this way, he says, you can't comprehend the threat they posed. From the sweet boy that leaves you flowers and repairs and instead leaves a wave of destruction in his path you would not have thought possible.
Directed towards you, though, it's entirely different. He tries his best to have patience with you, no matter what. He smiles, he tries to make excuses as to why you'd say this or do that, why you'd feel a certain way, and he's rather good at deluding himself to give you the benefit of the doubt.
But when it reaches an end, when he can no longer lie to himself, when you push it to a point that you truly make him mad, it's more of a snap. The times he'll lay hands on you in a truly violent way are rare, and as aforementioned, very brief. It's usually not so much of actually a blow, so much as a grab. He just can't get what he's trying to tell you through your thick head, so he stresses it, trying to make you understand as he grabs you by the upper arms, shaking you with each word, and he only stops when he sees the pain and fear in your eyes, drawing his hands back at lightning speed. He saves you from some danger very narrowly, one of the few times he lost track of you for a moment and had to frantically search before coming across you being attacked. What would I have done if something happened to you? Don't you understand that? He's so lost in the relief it takes him a moment to feel you beating on his arms in the embrace, choking and wheezing that you can't breathe, that his grip is so tight it feels like he'll snap you in half. He draws back again, and he apologizes, but it will certainly happen more than once.
So they see you as above them, beneath them, or equal to them?
Above. Like, so, so, so far above. He feels like he doesn't even deserve to look at you. Of course, neither does anyone else, so he's just, you know, stepping up to bear the burden of wrongdoing to keep people even worse than him away from you.
So it's less that you're just above him so much as you're above everyone. He's actually, perhaps surprisingly, a little bit of a pessimist about the world. The world is full of so many terrible people and so many horrible things happen that he's borne witness to. It's a "world cold and hard, (y/n) soft and warm" sort of thing. You're the one good thing, the thing that makes him happy, the ultimate source of comfort he has, and he has to prevent you from being defiled by the evil of the world, keep you innocent and sweet (even if he's just deluding himself to think you are those things in the first place).
This ties into, again, how he interprets every action you take as good and benevolent -- he has the "you can do no wrong" mentality. Even very blatantly malicious things, he'll interpret in a way that makes you somehow still come out a perfect, innocent angel. If you do harm to others, well, they simply deserved it. You did something technically wrong, but you knew no better, or you were desperate. You can't be held responsible for any of it. And if you're mean to him, well, he probably did something to make you upset.
How determined are they for you to love them? How hard will they try to make it happen? Or are they content just having you?
Sort of a duality. Yes, he's very persistent. He thinks about it all the time. Every time you yell and try to run and hurl nasty insults at him, it hurts far more than you realize. He doesn't let it show on his face or in his voice, but it really does, and it gets to him sometimes. He's hyper observant of every little thing you do, your body language, your tone, the way you look at him, and the slightest of differences can change his mood internally, although it tends to look the same outwardly.
He makes little mental notes of it -- today she didn't flinch when I touched her shoulder. Today she didn't frown when she saw me coming. Little things like that will make his entire day. Likewise, the inverse kills him inside. He aims to make every day one of the former days, where the littlest signs of acceptance or even kindness and affection give him a sort of high that makes him feel like he's floating.
He tries his best to do things that he thinks will, well, earn love. Every opportunity to do something for you, he takes it. Everything he sees he'd think you'd like, he buys (or steals, or... loots from a dead body) for you. On and on that idea goes. And although he doesn't say too much, when he does speak to you, he usually has something nice to say. He views it in a formulaic way -- ironically, think about it like those collectibles in overworlds. You get enough of this or that thing, and once you have enough, you can go talk to this or that person and donate them all and get a reward, right? He's accustomed to viewing things that way. Love should be the same way. If he just completes enough tasks and gathers enough items, eventually he'll unlock your love.
That being said, even if it doesn't happen, much to your despair, he just... doesn't. Give. Up. He doesn't quit. No matter how many times you tell him, it doesn't make a difference. You can tell him you'll never love him, and it's like it goes in one ear and out the other. He keeps trying. And he never, ever, ever stops trying. What did you expect? The boy's been fighting the same enemy over and over across lifetimes, needless to say his spirit has build up some persistence.
Bonus: Is there anything that makes them unique, in comparison to other yanderes?
Bonus: Zelda/Triforce of Wisdom Darling
And don't worry. If it all goes wrong, when he fails, those divergences in time where the hero is vanquished and evil wins out -- it's not the end. Somehow, that's the feeling he gets, holding your little lifeless body up, running hands across your cold skin. Somehow, he feels oddly calm. Like it hurts, but it's ok. Like he'll see you again. Maybe not soon, but one day. This time didn't work out. But the next one will.
And that's the feeling you'll always have. Every time you meet him and you feel like you've met before, the lingering memories when you wake from your dreams -- flying through skies and sailing on oceans, a child, an adult, a boy you've never met, or one you've known all your life, but it's always the same face, the same voice, the one right beside you in the waking world. You sometimes wonder if he has the same feelings, the same dreams, the same sense of something greater than yourselves at work, the sense of being just smaller pieces in a much bigger picture.
The sense of permanency, that each other is all there will ever be -- regardless of how it makes you feel, regardless of how that scares you, sometimes you feel like you can never be free. Sometimes, when you think of running away, those dark moments when you think of even escaping from life itself, it feels futile. It's as if you know it would never hold him away forever. As if death is insignificant. Perhaps in this lifetime, you'll become aware of why that is, or perhaps not.
With other obsessive lovers, just the idea of til death do us part is a terrifying thought. But, for Link, not even death can keep him away from you. Your suffering is already determined by the will of higher power, for the sake of a greater good. 
In truth, it’s the goddesses who made him this way intentionally -- it’s designed to ensure your safety, even at the cost of your suffering. Again, for a greater good. Sure, you may live one lifetime to the next desperately locked in the same cycle in which your freedom and will is stripped from you, but in the end, it serves a purpose. 
Nor will he change -- perhaps this one this time is a bit more spirited, more calm, more pessimistic, more optimistic... but in the end, at their core, they're the same soul, with the same will deep, deep down. The same drive to find you and protect you. The same love for you, an all-consuming love that destroys everything in its path to you and leaves ruin in its wake.
And if fate should one day keep you apart, should things change, for whatever reason, it’s unable to change him. There's another force even more powerful than fate determined to keep you together. The only thing more unavoidable, inevitable, and unescapable than fate, is Link himself.
General perverseness: how sexual of a person are they? What’s their drive like? How touchy do they get? Do they have any reservations about sexuality?
In moments of passion, he changes a bit, unlike other more submissive yans who stay consistent in their reverence and desire to please.
You see, after a while, being as lenient and tolerant and flexible and completely devoted as he is... constantly self-sacrificing in so many ways, to you, to Hyrule, to the world... some frustrations build up. It's a big, big bottle of emotion, all tucked away and festering, getting greater and greater and eventually it has to explode somehow.
His reservations and inhibitions fall away. Perhaps a darker, more selfish side comes out. Perhaps that's why he's so rough. He knows he'll regret it later, the bruises from how hard he grips, the marks from the bites, but the hormones and the heat takes over. He'll feel bad for defiling you. He'll apologize. And he'll do it again. And again. And again.
But once the resolve crumbles, it topples. That is, he can't partially maintain it -- if it's partially gone, it falls apart completely. He lets go, so to speak. And when he lets go, you find that underneath that carefully constructed resolve and willpower that holds him back, he can be a very, very rough and possessive lover. In his normal state, he wouldn't dare think of you as a possession, or as something he's even worthy of. He would like so, so much to think that, to feel like he's allowed to -- but he doesn't. He chastises himself for even having such a desire. But in those moments, when his resolve is gone and his brain isn't thinking quite too clearly, he might even have to audacity to say "mine." Even if it's not true, not now, maybe it will be. He would like that so much. His and his alone.
And in a moment of clarity, he might even throw away the inhibition on purpose. The more selfish side, the same Link that drags you away from your destiny -- he's already forsaken his responsibilities, hasn't he? Why care anymore about the structures that no longer exist, your status and his, if there's no kingdom left? He likes that it happened, even. This way, this time, you can throw off those titles, those roles. Without your status, your title, there's nothing stopping him from making you his. And you will be his, and nothing more. It's all you need to be. So he doesn't have to care anymore about any of that, he doesn't have to stop himself from going wild. Biting into every little spare patch of skin, covering your body with marks that make him feel comforted to see.
As far as drive it's a bit of a two-sided duality. Outwardly he's not a very sexual person at all, blushes and stutters and averts his gaze at the slightest mention of suggestive topics, tries his best to be Respectful(tm) by always looking away when you're in a compromising position, or your skirt flies up, etc etc. Given how constant his vigilance is, he has a tendency to accidentally walk in on your changing or bathing, except unlike with many yanderes, it's genuinely an accident. Not that the image doesn't stick in his mind, nor does he wish he hadn't gotten to see, but he does feel guilty, and it was genuinely unintentional. He kinda freezes up, so it takes a moment for him to actually snap out of it and run out.
That being said, he quickly develops something of a masturbation addiction when he's younger, it starts as more of a stress reliever than anything, He's so sweet and always feels bad about talking about his problems and feelings, so that and, well, violence are the only ways he can get it out. Thus he learns to channel stress and nerves into sexuality, and once he has a real living body and not just his hand, that dependency on cumming to relieve it doesn't change.
How forceful are they? Do they care about your willingness?
Particularly so, yes, cares quite a bit. And it takes a while for him to feel comfortable. Even consensually, the first few times he touches you for several months, he's got trembling hands and stays quieter than ever, constantly freezes up every time you move or make a noise because he thinks he's done something wrong. He has to be coaxed into feeling more comfortable before he gets used to it, but he will build confidence over time.
As addressed before, though, if he's pushed and pushed and pushed long enough, you can get a darker side to come out. This is most likely something that would only occur post-kidnapping in a distant time, once he's far away from any possibility of consequence and destruction has set in to the world around you. He starts to get a little bitter, if you've been mean to him. It all builds up. Don't you get that he's literally saved your life? That he devoted every waking second to you? Isn't he kinda entitled to some thanks? The cycle of time never rewards him. Even the figures he helps over time rarely give him more than a verbal praise and thanks, maybe an item here or there, and then disappear. His role feels thankless. He starts to feel like he deserves something, something tangible, in return.
Surprisingly, though, he actually does not take the route of guilt-tripping or emotional manipulation or gaslighting his way into it like a lot of the sweeter yanderes when he does have that snap. His snaps/breakdowns are rather extreme in terms of how much of a polar opposite they are to his normal state, rather than just a slight bend of his normal personality. Rather than taking the route of most yanderes like himself, he just gets directly physically forceful. Still somewhat sweet, though, reminds you he loves you, he'd die for you, you're his entire world. You'd argue that doesn't really change the actions, but considering how frightening he is in that state, you're not dumb enough to vocalize that.
The guilt consumes him alive afterwards. Like, immediately afterwards. He's still panting and twitching and buried inside when it sets in. That being said, he doesn't get to stuttering and profusely apologizing, like he does over smaller offenses. It's all done and he can't take it back, so he just kinda collapses and says nothing. He's not the best with words, you know. It's an odd mixture of guilt and, honestly, a bit of satisfaction and relief. It feels like letting go of some self-imposed burden, that feeling of finally surrendering to some deep want, even if it comes with a lot of remorse, the relief of finally letting go does have a good feeling as well... and because of that, it’s another one of those barriers that, once broken, can’t be built up again.
What sort of kinks or fetishes do they have, or would they fill?
In all honesty the boy is, for the most part, a fairly gentle and vanilla lover. He doesn't really need anything special to get off -- he's easily excited and cums very very easily too. Just the prospect of getting to stick his dick in you in any capacity is enough to make him nearly burst at the thought honestly.
In general, as aforementioned, he's very very cautious and gentle to a point, but has a tendency to get actually kinda rough once he gets into it. The thing is, the roughness aspect is actually unintentional. He's one of those boys that is a little bit unaware of his own strength, doesn't process exactly how hard and fast he's going. He just gets lost in the feeling, kinda enters a dazed lusty haze where he's less aware of his actions. Doesn't realize he's literally got an iron grip pressing your head down on his dick or into the bed until you start flailing your hands because you can't breathe. Doesn't realize how hard he was gripping until he sees the bruises on your arms and hips later. That sort of deal -- poor thing is just unaware and doesn't have enough blood in his brain to think straight.
Surprisingly a really big one for him. (Remnants of a past life cycle with some lupine experiences perhaps?) In all seriousness, he could not explain exactly why if asked, it's one of those "I just like it" sort of things. It feels like yet another way to conjoin the two bodies, pulls you close. The marking aspect is also nice. Granted, he feels guilty afterwards, tries to help it heal. He has that same duality where moments ago he was this intimidating beast of a human being, rough and growly and jerking you like you were weightless, and now he's back to this bright eyed softie stuttering while he apologizes.
The guilt is mixed with a bit of enjoyment, though. It's constantly conflicting -- sure, part of him understands it's embarrassing and will help you cover up, but part of him doesn't want to, he wants people to see. Part of him looks at the marks and tells himself internally to never do that again, and part of him sees them and just wants to give you even more. It's a constant internal conflict, poor thing.
As far as a place, he likes the neck and shoulders best, simply because it's the most visible and it's the most passionate ones to create, when your bodies are tightly locked together. That being said, though, he also has a thing for biting at the insides of your thighs. It's another one of those I just like it sort of things.
Sometimes, when you're asleep, or pretending to be, you can feel him trace the bite marks with his fingers, softly running them over the circular pattern, just enough to barely ghost over your flesh.
It puts him at ease. This one is particularly prevalent towards the beginning of your relationship, before you really know... how he is. He has this image of you as so pure and he couldn't bear the thought of defiling you with his horrible horrible thoughts. The guilt eats away at him for a while, but eventually he just can't hold back, but how could he ever do anything to you and risk consequence? So... the solution he comes up with is waiting until you sleep.
He tests the waters to see how heavy of a sleeper you are. Calls your name at increasing volume, lightly runs his fingers over your hair, pokes your face, whispers in your ear, runs his hands over your arms. Just to see what makes you rustle, if anything, so he knows the limits. If it turns out you're an incredibly light sleeper, well, unfortunately that means he's limited to just jerking off to your sleeping form, but that's ok. Just seeing your soft face and the cute way you breathe, the slightest way your lips open, that's enough for him.
If it turns out you're a heavier sleeper though, well, he tries to fight the temptation, but ends up going further. Slowly climbs onto your bed, careful to make the weight shift as gently as possible. Slowly pulls the covers back. Runs his hands up and down. It's a lot better when he can actually see your body as he jerks off, honestly. If he's feeling particularly risky, he might press your thighs together, feel how soft your skin is to his cock, how nice the squeezing pressure between them is.
He gets easily lost in a haze, though, so he inevitably ends up accidentally cumming on you and has to frantically find a way to lightly dab it up without waking you. He panics quite a bit, but that doesn't stop him from doing it again the very next night.
Overstimulation/Forced Orgasm
It just means he's doing a good job, really. Sure, you squeal and kick your feet back and forth and tug at his hair, but that's just because it feels good. Orgasms equate to love and feel good, right? Sure there's a little bit of pain when you go overboard, but then it just leads to feeling even better, right?
It's kind of an irrational compulsion rather than a logical goal, though. He just has an impulsive need to feel you quiver and spasm and clench, it basically gives him a chemical high hit and a wave of reassurance, makes him feel good in both the physical sense and the emotional sense. The first one sends him into this compulsive need to feel it over and over and over again, as many times as he can. It's another one of his internal conflict things -- sure, he knows it's hurting, but he just has to get one more. Just one more. But of course, every time turns into "just one more" when he's been saying that for half an hour now.
And, to be honest, it kind of gives him a pride boost to think he can make you cum against your will. How many people struggle to achieve that even when both parties are trying? It makes him feel good in an adequacy sort of way, he feels needed.
Size Kink/Distension
You know, there's a well-known thing among the male-lovers in this world when it comes to size. It's never the arrogant, loud guys, it's never the social butterflies, it's never the tall guys, it's never the beefy muscly guys. No, they're not the ones that end up somehow bestowed with absolute monster cocks. It's always the soft, lean boys who don't talk much. And they're always painfully unaware of it, too.
