rr0ninn · 2 years
you!! hi there!!
-Kazuha looks up from his meditation to see the dual-haired boy.- "Ah.. hello there."
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evaco · 9 days
Nsft warning! Imagine your f/o....
Don't imagine your f /o rubbing you through your underwear, especially don't imagine them doing certain shapes and making you guess what they just drew across your length/t-dick/folds. And totally, definitely don't imagine them spelling out their name on you and making you guess what they're spelling out, 'stop whining baby, what does it say when I rub my finger across you like this? What does it spell?', they tease, as they spell the letters of their name with their finger on your pussy/dick, and they're definitely not spelling it out there in a way of saying 'it's mine, you're mine', yeah... toootally not doing that..... are they?
Proship safe, antis dni.
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oldfarmhouse · 9 months
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Image via We Heart It - http://weheartit.com/entry/
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rosesloveletters · 8 months
Hello, Love, Goodbye
After Gene Wilder in “The Little Prince” (1974)
My heart has loved yours in every shade of November: Sanguine streaks on ruddy cheeks  From sharp incisors that cored my apple-heavy heart and spit out the ruby-studded seeds – Death had never tasted so sweet.
The russet crunch of autumn in your hair And the taste of sickening saccharine despair Nestled upon your cupid’s bow, Secrets for only me to know. And folded into shades of reddened lips, Hidden in each copper-stained kiss, Susurrate to my soul, the woes of you and I  That suffocate my senses in soft staccato sighs. 
Your sense of self-preservation disarmed me.
I am penning a Shakespearean tragedy: Would you stand beside me If I clenched sonnets between my teeth Instead of huntress wiles And deep-seated denial, Softening each lie with cherry flavor Enough for you to savor The comfortable pretense of sweet relief.
Come walk me through the steps I shouldn’t take. Help me to see This forest for its trees And tame this wild heart before it breaks. 
Hold me close and mourn with me the extinction of our kind, The ones who feel too much and hurt too much, Who never seek and only hide. With your shaking, scraping  Sycamore limb embraces Held fast to the last season of us.
It never mattered to me – sky or sea. My borrowed heart’s been bathed the same color blue That the heavens mixed just for me and you.
My gaze beheld the memory of autumn and the moss-cloaked oak tree You were fond of ever since you wasted your time on me And whenever wet sighs unfurl into cold air, You collect leaves like paint swatches for the perfect match to my hair.
Acorn threads in winter’s blue, Echoes of me that are unique to you.  A thousand autumns and a thousand winters All exist within the same sodden auburn fire As Osage hearts, icicle spears and the ashen ache of desire. 
The resplendent guild of Camelot That descended from treetops And left a gold dust trail beneath my feet, Withered with petrification from a need so bittersweet For sugared maple palms and fingers laced between friends Reminding me that all good things must come to an end.
The breath of a second was all that it took – Hello, love, goodbye –  For your heart to weep itself into a willow When I turned to go home,  Your winsome whippoorwill whisper pleading gently, “don’t go.”
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femmeoutoffocus · 9 months
It's too hot out y'all 😩
Where is my falllllll
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nordsea-horizons · 10 months
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a beautiful evening to say goodbye to the summer months🍃
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🍂🍁 7 Symbolic meanings of Autumn 🍁🍂 Phantasma #MetalMonday (x)
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silvercrane14 · 1 year
Also, if that's okay... Young Opera?
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[Image ID: A pen drawing of Opera from Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun! They are depicted as their younger self, hugging their knees. Their expression is neutral. They wear their Babyls uniform, with the female top and the male bottom. They have black hair and black cat ears and a black cat tail. /End ID]
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missterwild · 4 months
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Étoiles éternelles et vigilantes Leur fils regardent-elles Dans le silence de la nuit sombre Elles lui murmurent à l’oreille  « Tend les doigts et ressent notre chaleur Lointaine et familière  O enfant de nos lumières » L’enfant, âme innocente  S’émerveille au firmament L’enfant, âme curieuse Songe aux distantes lumières
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napping-sapphic · 9 months
Hey it’s midnight and I’ve fallen in love with the words you write and the feelings you convey. It’s so comforting to know that wanting to experience the connection and closeness you describe in your posts isn’t just me and it’s so nice to be reminded that it isn’t something that I’ll never get to have.
I’ve had a long fucking day, but finding your account and reading your posts and tags and finding solace in the fact that I’m not the only person who just wants love was a very comforting and easy way to end my day.
Thanks for existing and for sharing that existence, i’m giving you a kiss and tucking you in. I’ll bake you whatever you want and in the morning we can go on an adventure <3
Oh! Thank you so much for telling me! I think the one thing I can absolutely say about this blog is that its shown me how much other people care and how much we all want for closeness, even if it’s in different ways.
Sometimes I still have moments where I post something wondering if anyone at all will understand it but there are always people that do! It’s always such a comforting feeling so I’m so happy to hear that you found something to relate to here too :)
I hope your night was peaceful and I’m sending as much love I can your way, I’ll pack the snacks for our adventure <3
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rr0ninn · 2 years
A silver chain, tarnished yet also polished, the long thread with the centerpiece a crow's head in side-profile (bright silver gleaming in the moonlight), surrounding a lop-sided piece of pearlescent shell No words are given as the item is softly deposited within a stone basin, the edge crumbled with wear and age. The figure under a cloak of cream and dove-gray bows his head silently, and vanishes into the slender shadows of the abandoned ruins' pillars.
-Kazuha tilts his head. He had been meditating in the area and sensed the person's presence. He follows the person into the ruins, silently keeping to the shadows.-
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evaco · 1 month
Nsft ahead!!
Mmm, something about f/o sucking on your packer, like yeah, maybe you use a strap for sex (or not), but imagine your f/o needy (bonus points if he also has an oral fixation), but you're both in bed, lazy afternoon or whatnot and he starts to leave kisses along your neck, lightly tracing his hand on your thigh, perhaps even squeezing your inner tigh while he sloppily kisses your neck. After a while, you can see how needy he is, his own erection visible. "Babe, would it be okay for me to suck on your dick", biggest puppy eyes you ever seen in your relationship with him. "Yeah, let me–", "Nah-uh, your packer, I wanna suck on it, would you let me?". Agreeing you don't even see how fast he's at tugging your pants/boxers down, and he's already playing with it, stroking it, "mmm, such a pretty cock, such a pretty boy" as he starts to leave kisses along the shaft.
Mmmm yeah. Nobody look at me
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oldfarmhouse · 2 years
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autumn aesthetic
found on Pinterest //autumn tavs
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vanegasfacherito · 2 months
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generalsmemories · 7 months
not me just posting all the screenshots I took of Jingy on the train and posted them with reactions. I'm down BAD - 🍁
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gezegenlerme · 9 months
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