He's no exception. Not to the size or the complete lack of awareness. He hasn't spent a lot of time around guys his age too much, he's always been the one sent for some special task and ends up out in the wilderness by himself on journeys, or, in some lifetimes, accompanying you most of the time. He doesn't know what the average dick looks like, so he has no idea he's far above average.
This might sound like a plus, and of course in some ways it is, but also he doesn't think about the fact that the average body isn't properly equipped to handle it. You're supposed to just kinda put it in, that's how the sex works, right? Poor thing, especially if it's entirely consensual sex, he's just kinda ???? because why are you in pain? What is he doing wrong? You have to eventually explain it's literally just his body, not something he's doing.
That being said, naturally, he's a humble person, but hearing you say that does kinda... make him feel good inside. A little bit proud. He's not a person who takes a lot of pride in many things, so he likes having this one thing, and quickly notices you can visibly see it through the bulge it makes in your stomach. Especially if it's in a position where your back is pressed to his front, every little movement creates the bulge, so expect to get a lot of that.
He doesn't really bring it up much or talk about it when he's actually fucking you, it's more like, as with many things, something he's quietly aware of and silently enjoys a lot internally, even if it's not voiced.
How do they feel about pregnancy or babies? Do they want them?
Yes and no. It has to do with his overactive protection instinct. What if something happened or went wrong? He couldn't take that. He couldn't lose you.
At the same time, he likes kids, and he's very good with them, very patient. And over time, realizes that a kid would be the perfect tool of manipulation, and besides that, isn't it a beautiful thing, an ultimate manifestation of love?
So how to work around that... Ultimately, what he decides to do is have a kid... Just not by blood. There are plenty of orphans in Hyrule, wandering the streets and the wilderness, picking one up is easy. ...You wouldn't leave this poor child to suffer out there, to fend for themselves, would you? Nor would you leave him to take care of it by himself... Right?
What kind of (nsfw) punishments would they use?
Oh, it's not like he thinks of it that way. He would call it... a reminder. You put yourself in danger again? You tried to go back again? You were gone and for ten whole minutes he didn't know where you were? What could the solution to this issue be? The only thing his brain can really come up with is making sure you need him. Making sure you're content and satisfied here with him so you don't go running off.
Thus we return to the forced orgasm thing -- see, you do need him. It feels good, right? You say it hurts, and maybe it does a little, but ultimately you wouldn't be cumming if it wasn't good. No one else can ever do that. No one else knows you like this. No one else was made for you like this. You can't replace him. You need him. And he can keep going as many times as it takes until you see that, too. Even if he gets milked dry, he has a mouth and hands for a reason.
And by "until you see that," I mean until you say it. In his more... emotionally intense moments, he gets a bit insistent. He needs to hear you say it. Admit it to yourself. And to him. That you need him, that you depend on him, that you'll never leave again. And don't think your patience and tolerance can stand a chance of outlasting his -- it will keep going until you say it.
What body parts of their darling do they like the most?
He's one of those wholesome type of boys who goes with something sweet. He says maybe your hair, your face, your skin, your eyes. It's all so comforting. So familiar. Of course, not to say that he doesn't like your less wholesome mentionable parts, but he wants to be chivalric about such a question, and feels answering that way would be too disrespectful.
In his unspoken thoughts, though, he likes the hips. It's a part of you he can grab onto and hold you close with. He puts his hands there a lot and holds tight, like he feels like at any moment you could slip out of his grasp. And, I mean, it's nice to look at, can't forget that.
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if it’s not too much to ask please please please could you write more avengers x teen!reader? I adore the one with fear of the dark and was wondering if you could do something similar? Like either the avengers comforting the reader or just something with lots of hugs and cuddles? Thank you!! <3
Stage Fright - Avengers x anxious!teen!Reader
Summary: When your presentation for class goes terribly wrong, your team mates come to rescue you and take you home.
Warnings: depictions of anxiety, panic attack, a few cuss words
Type: angst, ends with fluff
Word Count: ~2.5k
A/N: MY FIRST REQUEST, very exciting!! I am so so glad you liked my work, and I hope you enjoy this one as well!! <3 I also have quite a few more ideas for teen!Reader fics, so this definitely won't be the last piece like this!
(Y/l/n) = your last name
(f/d) = favorite drink
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You’d been dreading this day for weeks now. Clutching the straps of your backpack, you let out a deep sigh, walking up to the doors of your school. You didn’t like school to begin with, but the building seemed much more intimidating today. Making your way through the halls, you were grateful that you got to school early, you hated pushing through crowds of people.
“Hey, hey (Y/n)!”, a voice called from down the hall. You recognized it almost immediately. “Hi Peter, what’s up?”. You were happy to see him, maybe talking out your nervousness would help. “Oh, you know, just the same old stuff. Sure am tired though”. “Well, if you don’t sleep then you will be tired”. “Like you’re one to talk (Y/l/n)”. You only rolled your eyes and stuck out your tongue at him, evoking a chuckle from him. “How about you? How are you doing?”. “Ugh, not great. I have to present that project today. Not particularly looking forward to it”, you huffed, looking down to the ground as your anxiety increased at the thought of presenting alone. “Hey, I’m sure you’ll do great. Most people don’t pay attention to presentations anyways”, he assured you. You popped your knuckles, still feeling just as nervous. You knew he was right, but that didn’t stop the fear surging through you. “Yeah, I know. I just don’t want to do it. Maybe if I wait long enough, there won’t be any class time left for me to present”, that was your hope, and your only plan to get out of this without panicking in front of the whole class. “Maybe, well regardless, I hope it goes well”, he offered you a sincere smile. “Yeah, I hope so too”. “Well, I should probably head to class, see you at lunch!”. “Right back at ya, Parker”, you waved gently to him as he disappeared down a hallway.
You made your way to your first class, deciding to read a bit before class started. Nothing you did eased the gnawing anxiety in the back of your mind though. Your first two classes were easy enough, but it was hard to focus, your mind racing with intrusive thoughts. ‘What if my voice gives out? What happens if I start crying in front of everyone? God, the whole school will hear about it. Everyone will stare at me, whisper about me every time I pass by them. I can’t do this, I just can’t’. By your third class, you’d bitten your nails down to blood, your lips suffering the same fate, cracked and split open. You almost considered skipping, but you’d worked hard on this project, you couldn’t let that go to waste. So, taking your seat in the back of the class, you tried breathing techniques, anything to help calm your senses. Your leg bounced so much, you swore the floor would give out under your foot.
The teacher turned out the lights, letting people present their projects voluntarily. You calmed the tiniest bit. If someone randomly kept volunteering to present, the class time was sure to run out before you even got the chance to stand up. Throughout the class, you were on edge, chanting silent prayers in your head. You weren’t very fortunate though, as everyone presented quickly, making it apparent that you were going to have to present no matter what. “Alright, who hasn’t gone up yet?”, your teacher called out, looking at her grading sheet. ‘Oh my god, please don’t see my name. Please tell me I don’t exist. Let me just disappear. I can’t do this’. “Oh! (Y/n) still hasn’t presented, come on over and I’ll pull up your project”, your teacher chirped.
Your heart pounded painfully hard in your chest, slowly standing up on jelly legs, keeping your gaze down as you walked to the whiteboard. You couldn’t possibly do this. You were going to die. Every mission you’d ever gone on seemed so miniscule in this moment, as you looked out to your peers. It was too dark to see most of their faces, which only made your situation worse. Your teacher pulled up the project on the projector, gesturing to you to start presenting, as she clicked her pen, ready to write down every mistake you made.
Letting out a jittery breath, you clasped your sweaty hands together and began talking. You were shaking so badly, it was like an earthquake had erupted inside of your body. You could feel the tears threatening to spill past your eyes, leaving a hard pain in your throat. Your chest hurt, and your breathing was becoming more erratic. But you had to finish, you had to get this over with. Just as you were on one of the last slides, a voice called from somewhere in the class, “Hey, pipsqueak! Speak up, would ya? We can’t hear you back here!”. The comment elicited a few snickers, which your teacher hushed quietly, but the damage was already done. The room was suddenly shrinking around you, as your chest tightened even further. You bit your lip, trying your best to compose yourself, attempting to push down your anxiety, but it only pushed back up more violently. “(Y/n)? You still have a few slides left”, your teacher said, but you didn’t hear her. Instead, your fight or flight instincts took over, and you raced out of the classroom, tears now breaking free, streaming down your face. You headed to the nearest bathroom, locking yourself in a stall, your whole world crumbling beneath you.
Leaning against the door, you slid down, breath caught in your throat, fighting to get out, but to no avail. Instinctively, you brought your knees up to your chest, clutching at the seams of your pants, letting out choked sobs and broken coughs. There was only one thing you could think of that might help you, and that was your teammates. You pulled your phone out of your pocket, continuing to shake violently, as you clicked the emergency contacts, thumb pressed to the first person, which just so happened to be Bucky. You lifted the phone to your ear, barely hearing the ring, despite your call volume being all the way up.
Bucky saw your name pop up on his phone, panic surging through him. You never called, it made you too anxious. He answered instantly, “(Y/n)? (Y/n), sweetheart, are you okay?”. His sudden panic mixed with your name caused both Steve and Sam to stand by him, all of them mentally preparing for an emergency. You wanted to reply, but all that came out was a squeak, as your fist collided with the tiled floor, your oxygen levels becoming more scarce by the second. Bucky put his phone on speaker, letting all three of them talk to you. “(Y/n), doll, you gotta breathe okay? Through your nose, count on your fingers”, Bucky stated, trying to keep his voice steady for you. “Yep, deep breaths (Y/n), you’ve got this. You’re gonna be okay”, Steve reassured you. After about 10 minutes of the three of them gently coaxing you out of your panic attack, you calmed slightly, leaving you crying quietly.
“We’re almost back at the compound, we’ll come and pick you up in about 20 minutes, okay?”, Steve said, giving no room for protests, although at this point you weren’t going to object. You wanted to go home. “Okay, I guess I should get back to class then”, you murmured, realizing that you’d probably been gone for over 15 minutes now. It was weird no one came to look for you, but you weren’t complaining. “If you aren’t ready to go back kid, that’s fine. We can stay on the call as long as you need”, Sam mentioned, his voice sounded beyond concerned. You had a bad habit of not taking care of yourself, especially in times of crisis. “No, I’ll be fine, gotta go back to get my stuff anyways”, you were dreading going back. The whole class would be focused on you for sure, not to mention the faux sympathy from your teacher, something that would surely cause another flood of tears. You just wanted to go unnoticed, for everyone to ignore your presence. “Alright, if you’re sure”. “I’m sure, I’ll see you guys soon”, you weren’t sure, but you had to convince them, you knew too well that they’d cause a scene at the school if things got worse. “Okay, stay safe sweetheart, we’ll be there as soon as possible”, Steve stated, before Bucky reluctantly hung up the phone.
Letting out a deep sigh, you pushed yourself up, groaning slightly as you forced your stiff body to move. You stepped out of the stall, silently thanking the universe for not letting anyone walk in during your breakdown. You looked to one of the mirrors, finding a disheveled figure staring back at you. You grabbed a paper towel, dampening it in the sink, and gently washing the dried tears off your face. You fixed your clothing and washed your hands, before making the godawful trip back to class. There was only 5 minutes left for the class, but that was more than enough time for shit to go wrong. You stood outside the door for a minute, taking a moment to compose yourself.
Turning the handle slowly, you eased your way past the door, the lights now on. Just as you expected, all eyes turned on you, but most turned away quickly, looking back to their friend or their phone. That lifted your nervousness a bit, as you started to head back to your desk, but your teacher had other plans, as she cleared her throat, motioning for you to go and talk to her. You cussed quietly to yourself, could this day get any worse? You dragged your feet over to her desk, biting your now scabbed lip. “So, your project was very good, therefore, I’m going to give you a 90, but I have to dock 10 points for your presentation”, she spoke quietly and sternly. Your face grew hot with her words, tears swelling in your eyes again. She was taking points off for something that you couldn’t control? It pissed you off to say the least. You only looked away from her desk, nodding slightly, knowing better than to open your mouth. “Alright then, you can go and pack up your things”. You walked quickly back to your desk, putting the few things you had taken out back into your backpack, before the bell rang for lunch. Dashing out of the class, you headed straight for the front of the school, more than ready for the day to be over. You’d email your 4th period teacher later on what work you missed out on. On your way, you made sure to text Peter, letting him know everything that happened, and that you wouldn’t be there for lunch.
You only had to wait for a few minutes, as Sam walked through the doors, spotting you quickly and walking over to you. “You alright kid?”. “Yeah, I’ll be fine, jus’ want this day to be done already”. He nodded, following you to the front office, signing everything to excuse you for the day. He kept a close eye on you the whole time, a protective hand placed on your shoulder. Stepping out of the building, he led you to the car where Bucky and Steve awaited. You got into the back seat, Sam sitting in the seat next to you.
“Hey doll, you feeling alright?”, Bucky quizzed, angling his body to look at you. “Yeah, ‘m glad you guys offered to pick me up though. Don’t really think I could’ve lasted another class”, you fidgeted with your hands, you knew your nerves wouldn’t calm for a while, but at least it was manageable now. “We’re always here for you, kid, no matter what”, Sam assured you, patting your shoulder softly. “Mhm, you can always come to us, even if we’re on a mission. Our job can always wait, your well being is more important than anything”, Steve added, looking briefly to you in the rearview mirror. “Thank you for that, you guys are the best”, you smiled bashfully. “No need to thank us, jus’ doing what’s right”, Bucky stated. “So, whatcha feel like doing when we get back?”, Sam asked. You thought for a moment, doing anything social sounded horrible at the moment, and the weighted blanket in your room was calling your name. “How ‘bout a pizza and movie night?”, you inquired, knowing they’d all like the idea, hell the whole team would probably join in. “Sounds good to me”, Steve mused, he always liked time for the team to bond. “Me too”. “Me as well, I’m starving dude”, Sam quipped, causing all of you to chuckle.
It didn’t take long to get back to the tower, all of you heading inside, you going to your room to set your stuff down and to change into something more comfy. After changing, you grabbed your weighted blanket, wrapping it around you, heading back down to the common room. Word must’ve spread fast, cause the whole team was gathered there, everyone sitting in a designated spot, except for Tony, who was currently ordering pizza over the phone. “Hey, there they are, rough day at school?”, Natasha asked, giving you a warm smile. “Yeah, not the greatest”, you huffed out a small laugh. “Well, in that case, you get to choose the first movie draga”, Pietro looked up at you from his spot on the floor. You hummed in response, before placing your decision on one of your favorite comfort movies. Clint started to look it up on the various streaming services, finding it almost instantly. “This one, right?”. You nodded happily, making your way over to sit between Steve and Wanda. “Hey, kiddo, you want a drink? And I’m guessing you want some extra garlic breadsticks too, right?”, Tony asked, holding his phone away from his mouth slightly. “Uhh, I’ll have a (f/d), and duh, of course I want garlic breadsticks”. “Yeah, what type of question is that?”, Pietro chimed in. Tony scoffed at him, rolling his eyes, but continued placing the order.
Wanda opened her arms next to you, allowing you to curl into her side as her arms wrapped softly around you. You stretched your legs out, Steve placed them on his lap, gently rubbing his thumb over your calf. Your nerves were finally winding down, as Clint pressed play on the movie. Wanda kept an arm wrapped around your back, her other hand resting gently on the side of your head, making sure to keep you close. The pizza arrived shortly after the movie had started, and you grabbed as much food as you wanted. You deserved it after the day you had. After the first movie finished, and the team voted on a new movie to watch, you felt yourself begin to drift off. You couldn’t have imagined a more perfect setting, comfort and warmth surrounding you. You didn’t make it far into the second movie before you fell asleep, listening to the sound of Wanda’s heart beating, the events from earlier that day flooding away, leaving you to sleep peacefully, knowing that you were safe and sound.
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gaybitchfx · 2 years
Helloo :D I hope you're having a great day :> and uhh if you don't mind i got a request!!
May i have some headconens with puppeteer and a violinist gender neutral reader?? It's completely alright if not and thx for your time ^^
A/n: Couldn’t find any good images of Pup so I can’t make a banner 😭 this might be hella descriptive too soo yeah and I may have forgotten I was supposed to make headcanons and just went into my own world as I wrote this so I am VERY sorry about.
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Puppets Violinist
Character(s): Puppeteer (Pup)
Type of reader: Gn!Reader
Category: Fluff🥰✨
Warning(s): None
Edited: ❌
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Pup let out a sigh of comfort happy he was done with his mission and back home. Everything was quiet and still with the faint sound of a violin.
Wait a violin? Pup had raised a brow listening closely to where it was coming from. He moved here and there but when he moved to a certain spot he heard it slightly more clearly.
It was coming from the attic. He knows slender tells everyone to not enter the attic without him being with them, but the puppeteer was ever so curious.
So he disobeyed his masters number one rule and followed the sound to the attic. The sweet soft sounds of the violin grew louder and what followed along with it was humming.
Once he was close enough to the door he creaked it open a tad hopping it didn’t make any auditable sound. He peeked his glowing eye inside but saw nothing but darkness so he opened the door more.
This time he saw someone standing by a window, someone he’s never seen before from the years he’s spent in this house. The song had come to a stop when pup leaned on the door causing a loud ‘creak’ sound.
“Who’s there?” You asked turning your head slightly. Pup stiffened up a bit, your voice was strict and firm. He didn’t know how to respond, so his mouth only stayed agape.
You turned fully, the only thing that showed your face was the moons light. Pup starred, awe stricken by your appearance. “Enchanting…” He muttered under his breath. “I asked who’s there.” You said again. Pup gathered all the courage he had and spoke.
“I’m sorry that I interrupted you..” Pup muttered. Your brows furrowed a bit as you looked at him before it changed into one of happiness. “Did you like it?” You asked clasping your hands together.
“Huh?” “My music! Did you like it? Was it too shabby? Off tune? Or maybe the sound was too old?” You asked coming closer to pup who starred confused. You stared at him awaiting for his answer. Now that you were much closer he could see your eyes were completely white, as if you were blind.
“Yeah, I like it.” Pup said. “That’s great! I haven’t performed for anyone in such a long time! I’m glad I still can entertain someone.” You said with a kind and gentle smile.
“Who…are you?” Pup asked as he stared at you with an unsure look. “Oh! I’m Y/n. Slender hasn’t told you about me?” You asked and tilted your head to the side.
Pup shook his head no. “Well, that’s disappointing. But now that you know I exist we can talk to each other! If you want to that is.” You said, your face showing some form of sadness.
“I’ll try to visit you when I can. But for now I’ll have to leave.” Pup said with a smile. “Aww, alright. See you some time soon!” You said and did a small wave. Pup had closed the door back and went to his room somewhere in the house.
Some time had passed and Puppeteer would often visit you. He’d bring little gifts for you and would listen to your humming while you played your instrument. When he wasn’t having a good day he’d tell you all about it and you’d comfort him in ways you could.
When he’d visit at night you and him would dance around careful with your footsteps as to not wake anyone up in the house. Your relationship with Pup had grown into something more and you felt some sort of attraction to the puppet.
When he came and visit you sat him down and talked to him for a bit before confessing you liked him. He was a bit stunned but accepted your feelings. What a nice ending huh?
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supercorpkid · 3 years
5th dimension
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Niece!Reader
Word count: 2750.
Please check out the notes in the end :)
It’s the first thing that you see when you go downstairs for breakfast early in the morning after the big party. Kara is in her super suit leaning over the kitchen island. Lena is next to her, sitting on one of the high stools, and Alex is on the other side talking to them. This obviously doesn't look good for you, after you just sneaked out the night before.
You honestly thought you would get away with it. If Kara had seen you last night, if Lena had noticed her car was missing, or even if Alex had figured you and Jamie weren’t really in the Fortress, they would’ve done something immediately. They wouldn’t let you enjoy the party in your super suit, then sneak back home pretending you did nothing wrong. Right? It’s what you hoped, anyway.
But when you woke up today, and checked your phone, you knew there’s no way in hell they don’t know. Of course they don’t follow stupid teens on social media, but there were a lot of pictures of you hanging in this party. A lot. An absurd amount. So, obviously, first thing in the morning you got an alert on your phone for a piece called ‘This Super Knows How To Party’.
Ah, damn.
So when you see the three of them, suspiciously waiting for something in the kitchen, you turn around in silence, ready to make your way back upstairs when you hear, “Good morning, sunshine.”
You bite your lip. Ah, crap. You turn around to see all of them staring at you, with not so friendly faces and raised eyebrows. “Good morning, mommy.”
Kara smirks. Well aware you’re using ‘mommy’ to try and make her side with you. Pathetic for someone who was just claiming to be rebellious.
“You, um, what brings you by, so early on a Saturday? I thought you would both be working.” You gulp, walking in a little bit closer.
“Well, we wanted to come in and talk to Alex to make sure it was actually ok for you to stay here.” Lena answers and you raise your eyebrow, wondering if that’s all this visit brings.
“And I was telling them how good it is to have you here with Jamie, and that you two are having a really fun time. Right?”
“Mhm.” You force a smile out of your lips, still scared to do more.
“Why do you think we’re here?” Kara asks, hands on her hips, and a fake concerned look on her face.
You see, they might know everything about you, but you know them very much as well. This feels like a weird, staged play. Kara is standing there with her heart on her throat, giving you a sheepish smile, in a very uncomfortable pose. Lena is looking too soft, which would be a relief if your last two interactions with her weren’t so downright bad, so you know it’s impossible for this sweet little face of her not to be an act. And Alex has her interrogation room face.
They obviously want the truth out of you. But they want to get it without asking, otherwise they would lose their upper hand. And you could just come out and give it to them. But you're still raging at the fact they can come here and stage this little scene, but they can’t be there for you. So no, you’re not going to give them the truth just yet. They want a weird, staged interaction? Sure. You can give them that. You can join their play.
“To be honest, I thought you and auntie were working on the case and mom got lost on her way to L Corp.” You shrug, faking a sense of relief that doesn’t make justice of how you actually feel. “But good to know you took the time to come all the way over here to ask her if it was ok for me to stay, but couldn’t quite do such when I needed attention.”
“Well, if we’re also being honest-” Kara says with a little hint of skepticism with that word. “There is something else we’re here for.”
“You see,” Lena takes it away and you look at her. “I managed the crisis at L Corp. And Supergirl caught the invisible threat that was terrorizing National City.”
“Yeah! So we thought-” Kara starts and you’re sure they’re going to ask you to come back home. But you don’t know if you want that yet. Sure, being a rebellious teen doesn’t make any sense if they’re not being absent and aloof, but you thought that if you left they would make a bigger deal about you coming back. You didn’t expect these weird faces and blank stares. You expected hugs and forehead kisses and apologies. “Well, your mom and I thought-”
“That we could go on a little vacation.” Lena completes and you furrow your eyebrows, completely lost.
Did they go totally bonkers?
“Yeah.” Kara agrees, adjusting the non-existent glasses on her face, then smoothing her hand over her suit when she realizes she is dressed as Supergirl, and not Kara. “We were thinking, you would stay here with your aunts, and we would go out of town and work on our stuff.” She says looking at Lena, and they share a look.
“Wait, wait. So let me get this right-” You probably missed something. There’s no way in hell they would just go on vacation with things this distressing between the three of you. “Two days ago, you weren’t going anywhere with your problems. I needed you both, but hell,” Kara hardens her features at you, but doesn’t interrupt you. “Your problems were too hard. And now that I came to stay with Aunt Alex, then suddenly you handled everything and now are leaving on vacation without me?
You can’t believe this! Here you were, thinking they were going to ask you to go back home, and here you were lying to yourself you didn’t know if you wanted back yet. But now that you know they don’t want you back it’s when it dawns on you, you really just want this to stop and go back home. Snuggle with them on the couch and watch a dumb little family movie. You just want your best friends back. You don’t want to lie anymore. You want Lena to look at you and know exactly what you’re thinking and feeling. You want Kara to tell you that you are her heart, you desperately want that again.
But, apparently, they have other plans.
Lena seems to be considering the information. “Well, you did say for us to deal with our old crappy habits.”
“Do you have to deal with them on vacation? You can do that from home?”
“We could.” They look at each other again, agreeing with their heads. “But, um, kid, there’s more we need to work on. And honestly, we’ve worked so hard this past week, we just want to be trouble-free somewhere far away from here.”
Got it.
“In that case, I’m really happy you two handled your life and death crisis all alone.” You don’t even fake the sarcasm in your voice. You literally gave Kara the means to go after the threat in National City. You gave Lena plenty of ideas of how to deal with the L Corp crisis, and you’re sure she used at least one of them. But sure, they’ve worked so hard, they deserve to be trouble-free.
You feel stupid. It’s a really odd feeling for a genius. You feel like a silly little girl, waiting for her moms to notice her. You broke rules! You sneaked out to a party, took Lena’s car without permission, compromised your secret identity, showed a totally different side of the Supers; you thought this would surely call their attention. Even if it was a bad kind of attention and not the one you actually wanted, still you were sure they were going to see you.
But no, here they are talking about going on a vacation, and leaving you behind. Here they are telling you that no matter what you do, you won’t have their attention. You were so foolish. So, so dumb for someone so smart.
OK, then.
“Well, I’m glad my absence made things easier for you.” You try to hold down the pain inside you, holding the tears that are threatening to fall from your eyes. “I wouldn’t want to make Aunt Alex's life so damn hard as well, so I think it’s best if I just… Disappear.”
Kara looks like she’s about to panic. Her heart beats fast and her breath itches. She holds her hands up, about to launch herself into a ‘no no no’ sequence.
But before that, Lena stands up on her chair with wide eyes. “That’s not what we’re saying.”
“You might as well.”
You know, the thing with being a (dumb) genius is that sometimes Lena thinks she might have shut down an experiment before it was successful, when in reality it was on the palm of your hand, on your phone, this entire time. Coordinates ready, fully downloaded, ready to go.
“But no need to worry, go on to your little vacation. I’m happy to comply.” You’re one touch away to have the portal opening in front of you. “I should go on a vacation of my own.”
“No, no, no, no, no!” Kara finally launches herself into the sequence and you touch your phone, portal opening in one second, you cross it, and one second later it’s closed again.
Let them have a nice fun time without you. You can’t believe you thought they were going there to get you, when they were actually there to tell you they needed more time away from you. Well then, have it. You’re perfectly safe in… You look around. Huh, this sure doesn’t look like Storybrooke.
You look down on your phone to see that somehow you’ve changed the location to where you were going. Oh great. Where the hell did you get yourself now?
“What are you doing here?”
“Mxy!” You scream, hand on your chest, when a familiar figure shows up in front of you out of thin air. You look around the nothingness of the room. “Where am I?”
“Fifth dimension.”
“Uh.” You look at your phone. How did you end up here? “I sure wasn’t aiming for here.” Then you look up to him. “So, um, where’s everything?”
“What do you mean?”
“Isn’t this your home? Shouldn’t you have, like, I don’t know, at least a chair to sit on?”
“This is pure magic, buttercup. You want a chair? Here.” A chair appears behind you, and he throws in behind, making you fall in it. “Not comfortable? Have an armchair then.” It changes right under you. “Couch? Bed? Trampoline?”
“Ok, I got it!” You say when you feel your body bouncing back on the trampoline. “If you can have all that, why did you go for this all-white, void look?”
“Oh, I’m downsizing.” He shrugs. “And you’re not supposed to be here.” You’re up on your feet and there’s nothing under you in a second.
“I know!” You grab your phone again. “I was going to Storybrooke, but apparently I pressed something wrong on the portal.” You look up to him. “Oh well, it was ok to see you again, I guess. I should go now.”
But you don’t move, no matter how many times you press the button, or switch the parameters, nothing happens.
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out eventually that third dimensional science doesn’t work against fifth dimensional magic.”
You lift your eyes at him, looking unamused. “I’m sure I will.” You growl. “Ok then, how do I leave?”
“You know, the good and old fifth dimensional magic.” He gives you a little smile and shows you his fingers. He doesn’t look like he will help, though.
“Hey there, my good fellow Mxytopololik-”
“That’s far from correct but go on. I want to see how this goes.”
“Well, remember that time you took me to the future in another reality and left me stranded there?” You ask and he gives you a chuckle remembering about it. You press your lips, not finding it at all fun. “This would be a good time to help a girl out.”
“Lucky for you, I do have to make it up for people that I wronged.” Mxy rolls his eyes, annoyed. “Stupid 5th dimension rule.”
“Oh, how sad for you.” You fake it, but he doesn’t seem to enjoy it. “I mean, um, can you give me a little hand, buddy? Send me back to the third dimension? You can drop me off on any Earth, really. I’ll find my way back to my Earth.”
“I’m surprised on why you would want to go back there.” Mxy says, snapping his fingers, and a large TV appears in the middle of the room you’re in.
The TV starts playing the scene you just lived. Your moms saying they’re going on vacation, and you standing there looking like you’re about to break into an ugly cry. You were, anyway.
“I wouldn’t want to make Aunt Alex's life so damn hard as well, so I think it’s best if I just… Disappear.”
He pauses on this sentence. And you look at him biting your lower lip.
“You did. You disappeared.” You harden your jaw. Sure you disappeared, but this was far from what you wanted. You wanted to be in the arms of a loving family right now, not in a void from an imp from the 5th dimension. This is nothing like the vacation you said you were going to. “Why would you want to go back to them? They wanted to go on a vacation without you.”
“Maybe they didn’t mean it.” You don’t know if you’re trying to convince him, or yourself. All you know is that right now you’re very sorry you’re stuck here and staying at Aunt Alex’s house looks a lot better than what you’re doing.
“Oh, toots. Whatever you need to tell yourself.” Mxy gives you an evil little grin.
Ah, fuck. Stupid imp is right.
You sit on the floor -since there’s nothing on the room- and you can’t hold the tears anymore. From that point on, you’re just saying a bunch of nonsense in between your tears and hiccups. You’re loud crying, muttering, in a hunched posture. Mxyzplk looks lost, like he has no idea on how to calm you down. You don’t think there’s anything he can say that can do that for you right now.
“You’re right! They don’t even love me anymore.”
“No, no. That’s not what I said! They love you!”
You lay your back on the floor, and curl yourself, in a fetal position, clinching your face, feeling like your erratic breathing is getting stuck in your lungs. “I hate it, I hate all of this. I want to go home. This is the worst day of my life.”
“Now, that cannot possibly be true. You came really close to death a handful of times.”
“But at least I knew they loved me and that they were going to miss me!” You feel the hot tears wetting your pajama’s shirt and Mxy looks like he is about to snap.
“Ok, enough with this.” You’re up on your feet after a snap of fingers. Your tears are dried with another snap. “You won. I will show you their reaction to your leaving.”
“What?” Even though you’re not crying anymore, your voice still comes out small.
“Here. All the possible outcomes from your little stunt. These will show your moms’ possible reactions.” He snaps his fingers again and you see a bunch of tapes on the floor.
“Tapes?” You look completely lost. “May I introduce you to hard drives? You know, even pen drives would make a better job at storing this.”
“You really are your mom’s daughter.” He sighs. “Do you want to watch them or what?”
“Ok, geez. No need to get defensive.” Although you do understand why he is. You are a little bit annoying. A second ago you were curled on the floor crying, and now you’re being a nerd about tapes.
“So what are we watching first?” He asks, and you kneel down to read the titles.
“This one.” You give the first tape to him. He sets everything up. A couch appears in front of the screen, popcorn and soda too. He puts the tape in and looks at you, waiting for your permission. You sit back on the couch, nods, and he presses play.
Hey guys, Superkid is in the fifth dimension watching tapes (like momma, like daughter). And I thought it would be fun to write the tapes you would like to read. So here's a list of tapes I thought of, you can comment which ones you would like to 'watch' and I'll write that and post 1 drabble every day next week (total of 5).
Tape 1: Kara and Lena don't care and go on vacation.
Tape 2: Kara and Lena get depressed over SK disappearing.
Tape 3: Lena goes on a solo mission.
Tape 4: Kara goes to other realities/universes.
Tape 5: Lena goes full Luthor and kills Supergirl.
Tape 6: Kara gets maniac and kills half of National City.
Tape 7: Jamie has to tell Maya SK secret identity (good reaction).
Tape 8: Jamie has to tell Maya SK secret identity (bad reaction).
Tape 9: Kara and Lena split up.
Tape 10: Everyone’s reaction to SK disappearing (all of her family and Maya).
Let me know in the comments which ones you would like to read, please and thank you! ❤️💙
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literaila · 3 years
hi i have a fic request: the reader and spencer were dating and instead of emily dying the reader “died”. and during the time that the reader was presumed “dead”, spencer met maeve and they started dated and everything and when the reader came back there was a ton of tension and awkwardness. and after maeve dies the reader comforts spencer and like they grow closer and get together? ty ily<3
the art of knowing 
spencer reid x gn! reader 
warnings: criminal minds themes, angst, fluff, death. all that fun stuff. 
a/n: its four am. i take no credit for any of this. thank you for the request, my love. 
he couldn't let go of that tiny piece of paper.
vaguely, he thought it might smell like you, still.
through the ceremony, through the tears, the stains on the vinyl flooring that everyone was walking on, the fresh grass, and the silence that followed when everyone had said goodbye-- he just couldn't let it go.
it was just a small piece of paper. a hastily scrawled-out letter to him, from you, that was on something only slightly bigger than a sticky note. he knew the words by heart, and even if he didn't, he could’ve guessed what it said.
he knew as soon as he saw it on his desk, as soon as he noticed the lone flower, the organization of the flies he’d left sprawled out. he knew that you’d been there, and he knew that you were gone. how could he not have known?
he couldn't get the question out of his head, and he couldn't get this paper out of his hand.
“goodbye, spencer” was quite possibly the last thing he would ever hear from you.
no, it was. he knew that.
god, he was sitting at your funeral, watching other people cry over you. he’d been asked to say something and he’d refused because you wouldn't want him crying on some podium in front of everyone else. because he wanted to save that for when he got home. he knew all of these things, and yet he still didn’t understand.
he had to face the truth, teach himself the reality.
he was still clutching the paper when derek came over, when he offered spencer a hand on the shoulder, his never-ending support.
spencer was trying to wipe away any hint of water that might be left on his face even though he knew that it would only irritate his eyes more. that he would cry some more today anyway.
“i’m sorry,” derek said instead of asking him what everyone else had asked him today. as if there was a difference in the responses they might get.
“you didn't do anything,” spencer said instead of telling him that he’d already said that. that he already knew. that he was sorry too.
“i didn't do enough,”
“there wasn't anything else you could do.” spencer didn't know why he was reassuring him, but, at least it distracted from the flowers everyone was laying on the ground.
spencer stood up, he clutched the paper in his hand harder, willing himself not to think of those last words again. he didn't look at derek, but he didn't walk away. his body was numb, his fingers felt like nothing. withdrawal, he could have told you. this is what heartbreak was. withdrawal from chemicals he’d grown dependent on.
but somehow, the science wasn't enough.
“i feel like i should have known,” he whispered, letting his eyes sting again. he didn't have the energy it would take to blink the tears away.
“known what?”
the scoff that followed the question was anything but kind. “two years. two years spent with y/n and i didn't even get the chance to know-” he could feel the words leaking out of his chest, flowing like blood, like there wasn't enough pressure. “a whole different life i didn't even know about.”
he was mad. he was so angry. he felt so guilty, but he couldn't feel anything but mad at the little piece of paper in his hands. the goodbye you had known he would need.
“we all have secrets,” derek said, another reassurance that just made spencer want to scream.
“yeah, and i’m supposed to know everything.”
it was just a tiny piece of paper. it wasn't you, it wasn't anything like the person he had known. you had died, you were dead, and you had died someone that spencer had never even known.
really, how couldn't he have known?
he’d known about addiction long before that day. long before he could ever properly understand what it was-- that you could be addicted to a person, too.
but, he also knew, he learned, that you could stop it. that you could put addiction in a drawer far away and move on with your life-- that you would take it out sometimes, just to look at it, and still it would be okay. that you could have more than just a second chance.
he knew that, now, then, before all of this, even.
spencer was a genius, and he knew now how grief worked. he knew how the passing of time could really heal a person.
he knew that he was falling in love with a voice.
that there were multiple stages to addiction.
and one of those was leaving you behind.
he… he didn't know who this person was.
he didn't, he just didn't understand who was standing in front of him, who was there, why you were standing there right in front of him.
awkwardly smiling.
you didn't exist anymore. not to him-- not to anyone. you were dead, you were sitting in the ground somewhere, you were a ghost flying above his head, telling him it was okay to move on.
you were there, standing in front of him.
he didn't know you. he didn't know those eyes, and he didn't know that smile, and he didn't know who he was when you were here. he didn't know how you were here.
so he asked.
“how?” he swallowed, tried to get that dried feeling out of his mouth.
“y/l/n’s identity was strictly ‘need to know’ and Paris was a safe place to be reassigned until their security was assured.”
apparently, it was now because you were standing in front of him.
you were standing in front of him, and he wasn't addicted to you anymore. he didn't care, and he couldn't feel anything, even when he willed himself to. he felt like the corpse, like he was the one who was burried in the ground-- like you were supposed to be. 
but, no. no, because you were alive and he felt nothing.
and when you spoke, his heart didn't race. when he looked at your eyes, he didnt even classify them as familiar. they were something else, you were something else. 
he knew beause he had your last words memorized, and these certainly weren't them.
and god, he certainly didn't know you.
it didn't take long to understand. not for you, who had known spencer better than you’d known anything before. not for you, who used to study his face, watch his expressions until you got bored-- just for fun.
it didn't take long to understand that something had changed, to see the difference in the air between the two of you. to feel it. 
there was something different in his eyes, and, something had changed. even from the first moment he looked at you, that first pass of his eyes, even then. you knew. 
how couldn’t you know? 
they were different-- the brown, the swirl of colors, the familiarity. it was different. it was strange and terrifying, the change. 
those eyes weren't looking at you the same, he wasn't looking at you like he used to.
and you knew that, you could feel it. so half an hour later when you were all walking out of the room, you had to chase him down. no after how determined he was to get away.
“spence-” you followed him, focused on nothing else. “spencer, hey-”
he turned around. you were shocked, by his eyes, by his frown. you took a step back, and you felt more than you possibly could in a hallway at the bureau.
“what?” he asked, and you weren't sure. what else was there to say? what were you supposed to know? how were you supposed to guess what had changed?
“i…” you willed your eyes not to sting, willed yourself not to be affected by this certain feeling in your chest. “i missed you?”
and maybe it was the wrong thing to say, maybe it was. but the scoff from spencer, the scoff hurt.
“i missed you too, when i thought you were dead.”
you stepped back, hurt, concerned, anything but the happiness you’d hoped to feel when you finally saw him again. his words were unfamiliar, his eyes were unfamiliar, and you still didn't know what to say.
how were you supposed to fix this?
“i’m sorry,” you whispered, looking down. you felt small now. you didn't understand, no matter how much you thought you might.
you’d died, you knew. you were gone for months, but you’d missed him. you’d spent every day, every single one of them, hoping, dreaming, wanting to go back to him. you wanted to touch him, to hear his voice, to listen to him even if it was over a cellphone. you wanted to be alive to him, to be his still. you just wanted him back.
you’d spent every day wanting him back. 
but now, now all you wanted to do was to feel bigger. you wanted to see him smile, to know what had changed. you wanted the truth and nothing short of it. 
“y/n, i…”
and this. this wasn't anger. his voice, quiet as it always was, beautiful as it always had been, desperate like you’d never heard before-- his voice was full of guilt, of shame you couldn't recognize.
“i’m glad you aren't dead.”
“ha,” you deadpanned, angry now at the sound of his voice. angry now at the feeling building in your chest. you weren't used to him anymore, you didn't know him the same anymore. but still, you knew too much.
“really, really glad, but i’ve,” his voice cracked, his eyes fell, his body was slouching. you knew how to read this, you would’ve known even if it wasn't him.
you didn't want to hear the next words, but you had to, and you did.
“i met someone- i-”
and maybe it was grief, maybe it was anger, maybe it was desperation, but you smiled. maybe it was an effort to be enough.
“it's okay, spencer.”
those words were such lies, but you had to believe them, you had to feel like you believed them. you owed him that. 
“if you’re happy, then it's okay. that's all i’ve wanted, all i could hope for in-” you swallowed, took a breath that was just enough to keep you from falling on the floor, from begging at his feet. “paris,” you smiled wider, you took a step back, but this time just to give him space. “its okay,” you repeated.
and that had to be enough. it had to be enough because you were walking away.
but, really, spencer was the one who was leaving you behind. you should’ve understood sooner-- because how could you not have known?
you didn't bother to look at him.
it had been three weeks. three weeks since you’d broken up-- officially for you since you’d never actually gotten the chance to before, but you supposed you couldn’t actually break up with a corpse. three weeks since you’d smiled and walked away.
it had to be what was best for him. if spencer could find someone who made him happy, if spencer could find someone in the minuscule months you’d been gone, if spencer could move past you, then he deserved to. you couldn't be the one to stop that, and you wouldn't be mad because, honestly, you’d done it to yourself.
and he couldn't be mad because you weren't. because you’d let him go and he had no more reason to be mad. he could even go back to pretending you didn't exist if he wished to.
so you were both content. you both worked with each other, you both avoided eyes. you couldn't bother to look at him or his eyes when all you wanted to do was scream at the feeling in them.
because you’d known that feeling--before. because you’d been on the other end of that feeling before, because your eyes had mirrored his before, and because you knew how that felt.
and you were desperate to get it back. you wanted to pull him back, force him to stay in the cocoon of the two of you. you wanted to claw at him and never allow him to move away.
but that was selfish. you’d already been selfish enough. you’d made him grieve you, and now you had to return the favor.
the difference between the two of you was that you didn't know enough about addiction. you didn't know that despite the time that had passed, your withdrawal had never actually gone away. you didn't know how it worked and so you didn't know that it was still there.
you just saw the look in his eyes. a look you’d used to create. the look of love, of admiration, of hope. love, you used to feel, you think.
when you looked at him all you could see was the feelings he had for someone else.
so no, you didn't bother to look at him.
here was what spencer knew about grief: it passed. it was just withdrawal until it wasn't. love was just another addiction, just some more chemicals in your brain, just an idea that you clung to.
it would pass, he knew.
but how could he have known this would happen again?
it would pass, eventually.
but how was he supposed to live through it twice, but really only once?
because you were still here. because you were alive, and not dead, and you were walking him home. you were making sure he got there safe.
and you weren't dead, but she was.
and how was spencer supposed to cope with that?
how could he grieve, when he really didn't know how?
if this had been a fraction of what it was like when spencer thought you died, if this was anything like that-- you couldn't bear to see it.
it was like repetition, it was like deja vu, like a memory.
you saw his eyes, and you saw his hopelessness, and you saw yourself reflected back in the colors of his face. you saw the grief, the pain, the anger, the loss.
you couldn't bear to watch this, not then, not now. not when you still felt angry, not when you were still angry.
they had all pleaded with you-- go talk to him, they said. talk to him, you’ll understand.
but that wasn't fair because spencer hadn't died for you. you’d left him and spencer had survived. it wasn’t fair because you still hadn't learned how to deal with any of it. you still couldn't let go, move on, as he had.
so then, why were you standing in front of his door, holding a card addressed to spencer from all of your friends?
well, you couldn't bear to stay away. and you almost couldn't bear to face him when he opened the door, but somehow, you did. somehow, you spoke first.
“hi, spencer,” you said, waving at him, moving back a little, just to give him some space.
“what’re you…” he looked around, looking for someone with you, someone else. his voice was rough like he hadn't talked in days. he looked like a skeleton, standing there in front of you. “...doing here?” he looked you up and down, but he wasn't really looking at anything.
you noticed the hand he had on the door, the subconscious way he had begun to close it, the hand he was holding over his chest, blocking you from him.
“the team sent me, they’re really worried,” your voice was shaking, and you had no idea why. “i brought a card from them, and- and i wanted to see how you were doing.”
his brows furrowed, like what you’d said didn't make any sense. you copied him, concerned with your own sanity. wondering again, why you were here?
“no offense,” he started, standing up taller, looking and sounding anything like spencer, anything but pleasant. “but we aren't really friends, are we?”
there was some irritation rolling up your spine at his words, but his face was innocent. he wasn't being malicious, he wasn't trying to make you feel ridiculous, and he wasn't trying to hurt you anymore. he was too kind for that, you knew. 
you took a breath in, tried to smile. “i guess not,” you sighed, looking down at the ground with unmistakable shame, but then you looked back up. “but, i care about you. i want to be here for you. i- i want to be.. here.”
and no matter how closed off he looked, no matter how strange his face looked, no matter how much you knew he didn't want to, he opened the door and let you in.
and that was how it started. your friendship with spencer.
really, who could’ve known?
"i like your apartment," you said while the two of you walked through it. while spencer led you through whatever this strange place was.
"yeah, well, i couldn't keep the apartment after..." he trailed off, no remorse, no feeling in his voice.
you went to sit on his couch, strange and different, but he stayed standing. he paced around the floor, mumbling things under his breath you couldn't understand.
the tightlipped smile you had on your face was doing nothing to conceal your emotions.
"after i died."
he looked up at that, shocked by your crudeness. you rolled your eyes, pulling off your jacket.
"that's a shame, i really liked that kitchen."
spencer bit his lip, continued his pacing, muttered "i know" under his breath. his irritation would've made you laugh if he wasn't looking so insane.
you saw the bottles on the table, the mugs laying around, the papers and books thrown across the floor-- all the things you didn't want to see, you saw them. and you almost couldn't bear it, almost tried to pretend you still hadn't noticed them. but, you were familiar with this.
he did this before when he was still in love with you. when he was stressed.
despite how hard you might try, you couldn't just forget everything about him.
"do i need to ask spencer?" your voice was softer now, quieter. you knew him, and he knew what you were asking.
"do you really want the answer, y/n?" he retorted, rolling his eyes.
maybe sometime, you'd tell him that his defense mechanism was sarcasm. maybe sometime, you'd let him know how annoying it could be.
"it's not going to be what i want, but, neither is anything else." it was a subtle remark about the situation, you hoped spencer hadn't heard those last couple of words. "i don't want this for you, spencer, but i'm here to listen, and so i will."
he stopped pacing, stopped stepping over books and around paperwork. he stopped moving, and it reminded you of that night.
it reminded you of him collapsing in on himself, it reminded you of the anger you knew you didn't deserve to feel, the relief you knew you would never get.
it reminded you of further back when all you could do was smile and let him go.
you'd known him for so long, but you'd never seen him broken like this.
your thoughts distracted you from spencer, who was sitting next to you now, running an agitated hand through his hair, turning himself away from you.
"do you know what grief does to the body?" he asked.
yes, you could have answered. yes, im feeling it right now.
but instead, you said "no," and waited for him to continue.
he did, begrudgingly, a few moments later. "the shock factor causes a spike of adrenaline in your system-- a lot like someone gets in a bad accident --and then when the adrenaline wears off, your body has no choice but to succumb to the pain."
and you, well, you could have told him that, but you let him continue.
"a lot of people have documented actual inflammation which attributes to health issues after a loved one has..." he stopped there. he paused, and his eyes were gone. his feeling was gone, his words were gone.
you could practically see him disappearing on the couch, right next to you.
you could see him slipping away, the reality sinking in further than it could before, and so, you started talking.
you had to say something, and this would have to be enough. your remorse for him would have to be enough to get you through this.
because otherwise, how could you stand it?
"do you ever get that moment in the morning, when you've temporarily forgotten everything bad and it just feels... peaceful?" the words were a shock to both of you. the sound of your voice. 
you weren't looking at him, but the wall, willing yourself not to feel that reminder. not to think of any of it. "do you ever get that?" you repeated, eyes off. 
spencer nodded, small, hard for you to see when you were actively trying not to look at him-- but enough to continue.
"it's like our conscious and subconscious make a pact, to give us that split second of peace." you laughed, bittersweet, and looked at him. you turned towards him, making sure he was looking at you.
making sure he couldn't tell what you were thinking about, that this was about anything but him.
"when that relief happens, spencer, you have to grab hold of it-- just hold onto it."
he stared at you, brows furrowed.
"you reach, and you grab it, and you keep it." you nodded along with your words, feeling that sick crawling up your chest, feeling that grief along with all the guilt.
this wasn't fair to him, you knew that, but if this could help-- even a little bit --you had to try.
"why...?" spencer tried to start, clearing his throat to keep his word from breaking.
"that's how you get past it." you motioned to him, to the floor, to the things all around his home, and finally, to yourself. "passed all the shock, and adrenaline, and all the sick."
spencer was looking down, not at you anymore, not at anything.
you used to know those eyes, you were sure. you used to understand every thought that ran through his head, you used to remember the person you had been with him. you used to be able to think of him without cringing, without that sick feeling in your stomach, wrapping itself around you like a blanket.
you used to understand, and now you didn't. but this had to be enough. this had to be enough for you, to be here with him.
"okay?" you asked, softer, gently. "okay?" you repeated.
and he nodded.
you went over once a week. just for the first couple of months. you went over to spencer's, you watched movies, you held his hand and squeezed his shoulder.
you managed not to tear yourself into pieces, managed to actually smile when you were around him. you managed to do it all, managed to do enough to keep the nightmares away, to keep those circles from under his eyes.
and that's all you wanted, really. that's all you needed. as long as spencer was okay, okay as he could be, as long as he was coping, moving on, doing everything a normal human being should. as long as he was doing all of that, you didn't need anything else.
and, and if there was a tiny piece of you, locked away in all the dark parts you tried to keep secret-- if there was a piece of you that was hopeful, that was holding onto something other than just tiny moments, if there was a piece of you that thought maybe he would just-
if there was any piece of you that thought differently, well, you would ignore it.
you went over once a week, just to make sure he was okay.
and really, where was the harm in that?
"'the shining' tonight?" he asked, walking alongside you, carrying the coffee you had just bought for him.
"why do you insist on watching that at least once a month-"
"this is actually only the third time,"
"it was enough the first two." he smiled at you, and you couldn't keep the grin from slipping back.
"sounds good," he concluded, walking along.
and if you followed him, well, you were just being a good friend.
"do you think i should get a haircut?" you asked, walking around his desk, prancing more like. prancing like he was your prey and you were about to eat him.
the thought made you giggle.
"your hair looks fine," he answered, not really paying attention. instead, he was marking something off of a page, flipping to the next one in barely a second.
"real nice, spence. as long as you think it's fine-"
"did you know that the average person gets around 150 haircuts in their lifetime?"
"yeah, spencer, and all those people have dead ends," you groaned and he hummed.
and if you liked the way the light was reflecting off of his face, hiding the shadows you knew were there, well, you were just bored.
"spencer-" he was running away from you, running away from whatever ghost was following him.
you had to stop chasing him, but somehow, you knew you wouldn't be able to even if you tried.
"spencer, will you just-" you tried again, running far enough ahead so that you could stand in his way.
you couldn't bear to see the blank look in his eyes, the emotionless void you would never get used to.
"yes?" he asked, like you were a child like you were a little kid and you needed him to fix something.
it was condescending and rude and you just wanted to yell at him-- to yell at yourself for being irritated.
"are you okay?" you asked instead. you hated the words, but you hated this feeling more.
"i'm fine." and then he attempted to get past you.
"spencer, those girls, they were all-"
"all what, y/n? all shot? all murdered?"
"that's not what i mean-"
"that's the job, y/l/n. you should know that."
he was gone after that. disappearing, like you both had before.
and, if you wanted to scream, to bang your fists against the wall until it broke, to beg him to just listen to you, to sleep in his bed and watch him while he slept, well. you were going to ignore it. grief wasn't an object, and it wouldn't go away.
you would know.
some nights, particularly on the ones when spencer was busy, when there was a case and you weren't supposed to be sneaking into each other's hotel room, on those nights you felt colder than you ever had before.
you felt that feeling again-- the one spencer had taught you about.
the sick that almost made your insides collapse. the sick that was going to fill you to the brim until it couldn't anymore, numb you to the very edge. the sick that had been there for over a year, a long year full of death. full of life and nothing but destruction. the infection that should've been gone ages ago.
on those nights, you tried to hold onto reality, tried to remind yourself of what had actually happened.
it was all a chain of events, really. and it was truly all of your fault.
you couldn't be angry because if you wanted to be angry at someone, it had to be yourself.
it couldn't be spencer, or maeve, or hotch, or the universe.
just you.
and the sick would pass, you knew. the next day when spencer would hand you your coffee mug, when he would say something-- anything --and you would listen. it would all go away.
and if those feelings, if that reality that you kept trying to avoid, if that wouldn't go away, well. you were going to have to let it go because you couldn't keep going like this. pretending.
honestly, how couldn't you know?
recently, the effort you'd put into keeping at least a three-foot distance between you and spencer was tireless.
to give him space, obviously. to avoid bumping into him when you were walking, to keep yourself from tripping into him.
it was just convenient, you told yourself. nothing else to it.
except, on this night, after a long day at work, after spencer had sat down right next to you with a book in hand, so much closer than you wanted. well, you couldn't just simply move away.
there was no space on this couch anyway.
technically, you were supposed to be watching a movie. technically, spencer had picked this one out-- something about the discovery of water, you thought --and you had no interest in it. technically, he was completely ignoring it.
before, two years ago-- almost, that was. almost two years without him. before, two years ago, you would've bickered with him about it until he gave in. until he put down the book, clicked a button on the remote you'd misplaced, and lean in so close to you that you could barely breathe. it was a routine, you were sure, and back then you wondered if he brought the book out just so you would tease him about. like it was an excuse to kiss you if he needed one.
not that you were thinking about that. not that he was doing it again. not that it mattered, honestly.
just a memory that hit you, is all, as you stared at the screen, pretended to listen to the words when all you wanted to do was put some distance between the two of you.
it was getting hard not to feel that pull, not to let that feeling trap you.
"spencer," you whispered, glancing at him out of the corner of your eye.
he hummed instead of answering, didn't look up from the page.
"you're cold,"
he quirked an eyebrow at you, turning towards you only slightly. he was only a little bit closer now, but it only proved you were lying some more.
he was desperately hot.
"do you need a blanket?" he asked, the picture of innocence.
at least one of you was.
"no, just maybe a little more space. don't want to get hypothermia," you coughed, an attempted laugh maybe, and tried to move away.
"you're not showing any of the symptoms of hypothermia-- are you fatigued, or is your heart racing?"
you would've laughed if he wasn't moving his face closer to yours, trying to check your pupils discreetly.
"um, no, spencer. i was kidding, i'm just going to--" you moved, an inch, and then another, smiling at him.
it wasn't too suspicious. and the movie was halfway over.
and you looked back at the screen...
only to feel his eyes on you a moment later. you turned your head slightly. he hadn't picked his book back up, hadn't moved an inch from before.
"aren't you going to read your book again so you can keep bothering me, reid?"
you didn't need to look to see the smile. "is it bothering you?"
you threw your head back, turning so he could see you roll your eyes. his brown ones, impossibly bright, impossibly beautiful were staring back at you, mischievous. you bit the inside of your cheek and then laughed.
"no, of course not, spencer." you turned towards the tv again. "i am very interested and equally involved in the discovery of water," you waved your hand for him to continue.
"that's not actually what..." he trailed off, freezing at something.
"are you okay?" this time, you didn't hesitate to move closer to him, to place a hand on his shoulder and get him to look at you.
his heat was excruciating and addicting. a dangerous combination.
but your concern beat your stupid feelings, and so, you didn't move away.
"deja vu..." he said, head-turning, eyes looking down on you.
"we've done this before," was all he said, continuing to stare like he didn't know what was happening. staring at you with strange eyes, strange wide eyes.
it was only scaring you a little bit. you didn't understand.
"we've never watched this movie before," you reassured as if he was worried about that. as if that was the problem.
"no," he said, moving a foot closer, breaking the boundary you had put between the two of you. "no, but we've done this before."
he was too close, now.
"spencer... what?" you looked from the screen to him, nervously, trying not to feel intimidated, small. he hadn't been this close in so long.
"just-" and then he was leaning in. he was leaning close enough for his breath to trail across your skin, close enough that you could feel the heat radiating from his cheek, that you could barely see his eyes anymore.
close enough to kiss you.
but, you couldnt breathe like that.
and so, with all the grace you had, you moved back. so far back, and put your knees up as a barrier between the two of you. anything to keep him away.
"um, spencer i don't know if you forgot-" he tried to interrupt, but you weren't paying attention. "i died, remember? and then- and then, um, you moved on and, we haven't done that in a long time and-"
"-we're just friends, right? and friends don't really get that close- we shouldn't get-" but he was, he was getting that close, and your stuttering was slowing because you couldn't focus on anything but him.
"i remember," spencer whispered, but his eyes weren't on yours anymore. no, they were on your lips, staring down at the place he hadn't bothered to look at in two years. at your face, which he hadn't seen until now.
"we cant-"
"can i kiss you?" he asked, instead of paying attention, instead of remembering, instead of understanding that this was going to tear you from the inside out.
"i don't think that's a good idea, spencer, i really don't..." you trailed off because he was moving back.
"i'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to," he promised, looking so beautiful, speaking so plainly. 
and those words, they made your heart start beating again. because who was he to assume?
"no! it's just- we haven't kissed. we don't kiss, anymore."
it was a painful reality, and you almost felt bad for saying it when you saw the wince on spencer's face, but, it was the truth. you couldn't deny either of you from the truth.
"i know it's familiar, and maybe comforting, but i don't think it's a good idea." you breathed in once, wanted to scream at yourself for saying those words. wanted to scream because you'd wanted to kiss spencer since the moment you'd stopped.
"no, that's not why i want to kiss you," his voice broke on the word kiss, and you attempted to scramble yourself on the couch, to move so that he wouldn't have the opportunity to convince you.
it wouldn't take much.
"it'll just hurt us both more, spencer." your voice was monotone because you weren't sure if you could get this out any other way. the stinging around your eyes had to be fake because you weren't crying.
honestly, you didn't care.
and then, spencer got up, walked away.
and you had to care. you had to care because, despite the fact that he'd left you, that you'd been grieving for him for the last two years, that you missed him more than it was possible to miss another person-- despite all of that, he was your best friend.
he'd become your best friend, had been that since you'd first met, and you couldn't let that go now.
so you followed, you followed again, and called his name again, and begged him to come back, for the first time out loud.
but when he came back out of his bedroom, all you heard was the crinkling of paper.
you just saw spencer's never-ending serious face, but, mixed was the tiniest him of embarrassment. the pink splattered across his cheek, the hesitation to look at you.
he was holding something.
"what's that?" you asked, distracted from the issue, momentarily focused on just him and not the past.
except, when he held it up, you could see that it was the opposite.
"it's the letter you wrote me when-" he swallowed, smiling a sad smile at you and then looking down again. "when you left."
you'd left it on his desk, so he'd find it first. so that he would be the first one to know.
"oh," you breathed out, shocked, sick.
"i kept it because it was the last piece i had of you," he folded it into tiny pieces, then unfolded it along the creases. it looked like a practiced motion "i used to keep it in my shirt pocket, but when i met maeve, i put it in my bedside drawer."
goodbye, spencer. you'd wrote. you'd cried while writing it, cried while you drove away, cried when you woke up in the hospital, cried every night after you came back.
it was excruciating to leave without spencer, but you'd learned it was worse to have him leave you when you were still there.
you'd have traded that feeling for anything else.
you breathed in, shakily. you didn't like these memories, you didn't like that he was digging them back up, but you had to listen. you wouldn't leave, now.
"i put it in my bedside drawer because it's important to keep mementos-- its actually a method of coping, and some people believe it strengthens relationships, and you were gone, but i thought that-" he stopped. took a deep breath in, closed his eyes and counted to three. you could tell, you knew him that well.
you smiled, despite the stinging in your eyes, the pricks on your skin, the crawling up your stomach.
"i kept it because it was the last words i got from you, and i couldn't let that go. i still cant, y/n."
you couldn't process these words, you couldn't process this feeling. it was detrimental, and you had noting you could say.
"i don't know if you can ever stop loving someone, i mean," he snorted, looked right at you like he didn't know what he was saying. "i know you can learn to love someone else, but, i don't know if you can ever get rid of that feeling... of that-" and he was still looking at you, but he wasn't talking anymore.
and you weren't breathing because this was a dream, because you would not allow yourself to wake up from this, and you would not start crying in front of him.
you were selfish selfish selfish.
"i don't know how i couldn't have known i was still in love with you, but i didn't, and now," his eyes, his voice, his entire demeanor softened. he was molding, changing right in front of you. it had to be impossible. "i do. i know."
spencer had never spoken this much, he didn't confess, he didn't not know things, so this had to be fake. it had to be.
"spencer," you gasped out, shocked by the sound of your own voice. shocked to find out that you still couldn't breathe.
shocked to watch him move forward, smile the same smile you thought you might've fallen in love with.
"you know now, so, can i kiss you?"
you couldn't remember the last time the two of you had kissed. you thought that it might've been right before bed that night, that you might've kissed him on his forehead while he was sitting on his desk, that he might've kissed up your neck while you cuddled each other to sleep.
but you couldn't remember.
and so, it was painful to even utter the word "yes".
it was painful to feel that again. that lovely, lovely feeling.
his lips against yours, softer than you could remember, slower than you'd ever imagined possible. so much better than you could've thought another persons lips could be.
and you wanted to gasp, to breathe, but you didn't dare move away from him.
this was too good, this was too waited for, this was too painful to move back.
and so you didn't and neither did he. neither of you could.
you grabbed at each other, threaded your hands through his hair, held onto his face like you would never let go, and you kissed him like you loved him.
because you did.
and then, when you did break, when you were sure, you moved back and couldn't stop the slip of "spencer" that came from your lips.
your puffy, recently kissed lips.
and when you finally got the courage to open your eyes, the most beautiful smile you could've seen was there. waiting for you.
"you're my moment." spencer said, he whispered as if it was a realization.
"what?" you asked, still breathless, still addicted to a kiss you hadn't allowed yourself to think of, really, in two years.
"that moment in the morning, the moment of peace when everything is still good... you're my moment."
your heart stopped again. stopped, because this was you, these were your words coming from his lips.
"do you remember?" he asked, thinking of those words from those months ago, those words you'd told him in an effort to comfort yourself. to remind yourself that he was still there.
you nodded and spencer smiled.
"you're my peace and my relief, y/n," he pulled your face closer to his, leaned in, and it was like nothing you'd ever felt before.
his smile, his lips, his words.
this was a strange feeling.
"i'm holding onto you, now. i don't think i can let go,"
these weren't his words, but they were enough.
you were smiling, you realized. even with the tear stains down your face, even with the puffy lips, even with the heartache and the addiction, even with the years between the two of you.
you were smiling.
"i love you, spencer."
and so was he.
because really, how couldn't you have known?
my masterlist here. 
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dovechim · 4 years
lonely hearts club (m)
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➾ 11k
➾ summary: jeon jeongguk has annoying little brother energy™. you know this deep in your bones. wedding after wedding, you keep running into him at the goddamn singles’ table, and he just won’t leave you alone. until you start to wonder... is he your ticket out of the lonely hearts club? 
tdlr: enemies to lovers
➾ warnings: hate sex, public sex (in a photobooth lmao), impregnation role play, oral (f receiving), jk has intensely annoying energy, it gets unbearably cheesy towards the end
➾ a/n: wow, addie is back???? finally??? gosh, even I can’t believe it. please enjoy, and thank you for waiting :)
The first few times, it was lovely. Watching your friends find their partners and get married in holy matrimony, their faces filled with bliss as they walk down the aisle together towards their happily ever after. You tell yourself that you are truly happy for them, and you are. But you can’t deny that deep seated feeling of envy buried within you, and the sense of dread every time you receive a new wedding invitation.
Why’d all of your friends have to be so good at getting their shit together?
Which then begs the question, what are you actually doing here?
Other than celebrating your friend’s wedding, obviously. You crane your neck to look around the large, luxurious ballroom for any sign of Kim Seokjin and his husband, and you think you spot them at one of the tables up front.
You scan the attendees at your table surreptitiously. It goes without saying that anyone can see that this is the singles’ table, it’s obvious enough by the way no one talks to each other and how the host has made the painstaking arrangement to alternate the genders. You have no idea where this tradition of a singles’ table came from, and why you’re relegated to it at every single wedding you attend.
You sniff in indignation as you take a sip at the flat soda in your glass. For all they know, you could have a secret celebrity boyfriend hidden away somewhere. The both of you have decided to keep your relationship under wraps so as not to risk the wrath of the public, so that’s why you can’t bring him to events like this. There. Let that be your saving grace.
It’s embarrassing to be at the singles’ table at a wedding, even more embarrassing when you realise that the faces at the table come and go, all except for yours. In fact, you spot a few familiar faces integrated into other tables, drinking and laughing happily with their significant others by their sides, while you remain a permanent resident of the singles’ table.
This is your fifth wedding in as many months; and at this rate it seems like you’ll never graduate from the singles’ table.
A sudden movement interrupts your moment of drowning in self-pity, and you glance to the side only to realise that the empty seat beside you has been filled. All night long the empty seat had been mocking you, reminding you of what could have been a lovely night in with a few bottles of soju and some chicken, but now it presents you with a new contender to the singles’ table.
And God damn, you can feel the women at the table perk up at his presence, some of them shooting you envious looks because you happen to be seated next to him. The girl on his other side seems to be swooning already, but you staunchly refuse to react. Refuse to even look at his side profile.
Two singles matching up at the singles’ table is practically every host’s wet dream. So much so that you refuse to let it happen. No matter how good looking he is, you won’t let yourself stoop so low.
Are you bitter? Yes.
But are you willing to admit it? Most definitely not.
“No way- Jeon Jeongguk?” The gentleman on your other side stands with his arms spread in what can only be the bro code. “What are you doing here? God damn- I never thought the day would come when I meet Jeon Jeongguk at the singles’ table!”
Wait, why does that name sound so familiar? You can hear the smirk in the newcomer’s voice as he stands as well, and the two men embrace each other in a manner that involves a lot of back slapping and chest bumping.
It’s only then that you unwillingly catch a glance of his face, and immediately an unwanted thought occupies the front of your mind persistently. He is most definitely, without a doubt, the most eligible single man at your table right now.
Jeon Jeongguk looks like the kind of man who is aware that eyes are on him at any given moment and milks every single second of it to show off. His broad shoulders are the first thing that catch your attention, he fills out the jacket of his dark blue suit just right, and yet the tapering of his torso into an impossibly slim waist has you questioning if he’s even real. You stop yourself from going any lower.
His face is a whole other matter, a cocky smirk pasted onto his face, charming doe eyes that lock right onto yours as he sits back down.
“Well, for my first foray into the singles’ club, I can’t say I’m disappointed,” he lowers his voice so that only you can hear it.
Scandalized at how he’s already prepositioning you within minutes of meeting, you make the mistake of turning to face him, witnessing how he adjusts his suit jacket as he makes himself comfortable in his seat, spreading his muscled thighs under the banquet table.
“For someone who’s sole hobby is the gym, I’m surprised your vocabulary range is better than a five-year old’s,” you shoot back at him, immediately annoyed by his very existence itself.
“So you admit you think my body is nice?” He raises an eyebrow and leans into your personal space, causing you to cross your legs and angle your body away from him in response. “You aren’t wrong there, but I could give you a much better idea of what’s under these clothes.”
Your hand tightens around your glass, getting ready to swing your entire body and drench his stupid good looking face with flat, lukewarm soda, but a loud burst of laughter ruins what could have been a perfect moment of humiliation.
“Ah, _______! Jeongguk! I see you two have met!” Kim Seokjin, approaches with Kim Namjoon on his arm, and the two of them look like they are glowing with happiness. “It’s about time, I can’t believe you guys are finally here!”
Finally? What is he on about?
You stand and Seokjin gives you a warm hug, a kiss on the cheek and you immediately feel slightly better, and more than slightly guilty at almost having caused a scene at one of your closest friend’s wedding. Namjoon greets you with a bright smile as well, holding out his arms and embracing you tightly.
Having always been the more sensitive of the couple, Namjoon holds you at arm’s length for a moment. “You alright there?” Namjoon’s gaze wanders over to the table behind you, and it’s like an epiphany strikes him. “God, I’m sorry! I wanted to put you at the table with my parents, seeing as you’re already like a daughter to them, but Jin wanted you to have another chance at…”
“Love,” you grimace as you complete his sentence for him. “I’m used to it by now.”
Namjoon looks like he’s about to say something else, but then Seokjin gets your attention, his arm slung around Jeon Jeongguk’s neck.
“______, as I was saying, I can’t believe you guys only met now. Jeon Jeongguk, meet _____. The sole reason why I managed to graduate from university on time. And ______, meet Jeon Jeongguk, the reason why I almost couldn’t graduate on time.”
Jeongguk snickers and elbows his hyung in the ribs, and you stare in shock at their camaraderie. Seokjin takes in your frozen expression and gestures wildly to get his point across.
“Hello? Remember Jeon Jeongguk?” Seokjin waves his hand in front of your face. “He basically lived in our dorm for a year without even attending our school because he wanted to see what university was like. You always complained about him leaving his cereal bowls in the sink!”
No fucking way. That snot faced brat became… this?
“How you doing, _____?” Jeongguk has the audacity to wink at you. “I see you’ve grown up a little.”
You eye him up and down in shock. From what you remember, Jeon Jeongguk was a scrawny little kid who shadowed Seokjin everywhere, to classes and even to the washroom. He was just a wide-eyed high schooler who worshipped both Seokjin and Namjoon back then, and cowered at your very presence.
“I see you haven’t,” you reply coolly, inwardly praising yourself for thinking of a comeback that quickly. You will not let this stupid brat intimidate you with his looks. Just because he grew up a little and got some muscles doesn’t mean he isn’t the same person who begged to carry your books to class for you.
You remember how he basically lived as a parasite in your dorm that year, irritating the hell out of you with his messy living habits, puppy dog eyes and basically taking turns to follow you everywhere you go. Now the memories are coming back, and so are the teasing laughter from your friends who thought he was your cute little younger brother and doted on him every chance they got, not aware that he’s actually the devil incarnate.
“You guys are getting along right?” Seokjin grins from ear to ear, likely already more than tipsy. “My two bestest friends, and my husband, all in the same place. This calls for a toast!”
“We’re getting along amazingly, aren’t we, ______?” Jeongguk says with a sickening grin as he passes you a champagne flute. “In fact, she was just complimenting me on my workout routine, and I was about to tell her that I’d be more than glad to incorporate her into my home workout too-“
“Toast to the happy couple!” You immediately cut him off, feeling your cheeks burn at his insinuation, raising your glass and avoiding Jeongguk’s gaze. “Congratulations Mr Kims!”
The happy couple moves off, and in your wealth of experience, you know that the night is coming to an end, and so is the event that you dread. You start to gather your things just as everyone starts to rise from their seats to gather in the middle of the ballroom, where a space has been cleared out. Instead of making your way with the crowd, however, you go the opposite direction, ready to make the practiced and unnoticed slip away out into the night.
But this time, a hand on your wrist stops you. It’s Jeon Jeongguk, a slight frown on his handsome features.
“Hey, where are you going? They’re about to do the bouquet toss.”
You pry your arm out of his grasp. “I know.”
And without a single glance back, you slip out of the back entrance of the ballroom, unnoticed by all except one.
The next time you see Jeon Jeongguk, it’s at Kim Taehyung’s wedding.
It’s a lovely wedding, a little abstract for your tastes, but totally Taehyung’s style. Expensive paintings worth more than your entire lifetime’s earnings adorn the ballroom, the menu is Italian cuisine, and the wine is exquisite. Him and his blushing bride are gorgeous, the night is perfect, were it not for one tiny little…
“Nice dress, bet it’d look nicer on the floor of my bedroom, though,” Jeongguk eyes your navy blue halter dress that shows off your shoulders.
The two of you are once again reunited at the singles’ table, and the fact that he’s seated right next to you has you in a foul mood.
“Why don’t you just slither off back to whichever hole you came from?” You hiss at him, finishing your third glass of wine for the night. “I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing you again.”
“And leave you all sad and alone at this miserable singles’ table?” Jeongguk grins. “I don’t think so. In fact, I can’t imagine how you managed to survive all these weddings without me. Why do you even hate me that much?”
What a question indeed. There are a million and one reasons as to why you hate Jeon Jeongguk, number one being his cocky personality, number two being his unfair glow up, while you’re still stuck looking pretty much the same as you did back in the first year of uni, if not more tired and world-weary.
“Oh, I managed alright,” you say through gritted teeth. “Not that I’m curious or anything, and I’d hate to give off the impression that I care even one iota about your existence-“
“Don’t worry, you can ask anything about me and I’d be more than happy to indulge,” Jeongguk says with a maddening smile.
“… why don’t you just get a girlfriend and graduate from this sad little island of singles? It’s not like you don’t have a ton of girls falling at your feet everywhere you go,” you roll your eyes as you witness the girl on the other side of him leaning over so far to show off her cleavage that she nearly falls off her seat. “It should be so easy for you.”
“Why would I do that when it’s more fun to stay here and annoy you instead?” He grins, topping up your wine glass, and that’s the only reason why you hesitate from smacking him on the head. His arm lingers on the back of your chair in a manner far too intimate for your liking, but if you were to smack him it would mean you have to touch him, and that’s a definite no-no.
Today he’s wearing a crisp white dress shirt with the top three buttons undone, showing a hint of his toned chest. His jacket features a dark grey floral print that matches nicely with the abstract, artsy theme of the whole wedding.
You’re saved from having to reply when it’s time for the couple to cut the cake. In true Taehyung fashion, he smears a dab of wedding cake on his bride’s cheek, causing her to gasp in shock and everyone around them to coo in adoration. Photographers are snapping away, capturing the perfect moment.
“I’d want to get married on my birthday too,” Jeongguk remarks off handedly beside you as the applause dies down. “You know it’s Taehyung’s birthday today, right?”
“Of course I do, what kind of friend would I be?” You roll your eyes at him. “And in response to your other statement: I don’t care.”
But Jeongguk continues as if you haven’t said a word. “I bet they’ll be spending lots of time in their birthday suits tonight.”
“Ew!” You can’t help but react as you turn and smack his arm. Just the thought of imagining Taehyung, your best friend since childhood, naked and doing… those things…
Jeongguk grins salaciously. “First contact: success.”
Still trying to stave off all the unwelcome images of Taehyung, you frown at him in confusion. “What?”
“It’s a rule I personally go by. No matter how interested I am in a girl, I always keep my physical boundaries until she breaks the touch barrier by initiating physical contact with me first.”
Hmm, who’d have thought the bastard would have a sense of morals?
“Well, you’re completely wrong because I’m not interested in you at all,” you turn your head away from him. “And if you think that one touch from a girl entitles you to do all kinds of lewd things, then you’re sorely mistaken on what it means to be a gentleman.”
“Who said anything about lewd?” He leans in, and you smell the sweetness of the tiramisu on his breath that is oh so tantalizing. “I think you’re the one who brought it up first.”
Snagged, you reach for your wine glass to take another chug, hoping that it might explain away the redness on your cheeks.
“You know, most people become more relaxed the more they drink, however with you I think it’s the opposite.” Jeongguk comments, swirling his wine in his glass casually as he studies your side profile.
You can’t help but get a little flustered at his attention. You can see the envious gazes of the other women at the singles’ table, and once again you are reminded of how very eligible Jeon Jeongguk is, especially amongst the rest of the males at the table.
“What would a guy like me have to do for company for his lonely heart?” Jeongguk turns his sparkling doe eyes on you, and at the same time, the lights in the ballroom dim as Taehyung directs everyone’s attention towards the ceiling.
While everyone looks up at the now bedazzled ballroom ceiling, amazed by the projection of multicoloured galaxies and shooting stars, you find yourself unable to look away from Jeon Jeongguk.
Then, while the lights are still off and everyone’s attention elsewhere, he leans in closer until you can feel his breath on your cheek. When you don’t make a move to push him away, Jeon Jeongguk places a hand on your chin and coaxes you those last few inches towards his lips, and you find that you don’t exactly hate the feeling of kissing this obnoxious brat.
His lips are soft, and the kiss is more demure than you’d expected it to be, judging from his fondness for dirty jokes and double entendres. You taste a slight bitterness from the coffee powder in the tiramisu on his tongue. He takes it slow, exploring every inch of your mouth with his, and it’s obvious that he enjoys kissing.
Jeongguk draws away just before the lights come back on. Suddenly feeling very exposed, you jerk away from him in a panic, just as the emcee calls everyone together for the bouquet toss and hightail your way out of the ballroom.
* “Why do you always leave before the bouquet toss?”  
“God, you have such annoying little brother energy,” you sigh, taking your eyes off Jung Hoseok’s grinning face as he dances and sings on stage, with his bride standing off to the side.
“Do you still think of me like that?” Jeon Jeongguk looks a little taken aback at this statement, though he recovers quickly. “My sources tell me that we aren’t far apart enough in age for you to be calling me that.”
“I don’t know who your sources are, but they’re wrong,” you shoot back at him. “Wait, are you stalking me now?”
“I hardly think asking around constitutes stalking,” Jeongguk says defensively. “And is that all you think of me? An annoying little brother?”
“What else could you be to me?” You cover a yawn with one hand as one of Jung Hoseok’s relatives comes on stage to make a speech.
“I highly doubt you kiss your younger brother like that,” Jeongguk smirks, one hand brushing your hair off your shoulder to expose your collarbone. “Unless…”
“I don’t,” you hiss at him, half annoyed at him, and half at yourself for letting him wind you up like this again. “You’re like… an annoying little punk who thinks he’s a man.”
To avoid any further conversation with him, you get up and head for one of the photobooths hired for the occasion, fully intending on getting a photo to prove that you’d been here, say your congratulations to the happy couple, and get out of here as soon as possible.
Jung Hoseok has chosen an outdoor wedding, and the venue is nothing short of spectacular. It’s a starry night, Shakespearean theme, and the décor is absolutely gorgeous. Having attended ballroom weddings for the past few months, this is most certainly a breath of fresh air, but you’re a little worried about how you’re going to get out of here, seeing as it’s quite literally a field in the middle of nowhere.
You’d better leave after this photo and try and call an Uber outside.
However, much to your consternation, Jeon Jeongguk follows you into an empty photobooth, planting himself right next to you on the tiny little loveseat, with his solid thigh against yours. He draws the curtains shut, and since the photobooth is automatically set to go off on a timer, it means that the two of you are currently very much alone in a confined space.
Inwardly you curse Jung Hoseok for having even the photobooths built for two.
“What are you doing? Get your own photobooth!” You growl at him.
“Not until you tell me why you’re running away from me,” he persists, crowding you on the small seat so that you’re nearly on top of him.
From this close up, you feel your resolve weakening, he might be a jerk but he’s a damn good looking one.
“I can feel you want me.” Jeongguk says with his lips pressed against your ear. “Don’t fucking deny it.”
Oh fuck it. It might be the folly of those earlier shots at the bar that makes you grab his collar and pull him into you, your lips crashing together in a clash of tongue and teeth. Unlike last time, the kiss is anything but gentle, and your touches are anything but demure as the two of you grope each other like animals in the small confined space.
“I fucking hate your cocky little mouth,” you hiss at him, biting down hard on his lower lip and eliciting a delicious little whine from the back of his throat.
Jeongguk responds by grabbing your waist and pushing you onto the seat, just as he swivels to end up on his knees. He’s tall enough so that he’s able to kiss down your neck, sucking and leaving behind bruises on the way.
“mhm… show you what this cocky little mouth can do,” his muffled voice sounds more like a threat, growing bigger by the minute as he kisses his way down your throat, to your collarbone as he pulls down the sweetheart neckline of your dress to mark the top of your breasts with his lips and teeth.
There is a moment of hesitation as his fingers pause at the top of your glittery black dress, just shy of exposing your bra. You answer his unasked question for him by pushing it down yourself. Once your breasts are exposed to his reverent gaze, he doesn’t waste any time in cupping them with his large hands, rolling your nipples expertly with both hands, pinching it every so often to make you wince.
“I hate your stupid, gorgeous hands,” you gasp at a particularly hard pinch. “And I hate your fingers.”
It’s those very fingers that are currently travelling up your bare thighs, your dress having ridden up from sitting down. You can feel the cool metal of his rings on your heated skin. Jeongguk doesn’t respond to your declarations of hate for him, instead he’s far too interested in exploring what lies between your thighs, in finding out whether the noises you make are the same as what he’s been imagining all these nights with just his hand for company.
You hate how he leaves you feeling, desperate for his touch and just to feel him everywhere. Hate how exposed he makes you feel, dress and bra pushed down inside a photobooth in the middle of a wedding.
“Could someone with little brother energy make you feel like this?”
With a surge of strength you hadn’t expected, Jeon Jeongguk pulls you to the edge of your seat so that your thighs are draped on his shoulders, legs spread to his liking. He has a front row view of how your panties are already soaked. Pushing the saturated material to the side, his tongue explores your folds eagerly, lapping up every drop of you and teasing the hell out of your clit.
It’s all you can do to keep silent, other than cursing him and his stupid mouth over and over again as he eats you out. His fingers dig bruises into your inner thighs as his lips start to suckle at the most sensitive part of your body, tongue flicking in and out. This for sure isn’t his first rodeo, for he adds his fingers into the mix deftly. You can feel yourself completely drenching his face, and a part of you would be embarrassed had you not already thrown your pride away when you first let Jeon Jeongguk kiss you with that filthy mouth.
“Oh my god,” your arms flail out in search of something to anchor yourself with and find purchase on his hair. Taking pleasure in messing up his perfectly styled hair, you urge him not to stop, both with desperate tugs on his silky black locks, and egging him on with every insult you can think of. “Don’t fucking stop, I swear to God…”
“Like my cocky mouth that much?” Jeongguk grins as he takes a breather, resorting to his slim fingers as he glides them in and out of your drenched cunt. “How about my fingers? Or my cock?”
“Shut up and make me cum,” you dig your nails into his scalp, making him wince a little. “Your fingers are probably the only part of you that doesn’t disappoint.”
His eyes darken just a smidge before he re-doubles his efforts, flattening his tongue against your clit and licking until you are near tears. With a final thrust of his fingers inside you, he sends you over the edge, relishing how you tighten deliciously around him as your body tenses in orgasm.
Jeon Jeongguk lazily thrusts his fingers in and out to help you ride out your high, pulling out to lick your essence from his fingers when you push him away.
“Well, doesn’t seem like you hated that,” he grins in a self-satisfied way that immediately irks you once more.
You close your legs and pull your dress to cover yourself, ignoring the fact that your thighs are still shaking from that orgasm. “I guess you aren’t that bad at going down on someone, which is a blessing considering that disappointment you’re packing in your pants.”
The dark gaze that you caught a glimpse of earlier comes back into view again, and just as your standing up, straightening your dress and gathering your wits about you, Jeon Jeongguk slides his arm around your waist, pulling you against his body in with a sudden movement.
“Does this feel disappointing to you?”
You can feel him pressed up against you, the considerable bulge right against the swell of your backside has your words caught in your throat, and you can’t bring yourself to refute his claim.
Jeongguk gives a low chuckle that sends shivers down your spine. “Didn’t think so. But don’t worry. I won’t fuck you here. Only good girls deserve my cock.”
He finally pulls away, and the space in between the two of you allows you to breathe and get your senses back once more. Throwing a disinterested glance over your shoulder, you bend over to collect the pictures that have dropped into the little slot on the machine, well aware of his eyes jumping from the curve of your ass just exposed to your chest still marked with the imprint of his lips.
You toss him one strip of the pictures, along with a parting shot.
“Who said I wanted to be your good girl?”
If you thought that weddings were bad, that was because you hadn’t experienced baby showers yet.
It hadn’t even been more than a month since you attended Kim Taehyung’s wedding, but the baby shower cum announcement invitation shows up in your mail anyway. You highly suspect that this wasn’t the result of their wedding night, but you all knew that Taehyung was the most eager out of all of you to start a family.
Right, back to why baby showers are even worse than weddings.
There isn’t even a hint of a singles’ table here at baby showers. Everyone here is happily married at least, some of them are pregnant, but either way they are more taken than your sad, single self.
“_____! So glad you could come!” Taehyung approaches you with what looks like a diaper stuck onto the front of his suit. “Ah, sorry about this, I was playing pin the diaper on the diarrhea…”
It’s all you can do to stop yourself from grimacing as you intercept his full-on bear hug with a side embrace instead. You can see Namjoon and Seokjin off to one side, laughing and proudly showing off scan pictures of their surrogate baby. Jung Hoseok and his wife are grinning happily just behind them, tanned and blissful having just returned from their honeymoon trip, and judging from the way that his wife has one hand protectively on her lower belly…
“Did you manage to get a drink yet?” Taehyung grins, an arm around his suddenly very pregnant wife. You have no idea how she managed to appear svelte and slim at her wedding just a few months ago.
“Ah, no, I was wondering if there was anything… stronger,” you grin weakly, holding up a glass of orange juice.
“No there isn’t,” Taehyung says with an embarrassed frown, reaching to scratch his neck. “I thought since this would be mostly couples who were kind of starting a family themselves…”
You force a smile onto your face at the confirmation that there isn’t a single drop of alcohol at this god forsaken baby shower. Surely the rules don’t apply to Namjoon and Seokjin??
“It’s fine,” you wave away Taehyung’s embarrassment. “Congratulations, by the way! Do we know if it’s a girl or boy yet?”
“Not yet,” Taehyung’s wife giggles, exchanging a look with her husband. “We want it to be a secret.”
You smile awkwardly as husband and wife exchange a loving kiss, but glance at your watch to see how much time has passed. Off handedly your thoughts suddenly stray to one Jeon Jeongguk, and you wonder if he’s here.
You have to say that having him present at one of these events really makes them a lot more tolerable, and you are feeling the effects of his absence, especially so without alcohol. It’s not that you like him, god forbid, but it’s just… he’s become somewhat like your partner in crime at events like this. He may be annoying, but his stupid jokes and handsome face helps pass the time quicker.
You suddenly find yourself wishing Jeon Jeongguk were here.
“Miss me?”
And the devil speaks. You whirl around to find Jeon Jeongguk dressed down in a pair of ripped black jeans and a white shirt with a casual blazer thrown over, hair grown out a lot longer than the last time you saw him. It frames his face in slight waves, giving him a far more carefree look than the last time you saw him, sharply dressed in a suit with his hair pushed back off his face. He looks even more annoying with his long, unkempt hair like this, and you have a great urge to just tangle your fingers in it and pull till he cries.
“No,” you say just to spite him. By now, Taehyung and his wife have wandered off to another group, so you feel safe enough to say your next words. “This party was a bore. Just looking for a semblance of intelligent life.”
“And alas, I come when called,” Jeongguk smirks at his double entendre, placing a hand on the small of your back to lead you to a small corner of the garden party. His touch sends shivers down your spine, brings your mind back to the last thing you did with him.
“I’m afraid I’m still looking,” you retort without any real heat in your voice. Bickering with him has become normal now, it’s comfortable with him like this.
Jeongguk feigns being stabbed in the heart, then takes a swig of his drink. Judging from his reaction, that is most certainly not plain soda, and you grab his hand, bringing his glass to your lips for a taste.
Definitely not soda.
“Where’d you get this from?” You hiss, feeling like a druggie on withdrawal.
Jeongguk shrugs. “Brought my own. Y’know, since this is supposed to be a baby shower and all, I cam prepared. You’d obviously come expecting virgin drinks.” He takes out a cleverly concealed flask from his blazer.
You help yourself by uncapping it and tipping it into your half full drink, sighing when you take a sip and the alcohol burns on the way down. Jeongguk watches you with an amused smirk, thinking how there isn’t any other girl who gets him just like you do.
“What?” You catch him staring at you, finishing your drink with one more gulp.
“I was thinking…” Jeongguk starts with a slow drawl.
“Oh wow, that’s a first for you-“
“… why haven’t you jumped me yet? You and I both know I’m the most eligible man at the singles’ table. Being here only strengthens my argument, I’m the most eligible single man here.” Jeongguk is enjoying riling you up, likes watching you spit insults at him and exchange banter like there’s no tomorrow. Just for good measure, he throws in a last jab. “Judging by your age too, I don’t think you have much time if you want to pop out at least three of my children.”
For a moment your eyes narrow in your annoyance. “I have plenty of time left, thank you very much. I’m still on the right side of 25-“
“-not for much longer,” Jeongguk helpfully throws in, gleefully delighting in the way you glare daggers at him.
“- and who said I want three of your children?” You cross your arms, stopping just short of stamping your foot. “Maybe I’ll go and be Namjoon and Seokjin’s surrogate!”
“Be my guest, I’d very much like to see how you look when you’re swollen and pregnant,” Jeongguk lowers his voice as he crowds your body with his, and you realise how much taller and broader he is. “Preferably if the baby is mine too.”
“W-why’d I want a baby who’ll grow up to be as insufferable as you?” You know your comeback is weak, but you find your mental faculties really at a limit especially when he’s this close. “He’d have the mentality of a five-year-old for his entire life.”
Jeongguk gently takes your empty glass from your hand and sets it down on a nearby server’s tray. Taking your hand, he leads you into Taehyung’s house, where much of it is empty as compared to the garden party outside.
“He’ll at least be as handsome as me,” Jeongguk offers with a hopeful grin, closing the door behind him to ensure no one accidentally wanders in. “So, do I still have that annoying little brother energy after what happened last time?”
At this point you’ve gone too far with him to straight up deny it. “Fine,” you admit. “You might be half decent at oral. But my theory that you have small dick energy still stands. You’re just a little brat who thinks with his dick and is used to girls dropping their panties for him-“
“I seem to recall you spreading your legs for me just as easily,” he hums as he traces a finger down your covered thighs, slightly displeased at your choice to wear a longer dress today.
“You’re just asking for it, aren’t you,” Jeongguk tsks under his breath, his tattooed fingers coming to rest on the front buttons of your modest midi dress. “Pretending to be all demure and modest like a good girl when in actual fact you’re a slut who lets random men eat her out in photobooths.”
“You’re not just any random-“ the words slip from your mouth before you realise it, and Jeongguk looks up sharply at you.
“What was that, babygirl?”
You cover up your own slip by bursting into slightly exaggerated laughter at his pet name of choice. “Babygirl? Oh my god. You’re the kind of guy who likes to be called ‘daddy’ in bed, aren’t you?”
Feeling slightly attacked, Jeon Jeongguk’s sky high confidence dips a little, and you spot the tell-tale signs of his eyes widening in shock, giving you a glimpse of his younger, more vulnerable side.
“Wh-what’s wrong with ‘daddy’? It’s a classic.”
“Only for those who actually fit the bill,” you say, placing your hand on his cheek and trying your best to ignore the sharpness of his jawline. “For your information, I only use ‘daddy’ when it comes to real men. Not stupid young punks like you.”
His eyes flicker with anger, jaw clenching even tighter so that a muscle jumps in his cheek, and the sight of it sets off a thrill in your lower belly, your heart racing in your chest, and it makes you feel even bolder.
He attempts to take back control of the situation by grabbing your waist with both hands, pushing you up against the wall and supporting your entire weight as if it’s nothing. Jeon Jeongguk obviously likes to show off his strength, and while you are indeed impressed, it’s not like you’ll ever show it, not unless you want to stroke his already inflated ego.
You loop your arms around his neck to keep your balance, feeling his hands on your ass and thighs and his bulge right against your centre. Taking advantage of your proximity, you lean in to suck right under his ear, leaving behind a red mark.
“’Daddy’ is only for men with big dick energy,” you whisper, breath hot against his neck. You draw back to take in his reaction, and he does that thing with his tongue against his cheek that tells you he’s really pissed off.
“Shut up,” he growls, one hand on the front of your dress as he tears the buttons open, exposing your bra in one movement. “I’ll fucking show you what ‘Daddy’ is.”
Another rip and your bra falls open, exposing your breasts to him as he harshly bites and marks you, enough to replace the fading marks from last time. While doing this he also grinds into you, letting you feel how hard he is through his jeans.
“I’m gonna fuck you right up against this wall, with all our friends just outside,” Jeongguk breathes into your neck, taking one hand off your ass to push your dress up. “Gonna rip your panties off so you’ll have to go home with no underwear like the whore you are.”
“Do it, if it makes you feel more like a man,” you urge him on, and that bastard really does rip your underwear, tucking it into his pocket for later like the pervert he is.
He ignores your jibes at him to push your body weight against the wall with his own, one hand supporting you as he slides two fingers against your core to find out how wet you are. They come away soaking, and it boosts his confidence further as he licks his fingers.
“Could anyone but a man make you this wet? Even without touching you?” He smirks, using one of his thighs of steel to support you better as he starts to stroke your clit with his thumb, plunging his fingers into your tight cunt to stretch you out.
“Still so fucking tight for me, creaming all over my fingers like a dirty girl,” his words are getting filthier and filthier the more you egg him on, and you are indeed coming all over his fingers embarrassingly quick. You bite into his shoulder to conceal your moans, and he hisses a few curses under his breath.
“You’ll be calling me Daddy by the time I’m through with you,” Jeongguk casts you a dark look as he struggles with the zipper on his jeans with one hand.
You throw your head back with a laugh. “Go ahead, baby boy.”
The nickname only infuriates him more, and he spanks your clit once, making you dig your fingernails into his arms. Already overstimulated from the first orgasm, Jeongguk doesn’t let up as he continues to rub your clit until you weaken in his arms, only then does he feel like he’s got the upper hand once more.
You have to say that you’re impressed with his strength so far and you help him out by unbuckling his belt, tossing it to the side and lowering the zipper on his jeans. He pushes it, along with his underwear, down to his knees, and while he’s doing that you take the opportunity to push his shirt up, exposing his rock hard abs that make you want to grind against them.
“Like what you see?” Jeongguk is smirking, he knows all his hours at the gym pays off well.
“I’ve seen better,” you say with a sniff, but you’re lying and the both of you know that from the way you can’t keep your hands off his chest and abs.
Jeongguk pushes his underwear off, and his cock slaps against his belly, the head an angry red and fully erect. At the first sight of it, you’re tongue tied. While some men are blessed in girth and some in length but not both, he seems to have the best of both worlds, and his entire length spans almost three quarters of your forearm.
“Cat got your tongue, baby?” He presses a suckling kiss against your collarbone, pushing his sticky cock against your inner thighs.
He’s left with a satisfied smirk when you really do have nothing to say, instead reaching down to stroke him. The feeling of your small hand on his cock makes him swear under his breath, sweat dripping off his forehead as he thrusts forward into your grasp involuntarily.
“Have protection?” You remember at the last minute, placing a hand on his abdomen to stop him from thrusting into you bare.
“I got a vasectomy,” Jeongguk answers, and you nearly choke on your saliva.
“Wha- whe- I-“
“I knew it! You want to have my babies,” Jeongguk snickers at your reaction, but not for long when you grip him tighter and he groans. “I’m kidding. Don’t worry, I’m as fertile as a bull in the china shop.”
“That’s not how the saying goes- you know what, just shut up and tell me if you have any condoms. You’re a lot more attractive when you aren’t talking.”
“In my blazer pocket,” he answers, and you reach for it, finding a foil packet and tearing it open, rolling it over his cock.
You note how the packet says extra-large, and in your mind, you can already imagine his cocky little self walking up to the pharmacy and fucking asking for the extra larges even though there is stock on the shelf.
Jeon Jeongguk is just that kind of cocky little bastard.
“Big dicks aren’t everything, Jeon,” you say at last, guiding him towards your centre. “Not if you cum after the first three strokes.”
“I’ll fucking show you what stamina is,” Jeongguk growls as he surges forward into that delicious, warm heat, your pussy tightening around him despite having been stretched out earlier. You cry out against his shoulder as he fucks into you, having mercy enough to give you shallow thrusts at first before building up to sheath his whole length into you.
“Haven’t cum yet? I’m surprised,” you mock him, tightening your core around him and feeling his steady rhythm falter.
“Fuck you,” he grits his teeth, using the power in his thighs to fuck up into you.
“That’s what I’m trying to do, but you’re gonna cum too soon aren’t you,” you coo at him, petting his cheek and babying him, all of which you know by now he absolutely hates. “Cute little Jungkookie’s all grown up.”
“Don’t fucking call me cute when I’m pounding my cock inside you,” Jeongguk leans forward to bite your lower lip in a harsh, punishing kiss, effectively shutting you up as he pistons his cock in and out at an unforgiveable pace.
Since you came once already, you thought your second orgasm would be way far off, but you’re proven wrong especially when Jeongguk buries his cock deep, limiting his thrusts so that he’s just grinding his cock against you, his pelvic bone rubbing against your clit just right. He then shifts so that his arms slide under both your thighs, opening you up even more for him as he fucks you against the wall with his incredible strength, and you feel yourself tightening around him again.
When he smirks against your neck you realized you must have called out his name when you came. But in this position you can’t do much other than wrap your arms around his neck as he gives you the pounding of your life.
“Ready to call me daddy yet?” Jeongguk pants against your neck, leaving his cock buried so deep that he can feel your cervix.
“No fucking way,” you refuse to relent.
“Then how ‘bout you make me a daddy instead?” He proposes, pulling out suddenly to the tip and slamming back in, making you whine his name again. “That’s right baby girl, I saw all your envious looks at all the couples out there.”
“Wha-? I…”
“Don’t fucking deny it. You’d look so much better swollen and pregnant than all of those women out there. You know you want to, especially when I started teasing you about getting too old. You want a baby, you want mybaby fucked into you.”
You don’t know what kind of roleplay this is, but all you know is that you get even wetter around his cock, and all you want is for him to fuck you against this wall until you forget your own name and you can’t walk tomorrow.
“Fuck… keep going. Tell- tell me more,” you pant against his neck for more as Jeongguk starts fucking his cock into your pussy once more, every thrust ending so deep that it taps your womb.
“Gonna fuck a baby into you at our friend’s baby shower,” Jeongguk grips your thighs hard. “You want that? Hm? Then next it will be our turn to have a baby shower. Though I think we’ll have it before our wedding, where everyone will see you round and swollen with my baby.”
“Wh-who fucking said I wanted to marry you-?” You can barely get your words out of your mouth as you dig your fingernails into his shoulders. There’s something about how primal his thrusts feel when he talks about fucking a baby into you, and you want more.
“I can give you a baby right now and then you’ll have one more reason to marry a cocky little bastard like me,” Jeongguk smirks against your neck as he lets one of your legs drop to rub your clit, and you squeeze around him again, crying out into his neck.
Your thighs are quivering, cunt clenching around his still pounding cock as Jeongguk grunts. You feel his cock twitching, and even though all of this is make believe- the condom wrapper on the floor reassuring you… you wouldn’t exactly hate it if it were all real. Being with Jeon Jeongguk… doesn’t sound that bad after all.
Feeling him close to his orgasm, you wrap your arms around him tighter, legs around his waist as you feel his desperation soar.
“Give it to me. Your baby, I want it,” you whisper against his cheek, not knowing how much of it is just for the heat of the moment, and how much of it isn’t. All you know is you love his reaction to your words, the way his thrusts stutter in rhythm and he lets out a deep groan.
He moans your name in the most beautiful way as he spills his load, continuing to thrust to ride out his orgasm, his hips pinning you against the wall as his hands encircle your waist.
The both of you remain like that for a moment, his harsh breaths against your neck as you find yourself stroking his back and leaning your cheek against his broad shoulders. Gingerly, Jeongguk puts you down so that your feet are once more touching firm ground, and he slips out of you in the process.
It’s slightly awkward now that everything is over, and Jeongguk turns away, pulling the used condom off his softening cock. While his back is turned, you start to straighten your clothing, realizing that the bastard has really ripped all your underwear and even your dress too.
Cursing him loudly enough so that he hears it too, you stuff your now useless bra into your bag, trying the best you can to button your light blue lace midi dress back together again and failing miserably. You cross your arms as you glare at his broad back, until Jeongguk feels the weight of your glare and turns around.
He disposes of the used condom in the trash, and has the gall to check you out, particularly lingering on your half exposed chest.
“Quite a number you did on my arms… this’ll last for a while definitely-“
“You fucking ripped my dress! How the hell am I supposed to get out of here?”
Jeongguk can’t keep that stupid smile off his face as he shrugs out of his blazer, coming towards you and draping it across your shoulders so that it covers you adequately. Despite being pissed off at him, you can’t help but notice how much bigger he is- his shoulders stretch as he assures his blazer is securely on you and the concentration furrows his brow as he buttons it up.
“There. Like that. I think you look much better, to be honest.” He takes a step back, smirking in satisfaction before he turns you around with one arm around your shoulders. “Look. I am a gentleman. I’ll even walk you out so that we can call a cab together.”
“Are you crazy?” You shrug his arm off violently. “We can’t go out like this together! Everyone will know we just fucked!”
“Well, we just did…” Jeongguk has a stupid grin on his face as he states the obvious, and it makes you want to smack him.
“You stay in here for five minutes then come out. Look like you just came in here to piss or something,” you shove his chest in an attempt to get him to stay, trying to ignore how firm his pecs feel under your touch, and how he barely even moves.
Jeongguk has an amused smile on his face as he watches you arrange your hair, check your makeup for any smudges before gingerly stepping outside, all while oblivious to that fact that you wearing his blazer is the biggest telltale of all.
Truly, he’s never met a girl like you.
Jeon Jeongguk’s goal is to get you to stay for the bouquet toss just this one time.
More specifically, he wants to find out why you always leave before it happens. Personally, it’s his favourite part, aside from the free flow booze and food and cake. He particularly likes seeing the women’s faces when they spot him, and then see how desperate they are to catch the bouquet later on especially when he’s in the crowd.
But today he’s more interested in seeing one particular person’s face when the bouquet goes sailing through the air.
Jeongguk rubs his hands together in glee with a devious smile on his face, peeking around the corner to find his best friend Eun Woo and his bride at the center stage, taking pictures with guests.
“Bro! So glad you came!” Eun Woo greets him with a wide grin that reaches his eyes, spreading his arms wide to embrace Jeongguk.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Jeongguk grins back, slapping his friend on the back a few times before pulling away. “You remembered my request, right?”
Eun Woo clasps Jeongguk’s hand cordially. “Of course man. Just point her out to me and we’re good to go.”
Jeongguk steps back to let Eun Woo go back to his bride and entertaining his guests, all the while keeping a close eye on the door. You hadn’t showed up for the wedding ceremony nor the dinner that followed, and Jeongguk knows from sources that you’d been invited to this wedding too. He fidgets anxiously, wondering when, or if, you’ll show up.
After what seems like forever, you slip in quietly, alone as always, wearing that same light blue midi dress that he had the pleasure of ripping off your body.
You weave through the crowd in order to get to the front, wanting to get it over and done as quickly as possible. When you catch a glimpse of Cha Eun Woo dressed to the nines, smiling and laughing with his bride, you feel a small little pang in your chest, considering that you had a crush on him once.
In fact, that was the main reason why you decided to only show up at the end. When you received the invitation, it wasn’t like you were shocked or anything because you knew the two of them had been dating for a while, but the same old blues just crept up on you, and you don’t think you can bring yourself to sit through another wedding and watch another couple find their happy ending, when all you wanted was to find it yourself.
So here you are, forcing a smile on your face as Eun Woo springs to his feet once he sees you, engulfing you into a hug for old times’ sake.
“I almost thought you weren’t coming,” he says with a pout, and your heart almost melts.
Eun Woo just has this way of speaking that makes anyone feel incredibly important to him. It’s the way his voice softens to an intimate tone and his eyes focus on you entirely. He holds you at an arm’s length to really look at you.
“Long time no see,” you laugh, extricating yourself from his embrace, all too aware of his bride standing beside him looking a little out of place. “Congratulations, brat. I’m so happy for you.”
Eun Woo grins, a heart-achingly handsome smile directed just at you, and damn if it doesn’t make you feel special even when you’re here attending his fucking wedding. Your moment of regret is interrupted by a slight shove to your back that puts some distance between you and Eun Woo, and you turn your head in annoyance to see who it could possibly be.
Jeon Jeongguk sure knows how to ruin a moment, for he steps in between you and Eun Woo, bro hugging him generally making a lot of noise. Before you can quickly slip back into the crowd, however, Jeongguk grabs your arm, tucking it into the crook of his elbow.
“Did you meet ______ yet?” Jeongguk says, winding an arm around your shoulders tight to stop you from escaping. Slippery little minx you are.
Eun Woo hesitates for a second, and some kind of unspoken communication goes on between the two men, and you roll your eyes, wanting to just leave now that you’ve shown your face.
“______?” He says your name with such surprise in his voice, and his eyes widen, as if seeing you for the first time, taking in Jeongguk’s arm around you. Then he coughs awkwardly and tries to play it off smoothly. “Dude, we go way back since uni, my partner in crime when it comes to project work,” Eun Woo shoots you a fond little grin, and you feel your heart flip.
Jeongguk catches this little interaction and frowns.  “Wait, you guys… know each other that well?”
“Yeah. We even-“ you cut yourself off, realizing that this isn’t the best time to bring it up.
“Oh, you can say it, Eun Woo told me and it’s all cool,” his bride grins, casually looping an arm around her husband. “I know you guys used to date for a while.”
You can feel Jeongguk’s grip tightening slightly around your shoulders. “Um… wow. Okay. That was… uh, unexpected.”
You shoot him a sharp glance, wondering why he’s being so weird and saying such weird things and trying to figure out if he’s trying to be funny and embarrass the both of you. But Jeon Jeongguk seems genuinely flustered, the tips of his ears growing red.
“Anyway, uh, congrats you two,” you clear your throat and give them a slightly subdued smile. “Wishing you guys happiness always.”
Eun Woo reaches out to grasp your hand, squeezing it tightly. “Thanks, ______. I really appreciate it. You guys, stay till the end of the event, ‘kay? We have something really special planned.”
The two of them are soon dragged away by another group of friends, leaving you and Jeon Jeongguk alone in the crowd of strangers.
“Okay, what was that?” Jeongguk demands, folding his arms across his chest.
You’re still staring somewhat wistfully as Eun Woo and his wife as they wrap their arms around each other. “What? It’s nothing.”
“Nothing? You were practically making love eyes towards him!” Jeongguk points out indignantly.
You roll your eyes and start to head for the refreshment table, figuring you should at least get something to eat and drink while here. “It’s all in the past. We used to date for a while, that’s it. Maybe there’s still some lingering feelings for him. Maybe I’m feeling a little bitter while attending my crush’s wedding. What’s it to you?”
Picking up a flute of champagne, you down it in one gulp, feeling much better once the alcohol hits your system.
Feeling the urge to outdo his best friend, Jeongguk steals a chocolate covered strawberry off your plate and pops it into his mouth, making sure his lips wrap around the strawberry. He sucks it for a moment, making eye contact with you to capture your attention before he bites it off, closing his eyes as the sweetness bursts on his tongue. Jeongguk has to make you forget about your long lost crush.
“Stop it!” You hiss at him, at the way he licks his chocolate covered fingers obscenely.
“What?” Jeongguk shoots back, eyes wide and innocent. “I’m not doing anything!”
It’s ironic, the way practically everyone here is dressed for a black tie event, and here Jeon Jeongguk is, bow tie and suit, licking chocolate off his fingers like a five year old. But strangely, rather than irritate you, it’s kind of… endearing.
You like how he’s not afraid to make a fool out of himself even at events where everyone seems to be doing their best to pretend they’re sophisticated adults. He makes boring, stuffy old events like this more fun, and you realise… you want him in your life.
“You’re an idiot,” you say without any real heat in your voice, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
“I see you’re wearing the same dress,” Jeongguk comments with a glance down your body, and you fold your arms protectively.
“Yes, because washing machines are a thing,” you roll your eyes at him. “Sorry I don’t earn enough to debut with a spanking new dress every time one of our friends decide to get hitched.”
“God, you’re so defensive,” Jeongguk attempts to pry one of your arms loose. “I was just thinking that perhaps I didn’t do a good enough job of tearing off your body. How’d you even get it to be in one piece again?” Jeongguk watches the way red blooms across your cheeks. “So, am I still little brother energy?”
Judging from the way the cocky little bastard grins, he already knows the answer, but he just wants to hear you say it.
“No… but you’re far from daddy,” you add the last bit just to stop his ego from inflating so much that he can’t walk out the door later. Doing him a favour, really. You take your plate of cakes and pastries and find a seat somewhere in the ballroom, in a nice and secluded corner where no one will notice you stuffing your face.
Jeon Jeongguk follows you, grabbing more glasses of champagne along the way and handing them to you once you’re seated. “You said you had feelings for Eun Woo.”
“Yeah. Key word, had,” you clarify. “Past tense.”
“And me?” Jeongguk holds his breath in anticipation. “Do you… have feelings for me?”
You let the plate rest in your lap for a moment, considering how to best word your emotions. As much as you want to deny it and say he’s just an annoying little punk… it’s gone too far for you to do that. “I guess… yeah. I do. Don’t get me wrong though, you’re still annoying as fuck and you irritate the hell out of me sometimes, but I guess somewhere along the way… I stopped minding it so much and even started to miss it when you weren’t there to annoy me. It’s not just because we fucked or anything like that, but… having you beside me at all those weddings made me see how happy everyone around me was, only because… you kind of made me happy to begin with. Attending all those weddings by myself and seeing everyone get their happily ever after… I was kind of lonely, but now I’m not anymore.”
Embarrassed at your sudden show of emotions, you glance away, nearly spilling your glass in the process, but Jeongguk saves you by taking it away from you. An insatiable grin is on his face. “So… you’re saying I make you happy by annoying you?”
“And your dick is pretty nice too,” you grumble under your breath, in an attempt to distract him from how raw your emotions are feeling.
“I know,” Jeongguk steals a monster bite of your cake without asking. In the midst of his chews he sneaks a kiss on your cheek so that he leaves some cream behind. “I like annoying you too. I want to keep annoying you for the rest of my life.”
Just when you’re about to smack him for being so cheesy and disgusting, a voice comes over the speakers.
“Ladies and gentlemen, our lovely bride and groom will now be preparing for the bouquet toss and the garter throw. If you would kindly gather, please.”
Jeongguk takes your plate and puts it aside before grabbing your hand securely in his, but there’s no need to, because you’re not going anywhere without him at your side. There was a time where you would have rather died than witness the bouquet toss, see the bundle of flowers being thrown into the air and hoping against hope that you’ll be lucky enough to catch it… but this time, with Jeon Jeongguk by your side, all you feel is warm and content, like you’ll be happy as long as he’s with you.
Jeongguk guides the both of you to a prime spot at the front, where you see Eun Woo’s bride seated in a chair, and Eun Woo on his knees before her. Realising you’re about to witness what’s called a garter toss, your eyes widen in shock when you see Eun Woo dive under his bride’s skirt. The crowd reacts with giggles and wolf whistles as Eun Woo seems to struggle a little, but a few minutes later he emerges, hair ruffled, but victorious with a lacy band between his teeth.
“We’re so gonna do that at our wedding,” Jeongguk murmurs under his breath with a squeeze of your hand.
“Getting a little ahead of yourself hmm? I never said I’d marry you,” you reply with a half-smile.
Eun Woo stands up, holding his wife’s garter high in one hand before he extends his other hand towards her, and together they turn their backs to face the crowd. You can see his wife’s beautiful bouquet of pastel peonies, tiger lilies and baby’s breath, held over her head.
The crowd is holding their breath with anticipation, and you can feel the people around you jostle slightly in their eagerness. You see Eun Woo lean down to whisper something to his wife, and she giggles, nodding in return before casting a glance backwards at the crowd behind her.
Eun Woo does the same, and his eyes lock onto yours before shifting slightly to beside you. Then he turns his back, and with a count of one, two and three, husband and wife toss their respective items high into the air.
For the first time, you see the bouquet sailing in the air towards you, and it’s as if everything is in slow motion. The crowd around you disappears, miraculously no one is pushing or shoving against you, and… could it be? The silk wrapped bouquet looks like it’s actually going to… this is impossible. The chances are so slim, there are so many people here…
And yet, your arms move of their own accord, the bouquet lands in your grasp, and you smell the sweetness of the flowers immediately as the sheer size of the entire silk wrapped bundle blocks your vision entirely.
Then, time unfreezes and sound filters back in. People around you are cheering and clapping, they’ve given you some space now. You start to shy at the attention, lowering the bouquet and half-panicking over what Jeon Jeongguk will think- will he take this as a sign that you’re a psycho who wants to marry him even though it’s this soon? What if he’s scared off by this?
But as you lower your bouquet, you realise that Jeon Jeongguk isn’t empty handed either, he’s holding a lacy garment in his hand, grinning from ear to ear with that annoying little smirk of his that tells you this went exactly as he planned.
Welcome to the lonely hearts club: table for two, please.
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